2005-2008 Insecticide resistance expert at FAO (part time employment). 1980-81 Farm worker in Maura avløserring, full time (milk production)

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C URRICUL UM VITAE Revision date: April 9 th 2011 PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Adress: e-mail: Telephone: Nationality: Nina Svae Johansen Måltrosveien 48, 1430 Ås, Norway nina.johansen@bioforsk.no (+ 47) 922 56 004 (work)/ 958 08 452 (private) Norwegian Date of birth: May 10 th 1961 Scientific degree: Current position: Dr. Scientarum Senior researcher at Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), Plant Health and Plant Protection Division, Section of Entomology and Nematology. Leader of the research group Pests in horticultural crops. Responsible for research and extension on integrated control of arthropod pests of greenhouse crops. KEY QUALIFICATIONS Agricultural entomology, biological control, integrated pest management, pesticide resistance assessments and management. Diagnostics and management of quarantine species, particularly whiteflies, leafminers, aphids and phytofagous mites. WORK EXPERIENCE 2010 present Leader of the research group Pests in horticultural crops at Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), Plant Health and Plant Protection Division, Section of Entomology and Nematology. 1994 present Researcher/senior researcher at Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk), Plant Health and Plant Protection Division, Section of Entomology and Nematology (formerly Statens Plantevern and Planteforsk). 2005-2008 Insecticide resistance expert at FAO (part time employment). 1987 1988 Rural district agronomist in Vestnes, Norway. 1980-81 Farm worker in Maura avløserring, full time (milk production) 1979 1984 Farm worker part time alongside education (milk production, greenhouse ornamental production)

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1997 Dr. scientiarum (PhD), Agricultural University of Norway (now University of Life Sciences). Title of Dr. Scientiarum (PhD) thesis: Biology, life-tables and prognosis model of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). 1999-present Attendance at several international meetings in entomology (mainly biological control and integrated pest management) (Annex, 1). 1988-2004 Courses in entomology (ecology, biological control, integrated pest management, insecticide resistance, taxonomy of aphids, crop losses), plant pathology, plant physiology and project management (Annex, 1). 1987 Candita agriculturae (master of science), Agricultural University of Norway (now University of Life Sciences), horticulture. Title of master thesis: Lepidopterous larvae in cabbage crops. Population dynamics, parasitism and biological and integrated control. 1982 Agronomist, Akershus School of Agronomy. PUBLICATIONS Peer reviewed scientific publications: 10 (Annex, 2) Other scientific publications (proceedings, books etc.): 31 (Annex, 3) Project reports: 9 (Annex, 4) Articles in growers magazines, popular press, etc. 37 (Annex, 5) PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Mother tongue: Other languages: Organizational skills and competences: Norwegian English Project management ANNEXES Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 Annex 7 Annex 8 Annex 9 Annex 10 Attendance at courses and international meetings (selection) Peer reviewed scientific publications Other scientific publications (proceedings, books etc.) Project reports Articles in growers magazines, popular press etc. Selected presentations Scientific referee Selected project assignments Other assignments (membership of scientific/professional committees, boards, councils etc.) Teaching and supervision 2

ANNEXES ANNEX 1. ATTENDANCE AT COURCES AND INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS (selection) 2011 Integrated control in protected crops, temperate climate. IOBC/wprs working group, 18-22 Sepember 2011, Sutton Scotney, UK. Invited key speaker. 2009 Course in project management, 1-2 March 2004, Trondheim, Norway. 2008 Integrated control in protected crops, temperate climate. IOBC/wprs working group, 21-25 April 2008, Sint Michielsgestel, the Netherlands. 2007 1 st meeting of the IOBC/wprs study group Integrated control of plant feeding mites. 11-14 March 2007, Jerusalem, Israel. 2005 Integrated control in protected crops, temperate climate. IOBC/wprs working group, 10-14 April 2005, Turku, Finland 2003 3 rd International Bemisia workshop. 17-20 March 2003, Barcelona, Spain. 2002 Integrated control in glasshouses. IOBC/wprs working group, 6-9 May 2002, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 2001 Logistic regression (SEVU-NLH). 8-9 January 2001, Ås, Norway. 2001 2 nd European whitefly symposium. 5-9 October 2001, Cavtat, Croatia. 1999 The European Whitefly Studies Network (EWSN) Canary Island workshop. 14-21 November 1999, Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Gomera, Canary Island. 1999 Integrated control in glasshouses. IOBC/wprs working group, 25-28 May 1999, Brest, France. 1998 European Network for Management of Arthropod Resistance to Insecticides and Acaricides (ENMARIA, FAIR-CT96-2024) training course: Techniques to assess insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci. One week, 1998, IACR-Rothamsted, dept. of biological and ecological chemistry, Harpenden, UK. 1992 Nordic graduate course in applied entomology: Crop losses. Assessment of injuries and damages and the relation of them to the injuring and/or monitored insect populations. 7-13 November 1992, Tune Landboskole, Denmark. 1992 1st international NATURA course on biological control of insect and other arthropod pests, 23 March 10 April 1992, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 1989 Nordic graduate course in applied entomology: Aphids. 27 November 1 Desember 1989, Ekenäs, Flen, Sweden. 1989 Nordic graduate course in ecology: Secondary succession. Patterns and strategies with emphasis on insect-plant relationships. August 14 th 19 th 1989, Mønsted, Denmark. 3

1988 Nordic graduate course in applied entomology: Integrated pest management. 9-17 November 1988, Finland. 1988 Nordic graduate course in applied plant pathology: Plant disease and crop loss assessment. 12-19 October 1988, Biri, Norway. ANNEX 2. PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Johansen NS, 2009. Effect of continuous light on the biology of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, on roses. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 133, 244-250. Johansen NS, Haugland Moen L & Egaas E, 2007. Sterol demethylation inhibitor fungicides as disruptors of insect development and inducers of glutathione S-transferase activities in Mamestra brassicae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 145, 473-483. Johansen NS, 1997. Mortality of eggs, larvae and pupae and larval dispersal of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae, in white cabbage in south-eastern Norway. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 83, 347-360. Johansen NS, 1997. Influence of temperature on development, fecundity and survival of the cabbage moth Mamestra brassicae (L.) (Lep., Noctuidae) in relation to the improvement of forecasting and control methods. Journal of Applied Entomology 121, 81-88. Johansen NS, 1996. Biology, life-tables and prognosis model of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Doctor Scientarium Thesis 1996:18, The Agricultural University of Norway. Johansen NS, 1996. Prediction of field occurrence of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): Pheromone traps and degree-day model. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10, 541-554. Johansen NS, Vänninen I, Pinto Zevallos D, Nissinen A & Shipp, L. (2011). In the light of new greenhouse technologies: 2. Direct effects of artificial lighting on arthropods and integrated pest management in greenhouse crops. Annals of Applied Biology 159, 1-27. Klingen I, Johansen NS & Hofsvang T, 1996. The predation of Chrysoperla carnea (Neurop., Chrysopidae) on eggs and larvae of Mamestra brassicae (Lep., Noctuidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 120, 363-367. Staverløkk A, Johansen NS & Coulianos C-C, 2009. Atractotomus parvulus, Reuter, 1978 (Hemiptera: Miridae) a plant bug new to Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 56, 13-14. Vänninen I, Pinto Zevallos D, Nissinen A, Johansen N & Shipp, L. 2010. In the light of new greenhouse technologies: 1. Plant mediated effects of artificial lighting on arthropods and tritophic interactions. Annals of Applied Biology 157, 393-414. Submitted Vänninen I, Pinto Zevallos D, Nissinen A, Johansen N & Shipp, L. 2012. Interaction of light with pests and diseases. Submitted to Acta Horticulturae 1 st February 2012. 4

ANNEX 3. OTHER SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (proceedings, books etc.) Blystad D-R & Johansen NS, 1996. Pest risk assessment for tomato spotted wilt virus and its vectors. February 1996, the Norwegian Crop Research Institute, Plant Protection Centre. Johansen NS, 2008. Influence of continuous lighting on the biology of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). IOBC/wprs Bulletin 32, 95-98. Johansen NS, 2003. The influence of temperature on the development, behavior and control efficiency of Eretmocerus eremicus parasitizing Bemisia tabaci B-biotype on Poinsettia. Book of abstracts from the 3 rd international Bemisia workshop, Barcelona 17-20 March 2003, 69. Johansen NS, 2002. Overview of insecticide resistance. Proceedings Vietnamese-Norwegian Workshop, Ås (Norway) 25 th -26 th September 2001. Grønn Forskning 13/2002, 81-87. Johansen NS, 1999. Data sheet on Mamestra brassicae L. Global Crop Protection Compendium on CD-rom. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK. Johansen NS & Nordhus EG, 2001. Insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci in Norway. Proceedings 1 st European whitefly symposium, Ragusa, Sicily (Italy) 26 th February 2 nd March 2001. Abstract. Johansen NS, Smith Eriksen A & Mortensen L, 2011. Light quality influence trap catches of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). IOBC/wprs Bulletin 68, 89-92. Johansen NS, Sundbye A & Milton B, 2004. Influence of leaf hairiness and temperature on the ability of Encarsia formosa and Macrolophus caliginosus to control Bemisia tabaci in poinsettia. Abstract compendium, the 2 nd European whitefly symposium, Cavcat, Croatia 5-9 October 2004. Johansen NS, Tao TM, Le TKO & Nordhus E, 2003. Susceptibility of Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) larvae to some insecticides scheduled for their control in North Vietnam. Proceedings Vietnamese Norwegian Workshop, Hanoi (Vietnam) October 2002. Grønn Kunnskap 7 (17), 157-165. Le TKO, Tuan TM, Johansen NS & Nordhus E, 2008. Research on insecticide resistance of white fly (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius) in vegetable in Ha noi and near provinces. Journal of Plant Protection 3 (219), 38-43. (In Vietnamese, English summary). Le TKO, Tuan TM, Johansen NS & Nordhus E, 2007. Research on insecticide resistance of leaf miner Liriomyza sativae Blanchard in vegetable in Ha noi and near provinces. Journal of Plant Protection 6 (216), 22-29. (In Vietnamese, English summary). Nguyen D, Nguyen M, Le V, Ho L, Tran A, Nguyen K, Almvik M, Eklo O, Johansen N, Nordhus E & Overgaard H, 2009. Pesticides, Agriculture and Health in Vietnam. Identification of potential implamentation sites for integrated pest and vector management. Bioforsk RAPPORT 4(105), 86 pp. Ottesen PS, Horsberg TE & Johansen NS, 1998. Arthropod resistance to pesticides in Norway. European Network for the Management of Arthropod Resistance to Insecticides and Acaricides http://www.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk/enmaria/database/norway/svenma.html Salinas SH, Sundbye A & Johansen NS, 2003. Studies on Steinernema feltiae related to control of sciarids. Insect pathogens and insect parasitic nematodes. IOBC/wprs Bulletin 26 (1), 137-139. 5

Shipp L, Johansen N, Vanninen I & Jacobson R, 2011. Greenhouse climate: An important consideration when developing pest management programs for greenhouse crops. Proceedings of the International Symposium on High Technology for Greenhouse Systems (GreenSys2009), International Society for Horticultural Sciences. Acta Horticulturae 893 (1): 133-144. Thongdara R, Limsoontorn T, Imvitthaya C, Samarakoon L, Ranamukhaarachchi S, Almvik M, Eklo O, Svae Johansen N, Nordhus E & Overgaard H, 2009. Pesticides, Agriculture and Health in Thailand. Bioforsk RAPPORT 4(103), 194 pp. Vänninen & Johansen NS, 2005. Artificial lighting (AL) and IPM in greenhouses. IOBC/wprs Bulletin 28 (1), 295-304. In Norwegian [English titles in brackets] Gislerød HR, Mortensen LM, Torre S, Stensvand A & Johansen NS, 2010. Miljøvennlig næringsutvikling i norsk veksthusproduksjon. [Environmentally friendly development of the Norwegian greenhouse industry]. Bioforsk Fokus 5 (2), 206-207. Johansen NS, 2010. Veksthusklima og integrert plantevern. [Greenhouse climate and integreated pest management]. Bioforsk Fokus 5 (2), 208-209. Johansen NS, 2003. Monochamus-arter. Infoserie om karanteneskadegjørere. [Monochamus species. Quarantine species leaf letters]. Arild Sletten (ed.) Statens Landbrukstilsyn og Planteforsk Plantevernet. Johansen NS, 2002. Liriomyza Minérfluer. Infoserie om karanteneskadegjørere. [Liriomyza - Leafminers. Quarantine species leaf letters]. Arild Sletten (ed.) Statens Landbrukstilsyn og Planteforsk Plantevernet. Johansen NS & Eklo TS, 2010. Bekjempelse av bomullsmellus på julestjernestiklinger. [Control of whiteflies in Poinsettias.] Bioforsk Fokus 5 (2), 68-69. Johansen NS, Eklo TS & Sundbye A, 2010. Effekt av kontinuerlig belysning på veksthusmellus. [Effect of continuous lighting on the greenhouse whiteflies.] Bioforsk Fokus 5 (2), 212-213 Johansen NS, Klingen I, Trandem N, Andersen A, Kjos Ø, Meadow R & Nordhus E, 2009. Plantevernmiddelresistens hos skadedyr. [Insecticide resistance in Norway.] Bioforsk FOKUS 4 (2), 114-115. Johansen NS, Netland J & Hermansen A, 2009. Hvordan håndtere plantevernmiddelresistens? [How to handle pesticide resistance.] Bioforsk FOKUS 4 (2), 120-121. Johansen NS & Nordhus E, 2004. Resistens mot insektmidler. [Insecticide resistance.] Plantemøtet Østlandet 2004. Grønn kunnskap 8 (2), 358-367. Johansen NS, Sundbye A & Milton B, 2005. Biologisk bekjempelse av bomullsmellus i julestjerne. [Biological control of Bemisia tabaci in Poinsettia]. Grønn kunnskap 9 (2), 63-69. Klingen I, Hofsvang T, Brandsæter LO, Haukeland S, Haugland E, Johansen NS, Johansen T & Knudsen GK, 2008. Biologisk bekjempelse og fascinerende sammenhenger. [Interactions in biological control.] Bioforsk Fokus 3 (1), 172-181. Nordhus E & Johansen NE, 2008. Insektmiddelresistens i Norge utvikling og mekanismer. [Insecticide resistance in Norway development and mechanisms] Bioforsk FOKUS 3 (1), 170-171. (In Norwegian). 6

Sundbye A & Johansen NS, 2010. Vær oppmerksom på Tuta absoluta. [Be aware of Tuta absoluta] Bioforsk TEMA Nr. 13-September 2010, 4 pp. Sundbye A & Johansen NS, 2003. Bemisia tabaci-bomullsmellus. [Bemisia tabaci. Quarantine species leaf letters]. Infoserie om karanteneskadegjørere. Arild Sletten (ed.) Statens Landbrukstilsyn og Planteforsk Plantevernet. ANNEX 4. PROJECT REPORTS [In Norwegian, English titles in brackets] Blystad D-R, Johansen NS, Moe R, Sundbye A, Toppe B & Fløistad E, 2002. Forbedret kvalitet og produktivitet i dyrking av julestjerne. [Improved quality and productivity of Poinsettia.] Report for the Poinsettia growers association, February 2002. Johansen NS, Blystad D-R, Sivertsen A, Eklo TS, Skjeseth G & Gebel W, 2009. Friskt materiale av julestjerne ved behandling, karantene og fremavl. [Plant material of Poinsettias free from pests]. Årsrapport 2008. Bioforsk Rapport 4 (3), 39 pp. Johansen NS, Blystad D-R, Sivertsen A, Skjeseth G & Gebel W, 2007. Friskt materiale av julestjerne ved behandling, karantene og fremavl. [Plant material of Poinsettias free from pests]. Årsrapport 2007. Bioforsk Rapport 2 (143), 40 pp. Johansen NS, Blystad D-R, Sivertsen A & Skjeseth G, 2007. Friskt materiale av julestjerne ved behandling, karantene og fremavl. [Plant material of Poinsettias free from pests]. Årsrapport 2006. Bioforsk Rapport 2 (7), 22 pp. Johansen NS, Andersen A, Nordhus E & Bone KR, 2004. Diagnostikk og kartlegging av Bemisia tabaci og Liriomyza-arter. [Diagnostics and survey of Bemisia tabaci and Liriomyza-species in Norway]. Project report for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. 23 ss. Johansen NS, Haukeland S, Staverløkk A, Sundbye A, Strandenæs AK & Eklo TS, 2010. Fremme bruken av makroorganismer 2009 [Increased use of biological control agents.] Sluttrapport. Bioforsk Rapport 5 (82), 28 pp. Johansen NS & Salinas SH, 2001. Integrert plantevern i planteskoler. [Integrated pest management in hardy nursery stocks.] Utreding 05/2001, Planteforsk Plantevernet. 18 pp. Johansen NS & Sundbye A, 2000. Bekjempelse av hærmygg. [Control of Sciarids]. Project report for AS Jiffy Products Ltd. Staverløkk A, Haukeland S & Johansen NS. 2008. Kartlegging av makroorganismer 2007: Neoseiulus californicus, Orius laevigatus og Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. [Survey and overwintering potential of N. californicus Orius laevigatus og Heterorhabditis bacteriophora]. Sluttrapport. Bioforsk Rapport 3 (79), 24 pp. ANNEX 5. ARTICLES IN GROWERS MAGAZINES, POPULAR PRESS ETC. [In Norwegian, English titles in brackets] Alsvik M & Johansen NS, 2000. Innsamling av ferskenbladlus for å kartleggje resistens mot plantevernmidler. [Insecticide resistance in M. persicae.] Gartneryrket 10/2000, 29. Johansen NS, 2002. Søramerikansk minerflue biologi og tiltak. [The South American Leafminer biology and control strategy.] Gartneryrket 11/2002, 12-15. 7

Johansen NS, 2000. Plantevernmiddelresistens hos insekter og midd et økende problem i veksthusdyrkingen i Norge. [Pesticide resistance in insects and mites an increasing problem in Norwegian glasshouse production.] Gartneryrket 10/2000, 26-27. Johansen NS, 1998. Skjemmende skade på krossved. [Damage on Viburnum from the viburnum beetle.] Norsk Hagetiden 2, 105. Johansen NS, 1997. Nytt utbrudd av bomullsmellus. [A new outbreak of the cotton whitefly]. Gartneryrket 18/1997, 9-11. Johansen NS, 1997. Amerikansk blomstertrips-hva nå? [How do we handle the western flowerthrips?] Gartneryrket 6/1997, 33-35. Johansen NS, 1995. Liriomyza huidobrensis. Et nytt farlig skadedyr er funnet i Norge. [Liriomyza huidobrensis. A new quarantine pest is found in Norway.] Gartneryrket 15/1995, 8-9. Johansen NS, 1994. Varsling av kålfly (Mamestra brassicae L.). [Monitoring the cabbage moth (Mamestra brassicae L.)] Gartneryrket 8/1994, 20-21. Johansen NS, Blystad DR, Toppe B & Sivertsen A, 2007. Julestjernestiklinger uten blindpassasjerer. [Poinsettis cuttings without pests]. Gartneryrket 12/2007, 16. Johansen NS, Eklo TS, Sundbye A & Gislerød HR, 2010. Mellussnyltvepsen Encarsia formosa trives bra ved kontinuerlig belysning. [Encarsia formosa is little affected by continuous light.] Gartneryrket 10/2010, 32-35. Johansen NS, Eklo TS, Sundbye A & Gislerød HR, 2009. Hva skjer med veksthusmellusa når lyset står på hele døgnet? [What happens with the greenhouse whitefly under continuous lighting?] Gartneryrket 4/2009, 16-17. Johansen NS, Klingen I, Nordhus E & Andersen A, 2008. Resistente rapsglansbiller-råd om bekjempelse. [Control of insecticide resistant pollen beetles.] Norsk Landbruk 6/2008, 13-14. Johansen NS, Sagen T, Sundbye A & Gislerød HR, 2006. Den nye rovmidden Amblyseius swirskii et godt alternativ mot trips og mellus i veksthusagurk? [Amblyseius swirskii a good choice for thrips and whitefly control in greenhouse cucumber?]. Gartneryrket 10/2006, 32-35. Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2006. Gir limfeller med feromoner bedre fangst av amerikansk blomstertrips i snittroser? [Does pheromone traps enhance catches of western flower thrips?]. Gartneryrket 10/2006, 24-25. Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2005. Biologisk bekjempelse av skadedyr: Gode arbeidsrutiner er en forutsetning for å lykkes. [Biological control of arthropod pests: Good routines are the key to success.] Gartneryrket 9/2005, 24-25. Johansen NS, Smith Eriksen A, Mortensen L & Braut E, 2005. Nye klimastrategier og biologisk skadedyrbekjempelse. [Greenhous climate and biological control.] Gartneryrket 9/2005, 26-28. Johansen NS, Smith Eriksen A, Mortensen L & Gislerød HR, 2010. LED-lamper påvirker limfellefangsten av trips og mellus. [LEDs affect trap catches of thrips and whiteflies]. Gartneryrket 10/2010, 37-39. Johansen NS, Smith Eriksen A, Mortensen L & Gislerød HR, 2009. Veksthusbelysning og biologisk bekjempelse. [Artificial light and biological control in greenhouses.] Gartneryrket 10/2009, 54-57. Johansen NS, Smith Eriksen A, Mortensen L & Gislerød HR, 2009. Växthusbelysning och biologisk bekämpning. [Artificial light and biological control in greenhouses.] Trädgårdsnytt 11/2009, 24-25. (In Sweedish.) 8

Johansen. NS & Sundbye A, 2005. Biologisk bekjempelse av bomullsmellus (Bemisia tabaci) i julestjerne ferdigvare. [Biological control of Bemisia tabici in Poinsettia pot plants.] Gartneryrket 4/2005, 10-11. Johansen NS, Sundbye A & Moe R, 2005. Bomullsmellus på julestjerne: Hvordan påvirker temperaturen snyltevepsene? [The sweet-potato whitefly in poinsettia: How does temperature affect parasitoids?] Gartneryrket 10/2005, 34-37. Kobro S, Folkedal A & Johansen NS, 2000. For mye amerikansk blomstertrips i norske veksthus.[too much western flowerthrips in Norwegian glasshouses.] Gartneryrket 16/2000, 12-13. Kobro S & Johansen NS, 1999. Nye veksthustrips på vandring. [New thrips species found in Norwegian glasshouses.] Gartneryrket 13/1999, 34-35. Nordhus E, Andersen A, Meadow R, Trandem N & Johansen NS, 2006. Resistens mot skadedyrmidler stadig mer utbredt. [The problem with insecticide resistance is increasing.] Gartneryrket 4/2006, 23-26. Sagen T & Johansen NS, 2002. Bladveps på lind. [Caliroa annulipes on lime trees.] Park og anlegg 3-02, 22-23. Smith Eriksen A, Gislerød HR, Ringsevjen F & Johansen NS, 2006. Veksthusspinnmidd og trips i lysagurk: Ulike strategier med utsett av nyttedyr. [Different techniques for releasing biological control agents against spider-mites and thrips in artificial lighted cucumber.] Gartneryrket 9/2006, 26-28. Smith Eriksen, A., Johansen, N.S. og Gislerød, H. R. (2007). Rovtege mot mellus i snittroser. [Predatory bugs against whiteflies in cut roses.] Gartneryrket nr 4/2007, s 30-31. Smith Eriksen A, Johansen NS & Gislerød HR, 2006: Ny rovmidd mot trips og mellus alt du trenger å vite om Amblyseius swirskii. [A new biocontrol agent for control of thrips and whiteflies all you need to know about Amblyseius swirskii.] Gartneryrket 11/2006. 30-31. Staverløkk A, Johansen NS & Coulianos C-C, 2008. Nye fylkesfunn av teger. [New records of Heteroptera.] Insekt-Nytt 33 (2/3) 2008, 49-53. Sundbye A & Johansen NS, 2009. Se opp for Tuta absoluta en ny skadegjører i tomat. [Whatch out for Tuta absoluta a new tomato pest.] Gartneryrket 11/2009, 20-22. Sundbye A, Johansen NS & Moe R, 2005. Forskjellige utslippsmetoder for snylteveps og rovteger mot bomullsmellus i julestjerne. [Comparison of release methods for parasitoids and predatory bugs to control Bemisia tabaci in Poinsettia]. Gartneryrket /2005, 38-40. Sundbye A & Johansen NS, 2003. Bekjempelse av skadedyr på prydplanter i planteskoler del I. Spinnmidd, gallmidd, bladlus og mellus. [Control of arthropod pests in hardy ornamentals part 1. Spidermites, gall mites, aphids and whiteflies.] Gartneryrket 7/2003, 11-13. Sundbye A & Johansen NS, 2003. Bekjempelse av skadedyr på prydplanter i planteskoler del II. Skjoldlus, teger, sikader og trips. [Control of arthropod pests in hardy ornamentals part 1. Scale insects, bugs, leafhoppers and thrips.] Gartneryrket 8/2003, 13-16. Sundbye A & Johansen NS, 2002. Nytteorganismer mot hærmygg i julestjerne. [Biologicol control of sciarids in Poinsettias.] Gartneryrket 16/2002, 26-27. Sundbye A & Johansen NS, 1999. Ny spinnmidd i julestjerne. [A new spider mite (Eotetranychus lewisii) detected in Poinsettias.] Gartneryrket 11/1999, 23-24. Sæbøe A, Herard F, Maspero H & Johansen NS, 2005. Asiatiske trebukker - på vei til Norge? [Anoplophora glabripennis and A. chinensis on their way to Norway?] Park og Anlegg 8/2005, 38-40. 9

Trandem N, Nordhus E & Johansen NS, 2006. Gener for resistens mot pyretroider funnet i jordbærsnutebille. [Genes for resistance against pyrethroids found in Anthonomus rubi.] Norsk Frukt og Bær 9 (1), 32. ANNEX 6. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS International meetings Alsvik M, Nordhus EG & Johansen NS, 2002. Survey of insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae in Norway. Vietnamese Norwegian Workshop, October 2002, Hanoi, Vietnam. Johansen NS, Vänninen I, Nissinen A, Pintho D & Shipp L, 2011. Direct and indirect effects of lampbased artificial lighting on IPM in greenhouses. Key note talk on IOBC/WPRS conference, working group Integrated pest management in protected crops, temperate zone, 19 September, Sutton Scotney, UK. Johansen NS 2008. Effect of continuous lighting on the biology of Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Encarsia Formosa. IOBC/WPRS conference, working group Integrated pest management in protected crops, temperate zone April 21-24, Sint Michielsgestel, the Netherlands. Johansen NS, 2007. Principles of pesticide resistance and resistance management. Workshop on insecticide resistance management of key pests in vegetables, 25-26 March, Hanoi, VietNam. Johansen NS, 2007. Bemisia tabaci in Norway. Management of Bemisia tabaci and IPM in greenhouse ornamentals. Nordic meeting, 24 January, Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen. Johansen NS, 2007. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Vegetables in Vietnam. Nordic meeting, 24 January 2007, Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen. Johansen NS, 2007. IPM of European Cornborer in Europe. Chinese - Norwegian workshop 19-23 March, Changchun, Jilin, China. Johansen NS, 2007. Principles of pesticide resistance and resistance management. Workshop on insecticide resistance management of key pests on vegetables in Vietnam, 26-27 March Hanoi, Vietnam. Johansen NS, 2003. The influence of temperature on the development, behavior and control efficacy of Eretmocerus eremicus parasitizing Bemisia tabaci B-biotype on Poinsettia. 3 rd international Bemisia workshop, 17-20 March, Barcelona, Spain. Johansen NS 2000. Insecticide resistance management (IRM): A strategy for sustainable insect pest control. NJF seminar 316, 23-26 August 2000, Hveragerdi, Island. Johansen NS, Eklo TS, Sundbye A & Smith Eriksen A, 2010. Hur kan växthus-belysningen påverka mjöllus, trips och deras nyttodjur? Seminarium for växthusodlare om belysningens inverkan på växtskyddet i året-runt produktion, 16 September, Närpes, Finland. [How does artificial light affect whiteflies, thrips and their natural enemies? Growers seminar.] Johansen NS, Sagen T, Sundbye A, Pettersen RI & Rasmussen I, 2007. Biological control with Amblyseius swirskii in cucumber. Management of Bemisia tabaci and IPM in greenhouse ornamentals. Nordic meeting, 24 January, Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen. Johansen NS & Smith-Eriksen A, 2009. Adaptation of biological control to new lighting methods. Norwegian-Dutch Work-shop, 3-4 March, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 10

Johansen NS & Nordhus NG, 2002. Susceptibility of Liriomyza sativae larvae to some insecticides scheduled for their control in Vietnam. Vietnamese Norwegian Workshop, October, Hanoi Vietnam. Johansen NS & Nordhus EG, 2001. Insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci in Norway. 1 st European whitefly symposium, 26 February 2 March, Ragusa, Sicily, Italy. Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2007. Use of banker plants for Macrolophus caliginosus to control Trialeurodes vaporariorum - Experiences from commercial rose production. Management of Bemisia tabaci and IPM in greenhouse ornamentals. Nordic meeting, 24 January, Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen. Johansen NS, Sundbye A & Milton B, 2004. Influence of leaf hairiness and temperature on the ability of Encarsia formosa and Macrolophus caliginosus to control Bemisia tabaci in poinsettia. 2 nd European whitefly symposium, 5-9 October, Cavcat, Croatia. Johansen NS & Vänninen I, 2005. Artificial light effects on pests and beneficials: Overview. Integrated Control in Glasshouses and Outdoor Nursery Stocks, 10-14 April, Turku, Finland. Nordhus E & Johansen NS, 2007. Bemisia tabaci biotypes in Northern Vietnam. 4th International Bemisia Workshop, 03.-06.12.06, and International Whitefly Genomics Workshop, 07.- 08.12.06, Florida, USA (Poster). National meetings [English title and event in brackets] Johansen NS, 2010. Veksthusklima og integrert plantevern. Bioforsk-konferansen 2010, 10.-11. februar, Sarpsborg. [Greenhouse climate and integrated pest management. Bioforsk conference 2010.] Johansen NS, 2009. Plantevernresistens hos skadedyr. Bioforsk-konferansen 2009, 3.- 4. februar, Sandefjord. [Insecticide resistance. Bioforsk conference 2009.] Johansen NS, 2009. Resistens hos rapsglansbille. Planteverndag for dyrkere av oljevekster, korn og potet, 26. mai, Blæstad. [Insecticide resistance in pollen beetles. Growers meeting.] Johansen NS, 2008. På jakt i plantejungelen. Små rovdyrs strategier for å finne byttedyr. Plantemøtet 2008, 6.-7. februar, Hamar. [Hunting strategies used by predatory mites. Conference on plant production and plant protection 2008.] Johansen NS, 2005. Biologisk bekjempelse av bomullsmellus i julestjerne. Plantemøtet Østlandet 2005, 9.-10. Februar, Sarpsborg. [Biological control of Bemisia tabaci in Poinsettia. Conference on plant production and plant protection 2005.] Johansen NS, 2004. Biologisk bekjempelse i morgendagens landbruk. Offisiell åpning av Plantevernbygningen, 2. juni, Ås. [Biological control in future agriculture. Official opening of the Plant Protection Building.] Johansen NS, 2004. Bomullsmellus (Bemisia tabaci) - et vanskelig skadedyr i veksthus. Gartnerdagene, 21. Oktober, Gjennestad Gartnerskole. [Bemisia tabaci, a troublesome pest in greenhouse crops. Meeting for the greenhouse and horticulture growers and industry.] Johansen NS, 2004. Hvordan skal vi møte problemene med plantevernmiddelresistens? Offisiell åpning av Plantevernbygningen, 2. juni, Ås. [How to meet the problem with insecticide resistance. Official opening of the Plant Protection Building.] 11

Johansen NS, Blystad DR & Toppe B, 2006. Nye skadedyr som banker på utenfra hva gjør vi? Gartnerdagene, 19 October, Gjennestad Gartnerskole. [How do we handle new pests and diseases in greenhouses? Meeting for the greenhouse and horticulture growers and industry.] Johansen NS, Eklo TS & Sundbye A, 2010. Døgnville veksthusmellus. Bioforsk-konferansen, 10.-11. februar, Sarpsborg. [Whiteflies confused by light. Bioforsk conference 2010.] Johansen NS, Eklo TS & Sundbye A, 2010. Mellussnytevepsen Encarsia formosa trives bra ved kontinuerlig belysning. Seminar for veksthusnæringen, 26. oktober, Gjennestad Gartnerskole. [Encarsia formosa is little affected by continuous lighting. Meeting for greenhouse growers and industry.] Johansen NS, Eklo TS, Sivertsen A & Skjeseth G, 2010. Går det an å rense julestjernestiklinger for bomullsmellus? Bioforsk-konferansen 2010, 10.-11. februar, Sarpsborg. [Is it possible to obtain pest-free Poinsettia cuttings? Bioforsk conference 2010.] Johansen NS, Klingen I, Trandem N, Andersen A & Nordhus E, 2009. Plantevernmiddelresistens hos skadedyr. Bioforsk-konferansen 2009, 4.-5. februar, Sandefjord. [Insecticide resistance. Bioforsk conference 2009.] Johansen NS, Netland J & Hermansen A, 2009. Hvordan håndtere plantevernmiddelresistens? Bioforsk-konferansen 2009, 4.-5. februar, Sandefjord. [Pesticide resistance management. Bioforsk conference 2009.] Johansen NS & Netland J, 2008. Plantevernmiddelresistens i Norge og våre naboland. Julemøtet for Norsk Plantevernmiddelforening 2. desember, Drøbak. [Pesticide resistance in Norway and the other Nordic countries. Christmas meeting for pesticide importing firms.] Johansen NS & Nordhus E, 2004. Resistens mot skadedyrmidler: Hvordan kan vi påvise og motarbeide utviklingen? Plantemøtet Østlandet, 12. februar, Øyer i Oppland. [Insecticide resistance: Detection and resistance management. Conference on plant production and plant protection.] Johansen NS, Sagen T, Sundbye A, Pettersen RI & Rasmussen I, 2006. Forsøk med Amblyseius swirskii mot trips og mellus i agurk. Agurkdagen 2006, 26. September, Frosta. [Control of thrips and whiteflies with the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii. Cucumber growers meeting.] Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2012, Ulike metoder for bekjempelse av trips i roser LED-lys, limfeller, biologisk- og kjemisk bekjempelse. Rosedagen 2012, 20. mars, Sola. [Methods for control of thrips in roses LEDs, sticky traps, biological agents and insecticides. Rose growers meeting.] Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2011. Veksthusklima og biologisk bekjempelse. Gartnerdagene 25. Oktober 2011. [Greenhouse climate and biological control. Greenhouse industry meeting] Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2010. Mer trips på limfellene i forsøk med LED lamper. Seminar for veksthusnæringen, 26. oktober, Gjennestad Garnerskole. [More thrips on sticky traps with LEDs. Meeting for greenhouse growers and industry.] Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2009. Biologisk bekjempelse og belysningsmetoder. Rosedagen 2009, 25. mars, Gartnerforbundet, Oslo. [Biological control under different lighting techniques. Rose growers meeting.] Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2008. Biologisk bekjempelse i snittroser. Rosedagen 2008, 12. mars, Hamar. [Biological control in cut roses. Rose growers meeting.] 12

Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2007. Bankerplanter med rovtegen Macrolophus caliginosus mot veksthusmellus i roser - erfaringer fra 1 års utprøvinger. Rosedagen 2007, 7. Mars, Lierstranda. [Banker plants for Macrolophus caliginosus for the control of whiteflies in roses 1 year of experiences. Rose growers meeting.] Johansen NS & Smith Eriksen A, 2006. Bankerplanter med Macrolophus mot veksthusmellus i Selvåg Gartneri. Rosedagen 2006, 25. oktober, Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap, Ås. [Banker plants for Macrolophus for the control of whiteflies in Selvåg Gartneri. Rose growers meeting.] Johansen NS, Smith Eriksen A, Braut E & Mortensen L, 2005. Biologisk bekjempelse av veksthusspinnmidd og mellus i snittroser. Rosedagen 2005, 19. oktober, Tananger. [Biological control of spidermites and whiteflies in cut roses. Rose growers meeting. ] Johansen NS, Smith Eriksen A, Braut E & Mortensen L, 2005. Biologisk bekjempelse av spinnmidd og trips i agurk. Agurkdagen 2005, 20. oktober, Tananger. [Biological control of spidermites and thrips in cucumber. Cucumber growers meeting.] Johansen NS, Sundbye A, Sagen T, Rasmussen I & Heggen H, 2006. Snylteveps mot veksthusmellus i snittroser. Rosedagen 2006, 25. oktober, Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap, Ås. [Use of parasitoids for the control of greenhouse whiteflies in cut roses]. Rose growers meeting.] ANNEX 7. SCIENTIFIC REFEREE Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, Journal of Applied Entomology, Journal of Insect Behaviour, Bulletin of Entomological Research, EcoHealth ANNEX 8. SELECTED PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS 2010 - onwards: Reduced risk of pesticide resistance development. PROJECT LEADER. Resistance risk assessment, development of a database for documented cases of resistance, monitoring of resistance development, development of strategies and guidelines for resistance management, and education of advisors and growers. The project includes insecticides, fungicides and herbicides. 2009-2012 Environmentally friendly development of Norwegian greenhouse industry (VEKSTHUS). LEADER OF SUB-PROJECT Adaptation of biological control to new lighting regimes: Studies of the effect of light quality and photoperiod on the greenhouse whitefly, the western flowerthrips and their natural enemies Encarsia formosa and Amblyseius swirskii in cut roses, poinsettia, herbs. Development of biological control guidelines. Cooperation with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and the Norwegian Extension Service and growers. 2009 Occurrence and overwintering capacity of exotic biological control agents. PROJECT LEADER. Survey of occurrence and studies of cold hardiness of Orius laevigatus and Neoseiulus californicus. 13

2007 Insecticide resistance in Meligethes aeneus. PROJECT LEADER. Survey of susceptibility to pyrethroids in Norwegian populations of Meligethes aeneus. Cooperation with the Norwegian Extension Service. 2006-2009 Healthy plant material of Poinsettia. PROJECT LEADER. Development of methods for production of Poinsettia cuttings free of Bemisia tabaci, virus and other pests. Cooperation with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and G3 Ungplanter. 2005-2007 Optimal climate for growth, yield, quality and mildew and biological control in cut roses and cucumbers. LEADER OF SUB-PROJECT Biological control in cut roses and cucumbers: Studies of the effect of light and temperature on Trieleurodes vaporariorum, Tetranychus urticae and their natural enemies Encarsia formosa and Phytoseiulus persimilis in cut roses and cucumber. Development of biological control guidelines. Knowledge transfer. Cooperation with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and the Norwegian Extension Service and growers. 2005-2007 IPM in vegetables in greater Mekong sub-region, the Norwegian sub-project Reducing risk for health and environment by minimizing pesticide use. LEADER OF SUB-PROJECT Pesticide resistance management of key pests in Vietnam: Survey of insecticide resistance of L. sativae and B. tabaci, development of resistance management program, training of trainers and farmers. Pesticide resistance management of key pests in vegetables in Vietnam. Cooperation with: FAO Regional Vegetable IPM Program in Asia and Plant Protection Department, Northern Pesticide Control Centre, Hanoi. 2004-2005 Insecticide resistance. PROJECT LEADER. Survey of kdr resistance in Norwegian populations of insect pest species suspected to be resistant to pyrethroids. 2002-2005 Strategic University Program: Post harvest physiology and plant health. LEADER OF SUB-PROJECT Biological control of Bemisia tabaci in Poinsettias: Studies of the effect of Poinsettia cultivar and temperature on searching behaviour of Encarsia formosa and biological control of Bemisia tabaci with E. formosa and Macrolophus caliginosus. Host preference in E. formosa. Interaction between E. formosa and M. caliginosus. Banker-plants for M. caliginosus. Cooperation with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 2000-2003 Strategic Institute Program: Molecular diagnostics of plant pests, subproject Diagnostics and molecular characterizing of selected species and biotypes of whiteflies, leaf miners and the peach potato aphid: Development and establishment of methods for identification of species of Liriomyza and biotypes of Bemisia tabaci, and for detection of insecticide resistance in Liriomyza spp., B. tabaci and Myzus persicae (molecular and biochemical methods and bioassays). 2000-2003 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) on vegetables in Vietnam. LEADER OF SUB- PROJECT Insecticide resistance in Liriomyza sativae: Survey of insecticide resistance in different L. sativae populations in Hanoi. Cooperative institutions: Plant Protection Department, Northern Pesticide Control Centre, Hanoi and Hanoi Agricultural University. 14

2003-2005 Diagnostics and survey of Bemisia tabaci and Liriomyza spp. in Norway. PROJECT LEADER. Molecular and morphological methods for identification of Bemisia tabaci biotypes, viruliferous B. tabaci and Liriomyza spp., survey of the occurrence of whitefly and leafminer species in Norwegian greenhouses. 199-2001 Increased quality and productivity in Poinsettia production. LEADER OF SUB- PROJECT Biological control of sciarids in Poinsettias: Biological control of sciarids with Steinernema feltiae, Hypoaspis miles and Bacillus thuringiensis subs. Israelensis. Cooperation with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 1998-2001 Chronic effects of long-term exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of propiconazol and fenpropimorf through the food on Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): Effect of exposure on bio-transformation enzymes and on development, fecundity and survival of M. brassicae. Cooperation with the National Veterinary Institute. 1998 Biological control of Bemisia tabaci in Poinsettias. PROJECT LEADER. Studies of the effect of temperature on development and searching behaviour of Eretmocerus eremicus, and on biological control of Bemisia tabaci with E. eremicus on Poinsettias. ANNEX 9. OTHER ASSIGNMENTS (membership of scientific/professional committees, boards, councils etc.) 2011-2012 Appointed by the Faculty Board at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences to be an expert reviewer for the appointment of a senior lecturer in plant protection at the department of Ecology, Uppsala. 2007 - present Official member of EPPO Resistance Panel for Plant Production Products. 2007 - present Chairman for the insecticide sub-group of the Nordic Baltic Pesticide Resistance Action Group (NORBARAG). 2001-2004 Official member of the European Whitefly Studies Network (FAIR 6 CT98-4303). ANNEX 10. TEACHING AND SUPERVISION EXPERIENCE Training of farmers and employees in the agricultural sector [In Norwegian, English translation in brackets] Smith Eriksen A & Johansen NS, 2011. Biologisk plantevern i veksthus. Etterutdanningskurs for gartneriansatte, 26. oktober 2011, Gjennestad Gartnerskole. [Biological control in greenhouse crops. Course for employees in the greenhouse plant production industry, 26 October 2011.] Johansen NS 2007. Dianostikk av skadedyr i veksthus. Kurs for Norsk Landbruksrådgiving, 6. juni 2007, Ås. [Diagnostics of insect pests in greenhouse crops. Course for the Norwegian Agricultural Extension Service, 6 June 2007.] 15

Johansen NS 2007. Aktuelle og potensielle karanteneskadedyr for norsk veksthusproduksjon: Diagnostikk, biologi og prøvetaking. Kurs for Mattilsynet 6.-7. November 2007, Ås. [Insect pests on the quarantine and alert lists relevant for greenhouse production: Diagnostics, life cycle and sampling. Course for the Norwegian Food Safety Authorities, 6-7 November 2007.] Johansen NS, 2006. Dvergmidd (Tarsonemidae). Kurs for Mattilsynet, 4. mai 2006, Ås. [Tarsonemids. Course for the Norwegian Food Safety Authorities, 5 May 2006, Ås]. Johansen NS, 2006. Liriomyza og Bemisia - status og risiko. Fagdag for Mattilsynet, 14. november 2006, Oslo. [Liriomyza and Bemisia status and risk. The Norwegian Food Safety Authorities Meeting, 14 November 2006, Oslo.] Johansen NS, 2004. Hvordan blir nyttedyr påvirket av klima og dyrkingsteknikk i veksthus? Etterutdanningskurs i Plantedyrking i regulert klima for veiledningstjeneste og gartneriansatte, 14. 15. Januar 2004, Oslo. [The influence of greenhouse climate and crop management on biological control agents. Course for the horticulture extension service and growers, 14-15 January, Oslo.] Johansen NS, 2003. Bekjempelse av karanteneskadegjørere. Kurs for veksthusprodusenter, Norsk Gartnerforbund, 13. januar 2003. [Management of quarantine species. Course for growers arranged by the greenhouse growers association in Norway, 13 January 2003.] Johansen NS, 2003. Håndtering av bomullsmellus og Liriomyza i Norge. Kurs for Svensk landbruksrådgivingstjeneste 1-2 april 2003, Hönö, Sweden. [Management of Bemisia tabaci and Liriomyza in Norway. Course for the Swedish agricultural extension service, 1-2 April, Hönö, Sweden.] Johansen NS, 2002. Kjemisk plantevern i blomstergartnerier. LOG s Fagdag for blomsterdyrkere, 23. august 2002, Gjennestad Gartnerskole, Stokke. [Chemical control of greenhouse ornamentals. Course for growers, 23 August 2002, Gjennestad Horticultural School, Stokke.] Johansen NS, 2002. Plantevernmiddelresistens hos skadedyr i veksthus. LOG s Fagdag for blomsterdyrkere, 23. august 2002, Gjennestad Gartnerskole. [Insecticide resistance in greenhouse pests. Course for growers 23 August 2002, Gjennestad Horticultural School, Stokke.] Johansen NS, 2002. Tiltak mot farlige og andre alvorlige skadedyr. Hjeltnesdagene, 14.-15. November 2002, Hjeltnes Gartnerskole. [Management of quarantine arthropod pests. Course for growers, Hjeltnes Horticultural School, 14-15 November 2002.] Johansen NS, 2002. Dvergmidd på jordbær. Kurs for Mattilsynet, 12. september 2001, Ås. [Tarsonemid mites on strawberries. Course for the Norwegian Plant Health Authorities, 12 September 2002.] Johansen NS, 2001. Påvisning, biologi og utbredelse av noen karanteneskadedyr, Kurs for Mattilsynet 20.-21. og 28.-27. mars 2001. [Diagnostics and biology of some quarantine species. Courses for the Norwegian Plant Health Authorities, 20-21 and 28-27 March 2001.] Johansen NS, 1997. Identifikasjon av de vanligste skadeinsekter og -midd i veksthus. Kurs for Landbrukets forsøksringer, 22.-23. mai 1997. [Diagnostics of greenhouse arthropod pests. Course for the Norwegian Agricultural Extension Service 22-23 May 1997.] See also Appendix 6. Selected presentations 16

Teaching of students Johansen NS, 2011. Pesticide resistance. Gjesteforelesning ved Universitetet for Miljø og Biovitenskap, masterkurset PJH 300, Bærekraftige produksjonssystemer, 21. oktober 2011. [Guest lecturer at the master course PJH 300 Sustainable Production Systems at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.] Johansen NS, 2011. Direct and indirect effects of artificial lighting on IPM in greenhouses Gjesteforelesning ved Universitetet for Miljø og Biovitenskap, masterkurset PHA 320, Produksjonsfysiologi ved plantedyrking i regulert klima, 31. oktober 2011. [Guest lecturer at the master course PHA 320 Applied Plant Physiology in Controlled Environment at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.] Johansen NS, 2003. Biological control in greenhouses. Guest lecturer on the Nordic graduate course Sustainable greenhouse production, 26-27 March, Alnarp, Sweeden. Johansen NS, 1994-2006. Forelesninger, lab-øvelser og feltvandringer på ulike kurs I landbruksentomologi ved Universitetet for Miljø og Biovitenskap (PLV 210, PLV 230, PLV 252). 2-8 timer undervisningstimer per år. [Lectures, lab practicals and field walks in the topic biology and control of arthropod pests in protected crop and hardy nursery stock production at undergraduate courses in agricultural entomology at the University of Life Sciences (PLV 210, PLV 230, PLV 252). 2-8 hours per year.] Supervision of students Dr. Scient. (PhD), Norwegian University of life Science (UMB) Nordhus EG, 1999-2005. Molecular methods in species identification of Liriomyza spp. and the study of insecticide resistance in Liriomyza spp., Bemisia tabaci and Myzus persicae. Dr. Scientiarum Thesis 2005:16, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences/the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research. M.sc. (Cand. Agric.) Norwegian University of life Science (UMB) Lindebø Østbye M, 2008. Effects of Early Conditioning on the Parasitoid Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), Parasitizing Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), Feeding on Rose and Tobacco. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences/the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research. Milton B, 2004. The influence of foliar pubescence on searching activity of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) on different poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Koltz.) cultivars and temperatures, and the influence of temperature on parasitization of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) by the whitefly parasitoid on the cultivar Lilo. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences/the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research. Alsvik, M, 2003. Kartlegging av resistens mot plantevernmiddel i norske populasjoner av ferskenbladlus, Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae). [Survey of insecticide resistance in Norwegian populations of Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae). Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences/the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research. 17

Folkedal A, 1999. Biologisk bekjempelse av amerikansk blomstertrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), i veksthus. [Biological control of the western flowerthrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in greenhouses.] Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences/the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research. Olsen H, 1999. Integrert bekjempelse av skadegjørere inne veksthusproduksjonen av krydderurterbiologisk bekjempelse og utviklingsstadium av grønnflekket veksthusbladlus (Aulacorthum solani) på basilikum (Ocimum basilicum). [Integrated pest management in glasshouse production of herbs-biological control and development study of the glasshouse-potato aphid (Aulacorthum solani) on basil (Ocimum basilicum). Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences/the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research. Sundbye A, 1999. Biologisk bekjempelse av skadedyr på veksthusjordbær. [Biological control of arthropod pests in greenhouse strawberries.]. Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences/the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research. Sola T, 1997. Spinnmidd og rovmidd på lind (Tilia spp.) i ulike bymiljøer urban økologi og biologisk kontroll. [Spider mites and predatory mites on lime (Tilia spp.) in different urban environments.] Master thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences/the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research. Ph.D. Assessment commitee Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen Jakobsen L, 2009. Influence of Fluctuation Temperatures on the Biology of the Aphids Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae and the two natural enemies Aphidius colemani and Orius laevigatus and the Influence of Elevated CO 2 on the development of M. persicae. 18