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Habitat III is the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to take place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 20 October 2016.

114. We will promote access for all to safe, age- and gender-responsive, affordable, accessible, and sustainable urban mobility and land and sea transport systems, enabling meaningful participation in social and economic activities in cities and human settlements, by integrating transport and mobility plans into overall urban and territorial plans and promoting a wide range of transport and mobility options, in particular through supporting: (a) a significant increase in accessible safe, efficient, affordable, and sustainable infrastructure for public transport as well as non-motorized options such as walking and cycling, prioritizing them over private motorized transportation; (b) equitable Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) that minimizes the displacement in particular of the poor and features affordable, mixed-income housing and a mix of jobs and services; (c) better and coordinated transport-land use planning, leading to a reduction of travel and transport needs, enhancing connectivity between urban, peri-urban, and rural areas, including waterways and transport and mobility planning, particularly for small islands developing States and coastal cities; (d) urban freight planning and logistics concepts that enable efficient access to products and services, minimizing the impact of the environment and the livability of the city and maximizing their contribution to sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth.

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Areal Mennesker

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Offentlig rom: er et fysisk territorium som alle har tilgang til; et absolutt offentlig rom er et rom som ikke ekskluderer noen, som er åpent for alle som måtte ønske det i det offentlige rom gjelder også allemannsretten til fri ferdsel Offentlig rom består av: torg, park, plass gater Gatenettet utgjør vanligvis 80% av det offentlige rom i byene.

Public space: an area or place that is open and accessible to all peoples, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age or socio-economic level. These are public gathering spaces such as plazas, squares and parks. Connecting spaces, such as sidewalks and streets, are also public spaces. UNESCO. Social and Human Sciences. Inclusion Through Access to Public Space.

The roles of streets 1. The street system provides the connectivity matrix for the city, which is fundamental for urban mobility and is a determinant for urban economic productivity. 2. The street pattern provides the matrix for the layout of urban basic services, energy, water supply and sanitation, drainage, transportation, parking slots and other services. 3. The street pattern, including plazas and public gardens, is the key element of personal interaction and communication between the citizens. It defines the cultural and political quality of city life. 4. The walkability of the spaces, the safety of the sidewalks and the form and location of shops along the street determines the quality and quantity of street life. UN-HABITAT. Streets as Public Space and Drivers of Urban Prosperity.

Byregion Nord Jæren

Alle går! NRVU 2013/2014 81% av informanter går, enten hele reisen, eller i forbindelse med andre transportmidler. Buss- og togpassasjerer og bilførere mest. Til og med de som sykler går litt.

10-minuttersbyen En by der alle reiser begynner, slutter, eller er innbyrdes koblet med en gangtur på opp til 10 minutter. Mennesker som går bør være premissgivende for utformingen av det offentlige rom.

PUBLIC SPACES FOR ALL Design of the physical environment greatly influences how people interact with each other. Cities with quality public space invite people to come outside, communicate and collaborate with each other, and participate in public life. This is why the mission to create public spaces for all is one of the anchors of urban planning and design.

Denne oversikten viser de verste købyene i verden. Prosenttallet indikerer ekstra reisetid som følge av kø. Stavanger med 23% er på fjerde plass i Norden: det betyr 103 timer ekstra reisetid. Stavanger har gått ned fra 3. til 4. plass fra 2014 til 2015. Kilde: Våre Veger

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