CURRICULUM VITAE Abridged version. Ørnulf Gulbrandsen

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CURRICULUM VITAE Abridged version Ørnulf Gulbrandsen Born: 5 March, 1946, Oslo, Norway Married, 2 children Citizenship: Norwegian Education: 1987 - Dr. philos., Univ. of Bergen. 1974 - Magister artium social anthropology, University of Bergen. 1971 - Cand. mag.: sociology, social anthropology, social economy, mathematics and chemistry. 1966 - Examen Philosophicum, University of Oslo. 1965 - Examen artium, Lillestrøm gymnas. Positions held: 2013 - Professor em. of Social Anthropology, Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen (UoB). 1992-2013 Professor of Social Anthropology, Dept. of Social Anthropology, UoB. 2005-2009 Head of Department, Department of Social Anthropology, UoB. 1992-1994 Head of Department, Department of Social Anthropology, UoB. 1988-1990 Head of Department, Department of Social Anthropology, UoB. 1982-1992 Associate Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, UoB. 1976 1982 Research fellow, Department of Social Anthropology, UoB. 1975-1976 University lecturer, Department of Social Anthropology, UoB. 1971-1974 Research assistant, Department of Sociology, Univ. of Oslo. 1967-1970 Journalist/reporter, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Headquarters, Oslo. 1

Selected publications: 1976. Samarbeidsideologi og interessekonflikt. Analyse av forholdet mellom bedrift og fagorganisasjon, Oslo: ISO/NIBR. 1980. Agro-Pastoral Production and Communal Land Use. A SocioEconomic Study of the Bangwaketse. Gaborone: Botswana Government Press. 1985. A Study of Remote Area Dwellers in Botswana, Oslo: Norad (with Janne Lexow and Marit Karlsen). 1986a. When Land Becomes Scarce. Access to Agricultural Land and Communal Land Management in Eastern Botswana. Bergen: Norse Publications. 1986b. To Marry or Not To Marry. Marital Strategies and Sexual Relations in a Tswana Society. Ethnos 51(1): 7 28. 1987. Privilege and Responsibility. On Transformations of Hierarchical Relations in a Tswana Society. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Norway. 1988. Material and Symbolic Aspects of Changing Property Relations in a Tswana Society. In P.T.W Baxter and R. Hogg (eds.), Property, Poverty and People: Changing Property Relation in Pastoral Societies. Manchester. 1991a. On the Problem of Egalitarianism: The Kalahari San in Transition. In R. Grønhaug, G. Haaland and G. Henriksen (eds.), The Ecology of Choice and Symbol. Essays in Honour of Fredrik Barth, pp. 81 110. Bergen: Alma Mater. 1991b. Pastoral Civilizations. Ecology and Politics at the Edge of the Kalahari. Norwegian Anthropological Journal, 2 (2): 119-39. 1993a. Missionaries and Northern Tswana Rulers: Who Used Whom? Journal of Religion in Africa 23(1): 44 83. 1993b. The Rise of the North-Western Tswana Kingdoms: On the Sociocultural Dynamics of Interaction between Internal Relations and External Forces. Africa 63(4): 550 82. 1995. The King is King by the Grace of the People. Control and Exercise of Power in Subject-Ruler Relations. Comparative Studies in Society and History 37(3): 415 55. 1996a. Poverty in the Midst of Plenty. Socio-Economic Marginalization, Ecological Deterioration and Political Stability in a Tswana Society. Bergen: Norse Publications. 1996b. Living Their Lives in Courts: The Counter-Hegemonic Force of the Tswana Kgotla in the Bechuanaland Protectorate. In Olivia Harris (ed.), Inside and Outside the Law, pp. 125 56. London: Routledge. 1997. Africa South. In A. Bernard and J. Spencer (eds.), Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, London: Taylor & Francis, 1996 2001. Christianity in an African Context: On the Inadequacy of the Notion of a Sacred/Secular Divide. Journal of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies 1: 31 59. 2002. The Tragedy of the Commons: Collective Resources and Individual Interests, in S. Ugelvik Larsen (ed.), Theory and Method in the Social Sciences, New York: Columbia University Press. 2

2003. The Discourse of Ritual Murder : Popular Reactions to Political Leaders in Botswana. In Bruce Kapferer (ed.), Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery, pp. 215 33. New York: Berghahn Books. (Also published in Social Analysis: Journal of Cultural and Social Practice 46(3): 215 33.) 2006. Southern Africa. In S. Howell and M. Melhuus (eds), Distant and near. Anthropologial Perspectives on the World s Societies and Cultures, Oslo: Gyldendal (in Norwegian). 2007. Town-State Formations on the Edge of the Kalahari. Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Centralization in Northern Tswana Kingdoms. Social Analysis: Journal of Cultural and Social Practice 51(3): 55 77. 2012. The State and the Social. State Formation in Botswana and its Precolonial and Colonial Genealogies. New York/Oxford: Berghahn. (Paperback 2014.) 2015. Tswana value principles of consultation, transparency and all-inclusive democracy with reference to the relationship between kgosi and the people. Expert witness report to the South African High Court. In press. For and against the State. Sardo/Italia and Tswana/Botswana compared. In B. Kapferer (ed.), Challenging the State. London: Kingstone. In press. Egalitarian values, holistic virtues and contradictions of individualism: An African kingship in a broader comparative perspective, in A. Boskovic and G. Schlee (eds.). African Political Systems Revisited on the Occasion of its 75 Years Anniversary, New York/Oxford: Berghahn. Anthropological fields works: 2010-2017 Five general anthropological fieldworks in Sardinia (totally 26 months) 2008 General anthropological field work in Eastern Botswana (c. 1 month) 2004/5 General anthropological field work in Sardinia, Italy (c. 14 months) 2003 General anthropological field work in Eastern Botswana (c. 1 month) 2002 General anthropological field work in Sardinia, Italy (c. 7 month) 2001 Pilot anthropological field work in Sardinia, Italy (c. 2 month) 1999 General anthropological field work in Eastern Botswana (c. 1 month) 1994 General anthropological field work in Eastern Botswana (c. 1 months) 1988-1991 Three fieldworks in Bangwaketse, amongst San groups and other peoples living outside ordinary villages in Botswana, plus historical archival work (c. 8 months). 1985-1986 Two field works, including ethnographic surveys of minority ethnic groups in Botswana and government action vis a vis these, as well as follow-up of earlier general anthropological fieldwork in Eastern Botswana (c. 4 months). 1982-1983 Fieldwork in relation to administrative, political, socio-economic and ecological aspects of land tenure and land use in eastern Botswana commissioned by the Government of Botswana and The Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison (c. 3 months) 3

1982 General anthropological field works in Eastern Botswana (c. 5 months). 1980 Fieldwork in relation to evaluation of Botswana s village development projects and general anthropological field work (4 months). 1976-1977 General anthropological fieldwork in Bangwaketse and other parts of eastern Botswana (19 months). 1975 Pilot fieldwork in eastern Botswana (4 months). 1971-1972 Anthropological field work in an aluminium factory, Western Norway. Faglige-administrative verv: (lagt til fordi dette er ikke inkludert i den engelske versjonen) Leder av Fagkomiteen for sosialantropologi, Norges Forskningsråd (1999-2002) Leder av nasjonal komité for å utrede ressurssituasjonen ved landets samfunnsvitenskapelige fakulteter (1996-). Leder av sakkyndig komité for bedømmelse av 14 søkere til 2 førsteamanuensisstillinger i sosialantropologi, Universitetet i Bergen (1995-96). Medlem av Fagkomiteen for sosialantropologi, Norges Forskningsråd (1995-98) Leder av sakkyndig komité for bedømmelse av søkere til mellomstilling i sosialantropologi ved Universitetet i Bergen (1995). Medredaktør av monografiserien "Bergen Studies in Social Anthropology", Norse Publication. Leder av komité for utredning av studieplanrevisjon på alle nivåer i sosialantropologi, Institutt for sosialantropologi, Universitetet i Bergen. (1995) Leder av sakkyndig komité for bedømmelse av søkere til mellomstilling i sosialantropologi (Midtøststudier) ved Universitetet i Bergen (1994) Leder av sakkyndig komité for bedømmelse av søkere til tre mellomstillinger i sosialantropologi ved Universitetet i Bergen (1992-93). Leder av sakkyndig komité for bedømmelse av doktorgradsavhandling i sosialantropologi ved Universitetet i Bergen (1987). Medlem av sakkyndig komité for bedømmelse av søkere til mellomstilling i sosialantropologi ved Universitetet i Oslo (1991). Medlem av programkomitéen for The Third Biennual Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Oslo 1994 (1992-94). Prosjektleder (sammen med Georg Henriksen) for prosjektet 'Sosial organisasjon, kunnskapssystemer og ressursforvaltning' under NAVF-programmet Miljø og utvikling. (1988-92) Instituttstyrer ved Institutt for sosialantropologi i tilsammen 4 år i tiden 1985-92. Medlem av Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultets budsjettkomite (4 år) Medlem av Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultetsråd (6 år). Nestleder i Universitetets Opplysningsråd (1979-82). Leder av fakultært utvalg utredning av utviklingenstudienes plass og utvikling ved Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, UiB (1985-86). Leder av fakultært utvalg utredning av bibliotektjenesten ved Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, UiB (1982). Leder av fakultært utvalg for utredning av lukking av studiene ved Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, UiB (1989). Leder (sammen med professor Georg Henriksen) av Kulturøkologiprosjektet, finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd (1989-1993). 4

Leder av styret for Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultets bibliotek (1993-1966). Medlem av Rådet for Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen (1993-96). Consultancies: 2015-2016 Expert witness, with written report, The South African High Court. 1992 2 nd Evaluation of the Government of Botswana s national Remote Area Development Programme (RADP) for Ministry of Development, Government of the Kingdom of Norway. 1988 Evaluation of the Government of Botswana s national Remote Area Development Programme (RADP) for Ministry of Development, Government of the Kingdom of Norway. 1987 Development of a monitoring system of the Government of Botswana s national Remote Area Development Programme (RADP) for Ministry of Development, Government of the Kingdom of Norway. 1985-1986 Head of a joint Botswana Norwegian mission. Evaluation and planning of Botswana's national Remote Area Development Programme, Commissioned by the Government of Botswana, the Swedish International Development Agency (Government of Sweden), the Norwegian Agency of International Development (Government of Norway) 1982-1983 Senior consultant on access to agricultural land in Eastern Botswana, commissioned by US AID, Ministry of Local Government and Lands, Government of Botswana, and Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1980 Evaluation of Village Development Projects in Botswana (LG 17), commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for International Development, Ministry of Development, Government of the Kingdom of Norway. 1977 Pilot Study of Village Development Projects in Botswana, forming the basis for NORAD's financial support of LG 17, commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for International Development, Ministry of Development, Government of the Kingdom of Norway. 1976-1977 Various studies of agro-pastoral production, land tenure and land use in Eastern Botswana, with special reference to Botswana s National Policy of the Tribal Grazingland, commissioned by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Botswana. 5

Kommer: Confrontations, coexistence and transformations of the Tswana politicoreligious order, in proceedings from the conference 'Religion and Community: Crosscultural Pattern of Coexistence and Conflict in Contemporary Society' Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, Amman, edited by J. Obermayer. 1999 Almenningens tragedie, i Stein Uglevik Larsen, Lov og struktur, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 1996 Living their lives in courts: The counter-hegemonic force of the Tswana kgotla in Bechuanaland Protectorate, in Olivia Harris (ed.), Inside and Outside the Law' London: Routledge. 1996 Poverty in the Midst of Plenty. Ecological and Socio-Economic Marginalization in a Tswana Society, Bergen Studies in Social Antropology, No. 45, Bergen: Norse Publications. 1996 Africa South, in A. Barnard and J. Spencer, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Social and Culural Anthropology, London: Routledge. 1995 'The king is king by the grace of the people.' Control and exercise of power in subject-ruler relations. Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 37, no. 3. 6

1994 Det sørlige Afrika, i S. Howell and M. Melhuus (red.), Fjærn og nær. Sosialantropologiske perspektiver på verdens samfunn og kulturer, Oslo: Ad Notam- Gyldendal. (Revidert utgave 1996.) 1993 The rise of the North-Western Tswana kingdoms: On the socio-cultural dynamics of interaction between internal relations and external forces. Africa. Journal of the International African Institute, vol. 63. No. 4. 1993 Missionaries and Northern Tswana rulers: who used whom? Journal of Religion in Africa, vol. 23 no. 1. 1992 'The king is king by the grace of the people.' Dilemmas of power in subject-ruler relations, paper presented at the workshop Machiavelli and Political Anthropology. The Second Biennial Conference of The European Association of Social Anthropologists, Prague, August 28th to 31st 1992. 1991 Pastorale sivilisasjoner. Økologi og politikk på Kalaharis bredd. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 2 (2): 119-39. On the problem of egalitarianism: the Kalahari San in transition, in R. Grønhaug, G. Henriksen and G. Håland (eds.), The Ecology of Choice and Symbol. Essays in Honour of Fredrik Barth, Bergen: Alma Mater. 1990 Report to Norad on Botswana's Remote Area Development Programme, Gaborone. 1989 Sosio-politiske prosesser og økologisk marginalisering i Kalahari, del-prosjektnotatet for prosjektet 'Sosial organisasjon, kunnskapssystemer og ressursforvaltning' under NAVFprogrammet Miljø og Utvikling. 7

1988b Material and symbolic aspects of changing property relations in a Tswana society, in P. Baxter and R. Hogg (eds.), Changing Property Relations in Pastoral Societies, Manchester. 1988a Belønning og mening i arbeidsforhold, i O. Brox og M. Gullestad (red.), På norsk grunn. Sosialantropologiske studier av Norge, normenn og det norske, Oslo: Notabene. 1987 Problems of comparative cultural analysis. (Oppgitt prøveforelesning til dr. philos graden.). 1987c A hunting-gathering people in the face of the expanding pastoral frontier: The beginning to the end of the Kalahari San. (Selvvalgt prøvreforelesning for dr. philos graden). 1987 Privilege and Responsibility. On transformations of hierarchical relationships in a Tswana society. (Avhandling for dr. philos graden, Universitetet i Bergen 1987). 1986 c When land becomes scarce. Access to Agricultural Lan and Communal Land Managament in Eastern Botswana, Bergen Studies in Social Anthropology No. 33, Bergen: Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen. 1986 b To marry - or not to marry. Marital strategies and sexual relations in a Tswana Society. Ethnos, 51: 1-2. (Inkludert i Grunnfagskompendium II, Institutt for sosialantropologi, Universitetet i Bergen.) 1986 a Botswana Remote Area Development Programme. Evaluation and programme planning. Bergen/Gaborone/Oslo: Report to Government of Botswana NORAD and SIDA (with Marit Karlsen and Janne Lexow). 1984a Tørkekatastrofe: Tilfellet Botswana, i A. Hjort och M. Ståhl (red.), Katastrof och Samhälle i Afrika, Uppsala: Det Nordiska Afrikainstituttet. 1983b "Vi" og "bedriften". Om forholdet mellom arbeiderkollektivets forutsetninger og fremtredelsesformer, i M. Hoel og B. Hvinden (red.), Kollektivteori og sosiologi, Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag. 1983a Access to Agricultural Land and Communal Land Management in Eastern Botswana. Gaborone: Botswana Government Press. Also published by The Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1985). Reprinted with an extended introduction and conclusion as Gulbrandsen 1986d. (18) 1982 Exhausted bodies and esteemed brains. Employment relations as exchange systems, in R. Grønhaug (ed.), Sign and Scarcity, Bergen; forthcoming. 8

1981 Labour migration, marginalization and reproductive capacity among the Bangwaketse of Botswana, read at session 439: Processes of Socio-Economic Change, 80th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, December 1981. 1980a Evaluation of Village Developoment Programme in Botswana. Report prepared for Botswana Government and NORAD (with Jan Isaksen and Åse Seim), Gaborone. 1980b Agro-Pastoral Production and Communal Land Use. A Socio-Economic Study of the Bangwaketse, Gaborone: Botswana Government Press. * (14) 1979 Land scarcity processes. On the Bangwaketse land use pattern and the land tenure policies of the Botswana Government. Report prepared for Botswana Ministry of Agriculture. (13) 1978c Socio-economic aspects of land use in the communal areas of the Bangwaketse. Report to Botswana Ministry of Agriculture, Gaborone. * 12) 1978b Aspects of Bangwaketse land tenure and land use patterns, with special reference to the tribal grazing land policy. Report to Botswana Ministry of Agriculture, Gaborone. (11) 1978a On Socio-Economic Systems and Technological Innovations in Developing Countries of Africa. Paper presented at the OECD Workshop on Scientific and Technological Co-operation with Developing Countries, Paris 10-13 April, 1978. (10) 1977d A short note on migration based on data from the Ngwaketse tribal area, presented at Workshop on the National Migration Study, University of Botswana and Swaziland, Gaborone July 1977. * (9) 1977c On the system of mahisa. A report to the Divison of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana. (8) 1977b On group-formation in the Southern Ngwaketse. Report to the Division of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana. (7) 1977a Village Development Projects in Botswana. Report to Botswana Government and Norad from the initial evaluation. Gaborone. (6) 1976b Utviklingsproblemer i Botswanas savanneområder. Arbeidsnotat, Sosialantropologisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen. (5) 1976a Samarbeidsideologi og interessekonflikt. Analyse av forholdet mellom bedrift og fagorganisasjon, Oslo: ISO/NIBR. (4) 1975 Om begrensninger på fagorganisasjonens utviklingsmuligheter, i S. Lysgaard 9

(red.), Fellesrapport fra Årdal-prosjektet, Oslo: ISO/NIBR. (3) 1974b Jeger- og sankerfolks tilpasning i lys av nyere antropologisk forskning, prøveforelesning for magistergraden, Sosialantropologisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen. * (2) 1974a Samarbeidsideologi og interessekonflikt. Analyse av arbeider-interesser og bedriftsmålsettinger ved Årdal verk. Avhandling til magistergraden i sosialantropologi, Universitetet i Bergen. (1) 1972 Sosialantropologiske synspunkter på samfunnsplanlegging. Arbeidsnotat om anvendelse av generativ prosessanalyse, Sosialantropologisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen. 10