Publikasjonsliste for Lars Petter Hansen fra 1975 til og med 2000

Like dokumenter
Hansen, L.P. & Jensen, K.W. 1978: Garnskader på laks. Hansen, L.P. 1980: Registreringer av garnskader på laks og

Lars Petter Hansen, Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning, Postboks 736, Sentrum, 0105 Oslo

Vandring og spredning av rømt oppdrettslaks. Lars Petter Hansen

Verdien av villaksen lokalt og nasjonalt. Muligheter og trusler. Anders Skonhoft Institutt for Samfunnsøkonomi NTNU

Vill laksefisk og akvakultur med vekt på Sognefjorden. Kjetil Hindar Forskningssjef, NINA

Atferd hos rømt oppdrettslaks i Sunndalsfjorden

Publikasjonsliste for Bengt Finstad fra 1985 til og med 2000 Abstracts/reports

Evaluering av oppleieordningen av kilenotfiske etter laks i Trondheimsfjorden. Peder Fiske Torbjørn Forseth Lars Petter Hansen Nils Arne Hvidsten

Reetablering av laks på Sørlandet Foredrag på Krafttak for laksen i Sør Kristiansand 3-4. november 2014

Prosent oppdrettslaks

Adaptiv forvaltning av edelkreps erfaringer etter 30 års studier i Steinsfjorden, Norge

Internasjonalt samarbeid og nye kunnskapsmuligheter

Påvirkning fra fiskeoppdrett på vill laks og sjøørret

Laksefisk: et utfordrende liv med konfliktpotensiale. Kjetil Hindar NINA, Asbjørn Vøllestad UiO (redaktør), Anders Skonhoft NTNU, Bengt Finstad NINA

05/08/2002 Bugøynes. 16/08/2002 Bugøynes

Forskerseminar Havet og kysten PROOFNY & OLF. Toril Røe Utvik Einar Lystad

EKSAMENSOPPGAVE I AK2003 Grunnkurs i akvakultur

Publikasjonsliste for Bjørn Mejdell Larsen fra 1971 til og med 2000

EKSAMENSOPPGAVE I AK2003 Grunnkurs i akvakultur

Status og utfordringer for havbruksnæringen slik Sjømat Norge ser det

Mer laks tilbake til elvene, noen tanker om hvordan vi kan nå dette målet? Hardangerfjord seminaret 2017 Alf-Helge Aarskog (Marine Harvest)

laksi ytre Nordfjord januar 1992

Rapport fra skjellprøvetakingen i Numedalslågen, Av Ingar Aasestad Numedalslågen forvaltningslag Mai 2015

CREATE Senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon i havbruksteknologi. CREATE Merdmiljø workshop 4. november 2010

Norsk institutt for. for naturforskning

Hybridar av laks og aurekva veit vi om sjøtoleranse og marin atferd? ved Henning Andre Urke (NIVA)

Generalization of age-structured models in theory and practice

Recycling technology for fish in cold water vs model trout farms and cage farming

Norge; et lite land, men store merder.

Rapport fra skjellprøvetakingen i Numedalsla gen, Av Ingar Aasestad Numedalslågen forvaltningslag Juni 2016

RAPPORT FRA HAVFORSKNINGEN. Smittepress fra lakselus på vill laksefisk estimert fra luselarvefelt med stor variabilitet. Nr.

Makrellmengde og sonetilhørighet i Norsk Økonomisk Sone (NØS)

Kjell Arne Mork, Francisco Rey, Henrik Søiland

Jon Olaf Olaussen. Associate professor at Trondheim Business School, Trondheim, Norway


Is the aquaculture production in the Hardangerfjord system beyond sustainable frames?

1.8 Negative virkninger av lakselus på laks i havet

Fang og slipp av laks hva vet vi og hvordan skal det evt. gjøres?

Marsh Loss and Tidal Habitat Degradation


EKSAMENSOPPGAVE I AK3005 Fiskens utviklingsbiologi

Livshistorie. Elv Hav.


Effects of interactions between fish populations on ecosystem dynamics and fish recruitment in the Norwegian Sea

Centre for environmental design of renewable energy CEDREN


Er rømmingssituasjonen ute av kontroll?

internal funding (Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs)

Markedet for torsk i EU

European supply and demand for Cod and Haddock

Notat Kalking i. laksevassdrag. Effektkontroll i 2008

Havforskermøtet november, Trondheim

The Future of Academic Libraries the Road Ahead. Roy Gundersen

Ph.d-utdanningen. Harmonisering av krav i Norden

12 år med data fra Daleelva viser ingen forskjell

Ole Isak Eira Masters student Arctic agriculture and environmental management. University of Tromsø Sami University College


Effektstudien Oppfølging i 2009? Kort presentasjon (1) DØ,

Laksenæringendet store bildet og mindre aktører. Smøla, 31. oktober 2013, Jan Petter Kosmo

VIRIKVASSDRAGET Undersøkelse av ørretbestanden

Horisont 2020 EUs forsknings- og innovasjonsprogram. Brussel, 6. oktober 2014 Yngve Foss, leder, Forskningsrådets Brusselkontor

Erfaringsseminar Scandic Hell, Stjørdal. 18 oktober, 2017

Publikasjonsliste for Tor G. Heggberget fra 1972 til og med 2000 Scientific publications

Nøkkeltall fra norsk havbruksnæring

1 Atle Harby, CEDREN

på Islandog i Norge NilsArne Hvidsten JohannesSturlaugsson RitaStrand BjørnOveJohnsen NORSK INSTITUTT FOR NATURFORSKNLNG

ASC- og MSC- sertifiseringer bidrar til å bevare havets mangfold. ASC and MSC certifications help protect the diversity of the sea

Nasjonalt overvåkingsprogram for rømt laks

Strategy against sea lice, Fish farming industry of western Norway

RAPPORT FRA VITENSKAPELIG RÅD FOR LAKSEFORVALTNING NR 1. Status for norske laksebestander i 2009 og råd om beskatning

6EV220 Forvaltning av fisk og vassdrag. Tilhørende kull. Obligatorisk litteratur. Generell forvaltning / rammevilkår

Assessment of Urban Forestry Research in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Project Description Form

Engaging Stakeholders in Sediment Management Examples from the United States


REGULERING AV FISKET ETTER ROGNKJEKS I NORDLAND, TROMS OG FINNMARK I Notat. Vurdering av bestandssituasjonen av Rognkjeks.

Hvordan påvirker fastlandsforbindelser befolkning, bolig og arbeidsmarkedet?

Krav til vannføring og temperatur for oppvandring av laks og sjøørret

Overvåking- og utfisking av rømt oppdrettslaks i Namsen og Namsenfjorden

Fenotypisk karakterisering av oppdrettslaks og villaks

Rømtoppdrettslaksi sjøfiskerier i 1990: Sammenligningmed tidligereår og betydningenav oppdrettsnæringensomfang

Especially terrestrial BIODIVERSITY EVOLUTION ECOLOGY. And various combinations!

Passasjerer med psykiske lidelser Hvem kan fly? Grunnprinsipper ved behandling av flyfobi


Norsk - Russisk fiskeriforskningssamarbeid i Barentshavet. Maria Hammer og Alf Håkon Hoel

Arktisk miljøsamarbeid - en rolle for Mareano?


Nasjonalt overvåkingsprogram for rømt laks Olav Moberg Fiskeridirektoratet

Kan sykdom hos oppdrettslaks gi færre villaks? Åse Helen Garseth og Eirik Biering

GeoForum sin visjon: «Veiviser til geomatikk» og virksomhetsideen er: «GeoForumer en uavhengig interesseorganisasjon for synliggjøring og utvikling

De pelagiske fiskebestandene: Dynamikken mellom dem, effekter av fiskeriene og samspillet mellom Norskehavet og Barentshavet

Climate change and adaptation: Linking. stakeholder engagement- a case study from

Salting of dry-cured ham

Klimasensitivitet hos ørret og røye Sammendrag. Norsk institutt for naturforskning

Determining GEP in HMWB - The example of the Aura water course

Den beste medisinen for fiskeforsterkningstiltak i Norge; utsetting av fisk, rogn eller grus?

Fang-og-slipp på saltvannsfisk

Publikasjonsliste for Bjørn Ove Johnsen fra 1972 til og med 2000 Papers in international Journals

Stamlakskontroll Sten Karlsson Bjørn Florø-Larsen Torveig Balstad Line Birkeland Eriksen

Examples and experience from restorations along Tana river on the norwegian side. Knut Aune Hoseth Head of northern region

RAPPORT nr: NEIDENLAKSENS VANDRINGER. Resultater fra merkinger av laksesmolt i Neidenvassdraget


Publikasjonsliste for Lars Petter Hansen fra 1975 til og med 2000 Theses Hansen, L.P. 1977: Karakteristikk av noen fiskearter i Nordre Øyeren med særlig vekt på alder, vekst og reproduksjon hos mort, Rutilus rutilus L., 1758), brasme, Abramis brama (L., 1758) og flire, Blicca bjoerkna (L., 1758). Cand.real. thesis, Zoologisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo, 136 s. Hansen, L.P. 1990: Salmon ranching experiments; migration and survival of Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar L.). Dr. Philos. thesis, University of Oslo, 25 pp and 11 attachments. Books Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.) 1987: Fisk i Ferskvann; Økologi og Ressursforvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo. 347 pp. Hansen, L.P., Clarke, W.C., Saunders, R.L. & Thorpe, J.E. (eds.) 1989: Salmonid smoltification III. Aquaculture 82: 1-390. Hansen, L.P., T. Håstein, G. Nævdal, R.L. Saunders & J.E. Thorpe (eds.) 1991: Interactions between cultured and wild Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 98: v-x + 1-324. Youngson, A.F., L.P. Hansen & M.L. Windsor (eds.) 1998: Interactions between salmon culture and wild stocks of Atlantic salmon: The scientific and management issues. Report of the ICES/NASCO Symposium, Bath, England, April 1997. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim, Norway, 142pp. Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.) 2000: Fisk i Ferskvann; Et samspill mellom bestander, miljø og forvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo, 376 pp. Scientific articles Hansen, L.P. & Pethon, P. 1977: Age, growth and migration patterns of the roach in the Øra area. Fauna, (Oslo) 30: 29-37. (In Norwegian with English summary). Hansen, L.P. 1978: Relative abundance of some fish species in the northern part of Lake Øyeren. Fauna, (Oslo) 31: 175-183. (In Norwegian with English summary). Hansen, L.P. 1978: Age determination of roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.) from scales and opercular bones. Archiv für Fischerei Wissenschaft 29: 93-98. Hansen, L.P. & Jacobsen O.J. 1978: New records of Ranatra linearis L. (Hem., Het.) from Norway, with notes on its biology and distribution. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 25: 39-40. Hansen, L.P. & Å. Brabrand 1979: The nematode Thwaitia rischta (Skryabin) found on cyprinid fishes in Lake Øyeren. Fauna, (Oslo) 32: 156-160. (In Norwegian with English summary). Hansen, L.P. 1980: Tagging and release of Atlantic salmon smolts Salmo salar L. in the River Glomma. Fauna, (Oslo) 33: 89-97. (In Norwegian with English summary). Hansen, L.P. 1980: Age, growth and maturity of the white bream Blicca bjoerkna (L.) in Lake Øyeren, SE Norway. Fauna norvegica Series A, 1: 15-23. Hansen, L.P. 1981: Age, growth and maturity of roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) in Lake Øyeren. Fauna, (Oslo) 34: 20-27. (In Norwegian with English summary). Hansen, L.P. 1982: Recaptures of tagged smolts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., released in two acid rivers in Southern Norway. Fauna, (Oslo) 35: 145-149. (In Norwegian with English summary). Hansen, L.P. & T.B. Lea 1982: Tagging and release of Atlantic salmon smolts Salmo salar L. in the River Rana, Northern Norway. Report of the Institute of Freshwater Research Drottningholm 60: 31-38. Hansen, L.P. 1982: Salmon ranching in Norway. In: Eriksson, C., Ferranti, M.P. & Larsson, P.O. (eds.). Sea ranching of Atlantic salmon, COST 46/4 workshop, Lisbon 26-29 October 1982. EEC, Brussels, pp. 95-108. Browne, J., C. Eriksson, L.P. Hansen, P.O. Larsson, J. Lecomte, D.J. Piggins, P. Prouzet, A. Ramos, O. Sumari, J.E. Thorpe & J. Toivonen 1982: COST 46/4, Ocean Ranching of Atlantic Salmon. Action COST 46, Mariculture. XII/1199/82, E.E.C. Brussels, 94 pp. Døving, K.B., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1984: The effect of anosmia on the migration of Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar L.) in freshwater. Aquaculture 38: 383-386. Hansen, L.P., B. Jonsson & K.B. Døving 1984: Migration of wild and hatchery reared smolts of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, through lakes. Journal of Fish Biology 25: 617-623. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1985: Downstream migration of hatchery reared smolts of Atlantic salmon (Salmo

salar L.) in the River Imsa. Aquaculture 45: 237-248. Hansen, L.P. & P. Pethon 1985: The food of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. caught by long-line in Northern Norwegian waters. Journal of Fish Biology 26: 553-562. Hansen, L.P. 1986: The salmon catch data available for analysis in Norway. In: D. Jenkins & W.M. Shearer (eds.). The status of Atlantic salmon in Scotland. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Symposium 15, pp. 79-83. Hansen, L.P., T.F. Næsje & E. Garnås 1986: Stock assessment and exploitation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in River Drammenselv. Fauna norvegica Series A. 7: 23-26. Hansen, L.P. 1986: Introduction of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. to River Akerselv, Oslo, Fauna norvegica Series A. 7: 27-32. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1986: Salmon ranching experiments in the River Imsa; effects of day and night release and of sea-water adaptation on recapture rates of adults. Report of the Institute of Freshwater Research Drottningholm 63: 38-42. Hansen, L.P. 1987: Growth, migration and survival of lake reared juvenile anadromous Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Fauna Norvegica Series A. 8: 29-34. Hansen, L.P., K.B. Døving & B. Jonsson 1987: Migration of farmed adult Atlantic salmon with and without olfactory sense, released on the Norwegian coast. Jounal of Fish Biology 30: 713-721. Reitan, O., N.A. Hvidsten, & L.P. Hansen 1987: Bird predation on hatchery reared Atlantic salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., released in the River Eira, Norway. Fauna Norvegica Series A. 8: 35-38. Hansen, L.P. 1988: Status of exploitation of Atlantic salmon in Norway. In: Mills, D.H. & D.J. Piggins (eds.) Atlantic salmon: Planning for the future. Croom Helm, London & Sydney, Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, pp. 143-161. Hansen, L.P. 1988: Effects of Carlintagging and finclipping on survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) released as smolts. Aquaculture 70: 391-394. Hansen, L.P. & Jonsson, B. 1988: Salmon ranching experiments in the River Imsa: Effects of dip-netting, transport and chlorubutanol anaesthesia on adult return. Aquaculture 75: 301-305. Heggberget, T.B., L.P. Hansen & T.F. Næsje 1988: Within-river spawning migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 1691-1698. Hvidsten, N.A. & L.P. Hansen 1988: Increased recapture rate of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. stocked as smolts at high water discharge. Journal of Fish Biology 32:153-154. Næsje, T.B., L.P. Hansen & T. Järvi 1988: Sexual dimorphism in the adipose fin of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Journal of Fish Biology 33: 955-956. Bakke, T.A., P.A. Jansen & L.P. Hansen 1989: Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from the Baltic sea found to show resistance against the monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris. Åbo Akademi, Information 20: 45. (Proc. SSP XIV, Helsingør 1989). Hansen, L.P. & Jonsson, B. 1989: Salmon ranching experiments in the River Imsa: Effect of timing of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolt migration on survival to adults. Aquaculture 82: 367-373. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1989: Salmon ranching experiments in the River Imsa: Returns of different stocks to the fishery and to River Imsa. In: De Pauw, N., E. Jaspers, H. Ackefors & N. Wilkins (eds.). Aquaculture - a Biotechnology in Progress. European Aquaculture Society, Bredene, Belgium, pp. 445-452. Hansen, L.P., B. Jonsson & R. Andersen 1989: Salmon ranching experiments in the River Imsa: Is homing dependent on sequential imprinting of the smolts? In: Brannon, E. & B. Jonsson (eds.). Proc. Salmon Migration and Distribution Symposium. School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. NINA, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 19-29. Hansen, L.P., B. Jonsson, R.I.G. Morgan & J.E. Thorpe 1989: Influence of parr maturity on emigration of smolting Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46: 410-415. Hesthagen, T., H.M. Berger, B.M. Larsen, L.P. Hansen, I. Blakar, I.H. Sevaldrud, E. Enge, E. Fjeld, O. Hegge, R. Strand & O. Tysse 1989: The effects of acid precipitation on freshwater fish in Norway. In: Longhurst, J.W.S. (ed.). Acid deposition: Sources, Effects and Controls. British Library, Science Reference and Information Service and Technical Communications, pp. 117-142. Jensen, A.J., Johnsen, B.O. & Hansen, L.P. 1989: Effect of river flow and water temperature on the upstream migration of adult Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. in the River Vefsna, Northern Norway. In: Brannon, E. & B. Jonsson (eds.). Proc. Salmon Migration and Distribution Symposium. School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. NINA, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 140-146. Mork, J., Järvi, T. & Hansen, L.P. 1989: Lower prevalence of fin erosion in mature than in immature Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr. Aquaculture 80: 223-229. Youngson, A.F., L.P. Hansen, B. Jonsson & T.B. Næsje 1989: Effects of exogenous thyroxine or prior exposure to raised water flow on the downstream movement of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts. Journal of Fish Biology 34:791-797. Bakke, T.A., P.A. Jansen & L.P. Hansen 1990: Differences in the host resistance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stocks to the monogenean Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957. Journal of Fish Biology 37: 577-587.

Hansen, L.P. 1990: Exploitation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from the River Drammenselv, SE Norway. Fisheries Research 10: 125-135. Hansen, L.P. 1990: Behaviour of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon and the impact on wild salmon. In: Oliver, P. & E. Colleran (eds.). Interactions between Aquaculture and the environment. An Taisce-The National Trust for Ireland, pp. 50-52. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1990. Restocking the River Akerselv, Oslo with smolts of different stocks of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. Fauna norvegica Series A 11: 9-15. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1990: Partial segregation in timing of migration of different aged Atlantic salmon. Animal Behaviour 40: 313-321. Jonsson, B., N. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1990: Does juvenile experience affect migration and spawning of adult Atlantic salmon? Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 26: 225-230. Pethon, P. & L.P. Hansen 1990: Migration of Atlantic salmon smolts Salmo salar L. released at different sites in the River Drammenselv, SE Norway. Fauna norvegica Series A 11: 17-22. Bakke, T.A., P.A. Jansen & L.P. Hansen 1991: Experimental transmission of Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 (Platyhelmintes, Monogenea) from the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Canadian Journal of Zoology 69: 733-737. Bergan, P.I., D. Gausen & L.P. Hansen 1991: Attempts to reduce the impact of reared Atlantic salmon on wild in Norway. Aquaculture 98: 319-324. Berglund, I., L.P. Hansen, H. Lundqvist, B. Jonsson, T. Eriksson, J.E. Thorpe & L.O. Eriksson 1991: Effects of elevated winter temperature on seawater adaptability, sexual rematuration, and downstream migratory behaviour in mature male Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48: 1041-1047. Egidius, E., L.P. Hansen, B. Jonsson & G. Nævdal 1991: Mutual impact of wild and cultured Atlantic salmon in Norway. Journal du Conseilles international Exploration du Mer 47: 404-410. Hansen, L.P. 1991: Rehabilitation of the Atlantic salmon stock in the River Drammenselv, SE Norway. In Mills, D. (ed.). Proc. Symp. Strategies for the rehabilitation of salmon rivers. Linnean Society of London, The Atlantic Salmon Trust, Institute of Fisheries Management, pp. 140-146. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1991: The effect of smolt age on the migratory behaviour of Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L.), transplanted to the east Atlantic. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 22: 357-362. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1991: Evidence of a genetic component in the seasonal return pattern of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Journal of Fish Biology 38: 251-258. Hesthagen, T. & L.P. Hansen 1991: Estimates of the annual loss of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Norway due to acidification. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 22: 85-91. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1991: The effect of timing of Atlantic salmon smolt and post-smolt release on the distribution of adult return. Aquaculture 98: 61-67. Jansen, P.A., T.A. Bakke & L.P. Hansen 1991: Resistance to Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 (Monogenea) in Salmo salar: A genetic component. Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology 1: 60. Jonsson, B., N. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1991: Differences in life history and migratory behaviour between wild and hatchery reared Atlantic salmon in nature. Aquaculture 98: 69-78. Jonsson, N., L.P. Hansen & B. Jonsson 1991: Variation in age, size and repeat spawning of adult Atlantic salmon in relation to river discharge. Journal of Animal Ecology 60: 937-947. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1991: The energetic cost of spawning in Atlantic salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 39: 739-744. Lund, R.A. & L.P. Hansen 1991: Identification of wild and reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using scale characters. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 22: 499-508. Lund, R.A., F. Økland and L.P. Hansen 1991: Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in fisheries and rivers in Norway. Aquaculture 98: 143-150. Bakke, T.A., P.D. Harris, P.A. Jansen & L.P. Hansen 1992: A review of host specificity and dispersal strategy in gyrodactylid monogeans, with particular reference to Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg (Plathyhelmintes, Monogenea). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 13: 63-74. Lund, R.A. & L.P. Hansen 1992: Exploitation pattern and migration of the anadromous brown trout, Salmo trutta L., from the River Gjengedal, western Norway. Fauna norvegica Series A 13: 29-34. Hansen, L.P. 1993: Movement and migration of salmon at sea. In Mills, D. (ed.). Salmon in the sea and new enhancement strategies. Fishing News Books, pp. 26-39. Hansen, L.P., J.A. Jacobsen & R.A. Lund 1993: High numbers of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., observed in oceanic waters north of the Faroe Islands. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 24: 777-781. Hansen, L.P., N. Jonsson & B. Jonsson 1993: Oceanic migration of homing Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Animal Behaviour 45: 927-941.

Heggberget, T.G., B.O. Johnsen, K. Hindar, B. Jonsson, L.P. Hansen, N.A. Hvidsten & A.J. Jensen 1993: Interactions between wild and cultured salmon; review of the Norwegian experience. Fisheries Research 18: 123-146. Jonsson, N., L.P. Hansen & B. Jonsson 1993: Migratiory behaviour and growth of hatchery-reared post-smolt Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Fish Biology 42: 435-443. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson, L.P. Hansen & P. Aass 1993: Potential for sea ranching rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum): evidence from trials in two Norwegian fjords. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 24: 653-661. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson, L.P. Hansen & P Aass 1993: Coastal movement and growth of domesticated rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)) in Norway. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2: 152-159. Staurnes, M., G. Lysfjord, L.P. Hansen & T.B. Heggberget 1993: Recapture rates of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon related to smolt development and time of release. Aquaculture 118: 327-337. Økland, F., B. Jonsson, A.J. Jensen & L.P. Hansen 1993: Is there a threshold size regulating migration of Atlantic salmon and brown trout? Journal of Fish Biology 42: 541-550. Friedland, K.D., C. Esteves, L.P. Hansen & R.A. Lund 1994: Discrimination of Norwegian farm, ranch, and wild origin Atlantic salmon by image processing. Fisheries Management and Ecology 1: 117-128. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1994: Homing of Atlantic salmon: effects of juvenile learning on transplanted postspawners. Animal Behaviour 47: 220-222. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1994: Development of sea ranching of Atlantic salmon towards a sustainable aquaculture strategy. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 25, Suppl. 1: 199-214. Hvidsten, N.A., T.G. Heggberget & L.P. Hansen 1994: Homing and straying of hatchery reared Atlantic salmon released in three rivers in Norway. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 25, Suppl. 2: 9-16. Jonsson, N., L.P. Hansen & B. Jonsson 1994: Juvenile experience influences timing of adult river ascent in Atlantic salmon. Animal Behaviour 48: 740-742. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1994: Sea-ranching of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). Fisheries Management and Ecology 1: 67-76. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson, L.P. Hansen & P. Aass 1994: Effects of seawater-acclimation and release sites on survival of hatchery-reared brown trout Salmo trutta. Journal of Fish Biology 44: 973-981. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson, J. Skurdal & L.P. Hansen 1994: Different response to water current in offspring of inlet and outlet spawning brown trout, Salmo trutta. Journal of Fish Biology 45: 356-359. Hansen, L.P. 1995: Farmed Atlantic salmon - Interactions with wild fish. In Calabi, S. & A. Stout (eds.). A hard look at some tough issues. New England Salmon Management Conference. Silver Quill, Camden, Maine, pp. 72-84. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson, P. Aass & L.P. Hansen 1995: Brown trout Salmo trutta released to support recreational fishing in a Norwegian fjord. Journal of Fish Biology 76: 70-84. Bakke, T.A., A. Soleng, P.D. Harris & L.P. Hansen 1996: Gyrodactylid infection of pure Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta and their hybrid progeny. Parassitologia 38 (1-2): 27. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1996: Survival and energetic expenditure during spawning of Atlantic salmon. In Heggberget, T.G. (ed.) The role of aquaculture in world fisheries. Proceedings of the World Fisheries Congress, Theme 6, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. PVT. LTD., New Dehli, pp. 191-192. Staurnes, M., L.P. Hansen, K. Fugelli & Ø. Haraldstad 1996: Short term exposure to acid water impairs osmoregulation, seawater tolerance and subsequent marine survival of smolts of Atlantic salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 1695-1704. Hansen, L.P., D.J. Reddin & R.A. Lund 1997: The incidence of reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) of fish farm origin at West-Greenland. ICES Journal of Marine Science 54: 152-155. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1997: Changes in proximate composition of energetic costs during upstream migration and spawning in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Journal of Animal Ecology 66: 425-436. Lund, R.A., P.J. Midtlyng & L.P. Hansen 1997: Post-vaccination intraabdominal adhesions as a marker to identify Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., escaped from fish farms. Aquaculture 154: 27-37. Soleng, A., T.A. Bakke & L.P. Hansen 1998: Potential for dispersal of Gyrodactylus salaris (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) by sea-running stages of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): field and laboratory studies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 507-514. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1998: Long-term study of the ecology of wild Atlantic salmon smolts in a small Norwegian river. Journal of Fish Biology 52: 638-650. Friedland, K.D., L.P. Hansen & D.A. Dunkley 1998: Marine temperatures experienced by postsmolts and the survival of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the North sea area. Fisheries Oceanography 7: 22-34. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1998: The relative role of density-dependent and density-independent survival in the life cycle of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Animal Ecology 67: 751-762. Hansen, L.P. & T.P. Quinn 1998: The marine phase of the Atlantic salmon life cycle, with comparisons to

Pacific salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55(Supplement 1): 104-118. McCormick, S., L.P. Hansen, T.P. Quinn & R.L. Saunders 1998: Movement, migration and smolting of Atlantic salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55(Supplement 1): 77-92. Hansen, L.P., Jacobsen, J.A. & R.A. Lund 1999: The incidence of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the Faroese fishery and estimates of catches of wild salmon. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56: 200-206. Jacobsen, J.A. & L.P. Hansen 2000: Feeding habits of Atlantic salmon at different life stages at sea. In Mills, D. (ed). The ocean life of Atlantic salmon: Environmental and biological factors influencing survival. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, pp. 170-192. Holst, J. C., R. Shelton, M. Holm & L.P. Hansen 2000: Distribution and possible migration routes of post-smolt Atlantic salmon in the North-east Atlantic. In Mills, D. (ed). The ocean life of Atlantic salmon: Environmental and biological factors influencing survival. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, pp. 65-74. Hansen, L.P. & J.A. Jacobsen 2000: Distribution and migration of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the sea. In Mills, D. (ed). The ocean life of Atlantic salmon: Environmental and biological factors influencing survival. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, pp. 75-87. Friedland, K.D., L.P. Hansen, D.A. Dunkley & J.C. MacLean 2000: Linkage between ocean climate, post-smolt growth and survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the North Sea area.. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57: 419-429. Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 2000: Spatial and temporal distribution of post-smolts of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Norwegian Sea and adjacent areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57: 955-964. Popular Science Hansen, L.P. 1975: Lakeiglen funnet i Glomma-Øyeren. Fauna 28: 97. Hansen, L.P. 1976: Matfiskoppdrett - sløseri eller ressursbesparing? Fauna 29: 61-67. Hansen, L.P. 1980: Funn av laks med mopsehode. Fauna 33: 77. Hansen, L.P. 1981: Kulturarbeidet har ikke vært nytteløst. Jakt-Fiske-Friluftsliv 110 (5): 4-7. Sømme, S. og L.P. Hansen 1981: Karpe og mallefiskene. In: Frislid, R. og A. Semb-Johansson (eds.). Norges Dyr III: Fisker, amfibier, krypdyr, J.W. Cappelens Forlag A/S, Oslo, pp. 148-163. Hansen, L.P. 1982: Laks og sjøørret- vanskeligheter med artsbestemmelse. Jakt-Fiske-Friluftsliv 111(4): 4-6. Hansen, L.P. 1982: Utsettinger av oppforet laksesmolt i Numedalslågen og Drammenselva. Jakt-Fiske-Friluftsliv 111(4): 36-39. Hansen, L.P. 1984: Selektivt fiske etter laks. Jakt & Fiske 113 (1-2): 28-30. Hansen, L.P. 1984: Utsetting av laksunger i vassdrag, bortkastet arbeid eller nyttig kulturtiltak? Jakt & Fiske 13 (5): 80-82. Hansen, L.P. 1985: Laksefiskene. In: Frislid, R. & K. Rom (eds.). Jakt, Fiske, Friluftsliv III. Tiden Norsk Forlag, Oslo, pp. 224-256. Hansen, L.P. 1986: Gjenfangster av laks utsatt som smolt i Nidelva og Gaula 1980-1984. Årbok, T.O.F.A. 1985/1986: 58-67. Hansen, L.P. 1987: Laks. In: Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.). Fisk i Ferskvann; Økologi og Ressursforvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo, pp. 50-66. Hansen, L.P. 1987: Fiskevandringer. In: Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.). Fisk i Ferskvann; Økologi og Ressursforvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo, pp. 155-167. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1987: Populasjonsgenetikk og beskatning. In: Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.). Fisk i Ferskvann; Økologi og Ressursforvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo, pp. 222-230. Hansen, L.P. & P. Aass 1987: Utsettinger av laksefisk. In: Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.). Fisk i Ferskvann; Økologi og Ressursforvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo, pp. 231-243. Hansen, L.P. & G. Bielby. 1988: Salmon in Norway. The Atlantic Salmon Trust, Pitlochry, U.K. 29pp. Hansen, L.P. & T.A. Bakke 1989: Flukes, genetics and escapees. Atlantic Salmon Journal 38 (3): 26-29. Thorpe, J.E., L.P. Hansen, B. Jonsson & R.I.G. Morgan 1989: Maturité sexuelle et migration. Saumons 71 (4): 10-11. Lund, R.A., L.P. Hansen & T. Järvi 1990: Hvordan identifisere rømt oppdrettslaks. Jakt & Fiske 119 (1-2): 71-73. Hansen, L.P. 1990: Rømt oppdrettslaks; problemer for vill- laksen? In: Wold, T. (ed.). Norsk Havbruk. Årbok 1990-1991. John Grieg Forlag, Bergen, pp. 58-62. Hansen, L.P. 1991: Rømt oppdrettslaks; omfang i Norge og atferd i naturen. Naturforvaltning 12 (1): 3-8. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1991: Rømt oppdrettslaks: omfang, vandringsatferd og gytesuksess. Årsmelding

1990, Nasjonalkomiteen for Miljøforskning, pp. 28-31. Hansen, L.P. 1991: Report from Norway. Atlantic Salmon Trust, Progress Report, June 1991, Moulin, Pitlochry, pp. 36-37. Hansen, L.P. 1992: Report from Norway. Atlantic Salmon Trust, Progress Report, June 1992, Moulin Pitlochry, pp.16. Hansen, L.P. 1992: Laksen. In Jonsson, B., A. Semb- Johansson & R. Frislid (eds). Norges Dyr. Fiskene 1. J.W. Cappelens Forlag a.s., pp. 99-110. Jonsson, N., L.P. Hansen & B. Jonsson 1993: Elvestørrelsens innvirkning på gytebestanden hos laks. Naturen 117(2): 61-64. Lund, R.A. & L.P. Hansen 1993: Sjøørreten er hjemmekjær. Jakt & Fiske 122 (1-2): 18-21. Hansen, L.P. 1993: Gjenfangst av laks satt ut som smolt i Nidelva og Gaula. TOFA Årbok 1992/93: 78-82. Hansen, L.P. 1993: Laksereguleringen av 1989: Fangstene i elvene har økt. Jakt & Fiske 122(8): 32-33. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1993: Regnbueørret - en vanlig fiskeart langs kysten? Jakt & Fiske 122(10): 40-41. Jonsson, N., L.P. Hansen & B. Jonsson 1994: Laksens vandring. Resultat av nyere forskning. Naturen 118 (1): 3-8. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Book review, Ocean Ecology on North Pacific Salmonids. Fisheries Research 20: 291. Hansen, L.P., R.A. Lund & F. Økland 1994: Rømt oppdrettslaks i naturen. Norges Forskningsråd, Rapportsammendrag 8/94, pp. 15-16. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Laksens liv i sjøen - hva vet vi om Norskehavet? Laks og Miljø 3: 00-00. Hansen, L.P. 1995: Book review, Pathogens of Wild and Farmed Fish: Sea Lice. Aquaculture 133: 349-350. Lund, R.A. & L.P. Hansen 1995: Rømt oppdrettslaks i naturen. Villmarksliv (10): 48-50. Hansen, L.P., J.C. Holst & M. Holm 1996: Norskehavet: et nøkkelområde for norske laksebestander. Jakt og Fiske 125 (1-2): 32-34. Jonsson, N., B. Jonsson & L.P. Hansen 1997: Laksens energiforbruk ved oppvandring til ferskvann og gyting. Naturen 121 (3): 148-152. Hansen, L.P. 1998: Les proies du saumon. Saumons (102): 8-10 ((traduit et résumé par S. Tissier). Hansen, L.P. 2000: Atlantisk laks. In: Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.). Fisk i Ferskvann; Et samspill mellom bestander, miljø og forvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo, pp 38-49. Hansen, L.P. 2000: Innførte laksefisk. In: Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.)., Fisk i Ferskvann; Et samspill mellom bestander, miljø og forvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo, pp 151-153. Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen 2000: Fiskeforsterkningstiltak og beskatning. In: Borgstrøm, R. & L.P. Hansen (eds.). Fisk i Ferskvann; Et samspill mellom bestander, miljø og forvaltning. Landbruksforlaget, Oslo, pp 277-291. Scientific reports Hansen, L.P. & Jensen, K.W. 1978: Garnskader på laks. Foreløpig rapport. Fisk og Fiskestell (8): 3-11. Hansen, L.P. 1979: Registreringer av garnskader på laks og sjørret 1979. Rapp. fra Fiskeforskningen (6): 3-21. Hansen, L.P. 1979: Gjenfangster av merket garnskadet og uskadet laks. Foreløpig rapport. Rapp. fra Fiskeforskningen (6): 22-29. Hansen, L.P. 1979: Net mark frequencies on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. in Norwegian rivers and coastal areas 1978. ICES. C.M. 1979/M:13, 9pp. Hansen, L.P. 1980: Merking av laksesmolt og laks på gytevandring i Vefsna og Vefsnfjorden. Rapp. fra Fiskeforskningen (6): 1-38. Hansen, L.P. 1980: Registreringer av garnskader på laks og sjørret 1980. Rapp. fra Fiskeforskningen (7): 3-20. Hansen, L.P. 1980: Merking av garnskadet og uskadet laks 1980. Rapp. fra Fiskeforskningen (7): 21-27. Hansen, L.P. 1980: Net mark registrations on Atlantic salmon and sea trout in Norwegian rivers and coastal areas 1979. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1980/M:33, 15 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1980: Tagging and recaptures of net marked and undamaged Atlantic salmon in two sea localities and two rivers in Norway. I.C.E.S. C.M.1980/M:32, 8 pp. Anon. 1981: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of Meeting of North Atlantic Salmon Working Group. I.C.E:S. C.M. 1981/M:10, 44 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1981: Registrering av garnskader på laks og sjørret og merking av uskadet og garnskadet laks

1981. Rapp. fra Fiskeforskningen (8): 1-17. Hansen, L.P. 1981: Returns of Carlintagged, fin-clipped and unmarked wild smolts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. from the River Imsa, SW Norway. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1981/M:6, 6 pp. Hansen, L.P. and Sverre O. Roald 1981: Net mark registrations and effects of damage caused by nets on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in Norway 1980. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1981/M:8, 20 pp. Anon. 1982: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of Meeting of the Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1982/Assess:19, 51 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1982: Size and age distribution in the Norwegian sea and in Norwegian home waters of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., tagged as smolts. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1982/M:32, 8 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1982: Registreringer av garnskader på laks og sjørret og merking av garnskadet og uskadet laks 1981. Rapport fra Fiskeforskningen (3): 1-15. Hansen, L.P. & C. Senstad 1982: Stocking fingerlings of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. in lakes, a possible smolt production method. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1982/M:31, 10pp. Rosseland, B.O., T.B. Lea & L.P. Hansen 1982: Physiological effects and survival of Carlintagged and descaled Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in different water salinities. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1982/M:30, 23 pp. Anon. 1984: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of Meeting of the Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1984/Assess:16, 58 pp. Anon. 1984: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Atlantic Salmon Scale Reading Workshop. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 17 pp. 32 plates. Anon. 1984: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Meeting of the Study Group of the North Atlantic Salmon Working Group. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1984/M:9, 32 pp. Anon. 1985: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Meeting of Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1985/Assess:11, 67 pp. Anon. 1986: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1986/Assess:17, 88 pp. Anon. 1986: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Meeting of the Special Study Group on the Norwegian Sea and Faroes Salmon Fishery. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1986/M:8, 58 pp. Anon. 1987: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1987/Assess: 12, 129 pp. Anon. 1987:(L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Study Group on the Norwegian Sea and Faroes Salmon Fishery. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1987/M:2, 49 pp. Hansen, L.P., Lund, R. & Hindar, K. 1987: Possible interaction between wild and reared Atlantic salmon in Norway. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1987/M: 14, 18 pp. Hvidsten, N.A. & Hansen, L.P. 1987: Vårflommens betydning for overlevelse hos utvandrende laksesmolt i Gaula, Surna og Eira. Rapp. Reguleringsunderskelsene, Direktoratet for naturforvaltning (11): 1-20. Hansen, L.P. 1987: Et forsøk med utsetting av 1-somrig settefisk av laks i Drammensfjorden. Direktoratet for naturforvaltning, Fiskeforskningen. Teknisk Notat nr. 2, 6 pp. Anon, 1988: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Study Group on the Norwegian Sea and Faroes Salmon Fishery. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1988/M:2, 48 pp. Anon, 1988: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Acid Rain Study Group. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1988/M:5, 53 pp. Anon. 1988: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Working Group on the Atlantic Salmon I.C.E.S. C.M. 1988/Assess:16, 112 pp. Anon 1988: (L.P. Hansen convener). Report of E.I.F.A.C. Working Party on: Assessment of the Quality of Salmonid Fry and Fingerlings for Aquaculture and/or Ranching. Egidius, E., Hansen, L.P., Jonsson, B. & Nævdal, G. 1988: Mutual impact of wild and cultured Atlantic salmon in Norway. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1988 /Mini No. 5, 16 pp. Lassen, H., Jensen, J.M. & Hansen, L.P. 1988: Simulating North Atlantic salmon marine life history. I.C.E.S. C.M.1988/M:18, 12 pp. Anon. 1989: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Study Group on the Norwegian Sea and Faroes Salmon Fishery. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1989/M:2, 44pp. Anon. 1989: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Study Group on Toxicological Mechanisms involved in the Impact of Acid Rain and its Effects on Salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1989/M:4, 67 pp. Anon. 1989: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1989/Assess:12, 127 pp. Bakke, T.A., L.P. Hansen & P. Jansen 1989: Smitte av haptormarken Gyrodactylus salaris fra laks til ål; en laboratorieundersøkelse. Rapport, Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning, 15 pp. Hansen, L.P., T. Kildal, J. Nordland, Ø. Vasshaug & A. Vøllestad 1989. Effekt av algen Chrysochromulina polylepis på innsiget av vill-laks 1988. Rapport, Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning, 6 pp.

Hansen, L.P. 1989. Utsetting av oppforet laksesmolt i et surt og et kalket vassdrag. Kalking i vann og vassdrag. Fagmøte Drammen 26-27 april 1989. DN-Notat 4: 51. Lund, R.A., L.P. Hansen & T. Järvi 1989: Identifisering av oppdrettslaks og vill-laks ved ytre morfologi, finnestørrelse og skjellkarakterer. NINA Forskningsrapport 1: 1-54. Sandlund, O.T. (ed.), L.P. Hansen, T.G. Heggberget, K. Hindar, N.A. Hvidsten, A.J. Jensen, B.O. Johnsen, B. Jonsson & T. Järvi 1989: Kulturbetinget fiske: Årsrapport 1989. NINA Notat 3: 1-32. Bakke, T.A., P. Jansen & L.P. Hansen 1990: Forskjell i resistens mot Gyrodactylus salaris mellom Østersjølaks og Øst-Atlantisk laks. NINA Oppdragsmelding 43: 1-10. Anon. 1990: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the Study Group on the Norwegian Sea and Faroes Salmon Fishery. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1990/M:2, 80 pp. Anon. 1990: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the North Atlantic Salmon Working Group. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1990/Assess:11, 133 pp. Økland, F., R.A. Lund & L.P. Hansen 1991: Rømt oppdrettslaks i laksefiskerier og gytebestander. NINA Forskningsrapport 13: 1-36. Hesthagen, T. & L.P. Hansen 1991: Tap av Atlantisk laks i Norge på grunn av forsuring. NINA Oppdragsmelding 94: 1-12. Lund, R.A., F. Økland, F. & L.P. Hansen 1991: Rømt oppdrettslaks i sjøfiskerier 1990: Sammenligning med tidligere år og betydning av oppdrettsnæringens omfang. NINA Oppdragsmelding 70: 1-18. Jonsson, N. (ed.), L.P. Hansen, T.G. Heggberget, K. Hindar, N.A. Hvidsten, A.J. Jensen, B.O. Johnsen, B. Jonsson & T. Järvi 1991: Havbeite med laks og sjørøye ved NINA. Årsrapport for 1990. NINA Notat 6: 1-36. Browne, J.E., T. Cross, W. Crozier, L.P. Hansen, J.A. Lichatowich, D. Piggins, T. Potter, B. Riddell, D. Shaughnessy & N. Wilkins 1991: The effects of stocked salmon and cage escapees on resident wild salmon stocks. International workshop, Sherkin Island Marine Station, Sherkin Island, Co. Cork, Ireland, 39 pp. Økland, F, R.A. Lund & L.P. Hansen 1991: Rømt oppdrettslaks i vassdrag 1989 og 1990: tidspunkt for oppvandring i elver, og betydningen av oppdrettsnæringens omfang. NINA Oppdragsmelding 82: 1-17. Anon. 1991: (L.P. Hansen chairman). Report of the workshop on identification of fish farm escapees and wild salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1991/M:2, 33 pp. Anon. 1991: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the study group on genetic risks to Atlantic salmon stocks. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1991/M:3, 27 pp. Anon. 1991: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the study group of the Norwegian Sea and Faroes salmon fishery. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1991/M:4, 75 pp. Anon. 1991: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1991/Assess:12, 157 pp. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1991: Ranching of Atlantic salmon in the River Imsa, Norway. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1991/M:35, 30 pp. Hansen, L.P. & R.A. Lund 1992: Resultater fra forsøksfiske etter laks i ytre Nordfjord i januar 1992. NINA Oppdragsmelding 101: 1-10. Anon. 1992: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the study group of the Norwegian Sea and Faroes salmon fishery. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1992/M:4, 75 pp. Anon. 1992: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1992/Assess:12, 157 pp. Anon. 1992: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the workshop on salmon assessement methodology. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1992/M:8, 82 pp. Jacobsen, J.A., L.P. Hansen & R.A. Lund 1992: Occurence of farmed salmon in the Norwegian Sea I.C.E.S. C. M. 1992/M:31, 8 pp. Lund, R.A., F. Økland & L.P. Hansen 1992: Rømt oppdrettslaks i sjø- og elvefisket i 1991. NINA Oppdragsmelding 143: 1-16. Jonsson, B., R. Andersen, L.P. Hansen, I.A. Fleming & A. Bjørge 1993: Sustainable use of biodiversity. Report to the United Nations Environmental Program Expert Conference on Biodiversity, Norway, May 1993. NINA Utredning 48: 1-22. Anon. 1993: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the study group on north-east Atlantic salmon fisheries. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1993/Assess:13. Anon. 1993: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1993/Assess:10. Økland, F., R.A. Lund & L.P. Hansen 1993: Rømt oppdrettslaks i sjø-og elvefisket i 1992. NINA Oppdragsmelding 223: 1-19. Sivertsen, A., L.P. Hansen & T. Hesthagen 1994: Ferkvannsfisk i Norge: en vurdering av bestander som er utryddet eller truet av utryddelse. In Frier, J.-O. (ed.). Truede ferskvandsfiskearter i Norden. Nordisk Ministerråd, TemaNord 1994: 625, pp. 21-45.

Frier, J.-O., E. Arnason, R. Gydemo, J. Piironen, L.P. Hansen, A. Sivertsen & T. Hesthagen 1994: Threatened freshwater fish species in the Nordic countries. Nordisk Ministerråd, TemaNord 1994: 625, pp. 1-13. Anon. 1994: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the workshop on spawning targets. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1994/M:7. Anon. 1994: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1994/Assess:16. Anon. 1994: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the study group on anadromous trout. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1994/M:4. Lund, R.A., L.P. Hansen & F. Økland 1994: Rømming av oppdrettsfisk og sikringssoner for laksefisk. NINA Oppdragsmelding 303: 1-15. Hansen, L.P., R.A. Lund & J.A. Jacobsen 1994: The incidence of farmed Atlantic salmon in the long-line fishery at Faroes and in Norwegian home waters. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1994/M:13. Kroglund, F., L.P. Hansen, M. Berntssen, B.O. Rosseland & Å. Åtland 1994: Effekt av kortvarig surstøt på vandringshastighet til laksesmolt. I. Vannkvalitetskritereier og laksefisk; en oppsummering av ulike prosjekt utført i 1993. Kalking i vann og vassdrag FoU årsrapporter 1993, DN notat 1994-14. Anon. 1995: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1995/Assess:16. Hansen, L.P. 1995 (Contributor): Measures for conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of its components. In: Heywood, V.H. (ed.). Global biodiversity assessement. United Nations Environmental Programme. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 915-1061. Hansen, L.P., N. Jonsson & B. Jonsson 1995: Factors affecting upstream and downstream migration in anadromous European salmonids and catadromous eel. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1995/M:31 Lund, R.A., P.J. Midtlyng & L.P. Hansen 1995: Identifisering av rømt oppdrettslaks ved effekter av vaksinering. NINA Fagrapport 12: 1-14. Kroglund, F., L.P. Hansen, M. Staurnes, B.O. Rosseland, M. Berntssen, T. van Berkum, H. Hektoen & R. Andersen 1995: Utvandring og fysiologisk status til laksesmolt etter kortvarig episodisk eksponering til moderat surt vann. Kalking i vann og vassdrag FoU årsrapporter 1994, DN notat 1995-9. Jansen, P.A., T.A. Bakke, A. Soleng & L.P. Hansen 1996: Sammenfatning av kunnskapsstatus vedrørende Gyrodactylus salaris og laks- biologi og økologi. Utredning for DN 1996-2: 1-49. Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 1996: Laks i Norskehavet. Fiskeforsøk og registreringer av laks i Norskehavet og tilgrensende områder juli 1991 - august 1995. Fisken og Havet (1): 1-21. Hansen, L.P., B. Jonsson & N. Jonsson 1996: Overvåking av laks fra Imsa og Drammenselva. NINA Oppdragsmelding 401: 1-28. Anon. 1996: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1996/Assess:16, 228 pp. Holst, J.C., L.P. Hansen & M. Holm 1996: Observations of abundance, stock composition, body size and food of postsmolts of Atlantic salmon caught in the NE Atlantic during summer I.C.E.S. C.M. 1996/M:4, 15 pp. Jacobsen, J.A. & L.P. Hansen 1996: The food of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., north of the Faroe Islands. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1996/M:10, 21 pp. Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 1996: Sampling Atlantic salmon in the NE Atlantic salmon during summer: methods of capture and distribution of catches. I.C.E.S. CM 1996/M:12, 12 pp. Lund, R.A., G.M. Østborg & L.P. Hansen 1996: Rømt oppdrettslaks i sjø- og elvefisket i årene 1989-1995. NINA Oppdragsmelding 411: 1-16. Hansen, L.P. 1996: Utvikling av modeller for å forutsi innsiget av laks til Norge; foreløpig notat. Internt notat til Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning, november 1996, 12 pp. Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 1996: Distribution of Atlantic salmon in the open sea. Preliminary results of the "Mare Cognitum" research programme in the Norwegian sea and adjacent areas. The Salmon Net 27: 27-32. Hindar, K. (Ed.), Fleming, I., Hansen, L.P. & Balstad, T. (contributors) 1996: Hybridisation between escaped farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta): frequency, distribution, behavioural mechanisms and effects on fitness. Progress report, EU Contract no. AIR3 CT94 2484. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, January 1996, 159 pp. Anon. 1997: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the workshop on the interactions between salmon lice and salmonids. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1997/F:M4, 204pp. Anon. 1997: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1997/Assess:10, 242 pp. Anon. 1997: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the study group on ocean salmon tagging experiments with data logging tags. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1997/M:3, 32 pp. Hansen, L.P., M. Staurnes, K. Fugelli & Ø. Haraldstad 1997: Overlevelse og vandring av laks utsatt som smolt i Audna og Lygna. NINA Oppdragsmelding 469: 1-17.

Hansen, L.P. & J.A. Jacobsen 1997: Migration, growth and origin of wild and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., tagged and released north of the Faroe Islands. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1997/AA:05. Hansen, L.P., J.A. Jacobsen & R.A. Lund 1997: The incidence of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the Faroese fishery and estimates of catches of wild salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1997/AA:04. Jacobsen, J.A., R.A. Lund & L.P. Hansen 1997: Smolt age and sea age distributions of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the sea north of the Faroe Islands during 1991 to 1995. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1997/BB:08, 8 pp. Hansen, L.P. & A.F. Youngson 1998: Interaction between farmed and wild salmon and options for reducing their impact. Pp. 80-89 in: Youngson, A.F., L.P. Hansen & M.L. Windsor (eds.) Interactions between salmon culture and wild stocks of Atlantic salmon: The scientific and management issues. Report of the ICES/NASCO Symposium, Bath, England, April 1997. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim, Norway. Hansen, L.P. & J.A. Jacobsen 1998: Lakseforskning ved Færøyene. NINA Oppdragsmelding 524: 1-37. Erikstad, L., S.E. Sloreid & L.P. Hansen 1998: Fysiske kartparametere til bruk i en modell for beregning av produksjon av laksesmolt i vassdrag. NINA Oppdragsmelding 533: 1-22. Jacobsen, J.A. & L.P. Hansen 1998: Laksen i havet. Resultater fra et forskningsprosjekt ved Færøyene. TemaNord 1998:520, 63 pp. Anon 1998: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the workshop on setting conservation limits for salmon in the northeast Atlantic. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1998/ACFM:13, 45 pp. Anon. 1998: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1998/ACFM:15, 293 pp. Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 1998: Spatial and temporal distribution of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in the Norwegian Sea and adjacent areas - Origin of fish, age structure and relation to hydrographical conditions in the sea. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1998/N:15, 18 pp. Anon. 1998: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the study group on ocean salmon tagging experiments with data logging tags. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1998/G:17, 32 pp. Potter, E.C.E., L.P. Hansen,, G. Gudbergsson, W.C. Crozier, J. Erkinaro, C. Insulander, J. MacLean, N.O Maoileidigh & S. Prusov 1998: A method for estimating preliminary conservation limits for salmon stocks in the NASCO-NEAC area. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1998/T:17, 12 pp. Heggberget, T.B., L.P. Hansen, J.C. Holst & E. Sølsnæs 1999: Status, beskatning og bestandsregulering hos laks. I: Til laks åt alle kan ingen gjera. NOU 1999 (9), vedlegg 2, p. 162-174. Holm, M., L.P. Hansen & J.C. Holst 1999: Laks i havet - kunnskapsstatus, forskningsbehov og flaskehalser I: Til laks åt alle kan ingen gjera. NOU 1999 (9), vedlegg 11 p. 256-272. Bjørge, A., H. Christie, L. Erikstad, E. Framstad, L.P. Hansen, I.P. Muniz, K.M. Norderhaug, S.-E. Sloreid, O. Stabbetorp & D. Svalastog 1999: Naturfaglig konsekvensutredning for Lier industriterminal. NINA Oppdragsmelding 568: 1-36. Anon. 1999: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 1999/ACFM:14, 293 pp. Erikstad, L., S.-E. Sloreid & L.P. Hansen 1999: Estimering av smoltproduksjon av laksesmolt i norske vassdrag ved hjelp av GIS. NINA Oppdragsmelding 602: 1-10. Holm, M., J. Ch. Holst & L.P. Hansen 1999: Salmon in the summer - where, how and when do we find them in the Northeast Atlantic? Results from Norwegian trawl surveys in 1990-1998. The Salmon Net 30:30-37. ICES 2000: (L.P. Hansen contributor). Report of the working group on north Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. C.M. 2000/ACFM:13, 301 pp. NASCO 2000: (L.P. Hansen chairman). Report of the Working Group on International Cooporative Research, Oslo 12-14 October 2000. NASCO ICR(00)7, 35 pp. NASCO 2000: (L.P. Hansen contributor).report of the Standing Committee on the Precautionary Approach - Application of a Precationary Approach to Management of Salmon Fisheries NASCO CNL(00)18. Anon. 2000: (L.P. Hansen contributor). SALMODEL: A co-ordinated approach towards the development of a scientific basis for management of wild Atlantic salmon in the North-East Atlantic. Annual Report, EU Concerted Action. Working group documents Hansen, L.P. 1980: Net mark registrations and tagging of net marked and undamaged Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Norwegian rivers and coastal areas 1979. I.C.E.S. Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. Meeting in Copenhagen 15-18 April 1980, 10 pp. Hansen, L.P. and S.O. Roald 1981: Net marks on Atlantic salmon in Norway. Main results of the investigations performed in 1980. I.C.E.S. Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. Meeting in

Copenhagen 9 April 1981, 13 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1981: Tagging and release of Atlantic salmon smolts in Norway. COST 46/4 meeting, Pitlochry, Scotland 16-17 June 1981. Working paper, 20 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1981: Food of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in the Norwegian Sea. COST 46/4 meeting, Brest, France 1-2 December 1981. Working paper, 15 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1981: Migration of Atlantic salmon smolts released in River Akerselva, Oslo. COST 46/4 meeting, Brest France 1-2 December 1981. Working paper, 2 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1981: Release of 0+ parr of Atlantic salmon in Lake Storevatnet, Ims, SW Norway. COST 46/4 meeting, Brest, France, 1-2 December 1981. Working paper, 4 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1982: Atlantic salmon tagged in Norway and recaptured at the Faroes. I.C.E.S. Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon. Meeting in Copenhagen 13-16 April 1982, 4 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1982: Size and age distribution at the Faroes and in Norwegian home waters of Atlantic salmon tagged as smolts. I.C.E.S. Working Group On North Atlantic Salmon. Meeting in Copenhagen 13-16 April 1982, 7 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1984: A preliminary analysis of the exploitation pattern of Atlantic salmon tagged and released as smolts in River Imsa, SW Norway, 1981. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 15 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1984: Tagging of Atlantic salmon smolts in Norway 1979, 1980 and 1981; number and mean weights of recaptures in the Norwegian Sea and in Norwegian home waters. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 7 pp. Hansen, L.P., N. Johansson & W.M. Shearer 1984: A note on geographical distribution of Atlantic salmon recaptured in the Norwegian Sea, tagged as smolts in Norway, Scotland and Sweden. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 15 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1985: Geographical distribution of the recapture sites at Faroes during the 1983-84 season of salmon tagged as smolts in Norway. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 11 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1985: Tagging of Atlantic salmon smolts in Norway 1981, 1982 and 1983; number and mean weights of the recaptures in the Norwegian Sea and in Norwegian home waters. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 7 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1986: Estimates of exploitation rates and post-smolt mortality of Atlantic salmon released as smolts in River Imsa, SW Norway 1981-84. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 10 pp. Hansen, L.P., Næsje, T.F. & E. Garnås 1986: A note on the exploitation of Atlantic salmon in River Drammen, southern Norway 1985. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 5 pp. Hansen, L.P., Næsje, T.F. & I. Nordhuus 1986: Fin size as a possible factor to discriminate between wild and farmed Atlantic salmon; a pilot study. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 12 pp. Lund, R.A. & L.P. Hansen 1986: Biological characteristics of Atlantic salmon from a coastal fishery at Kvaløya, western Norway. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 8 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1987: Exploitation of Atlantic salmon by rods in River Drammenselv 1986. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group. 7 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1987: Estimates of exploitation rates of Atlantic salmon released as smolts in River Imsa, SW Norway 1981-1985. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 8 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1987: The Norwegian salmon fishery in home waters; historical evolution and new conservation measures. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 7 pp. Reitan, O., Hvidsten, N.A. & Hansen. L.P. 1987: Bird predation on hatchery reared Atlantic salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., released in River Eira, Norway. ICES North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Hansen, L.P. & Jonsson, B. 1987: River Imsa as an index river. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group. 6 pp. Lund, R.A. & Hansen, L.P. 1987: Biological characteristics of Atlantic salmon from coastal fisheries at Kvaløya and Kolgrov, Western Norway. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Lund, R.A., Nordhuus, I. & Hansen, L.P. 1987: Discrimination between wild and reared Atlantic salmon in four commercial salmon fisheries on the Norwegian coast using fin measurements. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group. 11 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1988: Estimates of exploitation rates of Atlantic salmon released as smolts in River Imsa, SW Norway 1981-1986. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 8 pp. Lund, R.A. & Hansen, L.P. 1988: Estimates of reared salmon in commercial catches using direct observation and scale analysis. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 6 pp. Lund, R.A., Hansen, L.P. & Järvi, T. 1988: Biological characteristics of Atlantic salmon from coastal fisheries at Otterøya and Kolgrov, western Norway. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 8 pp. Staurnes, M., L.P. Hansen, K. Fugelli & Ø. Haraldstad 1989: The release of Atlantic salmon smolts in an acid and a limed river, preliminary results of physiological status and survival. I.C.E.S. Study Group on Acid Rain, 17 pp.

Hesthagen. T. & L.P. Hansen 1989: Estimates of the annual loss of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway due to acidification. I.C.E.S. Study Group on Acid Rain, 8 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1989: Estimates of exploitation rates of Atlantic salmon released as smolts in River Imsa, SW Norway 1981-1986. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Friedland, K.D. & L.P. Hansen 1989: Preliminary discrimination of Norwegian farm, ranch, and wild origin salmon. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 4 pp. Lund, R.A., F. Økland & L.P. Hansen 1990: Contribution of reared Atlantic salmon to marine and freshwater fisheries in Norway. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 12 pp. Økland, F., R.A. Lund & L.P. Hansen 1990: Contribution of reared Atlantic salmon to spawning populations in Norwegian rivers. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 6 pp. Økland, F., R.A. Lund & L.P. Hansen 1991: Escapes of reared salmon in marine fisheries in Norway. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 14 pp. Lund, R.A., J.A. Jacobsen & L.P. Hansen 1993: Biological characteristics of wild and farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., caught in oceanic waters north of the Faroe Islands. I.C.E.S. Study Group on North East Atlantic Salmon Fisheries, 17 pp. Hansen, L.P., D.G. Reddin & R.A. Lund 1993: The incidence of reared Atlantic salmon in the commercial fishery at West Greenland. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 6 pp. Lund, R.A., L.P. Hansen & J.A. Jacobsen 1994: Smolt age and sea age of Atlantic salmon sampled in the research fishery at Faroes in the 1992/93 fishing season. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 4 pp. Hansen, L.P., R.A. Lund & J.A. Jacobsen 1994: Reared Atlantic salmon in the long-line fishery at Faroes and in Norwegian home waters. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 6 pp. Hansen, L.P., D.J. Reddin & R.A. Lund 1994: The incidence of reared Atlantic salmon of fish farm origin at West-Greenland 1991 and 1992. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Friedland, K.D., L.P. Hansen, D.G. Reddin & N. O`Maoileidigh 1994: A random walk model of Atlantic salmon transoceanic migration. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Hansen, L.P. & K.D. Friedland 1994: Return rates of wild Atlantic salmon tagged as smolts in the River Figgjo, SW Norway 1965-1991 are related to changes in the area of post-smolt habitat. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 3 pp. Jacobsen, J.A., L.P. Hansen, À. Isaksson & L. Karlsson 1994: The salmon research programme at Faroes. Preliminary results of the tagging experiment and the stomach sampling. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 4 pp. Lund, R.A., L.P. Hansen & J.A. Jacobsen 1995: Smolt age and sea age of Atlantic salmon sampled in the research fishery at Faroes in the 1993/94 fishing season. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 4 pp. Hansen, L.P., R.A. Lund & J.A. Jacobsen 1995: Farmed Atlantic salmon in the long-line fishery at Faroes and in Norwegian home waters. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 7 pp. Jacobsen, J.A., L.P. Hansen, À. Isaksson & L. Karlsson 1995: The salmon research programme at Faroes. Preliminary results of the tagging experiment and the stomach sampling in 1993/94. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 3 pp. Hansen, L.P., K.D. Friedland & D.A. Dunkley 1995: Examination of survival rates of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from Norway and Scotland and the possible influence of marine habitat area. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 14 pp. Lund, R.A., L.P. Hansen & J.A. Jacobsen 1996: Smolt age and sea age of Atlantic salmon sampled in the research fishery at Faroes in the 1994/95 fishing season. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 4 pp. Lund, R.A. & L.P. Hansen 1996: Farmed Atlantic salmon in Norwegian home waters. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 4 pp. Lund, R.A., P.J. Midtlyng & L.P. Hansen 1996: Post-vaccination intraabdominal adherances in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., as a marker to identify escapees from fish farms. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 8 pp. Holst, J.C., L.P. Hansen & M. Holm 1996: Preliminary observations of abundance, stock composition, body size and food of postsmolts of Atlantic salmon caught with pelagic trawls in the NE Atlantic in the summers 1991 and 1995. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Jacobsen, J.A., L.P. Hansen, À. Isaksson & L. Karlsson 1996: The salmon research programme at Faroes. Preliminary results of the tagging experiment and the stomach sampling in 1994/95. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 3 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1996: Some marine mortality factors in Atlantic salmon. I.C.E.S. Workshop on Interactions between Salmon Lice and Salmonids, Edinburgh 11-15 November 1996, 3 pp. Ó Maoiléidigh, N. & L.P. Hansen 1996: Comparison of the return rates to the coast of Atlantic salmon in

relation to fish farming activities. I.C.E.S. Workshop on Interactions Between Salmon Lice and Salmonids, Edinburgh 11-15 November 1996, 3 pp. Lund, R.A., L.P. Hansen & J.A. Jacobsen 1997: Smolt age and sea age of Atlantic salmon sampled in the research fishery at Faroes in the 1991/92-1994/95 fishing seasons. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 4 pp. Lund, R.A. & L.P. Hansen 1997: Farmed Atlantic salmon in Norwegian home waters. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 5 pp. Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 1997: Salmon surveys in the Norwegian Sea 1996. Methods, distribution of catches and provisional data of fish caught. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Friedland, K.D., L.P. Hansen & D.A. Dunkley 1997: Survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) post-smolts from Norway and Scotland in relation to marine conditions. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 19 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1997: Atlantic salmon: national report for Norway 1997. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 4 pp. Jacobsen, J.A., L.P. Hansen & E.C.E. Potter 1997: Origin of wild and farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., tagged and released north of the Faroe Islands. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Hansen, L.P., J.A. Jacobsen & R.A. Lund 1997: The incidence of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the Faroese fishery and estimates of catches of wild salmon. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 8 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1998: Atlantic salmon; national report for Norway, 1997. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 5 pp. Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 1998: Postsmolt surveys in the Norwegian Sea - Status for 1997. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 14 pp. Friedland, K.D., L.P. Hansen, D.A. Dunkley & J.C. MacLean 1998: Linkage between ocean climate, post-smolt growth and survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the North Sea area.. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 23 pp. Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 1999: Spatial distribution of post-smolts 1990-98 in the Norwegian Sea and adjacent areas in relation to hydrographical parameters. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 13 pp. Erikstad, L., S.-E. Sloreid & L.P. Hansen 1999: A first approach to estimate Atlantic salmon smolt production in Norwegian rivers using geographic information systems. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 6 pp. Hansen, L.P., J.C. Holst, A.J. Jensen & B.O. Johnsen 1999: Norwegian spring spawning herring and Atlantic salmon: do they interact? I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 13 pp. Hansen, L.P., A.J. Jensen, P. Fiske & N.A. Hvidsten 1999: Atlantic salmon; national report for Norway 1998. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 7 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1999: Regional catches of 1SW salmon in Norway. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 2 pp. Hansen, L.P., A.J. Jensen, P. Fiske & N.A. Hvidsten 2000: Atlantic salmon; national report for Norway 1999. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 7 pp Holm, M., J.C. Holst & L.P. Hansen 2000: Distribution of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in the NE Atlantic 1999 surveys. I.C.E.S. North Atlantic Salmon Working Group, 9 pp. Hansen, L.P. 2000: National report for Norway. SALMODEL meeting, Belfast, N. Ireland, May 2000, 2 pp. MacLean, J.C. & L.P. Hansen 2000: Consideration of stock groupings in PFA modelling. SALMODEL meeting, Rennes, France, September 2000, 10 pp. Erikstad, L., S.-E. Sloreid & L.P. Hansen 2000: Modelling salmon production potential in Norwegian rivers using existing map data. SALMODEL meeting, Stavanger, Norway 21-23 November 2000, 6 pp. Milner, N., L.P. Hansen & J.C. MacLean 2000: Update on preliminary review of the potential effects of sea trout on the setting of Atlantic salmon reference points. SALMODEL meeting, Stavanger, Norway, 21-23 November 2000, 9 pp. Proceedings, abstracts Hansen, L.P. 1983: Stocking streams and lakes with eggs and juveniles of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Manuscript, Symposium on Salmon Problems, Luleå, Sweden, 4-6 October 1983, 19p. Hansen, L.P. 1986: Nyere erfaringer med utsetting av laksunger og laksesmolt. Fiskesymposiet januar 1986. Vassdragsregulantenes Forening, Laboratoriene for Ferskvannsøkologi og Innenlandsfiske, 19 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1988: Status of Atlantic salmon in Norway. In: Murphy, M. (ed.). Proc. Int. Conf. on Wild Salmon- Present and Future. Sherkin Island Marine Station Co. Cork, Ireland 1988, pp. 44-50.

Hansen, L.P. 1988: Oppdrettslaks i gytebestander og laksefiskerier; et problem for naturlige laksebestander? In: Lindgren, B. (ed.). Fagmøte om Sikringssoner for Laksefisk, Stjørdal 1988, LENKA, pp. 47-57. Hansen, L.P. 1988: Havbeite med laks. Seminar om Marin kystøkologi, Trondheim 1988. Direktoratet for naturforvaltning, Havforskningsinstituttet, pp. 60-61. Hansen, L.P. 1989: Oppdrettslaks: et problem for vill-laksen? Havbrukskurs 2/89, Oppdrett og Miljø. Stiftelsen Havbrukskunnskap, Bergen, pp. 122-134. Hansen, L.P. 1989: The coexistence of wild, ranched and farmed Atlantic salmon; a challenge to salmon management. In: Cross, T.F., G.M. Burnell, M.C. Cross, T.G. Morgan & M.F. Mulcahy (eds.). Salmonid Fish Culture in Ireland: Biological and Commercial Considerations. Proc. of a Conference held at University College, Cork, Ireland, September 1987, pp. 61-75. Hansen, L.P. 1989: Is the stage át which fish are released or escape a determinant of their subsequent performance? Abstract NASCO/ICES meeting, Dublin, May 1989, 2 pp. Hansen, L.P. 1989: El salmon Atlantico en Noruega (Atlantic salmon in Norway). Proceedings Primera Conferencia Internacional Sobre el Salmon Atlantico en Espana. Diputacion Regional de Cantabria, Espana, 26 pp. Manuscript. Hansen, L.P. 1990. Havbeite med laks i Drammenselva. Vassdragsregulantenes Forening, Fiskesymposiet 1990, 7 pp. Lund, R.A., F. Økland & L.P. Hansen 1990: Oppdrettslaks i sjølaksefiskeriene 1989. Fagseminar for Fiskeforvalterne/ DN, Rica Hell Hotell, Stjørdal 9-10 januar 1990. Staurnes, M., L.P. Hansen, K. Fugelli & Ø. Haraldstad 1990: Osmoregulatory status and survival of Atlantic salmon smolts released in an acidic and a limed river. Int. Conf. on Acidic Deposition, its nature and impacts, 16-21 September 1990. Abstr. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., p 616. Hansen, L.P. 1990: Releases of salmonids. Sea ranching - Scientific Experiences and Challenges, Workshop, Bergen October 1990. Norwegian Society for Aquaculture Research. Hansen, L.P. 1990: Harvesting of ranched salmon. Sea ranching - Scientific Experiences and Challenges, Workshop, Bergen October 1990. Norwegian Society for Aquaculture Research. Hansen, L.P. 1990: Environmental factors affecting survival and return of Atlantic salmon released as smolts. In: The role of aquaculture in fisheries. Abstract NJF seminar 194, Reykjavik, Iceland, November 1990. Hansen, L.P. 1990: Effects of handling stress on survival in ranching operations. In: The role of aquaculture in fisheries. Abstract NJF seminar 194, Reykjavik, Iceland, November 1990. Hansen, L.P. 1991: Rømt oppdrettslaks; et problem for naturlige laksestammer? In: Hoffman, E. (ed.). Havbrug og miljø. Nordisk Ministerråd, Nord 1991:10, pp. 197-208. Hansen, L.P. 1991: Rømt oppdrettslaks i fiskerier og gytebestander. Abstract, Norges Fiskeriforskningsråd, Faglig Årsmøte "Miljøvirkninger av havbruk", Trondheim 30-31 januar 1991. Hansen, L.P. 1991: Vandring og overlevelse av oppdrettet laks i naturen. Abstract, Norges Fiskeriforskningsråd, Faglig Årsmøte "Miljøvirkninger av havbruk", Trondheim 30-31 januar 1991. Hansen, L.P. 1991: The proportion of Atlantic salmon escapees from fish farms in fisheries and spawning populations in Norway. Abstract, 47th annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Portland, Maine, USA, May 12-15, 1991. Hansen, L.P. 1991: Comparative behaviour of reared and wild Atlantic salmon. Abstract, 47th annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Portland, Maine, USA, May 12-15, 1991. Staurnes, M., G. Lysfjord, L.P. Hansen & T.G. Heggberget 1991: Marine survival of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon as related to time of release and prerelease smolt development. In: Research for Aquaculture: Fundamental and applied aspects. 13th conference of the European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, p 87. Hansen, L.P. 1991: Smoltifisering hos vill laks - har næringen noe å lære? Konferanse om settefisk- /smoltproduksjon, Rica Hell Hotell 26-27 nov. 1991. Stiftelsen Havbrukskunnskap, Bergen. Hansen, L.P. 1992: Overvåking av rømt oppdrettslaks i fiskerier og gytebestander. Abstract, Norges Fiskeriforskningsråd Faglige Årsmøte "Miljøvirkninger av havbruk", Solstrand Hotell, februar 1992. Hansen, L.P. 1992: Farmed Atlantic salmon in nature. Royal Society of Edinburgh, The Atlantic Salmon Trust. Hansen, L.P. 1992: Movement and migration of Atlantic salmon in the sea. Abstract, Fourth International Atlantic salmon symposium, St. Andrews, Canada, June 1992. Hansen, L.P. 1992: Rømt oppdrettslaks i sjøfiskerier, elvefisket og gytebestander. Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning, Fagseminar, Stav Gjestegård, Malvik 15-17 april 1991, pp. 76-80. Bakke, T.A., L.P. Hansen & R. Nordmo 1992: The susceptibility of a Swedish Baltic salmon stock (Salmo salar) to Norwegian Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg (Monogenea). Abstract, VIth European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, The Hague, The Netherlands, 7-11 September 1992. Hansen, L.P., M. Staurnes, K. Fugelli & Ø. Haraldstad 1992: Survival, osmoregulatory status and homing precision of Atlantic salmon released as smolts in an acidic and a limed river. Abstract, 4th International Smolt Workshop, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, October 19-23, 1992.

Hansen, L.P. 1993: Det biologiske grunnlag for forvaltning av laks i Norge. Seminar om Forvaltning av Flora og Fauna. Holmenkollen Park Rica Hotell, 25-26 november 1992. Norges Jeger og Fiskerforbund, pp. 28-37. Hansen, L.P. 1993: Salmon in crisis? - The threat in the Sea. Fishmongers Hall, London 3 June 1993. The Atlantic Salmon Trust, Atlantic Salmon Conservation Trust. Hansen, L.P. 1993: Biologisk grunnlag for kultivering av laks. Villaksseminaret, Norsk Villakssenter, Lærdal juni 1993. Hansen. L.P. 1993. Kultivering av laks. Erfaringer fra Drammenselva. Villaksseminaret, Norsk Villakssenter, Lærdal juni 1993. Hansen, L.P. 1993. Migration of Atlantic salmon in north Norway. Northern Rivers Atlantic salmon symposium, Teno River Research Center, Utsjok, Finland 23-25 August 1993. Hansen, L.P. & B. Jonsson 1993: Straying of hatchery- reared Atlantic salmon released at different localities. Abstract International Conference and Workshop; Homing and Straying of Salmon, Røros 25-29 October 1993. Hansen, L.P. 1993: Oppdrettsfisken i vill tilstand. Rogaland Havbruksforum, Høstkonferanse, Stavanger 3 november 1993. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Hva bestemmer overlevelse og tilbakevandring hos laks? Møte Orkla Eleveierlag 19 januar 1994. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Miljøforhold i havet og svigninger i laksebestanden: Er det en sammenheng? Fagsamling for miljøvernavdelingene om anadrome laksefisk, Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning, Trondheim 1-2 februar 1994. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Hvordan bevare en naturlig laksepopulasjon? Møte, Lakseforsterkningsprosjektet i Suldalslågen, Suldal 9 februar 1994. Statkraft Engineering. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Hva påvirker villaksens overlevelse i saltvann? I: Erlandsen, A.H. (ed.) Fiskesymposiet 1994, pp. 5-14. Energiforsyningens Fellseorganisasjon, Lysaker. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Farmed Atlantic salmon - interactions with wild fish. In: Calabi, S. & A. Stout (eds). A hard look at some tough issues. New England Salmon Association, Newburyport, Massachusetts, pp. 72-84. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Migration of Atlantic salmon; some results from Norwegian tagging experiments. Seminar, Northeast Fisheries Science Centre, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 26 April 1994. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Förendringar i havsmiljön. Laxsymposium, Falkenberg, Sverige, 2 mai 1994. Svenska Kommiten för Atlantlaxens Bevarande. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Tilbakevandring av utsatt, merket laksesmolt til Audna. Seminar om FOU-virksomheten i Audna, Lyngdal 3 mai 1994. Fylkesmannen i Vest Agder. Hansen, L.P. 1994: Kultivering med laks. Foredrag Voss klekkeri, 8 september 1994. Bakke, T.A., L.P. Hansen & A. Soleng 1994: Adult Salmo salar as host for Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg. Abstract, 8th International Congress for Parasitology (ICOPA VIII), vol 1, p. 235. Izmir, Turkey. Hansen, L.P. 1995: Merkeforsøk med smolt i Audna. Arbeidsseminar om anadrome laksefisk, forsuring og kalking, Trondheim 9-10 februar 1995. Hansen, L.P. 1995: Atlantic salmon as an integrated component of the marine ecosystem. Mare Cognitum - Annual meeting, Solstrand Fjordhotell, 27 February-1 March 1995. Hansen, L.P. 1995: Hva påvirker laksens dødelighet i havet? Årsmøte SINTEF gruppens jakt og fiskeforening, Trondheim 27 april 1995. Hansen, L.P. 1995: Laksens liv i havet. Hva bestemmer størrelsen på en laksebestand? Villkaseminaret, 1-2 juni 1995, Norsk Villakssenter, Lærdal. Hansen, L.P. 1995: Biological diversity - safeguarding of the wild salmon stocks. International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission, Meeting of Ad Hoc Working Group on Salmon Strategies for the Baltic, Âlvkarleby, Sweden 28-30 June 1995. Hansen, L.P. 1995: A description of Norwegian salmon research in the high seas in the NE Atlantic. Lecture, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, Scotland, 23 November 1995. Hansen, L.P. 1995: Overlevelse av laks i havet - beskatning og endring i det marine miljø. Vossoutvalget, seminar om Vossolaksen, Voss 30.11-1.12 1995. Hansen, L.P. 1996: Hva regulerer overlevelse og tilbakevandring av laksen til Drammenselva? Foredrag, Åmot Fiskerforening 22 februar 1996. Hansen, L.P. 1996: Laksens liv i den marine fase. Orkla Jeger og Fiskerforening, Temakveld om laks, Orkanger 5 mars 1996. Hansen, L.P. 1996: Villaksen - har den noen fremtid? Foredrag, Vestre Bærum sportsfiskere 12 mars 1996. Hansen, L.P. 1996: Lakseforskning ved Færøyene. "Mare Cognitum", Årsmøte Edvard Grieg Suitell, Bergen, 13-14 mars 1996. Hansen, L.P. 1996: Situasjonen for norsk atlantisk laks ute i havet. Norske Lakselver, Årsmøte Quality

Ambassadeur Hotell, Drammen, 21-22 mars 1996. Hansen, L.P. 1996: The prey of the Atlantic salmon. NASCO Council Meeting, Special Session, Gothenburg, Sweden, 13 June 1996, CNL(96)36, 17 pp. Bakke, T.A., A. Soleng, P.D. Harris & L.P. Hansen 1996: Gyrodactylid infection of pure Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta and their hybrid progeny. Abstract, European Multicolloquium of Parasitology (EMOP), Parma, Italy, September 1996. Hansen, L.P. 1996. Bestandssituasjonen for Atlantisk laks. Samling om fiskeforvaltning for miljøvernavdelingene. Lillehammer 27-29 august 1996. Hansen, L.P. 1996. Utviklingen av de norske laksebestandene. Landsmøte, Noregs Grunneigar- og Sjølaksefiskarlag, Scandic Hotell, Bergen 22-23 november 1996. Hansen, L.P. & T.P. Quinn 1997: The marine phase of the Atlantic salmon life cycle, with comparisons to Pacific salmon. Intergrating across scales:predicting patterns of change in Atlantic salmon. Workshop 17-20 March 1997, Braemar, Scotland McCormick, S., L.P. Hansen, T.P. Quinn & R.L. Saunders 1997: Movement, migration and smolting of Atlantic salmon. Intergrating across scales:predicting patterns of change in Atlantic salmon. Workshop 17-20 March 1997, Braemar, Scotland. Hansen, L.P., M.L. Windsor & A.F. Youngson 1997: Interactions between salmon culture and wild stocks of Atlantic salmon: the scientific and management issues. ICES Journal of Marine Science 54: 963-964. Hansen, L.P. & A.F. Youngson 1997: Past problems and future management: Implications for salmon farming. Interactions between salmon culture and wild stocks of Atlantic salmon. ICES/NASCO Symposium, Bath, England, UK, 18-22 April 1997. Lund, R.A., L.P. Hansen & F. Økland 1997: Geographical and temporal distribution of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in relation to farming activity. ICES/NASCO Symposium, Bath, England, UK, 18-22 April 1997. Hansen, L.P. 1997: Fangst av laks sett i lys av ressursgrunnlaget. Villaksseminaret, Norsk Villakssenter, Lærdal, 29-30 mai 1997. Hansen, L.P. 1997: Trends in the marine survival of Atlantic salmon. Atlantic salmon seminar, Diputacion Regional de Cantabria, Santander, Espana, 1. July 1997. Friedland, K.D., L.P. Hansen, D.A. Dunkley & J.C. MacLean 1997: Linkage between ocean climate, post-smolt growth and survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the North Sea area.. ICES recriutment dynamics symposium, Baltimore, USA, September 1997. Hansen, L.P. 1997: Marine life history of Atlantic salmon. Nordic Symposium on Salmonid Ecology and Management 14-16 Oct. 1997, The Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark. Hansen, L.P. 1997: Hvorfor er det ikke mer laks? Lakseminar, Det Norske Fluefiskerforbund, Oslo 8-9 nov. 1997. Hansen, L.P. 1998: Vandring av laks utsatt i Audna; status for Homingprosjektet. Kalkingsmøte Scandic hotell, Stavanger 20 mars 1998. Hansen, L.P. 1998: Færøyprosjektet: Bestandssammensetning og vandring av laks fra Færøyene. Avslutningsseminar, Færøyprosjektet, Torshavn, Færøyene 23 mars 1998. Hansen, L.P. 1998: Nya fakta om laxen i Atlanteren. Atlantlaxsymposium, Göteborg, 15 mai 1998. Fiskeriverket, Sportsfiskarna/Svenska Kommittén för Atlantlaxens Bevarande. Hansen, L.P. 1998: Norsk beståndsutväkling. Atlantlaxsymposium, Göteborg, 15 mai 1998. Fiskeriverket, Sportsfiskarna/Svenska Kommittén för Atlantlaxens Bevarande. Hansen, L.P. 1998: The staus of Atlantic salmon in Norway. Salmo saga, Conference Internationale sur le Saumon et la Truite de Mer, Eu, Haute-Normandie, France, 9-10 octobre 1998. Hansen, L.P. 1998: Migration and sea life of Atlantic salmon. Salmo saga, Conference Internationale sur le Saumon et la Truite de Mer, Eu, Haute-Normandie, France, 9-10 octobre 1998. Hansen, L.P. 1998: Salmon management in Norway. Salmo saga, Conference Internationale sur le Saumon et la Truite de Mer, Eu, Haute-Normandie, France, 9-10 octobre 1998. Jacobsen, J.A. & L.P. Hansen 1998: Marine feeding habits of Atlantic salmon. Workshop on problems facing salmon in the sea, Pitlochry, Scotland, 18-19 November 1998. Holst, J. C., R. Shelton, M. Holm & L.P. Hansen 1998: Distribution and possible migration routes of post-smolt Atlantic salmon in the NE Atlantic. Workshop on problems facing salmon in the sea, Pitlochry, Scotland, 18-19 November 1998. Hansen, L.P. & J.A. Jacobsen 1998: Distribution and migration of Atlantic salmon in the sea. Workshop on problems facing salmon in the sea, Pitlochry, Scotland, 18-19 November 1998. Hansen, L.P. 1999: Hva betyr miljøet i havet for laksebestandene våre? Stavanger og Rogaland Jeger og Fiskerforening, Stavanger 5/1-1999. Hansen, L.P. 1999: Oppdrettslaks-villaks; en utfordring for forskning og forvaltning. Plenumsforedrag, Fiske-

og dyrehelsemøtet Tromsø 18-20/1-1999, Norges Forskningsråd. Erikstad, L., S.-E. Sloreid & L.P. Hansen 1999: Potential for use of geostatistics in combination with biological data to assess the freshwater production of Atlantic salmon in Norway. Abstract, First International Symposium on GIS in Fishery Sciences, March 2-4, 1999. DoubleTree Hotel, Seattle Washington, USA. Hansen, L.P. 1999: Marine life history of Atlantic salmon in the Northeast Atlantic. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 16 November 1999. Hansen, L.P. & J.A. Jacobsen 2000: Atlantic salmon: the ocean traveller. Abstract, Symposium on "100 years of science under ICES", Helsinki, Finland 1-4 August 2000. Hansen, L.P. 2000: Kunnskapsgrunnlaget for å beregnet innsiget av villaks fra Atlanterhavet. Foredrag, Arbeidsgruppe for kvotebasert reguleringsregime for fiske etter laks, Bergen 29 november 2000. Hansen, L.P. 2000: Oppdrettslaks på rømmen - en dans på roser, eller et hardt liv? Foredrag, Ukens orientering, Havforskningsinstituttet, Bergen 6 desember 2000. Lund, R., Fiske, P., Aas, Ø., Birkelund, H, Lein, K. Hansen, L.P., Næsje, T.F., Hårsaker, K., Sandhaugen, A.I. & Lamberg, A. 2000: Beskatning av laksefisk i elvene: Et forskningsprosjekt i skjæringspunktet mellom biologi, økonomi og samfunnsfag. - Konferansen: "Fisketurisme i ferskvann, gammel næring ny giv." Hamar, oktober 2000. (Poster)