Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Geodynamikk V2013

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1 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Geodynamikk V2013 Prosjekttittel: Geometric analysis of a small-scale Sevier thrust fault complex, Utah by means of field and virtual outcrop mapping. Veileder: Haakon Fossen (UMB/GEO) Medveileder: John Howell (GEO) and Simon Buckley (Uni CIPR) Prosjektbeskrivelse: The Ketobe Knob is a 60 m high buttress that outcrops in the San Rafael Desert in Eastern Utah. The outcrop provides an excellent opportunity to study the geometry and architecture of an intermediate scale thrust complex in near-3d. The key outcrop exhibits three distinct faces that are cut by a shallowly dipping reverse fault. The fault damage zone includes a variety of deformational features that are at least in part controlled by lithology of the host rock. A high resolution image of the Knob can be found at which beautifully illustrates one view of the structure (NB note that the descriptions are not all correct). The goal of this study is to build a 3D virtual outcrop of the Knob and then carry out detailed mapping and interpretation of the structure, leading to a 3D model. The primary data collection methods will be by Lidar scanning and field measurements. Lidar is a laser mapping system which produces a cloud comprised of millions of measured points which define the surface of the outcrop. These are then used to create a surface on to which detailed photographs are then draped. The final result is a detailed 3D virtual outcrop on to which mapping, measurements and interpretation can be done. Field mapping will extend beyond the relatively small knob. Data collected from the field and virtual outcrop will be loaded into a reservoir modelling software to produce a 3D volume. The student will gain experience is structural geology, virtual outcrop geology and reservoir modelling. Fieldwork will be undertaken in May 2014 although there is some potential for an earlier field season in Sept The student must hold a full driving licence and be keen to spend time in the field. More information on lidar scanning can be found at For more information on the projects contact Haakon Fossen or John Howell Eksterne data: None Feltarbeid: 3-4 weeks in Utah in connection with GEOV352 (implying that the student will be prioritized for this field course). Laboratoriearbeid: Work in the CIPR Viz lab. Finansiering: The project is supported by the Geo-dept (field work and thin sections) and the SAFARI project (LIDAR scanning).

2 Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp = 1 års fulltidsstudium. Emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV251 Videregående strukturgeologi (10) GEOV260 Petroleumsgeologi (10) GEOV272 Seismisk tolkning (10) GEOV352 Petroleumsgeologiske feltmetoder (5) GEOV210 Platetektonikk (10) GEOV360 Sedimentologi og facies-analyse or GEOV361 Sekvensstrat. (10) or GEOV362 (5) Spesialpensum (5) forkastninger

3 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Geodynamikk V2013 Prosjekttittel: Provenance and Mineralogy of aeolian strata in Utah Veileder: Haakon Fossen (UMB/GEO) Medveileder: John Howell (GEO) and Simon Buckley (Uni CIPR) Prosjektbeskrivelse: The well-exposed Permian-Jurassic strata of eastern and southern Utah contain several distinct eolian units: Ceder Mesa Fm; Windgate Sst, Navajo Sst, and Slick Rock and Moab members of the San Rafael Group. While these were all deposited in the same basin, under similar depositional conditions, each has a very distinctive weathering pattern at outcrop and are all easily identifiable. They also develop distinctly different fracture patterns and densities, i.e. they react differently to stress. The goal of this study is understand the factors that lead to the distinctions in what should be very homogeneous eolian strata. It seems probable that the cause lies in the detrital mineralogy and diagenesis, in turn controlled by the source area, detailed depositional conditions, and burial and uplift history. The results will be applicable to petroleum reservoirs, particularly sandstone reservoirs that have experienced a phase of uplift, but also those that are hydrofractured during production. The results will also relate to the weathering patterns/rates of sandstone units. Fieldwork will be carried out in May 2014 to collect typical samples of all of the major units from selected outcrops across the region. A Schmidt hammer will be used to obtain information about the elastic properties or strengh of the rocks. Back in Bergen thin section, SEM and XRD analysis will be undertaken to identify what, if any, the mineralogical variations are. Burial history modelling will be used to understand the driving mechanism behind any observed differences. Fracture patterns will be mapped from satellite/aerial photo imagery and from scanlines and drawings/photographs collected in the field. The student will gain experience is sedimentology and petrology. Fieldwork will be undertaken in May The student must hold a full driving licence and be keen to spend time in the field. For more information on the projects contact Haakon Fossen or John Howell. Eksterne data: None Feltarbeid: 3-4 weeks in Utah in connection with GEOV352 (implying that the student will be prioritized for this field course). Laboratoriearbeid: SEM, XRD, Aerial/satellite image interpretation and thin section work in Bergen.

4 Finansiering: The project is supported by the Geo-dept (field work and thin sections). Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp = 1 års fulltidsstudium. Emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV251 Videregående strukturgeologi (10) GEOV260 Petroleumsgeologi (10) GEOV272 Seismisk tolkning (10) GEOV352 Petroleumsgeologiske feltmetoder (5) GEOV210 Platetektonikk (10) GEOV360 Sedimentologi og facies-analyse or GEOV361 Sekvensstrat. (10) Spesialpensum (5) forkastninger

5 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2013 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Seismology (Geodynamics) Prosjekttittel: Implementation of a 3-D background velocity model in teleseismic scattered-wave inversion Veileder: Stéphane Rondenay Medveileder: Henk Keers Prosjektbeskrivelse (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): Recent years have witnessed the proliferation of array-based, high-resolution seismic imaging approaches aimed at mapping the structure of the Earth s crust and lithospheric mantle. One such method, the 2-D Generalized Radon Transform (GRT) inversion of teleseismic scattered waves, has been particularly successful at imaging the fine structure of subduction zones regions of the earth where one tectonic plate plunges underneath another one. However, until now, the method has relied on a number of simplifying assumptions that may have prevented it from reaching its full potential. For example, the properties of incident and scattered rays are currently computed using a 1-D background velocity model, which is not necessarily a realistic representation of these rays. To address this limitation, we propose to implement a new version of the GRT inversion that would allow for the computation of incident and scattered rays through a more general 3-D background model. The method will be tested on synthetic data and applied to real data from dense arrays deployed across subduction zones worldwide. The results of this project are likely to yield improved images of subduction zone structure, and therefore a better understanding of the dynamics of these systems. Potential candidates should have experience and strong interest in math and in Matlab programming. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data; there is no need for external data Feltarbeid; NA Laboratoriearbeid; NA Finansiering: NOK for presentation at a conference if research project is successful Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV219, GEOV276, GEOV355, MAT131, GEOV254, special courses in seismic imaging 12 March 2013, Stéphane Rondenay

6 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2013 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Seismology (Geodynamics) Prosjekttittel: Inversion of teleseismic polarization data for crustal velocities and Poisson s ratio Veileder: Stéphane Rondenay Medveileder: Lars Ottemöller Prosjektbeskrivelse (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): The polarization of teleseismic P- and S-waves recorded at broadband seismometers depends on the elastic properties of the crust beneath the seismometers. This project will investigate how one can efficiently extract the polarization data from broadband teleseismic records and use these data to estimate crustal velocities and Poisson s ratio. The project will involve the development of unix and matlab software to extract the polarization data and invert the data for elastic properties. The software will be tested on synthetic data and applied to real data from permanent seismic stations worldwide. The results of this project will yield new, independent constraints on the elastic properties of the crust. Potential candidates should have experience and strong interest in math and programming. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data; there is no need for external data Feltarbeid; NA Laboratoriearbeid; NA Finansiering: NOK for presentation at a conference if research project is successful Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV219, GEOV276, GEOV355, GEOV254, special courses in seismic imaging 12 March 2013, Stéphane Rondenay

7 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap (Master Thesis in Earth Science) GEODYNAMIKK (GEODYNAMICS) (studieretning - fordypning) Prosjekttittel/Project title: Crustal velocity models and earthquake location Veileder/supervisor: Førsteamanuensis Lars Ottemöller Evt. medveileder/co-supervisor: Kuvvet Atakan, Henk Keers, Mathilde Bøttger Sørensen Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side)/aim: About 100 earthquakes occur in Norway and its surroundings on average per year. The earthquakes are detected by the National Norwegian Seismic Network that is operated by the Department, and earthquake locations and magnitudes are routinely determined. At present, a single velocity model is used for the entire region, although it is known that the crust is not homogeneous and the regional differences should be accounted for. Another difficulty in Norway is the location of earthquakes offshore, from the coast to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. There are a number of ways to improve the earthquake locations. First, it is possible to build an improved velocity model based on previous studies, but also use travel time tomography as tool to improve the velocity models. Second, one can compare different location algorithms to investigate if there are systematic differences, and whether one gives better results than the others. Further, it is known from other places that repetitive earthquakes occur. This means that similar earthquakes can after some time happen again in almost the same place. Such earthquakes produce similar signals, and it is possible to use correlation techniques to accurately measure time differences between different earthquakes and then use that information to obtain more precise relative earthquake locations. This can lead to less scattered images of seismicity that are more easily interpreted. Evt. spesielle forkunnskaper i andre fag/prerequest: Signal processing, inversion theory Feltarbeid/fieldwork: Laboratoriearbeid/Lab: Finansiering/Finance: Ikke nødvendig Type oppgave (60stp/30stp): 60 stp (1 year full-time work) geov355, geov357, geov359, geov276, geov219 October 2013 Lars Ottemöller

8 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap (Master Thesis in Earth Science) GEODYNAMIKK (GEODYNAMICS) (studieretning - fordypning) Prosjekttittel/Project title: Determination of fault plane solution Veileder/supervisor: Førsteamanuensis Lars Ottemöller Evt. medveileder/co-supervisor: Henk Keers, Mathilde Bøttger Sørensen Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side)/aim: It is possible to investigate the underlying causes (stresses) for earthquakes in a region from the determination of fault plane solution. The fault plane solution (strike, dip and rake) can be determined from first motion polarity data or from the inversion of waveform data. The determination of the fault plane solution for earthquakes in Norway is not always easy due to the geographical distribution of the stations. The aim of this project would be to first compare different tools for the determination of the fault plane solutions using first motion polarity data, and to apply these to increase the number of available solutions. A seismo-tectonic interpretation of the solutions will also be made. It is also possible to use the full seismograms to perform a so-called moment tensor inversion to determine the source mechanism. This method is based on using seismograms recorded at regional distances. The project can include the development of software for this purpose. Evt. spesielle forkunnskaper i andre fag/prerequest: Signal processing, inversion theory Feltarbeid/fieldwork: Laboratoriearbeid/Lab: Finansiering/Finance: Ikke nødvendig Type oppgave (60stp/30stp): 60 stp (1 year full-time work) geov355, geov357, geov359, geov276, geov219 October 2012 Lars Ottemöller

9 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap (Master Thesis in Earth Science) GEODYNAMIKK (GEODYNAMICS) (studieretning - fordypning) Prosjekttittel/Project title: Earthquake magnitude and attenuation Veileder/supervisor: Førsteamanuensis Lars Ottemöller Evt. medveileder/co-supervisor: Kuvvet Atakan, Henk Keers, Mathilde Bøttger Sørensen Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side)/aim: About 100 earthquakes occur in Norway and its surroundings on average per year. The earthquakes are detected by the National Norwegian Seismic Network that is operated by the Department, and earthquake locations and magnitudes are routinely determined. By default, several different magnitudes are determined for each earthquake. However, the same scales are used for the entire region. It is known that crustal attenuation varies laterally, e.g. attenuation offshore is significantly different from that onshore, and the original paper that established the local magnitude scale described these differences. Since then, the data set has grown and this problem can be investigated in greater detail. One objective would be to revise the local magnitude scale to better account for regional differences. This would be done by inverting for the parameters that make the magnitude scale, accounting for attenuation and geometrical spreading. In addition, attenuation and earthquake source parameters can be investigated from the earthquake spectra. Here it is also possible to revise the existing attenuation model with more data that has been recorded since the previous model was made. Earthquake magnitude can be determined from the source spectra, which are obtained by correcting the spectra for attenuation. Evt. spesielle forkunnskaper i andre fag/prerequest: Signal processing, inversion theory Feltarbeid/fieldwork: Laboratoriearbeid/Lab: Finansiering/Finance: ikke nødvendig Type oppgave (60stp/30stp): 60 stp (1 year full-time work) geov355, geov357, geov359, geov276, geov219 October 2013 Lars Ottemöller

10 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Geodynamikk V2013 Prosjekttittel: Plaster modeling of fault development, geometry and tip interaction in rift settings. Veileder: Haakon Fossen Medveiledere: Eivind Bastesen (UNI/CIPR), Atle Rotevatn (GEO), Tore Odinsen (STATOIL), Signe Ottesen (STATOIL), Simon Buckley (UNI/CIPR) Formål: This project utilizes plaster as a deforming medium by running physical experiments where a box filled with plaster is extended so that faults form. The evolution of the faults and the model as a whole is captured by cameras and will, together with the final model, be subject to detailed studies and descriptions. We will try to utilize 3D imaging techniques or laser scanning techniques to obtain 3D models of the final plaster models and for the evolution of faults on top of the models during the course of the experiment. The aim is to obtain a good understanding of fault growth patterns and fault evolution in extension, e.g. in a rift setting. Comparison with major faults in the North Sea, such as the Øygarden Fault Complex, will be made by means of seismic images. Seismic interpretation may or may not be done, but this will be a subordinate part of the thesis. Regardless, seismic examples will be used for comparison and discussion. The student is expected to develop a sound understanding of the way faults form, propagate, interact and coalesce in a rift setting such as the northern North Sea. Examples of recent plaster experiments can be seen at Haakon Fossen s structural geology blog at or search for Plaster experiment 2013 at YouTube. Eksterne data: Data from Statoil or other oil companies, probably through the MultiRift project. Feltarbeid: None. Laboratoriearbeid: Some experiments will be run at the U of Bergen, of which some will be selected for detailed analyses. In one day it will usually be possible to run two experiments. Finansiering: Statoil (no funding needed from the department) Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp = 1 års fulltidsstudium. Emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV251 Videregående strukturgeologi (10) GEOV260 Petroleumsgeologi (10) GEOV272 Seismisk tolkning (10) GEOV352 Petroleumsgeologiske feltmetoder (5) GEOV210 Platetektonikk (10) GEOV254 Geodynamikk og bassengmodellering (10) Formatert: Skrift: (Standard) Times, 12 pkt, Skriftfarge: Automatisk

11 GEOV351 Geodynamikk og platetektonikk (5) Spesialpensum (10) forkastninger

12 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Geodynamikk V2013 Prosjekttittel: Plaster modeling of fault development, geometry and tip interaction in contractional settings. Veileder: Haakon Fossen Medveiledere: Eivind Bastesen (UNI/CIPR), Atle Rotevatn (GEO), Tore Odinsen (STATOIL), Signe Ottesen (STATOIL), Simon Buckley (UNI/CIPR) Formål: Physical modeling of faults and fold by means of plaster forms the basis for this project. The focus is the way structures and thrust sheets/horses develop in the contractional regime, and a variety of structures are expected to be modeled as parameters such as the thickness of the plaster layer, basal friction and perhaps sedimentation (sand) during the experiment are varied. We will try to utilize 3D imaging techniques or laser scanning techniques to obtain 3D models of the final plaster models and for the evolution of faults on top of the models during the course of the experiment. Comparison with cross-sections and seismic profiles from contractional regimes, such as orogenic wedges, accretionary prisms and contracted lower parts of some continental slope deposits will be done. Fault/fold growth and interaction will be studied, as will sequence of thrusting/imbrication. Eksterne data: Seismic examples from the literature or oil companies will be utilized for comparison. Possibly interpretation of seismic data. Feltarbeid: None. Laboratoriearbeid: Some experiments will be run at the U of Bergen, and the best of these will be selected for in-depth analyses. In one day it will usually be possible to run 2 experiments. Examples of directly relevant plaster experiments can be seen at Haakon Fossen s structural geology blog at or search for Plaster experiment 2013 at YouTube. Finansiering: Statoil (no funding needed from the department) Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp = 1 års fulltidsstudium. Emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV251 Videregående strukturgeologi (10) GEOV260 Petroleumsgeologi (10) GEOV272 Seismisk tolkning (10) GEOV352 Petroleumsgeologiske feltmetoder (5) GEOV210 Platetektonikk (10) GEOV254 Geodynamikk og bassengmodellering (10) GEOV351 Geodynamikk og platetektonikk (5) Spesialpensum (10) forkastninger Formatert: Skrift: (Standard) Times, 12 pkt, Skriftfarge: Automatisk

13 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap (For Fall 2012) Geodynamics/Quaternary geology Prosjekttittel/Project title: Controls on surface runoff and slope stability along the western flank of Damsgård fjellet/gravdalsfjellet, Nygård (Ytre Laksevåg), Bergen. Veileder/supervisor: Patience Cowie Evt. medveileder/co-supervisor: Atle Nesje (UiB) Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side)/aim: Steep hill-slopes combined with high rainfall around Bergen can lead to slope instability, potentially posing a threat to housing, local residents and business infrastructure. Of particular concern are (1) the impact of changes to land use through new housing developments and (2) the impact of future changes in climate. Removal of trees and other vegetation to clear sites for development modifies the proportion of rainfall that goes into surface runoff compared to that which infiltrates into the ground. It also removes the stabilizing effect that ground cover has on steep slopes. The excavation of soil and rock increases the amount of loose debris that may be transported downslope during heavy rainfall. Changes in landuse may also potentially change the downstream routing of surface water through existing residential areas, increasing the likelihood of flooding. Future changes in climate may amplify this problem if storm intensity and frequency increase over time. In order to learn more about the controls volumes of runoff and slope stability, this project will undertake a study of catchments along the western flank of Damsgård fjellet/gravdalsfjellet, above the community of Nygård (Ytre Laksevåg). The project will have the following objectives: To map slope distributions, bedrock exposure, bedrock fractures and stream channel networks, collecting data both in the field and extracting it from digital elevation data using GIS software. To model flow through the catchment for different vegetation scenarios using precipitation data obtained from local weather stations. To compare model flows with field measurement of stream flow variations. Evaluate the risks for slope stability and flooding, including the possible impact of future precipitation changes. Evt. spesielle forkunnskaper i andre fag/prerequest: Courses in geomorphology are required. Experience of remote sensing/gis and sedimentology is an advantage. Feltarbeid/fieldwork: Yes, regular trips to site to collect field data Laboratoriearbeid/Lab: GIS/DEM analysis, modeling of flow using specialist software Finansiering/Finance: Baseline masters funding required for software access charges; fieldwork will be funded by Patience Cowie Type oppgave (60stp) Patience Cowie

14 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2012 FRIST for oppgave innlevering er 5.mars 2012 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Geodynamikk Prosjekttittel: Integrating 3D ground motion simulation in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment Veileder: Mathilde B. Sørensen Medveileder: Henk Keers (Minst en av veilederne MÅ være ansatt ved instituttet) Prosjektbeskrivelse (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) is a method to determine the level of earthquake ground shaking to be expected with a certain annual probability at a location. In traditional PSHA studies, a number of seismogenic sources are defined which are expected to represent the full seismicity to affect the study area. Each source zone is associated with relevant parameters describing the seismicity and a ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) relating earthquake magnitude and distance to a level of ground shaking. The hazard is estimated by combining the contributions of each seismogenic source. Today, methods are available to develop much more precise estimates of ground motion than can be provided by GMPE, using various modeling techniques. The aim of this project will be to work towards integrating 3D ground motion simulations with PSHA. The city of Izmir (Turkey) will be used as a target and the analysis will involve the following steps: - Definition of seismogenic sources and associated parameters - 3D wave propagation modeling for a large number of earthquake scenarios - Integration of results in a probabilistic framework to produce hazard results The project will involve a significant amount of programming and it is important that the student has a good knowledge of, and interest in, basic physics and mathematics. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data (ved bruk av data fra eksterne bedrift, er disse tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven?): All necessary data and programs are available in the literature or at the department Feltarbeid (noter forventet tid på året): None Laboratoriearbeid (noter forventet mengde): None Finansiering (i første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Det skal komme tydelig frem om man trenger støtte fra instituttet): None Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp (normalt 60 stp = 1 år fulltidsstudium)

15 Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, høsten 2012) Seismotektonikk, Teoretisk seismologi, Seismisk risiko, Processering av jordskjelvsdata, Computational methods in solid Earth physics

16 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2012 FRIST for oppgave innlevering er 5.mars 2012 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Geodynamikk Prosjekttittel: Seismic hazard in Norway due to large earthquakes Veileder: Mathilde B. Sørensen Medveileder: Haakon Fossen, Kuvvet Atakan (Minst en av veilederne MÅ være ansatt ved instituttet) Prosjektbeskrivelse (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): Although Norway is a region of relatively low seismicity, earthquakes with magnitudes up to 6 are possible near several large urban centers, which may cause damage and significant economical losses. The aim of this project will be to identify major fault structures in mainland Norway, which may generate large (M~6+) earthquakes. This will be done based on available geological, tectonic and seismological information. The likelihood of an actual rupture will be evaluated to the extent possible. For a selected number of faults, ground motions will be simulated for a number of realistic earthquake scenarios to estimate the impact of a large event. Main focus will here be on faults near the main cities. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data (ved bruk av data fra eksterne bedrift, er disse tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven?): Geological and tectonic information is available in the literature; seismological data are available at the department. All necessary software is freely available. Feltarbeid (noter forventet tid på året): None Laboratoriearbeid (noter forventet mengde): None Finansiering (i første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Det skal komme tydelig frem om man trenger støtte fra instituttet): None Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp (normalt 60 stp = 1 år fulltidsstudium) Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, høsten 2012) Seismotektonikk, Videregående strukturgeologi, Teoretisk seismologi, Processering av jordskjelvsdata, seismisk risiko, Computational methods in solid Earth physics

17 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2012 FRIST for oppgave innlevering er 5.mars 2012 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Geodynamikk Prosjekttittel: Tsunami modeling in the Marmara Sea Veileder: Mathilde B. Sørensen Medveileder: Lars Ottemöller, Kuvvet Atakan (Minst en av veilederne MÅ være ansatt ved instituttet) Prosjektbeskrivelse (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): The Marmara Sea region in NW Turkey has experienced several large tsunamis in the past. The impact of these events can be significant for the densely populated coastal areas and especially for the megacity Istanbul. The purpose of this project will be to model tsunami propagation and estimate the impact of tsunamis generated by earthquakes in the Marmara Sea. This will include identification of critical tsunamigenic earthquake scenarios, estimation of the corresponding sea bottom displacement and simulation of tsunami wave propagation. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data (ved bruk av data fra eksterne bedrift, er disse tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven?): Faulting and seismicity data available from different agencies online Bathymetry model local model, or global data such as GEBCO which is available online Tsunami modeling code several open-source codes exist, e.g. TUNAMI-N2 Feltarbeid (noter forventet tid på året): None Laboratoriearbeid (noter forventet mengde): None None Finansiering (i første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Det skal komme tydelig frem om man trenger støtte fra instituttet): None Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp (normalt 60 stp = 1 år fulltidsstudium) Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, høsten 2012) Seismotektonikk, Teoretisk seismologi, Processering av jordskjelvsdata, seismisk risiko, Geodynamikk og bassengmodellering, Computational methods in solid Earth physics

18 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket våren 2013 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Geodyamikk Prosjekttittel: Tracing the unknown East Antarctica: geochronological and petrographic characterisation of basement rocks from moraines in the southern Sør Rondane Mountains Veileder: Prof. Joachim Jacobs Medveileder: Prof. Jan Kosler, Dr. Andreas Laeufer (BGR) (Minst en av veilederne MÅ være ansatt ved instituttet) Prosjektbeskrivelse: Only 2% of Antarctica is exposed. Most of these outcrops occur in the coastal areas, whilst the large interior part of Antarctica is hidden underneath the thick ice cap. In the last decade a major effort has been made to characterise the sub-ice nature of this continent by geophysical means. Another way of learning more about the nature of the continental crust underneath the ice is by the study of boulders and sand that were brought up by the northward flowing glaciers. During the recent GEA2 expedition to Sør Rondane in 2011/12, we identified several moraines between the mountain range and the polar plateau that most likely represent crustal material derived from the inner part of Antarctica. The main purpose of this project is to: - Undertake a petrographic characterisation of selected moraine material - Undertake a detrital ICPMS zircon study of sand from these moraines in order to identify hidden inland cratons and/or mobile belts - Interpret the findings in the framework of modern Gondwana and Rodinia reconstructions Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data (ved bruk av data fra eksterne bedrift, er disse tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven?): no Feltarbeid (noter forventet tid på året): no Laboratoriearbeid (noter forventet mengde): Detrital zircon geochronology, SEM-cathodoluminescence, petrography Finansiering (i første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Det skal komme tydelig frem om man trenger støtte fra instituttet): Jacobs GEA_2_Antarktis Størrelse på oppgaven: (normalt 60 stp = 1 år fulltidsstudium) 60 Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, høsten 2012)

19 Masterprosjekt til masteropptaket Vår 2013 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Structural geology, thermochronology Prosjekttittel: A comparative apatite fission track study northwest and southeast of the Ryfylke Shear Zone Veileder: Dr. Anna Ksienzyk, Medveileder: Prof. J. Jacobs Prosjektbeskrivelse: The Hardangerfjord Shear Zone is a major crustal lineament that formed as a post- Caledonian extensional detachment in the Devonian and accomodated kilometerscale ductile deformation. Further south, the Ryfylke or Røldal Shear Zone parallels the Hardangerfjord Shear Zone but is significantly less well-known and studied. Together with the Hardangerfjord Shear Zone, it is part of the Innermost Boundary Fault system, which delineates the extend of North Atlantic rifting. Across the Ryfylke Shear Zone, differences in deformation style can be observed: In the hangingwall, N- S trending fractures are dominant, but they are only of minor importance in the footwall. This Msc project is part of a larger project to study uplift an erosion histories on both sides of the Ryfylke Shear Zone. Field work will include sampling for fission track dating, combined with structural mapping south of the Ryfylke Shear Zone. An analytical component includes apatite fission track dating of ca. 20 samples in order to characterise the Mesozoic thermal history of the footwall of the Ryfylke Shear Zone. This will be compared to similar results from the hangingwall. The project will be a significant contribution to our understanding of the post-caledonian tectonic history of southwestern Norway. Applicants should be experienced in the field and have a good background in structural geology. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data No external data. Feltarbeid Sampling for fission track dating and structural mapping in Rogaland county, south of the Ryfylke Shear Zone. Field work will be carried out in summer Laboratoriearbeid Sample preparation of ca. 20 fission track samples. Fission track analyses of ca. 20 samples. Finansiering ESM/VISTA og IFG (student field work)

20 Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 stp): Depending on previous courses, a selection of the following courses is recommended: GEOV 241 Mikroskopi (10 stp.), GEOV 242 Magmatisk og metamorf petrologi (10 stp.), GEOV 251 Videregående strukturgeologi (10 stp.), GEOV 252 Feltkurs i geologisk kartlegging (10 stp.), GEOV 300 Utvalgte emner i geovitenskap (5 stp.), GEOV 301 Geostatistikk (5 stp.), GEOV 341 Termokronologi og tektonikk (5 stp.), GEOV 342 Radiogen og stabilisotop geokjemi (10 stp.), GEOV 352 Petroleumsgeologiske feltmetoder (5 stp.), GEOV 362 Sedimentologiske og strukturgeologiske feltmetoder (5 stp.) Bergen, A. Ksienzyk, J. Jacobs

21 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2013 FRIST for oppgave innlevering er 5.mars 2012 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Geodynamikk Prosjekttittel: Seismic risk assessment for Bergen or Oslo Veileder: Mathilde B. Sørensen Medveileder: Dominik H. Lang (Norsar), Kuvvet Atakan (Minst en av veilederne MÅ være ansatt ved instituttet) Prosjektbeskrivelse (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): Although Norway is a region of relatively low seismicity, earthquakes with magnitudes up to 6 are possible near several large urban centers, which may cause damage and significant economical losses. The aim of this project will be to evaluate seismic risk in either Bergen or Oslo in terms of expected damage and loss in case of a large earthquake. In seismic risk assessment, the ground motion due to a scenario earthquake is estimated, and the corresponding damage and loss is derived based on inventories of buildings and their vulnerability. Input ground motions will be derived through ground motion simulation for realistic earthquake scenarios in the study area. This will require collecting seismotectonic information for the study area to identify faults with a potential for generating a large event. An important component of the project will be to update the available building inventory database for the study area, and to calibrate it through sample surveys in the field. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data (ved bruk av data fra eksterne bedrift, er disse tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven?): All required data and software is available in the literature or at the department Feltarbeid (noter forventet tid på året): Building inventory sample surveys. Can be performed year-round, though it is recommended to work in summer. Laboratoriearbeid (noter forventet mengde): None Finansiering (i første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Det skal komme tydelig frem om man trenger støtte fra instituttet): A small amount of funding will be required to cover field work, in case Oslo is chosen as study area. Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp (normalt 60 stp = 1 år fulltidsstudium) Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, høsten 2012) Seismotektonikk, Videregående strukturgeologi, Teoretisk seismologi, Processering av jordskjelvsdata, seismisk risiko, Computational methods in solid Earth physics

Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning:Geodynamikk

Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning:Geodynamikk Masterprosjekt til materopptaket våren 2013 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning:Geodynamikk Prosjekttittel: Paleomagnetisk rekonstruksjon av Norges posisjon gjennom Neoproterosoisk tid (mulighet


Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap

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0:7 0:2 0:1 0:3 0:5 0:2 0:1 0:4 0:5 P = 0:56 0:28 0:16 0:38 0:39 0:23

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