Markedsstrategi for Russland 2012. Situasjonsanalyse. - Russiske ferier generelt

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Strategi Russland

Bakgrunn Regjeringen er opptatt av økt verdiskapning og produktivitet i reiselivsnæringen, flere helårs arbeidsplasser og flere unike og kvalitativt gode opplevelser - som tiltrekker seg gjester med høy betalingsvillighet. I tillegg skal vi satse på et bærekraftig reiseliv. I antall gjestedøgn er Russland er voksende marked, og det russiske markedet er derfor viktig for mange reiselivsbedrifter over hele landet. Derfor er det svært viktig å sørge for at veksten fra Russland fortsetter også i fremtiden 2

Markedsstrategi for Russland 2012 Situasjonsanalyse - Russiske ferier generelt

Norway has a fragmented brand footprint Not perfect fit with any segments China (.63) Georgia (.47) Kazachstan (.40) New Zeeland (.36) USA (.36) Sweden (-.43) Finland (-.49) EXPLORATION.17 (9%) LIBERATION.08 (12%) SHARING GOOD TIMES -.35 (21%) Fit (from -1 to +1) of the perceptual profile of Norway with what each of the segments are looking for. A score of 1 means that Norway delivers exactly what the segment is looking for; a score of -1 means Norway represents the exact opposite of what people are looking for in that segment. Ukraine (.66) Georgia (.47) Spain (.38) Croatia (.34) Perfect fit (>0,60) Good fit (0,30-0,60) Neutral fit (-0,25-0,29) Negative fit (<-0,25) France (.75) Scotland (.61) Switzerland (.46) Austria (.46) Italy (.44) LUXURY -.13 (2%) BROADENING MY HORIZON What we do here is allocate people s perception of Norway to their dominant idea of each segment. The slide shows a index number that indicates the fit between Norway and each segment compared with competitors TOGETHERNESS.17 (17%) HARMONY Finland (.72) Croatia (.71) Sweden (.46) Denmark (.33) Denmark (.34) Finland (.32) Sweden (.31).26 (25%) ROUTINE -.01 (6%) Germany (.73) Canada (.54) Finland (.41) Sweden (.37) Austria (.34) -.06 (7%) n = all respondents aware of the country in the quantitative sample For more info about the survey: Market size Perceptual fit

SWOT analyse Strengths Sterk vekst de siste årene også sammenlignet med andre europeiske land (både sommer og vinter) Norge har en unik natur med unike naturfenomen: fjordene, midnattssolen, nordlys, kysten og fjellene Geografisk, kulturell og historisk nærhet til Russland (St Petersburg) Stort nettverk og godt samarbeid med russiske turoperatører Weaknesses Norge er dyrt Mangler kunnskap om hva man kan se og gjøre Ikke et klart definert merkevare-fotavtrykk Mangel på bookbare produkter i markedet Mangel på distribusjon av produkter i markedet Leverer ikke godt nok på oppfatning av Norges personlighet og produktkarakteristikker Ustabilt vær Alkoholpriser og regulering av alkoholsalg Oppleves som mørkt, kaldt og isolert Opportunities Sterkest posisjon i St Petersburg Også andel besøk og repeat visitors Uforløst potensial Vise frem kultur, mat og historie Større interesse for norske byer i Russland enn i andre markeder Norge har en stek posisjon for fiske Ikke like ensidig bilde av Norge som andre land også lokal kultur og historie Russere er i utgangspunktet ikke veldig interessert i naturferier i utlandet norske naturfenomener som fjorder er unntak Gode økonomiske fremtidsutsikterutsikter Stor interesse for vikinger, eventyr og folklore Nye direkte ruter (Bergen) og fergeruter (Stockholm) Økt interesse for helse, sport og bærekraft i Russland Threats Svekket rubel mot NOK Blir enda dyrere Hardere konkurranse for å tiltrekke seg russiske turister. Vekstmarked som mange ønsker å ta del av Manglende språkkunnskaper blant russere samt lite tilrettelagt på russisk i Norge Russere planlegger ferien kort tid i forveien Stiller krav til service, tilgjengelighet og tilbakemelding Visum-problematikk Land som fjerner visumplikt Ustabil russisk reiselivsbransje - Stadig endringer i aktører og turoperatører 5

Hovedutfordringer og muligheter i Russland Norge kan få et tydeligere merkevare-fotavtrykk (klare forventninger til hva man kan se og oppleve i Norge) Øke kunnskapen om hva man kan se og oppleve i Norge Russere har et positivt inntrykk av Norge som ferieland, likevel har færre russere vært i Norge enn våre naboland Hvordan utløse dette potensialet? Ikke like ensidig bilde av Norge som kun en naturdestinasjon - Likevel behov for å bygge sterkere assosiasjoner til Norge med tanke på mat, det sosiale og tilgjengelighet (både booking og reisen i Norge) Norge oppleves og er dyrt Beholde markedsandel samt fortsette vekst på samme høye nivå som veksten har vært de siste årene Redusere språkbarrierer Mer tilgjengelig informasjon på russisk Lettere tilgjengelige pakker, reiseforslag etc. (per i dag finnes det for få salgbare produkter i det russiske markedet) Russere er late bookers Service og tilgjengelighet på alle plan og raske tilbakemeldinger

Markedsstrategi for Russland 2012 Markedsføringsstrategi - The most dramatic and rich fjord and coastal experience in the world

1. Meet the expectations people have for all types of holidays The core of all holidays is about Escapism New and interesting places Being together learning Norway mostly meet these expectations, except the social element

1. Meet the expectations people have for all types of holidays Areas for improvement to meet hygiene expectations We must address the basic expectations that Russian have when going on holiday, including basic comfort, a more social experience and more cultural content. A comfortable experience Ease travel experience Easy of booking Take away fears of being a bit lost, left on their own A social experience Communicate lively towns & villages Populate the isolated scenes Tackle language barrier by group travel Good food & drinks Talk about local food & drink traditions But also talk about good international cuisine (for the less adventurous) Communicate tax free on arrival

2. Our target group: Main target group is Explorers What they look for: Their main motivation is Exploration and Broadening your horizon They want to explore new territories; nature, culture, local life, food and traditions. They also want gain new energy and to broaden their horizons. Who are they: Higher education, seasoned travelers, digital, travel without children/empty nesters Other target groups in Russia: (with a different positioning than the explorers) Alpine skiing Main motivation is Liberation and Togetherness Fishing: Main motivation is Togetherness

2. Targeting Positioning of Norway in Russia BE LESS Harmonious Peaceful BUILD ON Explorative Cultivated Allows me to discover new and interesting places Alows me to broaden my horizon Has beaitiful nature Attend sightseeing tours BE MORE = The most dramatic and rich coast and fjord experience in the world Authentic Open minded Unique Gives me rich experinces Has intersting sites Has rich cultural heritage Has friendly people Has good local cuisine

2. Targeting of Norway in Russia Why do Russians come to Norway and what do they want to experience? PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS The spectacular fjords and landscapes of the coast, steep breathtaking mountains and the world s most beautiful archipelagos The natural miracles of the northern lights and the midnight sun The distinct heritage and culture of Norway Informal, open minded people Sustainable and environmentally friendly offers EMOTIONAL BENEFITS - main motivation for going on holiday Allows me to discover new and interesting places Allows me to broaden my horizon Enriches my view on the world Helps me escape from my daily hectic life Gives me rich experiences WHAT WHY PERSONALITY - of Norway Fresh Real Adventurous Open-minded ACTIVITIES Experince beautiful norwegian nature Attend sightseeing tours Wide variety of nature-based activities Local food - Fresh seafood and coastal specialties Discover local history and legends/fairytales Experience the thriving coastal culture

Fokus på følgende områder: Kampanjer: Målgruppe: Produkter: Norgeskampanje (sommer) Norgeskampanje (vinter/nordlys) Utforskere Rundreise (bil/buss) Nord-Norge vinter (i jula) Baseferie Byferie Fiske Fiskere Kystfiske Alpinkampanje Alpinister Skiferie

Main target group in Russia - Explorers Key competitors Strong competitions from many markets, escpecially Finland and Sweden Main motivation for travelling: Exploration & Broadening my horizon Unique selling points The uniqueness of Norway Only in Norway!- Spectacular fjord, coast and natural treasures Highlight in communication Show active engagement with nature, culture, local communities and people Accessibility: Infrastructure and products and services that make things easy for the tourist Common features for explorers in Russia Late bookers Need for accessibility and tactical offers Great interest for history, culture and intellectual enrichment Language barriers Strongest position in St Petersburg (geographic, cultural and historical closeness Greater interest for Norwegian cities in Russia than other markets In general the Russians are not very interested in nature holidays, but Norwegian natural phenomena as a exception!

The russian explorer in a nutshell Who they are: A couple between 30-60 (younger during winter) Higher education and above average income Likely to have children Travel with their partner, with friends or with their kids (more likely to travel with kids during winter) How they travel: The like to plan their holidays and they plan more and use more sources of information than the average russian traveler, especially before the trip. Internet is their most important spurce of information before the trip, where as during the trip both internett and guide books are used They would typically plan their trip about 1-3 months in advance They will stay in a medium standard hotel Some will travel independently whilst other will travel in an organized tour They look for unique experiences and their willing to pay for that During summer they both drive and fly, where as winter is dominated with flights Why they travel: Looking to discover new territories and gain new energy. At the same time, broadening their horizons and feeling enriched More info about this target group in the appendix

Ski holiday Russian tourists Main motivation is: liberation and togetherness The position of skiing needs to be different than other types of holiday in Norway

Positioning of skiing in Russia Why do they travel: EMOTIONAL BENEFITS Helps me enjoy life to the fullest Allows me to share good times with others Makes me feel full of energy Helps me escape from my hectic daily life PERSONALITY Fresh Real Adventurous Open-minded What are they looking for: DESTINATION FEATURES Has beautiful nature Has attractive mountain areas Allows me to be physical active Is safe Demonstrate good service ACTIVITIES Experience mountains Alpine skiing/snowboarding Observe beauty of nature Taste local food and drink Do winter activities (dog-sleigh, snowmobile etc.) Slide shows most important items Bold = differentiating from other holiday types

Who are they? Dominated by people aged 30-39 (33%) Slightly more relevant for men (54%) Higher education 27% of the travelers have a household income of 50.000 Euros or more. 4% makes 100.000 Euro s per year or more Austria Finland Andorra Where do they travel 31% 35% 24% 20% 7% 44% 9% 13% 2% When do they travel France Switzerland 0% 9% 14% 7% 8% 6% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 45% 14% 13% 3% 7% 8% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Average length of stay: 8 days Norway Ukraine Italy Russia Sweden 4% 2% 6% 2% 3% 0% 1% 2% 0% 1% 1% 2% 1% 0% 4% Total Moscow (n=88) St. Petersburg (n= 50)

How they travel: ACCOMODATION Hotel medium standard More rented or borrowed cabin / holiday home / flat in St. Petersburg (35%) than in Moscow (15%) More hotel high standard in Moscow (15%) than in St. Petersburg (4%) TRAVEL TO DESTINATION Dominated by car Scheduled plane WITH WHOM Friends (44%) Spouse/partner (41%) Any children (16%) Other family/relatives (15%) PLANNING & ORGANISATION Mostly organized individually 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 5% Less than one week before departure 14% 1-3 weeks before departure 21% 20% Up to 1 month before departure Up to 2 months before departure 15% Up to 3 months before departure 20% Up to 4-6 months before departure 2% Up to 6-12 months before departure 0% More than one year before departure 2% Don t know How long before your departure did you settle for this trip on this occasion

Fishing Campaign: Fishing Main motivation: Togetherness Types of holiday: Mainly fishing Key competitors Finland Sweden Unique selling points Sea fishing in Norway is unique And we can credible deliver on that Destination features Well apapted for fishing Accessibility Possibilites for getting big fish Kjennetegn ved Russiske potensielle Norgesturister Late bookers Norway is considered, but few have been Lack of information about Norway is the greatest barrier to travel to Norway, followed by price level Language barriers Both speicial interest and people interested in fishing

Types of holiday: Sea fishing Who they are: Mostly men Higher education Travel with friends (about 70%), where as 25 % travel with partner/spouse How they travel: Short planning horizon, but they book the whole trip or elements of it before departure Book mostly throuh a travel agency Recomendations from friend and family are most important source of information, but review online and fishing magazines are important Norway among the most attractive and desireble destinations for fishing among Russians Summer has greatest potential, but also interest for spring and autumn Why they travel: Social aspect as well as experience nature are important

Markedsstrategi for Russland 2012 Markedsføringsstrategi - Konsekvenser/action-punkter

Action point 1 Powerfull communication Norway is truly different Norway is very different from other European countries. The difference is the story. The soundtrack is unfamiliar, extra-ordinary, nowhere else in the world. The content of the story is: Unparalleled extreme landscapes of fjords and coast, unmatched natural miracles, distinct heritage and culture from the sea and, down-to-earth, nature-loving people that are easy to relate to

Action point 2 More powerfull communication - Active engagement with nature and local people A lot of the communication material is too onedimensional, focusing too much on the passive observing of nature. This doesn t give people the opportunity to visualize the broad repertoire of holiday experiences that Norway can offer FROM TO

Action point 3 Highlight the easy accessibility Both to Norway and within Norway To the greatest extent possible, show and demonstrate accessibility in all communications Ideally, communication should credibly be able to claim: Not far away, not hard to get to, not difficult to plan, not difficult to book, not difficult to ask, easy to see a lot, easy for old, easy for young, easy to interact,

Action point 4 A more social experience A social element is one of the core factors of most holidays. Norway is perceived as being a lonely and isolated country - Isolation should therefor only be a choice not a given - Communicate lively fjord and costal culture, towns & villages - Show images where people are experiences Norway with partner, family members or friends - Populate the isolated scenes

Action point 5 Food Show fresh seafood and local specialties Food is an important element of most holidays, but Russian people have no perception of Norwegian food or what they can expect in Norway when it comes to food and drinks - Talk about local food & drink traditions - Building on Norway s position as a global leader in fishing and ocean harvesting and Russians interest in Fishing - Show lots and lots of seafood and local specialties in natural and social settings

Action point 6 Increase culture and heritage in communication Russians want to learn when they are on holiday. Norway has a lot of cultural heritage which too often remain hidden gems for future tourists. Next to a nature experience Norway should emphasize it s heritage with local history, legends and fairytales etc.

Action point 7 Tone of voice Fresh and informal Fresh and informal with an edge or depth that engages Use copy as an opportunity to communicate the brand personality, not just describe a subject or the picture go beyond the obvious

Action point 8 Headlines and copy Always the tourist as the starting point! Headline and copy should desribe how Norway can satisfy the explorers curiosity and hunger for discovering new and intersting places From targeting: Looking to discover new territories and gain new energy. At the same time, broadening their horizons and feeling enriched It should not be functional descriptions of products or geography, but rather how and why Norway is relevant for the explorers. - The tourist and their needs should always be the starting point.

Action point 9 Distribution Wide range of organised trips About 50% of Russians travelling to Norway want to travel in some kind og organised way. The market is changing both in bevaviour of the travelers and organisation of tour operators. Therefor it is important to have a wide distribuition and range of organised trips/packages to be less vulnerable for changes in the marketplace

Apendix More info about our target group

The Explorers How they travel Info. Sources Digital and likes planning! Plan more than average, both before and during trip The younger ones also use online sources during the trip while the older ones use off line sources during the trip 50,0 % 0,0 % When do they decide where to go (time before departure) 16% 25% 15% 17% 0% 1% Decision process Russians have a short planing period compared to other markets, but planning horizon for the explorers is about = average for Russian travelers Up to 1 month Up to 2 months before Up to 3 months Up to 4-6 months More than 6-12 months one year Organisation of trip 47% of them organized the trip themselves and travelled independently 21% had the trip organized by others and travelled independently 31% travelled in a group with a organized tour trasportation Transport to destination dominated by scheduled flight (34%), charter flight (28% ) and bus (28%) Transport during stay dominated by bus (55%), or rented car (21%)

The Explorers: Sources of information: The explorers do more research than other travellers especially before the trip Before Travel* % Internet in general 80 Homepages for the 51 destination Homepages for hotels/ other 45 accommodations Reviews from other 41 travelers online Homepages for attractions 39 and sights Advice from friends / family 35 Homepages of carriers, 33 including airlines etc. Guidebooks 27 Travel agent in homeland 27 Booking sites such as Expedia 22 and Lastminute Travel portals like Tripadvisor 20 Catalogs or brochures 18 Social media such as Facebook 16 or blogs Newspapers or magazines 10 TV or radio 9 Travel fairs 7 During Travel* % Internet in general 36 Guidebooks 35 Catalogs or brochures 19 Advice from friends / family 15 Homepages for attractions and 10 sights Newspapers or magazines 10 Social media such as Facebook 10 or blogs Homepages for the destination 8 TV or radio 8 Reviews from other travelers 6 online Homepages for hotels/ other 5 accommodations Travel portals like Tripadvisor 5 Homepages of carriers, 4 including airlines etc. Booking sites such as Expedia 4 and Lastminute Travel agent in homeland 3 Travel fairs 3 Overindex compared to other segments *Results are based on a web survey, so use of internet is likely to be lower among the general Russian population

The Explorers Who are they: Marital status Influenced choice (n=488) % Index Partner 34,0 107 Nobody except myself 33,4 113 Friends/acquaintances/ 24,6 108 colleagues Parents/other relatives 11,5 76 Children 7-14 years 2,3 55 Don t know 1,0 127 Other 1,4 124 Gender/age (n=488) % Index Male 36.1 81 Female 63.9 116 Less than 18 years old 0.0 100 18-24 15.6 84 25-29 18.4 93 30-39 32.6 96 40-49 21.5 114 50-59 10.2 142 60-65 1.6 111 Older than 65 years 0.0 100 (n=488) % Index Married w ith children 49.0 98 Single w ithout children 21.1 112 Married w ithout children 13.3 110 Cohabitant/partner w ithout children 6.6 83 Single w ith children 6.4 115 Educational level (n=488) % Index Higher education 78.9 106 Incomplete higher 8.2 71 Secondary vocational 6.4 78 Phd / academic degree 4.7 105 Secondary (11 grades of secondary school) 1.8 127 With whom (n=488) % Index Alone 10.5 105 Children 0-6 years 7.8 76 Children 7-14 year 12.7 109 Children 15 years and above 3.7 75 Spouse/partner 49.4 100 Other family/relatives 17.4 108 Friends 23.4 103 Other people 3.7 98 Don t know 0.2 359

The Explorers How they travel: Profiled occasion (n=488) % Index Sightseeing/round trip 42.0 174 Visiting friends and relatives 12.3 52 Sun and beach holiday 12.3 84 City trip/city break 7.6 123 Summer holiday/main holiday/annual leave 6.8 110 Cruise holiday 3.1 194 Transport to destination (n=488) % Index Scheduled plane 34.0 103 Charter plane 28.1 121 Bus 27.5 109 Car 26.2 92 Train 15.0 85 Transport during stay (n=488) % Index Bus 54.9 119 Rented car 21.3 89 Ow n car 14.3 85 Train 13.7 104 Plane 13.5 76 Type of accomodation (n=488) % Index Hotel (medium standard) 45.9 128 Hotel (budget) 17.8 139 Hotel (high standard) 12.3 86 With friends / acquaintances 9.2 84 Rented or borrow ed cabin / holiday home / flat 8.2 81 Don t know 2.5 139 Amount spent (n=488) % Index 1001-1500 Euro 19.5 116 501-1000 Euro 18.4 124 1501-2000 Euro 13.9 89 2501-3000 Euro 9.2 133 2001-2500 Euro 8.0 64 3501-4000 Euro 4.5 165 9001-9500 Euro 0.4 144 Don t know 5.3 134 Influenced choice (n=488) % Index Partner 34.0 107 Nobody except myself 33.4 113 Friends/acquaintances/colleagues 24.6 108 Parents/other relatives 11.5 76 Children 7-14 years 2.3 55 Other 6.6 149 Ferry / boat / cruise 9.8 121 Don t know 1.0 127 Other 1.4 124