Forfall meldes snarest mulig til Fylkesrådmannen vil gi en del orienteringer etter møtet. Arendal, 26.4.

Like dokumenter
Møteinnkalling. Hovedsamarbeidsutvalget


Videregående opplæring skoleåret 2018/19 - Klasseoppsett

Oversikt over ledige skuleplassar per 26. juli 2019, per programområde. Lista vert ikkje oppdatert. Ta kontakt med den aktuelle skulen frå 12. august.

Vedlegg 1: Klasser og elever skoleåret 2016/2017 per

Elevinntak og formidling 2016

Resultat 1. inntak pr 9. juli 2013

Tal søkjarar med ungdomsrett til opplæring i skule

Poenggrense ved inntak til videregående skoler i Hedmark

Poenggrense ved inntak til videregående skoler i Hedmark

Videregående opplæring i Aust-Agder og Vest-Agder

Poenggrense ved inntak til videregående skoler i Hedmark

Viktige opplysninger. Andre frister 1. juli Forhåndssvar via

Møteinnkalling. Fylkesutvalget

Poenggrense ved inntak til videregående skoler i Hedmark

Saksnr. Utvalg Møtedato Yrkesopplæringsnemnda Fylkesutvalget

Videregående opplæring i Aust-Agder og Vest-Agder

Søkertall til videregående skoler i Oppland

Karaktergrense ved inntak til videregående skoler i Hedmark

Oversikt over ledige plasser etter 2.inntak

Poenggrense ved inntak til videregående skoler i Hedmark

Viktige opplysninger. Andre frister 1. juli Forhåndssvar via

Resultat førsteinntak 7. juli 2017

Søkertall til videregående skoler i Oppland

Søker kan endre søknad til og med 15. april og noen søknader kommer inn for seint. Derfor kan søkertallene endres noe utover våren.

Bergeland videregående skole Nivå Programområde navn 2018 Helse og oppvekstfag 27,9. Dalane videregående skole Nivå Programområde navn 2018

Søkertall til videregående skoler i Oppland

Merå. Kapasitet m kap. Vg1, Vg2, Vg3, Vg sum sum Endring 2 -

Administrativt vedtak Vedtaksdato Sak nr

ADMINISTRATIVT VEDTAK Vedtaksdato Sak nr. Delegert myndighet A 07

Søkertall pr Elevtall pr Språk, samfunnsfag og økonomi

Søkerstatistikk. Antall primærsøkere

Kirkenes videregående skole. Inntatte totalt. Søkere Prim

Kirkenes videregående skole

Kirkenes videregående skole

Ledig 2014/2015. Klassar 2015/2016

Polarsirkelen videregående skole

Østfold FYLKESKOMMUNE. Videregående opplæring. Videregående trinn 1 (Vg1) Kunnskapsløftet. Videregående trinn 2 (Vg2) Kunnskapsløftet

Kirkenes videregående skole. Inntatte totalt. Venteliste ungrett

Polarsirkelen videregående skole

Inntatte ungrett Venteliste

Polarsirkelen videregående skole

Videregående opplæring

SØKERE PR NORD-ØSTERDAL REGION: Nord-Østerdal videregående skole. Storsteigen videregående skole. Prim. totalt 24.

Søkjarar med ungdomsrett til fylkeskommunale vidaregåande skular, første ønske Service og samferdsel Studiespesialisering

Søkjarar med ungdomsrett til fylkeskommunale vidaregåande skular, første ønske.

Søkertall videregående opplæring


Inntatte ungdomsrett Venteliste

SØKERE PR Nord-Østerdal videregående skole. Storsteigen videregående skole. Prim. Programområde. Egne U totalt


Årets søkertall viser at stadig flere søker seg til yrkesfag, og særlig til helseog oppvekstfag.

Vår ref.: Lillehammer, 21. november 2013 Deres ref.:

Skoletilbudet for Telemark Videregående trinn 1 (Vg1)* Videregående trinn 2 (Vg2)* Telemark Vestfold Vest-Telemark.

Gjennomført pr Kapittel 4. Nedre poenggrense for inntak til programområder

Kapittel 4. Nedre poenggrense for inntak til programområder

Østfold fylkeskommune. Videregående opplæring

Skoletilbud Vg1. = skolen har dette tilbudet. Steinerskolen i Trondheim 1) Trondheim katedralskole. Charlottenlund vgs.

Levanger Meråker Mære. Inderøy. Leksvik


Elevinntak. Rådgiversamling Anne Katrine Mortensen


2. inntaket til vidaregåande opplæring i Møre og Romsdal, skoleåret Søkjarar med ungdomsrett


Saksnr. Utvalg Møtedato Yrkesopplæringsnemnda Fylkesutvalget

Vg3 fagopplæring i skole - tilbud og kvalitetssikring

1. inntaket til vidaregåande opplæring i Møre og Romsdal, skoleåret 2012/ Søkjarar med ungdomsrett

Saksprotokoll. Skulebruksplan for vidaregåande opplæring i Sogn og Fjordane

1. inntaket til vidaregåande opplæring i Møre og Romsdal - skoleåret 2015/2016 Søkjarar med ungdomsrett

Foreldremøte 22. og 24. januar.

1. ønske (Primærsøkjarar) til vgs i Møre og Romsdal 2015/ Ungdomsrett

1. ønske (primærsøkjarar) til vgs i Møre og Romsdal 2014/ Alle søkjarar

SØKERE PR Nord-Østerdal videregående skole. Storsteigen videregående skole. Tatt inn sum Søkere totalt. Nivå Programområde Pl

Ikke-igangsetting av klasser i de videregående skolene i Oppland skoleåret

Bodø videregående skole. Informsjon om vgs

Velkommen til Polarsirkelen vgs


SØKERE PR REGION: NORD-ØSTERDAL. Nord-Østerdal videregående skole. Primærsøkere eget fylke m/ungd.rett. Programområde.

Møteprotokoll. Utvalg: Fylkesutvalget Møtested: 1615, Fylkeshuset Dato: Tid: 10:30


Høring - Direkte overgang i retten til videregående opplæring og rett til videregående opplæring for de med slik opplæring fra utlandet

Saksframlegg. Ark.: Lnr.: 6073/15 Arkivsaksnr.: 15/ HØRING - PLAN FOR VIDEREGÅENDE OPPLÆRING I OPPLAND

Skoletilbudet for Telemark Videregående trinn 1 (Vg1)* Videregående trinn 2 (Vg2)* Inntaksområde A Inntaksområde B Vestfold

Søkere med ungd.rett Søkere totalt. Søkere med ungd.rett

Felles programfag på Vg2 i yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogram Tabell 17a Felles programfag på Vg2 bygg- og anleggsteknikk Anleggsteknikk Byggteknikk

Elevtall pr Søkertall pr ST 3 Språk, samfunnsfag og 17 økonomi

Totalt klassar 2012/2013. Totalt elevplassar 2012/2013. Ledige elevpl. 2012/2013


Utkast til tilbudsstruktur ved de videregående skolene i Nord-Trøndelag skoleåret

FOS rundskriv Utlysing og dimensjonering av opplæringstilbudet

Saksprotokoll. Skulebruksplan for vidaregåande opplæring i Sogn og Fjordane

Søkere til videregående opplæring

SØKERE PR. 1. MARS I 2015 OG 2016

Ditt valg! Idrettsfag Kunst, design og arkitektur Medier og kommunikasjon Musikk, dans og drama Studiespesialisering

Videregående opplæring i Follo


Aust-Agder fylkeskommune. Saksnr. Utvalg Møtedato Fylkesutvalget Voksenopplæringsutvalget Y-nemnda / til orientering

Kapasitetstilpasning for skoleåret NORDLAND

Skolestrukturutredning 2013


Møteinnkalling Utvalg: Fylkesutvalget Møtested: Vegår, Fylkeshuset Dato: 03.05.2016 Tid: 10:30 Innkallingen er sendt til: Navn Funksjon Representerer Tellef Inge Mørland Fylkesordfører AP Jon-Olav Strand Fylkesvaraordfører KRF Gro Bråten Medlem AP Nils Johannes Nilsen Medlem AP Knut A. Austad Medlem SP Torunn Ostad Medlem H Kristoffer Andreas Lyngvi Medlem H Sara Sægrov Ruud Medlem V Åshild Bruun-Gundersen Medlem FRP Forfall meldes snarest mulig til Fylkesrådmannen vil gi en del orienteringer etter møtet. Arendal, 26.4.2016 Tellef Inge Mørland fylkesordfører Side1


Saksnr PS 16/37 PS 16/38 Innhold Videregående opplæring - endringer i klasseoppsett - skoleåret 2016/17 Kjøp av tomt ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand PS 16/39 Agders uthavner i verdensklasse - etablering av prosjekt 2016-2018 PS 16/40 Kompetansetiltak til gründere i Aust-Agder PS 16/41 Bygningsvernprisen 2016 MS 16/5 Sørlandets fagskole - utdanningstilbud studieåret 2016/17 MS 16/6 Tilskudd til kulturformål - fordeling 2016 MS 16/7 Tilsyn med folkehelsearbeidet i Aust-Agder fylkeskommune 2016 Side3

Dato: Arkivref: 04.03.2016 2015/1826-8943/2016 / A40 Saksframlegg Saksbehandler: Karen Eva Grundesen Saksnr. Utvalg Møtedato 16/27 Yrkesopplæringsnemnda 29.04.2016 16/7 Hovedsamarbeidsutvalget 02.05.2016 16/37 Fylkesutvalget 03.05.2016 VIDEREGÅENDE OPPLÆRING - ENDRINGER I KLASSEOPPSETT - SKOLEÅRET 2016/17 1. FORSLAG TIL VEDTAK Fylkesrådmannen fremmer slikt forslag til vedtak: 1. Det gjøres følgende endringer i antall klasser i forhold til vedtatt budsjett for 2016: Skole Programområde Nivå Økning Reduksjon Arendal Salg, service og sikkerhet Vg2 1 Dahlske Helse- og oppvekstfag Vg1 2 Teknikk og industriell produksjon Vg1 1 Salg, service og sikkerhet Vg2 1 Industriteknologi Vg2 1 Møglestu Innføringsklasse for minoritetsspråklige Vg0 2 Påbygging til generell Vg3 0,5 studiekompetanse Risør Kunst, design og arkitektur Vg1 0,5 Studiespesialisering Vg1 1 Medier og kommunikasjon Vg1 0,5 Teknikk og industriell produksjon Vg1 1 Sam Eyde Bygg- og anleggsteknikk Vg1 1 Helse- og oppvekstfag Vg1 1 Medier og kommunikasjon Vg1 1 Restaurant- og matfag Vg1 1 Teknikk og industriell produksjon Vg1 1 Byggteknikk Vg2 1 Data og elektronikk Vg2 1 Design og tekstil Vg2 0,5 Helsearbeiderfag Vg2 1 Medier og kommunikasjon Vg2 1 IKT-servicefag Vg2 1 Side4 1

Skole Programområde Nivå Økning Reduksjon Medier og kommunikasjon Vg3 1 Setesdal, avd. Hornnes Innføringsklasse for Vg0 1 minoritetsspråklige Tvedestrand og Åmli, avd. Holt Heste- og hovslagerfag Vg2 0,5 Tvedestrand og Åmli, avd. Holt Landbruk og gartnernæring Vg2 0,5 Tvedestrand og Åmli, avd. Holt Helse- og oppvekstfag Vg1 1 Tvedestrand og Åmli, avd. Helse- og oppvekstfag Vg1 1 Åmli Tvedestrand og Åmli, avd. Åmli Helsearbeiderfag Vg2 1 SUM 13 15 2. Følgende klasser kan settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling: Møglestu vgs, Vg1 design og håndverk Møglestu vgs, Vg2 helseservicefag Møglestu vgs, Vg3 helsesekretær Møglestu vgs, Vg2 medier og kommunikasjon Møglestu vgs, Vg2 salg, service og sikkerhet Møglestu vgs, Vg1 studiespesialisering Møglestu vgs, Vg3 studiespesialisering Risør vgs, Vg2 medier og kommunikasjon Risør vgs, Vg2 salg, service og sikkerhet Risør vgs, Vg3 studiespesialisering Risør vgs, Vg2 industriteknologi Sam Eyde vgs, Vg3 interiør Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes, Vg2 byggteknikk Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes, Vg2 studiespesialisering Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes, Vg3 studiespesialisering Setesdal vgs, avd. Valle, Vg2 design og gullsmedhåndverk Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Holt, Vg3 landbruk Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Tvedestrand, Vg1 studiespesialisering Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli, Vg1 idrettsfag Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli, Vg2 idrettsfag Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli, Vg3 idrettsfag 3. Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Tvedestrand, Vg3 naturbruk settes ikke i gang. 4. Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Tvedestrand, Vg1 studiespesialisering med dans settes ikke i gang. 5. Risør vgs, innføringsklasse for minoritetsspråklige settes ikke i gang. 6. De budsjettmessige konsekvensene av vedtaket i denne saken vil bli innarbeidet i rapporten for 2. tertial. Side5

2. SAMMENDRAG Det er fortsatt god søkning til videregående opplæring i Aust-Agder. I år er det langt flere som søker seg til yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogram enn til studieforberedende. Forrige år var andelen søkere til Vg1 studieforberedende 48 % mens 52 % søkte yrkesfag. Dette var tett opp til fordelingen mellom de to programgruppene på landsplan. Tilsvarende tall for 2016 viser 43 % på studieforberedende og 57 % på yrkesfag. Fordelingen mellom studieforberedende og yrkesfag inneværende år kan ikke helt sammenlignes med forrige år fordi Vg1 medier og kommunikasjon er flyttet fra yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogram til studieforberedende. For sammenligningens skyld har en lagt til grunn at Vg1 medier og kommunikasjon er et yrkesfaglig utdanningsprogram begge årene, og da kommer en fram til tallene ovenfor. Gjøres ikke denne korreksjonen, er fordelingen mellom yrkesfag og studieforberedende i 2016 henholdsvis 51 % og 49 %. De totale søkertallene er omtrent som forrige år. Det er noe økning i antall søkere til videregående skoler i Aust-Agder i forhold til forrige år og noe økning i antall søkere til læreplass. Samtidig er det noe reduksjon i antall søkere fra Aust-Agder til videregående skoler i andre fylker fra 222 søkere i 2015 til 190 søkere inneværende år. Til de yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogrammene er det betydelig økning i søkningen til Vg1 helseog oppvekstfag med en økning på 28 % (23 % i antall søkere med rett). På bakgrunn av søkningen foreslår fylkesrådmannen enkelte endringer i klasseoppsettet for neste skoleår. Det foreslås blant annet en økning i antall klasser innen Vg1 helse- og oppvekstfag og innføringsklasser for nyankomne minoritetsspråklige ungdommer. Fylkesrådmannen foreslår også at det nye utdanningsprogrammet for kunst, design og arkitektur settes i gang ved Arendal vgs og Møglestu vgs. Samtidig foreslår fylkesrådmannen at Dahlske vgs, Vg2 industriteknologi, Risør vgs, Vg1 kunst, design og arkitektur, Sam Eyde vgs, Vg2 data og elektronikk samt Vg1 helse- og oppvekstfag og Vg2 helsearbeiderfag ved Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli ikke settes i gang på grunn av få søkere. Det foreslås en reduksjon med to klasser i forhold til vedtatt budsjett. 3. BAKGRUNN FOR SAKEN 3.1 Tidligere vedtak og andre føringer I økonomiplan 2016 2019 og budsjett for 2016 er det planlagt med 225,5 ordinære klasser som inngår i fellesinntaket. I tillegg er det annonsert innføringsklasser for minoritetsspråklige ved Risør vgs, Setesdal vgs, og Møglestu vgs, jfr. fylkesutvalgssak 117/2015. Det er også annonsert Vg2 heste- og hovslagerfag ved Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Holt uten budsjettmessig dekning, jfr. fylkestingssak 79/2015. Søkningen til disse klassene framgår av vedlagte søkeroversikt. I vedlagte søkeroversikt er det derfor 229 klasser hvorav 3,5 klasser ikke har budsjettmessig dekning. I tillegg er det planlagt 6 klasser Vg3 fagopplæring i skole. Side6

3.1.1 Kriterier for justering av klasseoppsettet Av delegeringsreglementet vedtatt av fylkestinget i sak 14/2016 fremkommer følgende: 3.4. Andre fullmakter Fylkesutvalget har fullmakt til å foreta justering av klasseoppsettet med utgangspunkt i søkningen per 1. mars. Følgende prinsipper skal legges til grunn: 1. Søkere med opplæringsrett sikres plass i henhold til inntaksforskriftene. 2. Klasser med mindre enn 60 % oppfylling skal som hovedregel legges ned. Unntak er landslinjer, landsdekkende linjer og kurstilbud der det er gjort vedtak om avviksordning. Fylkesutvalget kan igangsette klasser/kurs uten krav til 60 % oppfylling ut fra særlige forhold eller tungtveiende grunner. 3. Nye klasser opprettes innen budsjettets rammer etter følgende prioriterte rekkefølge: 3.1. Sikre søkere med opplæringsrett plass, jf. pkt. 1. 3.2. Kurstilbud ut fra dokumentert behov i nærings- og arbeidslivet. 3.3. Ved stor oversøking til et kurstilbud. Ved kurstilbud som betinger lærlingplass etter fullført skoleutdanning må yrkesopplæringsnemndas vurdering innhentes. 7.4 Andre fullmakter Klasseoppsett/sommerfullmakt Fylkesrådmannen får fullmakt til å opprette eller nedlegge klasser på grunn av oversøkning eller mangel på søkere fra fylkesutvalgets behandling av klasseoppsett og fram mot skolestart. Endringene skal baseres på samme kriterier som fylkesutvalget skal legge til grunn, jf. punkt 3.4. Geografisk fordeling av søkere til videregående skoler Fylkesrådmannen har fullmakt til å fordele søkere til videregående skoler etter geografiske/trafikale eller pedagogiske kriterier. Til orientering kan opplyses at i henhold til ny forskrift til opplæringsloven er det fastsatt i 6-10 at søkere ikke kan klage på skoleplasseringen. 3.1.2 Lokal forskrift om inntak til videregående opplæring og formidling til læreplass I forbindelse med fylkestingets behandling av lokal forskrift om inntak til videregående opplæring og formidling til læreplass ble det fastsatt føringer for geografisk fordeling av søkerne, jf. sak 55/2014. Det presiseres at søkere i dette dokumentet er definert slik: Søkere = primærsøkere (søkernes 1. ønske). Søkere med rett = søkere med ungdomsrett eller fullføringsrett og enkelte søkere med voksenrett. Voksne søkere med rett henvises i hovedsak til egne kurs som er spesielt organisert for voksne og er ikke med i søkertallene i dette saksdokumentet. Side7

3.2 Organisering av opplæringen justeringer i kapasitet I budsjettet er det fastsatt antall klasser innen ulike skoler/tilbud. På bakgrunn av dette har en fastsatt kapasitet for inntak (i hovedsak 15 og 30 elever per klasse). Fylkesrådmannen har hatt møter med skolene og diskutert bl.a. antall klasser og kapasitet. Innenfor noen tilbud anbefales redusert elevtall fordi mange søkere har behov for spesialundervisning/spesiell oppfølging. Fylkesrådmannens forslag til justeringer har i stor grad tatt hensyn til innspill fra skolene og det tas sikte på at forslaget også gir noe rom for grupper med redusert elevtall (8-10 elever). Opplæring i mindre grupper (3 5) elever vil bli finansiert av midler til spesialundervisning. I enkelte klasser kan det tas inn elever ut over 15 og 30. Det er overbooket med ca. 100 elevplasser ved hovedinntaket i juli de siste årene. En har generelt gode erfaringer med dette. De siste årene har det vært god oppfylling i de fleste klassene. Enkelte tilbud vil få flere elever enn primærsøkertallene tilsier pga sekundærsøkere. 4. SØKERTALL Vedlagt følger oversikt over antall søkere fordelt på utdanningsprogram/ programområde/skole. Søkere fra andre fylker som har søkt gjennom hjemfylkeskommunen, er i hovedsak registrert i vedlagte oversikt (per 11.04.16). Søkertallene i dette saksdokumentet er i samsvar med de vedlagte tabellene. Ved enkelte søkertall til Setesdal vgs er det i vedlagte tabell påført et høyere søkertall på grunn av opplysninger fra Vest-Agder om søkere som vil bli oversendt senere. Vedlagte tabell viser antall søkere med rett, antall søkere om fortrinnsrett og antall søkere uten rett. En gjør oppmerksom på at mange søkere uten rett vil få plass etter en individuell vurdering. Dette kan være minoritetsspråklige søkere, søkere som flytter til Aust-Agder eller søkere som andre fylkeskommuner betaler gjesteelevssats for. 4.1 Totalt søkertall Nedenfor følger oversikt over totalt søkertall de siste fem årene. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Antall søkere til videregående skoler i Aust-Agder 4 468 4 678 4 660 4 675 4 708 Antall søkere til videregående skoler i andre fylker 241 205 301 222 190 Antall søkere til private/statlige videregående skoler* 47 26 42 25 43 Antall søkere til læreplass 525 532 601 624 640 Totalt antall søkere til videregående opplæring 5 281 5 441 5 604 5 546 5 581 *Antall søkere til private/statlige videregående skoler er ufullstendige, da de fleste søker direkte til skolene. For sammenligningens skyld er dette søkertall per 1. mars. Side8

Sammenlignet med forrige år er det 33 flere søkere til videregående skoler i Aust-Agder. Samtidig er det 32 færre søkere fra Aust-Agder til videregående skoler i andre fylker. Totalt er det derfor omtrent samme antall søkere til videregående skoler som forrige år. Det er en økning i antall søkere til læreplass med 16 søkere. Nedenfor følger en oversikt over totalt antall søkere med rett de siste fem årene (inkludert søkere med rett fra Aust-Agder til skoler i andre fylker og private vgs). 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Innføringsklasse for minoritetsspråklige 45 Antall søkere med rett til Vg1 1 823 1 877 1 802 1 793 1 761 Antall søkere med rett til Vg2 1 504 1 617 1 606 1 620 1 561 Antall søkere med rett til Vg3 895 934 956 948 994 Sum 4 222 4 428 4 364 4 361 4 361 Det er noe reduksjon i søkningen til Vg1 og Vg2, men en økning i antall søkere til Vg3 i forhold til forrige år. Det er også en økning i antall søkere til innføringsklasser for minoritetsspråklige. Totalt søkertall er det samme som forrige år. Det er registrert 82 søkere til studiespesialisering med hverdagslivstrening (1. 5. år). I ovennevnte tabell er disse søkerne registrert som søkere til Vg1. Dette er i samsvar med Utdanningsdirektoratets vedtak i forhold til nasjonal statistikk. For sammenligningens skyld viser tabellen over søkertall per 1. mars. 4.2 Søkertall fordelt på utdanningsprogram Nedenfor følger en orientering om søking til samtlige utdanningsprogram. I tillegg følger enkelte forslag til endringer i antall klasser i forhold til vedtatt klasseoppsett for skoleåret 2016/17. 4.2.1 Bygg- og anleggsteknikk Vg1 Det er 124 søkere (109 med rett) til 150 plasser. Dahlske vgs har 33 søkere til 30 plasser, Møglestu vgs har 13 søkere til 15 plasser, Sam Eyde vgs har 53 søkere til 75 plasser. Setesdal vgs har 11 søkere til 15 plasser og Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs har 14 søkere til 15 plasser. Det foreslås å redusere med en klasse ved Sam Eyde vgs. Vg2 bygg- og anleggsteknikk Tabellen nedenfor viser søkingen til samtlige programområder på Vg2-nivå innen bygg- og anleggsteknikk. Antall plasser fremgår i parentes. Skole Anleggsteknikk* Byggteknikk Klima, energi, og miljøteknikk Sum Dahlske 24 (15) 24 (15) Sam Eyde 54** (25) 33 (75) 31 (15) 118 (115) Setesdal 8 (15) 8 (15) Sum 54** (25) 65 (105) 31 (15) 150 (145) Side9

* landslinje med totalt 114 søkere til 60 plasser **antall søkere fra Aust-Agder (49 med ungdomsrett) Totalt er det 150 søkere (130 med rett) til 145 plasser. Vg2 byggteknikk Det er 65 søkere (62 med rett) til 105 plasser. Sam Eyde vgs har 33 søkere til 75 plasser, Dahlske vgs har 24 søkere til 15 plasser og Setesdal vgs har 8 søkere til 15 plasser. Det foreslås å redusere med en klasse ved Sam Eyde vgs. Det blir da 33 søkere til 60 plasser Vg2 byggteknikk ved Sam Eyde vgs. Fylkesrådmannen regner med at plassene blir fylt opp på grunn av oversøkning til Vg2 klima, energi og miljøteknikk, Vg2 anleggsteknikk og Dahlske vgs, Vg2 byggteknikk. Samtidig foreslås at Vg2 byggteknikk ved Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg2 klima, energi, og miljøteknikk Det er 31 søkere (25 med rett) til 15 plasser ved Sam Eyde vgs. Det foreslås ingen økning i klasseoppsettet pga mangel på læreplasser. 4.2.2 Design og håndverk Vg1 Det er 48 søkere (43 med rett) til 45 plasser. Møglestu vgs har 9 søkere (7 med rett) til 15 plasser og Sam Eyde vgs har 39 søkere (36 med rett) til 30 plasser. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet, og at klassen ved Møglestu vgs kan settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg2 design og håndverk Tabellen nedenfor viser søkingen til samtlige programområder på Vg2-nivå innen design og håndverk. Antall plasser fremgår i parentes. Skole Design og gullsmedhåndverk* Design og tekstil Frisør Interiør og utstillingsdesign Sum Setesdal 8 (15) 8 (15) Sam Eyde 6 (15) 21 (15) 11 (15) 38 (45) Sum 8 (15) 6 (15) 21 (15) 11 (15) 46 (60) *landsdekkende tilbud med ingen søkere fra Aust-Agder. Dersom en ikke tar hensyn til det landsdekkende tilbudet er det 38 søkere (29 med rett) til 45 plasser. Vg2 design og tekstil har 6 søkere (3 med rett) til 15 plasser, Vg2 frisør har 21 søkere (18 med rett) og interiør og utstillingsdesign har 11 søkere (11 med rett). Det foreslås å redusere med 0,5 klasse Vg2 design og tekstil, og at det settes i gang en kombinert klasse Vg2 design og tekstil og Vg3 kjole- og draktsyerfaget. Samtidig foreslås at Vg2 design og gullsmedhåndverk settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Side10

Vg3 design og håndverk Setesdal vgs, Vg3 gullsmedfaget har 17 søkere til 15 plasser, Sam Eyde vgs, Vg3 kjole- og draktsyerfaget har 11 søkere til 15 plasser og Sam Eyde vgs, Vg3 interiør har 8 søkere til 15 plasser. Det foreslås at Vg3 interiør kan settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling for at elevene får fullført opplæringen. 4.2.3. Elektrofag Vg1 Det er 162 søkere (150 med rett) til 75 plasser. Det er en økning med 13 søkere i forhold til forrige år. Dahlske vgs har 55 søkere til 30 plasser, Risør vgs har 28 søkere til 15 plasser og Sam Eyde vgs har 79 søkere til 30 plasser. Det foreslås ingen økning i klasseoppsettet pga antall læreplasser. Vg2 elenergi Det er 58 søkere (56 med rett) til 60 plasser. Dahlske vgs har 20 søkere til 15 plasser, Risør vgs har 12 søkere til 15 plasser og Sam Eyde vgs har 26 søkere til 30 plasser. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet. Vg2 data og elektronikk Det er 7 søkere (6 med rett) til 15 plasser ved Sam Eyde vgs, Vg2 data og elektronikk. Det foreslås at tilbudet ikke settes i gang. Søkerne kan eventuelt konkurrere om inntil 4 plasser ved Kvadraturen skolesenter. 4.2.4 Helse- og oppvekstfag Vg1 Det er 307 søkere (263 med rett) til 180 plasser. Forrige år var det 240 søkere (213 med rett). Det er altså en betydelig økning i antall søkere til Vg 1 helse- og oppvekstfag. Dahlske vgs har 79 søkere (67 med rett) til 30 plasser, Møglestu vgs har 38 søkere (28 med rett) til 30 plasser, Sam Eyde vgs har 142 søkere (126 med rett) til 60 plasser, Setesdal vgs har 13 søkere (8 med rett) til 15 plasser og Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs har 29 søkere (28 med rett) til 30 plasser på Holt og 6 søkere (6 med rett) til 15 plasser i Åmli. Det foreslås å øke med to klasser ved Dahlske vgs, en klasse ved Sam Eyde vgs og en klasse ved Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Holt. Samtidig foreslås at Vg1 helse- og oppvekstfag ved Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli, ikke settes i gang. Forslaget innebærer en økning med tre klasser i forhold til vedtatt budsjett. Det er imidlertid kun er en økning med to klasser i forhold til klasseoppsettet inneværende skoleår. Det kan bli aktuelt å overføre søkere fra Sam Eyde vgs til Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Holt etter geografiske kriterier. Fylkesrådmannen har vurdert om det bør økes med en klasse ved Møglestu vgs istedenfor ved Dahlske vgs. Da det er vanskelig å overføre søkere fra Dahlske vgs til Møglestu vgs etter geografiske kriterier, foreslås ikke dette. Det vil i så fall bli de svakeste søkerne til Dahlske vgs som vil få plass ved Møglestu vgs. Side11

Vg2 helse- og oppvekstfag Tabellen nedenfor viser søkingen til samtlige programområder på Vg2-nivå innen helse- og oppvekstfag. Antall plasser fremgår i parentes. Skole Ambulansefag* Barne- og ungdomsarbeiderfag Helsearbeiderfag Helseservicefag Hudpleie* Dahlske 32 (30) 32 (30) Møglestu 44**(15) 18 (15) 8 (15) 70 (45) Sam 37 (30) 40 (30) 11 (15) 88 (75) Eyde Setesdal 12 (8) 4 (7) 16 (15) T.Å. 14 (15) 14 (15) Holt T.Å. Åmli 14 (15) 4 (15) 18 (30) Sum 44 (15) 81 (68) 94 (97) 8 (15) 11 (15) 238 (196) *samarbeid med Vest-Agder **13 søkere med rett fra Aust-Agder Vg2 barne- og ungdomsarbeiderfag og Vg2 helsearbeiderfag Det er totalt 175 søkere (157 med rett) til 165 plasser. Sam Eyde vgs har 77 søkere (72 med rett) til 60 plasser. Det foreslås derfor å øke med en klasse Vg2 helsearbeiderfag ved denne skolen. Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs har 14 søkere til 15 plasser Vg2 helsearbeiderfag på Holt og 4 søkere til 15 plasser i Åmli. Fylkesrådmannen foreslår at Vg2 helsearbeiderfag ikke settes i gang i Åmli. Vg2 ambulansefag Møglestu vgs Det er 44 søkere (13 med rett fra Aust-Agder) til 15 plasser. Tilbudet settes i gang i samarbeid med Vest-Agder, og Vest-Agder har kjøpt 7 plasser. Vg2 helseservicefag Møglestu vgs Det er 8 søkere (3 med rett) til 15 plasser. I tillegg er det enkelte voksne søkere som vil få tilbud om plass dersom klassen settes i gang. Fylkesrådmannen foreslår at tilbudet kan settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg3 helsesekretær Møglestu vgs har 6 søkere (2 med rett) til 15 plasser. I tillegg er det enkelte voksne søkere og sekundærsøkere som vil få tilbud om plass dersom klassen settes i gang. Det foreslås at tilbudet settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg3 hudpleier Sam Eyde vgs har 12 søkere til 15 plasser. Sum 4.2.5 Idrettsfag Vg1 Det er 95 søkere (95 med rett) til 90 plasser. Sam Eyde vgs har 79 søkere til 60 plasser og Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli har 16 søkere til 30 plasser. Side12

Det foreslås at klassen i Åmli kan settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg2 idrettsfag og Vg3 idrettsfag Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli Det er 13 søkere til 30 plasser på Vg2 idrettsfag og 16 søkere til 30 plasser på Vg3 idrettsfag. Det foreslås at klassene settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg2 idrettsfag og Vg3 idrettsfag Sam Eyde vgs Det er 58 søkere til 60 plasser på Vg2 idrettsfag og 58 søkere til 60 plasser på Vg3 idrettsfag. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet. 4.2.6 Kunst, design og arkitektur (nytt studieforberedende utdanningsprogram) Vg1 Det er 28 søkere til 60 plasser. Arendal vgs har 14 søkere til 30 plasser, Møglestu vgs har 10 søkere til 15 plasser og Risør vgs har 4 søkere til 15 plasser. Det foreslås at tilbudet settes i gang ved Arendal vgs og Møglestu vgs i kombinasjon med Vg1 studiespesialisering. De ledige plassene kan derfor tilbys søkere til Vg1 studiespesialisering. Samtidig foreslås det at Vg1 kunst, design og arkitektur ikke settes i gang ved Risør vgs. 4.2.7 Musikk, dans og drama Vg1 Dahlske vgs har 52 søkere (47 med rett) til 40 plasser (20 ønsker fordypning musikk, 23 ønsker drama og 9 ønsker dans). Forrige år var det 61 søkere til 40 plasser (43 ønsket fordypning musikk, 12 ønsket drama og 6 ønsket dans). Det er derfor en betydelig reduksjon i antall søkere som ønsker fordypning musikk og en økning i antall søkere som ønsker fordypning drama. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet. Det er planlagt med 17 plasser musikk, 13 plasser drama og 10 plasser dans. Vg2 og Vg3 musikk, dans og drama Dahlske vgs har 37 søkere til 40 plasser Vg2 musikk, dans og drama og 30 søkere til 40 plasser Vg3 musikk, dans og drama. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet. De ledige plassene på Vg3 kan tilbys søkere til Vg3 studiespesialisering. 4.2.8 Medier og kommunikasjon Vg1 (nytt studieforberedende utdanningsprogram) Det er 101 søkere (99 med rett) til 75 plasser. Møglestu vgs har 22 søkere til 30 plasser, Risør vgs har 20 søkere til 15 plasser (0,5 klasse) og Sam Eyde vgs har 59 søkere til 30 plasser. Det foreslås å øke med en klasse (30 plasser) ved Sam Eyde vgs. Samtidig foreslås det å øke med 0,5 klasse ved Risør vgs. Dette henger sammen med at en foreslår at Vg1 kunst, design og arkitektur ikke settes i gang. Side13

Vg2 medier og kommunikasjon Det er 67 søkere (66 med rett) til 90 plasser. Møglestu vgs har 23 søkere til 30 plasser, Risør vgs har 8 søkere til 15 plasser og Sam Eyde vgs har 38 søkere til 45 plasser. Det foreslås å redusere med en klasse ved Sam Eyde vgs. Samtidig foreslås at en klasse ved Risør vgs og Møglestu vgs kan settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg3 medier og kommunikasjon Det er 43 søkere (42 med rett) til 75 plasser. Møglestu vgs har 12 søkere til 15 plasser, Risør vgs har 11 søkere til 15 plasser og Sam Eyde vgs har 20 søkere til 45 plasser. Det foreslås å redusere med en klasse ved Sam Eyde vgs. Ledige plasser kan i noen grad tilbys søkere til Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse. 4.2.9 Naturbruk Vg1 Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Holt, har 27 søkere (24 med rett) til 30 plasser. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet. Vg2 naturbruk Tabellen nedenfor viser søkingen til samtlige programområder på Vg2 naturbruk. Antall plasser fremgår i parentes. Skole Landbruk og gartnernæring Anleggsgartner og idrettsanlegg Heste- og hovslagerfag Tvedestrand og Åmli 9 (15) 7 (15) 12 (0) Totalt er det 28 søkere (24 med rett) til 30 plasser Vg2 naturbruk. Fylkestinget vedtok i forbindelse med budsjettbehandlingen å annonsere Vg2 heste- og hovslagerfag uten budsjettmessig dekning. Fylkesrådmannen foreslår at det settes i gang 0,5 klasse (8 plasser) Vg2 heste- og hovslagerfag. Samtidig foreslås det å redusere med 0,5 klasse Vg2 landbruk og gartnernæring. Anleggegartner og idrettsanlegg vil sannsynligvis få flere elever enn ovennevnte søkertall viser på grunn av sekundærsøkere. Vg3 landbruk Det er 7 søkere (7 med rett) til 15 plasser. Det foreslås at tilbudet settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg3 naturbruk Det er ingen søkere, og det er derfor ikke grunnlag for å sette dette tilbudet i gang. Det er planlagt med en kombinert klasse Vg3 naturbruk og Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse. Klassen fylles derfor opp med søkere til Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse. Nedlegging av tilbudet får derfor ingen konsekvenser for skolens klassetall. Side14

4.2.10 Restaurant- og matfag Vg1 Det er 50 søkere (49 med rett) til 90 plasser. Møglestu vgs har 17 søkere til 15 plasser og Sam Eyde vgs har 33 søkere til 75 plasser. Det foreslås å redusere med en klasse ved Sam Eyde vgs. Fylkesrådmannen regner med at det er behov for de øvrige klassene pga sekundærsøkere. Samtidig er det behov for mindre grupper pga elever med behov for spesialundervisning. Vg2 kokk- og servitørfag og Vg2 matfag Sam Eyde vgs har 37 søkere (32 med rett) til 30 plasser Vg2 kokk- og servitørfag og 10 søkere (9 med rett) til 15 plasser Vg2 matfag. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet. 4.2.11 Service og samferdsel Vg1 Det er 78 søkere (70 med rett) til 90 plasser. Arendal vgs har 29 søkere (25 med rett) til 30 plasser, Dahlske vgs har 16 søkere (15 med rett) til 30 plasser, Møglestu vgs har 11 søkere (8 med rett) til 15 plasser og Risør vgs har 22 søkere (22 med rett) til 15 plasser. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet pga sekundærsøkere. Vg2 IKT-servicefag Det er 66 søkere (60 med rett) til 30 plasser. Sam Eyde vgs har 52 søkere (49 med rett) til 15 plasser og Møglestu vgs har 14 søkere (11 med rett) til 15 plasser. Det foreslås å øke med en klasse ved Sam Eyde vgs. Vg2 reiseliv Setesdal vgs, avd. Hovden har 17 søkere til 15 plasser. Vg2 salg, service og sikkerhet Det er 58 søkere (55 med rett) til 90 plasser. Arendal vgs har 22 søkere (21 med rett) til 30 plasser, Dahlske vgs har 19 (19 med rett) søkere til 30 plasser, Møglestu vgs har 8 søkere (7 med rett) til 15 plasser og Risør vgs har 9 søkere (8 med rett) til 15 plasser. Det foreslås å redusere med en klasse ved Arendal vgs og Dahlske vgs. Samtidig foreslås det at klassen ved Møglestu vgs og Risør vgs kan settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg2 transport og logistikk Sam Eyde vgs har 15 søkere (10 med rett) til 15 plasser. 4.2.12 Studiespesialisering Vg1 Det er 545 søkere (534 med rett) til 555 plasser. Arendal vgs har 241 søkere (238 med rett) (inkludert 29 søkere til forskerlinje og 33 søkere til internasjonalisering) til 210 plasser. Dahlske vgs har 144 søkere (142 med rett) til 110 plasser. Møglestu vgs har 53 søkere (51 med rett) til 75 plasser. Risør vgs har 29 søkere (29 med rett) til 60 plasser. Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes har 31 søkere (30 med rett) til 30 plasser mens det på Hovden er 6 søkere (3 med rett) til 10 plasser. Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs har 41 søkere (41 med rett) (inkludert 1 søker til dans) til 60 plasser. Side15

Vg1 studiespesialisering og Vg1 kunst, design og arkitektur kan kombineres. Dersom en kombinerer Vg1 studiespesialisering med Vg1 kunst, design og arktiktur ved Arendal vgs, har Arendal vgs 255 søkere (252 med rett) til 240 plasser. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet ved Arendal vgs. Dersom en kombinerer Vg1 kunst, design og arkitektur med Vg1 studiespesialisering ved Møglestu vgs, har Møglestu vgs 63 søkere (61 med rett) til 90 plasser. På grunn av oversøkningen til Dahlske foreslås det ingen endring i klasseoppsettet ved Møglestu vgs. Det foreslås derfor at klassene kan settes i gang uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Risør vgs har 29 søkere til Vg1 studiespesialisering, 20 søkere Vg1 medier og kommunikasjon og 4 søkere til Vg1 kunst, design og arkitektur. Vg1 studiespesialisering kan også kombineres med Vg1 medier og kommunikasjon. Totalt er det 53 søkere til 90 plasser. Det foreslås å redusere med en klasse Vg1 studiespesialisering. Samtidig er det tidligere foreslått at Vg1 kunst, design og arkitektur ikke settes i gang og det reduseres med 0,5 klasse. I tillegg foreslås det at det økes med 0,5 klasse medier og kommunikasjon. Dersom de 4 søkerne til Vg1 kunst, design og arkitektur ikke søker andre studieforberedende tilbud ved Risør vgs, vil det bli 49 søkere til 60 plasser. Det er betydelig oversøkning til Dahlske vgs og noe oversøkning til Arendal vgs. Det foreslås imidlertid ingen endring i klasseoppsettet ved disse skolene på grunn av ledige plasser ved Møglestu vgs, Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs og Risør vgs. Fylkesrådmannen vil vurdere å prioritere søkere fra Grimstad til Dahlske vgs. Det kan være aktuelt å overføre enkelte søkere til videregående skoler i Arendal/Grimstad, som er bosatt i Østregionen, til videregående skoler i Østregionen etter geografiske kriterier. Det er imidlertid få søkere fra Arendal øst som kan overføres til Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs etter geografiske kriterier. Vg2 studiespesialisering Tabellen nedenfor viser søking til de ulike fordypningene. Tallene i parentes er forrige år. Skole Formgivingsfag Forskerlinje Realfag Språk, samfunnsfag og økonomi Sum søkere Ant. plasser Arendal 28 69 132 229 (241) 210 Dahlske 53 82 135 (124) 140 Møglestu 10 39 36 85 (82) 90 Risør 23 27 50 (46) 60 Setesdal, 31 17 48 (40) 60 Hornnes Setesdal, 13 10 23 (36) 30 Hovden Tvedestrand 18 39 57 (58) 60 og Åmli Sum 10 (10) 28 (9) 246 (254) 343 (354) 627 (627) 620 Side16

Det er oversøkning med 19 søkere til Arendal vgs. Det foreslås imidlertid ingen endring i klasseoppsettet da det er ledige plasser ved de øvrige skolene. Samtidig regner en med at søkertallet vil reduseres noe ved at enkelte også søker private videregående skoler og videregående opplæring i utlandet. Det foreslås at klassene kan settes i gang ved Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes, uten krav til 60 % oppfylling. Vg3 studiespesialisering Tabellen nedenfor viser søking til de ulike fordypningene. Tallene i parentes er forrige år. Skole Formgivingsfag Forskerlinje Realfag Språk, samf. og økonomi Sum søkere Ant. plasser Arendal 8 88 153 249 240 Dahlske 43 80 123 120 Møglestu 12 36 30 78 90 Risør 23 24 47 60 Setesdal, 17 23 40 60 Hornnes Setesdal, Hovden 5 25 30 30 Tvedestrand og 18 36 54 60 Åmli Sum 12 (7) 8 (10) 230 (192) 371 (345) 621 (554) 660 Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet og at klassene ved Møglestu vgs, Risør vgs og Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes kan settes i gang uten 60 % oppfylling. Innføringsår for minoritetsspråklige Innføringsår for nyankomne minoritetsspråklige elever er annonsert uten budsjettmessig dekning ved Møglestu vgs, Risør vgs og Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes. Det er 20 søkere til Møglestu vgs, 3 søkere til Risør vgs og 7 søkere til Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes. I tillegg er det 22 søkere til 30 plasser ved Sam Eyde vgs. På bakgrunn av de opplysningene en nå har foreslår fylkesrådmannen at de to budsjetterte klassene ved Sam Eyde vgs settes i gang. I tillegg foreslås det at det settes i gang to klasser ved Møglestu vgs og en klasse ved Setesdal vgs, avd. Hornnes. Det foreligger ikke søkergrunnlag for å sette i gang dette tilbudet ved Risør vgs. Fylkesrådmannen vil imidlertid vurdere om det skjer endringer i søkermassen, og om det er behov for å endre klassetallet i løpet av sommeren. IB-linje Arendal vgs Det er 29 søkere (27 med rett) til Vg2 og 20 søkere (19 med rett) til Vg3. Det foreslås ingen endring i klasseoppsettet. Side17

Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse Tabellen nedenfor viser søkingen til Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse. Tallet i parentes viser forrige år. Skole Antall søkere Forslag antall plasser Arendal vgs 45 + 54* = 99 (87) 60 Dahlske vgs 69 (76) 60 Møglestu vgs 24+20*= 44 (36) 30 Risør vgs 24 (23) 19 Sam Eyde vgs 78 (111) 70 Setesdal vgs 25 (28) 30 Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs 17 + 7* = 24 (29) 30 Sum 363 (390) 299 (323) * Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse etter yrkeskompetanse (4. år). Det er 282 søkere (222 med rett) til Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse. I tillegg er det 81 søkere til Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse etter yrkeskompetanse (4. år). Totalt er det 363 søkere til 299 plasser. Samtlige søkere med rett vil få tilbud om plass. I budsjettet er det foreslått 1,5 klasse ved Møglestu vgs, Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse. Det er da forutsatt at en kombinerer en klasse Vg3 medier og kommunikasjon med Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse. Skolen ønsker imidlertid ikke en slik kombinasjon i år av pedagogiske grunner. Det foreslås derfor å redusere med 0,5 klasse Vg3 påbygging til generell studiekompetanse ved Møglestu vgs. 4.2.13 Teknikk og industriell produksjon Vg1 Det er 132 søkere (122 med rett) til 155 plasser. Dahlske vgs har 33 søkere (30 med rett) til 30 plasser, Risør vgs har 29 søkere (28 med rett) til 30 plasser, Sam Eyde vgs har 55 søkere (50 med rett) til 80 plasser (6 klasser) og Setesdal vgs har 15 søkere (14 med rett) til 15 plasser. Det foreslås å øke med en klasse ved Dahlske vgs og Risør vgs pga sekundærsøkere (det er stor oversøkning til Vg1 elektro ved begge disse skolene). Samtidig foreslås å redusere med en klasse ved Sam Eyde vgs. Vg2 Tabellen nedenfor viser søkingen til samtlige programområder på Vg2-nivå innen utdanningsprogrammet for teknikk og industriell produksjon. Antall plasser fremgår i parentes. Skole Arbeidsmaskiner Bilskade, lakk, karosseri Kjøretøy Industriteknologi Sum Dahlske 2 (15) 2 (15) Risør 8 (15) 8 (15) Sam Eyde 19 (15) 15 (15) 60 (38) 13 (30) 107 (98) Sum 19 (15) 15 (15) 60 (38) 23 (60) 117 (128) Det er totalt 117 søkere (99 med rett) til 128 plasser. Det foreslås at Vg2 industriteknologi ikke settes i gang ved Dahlske vgs. Side18

4.3 Oppsummering endringer i søking til Vg1 ved videregående skoler i Aust-Agder Utdanningsprogram Vg1 Antall søkere (april) Endring (med rett) Endring % 2016 2015 Totalt Med rett Totalt Med rett Bygg- og 124 109 133 124-15 - 12 % anleggsteknikk 4 Design og håndverk 48 43 45 41 + 2 + 5 % Elektrofag 162 150 149 136 + 14 + 10 % Helse- og 307 263 240 213 + 50 + 23 % oppvekstfag Idrettsfag 95 95 96 93 + 2 + 2 % Kunst, design og 28 28 arkitektur Medier og 101 99 kommunikasjon, studieforberedende Medier og 94 91 kommunikasjon, yrkesfag Musikk, dans, drama 52 50 61 60-10 - 17 % Naturbruk 27 24 38 32-8 - 25 % Restaurant- og 50 49 40 38 + 11 + 30 % matfag Service og 78 70 79 67 + 3 + 4 % samferdsel Studiespesialisering 545 534 644 640-106 - 17 % Teknikk og 132 122 132 125-3 - 2 % industriell produksjon Sum 1 749 1636 1751 1 660-24 - 1% Tabellen over omfatter ikke innføringstilbud for minoritetsspråklige, Setesdal vgs, avdeling Hovden, landslinje og studiespesialisering med hverdagslivstrening. Tabellen gir følgende fordeling mellom yrkesfaglige og studieforberedende tilbud. Totalt Med rett Sum yrkesfag 2015: 950 54 % 867 52 % Sum studieforberedende 2015 : 801 46 % 793 48 % Sum 2015: 1 751 1 660 Sum yrkesfag + MK* 2016: 1 029 59 % 929 57 % Sum studieforb. uten MK 2016: 720 41 % 707 43 % Sum 1 749 1 636 *MK = medier og kommunikasjon Dersom en for sammenligningens skyld regner medier og kommunikasjon som et yrkesfaglig utdanningsprogram både i 2015 og 2016, er det en økning i andelen søkere (med rett) til Side19

yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogram fra 52 % til 57 % og tilsvarende reduksjon i andelen søkere (med rett) fra 48 % til 43 %. 4.4. Oppsummering endringer i søkning til de videregående skolene i Aust-Agder Antall søkere i april Antall søkere per. 1.3. Skole 2016 2015 2016 2015 Arendal 932 913 932 895 Dahlske 903 907 890 896 Møglestu 543 543 536 512 Risør 304 271 297 269 Sam Eyde 1 466 1 471 1 394 1 407 Setesdal 343* 389 265 298 avd. Hornnes 193 217 188 190 avd. Hovden 125 139 68 84 avd. Valle 25 31 9 24 Tvedestrand og Åmli 387 404 383 394 avd. Holt 142 151 138 145 avd. Tvedestrand 176 184 179 182 avd. Åmli 69 69 66 67 Sum 4 878 4 896 4 708 4 671 *I tillegg er det ca 25 søkere fra Vest-Agder som vil bli registrert senere (18 til Setesdal vgs avd. Hornnes og 7 til avd. Hovden). Søkere som blir registrert etter fristen er i hovedsak søkere fra andre fylker og ungdom som har fått hjelp av oppfølgingstjenesten til å søke videregående opplæring. Tabellen viser en økning i søkningen til Risør vgs. Ellers er det lite endringer i søkningen til de øvrige skolene. Søkningen til Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli er fortsatt svak. Det er 29 søkere som er avgangselever fra grunnskolen i Åmli. Kun 5 av disse elevene søker Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs avd. Åmli, 20 søker andre fylkeskommunale videregående skoler i Aust-Agder og 4 søker andre tilbud. Det er derfor få ungdommer i Åmli som søker nærmeste videregående skole. 4.5. Oppsummering klasseoppsett spesialundervisning tilrettelagt opplæring Det foreslås en reduksjon med 2 klasser i dette saksdokumentet. Etter fylkesrådmannens vurdering er det likevel rom for å sette i gang enkelte klasser med redusert elevtall for elever som har behov for spesialundervisning/tilrettelagt opplæring. Det er planlagt med følgende mindre grupper (8 10 elever): Sam Eyde vgs, Vg1 restaurant- og matfag Sam Eyde vgs, Vg1 teknikk og industriell produksjon (2 grupper) Sam Eyde vgs, Vg2 kjøretøy Side20

I tillegg vil en sannsynligvis også få mindre grupper ved enkelte tilbud på grunn av svak søkning, jfr. pkt. 2 i forslag til vedtak. Elever ved studiespesialisering med hverdagslivstrening finansieres fullt ut av midler til spesialundervisning. 5. ØKONOMI Det er foreløpig ikke gjort nøyaktige beregninger av de økonomiske konsekvensene av de foreslåtte endringene i klasseoppsettet, men en reduksjon med 2 klasser vil gi innsparinger. Med noe reduksjon i antall søkere til andre fylker, vil en muligens også få en reduksjon i netto gjesteelevsutgifter til andre fylkeskommuner neste skoleår. Dersom det er en økning i antall inntatte asylsøkere i aldersgruppen 16 18 år, vil dette gi økte statlige overføringer i 2017. Det vil sannsynligvis være flere elever som får tilbud i grupper som finansieres fullt ut av midler til spesialundervisning, og det vil derfor muligens bli behov for ekstra ressurser til dette. I tillegg til to innføringsklasser for minoritetsspråklige som er vedtatt i budsjettet, foreslås det tre nye klasser i dette saksdokumentet. Selv om det planlegges med fem innføringsklasser fra høsten, må en imidlertid regne med at det også kan bli behov for økte utgifter til særskilt språkopplæring for minoritetsspråklige. Søkere til læreplass som ikke er formidlet innen 1. september, skal få et tilbud om Vg3 i skole. Det er økning i antall søkere til læreplass, og det er grunn til å anta at dette kan medføre økte utgifter til Vg3 fagopplæring i skole også neste skoleår. Hvorvidt de foreslåtte endringene vil føre til økte utgifter til overtallige, har en foreløpig ikke oversikt over. En vil i forbindelse med rapporten for 2. tertial komme tilbake til de budsjettmessige endringene som følger av endringer i antall klasser, gjesteelever, spesialundervisning, særskilt språkopplæring for minoritetsspråklige, overtallighet m.v. 6. KONKLUSJON Fylkesrådmannens forslag til endringer i antall klasser fører til følgende endringer i antall plasser (i forhold til vedtatt budsjett): Vg0 Skole Utdanningsprogram Økning plasser Møglestu Innføringsår for minoritetsspråklige 30 (2 kl) Setesdal, avd. Innføringsår for minoritetsspråklige 15 Hornnes SUM 45 Reduksjon plasser Det foreslås en økning med tre klasser og 45 plasser innføringsår for minoritetsspråklige. Side21

Vg1 Skole Utdanningsprogram Økning plasser Dahlske Helse- og oppvekstfag (2 kl) 30 Teknikk og industriell 15 produksjon Risør Kunst, design og arkitektur (0,5 kl) Reduksjon plasser Studiespesialisering 30 Medier og kommunikasjon 15 (0,5 kl) Teknikk og industriell 15 produksjon Sam Eyde Bygg- og anleggsteknikk 15 Helse- og oppvekstfag 15 Medier og kommunikasjon 30 Restaurant og matfag 15 Teknikk og industriell 15 produksjon Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Holt Helse- og oppvekstfag 15 Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Åmli Helse- og oppvekstfag 15 SUM 135 105 Det foreslås en økning på Vg1 med to klasser og 30 plasser. Vg2 Skole Programområde Økning plasser Reduksjon plasser Arendal vgs Salg, service og sikkerhet 15 Dahlske vgs Salg, service og sikkerhet 15 Industriteknologi 15 Sam Eyde Byggteknikk 15 Data og elektronikk 15 Design og tekstil (0,5 kl) 7 Helsearbeiderfag 15 Medier og kommunikasjon 15 IKT-servicefag 15 Tvedestrand og Åmli, avd. Åmli Tvedestrand og Åmli, avd. Holt Helsearbeiderfag 15 Heste- og hovslagerfag (0,5 kl) 8 Landbruk og gartnernæring 8 (0,5 kl) SUM 38 120 Det foreslås en reduksjon på Vg2 med 5,5 klasser og 82 plasser. 15 Side22

Vg3 Skole Programområde Økning plasser Møglestu Påbygging til generell Reduksjon plasser studiekompetanse (0,5 kl) Sam Eyde Medier og kommunikasjon (1 kl) 15 SUM 0 30 Det foreslås en reduksjon på Vg3 med 1,5 klasse og 30 plasser. Totalt foreslås en reduksjon med 2 klasser og 37 plasser. For å redusere oversøkningen til Arendal/Grimstad kan det være aktuelt med overføringer til andre skoler etter geografiske kriterier. Dette gjelder bl.a. følgende tilbud: 15 Søkere til Sam Eyde vgs, Vg1 helse- og oppvekstfag kan overføres til Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Holt, Vg1 helse- og oppvekstfag. Søkere til Arendal vgs, Vg1 studiespesialisering kan overføres til Tvedestrand og Åmli vgs, avd. Tvedestrand (søkere fra Østregionen og Arendal øst). Søkere fra Grimstad kan prioriteres for inntak til Dahlske vgs, Vg1 studiespesialisering. Begrunnelsen for å overføre enkelte søkere mellom skolene er å unngå at de svakeste søkerne må reise uforholdsmessig langt. Dette vil i så fall øke frafallet i videregående skole. Forslag til endringer i dette saksdokument er en avveining mellom ulike hensyn som antall søkere med rett, skolenes muligheter for å gi et kvalitativt godt tilbud, antall søkere med behov for spesialundervisning og antall læreplasser. 7. TIDLIGERE BEHANDLING Fylkesrådmannen fremmer saken for yrkesopplæringsnemnda i møte 29. april med slikt forslag til vedtak: Saken tas til etterretning.. Fylkesrådmannen fremmer saken for hovedsamarbeidsutvalget i møte 2. mai med slikt forslag til vedtak: Saken tas til etterretning. Vedlegg: Vedlegg - Oversikt over antall søkere Side23








Dato: Arkivref: 15.03.2016 2015/78-10327/2016 / L01/A40 Saksframlegg Saksbehandler: Ebba Laabakk Saksnr. Utvalg Møtedato 16/38 Fylkesutvalget 03.05.2016 KJØP AV TOMT NY VIDEREGÅENDE SKOLE I TVEDESTRAND 1. FORSLAG TIL VEDTAK Fylkesrådmannen fremmer slikt forslag til vedtak: 1. Aust-Agder fylkeskommune kjøper et areal ved Mjåvann i Tvedestrand kommune på 145,51 mål av Åsulv Hegland, jf. vedlagte kjøpekontrakt, for 5 820 400 kroner. I tillegg kommer omkostninger ved kjøpet. 2. Kostnadene ved kjøpet dekkes av midler avsatt til ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand. 3. Ved videresalg av arealer til Tvedestrand kommune skal kommunen betale samme pris per m 2 som Aust-Agder fylkeskommune, 40 kroner. 4. Fylkesrådmannen får fullmakt til å undertegne kjøpekontrakten. Side31 1

2. SAMMENDRAG Fylkesrådmannen foreslår i denne saken at Aust-Agder fylkeskommune kjøper at areal ved Mjåvann i Tvedestrand kommune på 145,51 mål av Åsulv Hegland for 5 820 400 kroner. I tillegg kommer omkostninger ved kjøpet. Arealet skal bl.a. benyttes til ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand og idretts- og nærmiljøanlegg som Tvedestrand kommune skal bygge. Kostnadene ved kjøpet dekkes av midler avsatt til ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand. Ved videresalg av arealer til Tvedestrand kommune skal kommunen betale samme pris per m 2 som Aust-Agder fylkeskommune, 40 kroner. Videre foreslås det at fylkesrådmannen får fullmakt til å undertegne kjøpekontrakten. 3. BAKGRUNN FOR SAKEN Fylkestinget vedtok i sak 1/2015 Lokalisering av fremtidig videregående skole i Tvedestrand følgende: 1. Ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand lokaliseres ved Mjåvann. 2. Fylkestinget ber fylkesrådmannen samarbeide videre med Tvedestrand kommune om lokaliseringsalternativet ved Mjåvann, samt ny veiforbindelse mellom fremtidig E18 ved Grenstøl og fv 410. 3. Fylkestinget vil understreke at man ønsker å utvikle Holt som en praksisarena for naturbruk, og viser i den forbindelse til vedtaket i sak 14/69 om ny driftsbygning på Holt. 4. I det videre arbeidet med bygging av ny skole på Mjåvann, må det legges stor vekt på å få på plass optimale transportløsninger for elever som må pendle mellom Holt og Mjåvann. 5. Fylkestinget ønsker at det skal videreføres et botilbud i tilknytning til Tvedestrand og Åmli videregående skole, og ber i den forbindelse fylkesrådmannen komme tilbake med en avklaring rundt videreføring av dagens internattilbud på Holt. I fylkestingssak 32/2015 Rapport for 1. tertial 2015 ble fylkesutvalget gitt fullmakt til å behandle sak om kjøp av tomt til ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand, jf. pkt. 6. 4. FORSLAG TIL LØSNING OG KONSEKVENSER Grunneier til eiendommen ved Mjåvann er Åsulv Hegland. Det har vært gjennomført flere møter med grunneier og en har blitt enige om en pris på den aktuelle teigen som samlet er på 145,51 daa på 40 kroner per m 2. Dette gir en pris på 5 820 400 kroner. I tillegg kommer omkostninger ved kjøpet. Kostnadene ved kjøpet dekkes av midler avsatt til ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand. Fylkestinget behandler i møte 26. april sak 22/2016 rammeavtale med Tvedestrand kommune vedrørende rettigheter og plikter knyttet til bygging av ny videregående skole, idretts- og nærmiljøanlegg og utenomhusanlegg på Mjåvann-området i Tvedestrand. I avtalen fastsettes hovedprinsippene for eierforhold, driftsansvar og fordeling av kostnader. Det følger av denne avtalen at Aust-Agder fylkeskommune videreselger arealer til Tvedestrand kommune og at Side32

Tvedestrand kommune skal betale samme pris som Aust-Agder fylkeskommune, dvs. 40 kroner per m 2. 5. KONKLUSJON Aust-Agder fylkeskommune kjøper at areal ved Mjåvann i Tvedestrand kommune på 145,51 mål av Åsulv Hegland for 5 820 400 kroner. I tillegg kommer omkostninger ved kjøpet. Arealet skal bl.a. benyttes til ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand og idretts- og nærmiljøanlegg som Tvedestrand kommune skal bygge. Kostnadene ved kjøpet dekkes av midler avsatt til ny videregående skole i Tvedestrand. Ved videresalg av arealer til Tvedestrand kommune skal kommunen betale samme pris per m 2 som Aust-Agder fylkeskommune, 40 kroner. Videre foreslås det at fylkesrådmannen får fullmakt til å undertegne kjøpekontrakten. Vedlegg: Kjøpekontrakt med vedlegg Side33








Dato: Arkivref: 07.04.2016 2016/178-13052/2016 / C54 Saksframlegg Saksbehandler: Ingvild Synøve Paulsen Saksnr. Utvalg Møtedato 16/39 Fylkesutvalget 03.05.2016 AGDERS UTHAVNER I VERDENSKLASSE- ETABLERING AV FELLES INTERREG-PROSJEKT 2016-2018 1. FORSLAG TIL VEDTAK Fylkesrådmannen fremmer slikt forslag til vedtak: 1. Aust-Agder fylkeskommune deltar i Interreg-Europe programmet med prosjektet HERICOAST. HERICOAST gjennomføres som et felles prosjekt med Vest-Agder fylkeskommune med en varighet på 2,5 år. Vest-Agder fylkeskommune vil være leadpartner og Aust-Agder fylkeskommune regional samarbeidspartner. 2. For gjennomføring av prosjektet ansettes en felles prosjektleder i 2,5 år. Vest- Agder fylkeskommune har arbeidsgiveransvar, og arbeidssted er delt. 3. Fylkesutvalget bevilger 200 000 kr som dekkes av vedtatt avsetning i RUP-Agder 2016. Prosjektet finansieres av INTERREG-midler tildelt gjennom EU og av felles regionalutviklingsmidler. De økonomiske konsekvensene innarbeides i RUP Agder for 2017 og 2018. Side41 1

2. SAMMENDRAG Aust- og Vest-Agder fylkeskommune deltar i INTERREG-Europe programmet med prosjektet HERICOAST. Vest-Agder er lead-partner og Aust-Agder er regional samarbeidspartner. Planlagt aktivitet i HERICOAST følger opp satsningen på uthavner i Agder både på et regionalt og lokalt nivå, og har som mål å forbedre forvaltning og samarbeid om sårbare kulturmiljøer i kystlandskapet. For gjennomføring av prosjektet foreslås at det ansettes en felles prosjektleder i 2,5 år. 3. BAKGRUNN FOR SAKEN Aust og Vest-Agder fylkeskommuner arbeider sammen for å styrke vernet og kunnskapen om uthavnene i Agder. Arbeidet er forankret i Regionplan Agder 2020 sin satsning på gode opplevelser og økt attraktivitet. I egne strategiske kulturminneplaner har både Aust- og Vest- Agder vedtatt at de skal arbeide for at uthavnene på Sørlandet skal få status som verdensarv (UNESCO). Agders uthavner i verdensklasse- felles strategi for Aust- og Vest-Agder fylkeskommune er vedtatt i begge fylkeskommuner. 3.1 Tidligere vedtak og andre føringer Fylkestinget vedtok i sak 16/28 Agders uthavner i verdensklasse, felles strategi for Aust- og Vest-Agder fylkeskommune 2016-2020. Strategien er oppfølging av regionplanens handlingsprogram 2015-2016, der uthavnene er prioritert. Dette fremkommer av punkt 5.6: Etablere grunnlag for søknad til Unescos verdensarvliste for uthavnene i Agder. 3.2 Problemstillinger Agders uthavner er verdifulle kulturmiljøer som forteller om Nord-Europas viktigste handelsrute og den intense seilskutetrafikken gjennom Skagerak i perioden forut for den industrielle revolusjonen. Uthavnene er i dag attraktive feriesteder og viktige attraksjoner i en landsdel med økende befolkning og press på kystområdene. God forvaltning av uthavnsområdene er en forutsetning for å ta vare på kulturmiljøene, sikre utvikling og en bærekraftig utnyttelse av kulturminneresurssene. Det er behov for å samordne kunnskapsgrunnlag, formidling og forvaltning på lokalt og regionalt nivå. 4. INTERREG-EUROPE OG HERICOAST INTERREG-Europe legger til rette for nettverksbygging, deling og formidling av kunnskap og erfaringer mellom europeiske regioner med likhetstrekk, uavhengig av geografi. Det overordnede målet er å forbedre gjennomføringen av regional utviklingspolitikk og programmer ved å fremme erfaringsutveksling og politikklæring. Fylkeskommunene i Aust-Agder og Vest-Agder har i perioden 2015 2016 forberedt søknaden for prosjektet HERICOAST til INTERREG-Europe programmet. Prosjektet fikk 31.mars 2016 endelig godkjennelse (se vedlegg). Side42

HERICOAST har som mål å styrke forvaltning av kulturlandskap i kystsonen. Alle regionene som deltar opplever at arealer i kystsonen er under press som følge av urbanisering, turisme, industrialisering av fiskeri og endringer i transportsektoren. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom følgende regioner og institusjoner: 1. Vest-Agder County Council (Norge) 2. Tulcea County Council (Romania) 3. Molise Region (Italia) 4. Castilla y Leon Regional Government (Spania) 5. Leartibai Development Agency (Spania) 6. Donegal County Council (Irland) 7. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Nederland) 8. Civilscape (Nederland). Partner 1 6 representerer ulike regionale forvaltningsnivåer mens partner 7 og 8 vil være rådgivende institusjoner som bidrar med sin kompetanse på kulturminne- og landskapsforvaltning. Vest-Agder fylkeskommune er lead partner. Erfaringsutvekslingen vil i hovedsak bestå av 5 verksted som gjennomføres i perioden 2016 2018. Prosjektets varighet er oppdelt i 2 faser. Hovedaktiviteten gjennomføres i fase 1 som varer 2,5 år. I fase 2, som varer 2 år, vil prosjektets aktivitet være beskjeden og kun ha som formål å rapportere på effekten av resultatene fra fase 1. 4.1 HERICOAST regionale aktiviteter Hver region skal arbeide med å utvikle verktøy som kan forbedre forvaltningen av kulturmiljøer i egen region. Fylkeskommunene i Aust- og Vest- Agder skal arbeide med å utvikle en felles regional veileder for registrering og verdisetting av uthavnene som kulturmiljøer, med konkrete forslag til hvordan hensynet til kulturmiljøene kan innarbeides i kommuneplaner og egne reguleringsplaner. Veilederen skal utvikles på grunnlag av et forløp i to pilotkommuner, én pilotkommune i Aust- Agder og én pilotkommune i Vest-Agder. Det forutsettes et tett samarbeid med kommuneadministrasjon og en aktiv involvering av private eiere samt vel- og venneforeninger. Foreslåtte pilotkommuner er Arendal og Lindesnes som er i gang med kommunal kulturminneplan og som har vist initiativ i forhold til arbeidet med uthavnstrategien. Foreslåtte referansekommuner er Tvedestrand og Farsund. Det er opprettet dialog med aktuelle pilot- og referansekommuner. Hovedtiltak i Aust- og Vest-Agder i prosjektperioden: Utvikle en regional standard for registrering og verdisetting av uthavnene som kulturmiljøer. Gjennomføre registrering og verdisetting av uthavnene som kulturmiljøer i to pilotkommuner. Gjennomføre tiltak som fremmer lokalt engasjement og kunnskap. Utvikle mal for digital formidling og fysisk skiltning av uthavnene som kulturmiljøene. Få en oversikt over eksisterende kunnskap om, og belyse uthavnene i et internasjonalt perspektiv. Side43

4.2 Organisering av prosjektet Den internasjonale delen av HERICOAST ledes av Vest-Agder fylkeskommune sammen med en styringsgruppe bestående av en representant fra hver av partnerne. Samhandlingen i prosjektet reguleres gjennom egne avtaler mellom lead partner og deltagende partnere. Det regionale arbeidet ledes av en styringsgruppe med følgende sammensetning: - Leder regionalavdeling og fylkeskonservator i Vest-Agder - Leder regionalavdeling og leder kulturminnevern i Aust-Agder - 1 representant fra en pilotkommune i hvert fylke - 1 representant fra en referansekommune i hvert fylke Representanter fra alle kystkommunene i Agder vil delta i kommunenettverket som vil være en regional arena for erfaringsutveksling og gi den enkelte kommune mulighet for å påvirke, og anledning til å delta i aktiviteter i tilknytning til uthavnarbeidet. For å gjennomføre det regionale arbeidet ansettes en prosjektleder med delt arbeidssted i Aust-Agder og Vest-Agder fylkeskommune. Vest-Agder fylkeskommune vil være arbeidsgiver. Prosjektlederen vil invitere museer, universitetet og andre kompetansemiljøer til å delta i faggrupper knyttet til de enkelte tiltak etter behov. For å ivareta lead-partner rollen og koordinering av den internasjonale aktiviteten stiller Vest-Agder fylkeskommune med en egeninnsats tilsvarende en 25% stilling gjennom hele prosjektperioden. 4.1 Økonomi Aust-Agder og Vest-Agder har avsatt 500 000 kr til Agders uthavner i RUP-Agder 2016. Aust- Agders andel er 200 000 kr. HERICOAST finansieres av INTERREG-midler tildelt gjennom EUsystemet, og av felles regionutviklingsmidler. De økonomiske konsekvensene innarbeides i RUP Agder for 2017 og 2018 Som del av medfinansieringen i prosjektet legger Vest-Agder fylkeskommune inn en egeninnsats tilsvarende 25% stillingen gjennom hele perioden. Egeninnsatsen dekkes innenfor eksisterende budsjett for fylkeskonservatoren i Vest-Agder. Budsjett: Lønn Erfaringsutveksling Regionale tiltak Total 2016 450 000 100 000 250 000 800 000 2017 900 000 100 000 300 000 1 300 000 2018 900 000 100 000 300 000 1 300 000 Total 2 250 000 300 000 850 000 3 400 000 Side44

Finansieringsplan: RUP Agder Medfinansiering fra EU 1 Total 2016 500 000 600 000 1 400 000 2017 600 000 600 000 1 200 000 2018 700 000 400 000 1 100 000 Total 1 800 000 1 600 000 3 400 000 * ca. beløp basert på EUR-kurs på 9,5. Prosjektets fase 2 som går fra 2019-2020 finansieres gjennom egeninnsats fra Vest-Agder fylkeskommune og dekkes innenfor for eksisterende budsjett for fylkeskonservatoren. 4.2 Faglige merknader Vedtatt strategi, Agders uthavner i verdensklasse- felles strategi for Aust- og Vest-Agder fylkeskommuner sier at regionen skal etablere et utviklingsorientert og tverrvitenskapelig samarbeid om forvaltning, formidling og utvikling i Agders uthavner og legge til rette for en dynamisk og bærekraftig håndtering av endringer. Kommune og fylkeskommune er sentrale aktører i forvaltningen av Agders uthavner. En sentral utfordring er å legge til rette for et godt samarbeid mellom det lokale og regionale nivået i forvaltningen. Ved å utvikle en veileder for regulering av uthavnene vil kompetansen i den lokale og regionale forvaltningen styrkes og samhandlingen bli mer effektiv og forutsigbar. Gjennomføring av HERICOAST-prosjektet følger opp målsetningene i strategien på en god måte, og medfinansiering fra INTERREG-programmet bidrar til å øke handlingsrommet slik at fylkeskommunene er stand til å sette de nødvendige ressurser inn i arbeidet. Deltakelsen i HERICOAST-prosjektet følger opp den internasjonale strategien for Agder (PS 12/15). Prosjektet er et godt eksempel på hvordan regionen kan utnytte mulighetene i internasjonalt samarbeid for å styrke egne satsingsområder. Vest-Agder fylkeskommune er for første gang er lead-partner i et INTERREG-prosjekt. Prosjektet vil bidra til å bygge opp kunnskap og kompetanse i regionen slik at man også fremover vil være i stand å utnytte mulighetene som europeisk samarbeid byr på. 5. KONKLUSJON Fylkesrådmannen anbefaler at Aust-Agder fylkeskommune deltar i Interreg-Europe programmet med prosjektet HERICOAST. HERICOAST gjennomføres som et felles prosjekt med Vest-Agder fylkeskommune med en varighet på 2,5 år. Vest-Agder fylkeskommune vil være lead-partner og Aust-Agder fylkeskommune regional samarbeidspartner. For gjennomføring av prosjektet legges det opp til at det ansettes en felles prosjektleder i 2,5 år. Vest- Agder fylkeskommune har arbeidsgiveransvar, og arbeidssted er delt. Fylkesrådmannen anbefaler at fylkesutvalget bevilger 200 000 kr som dekkes av vedtatte bevilgninger i RUP-Agder 2016. Prosjektet finansieres av INTERREG-midler tildelt gjennom EU Side45

og av felles regionalutviklingsmidler. De økonomiske konsekvensene innarbeides i RUP Agder for 2017 og 2018. Vedlegg: HERICOAST Final approval notification letter HERICOAST- finally approved Side46

European Union European Regional Development Fund Sharing solutions for better regional policies Your contacts M r. Kåre Kristiansen Martina Bacova Vest - Agder County Council +33 328 144 116 Tordenskjoldsgate 65 4605 - Tordenskjoldsgate 65 Norway Ilaria Piazza +3 3 328 144 114 i.piazza@interreg Date: 31 March 2016 RE : PGI 00031, HERICOAST Dear Kåre, On behalf of the Interreg Europe monitoring committee w e are pleased to confirm that all conditions set for the above mentioned project have been met and your project is now approved. The approved budget is as follows : Total ERDF: EUR 1,107,257.00 Total Norwegian funding: EUR 204,250.00 Total Interreg Europe project budget: EUR 1,738,032.00 You will receive three original versions of the contract awarding the subsidy from the programme, already signed by the managing authority, by post. We ask you to return two signed originals to us as soon as possible and within three weeks at the latest. The third copy is for your own documentation. Please note that the latest version of the application form (with the control number 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 ) as available in the programme s online system iolf forms a nnex 1 and that this letter forms a nnex 2, of the subsidy contract. On behalf of the monitoring committee and the m anaging authority, we wish you a successful implementation of your project. With kind regards, Erwin Siweris Programme Director Interreg Europe interregeurope Secretariat Les Arcuriales Entré e D, 5 e étage 45 rue de Tournai, 59000 Lille, France Side47 T: +33 (0) 3 28 14 41 00 F: +33 (0) 3 28 14 41 09 GEIE GECOTTI - PE SIRET : 451 382 287 000 22 VAT / TVA : FR 04451382287

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 PART A Project summary A.1 Project identification Project title Project acronym Name of the lead partner organisation in English Specific objective Management of heritage in coastal landscapes HERICOAST Vest Agder County Council 4.1. Improving natural and cultural heritage policies 45 / 300 characters 9 / 22 characters Project duration Phase 1 Duration 30 Months Start date 01/04/2016 End date 30/09/2018 Phase 2 Duration 24 Months Start date 01/10/2018 End date 30/09/2020 Total No. months 54 A.2 Project abstract Europe s maritime & fluvial regions exist in great diversity, yet show parallels in spatial & political challenges. Cultural heritage of these regions, made up of non renewable man made & natural resources, traditions & lifestyles, form an essential part of coastal landscape. This heritage is considered particular vulnerable, perishable & unstable, exposed to spatial changes in transport, industrialisation of fisheries and growing use of coastal zones for tourism. This project aims to improve regional policies for heritage management in maritime & fluvial regions by facilitating policy learning and supporting exchange of experience, in line with the EC s advice on improving heritage management. In this way, the regions will achieve a better balance between exploitation & preservation measures when redeveloping coastal landscapes. Policy instruments will be improved through the generation of funding for new projects, improved governance and structural change. Seven MEUR in Structural Funds are estimated to be influenced by the project, as well as 1.030 MEUR of other funds. The number of visitors to cultural heritage sites is expected to increase and public access to these sites expected to improve. The partnership covers eight partners from six countries (NO,RO,ES,IT,NL,IE) and all core target groups for priority 6c. Four of five policy instruments addressed by EU partners are Structural Funds Programmes. A 3 step interregional learning process will be applied: 1) Identification and analysis of heritage & territorial situations; 2) exchange of experience and good practice within heritage management; 3) development of regional action plans through participatory involvement of stakeholders. A methodological framework and a tool box for assessing & developing heritage within entire cultural landscapes will serve as the backbone to the learning process. The results will be communicated at the European level via the Policy Learning Platform and through heritage NGOs. 1,998 / 2,000 characters A.3 Project budget summary Programme Funding National Contributions Amount Funding Rate (%) Public Co Financing Private Co Financing Total Co Financing Total budget ERDF 1,107,257.10 83.28 % 165,162.15 57,112.75 222,274.90 Total eligible to ERDF 1,329,532.00 Norway 204,250.00 50.00 % 204,250.00 0.00 204,250.00 Total Norway 408,500.00 INTERREG Europe 1,311,507.10 75.46 % 369,412.15 57,112.75 426,524.90 Total INTERREG Europe 1,738,032.00 Other funding 0.00 Grand Total 1,738,032.00 A.4 Overview of project partners Number Organisation Country Partner budget 1 Vest Agder County Council NO NO NO Cofinancing Total 204,250.00 204,250.00 408,500.00 2 Tulcea County Council RO ERDF National Total 148,240.00 26,160.00 174,400.00 3 Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism ES ERDF National Total 190,230.00 33,570.00 223,800.00 4 Molise Region IT ERDF National Total 167,110.00 29,490.00 196,600.00 5 Leartibai Development Agency ES ERDF National Total 192,842.05 34,030.95 226,873.00 6 Civilscape NL ERDF National Total 69,825.00 23,275.00 93,100.00 Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side48 Page 1 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Number Organisation Country Partner budget 7 VU University Amsterdam, research institute CLUE+ NL ERDF National Total 101,513.25 33,837.75 135,351.00 8 Donegal County Council IE ERDF National Total 237,496.80 41,911.20 279,408.00 Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side49 Page 2 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Lead partner confirmation By signing the application form the lead partner hereby confirms that: The information provided in this application is accurate and true to the best knowledge of the lead partner. The project is in line with the relevant EU and national legislation and policies of the countries involved. The lead partner and the project partners will act according to the provisions of the relevant national and EU regulations, especially regarding structural funds, public procurement, state aid, environment and equal opportunities, as well as the specific provisions of the programme. No expenditure related to the above mentioned project has been, is or will be funded by any other EU funded programme, except for partners that do not receive funding directly from the Interreg Europe programme. Name of signing person Position of signing person Lead partner s organisation Yvonne Willumsen Head of Cultural Heritage Department Vest Agder County Council 16 / 300 characters 36 / 300 characters Place & date (dd/mm/yyyy) Kristiansand, 23/07/2015 24 / 300 characters Signature and stamp of lead partner (if exists) Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side50 Page 3 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 PART B Partnership B.1 Partner s details Partner 1 Partner role in the project Name of organisation in original language Name of organisation in English Department/unit/division (if applicable) Lead partner Vest Agder fylkeskommune Vest Agder County Council 24 / 200 characters 25 / 200 characters 0 / 200 characters Legal status Public body or body governed by public law Type of partner Regional public authority Address Tordenskjoldsgate 65 Town Country Kristiansand Norway (NORGE) 12 / 200 characters Postal code 4605 20 / 200 characters 4 / 200 characters NUTS 1 level NORGE NUTS 2 level Agder og Rogaland NUTS 3 level Vest Agder Legal representative Contact person 1 Yvonne Willumsen Kåre Kristiansen 16 / 200 characters 16 / 200 characters Phone office +47 38074625 12 / 200 characters Mobile +47 945 21 866 14 / 200 characters Email Website 10 / 200 characters Contact person 2 (optional) Phone 0 / 200 characters Email 0 / 200 characters 0 / 200 characters Partner financed through the Investment for Growth and Jobs programme (article 96 (3d) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) No QR Code for the vcard QR vcard Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side51 Page 4 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Partner 2 Partner role in the project Name of organisation in original language Name of organisation in English Department/unit/division (if applicable) Partner Consiliul Judetean Tulcea Tulcea County Council Departement of Accessing External Funds 25 / 200 characters 21 / 200 characters 39 / 200 characters Legal status Public body or body governed by public law Type of partner Regional public authority Address Town Country No 20 Pacii Street Tulcea Romania (ROMÂNIA) 6 / 200 characters Postal code 820033 18 / 200 characters 6 / 200 characters NUTS 1 level MACROREGIUNEA DOI NUTS 2 level Sud Est NUTS 3 level Tulcea Legal representative Contact person 1 Horia Teodorescu Anca Toteanu 16 / 200 characters 12 / 200 characters Phone office +40 24 051 3071 15 / 200 characters Mobile +40 72 830 0002 15 / 200 characters Email Website 22 / 200 characters Contact person 2 (optional) Phone 0 / 200 characters Email 0 / 200 characters 0 / 200 characters Partner financed through the Investment for Growth and Jobs programme (article 96 (3d) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) No QR Code for the vcard QR vcard Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side52 Page 5 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Partner 3 Partner role in the project Name of organisation in original language Name of organisation in English Department/unit/division (if applicable) Partner Junta de Castilla y León Consejería de Cultura y Turismo Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism Ministry of Culture and Tourism/general Directorate for Cultural Heritage 83 / 200 characters 78 / 200 characters 73 / 200 characters Legal status Public body or body governed by public law Type of partner Regional public authority Address AVENIDA NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL PRADO S/N 37 / 200 characters Town Country VALLADOLID Spain (ESPAÑA) 10 / 200 characters Postal code 47071 5 / 200 characters NUTS 1 level CENTRO (ES) NUTS 2 level Castilla y León NUTS 3 level Valladolid Legal representative Contact person 1 María Josefa García Cirac LAURA CUEVAS ORTIZ 25 / 200 characters 18 / 200 characters Phone office +34 983 41 18 00 ext 805730 28 / 200 characters Mobile 0 / 200 characters Email Website Contact person 2 (optional) Jesus Maria del val Recio 30 / 200 characters 25 / 200 characters Phone +34 983 41 16 55 16 / 200 characters Email 16 / 200 characters Partner financed through the Investment for Growth and Jobs programme (article 96 (3d) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) No QR Code for the vcard QR vcard Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side53 Page 6 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Partner 4 Partner role in the project Name of organisation in original language Name of organisation in English Department/unit/division (if applicable) Partner Regione Molise Molise Region Servizio del Gabinetto del Presidente della Regione e degli Affari Istituzionali 14 / 200 characters 13 / 200 characters 80 / 200 characters Legal status Public body or body governed by public law Type of partner Regional public authority Address Via Genova 11 Town Country Campobasso Italy (ITALIA) 10 / 200 characters Postal code 86100 13 / 200 characters 5 / 200 characters NUTS 1 level SUD NUTS 2 level Molise NUTS 3 level Campobasso Legal representative Contact person 1 Paolo di Laura Frattura Ivana Mustillo 23 / 200 characters 14 / 200 characters Phone office +39 087 431 4756 16 / 200 characters Mobile +39 366 196 3577 16 / 200 characters Email Website Contact person 2 (optional) Adolfo Fabrizio Colagiovanni 28 / 200 characters 28 / 200 characters Phone +39 366 196 3577 16 / 200 characters Email 19 / 200 characters Partner financed through the Investment for Growth and Jobs programme (article 96 (3d) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) No QR Code for the vcard QR vcard Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side54 Page 7 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Partner 5 Partner role in the project Name of organisation in original language Name of organisation in English Department/unit/division (if applicable) Partner Leartibai Garapen Agentzia Leartibai Development Agency 26 / 200 characters 28 / 200 characters 0 / 200 characters Legal status Public body or body governed by public law Type of partner Regional public authority Address Xemein etorbidea, 12A, 1º Town Country MARKINA XEMEIN Spain (ESPAÑA) 14 / 200 characters Postal code 48270 25 / 200 characters 5 / 200 characters NUTS 1 level NORESTE NUTS 2 level País Vasco NUTS 3 level Bizkaia Legal representative Contact person 1 AINARA BASURKO URKIRI LEIRE SEARA IZAGUIRRE 21 / 200 characters 21 / 200 characters Phone office 0034 94 616 91 72 17 / 200 characters Mobile 0 / 200 characters Email Website Contact person 2 (optional) Nekane Irusta Seara 17 / 200 characters 19 / 200 characters Phone 0034 94 603 41 11 17 / 200 characters Email 21 / 200 characters Partner financed through the Investment for Growth and Jobs programme (article 96 (3d) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) No QR Code for the vcard QR vcard Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side55 Page 8 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Partner 6 Partner role in the project Name of organisation in original language Name of organisation in English Department/unit/division (if applicable) Advisory partner Civilscape Civilscape CIVILSCAPE Office Bonn CIVILSCAPE Office Utrecht CIVILSCAPE Office Glasgow 10 / 200 characters 10 / 200 characters 74 / 200 characters Legal status Body governed by private law (only non profit!) Type of partner Agency (different from business support organisation) Address Landgoed Oostbroek Bunnikseweg 39 33 / 200 characters Town Country De Bilt Netherlands (NEDERLAND) 7 / 200 characters Postal code 3615 4 / 200 characters NUTS 1 level WEST NEDERLAND NUTS 2 level Utrecht NUTS 3 level Utrecht Legal representative Contact person 1 Dr Inge Gotzmann, President Dirk Gotzmann, Director 27 / 200 characters 23 / 200 characters Phone office +49 228 29971101 16 / 200 characters Mobile 0 / 200 characters Email Website Contact person 2 (optional) Pere Sala i Martí, Secretary General 17 / 200 characters 36 / 200 characters Phone 0 / 200 characters Email 23 / 200 characters Partner financed through the Investment for Growth and Jobs programme (article 96 (3d) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) What are the partner s competences and experiences in the issue addressed by the project? What is the organisation s role in the project? No CIVILSCAPE is an international association of 112 civil society organisations from 31 countries in Europe, primarily non governmental organisations dedicated to landscape protection, management and planning, following the European Landscape Convention. CIVILSCAPE creates an enabling environment for civil society organisations, documents the civil society community, strengthens the infrastructure of the citizen s sector, and promotes collaboration between civil society organisations, political bodies and other actors, to advance the public good. In addition to the key competences of the administration and board of CIVILSCAPE, the value of CIVILSCAPE also resides in its vast memberbase comprised of organisations from regional and European level, of both informal communities and legal established bodies, and of organisations with individual members and networks of organisations. There are heritage organisations at national and regional levels and organisations of professionals, as well as organisations which encourage citizen participation and involvement. CIVILSCAPE Advisory Council of 43 comprises one expert from each country where CIVILSCAPE has members plus a number of additional experts. Those with experience and best practice in policy development to share will be involved in this project. Taskforce Marinescapes CIVILSCAPE is currently establishing a permanent task force for marinescapes, following the initiative of several member organisations active in the field. 1,499 / 1,500 characters CIVILSCAPE will have a double role. They will mainly function as an advisor enriching the interregional learning process but also to a lesser extent help disseminiate the project results on an EU level. The interregional learning process will firstly be supported by their participation in each interregional workshop. Secondly this role will be further strengthen when HERICOASTs will organise a workshop within the context of the 2 MarineScape Forums Events (MFE) which are hosted by Civilscape in Burgas 2017 and Poole 2018. MFE are organised in the context of European Maritime Days and aim to increase dialogue between Europe's maritime and coastal communities highlighting landscape perspectives. Throug these workshops in context of MFE the project will capitalize on the expertise that resides in the member base of Civilscape and the extensive network the organisation posits. HERICOAST will mainly use the workshops to stimulate the interregional learning process but also to disseminate results on an EU level. The MFE will function as an extended sounding board for the project partners. The planning of workshops will be done with the partners and adapted to the progress of the project. The partners will profit from these events, with benefits for the improvement of their regional action plans. CIVILSCAPE will also publish a report on EU funding for coastal landscapes, as a background for action plans.civilscape will publish web articles and in the newsletter sent to 45000 people. 1,500 / 1,500 characters QR Code for the vcard QR vcard Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side56 Page 9 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Partner 7 Partner role in the project Name of organisation in original language Name of organisation in English Department/unit/division (if applicable) Advisory partner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, onderzoeksinstituut CLUE+ VU University Amsterdam, research institute CLUE+ Research Institute CLUE+, 55 / 200 characters 49 / 200 characters 25 / 200 characters Legal status Body governed by private law (only non profit!) Type of partner Agency (different from business support organisation) Address De Boelelaan 1105 17 / 200 characters Town Amsterdam Postal code 1081 HV 9 / 200 characters 7 / 200 characters Country Netherlands (NEDERLAND) NUTS 1 level WEST NEDERLAND NUTS 2 level Noord Holland NUTS 3 level Groot Amsterdam Legal representative Dr Rita Struhkamp 17 / 200 characters Contact person 1 Linda Egberts 13 / 200 characters Phone office +31 (0)20 59 82876 Mobile +31 (0)6 24233464 18 / 200 characters 17 / 200 characters Email Website 11 / 200 characters Contact person 2 (optional) 0 / 200 characters Phone Email 0 / 200 characters 0 / 200 characters Partner financed through the Investment for Growth and Jobs programme (article 96 (3d) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) What are the partner s competences and experiences in the issue addressed by the project? What is the organisation s role in the project? No CLUE+ is characterised by a strong multidisciplinary character.its researchers have backgrounds in archaeology, history, architecture, urban planning, economy, geology, geography, cultural sciences, spatial sciences & governance studies. The partnership will be coordinated from the Landscape & Heritage section, which leads in the historical analysis of contemporary spatial issues. Central fields of study concern the role of cultural landscapes in the present and translating theory into the practice of present day society. CLUE+ members analyse management & governance structures and at the same time participate in advisory boards and planning committees, in particular with regard to the redevelopment of cultural landscapes. Input to this field is commonly tightly linked to in depth historical studies of long term developments. During the European project, Cradles of European Culture: Francia Media (2011 2015), CLUE+ has gained experience in developing working strategies which are comparable to this project. The Institute has developed a conceptual framework on heritage in relationship to engagement of audiences. During this project, Linde Egberts and Koos Bosma also developed a conceptual framework for organising international heritage projects towards the project partners as well as heritage professionals elsewhere. During plenary project meetings, CLUE+ organised workshops, learning activities and group work, in order to implement these concepts in the ongoing project. 1,496 / 1,500 characters The Research Institute, CLUE+, will formulate a conceptual framework within this project, which offers a different approach to understanding regional cultural heritage management issues in a larger context. The framework will be developed througouht phase 1 and ultimately form the context of toolbox on good practices, but at the beginning of Phase 1 that facilitates the active engagement of all partners in comparing their challenges, expertise and solutions and thereby improve their regional heritage management. CLUE+ will make use of the plenary meetings and workshops of the project to map and enhance exchange of expertise, cooperation, joint problem solving and concept development, embedded in the conceptual framework of the interregional learning process. The institute will integrate the learned expertise by the partners into a toolbox for magagement of heritage in coastal landscapes. This toolbox will then be shared with professionals in other regions through the Learning Platform and the members organisation of Civilscape. The methodological framework, best practice and toolbox will be discussed and analysed in a scientific publication, which will be submitted to a peer reviewed journal in the field of heritage and landscape studies. 1,262 / 1,500 characters QR Code for the vcard QR vcard Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side57 Page 10 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Partner 8 Partner role in the project Name of organisation in original language Name of organisation in English Department/unit/division (if applicable) Partner Donegal County Council Donegal County Council 22 / 200 characters 22 / 200 characters 0 / 200 characters Legal status Public body or body governed by public law Type of partner Regional public authority Address COUNTY HOUSE 13 / 200 characters Town LIFFORD Postal code None 7 / 200 characters 4 / 200 characters Country Ireland (ÉIRE / IRELAND) NUTS 1 level IRELAND NUTS 2 level Border, Midland and Western NUTS 3 level Border Legal representative Michael Heaney, Director of Services 37 / 200 characters Contact person 1 Alana Green 11 / 200 characters Phone office +353749172295 Mobile +353 (0) 872379233 13 / 200 characters 18 / 200 characters Email Website Contact person 2 (optional) Claire McCallan 18 / 200 characters 15 / 200 characters Phone +353 749 172 295 Email 16 / 200 characters 24 / 200 characters Partner financed through the Investment for Growth and Jobs programme (article 96 (3d) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) No QR Code for the vcard QR vcard Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side58 Page 11 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 B.2 Policies addressed and territorial context B.2.1 Policy instrument 1 B.2.1.1 Definition and Context Definition Please name the policy instrument addressed Strategy for cultural heritage sector in Vest Agder Please describe the main features of this policy instrument (e.g. objective, characteristics, priority or measure concerned) and the reason(s) why it should be improved. The strategy for cultural heritage sector in Vest Agder was adpoted by Vest Agder County Council in 2014. The strategy describes eight thematic priorities. One is the historical outports on the archipelago of Agder. The strategy recognises the unique heritage value of these small townscapes as defining elements in the coastal landscape. As this ensemble of coastal heritage is spread over two neigbouring counties and fourteen municipalities, the legal responsibility for protection of this heritage is divided between mulitiple public authorities, both local, regional and national. As a consequence, the differences in how the individual outports are managed is considerable. These stem from different management traditions, professional and financial resources and differences in type and content of the development plans put into use by the municipalities. This diversity in public management is a key challenge for the protection of these heritage assets as part of the larger cultural landscape when faced with an intense demand for redevelopment of the landscape for recreational purposes. Any improvement of the heritage management must be developed in close cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, both public and non public, in order to be efficient, durable and sustainable in the longer perspective. 1,317 / 1,500 characters Is this policy instrument a Structural Funds operational programme (i.e. Investment for growth and jobs or European territorial cooperation programme)? Is the body responsible for this policy instrument included in the partnership? Name of this responsible body How do you envisage the improvement of this policy instrument (e.g. through new projects supported, through improved governance, through structural change)? No Yes LP Vest Agder County Council Vest Agder CC envisages improving the strategy through an action plan for improved governance. This will be achieved through the implementation of a new management tool that will improve the support and assistance provided by the county council to the local municipalities regarding heritage management. In order to secure the historical outports as elements in a regional cultural landscape, the first priority is to integrate the management of individual outports by the local municipalities into a coherent regional policy framework. This framework will function as a manual for local municipalities, helping them to update and adjust their local plans of land use and area zoning. The manual will be incorporated by the county council into the routine implementation practice after Phase 1 of the project. The specific content of the toolbox will be determined on the basis of analysis and identification of the possibilities and threats of different historical outports combined with the experiences learned from other partners in the project. Key thematic components will be developed as a methodology for registration of heritage values and landscape analysis complemented with an active communication of the values of the heritage to the wider public. The development of the action plan will be conducted in close cooperation with regional stakeholders. The framework should be developed on the basis of a participatory and integrated involvement of the stakeholders in all steps. 1,490 / 1,500 characters Proposed self defined performance indicator (in relation to the policy instrument addressed) Number of new and updated buildings and areas in the historical outports regulated for protection by local municipalities. 122 / 200 characters Territorial context What is the geographical coverage of this policy instrument? regional What is the state of play of the issue addressed by this policy instrument in the territory? What needs to be improved in the territorial situation? Along Agder s archipelago, there are a number of old trading outports with their heyday during the Age of Sail when they made extensive maritime traffic possible between Eastern and Western Europe. Once sail was replaced by steam in the late 1800s, these outports lost their economic base, and development came to a halt. The result is a number of authentic townscapes along the coast. Today, the territorial situation is characterised by an almost complete depopulation of the outports, whilst they and the surrounding landscape have become highly attractive as areas of recreation. As relatively modest urban townscapes consisting of small wooden houses, these heritage assets are fragile and vulnerable in face of spatial landscape transformation. Responsibility for protection of this coastal heritage is distributed across several levels, involving municipality, county and state. The outports are mainly regulated by municipalities through local plans for land use and area zoning. Some individual buildings have national protection imposed by the Directorate of Cultural Heritage. A problem is that many preservation and protection plans are old and imprecise, leading to unequal and arbitrary practices, and many regulations not being observed. This is partly due to a lack of financial and professional resources within municipal administrations. There is a need for consistent and reliable administration of these heritage values, paired with better cooperation across boundaries and within counties. This need for improvement is accelerated by trends towards privatisation of townscapes, which undermines public support and the legitimacy of the public administrations who work to secure this heritage. Privatisation is fuelled by the geographical position of the outports, again leading to privatisation of previously public areas, including paths and docks. There is also little public communication of cultural history and heritage values within these communities. 1,982 / 2,000 characters Is this issue linked to the regional innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3)? No B.2.1.2 Partner relevance for policy instrument 1 Partner LP Vest Agder County Council What are the partner s competences and experiences in the issue addressed by this policy? What is the capacity of the partner to influence policy instrument 1? Vest Agder County Council has a delegated responsibility for implementing sections of the national Cultural Heritage Act, and thus has extended experience and professional expertise within cultural heritage. The county recently finalised an order of protection on one of the Agder archipelago outports. The County also supported innovative development in digital communication about local historic lighthouses. The experience gained is transferrable to the work on historic outports 482 / 500 characters Vest Agder County Council is the managing authority of this policy instrument. It is envisaged that the County Council, within the existing administration, has the available professional knowledge and capacity to implement the action plan, and that the tools will be integrated in the daily line of work of the county administration during Phase 2. 348 / 500 characters How will the partner contribute to the content of the cooperation and benefit from it? The County has vast Interreg experience & will host the first workshop and opening conference. Their heritage management is exemplified by cultural environment experience gained from work on digitisation of coastal heritage values. The territorial situation, combining depopulation with intense leisure exploitation, is of relevance to other regions. The county will benefit from new understanding of heritage management related to PPPs and methods for digital communication with the public 491 / 500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side59 Page 12 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 B.2.1.3 Stakeholder group relevant for policy instrument 1 Please provide the indicative list of stakeholders to be involved in the project Role of these stakeholders in relation to policy instrument 1? How will this group be involved in the project and in the interregional learning process? The following is a list of the likely stakeholders, which will be added to during the progress of the project : Aust Agder County Council The municipalities at the coast of Agder with historical outports (Municipalities of Farsund, Flekkefjord, Lyngdal, Mandal, Søgne, Kristiansand, Lillesand, Grimstad, Arendal, Tvedestrand, Risør). Riksantikvaren The Directorate for Cultural Heritage. Community groups/groups of private owners related to the outports. Aust Agder Museum & Archives Vest Agder Museum Lindesnes Lighthouse Museum University of Agder 572 / 1,000 characters Aust Agder County Council is the regional authority in Aust Agder the neighbouring county to the partner. Their cultural heritage administration manages the corresponding assets of historical outputs. The County Council has adopted similar objectives regarding improvement of the management of the outports. Local municipalities have the legal responsibility for developing and implementing local plans for land use and area zoning; this authority is key to how heritage values of the outports are managed successfully. The Directorate for Cultural Heritage has the national responsibility to manage cultural heritage. Several outport buildings have protection orders imposed by the Directorate. The Directorate manages funds for the renovation of protected buildings and offers economic and professional support to the regional and local administrations, as well as to owners of protected buildings. Community groups in the outports are important stakeholders as they represent the interests of private house owners. The protection of the outport heritage is cruicially dependent on the understanding, engagement and enthusiasm amongst owners. Aust Agder Museum & Archives, Vest Agder Museum, Lindesnes Lighthouse Museum and the University of Agder are important institutions with profound and broad expertise on the subject of the history of the outports. The museums undertake important work communicating the values of the outports to the general public. 1,465 / 1,500 characters Stakeholder engagement will be based on a communication analysis of their needs and interests with aim to involve different stakeholders actively throughout the project. In total 7 meetings are planed in phase 1. To raise awareness and engagement and stimulate dialogue with stakeholders, the project will communicate the cultural history of the outports through digitisation. The museums and university will be important institutions in this aspect. In the identification and analysis of the regional situation, the County Council will involve Aust Agder County Council, the Directorate of Cultural Heritage and the affected municipalities in defining outports with specific relevance for the project. Once these outports have been defined, the community groups will be actively involved through local seminars and workshops. The digitisation of the cultural history is an important activity in this phase. Once the regional situation has been analysed, the focus will be on sharing experiences from the other partners with the local stakeholders, e.g., by inviting members of the stakeholder groups to participate in study visits and workshops hosted by the project and by local dissemination events. The county councils and municipalities will take active role in developing the action plan through local seminars and workshops. The use of online communication for work and for dissemination of lessons learned and project results will be an important dimension in this phase. 1,482 / 1,500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side60 Page 13 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 B.2.2 Policy instrument 2 B.2.2.1 Definition and Context Definition Please name the policy instrument addressed Regional Operational Programme 2014 2020 Please describe the main features of this policy instrument (e.g. objective, characteristics, priority or measure concerned) and the reason(s) why it should be improved. In the RoP 2014 2020, Sud Est Region of Romania, cultural heritage is framed within the Priority axis 5 Improving the urban environment and conservation, protection and sustainable use of cultural heritage, Investment Priority 5.1 Preserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage and the Specific Objective Boosting local development through conservation, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and cultural identity. The objective of the priority is that the protection of movable and immovable cultural heritage of the region can bring value added to the distinct positioning of the area as a travel destination. The implementation of this priority depends partly on the development of new projects by regional partners, e.g. the counties of the region. However, the focus on economic exploitation of the heritage can have a potentially negative impact on the quality of these assets as their sustainability at the same time remains insufficiently analysed by the policy instrument. This situation makes it difficult for the counties to develop sustainable projects. This is further accentuated by low financial and professional resources for heritage management available for the county. Hence, the management of Priority axis 5 will be greatly improved by increasing professional capacity and developing knowledge on heritage management in the region. Of special importance for Tulcea CC is the coastal heritage connected to the Danube Delta. 1,490 / 1,500 characters Is this policy instrument a Structural Funds operational programme (i.e. Investment for growth and jobs or European territorial cooperation programme)? Is the body responsible for this policy instrument included in the partnership? Please name the responsible body and provide a support letter from this body Yes No South East Regional Development Agency 38 / 300 characters How do you envisage the improvement of this policy instrument (e.g. through new projects supported, through improved governance, through structural change)? Tulcea County Council envisages that the policy instrument will be improved through their development of new projects to be supported by the RoP 2014 2020 Priority axis no. 5. Through the identification and analysis of the territorial situation and the exchange of experience between partners on heritage management, the professional capacity of the County Council will increase and contribute to the development of new projects on the basis of improved heritage management knowledge. The improved knowledge will consist of new integrated and participatory models of heritage management, which will function as a working tool for Tulcea County Council in its cooperation with local stakeholders and other actors of regional importance. These models will serve as a useful knowledge basis to determine a better heritage management by achieving a balance between heritage exploitation, economic growth and environmental protection. The action plan will address coastal heritage as an entire cultural landscape stimulating increased ownership amongst local communities. Future projects will leverage those new integrated and participatory models of heritage management developed in this cooperation. Key thematic components in the new models of heritage management will be: A plan for valorisation of coastal heritage of Tulcea County A feasibility study for Sulina Old Lighthouse. An accessibility plan for local communities and tourists to coastal heritage of Tulcea County 1,481 / 1,500 characters Proposed self defined performance indicator (in relation to the policy instrument addressed) Increas in yearly number of visits to natural and cultural heritage and attractions benefiting of support. (Target value 12.000) 128 / 200 characters Territorial context What is the geographical coverage of this policy instrument? national What is the state of play of the issue addressed by this policy instrument in the territory? What needs to be improved in the territorial situation? Tulcea County is an emerging economy in south eastern Europe. During the last two decades, the region has undergone a fundamental industrialisation of the economy with far reaching consequences for the cultural landscape outlook. Of special importance are the heritage values connected to the Danube Delta. In the 19th Century, the Danube was an important waterway and still today has importance as transport route "Corridor VII" within the European Union. Fishery in the Danube has been of critical importance since the Middle Ages and still makes a significant contribution to the economy in the Danube Delta. These structural changes are paired with a growing tourist industry that exploits the natural and cultural resources of the delta. Cruise industry is one such mayor player. Today the cultural and landscapes richness and diversity of Danube Delta region bring economic opportunities for tourism industry and co benefits to fisheries, aquaculture, agriculture and small craft workshops. Tulcea County is facing major development gaps between areas: some are highly developed offering high quality tourist facilities; other areas are underdeveloped. At the same time, heritage management is fractured between many levels of governance lacking access to financial and professional resources. The tradition of heritage management in the country favours a state centered approach to protection of larger monuments leaving many smaller heritage assets vulnerable and unprotected. As a consequence, the heritage within the Danube Delta displays an advanced state of degradation which does not allow for a sustainable inclusion in the economic cycle, contributing to a negative impact on the quality of the heritage and life of local people and development of local economies. Developing management heritage knowledge and improved possibility of funding from Structural Funds programmes are essential for improvement of regional situation. 1,942 / 2,000 characters Is this issue linked to the regional innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3)? No B.2.2.2 Partner relevance for policy instrument 2 Partner PP2 Tulcea County Council What are the partner s competences and experiences in the issue addressed by this policy? What is the capacity of the partner to influence policy instrument 1? Tulcea County Council has been involved in projects related to the preservation of cultural and natural heritage. Staff have broad expertise in regional development but lack in depth knowledge of heritage management exemplified by the current development strategy that addressed the issue of coastal heritage poorly. Access to financial resources is also limited. Heritage management is viewed traditionally heritage as many singular distinct cultural sights as not as an entire cultural landscape. 500 / 500 characters TCC is a member of The Regional Development Council, which gives the final approval of projects to be financed by ROP. TCC will directly inform the board about the the results of HERICOAST. TCC is entitled to submit project proposals for the calls of the ROP. The exchange of experience within HERICOAST will give TCC the knowledge to improve their proposals. This will be further secured by the involvement of the stakeholder group within which the Managing Authority participate. 481 / 500 characters How will the partner contribute to the content of the cooperation and benefit from it? Tulcea County Council has experience in projects related to preservation of cultural and natural heritage in the Black Sea basin and can contribute by sharing good practice. The county will host the second workshop. Changing the regional approach of local cultural heritage from many distinct cultural sights to an entire costal cultural landscape will be a key benefit. Tulcea County Council staff will be empowered from the lessons learned, through internal seminars and dissemination events. 494 / 500 characters B.2.2.3 Stakeholder group relevant for policy instrument 2 Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side61 Page 14 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Please provide the indicative list of stakeholders to be involved in the project Role of these stakeholders in relation to policy instrument 1? How will this group be involved in the project and in the interregional learning process? The following is a list of the likely stakeholders, which will be added to during the progress of the project : Eco Museum Research Institute (ICEM Tulcea) Territorial Administrative Unit Sulina Territorial Administrative Unit Jurilovca Territorial Administrative Unit Sarichioi Territorial Administrative Unit Murighiol Territorial Administrative Unit Sfantul Gheorghe Territorial Administrative Unit C.A Rossetti Territorial Administrative Unit Chilia County Department for Culture, Cults and National Cultural Heritage Center of Roman Archaeological Heritage Studies in the Black Sea Association (CeRAHeS) South East Regional Development Agency 670 / 1,000 characters The South East Regional Development Agency is the managing authority of the Regional Operation Programme and implements guidelines for supporting new heritage projects within priority 5 of the RoP. The Eco Museum Research Institute is a public institution, under Tulcea County Council, with a scientific and cultural profile, which protects and capitalises scientific, educational, cultural and tourist natural and cultural county heritage. Territorial Administrative Units are public authorities under Tulcea County Council, with an important cultural heritage role. These stakeholders include cultural heritage in local development strategies, and will subsequently implement action plan measures. The County Department for Culture, Cults and National Cultural Heritage is a central public administration institution, which implements culture heritage policies and legislation. It will be involved as an expert on policies and legislation, offering guidance regarding cultural heritage management. The Centre of Roman Archaeological Heritage Studies in the Black Sea Association (CeRAHeS) promotes knowledge, popularisation, restoration and protection of archaeological, historical and environmental heritage of the Black Sea Basin. All stakeholders are important players for coastal heritage areas and are eligible bodies for accessing structural funds through the policy instrument. By particpating, they will gain knowledge for better coastal heritage management in their territories. 1,494 / 1,500 characters Tulcea County Council will mobilise local stakeholders on the basis of a regional communication strategy developed at the outset of Phase 1. The aim is to generate awareness about the existing coastal heritage and promote it as an entire costal cultural heritage to encourage local ownership and a sustainable approach to the preservation and economic exploitation of heritage assets. An active engagement of stakeholders is needed in order to find improved and durable solutions to the management of their own cultural heritage environments. The communication activities will include thematic material and guidance, such as newsletters, studies, policy recommendations good practice examples, short information films. The stakeholders will participate in local workshops and dissemination events. In phase 1 5 meetings is planned in order to analyse local needs related to the museums and archeological sites, legislation related to cultural heritage and existing gaps in the management process of local authorities. Later on in Phase 1, the focus will be on sharing lessons learned from other project partners on how new integrated and participatory management models can be understood and used to determine a better heritage management in each stakeholder s area. This experience and knowledge will also feed into the development of the action plan. They will join interregional meetings. In phase 2, 2 meetings are planned in order to monitor the implementation of the action plan. 1,487 / 1,500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side62 Page 15 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 B.2.3 Policy instrument 3 B.2.3.1 Definition and Context Definition Please name the policy instrument addressed European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme 2014 2020 for Castile and Leon (ERDF OP 2014 2020), Thematic Objective 6. To promote the cultural heritage. O.E 6.3.1 To promote and encourage the protection and cultural heritage development. Strategic Plan for Cultural Heritage in Castile Please describe the main features of this policy instrument (e.g. objective, characteristics, priority or measure concerned) and the reason(s) why it should be improved. In the ERDF OP for Castile and Leon, cultural heritage is framed within the thematic objective 6 To promote the cultural heritage, Specific Objective 6.3.1. (OE.6.3.1.) to promote and encourage the protection and cultural heritage development. The objective is to promote the integrity of Cultural Heritage by proper maintenance and management and to encourage the promotion of research, recovery and enrichment of the cultural heritage of Castile and Leon, in terms of sustainability promoting the participation of all stakeholders. To address this scope, the Regional Government has included in the ERDF OP 2014 2020, the PAHIS Plan 2020 drafted and implemented by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism that is a comprehensive plan for integrated management of Cultural Heritage. It pivots around five strategic axes. Within Axis 3, the Plan considers that the integrated management of cultural heritage is the result of the interaction of social groups and their relationship with the land, people, quality, quantity and uniqueness of cultural assets. It aims to promote actions that affect the conditions for sustainable territorial development over time. The strategy needs to be supplemented by a participatory and integrated sustainable management to improve its efficiency in areas such as innovation, knowledge economy and protection of natural and cultural coastal heritage. 1,382 / 1,500 characters Is this policy instrument a Structural Funds operational programme (i.e. Investment for growth and jobs or European territorial cooperation programme)? Is the body responsible for this policy instrument included in the partnership? Please name the responsible body and provide a support letter from this body Yes No Castilla y Leon Regional Government Regional Ministtry of Treasure General Directorate for Budget and Statistics 117 / 300 characters How do you envisage the improvement of this policy instrument (e.g. through new projects supported, through improved governance, through structural change)? We envisage improving the governance of ERDF OP 2014 2020, Thematic Objective 6. O.E 6.3.1. PAHIS Plan: Axis 3 Sustainable management of cultural heritage by learning how to better preserve the current cultural landscape, its essential character and its historical significance derived from fluvial transport and industry activities. This project will improve our ability to implement actions related to integrative and sustainable management of cultural coastal landscapes within an open and participatory concept for involvement of cultural actors and local communities. In particular, the Action Plan(AP) Active protection and collaborative management planning of Coastal Cultural Landscape, will develop actions to facilitate an integrated management of cultural routes linking the water route of the Castile waterway to the cultural route of The Way of Saint James, and to improve the usages of the industrial heritage along the waterway. The implementation of the plan will be financed by ERDF/ESF and own resources. 1,026 / 1,500 characters Proposed self defined performance indicator (in relation to the policy instrument addressed) % of number of visitors with improved access to fluvial heritage sites 70 / 200 characters Territorial context What is the geographical coverage of this policy instrument? regional What is the state of play of the issue addressed by this policy instrument in the territory? What needs to be improved in the territorial situation? The terriorital situation in Castile and Leon is characterized by decreasing agricultural economic activity, ageing and depolulation. The fluvial heritage has historically had a strong relevance in the region. In 1991, the 200 km long Castile waterway was declared a cultural asset as a cultural landscape. It was built between the 18th and 19th Century as a communication and transport infrastructure for trade and agri food products between the inner region and the sea to the north. Over the years, structural changes restricted its use to an irrigation system, water supplier and recreational resource. Today its meaning is derived from having generated associated heritage assets that reflect the existence of reciprocal influences between different cultural groups over an extended period. With these developments, the fluvial heritage associated to the waterway has lost its function. As a consequence, it is in poor condition and vulnerable and currently there is widespread concern about the fluvial heritage belonging to this great construction and its surrounding area and landscape. Over the last 32 years, the Regional Authority has been actively developing policies to protect and safeguard cultural heritage in the region. This has been done through strategic management models emphasising the reciprocity between preservation and exploitation measures. The fluvial heritage has currently taken priority due to the necessity of protecting valuable industrial heritage related to regional river systems that are obsolete and running the risk of getting damaged. The Regional Authority has launched several public and private initiatives to promote tourism and improve cultural infrastructure but it s necessary to coordinate actions and increase efforts to make the management of the entire waterway heritage more efficient. The management of fluvial heritage needs to be further improved among all actors involved on the basis of an integrative and participatory management model. 1,998 / 2,000 characters Is this issue linked to the regional innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3)? If yes, how? Yes The Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization in Castile Leon 2014 2020 faces regional challenges using its strengths to achieve a competitive position. Structured in 6 macro level activities; one is Habitat and Tourism, Heritage and Spanish Language and within it, Priority 4, Natural and Cultural Heritage (CH) and Spanish Language. CH is highlighted as one of the regional strengths and an identity value and source for economic development and social cohesion. 486 / 500 characters B.2.3.2 Partner relevance for policy instrument 3 Partner What are the partner s competences and experiences in the issue addressed by this policy? What is the capacity of the partner to influence policy instrument 1? PP3 Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism The Regional Government of Castile León, through its Ministry of Culture & Tourism, has total competence regarding CH, specifically in the recognition & cataloguing of cultural values, as well protection, preservation and cooperation with other institutions. MCT has a long management tradition. Over the last 32 years, it has developed strategies beyond the classical models of preservation and protection looking for management models that successfully use heritage as a resource for development. 499 / 500 characters The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is the body responsible for the drafting and implementation of the policies regarding Cultural Heritage and in particular for the PAHIS PLAN 2020 approved by the Regional Government and addressed to the ERDF OP 2014 2020 objectives. The partner is therefore considered to have an excellent capacity to influence the policy instrument because a Ministry report is required before the approval of any policy regarding its competences. 468 / 500 characters How will the partner contribute to the content of the cooperation and benefit from it? We ll share experience on generating integrated management models in the 3rd workshop, which we will host. Responsible for the communication strategy, we ll implement activities helping policies to improve, and to share lessons learned within our organisation. We wish to learn from initiatives on how to preserve the current cultural landscape derived from a landscape linked to transport and industry, transferring them into our policies and implementing them through participatory governance. 496 / 500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side63 Page 16 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 B.2.3.3 Stakeholder group relevant for policy instrument 3 Please provide the indicative list of stakeholders to be involved in the project Role of these stakeholders in relation to policy instrument 1? How will this group be involved in the project and in the interregional learning process? The following is a list of the likely stakeholders, which will be added to during the progress of the project: Medina de Rioseco city council (MdR) Fromistá city council (F) Alar del Rey city council (Alar) University of Valladolid (UVA) Regional Ministry of Treasure. General Directorate for Budget and Statistics (RMT) 334 / 1,000 characters In rural areas, councils act as the liaison between institutions and the population; thus, involving councils, we can engage communities and private owners. MdR has been developing successful participatory initiatives using some of the assets of the Castile waterway as tourism resources, and in particular managing the use of the flour factory of San Antonio. These actions are a good example of sustainable management and they have had positive impact on the development of the municipality. One of the approaches of the Plan is to link the Castile waterway to the Saint James way, and the town of Fromistá is where that link exists, where the two cultural routes are and from where resources of both are managed, making it the ideal place to implement an integrated management of different cultural assets. Alar is an urban centre which emerged under the channel during the 19th Century; an integrated management of the disused related assets would result in significant growth and development of the municipality and its residents. Under the cross border OP Spain Portugal 2007 2013, the UVA undertook a comprehensive and multidisciplinary study and documentation of the building, landscape and its production history and development of proposals for intervention and museological, exhibition design and publication. RMT, as the regional institution in charge of Structural Funds programmes and the policy instrument addressed, will contribute to improving regional policies. 1,481 / 1,500 characters All stakeholders will be intimately involved in project implementation right from the beginning. MdR and UVA will take part in the exchange of experiences process (EEP) providing their expertise to the partnership. They will thus contribute to the design and implementation of the Action Plan (AP) activities in a coordinated manner involving those less experienced. Fromistá and Alar will learn from the experience of others and contribute to the design and implementation of actions in their areas. RMT will contribute to all phases. In phase 1, 5 stakeholder meetings are planned where the contribution will be to provide details about the project and to gain feedback during the EEP and the design of the AP, to foster their involvement in the identification and selection of relevant good practices to achieve a more efficient management of fluvial heritage. In phase two stakeholder workshops are planned in order to secure a credible monitoring of the implementation of the AP and discuss and receive suggestions on the actions proposed, and the best way for their implementation. Following the local joint workshops, selected key stakeholders will participate in workshops and study visits programmed according to their relevance, experience and knowledge in the issue. 1,278 / 1,500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side64 Page 17 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 B.2.4 Policy instrument 4 B.2.4.1 Definition and Context Definition Please name the policy instrument addressed Regional Operational Programmme ERDF ESF of Molise 2014 2020. The ROP is still to be adopted. Please describe the main features of this policy instrument (e.g. objective, characteristics, priority or measure concerned) and the reason(s) why it should be improved. Molise region promotes the conservation of cultural heritage within its territory through the new Regional Operational Programme 2014 2020, financed by ERDF. The objective 5.2.1 and 5.1.1. of axis 5 5 "environment, tourism and culture", 6c priority, is to improve the preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage in areas of strategic relevance by enhancing systemic and integrated resources and territorial jurisdictions. The policy instrument intends to promote a process of development for the protection and enhancement of natural and cultural areas of attraction. This measure should be developed to balance the potential negative impact on the coastal landscape from the other priorities of the policy instrument, such as the further development of leisure economy and industrialisation of fisheries and aquaculture priorities set out to tackle the economic crisis and the depopulation of the area. The policy instrument must be improved because it does not have a comprehensive understanding of heritage as a landscape unit that consists of artificial and non renewable natural resources, traditions and lifestyle. Moreover, the policy instrument must move from a traditional focus on state based preservation and protection of sites and monuments to a new governance model of cultural landscapes based on participatory action. Finally, the policy instrument lacks adequate measures concerning coastal heritage protection and management that will be enhanced by the project. 1,498 / 1,500 characters Is this policy instrument a Structural Funds operational programme (i.e. Investment for growth and jobs or European territorial cooperation programme)? Is the body responsible for this policy instrument included in the partnership? Name of this responsible body How do you envisage the improvement of this policy instrument (e.g. through new projects supported, through improved governance, through structural change)? Yes Yes PP4 Molise Region Policy instrument improvement will start via the study and application of new guidelines/models for participatory and integrated management and governance of cultural heritage (both tangible and intangible). These will enable a sustainable balance between exploitation and conservation measures of the coastal area, as the redevelopment of coastal landscapes is currently abandoned or over exploited. Applying a process to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and coastal environment will address all resources that characterise and represent the strands of history in the area. It can play an important role for asset preservation and to promote and support economic development of local communities. The focus on sustainable development could lead to a structural change in the supply of coastal resources, generating direct economic impact on the tourism industry (both traditional and green) as well as indirect impact, through the financing of new projects finding their inspiration from other EU regions. The system we envisage developing must improve the sustainability of heritage in face of increased regional competitiveness, enabling it to attract more than just human and financial resources, increasing the flow of tourists. In order to do this, we expect to introduce changes to the operational programme regarding the development of specific measures for securing the sustainability of coastal heritage. 1,435 / 1,500 characters Proposed self defined performance indicator (in relation to the policy instrument addressed) Increase in demand index of visitors at private and public cultural heritage sites. (Target value: 5). 102 / 200 characters Territorial context What is the geographical coverage of this policy instrument? regional What is the state of play of the issue addressed by this policy instrument in the territory? What needs to be improved in the territorial situation? The Molise Region consists mainly of hilly and mountainous relief and 35 km of coastline facing the Adriatic Sea. In the early 1900s the greater economic wealth of the region focussed on the "waterways" (understood as space sea and river). These have suffered great structural changes caused by the crises in industry and service sectors that has characterized Italy during the last 20 years, resulting in the closure of industries, combined with a chronic depletion of the fisheries sector, mainly in Termoli area. The remaining cultural heritage, preserved along the coast of Molise and its river Biferno, not only has important historical and architectural aspects related to lost civilisations, but also the tangible presence of industrial heritage sites (e.g. mills, pasta factories, furnaces, foundries). This transformation has created a situation of imbalance, where some areas have experienced a loss of function, and therefore depopulation, compared with others who have experienced a development largely derived from seaside tourism. This latter has shown steady growth in recent years, but involves the concentration of a large number of tourists in small geographical areas along the coast, in Termoli and Campomarino municipalities, consequently causing a strong anthropic pressure and an increase in land consumption. These structural changes in the economy and in society have generated a spatial transformation of coastal landscapes, in sharp contrast with the conservation policy implemented by the Region of Molise in respect of the various Natura 2000 sites along the coast and Biferno river. Due to complexity of the territory comprising history, tradition, agriculture, culture, nature, landscape, industry and handicraft, the Molise Region needs to develop new models of participatory and integrated maritime and river heritage management, achieving a better balance between exploitation and conservation measures and sustainable redevelopment of coastal landscapes in disuse. 2,000 / 2,000 characters Is this issue linked to the regional innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3)? If yes, how? Yes The issue affected by the project is analysed in the regional innovation strategy of smart specialisation of the Regione Molise that assumes as a result of our new OP, support to the competitive repositioning of tourist destinations, through a review and an update of the products and destinations in relation to an enhanced natural and cultural heritage. The aim is to expand the impact in terms of sustainable promotion and marketability of environmental and cultural heritage. 479 / 500 characters B.2.4.2 Partner relevance for policy instrument 4 Partner PP4 Molise Region What are the partner s competences and experiences in the issue addressed by this policy? What is the capacity of the partner to influence policy instrument 1? The Molise Region has the institutional competence to determine the correct management of the coastal cultural heritage, being able to programme tourist promotion, to launch measures in sustainable tourism and hospitality, as well as encourage local policies of territorial development and rural and cultural landscape preservation. Moreover, Molise Region has experience in management of Natura 2000 network sites, project management of coastal area, planning of interventions for landscape, etc. 497 / 500 characters Molise Region as project partner is the body managing policies on tourism development and cultural & natural heritage management. The Region also decides the allocation of funding at regional level. Molise Region is the Managing Authority of this policy instrument, and can decide to finance new projects, change the method of management or change its strategic focus. At the advice of our NCP, a letter of support is nevertheless submitted as our MA representative is not our legal representative. 498 / 500 characters How will the partner contribute to the content of the cooperation and benefit from it? Sea areas and rivers of the Molise Region preserve a cultural and environmental heritage of great interest, coupled with poor economic development. Molise Region expects to improve cultural and evironmental heritage related policies, through exchange of best practice between partners. We will share our territorial tourism plans: "The integrated strategy of local development in Molise", management plans of Natura 2000 sites, and results of the project "SHAPE (IPA Adriatic). Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side65 Page 18 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 477 / 500 characters B.2.4.3 Stakeholder group relevant for policy instrument 4 Please provide the indicative list of stakeholders to be involved in the project Role of these stakeholders in relation to policy instrument 1? How will this group be involved in the project and in the interregional learning process? 1) Molise verso il 2000 (Local Action group and business incubator), a consortium established with the aim of promoting integrated local development; 2) Sviluppo Italia Molise (Regional development agency), to support territorial development, business creation and development, and provide technical assistance to the public administration; 3) Chamber of commerce of Campobass, an autonomous public institution that support local economies and company activities; 4) University of Molise, consisting of six departments created on the basis of the characteristics of the territory; 5) The Regional Directorates for Cultural Heritage and Landscape, management offices of the General Ministry of Cultural Heritage, responsible for the protection of Italian culture and the preservation of artistic and cultural landscape; 6) Fondazione Molise Cultura, owned by Regione Molise, with aims to explain, protect, enhance and promote the expressions of all types of cultural manifestation. 986 / 1,000 characters 1) The Local Action Group (LAG) Molise Towards 2000 will provide reflection on public policies in the field of cultural and natural heritage protection and sustainable tourism development, especially in light of the experience gained from the participation in related European projects, also providing a link to the LEADER + programme. 2) Sviluppo Italia Molise will have the role of providing data about the territorial situation in order to facilitate coordinated actions to promote sustainable development and environmental qualification. 3) The Chamber of Commerce will provide experience about developing economic local business, as well as suggestions for public interventions that have a direct impact on the local dynamics. 4) The University of Molise will provide a territorial analysis based on their technical knowledge in order to provide support for the development of a methodological framework for assessing and developing heritage landscape policies. 5) The Regional Directorates of Heritage and cultural landscape will be responsible for providing guidance on the cultural and coastal landscapes heritage, also providing guidance for its protection in the light of national and European legislation. 6) The Fondazione Molise Cultura will have the task of disseminating best practice on the enhancement of the historical, artistic, literary and natural heritage of Molise Region, and guidance on the protection of intangible heritage along the coast. 1,471 / 1,500 characters The exchange of good practice and experience will be bidirectional: Regione Molise will transfer information acquired during project activities and workshops, involving stakeholder representatives in workshops and thematic visits; the local group will convey information to partners about the key aspects of regional landscape and ecological heritage; stakeholders will involve local actors. 5 stakeholder meetings are planned in phase 1 in order to 1) involve stakeholders in the different stages of study through the thematic meetings that includes a digitised review of cultural heritage located along the coast and the banks of Biferno river. Regional strategies for engaging stakeholder groups will be jointly developed through dissemination events; 2) At the end of the preliminary analysis, scheduled meetings with stakeholder groups will illustrate results and collect information on the possible improvement of the policy instrument through a questionnaire; 3) to identify priority actions to be included in the Action Plan. Regular scheduled study visits and seminars in the territories of the partners with stakeholders for the exchange of good practice. During Phase 1, papers and short information films on good practice and lessons learned will be made available, transmitted through social media and websites, to involve local stakeholders in the development of policies. In phase 2, 2 stakeholder meetings are planed to monitor the implementaiton of the action plan. 1,483 / 1,500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side66 Page 19 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 B.2.5 Policy instrument 5 B.2.5.1 Definition and Context Definition Please name the policy instrument addressed European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programme of the Basque Country Please describe the main features of this policy instrument (e.g. objective, characteristics, priority or measure concerned) and the reason(s) why it should be improved. Priority axis 3, and the related investment priority 3.3 of this policy instrument regulated by the Basque Government aims to develop measures for supporting the creation and enhancement of SME capacities to create new products and services needed to reduce the unemployment rate that has recently increased sharply. However it is at the same time acknowledged that there firstly is a need for better coordination between actors due to a confusing governance system, and secondly that the overall development should be implemented in a sustainable manner. In relation to economic development, it as acknowledged that the tourism industry offers a great opportunity with a potential for increased exploitation of the coastal landscape and the cultural heritage embedded in it. The combination of increased exploitation of the heritage within a confusing governance system potentially poses a threat to the integrity of the coastal heritage and landscape, which is not sufficiently analysed by the policy instrument today. Without improving the understanding of the interconnection between heritage and landscape, there is a risk that economic development activities could have an irreversible negative impact on coastal heritage in the region. Hence, the policy instrument should be improved by integrating a better understanding of the issue of coastal heritage into the different measures of the operational programme. 1,421 / 1,500 characters Is this policy instrument a Structural Funds operational programme (i.e. Investment for growth and jobs or European territorial cooperation programme)? Is the body responsible for this policy instrument included in the partnership? Please name the responsible body and provide a support letter from this body Yes No Department of Treasury and Finance, Regional Government of Basque Country 73 / 300 characters How do you envisage the improvement of this policy instrument (e.g. through new projects supported, through improved governance, through structural change)? Proposed self defined performance indicator (in relation to the policy instrument addressed) Leartibai Development Agency envisages improving the current policy instrument through improved governance, as it lacks tools to assess, monitor and evaluate heritage dimensions of the planned measures. One route is by developing new tools for improving cooperation between the regional government and the different actors. On the basis on identification and analysis of the territorial situation and the exchange of good practice within the project, these tools will be developed via a comprehensive action plan based on an integrated and participatory approach regarding coastal heritage. The regional action plan will firstly consist of a manual for municipal heritage management methodology that will involve a comprehensive sustainable approach to heritage, which includes the economic, social and environmental dimensions of the coastal heritage; stressing the need of preserving the cultural identity of fisheries culture rooted areas. Secondly, it will present a new governance model specifying a clear distribution of roles and tasks of the actors concerned and paying special attention to public private partnerships as a tool for obtaining a comprehensive sustainable development approach. This in order to compile different alternatives and points of view, where citizens are a key factor. The action plan will be developed with the specific aim of making the heritage methodology and governance model transferable to any other areas of the Basque Country in a similar situation. No. of municipalities that define and implement an heritage management action plan. Target value : 12 Number of coastal & fluvial landscapes/heritage mapped/cataloged/included in management plans: 4 1,493 / 1,500 characters 199 / 200 characters Territorial context What is the geographical coverage of this policy instrument? regional What is the state of play of the issue addressed by this policy instrument in the territory? What needs to be improved in the territorial situation? The District of Leartibai represents a microcosm of the coastal Basque regions; a fisheries dependent and industrialised area in economic crisis due to heavy industrialisation of the fisheries. The district thus searches for new economic activity to secure continued regional development; exploitation of the rich coastal landscape and heritage is one asset. This structural change exposes heritage linked to fishing, from real estate (housing, wholesale fish markets, lighthouses, watchtowers, fishing associations, etc.) to movable property (shipping vessels, shipyards, fishing tools and equipment, etc.) and intangibles (tradition, celebrities, etc.). However, this heritage has not traditionally been considered as cultural heritage and so deserves special protection, and intangible heritage has a greater risk of disappearing. In order for the economic development to be sustainable, the region s heritage management needs to be improved. An important aspect is to improve municipal professional capacity on heritage management. However, the coastal heritage has not yet been understood or analysed holistically, so several municipalities are unaware of all elements that comprise their cultural and natural heritage, with a corresponding need to identify/compile an inventory. At the same time, public investment in heritage preservation and restoration is decreasing and gradually deteriorating. There is therefore a need to analyse those elements and decide how to address each one. In order to preserve this heritage, the region has to find new ways of raising community awareness of their cultural heritage so that it is valued, respected and well disseminated. The region therefore needs to improve accessibility of cultural heritage to citizens in a physical, educational and digital way. 1,806 / 2,000 characters Is this issue linked to the regional innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3)? If yes, how? Yes The project will preserve and enhance our cultural heritage, including our slow healthy lifestyle, the healthy and local food consumption and gastronomy. It also refers to tangible heritage linked to the fishing industry and the ports metal and equipment industries, as well as those related to coastal town centres and our leisure and entertainment activities and the experience linked to our fluvial and maritime resources. We also promote the diversification of the coastal area to the RIS3. 495 / 500 characters B.2.5.2 Partner relevance for policy instrument 5 Partner PP5 Leartibai Development Agency What are the partner s competences and experiences in the issue addressed by this policy? What is the capacity of the partner to influence policy instrument 1? Leartibai Development Agency has considerable expertise on participatory involvement of stakeholders a key aspect for new methods in participatory and integrated heritage governance. As managing body of Lea Artibai tourism they also have expertise in PPPs on energisng and promoting cultural heritage through collaboration with different quadruple helix actors. They are committed to the preservation and generation of new sustainable economic activities in the framework of the District Strategy. 499 / 500 characters As a public founded and owned entity LDA has a broad mandate to contribute in the evaluation of the BOP. Partly on behalf of their 6 owner municipalities on the various issues that they decide and partly by being appointed by all 12 municipalities in the Leartibai region as manager of their Sustainable Development Strategy and with that representing them on the matters of the strategy.with the LoS LDA has a specific mandate to propose tools for heritage assesment to the measures of the BOP. 496 / 500 characters How will the partner contribute to the content of the cooperation and benefit from it? We will contribute with our experience in creating collaborative environments involving all type of actors, as well as linking the recovery of the heritage to job creation policies and Sustainable Development Strategies. We will also prepare and conduct the Final Conference. The project will enable us to identify new ideas to manage cultural heritage for the local economy diversification, we will increase our District s international exposure, and we will strengthen social capital and cohesion. Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side67 Page 20 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 499 / 500 characters B.2.5.3 Stakeholder group relevant for policy instrument 5 Please provide the indicative list of stakeholders to be involved in the project Department of Treasury and Finance, Regional Government of Basque Country (with letter of support) Rural, coastal and Food development agency of the Basque Country, HAZI Basque Tourism Agency, Basquetour Culture Heritage Department of the Basque Country 12 municipalities of Lea Artibai district Local retailers association Fishermen Associations from Lekeitio and Ondarroa Heritage and Cultural associations from Lekeitio and Ondarroa 459 / 1,000 characters Role of these stakeholders in relation to policy instrument 1? How will this group be involved in the project and in the interregional learning process? The Basque Government is the managing authority of the 2014 2020 ERDF Operational Programme of the Basque Country. HAZI`s core concern is coastal sustainable development and boosts coastal preservation and enhancement strategies, with deep local knowledge and close contact with all actors. Basquetour promotes tourism, so they have deep knowledge of its heritage. They are experts in enhancing and disseminating it with a holistic approach in accordance with the Basque Tourism Strategy, also in contact with the entire tourism network. Culture Heritage Department of the Basque Country establish the elements that are deemed heritage, and so they decide if those elements can be exploited. They will primarily advocate the preservation, which will help to find a balance. Municipalities have a strong commitment, both to the diversification of the economy to create jobs and wealth, and to help halting depopulation. Cultural identity is a critical issue for their own municipal identity. Local retailers association play an important role in the dissemination of the cultural heritage as they have close contact with locals and tourists. Fishermen Associations are deeply concerned with implementing new diversification strategies, and store the intangible heritage, so they are essential for its recovery. Heritage and Cultural Associations store all the cultural heritage information, and are best placed for its preservation, enhancement and dissemination. 1,488 / 1,500 characters LDA will meet with all stakeholders once per semester in phase 1, starting with a kick off meeting aimed at explaining the project. At the first meeting we will distribute project brochures, and continuing with individual meetings to collect stakeholders points of view, needs and requirements. We will after that organise thematic workshops with concerned stakeholders in order to define how to address each type of heritage. 4 meetings are planned with the MA in the Basque Government in order to to provide project progress information and main conclusions. Overall, stakeholders will take part defining the Action Plan. They will also help to design the methodology for the creation of Comprehensive Sustainable Development Strategies around the Preservation and Enhancement of Cultural and Natural Coastal Heritage for municipalities. Regarding interegional activities, three different stakeholders will take part in three workshops and three field visits, which results in nine actors sharing international good practice. We will also create short papers and films with good practices that we will present to all stakeholders. Stakeholders will also take part in preparing and conducting the Final Conference in Bilbao, where the Basque Government will attend. This group will be involved in the digitisation of regional heritage designing the content. In order to ensure the project visibility among stakeholders we will also use social media, newsletters and websites. 1,477 / 1,500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side68 Page 21 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 B.2.6 Policy instrument 6 B.2.6.1 Definition and Context Definition Please name the policy instrument addressed County Donegal Development Plan 2012 2018 Please describe the main features of this policy instrument (e.g. objective, characteristics, priority or measure concerned) and the reason(s) why it should be improved. The County Donegal Development Plan 2012 2018 is the main policy instrument used to manage change in land use including the coastal region in the County, relating to the management and regeneration of our settlements through the protection and celebration of our heritage. Chapter 8.2 of the County Donegal Development Plan 2012 2018 (CDDP), Marine Resource and Coastal Zone Management aims to support marine resource development, which contributes to the socio economic and sustainable development of the County. Furthermore, Chapter 6 of the aforementioned Plan, The Natural and Built Heritage, looks to conserve, protect and enhance the County s built, natural and cultural heritage for future generations and encourage appreciation, access and enjoyment of these resources. Looking to these two sections of the Plan there is a very clear policy void relating to the unique and significant cultural, built and environmental heritage along the coastal region with a need to inform an integrated, evidence based and heritage led management approach, which this project aims to address. 1,086 / 1,500 characters Is this policy instrument a Structural Funds operational programme (i.e. Investment for growth and jobs or European territorial cooperation programme)? Is the body responsible for this policy instrument included in the partnership? Name of this responsible body How do you envisage the improvement of this policy instrument (e.g. through new projects supported, through improved governance, through structural change)? No Yes PP8 Donegal County Council Donegal County Council envisages improvement of the policy through an improved governance. The improvement will be founded in the development of a policy framework based on lessons learned from other partners regions and from documented analysis and information of how structural changes have impacted the landscape, heritage and local communities. This will foster an improved appreciation of the value of the coastal region through the historical analysis of the evolution of settlements, preparation of character appraisal and the sharing of local knowledge and skillset. The policy instrument will be implemented through informing a strategic policy framework, settlement guidelines, local area plans and actions for the protection and management of coastal regions. The results will be new approaches to heritage management, in tandem with supporting skills development in this area. The envisaged improvement is needed to ensure that negative impacts on the landscape and heritage of our coastal communities are mitigated. With this the policy improvement will assist the County Council in policy formulation and in shaping the types of supports and projects which are needed to revitalise coastal communities. The project will inform the future heritage management of the coastal region for local communities, raising awareness of the intrinsic value of the coastal region and its assets, reinforcing a sense of identity, engendering civic pride and informing a sense of well being. 1,489 / 1,500 characters Proposed self defined performance indicator (in relation to the policy instrument addressed) % increase of historic buildings on Record of Protected Structures. Target value 20%. 87 / 200 characters Territorial context What is the geographical coverage of this policy instrument? regional What is the state of play of the issue addressed by this policy instrument in the territory? What needs to be improved in the territorial situation? Coastal settlements in our area have experienced considerable decline indicating higher than national average of social deprivation than their rural counterparts. This is despite their wealth of natural, built and cultural heritage assets as well as their location within a landscape and seascape of considerable natural beauty. The region s cultural, historical and built heritage remains an untapped and extremely vulnerable resource despite substantial holiday home development in and surrounding these coastal settlements. The potential negative impact of ill informed development, if continued within these areas, could compromise the integrity and quality of these rich environments irreversibly. There remains limited appreciation and understanding of the value of our heritage informing our sense of place while reinforcing community spirit. In this regard the sensitive and informed preparation of an evidence based action plan for the sustainable management of this unique cultural land will improve the management of these assets for future enjoyment and learning. This improvement will be facilitated through a programme of themed workshops to raise awareness and share local knowledge. We will look transnationally to other regions to identify ways of arresting decline in these areas and harnessing their unique assets for community benefit by learning new techniques for stakeholder input and engagement, for analysing these cultural landscapes and looking for solutions to address the problems to manage these areas better. Sharing our considerable established skill set in community action planning, stakeholder engagement strategies, spatial digital data gathering, sharing and digital consultation, and transferability of knowledge from our European partners will further develop the expertise within our region in order to challenge issues faced owing to the deficit in specific coastal spatial policy, a process which will be refined informing the outcomes of the project. 1,993 / 2,000 characters Is this issue linked to the regional innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3)? No B.2.6.2 Partner relevance for policy instrument 6 Partner PP8 Donegal County Council What are the partner s competences and experiences in the issue addressed by this policy? What is the capacity of the partner to influence policy instrument 1? Donegal County Council has dedicated Heritage, Tourism and European Units. With our particular expertise in community consultation and community planning technique, the Council represents expertise in the development of new methods for more particapatory and integrated governance of heritage to demonstrated during the workshop in semester 5. The improvement of the policy requires addtional knowledge not present in the CC, therefore involvement of external expertise is planned (cf. part e.2). 496 / 500 characters We are the local authority for 160 000 residents in Donegal providing a range of public services promoting local community interest. As policy formulators, we are project lead in the fields of landscape, architecture, heritage & spatial planning where policy is developed following extensive public consultation & stakeholder engagement. We are the managing authority of the County Donegal Development Plan and influencer of the Regional Planning Guidelines Border Region policy instrument referred. 499 / 500 characters How will the partner contribute to the content of the cooperation and benefit from it? We work from an evidenced based approach with a greater focus on digital information gathering, consultation processes and publication. The SPACEIal NW project supported under Interreg IVA will also be a key resource in this regard. We have developed an interactive, map based consultation facility reflective of the spirit of the EU Aarhus convention to garner a more varied input to the public consultation process. Policies will be improved as a consequence of using such techniques 485 / 500 characters B.2.6.3 Stakeholder group relevant for policy instrument 6 Please provide the indicative list of stakeholders to be involved in the project Heritage Council (HC) National Statutory Body Letterkenny Institute of Technology(LYIT) Third Level Institute of Higher Education Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side69 Page 22 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Failte Ireland National Tourism Development Authority, Donegal Museum Donegal County Council Cultural Service Division Donegal County Council Local Enterprise Office DCC/LEO Udaras na Gaeltachta National Authority for Gaeltacht Region Inland Fisheries Ireland National State Agency Loughs Agency Intergovernmental Cross Border Agency Irish Landscape Institute (ILI) Professional Advisory Body Health Service Executive (HSE) Healthy Ireland National Healthcare Provider Northern and Western Regional Assembly Regional Planning Authority 720 / 1,000 characters Role of these stakeholders in relation to policy instrument 1? How will this group be involved in the project and in the interregional learning process? Local indigenous and national stakeholder knowledge plays an integral role in increasing our understanding of the settlements, highlighting the complexity and sensitivity of coastal zones. The knowledge, experience and diversity of the stakeholder skills base will provide informed, evidence based collaborative and integrated reference informing the outputs and deliverables of the project. This is in turn playing a key role in shaping and informing policy at national level, enhancing the region while encouraging enterprise and innovation. Engagement with stakeholders will allowing transferability of a range of established skillsets in community action planning, community and stakeholder engagement strategies, spatial digital data gathering, sharing and digital consultation with a view to developing the expertise within our region to challenge issues faced owing to the deficit in specific coastal spatial policy. 923 / 1,500 characters 8 stakeholder meetings are planned in phase 1. Stakeholders will share knowledge on management models & implementation measures, examining priorities, discovering commonalities & establishing networks via meetings & digital interaction. Representatives from all regional/national stakeholder groupings will regularly convene to share experience providing a multiple evidence based approach from which to inform future relevant & sustainable policy. The collaboration of stakeholders & interregional partners will explore functions & processes in social ecological systems, which is vital for the sustainable management & stewardship of these identified coastal areas. Phase 1 of the project will include the identification & analysis of coastal settlements, workshops & seminars informed by stakeholder & local community participation on the management of coastal settlements within their wider landscape setting considering specifically their unique cultural heritage. This collaboration will inform the programme of events for study visits from partner countries. The study visits will set the context, investigate the opportunity, explore the potential & seek to examine a range of initiatives that will protect enhance & manage the network of coastal settlements across the partner region. The shared experience of these regions will provide learning opportunities for all transnational respective partners nurturing diverse knowledge systems in decision making for sustainable development. 1,494 / 1,500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side70 Page 23 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 PART C Project description C.1 Brief history of the project Vest Agder County Council has for the last 15 years been working on improving management of the coastal heritage. In 2013, the county initiated a new line of work targeted at improving the management of the historical outports along the coast of southern Norway. This generated the wish of the County Council to develop a proposal targeted at the Interreg Europe Programme specific objective 4.1. Vest Agder County Council attended the Interreg Europe launch event. At this event, the County Council met a representative of the Regional Government of Castilla y Leon and it was decided that Vest Agder would draft a project description on coastal heritage management. The description was circulated widely through the Interreg Europe web platform, the CPMR and various others networks. On the basis of feedback, a meeting followed for all interested parties in Amsterdam, March 2015. The potential partners presented their regions and ideas for collaboration. At the meeting, Castilla y Leon, Molise Region, Leartibai Development Agency and Civilscape were present amongst 20 others regions. During an iterative process, a partnership with the aforementioned regions coalesced on the basis of common interests. It quickly became clear that the different maritime and fluvial regions shared similar challenges with management of heritage when facing the larger structural changes that have been causing spatial transformation of the coastal landscapes. The common dominator was the need for the public administrations to develop new participatory and integrated models for managment of their coastal heritage. The final partnership was decided on the basis of the complementarity between, and diversity of, the territorial situations, heritage management traditions, policy relevance and knowledge. Thereby it demonstrates the European diversity in this issue. However it was decided to include two Spanish partners due the substantial differences in regards to territorial situation and institutional character, which is considered to provide an added value to the project. A second meeting duly took place in May with the participation of the final partnership. At this meeting, CLUE+ functioned as a mediator in line with their role in the project and Vest Agder County Council chaired the meeting. The partners presented suggestions for policy instruments and discussed why and how these instruments should be improved. On the basis of this, the meeting defined the objective and activities of the project, and started to build a budget therefrom. It was furthermore discussed how tasks could be distributed among different partners. Based on their experience from previous INTERREG projects, Castilla y Leon took the responsibility for the communication activities. During May July there was frequent communications between the lead partner and all partners on the final selection and description of policy instruments, the development of the work plan and other parts of the proposal. 2,994 / 3,000 characters C.2 Issue addressed Europe s maritime & fluvial regions exist in great diversity, yet show parallels in spatial & political challenges. Changes in the transport sector away from water based towards land based infrastructure/service, industrialisation of fisheries, & growing use of coastal zones for recreational purposes created a situation where some areas experience a loss of function, decreasing economic activity & depopulation; others experience pressure for further industrialisation & economic development. Cultural heritage of these regions, made up of non renewable manmade & natural resources, traditions & lifestyles, also forms an essential part of coastal landscape. This heritage is considered particular vulnerable, perishable & unstable due to harsh climate conditions & as traditional core activities like fishery & maritime pilotage often had a low impact on the landscape. Constant redevelopment of disused coastal landscapes is a key heritage management challenge. The traditional approach of state sponsored preservation of isolated sites with an authenticity label is inadequate for sustainable development. Heritage management should be geared towards heritage as an entire cultural landscape, based on new people centred approaches making heritage part of the community. Landscape is characterised by change & communities are often concerned about loss of function, character & identity. Regions need to respond to the EC s advice by developing new integrated & participatory management models. (Bruxelles, 22.7.2014 COM (2014) 477). The project supports the sustainable growth pillar of the EU2020 through raising awareness amongst policy makers & key stakeholders on new integrated models for management of heritage, resulting in more robust strategies. Investing in reuse of built heritage also leaves a smaller carbon footprint. Heritage is a key driver for coastal tourism; by improving heritage management the project allows regions to take advantage of the growth potential sustainably. The inclusive growth pillar is supported by promoting new participatory models to management of coastal heritage, encouraging empowerment of communities. Together with a focus on heritage digitisation, access to heritage assets will be improved. The smarth growth pillar is supported through further digitisation of cultural heritage following the Digital Agenda.The project improves regional policies for heritage management in maritime & fluvial regions by facilitating policy learning & supporting exchange of experience. The partnership covers all core target groups for priority 6c. 4/5 policy instruments addressed by EU partners are Structural Funds Programmes. 3/6 ordinary partners are responsible for the policy instruments addressed, & 4 partners have letters of support from the responsible institution. Hence, the partnership holds good capacity to influence the policy instruments, also in line with partners core competences. Spatial transformation can be understood as having a lifecycle, with growth, consolidation & decline or rejuvenation. By joining different regions, e.g. emerging economies, coasts with a long history of tourist exploitation, industrialised & fishery dependent communities and peripheral areas fighting depopulation, all partners are on different points in the lifecycle. Heritage management is changing and the tendency is to follow the integrated & participatory approach as recommended by the EC. Even though many regions have implemented such policies substantial differences exist amongst European regions, exemplified within the partnership.differences within the partnership related to experience of spatial change, management tradition & available resources makes them ideal sparring partners in understanding new models of heritage management. With this the project feeds into the fundamental groundwork of the Interreg Europe programme by reducing disparities in the levels of development, growth and quality of life in European regions. 3,995 / 4,000 characters C.3 Objectives Programme priority specific objective the project will contribute to Overall objective and sub objectives Improve the implementation of regional development policies and programmes, in particular Investment for Growth and Jobs and, where relevant, ETC programmes, in the field of the protection and development of natural and cultural heritage. This project aims to improve regional policies for heritage management in maritime and fluvial regions in line with EC s advice on improving heritage management. (Bruxelles, 22.7.2014 COM (2014) 477). By exchanging experience on the development of new participatory and integrated models of heritage management, regions will aim to achieve a better balance between exploitation and preservation measures when redeveloping coastal landscapes. Fixed installations of coastal heritage should be protected from destruction and the conversion of such installations to useful alternative purposes without undue sacrifice of their essential character should be encouraged. By conceptualising this heritage as essential parts of coastal landscapes and developing new integrated and participatory management models the regions will explicitly address the reciprocity of heritage towards other areas of public policies, such as economic development and educational policies and local communities. This entails a persistent focus on sustainable development and will help the heritage management to achieve a better balance between exploitation and preservation measures. Sub objectives: 1. Construct a methodological framework for assessing and developing heritage within whole cultural landscapes. 2. Promote practical learning and exchange of experience on heritage management and the redevelopment of coastal landscapes. 3. Prepare and develop regional action plans on the basis of a participatory and integrated approach. 1,518 / 2,000 characters C.4 Project approach Describe the project approach to achieve the project s objective and to produce the intended outputs and results. The 3 step interregional learning process: firstly, partners focus on identification & analysis of their heritage & territorial situation; secondly, on the exchange of experience & good practice within heritage management; thirdly on the development of regional action plans through participatory involvement of stakeholders, via: Development of a methodological framework to assess their heritage & territorial situation 5 workshops combined with field visits aimed at facilitating exchange & practical learning on good practice within heritage management Organising of workshop in 2 Marinescape Forum Events (MFE). Regional activities on analysis of heritage, sharing knowledge & production of regional action plans; Participation in European events to increase dialogue with civil society, academia & policymakers outside the partnership Use of the Policy Learning Platform (PLP). The advisory partners will have a key role functioning as a mediators, enriching & stimulating the discussions. The mediator role will be accentuated by the development of a methodological framework, providing partners with shared understanding of the issues at stake & functioning as a common conceptual framework. CLUE+ will develop a methodological framework on historical transformation of coastal & fluvial landscapes, growing awareness of the sustainability & appreciation of coastal landscapes as heritage. Civilscape will supplement with their expertise on civil society & landscape policies, also by inviting experts from their Advisory Council to the workshop. Partners organise the 5 workshops. Lead partner and CLUE+ will be responsible for continuity & progress between the workshops. The focus is on presentation & discussion of regional activities within pre specified themes, followed by field visits demonstrating good practice. Key personnel from stakeholders will be invited to particpate in the exchange of experience. The workshops will facilitate individual learning amongst project personnel. Lead partner and Civilscape will organise workshop in the context of 2 MFE to enrich important steps in the interregional learning process as specified in the work plan. On a general level the experts and audience present at the 2 MFE workshops will function as an extended sounding board for the partners and increase their understanding of & gaining input from the role of civil society in landscape policies. Ordinary partners will take on regional activities linked to the workshops in close cooperation with their stakeholders. Partners will organise internal seminars & dissemination events for all relevant staff in order to promote organisational learning. Furthermore relevant learning available through the Policy Learning Platform (PLP) will be addressed at each workshop; participation in events hosted by the PLP in between the meetings will be encouraged. Workshops 1 2: Focus on the identification and analysis of the territorial situation & heritage in the coastal & fluvial areas amongst partner regions. Workshop 3 4: Focus on the exchange of experience of good practice with heritage management practised within each region, facilitating an integrated & participatory approach to the development of regional action plans. The partners bring in good practice & function as each other's sounding boards. The identified good practice & the practical learning process will both feed into a joint development of the toolbox for policy development. Important aspects are the conceptualisation of heritage in a landscape context, framing heritage protection in terms of regional development, active engagement of local & leisure audiences, regional stakeholder involvement & integration of ecological concerns. Workshop 5: Focus on development & implementation of action plans. To promote learning amongst regional groups of stakeholders, ordinary partners will maintain active dialogue in order to transmit knowledge & experience. Given specific themes, partners can invite key stakeholders to participate in workshops to share their expertise. The sharing of experience with stakeholders is vital in development of regional action plans. Formation of regional stakeholder groups catering for quadruple helix partnerships ensures good governance. The active participation in Marinescape events througout Phase 1 to present results and findings to a wider audience, to get qualitative feedback & recommendations from the plenary discussions, will also contributing to promoting learning at the European level. In Phase 2, 2 project meetings will report on implementation, evaluating development & results of action plans. 3 partners have planned yearly stakeholder meetings in order to secure credible monitoring of the implementation of the action plans in line with their Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side71 Page 24 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 particpatory governance approach. The Final Public Dissemination Event, organised by Leartibai in Bilbao, will be held in conjunction with one of Civilscapes existing regional events. 4,991 / 5,000 characters C.5 Communication strategy Describe the communication strategy and the way it will contribute to achieving the project objectives. For each communication objective, summarise the main target group and the kinds of activities planned to reach it. HERICOAST aims to improve regional policies for cultural coastal heritage. External communications activities are thus primarily aimed at improving the understanding of the need for new participatory & integrated models of heritage management amongst policy makers. On the basis of a selection of good practice on heritage management, the project will help ordinary partners to develop regional action plans in line with these new management models. This work wil also feed into the development of an easily accessible toolbox for policy development on heritage management stimulating the development of the broader heritage management sector in Europe. In line with this, the project will also use the participation in 2 Marinescape Forum events (MFE) events to facilitate a dialogue between the project partners, civil society & other public authorities. These workshops will give valuable feedback needed in developing the toolbox as an efficient communication tool. Each Forum is held in the context of the European Maritime Days and HERICOAST will organise a workshop within the MFE of these events as an exchange platform where project partners: receive first hand thematic information from selected experts at different administrative levels in Europe discuss actual aspects and issues from the project work plan with external experts are able to deliver the results of this projects to a wide audience. Secondly, the integrated & participatory management approach calls for development of strategies for engaging with regional stakeholder groups including activities for exploitation of project results. As boundaries between digital & physical worlds blur, online audience engagement allows for the creation of an interactive e culture encouraging participation & empowerment. The use of GPS related content & services is a new & effective digital platform for cultural heritage, thus partners will produce quality content on their regional heritage. 1,972 / 2,000 characters Objectives Target group Activities Communication objective 1: 1.1 By securing a well structured flow of information between partners on the progress of the project, the project will contribute to efficient project management. This will affect all project objectives but is of particular importance in securing an efficient learning process amongst the partners in line with the project sub objective 2. Communication objective 2: 2.1 By transmitting good practice on new partipatory and integrated heritage management on a European level, the project will inspire the development of the heritage management sector in Europe. This will complement the Policy Learning Platform and contribute to the achievement of the overall project objective and the general durability of the project results. Communication objecitve 3: 3.1. By influencing the attitudes of policy makers towards supporting the implementation of regional action plans the project will contribute to the achievement of sub objective 3. 3.2. By actively involving and commiting broad groups of regional stakeholders, the project will contribute to the development of action plans with the active participation of all relevant stakeholders in line with the project sub objective 3. Communication objective 4: 4.1. The dissemination of findings related to the analysis and identification of the terriorital situation of the partner regions at external events will help develop a robust and sound methodological framework as part of the project subobjective 1. 1,496 / 1,500 characters Target group related to comm. obj. 1: The partners key personnel (both professional, financial and communication) participating in the project Target group related to comm. obj. 2.1.: Policy Learning Platform Potential multipliers on heritage management, e.g European cultural heritage networks (Civilscape, Europa Nostra, etc.), and European associations of public bodies (CPMR, etc.) working with heritage and landscape issues and involved in policy making processes. Target related to comm. obj. 3.1.: Regional and local public policy makers (politicians and officials) who manage the coastal cultural landscapes and are involved in policy making processes. Target related to comm. obj. 3.2.: Museums and other non governmental professional institutions engaged in coastal cultural landscape management and policymaking processes. SMEs and local retailers benefiting from an augmented exploitation of cultural heritage. NGOs and other cultural associations, both professional and nonprofessional, representing the civil society and advocating heritage and landscape interests. Professional business associations, such as Fishermen s associations, working on coastal heritage. The general public, especially those who live in areas where maritime and fluvial heritage exists, such as community groups and associations Target group related to comm. obj. 4: Academic networks analysing and theoretising on the understanding of heritage and landscape policies. 1,499 / 1,500 characters Activity related to comm. obj.1 : 1.1 Online communications, project mailing list, document repositories, social media. Activity related to comm. obj. 2: 2.1 Website hosted by programme. 2.2 Papers & short films on good practice & lessons learned. 2.3 A well structured toolbox on good practices and policy recommendations on participatory and integrated heritage manamgement showing concepts which are potentially transferable to other regions & contexts. The good practices will be embedded in the methodogical famework. Also relevant for communication objective 3.1. 2.4 Active use of Civilscape activities (Marinescape events, newletter) & other European events as dissemination events. 2.5 Project opening (Kristiansand) and closing(bilbao). 2.6 Final summary report. Activity related to comm. obj. 3.1.: 3.1.1. Update of internal webpages and regional dissemination events. Activity related to comm. obj. 3.2.: 3.2.1. Develop a standard press /promotion kit on project aims and results (Fact Sheet, PPT, project brochures). 3.2.2. Provide partners with a template for engaging regional stakeholder groups & exploitation strategies. 3.2.3 Develop strategies for engaging regional stakeholders incl. activities for exploitation of results. 3.2.4 Digitise regional heritage through GPS related content and services. Activity related to comm. obj.4. 4.1. Publish peer reviewed article in academic journal and presentation of results at academic seminars & conferences. 1,496 / 1,500 characters C.6.1 Overview of the expected outputs and results Expected outputs to overall objective: 1 toolbox for policy development 2 conferences (opening and closing conference) Dissemination of projects results at 4 Council of Europe events. 8 editorial articles in newsletter from Civilscape (published 4 times yearly). Outputs to sub objective 1: 1 peer reviewed academic paper published in journal on heritage and landscape development presenting metholdological framework for assessing and developing policies Report by CIVILSCAPE on how to obtain EU funding for projects in maritime and fluvial regions. Outputs to sub objective 2: 48 policy learning events: phase1: 5 workshops and field visits, 39 regional policy learning events, 2 Marinescape events. Phase: 2 project meetings. 62 people with increased professional capacity on heritage management, calculated as follows: Each region commits 2 key persons from their organisation througought the project. Advisory partners commit 1 person. Each region will invole at least 2 others from the parent organisation and mobilise additional 6 key persons from the regional stakeholder groups 6 analyses of territorital situations. 30 good practices identified, 5 by each region. 6 short films on recommended and transferable good practice.outputs to sub objective 3: 6 strategies for engaging regional stakeholder group and exploitation strategies 24 regional dissemination events. 6 12 Films and other digital communication of heritage values. Each region digitilise 1 2 heritage assets. 6 Regional Action Plans. Expected results: The project will result in improved policies based on new participatory and integrated models of heritage management implemented by the partners in regional Action Plans and disseminated at a European level. Policy instruments (PI) no. 2, 3, 4, and 6 will be improved through the generation of funding for new projects. All policy instruments are envisaged to be improved through implementation/introduction of new guidelines, measures or other policy frameworks in the following manner: Implementation of new tools for governance and planning of heritage management and stakeholder involvement (PI 1,3, 4, 5 and 6). Adoption of plan for valorisation of and improved access to coastal heritage (PI 2). Adoption of plan for protection and collaborative management planning of Coastal Cultural Landscape (Pl 3) Changes in the operational programme by introducing specific measures for coastal heritage (PI 4). By improving policy instrument 2, 3, 4 the number of visitors to supported sites for cultural heritage are expected to increase, and the public access to these sites is expected to improve. The improvement of policy instrument 1, 5 and 6 is expected to increase the number of various legal actions on protection of heritage amount of 7 MEUR in Structural Funds are estimated to be influenced by the project, as well as 1,030 MEUR of other funds. 2,953 / 3,000 characters C.6.2 Indicators Result indicators Target No. of Growth & Jobs or ETC programmes addressed by the project where measures inspired by the project will be implemented 100% of policy instruments addressed with structural funds link 4 Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side72 Page 25 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Result indicators Target No. of other policy instruments addressed by the project where measures inspired by the project will be implemented 100% of policy instruments addressed without structural funds link Estimated amount of Structural Funds (from Growth & Jobs and/ or ETC) influenced by the project (in EUR) 2 7000000 Estimated amount of other funds influenced (in EUR) 1030000 Policies Self defined performance indicators Target Policy 1 Number of new and updated buildings and areas in the historical outports regulated for protection by local municipalities. 50 Policy 2 Increas in yearly number of visits to natural and cultural heritage and attractions benefiting of support. (Target value 12.000) 12000 Policy 3 % of number of visitors with improved access to fluvial heritage sites 10 Policy 4 Increase in demand index of visitors at private and public cultural heritage sites. (Target value: 5). 5 Policy 5 No. of municipalities that define and implement an heritage management action plan. Target value : 12 Number of coastal & fluvial landscapes/heritage mapped/cataloged/included in management plans: 4 12 Policy 6 % increase of historic buildings on Record of Protected Structures. Target value 20%. 20 Output indicators Target No. of policy learning events organised 48 No. of good practices identified 30 No. of people with increased professional capacity due to their participation in interregional cooperation activities 62 No. of action plans developed 6 No. of appearances in media (e.g. press) 60 No. of new visitors to project website since last reporting period 150 C.6.3 Innovative character The social & economic impact of heritage has been acknowledged by academic institutions, public authorities & NGOs. Several partners participated in previous Interreg projects (INTERREG IVC Hitscape, IPA ACC Shape, INTERREG IVA Framtidskuster, Interreg IVA SPACEIal NW) having investigated this issue. However, the integration of heritage as an asset in other policy areas, such as economic development, needs to be paired with a development of heritage management addressing participatory involvement of stakeholders and heritage as integrated parts of larger cultural landscapes, the expected results of HERICOAST are considered to be innovative. The issue of HERICOAST will explicitly address the needs described by the EU Commission (Bruxelles,22.7.2014 COM (2014)477), and as this Communication was issued after the last call of Interreg IVC, the new elements could hardly have been addressed by previous projects. Also the by addressing 4 SF programmes, the project will have an innovative character in comparison to previous heritage projects in Interreg IVC as Regional Initiative projects did not have this profile. The issue of the project will also be complementary to other INTERREG Europe proposals such as HAVE PLUS (Castilla y Leon) focus on improving result indicators of the RoP and IMPACT (Molise) focus on socioeconomic planning of nature reserves. Furthermore, the fluvial & maritime regions of Europe are good examples for understanding how change in heritage managment can take place. This is partly due to the nature of coastal heritage that is often vulnerable & environmentally embedded, & partly due to regions' particular resilience towards change. As centres of economic exchange & cultural contacts, they have historically been under constant pressure to facilitate repeated transformations of society. This is an innovative setting for learning how heritage management can respond to the need to develop new participatory & integrated models of governance. 1,998 / 2,000 characters C.6.4 Durability of results The project will produce 6 regional Action Plans describing how the results should be sustained beyond its own duration through funding for new projects in G&J and other programmes (PI 2,3,4,6) and by implementing new guidelines, measures or other kinds of policy frameworks in such programmes (all PL). In addtion to the active involvement of key personell each partner will have a focus on ensuring organisational learning through internal discussions and dissemination events.this will increase professional capacity on heritage management within the partners and help securing the implementation of the action plans. 3 of the partners are directly responsible for the policy instruments and the 3 others have letters of support from the responsible institutions or departments. The partnership is thus considered to be in a good position to obtain funding from and otherwise influence the policy instruments in question. This will in turn support the integration of the expected results in the ordinary and long term activities of the partner regions.the durability of the project's achiements will also be supported by the wide mobilisation of regional stakeholders (20 in Norway, 11 in Romania, 26 in Spain, 6 in Italy, and 11 in Ireland, totalling 74) who are provided with an unprecedented opportunity to learn and gain inspiration from the good practice of other regions in Europe. The regular active involvement of key personal from stakeholder groups will facilate a wider European learning.this is in turn expected to generate replication of results in various other forms than those mentioned before, e.g. in local plans and schemes. By involving Civilscape actively in the development of the toolbox on heritage management, the toolbox is most likely to be adopted by Civilscape and used actively in their contact with 112 member organisations, in turn likely to have a strong potential for inspiring new initiatives among their members, leveraging the project results further. 1,993 / 2,000 characters C.7 Horizontal principles Sustainable development Type of contribution Positive effects Description of the contribution A vital part of the project addresses the reciprocity between heritage & ecological policies aimed at securing sustainable development. A sustainable approach to the reuse of built heritage shares many similarities with modern principles for urban planning based on recycle, reinvestment & rehabilitation. Viewed in a life cycle perspective, investment in the reuse of built heritage leaves a smaller carbon footprint than new construction. Built heritage can thus be an asset both when perceived as a gigantic emission deposit & in a broader sense as a source of traditional knowledge about how society can address resource scarcity. Coastal heritage is a non renewable resource, yet sea & ocean activity is an economic driver for Europe that will further impact these landscapes. One area of special importance is coastal tourism, where heritage is a key asset. By improving heritage management, the project will allow regions to take advantage sustainably of its growth potential in blue sectors. 999 / 1,000 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side73 Page 26 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Type of contribution Description of the contribution Equal opportunities and non discrimination Equality between men and women Digital agenda for Europe Positive effects Positive effects Positive effects It is vital for the project to actively promote the legitimacy of heritage policies among stakeholders through encouraging participation and empowerment of communities. In this process, the partner regions intend to facilitate equal and improved access to cultural heritage sites for all parts of the communities. The principles of equal opportunities and non discrimination will thus be incorporated in all steps of regional stakeholder involvement in the interregional learning process and in the development of the regional action plans. The development of digitised heritage tools will enable online accessibility and unprecedented forms of engagement with new audiences, often previously hindered. However, access to use of digital platform is not evenly distributed throughout the society. The ordinary partners will therefore address the information requirements from stakeholders as part of the regional communication strategies. 937 / 1,000 characters The project will advocate a dual approach towards gender mainstreaming by addressing both equality between men & women at the project management level & by addressing the gender dimension as part of project activities & results. When addressing involvement of communities & developing policies affecting their daily lives, the gender dimension is a crucial dimension due to entrenched differences between the genders in terms of employment, education & access to participation in civil society. In relation to cultural heritage, this is important as both the cultural sector and tourism/service industry is dominated by women at the European level. Hence, partners will explicitly address this dimension as part of their regional work & the project will address this during the learning transferred in the workshops. It is important to highlight this as part of European cooperation due to the European differences as to how these structural gender dimensions manifest themselves in communities. 998 / 1,000 characters The project will stimulate the further digitisation of cultural heritage in line with the Digital Agenda pillar VII: ICT enabled benefits for EU societies. As a key part of the project communication strategy, partners will use digital technologies & online services to improve heritage management. GPS related content and services is an emerging digital platform for cultural services that allows the heritage sector to reach out to new audiences by the introduction of digital content in the "offline" world. By stimulating development of interactive cultural heritage, the project could encourage participation & empower local communities. However, partners should focus on how some population sections have difficulties in accessing digital media and thus avoid discrimination. By providing open digital access to heritage assets, the project will also stimulate business development e.g. in tourism where communication of heritage creates added value to destination & visitor experience. 993 / 1,000 characters C.8.1 Management arrangements The Lead Partner (LP) has the overall responsibility for management, communication, implementation and co ordination of activities among the partners, and will enable streamlined effective procedures to ensure that all project objectives are achieved within time, cost & available resources. The LP will represent the project towards the JS, sign the subsidy contract and submit periodic progress reports. A partnership agreement will be the basis for the management of the project. The LP also functions as financial manager, supported by the communication manager (CM) (Castilla y Leon). The main objectives for project management are: proper, complete & timely flow of all documentation, including administrative reporting, deliverables & review documents; production of outputs (both at project & at local level) complying with planned deadlines, allocated budget & available resources & quality control constraints; respect of correct reporting procedures ; internal technical quality control of activities & related results; correct assessment of technical progress against planned objectives, by monitoring activities & strategy development; development of mechanisms for identifying potential technical/operational problems & necessary corrective actions; transfer of EU funds to the partners without delay in line with amounts reported in progress reports; provision of an effective linkage between the project & all interested parties. The LP, supported by CM, will establish the procedures, structures & resources for all management activities within the first 3 months taking on board the advice & opinions of all other partners. Re. elaboration of periodic progress reports, the LP will appoint an auditor, according to national rules, who will certify the eligibility of declared expenditure and sign the financial report. Each partner has to certify his own expenses in accordance with national rules & provide the certificate to the LP, together with reports on progress of local activities. Having collected all partners certificates, the LP will submit a correct refund request to the JS, together with copies of expense documents and the progress report elaborated with the contribution of all partners. The LP will receive in his bank account, the refund for the whole partnership& will share it among partners according to their respective amount of certified expenses. All partners will keep the expense documents in compliance with the programme s requirements & will employ proper accounting practices. The LP, supported by CM, will act at the top level strategic monitoring and planning level, strengthening the political support to the project. A Steering Group (SG) will be established to evaluate project status & any decision regarding contract implementation. The LP, supported by the CM, will chair the SG. The SG will be composed of one representative for each partner. The SG will be responsible for any modifications to the project, & for any corrective actions that may be considered necessary. The SG will represent the highest level decision taking & oversight entity of the partnership. Each SG will ensure the overall guidance of the project with respect to the adopted work plan. The SG will meet every six months in relation to the planned workshops, but may also be convened to deal with exceptional issues. Procedures for the SG meeting will be established at the beginning of the project. All reasonable efforts will be taken to achieve consensus, but ultimately majority decisions will be taken on contentious issues to allow for rapid corrective action. All meetings will be based on a pre agreed agenda with documentation distributed in advance & will be fully reported in minutes. Procedures will also be put in place to allow decisions or authorisations to be made remotely, thus avoiding the expense of otherwise unnecessary meetings, or procedural delays. 3,923 / 4,000 characters C.8.2 Project coordinator Will project management be externalised? No C.8.3 Finance manager Will financial management be externalised? Yes C.8.4 Communication manager Will communication management be externalised? No Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side74 Page 27 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 PART D Work plan D.1 PHASE 1 Interregional learning Detailed work plan per period Semester 1 04/2016 09/2016 a) Exchange of experience b) Communication and dissemination c) Project management Activities related to project sub objective 1 (C.3): At the outset of Phase 1, CLUE+ will develop a methodological framework that can facilitate a comparrison of the partners heritage and territorial situations.the focus will be on historical transformations, the growing awareness of the importance of sustainability and the appreciation of these landscapes as heritage. The framework provides the partners with a shared understanding of the issues at stake and function as common conceptual framework. The framework will be developed throughout the project and a final version will be included in the toolbox on good practice for heritage management. A first version will be presented for discussion at workshop 1. As a supplement Civilscape will do on line interviews with experts present at the EMD to gather perspectives on key policy documents such as the European Landscape Convention, the EU Maritime Spatial Planning Directive and the EC recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Civilscape will also prepare a reviewed version of their report on EU funding of landscape projects with a focus on maritime and fluvial landscapes. A first version will be presented at the workshop 1 and a final version will presented workshop 2. Actitivies related to project sub objetive 2: The first workshop will be held in Norway and hosted by Vest Agder CC. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the opening conference and have focus on identification and analysis of territorial situations. The methodological framework developed by CLUE+ will be discussed. On the basis of this, partners will agree on a standard template to identify and analyse their territorial situations before the second workshop. Furthermore, relevant events and activities planned by the Policy Learning Platform will be discussed. Following the workshop a field visit is planned to demonstrate experience gained from the legal protection of the cultural environment of a historical outport highlighting the challenges between protection, exploitation, privitisation and public access to remote heritage. Furthermore the CC will demonstrate innovative methods for digital valorisation of heritage implemented at the various protected lighthouses along the coast. This work was partly developed in the INTERREG IVA ØKS Framtidskuster. Experience gained from INTERREG IVA SMS on improved tools for working with social aspects in city planning will also be presented as input to the participatory element in heritage management. Host and responsible for field visit: Vest Agder CC; responsible for workshop agenda:vest Agder CC and CLUE+. After the first workshop the partners will engage in regional activities related to identification and analysis of their territorial situations and heritage. To initiate the involvement of regional stakeholders in the learning process, the regions will establish their respective stakeholder groups and inform them of the project. 2,969 / 3,000 characters Communication acitivity 1.1 (C.5). CM and/or LP will take part in communication seminars arranged by the programme. Activity 2.1. CM will update project website with information on the project together with reports from the workshop, field visit and conference held in Vest Agder CC. Actitivy 2.4. The project will also publish 2 editorial articles in 2 newsletters from Civilscape. Activity 2.5. LP will organise an opening conference held in conjunction with the workshop. The conference will present and address the overall issues of the project. Activity 3.2.1. CM will develop a visual profile and prepare standard information material. Acitivity 3.1.1. Each partner will host regional dissemination events presenting the project. Each partner will place one poster with project information within their institution and update own institutional website with information about the project & establish a link from their national point of contact organisations to their project website. Acitivity 3.2.2. To efficiently involve the stakeholders groups, the partners will develop strategies for communication and exploitation of results. To structure the work the partners will agree on a template. A draft for the template will be provided by the CM in beforehand. The partners will finalise the strategies before workshop 2. 1,345 / 1,500 characters Vest Agder County Council (LP) will sign a Subsidy Contract with the MA. In the preparation phase it has already been agreed that Castilla y Leon will be in charge of communication activities (CM). A Partnership Agreement will be drafted on the basis of the model proposed by the JS. All parterns will sign the partnership agreement as a commitment to effective, timely and cooperative implementation of the HERICOAST project.the agreement will thereafter be submitted to the JS/MA. LP will engage an external financial manager for the project by public procurement. Project steering group meeting no. 1 will be held in conjunction with workshop no. 1. LP prepares the agenda and chairs the meeting. The LP will distribute documents to all partners in order to make sure that they all have the relevant and updated information. It will include as a minimum: 1) AF, detailled budget and time plan; 2) management guide and finance manual prepared by the LP based on the programme manual. The main topic of the meeting is the signing of the partnership agreement and the focus will also be on the deadlines, systems and procedures for progress and financial reports. The activities for following semester and spending forecast wil also be addressed. Part of this meeting will be dedicated to a have a better understanding of each others way of working/life. LP will take part in seminars on project management and financial management arranged by the programme. 1,473 / 1,500 characters Main Outputs A methodological framework for identifying and analysing the territorial situation of the partners. 1 opening conference. 1 interregional policy learning events: Combined workshop and field visit. Minutes from 1st meeting of steering group. Development of draft template for identifying and analysing territorial situation. Development of draft template for development of strategies for engaging regional stakeholder group and exploitation strategies. 6 regional dissemination events on project start. 8 regional policy learning events: regional stakeholder meetings. Establishment of website and updated with reports from the first workshop, field visits and opening conference. Signed Partnership agreement. Signed Subsidy contract. 1 call for tender for financial management of the project. 1 management guide and finance manual. 2 editorial articles in 2 newsletters from Civilscape Interviews with experts at EMD in Turku, Finland 2017. 988 / 1,000 characters Semester 2 10/2016 03/2017 a) Exchange of experience Activities related to project sub objective 2. As part of preparing workshop 2, the ordinary partners will continue to identify and analyse their territorial situations and heritage, and fill in the template provided in semester 1. Workshop no. 2 will be held in Romania and hosted by Tulcea County Council. The focus will be on the completed templates on the territorial situations that will be circulated before the workshop. With the advisory partners as mediators and on the basis of the methodological framework the parnters will increase their understanding of the particular character and challenges of coastal & fluvial landscapes within the partnership. Such an understanding is necessary for the partners to function as each others sounding boards later in the learning process. As preparation for workshop no.3, a template for assessing regional good practices will be developed by CLUE+, LP and CM, and distributed at the workshop. Afterwards the regions will start to develop recommendations on 5 good practices. Before the workshop the final version of the report by CIVILSCAPE on how to obtain European funding for landscape projects will be distributed. Relevant events and Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side75 Page 28 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 activities of the policy learning platform will be discussed. The workshop will be followed by a field visits demonstrating experiences gained from work in the Tulcea County Council with the Integrated Strategy for Sustainable Development of Tulcea County in 2014 2020 and lessons learned from various projects such as BSUDRA ( BLACK SEA BASIN 2007 2013 programme). The field visit will furthermore demonstrate the challenges with the main cultural assets connected to Sulina Old Lighthouse. The field visist will highlight how the cultural heritage management in the Danube Delta and Black Sea Basin is functioning in a context of an emerging economy combined with sparse public ressources. Host and responsible for field visit: Tulcea County Council; responsible for workshop agenda: LP and CLUE+. As preparation for the workshop no. 3, a template for assessing regional good practices will be developed by CLUE+, Vest Agder CC and Castilla y Leon and distributed at the workshop. Afterwards the regions will start to develop recommendations on 5 good practices. As a way of involving regional stakeholders and internal key personal in the learning process, the regions will host regional policy learning events transferring the lessons learned from the two first workshops on identifying and analysing the territorial situation and heritage. The organisation of the events depends on the analysis on the needs of the stakeholders in the regional communication strategies (see communication activity 3.2.3). Activities related to project over all objective: In order contribute to a wider European learning on the improvement of heritage management the project will participate in relevant events arranged by the Policy Learning Platform. 2,948 / 3,000 characters b) Communication and dissemination c) Project management Main Outputs Communication activity 3.2.3. The regions will at workshop no. 2 present their completed regional communication strategies on the engagement of stakeholders based on the template provided in semester 1 taking into account principles of non discrimination and gender equality. Activity 3.2.4. Each region will commence digitisation of 1 2 heritage assets. This will activate the regional stakeholders in the work on action plans. The digital format will be adapted to the platform most appropriate in the regions and based on the regional communication strategy developed in semester 1. The use of different social media and GPScontent and services is encouraged to facilitate digital participation. Activity 3.1.1. Regions will update own websites with link to updates at project website and host a yearly briefing event for relevant policy makers on project progress. Acititivy 2.1. & 2.4. The project will update the website with digitisation of heritage together with a report from the workshop and field visit in Tulcea, Romania, and publish two editorial articles on project 2 newsletters from Civilscape. The project will participate in European Cooperation Day, annual Interreg Europe events and other events organised by European institutions (e.g. Open Days/RegionStar). Civilscape will take initiative to present the project at 1 relevant Council of Europe event e.g. the workshops on the implementation of the European Landscape Convention.. 1,468 / 1,500 characters Vest Agder County Council will prepare the agenda for the 2nd Steering Group meeting that will be organised in conjunction with the second workshop. The host will be Tulcea County Council. A specific topic for the agenda will be monitoring of project outputs and results in order to secure consistency in the reporting to the JS. The activities for the following semester and spending forecast will also be addressed. Another topic will be the agenda for the workshop at the Poole Marinescape Forum that takes place in semester 3.Vest Agder County Council chairs the meeting. Vest Agder County Council will monitor the technical progress of the project and partners level of accumulated expenses. Each partner reports the progress and financial costs made in the project. Vest Agder County Council compiles the information and prepares the report for the JS, including all the certified costs of the partners. Vest Agder County Council will also submit the first refund request to the external auditor (FLC) for administrative control and then to the JS. As preparation for the films to be produced on good practices in semester 3 each region will perform necessary procesdures for organising public procurement of external expertise. 1,244 / 1,500 characters 6 Regional dissemination events. 8 regional policy learning events with stakeholders. 1 interregional policy learning events: workshop & field visit. The final version of the report by CIVILSCAPE on EU funding for landscape projects in maritime and fluvial regions. Digitalisation of a 1 2 regional heritage assets in the territory of the 6 regional partners. 6 Filled in templates identifying and analysing territorial situation of the partners 6 Filled in templates of engaging regional stakeholder group and exploitation strategies Development of draft template for identifying good practices Minutes from 2nd SG meeting Submission of 1st progress and financial report. Update project website. The regional digitisation of heritage assets will be shared on the website together with report from the workshop and field visit in Tulcea. 2 editorial articles in 2 newsletters from Civilscape. Dissimination of projects results at 1 Council of Europe events. 994 / 1,000 characters Semester 3 04/2017 09/2017 a) Exchange of experience b) Communication and dissemination Activities target at project sub objective 2. Workshop no.3 : The Workshop will be held in Spain and hosted by Castilla y Leon. During workshops 1 and 2, each region is expected to have gained a sufficient understanding of their own and each others territorial situations. On the basis of this, the project will therefore in semester 3 focus on the exchange of experience on heritage management between the regions and especially on potentially transferable good practice policies to be summarised in the toolbox. Templates for identifying good practice will have been circulated in good time before the workshop and each region will fill in and present 5 good practices at the workshop. The partners will at the workshop select the good practices wihtin each region considered most apropriate for being transfered to others. How to disseminate good practice and what makes it transferable will be the theme of workshop 3. Relevant events and activities of the policy learning platform will also be discussed. During the following field visit, it is planned that Castilla y Leon will share good practice related to the flour factory of San Antonio in Medina de Rioseco City Council. This work was developed under the cross border Operational Programme Spain Portugal 2003 2013 POCTEP where the laboratory photometry team of the school of architecture at the University of Valladolid carried out a comprehensive and multidisciplinary study work and documentation of the building and its production history of the following aspects: historical study of the building and industrial activity, documentation of its machinery, photogrammetric documentation and preparation of floor plans, diagnosis of its condition and development of proposals for intervention, accessibility and museological exhibition design at the factory. The field visit will show the characteristics of the region and the situation of fluvial heritage in order to understand the importance of the regional strategic plan on heritage management (PAHIS plan) as a strategic management tool. Host and responsible for field visit: Castilla y Leon; responsible for workshop agenda: Vest Agder CC and CLUE+. Marinescape Forum Event Poole: A selected set of practices will be presented at the MFE workshop. The external experts and audience will give feedback on which of the chosen practices that are most relevant, interesting and transferable. This feedback will be crucial information when CLUE+ and Castilla y Leon together will develop the toolbox in semester 4. Regional policy learning events: The partners engage the regional stakeholders in the learning process through an active involvement in the exercise of identifying practices suitable for being transfered to other regions. The organisation of the involvement will be outlined in the regional communication strategy. Activities related to overall project objective: The partners will participate in relevant events arranged by the Policy Learning Platform. 2,995 / 3,000 characters Activity 2.4. The analysis of the territorial situations will be presented at the Marinescape Forum Event Poole, UK. The feedback from the event will strengthen the toolbox as a communication tool securing that it has a wider meaning for other other european regions. Activity 2.2. After the selection of the good practice in workshop 3, the partners will start to produce short films on this practice. The films will represent a more suitable format for online sharing. Acitivty 2.1. & 2.4. The project will update the website with a report from the third workshop and field visit in Castilla y Leon and the summary of territorial situation analysis. 2 editorial articles in 2 newsletters from Civilscape. The project will participate in European Cooperation Day, annual Interreg Europe events and other events organised by European institutions. Civilscape will present the project at 1 relevant Council of Europe events e.g. the workshops on the implementation of the European Landscape Convention.. Acititivy 3.1.1 Regions will update own website with link to updates at project website Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side76 Page 29 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Activity 3.2.3. Each region will disseminate project progress to regional audience according to their own regional communication plan. Activity 4.1. When adjusting the methodology framework in semester 4, it will be presented at external academic conference on heritage and landscape. This feedback is expected to result in a more robust methodology 1,453 / 1,500 characters c) Project management Main Outputs Vest Agder County Council will continue to monitor the technical progress of the project and partners level of accumulated expenses. Each partner reports the progress and financial costs made in the project. Vest Agder County Council compiles the information and prepares the report for the JS, including all the certified costs of the partners. The second refund request will be submitted to the external auditor for final control before being sent to JS. The 3rd Steering Group meeting will be organised in conjuction with the 3rd workshop and hosted by Castilla y Leon. A special focus for the SG meeting will be the midterm report (MT) that will be produced in order to assess the need for making any modifications or taking remedial actions regarding time schedules and the progress of activities, and also to evaluate the need for a budget reallocation. Vest Agder County Coucil will present a draft version to be discussed at the meeting. The activities for the following semester and the spending forecast will also be addressed. Vest Agder County Council prepares the agenda and chairs SG meeting 3. Vest Agder County Council will finalise the mid term report after the meeting. Castilly y Leon will make the necessary public procument of external expertise need to finalise the toolbox in semester 4. 1,325 / 1,500 characters 1 interregional policy learning events: workshop & field visit. 7 regional policy learning events with stakeholders 6 short films and papers on recommended and transferable good practice. 30 filled in templates for good practices Minutes from 3rd meeting of steering group A Mid term report. Submission of 2nd progress and financial report Update on website with report from the third workshop and field visit in Castilla y Leon and the presentation given at the Marinescape forum. Update with the last work completed on digitalisation of heritage and the films on policies of good practices. 2 editorial articles in 2 newsletters from Civilscape. Organisation of a workshop in context of Marinescape Forum Event in Poole, UK 2017. Dissemination of projects results at 1 Council of Europe events. Presentation of methodological framework at relevant academic event. 900 / 1,000 characters Semester 4 10/2017 03/2018 a) Exchange of experience b) Communication and dissemination c) Project management Main Outputs Activities related to project sub objective 1. CLUE+ will complete the methodological framework initiated in semester 1. On the basis of the input gained from the following workshops and at external events CLUE+ will adjust the framework so it easily can be adapted to the toolbox where it will constitute the theoretical context for the description of good practices on heritage management. Activities related to project sub objetive 3: Workshop no. 4 will be held in Italy and hosted by Molise Region. The primary focus will be the development of the action plans by delineating a path for strategic planning. This discussion will also address the use of the toolbox as a communication tool that will be developed in semester 4. The use of the toolbox as a tool for influencing the attitudes of policy makers towards supporting implementation of regional action plans will also be a focus of discussions, together with a revision of the communication and exploitation strategies. Activities related to project sub objetive 2: The workshop will be followed by a field visit demonstrating good practices and the heritage at stake in the region. During the field visit the Molise Region will present the results of the 2 following projects: The results of the project SHAPE (IPA Adriatic). The project studied the development of a multilevel and cross sector governance system, based on integrated management of the natural resources, risk s prevention and conflicts resolution among uses and users of the Adriatic coast and sea. In particular project activities focused on the application and the successful implementation of the Integrated "Coastal Zone Management Protocol in the Mediterranean and the Roadmap for Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic region". The results of the LIFE+ Maestrale project, which concentrated its efforts to enhance and recover the natural heritage of coastal areas, covering more than half of the Molise sea coast. The field visit in Molise will include a visit to the municipalities of Campomarino, Petacciato and Montenero di Bisaccia, with specific attention also on some intervention financed through ROP of Molise Region. Moreover, it will demonstrate the development of the coast from small fisheries dependent communities towards a society dependent on intense touristic exploitation of the coast. A special focus will be on the "trabucco", typical ancient fishing machine, already protected as monuments and widespread in the southern Adriatic coast. Host and responsible for field visit: Region Molise; responsible for workshop agenda: Vest Agder CC and CLUE+. Actitivies related to project sub objetive 3: The regions will host regional policy events pursuing the involvement of the stakeholders by discussing the experiences of the good practices identified by the partnership and developed toolbox. Activities related to project over all objective: Participation in relevant events arranged by the Policy Learning Platform. 2,993 / 3,000 characters Communication activity 2.3. CM and CLUE+ will together develop the toolbox on the basis of the methodological framework and the papers and films on good practices. The toollbox will present a clear, simple and effective guide for the management of coastal cultural heritage. The toolbox will both serve as a core basis for the Action plans and as tool for transmitting good practice on new participatory and integrated heritage management on a European level. A first version will be presented at workshop no. 4. Acitivity 3.1.1. Each region will host the yearly briefing for relevant policy makers on projet progress. Focus will be on the developed toolbox. The events will launch the development of the regional action plans. Each partner will update it's institutional website with links to the project website. Activity 3.2.3. The partners will evaluate and adjust regional exploitation strategies. Acititivy 2.1. & 2.4. Update of project website with the toolbox and report from the 4th workshop and field visit in Region Molise. 2 editorial articles in 2 newsletters from Civilscape will be produced. Participation in European Cooperation Day, annual Interreg Europe events and other events organised by European institutions (e.g. Open Days/RegionStar). Civilscape will take initiative to present the project at 1 relevant Council of Europe events e.g. the workshops on the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. 1,442 / 1,500 characters Vest Agder County Council will pursue to monitor the technical project progress and partners level of accumulated expenses. Each partner reports the progress of activities and financial costs made in the project. Vest Agder County Council compiles the information and prepares the report for the JS, including all the certified costs of the partners. The third refund request will be submitted to the external auditor for final control before sending it to JTS. The 4th Steering Group meeting will be organised in Molise in conjunction with the workshop. The focus of the SG meeting will be phase 2 of the project. The meeting will be used to discuss general guidelines for implementation and evaluation of results. The activities for the following semester and spending forecast wil also be addressed. The agenda for Burgas Marinescape Forum that takes place in semester 5 will be discussed.vest Agder County Council prepares the agenda and chairs the meeting. Dissemination of projects results at 1 Council of Europe events. Development of one toolbox for good practices. 8 regional policy learning events with stakeholders. 6 Revised regional exploitation and communication strategies 6 regional dissemination events 1 interregional policy learning events: 1 workshop, 1 field visit. Minutes from meeting of steering group no.4 Submission of 3rd progress and financial report 2 editorial articles in 2 newsletters from Civilscape. 971 / 1,500 characters Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side77 Page 30 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 494 / 1,000 characters Semester 5 04/2018 09/2018 a) Exchange of experience b) Communication and dissemination c) Project management Act. related to sub objective 3. Workshop no. 5 will be held in Donegal County. Once the good practices have been identified, and the toolbox produced, the work on the development of action plans will start. The partners will start out this work on a regional basis. Workshop 5 will be a forum for sharing experiences on the developing the action plans and by bringing in good practices and functioning as each other's sounding board. Hence the focus of the last workshop will be on the action plan, ensuring durability and revision of the exploitation strategies. Act. related to sub objective 2: During the following field visit, Donegal County Council plans to focus particularly on their expertise and experiences from community action planning, community and stakeholder engagement and digital consultations. The County Council has a strong track record in working collaboratively at local, cross border regional and international level and recognises the value of joint working, of creating meaningful linkages with key partners, of sharing learning, perspectives and ideas. The engagement for adopting an evidence based approach to policy and decision making processes, supported by engagement with key stakeholders, is central. The Coucil aslo has expertise in facilitating community engagement, representation and participation through the Public Network in Donegal. The field visit will pay particular attention to the lessons learned from the Interreg IVA funded SPACEial NW project where the Council has expertise related to digital consultation and how tools can be applied to policy making at local, regional and EU levels. The field visit will demonstrate the networks of the material heritage assets exemplified through the networks of Natura 2000 sites, Recorded Monuments and the coastal maritime heritage including heritage sites such as shipwrecks. The connectivity of these types of heritage sites is assisted through the concept of the Wild Atlantic Way, the route of which discovers not only the material heritage of the county but also the less visible heritage of story, music, language and value of landscape. Marinescape Forum Event Burgas 2018: Participation in the forum will give the opportunity to present the toolbox developed in semester 4. The forum will give valuable feedback on the content before the last adjustments are made and the toolbox will be finalized. Secondly the participation in the forum will give the opportunity to present selected action plans and exploitations strategies with feedback on the profile and content of each action plan and advices on how to implement the action plans. Each region will finalise their regional Action plans, with the involvement of stakeholders. The active involvement of the stakeholder in this part of the process will contribute to ensure durability of the projects results. Activities related to project over all objective: Participation in relevant events arranged by the Policy Learning Platform 2,993 / 3,000 characters Communication activity 3.1.1. Each region will update institutional website with link to projects website. Communication activity 3.2.3. Each region will disseminate the scope of the regional action plan to a regional audience according to their own regional communication plan. Communication activity 4.1. Publication of methodology framework in a peer review journal on heritage and landscape (CLUE+). Communication acititivy 2.1. & 2.4. Update project website with the completed toolbox on good practices and a report from the 4th workshop and field visit in Donegal County. 2 editorial articles in 2 newsletters from Civilscape. Participation in annual INTERREG Europe events. Civilscape will take initiative to present the project at 1 relevant Council of Europe events e.g. the workshops on the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. Communication activitiy 2.4. The developed toolbox and regional action plans will be presented at Marinescape event in Burgas, Bulgaria 2018, in order to dessiminate the outputs of the project to a wider european audience.the feedback from the event will strengthen the toolbox as a communication tool securing that it has a wider meaning for other other european regions. 1,238 / 1,500 characters Vest Agder County Council will pursue to monitor the progress of project implementation and partners level of accumulated expenses. Each partner reports the progress and financial costs made in the project. Vest Agder County Council compiles the information and prepares the report for the JS, including all the certified costs of the partners. The fourth refund request will be submitted to the external auditor for final control before being sent to JS. The 5th Steering Group meeting will be organised in Ireland and hosted by Donegal County Council in conjuction with the workshop. Vest Agder County Council will prepare the agenda for the meeting. Special attention will be to keep the spending forecast for the last semester in phase 1 and to otherwise ensure a smooth transition from phase 1 to phase 2. SG will decide on the venues for the project meetings in phase 2. 879 / 1,500 characters Main Outputs 8 regional policy learning events with stakeholders 6 regional dissemination events. 1 interregional policy learning events: workshop & field visit. Minutes from 5th meeting of steering group Submission of 4th progress and financial report 6 regional action plans 2 editorial articles on the project in Civilscape Newsletter Dissemination at Marinescape event in Burgas, Bulgaria 2018. Publication of methodology framework in a peer review journal on heritage and landscape. 499 / 1,000 characters D.2 PHASE 2 Detailed work plan per period Semester 6 10/2018 03/2019 a) Action plan implementation follow up b) Communication and dissemination Each region starts the implementation of its action plan. The relevant stakeholders for the implementation are mobilised. The partners ensure regular updates of the project website with information on the action plans implementation. c) Project management Main Outputs Website updates Semester 7 04/2019 09/2019 a) Action plan implementation follow up b) Communication and dissemination Each partner monitors the action plan implementation by contacting the stakeholders and beneficiaries of the different actions. All partners meet to learn from each other by exchanging on the success and difficulties met in the implementation of their action plan. The partners ensure regular updates of the project website with information on the action plans implementation. Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side78 Page 31 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 c) Project management Main Outputs Each partner reports the progress made in implementing the action plan. The lead partner compiles the information and prepares the report for the joint secretariat. 1 project meeting Website updates 1 annual progress report Semester 8 10/2019 03/2020 a) Action plan implementation follow up b) Communication and dissemination Each partner continues monitoring the action plan implementation and is in regular contacts with the stakeholders and beneficiaries of the different actions. The partners organise a final dissemination event gathering executives and policy makers from the regions and from other relevant institutions. The aim is to promote the project achievements and to disseminate the results of the action plans implementation to a large audience. The project website is updated accordingly. c) Project management Main Outputs 1 high level political dissemination event Website updates Semester 9 04/2020 09/2020 a) Action plan implementation follow up b) Communication and dissemination c) Project management Main Outputs Each partner finalise the monitoring of the action plan implementation. Each partner discuss the results of this implementation with the relevant regional stakeholders and beneficiaries. All partners meet to exchange and draw conclusions on the two years of action plan implementation. The partners ensure regular updates of the project website with information on the action plans implementation. Each partner summarises the level of achievement of their action plan. The lead partner compiles the information and prepares the final report for the joint secretariat. 1 project meeting Website updates 1 annual progress report 1 final project report Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side79 Page 32 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 PART E Project budget E.1 Budget breakdown per budget line and partner Partner Preparation costs Staff costs Office and administration Travel and accommodation External expertise and services Equipment Revenues Total partner budget 1. Vest Agder County Council 15,000 260,000 39,000 25,500 69,000 0 0 408,500 2. Tulcea County Council 0 54,000 8,100 21,500 90,800 0 0 174,400 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 4. Molise Region 0 112,000 16,800 19,000 76,000 0 0 223,800 0 109,000 16,350 18,500 52,750 0 0 196,600 5. Leartibai Development Agency 0 103,455 15,518 18,500 89,400 0 0 226,873 6. Civilscape 0 54,000 8,100 15,000 16,000 0 0 93,100 7. VU University Amsterdam, research institute CLUE+ 8. Donegal County Council 0 108,000 16,200 8,151 3,000 0 0 135,351 0 134,964 20,244 21,500 102,700 0 0 279,408 0.86 % 53.82 % 8.07 % 8.50 % 28.75 % 0.00 % 0.00 % Total 15,000 935,419 140,312 147,651 499,650 0 0 1,738,032 Net revenues after project end Will any of the partners receiving funding from the programme generate net revenues from the project after the project has ended? No E.2 External expertise and services Type of costs Description Contracting partner Amount 1 Meeting costs: partner meeting Steering group meetings no. 1, workshop 1 and field visit 1 in semester 1 (20 persons), hosting two project meetings in Amsterdam in semester 7 and 9 (8 persons). 163 / 500 characters 1. Vest Agder County Council 7,000 2 Meeting costs: dissemination event Opening conferance (50 persons) in semester 1; 2 larger regional events (60 persons total) in semester 1 and semester 5. 120 / 500 characters 1. Vest Agder County Council 7,000 3 Meeting costs: stakeholder group Regional meeetings (7 meetings during phase 1; 5 meetings with 8 persons, 2 meetings with 15 persons). 102 / 500 characters 1. Vest Agder County Council 1,000 4 Travel & accommodation costs: members of the stakeholder groups and other external bodies Average of 2 key persons at each workshop and final conference. 63 / 500 characters 1. Vest Agder County Council 8,000 5 Publication and dissemination costs Digitalisation of heritage: 3000 Films of good practice: 3000 62 / 500 characters 1. Vest Agder County Council 6,000 6 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan Identification and analysis of heritage values. 2500, Feasibility study of two historical outport 2500 1. Vest Agder County Council 5,000 102 / 500 characters 7 Project and/or financial and/or communication management Financial manager (5000 pr. Semester in phase 1, 500 pr. Year in phase 2) 73 / 500 characters 1. Vest Agder County Council 35,000 8 Meeting costs: partner meeting Steering group meeting, workshop and field visit no. 2, hosted by Tulcea County Council in semester 2 (20 persons). 115 / 500 characters 2. Tulcea County Council 9,805 9 Meeting costs: dissemination event Website updates, press conference, others 41 / 500 characters 2. Tulcea County Council 7,500 Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side80 Page 33 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Type of costs Description Contracting partner Amount 10 Meeting costs: stakeholder group 7 regional meetings with stakeholders. First will be in Sfantu Georghe, next in Sulina, next in Chilia Veche, the fourth in Jurilovca and the fifth in Tulcea City. The next 2 meetings will take place annually in Tulcea having a cost of 250 Euro/meeting and in order to monitor the implementation of the action plan in phase 2. Each meeting will have minimum 20 persons. 370 / 500 characters 2. Tulcea County Council 6,000 11 Travel & accommodation costs: members of the stakeholder groups and other external bodies 1 member from each stakeholder will join at least one interregional workshops 77 / 500 characters 2. Tulcea County Council 5,770 12 Publication and dissemination costs Thematic and guidance materials: such as newsletters, studies, policy recommendations, good practice examples related to regional challenges, press releases, banners, prints 7725 Publicatino and Dissemination of the regional action plan 3000 245 / 500 characters 2. Tulcea County Council 10,725 13 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan The county council need to hire in expertise to conduct a conservation analysis of the Sulina Lighthouse, identification and analysis of existing experiences on valorisation and accesibility of the for maritime and fluvial coastal heritage in the region combined with an analysis of the potential for future changes. The results from this work will feed into the identification of territorial situation (1,2), identification of good practices (3, 4) and development of regional action plan (5). 496 / 500 characters 2. Tulcea County Council 46,000 14 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan Thematic expert guidiance needed in workshops 45 / 500 characters 2. Tulcea County Council 5,000 15 FLC costs External FLC costs 18 / 500 characters 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 7,000 16 Meeting costs: partner meeting Meeting costs: 3rd steering group, 3rd exchange of experiences event and 3rd field visit in the 3rd semester (20 persons). 123 / 500 characters 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 7,000 17 Meeting costs: stakeholder group 5 meetings in phase 1 and 2 in phase 2. Meetings in the 2nd phase is monitor in common the progress and address unexpected problems (if any) in the implementation of regional action plan. The estimated number of participants will be 25 people from the 3 municipalities included in the stakeholder group and also from other municipalities interested, as well as, from the University of Valladolid, The Regional Ministry of Treasure and from the Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 485 / 500 characters 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 5,000 18 Travel & accommodation costs: members of the stakeholder groups and other external bodies Travel& accommodation costs for 3 study visits with an average of 3 members of stakeholders groups in the 4th semester 118 / 500 characters 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 9,000 19 Publication and dissemination costs Papers and information film. Activity 2.2, 5000 Toolbox for policy development. Activity 2.4, 6000 Developing standard press kit.activity 3.2.1, 5500 Developing regional strategies for engaging regional stakeholder group. Activity 3.2.2 & 3.2.3 2000 Digitalisation of regional heritage. Activity 3.2.4 2500 Visibility among stakeholders. Activity 3.2.2 1500 Final publishable summary report. Activity 2.6 1500 439 / 500 characters 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 24,000 20 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan Support needed for the analysis of the heritage targeted in the action plan (10000) and the development of the regional action plan (12000) 139 / 500 characters 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 22,000 21 Publication and dissemination costs Dissemination of the regional action plan 41 / 500 characters 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 2,000 22 Meeting costs: dissemination event Local dissemination events for general public and stakeholders 62 / 500 characters 4. Molise Region 15,000 23 Publication and dissemination costs Dissemination material (video on good practices and digitalisation of heritage) 79 / 500 characters 4. Molise Region 10,000 24 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan External support will be provided for the elaboration of the regional action plan 81 / 500 characters 4. Molise Region 10,000 25 Meeting costs: stakeholder group 5 meetings in phase 1 and 2 in phase 2. Meetings in the 2nd phase is to monitor in common the implementation of action plan and to address unexpected problems. (3 oersons from each of the 6 stakeholders = 18) 209 / 500 characters 4. Molise Region 4,175 26 Meeting costs: partner meeting Molise Region organize steering group meeting, field visit and workshop no 4 in Italy (20 perseons). 100 / 500 characters 4. Molise Region 5,000 Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side81 Page 34 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Type of costs Description Contracting partner Amount 27 FLC costs 7 audits with an external auditor of accounts for First Level Control 69 / 500 characters 5. Leartibai Development Agency 10,000 28 Project and/or financial and/or communication management Consultancy service with wide experience in European project coordination and financial management. 5. Leartibai Development Agency 35,100 99 / 500 characters 29 Meeting costs: dissemination event Expenses related to organizing and conducting Final event: space renting and decorating, assistant s meal expenses, speaker s subsistence and accommodation expenses, event dissemination cost and design and printing of programme for the event. Expenses related to organizing and conducting regional dissemination events: assistant`s food & drink expenses and communication expenses; expenses related to field visit to demonstrate results of the project. (60 persons). 468 / 500 characters 5. Leartibai Development Agency 11,500 30 Meeting costs: stakeholder group Expenses related to 9 stakeholders meetings.5 meetings in phase 1 with all 8 stakeholders (16 persons each meeting) and 4 exclusively with the Managing Authority fo the policy instrument no. 5 (5 persons each meeting). 219 / 500 characters 5. Leartibai Development Agency 2,700 31 Travel & accommodation costs: members of the stakeholder groups and other external bodies 9 stakeholders travel and accommodation expenses to international workshops and field visits 5. Leartibai Development Agency 10,800 92 / 500 characters 32 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan Expenses related to elaboration and design of action plan 57 / 500 characters 5. Leartibai Development Agency 8,000 33 Publication and dissemination costs IT services for digitalizing our regional heritage, website update expenses and social media (4000); Image handbook design, brochure, and final publishable summary report lay out and printing (5300); Regional dissemination expenses in radio/press, translation servicesand newsletter dissemination expenses (2000) 312 / 500 characters 5. Leartibai Development Agency 11,300 34 FLC costs Certified external auditor for the financial accounting and controlling The Netherlands Enterprise Agency will authorise this controller after having checked that: the internal management and control system is considered to be reliable. the controller is sufficiently independent from project activities and finances and qualified to carry out the control of an INTERREG EUROPE project. 392 / 500 characters 6. Civilscape 4,000 35 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan Professional assistance needed to a series of on line interviews at the Marinescape Forum Event in Turku 2016 with external experts to gather the required information and input for our development process that will start in June. 230 / 500 characters 6. Civilscape 2,000 36 Travel & accommodation costs: members of the stakeholder groups and other external bodies 4 external experts and/or representatives from Civilscapes memberbase which will contribute at the HERICOAST workshop at the Marinescape Forum Poole 2017. Accommodation costs total 1600 EUR, 4 persons for 3 nights. Travel costs: total 1900 EUR which makes 4 x 485 EUR. 269 / 500 characters 6. Civilscape 3,500 37 Meeting costs: partner meeting Costs related to hosting workshop at Marinescape Forum Burgas 2018 meeting room, printing of of event programme, table papers and event flyer (8 persons from the project, 4 external experts and 50 80 persons in audience.). We calculate 80x5 EUR for the tabled documents and the programme which makes maximum 400 EUR. For the flyer we calculate 150 EUR printing costs and a roll up announcing the event with 150 EUR. This leaves 800 EUR for renting purpose and soft drink beverage during the event 498 / 500 characters 6. Civilscape 1,500 38 Travel & accommodation costs: members of the stakeholder groups and other external bodies 4 external experts and/or representatives from Civilscapes memberbase which will contribute at the HERICOAST workshop at the Marinescape Forum Poole 2017. Accommodation costs total 1600 EUR, 4 persons for 3 nights. Travel costs: total 1900 EUR which makes 4 x 485 EUR. 269 / 500 characters 6. Civilscape 3,500 39 Publication and dissemination costs Language editing and visual design related to the outputs in c.6.1: toolbox for policy development, peer reviewed academic paper. The costs relates to comm. act. 4.1. in semester 3: presentation of framework at external academic conference; Exchange of experience act. in semester 4: completion of framework; comm. act. 4.1. in semester 5: publication of methodology framework in peer review journal. 400 / 500 characters 7. VU University Amsterdam, research institute CLUE+ 3,000 40 FLC costs First Level control costs 25 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 4,750 41 Meeting costs: dissemination event Regional public participation events in phase 1. 49 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 1,500 42 Meeting costs: partner meeting Hosting of a steering group meeting 5, workshop 5 and study visit 5 in semester 5 (20 persons). 95 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 6,700 Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side82 Page 35 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Type of costs Description Contracting partner Amount 43 Meeting costs: stakeholder group 8 Stakeholder meetings held in phase 1, assuming 15 20 attendants, allowing for a representative from each of the Stakeholder groups previously identified, local community involvement and member representation. 211 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 1,800 44 Publication and dissemination costs Design and print of all publication of documents including draft, information flyers, 85 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 28,000 45 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan A historical/archielogical study of the territorial situtaion and heritage in question in Donegal county. A method that puts emphasis on the environmental dimension of heritage by analysing effects (appropriate assesment screen) of potential acts in order to demonstrate a practise that is of a high learning value. Results will be communicated at workshop 5. Within the Central Planning and Policy Unit at DCC the expertise needed in connection with the above are traditional contracted out. 8. Donegal County Council 28,000 497 / 500 characters 46 Other Translation Irish Language 15000 Marketing, advertising, local launch 950 79 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 15,950 47 Travel & accommodation costs: members of the stakeholder groups and other external bodies Contribution to costs for external experts at opening (Kristiansand) and closing conference (Bilbao) 100 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 10,000 48 Publication and dissemination costs Film on good practise and digitalisation of heritage 52 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 4,000 49 Meeting costs: partner meeting Costs related to hosting workshop at Marinescape Forum Burgas 2018 meeting room, printing of of event programme, table papers and event flyer (8 persons from the project, 4 external experts and 50 80 persons in audience.). We calculate 80x5 EUR for the tabled documents and the programme which makes maximum 400 EUR. For the flyer we calculate 150 EUR printing costs and a roll up announcing the event with 150 EUR. This leaves 800 EUR for renting purpose and soft drink beverage during the event 498 / 500 characters 6. Civilscape 1,500 50 Travel & accommodation costs: members of the stakeholder groups and other external bodies The participat of one representative from the stakeholder group at 2 3 workshops during phase 1 97 / 500 characters 4. Molise Region 8,575 51 External support for the exchange of experience process, in particular the development of the regional action plan Support needed to exploration of cultural awareness, local exchange of information within communities and members and value of community planning. Costs are related to the identification and analysis of territorial situation in semester 1 and 2. 246 / 500 characters 8. Donegal County Council 2,000 Total 499,650.00 E.3 Equipment Type of costs Description Partner Amount Total 0.00 E.4 Budget breakdown per source of funding and partner Programme funds Partner Country TOTAL ERDF ERDF rate (%) Norwegian Partner contribution Partner Partner contribution from contribution from public sources private sources Total partner contribution 1. Vest Agder County Council NO 408,500.00 0.00 0.00 % 204,250.00 204,250.00 0.00 204,250.00 2. Tulcea County Council RO 174,400.00 148,240.00 85.00 % 0.00 26,160.00 0.00 26,160.00 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism ES 223,800.00 190,230.00 85.00 % 0.00 33,570.00 0.00 33,570.00 4. Molise Region IT 196,600.00 167,110.00 85.00 % 0.00 29,490.00 0.00 29,490.00 5. Leartibai Development Agency ES 226,873.00 192,842.05 85.00 % 0.00 34,030.95 0.00 34,030.95 6. Civilscape NL 93,100.00 69,825.00 75.00 % 0.00 0.00 23,275.00 23,275.00 Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side83 Page 36 / 37

Project Acronym: HERICOAST Index Number: PGI00031 Programme funds Partner contribution Partner Country TOTAL ERDF ERDF rate (%) Norwegian Partner Partner contribution from contribution from public sources private sources Total partner contribution 7. VU University Amsterdam, research institute CLUE+ NL 135,351.00 101,513.25 75.00 % 0.00 0.00 33,837.75 33,837.75 8. Donegal County Council IE 279,408.00 237,496.80 85.00 % 0.00 41,911.20 0.00 41,911.20 Total 1,738,032.00 1,107,257.10 204,250.00 369,412.15 57,112.75 426,524.90 E.5 Spending plan Phase 1 Partner Preparation Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 1. Vest Agder County Council 15,000 59,650 71,750 48,700 70,550 67,350 2. Tulcea County Council 0 22,799 36,007 23,798 32,298 34,898 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 0 30,580 25,955 35,455 40,135 58,635 4. Molise Region 0 33,330 31,330 28,330 30,330 38,330 5. Leartibai Development Agency 0 32,265 31,399 33,599 28,999 40,515 6. Civilscape 0 16,050 16,000 20,000 14,000 19,050 7. VU University Amsterdam, research institute CLUE+ 0 34,000 20,000 20,000 34,000 19,351 8. Donegal County Council 0 40,184 51,820 38,220 51,320 53,204 Total 15,000.00 268,858.00 284,261.00 248,102.00 301,632.00 331,333.00 % of Total 0.86 % 15.47 % 16.36 % 14.27 % 17.35 % 19.06 % Phase 2 Partner Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8 Semester 9 Total 1. Vest Agder County Council 15,250 22,800 14,300 23,150 408,500.00 2. Tulcea County Council 5,200 7,100 5,400 6,900 174,400.00 3. Castilla y León Regional Government Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism 8,635 7,635 8,635 8,135 223,800.00 4. Molise Region 8,238 9,237 7,738 9,737 196,600.00 5. Leartibai Development Agency 8,933 10,333 9,083 31,747 226,873.00 6. Civilscape 1,500 2,500 1,500 2,500 93,100.00 7. VU University Amsterdam, research institute CLUE+ 1,500 2,500 1,500 2,500 135,351.00 8. Donegal County Council 10,000 9,720 12,220 12,720 279,408.00 Total 59,256.00 71,825.00 60,376.00 97,389.00 1,738,032.00 % of Total 3.41 % 4.13 % 3.47 % 5.60 % 100.00 % Control number: 09c6c3783b4a70054da74f2538ed47c6 Side84 Page 37 / 37

Dato: Arkivref: 14.04.2016 2014/2493-13899/2016 / U01 Saksframlegg Saksbehandler: Agnese Bjerkholt Saksnr. Utvalg Møtedato 16/40 Fylkesutvalget 03.05.2016 KOMPETANSETILTAK TIL GRÜNDERE I AUST-AGDER 2016-2018 1. FORSLAG TIL VEDTAK Fylkesrådmannen fremmer slikt forslag til vedtak: 1. Aust-Agder fylkeskommune viderefører og forsterker kurstilbud til gründere i Aust- Agder for perioden 2016-2018 i samarbeid med det kommunale og regionale partnerskapet. 2. Fylkesutvalget bevilger 260 000 kroner til gjennomføring av kurs for gründere andre halvåret 2016. 3. Bevilgningen for 2016 belastes avsatte midler til entreprenørskapsmobilisering i Regionale utviklingsprosjekter Aust-Agder 2016 og dekkes av KMD midler. 4. For 2017 og 2018 innarbeides det 520 000 kroner pr. år i RUP Aust-Agder. Side85 1

2. SAMMENDRAG Fylkesrådmannen anbefaler at fylkesutvalget bevilger 260 000 kroner til gjennomføring av kurs for gründere høsten 2016. Videre anbefaler fylkesrådmannen at 520 000 kroner per år i 2017 og 2018 innarbeides i RUP Aust-Agder. Målet med satsingen er å skape en sterkere kultur for entreprenørskap samt økt kunnskapsnivå for gründere i Aust-Agder. 3. BAKGRUNN FOR SAKEN Aust-Agder står trolig overfor betydelige sysselsettingsutfordringer som følge av fall i oljeprisen. Det er behov for å sikre gode kompetansehevende tiltak for å fremme omstilling, nyskaping og entreprenørskap i fylket. Kurs for gründere er et av flere viktige tiltak fylkeskommunen kan bidra med for å øke gründernes kompetanse og gjennomføringsevne. 3.1 Tidligere vedtak og andre føringer I bestillingsbrevet fra Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet (KMD) til fylkeskommunene for 2016 påpekes det at fylkeskommunene har som oppgave å være regionale utviklingsaktører. Det forutsettes at innsatsen ved fordeling av midler fra kap. 551, post 60 skal bidra til å realisere nasjonale mål og fylkenes egne mål for regional utvikling, tilpasset regionale utfordringer og forutsetninger. Flere forskningsrapporter påpeker at det omfattende støttesystemet for entreprenørskap på Agder bør bli mer helhetlig, mer synlig og lettere tilgjengelig. Økt satsing på virkemidler som bidrar til et mer nyskapende, kunnskapsbasert og miljøvennlig næringsliv og tettere samarbeid mellom de ulike forvaltningsnivåene synes å være nødvendig for å bidra til økt regional konkurransekraft. I Regionplan Agder 2020 er entreprenørskapssatsing omtalt i ett av fem hovedsatsingsområder; Utdanning, - verdiskaping bygd på kunnskap. Satsing på økt kompetanse og samarbeid fremheves som viktige bidrag for å øke fremvekst av nye gründerbedrifter og styrke utvikling av næringslivet i regionen. Entreprenørskap, næringsutvikling og verdiskaping er også definert som et av fem satsingsområder i Regional plan for innovasjon og bærekraftig verdiskaping Agder 2015-2030 (VINN Agder). Fylkeskommunens viktigste rolle i entreprenørskapssatsingen er å videreutvikle og samordne virkemiddelapparatet i tett dialog med kommunene og det regionale partnerskapet. Fylkesrådmannen anbefaler derfor å videreføre og forsterke aktivitets- og kompetansetilbudet for nyetablerere i fylket i samarbeid med kommunene og det øvrige partnerskapet i fylket. 3.2 Tidligere kurstilbud Fylkeskommunen har i lengre tid sikret et godt kurstilbud til gründere i fylket i samarbeid med kommunene og flere aktører i det regionale partnerskapet. I 2008 ble Gründersenteret etablert i Arendal som et fylkesdekkende kompetansesenter for næringsetablering i Aust-Agder. Satsingen var etablert som et treårig utviklingsprosjekt i et samarbeid mellom fylkeskommunen, Innovasjon Norge Agder, fylkesmannens landbruksavdeling, NAV Aust-Agder og Arendal kommune. Side86

I 2011 ble Gründersenteret omorganisert til regionale entreprenørskapssatsinger som samhandlet med førstelinjetjenesten i det kommunale og regionale partnerskapet. Høsten 2014 gjennomførte fylkeskommunen en innkjøpsprosess der en inngikk avtaler med kursleverandører for leveranse av gründerkurs. Denne innkjøpsavtalen gjelder frem til juni 2016. Følgende kurs er gjennomført: Smart-Start introduksjonskurs Kurset er gjennomført i tett samarbeid med Etablerersenteret IKS. Kurset inneholder praktisk orientering om bedriftsetablering, forretningsplanlegging samt informasjon om aktører i det lokale virkemiddelapparatet som arbeider med tilrettelegging, veiledning og støtte til nyetablerere. Bedriftsøkonomi og regnskap Kurset gir en introduksjon til de viktigste lovene og reglene knyttet til etablering og drift av ny virksomhet. Gjennom praktiske eksempler tas det opp temaer som valg av selskapsform, skatt, bilagshåndtering, regnskap, budsjett, likviditetsstyring. Jusskurs for gründere Praktisk foredrag om spillereglene i næringslivet med eksempler særlig i forhold til ulike aktører; før en starter egen næring, når en setter i gang og når en er i full drift. Web og sosiale medier som markedskanal Kurset gir en orientering om muligheter for bruk av web og sosiale medier til salg og markedsføring av produkter og tjenester. Digital markedsforståelse, web og sosiale medier samt forståelse av teknologi er tre hovedpilarer for dette kurset. Kursene tilbys i Setesdalsregionen, Østregionen og i Arendal/Grimstad/Froland regionen. Når det gjelder Lillesand, Birkeland og Iveland er det inngått samarbeidsavtale med EVA-senteret i Kristiansand om gründeropplæring. Gründere fra hele fylket får mulighet til å delta på alle kursene som tilbys i Aust-Agder. I tillegg til det overnevnte kurstilbudet har fylkeskommunen i tett samarbeid med Innovasjon Norge Agder gjennomført kurs i Forretningsmodellering. I 2015 ble det gjennomført 30 gründerkurs, her av 10 Smart Start introduksjonskurs, og 20 fagkurs fordelt over 54 kurskvelder. Et fagkurs holdes over to til tre kvelder med varighet på ca. tre timer per kveld. Det åpnes for 20 deltakere per kurs og i 2015 ble det registrert til sammen 650 påmeldinger til kursene. Det settes opp ekstra kurs etter behov ved tilfeller da etterspørselen er høy. En har fått meget gode tilbakemeldinger fra kursdeltakere på type kurs, innhold, lokalisering og varighet av kursene ved hjelp av evalueringsrutiner. Videre har en fått svært gode tilbakemeldinger fra det kommunale og regionale partnerskapet for fylkeskommunens kurstilbud som supplerer og utfyller tilbudet til gründere fra førstelinjetjenesten og de øvrige aktørene i det regionale partnerskapet. 4. FORSLAG TIL LØSNING OG KONSEKVENSER Hovedmålet med å tilby kurs for gründere er å få frem flere vekstkraftige gründere. En har kartlagt behov for kurs for gründere på en rekke områder som regnskap og bedriftsøkonomi, juss, web, markedsføring og salg. En ser videre et behov for entreprenørskapsmobiliseringsaktivitet spesielt tilrettelagt for kvinner og innvandrere. En fokuserer på å samordne og Side87

utfylle kompetansehevingstiltak hos andre aktører i det kommunale og regionale partnerskapet. Fylkesrådmannen foreslår å avsette følgende årlige ramme til innkjøp av kompetansetiltak for gründere i perioden frem tom. 2018, kroner: Informasjon, markedsføring 50 000 Kurspakker 340 000 Reiseutgifter 30 000 Bevertning 30 000 Leie av kurslokaler 70 000 Til sammen 520 000 5. KONKLUSJON Fylkesrådmannen tilrår at Aust-Agder fylkeskommune viderefører og forsterker kurstilbud til gründere i Aust-Agder for perioden 2016-2018 i samarbeid med det kommunale og regionale partnerskapet. Det foreslås at fylkesutvalget bevilger 260 000 kroner til gjennomføring av kurs for gründere andre halvåret 2016. Det foreslås videre at det innarbeides 520 000 kroner pr. år i 2017 og 2018 i RUP Aust-Agder. Bevilgningen belastes avsatte midler til entreprenørskapsmobilisering i Regionale utviklingsprosjekter Aust-Agder 2016 og dekkes av KMD midler. Side88

Dato: Arkivref: 25.04.2016 2016/2073-15063/2016 / Melding Saksbehandler: Bernt Skutlaberg Meldingnr. Utvalg Møtedato Yrkesopplæringsnemnda 16/2 Hovedsamarbeidsutvalget 02.05.2016 16/5 Fylkesutvalget 03.05.2016 SØRLANDETS FAGSKOLE - UTDANNINGSTILBUD STUDIEÅRET 2016/17 1. FORSLAG TIL VEDTAK Fylkesrådmannen fremmer slikt forslag til vedtak: Meldingen tas til etterretning. Side89 1

2. SAMMENDRAG Styret for Sørlandets fagskole har besluttet at følgende studietilbud igangsettes studieåret 2016/17: Første studieår: - Bygg, heltid - KEM (Klima, energi og miljø i bygg), heltid - Elkraft, heltid og deltid - Tverrfaglig miljøarbeid, deltid Andre studieår: - Bygg, heltid - KEM, heltid - Elkraft, heltid og deltid - Psykisk helse- og rusarbeid, deltid Dette er i tråd med vedtatt budsjett. 3. BAKGRUNN FOR SAKEN I forbindelse med forvaltningsreformen i 2010 ble ansvar for drift og finansiering av teknisk fagskoleutdanning overført til fylkeskommunene, og tilskuddet innlemmet i rammetilskuddet basert på faktisk studenttall per 1. oktober året før. Sørlandets fagskole har i flere år gitt tilbud om fagskoleutdanning i helsefag. Tilbudet ble tidligere finansiert med statstilskudd utbetalt via fylkesmannen. Høsten 2009 ble det etablert en midlertidig tilskuddsordning forvaltet av Helsedirektoratet. Ordningen benyttes til all helsefagskoleutdanning for studenter fra Aust-Agder (både i offentlig og privat regi). Sentrale myndigheter har signalisert at en varig ordning skal på plass, men innhold og omfang er enda ikke avklart. 4. SØKERTALL I perioden fra 2002 til 2008 var det synkende søknads- og studenttall ved teknisk fagskoleutdannelse ved Sørlandets fagskole. Dette gjorde at fylkestinget i 2004 vedtok at det minst måtte være 72 studenter ved de tekniske studiene for at fagskoletilbudet skulle opprettholdes. Søkningen tok seg noe opp i 2009 og økte siden gradvis fram til en topp studieåret 2013/14. Året etter gikk søkningen noe ned, økte igjen inneværende studieår for så å gå noe ned for studieåret 2016/17. For helsefagene har søkningen variert fra 69 i 2011 til 30 studieåret 2013/14. Variasjonen henger først og fremst sammen med variasjon i antall utlyste tilbud, fra fire i 2010 og 2011 til to de påfølgende åra. Da søknadsfristen gikk ut 15. april i år hadde det meldt seg 158 søkere, 115 til tekniske fag og 43 til helsefag. Utvikling i søkertall kommer fram av flg. tabell (førsteårs- og andreårssøkere samt deltidssøkere er tatt med): Side90

Fag 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Bygg 41 49 61 48 59 43 KEM 37 27 38 34 40 36 Elkraft 19 31 45 32 34 36 Totalt tekniske fag 97 107 144 114 133 115 Psykisk helse- og rusarbeid 41 14 16 20 39 18 Eldreomsorg 8 Barsel og barnepleie 20 Tverrfaglig miljøarbeid 21 14 15 14 25 Totalt helsefag 69 35 30 35 53 43 Søkerne for 2016/17 fordeler seg slik på de forskjellige studietilbuda: 1. år 2. år Til Søkertall 2016/17 Heltid Deltid Heltid Deltid Sammen Tekniske fag: Bygg 21 22 43 KEM 19 17 36 Elkraft 6 3 11 16 36 Sum Tekniske fag: 46 3 50 16 115 Helsefag Psykisk helse- og rusarb. 18 18 Tverrfaglig miljøarbeid 25 25 Sum helsefag: 25 18 43 Samlet: 46 28 50 34 158 Helårsekvivalenter: 46 14 50 17 127 5. STUDIETILBUD KOMMENDE STUDIEÅR Følgende studietilbud ble lyst ut for studieåret 2016/17: Første studieår: - Bygg, heltid - KEM (Klima, energi og miljø i bygg), heltid - Elkraft, heltid og deltid - Tverrfaglig miljøarbeid, deltid Andre studieår: - Bygg, heltid - KEM, heltid - Elkraft, heltid og deltid - Psykisk helse- og rusarbeid, deltid Med bakgrunn i søkertalla behandlet styret for Sørlandets fagskole på styremøte 21. april hvilke studietilbud som skal sette i gang. På tross av svak søkning til første året på elkraft ble det besluttet å sette i gang alle de utlyste tilbudene. Erfaring viser at det kan komme til noen flere søkere fram mot studiestart. Styrets beslutning er i tråd med vedtatt budsjett. Side91

6. TIDLIGERE BEHANDLING Fylkesrådmannen fremmet saken for yrkesopplæringsnemnda i møte 29.4.2016 med slikt forslag til vedtak: Saken tas til etterretning. Fylkesrådmannen fremmet saken for hovedsamarbeidsutvalget i møte 2.5.2016 med slikt forslag til vedtak: Saken tas til etterretning. Side92

Dato: Arkivref: 06.04.2016 2015/2260-12741/2016 / 243 Melding Saksbehandler: Rune Kristiansen Meldingnr. Utvalg Møtedato 16/6 Fylkesutvalget 03.05.2016 TILSKUDD TIL KULTURFORMÅL - FORDELING 2016 1. FORSLAG TIL VEDTAK Fylkesrådmannen fremmer slikt forslag til vedtak: Melding om fordeling av tilskudd til kulturformål i 2016 tas til etterretning. Side93 1

2. SAMMENDRAG Fylkesbiblioteksjefen har i februar 2016, i henhold til gitte fullmakter, vedtatt å fordele tilskudd til kulturformål til 30 av 40 søknader om tilskudd i 2016. Fordelingen er gjort på grunnlag av gjeldende retningslinjer, og andre føringer. En mindre sum er blitt holdt av med løpende søknadsfrist, forbeholdt tiltak med målgruppe barn og unge. 3. BAKGRUNN FOR SAKEN I fylkeskommunens budsjett settes det hvert år av midler til fordeling til kulturformål. Disse midlene fordeles en gang hvert år etter søknad med frist 1. november. I tillegg holdes det av en mindre sum til fordeling med løpende søknadsfrist. Disse midlene er forbeholdt tiltak som har målgruppe barn og unge. I fylkeskommunens budsjett for 2016 ble det satt av 1 360 000 kroner til fordeling. Av disse er det holdt av 135.000 kroner til søknader med løpende søknadsfrist. Fylkesbiblioteksjefen fattet i henhold til gitte fullmakter vedtak om fordeling av tilskudd til kulturformål i februar 2016. Det var da kommet inn 40 søknader om tilskudd, med en samlet søknadssum på 2 397 000 kroner. 3.1 Tidligere vedtak og andre føringer Grunnlaget for fordelingen ligger i gjeldende hovedretningslinjer, og uttalte nasjonale og regionale satsningsområder. Fylkeskommunens retningslinjer er basert på det horisontale fordelingsprinsippet. Det innebærer at fylkeskommunens ansvar gjelder tiltak som omfatter hele fylket eller større deler av det, eller som har overføringsverdi til større deler av fylket. Det innebærer også at landsomfattende og lokale tiltak normalt faller utenfor. Andre sentrale føringer gis i Strategisk kulturformidlingsplan og Regionplan Agder 2020. Hovedretningslinjene for tilskudd til kulturformål har de siste årene blitt revidert flere ganger. Sist gang i september 2010 hvor det ble vedtatt å justere retningslinjene med formuleringen: Et mindre beløp (10 %) vil holdes tilbake i tildelingen, og forbeholdes nyetablerte tiltak av viss størrelse med målgruppe barn og unge. Disse midlene har ikke en fast søknadsfrist, og søknader vil bli behandlet fortløpende. Regionplan Agder 2020 ble vedtatt i juni 2010 (PS 10/21). I denne planen beskrives satsingen på kultur som viktig både for livskvalitet, engasjement og for næringsutvikling i regionen. Det står at: Agder trenger et blomstrende kulturliv med et mangfold av ulike arrangementer både innenfor musikk, scenekunst, idrett, visuell kunst og litteratur. Et pulserende, skapende og attraktivt kulturliv er viktig også for Sørlandets evne til å rekruttere arbeidskraft til regionen. I Strategisk plan for kunst og kulturformidling i Aust-Agder, som ble vedtatt i 2015 (Ft-sak 15/66), sies det at Aust-Agder fylkeskommune arbeider strategisk og målrettet for å ivareta og videreutvikle et godt og levende kulturliv som kommer alle innbyggerne i fylket til gode. Både Regionplan Agder 2020 og strategisk kulturformidlingsplan for Aust-Agder legger stor vekt på gode kulturtilbud for målgruppen barn og unge. Side94

3.2 Problemstillinger I fylkestingssak 79/2015 ble flere store søkere gitt direkte tilskudd. Noen av disse hadde allerede søkt om tilskudd, men ble da tatt ut av ordningen. Disse er markert med Annen tildeling i oversikten over tildelinger. Ved å gi direkte tilskudd til noen store søkere ble ordningen med tilskudd til kulturformål styrket. Flere søknader ble innvilget og med høyere beløp enn tidligere. Innvilgelsesprosenten steg fra ca. 31 % i 2015 til 51 % i 2016. Det var noe færre søkere i 2016 enn tidligere. Noe av nedgangen skyldes de direkte tilskuddene som ble gitt. For 2016 kom det inn 40 søknader mot 48 i 2015. Den totale søknadssummen sank fra 3,7 millioner til 2,4 millioner. Etter saksbehandlingen er det ikke mottatt noen klager på tildelingen for 2016. 4. FORSLAG TIL LØSNING OG KONSEKVENSER På grunnlag av sentrale føringer, Regionplan Agder, strategisk kulturformidlingsplan for Aust- Agder og vedtatte retningslinjer er det i tildelingsprosessen prioritert å gi tilskudd til følgende: Festivaler og lignende arrangementer med regional, nasjonal eller internasjonal interesse Tiltak med regional betydning Tiltak som støtter opp om fylkeskommunens øvrige kultursatsninger Tiltak som er nyskapende og / eller har stor overføringsverdi for utvikling av nye kulturtilbud Tiltak som bidrar til å sikre et kulturelt mangfold og som har en likestillingsprofil Tiltak som bidrar til å gi barn og unge verdifulle kulturopplevelser Følgende tiltak har ikke blitt prioritert: Driftstilskudd til lokale organisasjoner Tiltak med lokal profil Kulturinnslag på årsmøter eller for lukkede forsamlinger Produksjonstilskudd til grupper og aktiviteter som har sitt hovedvirke utenfor fylket Tilskudd til kulturformål i 2016 er fordelt slik: Side95



Dato: Arkivref: 15.04.2016 2015/4618-14049/2016 / G10 Melding Saksbehandler: Nadja Sophia Bekkelund Kühn Meldingnr. Utvalg Møtedato 16/7 Fylkesutvalget 03.05.2016 TILSYN MED FOLKEHELSEARBEIDET I AUST-AGDER FYLKESKOMMUNE 2016 1. FORSLAG TIL VEDTAK Fylkesrådmannen fremmer slikt forslag til vedtak: Fylkesutvalget tar meldingen til etterretning. Side98 1

2. SAMMENDRAG I henhold til Folkehelselovens 31 skal Fylkesmannen i Aust- og Vest-Agder gjennomføre tilsyn med Aust-Agder fylkeskommunes folkehelsearbeid. Tilsynet er fastsatt til 7. og 8. september 2016. 3. BAKGRUNN FOR SAKEN 3.1 Folkehelseloven Lov om folkehelsearbeid trådte i kraft 1. januar 2012 og gir kommuner, fylkeskommuner og statlige myndigheter ansvar for å fremme folkehelse. Folkehelseloven skal bidra til en samfunnsutvikling som fremmer folkehelse, herunder utjevner sosiale forskjeller. Loven bygger på fem grunnleggende prinsipper: utjevning, helse i alt en gjør, bærekraftig utvikling, føre-var-prinsippet og medvirkning. Fylkeskommunens ansvar etter folkehelseloven er regulert i folkehelselovens kapittel 4, henholdsvis 20 og 21. 3.2 Fylkeskommunens ansvar etter folkehelseloven Loven gir fylkeskommunen ansvar for å fremme folkehelse innen de virkemidler de er tillagt. Et systematisk folkehelsearbeid innebærer at fylkeskommunen skal ha oversikt over helsetilstanden til befolkningen i sitt fylke og de faktorer som påvirker helsetilstanden. Denne kunnskapen og identifiserte folkehelseutfordringer skal legges til grunn i arbeidet med planstrategi, og som grunnlag for fastsetting av mål og strategier. I tillegg skal fylkeskommunen understøtte folkehelsearbeidet i kommunene. Ansvaret for fylkeskommunens folkehelsearbeid påhviler fylkeskommunen som helhet og involverer samtlige sektorer. 3.3 Fylkesmannens ansvar etter folkehelseloven Etter folkehelseloven 32 har Statens helsetilsyn det overordna faglige ansvaret med oppfølging av loven. Lovens 31 gir Fylkesmannen ansvar for tilsyn med kommuner og fylkeskommuners oppfyllelse av plikter etter loven. 4. Tilsyn med Aust-Agder fylkeskommunes folkehelsearbeid 2016 Fylkesmannen i Aust- og Vest-Agder vil føre tilsyn med Aust-Agder fylkeskommunes folkehelsearbeid den 7. og 8. september 2016, jf. melding om tilsyn (vedlagt). Tema for tilsynet blir oppfølging av lovens kapittel 4. 5. KONKLUSJON Fylkesrådmannen anbefaler at fylkesutvalget tar meldingen til etterretning. Vedlegg: Tilsyn med Aust-Agder fylkeskommunes folkehelsearbeid 2016 Side99

aæíês Fylkesmannen i Aust og Vest-Agder Z9/if/,{ /"_;_; Helse- og sosialavdelingen Aust-Agder fylkeskommune Postboks 788 Stoa 4809 ARENDAL Deres ref. Vàr ref. (bes oppgitt ved svar) Dato 2016/6475 16.03.2016 Tilsyn med Aust-Agder fylkeskommunes folkehelsearbeid 2016 Lov om folkehelsearbeid (LOV-2011-06-24-29) trådte i kraft 01.01.12. Lovens 31 gir Fylkesmannen ansvar for tilsyn med kommunens og fylkeskommunens oppfyllelse av plikter etter loven. Statens helsetilsyn har etter 32 det overordnede faglige tilsyn med oppfølging av loven. Statens helsetilsyn bestemte at det i 2014 skulle føres landsomfattende tilsyn med kommunene etter folkehelseloven. Vi gjennomførte også slike tilsyn i 2015 og vil fortsette i 2016. Melding om tilsyn: Fylkesmannen i Aust- og Vest-Agder har også besluttet å gjennomføre tilsvarende tilsyn med Aust-Agder fylkeskommune og Vest-Agder fylkeskommune. o Tilsynsbesøk hos Aust-Agder fylkeskommune er fastsatt til 7. og 8.september 2016. Tema for tilsynet: Tilsynet blir begrenset til fylkeskommunens oppfølging av lovens kapittel 4. Ansvaret for folkehelsearbeidet pàhviler fylkeskommunen som en helhet og involverer alle sektorer. o o Tilsynet skal påse at fylkeskommunen «understøtte(r) folkehelsearbeideti kommunene» jf Folkehelseloven 20 andre Iedd. Videre skal vi undersøke 21 første Iedd som sier at: «Fylkeskommunen skal ha nødvendig oversikt over helsetilstanden I fylket og de positive og negative faktorer som kan virke inn på denne» Vi ber om à få oppnevnt en kontaktperson for videre kommunikasjon om tilsynet. Beskjed om oppnevningen gis til revisjonsleder Lasse Svenstrup Andersen: tlf. 37017528 / 98424422 Frist for à oppnevne kontaktperson er 1.6.2016. Postadresse: Postboks 788 Stoa, 4809 ARENDAL, Telefon: 37 01 75 00 E-post: Besøksadresse Arendal: Ragnvald Blakstadsv. 1, 4838 Arendal Nettside: Besøksadresse Kristiansand: Tordenskjoldsgate 65, 4614 Kristiansand Orgnr. 974762994 Side100

Tilsynet blir gjennomført etter metode for systemrevisjon. Ved et slikt tilsyn får vi et bilde av hvorvidt og på hvilken måte virksomheten har innrettet seg for å etterleve kravene i Folkehelseloven. Vi gjennomgår skriftlig dokumentasjon, og ledere og ansatte intervjues. Ved tilsynsbesøket vil vi intervjue utvalgte personer. Aktuelle kandidater er: o Rådmann / assisterende rådmann o Avdelingsledere: Organisasjonsavdelingen, Planavdelingen, Utdanningsavdelingen, Regionalavdelingen o Fylkeskultursjef o Folkehelseràdgiver o Eventuelt andre Følqende dokumenter kan være aktuelle: - Organisasjonskart for fylkeskommunen - Gjeldende planstrategi - Gjeldende planer, feks Regionplan Agder 2020,Strategiplan for folkehelse og eventuelt andre planer med relevans for folkehelsearbeid - Overordnede mål og strategier for folkehelsearbeidet - Skriftlig oversikt over helsetilstanden og påvirkningsfaktorer med angivelse av kilder for innholdet (kunnskapsgrunnlag for Planstrategien) - Rutiner for vedlikehold av oversikt over helsetilstanden og påvirkningsfaktorer - Navn på ansatte med sentrale oppgaver knyttet til folkehelsearbeid - Stillingsbeskrivelse for folkehelserådgiver - Ev. andre relevante stillingsbeskrivelser - internkontrollsystem relevant for folkehelsearbeid - Andre dokumenter kommunen anser som relevante for tilsynet I den grad de aktuelle dokumenter er lett tilgjengelige på fylkeskommunens nettside, kan det vises til denne. Vi ber om at dokumentasjonen er oss i hende 20.6.2016. Program: Det vil bli satt opp i detalj senere. Første dag 7.9.16 vil det bli gjennomført intervjuer med sektorledere, rådmannsnivå og ansvarlig for folkehelsearbeidet. Vi starter kl. 09.00og er ferdige innen kl. 16.30. Neste dag, 8.9.2016, vil det bli avholdt sluttmøte med en times varighet. Formøte med fylkeskommunen: onsdag 24.8.2016 kl. 10:00 11:00. (Eventuelt senere på dagen hvis det passer bedre.) På formøte vil vi sikre at alle relevante dokumenter er kommet inn, samt se på program og gi annen informasjon til ledelsen. Kontaktpersonen og sentrale aktører må delta på dette møtet. Tilsynsteamet hos Fylkesmannen består av revisjonsleder og seniorrådgiver Lasse Svenstrup Andersen, organisasjons- og Utviklingsdirektør Knut Berg, rådgiver Solveig Pettersen Hervik, seniorrådgiver Marie Christine Frederique Calisch, samt en representant fra Fylkesmannens Miljøvernavdeling. Vi ber om at alle henvendelser om tilsynet skjer via revisjonsleder. Side101 Side 2 av 3