(12) Translation of european patent specification
- Kjell Aamodt
- 8 år siden
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1 (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B60G 3/ (06.01) B60G 3/14 (06.01) B60K 13/02 (06.01) B60K 17/08 (06.01) B60K 17/34 (06.01) F16H 7/04 (.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published (80) Date of The European Patent Office Publication of the Granted Patent.02.2 (86) European Application Nr (86) European Filing Date (87) The European Application s Publication Date (30) Priority.08.03, US, , US, (84) Designated Contracting States: AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (73) Proprietor Polaris Industries Inc., Highway, Medina, Minnesota 340, US-USA (72) Inventor SAFRANSKI, Brian, M., th Avenue Nw, StranquistMN 678, US-USA PETERSON, Robbi, L., th Street Ne, Middle RiverMN 6737, US-USA SUNSDAHL, Richard, L., th Street, RoseauMN 671, US-USA DECKARD, Aaron D., Little Eagle Creek Avenue, ZionsvilleIN 46077, US- USA BRADY, Louis, J., 2724 Goldfinch Avenue, WyomingMN 092, US-USA NOWACKI, Phillip A., 3067 Park Street 7, LindstromMN 04, US-USA GILLINGHAM, Brian, R., th Avenue, OsceolaWI 40, US-USA KOFSTAD, Tracy, S., th Street, RoseauMN 671, US-USA SMITH, Mark A., 4678 Glenfield Drive, PulaskiWI 4162, US-USA KJAER, Curtis, R., th Avenue, RoseauMN 671, US-USA NELSON, Stephen, L., 71 2th Street, OsceolaWI 40, US-USA HOLLMAN, Keith, A., 4 86th Avenue, OsceolaWI 40, US-USA MAHER, Jeffrey, M., 62 2nd Street North, HugoMN 038, US-USA MCNUTT, Kevin, A., th Avenue, OsceolaWI 40, US-USA RUBATT, Jerome, J., Typo Creek Drive, StacyMN 079, US-USA SCHLANGEN, Adam, J., 74 Timber Ridge Drive, Rush CityMN 096, US-USA (74) Agent or Attorney Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, Norge (4) Title SIDE-BY-SIDE VEHICLE (6) References Cited: WO-A2-/ JP-A US-A US-A US-A US-A US-A US-B
2 Enclosed is a translation of the patent claims in Norwegian. Please note that as per the Norwegian Patents Acts, section 66i the patent will receive protection in Norway only as far as there is agreement between the translation and the language of the application/patent granted at the EPO. In matters concerning the validity of the patent, language of the application/patent granted at the EPO will be used as the basis for the decision. The patent documents published by the EPO are available through Espacenet ( or via the search engine on our website here:
3 1 Kravsett 1. Et kjøretøy (0) omfattende en ramme (112); en flerhet bakkeinngrepselementer (2) som understøtter rammen (112); en første kraftenhet operativt koblet til i det minste ene av flerheten bakkeinngrepselementer (2) for å drive frem kjøretøyet; et operatørområde (212) understøttet av rammen (112), operatørområdet (212) omfatter sitteplasser (211) og styreorgan for operatør; en lastbærende del (2) understøttet av rammen (112) og plassert bakenfor operatørområdet (212), hvorved den lastbærende delen (2) er et lasteplan (234), og et første luftinntakssystem (134, 160) operativt koblet til den første kraftenheten for å kommunisere omgivelsesluft til den første kraftenheten, kjøretøyet (0) er karakterisert ved at det første luftinntakssystemet (134, 160) mottar omgivelsesluft gjennom et innløp (172, 322) i et utvendig karroseripanel (236) i den lastbærende delen 2. Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 1, hvori den første kraftenheten er en CVT-enhet (140) operativt koblet til det minst ene av flerheten bakkeinngrepselementer (2). 3. Kjøretøy ifølge krav 2, hvori det første luftinntakssystemet (160) er operativt koblet til CVT-enheten (140) for å kommunisere omgivelsesluft til en innside av CVT-enheten (140) Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 1, hvori den første kraftenheten er en kraftkilde (130) støttet av rammen (112) og operativt koblet til det minst ene av flerheten bakkeinngrepselementer (2). 30. Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 4, hvori kraftkilden (130) er en forbrenningsmotor Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 1, hvori kraftenheten er en kraftkilde (130) støttet av rammen (112) og operativt koblet til det minst ene av flerheten bakkeinngrepselementer (2) og av en CVT-enhet (140) understøttet av rammen (112) og operativt koblet mellom kraftkilden (130) og det minst ene av flerheten bakkeinngrepselementer (2).
4 2 7. Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 6, hvori et andre luftinntakssystem (160) er operativt koblet til CVT-enheten (140) for å kommunisere omgivelsesluft til en innside av CVT-enheten (140), det andre luftinntakssystemet (160) inkluderer et andre luftinntak (322) gjennom hvilket omgivelsesluft kommer inn i det andre luftinntakssystemet (160), det andre luftinntaket (322) er fullstendig plassert på [[d]]en andre side[[n]] av [[d]]et vertikale senterlinjeplan[[et]] (122) til kjøretøyet, det andre luftinntakssystemet (160) transporterer omgivelsesluft mottatt gjennom det andre luftinntaket (322) til [[d]]en første side[[n]] av den vertikale senterlinjeplan (122) i kjøretøyet når omgivelsesluft beveger seg mot CVT-enheten (140). 8. Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 6 eller 7, hvori CVT-enheten (140) inkluderer: et drivelement (400) operativt koblet til kraftkilden (130); et drevet element (402) operativt koblet til det minst ene av flerheten bakkeinngrepselementer (2); et drivbelte (404) operativt koblende drivelementet (402) til drivelementet (400) og et CVT-hus (342) med en innside rommende drivelementet (400), drivelementet (402) og drivbeltet (404), CVT-huset (342) inkluderer en flerhet luftinntak (396, 398) for innsiden av CVT-huset, et første luftinntak (396) er plassert nærliggende drivelementet (400) og et andre luftinntak (398) er plassert nærliggende drivelementet (402), både det første luftinntaket (396) og det andre luftinntaket (398) er i fluid kommunikasjon med luftinntakssystemet (160) for å motta omgivelsesluft fra luftinntakssystemet (160) Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 8, hvori CVT-huset (342) inkluderer et luftutløp (432) gjennom hvilket luft strømmer ut fra innsiden av CVT-huset (342), luftutløpet (432) er i fluid kommunikasjon med en fluidkanal (430) som retter luften mot en del av kraftkilden (130). 30. Kjøretøyet ifølge ethvert av kravene 4-9, hvori den lastbærende delen (2) inkluderer et gulv (224) og en flerhet vegger (226, 228, 230, 232), gulvet inkluderer et avtagbart deksel (270) som tillater tilgang til en del av det første luftinntakssystemet (134) Kjøretøyet ifølge krav, hvori delen av det første luftinntakssystemet (134) er en luftboks (180) inkludert et filter (188).
5 3 12. Kjøretøyet ifølge ethvert av kravene 4-11, hvori det første luftinntakssystemet (134) inkluderer en resonatorboks (176) plassert mellom en utvendig overflate av det utvendige karroseripanelet (236) til den lastbærende delen (2) og en vegg (230) i det lastbærende området av den lastbærende delen (2). 13. Kjøretøyet ifølge ethvert av kravene 1-12, videre omfattende et deksel (244) koblet til det utvendige karosseripanelet (236) for å dekke inntaket (322) i det utvendige karosseripanelet (236), dekselet (244) tillater omgivelsesluft å passere forbi dekselet (244). 14. Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 13, videre omfattende et filterhus (24) plassert bak dekselet (244) og et filter (242) avtagbart plassert inne i filterhuset (240), omgivelsesluft passerer gjennom filteret (242).. Kjøretøyet ifølge krav 14, filteret (242) er plassert mellom en utvendig overflate av det utvendige karosseripanelet (236) til den lastbærende delen (2) og en vegg (230) i et lastbærende område av den lastbærende delen (2) Kjøretøyet ifølge krav, hvori inntaket (322) i det utvendige karosseripanelet (236) til den lastbærende delen (2) er plassert på en første side av et vertikal senterlinjeplan (122) til kjøretøyet og det første luftinntakssystemet (134) transporterer omgivelsesluft til en andre side av det vertikale senterlinjeplanet (122) når omgivelsesluft beveger seg gjennom en fluid kanal (178) i det første luftinntakssystemet (134).
(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 873 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61G 13/02 (06.01) A61G 13/08 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published..12
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2231998 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. E21B 17/10 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.10.05 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2760729 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B63B 3/40 (2006.01) B63B 27/36 (2006.01) B63G 8/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 248071 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 33/12 (2006.01) C09K 8/92 (2006.01) E21B 33/122 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of European patent specification
(12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 299907 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61M 11/04 (06.01) A24F 47/00 (06.01) A61M 11/00 (06.01) A61M /06 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2742206 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 43/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 201..12 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 276778 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. CM 17/00 (2006.01) CM 177/00 (2006.01) F01M 1/12 (2006.01) F01M 9/02 (2006.01) CN 30/12 (2006.01) CN 40/26
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2825369 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B29C 65/34 (2006.01) B29C 65/82 (2006.01) F16L 47/03 (2006.01) G01M 3/28 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial
Detaljer(12) Translation of European patent specification
(12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 297602 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61B 17/29 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 17.0.1 (80) Date of
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2248674 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B42D 15/02 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.10.19 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 22246 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B41J 2/0 (06.01) B41J 2/17 (06.01) B41J 29/38 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2386834 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G01F 1/44 (06.01) G01F 1/74 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.09.14
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 21631 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04N 7/04 (2006.01) A63H 3/28 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2630292 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. D21C 11/06 (06.01) D21C 11/ (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.06.1
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2616307 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B61L 29/28 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.03.07 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2660342 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C22C 19/0 (2006.01) C22F 1/ (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 289873 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H01R 13/23 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.06.06 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2729226 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A63H 33/08 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.12.28 (80) Date of
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2182721 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04N /33 (2006.01) H04N /74 (2006.01) H04N 9/31 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2794287 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B60C 1/00 (2006.01) C08K 3/04 (2006.01) C08K 3/36 (2006.01) C08L 9/00 (2006.01) C08L 21/00 (2006.01) C08L
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2344826 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. F28D 9/00 (2006.01) F28F 3/08 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2393414 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61B /00 (06.01) G06F 19/00 (11.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 16.02.22
Detaljer(12) Translation of European patent specification
(12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 289243 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A63H 33/08 (2006.01) A63H 17/06 (2006.01) A63H 33/06 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2750905 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B60F 5/02 (2006.01) B64C 3/56 (2006.01) B64C 37/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2334984 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. F21V 33/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.10.05 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2805325 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. G10L 19/005 (2013.01) G10L 19/09 (2013.01) G10L 19/10 (2013.01) G10L 19/12 (2013.01) G10L 19/22 (2013.01)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 232784 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G06K 19/07 (2006.01) A01N 2/00 (2006.01) A01N 43/00 (2006.01) A01N 9/00 (2006.01) C02F 1/0 (2006.01) C09D
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2391796 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 33/12 (2006.01) E21B 33/128 (2006.01) E21B 43/ (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2575721 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. A61G 5/12 (2006.01) A47C 7/02 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 274808 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B63B 21/66 (06.01) G01V 1/38 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published.07.
DetaljerKORRIGERT FORSIDE / CORRECTED FRONT COVER. (12) Translation of european patent specification
KORRIGERT FORSIDE / CORRECTED FRONT COVER (12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2321926 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G11B /00 (06.01) G11B / (06.01) G06F 3/0 (06.01) G06F 21/31
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2321071 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B08B 9/093 (2006.01) B05B 13/06 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2593429 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. C07D 211/46 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.11.02 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 269179 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. F21S 8/02 (06.01) F21V 17/16 (06.01) F21V 21/04 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 237122 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G06K 7/08 (06.01) G06F 3/044 (06.01) G06F 3/0488 (13.01) G06K 19/067 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2119189 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04W 12/06 (09.01) H04L 29/06 (06.01) H04W 4/22 (09.01) H04W 76/00 (09.01) H04W 76/02 (09.01) Norwegian
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 278170 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B01J 23/89 (2006.01) B01J 21/12 (2006.01) B01J 23/7 (2006.01) B01J 37/02 (2006.01) B01J 37/08 (2006.01)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 211264 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C07D 209/08 (2006.01) A61K 31/63 (2006.01) A61P 3/00 (2006.01) C07D 213/71 (2006.01) C07D 231/6 (2006.01)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 268417 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A47F 1/12 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.07.04 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2616248 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. G03C 11/08 (2006.01) B41M 7/00 (2006.01) G02B 1/11 (2015.01) G03C 11/14 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 272424 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H02G 1/068 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.07. (80) Date of The
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2123333 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. A63C 9/00 (2012.01) A63C 9/20 (2012.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2438237 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. D21H 19/36 (06.01) D21H 17/46 (06.01) D21H 17/2 (06.01) D21H 17/6 (06.01) D21H 19/40 (06.01) D21H 19/62
Detaljer(12) Translation of European patent specification
(12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 2402288 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C02F 1/38 (2006.01) B01D 47/00 (2006.01) B01D 3/14 (2006.01) B01D 3/0 (2006.01) B01D 3/96 (2006.01) B04B
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 22304 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C09K 8/487 (06.01) C04B 24/28 (06.01) C04B 28/02 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 234840 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. F21V 23/06 (2006.01) F21K 99/00 (20.01) F21V /04 (2006.01) F21V 31/00 (2006.01) F21Y 1/02 (2006.01) Norwegian
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 28448 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C07D 213/81 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1..26 (80) Date of The
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2770113 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. E02F 3/36 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.10.10 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2713003 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 19/16 (2006.01) E21B 19/20 (2006.01) E21B 19/24 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2234736 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B07C /342 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 1.12.28 (80) Date of
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2229212 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. A61N 1/36 (2006.01) H01L 27/144 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
DetaljerNO/EP2212249. P a t e n t k r a v
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2212249 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C01B 33/037 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 201.0.11 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 231671 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B43M 1/00 (2006.01) B21G 3/12 (2006.01) B21G 3/28 (2006.01) F16B 1/02 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2403 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C12P 7/06 (06.01) C12N 1/ (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published.12.21 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2482460 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H03L 7/08 (06.01) H03L 7/08 (06.01) H03L 7/093 (06.01) H03L 7/ (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2274941 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04W 28/08 (2009.01) H04L /00 (2006.01) H04W 84/08 (2009.01) H04W 88/06 (2009.01) Norwegian Industrial
Detaljer(12) Translation of European patent specification
(12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 2718037 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B21D 28/34 (2006.01) B21D 37/04 (2006.01) B21D 37/14 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of European patent specification
(12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 2238081 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. C02F 3/00 (2006.01) C02F 1/52 (2006.01) C02F 3/30 (2006.01) C05B 7/00 (2006.01) C05F 17/00 (2006.01)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2777162 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04N 19/13 (14.01) H04N 19/3 (14.01) H04N 19/174 (14.01) H04N 19/176 (14.01) H04N 19/0 (14.01) H04N 19/91
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 247070 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 33/12 (2006.01) E21B 43/04 (2006.01) E21B 47/00 (2012.01) E21B 47/09 (2012.01) E21B 47/12 (2012.01)
Detaljer(12) Translation of European patent specification
(12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 2703838 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G01S 19/ (.01) G01S 1/ (06.01) G01S /02 (06.01) G01S 19/11 (.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2220564 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. G06F 13/38 (2006.01) G06F 11/14 (2006.01) H04M 1/725 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2629528 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. H04N 19/50 (2014.01) H04N 19/119 (2014.01) H04N 19/122 (2014.01) H04N 19/137 (2014.01) H04N 19/139 (2014.01)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2614824 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61K 31/4196 (06.01) A61K 31/424 (06.01) A61P 21/00 (06.01) A61P 2/04 (06.01) C07D 249/08 (06.01) C07D
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 28099 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G07C 1/00 (2006.01) A63F 7/04 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2372393 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G01S 19/18 (2010.01) G01S 19/23 (2010.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2297674 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. G06K 9/00 (2006.01) G06K 9/36 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2734661 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C30B 11/00 (06.01) C30B 28/06 (06.01) C30B 29/06 (06.01) H01L 21/324 (06.01) H01L 21/67 (06.01) Norwegian
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2734283 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. B01D 3/00 (2006.01) B01D 3/74 (2006.01) C02F 1/66 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2541622 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. H01L 31/048 (2014.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.04.04 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 23470 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G01N 33/86 (2006.01) C12Q 1/6 (2006.01) G01N 33/49 (2006.01) G01N 33/43 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2197976 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C09K 8/80 (06.01) C04B 3/18 (06.01) C04B 3/622 (06.01) C04B 3/626 (06.01) C04B 3/628 (06.01) C09K 8/62
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 20440 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. F23J /02 (06.01) B01D 3/34 (06.01) B01D 3/62 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2190780 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C01B 33/7 (2006.01) B01J 21/06 (2006.01) B01J 23/26 (2006.01) B01J 23/28 (2006.01) B01J 23/34 (2006.01)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2280051 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. C09K 8/36 (2006.01) B01F 17/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 29028 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. GL 19/12 (2013.01) GL 19/02 (2013.01) GL 19/09 (2013.01) GL 19/24 (2013.01) Norwegian Industrial Property
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2140006 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. C12N 15/53 (2006.01) C12N 9/02 (2006.01) C12P 7/64 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2628 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G07F 7/ (06.01) G06Q / (12.01) G07F 7/08 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2716944 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. F16J 1/34 (2006.01) F16J 1/40 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2635766 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. E21B 17/01 (2006.01) E21B 19/06 (2006.01) E21B 19/14 (2006.01) E21B 19/16 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 22127 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. H04J 3/02 (06.01) H04L /14 (06.01) H04L 27/26 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2806733 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A01K 1/ (06.01) A01K /02 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 16.03.07
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2376879 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G01J 1/0 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 201.09.07 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 272782 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61K 9/00 (2006.01) A61K 31/167 (2006.01) A61K 31/73 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2217984 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 43/12 (06.01) E21B 47/00 (12.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published.07.
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2559282 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. H04W 24/02 (2009.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.11.02 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2613798 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61K 38/46 (2006.01) A61K 31/13 (2006.01) A61K 31/366 (2006.01) A61K 31/397 (2006.01) A61P 3/06 (2006.01)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2618831 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C07K /097 (2006.01) A61K 38/21 (2006.01) C07K /062 (2006.01) C07K /08 (2006.01) C07K /083 (2006.01) Norwegian
Detaljer(12) Translation of European patent specification
(12) Translation of European patent specification (11) NO/EP 2790 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 41/00 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2018.06.04 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 242832 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C08J 9/16 (06.01) C08J 9/22 (06.01) C08J 9/224 (06.01) C08J 9/236 (06.01) C08L 2/04 (06.01) C09J 189/00
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2675701 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. B63B 39/00 (06.01) B63B 39/02 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 219833 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G01S 13/ (2006.01) G01S 7/03 (2006.01) G01S 13/00 (2006.01) G01S 13/02 (2006.01) G01S 13/87 (2006.01) G01S
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2217336 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A62C /00 (2006.01) A61L 2/22 (2006.01) A62C 31/0 (2006.01) A62C 31/07 (2006.01) A62C 3/02 (2006.01) A62C
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 239604 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. E21B 43/00 (06.01) CG 1/04 (06.01) CG 9/00 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2814547 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (51) Int Cl. A61M 5/315 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2015.11.30 (80)
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 2714661 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C07D 213/81 (06.01) A61K 31/4412 (06.01) A61P 31/ (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 293449 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C07D 417/14 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 16.01.18 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 242383 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. G06N /02 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property Office (21) Translation Published 2016.01.18 (80) Date
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 22628 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. A61K 9/14 (2006.01) A61K 9/72 (2006.01) A61K 31/46 (2006.01) A61K 4/06 (2006.01) Norwegian Industrial Property
Detaljer(12) Translation of european patent specification
(12) Translation of european patent specification (11) NO/EP 249682 B1 (19) NO NORWAY (1) Int Cl. C07D 487/04 (06.01) A61K 31/ (06.01) A61P 3/00 (06.01) A61P 43/00 (06.01) Norwegian Industrial Property