Innholdsliste: Visjonen om kunnskap som bistand. Table of Contents: The Vision of Knowledge Transfer as. Development Cooperation

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Innholdsliste: Visjonen om kunnskap som bistand 2 177 studenter med ny kompetanse 4 254 studenter for kulturell brobygging og for 6 internasjonalisering av norsk høgre utdanning Rekruttering og opptak 8 Between the lines 9 Prosess for fornyelse av stipendprogrammet 10 Studying the identity of his own people 13 Administrasjon og styring 14 Fighting Tuberculosis 14 Institusjonsregnskap NORADs 16 stipendprogram 2000 NORAD-kursene: Norges Landbrukshøgskole 17 Shippingakademiet 19 Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet 20 Universitetet i Bergen 26 Universitetet i Oslo 30 Universitetet i Tromsø 33 Master Theses 2000 34 Visjonen om kunnskap som bistand NORADs stipendprogram har en visjon. Den er at gode utdanningstilbud ved universitet- og høgskoler i Norge kan bidra til økt kompetanse i fattige land. UD har i sin "Strategi for styrking av forskning og høyere utdanning i tilknytning til Norges forhold til utviklingslandene" valgt å prioritere kapasitetsbygging på det UD definerer som sentrale fagområder av strategisk betydning for mottakerlandene områder der norske fagmiljø har særlig kunnskap og kompetanse. Dette innebærer at utdanningstilbudet skal være relevant, og det skal bidra til lokal bærekraft. Norge tilbyr etterutdanning på fagområder der det ikke er tilsvarende undervisningstilbud i søkernes hjemland. NORADs strategi mot år 2005 slår fast at utdanning er en forutsetning for vekst. NORAD legger betydelig vekt på kompetanseoppbygging: "Det er nødvendig å styrke undervisnings- og forskningskapasiteten ved universiteter og høgskoler for å møte utfordringene innen viktige sektorer som f.eks. helse og utdanning". NORAD har valgt å investere i kunnskapsutvikling gjennom: å støtte utviklingen av kunnskapsforvaltning, planlegging basert på forskningsbasert kunnskap og utvikling av kapasitet for anvendt forskning å støtte kunnskapsmiljøers internasjonale engasjement og stimulere økt sør-sør samarbeid å bidra til kapasitetsbygging og institusjonell utvikling ved universiteter og høyskoler i samarbeidsland i samarbeid med norske universiteter og forskningsmiljøer å støtte utvikling av bærekraftige finansieringssystemer for forskning og høyere utdanning å støtte regionalt samarbeid innen forskning og utdanning Norge har vært et foregangsland i sin prioritering av høyere utdanning i bistand. Verdensbanken og til dels UNESCO har i mange år har valgt å nedprioritere høyere utdanning til fordel for grunnutdanning og kamp mot analfabetisme. En ny rapport fra en arbeidsgruppe nedsatt av UNESCO og Verdensbanken argumenterer for at det er nødvendig med en ny visjon om hva høyere utdanning kan oppnå i fattige land (s.10). Gruppen konkluderer selv med at investeringer i høyere utdanning fører til økonomisk vekst, opplyste ledere, økte valgmuligheter for befolkningen og en økning i relevante kunnskaper (s.92). De fleste av verdens fattigste land vil ifølge rapporten være avhengig av støtte fra den rike del av verden for å kunne øke sin kompetanse (s.93). NORAD har gitt støtte til kompetansebygging i sør fra 1962. Siden 1968 har nesten 3000 studenter fra NORADs samarbeidsland tatt diplom- eller mastergradseksamen i Norge. De fleste kursplassene i NORADs stipendprogram er i Norge. Kursene vektlegger faglig relevans til utfordringer i studentenes hjemland, bl.a. ved at feltarbeid i de fleste studiene blir gjennomført i studentens hjemland. Styret for stipendprogrammet mener kursene i Norge gir en verdifull og velfungerende form for bistand. Studentene arbeider hardt og avlegger gode eksamener. De aller fleste av NORAD-studentene har reist tilbake til den organisasjonen i hjemlandet som de var rekruttert fra. De sier de har hatt stor nytte av den utdanning de har fått gjennom stipendprogrammet. Ragnar Øygard, leder i programstyret for NORADs stipendprogram Table of Contents: The Vision of Knowledge Transfer as 2 Development Cooperation 177 Students with New Competency 4 254 Students Building Cultural Networks and 7 Furthering the Globalisation of Higher Education in Norway Recruiting and Intake 8 Between the Lines 9 Process for Renewing the Fellowship Programme 10 Studying the Identity of His Own People 13 Fighting Tuberculosis 14 Administration and Management 15 Financial Statement NORAD Fellowship 16 Programme, Courses 2000 Course Presentations: Agricultural University of Norway 17 Norwegian Shipping Academy 19 Norwegian University of Science and Technology 20 University of Bergen 26 University of Oslo 30 University of Tromsø 33 The Vision of Knowledge Transfer as Development Cooperation NORAD Fellowship Programme is based on the vision that good educational opportunities at universities and colleges in Norway can contribute to increased competency in developing countries. In its "Strategy for strengthening research and higher education in respect of Norway's relationship with developing countries", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has chosen to emphasise increased capacity in fields of knowledge that it considers of strategic importance to the recipient countries - fields where Norwegian professional groups possess particular knowledge and expertise. It follows that the course programmes must be relevant, and must contribute to local sustainability. Norway offers supplementary education in areas where there is no comparable offer in the applicants' home countries. NORAD's strategy towards 2005 is in part based on the assumption that education is a prerequisite for growth. NORAD regards development of competency as being of significant importance: "It is necessary to strengthen teaching and research capacity at Norwegian universities and colleges in order to meet the challenges in important sectors like, for example, health and education." NORAD has decided to invest in development of knowledge through: supporting development of knowledge management, planning based on knowledge generated by research, and increased capacity for applied research, support of the international engagement of professional groups and stimulation of increased South-South cooperation, contributing to increased capacity and institutional development at universities and colleges in collaborating countries in cooperation with Norwegian universities and research groups, supporting the development of sustainable financing schemes for research and higher education, support of regional cooperation in respect of research and education. Norway has been a leading country in emphasising higher education as a form of foreign assistance. The World Bank and to some extent UNESCO have for many years chosen to assign a lower priority to higher education in favour of basic education and the battle against illiteracy. A new report from a work group established by UNESCO and the World Bank 1 supports the argument that we need a new vision of what higher education can accomplish in poor countries (p.10). The group independently concludes that investment in higher education leads to economic growth, enlightened leaders, increased opportunities for the inhabitants and enhancement of relevant knowledge (p.92). According to the report, the majority of the World's poorest countries depend on support from the wealthy nations in order to develop their levels of competency (p.93). NORAD has supported the development of competency in the South since 1962. After 1968 almost 3000 students from NORAD's collaborating countries have achieved diplomas or master's degrees in Norway. Most of the student positions in NORAD Fellowship Programme are located in Norway. The courses emphasise studies that are relevant to the challenges in the student's homeland. The board of directors for the scholarship programme is of the opinion that the courses in Norway constitute a valuable and functional form of assistance. The students work hard and achieve good results. Nearly all NORAD students have returned to the institution in their homeland from which they were recruited. They claim to have benefited greatly from the education they have attained through the scholarship programme. Ragnar Øygard, Chairman of the programme board Master Theses 2000 34 1) The Task Force for Higher Education: Higher Education in Developing Countries. Peril and Promise, World Bank, 2000

s.4 s.5 177 studenter med ny kompetanse 177 NORAD-studenter avla eksamen i 2000 (Tabell 1). 92 av disse oppnådde en mastergrad. Kursholderne rapporterer om gjennomgående gode eksamensresultater. Flere kursholdere oppgir at NORAD-studentene har bedre resultater enn norske medstudenter. Gjennomføringsgraden i programmet er god. 10 studenter oppnådde ikke eksamen på normert tid. Dette utgjør knapt 6 prosent av studentene som ble tatt inn. NOEN INNTRYKK FRA INSTITUSJONENES ÅRSRAPPORTER Rapporten fra M.Sc.-kurset i Development and Resource Economics ved Norges Landbrukshøgskole (NLH) viser at studentene er faglig meget sterke og at eksamensresultatene er gode. M.Sc. i Management of Natural Resourses and Sustainable Agriculture ved NLH rapporterer også om gjennomgående gode resultater, men faglig forståelse varierer noe med utdannings- og arbeidsbakgrunn. Professional Shipping Course (NSA) melder at en del asiatiske studenter har språkproblemer. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) rapporterer også om gode eksamensresultater. M.Sc.-kurset i Hydropower, M.Phil-kurset i Social Change og diplomkurset i Electric Power Systems rapporterer om svært gode studentresultat. Kursholder for Hydropower-kurset mener gode utvelgelsesprosedyrer har sikret gode studenter. Flere institusjoner i sør lar kursene ved NTNU inngå som integrert del av del av egne program for kompetansebygging i organisasjonen. Også ved NTNU melder flere kurs at NORAD-studentene har bedre eksamensresultater enn norske studenter på samme kurs. M.Phil-kurset in Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management ved Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) rapporterer om stor spreding i eksamensresultatene. Kurset er det eneste i NORAD- porteføljen som gir et 5 semesters kurs. M.Philkurset i Antropologi (UiB) fikk gode eksamensresultat i 2000. En av studentene fra Bangla Desh fikk den beste mastergradseksamen i Antropologi som noen gang er gitt i Norge. Kursansvarlig for M.Phil-kurset i Public Administration and Organisation Theory (UiB) skriver at de faglig resultatene gjennomgående er meget tilfredsstillende. M.Phil.-kurset in Health Science (UiB) melder at alle studentene har fullført, bortsett fra en som har fått permisjon. Kursholder er også i gang med kurs i spesialistutdanning for leger ved Muhimbli Medical College. Programstyret har akseptert at et ordinært NORAD-stipend er delt i 4- spesialiststipend der. Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) hadde i 2000 sitt første fulle driftsår for engelskspråklige kurs med NORAD-plasser. Kursholder for Comparative and International Education (UiO) rapporterer om gode resultater og god progresjon for NORAD-studentene. M.Phil.-kurset in International Community Health (UiO) melder at økt innsats for informasjon om kurset for 2000-opptaket har gitt mange kvalifiserte søkere. Ved Universitetet i Tromsø (UiTø) ble alle studentene i første kull uteksaminert på normert tid i M.Sc. i International Fisheries Management. Kurset har funnet sin faglige form og har et meget omfattende opplegg for sosial integrering av studentene i byen. Etter styrets oppfatning innebærer de gode de faglige resultatene i NORADs stipendprogram at programmet har vært godt gjennomført i år 2000. Tabell 1: Studieprogresjon 2000 Table 1: Academic progress 2000 Uteksaminerte studenter i 2000 Antall studenter høsten 2000 Graduated students in 2000 No. of Students fall term of 2000 Kursnavn / Course name: Kull 98 Kull 99 Kull 00 TOTALT Kull 98 Kull 99 Kull 00 TOTALT NLH: M.Sc. in Development and Resource Economics 5 5 3 5 8 M.Sc. in Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture 27 27 31 30 61 NSA: Professional Shipping Course 25 25 24 24 NTNU: Electric Power Systems 16 16 15 15 M.Phil. in Social Change 5 5 5 5 10 M.Sc. in Hydropower Development 13 13 13 12 25 M.Sc. in Marine Technology 4 4 M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geoscience 11 11 11 12 23 Diploma in Urban Ecological Planning 5 5 5 5 UoB: Diploma / M.Phil. in Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management 8 8 10 10 20 M.Phil. in Health Sciences (International Health) 4 4 5 5 10 M.Phil. in Public Administration and Organisation Theory 5 5 5 5 10 M.Phil. in Social Anthropology (Human Ecology) 9 9 10 10 UoO: International Summer School 39 39 * M.Phil. in Comparative and International Education 0 5 5 10 M.Phil. in International Community Health 0 5 5 10 UoTø: M.Sc. in International Fisheries Management 5 5 4 5 9 Totalt alle kurs / Total all courses 81 52 44 177 10 91 153 254 Herav mastergrader / Of these, no. of Master's Degrees 81 11 92 10 91 109 210 177 Students with New Competency In the year 2000, 177 NORAD students took their final exams (Table 1), and 92 of these achieved a master's degree. The host institutions reported that the level of scholastic achievement was generally high. Several course providers report that NORAD students have better results than their Norwegian counterparts. The completion rate in the programme is good. Ten students failed to complete within the time norm. This is less than 6% of the enrolled students. SOME IMPRESSIONS FROM THE INSTITUTIONS ' ANNUAL REPORTS The report from the M.Sc. course in Development and Resource Economics at the Agricultural University of Norway (NLH) shows that the students have high educational attainment and strong examination results. The M.Sc. course in Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture at NLH also reports generally good results. However, professional attainment varies somewhat with previous education and work experience. The Norwegian Shipping Academy (NSA) reports that some Asiatic students have language problems. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) also reports good results on final tests. The M.Sc. Course in Hydropower, the M.Phil. Course in Social Change and the diploma course in Electric Power Systems all report very high student performance. The educators giving the Hydropower course claim that good selection procedures have secured good students. Several institutions in the South include the courses at NTNU as an integrated part of their own curriculum in competency development within their organisations. Several of the courses at NTNU also report that the NORAD students have better final test results than the Norwegian students in the same course. The M.Phil. course in Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management at the University of Bergen (UoB) reports considerable variation in final test results. This is the only course in NORAD's course programme that runs for five terms. The M.Phil. course in anthropology at UoB had good results in 2000. One of the students from Bangladesh achieved the highest M.Phil result ever awarded in Norway in anthropology. The educator responsible for the M.Phil. course in Public Administration and Organisation Theory at UoB, writes that the professional results are generally very satisfactory. The M.Phil course in Health Science (UoB) reports that all students completed the course except for one student who was granted leave of absence. The educators behind this course also conduct a specialist course for physicians at Muhimbli Medical college. The programme directors have accepted that a normal NORAD scholarship is divided into four specialist grants there. In the year 2000, the University of Oslo (UoO) had its first full operational year with courses in English for NORAD students. The educators in Comparative and International Education at UoO report good results and progress for the NORAD students. The M.Phil. course in International Community Health (UoO) reports that increased efforts to publicise the course prior to registration in 2000 resulted in many qualified applicants. At the University of Tromsø (UoTø) all students in the first class of the M.Sc. course in International Fisheries Management completed the course within the allotted time. The course has now found its academic format, including a comprehensive scheme for socially integrating the students in the city. In the programme board's opinion, the high academic results in the NORAD Fellowship Programme indicate a successful programme operation in the year 2000.

s.6 s.7 254 studenter for kulturell brobygging og for internasjonalisering av norsk høgre utdanning 254 Students Building Cultural Networks and Furthering the Globalisation of Higher Education in Norway I avtalen mellom NORAD og Universitets- og Høgskolerådet (UHR) heter det at stipendprogrammet også skal bidra til internasjonalisering ved universitet og høgskoler i Norge dersom dette er forenlig med bistandsmålet. 254 NORAD-studenter var i programmet i Norge høsten 2000, 210 av studentene studerte med sikte på å oppnå en mastergrad. Sammen med andre internasjonale studenter utgjør NORAD-studentene en betydelig ressurs for internasjonalisering. NTNU skriver i sin årsrapport at NORAD-studentene har en entydig positiv betydning for den sosiale og akademiske atmosfære ved instituttene. Ved UIB innebærer NORAD-programmet at det er mulig å vedlikeholde satsingen på internasjonale kurs, studentene bidrar til faglig oppmerksomhet knyttet til internasjonale forhold, og programmet styrker universitetets internasjonale kontakter. Ved UiO bidrar studentene fra sør til utvikling av nye treffsted for kunnskapsutveksling. Studentene gir nye internasjonale kontakter som øker kursholdernes internasjonale sammenligningsgrunnlag og dermed bidrar til bedre kvalitet for kursene. Kursholderne iverksatte i 2000 et omfattende program for mottak, informasjon og integrering av nye studenter. Tiltakene omfatter sosiale samlinger, internasjonale kvelder med andre studenter, utflukter for å bli kjent med norsk kultur, historie og samfunnsforhold for øvrig. Flere kursholdere arrangerer også faglige ekskursjoner i tilknytning til undervisningen. Hvert år i uke 1 blir nye NORAD-studenter invitert til vinterseminar på Gausdal. Seminaret har en faglig del som vektlegger studentenes erfaringer med kulturmøter i Norge. Det faglige opplegget fokuserer også på relevansutfordringer i kursene. På vinterseminaret får studentene sitt første møte med ski og norsk vinterkultur. Seminaret gir anledning til samvær og glede i det som for mange er en tung vintertid. Studentene knytter også nye vennskap og skaffer seg nye kontakter blant egne landsmenn i Norge. NLH skriver i sin årsrapport: "Det kan neppe herske tvil om at vinter-seminaret i januar er studentenes største Norges-opplevelse når det gjelder å kombinere kulturell læring og sosiale aktiviteter". I 2000 tok programstyret et første initiativ til "Brigdebuilding week". Dette er et tiltak i samarbeid med Operasjon Dagsverk der lokale videregående skoler fikk tilbud om å invitere studenter fra NORAD-programmet til innledere, lærere eller paneldeltakere i Internasjonal Uke som arrangeres sammen med Operasjon Dagsverk. Initiativet vil bli videreført i 2001. SIU har i 2000 bygget opp et nettverk for tidligere studenter i NORAD-programmet. Nettverketer basert på vev-tilknytning, men det blir også sendt ut informasjon på e-post, faks eller brev. Programstyrets visjon med nettverket er at det skal utgjøre et redskap for faglig kontakt med tidligere studiested ( The agreement between NORAD and UHR (Norwegian Council for Higher Education) requires that the scholarship programme also must contribute to internationalisation at Norwegian universities and colleges to the extent this is compatible with the concept of foreign assistance. In the autumn of 2000, there were 254 NORAD students in the programme in Norway, and 210 of these were studying for master's degrees. Together with other international students, NORAD students constitute a significant resource for internationalisation. In its annual report, NTNU writes that NORAD students have a decisively positive impact on the social and academic atmosphere at the various institutes. At UoB the NORAD programme makes possible a continued emphasis on international courses, the students contribute to academic focussing on international questions, and the programme strengthens the university's international contacts. At UoO the students from the South contribute to the establishment of new fora for exchange of knowledge. The students provide additional international contact, which improves the course providers' basis for international comparison and, in turn, enhances the quality of the courses. In 2000, the course providers initiated a comprehensive programme for receiving, informing and integrating new students. The activities include social gatherings, international evenings with other students, and excursions to enhance the understanding of Norwegian culture, history and social conditions in general. Several of the course providers also arrange course-related professional excursions. The first week of each year, all new NORAD students are invited to a winter seminar at Gausdal. The seminar has a topical part that emphasises the students' experiences with cultural encounters in Norway, and the academic segment focuses on the challenge to keep the courses relevant. The winter seminar is also where the students first encounter skis and the Norwegian winter culture. The seminar also provides opportunities for togetherness and mutual warmth in what for many must be a trying season. The students establish new friendships and make contacts with their own countrymen in Norway. NLH writes in its annual report: "The winter seminar in January is without doubt the students' greatest Norwegian experience when it comes to combining cultural learning and social activities". The programme board initiated the "Brigdebuilding week" in 2000. This effort is a collaboration with "Operasjon Dagsverk" where local upper secondary schools get the opportunity to invite students from the NORAD programme as first speakers and as teachers or panel members during International Week, which is also arranged together with "Operasjon Dagsverk". The initiative will be continued in 2001. In the year 2000 SIU also established a network for former students in the fellowship programme. The network is web-based, but information letters are also sent out. The network is aimed to be an instrument for professional contact with the former places of study ( NORAD fellows at the Winter Seminar at Gausdal Students and teachers at the M.Sc. course in Hydropower Development on excursion to the Styggevass Dam in Jostedalen in Sogn

s.9 Rekruttering og opptak Tabell 2: Opptak høst 2000. 134 studenter fordelt etter nasjonalitet Between the Lines Det er stor interesse for NORAD-plassene i Norge. Til opptaket for høsten 2000 mottok SIU 1051 søknader. Flest søkere var fra Etiopia, Nepal og Tanzania. 22 % prosent av søkerne var kvinner. Kvinneandelen ble imidlertid noe forbedret i opptaket, 34 prosent av studentene som ble tatt opp var kvinner (Tabell 2). Studentene som søkte kom i all hovedsak fra offentlig sektor. Samhandling med norske studenter varierer fra kurs til kurs. Programstyret har forutsatt at alle kurs som er tildelt NORAD-plasser, også er åpent for norske studenter. Dette for å sikre kvalitet og bærekraft ved kursene. I 2000 var denne målsetting ikke nådd ved alle kurs (Tabell 3). Noen kurs som ikke har norske studenter, tilbyr imidlertid samhandling med norske studenter i enkeltmoduler. Noen kurs som ikke har norske studenter, har gitt formell adgang til norske studenter, men muligheten blir ikke benyttet. Recruiting and Intake The NORAD student positions in Norway generate considerable interest. SIU received 1051 applications for registration in the fall of 2000. The majority of the applicants were from Ethiopia, Nepal and Tanzania. Some 22% of the applicants were women. The women's share was improved during registration in that 34% of those accepted were women (Table 2). Most of the applicants came from the public sector. Cooperative activity with Norwegian students varies from course to course. The programme directors assume that all courses with allocations of NORAD student positions, also are open to Norwegian students. This is to ensure the quality and sustainability of the courses. In 2000 this objective was not achieved in all courses (Table 3). However, some of the courses with no Norwegian students, offer collaborative activities with Norwegian student in some of the course modules. Some courses with no Norwegian students have formally announced their availability to Norwegian students, but the opportunity is not used. Table 2: Registration, fall term 2000-134 students by national origin Land Kvinner Menn Totalt Country Women Men Total Angola 3 3 Bangladesh 3 10 13 Bhutan 2 2 Botswana 1 3 4 China 1 2 3 Congo-Kinshasa 1 1 Eritrea 2 2 4 Ethiopia 6 11 17 Indonesia 1 1 Malawi 1 1 Maldives 1 1 Mozambique 1 1 Namibia 4 4 Nepal 3 18 21 Nicaragua 2 2 Palestine 4 2 6 Philippines 1 2 3 South Africa 1 2 3 Sri Lanka 4 3 7 Sudan 2 2 Tanzania 8 7 15 Uganda 4 6 10 Vietnam 4 8 12 Zambia 7 7 Zimbabwe 1 3 4 50 97 147 [Missing information for 1 student at Professional Shipping. The table does not contain registration for Urban Ecological Planning] Tabell 3: Kurs med NORAD-studenter som også har norske studenter Table 3: Courses with NORAD students that also has Norwegian students Antall kurs 2000 / Number of courses 2000: Institusjon: med norske uten norske studenter / studenter / Institution: with Norw. no Norw. students students NLH 2 NSA 1 NTNU 3 3 UoB 4 UoO 2 UoTø 1 SUM 8 8 The Palestinian student Sanaa Aqil will get a very good and relevant education in Norway. But she thinks it is difficult to concentrate on the studies when there is a war going on at home. Before she came to Norway Aqil worked with water distillation (1999) and then in the Palestinian Energy Authority (2000) in her homeland. Originally she has a degree in physics from the university, but for two semesters now she has been attending the Master of Science course in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geoscience. The course has both Norwegian and foreign students. Some students are focusing on Minerals rather then oil, and other students are focusing on water, all depending on the needs of their own society, according to Aqil. - When I applied for the course I was thinking of water. In Gaza we are having a real problem with water, and there where plans for drilling new wells and exploring the best areas for such wells. In theory it is much similar to oil exploration and production, few months later, a foreign petroleum company discovered two gas fields in Gaza, so the course is even more relevant for me now. In September, just a few weeks after she came to Norway, the situation in Gaza got very tense, and the situation also put an end to the plans for producing gas. - It is difficult to concentrate on the studies when there is a war going on back home. My family lives close to a Jewish settlement, and every day there is shooting and home destructions. I follow the situation from day to day, I watch the news on CNN, and I keep in touch with my family on the phone. The M. Sc. student wanted to go home for the summer, but now she has changed her plans because of the closure of the boarders. - I came to Norway to achieve one goal, and I have to concentrate on that now. But later I hope to return to a better situation back home, hopefully with better qualifications, and serve my community, says Aqil. She will get her diplomacy in May 2002, and will be among the first Palestinian students with a diplomacy in Petroleum Geoscience. If the production of gas starts up again, she has great opportunities to find a job. - The NORAD Fellowship Programme is a great opportunity for the students. For me it is very useful to study petroleum geoscience in Norway, one of the biggest producers of oil. I also enjoy Norway because it is a safe place with wonderful Nature and wide green area, compared to Gaza where it is very crowded. - But east and west, home is best. - Even if it is not secure it is home. Sana Aquil will be among the first Palestinian students with a Master degree in Petroleum Geoscience

s.10 s.11 Prosess for fornyelse av stipendprogrammet TILBUDSRUNDE I år 2000 var et år for fornyelse og justering i stipendprogrammet. I følge avtalen skulle alle kurs reforhandles før opptak av et tredje studentkull. Programstyret iverksatte to tiltak for fornyelse. En evaluering av kursene som hadde hatt mer enn 4 kull studenter, og en tilbudsrunde for nye kursplasser. To hovedmål ble fastsatt for tilbudsrunden: a) Opprettholde eksisterende kursplasser som kan dokumentere høy faglig kvalitet og -relevans på sitt undervisningstilbud. b) Kjøpe plasser ved nye kurs, særlig samarbeidskurs som legger vekt på å bygge akademisk bærekraft i sør. Krav til faglig kvalitet skal være like høy som for kursene som blir tilbudt i Norge. Responsen var meget god. Tabell 4 indikerer interessen for å tilby nye kursplasser for NORADs stipendprogram. 16 av de eksisterende kursholdere kom med nytt tilbud. 22 nye kursholdere gav inn tilbud. 2 kurs var ikke til vurdering. I sum fikk programstyret tilbud om kursplasser ved 40 kurs. På grunn av reduksjoner i rammen for NORADs stipendprogram ble det rom for relativt få nye kurs i programmet. Fra 2002 skal det tas opp studenter i 2 nye kurs: M.Phil. in Gender and Development ved UiB og M. Phil. i Special Needs Education ved UiO. Etablerte kurs fikk reduksjoner i sine budsjett. Flere institusjoner har rapportert om tilpasningsproblemer til de nye rammene. En tilleggsbevilgning fra NORAD gjorde det mulig å tilby studieplasser ved noen kurs i sør. I samarbeid med UiO ble tre kurs godkjent: M.Sc. in Information Systems og M.Sc. in Public Health (Information Systems Track) Eduardo Mondlane University, Mosambik, MSc. in Public Health (Information Systems Track), University of the Western Cape. Det er også gitt støtte til et diplomkurs i forskningsmetode ved School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zambia i samarbeid med University of Pretoria og Norges Veterinærhøgskole. Programstyret vedtok også en prioritert venteliste for det tilfellet at det skulle bli stilt nye midler til disposisjon for programmet. Venteliste 1: Kurs med hovedvekt i Norge: M.Phil. in Social Change, Specialisation in Political Science, NTNU M.Sc. in Environmental and Developmental Economics, UiO M.Phil. in Visual Antrophology, UiTø M.Phil. in Development Geography, UiO Master s programme in International Business, NHH Venteliste 2: Kurs med hovedvekt i sør: M.Phil. in Development Economics, UiB Tribhuvan Univ. Urban Ecology etterutdannings kurs, NTNU Tribhuvan Univ. M.Phil. in Mountain Ecology, Human Adaptions and, UiB Tribhuvan & Pontificia Univ., Lima MA in Applied Social Psychology, UiB UDSM, Tanz. Sandwich Programme in Tanzania Students performing a Nepali dance at the Nepali Cultural Evening at NTNU Process for Renewing the Fellowship Programme COURSE BIDS The year 2000 was one of renewal and adjustment in respect of the scholarship programme. Pursuant to the agreement, all courses must be re-negotiated prior to registration of the third class. The programme directors initiated two renewal activities: an evaluation of the courses that had had more than four classes of students, and a round of bids for new course positions. Two main goals were established for the bid round: a) continuation of existing positions in courses that could document high professional quality and relevancy of educational content, and b) purchase positions in new courses, particularly in collaborative courses with emphasis on building academic sustainability in the South. Criteria for professional quality shall be comparable to requirements for the courses offered in Norway. The response was good. Table 4 indicates the interest for offering new course positions for the NORAD Fellowship Programme. Of the existing course providers, 16 renewed their offers and 22 new course providers entered their bids. Two courses were not up for evaluation. The programme directors received offers for student positions in a total of 40 courses. Due to reduced funding of the Fellowship Programme, only a few new courses could be added. From 2002, students will be registered in two new courses: M.Phil. in Gender and Development at UoB, and M. Phil. in Special Needs Education at UoO. The budgets for established courses were reduced, and several institutions report having difficulties in adjusting to the reduced funding. A supplementary allocation from NORAD made it possible to offer student positions in some courses in the South. Three courses were approved in collaboration with UoO: M.Sc. in Information Systems and M.Sc. in Public Health (Information Systems Track) at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique, and MSc. in Public Health (Information Systems Track) at University of the Western Cape. Support has also been given to a diploma course in research methodology at the School of Veterinary Medicine at University of Zambia in collaboration with the University of Pretoria and the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. The programme board also approved a standby list of courses in case additional funding should become available to the programme. Above: The hill tribe Murucha in the Chitadong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh was the subject in an outstanding Master thesis written by Hasan Al Shafie, a graduate in Social Anthropology Standby list 1: Courses offered primarily in Norway: M.Phil. in Social Change, Specialisation in Political Science, NTNU M.Sc. in Environmental and Developmental Economics, UoO M.Phil. in Visual Anthropology, UoT M.Phil. in Development Geography, UoO Master s programme in International Business, NHH Standby list 2: Courses offered primarily in the South: M.Phil. in Development Economics, UoB Tribhuvan Univ. Urban Ecology supplementary education course, NTNU Tribhuvan Univ. M.Phil. in Mountain Ecology and Human Adaptations, UoB Tribhuvan & Pontificia Univ., Lima MA in Applied Social Psychology, UoB UDSM, Tanz. Sandwich Programme in Tanzania Tabell 4: Antall tilbud om nye og gamle kurs fordelt etter institusjon: Table 4: Number of offers of new and old courses by institution: Institusjon: Gamle kurs Nye kurs Institution: Old courses New courses NHH 1 NLH 2 NSA 1 NTNU 6 2 NVH 1 UoB 3 9 UoO 3 6 UoTø 1 3 SUM: 16 22 NHH = Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, NVH = Norwegian School of Veterinary Science

s.12 s.13 EVALUERING Programstyret valgte en faglig komite for å gjennomgå seks etablerte kurstilbud i NORAD-programmet. Tre kurs ved NTNU, Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geoscience, Hydropower Development, Electric Power Systems, ett ved NORAGRIC/NLH, Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture, ett ved Universitetet i Bergen, Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management og ett ved Shippingakademiet, Professional Shipping Course har alle kurs pågått over en lang periode. Det gjorde det mulig å vurdere deres utvikling over tid, deres profil i forhold til nye vurderingskriterier, men også deres potensiale for å nærme seg de nye kriteriene i framtiden. Det eldste av disse kursene, Shipping-kurset, gikke tilbake til 1972. FAGLIG OG ADMINISTRATIVT UTVIKLINGSARBEID Programstyret og sekretariat i SIU har som oppgave å bidra til faglig og administrativt utviklingsarbeid i programmet. I 2000 ble mye energi brukt å innhente tilbud om nye kurs og sette sammen en ny programpakke. I tråd med UDs strategi var samarbeidsrelasjoner med institusjoner i sør vektlagt. SIU arrangerer også et høstseminar på Vatnahalsen der personer med faglig og akademisk ansvar i programmet møtes. Seminaret høsten 2000 drøftet bl.a. UDs strategi, perspektiv og modeller for utdanningskurs i sør, betingelser for at NORAD-programmet kan bidra til kulturell brobygging og samordningsmuligheter mellom NORAD-programmet og Kvoteprogrammet. Evalueringskomiteen gav en enstemmig rangering av kursene uten dissens på noe punkt. Komiteen foreslo at fire av kursene fortsatt fikk anledning til å ta opp NORAD-studenter. To av kursene, Electrical Power Systems og Professional Shipping ble foreslått lagt ned. Denne anbefalingen ble fulgt av Programstyret og av NORAD. In his Master thesis in Social Anthropology, Dambar Chemjong is studying the making of identity among his own people Professor teaching the students at the M.Sc. course in Hydropower Development EVALUATION The programme board appointed a professional committee to review six established courses offered in the NORAD programme. These included three courses at NTNU (Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geoscience, Hydropower Development and Electric Power Systems), one at NORAGRIC/NLH (Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture), one at the University of Bergen (Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management) and one at The Norwegian Shipping Academy (Professional Shipping Course). All these have been run for an extended period. This made it possible to evaluate their development over time and the course profiles in light of new evaluation criteria, as well as their potential for adjustment to the new criteria in the future. The oldest of these courses, the Professional Shipping Course, goes back to 1972. The evaluation committee submitted a unanimous ranking of the courses without dissent on any point. The committee recommended that four of the courses still be allowed to register NORAD students. It recommended that two of the courses (Electrical Power Systems and Professional Shipping) be discontinued. This recommendation was followed by the programme board and by NORAD. ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT WORK The programme board and the secretariat in SIU are charged with contributing to the academic and administrative development of the programme. In 2000, considerable energy was expended on soliciting new course offers and on structuring the new programme package. As outlined in UD's strategy, collaborative relations with the South were emphasised. SIU also gives an autumn seminar at Vatnahalsen where persons with academic responsibilities in the programme can meet. Among other matters, the 2000 autumn seminar discussed UD's strategy, visions and models for education courses in the South, conditions facilitating the NORAD programme's contribution to cultural networks and coordination between the NORAD programme and the Quota programme. Studying the Identity of His Own People - The course in Norway gives me a theoretical background to look at my own society and how we have been using our resources. It also gives me an opportunity to compare different university systems, culture and societies. Dambar Chemjong was lecturing in a university in Nepal before he came to Norway in the NORAD Fellowship Programme. Now, he has been studying for two semesters at the course M. Phil. in Social Anthropology (Human Ecology) at the University of Bergen. In the third semester he is returning to Nepal to do fieldwork for his thesis, "Making of identity among the Limboes." - I am a Limbo myself, so this will be a study of my own people and my own society. I have to be looking at myself as an outsider. The M. Phil. student thinks studying in Norway has been very useful, both for learning new theory and philosophy, but also because he learns about other university systems and other cultures and societies. - In Nepal the professors at the university are telling the student what to read and how to think about it. In Norway universities are rather different. Here the professors are guiding the student through their studies. The students get a list of books to read, and have to study more independently and make up their own minds. - The professor also make us work in a comparative way and apply the theory to our own society. In my course there are students from Uganda, Colombia, China, India, Bangladesh and Mozambique. This gives us good possibilities to discuss how relevant the theory is in different societies. - I also view my own life, I see myself as a cultural person in a social context. Nepal has a very short history as a democratic state. Only ten years ago a multiparty system was introduced. For Chemjong it has been very interesting to be in Norway, and to see a democratic system that in his opinion works very well. - When I return to Nepal I see my role in the political system as twofold. One is as an academic student of Anthropology, lecturing in the University. The second role is as a person and a member of the society, that could be a political one, says Dambar Chemjong.

s.14 s.15 Administrasjon og styring Administration and Management UR oppnevner et programstyre som har ansvar for utvikling og drift av programmet. Programstyrets sammensetning var i 2000: Leder 1. amanuensis Ragnar Øygard, Norges landbrukshøgskole Institutt for økonomi og samfunnsfag Nestleder Rådgiver Edmund Utne, Universitetet i Bergen Medlemmer: 1. amanuensis Edvard Berger Messelt Universitetet i Oslo, Inst. for oral biologi Leder ved internasjonalt studentkontor Astrid Revhaug, Universitetet i Tromsø Professor Tore Haavaldsen NTNU, Inst. for bygg og anleggsteknikk Professor Jorunn Grøndalen, Norges veterinærhøgskole Institutt for smådyrsjukdommer Ragnhild Skinnes, NSU (høst 2000) Varamedlemmer: Professor Rune Nilsen, Universitetet i Bergen, Senter for internasjonal Helse, Førstekonsulent Karen Crawshaw Johansen Universitetet i Oslo, Internasjonal avdeling Studiedirektør Ingrid Bergslid Salvesen Universitetet i Tromsø Seksjonsleder Hilde Skeie NTNU, Internasjonal seksjon Rådgiver Colin Murphy, Norges Landbrukshøgskole Leder Turid Sjøstedt, Norges Idrettshøgskole Signe Aanby, NSU Sekretariat for NORADs programstyre er lagt til SIU. Sekretariatet i 2000: Tom Skauge, rådgiver Helene Moe, konsulent Møter i 2000: Samrådsmøter mellom NORAD og UR/SIU: 03.02 04.05 (ekstraordinært) 22.06 Programstyremøter: 03.02.00 27.04.00 30.05.00 28.09.00 28.11.00 Referater for møtene er utlagt på SIUs hjemmesider: (Minutes) Norwegian Coucil for Higher Education (UHR) appoints a programme board responsible for operation and development of the programme. In 2000 the directors of the programme board were as follows: Chairman Associate Prof. Ragnar Øygard Agricultural University of Norway Department of conomics and Social Sciences Asst. Chairm. Advisor Edmund Utne, University of Bergen Members: Asstociate Prof. Edvard Berger Messelt University of Oslo, Inst. for Oral Biology Astrid Revhaug, the International Office University of Tromsø Professor Tore Haavaldsen, NTNU Department of Building and Construction Engineering Professor Jorunn Grøndalen, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences Ragnhild Skinnes, NSU (Autumn of 2000) Deputies: Professor Rune Nilsen, University of Bergen, Centre for International Health Karen Crawshaw Johansen, Senior executive officer University of Oslo, International Office Director of studies Ingrid Bergslid Salvesen University of Tromsø Section supervisor Hilde Skeie, NTNU International Office Advisor Colin Murphy, Agricultural University of Norway Supervisor Turid Sjøstedt, Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education Signe Aanby, NSU The secretariat for the programme board is located at SIU. The secretariat in 2000: Tom Skauge, advisor Helene Moe, executive officer Meetings in 2000: Coordination meetings between NORAD and UR/SIU: 03.02 04.05 (extraordinary) 22.06 Programme Board meetings: 03.02.00 27.04.00 30.05.00 28.09.00 28.11.00 Minutes of the meetings are available on SIU's home page: (Minutes) Fighting Tuberculosis Mona Obied Ali is attending the Master of Philosophy course in International Community Health at the University of Oslo. For two semesters now, she has been working with her theoretical part of the course where fighting of decease s is an important part of the course. For her third semester she will return to her homeland, Sudan, to collect data for her thesis. - The thesis is the most important part of the course, and my subject is fighting Tuberculosis. Every year doctors discover ten million new cases, and about three million people die from Tuberculoses each year. Tuberculosis is increasing all over the world, but especially in areas with poverty. Mona Obied is a medial doctor herself, and has been working for two years in a hospital in Sudan before she attended the course in International Community Health. When she return to Sudan she she is planning to work in the National Tuberculosis Programme Laboratory (IURTLB) - Each country has a National Programme to fight Tuberculoses. I needed to study more in the field of community medicine, and that is my motivation to attend the course in Norway. - I also think doing the Master in Norway is a good opportunity to study and live in another country where everything is different. I also meet student from all different countries, and The NORAD Fellowship Programme also have good social activities like the winterseminar at Gausdal. - The only problem is the high living expences in Norway, we are getting a minimum amount of money to live for, says Ali. Mona Obied Ali from Sudan was working as a medical doctor before she started her Master degree studies in International Community Health

s.16 s.17 NORAD-kursene / Course Presentations Institusjonsregnskap Agricultural University of Norway Totalt disp. 2000 Godkjent regnskap -00 Underforbruk Norges teknisk vit. universitet 18 376 315 18 389 994 - Norges landbrukshøgskole 15 109 581 14 698 257-411 324 Universitetet i Bergen 11 996 137 11 996 137 - Universitetet i Oslo 5 551 880 5 549 945-1 935 Universitetet i Tromsø 2 503 512 2 358 960-144 552 Shippingakademiet 6 660 890 6 646 098-14 792 Sum 60 198 315 59 639 391-572 603 Totalt forbruk 2000 59 625 712 Financial Statement NORAD Fellowship Programme, Courses 2000 Total budget 2000 Approved accounts 2000 Unused funds Norwegian University of Science and Technology 18 376 315 18 389 994 - Agricultural University of Norway 15 109 581 14 698 257-411 324 University of Bergen 11 996 137 11 996 137 - University of Oslo 5 551 880 5 549 945-1 935 University of Tromsø 2 503 512 2 358 960-144 552 The Norwegian Shipping Academy 6 660 890 6 646 098* -14 792 Total 60 198 315 59 639 391-572 603 Total accounts 2000 59 625 712 M.Sc. in Development and Resource Economics (DRE) Grad/Degree: M.Sc. Vekttall/Credits: 40 Inntak/Entered: 5 Kvinner/Women: 2 Norske/Norw.: 4 Andre/Other: 5 Nepal : 1 Uganda: 2 Vietnam: 1 Zimbabwe: 1 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 96 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 115 Department of Economics and Social Sciences, NLH, PO box 5033, 1430 Ås Arild Angelsen Tel: 64 94 86 01 E-mail: Mette Wik Tel: 64 94 86 62 E-mail: Fax: 64 94 86 55 Helge Hagerup.Tel: 64 94 86 04 Fax: 64 94 30 12 E-mail: Utviklings-, landbruks- og miljøpolitikkene i mange u-land er ofte svakt utviklet, lite integrerte og motsetningsfylte, og virker derfor til tider i strid med målsettingene. Det er behov for policy-orienterte økonomer som er istand til å integrere og anvende nyere kunnskap fra utviklings-, ressurs-, miljø-, og landbruksøkonomi på aktuelle utviklings- og miljøproblemer i fattige land. Dette kurset er utviklet for å bidra til å dekke dette behovet. Kursets mål er å gi studentene: (i) et solid grunnlag i økonomisk teori, med en spesialisering innen utviklings- og ressursøkonomi; (ii) kunnskap, trening og praktisk erfaring med økonomiske metoder, som en brobygger mellom teorier og policy relevante og dagsaktuelle problemer; (iii) dypere innsikt i sammenhengen mellom folks levevilkår på landsbygda, deres naturressurser, og de underliggende årsakene til fattigdom og miljøproblemer; (iv) innsikt i aktuelle virkemidler for fattigdomsreduksjon, fremming av økonomisk vekst og utvikling, bevaring av naturressursene, og forbedring av matvaresikkerheten. Ferdige kandidater vil kunne jobbe i sentrale posisjoner i bl.a. nasjonale eller regionale jordbruks-, skogbruks-, miljø- eller planleggings departement, og innen universitet og andre forsknings- og utdanningsinstitusjoner. The policies for development, agriculture and the environment in many developing countries are often inadequate, poorly integrated, contradictory and sometimes even counterproductive. There is a shortage of policy-oriented economists who are able to apply and integrate their knowledge from resource, environmental, agricultural and development economics. This course is designed as a response to this need. The course aims to give the students: (i) a solid base in economic theory with specialisation in development and resource economics, (ii) knowledge, training and practical experience with applied economics, as a bridge between theories and relevant problems and policies, (iii) deeper understanding of the links between the social well-being of rural people, their natural resource base, and the underlying causes of poverty and environmental degradation, (iv) insight into relevant policies for abatement of poverty, promotion of economic development and conservation of the natural resource base. The candidates from this programme may work in key positions in national ministries or regional departments of agriculture, forestry, environment and development planning, or in universities and other teaching and research institutions. Studentene gjennomfører sitt feltarbeid samlet om sommeren mellom 2. og 3. semester. Feltarbeidet i 2000 ble gjennomført i Nepal i samarbeid med Institute of Forestry (Tribhuvan University) og the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP). Studentene samarbeidet om husholds-intervjuer av 200 hushold i et begrenset område i fjellene i Nepal. En veileder fra IØS (Mette Wik) var med på feltarbeidet de første fire ukene. The students do field-work the summer between the second and third semester. In 2000 they did field work in Nepal in Cupertino with the Institute of Forestry (Tribhuvan University) and the Annapurna Conservation Area Project. The students collaborated in collecting demographic, socio-economic and production data from 200 households in a watershed in central Nepal. A supervisor (Mette Wik) from the department participated during the first four weeks of the fieldwork.

s.18 s.19 Norwegian Shipping Academy M.Sc. in Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture (MNRSA) Grad/Degree: Master of Science Vekttall/Credits: 30 Inntak/Entered: 30 Kvinner/Women: 17 Norske/Norw.: 4 Andre/Other: 7 Bangladesh: 1 Botswana: 1 Eritrea: 2 Ethiopia: 2 Namibia: 2 Nepal: 5 Palestine: 2 Sri Lanka: 3 Sudan: 1 Tanzania: 3 Uganda: 3 Vietnam: 2 Zambia: 1 Zimbabwe: 2 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 235 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 300 Noragric, NLH, PO Box 5001, 1432 Ås, Norway Gufu Oba Tel: 64949950 Fax: 64940760 E-mail: Ingunn Andersen. Tel:64949801 Fax: 64940760 E-mail: Hovedmålsettingen med MNRSA programmet er å forbedre den profesjonelle kapasiteten til naturressursforvaltere fra utviklingsland og legge til rette for en mer helhetlig forståelse av problemer innen natur ressurs forvaltning for å utarbeide bærekraftige løsninger. The Master of Science programme "Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture" focuses on the relationships between the livelihood of poor people and available resources. The programme promotes the concept of sustainable development: that development depends on long term renewal of environmental and economic resources, while recognising the importance and influence of institutions and political constraints. The course seeks to educate and train well qualified persons to act within institutions concerned with the sustainable use of resources to meet human needs. The MNRSA programme, therefore, is an instrument for sharing knowledge in order to expand human and institutional capacity for implementing sustainable development. This is achieved by giving basic training in interdisciplinary approaches to planning and management of agriculture and natural resources in developing countries. Students will be exposed to theories, policies and practices in order to understand processes that promote social and economic development in rural communities. Professional Shipping Course Grad/Degree: Varighet/Duration: Vekttall/Credits: 2 sem. Inntak/Entered: 24 Kvinner/Women: 10 Norske/Norw.: 0 Andre/Other: 1 Bangladesh: 1 China: 3 Eritrea: 1 Ethiopia: 3 Indonesia: 1 Philippines: 3 South Africa: 1 Sri Lanka: 2 Tanzania: 3 Vietnam: 5 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 50 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: - BI/ The Shipping Academy, PO Box 9386 Grønland, 0193 Oslo, Norway Petter C. Omtvedt. Tel: 22576273 Fax: 22576275 E-mail: Tony Noonan. Tel: 22576271 Fax: 22576275 E-mail: Ikke feltaarbeid Gi spesialisert opplæring innen skipsfart for personell fra rederiselskaper,skipsfartsorganisasjoner og -myndigheter etc. i utviklingsland. Gi praktisk innføring i de ulike operasjonelle shippingområder gjennom studiebesøk til rederier, havner, verksteder etc. Gi muligheter for å studere fag av spesiell interesse med relevante oppgaver i løpet av programmet. Gi mulighet til å utvikle ideer og forståelse for alternative løsninger av typiske shippingproblemer og utvikle evnen til å møte utfordringer slik den enkelte deltager opplever dem. Provide special education within shipping for professional personnel in shipping companies and shipping authorities, etc. in developing countries. Provide practical insight into the various operational aspects of shipping through visits to and study of shipping companies, ports, shipyards etc. Provide opportunities for studying subjects and activities of special interest through relevant assignments during the programme. Provide opportunities for development of understanding of, and possible solutions to, typical problems in shipping development as seen by the individual participant. No fieldwork Hver student velger et hovedoppgave-tema i løpet av 2. semester. Valget skjer i samarbeid med kursets akademiske ledelse og tildelt faglig veileder. Oversikt over veiledere for kullet 1999/2000 følger som vedlegg. I tillegg til hovedveileder oppnevnes det en lokal veileder i det landet data-innsamlingen skal finne sted. Normalt er temaet for hoved-oppgaven problemstillinger som studenten har arbeidet med før master-studiet i Norge tok til. I de aller fleste tilfeller har oppgaven tilknytning til studentens hjemland. Feltarbeid og innsamling av data foregår over 5 mndr. i 3. semester. Studenten kommer tilbake til Norge i januar 4. semester, foretar nødvendige analyser av innsamlet datamateriale og skriver M.Sc. oppgaven i løpet av vårsemesteret. Innleveringsfrist er 1. juni. During the second semester, each student selects a topic for his/her MSc thesis. Selection of the topic is made in collaboration with the educator responsible for the programme and the student's supervisor. In addition, a local supervisor is appointed in the country where the fieldwork takes place. The fieldwork is carried out during the 3rd semester. The students come back to Norway in the beginning of the 4. semester for data analyses and thesis writing. The deadline for the thesis is June 1st. In 2000 the majority of the students completed their thesis on time. I 2000 har de fleste studentene levert inn sine hovedfagsoppgaver til fastsatt tid.

s.20 s.21 Norwegian University of Science and Technology Electric Power Systems (EPS) Grad/Degree: Varighet/Duration: Vekttall/Credits: 2 sem. Inntak/Entered: 15 Kvinner/Women: 3 Norske/Norw.: 0 Andre/Other: 0 Bangladesh : 2 Bhutan : 2 Ethiopia : 2 Nepal : 2 Palestinian Terr. : 2 Sri Lanka : 2 Tanzania : 2 Zambia : 2 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 57 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: - Department of Electrical Power Engineering, NTNU, 7491 Trondheim, Norway Arne T. Holen. Tel: 73594277 Fax: 73594279 E-mail: Knut O. Tangen. Tel: 73597271 Fax: 73597250 E-mail: Feltarbeidet består av to deler. Første del er en praktisk treningsperiode med en ukes varighet. Hver deltager har en ukes opphold hos et kraftselskap, en produsent av elkraftutstyr eller et konsulentfirma etter eget valg. Andre del består av ekskursjoner til tilsvarende firmaer der alle kandidatene deltar. Programmet består av et teoretisk grunnlag og praktisk anvendelse av dette for planlegging, design, analyse, drift og vedlikehold av fordelings/transmisjons-systemer. The programme provides a theoretical base and practical training in planning, design, analysis, operation and maintenance of electrical distribution/transmission networks and systems. The field work is divided into two parts: an individual assignment and group visits. The individual part is a one week a training period where each participant stays for one week with either a power company, a manufacturer of power equipment or a consulting company of their choice. The second part consists of group visits to similar companies with all students in the course participating. M.Phil. in Social Change (MPSCh) Grad/Degree: Master of Philosophy Vekttall/Credits: 20 Inntak/Entered: 5 Kvinner/Women: 2 Norske/Norw.: 0 Andre/Other: 10 Bangladesh : 1 Ethiopia : 1 Nepal : 1 Zambia : 1 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 25 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 52 Department of Geography, NTNU, 7491 Trondheim, Norway Ragnhild Lund. Tel: 73591923 Fax: 73591878 E-mail: Jorunn Reitan. Tel: 73597498 Fax: 73591878 E-mail: Programmets mål er å tilby kandidater i Sør høyere utdanning innen samfunnsfag, med spesialisering innen geografi. Programmet skal gi studentene erfaring i selvstendig forskningsarbeid og kritisk tenkning innenfor samfunnsfag. Programmet ønsker videre å legge vekt på tverrfaglighet innen utviklingsstudier. Dette forsøker en å oppnå gjennom et tverrfaglig introduksjonskurs og gjennom å tilby valgfrie kurs ved forskjellige institutt. Programmet er relevant for et bredt spekter av jobber innen forskning, planlegging, ressursforvaltning og undervisning. Programmet er også relevant for videre studier innen geografi eller andre samfunnsfag og tverrfaglige fag som utviklingsstudier og naturressursforvaltning. Programmet bygger på et solid teoretisk grunnlag gitt gjennom kursene "Theories of Social Change" og "History of Geographical Thought". The aim of the programme is to provide higher education in social science for candidates from the South who specialise Geography. The programme is meant to give the students experience in critical thinking and independent research in the social sciences. Furthermore, the programme encourages interdisciplinary thinking within the field of development studies. This is accomplished through an interdisciplinary introductory course and by offering elective courses in several departments. The programme is relevant for a variety of jobs in research, planning, resource management and teaching. The programme is also relevant for further studies in the field of Geography, other social sciences and interdisciplinary studies such as development studies and natural resource management. The programme is structured on a comprehensive theoretical understanding provided through the two courses "Theories of Social Change" and "History of Geographical Thought". Studentene gjennomfører feltarbeid i sine heimland sommeren mellom første og andre studieår. Feltarbeidets varighetet er omlag 2_ måned. Feltarbeidet er ment å gi studentene trening i selvstendig arbeid, både når det gjelder valg av metodologi, datainnsamling og organisering av feltarbeidet i sin helhet. The students do field work in their home countries during the summer between the first and second year. The field work lasts for approx. 2 months. The aim of the field work is to give the students training in independent field work, both through choice of methodology, data collection techniques and organising a field work as a whole.

s.22 s.23 M.Sc. in Hydropower Development (HPD) Grad/Degree: Master of Science Vekttall/Credits: 40 Inntak/Entered: 12 Kvinner/Women: 1 Norske/Norw.: 0 Andre/Other: 8 Ethiopia : 1 Nepal : 3 Sri Lanka : 1 Tanzania : 1 Uganda : 2 Vietnam : 2 Zambia : 2 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 64 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 72 Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Faculty for Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU, S.P.Andersens v. 5, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway Ånund Killingtveit. Tel: 73594747 Fax: 73591298 E-mail: Hilbjørg Sandvik. Tel:73594794 Fax: 73591298 E-mail: Hovedformålet med MSc-kurset i vannkraftutbygging er å tilby et videreutdanningsprogram for framtidige prosjektledere innen vannkraftutbygging og for planleggere innen vannkraftsektoren. Man konsentrerer seg i hovesak om de behov som vannkraftmyndighetene i utviklingsland opplever. Studentene må ha fem års relevant praksis og en BScgrad i sivilingeniørfaget. All forelesere, professorer og konsulenter vi bruker fra vannkraftsektoren, er personer med betydelig og relevant internasjonal erfaring. Programmet viser hele tiden til internasjonal praksis og erfaring, ikke bare norsk erfaring med planlegging og utbygging av vannkraft. The main objective of the MSc programme in Hydropower Development is to offer a continuing education programme for future project managers in hydropower development and planners in the hydropower sector. The main focus is on the needs experienced by the hydropower authorities and agencies in developing countries. It is required that the students have a few years of relevant practice and are holding a BSc in Civil Engineering. Our lecturers, professors and senior advisors from the hydropower sector are persons with significant and relevant international experience. The programme is consistent in referring not only the Norwegian experience in hydropower planning and development, but to international practice and experience as well. M.Sc. in Marine Technology (MSN) Grad/Degree: Master of Science Vekttall/Credits: 37 Inntak/Entered: Kvinner/Women: Norske/Norw.: Andre/Other: Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: Ikke opptak/course not open Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 29 Faculty of Marine Technology, NTNU Carl Martin Larsen. Tel: 73595541 Fax: 73595528 E-mail: Gunnar Kristiansen. Tel: 73598282 Fax: 73595697 E-mail: En ekskursjon til et skipsverft var planlagt høsten 2000, men måtte avlyses i siste liten p.g.a forhold ved verftet. Utdanningen er utformet med tanke på å utvikle kunnskaper og kompetanse innen marin teknologi på et internasjonalt MSc nivå. Utfordringene innen dette området består av: Skipsteknologi (grundige kunnskaper er en nødvendighet for å utvikle nye kostnadseffektive skipsdesign), Offshore teknologi og marine operasjoner (dypvannsapplikasjoner, design av stigerør rørleggingssystemer) og andre teknologier (fiskeoppdrett, flytende broer m.f. MSc utdanningen fokuserer på å løse konstruksjonsmessige og hydrodynamiske problemer innen de ovennevnte områder. The programme is designed to develop skills and competence within marine technology at an international MSc level. The challenges in this area include: Ship technology (advanced knowledge is necessary to develop new cost-effective ship designs), Offshore technology and marine operations (deepwater application, novel design of riser and pipeline systems)and other technologies (fish farms, floating bridges etc.). The MSc programme concentrates on solving structural and hydrodynamic problems in the above areas. An excursion to a shipyard was planned for the fall semester 2000, due to last minute cancellation from the shipyard the excursion was cancelled. Feltarbeidet følger studieplanen. I begynnelsen av det første studieåret er det lagt inn en 5-dagers ekskursjon til ulike vannkraftanlegg der studentene studerer forskjellige typer kraftverk og kraftselskaper. De får også et inntrykk av geografien, boforholdene osv. i norske landbruksområder. Sommeren mellom første og andre studieår drar de fleste studentene til sine hjemland for å samle inn data som er relevant for oppgaven deres. Alle oppgaver er knyttet til prosjekter eller problemstillinger som er relevant for studentenes hjemland. I det andre studieåret er det lagt inn en geologisk feltundersøkelse som følges opp med laboratoriearbeid på steinprøver de har innsamlet i felten. Innen hydrologi er det i tillegg til feltarbeid flere dagseksursjoner, der studentene får anledning til å utpøve elvemålingsteknikkene. I det siste semesteret er det lagt opp til møte med norske myndigheter, forskningsinstitusjoner og ulike selskaper innen vannkraftsektoren i Oslo-området. The field work follows the study plan. In the beginning of the first year there is a 5 days excursion where the students study various types of power plants and power companies. They are also exposed to the geography, living conditions etc. in rural Norway. Most students return to their home countries during the summer between the first and second year, for data collection relevant to their thesis. All thesis are linked to projects or problems relevant to the students' home countries. In the second year there is a geological field investigation followed up by laboratory work on rock samples collected in the field. In hydrology there are several one-day excursions as well as field work, where the students practice river gauging techniques. In the last semester, the students are given the opportunity to meet with representatives of the hydropower authorities and research institutions and various companies in the hydropower field in the Oslo area.

s.24 s.25 M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geoscience (PE/PG ) Grad/Degree: Master of Science Vekttall/Credits: 40 Inntak/Entered: 12 Kvinner/Women: 2 Norske/Norw.: 35 Andre/Other: 19 Bangladesh : 3 Ethiopia : 3 Nepal : 3 The Palestinian Territory : 1 Tanzania : 1 Vietnam : 1 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 54 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 34 Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, NTNU, S.P.Andersens vei 15A, 7491 Trondheim, Norway Pål Skalle. Tel: 73 59 49 29 Fax: 73 94 44 72 E-mail: Jon Kleppe. Tel: 73 59 49 33 Fax: 73 94 44 72 E-mail: We are investing considerable effort in getting the parent organisations involved in the field work. The field work has been partly misused as an opportunity to go home, and it is difficult for us to discover such De to parallelle kursene er tilrettelagt for å utvikle ferdigheter og kompetanse på høyt,internasjonalt Msc-nivå. Målet er å kunne løse praktiske problemer med basis i teoretisk forståelse. Samtidig skal det være mulig å spesilisere seg, både med tanke på profesjon og framtidige dr.grads studier. I petroleumsfag vektlegges koblingen mellom geologi og geofysikk. We have structured two parallel programmes in order to provide avenues to applied work and to advanced studies. The intention is to provide a basis of theoretical comprehension for solving practical problems. At the same time it is possible to specialise, both with a view to a practical profession and to a Ph.D. program. The petroleum geo-science courses emphasise the connection between geology and geophysics. misuse of course resources. We recommend that SIU restructure its application form and require the applicant to list potential collaborating institutions for fieldwork at home. Urban Ecological Planning (UEP) Grad/Degree: Gir kun certificate, ingen grad / Certificate only, no degree Varighet/Duration: 1 sem. Vekttall/Credits: 10 Inntak/Entered: 5 Kvinner/Women: 1 Norske/Norw.: 6 Andre/Other: Nepal : 2 Sri Lanka : 1 Tanzania : 1 Vietnam : 1 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 24 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 25 Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Fine Art, NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway Prof. Hans C. Bjønness. Tel: 73595013 Fax: 73595018 E-mail: Anne Lise Flaknes. Tel: 73595012 Fax: 73595018 E-mail: - Kursets målsetting er å utvikle kunnskap om prinsipp og metoder for planlegging på et by-økologisk grunnlag. Det tar som utgangspunkt at vi må ha nye rammer for byplanleggingen basert på en byøkologisk tilnærming. Det starer med en diskusjon om de verdiene som er av avgjørende betydning for å forme og utvikle våre framtidige byer og bymiljøet. Fokus vil være på miljømessige-, sosiale- og ressursaspekt til byplanlegging. Studier av lokale økologiske og kulturelle forhold vil også være et vesentlig grunnlag. Endringsprosesser i arealbruk vil bli relatert til eksempelområder som er respresentative for forskjellige situasjoner og bystrukturer. Kurset er i vesentlig basert på innledende feltstudier av eksempler. Det vil ta opp lokalt integrerte løsninger som bygger på et lokalt ressursgrunnlag og interesse. Spesiell oppmerksomhet vil bli gitt til eksempler i utviklingsland og Norden, og til en fruktbar utveksling av ideer om problemstillinger knyttet til by-økologiske planlegging. The course seeks to develop an understanding of the principles and methods of urban ecological planning. The course addresses the need for a new, ecologically based «frame of mind» for urban planning. This implies a review of the values underlying the future development of our cities and of the environment. The focus will be on environmental, social and resource aspects of urban planning, involving baseline studies of local ecological and cultural conditions. Urban land transformation processes will be related to case areas representing different urban situations and structures. The course is mainly based on case studies, and deals with local solutions for integrating resource protection and development interests. Special attention will be given to cases in development in the Nordic countries and to a fruitful exchange of ideas on urban ecological planning issues. Kurset er hovedsaklig basert på feltarbeid og studie av sakstilfeller. Innen byplanlegging relatert til komplekse situasjoner med sosiale, økologiske og kulturelle urbane problemstillinger, er førstehånds, stedlig erfaring helt vesentlig for kunnskapsoppbyggingen, læringsprosessen og utarbeidelsen av relevante forslag. Undersøkelsene våre i Nepal gir også anledning til nærmere samarbeid med lokalsamfunn, fagfolk og planleggere. Universitetsansatte fra India og Nepal yter også viktig fagmessig støtte (se pkt. 4 nedenfor). Feltarbeidet i Nepal begynte med et intensivt firedagers teori- og metodeseminar organisert i samarbeid med School of Planning and Architecture (SPA) i New Delhi, og Tribhuvan Universitet, Institute of Engineering (TU/IOE), Department of Architecture, i Kathmandu. Seminardeltakerne omfattet både indiske og nepalske universitetsansatte, andre nepalske ressurspersoner, og studenter fra TU/IOE og SPA (se over). Den store gruppen på 18 studenter ble delt inn i tre undergrupper som arbeidet i tre urbane omstillingsområder i Kathmandus historiske bydel. Det ble opprettet kontakt med lokale organisasjoner for å legge til rette for fortsatt samarbeid med lokalsamfunnet. For å internalisere og diskutere resultatet av undersøkelsene våre, ble sakstilfellene presentert for lokale fagfolk før vi dro fra Nepal. The course is based mainly on fieldwork and case studies. In urban planning, which must take into account complex social, ecological and cultural issues, such first hand, on-site encounters are essential in building the knowledge necessary for generating useful proposals. Our studies in Nepal also provide opportunities for close interaction with local communities, professionals and planners. University faculty members from India and Nepal also extend important professional support (see point 4 below). Course experience: The fieldwork in Nepal started with an intensive four-day theory and methods workshop arranged jointly with the School of Planning and Architecture (SPA) in New Delhi, and the Institute of Engineering (TU/IOE) and the Department of Architecture at the Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu. Other participants included Indian and Nepalese faculty members, as well as Nepalese resource persons and TU/IOE and SPA students (see above) The large group of 18 students was divided into three subgroups working in three urban transformation areas in the historical section of Kathmandu. Local organisational contacts were made to NGO s for the continuation of community relations. Case presentations and discussions were conducted in order to transfer the results of our case studies to local professionals before our departure from Nepal.

s.26 s.27 University of Bergen Diploma / M.Phil. in Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management Grad/Degree: MPhil Varighet/Duration: 5 sem. Vekttall/Credits: 30 Inntak/Entered: 10 Kvinner/Women: 1 Norske/Norw.: 0 Andre/Other: 3 Namibia : 2 South Africa : 3 Tanzania : 1 Vietnam : 2 Zambia : 1 Zimbabwe : 1 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 43 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: Ikke opptak Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology, UoB, Bergen High Technology Centre, 5020 Bergen Øyvind Ulltang. Tel: 55584457 Fax: 55584450 E-mail: Berit Øglænd. Tel: 55584410 Fax: 55584450 E-mail: Kull 1998/2000. 7 av de 10 MPhil-studentene kom tilbake til Bergen i løpet av våren (de fleste i januar) etter at de hadde utført feltarbeidet i sine hjemland. De tok nå fatt på bearbeidingen av sine data og begynte å skrive sine hovedfagsoppgaver. The main objective of the programme is to give graduate level training in assessment and management of fisheries resources. The programme is multidisciplinary, covering both biological and economic aspects of exploitation and management, although the emphasis is on the biological part. The programme is primarily structured to improve the students' skills in applying standard techniques in evaluation of fisheries resources. This will enable them to develop a critical view on resource assessment and to give sound advice on fisheries management on their own later. The main objective of the programme is to give training in assessment and management of fisheries resources at graduate level. The programme is multidisciplinary covering both biological and economic aspects of exploitation and management, although the emphasis is on the biological part. The programme is primarily directed to improve the students' qualifications with respect to applying standard techniques in evaluating fisheries resources, helping them to develop a critical view on resource assessment and making them able to provide on their own advice on management. Students 1998/2000: Seven of the ten MPhil students came back to Bergen during the spring semester (most of them in January) after having completed their fieldwork at home. They started processing their data and commenced writing their theses. M.Phil. in Health Sciences (International Health) (INTHMP) Grad/Degree: Vekttall/Credits: 40 Master of Philosophy Inntak/Entered: 5 Kvinner/Women: 3 Norske/Norw.: 0 Andre/Other: 8 Botswana : 2 Congo-Kinshasa : 1 Nepal : 2 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 43 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 56 Centre for International Health, UoB, Armauer Hansen Building, 5021 Bergen, Norway Anne Nordrehaug. Tel: 55 97 49 80 Fax: 55 97 49 79 E-mail: Åstrøm/Thorkild Tylleskãr. E-mail: Grete-Marie Eilertsen. Tel: 55 97 49 27 Fax: 55 97 49 79 E-mail: Master of Philosophy in Health Sciences er et interdisiplinært studieprogram som tilbyr høyere utdanning innen emner knyttet til helse i utviklingsland. Det blir spesielt lagt vekt på anvendt forskning innen områder som allmennmedisin, sykepleie, arbeidsmedisin, forebyggende helse og utvalgte kliniske disipliner. Forskningen skal være basert på datainnsamling fra kandidatenes hjemland. Det overordnede mål med studiet er å forberede studentene på et yrke innen forskning knyttet til helsespørsmål, og studiet legger vekt både på formell undervisning og forskningserfaring. Kurset består av fire komponenter: introduksjonskurs, obligatoriske kurs, selvvalgte kurs og hovedfagsoppgave The Master of Philosophy degrees in Health Sciences are research degrees in health sciences. The program is interdisciplinary and provides higher education in health topics relevant for developing countries. There is particular emphasis on applied research in fields such as public health, occupational health, nursing, health promotion and selected clinical disciplines. The programme requires full time study, and it is preferred that some of the research is done at the home institution. The general aim of the programme is to prepare the participant for a career in health research and the programme is structured to provide combined experiences of formal teaching and research. In addition to the thesis requirement, the course programme consists of introductory, compulsory and elective courses. Feltarbeidet planlegges og gjennomføres i slutten av andre semester. Før studentene drar i felt, utarbeider de en protokoll for feltarbeid og hovedfagsoppgave i samarbeid med veileder. Feltarbeidet utføres i studentenes hjemland. I de tilfeller der kandidaten er knyttet til en av våre samarbeidsinstitusjoner, blir det opprettet en biveileder som veileder studenten under feltarbeidet. Alle studentene har imidlertid nær kontakt med sin veileder i Bergen under feltoppholdet i hjemlandet. The candidates do their fieldwork during the second semester of the study period. Before they leave, a protocol with plans for fieldwork and thesis is written in collaboration with the supervisor. The fieldwork is carried out in the candidates' home countries. If the student is connected to one of our collaborating institutions, a researcher from that institution is appointed as supervisor for the student during the fieldwork. The supervisor at Centre for International Health will also stay in touch with the students during their fieldwork.

s.28 s.29 M.Phil. in Public Administration and Organisation Theory (Pubadm) Grad/Degree: Vekttall/Credits: 40 Master of Philosophy Inntak/Entered: 7 Kvinner/Women: 2 Norske/Norw.: 0 Andre/Other: 6 Bangladesh : 2 East-Timor : 2 Nepal : 2 Tanzania : 1 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 189 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 174 Department of Administration and Organisation Theory, UoB, Christiesgt. 17, 5007 BERGEN, Norway Steinar Askvik. Tel: 55 58 24 74 Fax: 55 58 98 90 E-mail: Eva Svensson. Tel: 55 58 82 85 Fax: 55 58 98 90 E-mail: M.phil. programmet tar sikte på å utvikle evenen til selvstendig analyse av organisasjoner, politiske og administrative strukturer og prosesser, og offentlig politikk. Det skal gi øvelse i vitenskapelig forskning og fremstilling. Studiet tar sikte på å gi en allsidig metodeopplæring, og styrke studentenes analytiske evner og ferdigheter. Gjennom skriftlige arbeider og aktiv deltakelse i forskningsseminarer fremmes egeninnsats og evnen til selvstendig arbeid både i det akademiske livet og i arbeidslivet. M.phil. programmet gir dermed et grunnlag for å kunne gi råd om organisasjonsendring- og utvikling innenfor offentlig forvaltning, den private sektor og i det sivile samfunn som for eksempell frivillige organisasjoner. The purpose of the Master of Philosophy in Public Administration programme is to enhance the students' ability to conduct independent analyses of organizations, political and administrative structures and processes, as well as of public policy. This programme of study is aimed at strengthening the analytical ability of students and to provide them with a comprehensive training in methodology. Participation in research seminars and compulsory essays will strengthen the students' motivation and ability to work independently, whether in an academic or a professional setting. M.Phil. in Social Anthropology (Human Ecology) (SANMP2) Grad/Degree: MPhil Vekttall/Credits: 40 Inntak/Entered: 10 Kvinner/Women: 5 Norske/Norw.: Andre/Other: 3 Bangladesh : 2 Ethiopia : 3 Mozambique : 1 Nepal : 2 Uganda : 2 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 40 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: Ikke opptak/course not open Department of Social Anthropology, UoB, Fosswinckelsgate 6, 5020 Bergen, Norway Gunnar Haaland. Tel: 55589261 Fax: 55589260 E-mail: Steinar Vestad. Tel: 55589252 Fax: 55589260 E-mail: Hovedmålet for programmet er å trene deltakerne i antropologiske tilnærminger som er særlig relevante for studiet av sosio-kulturelle betingelser for et bærekraftig samfunn. Programmet er orientert mot utforskning av interaksjoner mellom prosesser i naturen og prosesser i samfunnet, med den hensikt å kunne anvende kunnskapen i praktisk anvendelse i prosjektformulering og implementering, og i regional planlegging. Kurset vil gi trening i forskning i skjæringspunktet mellom antropologi og andre disipliner, særlig økologi, demografi og økonomi. Programmet er særlig rettet mot antropologer som er tilsatt i universitetsinstitutter eller utviklingsrelaterte organisasjoner. The purpose of the course curriculum for Master of Philosophy in Social Anthropology is to train the candidates in anthropological approaches to the study of socio-cultural prerequisites for a strong society. The programme is oriented towards research on interactions between environmental and social processes, with the aim to use this knowledge in the implementation of relevant projects and in regional planning. The course will give training in research on the interface between anthropology and other disciplines, especially ecology, demography and economy. The programme is especially aimed at anthropologists working within the university-system or in development organisations. Etter ett års studier drar M.phil. studentene på feltarbeid om sommeren mellom midten av juni og midten av august. Alle studenter på kurset har 2 måneder feltarbeid. Feltarbeidet utføres etter at studentene er ferdig med de obligatoriske og valgfrie kursene, og vanligvis i hjemlandet. After one year of study, the M.phil. students carry out field work during the summer from the middle of June to the middle of August. The students must complete a period of 2 months of fieldwork after completing compulsory and elective courses. The students normally to go home to their own countries for the fieldwork. Feltarbeidet for kull 1998/2000 ble gjennomført i henhold til planen med oppstart i slutten av juli 1999 og med retur i januar/februar 2000. Alle NORAD kandidatene fikk veiledning under feltarbeidet både via e-mail og ved veiledning i felten av prof. Gunnar Håland. Det siste viste seg å være av avgjørende betydning. Flere av kandidatene har innhentet materiale som kan gi grunnlag for publikasjon i internasjonale tidsskrift. Kull 2000/2002 vil gjennomføre sitt feltarbeid på lik linje med tidligere kull med oppstart i juli 2001 og planlagt retur til Bergen desember 2001/januar 2002. The fieldwork for the 1998/2000 students was carried out according to plan, with the students starting at the end of July 1999 and returning to Bergen in January/February 2000. All NORAD students had guidance during their fieldwork, both by e-mail through visits by their supervisor Prof. Gunnar Håland. The visits proved to be extremely important. Several of the students have now a considerable amount of material enabling them to prepare articles which may be published internationally.

s.30 s.31 University of Oslo M.Phil. in Comparative and International Education (MPCIE) Grad/Degree: Master of Philosophy Vekttall/Credits: 40 Inntak/Entered: 5 Kvinner/Women: 3 Norske/Norw.: 2 Andre/Other: 13 Ethiopia : 1 Nicaragua : 1 Palestina : 1 Tanzania : 2 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 69 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 76 Institute for Educational Research, Faculty of Education, UoO, PO Box 1092, N-0317 Oslo, Norway Birgit Brock-Utne, Tel: 22 85 53 95 E-mail: Arild Tjeldvoll Tel: 22 85 53 48 E-mail: Fax: 22 85 42 50 Øyvind Nystøl Gøril Mellem Tel: 22 85 58 68 (Nystøl), 22 85 53 56 (Mellem) Fax: 22 85 82 41 E-mail: Feltarbeidet er lagt opp ved at alle studentene må innen utgangen av 2. semester/begynnelsen av 3. semester presentere på seminar og få godkjent sitt "Thesis-proposal" av faglig koordinator. Deretter drar de på feltarbeid til eget hjemland i perioden augustoktober/november. Ingen studenter får dra på feltarbeid uten at de har fått oppnevnt veileder. Studentene tar med seg sine datamaskiner på feltarbeidet, slik at de kan holde en tett kontakt med veileder via e-mail under hele feltarbeidet. Kurset er tverrfaglig. Programmet forbereder for et vidt spekter av arbeidsoppgaver innenfor pedagogiske virksomheter. The programme is interdisciplinary and is designed to provide post-graduate training for students of social sciences, the humanities and natural sciences. The Master's Programme in Comparative and International Education (CIE) prepares professionals capable of assuming leadership roles in a wide variety of social and educational settings. The Programme is interdisciplinary and emphasises the acquisition of a broad understanding of educational institutions, systems and their programmes/curricula, as well as an understanding of cultural, socioeconomic, technological and political aspects of educational development and change. The role of research and innovation in educational development is emphasised, as well as the acquisition of skills in planning, management and evaluation in national, regional, and international contexts. Since comparative education is such a broad field, participants will be trained in solving complex issues within a wide range of theoretical frameworks, and are therefore provided with a number of methodological tools. In addition to providing students with a broad understanding of the field, starting with the second term the Programme also requires the students concentrate on one of the areas of specialisation that the programme offers. It also intends to provide deeper insight through an academic thesis. CIE graduates will be prepared to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in both public and private sectors. Governments, public and private institutions, non-governmental organisations, international development agencies and multinational corporations in need of personnel with advanced, specialised knowledge in education and related educational planning capabilities are examples of employment areas. The fieldwork is the data-gathering phase of a master's thesis with the aim of giving the student experience in independent research, as well as an understanding of the research process including planning, implementation, data analysis and presentation of a written manuscript. M.Phil. in International Community Health Grad/Degree: Master of Philosophy Vekttall/Credits: 40 Inntak/Entered: 5 Kvinner/Women: 3 Norske/Norw.: 4 Andre/Other: 9 Bangladesh : 1 Botswana : 1 Ethiopia : 1 Sudan : 1 The Palestinian Territory : 1 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 75 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 60 Department of General Practice and Community Medicine, PO Box 1130 Blindern, 0317 Oslo Gunnar Bjune Tel: 22 85 06 40 E-mail: Johanne Sundby Tel: 22 85 05 98 E-mail: Svein Gunnar Gundersen Tel: 22 85 06 41 E-mail: Fax: 22 85 06 72 Vibeke Christie Tel: 22 85 06 43 Fax: 22 85 06 72 Målet for studiet er at studentene, gjennom egne forskningsprosjekter, skal tilegne seg kunnskap om forskningsprosessen, inkludert planlegging, utføring, dataanalyse og den skriftlige presentasjonen. Målsetningen for studiet er å gi studentene et vitenskapelig grunnlag for forskning og arbeid innen samfunnshelse, samt helseintervensjon. Studiet vil gi studentene trening i forebyggende samfunnshelse, og i å bruke forskningsresultater til å bedre kvalitet og effektivitet på sykdomsforebygging i et samfunn. Samfunnshelse handler om helse og helsearbeid i et samfunn. Samfunnshelse inkluderer derfor både det offentlige, private og de tradisjonelle helsesektorer. Det inkluderer også andre samfunnsrelaterte aspekter av helse som samfunnsbasert rehabilitering og samfunnsernæring. Begrepet Internasjonal Samfunnshelse impliserer at studiet konsentreres rundt globale helseproblemer. Studiet legger vekt på helsesituasjonen for majoriteten av verdens befolkning, og fokuserer derfor på lavinntektsland. The aim of the programme is to train students in International Community Health research and interventions. The programme will prepare students to participate in community-based health promotion and disease prevention research, and to use the research findings to improve the quality and effectiveness of community health action. Community Health is concerned with health and health work in the community. Community Health therefore includes the public, the private and the traditional sectors of health. It also includes other community-related aspects of health work such as community-based rehabilitation and community nutrition. The term International Community Health implies that the programme concentrates on global health problems. The programme emphasises the health situation for the majority of the world's population, and therefore focuses on low-income societies. The programme aims at providing the students with knowledge and skills in the following three main areas: The scientific and organisational basis for community health work. Critical scientific evaluation of the knowledge base for community health work. Research planning and implementation, as well as data analysis and reporting from independent research. The course requires independent research projects to ensure that the student understands the research process including the planning, data gathering and analysis and written presentation of then results. Studentene utfører sitt feltarbeid det tredje semesteret. Norske studenter oppfordres, men er ikke nødt til å gjøre feltarbeid utenlands. For internajonale studenter er feltarbeidet organisert som en "sandwich-model" der studentene gjør feltarbeidet i sine hjemland, mens data analysen og oppgaveskrivingen gjøres under veiledning i Oslo. De aller fleste studentene har bi.veiledere i sine hjemland, og disse følger opp studentene under feltarbeidet. The students do their fieldwork during the third semester. Norwegian students are encouraged, but not required, to do their fieldwork abroad. For international students the fieldwork is organised as a "sandwich model" where the students do the fieldwork in their home countries, while data analysis and thesis writing is done in Oslo. Most of the international students have secondary supervisors in their home countries, who will guide the students in their fieldwork.

s.32 s.33 Universitetet i Tromsø International Summer School Grad/Degree: Varighet/Duration: Vekttall/Credits: 2-3 mnd Inntak/Entered: 37 Kvinner/Women: 14 Norske/Norw.: 1 Andre/Other: 106 Bangladesh : 2 Bhutan : 1 Botswana : 2 Cambodia : 1 Egypt : 2 Ethipopia : 3 Laos : 2 Lesotho : 1 Malawi : 1 Namibia : 1 Nepal : 3 Palestionian Territory : 2 South Africa : 5 Tanzania : 3 Uganda : 2 Vietnam : 1 Zambia : 2 Zimbabwe : 3 Uteksaminerte studenter med diplom/students who completed the course and were awarded a Diploma: B-110 Special Needs Education - 8 stipendiater C-154 Peace Research - 1 stipendiat C-156 International Development Studies - 9 stipendiater C-157 Media Studies - 3 stipendiater D-180 Energy Planning and Sustainable Development - 6 stipendiater E-105 International Issues in Health Systems Development - 9 stipendiater C-53 Norwegian Culture and Society - 1 stipendiat C-10 Elementary Norwegian Language - 1 stipendiat (kurs i tillegg til hovedkurs) C-20 Norwegian Literature - 1 stipendiat (kurs i tillegg til hovedkurs) Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 529 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 832 UoO, PO Box 3 Blindern, N-0313 Oslo, Norway De respektive kursledere for hvert enkelt kurs/ The co-ordinator of each course ISSs graduate course programme har som mål å tilby kurs med et høyt akademisk og profesjonelt nivå innenfor fag som er relevante for kompetanseheving for studenter fra hele verden. ISS`s utdanningsfilosofi baserer seg på en komparativ tilnærming innenfor en unik sammenheng hvor studenter fra over 90 nasjoner er samlet. ISS`s graduate program er solid forankret i ISSs overordnede mål om å frembringe interkulturell forståelse og samarbeid mellom nasjoner. The International Summer School (ISS) graduate course programme seeks to offer courses at a high academic and professional level in subjects that are relevant for students from all over the world. The educational philosophy of the ISS is based on a comparative approach in a complex educational situation with students from more than 90 nations. The ISS graduate programme is firmly linked to its primary goal of generating inter-cultural understanding and co-operation among nations. M.Sc. in International Fisheries Management (IFM) Grad/Degree: Master Vekttall/Credits: 40 Inntak/Entered: 5 Kvinner/Women: 2 Norske/Norw.: 4 Andre/Other: 10 Malawi : 1 Nicaragua : 1 Tanzania : 1 Uganda : 1 Vietnam : 1 Søkertall for 2000/Applicants for 2000: 23 Søkertall for 2001/Applicants for 2001: 43 Norwegian College of Fishery Science, UoTø, 9037 Tromsø, Norway Jorge dos Santos Arne Eide Tel: 77 64 55 83 E-mail: arne@nfh.uitø.no Fax: 77 64 60 20 Ane Marie Hektoen. Tel: 77 64 60 13 Fax: 77 64 60 20 E-mail: anemarih@nfh.uitø.no Kurset i International Fisheries Management er tverrfaglig, også tema for avhandlingene skal kunne velges innenfor økonomi/ressursøkonomi, biologi eller organisasjonslære/juss. Feltarbeidet er derfor lagt opp på individuell basis med utgangspunkt i studentenes interesser. Å forberede studentene på hva som kreves for å gjennomføre et feltarbeid med best mulig resultat er fortsatt en prioritert oppgave. Målet for programmet i Internasjonal fiskeriforvaltning ved NFH er å tilby et praktisk rettet flerfaglig master-program, hvor ulike fagretninger som ressursøkonomi og biologi, sammen med kurs i teknologi og organisasjonslære og juss, sees i sammenheng med hverandre og virkeligheten innenfor verdens fiskerinæring. Målet er kvalifisere kandidater av begge kjønn til arbeidsoppgaver innenfor fiskeriforvaltning i private foretak eller offentlig forvaltning på regional, nasjonalt og internasjonal nivå. The aim of the course programme in International Fisheries Management at NFH is to provide a multidiscipline master's curriculum with practical relevance. The programme therefore includes courses in resource economics and biology, as well as in technology, organisation theory and law. The reason for this approach is that all these fields are part of everyday reality in the fisheries industry world-wide. The aim is to qualify students of both genders to carry out the responsibilities in private and public fisheries management on regional, national and international levels. The course in International Fisheries Management is multidiciplinary, and theses topics may therefore also be selected from the fields of economics, resource economics, biology, organisation theory or law. The fieldwork is structured for the individual student and is based on each student's particular interests. It is seen as a central objective for the course work, to prepare the student for a successful execution of the fieldwork with the best possible results. Einar Vannebo. Tel 22 85 70 82 Fax 22 85 41 99 E-mail: Ikke feltarbeid, grunnet kursets varighet. There is no fieldwork due to the short duration of the course.

s.34 s.35 Master Theses 2000 Master Theses 2000 M.Sc. in Development and Resource Economics Kobugabe, Gertrude Kahuzo (Uganda) Assessment of Market Liberalization. Effects on the Welfare of Smallholder Farmers in Southern Ethiopia (Wondo Genet). Adya, Sushma (India) Determinants and Measurement of Crop Diversification: A Study in Wondo Genet, Southern Ethiopia. Negash, Tewodros (Ethiopia) Farm Size and Productivity in Ethiopian Smallholder Agriculture. Juma, Ali Khamis (Tanzania) Food Self-Sufficiency and Food Security. A Case Study of Agricultural Production for Food Security in Wollaita, Southern Ethiopia. Gebreselassie, Kidist (Ethiopia) The Impact of Price and Trade Policy Reforms on Land Use Patterns and Sustainability Implictions in the Southern Highlands of Ethiopia. M.Sc. in Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture Aryal Dahal, Usha (Nepal) Access to forest and sustainability of livelihoods. A case study of Bara District, Nepal Mukasa, Stephen Mabira (Uganda) Agricultural Intensification Process on Smallholder Farms in Uganda. A case of Mukono District. Ratnayake, Mudiyanselage Priyantha (Sri Lanka) An assesment of resource management competence of major irrigation systems in Sri Lanka: A study of bureaucracy-community interface in the Redibendi Khadka, Manohara (Nepal) Are the women and poor better off? A study on their access to resources and participation in decision making in community forestry management in Nepal Shoko, Takella (Zimbabwe) Assesment of the contribution of agriculture, non agricultural activities and indigenous woodlands towards household food security. A case study Kafumu, George Revocatus (Tanzania) Charcoal consumption, its socio-economic and environmental impacts: A case study from Dar es Salaam - Tanzania Nhuong, Tran Van (Vietnam) Coastal aquaculture: Searching for sustainable management strategies. Case studies in the North and North Central of Vietnam Mariki, Stephen Wingiasa (Tanzania) Deforestation i Zimbabwe. Case study from chikomba district. Mutonhori, Simon (Zimbabwe) Deforestation i Zimbabwe. (Case study from chikomba district) Kharal, Deepak Kumar (Nepal) Diversity and Dynamics of Tree Species and Its Sustainability in Rural Farmland. A case study in Chitwan District, Central Terai of Nepal. Nyirenda, Moses Amos (Zambia) Ecological and Socio-economic effects of petroleum spills in fresh water systems: a case study of four rivers affected by oil spills in Zambia. Hordofa, Getachew Ayana (Ethiopia) Evaluation of Conventional and Alternative tomato diseases and insect pest management strategies as an approach to Integrate Pest Management(IPM). A c Intensification and responses of smallholder farmers to productivity decline in northestren Ethiopian Highland. A case study from Tehulederie Distric Parajuli, Ganga (Nepal) Interventions, sustainability and community forestry. A case study of Nepal Resources Management Project in Melewar Community Forest Users Group. Kottagoda Gedara, Chandra Seneviratne (Sri Lanka) Ompact of Land Encroachment on Upper Watersheds in Sri Lanka (a case study of Uma Oya watershed) Mulokozi, Charles Justin (Tanzania) Opportunities and constraints of crocodile ranching in Tanzania. A case study of Kaole, Mamba and Tumaini Ranches Akanda, Md. Zakir Hossain (Bangladesh) Problems and Prospects of Smallholder Dairying. A case study in Manikganj District, Bangladesh. Mbogha, Ngelese Johnson (Uganda) Resource use and access conflicts. The case of Rwenzori Mountain National Park and the surrounding communities, Western Uganda Dejene Asnake, Sileshi (Ethiopia) Socio-Economic and Political aspects of Environmental Degradation: Stakeholder Analysis. A case study from Entoto Area, Ethiopia. Regmi, Uba Raj (Nepal) Status of tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) and livestock depredation in Royal Sukhlaphanta Wildlife Reserve, Nepal. Mankinga, Jacob Robert Mushi (Tanzania) Targeting the Food Insecure Households in Rural Areas. A Case Study in Hai District, Northern Tanzania Namaalwa, Justine (Uganda) The profitability of deforestation. A survey of some private natural forest owners in Mpigi District, Uganda. Wale, Adam Mulugeta (Ethiopia) The role of irrigation in improving food security and alleviation of poverty in North-Western Ethiopia. A case of traditional irrigation in Lobokemkem Mujabi Mujuzi, Sarah (Uganda) The socio-economic importance and indigenous management of woody perennilas in Mpigi District, Uganda. A case of Nangabo and Kira sub-counties Mpofu, Soneni Eulodia (Zimbabwe) Water pollution and people's awareness at Hatcliffe Extension, Harare, Zimbabwe Oli, Bishwa Nath (Nepal) Wood Products Marketing in Nepal: Through Public Agency or Private Agency? M.Phil. in Social Change Khan, Mohammad Ali (Bangladesh) Health and living conditions of child labourers: a study in Dhaka City in Bangladesh. Nhgiem Thuy, Lan (Vietnam) Human development and poverty. A study of a rural village and a suburb area in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Haque, Mohammad Zahurul (Bangladesh) Micro-credit and women's empowerment: A study on Grameen Bank in Rural Bangladesh. Yangchen, Tsering (Tibet) Tibetan Communities in Exile. A Case Study of the Tibetan Settlements in Karnataka State in Southern India Chibinga, Caroly E. (Zambia) "They Make the Policies? We Just Follow"- The Political Ecology of Poverty: Maternal-Child Welfare, Health and Nutritional Aspects. Gurung, Naba Raj (Nepal) Forest Degradation/Regeneration in the Hills of Nepal. A Study at Watershed Level. Asfaw, Fenta Gugsa (Ethiopia)

s.36 s.37 Master Theses 2000 Master Theses 2000 M.Sc. in Hydropower Development Mittal, Sandeep (India) A Study of the Tunnel and Underground Power-House for TEESTA-V Hydro-Electric Project, Sikkim, India Aryal, Pravin Raj (Nepal) CFD Modelling of Flow Pattern in the Sand Traps of Khimti Hydropower Plant, Nepal Dhakal, Bhuban Prasad (Nepal) Engineering Geological Analysis of Nyadi Hydropower Project, Nepal Thakur, Sanjeev Kumar (Nepal) Excavation and Stability of Pressure Shafts. A study based on Khimti Khola Hydropower Project, Nepal Chaudhry, Ehsin Sadiq (Pakistan) Gomal Zam Multipurpose Project for Flood Control, Irrigation and Hydropower, N.W.F.P. Pakistan Kigadye, Peter Elias (Tanzania) Hydropower Projects in Pangani River, Tanzania Suriyaarachchi, Harsha (Sri Lanka) Modelling Flow around River Flood Protection Structures Kebede, Telila Denboba (Ethiopia) Pre-feasibility Planning for Hydropower Potential of Upper Baro-Akobo River Basin, Ethiopia Kagya, Silvery (Tanzania) Pre-feasibility study Mandera Hydropower Project, Pangani River Basin, Tanzania Ngoma, Frank (Zambia) Pre-feasibility study of Hydropower Development for Kabompo River, Zambia Kihame, Mbaraka B.S. (Tanzania) Pre-feasibility Study of Lower Kikuletwa Hydropower Project in Tanzania Mwalimu, Silwembe (Zambia) Pre-feasibility study of the Hydropower Development at Mombotuta Gorge, Luapula River, Zambia Liu, Xinjian (China) Stability Analysis of the Slopes at Intake Tower, Baise Multipurpose Dam Project, China M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum Geoscience Ibna Hamid, Latif (Bangladesh) Application of two-phase capillary ressure to gravity stable tertiary gas injection haling three-phase flow. Pham Ngoc, Khue (Vietnam) Characterisation of Lithofacies Based on Textural Analysis of Dipmeter Curves. Ghimire, Jay Raj (Nepal) Characterizing reservoir rock pore networks by mercury injection data. Tache Mekonnen, Tesfaye (Ethiopia) Deliverability issues in the TOGI project Jayawickreme, Dushmantha (Sri Lanka) Fault sealing processes apllied to basin Kayastha, Birendra Prasad (Nepal) Grain crushing during compaction of sand and sandstone. Choudhury, Shah Farid (Bangladesh) Nuclear magnetic resonnance (NMR) echo amplitude summation used as a permeability indicator Adhikari, Bishnu (Nepal) Pore geometry analysis form thin sections of reservoir rocks and their correlation with some of the more relevant well logs Hoque, MD. Rownshonul (Bangladesh) Productivity losses due to condensate accumulation near the wellbores in Kailastilla Gas field, Bangladesh. Ali, Ehtesham (India) Simulation of water and gas tracer flow in the Snorre field. Karim, Bazlul (Bangladesh) Simulation of water tracer flow a section of the Gullfaks field. Alula, Habtegiorgis Kidane (Etiophia) Subsidence, thermal and maturity modelling on the Northern North Sea Maganga, Gerald Mahinda (Tanzania) The distribution and depositional environments for the "Silke Sand" Gullfaks field. Thanju, Rabinda (Nepal) The Melamichi tunneling project in Nepal: Anticipated Geological problems and its probable solutions. Teklu, Mussie Fesehaye (Eritrea) Time laps analysis of gas leakage Diploma / M.Phil. in Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Management (UiB) Mosepele, Belda Quetina David (Mozambique) Assessment of the species Penaeus latisulcatus and Penaeus japonicus in the shallow-water shrimp trawl fishery at the Sofala Bank, Mozambique Booi, Kwanele (South Africa) Characterization and comparison of diets of anchovy and sardine pre-recruits shoals in the southern Benguela ecosystem Schneider, Peter Michael (Namibia) Estimation of size selectivity of sorting grids for Namibian hake Maharaj, Genevieve (South Africa) Fishing effort and fishing capacity of the chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii jig fishery of South Africa Mbewe, Mbamwai (Zambia) Impact of Kapenta (Limothrissa miodon) introduction on the fish community in Lake Itezhi-tezhi, Zambia Plarre, Heidrun (Namibia) Pilchard spaening dates and recruitment in relation to environmental parameters in the northern Benguela upwelling system Mosepele, Ketlhatogile (Botswana) Preliminary length based assessment of the main exploited stocks of the Okovango delta fishery Nguyen, Thi Dieu Thuy (Vietnam) Problems and potentials in fish stock assessment from multi-species fisheries in the Barents Sea based on Norwegian commercial catch and effort data Burmeister, Liza-Mare (Namibia) Survey based assessment of the stock identity of Merluccius paradoxus (FRANCA) in the Benguela M.Phil. in Health Sciences (International Health) Abdulkader, Amina Nurhussien (Eritrea) Assessing Maternal Mortality in Afabet Sub-District Northern Red Sea Zone, Eritrea Makundi, Emmanuel (Tanzania) Community Social Valuation. Disability and Disease in two Selected Communities. A Study in Temeke and Moshi Districts, Tanzania Dhakal, Sanjaya (Nepal) Impact of Vitamin A Supplementation to Mothers in the Postpartum Period and Their Infants at routine Immunisatioen Contacts During Early Infancy... Gossoma, Roma Belay (Ethiopia) Surgical Wound Infection and Bacterial Resistance in Sidama, South Ethiopia M.Phil. in Public Administration and Organisation Theory Mfaume, Rashid Taka (Tanzania) Constitution making in Tanzania: Insight of the Past and Present, and Implication to Democracy and Constitutionalism

s.38 Master Theses 2000 Bux, Mohammad (Pakistan) Management Issues in Basic Education in Thardarkar (disserted area) in Sindh, Pakistan Karim, Anwarul (Bangladesh) Recent Structural Reorganization of Union Parishads (Council) in Bangladesh and Scope for Women's Participation. A Study of seven Union Parishads Okoto-Okello, Paul (Uganda) The Challenge of Introducing Organizational Change. A Case Study of the Public Service Reform Program in Uganda Patrick, Beatrice Kipobota (Tanzania) The Prospect of Women in the Civil Service: Analysis of Recruitment, Qualifications and Positions M.Phil. in Social Anthropology (Human Ecology) Gurung, Poonam (Nepal) Bungamati - The life world of a Newar Community explored through the natural and social life of water Thapa, Shyamu (Nepal) Cardamon in the Forest: An Attempt towards Maintaining Income Generating Activities and Sustainable Forest Management. Kattel, Shambhu Prasad (Nepal) Development and its Victims. From Pottery Makers to Porters: The Changing Life - World of the Kumals of the Arun Valley, Eastern Nepal Bhattarai, Hari Prasad (Nepal) Identities in the making: Cultural Pluralism and the Politics of Imagined Communities in the Lowlands of Nepal Bateganya, Fred Henry (Uganda) Masese Fishermen and Traders - Competition, Cooperation and Exploration in Lake Victoria Fisheries Subedi, Madhusudan Sharma (Nepal) Medical Pluralisme in a Culturally Complex Asian Civilization: Searching, Understanding of and Cure for Body Afflictions in Newar Town of Kirtipur Otim, Peter Omurangi (Uganda) The Iteso and their Uncles - The Political and Social Contexts of Karimojong Dry Season Grazing in Teso Utgitt av Senter for internasjonalt universitetssamarbeid (SIU), Universitets- og høgskolerådet, juni 2001. Design: Reine Linjer as. Trykk: Master Trykk og Kopi as. Shafie, Hasan Al (Bangladesh) The Murucha of Cht's. Matrilateral cross-cousin Marriage in Ritual and Politico-economic Context Kakuru, Doris Muhwezi (Uganda) Too Many Tasks. Managing a family and coping with water requirements among a Bairy Community M.Sc. in International Fisheries Management Kullaya, Ruphina Michael (Tanzania) A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Monitoring, Control and Surveillance-system of Tanzania's Fishing Industry. Karim, Kazi Abu Taher Ataul (Bangladesh) Co-management as a collaborative planning tool for sustainable fisheries: A case study of Bangladesh. Ciremel, Joseph Mathew (India) Effects of a low lipid experimental feed on the growth, survival and body composition of first feeding Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) alevin. Padhi, Abinash (India) Genetic structuring of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) at the synaptohysin (Syp I) locus along the Finnmark coast of northern Norway. Mgawe, Yahya Ibrahim (Tanzania) Trade-offs in fisheries development: The case of Lake Victoria in Tanzania.