Course description for Multicultural Health Care (30 credits)

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Emneplan for Flerkulturelt helsearbeid (30 studiepoeng)

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Course description for Multicultural Health Care (30 credits) Multicultural Health Care (30 ECTS) Study programme codes: FKFHA Course code: FKFH6000 Part-time The course description was approved by the Rector on 20 August 2009 and amended by the Academic Affairs Committee on 15 January 2015 Editorial amendments made on 9 June 2016. Valid from the autumn semester 2016 Faculty of Education and International Studies Department of International Studies and Interpreting 1

Introduction The course Multicultural Health Care has a scope of 30 credits and is a part-time course of study over a period of one academic year. The overall focus of the course is reflection on the role of professionals in a multicultural health institution. The welfare state as a context for interaction between user groups and health personnel is also a key element. The course is intended to promote competence for professional practice in a multicultural society and help to develop the professionals theoretical and analytical knowledge from preparedness to take action to action competence in a multicultural environment. The students are expected to: achieve insight into cultural differences in concepts relating to health, illness and treatment become aware of their responsibility and roles as professionals in a multicultural health service acquire knowledge of and skills in guidance and communication in a multicultural health care and working environment The objective of the course is that this understanding should then be reflected in the student s professional practice as expressed in two reflection notes to be written during the programme. Target group The programme was developed to meet the needs of professionals who work with multicultural issues relating to health, illness and treatment in a multicultural health service. Admission requirements The admission requirements are the Higher Education Entrance Qualification or documented prior learning and work experience. Learning outcomes After completing the programme, the students are expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge The student has knowledge of important topics, theories and issues in research in the multicultural field has knowledge of professional practice in a multicultural context has knowledge of guidance in a multicultural working environment Skills The student has the ability to provide guidance to colleagues on multicultural issues is capable of analysing multicultural issues and make well-considered assessments General competence The student is capable of reflecting on his/her role as a mentor is capable of seeing practical and theoretical issues related to professional practice in a multicultural context from a multidisciplinary overall perspective Contents 2

The course has four main topics that are integrated through four sessions: 1. Public health in a migration perspective Key concepts: culture, identity, society, discourse, marginalisation Immigration in Norway Medical anthropology Reproductive health 2. Migration as a public responsibility Migration and integration Life course and migration processes Religion in diaspora and critical situations Power and responsibility in the public sector the Scandinavian welfare model and multicultural user groups 3. Professional practice in a multicultural health service responsibilities and roles Professional discourse discussed in the context of a multicultural user perspective Professions role in setting premises for interaction between multicultural user groups, systems and individuals Formal and informal competence: consequences for inclusion in work, education, health and society Implementation of multicultural competence in health institutions 4. Competence to provide guidance in a multicultural health care and working environment Guidance and multicultural communication responsibility and roles Majority and minority voices in public debate Multicultural competence as a process of general education ( bildung ): knowledge, attitude and action Organisation and work methods The course is characterised by interdisciplinarity, where theory and empirical data, the general and the subject-specific are integrated to form an overall understanding of multicultural issues. Since it is one of the main goals of the course to promote competence for professional practice in a multicultural society, considerable importance will be attached to the students work and their personal and professional experience. Teaching in the course is based on varied methods, with a great deal of student activity. Lectures and discussion groups are among the methods used. Work on practical examples will be a key aspect of the course, both in teaching activities, group work and reflection notes. The examples shall be taken from the students concrete experience of their own professional field. It shall also be a goal to find examples that require interdisciplinary cooperation. Since part-time students do a lot of their work alone, the individual student will have a high degree of responsibility for his or her own learning, work effort and self-discipline. The course is organised as follows: a) Self-study using course literature, literature selected by the student, different media and academic supervision by a lecturer/specialist in connection with the reflection notes (see below). b) Study groups that students are encouraged to establish and run themselves in order to derive 3

maximum benefit from the course. Such groups are recommended both in order to discuss the course literature and in connection with writing reflection notes. c) Sessions of lectures, group work and discussion. The course includes four three-day sessions. In such an awareness-raising course as Multicultural Health Care, it is important to cultivate a class identity, and sessions must facilitate direct contact between lecturers and students as well as between students. This is also the reason why attendance is compulsory (see below). d) Academic supervision provided by a lecturer/specialist. Individual students can receive supervision via a digital learning platform. Students can raise issues relating to the field as well as to the teaching and methods. The purpose of supervision is to help students to make use of and coordinate the different course components to ensure that they benefit as much as possible from the course as a whole. As regards supervision relating to reflection notes, it is emphasised that the students themselves have full responsibility for writing the content and completing the notes. The supervisor can contribute ideas and suggestions during the work, but is not responsible for the result. Coursework requirements and academic activities with compulsory attendance Coursework requirements A student s right to take the exam is contingent on approval of the required coursework. The following coursework requirements must be approved before the student can take the portfolio exam: 1. Two reflection notes submitted for supervision by the stipulated deadlines, each with a scope of approx. 4,000 words (+/- 10%). It is the submission that has to be approved, while the notes themselves will not be assessed until they have been placed in the exam portfolio (see the Assessment section below). 2. Participation in three forum discussions in Fronter with at least one independent contribution and three comments on the contributions of fellow students. 3. Submission of the list of literature chosen by the student for approval by the lecturer by the stipulated deadline. A medical certificate does not exempt students from meeting the coursework requirements. Students who fail to submit/meet the coursework requirements within the deadline due to illness or for other documented valid reasons can be given an extended deadline. A new deadline for meeting the coursework requirements must be agreed with the lecturer in question in each individual case. Coursework requirements are approved when the required coursework has been completed. Academic activities with compulsory attendance 1. A minimum total attendance requirement of 80% applies to the four sessions. Students whose absence exceeds 20% will not be permitted to take the exam. A medical certificate does not exempt students from meeting the attendance requirement. Assessment Portfolio submission The two reflection notes with feedback from a specialist in the field are placed together in a portfolio. It is up to the student to make any adjustments/improvements to the notes. This must be done before the deadline for submitting the portfolio. The portfolio is assessed by an internal examiner. An external examiner reads a sample of the portfolios and cooperates with the internal examiner in such a way that the external examiner s assessment benefits all the students in the group. 4

Grades A grade scale with A being the highest grade and E the poorest pass grade is used for the portfolio. The grade F means that the student has failed the exam. Assessment criteria Symbol Description Qualitative description for the exam A B C D E Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Sufficient Demonstrates excellent knowledge, skills and ability for reflection and independent thinking in relation to the learning outcomes Demonstrates very good knowledge, skills and ability for reflection and independent thinking in relation to the learning outcomes Demonstrates good knowledge, skills and ability for reflection and independent thinking in relation to the learning outcomes Demonstrates limited knowledge, skills and ability for reflection and independent thinking in relation to the learning outcomes Meets the minimum criteria for knowledge, skills and ability for reflection and independent thinking in relation to the learning outcomes F Fail Does not meet the minimum criteria for knowledge and skills and has poor ability for reflection and independent thinking in relation to the learning outcomes Resit/rescheduled exams The students' rights and obligations in connection with resit and rescheduled exams are set out in the Regulations Relating to Studies and Examinations at HiOA. Resit/rescheduled exams are held within a reasonable time after the ordinary exams. It is the students responsibility to register for any resit/rescheduled exams. If the grade F is awarded for a portfolio in connection with the ordinary exam, a reworked version can be submitted for the following resit/rescheduled exam. For any further exam attempts, a new portfolio must be submitted. Reading list The reading list totals 1,500 pages. An additional approx. 300 pages of literature chosen by the student to be approved by the lecturer come in addition to this. Any changes in the reading list must be made by the first session and must be approved by the head of department. Books Berg, B., Lauritsen, K. (2009). Eksil og livsløp. Universitetsforlaget (207 s.) Brodtkorb, E., Rugkåsa, M. (red). (2008). Mellom mennesker og samfunn. Sosiologi og sosialantropologi for helse- og sosialprofesjonene. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo. (319 s.) Bøhn, H., Dypedahl, M. (2009). Veien til interkulturell kompetanse. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen (166 s.) Eriksen, T.H., Sajjad, T.A. (2011). Kulturforskjeller i praksis. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo. ( - kap. 9, kap. 17, og tillegg (214 s.) Horntvedt, T. (2015 in press) Flerkulturelt helsearbeid. Vett & Viten. Oslo (125 s.) Kumar, B.N., Viken,B. (red.)(2010). Folkehelse i et migrasjonsperspektiv. Fagbokforlaget. Bergen. (304s.) Varvin, S. (2008). Flyktningpasienten. Universitetsforlaget (207 s.) Articles 5

Ahlberg, N. (2007). Når smerten får livssynsmessig betydning I: Aambø, A. (red). Smerter. Cappelen Akademiske Forlag. Oslo (14 s.) Berg, B. (2011). «Lost in translation». Om kulturell brobygging og bruk av tolk som kommunikasjonshjelpemiddel. I: Berg, B. og Ask, T.A. (2011). Minoritetsperspektiver i sosialt arbeid. Universitetsforlaget. (22s.) Berg, B., Sõderström, S. (2012). Bruk av tolk i vanskelige kommunikasjonssituasjoner. I: Berg, B. (red) (2012) Innvandring og funksjonshemming. Universitetsforlaget. (16 s.) Bergheim, B. (2014). Den tause kunnskapens ubehag. I: (Ohnstad. A., Rugkåsa, M., Ylvisaker, S. (red.) Ubehaget i sosialt arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. Oslo (17 s.) Døving, C.A., Kraft, S.E. (2013) Den kristne kulturarven om verdier, norskhet og politikk. I: Døving, C.A., Kraft, S.E. Religion i pressen. Universitetsforlaget. (23 s.) Døving, C.A. (2006). Trygghet er et annet sted. I: Eriksen, T.H. (red). Trygghet. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. (24 s.) Gule, L. (2008): Profesjon og flerkulturalitet. I: Molander, A., Terum, L. I., (red): Profesjonsstudier. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo (18 s.) Hattar, H. (2011). Kulturelle aspekter på smerte. Smertebiblioteket, Mundipharma. (31 s.) Heyerdahl- Larsen, J., Popova, B., Obilie, J. (2014). Å møte ubehaget gjennom kritisk refleksjon. I: (Ohnstad. A., Rugkåsa, M., Ylvisaker, S. (red.) Ubehaget i sosialt arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. Oslo (15 s.) Ohnstad, A. (2014). Ubehaget som kunnskapskilde. I: (Ohnstad. A., Rugkåsa, M., Ylvisaker, S. (red.) Ubehaget i sosialt arbeid. Gyldendal Akademisk. Oslo (17 s.) Qureshi, N.A. (2009). Kultursensitivitet i profesjonell yrkesutøvelse. I: Eide, K., Qureshi, N. A. I: Rogstad, J., Solbrække, K.N. (2012). Velmenende likegyldighet. Konflikt og integrasjon i et flerkulturelt sykehus. I: Sosiologisk tidsskrift nr. 4, 2012, årgang 20. 315-338. Universitetsforlaget (23 s.) Rugkåsa, M., Vike, H. (red): Over profesjonelle barrierer. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo (24 s.) Rugkåsa, M. (2011) Mellom omsorg og politikk I: Leseth, A. og Solbække, K.N. (red) Profesjon, kjønn og etnisitet. Cappelen Damm Akademiske (14 s.) 6