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Eksamensoppgave i PSY2015/PSYPRO4315 Utviklingspsykologi II

Eksamensoppgave i PSY2015/PSYPRO4315 Utviklingspsykologi II

B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T /

B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T /

B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T 2018 /

B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I G J E L D E N D E F R A S T U D I E Å R E T 2017 /

B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T 2018 /





Strøm, H. K. & Ulvund, S. E. ( ). Beskrivelse og vurdering av tiltaket: Urolige spedbarn. I M. Martinussen (red), Ungsinn, tiltak nr. 40.

PENSUM VÅREN 2015 SWAHILI. Institutt for språk og litteratur NTNU

Eksamensoppgave i PSY2015/PSYPRO4315 Utviklingspsykologi II


Hegarty, Richardson, Montello, Lovelace, & Subbiah, 2002, Prestopnik & Roskos-Ewoldsen, 2000,, 1990, 1992

Anbefalt litteratur PROPSY302 Utviklingspsykologi - høst 2017

Binder, P.E. (2014) Den som vil godt. Om medfølelsens psykologi. (Bergen: Fagbokforlaget) (Kapittel 2, 6,7, 8, 14; 44 s.)


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EN Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning

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Eksamensoppgaver i PSY2015/PSYPRO4315 Utviklingspsykologi II

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: (( ) ) :.. (2005 :1987 ) (1375 ) /6/21 : 1388/6/30 :

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Barn med språklige utfordringer


PENSUMLISTE HØSTEN 2013 PSYKOLOGI Årsstudium Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse SIDE 1


Pensumplaner ved Psykologisk institutt. Samleoversikt Årsstudium ~ Bachelorgrad ~ Mastergrad PSY1010 PSYKOLOGIENS HISTORIE (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Teigen, K.H. (2004) En psykologihistorie. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (400 s.) Anbefalt støttelitteratur: Hergenhahn, B.R. (2001). An introduction to the history of psychology. 4. utg. Belmont,Calif: Wadsworth. (590 s.) Saugstad, P. (1998). Psykologiens historie en innføring i moderne psykologi. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. (600 s.) Nilsen, G. & Raaheim, K.(1997) En innføringsbok i psykologi for universiteter og høgskoler. Oslo: Cappelen (700 s.) PSY1011 PSYKOLOGIENS METODOLOGI (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Research Methods in Psychology Investigating Human Behavior Paul G. Nestor University of Massachusetts Boston Russell K. Schutt University of Massachusetts Boston 2012 528 pages SAGE Publications, Inc Instructors Og: Utvalgte artikler og annet materiell PSY1012 KOGNITIV PSYKOLOGI I (7,5 STUDIEPOENG VÅR) Sternberg, R. J. (2011). Cognitive Psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Chapter 1: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology 40 pages Chapter 2: Perception 51 pages Chapter 3: Cognitive Neuroscience, pages 94-115 21 pages Chapter 4, Attention 51 pages Chapter 5, Memory: Research and Models: 40 pages Chapter 6, Memory Processes: 37 pages Chapter 8, Representation and Organisation of Knowledge in Memory, pages 322-340 17 pages Chapter 9, Language: Nature and Acquisition: 36 pages Chapter 10: Language in context, pages 403-426 23 pages Chapter 11: Problem solving and Creativity: 59 pages SIDE 3

Engle, R. W. (2002). Working memory capacity as executive attention. Current Directions in Psychological Science 11(1), 19-23. Halford, G. S., Baker, R., McGredden, J. E. and Bain, J. D. (2005). How many variables can humans process? Psychological Science 16(1), 70-76. Total: ca. 400 pages In addition, you will read original papers, from peer-reviewed scientific journals, that are relevant to the projects. Some of the papers will be provided, some you will have to find yourself. You will get instruction on how to do that. PSY1013 BIOLOGISK PSYKOLOGI I (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Laura A. Freberg (2010, 2.ed.). Discovering Biological Psychology. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York. PSY1014 SOSIALPSYKOLOGI (7,5 STUDIEPOENG VÅR) Aronson, Wilson & Akert (2013), Social psychology (8th ed.) Pearson Education. PSY1015 UTVIKLINGSPSYKOLOGI I (7,5 STUDIEPOENG VÅR) Tetzchner, S. von (2012) Utviklingspsykologi (2.utg.) Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Del 1 s. 17-89 (72 s) Del 2 s. 92-114 og 127-146 (41 s) Del 3 s. 150-206 (56 s) Del 4 s. 208-255 og 329-356 (74 s) Del 5 s. 400-457 (57 s) Del 6 s. 460-538 (78 s) Del 7 s. 540-568, 587-606 og 619-633 (61 s) Del 8 s. 679-700 (21 s) Del 9 s. 702-726 (24 s) Del 10 s. 728-742 (14 s) (Til sammen ca 500 s) PSY1016 PERSONLIGHETSPSYKOLOGI I (7,5 STUDIEPOENG VÅR) Personality Psychology: Domains of knowledge about human nature. 4th ed. (Kap: 1-3, 5-9, 11-13, 15-16, 18). Antall sider: 438 SIDE 4

PSY1017 ABNORMAL PSYKOLOGI (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Kap.1-15 i Barlow, D. H., & Durand, V M. (2011). Abnormal Psychology : An Integrative Approach, International Edition (with Psychology CourseMate with ebook Printed Access Card), 6th Edition Anbefalt litteratur: Brown, T.H & Barlow, D. H. (2011). Casebook in abnormal psychology. 4th edition (international edition). Wadsworth. Cengage Learning. ICD-10 (WHO, 1999) Psykiske lidelser og atferdsforstyrrelser. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget AS. Side 1-288. PSY2010 ARBEIDS- OG ORGANISASJONSPSYKOLOGI (15 STUDIEPOENG HØST/VÅR) Arnold, J. & Randall, R. (2010). Work psychology: Understanding human behaviour in the workplace. (5th edition). Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education. Saksvik, P. Ø (2011). Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi aktuelle tema til inspirasjon for et bedre arbeidsliv. Oslo. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. PSY2011 MEDIENES PUBLIKUM (15 STUDIEPOENG VÅR) Bøker: Hagen, Ingunn (2004/1998): Medias publikum. Frå mottakar til brukar? Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal (173 s.). Hagen, Ingunn og Thomas Wold (2009): Mediegenerasjonen. Barn og unge i det nye medielandskapet. Oslo: Samlaget. (206 s.) Kompendiet: Boyle, Karen (2005): The effects of violence in the media. Media and Violence. Gendering the Debates. London: Sage. Bushman, Brad J; Anderson, Craig A (2001): Media Violence and the American Public: Scientific Facts Versus Media Misinformation. American Psychologist Vol. 56, no.6/7. 477-489. Gentikow, Barbara (1999): I. Mediebruk, publikum, påvirkning. Kapittel 1: Kartlegging av et felt. I: Barbara Gentikow og Helge Østbye (1999): Bind 3: Medier og brukere. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. s.11-34. Hagen, Ingunn (1993): Den ambivalente sjåar nyheitssjåing som plikt i folks kvardagsliv. I: Ingunn Hagen og Knut Helland (red): Verda på skjermen. Om nyheiter og fjernsyn. Oslo: Samlaget. S. 135-154. Hall, Stuart (1980; 2002): Encoding/Decoding. I: Stuart Hall, Dorothy Hobson, Andrew Lowe and Paul Willis (eds.). Culture, Media, Language. Birmingham: Routledge. s. 128-139. SIDE 5

Harris, Richard J. (1999): Advertising: Food (and everything else) for thought. A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Höijer, Birgitta (1992): Socio-cognitive structures and television reception. Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 14, s. 583-603. Høst, Sigurd (1998): Daglig mediebruk. Oslo: Pax. Innledning og kap. 3, s. 11-17 og s. 26-35. Jensen, Klaus B. And Karl Erik Rosengren (1990): Five Traditions in Search of the Audience. European Journal of Communication, Vol. 5, No. 2-3, June 1990, s. 207-239. Jewkes, Yvonne (2004): Media Constructions of Children: Evil Monsters and Tragic Victims. Media and Crime. London: Sage. Kigilcim, Gönul (1993): Eit framand blikk på Dagsrevyen tilliten til norske fjernsynsnyheiter hos ei gruppe tyrkiske innvandrarar. I: Ingunn Hagen og Knut Helland (red.):verda på skjermen. Om nyheiter og fjernsyn. Oslo: Samlaget. S. 154-170. Lull, James (1980): The social uses of television. Human Communication Research, 6, s. 197-209. Morley, David (1992): Television audience research: a critical history. In: Television, Audiences & Cultural Studies. London and New York: Routledge. s.45-59. Tingstad, Vebjørg (2006) Barn og medier. I: Barndom under lupen. Å vokse opp i en foranderlig mediekultur. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk forlag. s. 13-31. Tønnessen, Elise Seip (2007): Nye og gamle medier. I: Mediekultur blant barn og unge. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.s 27-42. Waldahl, Ragnar (2001): Mediepåvirkning. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap. 6. s. 107-132. "Pensum kan bli supplert ved semesterstart." PSY2012 KOGNITIV PSYKOLOGI II (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Fordypning: Gigerenzer, G. (2003). Reckoning with Risk. Penguin Books Ltd. ISBN-10: 0140297863 ISBN-13: 978-0140297867. Chapters 4 and 8. 38 p Anderson, M. C. and Green, C. (2001). Suppressing unwanted memories by executive control. Nature, 410, 366-369. 4 p Biegler, R. (2006). Some core concepts in computational neuroscience. 22 p Biegler, R. (2007). Basic concepts of signal detection theory. 3 p SIDE 6

Chiappe, D. and MacDonald, K. (2005). Evolution of domain-general mechanisms in intelligence and learning. The Journal of General Psychology, 132(1), 5-40. 30 p Conway, M. A., Singer, J. A. and Tagini, A. (2004). The self and autobiographical memory: correspondence and coherence. Social Cognition, 22(5), 491-529. 33p Dunning, D. Johnson, K., Ehrlinger, J. and Kruger, J. (2003). Why people fail to recognize their own incompetence. Current Direction in Psychological Science, 12(3), 83-87. 4 p Ernst, M. O. and Bülthoff, H. H. (2004). Merging the senses into a robust percept. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8(4), 162-169. 7p Frank, R. H. (1988). Passions Within Reason. P. 43-80. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company. 38 p Geraerts, E., Schooler, J. W., Merckelbach, H., Jelicie, M., Hauer, B. J. A. and Ambadar, Z. (2007). The reality of recovered memories. Psychological Science, 18(7), 564-568. 4 p Hupbach, A., Gomez, R., Hardt, O. and Nadel, L. (2007). Reconsolidation of episodic memories: A subtle reminder triggers integration of new information. Learning & Memory, 14, 47-53. 6 p Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005). Why most published research findings are false. PLoS Medicine, 2(8), 696-701. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124 6p Itti, L. and Baldi, P. (2008). Bayesian surprise attracts human attention. Vision Research. Only the first 5 pages! 5 p Roediger, H. L. and Butler (2010). The critical role of retrieval practice in long-term retention. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15(1), 20-27. 7 p McGurk, H. (1976). Hearing lips, seeing voices. Nature, 264, 746-748. Monfils, M-H, Cowansage, K. K., Klann, E. and LeDoux, J. E. (2009). Extinctionreconsolidation boundaries: Key to persistent attenuation of fear memories. Science, 324, 951-955. 5 p Perfors, A., Tenenbaum, J. B., Griffiths, T. L. and Xu, F. (2011). A tutorial introduction to Bayesian models of cognitive development. Cognition, 120, 302-321. 18p Samuel, A. G. (2011) Speech perception. Annual Review of Psychology, 62, 49-72. Schacter, D. L. (1999). The seven sins of memory. American Psychologist, 54(3), 182-203. 21 p Shams, L. and Beierholm, U. R. (2010). Causal inference in perception. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 425-432. 7p Singer, T., Seymour, B., O Doherty, J. P., Stephan, K. E., Dolan, R. J. and Frith, C. (2006). Empathic neural responses are modulated by the perceived fairness of others. Nature, 436, 466-469. 4 p Stanovich, K. E.. (2009). Distinguishing the reflective, algorithmic and autonomous minds: Is it time for a tri-process theory? In In two minds: Dual processes and beyond. J. S. B. T. Evans and K Frankish (Eds.), Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. 26 p 3 p 30p SIDE 7

PSY2013 BIOLOGISK PSYKOLOGI II (7,5 STUDIEPOENG VÅR) Bear, Connors, & Paradiso (2007). Neuroscience: Exploring the brain, 3 rd edition. Ch. 3: The neuronal membrane at rest Ch. 4: The action potential Ch. 5: Synaptic transmission Ch. 6: Neurotransmitter systems Ch. 8: The chemical senses Ch. 9: The eye Ch. 10: Central visual system Ch. 11: Auditory and vestibular systems Ch. 14: Brain control of movement Ch. 15: Chemical control of the brain and behavior Ch. 18: Brain mechanisms of emotion Ch. 19: Brain rhythms and sleep Ch. 20: Language Ch. 21: Attention Ch. 22: Mental illness Utvalgte artikler om hukommelse: Jensen, O., Idiart, M.A.P. & Lisman, J.E. (1996). Physiologically realistic formation of autoassociative memory in networks with theta/gamma oscillations: Role of fast NMDA channels. Learning & Memory, 3, 243-256. Jensen, O. & Lisman, J.E. (1996). Novel lists of 7±2 known items can be reliably stored in an oscillatory short-term memory network: Interaction with long-term memory. Learning & Memory, 3, 257-263. Lisman, J.E., Fellous, J.-M., & Wang, X.-J. (1998). A role for NMDA-receptor channels in working memory, Nature Neuroscience, 1 (4), 273-275. PSY2014 SOSIALPSYKOLOGI II (7,5 STUDIEPOENG VÅR) Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, 50, 179-211. Archer, J. (2004). Sex differences in aggression in real-world settings: a meta-analytic review. Review of General Psychology, 8, 291-322. SIDE 8

Archer, J., & Coyne, S. M. (2005). An integrated review of indirect, relational, and social aggression. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9, 212-230. Batson, C. D. (1998). Altruism and prosocial behaviour. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, and G. Lindzey The Handbook of Social Psychology Vol. II, 4 th ed. (pp. 282-316). Boston Massachusetts: McGraw-Hill. Browne, K. R. (2006). Sex, power, and dominance: The evolutionary psychology of sexual harassment. Managerial and Decision Economics, 27, 145-158. Campbell, A. (2004). Female competition: Causes, constraints, content, and context. The Journal of Sex Research, 41, 16-26. Cialdini, R. B., & Goldstein, N. J. (2004). Social influence: Compliance and conformity. Annual Review of Psychology, 55, 591-621. Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2012). Tools for risk communication. In Sabine Roeser, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Per Sandin and Martin Peterson (Eds.), Handbook of Risk Theory. Epistemology, Decision Theory, Ethics, and Social Implications of Risk. Chapter 29 (pp. 761-787). Heidelberg: Springer. Fleeson, W. (2004). Moving Personality Beyond the Person-Situation Debate The Challenge and the Opportunity of Within-Person Variability. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13(2), 83 87. doi:10.1111/j.0963-7214.2004.00280.x Hardman, D. (2009). The nature and analysis of judgement. In D. Hardmann Judgment and Decision Making. Psychological Perspectives (pp. 8-16). Chichester: BPS Blackwell. Hamilton, D. L., Sherman, S. J., & Lickel, B. (1998). Perceiving social groups: The importance of the entitativity continuum. In C. Sedikides and J. Schopler (Eds.), Intergroup Cognition and Intergroup Behavior (pp. 47-74). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Holtgraves, T. (2010). Social psychology and language: Words, utterances, and conversations. Handbook of Social Psychology (Vol. 2 (5th ed.), pp. 1386 1422). Hoboken, NJ, US: Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kennair, L. E. O., & Bendixen, M. (2012). Sociosexuality as predictor of sexual harassment and coercion in female and male high school students. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 479-490. Oskamp, S., & Wesley Schultz, P. (2005). Attitudes and Opinions. 3 rd ed. Chapters 10-11 (pp. 207-264). New York: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Ross, L., Lepper, M., & Ward, A. (2010). History of social psychology: Insights, challenges, and contributions to theory and application. In S. T. Fiske, D. T. Gilbert & G. Lindzey (Eds.), Handbook of Social Psychology (5th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 3-50). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1974). Judgement under uncertainty: heuristics and biases. Science, 185, 1124-1131. SIDE 9

Tyler, T. R., & Smith, H. J. (1998). Social justice and social movements. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, and G. Lindzey The Handbook of Social Psychology Vol. II, 4 th ed. (pp. 595-629). Boston Massachusetts: McGraw-Hill. Williams, K. D. (2007). Ostracism. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 425-452. In addition, 3 empirical articles (15-20 pages each) related to the theme language as a social tool will be available on itslearning at the start of the term. PSY2015 UTVIKLINGSPSYKOLOGI II (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Bøker (utvalgte kapitler) Cassidy, J., & Shaver, P. R. (eds.) (2008). Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications. New York: The Guilford Press. (Kap 4, 9, 16, 17, 19, 27, 28) (ca 150 sider) Frisén, A., & Hwang, P. (red.) (2006). Ungdomar och identitet. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur. (Kap 6, 7, 8, 9) (ca 90 sider) Hart. S, & Schwartz, R (2008) Fra interaksjon til relasjon. Tilknytning hos Winnicott, Bowlby, Stern, Schore & Fonagy. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (Kap 3, 4 & 5) (ca 150 sider) Moe, V, Slinning, K, Hansen, M., B (2010) Håndbok i sped- og småbarns psykiske helse. (Kap 1, 5, 6, 7, 11) (ca 90 sider) Bokkapitler ( ca 120 sider) Eisenberg, N, Smith, C., L & Spinrad, L., T (2011). Effortful Control. Relations with Emotion, Regulation, Adjustment, and Socialization in Childhood. In (eds) Vohs., K., D. & Baumeister, R., F Handbook of Self-Regulation Research, Theory, and Applications.263-283. Rueda, M., R, Posner, M., I & Rothbart, M., K (2011). Attentional Control and Self- Regulation In (eds) Vohs., K., D. & Baumeister, R., F Handbook of Self-Regulation Research, Theory, and Applications. 284-299 SIDE 10

Collins, W., A. & Steinberg, L. (2006). Adolescent Development in Interpersonal Context. In (eds) Handbook of Child Psychology. Social, Emotional and Personality Develoment. Vol 3. 6th edt. New Jersey: Wiley. 1003-1067. Thompson, A. & Meyer, S (2008) Socialization of Emotion Regulation in the Family. In (edt) Gross, J., J. Handbook of emotion regulation. 249-268 Anbefalt litteratur Amato, P. R., J. B. Kane, et al. (2011). "Reconsidering the "Good Divorce"." Family Relations 60(5): 511-524. Amato, P. R. and B. Keith (1991). "Parental divorce and the well-being of children A metaanalysis." Psychological Bulletin 110(1): 26-46. Belsky, J & de Haan, M (2011). Annual Research Review: Parenting and children s brain development: the end of the beginning. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 52:4, pp 409 428.* Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). Contexts of child-rearing - problems and prospects. American Psychologist 34(10): 844-850.* Cicchetti, D. and J. A. Blender (2006). A multiple-levels-of-analysis perspective on resilience - Implications for the developing brain, neural plasticity, and preventive interventions. Resilience in Children. B. M. Lester, A. S. Masten and B. McEwen. 1094: 248-258.* Dahl, R. E. (1996). "The regulation of sleep and arousal: Development and psychopathology." Development and Psychopathology 8(1): 3-27. Ellis, B. J., W. T. Boyce, et al. (2011). "Differential susceptibility to the environment: An evolutionary-neurodevelopmental theory." Development and Psychopathology 23(1): 7-28.* Fonagy, P. and M. Target (1997). "Attachment and reflective function: Their role in selforganization." Development and Psychopathology 9(4): 679-700. SIDE 11

Haugen, G. M. D. (2005). "Relations between money and love in postdivorce families - Children's perspectives." Childhood-a Global Journal of Child Research 12(4): 507-526. Haugen, G. M. D. (2007). "Caring children: exploring care in post-divorce families." Sociological Review 55(4): 653-670. Kagan, J (2013) The Human Spark (kap 4) New York: Basic Books. (foreløpig ikke tilgjengelig)* Loman, M. M., M. R. Gunnar, et al. (2010). "Early experience and the development of stress reactivity and regulation in children." Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 34(6): 867-876.* Luthar, S. S., D. Cicchetti, et al. (2000). "The construct of resilience: A critical evaluation and guidelines for future work." Child Development 71(3): 543-562.* Pluess, M. and J. Belsky (2013). "Vantage sensitivity: Individual differences in response to positive experiences." Psychological Bulletin 139(4): 901-916.* Sameroff, A. J. and M. J. MacKenzie (2003). "Research strategies for capturing transactional models of development: The limits of the possible." Development and Psychopathology 15(3): 613-640.* Schore, A. N. (2001). "Effects of a secure attachment relationship on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health." Infant Mental Health Journal 22(1-2): 7-66. Zhang, T. Y. and M. J. Meaney (2010). Epigenetics and the Environmental Regulation of the Genome and Its Function. Annual Review of Psychology. 61: 439-466.* SIDE 12

PSY2017 STATISTIKK OG KVANTITATIVE FORSKNINGSMETODER (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST/VÅR) Field, A. (2009). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. London: Sage. PSY2018 KVALITATIVE FORSKNINGSMETODER (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST/VÅR) Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Psychology Dr Dennis Howitt (2010) Og Utvalgte artikler og annet materiell PSY3100 FORSKNINGSMETODE KVANTITATIV (STUDIEPOENG 7,5 HØST) Pensum oppgis ved kursstart. PSY3101 FORSKNINGSMETODE KVALITATIV (STUDIEPOENG 7,5 HØST) Pensum oppgis ved kursstart. PSY3110 LÆRING, ATFERD OG OMGIVELSER (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Edelman, G..M.(1992). Bright air, brilliant fire: On the matter of the mind. New York: Basic Books. Gottlieb, G. (1997) Synthesizing nature and nurture. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Sigmundsson, H. (red). (2008). Læring og ferdighetsutvikling. Tapir. I tillegg kommer utvalgte artikler og bokkapitler som vil bli gjort tilgjengelige på it's learning. PSY3111 INDIVIDUELL UTVIKLING, GENER, NERVESTYSTEM OG ATFERD (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) 1. Lærebøker: Goldstein EB. Sensation and Perception. 2010. Brookscole Publishing. (Eksakte kapittel- og sidehenvisninger oppgis ved semesterstart.) 2. Vitenskapelige artikler/utvalgte bokkapitler (oppgis ved semesterstart). 3. Forelesningsnotater SIDE 13

PSY3117 (15 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Pensum fastsettes I samarbeid med oppnevnt veileder. PSY3118 (15 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Pensum fastsettes I samarbeid med oppnevnt veileder. PSY3130 HELSEPSYKOLOGI MED SÆRLIG FOKUS PÅ ARBEIDSLIV (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Pensum oppgis ved semesterstart. PSY3131 DET GODE ARBEIDSMILJØ (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Pensum oppgis ved semesterstart. Ut over det kan følgende litteratur oppgis som «oversiktslitteratur»: Utvalgte kapitler fra Saksvik, P. Ø. (red). (2011). Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi aktuelle tema til inspirasjon for et bedre arbeidsliv. Oslo. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. Utvalgte kapitler fra Cooper, C.L., Quick J. C., and Schabracq, M. J. (2009). International handbook of Work and Health Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell. Utvalgte kapitler fra Biron, C., Karanika-Murray, M., and Cooper, C. L. (2012). Improving organizational interventions for stress and well-being. Routledge. Og denne rapporten: PSY3132 PSYKOLOGISKE TESTER I ARBEIDSLIVET OG HUMAN FACTORS (7,5 STUDIEPOENG - VÅR) Psychology Testing. Principles and Applications, sixth edition. Murphy, K. & Davidshofer, C.O.2005. Kap 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 9, 10 11,13,15, 16 17,19. SIDE 14

PSY3112 ARTIKKELSEMINAR (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Utvalgte artikler PSY3134 (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Pensum oppgis ved kursstart PSY3135 (7,5 STUDIEPOENG HØST) Pensum oppgis ved kursstart SIDE 15