nr 40/ NO årgang 109 ISSN

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1 . nr 40/ NO årgang 109 ISSN Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 4863 Nydalen 0422 Oslo E-POST TELEFON

2 innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder /19 Innholdsfortegnelse: Registrerte varemerker... 3 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Ansvarsmerker Innsigelser Avgjørelse fra Klagenemnda Slettet varemerkeregistrering Søksmål om ugyldigkjennelse av varemerkeregistreringer Merkeendringer Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter Endringer i fullmaktsforhold Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistreringer Fornyelser Fornyede internasjonale registreringer Slettede internasjonale registreringer Avgjørelse i nemnda for overprøving av registrert foretaksnavn INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) Registreringsnummer (151) Registreringsdato (180) Registreringen utløper (210) Søknadsnummer (220) Inngivelsesdato (526) Unntaksannmerkning (300) Prioritetsopplysninger (450) Kunngjort registrert dato (511) Vare-/tjenesteklasse (521) Bruk/innarbeidelse (526) Unntaksannmerkning (540) Gjengivelse av varemerketekst (541) Merket er et ordmerke (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser (554) Merket er tredimensjonalt (571) Beskrivelse av merket (591) Merket er i farger (730) Søker/innehaver (740) Fullmektig (791) Lisenshaver (793) Lisensinformasjon (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato 2

3 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven 22. I løpet av tre måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf. varemerkeloven 26 og varemerkeforskriften 23. For søknader som har søknadsdag fra 1. juli 2010 gjelder varemerkeregistreringen i ti år fra søknadsdagen. Registreringer som har søknadsdag før 1. juli 2010 gjelder i ti år fra registreringsdagen. Se varemerkeloven 32 jf. 83 annet ledd. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen KVAMME & LANGEDALEN MATSAMVIRKE SA, Langedalen 522, 5268 HAUKELAND, Klasse 29 Kjøtt; bearbeidede kjøttprodukter. Klasse 40 Bearbeiding av matvarer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser: Reglement for fellesmerket REDAKTØRANSVAR 1. Formål.Formålet med fellesmerket er å synliggjøre at medier som bruker merket blir redigert av en redaktør som tar ansvar etisk og juridisk, og som redigerer publikasjonen på et uavhengig grunnlag. 2. BrukereAnsvarlig redaktør for publikasjoner i alle medieformer kan søke om tillatelse til bruk av merket hos Norsk Redaktørforening. Det forutsettes at så vel utgiver som ansvarlig redaktør gjennom erklæringer eller på annen måte forplikter seg på Redaktørplakaten, Vær Varsom-plakaten, Tekstreklameplakaten og de regler og sedvaner som er knyttet til disse plakatene.merket kan tas i bruk av publikasjoner der 1) ansvarlig redaktør er medlem av Norsk Redaktørforening, eller 2) ansvarlig redaktør tilfredsstiller medlemskriteriene i 3 i foreningens vedtekter, selv om vedkommende ikke er medlem.av NRs vedtekter 3 fremgår det at:sekretariatet i NR innvilger etter fullmakt fra styret medlemskap når følgende kriterier er dokumentert:oppgaven: Redaktøren må ha redaktøransvaret, eller være en redaksjonell leder som representerer ansvarlig redaktør. Redaktørarbeid må være vedkommendes hovedbeskjeftigelse.garantien: Mediet må ha garantert for redaktørens frihet og uavhengighet, ved å ha forpliktet seg på Redaktørplakaten og prinsippene i Veiledende normer.forpliktelsen: Både eier og søker må ha forpliktet seg til å følge pressens etiske normer, slik de er uttrykt i Vær Varsom-plakaten.Formålet: Mediets formål må være fri og uavhengig produksjon og/eller publisering av nyheter, aktuell informasjon og debatt. Det må rette seg mot og være tilgjengelig for fullstendige vedtektene finnes her - som ikke lenger oppfyller kriteriene i reglene her, kan ikke lenger bruke merket. 3. Årsavgift.Publikasjoner der ansvarlig redaktør ikke er medlem av Norsk Redaktørforening, betaler en årsavgift for bruk av merket, som fastsettes av NRs styre. Fra og med 1. april 2014 er årsavgiften kr Årsavgiften øremerkes til NRs arbeid med etiske og integritetsmessige spørsmål, herunder kurs og seminarer for brukere av merket, arbeidet gjennom Norsk Presseforbund etc. Publikasjoner som ikke betaler årsavgift kan ikke bruke merket. 4. Merkeregister.Alle godkjente brukere av merket innføres i et offentlig merkeregister, som er tilgjengelig for alle gjennom NRs hjemmesider. 5. Bruksbetingelser.Alle brukere forplikter å følge de retningslinjer som følger med merket; at merket skal ledsages av ordet Redaktøransvar, av en nærmere spesifisert tekst med henvisning til merkets funksjon og til tekstene i sentrale plakater som medienes arbeid bygger på.6. Rettigheter og forpliktelser overfor brukerneinnehaver overvåker og kontrollerer bruken av fellesmerket. Innehaver forplikter seg til å gjøre ansvar gjeldende overfor dem som bruker merket i strid med bestemmelsen. Uberettiget eller ureglementert bruk kan medføre at brukeren fratas retten til å bruke merket. (Endret , etter fullmaktsvedtak i Norsk Redaktørforenings styre ) NORSK REDAKTØRFORENING, Rådhusgata 17, 0158 OSLO, Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; Avisannonsering; Online annonsering; Online annonserings- og markedsføringstjenester; Mediekjøpstjenester; Nyhetsklipping; Presentasjon av bedrifter på Internett og andre medier. 3

4 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , CA, (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen MOHAWK Grand River Enterprises Six Nations Ltd., 2176 Chiefswood Road, ONN0A1M0 OHSWEKEN, Canada ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 5 Cannabis, nemlig medisinsk marihuana. Klasse 34 Sigaretter utvunnet av hamp inneholdende mindre enn 0,3% THC; hamp for røyking inneholdende mindre enn 0,3% THC; sigaretter, sigarillos, sigarer og pipetobakk; cannabis; sigaretter som inneholder cannabis. hodebunn; farmasøytiske preparater og parafarmasøytiske produkter for bruk i dermatologi; dermatologiske produkter; gel, kremer og oppløsninger for dermatologisk bruk; medikamenter for behandling av sykdommer og tilstander i tilknytning til hud, hår og hodebunn. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen ESKERIELE Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc., 640 Lee Road, Suite 200, PA19087 WAYNE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 5 Medisinske preparater, alle for pleie av hud, hår og hodebunn; farmasøytiske preparater og parafarmasøytiske produkter for bruk i dermatologi; dermatologiske produkter; gel, kremer og oppløsninger for dermatologisk bruk; medikamenter for behandling av sykdommer og tilstander i tilknytning til hud, hår og hodebunn. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Moltzau Packaging AS, Høgslundveien 17, 2020 SKEDSMOKORSET, ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 16 Papir og papp; trykksaker; materialer til bokbinding; fotografier; skrivemateriell og kontorrekvisita, unntatt møbler; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere og tegnemateriell; malerpensler; instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell; plastark, folier og poser for innpakning og emballering; trykktyper, klisjeer; papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer for pakking og emballering av alle typer blomster og levende planter; transport- og emballasjebeholdere av papir og papp for blomster og levende planter; emballasjekartong; emballasjekartong for væske. Klasse 20 beholdere, ikke av metall, for lagring eller transport; transport- og emballasjebeholdere av plast; emballasjebeholdere av plast for væske. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; emballasjedesign. Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc., 640 Lee Road, Suite 200, PA19087 WAYNE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 5 Medisinske preparater, alle for pleie av hud, hår og 4

5 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen VYGRUPPEN AS, Schweigaards gate 23, 0191 OSLO, ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 9 Software; datamaskiner; data hardware; nettbrett; dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av transportvirksomhet, turoperatørtjenester, organisering av reiser og reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser); dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet og sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, midlertidig innlosjering, hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering; bankkort; kredittkort; betalingskort; lesere for magnetisk kodede kort; briller; solbriller. Klasse 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet; sykler. Klasse 16 Papir og papp, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; trykksaker; materialer til bokbinding; fotografier; skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper; klisjeer; magasiner; tidsskrifter. Klasse 18 Lær og lærimitasjoner, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer; reisekofferter; lommebøker; passetuier og -omslag av lær eller lærimitasjoner; dokumentkofferter; pakksekker; dokumentmapper; etuier og omslag for kredittkort; etuier for nøkler (lærvarer); garderobeposer for klær (for reiseformål); håndkofferter; skipssekker; reisevesker med hjul; handlevesker; små håndkofferter; skuldervesker; pengepunger; håndvesker; konvoluttvesker for damer; pengepunger for vekslepenger; ryggsekker; portfolioer; toalettvesker; bokser for toalettsaker; kortholdere, kartmapper; ransler; sportsvesker; skoetuier. Klasse 24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke omfattet av andre klasser; håndklær; pledd; senge- og bordtepper. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy. Klasse 35 Detaljhandelstjenester i forbindelse med salg av slike varer som angitt ovenfor i klassene 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 25 og 28; arbeidsformidling. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; turoperatørtjenester; organisering av reiser; reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser); utleie av kjøretøy; utleie av sykler; informasjon vedrørende forannevnte tjenester. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 42 Design og utvikling av datamaskiner, dataprogrammer og mobil-applikasjoner innenfor områdene transportvirksomhet, turoperatørtjenester, organisering av reiser og reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser), utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet og sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter, bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, midlertidig innlosjering, hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering; hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering; catering; hoteller; moteller; kafeer; kafeteriaer; kantiner; restauranter; barer; snack-barer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen VYGRUPPEN AS, Schweigaards gate 23, 0191 OSLO, ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 9 Software; datamaskiner; data hardware; nettbrett; dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av transportvirksomhet, turoperatørtjenester, organisering av reiser og reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser); dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet og sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, midlertidig innlosjering, hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering; bankkort; kredittkort; betalingskort; lesere for magnetisk kodede kort; briller; solbriller. Klasse 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet; sykler. Klasse 16 Papir og papp, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; trykksaker; materialer til bokbinding; fotografier; skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper; klisjeer; magasiner; tidsskrifter. Klasse 18 Lær og lærimitasjoner, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer; reisekofferter; lommebøker; passetuier og -omslag av lær eller lærimitasjoner; dokumentkofferter; pakksekker; dokumentmapper; etuier og omslag for kredittkort; etuier for nøkler (lærvarer); garderobeposer for klær (for reiseformål); håndkofferter; skipssekker; 5

6 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 reisevesker med hjul; handlevesker; små håndkofferter; skuldervesker; pengepunger; håndvesker; konvoluttvesker for damer; pengepunger for vekslepenger; ryggsekker; portfolioer; toalettvesker; bokser for toalettsaker; kortholdere, kartmapper; ransler; sportsvesker; skoetuier. Klasse 24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke omfattet av andre klasser; håndklær; pledd; senge- og bordtepper. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy. Klasse 35 Detaljhandelstjenester i forbindelse med salg av slike varer som angitt ovenfor i klassene 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 25 og 28; arbeidsformidling. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; turoperatørtjenester; organisering av reiser; reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser); utleie av kjøretøy; utleie av sykler; informasjon vedrørende forannevnte tjenester. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 42 Design og utvikling av datamaskiner, dataprogrammer og mobil-applikasjoner innenfor områdene transportvirksomhet, turoperatørtjenester, organisering av reiser og reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser), utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet og sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter, bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, midlertidig innlosjering, hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering; hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering; catering; hoteller; moteller; kafeer; kafeteriaer; kantiner; restauranter; barer; snack-barer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen VYGRUPPEN AS, Schweigaards gate 23, 0191 OSLO, ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 9 Software; datamaskiner; data hardware; nettbrett; dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av transportvirksomhet, turoperatørtjenester, organisering av reiser og reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser); dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet og sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, midlertidig innlosjering, hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering; bankkort; kredittkort; betalingskort; lesere for magnetisk kodede kort; briller; solbriller. Klasse 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet; sykler. Klasse 16 Papir og papp, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; trykksaker; materialer til bokbinding; fotografier; skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper; klisjeer; magasiner; tidsskrifter. Klasse 18 Lær og lærimitasjoner, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer; reisekofferter; lommebøker; passetuier og -omslag av lær eller lærimitasjoner; dokumentkofferter; pakksekker; dokumentmapper; etuier og omslag for kredittkort; etuier for nøkler (lærvarer); garderobeposer for klær (for reiseformål); håndkofferter; skipssekker; reisevesker med hjul; handlevesker; små håndkofferter; skuldervesker; pengepunger; håndvesker; konvoluttvesker for damer; pengepunger for vekslepenger; ryggsekker; portfolioer; toalettvesker; bokser for toalettsaker; kortholdere, kartmapper; ransler; sportsvesker; skoetuier. Klasse 24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke omfattet av andre klasser; håndklær; pledd; senge- og bordtepper. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy. Klasse 35 Detaljhandelstjenester i forbindelse med salg av slike varer som angitt ovenfor i klassene 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 25 og 28; arbeidsformidling. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; turoperatørtjenester; organisering av reiser; reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser); utleie av kjøretøy; utleie av sykler; informasjon vedrørende forannevnte tjenester. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 42 Design og utvikling av datamaskiner, dataprogrammer og mobil-applikasjoner innenfor områdene transportvirksomhet, turoperatørtjenester, organisering av reiser og reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser), utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet og sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter, bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, midlertidig innlosjering, hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering; hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering; catering; hoteller; moteller; kafeer; kafeteriaer; kantiner; restauranter; barer; snack-barer. 6

7 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen VYGRUPPEN AS, Schweigaards gate 23, 0191 OSLO, ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 9 Software; datamaskiner; data hardware; nettbrett; dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av transportvirksomhet, turoperatørtjenester, organisering av reiser og reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser); dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet og sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; dataprogrammer, dataapplikasjoner, mobilapplikasjoner og programvareplattform for muliggjøring og administrasjon av bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, midlertidig innlosjering, hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering; bankkort; kredittkort; betalingskort; lesere for magnetisk kodede kort; briller; solbriller. Klasse 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet; sykler. Klasse 16 Papir og papp, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; trykksaker; materialer til bokbinding; fotografier; skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper; klisjeer; magasiner; tidsskrifter. Klasse 18 Lær og lærimitasjoner, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer; reisekofferter; lommebøker; passetuier og -omslag av lær eller lærimitasjoner; dokumentkofferter; pakksekker; dokumentmapper; etuier og omslag for kredittkort; etuier for nøkler (lærvarer); garderobeposer for klær (for reiseformål); håndkofferter; skipssekker; reisevesker med hjul; handlevesker; små håndkofferter; skuldervesker; pengepunger; håndvesker; konvoluttvesker for damer; pengepunger for vekslepenger; ryggsekker; portfolioer; toalettvesker; bokser for toalettsaker; kortholdere, kartmapper; ransler; sportsvesker; skoetuier. Klasse 24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke omfattet av andre klasser; håndklær; pledd; senge- og bordtepper. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy. Klasse 35 Detaljhandelstjenester i forbindelse med salg av slike varer som angitt ovenfor i klassene 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 25 og 28; arbeidsformidling. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; turoperatørtjenester; organisering av reiser; reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser); utleie av kjøretøy; utleie av sykler; informasjon vedrørende forannevnte tjenester. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 42 Design og utvikling av datamaskiner, dataprogrammer og mobil-applikasjoner innenfor områdene transportvirksomhet, turoperatørtjenester, organisering av reiser og reisereservering og plassreservering (reiser), utdannelsesvirksomhet, opplæringsvirksomhet, underholdningsvirksomhet og sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter, bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, midlertidig innlosjering, hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering; hotellreservering og reservering av innkvartering; catering; hoteller; moteller; kafeer; kafeteriaer; kantiner; restauranter; barer; snack-barer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., W. Washington Blvd., CA90232 CULVER CITY, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 9 Spillefilmer for offentlig visning (general release); forhåndsinnspilte DVDer og blue-ray-disker, alle med spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer for offentlig visning; nedlastbare spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer for offentlig visning. Klasse 41 Produksjon og distribusjon av spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer; tilveiebringe ikke-nedlastbare spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen SCREEN GEMS Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., W. Washington Blvd., CA90232 CULVER CITY, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 9 Spillefilmer for offentlig visning (general release); forhåndsinnspilte DVDer og blue-ray-disker, alle med spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer for offentlig 7

8 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 visning; nedlastbare spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer for offentlig visning. Klasse 41 Produksjon og distribusjon av spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer; tilveiebringe ikke-nedlastbare spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., W. Washington Blvd., CA90232 CULVER CITY, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 9 Spillefilmer for offentlig visning (general release); forhåndsinnspilte DVDer og blue-ray-disker, alle med spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer for offentlig visning; nedlastbare spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer for offentlig visning. Klasse 41 Produksjon og distribusjon av spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer; tilveiebringe ikke-nedlastbare spillefilmer og fjernsynsprogrammer. LOEN SKYLIFT AS, 6789 LOEN, ADVOKATFIRMAET STEENSTRUP STORDRANGE DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; online annonserings- og markedsføringstjenester; annonsering av forretningsnettsteder; administrasjon av kundeklubber; markedsføring; online annonsering; salg (detaljhandel) av matvarer; salg (detaljhandel) av sportsartikler, salg (detaljhandel) av smykker, juvelvarer, nøkkelringer; salg av bilder, fotografier, plakater, bøker, brosjyrer, emballasje av papir, konvolutter, poster; salg av kaffekopper, plastkopper, glass, glassvarer, porselen og keramikk, engangskopper; salg av klær, fottøy, hodeplagg, sokker, solskjerm, hansker [bekledning], luer, ponchoer; salg (detaljhandel) av spill og leker; salg av øl, mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker, fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer, saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse 39 Sightseeing [turistbesøk]; turisttransport; turistinformasjonstjenester i forbindelse med reiser; nettbaserte informasjons- og bestillingstjenester innen turistreiser; bestilling av reiser via turistkontorer; reiseguidetjenester; fremskaffelse av informasjon i forbindelse med sykkelutleietjenester; taubanevirksomhet; transport ved taubane. Klasse 41 Ledelse av guidede klatreturer; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; utdannings- og opplæringstjenester relatert til sport; utleie av sportsutstyr; opplæring i bruk av sportsutstyr. Klasse 43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; catering; kursgårder og konferansesteder med kost og losji; restauranttjenester. 8

9 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (521) Bruk/innarbeidelse Ja RADIO NORGE Bauer Media AS, Christian Michelsens gate 2 A, 5012 BERGEN, BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; radioreklame. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen TITANSPORT AS, Nedre Eikervei 37A, 3045 DRAMMEN, Klasse 6 Skillevegger av metall; heisbare skillevegger med lydog akustikkdempende tiltak av metall. Klasse 19 Skillevegger, ikke av metall; heisbare skillevegger med lyd- og akustikkdempende tiltak, ikke av metall. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen SOFAKOMPAGNIET ApS, Selandia Park 1, 4100 RINGSTED, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, Klasse 20 Møbler; baderomsmøbler; baderomskap; benker [møbler]; benkebord; bokhyller; bokreoler; bord [møbler]; bordplater; TV-bord (møbler); skrivebord; dagligstuemøbler; divaner; lenestoler (stoler); sofaer; sekkestoler; fotskamler; taburetter; romdelere (møbler); garderobeskap; kleshengere og -kroker; klesskap; knaggrekker (ikke av metall); kommoder; skap (møbler); soverommøbler; uttrekksofaer; møbler, som kan lages om til senger; senger, madrasser, puter og dyner; sengeutstyr til barnesenger [ikke sengetøy]; sengeutstyr til sprinkelsenger [ikke sengetøy]; spisebord; spisestuestoler; stoler; stolseter; seter (møbler); babystoler; barnemøbler; barnesikringsanordninger til møbler (ikke av metall); hyller til barneværelser; høye barnestoler; kister til leketøy; leketøyskasser [møbler]; lekegrinder til småbarn; madrasser til lekegrinder; stellebord; stellemadrasser til babyer; vegghengte stellebord; vippestoler til spedbarn; hagemøbler; kontormøbler; skolemøbler; rullgardiner og tilbehør til gardinger og rullgardiner (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); beskyttelsestrekk til møbler [tilpassede]; håndtak til skuffer (ikke metalliske); holdere til speil; speil (forsølvet glass); bilderammer; tidsskriftholdere; tidsskrifthyller; hyller til oppbevaring; oppbevaringsskap (møbler); beholdere (ikke av metall) til transport og oppbevaring; bærbare ekser [beholdere] av tre; bærbare esker [beholdere] av plast; bokser fremstilt av laminert plast; emballeringsbeholdere, ikke av metall; kasser av tre eller metall; kurvvarer; kurver (ikke av metall); oppbevaringskasser, ikke av metall; sammenleggbare plastkasser til emballering; trekasser til oppbevaring av leketøy. Klasse 24 Badetekstiler, unntatt bekledning; håndklær av tekstilmateriale; badehåndklær; badelakener; dusjforheng av tekstil eller plast; dusjforheng; vaskekluter av tekstilmaterialer; kjøkken og bordtekstiler; kluter; sengetekstiler; sengetøy ogtepper; bordtekstiler, bordduker [ikke av papir], tekstilservietter, bordløpere, bordbrikker [ikke av papir], bordkledning av tekstilmaterialer voksduker [bordduker]; duker av plastikk; putetrekk; trekk til barnesenger; dynetrekk; dyner; fasongsydde lakener av tekstilmaterialer; madrasstrekk; frotté; frottéhåndklær; lakener av tekstilmaterialer; lakener til barnesenger av tekstilmaterialer; madrasstrekk; pledd; quiltede sengetepper; quiltede tepper; sengetepper; sengetøy til barn; tepper til barnesenger; vattepper; trekk til sofaer; trekk til stolrygger [tekstilmateriale]; ikke-tilpassede møbeltrekk; løse trekk fremstilt av tekstilvarer til møbler; trekk til sekkestoler; stoltrekk; tekstiltrekk til møbler; beskyttelsestrekk til madrasser og møbler; gardiner av tekstil eller plast; navnemerker av tekstil til påsetting på klær; veggtepper av tekstiler; boligtekstiler og møbeltrekk; tekstiler i metervarer; stoffer i form av tekstilmetervarer; stoffer av tekstilmateriale til bruk ved fremstilling av møbler; stoffer av tekstilmateriale til bruk ved fremstilling av sengetøy; stoffer til bruk i tekstilmaterialer. Klasse 35 Detalj- og engroshandel, herunder via Internettet med møbler og møblering, baderomsmøbler, baderomskap, benker [møbler], benkebord, bokhyller, bokreoler, bord [møbler], bordplater, TV-bord (møbler), skrivebord, dagligstuemøbler, divaner, lenestoler [stoler], sofaer, sekkestoler, fotskamler, taburetter, romdelere (møbler), garderobeskap, kleshengere og kroker, klesskap, knaggrekker (ikke av metall), kommoder, skap (møbler), soverommøbler, uttrekksofaer, møbler, som kan lages om til senger, senger, sengetøy, madrasser, puter og dyner, sengeutstyr til barnesenger [ikke sengetøy], sengeutstyr til sprinkelsenger [ikke sengetøy], spisebord, spisestuestoler, stoler, stolseter, seter (møbler), babystoler, barnemøbler, barnesikringsanordninger til møbler, hyller til barneværelser, høye barnestoler, kister til leketøy, leketøyskasser [møbler], lekegrinder til småbarn, madrasser til lekegrinder, stellebord, stellemadrasser til babyer, vegghengte stellebord, vippestoler til spedbarn, hagemøbler, kontormøbler, skolemøbler, rullgardiner og tilbehør til gardiner og rullgardiner (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), beskyttelsestrekk til møbler [tilpassede], håndtak til skuffer (ikke metalliske), holdere til speil, speil (forsølvet glass), bilderammer, tidsskriftholdere, tidsskrifthyller, hyller til oppbevaring, oppbevaringsskap 9

10 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (møbler), beholdere (ikke av metall) til transport og oppbevaring, bærbare esker [beholdere] av tre, bærbare esker [beholdere] av plast, bokser fremstilt av laminert plast, emballeringsbeholdere, ikke av metall, kasser, ikke av metall, kurvvarer, kurver (ikke av metall), oppbevaringskasser, ikke av metall, sammenleggbare plastkasser til emballering, trekasser til oppbevaring av leketøy, badetekstiler, unntatt bekledning, håndklær av tekstilmateriale, badehåndklær, badelakener, badeforheng av tekstil eller plast, dusjforheng, vaskekluter av tekstilmaterialer, kjøkken og bordtekstiler, kluter, sengetekstiler, sengetøy og -tepper, bordtekstiler, bordduker [ikke av papir], tekstilservietter, bordløpere, bordbrikker [ikke av papir], bordkledning av tekstil, voksduker, duker av plastikk, putetrekk, trekk til barnesenger, dynetrekk, dyner, fasongsydde lakene, madrasstrekk, frotté, frottéhåndklær, lakener av tekstilmaterialer, lakener til barnesenger av tekstilmaterialer, madrasstrekk, pledd, quiltede sengetepper, quiltede tepper, sengetepper, sengetøy til barn, tepper til barnesenger, vattepper, trekk til sofaer, trekk til stolrygger [tekstilmateriale], ikke-tilpassede møbeltrekk, løse trekk fremstilt av tekstilvarer til møbler, trekk til sekkestoler, stoltrekk, tekstiltrekk til møbler, beskyttelsestrekk til madrasser og møbler, gardiner av tekstil eller plast, navnemerker av tekstil til påsetting på klær, veggtepper av tekstiler, boligtekstiler og møbeltrekk, tekstiler i metervarer, stoffer i form av tekstilmetervarer, stoffer av tekstilmateriale til bruk ved fremstilling av møbler, stoffer av tekstilmateriale til bruk ved fremstilling av sengetøy, tepper, løpere og matter, tepper [tekstil); bistand ved forretningsledelse ytt av franschisegivere til franchisetakere, administrasjon av forretningsanliggender i forbindelse med franchisevirksomhet. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , CH, 80581/18 (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen CELLTRIENT Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., 1800 VEVEY, Sveits ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 5 Dietetisk mat, drikkevarer og stoffer tilpasset medisinsk og klinisk bruk; mat og næringsmidler for babyer; mat for babyer; morsmelkerstatning; mat for spedbarn; tørrmelk for spedbarn; mat og næringsstoffer til medisinsk bruk for barn og invalide; matvarer og næringsstoffer til ammende mødre for medisinsk bruk; ernæringstilskudd til medisinske formål for gravide og ammende mødre; ernæringstilskudd; kosttilskudd for medisinsk bruk; ernæringstilskudd og kosttilskudd for medisinsk bruk; vitaminpreparater, mineralbaserte preparater; måltidserstatninger tilpasset for medisinsk bruk; dietetisk søtsaker til medisinsk bruk; kostfiber; godteri til medisinske formål, vitaminer og vitaminpreparater; diettmat for medisinsk bruk. Klasse 29 Grønnsaker og poteter (konservert, frosset, tørket eller kokt), frukt (konservert, frosset, tørket eller kokt), sopp (konservert, tørket eller kokt), kjøtt, fjærfe, vilt, fisk og matvarer fra havet, alle disse produkter i form av ekstrakter, supper, gelé, smørepålegg, konserver, kokte retter, frosne eller dehydrert; syltetøy; egg; kokte retter basert på grønnsaker, poteter, frukt, kjøtt, fjærfe, fisk og matvarer fra havet; melk, fløte, smør, ost og melkeprodukter; melk og melkeprodukter; tørrmelk; preparater og drikker basert på melk; melkeerstatninger; drikker av melk eller hovedsakelig av melk; melkebaserte desserter og krembaserte desserter; melkebaserte drikker som inneholder korn og / eller sjokolade; yoghurt; soyamelk (melkeerstatninger), konserverte soyabønner til menneskelig forbruk; proteinpreparater til menneskelig forbruk; kaffefløte til kaffe og / eller te (kremerstatninger); spiselige oljer og fettstoffer; pølser; kjøttvarer (bearbeidet), peanøttsmør; supper, konsentrerte supper, preparater for tilberedning av suppe, suppe, buljongterninger, buljong, også i form av terninger, tabletter eller pulver, konsentrert kraft, preparater for tilberedning av buljong, supper; konsentrert melk; søt, kondensert melk; drikker og matvarer basert på meieriprodukter med økt innhold av næringsstoffer og/eller diettstoffer. Klasse 30 Kaffe, kaffeekstrakter, smaksatt kaffe, kaffepreparater og -drikker; iskaffe; kaffeerstatninger, kunstige kaffekstrakter, preparater og drikker basert på kunstig kaffe; sikori (kaffeerstatning); vegetabilske preparater for bruk som kaffeerstatninger; te, teekstrakter, preparater og tebaserte drikker; iste; maltbaserte preparater til menneskelig forbruk; maltekstrakt for mat; malt for menneskelig forbruk; kakao og kakaobaserte preparater og drikker; sjokolade, sjokoladeprodukter, sjokoladebaserte preparater og drikker; sukker; kjeks; konfektyrer; sukkervarer; småkaker; kaker; kjeks; karameller; puddinger; søtsaker; tyggegummi, ikke til medisinske formål; naturlige søtningsmidler; bakeriprodukter; mel; brød; gjær; kakeblandinger i pulverform; bakverk; desserter (inkludert i denne klassen); is, vannis, sorbet, frosne konfekter, frosne kaker, iskrem, frosne desserter, frossen yoghurt (spiseis), pulver og bindemidler (inkludert i denne klassen) for å tilberede spiseis og / eller vannis og / eller sorbet og / eller iskonfektyrer og / eller iskaker og / eller iskrem og / eller frossen yoghurt (spiseis); honning og honningserstatninger; frokostblandinger, bearbeidet; frokostblandinger, kornstenger, müsli, cornflakes, spiseferdige frokostblandinger; kornpreparater; snacks laget av korn; ris, pasta, nudler; matvarer laget av ris, mel, havregryn eller korn, også i form av kokte retter. Klasse 32 Vannbaserte funksjons- og / eller ernæringsdrikker, inkludert de med vitaminer, mineraler eller urter; drikkevarer med fruktsmak og fruktbaserte drikker, fruktjuice, konsentrert fruktjuice og grønnsaksjuice; nektar, fruktnektar (drikker), alkoholfrie fruktdrikker; mineralvann lagd av frukt og / eller mineralvann med fruktsmak; limonade, sodavann og andre alkoholfrie drikkevarer; sirup, ekstrakter og essenser og andre preparater for fremstilling av alkoholfrie drikkevarer (unntatt eteriske oljer); vannbaserte drikker med teekstrakter; drikker laget med melkesyre; drikker på basis av kjernemelk; soyabaserte drikker; maltbaserte drikkevarer; alkoholfrie maltbaserte drikker; isotoniske drikker; energidrikker; drikker laget med blandet frukt eller grønnsaker (smoothies); sorbet (drikkevarer). 10

11 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Yolande Ranveig Marie Boge, Damsgårdsveien 42, 5058 BERGEN, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Standard House, Level 3 Birkirkara Hill, STJ1149 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 36 Administrasjon av omsetning av fast eiendom; anskaffelse av fast eiendom for andre; bestyrelse av fast eiendom; bestyrelse av leiegårder; boligformidling [leiligheter]; eiendomsinvesteringstjenester ved omsetning av fast eiendom for andre; eiendomsomsetning; eiendomstjenester i forbindelse med omsetning og leasing av fast eiendom; finansiell virksomhet; finansielle tjenester i forbindelse med selskapsavvikling; finansieringstjenester; finansieringstjenester for byggeprosjekter; finansieringsvurdering [forsikring, bank, fast eiendom]; finansinformasjon; finansrådgivning; finansrådgivning; forvaltning av formuer; fremskaffelse av informasjon om fast eiendom; investering i fast eiendom og forvaltningstjenester; kapitalinvesteringer; oppkjøp av fast eiendom for andre; taksering av fast eiendom; utleie av fast eiendom; utleie av kontorer [fast eiendom]; utleie av leiligheter; utlån mot pant i fast eiendom; veiledning i skattespørsmål; clearingvirksomhet [valuta]; elektronisk pengeoverføring; pengeveksling; rådgivning i finansielle spørsmål; utlån [finansiering]; valutaveksling; finansanalyser; fondsopprettelse; forvaltning av formuer. Klasse 41 Akademier [utdanning]; arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; eksaminasjonsvirksomhet; fremskaffelse av online video, ikke nedlastbar; informasjon vedrørende utdannelse; instruksjon [opplæring]; korrespondanseundervisning; organisering av kulturelle arrangement [impresariotjenester]; organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle og utdannelsesformål; organisering og ledelse av kollokvium; organisering og ledelse av konferanser; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; personlig coaching [trening]; praktisk opplæring [ved demonstrasjon]; privatundervisning; publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidsskrifter on-line; skoletjenester [utdannelse]; skriving av tekster [andre enn for reklameformål]; teambuilding (utdannelse); tekstforfattervirksomhet; tilveiebringelse av on-line elektroniske publikasjoner [ikke nedlastbare]; undervisning; utgivelse av bøker; veiledning; yrkesfaglig opplæring; undervisning innen bedriftsledelse. Klasse 44 Rådgivningstjenester relatert til helse. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 10 Kirurgiske og medisinske apparater og instrumenter, nemlig katetre, mikrokatetre, styretråder (guidewires) og emboliske innretninger for nevrovaskulær bruk, mikrospiraler (microcoils) og spiraler (coils) for endovaskulære eller intravaskulære prosedyrer, kunstige medisinske emboliseringsinnretninger, utskiftbare spiraler for endovaskulær behandling og nevrovaskulære ballonger; medisinske innretninger for behandling av cerebralevaskulære defekter, sykdommer og lidelser, nemlig en halsbro (neck bridge) for å spenne (span) halsen til en aneurisme; neurovaskulære stenter og kirurgiske innretninger for vaskulær rekonstruksjon for arterielle embolektomier; mikroshunter for gjenopprettelse av gjennomstrømning for endovaskulær intervensjon; medisinske innretninger for bruk ved behandling av nevrovaskulær blodpropp; medisinske innretninger for behandling av iskemi. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen AGILENT OnePGT Agilent Technologies, Inc., 5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard, CA95051 SANTA CLARA, USA ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, Klasse 42 Software as a service [saas], inklusive software for organisering, analyse og tolkning av genetisk testing. 11

12 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , NL, Utstillingsprioritet (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (230) Utstillingsprioritet , 9, 42., Nederland (NL) elektrisk energi; transport av energi; distribusjon av energi. Klasse 40 Produksjon av energi på kraftverk; produksjon av elektrisk kraft; produksjon av vannkraft; rådgivningstjenester i forbindelse med generering av elektrisk energi; produksjon av elektrisk energi fra fornybare energikilder; vannbehandling og vannrensing; vannbehandling; destruksjon av søppel og avfall; produksjon av fjernvarme; avfallsforbrenning; tjenester relatert til produksjon av energi; rensing av gass; luftrensing. EXEBENUS AS, Kanalsletta 2, 4033 STAVANGER, Klasse 9 Software. Klasse 42 Rådgivnings- og konsulenttjenester i forbindelse med software. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen GUDBRANDSDAL ENERGI HOLDING AS, Strandgata 39, 2640 VINSTRA, ADVOKATFIRMAET STEENSTRUP STORDRANGE DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 35 Bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; analyse av kostnadspriser; analyse av forretningsdata; samling, oppbevaring og innhenting av data og informasjon; innsamling og systematisering av informasjon til bruk i databaser, markedsstudier/undersøkelser, prissammenligningstjenester; handel, salg og overdragelse av energi, elektrisk kraft, vannkraft, vindkraft, gasskraft; tjenester i forbindelse med handel og salg av energi, pris og kostnadsanalyser; Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av kraftverk og strømnett; reparasjon og vedlikehold av vindkraftverk; reparasjon og vedlikehold av gass- og elverk; konstruksjon av vannkraftverk; konstruksjon av kraftverk; reparasjon eller vedlikehold av forbrenningsovner og fremskaffelse av relatert informasjon; konstruksjon av demninger; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av fjernvarmeanlegg; byggevirksomhet i forbindelse med reservoarer og kraftstasjoner; installasjon, reparasjon og bearbeiding og vedlikehold av termiske, hydroelektriske og kjernefysiske anlegg; drift av servicestasjoner. Klasse 39 Lagring av energi og drivstoff; distribusjon av elektrisk kraft; transport; forsyning av elektrisk energi, gass, vann og fjernvarme; distribusjon av energi for oppvarming og kjøling av bygninger; distribusjon av elektrisitet, gass, vann og fjernvarme; lagring av GUDBRANDSDAL ENERGI HOLDING AS, Strandgata 39, 2640 VINSTRA, ADVOKATFIRMAET STEENSTRUP STORDRANGE DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 35 Bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; analyse av kostnadspriser; analyse av forretningsdata; samling, oppbevaring og innhenting av data og informasjon; innsamling og systematisering av informasjon til bruk i databaser, markedsstudier/undersøkelser, prissammenligningstjenester; handel, salg og overdragelse av energi, elektrisk kraft, vannkraft, vindkraft, gasskraft; tjenester i forbindelse med handel og salg av energi, pris og kostnadsanalyser. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av kraftverk og strømnett; reparasjon og vedlikehold av vindkraftverk; reparasjon og vedlikehold av gass- og elverk; konstruksjon av vannkraftverk; konstruksjon av kraftverk; reparasjon eller vedlikehold av forbrenningsovner og fremskaffelse av relatert informasjon; konstruksjon av demninger; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av fjernvarmeanlegg; drift av servicestasjoner; byggevirksomhet i forbindelse med reservoarer og kraftstasjoner; installasjon, reparasjon og bearbeiding og vedlikehold av termiske, hydroelektriske og kjernefysiske anlegg. Klasse 39 Lagring av energi og drivstoff; distribusjon av elektrisk kraft; transport; forsyning av elektrisk energi, gass, vann og fjernvarme; distribusjon av energi for oppvarming og kjøling av bygninger; distribusjon av elektrisitet, gass, vann og fjernvarme; lagring av elektrisk energi; transport av energi; distribusjon av energi. Klasse 40 Produksjon av energi på kraftverk; produksjon av elektrisk kraft; produksjon av vannkraft; rådgivningstjenester i forbindelse med generering av elektrisk energi; produksjon av elektrisk energi fra fornybare energikilder; vannbehandling og vannrensing; vannbehandling; destruksjon av søppel og avfall; produksjon av fjernvarme; avfallsforbrenning; tjenester relatert til produksjon av energi; rensing av gass; luftrensing. 12

13 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Nobs Sibelia AS, Keiser Wilhelmsgt. 2 B, 6003 ÅLESUND, NORSK PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Klasse 29 Fiske- og skalldyrsprodukter samt surimi produkter. Klasse 35 Markedsføring og salg av fiske- og skalldyrsprodukter samt surimi produkter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , EM, (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur, Box 7399, STOCKHOLM, Sverige CODEX ADVOKAT OSLO AS, Postboks 8744 St.Olavs plass, 0028 OSLO, Klasse 9 Dataprogramvare; interaktiv dataprogramvare; dataprogramvare nedlastet eller nedlastbart; elektroniske publikasjoner; dataprogramvare publikasjoner lastet ned; data registrert elektronisk fra internett; applikasjoner; webstedsapplikasjoner; optisk innspilt data for datamaskiner; programvare og apparater for nedlasting, overføring, mottak, fremskaffelse, publisering, ekstrahering, koding, dekoding, lesing, lagring og organisering av audiovisuelle, videografiske og skriftlige data; programvare for innsamling, behandling, overvåkning, analysering, administrering og/eller rapportering av informasjon; programvare for innsamling, behandling, overvåkning, analysering, administrering og/eller rapportering av informasjon om bruk og ytelse av programvare, applikasjoner, data- og videospill, nettsteder, virtuelle verdener og audiovisuelt innhold; informasjon lagret i eller på elektronisk, magnetisk og/eller optisk medier; publikasjoner i elektronisk form med adgang via online databaser eller via internett eller andre nettverk (inkludert nettsider); elektroniske oppslagstavler; online database; lyd-, video- og dataopptak; instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell i form av apparater og instrumenter. Klasse 16 Trykksaker; bøker; instruksjons og undervisningsmaterialer. Klasse 35 Forretningsevaluering; forretningsundersøkelser; gallupundersøkelse; planlegging, initiering og koordinering av forskning, utvikling og nye virksomheter (start-ups); kompilering av statistisk informasjon; arrangering av konkurranser for reklame, forretningsmessige og kommersielle formål; konsultasjon og rådgivning i forhold til arbeidsmarkedsforhold og etablering av nye virksomheter; arrangering av demonstrasjoner for kommersielle formål (reklame); organisering av forretningsstimuleringsplanlegging; utleie av kontorutstyr. Klasse 36 Finansrådgivning og finansiering av virksomheter, særlig start-ups; finanstjenester; finansiell forvaltning, informasjon, sponsing og evaluering; finansrådgivning; kapitalinvesteringer; utlån [finansiering]; forsikringsvirksomhet; forsikringsinformasjon; forsikringsrådgivning; fordeling av ressurser til forskning og aktiviteter knyttet til det; informasjon og analyse i forhold til finansieringsspørsmål. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjon; kommunikasjon via portal for å nå informasjon; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser (telekommunikasjon). Klasse 41 Utdanning/undervisning; tilbydelse av opplæring; kulturelle aktiviteter; arrangering og gjennomføring av konferanser, kongresser, seminarer, workshops, symposier, treningsdager, temadager og debatter; arrangering av fora og arrangementer for utveksling av ideer, utveksling av meninger, utveksling av informasjon og nettverksbygging; utgivelse av bøker; filmproduksjonstjenester; utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster; produksjon av undervisningsmateriell og skoleartikler; tilveiebringe online elektroniske publikasjoner, ikke nedlastbare; publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidsskrifter på nettet; informasjon om utdanning, undervisning og kompetanseutvikling; arrangement av konkurranser for utdanningsformål. Klasse 42 Forskning og utvikling i relasjon til teknologi, transport, kommunikasjon og arbeidsliv (omstendigheter skapt av arbeidsmarkedet); undersøkelser i relasjon til forskning og utvikling; utleie av datamaskiner; IT-tjenester. Klasse 43 Tilbyding av midlertidige lokaler og fasiliteter for kontorfunksjoner, møter, konferanser, seminarer og utstillinger; tilbyding av midlertidige lokaler og fasiliteter for kontorfunksjoner, møter, konferanser, seminarer og utstillinger for å tilrettelegge for oppstart og start av virksomheter; utleie av midlertidig innkvartering; utleie av innendørs møblement. Klasse 45 Juridiske tjenester; lisensiering av immateriell eiendomsrett; undersøkelser, rådgivningstjenester, analyse og overvåkning av utviklingstendenser vedrørende næringspolitiske spørsmål, sosioøkonomisk spørsmål (politiske), velferdsspørsmål (politiske), arbeidsmarkedsforhold (politiske). (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen NORISMA AS, Maridalsveien 163, 0461 OSLO, Klasse 2 Klasse 3 Interiørmaling; maling. Kosmetikk; kosmetikk i form av hudkremer; kosmetikk for bruk på huden; kosmetikk og kosmetiske preparater; kosmetikk for personlig bruk; kosmetikk og sminke; kosmetikk for øyenbryn; kosmetikk for barn; 13

14 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 kosmetikk- og skjønnhetspreparater; kosmetikk og toalettartikler; kosmetikk for dyr; rensekremer [kosmetikk]; solbeskyttelseoljer [kosmetikk]; kosmetikk og preparater for personlig pleie; dekorativ kosmetikk; selvbruningspreparater [kosmetikk]; ikke-medisinsk kosmetikk og toalettsaker; kropps- og skjønnhetspleiende kosmetikk; kosmetikk i form av fuktighetsgivende kremer, hudkremer og emulsjoner; fuktighetsgivende midler [kosmetikk]; fuktighetsgivende hudlotions [kosmetikk]; rensekluter impregnert med kosmetikk; fast pudder for pudderdåser [kosmetikk]; fuktighetsgivende geleer [kosmetikk]; solbeskyttelse for lepper [kosmetikk]; fuktighetsgivende kroppskremer [kosmetikk]; fuktighetsgivende lotions [kosmetikk]; servietter impregnert med kosmetikk; dekorbelegg for fingernegler [kosmetikk]; oljer etter soling [kosmetikk]; fuktighetsgivende hudkrem etter soling [kosmetikk]; geleer etter soling [kosmetikk]; parfymer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårkremer; eau de cologne, parfymer og kosmetikk; kosmetikksett; parfymer, dufter og røkelse, andre enn parfymer for personlig bruk; engangsservietter impregnert med kjemikalier til rengjøring eller kjemiske blandinger for personlig hygiene; kosmetiske hårkremer; kosmetiske håndkremer; kosmetiske solkremer; ikke-medisinske hudkremer; solpudderkremer; skjønnhetskremer; kosmetiske hudkremer; skjønnhetskremer for kroppspleie; emulsjoner, geleer og hudkremer for hudpleie; hudrensekremer; badekremer; neglebåndskremer; dagkremer; fuktighetskremer; permanentkrøllingskremer; barberingskremer; hårfjerningskremer; hudblekingskremer; solbruningskremer; tannhygienekremer; underlagskremer; babykremer [toalettartikler]; solbruningsoljer og hudkremer; ikke-medisinske fotkremer; fuktighetskremer for hår; fuktighetskremer til huden; kosmetiske fuktighetskremer for ansikt; ansiktskremer for kosmetisk bruk; skokremer; antialdringsfuktighetskremer; selvbruningskremer; dusjkremer; hudstrukturkremer; nattkremer; hudkremer for forsterking av negler; kosmetiske hudpleiekremer; ikke-medisinske salver og hudkremer for bleieutslett; ikke-medisinske stimulerende hudkremer; kosmetiske hudkremer for å redusere pigmentflekker og fregner; hudbalsamkremer for kosmetiske formål; skjønnhetskremer for ansikt og kropp; urtekremer til utvortes bruk for oppstramming og forhøying av brystene; sminkefjerninglotion; barberingslotion; skjønnhetslotion; ikke-medisinsk fotlotion; hudrenselotioner; lotion for kosmetisk bruk; forskjønnende lotion; sminkefjerningsmelk, -geleer, - lotion og kremer; servietter impregnert med kosmetisk lotion; fargefjerningsmidler for hår; styling-pasta for hår; preparater for solbeskyttelse av hår; preparater for permanentkrølling av hår; kremer for bølging av hår; preparater for legging av hår; voks for fjerning av hår; preparater for bølging og legging av hår; preparater for permanent og legging av hår; preparater for pleie av hodebunn og hår; kosmetiske preparater for hår og hodebunn; lim for falske øyevipper, hår og negler; preparater for vask, pleie og styling av hår; ikkemedisinske preparater for pleie av hud, hår og hodebunn; preparater for vasking, toning, farging, bleking, legging og styling av hår; preparater for vasking, toning, farging, bleking, legging og krølling av hår; hudkremer, kremer og preparater for pleie av ansikt, kropp, hodebunn, negler og hår; hårspray og hårgeleer; hårfargings- og hårblekingsmidler; hårgelé og hårskum; hårfiksere [hårstyling-preparater]; hårrettingspreparater; hårkremer; hårpleiepreparater; håroljer; hårvaskpreparater; hårkrøllingsmidler; hårgelé; hårbalm; hårbalsam; hårvaskpudder; hårmaskara; hårskyllevann [sjampo-balsam]; hårstyling-preparater; klebemidler for festing av løshår; sjampoer for menneskehår; voksremser for fjerning av kroppshår; permanentløsninger uten varme [f.eks., med hårruller]; japansk olje for hårfrisyrer [bintsuke-abura]; ikkemedisinske hårbehandlingsmidler for kosmetiske formål; kosmetiske hårveksthemmende preparater; kosmetiske håroppsettingspreparater; hydrogenperoksid for bruk i håret; ikke-medisinske hårgjenopprettende kremer; fargeskyll for håret; kremer for hårforsterkningsbehandling; oljer for hårpleie; preparater for hårkrølling; 3-i-1 hårsjampo; geleer, spray, mousse og balsam for hårstyling og hårpleie; hårstripingspreparater for matt effekt [stripepreparater]; hårpleiemidler som består av organisk jomfruolje fra kokosnøtter og vanlig jomfruolje fra kokosnøtter; hårbalsam for spedbarn; hårfarge- og blekeprodukter; hårfjerningsmidler og -substanser; hårfargingsmidler; hårpleiemidler; hårblekemiddel; hårbalsamer; hårvoks; hårsjampoer; hårspray; hårfjerningsmidler; hårfarger; hårvann; hårpleiemidler, ikke for medisinske formål; hårstyling-gelé; hårfjernings- og eksfolieringsmidler; hårsjampoer og balsamer; hårskum; hårblekingsmidler; hårbehandlingspreparater; kosmetiske preparater for tørr hud under graviditet; kosmetiske kremer for oppstramming av hud rundt øynene; hudrens; hudlysningsmidler; hudpleieskum; hudeksfoliering; hudspray til utvortes bruk til kosmetiske formål; hudrenseskum; hudtonere; hudgeleer for hurtigvirkende, forbedret eller utvidet brunfarge; hudpleiemidler; hudbalsamer; hudsåpe; hudblekingspreparater; kosmetiske preparater for hudpleie og hudbehandling; hudpleiepreparater for rynkefjerning; solbruningskremer og hudkremer; fuktighetsgivende hudkrem; ikke-medisinske hudserumer; krem for hudbleking; fuktighetsmasker for huden; kosmetisk hudvann; kosmetiske kremer for huden; kosmetiske preparater for hudpleie; kosmetiske oljer for huden; kosmetiske preparater for hudfornyelse; antibakteriell hudsåpe; ikke-medisinske hudpleiemidler; parfymerte hudkremer og kremer; kluter eller servietter impregnert med en hudrens; kosmetiske kremer og hudkremer; kosmetiske kremer for hudpleie; kosmetiske produkter i form av aerosoler for hudpleie; fuktighetsgivende kremer, hudkremer og geleer; kosmetisk pudder, krem og hudkrem for ansikt, hender og kropp; kosmetiske kremer og hudkremer for ansikt og kroppspleie; kremer, oljer, hudkremer, spray, blyanter og balsam for kosmetiske formål; rense- og fuktighetskremer, oljer, hudkremer og preparater; kosmetiske plastre som inneholder solkrem og solblokk for bruk på huden; solbeskyttende midler [kosmetiske preparater for soling av huden]; kosmetiske kremer, hudkremer og andre preparater for soling; kosmetisk fuktighetsgivende solkrem og hudkrem etter soling, geleer og oljer; kosmetiske kremer, fuktighetsgivende hudkremer, fuktighetskremer, geleer og pudder for ansikt, hender og kropp; antialdringshudpleiepreparater; løst ansiktspudder; klebemiddel for løshår; lim for feste av falske negler; lim for feste av falske negler eller øyevipper; sko- og støvelkrem; sko- og støvelpuss; naturlige eteriske oljer; naturlig musk; sminkepreparater for ansikt og kropp; sminkefjerningsmelk; sminkebaser i form av pasta; sminkeprodukter; sminkeblyanter; sminkefjerningskremer; sminkefjerningsgeleer; impregnerte sminkefjerner servietter; teatersminke; øyesminke; ansiktssminke; kroppssminke; øyesminkefjernere; kritt for sminke; sminke for pudderdåser; sminke for ansikt og kropp; sminke; sminke til barn; leppestifter; leppeglans; leppepleiemidler; etuier for leppestifter; ikke-medisinske leppebeskyttere; leppepleiemidler, ikke-medisinsk; leppeglanser; rensemidler for personlig bruk; våtservietter for personlig hygiene; oljer for personlig pleie; antiperspiranter for personlig bruk; skumrens for personlig bruk; preparater for tannhygiene; deodorantspray for kvinnehygiene; frisk-pustpreparater for personlig hygiene; våtservietter for kvinnelig hygiene; vaginalvask for hygiene eller luktfjerning; vaske- og blekepreparater; rense-, vaske- og poleringsmidler; vaskemidler for husholdningsbruk; vaskesåpe; vaskepulver; rengjørings- og vaskemidler og substanser; eteriske oljer som dufter for vaskeformål; såper og vaskemidler; håndvaskemidler; klesvaskemidler; kunstige øyenvipper; kosmetiske 14

15 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 Klasse 5 preparater for øyenvipper; kunstige festemidler for øyenvipper; kosmetiske preparater for oppstramming av bryster; ikke-medisinske skrubber for ansiktet og kroppen; avfettingsmidler med løsemiddelbase; rensemidler med løsemiddelbase; preparater for fjerning av gelénegler; lysherdende bonder [baselakk] for neglelakk; lysherdende bonder [topplakk] for neglelakk; kosmetiske neglepleiepreparater; kunstige negler; preparater for pleie av negler; dekorerte negler; neglelakkfjernere; negleforsterkere; neglelakk; neglefjerner for kosmetiske formål; neglelakk og neglelakkfjerner; neglebalsamer; neglekunstlapper; neglelakkfjerner; neglereparasjonsmidler; negleglitter; neglebåndsmyknere; neglepoleringsmidler; kunstige fingernegler av edelt metall; kosmetisk ansiktspudder; kosmetiske preparater for munn- og tannpleie; kosmetisk krem; kosmetiske ansiktstonere; kosmetisk såpe; kosmetiske svamper; kosmetisk skum med solfaktor; kosmetisk badesalt; kosmetiske ansiktsmasker; kosmetiske preparater; kosmetisk ansiktspleie preparater; kosmetiske preparater for bad; kosmetiske preparater for slanking; kosmetiske preparater for solbeskyttelse; kosmetiske kroppskremer; kosmetiske våtservietter; kosmetiske ansiktskremer; kosmetiske oljer; kosmetisk pasta til ansikt for å motvirke glans; kosmetiske gelepads for øynene ; kosmetiske preparater for ansiktsbehandling; kosmetiske preparater for kroppspleie; kosmetiske kremer og geleer for ansikt, hender og kropp; kosmetiske preparater for ansikt og kropp; plantepreparater [kosmetiske]; kosmetiske preparater for å beskytte mot solbrenthet; basma [kosmetisk fargestoff]; kollagenpreparater for kosmetisk formål; øyekompresser for kosmetiske formål; teaterlim for kosmetisk bruk; solbruningsoljer for kosmetiske formål; pomader for kosmetisk bruk; fargeoppløsninger til kosmetisk bruk; klebemidler for kosmetiske formål; rosenolje for kosmetiske formål; bomullsdotter for kosmetiske formål; glitter for kosmetiske formål; vattpinner for kosmetisk bruk; vatt for kosmetisk bruk; fett for kosmetisk bruk; mandelmelk for kosmetisk bruk; fargemidler for kosmetiske formål; rensemidler for kosmetiske koster; blyanter for kosmetisk bruk; hydrogenperoksid for kosmetisk bruk; oljer for kosmetisk bruk; massasjelys for kosmetiske formål; geleer for kosmetisk bruk; lavendelolje for kosmetisk bruk; fuktede kosmetiske servietter; vaselin for kosmetisk bruk; blekemidler for kosmetisk bruk; urteekstrakter for kosmetiske formål; retinolkrem for kosmetiske formål; kakaosmør for kosmetiske formål; henna for kosmetiske formål; tonere for kosmetisk bruk; kritt for kosmetisk bruk; parfymeoljer for produksjon av kosmetiske preparater; astringerende midler for kosmetisk bruk; eteriske oljer for kosmetiske formål; aloe verapreparater for kosmetisk bruk; dekorative motiver for kosmetisk bruk; midlertidige tatoveringer for kosmetiske formål; vatt- og bomullspinner for kosmetiske formål; servietter impregnert med eteriske oljer, for kosmetisk bruk; rynkereduserende kosmetiske preparater for utvortes bruk i ansiktet; hud- og kroppskremer for utvortes bruk, kremer og oljer for kosmetisk bruk; etterbarberingskrem; parfymer, eau de cologne og etterbarberingsvann; førbarberings- og etterbarberingspreparater; etterbarberingsemulsjoner; etterbarberingsmidler; etterbarberingspreparater; barberingsgelé; barbersåpe; barberingspreparater; barbersteiner [snerpende]; barberingsbalsamer; barberskum; barberings- og etterbarberingspreparater; pasta for sliperemmer [for barberkniver]; preparater, inkludert kremer, geleer og skum, for bruk før, under og etter barbering; etterbarberingsvann; etterbarberingsgelé; etterbarberingsbalsam; forbarberingskremer. Kosttilskudd; kosttilskudd for kjæledyr; kosttilskudd for kjæledyr i form av pulverdrikkblanding; kosttilskudd for kontroll av kolesterol; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; kosttilskuddsdrikker; kosttilskudd bestående av aminosyrer; kosttilskudd bestående av vitaminer; kosttilskudd for dyr; kosttilskudd bestående av Klasse 8 sporstoffer; kosttilskudd for mennesker; kosttilskudd bestående av mineraler; kosttilskudd med kosmetisk effekt; kosttilskudd for kjæledyr i form av snacks; kosttilskudd bestående av aminosyrer, mineraler og sporstoffer; glukosebasert kosttilskudd; kaseinbasert kosttilskudd; eggehvitebaserte kosttilskudd; antioksidanter for bruk som kosttilskudd; bidronningbasert kosttilskudd; enzymbasert kosttilskudd; lecitinbasert kosttilskudd; linfrøbaserte kosttilskudd; linfrøoljebaserte kosttilskudd; gjærbasert kosttilskudd; pollenbasert kosttilskudd; alginatebasert kosttilskudd; proteinbasert kosttilskudd; acaipulver, kosttilskudd; hvetespirebaserte kosttilskudd; propolisbasert kosttilskudd; mineralske kosttilskudd; fruktsmaktilsatte kosttilskuddsdrikkeblandinger i pulverform; nutrasøytisk mat som kosttilskudd; naturlige kosttilskudd for å behandle klaustrofobi; bipollen som kosttilskudd i mat; pulverisert linfrøfiber som et kosttilskudd; måltidserstatning og kosttilskudd i form av drikkeblandinger for medisinske formål; hvetekosttilskudd; vitamin- og mineralkosttilskudd; sinkkosttilskudd; soyaproteinkosttilskudd; vannbaserte personlige glidemidler; silikonbaserte personlige smøremidler; kalaminkremer; hydrokortisonkremer; medisinske hudkremer; medisinske ansiktskremer; urtekremer for medisinske formål; hudkremer for behandling av fotsopp; vaginale fuktighetskremer; antibakterielle håndkremer; medisinske kroppskremer; medisinske leppekremer; medisinske hudkremer for solbrenthet; medisinsk hudlotion; lotion for farmasøytisk bruk; medisinsk lotion; medisinsk aftershave lotion; servietter, impregnert med farmasøytisk lotion; medisinsk hårlotion; medisinske hårvekstmidler; medisinske hårpleiemidler; hårvekstfremmende midler for medisinske formål; medisinske rensemidler for hud og sår; krem for hard hud og liktorner; urtesalver mot sår hud for kjæledyr; farmasøytiske preparater for hydratisering av hud under graviditet; medisinske hudkremer og kremer for kropp, hud, ansikt og hender; farmasøytiske preparater for å behandle og forebygge hud- og neglesykdommer; farmasøytiske preparater og substanser for behandling av skadet hud og vev; farmasøytiske preparater for å behandle tørr hud forårsaket av graviditet; farmasøytiske preparater for å forebygge skjønnhetsfeil på hud under graviditet; myggolje for påføring på huden; medisinske hudpleiemidler; alkoholbaserte, antibakterielle hudsteriliserende geleer; farmasøytiske kremer for huden; medisinske kremer for hudpleie; preparater for rensing av huden for medisinske formål; servietter og kluter impregnert med farmasøytiske hudkremer og kremer; geleer, kremer og løsninger for dermatologisk bruk; oppløsningsmidler for fjerning av plaster; renseløsninger for kontaktlinser; fuktløsninger for kontaktlinser; skylleløsninger for bruk i øynene; luktfjernere for sko; kosttilskudd for veterinæriske formål; medisinske leppesalver; medisinske leppepleiemidler; deodoranter for klær og tekstiler; luktnøytraliserende preparater for klær og tekstiler; hygienepreparater for personlig hygiene, utenom toalettartikler; medisinske påføringsgeleer for munnhygiene; hygienesteriliserende preparater; in vitro-preparater for å forutsi eggløsning; preparater for å forutsi eggløsning; oppløsningsmidler for kontaktlinser; neglepleiepreparater for medisinske formål; behandlingspreparater for neglesopp; medisinske barberingsmidler. Hårklippere, elektriske eller ikke-elektrisk; hårtrimmere, elektriske og batteridrevene; hårklippere, ikke-elektriske; hårklippemaskiner, elektriske; øyevipptang; neglefiler; negletenger; neglebåndstenger; negleklippere [elektriske eller ikke elektriske]; neglepoleringsfiler, elektriske og ikke elektriske; negleklippere; barberhøvler; barberkniver; barbersett; barberingshøvler; barberingsblader; barberhøvler, elektriske; barberblader; barberhøvler, ikke-elektriske; barberredskaper, elektrisk og ikke elektrisk; blader for elektriske barbermaskiner; sliperemmer for barberkniver; japanske barberkniver; 15

16 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 etuier for barberredskaper; manuelt betjente barberbladslipere; høvelblader. Klasse 9 Elektroniske nettransformatorer; e-handelprogramvare som lar brukere utføre elektroniske forretningstransaksjoner via et globalt datanettverk. Klasse 10 Kompresjonsplagg. Klasse 14 ID-bånd [smykker]; dekorative smykker for mobiltelefoner; hodesmykker; kroppspiercingsmykker; ravsmykker; piercingsmykker; plastsmykker; juvelervarer, smykker, edle og halvedle stener; armbånd laget av brodert tekstil [smykker]; armbånd med vedheng av eller belagt med edelt metall [smykker]; tråder av edelmetall [smykker]; cloisonné emaljerte smykker; pins [smykker]; gulltråd [smykker]; medaljonger [smykker]; halskjeder [smykker]; brosjer [smykker]; strass-smykker; perler til smykker; jakkepins [smykker]; hattenåler, smykker ; perler [smykker]; kjeder [smykker]; skrin for smykker; anheng [smykker]; armbånd [smykker]; kors [smykker]; smykker belagt med edle metaller; ringer [smykker]; amuletter [smykker]; smykker, edelstener; smykker av elfenben; smykker. Klasse 16 Treningshåndbøker; strikkemønstre. Klasse 18 Klær for kjæledyr; klær for dyr; halsbånd, lenker og klær for dyr; kosmetikkofferter; kosmetikkvesker solgt tomme; kosmetikketuier solgt tomme; sminkeskrin; små vesker [håndvesker]; reisevesker; håndvesker; hoftevesker; clutchvesker; handlevesker; små håndvesker [håndvesker]; universalvesker [håndvesker]; toalettvesker solgt tomme; strandvesker; overnattingsvesker; damevesker; herrevesker; skuldervesker; tekstilhandlevesker; resirkulerbare handlevesker; reisevesker og -bager; reisevesker [lærvarer]; håndvesker for damer; store kofferter og reisevesker; sportsvesker med snøring; bærevesker for dokumenter; strikkevesker, ikke av edelt metall; strikkevesker; barberingsetuier solgt tomme. Klasse 21 Kosmetikkoster; kosmetikkredskaper; kammer for tupering av hår; hårbørster; hårkammer; hestehår for børster; vaskebjørnhår for koster; børster av nauthår; barberkoster av grevlinghår; spatuler for kosmetisk bruk, sammen med hårfjerningspreparater; børster for bruk ved hårfarging; flasker for hårfargingsmidler; sminkefjerningsapparater; sminkesvamper; applikatorpinner for påføring av sminke; rensesvamper for påføring av sminke; leppekoster; toalettredskaper; vaskesvamper; vaskekoster; øyevippedelere; skuresvamp [for skrubbing av huden]; syntetiske svampkluter for skrubbing av kroppen; skrubbehansker; skrubbesvamper; skrubbesvamper for kjøkken; kosmetiske spatler; mikrosvamper for kosmetisk bruk; dråpetellere for kosmetiske formål; barberkoster; barberingsskåler; barberingskrukker; holdere for barberkoster. Klasse 22 Bomullsnett; universale klesvesker; nettingvesker for vasking av dameundertøy; vaskeposer for tøyvask; vaskeposer for klesvask; elastisk tau eller strikk for strikkhopping. Klasse 23 Strikkegarn; bomullsgarn; fibergarn av kokos; jutegarn; hampebasert blandet tråd og garn; blandet spunnet tråd og garn; regenerert fibertråd og -garn for tekstilbruk; belagt gummitråd og -garn for tekstilbruk; vokset tråd og garn; tvunnet tråd og garn; syntetisk tråd og garn; kjemofibertråd og -garn for tekstilbruk; plasttråd og -garn for tekstilbruk; silkebasert blandet tråd og garn; tvunnet blandet tråd og garn; håndspunnet silketråd og -garn; bomullsbaseblandet tråd og garn; tvunnet hampetråd og -garn; syntetisk fibertråd og -garn; avfettet avfallstråd og -garn; tvunnet silketråd og -garn; spunnet silketråd og -garn; kamtråd og -garn; seiltråd og -garn; angoratråd og -garn; rayontråd og -garn; lintråd og -garn; glassfibertråd og - garn [for tekstilbruk]; tvunnet ulltråd og -garn; varmebestandig tråd og garn; tråd og garn av kamelhår; tvunnet bomullstråd og garn; ramitråd og - garn; bomullstråd og -garn; villsilketråd og -garn; avfallstråd og -garn; stoppetråd og -garn; skomakertråd og -garn; hårtråd og -garn; dupionisilketråd og -garn; silketråd og -garn; ulltråd og -garn; garn og tråd for tekstile formål; garn. Klasse 24 Badehåndklær; hettehåndklær; frottéhåndklær; strandhåndklær; håndklær av tekstiler; store badehåndklær; tøy for interiørdesign; bordduker av tekstil; ansiktshåndklær av tekstil; baderomstekstiler [frottématter, håndklær og kluter]; vaskevotter; vaskekluter; strikketøy av silkegarn; strikketøy av kjemofibergarn; strikketøy av bomullsgarn; strikketøy av ullgarn; hampegarn; regenerert fibergarn. Klasse 25 Klær; klær, fottøy, hodeplagg; klær med slankende effekt; klær for barn; klær for spedbarn; klær for gravide; klær for spebarn; klær for jenter; klær for menn; klær for gutter; klær for damer; klær, skotøy, hodeplagg; topper [klær]; klessett [klær]; armvarmere [klær]; babyposer [klær]; dameundertøy [klær]; partyhatter [klær]; klær, ikke for verneklær, med refleks eller selvlysende elementer eller materialer; belter laget av stoff [klær]; artikler av klær, skotøy og hodeplagg for spedbarn og smårollinger; fritidsklær; allværsklær; tennisklær; plysjklær; vanntette ytterklær; benklær; damebenklær; silkeklær; ullklær; halstørklær; fotstropper for sko, gamasjer og benklær; hårbånd [klesplagg]; sko; hælputer for sko; uformelle klær; klær for menn, damer og barn; treningsklær; trikotklær; uteklær; sportsklær; danseklær; selvklebende brystholdere; bh-topper; stroppeløse bh-er; sports-bher; svetteabsorbererende sports-bh-er; body [undertøy]; body [klesplagg]; bodystocking; babybody; polstrede trøyer for treningsbruk; polstrede bukser for treningsbruk; polstrede shortser for treningsbruk; treningsdrakter; treningsbukser; treningssokker; treningsshortser; treningsgensere; treningsjakker; kraveløse jakker; strikketopper; strikkejakker; strikkevotter; strikkeskjørt; strikkeluer. Klasse 26 Hårnett; kunstig hår; hetter for matting av hår; flettemaskiner for hår [hårtilbehør]; hårbånd; hårsløyfer; hårnåler; hårforlengelser; hårklips; hårfletter; hårbøyler; hårspenner; hårdekorasjoner i form av kammer; menneskehår; dekorative kammer for japansk hårstyling [marugushi]; sløyfer for håret; delingsklips for håret; hetter for hårfarging; tykke hårstrikker; dekorative hårnåler for japansk hårstyling [kogai]; løshår i nakken for japansk hårstyling [tabomino]; oppsatt nakkehår for japansk hårstyling [mage]; løshår for japansk hårstyling [kamishin]; hårspenner (dekorative); hårstrikker; hårpynt; hårdekorasjoner; hårbånd for japansk hårstyling [tegara]; hårkrøller, ikke elektriske, andre enn redskaper; hårklemmer for krølling; hårnåler for å feste løshår i nakken for bruk innen japansk hårstyling [tabodome]; tøylapper til å sy på klær ; perler, andre enn til smykker; keramiske perler, andre enn for smykker; glassperler, andre enn for smykker; dekorative pyntenåler, utenom smykker; hattenåler, andre enn smykker; nåler [andre enn smykker]; brosjer, utenom smykker; knapper, hekter og maljer, strikkepinner og nåler; hestehalestrikker. Klasse 27 Badematter av tekstil; personlige treningsmatter. Klasse 28 Manuelt drevet treningsutstyr; treningsvekter; treningstrampoliner; treningsbelter for midjen; treningsbenker; treningsstenger; håndleddvekter for trening; håndledd- og ankelvekter for trening; leggvekter for bruk til trening; treningsplattformer. Klasse 35 Online detaljhandelstjenester for kosmetikk og skjønnhetsprodukter, klær og tilbehør; online detaljhandelstjenester for kosmetikk og skjønnhetsprodukter; kompilering av reklame for bruk som nettsider på Internett; formidling av reklame for andre via et online elektronisk kommunikasjonsnettverk; promotere varer og tjenester for andre via et globalt datanettverk; on-line annonsering på datanettverk; internettannonsering; annonsering via mobilnettverk; annonsering av forretningsnettsteder; forretningsadministrative tjenester for behandling av salg over Internett; utleie av reklameplass på Internett; annonseringstjenester tilveiebragt via Internett; kompilering av kataloger for publisering på Internett; annonsering på Internett for andre; fremskaffelse av plass på nettsteder for annonsering av varer og tjenester; online promotering 16

17 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 av datanettverk og nettsteder; online annonsering; online annonserings- og markedsføringstjenester; tilveiebringe online handelskataloginformasjon ; tilveiebringe online handelsinformasjonskataloger ; utleie av online reklameplass; datastyrte online bestillingstjenester; salg (detaljhandel) av fottøy; salg (detaljhandel) av smykker; salg (engroshandel) av smykker; salg (detaljhandel) av møbler; salg (detaljhandel) av klær; salg (detaljhandel) av hodeplagg; salg (engroshandel) av hodeplagg; salg (engroshandel) av møbler; salg (detaljhandel) av te; salg (detaljhandel) av leker; salg (engroshandel) av fottøy; salg (engroshandel) av garn; salg (engroshandel) av leker; salg (engroshandel) av klær; salg (detaljhandel) av garn; salg (engroshandel) av ikke-alkoholholdig drikke; salg (detaljhandel) av bager, vesker og sekker; utarbeidelse av kontrakter for kjøp og salg av varer, for andre; utarbeidelse av kontrakter for kjøp og salg av varer og tjenester, for andre; salgsfremmende tjenester; salgsfremmende markedsføring; salgsfremmende tjenester [for tredjemann]; markedsføring og salgsfremmende tjenester; reklame- og salgsfremmende tjenester; presentasjon av varer gjennom medier, for detaljsalg; promotering av varer og tjenester for andre på Internett; promotering av varer og tjenester for andre. Klasse 36 Nettbaserte økonomiske transaksjonstjenester; behandling av betalinger for kjøp av varer og tjenester via et elektronisk kommunikasjonsnettverk; behandling av betalingstransaksjoner via internett. Klasse 38 Nettbaserte forum for overføring av meldinger blant databrukere; nettbaserte samtalerom og elektroniske oppslagstavler for overføring av meldinger blant brukere; nettbaserte samtalerom for overføring av meldinger, kommentarer og multimediainnhold blant brukere; nettbaserte forum for overføring av meldinger, kommentarer og multimediainnhold blant brukere; tilgang til nettbasert multimediainnhold; tilgang til nettbaserte databaser; elektronisk utveksling av meldinger i form av samtalerom, samtalelinjer og internettforum; elektronisk overføring av bilder, fotografier, grafiske bilder og illustrasjoner over et globalt datanettverk; tilgang til databaser og informasjon via globale datanettverk; overføring av digitale lyd- og videokringkastinger over et globalt datanettverk; tilgang til en internettportal med bestillingsprogrammer; tilgang til bestilling av dataprogrammer i datanettverk; tilgang til internettplattformer med det formål å utveksle digitalbilder; tilgang til internettforum; tilgang til en elektronisk markedsplass [portal] på datanettverk; overføring av videoer, filmer, bilder, tekst, foto, spill, brukergenerert innhold, lydinnhold, og informasjon via internett; brukertilgang til portaler på internett; tilgang til databaser på internett; streaming av lyd- og videomateriale på internett; tilgang til en diskusjonsside på internett; tilgang til plattformer og portaler på internett; tilgang til informasjon via internett; tilgang til internett; tilveiebringelse av praterom på internett; tilgang til plattformer på internett; tilgang til samtalerom på internett; tilgang til portaler på internett; tilgang til informasjon på internett; brukertilgang til plattformer på internett; brukertilgang til informasjon på internett; samtalerom på internett; samtaleromtjenester for sosiale nettverk; nettbaserte samtalerom for sosiale nettverk; tilveiebringelse av online forum. Klasse 40 Trykking på bestilling av firmanavn og logoer på varer for salgs- og reklameformål, for andre. Klasse 41 Nettbaserte digitale forlagstjenester; organisering og tilveiebringelse av spill og konkurranser via internett; tilrettelegging av konkurranser via internett; utførelse av konkurranser på internett; tilveiebringelse av nettbasert ikke-nedlastbare generelle tidsskrifter; trening og trim; idrettstrening. Klasse 42 Bygge og vedlikeholde nettsteder; hosting av brukertilpassede nettsider; hosting av nettportaler; oppdatering av nettsteder; vedlikehold av nettsteder; søkemotorer på internett med spesifikke søkealternativer; hosting av plattformer på internett; hosting av e-handelsplattformer på internett; opprette og designe nettsidebaserte registre med informasjon, for andre [IT-tjenester]; programmering av brukertilpassede nettsider med brukerdefinert informasjon, personlige profiler og informasjon; hosting av et nettsted for opprettelse og hosting av mikronettsteder for virksomheter; utleie av programvare for utvikling av nettsteder; design og utvikling av hjemmesider og nettsteder; design og vedlikehold av nettsteder for andre; hosting av nettbaserte fasiliteter for å gjennomføre interaktive diskusjoner; opprette og vedlikeholde brukertilpassede nettsider; programmering av programvare for utvikling av nettsteder; hosting av nettblogger [blogger]; design av hjemmesider og nettsider; programmering av nettsider; programmering av brukertilpassede nettsider; opprette og vedlikeholde nettsteder; design av nettportaler; design av nettsider; nettstedutvikling. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen ROTATION Carlings AS, Postboks 194, 1377 BILLINGSTAD, BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 25 Klær; hodeplagg. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen INVITE INTIN AS, Hafstadvegen 23, 6800 FØRDE, Klasse 7 Motoriserte dørlåser. Klasse 37 Installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av klimaanlegg; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av varmesystemer; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av ventilasjonssystemer; installasjon og vedlikehold av innbrudds- eller brannalarmer; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av sikrings- og sikkerhetsutstyr; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av regulerings-, overvåkings- og kontrollutstyr; installasjon, endring, utskifting og reparasjon av låser; installasjon eller vedlikehold av låser og fremskaffelse av relatert informasjon. Klasse 38 Overføring av data, meldinger og informasjon; sending av elektroniske meldinger via nettsteder; elektronisk overføring og nye overføringer av lyd, bilder, dokumenter, meldinger og data; tekstmeldinger [SMS]; e-post- og meldingstjenester; overføring av meldinger, data og innhold via internett og andre kommunikasjonsnettverk. Klasse 42 Utvikling av energi- og strømstyringssystemer; utvikling av dataprogramvare for bruk med 17

18 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 programmerbare styreenheter; nettskytjenester; design og utvikling av elektroniske datasikkerhetssystemer; design og utvikling av programvare for energistyring; teknisk design og planlegging av varmeinstallasjoner; konsultasjonstjenester i forbindelse med energisparing; design og utvikling av dataprogramvare for avlesing, overføring og organisering av data; applikasjonstjenester [ASP]; programmering av programvare for internettplattformer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen PRONOIA GARD VETTEREN, SOLVANGVEIEN 3, 1488 HAKADAL, KENNETH KNUDSEN, HARESTIEN 2, 1488 HAKADAL, ROBIN ARNESEN, MOSTUBBEN 1, 1482 NITTEDAL, ÅSMUND BAKKE, FUGLÅSVEIEN 49, 1488 HAKADAL, Klasse 25 Tradisjonelle japanske klesplagg; T-skjorter; Svettebånd; Solskjerm, hodeplagg; Sokker; Sko; Skjorter; Skjerf; Shortser; Sandaler; Regntøy; Ponchoer; Pengebelter [bekledningsgjenstand]; Klær for menn, damer og barn; Klær; Kimonoer; Jakker; Hodebekledning; Hettegensere; Hatter; Halstøy; Gensere; Fottøy; Bukser. Klasse 40 Bearbeidelse av kinematografiske filmer; Bearbeiding av fotofilmer; Bearbeiding av fotofilmer og kinematografiske filmer; Bearbeiding av lysbilder og bilder; Filmbearbeiding og fotobehandling; Fotobearbeiding; Fotobehandling. Klasse 41 Arrangering og ledelse av konserter; Artistopptredener; Distribusjon av film; Distribusjon av filmer; Dj-tjenester; Elektronisk utgivelse av informasjon i et bredt utvalg av emner på internett; Elektronisk utgivelse av tekster og trykksaker, utenom reklametekster, på internett; Filmproduksjon; Filmfremvisning; Filmproduksjon, andre enn reklamefilmer; Filmregissering, andre enn reklamefilmer; Fotografering; Fotografireportasjer; Fremvisning av filmer; Innspilling, produksjon og distribusjon av filmer, video- og lydinnspillinger, radioog tv-programmer; Innspillingsstudioer; Innspillingstjenester for lyd, film, video og tv; Klubbtjenester i form av underholdning; Klubbvirksomhet [underholdning eller utdannelse]; Kulturaktiviteter; Lyd- og videoinnspillingstjenester; Lydinnspillingstjenester; Lydinspillings- og produksjonstjenester; Lydtekniske tjenester; Låtskriving; Mikrofilming; Modelltjenester for kunstnere; Motevisinger som underholdning; Multimediautgivelser av trykksaker; Multimediautgivelser av blader, tidsskrifter og aviser; Musikkinnspillingstjenester i studio; Musikkvideobaserte produksjonstjenester; Oppføring av forestillinger [live]; Organisering av fester [underholdning]; Organisering av direktesendte musikkforestillinger; Organisering av dansearrangementer og diskotek; Organisering av filmvisninger; Organisering av konkurranser og prisutdelingsseremonier; Organisering av show og konserter; Organisering av underholdningsarrangementer; Organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle og utdannelsesformål; Organisering og presentasjon av direktesendte forestillinger; Organisering og presentasjon av show, konkurranser, spill, konserter og underholdningsarrangementer; Organisering og tilrettelegging av musikkarrangementer og andre kulturelle og artistiske arrangementer; Presentasjon av direktesendte forestillinger av en musikkgruppe; Presentasjon av filmer; Presentasjon av filmer, show, skuespill eller musikkforestillinger; Presentasjon av musikalske forestillinger; Presentasjon av teaterforestillinger; Produksjon av lyd-, musikk- og videoinnspillinger; Produksjon av sceneshow; Produksjon og distribusjon av lyd-, film- og videoinnspillinger; Produksjon og presentasjon av lydog videoinnspillinger, samt stillbilder og bevegelige bilder; Produksjon og utgivelse av musikk; Showoppsetninger; Skriving og utgivelse av tekster, utenom reklametekster; Skriving av manuskripter; Teater- og musikkshow på arenaer; Teateroppsetninger; Underholdning og kulturaktiviteter; Underholdningsinformasjon; Underholdningstjenester for film, musikk, idrett, video og teater; Underholdningstjenester fra utøvende kunstnere; Underholdningstjenester fra musikkgrupper; Underholdningstjenester i form av musikkgruppeforestillinger; Underholdningsvirksomhet; Undervisning av musikk; Undervisning innen musikk; Utgivelse av aviser; Utgivelse av blader i elektronisk form; Utgivelse av bøker; Utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster; Videofilming. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen OSLO DAWN PATROL HANS FLENSTED-JENSEN, HEIMDALSGATA 12 G, 0561 OSLO, Klasse 39 Organisering av turer; reiseformidlingstjenester for enkeltpersoner og grupper; organisering av reiser. Klasse 41 Organisering av sykkelløp; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; underholdning og idrettsaktiviteter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen MESOPOTAMIA KULTUR FORENING MESOPOTAMIA KULTUR FORENING, Prestaskjershagen 12, 4058 TANANGER, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Standard House, Level 3 Birkirkara Hill, STJ1149 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 41 Akademier [utdanning]; Arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; Booking av seter for kulturelle arrangementer; Klubbvirksomhet [underholdning eller utdannelse]; Korrespondanseundervisning; Organisering av kulturelle arrangement 18

19 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 [impresariotjenester]; Organisering av sportskonkurranser; Organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle og utdannelsesformål; Organisering og ledelse av konferanser; Organisering og ledelse av kongresser; Organisering og ledelse av seminarer; Publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidsskrifter on-line; Underholdningsinformasjon; Underholdningsvirksomhet; Utgivelse av bøker; Utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster; Veiledning. Klasse 43 Bartjenester; Catering; Kafeer; Kafeteriaer; Kantiner; Restauranter; Selvbetjeningsrestauranter; Snack-barer; Matservering med take-away tjenester og hjemlevering; Utleie av møterom. Klasse 45 Forvaltning av opphavsrettigheter; Juridiske tjenester; Konfliktløsningstjenester; Lisensiering av immateriell eiendomsrett; Online sosiale nettverksbyggingstjenester; Reisefølgevirksomhet; Politisk lobbyvirksomhet. og elektroniske kommunikasjonsmidler; overføring av data-, lyd-, video- og multimediafiler; overføring av informasjon via trådløse eller kabelnettverk; sending, mottak og videresending av elektroniske meldinger; tekstmeldinger [SMS]; taleoverføringstjenester; streaming av data; telefonisk kommunikasjon; telefonsvarertjenester (voice mail); telekommunikasjonog kommunikasjonstjenester; telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; rådgivnings- og informasjonstjenester innen telekommunikasjon. Klasse 39 Lagring av elektrisk energi. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen GUDBRANDSDAL ENERGI HOLDING AS, Strandgata 39, 2640 VINSTRA, ADVOKATFIRMAET STEENSTRUP STORDRANGE DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 9 Solceller; solcellepaneler for produksjon av elektrisitet. Klasse 35 Bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; analyse av kostnadspriser; analyse av forretningsdata; Samling, oppbevaring og innhenting av data og informasjon; innsamling og systematisering av informasjon til bruk i databaser, markedsstudier/undersøkelser, prissammenligningstjenester; handel, salg og overdragelse av energi, elektrisk kraft, vannkraft, vindkraft, gasskraft; tjenester i forbindelse med handel og salg av energi, pris og kostnadsanalyser. Klasse 37 Ladetjenester for elbiler; lading av kjøretøybatterier; installasjon av miljøvernsystemer; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av solcellepaneler for generering av strøm, solfangere og fotoelektriske moduler. Klasse 38 Betjening av telekommunikasjonsutstyr; dataoverføring; dataoverførings- og telekommunikasjonstjenester; elektronisk kommunikasjon i form av samtalerom, samtalelinjer og internettforum; elektronisk overføring av bilder, fotografier, grafiske bilder og illustrasjoner over et globalt datanettverk; elektronisk overføring av direktemeldinger og -data; elektronisk overføring av meldinger; informasjon om telekommunikasjon; kommunikasjon med mobiltelefoner; mobilkommunikasjonstjenester; datakommunikasjonstjenester for overføring av informasjon; overføring av data og informasjon via data OpenSolution Nordic AB, Lindholmspiren 3 A, GØTEBORG, Sverige BULL & CO ADVOKATFIRMA AS, Postboks 2583 Solli, 0203 OSLO, Klasse 9 Dataprogramvare Klasse 36 Elektroniske betalingstjenester; finansielle betalingstjenester; korttjenester. Klasse 38 Datakommunikasjon via elektroniske hjelpemidler; dataoverføring; datakommunikasjon og tilgang til internett; digital dataoverføring via internett; digitale kommunikasjonstjenester; digitale overføringstjenester; direktekoblede informasjonstjenester med fokus på telekommunikasjon; elektronisk kommunikasjon for finansielle institusjoner; elektronisk kommunikasjon for fremskaffelse av finansiell informasjon; elektronisk overføring og videresending av lyd, bilder, dokument, beskjeder og data; elektroniske kommunikasjonstjenester for banker; elektroniske kommunikasjonstjenester for kredittkortgodkjennelse; elektroniske kommunikasjonstjenester; kommunikasjonstjenester; kommunikasjon via multinasjonale telekommunikasjonsnett; mobile telekommunikasjonsnettjenester; nettverksoverføring av lyd, bilder, signaler og data; overføring av bilder via interaktive multimedienett; overføring av beskjeder, data og informasjon via internett og andre kommunikasjonsnett; overføring av korte beskjeder (SMS), bilder, tale, lyd, musikk og tekstkommunikasjon mellom mobile telekommunikasjonsapparater; overføring av beskjeder og bilder; pakkeoverføring av data og bilder; sending, mottak og videresending av beskjeder; telekommunikasjonstjenester via digitale nett; telekommunikasjon for distribusjon av data; telekommunikasjon for informasjon (inkludert nettsider); sending av beskjeder; sikker overføring av data, lyd og bilder; interaktiv kommunikasjon; telekommunikasjonssystem; elektronisk overføring av informasjon. Klasse 42 Analytiske tjenester for datamaskiner; datautvinning; dataanalyser; digital vannmerking; hostingtjenester, skytjenester (SaaS) og utleie av software; software utvikling;- programmering, og implementering; tekniske tjenester for datamaskiner, utvikling av datasystem; utvikling av system for dataoverføring; utvikling av dataprogram for elektroniske kassasystem. 19

20 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Smeig SMEIG DA, Maridalsveien 56B, 0458 OSLO, Klasse 25 Klær. Klasse 28 Sportsutstyr. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , EM, (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen St1 Sverige AB, Box 1029, SUNDBYBERG, Sverige PROTECTOR IP AS, Pilestredet 33, 0166 OSLO, Klasse 37 Bilvask; utleie av bilvaskapparater; bilrengjøring og bilvask; stille bilvaskinnretninger til disposisjon for selvbetjening; tilveiebringelse av informasjon vedrørende utleie bilvaskapparater. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen MORTEN SVENDAL HATLEN, PB 197 SENTRUM, 5804 BERGEN, Klasse 41 Undervisning. Klasse 42 Medisinsk forskning. Klasse 44 Legetjenester; psykoterapi; medisinske tjenester; psykiatriske tjenester. Wells Fargo & Company, 90 South 7th Street, MN55402 MINNEAPOLIS, USA ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 9 Dataprogramvareapplikasjoner for mobile enheter, nemlig nedlastbar programvare for bruk i håndtering av elektroniske personlige finansielle kontoer, kredittkortkontoer, elektronisk overføring av midler og finansielle transaksjoner, nemlig betalinger. Klasse 36 Online banktjenester tilgjengelig ved hjelp av nedlastbar mobilapplikasjon 20

21 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , US, 88/219,104 (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Disney Enterprises, Inc., 500 South Buena Vista Street, CA91521 BURBANK, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 9 Apparater for opptak, overføring, behandling og reproduksjon av lyd, bilder eller data; digitale medier, nemlig forhåndsinnspilte nedlastbare lyd- og videoopptak, CD er, DVD er, HD-digitale plater, MP3- filer og MP4-filer; lyd-plater/-disketter; lydbøker; lydopptak; lyd- og videoopptak; høyttalere; kikkerter; kalkulatorer; videokameraer, kameraer; mobiltelefontilbehør; mobiltelefonetuier; mobiltelefondeksler; skjermbeskyttere for mobiltelefoner; mobiltelefonbatteriladere; databrikker som inneholder musikalske opptak; CD-spillere; CD-opptakere; CD; dataspillprogrammer; datamaskiner; maskinvare; tastatur til datamaskiner; dataskjermer; mus til datamaskin; diskstasjoner til datamaskiner; software; dekorative magneter; digitale kameraer; digital videoog lydspillere; DVD er; DVD-spillere; DVD-opptakere; digitale videoplater; nedlastbare software-applikasjoner for mobile enheter; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner; elektroniske personlige planleggingskalendre; brilleetuier; briller; flytevester; linjaler for kontor og til bruk med skrivesaker; hodetelefoner; karaokemaskiner; mikrofoner; MP3- spillere; musematter; spillefilmer; musikalske innspillinger; personlige digitale dagbøker; skrivere; beskyttende hjelmer for sport; sykkelhjelmer; radio; snorkel; svømmebriller; svømmemasker; solbriller; telefoner; TV-apparater; videokameraer; nedlastbart videospill-software; innspilt videospill-software; videoopptak; walkietalkies; håndledds- og armstøtter for bruk med datamaskiner; beskyttende deksler og etuier til nettbrett. Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc., 640 Lee Road, Suite 200, PA19087 WAYNE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater for behandling av dermatologiske sykdommer og lidelser. Klasse 42 Forskning og utvikling av farmasøytiske preparater, produkter og teknologi innen områdene for dermatologi; tilveiebringe medisinsk og vitenskapelig forskningsinformasjon innen områdene for dermatologi, legemidler og kliniske studier; legemiddeloppdagelsesog utviklingstjenester. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen AURA BIOPHARM AS, c/o Hunemo AS, Øvre Ullern terrasse 3 C, 0380 OSLO, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Standard House, Level 3 Birkirkara Hill, STJ1149 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 5 Antiparasittmidler; Bakteriologiske preparater for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk; Beroligende medikamenter; Biologisk vevskultur for medisinske formål; Biologiske preparater for medisinsk bruk; Blod for medisinsk bruk; Blodplasma; Blodrensemidler; Blodstillende preparater; Desinfeksjonsmidler; Desinfiserende såper; Dietetiske næringsmidler for medisinsk bruk; Dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk; Enzymer for medisinsk bruk; Enzympreparater for medisinsk bruk; Ernæringssubstanser for mikroorganismer; Farmasøytiske preparater; Feberstillende midler; Kirurgisk lim; Kirurgiske bandasjer; Kirurgiske og medisinske forbindinger; Medisinske og kirurgiske plastre; Kirurgiske implantater [Levende vev]; Kjemiske preparater for medisinsk bruk; 21

22 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 Kosttilskudd; Legemidler for human-medisin; Medikamenter for humanmedisin; Medisinmikstur; Medisinske preparater for slanking; Oksygen for medisinsk formål; Parasittdrepende midler; Vaksiner; Vitaminpreparater. Klasse 10 Analyseapparater for medisinsk bruk; Diagnoseapparater for medisinske formål; Dialyseapparater; Kirurgiske apparater og instrumenter; Kunstige lemmer; Medisinske apparater og instrumenter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Lillemur PH APPAREL & QUALITY AS, c/o Pernilla Ho Njåls vei 10B, 0576 OSLO, Klasse 24 Tekstiler og erstatninger for tekstiler. Klasse 25 Klær. Klasse 26 Hårdekorasjoner. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen KASTEL AS, Josefines Gate 41, 0351 OSLO, RAMBERG ADVOKATER KB, Box 3137, STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 18 Skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer; parasoller; spaserstokker; pisker; seletøy; salmakervarer; bager for sport; sportsposer til universell bruk; campingsekker; dokumentmapper; nøkkelvesker av lær; garderobeposer for klær [for reiseformål]; reisevesker; håndvesker; seddelbøker; reisekister; sekker for emballasje [av lær]; reisekofferter; ryggsekker; skolesekker; strandvesker; lærremmer. Klasse 25 Klær; fottøy; hodebekledning [hattemakerarbeide]; badebukser; badetøfler; belter [bekledning]; mansjetter; kåper; genser; hansker [bekledning]; innleggssåler; jakker; jerseyklær; vanntette kapper; sandaler; skjorter; sko; støvler for sport; sports boots; strandsko; støvler; trikotasje [klær]; bukser; t-skjorter; hode- og halstørklær av silke; undertøy; yttertøy; skyggeluer. HELLE BITTER, PEDER CLAUSSØNS GATE 9, 4630 KRISTIANSAND, Klasse 16 Trykt opplæringsmateriell. Klasse 28 Puslespill. Klasse 44 Medisinsk informasjon. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Scan Wear ApS, Solbakken 5, 6500 VOJENS, Danmark NEMADVOKAT ADVOKATANPARTSSELSKAB, Stationsparken 26, 2.sal, 2600 GLOSTRUP, Danmark Klasse 25 Klær; barnetøy; fottøy; hodebekledning. 22

23 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 Klasse 35 Detaljhandelstjenester for klær og klær tilbehør. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen LUCID BEDRE NÆTTER Aps, Klosterport 4 X, 4, 8000 AARHUS C, Danmark Otello Law firm, Dalgasgade 25, 8., 7400 HERNING, Danmark Klasse 20 Senger [møbler]; sengeutstyr; madrasser; puter; sovesofaer. Klasse 24 Sengetrekk; sengetepper; sengetøy. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen METRA NÆRINGSMEGLING AS, Postboks 280, 1502 MOSS, NORSK PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Klasse 36 Finansiell virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; eiendomsmeglingstjenester;eiendomsmeglingstjenester i forbindelse med kjøp og salg og utleie av bygninger. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen SKJERVHEIMGRUPPEN AS, Frakkagjerdvegen 191, 5563 FØRRESFJORDEN, Klasse 9 Vekter; vekter med kroppsmasseanalyser; vekter for bruk med vektskåler; elektriske vekter; elektroniske vekter; elektroniske vekter for personlig bruk; babyvekter; høydemålere; lengdemålere; livredningsutstyr; vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; alarminstrumenter. Klasse 10 Medisinske instrumenter; medisinsk utstyr; utstyr for klinisk diagnostikk; gynekologisk utstyr; urologisk utstyr; brystpumper; medisinske høreinstrumenter; otoskoper; oftalmoskop; synsprøveutstyr; ultralydsdiagnostikkapparater for medisinske formål; stetoskoper; blodtrykksmålere; apparater og hjelpemidler for barnepleie; gynekologiske instrumenter; termometre til medisinsk bruk; stoler for medisinsk eller dental bruk; pasientbehandlingsbord; kunstige peniser [sexstimulerende hjelpemidler for voksne]; medisinske eksaminasjonslamper; medisinske instrumenter for registrering av hjerteaktivitet; medisinske apparater og instrumenter; spesialmøbler for medisinsk bruk; spirometere [medisinske apparater]; kunstige lemmer. Klasse 11 Sterilisatorer for medisinske instrumenter; kjøleskap, kjøleapparater og frysere for lagring av medisin. MARIUS LIE, ALLÉGATEN 8, 5007 BERGEN, Klasse 9 Nedlastbare ringetoner og grafikk for mobiltelefoner; ringetoner, grafikk og musikk som er nedlastbar via et globalt datanettverk og trådløse enheter; elektroniske publikasjoner. [nedlastbare]; lydopptak med musikk; grammofonplater med musikk; musikkinnspillinger; audiovisuelle opptak av musikk og musikkbasert underholdning; nedlastbar musikk og nedlastbare audiovisuelle opptak av musikk og musikkbasert underholdning Klasse 41 Innspillingstjenester for lyd, film, video og tv; fremskaffelse av informasjon innen musikk; underholdning og kulturaktiviteter; produksjon av musikk; produksjon og utgivelse av musikk; redigeringstjenester etter produksjon av musikk, videoer og filmer; fremskaffelse av informasjon i forbindelse med underholdning, musikk, direktesendte forestillinger og underholdningsarrangementer; organisering og tilrettelegging av musikkarrangementer og andre kulturelle og artistiske arrangementer. Klasse 43 Bar- og restauranttjenester; restaurant,- bar- og 23

24 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 cocktailsalongtjenester; servering av alkoholholdige drikkevarer; servering av mat og drikke i restauranter og barer; servering av mat og drikke for gjester i restauranter. smaksstoffer for mat, unntatt eteriske oljer; preparater for stivning av pisket krem; toppingsirup; mel. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , DK, (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen BIG BREAK Royal Biscuit Co. A/S, Islandsvej 10, 5700 SVENDBORG, Danmark ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 30 Mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød; kaker; kjeks; småkaker; vafler; kjeks og bakervarer; bakverk og konfektyrer; snackprodukter laget av korn og/eller mel; kornbaserte måltidserstatningsbarer; sjokoladebaserte måltidserstatningsbarer; snackvarer laget av müsli; snackbarer som godteri. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen BE-KIND, give it a try Kind LLC, 1372 Broadway, NY10018 NEW YORK, USA ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 29 Sunn snacks, nemlig snackbarer basert på nøtter, frø og kjerner; bearbeidede frukt- og nøttebaserte matbarer, nøttebaserte snackmatbarer, fruktbaserte snackmatbarer; melkebasert snackmat; yoghurt; ost; plantebasert snackmat; snackmat basert på poteter og søtpoteter; fruktbasert snackmat; snackmat basert på nøtter, frø og kjerner, nøttebasert smørepålegg; bearbeidet frukt (inkludert nøtter); nøtter; tørket frukt; fruktdesserter; dehydrert frukt; uttørket frukt; nøttebasert snackmat; meieriprodukter; melkebaserte drikkevarer; yoghurt-desserter; yoghurt-drikkevarer; geléer; syltetøy; kompotter; frukt- og grønnsakssmørepålegg; snackdipper; korn- og nøttebarsnackmat hovedsakelig bestående av melkeprodukter; snackmat hovedsakelig inneholdende potet og søtpotet. Klasse 30 Granola; granolasnacks; granolabaserte snackbarer, granolablandinger; kornprodukter og frokostblandinger; snackmat basert på frokostblandinger; kornbarer og energibarer, høyproteinkornbarer, delikate snacks; kaffe; risbasert snackmat, kornbasert snackmat, hvetebasert snackmat; spiselig is, fryst yoghurt, iskrem, sherbeter (is), sorbeter (is); tyggegummi; snackmat hovedsakelig inneholdende grønnsaker; butterdeig; kaker; bakverk; müsli, smaksstoffer for drikkevarer, unntatt eteriske oljer; sauser; pulver til iskrem; (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , US, (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen QLDB Amazon Technologies, Inc., 410 Terry Avenue North, WA98109 SEATTLE, USA ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 9 Nedlastbar dataprogramvare, herunder dataprogramvare for skaping, administrering og kontroll av en hovedbokbasert database for å fremskaffe datastringer til kunder; nedlastbare dataprogramvareutviklingsverktøy; nedlastbar dataprogramvare for bruk i implementering av blockchain teknologi; nedlastbar dataprogramvare for bruk til sporing, oppfanging, fremskaffe, visualisering, verfifisering og administrering av data i databaser. Klasse 42 Konsultasjonstjenester innenfor skybehandling og beregning; forskning og utvikling innenfor blockchain teknologier; forskning og utvikling innenfor dataprogramvare; forskning og utvikling innenfor informasjonsteknologi; datasystemanalyser; datasystemer, dataprogramvare og datamaskinvare konsultasjonstjenester; datateknologikonsultasjon; IT konsultasjonstjenester; dataprogramvarekonsultasjon; teknologisk konsultasjon innenfor blockchain og databaseteknologier; fremskaffe midlertidig bruk av ikke nedlastbar skybasert dataprogramvare for bruk til å skape, administrere og kontrollere hovedbokbaserte databaser til fremskaffing av datastrenger til kunder; plattform som en tjeneste (PaaS) tjenester inneholdende dataprogramareplattformer for bruk til å skape, administrere og kontrollere hovedbokbaserte databaser til fremskaffing av datastrenger til kunder; dataprogramvare som en tjeneste (SaaS) tjenester inneholdende dataprogramvareplattformer for implementering av blockchain teknologi; dataprogramvare som en tjeneste (SaaS) tjenester inneholdende dataprogramvare for sporing, oppfanging, fremskaffing, visualisering, verifisering, korrigering og administrering av data i databaser. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen NIPPON SPORT Group Nordica ApS, Scandiagade 25, 2450 KØBENHAVN SV, Danmark Walther Rebernik, c/o NORDIA Advokatfirma, Østergade 16, 1100 KØBENHAVN K, Danmark Klasse 28 Kampsportstreningsutstyr; slagputer for karate; 24

25 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 sparkeputer for karate; leggskinn for karate; karatehansker; bokseballer; boksesekker; boksehansker; kroppsbeskyttelse for sport; beskyttelsespolstring [deler av sportsbekledning]; sportsutstyr; sportsartikler. Klasse 35 Online detaljhandel og engros av kampsportstreningsutstyr. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Arkitre ARKITRE AS, Industrivegen 2B, 7652 VERDAL, Klasse 19 Treverk; spileplate; spileelement. Klasse 37 Konstruksjon og vedlikehold av leiligheter, studioer, bungalower, villaer og hytter. Group Nordica ApS, Scandiagade 25, 2450 KØBENHAVN SV, Danmark Walther Rebernik, c/o NORDIA Advokatfirma, Østergade 16, 1100 KØBENHAVN K, Danmark Klasse 28 Kampsportstreningsutstyr; slagputer for karate; sparkeputer for karate; leggskinn for karate; karatehansker; bokseballer; boksesekker; boksehansker; kroppsbeskyttelse for sport; beskyttelsespolstring [deler av sportsbekledning]; sportsutstyr; sportsartikler. Klasse 35 Online detaljhandel og engros av kampsportstreningsutstyr. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Feel It FEEL IT, v/ Håkon Vestnes, Steingardsvegen 12, 6084 LARSNES, Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen OTELLO OTELLO CORPORATION ASA, Postboks 4214 Nydalen, 0401 OSLO, ADVOKATFIRMAET RÆDER AS, Postboks 2944 Solli, 0230 OSLO, Klasse 9 Datamaskin og mobil operativsystemer; Dataprogramvare for globale datanettverk og digitale enheter; Nedlastbar dataprogramvare; programvareutviklingsverktøy; nedlastbar programvare i form av mobil applikasjoner, alle de forannevnte varene unntatt spillprogramvare. Klasse 35 Reklame, markedsføring og salgsfremmende tjenester; Internett og mobil handelstjenester; forretningstjenester;markedsføring og annonseringsforskning og analyse; abonnementsbaserte applikasjonstjenester. Klasse 36 Finansielle tjenester; investeringstjenester. Klasse 38 Kringkasting tjenester; kommunikasjonstjenester og overføringstjenester; over-the-top (ott) tjenester telekommunikasjon tilgangstjenester. Klasse 42 Dataprogramering; Konsulenttjenester og design av datasystemer; design og utvikling av dataprogrammer; tjenesteleverandørstjenester og midlertidig bruk av online ikke-nedlastbar programvare; utforming, oppretting, hosting og vedlikehold av nettsteder og mobile applikasjoner; skybaserte nettverksløsninger; plattform som en tjeneste (PAAS) tjenester; programvare som en tjeneste (SAAS) tjenester; abonnementsbaserte mobil, online og digitale tjenester. 25

26 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Sintef AS ved dets institutt SINTEF Byggforsk, Postboks 124 Blindern, 0314 OSLO, OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjon og installasjonsvirksomhet innenfor områdene ventilasjon, varmeanlegg, sanitær og avløp, i bygninger, boliger, skoler og næringsbygg; byggeledelse; bygningsinformasjon; byggevirksomhet og reparasjonsvirksomhet i forbindelse med klassifikasjonsvirksomhet innen bygging; rådgivning vedrørende bygging. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; akademier (utdanning), arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer, eksaminasjonsvirksomhet, korrespondansekurs, korrespondanseundervisning, organisering og ledelse av konferanser, seminarer og symposium; praktisk opplæring (ved demonstrasjon); publisering av elektroniske bøker, tidsskrifter, opplæringsmanualer og rettledningsmanualer on-line; undervisning, utgivelse av bøker, utgivelse av tekster (andre enn reklametekster), yrkesveiledning. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industrielle analyser og forskning; faglig konsulenttjenester (ikke om forretning) innenfor områdene anlegg og infrastruktur, arkitektur og konstruksjoner, byggematerialer, energi og miljø, tekniske installasjoner, vann, samt mobilitet og samfunnsøkonomi; faglig konsulenttjenester (ikke om forretning) i forbindelse med prosjektering, utførelse og forvaltning av bygninger; forskning i forbindelse med miljøvern, ingeniørvirksomhet (teknisk ekspertise), konsulentbistand i forbindelse med energisparing; kvalitetskontroll, materialtesting, plantegning i forbindelse med bygging, prosjektstudier (tekniske); kvalitetskontroll, kvalitetssikring, forskning og utvikling (for andre) som ledd i klassifikasjonsvirksomhet innen bygging. OBOS BBL, Postboks 6666 St Olavs Plass, 0129 OSLO, Klasse 35 Annonsering vedrørende forretnings- eller boligeiendom ; annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; markedsføring av produkter. Klasse 36 Boligformidling [leiligheter]; finansieringstjenester for byggeprosjekter; eiendomsrådgivning; finansiering av boliglån; forsikringsvirksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; rådgivningstjenester i forbindelse med privatøkonomi; finansiering av eiendomsprosjekter; finansiell virksomhet; eiendomsinvesteringstjenester; finansiell verdivurdering av eiendom; eiendomstjenester i forbindelse med salg, kjøp og leasing av fast eiendom; finansielle planleggingstjenester relatert til byggeprosjekter; monetær virksomhet; finansieringstjenester for fast eiendom; finansbanktjenester for fast eiendom; kapitalinvestering i fast eiendom; investering i fast eiendom og forvaltningstjenester; anskaffelse av fast eiendom for andre; finansiering ved eiendomsutviklingsprosjekter; eiendomsmegling, forvaltning og taksering; bank- og finansieringstjenester; finansieringstjenester; tilrettelegging av boliglån; tilrettelegging av boliglån og lån; utleie av leiligheter. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Sintef AS ved dets institutt SINTEF Byggforsk, Postboks 124 Blindern, 0314 OSLO, OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjon- og installasjonsvirksomhet innenfor områdene ventilasjon, varmeanlegg, sanitær og avløp, i bygninger, boliger, skoler og næringsbygg; byggeledelse; bygningsinformasjon; byggevirksomhet og reparasjonsvirksomhet i forbindelse med klassifikasjonsvirksomhet innen bygging; rådgivning vedrørende bygging. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; 26

27 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 akademier (utdanning), arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer, eksaminasjonsvirksomhet, korrespondansekurs, korrespondanseundervisning, organisering og ledelse av konferanser, seminarer og symposium; praktisk opplæring (ved demonstrasjon); publisering av elektroniske bøker, tidsskrifter, opplæringsmanualer og rettledningsmanualer on-line; undervisning, utgivelse av bøker, utgivelse av tekster (andre enn reklametekster), yrkesveiledning. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industrielle analyser og forskning; faglig konsulenttjenester (ikke om forretning) innenfor områdene anlegg og infrastruktur, arkitektur og konstruksjoner, byggematerialer, energi og miljø, tekniske installasjoner, vann, samt mobilitet og samfunnsøkonomi; faglig konsulenttjenester (ikke om forretning) i forbindelse med prosjektering, utførelse og forvaltning av bygninger; forskning i forbindelse med miljøvern, ingeniørvirksomhet (teknisk ekspertise), konsulentbistand i forbindelse med energisparing; kvalitetskontroll, materialtesting, plantegning i forbindelse med bygging, prosjektstudier (tekniske); kvalitetskontroll, kvalitetssikring, forskning og utvikling (for andre) som ledd i klassifikasjonsvirksomhet innen bygging. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Helland Eiendom AS, Strandgata 25, 6250 STORDAL, NORSK PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Klasse 20 Møbler. Klasse 35 Markedsføring og salg av møbler. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , SE, 2018/04957 (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen ELON ELON Group AB, Box 22094, ÖREBRO, Sverige ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, Klasse 6 Metallbeholdere til forvaring eller transport; kasseskap; dører, gjerder, vinduer og vindusbeskyttere av metall; anordninger for åpning av dører, gjerder, vinduer og vindusbeskyttere av metall (ikkeelektriske); låser, låssylindere, nøkler og låsdeler av metall (ikkeelektriske); låsebolter av metall; sikkerhetsdører av metall; sikkerhetsbokser og esker av metall; Klasse 7 Klasse 8 sikkerhetskoblinger av metall; hengelåser; skruer av metall; sikkerhetslenker av metall; gitterrister av metall; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til alle forannevnte varer. Maskiner og maskinverktøy for husholdnings- og hagebruk, maskinverktøy, el-drevne verktøy; motorer, ikke for landkjøretøy; maskinkoblings- og transmisjonsdeler, ikke for landkjøretøy; jordbruksredskap, ikke hånddrevne håndredskap; eggeklekkemaskiner; salgsautomater; elektriske husholdnings- og kjøkkenmaskiner (som inngår i klassen); vaskemaskiner; sentrifuger (til klesvask); tørketromler; oppvaskmaskiner; støvsugere, sentralstøvsugere, robotstøvsugere, industristøvsugere samt deler og tilbehør nemlig, slanger, dyser, støvsugerposer og -filter samt slangetromler; blåsemaskiner; rengjøringsmaskiner; gulvpoleringsmaskiner; elektriske boksåpnere; brødskjæremaskiner; elektriske fruktpresser til husholdningsformål; kaffekverner (ikke hånddrevne); husholdningsmaskiner; kjøkkenmaskiner;food prosessor; el-visp; miksere; apparater for tilvirking av kullsyreholdige drikker; slipemaskiner for knivblader; strikkemaskiner; strykemaskiner; symaskiner; elektriske matterengjøringsmaskiner- og apparater; stryk- og pressemaskiner; maskinruller; elektriske blandere; elektriske kniver; saftpresser; kjøttkverner; kaffekverner; elektriske redskaper for sjamponering av tepper og andre tekstiler; barremaskiner; barrehoder [maskindeler]; chucker [maskindeler]; borrechucker [maskindeler]; drillbits [maskindeler]; børster [maskindeler]; børster, elektrisk drevne [maskindeler]; bryggerimaskiner; brødskjæremaskiner; sylindere for maskiner; sylindere for el-motorer og motorer; sykkeldynamoer; døråpnere, hydrauliske, pneumatiske og elektriske; elektriske bonemaskiner for parkettgulv; elektriske hammere; elektriske sakser; elektriske åpningsanordninger til vinduer; elektriske skrutrekkere; elektriske skopussere; elektriske spikerfjernere; elektriske sager; filterpressere; filtermaskiner; maskiner for forsegling, påfylling og rengjøring av flasker; flisemaskiner; fresemaskiner; elektriske, hydrauliske eller pneumatiske vindusåpnere og vinduslukkere; elektriske, hydrauliske eller pneumatiske døråpnere og dørlukkere; gressklippemaskiner; huggmaskiner; jordbruksmaskiner; kompressorer for kjøleskap;automatiske kondensavledere; limpistoler, elektriske; forpaknings- og forseglingsmaskiner; luftkondensatorer; maskinruller; maskiner og apparater for rengjøring (elektriske); maskiner og apparater for polering [elektriske]; klinkingmaskiner; pastamaskiner; pedaljusteringer for symaskiner; pepperkverner, ikke hånddrevne; penner for 3D-skrivere; 3D-skrivere; regulatorer [maskindeler]; rivemaskiner for grønnsaker; roterende damppresser, bærbare, for stoff; rakemaskiner; raker for rakemaskiner; snøploger; sprøytepistoler for påføring av farge; stansemaskiner; stemplingsmaskiner; dampmaskiner; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til alle forannevnte varer. Håndverktøy og håndredskap (hånddrevne); jordbruks-, hage- og hagearkitektredskaper; knivsmedvarer; hagesakser [håndverktøy]; hagespader; sprayflasker til bruk i hagearbeid [håndverktøy]; kvistsakser; hekksakser; spredere og sprayflasker for insektmiddel (håndredskap); fruktplukkere (håndredskap); gressakser (håndredskap); beskjæringskniver; gressakser; sprøyter til insektbekjempelsesmiddel (redskap); bryner til ljå; ljåer; hakker (håndverktøy); løvsager; follekniver; utryddelsesredskaper for vekstparasitter; utstyr til poding; raker (redskap); sager (redskap); beskjæringssakser; spredere til anvendelse av hagearbeid [hånddrevne]; hageredskap (hånddrevne); hagevalser (hånddrevne); hageskjærere; sprayflasker for spredning av ugressutryddelsesmiddel for hagebruk [håndverktøy]; hagekniver; river; raker; gravespader; skuffer; hånddrevne kantklippere for gressplener; økser; borrekraner; borvinder; elektriske hårflettemaskiner; elektriske manikyrsett; elektriske 27

28 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 Klasse 9 hårklippere; elektriske skjeggklippere; elektriske og ikke-elektriske hårfjerningsredskaper; elektriske negleklippere; elektriske neglefiler; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til alle forannevnte varer. Apparater og instrumenter for vitenskapelige, nautiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske formål, samt apparater og instrumenter for landmålinger, besiktigelser, veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll (overvåking), livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for innspilling, opptak, sending eller utgivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere; innspillingsbare plater; CDplater, DVD-plater og andre innspillingsbare digitale media; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kasseapparater, regnemaskiner; databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; programvare; brannslukningsapparater; 3D-briller; akustiske alarmer; alarmer; alarmsignalfløyter; alkoholmålere; antenner; apparater for lydoverføring; armaturer [strøm]; audiovisuelle mottakere; automatiske tidtakere (timere); avstandsmålingsapparater; båndopptakere; båndspillere (bærbare-) [freestyle]; batterier, elektriske; batteriladere; blitslamper [foto]; blendere [foto]; brannalarmer; branntepper; bærbare mediespillere; camcorders; CD-spillere; chips med integrerte kretser; databehandlingsapparater; datamaskiner; datamaskinvarer; dataprogram [nedlastningsbar programvare]; dataprogramplattformer, lagrede eller nedlastbare; lysbilder [foto]; lysbildeprosjektorer; digitale fotorammer og skilt; digitale værstasjoner; diktafoner; disketter; DVDspillere; ekkolodd; brannslukkere og brannslukningsapparater; elektriske adaptere; elektriske vekkerklokker; elektriske ringeklokker; elektriske låser; elektriske tyverihindrende installasjoner; elektriske tennapparater for fjernstyrt tenning; elektroniske oppslagstavler; elektroniske lyspekestokker; filmlerret; fjernkontrollapparater; fluorescerende skjermer; futteral til bærbare datamaskiner, smarttelefoner og nettbrett; futteral spesielt laget for fotoapparater og -instrument; fotografiske blitzlamper; fotografiske søkere; fotokopieringsmaskiner; forsterkere; handsfree for telefoner; høyttalere; høyttaleresker; høydemålere; høretelefoner; høretelefoner med mikrofon; infrarøde detektorer; instrumenter for vektmåling; integrerte kretskort [smartcards]; internkommunikasjonsapparater; joysticks til bruk med datamaskiner, ikke for videospill; jukebokser; kamerafilter; kameraer; kassaapparater; kassettspillere; kinematografiske apparater; koaksialkabler; kodede identifikasjonsarmbånd, magnetiske; kodede nøkkelkort; enheter tilpasset for anvendelse med datamaskiner; bærbare datamaskiner og videoskjermer; ladere for elektroniske sigaretter; lasere, ikke for medisinske formål; lydmiksere; lydopptaksapparater og lydgjengivelsesapparater; lyspenner; lysdioder [LED]; lesere [databehandlingsutstyr]; magnetiske identitetskort; magnetbånd; mikrofoner; minnekort for tv-spillkonsoller; kalkulatorer; monitorer [maskinvare]; modem; mobiltelefoner; musematter; mus [datautstyr]; notebooks (bærbare batteridrevne datamaskiner); objektiver [linser]; prosjekterer og prosjektorlerret; radioapparater og radiosendere; registrerte dataprogrammer; røykdetektorer; satelittnavigasjonsapparater [GPS]; selfiestenger [håndholdte stativ]; scannere [databehandlingsutstyr]; sirener; skrivere for datamaskiner; trådløse telefoner; smartbriller, -klokker, -ringer, -armbånd og -telefoner; tyverialarm; anti-forstyrrelsesenhet [strøm]; subwoofer [basshøytalere]; tastatur for datamaskiner; telefaxapparater; telefoner; teleskop; tidsskrifter (elektroniske), ned lastbare; kikkehull [forstørrelseslinser] for dører; trykknapper for ringeklokker; USB-minnepinner; utløsere for lukkere [foto]; walkie-talkies; videobåndspillere og videokassetter; videoskjermer; videotelefoner (bildetelefoner); videoovervåkingsapparater for spebarn; vesker for bærbare datamaskiner; overvåkningsprogram [dataprogram]; overvåkingsapparater for spebarn; underholdningsapparater ment til bruk med et TVapparat; lekeapparater til bruk med TV eller datamaskiner; TV-apparater; platespillere; fotografiske apparater; elektriske kontakter og kabler; amperemålere; tilslutninger for elektriske ledninger; armaturer (strøm); avledere (overspenns-); begrensere (strøm); belysningsregulatorer; celleomkoblere (elektrisitet); dimmere [regulatorer] (belysnings-), elektriske; effekttapindikatorer (elektriske); elektrifiserte skinner for montering av spotlights; elektriske akkumulatorer; elektriske tilkoblinger; elektriske apparater for omforming av strøm; elektriske indikatorer for strømbrudd; elektriske kabler; elektriske kontakter; elektriske koblinger; elektriske ledere; elektriske ledninger; elektriske ledningskabler (strøm); elektrisk motstand; elektriske måleredskaper; elektriske omformere; elektriske regulatorer for belysningsarmaturer; elektriske releer; elektriske spoler; elektriske strømbrytere; elektriske styreapparater; elektriske tennapparater for fjernstyrt tenning; elektriske utladningsrør, ikke for belysning; fiberoptiske kabler; fjernbrytere (strøm); forbindelsesbokser (strøm); fordelingsbokser (strøm); fordelingstavler (strøm); forgrensingsbokser (strøm); halvledere; hylser for elektriske kabler; holdere for elektriske spoler; induktansspoler (strøm); instrumenttavler (strøm); intensifieringstransformatorer; isolert kobbertråd; kabler (koaksial-); kabler (skarvmuffer for elektriske-); kollektorer (strøm); kommutatorer (strøm); kontrollbord (strøm); koblingsbokser (strøm); kretskoblinger (strøm); ledninger (elektriske-); lysledende tråder (optiske fibre); mateledninger (strøm); materiell for elektriske hovedledninger (tråd, kabler); bakkehylser for elektriske ledninger; bakketråder for elektriske ledninger; palklemmer; rør (elektriske utladnings-), ikke for belysning; beskyttelse (overspennings-); beskyttelse for elektriske uttak; spenningsledere (strøm); strømuttak (strøm); støybeskyttere (strøm); transformatorer (strøm); trådklemmer (strøm); uttak (strøm-); vekselstrømsomformere (strøm); overspenningsavledere; overspenningsbeskyttelse; lynavledere; SIM-kort; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse 11 Apparater for belysning, oppvarming, damping, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon; installasjoner til bad; badekar; belysningsapparater og -installasjoner; buelamper; diffusorer (lys-); glødelamper; glødetråder; elektriske lamper; fakler til belysning; gulvlamper; lampeglass; lampehus; lampekupler; lamper; lampereflektorer; lampeskjermer; lampeskjermholdere; lanterner for belysning; lysekroner; lysslynger for dekorasjon; lysrør; magnesiumtråder for belysninger; rør (utladnings-), elektriske, for belysninger; sokler for elektriske belysninger; strålekastere; sikkerhetslamper; opphengsanordninger for lamper; elektriske apparater for husholdning og kjøkken; kjøleskap; kjøl/svalskap: vin kjølere; fryseskap; kjøl/fryseskap; frysebokser; komfyrer; mikrobølgeovner; gassovner; elektriske ovner; kokeplater; grillapparater; friteringsapparater; eggekokere; fondueapparater; hetter til avtrekksvifte; kaffebryggere (elektriske); elektriske kaffeautomater; espressomaskiner; hårtørkere; hårfønere; brødristere; smørbrødgriller; vaffeljern; elektriske vannkoke re; varmeapparater og -instrumenter; solarier; desinfeksjonsapparater, varmtvannsreservoarer; elektriske tørketromler; fotvarmeapparater; ismaskiner; vannvarmere; lommelykter; luftkondisjoneringsinstallasjoner og apparater; vifter; luftrensere; luftfuktere; avfuktere; fuktmaskiner; kjølemaskiner; utegriller; yoghurtmaskiner; ventilasjonsaggregat; støvutfellere; varmepumper; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse 14 Klokker (ur), ur, vekkerklokker og andre kronometriske instrumenter; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. 28

29 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 Klasse 16 Papir, papp; trykksaker; bokbindemateriell; fotografier; papirvarer (skrive- og kontormateriell); klebemidler og lim for papirvarer og husholdningsformål; skrivemaskiner og kontorutstyr (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); trykktyper; klisjeer; oppbevaringsesker for fotografier; plastark med lommer for fotografier; fotokopieringspapir; foto- og samlealbum; apparater for montering av fotografier; fotoalbum, fotohjørner; selvklebende hjørner for fotografier; fotografiske publikasjoner; fotografiske reproduksjoner; sider til fotoalbum; umonterte og monterte fotografier; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse 17 Elektriske isolatorer av keramikk; isolerende skarvmuffer for elektriske kabler; elektriske isolatorer; elektriske isolatorer av glimmer; isolatorer for elektriske kabler, elektriske hovedledninger eller elektriske ledere; hefttape for elektriske isoleringsformål; isolerende foringsrar for elektriske kabler; isoleringsartikler til bruk på skjøter, spleisinger, avslutninger eller ende kontakter for elektriske kabler; skjøteklemmer i gummi for ikke-elektriske kabler (halvfabrikat); deksel laget av gummi for beskyttelse av elektriske komponenter; isolerende fyllmiddel (ikke elektrisk ledende); materiell for elektrisk isolering; plastfilmer for elektrisk isolering; bøyelige rør, ikke av metall; benkeplater av plastmateriale og plastlaminat; plastfilm og folier (halvfabrikat), ikke til forpakning; plast i halvfabrikat; fleksible rør, ikke av metall; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse 19 Byggemateriale (ikke av metall); stive rør (ikke av metall) for konstruksjon; kledning, ikke av metall for bygninger; gulvbeleggingsplater, ikke av metall; bjelker, ikke av metall; dørrammer, dører, dørkarmer, dørpaneler, ikke av metall; trefiner og tømmerfiner; formbart trevirke; vinduslemmer, ikke av metall; gulv, ikke av metall; foringer, ikke av metall, for konstruksjon og bygging; slaggstein; vannledninger, ikke av metall; lister, ikke av metall; listverk, ikke av metall for byggeformål; lektere av tre; marmor; paneler, ikke av metall; rør, ikke av metall, for ventilasjons- og luftkondisjoneringsinstallasjoner; skiferheller; peishyller; påler og pålevegger, ikke av metall; stein; delvis bearbeidet tre; snekkerarbeider; stammer for kjøkkeninnredninger, ikke av metall, treinnredninger til kjøkken, garderober og baderom; avløpslåser (ventiler), ikke av metall eller plast; badehus, ikke av metall; baderominnredninger (ikke av metall); vindusglass for konstruksjon; vinduslemmer, skaplemmer, ikke av metall; kjøkkeninnredninger (snekkerarbeid); benkeplater av stein; trelister og trelektere; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse 20 Møbler, speil, bilderammer; møbler, benkeplater, hyller og skap (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) av tre, kork, pil, rotting, flettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum eller av erstatning for disse materialer, eller av plast; arbeidsbenker; dør-, vindu-, møbel- og sengebeslag, ikke av metall; kjøkkenhyller; bord; bordplater; dekorative plater til innendørs vegger (ikke av tekstil); disker; møbeldører; møbelsnekkerarbeid; kjøkkeninnredninger (møbler), oppbevaringsskap; skap, esker, pidestaller, klaffer; håndtak for kjøkkeninnredninger (møbler); huggestabber og skjærefjøler (møbler); hyller (møbeldeler); persienner til innendørsbruk; kantlister av plast eller tre for møbler; baljer (ikke av metall); løse matter for oppvaskkummer; skillevegger av tre for kjøkkeninnredninger og møbler; metallmøbler; skap; skapinnredning; hyller (møbler); tallerkenhyller; oppslagstavler; opphengsanordninger for kjøkkenredskap; kjøkkenbenker og kjøkkenplater; ventilklaffer og plast for avløpsledninger; møbelbeslag (ikke av metall); blomsterstand (møbler); skrivebord og benker (møbler); benkeplater; møbelsnekkerarbeid (baderominnredninger); fotskamler; forsølvet glass (speilglass); kleskroker (ikke av metall); kurver ikke av metall); toalettbord; vannlås av plast; baderominnredninger (møbler); baderominnredninger; baderominnredninger i form av møbler, overog underskap, speil og speilskap; møbelmoduler for baderom; møbler av plastmateriale for baderom; garderober; innredning til garderober; hyller til garderober; esker til garderober; klesstenger (ikke av metall); bilde- og fotorammer; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse 21 Redskap og beholdere for husholdningsformål samt kjøkkenutstyr; kammer og vaskesvamper; børster (ikke malerpensler); artikler for rengjøringsformål; ubearbeidet eller delvis bearbeidet glass (ikke industriglass); varer av glass, porselen og keramikk, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; håndkleholdere og -ringer; toalettbørster; holdere for toalettbørster; tannbørsteholdere; såpeholdere; såpekopper og - kurver; toalettpapirholdere; skåler for baderom (oppbevaringskar); baderomglassholdere; deler, komponenter og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse 35 Fakturering; administrativ behandling av innkjøpsordre; anskaffelse av tjenester på oppdrag fra andre (innkjøp av varer og tjenester til andre firmaer); annonsering; utleie av annonseplass; distribusjon av annonse- og reklamemateriell; foretaksinformasjon; datastyrt databasehåndtering; datastyrt datahåndtering; datastyrt filhåndtering; innmating, bearbeiding, kontroll, lagring og/eller fremskaffelse av opplysninger i databaser; forbrukerinformasjon online; sammenstilling, innmating og systematisering av informasjon i databaser; sammenstilling og visning av vare- og tjeneste sortiment (for annens regning) for å muliggjøre for kunder og brukere å få informasjon om og kjøpe varer via Internettet; varedemonstrasjoner på Internett; videresalgstjenester; kundeinformasjon ved online-salg; online informasjon vedrørende shopping; annonsering online via datanettverk; annonsering via postordre; varedemonstrasjoner online; direktereklame; presentasjon av varer på kommersielle medier for salgsformål; komponering av reklametekster; markedsføringstjenester; produksjon av radioreklameinnslag, reklamefilmer og TVreklameinnslag; datastyrt registerhåndtering; organisering av utstillinger for kommersielle formål eller reklameformål; organisering av abonnement til telekommunikasjonstjenester (for andre); kommersiell informasjon og rådgivning for konsumenter ved valg av abonnement til telekommunikasjonstjenester, internettjenester, mediepakker, tv-kanaler, informasjonspakker, informasjonsmedia og elektroniske aviser; formidling av abonnement på telefonitjenester, internettjenester, mediepakker, tv-kanaler, informasjonspakker, informasjonsmedia og elektroniske aviser; abonnement (organisering av-) for telematikk-, telefoni- eller datatjenester [Internett]. Klasse 36 Betalingskorttjenester; utstedelse av kredittkort; utstedelse av rabattkort; finansiell informasjon; finansieringstjenester; datastyrte finanstjenester; elektroniske pengeoverføringer; forsikringstjenester. Klasse 37 Reparasjon/vedlikehold av kjøkkeninnredninger, vaskerinnredning, baderominnredning- og møbler; installasjonstjenester vedrørende kjøkken, vaskeri og baderom; installasjon av kjøkkeninnredning; installasjon av baderominnredning; montering av hjemmeinnredning; montering ved rørendekjøkken; montering av kjøkkendører, benkeplater, hyller og skap; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av elektrisk utstyr og elektriske installasjoner; installasjons-, vedlikeholds- og reparasjonstjenester vedrørende strøm; installasjon, vedlikehold eller reparasjon av elektriske ledninger og uttak; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av elektrisk utstyr, elektriske apparater, elektriske anordninger, elektriske ledninger, elektriske systemer samt elektriske lys; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av elektrisk ledningstrekking; rådgivningstjenester samt tilveiebringelse av informasjon vedrørende installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av elektrisk utstyr; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av alarmer, låser og safer; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av sikkerhetssystemer og videoovervåking; informasjon vedrørende installasjon av sikkerhetssystemer, baderom- og 29

30 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 kjøkkeninnredning, kjøkken og baderom, elektrisk utstyr samt elektriske ledninger og elektriske systemer. Klasse 39 Lagring og emballering av varer og gods; lagring; levering av postordrevarer og varer kjøpt online; pakkeog vareleveranser. Klasse 42 Designtjenester; design og planlegging av kjøkken og kjøkkeninnredning; design og planlegging av baderom, baderominnredning og våtrom; design av elektroniske systemer; databasekonsulenttjenester; utleie av tilgang til dataprogram; oppdatering av dataprogramvare; design av dataprogramvare; innredningsdesign (formgiving, planlegging); design av innredning. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Maress YXNEY MARITIME AS, Storgata 27, 3210 SANDEFJORD, Klasse 35 Oppdatering og vedlikeholde av data i databaser. Klasse 38 Tilgang til nettbaserte databaser; overføring av data via satellitt; digital overføring av data; overføring av data via datanettverk; tilgang til data i datanettverk; overføring av data, meldinger og informasjon; tilgang til data via internett; digital overføring av data via internett. Klasse 42 Rådgivning innen energieffektivitet; analyse av tekniske data. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen ASTRID AS, Holmensletta 1, 0770 OSLO, Klasse 3 Leppepomade; salve; leppestift. AMJ Management AS, Storgata 7 A, 8006 BODØ, Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; administrasjon av restauranter; administrasjon av restaurantkjeder; administrasjon av kundefordelsprogram; franchisevirksomhet. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; arrangering og organisering av kurs, konferanser, kongresser og seminar; tilveiebringe lokaler for kurs og konferanser; showoppsetninger; underholdningsinformasjon; nattklubber; helseklubbvirksomhet; filmfremvisning; sceneoppførelser; billettkontor [underholdningsvirksomhet]. Klasse 43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering; hoteller; hotellreservering; reservasjon av midlertidig innlosjering; formidling av midlertidig innlosjering på hotell og andre overnattingssteder; bistand ved bestilling og planlegging av midlertidig innlosjering; utleie av værelser; utleie av møterom; bartjenester; caféer; catering; restauranter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen FUTURE PRODUCTION AS, Svanedamsveien 10, 4621 KRISTIANSAND S, Klasse 6 Klasse 7 Stillaser av metall; slangetromler av metall. Kraner (løfte- og heiseapparater); løpekran; hydrauliske heiseinnretninger; hydrauliske maskiner og -apparater; vinsjer; elektriske vinsjer; mobile kraner; stasjonære kraner; koblinger andre enn for landkjøretøyer; koblinger for maskiner. Klasse 37 Installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av hydrauliske systemer for maskiner; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av høytrykkslinjer, slanger og rørledninger for hydrauliske systemer; installasjon av hydraulisk utstyr; reparasjon og vedlikehold av byggestillaser, 30

31 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 arbeids-, og byggeplattformer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , FR, (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen MYGAS L'Air Liquide, Société Anonyme pour l'etude et l'exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude, 75 Quai d'orsay, PARIS, Frankrike ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 35 Reklame, markedsføring og salgsfremmende tjenester. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Birkebeinerrennet AS, Fabrikkveien 2, 2450 RENA, Birkebeinerrittet AS, Fabrikkveien 2, 2450 RENA, ADVOKATFIRMAET HAAVIND AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, Klasse 16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer; trykksaker; aviser; magasiner [tidsskrifter]; brosjyrer; bøker; fotografier; geografiske kart; graveringer; kalendere; plakater. Klasse 21 Pokaler av ikke-edelt metall [for premiering]. Klasse 41 Sportslige- og kulturelle arrangementer; tidtagningstjenester ved sportsbegivenheter; organisering av sportskonkurranser. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , CA, (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen BLUE WHALE Corvus Energy Inc., Delf Place, BCV6V2A2 RICHMOND, Canada ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 9 Energilagringssystemer for bruk innen industri, sjøfart, olje og gass, jernbane, gruvedrift, forsvar, transport, havnedrift, gassforsyningsnett og energiforsyning, nemlig elektriske akkumulatorbatterier; Styringssystemer for energilagring, nemlig spesialdesignet og -programmert datamaskinvare og programvare, nemlig fastvare for styring av energilagringssystemer og oppsetting av grensesnitt for eksterne systemer, inkludert fastvare for fjernmonitorering av energilagringssystemers driftsforhold, og for fjerntilkopling til og oppdatering av energilagringssystemer. Klasse 35 Rådgivning med det formål å sikre overholdelse av regelverk og sertifiseringer av energilagringssystemer, energilagringsmaskinvare- og programvare. Klasse 37 Installering og idriftssetting av energilagringssystemer, energilagringsmaskinvare og -programvare; Vedlikehold og reparasjon av enegrilagringssystemer, energilagringsmaskinvare og -programvare. Klasse 40 Egendefinert produksjon av energilagringssystemer, energilagringsmaskinvare- og programvare. Klasse 42 Innhenting, evaluering og analyse av data fra energilagringssystemer, og tilveiebringe kundetilgang til prosesserte data og informasjon fra skybaserte databasesystemer via en online portal eller applikasjonsprogrammeringsgrensesnitt; innhenting, evaluering og analyse av data fra energilagringssystemer, og tilveiebringe kundetilgang til prosessert data og informasjon; Teknisk rådgivning innen energilagringssystemer; Teknisk rådgivning innen overholdelse av regelverket for maritim godkjenning; Design, programmering, og utvikling av energilagringssystemer, energilagringsmaskinvare og programvare (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Anders Folven, Vestre Rosten 81, 7075 TILLER, CURO AS, Vestre Rosten 81, 7075 TILLER, Klasse 44 Medisinsk rådgivning; medisinsk analyse for 31

32 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 diagnoser og behandling av personer;medisinske informasjonstjenester via internett; livsstilrådgivning for medisinske formål. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., 4000 Warner Blvd., CA91522 BURBANK, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 9 Spillefilm av typen komedie, drama, action, eventyr og / eller animasjon og spillefilmer for kringkasting på TV av typen komedie, drama, action, eventyr og / eller animasjon; lyd/video disketter og DVD med musikk, og innhold i sjangrene komedie, drama, action, eventyr og / eller animasjon; hodetelefoner; batterier; trådløse telefoner; CD-spillere; CD-ROM-dataspilldisketter; telefon- og / eller radiopersonsøkere; CD-spillere; radio; musematter; briller, solbriller og etuier dertil; dataprogramvare for digitale opplevelser; programvare til bruk for å lage single-bruker og multi-bruker digitale opplevelser; nedlastbare bildefiler som inneholder bilder av tegn og scener fra en narrativ, digital opplevelse; programvare som lar brukerne av mobilenheter skanne eller lenke en QR-kode som utløser en digital opplevelse; nedlastbar programvare for bruk til å spille online dataspill, nedlastbar dataspillprogramvare; dataspillprogramvare for bruk på mobiltelefoner; video- og dataspillprogrammer; videospillkassetter; datamaskin- og videospillprogramvare; CD-ROM og DVD og dataprogrammer, nemlig programvare som kobler digitalisert video og lyd media til et globalt datanettverksnettverk; nedlastbart audiovisuelt medieinnhold innen underholdning omfattende animerte spillefilmer, TV-serier, komedier og dramaer; dataprogramvare, nemlig dataprogramvare for strømming av audiovisuelt medieinnhold via Internett, dataprogramvare for strømming og lagring av audiovisuelt medieinnhold, nedlastbare lyd- og videospillere for medieinnhold med multimedia og interaktive funksjoner; dataprogrammer for tilgang til, surfing og søking av nettbaserte databaser, programvare som gjør det mulig for brukere å spille og programmere underholdningsrelatert lyd-, video-, tekstog multimedieinnhold; dataprogramvare for strømming og lagring av audiovisuelt medieinnhold; dataprogramvare for strømming av audiovisuelt medieinnhold via Internett; nedlastbar dataprogramvare for strømming av audiovisuelt medieinnhold via Internett; nedlastbar dataprogramvare for strømming og lagring av audiovisuelt medieinnhold; digitale emblem, nemlig nedlastbar grafikk eller bilder; digitale emblemer kodet med data, nemlig nedlastbar grafikk eller bilder kodet med data; programvare for generering av emblemer i form av kodede data for utskrift eller elektronisk visning; programvare for lesing av trykte eller digitale emblemer i form av kodede data; programvare for import av kodet data fra trykte eller digitale emblemer; programvare for visning av digitale emblemer i form av kodede data; nedlastbare publikasjoner i form av bøker, tegneserier, barnebøker, strategiguider, tidsskrifter, nyhetsbrev, magasin, fargebøker, aktivitetsbøker for barn og magasiner; mobiltelefontilbehør, nemlig handsfree-tilbehør, mobiltelefondeksler og deksler til mobiltelefonskjermer; kodet magnetkort, nemlig telefonkort, kredittkort, kontokort, debetkort og magnetiske nøkkelkort; og dekorative magneter. Klasse 35 Klubbmedlemskapstjenester innen underholdning; medlemskapsprogrammer; belønningsprogrammer; rabattprogrammer; tilveiebringe et nettsted for brukere inneholdende spesifisert informasjon om spesifikke forbrukerprodukter og tjenester som er validert av brukerens innlagte preferanser og sosiale nettverk; online-detaljhandel av forhåndsdefinerte lydbøker, elektroniske bøker, forbruksvarer, nemlig bøker med tematikk action, eventyr og komedie, magasiner med tematikk action, eventyr og komedie; onlinedetaljhandel av underholdningsrelaterte forbrukerprodukter; online-detaljhandel av nedlastbare spillefilmer, komedie-spillefilmer og drama-spillefilmer («live action», dvs. ikke animerte filmer); onlinedetaljhandelstjenester av nedlastbare animerte spillefilmer, komedie-spillefilmer og drama-spillefilmer; online detaljhandel av nedlastbare videoer; detaljhandelstjenester innen underholdningsområdet via internett og andre datamaskiner og elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk med underholdningsrelatert forbrukerprodukter; samling av informasjon til databaser; markedsføring, reklame og markedsføringstjenester; reklametjenester, nemlig å fremme andres varer og tjenester via datamaskin- og kommunikasjonsnettverk; drifte online markedsplasser for selgere og kjøpere av varer; online-detaljhandel av digitale medier, nemlig forhåndsinnspilte digitale videoopptak med tematikk komedie, drama, action, eventyr eller animasjon; fremme andres varer og tjenester via et globalt datanettverk, nemlig Internett; On-line reklame- og markedsføringstjenester; tilveiebringe og utleie av annonseringsplass på internett; reklame og strategiske markedsføringstjenester på tvers av alle former for media, nemlig reklame og markedsføringstjenester som involverer digitale erfaringer; designtjenester, nemlig design av reklame-, kampanjer- og markedsføringskampanjer, programmer og arrangementer som bruker digitale opplevelser for å engasjere forbrukere. 32

33 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen HAIRSTATION AS, Skolegata 20B, 2010 STRØMMEN, Klasse 3 Hårgelé; hårvaskpreparater; håroljer; hårskyllevann [sjampo-balsam]; hårbalsamer; hårblekemiddel; hårpleiemidler; hårfarge- og blekeprodukter; hårsjampoer; hårvoks; hårspray; hårbalsam; Klasse 9 hårbehandlingspreparater; hårvaskpudder. Dataprogrammer brukt for elektroniske kassaapparatsystemer; kassaapparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; apparater for behandling, overføring og lagring av databaseinformasjon; dataprogramvareprodukter. Klasse 44 Frisørtjenester; frisørsalongtjenester; frisør- og skjønnhetssalongtjenester. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen WISH WELL Jon Morten Beck, Hofvegen 204, 2266 ARNEBERG, Klasse 6 Portaler av metall; Vinduer av metall; Takhimlinger av metall; Prefabrikkerte brønnhus av metall; Prefabrikkerte småhytter av metall. Klasse 19 Portaler, ikke av metall; Vinduer, ikke av metall; Takhimlinger, ikke av metall; Prefabrikkerte brønnhus [ikke av metall]; Prefabrikkerte småhytter [ikke av metall]. Klasse 37 Boring av oljebrønner. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., 4000 Warner Blvd., CA91522 BURBANK, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 42 Datatjenester, nemlig å skape et on-line fellesskap for registrerte brukere å delta i diskusjoner, få tilbakemelding fra sine kolleger, danne virtuelle lokalsamfunn og engasjere seg i sosiale nettverkstjenester innen internasjonal videounderholdning; kundetilpasset design av digitale opplevelser; tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av on-line ikke-nedlastbar dataprogramvare for å skape interaktive digitale opplevelser; design og utvikling av dataprogramvare for å skape interaktive digitale erfaringer; design og utvikling av dataprogramvare for å skape interaktive digitale opplevelser; vertskapstjenester for et interaktivt nettsted; hosting av digitalt innhold på internett, nemlig multimedia-innhold; hosting av online digitalt innhold, inkludert virtuelt realitetsinnhold, digitale publikasjoner, digitale bilder, digitale fotografier, lydopptak, audiovisuelle opptak, videoopptak, podcaster, data, digital informasjon; hosting av et nettsted med virtuelt realitetsinnhold, multimedieinnhold, digitale publikasjoner, digitale bilder, digitale fotografier, videoer, filmer, fotografier, lydopptak, lydinnhold, audiovisuelle opptak, videoopptak, animasjon, bilder, meldinger, kommentarer, tekst, informasjon, podcasts, data, digital informasjon, online-tidsskrifter og blogger; tilveiebringe et nettsted som gir brukerne mulighet til å lage tilpassede nettsider med brukerdefinert informasjon; tilveiebringe et online-miljø som gir brukerne mulighet til å lage tilpasset innhold med brukerdefinert informasjon; nettsted- og programvareapplikasjonsdesign og -utviklingstjenester; mobilapplikasjonsdesign og -utviklingstjenester; forskning og utvikling for fysiske og digitale opplevelser; tjenester omfattende programvare som lar brukerne lage personlige og dynamiske digitale erfaringer; dataprogramvare, nemlig tilveiebringe online, ikkenedlastbar dataprogramvare for strømming av nedlastbare, on demand-produkter, audiovisuelt innhold på internett og til fjernsyn og mobile elektroniske enheter; dataprogrammering; teknisk støttetjenester og tekniske konsulenttjenester for håndtering av datasystemer, databaser og applikasjoner; grafisk design for samling av nettsider på internett; tilveiebringe teknisk informasjon knyttet til maskinvare eller programvare levert på nettet fra et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; opprette og vedlikeholde nettsider; gtilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av 33

34 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 nettbasert programvare for å muliggjøre opplasting, opptak, publisering, visning, oppretting, redigering, avspilling, strømming, forhåndsvisning, visning, tagging, deling, manipulering, distribusjon, publisering og reprodusering av elektroniske medier, multimedieinnhold, videoer, filmer, filmer, bilder, tekst, fotografier, lydinnhold og informasjon via globale datanettverk; tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av nettbasert programvare for å muliggjøre deling av multimedieinnhold blant brukere;tilveiebringe et forum, nemlig å gi et nettsted som gir datamaskinbrukere muligheten til å laste opp og dele bruker-genererte videoer, filmer og annet innhold; tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av programvare som lar brukere laste opp multimedieinnhold; design og utvikling av dataspillprogramvare og videospillprogramvare for bruk med datamaskiner, videospillprogrammer og datanettverk; dataprogrammeringstjenester for å skape forstørrede virkelighetsvideoer og spill; dataprogrammering av videospill; designe og modifisere dataprogrammer og videospill for andre; videospill-utviklingstjenester; videospillprogrammeringstjenester; utvikling og distribusjon av programvare og informasjonsmidler for å skape en kontekstbasert brukeropplevelse på tvers av nettsteder, portaler og mobilapplikasjoner; designtjenester av computergrafikk, nemlig design av multimedia-, animasjon- og interaktive digitale erfaringer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen SKY FITNESS Sky Fitness AS, Skistredet 10, 3724 SKIEN, Klasse 41 Gymnastikkundervisning; Helseklubbtrener; Helseklubbvirksomhet; organisering av sportskonkurranser innen kroppsbygging og fitness; Personlig trener [mosjon og trim]; Treningsleirtjenester; Utleie av sportsutstyr [unntatt kjøretøyer]; Drift av treningssenter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Bilia AB, Norra Långebergsgatan 3, GÖTEBORG, Sverige ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 9 Programvare og apper. Klasse 35 Konsultasjon, forhandling, mekling og ferdigstillelse av kontrakt for kjøp og salg av kjøretøy inkludert personbiler, lastebiler, busser, byggmaskiner, deres deler og tilbehør og motorbrensel. Klasse 36 Megling; leasing, finansiering og forsikringstjenester; verdsettelse av kjøretøyer. Klasse 37 Reparasjon, service og vedlikehold av kjøretøy og anleggsmaskiner Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjon, nemlig datastøttet overføring av meldinger og bilder, kommunikasjon via dataterminaler og telefoni, elektronisk post, datamaskinstøttet overføring av betalingsordrer; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser; tilgang til plattformer for e-handel på internett. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen OVERSIKT ONLINE AS, Hylkjeflaten 18, 5109 HYLKJE, Klasse 9 Programvare; programvare for datatavler; programvare for diagnostisering og feilsøking; programvare for Internettilgang; datamaskinvare og programvare; dataprogrammer og programvare; programvare for å søke og hente informasjon på et datanettverk; grafiske brukergrensesnitt programvare; desktop publishing-programvare; datamaskinvare og programvare for databasestyring. Klasse 35 Salgsfremmende tjenester; reklame- og salgsfremmende tjenester; markedsføring og salgsfremmende tjenester; bedriftskommunikasjonstjenester; bedriftsledelses- og

35 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 rådgivningstjenester; bedriftskonsultasjons- og rådgivningstjenester; prissammenligningstjenester; markedsvurderingstjenester; planlegging av avtaler [kontortjenester]; konsulenttjenester vedrørende forretningsstrategi; online annonserings- og markedsføringstjenester; online promotering av datanettverk og nettsteder; utarbeidelse av forretningsstatistikk; bedriftsrådgivningstjenester; bedriftsrådgivning vedrørende annonsering; bedriftsrådgivning vedrørende markedsføring; bedriftsstrategiutvikling; bedriftsrådgivning og - konsultasjon; datastyrte bedriftsinformasjonstjenester; rådgivning for bedriftsmarkedsføring; presentasjon av bedrifter på Internett og andre medier; markedsføring og salgsfremmende aktiviteter vedrørende forretningsadministrasjon og bedriftsledelse; reklameog markedsføringstjenester via tv, radio eller post. Klasse 36 Finansrådgivning og informasjonstjenester; nettbaserte økonomiske transaksjonstjenester. Klasse 38 Overføring av informasjon og data via nettbaserte tjenester og internett; datastyrte kommunikasjonstjenester; datakommunikasjonstjenester for overføring av informasjon; datanettverkkommunikasjonstjenester; internett- og digitale overføringstjenester for lyd, video, eller grafiske data; brukertilgang til informasjon på internett; brukertilgang til plattformer på internett; tilgang til informasjon på internett; tilgang til portaler på internett; brukertilgang til internett [tjenesteleverandører]; tilgang til plattformer på internett; brukertilgang til portaler på internett; tilgang til databaser på internett; tilgang til data via internett; overføring av data via internett; overføring av multimediainnhold via internett; lyd- og videokringkastingstjenester via internett; tilgang til informasjon via internett; tilgang til plattformer og portaler på internett; tilgang til plattformer for e-handel på internett; overføring av tv-innhold; streamingtjenester for video, lyd og tv. Klasse 42 Programvaretekniske tjenester for databehandlingsprogrammer; opprette og designe nettsidebaserte registre med informasjon, for andre [ITtjenester]; it-programmeringstjenester; softwaretjenester [saas]; teknologiske rådgivningstjenester; dataprogramvare- og maskinvaretesttjenester; rådgivningstjenester innen it; konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; nettskytjenester; dataprogrammeringstjenester for forretningsanalyse og -rapportering; design og utvikling av dataskjermsystemer; hosting av plattformer på internett; hosting av e-handelsplattformer på internett; programmering av programvare for informasjonsplattformer på internett; design og vedlikehold av hjemmesider på internett; programmering av programvare for internettplattformer; utvikling av datamaskinvare og programvare; installasjon og vedlikehold av programvare; installasjon av programvare for internettilgang; design og utleie av programvare; utleie av programvare for internettilgang; vedlikehold av programvare for internettilgang; programmering av programvare for e- handelsplattformer; design og utvikling av programvare for databasestyring; design og utvikling av datamaskinvare og programvare; oppdatering, design og utleie av programvare; programmering av programvare for utvikling av nettsteder. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen JØTUL Jøtul AS, Langøyveien, 1678 KRÅKERØY, ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 6 Piper av metall; piperør av metall; ildgitter av metall. Klasse 11 Vedovner, ildsteder og peiser samt deler og komponenter til disse varer; røkkanaler for ovner; ovnspjeld (oppvarming); apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. Klasse 35 Detaljhandel eller engroshandel via butikker, postordre og online-butikker med følgende varer: piper av metall, piperør av metall, ildgitter av metall, vedovner, ildsteder og peiser samt deler og komponenter til disse varer, røkkanaler for ovner, ovnspjeld (oppvarming), apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; Annonseog reklamevirksomhet; oppstilling, for andre, av de nevnte varer i klasse 6 og 11(unntatt transport av varene) slik at kunder på en hensiktsmessig måte kan se på og kjøpe disse varene, herunder disse tjenester fremskaffet via utsalgssteder, gjennom postordekataloger eller gjennom elektroniske medier f.eks. på internettsider eller gjennom fjernsynskanaler. Klasse 42 Industriell formgivning; ingeniørtjenester (teknisk ekspertise), interiørkonsulentvirksomhet, konsulentvirksomhet i forbindelse med energisparing; opprettelse og vedlikehold av websider for andre; tilveiebringelse av informasjon og rådgivning om karbonavtrykk; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning, design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Jøtul AS, Langøyveien, 1678 KRÅKERØY, ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 6 Piper av metall; piperør av metall; ildgitter av metall. Klasse 11 Vedovner, ildsteder og peiser samt deler og komponenter til disse varer; røkkanaler for ovner; 35

36 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 ovnspjeld (oppvarming); apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. Klasse 35 Detaljhandel eller engroshandel via butikker, postordre og online-butikker med følgende varer: piper av metall, piperør av metall, ildgitter av metall, vedovner, ildsteder og peiser samt deler og komponenter til disse varer, røkkanaler for ovner, ovnspjeld (oppvarming), apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; Annonseog reklamevirksomhet; oppstilling, for andre, av de nevnte varer i klasse 6 og 11(unntatt transport av varene) slik at kunder på en hensiktsmessig måte kan se på og kjøpe disse varene, herunder disse tjenester fremskaffet via utsalgssteder, gjennom postordekataloger eller gjennom elektroniske medier f.eks. på internettsider eller gjennom fjernsynskanaler; Klasse 42 Industriell formgivning; ingeniørtjenester (teknisk ekspertise), interiørkonsulentvirksomhet, konsulentvirksomhet i forbindelse med energisparing; opprettelse og vedlikehold av websider for andre; tilveiebringelse av informasjon og rådgivning om karbonavtrykk; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning, design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen AS UNIVA, Tromøyveien 26, 4841 ARENDAL, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Standard House, Level 3 Birkirkara Hill, STJ1149 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 7 Motorer for båter. Klasse 12 Baugporter; Båter; Båtmaster; Båtror; Båtshaker; Fendere for skip; Hydrauliske porter (skipsutstyr); Joller; Kajakker; Kanoer; Konstruksjonsdeler for båter; Lukedeksler for båter; Løsningsinnretninger for båter; Master for seilbåter; Oppblåsbare båter; Pontonger; Propellaksler for båter; Propeller for båter; Ror; Skipsskorsteiner; Skipsskrog; Vannscootere; Yachter; Årer. Klasse 35 Import- og eksportagenturer; Salg [detalj- og engros], herunder nettsalg, av slike varer som nevnt i klasse 7 og 12. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser: FELLESMERKEBESTEMMELSER FOR BRUK AV MERKETHÅNDVERKSBAKERI1. Eier av merkene og drift av ordningenbklf AS (heretter kalt merkeier) er eier av merkene (heretter kalt "Håndverksbakeri"), og har eksklusiv rett til å godkjenne all brukav merket.merkeeier har ansvar for S administrere driften av merkeordningen.2. Retten til å bruke merketbedrifter som signerer avtale (heretter kalt merkebruker) er godkjent for bruk av Håndverksbakeri, og er forpliktet til å følge de retningslinjer som følger med bruken av merket.3. VederlagDet skal ikke betales vederlag for bruk av merket.4. Vilkår for merkebrukfor å få bruke fellesmerke "Håndverksbakeri må følgende kriterier innfris:1. Merkebruker må være godkjent lærebedrift og utdanne lærlinger i baker- og konditorfaget.2. Merkebruker må ha ansatte baker- eller konditormestre, diplombakere eller ha mer enn 50 % andel ansatte med svennebrev i bedriften.3. Merkebruker må ha en andel på 50 % av hsndverksproduksjon med håndoppslag.4. Merkebrukere må bruke norske og nordiske råvarer og tilby produkt som kvalifiserer til "Nyt " merke.5. Merkebruker må betale medlemsavgift og være medlem i Baker- og konditorbransjens Landsforening for å kunne bruke merke.bedrifter som oppfyllernevnte kriterier vil ha anledning til å inngå avtale med merkeeier vedrørende brukav fellesmerkebestemmelsene.5. Godkjenning av brukgodkjent bruk av "Håndverksbakeri" kan ikke overdras til andre.for heleide kjeder må bedriften godkjennes for samtlige produksjonsenheter. Dersom det senere kommer nye enheter til, må disse godkjennes særskilt.6. Kontroll av brukmerkeeier kan når som helst kreve innsendelse av dokumentasjon for kontroll på ett eller flere produkter.merkeeier skal til enhver tid ha adgang til kontroil av merkebruk på produksjonssted, i butikk- og utsalgssted.merkebruker må være åpen for innsyn og stille sine kvalitetssystemer og relevante dokumenter til disposisjon for merkeeier i den grad det er nødvendig for å sikre at retningslinjene for bruk av merket blir fulgt.7. Forhold hvor merkene skal trekkes tilbakemerkeeier skal trekke tilbake godkjenningen til å bruke merkene med umiddelbar virkning dersom: Kravene til bruk av merkene ikke er oppfylt Merkebruker ikke etterkommer de krav tii innsyn og dokumentasjon merkeeier setter. Det foretas handlinger som kan bringe merkene, merkeordningen eller merkeeier i vanry eller på annen måte skade merkeordningens anseelsedersom Merkeeier vedtar å trekke tilbake godkjenningen til å bruke merkene, vil opplysningen om at retten til å bruke merkene er trukket tilbake, tilflyte offentligheten.dersom Merkeeier trekker tilbake godkjenning, opphører merkebrukers tillatelse til å bruke merkene på emballasje og i all øvrig 36

37 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 markedsføring fra den dato oppsigelse av godkjenningen gjelder fra.tilbaketrekking av godkjenning kan gjelde for en periode, for enkeltprodukter eller alle bedriftens produkter under merkeordningen, avhengig av hvilke forhold som er oppstått.8. VoldgiftTvister om kravene til bruk av merket er oppfylt, eller om det foreligger andre forhold som gjør at merket skal trekkes tilbake, avgjøres av en voldgiftsrett. Voldgiftsretten avgjør også tvister om hvilke sanksjoner som skal ilegges.voldgiftsretten består av tre personer, oppnevnt av partene i fellesskap innen én måned etter at de mottok anmodning om oppnevning. Blir partene ikke enige, oppnevner hver av partene ett mediem, og styret i BKLF AS oppnevner voldgiftsrettens leder. Underskrift Merkeeier BKLF AS, Middelthunsgate 27, 0368 OSLO, PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; bakepulver; sauser, krydderier, is. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann, drikkevann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse 43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Jøtul AS, Langøyveien, 1678 KRÅKERØY, ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 6 Piper av metall; piperør av metall; ildgitter av metall. Klasse 11 Vedovner, ildsteder og peiser samt deler og komponenter til disse varer; røkkanaler for ovner; ovnspjeld (oppvarming); apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. Klasse 35 Detaljhandel eller engroshandel via butikker, postordre og online-butikker med følgende varer: piper av metall, piperør av metall, ildgitter av metall, vedovner, ildsteder og peiser samt deler og komponenter til disse varer, røkkanaler for ovner, ovnspjeld (oppvarming), apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; Annonseog reklamevirksomhet; oppstilling, for andre, av de nevnte varer i klasse 6 og 11(unntatt transport av varene) slik at kunder på en hensiktsmessig måte kan se på og kjøpe disse varene, herunder disse tjenester fremskaffet via utsalgssteder, gjennom postordekataloger eller gjennom elektroniske medier f.eks. på internettsider eller gjennom fjernsynskanaler; Klasse 42 Industriell formgivning; ingeniørtjenester (teknisk ekspertise), interiørkonsulentvirksomhet, konsulentvirksomhet i forbindelse med energisparing; opprettelse og vedlikehold av websider for andre; tilveiebringelse av informasjon og rådgivning om karbonavtrykk; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning, design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen GOGGY KJELL OLAV NILSEN, Postboks 1213, 9262 TROMSØ, Klasse 9 Apparater og instrumenter for vitenskap, forskning, navigasjon, geodesi, fotografi, kinematografi, optikk, veiing, måling, signalering, detektering, testing, inspeksjon, livredning og undervisning samt audiovisuelle apparater og instrumenter; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrollering av distribusjonen eller bruken av elektrisitet; apparater og instrumenter for opptak, overføring, reproduksjon eller bearbeiding av lyd, bilder eller data; innspilte og nedlastbare media, dataprogrammer, tomme digitale eller analoge opptaks- og lagringsmedia; innspilte og nedlastbare media, dataprogrammer, tomme digitale eller analoge opptaks- og lagringsmedia; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, kalkulatorer; datamaskiner og dataperiferiutstyr; dykkerdrakter, dykkermasker, øreplugger for dykkere, neseklyper for dykkere og svømmere, dykkerhansker, pusteapparater for undervannssvømming; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse 28 Spill og leker; videospillapparater; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler; juletrepynt; biljardballer; biljardbord; biljardbord med myntinnkast; biljardbordputer; biljardbånd; biljardkuler; biljardkøer; biljardkøtupper; biljardutstyr; blijardtrekanter; elektriske actionleker; elektroniske leketøysfigurer; elektroniske mål for sport og spill; elektroniske målskiver; elektroniske og elektromekaniske spillebord med videoutgang; elektroniske spillkonsoller tilpasset for bruk med en ekstern skjerm eller monitor. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; samtalerom og forum på internett; samtalerom på internett; samtaleromtjenester for sosiale nettverk; sende alle typer meldinger til internettadresser [nettmeldinger]; sending av elektroniske meldinger via nettsteder; sending og mottak av elektroniske meldinger; sending, mottak og videresending av elektroniske meldinger; streaming av data; streaming av lyd- og videomateriale på internett; streamingtjenester for video, lyd og tv; strømming av data; talekommunikasjonstjenester over internett; overføring av brukergenerert innhold via internett; overføring av data; overføring av data og informasjon via data og elektroniske kommunikasjonsmidler; overføring av data via isdnlinjer; overføring av data via datanettverk; overføring av data via internett; overføring av data via kabel; overføring av data via satellitt; overføring av data via telefonlinjer; overføring av data, meldinger og informasjon; overføring av data-, lyd-, video- og 37

38 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 multimediafiler; overføring av data-, lyd-, video- og multimediafiler, inkludert nedlastbare filer og streamede filer over et globalt datanettverk; overføring av datastyrte data; overføring av digitale filer; overføring av digitale lyd- og videokringkastinger over et globalt datanettverk; overføring av informasjon og data via datanettverk og internett; overføring av informasjon og data via nettbaserte tjenester og internett; overføring av informasjon om et bredt utvalg av emner, inkludert på internett og over et globalt datanettverk; overføring av informasjon om kryptert kommunikasjon; overføring av informasjon via datamaskin; overføring av informasjon via datanettverk; overføring av informasjon via trådløse eller kabelnettverk; overføring av informasjon, inkludert nettsider, dataprogrammer og alle andre data; overføring av lyd eller visuelle opptak over nettverk; overføring av lyd, video og data via kabel, satellitt, datanettverk, telefonlinjer og isdn-linjer; overføring av lyd- og bilder via satellitt; overføring av lyd- og videoinnhold via isdn-linjer; overføring av lyd- og videoinnhold via datanettverk; overføring av lyd- og videoinnhold via kabel; overføring av lyd- og videoinnhold via satellitt; overføring av lyddata via internett; overføring av meldinger og bilder via datamaskin; overføring av multimediainnhold via internett; overføring av nettbaserte gratulasjonskort; overføring av radio- og tv-programmer; overføring av radio- og tv-programmer via satellitt; overføring av radioprogrammer; overføring av tv-innhold; overføring av tv-programmer; overføring av videodata via internett; overføring av videoer, filmer, bilder, tekst, foto, spill, brukergenerert innhold, lydinnhold, og informasjon via internett; overføring og distribusjon av data eller audiovisuelle bilder via et globalt datanettverk eller internett; overføring og spredning av informasjon og data via datanettverk og internett; overføring, kringkasting og mottak av lyd, video, stillbilder og bevegelige bilder, tekst og data; overføring, kringkasting og mottak av lyd, video, stillbilder og bevegelige bilder, tekst og data i sanntid. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen NeB Supply Material Hovedorganisasjonen Virke, Postboks 2900 Solli, 0230 OSLO, Klasse 35 Rådgivning og bistand for bedrifts- og forretningsledelse; ledelse av og rådgivning for forretningsprosesser; tilveiebringe forretningsinformasjonskatalogtjenester, via et globalt datanettverk; administrasjon av forsyningskjeder; tilveiebringe forretningsinformasjon via globale datanettverk; administrativ behandling av innkjøpsordre; kommersielle formidlingstjenester; datastyrte online bestillingstjenester; analyse av forretningsdata; administrativ ordreutførelse/ordregjennomføring; bedriftsledelsesrådgivning innen logistikk og leveringstjenester; rådgivningstjenester vedrørende kommersiell handel; fakturering; innsamling av informasjon til databaser; oppdatering og vedlikeholde av data i databaser; finansiell transaksjonsovervåkning; kompilering og systematisering av informasjon inn i databaser; utarbeidelse og sluttføring av handelstransaksjoner, for andre; administrativ ordrebehandling; oppdatering og vedlikehold av data i databaser; datastyrt filhåndtering; fakturahåndtering; organisasjonsprosjektledelse innen elektronisk databehandling; outsourcing-tjenester (assistanse i næringsforhold); samling av data i databaser; gjennomføre datasøk i datafiler for andre; databaseforvaltningstjenester; forretningsprosessanalyse i selskaper som bruker datastøttet programvare, særlig innen fakturering og fakturaforsendelse; utarbeidelse av regnskapsopplysninger Klasse 36 Betalingsbehandlingstjenester; automatiserte betalingstjenester; elektronisk behandling av betalinger; behandling av betalingstransaksjoner via internett; fakturabetalingstjenester via et nettsted; nettbaserte økonomiske transaksjonstjenester; finansielle tjenester utført over internett; behandling av betalinger for kjøp av varer og tjenester via et elektronisk kommunikasjonsnettverk; elektronisk pengeoverføring; finansielle informasjons- og rådgivningstjenester; finansstyring av byggeprosjekter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen STREK AS, Prestvollvegen 31, 7236 HOVIN I GAULDAL, ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 3 Krem for lærvarer; rensekrem for lær; krem for lær. Klasse 18 Vesker; bager; belter; lærreimer for vesker; reisevesker; kofferter; dokumentmapper; mapper for nettbrett og PC; lommebøker; kortholdere i lær; håndvesker; stellevesker; stellebager; portemoneer, ryggsekker; reisemapper; bagasjemerker; toalettmapper. Klasse 25 Klær; fottøy; hodeplagg; belter for klær. Klasse 35 Oppstilling og salg av varer som nevnt i klasse 3, 18 og 25 i fysiske utsalgssteder og online. Klasse 42 Design av forannevnte varer listet opp i klasse 18 og

39 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen ELMO TEKNIKK Høvding AS, Sofus Jørgensens veg 5, 6415 MOLDE, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Standard House, Level 3 Birkirkara Hill, STJ1149 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 9 Alarminstrumenter. Klasse 37 Byggeledelse; Byggevirksomhet; Bygningsinformasjon; Installasjon og reparasjon av brann- og tyverialarmer; Konsulentbistand ved byggingstjenester; Riving av bygninger. Klasse 42 Konsultasjonstjenester i forbindelse med energisparing; Kvalitetskontroll; Prosjektstudier [tekniske]. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Høvding AS, Sofus Jørgensens veg 5, 6415 MOLDE, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Standard House, Level 3 Birkirkara Hill, STJ1149 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 9 Alarminstrumenter. Klasse 37 Byggeledelse; Byggevirksomhet; Bygningsinformasjon; Installasjon og reparasjon av brann- og tyverialarmer; KonsulenTbistand ved byggingstjenester; Riving av bygninger. Klasse 42 Konsultasjonstjenester i forbindelse med energisparing; Kvalitetskontroll; Prosjektstudier [tekniske]. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen ODDMUND FJELD AS, Solsidevegen 89, 2686 LOM, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Standard House, Level 3 Birkirkara Hill, STJ1149 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 35 Bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter; bistand ved forretningsledelse; faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger; fakturering; forhandlinger og sluttføring av kommersielle transaksjoner for tredjepart; forretningsprosjektledelse for bygningsprosjekter; kommersielle formidlingstjenester; konsulentbistand i forretningssaker; relokeringstjenester for bedrifter; prokura [handel på andres vegne]; salg [detalj- og engros] av innpakningspapir, esker av papp, metall eller plast samt bobleplast og emballasje av papir, papp eller isopor; forretningsadministration innen transport; forretningsrådgivning innen transport og levering; administrative tjenester vedrørende fortolling. Klasse 37 Asfaltering; byggeledelse; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av elektrisk utstyr, rør og kabler; konstruksjon av bygninger, veier, tunneler, broer og demninger; tetting av sprekker/hull i veien; veibygging; veidekking og brolegging; veimerking; byggevirksomhet; bygningsinformasjon; bygningsisolering; konsulentbistand ved byggingstjenester; oppmerking av veier, rullebaner på flyplasser og annet underlag; riving av bygninger; utleie av bygningsmaskiner; utleie av anleggsmaskiner; vedlikehold, renovering og restaurasjon av bygninger samt rådgivning i denne forbindelse. Klasse 39 Biltransport; frakt [varetransport]; oppbevaring; sjåførtjenester; transport; transportreservering; utbringelse av varer; utleie av biler; utleie av tilhengere før kjøretøy; varelagring; innpakning av varer. 39

40 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen internasjonale, eiendoms- og idealistiske selskaper innen politikk, lovgivning og regulering [lobbyvirksomhet]; lobbyvirksomhet, utenom for kommersielle formål; fremskaffelse av informasjon vedrørende politiske spørsmål; organisering av politiske møter. Monster Energy Company, 1 Monster Way, CA92879 CORONA, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 14 Silikonhåndleddsbånd; silikonarmbånd; juvelervarer, nemlig armbånd, håndleddsbånd; dekorative pins; nøkkelringer (smykker eller kjeder); klokker og ur. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Mumie MURDROCKS MARKUS SANNES, Drangedalsveien 2107, 3750 DRANGEDAL, Markus Sannes, DRANGEDALSVEIEN 2107, 3750 DRANGEDAL, Klasse 9 Nedlastbar digital musikk. Klasse 41 Produksjon av musikk. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen FNB COSS AS, Hellerudveien 76E, 0672 OSLO, FOLKEAKSJONEN NEI TIL MER BOMPENGER OSLO, c/o Jan Eriksen Skuronnveien 2, 0681 OSLO, Klasse 35 Publisering av reklametekster; formidling av annonseog reklamemateriell; utsendelse av reklamemateriell [flyveblader, hefter, trykksaker og vareprøver]; distribusjon av reklamemateriell; annonsering i magasiner, brosjyrer og aviser; kompilering av reklame for bruk som nettsider på Internett; annonsering på Internett for andre; bannerannonsering; tekstbehandlingstjenester; innregistrering av tekstkommunikasjon og data. Klasse 41 Rådgivningstjenester i forbindelse med utdanning og opplæring; rådgivningstjenester i forbindelse med utdanning og opplæring av administrasjon og personale; skriving av tekster [andre enn for reklameformål]; utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster; redigering av trykksaker med bilder, utenom for reklameformål; redigering og utgivelse av trykksaker og tekst, utenom reklametekster; utgivelse av bøker, tidsskrifter og andre tekster, utenom reklametekster; elektronisk utgivelse av tekster og trykksaker, utenom reklametekster, på internett; utgivelse og redigering av trykksaker, bøker, aviser og tidsskrifter, utenom for reklameformål; utgivelse av trykksaker, utenom reklametekster, i elektronisk form; utgivelse av trykksaker, også i elektronisk form, utenom for reklameformål; utgivelse av informasjonsbrosjyrer; utgivelse av trykksaker; utgivelse av trykksaker i elektronisk form; utgivelse av trykksaker, utenom reklametekster; utgivelse av trykksaker i elektronisk form på internett; utførelse av konkurranser på internett; utgivelse av multimediamateriale på internett; tekstforfattervirksomhet; skriving og utgivelse av tekster, utenom reklametekster. Klasse 45 Politisk lobbyvirksomhet; promotere interessene til (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Terrock KNUT DALE, HILLESLANDVEGEN 160, 4280 SKUDENESHAVN, GREEN FUTURE AS, Sundveien 29, 0198 OSLO, Klasse 19 Naturstein; byggeelementer av betong; stein for bygging og konstruksjon; stein; steinhuggerarbeider; steiner. Klasse 37 Opparbeidelse av grunn [byggevirksomhet]; steinbruddstjenester. 40

41 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen HARDFØR AS, Haredalen 14, 4525 KONSMO, Klasse 5 Repellerende preparater mot dyr, fugler og insekter. Klasse 25 Klær. Klasse 40 Impregnering av tøy. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen HOT WHEELS Mattel, Inc., 333 Continental Boulevard, CA90245 EL SEGUNDO, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 3 Klasse 5 Klasse 6 Klasse 8 Ikke-medisinsk kosmetikk og toalettsaker; ikkemedisinske tannpussemidler; parfymer, eteriske oljer; blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning og sliping; såper; kosmetikk; hårlotion; tannpussemidler; tannpasta; eau de cologne; fuktighetskrem (body lotion); solkrem og lotion; kroppsspray; hårgele; rengjørings- og vaskemidler, våtservietter; badeskum, badeperler; kroppspudder; deodoranter til personlig bruk. Farmasøytiske, medisinske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetisk mat og stoffer for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; plaster og forbindingsstoffer; materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler; preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider; bleier; bleiebukser til engangsbruk; vitaminer; bandasjer; luktfjerningsmidler, luftfriskere (air deodorizers); babymat; bildeodoranter og luftfriskere til bilen; førstehjelpssett; bomullspinner. Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse, malmer; metallmaterialer for bygging og konstruksjon; transportable bygninger av metall; ikke-elektriske kabler og tråd av metall [uedelt]; små gjenstander av metall [isenkramvarer]; metallcontainere for lagring eller transport; sikkerhetsskap og skrin; navneskilt av metall; metallbokser; spenner av metall. Håndverktøy og redskaper, manuelt drevne; knivsmedvarer, bestikk; sidevåpen, unntatt skytevåpen; barberhøvler og barbermaskiner; negleklippere; hårklippere; lommekniver; dykkerkniver; holdere og slirer til dykkerkniver; hakker; barber etuier, pedikyrsett, vippetenger, manikyrsett; skuffer, dekketøy, nemlig kniver, gafler og skjeer, sakser; pinsetter. Klasse 11 Apparater og installasjoner for belysning, oppvarming, kjøling, dampproduksjon, koking, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; lamper; nattlys; lommelykter; luftfuktere; varmeapparater og varmevifter; fordampere, forstøvere; lampeskjermer; luftfiltreringsenheter for husholdningsbruk; tåteflaskevarmere, elektriske; sykkellys; sterilisatorer for tåteflasker. Klasse 14 Edle metaller og deres legeringer; juvelervarer, smykker, edle og halvedle stener; urmakervarer og kronometriske instrumenter; ur; klokker. Klasse 20 Møbler, speil, billedrammer; beholdere, ikke av metall, for lagring eller transport; ubearbeidet eller halvbearbeidet ben, horn, hvalben og perlemor; skjell; merskum; rav; nøkkelkjeder av plast; puter; hodeputer; vugger til spedbarn; vugger for småbarn; vippestoler for babyer; babystellematter; gåstoler for babyer; lekegrinder; barnestoler; trappestoler; sitteputer, barneseter, madrasser, stellebord; lekekasser; matter for barn til å sove eller leke på; kleshengere; barnesenger, sprinkelsenger; bokhyller; bærestoler og seter fot spedbarn; plastdekorasjoner for matvarer; kleskurver. Klasse 21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt beholdere; kokekar og bordservise, unntatt gafler, kniver og skjeer; kammer og svamper; børster, unntatt malepensler; materialer for børstebinding; artikler til rengjøringsformål; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass, unntatt bygningsglass; glassvarer, porselen og keramikk; tannbørster; matbokser; porselensfigurer; tallerkener og fat; kopper; boller; krus; søppelkurver; sugerør; badekar til babyer; potter til barn; vannflasker. Klasse 26 Kniplinger, lisser og broderier, bånd og sløyfer; knapper, hekter og maljer, strikkepinner og nåler; kunstige blomster; hårdekorasjoner; kunstig hår; dekorative pyntenåler, utenom smykker. Klasse 32 Øl; ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; mineralvann og kullsyreholdig vann; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; sirup og andre ikke-alkoholholdige preparater for tilberedning av drikker; leskedrikker; pulver for tilberedning av drikker; vann; grønnsakjuicer; sportsdrikker; sodavann. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; online underholdning; live sceneshow; opptredener av utkledde rollefigurer/maskoter; TVshow; fjernsynsunderholdning; tilveiebringelse av ikkenedlastbare online spill, online videoer, produksjon av spillefilmer; produksjon av filmer; tilveiebringelse av webisoder, nemlig ikke-nedlastbare online film- og TVprogramepisoder. 41

42 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen HISTORISK FORMIDLING STIAN ANDREASSEN, Solligrenda 85, 0491 OSLO, STIAN ANDREASSEN, SOLLIGRENDA 85, 0491 OSLO, Klasse 35 Bedriftsrådgivning og -konsultasjon; personalrådgivning; bedriftsrådgivning. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Assistly ASHRAF HALEH, ODVAR SOLBERGS VEI 96, 0973 OSLO, Klasse 35 Administrasjon av bedrifter; administrasjon av dataarkiver; administrasjon av forretningsanliggender; administrasjon av prosjekter; administrative tjenester; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; kontortjenester; sekretærtjenester; bedriftsnettverksbygging; bedriftsrådgivning og -konsultasjon; forretningsbistand; planlegging av avtaler [kontortjenester]; organisering av arrangementer, utstillinger, messer og show for kommersielle og reklameformål; personaladministrasjonsbistand; tekstbehandlingstjenester; databehandling; forretningsadministrasjon. Klasse 41 Arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; arrangering og ledelse av konferanser, utdanningsmesser, forelesninger, seminarer og arbeidsgrupper; opplæringsvirksomhet; tilrettelegging og utførelse av konferanser og seminarer; tilrettelegging og utførelse av konferanser, kongresser, vitenskapelige konferanser og seminarer; undervisnings- og opplæringstjenester. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen LASACOR ASAMEDIC AS, Bedriftssenteret Postboks 474 Bedriftssenteret, 1411 KOLBOTN, ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 5 Kardiovaskulære legemidler; kapsler for medisiner; endose kapsler, tomme, for farmasøytiske formål. Klasse 10 Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter; medisinsk utstyr; beholdere for medikamenter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen ASACOR ASAMEDIC AS, Bedriftssenteret Postboks 474 Bedriftssenteret, 1411 KOLBOTN, ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 5 Kardiovaskulære legemidler; kapsler for medisiner; endose kapsler, tomme, for farmasøytiske formål. Klasse 10 Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter; medisinsk utstyr; beholdere for medikamenter. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (300) Søknadsprioritet , EM, (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen QUADY Aixam Mega SA, 56, route de Pugny, AIX-LES- BAINS, Frankrike ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 12 Passasjerbiler og lastebiler. 42

43 registrerte varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen industrikomplekser, kontorbygninger, boligbygg og annen eiendomsutvikling; renovasjon og vedlikehold av kjøpesentre, industrikomplekser, kontorbygninger, boligbygg og annen eiendomsutvikling. Chuxing Guan, No.10, Lane 8, Datang Village, Baisha Village Committee, Baisha, Jiangcheng District, YANGJIANG CITY, GUANGDONG, Kina H Li, c/o SUPTM IP FIRM, P.O. Box , BEIJING, Kina Klasse 9 Engangsplasthansker for laboratoriebruk; Engangslatekshansker for laboratoriebruk; Engangshansker for laboratoriebruk; Hansker for beskyttelse mot ulykker; Vernehansker; Klær og hansker for bruk ved sveising for beskyttelse mot ulykker og skader; Klær, fottøy og hodeplagg for beskyttelse mot ulykker, stråling og brann; Brannsikre hansker; Hansker for beskyttelse mot røntgenstråler for industriell bruk; Asbesthansker for beskyttelse mot ulykker. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Swedol AB, Box 631, TYRESÖ, Sverige Klasse 9 Beskyttelsesklær. Klasse 25 Klær, arbeidsklær, fottøy, hodeplagg. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Menlo Real Estate NEVERLIFT HOLDING AS, c/o Buskerud Elektro AS, Solbråveien 61, 1383 ASKER, Klasse 36 Eiendomstjenester i forbindelse med salg, kjøp og leasing av fast eiendom; eiendomsinvesteringstjenester ved kjøp og salg av fast eiendom for andre; finansieringstjenester for fast eiendom; forretninger med fast eiendom; forvaltning av fast eiendom; anskaffelsestjenester i forbindelse med fast eiendom; bestyrelse av fast eiendom; utleie av kontorer [fast eiendom]; forvalting av fast eiendom; utleie av fast eiendom; kapitalinvestering i fast eiendom; investering i fast eiendom og forvaltningstjenester; oppsigelse av leiekontrakter for fast eiendom; kapitalforvaltningstjenester innen finans, investeringer og fast eiendom; forvaltning av kapital, verdipapirer, privat eiendom og land; eiendoms- og boligforvaltning; eiendomsinvesteringstjenester; eiendomsinvesteringsadministrajon; eiendomsforvaltningstjenester i forbindelse med forretningsbygg; eiendomsforvaltningstjenester i forbindelse med boligbygg; eiendomstjenester i forbindelse med administrasjon av eiendomsinvesteringer; eiendomsforvaltningstjenester; eiendomsporteføljeadministrasjon; eiendomssaker; eiendomsforvaltningstjenester i forbindelse med industribygninger; planlegging i forbindelse med eiendomsforvaltning; planleggingstjenester i forbindelse med eiendomsutvikling; forsikring, pengesaker og eiendomssaker. Klasse 37 Konstruksjon, vedlikehold og renovering av eiendom; reparasjon og vedlikehold av kjøpesentre, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (180) Registreringen Farmhouse NORTHERN FARMHOUSE CAPITAL AS, Skansenveien 18, 1356 BEKKESTUA, Klasse 36 Finansielle tjenester relatert til investering av verdipapirer; investering i fond; investeringsforvaltning og investeringstjenester; forvaltning av investeringsselskap; kapital- og investeringsforvaltning; forvaltning av investeringsportefølje. 43

44 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 3 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf. varemerkeloven 71. Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal registrering. Int.reg.dato: Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jf. varemerkeloven 72 og Madrid-protokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen. Etterfølgende utpekningsdato: Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den Prioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i : internasjonale registreringen. Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlands-registrering eller -søknad. Det vil si den datoen det innføres i varemerkeregisteret at den internasjonale registreringen gjelder i, jf. varemerkeloven 70. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: MARS INDUSTEEL France, Immeuble "Le Cézanne", 6 rue André Campra, LA PLAINE SAINT-DENIS CEDEX, Frankrike Klasse 6 Steels. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: CAFFAREL CHOCOLADEFABRIKEN LINDT & SPRUNGLI A.G., Seestrasse 204, 8802 KILCHBERG, Sveits Klasse 29 Jams. Klasse 30 Cocoa, chocolate, chocolate sweets with or without liqueur, chocolate sweets covered with sugar, caramels, nougats. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: ELOPAK Elopak AS, Postboks 24, 3431 SPIKKESTAD, Klasse 7 Machines for manufacturing and coating cardboard and paper; racking machines, packaging machines. Klasse 20 Containers of plastic materials. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: ENTRADA LIBERO Torbau Erdetschnig GmbH, Griesgasse 3, 9023 KLAGENFURT, Østerrike Klasse 6 Locksmithing goods, gates of aluminum. 44

45 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TECHNOALPIN TECHNOALPIN HOLDING - S.p.A., Via Piero Agostini, 2, BOLZANO, Italia ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 7 Pumps and for snow cannons for making artificial snow. Klasse 11 Water refrigeration and deep-freezing apparatus for making artificial snow. Klasse 37 Construction and repair of snow-making installations including concrete structures. Klasse 42 Snow-making and snow-cannon installation project. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: ENI S.p.A., Piazzale Enrico Mattei 1, ROMA, Italia Klasse 1 Motor fuel additives; lubricant additives; tyre repairing compositions; chemicals, including sprays, for the repair, inflation and maintenance of tyres; anti-freezing agents, chemical antifreeze additives; antifreeze fluids for windshields and every other part of vehicles; chemical cleaners for engines and injectors; chemical de-icers; anti-freezing agents. Klasse 3 Cleaning preparations for vehicle interiors and exteriors, in particular detergents, polishing preparations, sanitising deodorants and shampoos; products for removing ice from vehicles, preparations for removing small flies and for cleaning the windshield, windshield cleaners. Klasse 4 Motor fuel, lubricants, non-chemical additives for lubricants and motor fuel, cleaners for engines and injectors; oils and grease for vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: AS Wavin B.V., Stationsplein 3, 8011CW ZWOLLE, Nederland Klasse 11 Sanitary installations. Klasse 17 Plastics for pipe insulators, pipe muffs and pipe connecting elements. Klasse 19 Building materials not of metal, plastics pipes and sections for building purposes. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, e-avia Finavia Oyj, Lentäjäntie 3, VANTAA, Finland OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, Klasse 9 Downloadable publications. Klasse 41 Education; organisation of training; distance learning services provided online; publication of educational texts; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

46 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: EM TOUGH Trucomp GmbH, Gwerbering 1, WEICHS, Tyskland ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 42 Technical planning, technical project studies, development, testing and quality checking of electric and electronic assemblies and components, and of electric and electronic apparatus, equipment and instruments; surveying; technical consultancy relating to design, development and research of electric and electronic apparatus, equipment and instruments. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: AHOY.CLUB (571) Beskrivelse av merket: AHOY.CLUB. Ahoy Club Ltd, 27 Old Gloucester Street, WC1N3AX LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 9 Mobile telephone applications. Klasse 35 Retail services relating to yachts, including secondhand yachts, and parts, fittings and accessories for yachts; advertising services relating to yachts and the hire of yachts; providing information featuring rental and leasing advertisements for yachts and advertisement information on travel by yachts via an online searchable computer database; business management; business administration; recruitment and placement of crew for yachts. Klasse 37 Providing and organising cleaning, repair and maintenance of yachts. Klasse 39 Yacht chartering; hiring of yachts; transport of goods and people by yacht; listing and reservation services for the hiring of yachts; information services relating to travel by yacht; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for transportation, excursions and travel by yacht. Klasse 41 Entertainment services provided on board yachts. Klasse 43 The provision of food and drink on board yachts; the provision of temporary accommodation on board yachts; reservation services for accommodation provided on board yachts. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Slenyto Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd, 8 Hanechoshet Street, TEL AVIV, Israel Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of central nervous system [CNS] diseases. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, NORDIC EXPRESSIONS Cutrin OY, Lasikuja 2, ESBO, Finland BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 3 Hair cleaning preparations; shampoos; hair care preparations; hair lotions; hair treatment preparations; hair colouring preparations; hair dyes; hair bleaching preparations; hair styling preparations; permanent waving and curling preparations; shaving preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: HAFIZLAR GIDA IÇ VE DIS TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Merkez mah. Sanayi cad., Turin Is Merkezi no:5 Kagithane, ISTANBUL, Tyrkia Klasse 30 Coffee, cocoa; coffee or cocoa based beverages, chocolate based beverages, pasta, stuffed dumplings, noodles, pastry and bakery products, desserts based on flour and chocolate, honey, bee glue for human consumption, propolis for food purposes, condiments 46

47 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 for foodstuff, yeast, baking powder, flour, semolina, starch for food, tea, iced tea, chewing gums, ice-cream, edible ices, cereal-based snack food, popcorn, crushed oats, corn chips, breakfast cereals, processed wheat for human consumption, crushed barley for human consumption, processed oats for human consumption, processed rye for human consumption, rice, molasses for food. Klasse 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods namely, meat, fish, poultry and game, processed meat products, dried pulses, soups, bouillon, processed olives, olive paste, milk and milk products, butter, edible oils, dried, preserved, frozen, cooked, smoked or salted fruits and vegetables, prepared nuts and dried fruits as snacks, hazelnut spreads and peanut butter, tahini (sesame seed paste), eggs and powdered eggs, potato chips, coffee, cocoa, coffee or cocoa based beverages, chocolate based beverages, pasta, stuffed dumplings, noodles, pastries and bakery products based on flour, desserts based on flour and chocolate, honey, bee glue for human consumption, propolis for food purposes, condiments for foodstuff, yeast, baking powder, flour, semolina, starch for food, sugar, cube sugar, powdered sugar, tea, iced tea, confectionery, chocolate, biscuits, crackers, wafers, chewing gums, ice-cream, edible ices, salt, cereal-based snack food, popcorn, crushed oats, corn chips, breakfast cereals, processed wheat for human consumption, crushed barley for human consumption, processed oats for human consumption, processed rye for human consumption, rice and molasses for foods, such services may be provided by retail stores, wholesale outlets, by means of electronic media or through mail order catalogues. Klasse 43 Services for providing food and drink, temporary accommodation, day-nurseries (creches), boarding for animals. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, I.D. STREETMATE Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, Berliner Ring 2, WOLFSBURG, Tyskland BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 9 Recorded content; information technology and audiovisual equipment; magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; optical devices, enhancers and correctors; safety, security, protection and signaling devices; diving equipment; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, electric weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving apparatus and instruments, included in class 09; contact lenses, spectacles, spectacle cases, binoculars, magnifying glasses; sunglasses; vehicle breakdown warning triangles; vehicle breakdown warning lamps other than parts of vehicles; electric batteries and their parts, electric accumulators and their parts, fuel cells and their parts, solar batteries; electric batteries for vehicles; electric accumulators for vehicles; chargers for electric batteries; burglar alarms, fire alarms, smoke alarms, gas alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; fire extinguishing apparatus; scales; spirit levels; compasses [measuring instruments]; quantity indicators; rulers (measuring instruments), acid hydrometers; electronic control mechanisms and power and voltage supply units for vehicle headlights and their parts, control mechanisms and power and voltage supply units for vehicle lights and their parts, lightemitting diodes [LED], electronic power controllers; electrical and electronic control apparatus and instruments; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; voltage regulators for vehicles; speed indicators; revolution counters; measuring apparatus and instruments; life saving apparatus and equipment, namely life-saving rafts, fire escapes, safety nets, safety tarpaulins, life belts, life buoys, life jackets; fuses, electric relays; lasers not for medical purposes, laser pointers; remote control apparatus; aerials; navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]; mobile telephones; telephone apparatus; television apparatus; video telephones; radios; compasses, navigation systems, navigational instruments; telematic apparatus; telematic terminal apparatus; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission and/or reproduction of sound and images, magnetic, electronic and optical data carriers, phonograph records, compact discs [audio-video], DVDs and other digital recording apparatus, sound carriers, coin-operated juke-boxes, compact discs (CD- ROMs), downloadable music files, audio headphones, loudspeakers and cabinets for loudspeakers, illuminated signs, compact disc players, DVD players, phototelegraphy apparatus; projection apparatus, cameras [photography]; exposed films; cinematographic cameras, photocopiers, electronic translation apparatus (computer), pocket translators, electronic; encoded magnetic cards, integrated circuit cards (smart cards), encoded telephone cards; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; automatic banking machines; cash registers, calculators; data processing apparatus, computers, agendas, facsimile apparatus, monitors (computer hardware and computer programs), computer peripheral devices, computer programs for use in autonomous driving of vehicles, computer programs for use in the autonomous navigation of vehicles, computer programs for use in autonomous control of vehicles; recorded and downloadable computer programs, especially collected data recorded on data carriers, computer software, application software, all aforementioned goods not in relation to electronic games or video games; pocket calculators; downloadable electronic publications; downloadable image files; crash test dummies; microscopes; electric cables; sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; igniting apparatus, electric, for igniting at a distance; radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; protective helmets; electric locks; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; parts and fittings of all aforesaid goods, included in this class; none of the aforesaid goods in connection with rail vehicles. Klasse 12 Motorised vehicles, other than rail vehicles; motors, engines and drives for motor vehicles; propulsion mechanisms for automobiles; chassis for motor vehicles; vehicle superstructures for motor vehicles; clutch mechanisms for motor cars; shock absorbers for automobiles; shock absorbing springs for motor cars; tyres, solid, for vehicle wheels; tyres for motor vehicle 47

48 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 wheels; rims for motor vehicle wheels; solid rubber tyres for motor vehicle wheels; automotive wheels; hubs for motor vehicle wheels; inner tubes for pneumatic tires; repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber patches for repairing tyre inner tubes, spikes for tires [tyres], snow chains; non-skid devices for automobile tires; car seats; rearview mirrors; head-rests for car seats; alarms for motor vehicles, anti-theft devices for motor vehicles; cigar lighters for automobiles; automotive vehicles; cars; lorries; trailers and semi-trailers for motor vehicles, trailer hitches for motor vehicles; omnibuses; buses; caravans; motorbikes; mopeds; two-wheeled vehicles, scooters (vehicles); bicycles; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; none of the aforesaid goods in connection with rail vehicles. Klasse 37 Building, construction and demolition; rental of tools, construction machines and equipment for construction and demolition; mining, oil and gas extraction; extermination, disinfection and pest control; reconstruction, repair, servicing and dismantling of vehicles; vehicle repair in the course of vehicle breakdown service; customized carrying out of alterations on body, chassis and motor of motor vehicles (tuning), included in class 37; varnishing of vehicles; vehicle polishing; anti-rust treatments for vehicles; vehicle maintenance; vehicle cleaning; retreading of tires; boiler and burner maintenance, cleaning and repair; repair information; construction information; installation of doors and windows; quarrying services; machinery installation, maintenance and repair; airplane maintenance and repair; shipbuilding; photographic apparatus repair; clock and watch repair; repair of security locks; rust proofing; furniture maintenance; leather care, cleaning and repair; disinfecting; burglar alarm installation and repair; advice, consultancy and information for the aforesaid services, included in this class; none of the aforesaid services in connection with rail vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: PURE SENSE NetOnNet AB, Box 1716, BORÅS, Sverige Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; fire-extinguishing apparatus. Klasse 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles, suture materials. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Klasse 15 Musical instruments. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; hand bags, briefcases, wallets, key and coin cases made of leather, plastic or textile material. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: LARISSIMA Richter Gedeon Nyrt., Gyömrói út 19-21, 1103 BUDAPEST, Ungarn Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, THE BIG GREEN BOOK norelem Normelemente KG, Volmarstrasse 1, MARKGRÖNINGEN, Tyskland TANDBERG INNOVATION AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 9 Software, in particular software applications for viewing, selecting, ordering and purchasing products; recorded data files, in particular electronic product catalogues. Klasse 16 Product catalogues, in particular for mechanical, electrical and mechatronic components and accessories of machines, machine tools, hand operated tools and implements. Klasse 35 Retail and wholesale services, also via internet, namely for mechanical, electrical and mechatronic components and accessories of machines, machine tools, hand-operated tools and implements; mail order retail services by means of online shops, namely for mechanical, electrical and mechatronic components and accessories of machines, machine tools, hand 48

49 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 operated tools and implements. Klasse 41 Provision of non-downloadable online catalogue for products, in particular for mechanical, electrical and mechatronic components and accessories of machines, machine tools, hand-operated tools and implements. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, Demp B.V., Hagenweg 1F, 4131LX VIANEN, Nederland Klasse 3 Klasse 4 Klasse 6 Klasse 9 Household fragrances. Tealights; pillar candles; bougies in the nature of wax candles; taper candles; rustic candles, oil candles; dinner candles; grave candles; candles in bowls; christmas tree candles; multi-wick candles; ball candles; perfumed candles; scented tealights; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods. Metal fittings for furniture, furniture locks of metal and handles for Furniture of metal, doors and windows of metal and accessories therefor; hooks of metal for clothes rails, clothes hooks of metal and towel hooks of metal; tiles of metal, metallic wall claddings, linings (metal-) for ceilings; screws of metal, toilets [waterclosets] hinges of metal; metal building materials; metal roll shutters; jalousies (blinds) for windows; panel tracks of metal; building panels of metal; materials of metal for curtain rods; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods. Magnets; decorative magnets in the shape of letters; decorative magnets in the shape of numbers; decorative magnets of metal; projection screens; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 11 Lighting apparatus; unit heaters; steam generating apparatus; cooking appliances; drying installations; apparatus for ventilation and water supply; water heaters and boilers; sanitary apparatus, showers, bathtubs, wash-hand basins [parts of sanitary installations], water closets [WC], steam baths, bidets; water pipes for sanitary installations; fittings and mixer fittings for the aforesaid goods and for sanitary installations; parts of sanitary installations, namely pipes, pipelines, sleeves, connection pieces, brackets, connections for water inlets and outlets, siphons, overflow pipes, angle valves, rosettes, shut-off valves, cisterns; toilet bowls, toilet seats and toilet lids; pillar stands and suspended pillars for washbasins [parts of sanitary installations]; shower heads, shower hoses, holding arms for showers, bathtub handles; electric lamps, luminaires, filament lamps, fluorescent lighting tubes, luminaires, recessed ceiling lights, halogen uplighters, led candles; cable and rail lighting systems; electric tealights; heating elements; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods; partitions for showers and bathtubs, and bath cubicles with sliding partitions. Klasse 17 Packing, stopping and insulating materials, namely decorative strips, not of metal; flexible tubes, not of metal; silicone sealing compounds; foam for use as fillings for cushions; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 19 Portable buildings; building construction materials, namely building glass and tiles; decorative strips, mouldings; wooden flooring, parquet flooring, laminate flooring, not of metal; wood sheeting, timber mouldings or plastic strips, cladding panels (panelling boards); all of the aforesaid goods not of metal or of a mixture of metal and plastic; columns and suspended columns; shell granules; glass chips; granules; river pebbles; coloured sand; decorative sand; decorative stones; panels; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods; all the aforesaid goods being building materials, not of metal. Klasse 20 Furniture, bathroom furniture and lawn furniture; mirrors, mirrored cabinets; tables, dressing tables, storage shelves/trays (bathroom shelves), picture and photograph frames, decorative strips for frames, picture frames; wooden edgings for picture frames and picture hangers; wardrobes; hooks for clothes rails, racks, curtain hooks, not of textile material, curtain rings, curtain rails, not of metal, bamboo curtains, beaded curtains, coat hooks, not of metal, wickerwork; indoor window blinds [furniture], not of metal; indoor window blinds [shades] [furniture]; indoor blinds, and fittings for curtains and indoor blinds; interchangeable furniture frames of aluminium; interchangeable furniture frames of wood; interchangeable furniture frames of plastic; frameless picture frames; multi-picture frames; baskets, not of metal; stools; decorative accessories of teak and wood, namely side tables, figurines; cushions; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods; indoor window blinds [shades] [furniture]; indoor blinds, and fittings for curtains and indoor blinds; seashells; panel tracks; panel tracks for curtain rods. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers, not of precious metal or coated therewith; unworked or semiworked glass (except glass used in building); brushes, toilet brushes, toilet paper holders, toothbrush holders, soap brackets; glassware, glass vases; porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes, planters for plants; vases; candle holders; plant pot covers; bottles; basins [bowls]; tealight holders; decorating accessories, namely decorative plates, decorative containers, candlesticks, glass lanterns [glass ornaments], parts, fittings, accessories for the aforesaid goods; decorative plates; bath towel holders; bowls (basins). Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes, curtains of textile goods; curtains; panel curtains; shams; polyester curtains, paper curtains; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 26 Artificial wreaths; artificial flower wreaths. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; non-textile wallpaper; wall tattoos; wall stickers; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods; textile wallpaper. Klasse 31 Dried flower wreaths; wreaths of natural flowers. Klasse 40 Processing of materials, namely metal treating. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

50 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, MILLIFLEX PROTACT Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strasse 250, DARMSTADT, Tyskland ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 1 Chemicals used in industry and science, namely culture media other than for pharmaceutical, medical or veterinary use. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical, medical and veterinary preparations, namely media for microbiological cultures. Klasse 9 Scientific apparatus, namely, a laboratory testing system comprised of a filter contained within a filtration funnel and parts therefore sold as a unit for the collection, isolation and counting of micro-organisms; filtering apparatus, namely laboratory filters and part therefore for microbiological analyses. Klasse 41 Practical training [demonstration] in regard to laboratory test systems for microbiological analyses, chemical processing machines and instruments, vacuum pumps and culture media. Klasse 42 Maintenance of software of laboratory test systems for microbiological analyses, chemical processing machines and instruments and vacuum pumps. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, Berliner Ring 2, WOLFSBURG, Tyskland Klasse 12 Vehicles and conveyances; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail and their parts; motorized land vehicles; driverless cars [autonomous cars]; propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; vehicle chassis; vehicle bodies; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; shock absorbing springs for vehicles; pneumatic tires; tires for vehicle wheels; rims for vehicle wheels; tires, solid, for vehicle wheels; vehicles wheels; hubs for vehicle wheels; inner tubes for pneumatic tires; repair outfits for inner tubes, adhesive rubber, patches for repairing inner tubes, spikes for tires, anti-skid chains for vehicles; non-skid devices for vehicle tires; vehicle seats; rearview mirrors; head-rests for vehicle seats; anti-theft alarms for land vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles; cigar lighters for automobiles; motor cars; automobiles; trucks, trailers and semi-trailers for vehicles, trailer hitches for vehicles; omnibuses; motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles; cable transport apparatus and installation; carts, trolleys; air vehicles; boats, ships; locomotives; motorbuses; caravans; tractors; cycles, scooters [vehicles]; chairlifts, funiculars; wheelchairs; parts and fittings of all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 35 Retail and wholesale services concerning motor vehicles and their parts and accessories, motors and engines for land vehicles, land vehicle chassis, land vehicle bodies and tires for vehicle wheels; retail and wholesale services for mail-order business concerning motor vehicles and their parts and accessories, motors and engines for land vehicles, vehicle chassis, vehicle bodies and tires for vehicle wheels; retail and wholesale services via internet concerning motor vehicles and their parts and accessories, motors and engines for land vehicles, vehicle chassis, vehicle bodies and tires for vehicle wheels; retail and wholesale services via teleshopping concerning motor vehicles and their parts and accessories, motors and engines for land vehicles, vehicle chassis, vehicle bodies and tires for vehicle wheels; bringing together, but not transporting, a variety of motor vehicles and their parts and accessories, motors and engines for land vehicles, vehicle chassis, vehicle bodies and tires for vehicle wheels for the benefit of others, thereby enabling customers to view and purchase the goods in a retail outlet; negotiation of contracts for the benefit of others about sale and purchase of motor vehicles and their parts and accessories, motors and engines for land vehicles, vehicle chassis, vehicle bodies and tires for vehicle wheels; business administration and organizational management of vehicle fleets for others; consumer information and consultation about trade and business activities (consumer advise); administrative handling of orders (office functions); negotiation of contracts for the benefit of others about sale and purchase of goods; consultancy and assistance in organization and management of retail and business companies; advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; business management consultancy; radio and television advertising; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; collecting and arranging of relevant press articles; personnel management consultancy; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; public relations; auctioneering; sales promotion for others; personnel recruitment; relocation services for businesses; administrative processing of purchase orders; auditing; sponsorship search. Klasse 41 Publishing and reporting; education, entertainment and sports; translation and interpretation; providing of training; sporting and cultural activities; organization and presentation of cultural and/or sporting events; promotion of young talents by training and further education; presentation of live performance; presentation of games in computer networks and on the Internet; academies [education]; education information; organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; organization, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, symposiums, seminars and workshops [training]; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; coaching [training]; vocational retraining; organization of sports competitions; lending libraries; publication of books; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; club services [entertainment or education]; animal training; operating lotteries; advice, consultancy and information for the aforesaid, included in this class. 50

51 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , KR, AMBIENT MODE Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, SUWON-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, Sør- Korea PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 9 Televisions; monitors (computer hardware); digital signage. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , CH, SOPHIA GENETICS Sophia Genetics SA, Rue du Centre 172, 1025 ST- SULPICE, Sveits Klasse 42 Project studies, technical research and appraisals; writing, development and updating of software; technical support concerning the use of software; hosting of online platforms; provision of online nondownloadable software; provision of software on platforms enabling users to access software, computer networks, computer servers and computer and data storage systems and to use them; provision of temporary use of non-downloadable software for importing, management and analysis of data, incorporating automatic learning and artificial intelligence components; provision of software (Software as a Service, SaaS); software as a service [SaaS] featuring software for automatic learning and artificial intelligence to be used for data analysis; provision of scientific information via web-based platforms; data storage and cloud computing for bioinformatic analysis; bioinformatic analysis services, development of software and pipeline architectures; provision of methods and tools for calculations and bioinformatics for data analysis; development and maintenance of data management software; development of genomic and bioinformatic applications; storage of data by computer; provision of advice and information for the aforesaid services or those relating thereto. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, Robinson Club Montafon Robinson Club GmbH, Karl-Wiechert-Allee 4, HANNOVER, Tyskland Klasse 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; transport of persons and goods, in particular by road, rail, sea and air; river transport; porterage; transport of money and valuables; transportation logistics; organization, booking and arrangement of travels, excursions and cruises; arrangement of transport services; rental of diving suits; organization, booking and arrangement of excursions, day trips and sightseeing tours; travel consultancy and escorting of travellers; rental, booking and providing of aircraft; rental, booking and providing of ships, in particular rowing and motor boats, sailing vessels and canoes; rental, booking and providing of motor vehicles, bicycles and horses; parcel delivery; organization of trips, holidays and sightseeing tours; travel agency services, in particular consultancy and booking services for travel, providing information about travel, arrangement of transport services and travel; travel reservation; transport reservation; providing information about travel, via the Internet, in particular about reservation and booking in the tourism and business travel sector (online travel agencies); delivery, dispatching and distribution of newspapers and magazines; consultation provided by telephone call centres and hotlines regarding travels, including business travel and in the field of transport logistics, transport and storage; tracking of passenger or freight vehicles using computers or global-positioning systems (GPS); traffic information. Klasse 43 Providing temporary accommodation; providing of food and drinks for guests; accommodation bureau services; providing and rental of holiday homes, holiday flats and apartments; providing room reservation and hotel reservation services; providing hotel and motel services; catering; services of boarding houses; rental of meeting rooms; bar services; providing of food and drinks for guests in restaurants; providing food and drinks in Internet cafés; consultation provided by telephone call centres and hotlines in the field of accommodation services, providing and rental of holiday homes, room reservation services and hotel reservation as well as accommodation and catering for guests. Klasse 44 Medical services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings; sauna services; beauty salon services; sanatorium services; hairdressing; massage; nursing, medical; public bath services for hygiene purposes; Turkish bath services; organization of therapy for health purposes; medical assistance services; convalescent home services; flower arranging; manicuring; massage; nursing home services; physiotherapy; animal grooming; dentistry services; health spa services for health and wellness of the body and spirit; beauty care services. 51

52 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, TOURLANE Tourlane GmbH, Köpenicker Str. 126, BERLIN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Application software for wireless devices; electronic publications, downloadable; mobile apps; software; computer software applications, downloadable. Klasse 35 Providing advice relating to the analysis of consumer buying habits; advice and information about customer services and product management and prices on internet sites in connection with purchases made over the internet; provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; providing evaluative feedback and ratings of sellers' goods and services and buyers' and sellers' performance; ordering services for third parties; book-keeping and accounting services; computerized on-line ordering services; coupon procurement services for others; loyalty scheme services; conducting, arranging and organizing trade shows and trade fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; retail and wholesale services with the following goods: travel adaptors, guide books, road maps and maps, trunks and suitcases, backpacks, bags, money belts (clothing) and moneybags, document sleeves, travel pillows and rugs, sleeping bags, luggage scales, luggage tags, luggage locks, preparations for the travel pharmacy, goods for body and beauty care, hair dryers; arranging and placing of advertisements; bidding quotation; providing business information directory services, via a global computer network; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; invoicing services; business management; marketing, market research and market analysis; merchandising services; organizing and conducting trade shows and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; web site traffic optimisation; arranging and conducting marketing promotional events for others; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; presentation of goods and services; price comparison services; billing services; compilation of data into computer databases; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; procurement of contracts for others; advertising, marketing and promotional services; providing on-line commercial directory information services; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of services, namely insurance services, procurement services, financial services, transport services, pick up and delivery services, storage services, car rental and leasing services, services in the field of entertainment, culture and sporting events, software as a service, quality management and control services, travel agency services, temporary accommodation services, services for providing food and drink, services of an animal care and home, child care and elder care services, medical and beauty care services, enabling consumers to conveniently compare and purchase those services; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, excluding the transport thereof, namely of travel adaptors, guide books, road maps and maps, trunks and suitcases, backpacks, bags, money belts (clothing) and moneybags, document sleeves, travel pillows and rugs, sleeping bags, luggage scales, luggage tags, luggage locks, preparations for the travel pharmacy, goods for body and beauty care, hair dryers and other electrical small equipment for travelling purposes, (to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods); procurement, reservation and booking of all aforementioned services; providing information on and consultation services to all aforementioned services. Klasse 36 Issuing of travel vouchers; issuing of travellers' cheques; issue of tokens, coupons and vouchers of value; debt recovery and collection agencies; electronic payment services; financial and monetary services, and banking; financial rating and credit reports; financing and funding services; currency trading and exchange services; real estate agencies; debt recovery and factoring services; credit bureaux; organising of debt collections; arranging of travel insurance; broker consultancy and broker services with regard to travel insurances; arranging of leases and rental agreements for real estate; insurance brokerage; insurance services; procurement of all aforementioned services and conclusion of such contracts; providing information on and consultation services to all aforementioned services. Klasse 39 Transportation information; transport of goods; passenger transport; transport services for sightseeing tours; providing flight arrival and departure information; providing driving directions for travel purposes; rental car reservation; booking of seats for travel, not via a social-networking platform on the internet; booking and reservation services for tours; travel agency and booking services, not via a social-networking platform on the internet; chauffeur services; airport passenger check-in services; transport brokerage; provision of tourist travel information; vehicle rental; navigation (positioning, and route and course plotting); sightseeing, tour guide and excursion services as well as escorting travellers; travel and passenger transportation; travel reservation; transport reservation; transport; arrangement of transportation; rental, hire and leasing in connection with the aforesaid, included in the class; procurement, reservation and booking of all aforementioned services; advice, consultancy and information for the aforesaid, included in the class. Klasse 41 Providing publications from a global computer network or the internet which may be browsed; publication of texts and images, including in electronic form, except for advertising purposes; reservation services for show tickets; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; organisation of language tuition; publishing services; ticket reservation and booking services for entertainment, sporting and cultural events; publication of online guide books, travel maps, city directories and listings for use by travellers, not downloadable; services for the publication of travel guides; publication of directories relating to travel; procurement, reservation and booking of all aforementioned services; providing information on and consultation services to all aforementioned services. Klasse 42 Providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications accessible via a web site; providing search engines for the internet; design and creation of homepages and web pages; creating and maintaining blogs for others; hosting computer sites [web sites]; testing, authentication and quality control; software as a service [saas]; certification (quality control); providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in the creation and publication of on-line journals and blogs; providing information on all aforementioned services. Klasse 43 Hotels, hostels and boarding houses, holiday and tourist accommodation; providing ratings regarding quality and customer's satisfaction of hotel accomodation; reservation and booking of temporary lodging; reservation services for booking meals; hotels; animal boarding; temporary accommodation; 52

53 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 information relating to hotels; restaurant information services; supplying of meals for immediate consumption; making reservations and bookings for restaurants and meals; rental of temporary accommodation; provision of conference, exhibition and meeting facilities; rental of rooms for festivities, conferences, conventions, exhibitions, seminars and meetings; event facilities and temporary office and meeting facilities; provision of hotel accommodation; arranging of accommodation for holiday makers; services for providing food and drink; nurseries, daycare and elderly care facilities; temporary room hire; temporary accommodation reservations; accommodation bureau [hotels, boarding houses]; providing travel lodging information services and travel lodging booking agency services for travelers; procurement, reservation and booking of all aforementioned services; providing information on and consultancy services for all aforementioned services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, ZEG Zweirad-Einkaufs-Genossenschaft eg, Longericher Strasse 2, KÖLN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers; recording discs; coin operated mechanisms; cash registers; calculators; data processing hardware; computers; fire extinguishers; recorded content; information technology apparatus; audiovisual apparatus; optical apparatus and equipment; amplifying apparatus and correctors; security, safety, protective and signal apparatus and equipment; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments; measuring, detecting and monitoring apparatuses; measuring, detecting and monitoring controller; scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; computer peripherals adapted for use with computers; measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving apparatus and checking (supervision) and lifesaving instruments for vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles, bicycles, electric bicycles, transport vehicles or pedelecs (included in this class); speedometers; milometers; batteries (electric), particularly for vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles, bicycles, electric bicycles, transport vehicles or pedelecs; helmets, protective helmets, safety helmets; protective eyewear, gloves for protection against accidents; sports goggles; cycle helmets; helmets for two-wheelers; computer programs for drive simulation or games; parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods, included in this class. Klasse 12 Vehicles and conveyances; parts and accessories for all aforementioned vehicles and conveyances, included in this class; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; vehicles for use on land; two-wheeled vehicles; non-motorized vehicles; non-motorized land vehicles; two-wheeled motorized vehicles and motorized threewheeled vehicles; nonmotorized two-wheeled vehicles and non-motorized three-wheeled vehicles; cycles; bicycles; electric bicycles, pedelecs, electric bikes, electric vehicles; children's bicycles, tricycles; trailers for vehicles, especially for two-wheeled vehicles; transport vehicles; transport bicycles; mopeds, motorcycles; motor bikes; mobility vehicles; folding bicycles; folding bikes; collapsible bikes; scooters (vehicles); sports bicycles; racing bicycles; parts, attachments and spare parts for all the aforesaid vehicles, included in this class; parts for bicycles and two-wheeled vehicles, included in this class; frames for bicycles; safety seats for children, for vehicles; child seats for bicycles; pushchairs; children's seats for use in vehicles; golf carts; vehicle tyres; tyres for bicycles or cycles; inner tubes and valves for vehicle tyres; repair outfits for inner tubes; vehicle tyres for unmotorized vehicles, one wheeled vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles or three-wheeled vehicles; casings for pneumatic tyres, particularly for unmotorized vehicles, one-wheeled vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles or three-wheeled vehicles; luggage bags, saddlebags, handlebar bags and panniers for bicycles; bags and cases specially adapted for vehicles; bags for bicycles; baskets adapted for bicycles; bicycle transport bags and bicycle transport cases; engines and motors for land vehicles and two-wheeled vehicles; bicycle engines; electric motors for two-wheeled vehicles; direction signals for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; luggage racks and luggage carriers for vehicles; wheeled luggage carriers; handling carts; luggage nets for vehicles; luggage carriers for cycles; luggage carriers and luggage-carrying systems for two-wheeled vehicles; luggage carriers for attachment to vehicles, in particular luggage carriers for attaching to two-wheeled vehicles; cargo carriers for vehicles; motorized luggage carts; non-motorized, collapsible luggage carts; baskets, boxes, luggage boxes or transport boxes for attachment to vehicles; saddle bags, seat bags, bicycle frame bags, handlebar bags and bicycle baskets, all for attachment to bicycles or two-wheeled vehicles; pumps for inflating tires; pumps for inflating vehicle tyres, in particular bicycle tyres; pumps for bicycles, cycles; wheels and wheel sets for vehicles, in particular twowheeled vehicles or bicycles; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail services and wholesale services with all afore mentioned goods of classes 9, 11, 12, 18, 25 or 28; retail services and wholesale services with vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles, bicycles, vehicle parts, vehicles accessories, electric vehicles, sports equipment, sports goods, sports accessories, home fitness equipment, helmets, goggles, lighting apparatus for vehicles, vehicle lights, panniers, bike bags and carrier bags, suitcases, travel bags, measuring instruments, signaling instruments, control instruments, with anti-theft devices, locks, vehicle locks, rescue equipment for vehicles, bike computers, sports watches, navigation devices, GPS receivers, clothing, children's clothing, footwear, shoes, headgear, sports clothing, cyclist's clothing, cycling shirts, cycling shorts, cycling shoes, infant car seats, drinking bottles, maps, games, toys and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles; retail services and wholesale services with photographic apparatus and instruments, cinematographic apparatus and 53

54 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 instruments, optical apparatus and instruments, measuring apparatus and instruments, signalling apparatus and instruments, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, with apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, or with apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; all the aforesaid retail services and wholesale services also via the Internet or through mail order catalogues. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: HAS ÇELIK SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Tuzla Mermerciler, Organize Sanyai Bölgesi, 2. Sanayi Caddesi No:10, TUZLA - ISTANBUL, Tyrkia Klasse 6 Ores of non-precious metal; common metals and their alloys and semi-finished products made of these materials; irons for construction; mats and stirrups of common metals for buildings; common metals in the form of plate, billet, stick, profile, sheet and sheeting; goods and materials of common metal used for storage, wrapping, packaging and sheltering purposes, containers of metal (storage, transport), buildings of metal, frames of metal for building, poles of metal for building, metal boxes, packaging containers of metal, aluminium foil, fences made of metal, guard barriers of metal, metal tubes, storage containers of metal, metal containers for the transportation of goods, ladders of metal; doors, windows, shutters, jalousies and their cases and fittings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of metal; ironmongery; small hardware of metal; screws of metal; nails; bolts of metal; nuts of metal; pegs of metal; flakes of metal; pitons of metal; metal chains; furniture casters of metal; fittings of metal for furniture; industrial metal wheels; door handles of metal; window handles of metal; hinges of metal; metal latches; metal locks; metal keys for locks; metal rings; metal pulleys; ventilation ducts, vents, vent covers, pipes, chimney caps, manhole covers, grilles of metal for ventilation, heating, sewage, telephone, underground electricity and air conditioning installations; metal panels or boards (non-luminous and non-mechanical) used for signalling, route showing, publicity purposes, signboards of metal, advertisement columns of metal, signaling panels of metal, nonluminous and non-mechanical traffic signs of metal; pipes of metal for transportation of liquids and gas, drilling pipes of metal and their metal fittings, valves of metal, couplings of metal for pipes, elbows of metal for pipes, clips of metal for pipes, connectors of metal for pipes; safes (strong boxes) of metal; metal railway materials, metal rails, metal railway ties, railway switches; bollards of metal, floating docks of metal, mooring buoys of metal, anchors; metal moulds for casting, other than machine parts; works of art made of common metals or their alloys, trophies of common Klasse 7 Klasse 8 metal; metal closures, bottle caps of metal; metal poles; metal pillars; scaffolding of metal; metal garden stakes, metal scaffolding towers; metal pallets and metal ropes for lifting, loading and transportation purposes; metal hangers, ties, straps, tapes and bands used for loadlifting and load-carrying; wheel chocks made primarily of metal; metal profile laths for vehicles for the purposes of decoration. Machines, machine tools and industrial robots for processing and shaping wood, metals, glass, plastics and minerals, 3D printers; construction machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for use in construction; bulldozers, diggers (machines), excavators, road construction and road paving machines, drilling machines, rock drilling machines, road sweeping machines; lifting, loading and transmission machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for lifting, loading and transmission purposes; elevators, escalators and cranes; machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for use in agriculture and animal breeding, machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for processing cereals, fruits, vegetables and food; machines for preparing and processing beverages; engines and motors, other than for land vehicles, parts and fittings therefor: hydraulic and pneumatic controls for engines and motors, brakes other than for vehicles, brake linings for engines, crankshafts, automatic gearboxes (other than for land vehicles), other than for land vehicles, gearboxes, cylinders for engines, pistons for engines, turbines, not for land vehicles, filters for engines and motors, oil, air and fuel filters for land vehicle engines, exhausts for land vehicle engines, exhaust manifolds for land vehicle engines, engine cylinders for land vehicles, engine cylinder heads for land vehicles, pistons for land vehicle engines, carburetors for land vehicles, fuel conversion apparatus for land vehicle engines, injectors for land vehicle engines, fuel economisers for land vehicle engines, pumps for land vehicle engines, valves for land vehicle engines, starter motors for land vehicles, dynamos for land vehicle engines, sparking plugs for land vehicle engines; bearings (parts of machines), roller or ball bearings; machines for mounting and detaching tires; alternators, current generators, electric generators, current generators operated with solar energy; painting machines, automatic spray guns for paint, electric, hydraulic and pneumatic punching machines and guns, electric adhesive tape dispensers (machines), electric guns for compressed gas or liquid spraying machines, electric hand drills, electric hand saws, electric jigsaw machines, spiral machines, compressed air machines, compressors (machines), vehicle washing installations, robotic mechanisms (machines) with the abovementioned functions; electric and gas-operated welding apparatus, electric arc welding apparatus, electric soldering apparatus, electric arc cutting apparatus, electrodes for welding machines, industrial robots (machines) with the abovementioned functions; printing machines; packaging machines, filling, plugging and sealing machines, labellers (machines), sorting machines, industrial robots (machines) with the abovementioned functions, electric packing machines for plugging and sealing of plastics; machines for textile processing, sewing machines, industrial robots (machines) with the abovementioned functions; pumps [parts of machines, engines or motors], fuel dispensing pumps for service stations, self-regulating fuel pumps; electric kitchen machines for chopping, grinding, crushing, mixing and mincing foodstuff, washing machines, laundry washing machines, dishwashers, spin driers (not heated), electric cleaning machines for cleaning floors, carpets or floorings, vacuum cleaners and parts thereof; automatic vending machines; galvanizing and electroplating machines; electric door openers and closers; gaskets for engines and motors. Forks, spoons, knives and non-electric cutters, slicers, peelers for kitchen use, including those made of precious metals; side arms and blades (weapons); tools and apparatus included in this class for personal 54

55 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 beauty care use; tools and apparatus included in this class for shaving, epilation, manicure and pedicure, electric hand implements for straightening and curling hair, scissors; hand-operated [non-electric] hand tools included in this class for the repair of machines, apparatus and vehicles and for use in construction, agriculture, horticultural and forestry, none of them being power tools; electric or non-electric flat irons; steam irons; handles for hand-operated hand tools. Klasse 35 Advertising, marketing and public relations; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; design for advertising; provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; office functions; secretarial services; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; compilation of statistics; rental of office machines; systemization of information into computer databases; telephone answering for unavailable subscribers; business management, business administration and business consultancy; accounting; commercial consultancy services; personnel recruitment, personnel placement, employment agencies, import-export agencies; temporary personnel placement services; auctioneering. Klasse 40 Treatment of common metals; treatment of precious metals; development of photographic and cinematographic films; photocomposing, photographic printing, photogravure; drying, canning, freezing, cooking, fumigating, corning foodstuff; providing information in the field of food manufacturing; slaughtering of animals; leather working and fur conditioning; saddlery working; textile treating, wool treating; tailoring, embroidery; woodworking and timber processing; framing of works of art; treatment of liquids, chemicals, gas and air for industrial use; grinding of glass and optical glass; custom assembling of materials for others; services of a dental technician; pottery firing; production of energy; rental of generators; paper treating; printing, bookbinding; treatment of plastics. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, APAVE, 191 rue de Vaugirard, PARIS, Frankrike APACE IP AS, Parkveien 53B, 0256 OSLO, Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), emergency (lifesaving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; compact disks, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; software; fire extinguishers; electronic agendas; testing apparatus not for medical use; antennas; downloadable computer software applications; connected bracelets [measuring instruments]; magnetic identification bracelets; magnetic identity cards; encoded magnetic cards; integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; encoded key cards; chemistry apparatus and instruments; chromatography apparatus for laboratory use; printed circuits; integrated circuits; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; electric apparatus for commutation; materials for conducting electricity; connectors [electricity]; electric regulating apparatus; detectors; diagnostic apparatus not for medical use; sound recording disks; magnetic disks; compact disks [audio-video]; optical compact disks; distillation apparatus for scientific use; dosing devices; electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote control of signals; transmitters of electronic signals; transmitters [telecommunications]; distance recording apparatus; time recording apparatus; tape recorders; pressure recorders; audiovisual teaching apparatus; teaching apparatus; instruments and machines for material testing; electronic tags for goods; optical fibers [light conducting filaments]; downloadable image files; ovens for laboratory use; frequency meters; jigs [measuring instruments]; gasometers [measuring instruments]; surveying apparatus and instruments; GPS apparatus [global positioning systems]; global positioning system [GPS] apparatus, holograms; computer hardware; intercommunication apparatus; lasers for non-medical use; bar code readers; optical readers; readers [data processing equipment]; optical lenses; software [recorded programs]; software packages; smart glasses; 3D spectacles; distance measuring apparatus; speed measuring apparatus; electric measuring apparatus; precision measuring apparatus; measuring instruments; pressure measuring apparatus; navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]; satellite navigation apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; computers; portable computers; smartphones; solar panels for electricity production; signaling panels, luminous or mechanical; computer peripherals; weighing apparatus and instruments; photographic apparatus; apparatus and instruments for physics; electric cells (batteries); solar batteries; central processing units [processors]; recorded computer programs; recorded operating system programs for computers; computer programs [downloadable software]; projection apparatus; downloadable electronic publications; radiological apparatus for industrial use; X-ray apparatus not for medical use; receivers [audio, video]; sounding apparatus and machines; electronic tablets; mobile telephones, portable telephones; smartphones. Klasse 16 Paper and cardboard; printing products (printed matter); bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging; printing type; printing blocks; catalogs; flyers; graphic printed matter; newspapers; books; manuals [handbooks]; prospectuses; printed publications. Klasse 35 Advertising; commercial business management; commercial administration; office functions; commercial administration of licenses for third-party goods and services; commercial information agency services; assistance in the management of commercial or industrial companies; cost-price analyses; company audits [commercial analyses]; compilation of information into computer databases; business management and organization consultancy; human resources management consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; commercial business appraisals; market studies; company efficiency expert services; 55

56 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 organization of trade fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; outsourced administrative management of companies; computer file management services; information relating to commercial and business contacts; commercial information via websites; business information; commercial information and advice for consumers (consumer advice shop); business investigations; marketing services; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; negotiations and conclusion of commercial transactions for others; organization of exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes; economic forecasting; presentation of goods on all communication media for retail purposes; data search in computer files for others; referencing of websites for commercial or advertising purposes; business inquiries; personnel recruitment; personnel selections by means of psychotechnical tests; preparation of statistics; systematization of information into computer databases. Klasse 37 Construction; repair of aircraft, ships, motor vehicles, railway, equipment, civil engineering machinery, lifting apparatus, power plants, thermal or hydraulic plants, equipment for oil exploitation, equipment for nuclear installation, real estate construction and civil engineering structures, floors, data processing equipment in particular computers and software, electronic equipment for data transmission, telecommunications equipment; installations services of aircraft, ships, motor vehicles, railway, equipment, civil engineering machinery, lifting apparatus, power plants, thermal or hydraulic plants, equipment for oil exploitation, equipment for nuclear installation, real estate construction and civil engineering structures, floors, data processing equipment in particular computers and software, electronic equipment for data transmission, telecommunications equipment: construction consultancy; maintenance and repair services of aircraft, ships, motor vehicles, railway, equipment, civil engineering machinery, lifting apparatus, power plants, thermal or hydraulic plants, equipment for oil exploitation, equipment for nuclear installation, real estate construction and civil engineering structures, floors, data processing equipment in particular computers and software, electronic equipment for data transmission, telecommunications equipment; construction information; repair information; installations and repairs of industrial apparatus and equipment; construction management [supervision]. Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; coaching [training]; organization and conducting of colloquiums; organization of competitions [education and entertainment]; organization and conducting of conferences; recordings [filming]; correspondence instruction/correspondence courses; teaching services; educational examination services; organization and conducting of non-virtual educational forums; information relating to education; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; organization and conducting of training workshops; professional orientations; publication of texts other than advertising texts; publication of books; online publication of electronic specialized books and journals; provision of non-downloadable online electronic publications; vocational retraining; organization and conducting of seminars; organization and conducting of symposiums; translation services; mentoring. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services as well as research and design services relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computers and software; professional consultancy and drawing up of plans unrelated to business operations; technical project studies; engineering services; surveying [engineering work]; testing laboratories; development of technical analysis methods [engineering works]; drawing up of technical reference systems for third parties especially in the field of certification and standards; advice in the technical and scientific field; advice in the field of certification and standards; technical quality evaluation of goods, services, processes, activities and installations to verify compliance with specified references in particular for the issuance of certificates entitling to the use of a standard, public or private norms or a certification mark; auditing and certification of goods, services, processes, management systems, activities, installations, services to verify the compliance with specified references in particular standards and certifications; issuance of certificates attesting compliance with specified benchmarks; quality control of goods, services, activities, processes, installations, to verify compliance with specified benchmarks in particular for the purpose of issuance and maintenance of certification; safety testing of products, services, an activity, a process, installations in particular for the purpose of certification issuance and maintenance; inspection of goods, services, processes, installations for control purposes in particular quality control; technical inspection services in particular for security; performance monitoring services; non-destructive testing services; certification of goods, services, activities, processes, installations; participation in any research research in the field of certification; research of new products for others; testing laboratories; study, testing, test, analysis, evaluation, expert appraisal, inspection, certification of goods, services, materials, machines and apparatus, installations in particular relating to aircraft, ships, motor vehicles, railway equipment, civil engineering machinery, lifting apparatus, power plants, thermal or hydraulic plants, equipment for oil exploitation, equipment for nuclear installation, real estate construction and civil engineering, floors, data processing equipment in particular computers and software, electronic equipment for data transmission, telecommunications equipment; development (design of software and software packages); computer programming; monitoring and information services in the technical field; monitoring services relating to regulatory texts; information services relating to regulatory texts; information services relating to the implementation of regulatory texts in the concerned technical field; technological advisory services; conversion of computer data and programs other than physical conversion; conversion of data or documents from a physical to an electronic medium; creation and maintenance of web sites for others; development [design] of software; calibration [measuring]; installation of software; software and computer maintenance; updating of software; provision of search engines for the Internet; computer programming; scientific research; technical research; technical writing; electronic data storage; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; development of technical documents. Klasse 45 Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals, namely, legal research services, legal investigation services, security services, surveillance services; licensing of software [legal services]; licensing of intellectual property; security consultancy services; preparation of legal documents; inspection of factories for safety purposes; inspection of luggage for security purposes; monitoring and information services in the legal field. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

57 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Colour is not claimed as a feature of the mark; the mark consists of a stylised capital letter A, with a small filled circle in the centre replacing the cross bar of the 'A'. Ahoy Club Ltd, 27 Old Gloucester Street, WC1N3AX LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 9 Mobile telephone applications. Klasse 35 Retail services relating to yachts, including secondhand yachts, and parts, fittings and accessories for yachts; advertising services relating to yachts and the hire of yachts; providing information featuring rental and leasing advertisements for yachts and advertisement information on travel by yachts via an online searchable computer database; business management; business administration; recruitment and placement of crew for yachts. Klasse 37 Providing and organising cleaning, repair and maintenance of yachts. Klasse 39 Yacht chartering; hiring of yachts; transport of goods and people by yacht; listing and reservation services for the hiring of yachts; information services relating to travel by yacht; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for transportation, excursions and travel by yacht. Klasse 41 Entertainment services provided on board yachts. Klasse 43 The provision of food and drink on board yachts; the provision of temporary accommodation on board yachts; reservation services for accommodation provided on board yachts. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: V4heat Vitrulan Technical Textiles GmbH, Haselbach / Rögitzstrasse 34, SONNEBERG, Tyskland Klasse 11 Heating installations; coated fabrics with heating function (heating equipment); apparatus for heating. Klasse 24 Multifunctional textile fabrics; coated fabrics. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, GCE Holding AB, Box 21044, MALMØ, Sverige Klasse 7 Machines and machine tools for supply and usage of gas; regulators and pressure regulators [parts of machines]; pressure regulators; regulators [valves] being parts of machines; high flow regulators; cylinder pressure regulators; line pressure regulators; point of use regulators; pressure controllers [regulators and valves] being parts of machines; valves, check valves; pressure valves [parts of machines]; control valves [parts of machines]; regulating valves [parts of machines]; safety valves [parts of machines]; metal safety valves [parts of machines]; high pressure valves; shut off valves and non-return valves; gas evacuation valve kits; hydraulic valves; valves operated automatically by hydraulic control; valves operated automatically by pneumatic control; ball valves being parts of machines; cylinder valves and cylinder combination valves; intake and distributor manifolds; compressors, compressors for gases, rotary compressors; machines and machine tools for cutting and welding, gas cutting and welding apparatus and machines, metal cutting tools, soldering apparatus and equipment, burners, nozzles and parts and fittings for torch welding and cutting equipment, torch welding and cutting apparatus and burners and other fittings therefore, welding and soldering torches, gas torches, cutting torches, cutting machines, electrodes for welding machines, arrestors; arc welding and cutting instruments; cutting and welding sets; combination torches and combination cutters; mechanical hose reels, nozzle cleaners; couplings for machines, clamp 57

58 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Klasse 9 connectors for piping; adaptors for pipes [parts of machines], adaptor fittings; extension bars; filters for machines; pressure filters; diaphragm valves, diaphragm shut off valves, diaphragm regulating valves; check valves of metal [parts of machines]; pressure release screws being parts of machines; manifolds [parts of machines]; distributor manifolds being part of machines; mechanical seals [parts of machines], pressurized seals; purge blocks; air suction machines, suction cups. Measuring apparatus and instruments, pressure measuring and flow measuring apparatus, flow measuring devices, flowmeters, flow selectors, pressure meters and indicators; safety regulators, manometers, contact manometers, pressure sensors and piezoelectronic pressure sensors; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers, pressure monitoring instruments, flow monitoring instruments; pressure monitors and pressure transmitters; gas flow monitors; display terminals and display terminal units; pressure gauges, bourdon gauges, contact gauges; gas supply panels; solenoid valves; flow meters, flow controllers and mass flow controllers, gas flow meters; flow switches; alarm systems for gas and gas insufficiency; control devices, signal devices, signaling transmitters and receivers; cylinder scales; software; apparatus, instruments and installations for connecting to, monitoring and controlling medical apparatus and instruments; sensors and detectors, wireless sensors; sensors and detectors for monitoring and obtaining of information; monitors, receivers, remote control receivers, electric and electronic devices for monitoring and controlling the function, performance, status and location of other electrical or electronic devices or systems, apparatus or instruments; devices for transmission of clinical information; screens, helmets and goggles for torch welding, protective helmets, welding helmets, autodarkening welding helmets, hand shields, protective workwear; parts and fittings for torch welding and cutting equipment; earthing clamps, cables and cable connectors, copper cables; electrical control panels and terminal units; gas savers, gas alarms and gas leak alarm systems; signalling apparatus for the optical and accoustic indication of gas limit warnings. Klasse 10 Medical and surgical apparatus and instruments, apparatus for supplying medical gas, medical gas apparatus and instruments, including central gas distribution units, stabilisers, pressure monitors, regulators, flow measuring devices, gas outlets, cut-off valves, speed couplings, vacuum regulators, medical valves, gas source switches; oxygen concentrators for medical applications, oxygenators for medical use, apparatus for producing oxygen for medical use; respiratory therapy instruments, medical masks, respiratory masks, oxygen inhalers and oxygen masks. Klasse 11 Gas cleaners and purifiers, gas purifying apparatus and installations, regulating and safety apparatus and accessories for gas installations, safety valves for gas apparatus, stop valves for regulating gas, pressure relief valves; pressure controllers, namely pressure flow valves, gas supply panels, supply pressure regulators, gas pipe pressure regulators, gas bottle pressure regulators, console pressure regulators; installations for controlling the flow of gases, pressure controllers, pressure controllers [regulators] for gas pipes; outlets, gas regulators, line regulators; central gas distribution units, including gas regulators, control and safety apparatus for gas apparatus; cryogenic valves; level control valves; safety valves for gas apparatus and gas pipes; stop valves being safety apparatus for gas apparatus; valves with pipe threads and welded threaded joints, namely membrane check valves, expansion bellow control valves, pneumatic valves, stuffing box control valves; auxiliary fittings for gas supply installations and gas systems, namely welded threaded joints, reducing adapters, connector cables, consoles, safety valves, check valves, bottle connector double valves, filters, quantity indicators, check valves with integrated filters, double valves and three-way valves; gas supply installations and systems; installations for controlling the flow of gases; first stage gas flow regulators; second stage gas flow regulators; stop valves being safety apparatus for gas apparatus; ball valves; flame arrestors; gas heaters; regulating accessories for gas pipes and lines; lighters and safe lighters, humidifiers. Klasse 38 Telecommunication services provided via platforms and portals on the Internet and other media; telecommunications services for distribution of data, telecommunications services for providing access to information and data; telecommunications services for distribution of data, telecommunications services for providing access to information and data for monitoring medical apparatus and instruments, and gas apparatus. Klasse 40 Custom manufacture and assembly services, custom manufacture of goods, custom construction of machines; all of the aforesaid for machines and machine tools for supply and usage of gas, machines and machine tools for cutting and welding, measuring apparatus and instruments, pressure measuring and flow measuring apparatus, medical apparatus and instruments and apparatus for supplying medical gas, gas cleaners and purifiers, gas purifying apparatus and installations, installations for controlling the flow of gases, central gas distribution units. Klasse 42 Development and design of databases; development and design of software and hardware for monitoring and control of apparatus and instruments; providing virtual computer systems and computer environments, for monitoring and controlling apparatus and instruments, via cloud services; monitoring services relating to medical apparatus and instruments, including on-line, including in the form of action management and feedback; cloud computing services, hosting of application software for cloud computing services; infrastructure as a service [IaaS]; platform as a service [PaaS]; software as a service [SaaS]. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, WOW Tech NOVOLUTO GmbH, Friedenstrasse 91 / 91 a, BERLIN, Tyskland Klasse 10 Electrically operated massagers; vibrators, being adult sexual aids; sex aids. Klasse 35 Retail services in relation to sex aids; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

59 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , BX, STREETZOURR Rigo Trading S.A., Route de Trèves 6 EBBC, Building E, 2633 SENNINGERBERG, Luxembourg ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, Klasse 30 Confectionery. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, D2 TRAEGER PELLET GRILLS, LLC, 1215 E Wilmington Ave., Suite 200, UT84106 SALT LAKE CITY, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 11 Barbecue grills; grill accessories, namely, cooking racks specially adapted for barbecue grills; barbecue smokers, namely, outdoor cooking apparatus that implement wood fired smoke for cooking; outdoor barbecue smokers, namely, outdoor wood pellet-fed barbecue smokers that cook food with smoke implemented by the controlled burning of wood pellets over extended time intervals; remote-controlled, outdoor wood pellet-fed barbecue smokers that cook food with smoke implemented by the controlled burning of wood pellets over extended time intervals via digital cooking instructions provided remotely over a network connection. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : MECANIZADOS ARGUSA, S.A., Avda. de los Trabajadores, s/n, ILLESCAS (TOLEDO), Spania ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 6 Metal doors, non-automatic turnstiles (revolving gates), metal fences, signalling panels (metal), metal door panels, metal gates, metal posts, metal Klasse 9 transportablebuildings, metal locks and hardware. Automatic turnstiles, automatic barriers; counters, illuminated or mechanical signalling panels, alarm systems, push-buttons and switches, electrical control apparatus, registered computer programs; photovoltaic cells; printed circuits, barcode readers, counterfeit coin detectors, control panels (electricity), mechanisms for automatic coin-operated apparatus, electronic purses, television cameras, signaling, measuring and checking (inspection) instruments and apparatus, electric cables, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; except all types of monitoring apparatus and protection apparatus for real property and persons. Klasse 35 Export of goods, except all types of monitoring apparatus and protection apparatus for real property and persons; sales promotion for others; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; marketing studies. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

60 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , BX, MALLOW MANIA Rigo Trading S.A., Route de Trèves 6 EBBC, Building E, 2633 SENNINGERBERG, Luxembourg ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, Klasse 30 Confectionery. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , GB, UK (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the wording "AFS" in a rectangular box with a crown to the left of the box, both above the wording "ACTIVE FOIL SYSTEM". Princess Yachts Limited, Newport Street Plymouth, PL13QG DEVON, Storbritannia Klasse 12 Boats, yachts, ships and water vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by water; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 37 Construction, maintenance, repair, refurbishment, modification and restoration of boats, yachts, ships and water vehicles and parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , CH, MODSENSE AG, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 ZÜRICH, Sveits Klasse 9 Optical, weighing, measuring, signalling and checking (supervision) instruments; alarms, electronic surveillance apparatus; electronic navigational, tracking and positioning apparatus and instruments; data processing equipment; computer software; electronic surveillance apparatus; heat detectors; velocity sensors; pressure sensors; acceleration sensors; temperature sensors, photosensors. Klasse 35 Analysis and evaluation of commercial information into computer databases. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of electronic monitoring apparatus; installation, maintenance and repair of measuring, signalling and monitoring apparatus and instruments. Klasse 39 Computerized tracking and tracing of packages in transit (transport information); tracking and tracing of shipments; tracking and tracing of shipments (transport information); monitoring and tracking of package shipments (transport information). Klasse 42 Off-site data backup; design and development of computer hardware and software; providing on-line non-downloadable software for use in database management; environmental monitoring services; testing, analysis and monitoring of telecommunication and navigation signals; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software for use in broadcast monitoring applications; monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach; development of computer software for logistics, supply chain management and e-business portals; design and development of computer software for supply chain management. Klasse 45 Tracking services for retrieval of encoded products; tracking of stolen property; tracking of stolen vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

61 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Grünberger Real Swiss Cheese GmbH, Kurfirstenstrasse 61, 8002 ZÜRICH, Sveits Klasse 29 Semi-hard Swiss cheese with Swiss milk; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fish, fruit and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, C-BYTE SLB Kloepper Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbh, Leopoldstrasse 175, MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 7 Robot, current generators, pumps [machines], compressors, machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; automatic vending machines. Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, dvds and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fireextinguishing apparatus. Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather, goods of leather and imitations of leather, namely luggage, bags, pocket wallets and other carrying cases; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols, and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse 37 Vehicle maintenance and repair; installation, maintenance and repair services of computer hardware and telecommunication apparatus. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, Lipomill Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH, Merkurstrasse 47, BREMEN, Tyskland Klasse 5 Dietary supplements for animals and dietary supplements for humahs, all made from oil cake (press cake). Klasse 30 Flour and preparations made from cereals made from oil cake (brass cake); baking-powder made from oil cake (press cake). Klasse 31 Oil cake (press cake); oil cake (press cake) in the form of foodstuffs for animals. Klasse 32 Preparations for making beverages made from oil cake (press cake). Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: ONE BY ONE Mercator Medical S.A., ul. H. Modrzejewskiej 30, KRAKÓW, Polen Klasse 10 Gloves for: medical, veterinary, dental, cosmetic, rehabilitation, sanitary purposes; sterile surgical gloves; gloves for use during operations; gloves for use in hospitals; protective gloves for medical use; gloves for use by medical personnel; sterile and non-sterile diagnostic gloves; disposable protective gloves for medical purposes; gloves for massage; gloves for use in tattoo studios, during tattooing procedures and in hairdressing services; gloves for massage; protective clothing for medical purposes; diagnostic fingerstalls; protective masks for medical use; surgical masks; surgical caps; gowns for surgical use; clothing for use in operating theatres; surgical clothing; footwear protectors (for use in operating theatres, hospitals and healthcare centres); covers for operating tables; surgical drapes; bedding for medical purposes; bandages; elastic bandages for medical purposes; surgical drapes; individual sets of disposable materials for medical purposes (custom pack, cpt sets); orthopaedic compression supports; padding for orthopedic casts; plaster bandages; elastic bandages [bandages]; elasticated supports for the ankle, wrist, elbow or knee; tubular elastic bandages for supporting joints; tubular elastic bandages for supporting limbs; tennis elbow supports; thermo-electric compresses; thermal electric compresses for medical use; compression socks, tights and stockings; chemically activated compresses for medical purposes; padding for orthopedic casts; shields for medical instruments; fitted medical apparatus and equipment covers; cpt / custom procedure packs, namely individualized surgical sets; prosthetic sleeves for limbs; anaesthesia screens; face shields for surgical, medical, dental or 61

62 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 veterinary use; eye shields for surgical, medical, dental or veterinary use; nipple shields for personal use; face shields for use by medical personnel; prosthetic sleeves for limbs; sleeves for limbs; pads of cellulose and of cellulose - film for placing beneath patients; patient gowns; colonoscopy shorts; gynecological skirts; disposable bedding sets for medical purposes; instrument pouches of plastic; surgical foil; birth kits for fathers, comprising childbirth mattresses and maternity belts; towels of cellulose and viscose for medical purposes; pressure relief pads and cushions; dental rolls, dental pads; blood filters; filters for use within veins; anti-embolic filters; membranes for filtration [medical]; light filters for medical use; power filters for medical use; high filter surgical masks; applicators, dispensers, feeders and dispensers of antiseptic, disinfectant, sanitary or medical preparations and products; surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; sex aids; condoms. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard; boxes of cardboard or paper; packaging of paper or cardboard; packaging of foil and plastic; paper-foil packaging; printed matter; books; printed publications; teaching, instructional, advertising and informational material; stationery; paper-foil packaging for surgical gloves; paper towels; paper napkins and tissues; towels of cellulose; tissues; selfadhesive tapes for stationery use; printed matter; stationery; teaching and instructional materials [except apparatus]; plastic materials for packaging; writing materials; stationery; filtering materials of paper; decoration and art materials and media; stationery and educational supplies; bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; disposable paper products; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; printed matter. Klasse 21 Gloves for household purposes; gloves for household or horticultural purposes; gardening gloves; kitchen gloves; gloves for household purposes; oven mitts; oven gloves; barbecue mitts; exfoliating mitts; polishing gloves; dusting gloves; gloves for cleaning; disposable and reusable protective gloves for household use, housework or gardening, for use as personal protection equipment; gloves for contact with food; dosage dispensers, dispensers and loaders: for soap, paper, tissues, hygiene articles, napkins, articles for cleaning purposes; boxes for dispensing paper serviettes; personal dispensers for tablets or pills for domestic use; household containers; cleaning articles; household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; glassware, porcelain and earthenware; cosmetic and toilet utensils and bathroom articles; brushes and brush-making articles; statues, figurines, plaques and works of art made of materials, such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; tableware, cookware and containers. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, Daniel Schütz, Am Hang 8, BONN, Tyskland Klasse 3 Non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations; non-medicated dentifrices; perfumery; essential oils; laundry preparations; bleaching preparations; furbishing preparations; perfume; oils for perfumes and scents; perfumed soaps; soaps and gels; bath preparations; deodorants and antiperspirants; skin care Klasse 4 preparations; household fragrances; cosmetics. Wax [raw material]; fuel; lighting fuel; tapers; wicks for candles; perfumed candles; perfumed candles. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils; containers for household or kitchen use; combs; sponges; brushes (except paintbrushes); unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); painted glassware; porcelain ware; earthenware; perfume bottles; perfume vaporizers; cosmetic and toilet utensils and bathroom articles; tealight burners; pomanders [containers]. Klasse 24 Textiles and substitutes for textiles; linens; curtain fabric; curtains of plastic; bath linen; make-up removal cloths [textile], other than impregnated with cosmetics. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; public relations services; advertising agencies; demonstration of goods and services for advertising purposes; market research; market analysis and research; commercial information agencies; organisation and conducting of product presentations; publication of catalogues and prospectuses for advertising and presentation purposes; on-line advertising on a computer network; telemarketing services; advertising and marketing provided via blogs and online forums; retailing of non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations, non-medicated dentifrices, perfumery, essential oils, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning preparations, perfume, perfume oils, perfumed soaps, soaps and gels, bath and shower preparations, deodorants and antiperspirants, skin care preparations, room fragrances, cosmetics, wax (raw material), fuels, illuminants, candles and wicks for lighting, scented candles, perfumed candles, household or kitchen utensils, household or kitchen containers, combs, sponges, brushes (except paintbrushes), unworked or semi-worked glass, except building glass, painted glassware, porcelain, earthenware, perfume bottles, perfume sprayers, cosmetic and toilet utensils and bathroom articles, fragrance lamps, pomanders (vessels), textiles and substitutes for textiles, household linen, curtains of textile, curtains of plastic, bath linen, textile wipes for removing make-up, other than being impregnated with cosmetics; wholesaling of non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations, non-medicated dentifrices, perfumery, essential oils, bleaching preparations and other substances for 62

63 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 laundry use, cleaning preparations, perfume, perfume oils, perfumed soaps, soaps and gels, bath and shower preparations, deodorants and antiperspirants, skin care preparations, room fragrances, cosmetics, wax (raw material), fuels, illuminants, candles and wicks for lighting, scented candles, perfumed candles, household or kitchen utensils, household or kitchen containers, combs, sponges, brushes (except paintbrushes), unworked or semi-worked glass, except building glass, painted glassware, porcelain, earthenware, perfume bottles, perfume sprayers, cosmetic and toilet utensils and bathroom articles, fragrance lamps, pomanders (vessels), textiles and substitutes for textiles, household linen, curtains of textile, curtains of plastic, bath linen, textile wipes for removing make-up, other than being impregnated with cosmetics; mail order retail services of non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations, non-medicated dentifrices, perfumery, essential oils, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning preparations, perfume, perfume oils, perfumed soaps, soaps and gels, bath and shower preparations, deodorants and antiperspirants, skin care preparations, room fragrances, cosmetics, wax (raw material), fuels, illuminants, candles and wicks for lighting, scented candles, perfumed candles, household or kitchen utensils, household or kitchen containers, combs, sponges, brushes (except paintbrushes), unworked or semi-worked glass, except building glass, painted glassware, porcelain, earthenware, perfume bottles, perfume sprayers, cosmetic and toilet utensils and bathroom articles, fragrance lamps, pomanders (vessels), textiles and substitutes for textiles, household linen, curtains of textile, curtains of plastic, bath linen, textile wipes for removing make-up, other than being impregnated with cosmetics; presentation of businesses and the goods and services thereof for advertising purposes and sales promotion, for others, and providing of business contacts, including on the Internet. Klasse 38 Communication by online blogs; online messaging services; on-line communication services; provision of on-line forums; providing of online chat rooms for the transmission of messages, comments and multimedia content between users. Klasse 41 Educational instruction; providing of training; entertainment; sporting activities; cultural activities; publication of printed matter (including in electronic form), except for advertising purposes; publication of periodicals and books, including in electronic form; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; writing services for blogs; providing on-line publications; online publishing services; publishing of web magazines; publication of multimedia material online; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; providing on-line non-downloadable general feature magazines; provision of on-line entertainment; performances (presentation of live -). Klasse 44 Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic care for human beings; animal healthcare services; beauty care for human beings; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services; animal beautician services; human hygiene and beauty care; cosmetic facial and body treatment services; consultancy services relating to cosmetics. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, PRO Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, SUWON-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, Sør- Korea Klasse 9 Solid state drives (SSD); data storage apparatus; USB flash drives; flash memory cards; semi-conductors; semiconductor devices; semi-conductor memories; semi-conductor memory units; NAND flash memory. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, EVO Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, SUWON-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, Sør- Korea Klasse 9 Solid state drives (SSD); data storage apparatus; USB flash drives; flash memory cards; semi-conductors; semiconductor devices; semi-conductor memories; semi-conductor memory units; NAND flash memory. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, Uzin Utz Uzin Utz AG, 3, Dieselstrasse, ULM, Tyskland Klasse 1 Klasse 2 Chemicals used in industry, in particular in the building industry, in particular for applying floor, wall and ceiling coverings; unprocessed artificial resins, in particular for the construction industry; unprocessed plastics, in particular for the construction industry; adhesives used in industry, in particular in the construction industry, in particular adhesives with a dispersion, epoxy resin and polyurethane base; strippable adhesives and fixings for floor and wall coverings; binding agents, in particular for adhesives. Paints, varnishes, lacquers, in particular sealants for 63

64 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 floors, walls and ceilings; fillers, in particular for laying floors; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; thinners. Klasse 3 Cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, in particular for use on flooring. Klasse 6 Metal building materials, in particular copper conducting tapes for floors. Klasse 7 Machines for the treatment of floors and walls in buildings, and for removing floor coverings, machines for applying adhesives to floor and wall coverings; subsurface preparation machines for floors and walls in buildings; stripping machines, cutting machines, welding machines, groove milling machines and polishing machines for floors and walls, sawing machines (in particular door trimmers and miter saws), cleaning machines for the dry and wet cleaning of floors and walls, milling machines for working floors and floor coverings, transport machines; welding apparatus. Klasse 8 Hand-operated and automatic tools and implements for working floors and walls in buildings, for removing floor coverings and for laying floors, parquet flooring, tiles, concrete and screed; hand-operated and automatic tools and implements for working floors and floor coverings, in particular knives, hand-operated sanders, scrapers, trowels, doctor blades, scribers, marking tools, spatulas; stretching apparatus for carpeting, transport apparatus, grooving and jointing planes. Klasse 9 Measuring and checking (supervision) apparatus, in particular for laying floors, parquet flooring, tiles and screed; measuring apparatus for measuring the shearing resistance of floors, walls and screed; moisture meters, ground temperature measuring apparatus; levelling apparatus, evenness-testing apparatus, adhesive-stripping and testing apparatus, roughness-testing apparatus, layer thicknessmeasuring apparatus. Clothing, footwear, headgear, all being protective work clothing. Klasse 17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials, in particular insulating and laying backing; sealants for wall and floor joints; levelling agents, in particular sealants for filling and levelling floors and ceilings; flexible pipes, not of metal. Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; resinbonded polyester fibreboard, synthetic bases, synthetic fibre woven scrim, fibreglass bases, bases with a corkfoam-granule base, polyester bases, latex foam bases, splittable nonwovens and polypropylene boards; mortar; filling and levelling materials, fillers, in particular with a dispersion, epoxy resin, cement and polyurethane base for floors, walls and ceilings; levelling agents, in particular sealants for filling and levelling floors and walls; non-metallic materials for the repair of floors, ceilings and walls; materials for grouting ceiling and floor coverings, in particular jointing mortar, jointing mortar auxiliaries, in particular for the hardening and moisture-proofing of jointing mortar; non-woven fabric, in particular fleece, being a component of subfloor constructions; plastic floor coatings (building materials) for the on-site manufacture of floors; non-metallic transportable buildings. Klasse 21 Mixing buckets and water buckets, sponges and cleaning pads for the construction industry. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, all being protective work clothing. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile). Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance, cleaning and repair of floors and floor coverings; consultancy with regard to floor laying and adhesives for floor laying. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , JP, OpreX Yokogawa Electric Corporation, 9-32, Nakacho 2- chome, MUSASHINO-SHI, TOKYO, Japan Klasse 9 Mathematical instruments; fire alarms; gas alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; laboratory apparatus and instruments; photographic apparatus and instruments; optical machines and apparatus; temperature indicators; gasometers; thermometers; water meters; pressure gauges [manometers]; level indicators; acoustic meters; tachometers; accelerometers; refractometers; luminous flux meters; actinometers; altimeters; hygrometers; illuminometers; vibration meters; noisemeters; speed indicators; calorimeters; viscosimeters; concentration meters; gravimeter; densimeters; dynamometers; flowmeters; precision measuring machines and instruments; automatic adjusting/regulating machines and instruments; material testing machines; surveying machines and instruments; automatic control device for supporting the improvement of productivity in manufacturing; electric control panels; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electric wires and cables; transmission machines and apparatus for telecommunication; radio communication machines and apparatus; radio machines and apparatus; remote control telemetering machines and instruments; parts and accessories for telecommunication machines and apparatus; computer hardware and computer peripherals; semi-conductor elements; electronic circuits, not including those recorded with computer programs; computer programs; computer software; computer software, recorded; communication processors and computer software of computer network for automatic control devices for supporting the improvement of productivity in manufacturing; server computer and its computer software; computer programs, downloadable; computer software for industrial process control; industrial x-ray apparatus; magnetic object detectors; ultrasonic sensors; magnetic cores; resistance wires; electrodes; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications. Klasse 35 Business efficiency expert services; business data analysis; business appraisal consultancy; marketing research; marketing analysis; business management analysis; business consultancy; provision of information concerning commercial sales by e-commerce; arranging contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of goods on e-commerce; management of computerised files; computerised database management; systemization of information into computer databases; consultation about the systemization of information into computer databases; service management for the operation of the computer system; provision of information about the operation of the computer system. Klasse 37 General building contractor services; upholstering; machinery installation; electrical installation services; telecommunication wiring; electrical installation services for plant facilities; construction of power plants; construction of chemical plants; construction of 64

65 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 food processing plants; construction of machinery manufacturing plant; construction of steel manufacturing plants; construction of non-ferrous metal plants; construction of textile manufacturing plants; construction of petrochemistry plants; construction of medicinal chemical manufacturing plants; construction of nuclear power plant; construction of nuclear reprocessing plant; construction of radioactive waste treatment facilities; construction of production of natural gas plant; construction of transport equipment plant; construction of heat supply plant; construction of plant facilities; advisory services relating to equipment work on industrial production plant; advisory services relating to assembly work on industrial production plant; repair or maintenance of optical machines and instruments; repair or maintenance of photographic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of fire alarms; repair or maintenance of computers; repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of telecommunication machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of electric motors; repair or maintenance of power distribution or control machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of laboratory apparatus and instruments; repair or maintenance of measuring and testing machines and instruments; repair or maintenance of medical machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of chemical processing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; repair or maintenance of power plants; repair or maintenance of chemical plants; repair or maintenance of food processing plants; repair or maintenance of machinery manufacturing plants; repair or maintenance of steel manufacturing plants; repair or maintenance of non- ferrous metal plants; repair or maintenance of textile manufacturing plants; repair or maintenance of petrochemical plants; repair or maintenance of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants; repair or maintenance of nuclear power plants; repair or maintenance of nuclear reprocessing plants; repair or maintenance of radioactive waste treatment facilities; repair or maintenance of natural gas processing plants; repair or maintenance of transportation plants; repair or maintenance of heat supply plants. Klasse 42 Architectural services; surveying; geological surveys and research; designing of machines, apparatus or instruments, including their parts, or designing of systems composed of such machines, apparatus and instruments; plant engineering; power plant engineering; chemical plant engineering; engineering on food manufacturing plants; engineering on machinery manufacturing plants; engineering on steel manufacturing plants; engineering on non-ferrous metal plants; engineering on textile manufacturing plants; engineering on petrochemical plants; engineering on pharmaceutical manufacturing plants; engineering on nuclear power plants, nuclear reprocessing plants and radioactive waste treatment facilities; engineering on natural gas processing plants; engineering on transportation plants; engineering on heat supply plants; industrial plant engineering; advisory and consultancy services relating to design of apparatus and machines for the improvement of productivity; design of computer automatic control apparatus; design services; providing information on design, programming or maintenance of computer programs for protecting computer systems against unauthorized access to computers and providing secure networks; computer programming services for the improvement of productivity; adding and expansion of functions of computers and computer programs; configuration and installation of computers and computer programs; design, creation and maintenance of computer programs or systems and providing advice relating thereto; design and development of computer networks and consultancy services relating thereto; advisory and consultancy services relating to introduction of computer programs into equipment used in computer systems and maintenance thereof; consultancy in relation to computer systems; monitoring of computers and computer programs by remote access; design, creation and maintenance of computer programs; design and development of computer software for evaluation and calculation of data; design and development relating to computer software for solutions; provision of information relating to design of computer software for solutions; advisory services relating to design of computer software for solutions; data conversion of electronic information; provision of information on utilization and operation of computers and the Internet through communications by computer terminals; technological advice relating to computers, automobiles and industrial machines; testing, inspection or research of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or foodstuff; testing or research on prevention of pollution; testing or research on electricity; testing or research on civil engineering; testing, inspection or research on agriculture, livestock breeding or fisheries; testing or research on machines, apparatus and instruments; rental of measuring apparatus; rental of measuring machines and instruments; providing computer programs on data networks; rental of computers; rental of memory space on computer servers and providing information relating thereto; rental of computer servers and providing information relating thereto; cloud computing; rental of laboratory apparatus and instruments; rental of drawing instruments. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, Link11 Link11 GmbH, Lindleystraße 12, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Software; computer hardware; computer hardware for routing audio, video, and digital signals; switchers for routing audio, video, and digital signals; keypads for routing audio, video, and digital signals; cloud servers; databases; computer software for the monitoring of computer systems; computer software for encryption; cloud network monitoring software; cloud computing software. Klasse 38 Computer communication and internet access; providing telecommunications access to server centres; providing access to databases; providing access to computer networks; internet service provider services; telecommunications routing and junction services. Klasse 42 Hosting services and software as a service and rental of software; software development, programming and implementation; design and development of internet security programs; programming of internet security programs; IT security services in the nature of protection and recovery of computer data; provision of security services for computer networks, computer access and computerised transactions; analytical services relating to computers; development of databases; maintenance of database software; testing, analysis and monitoring of telecommunication signals; monitoring of computer systems to detect breakdowns; monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach; data security services; server administration; encryption, decryption 65

66 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 and authentication of information, messages and data; computer security services for protection against illegal network access; computer software consultancy; monitoring of network systems; monitoring of computer systems for security purposes; computer virus protection services; cloud computing; cloud hosting provider services; consulting in the field of cloud computing networks and applications; providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; design and development of operating software for accessing and using a cloud computing network; computer security threat analysis for protecting data. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, WinSped LIS Logistische Informationssysteme AG, Hansaring 27, GREVEN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Software; downloadable software; data processing programs recorded on machine-readable data carriers; machine-readable data media (recorded); mobile apps. Klasse 41 Educational instruction; provision of instruction relating to computer programming. Klasse 42 Software development, programming and implementation; computer programming; installation of software; rental and maintenance of computer software; development, creation and updating of data processing programs, in particular for freight forwarding companies; software customisation services; maintenance and updating of computer software; computer software consultancy; computer software technical support services; software customisation services; hosting services and software as a service and rental of software; information technology [IT] consultancy; IT project management; development of data bases; maintenance of computer database software; technological consultation services; engineering consultancy relating to data processing; information technology consulting; providing or rental of electronic memory space on the Internet; hosting web sites; programming of software for information platforms on the Internet. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: T:SLIM Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., Roselle Street, CA92121 SAN DIEGO, USA Klasse 9 Software and hardware for use in insulin monitoring and tracking blood glucose levels; software and hardware for use in the acquisition, storage, sharing and analysis of medical and physiological data in the field of diabetes management; software and hardware for predicting blood glucose levels and controlling medicament delivery in the field of diabetes management. Klasse 10 Medical devices, namely, infusion pumps and peripheral devices, namely, infusion sets for diabetes care for supplying medicaments and related therapies to patients. Klasse 44 Interactive medical monitoring, reporting and alert services for infusion pump users for medical treatment purposes; providing medical information and data from devices to medical professionals and patients via a website for medical monitoring purposes; telemedicine services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, V-BYTE SLB Kloepper Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbh, Leopoldstrasse 175, MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 7 Robots, current generators, pumps [machines], compressors, machine tools; motors and engines (other than for land vehicles); machine couplings and transmission components (other than for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; automatic distribution machines. Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), emergency (lifesaving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; compact disks, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; software; fire extinguishers. Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather, goods made of leather and imitations of leather, namely luggage, bags, wallets and other transport containers; animal skins; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking 66

67 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse 37 Maintenance and repair of vehicles; installation services, maintenance and repair of computer hardware and telecommunication apparatus. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, X REVEAL SALOMON, 14 chemin des Croiselets, EPAGNY METZ-TESSY, Frankrike Klasse 25 Footwear for sports. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Udruzenje Balkanska Istrazivacka Regionalna Mreza, BIRN, Branilaca Sarajeva 14, SARAJEVO, Bosnia og Herzegovina Klasse 35 Advertising and publicity; advertising and publicity agency services; advertising and publicity in the publications, including electronic publications; rental of advertising space, advertising by mail order, rental of advertising time on communication media, publishing of advertising texts, marketing adverts, marketing propaganda; advisory services and consultancy in business organization and management, business management assistance; commercial management; commercial administration. Klasse 38 News agency services; information agency services, collection and transmission of news and transfer of messages; providing access to databases; providing online forums; telecommunications, providing access to data and information online; radio and television broadcast; audio, video, movable and static images, text and data transmission; transmission and broadcast of data. Klasse 41 Publishing and providing news, comments, analysis, investigations and information in the sphere of current affairs related to politics, media, entertainment, sports journalism, science and technology, health, health protection, religion, television, radio and other social topics, through a web page containing audio and video content, and trough blogs; information reporting services, news reporters services; photographic reporting; electronic desktop publishing, micropublishing; publishing and publication of texts, books, publications, journals and newspapers, including publishing through world wide web electronically online, electronic publications; journalism and investigative journalism service; publishing services; production of documentary and motion pictures; production of radio and television programs; production of recorded investigations; arranging and conducting of seminars; training, practical training; vocational training. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, X RAISE Salomon SAS, 14 Chemin des Croiselets, EPAGNY METZ-TESSY, Frankrike Klasse 25 Footwear for sports. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, T7PLUS Stryker Corporation, 2825 Airview Boulevard, MI49002 KALAMAZOO, USA Klasse 10 Medical and surgical apparatus and equipment; medical goods, namely, surgical hoods and togas. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

68 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , CH, 71765/2018 Comité International Olympique, Château de Vidy, 1007 LAUSANNE, Sveits Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 35 Advertising; dissemination of advertising matter via all media, in particular in the form of thematic messages centered on human values; advertising by sponsoring; online advertising and marketing services; business management; business administration; office functions; promoting the goods and services of others, by means of contractual agreements, in particular sponsoring and licensing agreements, enabling them to gain additional notoriety and/or enhanced image and/or a surge of sympathy derived from cultural and sporting events, in particular international events; promoting the goods and services of others by means of what is referred to as the initial interest factor leading the public to consider goods or services presented to the public bearing signs, emblems or messages able to capture its attention; promoting the goods and services of others by means of the so-called image transfer; rental of advertising space of all type and on all media, whether digital or not; business administration of the participation of national teams to an international athletic competition, and promoting the support to said teams with the public and the concerned circles; inventory management services; consultation relating to stock monitoring services; advertising by means of direct marketing for others consisting in marketing of databases; consultation for advertising by means of direct marketing for others consisting in marketing of databases; consultation services in connection with business reorganization; truck and automobile fleet management services, namely billing and consulting in connection with the administrative management of truck and automobile fleets; business administration consultancy services; administrative management of power plants of others; business consultation in connection with the management of power plants; commercial administration of contracts for repair and servicing; supply chain commercial management services; business consulting services relating to the purchase and supply of chemical services and products; commercial supply management of products; establishing product inventory; consulting, marketing, analysis of prices and costs concerning devices for electrochemical purification of liquids for industrial use; administrative, commercial and technical management of computer files; data input and processing services; department store retail services connected with the sale of beauty products, toiletries, machines for household use, hand tools, optical goods, domestic electrical and electronic equipment; information services concerning the sale of raw materials; commercial information services; commercial information agency services; photocopier rental services; promoting the sale of goods and services of others by means of advertisements, promotional competitions, awarding of prizes and bonuses in the form of promotional lotteries, discounts, reduction tokens and value-added offers in connection with the use of payment cards; promoting sporting competitions and events for use by others; promoting concerts and cultural events for others, organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; provision of documentation, namely direct mail advertising, distribution of advertising material, distribution of samples, reproduction of documents; advertising concerning the promotion of commercial sales of goods and services for retail sale purposes; provision of information in connection with e-commerce and electronic retail sale; provision of information concerning the purchase of goods and services on line via the Internet and other computer networks; advertising concerning transport, travel, hotels, accommodation, food and meals, sports, entertainment and sightseeing tours provided through tourist agencies; maintenance of computerized databases; digital file management comprising a portfolio of images and video sequences intended for use under license in traditional advertising and in the promotion of behaviour [moral advertising]; providing an online market for the buyer and seller of goods and services; retail services or wholesale services for tires; retail services or wholesale services for clothing, footwear, headgear; retail services or wholesale services for sports goods; retail services or wholesale services for bicycles and parts and fittings for bicycles; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations as well as for medical supplies; presentation of goods on all communication media, for retail purposes; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; retail services or wholesale services for jewellery, horological instruments, fashion accessories, bags, memorabilia. Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities, televised sporting and cultural entertainment; organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; organization of lotteries and competitions; betting and gambling services in connection with or relating to sports; entertainment services provided during sporting events or concerning sporting events; organization of sporting and cultural events and activities; organization of real or virtual sporting competitions; providing sports facilities; entertainment in the nature of television news shows; entertainment services in the nature of creation, development and production of television programming; entertainment services in the nature of an ongoing reality-based television program; entertainment in the nature of ongoing television programs in the field of sport; rental of audio and video equipment; production of films, other than advertising films; production of sound and video recordings; presentation and distribution of films and of sound and video recordings; rental of films and of sound and video recordings; rental and/or provision via a computer network of interactive education and entertainment products, namely interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer games; entertainment, namely presentation of interactive education and entertainment products, namely interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer games; radio and television coverage of sporting events; production of television and radio programs and of videotapes; production of cartoons; production of animated programs for television; reservation of tickets for sporting events and shows; timing of sports events; organization of beauty contests; interactive entertainment; on-line betting services; provision of games on the Internet; provision of raffle services; provision of information concerning entertainment or education, provided online from a data bank or the Internet; electronic game services provided by means of the Internet; providing on line electronic publications; publication of books, magazines, texts (other than advertising texts) and periodicals; online publication of electronic books, magazines, texts (other than advertising texts) and periodicals; provision of digital music from the Internet; provision of sporting results; provision of information concerning sports and sporting events; rental of recorded sounds and images; audio production services; provision of information concerning sporting events provided online from a computer database or the Internet; editing and 68

69 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 publishing services; provision of digital music (nondownloadable); offering digital music by means of telecommunications; publication of statistics regarding sporting results and audience ratings for sporting competitions; training in the use and operation of systems for signaling and notification of crossings for the railway and transit industries; conducting of seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops in the field of medical imaging and diagnosis intended for medical practitioners and employees of pharmaceutical companies; education services, namely conducting of seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops in the field of life sciences and biotechnology for scientists and researchers; conducting of seminars on problems in connection with industrial water treatment; training services in all the aforesaid fields; training services in the field of management and medicine by means of the use of instructions and demonstrations provided on line, via the Internet, intranets and extranets; education services, namely conducting of practical training workshops, courses and seminars including demonstrations in the field of medicine and management; design, conducting and hosting of courses, seminars and all training activities in the field of information technology; organization and performance of concerts; booking of seats for shows; movie presentations; provision of information relating to entertainment; film production; show production; theater production services; operation of golf facilities; health club services (fitness training); sports camp services; presentation of live performances; film projection; organization of shows (impresario services); holiday camp services [entertainment]; movie studios; news reporter services; provision of on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; music hall services; education services, namely conducting of courses, seminars, presentations, video presentations; provision of educational material, namely dissemination of material in the field of financial knowledge; education services in the field of tourism; services of provision of information in the field of tourism, namely services of provision of information regarding reservation of tickets for recreational events; services of provision of information in the field of tourism, namely services of provision of information regarding entertainment; services of provision of information in the field of tourism, namely services of provision of information regarding planned sporting, cultural and recreational activities; services in connection with entertainment for tourist assistance; tourist reservation services, namely activity and entertainment reservation services; assistance services for tourists concerning reservation of tickets for recreational events; assistance services for tourists concerning planned sporting, cultural and recreational activities; presenting of prizes rewarding the authors of exceptional acts or performances; arranging and conducting ceremonies relating to the presentation of prizes and awards. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , CH, 71766/2018 Comité International Olympique, Château de Vidy, 1007 LAUSANNE, Sveits Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 35 Advertising; dissemination of advertising matter via all media, in particular in the form of thematic messages centered on human values; advertising by sponsoring; online advertising and marketing services; business management; business administration; office functions; promoting the goods and services of others, by means of contractual agreements, in particular sponsoring and licensing agreements, enabling them to gain additional notoriety and/or enhanced image and/or a surge of sympathy derived from cultural and sporting events, in particular international events; promoting the goods and services of others by means of what is referred to as the initial interest factor leading the public to consider, among a multitude of competitors, goods or services presented to the public bearing signs, emblems or messages able to capture its attention; promoting the goods and services of others by means of the so-called image transfer; rental of advertising space of all type and on all media, whether digital or not; business administration of the participation of national teams to an international athletic competition, and promoting the support to said teams with the public and the concerned circles; inventory management services; consultation relating to stock monitoring services; advertising by means of direct marketing for others consisting in marketing of databases; consultation for advertising by means of direct marketing for others consisting in marketing of databases; consultation services in connection with business reorganization; truck and automobile fleet management services, namely billing and consulting in connection with the administrative management of truck and automobile fleets; business administration consultancy; administrative management of power plants of others; business consultation in connection with the management of power plants; commercial administration of contracts for repair and servicing; supply chain commercial management services; business consulting services relating to the purchase and supply of chemical services and products; commercial supply management of products; establishing product inventory; consulting, marketing, analysis of prices and costs concerning devices for electrochemical purification of liquids for industrial use; administrative, commercial and technical management of computer files; data input and processing services; department store retail services connected with the sale of beauty products, toiletries, machines for household use, hand tools, optical goods, domestic electrical and electronic equipment; information services concerning the sale of raw materials; commercial information services; commercial information agency services; photocopier rental services; promoting the sale of goods and services of others by means of advertisements, promotional competitions, awarding of prizes and bonuses in the form of promotional lotteries, discounts, reduction tokens and value-added offers in connection with the use of payment cards; promoting sporting competitions and events for use by others; promoting concerts and cultural events for others, organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; provision of 69

70 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 documentation, namely direct mail advertising, distribution of advertising material, distribution of samples, reproduction of documents; advertising concerning the promotion of commercial sales of goods and services for retail sale purposes; provision of information in connection with e-commerce and electronic retail sale; provision of information concerning the purchase of goods and services on line via the Internet and other computer networks; advertising concerning transport, travel, hotels, accommodation, food and meals, sports, entertainment and sightseeing tours provided through tourist agencies; maintenance of computerized databases; digital file management comprising a portfolio of images and video sequences intended for use under license in traditional advertising and in the promotion of behaviour [moral advertising]; providing an online market for the buyer and seller of goods and services; retail services or wholesale services for tires; retail services or wholesale services for clothing, footwear, headgear; retail services or wholesale services for sports goods; retail services or wholesale services for bicycles and parts and fittings for bicycles; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations as well as for medical supplies; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; retail services or wholesale services for jewellery, horological instruments, fashion accessories, bags, memorabilia. Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities, televised sporting and cultural entertainment; organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; organization of lotteries and competitions; betting and gambling services in connection with or relating to sports; entertainment services provided during sporting events or concerning sporting events; organization of sporting and cultural events and activities; organization of real or virtual sporting competitions; providing sports facilities; entertainment in the nature of television news shows; entertainment services in the nature of creation, development and production of television programming; entertainment services in the nature of an ongoing reality-based television program; entertainment in the nature of ongoing television programs in the field of sport; rental of audio and video equipment; production of films, other than advertising films; production of sound and video recordings; presentation and distribution of films and of sound and video recordings; rental of films and of sound and video recordings; rental and/or provision via a computer network of interactive education and entertainment products, namely interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer games; entertainment, namely presentation of interactive education and entertainment products, namely interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer games; radio and television coverage of sporting events; production of television and radio programs and of videotapes; production of cartoons; production of animated programs for television; reservation of tickets for sporting events and shows; timing of sports events; organization of beauty contests; interactive entertainment; on-line betting services; provision of games on the Internet; provision of raffle services; services of provision of information concerning entertainment or education, provided on line from a data bank or the Internet; electronic game services provided by means of the Internet; providing on line electronic publications; publication of books, magazines, texts (other than publicity texts) and periodicals; online publication of electronic books, magazines, texts (other than publicity texts) and periodicals; provision of digital music from the Internet; provision of sporting results; provision of information concerning sports and sporting events; rental of recorded sounds and images; audio production services; provision of information concerning sports events provided online from a computer database or the Internet; editing and publishing services; provision of digital music (non-downloadable); offering digital music by means of telecommunications; publication of statistics regarding sporting results and audience ratings for sporting competitions; training in the use and operation of systems for signaling and notification of crossings for the railway and transit industries; conducting of seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops in the field of medical imaging and diagnosis intended for medical practitioners and employees of pharmaceutical companies; education services, namely conducting of seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops in the field of life sciences and biotechnology for scientists and researchers; conducting of seminars on problems in connection with industrial water treatment; training services in all the aforesaid fields; training services in the field of management and medicine by means of the use of instructions and demonstrations provided on line, via the Internet, intranets and extranets; education services, namely conducting of practical training workshops, courses and seminars including demonstrations in the field of medicine and management; design, conducting and hosting of courses, seminars and all training activities in the field of information technology; organization and performance of concerts; booking of seats for shows; movie presentations; provision of information relating to entertainment; film production; show production; theater production services; operation of golf facilities; health club services (fitness training); sports camp services; presentation of live performances; film projection; organization of shows (impresario services); holiday camp services [entertainment]; movie studios; news reporter services; provision of on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; music hall services; education services, namely conducting of courses, seminars, presentations, video presentations; provision of educational material, namely dissemination of material in the field of financial knowledge; education services in the field of tourism; services of provision of information in the field of tourism, namely services of provision of information regarding reservation of tickets for recreational events; services of provision of information in the field of tourism, namely services of provision of information regarding entertainment; services of provision of information in the field of tourism, namely services of provision of information regarding planned sporting, cultural and recreational activities; services in connection with entertainment for tourist assistance; tourist reservation services, namely activity and entertainment reservation services; assistance services for tourists concerning reservation of tickets for recreational events; assistance services for tourists concerning planned sporting, cultural and recreational activities; presenting of prizes rewarding the authors of exceptional acts or performances; arranging and conducting ceremonies relating to the presentation of prizes and awards. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

71 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, IN COMMON In Common, LLC, 3800 NE 1st Avenue, 6th floor, FL33137 MIAMI, USA Klasse 3 Hair care preparations; non-medicated hair treatment preparations for cosmetic purposes. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: SEAT URBAN VEHICLES SEAT, S.A., Autovia A-2, Km. 585, MARTORELL (BARCELONA), Spania Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land; cars; vehicle parts and accessories. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , CH, (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, UN-CREPE Peter Thomas Roth Labs, LLC, 52 East 73rd Street, NY NEW YORK, USA Klasse 3 Skin care products, namely, non-medicated facial lotions, creams, and serum. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Zendeli Fikret, Blumenweg 4, 8135 LANGNAU AM ALBIS, Sveits Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 28 Games, toys; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees. Klasse 35 Advertising; commercial business management; commercial administration; office functions. Klasse 38 Telecommunications; provision of access to platforms on the Internet as well as on the mobile Internet; provision of access to portals on the Internet. Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Klasse 42 Provision of Internet platforms (software); scientific and technological services as well as research and design services relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computers and software. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, POLIPOL Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Diepenauer Heide 1, DIEPENAU, Tyskland Klasse 20 Furniture, especially upholstered furniture, sofa sets, pull-out couches that can be transformed into daybeds, bed sofas, armchairs; beds; fabric sample racks, namely in the form of fabric trolleys for the demonstration and exhibition of samples of fabrics and types of fabric, samples of leather, samples of imitation leather and samples of other upholstery fabrics, especially for the use for upholstered furniture; mattresses; upholstered headrests; neck cushions; pillows; backrests; accessory parts for upholstered 71

72 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 furniture, especially bags being adapted to furniture for the storage of magazins, remote controls and other objects. Klasse 24 Fabrics for furniture; textile fabrics for the production of furniture. Klasse 35 Wholesale and retail services with the following goods: leather for furniture (semi processed), leather covers for furniture, imitation leather for furniture, furniture (especially upholstered furniture, sofa sets, pull-out couches that can be transformed into daybeds, bed sofas, armchairs), beds, fabric sample racks (namely in the form of fabric trolleys for the demonstration and exhibition of samples of fabrics and types of fabric, samples of leather, samples of imitation leather and samples of other upholstery fabrics, especially for the use for upholstered furniture), mattresses, upholstered headrests, neck cushions, pillows, backrests, accessory parts for upholstered furniture (especially bags being adapted to furniture for the storage of magazines, remote controls and other objects), fabrics for furniture, textile imitation leather fabrics for furniture. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , IT, (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a sign depicting the wording MONCLER in fancy characters, the stylized and profiled letter M being larger and superimposed on the figure of a stylized cockerel, the portion ONCLER being smaller. MONCLER S.P.A., Via Stendhal, 47, MILANO, Italia Klasse 9 Eyeglasses; sunglasses; anti-glare glasses; goggles for sports, swimming goggles; eyeglass and sunglass cases; eyeglass and sunglass lenses; eyeglass and sunglass frames; eyeglass and sunglass chains; eyeglass and sunglass cords; pince-nez; pince-nez cases; pince-nez chains; pince-nez cords; pince-nez mountings; correcting lenses [optics]; contact lenses; containers for contact lenses; ski goggles; spectacle cases; optical lenses; binoculars; binocular cases; monocles; opera glasses; telescopes; optical discs; prisms [optics]; magnifying glasses; magnifying glass cases; objectives [lenses] [optics]; smartglasses; 3D spectacles; electronic game software for cellular phones; electronic game software for hand-held electronic devices; computer game software; computer game programs; computer software, recorded; downloadable computer programs; floppy disks; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; downloadable graphics for mobile phones; computer screen saver software, recorded or downloadable; personal computers; cases adapted for personal computers; notebook computers; hand-held computers; cases adapted for hand-held computers; carrying cases adapted for computers; tablet computers; protective cases for tablet computers; covers for tablet computers; laptop computers; cases for laptops; bags adapted for laptops; sleeves for laptops; docking stations for laptops; wrist rests for use with computers; computer mice; mouse pads; computer keyboards; printers for use with computers; computer peripheral devices; monitors [computer hardware]; carrying cases for radio pagers; radio cases; radios; mobile phones; lanyards [straps] for cellular phones; covers adapted for cellular phones; cases adapted for cellular phones; antennas for cellular phones; cellular phones; smartphones; protective covers for smartphones; protective cases for smartphones; electronic pagers; electronic book readers; protective cases for electronic book readers; cordless telephones; cordless telephone holders; telephone receivers; telephone apparatus; video telephones; cell phone straps; batteries for cellular phones; microphones for cellular phones; loudspeakers for cellular phones; earphones for cellular phones; battery chargers for cellular phones; battery charger cases for cellular phones; in-ear headphones; headphones; headphone cases; hands free kits for telephones; hands free kits for cellular phones; smartwatches; protective films adapted for smartphones; selfie sticks [hand-held monopods]; selfie sticks for use with smartphones; virtual reality headsets; selfie lenses; personal digital assistants [PDAs]; multi-purpose cameras; disposable cameras; cases adapted for cameras; cameras [photography]; digital cameras; television cameras; camcorders; cases especially made for photographic apparatus and instruments; lanyards [straps] for cameras; digital photo frames; exposed slide film cases; slides [photography]; video screens; home theater projectors; protective helmets for sports; clothing and footwear for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; gloves for divers; visors for helmets; compact discs [audio-video]; DVDs; holders and cases for compact discs and DVDs; protective carrying cases for portable music players; music and video player cases; digital audio players; loudspeakers; compact disc players; cases adapted for CD players; DVD recorders; DVD players; cases adapted for DVD players; portable MP3 players; cases for portable MP3 players; covers for portable MP3 players; portable compact disc music players; prerecorded magnetic tapes, cartridges and disks; walkie-talkies; antennas; audiovisual teaching apparatus; films, exposed; transmitters of electronic signals; television apparatus; electronic publications, downloadable; magnetic data carriers; sound recording discs; prerecorded audio discs; prerecorded DVDs; audio and video tapes; sound recording carriers; video recorders; video cassettes; USB flash drives; electronic key fobs being remote control apparatus; teaching robots; time clocks [time recording devices]; counters; rulers [measuring instruments]; teaching apparatus; measuring devices, electric; barometers; thermometers, not for medical purposes; calculating machines; pocket calculators; chronographs [time recording apparatus]; scales; pedometers; directional compasses; egg timers [sandglasses]; microscopes; bar code readers; navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]; credit card cases [fitted holders]; magnetically encoded key cards; electronic agendas; cases for electronic agenda; covers for electronic agendas; coin-operated musical automata [juke boxes]; magic lanterns; holograms; electronic interactive whiteboards; interactive touch screen terminals; decorative magnets; electronic pens [visual display units]; lanyards [straps] especially adapted for holding cellular phones, MP3 players, cameras, video cameras, 72

73 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 eyeglasses, sunglasses, magnetic encoded cards; nose clips for divers and swimmers; integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; sports whistles; electronic pocket translators; hand-held electronic dictionaries; optical fibers [light conducting filaments]; snorkels; telecommunication apparatus in the form of jewellery; baby monitors; audio baby monitors; video baby monitors; baby scales; protective helmets for children; educational software for children. Klasse 18 Boxes of leather or leatherboard; cases of leather or leatherboard; straps of leather [saddlery]; card cases [notecases]; credit card cases [wallets]; calling card cases; furniture coverings of leather; business card cases; document cases; bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather for packaging; labels of leather; clothing for pets; collars for pets; bags for carrying animals; nose bags [feed bags]; bridles [harness]; leather, unworked or semi-worked; moleskin [imitation of leather]; fur; raw skins; bags; handbags; evening purses [handbags]; shopping bags; leather shopping bags; wheeled shopping bags; duffle bags; waist bags; Boston bags; shoulder bags; travelling trunks; beach bags; clutch bags; attaché cases; school bags; school satchels; schoolchildren's backpacks; randsels [Japanese school satchels]; bags for sports; garment bags for travel; purses; wallets; pocket wallets; carrying cases for documents; key cases; key bags; key wallets; briefcases; pouches, of leather, for packaging; luggage; pouches for holding make-up, keys and other personal items; shoe bags for travel; all-purpose sports bags; saddle bags; knapsacks; backpacks; rucksacks; haversacks; overnight suitcases; trunks [luggage]; vanity cases, not fitted; hat boxes for travel; hat boxes of leather; handbag frames; key cases of leather; shoulder belts [straps] of leather; leather straps; pouches of leather; suitcases; suitcases with wheels; travelling sets [leatherware]; travelling bags of leather; bags for campers; bags for climbers; tote bags; motorized suitcases; conference folders; conference portfolios; sling bags for carrying infants; slings for carrying infants; pouch baby carriers; backpacks for carrying babies; infant carriers worn on the body; umbrellas for children; reins for guiding children; umbrellas; parasols; walking sticks; mountaineering sticks; harness fittings; golf umbrellas; umbrella covers; hiking sticks; trekking sticks. Klasse 25 Jackets [clothing]; sleeved or sleeveless jackets; heavy jackets;lightweight jackets [clothing]; bomber jackets; reversible jackets; rain jackets; leather jackets; padded jackets; wind-resistant jackets; waterproof jackets; stuff jackets [clothing]; down jackets; sleeveless down jackets; sports jackets; ski jackets; snowboard jackets; long jackets; windcheaters; ski windcheaters; snowboard windcheaters; anoraks [parkas]; down anoraks; parkas; down parkas; fur jackets; waistcoats; waistcoats with removable lining;overcoats; coats; fur coats; raincoats; cardigans; pullovers; shirts; T-shirts; polo shirts; sport shirts; undershirts; shirts for wear with suits; chemises; camisoles; blouses; blousons; sweatshirts; sweaters; jumpers [pullovers]; jerseys [clothing]; sports jerseys; trousers; ski pants; snowboard pants; ski trousers; shorts; Bermuda shorts; jeans; skirts; skorts; work overalls; clothing for gymnastics; jogging suits; jogging trousers; training suits; track suits; ski suits; snowboard suits; suits; dresses for women; evening dresses; gowns; blazers; formal wear; petticoats; corselets; wristbands [clothing]; headbands [clothing]; twin sets; leggings [trousers]; leggings [leg warmers]; leg warmers; dungarees; ponchos; veils [clothing]; wedding dresses; ready-made clothing; outer clothing; masquerade costumes; tops [clothing]; tank-tops; knitwear [clothing]; hosiery; clothing of leather or imitations of leather; furs [clothing]; waterproof clothing; pants; sweat pants; pelerines; pinafore dresses; tuxedos; romper suits; leotards; gabardines [clothing]; slacks; tunics; school uniforms; athletic uniforms; breeches for wear; golf clothing, other than gloves; cuffs; dance clothing; aprons [clothing]; smocks; ski masks [clothing]; kimonos; judo uniforms; karate uniforms; bathing suits; bathing caps; swimming caps; shower caps; beach cover-ups; beach clothes;swimming costumes; swimsuits; bathing drawers; bathing trunks; bikinis; bath robes; pareus; clothing for children; footwear for children; headgear for children; articles of clothing, footwear and headgear for babies and toddlers; babies' pants [clothing]; bibs, not of paper; layettes [clothing]; padded sleepsuits for babies; down padded sleepsuits for babies; baby bodysuits; costumes for use in the children's dress up play; bibs, sleeved, not of paper; snap crotch shirts for infants and toddlers; footmuffs, not electrically heated; socks; stockings; tights; sports socks; panty hose; unitards; garters; sock suspenders; stocking suspenders; shoes; leather shoes; sports shoes; gymnastic shoes; beach shoes; mountaineering shoes; running shoes; ski footwear; after ski footwear; footwear for snowboarding; rain footwear; sneakers; slippers; bath slippers; sandals; bath sandals; flip-flops [footwear]; heels; heelpieces for boots and shoes; inner soles; tips for footwear; soles for footwear; footwear uppers; boots; half-boots; lace boots; rain boots; ski boots; after ski boots; snowboard boots; boots for sports; horse-riding boots; clogs; overshoes; galoshes; gaiters; valenki [felted boots]; scarves; cloaks; shawls; stoles; fur stoles; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; foulards [clothing articles]; neckties; bow-ties; ascots; neckerchiefs; pocket squares; neck warmers; gloves [clothing]; muffs [clothing]; mittens; ski gloves; snowboard gloves; belts [clothing]; braces for clothing [suspenders]; suspenders; waistbands [parts of clothing]; money belts [clothing]; sashes for wear; boas [necklets]; collars [clothing]; mufflers [neck scarves]; underwear; singlets; sport singlets; slips [undergarments]; panties; underpants; drawers [clothing]; briefs; boxer briefs; pyjamas; dressing gowns; nightgowns; vests; brassieres; corsets [underclothing]; bodices [lingerie]; girdles; teddies [underclothing]; sleep masks; caps [headwear]; hats; cap peaks; caps with visors; berets; hoods [clothing]; ear muffs [clothing]; visors [headwear]. Klasse 28 Apparatus for games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; video game machines; apparatus for games; pocket-sized apparatus for playing video games; pocket-sized video game machines; pocket-sized electronic game machines; hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; portable games with liquid crystal displays; stand-alone video game machines; arcade video game machines; controllers for game consoles; joysticks for video games; balls for games; counters [discs] for games; bladders of balls for games; ring games; conjuring apparatus; roulette wheels; skittles [games]; shuttlecocks; marionettes; kites; kite reels; quoits; toy vehicles; radio-controlled toy vehicles; remotecontrolled toy vehicles; toy cars; kaleidoscopes; masks [playthings]; theatrical masks; play balloons; toy pistols; dolls; dolls' beds; dolls' feeding bottles; dolls' clothes; dolls' houses; dolls' rooms; teddy bears; spinning tops [toys]; puzzles; jigsaw puzzles; parlor games; mobiles [toys]; building blocks [toys]; flying discs [toys]; scooters [toys]; rocking horses; dominoes; building games; toy construction kits; soap bubbles [toys]; slides [playthings]; practical jokes [novelties]; butterfly nets; scale model vehicles; playing cards; cases for playing cards; dice; draughts [games]; draughtboards; backgammon games; checkers [games]; board games; chess games; chess sets; chess pieces; checkerboards; chessboards; mah-jong; bingo cards; playing balls; nets for sports; race tracks [toys]; darts; swimming pools [play articles]; novelties for parties, dances [party favors, favours]; cases for play accessories; Christmas trees of synthetic material; bells for Christmas trees; snow globes; paper party hats; scratch cards for playing lottery games; toys for pets; toy imitation cosmetics; swimming pool air floats; party poppers [party novelties]; toy putty; toy dough; portable games and toys incorporating telecommunication 73

74 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 functions; plush characters and animals; rubber character toys; toy action figures; stuffed toys and unstuffed toys in the form of plastic character toys; puppets; stuffed puppets; plush toys; stuffed toys; rattles [playthings]; rattles for babies; baby rattles incorporating teething rings; cot musical toys for babies; baby gyms; plush toys with attached comfort blanket; tricycles for infants [toys]; crib toys; crib mobiles [toys]; tables for indoor football; tables for table tennis; golf bags, with or without wheels; golf gloves; golf clubs; divot repair tools [golf accessories]; billiard cues; pool cue tips; billiard markers; billiard tables; billiard balls; tennis nets; tennis ball throwing apparatus; tennis rackets; rackets; battledores; table tennis rackets; strings for rackets; bowling apparatus and machinery; cricket bags; hockey sticks; coinoperated billiard tables; grip tapes for rackets; skis; snow skis; edges of skis; ski brakes; ski poles; ski sticks; ski bindings; shaped covers for ski bindings; shaped covers for skis; bags adapted for skis; sole coverings for skis; seal skins [coverings for skis]; bindings for alpine skis; surf skis; bob-sleighs; discuses for sports; surfboards; sleds [sports articles]; snow sleds for recreational use; sailboards; snowboards; stationary exercise bicycles; machines for physical exercises; foils for fencing; harpoon guns [sports articles]; bar-bells; appliances for gymnastics; fencing weapons; climbers' harness; mountaineering equipment, namely, ascenders, binding straps, hooks, hook and ring combinations; paragliders; hang gliders; skateboards; spring boards [sports articles]; twirling batons; bags especially designed for surfboards; harness for sailboards; masts for sailboards; paintball guns [sports apparatus]; surfboard leashes; starting blocks for sports; sling shots [sports articles]; horizontal bars for gymnastics; weight lifting belts [sports articles]; parallel bars for gymnastics; exercise platforms; poles for pole vaulting; skipping ropes; batting gloves [accessories for games]; fencing gauntlets; exercise pulleys; exercise benches; jumping ropes; bodybuilding apparatus; body-training apparatus; archery implements; punching bags for boxing; roller skates; inline roller skates; ice skates; skating boots with skates attached; boxing gloves; baseball gloves; gloves for games; snowshoes; swimming belts; swimming rings; swimming kick boards; flippers for swimming; water wings; arm floats for swimming; swimming jackets; hunting game calls; fishing tackle; rods for fishing; fishing lines; bows for archery; camouflage screens [sports articles]; tables for table football; golf irons; inflatable floats for swimming; swim floats for recreational use; rhythmic gymnastics ribbons. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, VINCORION JENOPTIK Advanced Systems GmbH, Feldstraße 155, WEDEL, Tyskland Klasse 7 Starters for engines; drives for machines; driving machines, except for land vehicles; drive shafts, except for land vehicles; elevators for air planes; elevator lifts in aircrafts; torque converters, except for land vehicles; Klasse 9 speed regulators for machines; speed regulators for motors; electric drives for machines; electric drive systems for straightening installations, consisting of electric motors, gearboxes and control and regulating equipment; electric tower and weapon drives [parts of machines]; electric generators; electric motors, except for land vehicles; carriers; fans; blowers; drive machines for stabilising platforms, electric directional, tower and weapon drives, mirror heads and studio apparatus; lifting equipment; windlasses (machines); machine coupling and transmission components, except for land vehicles; radiators for engines; freight elevators; load winches; housings for machines and motors; engines and power units, except for land vehicles; emergency power aggregates and generators; power generators; alternators; machine tools; power tools; winches. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity; observation and reconnaissance equipment; observation platforms, namely comprising a night vision camera, a day vision camera, a thermographic apparatus and an optical data transmission apparatus; image capture devices; CDs; DVDs; digital record carriers; computer; computer software; display devices (displays); communications equipment; electric accumulators; electrical couplings; electrical control devices; electronic assemblies for the control of mechanical drives; receiving apparatus for signals; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; apparatus for optical data transmission; hardware for data processing; information technology and audiovisual equipment; cameras; laser rangefinders; military combat training apparatus using combat simulators and combat action display devices; night vision cameras; optical observation platforms comprising a night vision camera and a day vision camera; optical devices for target recognition in helicopters, namely mirror heads; optical devices for target detection, namely targeting mirrors for rifles; optical amplifiers; photovoltaic installations for generating electricity using solar energy; radomes, namely adapted antenna and radar panels for use in aircraft; transmission apparatus; sensors; software for tilt simulation and control of rail vehicles; voltage regulators for vehicles; voltage transformer [converter]; power supplies; power converters; day vision cameras; thermography devices; thermal imaging equipment; thermal imaging cameras; inverters; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, film, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; battery charge devices, charging stations for electric vehicles, electrical charge controllers, battery charging devices for motor vehicles. Klasse 11 Lighting systems and lighting for vehicle and aircraft cabins; deicing apparatus for vehicles and aircraft; defrosters for vehicles and aircraft; heaters for the aerospace industry; heaters; lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying and ventilating apparatus; heating installations for vehicles; ventilation systems (air conditioning) for vehicles. Klasse 12 Covers for vehicles; drives for vehicles, military vehicles, ships and aircrafts; driving machines for land vehicles; drive shafts for land vehicles; apparatus, machines and apparatus for aviation; vehicles for transport by land or air; torque converters for land vehicles; electric drives for use as components for tilting technology in vehicles, in particular rail vehicles; electric motors for land vehicles; chassis for vehicles; vehicle doors; vehicles; electric stability control systems for land vehicles; helicopter; military drones; engines for land vehicles, military vehicles, ships and aircrafts; tanks: rail vehicles; parts of drones; parts of vehicles and in particular parts of armored vehicles; parts of air planes, ships, vehicles and military vehicles; parts of helicopters; parts of rail vehicles; windshields; civil drones. 74

75 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Klasse 13 Artillery pieces and turrets; missile launcher; gun carriages; ammunition and projectiles; armor for turrets; firearms; explosives; target level for rifles; targets for guns, in particular for stabilisation [other than riflescopes]; targeting devices for firearms [except riflescopes]. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; building construction; installation, repair and maintenance of metrological, manufacturing and datatechnical installations, machines, apparatus and hardware; installation services relating to mechatronic and sensory products for civil and military markets, power systems, optical sensor systems, stabilisation systems, aerospace systems, radomes, diesel-electric power units, electric machines, generators, electric motors, converters, heating systems, control devices, lift systems, rescue winches, infrared camera systems and lasers distance meters; repair services, namely repair of mechatronic and sensory products for civil and military markets, energy systems, optical sensor systems, stabilisation systems, aviation systems, radomes, diesel-electric aggregates, electrical machines, generators, electric motors, converters, heating systems, control devices, lift systems, rescue winches, infrared camera systems and laser distance meters; maintenance services. Klasse 42 Engineering services; design and development of computer hardware and software; creation of EMC analyses [electromagnetic compatibility analyses] for technical purposes; engineering services in the field of information technology; calibration of machines; calibration of instruments; calibration of electronic devices; calibration of optical devices; technical consultancy in the field of EMC (electromagnetic compatibility); technological services and design relating thereto. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, JETLINER Novalash, Inc., #201, 6116 Skyline Drive, TX HOUSTON, USA Klasse 3 Eyeliner. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , JP, Atom Medical Corporation, 18-15, Hongo 3-chome, Bunkyo-ku, TOKYO, Japan Klasse 10 Medical apparatus and instruments. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, SAJ GmbH, Weberhaus 14, MELLE, Tyskland Klasse 28 Games and toys; tossing games and dart games; apparatus for playing darts; darts and parts thereof; dart boards and game Boards. Klasse 38 Providing access to internet and network platforms, for shared gaming activities, competitions, and change of players, also interactively, in each case also for advertising, sales promotion and other promotional purposes, in each case also in connection with dart games, competitions, betting games, events, sporting matches and events; broadcasting of sporting events, competitions and contests, in each case also relating to tossing games, dart games; said broadcasts also respectively transmitted by radio and data transfer; exchanging data on social network platforms and search engines. Klasse 41 Arranging and conducting electronic games and competitions over networks and via the Internet, in each case also in connection with dart games; game analysis and training analysis, in each case for training and entertainment purposes, game consulting and training consulting, in each case also via the Internet and in connection with dart games, competitions, betting games, events, sporting matches and events, electronic and computer-aided game analysis and training analysis, in each case for educational, training 75

76 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 and entertainment purposes; game consulting and training consulting, in each case also via the Internet; arranging and conducting competitions, betting games, events, sporting matches and events, in each case also in connection with dart games [except for promotional events]; Journalism services; member support in the course of conducting games, in each case also online and in each case also in connection with darts, competitions, betting games, events, sporting matches and events; production of broadcasts for sporting events, competitions and contests, in each case also relating to tossing games, dart games. Klasse 42 Computerized data storage, electronic information storage of personal data, in each case also online, on networks and via the internet; hosting services for uploading, downloading and storing data such as photos, images, graphics,videos and spoken reports on platforms, also on networks and the Internet. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark is a rhombus device, in which there is a polyline, while the whole mark has no meaning. JINAN MECH PIPING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., Meigui Zone of Industrial Park, Pingyin, JINAN CITY, Kina Klasse 6 Steel pipes; ducts of metal, for central heating installations; water-pipes of metal; sleeves [metal hardware]; elbows of metal for pipes; tubbing of metal; drain pipes of metal; pipes of metal; pipe muffs of metal; junctions of metal for pipes; pipework of metal; reinforcing materials of metal for pipes; collars of metal for fastening pipes; clips of metal for cables and pipes; casings of metal for oilwells; gutter pipes of metal; branching pipes of metal; ducts of metal for ventilating and air-conditioning installations; penstock pipes of metal. Klasse 11 Metal pipe components for water heating equipment, including pipe steam valve, pipe water valve, water nozzle, three direction pipe joint, four direction pipe joint, pipe hoop, pipe fittings for the aforesaid goods. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : SHENZHEN MEIXIXI CATERING MANAGEMENT CO., LTD., Rm. 602C, Fl. 6, Bldg. B, Space Science and Technology Square, Yuehai Street, (Junction of Haide Three Street North and Houhaibin Road East), Nanshan District, SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG, Kina Klasse 35 Market studies; sales promotion for others; importexport agency services; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; photocopying services; commercial information agency services; business management of hotels; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; advertising; publicity. Klasse 43 Café services; restaurant services; canteen services; snack-bar services; teahouse services; bar services; hotel services; cafeteria services; self-service restaurant services; mobile catering services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

77 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a vertically slanted rectangle and a horizontally slanted rectangle that form the shape of an L with a slanted square at the corner base of the L shape within a partial circle with a corner of the square interrupting the circle. Leatherman Tool Group Inc, N.E. Ainsworth Circle, OR97220 PORTLAND, USA Klasse 8 Multiple-function folding hand tool comprising two or more of the following elements -- scissors, pliers, knife, screwdriver, saw, file, can opener, awl, tweezers, bottle opener and cork puller. Klasse 14 Watches and bracelets. Klasse 25 Clothing, namely, jackets, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweat pants, caps, polo shirts and button down shirts. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, , US, BLACKEN THE WORLD Sweet Amber Ventures, Inc., c/o WG&S, LLP, Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, CA90024 LOS ANGELES, USA Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages, except beer. Klasse 40 Alcohol distillery services. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, METAL POINT Mecalux SA, C/ Silici, 1-5, CORNELLÀ DE LLOBREGAT (BARCELONA), Spania Klasse 6 Common metals and their alloys; building materials of metal; transportable buildings of metal; structures of metal for storage; metallic materials for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; tubes of metal; safes [strong boxes]; shelving unit brackets of metal [other than parts of furniture]. Klasse 20 Shelving units; structures not of metal for storage; furniture; mirrors, picture frames; modular shelving units; fasteners, not of metal, for shelving units; benches with shelves. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: sunshapers Gemma Clarke, 9 Tapley House, Wolseley Street, SE12BW LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 3 Sun creams; suntan creams; sunscreen creams; aftersun creams; sun-tanning creams; sun protecting creams [cosmetics]; sun-tanning creams and lotions; sun creams [for cosmetic use]; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; anti-wrinkle cream; anti-wrinkle cream [for cosmetic use]; cosmetic preparations for skin firming; creams for cellulite reduction; creams for firming the skin; lotions for cellulite reduction. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

78 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: YEARCON CO., LTD., No.239, Wenzhong East Road, Wenxi Town, Qingtian County, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 18 Fur-skins; handbags; bags; leather laces; umbrellas; walking sticks; covers for animals; pocket wallets; animal skins. Klasse 25 Clothing; knitwear [clothing]; shoes; hats; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; scarfs; girdles; sleep masks; shower caps; ready-made clothing; sashes for wear. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: SHIRO AG Snus Aktieselskab, Drejervænget, 5610 ASSENS, Danmark Klasse 34 Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches; snuff. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: Yi ER KANG (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: Yi ER KANG YEARCON CO., LTD., No.239, Wenzhong East Road, Wenxi Town, Qingtian County, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 18 Fur-skins; handbags; bags; leather laces; umbrellas; walking sticks; covers for animals; pocket wallets; animal skins. Klasse 25 Clothing; knitwear [clothing]; shoes; hats; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; scarfs; girdles; sleep masks; shower caps; ready-made clothing; sashes for wear. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, Jurbey Drive CBH RECHTSANWÄLTE CORNELIUS BARTENBACH HAESEMANN & PARTNER PARTNERSCHAFT VON RECHTSANWÄLTEN MBB, Bismarckstr , KÖLN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Software, in particular for providing information on transportation services, for providing parking spaces for vehicles and for supplying and distributing energy; mobile apps; apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; charging stations for electricity; power distributors (electrical); power regulating apparatus; power distributing boxes; power supply devices; battery chargers; batteries for vehicles, recorded data; data storage devices; databases; hardware for data processing; information technology, audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices; network communication devices; electric and electronic components; optical devices and equipment; amplifying apparatus and correctors; measuring, detection and monitoring instruments, devices and controllers; electric and electronic monitoring, control, diagnosis and safety apparatus and instruments; navigation, orientation, location tracking, target tracking and mapping devices; parts and accessories for all aforesaid goods included in this class. Klasse 35 Arranging of contracts for third parties for the provision of services, namely arranging of contracts for the provision of transportation services, in particular rental of vehicles, providing of parking spaces and 78

79 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 vehicle parking as well as travel route planning and navigation services [positioning, route and course plotting and planning], packaging and storage of goods, courier services of all kinds, arranging of contracts for the purchase of electrical energy; advertising, marketing and sales promotion; arranging of business contacts; assistance in business matters, business management and administrative services; business administration; professional business analysis, research and information services; market research; rental, lease and usufructuary lease of publicity material, advertising space, advertising time on communication media, automatic dispensers, vending machines, sales stands, billboards (advertising boards), sales stands in traveling fairs; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services included in this class. Klasse 38 Telecommunication services, in particular provision of on-line access to data and application programs for the provision of transportation services and for booking transportation means, for providing parking spaces for vehicles and for the supply and distribution of energy; telecommunication services for payment processing services; provision of access to audio/video content, websites and Internet portals; rental, lease and usufructuary lease of telecommunication equipment, telephones, access time to global computer networks; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services included in this class. Klasse 39 Distribution of electricity by cables; supply of energy; distribution of energy; transportation; transportation and delivery of goods; freight and people transportation brokerage; transportation of passengers and travelers; arranging and conducting of sightseeing tours, travels and trips as well as escorting travelers, tour guiding; rescue, towing and automobile salvage services; packaging and storage of goods; parking, storage and garaging of vehicles; rental of parking spaces for vehicles; provision of information on parking spaces for vehicles; travel route planning [navigation services]; navigation services [positioning, route and course plotting and planning]; provision of information and planning and booking of transportation services; rental, lease and usufructuary lease of automobiles, cars, garages, parking lots, parking places, parking sites, vehicles, motor racing cars, navigational systems; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services included in this class. Klasse 42 Rental of software; provision of temporary use of nondownloadable software; providing temporary use of software; all aforesaid services in particular in connection with software for the provision of transportation services and for booking transportation means, providing parking spaces for vehicles and/or the supply and distribution of energy; rental, lease and usufructuary lease of software, computers, web servers; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services included in this class. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, MUSC DIAMANT LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE, 14, rue Royale, PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Cosmetics; perfumery products. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, GIORGIO ARMANI COLOR SKETCHER GIORGIO ARMANI S.P.A., Via Borgonuovo, 11, MILANO (MI), Italia Klasse 3 Make-up products. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , SE, 2018/04826 MedicineGarden Medicine Garden AB, Salongsgatan 58a, MALMÖ, Sverige Klasse 5 Food supplements; dietary supplements and dietetic preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

80 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, Jurbey Move CBH RECHTSANWÄLTE CORNELIUS BARTENBACH HAESEMANN & PARTNER PARTNERSCHAFT VON RECHTSANWÄLTEN MBB, Bismarckstr , KÖLN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Software, in particular for providing information on transportation services, for providing parking spaces for vehicles and for supplying and distributing energy; mobile apps; apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; charging stations for electricity; power distributors (electrical); power regulating apparatus; power distributing boxes; power supply devices; battery chargers; batteries for vehicles, recorded data; data storage devices; databases; hardware for data processing; information technology, audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices; network communication devices; electric and electronic components; optical devices and equipment; amplifying apparatus and correctors; measuring, detection and monitoring instruments, devices and controllers; electric and electronic monitoring, control, diagnosis and safety apparatus and instruments; navigation, orientation, location tracking, target tracking and mapping devices; parts and accessories for all aforesaid goods included in this class. Klasse 35 Arranging of contracts for third parties for the provision of services, namely arranging of contracts for the provision of transportation services, in particular rental of vehicles, providing of parking spaces and vehicle parking as well as travel route planning and navigation services [positioning, route and course plotting and planning], packaging and storage of goods, courier services of all kinds, arranging of contracts for the purchase of electrical energy; advertising, marketing and sales promotion; arranging of business contacts; assistance in business matters, business management and administrative services; business administration; professional business analysis, research and information services; market research; rental, lease and usufructuary lease of publicity material, advertising space, advertising time on communication media, automatic dispensers, vending machines, sales stands, billboards (advertising boards), sales stands in traveling fairs; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services included in this class. Klasse 38 Telecommunication services, in particular provision of on-line access to data and application programs for the provision of transportation services and for booking transportation means, for providing parking spaces for vehicles and for the supply and distribution of energy; telecommunication services for payment processing services; provision of access to audio/video content, websites and Internet portals; rental, lease and usufructuary lease of telecommunication equipment, telephones, access time to global computer networks; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services included in this class. Klasse 39 Distribution of electricity by cables; supply of energy; distribution of energy; transportation; transportation and delivery of goods; freight and people transportation brokerage; transportation of passengers and travelers; arranging and conducting of sightseeing tours, travels and trips as well as escorting travelers, tour guiding; rescue, towing and automobile salvage services; packaging and storage of goods; parking, storage and garaging of vehicles; rental of parking spaces for vehicles; provision of information on parking spaces for vehicles; travel route planning [navigation services]; navigation services [positioning, route and course plotting and planning]; provision of information and planning and booking of transportation services; rental, lease and usufructuary lease of automobiles, cars, garages, parking lots, parking places, parking sites, vehicles, motor racing cars, navigational systems; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services included in this class. Klasse 42 Rental of software; provision of temporary use of nondownloadable software; providing temporary use of software; all aforesaid services in particular in connection with software for the provision of transportation services and for booking transportation means, providing parking spaces for vehicles and/or the supply and distribution of energy; rental, lease and usufructuary lease of software, computers, web servers; consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services included in this class. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, OY Sinebrychoff AB, Sinebrychoffinaukio 1, KERAVA, Finland Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

81 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: MINI AIR (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of the words "MINI AIR" in standard font. XIAMEN AMESON NEW MATERIAL INC., Room 106, Factory 1/F, No. 24 Huli Industrial Zone, XIAMEN CITY, FUJIAN PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 16 Paper; plastic film for wrapping; plastic bubble packs for wrapping or packaging; modelling materials; carbon paper; towels of paper; cardboard tubes; prospectuses; Indian inks; corrugated raw board. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , GB, UK e-cta Brainomix Limited, Suites 11-14, Suffolk House, 263 Banbury Road, OX27HN OXFORD, Storbritannia Klasse 9 Computer software; computer software for use in the interpretation of brain scans. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , MC, BIOTHERM, Roc Fleuri - 1, rue du Ténao, MONACO, Monaco Klasse 3 Perfumes; skin care products for the body; shower gels. L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Make-up products. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

82 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , GB, UK BRAINOMIX Brainomix Limited, Suites 11-14, Suffolk House, 263 Banbury Road, OX27HN OXFORD, Storbritannia Klasse 9 Computer software; computer software for use in the interpretation of brain scans. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, XEMBIFY GRIFOLS WORLDWIDE OPERATIONS LIMITED, Grange Castle Business Park, Grange Castle, Clondalkin, DUBLIN 22, Irland Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, MODERN DREAMER L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Make-up products. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , BX, Brownline B.V., Duurzaamheidsring 180, 4231 EX MEERKERK, Nederland Klasse 9 Measuring and navigation apparatus for conducting and controlling drilling rigs for underground drilling; software for conducting and controlling drills and drilling rigs. Klasse 37 Building and construction services; carrying out underground drilling; rental of drilling equipment; conducting and controlling drills and drilling rigs; technical consultancy in relation to underground drilling. Klasse 42 Preparation of technical reports with respect to underground drilling. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , AU, SOMNODENT FUSION SomnoMed Limited, Level 3, 20 Clarke Street, NSW 2065 CROWS NEST, Australia Klasse 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; dental pins; mandibular splints and orthosis as medical devices for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnoea; oral appliances; orthopaedic articles; suture materials, analytical devices for medical purposes; diagnostic devices for medical purposes; splints for dental and orthodontic purposes; dental devices (electric); dentures; dental adjustments. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

83 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, Capgemini, 11, rue de Tilsitt, PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 9 Recorded software and software packages, software for remote transmission of data, recorded software packages and computer programs relating to all manner of fields of activity. Klasse 35 Advisory services for business management; assistance in the management of industrial and/or commercial companies; professional business consultancy; business management and organization consultancy; management consulting; commercial management of IT infrastructures on behalf of industrial or commercial companies (outsourcing); advice on information system management for companies; information system management consulting for business; business consultancy in design, implementation of information systems and computer technologies; commercial consulting in the realization and management of information systems and computer technologies; consultancy pertaining to personnel issues; personnel recruitment; computer file management; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; business consultancy and information services on commercial companies provided online from a computer database or the Internet network; production of advertisements used as web page on the Internet network; online presentation of advertising texts. Klasse 37 Computer equipment installation services; computer installation, maintenance and repair services; maintenance services for computers, computer peripherals, information processing apparatus and telephone apparatus; telecommunication equipment and computer hardware maintenance services; services for the opening of telephone lines, namely installation, configuration, connection, maintenance and repair of telecommunication systems. Klasse 38 Communications by computer terminals, by fiber-optic networks; telephone call centers; electronic messaging; information telecommunication services (including web pages), telecommunication services provided via the Internet, electric and computer mail and messaging services; providing access by telecommunication and connection to a computer database or the Internet; transmission of texts, graphics, images, audiovisual and multimedia information, documents, databases, address files, glossaries, practical information provided online from a computer database or the Internet network; providing access to and rental of access time to a computer database; provision of access to databases and websites. Klasse 41 Organization and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, seminars, symposiums; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; professional training; advisory and information services in the fields of education, training provided online from a computer database or the Internet; publication in electronic form of journals and articles in the fields of computer science, business management provided by any means on the Internet; career counseling. Klasse 42 Information technology consulting, development of IT strategies for companies; technical advice and analysis in information systems and computer technologies; computer programming; conception (design) and development of software and software packages; update of software and software packages; computer consultancy services; technical assistance regarding information technology, particularly regarding software; provision of online non-downloadable operating software for accessing and using a cloud computing network; providing online non-downloadable software for operation and maintenance of computer networks and servers; hosting, management, development and maintenance of applications, software for accessing websites and databases; providing a full range of nondownloadable online application software for general and professional purposes; application service provider services, namely, hosting, management, development and maintenance of applications, software and provision of access to websites and databases; IT consulting services; computer systems integration services; assistance services in the field of software as a service; information technology (IT) support services; assistance regarding transformation, integration, modernization, migration, design, development, implementation, testing, optimization, operation and management of information technology (IT) and applications; assistance relating to cloud computing and large data; temporary provision online of nondownloadable cloud software for data management and electronic data storage; design and development of computer hardware and software; software used as service provider services; provision of application services; PaaS platform services; IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) services; electronic storage of files, documents and data; rental of electronic data storage spaces. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: STATICUS UAB "STATICUS", Metalo g. 13, VILNIUS, Litauen Klasse 6 Common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought; alloys of common metal; steel alloys; building materials of metal; building materials of metal; pillars of metal for building; slabs of metal for building; tiles of metal for building; refractory construction materials of metal; buildings, transportable, of metal; steps [ladders] of metal; railway material of metal; cables of metal, nonelectric; door springs, non-electric; wire of common metal; ironmongery; hardware of metal, small; pipes of metal, for central heating installations; pipes of metal; steel pipes; reinforcing materials of metal for pipes; tubes of metal; steel tubes; safes [metal or non-metal]; ingots of common metal; ores of metal; arbours [structures] of metal; framework of metal for building; porches, structures, of metal; doors of metal; door fittings of metal; door panels of metal; door frames of metal; windows of metal; window openers, non-electric; window closers, non-electric; linings of metal for building; steel buildings; aluminium; aluminium wire; anchor plates; reinforcing materials, of metal, for concrete; reinforcing materials of metal for building; iron slabs; iron strip; flashing of metal for building; brazing alloys; fittings of metal for building; wall linings of metal for building; roof flashing of metal; roof coverings of 83

84 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 metal; props of metal; paving slabs of metal; floors of metal; sheet piles of metal; stair treads (steps) of metal; shutters of metal; ceilings of metal; joists of metal; partitions of metal; lintels of metal; wainscotting of metal; girders of metal; fences of metal; latticework of metal; shuttering of metal for concrete; scaffolding of metal; mouldings of metal for building; prefabricated houses (kits) of metal; drawn and polished metal bars. Klasse 19 Building materials, not of metal; coatings (building materials); construction materials, not of metal; planks of wood for building; refractory construction materials, not of metal; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; asphalt; pitch; bitumen; bituminous coatings for roofing; bituminous products for building; bitumen paper for building; buildings, transportable, not of metal; monuments, not of metal; works of stonemasonry; manufactured timber; concrete building elements; mouldable wood; wooden floor boards; wall linings, not of metal, for building; floors, not of metal; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; moldings, not of metal, for building; framework, not of metal, for building; palisading, not of metal; palisading, not of metal; scaffolding, not of metal; windows, not of metal; duckboards, not of metal; door frames, not of metal; posts, not of metal; roofing, not of metal; roof coverings, not of metal; building panels, not of metal; pillars, not of metal, for building; girders, not of metal; partitions, not of metal; linings, not of metal, for building; refractory construction materials, not of metal; fire burrs; building glass; grout; building cardboard; building stone; planks of wood for building; building timber; binding agents for making stones; gates, not of metal; roof flashing, not of metal; gravel. Klasse 35 Import-export agency services; compilation of information into computer databases; provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; administration of consumer loyalty programs; commercial or industrial management assistance; commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services; provision of commercial and business contact information; commercial intermediation services; competitive intelligence services; business management for freelance service providers; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; auctioneering; outsourcing services (business assistance); distribution of samples; sales promotion for others; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; administrative processing of purchase orders; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; advertising; pay per click advertising; marketing research; business management assistance; business management and organization consultancy; business research; business investigations; business efficiency expert services; business auditing; outsourced administrative management for companies; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; targeted marketing; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); business project management services for construction projects; financial auditing. Klasse 37 Building construction supervision; rustproofing; burglar alarm installation and repair; plumbing; asphalting; factory construction; damp-proofing (building); mining extraction; road paving; lift installation and repair; machinery installation, maintenance and repair; building of fair stalls and shops; demolition of buildings; installation and repair of air-conditioning apparatus; building insulating; building sealing; cleaning of buildings; scaffolding; bricklaying; underwater construction; fire alarm installation and repair; warehouse construction and repair; rental of construction equipment; construction consultancy; roofing services; repair information; plastering; harbour construction; pipeline construction and maintenance; painting, interior and exterior; kitchen equipment installation; building construction; building repair; roof installation services. Klasse 42 Architectural services; architectural consultancy; geological research; design of interior decor; design of facade construction; interior design; engineering; surveying; quality control; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; material testing; urban planning; scientific research; underwater exploration; quality evaluation of standing timber; construction drafting; technical research; conducting technical project studies; technological consultancy; research in the field of environmental protection; design services; construction design. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: VPSX Enterprise Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc., 2401 W. Monroe Street, IL62704 SPRINGFIELD, USA Klasse 9 Integrated print server software for managing delivery of output to remote printers and hosts. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , BX, ICE LAKE Ice Lake Capital Holding BV, Gustav Mahlerplein 2, 1082 MA AMSTERDAM, Nederland Klasse 35 Advertising, marketing and promotional services; business assistance, business management and administrative services; business analysis, business research and business information services; advisory services relating to commercial transactions; mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others; arranging of contractual trading services with third parties; business intermediary services relating to the matching of potential private investors with entrepreneurs needing funding; arranging subscriptions to electronic journals; business analysis; analysis of business trends; analysis of marketing trends; financial statement preparation and analysis for businesses. Klasse 36 Financial and monetary services, and banking; trust advice; arranging finance for businesses; corporate trustee services; financial trust management; financial risk management services; management of private equity funds; financial management; venture capital and project capital investment services; financial risk assessment services; financial analysis; computerised financial analysis; financial evaluation and analysis; financial analysis and consultancy; financial information, management and analysis services; 84

85 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 preparation and analysis of financial reports; financial analysis services relating to investments; preparation and analysis of financial reports; financial analysis; preparation of financial analyses relating to securities; preparation of financial analyses relating to bond markets; providing information and analysis via the Internet in the field of financial investments. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for analyzing financial data and generating reports; consultancy services for analysing information systems; computer programming services for commercial analysis and reporting. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of the word "TRANSSION" in stylized lettering. Shenzhen Transchan Technology Limited, Room 3, 23/F, Unit B Building, No. 9, Shenzhen Bay Eco- Technology Park, Yuehai Street, Nanshan District, SHENZHEN CITY GUANGDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 9 Computers; computer memory devices; radiotelephony sets; hands-free kits for telephones; smartphones; telephone apparatus; headphones; chargers for electric batteries; batteries, electric. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, , US, Vynamic Diebold Nixdorf Inc., 5995 Mayfair Road North Canton, OHIO, USA Klasse 9 Software for: self-service terminals, automated teller machines (ATMs), automatic cash dispensers, automated cash deposit machines, electrically operated machines for the dispensing of coupons, tickets, vouchers, coins, postage stamps, credit and debit card terminals, automatic price scanning systems, biometric devices for identification, verification and detection, image processing equipment, encryption; software for on-line financial transactions and online commercial payment transactions, forecasting cash replenishment requirements of automated teller machines, branch banks and other cash dispensing equipment, mobile devices for performing financial transactions and obtaining commercial information; software for electronic cash registers, automatic scanner cash registers and cash registers, terminals for banking and automated payment services; software for computers, handheld computers, tablet computers, namely for banking and payment transactions; software that enables financial institutions and commercial companies to integrate the delivery of services to customers by mobile devices, branch financial institutions, worldwide web portals, call centers, tellers, kiosks, automated teller machines cash register systems and self-service point of sale systems; software for monitoring cash transactions and noncash transactions; software for monitoring transactions against fraud for banks and commercial companies; software to enable secure payment processing; computer software platforms (recorded or downlaodable) for banking and payment transactions; authentication software for self-service terminals, selfservice point of sale systems, cash register systems and automated teller machines (ATMs); interactive computer programs relating to financial matters and banking and payment transactions; software for facilitating secure credit card transactions; computer software for analysing market information; cloud network monitoring software; cloud computing software; software for diagnostics and troubleshooting; software for the analysis of business data; software for the processing of business transactions; recorded or downloadable computer software platforms, namely for banking and payment transactions; computer software to automate data warehousing; computer e-commerce software; software development kit [SDK] for software for banking and payment transactions; software for network and device security. Klasse 42 Development, installation, maintenance, repair and rental of software for banking and commercial financial transactions; development, installation, maintenance, repair and rental of software for platforms for electronic commerce, internet platforms, commercial analysis, commercial reporting, secure network operations, and financial transactions; Software as a service (SaaS); hosting software for use by others for electronic commerce, internet platforms, commercial analysis, commercial reporting, secure network operations; hosting computer sites [web sites]; electronic monitoring services for security purposes of transmitted data via telecommunication; custom design of software packages for banks and commercial companies; programming, development, installation, maintenance, repair and rental of software for accessing and using a cloud computing network; computer software technical support services; software customisation services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

86 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, MARKANT Services International GmbH, Hanns- Martin-Schleyer-Strasse 2, OFFENBURG, Tyskland Klasse 1 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; fire extinguishing and fire prevention compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; tanning compositions for animal skins; adhesives for use in industry; putties and other paste fillers; compost, manures, fertilizers; biological preparations for use in industry and science; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs. Klasse 2 Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; staining [colouring] preparations; inks for printing, marking and engraving; raw natural resins; metal in foil and powder form for use in painting, decorating, printing and art. Klasse 3 Non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations; non-medicated dentifrices; perfumery products, ethereal oils; soap; hair lotions; hair lotion; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations. Klasse 4 Industrial oils and greases; wax; lubricants; dust controlling compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. Klasse 5 Pharmaceuticals, medical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic foodstuffs and preparations for medical or veterinary purposes, including those for invalids and infants; infant formula; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; medical and surgical plasters; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying noxious animals; fungicides, herbicides. Klasse 6 Ores, common metals and their alloys; materials of metal for building and construction; buildings, transportable, of metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; non- electric cables and wires of common metal; metal hardware; bins of metal for storage and transport; strongboxes. Klasse 7 Machine tools and power operated tools; motors, other than for land vehicles; machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements, other than hand operated hand tools; incubators for eggs; vending machines; 3D printers; waste compacting machines; filling machines; suction machines for industrial purposes; transmission chains, other than for land vehicles; driving motors, other than for land vehicles; excavators; belt conveyors; metal drawing machines; concrete mixers [machines]; printing machines for use on sheet metal; drilling machines; brewing machines; ironing machines; brushes [parts of machines]; brushes for vacuum Klasse 8 Klasse 9 cleaners; printing machines; printing plates; wrapping machines; tin openers, electric; juice extractors, electric; fruit presses, electric, for household purposes; glue guns, electric; knives, electric; blenders, electric, for household purposes; kitchen grinders, electric; nail extractors, electric; machines and apparatus for cleaning, electric; electric egg beaters; shears, electric; whisks, electric, for household purposes; screwdrivers, electric; door openers, electric; door closers, electric; food processors, electric; crushers for kitchen use, electric; electromechanical machines for preparation of beverages; labellers [machines]; grating machines for vegetables; mixers [machines]; sewing machines; crushing machines. Hand operated hand tools and implements; table cutlery [knives, forks and spoons]; side arms, other than firearms; razors and shaving apparatus; beard clippers; flat irons; manicure sets, electric; nail files, electric; fingernail polishers, electric or non-electric; nail clippers, electric or non-electric; depilation appliances, electric and/or non-electric; razor cases; manicure sets; scaling knives; mincing knives [hand tools]; table forks; border shears; needle files; nail files; cuticle tweezers; polishing irons [glazing tools]; curling tongs; hand implements for hair curling; nail nippers; non-electric can openers; egg slicers, non- electric; cheese slicers, non-electric; pizza cutters, non-electric; pedicure sets; pincers; hair-removing tweezers; razors, electric or non-electric; razor blades; razors; razor strops; shaving cases; scissors; eyelash curlers; spoons; table cutlery; cutlery; mandolins for slicing vegetables; ceramic knives; vegetable choppers. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking [supervision], life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; coin-operated mechanisms; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fire extinguishers; 3D spectacles; spectacles; spectacle cases; spectacle frames; spectacle lenses; spectacle chains; smartglasses; electronic book readers; sunglasses; goggles for sports; head protection; protective helmets for sports; protection masks; clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; shoes for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; gloves for protection against accidents. Klasse 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and supportive apparatus [adapted for invalids]; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and items for babies; apparatus, devices and items for the sexual activity. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; extractor hoods for kitchens; ventilation hoods; disinfectant dispensers for toilets; deodorising apparatus, not for personal use; fruit roasters; roasting jacks; heaters, electric, for feeding bottles; lights, electric, for Christmas trees; light bulbs, electric; coffee machines, electric; cooking utensils, electric; cool boxes, electric; roasting apparatus; roasting spits; water heaters; coffee roasters; kilns; toasters; fans [air-conditioning]; hot plates. Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Klasse 13 Fowling pieces; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; firework bodies. Klasse 14 Alloys of precious metal; jewellery, precious stones and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Klasse 15 Musical instruments; music stands. Klasse 16 Paper and cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs [printed]; stationery and office 86

87 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 requisites (except furniture); adhesives for stationery or household purposes; drawing materials; artists' materials; paintbrushes; teaching materials [except apparatus]; printers' type printing blocks; announcement cards [stationery]; sheets and bags made of plastic for wrapping and packaging; stickers [stationery]; banners of paper; cabinets for stationery [office requisites]; mats for beer glasses; pads [stationery]; postage stamps; brochures; document holders [stationery]; labels of paper or cardboard; bunting of paper; flags of paper; filter paper; bottle envelopes of paper or cardboard; flyers; forms, printed; padding materials of paper or cardboard; printed sheet music; printed coupons; geographical maps; greeting cards; graphic art prints; graphic reproductions; manuals [handbooks]; wood pulp paper; paper coffee filters; coasters of paper; index cards [stationery]; cards; catalogues; copying paper [stationery]; bookmarkers; luminous paper; musical greeting cards; electrocardiograph paper; paper for recording machines; paper sheets [stationery]; filtering materials of paper; face towels of paper; paper handtowels; papier mäche; flower-pot covers of paper; paper bows, other than haberdashery or hair decorations; table napkins of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; conical paper bags; tracing paper; parchment paper; posters; placards of paper or cardboard; place mats of paper; packing [cushioning, stuffing] materials of paper or cardboard; postcards; prospectuses; cream containers of paper; trading cards, other than for games; paper and cardboard boxes; writing or drawing books; table runners of paper; tablecloths of paper; table linen of paper; toilet paper; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; wrapping paper; drawing pads; periodicals; magazines [periodicals]; newspapers. Klasse 17 Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, guttapercha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics and resins in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes and hoses [not of metal]; insulators for cables or non-metallic seals for cables. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; travel luggage; holdalls; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; collars for pets; leads and covers for animals; trunks and suitcases; briefcases; pocket wallets; bags for campers; kid leather; document cases; net bags for shopping; shopping bags; purses; suitcase handles; handbags; handbag frames; game bags [hunting accessories]; card cases [notecases]; chain mesh purses; garment bags for travel; valises; travelling sets [leatherware]; travelling bags; rucksacks; bags for climbers; boxes of leather or leather board; key cases; school knapsacks; school bags; bags; casual bags; roller bags; business card cases. Klasse 19 Building materials [non-metallic]; non-metallic rigid pipes for building; pitch, tar, bitumen and asphalt; nonmetallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal. Klasse 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; containers, not of metal, for storage or transport; unworked or semiworked bones, horn, whalebones or mother-of-pearl; shells; meerschaum; yellow amber. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; cookware and tableware, except forks, knives and spoons; combs and sponges; brushes; brushes (except paintbrushes); material for brush-making; cleaning articles; glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware; steelwool; cosmetic and toilet utensils and bathroom articles; statues, figurines, plaques and works of art, made of materials such as porcelain, terra-cotta or glass, included in the class; coin banks (piggy banks); dental cleaning articles; containers for flowers; repotting containers for plants; watering devices; holders for flowers and plants [flower arranging]; syringes for watering flowers and plants; bouquet holders; holders for flowers; window- boxes; flower baskets; flower bowls; flower bowls of precious metal; flower bowls of glass; flower bowls of earthenware; flower syringes; flower pot holders; flower pots; nozzles for watering cans; gardening gloves; garden syringes; watering cans; plastic lids for plant pots; flower-pot covers, not of paper; plant syringes; plant baskets; lawn sprinklers; seed trays; bowls for floral decorations; bowls for plants; nozzles for hosepipes; spray nozzles for garden hoses; greenhouse syringes; sprayers attached to garden hoses; nozzles for watering hose; sprayer wands for garden hoses; pot plant support sticks; saucers for flower pots; water syringes for spraying plants; plastic spray nozzles; planters of glass; planters of earthenware; planters of plastic; porcelain flower pots; planters of clay; indoor terrariums [vivariums]; indoor terrariums [plant cultivation]; aquaria and vivaria; battery operated lint removers; ironing boards; flat-iron stands; ironing cloths; electric lint removers; lint removers, electric or non-electric; glove stretchers; shirt stretchers; trouser presses; trouser stretchers; clothes brushes; clothing stretchers; buttonhooks; ironing boards [kotedai]; tie presses; non-electric lint removers; wax-polishing appliances, non-electric, for shoes; frames for drying and maintaining the shape of clothing items; shoe horns; brushes for footwear; shoe polishing mitts; shoe shine cloths; shoe cloths; shoe scrapers incorporating brushes; boot stretchers of wood; shoe trees [stretchers]; shoe stretchers; boot jacks; boot trees [stretchers]; clothes drying racks; laundry baskets; clothes-pegs; rotary washing lines; drying racks for laundry; clothes drying hangers; clothes drying hangers specially designed for specialty clothing; ironing board covers, shaped. Klasse 22 Ropes and strings; ropes and string; nets; tents and tarpaulins; canopies made of textiles or plastics; sails; sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; flock [stuffing] and materials for padding (except of paper, cardboard, rubber or plastics); raw textile fibers and substitutes thereof. Klasse 23 Yarns and threads for textile use. Klasse 24 Textiles and substitutes for textiles; linens; curtains of textile or plastic; bed blankets; table linen. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 26 Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; decorative articles for the hair; artificial hair. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile). Klasse 28 Games; toys; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees. Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game as well as products made from meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and milk products; oils and fats; meat, fish, poultry and game preserves; prepared meals primarily consisting of the aforementioned products; fruit juices and vegetable juices for cooking purposes; fish, seafood and molluscs; dairy products and dairy substitutes; sausage skins and imitations thereof; soups and stocks, meat extracts; processed fruits, fungi and vegetables (including nuts and pulses); birds eggs and egg products; prepared insects and larvae; fish and seafood spreads; meat spreads; cheese; jellies, jams, compotes, fruit and vegetable spreads; prepared meals containing [principally] eggs; prepared dishes consisting principally of meat; prepared meals consisting principally of game; prepared meals consisting primarily of meat substitutes; prepared meals consisting substantially of seafood; prepared meals containing [principally] chicken; prepared meals containing [principally] bacon; frozen prepared meals consisting principally of vegetables; cooked dish consisting primarily of chicken and ginseng (samgyetang); prepared meals made from poultry [poultry predominating]; prepared meals made from 87

88 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 meat [meat predominating]; ready cooked meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of poultry; ready cooked meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of game; ready cooked meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of meat; cooked dish consisting primarily of fermented vegetable, pork and tofu (kimchijjigae); cooked dish consisting primarily of stir-fried beef and fermented soy sauce (sogalbi); cooked dish consisting primarily of soybean paste and tofu (doenjang-jjigae); cooked dish consisting primarily of rich soybean paste and tofu (cheonggukjang-jjigae); prepared dishes consisting primarily of fishcakes, vegetables, boiled eggs, and broth (oden); cooked dish consisting primarily of stir- fried chicken and fermented hot pepper paste (dak-galbi); vegetable-based snack foods; nut-based snack foods; dried fruit-based snacks; tofu-based snacks; meat-based snack foods; potato crisps in the form of snack foods; nut and seed-based snack bars; snack foods based on nuts; snack foods based on vegetables; snack foods based on legumes; potato-based snack foods; organic nut and seed-based snack bars; snack mixes consisting of dehydrated fruit and processed nuts; dairy puddings; desserts made from milk products; artificial milk based desserts; fruit juices and vegetable juices for cooking; Korean-style pasta soup [sujebi]. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from bread, pastry, cereals and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces [condiments]; spices; ice [frozen water]; prepared meals, mainly consisting of the aforementioned goods; ice, ice creams, frozen yogurts and sorbets; coffee, teas and cocoa and substitutes therefor; salts, seasonings, flavourings and condiments; food condiment consisting primarily of ketchup and salsa; processed grains, starches, and goods made thereof, baking preparations and yeasts; sugars, natural sweeteners, sweet coatings and fillings, bee products; savory sauces, chutneys and pastes; cereals; dried and fresh pastas, noodles and dumplings; yeast and leavening agents; doughs, batters, and mixes therefor; breakfast cereals, porridge and grits; flour; syrups and treacles; sweet glazes and fillings; bread; pastries, cakes, tarts and biscuits (cookies); cereal bars and energy bars; sweets (candy), candy bars and chewing gum; pineapple fritters; French toast; flavoured popcorn; snack food products - consisting of cereal products; snack food products made from potato flour; snack foods prepared from maize; snacks manufactured from muesli; banana fritters; baozi [stuffed buns]; bibimbap [rice mixed with vegetables and beef]; flaky pastry containing ham; pretzels; brioches; bean jam buns; frankfurter sandwiches; buckwheat jelly (Memilmuk); burritos; calzones; chalupas; cheeseburgers [sandwiches]; chimichanga; Chinese steamed dumplings (shumai, cooked); grain-based chips; crisps made of cereals; chow mein; chow mein [noodle-based dishes]; crackers made of prepared cereals; crackers flavoured with meat; crackers flavoured with vegetables; crackers flavoured with herbs; crackers flavoured with cheese; crackers flavoured with spices; crepes; egg pies; empanadas; enchiladas; chocolate-based ready- to-eat food bars; fajitas; pastries consisting of vegetables and fish; rice-based prepared meals; prepared meals in the form of pizzas; prepared meals containing [principally] pasta; pies containing meat; meat pies; fresh pies; fresh pizza; fresh sausage rolls; stir fried rice cake [topokki]; egg rolls; spring rolls; prawn crackers; fried corn; freeze-dried dishes with the main ingredient being pasta; freeze-dried dishes with the main ingredient being rice; chilled pizzas; frozen pastry stuffed with meat; frozen pastry stuffed with vegetables; filled baguettes; pasta containing stuffings; Chinese stuffed dumplings (gyoza, cooked); filled bread rolls; vegetable pies; pellet-shaped rice crackers (arare); rice based dishes; meals consisting primarily of pasta; corn, roasted; corn kernels being toasted; toasted sandwiches; toasted cheese sandwich; toasted cheese sandwich with ham; chips [cereal products]; cerealbased snack food; gimbap [Korean rice dish]; mincemeat pies; flapjacks; hamburgers being cooked and contained in a bread roll; hamburgers contained in bread rolls; hot sausage and ketchup in cut open bread rolls; millet cakes; hot dog sandwiches; snack food products made from cereal flour; snack food products made from rice flour; snack food products made from soya flour; snack foods made from corn; snack foods made from corn and in the form of puffs; snack foods made from corn and in the form of rings; puffed corn snacks; cereal snack foods flavoured with cheese; jiaozi [stuffed dumplings]; canapes; caramel coated popcorn with candied nuts; kimchijeon [fermented vegetable pancakes]; sticky rice cakes (Chapsalttock); shrimp dumplings; preserved pizzas; glutinous pounded rice cake coated with bean powder (injeolmi); cheese curls [snacks]; macaroni with cheese; pumpkin porridge (Hobak-juk); stir-fried noodles with vegetables (Japchae); lasagne; seaweed flavoured corn chips; corn chips; vegetable flavoured corn chips; macaroni salad; microwave popcorn; sandwiches containing fish fillet; sandwiches containing meat; steamed buns stuffed with minced meat (niku-manjuh); caramel coated popcorn; crackers filled with cheese; mung bean pancakes (bindaetteok); nachos; ready-made dishes containing pasta; noodle-based prepared meals; canned pasta foods; pasta salad; okonomiyaki [Japanese savoury pancakes]; pasta dishes; pastries consisting of vegetables and meat; pastries consisting of vegetables and poultry; pies; pies containing fish; pies containing poultry; pies [sweet or savoury]; pies containing vegetables; pies containing game; stir-fried rice; pancakes; green onion pancake [pajeon]; prepared savory foodstuffs made from potato flour; savory pastries; pizza crust; pizza bases; prepared pizza meals; pizzas; candy coated popcorn; pot pies; puffed cheese balls [corn snacks]; popcorn; quesadillas; quiches; ramen [Japanese noodle-based dish]; ravioli; rice crisps; prepared rice dishes; rice dumplings; rice dumplings dressed with sweet bean jam (ankoro); rice crackers; rice cakes; rice biscuits; rice salad; rice-based snack food; risotto; salted tarts; samosas; sandwiches; sandwiches containing fish; sandwiches containing chicken; sandwiches containing minced beef; sandwiches containing salad; pork pies; senbei [rice crackers]; sesame snacks; snack foods made from wheat; snack food products made from cereal starch; snack food products made from maize flour; snack food products made from rusk flour; snack foods made of whole wheat; cheese flavored puffed corn snacks; spaghetti and meatballs; canned spaghetti in tomato sauce; extruded wheat snacks; crumble; sushi; sweet rice with nuts and jujubes (yaksik); tabbouleh; taco chips; tacos; tamales; frozen pizzas; frozen pastry stuffed with meat and vegetables; tortilla snacks; tortilla chips; tortillas; Korean traditional rice cake [injeolmi]; dry and liquid ready-to-serve meals, mainly consisting of rice; dry and liquid ready-to-serve meals, mainly consisting of pasta; uncooked pizzas; processed unpopped popcorn; boxed lunches consisting of rice, with added meat, fish or vegetables; hot dogs (prepared); ready to eat savory snack foods made from maize meal formed by extrusion; pre-baked pizzas crusts; prepared meals containing [principally] rice; meals consisting primarily of rice; snack foods consisting principally of bread; pre-packaged lunches consisting primarily of rice, and also including meat, fish or vegetables; snack foods consisting principally of extruded cereals; wonton chips; wontons; soft pretzels; wholewheat crisps; poultry and game meat pies; wraps [sandwich]; sausage rolls; meat pies [prepared]; prepared foodstuffs in the form of sauces; pasta-based prepared meals; pizzas [prepared]; ravioli [prepared]; onion biscuits; apple fritters; flavoured sugar confectionery; bakery goods; meringues; sweetmeats [candy]; chocolate spreads containing nuts for sandwich; bread pudding; jam buns; biscotti dough; 88

89 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 chocolate decorations for christmas trees; cocoa based creams in the form of spreads; custard; puddings; dessert mousses [confectionery]; dessert souffles; ice confectionery; peanut confectionery; peanut brittle; chocolate based products; decorations [edible] for christmas trees; edible rice paper; edible paper; viennoiserie; creme caramel; ready-to-eat puddings; fried dough twists; chocolate coated fruits; pavlovas made with hazelnuts; frozen yogurt pies; frozen confections on a stick; confectionery ices; frozen dairy confections; frozen confectionery containing ice cream; fruit jellies [confectionery]; salted wafer biscuits; dried sugared cakes of rice flour (rakugan); ginseng confectionery; semolina pudding; halvah; boiled confectionery; foodstuffs containing cocoa [as the main constituent]; croissants; instant dessert puddings; japanese sponge cakes (kasutera); canapes; candy; butterscotch chips; crackers flavoured with fruit; kheer mix (rice pudding); dairy confectionery; confectionery items coated with chocolate; sweetmeats [candy]; chocolate flavoured confectionery; crackers; cheeseflavored biscuits; liqueur chocolates; turkish delight; aerated chocolate; tablet (confectionery); chocolate coated macadamia nuts; almond confectionery; marzipan; marshmallow topping; marzipan substitutes; creamed rice; almonds covered in chocolate; mousse confections; muesli desserts; foods with a cocoa base; non-medicated confectionery in jelly form; nonmedicated flour confectionery; non-medicated flour confectionery containing chocolate; non-medicated chocolate; non- medicated confectionery products; nonmedicated flour confectionery coated with imitation chocolate; non-medicated flour confectionery coated with chocolate; non-medicated confectionery in the shape of eggs; non-medicated confectionery containing milk; non-medicated confectionery having a milk flavour; mint flavoured confectionery (non-medicated); non-medicated confectionery containing chocolate; non- medicated confectionery having toffee fillings; non-medicated confectionery for use as part of a calorie controlled diet; non-medicated flour confectionery containing imitation chocolate; nonmedicated mint confectionery; non-medicated chocolate confectionery; nougat; chocolate coated nougat bars; nut confectionery; chocolate-coated nuts; cakes of sugar-bounded millet or popped rice (okoshi); panettone; poppadums; pancakes; chocolates; chocolate confectionery containing pralines; preparations for making of sugar confectionery; puddings; rice-based pudding dessert; rice porridge; rice puddings containing sultanas and nutmeg; truffles (rum -) [confectionery]; bars of sweet jellied bean paste (yohkan); salt crackers; savory biscuits; floating islands; chocolate; foodstuffs containing chocolate [as the main constituent]; chocolate for confectionery and bread; chocolate for toppings; chocolate with alcohol; chocolate with Japanese horseradish; chocolate spreads for use on bread; chocolate decorations for confectionery items; chocolate-based spreads; chocolate spreads containing nuts; chocolate flavourings; chocolate spreads; chocolate confectionery having a praline flavour; chocolate bark containing ground coffee beans; chocolate creams; imitation chocolate; chocolate fondue; chocolate topping; chocolate marzipan; chocolate mousses; chocolate vermicelli; sopapillas [fried pastries]; sopapillas [fried bread]; crumble; nerikiri [traditional Japanese confectionery consisting of a soft sugared bean-based shell containing sweet bean jam]; sweet pounded rice cakes (mochi-gashi); panned sweets (non-medicated); orange based confectionery; potato flour confectionery; confectionery in liquid form; confectionery in frozen form; confectionery containing jelly; liquorice flavoured confectionery; confectionery containing jam; confectionery having wine fillings; confectionery having liquid fruit fillings; confectionery having liquid spirit fillings; peanut butter confectionery chips; confectionery chips for baking; fruited scones; tiramisu; chocolate decorations for cakes; Korean traditional sweets and cookies [hankwa]; truffles [confectionery]; turkish delight coated in chocolate; custards [baked desserts]; imitation custard; prepared desserts [confectionery]; prepared desserts [chocolate based]; vla [custard]; waffles; chocolate waffles; wafered pralines; waffles with a chocolate coating; soft pin-rolled cakes of pounded rice (gyuhi); graham crackers; yorkshire puddings; cinnamon rolls; sugar-coated coffee beans; confectionery for decorating Christmas trees; confectionery; cotton candy; cocoa-based ingredients for confectionery products; snack foods consisting principally of confectionery; coated nuts [confectionery]. Klasse 31 Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and sowing seeds; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt. Klasse 32 Beer; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit juice beverages; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; flavoured carbonated beverages; soy-based beverages, not being milk substitutes; juices; waters. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages [except beers]. Klasse 34 Tobacco; articles for use with tobacco; matches. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; clerical services; retail services and wholesale services with chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics, manure, fire-extinguishing compositions, tempering and soldering preparations, chemicals for preserving foodstuffs, tanning materials, adhesives for use in industry, paints, varnishes, lacquers, preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood, dyes, mordants, raw natural resins, metal in sheet and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices, industrial oils and greases, lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions, fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants, candles and wicks for lighting, pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, sanitary preparations for medical purposes, dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, plasters, materials for dressings, material for stopping teeth, dental wax, disinfectants, preparations for destroying vermin, fungicides, herbicides, common metals and their alloys, metal building materials, transportable buildings of metal, material of metal for railway tracks, non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware, pipes and tubes of metal, safes, goods of common metal, ores, machines and machine tools, motors and engines (except for land vehicles), machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles), agricultural implements other than hand-operated, incubators for eggs, hand tools and implements (hand-operated), cutlery, side arms, razors, scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life- saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, fire-extinguishing apparatus, surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth, orthopedic articles, suture materials, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, firearms, 89

90 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 ammunition and projectiles, explosives, fireworks, precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments, musical instruments, paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, printed matter, book binding material, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists' materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites (except furniture), instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), plastic materials for packaging, printers' type, printing blocks, rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials, plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture, packing, stopping and insulating materials, flexible pipes, not of metal, leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, building materials (non-metallic), non-metallic rigid pipes for building, asphalt, pitch and bitumen, non-metallic transportable buildings, monuments, not of metal, furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs and sponges, brushes (except paint brushes), brush-making materials, articles for cleaning purposes, steelwool, unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building), glassware, porcelain and earthenware, ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags, padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics), raw fibrous textile materials, yarns and threads, for textile use, textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers, clothing, footwear, headgear, lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid, buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles, artificial flowers, carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors, wall hangings (non-textile), games and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles, decorations for Christmas trees, meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices, honey, treacle, yeast, bakingpowder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice, agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, live animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, malt, beers, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages, alcoholic beverages (except beers), tobacco, smokers' articles, matches; professional and organizational business consultancy; business consultancy and information; sales and purchasing consultancy; compilation of goods for presentation, sale and resale purposes; planning services for advertising; advertising documentation; promoting the goods and/or services of others; business management; business administration; advice relating to the sale of businesses; business consultancy for selling and purchasing goods; clerical services; public relations services; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; shop window dressing; market research and market analysis; marketing; agency of commercial transactions for others, also by means of e-commerce; consulting and providing of business expertise, especially for the trade relating to food; commercial and business advisory for franchising concepts, especially for the trade relating to food; presentation of offers for goods and services, for others, on the Internet; arranging of business introductions via internet. Klasse 36 Insurance services; finance services, especially loan advice and credit bureau services; monetary affairs; real-estate affairs; mortgaging; arranging of lease agreements; insurance brokerage; funds transfer in the field of electronic trading, namely processing of payment for the purchase of goods via electronic communication networks. Klasse 38 Telecommunications, in particular electronic transmission of data and information; providing use access to the internet; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or databases; telecommunications connection services; transmission of electronic mail; providing access to an online evaluation database for buyer and seller; providing access to internet contents via hyperlinks. Klasse 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; organizing and arranging travel; rental of garages and parking places. Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment services; sporting and cultural activities; arranging and conducting of seminars; organization of seminars; correspondence courses; basic and advanced training for human resources development; publication and editing of books, newspapers and periodicals; continuous training; provision of training courses; organization of sports competitions; public entertainment. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; creation of customized web pages featuring user-defined information; providing search engines for the internet; creation of an e- commerce platform for distribution, sales promotion, sale and re-sale of goods and/or services via a global computer network as well as for collection and distribution of information relating to sale and re- sale of goods. Klasse 43 Services for providing food and drink, temporary accommodation; food and drink catering; snack-bars. Klasse 44 Medical and veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. Klasse 45 Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: O2 Worldwide Limited, 20 Air Street, W1B5AN LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; calibration [measuring]; cloud seeding; computer programming; computer rental; computer software consultancy; computer software 90

91 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 design; updating of computer software; computer system analysis; computer system design; construction drafting; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; consultancy in the field of energysaving; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining web sites for others; data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]; digitization of documents [scanning]; duplication of computer programs; engineering; hosting computer sites [web sites]; industrial design; installation of computer software; scientific laboratory services; land surveying; maintenance of computer software; material testing; mechanical research; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; packaging design; technical project studies; providing search engines for the internet; provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; quality control; recovery of computer data; rental of computer software; rental of web servers; research and development for others; surveying; technical research; consultancy and research services in the field of information technology; computer programming services; programming of data processing equipment; recovery of computer data; rental of computer hardware; application service provider (ASP); consultancy in the field of computer software; creating and maintaining blogs for others; expert advice and expert opinion relating to technology; rental of data processing apparatus and computers; technical services relating to projection and planning of equipment for telecommunications; product research services; weather forecasting; research in the field of telecommunication technology; monitoring of network systems in the field of telecommunications; technical support services relating to telecommunications and apparatus; data security services; data security services [firewalls]; research relating to security; computer security system monitoring services; maintenance of computer software relating to computer security and prevention of computer risks; updating of computer software relating to computer security and prevention of computer risks; IT security, protection and restoration; data security services; internet security consultancy; computer security system monitoring services; programming of internet security programs; professional consultancy relating to computer security; consultancy in the field of security software; computer security threat analysis for protecting data; design and development of electronic data security systems; design and development of internet data security systems; computer virus protection services; unlocking of mobile phones; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services provided online from a computer database or the Internet; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services provided over a telecommunications network. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA, Meerweg 30-32, OLDENBURG, Tyskland Klasse 7 Klasse 9 Vending machines. Scientific, nautical, surveying, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; photographic and film apparatus and instruments and parts thereof (included in this class), lenses, darkroom and optical lamps, exposure meters, light intensity meters, filters for photography, close-up lenses, flash bulbs for photography, flash units, drying apparatus for photographs, enlargement apparatus, frames and framing equipment for photographic transparencies, cases for photographic apparatus and instruments, tripods and stands for cameras, exposed films; equipment for recording, processing, converting, transmitting, outputting and/or reproducing data, voice, texts, signals, audio and/or video, in particular camcorders, CD recorders and players, DVD recorders and players; MP3 players; storage media, recording media, data storage media, in particular of optical, electronic and magnetic nature, CDs, DVDs, memory sticks, flash cards, smart cards, USB flash drives, the aforementioned goods also with photos and/or image data recorded thereon; data processing equipment and computers; equipment and machines for writing on recording media, in particular equipment for transferring digital data (in particular image data) on recording media (in particular CD-ROMs); computer programs, in particular online computer software for inputting, storing, displaying, processing, transmitting, creating, producing, archiving and/or for accessing and/or printing data, in particular image data; electrical accumulators, chargers for electrical accumulators, electrical connecting parts, electrical display equipment, batteries, interfaces, electrical cables, electrical inspection and testing apparatus; optical spectacles, binoculars, optical magnifying glasses; television apparatus, telephone apparatus, radio receivers, radiotelephones, loudspeaker boxes, measuring instruments, measuring equipment, monitors; projection equipment, projection screens, radios, head cleaning tapes for audio and video equipment, facsimile machines; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; cash registers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; data processing equipment; photographic negatives, photographic transparencies. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery; precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard; bookbinding material; photographs; photographs in the form of paper photographs, albums, pictures, calendars, brochures, books, newspapers and magazines and other printed matter; folders; inking ribbons; spools for inking ribbons; adhesives for stationery or household purposes, stationery; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office 91

92 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes). Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; cushions, pillows, bolsters, mattresses. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; soap containers; soap holders, soap dispensers, dustbins; brushes (except paint brushes), toilet brushes, washing-up brushes; brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked and semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware, included in this class. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods, included in this class; bed covers and table covers; bath towels, shower towels and towels as well as washcloths; bed covers, cushion covers, pillow covers, bed sheets and sets of bed linen; sleeping bags for camping. Klasse 25 Clothing, in particular T-shirts, sweatshirts and pinafores; footwear, headgear. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum; wall hangings (non-textile). Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; marketing and marketing consultancy; arranging of commercial transactions, for others, including within the framework of e-commerce; arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of goods; arranging of contracts, for others, for the providing of services; order placement, and invoice management, also on the Internet; retail services in relation to the following goods: scientific, nautical, surveying, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments, dark room lamps and optical lamps, exposure meters (light meters), photometers, filters (photography), lens hoods, flash-bulbs (photography), flash lighting apparatus, drying apparatus for photographic prints, enlarging apparatus, frames and framing apparatus for slides, cases for photographic apparatus and instruments, tripods for cameras, transparencies (photography), retail services in connection with: apparatus for recording, processing, conversion, transmission, output and/or reproduction of data, speech, text, signals, sound and/or images, in particular camcorders, CD recorders and CD players, DVD recorders and DVD players, MP3 players, storage media, data carriers, in particular optical, electronic and magnetic data carriers, CDs, DVDs, memory sticks, flash cards, smart cards, USB flash drives, including all the aforesaid goods having photographs and/or image data recorded thereon, retail services in connection with: data processing equipment, computers, equipment and automatic machines for writing on data carriers, in particular equipment for transmission of digital data (in particular image data) to data carriers (in particular CD- ROMs), computers, computer programs, in particular online computer software for input, storage, display, processing, transmission, compilation, production, archiving and/or retrieval and/or printing of data, in particular image data, retail services in connection with: electric batteries, chargers for electric batteries, electric connections, electric display devices, batteries, interfaces, electric cables, electric regulating apparatus, optical glasses, binoculars, magnifying glasses (optics), television sets, telephone apparatus, radio receivers, radiotelephony sets, cabinets for loudspeakers, measuring instruments, measuring devices, monitors, projection apparatus, projection screens, radios, audio head cleaning tapes and video head cleaning tapes, fax machines, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, cash registers, fireextinguishing apparatus, data processing equipment, retail services in connection with: precious metals and their alloys, jewellery, precious stories, horological and chronometric instruments, retail services in connection with: paper, cardboard, bookbinding material, photographs, photographs in the form of paper photographs, retail services in connection with: albums, images, calendars, brochures, books, newspapers and magazines and printed matter of other kinds, folders (stationery), inking ribbons, spools for inking ribbons, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, stationery, artists' materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites (except furniture), instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes), retail services in connection with: leather and imitations of leather, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas and parasols, walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, retail services in connection with: furniture, mirrors, picture frames, cushions, pillows, bolsters, mattresses, sleeping bags for camping, retail services in connection with: household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs and sponges, soap containers, soap holders, soap dispensers, dustbins, brushes (except paint brushes), toilet brushes, washing-up brushes, brush-making materials, articles for cleaning purposes, steelwool, unworked and semiworked glass (except glass used in building), glassware, porcelain and earthenware, not included in other classes, retail services in connection with: textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes, bed covers and table covers, bath towels, shower towels and towels and face cloths, duvet covers, cushion covers, pillowcases, bed sheets and sets of bed linen, retail services in connection with: clothing, in particular T-shirts, sweatshirts and aprons, footwear, headgear, retall services in connection with: carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum, floor coverings, wall hangings (non-textile), retail services in connection with: games, playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles, not included in other classes, decorations for Christmas trees. Klasse 38 Telecommunications; provision of telecommunication devices and equipment enabling connection to networks, in particular for the order of photos; provision and rental of access and access time on the Internet; providing access to websites on the Internet; electronic transmission of pictures and image data for others; information services with respect to telecommunication and computer communication; rental of access time to search engines in the Internet. Klasse 39 Delivery services. Klasse 40 Services of a photographic laboratory, developing films, producing photographic prints, copying exposed films and photographs, film processing; printing and engraving and other methods of applying image data to goods; operating an online printing service of photographs, namely, processing of online orders for the printing of photos; film processing and photofinishing. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training, in particular training courses with respect to presentation opportunities in the Internet; services of recording and reproduction of data, voice, text, audio and video recordings on storage media, in particular on video and/or audio cassettes, tapes and disks (including dvd, cd, cd-rom and cd-i), also in digitalised form, included in this class; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; publishing services, except printing. Klasse 42 Software consultancy, maintenance of software, computer programming; rental and maintenance of memory space for websites, for others (hosting); services of an Internet provider, namely, design of homepages (web designing); provision and rental of internet search engines; digital imaging; digital image data services, namely, creation of digital photo albums in the Internet; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services. 92

93 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, Triaz Group GmbH, Wöhlerstr. 4, FREIBURG, Tyskland Klasse 35 Retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to fertilisers and manures, non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations, non-medicated dentifrices, perfumery, essential oils, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to industrial oils and greases, wax, lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions, fuels and iluminants, candles and wicks for lighting; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to sanitary preparations and articles, dietary supplements, plasters and materials for dressings, sweeping, cleaning and washing machines, hand-operated tools and implements, cutlery, razors; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating and water supply apparatus, physical therapy apparatus; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to jewellery, paper and cardboard, printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, stationery and office requisites, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, drawing materials and materials for artists, paintbrushes, instructional and teaching materials, plastic sheets, films and bags for wrapping and packaging; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to luggage and travelling bags, furniture and furnishings, mirrors, picture frames, containers for storage or transport; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to household or kitchen utensils and containers, cookware and tableware, combs and sponges, brushes, brush-making materials, articles for cleaning purposes, unworked or semi-worked glass, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, animal husbandry articles; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to yarns and threads, for textile use, textiles and substitutes for textiles, household linen, curtains of textile or plastic, clothing, footwear, headgear, lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid, buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles, artificial flowers, hair decorations; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other coverings for existing floors; retailing, in particular online retailing, in relation to games, toys and playthings, crafting materials, gymnastic and sporting articles, decorations for Christmas trees, natural plants and flowers, bulbs, seedlings and seeds for plantin. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DK, VA NEUROVIVE Neurovive Pharmaceutical AB, Medicon Village Scheelevägen 2, LUND, Sverige Klasse 1 Esters for veterinary use; esters for veterinary purposes; esters for foodstuffs, not for pharmaceutical purposes. Klasse 5 Acetates for pharmaceutical purposes; acids for pharmaceutical purposes; adjuvants for medical purposes; aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; alginates for pharmaceutical purposes; amino acids for medical purposes; amino acids for veterinary purposes; antibiotics; antidiabetic pharmaceuticals; antioxidant pills; antioxidants; antitumor drugs; appetite suppressant pills; appetite suppressants; appetite suppressants for medical purposes; appetite suppressants for veterinary purposes; bacterial preparations for medical use; bacterial preparations for veterinary use; bacteriological culture mediums; bacteriological preparations for medical purposes; bacteriological preparations for medical use; bacteriological preparations for veterinary purposes; bacteriological preparations for veterinary use; biological preparations for medical purposes; biological preparations for the treatment of cancer; biological preparations for veterinary purposes; biological tissue cultures for medical purposes; biological tissue cultures for veterinary purposes; biological tissues for implantation; bouillons for bacteriological cultures; cachets for pharmaceutical preparations; cachets for veterinary preparations; capsules for medicines; castor oil for medical purposes; cellulose ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; chemicopharmaceutical preparations; cytostatic drugs for medical purposes; decoctions for medicinal herb; decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes; dental wax; diagnostic biomarker reagents for medical purposes; diagnostic biomarker reagents for veterinary purposes; diagnostic preparations; diagnostic preparations for medical use; diagnostic preparations for veterinary use; diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; diagnostic preparations for veterinary purposes; diagnostic radiopharmaceutical preparations; dietary supplements for animals; dietary supplements for humans; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; digestive enzymes; disinfectants; drugs for medical purposes; elixirs [pharmaceutical preparations]; enzyme dietary supplements; enzyme preparations for medical purposes; enzyme preparations for veterinary purposes; enzymes for medical purposes; enzymes for veterinary purposes; esters for pharmaceutical use; ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; ferments for pharmaceutical use; ferments for veterinary purposes; ferments for veterinary use; food esters for pharmaceutical 93

94 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 purposes; formic aldehyde for pharmaceutical purposes; formic aldehyde for veterinary purposes; fungicides, herbicides; in vitro diagnostic preparations for medical use; lotions for medical purposes; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; lotions for veterinary purposes; material for stopping teeth; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; media for bacteriological cultures; medical and veterinary preparations and articles; medical preparations; medical preparations for slimming purposes; medical vaccines; medicated animal feed; medicinal drinks; medicinal infusions; medicinal oils; medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for neurosurgical conditions, brain damage, operations and similar; medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for neurosurgical conditions, brain damage and brain operations; medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of neurosurgical conditions, brain damage, brain operations and other physical and neurological ailments of the brain; medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of neurosurgical conditions, namely, for brain damage and for use in brain operations and other physical and neurological ailments of the brain; medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for use as immunosuppressive agents, for example for organ transplant or other medical (and clinical) uses of immunosuppressive agents or preparations; medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for use as immunosuppressive agents in organ transplants or other medical and clinical uses of immunosuppressive agents and preparations; medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for use as immunosuppressive agents, for example organ transplant or other uses of immunosuppressive agents; medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for use within the area of neurological intensive care; medicines for animals; medicines for human purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; mixed biological preparations for medical purposes; mixed biological preparations for veterinary purposes; nutritional supplements; nutritional supplements for livestock feed; ointments for medical purposes; pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, namely, medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic neurological illnesses and conditions; pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, namely, medicines and pharmaceutical preparations for acute and chronic neurological illnesses and conditions and for preventative treatment; pharmaceutical drugs; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical preparations acting on the central nervous system; pharmaceutical preparations and other preparations for destroying vermin, fungicides, herbicides; pharmaceutical preparations and substances; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the prevention of cancer; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of cancer; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for use in oncology; pharmaceutical preparations for activating cellular function; pharmaceutical preparations for animals; pharmaceutical preparations for human use; pharmaceutical preparations for medical purposes and veterinary purposes; pharmaceutical preparations for medical use consisting of a cyclosporin as active agent and diluents to treat stroke, traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, and other acute or chronic neurological and neurosurgical conditions; pharmaceutical preparations for medical use consisting of a cyclosporin or another cyclophilin inhibitor as active agent and diluents to treat stroke, traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, and other acute or chronic neurological and neurosurgical conditions; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care; pharmaceutical preparations for suppressing tumors; pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of diseases of the nervous system; pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of diseases of the metabolic system; pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of disorders of the metabolic system; Klasse 9 pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of disorders of the nervous system; pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of tumours; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of central nervous system [cns] diseases; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of diseases of the metabolic system; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of disorders of the metabolic system; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of kidney diseases; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of kidney disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of parkinson's disease; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of tumours; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of viral diseases; pharmaceutical preparations for treating diabetes; pharmaceutical preparations for treating heatstroke; pharmaceutical preparations for treating malignant tumors; pharmaceutical preparations for treating metabolic disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for treating peripheral nervous system disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for use as immunosuppressive agents; pharmaceutical preparations for use in chemotherapy; pharmaceutical preparations for use in oncology; pharmaceutical preparations for use in organ transplantation; pharmaceutical preparations for use in tissue transplantation; pharmaceutical preparations for use within the area of neurological intensive care; pharmaceutical preparations for veterinary use; pharmaceuticals; pharmaceuticals, medical and veterinary preparations; phosphates for pharmaceutical purposes; phosphates for veterinary purposes; plasters, materials for dressings; potassium salts for medical purposes; potassium salts for veterinary purposes; preparations for destroying vermin; quinine for medical purposes; quinine for veterinary purposes; salts for medical purposes; salts for veterinary purposes; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; sanitary preparations for veterinary purposes; slimming pills; sodium salts for medical purposes; sodium salts for veterinary purposes; sulfonamides [medicines]; tinctures for medical purposes; tinctures for veterinary purposes; tonics [medicines]; tonics for medical use; tonics for veterinary use; vaccines; vaccines for human use; veterinary preparations; veterinary preparations and substances; veterinary vaccines; drugs and pharmaceutical preparations for acute and chronic neurological diseases and conditions (including preventive treatment). Apparatus and instruments for measuring, testing and analyzing biological samples, blood or other bodily fluids, not for medical purposes; chromatography apparatus for laboratory use; diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; DNA chips; laboratory apparatus and instruments; quantity indicators respirometer; scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; electrodes for laboratory research. Klasse 10 Apparatus for analyzing substances [for medical use]; apparatus for blood tests [for medical use]; apparatus for use in medical analysis; blood testing apparatus; blood testing equipment; electrodes for medical use; medical analytical apparatus for medical purposes; medical apparatus and instruments; medical diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes; medical diagnostic instruments; probes for medical purposes; probes for veterinary purposes; medical electrodes; electrodes for use in connection with medical apparatus; electrodes for cardiology; electrodes for veterinary use, namely medical electrodes. Klasse 42 Analysis of human tissues for medical research; bacteriological analysism, consultation; biochemical research; biological analysis; biological laboratory services; biological research and analysis; biological research, clinical research and medical research; biological sample analysis for scientific and medical 94

95 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 research purposes; biological samples, blood or other bodily fluids analysis services for scientific and medical research purposes; biotechnology research; blood analysis services; blood analysis services for scientific and medical re-search purposes; chemical analysis and research; chemical research and analysis ser-vices; chemistry consultancy services; clinical research; clinical research and trials; clinical trials; conducting clinical trials; conducting clinical trials for others; conducting clinical trials for pharmaceutical products; conducting early evaluations in the field of new pharmaceuticals; consultancy in the field of cosmetics, namely, consultancy in connection with the quality inspection, research and development of cosmetic products and medicated cosmetic products; consultancy in the field of sanitary research for medical purpose; consultancy in pharmaceutical, pharmacogenetics, medical chemistry, veterinary, for research purposes; consultancy services in the field of biology; consultancy services in the field of biotechnology; consulting on pharmacogenetics; cosmetic research; cosmetic research and analysis services; cosmetic research services and laboratory analysis services in the field of cosmetics; design and development of computer hardware and software; design and development of diagnostic apparatus and instruments; design and development of medical diagnostic apparatus and instruments; development, testing and consultancy services in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical, sanitary, veterinary, chemistry, biology and pharmacogenetics; dna analysis for scientific and medical research purposes; drug and pharmaceutical discovery, testing and development services; drug discovery services; industrial analysis and research services; laboratory research services relating to pharmaceuticals; medical and veterinary research and development and consultancy related there-to; medical laboratory services; medical research; pharmaceutical product evaluation; pharmaceutical products development; pharmaceutical research and development; pharmaceutical research services; providing information in connection with all the aforementioned services; providing medical and veterinary testing services in the field of research relating to medicines, drug discovery, drug development and drug screening and consultancy related thereto; research and development in the field of biotechnology; research and development in the field of microorganisms and cells; research and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; research and development services; research and testing; research of pharmaceuticals; research relating to biotechnology; research relating to pharmaceuticals; research, development, and testing services, and consultancy related thereto, in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, biology and pharmacogenetics; research, development, and testing services, and consultancy related thereto, in the medical, sanitary, veterinary fields; research, development, and testing services, and consultancy related thereto, in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, sanitary products, chemistry, biology and pharmacogenetics; research, development, testing and consultancy services in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical, sanitary, veterinary, chemistry, biology and pharmacogenetics; research, development, testing, scientific consultancy services in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical, sanitary, veterinary, chemistry, biology and pharmacogenetics; research, research in the field of environmental protection; re-search, test and development of sanitary, pharmaceutical, medical, medicinal chemical, veterinary preparations; research, test and development of biotechnical, biological preparations; research, testing and development in the field of diagnostic preparations; research, testing and development in the field of diagnostic preparations; research, testing and development of diagnostic preparations for medical purpose; scientific analysis; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; scientific laboratory ser-vices; scientific research; scientific research relating to cosmetics; testing of pharmaceuticals; toxicity analysis; toxicity testing for research purposes; veterinary laboratory services. Klasse 44 Agriculture, horticulture and forestry service; analysis of human serum for medical treatment; analysis of human tissues for medical treatment; consultancy in the dental medicare field; consultancy in the field of cosmetics; consultancy in the field of cosmetics, namely consultancy in connection with the selection of cosmetic products and medicated cosmetic products; consultancy in the medical field (other than dentistry); drug screening for medical purposes; health care; health care services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; medical and surgical diagnostic services; medical and surgical diagnostic services; medical consultancy in the field of pharmacogenetics; medical consultancy services; medical diagnostic services; medical services; medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; pharmaceutical consultancy services; providing information in connection with all the aforementioned services; rental of ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus; therapy services; veterinary consultancy services; veterinary services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Skinovea DEGODE-Dermago Development GmbH, Marienstrasse 7, PETERSHAGEN, Tyskland Klasse 3 Soaps; perfumery; deodorants for personal use, in particular deodorants for body care; essential oils; natural oils for perfumes; synthetic perfumery; hair lotions; cosmetics; toiletries; face masks [body care products], face packs [body care products], products for the cleaning, care and beautification of hair; hair conditioners, cosmetic hair products, shampoos, gels, mousses and balms as well as aerosol hair care products; body care products and cosmetics, in particular creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, body and hands; skin creams [cosmetic]; nonmedicated skin lotions; cosmetic skin care products, in particular skin soaps, skin creams, skin lotions, skin conditioners, skin care mousses, skin cleansing creams, skin cleansing lotions, skin cleansing foams, skin cleansing agents; non-medicated skin serums; skin masks [cosmetics]; skin balms; cosmetic skin care oils; skin care essences; skin softeners [cosmetics]; cosmetic skin moisturising creams; cosmetic skin moisturising lotions; non-medically stimulating lotions for the skin; skin clarifying lotions, not for medical purposes; cosmetic skin protection products; cosmetic preparations for dry skin during pregnancy; emollients, not for medical purposes; sprays for application on the skin for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic skin care products in the form of aerosols; cosmetics for the treatment of dry skin; cosmetics for the treatment of wrinkles; shower and bath gel, foaming bath gel for body care, cosmetic foam baths and shower products, bath products, perfumed body sprays; all the 95

96 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 aforementioned goods not for distribution in pharmacies. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; medicated skin creams; skin tonics [medicated]; pharmaceutical skin lotions; medicated skin lotions; medicated skin care lotions; pharmacological skin care preparations; medicated skin treatment preparations; skin care products for medical purposes; skin care creams for medical purposes; medicated skin care creams; alcohol-based antibacterial skin disinfectant gels; products to treat skin infections; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care; medicated skin protection creams; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of skin problems; pharmaceutical products for the treatment of skin diseases; medicated ointments for use on the skin; skin cleansing preparations for medical purposes; antiseptic aerosol sprays for use on the skin; pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of skin blemishes during pregnancy; pharmaceutical preparations for maintaining skin moisture content during pregnancy; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of dry skin during pregnancy; pharmaceutical products and preparations for dry skin during pregnancy; pharmaceutical products and preparations to improve skin moisture content during pregnancy; skin patches for the transdermal administration of pharmaceutical products; sprays for application on the skin for medical purposes; disinfectants. Klasse 35 Advertising; advertising, marketing and sales promotion; business management, business administration, office functions; commercial information relating to cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations; presentation of goods and services in retail stores and online shops; operation of retail outlets and online shops, namely arranging and concluding contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and for the use of services (for others); operation of an online shop providing services via , namely order taking, processing and billing; display and demonstration of goods; import and export services; ordering services; procurement services for third parties and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: soaps, perfumery, deodorants for personal use, in particular deodorants for body care, essential oils, natural oils for perfumes, synthetic perfumery, hair lotions, cosmetics; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: toiletries [body care], face masks [body care products], face packs [body care products], products for the cleaning, care and beautification of hair, hair conditioners, cosmetic hair products, shampoos, gels, mousses and balms as well as aerosol hair care products; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: body care products and cosmetics, in particular creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, body and hands, skin creams [cosmetic], nonmedicated skin lotions; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: cosmetic skin care products, in particular skin soaps, skin creams, skin lotions, skin conditioners, skin care mousses, skin cleansing creams, skin cleansing lotions, skin cleansing foams, skin cleansing agents, non-medicated skin serums; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: skin masks [cosmetics], skin balms, cosmetic skin care oils, skin care essences, skin softeners [cosmetics], cosmetic skin moisturising creams, cosmetic skin moisturising lotions; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: non-medically stimulating lotions for the skin, skin-clarifying lotions, not for medical purposes, cosmetic skin protection products; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: cosmetic preparations for dry skin during pregnancy, emollients, not for medical purposes, sprays for application on the skin for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic skin care products in the form of aerosols; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: cosmetics for the treatment of dry skin, cosmetics for the treatment of wrinkles, shower and bath gel, foaming bath gel for body care; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: cosmetic foam baths and shower products, bath products, perfumed body sprays, all the aforementioned goods not for distribution in pharmacies; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: pharmaceutical preparations, medicated skin creams, skin tonics [medicated], pharmaceutical skin lotions, medicated skin lotions, medicated skin care lotions, pharmacological skin care preparations; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: medicated skin treatment preparations, skin care products for medical purposes, skin care creams for medical purposes, medicated skin care creams; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: alcohol-based antibacterial skin disinfectant gels, products to treat skin infections, pharmaceutical preparations for skin care, medicated skin protection creams; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of skin problems, pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of skin diseases, medicated ointments for use on the skin; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: skin cleansing preparations for medical purposes, antiseptic aerosol sprays for use on the skin; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of skin blemishes during pregnancy, pharmaceutical preparations for maintaining skin moisture content during pregnancy, pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of dry skin during pregnancy, pharmaceutical products and preparations for dry skin during pregnancy; procurement services for others and retail services, in particular via the internet, in respect of the following goods: pharmaceutical products and preparations to improve skin moisture content during pregnancy, skin patches for the transdermal administration of pharmaceutical products, sprays for application on the skin for medical purposes, disinfectants. Klasse 40 Information about the custom manufacture of cosmetics; information about the custom manufacture of deodorants and perfumery. Klasse 41 Publication of printed material on cosmetics, publication of printed material on deodorants and perfumery; organisation and implementation of information events (training, education), in particular with regard to cosmetics, perfumery and deodorants; information events (training, education) relating to the ingredients and processing of cosmetics, perfumery and deodorants. Klasse 44 Medical services; medical services and health care; medical advice in the health care sector; services provided by medical clinics and health clinics; health care; health services; health advice; consultancy in the field of medical health care; health and beauty care; health and beauty care services; health and beauty care for people; advisory services relating to health. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

97 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , BX, ÉCART Rotterdam Leisure Holding BV, Bahialaan 2, 3065WC ROTTERDAM, Nederland Klasse 39 Travel organisation and intermediary services in connection herewith, also by travel bureaus and travel agencies; services of tour operators; transport of passengers and passengers, also by train, aeroplane, boat and bus; escorting of travelers, also by travel guides; booking of seats for travel; arranging excursions and tours; travel services; travel booking agencies and services (tourism and travel services); rental of cars, bicycles, boats and other means of transport and providing information relating thereto; mail forwarding services; courier services; travel reservations; repatriation services for travelers (transport); arrangement of trips for tourists; parking place rental; parking space rental; providing transport and travel information; tourist offices (except hotel and guest house reservations); organization of cruises and excursions; air transport; rail transport; transportation by car; bus transport services; boat transport; transport by truck; packaging of goods; mass transit for the general public; organization and conducting of excursions; place reservation and travel and ticket reservations all concerning transport and travel services; consultancy and information in the field of transport, travel and tourism (transport and travel services); delivery of goods; delivery of packages; car rental; agency services for the organization and arrangement of travel; arranging transport of travelers and storage of goods in relation thereto; booking of travel; agency services for arrangement of transport of goods; arranging visa and travel documentation for persons travelling abroad; computerized information services relating to travel and travel reservations; cruise ship services; escorting travelers; travel and route planning; travel guide services and travel information; agencies for arranging organized vacations; arranging and booking of travel; issuing of tickets for travel; providing travel reports; airline services; transport, packaging and storage of goods; transport of travelers; travel organization; organization of short trips, including transport of persons and goods needed travel organization; consultancy in the field of (air) transport; rental of diving suits; location of cars by means of a computer or global positioning system (gps); location of trucks by means of a computer or global positioning system (gps); traffic information; all aforementioned services also being through computer networks and global information networks; advisory services in relation to the aforementioned services. Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment services; organisation of training courses; recreation services; education and entertainment, including arranging entertainment events for travellers and tourists, including in the culinary field; arranging and presentation of concerts, presentation of films, arranging and presentation of theatrical productions, services of cinemas, and arranging and holding entertainment and cultural activities, all within the framework of travel; entertainment and educational services of clubs; arranging and conducting of colloquiums, congresses, symposia, conferences and seminars on travel and tourism; film production services; rental of motion pictures; organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; exhibition services in the field of tourism for cultural or educational purposes; rental of video films during travels; publishing of brochures and books on travel and tourism; services of holiday parks, namely entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; rental and arrangement of sports gear and equipment and diving equipment; information services in relation to amusement and recreations, also for tourists; the aforementioned services also via computer networks and global information networks; consultancy in relation to the aforesaid services. Klasse 43 Room and hotel reservations; reservations of pensions and restaurants; aforementioned services offered by a travel agency; arranging temporary accommodation; rental and arranging of tourist homes, holiday homes and holiday apartments; tourist home services; arranging and rental of temporary accommodation; services of hotels, restaurants and catering; providing food and drinks; catering services; travel agency services for arranging holiday accommodation; package holiday services with accommodation; temporary accommodation, including booking and rental of villas, houses, estates, apartments; rental of hotel accommodation; temporary accommodation reservations; providing reviews and information of temporary accommodation; arranging and reserving temporary accommodation; hotel and catering services; restaurant and temporary accommodation; all aforementioned services also rendered via computer networks and global information networks; consultancy in relation to the aforesaid services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Save the Duck s.r.l., Via Arcivescovo Calabiana 6, MILANO (MI), Italia Klasse 18 Umbrellas; umbrellas for children; luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; toiletry bags; cases of imitation leather; key cases made of leather; cosmetic cases sold empty; key cases; luggage; travel luggage; vanity cases, not fitted; trunks and travelling bags; casual bags; shoulder bags; cross-body bags; wheeled bags; travel baggage; travelling handbags; small bags 97

98 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 for men; purses; handbags; duffel bags; holdalls for sports clothing; pouches for holding make-up, keys and other personal items; bumbags; credit card cases [wallets]; briefcases and attache cases; wallets; leather coin purses; haversacks; travelling bags; travelling sets; suitcases; wheeled suitcases; daypacks; backpacks. Klasse 25 Clothing; casualwear; thermally insulated clothing; weather resistant outer clothing; girls' clothing; menswear; children's outerclothing; outerclothing for boys; ladies' clothing; boys' clothing; windproof clothing; sweat shirts; rainproof jackets; long jackets; reversible jackets; jackets being sports clothing; sleeveless jackets; warm-up jackets; quilted jackets [clothing]; heavy jackets; blousons; sweaters; polo sweaters; polo shirts; tee-shirts; short-sleeved t-shirts; long-sleeved shirts; underwear; waist belts; neckties; gloves [clothing]; footwear; headgear. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Nanjing Easthouse Electrical Co., Ltd, 27 Puzhou Road, NANJING, Kina Klasse 9 Regulating apparatus, electric; electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote control of signals; changeover switches for communication devices; theft prevention installations, electric; plugs; sockets and other contacts [electric connections]; locks, electronic; electronic key fobs being remote control apparatus; electric door bells; smoke detectors. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Konario Bodiam AB, Augustendalsvagen 51, NACKA STRAND, Sverige Klasse 28 Board games; electronic board games; question sets for board games. Klasse 41 Entertainment services in the form of television programmes. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Shenzhen SVAKOM Technology Co., Ltd., Zone B, 2/F, Technology Bldg., Gangzhilong Sci-Tech. Park, Heping E. Rd., Longhua New Dist, SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG, Kina Klasse 5 Enzyme preparations for medical purposes, excluding those related to stress, anxiety and apprehension; chemical preparations for medical purposes, excluding those related to stress, anxiety and apprehension; greases for medical purposes; chemical contraceptives; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, excluding those related to stress, anxiety and apprehension; depuratives. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , KR, HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY, 12, Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, SEOUL, Sør-Korea Klasse 12 Automobiles; parts and accessories for automobiles; motorcycles; hand cars; pushchairs; automobile tires; shock absorbers for automobiles; brake systems for vehicles; tractors for agricultural purposes; engines for land vehicles; transmissions for land vehicles; axle bearings for land vehicles; wheel bearings for land vehicles; motors for land vehicles; tow trucks; wheelchairs; locomotives; ships; aeroplanes. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

99 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: AASA AKCINE BENDROVE PIENO ZVAIGZDES, Perkunkiemio g. 3, VILNIUS, Litauen Klasse 29 Milk and milk products; protein milk; condensed milk; yoghurt; smetana (sour cream); cheese; whipped cream; cream (dairy products); kefir (milk beverage); prostokvasha (soured milk); buttermilk; butter; milk beverages, milk predominating; milk shakes; milkbased beverages with chocolate; milk-based beverages with cocoa; whey; glazed sweet milk curd bars; edible oils and fats; rennet; milk ferments for culinary purposes; butter cream; jellies for food. Klasse 30 Confectionery; ice cream; edible ices; sherbets (ices); sorbets (ices); dairy ice cream; flavored ice cream; ice cream with fruits; frozen yoghurt (confectionery ices); chocolate; sugar confectionery; cookies; confectionery; macaroni. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Shenzhen SVAKOM Technology Co., Ltd., Zone B, 2/F, Technology Bldg., Gangzhilong Sci-Tech. Park, Heping E. Rd., Longhua New Dist, SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG, Kina Klasse 10 Esthetic massage apparatus; massage apparatus; vibromassage apparatus; medical apparatus and instruments; physical exercise apparatus for medical purposes; traction apparatus for medical purposes; physiotherapy apparatus; condoms; contraceptives, non-chemical; love dolls [sex dolls]. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , GB, UK GB Gas Holdings Limited, Millstream, Maidenhead Road, SL45GD WINDSOR, BERKSHIRE, Storbritannia Klasse 4 Gas and oil fuels; industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels; gas, gaseous fuels, oils; fossil fuels; electricity; electrical energy; electrical energy from renewable sources; electrical energy from nonrenewable sources; electricity. Klasse 7 Electric power supply generators; gas fuelled electric generators; electricity generators; power generators; generators for use in biogas technology; heat recovery steam generators. Klasse 9 Electric control apparatus, systems, devices and installations; programmable control apparatus; remote control apparatus; remote control apparatus for use with heating, lighting, steam generating, drying, ventilating, air conditioning, water supply and security apparatus; temperature controllers; temperature controlling apparatus; thermostats; electric and electronic control devices for energy control; thermostat control apparatus; electric thermostats; room thermostats; temperature control apparatus in the form of thermostats; thermal sensors for use in thermostats; thermal controls; boiler control apparatus; communications controllers; software; computer software; computer software and hardware for remotely controlling and monitoring household devices, home electrical systems, and surveillance and security systems in homes; household energy measuring and control apparatus; household energy measuring and monitoring apparatus; communications software for connecting global computer networks; computer software for time control; computer software for temperature and lighting control; multiple control signal transmission units; network controlling apparatus; communication interface units; interface software; interactive computer software accessible on computers and via mobile telephones; mobile phone applications; wireless communication apparatus; telecommunication networks, and networks for communication via the internet, and computers; security control apparatus; electronic and automatic access security apparatus; security video cameras and television monitors; intruder detection systems and apparatus; software to control building access and security systems; meters; meters for measuring and monitoring energy; computer software for use in meter reading, monitoring and reporting; smart meters; smart meters, namely meters for testing, displaying and reporting ongoing energy usage; electrical meters; gas-flow meters; visual display units; apparatus, equipment and instruments for measuring the efficiency, performance 99

100 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 and consumption of gas boilers; electric power consumption sensors, wireless transceivers, computer network interface devices and software for monitoring electrical energy systems, managing and analysing energy consumption information associated with electrical energy systems and detecting faults in electrical energy systems; solar panels; electricity storage apparatus; batteries; electric battery chargers; vehicle battery charging apparatus and equipment; electric apparatus for charging vehicle batteries; charging systems for electric powered vehicles; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; mobile communication terminals; mobile data communications apparatus; data transmitting apparatus; alarms; alert systems; home, business and personal security systems and related software; data processing equipment; computers; computer hardware; plugs; wireless communication apparatus; leak detection apparatus; sensors and detectors, motion sensors; facial recognition and analysis software; apparatus for recording sound; multi-channel sound processors; sound and picture recording apparatus; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforementioned goods. Klasse 11 Apparatus for heating, lighting, steam generating, drying, ventilating, air conditioning, water supply and sanitary purposes; central heating apparatus and installations; boilers; boilers being parts of central heating installations; control devices being parts of heating, lighting, steam generating, drying, ventilating, air conditioning, water supply and sanitary installations; apparatus for controlling temperature in heating installations, namely thermostatic valves [parts of heating installations]; automatic temperature regulators [thermostatic valves] for central heating systems, namely, thermostatic valves as part of heating installations. Klasse 16 Paper; printed paper; printed certificates; promotional publications; posters; brochures; pamphlets and leaflets; all the aforesaid goods relating to energy supply and related energy services. Klasse 35 Business management; business administration; office functions; operational business assistance to enterprises; providing business management and operational assistance to commercial businesses; company management; management advice; business organisation advice; business promotional services; business promotion; advisory services relating to business risk management; consultancy and advisory services relating to business management; advisory services relating to business organisation and management; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business management; consultancy and advisory services in the field of business strategy; providing business management start-up support for other businesses; providing temporary assignment of employees; data processing and data management; provision of business information; procurement, namely, purchasing electricity and natural gas for retail customers; green branding services, namely, consulting, development, management and marketing of brands for businesses and/or individuals with a focus on energy efficiency and environmental impact; subscription services relating to electric battery charging service; subscription services to a supply, storage and distribution network of gas, electricity and energy; subscription services in relation to connected homes (being homes where multiple electric devices are networked or otherwise integrated together to create a home environment that can be easily controlled); information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Klasse 36 Financial services; investment services; financial risk management services; provision of loans and equity financing for start-up companies and other businesses; administration of funds and investments; insurance services; loan and credit facilities; insurance for maintenance and repair of appliances, heating systems, central heating systems, and other related appliances; direct debiting services; energy brokerage services; financing of commercial appliances and equipment; financing of home and commercial appliances and equipment; brokerage of energy to retail customers in the form of electricity and natural gas; derivatives trading services, trading of financial derivatives; brokerage of emission rights; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Klasse 37 Building construction; services for the maintenance, repair, unblocking, cleaning, clearing, descaling, sterilising, disinfecting, fumigating and deodorising of drainage and piping systems, sewers, manholes, grating, culverts, chambers, gullies, flues and channels for the passage of liquids, solids or of gases; clearing and cleaning of pipework systems used in the manufacturing and refining industries; clearing, cutting and removal of tree roots from pipework and drainage systems; cleaning of cargo holds, ballast lines and storage tanks; removal of marine growth from ships' hulls; cleaning and degreasing of exterior and interior floors, ceilings, walls and other surfaces, airport runways and ships' decks; cleaning by means of sanding, scouring or by blasting; hygienic cleansing for buildings, mobile structures, vehicles, tanks, baths and pools; plumbing services; installation, maintenance and repair of pipes, cisterns, tanks, heating and potable water systems; glazier services; roofing, carpentry and electrician services; construction and repair of roofs; resurfacing and tiling of roofs; and repair of roof guttering, rain channels and drain pipes; installation, repair and maintenance of electricity supply apparatus and of fixtures thereof and of electrical and electronic apparatus and instruments; electrical repairs, installation, maintenance and repair services for residential and commercial wiring or electrical apparatus, appliances, stereo components, and television components, electrical panels, electrical outlets, switches and light fixtures; pest control services; fumigation; extermination of vermin; cleaning services; carpet laying and carpet fitting services; fitting of blinds and curtains; lock smith services, namely, set up, repair and replacement of locks; installation and maintenance of bolts, locks, grills, alarms, safes, security devices and of closed circuit television; installation, maintenance and repair of burglar alarms and security systems; installation of residential security apparatus; installation of hardware and cables for Internet access; installation of hardware for computer networks; installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware, household devices, home electrical systems and surveillance and security systems in homes; installation of communications network instruments; installation, maintenance and repair of apparatus for heating, lighting, sanitation, ventilation, air conditioning and water supply; installation, maintenance and repair of central heating systems; installation of heating control apparatus; oil and gas drilling; extraction of gas; building construction and demolition relating to oil and gas exploration and production; construction, refurbishment, inspection for the purposes of repair, repair, maintenance and dismantling of pipelines; construction, refurbishment, inspection for the purposes of repair, repair, maintenance and dismantling of oil and gas installations; installation, refurbishment, inspection for the purposes of repair, repair, maintenance and dismantling of energy supply installations and energy production plants; grout reinforcement for oil and gas platforms; installation, repair and maintenance of gas appliances, and apparatus; construction, repair and maintenance of gas installations; installation, repair and maintenance of instruments and apparatus all utilising gas; installation of insulation materials; installation, repair and maintenance of gas, oil or electrical appliances or instruments using gas, oil or electricity; installation, repair and maintenance of gas, oil, 100

101 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 electricity or water meters, air conditioning and ventilation appliances; laying, repair, maintenance and inspection for the purposes of repair, of pipelines; recharging services for electric vehicles; installation of equipment and facilities for the collection, storage, distribution, processing of renewable energy; construction of station for charging vehicles battery on public roads; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Klasse 38 Telecommunications services; electronic transmission of messages, images and signals; telecommunications and data communication services; providing access to a computer network; transmission of sound, picture and data signals; transmission of sound or visual recordings over networks; message sending via a website; providing access to web pages; electronic transmission of data and documents via the Internet or other databases; chat room services; delivery of data and messages by electronic transmission; electronic message sending; message sending, receiving and forwarding; online services, namely, message sending; communication by computer, computer intercommunication; wireless communications services; wireless transmission of data and information; wireless telephone services; providing access to an interactive user interface; providing access to an online interface; providing access to an online interface for controlling heating, water supply, lighting, sanitation, air conditioning, ventilation and security apparatus; communications by means of mobile phones, global computer networks, the Internet and wireless transmission; wireless communications services; communications by means of mobile phones, global computer networks, the Internet and wireless transmission that connect to gas boilers and other apparatus for heating, lighting, steam generating, drying, ventilating, air conditioning, water supply and sanitary purposes; provision of services; transmission of alarm signals, messaging services and transmission of alerts via the Internet, , computer networks and telecommunications networks relating to home security and to home energy use, management and consumption; electronic transmission of messages, images and signals; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Klasse 39 Storage, distribution, transportation and delivery of electricity; storage, distribution, transportation and delivery of gas and oil; storage, distribution, transportation and delivery of electrical energy from renewable sources; transmission and supply of electricity; transmission and supply of gas and oil; transmission and supply of electrical energy from renewable sources; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Klasse 40 Generation of electricity; generation of power and of electricity; generation of energy from renewable sources; production of gas and oil; processing of gas and oil; production and treatment of natural gas and oil and products thereof; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; creation, maintenance and hosting of websites; advisory services relating to the use of energy, energy efficiency and energy-saving; developing of integrated energy concepts; professional consultancy relating to the conservation of energy; installation, maintenance and repair of computer software and computer programs for computer systems; preparation of technical reports; conversion of data from physical to electronic media relating to energy consumption in buildings and domestic homes; preparation of engineering or technical reports relating to energy consumption in buildings and domestic homes; providing online engineering or technical reports relating to energy consumption in buildings and domestic homes; consultancy in the field of energysaving; developing of integrated energy concepts; energy auditing; design and development of systems for generating and using energy in an economic and efficient manner; installation, maintenance, updating, design, rental and repair of computer software, computer programs and computer systems; computer systems design and computer programming; computer services in connection with electronic data storage, namely selection, capture and storage of electronic data relating to energy consumption in buildings and domestic homes; technical consultancy in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency; design and development of computer hardware and software; engineering and engineering consulting services in the fields of planning and deploying electrical energy systems and analysing and managing energy system efficiency and optimization data associated with power line current monitors, all for reducing electrical energy consumption; cloud-based software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for analysing electrical power consumption data at monitored locations; exploration for gas and oil; engineering services in the field of production of gas and oil; oil prospecting; preparing surveys of oil-bearing seams; surveying of oil beds and fields; geophysical exploration for the oil and gas industries; conducting feasibility studies relating to gas exploration; auditing of energy consumption in buildings and domestic homes and auditing of the energy efficiency of apparatus used for heating, lighting, steam generating, drying, ventilating, air conditioning, water supply and sanitary purposes; services relating to the checking of the safety of apparatus used for the purpose of generating, transmitting and distributing electricity, gas and oil; auditing, assessing and scientific and technological technical advisory services provided to businesses that supply energy to third parties with a view to assessing the compliance of those businesses with targets and/or requirements concerning CO2 emissions and other potentially harmful effects of the supply of energy on the environment; infrastructure as a service for electric vehicles; scientific and technological technical advice and expertise for production, storage and distribution of electricity installation in connection with a network of electric vehicle charge points; technical advice and information on energy control and operation in connection with a network of electric vehicle charge points; technical evaluation and estimation of energy consumption; computer programming for a network of electric vehicle charge points; research and development of new products for others related to a network of electric vehicle charge points; engineering work in the field of production, management and distribution of electric power and renewable energy; design and development of apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; design and development of batteries; architectural, engineering and construction design services in relation to energy conservation for residential and commercial premises; exploration for petroleum, natural gas and natural gas liquids and related hydrocarbons and petroleum derived from oil and fuel; lighting design for commercial buildings; home automation services, namely, remote monitoring of heating, ventilating and air conditioning apparatus via the use of wireless, telephonic, electric and web monitoring technologies; providing technological information about environmentallyconscious and green innovations; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Klasse 45 Alarm services, namely, monitoring alarms and alerting customers of detected activity; alarm response and verification services; providing alarm services, namely, monitoring of alarms and emergency alert services via the internet, , computer networks and telecommunications networks; licensing of computer software; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid 101

102 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the letter M underlined extending to the corners and upward. McDermott, Inc., 757 N. Eldridge Parkway, TX77079 HOUSTON, USA Klasse 35 Business services, namely, procuring qualified personnel, equipment and materials on behalf of others and business management services in the field of construction, installation and repair of containers, tanks, industrial storage and processing spheres, terminals, towers and tanks, storage vessels and pressure vessels, sea platforms, offshore platforms, power units, refinery units, LNG processing units, petrochemical units, industrial units, pipelines, drainage systems, dredging systems, mooring systems; business services, namely, procuring qualified personnel, equipment and materials on behalf of others and business management services in the field of equipment for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas exploration, production, storage, transport and distribution, instrumentation, measuring equipment systems, illuminating units and dredging; procurement of repair and replacement components used in the above items. Klasse 37 Construction, installation and repair services of vessels, namely, containers, industrial storage and processing spheres, terminals, towers and tanks, storage vessels and pressure vessels, sea platforms, offshore platforms, tanks, power plants, refinery units, LNG processing units, petrochemical units, industrial units, pipelines, drainage systems, dredging systems, mooring systems, construction, installation and repair of equipment for the exploration, production, processing, storage, transport and distribution of petroleum products, petrochemicals and natural gas, instrumentation and measuring equipment systems, illuminating units and any of the units constructed or installed above; repair of metallic components used in the above construction, installation and repair services. Klasse 42 Design, engineering, inspection and testing services for others in the fields of vessels, namely, containers, industrial storage and processing spheres, terminals, towers and tanks, storage vessels and pressure vessels, sea platforms, offshore platforms, platforms for sulfur production, tanks, power plants, refinery units, LNG processing plants and units, petrochemical plants and units, industrial plants, pipelines, drainage systems, dredging systems, mooring systems, oil and gas exploration and production systems, petroleum processing facilities, instrumentation systems, lighting systems. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , ZA, 2018/ , ZA, 2018/ , ZA, 2018/13034 UNLOCK NEXT Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, WA REDMOND, USA Klasse 9 Computer software for sales management, customer service management, business operations management, financial and finance operations management, remote and field service operations management, project service automation management, marketing campaign planning and management, customer relationship management, enterprise resource management, sales and marketing information management, personnel and project management, facilities management, Internet of Things management, software development and customization, the analysis, warehousing, processing and management of data, Big Data management, security and authentication, social media management, peer-to-peer communications, account management, word processing and cloud computing for use with all of the foregoing; computer software, namely, a full line of computer software for business, business management, accounting, and marketing in the fields of business and computer e-commerce applications software for allowing users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer network; computer software for supply side management, customer relationship management, financial management and accounting; computer software for use in locating, gathering, compiling, analyzing, modeling, graphing, visualizing, animating, transforming, presenting and sharing data and other information; computer software development tools; computer software, namely, software development tools for the creation of computer software applications and mobile software applications; computer software for publishing, sharing and accessing computer software applications and mobile software applications; computer software for data storage and modeling; computer software for use in creating and automating workflows across multiple applications and services; computer software for database creation and management. Klasse 35 Business services, namely, business consultation services, business advice and information services; business marketing services; and business consulting services. Klasse 42 Software as a service (SaaS) services featuring software for sales management, customer service management, business operations management, financial and finance operations management, remote and field service operations management, project service automation management, marketing campaign planning and management, customer relationship management, enterprise resource management, sales and marketing information management, personnel and 102

103 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 project management, facilities management, Internet of Things management, software development and customization, the analysis, warehousing, processing and management of data, Big Data management, security and authentication, social media management, peer-to-peer communications, account management, word processing and cloud computing for use with all of the foregoing; computer services, namely, providing specific information as requested by customers via the Internet; online technical support in the field of computers, computer software and computer systems, namely, 24/7 service desk or help desk services for IT infrastructure, operating systems, database systems, and web applications; computer and computer software consultation; computer diagnostic services; updating of computer software for others; technical support, namely, troubleshooting of diagnosing computer hardware and software problems; providing online updating of computer software for others via the Internet; computer software as a service (SaaS) services for use in locating, gathering, compiling, analyzing, modeling, graphing, visualizing, animating, transforming, presenting and sharing data and other information; software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software development tools; software as a service (SaaS) featuring software development tools for the creation of computer software applications and mobile software applications; software as a service (SaaS) featuring software for publishing, sharing and accessing computer software applications and mobile software applications; software as a service for data storage and modeling; software as a service for use in creating and automating workflows across multiple applications and services; software as a service for database creation and management. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, LISTERINE Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, USA Klasse 30 Non-medicated breath freshening lozenges. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , AT, AM 50111/2018 PALFINGER Palfinger AG, Lamprechtshausener Bundesstrasse 8, 5101 BERGHEIM BEI SALZBURG, Østerrike Klasse 6 Wire ropes for cranes; wire ropes for anchoring purposes; mounting parts of metal; cables, wires, and chains of metal: rollers, springs and valves of metal [except for machine elements]; pipelines, tubes and hoses, as well as accessories for this, including valves, of metal; masts of metal; metal structures; metal containers for transport purposes; metal hooks; metal support struts; struts of metal, in particular front supports, rear supports, additional supports for vehicles and canes and lifting devices; tanks of metal; packing plates and washers of metal; chocks, mainly of metal; safety chains of metal; snap hooks of metal; thimbles [metal] for ropes and cables; brackets of metal; clamps of metal; baskets of metal; frames of metal; metal rails; webbing of metal for load transport; load carrying straps of metal; working cages of metal; metal tie rods for construction purposes; vehicle ramps of metal; transportable structures, mainly of metal; transportable metal structures; transportable metal cabins; ramps of metal; platforms of metal; anchors; anchoring devices of metal; hose drums; loading bridges of metal; nonautomatic hose reels [retractor] of metal; non-automatic hose reels [unwinder] of metal; loading bridges of metal [structures]; chains of metal; crawler chains of metal; removable counterweights of metal for vehicles and cranes and lifting devices; metal support devices for uncoupling loading cranes; access ramps and access rails for wheelchairs of metal, in particular light metal. Klasse 7 Cranes and their parts; jacks and lifting devices, in particular cranes on vehicles, jib cranes; crane trucks; lifting machines as attachments for vehicles; mobile cranes; stationary cranes; bridge cranes; crawler cranes; rail cranes; suspension cranes; spare-parts of cranes and lifting devices; mounting parts for cranes; crane hooks; clamping chucks [machine parts]; crane forks; turnable forks for cranes and lifting devices, folding forks and retractable forks for lifting devices, in particular stacker trucks; hydraulic, electric and pneumatic lifting gear; tool inserts for machines; hydraulic tongs; grippers for cranes, in particular suction grippers, orange peel buckets, universal grippers, clamshell buckets, bulk material grabs, moulding grippers; lifting tongs for cranes; pallet forks; brick clamps; machines for positioning and embedding masts and posts; augers; emptying machines; hydraulically driven tools [machine parts]; stacking crane arms; lifting devices for vehicles; winches; agricultural and forestry equipment mounted on trailers; rams; saws [machines]; snow blower attachments for vehicles; shovels for earthmoving machines, rope tensioning devices for cranes; automatic reels; mechanical reels; rotators and manipulators for cranes and lifting devices; drives, except for land vehicles; clutches and devices for power transmission [except for land vehicles]; connecting elements [machine parts]; hydraulic circuits for machines; hydraulic drives for tools, machines, and motors, in particular for cranes and lifting devices; hydraulic pumps; pumps; cylinders for machines; oil coolers for motors; pressure controls [regulators] as machine parts; servomotors; rotary motors for cranes and lifting devices; auxiliary drives; emergency drives for cranes and lifting devices; hybrid drive for cranes and lifting devices; hydraulic 103

104 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Klasse 9 aggregates; axles and articulations for machines, differential gears for machines; machines for waste disposal and recycling; machines for container handling; rocker levers (machine parts); pile hoist devices [machines]; hydraulic wood grippers for forestry purposes; agricultural, horticultural and forestry machines and apparatuses; rope cranes; automatic devices for felling, delimbing and/or cutting trees; automatic devices for splitting tree trunks, in particular splitting tongs; platform lifts; tailgate lifts; lifting platforms, lifting hoists, aerial work platforms; lift ramps; self-propelled working cages; mechanical work platforms; motor-driven access work platforms; mobile platforms, in particular loading platforms; hoisting gear for platforms and loading platforms; handicapped lifts, swivel lifts; wheelchair lifting platforms; retractable and extendable ramps and raising as well as lowering platforms to facilitate getting into or out of, resp., vehicles for persons; anchor winches; electrically or hydraulically driven winches for shipping; loading bridges; capstans; loading cranes; unloading cranes; derricks; harbour cranes; portal cranes; mobile cranes; grapnels for shipping [automatic]; facade access equipment; raising and lowering platforms for maintenance and upkeep of building façades; pit cages. Instrumentation and control for cranes and lifting devices, utility and multipurpose vehicles, lifting platforms, loading ramps, mechanical access platforms, entry and exit aids for vehicles, agricultural and forestry machines, heavy goods vehicles with cranes; radio remote controls for cranes and lifting devices, utility and multipurpose vehicles, lifting platforms, loading ramps, mechanical access platforms, entry and exit aids for vehicles, agricultural and forestry machines, heavy goods vehicles with cranes, stacker trucks, truckmounted forklifts; accessories for radio remote controls; computer programmes and computer software, including programmes for use on mobile electronic devices; software for control and operation of cranes and lifting devices, utility and multipurpose vehicles, lifting platforms, loading ramps, mechanical access platforms, entry and exit aids for vehicles, agricultural and forestry machines, heavy goods vehicles with cranes; software for use in autonomous control of cranes and lifting devices; software for use for autonomous and semi-autonomous driving of vehicles; software for use for autonomous and semi-autonomous moving of cranes and lifting devices; integrated electronic risk and collision prevention devices for cranes and lifting devices; weight measuring instruments and apparatuses; graphic display devices; joysticks for computers; communications equipment; control apparatuses and instruments; operating consoles [electric]; wireless communication devices; alarm- and warning equipment; head protection; measuring, detection and monitoring instruments, devices as well as controllers; alignment and calibration instruments; approximation detectors; levelling instruments; sensors and detectors; safety, security, protection and signal devices as well as equipment; warning lights for vehicles; screens [displays]; apparatuses and instruments for conducting electric current. Klasse 12 Vehicles with lifting devices, in particular cranes; heavy good vehicles with leading cranes; multipurpose vehicles, accessories for multipurpose vehicles, namely winch attachments, loading cranes, on-board cranes, trailers; container vehicles; vehicles with tipping devices, in particular roll-off tippers and skip loaders; stacker trucks; truck-mounted forklifts; forklift trucks; parts and accessories for vehicles; rail vehicles; utility vehicles; vehicles with integrated loading device; driverless vehicles (autonomous vehicles); remotecontrolled vehicles; trailers for vehicles; trailer supports; car bodies for trailers; trailers with tipping function; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; suspensions for vehicles; components for the outer car body of vehicles; chassis for motor vehicles; tipping attachments for heavy goods vehicles; refuse collection vehicles; vehicle cabins; car bodies for motor vehicles; seats for motor vehicles, in particular swivel seats; luggage racks for motor vehicles; axles and articulations for vehicles; deferential gears for land vehicles, motors for land vehicles; drives (parts of motor vehicles); overhead guard; rain and weather protection attachments for vehicles; acoustic and visual safety signal devices for vehicles; hydraulic control systems for vehicles; stability control systems for vehicles; hydraulic clutches for vehicles; disability vehicles; retractable and extendable entry steps for vehicles; fastening and safety devices for wheelchairs in vehicles; retractable and extendable ramps and raising as well as lowering platforms to facilitate getting into or out of, resp., vehicles for persons; elevator tailboards [parts of land vehicles]; tail lifts for vehicles; outriggers for water vehicles; components for boats; dinghies; boat davits; beat hooks; cable chocks for boars; water vehicles; fenders for water vehicles; tail lifts [parts of land vehicles], in particular for attachment to vehicles, vehicle attachments and/or vehicle chassis. Klasse 37 Renting of cranes and lifting devices, accessories for cranes and lifting devices, lifting platforms, loading ramps, mechanical access platforms, stacker trucks, tuck-mounted forklifts, entry and exit aids for vehicles, agricultural and forestry machines; repair, servicing, and maintenance of cranes and lifting devices, accessories for cranes and lifting devices, vehicles and their parts, lifting platforms, loading ramps, mechanical access platforms, entry and exit aids for vehicles, agricultural and forestry machines, customer services for vehicles [maintenance]; installation of cranes and lifting devices, accessories for cranes and lifting devices, vehicles and their parts, lifting platforms, loading ramps, mechanical access platforms, entry and exit aids for vehicles, agricultural and forestry machines: consulting and provision of information with regard to repair, maintenance, servicing, installation, and operation of cranes and lifting devices, accessories for cranes and lifting devices, vehicles and their parts, lifting platforms, loading ramps, mechanical access platforms, entry and exit aids for vehicles, agricultural and forestry machines. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

105 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Savinase Novozymes A/S, Krogshøjvej 36, 2880 BAGSVÆRD, Danmark Klasse 1 Enzyme preparations for industrial use. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a stylized shaded diamond with the left and right corners rounded inward and connected by an unshaded line extending from the midpoint of each curved edge, with several unshaded circles contained inside the diamond at the top and bottom comers. BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 4504 Emperor Blvd., NC27703 DURHAM, USA Klasse 5 Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of infectious, viral inflammatory, immunological, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases and disorders; pharmaceuticals for the treatment of hereditary angioedema, inflammatory bowel diseases, inflammatory connective tissue diseases and inflammatory skin diseases; pharmaceuticals for the treatment of influenza, AIDS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, and West Nile virus; pharmaceuticals for the treatment of transplant rejection; anti-infective pharmaceuticals; pharmaceuticals for the treatment of cancer, namely, cancers of the immune system such as T-cell and B- cell leukemias and lymphomas. Klasse 42 Pharmaceutical research and drug development; medical and scientific research, namely, conducting clinical trials for others, development of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of infectious, viral, inflammatory, immunological, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases and disorders; development of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of cancer, namely, cancers of the immune system such as T-cell and B- cell leukemias and lymphomas; development of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of influenza, AIDS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, and West Nile virus; development of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of hereditary angioedema, inflammatory bowel diseases, inflammatory connective tissue diseases and inflammatory skin diseases. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: KLARUS ELECTRONICS AND TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, 3RD FLOOR, NO. 19 CHILING ROAD, CHILINGTOU VILLAGE, GAOFENG COMMUNITY, DALANG STREET, LONGHUA DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG, Kina Klasse 11 Lighting apparatus and installations; searchlights; bicycle lights; lamps; electric torches; projector lamps; diving lights; flashlights [torches]; pocket searchlights; pocket torches, electric. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , MK, 2018/394 TROKADERO Drustvo za hotelierstvo trgovija i uslugi TROKADERO INTERACIONAL DOOEL Tetovo, TETOVO, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Klasse 16 Paper and cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; paintbrushes; instructional and teaching materials; plastic materials for packaging; printers' type, printing blocks. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces [condiments]; spices; ice [frozen 105

106 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 water]. Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , CH, 78299/2018 processing, and editing; computer software for control and customization of audio effects. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, (571) Beskrivelse av merket: A stylized flower and the wording "YOGA ALLIANCE FOUNDATION" arranged vertically to the right. Yoga Alliance Registry, 1560 Wilson Blvd. #700, VA22209 ARLINGTON, USA Klasse 35 Charitable services in the nature of promoting community services; promoting public interest in and awareness of yoga, yoga education, yoga training, and research into yoga. Klasse 36 Charitable foundation services; providing fundraising activities, funding, scholarships, and financial assistance for yoga teachers, business owners, and professionals; charitable fundraising services; charitable fundraising services by means of organizing and conducting programs on yoga education, training and awareness; charitable fundraising services for promoting research, education and other activities relating to yoga. Klasse 41 Educational services; conducting programs on yoga education, training, and awareness. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , JM, ENVERB Apple Inc., One Apple Park Way, CA95014 CUPERTINO, USA Klasse 9 Computer software for creating and recording music; computer software for sound mixing and synthesizing; computer software for digital audio production, (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the word "SUNSKI" in a stylized font with a partial underline centered in the middle of a circle. Stewart Charley Ventures LLC, 217 Titan Street, PA19147 PHILADELPHIA, USA Klasse 9 Sunglasses. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , NZ, LES MILLS VIRTUAL BIKE Les Mills International Limited, 22 Centre Street, 1010 AUCKLAND, New Zealand Klasse 9 Audio recordings, video recordings and audio-visual recordings; digital music (downloadable from the Internet); digital audio recordings and digital audiovisual recordings (downloadable from the Internet); information, data, graphics, artwork, text, images, recordings and publications in downloadable electronic form supplied online from databases, from the Internet (including websites), from intranets or from extranets; downloadable software for monitoring and analyzing various parameters associated with the operation of a exercise cycle and for fitness training; downloadable software in the nature of an application to deliver multimedia exercise class content to exercise bicycles. Klasse 28 Stationary exercise bicycles; stationary exercise 106

107 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 bicycles equipped with interactive computer systems; stationary exercise bicycles equipped with multi-media systems. Klasse 41 Recreation and training services; sporting activities; education services; producing and conducting exercise to music classes and programmes; gymnasium services; health club services; sports club services; fitness club services; exercise instruction, advisory and training services; sports tuition, coaching and instruction; entertainment; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to any or all of the aforesaid; publication of printed matter and electronic media, including the publication of music and video and audio visual resources with respect to fitness and health club related programs and training materials in digital format; the provision of on-line electronic publications and digital music (not downloadable) from the Internet. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: SUZHOU KINGSWOOD PRINTING INK CO.,LTD, NO.989 CHUNSHEN ROAD, HUANGDAI TOWN, XIANGCHENG DISTRICT, SUZHOU CITY, JIANGSU PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 2 Tanning ink; printing ink; engraving ink; toner [ink] for photocopiers; toner cartridges for inkjet printers, filled; toner cartridges for printing machines and copying machines, filled; toner cartridges for computer, printing machines and word processors; toner cartridges for laser printers; toner cartridges for inkjet printers; toner for copying machines. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : OCON INC., #A, 253, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, GYEONGGI-DO, Sør-Korea Klasse 28 Golf balls; rods for fishing; roller skates; remote controlled apparatus for games; conjuring apparatus; volleyballs; streamers [party novelties]; baseballs; toys (playthings); play mats incorporating infant toys [playthings]; baby toys; dolls; toy sticks with glow-inthe-dark features; toy cup for building play; jump ropes; novelties for parties; party blowouts; puzzles; plastic party hats; toy figures. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of TEN Latin letters, which are X I O N G C H E N G and a device. SHANTOU CHENGHAI XIONGCHENG PLASTIC TOYS CO., LTD., Jingshanding Industrial Zone, Lianxia Town, Chenghai District, SHANTOU CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 28 Balls for games; hockey sticks; toys; dolls' houses; toy cars; smart toys. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

108 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , US, PLANTRONICS ELARA Plantronics, Inc., Legal Department, 345 Encinal Street, CA95060 SANTA CRUZ, USA Klasse 9 Telecommunications devices, namely, telephones, speakerphones, telephone handsets, headsets for use with telephones, computing devices that utilize softphone software that enables voice over Internet telephone calls, cell phones, and computers; earphones, earbuds; computer peripheral devices, namely, docking stations and adapters for charging mobile devices and batteries, and for connecting mobile phones, PC tablets, liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors, computers, mice and keyboards; computer software, namely, user interface software; computer telephony software; application software, namely, software for connecting telecommunications devices, computer peripheral devices, mobile devices and wireless networks. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Cosmetics; perfumes; eaux de toilette; eau de cologne; make-up; hair treatments and preparations; essential oils. Klasse 4 Candles and perfumed candles. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, biobrush trade & services UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Am Petzinsee 30, SCHWIELOWSEE, Tyskland Klasse 3 Toothpaste; chewable dentifrices; cosmetic tooth cleansing lotions; chewable tooth cleaning preparations; tooth whitening pastes; teeth and mouth Klasse 5 care products [non-medical]. Medical dentifrices; medicinal preparations and products as well as medical dentifrices; preparations to facilitate teething; color reagents for the detection of dental plaque. Klasse 10 Teething rings for pain relief during teething; bite chains for pain relief during teething. Klasse 21 Manual toothbrushes; medical floss for dental purposes; mouth care sets consisting of toothbrushes and floss for dental purposes; wooden toothpick; toothbrushes for pets; containers for dentifrices; toothpick holders made of precious metal; articles for tooth cleaning; interdental brushes for cleaning the teeth; toothpicks for personal enjoyment; toothbrush container; toothbrush bristles. Klasse 35 Retail services for toilet articles; retail services relating to devices for the hygiene of human beings; retail services relating to devices for the hygiene of animals; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary, hygienic and medical articles; wholesale services related to toilet articles; wholesale services relating to teaching; wholesale services relating to hygienic equipment for humans; wholesale services relating to animal hygiene. Klasse 41 Organization of dental advanced training courses; education and teaching; provision of electronic publications; desktop publishing [creating publications with the computer]. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

109 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, Starcounter AB, Hovslagargatan 3, STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 9 Computer software and hardware; electronic databases; computer software and hardware for database management; computer software, hardware and telecommunications apparatus including modems to enable searching of data and for connection to databases and the Internet; computer database servers; computer software for the administration of databases; computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data; software and apparatus to enable connection to databases and the Internet; computer software for image processing, for document management, for printer management, for network transmission and reception, for document creation, for database management and for document and image processing; computer software for word processing, database retrieval and management; computer software for application and database integration. Klasse 35 Business information services provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; compilation and systematization of information into computer databases; compilation of data into computer databases; compilation and input of information into computer databases; management and compilation of computerised databases; systemisation of information into computer databases; database management; computerized database management; advice and consultation services and in relation to the aforementioned services. Klasse 42 Services in respect of design, development maintenance and update of software; services with regard to design, development and maintenance of databases; rental of a database server to third parties; computer programming services; technical support, advice and consultation services in relation to the mentioned services and in relation to managing of computer systems, databases and applications. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, OnDosis OnDosis AB, Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11 A, GÖTEBORG, Sverige Klasse 9 Computer software for dosing, dispensing and administering pharmaceuticals; computer software for managing of clinical trials; computer software for remote control and monitoring of portable medical apparatus. Klasse 10 Apparatus for dosing and dispensing pharmaceuticals; apparatus for administering pharmaceuticals; medical apparatus for introducing pharmaceutical preparations into the human body; patient monitoring sensors and alarms; cases fitted for apparatus for dosing and dispensing pharmaceuticals. Klasse 38 Telecommunication services; transmission of information and images relating to pharmaceuticals. Klasse 42 Clinical trials; clinical research; providing medical and scientific research information in the field of pharmaceuticals and clinical trials. Klasse 44 Health advice and information services; providing medical information, other than dentistry, from online medical records; medical analysis services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: BodeVet Cellphire, Inc., 9430 Key West Avenue, MD20850 ROCKVILLE, USA Klasse 5 Blood products derived from non-human animals for hemostatic control, namely, compositions containing freeze-dried platelets, cellular components of freezedried platelets, rehydrated freeze-dried platelets, or rehydrated cellular components of freeze-dried platelets for intravenous administration to control hemostatic properties in non-human animals. Klasse 42 Research and development in the field of blood productions for non-human animals. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

110 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, FDF Sopro Bauchemie GmbH, Biebricher Strasse 74, WIESBADEN, Tyskland Klasse 1 Chemicals used in industry; impregnating chemical preparations; adhesives used in industry, in particular made of synthetic resins; chemicals used in industry, being additives for building materials; chemicals used in industry, being additives for screed, concrete and mortar; liquid plastics, unprocessed, included in class 1; preservatives for building materials (except for organic substances); refining agents for concrete, mortar and screed, included in class 1, in particular for preventing the drying out of concrete and mortar, for screeds and finished concrete parts, for enhancing the resistance of cement screeds to impact, wear, frost and chemical stress, for increasing imperviousness against liquids and gases as well as for controlling the working consistency; unprocessed artificial resins; surfaceactive agents (tensides); damp proofing preparations for brickwork, except paints; horticulture chemicals; antifreeze; chemicals as aid for washing out (removing and cleaning) joint compounds; solvents for paints; solvents for varnishes; silicones. Klasse 17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica; goods made of plastics as semi-finished products; artificial and synthetic resins (semi-finished products), resins (semi-finished products) for fabricating adhesives; cast resins (semi-finished products) comprising silica sand; sealing, packing and insulating materials; sealing tapes; sealing collars; rubber gloves for insulating purposes, not for household purposes; joint fillers (sealant compounds for joints); insulating coating [paints]; insulating lacquers; insulating paints; selfadhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes; insulating coatings; insulating materials; filling material as insulating, damping and sealing materials; bituminous sealing and insulating materials for roofs. Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic), in particular with damping and insulating properties; building materials (non-metallic), namely hydraulic binding agents such as cement, lime, gypsum and as additives for binding and hardening concrete, mortar and stony-type building materials; building materials (non-metallic), namely hydraulic binding agents and mixtures composed thereof containing aggregates, pozzolanic materials (concrete admixtures) and/or chemical substances (concrete admixtures); mortar (building material); plaster (building material); screeds (building material); reinforcing fabrics (non-metallic) for building purposes; contact sludges (non-metallic) for building purposes; building materials, non-metallic, in the form of filling materials for building purposes for preparing surfaces made of concrete, mortar and other stony-type building materials; silica sand for building purposes; bitumen; bituminous products for building; pipes, not of metal, for building purposes; concrete; concrete building elements; roof coverings, not of metal; bituminous coatings for roofing (except for sealing and insulating purposes); windows, not of metal; felts for building; gravel; sand for building purposes; prefabricated swimming pools (not of metal); prefabricated chimneys, not of metal; floor tiles, not of metal; tile floorings, not of metal; binding material for road repair, road coating materials. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , JM, (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a square design with rounded edges colored with a background of different shades of blue. On top of the square design are interconnected white lines and the lettering ML in the color white and three-dimensional outline. Apple Inc., One Apple Park Way, CA95014 CUPERTINO, USA Klasse 9 Computer software used in developing other software applications; application development software. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, POLIPOL Polstermöbel GmbH & Co. KG, Diepenauer Heide 1, DIEPENAU, Tyskland Klasse 18 Leather for furniture (semi processed); leather covers for furniture; imitation leather for furniture. Klasse 20 Furniture, especially upholstered furniture, sofa sets, pull-out couches that can be transformed into daybeds, bed sofas, armchairs; beds; fabric sample racks, namely in the form of fabric trolleys for the demonstration and exhibition of samples of fabrics and types of fabric, samples of leather, samples of imitation 110

111 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 leather and samples of other upholstery fabrics, especially for the use for upholstered furniture; mattresses; upholstered headrests; neck cushions; pillows; backrests; accessory parts for upholstered furniture, especially bags being adapted to furniture for the storage of magazines, remote controls and other objects. Klasse 24 Fabrics for furniture; textile fabrics for the production furniture. Klasse 35 Wholesale and retail services with the following goods: leather for furniture (semi processed), leather covers for furniture, imitation leather for furniture, furniture (especially upholstered furniture, sofa sets, pull-out couches that can be transformed into daybeds, bed sofas, armchairs), beds, fabric sample racks (namely in the form of fabric trolleys for the demonstration and exhibition of samples of fabrics and types of fabric, samples of leather, samples of imitation leather and samples of other upholstery fabrics, especially for the use for upholstered furniture), mattresses, upholstered headrests, neck cushions, pillows, backrests, accessory parts for upholstered furniture (especially bags being adapted to furniture for the storage of magazines, remote controls and other objects), fabrics for furniture, textile imitation leather fabrics for furniture. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: StablePlate Cellphire, Inc., 9430 Key West Avenue, MD20850 ROCKVILLE, USA Klasse 5 Blood products derived from non-human animals, namely, intravenously-administered blood platelet substitutes for veterinary use containing freeze-dried platelets, rehydrated freeze-dried platelets and cellular components thereof for reducing blood loss after trauma, promoting wound healing and controlling hemostatic properties in non-human animals. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Granini Eckes-Granini Group GmbH, Ludwig-Eckes-Platz 1, NIEDER-OLM, Tyskland Klasse 29 Frozen, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; milk and milk products. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, beverages made from tea, fruit tea and herbal tea, cocoa; sweetmeats (candy), fruit gums; edible ices. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: RAFLATAC UPM Raflatac OY, Tesomankatu 31, TAMMERFORS, Finland Klasse 16 Paper; cardboard; self-adhesive laminates in the form of reels, sheets and labels; security and anti-theft labels and laminates made of paper or cardboard; paperbased labels and stickers; labels; paper labels; adhesive labels; document page markers [marking flags]; markable labels; writeable labels; sheets of labels; sheets of adhesive-backed labels; sheets of paper labels; water-resistant labels of plastic film; adhesive labels, stickers and seals; blank labels of plastic film; labels of plastic film; printable labels of paper and plastic for packaging; unprinted labels of plastic film; plastic film for wrapping; plastic-based labels and stickers; laminates with paper backing and self-adhesive plastic foil top for labelling purposes in the form of reels, sheets and labels; laminates with paper backing and self-adhesive paper top for labelling purposes in the form of reels, sheets and labels; adhesive-backed paper based materials for use in the manufacture of labels; adhesive-backed paper based materials in the form of reels, sheets and labels. Klasse 17 Plastic-based and or of synthetic material manufactured self-adhesive laminates in the form of reels, sheets and labels; self-adhesive thermal and pressure sensitive laminates in the form of reels, sheets and labels; adhesive-backed plastic films; plastic films used to manufacture tapes, containers, pouches, bags and labels; plastic films in the form of sheets or rolls for use in the manufacture of labels; plastic barrier films used to manufacture tapes, containers, pouches, bags and labels; plastic film other than for wrapping; insulating materials; waterproof packings; self-adhesive foils of plastic and/or other synthetic materials for labelling purposes; adhesivebacked plastic and/or synthetic material films for use in the manufacture of labels; adhesive-backed plastic films. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

112 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Jaguar Land Rover Limited, Abbey Road, Whitley, CV34LF COVENTRY, Storbritannia Klasse 9 Computer hardware; on-board computers for vehicles; computers for autonomous-driving; on board electronic systems for providing driving and parking assistance; on board electronic systems for automatic braking; on board electronic systems to assisting in maintaining or changing lanes when driving; cruise control systems for vehicles; vehicle speed control apparatus; computer software; interactive multimedia software; automotive computer software and hardware; computer software for use in relation to vehicles; telemetry devices for motor vehicle and engine applications; electric control panels; electric control apparatus, instruments and displays; sensors; integrated electronic safety systems for vehicles; safety and driving assistant systems; lasers for use in relation to vehicles; LIDAR apparatus for vehicles; radar apparatus for vehicles; cameras for vehicles; onboard cameras; action cameras; parking sensors and rear-view cameras for vehicles; helmet cameras; dashboard cameras; automotive measuring instruments; electronic apparatus for collecting measurements and receiving data; computer software, mobile applications and wireless transmission and receiving equipment for use in connection with autonomous and hands-free driving, automobile safety features and warning or alarm functions, accident prevention and traffic alerts; driving control unit for vehicles; computerized driver assistance systems for motor vehicles; charging stations for charging electric vehicles; apparatus and cables for use in charging electric vehicles; batteries for vehicles; electric accumulators, voltage regulators, aerials, electric batteries and mountings; anti-theft warning devices; alarm sensors; gauges; electronic or computer instrument panels and clusters; odometers; speedometers; tachometers; temperature sensors; voltmeters; ammeters; testing apparatus; proximity meters; electric circuit breakers; commutators; electric condensers; electric connections; electric cables; electric fuses; electric fuse boxes; electric control apparatus and instruments for motor vehicles and engines; electrical sensors; fire extinguishing apparatus; printed electrical circuits; electric relays; electric switches; electric wiring harnesses; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; remote control apparatus for starting vehicles; emergency warning lights; electronic emergency notification system; computer interface apparatus forming an integral part of a vehicle; display panels for vehicles; electronic driver display systems for vehicles; audio, audiovisual or telecommunications equipment; screens; radio apparatus; in-car audiovisual entertainment systems; sound reproducing equipment; televisions; radios; CD players; loud speakers; smart speakers; headphones; personal digital assistants; tablet computers; multimedia devices; MP3 or MP4 apparatus and players; mobile hard drives; universal serial bus drives; cases and holders for mobile phones, smartphones, computers, personal digital assistants, laptops, notebook computers; chargers for mobile phones, smartphones, laptop and tablet computers; peripherals adopted for use with computers including multi usb ports, computer mice, mouse mats, wireless speakers, usb flash drives, earphones; telephones; mobile telephones; mobile phone and tablet computer headsets and accessories; straps for telephone handsets; screensavers for phones and tablets; car telephone installations; smart watches; wristband computer devices; electronically encoded identity wristbands; recording media; highway emergency warning equipment; thermometers; compasses; calculators; electronic instructional and teaching apparatus and instruments; electrical and scientific apparatus for use in the repair and servicing of vehicles; magnets; tape measures; global positioning system (GPS); navigational systems, comprising electronic transmitters, receivers, circuitry, microprocessors, cellular telephone and computer software all for use in navigation and all integrated into a motor vehicle; downloadable electronic maps; wireless transmission and receiving equipment; wireless controllers to remotely monitor and control the function and status of other electrical, electronic, signalling systems and mechanical devices for use in connection with vehicles and engines for vehicles; communications apparatus to transmit and receive communications via vehicles; computer hardware and software for tracking driver behaviour; sensors, computers and wireless transceivers to provide connectivity within the vehicle, between vehicles, with cell phones, and with data centers; computer hardware and software apparatus to provide tactile, audible and visual interfaces to interact with occupants of the vehicle; wireless transmission and receiving equipment for use in connection with remote computers for use in automobiles for tracking, monitoring and diagnosing maintenance for vehicles and for providing information to drivers; computer application software for use by drivers and passengers of vehicles for accessing, viewing, and interacting with and downloading information and entertainment content; downloadable software and on-board computer software that provides users with remote and in-vehicle access to motor vehicle functions and functions relating to driver safety, convenience, communication, entertainment, and navigation; diagnostic apparatus consisting of sensors for use in testing vehicle function and in diagnosing vehicle electrical and mechanical problems; software and software applications to allow users to track and locate stolen vehicles, charge electronics, and store and synchronize collected personalized user and vehicle information; electronic interface modules for wired and wireless interface of mobile phones and electronic media players with an automotive electrical system; computer systems for automated vehicle control; downloadable mobile applications; downloadable electronic publications; electronic publications; electronic periodic publications; application software for use in or in relation to vehicles; computer games, computer games software; databases, data sets, data files and software relating to 3D printing; databases, data sets, data files and software relating to design and manufacture of vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; databases, data sets, data files and software relating to design and manufacture of replica or model vehicles and parts and accessories therefor; computer-aided design (CAD) software and data files; downloadable image files; electronic databases containing image files; databases, data sets, data files and software relating to car sharing schemes; databases, data sets, data files and software relating to vehicle driver behaviour; simulators for simulating the operation of land vehicles; virtual models of vehicles or vehicle interiors; virtual reality software and hardware; augmented reality software and hardware; smart locks; software and hardware to control equipment in the home; electronic locks for the home; batteries to supply electric power to motors for electric vehicles; electric power connectors to charge 112

113 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 electric vehicles; parts and fittings for any of the aforesaid goods. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: VPSX/DirectPrint Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc., 2401 W. Monroe Street, IL62704 SPRINGFIELD, USA Klasse 9 Integrated print server software for automatic print driver management allowing centralized tracking and auditing of internet protocol print events, elimination of redundant print servers and reduction of network traffic. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, MAGPIP Hamilton Germany GmbH, Fraunhoferstr. 17, PLANEGG, Tyskland Klasse 7 Machines, namely container filling machines, robot; robotic filling machines; vacuum controllers; pumps [machines]; pumps [machines]; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 9 Analysis and diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; apparatus for scientific research and laboratories; scientific, optical, analytical, measuring, dosing, diagnostic and checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; dosimeters; automatic dosage apparatus; liquid dosage devices that measure the amounts to be dispensed; scientific, optical, analytical, measuring, dispensing, diagnostic and checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments for use in laboratories; dosage dispensers for the contactless dispensing of liquids; dosage dispensers for the contactless generation of drops of liquid; dosage dispensers for the contactless dispensing of small volumes of liquid; dosage dispensers for the pneumatic generation of drops of liquid in the lower ml range (below 100 ml); dosage dispensers for the contactless generation of drops of liquid with volumes in the lower ml range (below 100 ml); dosing heads for the contactless dispensing of small volumes of liquid; dosing systems for laboratory use for dispensing liquids in jet mode; dosing systems for laboratory use for dispensing liquids in open-jet mode; metering apparatus for aspirating and dispensing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; pipetting devices for aspirating and dispensing dosing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; automatic pipetting work stations; liquid handling workstations for scientific research and laboratories; laboratory equipment systems consisting of automatic pipetting workstations connected to one another and scientific laboratory apparatus for storage and management of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples; automatic pipetting workstations for handling and transporting liquids using a number of liquid transfer installations, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for process analytics, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for biopharmaceutical process applications, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for biopharmaceutical process installations, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for media and buffer preparation, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for clinical chemistry, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for the automated transport of liquids and sample carriers, not for medical purposes; diluters for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories; dispensers for sample dispensing systems for preparing samples in analytical laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for in-vitro diagnostics, not for medical purposes; wired and wireless communication devices; wireless and wired communications apparatus for the transmission of data; apparatus and instruments for use in clinical, analytical and biopharmaceutical laboratories; sampling devices for laboratory use and scientific purposes; automated sampling devices for laboratory use and scientific purposes; calculators, data recording and processing apparatus; computers; tablet computers; portable computers; automated pipettes; pipettes; piston pipettes; air displacement pipettes; electronic air displacement pipettes; mechanical air displacement pipettes; pipettes operating on the principle of air displacement; handheld pipettes; electronic handheld pipettes; mechanical handheld pipettes; pipettes for aspirating and dispensing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; pipette tips; pipettors; pipetting channels; pipetting heads; pipetting arms; pipette modules; feeders for pipettes; vacuum apparatus for laboratory use; vacuum pumps for laboratory use; vacuum stations for laboratory use; laboratory apparatus and instruments for automated refilling of reagents; filters for pipettes or pipette tips; probes and pipettes for scientific purposes; pipette accessories, namely pipette holders, pipette carriers and pipette stands; pipette racks for laboratory use; holders for pipette carriers for laboratory use; reusable dispenser syringes for laboratory use; disposable dispenser syringes for laboratory use; liquid containers for use in laboratories, brackets for filling pipettes; glassware for use in a laboratory; hollow glass containers for measuring; glassware for scientific use [specifically adapted]; laboratory apparatus for collecting, dispensing, transporting and positioning objects and substances in solid, liquid or gas form; analysis robots not for medical purposes; pipetting robots, not for medical purposes; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound, images or data; data carriers for recording images, sound and data; computer software; magnetic sensors; magnetic detectors; magnetic flux sensors; magnetic field measurement sensors; hall effect sensors; inductive sensors; laboratory apparatus and instruments for the commutation of electronically commutated motors; magnets; magnets for industrial purposes; magnetic object detectors; magnetic data media; electric generators for generating and maintaining magnetic fields, other than for medical use; magnetic separators for scientific use; signal transmitters; contacting and contactless signal transmitters; magnetic field cameras; digital cameras; 113

114 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 camera containing a linear image sensor; electromagnetic conduits; electromagnetic measuring detectors; electromagnetic relays; electromagnetic switches; electromagnetic coils; adjusting and positioning apparatus/instruments with electromagnetic actuators and systems formed thereof being scientific apparatus and instruments; precision micropositioning apparatus/instruments; laboratory robots; robotic electrical control apparatus; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 10 Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments; diagnostic, examination, and monitoring equipment; pipetting instruments for medical use; medical syringes; analysers for medical use; apparatus for use in medical or veterinary analysis for conducting analyses of blood and urine of human or animal origin; analysis apparatus for conducting of immunoassays for medical purposes; measuring devices for medical use; measuring instruments adapted for medical use; testing instruments for medical purposes; manual probe heads for medical purposes; automated apparatus and instruments for blood separation; dispensers for administering and selecting reagent instruments for medical use; medical analysis apparatus for use in laboratories; precision instruments for medical purposes; medical instruments for drug abuse testing; cell culture instruments for medical use; analysis robots for medical purposes; probes for medical purposes; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 45 Licensing authority services; issuing of licences for computer software; licensing of technology; licensing industrial property rights; industrial property consultancy; legal services in the form of exploitation of intellectual property rights and copyright though licensing. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : for electronic cigarettes; liquid for electronic cigarettes; liquid nicotine solutions for use in electronic cigarettes; liquid solutions for use in electronic cigarettes; liquids for electronic cigarettes; oral vaporizers for smokers; refill cartridges for electronic cigarettes; smokers' articles; smoking sets for electronic cigarettes. Klasse 35 Retail and wholesale services relating to smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor; retail and wholesale store services relating to smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor; retail and wholesale shop services relating to smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor; online retail and wholesale services relating to smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor; online retail and wholesale store services relating to smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor; online retail and wholesale shop services relating to smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor; mail order retail services relating to smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor; business consulting and business management services relating to smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor; advertising, promoting and marketing of smokers' articles, including electronic smoking apparatus and devices, as well as parts, fittings and accessories therefor. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, THEOREON LAS Ventures Limited, Suite 1.23 World Trade Center, GX111AA GIBRALTAR, Gibraltar Klasse 9 Batteries for electronic cigarettes; batteries for electronic smokers' articles; battery chargers for electronic cigarettes; battery charging equipment; chargers for electronic cigarettes; chargers for electronic smokers' articles; chargers for vaporizers; electronic cigarette batteries; firmware and software for electronic cigarettes; portable charging cases for electronic cigarettes and vaporizers; USB chargers for electronic cigarettes; vaporizer batteries. Klasse 34 Personal vaporisers and electronic cigarettes, and flavourings and solutions therefor; cartridges for electronic cigarettes; cartridges sold filled with chemical flavourings in liquid form for electronic cigarettes; cases for electronic cigarettes; electric cigarettes [electronic cigarettes]; electronic cigarette atomizers; electronic cigarette cartomizers; electronic cigarette cases; electronic cigarette liquid [e-liquid] comprised of flavourings in liquid form used to refill electronic cigarette cartridges; electronic cigarettes; electronic cigars; electronic smoking pipes; flavourings, other than essential oils, for use in electronic cigarettes; holders (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: BO SI DENG (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: BO SI DENG Bosideng International Fashion (China) Limited, Room 1606, No. 98, Song Hu Road, Yang Pu District, SHANGHAI, Kina Klasse 18 Briefcases; walking sticks; travelling bags; straps of leather [saddlery]; trunks [luggage]; animal skins; backpacks; pocket wallets; card cases [notecases]; umbrellas. 114

115 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Klasse 25 Clothing; layettes [clothing]; scarves; waterproof clothing; down clothing; footwear; hats; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; neckties. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : preserved; ginger slices, preserved; ginger jam; pickles; flavoured ginger; dehydrated vegetables. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, RIKETT PERFORMANCE PANEL(SZ) CO,LTD, NO.2-8, FENGGANG ROAD, SHUANGFENG TOWN, TAICANG, Kina Klasse 19 Wood panelling; parquet floor boards; resin compound boards; floors, not of metal; construction materials, not of metal; duckboards, not of metal; plastic floors; rubber floors; floor tiles, not of metal; artificial stone. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark is composed of two Latin characters "fw" in a ellipse and two Chinese characters "FU WEI" underneath while the whole mark has no meaning. (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: FU WEI. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: FU WEI. ZHUCHENG FUWEI FOOD CO., LTD., No. 208, Lishan Road, Zhucheng Development Zone, WEIFANG CITY, SHANDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 29 Vegetables, dried; vegetables, cooked; vegetables, POLINOVA Polstermöbel GmbH & Co. KG, Diepenauer Heide 1, DIEPENAU, Tyskland Klasse 18 Leather for furniture (semi processed); leather covers for furniture; imitation leather for furniture. Klasse 20 Furniture, especially upholstered furniture, sofa sets, pull-out couches that can be transformed into daybeds, bed sofas, armchairs; beds; fabric sample racks, namely in the form of fabric trolleys for the demonstration and exhibition of samples of fabrics and types of fabric, samples of leather, samples of imitation leather and samples of other upholstery fabrics, especially for the use for upholstered furniture; mattresses; upholstered headrests; neck cushions; pillows; backrests; accessory parts for upholstered furniture, especially bags being adapted to furniture for the storage of magazines, remote controls and other objects. Klasse 24 Fabrics for furniture; textile fabrics for the production furniture. Klasse 35 Wholesale and retail services with the following goods: leather for furniture (semi processed), leather covers for furniture, imitation leather for furniture, furniture (especially upholstered furniture, sofa sets, pull-out couches that can be transformed into daybeds, bed sofas, armchairs), beds, fabric sample racks (namely in the form of fabric trolleys for the demonstration and exhibition of samples of fabrics and types of fabric, samples of leather, samples of imitation leather and samples of other upholstery fabrics, especially for the use for upholstered furniture), mattresses, upholstered headrests, neck cushions, pillows, backrests, accessory parts for upholstered furniture (especially bags being adapted to furniture for the storage of magazines, remote controls and other objects), fabrics for furniture, textile imitation leather fabrics for furniture. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

116 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , DE, Wacker Neuson SE, Preussenstrasse 41, MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 7 Machines for agriculture/building industry/landscape and horticulture; working machines for the construction industry and building materials industry; loaders; telescopic loaders; wheel loaders; excavators; municipal equipment, namely road sweepers [selfpropelled]; lawnmowers [machines]; hedge-cutting machines; snow clearing machines; snow blowers; snow ploughs; mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic controls for motors and machines; drives for machines; Klasse 9 hydrostatic drives for machines. Vehicle automatic driving control devices; control devices for automatic vehicle driving; computer applications for automatic control of vehicle control; remote control devices. Klasse 12 Vehicles for transport by land; tractors; vehicles, in particular small tractors for agriculture, construction, gardening, landscaping and golf courses; municipal machinery, namely lorry tippers with earth containers for the maintenance of green spaces and cemeteries; tractors [land vehicles] and trailers with working platforms; chassis for vehicles; dump trucks; selfpropelled dump trucks; drives, including motors and engines, for land vehicles; automatically steered vehicles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : coolers; cold packs and freezer packs for food and beverages. Klasse 35 Retailing and wholesaling and marketing, including via the internet, of apparatus and equipment for heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, freezing, drying, ventilation, apparatus and equipment for refrigerating, freezing and treatment of beverages and food products, refrigerating and freezing cabinets, refrigerating apparatus and refrigerating containers for beverages and food, electric wine coolers, ice cube making machines, ice-making machines, cold packs and freezer packs, household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith), ice pails, portable cool boxes, non-electric, wine coolers, portable coolers, cold packs and freezer packs for food and beverages. Klasse 37 Repair and maintenance of apparatus and equipment for heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, freezing, drying and ventilating purposes, equipment and apparatus for refrigerating, freezing and treatment of beverages and food, refrigerating and freezing cabinets, refrigerating apparatus and refrigerating containers for beverages and food, electric wine coolers, ice cube making machines, ice-making machines, cold packs and freezer packs, household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith), coolers (ice pails), portable cool boxes, non-electric, wine coolers, portable coolers, cold packs and freezer packs for food and beverages. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , JP, , JP, (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, INTERLEVIN Tefcold Group ApS, Fædalhøjvej 11, Kokholm, 8830 TJELE, Danmark Klasse 11 Apparatus and equipment for heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, freezing, drying, ventilation; apparatus and equipment for refrigerating, cooling and treatment of food and beverage; refrigerating and freezing cabinets; cooling apparatus and refrigerating containers for beverages and food; electric wine coolers; ice cube making machines; icemaking machines; combination apparatus for cooling and freezing. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); ice buckets; heatinsulated containers for beverages; portable cool boxes, non-electric, coolers for wine, portable beverage Kao Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Kao Corporation), 14-10, Nihonbashi Kayabacho 1-chome, Chuo-ku, TOKYO, Japan Klasse 1 Chemicals; industrial glue and adhesives; plant growth regulating preparations; fertilizer; higher fatty acids; reagent paper; artificial sweeteners. Klasse 3 Soaps and detergents; perfumery; incense; cosmetics; dentifrices; fabric softeners for laundry use; laundry bleach; adhesives for affixing false hair; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; laundry starch; seaweed gelatine for laundry use [Funori]. Klasse 5 Pharmaceuticals; oiled paper for medical purposes; drug delivery agents in the form of edible wafers for wrapping powdered pharmaceuticals; gauze for dressings; capsules for medicines; eyepatches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; liquid bandages; breastnursing pads; dental materials; disposable babies' diapers; diapers for incontinence; mothproofing paper; food supplements, mainly containing vitamin and mineral in the form of solids, granules, powder, pastes, gels, jellies, liquids, tablets and capsules; food supplements, mainly containing natural ingredients 116

117 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 derived from grains in the form of solids, granules, powder, pastes, gels, jellies, liquids, tablets and capsules. Klasse 21 Dental floss [floss for dental purposes]; gloves for household purposes; cleaning tools and washing utensils; feeding vessels for pets; brushes for pets; bird cages; bird baths; boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels; soap dispensers; cosmetic and toilet utensils. Klasse 41 Educational and instruction services relating to arts, crafts, sports or general knowledge; arranging, conducting and organization of seminars; providing electronic publications and services of reference libraries for literature and documentary records; publication of books. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: office purposes, double-sided tape dispensers for household and office purposes, gummed tape dispensers for stationery and household purposes, sticky tape dispensers for household and office purposes, sealing tape dispensers for household and office purposes; adhesives for stationery; staple removers. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Isaberg Rapid AB, Box 115, HESTRA, Sverige Klasse 1 Glue for glue guns; glue rods for glue guns; adhesives for industrial use. Klasse 6 Fasteners and fixings; staples for industrial use; staples of metal for plant support and fencing; rivets, brads, nails, cable clamps, blind rivets, eyelets, loops, rings, plugs, all goods of metal. Klasse 7 Powerdriven hand tools; electric and pneumatic handtools, namely, stapling guns, brad guns, staple hammers, staple pliers, nail guns, riveting machines, rivet guns [power tools], blind riveters, eyelet pliers, eyelet punches, glue guns, tools for applying adhesive melts, cable guns, punch pliers, clamps; electric stapling apparatus for book binding machines; power driven staplers for machines for industrial purposes; electric stapling apparatus for printing machines, sorting machines and packaging machines; power Klasse 8 driven punching drills; electric hot air guns. Hand tools; manually operated hand held tools, namely stapling guns, brad guns, staple hammers, staple pliers, nail guns, riveters, blind riveters, eyelet pliers, eyelet punches, carpet and flooring staple removers, staple removers for hand-powered and hand-operated staple guns, pliers, cable guns, punch pliers, clamps; loppers and pruners, garden pliers, pliers for plant support and fencing (hand tools). Klasse 16 Staplers and stapler pliers (office requisites); staples; staples for office purposes and packaging; staple removers; paper hole punches; non-electric stapling machines and stapling pliers for stapling paper (office requisites); non-electric stapling guns (office requisites); non -electric staplers for paper handling equipment, namely, staplers for photocopiers (office requisites), staplers for bookbinding apparatus and packaging; adhesive tapes for household and office purposes, double-sided adhesive tapes for household and office purposes, gummed tape for stationery or household purposes, sticky tapes for household and office purposes; sealing tape for household an office purposes; adhesive tape dispensers for household and SOS Health OÜ, Akadeemia tee 21/1, TALLINN, Estland Klasse 5 Nutritional supplements and non-prescription medical substances for humans and animals; vitamins, minerals, amino acids, probiotics; preparations including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, probiotics and preparations including combinations thereof; liposomal preparations; all aforementioned preparations in liquid, powdered, capsule or tablet form. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: MVMT Movado Group Inc., 650 From Road, NJ07652 PARAMUS, USA Klasse 18 Wallets; all purpose carrying bags; purses; leather goods, namely, leather briefcases, leather cases, leather bags, leather handbags, leather purses, and leather pouches; suitcases; luggage. 117

118 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , BX, Verton Beheer B.V., Ruigendijkweg 1, 4301RX ZIERIKZEE, Nederland Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; leather pouches; animal skins; luggage and carrying bags; bags; handbags; shoulder bags; nappy wallets; suitcases; travel cases; rucksacks; toiletry bags; purses; pocket wallets; umbrellas and parasols; straps for luggage; straps for handbags; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; straps of leather [saddlery]; collars, leashes and clothing for animals; parts of the aforementioned goods included in this class. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; collars; socks; gloves; shawls; ear muffs [clothing]; dress shoes; sports shoes; gym boots; deck shoes; pumps [footwear]; slip-on shoes; esparto shoes or sandals; slippers; baby shoes; boots; ankle boots; sandals; mules; beanies; hats; caps [headwear]; belts [clothing]; waist belts. Klasse 35 Advertising; advertising of the goods of other vendors, enabling customers to conveniently view and compare the goods of those vendors; business management; business administration; office functions; administration of the business affairs of franchises; sales promotion services; publication of printed matter for advertising; distribution of advertising material; promotional activities; shop window dressing; decoration of shop windows; publicity; business operation; providing assistance in the field of business management; business management consultancy; business organisation; business organisation, business communication, business strategic, business economics and business administrative consultancy; provision of commercial information; business advice relating to franchising; merchandising; marketing; market canvassing, market research and market analysis; commercial intermediary services related to the purchase and sale and wholesale and retail services in the field of leather and imitations of leather, leather pouches, animal skins, luggage and carrying bags, bags, handbags, shoulder bags, nappy wallets, suitcases, travel cases, rucksacks, toiletry bags, purses, pocket wallets, umbrellas and parasols, straps for luggage, straps for handbags, walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, straps of leather [saddlery], collars, leashes and clothing for animals, parts of the aforementioned goods, clothing, footwear, headgear, collars, socks, gloves, shawls, ear muffs [clothing], dress shoes, sports shoes, gym boots, deck shoes, pumps [footwear], slip-on shoes, esparto shoes or sandals, slippers, baby shoes, boots, ankle boots, sandals, mules, beanies, hats, caps [headwear], belts [clothing], waist belts, perfumery and cosmetics, sunglasses, spectacle cases, cases for telephones, cell phone covers, flip covers for smart phones, telephone accessories, bags adapted for laptops, jewellery, ornaments, watches, key rings, clutches, shopping bags, sponges, brushes for footwear, articles for cleaning purposes, polishing cloths, shoe horns, shoe trees [stretchers], cleaning rags, lace-ups, loafers, flats, moccasins, boots, biker boots, mules, shoe accessories, fashion accessories, hair bands, care items, maintenance, care and cleaning preparations for footwear and leatherware, gift articles, parts of the aforementioned goods and other commercial goods; import-export agency services concerning leather and imitations of leather, leather pouches, animal skins, luggage and carrying bags, bags, handbags, shoulder bags, nappy wallets, suitcases, travel cases, rucksacks, toiletry bags, purses, pocket wallets, umbrellas and parasols, straps for luggage, straps for handbags, walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, straps of leather [saddlery], collars, leashes and clothing for animals, parts of the aforementioned goods, clothing, footwear, headgear, collars, socks, gloves, shawls, ear muffs [clothing], dress shoes, sports shoes, gym boots, deck shoes, pumps [footwear], slip-on shoes, esparto shoes or sandals, slippers, baby shoes, boots, ankle boots, sandals, mules, beanies, hats, caps [headwear], belts [clothing], waist belts, perfumery and cosmetics, sunglasses, spectacle cases, cases for telephones, cell phone covers, flip covers for smart phones, telephone accessories, bags adapted for laptops, jewellery, ornaments, watches, key rings, clutches, shopping bags, sponges, brushes for footwear, articles for cleaning purposes, polishing cloths, shoe horns, shoe trees [stretchers], cleaning rags, lace-ups, loafers, flats, moccasins, boots, biker boots, mules, shoe accessories, fashion accessories, hair bands, care items, maintenance, care and cleaning preparations for footwear and leatherware, gift articles, parts of the aforementioned goods and other commercial goods; organisation of events for commercial and advertising purposes; compilation, management and editing of databases; consultancy, information and awarenessraising regarding the aforementioned services; the aforementioned services also provided via electronic networks, including the Internet. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

119 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, Brita GmbH, Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 4, TAUNUSSTEIN, Tyskland Klasse 1 Klasse 7 Filtering preparations for the beverages industry. Beverage-making machines and installations consisting thereof; electric machines and apparatus for producing carbonated beverages; apparatus for adding minerals to drinking water; beverage selling machines; filling machines; dishwashers and their accessories; filters for automatic vending machines and dishwashing machines. Klasse 11 Electromechanical appliances for preparing and dispensing hot, boiled and refrigerated water and/or beverages and installations consisting thereof; household apparatus for the production of carbonated water and beverages; apparatus and installations for water treatment; installations and filters for water sterilization removing bacteria and viruses, purifying filters, filters for drinking water; membrane filters for microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis; components and accessories for apparatus and installations for water treatment, in particular filter disks, bags containing ion exchangers and activated carbon, all the aforesaid goods included in this class; water treatment apparatus, water filtering apparatus, gassing apparatus, water treatment systems; water filters and water filtration apparatus based on membrane technology, reverse osmosis technology, UV technology, ozone technology, carbon technology in particular with activated carbon blocks; water filters and water filtering apparatus for microbiological sterilization; pressure-driven filters, gravity filters, suction filter cartridges, hand-operated filter cartridges, filter cartridges with a sunken filter mechanism, filter cartridges with ion exchangers and/or adsorbents (included in this class); filters for water kettles, coffee machines, tea machines, espresso machines, samovars, rice cookers, large catering apparatus, ice machines, combination steamers, steam cookers, ovens, percolators, refrigerators, refrigerating apparatus, apparatus for mixing beverages, cold drink dispensers, kitchen fittings, except for filters for machines and engines; taps with integrated filter systems; water dispensers, cooled beverage dispensers; beverage dispensers, except vending machines; automatic water treatment equipment with automatic cut-off fitted with consumption indicators, fittings, filters, units for the mineralization of water, heating devices, cooling devices, flavoring devices, carbon dioxide devices; water treatment installations consisting of the aforesaid apparatus; all the aforesaid goods and accessories, in particular refill elements, cartridges and spare parts, included in this class; electric kettles; cooling devices for beverages for household use. Klasse 21 Non-electric coffee pots and tea sets; utensils and containers for household or kitchen use of plastic or glass; cups, decanters, bottles, containers with and without filters; non-electric coffee and tea pots; drinking glasses, drinking vessels in the form of bottles, dishes; glassware, porcelain and earthenware, included in this class; heat-insulated containers, insulating flasks for beverages, refrigerating bottles; hand implements for household purposes and for the production of mineral water and beverages. Klasse 32 Filtered water, included in this class; aerated water, table water, drinking water, spring water, mineral water; carbonated beverages, non-alcoholic; non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit nectars; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; beverages made with natural mineral water and fruit extracts, flavored mineral waters, flavored drinking waters, all the aforesaid goods also including aromatic additives and products for making such beverages. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of machines; installation of kitchen equipment; installation and repair of refrigerating apparatus; installation and repair of electronic apparatus; repair services of water filters and their components; installation of beverage dispensers and faucets; maintenance and cleaning of water filters, water filter apparatus, coffee, tea and sugar dispensers, filtering products and accessories, beverage dispensers, faucets; provision of information relating to the repair and maintenance of machines, cooking apparatus, refrigerating apparatus and consumer electronic apparatus; installation and exchange of bottles, machines, kitchen equipment, refrigerating apparatus, electronic apparatus, beverage dispensers and faucets, water filters, water filtering apparatus, coffee, tea and sugar dispensers, filtration products and accessories, beverage dispensers, faucets, electronic apparatus for consumers (aftersales services). Klasse 40 Rental of water filters, water filtering apparatus, vending machines for coffee, tea and sugar; processing and recycling of water filters, water filtration apparatus and their components; customized labeling of company names and logos on bottles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, ITALPIZZA S.p.A., Via Gherbella, 454/A, MODENA, Italia Klasse 30 Flour and preparations made from cereals; frozen, 119

120 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 fresh and pre-baked pizzas; pizza crust; calzones; flat bread; pies; typical Italian oval focaccia and/or pizza made from mixed flours and other toppings [pinsa]; bread; breadsticks; pasta; salted biscuits made from cereals; pastry; biscuits; baking-powder; yeast for pizzas; sauces and condiments; sauces and condiments for pizzas; spices. Klasse 35 Advertising; retail and wholesale services, including online retail and wholesale services, in relation to flour and preparations made from cereals, pizzas, pizza crust, calzones, flat bread, pies, typical Italian oval focaccia and/or pizza made from mixed flours and other toppings [pinsa], bread, breadsticks, pasta, salted biscuits made from cereals, pastry, biscuits, bakingpowder, yeast for pizzas, sauces and condiments, spices. Klasse 43 Restaurant services; pizzerias; contract food services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TAONGA VOLKA ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED, 15, Spyrou Kyprianou Street, Matrix Tower II, 1st Floor Mesa Geitonia Area, 4001 LIMASSOL, Kypros Klasse 9 Computer game software; computer game programs; electronic game programs; interactive video game programs; computer software for providing access to computer games through online social networking websites; computer game software for use on mobile devices. Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, providing online computer and electronic games, enhancements within online computer and electronic games, and game applications within online computer and electronic games; entertainment services, namely, providing games on mobile devices; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line reviews and information relating to computer games; electronic games services provided from a computer database or by means of the Internet; providing interactive multi-player computer games via the Internet and electronic communication networks with members of a social network; providing online computer games played with members of a social network for entertainment purposes. Klasse 45 Online social networking services; providing on-line computer databases and online searchable databases in the field of social networking; providing information regarding social networking via the Internet. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: HONG SHENG HUAN RE QI. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: HONG SHENG HUAN RE QI. WUXI HONGSHENG HEAT EXCHANGER MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD, NO.66, Nandi Road, Mashan, Binhu District, WUXI CITY, JIANGSU PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 11 Cooling installations for water; refrigerating apparatus and machines; cooling installations and machines; refrigerating appliances and installations; radiator caps; heat exchangers, other than parts of machines. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , AU, SOMNODENT AVANT SomnoMed Limited, Level 3, 20 Clarke Street, NSW 2065 CROWS NEST, Australia Klasse 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; dental pins; mandibular splints and orthosis as medical devices for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnoea; oral appliances; orthopaedic articles; suture materials, analytical devices for medical purposes; diagnostic devices for medical purposes; splints for dental and orthodontic purposes; dental devices (electric); dentures; dental adjustments. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

121 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: ENTRACTE SOCIETE CIVILE VINICOLE CHATEAU DU TARIQUET, Saint-Amand, EAUZE, Frankrike Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages excluding beers, aperitifs, distilled beverages, digesters, eau-de-vie (brandy), wines. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , IE, 2018/01369 LIFILJA (571) Beskrivelse av merket: WORD MARK. GILEAD SCIENCES IRELAND UC, IDA Business and Technology Park, CARRIGTOHILL, CO. CORK, Irland Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, SUN SONG M. Loris RONDE, 5 avenue Marc Laurent, PLAISIR, Frankrike Klasse 3 Soaps; perfumed soaps; shower gels; bath gels; bath milks and lotions; bath salts; bath foams; perfumes; eaux de toilette; eaux de parfums; eaux de Cologne; perfumery products; shampoos; hair conditioners; dentifrices; deodorants for personal use; essential oils; perfume bases; extracts of perfumes; air fragrances; air freshener preparations; potpourris [fragrances]; perfumed body lotions and milks; perfumed body creams; cosmetics. Laboratoires de Biologie Vegetale Yves Rocher, La Croix des Archers, LA GACILLY, Frankrike Klasse 3 Perfumes; perfumery products for cosmetic use; deodorants for personal use; home perfuming products excluding vaporizers; perfumed soaps; perfumed cosmetic bath and shower products; perfumed shower gels for the body and hair; perfumed milks; perfumed gels for hand washing. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

122 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , FR, Laboratoires de Biologie Vegetale Yves Rocher, La Croix des Archers, LA GACILLY, Frankrike Klasse 3 Perfumes; perfumery products for cosmetic use; deodorants for personal use; home perfuming products excluding vaporizers; perfumed soaps; perfumed cosmetic bath and shower products; perfumed shower gels for the body and hair; perfumed milks; perfumed gels for hand washing. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : Laboratoires de Biologie Vegetale Yves Rocher, La Croix des Archers, LA GACILLY, Frankrike Klasse 3 Perfumes; perfumery products for cosmetic use; deodorants for personal use; home perfuming products excluding vaporizers; perfumed soaps; perfumed cosmetic bath and shower products; perfumed shower gels for the body and hair; perfumed milks; perfumed gels for hand washing. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

123 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: , EM, METHOR Doppstadt Familienholding GmbH, Steinbrink 4, VELBERT, Tyskland Klasse 7 Crushers, in particular shredders, for recycling, fuel and waste materials. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Inhixa (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of one standard wording "Inhixa". SHENZHEN TECHDOW PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD., No. 19, Gaoxinzhongyi Road, Nanshan District, SHENZHEN, Kina Klasse 5 Dietetic substances adapted for medical use; medicinal injections; pharmaceutical preparations; drugs for medical purposes; biological preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; medicinal preparations for the mouth in the form of tablets; active pharmaceutical ingredient; biochemical drug. Besluttet gjeldende dato i : (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Figurative mark containing word elements. VOLKA ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED, 15, Spyrou Kyprianou Street, Matrix Tower II, 1st Floor Mesa Geitonia Area, 4001 LIMASSOL, Kypros Klasse 9 Computer game software; computer game programs; electronic game programs; interactive video game programs; computer software for providing access to computer games through online social networking websites; computer game software for use on mobile devices. Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, providing online computer and electronic games, enhancements within online computer and electronic games, and game applications within online computer and electronic games; entertainment services, namely, providing games on mobile devices; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line reviews of computer games and information relating to computer games; entertainment services provided through internet website portals in the field of computer games and gaming; entertainment services provided via virtual environments in which users can interact through social games for recreational, leisure or entertainment purposes; entertainment services for social networking provided via online games played with members of a social network. Klasse 45 Online social networking services; providing on-line social networking services through online computer/searchable databases; providing information regarding social networking via the internet. Besluttet gjeldende dato i :

124 nye ansvarsmerker nr 40/19 Ansvarsmerker (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: SELMA MARGARET DAHLIN, LAMMERS GATE 2, 1630 GAMLE FREDRIKSTAD, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: VANJA OLSEN, FEMSJØVEIEN 5, 1791 TISTEDAL, VLADKO JEWELLERY LASSE ANDREASSEN, Vækerø terrasse 1A, 0282 OSLO, 124

125 innsigelser nr 40/19 Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven 26, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i jf. varemerkeloven 71 og 26. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: (540) Gjengivelse av merket (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 9 Applikasjoner, nedlastbare; Dataprogrammer [innregistrerte på databærere]; Dataprogrammer [nedlastbar programvare]; Dataspillprogrammer; Elektroniske dagbøker; Elektroniske oppslagstavler. Klasse 36 Bestyrelse av familiestiftelser; Børsnoteringer; Finansiell sponsorvirksomhet; Finansieringstjenester; Finansinformasjon; Fondsinvestering; Fondsopprettelse; Forvaltning av formuer; Fremskaffelse av finansiell informasjon via en webside; Kapitalinvesteringer; Oppbygging av kapitalfond. Klasse 42 Design av computersystemer; Driftstjenester for servere; Nettskytjenester; Oppdatering av dataprogrammer; Rådgivningstjenester innen IT; Softwaretjenester [SaaS]; Utleie av dataprogrammer; Vedlikehold av dataprogrammer og software; Plattform som service [PaaS]. NORIA GROUP AS, Prinsens gate 22, 0157 OSLO, (750) Innehavers fullmektig: ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Standard House, Level 3 Birkirkara Hill, STJ1149 ST. JULIANS, Malta Innsiger: Nokia Corporation, Karaportti 3, ESBO, Finland Innsigers fullmektig: OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, Innsigelse inndag: aktivering, overvåking, styring, regulering og/eller kontroll av elektriske ladestasjoner, herunder ladestasjoner for strømforsyning til kjøretøyer; apparater og instrumenter for fjernaktivering, fjernovervåking, fjernstyring og/eller fjernkontroll av elektriske ladestasjoner, herunder ladestasjoner for strømforsyning til kjøretøyer; dataprogramvare; dataprogramvareapplikasjoner; nedlastbar dataprogramvare; nedlastbare dataprogramvareapplikasjoner; elektriske kabler, kabelforgreninger, koblinger, konnektorer, kontakter og støpsler; sett bestående av flere av de forannevnte varer; ladebokser og ladeutstyr; ladestasjoner for kjøretøyer; ladeutstyr for kjøretøyer; batteriladere og - utstyr; deler og tilbehør til de forannevnte varer. Klasse 42 Tilveiebringelse/forsyning av webområder med teknologi, som muliggjør for brukere på avstand å se, overvåke, programmere, betjene, styre og/eller kontrollere små og store apparater og innretninger, elektriske systemer og/eller sikkerhetssystemer, herunder apparater, innretninger og systemer for lading av kjøretøyer og andre produkter; tilveiebringelse/forsyning av tidsbegrenset bruk av ikkenedlastbar dataprogramvare; tilveiebringelse/forsyning av tidsbegrenset bruk av ikke-nedlastbare programvareapplikasjoner tilgjengelige via et webområde på internett; applikasjonstjenester (ASP); tilveiebringelse/forsyning av tidsbegrenset bruk av webbaserte applikasjoner; installasjon og tilpasning av dataapplikasjonsprogramvare; utvikling av dataprogrammer og dataapplikasjonsprogrammer; fjernovervåkning av datasystemer som inngår i hjem og/eller kontorer; informasjons- og rådgivningstjenester relatert til de forannevnte tjenester. Defa AS, Blingsmovegen 30, 3540 NESBYEN, (750) Innehavers fullmektig: ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Innsiger: Jaguar Land Rover Limited, Abbey Road, CV34LF WHITLEY, COVENTRY, Storbritannia Innsigers fullmektig: BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Innsigelse inndag: (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: (540) Gjengivelse av merket (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 9 Apparater og instrumenter for transformering, kontroll, regulering, distribusjon, styring, overføring, og/eller fordeling av elektrisitet; apparater og instrumenter for aktivering, overvåking, styring, regulering og/eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater og instrumenter for 125

126 avgjørelse fra Klagenemnda nr 40/19 Avgjørelse fra Klagenemnda Klagenemndas avgjørelse etter krav om overprøving av registrert foretaksnavn Krav nummer: 2018/00038 Foretaksnavnet som er krevet overprøvd: TCC TECHNOLOGIES AS Kravet ble mottatt av Patentstyret: Innehaver: TCC Technologies AS, v/jan-erik Moe, Hoff terrasse 2, 0275, OSLO, NO Kravstiller: Thermtech Holding AS, Jacob Kjødesvei 15, 5232, PARADIS, NO Patentstyrets beslutning av : Registreringen av foretaksnavnet TCC TECHNOLOGIES AS er i strid med foretaksnavneloven 2 6 nr. 4, og kravet om administrativ overprøving tas til følge. Klage på Patentstyrets avgjørelse innkommet: Klagenemndas avgjørelse av : 1 Klagen forkastes. 2 Registreringen av foretaksnavnet TCC TECHNOLOGIES AS, org. nr , oppheves. 3 I sakskostnader betaler klager kr ,- (eks. mva.) til innklagede innen to uker fra avgjørelsens meddelelse. 126

127 slettet varemerkeregistrering nr 40/19 Slettet varemerkeregistrering Varemerkeregistrering nr , det kombinerte merket WILDE, er slettet, jf. varemerkeloven 43. Klagefristen for Patentstyrets avgjørelse utløper

128 søksmål om ugyldigkjennelse av varemerkeregistreringer nr 40/19 Søksmål om ugyldigkjennelse av varemerkeregistreringer Søksmål om ugyldigkjennelse av varemerket «CIF», registrering nr , internasjonal registrering nr , registrering nr , internasjonal registrering nr og internasjonal registrering nr , er reist for Oslo tingrett. 128

129 merkeendringer nr 40/19 Merkeendringer I denne seksjonen kunngjøres alle godtatte endringer som gjelder merketekst eller avbildninger i nasjonale vare- og fellesmerkeregistreringer, jf. varemerkeloven 34, samt andre endringer i bibliografi som er en direkte følge av endringer i merketekst eller utskifting av avbildninger. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Reg (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (540) Gjengivelse av det nye merket: MINDRE STRESS MED MINDFULNESS, Skjoldhøgda 151, 5222 NESTTUN, Klasse 41 Undervisning (450) Kunngj. reg. dato:

130 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker nr 40/19 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Begrensing av liste over varer eller tjenester utført for internasjonale registreringer som er gyldige i. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: Bollin Group Ltd, Bailey Court, Green Street, SK101JQ MACCLESFIELD, CHESHIRE, Storbritannia (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Leather and imitation leather, goods made thereof included in this class; animal skins, pelts and hides; trunks and suitcases; rucksacks, handbags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. Klasse 22 Ropes, strings, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags included in this class; padding and stuffing materials (other than rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; clothing for sports and leisure use, in particular stockings, gloves, bonnets, caps, hats, training overalls, shorts, tee-shirts, sweat shirts (pullovers and thin jerseys), knitwear, clothing for mountaineering, tennis wear, overalls for sweating; sports and leisure footwear, mountaineering boots; boots, shoes and slippers. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: SHARING SMILES FROMAGERIES BEL, 2 allée de Longchamp, SURESNES, Frankrike (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Eggs, milk (in all its forms), butter, cream, cheese and specialty cheese products, yoghurts, lactic proteins and whey and other dairy goods; beverages made with milk. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: BEN 10 OMNIVERSE The Cartoon Network Inc, 1050 Techwood Drive N.W., GA30318 ATLANTA, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, providing an on-line computer game by means of communications networks; entertainment services in the nature of providing an on-line multi-player electronic computer game; entertainment services, namely, providing an online computer game that may be accessed by means of communications networks. RTL Television GmbH, Picassoplatz 1, KÖLN, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Binoculars, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; devices for video on demand (VOD) and other demand services, namely pay-tv, teleshopping, device for interactive television; film cameras, cameras, mechanisms for coin operated apparatus, included in this class; electrical entertainment appliances, coin-operated juke boxes, magnetic recording media, with programs data carriers of all kinds; computer software, compact discs (audiovideo), DVDs (sound, image); audio-video receivers, data processing equipment and computers, memory for computers, memory card chips, electrical cable, copper wire (insulated) and conductors (electric), electrical connectors, electrical switches and distribution panels or equipment, for computer input signals suitable distribution (electronically) or switches to control software for video and/or computer games, calculators, cash registers. Klasse 16 Books, newspapers and magazines, paper, cardboard cartons and goods made from these materials, included in this class; printed matter and photographs; photographs (printed), stationery, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus). Klasse 35 Advertising, marketing, sales promotion (for others); business management, business administration, 130

131 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker nr 40/19 namely business consulting and organizational consulting, personnel selection using psychological testing, organizing and conducting of auditions for advertising and promotional purposes, market research, opinion polling, media monitoring services (market analysis), and advertising research, included in this class; distributing product samples and demonstration of goods for advertising purposes; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. Klasse 38 Telecommunications, electronic communications, news agencies, press agency services, broadcasting of television and radio programs and electronic transmission of data via Internet and other electronic communication means and for receiving on stationary or mobile telecommunication devices, telecommunications services of video on demand (VOD), interactive TV, pay TV, broadcasting of television and radio programs by digital transmission or by satellite, wireless broadband communication services, broadcasting of teleshopping programs, providing access to electronic program guides in data networks; telecommunications consultancy in relation to broadcasting of television and radio programs via the Internet and other electronic communications means; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. Klasse 41 Education, training, entertainment, namely organizing and conducting of shows, quizzes and musical events, organization of educational, entertainment and sporting competitions, organization of competitions or other sporting and cultural events for charitable purposes; modeling for artists; arranging and conducting of seminars and workshops [training]; organization of entertainment shows, ticket agency services [entertainment], organization of competitions; services of sound recordings studios and of television studios, namely production of television and radio broadcasts, sporting activities, cultural activities, organizing and conducting auditions, namely arranging and conducting of shows, cultural and entertaining purposes, organizing and conducting of auditions, shows for cultural and entertainment purposes, presentation, distribution and rental of recorded motion picture films, video films and other films, so far recorded; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. Klasse 42 Services of a computer programmer, namely, development of databases for providing information on the Internet and other audiovisual media, development of home pages and Websites on the internet and in other audiovisual media, technical assistance for the development, design, production and broadcasting of television and radio programs and databases, and for electronic transmission via the Internet and other audiovisual media, with technical advice on the use of programs for data processing, technical advice in connection with telecommunications, Internet, Extranets, Intranets, hardware and software consultancy, in particular advice in the design, implementation and configuration of hardware, software and computer networks, computer programming, data processing, implementation and configuration of software, namely individual Intranet, Extranet and Internet programs, included in this class; development of software for electronic television program guides; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. Klasse 45 Security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; film, television and video licensing; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: RTL Television GmbH, Picassoplatz 1, KÖLN, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Binoculars, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; devices for video on demand (VOD) and other demand services, namely pay-tv, teleshopping, device for interactive television; film cameras, cameras, mechanisms for coin operated apparatus, included in this class; electrical entertainment appliances, coin-operated juke boxes, magnetic recording media, with programs data carriers of all kinds; computer software, compact discs (audiovideo), DVDs (sound, image); audio-video receivers, data processing equipment and computers, memory for computers, memory card chips, electrical cable, copper wire (insulated) and conductors (electric), electrical connectors, electrical switches and distribution panels or equipment, for computer input signals suitable distribution (electronically) or switches to control software for video and/or computer games, calculators, cash registers. Klasse 16 Books, newspapers and magazines, paper, cardboard cartons and goods made from these materials, included in this class; printed matter and photographs; photographs (printed), stationery, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus). Klasse 35 Advertising, marketing, sales promotion (for others); business management, business administration, namely business consulting and organizational consulting, personnel selection using psychological testing, organizing and conducting of auditions for advertising and promotional purposes, market research, opinion polling, media monitoring services (market analysis), and advertising research, included in this class; distributing product samples and demonstration of goods for advertising purposes; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. Klasse 38 Telecommunications, electronic communications, news agencies, press agency services, broadcasting of television and radio programs and electronic transmission of data via Internet and other electronic communication means and for receiving on stationary or mobile telecommunication devices, telecommunications services of video on demand (VOD), interactive TV, pay TV, broadcasting of television and radio programs by digital transmission or by satellite, wireless broadband communication services, broadcasting of teleshopping programs, providing access to electronic program guides in data networks; telecommunications consultancy in relation to broadcasting of television and radio programs via the Internet and other electronic communications means; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. Klasse 41 Education, training, entertainment, namely organizing and conducting of shows, quizzes and musical events, 131

132 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker nr 40/19 organization of educational, entertainment and sporting competitions, organization of competitions or other sporting and cultural events for charitable purposes; modeling for artists; arranging and conducting of seminars and workshops [training]; organization of entertainment shows, ticket agency services [entertainment], organization of competitions; services of sound recordings studios and of television studios, namely production of television and radio broadcasts, sporting activities, cultural activities, organizing and conducting auditions, namely arranging and conducting of shows, cultural and entertaining purposes, organizing and conducting of auditions, shows for cultural and entertainment purposes, presentation, distribution and rental of recorded motion picture films, video films and other films, so far recorded; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. Klasse 42 Services of a computer programmer, namely, development of databases for providing information on the Internet and other audiovisual media, development of home pages and Websites on the internet and in other audiovisual media, technical assistance for the development, design, production and broadcasting of television and radio programs and databases, and for electronic transmission via the Internet and other audiovisual media, with technical advice on the use of programs for data processing, technical advice in connection with telecommunications, Internet, Extranets, Intranets, hardware and software consultancy, in particular advice in the design, implementation and configuration of hardware, software and computer networks, computer programming, data processing, implementation and configuration of software, namely individual Intranet, Extranet and Internet programs, included in this class; development of software for electronic television program guides; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. Klasse 45 Security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals; film, television and video licensing; each of the aforementioned services not in connection with action sport or stunt activities. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: THE SCIENCE OF EARLIER Vigilant Biosciences, Inc., 6301 NW 5th Way, Suite 1500, FL33309 FT. LAUDERDALE, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 42 Laboratory testing services relating to screening and detecting diseases. Klasse 44 Medical diagnostic services, namely, medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: SEAT, S.A., Autovia A-2, Km. 585, MARTORELL (BARCELONA), Spania (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Cleaning and aromatic preparations; essential oils and aromatic extracts; sanitary preparations [toiletries]. Klasse 8 Utensils for the hygiene and beauty of persons and animals; hairdressing utensils; tools for use in body art; manicure and pedicure utensils; utensils for cutting hair and for depilation; safety razors; tools for shearing animals; cutting and blunt weapons; utensils for preparing food, kitchen knives, cutlery for eating; instruments for cutting up and slaughtering of animals; fire maintenance utensils. Klasse 9 Recordings; data banks; multimedia content; software; game software; firmware; computer operating systems; information technology, audiovisual, multimedia and photographic equipment; communication equipment; equipment for data communication and computer networks; point-to-point communication equipment; broadcasting equipment; antennas for telecommunications; data storage devices; duplication apparatus; photocopiers; apparatus for scanning images; printers; equipment and accessories for data processing (electrical or mechanical); calculators; ticket dispensers; payment terminals, devices for sorting and dispensing money; coin-operated mechanisms; peripheral devices for computers; computers and computer hardware; parts and components for computers; photographic and audiovisual devices; audio apparatus and radio receivers; screens, receivers for television and apparatus for movies and video; apparatus for capturing and processing images; signal cables for IT (information technology), AV (audio-video) and telecommunications; magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; electric scientific and laboratory devices for treatment; apparatus, instruments and cables for conducting electricity; apparatus and instruments for accumulating and storage of electricity; apparatus and instruments for controlling electric current; photovoltaic apparatus for electricity generation; electric and electronic components; electric conductors and cables; electric circuits and cards; antennas and components thereof; optical correcting and magnifying apparatus; products for improving vision; laser apparatus; spectacles, sunglasses and contact lenses; correcting lenses; sunglasses; signaling, protection, safety and life-saving devices; warning and alarm equipment; access control devices; signaling apparatus; protective and safety equipment; protective helmets; eye protectors; diving equipment; apparatus and instruments for navigation, orientation, tracking and mapping; instruments for measuring, detecting and monitoring, indicators and controllers; 132

133 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker nr 40/19 monitoring instruments; sensors and detectors; devices for testing and quality control; instruments for measuring, counting, aligning and calibrating; apparatus for registering and recording data; instruments for measuring time (not including clocks or watches); instruments for weighing; instruments for measuring length and dimensions; instruments for measuring velocity; instruments for measuring temperature; instruments for measuring electricity; control and regulating apparatus. Klasse 12 Vehicles and means of transport. Klasse 14 Jewelry; chronometric instruments; jewelry cases; watch cases; key rings and chains for keys and their charms; time-measuring instruments. Klasse 16 Art pieces, paper figurines and architects' models made of paper and cardboard; materials for art and decoration; articles for artistic, decorative and modeling creations; filters and filtering materials made of paper; bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage, of paper, cardboard and plastic; stationery and educational materials; writing and stamping articles; articles for correcting and erasing; office machines; writing and bookbinding supplies; teaching material; albums for photographs and collectors. Klasse 18 Luggage, handbags, briefcases and other objectcarriers; umbrellas and parasols. Klasse 24 Fabrics; textile products, and textile product substitutes; covers [loose] for furniture; curtains; labels of textile materials; tapestries; linen; kitchen linen and table linen; linen and covers; bath linen. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear. Klasse 26 Clothing accessories, articles for sewing and decorative textile items; charms [not jewelry or for keys, rings or chains]. Klasse 28 Equipment and goods for sports; toys, games, playthings and knickknacks. Klasse 32 Non-alcoholic beverages; beers and their derivatives; non-alcoholic beverages. Klasse 34 Personal vaporizers and electronic cigars, flavorings and other solutions therefor; smokers' articles. Klasse 41 Publication and report services; education services, entertainment and sporting activities; organization of conferences, exhibitions and competitions; gambling or betting services; audio, video and multimedia production and photography services; sports and fitness services; library services; educational and instructional services. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: TRIDEC Transport Industry Development Centre B.V., Ekkersrijt 6030, 5692 GA SON, Nederland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Software for controlling steering systems for lorries, trailers, semi-trailers and buses. Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land; parts and fittings for lorries, in particular mechanical, hydraulic and electronically controlled steering systems for lorries, axle suspensions for lorries. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: Homag Group AG, Homagstraße 3-5, SCHOPFLOCH, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Machines, machine tools and mechanical installations for wood, metal and plastic working and processing; machines, machine tools and mechanical installations for the wood, metal, plastic and furniture industries, in particular for the wood working and processing industry, the metal working and processing industry and the plastic working and processing industry; woodworking machines for form machining and edge machining; machines for processing veneers; formatting machines and contouring machines; postforming machine; grinders; coating machines; drilling machines; insertion machines; assembly machines and installations; packaging machines and installations; saws [machines]; lifting and carrying installations for the transport of goods and handling apparatus for loading and unloading; driverless transportation systems as machines for cargo handling; mechanical installations for transporting, rotating, turning, commissioning and sorting; loading machines and loading systems consisting predominantly thereof for separating stacks; stacking machines and stacking systems consisting predominantly thereof; loading and unloading machines; lifting and transmission machines; trimming machines and beam processing machines and trimming and beam processing centres consisting predominantly thereof; machines for surface machining, edge machining and component manufacture; wood planing machines; clamping devices (parts of machines); machine beds and frames; mounts for machines and mechanical installations; engine blocks; parts and fittings for the foregoing goods; all aforementioned goods only in the field of wood, metal and plastic processing systems and in the field of systems for processing combinations and composite materials (with the exception of materials which can be Klasse 9 used in road construction). Software; electric and electronic checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; electrical access control installations and electronic control systems; programmable controllers; hardware and software for controlling machines and mechanical installations; industrial process control software; business technology software; all aforementioned goods only in the field of wood, metal and plastic processing systems and in the field of systems for processing combinations and composite materials (with the exception of materials which can be used in road construction). Klasse 37 Machinery installation, maintenance and repair; all aforementioned services only in the field of wood, metal and plastic processing systems and in the field of systems for processing combinations and composite materials (with the exception of materials which can be used in road construction). 133

134 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringer (220) Inndato: IPOL POLIPOL Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Diepenauer Heide 1, DIEPENAU, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Leather for furniture (semi processed); leather covers for furniture; imitation leather for furniture; expressly excluded from this class are all aforesaid goods for use as window coverings or products for window covering. Klasse 20 Furniture, especially upholstered furniture, sofa sets, pull-out couches that can be transformed into daybeds, bed sofas, armchairs; beds; fabric sample racks, namely in the form of fabric trolleys for the demonstration and exhibition of samples of fabrics and types of fabric, samples of leather, samples of imitation leather and samples of other upholstery fabrics, especially for the use for upholstered furniture; mattresses; upholstered headrests; neck cushions; pillows; backrests; accessory parts for upholstered furniture, especially bags being adapted to furniture for the storage of magazins, remote controls and other objects; expressly excluded from this class are other furnishings in the form of window coverings, window covering products, curtain rods, curtain rings, curtain rails, curtain rollers, or fittings for curtain rods. Klasse 24 Fabrics for furniture; textile fabrics for the production furniture; expressly excluded from this class are all aforesaid goods for use in curtains, drapes and curtain fabrics, window coverings and window covering products. Klasse 35 Wholesale and retail services with the following goods: leather for furniture (semi processed), leather covers for furniture, imitation leather for furniture, furniture (especially upholstered furniture, sofa sets, pull-out couches that can be transformed into daybeds, bed sofas, armchairs), beds, fabric sample racks, namely in the form of fabric trolleys for the demonstration and exhibition of samples of fabrics and types of fabric, samples of leather, samples of imitation leather and samples of other upholstery fabrics, especially for the use for upholstered furniture, mattresses, upholstered headrests, neck cushions, pillows, backrests, accessory parts for upholstered furniture (especially bags being adapted to furniture for the storage of magazins, remote controls and other objects), fabrics for furniture, textile imitation leather fabrics for furniture; expressly excluded from this class are wholesale and retail services relating to other furnishings in the form of curtains, drapes and curtain fabrics, window coverings, window covering products, curtain rods, curtain rings, curtain rails, curtain rollers or curtain rod fittings. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker nr 40/19 134

135 Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver slettelser nr 40/19 Følgende vare- og eller fellesmerker er begjært slettet fra varemerkeregisteret av innehaver. (111) (151) Reg.Dato.: (111) (151) Reg.Dato.:

136 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter Endring av innehaver, eller av innehavers navn og/eller adresse, i spesifiserte varemerkerettigheter, jf. varemerkeloven 53 og varemerkeforskriften 29. (210) Søknadsnr.: (730) Søker: 4SUBSEA AS, Hagaløkkveien 26, 1383 ASKER, ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, (210) Søknadsnr.: (730) Søker: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS, Postboks 6860 St. Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, PROTECTOR IP AS, Pilestredet 33, 0166 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Gates Corporation, 1551 Wewatta Street, CO80202 DENVER, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GKN Driveline Service GmbH, Nussbaumweg 19-21, RÖSRATH, Tyskland OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Ascensus Specialties LLC, 4800 State Route 12, WA98541 ELMA, USA ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Ricola Group AG, Baselstrasse 31, 4242 LAUFEN, Sveits OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Giesecke+Devrient Mobile Security GmbH, Prinzregentenstrasse 159, MÜNCHEN, Tyskland ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Max Mara Fashion Group SrL, Via Pietro Giannone 10, TORINO, Italia APACE IP AS, Parkveien 53B, 0256 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Max Mara Fashion Group SrL, Via Pietro Giannone 10, TORINO, Italia APACE IP AS, Parkveien 53B, 0256 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Dag Westerheim, Reinlivegen 443, 2933 REINLI,

137 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: MANDARIN ORIENTAL (UK) LIMITED, 3 Lombard Street, EC3V9AQ LONDON, Storbritannia BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Ascensus Specialties LLC, 4800 State Route 12, WA98541 ELMA, USA ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: OSLO SPEKTRUM ARENA AS, Sonja Henies plass 2, 0185 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: MANDARIN ORIENTAL (UK) LIMITED, 3 Lombard Street, EC3V9AQ LONDON, Storbritannia BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: MANDARIN ORIENTAL (UK) LIMITED, 3 Lombard Street, EC3V9AQ LONDON, Storbritannia BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: KOMATSU LTD., 3-6, 2-chome Akasaka, Minato-ku, TOKYO, Japan HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Cascades Rollpack S.A.S., 30, rue Charles de Gaulle, SAULCY-SUR-MEURTHE, Frankrike TANDBERG INNOVATION AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Ascensus Specialties LLC, 4800 State Route 12, WA98541 ELMA, USA ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: COLAS, 1 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia, PARIS, Frankrike BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: The Creative Corner AS, Horniveien 25, 1339 VØYENENGA,

138 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: ABG-Volcom, LLC, 1411 Broadway, 4th Fl,, NY10018 NEW YORK, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Mekonomen Nya Affärer AB, Box 9255, MALMÖ, Sverige Zacco Sweden AB, Box 5581, STOCKHOLM, Sverige (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Knaus Nederland B.V., Triosingel 36-c, 4101XC CULEMBORG, Nederland Kanzlei Dr. Pöhner & Partner, Kaiserstrasse 33, WÜRZBURG, Tyskland (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: ABG-Volcom, LLC, 1411 Broadway, 4th Fl,, NY10018 NEW YORK, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Choc and Co, Avenue Robert Schuman 122, 1401 BAULERS, Belgia ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Calgon Carbon Corporatin, a Delaware corporation, 3000 GSK Drive, PA15108 MOON TOWNSHIP, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Burger King Corp, 5707 Blue Lagoon Drive, FL33126 MIAMI, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Grohe AG, Industriepark Edelburg, HEMER, Tyskland ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

139 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Heinz Asean Pte Ltd., 435 Orchard Road, Wisma Atria, SINGAPORE, Singapore ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Ascensus Specialties LLC, 4800 State Route 12, WA98541 ELMA, USA ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EXTENDA RETAIL AS, Wirgenes vei 19, 3157 BARKÅKER, PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EXTENDA RETAIL AS, Wirgenes vei 19, 3157 BARKÅKER, PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Fiber Protector AS, Grini Næringspark 1, 1361 ØSTERÅS, NORSK PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: KOMATSU LTD., 3-6, 2-chome Akasaka, Minato-ku, TOKYO, Japan HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES,

140 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Lorange Støp AS, Muserudbakken 14, 1350 LOMMEDALEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: MERE RECORDS DA, c/o Knut Olaf Sunde, Normannsgata 43D, 0655 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salt og Pepper Holding AS, Postboks 155, 3502 HØNEFOSS, NORSK PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Electro Elco, Tallvägen 5, BANKERYD, Sverige Kvale Advokatfirma DA, Postboks 1752 Vika, 0122 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GV Reklame AS, Venusvegen 21, 7652 VERDAL, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Ekjord AS, Dronning Eufemias gate 16, 0191 OSLO, TANDBERG INNOVATION AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Corning Optical Communications LLC, 4200 Corning Place, NC28216 CHARLOTTE, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

141 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Synsam Group Sweden AB, Box 30153, STOCKHOLM, Sverige BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Axant AS, c/o Mail Boxes Etc. Pb. 369, Postboks 1, Youngstorget, 0028 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Jens Poulsen Holding ApS, c/o DK Company Online A/S, Thrigesvej 7, 7430 IKAST, Danmark Patrade A/S, Ceresbyen 75, 8000 AARHUS C, Danmark (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: BPB Limited, Saint-Gobain House, Binley Business Park, CV32TT COVENTRY, Storbritannia ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Joar Bekkedal, Nedre Grindaveg 19, 2070 RÅHOLT, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: ELX Futures L.P., 110 East 59th Street, NY10022 NEW YORK, USA AWA Sweden AB, Box 5117, MALMÖ, Sverige (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited, Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, TOKYO, Japan ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN,

142 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: THK Co Ltd, Shinaura, Minato-ku, TOKYO, Japan OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Neptune Subsea Engineering Pty Ltd., 404 Orrong Road, WA6106 WELSHPOOL, Australia ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited, Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, TOKYO, Japan ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: NODINAH AS, Hafrsfjordgata 23, 4010 STAVANGER, HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Biofarma, 50 rue Carnot, SURESNES CEDEX, Frankrike ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: LEADERSHIP CBM AS, c/o Birgit opland, Lillevannsveien 51C, 0788 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Chilimobil AS, St. Jakobs plass 9, 5008 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: SUREE INTERFOODS CO., LTD, 11/13 M.3, T.Banbor, A. Muang, SAMUTSAKON, Thailand BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO,

143 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Biofarma, 50 rue Carnot, SURESNES CEDEX, Frankrike ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Clearstream Services, société anonyme, 42, Avenue John F. Kennedy, 1855 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg Zacco Denmark A/S, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 KØBENHAVN S, Danmark (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Nordkak AS, Torpebaugen 8, 1738 BORGENHAUGEN, NORSK PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Spartan Rice, Inc., 234 Congress Street, 5th Floor, MA BOSTON, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: SONOCLEAR AS, Postboks 1284 Torgarden, 7462 TRONDHEIM, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: MALTERIET AS, Efteløtveien 100, 3618 SKOLLENBORG, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GENZYME CORPORATION, 50 Binney Street, MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Gravstein24 AS, Postboks 22 Grefsen, 0409 OSLO, BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: WHEEL.ME AS, St. Olavs plass 3, 0165 OSLO, ADVOKATFIRMAET STEENSTRUP STORDRANGE DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Homely AS, Lilleakerveien 2B, 0283 OSLO,

144 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: SUBSEA AS, Hagaløkkveien 26, 1383 ASKER, ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: SNØ AS, Nygaardsgata 33A, 1606 FREDRIKSTAD, ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: The Steve Jobs Archive, LLC, 2475 Hanover Street, Suite 100, CA94303 PALO ALTO, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Sanden Retail Systems Corporation, 20, Kotobuki-cho, Isesaki-shi, GUNMA, Japan PROTECTOR IP AS, Pilestredet 33, 0166 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Tarkett France, 1, Terrasse Bellini, Tour Initiale, PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX, Frankrike NORDIA LAW ADVOKATFIRMA AS, Postboks 2032 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: SNØ AS, Nygaardsgata 33A, 1606 FREDRIKSTAD, ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Homely AS, Lilleakerveien 2B, 0283 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EASTMAN CHEMICAL ADVANCED MATERIALS B.V., Watermanweg 70, 3067GG ROTTERDAM, Nederland BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: WestRock Packaging Systems, LLC, 1 High Ridge Park, CT06905 STAMFORD, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: NUET AS, Waldemar Thranes gate 32 B, 0171 OSLO, ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Ricola Group AG, Baselstrasse 31, 4242 LAUFEN, Sveits OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO,

145 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold Endring av fullmaktsforhold, jf. varemerkeforskriften 29. (210) Søknadsnr.: (730) Søker: CroBoCom AS, Postboks 61, 2101 SKARNES, NORDIA LAW ADVOKATFIRMA AS, Postboks 2032 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (210) Søknadsnr.: (730) Søker: Codan Forsikring A/S, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1850 FREDERIKSBERG C, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1850 FREDERIKSBERG C, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1850 FREDERIKSBERG C, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1850 FREDERIKSBERG C, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1850 FREDERIKSBERG C, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1850 FREDERIKSBERG C, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1850 FREDERIKSBERG C, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1850 FREDERIKSBERG C, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S,

146 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Max Mara Fashion Group SrL, Via Pietro Giannone 10, TORINO, Italia APACE IP AS, Parkveien 53B, 0256 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Ricola Group AG, Baselstrasse 31, 4242 LAUFEN, Sveits OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Max Mara Fashion Group SrL, Via Pietro Giannone 10, TORINO, Italia APACE IP AS, Parkveien 53B, 0256 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Moschino SpA, Via delle Querce 51, SAN GIOVANNI IN MARIGNANO, Italia HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Svea Ekonomi AB, Evenemangsgatan 31, SOLNA, Sverige ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S,

147 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, 1790 KØBENHAVN V, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: The Creative Corner AS, Horniveien 25, 1339 VØYENENGA, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: ABG-Volcom, LLC, 1411 Broadway, 4th Fl,, NY10018 NEW YORK, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: ABG-Volcom, LLC, 1411 Broadway, 4th Fl,, NY10018 NEW YORK, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Mekonomen Nya Affärer AB, Box 9255, MALMÖ, Sverige Zacco Sweden AB, Box 5581, STOCKHOLM, Sverige (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, 1790 KØBENHAVN V, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S,

148 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Biesse SpA, Via della Meccanica 16, PESARO (PESARO-URBINO), Italia HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Stiftelsen Sildajazzen, Postboks 145, 5501 HAUGESUND, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Biesse SpA, Via della Meccanica 16, PESARO (PESARO-URBINO), Italia HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Biolitec Pharma Marketing Ltd, Financial Park Complex, Level 8 (B), Main Office Tower, 8700 F T LABUAN, Malaysia (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: A/S Maskinfabrikken Rival, Svejstrupvej 23, DK-8660 Skanderborg, Danmark Patrade A/S, Ceresbyen 75, 8000 AARHUS C, Danmark (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Triple Juicy Ltd, 43 St John St., London EC1M 4 AN, England, Storbritannia BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Biesse SpA, Via della Meccanica 16, PESARO (PESARO-URBINO), Italia HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EXTENDA RETAIL AS, Wirgenes vei 19, 3157 BARKÅKER, PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EXTENDA RETAIL AS, Wirgenes vei 19, 3157 BARKÅKER, PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S,

149 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1790 KØBENHAVN V, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO,

150 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: ELX Futures L.P., 110 East 59th Street, NY10022 NEW YORK, USA AWA Sweden AB, Box 5117, MALMÖ, Sverige (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Jens Poulsen Holding ApS, c/o DK Company Online A/S, Thrigesvej 7, 7430 IKAST, Danmark Patrade A/S, Ceresbyen 75, 8000 AARHUS C, Danmark (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Biofarma, 50 rue Carnot, SURESNES CEDEX, Frankrike ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EYEPOC AS, Røhrts vei 62, 1181 OSLO, BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EYEPOC AS, Røhrts vei 62, 1181 OSLO, BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: SUREE INTERFOODS CO., LTD, 11/13 M.3, T.Banbor, A. Muang, SAMUTSAKON, Thailand BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Biofarma, 50 rue Carnot, SURESNES CEDEX, Frankrike ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO,

151 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EYEPOC AS, Røhrts vei 62, 1181 OSLO, BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Clearstream Services, société anonyme, 42, Avenue John F. Kennedy, 1855 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg Zacco Denmark A/S, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 KØBENHAVN S, Danmark (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, 1790 KØBENHAVN V, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, 1790 KØBENHAVN V, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO,

152 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: NOFAS AS, Schwenckegata 1, 3015 DRAMMEN, ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Spartan Rice, Inc., 234 Congress Street, 5th Floor, MA BOSTON, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Inriver AB, Södra Tullgatan 4, MALMÖ, Sverige Hansson Thyresson AB, Box 73, MALMÖ, Sverige (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: NOFAS AS, Schwenckegata 1, 3015 DRAMMEN, ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: MALTERIET AS, Efteløtveien 100, 3618 SKOLLENBORG, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Codan Forsikring A/S, c/o Codanhus, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1790 KØBENHAVN V, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: WHEEL.ME AS, St. Olavs plass 3, 0165 OSLO, ADVOKATFIRMAET STEENSTRUP STORDRANGE DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Salling Group A/S, Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 BRABRAND, Danmark ADVOKATFIRMAET GJESSINGREIMERS AS, P.b. 678 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Harlequin Enterprises Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road, ONM3B3K9 DON MILLS, Canada BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO,

153 endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Harlequin Enterprises Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road, ONM3B3K9 DON MILLS, Canada BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Inriver AB, Södra Tullgatan 4, MALMÖ, Sverige Hansson Thyresson AB, Box 73, MALMÖ, Sverige (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EYEPOC AS, Tvetenveien 30B, 0666 OSLO, BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Sanden Retail Systems Corporation, 20, Kotobuki-cho, Isesaki-shi, GUNMA, Japan PROTECTOR IP AS, Pilestredet 33, 0166 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: NOFAS AS, Schwenckegata 1, 3015 DRAMMEN, ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Tarkett France, 1, Terrasse Bellini, Tour Initiale, PARIS LA DEFENSE CEDEX, Frankrike NORDIA LAW ADVOKATFIRMA AS, Postboks 2032 Vika, 0125 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: SNØ AS, Nygaardsgata 33A, 1606 FREDRIKSTAD, ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: SNØ AS, Nygaardsgata 33A, 1606 FREDRIKSTAD, ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Nitto Denko Corp, Osaka-fu, Japan WWIPPS Sàrl, P.O. Box 2265, 1022 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: EYEPOC AS, Tvetenveien 30B, 0666 OSLO, BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S,

154 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Elkem ASA, Drammensveien 169, 0277 OSLO, ROBERTHA NATALIA HÖGLUND, c/o Elkem ASA, Technology, IP Department, Postboks 8040 Vågsbygd, 4675 KRISTIANSAND S, endringer i fullmaktsforhold nr 40/19 154

155 Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer rettelse av internasjonale merker nr 40/19 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (230) Utstillingsprioritet: (540) Gjengivelse av market: Klasse 21 Non-woven cleaning materials and products, not included in other classes, containers and dispensers for these products, steel wool, soap dispensers, brushes (except paintbrushes), gloves for household use. Klasse 24 Woven fabrics and textile goods not included in other classes; bed and table linen, woven, non-woven and combined with paper, bed and table covers, undersheets, covers for operating tables. Klasse 39 Transportation and storage of goods. (111) A (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (230) Utstillingsprioritet: (540) Gjengivelse av market: (531) Fig. klass.: Flere triangler ved siden av hverandre, forbundet eller som skjærer hverandre SCA Group Holding BV, Strawinskylaan 305 WTC, NL-1077 XX Amsterdam, Nederland (NL) BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Klasse 1 Paper pulp, wood pulp; cellulose and chemical cellulose derivatives, acetic acid and unprocessed cellulose acetate, viscose, ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol. Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations; substances for laundry use; cleaning and washing preparations, hand-washing substances, soaps, cakes of soap, perfumery, essential oils, lotions, shampoos and hair gels, cosmetic lotions, after-shave lotions, toothpaste, deodorants for personal use. Klasse 5 Panty liners for sanitary use and other absorbent and sanitary products, not included in other classes, namely compresses, plasters, materials for dressings, adhesive tapes for dressings; dressings with synthetic padding; disposable bandages, napkins and sponges for sanitary use made of paper and cellulose, incontinence napkins, ointments. Klasse 10 Medical apparatus and instruments and parts and accessories thereof not included in other classes, medical products made of rubber, namely containers for liquids and catheters, undersheets for incontinent persons. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; writing paper, printing products; newspapers and magazines, manila paper, paper for packaging, cardboard, embossed paperboard, paper or plastic sachets and bags, cardboard or paper boxes; paper, cardboard and plastic materials for packaging not included in other classes, toilet paper, napkins, washing mitts, disposable babies' napkins and diapers of paper, protective covers made of paper. Klasse 19 Nonmetallic building materials, specifically lumber. (531) Fig. klass.: Flere triangler ved siden av hverandre, forbundet eller som skjærer hverandre Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA, SUNDSVALL, Sverige (SE) Klasse 1 Paper pulp, wood pulp; cellulose and chemical cellulose derivatives, acetic acid and unprocessed cellulose acetate, viscose, ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol. Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations; substances for laundry use; cleaning and washing preparations, hand-washing substances, soaps, cakes of soap, perfumery, essential oils, lotions, shampoos and hair gels, cosmetic lotions, after-shave lotions, toothpaste, deodorants for personal use. Klasse 5 Panty liners for sanitary use and other absorbent and sanitary products, not included in other classes, namely compresses, plasters, materials for dressings, adhesive tapes for dressings; dressings with synthetic padding; disposable bandages, napkins and sponges for sanitary use made of paper and cellulose, incontinence napkins, ointments. Klasse 10 Medical apparatus and instruments and parts and accessories thereof not included in other classes, medical products made of rubber, namely containers for liquids and catheters, undersheets for incontinent persons. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these 155

156 materials, not included in other classes; writing paper, printing products; newspapers and magazines, manila paper, paper for packaging, cardboard, embossed paperboard, paper or plastic sachets and bags, cardboard or paper boxes; paper, cardboard and plastic materials for packaging not included in other classes, toilet paper, napkins, washing mitts, disposable babies' napkins and diapers of paper, protective covers made of paper. Klasse 19 Nonmetallic building materials, specifically lumber. Klasse 21 Non-woven cleaning materials and products, not included in other classes, containers and dispensers for these products, steel wool, soap dispensers, brushes (except paintbrushes), gloves for household use. Klasse 24 Woven fabrics and textile goods not included in other classes; bed and table linen, woven, non-woven and combined with paper, bed and table covers, undersheets, covers for operating tables. Klasse 39 Transportation and storage of goods. rettelse av internasjonale merker nr 40/19 156

157 overprøving varemerker nr 40/19 Krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistreringer I følgende varemerkeregistrering er det innkommet krav om administrativ overprøving. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (450) Reg. kunngjort: Nr. 14/ Krav om administrativ overprøving innlevert: (540) Gjengivelse av merket YETI Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary products; sanitary products for use in medicine; dietetic food and substances for medical or veterinary use; food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides; medicated bath preparations; sanitary pads, panties or towels; chemical preparations for medical or pharmaceutical use; medicinal herbs; herbal teas; parasiticides; alloys of precious metals for dental use; food, lacteal flour, edible ice for infants and beverages for babies; flexible liquid or gel pouches for heating or Klasse 7 cooling for medical use against injury and pain. Machine tools; agricultural implements other than handoperated; incubators for eggs; automatic distribution machines; agricultural machines; suction machines for industrial use; woodworking machines; automatic handling machines (manipulators); packaging or packing machines; pumps (machines); electric hand drills; clippers (machines); bulldozers; grinding machines; centrifugal machines; lifts, other than ski-lifts; machines for sewing, for knitting; ironing machines; washing machines; electric kitchen machines; sorting machines for industry; saws (machines); robots (machines); printing machines; drilling machines; elevators [lifts]; electric knives; packaging machines, machines for preparing and making beverages, ices, confectionery and all food products, pumps, screw conveyors, conveyors, automatic vending machines for the food industry; machines for gutting citrus fruits. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations; sterilizers; water treatment apparatus, water filters, sanitary faucets, softeners, ultraviolet sterilizers, hand driers, boilers, heat exchangers, cooling equipment for the ice industry, freezers, refrigerating display cabinets, ice boxes. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paintbrushes); brushmaking materials; hand-operated cleaning instruments; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except building glass); porcelain ware; earthenware; bottles; works of art made of porcelain, terracotta or glass; Statues or figurines (statuettes) made of porcelain, terra cotta or glass; toilet utensils or cases; trash cans; glasses (receptacles); tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons; sprinklers, electric devices for attracting and killing insects, brush goods, cleaning brushes for pipes, wires of glass, soap dispensers, buckets, ice buckets, ice cube molds, food refrigeration devices, containing heat exchange fluids, drinking straws, portable coolers, cups, isothermal bags, ices (raw materials) for containers. Klasse 29 Preserved, frozen, dry and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats; fats for food; butter; cheese; milk beverages, milk predominating; jellies, frozen fruit purées, jams, compotes which can be packed in standard packaging or individual flexible pouches standard or in the form of ready-to-eat lollipops. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment; sandwiches, pizzas; pancakes; cookies; cakes; rusks; sugar confectionery; chocolate; beverages based on cocoa, coffee, chocolate or tea; confectionery with water and syrup, or milk, or fruit, or with other ingredients in flexible packaging, marketed as a freezable liquid, or in solid or gelled form; edible ices, stick ice made with water and syrup, or milk, or fruit, or with other ingredients, these goods being deep-frozen; water-based ices, fruit ices, sorbets, milk ices, ice cream, frozen yoghurt, frozen confectioneries, frozen desserts, ice cubes and blocks of ice; preparations for the aforesaid goods, aromatic preparations for food, starch for food, natural sweeteners, unprocessed, natural or artificial ice. Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and carbonated waters; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; lemonades; fruit nectars; soda water; nonalcoholic aperitifs; beverages with water and syrup, or fruit, or with other ingredients, packaged in flexible bags having the form of a liquid marketed lollipop that the consumer freezes prior to consumption. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); ciders; digesters (liqueurs and spirits); wines; spirits; peppermint, orange and arbouse liqueur. Klasse 41 Educational services; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; information relating to entertainment or education; vocational retraining; providing recreation facilities; publication of books; lending libraries; videotape film production; rental of motion pictures; rental of sound recordings; rental of video cassette recorders or of radio and television sets; rental of show scenery; videotape editing; photography services; organization of competitions (education or entertainment); organization and conducting of colloquiums, conferences or congresses; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; booking of seats for shows; game services provided on-line from a computer network; gambling services; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; electronic desktop publishing; organization of sports competitions, shows, concerts, conferences and seminars, rental of sports grounds, sports and leisure parks, rental of sports equipment. Klasse 43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; bar services; food and drink catering; hotel services; temporary accommodation reservations; day-nurseries [crèches]; providing campground facilities; retirement homes; boarding for animals; hotel services, hotel reservations, rental of tables chairs and glassware, rental of reception rooms. Yetigel International, 220 rue des Quatre Gendarmes d'ouvéa, Z.I. Courtine, AVIGNON, Frankrike Kravstiller: Yeti Coolers, LLC, 7601 Southwest Parkway, TX78735 AUSTIN, USA Kravstillers fullmektig: BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, 157

158 overprøving varemerker nr 40/19 (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (450) Reg. kunngjort: Nr. 51/ Krav om administrativ overprøving innlevert: (540) Gjengivelse av merket Klasse 33 Alkoholholdig vin, sangria, anis-brennevin, brennevin og likører. J. Garcia Carrion SA, Jumilla, Spania OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Hoffsveien 1A, 0275 OSLO, Kravstiller: GRANS BRYGGERI AS, Hegnasletta 4, 3217 SANDEFJORD, Kravstillers fullmektig: ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, 158

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :34:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :34:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2019.06.29 18:34:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Merket er en figur Ikke i kraft 2014.02.10


nr 50/13-2013.12.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 50/13-2013.12.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 50/13-2013.12.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Paten Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2016.12.17 11:34:00 Tekst i merket Status Detaljstatus Merket er en figur Søknadsnummer 201315782 Inngitt


Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :52:00

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :52:00 Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2018.12.15 12:52:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus TILE I kraft 2017.11.01 Registrert 2017.11.01


Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad Advokatfirmaet Grette DA Postboks 1397 Vika 0114 OSLO Oslo, 2015.09.09 Deres ref.: 309327-511 Saksnr.: 201506502 Merke: GOD START REMA 1000 Søker: Rema Franchise Norge AS Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad


Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for varemerkeregistrering nr

Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for varemerkeregistrering nr Zacco Norway AS Postboks 2003 Vika 0125 OSLO Oslo, 2014.06.30 Deres ref.: T61301799NO00 LTM/IED Saksnr.: 201307881 Merke: POWER TO YOUR NEXT STEP Innehaver: Canon Europa NV Oversendelse av registreringsbrev


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2019.07.13 17:55:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus DANICA BALANSE I kraft 2007.02.08 Registrert


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :09:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :09:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2019.09.14 16:09:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus TukTuk I kraft 2016.05.10 Registrert 2017.08.28


Avgjørelse varemerker

Avgjørelse varemerker Advokatfirmaet Grette DA Postboks 1397 Vika 0114 OSLO Oslo, 2014.08.05 Deres ref.: 310154-585 Søknadsnr: 201315784 Søker: Oslo kommune Kulturetaten Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA Klagefrist: 2014.10.05


Registrert Fornyet (sjekk også detaljer i saken)

Registrert Fornyet (sjekk også detaljer i saken) Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Logo Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2016.07.02 16:01:00 Tekst i merket Detaljstatus DELI DE LUCA Søknadsnummer 200211953 Inngitt 2002.12.12


nr 24 2002.06.10 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 varemerke norsk tidende

nr 24 2002.06.10 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 varemerke norsk tidende nr 24 2002.06.10 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 norsk varemerke tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


nr 40/08-2008.09.29 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 40/08-2008.09.29 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 40/08-2008.09.29 årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 01/13-2013.01.02 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 01/13-2013.01.02 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 01/13-2013.01.02 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160



TABELL III TIL PROTOKOLL A LIECHTENSTEIN, SVEITS TABELL III TIL PROTOKOLL A LIECHTENSTEIN, SVEITS Sveitsisk 04.03 Kjernemelk, kulturmelk (surmelk) og rømme, yoghurt, kefir og annen gjæret eller syrnet melk og fløte, også konsentrert, med eller uten tilsetning


nr 02/10-2010.01.25 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808

nr 02/10-2010.01.25 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808 . nr 02/10-2010.01.25 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad Advokatfirmaet Grette DA Postboks 1397 Vika 0114 OSLO Oslo, 2012.11.05 Deres ref.: 310154-513 Svarfrist: 2013.02.07 1 Saksnr.: 201207490 Merke: TEN Søker: Oslo Kommune Kulturetaten Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad


Avgjørelse varemerker

Avgjørelse varemerker Advokatfirmaet Grette DA Postboks 1397 Vika 0114 OSLO Oslo, 2014.08.05 Deres ref.: 310154-513 Søknadsnr: 201207490A Merke: MONOLITTEN Søker: Oslo kommune Kulturetaten Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette


nr NO årgang 91 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende nr 13 2001.03.26 NO årgang 91 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally


Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Databasen er sist oppdatert :29:00. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge.

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Databasen er sist oppdatert :29:00. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2018.12.29 12:29:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Æ I kraft 2017.01.24 Registrert 2017.01.24


1) I del B2 innsettes følgende oppføring for E 960 etter oppføringen for E 959: «E 960. Steviolglykosider»

1) I del B2 innsettes følgende oppføring for E 960 etter oppføringen for E 959: «E 960. Steviolglykosider» 1) I del B2 innsettes følgende oppføring for E 960 etter oppføringen for E 959: «E 960 Steviolglykosider» 2) I del E innsettes følgende oppføringer for E 960 i riktig numorden i de relevante næringsmiddelkategoriene:


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2017.02.25 11:29:00 Tekst i merket Status Detaljstatus KVIKK LUNSJ Søknadsnummer 200305996 Inngitt 2003.06.25


nr 08/09-2009.02.16 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 08/09-2009.02.16 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 08/09-2009.02.16 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 19/11-2011.05.09 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 19/11-2011.05.09 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 19/11-2011.05.09 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 12/13-2013.03.18 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 12/13-2013.03.18 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 12/13-2013.03.18 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 45/15-2015.11.02 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 45/15-2015.11.02 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 45/15-2015.11.02 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


17/ desember Tine SA Advokatfirmaet Grette DA. Synnøve Finden AS Acapo AS

17/ desember Tine SA Advokatfirmaet Grette DA. Synnøve Finden AS Acapo AS AVGJØRELSE Sak: Dato: 17/00069 8. desember 2017 Klager: Representert ved: Tine SA Advokatfirmaet Grette DA Innklaget: Representert ved: Synnøve Finden AS Acapo AS Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter


nr 12/07-2007.03.19 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 12/07-2007.03.19 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 12/07-2007.03.19 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


tidende nr 31-2003.07.28 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke

tidende nr 31-2003.07.28 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke nr 31-2003.07.28 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke tidende Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


Under behandling Registrert Innsigelse innkommet og under behandling (sjekk også detaljer i saken)

Under behandling Registrert Innsigelse innkommet og under behandling (sjekk også detaljer i saken) Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2017.02.11 11:44:00 Tekst i merket Status Detaljstatus Søknadsnummer 201412294 Inngitt 2014.10.27 Prioritet


nr 15/09-2009.04.06 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 15/09-2009.04.06 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 15/09-2009.04.06 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 17/12-2012.04.23 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 17/12-2012.04.23 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 17/12-2012.04.23 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for Varemerke nr

Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for Varemerke nr Valea AB Box 7086 SE10387 STOCKHOLM Sverige Oslo, 2015.04.07 Deres ref.: TS18426NO01 Saksnr.: 201410987 Merke: Statoil Innehaver: Statoil ASA Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for Varemerke nr. 281029


nr 33/11-2011.08.15 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 33/11-2011.08.15 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 33/11-2011.08.15 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Forskrift om endring av forskrift om råvareprisutjevning for bearbeidede jordbruksvarer

Forskrift om endring av forskrift om råvareprisutjevning for bearbeidede jordbruksvarer Forskrift om endring av forskrift om råvareprisutjevning for bearbeidede jordbruksvarer Fastsatt av Landbruks- og matdepartementet 16. desember 2013 med hjemmel i lov av 12. mai 1995 nr. 23 om jord (jordlova)


nr 10/14-2014.03.03 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 10/14-2014.03.03 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 10/14-2014.03.03 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 37-2013.09.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 37-2013.09.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 37-2013.09.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160



TABELL II TIL PROTOKOLL A ISLAND TABELL II TIL PROTOKOLL A ISLAND Islandsk tolltariff ex 04.03 Kjernemelk, kulturmelk (surmelk) og rømme, yoghurt, kefir og annen gjæret eller syrnet melk og fløte, også konsentrert, med eller uten tilsetning


nr 22/12-2012.05.29 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 22/12-2012.05.29 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 22/12-2012.05.29 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 38/15-2015.09.14 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 38/15-2015.09.14 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 38/15-2015.09.14 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 02/14-2014.01.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 02/14-2014.01.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 02/14-2014.01.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 47/11-2011.11.21 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 47/11-2011.11.21 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 47/11-2011.11.21 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 06/08-2008.02.04 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 06/08-2008.02.04 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 06/08-2008.02.04 årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 34/10-2010.08.23 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 34/10-2010.08.23 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 34/10-2010.08.23 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 03/07-2007.01.15 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 03/07-2007.01.15 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 03/07-2007.01.15 årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 42/14-2014.10.13 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 42/14-2014.10.13 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 42/14-2014.10.13 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad BIL-GUSS AS Postboks 190 3471 SLEMMESTAD Oslo, 2012.08.27 Deres ref.: Jan Håkon Tvervaag Saksnr.: 201204360 Merke: POWER TOOLS Søker: BIL-GUSS AS Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad Behandlingen av deres


Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :39:00

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :39:00 Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2018.12.22 12:39:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus WORKPLACE BY FACEBOOK I kraft 2018.03.21


nr 12/09-2009.03.16 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 12/09-2009.03.16 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 12/09-2009.03.16 årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 13/12-2012.03.26 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 13/12-2012.03.26 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 13/12-2012.03.26 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Avgjørelse varemerker

Avgjørelse varemerker Advokatfirmaet Grette DA Postboks 1397 Vika 0114 OSLO Oslo, 2014.08.05 Deres ref.: 310154-544 Søknadsnr: 201312320 Søker: Oslo kommune Kulturetaten Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA Klagefrist: 2014.10.05


nr 36/07-2007.09.03 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 36/07-2007.09.03 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 36/07-2007.09.03 årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160



SEATTLE'S BEST COFFEE Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL Annen avd. sak nr. 8126 Søknadsnr. 200710263 Søker: Seattle's Best Coffee LLC, 2401 Utah Avenue South, WA98134 Seattle, Washington, USA Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449



KAPITTEL 18 KAKAO OG VARER DERAV KAPITTEL 18 KAKAO OG VARER DERAV 18 Alminnelige bestemmelser Dette kapitlet omfatter kakao (herunder kakaobønner) i alle former, kakaosmør, -fett og -olje og næringsmidler som inneholder kakao (uansett


Økologisk omsetning i norsk dagligvarehandel

Økologisk omsetning i norsk dagligvarehandel Økologisk omsetning i norsk dagligvarehandel Status per 1. halvår 2010 Rådgiver Elin Røsnes Økologisk


nr 33/13-2013.08.12 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 33/13-2013.08.12 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 33/13-2013.08.12 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 28/09-2009.07.06 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 28/09-2009.07.06 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 28/09-2009.07.06 årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 52/11-2011.12.27 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 52/11-2011.12.27 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 52/11-2011.12.27 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 15 2000.04.10 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende

nr 15 2000.04.10 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende nr 15 2000.04.10 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally


Retningslinjer for mat og drikke til allogen stamcelletransplanterte pasienter i tre faser

Retningslinjer for mat og drikke til allogen stamcelletransplanterte pasienter i tre faser Retningslinjer for mat og drikke til allogen stamcelletransplanterte pasienter i tre faser Eksempel på pasient behov/problem, tiltak og mål i fase 1 (dag -7 til +5) Eksempel på pasient behov/problem 1.


Huntington Det lille ekstra

Huntington Det lille ekstra Huntington Det lille ekstra 7.11.18 Hva er energi? Mat gir energi i form av brennstoffer det må ikke forveksles med å kjenne seg oppkvikket. Energien fra mat holder kroppsmotoren i gang Energien fra mat


Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad von lode advokat ab Box 47229 SE10074 STOCKHOLM Sverige Oslo, 2015.07.10 Deres ref.: Peter Ottosson Svarfrist: 2015.10.10 1 Saksnr.: 201501351 Merke: S MATKASSE Søker: S MATKASSE AS Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad


nr 49/14-2014.12.01 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 49/14-2014.12.01 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 49/14-2014.12.01 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 08/12-2012.02.20 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 08/12-2012.02.20 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 08/12-2012.02.20 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 41/14-2014.10.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 41/14-2014.10.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 41/14-2014.10.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 41/12-2012.10.08 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 41/12-2012.10.08 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 41/12-2012.10.08 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerkidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområd BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


nr 24/14-2014.06.10 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 24/14-2014.06.10 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 24/14-2014.06.10 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 17/11-2011.04.26 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 17/11-2011.04.26 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 17/11-2011.04.26 årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160





nr 15/14-2014.04.07 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 15/14-2014.04.07 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 15/14-2014.04.07 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 01/07-2007.01.02 NO årgang 96 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 01/07-2007.01.02 NO årgang 96 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 01/07-2007.01.02 NO årgang 96 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 43/05-2005.10.24 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 43/05-2005.10.24 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 43/05-2005.10.24 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 12/08-2008.03.17 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 12/08-2008.03.17 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 12/08-2008.03.17 årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 28/13-2013.07.08 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 28/13-2013.07.08 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 28/13-2013.07.08 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 27 2002.07.01 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 varemerke norsk tidende

nr 27 2002.07.01 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 varemerke norsk tidende nr 27 2002.07.01 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 norsk varemerke tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


nr 12 2002.03.18 NO årgang 92 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende

nr 12 2002.03.18 NO årgang 92 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende nr 12 2002.03.18 NO årgang 92 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


nr 36/06-2006.09.04 NO årgang 96 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 36/06-2006.09.04 NO årgang 96 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 36/06-2006.09.04 årgang 96 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 25/08-2008.06.16 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 25/08-2008.06.16 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 25/08-2008.06.16 årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Kostholdets betydning

Kostholdets betydning Caroline N. Bjerke Ernæringsfysiolog Kostholdets betydning Et optimalt kosthold med tilstrekkelig inntak av samtlige næringsstoffer, og samtidig riktig tidspunkt for måltider i forhold til trening og konkurranse


nr 48/11-2011.11.28 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 48/11-2011.11.28 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 48/11-2011.11.28 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 38/10-2010.09.20 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 38/10-2010.09.20 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 38/10-2010.09.20 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 04/05-2005.01.24 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 04/05-2005.01.24 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2005.01.24-04/05 nr 04/05-2005.01.24 årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE


nr 50/ NO årgang 108 ISSN

nr 50/ NO årgang 108 ISSN . nr 50/18-2018.12.10 NO årgang 108 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 4863


nr 50/11-2011.12.12 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 50/11-2011.12.12 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 50/11-2011.12.12 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 9. oktober 2012

Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 9. oktober 2012 Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL Annen avd. sak nr. 7718 Reg. nr. 226692 Søknad nr. 200400896 Registreringshaver: Umoe IKT AS, Økernveien 94, 0579 Oslo (tidl. innehaver: Voop AS, 5257 Kokstad, og Voop AS Konkursbo,


nr 42/15-2015.10.12 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 42/15-2015.10.12 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 42/15-2015.10.12 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Nr. 26/294 EØS-tillegget til Den europeiske unions tidende EUROPAPARLAMENTS- OG RÅDSDIREKTIV 2003/115/EF. av 22. desember 2003

Nr. 26/294 EØS-tillegget til Den europeiske unions tidende EUROPAPARLAMENTS- OG RÅDSDIREKTIV 2003/115/EF. av 22. desember 2003 Nr. 26/294 EØS-tillegget til Den europeiske unions tidende EUROPAPARLAMENTS- OG RÅDSDIREKTIV 2003/115/EF 2007/EØS/26/31 av 22. desember 2003 om endring av direktiv 94/35/EF om søtstoffer til bruk i næringsmidler(*)


nr 15/16-2016.04.11 NO årgang 106 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 15/16-2016.04.11 NO årgang 106 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 15/16-2016.04.11 NO årgang 106 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 51/15-2015.12.14 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 51/15-2015.12.14 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 51/15-2015.12.14 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


PROTOKOLL. Ved avgjørelsen i 1. avdeling omfattet varefortegnelsen følgende varer og tjenester:

PROTOKOLL. Ved avgjørelsen i 1. avdeling omfattet varefortegnelsen følgende varer og tjenester: Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL Annen avd. sak nr. 7712 Søknad nr. 2000 09207 Søker: Miramax Film Corp., New York, New York, USA Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Bergen Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 8. september 2008 Foreliggende


nr 05/15-2015.01.26 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 05/15-2015.01.26 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 05/15-2015.01.26 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


70 % av sukkerinntaket kommer fra saft, brus, godteri, kaker, sukker og is ( lørdagsprodukter ). Dette er «tomme kalorier», som vil si at det bidrar

70 % av sukkerinntaket kommer fra saft, brus, godteri, kaker, sukker og is ( lørdagsprodukter ). Dette er «tomme kalorier», som vil si at det bidrar 1 70 % av sukkerinntaket kommer fra saft, brus, godteri, kaker, sukker og is ( lørdagsprodukter ). Dette er «tomme kalorier», som vil si at det bidrar med sukker og energi, men få eller ingen andre næringsstoffer


nr 12/11-2011.03.21 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 12/11-2011.03.21 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 12/11-2011.03.21 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 49 1999.12.06 NO årgang 89 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende

nr 49 1999.12.06 NO årgang 89 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende nr 49 1999.12.06 NO årgang 89 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for


Påbudt merking av matvarer

Påbudt merking av matvarer Påbudt merking av matvarer Alle ferdigpakkede matvarer skal være merket. Det gjelder også noen produkter som ikke er ferdigpakket. Merkingen skal inneholde visse opplysninger som er nærmere angitt i «Merkeforskriften».


nr 31/12-2012.07.30 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 31/12-2012.07.30 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 31/12-2012.07.30 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 34/15-2015.08.17 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 34/15-2015.08.17 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 34/15-2015.08.17 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 46/10-2010.11.15 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 46/10-2010.11.15 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 46/10-2010.11.15 årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 23/13-2013.06.03 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 23/13-2013.06.03 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 23/13-2013.06.03 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 25/14-2014.06.16 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 25/14-2014.06.16 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 25/14-2014.06.16 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Kosthold ved diabetes type 2. Anne Sætre Klinisk ernæringsfysiolog

Kosthold ved diabetes type 2. Anne Sætre Klinisk ernæringsfysiolog Kosthold ved diabetes type 2 Anne Sætre Klinisk ernæringsfysiolog Dagens agenda Kostråd ved diabetes type 2 Karbohydrater hva er det? Karbohydrater hvor finnes de? Hva påvirker blodsukkeret? Måltider og
