Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model

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1 NO EN Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model There are plenty of challenges and we need you! An exciting and challenging study programme interchanging theory and practice. As a nurse you use yourself and your professional skills and knowledge in meetings with people. You work with healthy people and people with illness or health disorders. Bachelor of nursing qualifies you as an authorised nurse. The teaching set-up includes theory and practice - half and half. You are trained to be a good professional with good attitudes and skills meeting patients and their nearest and dearest. Teacher followup is emphasised. We also use varied and student activating learning forms and provide good practice locations. The net and practice-based version of the study is part-time and organised by way of concentrated teaching sessions, web-based teaching, individual and group tuition in practice and work on assignments. BACHELOR IN NURSING, 4-YEAR WEB- AND SEMINAR-BASED TEACHING MODEL ECTS Credits 180 Study level Bachelor Start semester Autumn 2017 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Application deadline The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences JOB OPPORTUNITIES As an authorised nurse from UiN students satisfy the regulations to work in the EU work area as well as Norway. FURTHER EDUCATION The bachelor in nursing lays the foundation for advanced education study programmes at university level including master and then PhD programmes. UiN offers master study programmes in clinical nursing and practical knowledge and...a doctoral degree in studies of professional practice. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or real life and work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations. Page 1 of 60

2 Programme overview 1ST STUDY YEAR OVERVIEW Autumn 2017 Basic nursing SYK1000 Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry SYK1001 Spring SP 12 SP Mandatory courses 141 ECTS Credits Practice 27 ECTS Credits Bachelor Thesis 12 ECTS Credits Nursing, care and medical treatment SYK104H 8 SP Nursing Skills 1 SYK101H 8 SP Knowledge, humanity and tradition SYK102H 8 SP 2ND STUDY YEAR Autumn 2018 Dosage Calculation SYK103H 1 SP Psychology and pedagogics SYK109H 6 SP CHOOSE SPECIALISATION Nursing home practice and home-care autumn Home-care practice spring and nursing home autumn Spring 2019 The Role and Taskt of the Nurse in Mincipal Health Services SYK105H 10 SP Page 2 of 60

3 3RD STUDY YEAR Autumn 2019 Nursing Skills 2 SYK106H 3 SP Medical and Surgical Nursing SYK183H 9 SP Mental Health Nursing SYK111H 8 SP Spring 2020 Supervised Professional Training in Surgical Nursing SYN182H 12 SP Supervised Proffesional Training in Medical Nursing SYN189H 12 SP Bachelor's Thesis SYK180H 12 SP 4TH STUDY YEAR Autumn 2020 Society and Organization SYK112H 10 SP Spring 2021 Psychiatric Nursing - Professional training SYN176H 12 SP Final Supervised Professional Training SYK190H 12 SP Page 3 of 60

4 Study plan ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or real life and work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations. JOB OPPORTUNITIES As an authorised nurse from UiN students satisfy the regulations to work in the EU work area as well as Norway. FURTHER EDUCATION The bachelor in nursing lays the foundation for advanced education study programmes at university level including master and then PhD programmes. UiN offers master study programmes in clinical nursing and practical knowledge and a doctoral degree in studies of professional practice. COSTS No special costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING Admission based on real life and work experience (formal, informal and non-formal prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations. EXAMINATION REGULATIONS, ASSESSMENT AND GRADING Examination regulations can be found in regulations for studies and exams at University of Nordland (UiN) as well as the special regulations Regulations for examination candidates at UiN. The Norwegian assessment and grading system uses the letter grades A-F, in which A denotes the best grade and F denotes failed. Grades can also be given as: passed / not passed or approved / not approved. PROGRAMME EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students using course evaluation studies and by the programme director. The evaluations are included in the university s quality assurance system QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS Here we refer to Regulations pertaining to studies and exams at University of Nordland (UiN) as well as local regulations and directives, see University Rules and Regulations. Page 4 of 60

5 Subject descriptions (21) Basic nursing SYK1000 BASIC NURSING SYK1000 ECTS Credits 10 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Start semester Autumn 2017 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 1st study year The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences SOLVEIG JENNIE BREIVIK Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Compound evaluation (first instance 2017 autumn). Bodø - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Bodø - Written school examination, 5 Hours. Worth 100/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Levanger - Compound evaluation (first instance 2017 autumn). Levanger - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Levanger - Written school examination, 5 Hours. Worth 100/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Compound evaluation (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Written school examination, 5 Hours. Worth 100/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Compound evaluation (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Written school examination, 5 Hours. Worth 100/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). OVERLAPPING COURSES SYK100H Basic nursing - 10 study points. Page 5 of 60

6 Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry SYK1001 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY SYK1001 ECTS Credits 12 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Start semester Autumn 2017 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 1st study year The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences ÅSMUND ROALD DIDRIKSEN Course coordinator Universitetslektor Phone: ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Written examination, 4 Hours (first instance 2017 autumn). Bodø - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Levanger - Written examination, 4 Hours (first instance 2017 autumn). Levanger - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Written examination, 4 Hours (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Written examination, 4 Hours (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). OVERLAPPING COURSES SYK108H Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Dietetics and Microbiology - 10 study points. Page 6 of 60

7 Nursing, care and medical treatment SYK104H The course covers biological aging, age debilitation and weakening in adults and elderly patients with these topics included: Pharmacology Sicknesses Age-related debiliation The nurse's responsibility and function in the nursing home The legal regulations for the health service and nursing activity. The patient's and the nurse's judicial foundation related to pateints' rights The requirement of professional quality, caring help and the vow of confidentality No costs except semester registration fee and course literature NURSING, CARE AND MEDICAL TREATMENT SYK104H ECTS Credits 8 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Obligatory Start semester Spring 2018 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 1st study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences GERD HELENE JAKOBSEN Course coordinator Universitetslektor Phone: COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university's quality assurance system LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes: about knowledge concerning: The legal framework and laws related to the practice of nursing Judicial method and judicial safety Normal aging Various illnesses, reasons and explanation Pharmacology - effects and side-effects of medicine Nursing related to various age debilitation Nursing related to various illnesses Patients' rehabilitation rights Health-bringing and preventive nursing in nursing homes Competence Be acquainted with the nurse's tasks and fuction in district nursing and nursing homes Be acquainted with how district nursing and nursing homes are organised Understand the importance of user involvement Undertand the imporatnce of cooperation with patients and family/relatives PREREQUISITIES No Page 7 of 60

8 MODE OF DELIVERY Lectures, seminars and group work. Page 8 of 60

9 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Pensum merket * fås i kompendium som bestilles/kjøpes på Akademika Bokhandel. Artikler, retningslinjer og lovverk finner du på nettet. Lover og forskrifter tilgjengelig fra Almås, H., Stubberud, D., Grønseth, R (red) (2016) Klinisk sykepleie 1 Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo Kap.4 Sykepleie ved lungesykdommer s Kap.7 Sykepleie ved hjertesykdommer s Kap.10 Sykepleie ved smerter s , Almås, H., Stubberud, D., Grønseth, R (red) (2016) Klinisk sykepleie 2 Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo Kap.17 Sykepleie ved diabetes mellitus Kap.18 Sykepleie ved sykdommer og forstyrrelser i urinveier og mannlige kjønnsorganer s Kap.22 Sykepleie ved revmatiske sykdommer s (til revmatiske sykdommer), Kap.24 Sykepleie ved nevrologiske sykdommer.s Kap.25 Sykepleie ved hjerneslag Kap.26 Sykepleie ved sykdommer og skader i øyet. s , Forskrift for sykehjem. Forskrift om sykehjem og boform for heldøgns omsorg og pleie. FOR Helsedirektoratet (2012) Velferdsteknologi. Fagrapport om implementering av velferdsteknologi i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene s Hentet på Internkontrollforskrift i helsetjenesten. Internkontroll i helse- og omsorgstjenesten Forskrift om internkontroll i helse- og omsorgstjenesten ( ) FOR Forskrift om en verdig eldreomsorg. FOR Jacobsen, D. mfl. (2009). Sykdomslære: Indremedisin, kirurgi og anestesi. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap.1 hjertesykdommer s.46-50, (t.o.m.angina pectoris), kap.2 Karsykdommer s (minus s dvs. subaraknoidalblødning og akutt hjerneslag), kpt.3 Lungesykdommer s (til bronkiektasier), , ( pulmonal hypertensjon), kap.4 Sykdommer i nyrer, urinveier og mannlige kjønnsorganer.f.o.m. uretritt:s (t.o.m. nyretuberkulose), (t.o.m. prostatakreft), kap.8 Endokrine sykdommer s. 309, kap.11 Inflammatoriske revmatiske sykdommer s , (fra polyarteritis nodosa, minus febris rheumatica og amyloidose), kap.13 Nevrologiske sykdommer s (f.o.m Parkinson, minus dystoni og huntingtons). Kirkevold, M., Brodtkorb K., Ranhoff, A. H. (red.) (2014) Geriatrisk sykepleie. God omsorg til den gamle pasienten. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo Kap.4 Biologisk aldring. kap.7 Den gamle pasienten kap.10 Kartlegging kap.14 Eldre og legemidler kap.15 Helsetjenester til eldre s kap.24 Bevegelse og aktivitet kap.29 Kognitiv svikt og demens kap.30 Angst og depresjon kap.31 Delirium(akuttforvirring) LOV Lov om helsepersonell m.v. (helsepersonelloven). LOV Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven. LOV nr 30: Lov om kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester m.m. (helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven) LOV Forvaltningsloven Molven, O (2016) Sykepleie og jus. Oslo: Gyldendal Forlag. Kap.3 Juridisk metode kap.4 Rettsikkerhet, kap.7 Tilgang og rett til helsehjelp, kap.8 Saksbehandling, kap.9 Tvangsmessig påføring av helsehjelp s , kap.10 Kravet om forsvarlig yrkesutøvelse mv, kap.12 Medvirkning og informasjon, kap.13 Pasientens rett til selvbestemmelse, kap.15 Taushetsplikten Nordeng, H. og Spigset O. (2013) Legemidler og bruken av dem. 2. utg. Gyldendal Akademiske. Kap. 1 Grunnleggende kunnskap, kap.2 Farmakodynamikk, kap.3 Farmakokinetikk, kap.4 Bivirkninger, kap.5 Årsaker til variasjon i legemiddelrespons, kap.6 Interaksjoner kap.10 Legemidler ved hjerte- og karsykdommer s , kap.12 Legemidler ved sykdom i respirasjonsorganene, kap.15 Legemidler ved nevrologiske sykdommer, Parkinson s , kap.17 Legemidler ved sykdommer i øyet, kap.18 Legemidler ved øre-nese- og halssykdommer, kap.19 Legemidler ved diabetes mellitus s , kap. 22 Legemidler ved sykdommer i bevegelsesapparatet Norsk teknologi, Velferdsteknologi En serie med faktahefter fra Norsk teknologi, hefte nr.15 Hentet fra Sortland, K. (2015). Ernæring - mer enn mat og drikke. Fagbokforlaget Vigmostad og Bjørke AS Kap. 15 Kosthold og ernæringsmessige behov ved ulike sykdomstilstander, hjerte-og karsykdommers Sykepleien (2015) Hvem skal pleie oss om 20 år? s Hentet fra Pensum fra tidligere emner inngår i emnet. Page 9 of 60

10 RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Written examination, 4 Hours (first instance 2015 autumn). Bodø - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 spring). Helgeland - Written examination, 4 Hours (first instance 2016 spring). Helgeland - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 spring). Vesterålen - Written examination, 4 Hours (first instance 2017 spring). Vesterålen - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 spring). OVERLAPPING COURSES SYN104H Nursing, care and medical treatment - 8 study points. Page 10 of 60

11 Nursing Skills 1 SYK101H The course covers practical skills/procedures related to the practice of nursing. The students starts developing good aptitude related to basic nursing and carrying out procedures.hygiene, good working positions, techniques for moving patients and planning. The nurse's responsibility for explaining actions taken based on theoretical knowledge is emphasised. The topics aof communication and interaction are also covered. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. NURSING SKILLS 1 SYK101H ECTS Credits 8 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Obligatory Start semester Spring 2018 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 1st study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences TONE KJERSTI KNUDSEN ODDVANG Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university's quality assurance system LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes: Knowledge Be able to follow hygiene principles Inform the patient of the procedure in question Show respect for patient's shyness Fire protection Provide correct medicinal treatment according to current laws and regulations Skills Communication and interaction Be able to practice first-aid treatment Be able to use correct moving techniques and use right work position Plan and carry out various practical nursing procedures Competence Reflect about giving help and receiving help Be aware of costs related to medical material PREREQUISITIES No Page 11 of 60

12 MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to face TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures. Demonstration. Individual and group supervision. Skills training in clinical laboratory. RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING FOR nr 320: Forskrift om legemiddelhåndtering for virksomheter og helsepersonell som yter helsehjelp Langøen, A (2012) Sårbehandling og hudpleie. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS Kap.2 Preparater til behandling av hud Kap.3 Pleie av frisk hud i ulike aldersgrupper Kap.5 Sårbehandling, generelle prinsipper Kap. 6 Forbygging og behandling av sår Lov nr.55: Lov om vern mot smittsomme sykdommer (smittevernloven) Lunde,P.H. (2011) Forflytningskunnskap. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS. Hele boka Mini-Anne. Øvelsesdukke hjerte-lungeredning. Molven, O. (2012) Sykepleie og jus. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap. 11 Norsk brannvernforening ( ) Brannvern i helseinstitusjoner. E-læringskurs med test Hentet fra Norsk brannvernforening ( ) Undervisningsopplegg for hjemmetjenesten, Lysark - undervisningsopplegg for hjemmetjenesten. Sjekkliste - undervisningsopplegg for hjemmetjenesten. Hentet fra Norsk Førstehjelpsråd (2007) Førstehjelp. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S. Hele boka Praktiske prosedyrer i sykepleien (PPS). Et elektronisk informasjonssystem for kliniske prosedyrer i sykepleietjenesten. Oslo: Akribe. Hygiene: aseptikk, tekstilhåndtering, avfallshåndtering,personlig beskyttelsesutstyr, håndhygiene, dekontaminering, personaloppfølging Hud og vev: vask og stell, munnstell, kroniske sår Aktivitet/hvile: Forflytning og leiring Respirasjon/sirkulasjon blodtrykk, pulstelling, temperaturmåling, respirasjonstelling, oksygenering, førstehjelp Ernæring: kartlegging, oral ernæring Legemiddelhåndtering:ikke-invasive legemiddelformer, injeksjoner Prøver/undersøkelser: Blodprøver Eliminasjon: kateterisering og tømming Sosial og helsedirektoratet. Rundskriv. Legemiddelhåndtering for virksomheter og helsepersonell som yter helsehjelp Stetoskop m/klokke Urdal, P., Brun A., og Åsberg A. (red.) (2009) Brukerhåndbok i Medisinsk biokjemi Akademisk Fagbokforlag. Nettutgave av boka tilgjengelig på: RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Compound evaluation (first instance 2017 autumn). Bodø - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 autumn). Bodø - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Bodø - Mandatory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Bodø - Practical examination, 1 Hours. Worth 100/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Compound evaluation (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Mandatory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Mo - Practical examination, 1 Hours. Worth 100/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Compound evaluation (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 autumn). Vesterålen - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Mandatory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Practical examination, 1 Hours. Worth 100/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). Page 12 of 60

13 OVERLAPPING COURSES SYN101H Nursing Skills 1-8 study points. SYK193H Nursing Skills I - 8 study points. Page 13 of 60

14 Knowledge, humanity and tradition SYK102H This course covers the science of nursing and the various central perspectives in research and nursing theory. An introduction is given and nursing science thinking as well as general scientific theory. Positivism, hermeneutics and phenomenology are central topics. The importance of the human perspective and various forms of nursing practice are elucidated. The theme of ethics is covered including ethics in research. The history and traditions of nursing are presented as central to the nursing profession's identity. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. KNOWLEDGE, HUMANITY AND TRADITION SYK102H ECTS Credits 8 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Obligatory Start semester Spring 2018 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language 1st study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences GUNILLA KULLA Course coordinator Førsteamanuensis Phone: Application deadline COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system Page 14 of 60

15 LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course the candidate will have the following learning outcomes: Knowledge: Be able to explain the relationship between nursing science, the nursing subject and the nursing profession. Explain traitions and development in nursing in a historical perspective Know about reserach ethics guidelines Have knowledge of different directions in ethics Be able to describe various nursing theories Competence Reflect on central values in the subject of nursing Reflect on one's own attitude to people Be able to explain basic questions related to the knowledge concept, the human perspective, and ethics.i PREREQUISITIES No MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to-face TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, discussions and assignments/tasks. Page 15 of 60

16 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Recommended or required reading: The reading list is subject to ammendments at study start. *Anvik, V.H.(2004) Bringing forward the courage to live. In: Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. Short communication Volum 7 No.2, s Brinchmann, B.S. (red.) (2012) Etikk i sykepleien. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap. Innledning, kap.1 Menneskesyn, kap.2 Etiske dilemmaer, kap.3 Pliktetikk, kap.4 Konsekvensetikk, kap.6 Yrkesetiske retningslinjer for sykepleie, kap.8 Dydsetikk, kap.9 Hva innebærer det å være en profesjonell sykepleier, kap.10 Juss og etikk, kap.11 Kliniske etikk-komiteer, kap.12 Forskningsetikk. Dalland, O. (2012) Metode og oppgaveskriving. Oslo: Gyldendal. 5 utgave. Kap.3 Hvordan blir kunnskap til?, kap.9 Intervju, kap.10 Observasjon, kap.11 Bruk av statistikk *Fagerland, T. (2005) Å tenke skriftlig over fortellinger fra praksis. I: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning. Vol. 1, nr. 1 s Fause, Å., Micaelsen, A (2002) Et fag i kamp for livet. Sykepleiens historie i Norge. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kap.4 Begynnelse til et helsevesen , kap.5 Den første sykepleierutdanningen i Norge, kap.6 Norsk Sykepleierskeforbund, kap. 7 Det norske samfunnet fra årsskiftet fram til andre verdenskrig, kap.8 Norsk Sykepleierskeforbunds utdanningsmodell, kap.9 Å være omsorgsutøver og arbeidstaker, kap.10 Sykepleie mellom omsorgsansvar, profesjonsideologi og fagforeningsbevissthet, kap.13 Utdanning eller gratisarbeid?, kap.14 Tiltak for å motvirke sykepleiermangelen, kap.15 Lønn og frihet til å gifte seg, kap.16 Utvikling av en klar fagforeningsbevissthet, kap.17 Fra elev til student, kap. 18 Sykepleierutdanningen på høgskolenivå, kap.19 Teoriutvikling i sykepleiefaget, kap. 20 Ledelse av eget fag, kap. 21 Utfordringer inn i et nytt årtusen *Frost, T. (2011) Verdighet betyr å kunne velge men hvem skal velge og hvem avgjør når vi ikke er enige? Omsorg 28(4), *Jakobsen, R., Sørlie, V. (2010) Dignity of older people in a nursing home: Narratives of care providers. Nursing Ethics 17(3), Kristoffersen, N J, Nordtvedt, F og Skaug EA (red.) (2011) Grunnleggende sykepleie bind 1 Pasientfenomener og livsutfordringer Kap.1 Om sykepleie, kap. 5 Kunnskap og kompetanse, kap.6 Teoretiske perspektiver på sykepleie *Lechich et al (2011) Perspective: Nursing Home Care Paradox Ensuring Quality of Life, Fostering Dignity in Death. Care management Journals, *MacLeod et al (2012) Assisted or Hastened Death: The healthcare Practitioner s Dilemma. Global Journal of Health Science 4(6), *Stievano et al (2012) Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces. Nursing Ethics May, * Martinsen, K.(2005) Samtalen, skjønnet og evidensen Oslo: Akribe A/S S s RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Home examination, 3 Days (first instance 2017 spring). Bodø - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 spring). Mo - Home examination, 3 Days (first instance 2017 spring). Mo - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 spring). Vesterålen - Home examination, 3 Days (first instance 2017 spring). Vesterålen - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 spring). OVERLAPPING COURSES SYN102H Knowledge, humanity and tradition - 8 study points. Page 16 of 60

17 Dosage Calculation SYK103H The course covers medicinal dosage calculation with respect to: Measuring units Dosage Strength Quantity Infusion volume Infusion velocity Learning outcomes: No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. DOSAGE CALCULATION SYK103H ECTS Credits 1 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Obligatory Start semester Autumn 2018 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 2nd study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences LISBETH NERDAL Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcome: Be able to master flawlessly medicinal dosage calculation PREREQUISITIES No MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to-face and web-based TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, web lectures, supervision and group work. Page 17 of 60

18 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING The reading list may be subject to ammendments at study start. Praktiske prosedyrer i sykepleien (PPS). Et elektronisk informasjonssystem for kliniske prosedyrer i sykepleietjenesten. Oslo: Akribe. Legemiddelhåndtering: Legemiddelregning. Rekkedal, W. (2013) Undervisningsvideoer om medikamentregning. Finnes på kullets hjemmeside på Fronter. RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Written examination, 3 Hours (first instance 2017 spring). Bodø - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 spring). Helgeland - Written examination, 3 Hours (first instance 2017 spring). Helgeland - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 spring). Vesterålen - Written examination, 3 Hours (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Mandatory participation, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). OVERLAPPING COURSES SYN103H Dosage Calculation - 1 study points. Page 18 of 60

19 Psychology and pedagogics SYK109H Psychology is defined as what we do (behavior) and what happens on the innside (mental processes). The explanations of human behavior can be sought partly in the respective persons and partly in the environment and situation. Pedagogogy is how we learn. This course discusses central themes in behavioral health, developmental psychology, learning psychology, and social psychology, including development, feelings, motivation, psychological control, stress, coping, perception, grief, social influence, health behaviors, and teaching. This course also includes the nurse s pedagogical function. No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGICS SYK109H ECTS Credits 6 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory. Start semester Autumn 2018 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language 2nd study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Norwegian RUNE KARLSEN Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: Application deadline COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university s quality assurance system. LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Explain the fundamental principles for learning Describe various pedagogical theories Clarify central theories in psychosocial development Explain how our behaviour is influenced by others and how we influence the behaviour of others Have theoretical knowledge explaining the relationship between attitude and behaviour Explain how disease affects a person s behaviour Be able to explain the psychological factors for disease and health promotion PREREQUISITIES Bachelor in nursing Page 19 of 60

20 MODE OF DELIVERY On campus. TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lecture, group work and exercises. RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Recommended or required reading: The reading list is subject to amendments at semester start. * - can be purchased as a compendium at the Akademika Bookstore located at the University Dyrgrov, A. (2006). Komplisert sorg: teori og behandling. Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening, 43, Espnes, G.A. & Smedslund, G. (2009). Helsepsykologi. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap. 2, 4 og 5. Svartdal, F. (red.). (2011). Psykologi. En introduksjon. 2. utgave. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap. 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 og 13. Svartdal, F. (red.) (2011). Psykologi i praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap.2, 3, 4, 5 og 6. Tveiten, S. (2008). Pedagogikk i sykepleiepraksis. 2. utgave. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kap.3, 4 og 5. RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Home examination, 3 Days (first instance 2015 autumn). Bodø - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 spring). Helgeland - Home examination, 3 Days (first instance 2016 spring). Helgeland - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 spring). Vesterålen - Home examination, 3 Days (first instance 2017 autumn). Vesterålen - Compulsory work, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2017 autumn). OVERLAPPING COURSES SYN109H Psychology and pedagogy - 6 study points. Page 20 of 60

21 Page 21 of 60

22 The Role and Taskt of the Nurse in Mincipal Health Services SYK105H This course covers the nurse's role and function with respect to promoting health, preventing illness and rehabilitating functional loss. Central themes covered on the course are: health and illness preventive care health promotion rehabilitation empowerment public health work environmental health work pregnancy natal and post-natal care cross-disciplinary cooperation The course shows how such ways of thinking can be used in various parts of the health service and across traditional service borders.the course focuses on all the patient groups a nurse can come into contact with in the profession. Other themes include making project descriptions, planning and implementing projects. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. THE ROLE AND TASKT OF THE NURSE IN MINCIPAL HEALTH SERVICES SYK105H ECTS Credits 10 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Obligatory Start semester Spring 2019 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language 2nd study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences GØRIL URSIN Course coordinator Universitetslektor Phone: Application deadline COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system Page 22 of 60

23 LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes: Knowledge The nurse's health promotion, preventive and rehabilitation functions for all parts of the health service Normal pregnancy, natal and post-natal care Skills Be able to plan and carry out project work Competence Understand central concepts in health promotion, preventive and rehabilitation work Understand the connection between living conditions, lifestyle, health and illness Understand the importance of cross-disciplinary cooperation in the fields of health promotion, preventive and rehabilitation work Find and assess information relevant for health promotion, preventive and rehabilitation work PREREQUISITIES No MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to-face TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, supervised work, seminars and group work Page 23 of 60

24 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Pensum merket * fås i kompendium som bestilles/kjøpes på Akademika Bokhandel. Artikler, retningslinjer og lovverk finner du på nettet. Bøker Gammersvik, Å. og Larsen, T. (red.).(2012). Helsefremmende sykepleie i teori og praksis. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kap.1 Helsefremmende arbeid ideologier og begreper, Kap. 2 Helsebegrepet i helsefremmende arbeid, Kap.3 Samhandlingsreformen og dens konsekvenser for sykepleiere, Kap. 4 Helsefremming og sykdomsforebygging et historisk og sykepleiefaglig perspektiv, Kap. 5 Helsefremmende arbeid i sykepleie, Kap. 6 Eldre sykehuspasienter helsefremmende tenkning i sykehus en utfordring for sykepleien, Kap.7 Å fremme helse sett fra et helsepsykologisk perspektiv, Kap.9 Empowerment og veiledning sykepleierens pedagogiske funksjon i helsefremmende arbeid, Kap.10 Salutogenese som forståelsesramme i psykisk helsearbeid, Kap.11 Helsefremming, rehabilitering og brukermedvirkning. Holan, S. og Hagtvedt, M.L. (red.). (2010). Det nye livet. Svangeskap, føde og barseltid. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kap. 3 Svangerskapet, Kap.4 Emosjonelle og seksuelle aspekter i svangerskapet, Kap. 6 Komplikasjoner i svangerskapet, Kap.7 Svangerskapsomsorg, Kap.8 Røyking og bruk av rusmidler i svangerskapet, Kap.11 Den normale fødsel, Kap.12 Jordmors oppgaver i forbindelse med fødselen, Kap.18 Barseltiden, Kap.19 Komplikasjoner i barseltiden, Kap.20 Det nyfødte barnet, Kap. 21 Amming, Kap. 22 Psykiske reaksjoner under svangerskapet og i tiden etter fødsel, Kap.27 Fødselshjelp i et flerkulturelt Norge. Thommesen, H. (red.).(2010). Rehabilitering som politikk, virksomhet og studiefelt. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap. 1 Rehabilitering som politikk, virksomhet og studiefelt en introduksjon, Kap.2 Rehabiliteringspolitikk, Kap.4 Kommunal planlegging av rehabiliteringsvirksomheten, Kap.5 Hvorfor spør de ikke oss?, Kap.6 Individuell plan og ansvarlig tjenesteyter, Kap.7 Dessuten så skal vi jo leve litt, Kap.8 Bok og bedring?, Kap.9 Speilrommet, Kap.10 Å høre er arbeid, Kap.11 Arbeid og aktivitet for mennesker med utviklingshemming, Kap.12 Rehabilitering og empowerment. Brataas, H. (red.). (2011). Sykepleiepedagogisk praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap. 8 Undervisning og veiledning for hjemmeboende eldre, Kap.10 Læring og mestring ved kronisk sykdom. Dalland, O. (2012). Metode og oppgaveskriving for studenter. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (5.utgave). Kap.8 Gangen i en undersøkelse hvordan gjør vi det?, kap 12 Den litterære oppgaven, kap.13 Oppgavens disposisjon, kap 14 Oppgavens formelle utforming. Espnes, G. A. & Smedslund, G. (2009). Helsepsykologi. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap. 8 Helse, overvekt og kosthold, Kap.9 Helse og fysisk aktivitet, Kap.10 Rusmidler, Kap. 13 Helsepsykologi i sykdomsforebyggende arbeid. Kristoffersen, N.J., Nortvedt, F. og Skaug, E-A. (red.) (2011). Grunnleggende sykepleie. Bind 1. Sykepleiens grunnlag, rolle og ansvar. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap.2 Helse og sykdom. Kompendium *Bredland, E.L., Linge, O.A. og Vik, K. (2011). Det handler om verdighet og deltakelse. Verdigrunnlag og praksis i rehabiliteringsarbeid. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademiske. 3. utgave. Kap. 2 Rehabiliteringsprosessen *Magelssen, R. (2008). Kultursensitivitet om å finne likhetene i forskjellene. Kap. 12 Migrasjonshelse. Oslo: Akribe forlag. Selvvalgt litteratur 150 sider, knyttet til eksamen (prosjektarbeid). RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Oppgave, gruppe (first instance 2015 autumn). Bodø - Compulsory work (first instance 2015 autumn). Helgeland - Oppgave, gruppe (first instance 2015 autumn). Helgeland - Compulsory work (first instance 2015 autumn). Vesterålen - Oppgave, gruppe. OVERLAPPING COURSES SYN105H The Role and Taskt of the Nurse in Mincipal Health Services - 10 study points. Page 24 of 60

25 Nursing Skills 2 SYK106H The course covers practical procedures related to the practice of nursing. The student starts developing his or her aptitude for carrying out practical procedures. The course focuses on general hygiene measures, various nursing procedures, the importnace of good work positions and of work planning. The nurse's responsibility to explain his or her actions based on theoretical and experiencebased knowledge is emphasised as well as communication and interaction skills. The student will also be given an introduction to systematic clinical study and assessment. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. NURSING SKILLS 2 SYK106H ECTS Credits 3 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Obligatory Start semester Autumn 2019 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 3rd study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences RITA LUNDESTAD Course coordinator Universitetslektor Phone: COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes: Be able to plan and carry out various practical procedures in the nursing services Understand the meaning of and be able to give information about such procedures Be able to account for what procedures require aseptic methods and be able to use hygiene principles Use the right work position Be able to account for actions taken and understand the importance knowledge and experience-based practice Be able to reflect on giving and receiving help Be able to carry out a systematical clinical study and assessment PREREQUISITIES Bachelor in nursing Page 25 of 60

26 MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to-face TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Individual exam. Work assignment requirement to be approved before exam is taken. RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Recommended or required reading: Pensum merket * fås i kompendium som bestilles/kjøpes på Akademika Bokhandel. Artikler, retningslinjer og lovverk finner du på nettet. Praktiske prosedyrer i sykepleie (2005) Et elektronisk informasjonssystem for kliniske prosedyrer i sykepleietjenesten. Oslo: Akribe Aseptikk og antiseptikk Klargjøring og administrering av intravenøse infusjoner Innlegging og stell av perifer venekanyle Nedlegging av aspireringssonde, og nedlegging og stell av ernæringssonde Preoperativ merking og stell av stomi Stell av sentralt venekateter Ekg-registrering Oxygenering Førstehjelp. BHLR. Almås,H.(red) (2010) Klinisk sykepleie Bind 1. Oslo:Gyldendal Akademisk, kap.5 Avanserte behandlingstiltak ved alvorlig respirasjonssvikt, stell av tracheostomi s Almås,H.(red) (2010) Klinisk sykepleie Bind 1. Oslo:Gyldendal Akademisk, kap.11 Sykepleie ved smerter, stell av epiduralkateter.s Jacobsen, D. [et al.] (2009) Sykdomslære. Indremedisin, kirurgi og anestesi. Oslo: Gyldendal Kap.18 Preoperative undersøkelser og behandling, faste og ventrikkeltømming s Jarvis, C (2012) Pocket Companion for physical Examination and Healt Assessment. Saundes, Elsevier: Philadelphia, PA, USA. Pensum fra tidligere emner inngår i emnet, og kan integreres i eksamen. RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No Page 26 of 60

27 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE No OVERLAPPING COURSES SYN106H Nursing Skills 2-3 study points. Page 27 of 60

28 Medical and Surgical Nursing SYK183H This course deals with the nurse s knowledge of different medical conditions and nursing care specific to these conditions and diseases. Knowledge of nursing associated with acute, critical, and chronic diseases, pharmacology and medication administration, and understanding for the patient and their families experience connected to disease, care, and treatment. The nurse s responsibility for documentation of nursing is also a part of the course. In addition, this course focuses on the nurse s legal foundation associated with the patient and the right to professionally sound care. No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NURSING SYK183H ECTS Credits 9 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory. Start semester Autumn 2019 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language 3rd study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Norwegian AUD SISSEL HOLLA Course coordinator Universitetslektor Phone: Application deadline COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university s quality assurance system. Page 28 of 60

29 LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: a) Pathophysiology, microbiology, infectious diseases and hygiene Have knowledge in various disease processes, including causes, diagnostics, treatments and rehabilitation Have knowledge in paediatric nursing Recognise the most common methods for diagnosing, procedures and laboratory tests by disease Recognise important infection control measures in the health care services and the principles of prevention Recognise the most common forms of treatment and rehabilitation by disease b) Pharmacology Have knowledge in pharmacology and medicine administration relevant to nursing competence Know the effects and side-effects of the most common medicine groups Have competence to assess the risks involved in medicine administration and know how to treat any complications related to this c) Medical and surgical nursing Gain knowledge in nursing to the acute, critical and chronically ill Demonstrate knowledge and have an understanding for the patients and families experiences related to disease, care and treatment Gain the knowledge to identify, Analyse and reflect over ethical dilemmas Understand the significance of communication and self-reflection when confronted with patients and their families Understand the significance of reflecting on the nurse s role and function in diagnostics, treatments, prevention and rehabilitation Gain knowledge in alternative treatments PREREQUISITIES Bachelour in Nursing MODE OF DELIVERY Face to face TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, seminar and work assignments. Page 29 of 60

30 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Pensum merket * fås i kompendium som bestilles/kjøpes på Akademika Bokhandel. Artikler, retningslinjer og lovverk finner du på nettet. Almås, H., Stubberud, D., Grønseth, R (red) (2016) Klinisk sykepleie 1 Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo kap.7 Sykepleie ved hjertesykdommer s , kap.8 Sykepleie ved svikt i blodsirkulasjonen s kap.9 Periopertativ og postoperativ sykepleie. Kap 12. Sykepleie ved Transfusjonsbehandling. kap.13 Sykepleie ved sykdommer i mage-tarm-kanalen. kap.14 Sykepleie ved sykdommer i galleveier, bukspyttkjertel og lever. Almås, H., Stubberud, D., Grønseth, R (red) (2016) Klinisk sykepleie 2 Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo Kap.20 Sykepleie ved Gynekologiske sykdommer, kap.18 Sykepleie ved sykdommer og forstyrrelser i urinveiene og mannlige kjønnsorganer s , kap.19 Sykepleie ved akutt nyreskade og kronisk nyresvikt, kap.21 Sykepleie ved sykdommer og skader i bevegelsesapparatet. kap.23 Sykepleie ved sykdommer og skader i sentralnervesystemet s kap.24 Sykepleie ved nevrologiske sykdommer, epilepsi s kap.28 Generell sykepleie ved kreftsykdommer. kap.29 Sykepleie ved brystkreft. *Gjengedal, E, Hanestad, B.R. (2007). Å leve med kronisk sykdom. En varig kursendring. Oslo: Cappelen forlag AS. Innledning s.10-26, kap.1 Livskvalitet, helse, stress og mestring, kap.2 Kronisk smerte, lidelse og håp s Grønseth, R., Markestad, T. (2011) Pediatri og pediatrisk sykepleie, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget Kap. 6 Innleggelse i sykehus, kap.7 Kommunikasjon med barn og unge, kap.8 Lek, kap.9 Datasamling, observasjon og overvåking av barn. Kap. 10. Å tilfredsstille barns egenomsorgsbehov s , Kap 12. smerter og smertebehandling. Jacobsen, D. [et al.] (2017) Sykdomslære. Indremedisin, kirurgi og anestesi. Oslo: Gyldendal. Innledning s kap.1 Hjertesykdommer s ,56-72, kap.3 Nyresykdommer s , , , kap.4 Væske/elektrolytt/syrebase s kap.6 Mage tarm s kap.7 Lever, galle bukspytt s kap.8 Endokrine sykdommer s kap.9 Sykdommer i mammae s Kap 10. Blodsykdommer s kap.12 Infeksjonssykdommer , Kap. 13 Nevrologiske sykdommer s , Kap. 14 Bevegelsesapparatet s kap.15 Traumatologi s , kap.16 Forgiftninger s kap.19 Postoperativ overvåkning og behandling s Lov av 2. juli 1999 nr. 61 om spesialisthelsetjenesten Nordeng, H. og Spigset O. (2013) Legemidler og bruken av dem. 2. utg. Gyldendal Akademiske. Kap.8. legemidler ved Infeksjonssykdommer s , Kap 9. Legemidler ved kreftsykdommer, kap.10. Legemidler ved hjerte- og karsykdommer s , , kap. 11. Legemidler ved blodsykdommer, Kap 13 Legemidler ved sykdommer i fordøyelsessystemet. Kap 14 Legemidler ved sykdommer i nyrer og urinveier. Kap 15 Legemidler ved nevrologiske sykdommer. kap. 19. Legemidler ved Diabetes Mellitus og sykdommer i endokrine organer s , Kap 20 Legemidler brukt i Gynekologi, obstetrikk samt ved Brystkreft. S , Kap 22 Legemidler ved sykdommer i bevegelsesapparatet s Kap 24. Barn og legemidler. Kap 27. Legemidler ved smerter. kap. 29. Legemidler ved anestesi. Sortland, K. (2016). Ernæring mer enn mat og drikke. Fagbokforlaget Vigmostad og Bjørke AS Kap.15 Kosthold og ernæringsmessige behov ved ulike sykdomstilstander s Steen M. og Degre M. (red) (2016) Mikrober, helse og sykdom. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS Kap.17 Smittevern i prinsipper og tiltak. Kap.18. Smittevern i Helsetjenesten. Pensum fra tidligere emner kan integreres i eksamen RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE No ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Written examination, 5 Hours (first instance 2016 spring). Helgeland - Written examination, 5 Hours (first instance 2016 spring). OVERLAPPING COURSES SYN183H Medical and Surgical Nursing - 9 study points. Page 30 of 60

31 Mental Health Nursing SYK111H The course covers the following main topics: Mental health work The nurse's professional contribution in cross-disciplinary cooperation work The meaning of relationships Methods to be used by the nurse No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. MENTAL HEALTH NURSING SYK111H ECTS Credits 8 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Obligatory Start semester Autumn 2019 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 3rd study year Bodø The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences TORILL MARGARET SÆTERSTRAND Course coordinator Førstelektor Phone: COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university\'s quality assurance system LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course the student should have the following learning outcomes. Have knowledge of the most common mental illnesses Be able to discuss the relationship between menatl, physical, cultural and social factors Be able to plan the nursing of patients with mental illnesses Be able to account for how The Mental Illness Protection Act can be used for the benefit of patients and next-of-kin Have knowledge of how various perspectives about mental illness affect nursing Have knowledge of how health promoting and preventive nursing can be carried out for people with mental illness Understand the importance of user management and user involvement in an ethical and judicial perspective Have knowledge of psychopharmaceuticals and how to administer these Be able to document nursing of patients with mental illnesses Have knowledge of how mental health work is organised in the municipal and specialist health services PREREQUISITIES Bachelor in nursing MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to-face TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, assignments with supervision and written feedback. RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Page 31 of 60

32 Pensum merket * fås i kompendium som bestilles/kjøpes på Akademika Bokhandel. Artikler, retningslinjer og lovverk finner du på nettet. Aktivitetshåndboken finnes også på nett. *Berge, T., Repål, A. (2012). Trange rom og åpne plasser: Hjelp til mestring av angst, panikk og fobier. 4. utgave. Oslo: Aschehoug. Kap. 9 Hvordan fobier blir lært, kap.10 Rammet av panikk, kap.11 Mestring av angst, kap.14 Et treningsprogram for panikkangst. *Berg, J.E. (2008). Akuttpsykiatri. 2. utgave. Stavanger: Hertevig forlag. Kap.1 Uro. *Bohart, A. C. & Tallman, K. (2010). Clients: The Neglected Common Factor (S ). I: Duncan, B. L., Miller, S. D., Wampold, B. E. & Hubble, M. A. The Heart & Soul of Change. Washington: American Psychological Association. Hatling, T. (2011). Psykisk helsearbeid som kunnskaps - og kompetansefelt. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 2, Helsedirektoratet (2009). Aktivitetshåndboken - fysisk aktivitet i forebygging og behandling. Kap.15 Avhengighet og misbruk, kap.16 Angst s , kap.21 Depresjon s , kap.43 Schizofreni s Helsedirektoratet (2009). Nasjonale retningslinjer for diagnostisering og behandling av voksne med depresjon i primær- og spesialisthelsetjenesten. Kap.2 Prinsipper for god behandlingspraksis. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (2001). Lov om etablering og gjennomføring av psykisk helsevern (psykisk helsevernloven). *Hummelvoll, J. K. (2012). Helt - ikke stykkevis og delt. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kap.1 Psykiatrisk sykepleie som fagområde. *Jordahl, H. & Repål, A. (2009). Mestring av psykoser. Kap.5 Undervisning om psykiske lidelser for pasient og pårørende, kap.8 Psykososiale tiltak for pasienten. Karlsen, R. (2005). Kvalitetssikring av sykepleiedokumentasjon i pasientjournalen. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning, 2, Karlsen, R. (2009). Profesjonell kompetanse. Sykepleien Forskning, 3, Keltner, N. L. (2006). Biological Perspectives. Metabolic Syndrome: Schizophrenia and Atypical Antipsychotics. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Vol. 42, issue 3, *Kringlen, E. (2011). Psykiatri. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. 10. utgave. Kap.37 Somatiske behandlingsmetoder. Molven, O. (2012). Sykepleie og jus. 4. utgave. Oslo: Gyldendal Juridisk. Kap. 9 (s ) Borge, L., Martinsen, E.W. og Moe, T. (2011). Psykisk helsearbeid mer enn medisiner og samtaleterapi. Bergen; Fagbokforlaget. Kap. 4 Fysisk aktivitet i psykisk helsearbeid *Mueser, K., Douglas, L.N., Drake, R. og Fox, L. (2006). Integrert behandling av rusproblemer og psykiske lidelser. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap.2 Grunnregler for integrert behandling. *Norvoll, R. (red.) (2013). Samfunn og psykisk helse. Kap.6 Sosial ulikhet og psykisk helse. Kap. 11 Om å komme seg i arbeid Kap. 11 En sosial bevegelse blant mennesker med psykiske problem *Pepper, J. & Perkins, R. (2009). Recovery og social inklusion. I: Buus, N. (red.). Psykiatrisk sygepleje. København: Nyt nordisk forlag. Rask, M. & Brunt, D. (2007). Verbal and social interactions in the nurse patient relationship in forensic psychiatric nursing care: a model and its philosophical and theoretical foundation. Nursing Inquiry 20, 14(2): Sjølie, H. (2006). Selvskading fra et brukerperspektiv. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 2, Skårderud, F., Haugsgjerd, S. og Staniche, E. (2010). Psykiatriboken. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap.3 Den kompetente helsearbeideren, kap.4 Psykiatriens historie, kap.5 Forståelsesformer, kap.7 Det biologiske grunnlaget for psykiatri, kap.8 Terapeutiske møter, kap.11samtalebaserte behandlingsformer, kap.12 Miljøterapi og nettverksbasert tilnærming(s ), kap.13 Forebyggende psykisk helsearbeid, kap.16 Psykiske helsevernlover, kap.17 Personlighet og personlighetsforstyrrelser, kap.18 Angstlidelser, kap.19 Psykotiske tilstander, kap.20 Stemningslidelser, kap.21 Selvmord og seovmordsvurdering, kap.22 Å ta kroppen på ordet, kap.23 Psykiske og psykososiale problemer hos flyktninger og innvandrere, kap.24 Overgrep og traumatisering, kap.26 Rusmidler. Strand, L. (1990). Fra kaos mot samling, mestring og helhet. Oslo: Gyldendal. S *Stuart, G. W. (2009). Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. 9th Edition.. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Kap. 6 Psychological Context of Psychiatric Nursing Care. Sæterstrand, T. & Møllersen, A.B. (2010). Sykepleiernes erfaringer med brukerveiledning i psykiatriske dagsentra. Vård i Norden, 1, *Topor, A. (2004) Vad hjälper i återhämtning från svåra psykiska problem? Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 4, *Torgalsbøen, A. K. (2007). Schizofreni i et resiliensperspektiv. I: Helmen Borge (red.). Resiliens i praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal. *Tuseth, A. G. (2007). Med 40 års klinisk forskning som veiviser. I: Ulvestad, A. K., Henriksen. K., Tuseth, A.G. & Fjeldstad, T. KLIENTEN - den Page 32 of 60

Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model

Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model NO EN Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model There are plenty of challenges and we need you! An exciting and challenging study programme interchanging theory and practice. As a


Nursing and Health Sciences. Application deadline 4/15/2017

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Nursing-bachelor, 4-year web- and seminar-based teaching model

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Special Pedagogical challenges in kindergartens and schools: Opportunity and growth.

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Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland

Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) - Helgeland Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting


Nursing (Bachelor) Page 1 of 66 BACHELOR IN NURSING. ECTS Credits 180. Professional Studies. Campus Application deadline

Nursing (Bachelor) Page 1 of 66 BACHELOR IN NURSING. ECTS Credits 180. Professional Studies. Campus Application deadline NO EN Nursing (Bachelor) Do you want to participate in shaping the future of the health sector? Do want to provide meaningful help and care to others? Nursing is a profession that is as exciting and challenging,


Occupational health and safety in agriculture

Occupational health and safety in agriculture NO EN Occupational health and safety in agriculture OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY IN AGRICULTURE ECTS Credits 15 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2015 Campus of JOB OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER


Bachelor of Nursing. Page 1 of 25 BACHELOR OF NURSING

Bachelor of Nursing. Page 1 of 25 BACHELOR OF NURSING NO EN Bachelor of Nursing BACHELOR OF NURSING ECTS Credits 180 Study level Bachelor Start semester Autumn 2017 Campus Namsos 4/15/2016 TOVE SAGNES Programme coordinator Konst. prodekan Phone: +47 74 21


Hovedemne 1. Sykepleiens faglige og vitenskapelige grunnlag

Hovedemne 1. Sykepleiens faglige og vitenskapelige grunnlag Litteraturliste for kull 120 4. og 5. semester Litteratur er satt opp for hvert hovedemne og enkelte delemner. - I tillegg kommer selvvalgt pensumlitteratur knyttet til ulike emner. Dette vil det bli gitt


Nutrition. Page 1 of 8 NUTRITION

Nutrition. Page 1 of 8 NUTRITION NO EN Nutrition NUTRITION ECTS Credits 30 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2016 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Faculty of Professional Studies Bodø Application deadline


EN Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning

EN Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning EN-435 1 Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning Oppgaver Oppgavetype Vurdering 1 EN-435 16/12-15 Introduction Flervalg Automatisk poengsum 2 EN-435 16/12-15 Task 1 Skriveoppgave Manuell poengsum 3 EN-435


Litteraturliste Bachelor i sykepleie, kull 121

Litteraturliste Bachelor i sykepleie, kull 121 Litteraturliste Bachelor i sykepleie, kull 121 2009 2010 Emne 4SYK102 Sykepleie og psykologi (9 studiepoeng) Bielecki, T,.& Børdahl, Bente (6.utg. 2009) Legemiddelhåndtering s.13-114 s.125-183 Eide& Eide


Nursing - Bachelor's Degree Programme

Nursing - Bachelor's Degree Programme Nursing - Bachelor's Degree Programme Credits: 180 credits Grade name: Bachelor i sykepleier Full-time/Part-time: Full-time Introduction The programme is offered as a full-time programme over three years


New steps in the municipal health and care staircase: Educating for new roles and innovative models for treatment and care of frail elders.

New steps in the municipal health and care staircase: Educating for new roles and innovative models for treatment and care of frail elders. New steps in the municipal health and care staircase: Educating for new roles and innovative models for treatment and care of frail elders. Marit Kirkevold, Professor og avdelingsleder, Avdeling for sykepleievitenskap


Honours in Occupational Health and Safety

Honours in Occupational Health and Safety Honours in Occupational Health and Safety NO EN A healthy and safe working environment pays well in both human and financial terms. This programme enables the student to improve his/her skills in an increasingly


Kurskategori 2: Læring og undervisning i et IKT-miljø. vår

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Honours in Occupational Health and Safety

Honours in Occupational Health and Safety Honours in Occupational Health and Safety NO EN A healthy and safe working environment pays well in both human and financial terms. This programme enables the student to improve his/her skills in an increasingly


E-Learning Design. Speaker Duy Hai Nguyen, HUE Online Lecture

E-Learning Design. Speaker Duy Hai Nguyen, HUE Online Lecture E-Learning Design Speaker Duy Hai Nguyen, HUE Online Lecture Design Educational Design Navigation Design Educational Design Some Important Considerations: 1. Authentic learning environment: For effective


Jeanette Wheeler, C-TAGME University of Missouri-Kansas City Saint Luke s Mid America Heart Institute

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Honours in Occupational Health and Safety

Honours in Occupational Health and Safety NO EN Honours in Occupational Health and Safety A healthy and safe working environment pays well in both human and financial terms. This programme enables the student to improve his/her skills in an increasingly





Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 30 credits

Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 30 credits NO EN Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 30 credits NORDIC AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON TEACHING AND LEARNING, 30 CREDITS Studiepoeng 30,0 Type studium Kortere studier/kurs


Assessing second language skills - a challenge for teachers Case studies from three Norwegian primary schools

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Antrozoologi. Samspill mellom dyr og menneske Interaction between Animal and Human

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Litteraturliste for Bachelor i sykepleie 1.studieår, kull 122

Litteraturliste for Bachelor i sykepleie 1.studieår, kull 122 Litteraturliste for Bachelor i 1.studieår, kull 122 2010-2011 Emne: 4SYE Sykepleiefaget, yrkesgrunnlaget og eldreomsorg Bielecki, T. & Børdahl, B.(6.utg. 2009) Bertelsen,B. I.(2000) Legemiddelhåndtering


please register via stads-self-service within the registration period announced here: Student Hub

please register via stads-self-service within the registration period announced here: Student Hub Fundamental Environmental Risk Environmental Risk Regulation Management and Planning Om kurset Subject Activitytype Teaching language Registration Learning outcomes/ assessment criteria Miljø biologi /


Kartleggingsskjema / Survey

Kartleggingsskjema / Survey Kartleggingsskjema / Survey 1. Informasjon om opphold i Norge / Information on resident permit in Norway Hvilken oppholdstillatelse har du i Norge? / What residence permit do you have in Norway? YES No


Everydag Rehabilitation

Everydag Rehabilitation NO EN Everydag Rehabilitation EVERYDAY REHABILITATION ECTS Credits 30 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2016 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Application deadline Faculty of


Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget

Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget Emne BSN140_1, BOKMÅL, 2011 HØST, versjon 08.aug.2013 11:15:44 Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget Emnekode: BSN140_1, Vekting: 10 studiepoeng Semester undervisningsstart og varighet: Høst, 1 semester


NMBU nøkkel for læringsutbytte Bachelor

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GEO231 Teorier om migrasjon og utvikling

GEO231 Teorier om migrasjon og utvikling U N I V E R S I T E T E T I B E R G E N Institutt for geografi Emnerapport høsten 2013: GEO231 Teorier om migrasjon og utvikling Innhold: 1. Informasjon om emnet 2. Statistikk 3. Egenevaluering 4. Studentevaluering


Bachelor in Nursing. udieplaner. Level of qualification Bachelor degree. ECTS credits 180 ECTS. Programme duration 3 years(6 semesters)

Bachelor in Nursing. udieplaner. Level of qualification Bachelor degree. ECTS credits 180 ECTS. Programme duration 3 years(6 semesters) Bachelor in Nursing Level of qualification Bachelor degree ECTS credits 180 ECTS Programme duration 3 years(6 semesters) Mode of study Full Time Study place Bodø Responsible faculty Faculty of Professional


Everydag Rehabilitation

Everydag Rehabilitation NO EN Everydag Rehabilitation EVERYDAY REHABILITATION ECTS Credits 30 Study level One term programme Start semester Autumn 2017 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Application deadline Faculty of


Guidance. CBEST, CSET, Middle Level Credential

Guidance. CBEST, CSET, Middle Level Credential Guidance CBEST, CSET, Middle Level Credential Liberal Studies for Teachers, 2009 CBEST California Basic Educational Skills Test Measures basic educational skills needed for teachers Reading Writing Math


Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, session-based teaching

Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, session-based teaching NO EN Lower secondary teacher education grades 5-10, session-based teaching LOWER SECONDARY TEACHER EDUCATION GRADES 5-10, SESSION-BASED TEACHING ECTS Credits 240 Study level Programme of professional


Ny studieplan i Introduction to Norway

Ny studieplan i Introduction to Norway Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, Avdeling for lærer- og tolkeutdanning. AVDELINGSSTYRET 08.06.2006 Til: AVDELINGSSTYRET Fra: DEKAN Saksframlegg ved: Wenche Salomonsen King Dato: 290506 A 20/05 Vedlegg: Ny studieplan


Brinchmann, B. S. (Red.). (2005). Etikk i sykepleien. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk. [Kapitel 1-10]

Brinchmann, B. S. (Red.). (2005). Etikk i sykepleien. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk. [Kapitel 1-10] Litteraturliste (obligatorisk pensum) Emnegruppe 1, kull H09 Alvsvåg, H. (2006). Omsorg - med utgangspunkt i Kari Martinsens omsorgstenkning. I: U. Knutstad & B. Kamp Nielsen (Red.), Sykepleieboken 2 :





History-one year, E-Learning

History-one year, E-Learning NO EN History-one year, E-Learning The web-based on-line programme is equivalent to the One-Year programme in History, but teaching, progression and examination differ. The programme gives an insight into


Emneevaluering GEOV272 V17

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AAR4620 Architectural Design with Light and Colour - autumn 2016

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Forskriftsendring ESG Standards and Guidelines for quality Assurance (ESG) Veiledende retningslinjer for UHpedagogisk UNIPED. uhr@uhr.

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European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)

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(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa UNDERWRITING LIMITS The following tables show our financial and medical underwriting limits effective from 07 July 2017. FINANCIAL LIMITS Protection Financial evidence requirements Additional financial


Information search for the research protocol in IIC/IID

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Studiebesøk til Kaunas University of Medicine, Faculty of Nursing

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NO EN. Public Health

NO EN. Public Health NO EN Public Health Public health has in recent years gained importance through the World Health Organization s (WHO) strategy "Health for all in 2000." This study provides a comprehensive approach to


Eksamen ENG1002/1003 Engelsk fellesfag Elevar og privatistar/elever og privatister. Nynorsk/Bokmål

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Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor.

Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. NO EN Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. The programme description gives directions for instruction and practice training through setting aims and objectives for the


Hvor mye praktisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye)

Hvor mye praktisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye) INF247 Er du? Er du? - Annet Ph.D. Student Hvor mye teoretisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye) Hvor mye praktisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen,


Midler til innovativ utdanning

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Hvordan ser pasientene oss?

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Integrating Evidence into Nursing Practice Using a Standard Nursing Terminology

Integrating Evidence into Nursing Practice Using a Standard Nursing Terminology Integrating Evidence into Nursing Practice Using a Standard Nursing Terminology Kathryn Mølstad, RN, Norwegian Nurses Organisation Kay Jansen, MSN, PMHCNS-BC, DNPc, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee,


Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor.

Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. NO EN Pre-School Education web based and concentrated teaching model-bachelor. The programme description gives directions for instruction and practice training through setting aims and objectives for the





Innovasjonsvennlig anskaffelse

Innovasjonsvennlig anskaffelse UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN Universitetet i Bergen Innovasjonsvennlig anskaffelse Fredrikstad, 20 april 2016 Kjetil Skog 1 Universitetet i Bergen 2 Universitetet i Bergen Driftsinntekter på 4 milliarder kr


Sykepleiens samfunnsvitenskapelige grunnlag - fokus på sykepleiens relasjonelle dimensjon

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Human Resource Management, one year programme (Helgeland)

Human Resource Management, one year programme (Helgeland) Human Resource Management, one year programme (Helgeland) Level of qualification One year programme ECTS credits 60 Programme duration 1 year Mode of study Full time and part time Study place Mo i Rana


CAMES. Technical. Skills. Overskrift 27pt i to eller flere linjer teksten vokser opad. Brødtekst 22pt skrives her. Andet niveau.

CAMES. Technical. Skills. Overskrift 27pt i to eller flere linjer teksten vokser opad. Brødtekst 22pt skrives her. Andet niveau. CAMES Overskrift 27pt i to eller flere linjer Technical Skills Leizl Joy Nayahangan, RN, MHCM IMPORTANCE Challenges Brødtekst 22pt of patient skrives her care Increasing


Litteraturliste for Bachelor i sykepleie 1.studieår, kull 123 2011-2012

Litteraturliste for Bachelor i sykepleie 1.studieår, kull 123 2011-2012 1 Litteraturliste for Bachelor i sykepleie 1.studieår, kull 123 2011-2012 Emne: AFB101 Anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi Bjålie, J. G., Haug, E., Sand, O., & Sjaastad, Ø.V.(2006). Menneskekroppen. Fysiologi


Forskerutdanning for lærerutdanningene strategier for fremtiden

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Beslutningsprosesser om livsforlengende behandling i sykehjem. Anne Dreyer, NSFs faggruppe for sykepleiere i geriatri og demens 13.2.

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Kroniske sykdommer utfordringer i allmennpraksis.

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Human Resource Management, one year programme (Bodø)

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Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget

Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget Emnekode: BSY140_1, Vekting: 10 studiepoeng Tilbys av: Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, Institutt for helsefag Semester undervisningsstart og varighet: Høst,


Hvor mye teoretisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye)

Hvor mye teoretisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye) Emneevaluering GEOV325 Vår 2016 Kommentarer til GEOV325 VÅR 2016 (emneansvarlig) Forelesingsrommet inneholdt ikke gode nok muligheter for å kunne skrive på tavle og samtidig ha mulighet for bruk av power


(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa UNDERWRITING LIMITS The following tables show our financial and medical underwriting limits effective from 11 April 2016. FINANCIAL LIMITS Protection Financial evidence requirements Additional financial


Læringsmål, vurderingsformer og gradert karakterskala hva er sammenhengen? Om du ønsker, kan du sette inn navn, tittel på foredraget, o.l. her.

Læringsmål, vurderingsformer og gradert karakterskala hva er sammenhengen? Om du ønsker, kan du sette inn navn, tittel på foredraget, o.l. her. 1 Professor Vidar Gynnild: Læringsmål, vurderingsformer og gradert karakterskala hva er sammenhengen? Om du ønsker, kan du sette inn navn, tittel på foredraget, o.l. her. 2 En modell Læringsmål (Intended


Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget

Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget Emne BSY140_1, BOKMÅL, 2007 HØST, versjon 08.aug.2013 11:11:03 Grunnleggende sykepleie og yrkesgrunnlaget Emnekode: BSY140_1, Vekting: 10 studiepoeng Semester undervisningsstart og varighet: Høst, 1 semester


Fagevalueringsrapport FYS Diffraksjonsmetoder og elektronmikroskopi

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Recognition of prior learning are we using the right criteria

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Forelesningsplan for emnet Sykepleievitenskap og tjeneste, SYKVIT4011 (10P), høst 2009

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The regulation requires that everyone at NTNU shall have fire drills and fire prevention courses.

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Kunnskapsbasert praksis innen læring og mestring

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ISO 41001:2018 «Den nye læreboka for FM» Pro-FM. Norsk tittel: Fasilitetsstyring (FM) - Ledelsessystemer - Krav og brukerveiledning

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Political Science (Bachelor)

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FASMED. Tirsdag 21.april 2015

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Human Resource Management, one year programme (Vesterålen)

Human Resource Management, one year programme (Vesterålen) Human Resource Management, one year programme (Vesterålen) Level of qualification One year programme ECTS credits 60 Programme duration 1 year Mode of study Full time and part time Study place Stokmarknes


Leadership (Bachelor)

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Leadership (Bachelor)

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Pre-School Teacher Education-bachelor.

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Emnebeskriving for KJEM326 Utvalde emne i kjemometri KJEM326 Utvalgte emner i kjemometri KJEM326 Selected topics in Chemometrics

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P: I: C: O: MeSH (Cochrane, Medline) Exp Hospital Outpatient Clinics/ Exp Young adult/ Exp Heart Failure, Systolic/

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Pre-School Teacher Education-bachelor.

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Videreutdanning i anestesi intensiv og operasjonssykepleie

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GEO326 Geografiske perspektiv på mat

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Experiences with standards and criteria in Norway Sissel Skillinghaug/Kirsti Aandstad Hettasch Assessment Department

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TEKSTER PH.D.-KANDIDATER FREMDRIFTSRAPPORTERING TEKSTER PH.D.-KANDIDATER FREMDRIFTSRAPPORTERING DISTRIBUSJONS-E-POST TIL ALLE KANDIDATER: (Fornavn, etternavn) Den årlige fremdriftsrapporteringen er et viktig tiltak som gjør instituttene og fakultetene


NORSI Kappe workshop - introduction

NORSI Kappe workshop - introduction NORSI Kappe workshop - introduction Aim of workshop Main aim: Kick-starting the work of the dissertation «kappe» Other aims: Learn from each other Test a modell for an intensive workshop Discussion feedback


Medisinsk support og bedõmning på distans Lindholmen 25 oktober 2017 Tove Grøneng & Gerd Magna Wold.

Medisinsk support og bedõmning på distans Lindholmen 25 oktober 2017 Tove Grøneng & Gerd Magna Wold. Medisinsk support og bedõmning på distans Lindholmen 25 oktober 2017 Tove Grøneng & Gerd Magna Wold Senior start-up Etablert 2015, kun 5 personer ansatt 150 års erfaring


Kjersti Oterhals. Hjerteavdelingen, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Bergen,

Kjersti Oterhals. Hjerteavdelingen, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Bergen, Kjersti Oterhals Hjerteavdelingen, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Bergen, UNITE Research Group; Christi Deaton, Sabina De Geest, Tiny Jaarsma, Mattie Lenzen, Philip Moons, Jan Mårtensson, Karen Smith,


Nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk og læringsmål i forskerutdanningen

Nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk og læringsmål i forskerutdanningen Nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk og læringsmål i forskerutdanningen Roger Strand Senterleder, Senter for vitenskapsteori, UiB Medlem, Dannelsesutvalget Styreleder, Vestnorsk nettverk forskerutdanninga
