Honours in Occupational Health and Safety

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1 Honours in Occupational Health and Safety NO EN A healthy and safe working environment pays well in both human and financial terms. This programme enables the student to improve his/her skills in an increasingly sought after subject amongst both employers and public authorities. The program is organized so that studies can be combined with work. HONOURS IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ECTS Credits 30 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2015 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Bodø Application deadline 5/15/2015 Programme coordinator Academic advisor JOB OPPORTUNITIES he program provides expertise in a subject area that is applicable in all parts of the workforce, and where efforts by both employers and governments is growing. FURTHER EDUCATION The program could be taken as a part of a bachelor program. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Higher Education Entrance Qualification (international students refer to NOKUTs GSU list) Language requirement Minimum completed 60 ECTS. Page 1 of 8

2 Programme overview 1ST STUDY YEAR OVERVIEW Autumn 2015 Honours in Occupational Health and Safety (1/2) HM204H 30 SP Mandatory courses 30 ECTS Credits Spring 2016 Honours in Occupational Health and Safety (2/2) HM204H 30 SP Page 2 of 8

3 Study plan PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION The Norwegian Health, Environmental and Safety legislation sets requirements for systematic work in enterprises in order to create a healthy and safe working environment for all employees. The program aims to provide the necessary knowledge to work systematically with occupational health and safety issues, to provide insight into the social and organizational frameworks that affect these activities, and to increase an understanding of the relationship between working environment and health issues. The program has a scope of 30 ECTS credits and is organized as a part-time course over two semesters. The academic progression will be 50% of normal progression. The course will be organized as five intensive periods of concentrated teaching, mainly lectures. Each period usually runs from Monday to Thursday. The course will cover a total of hours. Between sessions students keep in touch with the university using and an electronic learning managmenent system Fronter. LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of the study program candidates will: Knowledge have knowledge of key issues, theories, concepts, processes and tools concerning the field of Occupational Health and Safety have knowledge of Internal Control as an organizational tool Skills Be able to explain and use the terminology of Occupational Health and Safety, and be able to communicate with others, and inform others, about key issues using concepts of the discipline Have basic skills in the use of Internal Control as an organizational tool, and be able to participate in the planning and implementation of systematic measures General Competence be able to apply their knowledge and skills to promote efforts to improve conditions in regard to Occupational Health and Safety FURTHER EDUCATION The program could be taken as a part of a bachelor program. STUDY ABROAD Not applicable COSTS No special costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING If an applicant does not fulfill the requirements for The Higher Education Entrance Qualification but has experience-based competence relevant to the field of study, he or she may apply for recognition of this competence in order to fulfill the admission requirements. See also General Arrangements for recognition of prior learningunder the University Rules and Regulations. Admission based on real life work experience (formal, informal and non-formal prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations. EXAMINATION REGULATIONS, ASSESSMENT AND GRADING Examination regulations can be found in regulations for studies and exams at University of Nordland (UiN) as well as the special regulations Regulations for examination candidates at UiN. The Norwegian assessment and grading system uses the letter grades A-F, in which A denotes the best grade and F denotes failed. Grades can also be given as: passed / not passed or approved / not approved. Page 3 of 8

4 ASSESSMENT METHODS Written exam and compulsory assignments. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS An 6-hour written examination with the regular Norwegian grading system (A-F). PROGRAMME EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students using course evaluation studies and by the programme director. The evaluations are included in the university s quality assurance system. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS Here we refer to Regulations pertaining to studies and exams at University of Nordland (UiN) as well as local regulations and directives, see University Rules and Regulations. Page 4 of 8

5 Subject descriptions (1) Honours in Occupational Health and Safety HM204H The course provides a broad introduction to a variety of topics that are central in the field of Occupational Health and Safety and the Norwegian Health, Environment and Safety legislation. The course focuses on both health promotion and the prevention of illness, injuries, accidents and social problems. Sick leave and inclusive working conditions are also central themes. Another part of this course is related to the purchase or sale of products and services which may represent a health risk, and waste management. Health, Environment and Safety legislation requires systematic activities in order to prevent health hazards, environmental disruption and pollution of the environment. Internal control has been introduced as an organizational tool. Among the main topics included in the course are: Work, working environment and the Working Environment Act Prevention and health promotion The Inclusive Workplace (The Cooperation Agreement on a More Inclusive Workplace) Organizations, management, participation and internal control regulations Psychological and social factors in the working environment Physical and chemical factors in the working environment No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. HONOURS IN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY HM204H ECTS Credits 30 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory. Year of study Course location Faculty 1st study year Bodø The Faculty of Education and Arts PER CHRISTIAN BORGEN Course coordinator Førstelektor Start semester Autumn 2015/spring 2016 Teaching language Application deadline Norwegian Phone: per.c.borgen@nord.no COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university s quality assurance system. Page 5 of 8

6 LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the students will: Knowledge and understanding have knowledge of key issues, theories, concepts, processes and tools concerning the field of Occupational Health and Safety have knowledge of Internal Control as an organizational tool Skills be able to explain and use the terminology of Occupational Health and Safety, and be able to communicate with others and inform others about key issues using concepts of the discipline have basic skills in the use of Internal Control as an organizational tool, and be able to participate in the implementation of systematic measures General Competence be able to apply their knowledge and skills to promote efforts to improve conditions with regard to Occupational Health and Safety PREREQUISITIES Higher Education Entrance Qualification (international students refer to NOKUTs GSU list) Language requirement Minimum completed 60 ECTS. MODE OF DELIVERY Face to face TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, seminars, and assignment work. RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Pensum består av 2163 sider og er sortert under seks ulike overskrifter, som er identiske med undervisningens seks forelesningsrekker. Det er imidlertid ingen vanntette skott mellom de ulike delene av pensum. Inndelingen er foretatt for å gjøre det lettere å finne frem i pensum. Arbeid, arbeidsmiljø og arbeidsmiljøloven (141 sider) Forebyggende og helsefremmende arbeid (149 sider) Inkluderende arbeidsliv (142 sider) Organisasjoner, ledelse, medvirkning og internkontroll (683 sider) Psykososialt arbeidsmiljø (352 sider) Fysisk-kjemisk arbeidsmiljø (696 sider) Deler av pensum oppgis med referanse til et elektronisk dokument (internettreferanse). Pensumreferanser merket med stjerne * inngår i et kompendium som er til salgs i bokhandelen Akademika ved Universitetet i Nordland. Arbeid, arbeidsmiljø og arbeidsmiljøloven (141 sider) Bernhardsen, A. Arbeidsmiljøutvalget. Håndbok for arbeid i AMU. Kap. 2. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, sider. * Forskrift om systematisk helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsarbeid i virksomheter (Internkontrollforskriften). PDF med brukerrettet veiledning og kommentarer. 30 sider. Forskrift om organisering, ledelse og medvirkning. 24 sider. Lov om arbeidsmiljø, arbeidstid og stillingsvern m.v. (Arbeidsmiljøloven). 60 sider. doc=/usr/www/lovdata/all/nl html&emne=arbeidsmilj ov*&& Torvatn H, Forseth U, Andersen TK. Partner for arbeidsmiljø det norske verneombudets rolle og funksjon. Sammendrag av rapporten. SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn, sider. praksis/sammendrag SINTEF A3085.pdf Forebyggende og helsefremmende arbeid (149 sider) Lillestrømerklæringen om helsefremmende arbeidsplasser. 2 sider. Mæland JG. Forebyggende helsearbeid. Folkehelsearbeid i teori og praksis. Kap. 1-3, 5-7, 9-10, Universitetsforlaget, sider. Ottawa-charteret om helsefremmende arbeid. Helsedirektoratet, sider. * Page 6 of 8

7 Inkluderende arbeidsliv (142 sider) Evaluering av IA-avtalen ( ). Sammendrag av forskningsrapport. SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn, Avd. Helse (Solveig Osborg Ose et al.). 21 sider * Intensjonsavtale om et mer inkluderende arbeidsliv (IA-avtalen). Tilgjengelig på NAVs hjemmesider. NAV (2014) Hva er IA?. 9 sider. arbeidsliv/hva er IA Lov om folketrygd (Folketrygdloven). Kap. 1-4, 8, sider. Lov om yrkesskadeforsikring. 6 sider. Markussen S. Økonomisk sykefraværsforskning: Hva vet vi, og hvor bør vi gå? I: Søkelys på arbeidslivet, Nr 1, sider. Mehlum IS. Hvor mye av sykefraværet er arbeidsrelatert? I: Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening, Nr 2, sider. seks_id= Organisasjoner, ledelse, medvirkning og internkontroll (683 sider) Bang H. Organisasjonskultur: En begrepsavklaring. I: Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening, Nr 4, sider * Borgen PC, Lunde BV. Sykehus er en meget spesiell opplevelse. Utfordringer i HMS-arbeidet i sykehus. I: Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, Nr 4, sider * Borgen PC, Lunde BV. Arbeidslivet som arena for folkehelsearbeid. Mål og midler i HMS-arbeidet. I: Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, Nr 4, sider * Borgen PC. En av mine oppgaver er egentlig å selge tankene. Systematisk HMS-arbeid i sykehus som translasjonsprosess. I: Sosiologisk tidsskrift, Nr 4, sider * Jacobsen DI, Thorsvik J. Hvordan organisasjoner fungerer. Fagbokforlaget, sider. Karlsen JE. Systematisk HMS-arbeid. Høyskoleforlaget, sider. Psykososialt arbeidsmiljø (352 sider) Einarsen S, Pedersen H. Håndtering av konflikter og trakassering i arbeidslivet. Kap Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, sider. Frøyland, K. Arbeidsliv, rusmiddelbruk og forebygging. I: Sagvaag S, Sikveland B. (red.). Alkohol Arbeidsliv = Sant? Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, sider. * Johnson VJ, Hall EM. Job strain, Work Place Support, and Cardiovascular Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study of a Random Sample of the Swedish Working Population. Am J Public Health 1988; 78: sider. Karasek R, Baker D, Marxer F, Ahlbom A, Theorell T. Job decision latitude, job demands, and cardiovascular disease: A prospective study of Swedish men. Am J Public Health 1981; 71: sider. Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. Job burnout. Annual Review of Psycology; 2001;52: Academic Research Library. 26 sider. * Skogstad, A. Psykososiale faktorer i arbeidet. I: Einarsen S, Skogstad A. (red.). Det gode arbeidsmiljø. 2. utgave. Fagbokforlaget, sider. * Fysisk-kjemisk arbeidsmiljø (696 sider) Arbeid som årsak til muskelskjelettlidelser. Kunnskapsstatus STAMI-rapport. Årgang 9, nr 22, sider. nid=53139&lcid=1044 Ergonomisk arbeidsmiljø. Delrapport. STAMI-rapport. Årgang 9, nr 15, sider. Forskrift om miljørettet helsevern. 11 sider. Forskrift om miljørettet helsevern i barnehager og skoler m.v. 4 sider. Johnsen LGW. Inneklima. Arbeidsmiljøforlaget, sider. Johnsen LGW. Risikovurdering. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, sider. Langemyr A. Reduser. Om helse- og miljøfarlige kjemikalier. Tiden forlag, sider. Leira, HL. Arbeidsmedisin. Kap. 3. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, sider * Lov om vern mot brann, eksplosjon og ulykker med farlig stoff og om brannvesenets redningsoppgaver (Brann- og eksplosjonsvernloven). 15 sider. RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE None PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Not applicable Page 7 of 8

8 ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Written examination, 6 Hours (first instance 2015 autumn). Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2015 autumn). Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2015 autumn). OVERLAPPING COURSES HM300H Occupational Health and Safety - 25 study points. Page 8 of 8

Honours in Occupational Health and Safety

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ISO 41001:2018 «Den nye læreboka for FM» Pro-FM. Norsk tittel: Fasilitetsstyring (FM) - Ledelsessystemer - Krav og brukerveiledning ISO 41001:2018 «Den nye læreboka for FM» Norsk tittel: Fasilitetsstyring (FM) - Ledelsessystemer - Krav og brukerveiledning ISO 41001:2018 Kvalitetsverktøy i utvikling og forandring Krav - kapittel 4 til


Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, session-based teaching

Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, session-based teaching NO EN Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, session-based teaching LOWER SECONDARY TEACHER EDUCATION GRADES 5-10, SESSION-BASED TEACHING ECTS Credits 240 Study level Programme of professional


Adaptive Learning (Master)

Adaptive Learning (Master) NO EN Adaptive Learning (Master) The programme in adapted learning with further study of pedagogics or didactics, Norwegian, mathematics, RLE, occupational-didactics or special-needs education is an academic


FM kompetanseutvikling i Statoil

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Kartleggingsskjema / Survey

Kartleggingsskjema / Survey Kartleggingsskjema / Survey 1. Informasjon om opphold i Norge / Information on resident permit in Norway Hvilken oppholdstillatelse har du i Norge? / What residence permit do you have in Norway? YES No


Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland

Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting


Nursing (Bachelor) Page 1 of 66 BACHELOR IN NURSING. ECTS Credits 180. Professional Studies. Campus Application deadline

Nursing (Bachelor) Page 1 of 66 BACHELOR IN NURSING. ECTS Credits 180. Professional Studies. Campus Application deadline NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting and challenging,


04.11.2014. Ph.d-utdanningen. Harmonisering av krav i Norden

04.11.2014. Ph.d-utdanningen. Harmonisering av krav i Norden Ph.d-utdanningen Harmonisering av krav i Norden 2 1 Nasjonalt forskningsdekanmøte i Tromsø, oktober 2014 Nordic Medical Research Councils (NOS-M), november 2014 Prodekanmøte våren 2015 Dekanmøte våren



TEKSTER PH.D.-KANDIDATER FREMDRIFTSRAPPORTERING TEKSTER PH.D.-KANDIDATER FREMDRIFTSRAPPORTERING DISTRIBUSJONS-E-POST TIL ALLE KANDIDATER: (Fornavn, etternavn) Den årlige fremdriftsrapporteringen er et viktig tiltak som gjør instituttene og fakultetene


Professional Studies. Application deadline 4/15/2015

Professional Studies. Application deadline 4/15/2015 NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting and challenging,


Faculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015

Faculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015 NO EN History (Bachelor) The bachelor's degree in history provides knowledge of global economic, social and political developments, achievments and challenges. The programme enables students to develop


Journalism (Bachelor)

Journalism (Bachelor) NO EN Journalism (Bachelor) Do you like to write? Are you interested in visual media and sound production? Does your temperature rise at the mention of injustice, deception or misuse of power? Do you want


(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa UNDERWRITING LIMITS The following tables show our financial and medical underwriting limits effective from 07 July 2017. FINANCIAL LIMITS Protection Financial evidence requirements Additional financial








Experiences with standards and criteria in Norway Sissel Skillinghaug/Kirsti Aandstad Hettasch Assessment Department

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Midler til innovativ utdanning

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2A September 23, 2005 SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS 2A September 23, 2005 SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS 3A September 23, 2005 SEE, PAGE 8A Businesses seek flexibility. It helps them compete in a fast-paced,


Public roadmap for information management, governance and exchange. 2015-09-15 SINTEF david.norheim@brreg.no

Public roadmap for information management, governance and exchange. 2015-09-15 SINTEF david.norheim@brreg.no Public roadmap for information management, governance and exchange 2015-09-15 SINTEF david.norheim@brreg.no Skate Skate (governance and coordination of services in egovernment) is a strategic cooperation



2018 ANNUAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ANNUAL SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES MVP SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM CALLING ALL VENDORS! Here is your chance to gain company exposure while strengthening your dealer Association at the same time. Annual Sponsorship


Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 30 credits

Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 30 credits NO EN Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 30 credits NORDIC AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON TEACHING AND LEARNING, 30 CREDITS Studiepoeng 30,0 Type studium Kortere studier/kurs


Stipend fra Jubileumsfondet skoleåret 2002-2003

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Ny studieplan i Introduction to Norway

Ny studieplan i Introduction to Norway Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, Avdeling for lærer- og tolkeutdanning. AVDELINGSSTYRET 08.06.2006 Til: AVDELINGSSTYRET Fra: DEKAN Saksframlegg ved: Wenche Salomonsen King Dato: 290506 A 20/05 Vedlegg: Ny studieplan


Eksamensoppgave i SANT2100 Etnografisk metode

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Faculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015

Faculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015 NO EN Sociology-one year Are you interested in better understanding the world we live in and your everyday life? Would you like to know how society and its institutions change? If this is the case then


Primary teacher education grades 1-7

Primary teacher education grades 1-7 NO EN Primary teacher education grades 1-7 All parents want the best teacher for their children. We therefore need skilled and responsible teachers who can give children the knowledge they require. Pedagogy


Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland

Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting


Unit Relational Algebra 1 1. Relational Algebra 1. Unit 3.3

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Faculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015

Faculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015 NO EN History (Bachelor) The bachelor's degree in history provides knowledge of global economic, social and political developments, achievments and challenges. The programme enables students to develop


(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa UNDERWRITING LIMITS The following tables show our financial and medical underwriting limits effective from 11 April 2016. FINANCIAL LIMITS Protection Financial evidence requirements Additional financial


Læringsmål, vurderingsformer og gradert karakterskala hva er sammenhengen? Om du ønsker, kan du sette inn navn, tittel på foredraget, o.l. her.

Læringsmål, vurderingsformer og gradert karakterskala hva er sammenhengen? Om du ønsker, kan du sette inn navn, tittel på foredraget, o.l. her. 1 Professor Vidar Gynnild: Læringsmål, vurderingsformer og gradert karakterskala hva er sammenhengen? Om du ønsker, kan du sette inn navn, tittel på foredraget, o.l. her. 2 En modell Læringsmål (Intended


Primary teacher education grades 1-7 (Master 5 years)

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Dean Zollman, Kansas State University Mojgan Matloob-Haghanikar, Winona State University Sytil Murphy, Shepherd University

Dean Zollman, Kansas State University Mojgan Matloob-Haghanikar, Winona State University Sytil Murphy, Shepherd University Dean Zollman, Kansas State University Mojgan Matloob-Haghanikar, Winona State University Sytil Murphy, Shepherd University Investigating Impact of types of delivery of undergraduate science content courses


E-Learning Design. Speaker Duy Hai Nguyen, HUE Online Lecture

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Bachelor of Organization and Management

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Hvor mye teoretisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye)

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Faculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015

Faculty of Social Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2015 NO EN Sociology-one year Are you interested in better understanding the world we live in and your everyday life? Would you like to know how society and its institutions change? If this is the case then


Primary teacher education grades 1-7

Primary teacher education grades 1-7 NO EN Primary teacher education grades 1-7 All parents want the best teacher for their children. We therefore need skilled and responsible teachers who can give children the knowledge they require. Pedagogy


Adaptive Learning (Master)

Adaptive Learning (Master) NO EN Adaptive Learning (Master) The programme in adapted learning with further study of pedagogics or didactics, Norwegian, mathematics, RLE, occupational-didactics or special-needs education is an academic


Bachelor of Organization and Management

Bachelor of Organization and Management Bachelor of Organization and Management Level of qualification Bachelor degree ECTS credits 180 Programme duration 3 Years Mode of study Full Time Study place Bodø Responsible faculty Faculty of Social


Feiltre, hendelsestre og RIF-modell

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Nursing (Bachelor) Page 1 of 66 BACHELOR IN NURSING. ECTS Credits 180. Professional Studies. Campus Application deadline

Nursing (Bachelor) Page 1 of 66 BACHELOR IN NURSING. ECTS Credits 180. Professional Studies. Campus Application deadline NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting and challenging,


Emnebeskriving for Reell analyse. (Namn på emnet, nynorsk) Reell analyse. (Navn på emnet, bokmål) Real Analysis. (Name of the course, English)

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Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor.

Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. NO EN Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. The programme description gives directions for instruction and practice training through setting aims and objectives for the


Arbeidsmiljo Konflikthandtering

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