Mathematics 114Q Integration Practice Problems SOLUTIONS. = 1 8 (x2 +5x) 8 + C. [u = x 2 +5x] = 1 11 (3 x)11 + C. [u =3 x] = 2 (7x + 9)3/2
- Helga Didriksen
- 6 år siden
- Visninger:
1 Mathematics 4Q Name: SOLUTIONS. (x + 5)(x +5x) 7 8 (x +5x) 8 + C [u x +5x]. (3 x) (3 x) + C [u 3 x] 3. 7x +9 (7x + 9)3/ [u 7x + 9] 4. x 3 ( + x 4 ) /3 3 8 ( + x4 ) /3 + C [u + x 4 ] 5. e 5x+ 5 e5x+ + C [u 5x + ]
2 Math 4Q 6. 4 cos(3x) 4 3 sin(3x)+c [u 3x] 7. sin(ln x) x cos(ln x)+c [u ln x] 8. x + x +4x 3 ln x +4x 3 + C [u x +4x 3] 9. (3 x + )( x ) ln 3 3x + + C [u x + ]. x ln x ln ln x + C [u ln x]. cos(5x) esin(5x) 5 e sin(5x) + C [u sin(5x)]
3 Math 4Q. π x sin(x ) Let u x. Then du x, so π x sin(x ) π x π x sin(x ) x sin(u)du ( cos(x ) ) π 3. x 4 x [Hint: If u 4 x, what does that make x in terms of u?] If u 4 x, then x 4 u and so du. all of this into the integral: Now just substitute x 4 x (4 u) u ( )du ( 4u / + u 3/) du 8 3 (4 x)3/ + 5 (4 x)5/ + C
4 Math 4Q 4. xe x xe x e x + C [u x, dv e x ] 5. x sin x x cos(x) + sin(x)+c [u x, dv sin(x)] 6. x ln x x ln x x 4 + C [u ln x, dv x] 7. ln x x ln x x + C [u ln x, dv ] 8. ln x x 5 4 ln x x 4 6 x 4 + C [u ln x, dv x 5 ]
5 Math 4Q 9. x e 3x You will have to use integration by parts twice. First use u x and dv e 3x. This will give you x e 3x x 3 e3x 3 xe 3x. For the new integral, use u x and dv e 3x. answer: This gives the x e 3x x 3 e3x [ x 3 3 e3x 3 ] e ex x 3 e3x x 9 e3x + 7 e3x + C. x 3 ln(5x) x4 4 ln(5x) x4 6 + C [u ln(5x), dv x 3 ]. x x +3 Let u x and dv (x + 3) /. Then x x +3 3 x(x + 3)3/ 3 (x + 3)3/ 3 x(x + 3)3/ 4 5 (x + 3)5/ + C.
6 Math 4Q. sin (x) [Hint: write sin (x) as sin(x) sin(x) and use the Pythagorean Theorem.] As instructed in the hint, write sin (x) sin(x) sin(x). and dv sin(x). Then Let u sin(x) sin (x) sin(x) cos(x)+ cos (x) sin(x) cos(x)+ ( sin (x) ) sin(x) cos(x)+x sin (x) Now add sin (x) to both sides and divide by to get sin (x) sin(x) cos(x)+x. 3. x sin(x) cos(x) [Hint: let u x. You will need to use the result of the previous problem.] Let u x and dv sin(x) cos(x). Then v sin (x), so x sin(x) cos(x) x sin (x) sin (x) Note that we used x sin (x) [ ] sin(x) cos(x)+x + C sin (x), which we obtained in the previous problem. 4. x cos(x) x sin(x) + cos(x)+c [u x, dv cos(x)]
7 Math 4Q 5. x cos(x) You will need to do integration by parts twice. The first time, let u x and dv cos(x). Then x cos(x) x sin(x) sin(x) x. Next, let u x and dv sin(x). Then x cos(x) x sin(x) x sin(x) x sin(x) ( x cos(x)+ cos(x) ) x sin(x)+x cos(x) sin(x)+c. 6. e x cos(x) [Hint: Do integration by parts twice. equation.] Look carefully at both sides of the resulting Let u e x and dv cos(x). Then e x cos(x) e x sin(x) e x sin(x). To solve this new integral, use u e x and dv sin(x). Then e x cos(x) e x sin(x) [ e x cos(x) e x( cos(x) ) ] Now add e x cos(x) e x sin(x)+e x cos(x) e x cos(x) to both sides of this equation: e x cos(x) e x sin(x)+e x cos(x). Now divide both sides by to obtain the answer: e x cos(x) ex ( ) sin(x) + cos(x). WARNING: It is important that in the second step you do not choose u sin(x) and dv e x. If you do, you will end up undoing the first step.
8 Math 4Q 7. x 4 ( /4 x + + /4 ) x 4 ln x + + ln x + C 4 8. x x 4 ( / x + + / ) x ln x + + ln x + C 9. x(x + ) ( x + ) x + ln x ln x + + C 3. x (x + ) [Use A x, B x, C x+.] ( x + x + ) x + ln x + ln x + + C x
9 Math 4Q 3. x x 6 ( 5/8 x /8 ) x ln x ln x 4 + C 8 3. x +7 x (x + ) You should use partial fractions with A, B C. Solving for the A, B, C, x x x+ you will get A 5 4, B 7, C 5 4. Then the integral will be equal to ( 5 ) x + x + 4 x ln x + 7 ( ) + 5 ln x + + C x x(x + ) You should use partial fractions with A, Bx+C. Solving for A, B, C, x x + you will get A, B, C. Then the integral will be equal to ( ) ( ( )x + + x x + x x ) x + ln x ln x + + C Note: To do the second integral, use substitution with u x +. We don t need absolute value signs on the second term, because x + is always positive.
10 Math 4Q 34. e x + [Hint: This one is really tricky. Multiply by ex and then use substitution.] e x Following the hint you get: e x + e x e x (e x + ) Now let u e x, so that du e x. and you get: e x (e x + ) ex. Substitute this into the integral e x (e x + ) ex u(u + ) du ( u + ) du u + ln u ln u + + C Put back the x s and you get the answer: e x + ln ex ln e x + + C. Note: Since e x is always positive, you don t need the absolute value signs.
11 Math 4Q 35. +x arctan(x)+c [x tan(θ) θ arctan(x)] x arcsin( x )+C [x sin(θ) θ arcsin( x )] 37. x +4x +5 (x + ) + arctan(x + ) + C [x + tan(θ) θ arctan(x + )] x 38. +x [Hint: This one is tricky. You might have to add and subtract from the numerator.] x + ( ) x + ( x + x + ) x + ( ) x arctan(x)+c x +
12 Math 4Q 39. x r x x r + r (as r ) 4. x R x x R + + (as R ) R 4. e ln x x R e ln x x (ln x) R e (ln R) (as R ) [Use substitution with u ln x] 4. e x(ln x) R e x(ln x) R ln x e + + (as R ) ln R [Use substitution with u ln x]
13 Math 4Q 43. xe x Use integration by parts with u x and dv e x. R xe x ( xe x + Then ) e x R ( xe x e x) R as R. ( Re R e R) ( ) + Remark: Re R e R R e (as R ). R er 44. xe x Use substitution with u x and du x. Then R xe x R e x ( ) ( e R ) + as R. Remark: e R e R (as R ).
14 Math 4Q 45. arctan x x + [Hint: What is the derivative of arctan(x)?] Use substitution with u arctan(x) and du x +. R as R. arctan x x + (arctan x) ( π R Then (arctan R) (arctan ) ) ( ) π π Remarks:. arctan() π 4, because. lim R arctan R π, because ( ) π tan sin ( ) π 4 4 cos ( ) π 4 / /. ( ) π tan sin ( ) π cos ( ) π. This should be thought of as a limit, not actual equality. 46. f(x), where f(x) { x if x x if x ( + x x x) + ( x) + 3
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FYS2140 Kvantefysikk Løsningsforslag for Oblig 7 Oppgave 2.23 Regn ut følgende intgral a) +1 3 (x 3 3x 2 + 2x 1)δ(x + 2) dx (1) Svar: For å løse dette integralet bruker vi Dirac deltafunksjonen (se seksjon
The internet of Health
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UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON30/40 Mathematics : Calculus and Linear Algebra Exam: ECON30/40 Mathematics : Calculus and Linear Algebra Eksamensdag: Fredag 30. november 08 Sensur
Ma Flerdimensjonal Analyse Øving 11
Ma3 - Flerdimensjonal Analyse Øving Øistein Søvik 7.3. Oppgaver 5.3 5. Find the moment of inertie about the -axis. Eg the value of δ x + y ds, for a wire of constant density δ lying along the curve : r
SmartPass Mini User Manual BBNORGE.NO
SmartPass Mini User Manual BBNORGE.NO Intro Welcome to the usermanual for your SmartPass Mini system. The first time you start the SmartPass you have to request a License. This is to regiser your license
Namma Kalvi Mathematics (Sample Question Papers only for Practice)
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S e r v i c e b u l l e t i n e M a t e r i e l l Materiellsjef F/NLF kommuniserer påminnelse omkring forhold som ansees som vesentlige for å orientere om viktige materiellforhold. Målgruppen for Servicbulletinen
Løsningsførslag i Matematikk 4D, 4N, 4M
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet Institutt for matematiske fag Side av 6 Løsningsførslag i Matematikk 4D, 4N, 4M Oppgave (Kun før 4D Vi har f(x, y x + y x y, for x y. Dette gir For (x, y
FYSMEK1110 Eksamensverksted 23. Mai :15-18:00 Oppgave 1 (maks. 45 minutt)
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Safety a t t h e f A c t o r y
Safety a t t h e f A c t o r y Sikkerhet på fabrikken Safety at the factory NÅ har du god tid til å lese denne brosjyren! I en krisesituasjon har du ikke like god tid You have plenty of time to read this
Ma Flerdimensjonal Analyse Øving 6
Ma10 - Flerdimensjonal Analyse Øving 6 Øistein Søvik Brukernavn: Oistes 14.0.01 Oppgaver 1.1 4. Find and classify the critical points of the given functions fx, y) = x 4 + y 4 4xy Vi slipper her å sjekke
GEF2200 Atmosfærefysikk 2017
GEF2200 Atmosfærefysikk 2017 Løsningsforslag til sett 3 Oppgaver hentet fra boka Wallace and Hobbs (2006) er merket WH06 WH06 3.18r Unsaturated air is lifted (adiabatically): The rst pair of quantities
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet Eksamen i: MAT-INF 1100L Programmering, modellering, og beregninger. Eksamensdag: Fredag 2. Desember 2016. Tid for eksamen: 9:00 13:00.
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32.2. Linear Multistep Methods. Introduction. Prerequisites. Learning Outcomes
Linear Multistep Methods 32.2 Introduction In the previous Section we saw two methods (Euler and trapezium) for approximating the solutions of certain initial value problems. In this Section we will see
Side 1 av 8 Norwegian University of Science and Technology DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE MID-TERM EXAM TDT4258 MICROCONTROLLER SYSTEM DESIGN Wednesday 3 th Mars 2010 Time: 1615-1745 Allowed
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. e 2x + x 2 ( e 2x) = 2xe 2x + x 2 e 2x (2x) = 2xe 2x + 2x 2 e 2x = 2xe 2x (1 + x) 1 sin x (sin x) + 2x = cos x
Oppgåve a) i) f(x) x e x f (x) ( x ) e x + x ( e x) xe x + x e x (x) xe x + x e x xe x ( + x) ii) g(x) ln(sin x) + x g (x) sin x (sin x) + x cos x sin x + x tan x + x b) i) Sidan både teljar og nemnar
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT BOKMÅL Eksamen i: ECON1210 - Forbruker, bedrift og marked Eksamensdag: 26.11.2013 Sensur kunngjøres: 18.12.2013 Tid for eksamen: kl. 14:30-17:30 Oppgavesettet er
Gradient. Masahiro Yamamoto. last update on February 29, 2012 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Gradient Masahiro Yamamoto last update on February 9, 0 definition of grad The gradient of the scalar function φr) is defined by gradφ = φr) = i φ x + j φ y + k φ ) φ= φ=0 ) ) 3) 4) 5) uphill contour downhill
Løsningforslag, Øving 9 MA0001 Brukerkurs i Matematikk A
Løsningforslag, Øving 9 MA Brukerkurs i Matematikk A Læreboka s. 7-74 9. Finn /, dersom y(x) er gitt ved ue 4u du Løsning: Vi bruker fundamentalteoremet (del ): = d [ ] ue 4u du = xe 4x. Bruk Leibniz s
3/1/2011. I dag. Recursive descent parser. Problem for RD-parser: Top Down Space. Jan Tore Lønning & Stephan Oepen
INF2820 Datalingvistikk V2011 TABELLPARSING Jan Tore Lønning & Stephan Oepen 1. mars 2011 2 I dag Oppsummering fra sist: Recursive-descent og Shift-reduce parser Svakheter med disse Tabellparsing: Dynamisk
Appendix B, not for publication, with screenshots for Fairness and family background
Appendix B, not for publication, with screenshots for Fairness and family background Ingvild Almås Alexander W. Cappelen Kjell G. Salvanes Erik Ø. Sørensen Bertil Tungodden This document shows screenshots
NTNU Institutt for matematiske fag. TMA4100 Matematikk 1 høsten Løsningsforslag - Øving 8. Oppgave 1. Oppgave 2
NTNU Institutt for matematiske fag TMA4 Matematikk høsten Løsningsforslag - Øving 8 Oppgave b. Vi har at f() > og f(π/) π /6
KROPPEN LEDER STRØM. Sett en finger på hvert av kontaktpunktene på modellen. Da får du et lydsignal.
KROPPEN LEDER STRØM Sett en finger på hvert av kontaktpunktene på modellen. Da får du et lydsignal. Hva forteller dette signalet? Gå flere sammen. Ta hverandre i hendene, og la de to ytterste personene
Speed Racer Theme. Theme Music: Cartoon: Charles Schultz / Jef Mallett Peanuts / Frazz. September 9, 2011 Physics 131 Prof. E. F.
September 9, 2011 Physics 131 Prof. E. F. Redish Theme Music: Speed Racer Theme Cartoon: Charles Schultz / Jef Mallett Peanuts / Frazz 1 Reading questions Are the lines on the spatial graphs representing
Løsningsforslag til eksamen i MAT111 Vår 2013
BOKMÅL MAT - Vår Løsningsforslag til eksamen i MAT Vår Oppgave Finn polarrepresentasjonen til i. i Skriv på formen x + iy. i Løsning Finner først modulus og argument til i: i = ( ) + ( ) = 4 = arg( ( )