TFY4170 Fysikk 2 Justin Wells
- Ørjan Matias Ervik
- 8 år siden
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1 TFY4170 Fysikk 2 Justin Wells Forelesning 5: Wave Physics Interference, Diffraction, Young s double slit, many slits. Mansfield & O Sullivan: 12.6, 12.7, 19.4,19.5
2 Waves! Wave phenomena! Wave equation in one dimension! Energy, power and intensity of waves! Plane waves and dispersing waves. Huygens principle. Reflection and refraction (brytning).! Interference and diffraction. Young s double slit, many waves.! Diffraction in crystals, X- ray, neutron and electron diffraction.! Standing waves, resonance.! Doppler effect (classic and relativistic).! Lasers and coherent waves.! The wave equation. Mechanical waves and sound waves.! Electromagnetic waves, Maxwell s equations, polarisation.! Wave packets and envelopes, group velocity, dispersion.! Fourier analysis, bandwidth.
3 Repetition: Interference Example: 2-dimensional wave from two synchronised sources K 1 and K 2. We look at what is happening at point P, which is far from K1 and K2. K 1 difference in the distance from the sources: x 1 -x 2 x 1 P y= y 1 +y 2 = A[1+e i ϕ ] e i(ωt kx 1+y) K 2 x 2 ϕ=k (x 1 x 2 )
4 Repetition: Interference Constructive interference: Destructive interference: x 1 K 1 x 2 K 2
5 Repetition: Diffraction Incoming wave θ The weight of the wave spreads out over a range of angles Diffraction: We can think of this as interference between a number of point sources on the wavefront in the aperture/slit
6 Diffraction The resultant amplitude A θ : The sum of the N complex amplitudes (consider the phase difference) N 1 A θ = A' e (i ϕ n ) n=0 ϕ=k (x 1 x 2 )= ka N sin θ Im θ Maximum amplitude occurs when θ=0 the maximum amplitude is A 0 =NA. φ Re
7 Diffraction: Intensity The intensity of the diffracted wave is: I θ = A 2 θ I 0 A = sin2 α 2 α 0 α= π a λ sin θ a<<λ :the wave spreads evenly over a wide angle a>>λ :Most of the intensity is straight ahead, through the opening The maximum intensity occurs when: For larger angles, the intensity is smaller. The intensity varies with sin 2 α with a decreasing amplitude proportional to α 2. The intensity is minimum when: sin α=0, α=n π
8 Intensity variations Bi-maxima is observed when: α= 2n+1 2 They have a relative intensity: π This means that higher order bi-maxima are much weaker that the principle maxima The first bi-maxima is observed when: When the aperture is smaller than the wavelength, the diffraction variations are not seen.
9 Intensity variations A typical diffraction pattern when the opening is larger than the wavelength: Intensitet
10 Young s double slit experiment: We will now look what happens when we have two slits: Difference in distance: Phase difference: 2 γ= 2 π (a+b)sin θ=(a+b)k sin θ λ We add together the amplitudes from the two slits A A=A 1 [1+e i 2 γ ] A 2 = A 1 2 [1+e i 2 γ ][1+e i 2 γ ] =2 A 1 2 [1+cos(2 γ)] =4 A 1 2 cos 2 γ A 1 2γ A 1
11 Young s double slit experiment: For each single slit: derfor The total amplitude is: i A θ = sin A α α 0 A =2 A 1 cos γ=2a 0 sin α α cos γ The relative intensity at a given angle is therefore: I θ = A 2 I 0 (2A 0 ) = sin2 α 2 α 2 cos 2 γ The first term is the diffraction term, which is the same as for a single slit: sin 2 α α 2 = sin 2 ( π a λ sin θ) ( π a λ sin θ) 2
12 Young s double slit experiment: The second component is the two-wave interference component: The maximum (i.e.constructive interference) is found when: d=a+b b Typically, b>>a
13 Young s double slit experiment: Diffraction (first maximum): Young s double-slit: Total intensity: diffraction+interference
14 Diffraction and interference: Many slits In Young s two-slit experiment, we can measure the wavelength by looking at the interference+diffraction pattern. But, it is difficult because the maxima can be quite broad and badly defined. It is much easier (higher precision) to study the wave using many slits θ Interference between two waves There is a generalised expression to describe what happens when there are many slits...
15 Diffraction and interference: Many slits Generally, Many slits means N>1000 : i.e. a grid or lattice We now deal with interference of many waves The phase difference between waves from two neighbouring slits is: We need to add together N single slit amplitudes: 2γ A 1 A 1 2γ A 1
16 Diffraction and interference: Many slits Resultant amplitude: A N = A 1 [1+e i2 γ +e i2 γ 2 + +e i2 γ (N 1) ] N 1 = A 1 [e i2 γ ] n n=0 = A 1 1 (e i2 γ ) N 1 e i2 γ = A 1 e i γ N = A 1 e i γ N γ N e i γ N e i γ e i e i γ e i γ e sin(γ N ) i γ sin γ The relative difference in amplitude of N slits (compared to 1 slit) is therefore:
17 Amplitude for many waves: For a single slit: i A θ = sin A α α 0 derfor The angle dependent e amplitude amplituden for er many derfor slits is: A N = A 0 sin α α sin(γ N ) sin γ The resulting amplitude of waves which go straight through is: A 0T =NA 0 A N = A 0T N The angle dependent intensity is therefore: sin α α sin γ N sin γ where I 0 is the intensity at
18 Intensity for many waves: For small angles, we find: As before, the prefactor gives the 1-slit diffraction pattern: The second factor gives the many-slit interference:
19 Intensity for many waves: The interference pattern for many slits is a complicated function with many maxima and minima. It can be shown that the strongest maxima occur when: This is the same condition which we found for Young s double slit Example: To slits (N=2) Intensity θ
20 Intensity for many waves: What happens when we increase the number of slits? N=2 N=4 N=8 N=16
21 Intensity for many waves:! Maxima occur at the same angles.! The maxima get sharper when we use more slits.! The wavelength can therefore be found more accurately if we use many slits.! This is useful for spectroscopy.
22 Repetition forelesning 5 One slit Many slits
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UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON1220 Velferd og økonomisk politikk Exam: ECON1220 Welfare and politics Eksamensdag: 29.11.2010 Sensur kunngjøres: 21.12.2010 Date of exam: 29.11.2010
DetaljerFYS2140 Kvantefysikk. Løsningsforslag for Oblig 7
FYS2140 Kvantefysikk Løsningsforslag for Oblig 7 Oppgave 2.23 Regn ut følgende intgral a) +1 3 (x 3 3x 2 + 2x 1)δ(x + 2) dx (1) Svar: For å løse dette integralet bruker vi Dirac deltafunksjonen (se seksjon
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Utsatt eksamen i: ECON1410 - Internasjonal økonomi Exam: ECON1410 - International economics Eksamensdag: 18.06.2013 Date of exam: 18.06.2013 Tid for eksamen: kl.
DetaljerEstimating Peer Similarity using. Yuval Shavitt, Ela Weinsberg, Udi Weinsberg Tel-Aviv University
Estimating Peer Similarity using Distance of Shared Files Yuval Shavitt, Ela Weinsberg, Udi Weinsberg Tel-Aviv University Problem Setting Peer-to-Peer (p2p) networks are used by millions for sharing content
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Exam: ECON320/420 Mathematics 2: Calculus and Linear Algebra Eksamen i: ECON320/420 Matematikk 2: Matematisk analyse og lineær algebra Date of exam: Friday, May
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON2915 Vekst og næringsstruktur Exam: ECON2915 - Growth and business structure Eksamensdag: Fredag 2. desember 2005 Sensur kunngjøres: 20. desember
DetaljerQuantitative Spectroscopy Quantitative Spectroscopy 2 - Algorithms
Quantitative Spectroscopy Quantitative Spectroscopy 2 - Algorithms Copyright 2006 Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc. 1 Chapter 2 Outline Beer-Lambert Law or Beers Law Beer s Law, Classical Least Squares (K-Matrix)
DetaljerC13 Kokstad. Svar på spørsmål til kvalifikasjonsfasen. Answers to question in the pre-qualification phase For English: See page 4 and forward
C13 Kokstad Svar på spørsmål til kvalifikasjonsfasen Answers to question in the pre-qualification phase For English: See page 4 and forward Norsk Innhold 1. Innledning... 2 2. Spørsmål mottatt per 28.11.12...
DetaljerSkog som biomasseressurs: skog modeller. Rasmus Astrup
Skog som biomasseressurs: skog modeller Rasmus Astrup Innhold > Bakkgrunn: Karbon dynamikk i skog > Modellering av skog i Skog som biomassressurs > Levende biomasse > Dødt organisk materiale og jord >
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet Eksamen i: KJB 492 Bioinformatikk Eksamensdag: Fredag 14. desember 2001 Tid for eksamen: Kl.: 9.00 13.00 Oppgavesettet er på 7 sider. Vedlegg:
DetaljerTMA4245 Statistikk. Øving nummer 12, blokk II Løsningsskisse. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Institutt for matematiske fag
Vår 205 Norges tekisk-aturviteskapelige uiversitet Istitutt for matematiske fag Øvig ummer 2, blokk II Løsigsskisse Oppgave a - β agir biles besiforbruk i liter/mil - Rimelig med α 0 fordi med x 0 ige
DetaljerExamination paper for (BI 2015) (Molekylærbiologi, laboratoriekurs)
Department of (Biology) Examination paper for (BI 2015) (Molekylærbiologi, laboratoriekurs) Academic contact during examination: Thorsten Hamann Phone: 91825937 Examination date: 19.12.2016 Examination
DetaljerDean Zollman, Kansas State University Mojgan Matloob-Haghanikar, Winona State University Sytil Murphy, Shepherd University
Dean Zollman, Kansas State University Mojgan Matloob-Haghanikar, Winona State University Sytil Murphy, Shepherd University Investigating Impact of types of delivery of undergraduate science content courses
DetaljerNO X -chemistry modeling for coal/biomass CFD
NO X -chemistry modeling for coal/biomass CFD Jesper Møller Pedersen 1, Larry Baxter 2, Søren Knudsen Kær 3, Peter Glarborg 4, Søren Lovmand Hvid 1 1 DONG Energy, Denmark 2 BYU, USA 3 AAU, Denmark 4 DTU,
Detaljer1. Explain the language model, what are the weaknesses and strengths of this model?
Øving 2 Task 1 Language Model 1. Explain the language model, what are the weaknesses and strengths of this model? En language model er en model som brukes til å forenkle spørringer etter ord i dokumenter.
DetaljerJørgen S. Nielsen Institute for Storage Ring Facilities (ISA) University of Århus Denmark. ESLS-RF 11 (4-5/ ), A new LLRF system for ASTRIDx
Jørgen S. Nielsen Institute for Storage Ring Facilities (ISA) University of Århus Denmark ESLS-RF 11 (4-5/10-2007), A new LLRF system for ASTRIDx 1 The present ASTRID LLRF is Old, Analog Risk of failure,
DetaljerNumerical Simulation of Shock Waves and Nonlinear PDE
Numerical Simulation of Shock Waves and Nonlinear PDE Kenneth H. Karlsen (CMA) Partial differential equations A partial differential equation (PDE for short) is an equation involving functions and their
DetaljerECON3120/4120 Mathematics 2, spring 2004 Problem solutions for the seminar on 5 May Old exam problems
Department of Economics May 004 Arne Strøm ECON0/40 Mathematics, spring 004 Problem solutions for the seminar on 5 May 004 (For practical reasons (read laziness, most of the solutions this time are in
SAMMENDRAG Om undersøkelsen KS ønsker å bidra til økt kunnskap og bevissthet rundt kommunesektorens bruk av sosiale medier 1 gjennom en grundig kartlegging av dagens bruk og erfaringer, samt en vurdering
DetaljerOppgave 1. ( xφ) φ x t, hvis t er substituerbar for x i φ.
Oppgave 1 Beviskalklen i læreboka inneholder sluttningsregelen QR: {ψ φ}, ψ ( xφ). En betingelse for å anvende regelen er at det ikke finnes frie forekomste av x i ψ. Videre så inneholder beviskalklen
DetaljerThe regulation requires that everyone at NTNU shall have fire drills and fire prevention courses.
1 The law The regulation requires that everyone at NTNU shall have fire drills and fire prevention courses. 2. 3 Make your self familiar with: Evacuation routes Manual fire alarms Location of fire extinguishers
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON30/40 Matematikk : Matematisk analyse og lineær algebra Exam: ECON30/40 Mathematics : Calculus and Linear Algebra Eksamensdag: Tirsdag 0. desember