PENSUMLISTE HØST 2004 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

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PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2004 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

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Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet Universitetet i Oslo

PENSUMLISTE HØST 2005 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

PENSUMLISTE HØST 2008 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

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Pensumbøker for Freds- og konfliktstudier 2. studieår

SOS4011 Institusjonelle perspektiver og angrepsmåter

IK101 Grunnleggende teori (15 stp)

Pensumbøker for Internasjonales studier 2. studieår

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PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2010 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2007 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner


PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2006 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad PhDgrad Emner

Dato Tema Kommentarer/ ressurser 1 19/1 Metaetikk Beauvoir, de S Pyrrhos og Cineas, i Pyrrhos og Cineas, Tvetydighetens etikk,

Eksamensoppgave i SANT2100 Etnografisk metode

Pensum. Bachelorstudium i Art Direction Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology

Ny litteraturhistorie 1

Eksamensoppgave i SANT1001 Sosial organisasjon og identitetsdannelse

Eksamensoppgaver til SOSANT1101. Regional etnografi: jordens folk og kulturelt mangfold. Utsatt skoleeksamen 12. desember 2013 kl.


IK102 Studieopphold (15 stp)

Islam - emneområde. 1 Said, Edward W.: Orientalisme 1 Kilde: Orientalisme Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2002 ISBN:


The Thor Heyerdahl Institute og UMB inviterer til. The Thor Heyerdahl. på ås. 27. juni. kl

Pensum. Bachelorstudium i Retaildesign Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology

Sensorveiledning til semesteroppgave i SOS1007 Dagsaktuell tema i sosiologisk belysning.

Eksamensoppgaver til SOSANT1101. Regional etnografi: jordens folk og kulturelt mangfold. Utsatt skoleeksamen 15. desember 2011 kl.



RLE1020 Samfunnsanalyse og Etikk (10 stp/ects)


MUSIKKVITENSKAP. Pensumliste vår 2006

Første studieår. INT1110 Innføring i internasjonale studier. FK1120 Innføring i freds- og konfliktstudier

B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T /

Del 1 Organisasjoner: handlingsbetingelser, ledelse og strategi

Kursleder: Silje Fekjær. Kontor 319 HH, e-post Trefftid torsdag

Diversity, Super Diversity & Transnational Entrepreneurship. NVL network meeting Copenhagen Eli Moen Norwegian Business School

Ældre litteraturhistorie 1. Del 2

SOS 2500 Kulturanalyse, diskurs og semiotikk et sosiologisk perspektiv



EN Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning

Kjønnsperspektiv I MNT utdanning og forskning

Læremidler per emne, POP1

Marte Blikstad-Balas. Skolens nye literacy: tekstpraksiser i dagens videregående skole

ENT4505- Introduksjon til sosialt entreprenørskap.

DETALJERT LESEPLAN (anbefalt), MUS4311, høst 2013:

Eksamensoppgaver til SOSANT1101. Regional etnografi: jordens folk og kulturelt mangfold. Ordinær skoleeksamen 1. desember 2011 kl.

Pensumlitteratur MEVI104 høsten 2012

Undervisningsplan (uvexfac10 - Vår 2012)

In honour of Thor Heyerdahl bridge builder, challenger and boundary breaker


Religionshistorie II: Islam

Pensumliste Veilederstudiet UiB 09/10

NTNU, TRONDHEIM Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap


Profesjonelt sosialt arbeid III - Individ og samfunnsnivå

B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T /

Eksamensoppgave i SANT1002 Økonomi, politikk og økologi


Å skrive på et andrespråk

Fjellhaug Misjonshøgskole China instituttet Nye bøker 2007

Undervisningsplan: 3IK101 Interkulturell kommunikasjon: Grunnleggende teori Høsten 2014 (15 stp)

Bibliography: The Norwegian Language in America (Under construction) Arnstein Hjelde

Kunnskap; verdensbilde, rituelt liv og kulturell klassifikasjon.

SOSANT1090 Antropologiens historie


2014. Other information: Bokmål, Nynorsk, English Number of pages (front page excluded): 1 Number of pages enclosed: 2

Pensumliste Veiledning som profesjonell utvikling for lærere (ped600)10/11

PRØVER OG STØRRE SKRIFTLIGE/MUNTLIGE ARBEIDER: Kapittelprøver Skriftlige/muntlige oppgaver Gloseprøver

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Christine M Jacobsen Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning (SKOK)

NMBU nøkkel for læringsutbytte Bachelor


PENSUMLISTE HØST 2004 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse

Pensumlisten er også tilgjengelig på BACHELORGRAD SANT0001 KULTURFORSTÅELSE OG INTERNASJONALISERING (Ikke-teknologisk emne/emne II, Gløshaugen) Brøgger, Jan: Kulturforståelse: En nøkkel til vår internasjonale samtid. N.W. Damm & Søn A/S, 1993 Hall, E.T. og M. R.: Understanding Cultural Differences. Intercultural Press, 1990 Artikler etter avtale med foreleser. Schweder, R. A. & LeVine: Cultural Theory of Mind Self and Emotion. Cambridge SANT0002 PSYKOLOGISK ANTROPOLOGI Brøgger, Jan: Psykologisk Antropologi. Cappelen Akademiske Forlag 1999 (250 s.) Brøgger, Jan: Innføring i Sosialantropologi. Cappelen Akademiske Forlag 1998 (153 s.) Erring, Bjørn B.: Interaksjonanalyse. Trondheim 1984 (Kap. 1, 2 og 5) (43 s.) Johansen, Stein E.: Sannhet og sosial virkelighet: Et antropologisk perspektiv. Trondheim 1986 (44 s.) * * * SANT1000/Emne III LÆREN OM MENNESKET INNFØRING I SOSIALANTROPOLOGI Barth, Fredrik: Andres liv og vårt eget, Universitetsforlaget, 1991 (129 s) Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Små steder store spørsmål, kap. 1-5 (87 s)

Berge, Gunnvor: Sammenlikning i ulike retninger av antropologien i Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift no.1/92, Universitetsforlaget, 1992 (16 s) Berreman, Gerald: Behind Many Masks. Ethnography and impression management in a Himalayan village, Bobbs-Merrill A-393 (22 s) Erring, Bjørn: En innføring i antropologiens idéhistorie, sosialantropologisk institutt, NTNU, 1983 (81 s) Friedman, Jonathan: Globalization and Localization. I: Jonathan Xavier Inda & Renato Rosaldo: The Anthropology of Globalization, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2002. Geertz, Clifford: The Interpretation of Cultures, kap. 1 og 15, Basic Books, 1973 (70 s) Goffman, Erving: Introduksjon i Vårt rollespill til daglig : en studie i hverdagslivets dramatikk, Dreyer, 1974 (13 s) Larsen, Tord: Er alle stygge andunger egentlig svaner, i Antropolognytt, 1979 (14 s) Malinowski, Bronislaw: The Subject, Method and Scope of this Inquiry i B. Malinowski: Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Waveland Press, Inc., 1984 (25 s) Melhuus, Marit: Insisting on Culture i Social Anthropology, Cambridge University press, vol. 7 part 1, 1999 (8 s) Sharp, Lauriston: Technological Innovation and Cultural Change i P. B. Hammond (red.): Cultural and Social Anthropology, Macmillan, 1964 (11 s) Sørum, Arve: Sosialantropologiske grunnvoller i F. S. Nielsen og O. H. Smedal (red.): Mellom himmel og jord, Fagbokforlaget, 2000 (34 s.) Vike, Hallvard: På gyngende grunn. Refleksjoner over sosialantropologien og studiet av Norge. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift nr. 2, 1992. Wikan: Culture: A new concept of race i Social Anthropology, Cambridge University press, vol. 7 part 1, 1999 (8 s) SANT1001 IDENTITETSDANNELSE, IDENTITETSFORHANDLING OG IDENTITETSUTTRYKK I tillegg til pensum skal studentene skrive en bokrapport over en monografi. Godkjent bokrapport kreves for å få gå opp til eksamen. Bokrapport må innleveres før 01.04 i vårsemesteret og før 01.11. i høstsemesteret. Liste over mulige monografier foreligger ved semesterstart.

Berger, P & Luckmann, T: The Social Construction of Reality. Del 3 (s. 147-205). London: Penguin books 1991. Brøgger, Jan: Folk uten Land. Damms Forlag, Oslo, 2004. Eriksen, T. Hylland: Røtter og Føtter. Aschehoug Forlag, Oslo, 2004. Eriksen, T. Hylland: Små steder store spørsmål. Universitetsforlaget. 1998. Kap. 3-9, 16-18. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1998. (195 s) Goffman, Erving: Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Introduksjon og kap. 1. (13-82). Penguin Books. 1990. (70 s) Thuen, Trond (ed.): Sted og Tilhørighet. Høyskoleforlaget, Kristiansand, 2003. Barth, Fredrik: Manifestasjon og prosess. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1994. Kap. 5 og 12. (9 og 19 s) Barth, Fredrik: 'Introduction.' Barth, F. (red.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: the Social Organization of Culture Difference. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1969. (30 s) Eidheim, Harald: 'When en Ethnic Identity is a Social Stigma.', Barth, F. (red.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: the Social organization of Culture Difference. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1969 (19 s) Englund, Harri: The Politics of Multiple Identities: The Making of Home Villagers Assosiation in Lilongwe, Malawi. I: Tostensen, A., Tvedten, I. & Vaa, M. (eds.): Associational Life in African Cities. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, 2001. Fischer, Edward F.: 'Cultural Logic and Maya Identity. Rethinking Constructivism and Essentialism.' Current Anthropology, Vol. 40, 4, 1999, 473-499. (27 s) Friedman, Jonathan: 'The Past in the Future: History and the Politics of Identity.' American Anthropologist Vol. 94, 1992: 837-858. (12 s) Krogstad, Anne: 'Pønkere og symbolendring. Fra ekstern provokasjon til intern moralisme.' Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, årg. 6, 1986, 499-527. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (29 s) La Fontain, J.S: 'Person and Individual: Some Anthropological Reflections.' Carrithers, M., Collins, S., Lukes, S. (eds): The Category of the Person, 123-140. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. (18 s) Larsen, Anne Kathrine: 'Nyere synspunkter på studiet av slektskap.' Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 4/1996. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. s. 290-301 (11 s) Radcliffe-Brown, A.R.: Structure and Function in Primitive Society, kap. I og II. London og New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971 [1952]. (34 s) Rosen, Steven: 'Wholeness as the Body of Paradox'. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 18, 4, 391-424. (33 s)

SANT1002 VERDI: ØKONOMI, POLITIKK OG ØKOLOGI (Undervisning gies i vårsemesteret.) SANT1003 KUNNSKAP: VERDENSBILDE, RITUELT LIV OG KULTURELL KLASSIFIKASJON (Undervisning gies i vårsemesteret.) SANT1004 JORDENS FOLK SØR-ØST ASIA (Undervisning gies i vårsemesteret.) King, Victor T. og Wilder, William D.: The Modern Anthropology of South- East Asia. Routledge, London. 2003. Dette er de mest sentrale sidene: Hele kap 1, side 78-115, side 122-132, side 137-141, side 159-178, hele kap 6-10. Resten av boka er kursorisk. Antlöv, Hans: Sørøst-Asias fastland, i Howell, Signe og Melhuus (red.): Fjern og nær. Sosialantropologiske perspektiver på verdens samfunn og kulturer. ad Notam, Gyldendal, Oslo. 1996. Smedal, Olaf H: Indonesia, i Howell, Signe og Melhuus (red.): Fjern og nær. Sosialantropologiske perspektiver på verdens samfunn og kulturer. ad Notam, Gyldendal, Oslo. 1996. Howell, Signe: The house as analytical concept: A theoretical overview, i Sparkes, Stephen og Howell, Signe (red): The house in Southeast Asia. A changing social, economic an political domain. Routledge, London. 2003. Chua Beng-Huat: Culture, multiracialism, and national identity in Singapore, i Chen Kuan-Hsing (red): Trajectories. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. Routledge, London. 1998. Geertz, Clifford: Internal conversion in contemporary Bali, i Lessa, William A. og Vogt, Evon Z. (red.): Reader in comparative religion. Harper Cllins Publishers, New York. 1979. Stern, Theodore: A People Between: The Pwo Karen of Western Thailand, i Keyes, Charles F. (red): Ethnic Adaptation and Identity. The Karen on the Tai frontier with Burma. Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Inc., Philadelphia. 1979.

Wolf, Arthur P.: Domestic Organization, i Martin, Emily og Gates, Hill (red.): The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society. Caves Books, Ltd., Taipei. 1987. Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbalist og Atkinson, Jane Monnig: Man the Hunter and Woman: Metaphors for the Sexes in Ilongot Magical Spells, I Lessa, William A. og Vogt, Evon Z. (red.): Reader in comparative religion. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. SANT1005 JORDENS FOLK SØR-ASIA (Undervisning gies i vårsemesteret.) Bok: Adrian C. Mayer (1960): Caste and Kinship in Central India. A Village and its region. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, kap. I-VI, s. 3-131 (129 s.) Barth, Fredrik (1969): "Pathan Identity and its Maintenance", i Barth (red.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, s. 117-134 (18 s.) Berreman, Gerald D. (1971): "Self, Situation and Escape from Stigmatized Ethnic Identity", i Jan Brøgger (red): Management of Minority Status. Oslo: Etnografisk Museums årbok, Universitetsforlaget, s. 11-25 (15 s.) Béteille, André (1990): "Race, Caste and Gender", Man 25 (3): 489-504 (16 s.) Carrin, Marine forthcoming: "Santal autonomy as a Social Ecology", i M. Carrin og H. Tambs-Lyche: People of the Jangal. Carrithers, Michael (2000): "On Polytropy: Or the Natural Condition of Spiritual Cosmopolitanism in India: The Digambar Jain Case", Modern Asian Studies 34(4):831-861 (31 s.) Dumont, Louis (1967): "Caste: A Phenomenon of Social Stratification or an Aspect of Indian Culture?", i A. de Reuck og J. Knight (red.): Caste and Race: A Comparative Approach. London: J. A. Churchill, s. 28-38 (11 s.) Frøystad, Kathinka (2003): "Master-Servant Relations and the Domestic Reproduction of Caste in Northern India", Ethnos 68(1):73-94 (22 s.) Fuller, Chris J. (1992): The Camphor Flame. Princeton: Princeton University Press, s. 57-82 (26 s.) Ghosh, Shyamali (1994): "Bangladeshi Cultural Symbols and the Bangladeshi State" i Bandhyopadhyay, Dasgupta og van Schendel (red.): Bengal: Communities, Development and States. Delhi : Manohar, s. 194-208 (15 s.) Jacobson, Doranne (1977): "Flexibility in Central Indian Kinship and Residence", i Kenneth David (red): The new Wind: Changing Identities in South Asia. The Hague: Mouton, s. 263-283 (31 s.)

Mines, Diane P. (2002): "Hindu nationalism, Untouchable reform, and the ritual production of a South Indian village", American Ethnologist 29(1):58-85 (28 s.) Stirrat, R.L. (1982): "Caste conundrums : Views of caste in a Sinhalese Catholic fishing village, in D.B. McGilvray (red): Caste Ideology and Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 8-33 (26 s.) Tambs-Lyche, Harald (1996 [1994]): "India og Sør-Asia", i Signe Howell & Marit Melhuus (red.): Fjern og Nær. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal, s. 352-378 (27 s.) Tambs-Lyche, Harald (1991): "Heroes in the Hills, Power in the Plains: Patterns of Traditional Politics in Western South Asia", i Grönhaug, Haaland og Henriksen (red.): The Ecology of Choice and Symbol: Essays in the honour of Fredrik Barth. Bergen: Alma Mater, s.121-138 (18 s.) Vatuk, Sylvia (1996): "Identity and Difference or Equality and Inequality in South Asian Muslim Society", i Chris J. Fuller (red.): Caste Today. Delhi: Oxford University Press, s. 227-262 (36 s.) Quigley, Declan (1993): The Interpretation of Caste. Oxford: Clarendon Press, kap. 4 (33 s.) Tilsammen ca 502 sider. SANT1006 JORDENS FOLK LATIN AMERIKA OG KARIBIA (Undervisning gies i vårsemesteret.) * Samlet i et kompendium som selges på Gnist Tapir, Dragvoll. **Tilgjengelig bla. fra JSTOR (via tidsskriftdatabasen hos Bibsys) Fischer, Edward F. & Carol Hendrickson (2003): Tecpán Guatemala: a modern Maya town in global and local context. Westview case studies in anthropology, Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. (164 s.) * Archetti, Eduardo (1997): Idioms and Rituals of Manhood: The Worlds of Tango and Football in Argentina, i Daniel Balderstone & Donna Guy (ed.) Sex and Sexuality in Latin America. New York: New York University Press * Archetti, Eduardo og Kristi Anne Stølen (1994): Latin-Amerika, i Fjern og nær. Sosialantropologiske perspektiver på verdenssamfunn og kulturer. Signe Howell og Marit Melhuus (red.) Ad Notam Gyldendal, Oslo (25 s.) * Crain, Mary M. (1996): Negotiating Identities in Quito s Cultural Borderlands: Native Women s Performances for the Ecuadorean Tourist

Market, i: Cross Cultural Consumption. Global Markets, Local Realities. David Howes (eds.) New York: Routledge. (13 s.) ** Gow, Peter (1989): The Perverse Child: Desire in a Native Amazonian Subsistence Economy, i Man, Vol.24, No.4. s.567-582 (17 s.) ** Gudeman, Stephen (1976): Saints, Symbols and Ceremonies, i American Ethnologist, Vol. 3, No.4 s.709-729 (20 s.) * Lindh de Montaya, Monica (2000): Entrepreneurship and Culture: The Case of Freddy, the Strawberry Man, i Entrepreneurship: the Social Science View (ed.) Richard Swedberg. New York: Oxford University Press. * Lomnitz, Larissa (1987): Networks and Social Marginality, i Eduardo Archetti (ed.) Latin America. London: MacMillan Press Ltd. s.266-273 * * Lomnitz, Larissa (1988): Informal Exchange Networks in Formal Models: A Theoretical Model, i American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 90, No. 1. s. 42-55 (14 s.). * Melhuus, Marit & Kristi Anne Stølen (red). (1996): Machos, mistresses, madonnas : contesting the power of Latin American gender imagery. London: Verso, 1996. Utdrag fra boken * Miller, Daniel (1993): Christmas against Materialism, i Daniel Miller (ed.) Unwrapping Christmas. Oxford: Claredon Press (s. 134-153) (20 s.) ** Mintz, Sidney W. (1996): Enduring Substances, Trying Theories: The Carribean Region as Oikoumene, i The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 2, s. 289-311 (24 s.) * Muratorio, Blanca (1980): Protestantism and Capitalism revised in the Rural Highland of Ecuador, i The Journal of Peasant Studies, s. 37-60 (24 s.). ** Napolitano, Valentina (1997): Becoming a Mujercita: Rituals, Fiestas and Religious Discourses, i The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.3, no.2, s. 279-296 (18 s.) * Sarti, Cynthia (1995): Morality and Transgression among Brazilian Poor Families: Exploring the Ambiguities, i David Hess (ed.) The Brazilian Puzzle: Culture on the Borderlands of the Western World. New York: Columbia University Press (10 s.). * Schackt, Jon (2002): Mayaidentitet og prinsessekåringer i Guatemala, i Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, Vol. 13, No.3, s.150-163. Universitetsforlaget. (14 s.) ** Stern, Lilo (1973): Inter-Household Movement in a Ladino Village of Southern Mexico, i: Man, Vol 8, Issue 3, 1973 (pp. 393-415) (22 s.) * Stevens, Evelyn (1973): Marianismo: The Other Face of Machismo in Latin America, i Ann Pescatello (ed.). Female and Male in Latin America. University of Pittsburg Press (7 s.) ** Trouillot, Michael-Rolph (1992): The Carribean Region. An Open Frontier in Anthropological Theory, i Annual Review of Anthropology, 21, s.19-42 (24 s.)

* Wade, Peter (1997): Blacks and Indians in Latin America, i: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. Pluto Press; London, USA (15 s.) * Wade, Peter (1997): Studying Race and Ethnicity in a Postmodern and Reflexive World, i: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. Pluto Press; London, USA (9 s.) SANT1009 JORDENS FOLK - AFRIKA Bok: Howell, Signe & Marit Melhuus (1996): Fjern og nær. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal, 2. rev. utgave (Afrikadelen - ca 100 s). Aspen, Harald (1997): What is culture? Amhara creativity as a case in point. I: Katsuyoshi Fukui et al.: Ethiopia in Broader Perspective: Papers of the 13 th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, vol. III, pp.149-162 (13 s) Ashforth, Adam (2001): On living in a world with witches. Everyday epistemology and spiritual insecurity in a modern African city (Soweto). I: Moore, Henrietta L. and Todd Sanders (eds.): Magical Interpretations, Material Realities. Modernity, Witchcraft and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa. London: Routledge (15 s) Berge, Trond (1991): Grense-boeren. I: Berge, Trond: Svart i Hvitt. Forkrampete grenser mellom hvite og svarte i Sør-Afrika. Oslo: Occasional Papers, no.23 (25 s) Broch-Due, Vigdis (1999): Creation and the Multiple Female Body. Turkana Perspectives on Gender and Cosmos. I: Moore, Henrietta, Sanders, Todd, and Buire Kaare (eds.): Those who play with fire. Gender, fertility and transformation in East and Southern Africa. London: The Athlone Press. (28 s) Geschiere, Peter (1998): Kinship, Witchcraft and the Market: Hybrid Patterns in Cameroonian Societies. I: Grinker, Roy Richard & Cristopher B. Schreiner (eds.): Perspectives on Africa. A reader in Culture, History and Representation. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers (17 s) Karp, Ivan (1987): Beer Drinking and Social Experience in an African Society. I: Karp, Ivan & Charles S. Bird (eds.): Explorations in African Systems of Thought. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. (26 s) Kaspin, Deborah (1993): Chewa Visions and Revisions of Power. Transformations of the Nyau Dance in Central Malawi. I: Comaroff, Jean & John Comaroff (eds.): Modernity and its Malcontents. Ritual and Power in Post-Colonial Africa. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press (25 s).

Kiernan, Jim (1994): Variations on a Christian Theme. The healing synthesis of Zulu Zionism. I: Steward & Shaw (eds.): Syncretism/Anti-Syncretism. The Politics of Religious Synthesis. London: Routledge (17 s). Leis, Nancy (1974): Women in Groups: Ijaw Women s Associations. I: Rosaldo & Lamphere (eds): Woman, Culture & Society. Stanford University Press (20 s) Levine, Donald N. (1992): Greater Ethiopia Reconsidered. Ethiopian Review, August 1992 (ca. 20 s) Mbiti, John (1984): Part one. Introduction. I: Mbiti, John (ed.): Akamba Stories. London: Oxford University Press (50 s). Nustad, Knut G. (2004): The Right to Stay in Cato Crest: Formality and Informality in a South African Development Project. I: Tranberg Hansen, Karen & Mariken Vaa (eds): Reconsidering Informality. Perspectives from Urban Africa. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. (16 s) Simone, AbdouMaliq (2001): Between Ghetto and Globe: Remaking Urban Life in Africa. I: Tostensen, Arne, Tvedten Inge & Mariken Vaa (eds): Associational Life in African Cities. Popular Responses to the Urban Crisis. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet (17 s). Spencer, Paul (1996): Dance and the Cosmology of Confidence. I: Parker, Caplan, Fischer (eds): The Politics of Cultural Performance. Berghahn Books (20 s). Artikler tilgjengelige via tidsskriftdatabasen i Bibsys: Besteman, Catherine (1996): Representing Violence and Othering Somalia. Current Anthropology, vol.11, no.1 (Feb 1996):120-133. (13 s). Tilgjengelig via JSTOR. Giles-Vernick, Tamara (1999): Leaving a Person Behind: History, Personhood, and Struggles over Forest Resources in the Sangha Basin of Equatorial Africa. The International Journal of African Historical Studies, vol.32, no. 2/3: 3311-338. (27 s). Tilgjengelig via JSTOR. Smith, Daniel Jordan (2001): Kinship and Corruption in Nigeria. Ethnos, vol.66, no.3:344-364 (20 s). Tilgjengelig via Francis/ECO. Van der Geest, Sjaak (2000): Funerals for the Living: Conversations with Elderly People in Kwahu, Ghana. African Studies Review, vol. 43, no.3 (Dec. 2000):103-129. (26 s) Tilgjengelig via JSTOR. SANT2000 BACHELORESSAY Studentene oppfordres før kursstart til å skrive en side eller mer om det temaet de ønsker å konsentrere seg om i essayet (gjerne med henvisning til litteratur). Videre bør de med noen setninger nevne hva de synes er problematisk i

skrivingen og hva de ønsker at kurset skal gå spesielt inn på. Dette leveres på instituttet i god tid før kursstart. Foreleseren vil så utarbeide en plan for timene hvor det blir tatt hensyn til de individuelle behov for veiledning og inspirerende litteratur om skriving. SANT2001 NASJONALISME, ETNISITET OG POSTKOLONIALISME McGrane, Bernard: Beyond Anthropology. Society and the Other. Columbia University Press, New York. 1989 (cirka 150 s) Eidheim, Frøydis: Sett Nordfra. Kulturelle aspekter ved forholdet mellom sentrum og periferi. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. 1993 (cirka 134 sider). Kimbrough (ed.): Heart of Darkness. An Authoritative Text. Backgrounds and sources of Criticism. Third edition. Norton and Company, London, New York, 1988. Utvalgte tekster: Conrad, J. : (The Text of) Heart of Darkness (side 1-77); Haugh, R.F. : Problem for Critics (side 239-243); Achebe, C. : An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad s Heart of.(side 251-262); Singh, F.B. : The Colonialistic Bias of Heart of Darkness (side 268-280); Sarvan, C.P. : Racism and the Heart of Darkness (side 280-285) Bateson, Gregory: Morale and National Character, i Steps to an Ecology of Mind, Bateson. Ballantine Books, New York, 1972 (19 s) Bateson, Gregory: Form, Substance, and Difference, i Steps to an Ecology of Mind, ibid. (18 s) Larsen, Tord: Negotiating Identity. Ethnic Incorporation among the Micmacs of NovaScotia, i Tanner (ed.): The Politics of Indianness, St.John s, 1983 (133 s) Larsen, Tord: Den Globale Samtalen. Modernisering, representasjon og subjektkonstruksjon, i Meyer og Steffensen (red.): Norge, Museum eller fremtids-laboratorium? Kulturtekster, Bergen, 1996 (23 s) Selstad, Leif: Våre barnebarn er ikke indianere. Når kultur blir ikkeoverførbart. I Mathisen (red. Kulturens Materialisering: identitet og uttrykk, Høyskoleforlaget, 2000 (22 s) Olsen, Kjell: Sápmi fra Djursland til Kåfjord. Representasjoner av det samisk, i Mathisen (red.): Kulturens Materialisering: identitet og uttrykk. Høyskoleforlaget, 2000 (10 s)

SANT2002 KROPP, EMOSJON, SELV OG ERFARING Lambek, Michael and Andrew Strathern (1998): Bodies and persons. Comparative perspectives from Africa and Melanesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kap. 4, 5, 7 og 8 (70 s) Lupton, Deborah (1996): Food, the Body and the Self. Towbridge, Wiltshire: Redwood Press. (150 s) Morris, Brian (1994): Anthropology of the Self. The Individual in Cultural Perspective. London: Pluto Press. Utvalgte tekster: Introduction, Greek Philosophy and Concepts of the Psyche (Soul), The Hindu Conception of the Self, Feminist Philosophy and the Theory of the Self, Buddhism and the Doctrine of No-Soul (Anatta). (til sammen 101 s). Sontag, Susan (2002): Illness and Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors. Penguin. Kun siste del (ca.100 s). Brewis, Joanna and John Sinclair (2000): Exploring Embodiment: Women, Biology and Work. I: Hassard, John, Holliday, Ruth & Hugh Wilmott (eds.): Body and Organization: London: Sage Publications. (20 s) Csordas, Thomas J. (1994): Words from the Holy People: a case study in cultural phenomenology. I: Csordas, Thomas J. (ed.): Embodiment and Experience. The existential ground of culture and self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (20 s). Good, Byron J. (1994): The body, illness experience, and the lifeworld: a phenomenological account of chronic pain. I: Good, Byron J: Medicine, Rationality, and experience. An anthropological perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (18 s). Haraway, Donna (1993): The Biopolitics of Postmodern Bodies. Determinations of Self in Immune System Discourse. I: Lindenbaum, Shirley & Margaret Lock (eds.): Knowledge, Power & Practice. The Anthropology of Medicine and Everyday Life. Berkeley: University of California Press. (ca 35 s) Lock, Margaret (2002): Medical Knowledge and Body Politics. I: MacClancy, Jeremy ed.): Exotic No More. Anthropology on the Front Lines. (17s) Rosaldo, Michelle Z. (1984): Toward an Anthropology of Self and Feeling. I: Schweder, Richard A. and Robert A. LeVine (eds.): Culture Theory. Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (20 s). Slater, Don (1998): Trading Sexpics on IRC: Embodiment and Authenticity on the Internet. Body & Society, vol. 4 (4):91-117. (26 s) (Tilgjengelig på nett via JSTOR.)

Wikan, Unni (1995): The Self in a World of Urgency and Necessity. Ethos, vol. 23, No. 3 (Sep. 1995), pp.259-285 (23 s) SANT2003 BEDRIFTS- OG ORGANISASJONSANTROPOLOGI (Undervisning gies i vårsemesteret.) Janelli, Roger L. & Yim, Dawnhee (1993): Making Capitalism: The Social and Cultural Construction of a South Korean Conglomerate. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. (276 s) Tucker, James (1999) The Therapeutic Organization. New York: Oxford University Press. (175 s) Fine, Gary Alan (1988): Letting off steam? Redefining a restaurant s work environment I Jones, Michael Owen; Moore, Michael Dane, & Snyder, Richard Christopher (red.) Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension. Newbury Park, Calif.; Sage Publications, s. 119-127. Heydebrand Wolf, V. (1983): Organization and Praxis. I Morgan, Gareth, (ed) Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Research. Sage Publications, s. 306-320. (14 s) Husted, Bryan W.: Cultural balkanization and hybridization in an era of globalization: implications for international business research. I Kotabe, Masaaki & Aulakh, Preet S., Emerging Issues in International Business Research. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, s. 81-95. Latour, Bruno (1991): Technology is society made durable. I Law, John (ed) A Sociology of Monsters. Essays on Power, Technology and Domination. Sociological Review Monograph; 38. London: Routledge. Linstead, Stephen (1985): Breaking the purity rule : Industrial sabotage and the symbolic process. Personnel Review, 14, 12-19. Linstead, Stephen and Grafton-Small, R. (1992): On Reading Organisational Culture, Organization Studies, 13 (3): 331-355. Orr, Julian (1990): Sharing Knowledge, Celebrating Identity: War Stories and Community Memory in a Service Culture I Middleton, David & Edwards, Derek (eds), Collective Remembering. London: Sage Publications. s. 169-189. Salzer-Mörling, Miriam (1998): Företag som Kulturella Uttryck. Kap 5 ( Historier som skapar mening En resa I Ikeas landskap ) Bjärred: Academia Adacta AB. s. 73-96. (23 s)

Smircich, Linda: Organizations as Shared Meanings i Pondy, L. R., Frost, P. J., Morgan, G., & Dandridge, T. C., Organizational Symbolism. Jay Press Inc., s. 55-65. Turner, Stephen (1983): Studying organization through Levi-Strauss s Structuralism, i Morgan, Gareth (ed) Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Research. Sage Publications, s. 189-201. (12 s) SANT2004 UTVIKLING, MODERNISERING OG GLOBALISERING (Undervisning gies i vårsemesteret.) Appadurai, Arjun (2002) Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy. Kap. 1, 2, 3 og Introduction og Conclusion. Ferguson, James (1994): The Anti-Politics Machine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (250 s. - utdrag) Gupta, Akhil & Ferguson, James (2002): Beyond Culture : Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference. I Inda, Xavier Jonathan & Rosaldo, Renato, The Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader, s 65-80. (15 s) Inda, Xavier Jonathan & Rosaldo, Renato (2002): The Anthropology of Globalization: A Reader, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Følgende artikler er på pensum: Introduksjon, kap 2, kap 3, Konklusjon. Tsing, Anna (2000): The Global Situation. I Cultural Anthropology, 15 (3): 327-60. (33 s) Appadurai, Arjun (1997): Fieldwork in the Era of Globalization. I Anthropology and Humanism, 22: 115-18. (3 s) Dahl-Jørgensen, Carla (2003): Håndtering av usikkerhet i en global verden å tenke lokalt som en overlevelsesstrategi. I Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 5 (1) s. 29-41. (12 s) Dicken, Peter, Forsgren, Mats & Malmberg, Anthony (1994): The local Embeddedness of Transnational Corporations. I Amin, Ash & Thrift, Nigel, Globalization, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. s. 23-45. (22 s) Escobar, Arturo (1991): Anthropology and the development encounter: the making and marketing of development anthropology. I American Ethnologist (18 (4) nov. 658-682. Gutman, Matthew C. (1998): For Whom the Taco Bells Toll: Popular responses to NAFTA south of the border. I Critique of Anthropology 18 (3) 297-315. (18 s)

Hannerz, Ulf (1989): Notes on the Global Ecumene. I Public Culture, 1 (2), 66-75. (9 s) Larsen, Anne Kathrine (2002): Diskurser om utvikling I Malaysia. I Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, nr 1-2, s.?? Kraidy, Marwan M.: The Global, the Local, and the Hybrid: A Native Ethnography of Glocalization. I Critical Studies in Mass Communication 16 (1999), 456-476. (20 s) Salzer-Mörling, Miriam (1998): Företag som kulturella uttryck, Kap 5 ( Global och local Från Älmhult till Toronto ). Bjärred: Academia Adacta AB. S 159-183. (26 s) Wilk, R. (1999): Real Belizean Food : Building local identity in the transnational Caribbean. I American Anthropologist 101 (2) 244-255. (11 s) Tilleggslitteratur: Eriksen, T. H. (red) (2003): Globalisation: Studies in anthropology. London: Pluto Press. (236 s) Featherstone, M. (red.) (1990): Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity. London: Sage Publications. (411 s) SANT2005 KOMMUNIKASJON OG INTERAKSJON (Undervisning gies i vårsemesteret.) Obligatorisk pensum: Barth, F.: Ritual and knowledge among the Baktaman of New Guinea. Universitetsforlaget, 1975. (292 s) Barthes, Roland: "The world of wrestling". I Alexander J. C. and S. Seidman: Culture and Society, Cambridge University Press, 1990. (Orginalt i Barthes, R., Mytologier, Gyldendal Norsk forlag, 1991.) s. 87-93. (7 s) De Man, Paul: Tropenes retorikk. I Kittang, A et al. Moderne litteraturteori. Universitetsforlaget, 1991. (15 s) Heradstveit, Daniel og T. Bjørgo: Politisk kommunikasjon: introduksjon til semiotikk og retorikk. Tano, 1987. Utdrag, s. 21-113. (92 s) Johansen, Stein: "Funderingen av Batesons epistemologi". I Johansen, Stein.: Grunnriss av en Differensiell Epistemologi, Ariadne. s. 7-38. (31 s) Larsen, Tord: "Goffman og Gluckman - to forhold mellom tegn og betegnet". (17 s)

Larsen, Tord: "Den globale samtalen." I Meyer, S. og Steffensen: Norge, Museum eller fremtidslaboratorium, Kulturtekster 8. Senter for europeiske kulturstudier, 1996. s 117-146. (29 s) Sahlins, Marshall: "Food as symbolic code." I Alexander J. C. and S. Seidman: Culture and Society, Cambridge University Press, 1990. s 94-101. (7 s) Simonsen, Jan Ketil: "Erfaring og Leksikalisering: Om det teoretiske grunnlaget for meningsdannelse". Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, nr. 2, årgang 8., 1997. s. 96-108. (2 s) Thaiss, G.: "The Conceptualisation of Social Change Through Metaphors." Journal of Asian and African Studies, 1978. (13 s) Tilley, Christopher: Metaphor and Material Culture. Blackwell Publishers, 1999. Utdrag, s. 1-77. (77 s) Til sammen: 532 sider Tilleggspensum: Barthes, Roland: Mytologier. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1991 (Første gang utgitt 1957). (212 s) Barthes, Roland: I tegnets tid. Pax Forlag, 1994. (170 s) Bateson, Gregory: Steps to an ecology of mind. Ballantine books, 1972. (541 s) Genette, Gérard: Figurar. I Kittang, A et al. Moderne litteraturteori. Universitetsforlaget, 1991. (12 s) Lakoff, Georg and Mark Johnson: Metaphors We Live By. The Univeristy of Chicago Press, 1980. (242 s) Malinowski, Bronislaw: In Ogden, C. K.: The meaning of meaning. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1949. Paine, Robert (red): Politically speaking : cross-cultural studies of rethoric. National Plan Service, 1981. Sun Zi: Kunsten å krige. Oversatt av Harald Bøckman. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1999. (144 s) Weiner, James. F.: "Myth and Metaphor." I T. Ingold (ed.): Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Routledge, 1994. (22 s) White, Heyden: "The value of Narrativity in the Representation of Reality". In H. White: The Content of the Form. The John Hopkins University Press, 1987. (13 s) SANT2006 KULTUR, NATUR OG MILJØ Geertz, Clifford: Agricultural Involution. The process of ecological change in Indonesia Univ. of California Press, 1963 (176 s)

Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 15 (1-2), 2004: Artiklene av Beyer Broch og Kalland (10 s), Rønnow (15 s), Pálsson (13 s), Magnussøn (10 s), Moltzau (6 s), Beyer Broch (15 s) (tilsammen 69 s) Brosius, J. Peter: endangered forest, endangered people: Environmentalist representations of indigenous knowledge i Human Ecology 25(1):47-70, 1977 (24 s) Børresen, Bergljot: Er respekt for livet forenlig med jegerufølsomhet? Samtiden 5/6 1997, s. 47-53 (7 s) Conclin, Beth A. and Laura R. Graham: The shifting middle ground: Amazonian Indians and eco-politics i American Anthropologist 97(4): 695-710, 1995 (16 s) Descola, Philippe: Constructing natures: symbolic ecology and social practice i Nature and Society. Anthropological perspectives, ed. by Philippe Descola and Gísli Pálsson, Routledge 1996, pp.82-102 (21 s) Descola, Philippe: Societies of nature and the nature of society i Conceptualizing Society, ed. By Adam Kuper, Routledge 1992, pp. 107-126 (20 s) Headland, Thomas N.: Revisionism in ecological anthropology i Current Anthropology 38(4): 605-630, 1997 (26 s) Howell, Signe: Nature in culture or culture in nature? Chewong ideas of humans and other species i Nature and Society. Anthropological perspectives, ed. by Philippe Descola and Gísli Pálsson, Routledge 1996, pp.127-144 (22 s) Hviding, Edvard, Nature, culture, magic, science: on meta-languages for comparison in cultural ecology Nature and Society. Anthropological perspectives, ed. by Philippe Descola and Gísli Pálsson, Routledge 1996, pp. 165-184 (18 s) Ingold, Tim: The optimal forager and economic man Nature and Society. Anthropological perspectives, ed. by P. Descola and G. Pálsson, Routledge 1996, pp. 25-44 (20 s) Ingold, Tim: The architect and the bee i Tim Ingold: The appropriation of nature, Univ of Iowa Press 1987, pp. 16-39 (23 s) Kalland, Arne & Pamela Asquith, Japanese perceptions of nature: ideals and illusions i Japanese images of nature: Ideals and illusions ed. by P. Asquith & A. Kalland, Curzon Press 1997, pp. 1-35 (36 s) Kalland, Arne: Holism and Sustainability: Lessons from Japan i Worldviews 6, 2 pp. 145-158 (14 s) Kalland, Arne: Environmentalism and images of the Other. i Nature Across Cultures: Views of Nature and the Environment in Non-Western Cultures. Ed by H. Selin; Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.1-17, 2003 (18 s)

Luhrman, Tanya M., The resurgence of romanticism: contemporary neopaganism, feminist spirituality and the divinity of nature i Environmentalism: The View from Anthropology, ed. by Kay Milton, Routledge 1993, pp. 219-232 (14 s) Milton, Kay. Introduction: Environmentalism and anthropology i Environmentalism: The View from Anthropology, ed. by Kay Milton, Routledge 1993, pp. 1-17 (18 s) Pálsson, Gísli Human-environmental relations: orientalism, paternalism and communalism i Nature and Society. Anthropological perspectives, ed. by Philippe Descola and Gísli Pálsson, Routledge 1996, pp. 63-81 (20 s) Pausewang, Siegfried: No Environmental protection without local democracy? i Ethiopia: The Challenge of Democracy from Below, ed. by Bahru Zewde and Siegfried Pausewang, NAI/FSS 2002 pp. 87-102 (19 s) Pedersen, Poul, Nature, religion and cultural identity: The religious environmentalist paradigm i Asian Perception of Nature: A Critical Approach, ed. by O. Bruun & A. Kalland. London: Curzon Press, 1995, pp. 258-276 (19 s) Risan, Lars: Grenser for det menneskelige? Samtiden 1, 1998, s. 56-64. (9 s) Roaldkvam, Sidsel: Når naturens mirakel blir merket av tvil: noen refleksjoner rundt reproduksjonens bioteknologi Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 9: 105-121, 1998 (17 s) SANT2009 ANTROPOLOGISKE PERSPEKTIVER PÅ AFRIKA AFR 6005 Antropologiske perspektiver på Afrika (nettbasert underv.) (se også: I tillegg til pensum skal studenten levere en semesteroppgave innen 01.11.04 Godkjent semesteroppgave kreves for å få gå opp til eksamen. Comaroff, Jean (1985): Body of Power, Spirit of resistance. The University of Chicago Press. 296 s. Davidson, Basil (1992): The Black Man's Burden. Three Rivers Press, New York. 355 s. Grinker, R.R. & Steiner, C.R (eds.) (1997): Perspectives on Africa - A reader in Culture, History, & Representation. Blackwell Publ.. Kap. 1, 2, 3, 5, 19, 24, 35, 41. Lan, David (1985): Guns and Rain. James Currey, London. 244 s.

Artikler: Igwara, Obi (2001): Dominance and difference: rival visions of ethnicity in Nigeria, i Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 24, no 1, Jan. 2001. Bastian, Misty (2001): Vulture men, campus cultists and teenage witches: Modern magics in Nigerian popular media. Kap. 4 i Moore, H. & T. Sanders (2001)(eds.): Magical Interpretations and the occult in Postcolonial Africa. London, Routledge. Parish, Jane (2001): Black market, free market: Anti-witchcraft shrines and fetishes among the Akan (kap. 6) i Moore, H. & T. Sanders (2001)(eds.): Magical Interpretations and the occult in Postcolonial Africa. London, Routledge. Talle, Aud (1993): Transforming Women into Pure Agnates: Aspects of Female Infibulation in Somalia i Broch-Due, Vigdis, I. Rudie og T. Bleie (red.): Carved flesh/cast selves: gendered symbols and social practices. Oxford, Berg, 1993. MASTERGRAD SANT3000 TEORI, METODE OG FAGHISTORIE Barnard, Alan: History and Theory in Anthropolgy. Cambridge Univ.Press, 2000. Cohen, A.: Self Consciousness. Routledge, 1994. Connerton, Paul: How societies remember. Cambridge Univ.Press, 1989. Jackson, M.: The Power of Storytelling. Museum Tusculanum Press, 2002. Marcus, G. and Clifford (eds.): Writing Culture. California UP, 1986. Mauss, Marcel : The Gift. London: Routledge, 1990. (1923) Rapport, N. and Overing (eds.): Social and Cultural Anthropology: The Key Concepts. Routledge, 2000. Rapport, N. and Dawson (eds.): Migrants of Identity. Berg, 1998. Rapport, N.: Transcendent Individual. Routledge, 1997. Stocking, George W.: Observers Observed: Essays on Ethnographic fieldwork. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983. Det vil foreligge noen endringer i denne pensumlisten. Det vil bli informert om disse tidlig i semesteret.

SANT3001 SEMINAR OG PROSJEKTBESKRIVELSE SANT3500 ORGANISASJONSANTROPOLOGI Andersen, S. A. (2001): Den meningsskapte organisasjon: Et fortolkende perspektiv på organisasjon, kultur og endring. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. (s. 1-137) Jordan, A. T. (2003): Business Anthropology. Prospect Heights, IL: Wave Land Press (Kap 1-3 og 7-9) Sørhaug, T. (1996): Om ledelse: makt og tillit i moderne organisering. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (Kap 1-4) Aquilera, F. E. (1996): Is Anthropology Good for the Company? i American Anthropologist 98: 735-742. Baba, M. L. (1995): The Cultural Ecology of the Corporation: Explaining Diversity in Work Group Responses to Organizational Transformation i Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol 31, 2, 202-233. Baba, M. L. (1998): The Anthropology of Work in the Fortune 1000: A Critical Retrospective i Anthropology of Work Review, Vol XVIII, 4, 17-28. Baba, M. L. (2003): Working Knowledge Goes Global: Knowledge Sharing and Performance in a Globally Distributed Team i Anthropology of Work Review, Vol XXIV, 1-2, 19-29. Bate, S. P. (1997): Whatever Happened to Organizational Anthropology? A Review of the Field of Organizational Ethnography and Anthropological Studies i Human Relations, Vol 50, 9, s. 1147-1175. Batteau, A. W. (2001): Negations and Ambiguities in the Cultures of Organization i American Anthropologist 102, 4, 726-740. Beynon, J. og Dunkerley, D. (red) (2000): General Introduction i Globalization: The Reader, s. 1-38. London: The Athlone Press. Dahl-Jørgensen, C. og Damman, S. (2000): Kjønn, arbeid og grensesetting blant kvinner i frontlinjeyrker i Bjerring, B. et al (red) Hvor går grænsen?, s. 70-101. København: Samfundslitteratur. Greenwood, D. J. og Levin, M. (1998): Pragmatic Action Research (kap 9) i Greenwood, D. og Levin, M. Introduction to Action Research: Social Research for Social Change, s. 151-171. London: Sage Publications. Hamada, T. (1995): Inventing Cultural Others in Organizations: A Case of Anthropological Reflexivity in a Multinational Firm i Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol 31, 1, 162-185.

Hannerz, U. (2003): Several sites in one i Hylland Eriksen, E. (red) Globalisation: Studies in Anthropology, s. 18-38. London: Pluto Press Littrell, M. og Dickson, A. (1997): Alternative Trading Organizations: Shifting Paradigm in a Culture of Social Responsibility i Human Organization, 56: 344-352. Mascarenhas-Keyes, S. (2001): Understanding the Working Environment: Notes Toward a Rapid Organizational Analysis i Gellner, D. og Hirsch, E. (red) Inside Organizations: Anthropologist at Work. Oxford: Berg Metcalf, C. J. og Briody, E. (1995): Reconciling Perceptions of Career Advancement with Organizational Change: A Case from General Motors i Human organization, Vol 54, 4, 417-428. Reeves-Ellington, R. (1995): Organizing for Global Effectiveness: Ethnicity and Organizations i Human Organization, Vol 54, 3, 249-262. Rouse, M. og Fleising, U. (1995): Miners and Managers: Workplace Cultures in a Bristish Columbia Coal Mine i Human Organization, Vol 54, 3, 238-248. Rubinstein, R. A. (1986): Reflections on Action Anthropology: Some Developmental Dynamics of an Anthropological Tradition i Human Organization, 45, 3, 270-279. Schwartzman, H. B. (1993): Ethnography in Organizations. Newbury Park: Sage, s. 36-73. Anbefalte monografier (studenter velger kun én) Brewer, J. D. og Magee, K. (1991): Inside the RUC. Routine Policing in a Divided Society. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (305 s) Miller, D. (1997): Capitalism: An Ethnographic Approach. Oxford: Berg. (357 s) Janelli, R. L. (1993): Making Capitalism: The Social and Cultural Construction of a South Korean Conglomerate. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. (276 s) Kondo, D. K. (1990): Crafting Selves: Power, Gender and Discourses of Identity in a Japanese Workplace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (346 s) Orr, J. E. (1996): Talking about Machines: An Ethnography of a Modern Job. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (172 s)

SANT3501 IDENTITET (Ingen undervisning i dette høstsemesteret.) Anderson, Benedict: Imagined Communities. Verso New York. 1991 (219 s.) Barth, Fredrik, ed.: Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. Universitetsforlaget 1961 (148 s.) Gellner, Ernest: Nations and Nationalism. Blackwell, Oxford 1883 (149 s.) Gilmore, David D.: Manhood in the Making. Cultural Concepts of Masculinity. Yale University Press 1990 (160 s) Mintz, Jerome R.: Hasidic People. A Place in the New World. (1-14 kapittel) Harvard University Press. 1992 (150 s.) Nash, Manning: The Cauldron of Ethnicity in the Modern World (kapittel 1-3) The University of Chicago Press, 1989 (91 s.) SANT3503 ANTROPOLOGI OG ARKITEKTUR Pensum vil foreligge ved semesterstart. SANT3504 DET KOLONIALE OG DET POSTKOLONIALE Boehmer, Elleke (1995): Colonial and Postcolonial Litterature Loomba, Ania (1998): Colonialism/Postcolonialism McGrane, Bernard (1989): Beyond Anthropology: Society and the Other Todorov, Tzvetan (1992): The Conquest of America. Resten av pensum er 3 korte artikler, hvorav 2 er av Tord Larsen på norsk. Sosialantropologisk institutt Juni 2004