13th-Market to Yeadon and Darby Transportation Center
- Ingebjørg Evensen
- 5 år siden
- Visninger:
1 3 1 r r ua e i c b Fe , 24 A T P SE fe Ef 13h-Marke o Yeadon and Darb Transporaion Sering Ci and Souhwes Philadelphia Cusomer Serice TDD/TTY
2 eek Cobbs Cr Pkw 68 0h Lin dbe rgh d Bl Penrose Plaza S. C. Easwick 74 13TH ST 15TH ST 31s 30h 29h 28h 27h 26h 25h 24h 23rd 22nd 21s 20h 19h 18h 17h 16h 15h Broad 13h 12h da er Ri kill ul Vare Jr unk Pass 76 Girard Esaes unk Pass Paison A American-Swedish Hisorical Museum Pe err ef s nro Riner Porer Shunk Oregon A Rd Taskake Baker Mehodis Hospial ing A a Mo Packer A Rooseel Park Easwick Indusrial Park A Harranf 291 Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Marke S. Phila ns me Quarermaser Plaza A USPS Facili Barram A 19TH ST 22ND ST 30h 30TH ST 34h 33rd 33RD ST 32nd 37TH ST 36TH ST Ch A Bl d Lind ber gh Dic ks wo od A Elm Poin Breeze Tasker Morris Moore Mifflin McKean Snder A h 70 d A Islan 77h 78h 4 SOUTH PHILADELPHIA A Pa 84h 63rd Elmwood k A ssun Folcrof Eas Indusrial Park Hook Rd es er Ch a ra DCCC Barram 2 Carsops shown on he map wih a whie circle are locaed in he rolle unnel. GAMP 61s , 125 Spruce 17 Uniersi Pine of he Ars UNIVERSITY Lombard CITY STATION Souh Penn Medicine Peirce a Rienhouse College SOUTHWEST PHILADELPHIA 7 Darb DARBY Transporaion Connecions a Darb Transporaion wih Roues: 11, 13, 113, 114, 115 Barram Gardens Tilden M. S. 65h 7 Audenreid Sch hl urc da Ce in Main h 60 h G M M Moriah Moriah Loop 65h Yeadon 13er A s Loop Che ld 70 B de Da 0h c Ma 1 9h S Ma Darb Town on Wa rr G es er A Gr een Wo wa od A lan Pa d A King sch ses all sin A g Rd Ch il Ba Drexel U Hospial of U of P Gras Ferr Kingsessing m Bali YEADON 52 Kin Gr gse een ssi wa ng A A Pa sch Gr all A Wo as od lan A Moiaion KIPP ore A 56 h ing ANGORA STATION Bu wood Dic is A A ks A Pe B A ore m i al A ke A mbro Sherwood 5 Angora 55 4h S Wh DE HIA LP TY DE TY UN ILA UN PH CO E CO R WA LA Chu rch La U of P Children s 36 ore A VA Medical A Hospial Balim 4 48h 9h S Uniersi 76 51s 50h of he Sciences S S Gras Ferr 49TH ST S. C. Gras Ferr A STATION Merc Hospial Sp r Ch ingfie es ld er A A 9h Caharine Chrisian Washingon A 42 40TH ST PORTAL ib A onehurs 6 21 iersi Un R d a ll 46h 45h 44h 43rd 43rd 42nd Cobbs Creek Pkw 62nd 61s 60h 59h 58h 57h 56h 55h 69h Spruce Sare Uniersi Ci 21 A 3 51s 50h 49h 48h 47h Marke W. Philadelphia Chesnu Walnu Elm 69h ree Transporaion M a r sh CHOP Pediaric Wes Caholic WEST PHILADELPHIA Essingon A MILLBOURNE Connecions a 30h ree aion: Franklin 9, 10, 11, 13, 30, 31, 34, 36, 2 Insiue 44, 49, 62, 78, 124, 125, LUCY and 30h ree Suburban all Regional Rail Lines and Amrak aion 7 17 aion Penn Presberian Marke Medical 40h Kirkbride Packer Park XFINITY! Lie Wells Fargo 95 Aker Philadelphia Shipard 1 N SEPTA 2/ F
3 MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAYS eer 4 minues 930AM eer 10 minues 330PM eer 6 minues 545PM eer 15 minues 9PM Cheser and Callahan As M Moriah h and Cheser A 49h and Cheser A C3.04 C C4.16 C 40h Poral C3.03 C C C 49h and Cheser A h and Cheser A 4.36 M Moriah 13h and Marke s 730AM 13h and Marke s 14 minues 40h Poral eer (Darb) 6AM Cheser and Callahan As WEEKDAYS h and Ridge A SERVICE FREQUENCY Darb Transporaion To Yeadon and Darb Transporaion To 13h-Marke
4 MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAYS M Moriah (Darb) Cheser and Callahan As M Moriah 40h Poral h and Cheser A 13h and Marke s h and Cheser A 13h and Marke s h and Cheser A h and Cheser A Cheser and Callahan As 9h and Ridge A 40h Poral Darb Transporaion To Yeadon and Darb Transporaion To 13h-Marke C 1 C1.15 C C C1 C1.16 C C C - Please Board/Depar his rip a Ci Hall (15h aion) as 13h and Marke s aion is closed 12:30AM - 5:00AM. Subjec To Change
5 SATURDAYS Cheser and Callahan As M Moriah h and Cheser A 49h and Cheser A h Poral 13h and Marke s 13h and Marke s 40h Poral 49h and Cheser A 58h and Cheser A M Moriah Cheser and Callahan As -- 9h and Ridge A (Darb) Darb Transporaion To Yeadon and Darb Transporaion To 13h-Marke 1.15 TRAVEL TIPS Sunda schedule will be operaed on New Year's, Memorial, Independence, Labor, Thanksgiing and Chrismas das. Trolles will operae in he unnel. Fare pamen opions: cash, discouned KEY card fares, ransfer, passes. Go o or m.sepa.org for schedules & real ime informaion. Tr Schedules o Go for nex 10 scheduled rips (smar phone users) or SMS Schedules for nex 4 scheduled rips (b ex message); See bus/rolle locaions on TransiView. To SAVE Mone on Your Commue isi
6 SUNDAYS M10.10 M M M M - M M M11.14 M M 1 1 M M1.48 M2.24 M M1 M1 M1.19 M M M3.36 M M M M M M C - 13h and Marke s aion is closed Sunda hrough Thursda nighs 12:30AM - 5:00AM. Please Board/Depar his rip a Ci Hall (15h aion). M - Time shown 40h & Marke s Cheser and Callahan As M Moriah 58h and Cheser A 40h Poral C3.04 C C4.16 C 49h and Cheser A 13h and Marke s C3.03 C C C 40h Poral 49h and Cheser A 58h and Cheser A 5.04 M Moriah Cheser and Callahan As -- (Darb) 13h and Marke s 9h and Ridge A Darb Transporaion To Yeadon and Darb Transporaion To 13h-Marke
13th-Market to Yeadon and Darby Transportation Center
13 Effecie Augus 26, 2018 SEPTA 13h-Marke o Yeadon and Darby Transporaion Sering Ciy and Souhwes Philadelphia Cusomer Serice 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.sepa.org eek Cobbs Cr Pkwy 68 0h Lin dbe
Detaljer13th-Market To 63rd-Malvern
10 SEPTA Effective September 4, 2011 13th-Market Serving Center City and Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org 34th St City Av School for the Blind 67th St 68th St Lebanon Av
Detaljer50th-Parkside To Pier 70
64 Effective January 19, 2014 SEPTA 50th-Parkside To Serving South and West Philadelphia Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org 48th St Jefferson St Park West Town Clara Muhammad
Detaljer50th-Parkside to Pier 70
64 SEPTA Effective September 1, 2019 50th-Parkside to Serving South and West Philadelphia Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Fairmount Park 52 Park West Town Center Clara
DetaljerNRG Station to Fern Rock Transportation Center
e n i ur L Sp e re ge 9 S id 201 A d T, 9 R P oa ad- une E r S B ro e J B ffeci E Saion o Transporaion Cener Sering Cener Ciy Cusomer Serice 2-580-800 TDD/TTY 2-580-853 www.sepa.org Huning Park A HUNTING
DetaljerPier 70 to 33rd-Dauphin
7 SEPTA Effective February 24, 2019 to rd-dauphin Serving Center City Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org REVISED Dell Music Center Fitzsimmons Cumberland St H S York St 39
DetaljerNRG Station to Fern Rock Transportation Center
e n i ur L Sp 19 e re ge, 20 S id y 2 A d r T a R oa ad- ebru SEP r B ro e F B ffeci E Saion o Transporaion Cener Sering Cener Ciy Cusomer Serice 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.sepa.org Huning Park
DetaljerBroad-Pattison to Fern Rock Transportation Center
4 SEPTA Effective February 4, 019 Broad-Pattison to Transportation Serving City Customer Service 15-580-7800 TDD/TTY 15-580-7853 www.septa.org Connections at Olney Transportation : 6, 8,, 18,, 6, 55, 80,
DetaljerRichmond-Cambria to 33rd-Dauphin
54 SEPTA Effective February 24, 2019 Richmond-Cambria to 33rd-Dauphin Serving Port Strawberry Mansion Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Front St 61 33rd St Dell Music Center
DetaljerPier 70 to 33rd-Dauphin
7 SEPTA Effective September 1, 2019 to rd-dauphin Serving Center City Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Dell Music Center Fitzsimmons Cumberland St H S York St 39 39 7 39
DetaljerWhitman Plaza to Rising Sun-Olney or Fern Rock Transportation Center
7 5 e e i c n Ju 9, 9 1 20 A T P SE fe Ef o Rising Sun-Olney or Sering Souh Philadelphia and Norhern Liberies Cusomer Serice 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-785 www.sepa.org Rising Edison H. S. kfor d Araming
DetaljerWhitman Plaza to Rising Sun-Olney or Fern Rock Transportation Center
7 5 r r ua e i c b Fe 9 y 1 20, 24 A T P SE fe Ef o Rising Sun-Olney or Sering Souh Philadelphia and Norhern Liberies Cusomer Serice 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-785 www.sepa.org Rising Edison H. S. kfor
DetaljerRoxborough To Center City
32 Effective June 19, 2011 SEPTA Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org 9 H. S. Fountain St Silverwood St Pechin St Leverington Av Limited Weekday Service Hermitage St Green La
DetaljerOverbrook and Lankenau Medical Center To Columbus Commons or Food Distribution Center
G SEPTA Overbrook and Medical To or Food Distribution Effective September 4, 2011 Serving The Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org 52nd
DetaljerBroad-Pattison to Fern Rock Transportation Center
4 Effective August 6, 018 SEPTA Broad-Pattison to Transportation Serving City Customer Service 15-580-7800 TDD/TTY 15-580-7853 www.septa.org Connections at Olney Transportation : 6, 8,, 18,, 6, 55, 80,
DetaljerNRG Station to Fern Rock Transportation Center
e n i ur L Sp 19 e re ge 1, 20 S er A i b T m oa a-r epe SEP r B ro e S B ffeci E Saion o Transporaion Cener Sering Cener Ciy Cusomer Serice 2-580-800 TDD/TTY 2-580-853 www.sepa.org Huning Park A HUNTING
DetaljerSouth Philadelphia To Overbrook and Lankenau Medical Center
G Effective June 19, 2011 SEPTA South Philadelphia To Overbrook and via Food Distribution / Serving The Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org
DetaljerWhitman Plaza to Rising Sun-Olney or Fern Rock Transportation Center
7 5 e i c, 1 er b em p Se 9 1 20 A T P SE fe Ef Whiman Plaza o Rising Sun-Olney or Transporaion Cener Sering Souh Philadelphia and Norhern Liberies Cusomer Serice 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-785 www.sepa.org
Detaljer33rd-Cecil B. Moore to Frankford Transportation Center
September 1, 2019 3 33rd-Cecil B. Moore to Serving Mansion and North Philadelphia Operating Every Minutes Max 5 Hours / Day 6:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. 5 Days / Week Monday Friday East Falls Fairmount Park Weeken
DetaljerWillow Grove and Doylestown to Olney Transportation Center
REVISED JUNE, 2015 55 Effective June 14, 2015 SEPTA and to Serving Jenkintown Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Line Shopping Industrial Park County Line 202 DOYLESTOWN City
DetaljerChester Transportation Center To 69th Street
109 Effective August 29, 2011 SEPTA To Serving and Lansdowne Customer Service 610-734-1300 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Route 109 101 Macy s SPRINGFIELD MALL Baltimore Pk Swarthmore Media/ Elwyn
DetaljerSharon Hill To 69th Street Transportation Center
102 SEPTA Effective February 20, 2012 To Transportation Customer Service 610-734-1300 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Route 102 Drexel Av Childs Av Drexel Hill 101 School La Huey Av Oak Ln Creek R d
Detaljer9th-Market to Manayunk
6 SEPTA Effective February 24, 209 9th-Market to Manayunk Serving City and North Customer Service 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.septa.org Container Loop 62 Umbria St Belmont Hills City Av Fountain
DetaljerOxford Valley and Neshaminy Malls To Frankford Transportation Center
4 SEPTA Effective September 4, 20 Oxford Valley and s To Transportation Serving Northeast Philadelphia Customer Service 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.septa.org Trevose Rd Street Rd Somerton Rd TREVOSE
DetaljerGermantown- Chelten To 69th Street Transportation Center
65 SEPTA Effective September 4, 2011 Germantown- Chelten Serving Bala and Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org 77th St 76th St Port Royal Av Manayunk/ Norristown Line Montgomery
DetaljerSouthampton and Rockledge to Frankford Transportation Center
24 Effective June 4, 205 SEPTA Southampton to Transportation Serving Fox Chase and Bethayres Customer Service 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.septa.org James Way County Line Rd Second Street Pk Jaymor
DetaljerChelten Av Station to Frankford
26 Effective June 9, 209 SEPTA Chelten Av to Serving Customer Service 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.septa.org East Mt Airy Upsal St Cliveden St Av Washington La 23 XH Pulaski St Morris St J Tulpehocken
DetaljerNeshaminy Mall and Somerton to Frankford Transportation Center
58 Effective June 4, 205 SEPTA and Somerton to Transportation Serving Northeast Philadelphia Customer Service 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.septa.org Oxford Av 24 City Pine Rd Alburger Av Rhawn St
DetaljerFrankford-Gregg or Torresdale-Cottman to Fern Rock Transportation Center
September, 209 70 Frankford-Gregg or Torresdale-Cottman to Transportation Center Serving Torresdale and Tacony Operating Every Minutes Max 5 Hours / Day 6:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. 5 Days / Week Monday Friday
DetaljerHenry-Midvale and Wissahickon Transporation Center to Frankford Transportation Center
September 1, 2019 R Henry-Midvale and Transporation to Serving Hunting Park Operating Every Minutes Max 5 Hours / Day 6:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. 5 Days / Week Monday Friday 2nd St Front St B St 29th St 5th St
DetaljerPlymouth Meeting Mall and Erdenheim To Olney Transportation Center
L Effective June 19, 2011 SEPTA and Erdenheim To Olney Transportation via enue Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Park Av 90 Germantown Pk 476 Germantown Pk Hickory Rd L 27
DetaljerWhitman Plaza To Fern Rock Transportation Center
57 SEPTA Effective September 4, 2011 To Serving South Philadelphia and Northern Liberties Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Delaware Av Old York Rd Olney Girls H. S. C 80
DetaljerMedia to 69th Street Transportation Center
0 Effective June 5, 205 SETA Media to Transportation Serving Springfield Customer Service 60-734-300 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.septa.org NEW on this Route... New Boarding Location at Transportation and Bus
DetaljerChelten Av Station to Frankford
26 SEPTA Effective September 1, 2019 Chelten Av to Serving Olney Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org East Mt Airy Upsal St Cliveden St Germantown Av Washington La 23 XH Pulaski
DetaljerSouth Philadelphia To Fern Rock Transportation Center
57 Effective June 19, 2011 SEPTA South Philadelphia To via American, reets Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Delaware Av Old York Rd Olney Girls H. S. C 80 22 Broad St Widener
DetaljerTorresdale and Tacony to Fern Rock Transportation Center
70 Effective June, SEPTA Torresdale and Tacony to via Cottman Avenue Customer Service 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.septa.org Lansdale/Doylestown, Warminster Lines Greenwood Av Church Rd Washington
DetaljerSomerton and Neshaminy Mall To Frankford Transportation Center
58 Effective June 9, 20 SEPTA Somerton and To Transportation via enue Customer Service 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.septa.org Oxford Av 24 City Pine Rd Alburger Av Rhawn St Burholme Whitaker Av
DetaljerChestnut Hill to South Philadelphia
23 Effective June 19, 2011 SEPTA Chestnut Hill to South Philadelphia via Avenue, 11th and 12th Streets Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Vine St Expwy Race St Arch St JFK
ROUTE MAP l Metro lue Line To Los Angeles Slauson a 55 355 Compton 53 Central 51 52 351 alon l San Pedro St 48 St 48 6 roadway 45 745 Figueroa St 81 Hoover St Playa St Holmes West l Sepulveda C4 Santa
DetaljerFrankford-Gregg and Torresdale-Cottman To Fern Rock Transportation Center
70 SEPTA Effective September 2, 12 Frankford-Gregg and Torresdale-Cottman To Serving Torresdale and Tacony Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Lansdale/Doylestown, Warminster
DetaljerWhitman Plaza to 5th-Godfrey
September, 209 47 to 5th-Gofrey Serving South Philaelphia, Center City, North Philaelphia an Olney Operating Every Minutes Max Hours / Day 6:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. 5 5 Days / Week Monay Friay n 60 SOUTH Pas
DetaljerBustleton and Franklin Mills Mall To Frankford Transportation Center
67 Effective June, SEPTA Bustleton and To Transportation Center via Verree Road Customer Service 25-0-7800 TDD/TTY 25-0-7853 www.septa.org Martins Mill Rd 77 Rockledge Av Fox Chase FOX CHASE 24 STATION
DetaljerOlney to South Philadelphia
Effecie April 18, 2011 SEPTA 47 o Souh Philaelphia ia 7h an rees usomer Serice 21-80-7800 TDD/TTY 21-80-783 www.sepa.org Serice Enhancemen Pilo Mongomery A BEKS Kensingon APA Dela ware ie r Delaware A
DetaljerTri State Mall and Darby Transportation Center to 69th Street Transportation Center
3 ry b a ru i c F 9, 25 20 A T P SE f f E Tri a Mall a Darby Trasporaio Cr o 69h r Trasporaio Cr Srig Chsr Cusomr Sric 60-734-300 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.spa.org Dlawar Couy 02 W a lu Mmorial Hospial 0
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D e t t e e r i n n k a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n er a l f o r s a m l i n g. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g e t s å r s m e l d i n g o g r e g n s k a
FAGKONFERANSE KONTROL L OG TILSYN GARDERMOEN 5.- 6. JUNI 201 3 A RSMØTE I FORU M FO R KONTROLL OG TILSYN 5. JUN I 2013 09. 0 0 1 0. 0 0 R E G I S TR E R I NG N o e å b i t e i 10. 0 0 1 0. 15 Å p n i ng
DetaljerS T Y R E T G J Ø R O P P M E R K S O M P Å A T D Ø R E N E S T E N G E S K L
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n nk a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n i
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n nk a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n i
Detaljer20th-Johnston to Pulaski-Hunting Park or Wayne Junction
2 9 u br a e i ct Fe ry, 24 1 20 A T P SE fe Ef 20th-Johsto to Pulaski-Hutig Park or Waye Juctio Serig South Philadelphia, Ceter City ad North Philadelphia Customer Serice 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853
DetaljerFrankford-Knights to Frankford Transportation Center
66 Effci Fbuy 24, 2019 EPTA Fkfo-Kigh o Fkfo ig Noh Cuom ic 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.p.og m A o L A P yp ck A HIA CO K CO ELP BU C G Pl Hill Tol Fil Pl A hb u 28 Polic Acmy Fi Acmy w o i ui
Detaljer2. Å R S B E R E T N I N G O G R E G N S K A P F O R A ) Å r s b e r e t n i n g o g r e g n s k a p f o r
I N N K A L L I N G T I L O R D I N Æ R G E N E R A L F O R S A M L I N G 2 0 1 0 O r d i n æ r g e n e r a l f o r s a m l i n g i, a v h o l d e s m a n d a g 3. m ai 2 0 1 0, k l. 1 8 0 0 p å T r e
DetaljerFrankford Transportation Center to 69th Street Transportation Center
- e 9 e L 201 k d 1, A M fo mbe T P e k E ep F e c ffe E Fkfod Tspoo Cee o 69h ee Tspoo Cee eg Cee Cy Cusome ece 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.sep.og Bd FRANKFORD P ge TRANPORTATION d fo Nohwood
DetaljerFrankford-Knights to Frankford Transportation Center
6 6 7 b i p m, 3 1 20 A T P E c f f E Fankf-Knighs Fankf Tanspain Cn ing Nhas Philalphia Cusm ic 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.spa.g ma Lincln H.. na Hlmsbug n L A al Pn nyp a Lincln Tchnical Insiu
DetaljerFrankford Transportation Center to 69th Street Transportation Center
- e e L k d 19 A M fo 9, 20 T P k e E Ju F e c ffe E Fkfod Tspoo Cee o 69h ee Tspoo Cee eg Cee Cy Cusome ece 21-80-7800 TDD/TTY 21-80-783 www.sep.og Bd FRANKFORD P ge TRANPORTATION d fo Nohwood le lk k
DetaljerFranklin Mills Mall To Frankford Transportation Center
20 SEPTA Effective September 4, 2011 To Serving Northeast ; Evenings Customer Service 215-0-7800 TDD/TTY 215-0-7853 www.septa.org Rockledge Av 24 73 Martins Mill Rd Rising Sun Av Fels H. S. Pine Rd Oxford
Detaljer49th-Woodland to 54th-City or 50th-Parkside
2 5 y i b u F 9, 24 20 A T P E c f f E 49h-Wl 54h-Ciy 50h-Pksi ig Kigsssig, Wyfil, Bl Glwy Cusm ic 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.sp.g W l u L Mi l L us l H Ri ill ylk hu High chl f h Fuu 34 40TH
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n nk a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g e t s å r s b e r e t n i
DetaljerFranklin Mills Mall To Frankford Transportation Center
20 Effective June 9, 20 SEPTA Mall To via Academy Road with Evening Service to Customer Service 25-0-7800 TDD/TTY 25-0-7853 www.septa.org Rockledge Av 24 73 Martins Mill Rd Rising Sun Av Fels Oxford Av
DetaljerHXH. West Oak Lane To Tioga SEPTA. Effective June 20, and. Customer Service TDD/TTY
X and Effective June 20, 2011 SEPTA West Oak ane Customer Service 215-580-7800 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.septa.org Ridge Av Germantown Av Main St Willow Grove Av Manayunk/ Norristown ine Chestnut ill East
DetaljerI N N K AL L I N G T I L O R D I N Æ R T S A M E I E R M Ø T E
I N N K AL L I N G T I L O R D I N Æ R T S A M E I E R M Ø T E 2 0 0 9 O r d i næ r t s am e i e rm ø t e i S am b o b o l i g s a m ei e fi n n e r s t e d t o r s d ag 3 0. 0 4. 2 0 0 9 K l. 1 8. 3 0
DetaljerPhiladelphia Mills to Frankford Transportation Center
20 Effective June 4, 205 SEPTA to Serving Northeast ; Evenings Customer Service 25-0-7800 TDD/TTY 25-0-7853 www.septa.org Street Rd Rockledge Av 24 73 Martins Mill Rd Rising Sun Av Fels H. S. Pine Rd Oxford
Detaljer67 bus time schedule & line map
67 bus time schedule & line map 67 67th Ave View In Website Mode The 67 bus line (67th Ave) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Camelback: 12:05 AM - 11:35 PM (2) Sierra
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n nk a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n i
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n n k a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s a m l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n
DetaljerSk ie n ko mm une. R EG UL E R I N GS B ES T E MM E L SER T I L D eta ljr e gu l e ri n g
R EG UL E R I N GS B ES T E MM E L SER T I L D eta ljr e gu l e ri n g K j ø r b ekk d a l en 12 D 220 / 211 m. fl R e g u l e r i n g s be s te mm e ls e r sist date r t 27.09.17. P l an k a r t sist
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
1 K e y s e r l ø k k a Ø s t B o r e t t s l a g K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n nk a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d
DetaljerOxford Valley and Neshaminy Malls to Frankford Transportation Center
4 Effective June 4, 205 EPTA Oxford Valley and s to Transportation Center erving Northeast Philadelphia Customer ervice 25-0-7800 TDD/TTY 25-0-7853 www.septa.org Welsh Rd Tacony Acacemy Charter Napfle
DetaljerNJNG Work Schedule. 8/24/2016 Page 1
ASBURY PARK (MONTHLY BLA 527 LAKE AV ASBPK 9560832 New Service 9/1/16 926 BANGS AV ASBPK 9228145 Retirement Not Scheduled PERMIT 9053 - EXPIRES 9/12/16 914 BANGS AV ASBPK 9227349 Retirement Not Scheduled
DetaljerPhiladelphia Mills and Bustleton to Frankford Transportation Center
7 6 i c J 9 9, T P SE f Ef Phiphi Mis Bs Fkf Tspi C Si Nhs Phiphi Csm Sic 25-0-7800 TDD/TTY 25-0-7853 www.sp. Ni Ni G my chis McNy Gi Di MST Sch Tws Byby Es Isi 4 USPS Cmmiy C Bk Mi Wshi Li BETHYES By
DetaljerI N N K A L L I N G T I L O R D I N Æ R T S A M E I E R M Ø T E
I N N K A L L I N G T I L O R D I N Æ R T S A M E I E R M Ø T E 2 0 0 9 O r d i n æ r t s am e i e rm øt e i S am e i e t W al d em a rs H a g e, a v h o l d e s t o rs d a g 1 8. j u n i 2 0 0 9, k l.
Detaljer5th-Market to Wissahickon Transportation Center
8 3 u i c b F 9 20, 24 T P E f f E 5h-Mk Wihick Ti C ig Pkw ci, Pl Tuch Muu d Mu Cu ic 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www..g i l d Pi PCOM N i Ri Pk hck h C Fd Rd C Huigd Rd u Bk Mg x w u lki ll E Bww
DetaljerCenter City to Chestnut Hill
2 r r u e i c b Fe 9 y, 24 20 A T SE fe Ef Ceer Ciy o su ill Serig Norh hildelphi d Chiow Cusomer Serice 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-785 www.sep.org lese cosul he sepre oue 45 imeble for serice souh of
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
1 H o v i n B o r e t t s l a g K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n nk a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s
Detaljer80. Lincoln to Parklands
80. Lincoln to Parklands Valid from 8 December 2014 Bus route: LincoIn University X Lincoln Township Prebbleton Westfield Riccarton X Christchurch Hospital X Central Station X Eastgate Shopping Centre
DetaljerChester Transportation Center to 69th Street
9 0 1 u i c b F 9 y, 25 1 20 A T P E f Ef Cs Tspoio C o 69 Tspoio C ig pigfi Lsow Cusom ic 610-734-1300 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.sp.og Bisop A o o A A Cuc L D m pou L Ri y A 37 Pipi Iio Aipo A Cocios Cs
DetaljerMed støtte fra: Kommunaldepartementet MODERNE BOLØSNINGER PÅ BYGDA
Med støtte fra: Kommunaldepartementet MODERNE BOLØSNINGER PÅ BYGDA blilyst :-) i samarbeid med: Husbanken Norsk Form NAL Med støtte fra: Kommunaldepartementet Vinnerprosjekt KNEKKE KODEN MODERNE BOLØSNINGER
DetaljerOxford Valley and Neshaminy Malls to Frankford Transportation Center
4 i c Ju 9 9, 20 A T P SE f Ef Oxf Vay a Nshamiy Mas Fakf Taspai C Sig Nhas Phiaphia Cusm Sic 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.spa.g Map T w s pf B b ck AAchbishp ya H. S. O Lic Hw y k Wh ia s Ma Aa
DetaljerFox Chase to Cedarbrook Plaza
8 i c u J 9, 9 20 A T P SE f Ef Fx Chas Carbrk Srig Lawal a Eas M. Airy Cusmr Sric 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.spa.rg Pi Su g is i rr S uh A Mag Lawal A Ur Tab Nay Aiai Supply Cr A G A Fls H. S.
DetaljerWashington. Top 5. The White House. United States Capitol. Arlington National Cemetery. National Air And Space Museum. National Gallery Of Art
Photo: RLBolton Washington Tenk stort når du besøker Washington. Straks du ankommer DC vil du bli fasinert over byens formater. Amerikas hovedstad vil du skal vite at den er nettopp det, og gjør sitt for
DetaljerSwan Valley Girls/Boys Varsity Basketball
Swan Valley Girls/Boys Varsity Basketball 2018-19 Friday November 30 Away 7:30 Hemlock Boys Fr/JV/Varsity Tuesday December 4 Home 7:00 BC John Glenn Girls JV/Varsity Friday December 7 Away 6:00 Garber
DetaljerP r in s ipp s ø k n a d. R egu l e r i ngsen d r i n g f o r S ands t a d gå r d gn r. 64 b n r. 4 i Å f j o r d ko mm un e
P r in s ipp s ø k n a d R egu l e r i ngsen d r i n g f o r S ands t a d gå r d gn r. 64 b n r. 4 i Å f j o r d ko mm un e O pp d ra g s n r : 2 0 1 50 50 O pp d ra g s n a v n : Sa n d s ta d g å r d
DetaljerSosialantropologisk institutt
Sosialantropologisk institutt Eksamensoppgaver til SOSANT2000: Generell antropologi: grunnlagsproblemer og kjernespørsmål Utsatt eksamen Høsten 2004 Skoleeksamen 16. desember kl. 9-15, Lesesal B, Eilert
DetaljerI n n k a l l i n g t i l o r d i n æ r t s a m e i e r m ø t e
I n n k a l l i n g t i l o r d i n æ r t s a m e i e r m ø t e 2 0 1 1 O r d i n æ r t s a m e i e r m ø t e i L i s a K r i s t o f f e r s e n s P l a s s S E, a v h o l d e s o ns d a g 9. m a r s
DetaljerLEAVENWORTH PLAZA. $10.00 psf NNN 1,000-2,000 SF COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE: Leavenworth Street Omaha, Nebraska * * CERTIFIED *
COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE: LEAVENWORTH PLAZA 5103-5139 Leavenworth Street Omaha, Nebraska $10.00 psf NNN 1,000-2,000 SF HIGHLIGHTS High visibility location with 24,664 cars daily at 51st and Leavenworth Close
DetaljerChester Transportation Center to 69th Street
9 0 1 9, m b p i c 2 1 20 A T P E f f E Cs Tspoio C o 69 Tspoio C ig pigfi Lsow Cusom ic 610-734-1300 TDD/TTY 215-580-7853 www.sp.og Bisop A o o A A Cuc L D m pou L Ri y A 37 Pipi Iio Aipo A Cocios Cs
DetaljerLEAVENWORTH PLAZA. $10.00 psf NNN 1,000-3,000 SF COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE: Leavenworth Street Omaha, Nebraska * * CERTIFIED *
COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE: LEAVENWORTH PLAZA 5103-5139 Leavenworth Street Omaha, Nebraska $10.00 psf NNN 1,000-3,000 SF HIGHLIGHTS High visibility location with 24,664 cars daily at 51st and Leavenworth Close
DetaljerRidge-Midvale to Arrott Transportation Center
K i c Ju 9 9, 20 T P E f Ef Rig-Mil rr Trpri Cr rig Grmw Cumr ric 25-580-7800 TDD/TTY 25-580-7853 www.p.rg rk R 28 wy Pk Rb ick b WNDE i K m rr Whi k r lg um Fr mr r c l 28 k Tk Ch wl TTIN Fr Cr cill R
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n n k a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n i
INNKALLING TIL ORDINÆRT SAMEIERMØTE 2010 O r d i n æ r t s am e i e rm øt e i S am B o B o l i g s am e i e, a v h o l d es o ns d a g 2 8. 04. 2 0 1 0, k l. 1 8. 3 0 i G r ef s e n m e n i g h e t s s
DetaljerSkiskole side 2. Pr. pers. 3 dager/3 days 885 4 dager/4 days NY/NEW 995 5 dager/5 days NY/NEW 1090
Skiskole Side 1 Priser Snowsports Skeikampen vinter 2013/2014. Individuelle gjester. Prices Snowsports Skeikampen winter 2013/2014. Individual guests. Gruppeundervisning, voksne, ungdom og Fjellbandidos
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n n k a l l i n g e n t i l år e t s g e n e r a l f o rs am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n i n
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 22246 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B41J 2/0 (06.01) B41J 2/17 (06.01) B41J 29/38 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
DetaljerInnhold. Ka pit tel 1 Inn led ning Barn og sam funn Bo kas opp byg ning... 13
Innhold Ka pit tel 1 Inn led ning... 11 Barn og sam funn... 11 Bo kas opp byg ning... 13 Ka pit tel 2 So sia li se rings pro ses sen... 15 For hol det mel lom sam funn, kul tur og so sia li se ring...
DetaljerBroad-Snyder to Chester Transportation Center
7 3 i c, 1 b m p S 9 1 20 T SE f Ef o-sy o s Tspoio C Sig Eswic ipo Cusom Sic 215-580-7800 T/TTY 215-580-7853 www.sp.og 88 h m Essigo c os mic-swish Hisoicl usum Tsy y Roosl S 89 h S NC os Iusil is p E
DetaljerAlternativer Mosjøen vgs
Alternativer Mosjøen vgs Alternativer Areal (m 2 BTA) Grad av samlokalisering 0 Nullalternativet 20 600 Tredelt løsning (som i dag) 0+ Nullpluss-alternativet 20 600 Tredelt løsning (som i dag) Fullinvesteringsalternativer
DetaljerNJNG Work Schedule. 12/14/2016 Page 1
ASBURY PARK (MONTHLY BLA 518 PROSPECT AV ASBPK 9749439 New Service 12/22/16 922 MATTISON AV ASBPK 9748898 New Service 12/27/16 926 BANGS AV ASBPK 9228145 Retirement Not Scheduled PERMIT 9053 914 BANGS
DetaljerK j æ r e b e b o e r!
K j æ r e b e b o e r! D u h o l d e r n å i n nk a l l i n g e n t i l å r e t s g e n e r a l f o r s am l i n g i h å n d e n. D e n i n n e h o l d e r b o r e t t s l a g et s å r s b e r e t n i
DetaljerThe Chair's Chatter. Bethke, Donna. UM SOM PTRS Sent: From: Wednesday, January 10, :05 PM To:
January Bethke, Donna From: UM SOM PTRS Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 3:05 PM To: Bethke, Donna Subject: The Chair's Chatter - 1/10/2018 10, 2018 The Chair's Chatter 1 Department