Prostatakreft. Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier. PICO-skjema og emneord. Søkestrategi. Kommentar. Brukerveiledning

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+ Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer Ingen funn. + Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske fagprosedyrer Treff i 1 databaser

Ernæring. Kunnskapsbaserte systematiske oversikter. Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier. PICO-skjema og emneord. Søkestrategi. Kommentar.

Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer. Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske oppslagsverk Kunnskapsbaserte systematiske oversikter Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier

Asperger syndrom. Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer. Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier. PICO-skjema og emneord. Søkestrategi. Kommentar.

Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer. Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske oppslagsverk Kunnskapsbaserte systematiske oversikter Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier

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+ Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer Treff i 1 databaser. + Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske fagprosedyrer Treff i 2 databaser

Angst. Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer

Respirasjonssvikt. Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier. PICO-skjema og emneord. Søkestrategi. Kommentar. Brukerveiledning

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Prostatakreft Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske fagprosedyrer Kunnskapsbaserte retningslinjer Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske oppslagsverk Kunnskapsbaserte systematiske oversikter Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier Retningslinjer Enkeltstudier Treff i 1 database Treff i 2 databaser Treff i 3 databaser Treff i 2 databaser Treff i 6 databaser Treff i 5 databaser PICO-skjema og emneord Søkestrategi Kommentar Brukerveiledning Dato utført: 06/03/2014 Revidert: X Ansvarlig bibliotekar: Hanne Elise Rustlie Kvalitetssikret av: X

Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer Helsedirektoratet Nasjonalt handlingsprogram med retningslinjer for diagnostikk, behandling og oppfølging av prostatakreft Nasjonalt handlingsprogram med retningslinjer for palliasjon i kreftomsorgen Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske fagprosedyrer Nasjonalt nettverk for fagprosedyrer Ingen funn Vårdhandboken Ingen NHS NICE Pathways Prostate cancer overview Nursing Reference Center: Quick Lessons, Skills og Evidence-Based Care Sheets Quick Lessons: Prostate Cancer: Bone Metastases Prostate Cancer. Neoplasia, Prostatic Intraepithelial Prostate Cancer: Cryosurgical Ablation Therapy Prostate Cancer: Diet Prostate Cancer Prostatectomy, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Skills: Black Men with Prostate Cancer: Providing Culturally Competent Care Black Men with Prostate Cancer: Providing Culturally Competent Care (checklist) Patient Education: Teaching the Patient about Prostatectomy Evidence-Based Care Sheets: Prostate Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention. Prostate Cancer: Treatment for Hot Flashes in Men Prostate Cancer: Psychological Factors Prostate Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention Prostate Cancer: Racial/Ethnic Considerations and Healthcare Treatment Disparities Prostate Cancer: Health-Related Quality of Life. Prostate Cancer: Treatment for Hot Flashes in Men. Prostate Cancer: Health-Related Quality of Life Case Management: the Patient with Prostate Cancer Cancer Patients: Malnutrition and Interventions Kunnskapsbaserte retningslinjer National Guideline Clearinghouse Transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy of the prostate. Use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors for prostate cancer chemoprevention: American

Society of Clinical Oncology-American Urological Association 2008 Clinical Practice Guideline. Best practice policy statement on cryosurgery for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. Guideline for the management of clinically localized prostate cancer: 2007 update. Use of tumor markers in testicular, prostate, colorectal, breast, and ovarian cancers. ACR Appropriateness Criteria prostate cancer pretreatment detection, staging and surveillance. ACR Appropriateness Criteria post-treatment follow-up of prostate cancer. Screening for prostate cancer: a guidance statement from the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians. Adjuvant and salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy: ASTRO/AUA guideline. Castration-resistant prostate cancer: AUA guideline. Early detection of prostate cancer: AUA guideline. Guidelines on prostate cancer. Guidelines on robotic- and single-site surgery in urology. Risk reduction of prostate cancer with drugs or nutritional supplements. Early detection of cancers. In: Guidelines for preventive activities in general practice, 8th edition. National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference statement: role of active surveillance in the management of men with localized prostate cancer. ACR Appropriateness Criteria external beam radiation therapy treatment planning for clinically localized prostate cancer. ACR Appropriateness Criteria locally advanced (high-risk) prostate cancer. The role of IMRT in prostate cancer. Adjuvant radiotherapy following radical prostatectomy for pathologic T3 or marginpositive prostate cancer. American Cancer Society guideline for the early detection of prostate cancer. Cancer screening. ACR Appropriateness Criteria definitive external beam irradiation in stage T1 and T2 prostate cancer. ACR Appropriateness Criteria permanent source brachytherapy for prostate cancer. ACR Appropriateness Criteria postradical prostatectomy irradiation in prostate cancer. ACR AIUM SRU practice guideline for the performance of ultrasound evaluation of the prostate (and surrounding structures). ACR ASTRO practice guideline for transperineal permanent brachytherapy of prostate cancer. PSA testing for the pretreatment staging and posttreatment management of prostate cancer. Urological cancer. In: Suspected cancer in primary care: guidelines for investigation, referral and reducing ethnic disparities. Prostate cancer. Pain management in urological cancers. In: Guidelines on pain management. ACR Appropriateness Criteria obstructive voiding symptoms secondary to prostate disease. Kliniske retningslinjer, Danmark Ingen funn NHS NICE Guidelines Prostate cancer: diagnosis and treatment Socialstyrelsen, Sverige Ingen funn. Det står på nettsiden at retningslinje for blant annet prostatakreft forventes ferdig våren 2014.

SIGN, Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network Ingen funn Sundhedsstyrelsen, Danmark Pakkeforløb for prostatakræft (2013) Pakkeforløb for prostatakræft (2012) Sygehuspatienters overlevelse efter diagnose for otte kræftsygdomme i perioden 1998-2009 Rehabilitering efter brystkræft, tyk- og endetarmskræft og prostatakræft Sygehuspatienters overlevelse efter diagnose for otte kræftsygdomme i perioden 1997-2008 Kræftprofil - prostatakræft 2000-2007 Prostatakræft Tabelværk til kræftprofil: Prostatakræft 2000-2007 Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske oppslagsverk UpToDate Initial staging and evaluation of men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer Overview of the treatment of disseminated prostate cancer Bone metastases in advanced prostate cancer Overview of approach to prostate cancer survivors Prostate cancer: Risk stratification and choice of treatment Clinical presentation and diagnosis of prostate cancer Treatment protocols for castration-resistant prostate cancer Risk factors for prostate cancer Initial approach to low- and very low-risk clinically localized prostate cancer Initial management of regionally localized intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer Chemotherapy in castrate-resistant prostate cancer Prostate cancer in elderly patients Chemoprevention strategies in prostate cancer Screening for prostate cancer Rising serum PSA after radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer: Salvage local therapy Rising serum PSA following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer: Management Active surveillance for men with early prostate cancer Follow-up surveillance during and after treatment for prostate cancer Cryotherapy and other ablative techniques for the initial treatment of prostate cancer Rising serum PSA after treatment for localized prostate cancer: Systemic therapy Rising serum PSA following local therapy for prostate cancer: Diagnostic evaluation Prostate cancer: Pathologic stage T3 disease, positive surgical margins, or microscopic lymph node involvement following radical prostatectomy Immunotherapy for castration resistant prostate cancer Molecular biology of prostate cancer Rising serum PSA following local therapy for prostate cancer: Definition, natural history, and risk stratification Initial hormone therapy for metastatic prostate cancer Investigational approaches for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer Secondary endocrine therapies for castration resistant prostate cancer Castrate resistant prostate cancer: Treatments targeting the androgen pathway Radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer Bone metastases in advanced prostate cancer: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis External beam radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer Brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer

The roles of diet, physical activity, and body weight in cancer survivorship Radiation therapy techniques in cancer treatment Interpretation of prostate biopsy Measurement of prostate specific antigen Clinical Evidence Ingen funn BMJ BEST Practice Prostate cancer Kunnskapsbaserte systematiske oversikter Cochrane Reviews Interventions for sexual dysfunction following treatments for cancer 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors for prostate cancer prevention Chemotherapy for hormone-refractory prostate cancer Screening for prostate cancer Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer Neo-adjuvant and adjuvant hormone therapy for localised and locally advanced prostate cancer Early versus deferred androgen suppression in the treatment of advanced prostatic cancer Surgery for stress urinary incontinence due to presumed sphincter deficiency after prostate surgery Intermittent versus continuous androgen suppression for prostatic cancer Maximal androgen blockade for advanced prostate cancer Antibiotic prophylaxis for transrectal prostate biopsy Lycopene for the prevention of prostate cancer Bisphosphonates for advanced prostate cancer Low-dose rate brachytherapy for men with localized prostate cancer Adjuvant radiotherapy following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer Cryotherapy for localised prostate cancer Laparoscopic versus open prostatectomy for the treatment of localised prostate cancer Non-steroidal antiandrogens compared to LHRH agonists or surgical castration therapy for advanced prostate cancer First-line docetaxel chemotherapy for castrate-resistant prostate cancer Effects of the duration of androgen deprivation therapy for localized or locally advanced prostate cancer in patients treated with radiotherapy Endothelin inhibitors for advanced prostate cancer Bisphosphonates in early prostate cancer Psychosocial interventions for men with prostate cancer DARE Diagnosis, management and screening of early localised prostate cancer (Structured Racial differences in prostate cancer treatment outcomes: a systematic review (Structured Erectile functioning of men treated for prostate carcinoma (Structured Brachytherapy for prostate cancer: a systematic review of clinical and cost effectiveness (Structured Radiotherapy options for localized prostate cancer based upon pretreatment serum

prostate-specific antigen levels and biochemical control: a comprehensive review of the literature (Structured Maximum androgen blockade in advanced prostate cancer: an overview of the randomised trials (Structured Defining a dose-response relationship with radiotherapy for prostate cancer: is more really better (Structured Neoadjuvant androgen ablation for localized prostatic cancer: pathology methods, surgical end points and meta-analysis of randomized trials (Structured Systematic overview of the evidence for brachytherapy in clinically localized prostate cancer (Structured The role of androgen deprivation in the definitive management of clinically localized prostate cancer treated with radiation therapy (Structured A comprehensive review of prostate cancer brachytherapy: defining an optimal technique (Structured The diagnostic value of digital rectal examination in primary care screening for prostate cancer: a meta-analysis (Structured Clinical and cost-effectiveness of new and emerging technologies for early localised prostate cancer: a systematic review (Structured Treatment options for localized prostate cancer based on pretreatment serum prostate specific antigen levels (Structured The use of bisphosphonates in men with hormone-refractory prostate cancer (Structured Psycho-oncology of prostate carcinoma - psychosocial distress and treatment approaches: a systematic review (Provisional Lycopene for the prevention and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer: a systematic review (Provisional The role of treatment modality on the utility of predictive tissue biomarkers in clinical prostate cancer: a systematic review (Provisional Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors could be efficacious in the treatment of erectile dysfunction after radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a systematic review and metaanalysis (Provisional Clinical exercise interventions in prostate cancer patients: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (Provisional Immunotherapy and endothelin receptor antagonists for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer (Provisional Systematic review of early vs deferred hormonal treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (Provisional Psychosocial adjustment of female partners of men with prostate cancer: a review of the literature (Provisional Is an initial saturation prostate biopsy scheme better than an extended scheme for detection of prostate cancer? A systematic review and meta-analysis (Provisional A systematic review of randomized trials in localized prostate cancer (Provisional Short-term versus long-term hormone therapy plus radiotherapy or prostatectomy for prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Provisional Erectile dysfunction in patients with prostate cancer who have undergone surgery: systematic review of literature (Provisional Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in the management of erectile dysfunction secondary to treatments for prostate cancer: findings from a Cochrane systematic review (Structured Addition of estramustine to chemotherapy and survival of patients with castrationrefractory prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of individual patient data (Provisional Review: psychosocial interventions addressing sexual or relationship functioning in men with prostate cancer (Provisional The comparability of models for predicting the risk of a positive prostate biopsy with

prostate-specific antigen alone: a systematic review (Provisional Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of local prostate cancer recurrence after external beam radiotherapy and radical prostatectomy (Provisional Efficacy of intermittent androgen deprivation therapy vs conventional continuous androgen deprivation therapy for advanced prostate cancer: a meta-analysis (Provisional Screening for prostate cancer: a Cochrane systematic review (Structured Intake of selenium in the prevention of prostate cancer: a systematic review and metaanalysis (Provisional Lifestyle interventions for four conditions: type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, breast cancer, and prostate cancer (Provisional Prostate-specific antigen and prostate cancer mortality: a systematic review (Provisional Comparative effectiveness review: prostate cancer antigen 3 testing for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer (Provisional Combined androgen blockade with nonsteroidal antiandrogens for advanced prostate cancer: a systematic review (Structured Efficacy of antioxidant vitamins and selenium supplement in prostate cancer prevention: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (Provisional Usefulness of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of prostate cancer (Provisional High-dose conformal radiotherapy reduces prostate cancer-specific mortality: results of a meta-analysis (Provisional Immunotherapy with Sipuleucel-T (APC8015) in patients with metastatic castrationrefractory prostate cancer (mcrpc): a systematic review and meta-analysis (Provisional Whether vitamin E supplements can decrease the risk of prostate cancer: meta analysis (Provisional Prevention of gynecomastia and breast pain caused by androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer: tamoxifen or radiotherapy? (Provisional Early versus deferred androgen suppression therapy for patients with lymph nodepositive prostate cancer after local therapy with curative intent: a systematic review (Provisional The effect of androgen deprivation therapy on body composition in men with prostate cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis (Provisional A systematic review of psychosocial interventions for men with prostate cancer and their partners (Provisional VEGF and prostatic cancer: a systematic review (Provisional Screening for prostate cancer: an updated Cochrane systematic review (Structured Diffusion-weighted MRI in the detection of prostate cancer: meta-analysis (Provisional Adjuvant hormone therapy for localised and locally advanced prostate carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials (Structured Parenteral oestrogens for prostate cancer: a systematic review of clinical effectiveness and dose response (Provisional Dietary supplements and prostate cancer: a systematic review of double-blind, placebocontrolled randomised clinical trials (Provisional Choline PET or PET/CT and biochemical relapse of prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Provisional Statins and prostate cancer recurrence following radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Provisional Resultatene over er hentet fra de 100 første treffene, se denne lenken for fullstendig treffliste. OBS! Klikk først på den grå boksen som er nummer 3, helt til høyre. Velg Other Reviews.

Dette er kun referanser. Sjekk først om vi har de aktuelle tidsskriftene i fulltekst hos vår elektroniske tidsskriftleverandø LM Info. Hvis ikke de finnes der kan artiklene bestilles hos bibliotektjenesten. McMaster PLUS Review: PSA-based screening does not reduce prostate cancer mortality or all-cause mortality Review: Prostate cancer screening using PSA does not decrease mortality Review: little high-quality evidence is available regarding treatments for localised prostate cancer Effects of exercise on treatment-related adverse effects for patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen-deprivation therapy: a systematic review. The effects of psychosocial strategies on anxiety and depression of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer: a systematic review. Management of biochemical recurrence after primary treatment of prostate cancer: a systematic review of the literature. Systematic review of complications of prostate biopsy. A systematic review of physical impairments following radical prostatectomy: effect of psychoeducational interventions. Psychosocial interventions for men with prostate cancer. Intermittent androgen-deprivation therapy in prostate cancer: a critical review focused on phase 3 trials. Comparative effectiveness review: prostate cancer antigen 3 testing for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer. Treatment of prostate cancer with intermittent versus continuous androgen deprivation: a systematic review of randomized trials. Active surveillance in men with localized prostate cancer: a systematic review. Systematic review and economic modelling of the relative clinical benefit and costeffectiveness of laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery for removal of the prostate in men with localised prostate cancer. Adjuvant radiotherapy following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Screening for prostate cancer: a review of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Association of androgen deprivation therapy with cardiovascular death in patients with prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. An evidence review of active surveillance in men with localized prostate cancer. Duration of short-course androgen suppression therapy and the risk of death as a result of prostate cancer. Characterising the castration-resistant prostate cancer population: a systematic review. Lycopene for the prevention of prostate cancer. Comparative evaluation of radiation treatments for clinically localized prostate cancer: an updated systematic review. Low-dose rate brachytherapy for men with localized prostate cancer. The effect of supplemental vitamins and minerals on the development of prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lifestyle interventions for four conditions: type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. Antibiotic prophylaxis for transrectal prostate biopsy. Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting for prostate cancer. Screening for prostate cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Comparative evaluation of radiation treatments for clinically localized prostate cancer: an update. Steroid 5-{alpha}-reductase Type 2 (SRD5a2) gene polymorphisms and risk of prostate cancer: a HuGE review. Use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors for prostate cancer chemoprevention: American

Society of Clinical Oncology/American Urological Association 2008 Clinical Practice Guideline. Use of classical and novel biomarkers as prognostic risk factors for localised prostate cancer: a systematic review. High-dose-rate brachytherapy in the curative treatment of patients with localized prostate cancer. Cancer treatment-induced bone loss in breast and prostate cancer. Benefits and harms of prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer: an evidence update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Five-alpha-reductase Inhibitors for prostate cancer prevention. Systematic review: comparative effectiveness and harms of treatments for clinically localized prostate cancer. The role of vitamin E in the prevention of cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Addition of estramustine to chemotherapy and survival of patients with castrationrefractory prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. Interventions for sexual dysfunction following treatments for cancer. Intermittent versus continuous androgen suppression for prostatic cancer. Cryotherapy for localised prostate cancer. Influence of androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer on the frequency and timing of fatal myocardial infarctions. Neo-adjuvant and adjuvant hormone therapy for localised and locally advanced prostate cancer. Bisphosphonates for advanced prostate cancer. Urine markers as possible tools for prostate cancer screening: review of performance characteristics and practicality. Depression in men with prostate cancer. Racial differences in prostate cancer treatment outcomes: a systematic review. Dette er kun referanser. Sjekk først om vi har de aktuelle tidsskriftene i fulltekst hos vår elektroniske tidsskriftleverandø LM Info. Hvis ikke de finnes der kan artiklene bestilles hos bibliotektjenesten. PEDro Effect of physical exercise on muscle mass and strength in cancer patients during treatment - a systematic review Clinical exercise interventions in prostate cancer patients - a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Body composition, physical fitness, functional performance, quality of life, and fatigue benefits of exercise for prostate cancer patients: a systematic review The efficacy of exercise in reducing depressive symptoms among cancer survivors: a meta-analysis The role of exercise in managing the adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy in men with prostate cancer The effect of physical exercise on cancer-related fatigue during cancer treatment: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Resistance training in cancer survivors: a systematic review Acupuncture for treating hot flushes in men with prostate cancer: a systematic review OT Seeker Depression in men with prostate cancer A systematic review of psychosocial interventions for men with prostate cancer and their partners Body composition, physical fitness, functional performance, quality of life, and fatigue benefits of exercise for prostate cancer patients: a systematic review

A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychosocial interventions for couples coping with cancer Mindfulness meditation for oncology patients: a discussion and critical review Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment Kunnskapssenteret Pasientvolum og kvalitet ved radikal kirurgisk behandling av prostatakreft (hurtigoversikt) Campbell Library Ingen funn Kvalitetsvurderte enkeltstudier Evidence-Based Medicine Evidence-Based Nursing Evidence-Based Mental Health Evidence-Based Dentistry McMaster PLUS EHS Protocols Retningslinjer Helsebiblioteket Prostatakreft Medline, retningslinjer Lenke til resultat Cinahl, retningnslinjer High-intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer: a systematic review American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) and American College of Radiology (ACR) Practice Guideline for the Transperineal Permanent Brachytherapy of Prostate Cancer Use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors for prostate cancer chemoprevention: American Society of Clinical Oncology/American Urological Association 2008 clinical practice guideline summary

Use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors for prostate cancer chemoprevention: American Society of Clinical Oncology/American Urological Association 2008 Clinical Practice Guideline American Society of Clinical Oncology endorsement of the Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guideline on nonhormonal therapy for men with metastatic hormone-refractory (castration-resistant) prostate cancer Initial hormonal management of androgen-sensitive metastatic, recurrent, or progressive prostate cancer: 2006 update of an American Society of Clinical Oncology practice guideline Clinical practice guideline use by oncology advanced practice nurses Evaluation of diagnostic assessment units in oncology: a systematic review Embase, retningslinjer Lenke til resultat NEL, Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok Prostatakreft Enkeltstudier Medline Embase PsycInfo Svemed+ PICO-skjema og emneord Ikke mottatt PICO-skjema. Medline (MeSH) Embase Tekstord Kommentar P Prostatic Neoplasms Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer Prostatic Cancer I C O Søkestrategi Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer: lista skumlest Nasjonalt nettverk for fagprosedyrer: lista skumlest

EHS Protocols: lista skumlest Vårdhandboken: lista skumlest NHS NICE Pathways: lista skumlest Nursing Reference Center: prostate cancer NHS NICE Guidelines: prostate cancer National Guideline Clearinghouse: prostate cancer, prostatic neoplasms Kliniske retningslinjer, Danmark: lista skumlest SIGN: lista skumlest Socialstyrelsen, Sverige: lista skumlest Sundhedsstyrelsen, Danmark: prostatakræft UpToDate: prostate cancer Clinical Evidence: prostate cancer BMJ Best Practice: prostate cancer NEL: prostatakreft Cochrane Review og DARE: se lenke McMaster PLUS, systematiske oversikter: prostate cancer PEDro: OT Seeker: prostate cancer Kunnskapssenteret, systematiske oversikter: prostatakreft Campbell Library: prostate cancer Evidence-Based Nursing: ikke søkt her Evidence-Based Medicine: ikke søkt her Evidence-Based Mental Health: ikke søkt her Evidence-Based Dentistry: ikke søkt her McMaster PLUS, enkeltstudier: ikke søkt her Helsebiblioteket, retningslinjer: lista skumlest Medline, retningslinjer: se lenke til resultat Embase, retningslinjer: se lenke til resultat Cinahl, retiningslinjer: se lenke Ovid Nursing: ikke søkt her PsycInfo: ikke søkt her AMED: ikke søkt her Svemed+: ikke søkt her Kommentar Dette litteratursøket er til en behandlingslinje som er bestilt av Helse Sør-Øst som inngår i Oppdrags- og bestillingsdokumentet. Brukerveiledning Fargekoder Det vil være en grønn farge på de nivåene som er kunnskapsbaserte. Der det må kvalitetssikres er farget med rødt. Praktisk Bibliotektjenesten gjør litteratursøk til fagprosedyrer, behandlingslinjer og veiledende behandlingsplaner. Gjerne med representanter fra arbeidsgruppa. Litteratursøk skal bestilles av prosjektleder for kunnskapsbaserte fagprosedyrer i SI. Arbeidsgruppene kan gjøre litteratursøkene, men må være klar over minstekravene. Litteratursøket skal kvalitetssikres av bibliotekar hvis arbeidsgruppen gjør litteratursøket selv. Det er krav til dokumentasjon av litteratursøket og søkestrategi.

Teori Brian Haynes kunnskapspyramide er utgangspunktet for hvordan vi utfører systematiske litteratursøk til fagprosedyrer. Brian Haynes utviklet denne 6S-modellen, som den kalles. Pyramiden ble utviklet ved McMaster universitetet i Canada, som er et internasjonalt arnested for kunnskapsbasert praksis. Ideen til Haynes er å søke etter kunnskap der den er gått gjennom en kvalitetskontroll først slik at det man prioriterer først er å søke i kunnskapsbaserte retningslinjer, oppslagsverk, systematiske oversiker. Teorien til Haynes er også at hvis vi finner gode svar på spørsmålet vi måtte ha høyt oppe i pyramiden er det helt ok å stoppe der. Det er ikke nødvendig å søke seg gjennom alle de relevante enkeltstudiedatabasene for å være sikker på å få nok svar. Det vil selvfølgelig være tilfeller hvor man ikke finner svar øverst i pyramiden, og da må litteratursøkene helt ned til enkeltstudier. Vær oppmerksom på at de artiklene MÅ kvalitetssikres før de kan brukes. Nasjonal metodebeskrivelse for systematiske litteratursøk Den metoden Bibliotektjenesten i SI utfører litteratursøk er etter Nasjonal metodebeskrivelse for systematiske litteratursøk, som er utviklet av Bibliotekargruppa i Nasjonalt nettverk for fagprosedyrer. Alle foretakene som er med i dette nasjonale nettverket bruker denne metoden for å gjøre litteratursøk. Minstekravet er punkt 1-- 7 som er retningslinjer fra Helsedirektoratet, kunnskapsbaserte fagprosedyrer og retningslinjer i Norge og i andre land, samt kliniske oppslagsverk og systematiske oversikter av god kvalitet. Punkt 1 6* er minstekravet: Nasjonale faglige retningslinjer fra Helsedirektoratet Kunnskapsbaserte fagprosedyrer utviklet innenfor Nasjonalt nettverk for fagprosedyrer Kunnskapsbaserte prosedyrer utviklet i andre land Norskspråklige retningslinjer (merket anbefalt i Helsebiblioteket) Kunnskapsbaserte utenlandske retningslinjer Kunnskapsbaserte kliniske oppslagsverk Kunnskapsbaserte systematiske oversikter (* Til og med Cochrane Reviews, er det lite treff kan det søkes i alle databasene under dette punktet) Metodebeskrivelsen finnes på Krav til arbeidsgruppene Som oftest vil ikke arbeidsgruppene utføre litteratursøkene selv. Men vi ønsker at dere bruker tid på spørsmålsformuleringen i forkant (gjerne også emneord) og at dere klarer å bruke litteratursøk-resultatet. Selv om dere hovedsakelig ikke skal utføre litteratursøkene er det veldig viktig at dere vet hvordan og hvorfor bibliotekarene gjør som de gjør, og ikke minst at dere vet hvordan resultatskjemaet skal gås gjennom. Når et litteratursøk fra bibliotektjenesten er ferdig vil dere få tilsendt en lenke av deres veileder. Alle litteratursøk skal bestilles elektronisk av veileder for fagprosedyrer i SI. Artikler i fulltekst I noen tilfeller vil det kun være lenke til abstrakt eller kun en enkel referanse. For å få tak i fulltekstversjonen et det et par ting du kan gjøre selv for å sjekke om SI har abonnement på dette tidsskriftet elektronisk.

Sjekk om tidsskriftet finnes i fulltekst her. Har vi ikke tidsskriftet i fulltekst kan du kontakte ditt nærmeste fagbibliotek i SI.