Kommunikasjon, ledelse og omdømme. Peggy Simcic Brønn, Professor, BI

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Kommunikasjon, ledelse og omdømme Peggy Simcic Brønn, Professor, BI

Ingebrit Steen Jensen

Så får kirken ta med seg at når den går inn i konflikter, provoserer den mange. Det betyr ikke at en sann kirke skal bli feig og vike tilbake fra å ta kontroversielle standpunkter. Men det betyr at den må bli mye bedre til å kommunisere hva den står for på en måte som ikke skaper unødige snublesteiner for folks opplevelse av kirken.

Mange utfordringer Samarbeid med det lokale kulturliv utvikle menighetens nettverk i lokalsamfunnet Forbruk og rettferd miljøarbeid grønn menighet MENIGHETSRÅDET SOM STYRINGSORGAN Valgt til å lede Informasjon/kommunikasjon menighetsbladet menighetens hjemmeside Soknets størrelse samarbeid med nabosokn sammenslåing av sokn

Reputation Communication and Reputation Leaders Influence on reputation Leaders as communicators Church as communicator

Reputation/Omdømme The estimation in which a person or thing is generally held; opinion A high opinion generally held about a person or thing; esteem (beundring) Notoriety or fame, esp for some specified characteristic From Latin reputātiō a reckoning, from reputāre to calculate, meditate

Reputation is important for those with whom organization wants to start a new relationship.

Reputation is: Valuable Rare Imperfectly imitable, and Non-substitutable

Omdømme er et biprodukt Man kan ikke styre omdømme Man kan bygge omdømme Man kan forsøke å påvirke omdømmet Ta tak i sine egne verdier og sin egen atferd

Public Sector Perceptions Strategic Goals Results Initiatives Supportive Behaviors towards the organization Perceptions of the organization (Reputation) Snakke positivt om Samarbeide Økte beviligninger Søke jobb hos Stole på organisasjonen Tjenester Fornyelse Forvaltning Samfunnsrolle Ledelse Arbeidsmiljø

Reputation Risk is the Same for Any Organization Gap mellom atferd og forventning hva en organisasjonen mener og gjør, og det en organisajsonens viktigiste interessenter mener at den bør mene og gjøre. Peggy Simcic Brønn


A social unit of people, systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis. Unit of analysis are people. Organizations

Trust is People-Driven People are sincere, not organizations People are open People are responsive People trust people

Most Important Public Sector Reputations Dimensions Samfunnsrolle 21.9% Tjenester 16.3% Ledelse 16.6% Forvaltning 15.4% Arbeidsmiljø 15.0% Fornyelse 14.7% Most Important Attributes of the Samfunnsrolle Dimension Samfunnsrolle Samfunnsrolle - 75,2 Er til å stole på 79,1 Opptrer etisk 76,8 Behandler publikum rettferdig 73,3 Viser god dømmekraft 72,0

Trust is a key essential in communication. Good Communication Good Relationships Good Reputation Improved Likelihood of Exchange Samarbeide Økte beviligninger Søke jobb hos

Reputations are built on relationships Relationships are built on trust Trust is built on fulfilling expectations Expectations are built on promises Promises come from communication Peggy Simcic Brønn

Communication: A systemic process in which people interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings. Process it is ongoing and always in motion Systemic occurs in a system of related parts that affect one another Symbols abstract, arbitrary, ambiguous Meanings content and relationship

Bell's drawing of the workings of a telephone, from his original sketches Shannon & Weaver 1949

Communication Levels Primary level: personal experience greatest impact, but least used Secondary level: what friends and colleagues say about an organization or products Tertiary level: mass media, advertising and publicity together with secondary level the most popular source of information but also the least influential. Immediate impact on image but not on reputation.

Strategy Identity Image Common Starting Points Management Communication Organizational Communication Marketing Communication

Common starting points Central values used as a basis for steering content of all forms of communication Organizational identity Useful for creating clear priorities Are limited in that they often are only words

Attractiveness of organizational identity Who and what we are Willingness to engage in cooperative behaviors Attractiveness of external image Strength of organizational identification Degree to which a person believes they have the same attributes that define the organization (Dukerich 2009)

Attitudes Philosophy/ values Culture Management systems Leadership style Personal abilities Organizational structure Strategic processes Communication models used Effective Org. Communication The Basic Model Relationships w/stakeholders Parishioners Employees Finance Community Government Etc Reputation Supportive Behaviour VALUE

Management seen As People: The group of individuals who make decisions about how a business/organization is run. As Process The act, manner, or practice of managing; handling, supervision, or control

Effective leadership is still largely a matter of communication. Alan Axelrod. Elizabeth I, CEO: Strategic Lessons from the Leader Who Built an Empire.

Communication in Managerial Roles Luthans & Katz Exchanging information Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict Socializing, politicking, interacting with outsiders Working with, understanding other people individually & in groups Mintzberg Liaison Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson Disturbance handler, negotiator

EXCEL Award Winners (International Association of Business Communicators) Evaluated on: Skills Communicating with diverse audiences Strategy Commitment to communication Personal communication Ethics and professionalism in communication Kevin M. Warren, president of Xerox s U.S. Customer Operations, one of 100 Most Powerful Executives in Corporate America

Minimal communication, miscommunication, and no communication are the main factors that can cause firms to stagnate. (Vernados)

MENIGHETSRÅDET SOM STYRINGSORGAN Valgt til å lede Møter i menighetsrådet De grunnleggende regler som gjelder for rådet finnes i kirkeloven 8, 9, 28, 30 og 38 og i virksomhetsreglene (Vedlegg i Håndboka)

Without communication be it sign language, body language, e-mail, or face-to-face conversation there is no connection and hence no relationship.

Jeg deler altså kommuniserer jeg. - Dere selger verdier. Kommunikasjon er historiefortelling, og handler om å fortelle en historie folk har lyst å høre slutten på. Hvilken historie vil dere dele? Hvilken rolle vil du at din menighet skal spille i lokalmiljøet? spurte han.

http://www.cfcclabs.org/ Google search on church and communication - 149,000,000 hits

Google search on kirke og kommunikasjon -- 2,050,000 hits

UKM 05/06 Kirken og massemedia Hvordan vil vi at kirken skal fremstå? Som avsender kan Den norske kirke aktivt bidra til at mennesker får en god relasjon til kirken. Mediene har sin agenda, og kirken kan på sin side styre sin kommunikasjon gjennom god planlegging. Slike styringsdokumenter vil bidra til å sikre at Den norske kirke kan fremstå med troverdighet.

Egenart Konsistens Ekthet Omdømme Most Important Communication Drivers of Reputation Synlighet Mottakelighet Åpenhet

Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust Authentic Leaders: Ethical people who know who they are, know what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly Primary quality is trust Build trust by: Sharing information Encouraging open communication Sticking to their ideals

Steinar Ims, Leder Nytt Norsk Kirkeblad nr. 6, 2011 Hvem representerer kirken i offentligheten og i media i dag? Har kirkens omdømme endret seg i takt med utviklingen i samfunnet for øvrig? Er det en annen type mennesker som profileres i media som kirkens mennesker enn for to eller fem tiår siden? Kan vi i det hele tatt bruke denne typen service eller markedsorientert terminologi om kirken?

Top leaders willingness to prioritize and their ability to build relationships with important stakeholders, and thereby build trust and a good reputation is a skill that Norwegian boards of directors must consider more closely when recruiting top leaders in coming years. Morten Woldsdal

Excellent communication being believable and genuine, providing insight and being accessible. C. van Riel Reputation Excellence fulfilling expectations: consistency between what an organization is, what it says it is, and what it does.

The greatest problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished. - George Bernard Shaw

Tusen takk og Takk for meg!