Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleumsgeofag

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1 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleumsgeofag Prosjekttittel: Testing a source rock maturation method based on palynology by using Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) a case study from the Carboniferous succession, Barents Sea Veileder: Gunn Mangerud Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. dr. Gilda Lopes, GEO, UiB 2. Prof Geoff Clayton, Trinity College Dublin TCD Prosjektbeskrivelse: The main aim of this study is to help develop a source rock maturation technique, Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI). The methods will be tested on a shallow borehole (7127/10-U-3) from East Finnmark Platform. Hypothesis: Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) is a robust technique for assessing thermal maturity of source rocks based on small numbers of measurements on accurately focused specimens. Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) is a measure of spore colour in transmitted light that can be used to estimate thermal maturity. As this technique is relatively new, little research has been completed to refine and standardize protocols for PDI measurement. Two key factors to be investigated are the minimum number of individual measurements required from any palynomorph population in order to determine PDI accurately, and the importance of accurate focusing. Material already processed from Barents Sea Carboniferous cores is ideal for this investigation as many samples include abundant simple, smooth miospores that are suitable for PDI determination. Several common taxa will be investigated by calculating their mean PDI on a cumulative basis in order to determine the minimum number of measurements per sample above which no significant change in mean PDI occurs. Many of the Barents Sea assemblages contain extremely well preserved miospores. A Nikon microscope equipped with motorized focusing and Z-Stack image analysis will be used to capture images at 5um focus intervals through 20 miospore specimens. PDI values will be calculated for each image and these will then be compared in order to assess how out-of-focus a specimen can be to still provide an acceptable PDI value. The study will further improve the knowledge about the Carboniferous of the Barents Sea with the application of palynological and organic petrology methods. The study will be performed in integration with a post-doctoral project and one other master student working on comparison of two different methods to determine proportions of organic constituents of shales. A comprehensive collaboration with Trinity College Dublin (TCD) will be achieved allowing the student to attend classes at TCD and acquire competencies within these methodologies and help in validation of the new organic petrology technique that the student will develop on Trinity College Dublin during the first year of the master.

2 Viktig informasjon: Krav for opptak: Må være villig til å tilbringe noen uker i Dublin, vinter/vår 2016 som minimum. Oppgaven skal gjøres i tett samarbeid med prosjektet «Palynofacies Carboniferous Barents Sea, testing of methods» og vil kun bli igangsatt om begge prosjekt blir valgt. Eksterne data: Bruk av grunne kjerner allerede godkjent av OD i forbindelse med prosjekt oppstart. Materiale fra felt samlet i Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: Må være villig til å tilbringe minimum noen uker i Dublin, vinter/vår 2016 (reise og bolig vil bli dekket enten gjennom utvekling på Erasmus eller gjennom prosjekt). Oppgaven skal gjøres i tett samarbeid med master prosjektet «Source rock validation based on palynofacies - a case study from Carboniferous succession, Barents Sea» og det vil være en stor fordel om begge prosjektene blir valgt. Finansiering: Master prosjektet er en integrert del av forskningsprosjektet «Early Carboniferous biostratigraphy of the Barents Sea». Eksternt prosjekt : Carboniferous Barents Sea JA Nei Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Høst 2015 GEOV 241 Mikroskopi 10 sp GEOV 272 Seismisk tolkning 10 sp GEOV 361 Sekvensstratigrafi 10 sp Vår 2015 The student will have to attend, at Trinity College Dublin, two modules of 5 ECTS each (Module GL4411: Organic Petrology, Palynology and Palaebotany; Module GL4412: Laboratory Project). Spesialpensum palynologi 5 ECTS GEOV 363 Videregående sedimentologi/stratigrafi 5 sp GEOV 360 Sedimentologi & facies analyse 10sp dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

3 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleumsgeofag Prosjekttittel: Source rock validation based on palynofacies - a case study from Carboniferous succession, Barents Sea Veileder: Gunn Mangerud Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. dr. Gilda Lopes, GEO, UiB 2. Prof Geoff Clayton, Trinity College Dublin Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): The main aim of this study is to improve the methods of applying palynofacies for kerogen description and evaluation of source rocks potential as well as applying palynofacies for paleoenvironmental understanding. This thesis is aiming at comparing two different methods of estimation of relative proportions of organic particles in several Barents Sea samples using both the point count and relative areas measure through image analysis methods (see below). The samples used are from offshore exploration well (7128/6-1) from the East Finnmark Platform. Hypothesis: Measurement of relative areas is a more accurate method than point counting for estimation of relative proportions of organic matter types Estimation of relative proportions of the various organic constituents of shales is a routine method for both the assessment of hydrocarbon source rock potential (petrographic kerogen typing) and the interpretation of palaeogeographic setting and depositional environments (palynofacies analysis). Point counting is the most commonly employed proxy method due to its speed and low cost. However, a major problem is that some common organic constituents, notably woody debris and amorphous organic matter, disintegrate readily during natural transport and laboratory processing, leading to serious over-representation in point counts. Accurate measurement of relative areas of organic constituents provides a much better approximation to relative volumes than point counting but it is a slower method, requiring relatively expensive image analysis software. The project will involve the estimation of relative proportions of organic particles in several Barents Sea samples using both the point count and image analysis methods. The results will be compared and the implications assessed in terms of possible errors introduced by using point counts to interpret hydrocarbon source rock potential and palynofacies. The study will further improve the knowledge about the Carboniferous of the Barents Sea with the application of palynological and organic petrology methods. The study will be an integrated part of a wider project comprising a post-doctoral project and one other master student working on testing the method Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) method validation. A comprehensive collaboration with Trinity College Dublin (TCD) will be achieved allowing the student to attend classes at TCD and acquire competencies within these methodologies and help in validation of the new organic petrology technique that the student will develop on Trinity College Dublin during the first year of the master.

4 Viktig informasjon: Krav for opptak Må være villig til å tilbringe noen uker i Dublin vinter/vår 2016 som minimum. Oppgaven skal gjøres i tett samarbeid med prosjektet «Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI), Carboniferous Barents Sea, testing of methods» og vil kun bli igangsatt om begge prosjekt blir valgt. Eksterne data: Bruk av grunne kjerner allerede godkjent av OD i forbindelse med prosjekt - oppstart. Materiale fra felt samlet i Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: Må være villig til å tilbringe noen uker i Dublin, vinter/vår 2016 som minimum. Oppgaven skal gjøres i tett samarbeid med masterprosjektet «Testing a source rock maturation method based on palynology by using Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) a case study from the Carboniferous succession, Barents Sea» og det vil være en stor fordel om begge masterprosjektene blir valgt. Finansiering: Master prosjektet er en integrert del av forskningsprosjektet «Early Carboniferous biostratigraphy of the Barents Sea». Eksternt prosjekt : Carboniferous Barents Sea JA Nei Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Høst 2015 GEOV 241 Mikroskopi 10 sp GEOV 272 Seismisk tolkning 10 sp GEOV 361 Sekvensstratigrafi 10 sp Vår 2015 The student will have to attend, at Trinity College Dublin, two modules of 5 ECTS each (Module GL4411: Organic Petrology, Palynology and Palaebotany; Module GL4412: Laboratory Project). Spesialpensum palynologi 5 ECTS GEOV 363 Videregående sedimentologi/stratigrafi 5 sp GEOV 360 Sedimentologi & facies analyse 10sp dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

5 Masterprosjekt til masteropptaket høst 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleumsgeofag Prosjekttittel: Regional distribution and formation mechanisms of sand injections in the North Sea Hovedveileder: Christian Hermanrud (UiB / Statoil) Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. NN1 Statoil, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and / or ConocoPhillips 2. NN2 UiB Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivation (background): The North Sea sedimentary basin is riddles with sand injections, which occur in Cretaceous to Pleistocene strata. Their regional distribution of these features has not yet been described, and their formation mechanism(-s) are only vaguely known. Hypothesis (Scientific problem): It is believed that the formation and occurences of sand injections depend on the basin-scale geological setting. It is further believed that identification of their distribution and their relationship the overall sedimentology and structural geology of the North Sea holds the clu to an improved understanding of the mechanisms that controlled their formation. Test (work): Seismic interpretation of a set of regional seismic lines will be used to constrain the overall distribution of sand injections in the North Sea. Such interpretation will presumably result in testable hypotheses on the causes for the dependence of sand injections on large scale basinal features. Seismic 3D data will be used to further constrain the proposed relationships that emerge from the analyses of the regional seismic 2D lines. Norsk prosjektbeskrivelse: Sandinjeksjoner opptrer i store deler av Nordsjøen, i strata av Kritt til Pleistocen alder. Den regionale fordelingen av disse lagene er så langt ikke beskrevet, og deres dannelsesmekanisme (-r) er kun kjent i grove trekk. Det antas at dannelsen og fordelingen av sandinjeksjoner avhenger av regionalgeologiske forhold. Det antas videre at identifikasjon av sandinjeksjoners fordeling and relasjon til Nordsjøens overordnete sedimentologiske og strukturgeologiske trekk kan gi nøkkkelinformasjon til forståelsen av de mekanismer som resulterer i dannele av sandinjeksjoner. Seismisk tolking av et sett regionale seismiske linjer vil bli anvendt for å avgrense fordelingen av sandinjeksjoner i Nordsjøen. Slik tolking vil sannsynligvis lede til

6 testbare hypoteser om hvordan dannelse av av sandinjeksjoner avhenger av stor- (basseng-) skala geologiske trekk. Seismiske 3D data vil bli benyttet til å teste og videreutvikle hypoteser om dannelsen av sandinjeksjoner enn den som framkommer fra analyse av de regionale seismiske 2D linjene. Viktig informasjon: The student will be a member of the Pestoh-group (PEtroleum and CO 2 STOrage students of Hermanrud). The students in this group work on a variety of challenges related to subsurface fluid flow, and the group members present their work and give Krav for opptak: General BA in geology Eksterne data:data already exist at the UiB Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: Access to the data lab is required Finansiering: Financial support from Statoil Eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt): JA Nei Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Høst: GEOV 361 (10) Sekvensstratigrafi GEOV 251 (10) Videregående strukturgeologi GEOV 272 Seismisk tolkning GEOV (10) Vår: Spesialpensum om sandinjeksjoner (10) GEOV 363 (10) videregående sedimentologi / stratigrafi GEOV 345 (5) Petroleumgeologiske feltmetoder GEOV 364 (5) Videregående petroleumgeologi feedback to their peer students at a regular basis. 31 Januar 2015,Christian Hermanrud dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

7 Masterprosjekt til masteropptaket høst 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleumsgeofag Prosjekttittel: Geologal constraints on the position of oil-water contacts in the Oseberg Hild area of the Northern North Sea Hovedveileder: Christian Hermanrud, UiB and Statoil Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. NN1, Statoil 2. Atle Rotevatn, UIB (ikke forespurt ennå) Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivation (background): Knowledge of the position of the oil-water contact is the most important parameter in petroleum exploration. Work by the Pestoh group has demonstrated that this position is often controllled by vertical leakage in overpressured areas.the controls on fluid contact positions in moderately pressured areas are less well documented. Hypothesis (Scientific problem): The seismic expression of vertical leakage varies among areas, and notably depends on the overburden lithologies. Is is expected that seismic characteristics of vertical leakage from highly overpressured traps can be recognized in the study area. It is also expected that seismic analyses of structural traps in the moderately pressured area can reveal the controls of the oil-water contacts here. Test (work): Seismic mapping of structural traps, supplemented by fault and amplitude analyses, will form the basis for analyses of vertical leakage in the highly overpressured part of the study area. Mapping of structural closures and fluid contacts will form the basis for analyses of fluid contact controls of the moderately pressured areas. Prosjektbeskrivelse på norsk: Kunnskap om posisjonen til olje-vann kontakter er den viktigste parameteren ved oljeleting. Arbeid i Pestoh-gruppen har vist at denne posisjonen ofte er kontrollert av vertikal lekkasje i sterkt overtrykte områder. Hva som kontrollerer kontaktenes posisjon i moderat overtrykte områder er lite kjent. Det seismiske uttrykket til vertikal lekkasje varierer mellom ulike områder, og avhenger i stor grad av overburdenbergartene. Det er forventet at de seismiske karakteristika av vertikal lekkasje fra sterkt overtrykte feller lar seg identifisere i studieområdet. Det er også forventet at seismiske analyser av strukturelle feller i det moderat overtrykte området vil gi ny kunnskap om hva som kontrollerer posisjonene til olje-vann kontaktene i moderat overtrykte områder. Seismisk kartlegging av strukturelle feller, forkastninger og amplitudevariasjoner vil danne basis for analyse av vertikal forkastningslekkasje i den sterkt overtrykte delen

8 av studieområdet. Kartlegging av strukturelle feller og fluidkontakter vil danne basis for analyser av fluidkontakters posisjoner i det moderart overtrykte området. Viktig informasjon: The student will be a member of the Pestoh-group (PEtroleum and CO 2 STOrage students of Hermanrud). The students in this group work on a variety of challenges related to subsurface fluid flow, and the group members present their work and give feedback to their peer students at a regular basis. Krav for opptak: General BA in geology Eksterne data: Seismic data will be provided by Statoil Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: Acccess to the data lab is required Finansiering: Financing by Statoil Eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt): JA Nei Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra Instituttet må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV 272, GEOV 274, GEOV 364, GEOV 367, GEOV 300, GEOV 372, GEOV 350, eventuelt annet etter individuelle avtaler 31 Januar 2015, Christian Hermanrud dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

9 Masterprosjekt til masteropptaket vår 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleum geoscience Prosjekttittel: Volcanic rifted margins: comparing lidar data from outcrops of Traill Ø (East Greenland) with seismic data from the conjugate Vøring Margin Veileder: Christian Haug Eide Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. Atle Rotevatn (UiB) 2. Simon J. Buckley (Uni Research CIPR) 3. Isabelle Lecomte (NORSAR/UiO) Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Spectacular outcrops on the island of Traill Ø in Eastern Greenland expose thick sedimentary successions from the Devonian through to the Cretaceous. These deposits have later been block faulted and intruded by thick dolerites. The area shares much of its history with the conjugate Vøring Margin, one of the frontier basins in the North Atlantic. Extensive intrusions in the Vøring Margin result in poor seismic imaging. The Traill Ø outcrops therefore offer insight that can be used to better understand these deposits, and also increase the understanding of the interaction between magmatism, sediments and faults in general. The outcrops on Traill Ø have been LiDAR scanned from a helicopter, resulting in a 25 km long, and 1 km thick digital outcrop model. In addition, 2D and 3D seismic data from the Vøring Basin will be made available. The main objective of this project is to interpret stratigraphic boundaries, faults and intrusions in the lidar dataset, in order to understand the tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the Traill Ø section. A second goal is to create synthetic seismic profiles of the exposed rocks, and compare these with the seismic data from the conjugate Vøring Margin. This project represents an opportunity to combine high-quality outcrop and seismic data, and to learn about the interaction between sedimentation, tectonics and volcanic intrusions. This project will equip the student with expertise relevant for a career both in the petroleum industry and research. Example of exposure in East Greenland. Cliffs are approximately 1 km high.

10 Viktig informasjon: Krav for opptak: Eksterne data: Lidar digital outcrop models of Traill Ø (Uni Research CIPR) Felt, Lab og analyse-arbeid: Analysis of lidar data Generation of synthetic seismograms Seismic interpretation Field work not planned at the moment Finansiering: Eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt): JA NEI Nei Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra Instituttet må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV272 - Seismisk tolking 10 stp GEOV372 - Integrert tolking av seismikk og geofysiske data 5 stp GEOV352 Petroleumsgeologisk feltkurs 5 stp GEOV210 Platetektonikk 10 stp GEOV361 Sekvensstratigrafi 10 stp GEOV251 Videregående strukturgeologi 10 stp GEOV363 Videregående sedimentologi/stratigrafi (5 stp) GEOV364 Videregående petroleumsgeologi 5 stp dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

11 Masterprosjekt til masteropptaket høst 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleum Geology Prosjekttittel: Fault-related damage Veileder: Dr. Anita Torabi (Uni Research CIPR) Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. Prof. Atle Rotevatn (UiB) 2. Dr. Behzad Alaei (Rocksource) Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivation (background): The Master thesis is part of a larger research project at CIPR. The project is called fault geometric and seismic attributes and involves CIPR and scientific contributions from UiO and Rocksource Hypothesis (Scientific problem): The envelope of fault-related damage (which includes both fault core and damage zone, Caine et al., 1996) around medium size faults (10 m-1000 km displacement) in different lithologies is investigated. This includes the frequency of small faults, joints and deformation bands around larger faults, in order to constrain the dimensions of the envelope surrounding the fault that is affected by tectonic deformation. The acquired measurements will provide data that are complementary to our database obtained from seismic (will be provided by seniors in the project) and will be integrated in statistical models that could provide more reliable prediction of thickness of the envelope. Test (work): The student needs to conduct days of field work spread across 2 to 3 periods. The student will be supervised on how to perform the measurements in the field and how to analyze the data afterwards. The student will participate in the project meeting with other partners in order to get a larger picture of the studied topic and discuss his or her results.

12 Krav for opptak: A Bachelor in Geology is required. Eksterne data: Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: The student needs to conduct 2 to 3 field works. The duration of each field work is estimated to be 10 days every time. The candidate localities are in Utah (USA), Oman, and Italy. Finansiering: Eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt): Fault geometric and seismic attributes JA, men det kreves delvis støtte for feltarbeid fra Instituttet. Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra Instituttet må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, høsten 2013) GEOV251 (10), GEOV 372 (5), GEOV364 (5), GEOV272 (10), GEOV300 (5), GEOV345 (5), GEOV362 (5), GEOV366 (5), GEOV301 (5), GEOV 352 (5). Nei Anita Torabi, dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

13 Masterprosjekt til masteropptaket høst 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning: Petroleum Geology Prosjekttittel: Fault geometric attributes Hovedveileder: Dr. Anita Torabi (Uni Research CIPR) Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1. Prof. Atle Rotevatn (UiB) 2. Dr. Behzad Alaei (Rocksource) Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivation (background): The Master thesis is part of a larger research project at CIPR. The project is called fault geometric and seismic attributes and involves CIPR and scientific contributions from UiO and Rocksource. Hypothesis (Scientific problem): Fault geometric attributes include: fault displacement, length, damage zone width and fault core thickness (e.g. Torabi and Berg, 2011). Among these, fault core thickness is the most uncertain geometric attribute that it is also hard or impossible to capture in seismic. Nevertheless, the fault core is the place that strain localizes the most and therefore will have substantial effect the petrophysical properties of the rock. The fault core includes slip surfaces, lenses of deformed and intact rocks and fractures or deformation bands depending on the lithology of the rock. The change in the fault core thickness due to variation in lithology along the fault (10 m-1000 m displacement) is important and needs to be investigated. This means measuring fault core thickness along several parallel scan-lines, which are perpendicular to the main fault. Field work and data analysis: The student needs to conduct days of field work spread across 2 to 3 periods. The student will be supervised on how to perform the measurements in the field and how to analyze the data afterwards. The student will participate in the project meeting with other partners in order to get a larger picture of the studied topic and discuss his or her results.

14 Krav for opptak: A Bachelor in Geology is required. Eksterne data: Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: The student needs to conduct 2 to 3 field works. The duration of each field work is estimated to be 10 days every time. The candidate localities are in Utah (USA), Oman, and Italy. Finansiering Eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt): Fault geometric and seismic attributes JA, men det kreves delvis støtte fra Instituttet for feltarbeid. Nei Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra Instituttet må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): (det er spesielt viktig å foreslå emner studenten skal velge første semester, høsten 2013) GEOV251 (10), GEOV 372 (5), GEOV364 (5), GEOV272 (10), GEOV300 (5), GEOV345 (5), GEOV362 (5), GEOV366 (5), GEOV301 (5), GEOV 352 (5). Anita Torabi, dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder

15 Description of a Master Project within Earth Science Specialization: Petroleum Geophysics Project title: Modelling of electromagnetic geophysical data in the presence of anisotropy Main supervisor: Morten Jakobsen Co-supervisor: Inga Berre, Matematisk institutt Background As existing hydrocarbon reservoirs are being depleted, we are forced to explore hydrocarbons in more challenging environments; including fractured reservoirs and finely layered rock formations that are both anisotropic and heterogeneous. The seismic method is characterized by a high resolution and remains the most important exploration method for the petroleum industry. However, it can often be difficult to distinguish between different fluids using seismic methods alone, since the acoustic contrast between brine and oil is not extremely large, and there is a non-uniqueness associated with the acoustic properties of brine-gas mixtures. In an attempt to increase their ability to discriminate between different fluids, therefore, the petroleum industry are currently using controlled-source electromagnetic methods as a supplement to seismic methods. The marine version of the CSEM method involves the use of very low frequencies, and is therefore characterized by a much lower resolution than the seismic method. However, the fluid sensitivity of marine CSEM methods are much higher than for seismic methods, due to the fact that oil and other hydrocarbons are essentially non-conductive, whereas brine have a significant conductivity, mainly controlled by the salinity. At the university of Bergen and at Uni Research, we have projects for joint inversion of seismic and CSEM data, where we exploit the fact that seismic and electromagnetic methods are complementary to each other. The student in this project will be associated with this environment for joint inversion, although he or she will focus on the development of the CSEM part of our joint inversion systems. Scientific problem The main aim of this project is to develop methods and codes for modeling of CSEM data in the presence of anisotropy, either due to fine layering or aligned fractures. This implies that the project consists of a rock physics part as well as an electromagnetic geophysical part. In previous projects, researchers at the UoB have developed rock physics models for anisotropic (finely layered and fractured) media. Also, we have developed integral equation methods for CSEM modeling in both isotropic and anisotropic media. In this project, the student should combine existing rock physics models and integral equation methods for CSEM modeling and investigate the effects of various micro structural parameters (e.g., fracture density, sand-shale ratio) on the electromagnetic responses of complex petroleum reservoirs. This is interesting from an academic point of view, since it involves theories and models at multiple scales, but potentially also very useful for the petroleum industry. Inverse problems may also be investigated, depending on the progress of the student.

16 Recommended background: This project is suitable for a student with a strong quantitative background in computer programming as well as (geo)physics and applied mathematics. Recommended courses (60 sp): MA212 Functions of several variables, PHYS205 Electromagnetism, PTEK218 Rock physics, GEOV219 Computational Methods in Solid Earth Physics, GEOV274 Reservoir Geophysics, GEOV276 Theoretical seismology. Eksterne data: Not relevant. Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: Not relevant. Finansiering: Not relevant. Morten Jakobsen 28th January 2015

17 Materopptaket V2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Petroleum Full waveform inversion in the Laplace domain Veileder: Morten Jakobsen Medveileder: Tor Arne Johansen Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a comprehensive imaging or inversion method that makes use of all information in the seismic data, including traveltimes, amplitudes, internal multiples and diffractions. Although the FWI method promises velocity (or elastic property) images of the underground that are sharper and of higher resolution than those in conventional migration velocity analysis and traveltime tomography, the FWI method was for many years considered to be of limited practical use, due to its huge computational cost. In recent years, however, faster computers, more efficient inversion methods, and a constantly increasing demand for more detailed information about the subsurface (e.g., in connection with reservoir characterization and monitoring) has made the FWI method more and more appealing. FWI is normally based on the minimization of an objective function measuring the difference between predicted and observed data. FWI is mostly formulated in time or Fourier domain. However FWI diverges if the starting model is far from the true model. This is consequence of the lack of low frequency in the seismic sources which limits the recovery of the large-scale structures in the velocity model. Re-formulating FWI in the Laplace domain using a logarithmic objective function introduces a fast and efficient method capable to recover long-wavelength velocity structure starting from a very simple initial solution and independent of the frequency content of the data. In this project, the student should first modify an existing (scattering-based) method for waveform inversion in the frequency domain so that it could be used in the Laplace domain. A series of numerical experiments should then be performed in order to compare the performance of the new Laplace domain approach with the more conventional frequency domain to FWI. The numerical experiments should be based on synthetic seismic waveform data generated using the finite difference time domain method. To make the numerical experiments more realistic, the student should also add various amounts of random white and/or colored noise to the computed waveforms. The numerical experiments should focus on problems with convergence toward local minima associated with a lack of high quality low-frequency waveform data, and investigate to what extent the Laplace domain approach could be useful in this context. The project is clearly mathematically oriented but also highly relevant for industry.

18 Viktig informasjon: This project requires a strong background in signal theory as well as wave propagation and inversion. It will also be strictly required to have good skills or a talent for computer programming. Eksterne data: Not relevant Feltarbeid: Not relevant Laboratoriearbeid: Not relevant Finansiering: Not relevant Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV276 - Theoretical Seismology (10 stp) GEOV274 - Reservoir Geophysics (10 stp) dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig GEOV219 - Computational methods in solid earth physics (10 stp) GEOV375 - Advanced Applied Seismic Analysis (10 tsp) MAT265/ - Parameter estimation and inverse problems (10 stp) Special syllabus on FWI and signal theory (10 stp)

19 Materopptaket V2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Petroleum Frequency selection strategies for full waveform inversion Veileder: Morten Jakobsen Medveileder: Henk Keers Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a comprehensive imaging or inversion method that makes use of all information in the seismic data, including traveltimes, amplitudes, internal multiples and diffractions. Although the FWI method promises velocity (or elastic property) images of the underground that are sharper and of higher resolution than those in conventional migration velocity analysis and traveltime tomography, the FWI method was for many years considered to be of limited practical use, due to its huge computational cost. In recent years, however, faster computers, more efficient inversion methods, and a constantly increasing demand for more detailed information about the subsurface (e.g., in connection with reservoir characterization and monitoring) has made the FWI method more and more appealing. The FWI approach can be performed in the time domain or in the frequency domain. If all frequencies are made use of then the frequency domain approach would be equivalent with the time domain approach. Due to a redundancy in the information associated with multiple frequencies and sources, however, it is often possible to obtain surprisingly accurate images of the physical parameters by inverting a relatively low number of frequencies. Also, a multiscale regularization method that was originally introduced for time domain FWI can be implemented in a more natural and efficient manner in the frequency domain. By using a suitable frequency selection strategy in conjunction with the frequency domain approach to FWI, one can try to find a good balance between accuracy and computational complexity. In this project, the student should compare the results and computational costs of FWI performed using different frequency selection strategies, including the sequential single-frequency frequency inversion strategy, the use of partially overlapping frequency groups and the simultaneous frequency inversion method. The student should carry out a series of numerical experiments on a set of synthetic seismic waveform data associated with a realistic 2D model generated using a finite difference time domain code. The effects of different noise models should be investigated, and the inversion should be performed in the frequency domain using a combination of numerical and analytical (scattering-integral) methods. The project is suitable for a mathematically oriented geophysics student and highly relevant for industry.

20 Viktig informasjon: It is required that the student follow courses in theoretical seismology, numerical methods in solid earth physics and parameter estimation and inverse problems. It is also required that the student establish good computer programming skills before he/she start this project. Eksterne data: Not relevant Feltarbeid: Not relevant Laboratoriearbeid: Not relevant Finansiering: Not relevant Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 stp. Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV276 - Theoretical Seismology (10 stp) GEOV274 - Reservoir Geophysics (10 stp) dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig GEOV219 - Computational methods in solid earth physics (10 stp) GEOV375 - Advanced Applied Seismic Analysis (10 tsp) MAT265/ - Parameter estimation and inverse problems (10 stp) Special syllabus on FWI and signal theory (10 stp)

21 Masterprosjekt til materopptaket høst 2015 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap Studieretning:Geophysics Prosjekttittel:Seismic modeling, sensitivity kernels and inversion Veileder: Henk Keers Medveiledere(inkl. tilhørighet): 1.Thomas Meier (Kiel) 2. Prosjektbeskrivelse (norsk og engelsk): Motivation (background): One of the main goals in geophysics is to determine the Earth s subsurface structure. In seismology the main source of data, in the case of body waves, have been the travel times. Hypothesis (Scientific problem): In recent years there has been a shift to go beyond travel times. The use of whole waveforms seems attractive but is also complicated and might even contain redundant data. An alternative is to, instead of whole waveforms, concentrate on parts of the waveforms using sensitivity kernels for travel time, amplitude, polarisation etc. Test (work): In this research project we aim to further develop software that computes various sensitivity kernels and apply them to. We will use ray-born modelling as a starting point but also use other modelling methods. The modelling methods and the sensitivity kernels will be used to develop various efficient inversion methods. These inversion methods will be tested on synthetic data first and subsequently be applied to real data from a region of interest (such as Yellowstone). Viktig informasjon:

22 Krav for opptak: This project requires a degree in geohsysics with the mathematics direction (or equivalent). A strong interest in math, physics and programming is required. Eksterne data:we will try to apply the methodology to Felt, Lab og analyse arbeid: (noter forventet sted, mengde og periode for felt/lab ev. annet) Finansiering:(I første omgang skal finansiering tas fra eksterne prosjekt. Krever prosjektet finansiering fra instituttet skal Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt legges ved) Eksternt prosjekt (Fyll inn navn på prosjekt): JA Nei Hvis det er påkrevd med støtte fra Instituttet må «Følgeskjema støtte til masterprosjekt» fylles ut Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): GEOV355, GEOV359, GEOV219, MAT212, INF109 Henk Keers dato/underskrift veileder/medveileder





27 Masteropptaket 2015 Masteroppgave i geovitenskap petroleum Prosjekttittel: Seismisk støy på sjøis Veileder: Tor Arne Johansen Medveileder: Bent Ole Ruud Formål: Geologisk kartlegging av Arktis må i hovedsak gjøres ved bruk av geofysiske metoder. Seismikk gir som hovedregel de beste mulighetene til å se strukturelle detaljer i den øverste delen av jordas skorpe. Seismiske undersøkelser i områder med mye is er operasjonelt vanskelig og gir generelt begrenset datakvalitet. Det er ønskelig å finne frem til metoder og kilder som kan forbedre kvaliteten i de seismiske dataene fra slike områder, samtidig som det er viktig at disse metodene i minst mulig grad er til sjenanse for sjøpattedyr og fisk som er i området når undersøkelsene pågår. Oppgaven blir å delta på seismiske undersøkelser på fjordis på Svalbard, der det skal gjøre tester av ulike typer av seismiske kilder. Foruten å være med på deler av innsamlingen, vil oppgaven bli å analysere støydata fra disse eksperimentene mhp styrke og frekvensinnhold, samt å diskutere disse i lys av kjente frekvensspektre for hørselen til sjøpattedyr som lever i Arktis. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data: Trengs ikke Feltarbeid: 2-3 uker våren 2016 Laboratoriearbeid: Ikke aktuelt Finansiering: Trenger ikke ekstern finansiering Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Kan diskuteres, men i hovedsak fordypningsemner i geofysikk.

28 Project title: Seismic noise on sea ice. English summary Objective: Geological surveying of the Arctic has to be heavily based on geophysical data. Seismic data provides in general the best image in order to interpret the structural details of the upper part of the earth s crust. Seismic surveying in areas covered by ice is from an operational point of view difficult and gives often limited data quality. There is still much to do in order to find optimal methods for seismic imaging in such areas, along with the requirements for environmental friendly operations. The thesis is to participate in seismic acquisition experiments on Svalbard during spring 2016, where various tests of seismic sources will be conducted. The thesis is to focus on the frequency spectra of the noise generated and review these with respect to the hearing frequency signatures of various sea mammals. dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig

29 Masteropptaket 2015 Masteroppgave i geovitenskap petroleum Prosjekttittel: Mulige seismiske effekter av geo-kjemiske prosesser ved injisering av karbondioksid i karbonat-reservoarer. Veileder: Tor Arne Johansen Medveileder: Erling Jensen Formål: Deponering av karbondiksid (CO2) i reservoarer under overflaten kan bli et viktigbidrag til reduksjon av utslipp av klimagasser. Overvåking av slike deponier ved bruk av seismikk vil da bli viktig. 4D seismikk er ofte brukt for å overvåke trykk og metningsendringer i olje- og gass-reservoarer som er under trykk. Dette gjøres f.eks. over Sleipner-feltet der CO2 har vært injisert siden midt på 90-tallet. En grunnleggende antagelse for slik monitorering er at det kun er trykk og endring i væskeforhold i reservoaret, som bidrar til endringer i de seismiske signaturene somfunksjon av tid. Oppgaven skal gjennom litteraturstudium oppsummere mulige geokjemiske effekter som kan skje mellom CO2 og ulike typer bergarter, og spesielt karbonat-reservoarer. Videre skal effekten av ulike tekstuelle endringer i bergarten, sammen med endringer i trykk og metning, kvantifiseres gjennom bergartsfysisk og seismisk modellering. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data: Data som trengs er allerede på UiB Feltarbeid: Ikke aktuelt Laboratoriearbeid: Ikke aktuelt Finansiering: Trenger ikke ekstern finansiering Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Kan diskuteres, men i hovedsak fordypningsemner i seismikk.

30 English Summary: Project title: Possible seismic effects of geochemical processes of injection of carbon dioxide in carbonate reservoirs. Objective: Sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in subsurface reservoirs might be important in future efforts for reducing the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. Monitoring the process by use of seismic methods will then become increasingly important. 4D seismic is often used to monitor alteration in fluid pressure and saturation in oil- and gas-reservoirs. This has for example been continuously done during the CO2 sequestration into the Sleipner field since the mid-90s. A basic assumption behind this methodology is that alteration in fluid pressure and saturation are the only factors behind the change in seismic signatures. The research in this thesis is first, through a literature study, to reveal possible geochemical effects occurring in CO2-saturated carbonates. Furthermore, the thesis is to try to quantify the textural changes associated with such chemical effect, and potential seismic effect by combining rock physics and seismic modelling. dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig

31 Masteropptaket 2015 Masteroppgave i geovitenskap petroleum Prosjekttittel: Endringer i seismiske signaturer fra silisiklastiske reservoarer som funksjon av begravingsdyp. Veileder: Tor Arne Johansen Medveileder: Erling Jensen Formål: Sedimenter som begraves blir både mekanisk og kjemisk kompakterte. Mekanisk kompaksjon gjør at bergartskornene pakkes tettere sammen og porøsiteten til bergarten avtar. Ved kjemisk kompaksjon, eller diagenese, vil bergartskornene sementeres som følge av at geokjemisk oppløst materiale fra lokalt bergartsmateriale eller omkringliggende bergarter avsettes på kornkontaktene. Kompaksjon karakteriseres ofte ved trender i porøsitet med dyp. Skifer og sand har ulike dybdetrender. Dette medfører at de seismiske kontrastene mellom sand og skifer vil variere med dyp. Oppgaven er å studere slike dybdetrender og via bergartsfysisk og seismisk modellering vise hvordan slike kompaksjonstrender kan bidra til å forstå de ulike seismiske signaturene som opptrer mellom skifre og ulike typer silisiklastiske reservoarer ved ulike dyp. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data: Data som trengs er allerede på UiB Feltarbeid: Ikke aktuelt Laboratoriearbeid: Ikke aktuelt Finansiering: Trenger ikke ekstern finansiering Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Kan diskuteres, men i hovedsak fordypningsemner i geofysikk.

32 English summary Project title: Variations in seismic signatures of siliciclastic reservoirs as function of burial depth. Objective: Sediments will undergo mechanical and chemical compaction as they are buried by overlying sediments. Mechanical compaction makes the grains to pack denser and thereby to reduce the porosity. During chemical compaction, or diagenesis, the grains will be cemented by precipitation of chemically dissolved material from nearby grains or more distant rocks, e.g. calcite cementation of quartz grains. Compaction is often characterized by depth trends in porosity. Shale and sands have different porosity depth trends due to different resistance to being both mechanically and chemically compacted. This makes the seismic contrast between shale and sand to generally vary with burial depth. The thesis is to study such depth trends and to combine these with rock physics and seismic modelling to to better understand how the seismic reflection signatures from siliciclastic reservoirs generally evolve with depth. dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig

33 Masteropptaket 2015 Masteroppgave i geovitenskap petroleum Prosjekttittel: Seismiske effekter av de-kompaksjon. Veileder: Tor Arne Johansen Medveileder: Erling Jensen Formål: De seismiske egenskapene til ulike bergarter er, foruten sammensetning og tekstur, formet gjennom bergartenes dannelseshistorie. Viktige komponenter er her trykk og temperatur som funksjon av tid. Mekanisk og kjemisk kompaksjon (diagenese) vil generelt føre til reduksjon av porøsitet og økning i tetthet og de seismiske parametrene. Når bergarter løftes opp, og trykk og temperatur avtar, kan sprekker oppstå som følge av at poretrykket overstiger omslutningstrykket eller av andre spenningsavlastninger. Omfanget av dette vil variere med type litologi og permeabilitet. Oppsprekking vil ha betydelige effekter på bergartenes seismiske egenskaper. Oppgaven skal belyse mekanismer som endrer bergartenes tekstur når bergarter løftes opp og dekompakteres, og gjennom bergartsfysisk og seismisk modellering vise hvilke seismiske signaturer slike vertikale bevegelser av ulike typer av kappe- og reservoar-bergarter vil gi. Viktig informasjon: Eksterne data: Data som trengs er allerede på UiB Feltarbeid: Ikke aktuelt Laboratoriearbeid: Ikke aktuelt Finansiering: Trenger ikke ekstern finansiering Størrelse på oppgaven: 60 Foreslåtte emner i spesialiseringen (60 sp): Kan diskuteres, men i hovedsak fordypningsemner i geofysikk.

34 English summary Project title: Seismic effects of decompaction, Objective: The seismic properties of various rocks are, except from mineral composition and texture, formed through its history of origin. Important factors are pressure and temperature as a function of time. Mechanical and chemical compaction (diagenesis) generally leads to reduction of porosity and increase in density and seismic properties. When rocks are uplifted, and lithostatic and temperature decrease, cracks can form as the pore pressure exceeds the lithostatic pressure or due other stress relaxations. The extent of cracking depends on type of lithology and permeability. Cracking on all scales may severely impact the seismic properties of a rock. The thesis is to focus on mechanisms which alter the texture when rocks are uplifted and, thus, de-compacting, and through rock physics and seismic modelling discuss seismic signatures caused by vertical displacements of typical seal and source rocks. dato/underskrift veileder/prosjektansvarlig

35 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap (Fall 2015) Petroleum Geoscience Prosjekttittel: Veileder: Medveileder: Salt control on deep-water turbidite deposits on the West African continental margin Rob Gawthorpe Leo Zijerveld Formål (kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, maks. ½ A4 side): This project will use seismic geomorphological techniques to analyse the variability of submarine channels and fans on continental slopes subject to salt tectonics using regionally extensive 3D seismic data. The specific objectives of the projects are: Identify main depositional elements within submarine canyon and channel complexes and determine their distribution on the slope. Quantification of channel and slope morphology (e.g. thalweg long-profile, channel width, incision depth, levee height, sinuosity, birfurcation style, hypsometry etc). Examine relationships between the above channel parameters and seabed structures to develop models for the 3D morphology and evolution of submarine channel complexes on deforming continental slopes. The project will focus on shallow, near-seabed 3D seismic data from the West African continental margin. During the project you will gain skills in standard 3D seismic interpretation techniques and attribute analysis applicable to sedimentological interpretation of deepwater turbidite deposits (e.g. submarine channels, lobes, slumps etc). In addition, advanced interpretation techniques for automatic reflector interpretation and frequency decomposition and attribute blending will be used for detailed analysis of areas of particular interest around salt-related structures. The experience gained during the project will be directly relevant to a future career in the oil and gas industry or for further research studies. Evt. spesielle forkunnskaper i andre fag/prerequest: Introductory sedimentology and structural geology is essential. Some experience of seismic interpretation and seismic reflection techniques is an advantage. Eksterne data (ved bruk av data fra eksterne bedrift, er disse tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven?): Yes. Feltarbeid: No Laboratoriearbeid: 3D Seismic Lab (Petrel, GeoTeric, Paleoscan) Finansiering: Covered if needed by external projects. Type oppgave (60stp) Some of the relevant courses include: GEOV254, GEOV272, GEOV300, GEOV350, GEOV 360, GEOV361, GEOV362, GEOV363, GEOV372

36 Masteroppgave i Geovitenskap (For Fall 2015) Petroleum Geoscience Project title: Syn-rift deepwater turbidites: a comparative study of the Plio-Pleistocene of the Corinth Rift and Late Jurassic of the Norwegian Continental Shelf Veileder: Medveileder: Rob Gawthorpe Atle Rotevatn and Martin Muravchik Project Description: Along the southern margin of the Gulf of Corinth rift, northward fault migration and uplift has provided excellent exposure of slope and basin floor syn-rift turbidites that were deposited during the evolution of the Corinth Rift. This project will focus on spectacular exposures of slope and basin floor turbidites, inland of the towns of Xylocastro and Derveni, approximately 2 hours drive, west of Athens. The stratigraphy exposed in this area is a close analogue to late Jurassic turbidite reservoirs developed around major normal fault blocks in the Northern North Sea (e.g. on the Lomre Terrace). The study will use a combination digital outcrop techniques and classical sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic fieldwork to understand the sedimentary processes controlling deep-water deposits in the Corinth Rift. The understanding developed from analysis of these depositional systems will be applied to interpretation of 3D seismic and well data from the Northern North Sea (e.g. Lomre Terrace). During the masters project the student will gain expertise in sedimentological field techniques, modern digital outcrop techniques and 3D seismic interpretation. This project forms part of a large industry funded research programme on syn-rift reservoirs. As such the masters project will provide relevant training for employment in the oil and gas industry or for advanced sedimentological research. Evt. spesielle forkunnskaper i andre fag/prerequest: Introductory sedimentology and structural geology is essential. The project will involve fieldwork in Central Greece so experience of fieldwork is essential. Eksterne data (ved bruk av data fra eksterne bedrift, er disse tilgjengelige ved oppstart av masteroppgaven?): Yes. Feltarbeid: Spring and autumn 2015 Laboratoriearbeid: 3D Seismic Lab/Grotten (ArcGIS, Lidar and Petrel) Finansiering: Syn-Rift Analogues Project (subject to confirmation by sponsors) Type oppgave (60stp) Some of the relevant courses include: GEOV254, GEOV272, GEOV300, GEOV350, GEOV361, GEOV362, GEOV363, GEOV372

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