Strategidokument for Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

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Strategidokument for Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet. Strategi

Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet. Strategi

Innspill fra NMBU til regjeringens langtidsplan for forskning og høyere utdanning


Strategi NMBU

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Vennlig hilsen. Øystein Johnsen dekan Klikk her for å skrive inn tekst. Kopi til: Ledelsesstab v/jan Olav Aasbø

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European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)

FM kompetanseutvikling i Statoil

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En praktisk anvendelse av ITIL rammeverket

Fellesstyret for Norges veterinærhøgskole og Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap

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Kvalitet i forskerutdanningen. Hvordan gjør vi dette i dag? Hva bør NMBU gjøre bedre? Noen tanker fra en nyansatt

E-Learning Design. Speaker Duy Hai Nguyen, HUE Online Lecture


Midler til innovativ utdanning

FM kompetanseutvikling i Statoil


Strategidokument for Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

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Risikofokus - også på de områdene du er ekspert

The Research Council of Norway, grants and levels of research

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EN Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning

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Strategisk tenking rundt Internasjonalisering. Av Ruth Haug Professor og Prorektor forskning, UMB

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Quality Policy. HSE Policy

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BPS TESTING REPORT. December, 2009

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Norge; et lite land, men store merder.

Om forskningsprosjektet #Læringslivet


Strategidokument 2014 2018 for Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet Fastsatt av fellestyret 5.3.2013 i sak FS-19/2013. Et nytt universitet med lang historie Regjeringen fremmet 11. januar 2008 forslag om flytting av Norges veterinærhøgskole (NVH) og Veterinærinstituttet (VI) til Ås og om samorganisering av NVH og Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap (UMB). Stortinget gjorde 7. april 2008 vedtak i tråd med tilrådingen. Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap ble etablert som Den høiere Landbrugsskole paa Aas i 1859, og eksisterte i perioden 1897-2005 som Norges landbrukshøgskole. Forslaget om å etablere en veterinærhøgskole i Norge ble lansert i 1811, men den offisielle åpningen av Norges veterinærhøgskole på Adamstua fant først sted i 1936. Den 1.1.2014 slås to institusjoner med lang og stolt historie sammen til ett nytt universitet: Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU). Universitetets fagområder samles i tre fakulteter: Fakultet for veterinærmedisin og biovitenskap Fakultet for miljøvitenskap og teknologi Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap I strategidokumentets virkningstid vil NMBU ha ett campus på Ås og ett campus i Oslo. Kunnskap for livet NMBU har valgt visjonen Kunnskap for livet. Visjonen uttrykker universitetets overordnede mål om å bidra til å sikre framtidens livsgrunnlag gjennom fremragende forskning, utdanning, formidling og innovasjon. NMBUs samfunnsoppdrag NMBU har som de andre universitetene ansvar for utdanning og forskning som følger den internasjonale forskningsfronten. Samfunnsoppdraget understreker i tillegg NMBUs spesielle forutsetninger og ansvar. Det forplikter universitetet til å utvikle sin egenart og tradisjon med et mål om å bidra til å løse noen av vår tids store utfordringer. Denne oppgaven må universitetets fagmiljøer løse i et samspill med andre forsknings- og utdanningsinstitusjoner i inn- og utland. Fellesstyret for NVH og UMB har vedtatt dette samfunnsoppdraget for NMBU: NMBU skal: Være en konstruktiv, framtidsrettet og kritisk utdannings- og forskningsinstitusjon som samarbeider med universiteter og andre forskningsinstitusjoner over hele verden for å utvikle ny kunnskap Utdanne kandidater som er kompetente og reflekterte, som har internasjonalt perspektiv og som blir attraktive deltakere i det nasjonale og internasjonale samfunnet Ha ansvaret for forskning på høyt internasjonalt nivå, og på utvalgte områder ha forskergrupper som er blant de ledende i verden 1

NMBU har helt spesielle forutsetninger fordi: Forskningsinstitusjonene på Campus Ås og NMBU til sammen utgjør et internasjonalt konkurransedyktig forsknings- og utdanningsmiljø innenfor biovitenskap fordi disse forskningsmiljøene skaper ny faglig synergi og nye tverrfaglige tilnærmingsmåter Studentene deltar i et kreativt lærings- og studiemiljø med lange tradisjoner NMBU er et internasjonalt universitet med studenter og ansatte fra nærmere 100 forskjellige nasjoner og med lang tradisjon for internasjonalt samarbeid NMBU skal ha et spesielt ansvar for: Forskning som kan møte de store globale spørsmålene om miljø, bærekraftig utvikling, bedre folke- og dyrehelse, klimautfordring, fornybare energikilder, matproduksjon «fra jord og fjord til bord» og areal- og ressursforvaltning Utdanning av kandidater i miljø- og biovitenskapene, veterinærmedisin og nye tverrfaglige utdanningstilbud som gir samfunnet nye muligheter til å skape en bærekraftig utvikling til beste for nåværende og kommende generasjoner Innovasjon og verdiskaping, kunnskapsformidling og deltakelse i den globale innsatsen for en bærekraftig utvikling på områdene hvor NMBU er ledende. NMBUs strategiske muligheter og ressurser NMBU skal fra 2014 utvikle og styrke fagmiljøene. Instituttenes fagmiljøer skal organiseres i tre fakulteter som gir NMBU nye muligheter til å skape faglig synergi og tverrfaglig virksomhet: Fakultet for veterinærmedisin og biovitenskap Institutt for: Basalfag og akvamedisin Produksjonsdyrmedisin Mattrygghet og infeksjonsbiologi Sports- og familiedyrmedisin Kjemi, bioteknologi og matvitenskap Husdyr- og akvakuturvitenskap Plantevitenskap Fakultet for miljøvitenskap og teknologi Institutt for: Matematiske realfag og teknologi Naturforvaltning Miljøvitenskap Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap Institutt for: Handelshøyskolen ved NMBU Landskapsplanlegging Internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric Med omtrent 1500 ansatte og mer enn 5000 studenter har NMBU ressurser til å utvikle nye tilbud og satsingsområder på fakultetenes fagområder. Sammen med de øvrige forskningsinstituttene på Campus Ås har NMBU en unik mulighet til å være et nasjonalt og internasjonalt kunnskapssenter på strategisk viktige områder. NMBU skal være et forskningsintensivt universitet innenfor miljø- og biovitenskapene, med en utdannings- og forskningsvirksomhet som skal gi viktige bidrag til den 2

internasjonale forskningsfronten. Gjennom god kontakt med næring, forvaltning og samfunn, god balanse mellom anvendt og grunnleggende forskning og betydelig innslag av profesjonsutdanninger vil NMBU spille en viktig rolle i den globale innsatsen for bærekraftig utvikling. De globale utfordringene knyttet til klima og energiforsyning, miljø, helse, matsikkerhet og mattrygghet, teknologi og nye fornybare løsninger, bruk og vern av arealer og naturressurser og utvikling av en kunnskapsbasert bioøkonomi kan bare løses ved en målrettet tverrfaglig innsats. *** 3

Strategi 2014 2018 NMBU: Kunnskap for livet Visjonen og samfunnsoppdraget er grunnlaget for NMBUs strategi for perioden 2014 til 2018. Denne første strategien for NMBU blir fulgt opp av en målmatrise som i henhold til Kunnskapsdepartementets sektormål formulerer årlige virksomhetsmål for utdanning, forskning, formidling og forvaltning. Strategien er derfor rammeverket for det kontinuerlige arbeidet med å formulere mål og utforme de nødvendige virkemidler. NMBUs hovedmål for perioden 2014 2018 er å etablere universitetet som en fremragende akademisk institusjon innen miljø- og biovitenskapelige fag. Målet skal nås ved en fokusering av NMBUs tverrfaglige kompetanse innen bioproduksjon, veterinærmedisin, miljøteknologi, areal- og naturressursforvaltning, økonomi og internasjonalt utviklingsarbeid samtidig som de enkelte fagdisiplinenes egenart bevares og videreutvikles. Strategien har disse delene: Kunnskap som felles mål: Samfunnsoppdraget gir NMBU de samme forpliktelsene som alle universiteter har i arbeidet for kontinuerlig å heve kvaliteten innen utdanning, forskning, innovasjon og formidling. Kunnskap skal deles: Samfunnsoppdraget gir NMBUs fagmiljøer helt spesielle oppgaver innen utdanning, forskning, innovasjon og formidling på de områdene hvor universitetet har unike forutsetninger og kompetanse. Samarbeidet med de øvrige instituttene på Campus Ås gir NMBU unike muligheter for å skape ny kunnskap på sine områder. Denne kunnskapen skal stilles til rådighet for det globale kunnskapssamfunnet. Livet på universitetet: NMBU har utfordringer i de kommende årene med ett campus på Ås og ett campus på Adamstua. Kunnskapsdepartementets største byggeprosjekt skal gjennomføres på Campus Ås i denne perioden. Dette gir spesielle organisatoriske og praktiske utfordringer for ansatte og studenter. 4

Kunnskap som felles mål Samfunnsoppdragets første del pålegger NMBU å ha høy kvalitet i alle deler av virksomheten. NMBU skal være et universitet som viser samfunnsansvar og som viderefører og styrker universitetets forpliktelse som akademisk kunnskapsorganisasjon i samspill med forsknings- og utdanningsinstitusjoner, næringsliv og forvaltning i inn- og utland. Mål NMBU skal kjennetegnes ved høy studiekvalitet og utdanne kandidater med kompetanse på høyt internasjonalt nivå. NMBU skal gjennom dialog om samfunnets behov utvikle relevante og framtidsrettede utdanningstilbud. NMBU skal være et forskningsintensivt universitet som driver forskning av høy kvalitet og høy etisk standard. NMBU vil spesielt arbeide for å heve kvalitet på: Undervisningskompetanse, pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid og studentaktive arbeidsformer Nasjonalt og internasjonalt samarbeid på utdanningssiden Forpliktende samarbeid med næringsliv, forvaltning og samfunnet forøvrig Forskningsproduksjon Forskningsinfrastruktur Innovasjon og verdiskapning NMBU vil derfor spesielt vektlegge: Offensiv studentrekruttering som viser mulighetene i NMBUs utdanninger Høy kvalitet og god progresjon i utdanningsprogrammene Evaluering og akkreditering av utdanningsprogrammene Fagmiljøenes muligheter for synergi som fusjonen gir Forskerutdanningen Fagmiljøenes muligheter til å etablere og videreutvikle fremragende forskningsmiljøer og nettverk Sammenhengende tid til forskning kombinert med krav til forskningsvirksomhet og publisering Finansiering fra ulike nasjonale og internasjonale kilder Nye arenaer for forskningssamarbeid på Campus Ås Felles støttefunksjoner for innovasjon og kommersialisering på Campus Ås Fagmiljøenes rolle innen etter- og videreutdanning 5

Kunnskap skal deles Samfunnsoppdraget gir NMBU en spesiell forpliktelse til å bidra i forskningsfronten for å delta i arbeidet med å løse globale utfordringer. Bærekraftig utvikling og bioøkonomi er to viktige stikkord som kan dekke denne delen av samfunnsoppdraget. Dette arbeidet skal NMBU gjøre i et tett samspill med andre aktører innen akademia, instituttsektor, næringsliv, forvaltning og samfunnsliv, nasjonalt som internasjonalt. Fakultetene skal med utgangspunkt i strategidokumentet utarbeide faglig-strategiske satsingsplaner. Til sammen vil disse dokumentene gi NMBU en tydelig og særegen profil innenfor den norske universitetsfamilien. NMBU har et spesielt ansvar for å ivareta utdannelser som universitetet er alene om i Norge. Videre skal NMBU arbeide for å styrke fakultetsovergripende utdannings- og forskningssatsinger. Mål NMBUs forskningsbaserte kunnskap og kompetanse skal bidra til å sikre framtidens livsgrunnlag. NMBU skal sammen med instituttene på Campus Ås være et nasjonalt og internasjonalt kunnskapssentrum for utdanning, forskning, innovasjon og formidling i bioøkonomien. NMBU skal ha et faglig mangfold, særpregede utdanningstilbud og faglig egenart. NMBU vil derfor spesielt vektlegge satsinger på områder som Bruk og vern av naturressurser, areal, landskap Energi, miljø og klima Landbruk Mat, mattrygghet og matsikkerhet Folkehelse Dyrehelse og dyrevelferd Akvakultur Vitenskapsteori og etikk 6

Livet på universitetet Ansatte og studenter vil stå overfor nye utfordringer fra 2014. Undervisning og forskning på to campus skal samordnes. Store byggeprosjekter skal forberedes og gjennomføres. Campus Ås vil være i støpeskjeen fra 2014 og til samlokaliseringen kan gjennomføres. Mål NMBU skal ha en synlig ledelse med forankring og oppslutning blant ansatte og studenter. NMBU skal gi studenter og ansatte arbeidsforhold under perioden med to campus som gir trygghet, utviklingsmuligheter og felles kultur. NMBU skal legge forholdene til rette for effektiv drift og høy faglig virksomhet på begge campus. NMBU vil derfor spesielt vektlegge: Kompetent og tydelig faglig og administrativ ledelse på alle nivåer Fleksibel og resultatorientert ansvars- og oppgavefordeling mellom de forskjellige nivåer i organisasjonen Felles tilhørighet til arbeids- og studiestedet gjennom tiltak som fremmer innsikt, respekt, tillit og engasjement og som bygger på NMBUs verdigrunnlag Studenters tilhørighet til en faglig enhet som har ansvar for deres studieprogram God intern kultur der tydelighet, kommunikasjon og involvering står i sentrum Målrettet rekruttering av nye medarbeidere Verdibevarende vedlikehold av de fysiske fasilitetene Systematisk arbeid med helse, miljø og sikkerhet Ansattes og studenters deltakelse og medbestemmelse i utviklingen av egen arbeidsplass Personalpolitikk som ivaretar alle grupper ansatte og sikrer profesjonell og faglig utvikling En ambisiøs likestillings og inkluderingsplan Miljøuniversitet i alle deler av virksomheten Samarbeid med Studentsamskipnaden i Ås, Ås kommune og Akershus fylkeskommune om studentvelferd og et økt boligtilbud for studenter og ansatte Et stimulerende arbeids- og læringsmiljø der den enkelte ansattes og students potensiale realiseres og gir KUNNSKAP FOR LIVET 7

Verdigrunnlag NMBU skal være en RAUS organisasjon: R Respektfull Det akademiske livet er preget av åpenhet og gjensidig respekt for hverandres bakgrunn, erfaringer, arbeid og faglige ståsted. Ansatte og studenter er ansvarlige medborgere og medmennesker i det akademiske samfunnet. A Ambisiøs Vi setter oss høye mål og stille krav til kvalitet og etisk standard i alt vi gjør. Vi skal legge til rette for at den enkelte kan oppfylle sitt faglige potensial. Vi skal fremme ambisjoner hos våre ansatte og studenter. U Uavhengig Akademisk frihet er et bærende prinsipp i universitetets virksomhet. S Samspillende Vår virksomhet skal preges av samspill, innad på universitetet og med omverdenen. Vi skal bygge inkluderende kultur, arbeidsmiljø og faglige fellesskap tuftet på åpenhet, toleranse og samhandling 8

Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 Adopted by the Department Board in Meeting 12 May 2014 [submitted for proof- reading/language editing]

DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES: STRATEGY 2014 2018 OUR DEPARTMENT IN A NEW UNIVERSITY The Department of International Environment and Development Studies is committed to critical, interdisciplinary research and teaching within the mandated areas of environment and development studies. The Department forms part of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) established on 1 January 2014 through the merger of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) and the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (NVH). The vision of the NMBU Strategy 2014 2018 Knowledge for Life expresses the purpose of contributing to securing the basis for life of future generations through excellent research, education, communication and innovation. The public mandate ( Samfunnsoppdrag ) gives NMBU special responsibility to address major global challenges linked to environment, sustainable development, human and animal health, climate change, renewable energy, food production and governance of land and natural resources. The Department of International Environment and Development Studies aims to contribute to NMBU by generating research- based knowledge, by promoting academic collaboration across the social and natural sciences, and by involving our global network of partners. In the new University we aim to expand and strengthen our collaboration with sister departments, Department of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning and the School of Economics and Business. Together we aim to form an academically excellent Faculty of Social Sciences that underpins the unique character of the University. We will also pursue shared interests with the Faculty of Environment and Technology and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biosciences. VISION, IDENTITY AND VALUES Vision: The Department is a leading academic institution that creates and shares knowledge in international environment and development studies through excellent critical education and research. Building on its history and competence in interdisciplinary research and education, the Department addresses themes that are key to the creation of just and sustainable futures: Agriculture and food security; governance of natural resources and the environment; climate change; conflict and human security; international relations; rights and power in development, and access and rights to natural resources. At the core is interdisciplinary competence on the governance, policy and social dimensions of the environment, natural resources and agriculture. Thereby, the Department places itself centrally in international environment and development studies and the search for knowledge to address the global challenges referred to in the University s mandate. We recognise that global challenges derive from economic, political and environmental conditions that bring dominant models of development and environmental governance in to question and require new and critical perspectives, knowledge and methods of engagement. We value the diversity of staff, perspectives and methods at our Department, and strive to maintain a high level of academic freedom and independent, critical debate. We build our research and education on interdisciplinary competencies and cooperation across social and natural sciences. We aim for high ethical standards in our work, striving to demonstrate respect for the rights of current and future generations and for nature. 1

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 CHALLENGES IN A CHANGING CONTEXT The Department has gone through a successful transformation from its beginning as a consultancy- oriented Centre for International Agricultural Development, Noragric to an interdisciplinary, academic department. However, in a changing context the Department must in the Strategy period respond to a number of cross- cutting challenges through considering possible scenarios and making a number of choices. The most pressing challenges include: The report by the Working Group on Noragric s Economy (2013) recognized a trend towards financial deficits over a number of years. The current budget model leads to a budgetary shortfall from our education activities and we have experienced reduced income from advisory services, while institutional collaboration remains high. The Department needs to consolidate, perhaps reduce, some activity areas, and must diversify and expand its income sources by professionalizing our efforts to acquire long- term research funding, securing assignments that yield income and practice- based experience, and by strengthening leadership of institutional collaboration and assignments. Capacity problems in responding to administrative and teaching tasks have increased work- pressure and caused job- related health problems. There is a need to fill gaps in administration, accounting, teaching and leadership, and to develop more efficient routines that fit the needs and constraints of both administrative and academic staff. The Department must consider its education portfolio, including changing, merging or establishing new programmes, and take appropriate actions to ensure adequate staff capacity and guarantee the quality, attractiveness and coherence of study- programmes. The Department needs to be alert to the changing contexts of education and research. This includes policy changes affecting student preferences and the demand for our competence as well as the risks that staff and students face during travel and field research. In facing these interconnected challenges, the Department aspires to defend academic freedom and time for creativity despite economic pressures; to maintain high quality in education, research, services and communication despite signs of stress; to improve the work environment and reduce work pressure; and to be flexible, alert and proactive in the face of external changes, opportunities and risks. By doing so, we can fulfil our vision of continued success through excellence in education, research and collaboration. PRIORITISED CHANGES DURING 2014 TO 2018 During 2014 to 2018: The Department will define its place in and make a valuable contribution to the new Faculty of Social Sciences and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, utilizing the new possibilities for enhanced coordination and collaboration in education, research, communication, assignments and administration. The Department will strengthen its Bachelor s and Master s education by improving programme structure, curricula and pedagogical performance in order to offer internationally recognized and attractive education to excellent students with wiser use of human and economic resources. The Department will enhance its academic contribution, collaboration and recognition through excellent critical research on local and global processes of change and policies in the field of 2

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 environment and development studies. The Department will maintain high publication rates, strengthen the PhD programme, expand the sources of research funding, and re- organise, improve and expand its internal and external communication activities. The Department will further develop its core interdisciplinary competence on the governance, policy and social dimensions of the environment, natural resources and agriculture. The Department will strengthen its competence within the social sciences, and ensure continued competence in agro- ecological and other natural sciences. We will explore and strengthen the interfaces between the Department s core competence and the strategic areas of sister departments and faculties, such as landscape, environment, bio- economy and food security. The Department will improve the work environment with the main emphasis on reducing work- related stress and will reduce its ecological footprint by reducing travel, energy consumption and environmental waste. The Department will strengthen its strategic leadership; achieve a balanced economy by using the insights and recommendations of the Working Group on the Department s Economy (2013); and improve democratic participation in the implementation of Strategy 2014 2018. EDUCATION Goal: The Department is internationally recognized for offering high quality Bachelor and Master s programmes characterized by coherent curricula and innovative learning methods. The education programmes attract excellent students and nurture candidates who have solid and sought after knowledge and skills, interdisciplinary understanding and an international perspective. During 2014 to 2018, the Department will advance towards this goal through pursuing the following sub- goals and measures: Reform and further improve education programmes and courses The Department will revise the degree programmes and the course portfolios, paying attention to academic and financial capacities. Courses will be revised to avoid overlaps and gaps and improve coherence and relevance. The Master s programmes will be evaluated in 2014 with a view to making decisions about changes, which may involve closing or merging programmes and considering new programmes. The Bachelor s programme will be reviewed in 2015 to assess the revision introduced in 2013. The Department will maintain and establish relevant institutional collaboration for student exchange, field courses and internships. Courses offered at partner universities will be reviewed and followed up. We will improve the coordination with other departments in the Faculty and encourage students to attend courses at other departments at NMBU. Improve the economy of education activities The Department will consolidate or reduce the level of education activities and use course budgeting and periodic programme reviews to ensure efficient use of resources. The Department will reduce the use of external lecturers and evaluate measures to use external examiners more efficiently. We will improve the economy of field courses, including by revising the financial support to participants. The Department will increase the production of study points per student per year to at least the average for the university and improve the completion rates through more efficient admission procedures; stricter demands on student performance; follow- up of individual students; and by ensuring the quality of programmes, teaching, and the academic home provided to students. 3

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 Strengthen pedagogical skills and methods As encouraged by the University s learning philosophy, our education programmes stimulate student responsibility, critical thinking and problem- based learning. To improve pedagogical performance and free up time for research, we expand, explore or introduce innovative methods, new technology and on- line teaching. The Department Library is a resource in developing learning and research skills and will be maintained as an academic home where students and staff can seek and share knowledge. The Department will continue to provide academic leadership and excellent courses in academic writing to the Writing Centre, which was created and developed by our Department and became a facility integrated with the University Library from 1 January 2014. Attract highly qualified students and provide excellence in education The Department will attract highly qualified applicants to each programme by carrying out continuous evaluations and seeking feedback from students; by applying strict language requirements to ensure that all those admitted have a high level of English language and writing skills; and by reviewing application procedures to ensure that they are in line with the academic identity of each programme. For current and future students, the Department will continue to provide high quality and relevant courses to guarantee students satisfaction and improve the student retention rate for all four programmes. The Department will maintain the link between education and research by encouraging students to participate in on- going research. To improve the contact with and between graduates, the Department will increase the use of social media and the NMBU Alumni network, encouraging Alumni to speak or participate in events and promote our education. Careers of former students will be used in communication and information to provide prospective and current students with examples of future jobs opportunities. Empower and develop staff to educate future professionals The Department will clarify and strengthen the organisation of education. Education is led by the Head of Education in close cooperation with the Education Committee, Programme Leaders, Course Leaders, and study coordinators. The Programme Coordination Team for each programme will be consolidated, with an elected leader, two members of academic staff, the study administration and student. The Department will ensure that all Course Leaders are permanent academic staff and clarify roles and the relationship between academic responsibility and administrative procedures. The Department will in 2014 recruit Head of Education through announcement but will in the strategy period create conditions that enable internal recruitment by reducing the administrative workload. The Department will reduce the workload on administrative staff by improving internal routines, increasing the collaboration with the university administration and reviewing the need for additional capacity. Regular staff meetings on educational issues will be held. The Department is proud of its knowledgeable and international staff and will continue to recognize and value teaching experience in employment and promotion. The Department will review and expand the incentives for teaching, improve the balance between time spent on teaching and research, and seek to distribute teaching more equitably among academic staff, with an average of 15 study points/credits per year as a guide. 4

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 RESEARCH Goal: The Department fosters excellent critical research on local and global processes of change and policy in the field of environment and development, underpinning a growing academic contribution, collaboration and recognition in this field. In the Strategy period, the Department will pursue these sub- goals: Maintain a high level of academic freedom and critical debate The Department will continue to defend and promote academic freedom and nurture an environment of academic pluralism and open critical debate in relation to all topics, projects and programmes. Develop core competence and academic profile Research is based on interdisciplinary competence and cooperation across the social and natural sciences, with the main emphasis on social sciences. Researchers apply a broad, interdisciplinary spectrum of approaches, including, but not limited to Agro- ecology, Political Ecology, Political Economy, Institutional Economics and International Relations. The links between macro and micro levels of analysis will be strengthened to increase the relevance of research to debates on policy alternatives. The Department will further develop its core interdisciplinary competence on the governance, policy and social dimensions of natural resources, the environment and agriculture. The Department will strengthen its competence within the social sciences and ensure continued competence in agro- ecological and other natural sciences. The interface between the Department s core competence and the strategic areas of sister departments and faculties, such as landscape, environment, bio- economy and food security, will be strengthened. Maintain a dynamic organization and interdisciplinary cooperation Research is carried out under the leadership of the Head of Research in close cooperation with research coordinators and with the advice of the Research Committee, the representative and elected body for academic staff, on research activities, publication, competence development and the PhD programme. Research is organized in flexible clusters, groups of researchers with shared interests. Clusters change over time to reflect the strategies and activities, the current ones are: Environmental Governance; Climate Change, Agriculture and Development; Conflict, Human Security and Development; and Rights and Power in Development. The Department will promote clusters as dynamic arenas for collaboration and sharing of knowledge, interdisciplinary research, project development, seminars and networking, and the integration of PhD and post- doctoral candidates. Expand and diversify the funding for research The Department will expand the number of sources of funding and funded projects, particularly from the EU, through sustained collective efforts. We will establish an internal peer review process in order to ensure high quality and quantity of research applications. We will strengthen our research administration capacity and utilize support from NMBU centrally to develop EU project applications, when appropriate in collaboration with others at NMBU. The Department will explore and utilize other national and international sources of research funding through active use of national and international networks. The Department will review its rates for long- term research funding, bringing them in line with the policy of the Norwegian Research Council and other donors. Realistic budgeting of both researcher and administrative time use will be applied. 5

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 Continue to improve the quality and quantity of publications The Department expects academic staff to maintain an average of at least 1.2 publication points and one popular science contribution per staff per year. The Department encourages publication in collaboration with foreign authors. Publications should be in high quality and preferably in high impact journals (level 2). The publication of monographs and edited volumes should aim at reputed academic publishers. We will increase the share of publications in peer- reviewed open access journals and establish a fund to support such publications. Staff will be acknowledged for high quality publications and other academic achievements. Further strengthen the quality of the PhD programme and PhD research The Department regularly updates and improves the PhD programme and PhD courses and will carry out an internal review early in the strategy period to assess the relevance of courses and how the programme may be further developed. The Department aims to maintain a level of 30 to 35 candidates through recruitment and graduation of a minimum of five PhD candidates per year, bearing in mind potential capacity restraints of supervision, office space and administration. The Department requires that PhD candidates publish articles in peer reviewed international journals. The role of the supervisor is crucial and the Department will establish a Supervisor Forum to facilitate discussion on common challenges. The Department will organize two academic workshops for PhD candidates per year and will encourage PhD candidates to arrange Brown Bag seminars through the clusters. The Department will facilitate the strategic contributions of PhD candidates in academically relevant teaching, research projects and assignments. COMMUNICATION, COLLABORATION AND ASSIGNMENTS Communication Goal: High quality communication and information services ensure high visibility of the Department s contributions in education and research and facilitate smooth and efficient internal cooperation. The Department will advance this goal through the these sub- goals and measures: Build shared responsibility for communication The Department will ensure that results from research and education reach those who need the information and contribute to public debate on international environment and development issues. We will integrate communication of a high professional standard in all core activity areas, research, education, institutional collaboration and assignments and build an understanding that communication is an integral part of the responsibilities of all staff, supported by the communication and library staff. Improve the organization of communication activities The Department will ensure adequate organization, capacity and competence to expand and increase the quality of communication. The responsibility for external communication will be placed under the leadership of Head of Research, while the responsibility for internal communication falls under the leader for respective activity areas. A Coordinator for communication will lead a communication team involving staff who have special responsibilities in communication. The communication team will prepare annual activity plans to identify gaps and define measures and milestones for the development of communication. 6

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 Improve external information and communication The Department will enhance its visibility by sharing research- based knowledge through various channels, including open sources, social media, seminars, newsletters, external websites and networks. We will further expand and professionalize our use of social media to improve the communication of results from research and education. The webpages will be developed in line with NMBU s new design and communication strategy and updated regularly. The Department will improve and expand its use of information and communication technology and identify needs for enhanced competence. We will improve the collaboration with the University s communication department about communicating the Department s activities and results in the Norwegian media and actively use the University s repository of publications. Working with the University Library, we will maintain the crucial networking and information services offered by our Department Library. In case our Library is relocated to a faculty library, we aim to create an information and communication resource centre for staff and students in the current location at the heart of our Department. Improve internal information and communication The Department will further clarify and communicate routines for administration and management, such as financial transactions, education activities, project proposals, travel and reporting. Leaders of activity areas will be responsible for the preparation of information needed by staff and students and will be assisted in making it available in appropriate form, mainly on the intranet. Collaboration and assignments Goal: The Department contributes resourcefully to international institutional collaboration and assignments in the field of environment and development, ensuring that results from research, education and innovation benefit society, partners and the wider university. To achieve this goal, the Department will: Maintain long- term, high- quality institutional cooperation The Department will maintain the involvement in institutional collaboration that is of high academic and development interest and adequately funded. We will only renew and enter agreements that provide academic opportunities, such as joint research, field courses and student research. The Department will use collaborative agreements to strengthen our position in international funding applications. Linked to NMBU s action plan on internalization, we will seek to diversify our collaboration geographically by developing or initiating university cooperation in South and North America and Europe in addition to developing our major involvement in Africa and Asia. The Department will maintain its collaboration with civil society organisations and other actors in the field of international environment and development when academically interesting and mutually beneficial. We will limit, and ensure adequate funding for, the administrative work involved in institutional collaboration. Consolidate the quantity and strengthen the quality of assignments The Department will maintain or increase the involvement in assignments or advisory services, including through agreements on behalf of the university when applicable. We aim to increase collaboration about assignments within and across the new faculties of our university. We will use the experience gained in assignments to enrich our teaching and to develop long- term research and collaboration programmes. 7

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 Strengthen the organisation of collaboration and assignments activities The Department will strengthen leadership, administrative support and quality assurance for collaboration and assignments. Under the responsibility of Head of Department, the role of academic staff as Project Leaders will be consolidated, assisted by coordinators and Head of Finance. In the Strategy Period, the Department plans to identify a Coordinator for institutional collaboration among permanent academic staff. STAFF, ECONOMY AND LEADERSHIP Personnel policy and work environment Goal: The Department attracts and retains qualified, creative and committed staff by providing attractive working conditions and an excellent academic and administrative environment. The Department will advance towards his goal by adhering to these principles and sub- goals: Adhere to fundamental values As the University, the Department aspires to be a place where students, staff and visiting partners can excel in education, research and their contributions to society. The Department aims to enable staff to thrive, build competence and contribute to the University, based on values of creativity, accountability, confidence, respect and belonging. We will ensure good management, efficient use of resources, environmentally friendly practices, and a good and safe place to study and work. Recruit and retain a high quality and diverse academic and administrative staff The Department s professional ambitions and responsibilities require highly qualified and committed staff at all levels of the organization. The Department has developed, and will annually update, a Personnel Plan to guide employment and other staffing decisions. Through targeted recruitment, often internationally, the Department will enable the creation of teams with diverse and complementary professional competences and backgrounds and ensure the balance of gender, generations and geographic diversity needed in a department of international environment and development studies. The Department aims to have at least 40% of each gender among both academic and administrative staff. Recruitment will aim to maintain and develop the core interdisciplinary competence on governance, policy and social dimensions of natural resources, the environment and agriculture. The Department will strengthen competence in the social sciences and ensure continued competence in agro- ecological sciences. The Department recognizes that adding new positions reduces the already low core funding per staff and has to be funded through increasing external income or the performance- based part of the university grant. During the Strategy period, the Department aims to keep the staffing level stable while rationalising activities to free up time for staff. We will increase the coordination and cooperation with other departments in the Faculty to create synergies and save resources. Further improve the professional competence of staff The Department will maintain goal- oriented and effective competence building that considers both individual and institutional objectives. The Department will encourage and support training and other efforts by administrative staff to increase competence and use new technology to address old and new challenges. We encourage and support career advancement among administrative and academic staff, such as the promotion to professorships, and correcting gender imbalances. We will make provision for senior employees and emeriti to continue to work for and have a connection with the Department. The Department will provide for mentoring and good integration of PhD candidates 8

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 and postdoctoral researchers in teaching and research activities. The Department will strengthen career planning or advice for PhD and post- doctoral candidates. Within the constraints of available resources, the Department will allocate competence funds to staff and encourage researchers, including PhD and post- doctoral candidates, to extend and strengthen their participation in national and international research networks. The Department will hold annual staff conversations with all staff including PhD candidates, which will inform decisions related to individuals competence building, career development and job satisfaction. Improve governance and increase clarity of roles and routines The Department will further develop its governance structure to provide clear academic and administrative leadership, a clear division of responsibilities and good cooperation. Staff must experience transparency, representation and democratic participation in decision- making processes and bodies at the Department, Faculty and University. The Department plans to employ a Head of Administration. All administrative staff will have clear job descriptions. The Department will put in place professional project management systems to facilitate collaboration between administration and academic staff, simplify and standardise administrative routines and reduce the administrative tasks of academic staff, to enable them to concentrate on academic work. Improve the working conditions Improving the work environment is a priority in the Strategy Period. The Department aims to reduce work- related stress by consolidating or reducing activities and improving coordination. The Department will ensure that all staff have the opportunities to shape and master their tasks and responsibilities. We encourage informal meetings and social interaction to promote staff interests as well as the operation of organized labour unions. The Department will maintain an open, creative and pleasant work environment and requires that all staff express and receive respect and professionalism in their interaction with others. Ensure a safe work environment for staff and students The Department will offer a productive, safe and good work environment for staff and students. It will ensure that requirements and plans for Health, Environment (social and physical) and Safety (HMS) are adequate, updated and implemented and will regularly update and share information about issues of safety, health and work environment. The Department will observe NMBU security regulations and emergency plans, including the nomination of emergency leaders. In the face of threats or other risks, the Department leadership will follow security protocols and take appropriate action in cooperation with the University. The Department will increase its preparedness for risk and hazards during travel and work abroad. Staff must follow the guidelines and procedures provided in Travel Authorization Form, including providing adequate information and following official travel advice. Students travelling for field courses or research will receive training, including cultural sensitivity training, by the University and/or the Department before departure. The Department, in collaboration with NMBU and labour unions, will establish a working group to prepare a Security Strategy. The Security Strategy will review risk factors on campus and during travel and work abroad (health and accidents, crime, terrorism, being taken hostage, war or civil unrest) and will identify measures and responsibilities in responding to risks, including emergency management plans, taking into account the differing circumstances and experience of staff and students. The Security Strategy will discuss and suggest procedures for approval and conditions for travel; consider health services offered before and after travel; and review and suggest improvements in the insurance cover for staff and students during travel and work abroad. 9

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 Ensure that the Department is environmentally friendly The Department will reduce its ecological footprint, such as carbon emissions, by avoiding unnecessary energy use (lighting and heating) and reducing environmental waste (for example paper). To avoid unnecessary travel, the use of information technology such as video conferencing will be increased. The Department will to the extent possible source environmentally and ethically certified products. The Department will establish a working group with responsibility for identifying and recommending environmentally friendly practices and, when relevant, promoting such practices within the University as whole. Economy Goal: The Department has a balanced and sustainable economy. In the Strategy period, the Department will adopt the necessary measures to achieve the goal, with priority for the following: Learn from experience Recognizing that our academic vision is contingent on economic performance and fair and sustainable working conditions, the Department, under the direction of the Board, will improve and consolidate its economy by drawing on the insights and recommendations in the Report by the Working Group on the Department s Economy (2013) and other experience available in the Department, Faculty and University. Strengthen the economy of the Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes The Department will evaluate the Master s programmes with a view to consolidating or reducing the number of programmes and courses. As noted earlier, the Department will use budgeting and reviews to maintain financial balance of all courses and programmes. The Department will strengthen the economy of the PhD programme based on an analysis in early 2014, which will evaluate the use of three versus four- year contracts. Options for collaboration within the Faculty to improve the quality and economy of PhD courses will be explored. Strengthen and diversify incomes The Department will diversify and expand its funding for long- term research, institutional collaboration and assignments. In collaboration with the Faculty and University, we will seek improve the core and performance based funding from the University. The Department will strengthen its economic strategy by analysing its strategies to obtain external income and by communicating reasonable guidelines on income generation. The Department will use available information on time use to help staff plan and free up dream time for creative work without imposing unnecessary administrative burdens or mechanisms of control. Both income generation and problems of work pressure and stress will be followed up in annual staff conversations. Improve resource management The Department will strengthen resource management and long- term planning by using the Personnel Plan and Long- term Budget to make optimal choices concerning recruitment, retirement and other work agreements; by strengthening economic leadership capacity; and by developing adequate competence, capacity and efficient routines. 10

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department of International Environment and Development Studies Strategy 2014 2018 Strategic leadership Goal: The Department exhibits high quality leadership, democratic governance and effective implementation of the Strategy. Pursuing this goal, the Department will: Respect human rights and relevant laws and regulations The Department will base leadership on respect for human rights, applicable legislation and the University s ethical guidelines and Rules of Governance. Support and respect the leadership of the Department Board Within the strategy, priorities and budgets of the University and the Faculty, the Department Board is the highest governance unit of the Department and has the responsibility that the Department achieves the goals and results defined in its strategies, has a balanced economy and that staff have a good work environment with rich opportunities to participate in decision- making. Maintain good leadership with democratic participation The Head of Department is the academic and administrative leader and has responsibility for tasks that do not fall under the Board and delegated authority to decide on daily management. The Head of Department must ensure professional leadership and effective implementation of strategies and action plans through participatory processes and clear decision- making. The Head of Department works closely with leaders for the administration and for the activity areas, particularly the Head of Research and Head of Education. The Department will follow the overview of (delegated) authority when signing contracts. Leaders will regularly meet with union representatives for mutual consultation. Leaders and the Board will seek and use the advice of Education and Research Committees as elected and representative bodies of staff and students. Develop leadership capacity and competence The Department aims to strengthen leadership capacity facilitate recruitment to leadership positions, including providing the administrative support that can enable academic leadership. The Department will encourage and support training on management and leadership in all activity areas, such as academic leadership, economic strategy, personnel and HMS, and project and process management. Strengthen joint, annual activity planning and organisational development The Department will introduce joint, annual activity planning with the involvement of organisational bodies and staff, normally in the second semester for the following year. Annual activity planning will be linked to the annual budgeting and revision of the Personnel Plan. The Department will strengthen the organisation and clarify responsibilities and work processes through a project manual. Cooperate with and learn from the Faculty, University and partners The Department will be a learning organisation that actively seeks, shares and uses the insights of staff and students, other departments and faculties and partners worldwide to create an excellent organisation. 11