Special Pedagogical challenges in kindergartens and schools: Opportunity and growth.
- Merethe Hjelle
- 7 år siden
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1 NO EN Special Pedagogical challenges in kindergartens and schools: Opportunity and growth. SPECIAL PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES IN KINDERGARTENS AND SCHOOLS: OPPORTUNITY AND GROWTH. ECTS Credits 30 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2015 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Application deadline The Faculty of Education and Arts JOB OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER EDUCATION ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Higher Education Entrance Qualification (international students refer to NOKUTs GSU list). Completed bachelor\'s degree equivalent to a Norwegian bachelor\'s degree. Page 1 of 5
2 Programme overview 1ST STUDY YEAR OVERVIEW Autumn 2015 Special Pedagogical challenges in kindergartens and schools: Opportunity and growth. (1/2) 30 SP Mandatory courses 30 ECTS Credits Spring 2016 Special Pedagogical challenges in kindergartens and schools: Opportunity and growth. (2/2) 30 SP Page 2 of 5
3 Study plan ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Higher Education Entrance Qualification (international students refer to NOKUTs GSU list). Completed bachelor\'s degree equivalent to a Norwegian bachelor\'s degree. STUDY ABROAD n/a COSTS No special costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING If an applicant does not fulfill the requirements for The Higher Education Entrance Qualification but has experience-based competence relevant to the field of study, he or she may apply for recognition of this competence in order to fulfill the admission requirements. See also General Arrangements for recognition of prior learning under the University Rules and Regulations. EXAMINATION REGULATIONS, ASSESSMENT AND GRADING Examination regulations can be found in regulations for studies and exams at University of Nordland (UiN) as well as the special regulations Regulations for examination candidates at UiN. The Norwegian assessment and grading system uses the letter grades A-F, in which A denotes the best grade and F denotes failed. Grades can also be given as: passed / not passed or approved / not approved. PROGRAMME EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students using course evaluation studies and by the programme director. The evaluations are included in the university s quality assurance system QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS Here we refer to Regulations pertaining to studies and exams at University of Nordland (UiN) as well as local regulations and directives, see University Rules and Regulations. Page 3 of 5
4 Subject descriptions (1) Special Pedagogical challenges in kindergartens and schools: Opportunity and growth. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. SPECIAL PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES IN KINDERGARTENS AND SCHOOLS: OPPORTUNITY AND GROWTH. ECTS Credits 30 Level Course type Start semester Graduate degrees Compulsory. Autumn 2015/spring 2016 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 1st study year Bodø. The Faculty of Education and Arts COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university's quality assurance system. Page 4 of 5
5 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Required Erdis, M. g Bjerke, A.-K. (2009). Juss for pedagoger. Fagbokforlaget, (112 s.) Eriksen, K., E.; Halkier, L. (2012) Utviklingsstøtte til barn i barnehagen 1. utg., Kommuneforlaget, (128 s.) Gjærum, B., Grøholt, B., Sommerschild, H.(red). (2003). Mestring som mulighet i møte med barn, ungdom og foreldre. 4. opplag, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (355 s.) Helland, T. (2012) Språk og dysleksi. Fagbokforlaget (336 s.) Holland, H. (2013) Varig atferdsendring hos barn krever varig atferdsendring hos voksne, 1. utg. Gyldendal Akademisk (200 s.) Johannessen, A., Tufte, P. A. og Christoffersen, L. (2011). Introduksjon til samfunnsvitenskapelig metode. 4. utgave 2. opplag, Abstrakt forlag. Kap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16,17, 26 og 27. (194 s.) Johannessen, E., E. Kokkersvold og L. Vedeler. (2010), Rådgivning. Tradisjoner, teoretiske perspektiver og praksis. 3. utg. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (300 s.) Lassen, L. (2014), Rådgivning. Kunsten å hjelpe og sikre vekstfremmende prosesser. 2. utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (180 s.) Lyster, S-A H. (2012), Elever med lese- og skrivevansker. Hva vet vi? Hva gjør vi? Oslo: Cappelen DAMM Akademisk. (110 s.) Melby-Lervåg, Monica; Lyster, Solveig-Alma Halaas & Hulme, Charles (2012). Phonological Skills and Their Role in Learning to Read: A Meta- Analytic Review. Psychological bulletin. ISSN (2), s doi: /a (30 s) Morken, I. (2012). Normalitet og avvik. Spesialpedagogiske utfordringer en innføring. 2. utgave, Cappelen Damm, (172 s.) Nordahl, T. (red.)(2012), Bedre læring for alle elever. Om skoler som har problemer med elever, og om elever som har problemer i skolen. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (214 s.) Ogden, T. (2015). Sosial kompetanse og problematferd blant barn og unge. 1. utgave, Gyldendal Akademisk (282 s.) Roland, R. (2014) Mobbingens psykologi. 2 utgave, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, (224 s.) Skagen, K. (red.)(2011), Kunnskap og handling i pedagogisk veiledning. 2. utg. kap. Innl., 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11 og 12. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (156 s.) Additional: Bele, I.B. (2009). Språkvansker. Teoretiske perspektiver og praktiske utfordringer. (2. opplag) Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag (261 s.) Egan, G. (2007), The Skilled Helper. A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping. Belmont, California: Thomson Brooks/Cole. Egeberg, E. (2012). Flere språk flere muligheter. Flerspråklighet, tilpasset opplæring og spesialpedagogisk metodikk. Cappelen Damm, Oslo, (220 s.) Hagtvedt, B. E. (2004). Språkstimulering: tale og skrift i førskolealderen. 2. utg. Cappelen akademisk (445 s.) Høien T., Gabrielsen E., Heber E. (2008). Unge og voksne med lesevansker. Bryne. Logometrica. (148 s.) Høien, T. og Lundberg, I. (2012). Dyslexi. Fra teori til praksis. 5. utgave. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo, (310 s.) Killen, K.(2009). Sveket. Barn i risiko og omsorgssituasjoner. 4. utg. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget Lassen, L. og N. Breilid. (2010), Den gode elevsamtalen. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk Mathiesen, I. H. og Vedøy, G. (2012). Spesialundervisning drivere og dilemma. Rapport IRIS 2012/017 Rapport Spesialundervisning - drivere og dilemma.pdf Ogden, T. (2012), Klasseledelse. Praksis, teori og forskning Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (172 s.) Skau, G.M. (2007), Gode fagfolk vokser. Personlig kompetanse i arbeid med mennesker. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag Tezchner, S. v. (2012). Utviklingspsykologi. 2. utgave. (Kapittel 16. Utvikling av kommunikasjon og språk, s ) Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo, (51 s.) Utdanningsdirektoratet (2014).Utdanningsspeilet Tall og analyse av grunnopplæringen i Norge. Utdanningsdirektoratet: Rammeplan for barnehagens innhold og oppgaver, PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE No. ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Compound evaluation (first instance 2013 autumn, last instance 2017 spring). Assignment, worth 45/100 of the grade (first instance 2013 autumn, last instance 2017 spring). Written examination, 6 Hours. Worth 55/100 of the grade (first instance 2013 autumn, last instance 2017 spring). OVERLAPPING COURSES PE306L Interplay and behaviour problems - 30 study points. Page 5 of 5
Special Pedagogical challenges in kindergartens and schools: Opportunity and growth.
NO EN Special Pedagogical challenges in kindergartens and schools: Opportunity and growth. SPECIAL PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES IN KINDERGARTENS AND SCHOOLS: OPPORTUNITY AND GROWTH. ECTS Credits 30 Study level
DetaljerSpesialpedagogiske utfordringer i barnehage og skole: mulighet og vekst
NO EN Spesialpedagogiske utfordringer i barnehage og skole: mulighet og vekst Studiet skal gi inngående kunnskap om spesialpedagogiske utfordringer i barnehage og skole med vekt på hvilke muligheter som
DetaljerSpesialpedagogiske utfordringer i barnehage og skole: mulighet og vekst
NO EN Spesialpedagogiske utfordringer i barnehage og skole: mulighet og vekst Studiet skal gi inngående kunnskap om spesialpedagogiske utfordringer i barnehage og skole med vekt på hvilke muligheter som
DetaljerEnglish, 60 Credits. Page 1 of 7 ENGLISH, 60 CREDITS. ECTS Credits 60. Education and Arts. programme Start semester Autumn 2017 Teaching language
NO EN English, 60 Credits ENGLISH, 60 CREDITS ECTS Credits 60 Study level One year programme Start semester Autumn 2017 Teaching language English Faculty Campus Application deadline The Faculty of Education
DetaljerOccupational health and safety in agriculture
NO EN Occupational health and safety in agriculture OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY IN AGRICULTURE ECTS Credits 15 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2015 Campus of JOB OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER
DetaljerEverydag Rehabilitation
NO EN Everydag Rehabilitation EVERYDAY REHABILITATION ECTS Credits 30 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2016 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Application deadline Faculty of
DetaljerEverydag Rehabilitation
NO EN Everydag Rehabilitation EVERYDAY REHABILITATION ECTS Credits 30 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2017 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Application deadline Faculty of
DetaljerHonours in Occupational Health and Safety
Honours in Occupational Health and Safety NO EN A healthy and safe working environment pays well in both human and financial terms. This programme enables the student to improve his/her skills in an increasingly
DetaljerHonours in Occupational Health and Safety
Honours in Occupational Health and Safety NO EN A healthy and safe working environment pays well in both human and financial terms. This programme enables the student to improve his/her skills in an increasingly
DetaljerNutrition. Page 1 of 8 NUTRITION
NO EN Nutrition NUTRITION ECTS Credits 30 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2016 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Faculty of Professional Studies Bodø Application deadline
DetaljerAdaptive Learning (Master)
NO EN Adaptive Learning (Master) The programme in adapted learning with further study of pedagogics or didactics, Norwegian, mathematics, RLE, occupational-didactics or special-needs education is an academic
DetaljerHonours in Occupational Health and Safety
NO EN Honours in Occupational Health and Safety A healthy and safe working environment pays well in both human and financial terms. This programme enables the student to improve his/her skills in an increasingly
DetaljerHistory-one year, E-Learning
NO EN History-one year, E-Learning The web-based on-line programme is equivalent to the One-Year programme in History, but teaching, progression and examination differ. The programme gives an insight into
DetaljerHuman Resource Management, one year programme (Bodø)
Human Resource Management, one year programme (Bodø) Level of qualification One year programme ECTS credits 60 Programme duration 1 year Mode of study Full time and part time Study place Bodø Responsible
DetaljerHuman Resource Management, one year programme (Helgeland)
Human Resource Management, one year programme (Helgeland) Level of qualification One year programme ECTS credits 60 Programme duration 1 year Mode of study Full time and part time Study place Mo i Rana
DetaljerNO EN. Public Health
NO EN Public Health Public health has in recent years gained importance through the World Health Organization s (WHO) strategy "Health for all in 2000." This study provides a comprehensive approach to
DetaljerHuman Resource Management, one year programme (Vesterålen)
Human Resource Management, one year programme (Vesterålen) Level of qualification One year programme ECTS credits 60 Programme duration 1 year Mode of study Full time and part time Study place Stokmarknes
DetaljerLeadership (Bachelor)
NO EN Leadership (Bachelor) Are you interested in leadership, human resources management and labour laws? Do you want to know more about how organizations work, change and develop? Do you want to know
DetaljerAdaptive Learning (Master)
NO EN Adaptive Learning (Master) The programme in adapted learning with further study of pedagogics or didactics, Norwegian, mathematics, RLE, occupational-didactics or special-needs education is an academic
DetaljerLeadership (Bachelor)
NO EN Leadership (Bachelor) Are you interested in leadership, human resources management and labour laws? Do you want to know more about how organizations work, change and develop? Do you want to know
DetaljerAdaptive Learning (Master)
NO EN Adaptive Learning (Master) The programme in adapted learning with further study of pedagogics or didactics, Norwegian, mathematics, RLE, occupational-didactics or special-needs education is an academic
DetaljerGuidance. CBEST, CSET, Middle Level Credential
Guidance CBEST, CSET, Middle Level Credential Liberal Studies for Teachers, 2009 CBEST California Basic Educational Skills Test Measures basic educational skills needed for teachers Reading Writing Math
DetaljerPolitical Science (Bachelor)
NO EN Political Science (Bachelor) Why are there wars and conflicts, and what can we do to prevent them? How are modern states governed, and what are the consequences for systems of government? What is
DetaljerFaculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015
NO EN History (Bachelor) The bachelor's degree in history provides knowledge of global economic, social and political developments, achievments and challenges. The programme enables students to develop
5 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO UPPER SECONDARY EDUCATION FOR SPEAKERS OF MINORITY LANGUAGES RECENTLY ARRIVED IN NORWAY 2017-2018 About this form - This is an application form for admission to upper secondary
DetaljerFaculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015
NO EN History (Bachelor) The bachelor's degree in history provides knowledge of global economic, social and political developments, achievments and challenges. The programme enables students to develop
DetaljerKartleggingsskjema / Survey
Kartleggingsskjema / Survey 1. Informasjon om opphold i Norge / Information on resident permit in Norway Hvilken oppholdstillatelse har du i Norge? / What residence permit do you have in Norway? YES No
DetaljerNursing and Health Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2017
NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting and challenging,
DetaljerJournalism (Bachelor)
NO EN Journalism (Bachelor) Do you like to write? Are you interested in visual media and sound production? Does your temperature rise at the mention of injustice, deception or misuse of power? Do you want
DetaljerMaster of Philosophy in Special Needs Education
Master of Philosophy in Special Needs Education STUDIEPROGRAM UVM2-SNED Vedtak mht etablering, endring osv av studieprogram Da studieprogram vedtas ordinært opprettet av Universitetsstyret mens programplanen
DetaljerPrimary teacher education grades 1-7
NO EN Primary teacher education grades 1-7 All parents want the best teacher for their children. We therefore need skilled and responsible teachers who can give children the knowledge they require. Pedagogy
DetaljerHuman Resource Management (HRM) (Bachelor)
NO EN Human Resource Management (HRM) (Bachelor) Would you like to work with children and young people at risk, and their families? As a child protection professional you can contribute to understanding
DetaljerPre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor.
NO EN Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. The programme description gives directions for instruction and practice training through setting aims and objectives for the
DetaljerSocial Work (Bachelor)
NO EN Social Work (Bachelor) The Bachelor of Social Work programme educates user-oriented and reflective professionals qualified to care for people in vulnerable situations. Students learn how to work
DetaljerB Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T /
B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T 2 0 1 8 / 2 0 1 9 Viktig: I de fleste fag vil det i tillegg til bøker være et digitalt kompendium.
DetaljerPre-School Teacher Education-bachelor.
NO EN Pre-School Teacher Education-bachelor. Do you want an occupation where each day is different from the last, and offers its own brand of excitement? Can you see yourself as a leader, working with
DetaljerPrimary teacher education grades 1-7
NO EN Primary teacher education grades 1-7 All parents want the best teacher for their children. We therefore need skilled and responsible teachers who can give children the knowledge they require. Pedagogy
DetaljerHuman Resource Management (HRM) (Bachelor)
NO EN Human Resource Management (HRM) (Bachelor) Would you like to work with children and young people at risk, and their families? As a child protection professional you can contribute to understanding
DetaljerNursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland
NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting
DetaljerRevmatiske tilstander i et livsløpsperspektiv
Revmatiske tilstander i et livsløpsperspektiv Enhet for sykepleie og helsefag Profesjonshøgskolen Universitetet i Nordland Vår 2013 KOMBINERT NETT- OG SAMLINGSBASERT STUDIE I REVMATISKE SYKDOMMER I ET
DetaljerNursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model
NO EN Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model There are plenty of challenges and we need you! An exciting and challenging study programme interchanging theory and practice. As a
DetaljerNursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model
NO EN Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model There are plenty of challenges and we need you! An exciting and challenging study programme interchanging theory and practice. As a
DetaljerFaculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015
NO EN Sociology-one year Are you interested in better understanding the world we live in and your everyday life? Would you like to know how society and its institutions change? If this is the case then
DetaljerPre-School Teacher Education-bachelor.
NO EN Pre-School Teacher Education-bachelor. Do you want an occupation where each day is different from the last, and offers its own brand of excitement? Can you see yourself as a leader, working with
DetaljerPolitical Science (Bachelor)
NO EN Political Science (Bachelor) Why are there wars and conflicts, and what can we do to prevent them? How are modern states governed, and what are the consequences for systems of government? What is
DetaljerStudieplan 2015/2016
Årsstudium i juss Studieplan 2015/2016 Description Årsstudiet i juss er et tilbud for studenter med interesse for juridiske emner. Studietilbudet vil være relevant i kombinasjon med de fleste av høgskolens
DetaljerNursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland
NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting
DetaljerPre-School Education-bachelor, Vesterålen
Pre-School Education-bachelor, Vesterålen NO EN BACHELOR OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION, WEB BASED AND CONCENTRATED TEACHING, VESTERÅLEN ECTS Credits 180 Study level Bachelor Start semester Autumn 2016 Teaching
DetaljerLower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, session-based teaching
NO EN Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, session-based teaching LOWER SECONDARY TEACHER EDUCATION GRADES 5-10, SESSION-BASED TEACHING ECTS Credits 240 Study level Programme of professional
DetaljerProfessional Studies. Application deadline 4/15/2015
NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting and challenging,
DetaljerPrimary teacher education grades 1-7
NO EN Primary teacher education grades 1-7 All parents want the best teacher for their children. We therefore need skilled and responsible teachers who can give children the knowledge they require. Pedagogy
DetaljerChild Protection (Bachelor)
NO EN Child Protection (Bachelor) Would you like to work with children and young people at risk, and their families? As a child protection professional you can contribute to understanding and reducing
DetaljerPre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor.
NO EN Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. The programme description gives directions for instruction and practice training through setting aims and objectives for the
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MØTEPROTOKOLL Internasjonalt Utvalg Dato: 08.05.2018 kl. 9:00 Sted: Skype Arkivsak: 15/01544 Tilstede: Møtende varamedlemmer: Forfall: Hanne Solheim Hansen, Hugo Nordseth, Grete Ingemann Knudsen, Kaja
DetaljerNursing (Bachelor) Page 1 of 66 BACHELOR IN NURSING. ECTS Credits 180. Professional Studies. Campus Application deadline
NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting and challenging,
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Studieprogram B-ØKAD, ENGELSK, 2006 HØST, versjon 08-Aug-2013 11:09:55 Business Administration - Bachelor's Degree Programme Credits: 180 credits Grade name: Bachelor i økonomisk-administrative fag Full-time/Part-time:
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Oversikt - felter i DS (som må kontrolleres/registreres i FS etter ny UHR-mal) rapport FS670.001 (DS) Om DS: Skal printes tosidig på spesialark uten stifter! ("løse ark") OBS! Vær nøye ved kopiering av
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Primary teacher education grades 1-7 (Master 5 years) The program is a full time study with the core subjects Pedagogy and pupil knowledge and Norwegian and mathematics targeting 1 to 7. class. In the
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Kategori Emnekode Course Code Namn på emnet, nynorsk Namn på emnet, bokmål Course Title, English Studiepoeng, omfang ECTS Credits Studienivå (studiesyklus) Level of Study Fulltid/deltid Full-time/Part-time
DetaljerNursing - Bachelor's Degree Programme
Nursing - Bachelor's Degree Programme Credits: 180 credits Grade name: Bachelor i sykepleier Full-time/Part-time: Full-time Introduction The programme is offered as a full-time programme over three years
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Bachelor of Organization and Management Level of qualification Bachelor degree ECTS credits 180 Programme duration 3 Years Mode of study Full Time Study place Bodø Responsible faculty Faculty of Social
DetaljerNursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland
NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting
DetaljerFaculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015
NO EN Sociology-one year Are you interested in better understanding the world we live in and your everyday life? Would you like to know how society and its institutions change? If this is the case then
DetaljerEmnekode Course Code Namn på emnet, nynorsk Namn på emnet, bokmål Course Title, English Studiepoeng, omfang. ECTS Credits Studienivå (studiesyklus)
Kategori Emnekode Course Code Namn på emnet, nynorsk Namn på emnet, bokmål Course Title, English Studiepoeng, omfang ECTS Credits Studienivå (studiesyklus) Level of Study Fulltid/deltid Full-time/Part-time
BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE PROGRAMS Four-Year BA Degree in and / or Total: 27 or Total 18 Church Ministries / Intercultural Studies or or Total: 36 Total: 24 Total for Program: 120 Essentials of Learning
DetaljerPre-School Teacher Education-bachelor.
NO EN Pre-School Teacher Education-bachelor. Do you want an occupation where each day is different from the last, and offers its own brand of excitement? Can you see yourself as a leader, working with
DetaljerInnhold - teori om innovasjon - implementering og ledelsesprosesser som kan skape kvalitative forbedringer.
Emneplan Innovasjon, implementering og ledelse. Seminar for barnehageledere, barnehageeiere, Fylkesmannsembete og politikere tilknyttet innovasjon, implementering og ledelse av Lekbasert læring. Seminaret
DetaljerNursing (Bachelor) Page 1 of 66 BACHELOR IN NURSING. ECTS Credits 180. Professional Studies. Campus Application deadline
NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting and challenging,
DetaljerStudieplan 2015/2016
Årsstudium i statsvitenskap Studieplan 2015/2016 Description Hensikten med studiet er å gi grunnleggende kunnskap om og forståelse av politiske og administrative prosesser på nasjonalt og internasjonalt
DetaljerBachelor in Child Protection
Bachelor in Child Protection Level of qualification Bachelor degree ECTS credits 180 ects Programme duration 6 semesters Mode of study Full Time Study place Bodø Responsible faculty Faculty of Social Sciences
DetaljerPrimary teacher education grades 1-7 (Master 5 years)
Primary teacher education grades 1-7 (Master 5 years) The program is a full time study with the core subjects Pedagogy and pupil knowledge and Norwegian and mathematics targeting 1 to 7. class. In the
ANNUAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES MVP SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM CALLING ALL VENDORS! Here is your chance to gain company exposure while strengthening your dealer Association at the same time. Annual Sponsorship
DetaljerPre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor.
NO EN Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. The programme description gives directions for instruction and practice training through setting aims and objectives for the
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Til skolen Rundskriv S 09-2002 Oslo, 15. februar 2002 Stipend fra Jubileumsfondet skoleåret 2002-2003 For nærmere omtale av H.M. Kong Olav V s Jubileumsfond viser vi til NKF-handboka kap. 12.3.4. Fondet
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AAR4620 Architectural Design with Light and Colour - autumn 2016 Simple programs with focus on the interaction of light, colour and material. Credits 15. Main teachers are Barbara Matusiak and Kine Angelo.
DetaljerB Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T /
B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T 2 0 1 8 / 2 0 1 9 Viktig: I de fleste fag vil det i tillegg til bøker være et digitalt kompendium.
QUT HANDBOOK 2011 - Page 2750 University Diploma in Business (BS40) Course duration (full-time): Domestic fees (indicative): International Fees (indicative): International Entry: Total credit points: Standard
DetaljerFaculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015
NO EN Sociology (Bachelor) Sociology is the science of society. Sociology studies how humans act, interact and organise society, including their own everyday life. Sociology uses concepts, theories, models
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Emnebeskriving for Reell analyse. (Namn på emnet, nynorsk) Reell analyse. (Navn på emnet, bokmål) Real Analysis. (Name of the course, English) Godkjenning: Emnebeskrivinga er godkjend av (Fakultetet brukar
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EN-435 1 Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning Oppgaver Oppgavetype Vurdering 1 EN-435 16/12-15 Introduction Flervalg Automatisk poengsum 2 EN-435 16/12-15 Task 1 Skriveoppgave Manuell poengsum 3 EN-435
DetaljerBusiness Administration - Bachelor's Degree Programme
Business Administration - Bachelor's Degree Programme Credits: 180 credits Grade name: Bachelor i økonomisk-administrative fag Full-time/Part-time: Full-time Education plan Business administration - Bachelor
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Emnebeskriving for KJEM326 Utvalde emne i kjemometri KJEM326 Utvalgte emner i kjemometri KJEM326 Selected topics in Chemometrics Godkjenning: Emnebeskrivinga er godkjend av (Fakultetet brukar nemningar
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Spesialpedagogikk - Deltakelse og marginalisering del I og II - videreutdanning (2014-15) DESP 2001 Pensum for studieåret Obligatorisk litteratur Obligatorisk pensum tema I ( høst 2014) Arnesen, A-L.(2004).
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Assessing second language skills - a challenge for teachers Case studies from three Norwegian primary schools The Visions Conference 2011 UiO 18 20 May 2011 Kirsten Palm Oslo University College Else Ryen
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DetaljerNursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model
NO EN Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model There are plenty of challenges and we need you! An exciting and challenging study programme interchanging theory and practice. As a
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Språkutvikling og språklæring kompetansesenter.kap.1 og 4 Gabrielsen, Nina N. og Oxborough, Gunn H.O. (2014). Det gode grunnlaget. I Lundetræ, K. og Tønnessen, F.E. (red). Å lykkes med lesing. Tidlig innsats
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Gemensama vägar, Vasa 2014 Spesialpedagogisk handledning i et prosess og målrettet perspektiv v/dosent i spesialpedagogikk, Gisle Johnsen, Universitetet i Nordland Noe om innholdet 1. Noen begrepsavklaringer