Internasjonalt Utvalg

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1 Møtebok: Internasjonalt Utvalg ( ) Internasjonalt Utvalg Dato: Sted: Skype Notat:

2 Saksliste Vedtakssaker 20/18 Approval of notice of the Meeting and the agenda /18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th /18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University 16 23/18 Application from Student organisation in Bodø for "Velkomsten" 35 24/18 New student representatives to The International Committee 37 25/18 Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education 40 Orienteringssaker 8/18 Improvement of web page for The International Committee and information page on inord 54 9/18 Mobility report for spring

3 20/18 Approval of notice of the Meeting and the agenda / Approval of notice of the Meeting and the agenda : Approval of notice of the Meeting and the agenda Arkivsak-dok. 15/ Saksansvarlig Hanne Solheim Hansen Saksbehandler Hanne Maren Reistad Saksgang Møtedato APPROVAL OF NOTICE OF THE MEETING AND THE AGENDA Forslag til vedtak: International Committee approves the notice of the meeting and the agenda. Vedlegg: Skriv her

4 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 Arkivsak-dok. 15/ Saksansvarlig Hanne Solheim Hansen Saksbehandler Hanne Maren Reistad Saksgang Møtedato APPROVAL OF THE PROTOCOL FROM MEETING MAY 8'TH 2018 Forslag til vedtak: The International Committee approves the protocol from the meeting on May 8 th 2018 Vedlegg: Protokoll Internasjonalt utvalg

5 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg MØTEPROTOKOLL Internasjonalt Utvalg Dato: kl. 9:00 Sted: Skype Arkivsak: 15/01544 Tilstede: Møtende varamedlemmer: Forfall: Hanne Solheim Hansen, Hugo Nordseth, Grete Ingemann Knudsen, Kaja Skårdal Hegstad, Jose de Pool, Just Kornfeldt, Marit Bjørnevik for Magarita Novoa Garrido Helene Wiken for Alexander Hjermind Magarita Novoa Garrido, Malvin Torsvik, Anastasia Fedoseeva Andre: Protokollfører: Hanne Maren Reistad, Monica Brobak SAKSKART Side Vedtakssaker 12/18 15/ Approval of the notice of the meeting and the agenda /18 15/ Approval of the protocol from meeting March 16th /18 15/ Changing of permanent member of the international committee 5 15/18 16/18 17/18 15/ / / Change of date for the meeting on June 12 th Meetings for autumn Development of an International strategy 8 1

6 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 19/18 15/ / Revised budget 2018 and accounts for Spring Annual cycle for the International Committee 10 Orienteringssaker 6/18 15/ Report from Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education about recruitment of international degree students. 11 7/18 15/ Erasmus+ tildeling 2018/ Sted, møteleder 12/18 Approval of the notice of the meeting and the agenda Behandlet av Møtedato Saknr 1 Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Forslag til vedtak: International Committee approves the notice of the meeting and the agenda. Møtebehandling Votering Unanimous Vedtak International Committee approves the notice of the meeting and add one discussion point to the agenda. 2

7 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg [Lagre] [Lagre endelig vedtak] 3

8 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Approval of the protocol from meeting March 16th 2018 Behandlet av Møtedato Saknr 1 Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Forslag til vedtak: The International Committee approves the protocol from the meeting on March 16 th 2018 Møtebehandling Votering Unanimous Vedtak The International Committee approves the protocol from the meeting on March 16th 2018 [Lagre] [Lagre endelig vedtak] 4

9 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Changing of permanent member of the international committee Behandlet av Møtedato Saknr 1 Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Forslag til vedtak: The International Committee approves the change of permanent member of the committee. Møtebehandling Votering Unanimous Vedtak The International Committee approves the change of permanent member of the committee. [Lagre] [Lagre endelig vedtak] 5

10 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Change of date for the meeting on June 12 th 2018 Behandlet av Møtedato Saknr 1 Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Forslag til vedtak: The International Committee approved the change of date for the meeting on June 12 th to June 13 th from 09:00 12:00 on Skype. Møtebehandling Votering Unanimous Vedtak The International Committee approved the change of date for the meeting on June 12 th to June 13 th from 09:00 12:00 on Skype. [Lagre] [Lagre endelig vedtak] 6

11 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Meetings for autumn 2018 Behandlet av Møtedato Saknr 1 Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Forslag til vedtak: The International committee approves the dates of meeting for autumn Møtebehandling The flight tickets for the students representatives will be booked by the secretary for the International committee. Votering Unanimous Vedtak The International committee approves the dates of meeting for autumn [Lagre] [Lagre endelig vedtak] 7

12 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Development of an International strategy Behandlet av Møtedato Saknr 1 Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Forslag til vedtak: The International Committee will include the additional comments made during the meeting into the updated strategy. The committee approves that there will be held an extra meeting by correspondence on May 24 th with a deadline for comments on May 25 th. Møtebehandling Votering Unanimous Vedtak The committee approves that there will be held an extra meeting by correspondence on May 24 th with a deadline for comments on May 25 th. [Lagre] [Lagre endelig vedtak] 8

13 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Revised budget 2018 and accounts for Spring 2018 Behandlet av Møtedato Saknr 1 Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Forslag til vedtak: International Committee approves the accounts for Spring The International Committee approved the revised budget for Møtebehandling Votering Unanimous Vedtak International Committee approves the accounts for Spring The International Committee approved the revised budget for [Lagre] [Lagre endelig vedtak] 9

14 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Annual cycle for the International Committee Behandlet av Møtedato Saknr 1 Internasjonalt Utvalg /18 Forslag til vedtak: The international committee approves of the annual cycle. Møtebehandling The committee wants that the in Meeting 4 should aslo include an orientation about the 5 MNOK thats has been given to the faculties in Each faculty should present their action plan for how they are planning on using this money. One and one faculty will be invited to a meeting during the year. The International stratgey for Nord University should also be a part of Meeting 6. In Meeting 6 the reports from the faculies about the use of the 5 MNOK should be presented for the committee. Votering Unanimous Vedtak The international committee approves of the annual cycle with comments. [Lagre] [Lagre endelig vedtak] 10

15 21/18 Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th / Approval of the protocol from Meeting May 8'th 2018 : Protokoll Internasjonalt Utvalg Saknr Arkivsak Tittel 6/18 15/ Report from Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education about recruitment of international degree students. 7/18 15/ Erasmus+ tildeling 2018/

16 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Internationalisation Policy for Nord University Arkivsak-dok. 15/ Saksansvarlig Hanne Solheim Hansen Saksbehandler Hanne Maren Reistad Saksgang Møtedato INTERNATIONALISATION POLICY FOR NORD UNIVERSITY Forslag til vedtak: The International Committee will include the comments made during the meeting. The committee approves the Draft action plan for the International Policy. Saksframstilling The International Policy for Nord University are sent to the University Board for processing on their meeting on June 12 th. All the faculties and some administrative departments have given feedbacks to the policy. Attached you will find the policy that were sent to the board. Hanne Solheim Hansen will present the process from the meeting. Some of the feedbacks have become a draft for an action plan for the policy. Vedlegg: Saksfremlegg til styret The International Policy for Nord University Draft action plan for the international policy

17 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Delstrategi Internasjonalisering første gangs behandling Arkivsak-dok. 18/ Saksansvarlig Hanne Solheim Hansen Saksbehandler Hanne Solheim Hansen Saksgang Møtedato DELSTRATEGI INTERNASJONALISERING FØRSTE GANGS BEHANDLING Forslag til vedtak: 1. Styret godkjenner forslag til delstrategi for internasjonalisering med de endringer som kom fram i møtet. 2. Styret ber rektor legge fram endelig delstrategi for internasjonalisering i september.

18 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Delstrategi Internasjonalisering første gangs behandling Sammendrag For å følge opp arbeidet med Strategi 2020 ble det vedtatt at det skulle lages en delstrategi for internasjonalisering som omfatter forskning og utdanning. Med bidra fra store deler av universitet er det utviklet en delstrategi for internasjonalisering, som er vedlagt i saken. Det overordnet målet med internasjonalisering er høyere kvalitet i forskning og utdanning. Økt internasjonalisering skal oppnås via økt internasjonalt samarbeid og økt utveksling. Internasjonaliseringsarbeidet er delt i tre arbeidspakker; 1. internasjonalisering av bachelorog master studier og økt student mobilitet, 2. økt internasjonalt samarbeid og mobilitet og 3. internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid og økt internasjonal finansiering av forskning. I delstrategien er det for alle tre arbeidspakker beskrevet mål, delmål, tiltak og ansvar for tiltakene. Saksframstilling Bakgrunn I styresak 122/17 ble det vedtatt at det skal utvikles en delstrategi for internasjonalisering. Delstrategien for internasjonalisering omfatter internasjonalisering innen utdanning og forskning. Det overordnet målet med delstrategien er å forbedre kvaliteten av forskningsarbeidet og utdanningene. Delstrategien er forankret i Strategi 2020 og utdyper hvilke områder som skal prioriteres i arbeidet med å øke internasjonaliseringen av forskning og utdanning ved Nord universitet. Internasjonalisering er nevnt i utviklingsavtalen. Under utviklingsmål 2: Utdanningskvalitet og studieportefølje, er en av måleparameterne «Alle studieprogram skal ha internasjonalisering som en del av læringsutbyttet». Dette er nå inkludert som et delmål i vedlagte delstrategi. Manglende internasjonalisering er et av 6 områder som er fremhevet i risikovurderingene i årsrapport for Nord universitet. Delstrategi for internasjonalisering adresserer alle de elementer som er beskrevet som risikoreduserende tiltak i forhold til manglende internasjonalisering. Delstrategi for internasjonalisering er vedlagt. Prosess Internasjonalt utvalg utviklet en ramme for delstrategien og en del av elementene i delstrategien. Det foreløpige arbeidet ble videreutviklet sammen med forskningsavdelingen. Dernest ble alle fakultetene og avdelingene bedt om innspill. Det kom konstruktive innspill fra alle fakultet og fra noen av avdelingene. Etter utvikling av en ny versjon av delstrategien, var den på en kort høring i fakultetene, internasjonalt utvalg og forskningsavdelingen. Selv med kort høringsfrist var det god respons på høringen og delstrategien ble vesentlig forbedret etter denne runden. Mange av innspillene har vært veldig konkrete og det er derfor parallelt også utviklet et første utkast til en handlingsplan (ikke vedlagt denne sak).

19 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Delstrategi Internasjonalisering første gangs behandling Kort om delstrategien Det er et mål å øke internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid, øke forskningsomfanget og å øke omfanget av mobilitet for vitenskapelig ansatte, studenter og administrativt ansatte. Dette fordi internasjonalt samarbeid vil høyne kvaliteten av både utdanning, forskning og administrasjonen. For å kunne arbeide målrettet er delstrategien delt i tre arbeidspakker. 1. Internasjonalisering av bachelor- og master studier og økt student mobilitet 2. Økt internasjonalt samarbeid og mobilitet 3. Internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid og økt internasjonal finansiering av forskning Hver av arbeidspakkene er rettet mot ulike målgrupper og det er utarbeidet konkrete delmål for tiltakene innen hver av arbeidspakkene. For å lykkes med alle arbeidspakkene er det behov for å utvikle flere og aktive samarbeidsavtaler. Det er laget forslag til hvilke avtaler som har høyst prioritet (s 2 i Internationalisation policy). Fakultetene har vært veldig tydelige på at det viktigste er at avtalene er aktive, med konkret samarbeid og regelmessig utveksling av studenter og ansatte mellom institusjonene. I forslaget er det lagt vekt på å prioritere avtaler som inkluderer både forskningssamarbeid, ph.d.-utveksling, studentutveksling og ansatte utveksling. Det er også lagt vekt på å utnytte de finansieringsmulighetene som finns for internasjonalt samarbeid, og å utnytte de store nettverkene vi allerede er medlem av. Drøfting Delmålene og nivå på delmålene er presentert i Internationalisation policy en. I tabellen under er det i tillegg beskrevet, hvorfor det er aktuelle delmål, hvordan det ligger an ved Nord universitet og hvordan det arbeides med delmålene. Delmål Delmål i arbeidspakke 1. Internasjonalisering av bachelor- og master studier og økt student mobilitet Utvikle et nytt engelskspråklige gradsgivende studieprogram hvert år. Øke antall kandidater som har utveksling i løpet av studiet til 20% i Kommentarer I 2018 har vi 7 bachelor og 4 master studier på engelsk og 2 fellesgrader. Det er et stort arbeid å utvikle engelskspråklige studier. Viktige vurderinger er rekrutteringsgrunnlaget. En større andel internasjonale studenter vil gi et internasjonalt studentmiljø. En annen grunn til at dette er et eget delmål er, at det blir færre ungdommer i vår region samtidig som det trengs flere folk til å utvikle regionen. Derfor er internasjonal rekruttering til gradgivende studier et tiltak for universitet og for regionen. Et mål om 1 nytt engelskspråklig studieprogram hvert år er en ambisiøs målsetning. Norge forpliktet seg i Bologna avtalen til et mål om at 20% av kandidatene har vært på utvekslingsopphold innen Nord hadde i ,7 %. Det er langt frem til at vi har 20%,

20 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Delstrategi Internasjonalisering første gangs behandling Andel utreisende utvekslingsstudenter på Erasmus+ av totalt antall studenter skal være 1% innen Øke antall innreisende utvekslingsstudenter med 5% pr år Sikre at det inngår internasjonalisering i alle gradsgivende studieprogram Delmål i arbeidspakke 2. Økt internasjonalt samarbeid og mobilitet Økt mobilitet for vitenskapelig ansatte Økt utveksling for ph.d.- kandidater og postdoc. 40 personer på utreise pr år. Det legges til rette for innreisende ph.d.- kandidater og det er derfor foreslått at vi har et mål om å nå 20%, men først i Målet for Erasmus+ utveksling er en nasjonal styringsparameter i årsrapporten, der Nord hadde 0,24% i Det jobbes mer systematisk og konkret med utveksling i fakultetene nå enn tidligere og det er ventet en økning i antall utvekslinger. I 2017 var det 153 innreisende utvekslingsstudenter. En økning på 5% pr år er fornuftig, fordi det jobbes mer systematisk med studentutveksling i fakultetene og fordi det er utviklet bedre systemer og dialog mellom fakultetene internasjonalt kontor. Så langt ser det ut til at målet kan nåes for Dette er et krav i studietilsynsforskriften. Dette er implementert i de fleste studieprogram, og det utvikles etter hvert for de studieprogrammene som ikke har det. Graden av internasjonalisering i studiene forbedres kontinuerlig. Dette er en del av arbeidet i den årlige revisjon av studieprogrammene og ved reakkreditering. Mobiliteten skjer gjennom Erasmus+, Nordplus, UArctic, interne annuum, internasjonale prosjekter m.m. Det er alt fra korte opphold (1-2 dager) til lange (flere måneder). Det finns oversikt for Erasmus+ utveksling, men ingen total oversikt over mobiliteten til vitenskapelige ansatte. Det er ønskelig å utvikle et slik system på sikt. Arbeidet med å legge tilrette for studentmobilitet og forskningssamarbeidet vil også øke omfanget av mobilitet for vitenskapelig ansatte. Korte og lange opphold. Inkluderer deltakelse på internasjonale konferanser med presentasjoner. Målet betyr at alle ph.d.- kandidater har hatt internasjonalisering i løpet av ph.d. studiet. Færre på innreise, da Nord organiserer få internasjonale konferanser og har få internasjonale studenter på de ph.d.- kurs som Nord arrangerer. Dette oppveies av en andel internasjonale stipendiater. Vi har ikke systematisk registrering av denne aktiviteten.

21 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Delstrategi Internasjonalisering første gangs behandling Øke utreisende og innreisende utveksling av administrativt ansatte Delmål i arbeidspakke 3. Internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid og økt internasjonal finansiering av forskning Øke internasjonalt samarbeid i forskningsprosjektene. Internasjonal sampublisering i 50% av publikasjonene i 2018 og fremover. Øke antall EU finansierte forskningsprosjekter 20 søknader sendt til EU i 2019 Tildelt 10 mill NOK til forskning fra EU i 2019 Stort sett korte opphold. Det finns oversikt for Erasmus+ utveksling, men ingen total oversikt over mobiliteten for administrativt ansatte. Arbeidet med å legge tilrette for studentmobilitet og forskningssamarbeidet vil også øke omfanget av mobilitet for administrativt ansatte. Dette er en institusjonell styringsparameter i årsrapporten. Ved søknad om forskningsmidler fra NFR, RFF og EU er det krav om internasjonalt samarbeid. Resultat av prosjektene som leveres i form av publikasjoner kan måles som andel med internasjonal sampublisering. I 2016 var det internasjonal sampubliseringen i 48 % av publikasjonene. Dette er en institusjonell styringsparameter i årsrapporten Det har vært økende antall søknader til EU fra Det var i søknader som resulterte i 2,3 mill fra EU. Med økt kompetanse, øker også mulighetene for å søke EU midler. Vurdering De strategiske midlene som ble tildelt fakultetene i 2018 for å øke internasjonaliseringen har allerede resultert i stor innsats i fakultetene i forhold til veivalg, planlegging og aktivitet. En del av de tiltak som er beskrevet i delstrategien vil kreve ekstra innsats før det blir etablert som en del av normal drift. F. eks krever det en del ekstra innsats å få etablert aktive internasjonale avtaler. Når avtalene er etablert og har vært i bruk en periode vil det være lettere å vedlikeholde avtalene. Tilsvarende trengs en større investeringsinnsats i form av arbeid til å videreutvikle nettsidene, slik det er foreslått. Fakultetene og avdelingene har formidlet at det vil være behov for ekstra ressurser til en del av tiltakene i delstrategien. Omfanget er imidlertid ikke avklart, men kan være klart til behandling i september. Vedlegg: Internationalisation policy

22 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Internationalisation policy til styret Internationalisation policy Background Nord University is located in a region rich in natural resources, characterised by the rapid development of a range of commercial activities and a large public sector. In addition, the region represents significant potential within culture and recreation. Combined, these elements represent the university s field laboratory, a space in which new solutions to global challenges can be tested and implemented. The field laboratory, where research, knowledge gathering, professional practice, innovation and economic development take place, is an important part of Nord University s operational foundation. International cooperation contributes to the exchange of new scientific and empirical knowledge and improves our intercultural understanding. In cooperation, we can develop more sustainable solutions for society. Therefore, Nord University encourages international cooperation among academic staff, administrative personnel and students. The Vision Nord University s Strategy 2020 has the vision: Global challenges regional solutions. The vision recognises that robust regional solutions, based on regional, national and international research cooperation across academic disciplines, are integral to meeting global challenges. The Objectives Through research, research-based education and dissemination of knowledge, Nord University will deliver knowledge that fosters sustainability as well as social and human development. The research and educational programmes at Nord University aim to develop and spread knowledge that will help local and global communities to meet the UN sustainability development goals. International recognition and collaboration is essential for the university s future success. The over-arching goal of international cooperation is to continue to improve the quality of research and education. Unique scientific fields for Nord University Nord University s strategic profiles are Blue and Green Growth; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and Health, Welfare and Education. All three profiles are closely related, and based on the principle of sustainable development. The profiles highlight the university s strengths, both from an academic and a geographical perspective. Nord University will assume an important role in the development and implementation of High North policy, in accordance the Norwegian Government s Strategy for the High North. Nord University also has the national responsibility for Lule- and South-Sami language and culture. Nord University will address these issues with international research and educational collaboration.

23 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Internationalisation policy til styret International cooperation Increased international cooperation among academic staff, administrative personnel and students is an important tool for developing new knowledge that will help solve the challenges of global sustainability. As such, the Internationalisation Policy addresses three specific work packages aimed at: degree students; academic staff, including PhD candidates, and administrative personnel; and finally research cooperation and funding. International cooperation will give academic staff, students and administrative personnel access to scientific, empirical and intercultural knowledge from around the world. In turn Nord University will contribute with our culture and knowledge, which we have identified as part of our academic duty and mission. For further development of international cooperation, the number of active partnership agreements must increase. International cooperation should be for the mutual benefit of the partners and will focus on scientific, educational and/or administrative cooperation. The guiding principles for prioritising new partnerships and renewing former partnerships are as follows: Partnerships should include mobility and research cooperation opportunities for academic staff, PhD candidates, students and administrative personnel Agreements that cover academic staff from more than one faculty are prioritised For student mobility, exchange through Erasmus+, north2north, Barents+ and Nordplus is prioritised For administrative personnel, exchange through Erasmus+ is prioritised Priority partner regions and countries are Europe, North America, Australia and the BRICScountries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) The current memberships of international networks like UArctic, SANOR, MARPART, ARCTOS should be used when possible.

24 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Internationalisation policy til styret Nord University aims to increase international cooperation within research, education and administration, addressing measures in the following three work packages: 1: Internationalise the profile of the bachelor and master programmes and increase student mobility Target group: Bachelor and master degree students Main goals: Effect: a) Increase the international mobility of students and strengthen the associated learning outcomes. b) Strengthen the quality and quantity of degree programmes taught in English. Increased understanding of the academic subject in an international context. Enhanced skills among academic staff and students within professional language, communication, tolerance, intercultural experience, self-confidence and flexibility. Increased international networks among students and academic staff. 2: Stimulate increased cooperation and exchange Target group: Academic staff, PhD candidates and administrative personnel Main goal: Increase the international network and mobility of academic staff, PhD candidates and administrative personnel. Effect: Better understanding of societal needs based on research and education, broadened teaching and language skills among academic staff and administrative personnel. Improved international visibility and recognition of Nord University. Better access to international benchmarking and innovation in all core activities at the university 3: International research cooperation and international funding of research Target groups: Research groups and the PhD programmes Main goal: Increase the number of submissions of international research project proposals, and thereby increase the number of research projects financed via international funding schemes Effect: Increased quality and quantity of research and publications and, as such, international recognition of Nord University as an institution that stimulates Open Access, Open Data and Open Science

25 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Internationalisation policy til styret 1.Internationalise the profile of bachelor and master programmes and increase student mobility Main goals: a) Increase the international mobility of students and strengthen the associated learning outcomes. b) Strengthen the quality and quantity of degree programmes taught in English Sub-goals Action Responsible Increase numbers of degree programmes taught in English by 1 programme per year Develop more study programmes in English Develop procedures for recruiting international students Faculty, Programme Coordinators, Education Committee Communications Unit, International Office, Faculty Increase the number of outgoing degree students to 20 % of the candidates by Increase the number of outgoing students through Erasmus+ to 1% of the total number of students by Increase the number of incoming exchange students by 5% per year Internationalisation of all degree programmes Develop alumni to be used for recruitment of international students Develop more active partnership agreements Achieve international accreditation Develop recruitment plans Ensure all study programmes have a defined possibility for exchange, both incoming and outgoing. Develop more and comprehensive information on the web about possibilities for exchange Develop common IT systems for management of applications for mobility studies and practice Develop more courses and semester packages in English International perspective of the subject to form part of the learning outcomes in all study programmes Teaching staff from partner institutions used in teaching of Norwegian educational programmes Faculty Faculty Faculty, International Office Faculty, International Office, Communications Unit Programme Coordinators, Education Committee, Academic Affairs International Office, Communications Unit, Academic Affairs International Office, Communications Unit, IT department Faculty, Programme Coordinators Programme Coordinators Programme Coordinators, Course Coordinators and Academic Division Heads.

26 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Internationalisation policy til styret 2. Stimulate increased cooperation and exchange Main goal: Increase the international network and mobility of academic staff, PhD candidates and administrative personnel Sub-goals Action Responsible Increase mobility of academic staff. Develop more active partnership agreements. Faculty, Academic staff Increase the number of PhD and postdoc mobility to 40 outgoing candidates and 30 incoming candidates per year. Increase the number of outgoing and incoming administrative personnel. Motivate academic staff to build international networks for cooperation in teaching and research. Develop a welcome service for visiting academic staff. Include mobility in the educational plan for PhD candidates. Implement Charter&Code: develop a system for handling outgoing and incoming mobility. Develop partnership agreements. Encourage benchmarking of administrative procedures with international partners. Require more use of English in daily work. Faculty HR, Faculty, International Office Dean, PhD supervisors, Research Administration HR Faculty, International Office Faculty, Central administration Faculty, Central administration

27 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Internationalisation policy til styret 3. International research cooperation and international funding of research Main goal: Increase the number of submissions of international research project proposals, and thereby increase the number of research projects financed via international funding schemes. Sub-goals Action Responsible Increase international cooperation in research. From 2018 and onwards 50% of the publications published in cooperation with international partners. Increase the number of research projects applying for EU funds. 20 applications and grants of totally 10 mill NOK per year for activity in Nord University by Increase international cooperation when developing research applications. Announce all PhD positions and academic appointments internationally. Increase the share of academic staff with international experience Motivate academic staff to apply for research funds from abroad Build competencies within award and management of international research funding. Faculty, Academic divisions, Research Administration Faculty, HR Faculty, HR, Research Administration Faculty, Research Administration Faculty, Research Administration

28 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Draft actions plan for internazionalisation hmr Draft actions plan for internationalisation 1 Internationalization in the Bachelor - and Master programs Target groups: Master-and Bachelor-students Main goals: a) Increase quality of the study program and the learning outcome for the students b) Strengthen the quality and quantity of programs at the university taught in English Main goal Actions Responsible Activities Increase numbers of degree programs taught in English by 1 program pr. year Develop more study programs in English Faculty UU These new programs must be connected to the overarching goal for Nord university Look into the possibilities for more join degrees in the Erasmus+ program (Erasmus Mundus Joint Degree) (FBA) Develop procedures for recruiting international students Develop alumni to be used for recruitment of international students CW IK Faculty Faculty Look at the whole study cycles for students (IK) Improve our university website s layout, our website should be more user friendly and logical (FBA)(FLU) Identify relevant communication channels and forms of communication for the international market (KOM) Identify relevant communication channels and forms of communication for the international market (KOM) Develop a webpage that are targeted for international students (All)

29 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Draft actions plan for internazionalisation hmr Increase the number of outgoing students by 20 % before 2020 Increase the number of incoming exchange students by 5 % pr. year Develop more partnership agreements Develop recruitment plans Secure that all study programs have a defined possibility for exchange both ways Develop more and comprehensive information on the web about possibilities for exchange Faculty Faculty, IK, CW SPA, UU IK, CW, FS Visit to future partner institutions Develop checklist to use for visit to/from future partner institutions International networking will be established (via student exchanges and alumni) and it will build up over time (FBA)(FLU) All study programs must have internationalisation as a subject (FLU) Increase focus on integration of forskningsrelatert activities in the study program (FLU) More internship in the agreements for students (FSV) (FLU) Make sure that the quality of mobility agreements is in the study programs (FSV) Make it easier for students to identify and choose relevant partners through good digital solutions (KOM) Improve our university website s layout, our website should be more user friendly and logical (FBA)(FLU)(FBA)(HNN) Develop international courses at home for the students that cannot go on exchange SPA Workshops, seminar, internship for students and staff at home in English (FLU) Offer language groups or seminar in English. Example: presentation literacy/public speaking (FLU) More international guest lecturers (all) Encourage student interaction across nationalities by pre-assigning workgroups (HNN) Develop common IT systems for handling applications for studies and practice FS, IK Facilitate application, nomination and recognition processes for exchange (KOM)(IK) Develop more courses and semester pages in in English Faculty, SPA

30 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Draft actions plan for internazionalisation hmr Internationalisation of all degree study programs International perspective of the subject part of learning outcome in all study program SPA More courses should be given in English since scientific fields are international by nature and the international language is English (FBA) International faculty used in teaching of Norwegian study programs SPA, emneansvarlig, research group leaders More international guest lecturers (all) 2 Motivate for increased cooperation and exchange Target group: Faculty staff incl. PhD-students and administrative staff Main goal: Increase the faculty s international network and increased mobility of faculty, PhD-candidates and administrative staff Main goal Actions Responsible Activities Increase mobility for academic faculty Develop more partnership agreements Motivate faculty to build international network to do cooperation in teaching and research Faculty Faculty Develop criteria for contracting agreements (IK) Develop template for agreements (IK) At least 30 people on Staff exchange (E+) pr. year

31 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Draft actions plan for internazionalisation hmr Increase the number of PhD and researchers mobility - outgoing (33%) and incoming (33%) Make mobility part of the PhD candidates educational plan Faculty Faculty, PhD supervisors Faculty Use 30% of the Erasmus+ funding available for staff mobility each year to support short-term mobility of PhD students (mobility duration 1-2 weeks) All PhD students must attend and present papers at international conferences. PhD should attend international PhD courses PhD students should go on international exchange for one month or more. Implement Charter&Code: develop a system for handling outgoing and incoming mobility Establish international researcher groups HR Faculty Establish and improve systems for welcoming and give practical support for incoming and outgoing staff Invest on making interactive training computer program on research ethics, general work ethics and workplace harassment. They should be made mandatory for all employees and should be retake every two years and when necessary. Support long-term mobility of at least 2 PhD candidates per year through Erasmus+ (mobility duration at least two months) Information about the application procedure and selection criteria will be published at inord and updated annually Increase the number of outgoing and incoming administrative staff to 5% pr. year Develop partnership agreements Motivate to benchmark the administrative procedures with international partners IK, Faculty Faculty, Central administration Target university with good standing internationally Experience good practices at other universities

32 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Draft actions plan for internazionalisation hmr Require more English in daily work Faculty, Central administration Facilitate English courses for administrative and Faculty staff 3. International research cooperation and international funding of research Target group: research groups/department Main goal: Increase the number of international research projects and the number of research projects financed via international funding schemes Main goal Actions Responsible Activities Increase international cooperation in research Increase international cooperation when developing research applications Faculty, Research groups, Rectorate Target university with good standing internationally Investing in hiring international researchers and use them to encourage a better research environment- Improve our scientific reputation internationally will attract better cooperation partners which gives us advantage for funding application Advertise all PhD and faculty positions internationally Faculty, HR Improve international attention Faculty, AFU Fund to support: organizing regular international seminars/workshops with distinguished scholars/inviting international guest researchers and lectures CW, Faculty, AFU CW Improve and develop English website and allocate sufficient administrative resources to do so

33 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Draft actions plan for internazionalisation hmr CW,(AFU?) CW, Faculty Faculty Twitter: start a second Twitter account tweeting in English Provide funding for translation service Prepare warning signs, work-related instructions and common machine protocols in both Norwegian and English versions. Appoint members from the administration of all faculties to form a devoted team for internationalisation of the university to reveal the overall progress Increase the number of research projects applying for EU funds Increase the share of faculty with international experience Motivate faculty to apply for research funds from abroad Faculty, HR Faculty, AFU We should aim for an Innovative Training Network within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Strengthening existing and establishing new networks for research projects and applications Build competence about achieving and managing international research funding in Nord University Faculty, AFU, Economy Faculty, AFU Successful research groups should receive a certain percentage of funding from the matching grants from the ministry for NRC/Horizon projects received Systematic process of training in the application processes and also establish an application bank to share experience of success/nonsuccessful applications. AFU, Faculty, Economy, HR Strengthen administrative capacity within EU-administrative support Allocate more administrative resources to EU-support Participation in relevant EU-courses for key-administrative personnel

34 22/18 Internationalisation Policy for Nord University - 15/ Internationalisation Policy for Nord University : Draft actions plan for internazionalisation hmr SPA = Studieprogram ansvarlig CW = Communication web team IK = International office UU = Utdanning utvalget FS = Felles studentsystem AFU = Avdeling for forskning og utvikling Economy = Økonomiavdeling HR = Personalavdelingen

35 23/18 Application from Student organisation in Bodø for "Velkomsten" - 15/ Application from Student organisation in Bodø for "Velkomsten" : Application from Student organisation in Bodø for "Velkomsten" Arkivsak-dok. 15/ Saksansvarlig Saksbehandler Hanne Solheim Hansen Hanne Maren Reistad Saksgang Møtedato APPLICATION FROM STUDENT ORGANISATION IN BODØ FOR "VELKOMSTEN" Forslag til vedtak: The International committee will give the Student Parliament in Bodø NOK to support the Velkomsten 2018 for international students. Saksframstilling The Student Parliament in Bodø i applying for a contribution from International committee for NOK. This will contribute to Velkomsten 2018 of international students to Bodø. Bakgrunn «Velkomsten» has been a project to welcome new students to Bodø. Their main job is to pick up students arriving after office hours at the airport or train station, to guide them to their accommodation and hand over the keys. The feedbacks from students feel very welcome to their new study location. Vedlegg: Application from The Students parliament in Bodø (in Norwegian)

36 23/18 Application from Student organisation in Bodø for "Velkomsten" - 15/ Application from Student organisation in Bodø for "Velkomsten" : Søknad Internasjonalt kontor 2018 Studentorganisasjonen i Bodø Boks Bodø Telefon: mail: Internasjonalt kontor ATT. Monica Brobak Postboks BODØ Bodø Vår ref: Deres ref: Saksbehandler: SØKNAD PROSJEKTTILSKUDD VELKOMSTEN 2018 Studenttinget i Bodø søker også i år Internasjonalt kontor om prosjekttilskudd på kr ,- til gjennomføring av Velkomsten Som dere sikkert vet ble prosjektet første gang gjennomført i 1998, og det ble videreutviklet i 1999 med bl.a. en ny boligdatabase for formidling av private boliger. Studentinord ved Nord Universitet har ansvaret for drift av boligdatabasen, noe som fungerer svært bra. Velkomsten fortsetter samarbeidet med Studentinord, der henting av studenter, hjelp til å finne bolig og utdeling av bolignøkler på kveldstid og i helger er de viktigste arbeidsoppgavene. Etter hvert startet vi også opp med å ringe alle som hadde søkt på studium på Nord Universitet for å opplyse dem om hva Velkomsten hadde å tilby. Dette viste seg å være et godt tiltak. Mange fikk svar på de ulike spørsmål de måtte ha, og de synes det var betryggende å få hjelp ved ankomst før skolen begynte. Dette tiltaket fortsetter vi med også i år. Velkomsten har vært, og er, et vellykket prosjekt, og mange av de nye studentene Velkomsten tar seg av er internasjonale studenter. For å nå samme resultat i år trenger vi ressurser. Vi håper derfor at dere vil støtte oss, og ser frem til en positiv respons og et godt samarbeid videre. Gi gjerne ut Velkomstens telefonnummer eller til deres studenter, så de kan ringe velkomsten om det skulle være noe de lurer på. Med vennlig hilsen for Velkomsten 2018 Hilde Iren Hardy Organisasjonskonsulent Studentorganisasjonen i Bodø

37 24/18 New student representatives to The International Committee - 15/ New student representatives to The International Committee : New student representatives to The International Committee Arkivsak-dok. 15/ Saksansvarlig Saksbehandler Hanne Solheim Hansen Hanne Maren Reistad Saksgang Møtedato NEW STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Forslag til vedtak: If ISU Bodø or ISU Steinkjer won t be able to elect candidates for The International Committee, then The International Committee send a request to The Student Parliament and ask if they would be interested in 1 or 2 places in the committee.

38 24/18 New student representatives to The International Committee - 15/ New student representatives to The International Committee : New student representatives to The International Committee Saksframstilling The Student Parliament has elected the following students for The International Committee: Emilie Johanne Johansen substitute Helene Wiken Anastasia Fedoseeva substitute Just Kornfeldt ISU Bodø has not been able to elect a student representative but they are trying again in August. We haven t heard from ISU Steinkjer. In the committee mandate the composition of the committee are as follow: Nord University's International Committee comprises 10 members, nominated for a threeyear period: The Committee is chaired by the Pro-Rector for Education. Five committee members are elected from among the university's staff. The students (four committee members) are represented by the leader of the International Student Union Bodø and International Student Union Steinkjer in addition to two representatives from the Student Parliament. What will happen if neither ISU Bodø or ISU Steinkjer won t be able to elect a representative for The International committee? Is it possible to ask The Student Parliament if they are interested in one or two places?

39 24/18 New student representatives to The International Committee - 15/ New student representatives to The International Committee : New student representatives to The International Committee

40 nto a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education - 15/ Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education : Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education Arkivsak-dok. 15/ Saksansvarlig Hanne Solheim Hansen Saksbehandler Hanne Maren Reistad Saksgang Møtedato INVITATION TO BE INCLUDED INTO A NATIONAL AGREEMENT WITH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Forslag til vedtak: The international committee recommend Nord University to sign the agreement of declaration so that Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education can start the negotiation with U.S Department of Education for the Deferment Only Agreement.

41 nto a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education - 15/ Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education : Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education Saksframstilling Every year Norwegian education institutions accepts students from USA to study in Norway as degree students. These students often already have e degree from USA and have taken a federal students loan to cover their costs. Because of the regulations and terms, they must start to pay back while they are studying in Norway. For many these students must cut off their studies and go back home. The students can apply for deferment for this loan to the U.S. Department of Education. But for this to be granted the Norwegian institution must be approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Today there are just a few institutions in Norway who have the status as deferment only. Instead of one and one institution in Norway apply to be a deferment only institution Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) has negotiated an opportunity enter into an agreement on behalf of institution in Norway. To make this happen SIU needs approval for this from the institutions. Each institution needs to sign the form of approval and return it to SIU, deadline June 15 ht. This might contribute to make it more lucrative for American students to come to Norway as degree students if Nord university is part of this deferment only agreement. Attached you will find documents that explain the agreement more thoroughly. To follow up an agreement like this might bring more work since it requires that the institution must make sure that the students fulfil the criteria s to be entitled to receive the status of deferment only by the U.S department of Education. Vedlegg: Invitasjon til å inngå i nasjonal avtale med U.S. Department of Education Samtykke til deltakelse under «Deferment Only» - avtale Deferment Only Agreement Norway School deferment form

42 25/18 Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education - 15/ Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education : Deferment Only Agreement Norway - draft UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FEDERAL STUDENT AID, SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY SERVICE GROUP PROGRAM PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT FOR DEFERMENT ONLY STATUS IN THE TITLE IV, STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND NORWEGIAN CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN EDUCATION ON BEHALF OF INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION Effective Date of Approval: The date on which this Agreement is signed on behalf of the Secretary of Education Approval Expiration Date: The United States Department of Education and the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (hereafter referred to as the Commission ) on behalf of the Norwegian institutions of higher education identified in the Addendum of this Agreement (hereafter referred to as Institutions ), which are fully recognized institutions of higher educations under Norway s higher education legislation and eligible to participate as members in the programs of the Commission agree to the following: Article I: Scope and Coverage 1. The Commission is entering into this Agreement solely on behalf of the Institutions that are identified in the Addendum of this Agreement.

43 25/18 Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education - 15/ Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education : Deferment Only Agreement Norway - draft Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education Deferment Only Status Agreement Page 2 of 4 2. This agreement permits the Institutions to be deemed to be eligible institutions under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), for the Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs (hereafter referred to as SFAP ). Students who meet the requirements in 34 CFR Section , and who are enrolled at eligible institutions, may apply to defer payments on student loans previously made under either the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program or the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Article II: General Provisions 1. On behalf of the Institutions, the Commission confirms that each Institution agrees to comply with the applicable laws and regulations governing SFAP, and to adhere to the procedures in paragraph 2 below. In the case where an Institution loses or relinquishes its eligibility to participate as members of the Commission, the Commission agrees to notify the Secretary promptly of that change in status, and to exert reasonable efforts to provide for students affected by such loss in their deferment status, an opportunity to continue their program of studies at another institution that has the appropriate eligibility status. 2. In response to requests from the Secretary, or the Secretary s designees, including lenders, loan servicers and guarantee agencies, the Commission represents that the Institutions agree to provide or verify promptly the following information: a. Whether an American student (hereafter referred to as Student ) has been accepted for enrollment, or is currently enrolled at one of the Institutions; b. If currently enrolled, the date of enrollment and whether the student is maintaining satisfactory academic progress, as determined by the Institution; c. Whether a student is carrying a full-time academic workload or an academic workload that is at least one half of a full-time academic workload, as determined by the Institution and in accordance with U.S. Department of Education requirements; d. The date on which a Student s enrollment began and ended; and e. Any other information deemed necessary to make a determination of the Student s eligibility for deferment as defined in 34 CFR Section while in attendance at the Institution. American students should notify the Norwegian Institution at the time of applying for admissions that they have a previous SFAP loan and that they are requesting approval of deferring certain payments during their enrollment period.

44 25/18 Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education - 15/ Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education : Deferment Only Agreement Norway - draft Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education Deferment Only Status Agreement Page 3 of 4 3. This agreement does not authorize the Commission to make or guarantee loans under the Title IV, SFAP, nor does it permit Students at deferment only institutions to take out additional SFAP loans for such attendance. 4. The Institutions listed in the Addendum will be eligible institutions for deferment only status. 5. The Secretary has assigned an institutional code number (OPE-ID) to each of the Institutions identified as eligible Institutions by the Commission and listed in the Addendum. The Commission will notify each Institution and explain the Institution s role, operations, and responsibilities in regard to Title IV, SFAP eligibility for deferment only status. If individual Institutions choose to relinquish their eligibility for deferment only status, or the Commission otherwise determines that an institution s eligibility status has changed, the Commission will promptly inform the Secretary, who will then withdraw such Institution s eligibility under Title IV, SFAP, and establish the effective date for such termination of eligibility. 6. The Commission agrees to notify the Secretary promptly of any changes, additions, or deletions of Institutions it proposes to make to the list of Institutions included in the Addendum to this Agreement. The Commission shall also certify that any Institutions added to this list have been reviewed and fully approved by the Commission. If the Secretary does not notify the Commission of a rejection to the requested change and the basis for that decision within thirty days, the change shall be accepted. The final decision to accept or reject a change shall be with the Secretary and may not be challenged in court. 7. The Secretary may initiate individual administrative actions against deferment only institutions for loss of eligibility, and establish repayment of liabilities arising under the SFAP. 8. The Commission will assist the Secretary in obtaining information concerning Norwegian higher education practices, and in seeking solutions to policy issues as required. The Commission will also respond in cases where there is uncertainty about the status of American students enrolled in one of the Institutions, who are claiming benefits under the SFAP. 9. The Commission designates the Executive Director to act as its representative and authorizes that designee to perform all functions relative to this Agreement.

45 25/18 Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education - 15/ Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education : Deferment Only Agreement Norway - draft Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education Deferment Only Status Agreement Page 4 of 4 Article III: Duration of the Agreement 1. This Agreement takes effect on the date it has been signed by the designee of the Commission and the Secretary, and it will remain in effect for six years plus any period remaining until the end of the ongoing summer semester in Norway, unless terminated pursuant to paragraph 2, below. At least 90 days prior to its stated expiration date, the parties to the Agreement will enter into consultations regarding a continuation of the Agreement. 2. This Agreement will be terminated when either the Secretary or the Commission gives written notice. The Secretary will establish the effective date of termination; the effective date of termination will be within six months after the formal notice has been given, but not before the end of an ongoing summer semester within this period. Signature of Executive Director Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education: Date: Name and Title: Harald Nybølet Director General Signature for the Secretary U.S. Department of Education: Date: Name and Title: Michael Frola Director Multi-Regional and Foreign Schools Participation Division

46 25/18 Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education - 15/ Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education : Samtykkeerklæring Deferment Only SAMTYKKE TIL DELTAKELSE UNDER «DEFERMENT ONLY»-AVTALE Det bekreftes med dette at med organisasjonsnummer («Institusjonen») er gjort kjent med og ønsker å innlemmes som deltakerinstitusjon under den nasjonale "Deferment Only"-avtalen som er inngått mellom Senter for Internasjonalisering av utdanning («SIU») og U.S. Department of Education («Avtalen»). Ved deltagelse forplikter Institusjonen seg til å utstede slike dokument og ellers utføre slike handlinger som Avtalen forutsetter, og aksepterer at SIU opptrer på institusjonens vegne innenfor de rammer som er trukket opp i denne. Som kontaktperson i forbindelse med Avtalen og dens virke, utnevner Institusjonen (navn). Kontaktpersonen kan nås via (telefon) eller (epost). Avtalens varighet er seks år. Institusjonen kan avslutte sin deltakelse i avtalen ved å gi skriftlig beskjed til SIU. Bortfall av avtalen vil gjelde fra det tidspunkt inneværende semester for amerikanske studenter ved institusjonen med vedtak om utsettelse av eksisterende studielån er avsluttet. Den som signerer bekrefter at han/hun har nødvendig myndighet til å binde Institusjonen. For Institusjonen Navn: Tittel: Sted/dato:

47 25/18 Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education - 15/ Invitation to be included into a national agreement with U.S. Department of Education : School deferment form SCH IN-SCHOOL DEFERMENT REQUEST William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program / Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program / Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Program OMB No Form Approved Exp. Date 9/30/2018 WARNING: Any person who knowingly makes a false statement or misrepresentation on this form or on any accompanying document is subject to penalties that may include fines, imprisonment, or both, under the U.S. Criminal Code and 20 U.S.C SECTION 1: BORROWER INFORMATION Please enter or correct the following information. Check this box if any of your information has changed. SSN Name Address City State Zip Code Telephone - Primary Telephone - Alternate (Optional) SECTION 2: BORROWER DETERMINATION OF DEFERMENT ELIGIBILITY Carefully read the entire form before completing it. You are always eligible for this deferment if you are enrolled full time at an eligible school. You are eligible for this deferment when you are enrolled at least half time, but less than full time, at an eligible school, only if you are: A Direct Loan borrower; A Perkins Loan borrower; or A FFEL Program borrower who did not have an outstanding balance on a FFEL Program loan that was first disbursed before July 1, 1987 when you obtained a loan on or after July 1, Federal PLUS Loans that were first disbursed on or after July 1, 2008 are eligible for this deferment regardless of prior borrowing in the FFEL Program. SECTION 3: BORROWER REQUESTS, UNDERSTANDINGS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZATION I request: To defer repayment of my loans for the period during which I meet the eligibility criteria outlined in Section 2 and as certified by the authorized official in Section 4. If indicated, to make interest payments on my loans during my deferment. If I am eligible and if indicated, to defer repayment of the PLUS Loan for the 6-month period after I am no longer enrolled on at least a half-time basis, graduate, or withdraw. Page 1 of 4

Hanne Solheim Hansen, Hugo Nordseth, Grete Ingemann Knudsen, Kaja Skårdal Hegstad, Jose de Pool, Just Kornfeldt,

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Stipend fra Jubileumsfondet skoleåret 2002-2003 Til skolen Rundskriv S 09-2002 Oslo, 15. februar 2002 Stipend fra Jubileumsfondet skoleåret 2002-2003 For nærmere omtale av H.M. Kong Olav V s Jubileumsfond viser vi til NKF-handboka kap. 12.3.4. Fondet


Frafall og EU-programmene. Henrik Arvidsson Rådgiver Trondheim/29.01.2016

Frafall og EU-programmene. Henrik Arvidsson Rådgiver Trondheim/29.01.2016 Frafall og EU-programmene Henrik Arvidsson Rådgiver Trondheim/29.01.2016 Fører deltakelse i EU-programmer til lavere frafall/høyere gjennomføring? Vi vet ikke. Men vi kan gjette. Årsaker til frafall Effekter


Styret ved Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur. Til stede: Navn Funksjon Representerer Frank Larsen Maria Olaisen

Styret ved Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur. Til stede: Navn Funksjon Representerer Frank Larsen Maria Olaisen MØTEPROTOKOLL Utvalg: Møte nr: 4/2014 Møtested: 3003 Dato: 27.11.2014 Tidspunkt: 10:00-13:15 Styret ved Fakultet for biovitenskap og akvakultur Til stede: Navn Funksjon Representerer Frank Larsen Maria
