Budsjettering. En reise gjennom budsjettlandskapet. Deloitte AS. Oslo, 3. oktober 2007 Hans Lysheim

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Budsjettering En reise gjennom budsjettlandskapet Deloitte AS Oslo, 3. oktober 2007 Hans Lysheim

Kunnskapshuset Deloitte 700 ansatte i Norge 120 000 ansatte globalt 8.500 kunder i Norge Advokat tjenester Revisjon Enterprise Risk Services Consulting Financial Advisory -1-

Vår konsulentvirksomhet tilbyr tjenester innenfor Strategi og virksomhetsstyring Operasjonell strategi Strategisk forsyning og leverandørstrategier Utvikling og implementering av styringsmodeller Forbedring av strategi-, plan- og oppfølgingsprosesser Risikostyring CFO services støttefunksjoner for økonomidirektør Prosessforbedring og effektivisering Prosessforbedring og effektivisering Bransjespesifikke kjerneprosesser Supply Chain og logistikkprosesser CRM prosesser Økonomi, HR, IT og andre støtteprosesser Utvikling og implementering av shared services og outsourcing løsninger Organisasjonsutvikling og endringsledelse Teknologi Rådgivning og implementering av CRM-løsninger (Siebel) ERP-løsninger (Agresso) Business Intelligenceløsninger (SAP, Cognos) Integrasjonsløsninger Prosjektledelse og prosjektstøtte IT-rådgivning -2-

BUDSJETTERING Hvorfor budsjetterer vi? Hva er egentlig formålet? Deloitte AS

Dagens tema En reise i budsjettlandskapet Hvilke navigasjonsmuligheter har vi i form av systemstøtte Tips og innspill til budsjetteringsprosessen -4-

En reise i budsjettlandskapet -5-

Det er viktig å beholde fokuset på hva budsjettet egentlig er og hvordan det hører hjemme i styringsmodellen Enhver plan, inklusive et budsjett, har ingen verdi alene og kan ikke være noe mål i seg selv INTERVENE and Realign Active intervention to realign the business Strategy Intervention Forecasting Strategy PLAN and Target Align the business to deliver on strategy Planning Planning Budsjettet KAN være et hjelpemiddel, men ikke alene Analysis Value Creation Det er flere av elementer som er viktigere og som må være på plass for at et budsjett skal ha noen verdi MEASURE and Evaluate External Reporting Management Reporting Operational Reporting Budgeting Run the business and monitor performance -6-

Hvilken verdi har budsjettet? Et budsjett er en handlingsplan uttrykt i økonomiske termer Det er behov for en finansiell plan knyttet til strategiimplementering Budsjett år X Hvilke mål skal nås? 1400 1200 Hvilke ressurser skal forvaltes? Det tydeliggjør eksplisitte forutsetninger og mål for kommende års virksomhet Det understøtter samordning, kommunikasjon og ansvarsfordeling Det skal motivere enkeltmedarbeidere og avdelinger Verdi i NOK 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Jan Mar Mai Jul Måned Sep Nov Bud pr mnd Akk bud. -7-

Hva budsjettet fokuserer på, er sektoravhenging Sektor Mål Middel Offentlig Faste budsjetter er fortsatt vanligst i offentlig sektor selv om aktivitet ofte er hoveddriveren i virksomheten Målstyring og prognoser supplerer budsjettet i privat sektor Privat -8-

Hvordan bruker vi budsjettet? Et budsjett er en detaljert fremstilling av fremtiden på et gitt tidspunkt basert på tilgjengelig informasjon der og da Budsjett år X 1400 Et budsjett er først og fremst utgangspunkt for avviksanalyser Eksplisitte forutsetninger som ligger til grunn for budsjettet, kan bidra til å forklare avvik fra plan Verdi i NOK 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Bud pr mnd Akk bud. Fakt pr mnd Akk fakt Avviksforklaringer er ofte historisk fokusert 0 Jan Mar Mai Jul Sep Nov Budsjettet har et dominerende element av Måned kostnadskontroll -9-

Et tradisjonelt budsjett har en del felles kjennetegn Detaljert bygger ofte på kontoplanen og ERP-systemets oppbygging Fokuserer på kostnader og ikke sammenhengen mellom aktivitet og verdiskapning Legger beslag på store ressurser, men blir likevel raskt utdatert Fokuserer på forklaringer og bakspeilet ikke tilpasninger og aksjonsplaner Statisk, ofte hengt opp i året som periodebegrep Budsjettet et nyttig verktøy eller meningsløs ressursutnyttelse? Fokuserer på et hierarkisk syn som ikke er tilpasset verdiskapningen i organisasjonen Budsjettet fokuserer på kroner og øre når andre faktorer er viktigere -10-

Det er mulig å gjøre også et tradisjonelt budsjett mer tilpasset med enkle grep Detaljert og bygger ofte på kontoplanen og ERP systemets oppbygging Fokuserer på kostnader og ikke sammenhengen med verdiskapning Legger beslag på store ressurser men blir likevel rakst utdatert Fokuserer på forklaringer og bakspeilet og ikke tilpassninger og aksjonsplaner Statisk og hengt opp året som periodebegrep Fokuserer på et hierarkisk syn som ikke er tilpasset verdiskapningen i organisasjonen Budsjettet et nyttig verktøy eller meningsløs ressursutnyttelse? Ikke budsjetter etter kontoplanen og strukturen i ERP-systemet Vurder å budsjettere på prosesser, ikke avdelinger Vær tydelig på påvirkbare områder og fokuser på disse Fokuser på å sette de overordnede målene, ikke detaljene Budsjettet fokuserer på kroner og øre når andre faktorer er viktigere -11-

Hva er det vi egentlig vi ønsker at budsjettet skal gi oss? I 2005 gjorde Deloitte og CFO Research en studie som fokuserte på kvalitetsforbedringer innen økonomiområdet. * Økonomifunksjonen bruker mye tid på å utarbeide spesialrapporter Det er mange forskjellige versjoner av sannheten Styringsinformasjon som ikke er beslutningsstøtte Beslutningstakere begraves i for mye informasjon, umulig å skille viktig fra mindre viktig Insentivordninger ikke tilpasset ønsket atferd Plan- og budsjettinformasjon er ikke realistisk og mister fort sin relevans Prestasjonsmål er ikke relevante 0 % 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 % * Source: Deloitte Consulting and CFO Research Services IQ Matters: Senior Finance and IT Executives Seek to Boost IQ, 2005 Gjennomsnitt -12- Leading practice

Fra statisk budsjett til mer dynamisk planprosess Vi hører forklaringen på hvorfor det går dårlig, men vi er ikke interessert i å høre hvorfor. Fortell oss heller hvordan dere har tenkt å forbedre dere! Lønnsomhet Budsjett Aksjonsplan? Estimat SEC/PCAOB Guidance Q1 Q2 Tid -13-

Budsjett pluss et skritt på veien mot å eliminere utdaterte budsjetter -14- Påvirkningsmuligheter Aktiviteter Færre dimensjoner Investeringer Dynamiske aksjonsplaner

Nøkkelområder som kan videreutvikles for å forbedre budsjettprosessen Færre dimensjoner Det er ikke behov for alle regnskapslinjene Det er ikke behov for alle avdelingene Det er ikke behov for alle produktene Ansvar = påvirkningsmulighet Fokuser på det de ansvarlige kan påvirke Informer om kostnader som fordelinger, ikke diskuter og fordel ansvar Reduser antallet ansvarlige og la disse få en reell mulighet til å endre Introduser aktivitetsbegrepet Lag en sterkere knytning mellom aktivitet og ressursbruk La aktiviteter få et bedre verdibegrep Etabler et investeringsbudsjett Investeringer er en av de viktigste verdidriverne på lengre sikt Investeringer bør fattes med forankring i strategier og planer, ikke isolerte vurderinger -15-

Er det mulig å implementere en top down tilnærming fremfor å konsolidere alle enheter fra bunnen av? KPI mål: Totale faste kostnader = 800 Enhet 1: Faste kostnader = 200 Enhet 2: Faste kostnader = 500 Enhet 3: Faste kostnader = 100 Handlingsplan: Redusere bemanningen fra 50 til 45 personer Redusere antall reisedøgn fra 1000 til 800-16-

En top down prosess setter fokus på måloppnåelse, ikke kostnadskontroll Det blir satt fokus på de viktigste områdene Det er ikke mulig å ha et overordnet syn på alle detaljer Det er en reell delegering av myndighet Det er lite fokus på enkeltelementer i for eksempel kostnadsposter Det er enklere å utvikle planer Total resursbruk går ned Vrir resursbruk fra en periode på høsten til kontinuerlig arbeid med tiltaksplaner Det blir en kontinuerlig fokus på måloppnåelse og forbedringer Avvik er i seg ikke et problem, kun et signal -17-

Fra budsjett mot rullerende prognoser Budsjett Statisk Årlig Forbrukskontroll Ressurskrevende Detaljert Prognose Dynamisk Kontinuerlig Måloppfølging Effektivt Strategisk For å oppnå dette uten for stor ressursinnsats, er man avhengig av å ha et verktøy som er enkelt å oppdatere med ny informasjon, samt gir mulighet for å få ut dataene på den måten som passer best i forhold til hva man ønsker å følge opp. -18-

Hvorfor rullerende prognose? En kortere og mindre ressurskrevende budsjetteringsprosess Tettere planleggingsintervaller for bedre å kunne tilpasse oss endringer i virkeligheten rundt oss Sikrere kunnskap om den nærmeste fremtiden på tidspunktet for planlegging Større tillit til planleggingsprosessen og resultatene som kommer ut av den -19-

Rullerende budsjettprognose Uttrykket kan brukes om et langtidsbudsjett der en henger på nye perioder etter hvert som perioder tilbakelegges Det kan også brukes om en metode der en supplerer eller erstatter budsjettet med en årsprognose etter hvert som året skrider frem Prognosen overtar budsjettets rolle som styringsmål Regnskap Budsjett Prognose -20-

Full målstyring fokus på strategi og måloppnåelse Nøkkelpunkter God kobling mellom strategi og styringsparametere Fokus på både finansielle og ikke finansielle drivere Fokus på nøkkelinformasjon og få måltall Balansert målstyring i praksis Målene er brutt ned til alle nivåer av organisasjonen -21-

Balansert målstyring har som formål å være et målesystem som sikrer implementering av strategi og måler organisasjonens faktiske prestasjoner Mål Strategi Resultatmåling Verdidrivere Styringsparametere Aktiviteter Strategi implementering -22-

Balansert målstyring - nytteverdi For ledelsen Rask oppdatering av informasjon Helhetlig Årsak og virkning/tiltak kommer klart frem For organisasjonen Enkelt å kommunisere få mål Større fokus på strategi i hele organisasjonen Lettere å bygge belønningssystemer Enklere å bygge prognoser Tidlig varsling -23-

Fallgruver i balansert målstyring kan balanseres av et godt rammeverk Fallgruver Usikkerhet om man har riktige mål og KPIer Lokalt definerte mål og KPIer Manglende kunnskap om KPIenes effekt på total verdiskaping Manglende konsistens i målhierarkiet For mye diagnose og for lite interaksjon For omfattende analyser av forhold som ikke er kritiske Iverksetter tiltak, men ikke nødvendigvis de riktige (dvs. de som bidrar mest til verdiskaping) Målstyring erstatter ikke styringsinformasjon, men blir et tillegg til annen rapportering Mister fokus på det som er virksomhetskritisk Ineffektivt (dobbeltrapportering) Ikke tydelig hva den enkelte leder blir målt på Vår erfaring er at man trenger et rammeverk for styring Man trenger en struktur for strategi, planlegging og oppfølging hva skal man ha fokus på hvordan skal man prioritere tiltak og initiativer hvordan finne forbedringsområder Et godt rammeverk tar utgangspunkt i virksomhetens evne til verdiskaping underliggende verdidrivere Manglende forankring i organisasjonen -24-

-25- Optimize depreciation methods/lives for property, plant and equipment Optimize valuation and costing methods for inventories (LIFO, FIFO, uniform capitalization, shrinkage, obsolescence, etc.) Ensure full utilization of tax carryforwards (credits, net operating losses, capital losses, etc.) Consider tax implications in the location/ selection of facilities (distribution centers, service centers, branches, etc.) sales forecasting and campaign execution and tools relationship/account development skills of sales staff Provide staff with better customer information (demographics, inquiry history, etc.) staff incentives around sales efficiency for generating, qualifying and assigning leads field sales and telesales Consolidate/realign sales territories terms with sales channels terms with service providers (network services, airlines, information services, etc.) terms on leased sales assets (computers, vehicles, etc.) Target new geographies Target new segments within current geographies Expand sales and advertising channels Acquire new product and service offerings Pursue joint-venture, partnership and OEM arrangements high-value/highpotential customers most profitable products and services most effective sales and advertising channels brand strength and good will Increase time spent selling quality and assignment of sales leads access to information and analytical tools sales and marketing skills of staff alignment of staff incentives with strategic objectives effectiveness of marketing, advertising and sales Tailor marketing and sales approaches to customer segments Tailor products and services to new customer segments Evolve product and service features, functionality and value total customer experience (purchasing, fulfillment, usage, support, service, etc.) high-value/highpotential customers responsiveness to customer complaints/ feedback understanding of customer needs Proactively manage transition points (life events, ends of contracts and leases, etc.) Tailor account approaches to customer segments Maintain competitive functionality and value Tailor cross-sell/upsell offers to customer needs Implement pricing and affinity programs based on volume and breadth Offer value-adding product and service bundles effectiveness of cross-sell/up-sell Implement proactive and reactive crosssell and up-sell campaigns staff incentives for crossselling/up-selling identification of cross-sell/up-sell opportunities high-value/highpotential customers most profitable products and services most effective sales and advertising channels retention and win-back Build customer satisfaction and retention into staff incentives understanding of churn/defection drivers identification of churn/defection candidates high-value /highpotential customers competitiveness of product and service offerings Shorten time-tomarket brand awareness / Elevate brand image Increase emphasis on supply chain (production, distribution and sales pipelines) Obtain exclusive agreements with partners (licenses, distributorships, etc.) features and functionality of products and services quality and reliability of products and services product and service lifecycle communication and coordination with distribution centers communication and coordination with sales channels focus on higher-value segments Rationalize and/or refocus channel/ media usage Rationalize and/or refocus product and service portfolios Rationalize targeted customer segments campaign design and and tools skills of marketing staff staff incentives around marketing efficiency Provide staff with better market and customer information definition of product and service specification product and service launch Provide staff with better competitive information tailoring of marketing and advertising approaches to customer segments terms with advertising channels terms with service providers (researchers, information services, advertising channels, etc.) emphasis on product quality and ease of service Design products for ease-of-use / selfservice Route low-value transactions to lowercost sales channels routing of service requests to appropriate staff Increase use of lowercost service and information channels (contact centers, automated voice response, web, etc.) workforce planning and dispatch and tools capacity/ demand planning, skills and tools service and support skills of service staff Provide staff with better customer information (profiles, transaction histories, etc.) incentives around service efficiency and effectiveness terms with service providers (network services, outsourced functions, etc.) terms on leased service assets (computers, vehicles, etc.) forecasting, planning and prioritization skills and tools credit analysis skills of order and billing staff Provide staff with better customer and order information incentives around order efficiency pick, pack and ship provisioning/ installation invoicing/ billing policies and around merchandise returns terms with service providers (delivery services, outsourced functions, etc.) terms on leased assets (computers, vehicles, etc.) Consolidate and/or re-architect data stores Increase utilization of IT, telecom and network resources (servers, routers, network capacity, etc.) design, development and testing for managing system operations, maintenance and changes end-user support and administration selection, acquisition and contracting installation/ deployment technical and project skills of staff dispatch, diagnostic, resolution and replacement incentives around IT/network efficiency terms with service providers (contractors, network services, consultants, etc.) terms on purchased and leased assets (PCs, servers, network equipment, leased lines, etc.) terms on purchased and leased real estate, furniture and fixtures Increase utilization of real estate capacity/ demand planning and tools real estate design and development operational (administration, security, energy, HVAC and maintenance) real estate selection, acquisition and contracting real estate improvement and deployment terms with service providers (security, energy, etc.) terms on improvements (HVAC, cabling, etc.) terms with third-party product and service providers (payroll, benefits, training, etc) Reduce salary and benefits costs / value of employee benefits capacity/ demand planning and tools Implement/improve company-wide and tools for assessing staff performance recruitment and orientation skills of HR staff Provide staff with better HR information and tools training salary and benefits administration / Increase employee self-service payroll performance assessment Rationalize/ consolidate vendor portfolio higher-value vendor partnerships collaboration with vendors Increase use of lowercost channels (self-service, etc.) assignment of procurement transactions to appropriate staff demand planning and tools product procurement (equipment, supplies, etc.) service procurement (travel, contract labor, etc.) contracting and negotiation skills of procurement staff Provide staff with better product and service information incentives around procurement efficiency terms on equipment and supplies terms with service providers (equipment maintenance, delivery, warehousing, etc.) terms with service providers (information services, consultants, etc.) strategic planning skills of business staff Provide staff with better managerial information and tools incentives around business planning efficiency program planning capital budgeting program accounting and measurement terms with financial services providers cash/treasury practices skills of financial staff incentives around financial efficiency debt and equity materials-efficient production mechanisms Rationalize and/or refocus product portfolio designing for materials efficiency Rationalize/ consolidate vendor portfolio Focus efforts on higher-value vendor relationships terms on materials purchases Rationalize order quantities and timing materials performance methods and tools demand forecasting, skills and tools ordering and receipt (raw materials, intermediate materials, finished components, etc.) materials efficiency of production contracting and negotiation skills of purchasing staff Provide staff with better product information and tools Design products to use cost-effective materials terms with service providers (delivery, warehousing, etc.) Rationalize and/or refocus product portfolio focus on higher-value products Rationalize production quantities and timing Increase use of lowercost production channels terms with service providers (outsourced functions, etc.) terms on equipment purchases production performance methods and tools demand forecasting, skills and tools capacity planning, skills and tools production scheduling and staging utilization of production channels / Reduce downtime skills of production staff Provide staff with better production information and tools incentives around production efficiency coordination with business partners manufacturing and quality control Rationalize and/or refocus product portfolio Rationalize/ consolidate vendor portfolio focus on higher-value vendor relationships terms on merchandise purchases Rationalize order quantities and timing merchandising performance methods and tools demand forecasting, skills and tools assignment of transactions to appropriate staff merchandise ordering and receipt skills of merchandising staff Provide staff with better information and tools incentives around merchandising efficiency coordination with vendors terms with service providers (delivery, warehousing, etc.) Rationalize and/or refocus product portfolio designing and packaging for distribution Increase quality and consistency of materials Rationalize production quantities and timing Rationalize merchandise order quantities and timing Increase use of lowercost logistics and distribution channels inventory receipt and storage transport and delivery / algorithms skills of inventory and distribution staff Provide staff with better information and tools incentives around inventory/ distribution efficiency logistics performance methods and tools demand forecasting, skills and tools terms with service providers (transport, warehousing, etc.) focus on higher-value customer segments and products Rationalize and/or realign product development efforts Increase use of lowercost product development channels product conception/initiation utilization of product development channels skills of product development staff definition of product and service specifications incentives around product development efficiency prototyping, piloting and testing design and development identification and discontinuation of unsuccessful efforts License or acquire products and intellectual property Develop business models with low real estate requirements Reduce number of data centers, branch offices, dealerships, retail outlets, etc. Outsource business functions Increase use of leased real estate terms on property and facilities Reconfigure facilities / Increase utilization of facilities Increase use of flexible facilities Divest low-utilization real estate Rationalize and/or refocus product and service portfolios Outsource business functions Increase use of leased production equipment terms on IT systems Increase use of flexible/expandable production equipment design for manufacturability and service Divest low-utilization equipment effectiveness of plant maintenance terms on infrastructure Divest low-utilization infrastructure Increase use of flexible and expandable infrastructure Increase use of leased infrastructure Rationalize and/or refocus product portfolio Rationalize and/or refocus customer segments and distribution channels Develop low-inventory business models Increase emphasis on build-to-order terms on merchandise collaboration with vendors/partners demand forecasting Consolidate inventory logistics/ distribution efficiency Divest low-demand/ obsolete inventory Rationalize and/or refocus product portfolio Shorten production cycles Rationalize raw materials Increase use of justin-time procurement demand forecasting terms on materials Divest obsolete materials Coordinate of credit/receivables across business units customer segments with low credit/loan needs Tighten credit/loan terms assessment and benchmarking of credit/receivables performance of delinquent accounts Coordinate of payables across business units Leverage credit rating to lengthen payment cycles and reduce interest rates Leverage breadth of vendor relationships to lengthen payment cycles of debt portfolio identification and prediction of industry and market trends identification of opportunities and threats strategy development capabilities at corporate and business-unit levels alignment of budgets and capital programs with strategic priorities executive development, recruiting and succession planning identification, assessment and execution of M&A/divestiture opportunities communication of strategic directions and priorities structuring and launch of cohesive program portfolios coordination and communication across programs and projects program/ project methods and tools alignment of projects with program and business objectives measurement and reporting of operational and financial performance analysis of managerial information focus on most important managerial information communication around improvement priorities ability to launch improvement efforts quality and consistency of performance assessment methods career options and paths Align and staff incentives with company performance monetary and non-monetary recognition of staff contributions breadth, depth, quality and timeliness of performance information effectiveness of organizational structures and governance models quality and benchmarking process innovation skills of staff depth and breadth of staff technical skills quality and speed of communication with partners ability to integrate merged and acquired organizations ability to identify and assess partnering opportunities of partner relationships integration of business across partner networks value delivered to customers value delivered to partners (vendors, channel partners, etc.) value delivered to employees identification of opportunities to increase value to stakeholders understanding of stakeholder interests (customers, shareholders, regulators, employees, suppliers, partners, alumni, etc.) conversion of strong relationships into sources of competitive advantage communication with stakeholder groups agility and flexibility of organizational structures agility and flexibility of governance models flexibility of business versatility of managers and staff flexibility and versatility of IT systems and platforms Rationalize customer portfolio responsiveness to customer requests and inquiries tracking of customer interactions (purchases, support requests, etc.) identification of valuable customer relationships Refocus and/or refine retention priorities and strategies Create barriers to switching Solicit and respond to customer feedback Implement affinity programs Increase emphasis on differentiated products and services demand forecasting understanding of customer, product and channel profitability Consolidate or outsource service and support operations Differentiate service treatment of customers/segments Provide staff with better product and service information financial risk Increase use of lowercost delivery/ installation channels (self-service, partners, etc.) Increase use of lowercost billing channels (automated, self-service, etc.) Differentiate treatment of customers/ segments emphasis on design for packing/ shipping efficiency Consolidate or outsource order fulfillment functions (pick, pack and ship, install, provision, etc.) Consolidate or outsource billing operations Consolidate or outsource design, development and deployment services Consolidate or outsource operations and maintenance services Consolidate or outsource end-user support Consolidate company real estate/facilities Consolidate or outsource design and development functions Rationalize IT application portfolio Consolidate or outsource improvement and deployment Consolidate or outsource property functions Increase use of lowercost real estate and facilities / Relocate business operations Consolidate or outsource benefits administration functions Consolidate or outsource payroll functions Consolidate or outsource recruitment functions Refine vendor strategies Standardize product catalogs (equipment, office supplies, promotional materials, etc.) Consolidate or outsource procurement functions Consolidate and/or align business planning, and reporting functions alignment of organization structures and governance models with business strategies Consolidate and/or align financial planning, and reporting functions Consolidate and/or align financial accounting and analysis functions incentives around procurement efficiency design for production efficiency Consolidate or outsource production functions Refine/align logistics and distribution strategies higher-value products and partners Consolidate/ outsource logistics and distribution functions Rationalize and/or refocus product and service portfolios Consolidate or outsource product development functions modular, extensible, scalable designs Consolidate IT systems, production lines and service mechanisms high-turn products designing for manufacturing efficiency collaboration with vendors/partners designing for materials efficiency vendors with favorable payment terms Increase emphasis on risk-informed, scenario-based planning enterprise-wide program planning and collaborative program delivery Increase emphasis on continuous, proactive performance determination of key performance metrics and targets Establish a culture centered on operational excellence partnership, merger and acquisition opportunities stakeholder relationships Establish process improvement and innovation as key competencies Establish of key stakeholder relationships as organizational priority business agility and flexibility Establish agility and flexibility as key competencies Increase integration of business across organizational boundaries partnership and collaboration skills of staff utilization of sales staff utilization of service staff Provide staff with better product, service and competitive information Implement integrated applications across organizational boundaries Consolidate IT, telecom and network equipment and facilities Utilize more efficient production equipment quality and consistency of manufacturing materials 2004. All rights reserved. Confidential. 0104 value / Decrease prices assessment and benchmarking of business process performance sharing of knowledge across organizational boundaries sharing of knowledge across organizational boundaries business continuity planning and disaster recovery capabilities ability to develop and spin-off new businesses risk and regulatory compliance focus on price-insensitive customer segments differentiated pricing across customer segments understanding of customer price sensitivity Align advertising with pricing strategies tailoring of offerings to customer needs Increase use of differential pricing mechanisms (based on customer value, risk, etc.) Increase emphasis on preventive equipment maintenance Defer/change timing of capital investments Increase utilization of production equipment managerial, forwardlooking information understanding of product/service value to customers pricing effectiveness/ price optimization R&D, product innovation, and product leadership Broaden product and service offerings product/ service R&D and deployment capabilities Adapt current products and services for new segments/ channels product- and service-innovation skills of staff service prevention / Reduce need for service designing for service efficiency and selfservice Route low-value transactions to lowercost sales channels routing of service requests to appropriate service channels Increase use of cheaper service channels service performance methods and tools workforce planning, dispatch and assignment and tools capacity/ demand planning, skills and tools service and support skills of service staff Provide staff with better customer information (profiles, transaction histories, etc.) staff incentives around service efficiency terms with service providers (outsourced services, network services, information services, etc.) terms on leased service assets (computers, vehicles, etc.) Consolidate or outsource service operations Differentiate treatment of customers/ segments Provide staff with better product, service and contract information Rationalize and/or refocus services offered utilization of service staff focus on higher-value customer relationships Convert free services to fee-based services Align product and service prices with value to customers Establish product, service and process innovation as key competencies product innovation product, service and process innovation skills of staff assignment of accountability and authority effectiveness of organizational structures Dynamically cancel or redirect ineffective/ obsolete programs and projects tracking and communication of program/project progress assignment of resources to projects program/ project skills of staff of vendors/service providers Establish program/ project delivery as a key competency alignment of customer, product, advertising, sales, service, support, and fulfillment strategies Develop, spin-off and sell new businesses investment returns on cash/ treasury funds License or sell intellectual capital to other enterprises brand strength and good will brand strength and good will Sell appreciated assets generating revenue from company assets developing and protecting intellectual capital creditworthy customer segments collections and standardize credit assessment Differentiate credit treatment of customers/segments understanding of customer needs expansion of customer relationships product and service withdrawal and retirement Acquire competitors establishment of and adherence to servicelevel targets Increase use of distance/on-line learning Establish customer communities cross-sell and up-sell approaches/models Apply brand to new and unbranded products Develop and leverage strong/unique partner relationships Develop and leverage strong brand Develop strong customer relationships and communities Develop and utilize unique physical resources (facilities, land, etc.) Develop and utilize unique human resources (thought leaders, managers, subject matter experts, etc.) Develop and leverage intellectual capital (copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc.) strategic assets asset development skills of and staff incentives around asset development Establish development of strategic assets as a key competency leveraging strategic assets Shorten production cycles development and analysis of business cases security of applications, systems and data cost accounting and allocation of shared/ overhead costs recruiting effectiveness relationship strategies for key stakeholder groups value delivered to shareholders Rationalize and/or refocus product and service portfolios Rationalize and/or refocus product and service portfolios physical security of people communication and knowledge transfer across organizational boundaries Consolidate or outsource learning and development functions Increase emphasis on people/talent development talent models and programs identification of stakeholder groups and establishment of priorities value delivered to other stakeholders (public, alumni, analysts, etc.) Shorten order-todelivery cycle time / product and service availability Increase emphasis on design for configurability/ customization platform and portfolio strategies for products and services time-to-market and time-to-productionvolume Increase number and quality of product and service launches Increase utilization of modular, reusable designs collaboration with design, development and production partners reuse of product and service components of product lifecycles (launch through retirement) account/relationship development account skills of staff incentives for product development and innovation incentives for account/relationship development account strategies Shorten order-todelivery cycle time / product and service availability total customer experience (purchasing, fulfillment, usage, support, service, etc.) execution of market- and supplydriven promotions structuring and pricing of promotions coordination with suppliers and sales channels use of supply- and capacitydriven promotions Increase use of promotions Rationalize and/or refocus product and service portfolios focus on segments with lower average cost-to-serve collaboration with partners and customers Increase use of vendor-managed/ vendor-warehoused inventory due-date reliability Manage procurement on a national/global basis Utilize national/global purchasing power component reuse Reduce procurement cycle times collaboration with vendors design/ structure of distribution networks Align production and merchandise ordering schedules with distribution schedules retrieval Manage purchasing on a national/global basis Refine and/or align merchandising strategies (central vs. local merchandising, etc.) use of national/global purchasing power Increase use of vendor-managed/ vendor-warehoused inventory Increase use of vendor-managed/ vendor-warehoused inventory Increase use of vendor-managed/ vendor-warehoused inventory product and service introduction/ launch Rationalize production facilities Rationalize production quantities and timing Rationalize merchandise order quantities and timing Increase use of vendor-managed/ vendor-warehoused inventory Rationalize production quantities and timing use of common components Increase utilization of standardized components Manage materials sourcing on a national/global basis Increase use of vendor-managed/ vendor-warehoused inventory customer retention Proactively manage transition points (life events, ends of contracts and leases, etc.) Offer value-adding product and service bundles focus on employee retention employee retention programs Utilize more efficient IT systems Utilize more flexible/expandable IT systems maintenance of IT systems Increase utilization of IT systems Divest low-utilization IT systems terms on production equipment focus of company resources on high-priority initiatives cross-business-unit and cross-company collaboration Increase proactive pursuit of partnerships, mergers and acquisitions customer satisfaction quality assurance programs Sell or lease excess capacity to other enterprises (production capacity, service capacity, etc.) Coordinate pricing of complementary products and services (razors v. blades / product v. shipping charges, etc.) price/margin knowledge of staff Build product margins/profitability into sales incentives Rationalize portfolio of financial services providers audit and compliance business case development and analysis breadth, depth and quality of financial information (asset, budget, price/cost, treasury, debtor/creditor, performance, tax, risk, etc.) budgeting and forecasting capabilities financial reporting efficiency asset (fixed and variable assets) integration of IT systems across partner networks operational integration with partners Remove barriers to switching contract (negotiation, execution and compliance) Refine vendor/ supplier strategies Consolidate or outsource merchandising functions Establish cross-company collaboration as a key competency performance and reliability of IT systems/platforms (applications, equipment, networks, etc.) breadth, depth, quality and timeliness of business information access to and distribution of business information Develop and utilize unique IT resources (applications, networks, etc.) understanding of current customer satisfaction visibility of customer relationships and interactions across all channels adherence to contracts and agreements higher-value products and services focus on higher-value advertising channels/ media Focus sales efforts on higher-margin products and services Increase use of lowercost sales channels (telesales, outlets, selfservice, etc.) focus on higher-value customers/segments Rationalize and/or refocus product and service portfolios Bypass current channels / Sell directly to customers Rationalize targeted markets and customer segments analytical and tools channel and tools Outsource property tax administration activities (compliance, assessment, negotiations, etc.) business performance reporting alignment of HR and technology strategies with business strategies of regulatory compliance Develop and leverage political relationships and alliances Develop and cultivate good will anticipation and understanding of current and potential regulations/legislation effectiveness of legislative/lobbying efforts Acquire companies in targeted geographies Acquire companies with relationships in targeted customer segments methods and tools for managing sales and marketing performance Acquire companies aligned with product strategies methods and tools for managing innovation performance divestiture and reinvestment Divest non-performing and non-strategic business units Align M&A strategies with business objectives /standardize M&A understanding of internal value and market value of business units Increase consideration of M&A and divestiture options account methods and tools sales performance methods and tools retention performance methods and tools managerial methods and tools methods and tools for managing demand/supply performance methods and tools for managing pricing performance marketing and advertising performance methods and tools sales performance methods and tools service and support performance methods and tools order methods and tools procurement performance methods and tools real estate performance methods and tools HR performance methods and tools /consolidate IT performance methods and tools (utilization, performance, capacity planning, etc.) product development performance methods and tools understanding of business unit performance and market values Consolidate device information and tools alignment of capital budgets and program plans with business priorities alignment of business unit strategies with enterprise strategies alignment of financial strategies with corporate strategies Strengthen enterprise-wide financial reporting standards business insight and forward-looking information integration of short- and long-term business planning leadership and skills of executives continuous, proactive of investment portfolios vendor skills of staff involvement of operational staff in project delivery accountability/ authority of program and project resources effectiveness of program/project governance models key performance metrics business continuity planning project quality and risk realization of targeted business benefits identification and of program/project risks Continuously track and manage the realization of project benefits Structure programs/ projects to deliver benefits progressively access to and distribution of performance information understanding of partner strengths, weaknesses and interests ability to structure and implement durable, mutually beneficial partnerships agility and flexibility of partner organizations and networks Develop and utilize unique production resources (methods, equipment, facilities, etc.) Rationalize/ consolidate vendor portfolio coordination of payments across business units assessment and benchmarking of A/P performance Refine daysoutstanding strategy alignment of A/P systems and with daysoutstanding strategy Refine credit/daysreceivable strategy of credit risk across business units of credit/loan portfolio How Value is Created (Value Drivers) What You Can Do (ment Levers: Business Processes, Assets and Organizational Capabilities) Other Shared / Corporate Services (Real Estate, Procurement and Other) Human Capital Strategy and Management (Recruitment, Development, Administration and Performance Management) IT Strategy and Management (Design, Development, Deployment, Operations and Performance Management) Business Strategy and Management (Business and Financial Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions, Tax Management, Risk Management, Compliance Management, Program Management and Performance Management) Customer Strategy, Relationships and Interactions (Marketing, Sales, Delivery/Provisioning, Billing and Service) Product Strategy, Development and Production (Innovation and Design, Supply Chain Management, Production Operations and Logistics) BUSINESS PROCESS GROUPINGS All Process Groupings (Action may apply to all ) Change What You Do - What you provide - Whom you target and serve - How you compete - Where you deploy resources - Which operations you outsource Do What You Do Better - Strengthen governance approaches - Align resources with strategies - business - Hone strategic capabilities - Manage tax impacts and opportunities - control / reduce risk - Collaborate more effectively - Satisfy customers, employees and other stakeholders Note: Many actions could logically be associated with other or multiple process groupings. For example, many customer and product actions are likely to have heavy IT and HR components. Acquire New Customers Retain and Grow Current Customers Leverage Income- Generating Assets Strengthen Pricing Customer Interaction Efficiency Corporate/Shared Services Efficiency Development & Production Efficiency Logistics & Service Provision Efficiency PP&E Efficiency Inventory Efficiency Receivables & Payables Efficiency Management & Governance Effectiveness Execution Capabilities Marketing & Sales Account Management Cross-Sell/ Up-Sell Retention Demand & Supply Management Price Optimization Marketing & Advertising Sales Customer Service & Support Order Fulfillment & Billing IT, Telecom & Networking Real Estate Human Resources Procurement (Excluding Production Materials & Merchandise) Business Management Financial Management Materials Production Merchandising Logistics & Distribution Product Development Real Estate & Infrastructure Equipment & Systems Finished Goods Work in Process & Raw Materials Accounts, Notes & Interest Receivable Accounts, Notes & Interest Payable Business Planning Program Delivery Business Performance Management Operational Excellence Partnership & Collaboration Relationship Strength Agility & Flexibility Product & Service Innovation Service Delivery Cash/Asset Management Strategic Assets Volume Price Realization Selling, General & Administrative (SG&A) Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Property, Plant & Equipment (PP&E) Inventory Receivables & Payables Company Strengths External Factors Revenue Growth Operating Margin (after taxes) Asset Efficiency Expectations Shareholder Value customer incentives for accelerated/on-time payment crossselling/up-selling skills of staff customer service and retention skills of staff product innovation of trade/indirect taxes (sales/use, VAT, GST, etc.) tax collection and remittance of international staff costs (immigration, payroll, staff support, international equity, etc.) Utilize available federal, state and local employment/ training incentives technology and data risk compliance tax (direct and indirect tax ) Optimize tax benefits associated with selfconstructed assets (plant, facilities, internallyused software, etc.) of transfer pricing of trade and indirect taxes (sales/use, VAT, GST, etc.) of transfer pricing incorporation of risk analysis in business planning (internal and external risk) Integrate tax opportunities and issues into business planning identification and mitigation of operational risk (people, process, technology, data, etc.) quality of information provided to stakeholders (accuracy, timeliness, transparency & predictability) Develop and utilize unique information resources (customer, product, market, etc.) of organizational change in support of initiatives operational risk consideration of tax implications in the acquisition and disposition of assets Maximize tax benefits associated with major business decisions (M&A, consolidation, outsourcing, site selection, etc.) permanently lowering the company's effective tax rate accuracy and timeliness of tax provision and cash outflow forecasts focus of tax function/department on proactive tax planning Integrate tax opportunities and issues into business planning Optimize accounting methods and selection of accounting periods Migrate income to low-tax jurisdictions Utilize international financing opportunities to minimize aftertax borrowing costs Optimize expense vs. capitalization of costs (M&A costs, R&D costs, etc.) identification and application of R&D tax incentives ability to utilize offshore cash/ assets and move between geographies ability to utilize offshore cash/ assets and move between geographies of transfer pricing ability to utilize offshore cash/ assets and move between geographies Ensure proper valuation of property for tax purposes Build tax opportunities into real estate transactions (income deferral, location credits and incentives, leasing terms, etc.) tax benefits of compensation and benefit programs (deferred and equity-based comp; retirement and healthcare benefits, etc.) Manage payroll tax impacts of business initiatives (M&A, consolidation, restructuring, relocation etc.) Optimize utilization of available sales/use tax exemptions of indirect taxes (sales/use, VAT, customs duties, etc.) Ensure adequate documentation of significant tax positions (earnings & profits, transfer pricing, tax opinions, etc.) Accelerate or defer income/expenses Clarify governance roles and responsibilities (delegation of authority, segregation of duties, etc.) Implement/enhance anonymous employee reporting and feedback mechanisms Align compensation and incentive systems with strategies, values and ethics understanding of regulatory requirements Strengthen corporate governance structures (composition, selection, roles, etc.) Strengthen training/ education of board and audit committees Strengthen and communicate mission, vision, values and ethics focus on internal controls and regulatory compliance Build values and ethics into corporate culture risk identification and risk planning, mitigation and control approaches monitoring and of regulatory compliance companywide monitoring and of risks identification and assessment of risk (strategic, operational, investment, financial, compliance, data/privacy, etc.) monitoring and of risk and compliance (strategic, operational and financial risks; regulatory and tax compliance) Deloitte Enterprise Value Map TM (Practical paths to increase shareholder value) It s easy to say shareholder value is important. Not so easy to make it influence the decisions that are made every day: where to spend time and resources, how best to get things done, and, ultimately, how to win in the competitive marketplace. This Map is designed to accelerate the connection between actions you can take and shareholder value. It is not rocket science and it is not complete, but it can jump-start the process of focusing on the things that matter most and then choosing practical ways to get them done. Here are two simple ways to use it: Start at the top. Working your way down, at each step ask yourself, How will we improve this? This will help ensure that your tactics support your objectives. Start at the bottom. Working your way up, at each step ask yourself, Why are we doing this? This will help ensure that every tactic leads to shareholder value. breadth, depth, quality and timeliness of managerial information /implement internal control frameworks and policies Strengthen and communicate governance policies and procedures Align internal audit practices with business and risk objectives communication between the board,, shareholders and the public mechanisms for collecting and implementing employee ideas Build innovation and improvement into rewards and incentives mechanisms for soliciting and addressing stakeholder feedback Develop/integrate global HR practices (internal/external, onshore/ offshore, etc.) Income Taxes Income Tax Efficiency Income Tax Management Governance utilization of telecom tax incentives (credits, exemptions, etc.) profitability of R&D efforts through utilization of tax and economic development incentives profitability of R&D efforts through utilization of tax and economic development incentives tracking and recovery of indirect taxes (sales/use, VAT, GST, etc.) Ensure tax planning activities and tax filings comply with regulatory environment Increase accountability of business unit leaders for tax impact of decisions coordination of operational, investment, financial, M&A, and tax strategies across business units Utilize tax-effective corporate structures for ownership/licensing of intangible assets (patents, trade names, IP, etc.) benchmarking of global effective tax rate against industry peer group Utilize tax opportunities around risk activities (hedging transactions, commodities trading, etc.) Defer and reduce federal, state and local quarterly estimated tax payments Consider tax incentives in location and selection of facilities post-merger synergy and cost reduction programs breadth, depth, quality and timeliness of business planning information Utilize tax-effective corporate structures for ownership/licensing of intangible assets (patents, trade names, IP, etc.) Develop and utilize unique tax expertise Hvordan verdi skapes (Verdidrivere) Hva man kan gjøre bedre (Forbedringstiltak) Selskapsverdi Inntektsvekst Marginforbedring Effektiv bruk av kapital Forventninger Et selskaps verdi skapes av fire grunnleggende verdidrivere: Verdikartet er et rammeverk som konkretiserer og tydeliggjør sammenhengen mellom tiltak og verdiskaping