Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016

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1 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Prosjekttittel: Sedimentology of clinothem 8, Brogniartfjella, Svalbard Hovedveileder: William Helland-Hansen Medveileder(e): Sten-Andreas Grundvåg, UiT Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Exceptionally well exposed clinothems within the Battfjellet Fm (Eocene) in Van Keulenfjorden, Svalbard, have long been a popular location for student courses and industry excursions. Many publications have been written based on these exposures, but still there are units within the succession that are less well understood and that need further documentation. One of these is the so-called Clinothem 8 at Brogniartfjella, a package that is tabular in its proximal part but develops into a sloping and wedging unit in its more distal part. The student will have to document the unit in detail through logs and sketches as a basis for a facies break-down, depositional model and paleogeographic reconstruction. Krav for opptak: Field work will be carried out at Brogniartfjella, a remote location. It is expected that the student has significant experience in camp-based outdoor-life and can manage field work in steep slopes and under harsh conditions. NB the candidate will have to be in good physical condition in order to stand long daily hikes on scree-covered slopes. The student will be provided with an assistant. The MSc project will be effectuated only if a polar-bear safe container/cabin is provided by UNIS. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV360 (10), GEOV362 (5), AG323/GEOV361 (10), GEOV364 (5), GEOV372 (5), GEOV363 (5), GEOV352 (5), GEOV272 (10), GEOV367 (5), possibly substitute with UNIS courses AG322/334/336/338 Finansiering: Trenger fra Instituttet Masterarbeid finansieres av eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt nummer): X

2 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Prosjekttittel: Sedimentology of the Paleogene succession at Renardodden, Svalbard Hovedveileder: William Helland-Hansen Medveileder(e): Sten-Andreas Grundvåg, UiT Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): The Paleogene Calypsobyen Group (Renardodden and Skilvika formations) is a small outlier separated from the main Paleogene outcrops at Spitsbergen. The unit is well exposed at in the Renarodden area at the southern shores of Bellsund, western central Spitsbergen. The outcrops have so far only superficially studied but are important to understand in the context of the regional pattern of Paleogene sedimentation and deformation in west Spitsbergen. The student will have to document the unit in detail through logs, sketches/photomosaics and thin-sections as a basis for a facies break-down, depositional model and paleogeographic reconstruction. Krav for opptak: Field work will be carried out at Renardodden, a relatively remote location. It is expected that the student has significant experience in camp-based outdoor-life and can manage field work under harsh conditions. Accommodation will preferentially be in a cabin in Calypsobyen, an old coal mining community 3 km east of the main outcrops, or in tents. The student will be provided with an assistant. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV360 (10), GEOV362 (5), AG323/GEOV361 (10), GEOV364 (5), GEOV372 (5), GEOV363 (5), GEOV352 (5), GEOV272 (10), GEOV367 (5), possibly substitute with UNIS courses AG322/334/336/338 Finansiering:(I første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Krever prosjektet finansiering fra instituttet skal Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt legges ved) Masterarbeid finansieres av eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt nummer):

3 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Prosjekttittel: Sedimentology of the Grønfjorden Bed, Grønfjorden, Svalbard Hovedveileder: Maria Jensen (UNIS) Medveileder(e): William Helland-Hansen (UiB), Malte Jochmann (UNIS, UiB) Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivation (background): The Grønfjorden Bed is an up to 4 m thick conglomerate found at the base of the Central Tertiary Basin in Svalbard above the unconformity between the Lower Cretaceous Carolinefjellet Formation and the Palaeogene Central Tertiary Basin. It forms the base of the Todalen Member of the Firkanten formation, and is interpreted as a basal conglomerate associated with valley incision. Many studies of the Firkanten Formation have focused on the sedimentology of the sandstones and shales and particularly distrubtion of the coal beds, but the Grønfjorden Bed has not received much attention. The MSc student will investigate a 380 m long outcrop, which has not previously been described, in Grønfjorden, Svalbard. The location in a steep cliff has made it poorly available previously, but with modern technology (drone) the cliff can be photographed and investigated in detail. The MSc study will be connected to a recently started PhD project investigating the regional geometry and the sedimentology of the Palaeogene basin in Svalbard, and the MSc student will be part of an active work group of other sedimentologists working on the Firkanten Formation. Work: Use images made by use of a drone to investigate the detailed sedimentology of the Grønfjorden Bed in Grønfjorden, Svalbard. Make a 3D model from the pictures and description of lithology, bedding and internal architecture and discuss facies patterns, depositional processes and flow directions. The pictures will be complemented by field work. In collaboration with the PhD project there may be possibilities to study the Grønfjorden Bed at other localities or otherwise contribute to joint questions regarding the geometry of the base of the Tertiary basin on Svalbard. Krav for opptak: Felt-, lab- og analyse- arbeid: Fieldwork will be carried out in Svalbard in summer 2016, and at least six months of the MSc study should be spent at UNIS in order to be actively involved with the project group. It is also a possibility to stay at UNIS for the entire duration of the project. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Course in sedimentology (either at UiB or UNIS) Finansiering: Not necessary, financed through ongoing activity at UNIS

4 Masterprosjekt til masteropptaket vår 2016 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleum geoscience Prosjekttittel: Sedimentological outcrop study of the of the earliest Triassic Vardebukta and Tvillingodden Formations in West Spitsbergen Veileder: Christian Haug Eide Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. William Helland-Hansen (UiB) 2. Gunn Mangerud (UiB) 3. Snorre Olaussen (UNIS) Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): The Early Triassic Vardebukta and Tvillingodden formations were deposited during the first 5 millions of years after the Permian Triassic extinction event, a period of great changes in climate, landscape and sedimentary environment, and a time of recovery of ecosystems. These deposits have recorded many aspects of this period of change, but in contrast to the lowermost organic rich shales, the sandstone-rich upper parts of the formations have received little scientific attention. Important details relating to sedimentary environments, paleoclimates and sediment distribution are therefore unknown. The objective of this masters project is to do a detailed sedimentological outcrop study of the Vardebukta and Tvillingodden Formations in West Spitsbergen, describe the deposits and interpret the structures using modern facies models and sedimentological knowledge. The student will also compare the deposits in outcrop to cores of time-equivalent deposits of the Havert and Klappmyss Formations from the Barents Sea, and tie the cores to seismic data. This work is important as it will help to improve the understanding of sediment transport in the entiretriassic Barents Sea, and environmental change after a major extinction event. This project is an opportunity to do field work in a remote arctic location using highquality outcrops. It will teach the student to integrate knowledge from outcrop, core and seismic data, and learn about the relationship between paleoclimate, sedimentary deposits, external forcing factors and internal variability. This project will equip the student with expertise which is very relevant for a career both in the petroleum industry and research. The candidate must enjoy camping, and experience from the outdoors is required. The candidate should ideally have spent a winter s night outside before. Experience from field work in the arctic is an advantage but not a requirement. Thesis hypothesis: Investigating the lower Triassic deposits of Svalbard will improve the understanding of environmental conditions of the entire Triassic depositional system of the Barents Sea Basin.

5 Example of field locality at Festningen, Svalbard. The prominent dipping bed in the distance is approximately at the Permo-Triassic boundary. Viktig informasjon: Krav for opptak: The candidate must be an experienced outdoorsperson. Eksterne data: Cores from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and SINTEF Felt, Lab og analyse-arbeid: Extensive camping-based field work in Svalbard Analysis of outcrop Analysis of core Seismic interpretation Finansiering: Eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt): Trias North JA Nei Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra Instituttet må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): AG-323 Sequence Stratigraphy - A Tool for Basin Analysis 10 stp (UNIS) GEOV360 / Sedimentologi og facies-analyse 10 stp GEOV363 / Videregåande sedimentologi/stratigrafi 5 stp GEOV372 Integrert tolking av seismikk og geofysiske data 5 stp GEOV352 Petroleumsgeologisk feltkurs 5 stp GEOV362 / Pyreneene feltkurs i tektonikk og sedimentologi 5 stp GEOV251 Videregående petroleumsgeologi 10 stp GEOV300 / Utvalgte emner i geovitenskap - 5 stp GEOV367 / Geologisk prosessforståelse: Anvendelse i hydrokarbonleting og CO2 lagring 5 stp dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

6 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket vår 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleum Prosjekttittel: Testing a source rock maturation method based on palynology by using Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) a case study from the Carboniferous succession, Barents Sea Veileder: Gunn Mangerud Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. dr. Gilda Lopes, GEO, UiB 2. Prof Geoff Clayton, Trinity College Dublin TCD Prosjektbeskrivelse: The main aim of this study is to help develop a source rock maturation technique, Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI). The methods will be tested on a shallow borehole (7127/10-U-3) from East Finnmark Platform. Hypothesis: Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) is a robust technique for assessing thermal maturity of source rocks based on small numbers of measurements on accurately focused specimens. Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) is a measure of spore colour in transmitted light that can be used to estimate thermal maturity. As this technique is relatively new, little research has been completed to refine and standardize protocols for PDI measurement. Two key factors to be investigated are the minimum number of individual measurements required from any palynomorph population in order to determine PDI accurately, and the importance of accurate focusing. Material already processed from Barents Sea Carboniferous cores is ideal for this investigation as many samples include abundant simple, smooth miospores that are suitable for PDI determination. Several common taxa will be investigated by calculating their mean PDI on a cumulative basis in order to determine the minimum number of measurements per sample above which no significant change in mean PDI occurs. Many of the Barents Sea assemblages contain extremely well preserved miospores. A Nikon microscope equipped with motorized focusing and Z-Stack image analysis will be used to capture images at 5um focus intervals through 20 miospore specimens. PDI values will be calculated for each image and these will then be compared in order to assess how out-of-focus a specimen can be to still provide an acceptable PDI value. The study will further improve the knowledge about the Carboniferous of the Barents Sea with the application of palynological and organic petrology methods. The study will be performed in integration with a post-doctoral project and one other master student working on comparison of two different methods to determine proportions of organic constituents of shales. A comprehensive collaboration with Trinity College Dublin (TCD) will be achieved allowing the student to attend classes at TCD and acquire competencies within these methodologies and help in validation of the new organic petrology technique that the student will develop on Trinity College Dublin during the first year of the master.

7 Viktig informasjon: Krav for opptak: Må være villig til å tilbringe noen uker i Dublin, vinter/vår 2016 som minimum. Oppgaven skal gjøres i tett samarbeid med prosjektet «Palynofacies Carboniferous Barents Sea, testing of methods» og vil kun bli igangsatt om begge prosjekt blir valgt. Eksterne data: Bruk av grunne kjerner allerede godkjent av OD i forbindelse med prosjekt oppstart. Materiale fra felt samlet i Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: Må være villig til å tilbringe minimum noen uker i Dublin, vinter/vår 2016 (reise og bolig vil bli dekket enten gjennom utvekling på Erasmus eller gjennom prosjekt). Oppgaven skal gjøres i tett samarbeid med master prosjektet «Source rock validation based on palynofacies - a case study from Carboniferous succession, Barents Sea» og det vil være en stor fordel om begge prosjektene blir valgt. Finansiering: Master prosjektet er en integrert del av forskningsprosjektet «Early Carboniferous biostratigraphy of the Barents Sea». Eksternt prosjekt : Carboniferous Barents Sea JA Nei Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Høst 2015 GEOV 241 Mikroskopi 10 sp GEOV 272 Seismisk tolkning 10 sp GEOV 361 Sekvensstratigrafi 10 sp Vår 2015 The student will have to attend, at Trinity College Dublin, two modules of 5 ECTS each (Module GL4411: Organic Petrology, Palynology and Palaebotany; Module GL4412: Laboratory Project). Spesialpensum palynologi 5 ECTS GEOV 363 Videregående sedimentologi/stratigrafi 5 sp GEOV 360 Sedimentologi & facies analyse 10sp dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

8 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket vår 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleum Prosjekttittel: Lower Triassic palynology and palynostratigraphy from the Festningen section, Svalbard (kan med fordel deles i to oppgaver) Veileder: Gunn Mangerud Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. dr. Christian Haug Eide, GEO, UiB 2. William Helland-Hansen, GEO, UiB 3. Atle Mørk, NTNU Prosjektbeskrivelse: As the Permian-Triassic boundary corresponds to one of the Big Five Mass Extinctions (ME) understanding the time period after this event is crucial and raises many questions. These boundaries are often studied in detail; however, detailed studies of the recovery during the following millions of years are rare. Palynology can aid in improved understanding of how, and what kind of, vegetation that recovered, and will provide a better understanding of the paleoenvironment during this time interval. On Spitsbergen the Lower Triassic Vardebukta and Tvillingodden formations crop out in the Festningen section. By applying palynology* the overall aim of this study is to improve dating and gain a better understanding of the paleoenvironment of these formations. The palynofacies analysis will provide important information relating to the depositional setting of the sediments, and may aid in interpreting vegetation and climatic changes. The study will include correlation and comparison with published studies from the same succession both from outcrops in Svalbard as well as from wells in the Barents Sea area. This project is an opportunity to do field work in a remote arctic location using high-quality outcrops in collaboration with another student trying to understand the recovery of this ME by focusing on other aspects of the same successions. The candidate must have experience from hiking/outdoors life. Experience from field work in the arctic is an advantage but not a requirement. Thesis hypothesis: The Permian Triassic transition is a major palynological turnover that recovered relatively quickly. Palynology from these formations spanning about 5 million years following the ME will aid in understanding the recovery of vegetation and contribute to a better framework for correlation. * Palynology is the study of plant pollen, spores and certain microscopic plankton

9 organisms. They are a.o. used for dating, correlation and paleoenvironmental interpretations. Palynology is studied in light microscope If 2 students choose this master thesis I would like to split the thesis work into two, where one student focus on Tvillingodden Fm and the other focus on Vardebukta Fm. This will give the opportunity to have denser sampling rates which is a big advantage. The two students will have to work in the field jointly and collaborate on their analysis regarding palynology and palynofacies. See also below regarding collaboration link to another thesis. Viktig informasjon: Krav for opptak: Oppgaven skal gjøres i tett samarbeid med oppgaven «Sedimentological outcrop study of the of the earliest Triassic Vardebukta and Tvillingodden Formations in West Spitsbergen» og vil kun bli igangsatt om begge prosjekt blir valgt. Kandidaten må like å være ute i felt (se krav) og må samtidig like å arbeide på mikroskop. Eksterne data: Plan å samle data gjennom eget feltarbeid sommeren 2016 Noe materiale fra felt samlet i Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: Mye av arbeidet gjøres på lysmikroskop. Om mulig opplæring i annen lab, men ikke påkrevd da prøvene vil bli ferdig preparert i ekstern lab. Finansiering: Eksternt prosjekt : x JA Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Nei Vår 2016 Spesialpensum palynologi 5 ECTS GEOV 363 Videregående sedimentologi/stratigrafi 5 sp GEOV 360 Sedimentologi & facies analyse 10sp GEOV 252 Feltkurs i geologisk kartlegging 10 sp Høst 2016 GEOV 241 Mikroskopi 10 sp GEOV 272 Seismisk tolkning 10 sp GEOV 361 Sekvensstratigrafi 10 sp dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

10 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Prosjekttittel: Structure and evolution of deformation bands affecting volcaniclastic deposits in SE Taiwan (2 STUDENTS) Hovedveileder: Prof. Atle Rotevatn Medveileder(e): Dr. Thibault Cavailhes (Univ. de Bordeaux) Project description: Motivation (bakgrunn): Deformation bands are well known from porous quartz-rich sandstones, particularly in the northwestern USA. Deformation bands affecting other porous rock types are less well studied, and that is particularly the case for deformation bands affecting volcaniclastic deposits. The microstructure and kinematic evolution of deformation bands in such deposits are simply not well-studied and understood, which forms the basic motivation behind this study. Scientific problems to be addressed: 1) How do deformation bands in volcaniclastic rocks evolve in space and time? 2) What is their microstructural character, and how is strain/deformation accommodated in the volcaniclastic host rock at various scales? 3) How do mechanical contrasts in the host rock affect the structural style and growth of deformation band networks? 4) How do the deformation bands affect the grain size distribution, pore network configuration and basic petrophysical properties of the host rock (porosity and permeability) 5) In what way do the deformation bands affect fluid flow? Test (arbeid): The work will encompass two periods of field work (each c. 3 weeks) where data and samples will be collected. Data collection will focus on collecting geometric data (intensity, length, orientation etc) and kinematic data (offset, striations etc), description/documentation/mapping of structures in the field, sample collection for thin section and laboratory analyses. Figure 1. Deformation band offsetting beds in volcaniclastic deposits in coastal outcrops in SE Taiwan. Photo: T. Cavailhes

11 Figure 2. Large clasts offset by deformation bands and shear fractures in the Tuluanshan Formation (Upper Miocene to lower Pliocene) in SE Taiwan. Note coin for scale in both images. Photo: T. Cavailhes Krav for opptak: (noter emnekode eller ev. andre spesielle krav søker må ha) Driver s license and ability/willingness to travel to Taiwan for extended amounts of time Eksterne data(ved bruk av data fra ekstern bedrift, bekreft at disse vil være tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven og at bedriften IKKE vil kreve klausulering av innholdet) Felt-, lab- og analyse- arbeid: (noter forventet sted, mengde og periode for felt/lab ev. annet) Two field seasons in Taiwan c. 6 weeks. Analyses of thin sections using optical microscopy and SEM. Analyses of porosity and permeability using a combination of probepermeametre, laboratory analyses of core plugs and image-based techniques. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, våren 2016) GEO GEOV300, GEOV241, GEOV 251, GEOV352, AG322 (UNIS), GEOV362 Finansiering:(I første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Krever prosjektet finansiering fra instituttet skal Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt legges ved) Masterarbeid finansieres av eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt nummer): JA Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra instituttet, må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut. X Nei

12 Masteropptaket V2016 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Petroleum Full waveform inversion in time-lapse mode using scattering theory Veileder: Morten Jakobsen Medveileder: To be discussed in the PG group Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): In order to monitor changes in the fluid saturations, stress and pore fluid pressure in a petroleum reservoir under production, one can compare seismic data corresponding to different time steps. Conventional time-lapse (or 4D) seismics is based on the analysis of changes in the travel times or seismic amplitude versus offset. However, one can potentially obtain more detailed information about production-induced changes in a petroleum reservoir by performing a full waveform inversion of time-lapse seismic data (Jakobsen and Ursin, 2011). The conventional adjoint state approach to full waveform inversion in the 4D as well as 3D case is very expensive computationally. However, by using a scattering theoretical approach, one can focus the inversion on a particular (4D) target of interest, under the assumption that the rest of the model is known (see Jakobsen and Ursin, 2015). The idea of using scattering theory for full waveform inversion method in time-lapse mode is not new (e.g., Muhumuza, 2015), but there are still plenty of room for further development of this promising approach. In this study, the student should study the advantages and disadvantages of using different strategies for inverting time-lapse seismic waveform data. Also, the student should investigate the use of different scattering theoretical methods for reducing the computational cost of a full waveform inversion in time-lapse mode. The inversion methods and codes developed by the student in this project should be tested on synthetic data that have been contaminated with random noise to make the numerical experiments more realistic. 4D repeatability issues and other sources of uncertainty (model errors) should also be investigated. References Jakobsen, M. and Ursin, B., T-matrix approach to the nonlinear waveform inversion problem in 4D seismics. Expanded abstract, 73rd EAGE meeting, Vienna. Jakobsen, M. and Ursin, B., Full waveform inversion in the frequency domain using direct iterative T-matrix methods. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 12, Muhumuza, K., Modelling and inversion of time-lapse seismic data using scattering theory. Master thesis, University of Bergen. A. Asnaashari, R. Brossier, S. Garambois, F. Audebert, P. Thore and J. Virieux, Time-lapse seismic imaging using regularized full-waveform inversion with a prior model: which strategy? Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 78 98

13 Viktig informasjon: This project requires a strong background in signal theory as well as wave propagation and inversion. It will also be strictly required to have good skills or a talent for computer programming. Eksterne data: Not relevant Feltarbeid: Not relevant Laboratoriearbeid: Not relevant Finansiering: Not relevant Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV276 - Theoretical Seismology (10 stp) GEOV274 - Reservoir Geophysics (10 stp) dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig GEOV219 - Computational methods in solid earth physics (10 stp) GEOV375 - Advanced Applied Seismic Analysis (10 tsp) MAT265/ - Parameter estimation and inverse problems (10 stp) Special syllabus on FWI and signal theory (10 stp)

14 Masteropptaket V2016 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Petroleum Full waveform inversion in the Laplace domain Veileder: Morten Jakobsen Medveileder: Tor Arne Johansen Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a comprehensive imaging or inversion method that makes use of all information in the seismic data, including travel times, amplitudes, internal multiples and diffractions. Although the FWI method promises velocity (or elastic property) images of the underground that are sharper and of higher resolution than those in conventional migration velocity analysis and travel time tomography, the FWI method was for many years considered to be of limited practical use, due to its huge computational cost. In recent years, however, faster computers, more efficient inversion methods, and a constantly increasing demand for more detailed information about the subsurface (e.g., in connection with reservoir characterization and monitoring) has made the FWI method more and more appealing. FWI is normally based on the minimization of an objective function measuring the difference between predicted and observed data. FWI is mostly formulated in time or Fourier domain. However FWI diverges if the starting model is far from the true model. This is consequence of the lack of low frequency in the seismic sources which limits the recovery of the large-scale structures in the velocity model. Re-formulating FWI in the Laplace domain using a logarithmic objective function introduces a fast and efficient method capable to recover long-wavelength velocity structure starting from a very simple initial solution and independent of the frequency content of the data. In this project, the student should first modify an existing (scattering-based) method for waveform inversion in the frequency domain so that it could be used in the Laplace domain. A series of numerical experiments should then be performed in order to compare the performance of the new Laplace domain approach with the more conventional frequency domain to FWI. The numerical experiments should be based on synthetic seismic waveform data generated using the finite difference time domain method. To make the numerical experiments more realistic, the student should also add various amounts of random white and/or colored noise to the computed waveforms. The numerical experiments should focus on problems with convergence toward local minima associated with a lack of high quality low-frequency waveform data, and investigate to what extent the Laplace domain approach could be useful in this context. The project is clearly mathematically oriented but also highly relevant for industry.

15 Viktig informasjon: This project requires a strong background in signal theory as well as wave propagation and inversion. It will also be strictly required to have good skills or a talent for computer programming. Eksterne data: Not relevant Feltarbeid: Not relevant Laboratoriearbeid: Not relevant Finansiering: Not relevant Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV276 - Theoretical Seismology (10 stp) GEOV274 - Reservoir Geophysics (10 stp) dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig GEOV219 - Computational methods in solid earth physics (10 stp) GEOV375 - Advanced Applied Seismic Analysis (10 tsp) MAT265/ - Parameter estimation and inverse problems (10 stp) Special syllabus on FWI and signal theory (10 stp)

16 Masteropptaket V2016 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Petroleum Full waveform inversion in a Bayesian framework Veileder: Morten Jakobsen Medveileder: to be discussed in the PG group Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a comprehensive imaging or inversion method that makes use of all information in the seismic data, including travel times, amplitudes, internal multiples and diffractions. Although the FWI method promises velocity (or elastic property) images of the underground that are sharper and of higher resolution than those in conventional migration velocity analysis and travel time tomography, the FWI method was for many years considered to be of limited practical use, due to its huge computational cost. In recent years, however, faster computers, more efficient inversion methods, and a constantly increasing demand for more detailed information about the subsurface (e.g., in connection with reservoir characterization and monitoring) has made the FWI method more and more appealing (Jakobsen and Ursin, 2015). FWI is normally formulated using a deterministic inversion method; that is, one searchers for a single (best fitting) solution to the inverse problem that satisfies the data within a given tolerance (e.g., Jakobsen and Ursin, 2015). However, there are often multiple models that fits the data with different probabilities, suggesting that the traditional deterministic approach to FWI has some limitations. In this project, the student should develop methods for Bayesian inversion seismic waveform data that provides information about the uncertainty as well as the most likely values of the seismic model parameter changes (see Gouveia and Scales, 1009). The Bayesian approach is formulated in terms of probability density functions, which allows one to incorporate prior information in a natural manner. However, the Bayesian approach is also characterized by a higher computational cost than the deterministic inversion method. Therefore, the student should focus on the use of scattering theoretical methods (e.g., Jakobsen and Ursin, 2015) for reducing the computational cost as well as the use of rock physics models (e.g., Mavko et al., 2009) for specification of the prior distribution. The Bayesian FWI methods should be tested on synthetic data that have been contaminated with various amounts of random noise. Effects of model errors and issues related to the concept of «inverse crime» may also be investigated. References Gouveia, W.P. and John A. Scales, J.A., Bayesian seismic waveform inversion: Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, B2, Mavko, G., Mukerji, T. and Dvorkin, J., The rock physics handbook: Tools for seismic analysis in porous media. Cambridge University Press. Jakobsen, M. and Ursin, B., Full waveform inversion in the frequency domain using direct iterative T-matrix methods. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 12,

17 Viktig informasjon: This project requires a strong background in signal theory as well as wave propagation and inversion. It will also be strictly required to have good skills or a talent for computer programming. Eksterne data: Not relevant Feltarbeid: Not relevant Laboratoriearbeid: Not relevant Finansiering: Not relevant Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV276 - Theoretical Seismology (10 stp) GEOV274 - Reservoir Geophysics (10 stp) dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig GEOV219 - Computational methods in solid earth physics (10 stp) GEOV375 - Advanced Applied Seismic Analysis (10 tsp) MAT265/ - Parameter estimation and inverse problems (10 stp) Special syllabus on FWI and signal theory (10 stp)

18 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket vår 2016 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Geophysics Prosjekttittel: Modelling and inversion of global earthquake data Veileder: Henk Keers Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. Stephane Rondenay, UiB 2.Thomas Meier, Christian Albrechts Universitaet, Kiel, Germany Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Seismological models of the Earth s mantle and core are derived from three types of data: normal modes, surface waves and body waves. While normal modes are useful to determine large scale features of the Earth s mantle and core and surface waves give detailed information of the upper 100km-300km of the mantle, body waves are used to determine the structure of the Earth in all areas of the mantle and core in relatively high detail. However, one disadvantage of the body wave inversions is that until now they have only been using the travel times of the seismic arrivals (such as P, pp, PcP, PKP, S, ss, etc.) and not the whole waveforms. The goal of this project is to develop seismic modeling and inversion methods that invert for whole Earth structure using not only the travel times but also the amplitudes and whole waveforms of the body wave arrivals. For this ray tracing software will be developed that computes the amplitudes and waveforms. This will initially be done for elastic isotropic Earth models. In a second step this will be extended to also include anisotropic waves. This project requires considerable Matlab programming skills. Viktig informasjon: Krav for opptak: Mathematics-Geophysics direction from UiB (or equivalent from other university) Eksterne data:not applicable Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: This project includes a visit to Kiel Finansiering: Eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt): x JA Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra Instituttet må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut

19 Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp):geov219, Mat260, Mat265, Geov355, Mat234 dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

20 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Prosjekttittel: Dannelsesmekanismer for sandinjeksjoner i Nordsjøen Hovedveileder: Christian Hermanrud Medveileder(e): William Helland-Hansen Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivasjon (bakgrunn): Sandinjeksjoner opptrer i store deler av Nordsjøen, i strata av Kritt til Pleistocen alder. Den regionale fordelingen av disse lagene er så langt ikke beskrevet, og deres dannelsesmekanisme (-r) er kun kjent i grove trekk. Hypotese (vitenskapelig problem): Det antas at dannelsen og fordelingen av sandinjeksjoner avhenger av regionalgeologiske forhold. Det antas videre at identifikasjon av sandinjeksjoners fordeling and relasjon til Nordsjøens overordnete sedimentologiske og strukturgeologiske trekk kan gi nøkkkelinformasjon til forståelsen av de mekanismer som resulterer i dannele av sandinjeksjoner. Test (arbeid): Seismisk tolking av et sett regionale seismiske linjer vil bli anvendt for å avgrense fordelingen av sandinjeksjoner i Nordsjøen. Slik tolking vil sannsynligvis lede til testbare hypoteser om hvordan dannelse av av sandinjeksjoner avhenger av stor- (basseng-) skala geologiske trekk. Seismiske 3D data vil bli benyttet til å teste og videreutvikle hypoteser om dannelsen av sandinjeksjoner enn den som framkommer fra analyse av de regionale seismiske 2D linjene. Motivation (background): The North Sea sedimentary basin is riddles with sand injections, which occur in Cretaceous to Pleistocene strata. Their regional distribution of these features has not yet been described, and their formation mechanism(-s) are only vaguely known. Hypothesis (scientific problem): It is believed that the formation and occurences of sand injections depend on the basin-scale geological setting. It is further believed that identification of their distribution and their relationship the overall sedimentology and structural geology of the North Sea holds the clu to an improved understanding of the mechanisms that controlled their formation. Test (work): Seismic interpretation of a set of regional seismic lines will be used to constrain the overall distribution of sand injections in the North Sea. Such interpretation will presumably result in testable hypotheses on the causes for the dependence of sand injections on large scale basinal features. Seismic 3D data will be used to further

21 constrain the proposed relationships that emerge from the analyses of the regional seismic 2D lines. Krav for opptak: (noter emnekode eller ev. andre spesielle krav søker må ha) Eksterne data(ved bruk av data fra ekstern bedrift, bekreft at disse vil være tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven og at bedriften IKKE vil kreve klausulering av innholdet) De seismiske 2D data finnes allerede ved UiB. Supplerende 3D data skaffes fra Statoil ved behov. Felt-, lab- og analyse- arbeid: (noter forventet sted, mengde og periode for felt/lab ev. annet) Tilgang til tolikngsrom for seimiske data er påkrevet. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, våren 2016) Høst: GEOV 361 (10) Sekvensstratigrafi GEOV 251 (10) Videregående strukturgeologi GEOV 272 Seismisk tolkning GEOV (10) Vår: Spesialpensum om sandinjeksjoner (10) GEOV 363 (10) videregående sedimentologi / stratigrafi GEOV 345 (5) Petroleumgeologiske feltmetoder GEOV 364 (5) Videregående petroleumgeologi Finansiering:(I første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Krever prosjektet finansiering fra instituttet skal Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt legges ved) Masterarbeid finansieres av eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt nummer): x JA Finanansiering fra Statoil ved behov. Nei The student will be a member of the Pestoh-group (PEtroleum and CO 2 STOrage students of Hermanrud). The students in this group work on a variety of challenges related to subsurface fluid flow, and the group members present their work and give feedback to their peer students at a regular basis. The student will work in a team with another MS student on the same thesis topic. The thematic split between the two theses will be decided at a later stage.

22 Forslag til masteroppgave for opptak våren 2016 Studieretning: Petroleum Prosjekttittel: Influence of ice properties on sea ice seismic surveying Veileder: Tor Arne Johansen Med-veiledere: Patrice Bretel og Bent Ole Ruud Motivasjon Prosjektbeskrivelse Seismiske undersøkelser i polare strøk er spesielt utfordrende når det gjøres på sjøis eller på frosne overflater. Et av problemene er relatert til vibrasjon i sjøisen som gir opphav til seismisk støy og som igjen overskygger refleksjonene fra dypere lag grenser. For å kunne fjerne denne støyen må vi forstå hvilke forhold som styrer disse vibrasjonene. Det er allerede planlagt for eksperimentelle undersøkelser på Svalbard i løpet av våren 2016, som bl.a. skal belyse dette. Seismic investigation in polar environments is especially challenging when it is performed on sea ice or frozen ground. One of the issues is related to vibrations within the sea ice which will produce seismic noise masking the subsurface reflections. In order to be able to remove this noise, we need to better understand the parameters governing their behavior. A major and original experiment will be performed in Svalbard during spring Vitenskapelig problem Målet med arbeidet er å vurdere hvordan isforhold som temperatur, saltinnhold og istykkelse vil påvirke de elastiske egenskapene til isen, og dermed vibrasjonene (fleksurbølgene) og egenskapene til denne koherente støyen. The objective of the thesis work is to evaluate how ice conditions, i.e. temperature, salinity and thickness will influence on sea ice elastic properties, and, subsequently on the performance of sea ice vibrations (flexural waves) which will occur as coherent seismic noise. Prosjektarbeidet Arbeidet består av en eksperimentell og en teoretisk del. Den eksperimentelle delen gjøres i løpet av våren 2016, mens den teoretiske gjøres i etterkant. The work consists of an experimental part and one theoretical part. The experimental part is to be conducted during spring 2016 and the theoretical part is performed subsequently.

23 Viktig Krav for opptak: Geofysikk matematisk retning Eksterne data: Ikke aktuelt Felt, lab og analysedel: Feltarbeidet gjøres på Svalbard ila våren 2016, eventuelt våren Finansiering: Utgifter til reise og opphold dekkes av pågående forskningsprosjekter på Svalbard. Foreslåtte emner i spesialisering: Gjøres etter avtale med veileder, vil avhenge av studentens bakgrunn. Tor Arne Johansen Professor - Reservoargeofysikk

24 Forslag til masteroppgave for opptak våren 2016 Studieretning: Petroleum Prosjekttittel: Reservoarforhold og AVO klasser i Barentshavet et datastudium Veileder: Tor Arne Johansen Med-veiledere: Nils Erik Bakke, Lundin Motivasjon Prosjektbeskrivelse Seismiske attributter brukes til å anslå mulige reservoarforhold og litologi, og er viktig i evaluering av ulike prospekter for hydrokarbonforekomster, monitorering av reservoarer i produksjon eller som brukes til injisering av CO2. Egenskaper ved vinkelavhengig refleksjonsrespons, såkalt Amplitude vs Offset variasjoner, klassifiseres i 3 kategorier. Disse kategoriene kan ha ulik tolkning for ulike geologiske provinser, f.eks kan en spesifikk AVO klasse for samme type reservoar i Nordsjøen og i Barentshavet være ulike. Dette skyldes at de to reservoarene har ulik dannelseshistorie. Seismic attributes may be used to identify possible reservoir conditions and lithology and they are important for evaluation of prospects for hydrocarbons or monitoring of reservoirs in production or used for injection of CO2. Characteristics of angle dependent reflection response, so called Amplitude versus Offset variations, are classified in 3 categories. These categories may have different interpretations for different geological provinces, i.e. a specific AVO class for the same type of reservoir in the North Sea and the Barents Sea may occur different. This might occur because the two reservoirs have undergone different geological processes. Vitenskapelig problem Målet med arbeidet er å studere AVO responser i seismiske data fra Hoop området i Barentshavet, og i områder der det er tilgang på borehulls data, og sammenholde disse med ulike reservoarforhold. Observasjonene skal sammenlignes kvalitativt med gjeldende tolkninger fra Nordsjøen for å finne eventuelle likheter og ulikheter som er forårsaket av ulike geologiske prosesser, f.eks. oppløft og innsynkning. The objective of the thesis is to study AVO responses of seismic data from the Hoop area in the Barents Sea, and in regions where well data are available, and describe these for various reservoir conditions. The observations are to be compared qualitatively with similar interpretations from the North Sea to identify possible similarities and differences caused by geological processes, i.e. uplift and subsidence.

25 Prosjektarbeidet Arbeidet består i å studere seismiske data fra Hoop området og kartlegge AVO karakteristika for ulike litologiske grenser, og kombinere bergartsfysisk og seismisk modellering for å forklare observasjonene. The work is to study seismic data from the Hoop area and interpret AVO chracatreistics from various lithological boundaries, and combine rockphysics and seismic modelling to explain the observations. Viktig Krav for opptak: Geofysikk geologisk eller matematisk retning Eksterne data: Er allerede på GEO Felt, lab og analysedel: Ikke nødvendig. Finansiering: Ikke behov, om så dekkes dette av pågående prosjekter i regi av hovedveilder. Foreslåtte emner i spesialisering: Gjøres etter avtale med veileder, vil avhenge av studentens bakgrunn. Tor Arne Johansen Professor - Reservoargeofysikk

26 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Prosjekttittel: Modellering av havbunnsseismiske data fra Barentshavet Hovedveileder: Rolf Mjelde Medveileder(e): Asbjørn Breivik, UiO, Iselin Aarseth, GEO, UiB Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivasjon (bakgrunn): Barentshavet er et ideelt laboratorium for å studere multifase rifting av kontinentalskorpe. Hypotese (vitenskapelig problem): Viktige aspekter ved dannelsen av multifase riftsystemer kan forstås ved modellering av havbunnsseismiske (OBS) data på jordskorpeskala. Test (arbeid): Modellere innsamlede OBS data fra Barentshavet med tanke på riftsystemer. Motivation (background): The Barents Sea is an ideal laboratory for studies of multi-phase rifting of continental crust. Hypothesis (scientific problem): Important aspects concerning the formation of multi-phase rift systems can be understood by modelling of ocean bottom seismic (OBS) data on crustal scale. Test (work): Perform modelling of OBS data acquired in the Barents Sea with emphasis on rift systems. Krav for opptak: Intet spesielt. Eksterne data:alle data ble samlet inn sommeren Felt-, lab- og analyse- arbeid: Modellering på PC. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV113, GEOV210 Finansiering:(I første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Krever prosjektet finansiering fra instituttet skal Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt legges ved) Masterarbeid finansieres av eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt nummer): BarPz Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra instituttet, må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut. Nei

27 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Prosjekttittel: Prosessering og/eller tolkning av SVALEX seismikk Hovedveileder: Rolf Mjelde Medveileder(e): Bent Ole Ruud Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivasjon (bakgrunn): Vestlige deler av Spitsbergen er et ideelt laboratorium for å studere kompresjon av kontinentalskorpe. Hypotese (vitenskapelig problem): Viktige aspekter ved kompresjon av kontinentalskorpe kan forstås ved prosessering og tolkning av multikanals seismiske data. Test (arbeid): Prosessere og/eller tolke multikanals seismiske data innsamlet i Isfjorden og Van Mijenfjorden, Spitsbergen. Motivation (background): The western part of Spitsbergen is an ideal laboratory for studies of compression of continental crust. Hypothesis (scientific problem): Important aspects concerning compression of continental crust can be understood by processing and interpretation of multi-channel seismic data. Test (work): Perform processing and/or interpretation of multi-channel seismic data acquired in Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden, Spitsbergen. Krav for opptak: Intet spesielt. Eksterne data Alle data er innsamlet. Felt-, lab- og analyse- arbeid: Prosessering/tolkning på PC. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV113, GEOV272, GEOV375 Finansiering:(I første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Krever prosjektet finansiering fra instituttet skal Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt legges ved) Masterarbeid finansieres av eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt nummer): SVALEX Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra instituttet, må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut. Nei

28 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Studieretning: Geodynamikk Prosjekttittel: Historical earthquakes in Norway Hovedveileder: Mathilde B. Sørensen Medveileder(e): Kuvvet Atakan Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): UiB has been systematically collecting information on felt earthquakes in Norway for more than a century. Most of this information is available as letters from eye witnesses for the oldest events and questionnaires for the more recent ones. In this project, the student will go through the available documents to assign macroseismic intensities to important historical events in Norway. More recent events will be analyzed as well, to obtain information for calibration. Based on the macroseismic dataset, it will be attempted to derive an attenuation relation for macroseismic intensity. Krav for opptak: None. Eksterne data: None. Felt-, lab- og analyse- arbeid: None. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Seismotektonikk, Processering av jordskjelvsdata, seismisk risiko, Computational methods in solid Earth physics Finansiering: X JA Nei

29 Masterprogram i geovitenskap prosjekt for søkere våren 2016 Studieretning: Geodynamikk Prosjekttittel: Seismic risk assessment for Bergen or Oslo Hovedveileder: Mathilde B. Sørensen Medveileder(e): Dominik Lang (NORSAR) Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Although Norway is a region of relatively low seismicity, earthquakes with magnitudes up to 6 are possible near several large urban centers, which may cause damage and significant economic losses. The aim of this project will be to evaluate seismic risk in either Bergen or Oslo in terms of expected damage and loss in case of a large earthquake. In seismic risk assessment, the ground motion due to a scenario earthquake is estimated, and the corresponding damage and loss is derived based on inventories of buildings and their vulnerability. Input ground motions will be derived through ground motion simulation for realistic earthquake scenarios in the study area. This will require collecting seismotectonic information for the study area to identify faults with a potential for generating a large event. An important component of the project will be to update the available building inventory database for the study area, and to calibrate it through sample surveys in the field. Two projects can be defined one for Bergen and one for Oslo. Krav for opptak: None, but the student should have some mathematical background and interest. Eksterne data All required data and software is available in the literature or at the department Felt-, lab- og analyse- arbeid: Building inventory sample surveys. Can be performed year-round, though it is recommended to work in summer. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Seismotektonikk, Teoretisk seismologi, Processering av jordskjelvsdata, seismisk risiko, Computational methods in solid Earth physics Finansiering: A small amount of funding will be required to cover field work, in case Oslo is chosen as study area. X JA Nei

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