Likestillingsprisen 2009 fordeling av likestillingsmidler etter søknad

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NORGES IDRETTSHØGSKOLE Administrerende direktør 9. desember 2010 STY-SAK 71/10: Likestillingsprisen 2009 fordeling av likestillingsmidler etter søknad Norges idrettshøgskole (NIH) ble tildelt Likestillingsprisen for 2009 den 19. januar 2010. Prisen er på 2 millioner kroner, og skal gå til den/de institusjoner og /eller forskningsinstitutt som har de beste tiltakene for å bedre kjønnsbalansen i universitets-, høgskole- og forskningsinstituttsektoren. Komité for integreringstiltak Kvinner i forskning (Kif-komiteen) som er en del av universitets- og høgskolesektoren (UHR) lyser ut, vurderer og innstiller til likestillingsprisen. Komitéen innstilte NIH som vinner av Likestillingsprisen 2009, og Kunnskapsdepartementet (KD) fulgte komitéens innstilling. Det er klare føringer for disponering av midlene fra departementets side. Målet med anvendelse av midlene er å øke andelen av faglige vitenskapelige ansatte blant det underrepresenterte kjønn (definisjon; mindre enn 40 %) i akademia. I styremøte 22. april 2010 ble styret presentert for og sluttet seg til tiltenkt plan for anvendelse av midlene. Likestillingsutvalget (LU) ble gitt operativt ansvar for anvendelse og utlysning av likestillingsmidler og innstilling av kandidater. Forslag til vedtak: 1. Rekrutteringstiltak og insentivmidler rettet mot kvinnelige studenter - 600 000 kr: Det ble på et tidlig tidspunkt satt av 600 000 kr over tre år til rekrutteringstiltak rettet mot kvinnelig studenter og insentivmidler for å belønne uteksaminering av kvinnelige studenter på studieprogram på bachelornivå og masterutdanning som har mindre enn 40 % kvinner blant uteksaminerte kandidater det siste studieår. 2. Tildeling prosjektstøtte 700 000 kr: SIM/SFP (Rustaden, Bø, Paulsen og Haakstad) 350 000 kr Prosjekt: Kvinner og styrketrening SKS (Fasting, Sisjord, Svela Sand) 350 000kr Prosjekt: Trenerrollen og kjønn

LU tildeler to prosjekter 350 000 kr hver. Det var presisert i søknadstekst at beløpet i hovedsak skulle gå til driftsstøtte. Vedlagt budsjetter i prosjektsøknadene viser at en større andel av midlene er tenkt som lønnsmidler. LU tildeler derfor 350 000 kr til hvert enkelt prosjekt med fokus på driftsstøtte. 3. Kallelse av kvinnelig professor II 500 000 kr: SFP - kallelse av Caroline Nicol som professor II over 3 år innenfor fagområdet biomekanikk. LU tildeler midler til kallelse av kvinnelig professor II innenfor fagområdet biomekanikk ved SFP. SFP er den fagseksjonen med færrest antall kvinner i faste vitenskapelige stillinger, og har ingen kvinnelige vitenskapelige tilsatte innenfor fagområdet biomekanikk. 4. Tiltak som kan bidra til rekruttering av kvinner i vitenskapelige stillinger 200 000 kr: SCP (Pensgaard og Breivik) 100 000 kr Film som skal benyttes til studentrekruttering på fagområdet trenerrollen. SFP (Jensen, Støen og Sandvei) 100 000 kr Prosjekt: Effekter av sprint utholdenhet og langkjøring på insulinsensitivitet og hjertefrekvensvariasjon LU tildeler 100 000 kr til SCPs markedsføringsprosjekt da det er originalt og skal fremme rekruttering på et fagområdet med svært lav andel jenter blant studentene. Videre tildeles SFP 100 000 kr til sitt prosjekt Effekter av sprint utholdenhet og langkjøring på insulinsensitivitet og hjertefrekvensvariasjon som involverer to kvinnelige masterstudenter. Vedlegg: Fordeling av likestillingsmidler vedtak i likestillingsutvalget Søknader - likestillingsmidler CV`er til søkere

Tildeling av likestillingsmidler 2010 25.11.10 Norges idrettshøgskole (NIH) ble tildelt Likestillingsprisen for 2009. Prisen var på 2 millioner kroner, og skulle gå til tiltak som kan styrke kvinners stilling i akademia. Komité for integreringstiltak Kvinner i forskning (Kif-komitéen) lyste ut, vurderte og innstilte kandidater til likestillingsprisen. I styremøte 22. april 2010 ble styret presentert for og sluttet seg til tiltenkt plan for anvendelse av midlene. Likestillingsutvalget (LU) ble gitt operativt ansvar for anvendelse og utlysning av likestillingsmidler og innstilling av kandidater. Det ble umiddelbart satt av 600 000 kr over tre år til rekrutteringstiltak rettet mot kvinnelig studenter og insentivmidler for å belønne uteksaminering av kvinnelige studenter på studieprogram på bachelornivå og masterutdanning som har mindre enn 40 % kvinner blant uteksaminerte kandidater siste studieår. Det var mulig å søke på 700 000 kr til driftsstøtte til prosjekter, 200 000 kr til tiltak som skal rekruttere kvinner til vitenskapelige stillinger og midler til å finansiere kallelse av kvinnelig professor II for en periode på tre år. Søknadsfrist var satt til 05.11.10 og det var lagt ut informasjon om søknadsprosessen på intranett. Det kom inn syv søknader fra samtlige seksjoner ved NIH. Det er Seksjon for coaching og psykologi (SCP), Seksjon for kroppsøving og pedagogikk (SKP), Seksjon for idrettsmedisinske fag (SIM), Seksjon for kultur og samfunn (SKS) og Seksjon for fysisk prestasjonsevne (SFP). SCP og SFP leverte to søknader hver. Søknadene var fordelt som følger: 1. Kallelse av kvinnelig professor II for en periode på tre år: SFP, SCP og SKP 2. Prosjektstøtte (driftsstøtte): SIM/SFP, SKS og SFP 3. Tiltak for å bidra til rekruttering av kvinner i vitenskapelige stillinger: SCP Prosjekter: 1. SIM/SFP (Rustaden, Bø, Paulsen og Haakstad) - 500 000 kr Prosjekt: Kvinner og styrketrening 2. SKS (Fasting, Sisjord, Svela Sand) 700 000 kr Prosjekt: Trenerrollen og kjønn 3. SFP (Jensen, Støen og Sandvei) 402 800 kr Prosjekt: Effekter av sprint utholdenhet og langkjøring på insulinsensitivitet og hjertefrekvensvariasjon. Kallelse av kvinnelig professor II: 1. SKP kallelse av kvinnelig professor II innenfor fagområdet pedagogikk/kroppsøving Kandidat: Jorunn Spord Borgen, NIFU STEP. 2. SFP kallelse av kvinnelig professor II innenfor fagområdet biomekanikk Kandidat: Caroline Nicol, University of the Mediterranean, Frankrike 3. SCP kallelse av kvinnelig professor II innenfor fagområdet trenerrollen Kandidater:

1. Professor Nanette Mutri, University of Strathclyde, Skottland. 2. Professor Petra Giess-Stüber, Albert- Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg, Tyskland 3. Gloria Balague, PhD. University of Illinois, Chicago. 4. Associate professor Anne Marie Elbe, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences I Universitetet I København, Danmark. 5. Associate professormaike Tietjens, Westfalische Wilhelm-Universität, Münster, Tyskland. Tiltak som kan bidra til rekruttering av kvinner i vitenskapelige stillinger: SCP (Breivik og Pensgaard) 150 000 kr Prosjekt: Markedsføringstiltak (filmproduksjon) til rekruttering av kvinner i vitenskapelige stillinger trenerrollen. Vedtak likestillingsmidler fordeles på følgende måte: 1. Prosjektstøtte 700 000 kr: SIM/SFP (Rustaden, Bø, Paulsen og Haakstad) 350 000 kr Prosjekt: Kvinner og styrketrening SKS (Fasting, Sisjord, Svela Sand) 350 000kr Prosjekt: Trenerrollen og kjønn LU tildeler to prosjekter 350 000 kr hver. Det var presisert i søknadstekst at beløpet i hovedsak skulle gå til driftsstøtte. Vedlagt budsjetter i prosjektsøknadene viser at en større andel av midlene er tenkt som lønnsmidler. LU tildeler derfor 350 000 kr til hvert enkelt prosjekt med fokus på driftsstøtte. 2. Kallelse av kvinnelig professor II 500 000 kr: SFP - kallelse av Caroline Nicol som professor II over 3 år innenfor fagområdet biomekanikk. LU tildeler midler til kallelse av kvinnelig professor II innenfor fagområdet biomekanikk ved SFP. SFP er den fagseksjonen med færrest antall kvinner i faste vitenskapelige stillinger, og har ingen kvinnelige vitenskapelige tilsatte innenfor fagområdet biomekanikk. 3. Tiltak som kan bidra til rekruttering av kvinner i vitenskapelige stillinger 200 000 kr: SCP (Pensgaard og Breivik) 100 000 kr Film som skal benyttes til studentrekruttering på fagområdet trenerrollen. SFP (Jensen, Støen og Sandvei) 100 000 kr Effekter av sprint utholdenhet og langkjøring på insulinsensitivitet og hjertefrekvensvariasjon LU tildeler 100 000 kr til SCPs markedsføringsprosjekt da det er originalt og skal fremme rekruttering på et fagområdet med svært lav andel jenter blant studentene. Videre tildeles SFP 100 000 kr til sitt prosjekt Effekter av sprint utholdenhet og langkjøring på insulinsensitivitet og hjertefrekvensvariasjon som involverer to kvinnelige masterstudenter. Leder av likestillingsutvalget

CV Utdannelse Anne Mette Rustaden Trosterudveien 21G 0778 Oslo Fødselsnummer: 270379 Tlf: 48100644 E-post: Sivil status: forlovet, ett barn Master idrettsfysioterapi (120 sp.), Norges Idrettshøgskole 2006-08 2008-06 Bachelor fysioterapi (360 sp.), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 2001-01 2004-01 Mellomfag idrettsbiologi (60 sp.), Norges Idrettshøgskole 1999-08 2000-06 Grunnfag idrett (60 sp.), Norges Idrettshøgskole 1998-08 1999-06 Arbeidserfaring Fagadministrativ førstekonsulent fitness, NIH 2009 08 - Artikkelforfatter 2010-01 - Fagkonsulent/fysioterapeut Masai Norge AS 2006 01-2008-08 Timelærer/sensor NIH Fitness (gruppetrening & individuell trening) 2004 04- Timelærer/sensor NIH bachelor FAH/IBI 2006 08- Artikkelforfatter, VG 2006 05-2009-12 Gruppetreningsinstruktør Elixia Sjølyst 2006 08- Vikar/førstekonsulent administrasjon NIH Fitness (SEVU) 2005-04 2005-07 Fysioterapeut, Sjølyst Medisinske Senter 2004-08 2006-01 SATS Sjølyst: Personlig trener/treningsveileder og gruppetreningsinstruktør 2004-07 2006-08 SATS Norrmalm Stockholm: Treningsveileder og Personlig Trener 2000-08 2004-06 FRISK Sjølyst (Elixia) Oslo, treningsveileder og gruppetreningsinstruktør 1999-02 2001-09 Oslo Turnforening, aerobicinstruktør 1999-08 1999-05 Annet relevant Vinnerpris: Beste masteroppgave idrettsfysioterapi 2008, Fond for videre- og etterutdanning av fysioterapeuter. Personlig trener, SAFE, Sverige 2003-09 Treningsveileder, SAFE, Sverige 2001-09 Aerobicinstruktør, KFA, Norge 2000-08 Kompetanseoppdrag og presentasjoner treningsbransjen 2005-08- Personlig Målbevisst, ambisiøs, aktiv og pliktoppfyllende med fysisk aktivitet som både jobb og største hobby.

Referanser Oppgis etter avtale.

SØKNAD OM MIDLER TIL MARKEDSFØRINGSTILTAK TIL REKRUTTERING AV KVINNER I VITENKSAPELIGE STILLINGER. Ved seksjon for Coaching og Psykologi er vi pr i dag 2 faste ansatte som er kvinner (Marit Sørensen 100% og Anne Marte Pensgaard 50%). Seksjonen har programansvar for studiet Trenerrollen som også har en sterk overvekt av mannlige studenter. Med tanke på å øke oppmerksomheten av viktigheten av å få rekruttert flere kvinnelige søkere til de stillingene og fagfeltene vi har på vår seksjon, mener vi det vil være av stor betydning og få synliggjort alle de kvinnene som faktisk har tatt dette studiet opp gjennom årene (både i sin nåværende form, men også som da det het Trenerstudiet). Dette vil gjøre nåværende og fremtidige studenter oppmerksom på mulighetene som finnes ved å gå denne spesialiseringen og på sikt, vil det forhåpentligvis gi oss kandidater som ønsker å ta et doktorgradsløp hos oss og dermed bli kandidater til framtidige stillinger. Dette gjelder spesielt mange av aktivitetene, men også fagfeltene Coaching og Psykologi. Forslag: Marit Breivik har en 2 er stilling på C & P Seksjonen og er en viktig ambassadør utad. Vi ønsker å lage en 10 min info film om hvor det er blitt av kvinner som har studert ved NIH (Trenerstudiet eller Trenerrollen), hvor Marit B blir en hovedperson men hvor vi også samler alle profilerte kvinner som har en fortid hos oss. Det er viktig at filmen appellerer til dagens unge og vi ønsker derfor å engasjere Finn Erik & Nils Limited som regissør og produsent. De har vi (dvs Anne Marte Pensgaard) samarbeidet med tidligere, og de sto bl.a. for film og regi av den populære DVD en Med Hodet Først. En slik film vil også gjøre kvinner som har en Master (eller Hovedfag) fra NIH oppmerksomme på behovet for flere kvinnelige vitenskapelige ansatte og vil da kunne være potensielle søkere til ulyste stipendiater eller stillinger. Filmen vil bli produsert våren 2011 og den vil også kunne brukes aktivt i undervisningen. Manus vil blir skrevet av Anne Marte Pensgaard & Marit Breivik Budsjett: kr 150 000.

SØKNAD PÅ LIKESTILLINGSMIDLER Seksjon for fysisk prestasjonsevne (SFP) 1. Ressurser til kallelse over 3 år av kvinnelig professor II til seksjoner med underrepresentasjon av kvinner. Fakta om kjønnssammensetning på seksjonen - SFP disposes of one female 1. Amenuensis (S. Tomten) and one female Universitetslektor on temperary basis (M. Moltubakk) which is a clear underrepresentation of the female gender in the department. - Recently, a position for a 1.Amenuensis/Professor in biomechanics was opened, but all seven candidates who applied were males. - A post-doctoral position in biomechanics, a position 1. Amenuensis/Professor in Idrettsfysiologi/svomming as well as a PhD-fellowship in the same area of research are being opened. However, it is our fear that the afore mentioned positions will add to the existing gender underrepresentation. Stillingsbeskrivelse/arbeidsoppgaver knyttet til likestilling for den som eventuelt tilsettes The female professor II position is supposed to strengthen the research in biomechanics at SFP and would contribute to promote female education (at masters and/or PhD levels) in an area of work dominated by men. She must be able to supervise female masters and PhD students in their thesis work and lecture on selected gender related topics in sports and exercise performance (e.g. gender differences in musculo-skeletal loading, explanatory biomechanical models for performance differences in sports, gender neuromuscular differentiation of training stimuli, etc.). The selected candidate will posses a PhD be and be employed at associate professor/professor level and needs to have excellent competencies in basic and applied biomechanics research: good knowledge and experience in a variety of biomechanical methods and procedures, especially in 3D kinematics, kinesiological electromyography, and ground reaction forces are required. She should be an added value in existing research lines at the biomechanics laboratory and enrich the department by bringing know-how to develop studies in the stretchshortening cycle (SSC) of locomotion and coping mechanisms of the neuromuscular system in situations of external (unusual high impact) and / or prolonged internal disturbances. Eventuelle kandidater med cv Attached in annex, is joined a CV of a possible candidate (Caroline Nicol). Dr. Nicol is presently employed as an associate professor at the Faculty of Sport Sciences of Marseille, University of the Mediterranean (Marseille, France). Recently, she acquired professor competence in the French National Council of Universities. In 1992, she graduated as a PhD in Life Sciences, Biology of Muscular Exercise with a thesis entitled: Manifestations of neuromuscular fatigue caused by a marathon run under the supervision of Prof. Paavo Komi (University of Jyväskylä (Finland) where she also was a post-doctoral fellow. She has published 26 papers in ISI-indexed journals, 11 chapters in books with international editorial board, and 12 papers accepted in refereed journals. Dr. Nicol has good experience in supervision of masters and PhD students. Dr. Nicol is member of the scientific committee of the European College of Sport Science since 1999, is reviewer in various scientific journals and has an impressive record of invited scientific presentations. Dr. Nicol has a well-developed research network as can be observed from the participation in

international collaborative projects. She is known to be an excellent lecturer in the field of biomechanics and neuromuscular research. She is also known to be a very dynamic researcher and would be a great contributor to on-going and future research, including multiple outcomes, for our department. Oslo, 5 November 2010 Jan Cabri Seksjonsleder SFP

ANNEX Curriculum Vitae Caroline Nicol, Associate Professor HDR (accreditation to supervise research) Date birth : 18/09/1965 in the Nouvion en Thiérache (02) Address : Nationality : Française Institute of Movement Sciences, Marital status : Cohabiting, 1 child Etienne-Jules Marey Faculty of Sport Sciences, 163 avenue de Luminy, CP 910 13288 Marseille cedex 09, France Phone : +33 (0)4 91 82 84 15 / 09(fax) Email : Summary of career : Current situation Associate Professor HDR (accredited to supervise research) (7th grade) at the Faculty of Sport Sciences of Marseille, University of the Mediterranean. Qualified as University Professor (74th division Sport Sciences). Career Path Sept. 1992-93 : Post-doctoral at the Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of Jyväskylä (Finland). Sept. 1993-94 : Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Sport Sciences (FSS), University of Aix- Marseille II. Sept. 1994-95 : Lecturer trainee, FSS, University of Aix-Marseille II. Sept. 1995- : Lecturer (74th Section Sport Sciences), FSS, University of the Mediterranean. 2 year secondment at the CNRS (2000-02) in the UMR 6152 laboratory. Jan. 2009- : Associate Professor - HDR (Specialty : Human Movement Sciences). Feb. 2010 : Qualified by the National Council of Universities (CNU) as University Professor (74th division Sport Sciences). Curriculum : discipline Science and Technology disciplines of Physical Activity and Sport (STAPS) University of Nice : Bachelor (1985), License (1986), Master in Basic Bioenergetics specialty, with honors (1987). DEA (Master 2): discipline STAPS (1988), specialty Muscle Physiology, Sport Faculty of Marseilles. Honors. Thesis entitled : Effect of high load training on speed and muscle power parameters». Direction : J.F. Marini & R. Hyacinthe. Ph.D. in Life Sciences, University Jean Monnet of Saint-Etienne, June 30, 1992. Specialty Biology of Muscular Exercise. Honourable Mention with honors. Thesis entitled : «Manifestations of neuromuscular fatigue caused by a marathon run» (Advisors : Prof. PV Komi & A. Geyssant). Jury : P.V. Komi, R. Flandrois, A. Geyssant, J.R. Lacour, P. Marconnet. HDR : Specialty Human Movement Sciences, University of the Mediterranean, January 30, 2009. Title : «The stretch-shortening cycle : a model for studying compensatory mechanisms

in case of musculo-tendinous alterations». Jury : E. Berton, X. Bigard, J. Duchateau, L. Grélot, G. Millet, S. Perey, P.V. Komi. Scientific Activities Laboratory: Institute of Movement sciences, Etienne-Jules Marey, UMR 6233 (Directed by J.L. Vercher), within the team «Motor Performance and Modeling» directed by Professor E. Berton (Codirector of the Institute). Lines of research : Biomecanics, Neuromuscular physiology. My research focuses on the links between basic and applied research enriching the model of understanding (i) stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) in locomotion and (ii) coping mechanisms of the neuromuscular system in situations of external (unusual high impact) and / or prolonged internal (functional recovery following ultrastructural muscle damage, obesity) disturbances. Keywords : Neuromuscular System, Fatigue, Reflex Activity, Stretch-Shortening Cycle. Publications : 26 accepted papers in ISI-indexed journals, including 23 after the Ph.D. thesis. 11 chapters in books with international editorial board, including 8 after the Ph.D. thesis. 12 papers accepted in refereed journals. 14 invited lectures in international conferences. 27 other invited lectures. 37 oral presentations or posters in international conferences with proceedings. Supervision of Master and PhD students: - 12 Masters 1 STAPS ; 1 Master in cellular Biology and Physiology ; - 9 Masters 2 from 2000 to 2009. - 2 PhD(s) STAPS from 1996 to 2006 and 2 co-directions of PhD CIFRE underway. Scientific expertise : - Member since 1999 of the Scientific Committee of the European College of Sport Sciences (ECSS). - International collaborations funded by research grants from the Finnish, Danish and Slovenian Ministries of Education as well as a project funded in 2004 by the European Commission (HUMOS 2). - Jury member of 3 international theses (twice reporter) and 3 national theses other than my own students. - Twenty expertises to BJSM, EJAP, IJSM, SJMS, JAB, JB, MSSE, JAP. Research Contracts : participation in obtaining research contracts with five times as a coleader. Teaching activities Volume of theoritical teaching 192hETD /year. Amount of Education performed greater than or equal to the theoretical volume each year (except 2000-02 for secondment at the CNRS). For the year 2009-10: 268h ETD - License : Neuromuscular Function; Management Methods of physical life; Physiology and intervention in Sport and Physical activity; Biomedical Sciences; Discovery of institutions, communities and professionals; Monitoring Internship Adapted Physical Activity (APA).

- Master : Physical Activity and longevity; techniques in APA intervention and health; Changing attitudes and behavior, evolution of concepts in educational practice prevention equipment; Evaluation of participants.. For complete description, see (6. Pedagogic Activities ) page 6. Administrative activities Pedagogical: 2002-08: Co-directrice du DEUST STAPS intitulé «Agent de Développement Local Socio- Sportif». 2008-09: Co-responsable d une Licence Professionnelle en STAPS intitulée «Gestion et développement des organisations, des Services sportifs et de loisirs» - Métiers du littoral. For Research : 2002-08: Appointed member of the Commission of Specialists of the establishment. 2008- : Elected member of Council Laboratory. Scientific Activities : 1. Presentation of research topics: For nearly 15 years, my work focuses on understanding the functioning of Stretch- Shortening Cycle (SSC). In this context, I continue to collaborate with the team of Prof. PV Komi (actual team of Prof. J. Avela) from the Neuromuscular Research Center, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. SSC is defined as the sequence of 3 phases - so-called "preactivation", "braking" and "push-off" - which characterize the natural forms of locomotion such as running and jumping. This research seeks to understand the adjustments of the central motor command in a situation of SSC, to determine the contribution of spinal reflex loops in locomotion and to quantify the kinetics of functional deficits induced by several days of exhaustive SSC type exercise. The latter is now known to cause muscle microdamage resulting in a slow recovery over several days of the structural-functional integrity. This work led to the defense on January 30, 2009 of my HDR thesis entitled "SSC: a model for studying compensatory mechanisms in case of musculo-tendinous alterations. My own research has been enriched by the work of two PhD students, Mr F. Ftaiti and Miss S. Regeme, which I co-directed from 1996 to 2006. They persist today, particularly through the ongoing thesis of Mr C. Morio and S. Viry funded by Cifre grants. Ftaiti et al. (2006) stressed the stability of both central and reflex activation patterns as well as SSC performances while experiencing high metabolic fatigue (hyperthermia and dehydration). Regeme et al. (2005) have shown that in fatigue situation that voluntary neural adjustments and reflexes are changing along the immediate and delayed phases of recovery. They also depend on the intensity of the motor task to perform and they vary depend on the considered SSC phase. Subsequent studies of Regeme et al. (2007a, 2008) revealed that the phase of muscle regeneration is accompanied on the 2nd day post-exercise by an altered sense of position and movement. Exhausting SSC type exercise is therefore likely to alter proprioception and muscle activation involved in the effort. Moreover, when fatigue is caused by a unilateral exercise, no adjustment is observed when the contralateral motor task to achieve, maximum or submaximal, is intermittent (Regeme et al. 2007b). A contralateral effect remains possible in situations of prolonged and continuous bilateral effort. C. Morio et al. deepen "the effects of SSC type fatigue on the dynamic stability" by

looking, firstly, the possible links during SSC exercises between early compensatory changes in the activation patterns of agonist and antagonist muscles and mechanical disturbances that occur later towards exhaustion. These parameters are also studied during the bimodal functional recovery that follows the exhausting efforts of SSC type. In collaboration with C. Rossi-Durand and F. Tic-Dumont UMR CNRS 6196, our protocols were enriched by current techniques for investigating central fatigue (TMS). They aim to deepen the underlying mechanisms of central and reflex inhibitions that characterize the late phase of recovery. The work of S. Viry, which is just beginning focus on endurance horse races, which duration (6 to 10 hours) and intensity (gallop mostly) lead to clear central and peripheral (muscle effector) fatigue of both rider and his horse. This thesis aims to design an instrumented saddle used during training and race to improve the performance of the rider-horse couple. As a corollary, we study the adaptive (protective) mechanisms of the neuromuscular system in situations of high impact. This work started by the co-direction with Prof. J. Avela of a French student Miss Amandine Galindo, registered in Master of Sport Science at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. She obtained her Master degree in 2008 with highest honors and presented a paper entitled "Neuromuscular control during high impact loads in landing tasks. These studies have emphasized the role of preactivation in the adjustments to expected impact and demonstrated a significant inhibition of central origin in the immediate post-impact phase (Galindo et al. 2009). Current protocols are focused on inter-muscular adjustments depending on the post-impact task to perform (rebound versus landing). This reflection enriches our understanding of the central and reflex neural adjustments to fatigue in maximal SSC tasks. A project entitled "Morphological, psychosocial, physiological and biomechanical effects of intermittent and continuous training program on obese adolescents" was initiated by several members of our laboratory ISM, Dr. C.Mercier Medical Center's Child Nutrition Birds Young obese children and adolescents, O. Hue University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres and J.Brisswalter University of Nice. This longitudinal, randomized and controlled study is to compare the effects of two types of workouts, "intermittent and continuous" versus "continuing" in obese teen(s) practicing five times a week for six months. Measurements were performed on 55 young in the absence of specific training at three and six months after entering the center. This first experimental phase aimed at optimizing the evaluation tests and aerobic capacity to examine their influence on the self-confidence and self esteem. A new phase begins in March which will double the initial population while focusing on the role of proprioceptive information during weight loss. Our goal is to understand how sensory information and motor response are evaluating along with the biomechanical stress changes induced by the large losses of body mass in a few months. The effects of training will be apprehended in the short term (by comparing measurements before and during it) and long term (twice after the end of training). We expect the majority of the immediate and delayed analyzed parameters to be higher after the "intermittent and continuous" form of training. The long term goal of this research line aims to reduce the failure rate (weight regain) that is very high for this type of care in specialized institution. 2. 5 selected Publications (see all publications in Annexe) - Nicol C., Komi P.V., Horita T., Kyröläinen H. & Takala T.E.S. (1996). Reduced stretchreflex sensitivity after exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 72: 401-409. (IF = 1.931) => this study tested the hypothesis that the deterioration of SSC type performance, caracterized in case of fatigue by a reduced muscle tolerance to ground impacts, could come

in part from a reduction in the stretch reflex contribution to the braking phase. Reinforcing this hypothesis, tests of passive stretching showed large declines (immediate and 2 day delayed) of the amplitude of the electromyographic relex response. These reflex inhibitions were attributed to the inflammatory phenomenon associated with the delayed muscle regeneration. - Nicol C., Kuitunen S., Kyröläinen H., Avela J. & Komi. P.V. (2003). Immediate and delayed fatigue effects on reflex EMG and force responses of the muscle-tendon complex. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 90(5-6): 470-479. (IF = 1.931) => This study has confirmed the 1996 results, showing after strenuous SSC exercise (either prolonged or short and intensive) immediate and delayed decreases in EMG and mechanical reflex responses. The expected loss of tolerance to impact due to the attenuation of the reflex contribution is consistent with observations by Avela et al. (1999) who reported a fatigue-induced drop in maximal SSC performance associated with a significant decrease of the stretch reflex EMG burst. - Nicol C., Avela J. & Komi P.V. (2006) Stretch-shortening cycle (SSC): a model to study naturally occurring neuromuscular fatigue. Sports Medicine 36(11): 977-999. (IF = 3.018) =>This review presents the CSSC as a model for studying adjustment the capacity of central and reflex neural adjustments in situations of fatigue caused by natural forms of locomotion. SSC type fatigue is indeed characterized by immediate and delayed structural and functional disturbances that give the possibility to track over several days central neural adaptations to the deficiencies of the muscle-tendon effector. This review reveals in particular the flexibility of central and reflex adjustments depending on the intensity and on the phase of the SSC task to perform (Regeme et al. 2005) as well as on the state of fatigue and / or muscle regeneration. These observations tend to confirm the hypothesis of spinal and supra-spinal influences of types III and IV muscle afferents. These afferents are known to be multi-modal as sensitive to chemical, thermal and mechanical, that characterize the inflammatory phase of muscle remodelling after micro-lesions. - Regueme S.C., Barthèlemy J., Gauthier G.M., Blin O. & Nicol C. (2008) Delayed influence of stretch-shortening cycle fatigue on large ankle joint position coded with static positional signals. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports. 18(3):373-82. (IF = 2.264) => Cette étude a initié notre réflexion sur les influences proprioceptives de la fatigue de type CED. Confortant le rôle majeur du muscle antagoniste (étiré) sur le sens de la position, nous observons au 2 ème jour de la phase de régénérescence musculaire une surestimation du degré d étirement du muscle lésé et dès lors de la position maintenue. - Galindo A., Barthèlemy J., Ishikawa M., Chavet P, Martin V, Avela J., Komi P.V., Nicol C. (2009) Neuromuscular control in landing from supra-maximal dropping height. J. Appl. Physiol. 106(2): 539-547. (IF = 3.658) => In order to deepen the central and reflex inhibitions that may occur in case of impact, we have examined the neuromuscular adjustments in supramaximal crash situations. This study confirmed the adaptation of the preactivation level of the different agonist muscles to the expected magnitude of the impact peak. The immediate post-impact phase (0-30ms) is characterized by a central inhibition of activation. This trend is then reflected by a cushioning more than by a resistance to the impact. In this context, the stability of the reflex EMG burst when different levels of pre-activation are imposed on suggests a central regulation of reflex activity. Studies are underway to verify the influence of fatigue on these so-called "protective" strategies of the musculo-tendinous integrity.

3. Direction of PhD and other research works (more details in annexe) Direction of PhD thesis : 2 PhD thesis (co-directed at 50%) in STAPS in Humain Movement Sciences o Miss REGUEME-LOUVEL Sophie, «Neurophysiological consequences of eccentric type muscle fatigue» (2002-06). o Mr. FTAITI Foued, «Contribution to the study of hyperthermia during a prolonged running» (1996-00). 2 PhD thesis in progress (co-directed at 50%), each of them funded by a Cifre grant. o Mr. MORIO Cédric on the theme «Fatigue effect on dynamic stability» o Mr. VIRY Sylvain on the theme «Analysis of the horse-rider couple for the design of an instrumented riding saddle». Devenir des docteurs (si l information existe) : o Miss REGUEME is postulating for a position of Lecturer. o Mr FTAITI is Lecturer at the University of Sfax in Tunisia. Supervision of students in Masters 2 "Human Movement Science" in STAPS: (sorry, titles in French) 1. Miss Valérie GRANVILLE (1993-94). Fatigue neuro-musculaire associée à un travail dynamique de flexion-extension des bras. 2. Mr. Foued FTAITI (1996-97). Fréquence cardiaque - température corporelle au cours d un exercice de longue durée. 3. Mr. Jean-Marie COUDREUSE (1997-98). Troubles de la commande neuro-musculaire dans les lésions du ligament croisé antérieur opérées par ligamentoplastie. 4. Mr. Nicolas GOUBI (1997-98). Adaptations neuro-musculaire aux perturbations biomécaniques et sensorielles associées à la rupture et à la reconstruction du ligament croisé antéro-externe du genou. 5. Miss Céline BEQUET (1998-99). La reconfiguration des réseaux de neurones spinaux lors d une fatigue induite par des actions musculaires de type excentrique. 6. Miss Florie FALCHERO (2001-02). Ajustements neuromusculaires suite à une fatigue unilatérale de type cycle étirement-détente. 7. Mr. Olivier REY (2009-10). Influence d un entraînement en endurance versus intermittent d intensité supramaximale en natation sur les paramètres de la cinétique de la consommation d oxygène pulmonaire. Co-direction of student in foreign university - Master of Sport Sciences in Finland : 1. Mlle GALINDO Amandine (2007-08): Neuromuscular control during high impact loads in landing tasks Neuromuscular Research Center, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Memory obtained as the master with "Magna cum laude approbatur" (very good). 4. Research grants:

1999: Grant from the General Council of Bouches-du-Rhône : «Changes in motor control resulting from injuries of the locomotor system» - Scientific leaders : C. Nicol and A. Delarque (170 KF). 2000: Participation in achieving a Grant from the French Army (DGA-DSP «Motoneuronal command and regulation» - Scientific leaders : JP Vedel, D. Zytnicki, L. Grélot 1200 KF/ 2 years for 3 research laboratories (400 KF/2 years per laboratory). 2000: Participation in achieving a Convention Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône : «Heat and hydromineral regulations during prolonged running in hot environments: hormonal changes and actions of desmopressin» - Scientific leaders : L. Grélot (50 KF). 2002 : Participation in a European Contract: Human Model for Safety Two (HUMOS2). "Contribution to the development of a biomechanical model to study the reactions of a human being sitting in a car in case of expected collisions" - Numerous industrial partners such as l INRETS, Chalmers Univ. of Technology AB, Technical Univ. of Eindhoven, Engineering System International GmbH, Volvo Car Corporation, Peugeot Citroën, Automobiles, Regienov-Renault Recherche Innovation Netherlands Organisation for Applied Research,.. - Project of GROW type; Scientific leader : C. Brunet (global : 83KEuros) 2008 : Participation in obtaining a Chair of Excellence between the company Decathlon and the Performance Motor and Modelling team, ISM Jules Marey, University of the Mediterranean. - Scientific leaders : P. Freychat and E. Berton. (300 K / 3 years). 5. International actions Member from 1999 to 2010 of the Scientific Board of the European College of Sport Sciences (E.C.S.S.) : involved in the preparation of the scientific program, symposiums and board member of the «Young Investigation Award» during annual congresses) and intervention in the Advanced Intensive Course given to european PhD students. Stays abroad One stay of 5 years in the laboratory of Professor Paavo V. Komi (1988-93), Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. This stay led to my PhD (September 1992), followed by a post-doctoral stay of one year in the same laboratory. 2 stays of 2 months in the same laboratory (2001-2002). This stay helped to finalize several papers on experiments carried out during short previous stays. The research projects of these 2 stays have been granted by : A grant for 9 months from the French Ministry of Forein Affairs (C. Nicol 1989) Grants from the Finish Ministry of Education Prof. P.V. Komi (1988, 89, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2001, 02) C. Nicol (1990) Collaborations funded by other research grants: with Professors P.V. Komi et T. Sinkjaer (December 1999) from the Universities of Jyväskylä (Finland) and Aalborg (Danemark): «Quantification of reflex loop contribution to force production at various times of the gait cycle». with Professors P.V. Komi et V. Strojnik (février 2000) from the Universities of Jyväskylä (Finland) and Ljubljana (Slovenia): «Neuromuscular fatigue of SSC type

induced by one alpine ski week». The last 2 projects have been funded by the Ministries of Education from Finland, Denmark and Slovenia. with professor P.V. Komi (February 2004) from the University of Jyväskylä (Finland): «Effects of muscle preactivation on mechanical and reflex responses to supramaximal impacts». Project funded by the European Commission for the project HUMOS 2 (G3RD-CT- 2002-00803). 3 reviews of foreign PhD dissertations: 1. Expertise of the manuscript and jury member of the PhD Thesis of Janne Avela entitled: «Stretch-Reflex Adaptation in Man: interaction between load, fatigue and muscle stiffness.» Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, December 8, 1998, Jyväskylä, Finlande. Jury: Dyrhe-Poulsen P. (Danemark), Nicol C. (France). 2. Expertise of the manuscript of the PhD Thesis of KA Sharwood entitled: «The effects of endurance training on neuromuscular characteristics in masters runners. University of Cape Town, December 2003, South Africa. 3. Expertise of the manuscript of the PhD Thesis of Séverine Abellaneda entitled: «Contribution à l étude des modifications structurelles de l unité myotendineuse lors d un étirement : comparaison des méthodes de neurofacilitation et du mode de contraction excentrique.» Institut des Sciences de la Motricité, Université libre de Bruxelles, July 1rst, 2009, Bruxelles, Belgium. Jury: Carpentier A., Duchateau J., Feipel V., Guissard N. (Belgium), Nicol C. (France). 5 reviews of French PhD dissertations: 1. Jury member of the PhD Thesis in STAPS from the University of the Mediterranean of Mr. FTAITI Foued on the theme: «Contribution à l étude de l hyperthermie lors d une course prolongée», on November 20th 2000,, Specialty Physiology. Jury: Bootsma R., Falgairette G., Fiki Y., Grélot L., Mercier J., Pailhous J., Nicol C. 2. Jury member of the PhD Thesis in Human Movement Sciences from the University of the Mediterranean, on October 25th 2006, by Miss REGUEME-LOUVEL Sophie on the theme: «Conséquences neurophysiologiques de la fatigue musculaire excentrique». Jury: Audiffren M., Rossi-Durand C., Grélot L., Brisswalter J., Perrey S., Nicol C. 3. Jury member of the PhD Thesis in Human Motricity and Handicap from the University of St Etienne, on December 7th 2007, by Mr. Karim ZAMEZIATI on the theme: «Facteurs biomécaniques de la performance lors de différents modes de contraction : influence de l efficacité de pédalage et du temps de couplage sur le rendement mécanique». Jury: Antonutto G., Belli A., Minetti A.E., di Prampero P.E., Hautier C., Cloutier- Hintzy F., Nicol C. 4. Jury member of the PhD Thesis in Human Movement Sciences from the University of the Montpellier I, on September 25th 2008 by Mr. Thomas RUPP on the theme: «Responsabilité de la commande motrice centrale dans la fatigue neuromusculaire».

Jury: Kayser B., Millet G., Grebe R., Perrey S., Nicol C. 5. Jury member of the PhD Thesis in Human Movement Sciences from the University of the Mediterranean, on October 13th 2009 by Mr. Hadj Boumédiène MEZIANE on the theme: «Anticipation d une perturbation d origine périphérique ou centrale du mouvement volontaire chez l Homme». Jury: Audiffren M., Berton E., Lestienne F., Pailhous J., Nicol C. Teaching Activities : 1. Teaching hours (ETD) from 1996 to 2009 at the Sport Faculty of Sport Sciences (L: lectures; T: Tutorials ) Year 1996-97 : 219h ETD. License : Neuromuscular Function (L), Functional Anatomy (L), Bioenergetics (L), Swimming (T), sailing (T). Year 1997-98: 222h ETD. License : Neuromuscular Function (L - T), Functional Anatomy (L), Bioenergetics (L-T), Biomechanics (L), Neuromuscular Fatigue (L). Year 1998-99 : 194h ETD. License : Similar. Year 1999-00 : 217h ETD. License : Similar. Years 2000-01 et 2001-02 : No teaching as being full-time researcher for a year (CNRS). Year 2002-03 : 198h ETD. License: Similar. Master : Research methodology (L). Year 2003-04 : 247h ETD. License : Similar. Deust : Functional anatomy (L). Year 2004-05 : 247h ETD. Similar. Year 2005-06 : 249h ETD. License : Similar. Master : Fatigue mechanisms (L). Year 2006-07 : 192h ETD. License : Similar + English (T) Master : Physiological Particularities (L). Year 2007-08 : 199h ETD. Similar with the Deust. Year 2008-09 : 265h ETD. Similar to those in 2009-10. Year 2009-10 : 268h ETD. License : Neuromuscular Function (L -T), Management Methods of physical life (L -T), Physiology and intervention in Sport and Physical activity (L-T). Biomedical Sciences; Discovery of institutions, communities and professionals; Adapted Physical Activity (L -T). Master : Physical Activity and longevity (L), techniques in APA intervention and health (L,T), Changing attitudes and behaviour (L,T), evolution of concepts in educational practice and prevention equipment (T), Evaluation of participants (T).

2. Other teaching interventions in France IUFM - Preparation to the national exam of CAPEPS and Aggregation (1 L / year since 2004) : Bioenergetics and Neuromuscular system in children and teenagers Continuing Education of Educational consultants in EPS 1st degree (2 days in 2005) on the theme «Prolonged run in primary school: the physiological basis for educational provisions». Medicine Faculty - Medicine and Biology of Sport : (1 L / year since 2000). - Continuing Medical Education in Sport Traumatology (1 L / year since 2003), e.g. «DOMS and Physiopathology of tendon and muscle» ; «Physiopathology associated to isometric, concentric and eccentric work», «Eccentric work for functional reeducation». - Master of Sport and Health (1 L in 2006 and 2007), Acute and chronic pathologies induced by physical activities and sport : «DOMS and Physiopathology of tendon and muscle. - Master unit from the Faculty of Medicine (1 L / year since 2006), Bases in Physiology, biochemistry and microbiology : The Muscle. 3. Supervision of Master degree Students: 12 in STAPS (+1 in progress) and 1 in Cellular Biology and Physiology. Master 1 in STAPS, Sport training and Motor Performance: (sorry, titles in French) 1. M. Khaled MIGHRI (2010-2011 en cours). Evolution de la fréquence cardiaque et de la sensation d effort d enfants et adolescents obèses lors de tests maximaux de type Spartacus et Navette. 2. M. Mohamed LAROUSSI (2009-10). Effets des tests Spartacus et Navette sur l anxiété et le concept de soi physique d adolescent(e)s obèses : une étude pilote. 3. M. Frédéric GRAPPIN (1999-2000). Adaptations neuro-musculaires à la fatigue associée à un exercice de rebonds poursuivi jusqu à épuisement. 4. M. Gillel NAFATI (1999-2000). Quantification de la fatigue neuromusculaire immédiate et retardée engendrée par un exercice maximal de type isocinétique excentrique. 5. M. Philippe VANGEL (1998-99). Effets de l hyperthermie sur les caractéristiques neuromusculaires de force et d endurance de force maximale du membre inférieur. 6. Mlle Rola SBAT (1998-99). Intérêts et limites des données isocinétiques et électromyographiques dans l analyse des déficits fonctionnels de patients opérés du ligament croisé antéro-externe. 7. M. Nicolas GOUBI (1997-98). Adaptations neuro-musculaires aux perturbations mécaniques et sensorielles associées à la rupture et à la reconstruction du ligament croisé antéro-externe. 8. Mlle Cécile GENTY (1997-98). Mise au point d un protocole d évaluation des effets d une reconstruction du LCAE sur le sens de la position du genou et sur les coordinations inter-musculaires. 9. M. David IOLA (1996-97). Evaluation de la fatigue neuromusculaire associée à un entraînement en ski alpin.

10. Mlle Myriam ANTONIOL (1994-95). Etude de l influence de l entraînement et de la fatigue sur les temps de phases d un geste technique d haltérophilie: l arraché. 11. M. Olivier MAISETTI (1993-94). Etude électromyographique et cardiovasculaire du Pumping en laboratoire. Master 1 in STAPS Human Movement Sciences and Technologies: (sorry, titles in French) 12. M. Thomas MOLEUR (2006-07). Un impératif de la voile de compétition : la recherche de sponsors. 13. M. Philippe ANDROUET (2009-10). Influences fonctionnelles immédiates d une séance d étirements statiques vs. dynamiques. Master 1 of Cellular Biology and Physiology, NeurosciencesDEA, Aix-Marseille I : (sorry, titles in French) 1. Mlle Sophie REGUEME (2000-01). Conséquences fonctionnelles d une fatigue unilatérale de type excentrique sur les capacités d activation et de force maximale : effets immédiats et retardés, ipsi- et controlatéraux. 4. Teaching interventions to foreign students Advanced Intensive Course / European Master of Sport Science, Université de Jyväskylä, Finlande. - 1998 : Fatigue-induced muscle damage and changes in stretch-reflex excitability - 1999 : Stretch-induced force enhancement in human-muscle tendon complex - 2002 : Reflex measurements applied to neuromuscular control of movement - 2007 : Control of stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) and landing during extremely high loads European School Marseilles (ESM), Faculté de Médecine, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France. - 2000-01 : What could favour or limit a maximal force production? - 2003-06 : Active Ligaments & LCA Rupture: a potential vicious loop - 2007 : The functional role of active Ligaments - 2009-10 : Muscle-Tendon Unit (MTU) in eccentric muscle action and in ground locomotion: anything new? Advanced Intensive Course / Lebanese German University, Faculty of Public Health, Beyrouth, Lebanon. - 2010 : Biomécanique et Posture (30h).

Ranked list of publications (Bold the 5 retained in paragraph 2 of the research activities): Individual and collective works: 11 book chapters with international committee (including 9 after PhD) 1992 Komi P.V., Nicol C. & Marconnet P. Neuromuscular fatigue during repeated stretchshortening cycle exercises. In: Marconnet P., Komi P.V., Saltin B., Sejersted O.M. (Eds.), Muscle Fatigue Mechanisms in Exercise and Training. Med. Sport Sci., Basel, vol. 34, pp. 172-181. 1996 Nicol C. & Komi P.V. Neuromuscular fatigue in stretch-shortening cycle exercises. In: P. Marconnet, B. Saltin, P.V. Komi, and J. Poortmans (Eds.), Human Muscular Function during Dynamic Exercise. Med. Sport Sci. Basel, Karger, vol. 41, pp. 134-147. 2000 Komi P.V. & Nicol C. Stretch-shortening cycle of muscle function. In: V. Zatsiorsky (Eds.) Biomechanics in Sport: performance enhancement and injury prevention, The Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine, Blackwell Science, Chap.5, pp.87-102. Komi P.V. & Nicol C. Stretch-shortening cycle fatigue. In: B.M. Nigg, B.R. MacIntosh and Mester J. (Eds.) Biomechanics and Biology of Movement, Human Kinetics, II, Chap. 20, pp.385-408. 2001 Strojnik V., Nicol C. & Komi P.V. Fatigue during one-week tourist alpine skiing. In: E. Müller et al. (eds.) Science and Skiing II, Kovač, Hamburg, Chap. 46, pp. 599-607. 2003 Nicol C. & Komi P.V. Stretch-shortening Cycle Fatigue and its Influence on Force and Power Production. In: P.V. Komi (Ed.) Strength and Power in Sport. The Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine, Blackwell Science, Chap.11, pp. 203-228. 2005 Regueme S., Barthèlemy J., Gauthier G.M. & Nicol C. Central nervous system contralateral adjustments after unilateral muscle fatigue. In: Gantchev (Ed.), From Basic Motor Control to Functional Recovery IV, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia. pp. 300-307. 2008 Komi P.V. &. Nicol C. Neuromuscular adaptation to exercise. In: Nigel Taylor, H. Groeller and PL McLennan (Eds.) Physiological Bases of Human Performance during Work and Exercise. Churchill Livingstone, Section 1, Chap.4, pp. 71-89. Taylor J., Komi P.V. & Nicol C. Central and Neuromuscular fatigue. In: Nigel Taylor, H. Groeller and PL McLennan (Eds.) Physiological Bases of Human Performance during Work and Exercise. Churchill Livingstone, Section 1, Chap.5, pp. 91-113. 2010 Komi P.V. &. Nicol C. Stretch-shortening cycle of muscle function. In: Komi PV (Ed.) Encyclopedia volume, Neuromuscular Aspects of Sports performance. Blackwell Publishing, Chap.2, pp. 15-31. Nicol C & Komi P.V. Stretch-shortening cycle Fatigue. In: Komi PV (Ed.) Encyclopedia volume, Neuromuscular Aspects of Sports performance. Blackwell

Publishing, Chap.12, pp. 183-215. Articles 1991 26 Articles published in international indexed journals (including 24 after the thesis) Nicol C., Komi P.V. & Marconnet P. (1991). Effects of marathon fatigue on running kinematics and economy. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 1: 195-204. Nicol C., Komi P.V. & Marconnet P. (1991). Fatigue effects of marathon-running on neuromuscular performance. II. Changes in force, integrated electromyographic activity and endurance capacity. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 1: 18-24. Nicol C., Komi P.V. & Marconnet P. (1991). Fatigue effects of marathon-running on neuromuscular performance. I. Changes in muscle force and stiffness characteristics. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 1: 10-17 1996 Horita T., Komi P.V., Nicol C. & Kyröläinen H. (1996). Stretch-shortening cycle fatigue: interactions among joint stiffness, reflex, and muscle mechanical performance in the drop jump. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 73(5): 393-403. Nicol C., Komi P.V., Horita T., Kyröläinen H. & Takala T.E.S. (1996). Reduced stretch-reflex sensitivity after exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 72: 401-409. 1998 Nicol C. & Komi P.V. (1998). Significance of passively induced stretch reflexes on Achilles tendon force enhancement. Muscle and Nerve 21: 1546-1548. 1999 Pullinen T., Nicol C., MacDonald E. & Komi P.V. (1999). Plasma catecholamine responses to four resistance exercise tests in men and woman. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 80(2): 125-131. Horita T., Komi P.V., Nicol C. & Kyrölainen H. (1999). Effect of exhausting stretchshortening cycle exercise on the time course of mechanical behavior in the drop jump: possible role of muscle damage. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 79(2): 160-167. Nicol C. & Komi P.V. (1999). Quantification of Achilles tendon force enhancement by passively induced dorsiflexion stretches. J. Appl. Biom. 15(3): 221-232. 2001 Ftaiti F., Duflot J.C., Nicol C. & Grélot L. (2001). Tympanic temperature and heart rate changes in fire-fighters during treadmill runs performed with different fireproof jackets. Ergonomics 44(5): 502-512. Ftaiti F., Grélot L., Coudreuse J.M. & Nicol C. (2001). Combined effect of heat stress, dehydration and exercise on neuromuscular function in humans. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1-2):87-94. 2002 Kuitunen S., Avela J., Kyröläinen H., Nicol C. & Komi P.V. (2002). Acute and prolonged reduction in joint stiffness after exhaustive SSC exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 88(1-2): 107-116. Horita T., Komi P.V., Nicol C. & Kyröläinen H. (2002). Interaction between prelanding activities and stiffness regulation of knee joint musculoskeletal system in the drop