nr 50/ NO årgang 94 ISSN

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1 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder /04 nr 50/ NO årgang 94 ISSN Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep Oslo E-POST TELEFON TELEFAKS INFOSENTERETS TELEFONTID kl Telefon (+47) Telefax (+47)

2 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder /04 Innholdsfortegnelse: Registrerte varemerker...3 Ansvarsmerker...17 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer...18 Innsigelser...83 Endringer i varefortegnelsen for nasjonale og internasjonale varemerker...84 Slettelser, begjært av innehaver...85 Overdragelser...86 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold...88 Navneendringer...90 Fornyelser...91 Wipo-notifikasjoner...92 INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet, (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) Registreringsnummer (151) Registreringsdato (210) Søknadsnummer (220) Inngivelsesdato (300) Prioritetsopplysninger (450) Kunngjort registrert dato (511) Vare-/tjenesteklasse (540) Gjengivelse av varemerketekst (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser (554) Merket er tredimensjonalt (526) Unntaksanmerkning (591) Merket er i farger (730) Søker/innehaver (740) Fullmektig 2

3 registrerte varemerker /04 Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf varemerkeloven 20 I løpet av 2 måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf varmerkeloven 21, varemerkeforskriften kapittel 6 og varemerkebestemmelsene kapittel 5. Registreringen gjelder i inntil 10 år regnet fra registreringsdagen, jf varemerkeloven 23. (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen BOXCA BOXCA Bolzo Co AB, Pepparvägen 81, S Farsta, SE Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 18 Lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen SKIBLADNER SKIBLADNER Oplandske Dampskipsselskap AS, Postboks 230, 2800 Gjøvik, NO Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 4 Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler; støvbindemidler; brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer; lys og veker for belysning; bensin, kull (brennstoffer), motoroljer, parafin, petroleum (ubearbeidet eller raffinert), smøreoljer, stearinlys, ved. 7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner; borerigger og boretårn (flytende eller ikke flytende), fremdriftsmaskiner andre enn for landkjøretøyer, elektriske generatorer, gear (drivverk) andre enn for landkjøretøyer, motorer andre enn for landkjøretøyer, oljeraffineringsmaskiner, propellmekanismer unntatt for landkjøretøyer, pumper (maskiner), mekaniske skovler, styreinnretninger for maskiner og motorer, turbiner andre enn for landkjøretøyer. 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet; båter, dampbåter, ferger, hjulbåter, oljeletingsfartøyer, propeller og styreanordninger for båter, ror, skip, skipsskorsteiner, yachter og lystbåter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

4 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen NETMAN (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen NETMAN Mitec AS, Brynsveien 16, 0667 Oslo, NO Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 9 Datahardware og -software; tele- og datakommunikasjonsutstyr; sikkerhets-, administrasjons-, overvåkings- og alarmsystemer, herunder i form av datahardware og/eller software til bruk innen data- og telekommunikasjon. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen EBL ENERGIBEDRIFTENES LANDSFORENING EBL ENERGIBEDRIFTENES LANDSFORENING Energibedriftenes Landsforening v/ generalsekretær, Postboks 7184 Majorstuen, 0307 Oslo, NO Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 Oslo, NO 16 Varer laget av papir; tidskrifter; trykksaker 42 Teknologiske tjenester; juridiske tjenester; informasjonsvirksomhet om energibransjen, næringspolitikk og arbeidsgiverpolitikk (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, RUSSELL COLLECTION SINCE 1902 BY JERZEES Russell Corp, 3330 Cumberland Boulevard Suite 800, GE30339 ATLANTA, US Actio-Lassen AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO 25 Klær, sportsklær; skjorter; strikkejakker, collegegensere, T-skjorter, jumpere; pullovere, jakker, bukser, treningsdresser; fottøy, hodeplagg. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen NORWAY IN A NUTSHELL NORWAY IN A NUTSHELL Norges Statsbaner AS, Prinsensgt. 7-9, 0048 OSLO, NO Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo, NO 39 Organisering av cruisefart, organisering av reiser, passasjertransport inkludert tog-, buss- og båttransport, reiseledervirksomhet, plassreservering (transport), turistbesøk (sightseeing), utleie av turistbusser, utleie av vogner. 43 Hotellreservering, formidling av midlertidig losji (hoteller, pensjonater), reservering av midlertidig innkvartering, restauranter, selvbetjeningsrestauranter, turisthytter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

5 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen HCI GROUP HCI GROUP HCI Group, Majorstuveien 31 A, 0367 Oslo, NO 42 IKT-konsulenttjenester, utvikling/vedlikehold av websider og computer software design for andre. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen FLOORSTOCK FLOORSTOCK Tess AS, Postboks 1540, 3007 DRAMMEN, NO Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør, sikkerhetskap og-skrin; varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); malmer. 7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner. 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater 35 Bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter. 37 Mobil installasjon i form av et mobilt verksted (ominnredet varebil) for installasjon, ettersyn, tilpasning, vedlikehold og reparasjon av høy- og lavtrykksslanger. 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser. 41 Opplæringsvirksomhet. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

6 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen HEPU HEPU Erik Hestvik, Dagaliveien 33 B, 0783 Oslo, NO 25 Utstyrsbelte med batongholder. 35 Salg av sikkerhetsutstyr. 42 Produktutvikling. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen FLOATCOAT FLOATCOAT Chevron Texaco Global Energy Inc, 6001 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583, US Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 4 Voks, ikke spiselige oljer og fett, petroleum, lys, ildtennere og brennstoff; disse varer så vidt de inngår i klasse 4. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen TWISTED V TWISTED V Diageo North America Inc, 6 Landmark Square, CT06901 STAMFORD, US Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo, NO 33 Vin, spirituosa, likører. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen SENSELIGHT SENSELIGHT Hans Joachim Kotthaus, Postboks 111, 4339 ÅLGÅRD, NO 9 Lysreguleringsinnretninger, dimmere, detektorer, optiske apparater og instrumenter, sensorer, timere, elektriske apparater for overvåking, elektriske brytere, røykvarslere, dioder (halvledere). 11 Lykter, lyktestolper, lanterner, lommelykter, lamper for belysning, lysende husnummere, apparater og installasjoner for belysning, skiltbelysning, veibelysning, nødbelysning, nattlys, markeringslys, belysningslamper. 42 Rådgiving vedrørende bygging, planlegging vedrørende bygging, arkitekter, rådgiving vedrørende belysning, teknisk forskning. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

7 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen PALOMA PALOMA Ekornes ASA, Postboks 23, 6222 IKORNNES, NO Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 20 Møbler; stoler, sofaer; lenestoler; lenestol med fotskammel. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen SPAR1DEL SPAR1DEL Ståle A Østhaug, Høvikstien 11, 1363 Høvik, NO Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 35 Detaljhandelssalg av dagligvarer, klær, skotøy, sportsartikler og elektriske artikler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen SEABOOSTER SEABOOSTER Kværner Oilfield Products AS, Postboks 94, 1325 LYSAKER, NO Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO 7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); separatorer, herunder separatorer for petroleumsprodukter, pumper, herunder trykkforsterkere. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen DEEPBOOSTER DEEPBOOSTER Kværner Oilfield Products AS, Postboks 94, 1325 LYSAKER, NO Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO 7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); separatorer, herunder separatorer for petroleumsprodukter, pumper, herunder trykkforsterkere. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

8 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen FLEXSEP FLEXSEP Kværner Oilfield Products AS, Postboks 94, 1325 LYSAKER, NO Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO 7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); separatorer, herunder separatorer for petroleumsprodukter, pumper, herunder trykkforsterkere. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen DEEPSEP (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen PURE BERG PURE BERG Pure Brands Corp, P.O.Box 659 Road Town, Tortola, VG Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO 30 Is. 32 Kullsyreholdige- og ikkekullsyreholdige alkoholfrie drikker, nemlig fruktdrikker, fruktjuicer, mineralvann, vann; bryggede alkoholholdige drikker, nemlig øl. 33 Destillert sprit, gjærede alkoholholdige drikker, nemlig vin, cider, vinbaserte drikker. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, DEEPSEP Kværner Oilfield Products AS, Postboks 94, 1325 LYSAKER, NO Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Postboks 5074 Majorstua, 0301 OSLO, NO 7 Maskiner og verktøymaskiner; koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); separatorer, herunder separatorer for petroleumsprodukter, pumper, herunder trykkforsterkere. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

9 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet IT to2003c (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger ROTORSIM Agusta SpA, Via Giovanni Agusta 520, Cascina Costa, IT CAE Inc, P.O. Box 30, Toronto M5J 2J1, ON, CA Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, NO 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; maskinvare og programvare for flysimulatorer. 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet; fly og helikoptre. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, e BUSINESS ON DEMAND International Business Machines Corp, New Orchard Road, Armonk, NY 10504, US Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo, NO 9 Computere; adaptere for computere; komponenter og periferiutstyr for computere; hukommelseslager for computere; grensesnittenheter for computere; databehandlingsutstyr; skrivere; integrerte kretser; trykte kretser; magnetiske disketter; diskettstasjoner; kompaktdisker; magnetbånd; båndspillere; regnemaskiner; lommekalkulatorer; kassaapparater; telefaksapparater; videospill; videoskjermer; videoopptakere; videobånd; computerprogrammer; dokumentasjons- og instruksjonsmanualer innspilt på maskinlesbare media og relatert til computere eller computerprogrammer; computer hardware og computer software; computer hardware og computer software for anvendelse og drift av systemfunksjoner for bruk i kommersiell interaksjon i et globalt computernettverk. 16 Trykksaker, trykksaker, nemlig bøker, brosjyrer, magasiner, instruksjonsmanualer, skrevne presentasjoner og undervisningsmateriell på området computere eller på området kommersiell interaksjon via globale computernettverk. 41 Underholdningsvirksomhet; utdannelsesvirksomhet; utdannelsesvirksomhet, nemlig presentasjoner, tekniske demonstrasjoner og opplæringsseminarer på området computere eller på området kommersiell interaksjon via globale computernettverk. 42 Computertjenester; computerprogrammering; utarbeidelse, oppdatering og vedlikehold av computer software; installasjon og reparasjon av computer software for kunder; rådgivningstjenester innenfor området computere og systemutviklingstjenester for andre på området kommersiell interaksjon via globale computernettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til computerdatabasetjenere; tekniske prosjektstudier på området computer hardware og -software; rådgivning på området computer hardware; computersystemanalyser; råd og veiledning relatert til bruk av internett; utleie av computere og computer software; tjenester for å skaffe til veie brukertilgang til computere for forretningsledelse; juridiske tjenester; vitenskapelig og industriell forskning. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

10 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen ZENTIVA HANNspree HannSpree Inc, 12th Floor,480, Jui-Kuang Road, Neihu Chiu, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C., TW Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 9 Datamaskinvare og periferiutstyr; dataprogramvare (innspilt); flytende krystalldisplaypaneler; flytende krystallprojektorer; fjernsynssett; høytalere; fjernkontroller; apparater for opptak, overføring og reproduksjon av lyd og/eller bilder; video- og cd-plater; apparater og instrumenter for undervisning; elektriske og elektroniske apparater og instrumenter, alle inneholdende flytende krystalldisplayer innenfor områdene bærbare PCer, mobiltelefoner, personlige digitale assistenter (PDAs), elektroniske spill. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, ZENTIVA Zentiva as, PRAHA, CZ Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 Oslo, NO 5 Medisiner, medikamenter, farmasøytiske produkter for humanmedisin, vitaminer, kjemiske preparater og substanser for farmasøytiske formål, helsepleie og hygieniske preparater, hygieniske produkter for personlig hygiene unntatt toalettartikler, styrkende midler og dietetiske preparater for medisinske formål, medisinsk infusjon, medisinske viner og teer, diagnostiske preparater for medisinske formål, vaksiner, serum og blodprodukter, kulturer av mikroorganismer for medisinske formål, desinfeksjonsmidler for hygienisk bruk, dermatologiske produkter for kosmetiske formål, kosmetiske produkter for medisinske formål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

11 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet EM (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen SILDAKONGEN (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger prefere by dynea Dynea OY, Snellmaninkatu 13, SF Helsingfors, FI Actio-Lassen AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO 1 Kjemikalier brukt i industri; spesielt for adhesjons- og bindingsanvendelser i trebearbeiding, konstruksjon, metallbehandling og kjøretøykomponent fremstillende industri; ubehandlete kunstharpikser; særlig brukt i klebemidler, bindemidler og impregnering og belegging av materialer; klebemidler brukt i industri; ureamelamine-phenol- og recorcinol formaldehydharpikser brukt i industri; spesielt for fremstilling av trebaserte paneler, møbler, strukturbjelker, finéring og kryssfinér; kjemikaliebaserte klebestoffer brukt i industri; særlig for bygging, bokbinding, etikettering og klistremerker, papir, selvklebende pakkeband og sko-anvendelsesformål; kjemikaliebaserte bindemidler brukt i industri; særlig for isolasjonsmaterialer, papirimpregnering, ikke-vevde tøy, glassfibervev, støpeformer, ildfaste varer, abrasiver og slipeskiver, dekk, bremser, filermedia, oasis, isolasjonsskum, gruveskum, batteriseparatorer, støpte kompositter, tekstilfilt for topplister og akustiske deler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, SILDAKONGEN Sildakongen Produksjon AS, Postboks 23, 4296 ÅKREHAMN, NO Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 Oslo, NO 29 Fisk og fiskeprodukter herunder sild og sildeprodukter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen NONI QUALITY NONI QUALITY Noni Quality DL Rekaa, Hertug Skules gt 15D, 0652 OSLO, NO 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

12 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen NONI QUALITY TEAM (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen NONI QUALITY TEAM Noni Quality DL Rekaa, Hertug Skules gt 15D, 0652 OSLO, NO 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger OMO Tablets Lilleborg AS, Sandakerveien 56, 0477 OSLO, NO Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO 3 Vaskemidler; preparater og stoffer, alle for klesvask; mykningsmidler for klesvask; blekemidler; midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper; håndvaskepreparater; parfymerte lukteposer for tøy og klær (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, OMO Tablets Lilleborg AS, Sandakerveien 56, 0477 OSLO, NO Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO 3 Vaskemidler; preparater og stoffer, alle for klesvask; mykningsmidler for klesvask; blekemidler; midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper; håndvaskepreparater; pafymerte lukteposer for tøy og klær (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen MMI ATLAS MMI ATLAS Markeds- og Mediainstituttet AS, Postboks 9143 Grønland, 0133 Oslo, NO Advokatfirmaet Haavind Vislie AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, NO 35 Markedsundersøkelser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

13 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen QAPE QAPE Vinarius AS, Postboks 257, 1377 Billingstad, NO Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen SAGAFJORD SAGAFJORD Vinarius AS, Postboks 257, 1377 Billingstad, NO Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen AMIPLUS AMIPLUS Yara International ASA, Postboks 2464 Solli, 0202 OSLO, NO 1 Kjemilkalier til bruk i landbruk, skogbruk og hagebruk; gjødsel. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen ÆØÅ ÆØÅ Vinarius AS, Postboks 257, 1377 Billingstad, NO Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

14 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen MUKI MUKI Jotun AS, Hystadveien 167, 3209 Sandefjord, NO Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 Oslo, NO 1 Herdemidler for maling og herdemidler for grunnmingsmaling. 2 Maling og grunningsmaling, herunder en-og tokomponentmaling, samt fortynningmidler for de forannevnte varer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen ARON MAT ARON MAT Aron Mat AS, Postboks 140, 9001 Tromsø, NO Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 Oslo, NO 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørkede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geleer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet US 78/325,596 GENWORTH GENWORTH Genworth Finacial Inc, 6620 West Broad Street, Richmond,VA 23230, US Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 36 Finansielle tjenester og finansiell planlegging på områdene annuiteter, forbrukerinvesteringsprodukter, utdanningsfinansiering, eiendomsplanlegging, finansieringsavtaler, garanterte investeringskontrakter, investeringer, aksjefond, pensjonsplanlegging, periodiske erstatnings- og forsikringsutbetalinger; forsikring og forsikringsgarantitjenester på områdene liv, helse, supplerende helse, ulykke, lemlestelse, dental. syn, langtidspleie, uførhet, pensjon, bil, kreditt, pant, erstatning, huseier, hjem- og innbo nødssituasjoner, arbeidsstedsfordeler, og reiseforsikring, og reassuranse. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet US 78/325,586 GENWORTH FINACIAL GENWORTH FINACIAL Genworth Finacial Inc, 6620 West Broad Street, Richmond,VA 23230, US Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 36 Finansielle tjenester og finansiell planlegging på områdene annuiteter, forbrukerinvesteringsprodukter, utdanningsfinansiering, eiendomsplanlegging, finansieringsavtaler, garanterte investeringskontrakter, investeringer, aksjefond, pensjonsplanlegging, periodiske erstatnings- og forsikringsutbetalinger; forsikring og forsikringsgarantitjenester på områdene liv, helse, supplerende helse, ulykke, lemlestelse, dental. syn, langtidspleie, uførhet, pensjon, bil, kreditt, pant, erstatning, huseier, hjem- og innbo nødssituasjoner, arbeidsstedsfordeler, og reiseforsikring, og reassuranse. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

15 registrerte varemerker /04 (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen TECHNICOLOR (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen TECHNICOLOR Technicolor Videocassette BV, Vossembeemd 51, 5705 CL, NL-5705 Helmond, NL Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 9 Kinematografisk og fotografisk utstyr og apparater; minnekort og minnebrikker. 38 Digital overføring av film, direkte begivenheter og andre underholdningsmedia. 39 Transport av film med fly, lastebil, tog, buss og båt. 40 Fremkalling av stillbildefilm etter eksponering. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, DAVISON CATALYSTS W R Grace & Co-Conn, 7500 Grace Drive, MD21044 COLUMBIA, US Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 1 Kjemiske katalysatorer for bruk i petroleums-, raffinerings-, petrokjemisk-, finkjemisk-, spesialkjemisk- og farmasøytisk industri; kjemiske katalysatorer for uedelt metall; kjemiske katalysatorer for edelt metall; fluidiserte krakkingskatalysatorer, væskespaltende katalysatorer, hydrobearbeidings- og hydrofiningskatalysatorer for bruk i petroleums-, raffinerings-, petrokjemisk-, finkjemisk-, spesialkjemisk- og farmasøytisk industri; forbrenningsaktivatoradditiver for bruk i produksjon av bensin; silika brukt som katalysatorbærere; alumina brukt som katalysatorbærere; enzymer og initiatorer for bruk i petroleums-, raffinerings-, petrokjemisk-, finkjemisk-, spesialkjemisk- og farmasøytisk industri; industrielle kjemikalier for beak i petroleums-, raffinerings-, petrokjemisk-, finkjemisk-, spesialkjemisk- og farmasøytisk industri; kjemikalier for bruk som katalysatorbærere, katalysatorer og aktivatorer for bruk i kjemiske polymerisasjonsprosesser; uorganisk(e) oksid(er) for bruk som polyolefinkatalysatorer og -katalysatorbærere; uorganiske oksider for bruk i petroleums-, raffinerings-, petrokjemisk-, finkjemisk-, spesialkjemisk- og farmasøytisk industri; organiske polymermembraner og moduler brukt i utskillelsen av svovel og bensinprodukter og for bruk i petroleums-, raffinerings-, petrokjemisk-, finkjemisk-, spesialkjemisk- og farmasøytisk industri. 35 Online-salg av kjemikalier og katalysatorer via et globalt computer nettverk. 39 Transporttjenester; distribusjonstjenester vedrørende områdene kjemikalier og kjemiske katalysatorer. 42 Fremskaffelse av informasjon, teknisk assistanse, brukerstøtte, forskning og konsultasjon vedrørende områdene kjemikalier, kjemiske katalysatorer og raffinering; kjemiske analyse- og forskningstjenester; vitenskapelig forskning, nemlig ledelse av tester, forsøk og eksperimenter, studier og konfliktløsning vedrørende områdene kjemikalier, kjemiske katalysatorer og petroleumsraffinering; laboratorie- og forsøksanleggsforskning vedrørende områdene kjemikalier, kjemiske katalysatorer og petroleumsraffinering; assistanse- og brukerstøttetjenester til kjemikere, forskere og prosessutviklere vedrørende kjemikalier, kjemiske katalysatorer og katalysatorbære; fremskaffelse av forskningsinformasjon, konsultasjonstjenester til den kjemiske industri vedrørende kjemikalier, katalysatorer og petroleumsraffineringstjenester; fremskaffelse av online informasjon, teknisk assistanse og konsultasjoner

16 registrerte varemerker /04 vedrørende områdene kjemikalier og kjemiske katalysatorer; kjemiske analyse- og forskningstjenester; fremskaffelse av tilgangstid til en computer database designet for å fremskaffe analytiske data vedrørende effekten av katalysatorer på bestemte petroleums behandlinger; yte teknisk assistanse og konsultasjoner i petroleums-, raffinerings-, petrokjemisk-, finkjemisk-, spesialkjemisk- og farmasøytisk industri. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (300) Søknadsprioritet Ingen GLOBAL PARENT GLOBAL PARENT United Nations Children's Fund, 3 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, US Actio-Lassen AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO 36 Veldedighetstjenester pengeinnsamlingstjenester for veldedige formål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04, G Götene Construction Equipment AB, Box 74, S Götene, SE Curo AS, Postboks 38, 7231 LUNDAMO, NO 7 Maskiner og maskinverktøy; utstyr for håndtering og transport av material av alle sorter; gravemaskiner, lastemaskiner, kraner og deler til samtlige nevnte varer såsom gravearmer, løftearmer, kranarmer; lasteskuffer såsom bergskuffer, grusskuffer, jordskuffer, leirskuffer, snøskuffer, skuffer for lette materialer; graveskuffer såsom dypgravingsskuffer, bergskuffer, smalskuffer, kabelskuffer, stenskuffer, sorteringsskuffer, planeringsskuffer, roterende vippeskuffer, skuffer for lette materialer, slepeskuffer, høydegravningsskuffer; telebrytere, stenbrytere, stubbrytere, asfaltskjærere, hammerholdere, redskapsfester, redskapsholdere, tømmergrep, steingrep 12 Lastebiler; tippeplan for lastebiler; trucker; dumpere 37 Reparasjon, vedlikehold og service for ovennevnte varer. 42 Forskning og utvikling av nye produkter (for tredjemann). (450) Kunngjøringsdato 50/04,

17 ansvarsmerker /04 Ansvarsmerker (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (546) Merket er figurativt AN Ngoc An Gullsmed, v/ Dung van Nguyen, Arbeidersamfunnets Plass 1, 1 etg, 0181 OSLO, NO (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (546) Merket er figurativt ASLJ Anlaug Serine Ljosland, Heddalsvegen 336, 3676 NOTODDEN, NO (111) (151) Reg.dato.: (210) Søknadsnr.: (220) Inndato: (546) Merket er figurativt K.T. Karoline Torsdatter, Torggata 33, 0183 OSLO, NO (546) Merket er figurativt Merket er et rent figurmerke Torill Hegna Arnesen, Håbergvegen 11, 3677 NOTODDEN, NO 17

18 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for Norge ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 2 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf varemerkeloven 51. Int.reg.dato: Ytterligere utpekt dato: Prioritet: Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal registrering. Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jfr. varemerkeloven 53 og Madridprotokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i Norge, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen. Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i Norge hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den internasjonaleregistreringen. Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlandsregistrering eller -søknad. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: PLISULATE PLISULATE Plibrico International SA, Centre Etoile 5 Boulevard de la Foire, LU-1528 Luxembourg, LU 19 Refractory insulating concrete. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: LONDACOLOR LONDACOLOR Londa GmbH, An der Milchinsel 2, D Leipzig, DE 3 Hair care products, cosmetics, soaps, washing and bleaching substances, starch, starch preparations for cosmetic purposes, hairdressing products, hair dyes, caustic products for the hair, depilatories, cosmetic perming products, perfumery goods. 18

19 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: BERGA BERGA Varta AG, 51, Am Leineufer, D Hannover, DE Gramm, Lins & Partner GbR, Theodor-Heuss-Strasse 1, BRAUNSCHWEIG, DE 9 Electrical accumulators and galvanic cells and their components. (111) (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH SCHLOSSBERG SCHLOSSBERG Meyer Lustenberger, Case Postale 832, 8029 ZÜRICH, CH 24 Household linen including sheets, bathroom linen, table linen and kitchen linen; bed blankets. 26 Lace and embroidery. 27 Bathroom mats. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: VIDAR WTCGS SA, 29 route de Pré - Bois, 1215 GENEVE 15, CH 14 Watches and watch parts. T SCHOELLERSHAMMER Heinr Aug Schoeller Söhne GmbH & Co KG, Kreuzauerstrasse, D Düren, DE 16 Paper, cardboard, paper goods and cardboard goods (not included in other classes). 19

20 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: ZILLI (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: ZILLI ETS ZILLI, 24 avenue Joannes Masset, F Lyon, FR 18 Leathers and imitation leathers, goods made thereof. 25 Clothing. ETM Societatea Comerciala "Electromotor" SA Timisoara, 21, b- dul Republicii, Timisoara, RO 7 Electric motors; electric hand tools; electrical household appliances operated by an electric motor. 11 Tubular ventilators. 12 Electric traction equipment. 20

21 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: DIRK BIKKEMBERGS International Heroes BV, Marten Meesweg 25, 3068AV ROTTERDAM, NL 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 26 Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braids; buttons, hooks and eyelets, pins and needles; artificial flowers. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TAXI TAXI Horst L. Kunz Schuhagentur GmbH, Am Willerwald 15, D Obersimten, DE 25 Footwear. Bohle Bohle AG, Postfach 1163, D Haan, DE 7 Glass cutting apparatus and machines, in particular machines for cutting glass in round shapes, appliances for cutting circles and ellipses, appliances for cutting blades and trapeziums, segment drills. 8 Cutlery, hand tools and instruments, including those for glaziers, floor tile layers and tilers, in particular knives for removing putty, lead cutters, diamond drills, glass cutters, oil glass cutters, glass drills, bars for removing glass, glass pliers, blades for separating glass tubes, glass scrapers, hammers, cartridge knives, putty knives, blades, handle wedges, trapezium cutters, glazier's pliers, plastic cutters, disc cutters, pattern scissors, whetstones, blade cutters, hollow diamond drills, wheel glass cutters, cutting frames, squares and rulers for glaziers as auxiliary cutting means, tools for cutting circles and ellipses and parts of the above goods, tool boxes, hand appliances for lifting and moving glass, plastic, sheet metal, tiles, marble and parts of these goods. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: AKROS AKROS FL Selenia SpA, Via Santena, 1, VILLASTELLONE (TORINO), IT 4 Lubricants for agricultural tractors. 21

22 (111) (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Merket er et rent figurmerke Schlossberg Textil AG, Tösstalstrasse TURBENTHAL, CH 24 Household linen, particularly sheets, bathroom linen, table linen and kitchen linen; bed blankets. 26 Lace and embroidery. 27 Bath mats. Merket er et rent figurmerke (526) Unntaksanmerkning: The shape of the bottle is excluded from the legal protection Hans Joachim Kühne, 43-45, Selerweg, D Berlin, DE 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. 5 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use. 22

23 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: NAFNAF NAF NAF SA, 6/10, Boulevard Foch, F Epinay-sur- Seine, FR 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; bath salts (not for medical use), perfumery products, particularly perfumes, toilet waters, essential oils; cosmetic sun-tanning preparations; deodorants for personal use; cosmetics, namely creams, milks and lotions for face, skin and hair care; make-up and make-up removing products, eyeshadows and blushers, mascaras, lipsticks; depilatories; shampoos; hair lotions; dentifrices; nail care preparations; shoe cream and shoe polish. 9 Scientific apparatus and instruments (not for medical purposes), nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical namely spectacles, sunglasses, spectacle frames, spectacle cases; apparatus and instruments for weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching; apparatus and media for recording, transmitting, reproducing and processing digital and/or analog data, sound and image; digital and/or analog data carriers namely optical and/or magnetic; electronic games designated to be used solely with television receivers; electronic game units; electronic game monitors; protective helmets; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers; calculating machines; data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. 14 Precious metals and their alloys; candelsticks and candelabra; works of art and statues; smokers' requisites; boxes, caskets, cases, medals and coins, all these goods made of precious metals or their alloys, or plated therewith; jewellery of precious metal and fancy jewellery, namely bands, rings, earrings, cufflinks, bracelets, brooches, watch chains, chains and necklaces, long neck chains, tie pins; precious stones; horological and chronometrical instruments, namely watches, wristwatches, alarm clocks, carriage clocks, chronometers. 16 Paper and cardboard (as raw materials, semiprocessed for paper-making or printing purposes); printed matter; books, journals, magazines, newspapers, periodicals; paper, cardboard and paper articles for hygiene purposes; boxes, cartons, packaging, bags, sachets, paper or cardboard packets; paper table linen; labels not of fabric; signs, notices; posters, photographs, pictures; albums, note pads, exercise books, registers, notebooks, folders, announcements, indexed-entry books, files; paper knives; letter trays; writing instruments, namely fountain pens, ballpoint pens, propelling pencils, felt-tip pens, pencils; ink; inkwells; nibs; rubbers; desk blotters; bags, sachets, sheets and films made of plastic for packaging; pencil cases and drawing kits; check-book wallets; pencil sharpeners; paintboxes; paintbrushes; wrapping paper for covering books and exercise books; postcards; writing paper; teaching materials (except for apparatus); office accessories (except for furniture); playing cards. 18 Leather and imitations of leather namely handbags, evening bags, sport bags, travelling bags, briefcases, document holders in leather or imitations of leather, wallets, credit-card holders, purses, satchels, trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols; leads. 24 Textiles, curtains and wall coverings of textile material; bathroom linen (except for clothing), bath towels, wash gloves and hand towels; bedlinen, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, eiderdowns, travelling rugs, duvets; table linen, napkins, tablecloths and place-mats not made of paper. 25 Clothing, jeans, shorts, Bermuda shorts, trousers, dungarees, combinations (clothing), overalls, shirts, breasted jackets, windbreakers, pullovers, tee-shirts, sweat-shirts, suits, vests, parkas, coats, raincoats, skirts, dresses, underwear, bathing suits, stockings, tights, socks, dressing gowns, bathrobes, lingerie, layettes, belts, ties, gloves (clothing), stoles, scarves, sashes for wear, shawls; shoes, boots, slippers; headgear, hats, caps, berets, bonnets. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger Centra Centra SA, ul Gdynska 31/33, Poznan, PL 9 Lead storage batteries; alkaline storage batteries; components and assemblies for electric storage batteries.

24 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: IT PD 99 C (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger Merket er et rent figurmerke Mafin SpA, Strada degli Alberi 7, I Galleria Veneta, IT Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 29 Semi-finished rounds of potato for preparing potato crisps. Boesch Boesch & Co, Seestrasse 197, CH-8802 Kilchberg ZH, CH Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 28 Sports articles, in particularly boats. 37 Shipbuilding; repair services; installation services and restaurant services in connection with boats. 41 Education; training; entertainment; sports and cultural activities; all aforementioned services in connection with motorboats. 24

25 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: POWERFUL FUTURE BIG REY Spor 21 Giyim Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd Sirketi, Kazim Karabekir Mah 1 Cad No 33, Istanbul, TR 24 Textile cloths for babies, handkerchief. 25 Clothing (underwear and outer wear); cotton clothing, tricot clothing, jean clothing, leather clothing, casual wear, sports wear, bath and swimwear; shirts, blouses, pullovers, vests, cardigans, waistcoats, dresses, skirts, jackets, trousers, sweatshirts, t-shirts, shorts, bermuda shorts, suits, coats, top coats, overcoats, suede jackets, parkas, bomber jackets, raincoats, trench coats, costumes, night dresses, skirt suits, tights, overalls, long blouses, school aprons, school uniforms, work clothes, jacket for babies, dressing gowns, bathrobes, night gowns, morning gown, morning gowns, pyjamas, tracksuits, slips, waist slips, corsets, camisoles, brassieres, vests, panties, briefs, bodies, tops, garters, gloves, socks, ties, foulards, bow-ties, shawls, scarves, headgear, berets, caps, hats, trilby, suspenders and belts, removable collars, collars, armbands. POWERFUL FUTURE Neg Micon A/S, Alsvej 21, DK-8900 Randers, DK 7 Wind mills, including offshore wind mills, wind power plants, including offshore wind power plants, wind turbines and other wind-operated machines; parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods; mill towers and masts, blades, blade hubs, mill housings, machine beds and mill beds, rotation devices, yaw rings and gears; devices for setting the pitch of the wings, brakes and brake devices, main shafts, universal joints, transmission devices, clutches and electric generators and reserve wind power supply plants. 9 Electrical, electronic and computer equipment for wind mills; control and monitoring equipment for automatically turning on or off the generator and for automatic starting after a power line breakdown, overvoltage protection against strokes of lightening; microprocessor equipment for controlling and monitoring constant voltage, frequency, phase conditions, rotor speed, control of the efficiency and thickness of brake pads and of temperature, direction and speed of wind; vibration sensors for installation in wind mill housings, electric watt-hour meters. 37 Erection, construction, installation, maintenance and repair of wind mills and wind power plants as well as of parts and accessories of wind mills and wind power plants. 42 Technical and legal assistance concerning wind mill and wind power plant projects, effecting such projects, development and testing of wind mills, wind power plants and of components thereto, effecting research projects concerning wind mills. 25

26 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: GARNIER BODYTONIC GARNIER BODYTONIC Laboratoire Garnier & Cie, 281, rue Saint-Honoré, PARIS, FR 3 Perfumes, eau-de-toilette; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics including creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, body and hands; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, foams, balms and products in the form of aerosols for hair care and styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair-curling and setting products; essential oils. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH ESHELL ESHELL Phonak Holding AG, Laubisrütistrasse 28, 8712 STÄFA, CH Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 10 Acoustic apparatus and parts thereof for the hearing-impaired. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /42 NTTELCOTRUST NTTELCOTRUST NT TelcoTrust AG, Eckenhagener Strasse 21, D Reichshof, DE 36 Rental of telecommunication centers. 38 Telecommunication; rental of telecommunication systems and related infrastructure. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TILAB TILAB Telecom Italia Lab SpA, Via G.R. Romoli, 274, I Torino, IT 16 Publications, in particular scientific and technical magazines and books. 35 Information retrieval and documentation. 38 Telecommunications. 26

27 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /05 TRIFORCE TRIFORCE Equistro Pharma GmbH & Co KG, An der Alten Ziegelei 18, D Münster, DE 5 Electrolyte preparations, parts of plants and/or active substances of plants, phyto preparations, all as feed supplements for medical use; all the above mentioned goods especially for large animals such as horses, camels, cattle, swine and other farm animals, as well as for small animals such as cats and dogs. 31 Foodstuffs for animals; mixed fodder, strengthening fodder, growth fodder, mineral salt fodder, mineral feed supplements, supplement feed and feed supplements, all the above mentioned goods especially for large animals such as horses, camels, cattle, swine and other farm animals, as well as for small animals such as cats and dogs. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: N PRO N PRO Compagnie Financiere et de Participations Roullier SA, 27, avenue Franklin Roosevelt, F Saint-Malo, FR 1 Soil fertilizers. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: SALEWA SALEWA Salewa Sportgeräte GmbH, 65, Saturnstrasse, D Aschheim, DE 25 Clothing. 28 Sporting goods (except clothing). (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Quiral SA, 51, Avda Llano Castellano, Madrid, ES 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, grease removing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. 27

28 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: VENICE (526) Unntaksanmerkning: The word VENICE is excluded from the legal protection Thomsen Vertriebs GmbH, Poppenbüttler Bogen 11, D Hamburg, DE Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO 25 Outer clothing for ladies, gentlemen and children. The goods originate from Venice. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DK VA TIGER 2000 TIGER 2000 R82 A/S, Parallelvej 6, 8751 GEDVED, DK Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO 10 Aids for disabled persons, such as chairs, standing supports, baths, toilet and bath seats and accessories for the abovementioned goods. 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, apparatus for locomotion for handicapped persons and parts and fittings for these goods (not included in other classes), strollers. VALIO Valio OY, Meijeritie 6, SF Helsingfors, FI 5 Dietetic substances adapted for medical use; dietetic yogurt; food for babies; lactic acid bacteria, lactobacillus. 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, fruit sauces; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH FREESALT FREESALT Saline de Bex SA, Au Bevieux, usine des salines, 1880 BEX, CH 5 Dietetic substances for medical use. 30 Spices. 28

29 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /11 MAGIC FLEECE (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: MAGIC FLEECE Georg Schlomka, Dorfstrasse 16, D Neuenkirchen, DE 9 Internal cooling fans for computers and computer components. GOOD LANE Blaupunkt GmbH, Robert-Bosch-Strasse 200, HILDESHEIM, DE 9 Electrotechnical and electric apparatus and instruments (included in this class), broadcasting and video, emitting and receiving apparatus; radios, televisions, sound recording and sound reproduction apparatus, as well as arrangements made of these apparatus, car radios, portable radios, image recording and reproduction apparatus, as well as arrangements made of these apparatus; view data monitors and other data view apparatus, videorecorders, car cassette players, car broadcasting tuners, car amplifiers, car boosters, car equalizers, car loudspeakers, car televisions, car videorecorders; radio transmitting apparatus for mounting in land, air and water crafts, radiotelephones; apparatus for car driver guiding and information systems, apparatus for telecommunication, telephones, telegraphic transmitting apparatus, image recording and reproduction apparatus; magnetic data media, especially chip, code and control cards and travel guides; storage cards, data carriers and software for information and control systems, especially CD-ROMs, all aforesaid goods, especially as digital road map or for geographical information systems or as travel guides, traffic telematics apparatus, navigation apparatus, apparatus for mobile communication, especially car radios, mobile telephones, PDAs, mobile and portable computers (handhelds and palms); mobile telemaintenance, telecontrol, telematics and telepresence, emitting and receiving, communication and manipulation terminal units for facsimile, audio, video, information and data transmission over any mobile and stationary communication network; the combination of aforesaid apparatus with stationary network terminals and car radios. 29

30 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: OPTYREL OPTYREL Degussa AG, Bennigsenplatz 1, DÜSSELDORF, DE 1 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, particularly chlorosilanes. 40 Treatment of materials. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: SMARTCLEAN (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /06 WALL WALL Wall AG, An der Spreeschanze 6-8, D Berlin, DE 6 Street furniture at least predominantly made of metal, namely information and advertising pillars, telephone boxes, public waste container, collecting tank for useful material, bicycle stands, stop masts, stop posts, signpost made of metal. 11 Public toilets. 19 Street furniture at least predominantly not made of metal, namely information and advertising pillars, telephone boxes, public waste container, collecting tank for useful material, bicycle stands, stop masts, stop posts, signposts not made of metal. 35 Services of advertising for third parties, intermediation and advisory services for advertising. 37 Installation, repair and servicing of street furniture. SMARTCLEAN Hansgrohe AG, Auestrasse 5-9, SCHILTACH, DE 6 Metal water pipes and conduits, mainly metallic flexible tubes, building materials of metal (not included in other classes). 9 Photovoltaic installations. 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, refrigerating; heat accumulators, solar systems, solar collectors. 17 Flexible tubes, essentially nonmetallic; joint packings, insulating materials. 19 Nonmetallic water pipes and conduits; building materials, not of metal. 30

31 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /39 Neos TUI AG, Karl-Weichert-Allee 4, D Hannover, DE 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, optical, measuring, signalling, checking and teaching apparatus and instruments; magnetic cards, smart cards, phonograph records; calculating machines; fireextinguishing apparatus; in particular magnetic and video tapes, exposed films; cash registers, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; diving suits. 12 Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials included in this class, in particular transfers, stickers, containers for stationery, beer mats, paper and plastic bags, paper bags, pads of paper, writing paper; printed matter, in particular books, leaflets, brochures, newspapers and magazines; photographs, postcards; travel tickets, entry tickets, calendars, cards, catalogues; writing instruments, in particular pens and pencils; artists' materials; paint brushes; office requisites (other than furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); cardboard, paper and plastic materials for packaging included in this class; printers' type; paper flags and pennants; bookbinding material; adhesives for stationery purposes. 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials included in this class; trunks, attaché cases and travelling bags, rucksacks, camping, sports and swimming bags; saddlery; horse blankets and halters; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; travelling sets; key cases. 28 Games, playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles included in this class; playing cards. 35 Advertising including advertising on the Internet, marketing, public relations; advertising and promotional services, rental of advertising material, distribution of advertising material; market research including opinion polling and market analysis; business affairs, in particular business organization and management advisory services; bookkeeping; business and organizational consultancy, advisory and coordination services, in particular in the area of data processing; hotel management; business and organizational consultancy, advisory and coordination services for and of travel agencies, fitness clubs and sports and leisure facilities; distribution for samples for advertising purposes, duplication of documents; franchise contracts, namely obtaining and passing on organizational, business and know-how; rental of advertising space on the Internet; sponsorship, namely provision of advertising and promotional contracts for third parties; computer tracking of vehicles; telemarketing; consumer advisory services; sales promotion for goods and services of third parties; rental of office equipment; providing and recruitment of office staff; provision of addresses; provision of advertising space and business contacts, in particular on the Internet; webvertising, namely marketing for third parties in digital networks; auctioneering services, in particular on the Internet; all the above services in particular in the travel and recreational sector. 37 Maintenance and repair of aircrafts. 39 Transport and storage; transport of persons and goods, in particular by road, rail, sea and air; porterage; transport of money and valuables; travel organization, booking and arrangement, excursions and cruises; arrangement of transport services; organization, booking and arrangement of excursions, day trips and sightseeing tours; travel advice and escorting of travellers; leasing, booking and provision of aircraft, leasing, booking and provision of ships, in particular rowing and motor boats, sailing vessels and canoes, leasing, booking and provision of motor vehicles and bicycles, horses; packaging and storage of goods; parcel delivery; organization of trips, sightseeing tours, holiday camps and holidays; services and operation of a travel agency (included in this class), in particular advice and booking services for travel, provision of travel information, arrangement of transport services and travel; reservation services (included in this class) for sporting, scientific, political and cultural events; online information, reservation and booking services in the tourism and business travel sector (included in this class); all the above services in particular in the travel and recreational sector. 31

32 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: JP INTEGO (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: IT TO2002C INTEGO Shimano Inc, 77, Oimatsu-cho 3-cho, Sakai, OSAKA, JP Actio-Lassen AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO 12 Bicycles and their parts and fittings, particularly chain wheels, cranks, crank sets, warning horns or bells, saddles, kick stands, spokes, spoke clips, chains, chain deflectors, shift cables, mudguards, baskets or panniers, handlebar grips, luggage racks, wheels, hubs, internal gear hubs, bicycle dynamo hubs, hub quick release levers, gear release levers, gear shift levers, chain guides, sprockets, handlebars, handlebar stems, free wheels, frames, bicycle pedals, toe clips, front forks, head parts for frame fork assembly, rims, bottom brackets, seat pillars, seat pillar quick release, rearview mirrors for bicycles, derailleurs controlled by computers, direction indicators for bicycles, wheel bags for bicycles, bicycle saddle bags, bags for carrying bicycles; machine elements for land vehicles, particularly pulleys for bicycles, front derailleurs, rear derailleurs, speed change gears, other power transmissions and gearings, suspensions, brake levers, front brakes, rear brakes, brake cables, brake shoes, other brakes, all for land vehicles; electric motors for land vehicles; anti-theft alarms for vehicles. JOSE Manuli Rubber Industries SpA, Zona Industriale Campolungo, I Ascoli Piceno, IT 6 Common metals and their alloys; building materials of metal; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electrical metallic cables and wires; metallic ironmongery and locksmithing articles; pipes of metal; safes; metal goods not included in other classes; ores. 17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made thereof not included in other classes; goods made of semi-processed plastics; sealing, packing and insulating material; non-metallic flexible pipes. 32

33 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /03 BOSS INTENSE BOSS INTENSE Eurocos Cosmetic GmbH, Zeppelinallee 47, D Frankfurt am Main, DE AS Bergen Patentkontor, Postboks 1998 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO 3 Toilet soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, fragrance derived toiletries, preparations for the cleaning, care and beautification of the skin, scalp and hair, deodorants for personal use. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FI T STALIVO (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: FARRUTX FARRUTX Brans & Marketing SL, Carrer des Tren 72-74, Inca (Baleares), ES 18 Bags and leatherware. 25 Footwear (except orthopaedic footwear) and undergarments and outergarments. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /25 STALIVO Orion Corp, Orionintie 1, ESBO, FI Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. TWINZ TATAMI Schuh GmbH, Rheinstrasse 2-4, BAD HONNEF, DE 10 Orthopedic articles. 25 Clothing, footwear. 33

34 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /01 DELTA-FUTURA DELTA-FUTURA Ewald Dörken AG, Wetterstrasse 58, D Herdecke, DE 40 Coating of plastic, metal and ceramic components with colorants, paints, lacquers, glazes, resins and with thin functional layers for third parties, particularly for protection against wear and corrosion; material treatment for refinement purposes for third parties. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: JP (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH FOLLOWME FOLLOWME Manufacture Roger Dubuis SA, Rue André de Garrini 2, CH-1217 Meyrin, CH 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; eyewear; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing and computer equipment; fire extinguishers. 14 Watches, watch movements, watch cases, watch dials, boxes for watches, table clocks, wall clocks, alarm clocks, jewellery, precious stones, precious metals and goods made thereof. 18 Leather and imitations thereof, goods made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins and hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. SUN MEDICAL Sun Medical KK, 571-2, Furutaka-Cho, Moriyama-shi, Shiga , JP Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 5 Dental cement of resin; adhesives for dental use; teeth filling materials; composite resin for dental use; dental prosthetic materials; dental coating materials; other dental materials; diagnostic medicines; biological preparations; other medicines. 34

35 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /32 WESERGARTEN (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /38 WESERGARTEN Wesergold Getränkeindustrie GmbH & Co KG, Behrenstrasse 44-64, D Rinteln-Exten, DE AS Bergen Patentkontor, Postboks 1998 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO 29 Preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; milk products, namely yoghurt based beverages consisting primarily of yoghurt with fruit juices or vegetable juices. 31 Fresh fruits. 32 Mineral and aerated waters; other non-alcoholic drinks, namely lemonades, effervescing beverages with bitter lemon flavor and cola drinks; fruit juices, fruit beverages, vegetable juices and vegetable drinks; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR ENDURA ENDURA Kodak SA, 26, rue Villiot, PARIS, FR 1 Chemicals for photography, lithography and the graphic arts; sensitised photographic, cinematographic and radiographic plates, paper and films, sensitised microfilms and microfiches, photographic developers. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger HotSpot Deutsche Telekom AG, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, BONN, DE Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO 9 Electric, electronic, optical, measuring, signalling, controlling or teaching apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data; machine run data carriers; data processing equipment and computers. 16 Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instruction and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). 35 Advertising and business management; data base services, namely collection and provision of data. 36 Financial affairs; real estate affairs. 38 Telecommunications; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunications, especially for broadcasting and television; data base services, namely collection and provision of news and information. 39 Transport and storage of goods. 41 Education; training; entertainment; organization of sporting and cultural events; publication of books, magazines and other printed products as well as corresponding electronic media (including CD-ROM and CD-I). 42 Computer programming; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base and running of a database; rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; project studies and planning services relating to equipment for telecommunication. 35

36 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger FUMAREL Fumarel Trade Mark SrL, Av. Camino de lo Cortao, 6, Alcobendas, Madrid, ES 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger Prima Mareku Grundstoffe- und Markengetränkevertriebs GmbH, Bachstrasse 32, A-5071 Wals-Siezenheim, AT 2 Colorants for food and beverages produced with 3 vitamins. 29 Milk beverages (milk predominating). 32 Non-alcoholic drinks and beer, produced with 3 vitamins. 36

37 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: EE M VODKA PUT VODKA PUT Stolitsa-Pealinn-Sostine-Galvaspilseta OÜ, Mere pst. 8, Tallinn, EE 33 Alcoholic beverages, namely vodka. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger NASTOYASCHIE MAKARONY MAKFA Otkrytoe akcionernoe obschestvo "MAKFA", pos Melzavoda, uch-k 1, Chelyabinsk, RU 30 Macaroni; farinaceous food pastes. 35 Marketing studies regarding macaroni and farinaceous food pastes; import-export agencies for the importing and exporting of macaroni and farinaceous food pastes; sales promotion of macaroni and farinaceous food pastes (for others); procurement services regarding macaroni and farinaceous food pastes (purchasing goods and services for other businesses). 42 Research and development of macaroni and farinaceous food pastes (for others); packaging design services for macaroni and farinaceous food pastes. 37

38 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH UBS UBS UBS AG, Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8001 Zürich, CH 3 Soaps; perfumery; essential oils, cosmetics, dentifrices. 6 Common metals and their alloys. 9 Electronic apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for data recording, transmission, processing and reproduction, including sound, images, text, information and messages; magnetic recording media; telecommunication apparatus and installations; magnetic, electronic and optical data carriers; computer hardware and software; downloadable electronic publications. 11 Light fittings and lamps. 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of these materials or plated therewith included in this class; coins; ingots of precious metals; jewellery, ornaments, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. 15 Musical instruments. 16 Printing products; paper and goods made of this material, included in this class; reviews; publications; advertising material, namely posters, transparencies; instructional or teaching equipment (excluding apparatus); packaging material. 18 Leather and imitations thereof, goods made thereof included in this class; trunks and travel bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks. 20 Furniture, mirrors, frames; goods, included in this class, of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (neither of precious metal nor coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paintbrushes); cleaning equipment; glassware, porcelain and earthenware included in this class. 24 Fabrics and textiles (included in this class); bed and table covers. 25 Clothing, footwear, headwear. 27 Carpets, rugs, mats. 28 Games, toys; gymnastics and sports articles included in this class; Christmas tree decorations; playing cards. 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice; bread; pastry and confectionery, edible ice; honey, spices. 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices. 33 Alcoholic beverages (with the exception of beers). 34 Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches. 35 Advertising; awarding advertising mandates; mediation of mandates and consulting concerning trading in energy, energy sources and energy by-products; mediation for third parties of long-term contracts concerning provision of energy, energy sources and energy by-products; rental 38 to third parties of advertising space on the Internet or on conventional media; market study; market research; market research by telecommunication (telemarketing); telephone answering services; public relations; organisation of commercial and industrial exhibitions; organisation and holding of exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes; information processing intended for business, professions and trades; economic forecasts; determination of value and efficiency in commercial business; consulting concerning management of price risks; personnel recruitment; office work; accounting, auditing and review of accounts; business management; providing commercial information via global computer networks; consulting concerning company organisation and management; commercial administration; advice on carrying out of commercial operations; collection and processing of statistical data; data collection, processing and systemisation in computer data banks; computer-based file management; electronic commerce services, namely provision of information on products via global computer or telematic networks for advertising or sales purposes; collection and systemisation of public and private data in computer data banks; retailing via global electronic networks (Internet); sale by auction of works of art; online ordering services via computer systems for energy trading; collection, processing and systemisation of data in data banks concerning trading in oil, gas, electricity and other forms of energy; management and processing of image data, audio data, text and information data concerning energy; market research in the field of energy trading and energy sources; advertising in the fields of energy and energy sources and also petrochemical products; consulting services for all the above-mentioned services. 36 Insurance, financial affairs and banking; providing financial information on computer systems; financial services via computer systems; electronic banking via a global computer network (Internet banking); electronic interactive execution of financial and banking services via global computer networks; stock exchange services, including the securities, derivatives and currency markets; monetary operations; brokerage or ordering and/or advice services in connection with insurance, financial, banking, real estate and monetary affairs; financial advice concerning payment systems; administration of savings banks; financial transactions; financial planning and management consulting; services in the field of investment and risk management; financial management; real estate business; financial trust operations; fiscal valuations and assessments; drawing-up of financial reports; valuation of financial investments; brokerage in trading in energy, energy sources and energy by-products; financial sponsorship in the fields of culture, sport and research; consulting services for all the above-mentioned services. 37 Construction; repairs; installation services. 38 Telecommunications; consulting concerning telecommunications in payment systems; transmission of telegrams; transmission, distribution and sending of documents, messages and information via computer networks or other electronic or digital communication networks; transmission (including online transfers) of financial transactions; transmission of business information via global computer networks; teletext, videotext and electronic mail services; provision of access to global computer networks (the Internet), data banks and web sites; provision of multiuser access to global computer networks; supply of telecommunications installations for taking electronic orders for goods and services; data bank services, namely reception of information of all kinds provided by users and subsequent transmission of this information to other users; supply of access to hyperlinks leading to data and information via global computer networks; consulting services for all the above-mentioned

39 services. 39 Storage, transport and distribution of energy, energy sources and energy by-products; distribution services in the field of energy trading, energy sources and energy by-products; transport services in connection with financial, banking and monetary business and with trade in tangible assets; organisation and undertaking of services to supply products. 40 Treatment of materials. 41 Education; training; organisation and conducting of seminars and training workshops; organisation and holding of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; entertainment; sports and cultural activities. 42 Legal advice, in particular in connection with enterprise creation and management; scientific and industrial research; computer programming; computer consulting services; computer consulting concerning payment systems; provision free of charge or leasing of access time to global computer networks, data banks and web sites; web site programming; design of data banks and web sites; rental of memory space intended for use as web sites (hosting); consulting services concerning computers in the area of commercial transactions and data processing by electronic means; management and exploitation of intellectual property rights; provision of information concerning computer systems; consulting in the field of energy saving and development of integral energy concepts in the field of energy saving for homes, professions, trades and industry. 43 Provision of food and drink in restaurants; temporary accommodation. 44 Health and beauty care services for persons. 45 Security services for the protection of property and individuals. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: EE M INS VODKA INS VODKA INS OÜ, Narva mnt 53, Tallinn, EE 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers), vodka. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH ESHELL - DIGITAL INSIDE AND OUT ESHELL - DIGITAL INSIDE AND OUT Phonak Holding AG, Laubisrütistrasse 28, 8712 STÄFA, CH Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 10 Acoustic apparatus and parts thereof for the hearing-impaired. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: VOLKSWAGEN PHAETON VOLKSWAGEN PHAETON Volkswagen AG, WOLFSBURG, DE 12 Vehicles for locomotion by land, air and/or water and their parts included in this class including automobiles and their parts, engines for land vehicles. 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles included in this class including scale model vehicles, especially scale model cars, balls, plush toys, apparatus for electronic games other than those adapted for use with television receivers only and video screens; ornaments for Christmas trees (except illumination articles and confectionery). 37 Reconstruction, repair, servicing, dismantling, cleaning, maintenance and varnishing of vehicles, motors and their parts including vehicles repair in the course of vehicle breakdown service. 39

40 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TRANSPOCULT TRANSPOCULT Orion Corp, Orionintie 1, ESBO, FI Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 5 Diagnostic preparations for medical and veterinary purposes. 40 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: LETTERA LETTERA WM-data AB, Box 27030, S Stockholm, SE 9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; recorded computer programs for providing access to databases; CD-ROM discs, compact discs (audio and video), diskettes, cassettes, discs, magnetic tape and other machinereadable media for input, processing, transmission, storing and output of data, sound and images; optical data media, chips (integrated circuits); data processing equipment and computers as well as thereto related parts and components; data processing peripheral equipment; interfaces (for computers), servers for data storing; central units (processors) for computers; information processing systems, data communication systems; interactive data systems for receiving and transmitting computers integrated in communication networks; database devices; computer memories, recorded computer software; electronic billboards; machine-readable media for input, processing, transmission, storing and output of data. 16 Printed matter, posters, notice boards of paper and cardboard, brochures, catalogues; instruction and teaching materials (except apparatus), manuals, users manuals; paper tapes and cards for recording computer programs; printed materials containing software and computer software; printed publications, magazines, periodicals; books. 35 Input, processing, control, storing, compilation, systematisation and/or production of business and product information; compilation and input of information in databases; computerized file and register processing regarding business and product information; computerized processing of databases containing business and product information; book-keeping; accounting; data searches for others in data files; consultancy services regarding business organization, business investigations; business research; administrative services namely electric, gas, municipal heating network and water meter readings; mediation of measurement values for debiting of energy delivery to consumers. 38 Leasing of access to databases. 42 Providing grant of enjoyment (terms considered too vague by the International Bureau - rule 13.2.b) of the Common Regulations); leasing of access time to databases; recollection of computer information; computer programming; design of computer systems; design and development of computer hardware and software; duplicating of computer programs; installation of computer software; consultancy in the field of computer hardware; maintenance of computer programs; design of computer programs; rental of computer programs; recollection of data; production, development, maintenance, updating, installation, repair, integration, control and configuration of computer programs to make possible access to databases

41 containing business and product information; technical support services regarding enjoyment to databases. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: IT TO2003C ALFA GT COUPE' ALFA GT COUPE' Fiat Auto SpA, Corso Giovanni Agnelli, 200, TORINO, IT 12 Motor vehicles, coachworks, windscreen wipers, shock absorbers, wheel rims, wheel covers, safety belts, roof racks, tires, steering wheels, doors, seats, engines and tanks for motor vehicles. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: IT MI2003C ADRIANO CELENTANO ADRIANO CELENTANO Celentano Adriano, Via O. Vergani 12, I Milano, IT 9 Disks, CD-ROMS, DVDs namely digital video disks, electronic apparatus; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), emergency (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conveying, distributing, transforming, storing, regulating or controlling electric current; apparatus for recording, transmitting, reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing and computer equipment; fire extinguishers. 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of or coated with these materials not included in other classes; jewelry, precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments. 15 Musical instruments. 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printing products; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' supplies; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printing type; printing blocks. 18 Leather and imitations thereof, goods made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins and hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. 20 Furniture, mirrors, frames; goods, not included in other classes, of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, substitutes for all these materials or of plastics. 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 28 Games, toys. 32 Beers; mineral and sparkling water and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; administrative management of Internet sites and/or portals, sales operations provided by means of electronic commerce for the goods listed in classes 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 28 and Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. 42 Preparation, drafting of projects, development of Internet sites and/or portals. 41

42 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /09 AQUERO AQUERO elero GmbH, Linsenhofer Strasse 59-63, D Beuren, DE 9 Rain detectors, moisture detectors. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH PYROSWISS (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR 03/ SKIN DELICE SKIN DELICE Lancome Parfums et Beaute & Cie, 29, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, PARIS, FR Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO 3 Cosmetic and make-up products. PYROSWISS Vetrotech Saint-Gobain (International) AG, Stauffacherstrasse 128, CH-3000 Bern 22, CH 12 Windows for land, air and water vehicles; fireresistant windows, insulating windows and safety windows for land, air and water vehicles; all the above goods are from Switzerland. 19 Glass panes for construction purposes; fireresistant glazings for building; insulating glass and safety glass for building; laminated glass panes for building; all the above goods are from Switzerland. 21 Glass for windows for land, air and water vehicles (semi-manufactured articles); fire-resistant, insulating and safety glass for windows for land, air and water vehicles (semi-manufactured articles); all the above goods are from Switzerland. 42 Building consulting; materials testing. 42

43 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: EM Merket er et rent figurmerke Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Hitzigweg 11, CH-8032 Zürich, CH 1 Unexposed sensitised films; tanning substances; chemicals for industrial use; peat (fertiliser); artificial sweeteners; growth aids for lawns, namely fertilisers. 3 Cosmetic products; soaps; cosmetic preparations for baths; perfumes; eau-de-cologne; pre-shave and aftershave lotions; shaving creams; shampoos, hair-rinsing lotions; dentifrices, mouthwashes; deodorants and antiperspirants for personal use; conditioning creams, beauty creams, facial cleansing creams, make-up removers; suntan lotions; hair lotions, hair sprays; make-up products, eye shadow, face powders, pencils for cosmetic use; cleaning, polishing, rinsing and abrasive preparations for household use; laundry powders; synthetic cleaning products for household use; shoe waxes and polishing creams; leather care products. 4 Lubricants; engine oils and fuels; candles; waxes. 5 Pharmaceutical products; medicated chewing gum; teeth-filling materials, moulding wax for dentists; sanitary products for medical purposes; sanitary products for menstruation; fungicides, herbicides; medicines for the eyes; medicinal teas; food additives for medical or dietetic use; food for babies; vitamin-enriched preparations; products for purifying and refreshing air; air freshening preparations for vehicles; deodorants, other than for personal use. 6 Aluminium foil; metal rings and chains for keys; metal note clips; figurines; ornaments; statues, statuettes, sculptures and trophies; printed metal covers for collection purposes (pogs); fixed towel dispensers of metal; all the above goods made of common metals or their alloys; iron ores. 7 Machines for making fizzy drinks; electric tin 43 openers; electric knives, electromechanical machines for producing foodstuffs; mixing apparatus for household use; electric whisks for household purposes; electric fruit presses for domestic use; electric food processors; electrical mixers for household use; dishwashers; washing machines for household use; spin dryers; ironing machines; sewing machines; vacuum cleaners and their accessories included in this class; components parts of vehicle engines. 8 Hand tools and instruments (hand operated); electric and non-electric razors, including blades for razors; cutlery, forks, spoons; depilatory apparatus; tweezers; curling irons; kitchen scissors. 9 Spectacles, sunglasses, cases and cords for sunglasses and spectacles; binoculars; magnets and ornamental magnets; compasses; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound and images; television apparatus; radios; videocassette recorders; compact disk drives; DVD drives; loudspeakers; headphones; computers; apparatus for data processing; computer keyboards; computer screens; modems; pocket-sized electronic calculators; dictating machines; electronic notebooks and diaries; scanners; printers; photocopiers; facsimile machines; telephone apparatus; telephone answering machines; video-telephones; cellular telephones; calculators; credit card machines; automated-teller machines; video cameras, portable video cameras with built-in videocassette recorders; photographic equipment, cameras, projectors, exposed films, transparencies, flashbulbs, cases especially made for photographic apparatus and instruments, batteries; games designed for use only with a television set; video games; apparatus for video games; arcade video games (for game halls); video game cassettes; software (recorded computer programs), including computer-gaming software; computer programs and data banks; computer screensaver software; magnetic, blank or recorded, digital or analogue sound and image media; videodisks, videotapes, magnetic tapes, magnetic disks, DVDs, diskettes, optical disks, compact disks, CD- ROMs, holograms blank or recorded with music, sound or images (which may be animated); coded magnetic cards; memory cards; chipcards; magnetic credit cards, magnetic phonecards, magnetic cash withdrawal bank cards, magnetic travel and entertainment cards, magnetic cheque and account cards; alarms; electronic vending machines; wind sleeves (wind indicators); protective gloves; distance measuring apparatus; apparatus for measuring speed and speed indicators; publications available in electronic format, on CD-ROM, for download from data banks or a global computer network (the Internet); magnetic decorations. 10 Personal apparatus for diagnosis for medical purposes; medical measuring apparatus and instruments; massage apparatus for personal use; gymnastic apparatus for medical use; indicatory apparatus for medical diagnosis; babies' bottles; condoms; support bandages; ice bags and heat bags for medical use. 11 Pocket torches; flashlights; table lamps; lamps for decorative purposes; lampshades; filament lamps; light bulbs; lamps; bicycle lamps; refrigerators; freezers; ovens; gas cookers; electric cookers; roasting apparatus, kitchen stoves, microwave ovens; electric coffeemakers; electric pans; electric toasters; electric deep friers; electric laundry driers or electric hair driers; heating apparatus; air humidifiers, air purification apparatus; water filters; drinking water fountains; fans for air conditioning for personal use, paper lanterns. 12 Bicycles, motorcycles, motor cars, lorries, motor homes, coaches, refrigerated vehicles, airplanes and boats; aerostats, airships; vehicle accessories, namely pneumatic tyres, luggage carriers, sport wheel rims and hubcaps, seat covers for vehicles, vehicle covers; pushchairs; sport pushchairs, safety seats for infants and children (for vehicles); vehicle motors.

44 14 Beakers and plates; beer pitchers, victor's trophies, statues and sculptures; teapots; printed metal covers for collection purposes (pogs); ashtrays and cigarette cases; all the above goods of precious metals; fancy key rings; coins; jewellery; wristwatches, watches; medallions, pendants, charms; brooches; pins (jewellery); team and player pins (jewellery); tie clips and tie pins; lapel pins; cufflinks; commemorative medals; medals for clothing; medallions and brooches for clothing; decorative pins for hats; ornamental key rings. 15 Musical instruments, musical boxes; electric and electronic musical instruments. 16 Bulldog clips; paper tablecloths; napkins; table linen; paper bags; invitation cards; greeting cards; giftwrapping paper; paper doilies and tablemats; garbage bags (of paper or plastic materials); bags for keeping foodstuffs; paper coffee filters; non-textile labels, paper napkins; wet paper towels; toilet paper; napkins for removing make-up; paper tissues; paper diapers; writing materials and school supplies (excluding apparatus); typewriter paper, paper for photocopying, envelopes, paper topic-based notebooks; notepads, note paper; paper for writing, scratch paper; paper for bookbindings; files, document folders, book covers; painting pads, drawing pads, books of games and crosswords; luminous paper; adhesive labels; crepe paper; tissue paper; paper clips and staples; paper flags; paper pennants; writing instruments; nibs; pencils; pens; sets of pens; sets of pencils; felt-tip pens; ball-point pens; felt tip markers; ink, ink pads, rubber stamps; paint boxes; pencils for painting and drawing; chalks; pencil ornaments (stationery); printing designs; magazines; newspapers; books and daily newspapers, particularly on sports personalities and events; printed instruction materials; charts (for entering results); events programmes; events albums; photo albums; signature books; address books; personal diaries and journals; diaries; road maps; admission tickets; scratch cards; cheques; printed timetables; newsletters and brochures; comic books; collecting cards; stickers for motor cars; stickers; albums for stickers; calendars; posters; photographs; postcards; paper and cardboard advertising panels and transparencies, printed matter for advertising purposes; heat-reactivatable fittings; transfers; office requisites (except furniture); correction fluids; rubber erasers; pencil sharpeners; stands for pens and pencils; drawing pins; drawing rulers; adhesive tapes for stationery purposes; adhesive tape dispensers; staplers; stencil plates; clip boards; holders for notepads; bookends; book supports; stamps; paper or cardboard telephone, cashpoint, travel and entertainment, cheque and account cards, credit cards (non-encoded). 18 Leather and imitation leather; umbrellas; parasols; sports bags (other than those adapted for the products they contain); leisure bags; travel bags, rucksacks; carrier bags; schoolbags; belt bags; handbags; ball-shaped leather bags; beach bags; suitcases; travel bags; briefcases (leatherware); unfitted vanity cases; toiletry bags; key cases (leatherware); document wallets; identity card holders; wallets; purses, cheque-book holders. 20 Mirrors; plastic articles in the form of statues, figurines, trophies; identification plates (non-encoded), particularly identity plates, key-cards (non-encoded), all the above goods of plastic; cushions; cushions as accessories for motor cars; sleeping bags; furniture; seats for indoor and outdoor use; racks (furniture); stalls for goods; fixed non-metallic towel dispensers; coat hangers; inflatable promotional objects; library shelves; printed covers for collecting (pogs). 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (non-electric), not of precious metal or coated therewith; beer mugs, tumblers, cups and drinking glasses, trays and plates, saucers, glasses, none of the aforementioned objects made of precious metals; teapots, not of precious metal; kitchen gloves; gloves for household purposes; bottle openers; bottles for beverages; insulating flasks; nonelectric refrigerating devices for food and beverages; metal boxes for dispensing towels; hair combs and brushes; toothbrushes; dental floss; statues, sculptures and trophies of porcelain, terracotta or glass in connection with soccer; small decorative bottles for cosmetic use; clothes dryers. 24 Sleeping bags (padded); sheets; eiderdowns; bedspreads; pillow cases; curtains; shower curtains; curtain fabrics; linens; bath linen; dish towels; blankets; handkerchiefs (textile); wall hangings; ensigns (flags); flags; pennants; table linen not made of paper; labels (cloth). 25 Clothing; footwear; headwear; shirts; knitwear; pullovers and sweaters; tee-shirts; sleeveless jerseys; dresses; skirts; underwear; swimming costumes; shorts; trousers; jumpers; woolly hats; caps; hats; scarves; neckscarves, shawls; caps with visors; tracksuits; sweatshirts; jackets; blazers; rainwear; coats; uniforms; neckties; headbands against sweating; headbands; gloves; aprons; babies' bibs (not of paper); pyjamas; play suits for infants and children; stockings and socks; garters; belts; braces. 26 Braids; tassels (lace trimmings); ribbons; buttons; needles; sewing boxes; brooches (clothing accessories); hairnets, hair bands; hair pins. 27 Carpets, rugs, mats (also for motorcars); esparto goods, linoleum and other floor coverings; floor coverings, artificial turf; beach mats. 28 Games and toys; play balloons; board games; tables for table football; dolls and cuddly toys; play motor cars; puzzles; balls; inflatable toys; toy disks (pogs); playing cards; confetti; soccer equipment, namely footballs, gloves, knee guards, elbow guards, shoulder pads, shin guards, soccer goals; sports bags and containers (adapted to goods) for carrying sports articles; novelty hats (toys); hand-held computer games other than those designed to be used only with a television set; rubber-foam hands. 29 Meat; fish; poultry; game; meat extracts; cooked fruits and vegetables; tinned fruit and vegetables; edible oils and fats; crisps; fried potatoes; prepared walnuts; marmalades; preserved vegetables, fruit, fish and meat; jams; milk; milk beverages; dairy products; cheeses. 30 Coffee; tea; cocoa; sugar; honey; artificial coffee; flours; cereal preparations; cereals; bread; pastries; cakes; biscuits; crackers; sweets; edible ices; confectionery; rice; corn crisps; mustard; vinegar; sauces (condiments); spices; salt; nutritional additives made with coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, flour or cereal preparations, honey, molasses, yeast, salt, mustard, vinegar or spices. 31 Animal feed; seed for turf; fresh fruit; fresh berries; fresh vegetables; flowers; animal litter; turf, litter peat. 32 Non-alcoholic beverages; syrups and powders for making non-alcoholic beverages; mineral and sparkling water; other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit and vegetable juices; iced fruit beverages; beers, lagers. 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beer). 34 Matches; lighters for smokers; cigarette cases, ashtrays, smokers' articles not of precious metal; cigarettes; tobacco. 35 Employment agencies; personnel recruitment; services of an advertising text publishing agency; services of an advertising agency; services of an advertising agency on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; distribution of advertising materials; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time in film credits; television advertising, radio advertising; advertising in the form of cartoons; promotional agency services; promotional agency services for sports and public relations; market study services; market investigation (research) services; advertising organisation for trade fairs; data bank installation services; computer file 44

45 management services; gathering statistical information; advertising for sports events in the field of soccer; retailing for solvents, paraffin, waxes, bitumen and petrol; assorting of different products for the benefit of third parties (except transport) for offering clients the possibility of viewing and acquiring products conveniently on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; advertising and promotional services, information services for advertising and promotion; commercial information agencies; all the above services provided on line from a computerized data bank or on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; development of commercials for use as websites on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; provision of space on websites for advertising goods and services; provision of auctioneering services on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; business administration services for processing commercial services on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; collection, entering and maintenance of domain names in a registry; sales promotion, namely setting-up of preferential programmes for customers; setting up of bonus programmes for customers in stadiums by means of distributing loyalty and encoded member cards which may hold personal user data; fixed and animated image archiving services. 36 Issuing of credit cards; issuing of travellers' cheques; financing services; banking services; procurement of credit and loans; services in connection with insurance; hire-purchase services; hire-purchase of sound and image recordings; financial support of sports events; information services in connection with financial and insurance services, provided online from a computerized data bank or on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; home banking; banking services on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices. 37 Services rendered by petrol stations, namely cleaning, oiling, servicing and repair of vehicles. 38 Telecommunication services; communications by means of mobile phones; communications by telex; communications via electronic computer terminals linked to telecommunication networks, data banks and Internet or via wireless electronic communication devices; telegraphic communications; telephone communications; communications by facsimile machines; radio calls; communications by teleconferencing; television programme broadcasting; television programme broadcasting via cable; radio broadcasting; services of a press and information agency; other message transmission services; rental of telephone apparatus, facsimile machines and other telecommunication apparatus; transmission of commercial Internet pages on line or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; radio and televisual programming and broadcasting services on a global computer network (Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; electronic transmission of messages; provision of access to electronic noticeboards (for information and advertisements) and to chatrooms in real time by means of a global computer network; computer-aided transmission of messages and images; introduction of websites on computer networks (particularly the Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; provision of access to private and commercial purchasing and ordering services by means of a global computer network or interactive communications technologies; transmission of information (including websites), computer programs and other data; electronic mail services; providing access to a global computer network (Internet) or to wireless electronic communication devices; provision of connections for telecommunications purposes with a global computer network (Internet) or data banks; provision of access to web sites offering digital music on the Internet by means of a global computer network or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; provision of access to MP3 websites by means of a global computer network or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; provision of access to search engines for obtaining data and information on global networks; radio and television programmes on sports and sports events; provision of chatrooms for the transmission of messages between computer users. 39 Services of a travel agency, namely travel organisation; ticket reservations for cultural and sport events; transport services by plane, train, bus and motor caravans; boat transport; boat outing services; tour organization services; vehicle rental services; parking space rental; taxi transport; goods delivery services; distribution of water, heating, gas or electricity; distribution of films and image and sound recordings as well as interactive compact disks, CD-ROMs, and computer games; postal services, messenger and courier services, in particular distribution of newspapers, magazines and books, product delivery services; warehousing services; distribution of solvents, paraffin, waxes, bitumen and petrol, with the exception of liquid gases; transport and storage of waste; resupplying of petrol. 40 Development of films; photograph enlargements; photograph printing, development of photographic films; rental of machines and apparatus for development and printing of photographs, printing services; enlargement or finishing; destruction of waste; fashion designer services. 41 Provision of installations for entertainment purposes for companies; training; provision of training sessions; entertainment, operating lotteries and competitions; betting and game services in connection with sports; entertainment services during or in connection with sports events; sports and cultural activities; organisation of sports and cultural events and activities; organisation of sports competitions; organisation of sports events in connection with soccer; operating sports facilities; rental of audio and video equipment; production, presentation and/or rental of films and visual and sound recordings; production, presentation and/or rental of interactive training courses and entertainment, interactive compact disks, CD-ROMs, computer games; radio and television programme and videotape editing services; production of cartoons; production of televised broadcasts of cartoons; booking of seats for shows and sports events; ticket reservations for entertainment and sports events; timing of sports events; recording of sports events; arranging of beauty contests; interactive entertainment; online game services; provision of games on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; provision of lottery services; information concerning entertainment or training made available from a computer data bank or a global computer network (the Internet) or by wireless electronic communication devices; services in connection with electronic games provided by means of a global computer network (the Internet) or by wireless electronic communication devices; providing online electronic publications; online electronic publishing of books and periodicals; entertainment services in the form of discussion forums (chatrooms) on a global computer network (the Internet) or by wireless electronic communications devices; provision of digital music on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; provision of digital music by means of MP3 web sites on a global computer network (the Internet) or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; photographic, sound and video recording services; interpreter services; 45

46 recording of sports records as provision of statistical information in connection with sport. 42 Leasing of access time to a centralized computer data bank; leasing of access time to a centralized computer and to data banks; leasing of access time to private and commercial purchasing and selling services by means of a global computer network; leasing of access time on the Internet by means of a global computer network; leasing of access time to websites offering digital music by means of a global computer network or by means of wireless electronic communication devices; leasing of access time to MP3 websites on the Internet by means of a global computer network or via wireless electronic communication devices; leasing of access time to search engines for viewing data and information on global networks computing services; consulting services in computing; data processing (programming); development of computer software; intellectual property licensing; copyright management (syndication) of films and sound and image recordings as well as of CD-Is, CD-ROMs, computer software and computer games; licensing for data banks; computer rental; website design; setting up and maintenance of websites; setting up and maintenance of computer software. 43 Catering services, quick service catering in restaurants and cafeterias; beverage and foodstuff waiter and waitress services; catering services; hotel services; services rendered in procuring lodgings, rooms and meals; hotel and temporary accommodation booking services. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: OCUCARE OCUCARE Oculenti BV, Stephensonstraat 45, NL-2723 RM Zoetemeer, NL 5 Solutions for use with contact lenses. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: GALAXY VENUS CERAMICA SA, Carretera Nacional 340, Km 953,8, Nules (Castellón), ES 19 Earthenware tiles, flagstones, materials for lining walls and tiling floors, ceramic materials made of sandstone and porcelain. 46

47 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /30 io homecontrol IO-Homecontrol Association, 50, avenue du Nouveau Monde, F Cluses, FR 9 Monitoring, control and operating electric apparatus and software for installations and apparatus for or concerning buildings (construction). 37 Services of repair and installation of electric control and operating apparatus for installations and apparatus for or concerning buildings (construction). 42 Developments in the field of electronics technology and information technology, development and maintenance of software, electronics consulting, information on technology and software, architectural consulting, consultancy concerning building (construction); repair and installation of monitoring software. PEMA Heinrich Leupoldt KG, Goethestrasse 23, D Weissenstadt, DE 30 Bread, pastry, wholemeal bread. 47

48 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: JP MBP Snow Brand Milk Products Co Ltd, 1-1, Naebocho 6- chome, Higashi-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido , JP 5 Vitamin preparations, mineral food-supplements, nutritional additives for medical purposes, dietetic food preparations adapted for medical purposes and other pharmaceutical products, oiled paper for medical purposes, sanitary masks, pharmaceutical wafers, gauze, empty capsules for pharmaceuticals, eye patches, ear bandages, menstruation bandages, menstruation tampons, menstruation napkins, menstruation panties, absorbent cotton, adhesive plasters, bandages, collodion (yellow syrupy liquid used for fixing bandages and covering an affected part), breast-nursing pads, dental materials; bracelets for medical purposes, incontinence diapers, fly catching paper, lactose, powdered milk for babies, infants and young children, powdered milk for medical treatment of congenital metabolic abnormal syndrome, powdered milk for pregnant and nursing women, powdered milk added with functional ingredients (for example, vitamins, minerals) for adults and elder men, food for babies, medical food supplements, foods to prevent gastoesophageal reflux for medical purposes, foods for person suffering from dysphagia (swallowing difficulty) or dysmasesis (masticating difficulty) for medical purposes, medicated confectionery, albuminous foodstuffs for medical purposes and other dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes, dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes, semen for artificial insemination, veterinary and sanitary preparations, dietetic substances adapted for medical use, plasters, materials for dressings, materials for stopping teeth, dental wax, disinfectants, preparations for destroying vermin, fungicides, herbicides. 29 Meats for human consumption, edible aquatic animals (not live, fresh, chilled or frozen), processed meat products, processed fishery products, beans, processed vegetables and fruits, frozen fruits, frozen vegetables, unprocessed eggs, processed raw eggs, main dishes primarily consisting of meats, poultry, fishes, seafood and/or vegetables for consumption on or off the premises, milk products, milk, milk beverages, edible oils and fats, margarine, fat spread, cream comprising of edible oils and/or fats, chicken, meat and seafood curry dishes, stew, soups, preparations for making curry included in this class, stews and soups, fermented soybean foods as entremets, dried flakes of laver for sprinkling on rice in hot water, seasoned powder for sprinkling on rice made from dried egg, dried chicken, dried meat, dried seafood, dried seaweed and dried vegetables, fried tofu pieces, frozen and dried tofu pieces, jelly made from devils' tongue root (Konnyaku), tofu, fermented soybean, preserved beans, non-dairy cream (cream made from edible oils or/and fats), croquettes, fruit jellies, powdered milk for congenital metabolic abnormal syndrome, powdered milk for pregnant and nursing women, powdered milk added with functional ingredients (for example vitamins, minerals) for adults and elder men, powdered milk for children, whole milk powder; fried balls of butter mix with small pieces of octopus. 30 Coffee and cocoa, coffee beans, tea, seasonings, sauces (condiments), spices, aromatic preparations for food (not from essential oils), rice, husked oats, husked barley, flour for food, gluten for food, cereal preparations, Chinese stuffed dumplings (Jao-zi), sandwich, Chinese steamed dumplings (Shao-mai), sushi, steamed buns stuffed with minced meats, hamburgers, pizzas, box lunches, namely rice with side dishes, e.g. croquette, fried chicken, cooked meat, fried egg, uncooked or cooked vegetables, hot dogs, meat pies, raviolis, confectionery and bread, buns, instant confectionery mixes, ice cream mixes, sherbet mixes, almond paste, yeast powder; fermenting malted rice, yeast, baking powder, ice, binding agents for ice cream, meat tenderizers for household purposes, preparations for stiffening whipped cream, by-product made from rice when brewing sake for food (sake lees (for food) (kasu), chocolate-based beverages, cocoa-based beverages, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, edible ices, ice cream, sherbets, frozen yogurt (confectionery ices), fruit jellies (confectionery or desserts), puddings (desserts). 32 Beers, carbonated drinks and soft drinks, nonalcoholic fruit juice beverages, vegetable juices, whey beverages, extracts of hops for making beer, soybean milk beverages; soybean milk, soybean milk beverages, whey beverages. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH uncertaintymanager Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt EMPA, Überlandstrasse 129, CH-6800 Dübendorf, CH 9 Computer software for use in measurement technique and analytical chemistry. 48

49 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH EDULINK EDULINK Phonak Holding AG, Laubisrütistrasse 28, 8712 STÄFA, CH 9 Audio receivers (radio receivers). 10 Hearing aids for persons who are hard of hearing. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /09 UVEX UVEX Uvex Arbeitsschutz GmbH, Würzburger Strasse 189, FÜRTH, DE 9 Safety goggles for motorcyclists, ski goggles, sports goggles, sun-glasses, industrial safety goggles and glasses, optical glasses, spectacle frames and lenses, sight pieces of plastic material; safety helmets for labour, motorcyclists, cyclists, skiers and ski jumpers, sports helmets; protective face-peaks and -shields; industrial safety shoes and industrial safety clothing, respirators, not for artificial respiration, in particular respiratory masks and apparatuses for labour, ear muffs and plugs for labour, industrial safety fall protection; damping elements for shoes; parts of the afore-mentioned goods; all the goods included in class 9. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: LORCH LORCH Lorch Schweisstechnik GmbH, Im Anwaender 24-26, D Auenwald, DE 9 Electric welding and electric cutting apparatus; accessories for electric welding and electric cutting apparatus, including electric cables, electrode holders, earth clamps, plug couplings, pole terminals, included in class 9; accident protection equipment for welders, including welding shields, welding masks and welding gloves; controls for electric welding and electric cutting apparatus; electric measuring apparatus. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH MIRCERA MIRCERA F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Grenzacherstrasse 124, CH Basel, CH 5 Pharmaceutical products. 49

50 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: XTM XTM Logs Enterprises Pty Ltd, 32 Ryrie Street, GEELOND VIC 3220, AU 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: MY NATURAL INSPIRATION MY NATURAL INSPIRATION SAJ Hoogeveen BV, De Oude Wijk 28, NL-2771 ZM Boskoop, NL 31 Plants and plant parts. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: KROCFLAKES KROCFLAKES SNC KESTENN, Zone Artisanale du Hindre, F Breal-Sous-Montfort, FR 29 Preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products. 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flours and cereal preparations, cereal bars; bread, pastries, biscuits, cakes and confectioneries; edible ice; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder; spices; ice for refreshment. 43 Provision of food and drink in restaurants; bar services; catering services. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /17 SYMPATEX EDITION 500 SYMPATEX EDITION 500 SympaTex Technologies GmbH, Kasinostrasse 19-21, WUPPERTAL, DE 17 Waterproof, water vapor permeable membranes made of polymers as semi-finished products for textile and technical composites. 24 Woven and knitted fabrics, non-woven textile fabrics, laminated fabrics (included in this class). 25 Footwear, headgear, gloves and clothing. 50

51 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /05 HYGUARD HYGUARD Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG, Reisholzer-Werftstrasse 38-42, DÜSSELDORF, DE 5 Hygienic compounds, included in this class. 9 Computer programs stored on data carriers, namely, for hygiene process optimization. 42 Design of computer software, specially for the hygiene process optimization. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR HAUTS DU FIEF HAUTS DU FIEF Cave de Tain L'Hermitage, union de proprietaires, 22 route de Larnage, F Tain L'Hermitage, FR 33 Wines with Croze Hermitage guaranteed label of origin. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR ESPRIT DE GRANIT ESPRIT DE GRANIT Cave de Tain L'Hermitage, union de proprietaires, 22 route de Larnage, F Tain L'Hermitage, FR 33 Wines with Saint Joseph guaranteed label of origin. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR AlertGuard Thomson, 46, Quai Alphonse le Gallo, BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, FR 9 Electrical circuits for receiving signals for television and radio broadcasting; combined televisionvideo recorders, combined television-digital versatile disk player-compact disk players, combined radio-televisions, combined television-radio-digital versatile disk playercompact disk players, combined television-video recorderdigital versatile disk players. 51

52 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger seni Torunskie Zaklady Materialow Opatrunkowych Spolka Akcyjna, ul. Zolkiewskiego 20/26, TORUN, PL 3 Cosmetics for children and adults, namely shampoo, bubble bath, powder for skin care, cleansing milk for skin care. 5 Sanitary towels, panty liners, hygienic and gynaecological towels, cotton wool for medical purposes and products from cotton wool for medical purposes, compresses, supporting dressing, tampons, plasters, dressing gauze, operation serviettes, disposable packaging for sterilisation, disposable napkins for incontinents. 16 Babies' diapers of paper and cellulose (disposable), babies' diaper-pants of paper and cellulose (disposable). E L i o n & Ko SIA, Elijas iela , 1050 RIGA, LV 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR UGISAND UGISAND Ugine & Alz France, Immeuble La Pacific, La Défense 7, 11/13 Cours Valmy, PUTEAUX, FR 6 Common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought, and their alloys, steel; stainless steel in the form of sheet metal, foils, sides, discs, coils, slabs, girders, plates, bands. 52

53 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH RPNP 53 RPNP Siemens Building Technologies AG, Bellerivestrasse 36, 8008 ZÜRICH, CH 6 Metal valves for water pipes and heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations. 7 Electrical, electrothermal and pneumatic motors for valves, for shut-off devices and for regulation devices; controls for valves and ventilation flaps. 9 Electrotechnical and electronic apparatus and instruments for equipping buildings; apparatus and instruments for conveying, distributing, transforming, storing, regulating or controlling electric current; fire extinguishers; microprocessor-controlled apparatus for equipping buildings; energy consumption and cost optimisation devices; all types of gas, water and heat meters, as well as devices for calibrating meters of these kinds; measuring, controlling and regulating units for nonelectrical quantities; apparatus and software for recording, inputting, transmitting (wireless, by wire, by the high voltage network) and for reproducing data, signals, sounds, languages and images for equipping buildings, and also their component installations; all types of measuring, controlling, regulating, signalling and adjusting apparatus for heating, ventilating and air conditioning techniques, including temperature, heating, ventilation, refrigeration and air-conditioning regulators, control and management apparatus for such regulators as well as for clean and ultraclean room installations; thermostats, safety cases for burners, flame monitoring equipment, regulating controls, seam checking devices for valves; electrical and electronic remote control, telemetry and remote supervision devices; devices for control, regulation and signalling for lighting, fire and smoke detection, for control of shutters, for internal communication, and for measuring consumption of energy and water; electronic installations for automation of buildings; multimedia devices for automation installations for buildings; electronic control, regulation, measuring and signalling apparatus and installations for building management and maintenance systems; electronic installations and devices for safety, protection against fire, fire damage, explosion, poisoning, forcible entry, unauthorised entry, water damage and overvoltage; apparatus for identifying persons; alarm and signal installations, warning devices and detectors, light and infrared-beam barriers, alarm centres; motion sensors, danger detectors, particularly fire, break-in and gas detectors; all types of detectors and sensors for light, heat, temperature, oxygen concentration, air quality, fire, fire gas, smoke, aerosol, flames, humidity, ice, condensation point, vibrations, leaks and noise, as well as detectors for technical alarms; protective installations against theft, break-in and attack; installations for access control and for time inputting, recording and managing; electronic opening and closing devices, door operating and monitoring devices; fire extinguishing facilities, including extinguishing nozzles, fire extinguishing gas containers, pressurereducing valves and nozzles; smoke evacuating and air sucking devices for fire fighting purposes; optical and acoustic alarm devices, including loudspeakers, alarm horns, sirens, lamps, lighting caissons; devices for emergency and alarm centres, namely transmitting and signalling devices; warning facilities, devices for inputting, processing and analysing messages concerning fire signalling and extinguishing, intrusion signalling and gas leak warning, access control and time recording; video monitoring and surveillance installations, electronic devices for surveillance and alarm screening by means of audio and video techniques and audio and video signal transmission; devices for operating and monitoring power producing and supplying installations; current providing devices; protective devices against overvoltage and for lightning arrest; chip cards and reading appliances for these cards) for equipping buildings; computer software for controlling, monitoring and operating devices and installations in buildings as well as data input and analysis of service, consumption and control data and costs; electronic documentation, downloadable or recorded on data media, concerning the implementation and use of all types of technical products; electronic documentation, downloadable or recorded on data media, concerning operation, installation, optimisation, maintenance and management of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installations, building administration systems, surveillance installations against fire and breakins; combination of the above appliances, instruments, devices and installations in integrated systems; spare parts and accessories for all the above products, included in this class. 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; radiator regulators and valves.

54 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH RESIDENTIAL PLUG AND PLAY 54 RESIDENTIAL PLUG AND PLAY Siemens Building Technologies AG, Bellerivestrasse 36, 8008 ZÜRICH, CH 6 Metal valves for water pipes and heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations. 7 Electrical, electrothermal and pneumatic motors for valves, for shut-off devices and for regulation devices; controls for valves and ventilation flaps. 9 Electrotechnical and electronic apparatus and instruments for equipping buildings; apparatus and instruments for conveying, distributing, transforming, storing, regulating or controlling electric current; fire extinguishers; microprocessor-controlled apparatus for equipping buildings; energy consumption and cost optimisation devices; all types of gas, water and heat meters, as well as devices for calibrating meters of these kinds; measuring, controlling and regulating units for nonelectrical quantities; apparatus and software for recording, inputting, transmitting (wireless, by wire, by the high voltage network) and for reproducing data, signals, sounds, languages and images for equipping buildings, and also their component installations; all types of measuring, controlling, regulating, signalling and adjusting apparatus for heating, ventilating and air conditioning techniques, including temperature, heating, ventilation, refrigeration and air-conditioning regulators, control and management apparatus for such regulators as well as for clean and ultraclean room installations; thermostats, safety cases for burners, flame monitoring equipment, regulating controls, seam checking devices for valves; electrical and electronic remote control, telemetry and remote supervision devices; devices for control, regulation and signalling for lighting, fire and smoke detection, for control of shutters, for internal communication, and for measuring consumption of energy and water; electronic installations for automation of buildings; multimedia devices for automation installations for buildings; electronic control, regulation, measuring and signalling apparatus and installations for building management and maintenance systems; electronic installations and devices for safety, protection against fire, fire damage, explosion, poisoning, forcible entry, unauthorised entry, water damage and overvoltage; apparatus for identifying persons; alarm and signal installations, warning devices and detectors, light and infrared-beam barriers, alarm centres; motion sensors, danger detectors, particularly fire, break-in and gas detectors; all types of detectors and sensors for light, heat, temperature, oxygen concentration, air quality, fire, fire gas, smoke, aerosol, flames, humidity, ice, condensation point, vibrations, leaks and noise, as well as detectors for technical alarms; protective installations against theft, break-in and attack; installations for access control and for time inputting, recording and managing; electronic opening and closing devices, door operating and monitoring devices; fire extinguishing facilities, including extinguishing nozzles, fire extinguishing gas containers, pressurereducing valves and nozzles; smoke evacuating and air sucking devices for fire fighting purposes; optical and acoustic alarm devices, including loudspeakers, alarm horns, sirens, lamps, lighting caissons; devices for emergency and alarm centres, namely transmitting and signalling devices; warning facilities, devices for inputting, processing and analysing messages concerning fire signalling and extinguishing, intrusion signalling and gas leak warning, access control and time recording; video monitoring and surveillance installations, electronic devices for surveillance and alarm screening by means of audio and video techniques and audio and video signal transmission; devices for operating and monitoring power producing and supplying installations; current providing devices; protective devices against overvoltage and for lightning arrest; chip cards and reading appliances for these cards) for equipping buildings; computer software for controlling, monitoring and operating devices and installations in buildings as well as data input and analysis of service, consumption and control data and costs; electronic documentation, downloadable or recorded on data media, concerning the implementation and use of all types of technical products; electronic documentation, downloadable or recorded on data media, concerning operation, installation, optimisation, maintenance and management of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installations, building administration systems, surveillance installations against fire and breakins; combination of the above appliances, instruments, devices and installations in integrated systems; spare parts and accessories for all the above products, included in this class. 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; radiator regulators and valves.

55 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger Merket er et rent figurmerke Kowa Co Ltd, 6-29, Nishiki 3-chome, Naka-ku, NAGOYA-SHI, AICHI, JP 5 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger KATIMA'A SECRET D'ARGAN SRD (Societe Civile), 92 quai des Chartrons, F Bordeaux, FR 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, cakes of soap; perfumery, essential oils, oils for perfumes and scents; eaux de toilette, perfumed bath oils and salts; personal deodorants (perfumery); cosmetics, skin care creams (for non-medical use); make-up products; cleansing milks; mascara; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cosmetic suntan preparations; hair lotions; shampoos; hair sprays; cosmetic creams for hair (for non-medical use); dentifrices. 5 Pharmaceutical, veterinary products; hygienic products for medicine; dietetic substances for medical use, food for babies, disinfectants; vitamin preparations. 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats. 55

56 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: ALIVIO (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH ALIVIO Shimano Inc, 77, Oimatsu-cho 3-cho, Sakai, OSAKA, JP 12 Bicycles, bicycle parts and fittings for bicycles, particularly, chain wheels, cranks, crank sets, saddles, spokes, spoke clips, chains, chain deflectors, shift cables, handlebar grips, wheels, hubs, internal gear hubs, bicycle dynamos hubs, hub quick release levers, gear release levers, gear shift levers, chain guides, sprockets, handlebars; handlebar stems, freewheels, bicycle pedals, toe clips, front forks, head parts for frame-fork assembly, rims, bottom brackets, seat pillars, seat pillar quick release, derailleurs controlled by computer, indicators for bicycles, wheel bags for bicycles; machine elements for land vehicles, particularly, pulleys for bicycles, front derailleurs, rear derailleurs, speed change gears, other power transmissions and gearings, suspensions, brake levers, front brakes, rear brakes, brake cables, brake shoes, other brakes, all for land vehicles. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger Knorr Knorr-Nährmittel AG, Bahnhofstrasse 19, CH-8240 Thayngen, CH 5 Dietetic food for medical use and food for babies. 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; edible jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats. 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flours and cereal preparations, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ice; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment. 31 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, included in this class; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, animal feed, malt. 32 Beers; mineral and sparkling water and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 56

57 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /01 SELEO SELEO Atotech Deutschland GmbH, Erasmusstrasse 20, BERLIN, DE 1 Chemical products for electroplating. H HUGONET Kettal SA, Aragon 316, Barcelona, ES 20 Furniture, mirrors, frames; goods, not included in other classes, of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, substitutes for all these materials or of plastics. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR CAPTURE FIRST ACTION CAPTURE FIRST ACTION Parfums Christian Dior SA, 33, avenue Hoche, PARIS, FR 3 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions. Merket er et rent figurmerke Chaoyang Baolansi Meticulous & Chemical Co Ltd, 31-32, Xiahua Road, Xiashan Zhen, Chaoyang, Guangdong Province, CN 3 Nail varnish; hair waving preparations; hair conditioner; sun-tanning preparations (cosmetics); beauty lotions; hair spray; perfumes; bath powder; face wash; toilet powder; shampoos; hair oil; beauty creams; skin care lotions; make-up powder; beauty masks; powder; rouge; eye shadow; lipsticks; mousse (cosmetics); gritty creams (cosmetics); pearl creams; all included in this class. 57

58 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: BX (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: YES Monsieur Bruno Rochelle, 45 rue du Mont-Cenis, F Paris, FR 28 Games, toys, parlour games, games of chance. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger Lipton T9 Unilever NV, Weena 455, 3013AL ROTTERDAM, NL 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, artificial coffee. 32 Mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 58

59 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: AT AM 1305/2003 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR SO FOOD SO FOOD Accor, 2, rue de la Mare Neuve, EVRY, FR 43 Restaurants including fast food and self-service restaurants, cafés, cafeterias, bars, tea rooms, catering services. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: GR KOTANYI Kotànyi GmbH, Johann-Galler-Strasse 11, A-2120 Wolkersdorf, AT 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 35 Bringing together of foodstuffs and beverages, especially of spices, for the benefit of others enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods and also the management and business administration relating to these goods. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger ELBISCO Elbisco Holding SA, Kolokotroni 23 & Mikonou Street, Kifisia Attikis, Athens, GR 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 59

60 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: HOT DIAMONDS TEMSA MAXIMUS Temsa Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Mersin Yolu Üzeri 10. Km, SEYHAN, ADANA, TR 12 Land vehicles, namely trucks, vans and buses; spare parts for land vehicles. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR MARQUET MARQUET Marquet & Cie, F Villars, FR 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear; slippers; sandals, mules. HOT DIAMONDS Historic Originals Ltd, Unit A1, Worton Grange Estate, Worton Drive, Reading RG2 0TG, England, GB 14 Jewellery which includes diamonds. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR XEOBIB XEOBIB Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin - Michelin & Cie, 12, cours Sablon, F Clermont- Ferrand Cedex 09, FR 12 Pneumatic tyres and inner tubes for vehicle wheels; treads for recapping tyres; tracks for track vehicles. 60

61 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /28 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /20 PUSTEFIX Dr. Rolf Hein Nachfolger KG, Bahnhofstrasse 29, D Tübingen, DE 1 Chemical products for use in industry. 28 Electric apparatus for generating soap bubbles; games and playthings, including toy figures and play equipment for generating soap bubbles, balloons, soft toys; parts for the aforesaid goods. GreenLife GreenLife GmbH, D Schwerin, Sacktannen, DE 20 Containers made of plastic, namely, containers for use of rainwater for treatment of sewage, for treatment of waste and for compost; cases and baskets made of plastic. 21 Jugs and pails made of plastic. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: pellx Scand-Pellet AB, Wissmarsvägen 12, KALMAR, SE 11 Apparatus for heating. 61

62 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH VANCOUVER 2010 Comité International Olympique, Château de Vidy, CH Lausanne, CH 1 Chemicals used in industry, science, photography as well as in agriculture, horticulture and sylviculture; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; soil fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; unexposed sensitized films. 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. 4 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuel (including petrol) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting purposes. 5 Pharmaceutical, veterinary products; hygienic products for medicine; dietetic substances for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and dental wax; disinfectants; products for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), emergency (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conveying, distributing, transforming, storing, regulating or controlling electric current; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing and computer equipment; fire extinguishers. 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of or coated with these materials not included in other classes, particularly commemorative pieces and medals; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made thereof, not included in other classes; printed matter, particularly postage stamps; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' supplies; paintbrushes; typewriters and office articles (excluding furniture); instructional or teaching material (excluding apparatus); plastic materials for 62 packaging (not included in other classes); printer's type; printing blocks. 18 Leather and imitations thereof, goods made thereof not included in other classes; animal skins and hides; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips and saddlery. 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 28 Games, toys;; gymnastics and sports articles not included in other classes; Christmas tree decorations. 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats. 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and cereal preparations, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ice; honey, molasses; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment. 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 35 Advertising; advertising by means of sponsoring; business management; commercial administration; office tasks; third party product and service promotion, by means of contractual agreements, particularly partnership (sponsoring) and licensing agreements, affording increased notoriety and image such as is derived from cultural and sports events, especially international events; retailing. 36 Insurance; financial operations; monetary operations; real estate operations. 38 Telecommunications; television programme broadcasting, television programmes. 39 Transport; packing and storing of goods; travel organisation. 41 Education; training; entertainment; sports and cultural activities. 42 Scientific and industrial research services; computer and software design and development; legal services; intellectual property licensing. 43 Provision of food and drink in restaurants; temporary accommodation. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH SOLO SOLO Phonak Holding AG, Laubisrütistrasse 28, 8712 STÄFA, CH 10 Acoustic apparatus and parts thereof for the hearing-impaired.

63 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /12 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: AutoLOAD Systems Joachim Günther, Derchinger Strasse 125, AUGSBURG, DE 12 Motorized vehicles and trailers for freight traffic, load securing devices for use on those vehicles and trailers. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger KUMTEL Kumtel Dayanikli Tüketim Mallan Plastik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 14, Cadde No 22, Kayseri, TR 9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; radios, televisions, videos, cameras, audiovisual apparatus and their parts, apparatus for games adapted for use with television receivers; cinematographic apparatus, remote control apparatus and instruments; earphones; loudspeakers; megaphones, diaphones, intercoms, picture and slide projection devices; data processing apparatus, computers, computer software and hardware, printers, laser printers, scanners, cash registers, calculating machines, barcode readers and their parts, magnetic data carriers, recording discs; antennas, aerials, broadcast receiving and decoding apparatus and instruments, amplifiers and parts thereof; electric apparatus for remote ignition; communication and telecommunication apparatus; telephones, facsimiles, telex machines, telegraph machines, radiophones, telephone switches, meters; electric meters, water meters, gasometers, fuel dispensing pumps for service stations, parking meters, weighing machines and apparatus, balancing apparatus, scales, steelyards, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, electric bells, alarms except for vehicles, sirens, electric cables, electric wires, optical fibers, irons, electric flat irons, electric steam irons, electric devices for attracting and killing insects, electric door closers, electric door openers, automatic turnstiles, screen filters for computers and televisions, remote control apparatus. 11 Heating and steam generating apparatus, stoves, central heating boilers, steam boilers, heat exchangers, oil burners, central heating radiators, water heaters, radiators, heat pumps, electrical water boilers, solar collectors; heating apparatus for solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; aircooling and ventilation installations, air conditioners, fans, ventilators, air conditioners for vehicles, air purifying apparatus and their parts; cooling appliances and installations, refrigerators, freezers, ice boxes, ice machines and apparatus, electric and gas apparatus used for cooking and boiling; toasters, bread toasters, grills, deep fryers, ovens, popcorn machines, autoclaves, coffee and tea makers, kettles and parts thereof; water softening apparatus and installations, water purifying apparatus and machines, purification installations for sewage; electric hair dryers, hand dryers, apparatus for moisturing skin, solarium devices; electric blankets, not for medical purposes; electric heating cushions, not for medical purposes; electric or nonelectric footwarmers; hot water bottles; lighters for household purposes; lighters (parts of the cooking and heating installations); ovens for industrial purposes; dryers 63

64 for industrial purposes; clothes dryers; furnaces for iron melting; fuel economisers; filters (parts of household or industrial installations); heating apparatus for defrosting windows of vehicles. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FI T ONEMED ONEMED Tamro Medlab Oy, Rajatorpantie 41 B, SF Vantaa, FI 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials. 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 44 Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /42 MAPAX MAPAX AGA AB, LIDINGÖ, SE 1 Gases for industrial and commercial purposes, in particular gases for the food industry. 11 Appliances and apparatus for mixing, producing and providing/conducting gaseous or liquid gases, evaporators, cooling devices, parts of the aforementioned appliances, apparatus and devices. 42 Services of an engineer, in particular technical consultancy and planning of installations, execution of tests and process development in the field of food processing, treatment and production, the aforementioned in particular in connection with the application of gases. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /05 (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger Merket er et rent figurmerke Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG, INGELHEIM, DE 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. 64

65 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: DELARO (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: DELARO Bayer AG, LEVERKUSEN, DE 1 Chemical preparations for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, chemical preparations for the treatment of seeds (as far as included in this class), fertilizer. 5 Preparations for killing weeds and destroying vermin, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: GOFOR GOFOR Bayer AG, LEVERKUSEN, DE 1 Chemical preparations for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, chemical preparations for the treatment of seeds (as far as included in this class), fertilizer. 5 Preparations for killing weeds and destroying vermin, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides. emulsio Ravviva Sutter Finanziaria SpA, Localita Leigozze 1, BORGHETTO BORBERA, ALESSANDRIA, IT 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: SE 2003/01579 SARIZA SARIZA V&S Vin & Sprit AB (publ), STOCKHOLM, SE 33 Wine. 65

66 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger ticket com JSF Com SarL, 96, avenue Lenne, F Gentilly, FR 16 Printed matter, articles of stationery. 35 Advertising, distribution of advertising material, publishing of advertising texts, rental of advertising space, dissemination of advertisements, public relations. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: BX ORIFLAME ECLAT (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: SUNGLASSES FOR THE SKIN SUNGLASSES FOR THE SKIN Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strasse 250, DARMSTADT, DE 16 Printed matters. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: IT NA2002C ORIFLAME ECLAT Oriflame Cosmetics SA, 20, rue Philippe II, 2340 LUXEMBOURG, LU 3 Soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices. 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes, jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. ZU ELEMENTS Phard SpA, 16, Via Santa Brigida, I Napoli, IT 16 Printing paper, wrapping paper, writing and drawing paper, adhesive labels, note books, memo paper, pocket books, sketch books, albums, pencils, pens, crayons, pastels, rubber erasers, stands for photographs, photographs, drawing paper, letter holders, writing cases, calendars, books, diaries, postcards. 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, animal skins, hides; suitcases, trunks, umbrellas. 25 Clothing namely jackets, shirts, coats, trousers, pullovers, ties, socks, stockings, gloves, scarfs, hats, swimsuits, tracksuits, t-shirts, underwear, jeans, nightwear; shoes, boots, slippers, belts. 66

67 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: CAP SOLEIL CAP SOLEIL Laboratoires de Biologie Végétale Yves Rocher SA, La Croix des Archers, LA GACILLY, FR 3 Skin cleansing, care and beauty products, including creams, milks, lotions, masks, soaps, body deodorants, perfumes, eaux de toilette, dentifrices, shampoos, make-up products, including eye shadows, kohl pencils, pencils for the eyes, eyebrow pencils, mascara, eyeliner, eye make-up remover, lipsticks, lip pens, lip pencils, lip pomades, nail varnish, nail fixer base, nail polish remover, emollient fluid for nails, revitalising lotions for nails, liquid foundations, cream foundations, loose face powders, cream face rouge, bath creams. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: COPYPLAY (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: GB WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ROBOT JONES? WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ROBOT JONES? Turner Entertainment Networks International Ltd, CNN House, 19-22, Rathbone Place, W1P1DF LONDON, GB Linklaters Oppenhoff & Rädler, Hohenstaufenring 62, KÖLN, DE 41 Education services; entertainment services, particularly television programming, online entertainment and information services relating to comedy, drama, action, adventure and/or animation program series directed towards children and young adults, radio and television entertainment, production, reproduction, projecting and rental of motion pictures and videos, production and reproduction of audio and video recordings on audio and/or video and/or audio carriers of different kind, especially video and audio tapes, cassettes, discs and records, projecting and rental of these video and/or audio carriers, production and arrangement of radio and television programs, information relating to entertainment or education provided online from a computer database or the Internet; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable). COPYPLAY José Vicente Tarodo Orti, San Juan Bosco, 19, Valencia, ES 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), emergency (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conveying, distributing, transforming, storing, regulating or controlling electric current; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire extinguishers; machines for copying compact disks, tapes, cassettes, DVD devices and other optical and magnetic media. 35 Advertising; business management and administration; commercial administration; office tasks; retailing in stores. 67

68 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: JP Marsit Mars Technology Institute Co Ltd, 13-21, Uegahara-8- bancho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo , JP 7 Metalworking machines, moulding machines; mineworking machines; earth moving machines; lifting apparatus; net hauling machines (fishing); electromechanical machines for chemical industry; machines for the textile industry; beverage preparation machines, electromechanical; food preparation machines, electromechanical; woodworking machines; papermaking machines; printing machines; agricultural machines; lasts for shoes (parts of machines); leather-working machines; tobacco processing machines; glass working machines; painting machines; wrapping machines; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; vulcanisation apparatus; stone working machines; propulsion mechanisms other than for land vehicles; blowing engines; pumps (machines); adhesive tape dispensers (machines); washing machines; washing installations for vehicles; dishwashers; machines and apparatus for wax-polishing (electric); vacuum cleaners; lawnmowers (machines); curtain drawing devices, electrically operated; waste compacting machines; sewage pulverizers; waste disposals; starters for motors and engines; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; generators of electricity; blenders, electric, for household purposes; grinders/crushers, electric, for household purposes. 9 Ear plugs; glass covered with an electrical conductor; welding apparatus, electric; ionisation apparatus, not for the treatment of air; electrolysers; eggcandlers, cash registers; time clocks (time recording devices); voting machines; distribution machines, automatic; fuel dispensing pumps for service stations; coinoperated gates for car parks; fire alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; protective helmets; signals, luminous or mechanical; divers' apparatus; amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers only; door closers, electric; door openers, electric; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; chemistry apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for physics; optical apparatus and instruments; detectors; measuring apparatus; observation instruments; diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; regulating apparatus, electric; batteries, electric; electric loss indicators; conductors, electric; flat irons, electric; hair-curlers, electrically heated; buzzers, electric; transmitters (telecommunication); data processing apparatus; computer software (recorded); computers; interfaces (for computers); gloves for protection against accidents; respirators for filtering air; garments for protection against fire; spectacle cases; protective helmets for sports; metronomes; electronic publications (downloadable). 10 Esthetic massage apparatus, medical apparatus and instruments; dental apparatus, electric; massage apparatus; commode chairs. 11 Water closets; drying apparatus and installations; evaporators; heat regenerators; steam generating installations; pasteurisers; furnaces; atomic piles; forage drying apparatus; heating boilers; air conditioning apparatus; refrigerating apparatus and machines; laundry dryers, electric; steam facial apparatus (saunas); tanning apparatus (sun beds); cooking apparatus and installations; water conduits installations; purification installations for sewage; incinerators; water purifying apparatus and machines; water flushing installations; electric lamps; lighting apparatus and installations; electrically heated carpets; electric fans for personal use; footmuffs, electrically heated; water heaters (apparatus); sinks; filters for drinking water; bath fittings; warming pans; toilet seats; toilet bowls; stoves. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR 02/ (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger dexlan CUC, 6, avenue de la Durance - ZI Buchelay 3000, F Buchelay, FR 9 Apparatus and instruments for conveying, distributing, transforming, storing, regulating or controlling electric current; distribution consoles for electricity, amplifiers, couplers, splitters, distribution boxes, branch boxes, junction boxes, electric apparatus for commutation, switches, electric conductors, electric connections, connectors, connections, circuit closers, connection boxes, low and high voltage electric cables and wires, sheaths for electric cables and wires; audio, video and telephone leads, computer leads, industrial switching leads using analogue, digital, optical signals, integrating active components (or not); peripheral communications interfaces applied to computing, telephony, and to video and electric installations; equipment for information processing and computers; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound and image; devices for protecting current supply to computers and sensitive electrical appliances. 68

69 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: BX LORINI (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: BX LORINI Huisjes Sportwear VOF, Hardenbergerweg 24, NL-7778 HP Loozen, NL 25 Sportswear, such as skate wear and cycle wear; sports underclothing; hats, caps, sport shoes. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: BX GHER GHER Huisjes Sportwear VOF, Hardenbergerweg 24, NL-7778 HP Loozen, NL 25 Sportswear, such as skate wear and cycle wear; sports underclothing; hats, caps, sport shoes. Merket er et rent figurmerke Huisjes Sportwear VOF, Hardenbergerweg 24, NL-7778 HP Loozen, NL 25 Sportswear, such as skate wear and cycle wear; sports underclothing; hats, caps, sport shoes. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FR PCOR PCOR Gencell SAS, 72 à 82, rue Léon Geffroy, F Vitrysur-Seine, FR 1 Chemical products used in industry and science. 5 Pharmaceutical or veterinary products; hygienic products for medicine; chemical preparations for medical or pharmaceutical purposes. 69

70 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH PECTAWASH (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /25 PECTAWASH Novozymes Biopolymer AS, Krogshøjvej 36, 2880 BAGSVÆRD, DK 1 Enzyme preparations for use in the detergents industry. C Marc O'Polo International GmbH, Hofgartenstrasse 1, D Stephanskirchen, DE 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; cosmetics, soaps, perfumery, toilet waters of all kinds, particularly perfume, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, deodorants; essential oils; hair lotions, hair cleaning and hair caring substances; creams for the skin; lotions for cosmetic purposes; shaving substances and substances for after-shave care; dentifrices; cosmetic bathing additives; lipsticks; cotton buds for cosmetic purposes; nail polish; shoe polish, make-up. 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; electric apparatus and instruments (included in this class); apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; eye glasses and their parts, particularly sun glasses, sports glasses, protective eye peaces; frames for eye glasses; lenses for eye glasses, cases for eye glasses; binoculars; protective helmets for motorcycles and bicycles; alarm systems; bicycle speedometers; clothing, footwear and headgear for diving. 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith (included in this class); jewellery, bijouterie; costume jewellery; precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials (included in this class); animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags, briefcases; bags, 70

71 handbags, school bags, rucksacks, travelling sets (leatherware), small articles of leather not included in other classes; purses, pocket wallets, key cases, hip bags, belt bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; outerwear for gentlemen and ladies, children's fashion; clothing for babies, underwear; undergarment; corsetry; hosiery; belts, suspenders, scarves, gloves, ties, headbands; bathing fashion for gentlemen and ladies; clothing for hiking, trekking, outdoor sports and climbing; leisure and city shoes for gentlemen and ladies, children's shoes; shoes for hiking, trekking, outdoor sports and climbing; clothing, footwear and headgear for soccer, basketball, handball and volleyball; clothing for jogging, fitness training and gymnastics; clothing, footwear and headgear for tennis, squash and badminton; clothing, footwear and headgear for inline-skating, skateboarding, roller-skating and hockey, football and baseball; clothing, footwear and headgear for cycling; clothing, footwear and headgear for horsebackriding; clothing, footwear and headgear for golfing; clothing, footwear and headgear for water sports, particularly for surfing, sailing, rowing, canoeing and clothing, footwear and headgear for mountain skiing, crosscountry skiing and snowboarding; clothing, footwear and headgear for ice-skating and ice-hockey; baby nappies made from textile material. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /10 SELFX (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE / Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, Petuelring 130, MÜNCHEN, DE 12 Motor vehicles and their parts, included in this class; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. 16 Manuals and user-instruction manuals in the form of printed matter. 28 Miniatures of motor vehicles and their parts, included in this class. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: SE 2003/06352 SELFX Abbott Laboratories Vascular Enterprises Ltd, Mervue Business Park, GALWAY, IE 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, in particular stents, catheters, balloon-catheters, medical implants (made from artificial material); suture materials; guide wires for catheters; guiding catheters. CORTÉZ Swedish Match North Europe AB, STOCKHOLM, SE 34 Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches. 71

72 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: SE 2003/06428 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: SE THINKING AHEAD HOUR GLASS Univa AB, Box 117, S Lund, SE 41 Education; providing of training. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: EM VICTORIA THINKING AHEAD Skanska AB, Box 1195, S Stockholm, SE 19 Building materials (non-metallic), transportable building (not of metal); scaffolds (not of metal), building components (not of metal). 37 Building construction, rental of building machines and other construction and establishment equipment; installation and repair services in housing and building. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /24 VICTORIA Vrøgum Vinduer A/S, Industrivej 1, DK-6840 Oksbøl, DK 19 Building materials (non-metallic), including doors and windows. (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger ADO international ADO Gardinenwerke GmbH & Co, Hünterstrasse 68, D Aschendorf/Ems, DE 24 Textiles and fabrics; curtains; textile curtain holders, wall coverings made of decorative fabrics; bed and table covers; bed linen, household linen. 26 Lace, ribbons, especially crimped and lead bands as accessories for curtains. 72

73 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TOOLOX (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TOOLOX SSAB Oxelösund AB, S Oxelösund, SE 6 Common metals and their alloys including tool steel; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: PERMAGARD PERMAGARD Luc Lefebvre d'argence, 1635, chemin de la Plaine, F Mougins, FR Marie Lefebvre d'argence, 1635, chemin de la Plaine, F Mougins, FR Marc Lefebvre d'argence, 1635, chemin de la Plaine, F Mougins, FR 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, grease removing and abrasive preparations; soaps; products for polishing and protecting the interior and exterior of land, sea and aeronautical vehicles. 37 Cleaning and polishing of the surfaces of land, sea and aeronautical vehicles. 40 Treatment of materials; polishing and protective treatment of the surfaces of land, sea and aeronautical vehicles. Gut Frielingshof Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, D Neckarsulm, DE 29 Eggs included in this class. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: GHIOTTOLI GHIOTTOLI Abele Bertozzi SpA, Strada Argini Parma, 12, I Parma, IT 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats; tinned fruits and tinned vegetables. 73

74 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: PETALI DI PARMA PETALI DI PARMA Abele Bertozzi SpA, Strada Argini Parma, 12, I Parma, IT 29 Meat (with the exception of ham), fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats; tinned fruits and tinned vegetables. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TEGERA TEGERA Per-Olof Ejendal AB, Karlsavarvet 82, LEKSAND, SE 9 Gloves and shoes for protection against accidents, radiation and fire. 25 Gloves (clothing). (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: SE 2003/04486 ABSOLUT CUT ABSOLUT CUT V&S Vin & Sprit AB (publ), STOCKHOLM, SE 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: SE 2003/04266 LEVEL LEVEL V&S Vin & Sprit AB (publ), STOCKHOLM, SE 32 Mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). 74

75 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: BX ORIFLAME BELIEVE ORIFLAME BELIEVE Oriflame Cosmetics SA, 20, rue Philippe II, 2340 LUXEMBOURG, LU 3 Soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices. 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments. 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH LICKIN'S LICKIN'S Société des Produits Nestle SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH 31 Animal feed, biscuits and snacks for pets. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH FINEZZO FINEZZO Société des Produits Nestle SA, 1800 VEVEY, CH 30 Coffee, coffee extracts, preparations and beverages made with coffee; iced coffee; artificial coffee, artificial coffee extracts, preparations and beverages made with artificial coffee; chicory; tea, tea extracts, preparations and beverages made with tea; iced tea. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: BX STARSPRESSO STARSPRESSO Maas International Europe BV, Science Park Eindhoven 5051, 5692EB SON, NL 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar and artificial coffee. 75

76 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: IT RM2003C (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: IPPC Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'alimentazione e l'agricoltura (FAO), Viale delle Terma de Caracalla, I Roma, IT 19 Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for buildings; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; nonmetallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal; semi-worked woods and veneers. 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-ofpearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; containers and boxes of wood, loading and transport pallets of wood. 37 Building construction; repair; installation services; disinfection services and vermin exterminating for semiworked woods and veneers, containers and boxes of wood, loading and transport pallets of wood. Merket er et rent figurmerke Zakrytoe Aktsionernoe Obchtchestvo "Kuda.Ru", Str. 1, korp 1, d. 20, ul. Staraya Basmannaya, Moskva, RU 39 Arranging of cruises, arranging of tours, booking of seats for travel, travel reservation, transport reservation, transport of travellers, escorting of travellers, tourist offices (except for hotel reservation), sightseeing (tourism). 43 Temporary accommodation. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: LOVA XR LOVA XR Viatris GmbH & Co KG, Weismüllerstrasse 45, FRANKFURT, DE 5 Pharmaceutical preparations as well as sanitary preparations for healthcare; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; plaster. 76

77 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: TATUUM Kan Sp. z o o, ul. Wiaczynska 8A, Lodz, PL 25 Clothing. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: CH OFFSET OFFSET Centerpulse Orthopedics Ltd, Altgasse 44, 6340 BAAR, CH 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments and apparatus, artificial limbs and eyes; orthopaedic articles; surgical suture material; prostheses, endoprostheses; vascular prostheses, urethral prostheses and parts thereof, particularly rods and spherical heads; implants, particularly implants for joints and implants with coating materials, dental and maxillary implants, false teeth and dental prostheses as well as pins for artificial teeth, artificial jaws; coronary and vascular implants, particularly stents; spine implants; artificial joints, ligaments, tendons and artificial cardiac valves as well as flexible ducts for medical use; measuring apparatus, instruments and tools for implanting prostheses and parts thereof as well as for operating treatment for fractures, models for orthopaedic use, bone fixators, plates, bone screws and bone pins, pedicle screws (implants), expansion screws for medical and/or orthopaedic use, instruments for intrusion for medical and/or orthopaedic use, medullary space barriers for medical and/or orthopaedic use; medical diagnosis apparatus, analysis apparatus for medical purposes and blood-pressure measuring apparatus; tools for forming contours and polishing teeth and dental prostheses; cut-off and abrasive wheels for dental purposes; needles, splints, saws and probes for medical purposes; apparatus for endoscopy and arthroscopy and parts thereof; gastroscopes; defibrillators and heart pacemakers and electrodes therefor, ablation apparatus and cardiac wires, pumps for medical purposes, lasers for medical purposes. 77

78 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /17 SISTA (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: IT MI2003C SISTA Henkel KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, DÜSSELDORF, DE 1 Chemicals used in industry; adhesives used in industry. 2 Coating agents for impregnating; paints, varnishes, lacquers; raw naturel resins; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood. 17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials (included in this class); packing, stopping and insulating materials; sealant compounds for joints; insulating paints, insulating varnishes; insulating foils (included in this class); insulating tapes; synthetic resins (semi-finished products), artificial resins (semi-finished products). (591) Informasjon om farger som merket kreves vernet for: Merket er i Farger Barilla Barilla GER Fratelli - SpA, Viale Riccardo e Pietro Barilla 3/A, PARMA, IT 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pasta, biscuits, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 35 Advertising; business management in franchising; business administration; office functions. 43 Services for providing food and drink, also in franchising; temporary accommodation. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: FI T FAZER TOAST-IT FAZER TOAST-IT OY Karl Fazer AB, P.O.Box 44, SF Helsingfors, FI 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 78

79 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: NICCINE NICCINE Independent Pharmaceutica AB, Revisorspoolem Matsson & Co, Tegnérgatan 37, 1 Tr, S Stockholm, SE 5 Vaccines; medical anti-smoking preparations in the form of tablets. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: Powdersafe Timothy Roberts, 5/21 Colbee Court, PHILLIP ACT 2606, AU 20 Hazardous material examination and transportation container made of molded plastic. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /07 SUPPORTPLUS SUPPORTPLUS SupportPlus Deutschland GmbH, Billstrasse 30, D Hamburg, DE 7 Electric cleaning devices and machines, namely vacuum cleaners and household steam cleaners, vacuum cleaner bags, tubes, other vacuum cleaner accessories (included in this class); attachments for household steam cleaners (included in this class); electric shoe polishers; sewing machines and their accessories (included in this class). 9 Sound and picture recording, transmission and reproducing apparatus; combined HiFi devices, remote controls for such devices; recorded and unrecorded magnetic data carriers and CD-ROMs; data processing equipment and computers; electric flat irons; radiotelephony sets, aerials; video monitoring installations. 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; electric or non electric hot water bottles and bedwarmers; electric heating cushions and electric blankets, not for medical purposes; electric water boilers; electric cooking utensils; microwave devices; ornamental fountains for rooms and gardens. 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials (included in this class); printed matter; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); collecting albums. 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials (included in this class); animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; bags for mobile telephones; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery. 21 Household and kitchen ustensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); corkscrews; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); articles for cleaning purposes; glassware, porcelain and earthenware (included in this class). 28 Games and playthings; remote-controlled vehicles (toys); gymnastic and sporting articles (included in this class); decorations for Christmas trees. 79

80 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: VITAGEL VITAGEL Biogel AG, Haldenstr. 11, CH-6006 Luzern, CH 5 Gelatine for medical purposes; pharmaceutical and veterinary products; hygienic products for medicine; dietetic substances for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; products for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. 80 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: EE M ELION ELION Elion Ettevõtted AS, Hobujaama 4, TALLLIN, EE 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, communication, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, processing, transmission and reproduction of sound and images; optical, magnetic and other data carriers; recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; telecommunication and data transmission networks; telecommunication and data transmission apparatus and instruments; communication apparatus and instruments included in this class; computer hard- and software; computer programs (pre-recorded), computer auxiliary and peripheral devices; automatic data processing equipment, electronic publications (pre-recorded). 35 Advertising; business management; office services; business information; auctioneering; computerized data processing; storing data into computer databases and its systemizing, including by means of the Internet and other data networks; retail sale services (for the third parties) and bringing together of variety of goods (excluding transport thereof) enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods, including by means of the Internet or other data networks; commercial or industrial management assistance; commercial information agencies; demonstration of goods; business consultancy; rental of office machines and equipment; sales promotions (for others); distribution of samples; rental of advertising space; dissemination of advertising matter; market research; outdoor advertising; business management consultancy; relocation services for business; business research; consultancy and information services related to the above services. 37 Construction; repair, including repair and maintenance of electronic, computer and communication equipment; installation services, including installation of information and communication systems and computer networks; maintenance of data communication systems. 38 Telecommunication services; communication, including communication through global computer network; electronic transmission and reception of speech, data, images, messages and other information; teleconference services; video conference services; chat room and instant messaging services; television and radio broadcasting, pay television; electronic mail, telephone services, communication by computer terminals; news agencies; rental of telecommunication equipment; rental of information transmission (message sending) apparatus; providing of radiotelephone and satellite communication; mobile telephone services; interactive telecommunication services; providing of web connections; services of transmitting or displaying data and/or information from electronically stored data banks; consultancy and

81 information services related to the above services; management of data communication systems. 41 Education; training, entertainment; sports and cultural activities; digital imaging services; publishing of books, periodicals and other printed matter and electronic publications; providing on-line electronic publications; organization of educational and entertainment competitions; information and consultation services included in this class; arranging and conducting of seminars, workshops, congresses and other similar events; organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; game services provided on-line from a computer network; production of television and radio programs; providing of all the above services through various data networks, including the Internet. 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; legal services; computer programming; design of computer programs; data base services, including rental of data base user time; rental of computer user time; creating and maintaining web sites; design and development of data communication systems; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; conversion of computer programs and data; analysis of computer systems; copyright management; consultancy and information services related to the above services; electronic data processing (computer service). (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: DE /03 OXI-ENERGY (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: US 78/257,806 SOLIPRIN SOLIPRIN UniGen Pharmaceuticals Inc, 2600 Willamette Dr., N.E., WA98516 LACEY, US 1 Chemical additives for use as ingredients in the manufacture of sunscreen, skin repair preparations, after sun exposure preparations, and cosmetics. 3 Cosmetics, sunscreen, skin repair preparations and after sun exposure preparations. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: OXI-ENERGY Henkel KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67, DÜSSELDORF, DE 1 Chemicals used in industry, namely basic materials and intermediate products for the detergent industry; raw materials for laundry preparations. 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; fabric softeners for laundry purposes, rinsing agents for laundry and tableware, spot removing agents, preparations for cleaning textiles, auxiliary washing agents (included in this class), starch for laundry purposes; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. 5 Disinfectants. POWEER Ningbo Baowand Battery Co Ltd (Ningbo Baowand Dianshi Youzian Gongsi), 18 Keji Road, Scientific & Technical Industrial Zone, Ninghai County, Zhejiang , CN 9 Galvanic cells; electric accumulators; solar batteries, chargers for electric batteries; batteries for pocket lamps; batteries for lighting; accumulator jars; electric accumulators for vehicles; galvanic batteries; grids for batteries. 81

82 (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: QUIKSILVER (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: BX QUIKSILVER Quiksilver International Pty Ltd, 681 Barrenjoey Road, Avalon NSW 2107, AU 3 Perfumes, fragrances, cosmetics, essential oils, soaps, hair lotions, sun screen preparations, sun tanning preparations, bath gels, bath oils, bath powders, deodorants, shower gels, shampoos, facial scrubs, face powders, skin soaps, skin moisturisers, body lotions, nail polish, lip balms, lip gloss, lipstick, facial makeup and eye makeup. 14 Watches and parts, fittings and accessories, watch bands, straps for wrist watches, containers for watches in the form of cases, housings for watch mechanisms; clocks; jewellery, jewels, precious stones; goods in precious metals or coated therewith, badges, purses, buckles and key rings in this class. 28 Sporting apparatus, surfboards, bodyboards, kneeboards, wakeboards, sailboards, surf skis, snowboards, snow skis, water-skis, skateboards, kiteboards; sporting accessories including leg ropes and security leashes for sporting apparatus, sporting apparatus being ropes especially adapted and fitted as tow-in ropes and skiing ropes, ski bindings, surfboard deck grips, swim fins including swim fins for bodyboarding, sailboard sails, kiteboard sails, wax for skis and surfboards; covers and protective bags for sporting apparatus including bags for surfboards, bodyboards, kneeboards, wakeboards, sailboards, surf skis, snowboards, snow skis, water-skis, skateboards and kiteboards. PRINCESS RECORDS Princess Household Appliances BV, Baronielaan 1, 4818PA BREDA, NL 9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers; recording discs and vision carriers. 41 Entertainment; music production; organization of pop concerts, music performances; services of music groups, pop groups and orchestras. (111) (151) Int.reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Nasj. (220) Notifikasjonsdato: (300) Søknadsprioritet: GB BEBRONZE BEBRONZE Avon Products Inc, 1345 Avenue of the Americas, World Headquarters, US 3 Non-medicated toilet preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; nail polish, nail polish remover; cosmetics; soaps; shower and bath preparations; preparations for the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; toilet articles; essential oils; all the aforesaid being alone, in combination and/or in gift sets comprised of some or all of these items. 82

83 innsigelser /04 Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf varemerkeloven 21, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i Norge jf varemerkeloven 52 og 21. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: (540) Gjengivelse av merket RIM Designor AB, Box 903, S Lidköping, SE (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum,0104 OSLO, NO Innsiger: ICA Norge AS, Postboks 6500 Rodeløkka, 0501 OSLO, NO Innsigers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO 83

84 endringer i varefortegnelse /04 Endringer i varefortegnelsen for nasjonale og internasjonale varemerker Delvis slettelse av varefortegnelse tilhørende nasjonale varemerke- eller fellesmerkeregistreringer, eller internasjonale vare- eller fellesmerker som er gyldige i Norge. (111) (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr: (220) Inndato: COLORIX 16 Fargeblyanter; pasteller; pastellkritt; tegnekritt; tegnelim for papirvarer; lyspenner; skrivepensler, klistremerker. (111) (151) Reg.dato: (180) Registreringen (210) Søknadsnr: (220) Inndato: SHELL 2 Hele klassen. 9 Hele klassen. 12 Hele klassen. 13 Hele klassen. 15 Hele klassen. 16 Hele klassen. 17 Hele klassen. 18 Hele klassen. 22 Hele klassen. 24 Hele klassen. 25 Hele klassen. 26 Hele klassen. 27 Hele klassen. 28 Hele klassen. 29 Hele klassen. 30 Hele klassen. 31 Hele klassen. 34 Hele klassen. 35 Hele klassen. 36 Hele klassen. 37 Hele klassen. 38 Hele klassen. 39 Hele klassen. 40 Hele klassen. 41 Hele klassen. 42 Hele klassene. 84

85 slettelser /04 Slettelser, begjært av innehaver Følgende vare- og eller fellesmerker er begjært slettet fra varemerkeregisteret av innehaver. (111) (151) Reg.Dato.: (111) (151) Reg.Dato.: (111) (151) Reg.Dato.: (111) (151) Reg.Dato.: (111) (151) Reg.Dato.:

86 overdragelser /04 Overdragelser Regulær overdragelse av registrerte merker og internasjonale merker som er gyldig i Norge, jfr. varemerkeloven 33.1 og varemerkeforskriften 28 og 29. (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Alaris Medical Systems Inc, Waterbridge Circle, Building A, CA92121 SAN DIEGO, US (740) Ny Innehaver: Alaris Medical Systems Inc, Waterbridge Circle, Building A, CA92121 SAN DIEGO, US (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: ABB Process Automation AG, Baden, CH (740) Ny Innehaver: ABB Stotz-Kontakt GmbH, Eppelheimer Strasse 82, HEIDELBERG, DE (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (111) , , , , , , , , , , , (730) Tidligere innehaver: Norway Seafoods ASA, Lysaker, NO (740) Ny Innehaver: Sudnif SA, Baarerstrasse 63, 6301 ZUG, CH (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) , (730) Tidligere innehaver: Pasta Zara SpA, Treviso, IT (740) Ny Innehaver: Pasta Zara SpA, Via Castellana n. 34, RIESE PIO X - TV, IT (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (111) , (730) Tidligere innehaver: Fibergrate CORP, Dallas, TX, US (740) Ny Innehaver: Fibergrate BV, Braak 1, 4704RJ ROSENDAL, NL (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: ABC-Patent, Siviling. Rolf Chr. B. Larsen AS, Postboks 6150 Etterstad, 0602 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: 4MBO International Electronic AG, München, DE (740) Ny Innehaver: Medion AG, Gänsemarkt 16-18, ESSEN, DE (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Charterfield AS, Høvik, NO (740) Ny Innehaver: Økonomisk Literatur Norge AS, Postboks 457 Sentrum, 0152 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Pharmacia & Upjohn SA, c/o Crédit Européen, 52, route d'esc, 1470 LUXEMBOURG, LU (740) Ny Innehaver: Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG, Postfach 200, INGELHEIM AM RHEIN, DE (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: ESDA Feinstrumpffabrik GmbH, Thalheim, DE (740) Ny Innehaver: Esda Vertiebs- und Service GmbH, Hauptstrasse 76, AUERBACH/ERZG., DE (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Nordic Mail AB, S Stockholm, SE (740) Ny Innehaver: Direct Link Worldwide Ltd, Fairview Business Centre, 25 Clayton Road, UB31AN HAYES, MIDDLESEX, GB (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Bjørn M. Andresen AS, Postboks 34, 2312 OTTESTAD, NO (740) Ny Innehaver: BMA-Heisteknisk Rådgivning As, Lilletorget 1, 0134 OSLO, NO (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0101 OSLO, NO 86

87 overdragelser /04 (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: DaimlerChrysler AG, Epplestrasse 225, STUTTGART, DE (740) Ny Innehaver: DaimlerChrysler Corp, 800 Chrysler Drive, MI AUBURN HILLS, US (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) , , (730) Tidligere innehaver: Rudi AS, 2939 HEGGENES, NO (740) Ny Innehaver: Elbe Normark A/S, Postboks 113, Grini Næringspark, 1332 ØSTERÅS, NO (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (111) , , , (730) Tidligere innehaver: Qiagen AS, Frysjaveien 40, 0486 OSLO, NO Qiagen AS, Frysjaveien 40, 0486 OSLO, NO (740) Ny Innehaver: Genovision AS, Frysjaveien 40, 0884 OSLO, NO (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Pretor Advokat AS, Postboks 1734, 7416 TRONDHEIM, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Electronic Data Systems Corp, 5400 Legacy Drive, H3-3A- 05, Plano, TX, US (740) Ny Innehaver: UGS Corp, 5800 Granite Parkway, Suite 600, TX75024 PLANO, US (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS, Postboks 2734 Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: TCV International Holding Inc, 1011 Centre Road, Suite 322, DE19805 WILMINGTON, US (740) Ny Innehaver: TVC Communications LLC, 800 Airport Road, PA17003 ANNVILLE, US (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (111) 32602, 78695, 82708, , (730) Tidligere innehaver: Frionor AS, 1366 LYSAKER, NO (740) Ny Innehaver: Sudnif SA, Baarerstrasse 63, 6301 ZUG, CH (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Norway Seafoods AS, P.O. Box 1301 Vika, 0112 OSLO, NO (740) Ny Innehaver: Sudnif SA, Baarerstrasse 63, 6301 ZUG, CH (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) 68818, (730) Tidligere innehaver: Kraft Foods AS, Johan Throne Holsts plass 1, 0566 OSLO, NO (740) Ny Innehaver: Kraft Foods Schweitz AG, Bellerivestrasse 203, 8008 ZÜRICH, CH (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Drown Corp, 14 Stratford Court, NY14051 EAST AMHERST, US (740) Ny Innehaver: Corp, 455 Commerce Drive, Suite 7, NY14228 AMHERST, US (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO (111) (730) Tidligere innehaver: Valve LLC, 520 Kirkland Way 201, Kirkland, WA 98033, US (740) Ny Innehaver: Valve Corp, NE 8th Street, Suite 1000, WA98004 BELLEVUE, US (740) Ny Innehavers Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, NO 87

88 endringer i fullmaktsforhold /04 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold Endring av fullmaktsforhold, jf Varemerkeforskriften 29. (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Lancôme Parfums et Beauté & Cie PARIS, FR Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Select Comfort Corp, 6105 Trenton Lane North, MN55442 MINNEAPOLIS, US Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Beiersdorf AG, Unnastrasse 48, D Hamburg, DE Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: L'Oréal SA, 14, rue Royale, F Paris, FR Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Unichema Chemie BV, Gouda, NL Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: L'Oréal SA, 14, rue Royale, F Paris, FR Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) , , , , , , , , , , , (210) Søknadsnr.: , , , , , , , , , , , Sudnif SA, Baarerstrasse 63, 6301 ZUG, CH Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: L'Oréal, 14, rue Royale, F Paris, PARIS, FR Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Procordia Food AB, ESLÖV, SE Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG, Postfach 200, INGELHEIM AM RHEIN, DE Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: L'Oréal, 14, rue Royale, F Paris, PARIS, FR Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO 88

89 endringer i fullmaktsforhold /04 (111) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (210) Søknadsnr.: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Micro Compact Car smart GmbH, Industriestrasse 8, D Renningen, DE Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7085 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: DaimlerChrysler Corp, 800 Chrysler Drive, MI AUBURN HILLS, US Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) , , , , , , , , , , , , (210) Søknadsnr.: , , , , , , , , , , , , DaimlerChrysler Services AG, Eichhornstrasse 3, BERLIN, DE Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) 32602, 78695, 82708, , (210) Søknadsnr.: 38664, , , , Sudnif SA, Baarerstrasse 63, 6301 ZUG, CH Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: GN Transistor AB, Box , SE Stockholm, SE Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 765 Sentrum, 0106 OSLO, NO (111) , (210) Søknadsnr.: , Firesafe AS, Postboks 6411 Etterstad, 0605 Oslo, 0605, NO Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0101 OSLO, NO (111) , , (210) Søknadsnr.: , , Elbe Normark A/S, Postboks 113, Grini Næringspark, 1332 ØSTERÅS, NO Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: Wormald Industrial Property Ltd, Grimshaw Lane, Wormald Park, M402WL NEWTON HEATH, MANCHESTER, GB JK Thorsens Patentbureau AS, Postboks 9276 Grønland, 0134 OSLO, NO (111) (210) Søknadsnr.: UGS Corp, 5800 Granite Parkway, Suite 600, TX75024 PLANO, US Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS, Postboks 2734 Solli, 0204 OSLO, NO 89

90 navneendringer /04 Navneendringer Navneendring gjelder for alle rettigheter i registeret vårt som er knyttet til navneforekomsten, selv om kun én rettighet er oppgitt i kunngjøringen. Innehavers tidligere navn: Bavarian Nordic Research Institute A/S Innehavers nåværende navn: Bavarian Nordic A/S Boegeskovvej KVISTGAARD DK Innehavers tidligere navn: Amway Corp Innehavers nåværende navn: Alticor Inc 7575 Fulton Street, East MI49355 ADA US Innehavers tidligere navn: KoSa GmbH & Co KG Innehavers nåværende navn: Invista Resins & Fibers GmbH & Co KG HATTERSHEIM AM MAIN DE Innehavers tidligere navn: Den kongelige Mynt AS Innehavers nåværende navn: Det norske Myntverket AS Postboks Kongsberg Innehavers tidligere navn: K.S. Paul Products Ltd Innehavers nåværende navn: Fuchs Lubritech UK Ltd LONDON GB Innehavers tidligere navn: KK Bandai Innehavers nåværende navn: Bandai Co Ltd 4-8 Komagata 1-chome, Taito-ku TOKYO JP Innehavers tidligere navn: TFL Ledertechnik GmbH & Co Innehavers nåværende navn: TFL Ledertechnik GmbH Im Schwarzenbach WEIL AM RHEIN DE Innehavers tidligere navn: Dongguan Bearing Factory Innehavers nåværende navn: Dongguan TR Bearing Co Ltd No 27 Guantai Road GUANCHENG DISTRICT, DONGGUAN CITY CN Innehavers tidligere navn: Nor-Cargo ASA Innehavers nåværende navn: Nor-Cargo Holding ASA Postboks 6741 St.Olavsplass 0130 OSLO NO 90

91 fornyelser /04 Fornyelser (111) (180) Registreringen

92 wipo-notifikasjoner 92

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad Oslo Patentkontor AS Postboks 7007 Majorstua 0306 OSLO Oslo, 2017.02.23 Deres ref.: V16-0528 Saksnr.: 201612320 Merke: AERO Søker: Diversey, Inc. Svarfrist: 2017.05.23 1 Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad Vi


nr 50/04-2004.12.06 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 50/04-2004.12.06 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2004.12.06-50/04 nr 50/04-2004.12.06 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE


Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad BIL-GUSS AS Postboks 190 3471 SLEMMESTAD Oslo, 2012.08.27 Deres ref.: Jan Håkon Tvervaag Saksnr.: 201204360 Merke: POWER TOOLS Søker: BIL-GUSS AS Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad Behandlingen av deres


Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad Ramberg Advokater KB Box 3137 SE10362 STOCKHOLM Sverige Oslo, 2016.10.06 Deres ref.: Peter Ottosson Saksnr.: 201604852 Merke: S MATKASSE Søker: S MATKASSE AS Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad Behandlingen


Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad von lode advokat ab Box 47229 SE10074 STOCKHOLM Sverige Oslo, 2015.07.10 Deres ref.: Peter Ottosson Svarfrist: 2015.10.10 1 Saksnr.: 201501351 Merke: S MATKASSE Søker: S MATKASSE AS Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad


Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 9. oktober 2012

Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 9. oktober 2012 Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL Annen avd. sak nr. 7718 Reg. nr. 226692 Søknad nr. 200400896 Registreringshaver: Umoe IKT AS, Økernveien 94, 0579 Oslo (tidl. innehaver: Voop AS, 5257 Kokstad, og Voop AS Konkursbo,


design tidende nr NO årgang 2 ISSN Norsk

design tidende nr NO årgang 2 ISSN Norsk nr 5-2004.03.01 NO årgang 2 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


design tidende nr 7-2003.08.04 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk

design tidende nr 7-2003.08.04 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk nr 7-2003.08.04 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


nr 02/14-2014.01.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 02/14-2014.01.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 02/14-2014.01.06 NO årgang 104 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 02/10-2010.01.25 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808

nr 02/10-2010.01.25 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808 . nr 02/10-2010.01.25 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


mønster tidende nr 8-2003.04.14 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 Norsk

mønster tidende nr 8-2003.04.14 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 Norsk nr 8-2003.04.14 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 Norsk mønster tidende Norsk mønstertidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor mønsterområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


17/ september Evonik Industries AG Zacco Norway AS. Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg:

17/ september Evonik Industries AG Zacco Norway AS. Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg: AVGJØRELSE Sak: Dato: 17/00068 20. september 2017 Klager: Representert ved: Evonik Industries AG Zacco Norway AS Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg: Elisabeth Ohm, Ulla


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :34:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :34:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2019.06.29 18:34:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Merket er en figur Ikke i kraft 2014.02.10


nr 03/ NO årgang 7 ISSN

nr 03/ NO årgang 7 ISSN . nr 03/09-2009.01.26 NO årgang 7 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


design tidende nr 10-2003.09.15 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk

design tidende nr 10-2003.09.15 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk nr 10-2003.09.15 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


design tidende nr 16-2004.08.02 NO årgang 2 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk

design tidende nr 16-2004.08.02 NO årgang 2 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk nr 16-2004.08.02 NO årgang 2 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


nr 50/13-2013.12.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 50/13-2013.12.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 50/13-2013.12.09 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 2 2003.01.20 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende

nr 2 2003.01.20 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende nr 2 2003.01.20 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 norsk mønster tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


design tidende nr NO årgang 1 ISSN Norsk

design tidende nr NO årgang 1 ISSN Norsk nr 3-2003.06.10 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Paten Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2016.12.17 11:34:00 Tekst i merket Status Detaljstatus Merket er en figur Søknadsnummer 201315782 Inngitt


Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad Zacco Norway AS Postboks 2003 Vika 0125 OSLO Oslo, 2017.02.15 Deres ref.: T61603584NO01PVB/BGK Saksnr.: 201611681 Merke: VIGO Søker: Rema 1000 AS Svarfrist: 2017.05.15 1 Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad Vi


nr 02/08-2008.01.14 NO årgang 6 ISSN 1503-5808

nr 02/08-2008.01.14 NO årgang 6 ISSN 1503-5808 . nr 02/08-2008.01.14 NO årgang 6 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad Acapo AS Postboks 1880 Nordnes 5817 BERGEN Oslo, 2017.08.22 Deres ref.: TM42689NO00 Saksnr.: 201607050 Merke: RÅ Søker: SYNNØVE FINDEN AS Svarfrist: 2017.11.22 1 Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad Vi viser til


Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 8. juni 2009

Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 8. juni 2009 Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL Annen avd. sak nr. 7848 Reg. nr. 236 591 Søknadsnr. 2006 07064 Søker / innehaver: Mikaela Hansson, Romsdalsgt. 2, 0556 Oslo Innsiger: Comercial Farlabo España SL, Madrid, Spania


nr 15 2002.07.22 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende

nr 15 2002.07.22 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende nr 15 2002.07.22 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 norsk mønster tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2017.02.25 11:29:00 Tekst i merket Status Detaljstatus KVIKK LUNSJ Søknadsnummer 200305996 Inngitt 2003.06.25


Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Databasen er sist oppdatert :29:00. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge.

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Databasen er sist oppdatert :29:00. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2018.12.29 12:29:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Æ I kraft 2017.01.24 Registrert 2017.01.24


nr 18 2002.09.02 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende

nr 18 2002.09.02 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende nr 18 2002.09.02 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 norsk mønster tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


II. International registration: VALCO MELTON

II. International registration: VALCO MELTON Notification of Provisional Refusal based on an Ex Officio Examination (to WIPO) Pursuant to Rule 17(2) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement concerning the international registration of


Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for varemerkeregistrering nr

Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for varemerkeregistrering nr Zacco Norway AS Postboks 2003 Vika 0125 OSLO Oslo, 2014.06.30 Deres ref.: T61301799NO00 LTM/IED Saksnr.: 201307881 Merke: POWER TO YOUR NEXT STEP Innehaver: Canon Europa NV Oversendelse av registreringsbrev


Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :52:00

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :52:00 Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2018.12.15 12:52:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus TILE I kraft 2017.11.01 Registrert 2017.11.01


nr 13/ NO årgang 7 ISSN

nr 13/ NO årgang 7 ISSN . nr 13/09-2009.06.15 NO årgang 7 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :09:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :09:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2019.09.14 16:09:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus TukTuk I kraft 2016.05.10 Registrert 2017.08.28


18/ oktober Harald Schillinger Onsagers AS. Cluett, Peabody & Co, Inc. AWA Denmark A/S

18/ oktober Harald Schillinger Onsagers AS. Cluett, Peabody & Co, Inc. AWA Denmark A/S AVGJØRELSE Sak: Dato: 18/00044 22. oktober 2018 Klager: Representert ved: Harald Schillinger Onsagers AS Innklaget: Representert ved: Cluett, Peabody & Co, Inc. AWA Denmark A/S Klagenemnda for industrielle


nr 14/09-2009.06.29 NO årgang 7 ISSN 1503-5808

nr 14/09-2009.06.29 NO årgang 7 ISSN 1503-5808 . nr 14/09-2009.06.29 NO årgang 7 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


nr 13 2002.06.24 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende

nr 13 2002.06.24 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende nr 13 2002.06.24 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 norsk mønster tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


design tidende nr NO årgang 3 ISSN Norsk

design tidende nr NO årgang 3 ISSN Norsk nr 18-2005.08.29 NO årgang 3 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet!!!!!! BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


nr 17 2002.08.19 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende

nr 17 2002.08.19 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende nr 17 2002.08.19 NO årgang 32 ISSN 1503-4941 norsk mønster tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


nr 3 2003.02.03 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende

nr 3 2003.02.03 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende nr 3 2003.02.03 NO årgang 33 SSN 1503-4941 norsk mønster tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge- og


nr 13/10-2010.03.29 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 13/10-2010.03.29 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 13/10-2010.03.29 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for Varemerke nr

Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for Varemerke nr Valea AB Box 7086 SE10387 STOCKHOLM Sverige Oslo, 2015.04.07 Deres ref.: TS18426NO01 Saksnr.: 201410987 Merke: Statoil Innehaver: Statoil ASA Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for Varemerke nr. 281029


nr 32/ NO årgang 94 ISSN

nr 32/ NO årgang 94 ISSN . nr 32/05-2005.08.08 årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


design tidende nr 15-2004.07.19 NO årgang 2 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk

design tidende nr 15-2004.07.19 NO årgang 2 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk nr 15-2004.07.19 NO årgang 2 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


Hvordan komme i kontakt med de store

Hvordan komme i kontakt med de store Hvordan komme i kontakt med de store Willy Holdahl, direktør Personal og Organisasjonsutvikling Kongstanken, 15 oktober 2010 The information contained in this document is Volvo Aero Connecticut Proprietary


nr 03/07-2007.01.15 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 03/07-2007.01.15 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 03/07-2007.01.15 årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistrering

Administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistrering Overprøvingsnr.: TMADM0000064 Deres ref.: B04.5-09020/TE Varemerke: ROUTE 66 895351 Søknadsnr.: Innehaver: Fullmektig: 200610581 Temting Brands AG Håmsø Patetntbyrå ANS Kravstiller: Fullmektig:


nr 48/10-2010.11.29 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 48/10-2010.11.29 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 48/10-2010.11.29 årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2017.07.22 11:22:00 Tekst i merket Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus LACTACYD Søknadsnummer 19942855 Inngitt


nr 35 2000.08.28 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 varemerke norsk tidende

nr 35 2000.08.28 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 varemerke norsk tidende nr 35 2000.08.28 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally


nr 10/09-2009.05.04 NO årgang 7 ISSN 1503-5808

nr 10/09-2009.05.04 NO årgang 7 ISSN 1503-5808 . nr 10/09-2009.05.04 NO årgang 7 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


nr 13/11-2011.03.28 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 13/11-2011.03.28 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 13/11-2011.03.28 årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


For at salget skal se organisert ut, er det viktig at klær henges på klesstativene og legges i kassene på en ryddig måte. Da vil du få solgt mer!

For at salget skal se organisert ut, er det viktig at klær henges på klesstativene og legges i kassene på en ryddig måte. Da vil du få solgt mer! If we are organized in the way we hang clothes on the racks and put clothes in the bins, we ll have a wonderfully organized sale! And you will sell more! With the front of the clothing item facing you,


nr 01/13-2013.01.02 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 01/13-2013.01.02 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 01/13-2013.01.02 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 16/04-2004.04.13 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 16/04-2004.04.13 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2004.04.13-16/04 nr 16/04-2004.04.13 årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE


nr 19/04-2004.05.03 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 19/04-2004.05.03 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2004.05.03-19/04 nr 19/04-2004.05.03 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet '' BESØKSADRESSE


Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad Bryn Aarflot AS Postboks 449 Sentrum 0104 OSLO Oslo, 2017.08.25 Deres ref.: 537301 CVJ/IVI Saksnr.: 201703208 Merke: GENERATION Søker: New Millennium Ventures 123, LLC Svarfrist: 2017.11.25 1 Uttalelse


18/ januar EXACOMPTA Zacco Norway AS. Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg:

18/ januar EXACOMPTA Zacco Norway AS. Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg: AVGJØRELSE Sak: Dato: 18/00088 18. januar 2019 Klager: Representert ved: EXACOMPTA Zacco Norway AS Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg: Lill Anita Grimstad, Amund Grimstad


nr 27 2002.07.01 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 varemerke norsk tidende

nr 27 2002.07.01 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 varemerke norsk tidende nr 27 2002.07.01 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 norsk varemerke tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 873 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61G 13/02 (06.01) A61G 13/08 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published..12


nr 17/10-2010.08.23 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808

nr 17/10-2010.08.23 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808 . nr 17/10-2010.08.23 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


nr 33/12-2012.08.13 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 33/12-2012.08.13 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 33/12-2012.08.13 NO årgang 102 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 14/ NO årgang 6 ISSN

nr 14/ NO årgang 6 ISSN . nr 14/08-2008.06.30 NO årgang 6 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


nr 12/09-2009.03.16 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 12/09-2009.03.16 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 12/09-2009.03.16 årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


(12) Translation of european patent specification

(12) Translation of european patent specification (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2393414 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61B /00 (06.01) G06F 19/00 (11.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 16.02.22


17/ mai Grotto SpA Bryn Aarflot AS. Gas Monkey Holdings, LLC Zacco Norway AS

17/ mai Grotto SpA Bryn Aarflot AS. Gas Monkey Holdings, LLC Zacco Norway AS HAVGJØRELSE Sak: Dato: 17/00210 22. mai 2018 Klager: Representert ved: Grotto SpA Bryn Aarflot AS Innklagede: Representert ved: Gas Monkey Holdings, LLC Zacco Norway AS Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter


nr 36/07-2007.09.03 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 36/07-2007.09.03 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 36/07-2007.09.03 årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 37/08-2008.09.08 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 37/08-2008.09.08 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 37/08-2008.09.08 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


design tidende nr NO årgang 1 ISSN Norsk

design tidende nr NO årgang 1 ISSN Norsk nr 11-2003.09.29 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


nr 31/07-2007.07.30 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 31/07-2007.07.30 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 31/07-2007.07.30 NO årgang 97 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


tidende nr 46-2003.11.10 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke

tidende nr 46-2003.11.10 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke nr 46-2003.11.10 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke tidende Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


nr 16/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 16/ NO årgang 99 ISSN . nr 16/09-2009.04.14 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr NO årgang 91 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende nr 13 2001.03.26 NO årgang 91 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally


nr 32/08-2008.08.04 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 32/08-2008.08.04 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 32/08-2008.08.04 årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


design tidende nr 17-2003.12.22 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk

design tidende nr 17-2003.12.22 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk nr 17-2003.12.22 NO årgang 1 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


nr 30/10-2010.07.26 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 30/10-2010.07.26 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 30/10-2010.07.26 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Sammendrag og figur. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Sammendrag og figur. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert Søk Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge Nøkkelinformasjon Databasen er sist oppdatert 2017.10.31 05:15:00 Tittel Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus Patentnummer 341009 Søknadsnummer 20151391 Inngitt


nr 11/ NO årgang 94 ISSN

nr 11/ NO årgang 94 ISSN Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2004.03.12-11/04 nr 11/04-2004.03.12 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE


nr 17/10-2010.04.26 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 17/10-2010.04.26 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 17/10-2010.04.26 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


design tidende nr 13-2005.06.20 NO årgang 3 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk

design tidende nr 13-2005.06.20 NO årgang 3 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk nr 13-2005.06.20 NO årgang 3 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


design tidende nr NO årgang 2 ISSN Norsk

design tidende nr NO årgang 2 ISSN Norsk nr 2-2004.01.19 NO årgang 2 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk design tidende Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


nr 18/08-2008.08.25 NO årgang 6 ISSN 1503-5808

nr 18/08-2008.08.25 NO årgang 6 ISSN 1503-5808 . nr 18/08-2008.08.25 NO årgang 6 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.


nr 4 2003.02.17 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende

nr 4 2003.02.17 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 mønster norsk tidende nr 4 2003.02.17 NO årgang 33 ISSN 1503-4941 norsk mønster tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


nr 33/11-2011.08.15 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 33/11-2011.08.15 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 33/11-2011.08.15 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


19/ august Somfy Activities SA Zacco Norway AS. Tekhnopia AS Pretor Advokat AS

19/ august Somfy Activities SA Zacco Norway AS. Tekhnopia AS Pretor Advokat AS AVGJØRELSE Sak: Dato: 19/00043 23. august 2019 Klager: Representert ved: Somfy Activities SA Zacco Norway AS Innklagede: Representert ved: Tekhnopia AS Pretor Advokat AS Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter


nr 16/13-2013.04.15 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 16/13-2013.04.15 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 16/13-2013.04.15 NO årgang 103 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 2 2000.01.10 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende

nr 2 2000.01.10 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende nr 2 2000.01.10 NO årgang 90 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for


Patentstyrets avgjørelse av innsigelse

Patentstyrets avgjørelse av innsigelse Oslo, 2017.04.04 Vår ref.: OP2016/00330 Registreringsnr.: 287055 Saksnr.: 201415218 Innehaver: Sky Agency AS Innehavers fullmektig: Advokatfirma Ræder DA Innsiger: Samsøe & Samsøe Holding A/S Innsigers


nr 01/11-2011.01.03 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 01/11-2011.01.03 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 01/11-2011.01.03 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 24 2002.06.10 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 varemerke norsk tidende

nr 24 2002.06.10 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 varemerke norsk tidende nr 24 2002.06.10 NO årgang 92 ISSN 1503-4925 norsk varemerke tidende Besøksadresse Københavngaten 10 Kontortid kl. 08.00-15.45 vinter kl. 08.00-15.00 sommer. På lørdag, søndag, helge-


nr 07/09-2009.02.09 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 07/09-2009.02.09 NO årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 07/09-2009.02.09 årgang 99 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 32 09.08.1999 NO årgang 89 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende

nr 32 09.08.1999 NO årgang 89 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende nr 32 09.08.1999 NO årgang 89 ISSN 0803-6977 norsk varemerke tidende I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for


tidende nr 27-2003.06.30 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke

tidende nr 27-2003.06.30 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke nr 27-2003.06.30 NO årgang 93 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerke tidende Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten


nr 30/05-2005.07.25 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 30/05-2005.07.25 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 30/05-2005.07.25 årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 26/08-2008.06.23 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 26/08-2008.06.23 NO årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 26/08-2008.06.23 årgang 98 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Københavngaten 10 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


DC/AC inverters DC/AC invertere

DC/AC inverters DC/AC invertere DC/AC inverters DC/AC invertere Mascot range of DC/AC inverters Using a 12V or 24V battery, these inverters are ideal for applications such TV, video, smaller household appliances, and tools for camping,


nr 21/10-2010.05.25 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 21/10-2010.05.25 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 21/10-2010.05.25 årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 05/05-2005.01.31 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 05/05-2005.01.31 NO årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2005.01.31-05/05 nr 05/05-2005.01.31 årgang 95 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE


nr 13/04-2004.03.23 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 13/04-2004.03.23 NO årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2004.03.23-13/04 nr 13/04-2004.03.23 årgang 94 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE


nr 38/10-2010.09.20 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925

nr 38/10-2010.09.20 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 . nr 38/10-2010.09.20 NO årgang 100 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160


nr 01/10-2010.01.11 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808

nr 01/10-2010.01.11 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808 . nr 01/10-2010.01.11 NO årgang 8 ISSN 1503-5808 Norsk designtidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor designområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep.
