Forhold for midlertidige ansatte ved DMF

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Ph.d-utdanningen. Harmonisering av krav i Norden

SIU Retningslinjer for VET mobilitet

Baltic Sea Region CCS Forum. Nordic energy cooperation perspectives

Familieeide selskaper - Kjennetegn - Styrker og utfordringer - Vekst og nyskapning i harmoni med tradisjoner

Frafall og EU-programmene. Henrik Arvidsson Rådgiver Trondheim/

Forskerutdanning 2.0?

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Samarbeid, arbeidsdeling og konsentrasjon (SAK) knyttet til instituttsektoren og UoH - sektoren. Tore Nepstad og Ole Arve Misund

Temadiskusjon om doktorgradsutdanning

Sak 3: Rekruttering og tilrettelegging for yngre forskere i etableringsfasen. Tanja Storsul, Øivind Bratberg & Anne Maria Eikeset

INTPART. INTPART-Conference Survey 2018, Key Results. Torill Iversen Wanvik

PhD kandidat og Post Doc i matematiske fag

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Climate change and adaptation: Linking. stakeholder engagement- a case study from

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Rekruttering og tilrettelegging for yngre forskere i etableringsfasen. Tanja Storsul, Øivind Bratberg & Anne Maria Eikeset


Et treårig Interreg-prosjekt som skal bidra til økt bruk av fornybare drivstoff til persontransporten.

FME-enes rolle i den norske energiforskningen. Avdelingsdirektør Rune Volla

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EN Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning


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Morten Walløe Tvedt, Senior Research Fellow, Lawyer. Seminar 6.juni 2008

European joint doctorate in law and development

Den som gjør godt, er av Gud (Multilingual Edition)

Software applications developed for the maritime service at the Danish Meteorological Institute


orhold for midlertidige ansatte ved D v/ Øyvind Halaas, forsker IK representant for midlertidige vitenskapelig ansatte i akultetsrådet (25-8) Tel 98673 Epost 2 Utvikling vitenskapelige stillinger 4 35 3 25 2 5 5 2 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 NTNU EV

3 ordeling av stillinger på inst Antall stillinger Antall årsverk ORGN AVN % ORGN AVN % LBK 32 35 67 52 LBK 2,2 23,2 43,4 53 IK 33 48 8 82 IK 2,2 98,335 9,355 82 IS 3 7 2 7 IS 9, 34,3 53,4 64 ISB 28 97 25 78 ISB 7,5 7,2 87,7 8 IN 3 4 78 IN 7,8 6,45 78,25 77 CB 26 27 96 CB,4 9,75 2,5 98 4 8 2 67 3,5 5,4 8,9 6 5 26 58 8,7,9 9,6 56 I LAB 2 92 I LAB,5 9,7,2 95 72 538 7 8,72 457,55 4 Hvilke vitenskapelige stillinger er midlertidige? Antall årsverk for vitenskapelige stillinger 27: Sum av St % TJEN_ORHOLD UNIV_KAT STILL_BETEGNELSE % Professor 57,8 7,5 65,3 Professor II 7,42 6,55 3,97 47 ørsteamanuensis 25,7 9,7 35,4 27 ørsteamanuensis II,8 2,57 3,37 94 ørstelektor Universitetslektor 3,8,75 25,55 46 Universitetslektor II,7 9,65,35 93 orsker 3,45 3,45 Post Doktor 47,9 47,9 Stipendiat,5 64,4 64,9 Klinikkveterinær Vitenskapelig Ass 48 48 8,72 457,55

5 idlertidige ansatte besørger en stor andel av Ds inntekter inansieringskilde - aste () vs idlertidige () årsverk Sum av St % inansiering TJEN_ORHOLD UNIV_KAT EV NTNU 3,9 227,5 24,95 83,62 8,885 92,55 3,5 5,4 8,9 7,7 7, 4,8 8,72 457,55 % 6 edbestemmelse for % idlertidige ansatte er representert i NTNU-styret (4 eksterne, 3 faste vit, midl, tekn/adm, 2 studenter) akultetsrådet (som over) Tilsettingutvalget Valgreglement - vekting av stemmer fast ansatte i undervisnings - og forskerstilling 5% midlertidig ansatte i undervisnings- og forskerstilling % teknisk og administrativt ansatte 2% studenter 2%

7 or stipendiater. Kurs i søknadsskriving 2. Oppfølging (Ombudsperson for stipendiater/postdoktorerer) 8 Bologna Seminar on Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society 25 i. The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research. At the same time it is recognised that doctoral training must increasingly meet the needs of an employment market that is wider than academia. ii. Embedding in institutional strategies and policies: universities as institutions need to assume responsibility for ensuring that the doctoral programmes and research training they offer are designed to meet new challenges and include appropriate professional career development opportunities. iii. The importance of diversity: the rich diversity of doctoral programmes in Europe - including joint doctorates - is a strength which has to be underpinned by quality and sound practice. iv. Doctoral candidates as early stage researchers: should be recognized as professionals with commensurate rights - who make a key contribution to the creation of new knowledge. v. The crucial role of supervision and assessment: in respect of individual doctoral candidates, arrangements for supervision and assessment should be based on a transparent contractual framework of shared responsibilities between doctoral candidates, supervisors and the institution (and where appropriate including other partners). vi. Achieving critical mass: Doctoral programmes should seek to achieve critical mass and should draw on different types of innovative practice being introduced in universities across Europe, bearing in mind that different solutions may be appropriate to different contexts and in particular across larger and smaller European countries. These range from graduate schools in major universities to international, national and regional collaboration between universities. vii. Duration: doctoral programmes should operate within an appropriate time duration (three to four years full-time as a rule). viii. The promotion of innovative structures: to meet the challenge of interdisciplinary training and the development of transferable skills ix. Increasing mobility: Doctoral programmes should seek to offer geographical as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoralmobility and international collaboration within an integrated framework of cooperation between universities and other partners. x. Ensuring appropriate funding: the development of quality doctoral programmes and the successful completion by doctoral candidates requires appropriate and sustainable funding.

9 or postdoktorer og forskere. Økt medbestemmelse, påvirkningskraft på egen situasjon 2. Organisert medveiledning av studenter/stipendiater (veiledet veilederopplæring) 3. Karriererådgiving ved D/koordinert opplæring av gruppeledere til karriererådgiving 4. Trainee-ordning for forskerrekrutter 5. Kompensasjon for prosjektarbeid med høyere lønn 6. (Lik tittel for like kvalifikasjoner) 7. D/StOlavs-konferansen Drømmeforholdene essage from the Director at Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research (IT) "I preside over what is basically an artists colony. What we do here at Whitehead is attract the best possible intellectual capital and empower maximally creative really wildly creative individuals to realize their dreams within these walls. Recruiting the best young people is my highest priority. This requires that we provide candidates with a sense of unlimited resources, a sense of unlimited possibility. Talented researchers with support and few constraints have a disproportionate impact on their fields. We must embrace scientific individuality by identifying and betting on the most creative young scientists through vehicles such as the Whitehead ellows program. Whitehead ellows have recently completed their graduate work and come to us solely to focus on their research. They have no teaching obligations, no committee work. They have unlimited time to devote to their science. Each hand-picked fellow is given the freedom and resources to pursue his or her most out-of-the-box research dreams. Over the years, we have trained an extraordinary crew of empowered, creative individuals. I consider the Whitehead ellows Program to be among our finest institutional contributions to the world. Adapted from a November 25 address to the Board of Associates