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A11: Artikkel i internasjonalt vitenskapelig tidsskrift med referee

A11 : Artikkel i internasjonalt vitenskapelig tidsskrift med referee

Senter for idrettsskadeforskning. Publikasjonsliste 2007

A11 : Fagfellevurdert artikkel i internasjonalt vitenskapelig tidsskrift

Senter for idrettsskadeforskning. Publikasjoner

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Dokumentasjon av litteratursøk

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LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ROALD BAHR Last update: Jan 1, 2008 Original articles in refereed international journals: 1. BAHR, R., I. INGNES, O. VAAGE, O.M. SEJERSTED & E.A. NEWSHOLME. Effect of duration of exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. J. Appl. Physiol. 62 (2): 485-490, 1987. 2. Medbø, J.I., A. Mohn, I. Tabata, R. Bahr, O. Vaage & O.M. Sejersted. Anaerobic capacity determined by maximal accumulated oxygen deficit. J. Appl. Physiol. 64 (1): 50-60, 1988. 3. VØLLESTAD, N.K., O.M. SEJERSTED, R. BAHR, J.J. WOODS & B. BIGLAND-RITCHIE. Motor drive and metabolic responses during repeated submaximal contractions in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 64 (4): 1421-1427, 1988. 4. BAHR, R., P. HANSSON & O.M. SEJERSTED. Triglyceride/fatty acid cycling is increased after exercise. Metabolism. 39 (9): 993-999, 1990. 5. BAHR, R. & O.M. SEJERSTED. Effect of intensity of exercise on excess post-exercise O2 consumption. Metabolism. 40 (8):836-841, 1991. 6. BAHR, R., P. K. OPSTAD, J.I. MEDBØ & O.M. SEJERSTED. Strenuous prolonged exercise elevates resting metabolic rate and causes reduced mechanical efficiency. Acta Physiol. Scand. 141: 555-563, 1991. 7. BAHR, R., A.T. HØSTMARK, E.A. NEWSHOLME, O. GRØNNERØD & O.M. SEJERSTED. Effect of exercise on recovery changes in plasma levels of FFA, glycerol, glucose and catecholamines. Acta Physiol. Scand. 143: 105-115, 1991. 8. OPSTAD, P.K. & R. BAHR. Reduced set-point temperature in young men after prolonged strenuous exercise combined with sleep and energy deficiency. Arct. Med. Res. 50 (Suppl. 6): 122-126, 1991. 9. BAHR, R. & O.M. SEJERSTED. Effect of feeding and fasting on excess postexercise oxygen consumption. J. Appl. Physiol. 71 (6): 2088-2093, 1991. 10. BAHR, R., O. GRØNNERØD & O.M. SEJERSTED. Effect of supramaximal exercise on excess post-exercise O2 consumption. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 24 (1): 66-71, 1992. 11. OPSTAD, P.K., A.H. HAUGEN, O.M. SEJERSTED, R. BAHR & K.K. SKREDE. Atrial natriuretic peptide in plasma after prolonged physical strain, energy deficiency and sleep deprivation. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 68: 122-126, 1994. 12. BØRSHEIM, E., R. BAHR, P. HANSSON, L. GULLESTAD, J. HALLÉN & O.M. SEJERSTED. Effect of ß- adrenoceptor blockade on post-exercise O2 consumption and triglyceride/fatty acid cycling. Metabolism. 43 (5): 565-571, 1994. 13. BAHR, R., R. KARLSEN, Ø. LIAN & R.V. ØVREBØ. Incidence and mechanisms of acute ankle inversion injuries in volleyball - a retrospective cohort study. Am. J. Sports Med. 22 (5): 595-600, 1994. 14. LIAN, Ø., L. ENGEBRETSEN, R.V. ØVREBØ & R. BAHR. Characteristics of the leg extensors in male volleyball players with jumper s knee. Am. J. Sports Med, 24 (3): 380-385, 1996.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 2 15. LIAN, Ø., K. HOLEN, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Relationship between symptoms of jumper s knee and the ultrasound characteristics of the patellar tendon among high level male volleyball players. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 6 (5): 291-296, 1996. 16. TYRDAL, S. & R. BAHR. High prevalence of elbow problems among goalkeepers in European team handball - 'Handball goalie's elbow'. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 6 (5): 297-302, 1996. 17. BAHR, R. The effect of a new center line violation rule on the quality and flow of volleyball games. Int Volley-Tech, 2 (June): 14-19, 1996. 18. BAHR, R. & I. AA. BAHR. Incidence of acute volleyball injuries - a prospective cohort study of injury mechanisms and risk factors. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 7 (3): 166-171, 1997. 19. BAHR, R. Ø. LIAN & I. AA. BAHR. A twofold reduction in the incidence of ankle sprains in volleyball after the introduction of an injury prevention program - a prospective cohort study. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 7 (3): 172-177, 1997. 20. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW, C. LINDQUIST, S. TYRDAL & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Mechanics of the anterior drawer and talar tilt tests. A cadaveric study of lateral ligament injuries of the ankle. Acta Orthop. Scand., 68 (5): 435-441, 1997. 21. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW, S. TYRDAL & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Biomechanics of ankle ligament reconstruction - comparison of the Broström repair, Watson-Jones reconstruction and a new anatomical reconstruction technique. A cadaveric study. Am. J. Sports Med., 25 (4): 424-432, 1997. 22. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Ligament force and joint motion in the intact ankle: a cadaveric study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthroscopy, 6 (2): 115-121, 1998. 23. BAHR, R & M. TJØRNHOM. Prevalence of doping in sports - Doping control in Norway 1977-1995. Clin. J. Sports Med., 8 (1): 32-37, 1998. 24. MYKLEBUST, G., S. MÆHLUM, I. HOLM & R. BAHR. A prospective cohort study of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Norwegian team handball. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 8 (3), 149-153, 1998. 25. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, J., R. BAHR, J.A. FALCH & L.S. SCHNEIDER. Normal bone mass in bulimic women. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metabolism, 83: 3144-3149, 1998. 26. BØRSHEIM, E., R. BAHR, A.T. HØSTMARK & S. KNARDAHL. Effect of ß-adrenoceptor blockade on post-exercise O2 consumption and triglyceride/fatty acid cycling. Metabolism, 47 (4): 439-448, 1998. 27. BØRSHEIM, E., R. BAHR, A.T. HØSTMARK & S. KNARDAHL. Effect of ß-adrenoceptor stimulation on oxygen consumption and triglyceride/fatty acid cycling after exercise. Acta Physiol. Scand. 164: 157-166, 1998. 28. BIRKELAND, K., J. STRAY-GUNDERSEN, P. HEMMERSBACH, J. HALLÉN, E. HAUG & R. BAHR. Effect of rhepo administration on serum levels of stfr and cycling performance. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 32 (7): 1238-1243, 2000. 29. RØNSEN, O., E. HAUG, B.K. PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Increased neuroendocrine response to a repeated bout of endurance exercise. Med Sci. Sports Exerc. 33 (4): 568-575, 2001.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 3 30. RONSEN, O., H.K. HOLM, H. STAFF, P.K. OPSTAD, B.K. PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. No effect of seasonal variation in training load on immuno-endocrine responses to acute exhaustive exercise. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 11 (3): 141-148, 2001. 31. RONSEN, O., B.K. PEDERSEN, T.R. ØRITSLAND, R. BAHR & J. KJELDSEN-KRAGH. Leukocyte counts and lymphocyte responsiveness associated with repeated bouts of strenuous endurance exercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 91: 425-434, 2001. 32. REESER J.C., R. DICK, J. AGEL & R. BAHR. The effect of changing the centerline rule on the incidence of ankle injuries in women s collegiate volleyball. Int. J. Volleyball Res. 4 (1): 12-16, 2001. 33. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, J., J.H. ROSENVINGE, R. BAHR & L. SUNDGOT-SCHNEIDER. The effect of exercise, cognitive therapy, and nutritional counseling in treating bulimia nervosa. Med. Sci Sports Exerc. 34 (2): 190-195, 2002. 34. RONSEN, O., T. LEA, R. BAHR & B.K. PEDERSEN. Enhanced IL-6 and IL-1ra responses to repeated vs. single bouts of prolonged cycling in elite athletes. J. Appl. Physiol. 92: 2547-2553, 2002. 35. BØYUM, A., O. RØNSEN, V.A. TENNFJORD, S. TOLLEFSEN, A.H. HAUGEN, P.K. OPSTAD & R. BAHR. Chemiluminescence response of granulocytes from elite athletes during recovery from one or two intense bouts of exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 88 (1-2): 20-28, 2002. 36. BAHR, R. & J.C. REESER. Injuries among world-class professional beach volleyball players: The Federation Internationale de Volleyball beach volleyball injury study. Am. J. Sports Med. 31: 119-125, 2003. 37. LIAN, Ø., P.-E. REFSNES, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Performance characteristics of volleyball players with patellar tendinopathy. Am. J. Sports Med. 31: 408-413, 2003. 38. RØNSEN, O., J. KJELDSEN-KRAGH, E. HAUG, R. BAHR & B.K. PEDERSEN. Recovery time affects immuno-endocrine responses to a second bout of endurance exercise. Am. J. Physiol. Cell. Physiol. 283 (6): C1612-C1620, 2002. 39. ANDERSEN, T.E., A. TENGA, Ø. LARSEN, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Football incident analysis: a new video based method to describe injury mechanisms in professional football. Br. J. Sports Med. 37: 226-232, 2003. 40. MYKLEBUST, G., L. ENGEBRETSEN, I.H. BRÆKKEN, A SKJØLBERG, O.E. OLSEN & R. BAHR. Prevention of ACL injuries in female handball players a prospective intervention study over three seasons. Clin. J Sports Med. 13 (2): 71-78, 2003 41. JENUM, K.K., C. LORENTZEN, S. ANDERSSEN, K. BIRKELAND, I. HOLME, P. LUND-LARSEN, Y. OMMUNDSEN, T. RAASTAD, D. THELLE & R. BAHR. Promoting physical activity in a multi-ethnic district methods and baseline results of a pseudo-experimental intervention study. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehab 10 (5): 387-396: 2003. 42. MYKLEBUST, G., I. HOLM, S. MÆHLUM, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Clinical, functional and radiological outcome 6-10 years after ACL injuries in team handball players a followup study. Am. J. Sports Med. 31 (6): 981-989, 2003. Winner of the NIMI Award for best Norwegian sports medicine paper published in 2003-2004. 43. OLSEN, O.E., G. MYKLEBUST, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Effect of floor type on injury risk in team handball. Scand. J Med Sci Sports. 13 (5): 299-304, 2003. Winner of the Messner Award for best paper in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2003-2004.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 4 44. ARNASON, A., S.B. SIGURDSSON, A. GUDMUNDSON, I. HOLME, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Risk factors for injuries in soccer. Am. J. Sports Med. 32 (1): 5S-16S, 2004. 45. BAHR, R., S.O. ANDERSEN, S. LØKEN, B. FOSSAN, T. HANSEN & I. HOLME. Low back pain among endurance athletes with and without specific back loading a cross-sectional survey of cross-country skiers, rowers, orienteerers, and non-athletic controls. Spine, 29: 449-454, 2004. 46. OLSEN, O.E., L. ENGEBRETSEN, G. MYKLEBUST & R. BAHR. Injury mechanisms for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in team handball: a systematic video analysis. Am J Sports Med. 32 (4):1002-1012, 2004. 47. RØNSEN, O., E. BØRSHEIM, R. BAHR, B.K. PEDERSEN, E. HAUG, J. KJELDSEN-KRAGH & A. HØSTMARK. Immuno-endocrine and metabolic responses to long distance ski racing in world-class male and female cross-country skiers. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 14 (1): 39-48, 2004. 48. ÅRØEN, A., D. HELGØ, O.G. GRANLUND & R. BAHR. Contralateral tendon rupture risk is increased in individuals with a previous Achilles tendon rupture. Scand. J Med Sci Sports. 14 (1): 30-33, 2004. 49. VERHAGEN, E.A.L.M., A.J. VAN DER BEEK, L.M. BOUTER, R. BAHR & W. VAN MECHELEN. A oneseason prospective cohort study of volleyball injuries. Br J Sports Med. 38 (4):477-481, 2004. 50. MJØLSNES, R., A. ARNASON, T. ØSTHAGEN & R. BAHR. Strengthening the hamstrings a 10- week randomized controlled trial comparing eccentric versus concentric strengthening of the hamstrings among well-trained footballers. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 14 (5): 311-317, 2004. 51. ARNASON, A., S.B. SIGURDSSON, A. GUDMUNDSON, I. HOLME, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Physical fitness, injuries, and team performance in soccer. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 26 (2): 278-285, 2004. 52. ANDERSEN, T.E., A. TENGA, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Video analysis of injuries and incidents in Norwegian professional football. Br J Sports Med 38 (5): 626-631, 2004. 53. ANDERSEN, T.E., L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Rule violations as a cause of injuries in male Norwegian professional soccer are the referees doing their job? Am J Sports Med. 32 (1): 62S-68S, 2004. 54. RONSEN, O., Ø. HAUGEN, J. HALLÉN & R. BAHR. Residual effects of prior exercise on subsequent metabolic responses. Eur J Appl Physiol. 92 (4-5): 498-507, 2004. 55. ANDERSEN, T.E., T.W. FLØRENES, A. ARNASON, R. BAHR. Video analysis of the mechanisms for ankle injuries in football. Am J Sports Med. 32 (1): 69S-79S, 2004. 56. VERHAGEN, E.A.L.M., A.J. VAN DER BEEK, L.M. BOUTER, R. BAHR & W. VAN MECHELEN. The effect of a proprioceptive balance board training program for the prevention of ankle sprains, a prospective controlled trial. Am J Sports Med. 32 (6): 1385-93, 2004. 57. GRANAN, L.P., L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Kirurgi ved fremre korsbåndskader i Norge [Surgical treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Norway]. Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen. 124: 928-930, 2004. 58. ARNASON, A., L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. A prospective video-based analysis of injury situations in elite male football: football incident analysis. Am J Sports Med. 32 (6):1459-1465, 2004.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 5 59. ANDERSEN, T.E., A. ARNASON, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Mechanisms of head injuries in elite football. Br J Sports Med 38 (6): 690-696, 2004. 60. ARNASON, A., S.B. SIGURDSSON, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. No effect of a video-based awareness program on the rate of soccer injuries. Am J Sports Med 33 (1): 77-84, 2005. 61. KROSSHAUG, T. & R. BAHR. A model-based image-matching technique for threedimensional reconstruction of human motion from uncalibrated video sequences. J Biomech 38 (4): 919-929, 2005. 62. TORJUSSEN, J. & R. BAHR. Injuries among competitive snowboarders in the national elite level. Am. J. Sports Med. 33 (3): 370-377, 2005. 63. OLSEN, O.E., G. MYKLEBUST, L. ENGEBRETSEN, I. HOLME & R. BAHR. Exercises to prevent lower limb injuries in youth sport: cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ 330 (7489): 449 (Feb 26), 2005. doi:10.1136/bmj.38330.632801.8f (Epub 2005 Feb 07). Selected as Paper of the month by British Medical Journal editorial staff. Winner of the NIMI Award 2005 for best Norwegian sports medicine paper published 2004-2005. 64. LIAN, Ø., ENGEBRETSEN, L. & R. BAHR. Prevalence of jumper s knee among elite athletes from different sports a cross sectional study. Am. J. Sports Med. 33 (4): 561-567, 2005. 65. VISNES, H., A. HOKSRUD, J. COOK & R. BAHR. No effect of eccentric training on jumper s knee in volleyball players during the competitive season: a randomized clinical trial. Clin. J. Sports Med. 15 (4): 227-234, 2005. 66. STRAUME-NAESHEIM, T., T.E. ANDERSEN, J. DVORAK, A. JUNGE & R. BAHR. Reproducibility of computer-based neuropsychological testing among Norwegian elite football players. Br. J. Sports Med. 39: i64-i69, 2005. 67. STRAUME-NAESHEIM, T., T.E. ANDERSEN, J. DVORAK, A. JUNGE & R. BAHR. Effect of heading exposure and previous concussions on neuropsychological performance among Norwegian footballers. Br. J. Sports Med. 39: i70-i77, 2005. 68. TORJUSSEN, J. & R. BAHR. Injuries among international elite snowboarders. Br. J. Sports Med. 40 (3), 230-234, 2006. 69. SULHEIM, S., HOLME, I., A. EKELAND & R. BAHR. Helmet use reduces the risk of head injuries in alpine skiing disciplines and snowboarding case-control study. JAMA, 295 (8, February 22): 919-924, 2006. 70. BAHR, R., B. FOSSAN, S. LØKEN & L. ENGBRETSEN. Surgical treatment versus eccentric training for patellar tendinopathy (jumper s knee) a randomized controlled trial. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am. 88: 1689-1698, 2006. (doi:10.2106/jbjs.e.01181) Winner of the NIMI Award 2006 for best Norwegian sports medicine paper published 2005-2006. 71. SULHEIM, S., A. EKELAND & R. BAHR. Self-estimation of ability among skiers and snowboarders in alpine resorts. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthroscopy. 15 (5): 665-670, 2007 (doi: 10.1007/s00167-006-0122-x) 72. HOKSRUD, A., L. ÖHBERG H. ALFREDSON, & R. BAHR. Ultrasound-guided sclerosis of neovessels in painful chronic patellar tendinopathy a randomized controlled trial. Am. J. Sports Med. [Epub Jul 10 2006] 34: 1738-1746, 2006. (DOI: 10.1177/0363546506289169). 73. LIAN, Ø., J. DAHL, P. ACKERMANN, F. FRIHAGEN, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Pro- and antiinflammatory neuromediators in patellar tendinopathy. Am. J. Sports Med. [Epub Jun 30 2006] 34: 1801-1808, 2006. (DOI: 10.1177/0363546506289169).

Publications Roald Bahr - page 6 74. JENUM, A.K., S. ANDERSSEN, K.I. BIRKELAND, I. HOLME, S. GRAFF-IVERSEN, C. LORENTZEN, Y. OMMUNDSEN, T. RAASTAD, A. ØDEGAARD & R. BAHR. Promoting physical activity in a lowincome multi-ethnic district: effects of a community intervention study to reduce risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Diabetes Care. Jul; 29(7): 1605-1612, 2006. 75. KROSSHAUG, K., J.R. SLAUTERBECK, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Biomechanical analysis of anterior cruciate ligament injury mechanisms: three-dimensional motion reconstruction from video sequences. Scand. J. Med. Sci Sports. [Epub Dec 20 2006]. 17(5): 508-519, 2007. 76. KROSSHAUG, K., A. NAKAMAE, B. BODEN, L. ENGEBRETSEN, G. SMITH, J. SLAUTERBECK, T. HEWETT & R. BAHR. Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury in basketball: analysis of 39 cases. Am. J. Sports Med. [Epub Nov 7 2006]. 35 (3): 359-367, 2007. 77. KROSSHAUG, K., A. NAKAMAE, B. BODEN, L. ENGEBRETSEN, G. SMITH, J. SLAUTERBECK, T. HEWETT & R. BAHR. Estimating 3D joint kinematics from video sequences of running and cutting maneuvers--assessing the accuracy of simple visual inspection. Gait Posture. [Epub Dec 1 2006]. 26 (3): 378-385. 2007. 78. LIAN, Ø., A. SCOTT, L. ENGEBRETSEN, V. DURONIO, K. KHAN & R. BAHR. Excessive apoptosis in patellar tendinopathy in athletes. [Epub Jan 23 2007]. Am. J. Sports Med. 35 (4): 605-611, 2007. doi: 10.1177/0363546506295702 79. ARNASON, A., T.E. ANDERSEN, I. HOLME, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Prevention of hamstring strains in elite soccer: a controlled intervention study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. [Epub Mar 12 2007]. 18: 40-48, 2008. 80. STEFFEN, K., G. MYKLEBUST, O.E. OLSEN, I. HOLME & R. BAHR. Prevention of injuries in female youth football a randomized clinical trial of the F-MARC 11 program. Scand. J. Med Sci. Sports. [Epub Jan 14 2008]. 81. STEFFEN, K., H.M. BAKKA, I. HOLME & R. BAHR. Performance effects of injury prevention training - the F-MARC 11 program. Scand J Med Sci Sports. [Epub Jan 14 2008]. 82. STEFFEN, K., T.E. ANDERSEN & R. BAHR. Risk of injury on artificial turf and natural grass in young female football players. Br J Sports Med. [Epub Jun 5 2007]. 41 (Suppl 1):i33-37, 2007. 83. GRANAN, L.-P., R. BAHR, O.N. FURNES, K. STEINDAL & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Development of a national cruciate ligament registry. Am J Sports Med. [Epub Nov 7 2007]. 36 (2): 308-315, 2008. doi:10.1177/0363546507308939. 84. SCOTT, A., Ø. LIAN, C.R. ROBERTS, J.L. COOK, C.J. HANDLEY, R. BAHR, T. SAMIRIC, M.Z. ILIC, J. PARKINSON, D.A. HART, V. DURONIO & K.M. KHAN. Increased versican expression is associated with tendinosis pathology in the patellar tendon of athletes with jumper s knee. Scand. J Med. Sci Sports. [Epub Dec 7 2007]. 18 (4): 427-435, 2008. 85. STEFFEN, K., G. MYKLEBUST, T.E. ANDERSEN, I. HOLME & R. BAHR. Self-reported injury history and lower limb function as risk factors for injuries in female youth football. Am J Sports Med. [Epub Jan 28 2008]. 36 (4): 700-708, 2008. 86. TEGNANDER, T., O.-E. OLSEN, T.T. MOHOLDT, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Injuries in Norwegian female elite soccer: A prospective one-season cohort study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthroscopy. [Epub Sep 26 2007]. 16 (2): 194-198, 2008. 87. SCOTT, A., Ø. LIAN, R. BAHR, R. SOBOUTI, D.A. HART, V. DURONIO & K.M. KHAN. Increased mast cell numbers in human patellar tendinosis: correlation with symptom duration and

Publications Roald Bahr - page 7 vascular hyperplasia. Br J Sports Med. [Epub Feb 28 2008]. 42 (9): 753-757, 2008. 88. SCOTT, A., Ø. LIAN, R. BAHR, D.A. HART, V. DURONIO. VEGF expression in patellar tendinopathy: a preliminary study. Clin Orthop Relat Res. [Epub May 6 2008]. 466: 1598-1604, 2008. 89. ENGEBRETSEN. A.H., G. MYKLEBUST, I. HOLME, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Prevention of injuries among male football players; a prospective, randomized intervention study targeting players with previous injuries or reduced function. Am. J. Sports Med. [Epub Apr 3 2008]. 36 (6): 1052-1060, 2008. 90. STRAUME-NAESHEIM, T., T.E. ANDERSEN, M. JOCHUM, J. DVORAK & R. BAHR. Minor head trauma in football and serum levels of s100b. In press, Neurosurgery. Reviews and other papers: R1. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum. Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption; a short review. Acta Physiol. Scand. 128 (Suppl. 556): 99-104, 1986. R2. BAHR, R. Hypergravitasjonstrening og muskelmekanikk - et litteraturstudium supplert med erfaringer fra herrelandslaget i volleyball våren 1988. Norsk Tidsskrift for Idrettsmedisin. 2: 7-12, 1989. R3. BAHR, R., A. VILBERG & P.K. OPSTAD. Overtrening blant idrettsutøvere - årsaker, diagnostikk og behandling. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 113 (6): 719-722, 1993. R4. BAHR, R., S. TYRDAL & I. LEREIM. Forsikring og idrett - skadeforsikring innen Norges Idrettsforbund. Norsk Tidsskrift for Idrettsmedisin. Nr. 2: 27-33, 1993. R5. R. BAHR, R. ANDERSEN, D. MCDONAGH & I. LEREIM. Practical consequences of blood sampling in doping control. In: Blood Samples in Doping Control (Eds. P. Hemmersbach & K.I. Birkeland). Second International Symposium on Drugs in Sports, On Demand Publishing, Oslo, 1994, pp. 195-202. R6. BAHR, R. Bør dopingdefinisjonen strykes fra dopingreglene? - med utgangspunkt i kreatindiskusjonen. Idrettsmedisin. Nr. 4: 23-25, 1994. R7. BAHR, R., F. BENDIKSEN & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Tis the season - Diagnosing and managing ice hockey injuries. J. Musculoskel. Med. Feb: 48-56, 1995. R8. ENGEBRETSEN, L. & R. BAHR. Foot injuries: Office management for the woes of weekend warriors. Consultant, 36 (2): 209-225, 1996. R9. BAHR, R. & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Evaluation and treatment of acute ankle sprains. Consultant, 36 (4): 675-688, 1996. R10. BAHR, R., E.V. CRAIG & L. ENGEBRETSEN. The clinical presentation of shoulder instability including on field management. Clin. Sports Med. 14 (4): 761-776, 1995. R11. BAHR, R. Vurdering og behandling av skutte ankelskader. Lysbildeserie, deltakerhefte (ISBN 82-91318-05-0) og foreleserhefte/veiledning. Kvalitetssikringsprosjekt i regi av Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Forening, oktober 1996. R12. SEJERSTED, O.M., N.K. VØLLESTAD, J. HALLÉN & R. BAHR. Muscle performance - fatigue, recovery and trainability. Acta Physiol. Scand.162 (3): 181-182, 1998.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 8 R13. BØRSHEIM, E., S. KNARDAHL, A.T. HØSTMARK & R. BAHR. Adrenergic control of post-exercise metabolism. Acta Physiol. Scand. 162 (3): 313-324, 1998. R14. BARLAND, B., J. SUNDGOT-BORGEN & R. BAHR. Holdninger til doping, dopingreglene og dopingkontrollen hos utøvere på junior- rekrutt- og seniorlandslag. Rapport til Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske Komite. Norges Idrettshøgskole, Oslo, september 1998. R15. VOLDEN, B. & R. BAHR. Doping i idretten. Felleskatalog over farmasøytiske spesialpreparater markedsført i Norge 1998/99, 149e-155e. Felleskatalogen AS, Oslo. R16. BAHR, R. Mennesket - skapt for bevegelse. Redaksjonell kommentar. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 119 (1): 13, 1999. R17. BAHR, R & J. STRAY-GUNDERSEN. Time to get tough on doping! Editorial. Br J Sports Med. 33 (2): 75-76, 1999. R18. BAHR, R & I.AA. BAHR. Langt mellom liv og lære? En oversikt over landslagenes medisinske støtteapparat. Norsk Idrettsmedisin 1: 22-24, 1999. R19. BAHR, R. Mot et aktivitetsfiendtlig samfunn? Redaksjonell kommentar. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 120 (1): 84, 2000. R20. BAHR, R. Lev mer! Redaksjonell kommentar. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 120 (24): 2857, 2000. R21. ENGEBRETSEN, L. & R. BAHR. Skadelig - men sunt! Redaksjonell kommentar. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 121 (1): 18, 2001 & Läkartidningen. 98 (10): 1121, 2001. R22. BAHR, R. Recent advances in sports medicine. Br Med J. 323: 328-331, 2001. R23. BAHR, R. Fysisk aktivitet - et tverrsektorielt samfunnsansvar. Diabetes for helsepersonell. 3 (August): 14-15, 2001. R24. BAHR, R. Typisk norsk å være dorsk? Redaksjonell kommentar. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 121 (22): 2578, 2001. R25. BAHR, R. Om fotball og taushetsplikt. Norsk idrettsmedisin. 3: 3-6, 2001. R26. Andersen, T.A. & R. Bahr. The Football Association Medical Research Programme: an audit of injuries in professional football analysis of preseason injuries. Commentary. Br. J. Sports Med. 36: 441, 2002. R27. BAHR, R. Playing volleyball safely. Am J Med & Sports. 5: 262-268, 2003. R28. BØRSHEIM, E. & R. BAHR. Effect of exercise intensity, duration and mode on post-exercise oxygen consumption. Sports Med. 33 (14): 1037-1060, 2003. R29. BAHR, R. & I. HOLME. Risk factors for sports injuries a methodological approach. Br. J. Sports Med. 37(5): 384 392, 2003. R30. ENGEBRETSEN, L. & R. BAHR. Surgical treatment of cartilage injuries. Eur. J. Surg. 31 (1): 13-19, 2004. R31. BAHR, R. Viktig og velskrevet om fysisk aktivitet og helse. Bokanmeldelse. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 124: 1417, 2004 R32. BAHR, R. Apropos Athen-OL - Mens sana in corpore sano? Redaksjonell kommentar. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen. 124: 2735, 2004.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 9 R33. MYKLEBUST, G. & R. BAHR. Return-to-play guidelines after anterior cruciate ligament surgery. Br J Sports Med. 39: 127-131, 2005. R34. KROSSHAUG, T. & R. BAHR. Biomechanics associated with injury: Athlete interviews and review of injury tapes. American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. 2005. R35. KROSSHAUG, T., T.E. ANDERSEN, O.E. OLSEN, G. MYKLEBUST, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Research approaches to describe the mechanisms of injuries in sports: limitations and possibilities. Br J Sports Med. 39 (6): 330-339, 2005. R36. ENGEBRETSEN, L. & R. BAHR. An ounce of prevention? Br J Sports Med. 39 (6): 312-313, 2005. R37. BAHR, R. & T. KROSSHAUG. Understanding the injury mechanisms a key component to prevent injuries in sport. Br J Sports Med. 39 (6): 324-329, 2005. R38. HÄGGLUND, M., M. WALDÉN, R. BAHR & J. EKSTRAND. Methods for epidemiological studies of injuries to professional football players developing the UEFA model. Br J Sports Med. 39 (6): 340-346, 2005. R39. GRIFFIN, L., M.J. ALBOHM, E.A. ARENDT, R. BAHR, ET AL. Update on ACL Prevention: Theoretical and Practical Guidelines. Review of Hunt Valley Meeting, February 2005., Am. J. Sports Med. 34 (9): 1512-1532, 2006. DOI: 10.1177/0363546506286866 R40. REESER, J.C., E. VERHAGEN, W.W. BRINER, T.I. ASKELAND & R. BAHR. Strategies for the prevention of volleyball-related injuries. Br. J. Sports Med. 40: 594 600, 2006. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.018234. R41. NAKAMAE, A. L. ENGEBRETSEN, R. BAHR, T. KROSSHAUG & M. OCHI. Natural history of bone bruises after acute knee injury; Clinical outcome and histopathological findings. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 14: 1252 1258, 2006. doi: 10.1007/s00167-006-0087-9 R42. FULLER CW, EKSTRAND J, JUNGE A, ANDERSEN TE, BAHR R, DVORAK J, HÄGGLUND M, MCCRORY P, MEEUWISSE W. Consensus agreement on injury definitions and data collection procedures in studies of football (soccer) injuries. Br J Sports Med 40 (3): 193-201, 2006 & Clin J Sports Med 16 (2): 97-106, 2006 & Scand J Med Sci Sports 16 (2): 83-92, 2006. R43. VISNES, H. & R. BAHR. The evolution of eccentric training as treatment for jumper s knee a critical assessment. Br. J. Sports Med. 41: 217-223, 2007; originally published online 29 Jan 2007; doi:10.1136/bjsm.2006.032417. R44. FULLER, C.W., M.G. MOLLOY, S.P.T. KEMP, P. WILEY, C. BAGATE, R. BAHR, J.H.M. BROOKS, H. DONSON, A.S. MCINTOSH, K.L. QUARRIE & M. RAFTERY. Consensus statement on injury definitions and data collection procedures in studies of rugby union injuries. Br. J. Sports Med. 41: 328 331, 2007. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.033282. Clin J Sports Med 17 (3): 177-181, 2007. R45. FULLER, C.W., R. BAHR, R.W. DICK & W.H. MEEUWISSE. A framework for classifying recurrences, re-injuries and exacerbations in injury surveillance research. Clin J Sports Med. 17 (3): 197-200, 2007. R46. BAHR, R. Prevention of ankle sprains in adolescent athletes. Clin J Sports Med, 17 (4): 334-335, 2007. R47. MYKLEBUST, G., L. ENGEBRETSEN, I.H. BRÆKKEN, A. SKJØLBERG, O.E. OLSEN & R. BAHR. Prevention of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in elite and adolescent female team handball athletes. Instructional Course Lectures. 56, (1): 407-418. 2007. R48. SCOTT, A. & R. BAHR. Neuropeptides in tendinopathy. In press, Front. Biosci.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 10 Book chapters: C1. BAHR, R. Treningsfysiologi. In: Idrettsmedisin (Eds. L. Engebretsen & S. Mæhlum). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1989, Ch. 1, pp. 7-20. C2. BAHR, R. Overvekt og fysisk aktivitet. In: Idrettsmedisin (Eds. L. Engebretsen & S. Mæhlum). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1989, Ch. 11, pp. 83-86. C3. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, J. & R. BAHR. The development of eating disorders in young athletes. In: Children & Exercise XVIII Exercise and fitness - benefits and risks (Eds. K. Froberg, O. Lammert, H. St. Hansen & C.J.R. Blimkie). Odense, Odense University Press, 1997, Ch. 5, pp. 61-78. C4. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, J. & R. BAHR. Eating disorders in athletes. In: Oxford Textbook of Sports Medicine. Second Edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998. Ch. 1.2.5, pp. 138-152. C5. BAHR, R. Doping. In: Fotballmedisin. Oslo, Norges fotballforbund, 2001. Ch. 14, pp. 468-479. C6. BAHR, R & S. MÆHLUM. Skadetyper. In: Idrettsskader. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (red.). Oslo, Gazette Bok, July 2002, pp. 7-26. C7. BAHR, R & S. MÆHLUM. Behandling av idrettsskader. In: Idrettsskader. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (red.). Oslo, Gazette Bok, July 2002, pp. 27-40. C8. BAHR, R. Forebygging av idrettsskader. In: Idrettsskader. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (red.). Oslo, Gazette Bok, July 2002, pp. 41-54. C9. L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Akutte kneskader. In: Idrettsskader. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (red.). Oslo, Gazette Bok, July 2002, pp. 301-317. C10. L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Smerter i kneet. I: Idrettsskader. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (red.). Oslo, Gazette Bok, pp. 318-329. C11. BAHR, R. Akutte ankelskader. I: Idrettsskader. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (red.). Oslo, Gazette Bok July 2002, pp. 365-379. C12. BAHR, R. Smerter i ankelregionen. I: Idrettsskader. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (red.). Oslo, Gazette Bok, pp.380-390. C13. BAHR, R. & K. JÆGER HANSEN. Rehabilitering av ankelskader. I: Idrettsskader. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (red.). Oslo, Gazette Bok, July 2002, pp. 391-394. C14. BAHR, R., W. VAN MECHELEN & P. KANNUS. Prevention of sports injuries. In: Textbook of Sports Medicine. Basic science and clinical aspects of sports injury and physical activity. In: Kjær, M., M. Krogsgaard, P. Magnusson, L. Engebretsen, H. Roos, T. Takala, & S.L.Y. Woo. Oxford, Blackwell Science, Ch. 3.1., 2002, pp. 299-314. C15. BAHR, R. Can we prevent ankle sprains? In: Evidence-Based Sports Medicine. Eds: D MacAuley & T Best. BMJ Books, London. Ch. 25, 2002, pp. 470-490. C16. BAHR, R. Injury prevention. In: IOC Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science - Volleyball. Eds: JC Reeser & R Bahr. Oxford, Blackwell Science, Ch. 10, 2003. pp. 94-106.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 11 C17. BAHR, R. & K. KHAN. Knee and ankle injuries in volleyball. In: IOC Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science - Volleyball. Eds: J.C. Reeser & R. Bahr. Oxford, Blackwell Science, Ch. 13, 2003. pp. 130-140. C18. BAHR, R. Ergogenic Aids. In: IOC Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science - Volleyball. Eds: J.C. Reeser & R. Bahr. Oxford, Blackwell Science, Ch. 19, 2003. pp. 195-202. C19. BAHR, R. & MÆHLUM, S. Types and causes of Injuries. In: Clinical Guide to Sports Injuries. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (eds.). Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics, Ch. 1, 2003. pp. 3-22. C20. MÆHLUM, S. & BAHR, R. Treating Sports Injuries. In: Clinical Guide to Sports Injuries. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (eds.). Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics, Ch. 2, 2003. pp. 25-37. C21. BAHR, R. Preventing Sports injuries. In: Clinical Guide to Sports Injuries. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (eds.). Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics, Ch. 3, 2003. pp. 41-53. C22. L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Acute Knee Injuries. In: Clinical Guide to Sports Injuries. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (eds.). Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics, Ch. 12, 2003. pp. 321-359. C23. BAHR, R. Acute Ankle Injuries. In: Clinical Guide to Sports Injuries. Bahr, R. & S. Mæhlum (eds.). Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics, Ch. 14, 2003. pp. 393-422. C24. KHAN, K. & R. BAHR. Principles of sports injury prevention. In: Clinical Sports Medicine. Brukner, P. & Khan, K. (eds). Sydney, McGraw-Hill. Ch. 6, 2006, pp. 78-101. C25. BAHR, R. Diverse artikler innen idrettsmedisin. In: Store medisinske leksikon. Nylenna, M., A. Hauge, H. Arnesen & F. Langmark, F. (eds) 2006, Bind 1 (A-D), Kunnskapsforlaget, Oslo. C26. KROSSHAUG, T. & R. BAHR. Biomechanics associated with injury. In: Understanding and preventing noncontact ACL injuries. Hewett, T.E., Schultz S.J. & Griffin L.Y. (eds). Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics/American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. Ch. 10, 2007, pp. 131-140. C27. BAHR, R. Diverse artikler innen idrettsmedisin. In: Store medisinske leksikon. Nylenna, M., A. Hauge, H. Arnesen & F. Langmark, F. (eds) 2007, Bind 2 (E-H), Kunnskapsforlaget, Oslo. C28. BAHR, R. Can we prevent ankle sprains? In: Evidence-Based Sports Medicine. Eds: D MacAuley & T Best. BMJ Books, London. Ch. 25, 2007, pp. 519 537. C29. MYKLEBUST, G., L. ENGEBRETSEN, I.H. BRÆKKEN, A. SKJØLBERG, O.-E. OLSEN & R. BAHR. Prevention of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in elite and adolescent female team handball athletes. In: Instructional Course Lectures. Marsh, J.L. & Duwelius, P.J. (eds). Rosemont, Ill., American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Ch. 39, 2007, pp. 407-418. C30. HEWITT, T. & R. BAHR. Prevention of sports injuries. In: Physical Therapies in Sport and Exercise. Snyder-Mackler, L. & Kolt, G. (eds) C31. R. BAHR. Hamstring injury prevention. In: Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Third Edition. J. DeLee, D. Drez, M. Miller (eds) Books: B1. BAHR, R., J. HALLÉN & J.I. MEDBØ. Ergometri - Testing av idrettsutøvere. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 82-00-40513-3. 1992, 184 PAGES.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 12 B2. BAHR, R. & S. HAMMER (RED.) Kurskompendium. Universitetskurs i idrettsmedisin - Trinn 1 for leger. Trondheim, Universitetet i Trondheim. ISBN 82-91557-00-4. 1996, 200 pages. Revidert 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003. Egne kapitler om basal idrettsfysiologi, doping, og treningslære. B3. BAHR, R. & S. HAMMER (RED.) Kurskompendium. Universitetskurs i idrettsmedisin - Trinn 2 for leger. Trondheim, Universitetet i Trondheim. ISBN 82-91557-01-2. 1996, 200 pages. Revidert 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003. Egne kapitler om doping, testing av idrettsutøvere, restitusjon og overtrening, skadeforebyggende tiltak, og treningslære. B4. BAHR, R. & S. HAMMER (RED.) Kurskompendium. Universitetskurs i idrettsmedisin - Trinn 1 for fysioterapeuter. Trondheim, Universitetet i Trondheim. ISBN 82-91557-02-0. 1996, 200 pages. Revidert 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003. Egne kapitler om basal idrettsfysiologi, doping, og treningslære. B5. BAHR, R. & S. HAMMER (RED.) Kurskompendium. Universitetskurs i idrettsmedisin - Trinn 2 for fysioterapeuter. Trondheim, Universitetet i Trondheim. ISBN 82-91557-03-9. 1996, 200 pages. Revidert 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003. Egne kapitler om doping, testing av idrettsutøvere, restitusjon og overtrening, skadeforebyggende tiltak, og treningslære. B6. SEJERSTED, O.M., N.K. VØLLESTAD, J. HALLÉN & R. BAHR (ED.) Acta Physiologica Scandinavica symposium on muscle performance - fatigue, recovery and trainability. Acta Physiol. Scand. 162: No. 3, 1998. B7. BAHR, R. & S. MÆHLUM (RED.) Idrettsskader. ISBN 82-911149-10-0. Oslo, Gazette Bok, 2002. pp. 415. B8. REESER, J.C. & R. BAHR (ED.) IOC Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science - Volleyball. ISBN 0-632-05913-3. Oxford, Blackwell Science, 2003. pp. 230. B9. BAHR, R. & S. MÆHLUM (ED.) Clinical Guide to Sports Injuries. ISBN 0-7360-4117-6. Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics, 2004. pp. 449 + CD-ROM. B10. BAHR, R. & S. MÆHLUM (RED.) Idrottsskador. ISBN 91-88941-83-3. Farsta, Sverige, SISU. 2004. pp. 416 B11. DVORAK, J., R. BAHR, M. BIZZINI, T. GRAF-BAUMANN, C. FULLER, W. HELSEN, A. JUNGE, D.T. KIRKENDALL, B. MARQUARD & L. PETTERSON, J. SEKAJUGO. F-MARC Football Medicine Manual. Zürich, Switzerland, FIFA, 2004. B12. BAHR, R. & S. MÆHLUM (RED.) Lesiones deportivas. Diagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitaión. ISBN 978-84-9835-006-7. Madrid, Spania, Editorial Médica Panamerican S.A. 2007. pp. 446 B13. BAHR, R. & L. ENGEBRETSEN (ED.) IOC Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science Sports Injury Prevention. Oxford, Blackwell Science, in preparation. Thesis: T1. BAHR, R. Excess postexercise oxygen consumption - magnitude, mechanisms and practical implications. Acta Physiol. Scand. 144: Suppl. 605, 1992. Popular science in Norwegian: P1. Bahr, R. Energiomsetningen under spill - særtrekk ved volleyball. Volleyball - fysiologiske krav og treningslære. Volleyballavisen, 1: 8-9, 1984.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 13 P2. BAHR, R. Kroppens ømme punkter. Artikkelserie om smerter i muskel/skjelettapparatet. Verdens Gang, 12-14.9, 1984. P3. BAHR, R. Behandling av akutte ankelskader. Trenerforum, Volleyballnytt, 2: 24-25, 1988 (Reprint in: Kroppsøving, 5:8-10, 1988). P4. BAHR, R. & C. BOSCO. Ergometri - med hovedvekt på spenst, styrke og hurtighet. Volleyballnytt, 1: 13-20, 1989. P5. BAHR, R. Treningsprogram for elitevolleyballspillere. Trenernytt, 3: 4-12, 1993. P6. BAHR, R. Volleyball - en trygg idrett!!! Trenernytt, 3: 18-20, 1993. P7. BAHR, R. Historisk dopingkontroll på norsk jord. Norsk Tidsskrift for Idrettsmedisin, 3: 15, 1993. P8. BAHR, R. Dopingkontrollen under Lillehammer-OL. Norsk Tidsskrift for Idrettsmedisin, 4: 23-24, 1993. P9. BAHR, R. Ankelskader i volleyball. Oslo, Norges Volleyballforbund. ISBN 82-91355-04-5. 1994, 23 pages. P10. BAHR, R. Jus eller moral - hva skal gjelde i idretten? Eksempelet kreatin. Aftenposten, kronikk 10. november 1994. P11. BAHR, R. Klimapåkjenning i sandvolleyball. Rapport til Norges Volleyballforbund/Norges Olympiske Komite, 1995, 6 pages. P12. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, J., R. BAHR, & J. FALK. Benmineraltetthet hos pasienter med alvorlige spiseforstyrrelser. Tidsskrift for Osteoporoseforeningen, 1: 6-7, 1996. P13. BAHR, R. Norsk idrettsmedisinsk forskning anno 1996 - På bakgrunn av høstjakta. Norsk Idrettsmedisin, 3: 34-35, 1996. P14. BAHR, R. Heia Trude!!! Aftenposten, kronikk 31. oktober 1996. P15. BAHR, R. Akutte ankelskader - behandlingsrutiner i praksis. Norsk Idrettsmedisin, 4: 19, 1996. P16. BAHR, R. Funksjonell behandling av akutte ankelskader - idrettsskade nr. 1. Norsk Idrettsmedisin, 4: 16-19, 1996. P17. BAHR, R. Akutte ankelskader - NIMFs kvalitetssikringsprosjekt. Norsk Idrettsmedisin, 4: 16, 1996. P18. BAHR, R. Den norske antidopingmodellen - noe for andre? Aftenposten, kronikk 10. november 1998. P19. BAHR, R. Skapt for bevegelse. Kostbudet, Nr. 4: 3-6, 1998 og Kondis, Nr. 1: 20-21, 1999. P20. BAHR, R. Et aktivt helsevalg. Aftenposten, kronikk 24. september 1999. P21. BAHR, R. Konsekvenser i medisinsk perspektiv. Konferansen for fysisk forstring i Forsvaret. s. 18-23, Rapport, Norges idrettshøgskole, 26. oktober 1999. P22. BAHR, R. & K.I. KLEPP. Små forandringer gir store forbedringer Bergens Tidende, kronikk 3. februar 2000.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 14 P23. KLEPP, K.I. & BAHR, R. Visjon for et nytt milennium. Årsmelding SEF/Mat & mosjon, Nr. 1, 2000. P24. KLEPP, K.I. & BAHR, R. Budsjett på folkehelsa løs. Bergens Tidende, kronikk 10. oktober 2000. P25. BAHR, R. Skadelig - men sunt. Vårt Land, kronikk 29. november 2000. P26. BAHR, R. Skapt for bevegelse! Fysioterapeuten. Nr. 1: 11-15, 2001. P27. BAHR, R. Horn klarer ikke vekten alene. Bergens Tidende, kronikk 22. mars 2001. P28. BAHR, R. & T. VOLLA (RED.) Svein Oseid (1930-1991) Barnelegen, idrettslegen, NIHprofessoren og antidopingforkjemperen. Norges idrettshøgskole, desember 2001. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 4: 3-11, 2001. P29. BAHR, R. Plutselig død under idrett kan det unngås? VG, kronikk, 27. spetember 2007. Abstracts: A1. Hermansen, L., J.I. Medbø, A. Mohn., I. Tabata & R. Bahr. Oxygen deficit during maximal exercise of short duration. Acta Physiol. Scand. 121: 39A, 1984. A2. VØLLESTAD, N.K., R. BAHR, B. BIGLAND-RITCHIE, J.J. WOODS & O.M. SEJERSTED. No evidence that glycogen depletion or lactate accumulation causes muscle fatigue during intermittent isometric exercise. Acta Physiol. Scand. 122: 11A, 1985. A3. BAHR, R., I. INGNES & O.M. SEJERSTED. Exercise duration and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Acta Physiol. Scand. 130: 95P, 1986. A4. BAHR, R. Effekten av ti dagers hypergravitasjonstrening. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Sandefjord, November 1988. A5. BAHR, R. & P.K. OPSTAD. Exercise efficiency is reduced during metabolic stress. Proceedings of the international union of physiological sciences (XVII), P4574. XXXI International congress of physiological sciences, Helsinki, Finland, 9-14. July, 1989. A6. BAHR, R., P. HANSSON & O.M. SEJERSTED. Triglyserid/fettsyresyklus øker i hvilestoffskiftet etter fysisk aktivitet. 38. Nordiske Arbeidsmiljømøte, Sandefjord, 28.-30. august 1989. Arbeidsmiljøinstituttet, Oslo, p. 106. A7. BAHR, R. & P. HANSSON. Triglyceride/fatty acid cycling is increased post-exercise. Paavo Nurmi congress book, p. 309. Advanced European course on sports medicine, The Finnish Society of Sports Medicine, Turku, Finland, August 28 - September 1, 1989. A8. BAHR, R. & P. HANSSON. Triglycerid/fettsyrecycling ökar efter arbete. p. 171. XLVI Svenska läkarsällskapets riksstämma, Stockholm, Sweden, November 29 - December 1, 1989. A9. BAHR, R. & O.M. SEJERSTED. Excess postexercise oxygen consumption is low after lowintensity exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 22: 295, S50, 1990. 37th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Salt Lake City, May 22 - May 25, 1990. A10. HAUGEN, A., P.K. OPSTAD, R. BAHR & K.K. SKREDE. Prolonged physical strain combined with energy and sleep deprivation cause only moderate alterations in basal and exercise induced atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). p. 35. XXI Nordic Congress of Military Medicine, Oslo, Norway, May 30 - June 2, 1990.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 15 A11. BAHR, R., P.K. OPSTAD & O.M. SEJERSTED. Exercise efficiency is reduced after prolonged heavy exercise, caloric deficit and sleep deprivation. p. 36. XXI Nordic Congress of Military Medicine, Oslo, Norway, May 30 - June 2, 1990. A12. OPSTAD, P.K. & R. BAHR. Temperature regulation after metabolic stress. Congress on Arctic Medicine, Tromsø, Norway, March, 1991 A13. BØRSHEIM, E., R. BAHR, P. HANSSON & O.M. SEJERSTED. ß-adrenergic blockade reduces postexercise oxygen consumption in humans. Acta Physiol. Scand. 143 (1), 16A, 1991. A14. BAHR, R. & O.M. SEJERSTED. No effect of previous exercise on the magnitude of the thermic effect of food. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 23: 4 (Suppl.), 1991. 38th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, May 29 - June 1, 1991. A15. BAHR, R., E. BØRSHEIM, P. HANSSON & O.M. SEJERSTED. Effect of ß-adrenergic blockade on post-exercise oxygen consumption. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 24: 4 (Suppl.), 1992. 39th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Dallas, May 27-30, 1992. A16. BAHR, R., Ø. LIAN, R. KARLSEN & R.V. ØVREBØ. Mechanisms of ankle injuries in volleyball. Scand. J. Sci. Med. Sports. 3: 202, 1993. 1st Scandinavian Congress in Sports Medicine, Oslo, November 5-8, 1992. A17. BAHR, R., R. ANDERSEN, D. MCDONAGH & I. LEREIM. Practical consequences of blood sampling in doping control. Second International Symposium on Drugs in Sports. Towards the Use of Blood Samples in Doping Control? Lillehammer, August 29-31, 1993. A18. BØRSHEIM, E., R. BAHR, & S. KNARDAHL. Effect of ß1-adrenoceptor blockade on postexercise oxygen consumption. Abstract Book, p. 41. 9th International Conference, Biochemistry of Exercise, Aberdeen, July 22-26, 1994. A19. BAHR, R. Væskebalanse hos elitespillere i beach volleyball - med blikk mot Atlanta-OL 1996 (Fluid balance in elite beach volleyball players - with a view to Atlanta '96). Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3: -, 1994. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress, Lillehammer, November 10-13, 1994. A20. BAHR, R., I.A. BAHR. Incidence and mechanisms of acute volleyball injuries - a prospective cohort study. Minnesota Orthopaedic Society 11th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, April 28-29, 1995. A21. LIAN, Ø., L. ENGEBRETSEN, & R. BAHR. Characteristics of the leg extensors in male volleyball players with jumper's knee. Minnesota Orthopaedic Society 11th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, April 28-29, 1995. A22. BAHR, R., Ø. LIAN, R. ØVREBØ & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Characteristics of the leg extensor apparatus in male volleyball players with jumper's knee. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 27: 5 (Suppl.), 1995. 42th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, May 30 - June 3, 1995. A23. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, J., R. BAHR, L.S. SCHNEIDER& M. BOGEN. The role of exercise in the development, maintenance and treatment of eating disorders. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 27: 5 (Suppl.), 1995. 42th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Minneapolis, May 30 - June 3, 1995. A24. LIAN, Ø., L. ENGEBRETSEN, R. ØVREBØ & R. BAHR. Characteristics of the leg extensors in male volleyball players with jumper's knee. IIIrd World Symposium of Sport Medicine applied to Volleyball. Féderation Internationale de Volleyball, Paris, October 5-7, 1995.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 16 A25. LIAN, Ø., K.J. HOLEN, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Ultrasound characteristics of the patellar tendon and symptoms of jumper's knee among high level male volleyball players. IIIrd World Symposium of Sport Medicine applied to Volleyball. Féderation Internationale de Volleyball, Paris, October 5-7, 1995. A26. BAHR, R. & I. A. BAHR. Incidence and mechanisms of acute volleyball injuries - a prospective cohort study. IIIrd World Symposium of Sport Medicine applied to Volleyball. Féderation Internationale de Volleyball, Paris, October 5-7, 1995. A27. BAHR, R. S.O. ANDERSEN, H.K. GUNDERSEN & T. VOLD. The effect of a new center line violation riule on the quality and flow of volleyball games. IIIrd World Symposium of Sport Medicine applied to Volleyball. Féderation Internationale de Volleyball, Paris, October 5-7, 1995. A28. BAHR, R., I. A. BAHR & Ø. LIAN. A twofold reduction in the incidence of ankle sprains after introduction of an injury prevention program. IIIrd World Symposium of Sport Medicine applied to Volleyball. Féderation Internationale de Volleyball, Paris, October 5-7, 1995. A29. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW, C. LINDQUIST, S. TYRDAL & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Kraftendringer i de laterale ligamentene og bevegelser i tibiotalar- og subtalarleddet i intakte humane ankelpreparater. Høstmøtet, Norsk Kirurgisk Forening, November 1995. A30. LIAN, Ø., K.J. HOLEN, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Ultralyd karakteristika av patellarsenen og symptomer på Jumper's knee blant mannlige volleyballspillere. Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3: -, 1995. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress, Bergen, November 9-12, 1995. A31. R. BAHR, I.A. BAHR & Ø. LIAN. Forekomst av akutte ankelskader i norsk elitevolleyball: Halvering etter introduksjon av et enkelt forebyggende program - Et treårig prospektivt studium. Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3: -, 1995. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress, Bergen, November 9-12, 1995. Best Abstract Award. A32. J. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, R. BAHR, L.S. SCHNEIDER & M. BOGEN. Hvilken rolle spiller fysisk aktivitet for utvikling, opprettholdelse og behandling av spiseforstyrrelser. Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3: 17-18, 1995. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress, Bergen, November 9-12, 1995. A33. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW, C. LINDQUIST, S. TYRDAL & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Kraftendringer i de laterale ligamentene og bevegelser i tibiotalar- og subtalarleddet i intakte humane ankelpreparater. Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3: 18-19, 1995. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress, Bergen, November 9-12, 1995. A34. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW, C. LINDQUIST, S. TYRDAL & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Fremre skuffetest og talar tilt test - Biomekaniske endringer ved lesjon av de laterale ligamentene i humane ankelpreparater. Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3: 19, 1995. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress, Bergen, November 9-12, 1995. A35. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW, C. LINDQUIST & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Ligament force and joint motion in the intact ankle - A cadaveric study. Specialty Day Meeting, The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Atlanta, February 25, 1996. A36. ENGEBRETSEN, L., R. BAHR, F. PENA, J. SHINE, C. LINDQUIST & B. LEW. Ligament force and joint motion in the intact ankle - A cadaveric study. 42nd Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society, Atlanta, February 19-22, 1996. A37. J. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, R. BAHR & L.S. SCHNEIDER. Physical exercise and eating disorders. 7th International Conference on Eating Disorders, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, April 27, 1996.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 17 A38. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW, C. LINDQUIST & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Ligament force and joint motion in the intact ankle - A cadaveric study. 7th Congress of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy, Budapest, May 10-15, 1996. A39. BAHR, R., I. A. BAHR & Ø. LIAN. A twofold reduction in the incidence of ankle sprains in volleyball after introduction of a prevention program. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 28: 5 (Suppl.), 1996. 43rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinatti, May 29 - June 1, 1996. A40. BAHR, R., I. A. BAHR & Ø. LIAN. A twofold reduction in the incidence of ankle sprains after introduction of an injury prevention program. Med Sci Sports Exerc 28: 5 (Suppl.), 1996. 43rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinatti, May 29 - June 1, 1996. A41. J. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, R. BAHR & L.S. SCHNEIDER. A comparison of former elite athletes and nonathletes suffering from bulimia nervosa. Med Sci Sports Exerc 28: 5 (Suppl.), 1996. 43rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinatti, May 29 - June 1, 1996. A42. ENGEBRETSEN, L., R. BAHR, F. PENA, J. SHINE, C. LINDQUIST & B. LEW. Biomechanics of ankle ligament reconstruction - comparison of the Broström repair, Watson-Jones reconstruction and a new anatomical reconstruction technique. A cadaveric study. Annual Meeting, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, Lake Buena Vista, June 16-20, 1996. A43. BAHR, R., F. PENA, J. SHINE, B. LEW, C. LINDQUIST, S. TYRDAL & L. ENGEBRETSEN. Endringer i ligamenttensjon og bevegelser i tibiotalar- og subtalarleddet etter ligamentrekonstruksjon i humane ankelpreparater. Høstmøtet, Norsk Kirurgisk Forening, Oktober 1996. A44. HOLM HK, RØNSEN O, STAFF H & BAHR R. Monitorering av eliteutøvere gjennom en skisesong - endringer i immunologiske parametre. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 19, 1996. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Bolkesjø, Oktober 31 - November 3, 1996. A45. RØNSEN O, HOLM HK, STAFF H & BAHR R. Monitorering av eliteutøvere gjennom en skisesong - endringer i fysiologiske og psykologiske parametre. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 25, 1996. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Bolkesjø, Oktober 31 - November 3, 1996. A46. RØNSEN O, HOLM HK, STAFF H & BAHR R. Monitorering av eliteutøvere gjennom en skisesong - en kasuistikk av en sliten langrennsløper. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 25, 1996. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Bolkesjø, Oktober 31 - November 3, 1996. A47. SUNDGOT-BORGEN J, BAHR R, FALCH JA & SUNDGOT-SCHNEIDER L. Benmineraltetthet og fysisk aktivitet hos spiseforstyrrede kvinner. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 26-27, 1996. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Bolkesjø, Oktober 31 - November 3, 1996. A48. J. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, R. BAHR, J. FALCK & L.S. SCHNEIDER. Bone mineral density and physical activity in anorectic and bulimic patients. Br. J. Hosp. Med. p. 66, 1997. The 3rd London International Conference on Eating Disorders, Lodon, April 1997. A49. BAHR, R., E. BØRSHEIM, A.T. HØSTMARK & S. KNARDAHL. No effect of β-adrenoceptor blockade on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or triglyceride/fatty acid cycle. Med Sci Sports Exerc 29: 5 (Suppl.), 1997. 44rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinatti, May 28-30, 1997. A50. SUNDGOT-BORGEN, J., R. BAHR, J.A. FALCH & L.SUNDGOT-SCHNEIDER. Does exercise prevent bone loss in eating disordered patients? Med Sci Sports Exerc 29: 5 (Suppl.), 1997. 44rd

Publications Roald Bahr - page 18 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinatti, May 28-30, 1997. A51. RØNSEN, O., H.K. HOLM, H. STAFF & R. BAHR. Seasonal variations in the leucocyte subset response to a standard exercise test in elite cross-country skiers. Med Sci Sports Exerc 29: 5 (Suppl.), 1997. 44rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinatti, May 28-30, 1997. A52. TJØRNHOM, R. & R.BAHR. Prevalence of doping in sports - doping control in Norway 1977-1995. Med Sci Sports Exerc 29: 5 (Suppl.), 1997. 44rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinatti, May 28-30, 1997. A53. BØRSHEIM, E., R. BAHR & S. KNARDAHL. Effect of isoprenaline on oxygen uptake in the recovery period after prolonged exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 29: 5 (Suppl.), 1997. 44rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Cincinatti, May 28-30, 1997. A54. MYKLEBUST, G., I. HOLM, S. MÆHLUM & R. BAHR. Hvordan gikk det? Korsbåndskadde håndballspillere 6-8 år etter skaden. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 24, 1997. Vinner av Nycomed-prisen for beste frie foredrag. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, November 6-9, 1997. A55. RØNSEN, O., H.K. HOLM, H. STAFF & R. BAHR. Monitorering av eliteutøvere gjennom en skisesong - endringer i fysiologiske og psykologiske parametre. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 24, 1997. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, November 6-9, 1997. A56. RØNSEN, O., H.K. HOLM, H. STAFF & R. BAHR. Monitorering av eliteutøvere gjennom en skisesong - Endringer i immunologiske variabler. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 24, 1997. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, November 6-9, 1997. A57. RØNSEN, O., H.K. HOLM, H. STAFF & R. BAHR. Monitorering av eliteutøvere gjennom en skisesong - En kasuistikk av en sliten langrennsløper. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 24, 1997. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Trondheim, November 6-9, 1997. A58. RØNSEN, O., T. RASMUSSEN, Ø. HAUGEN, B.K. PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Leukocyte response to repeated bouts of intensive endurance exercise separated by 3 and 6 hours of rest. 3rd International Society for Exercise and Immunology (ISEI) Symposium, Paderborn, Nov. 7-8, 1997. A59. RØNSEN, O., T. RASMUSSEN, Ø. HAUGEN, B.K. PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Leukocyte response to single vs. repeated bouts of intensive endurance exercise. 3rd International Society for Exercise and Immunology (ISEI) Symposium, Paderborn, Nov. 7-8, 1997. A60. HAUGEN, Ø., O. RØNSEN, T. RASMUSSEN & R. BAHR. Effect of repeated endurance exercise on excess postexercise oxygen consumption. Med Sci Sports Exerc 30: 5 (Suppl.), 1998. 45th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, June 3-6, 1998. A61. RØNSEN, O., E. HAUG, T. RASMUSSEN, Ø. HAUGEN, B.K. PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Hormonal response to single vs. repeated bouts of intensive endurance exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 30: 5 (Suppl.), 1998. 45th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, June 3-6, 1998. A62. MYKLEBUST, G., I. HOLM, S. MÆHLUM,& R. BAHR. Clinical outcome 6-8 yrs after ACL injury in elite team handball: high incidence of reinjury and disability. Med Sci Sports Exerc 30: 5 (Suppl.), 1998. Winner of the Norwegian Sports Medicine Award. 45th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, June 3-6, 1998.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 19 A63. RØNSEN, O., Ø. HAUGEN, T. RASMUSSEN & R. BAHR. Virkningen av repeterte utholdenhetsøkter på oksygenoverskuddet (EPOC). Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 23, 1998. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Tromsø, October 29 - November 1, 1998. A64. RØNSEN, O., E. HAUG, T. RASMUSSEN, Ø. HAUGEN, B.K. PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Økt hormonell respons ved repeterte økter med utholdenhetstrening på samme dag. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 24, 1998. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Tromsø, October 29 - November 1, 1998. A65. BAHR, R., J. STRAY-GUNDERSEN, J. HALLÉN, P. HEMMERSBACH, E. HAUG & K. BIRKELAND. Effekten av erythropoietindoping på friske, unge idrettsutøvere. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 15, 1998. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Tromsø, October 29 - November 1, 1998. A66. RØNSEN, O., H.K. HOLM, H. STAFF, P.K. OPSTAD, B.K. PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Seasonal variations in training load do not affect the immuno-endocrine respone to acute exhaustive exercise in elite Nordic skiers. 4th International Society for Exercise and Immunology (ISEI) Symposium, Rome, May 21-23, 1999. A67. RØNSEN, O., T. RASMUSSEN, B.K. PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Increased immuno-endocrine response to a second bout of intensive endurance exercise on the same day. 4th International Society for Exercise and Immunology (ISEI) Symposium, Rome, May 21-23, 1999. A68. BAHR, R., J. STRAY-GUNDERSEN, J. HALLÉN, P. HEMMERSBACH, E. HAUG & K. BIRKELAND. Time course of maximal O2 uptake and transferrin receptor consentration after rhepo administration. Med Sci Sports Exerc 31: 5 (Suppl.), 1999. Winner of the Norwegian Sports Medicine Award. 46th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle, June 2-6, 1999. A69. GAASVAER, J.I. & R. BAHR. The Musclelab - a new method for the evaluation of dynamic muscle force. Med Sci Sports Exerc 31: 5 (Suppl.), 1999. 46th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle, June 2-6, 1999. A70. RONSEN, O., J. KJELDSEN-KRAGH, T. RASMUSSEN & R BAHR. Hyper-reactivity in the cellular immune response between repeated bouts of endurance exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 31: 5 (Suppl.), 58, 1999. 46th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle, June 2-6, 1999. A71. ANDERSEN, T.E., L. ENGEBRETSEN, Ø. LARSEN & R. BAHR. Skademekanismer i landslagsfotball - en videopresentasjon. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 20, 1999. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Stavanger, November 4-7, 1999. A72. BAHR, I.A. & R. BAHR. Påvirkes hemoglobin/hematocritnivået av hvile, kroppsstilling, bruk av stase eller væskeinntak? Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 27, 1999. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Stavanger, November 4-7, 1999. A73. KNUTSEN, O. & R. BAHR. Utvikling og evaluering av et eksentrisk treningsprogram i behandlingen av utøvere med hopperkne? - to kasuistikker. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 17, 1999. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Stavanger, November 4-7, 1999. A74. MYKLEBUST, G., L. ENGEBRETSEN, I. HOFF, A. SKJØLBERG, O.K. AUSTGULEN, O.E. OLSEN, L. NETTUM, H. ENGELL, H. RØRVIK, K. HUSEBY, M. BREIVIK & R. BAHR. Et øvelsesopplegg for å forebygge fremre korsbåndskader i norsk kvinnehåndball - en videopresentasjon. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 16, 1999. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Stavanger, November 4-7, 1999. A75. OLSEN, O.E., G. MYKLEBUST, L. ENGEBRETSEN, A. SKJØLBERG & R. BAHR. Skademekanismer for fremre korsbåndskader i håndball - en videopresentasjon. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 16, 1999. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Stavanger, November 4-7, 1999.

Publications Roald Bahr - page 20 A76. RØNSEN, O., T. RASMUSSEN, Ø. HAUGEN & R. BAHR. Endringer i hemoglobin og hematocrit i forbindelse med harde fysiske belastninger. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 27, 1999. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Stavanger, November 4-7, 1999. A77. RØNSEN, O., J. KJELDSEN-KRAGH, E. HAUG, B. KLARLUND PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Immuno-endocrine endringer etter en 50 km langrennskonkurranse blant eliteutøvere. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 26, 1999. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Stavanger, November 4-7, 1999. A78. OLSEN, O.E., G. MYKLEBUST, L. ENGEBRETSEN, A. SKJØLBERG & R. BAHR. Injury mechanisms for ACL injuries in team handball - a video analysis. Sports Medicine and Handball, 4th IHF Congress, Oslo, December 2-4, 1999. A79. OLSEN, O.E., G. MYKLEBUST, L. ENGEBRETSEN, A. SKJØLBERG & R. BAHR. Injury mechanisms for ACL injuries in team handball - a video analysis. Med Sci Sports Exerc 32: 5 (Suppl.), 2000. 47th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, May 31 - June 3, 2000. A80. RØNSEN, O., J. KJELDSEN-KRAGH, E. HAUG, B. KLARLUND PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Immuno-endocrine responses to a 50 km Nordic ski race in elite athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc 32: 5 (Suppl.), 217, 2000. 47th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, May 31 - June 3, 2000. A81. BAHR, R. Prevention of sports injuries - past, present and future. Congress book, 2000 Pre- Olympic Congress/International Congress on Sports Science. Brisbane. Sep 7-12, 2000. A82. BAHR, R. Prevention of ankle sprains in volleyball. Congress book, 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress/International Congress on Sports Science. Brisbane. Sep 7-12, 2000. A83. RØNSEN, O., T. LEA, B. KLARLUND PEDERSEN & R. BAHR. Increased inflammatory response associated with repeated bouts of endurance exercise on the same day. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 32, 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Lillehammer, November 1-4, 2000. A84. BRÆKKEN I.H., L. ENGEBRETSEN, G. MYKLEBUST, A. SKJØLBERG, O.E. OLSEN & R. BAHR. Compliance and performance in training for prevention of ACL injuries in female team handball players. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 17, 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Lillehammer, November 1-4, 2000. A85. MYKLEBUST G., L. ENGEBRETSEN, I.H. BRÆKKEN, A. SKJØLBERG, O.E. OLSEN & R. BAHR. Prevention of ACL injuries in female team handball players - a prospective study. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 29, 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Lillehammer, November 1-4, 2000. A86. MYKLEBUST G., O.E. OLSEN, L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Is there an association between floor type and ACL injury incidence in team handball? Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 29, 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Lillehammer, November 1-4, 2000. A87. MYKLEBUST G., L. ENGEBRETSEN, I.H. BRÆKKEN, A. SKJØLBERG, O.E. OLSEN, R. BAHR. ACL injury prevention exercises for team handball players - a video presentation. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 29, 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Lillehammer, November 1-4, 2000. A88. ARNASON A., L. ENGEBRETSEN & R. BAHR. Injuries and incidents in Icelandic soccer - Match analysis. Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3: 15, 2000. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress, Lillehammer, November 1-4, 2000.