How Bridges Work Sgrad 2001
- Christine Løken
- 5 år siden
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1 How Bridges Work Sgrad 2001
2 The Basic s There are three major types of bridges: The beam bridge The arch bridge The suspension bridge prepared by Mr.S.Grad 2
3 The biggest difference between the three is the distances they can cross in a single span. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 3
4 A A modern beam bridge, for instance, is likely to span a distance of up to 200 feet ( 60 meters). prepared by Mr.S.Grad 4
5 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 5
6 A A modern arch can safely span up to 800 or 1,000 feet ( 240 to 300 m). prepared by Mr.S.Grad 6
7 Forces acting in a Steel Arch Bridge prepared by Mr.S.Grad 7
8 A suspension bridge, the pinnacle of bridge technology, is capable of spanning up to 7,000 feet (2,100m). prepared by Mr.S.Grad 8
9 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 9
10 Forces acting in a Suspension Bridge prepared by Mr.S.Grad 10
11 What allows an arch bridge to span greater distances than a beam bridge, or a suspension bridge to span a distance seven times that of an arch bridge? prepared by Mr.S.Grad 11
12 Compression is a force that acts to compress or shorten the thing it is acting on. Tension is a force that acts to expand or lengthen the thing it is acting on. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 12
13 Buckling is what happens when the force of compression overcomes an object s ability to handle compression. Snapping is what happens when the force of tension overcomes an object s ability to handle tension. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 13
14 The best way to deal with these forces is to either dissipate them or transfer them. To dissipate force is to spread it out over a greater area, so that no one spot has to bear the brunt of the concentrated force. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 14
15 To transfer force is to move it from an area of weakness to an area of strength, an area designed to handle the force. An arch bridge is a good example of dissipation, while a suspension bridge is a good example of transference. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 15
16 The Beam Bridge A beam bridge is basically a rigid horizontal structure that is resting on two piers, one at each end. The weight of the bridge and any traffic on it is directly supported by the piers. The weight is traveling directly downward prepared by Mr.S.Grad 16
17 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 17
18 Compression The force of compression manifests itself on the top side of the beam bridge s deck ( or roadway). This causes the upper portion of the deck to shorten. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 18
19 Tension The result of the compression on the upper portion of the deck cause tension in the lower portion of the deck. This tension causes the lower portion of the beam to lengthen. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 19
20 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 20
21 By increasing the height of the beam, the beam has more material to dissipate the tension. To create very tall beams, bridge designers add supporting lattice work, or a truss, s, to the bridge s beam. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 21
22 One approach is to still build a bridge that is supported just at the two ends, but use cross members to make the bridge stronger so it doesn t sag. This is called a truss bridge. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 22
23 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 23
24 One of the most popular early designs was the Howe Truss, a design patented by William Howe in prepared by Mr.S.Grad 24
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26 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 26
27 Truss Strength The very top of the beam experience the most compression, and the very bottom of the beam experience the most tension. The middle of the beam experiences very little compression or tension. If the beam were designed so that there was more material on the top and bottom, and less in the middle, it would be better able to handle the forces of compression and tension. ( For this reason, I-beams I are more rigid than simple rectangular beams.) prepared by Mr.S.Grad 27
28 Truss Strength A truss system takes this concept one step further. Think of one side of a truss bridge as a single beam. The center of the beam is made up of the diagonal members of the truss, while the top and bottom of the truss represent the top and bottom of the beam. Looking at a truss in this way, we can see that the top and bottom of the beam contain more material than its center ( corrugated cardboard is very stiff for this reason). prepared by Mr.S.Grad 28
29 The Arch Bridge An arch bridge is a semicircular structure with abutments on each end. The design of the arch, the semicircle, naturally diverts the weight from the bridge deck to the abutments. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 29
30 Compression Arch bridges are always under compression. The force of compression is pushed outward along the curve of the arch toward the abutments. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 30
31 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 31
32 The Suspension Bridge A suspension bridge is one where cables ( or ropes or chains) are strung across the river. The deck is suspended from these cables. Modern suspension bridges have two tall towers through which the cables are strung. Thus, the towers are supporting the majority of the roadway s weight. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 32
33 Compression The force of compression pushes down on the suspension bridge s deck, but because it is a suspended roadway, the cables transfer the compression to the towers, which dissipate the compression into the earth where they are firmly entrenched. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 33
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35 Tension The supporting cables, running between the two anchorages, are the lucky recipients of the tension forces. The cables are literally stretched from the weight of the bridge and its traffic as they run from anchorage to anchorage. The anchorages are also under tension, but since they, like the towers, are held firmly to the earth, the tension they experience is dissipated. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 35
36 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 36
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38 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 38
39 prepared by Mr.S.Grad 39
40 Torsion, which is a rotational or twisting force, is one which has been effectively eliminated in all but the largest suspension bridges. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 40
41 Resonance ( a vibration in something caused by an external force that is in harmony with the natural vibration of the original thing) is a force which, unchecked, can be fatal to a bridge. Resonant vibrations will travel through a bridge in the form of waves. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 41
42 The End! I hope this was educational sgrad and enjoyable, and now understand the basics of bridges and there complexity, grace and beauty. prepared by Mr.S.Grad 42
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Knallgod påskekake! Det er flere som spør om jeg ikke snart skal få meg kjæreste. Sannheten er at jeg alt har innledet et forhold. Til Oslo. Og kan du klandre meg? Oslo skuffer aldri, akkurat passe spennende,
PSi Apollo. Technical Presentation
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Språkleker og bokstavinnlæring
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Gir vi de resterende 2 oppgavene til én prosess vil alle sitte å vente på de to potensielt tidskrevende prosessene.
Figure over viser 5 arbeidsoppgaver som hver tar 0 miutter å utføre av e arbeider. (E oppgave ka ku utføres av é arbeider.) Hver pil i figure betyr at oppgave som blir pekt på ikke ka starte før oppgave
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UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT BOKMÅL Eksamen i: ECON1210 - Forbruker, bedrift og marked Eksamensdag: 26.11.2013 Sensur kunngjøres: 18.12.2013 Tid for eksamen: kl. 14:30-17:30 Oppgavesettet er
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Eksamen i: ECON360/460 Samfunnsøkonomisk lønnsomhet og økonomisk politikk Exam: ECON360/460 - Resource allocation and economic policy Eksamensdag: Fredag 2. november
Windlass Control Panel
SIDE-POWER 86-08955 Windlass Control Panel v1.0.2 Windlass Systems Installasjon manual SLEIPNER MOTOR AS P.O. Box 519 N-1612 Fredrikstad Norway Tel: +47 69 30 00 60 Fax: +47 69 30 00 70 w w w. s i d e
Continuity. Subtopics
0 Cotiuity Chapter 0: Cotiuity Subtopics.0 Itroductio (Revisio). Cotiuity of a Fuctio at a Poit. Discotiuity of a Fuctio. Types of Discotiuity.4 Algebra of Cotiuous Fuctios.5 Cotiuity i a Iterval.6 Cotiuity
Guidance. CBEST, CSET, Middle Level Credential
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INF2820 Datalingvistikk V2011. Jan Tore Lønning & Stephan Oepen
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3/1/2011. I dag. Recursive descent parser. Problem for RD-parser: Top Down Space. Jan Tore Lønning & Stephan Oepen
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Verifiable Secret-Sharing Schemes
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Examples and experience from restorations along Tana river on the norwegian side. Knut Aune Hoseth Head of northern region
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European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)
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