NORMAN ASA. 2. kvartal 2008 / 2 nd quarter Lysaker, 11. juli 2008 / 11 th July 2008

Like dokumenter
NORMAN ASA. 1. kvartal 2008 / 1 st quarter Lysaker, 17. april 2008 / 17 th April Norman ASA 1Q Report April 2008

Press release Norman ASA 2nd quarter 2009

NORMAN ASA. 4. kvartal 2006 / 4 th quarter 2006

NORMAN ASA. 1. halvår 2003 / 1 st half 2003


Accounts. International Democrat Union

Report for the 2 nd quarter of 2008

Report for the 3 rd quarter of 2008

Q2 Results July 17, Hans Stråberg President and CEO. Fredrik Rystedt CFO

PRESSEMELDING, 30. april Nera ASA: Resultater for 1. kvartal 2002

We simplify your business. Report for the 2nd quarter of 2007

Report for the 4 th quarter of 2008

WE SIMPLIFY YOUR BUSINESS. Report for the 4th quarter of 2006

We simplify your business. Report for the 4th quarter of 2007

Note 39 - Investments in owner interests

Quarterly report. 1st quarter 2012

Overgang til IFRS / Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Netto kontantstrøm fra drift etter skatt var NOK 366m mot NOK 298m i første kvartal 2006.

Report for the 2 nd quarter of 2009

We simplify your business. Report for the 3rd quarter of 2007

NORMAN ASA. 2. kvartal 2002 / 2 nd Quarter 2002

Report for the 1st quarter of 2008

Netfonds Holding ASA - consolidated Quarterly Accounts (Delårsregnskaper)

WE SIMPLIFY YOUR BUSINESS. Report for the 3rd quarter of 2006

Netfonds Holding ASA - consolidated Quarterly Accounts (Delårsregnskaper)

Resultatregnskap / Income statement

Report for the 1 st quarter of 2009

Report for the 3 rd quarter of 2009

QUARTERLY REPORT. 3rd quarter 2010

Note 39 - Investments in owner interests

Andelen av resultat fra tilknyttede selskaper var positiv med NOK 5 millioner i 1. halvår 1999 mot NOK 6 millioner i tilsvarende periode i 1998.

Sektor Portefølje III

Resultat av teknisk regnskap

QUARTERLY REPORT. 4th quarter 2010

Note 38 - Investments in owner interests

Report for the 4 th quarter of 2009

Note 39 - Investments in owner interests

Quarterly Report 1 st quarter 2002

Q 2 Q 2 (NOK mill.) Total. 374,4 698,7 Driftsinntekter / Operating income 1 050,8 689, ,6

Netfonds Holding ASA - consolidated Quarterly Accounts (Delårsregnskaper)

Net operating revenues 76,4 75,4 222,7 218,3 EBITDA 1,1 1,6 1,5-3,3 EBIT 0,1-0,2-2,5-9,1 Operating margin 0,1 % -0,2 % -1,1 % -4,2 %

Quarterly report. 4th quarter 2011

Netto finansposter ble minus 1,3 millioner kroner i første kvartal 2007, mot minus 0,9 millioner kroner i samme periode i 2006.

QUARTERLY REPORT. 1st quarter 2011

Austevoll Seafood ASA

SuperOffice ASA. Kvartalsrapport Financial statement Q3/2005. English report starts on page 9

Fourth quarter report 2008

SuperOffice ASA. Kvartalsrapport Financial statement Q2/2004

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KVARTALSRAPPORT. 4. kvartal 2008


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HAVFISK- first quarter 2013

the Method of Calculation set out in General Notice 216 of 2009 published in

Visma ASA. Financial Report 4. quarter Contact information. Visma ASA. Biskop Gunnerusgt. 6 N-0106 Oslo.

KVARTALSRAPPORT. 1. kvartal 2011

KVARTALSRAPPORT. 3. kvartal 2011

KVARTALSRAPPORT. 2. kvartal 2011

KVARTALSRAPPORT. 3. kvartal 2010


I driftsresultatet for 4. kvartal inngår engangsposter på til sammen kr 6,3 mill. For året 2003 utgjør slike poster kr 10,8 mill.


EDISON FULL YEAR 2005 RESULTS. Milan, February 21 st 2006

FINANCIAL REPORT. 3 rd Quarter 2006 Financial Statements DeepOcean ASA

Rapport for 1. kvartal 2017

Per 30th September there has been a positive cash flow from operations of MNOK 58,7 compared with MNOK 67,7 in the same period last year.

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Net operating revenues 57,9 66,5 142,9 166,5 EBITDA -3,6-2,0-4,9 3,5 EBIT -5,3-4,2-8,4-1,0 Operating margin -9,2 % -6,3 % -5,9 % -0,6 %


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KVARTALSRAPPORT. 2. kvartal 2012

Net operating revenues 73,4 85,1 EBITDA -1,0-1,3 EBIT -2,5-3,1 Operating margin -3,4 % -3,6 %

Page 1of 9 2Q Austevoll Seafood ASA

SuperOffice ASA. Kvartalsrapport Financial statement Q3/2006. English report follows on page 9

NEAS med 18 prosent omsetningsvekst. NEAS nøkkeltall. Global Reports LLC

Filipstad Brygge 1, 8. etg, Oslo. 14. oktober 2005 kl 12:00

Sektor Portefølje III

Et naturlig valg i fisk og sjømat. KVARTALSRAPPORT 4. kvartal 2005 Foreløpig årsregnskap 2005

SuperOffice ASA Kvartalsrapport for Q Oslo, 17. februar 2006

Annual Shareholders Meeting

Grenland Group ASA Q2-2006

Et naturlig valg i fisk og sjømat. KVARTALSRAPPORT 3. kvartal 2005

Profdoc ASA. Kvartalsrapport 2. kvartal 2004 Financial Report 2. quarter 2004

KVARTALSRAPPORT. 3. kvartal 2009


Et naturlig valg i fisk og sjømat. KVARTALSRAPPORT 2. kvartal 2006

Equinor Insurance AS Income Statement as of 30 June 2018

(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

FINANCIAL REPORT 3 rd Quarter 1999


The following matters were discussed: 1 ELECTION OF A PERSON TO CHAIR THE GENERAL MEETING

Visma ASA. Financial Report 3 rd quarter Contact information. Visma ASA. Biskop Gunnerusgt. 6 N-0106 Oslo.

KVARTALSRAPPORT. 1. kvartal 2010

Profdoc ASA. Kvartalsrapport 3. kvartal 2003 Financial Report 3 rd quarter 2003

Generalforsamling HAVFISK ASA

KVARTALSRAPPORT 1. kvartal 2007

KVARTALSRAPPORT. 4. kvartal 2010


NORMAN ASA 2. kvartal 28 / 2 nd quarter 28 Lysaker, 11. juli 28 / 11 th July 28

Stabil utvikling for Norman Datasikkerhetsselskapet Norman ASA rapporterte i dag sitt resultat for første halvår 28. Norman oppnådde for første halvår en omsetning på 133,3 millioner kroner, som er på nivå med første halvår i fjor. EBITDA-resultatet for de seks første månedene ble 8,7 millioner kroner, sammenlignet med 8,9 millioner kroner i fjor. Resultatet tilsvarer en EBITDA-margin på 7 %, som er uendret fra i fjor. Resultat før skatt de første seks månedene endte på 5,8 millioner kroner mot 6,9 millioner kroner i fjor. Selskapet er fortsatt påvirket av en negativ valutaeffekt i Q2. I lokal valuta ville veksten ha vært 5 % for første halvår 28. For andre kvartal 28 endte omsetningen på 62,6 millioner kroner, hvilket er en liten økning fra andre kvartal 27. EBITDA-resultatet ble 1,7 millioner kroner, en nedgang fra 3,6 millioner kroner i fjor. EBITDA-marginen i andre kvartal ble 3 prosent som følge av økte engangskostnader relatert til Normans operasjon i Benelux. Selskapet fortsetter, som planlagt, å redusere salg av tredjeparts produkter, noe som i kombinasjon med økt OEM- og teknologisalg øker bruttomarginen til 88 % fra 86% i andre kvartal 27. Etter at en rekke nye produkter er lansert de siste månedene har Norman i kvartalet styrket sin markedsposisjon på flere områder. Innenfor forretningsområdet Core Security hadde Norman en god vekst i sine OEM-avtaler med andre IT-selskaper spesielt med Microsoft og F-Secure. Fujitsu Siemens Computers utvidet sitt samarbeid med Norman vesentlig, slik at selskapet nå leverer sitt viktigste sikkerhetsprodukt sammen med Fujitsu Siemens pc-er til privatmarkedet i hele EMEAområdet. Innenfor forretningsområdet Network Protection er det stadig flere selskaper som tester ut Normans nye produkter. Volumene øker jevnt og selskapet installerer produktet i nye vertikale markeder som sikkerhetssektoren, i tillegg til helse-, utdanning og produksjonssektoren. Fremveksten av stadig flere nye datatrusler indikerer også at Norman Network Protection representerer en attraktiv løsning. Forretningsområdet Advanced Malware Analyzers hadde også en positiv utvikling i andre kvartal, særlig i USA. I løpet av første halvår har alle utløpte lisenser blitt fornyet og nysalget har økt. En rekke av verdens ledende IT-selskaper har på nytt bekreftet at de vil fortsette å benytte seg av Normans avanserte analyseverktøy og interessen fra potensielle kunder er økende. Med unntak av selskapets valutaeksponering, har ikke Norman for annet halvår, risiki ut over hva som er vanlig for et internasjonal IT-selskap. Selskapet har inntekter og utgifter i en rekke valutaer, særlig EUR, CHF og USD, og er dermed eksponert for svingninger i disse valuta. Valutarisikoen refererer seg til fremtidige forretningsmessige transaksjoner, fastsettelse av selskapets eiendeler og forpliktelser i balansen samt investeringer i utenlandske valutaer. Normans finansielle stilling er fortsatt sterk. Selskapet har ingen rentebærende gjeld. Kontantbeholdningen ved utgangen av andre kvartal var 78,7 millioner kroner, som er 36,7 millioner kroner mindre enn i første kvartal. Norman har i løpet av kvartalet betalt 29,3 millioner kroner i utbytte til sine aksjonærer. Ingen betydelige hendelser fant sted i løpet av første halvår 28 bortsett fra at selskapet erklærte opsjonenene relatert til Norman Shark B.V., DCC Shark og DCC GFI. Videre, har ingen transaksjoner i første halvår blitt foretatt av nærstående som har vesentlig betydning for selskapets finansielle stilling. Selskapet hadde 186 ansatte ved utgangen av andre kvartal (185 ved utgangen av andre kvartal 27). - I andre kvartal tok vi flere viktige skritt mot ny vekst for Norman. Vi har lansert mange nye produkter på kort tid og vårt hovedfokus er nå å ta disse produktene til markedet. I løpet av kvartalet har markedet også gitt oss ytterligere bekreftelser på at Norman har lykkes i å utvikle neste generasjon databeskyttelse, sier adm. direktør Trygve Aasland. Norman vil fortsette å investere i produktutvikling og markedsføring. Etter hvert som nye produkter blir tatt imot av markedet regner Norman med fornyet organisk vekst, særlig mot slutten av året. Selskapets sterke kontantbeholdning gir betydelig fleksibilitet i forhold til fremtidige vekstalternativer og muligheter for å skape aksjonærverdier. *********************************************************************************************************************** Vedlagt følger et sammendrag av resultatregnskap og balanse for andre kvartal 28. For ytterligere informasjon, kontakt: Svein Ramsay Goli, styreformann (+47 975 6757) Trygve Aasland, administrerende direktør (+47 4153 9717) Simen Nyberg-Hansen, finansdirektør (+47 982 6355)

Stable development for Norman Norman ASA, the data security company, today announced its first half 28 result. Norman posted net revenues of NOK 133.3 million, which is at par with last year s first half. EBITDA for the first six months came in at NOK 8.7 million, compared to NOK 8.9 million last year. The results correspond to an EBITDA margin of 7% for the first six months, unchanged from last year. Pre-tax profit ended at NOK 5.8 million, down from NOK 6.9 million last year. The company continues to be hit by a negative currency effect in Q2. In local currencies the revenue growth was 5% in the first half of 28. For the second quarter 28, net revenue ended at NOK 62.6 million, which is slightly up from the second quarter of 27. EBITDA was NOK 1.7 million, down from NOK 3.6 million the previous year. The EBITDA margin for the second quarter was 3% reflecting increased onetime cost related to Normans operation in Benelux. The Company continues to reduce sale of 3 rd party products which in combination with increased OEM revenues increased the gross margin to 88% from 86% in the second quarter of 27. Following a number of new product releases in previous months, Norman improved its market position in a number of areas during the quarter. In the Core Security business area Norman saw a positive growth in its OEM agreements with other IT companies in particular Microsoft and F-Secure. Fujitsu Siemens Computers expanded its co-operations with Norman significantly, enabling the Company to bundle its main security product with Fujitsu Siemens computers to consumers throughout the entire EMEA region. Within the Network Protection business area the steady flow of trial users seeking to explore Norman s new products continues. Volumes are increasing and the company is installing the product into new vertical markets like security in addition to healthcare, manufacturing and education. The increase in security threats suggests that Norman Network Protection is an attractive product offering. The Advanced Malware Analyzer business area also saw a positive development, especially in the United States. During the first half of the year, all expiring licences were renewed and new sales grew. A number of the world s leading IT companies have reconfirmed their use of Norman s sophisticated analysing tools and the interest from potential customers is increasing. With the exception of its currency exposure, Norman faces no particular risk for the second half of the year, beyond what is considered normal for an international IT company. The Company has revenues and expenses in a number of currencies, especially EUR, CHF and USD, and is exposed to fluctuations in these currencies. Foreign exchange risk arises from future commercial transactions, recognised assets and liabilities and net investments in foreign currencies. Norman s financial position remains strong. The company has no interest bearing debt. Total cash at the end of the quarter amounted to NOK 78.7 million, which is down NOK 36.7 million from the first quarter. Norman paid its share holders a dividend of NOK 29.3 million in the quarter. No significant events arose during the first half of 28, except that the options related to Norman Shark BV, DCC Shark and DCC GFI were called. Furthermore, no transactions involving closely related parties having a significant impact on the Company s financial position have occurred in the first half of 28. The company had 186 employees at the end of the second quarter (185 at the end of second quarter of 27). In the second quarter, Norman took a series of important steps towards renewed growth. We have released a number of new products in a short period of time, and our main priority is now bringing the new products to the market. During the quarter we have also seen numerous confirmations that Norman has succeeded in developing the next generation data protection software, said CEO Trygve Aasland. Norman will continue to invest in bringing new products to the market. As new products are adopted by the market, Norman expects to gain momentum and renewed organic growth, especially towards the end of the year. The Company s strong cash position represents considerable flexibility in terms of future growth alternatives and in creating share holder value. *********************************************************************************************************************** Enclosed is a summary of the interim financial statements for the second quarter 28. For further information, please contact: Chairman of the board Svein Ramsay Goli (+47 975 6757), CEO Trygve Aasland (+47 4153 9717), CFO Simen Nyberg-Hansen (+47 982 6355)

Condensed consolidated interim income statement, unaudited (Figures in NOK 1.) Note 2Q8 2Q7 1H8 1H7 Net revenues 8 62.596 61.54 133.311 13.23 Net revenues - % growth from previous year 2% -2% 2% 3% Cost of goods sold 7.592 8.924 16.821 2.448 Personnel expenses 3.148 3.128 64.984 62.523 Other operating expenses 22.587 18.753 42.39 37.77 Loss on receivables 543 159 775 64 Sub-total 6.87 57.964 124.619 121.318 EBITDA EBITDA margin 1.726 3% 3.576 6% 8.692 7% 8.912 7% Depreciation and amortization 2.72 1.489 4.161 2.767 Operating profit (EBIT) -346 2.87 4.531 6.145 Interest income 979 426 1.295 783 Interest expense 2 4 6 8 Profit before tax 631 2.59 5.82 6.92 Income tax expense 36 73 1.49 1.673 Profit for the period 595 1.86 4.33 5.247 Attributable to: Equity holders of the company 1.42 1.259 4.199 4.26 Minority interest -447 547 131 987 595 1.86 4.33 5.247 Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity holders of the company Earnings per share basic and diluted kr.11 kr.13 kr.43 kr.44

Condensed consolidated interim balance sheet, unaudited (Figures in NOK 1.) 3 Jun 8 31 Dec 7 ASSETS Non-current assets Intangible assets 15.13 15.554 Goodwill 1.972 1.972 Property, plant and equipment 5.53 6.91 Deferred tax asset 31.22 31.22 53.834 54.819 Current assets Inventory 3.125 898 Trade receivables 34.46 25.13 Other current receivables 9.317 7.52 Cash and cash equivalents 78.666 18.189 125.154 141.62 Total assets 178.988 196.439 EQUITY Capital and reserves attributable to the company s equity holders Share capital 3.772 3.772 Treasury shares -17-17 Other equity -22.466 2.595 Other contributed equity 439-289 Cumulative translation adjustment 3.626 3.687-14.646 9.748 Minority interest 4.69 3.918 Total equity -1.577 13.666 LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Deferred income non-current 36.751 4.45 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 11.638 7.212 Current income tax liabilities 4.28 7.25 Payroll tax, VAT, social tax etc 8.531 8.188 Deferred income current 18.654 12.112 Other current liabilities 19.711 18.11 152.814 142.728 Total liabilities 189.565 182.773 Total equity and liabilities 178.988 196.439 Lysaker, 1 th July 28 Svein Ramsay Goli Chairman of the Board of Directors Norman ASA

Condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows, unaudited (Figures in NOK 1.) Jan-Jun 8 Jan-Jun 7 Cash flow from operating activities Profit before tax 5.82 6.92 Depreciation and amortization 4.161 2.767 Calculation of share option costs 728 479 Loss/(profit) on receivables 775 64 Payment of tax -4.443-2.131 Changes in assets & liabilities Accounts receivable -9.819 5.956 Inventory -2.227-382 Other operating assets / liabilities 2.529-645 Accounts payable 4.426 26 Net cash flow from operating activities 1.95 13.63 Cash flow from investing activities Payments for purchase of long term assets -4.32-6.695 Net cash flow from investing activities -4.32-6.695 Cash flow from financing activities Payment of dividend -29.26-9.784 (Payments)/receipts for (purchase)/sale of own shares - -2.283 Net cash flow from financing activities -29.26-12.67 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 1.819-2.463 Net changes in cash & cash equivalents -29.523-7.595 Cash & cash equivalents as at period start 18.189 77.873 Cash & cash equivalents as at period end 78.666 7.278

Condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity, unaudited (Figures in NOK 1.) Share capital Treasury Shares Other contributed equity Other equity Cumulative transl. adjustment Minority interest Total equity Balance as at 1.1.7 3.926-154 -1.18-3.433 1.455 14 88 Currency translation differences - - - - 1.77-5 1.72 Net income/(expense) recognized directly in equity - - - - 1.77-5 1.72 Profit for the year - - - 4.26-987 5.247 Total recognized income for 1H7 - - - 4.26 1.77 982 6.949 Dividend paid to equity holders - - - -9.784 - - -9.784 Purchase of treasury shares - -17 - -2.266 - - -2.283 Reduction in share capital by cancellation of treasury shares -154 154 - - - - - Employee share option scheme; value of services provided - - 479 - - - 479-154 137 479-12.5 - - -11.588 Balance as at 3.6.7 3.772-17 -539-11.223 3.162 1.86-3.759 Balance as at 1.1.8 3.772-17 -289 2.595 3.687 3.918 13.666 Currency translation differences - - - - -61 2-41 Net income/(expense) recognized directly in equity - - - - -61 2-41 Profit for the year - - - 4.199-131 4.33 Total recognized income for 1H8 - - - 4.199-61 151 4.289 Dividend paid to equity holders - - - -29.26 - - -29.26 Employee share option scheme; value of services provided - - 728 - - - 728 - - 728-29.26 - - -28.532 Balance as at 3.6.8 3.772-17 439-22.466 3.626 4.69-1.577 Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements, unaudited Note 1: Reporting entity Norman ASA (the Company ) is a company domiciled in Bærum, Norway. These June 28 condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Norman ASA and its subsidiaries (together the Group ) are for the six months ended 3 June 28. The consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 27 are available upon request from the Company s registered office at Strandveien 37, Lysaker, or at Note 2: Statement of compliance These condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Norman ASA Group have been prepared in accordance with rules and regulations from Oslo Stock Exchange and International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 27. These condensed consolidated interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 1 July 28.

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements, unaudited Note 3: Significant accounting policies These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention. They have been prepared under the same accounting principles as those set out in the consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 27. Note 4: Estimates The preparation of interim financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates. In preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial statements, the significant judgments made by management in applying the Group s accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 27. Note 5: Segment reporting IAS 14 requires segmental reporting on both a primary and secondary basis. Business segment is the primary reporting format for the Group, as products and services represent the predominant source and nature of risks and returns. Norman is a niche company specializing in development, marketing and sales of data security software products and operates only within one primary segment. Norman s secondary segment is geographical segments. The geographical split of net revenues, total assets and capital expenditures is as follows: Norway*) Other Europe North America (Figures in NOK ) 2Q8 2Q7 1H8 1H7 2Q8 2Q7 1H8 1H7 2Q8 2Q7 1H8 1H7 Net revenues 11.269 12.38 23.376 25.466 46.933 45.675 11.28 98.85 4.394 3.557 8.727 6.679 Total assets 65.71 8.177 19.78 82.13 3.579 3.132 Capital expenditures 1.48 3.227 3.275 6.89 517 71 722 393 16 89 35 213 *) Transactions with Group companies are eliminated Note 6: Income statement analysis Expenses can be presented either by the nature of expenses or by their function. Norman has decided to classify expenses by nature on the face of the income statement, but will for information purposes also specify expenses by business function. (Figures in NOK 1.) Note 2Q8 2Q7 1H8 1H7 Net revenues 8 62.596 61.54 133.311 13.23 Net revenues - % growth from previous year 2% -2% 2% 3% Cost of goods sold * 7.592 8.924 16.821 2.448 R&D expenses 11.973 9.58 24.35 18.713 Sales expenses * 29.9 29.468 6.573 62.913 Marketing expenses 3.563 4.41 6.453 7.134 G&A expenses 7.299 5.432 15.962 11.47 Loss on receivables 543 159 775 64 Sub-total 6.87 57.964 124.619 121.318 EBITDA EBITDA margin 1.726 3% 3.576 6% 8.692 7% 8.912 7% Depreciation and amortization 2.72 1.489 4.161 2.767 Operating profit (EBIT) -346 2.87 4.531 6.145 *) The 1Q8 figures have been reclassified to: Cost of goods sold TNOK 9.229 / Sales expenses 3.673 / Other op.ex 19.452. Net effect zero.

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements, unaudited Note 7: Intangible assets During 2nd quarter 28, Norman has capitalized NOK 1.2 million (2Q7: NOK 1.9 million) in development costs related to the development of new products (1H8: NOK 2.4 million, 1H7: NOK 4 million). Note 8: Net revenues In 27 Norman received NOK 39. million from entities controlled by the management shareholders in Norman s 7% owned Dutch subsidiary Norman Shark BV. The background for the income is that the management shareholders and companies controlled by them have withheld revenue from the Norman Group that should have been booked in the Norman Group. In Norman s financial statements, an amount of NOK 21.1 was booked as net revenue in the fourth calendar quarter of 27. The remaining NOK 17.9 million was booked as deferred revenue in the balance sheet. Note 9: Contingent asset As at 3 June 28 the Norman Group has the possibility of acquire an additional 3% of the shares of Norman Shark BV for a total consideration of Euro 6., bringing its holding of the Dutch subsidiary to 1%. Norman has also the possibility of acquire two other entities, being DCC Shark BV for a total consideration of EUR 18., and 51% of the shares in DCC GFI BV for a consideration of EUR 1,-. Since there is a possibility for not realising those contingent assets, the assets are not recognised in the finacial statements. Those potential transactions are part of the settlement with former management in Norman Shark BV(see note 8). *********************************************************************************************************************** Responsibility Statement We confirm to the best of our knowledge that the condensed set of financial statements for the period 1 January to 3 June 28 has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 `Interim Financial Reporting` and gives a true and fair view of the Group`s assets, liabilities, financial position and result for the period viewed in their entirety, and that the interim management report includes a fair review of any significant events that arose during the six-month period and their effect on the half-yearly financial report, any significant related parties` transactions, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year. Lysaker, 1 th July 28 Signed for and on behalf of the Board of Directors Svein Ramsay Goli Chairman of the Board of Directors ***********************************************************************************************************************

Quarterly developments 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Net revenues (MNOK) 81,1 63,5 62,9 65,2 68,7 7,7 6,8 61,5 58,7 62,6 1Q6 2Q6 3Q6 4Q6 1Q7 Gross profit margin 2Q7 3Q7 4Q7 1Q8 2Q8 85 8 75 7 65 6 55 5 45 4 Quarterly net revenues yoy (MNOK) 81,1 7,7 68,7 63,5 62,9 65,2 61,5 62,6 6,8 58,7 1Q6 1Q7 1Q8 2Q6 2Q7 2Q8 3Q6 3Q7 3Q8 4Q6 4Q7 4Q8 9 % EBITDA (MNOK) 88 % 86 % 84 % 82 % 8 % 87 % 87 % 86 % 86 % 86 % 85 % 84 % 84 % 83 % 1Q6 3Q6 1Q7 3Q7 1Q8 88 % 2 15 1 5 18,7 1, 11, 9,5 9,1 8,3 7, 5,3 3,6 1,7 1Q6 2Q6 3Q6 4Q6 1Q7 2Q7 3Q7 4Q7 1Q8 2Q8 EBIT (MNOK) Norway revenues (MNOK) 2 15 1 5 9, 8,4 9,7 7,9 4,1 2,1 6,9 16,9 4,9 15 1 5 14,1 14,1 12,6 13,9 13,2 12,3 1,8 11,8 12,1 11,3-5 1Q6 2Q6 3Q6 4Q6 1Q7 2Q7 3Q7 4Q7 1Q8 2Q8 -,3 1Q6 2Q6 3Q6 4Q6 1Q7 2Q7 3Q7 4Q7 1Q8 2Q8 Other Europe revenues (MNOK) North America revenues (MNOK) 8 6 4 2 46,2 45,8 65,1 48,9 52,4 54,3 45, 45,7 43,8 46,9 1Q6 2Q6 3Q6 4Q6 1Q7 2Q7 3Q7 4Q7 1Q8 2Q8 5 4 3 2 1 4,1 4,3 4,3 4,4 3,3 3,6 3, 3,2 3,1 2,4 1Q6 2Q6 3Q6 4Q6 1Q7 2Q7 3Q7 4Q7 1Q8 2Q8