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3 Foreword 4 Skjervsfossen in new splendour 6 The tourist routes installations 2016-2017 8 Business network along Gaularfjellet 10 National Tourist Routes in 2023 12 The Architecture Council 16 Finances and progress 18 Gjende - a national tourism icon 20 National Tourist Routes in the media 22 Norway in a competitive tourism market 2 Front page: Utsikten, Gaularfjellet. (Photo: Jiri Havran)

FOREWORD In 2023, it will be 30 years since the first tentative steps were taken towards finding ways to utilise public roads in an effort to enhance the Norwegian tourism product. The initiative in 1993 came from the Norwegian parliament s Standing Committee on Transport and Communications, and since that time the development of National Tourist Routes has been anchored in generations of National Transport Plans and annual national budgets. The aim is for the National Tourist Routes attraction to be completed in 2023. We realise that this may be somewhat beyond what is practically and financially feasible, and recommend a programme with 48 projects that will make all 18 routes emerge as one integrated attraction of high quality in 2023. The remaining 55 projects may then be added later, towards 2029. In 2016 and 2017, our work is still about keeping a steady course towards our goal. In 2016, six projects were completed, with Skjervsfossen, Utsikten - the View - and Almannajuvet as the largest among them. 2017 will be a year full of planning and construction activity before we once again will be able to offer the public many new experiences in 2018. The NPRA s mission with regard to the National Tourist Routes is to provide road tourists with pleasing experiences and a variety of service facilities along 18 selected routes. Their distinctive feature is the combination of architecture and unique nature at rest areas and viewpoints. The objective is to strengthen Norwegian tourism industry in the regions. And to our great joy we see that our efforts are yielding results. Motorhome tourists and other road travellers are finding their way to these gems both north and south in our country. The tourist routes are strengthening our identity and make us want to cooperate to provide tourists with even better experiences and service facilities in areas where tourism is becoming the business of the future. This inspires us to accomplish our mission. Jan Andresen Head of Tourist Routes Section Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) Bergsbotn, Senja. (Photo: Trine Kanter Zerwekh) 3

4 Skjervsfossen is the newest addition to the series of beautiful attractions that decorate National Tourist Route Hardanger. The water drops 135 metres into two terraces, divided by the old Rv13 road. The area offers great nature walks and fascinating local history. (Photo: Jarle Wæhler)

Skjervsfossen in new splendour Nature walks, viewing platforms, a trendy new toilet facility and extended parking facilities have made Skjervsfossen an attractive experience for road travelling tourists in Hardanger. The road through Skjervet used to be encumbered with a lot of heavy vehicles that would struggle noisily up and down through twists and bends. Skjervsfossen appeared as a beautiful stage set along the road, but was difficult to access. In 2011, the Rv13 - national road 13 - was placed in a tunnel and the old road was relieved of heavy vehicle and other busy travellers. This made it possible to turn Skjervsfossen into an exciting nature attraction that lets you see, hear and feel the water rushing down the mountainside. Thanks to funds and a great commitment from Vossapakko (the Voss package), the Tourist Routes Section, planners and the contractor s experts, the NPRA was able to open Skjervsfossen in its new splendour in May 2016. Skjervsfossen offers a carefully organised network of paths, stairs, rest areas, and viewpoints on different levels of the steep hillside with the 135-metre high waterfall. The appearance and the sound of the waterfall vary with your vantage point in the landscape, the weather, seasons, and the water flow. A slate-covered toilet facility towers at the car park by the river, where the calls of nature can be answered while looking out on running water and green scenery. The nature trail runs down a sun-facing hill with lush vegetation and sheltering rocks. Sherpas from Nepal have carried out the strenuous work of building the trail in stone. At the foot of the waterfall, visitors can experience the Shower, where the forces of the falling water surge through your body and spray your face if you venture into the beautiful scenic area on a footpath carefully built by Polish workers. Landscape architect: Østengen & Bergo Landskapsarkitekter. Architect: Fortunen Nils Johan Mannsåker. Construction client: Norwegian Public Roads Administration, represented by Vossapakko and the Tourist Routes Section. Contractor: Aakerholt Steen og Lund FACTS At the gateway to Hardanger along National Tourist Routes Hardanger and Hardangervidda - there are spectacular waterfalls. Many people come here for the dramatic experience of water thundering down steep mountainsides. Unfortunately, the surroundings bear evidence of wear and tear, and a lack of facilities. The NPRA is now undertaking a major upgrading of the waterfall attractions through the National Tourist Routes initiative. For Steinsdalsfossen (opened in 2013), Vøringsfossen (started in 2015) and Låtefoss (some time ahead), the municipalities, Hardanger Regional Council and Hordaland County Administration are contributing with investment grants. For Skjervsfossen, Vossapakko is the most important contributor. The new toilet faciltiy is a landmark at the top of Skjervsfossen. Architect: Fortunen arkitekter AS. (Photo: Steinar Skaar) 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 (Photo: Jarle Wæhler, Jiri Havran, Fredrik Fløgstad, Roger Ellingsen and Per Berntsen) 6

The tourist routes installations 2016-2017 2016 was a year that saw the opening of many National Tourist Route attractions. It started in May with Skjervsfossen in Hardanger, as an exciting result of the joint efforts of Vossapakko and the NPRA Tourist Routes Section. The cooperation with Jæren Outdoor Activities Council made it possible to mark the opening of the new toilet and parking facilities by the recreation centre at Orre at the beginning of June. On Midsummer Eve it was time to cut the ribbon for the triangular slab called Utsikten - the View - at Gaularfjellet. The opening of Almannajuvet in Ryfylke, the work of Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, was duly marked in September. The year of openings was concluded with the artworks Columna Transatlantica along Atlanterhavsvegen and Mirage at Torsnesstølen, Gaularfjellet. 2017 will be an intense construction year, with many ongoing projects to be completed in 2018 for the use and enjoyment of road travellers and commercial stakeholders. OPENED IN 2016: 1 Allmannajuvet, Ryfylke Attraction with café, gallery, toilet facilities, footpath Architect: Atelier Peter Zumthor & Partner 2 Orre, Jæren Toilet facilities, carpark by information centre/café Landscape architect: Brandsberg-Dahls arkitekter Architect: Arkitektkontoret Schjelderup & Gram AS 3 Utsikten, Gaularfjellet Viewpoint with toilet facility. Architect: Code AS Landscape architect: Dronninga Landskap AS 4 Vevang, Atlanterhavsvegen The artwork Columna Transatlantica Artist: Jan Freuchen Landscape architect: Østengen & Bergo AS 5 Torsnesstølen, Gaularfjellet The art installation Mirage Artist: Marianne Heier 6 Skjervsfossen, Hardanger Rest area with toilet facilities and nature walks Landscape architect: Østengen og Bergo Architect: Fortunen AS WELL UNDER WAY: Vøringsfossen, Hardangervidda Construction stage 1: Viewpoint, parking and toilet facilities by the Fossli hotel Architect: Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk Bukkekjerka, Andøy Rest area, toilet facilities and footpath Architect: Morfeus Arkitekter TO BE OPENED IN 2017: Storberget, Havøysund Rest area, parking facilities and view Architect: Pushak AS Allmannajuvet, Ryfylke Mining path Construction client: Sauda municipality Sandsfjorden/Ostasteidn, Ryfylke Viewpoint and rest area with toilet facilities Architect: KAP Construction client: NPRA Western Region CONSTRUCTION START 2017: Skreda, Lofoten Rest area with toilet facilities Architect: Manthey Kula ANS Ureddplassen, Helgelandskysten Parking, toilet facilities and viewing terrace Architect: Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter AS Landscape architect: Landskapsfabrikken AS Jøl bridge, Gamle Strynefjellsvegen View, rest area and parking facilities Architect: 3RW, Sixten Rahlff Husøya, Senja Viewpoint with stairwalk Architect: Espen Vatn/Jørgen Tandberg Flye 1389, Valdresflye Lounge with café and toilet facilities Architect: Knut Hjeltnes sivilarkitekter MNAL AS Gjende, Valdresflye Quay and storage facility by Lake Gjende Parking and toilet facilities at Reinsvangen Architect: Knut Hjeltnes sivilarkitekter MNAL AS Vestre Jacobs elv, Ekkerøya og Kiberg, Varanger Parking and bird hide/shelter Architect: Biotope 7

8 The business network introduced themselves at the opening of Utsikten at Gaularfjellet, represented by coordinator Marit Hjortung from the County Governor s Office in Sogn og Fjordane, among others. (Photo: David Zadig, Heidi Vallestad)

Business network along Gaularfjellet In all, thirteen companies have joined forces and formed a business network along National Tourist Route Gaularfjellet. Utsikten - the View - has become a stopping point with a wow effect and the companies are now experiencing an increase in traffic. The business network grew up in response to the NCE Tourism project for value creation along National Tourist Routes in the Fjord Norway region. The business network includes 13 participating companies representing a mix of adventures, local food and drink, culture and accommodation. - Our plan is to establish a total experience for road travellers, so that more tourists will stay longer in the area, says Marit Hjortung, Senior Adviser at the County Governor s Office in Sogn og Fjordane. She explains that the project runs over three years and aims to increase their turnover by 30 % by the end of the three years. Hjortung believes we are now beginning to see the success of the Tourist Routes initiative. The companies are experiencing a growth in traffic due to the publicity around National Tourist Routes. Utsikten is a new stopping point where tourists spend more time than before. The new attraction has created curiosity and brought more visitors to local business enterprises along the route. For example, one local eating place has had a 25 % increase in turnover in the 2016 season, she says. Hjortung reports that the network is planning to establish their own website in order to be visible in the digital terrain. Here, National Tourist Route Gaularfjellet will be marketed along with information about products and services offered by the business enterprises, and about new combinations of experiences across the business sectors. Keywords for business development are local food, comfortable beds, friendly hosts and interesting stories. In 2017 the network will work to test selected tourism products in the market. For example, in 2016 there was a transport service from Balestrand to Utsikten with information and stops on the way, three days a week in the high season, Hjortung says. Naustdal Førde Jølstravatnet J o s t e d a l s b r e e n Breheim Moskog 13 Holsenvatnet Rørvikfjellet Sunnfjord Eikelandsfossen Vallestadfossen Sande Hestad Eldalsosen 610 E39 Likholefossen Torsnesstølen Utsikten 13 Gaupne Høyanger Grønlund 5 S o g n e f j o r d e n Balestrand Dragsvik Hermansverk Sogndalsfjøra Kaupanger 55 National Tourist Route Gaularfjellet between Balestrand and Moskog, and between Sande and Eldalsosen, is 114 km long. A peaceful alternative from the main roads from Sunnfjord to Sogn. Along protected waterways and a quiet fiord arm towards the tourist destination of Balestrand, this is a route that can be included in a number of round trips. 9

FACTS The work to develop National Tourist Routes was started out in the wake of the discussion on the Norwegian Road and Road Traffic Plan 1994-1997, in the Norwegian parliament s Standing Committee on Transport and Communications, in the spring of 1993. Since that time, the initiative has been anchored in generations of National Transport Plans and annual national budgets, proposed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications and processed in the Norwegian parliament (the Storting). According to the Proposition to the Storting No. 1S (2014-2017), the aim is for National Tourist Routes to be completed by the end of 2023. The same objective appears in the transport agencies basis document for the National Transport Plan 2018-2029. The Ministry s Report to the Storting on the National Transport Plan 2018-2029 will be considered by the Storting in the spring session of 2017. Collage of Vøringsfossen, Hardangervidda, architect Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk; and Skreda, LOFOTEN, architect: manthey kula ans 10

National Tourist Routes in 2023 From 1994, the NPRA has worked zealously to provide road tourists with pleasing experiences and a variety of service facilities along 18 National Tourist Routes. Their distinctive feature is the combination of architecture and unique nature at exciting stopping points. The objective is to strengthen Norwegian tourism industry in the regions. The main challenge is to get to the point where the National Tourist Routes emerge as one integrated attraction of high quality by the end of 2023. From 1994 to 2016, 144 of a total of 247 projects have been completed, among them 6 of 10 separate attractions. According to the national budget for 2017 and the proposed National Transport Plan 2018-2029, this programme is to be completed by the end of 2023, which will be a major challenge both financially and practically. The NPRA Tourist Routes Section has therefore reviewed the programme based on the following principles: b National Tourist Routes are important as a policy instrument to strengthen the Norwegian tourism product. b By the end of 2023 all 18 routes will have a content that confirms the National Tourist Routes as a distinctive tourist attraction in Norway. b We are to develop projects with exciting architecture and a sober use of materials. b All the 10 major attractions are to be completed in accordance with conditions and agreements. This quality is possible to achieve through the completion of 48 new projects in the years 2017-2023 while conserving and developing further those already completed. This requires a national government investment of NOK 1130 million in combination with NOK 165 million from other sources. The plan is based on the following conditions: b Regional and local funds that are part of cooperation agreements must be made available in the initial phase. b Binding agreements and commitments to cooperation projects must be in place before the work is started. b Toilet facilities that cover regional/local outdoor activity purposes etc. as well as service facilities for road travelling tourists must be partly financed by funds from other sources. b Commercial facilities at Tourist Route attractions must be financed regionally and locally. b For the major attractions, 1/3 of the costs must be covered by other stakeholders. The remaining 55 projects must be included in the continued development of the 18 routes towards 2029. Recommended projects 2017-2023 ROUTE PROJECT Rondane Grimsbrua, artwork Valdresflye Flye 1389, Gjende, Sjodalen Jæren Borestranda, Refnesstranda, Hårr, Brusanden, Madland port, artwork Ryfylke Hølleslie, Ostasteidn, Helganeset, Kvelven, Hyleskaret, Brattlandsdalen Hardanger Espeneset, Låtefoss Hardangervidda Vøringsfossen, Måbø farm Aurlandsfjellet Sluppen Gaularfjellet Hestad, Rørvikfjellet, Eikelandsfossen, Grønlund Gml. Strynefjellsvegen Jøl bridge Geiranger-Trollstigen Hestbrehola Atlanterhavsvegen Farstadsanden, Malefeten, Skarvøya Helgelandskysten Ureddplassen, Sjonfjellet, Torghatten Lofoten Skreda, Brunstranda, Haukelandsanden Andøya Bukkekjerka Senja Husøya, Mefjordver, Ballesvika, artwork Havøysund Bakfjordhøgda with artwork Varanger Mortensneset, Hamningberg, Skallhalsen, Persfjord, Domen Projects in bold letters require contributions from and agreements with other stakeholders 11

12 At the top: Jøl bridge, Strynefjellsvegen, architect: 3RW. Above, left: Husøy, Senja, architect: Espen Vatn/Jørgen Tandberg. Above, right: Ostasteidn, Ryfylke, architect: KAP arkitekter

The Architecture Council A journey along National Tourist Routes lets you experience beautiful Norwegian nature and world class architecture. The Architecture Council is the NPRA Tourist Route Section s consultative body which ensures that the National Tourist Routes attraction maintains high architectural quality. The NPRA Tourist Routes Section works with innovative architecture that is to convey atmosphere and the experience of nature, withstand the ravages of time, and be functional and sober. Based on the interest we receive from professional architectural communities, ours seem to be among the most attractive architectural projects in the country. The work consists of developing solutions that are carefully adapted to their individual place in nature. A development project with new and untried solutions needs plenty of time in the planning phase, where all aspects of form, materials, construction, operation and maintenance are studied and taken into account. The Architecture Council meets at regular intervals and everything from ideas to completed construction details is reviewed together with the client and the designer. This thorough way of working is decisive for the results we achieve. We have constantly been seeking out designers that can supply rest areas and viewpoints with the added value that is the distinctive feature of National Tourist Routes. As the contracting client, the NPRA wishes to contribute to developing the architecture profession by stimulating young architects professional development while using their ideas and innovations in the tourist route work. The Architecture Council has an important role in providing advice and guidance during the development work. The members of the Architecture Council all have long and wide experience within their respective fields. Current members are architect Morten Løvseth, artist Knut Wold, and landscape architect Ellen Njøs Slinde, NPRA. The Architecture Council quality assures plans and gives advice on how projects should be pursued or perhaps changed. (Photo: Werner Harstad) 13

Finances and progress The development of the National Tourist Routes attraction started in 1994, on an initiative from the Storting to take a closer look at the combination of roads and tourism. In 1998, based on the results of the pilot project, the Storting gave the Norwegian Public Roads Administration the all clear to pursue the initiative. The initiative has since been pursued by the government and the Storting through generations of National Transport Plans and the annual central government budgets from the Ministry of Transport and Communications. In 2012, the 18 roads with a combined length of 1991 km were signposted as National Tourist Routes even though the initiative was just halfway completed. Since then, the total length has been increased to 2151 km as a consequence of adjustments made to National Tourist Route Ryfylke as well as assigning Tourist Route status to eleven detours. By carrying out a programme of 48 selected projects out of the 103 remaining projects over the years 2017-2023, we will be able to make all 18 roads emerge as attractive National Tourist Routes within 2023. The last 55 projects will then be part of the plan for further development of the attraction towards 2029. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has initiated a thorough renovation and quality improvement of 10 particular attractions along the National Tourist Routes. Most of these attractions have, through the course of many years, been used as beacons in the marketing of the Norwegian tourism product, despite considerable wear and tear, insufficient adaptation and poor safety. In 2017, the cost estimate for the planning, implementation and follow-up of these 10 attractions up to and including 2023 is NOK 1380 mill. The financing is planned as follows: NOK 1160 mill from National Tourist Routes and NOK 220 mill. from other public participants. In 2016, six of those ten had been completed. The work on Vøringsfossen started in 2015 and Gjende will be started in 2017. 10 separate attractions National Tourist Route County Completed Gudbrandsjuvet Geiranger-Trollstigen Møre og Romsdal 2010 Steilneset Varanger Finnmark 2011 Trollstigen Geiranger-Trollstigen Møre og Romsdal 2012 Steinsdalsfossen Hardanger Hordaland 2014 Eldhusøya Atlanterhavsvegen Møre og Romsdal 2014 Allmannajuvet Ryfylke Rogaland 2016 Vøringsfossen Hardangervidda Hordaland 2023 Gjende Valdresflye Oppland 2023 Torghatten Helgelandskysten Nordland 2023 Låtefossen Hardanger Hordaland 2023 RESOURCE INPUT FOR COMPLETION OF NATIONAL TOURIST ROUTES (NOK MILL., 2017 NOK) Invested 1994-2013 2014-2017 2018-2023 2024-2029 Total 1994-2029 National Tourist Routes 1647 669 1050 550 3916 Ressursinnsats for fullføring av Nasjonale turistvegar Other 197 132 120 40 489 Total 1844 801 1170 590 4405 14

SCHEDULED PROGRESS 1994-2023 - 2029 Route Length NTR-grants Invested up to and including 2017 and 2023 (km) (NOK mill. 2017) (percentage of 1994-2029) Rondane 75 107 Valdresflye 49 223 Jæren 41 66 Ryfylke 267 418 Hardangervidda 165 492 Hardanger 67 311 Aurlandsfjellet 47 96 Gaularfjellet 108 148 Sognefjellet 114 111 Gamle Strynefjellsvegen 27 70 Atlanterhavsvegen 36 192 Geiranger - Trollstigen 104 616 Helgelandskysten 434 327 Lofoten 230 218 Andøya 58 64 Senja 102 103 Havøysund 67 83 Varanger 160 273 2151 3916 0 % 50 % 100 % Through 2017 2018-2023 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONTENT OF THE TOURIST ROUTES Types of projects Completed by end of 2013 2017 2023 2029 Major attractions 3 6 10 10 Rest areas/ viewpoints 83 94 122 166 Artworks commissioned by NTR 4 6 10 15 Projects involving businesses, experiences, densely populated areas and ferry quays 39 42 50 56 Total 129 148 192 247 Renovation and further development of completed projects come in addition and will require increasing amounts of resources. 15

TOURIST ROUTE TURNOVER 2006 2013 AND 2014 2017 (2017 NOK) 250 200 National Tourist Routes Other participants 150 100 50 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Funds from external sources up to and including 2013 are, to a great extent, connected to the large attractions Gudbrandsjuvet, Trollstigen, Steinsdalsfossen, Eldhusøya and Allmannajuvet. In the 2014-2017 period, funds from external sources amount to NOK 132 mill. These consist of Tourist-Route-related business projects (NOK 15 mill.), ordinary road project allocations for rest areas and service buildings of tourist route quality (NOK 37 mill.), as well as contributions to tourist route projects (NOK 80 mill.) The largest contributions are regional and local contributions to Vøringsfossen, Gjende and Flye 1389 (at the top of Valdresflye). THE TOURIST ROUTE INITIATIVE 1994-2017 - 2023-2029 BY COUNTY (2017 NOK) Fylke Length 1994-2017 2018-2023 2024-2029 1994-2029 km NOK mill. NOK mill. NOK mill. NOK mill. Hedmark 69 53 35 14 103 Oppland 127 115 178 33 325 Rogaland 280 327 95 51 472 Hordaland 242 358 376 80 814 Buskerud 18 0 3 3 3 Sogn og Fjordane 227 189 78 60 327 Møre og Romsdal 137 648 49 110 808 Nordland 722 337 161 110 608 Troms 102 51 33 20 103 Finnmark 227 238 45 72 356 Total 2151 2316 1050 550 3916 The large initiatives in Møre og Romsdal and Hordaland must be seen in the light of these counties having 6 out of the 10 major attractions. The remaining four are in Oppland, Rogaland, Nordland and Finnmark. Nordland is the country with the largest number of Tourist Route kilometres. 16

NTR ROAD SECTIONS AND LENGTHS FROM 2016 Name NNational Tourist Route Length (km) Rondane Venabygdsfjellet - Enden Folldal Sollia kirke - Enden 75 Valdresflye Garli Hindsæter with detour to Gjende 49 Jæren Ogna Bore 41 Ryfylke Oanes Lovraeidet Hårå with detour to Sand Lovraeidet - Sauda Hordalia with road to Ropeid 267 Hardanger Granvin Steinsdalsfossen and the old road through Skjervet Norheimsund Tørrvikbygd, Jondal Utne, Kinsarvik Låtefoss 165 Hardangervidda Eidfjord Haugastøl 67 Aurlandsfjellet Aurlandsvangen Lærdalsøyri 47 Sognefjellet Lom Gaupne 108 Gaularfjellet Balestrand Eldalsosen Moskog, Eldalsosen - Sande 114 Gamle Strynefjellsvegen Grotli Videsæter 27 Atlanterhavsvegen Kårvåg Bud 36 Geiranger Trollstigen Langevatn Sogge bru 104 Helgelandskysten Holm Godøystraumen with detour to Torghatten 434 Lofoten Å - Raftsundet, med avstikkarar til Nusfjord, Vikten, Utakleiv, Unstad, Eggum oand Henningsver 230 Andøya Bjørnskinn Andenes 58 Senja Gryllefjord Botnhamn with detour to Mefjordver and Husøya 102 Havøysund Kokelv Havøysund 67 Varanger Varangerbotn Hamningberg 160 Total 2151 Of the total length of 2151 km, 613 km will be national roads and 1538 km will be county roads. From 2016, the ferry between Sand and Ropeid will be replaced by a bridge across Sandsfjorden. National Tourist Route Ryfylke then follows the Fv46 from Lovraeidet to the detour down to Ropeid quay and then road 520 via Sauda to Hordalia (at Røldal). It has been decided that the entire national road 13 (Rv13) from Oanes via Lovraeidet to Hårå (at Røldal) with detour to the small town of Sand is to be given National Tourist Route status. As from 2016, the old road by Skjervsfossen between Granvin and Voss also has National Tourist Route status. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 2016 2017 Joint expenses 23,6 22,8 Tourist Routes Section 16,9 16,6 Advisory services, quality assurance and image-building 6,7 6,2 Projects along the routes 151,4 157,2 Planning and construction of stopping points 140,6 138,8 Tourist route information and equipment 2,8 4,0 Renovation of existing stopping points 7,9 14,1 Planning assistance to other participants 0,1 0,3 Allocation 175 180 Joint expenses amount to approx. 13% of the annual allocation. Renovation of existing stops is required in order to maintain the quality of the National Tourist Routes attraction as time goes by and an increasing number of installations are completed. 17

1 Illustration Gjendeoset, architect: Knut Hjeltnes Arkitektkontor 18

Gjende a national tourism icon Gjende is the gateway to Norway s best known mountain area, Jotunheimen, with the iconic walk over the Besseggen ridge. In 2017 the work to upgrade the place will finally be started. Gjende is an extremely busy meeting place in the mountains. Visitor numbers have increased strongly in recent years. In the tourist season of 2016, Gjendesheim Tourist Lodge had more than 19 600 guest nights while the Gjende boat carried more than 60 000 mountain tourists across Lake Gjende. For the 2017 season, a new shuttle boat will be ready and there is an urgent need for a better quay. The tourists encounter with Norwegian nature is of great significance to Norway s reputation as a tourism nation. The goal is therefore to upgrade one of the most frequently visited mountain portals in the country in order to meet current and future demands and expectations of Norway as a modern and attractive travel destination. The construction work is divided into three stages. Construction start is scheduled for the autumn of 2017, and the aim is for the entire installation to be completed by 2023. A cooperation agreement has been signed between the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Vågå Municipality and Oppland County Administration on the financing, planning, construction and operation of the Gjende attraction. This agreement specifies that the parties are to return to the issue of financing and implementation of the final stage. At the first stage, new quay and storage facilities will be provided for the Gjende boat. The parking area at Gjendeosen will be moved to an extended car park with modern toilet facilities at Reinsvangen. The large flat parking area by Lake Gjende will then be restored to nature. The second stage will consist of building a bridge to join the north and south sides of the Sjoa river in order to make Gjendeosen an even more attractive destination offering a number of short day trips. At the same time a walkway with universal design will be built from the extended car park for rights holders. The final stage will consist of building a new service building at Gjendeoset with a kiosk, cafe and kitchen, toilet facilities and information. 19

SAUDA ALLE FOTO: PÅL CHRISTENSEN Your email here KRISTIN AALEN kristin.aalen@aftenbladet.no Per Kollstad/Statens vegvesen - Sander Meister - Lucia Degonda Contrôle qualité design reise norsk design NASJONALE TURISTVEGER spor fra vår tid TEKST PER RITZLER OG JAN ANDRESEN, KARI BERGO, SVEIN RØNNING, TONJE TJERNET allmannajuvet by peter zumthor set to open in norway CLADnewsfor leisure architects, designers, investors & developers Precipitous triangular viewpoint latest addition to Norway s tourist routes BY ALICE DAVIS 18 FEB 2016 SHARE THIS STORY HOME JOBS NEWS FEATURES PRODUCTS FREE DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION Sign up for FREE ezine Latest news 18 Feb 2016 Precipitous triangular viewpoint the latest addition to Norway s tourist routes BY ALICE DAVIS Share 361 Triotech Triotech was established in 1999. The company is based in Montreal, Canada and has offices in the USA, UK, and China. View full profile>> Uber er en norsk merkevare, unnfanget Catalogue og gallery utviklet i Oslo. Jakken er laget med tanke More på vekslende news >> vær, kalde vintre og regnfulle somre. Uber ble lansert i 2009 og er nå tilgjengelig i 280 motebutikker i 16 land. Norwegian architects Code designed a viewpoint that appears to be balancing on the edge of the mountain photo: Eivind Nygaard Norway s famous network of architecture tourist routes is set to get a new viewpoint attraction in June a concrete triangle slab balanced on a dramatic mountainside. Designed by Norwegian architects Code, the Utsikten (the View) is being built on the Gaularfjell National Tourist Route (NTR). The NTR project began in 1994, combining the 18 most spectacular roads in Norway with modern architecture attractions designed to complement the scenery, such as viewpoints and resting places. Utsikten is yet another example of innovative Norwegian tourist route architecture that adapts to steep terrain and challenging landscape elements, said Per Ritzler, media Companies now recruiting Company profile Simworx in this issue Bannatyne Group FORSIDEN / NÅ BRØYTES NORGES VAKRESTE VINTERVEIER SE DEN UTROLIGE VIDEOEN AV: CAMILLA FLAATTEN PUBLISERT: 05 MAI 2016 10:00 SIST OPPDATERT: 06 MAI 2016 10:03 Nå brøytes Norges vakreste vinterveier se den utrolige videoen Nei, våren er visst ikke her helt ennå I store deler av landet lar våren vente på seg det gjelder særlig i Nasjonale turistveger vokser videre med ny arkitektur og kunst. Arkitekttegnede rasteplasser, utsiktspunkter og servicebygninger tar stadig form langs veiene. Statens vegvesen holder stø kurs i utviklings arbeidet, og ved inngangen til 2016 var det gjennom ført 137 av i alt 245 turistveitiltak langs de 18 veistrekningene. Begrepet Arkitektur i Natur har blitt synonymt med den norske turistveisatsingen, også internasjonalt. UD, utenriksstasjonene og Innovasjon Norge/Visit Norway er noen av de samarbeidspartnere som tar attraksjonene i bruk for å fremme Norges omdømme utenlands og ønske turistene velkommen hit. Turistveisatsingen går tilbake til 1993, da Stortinget bestilte en utredning om mulighetene for å kombinere reiseliv og vei. Statens vegvesen fikk ansvaret med å administrere et prøveprosjekt som ble permanent, og utvidet til dagens 18 Nasjonale turistvegstrekninger, fra Varanger i nord til Jæren i sør. Målet er at Nasjonale turistveger skal være fullført 2023. 2016 er et innholdsrikt turistvei år med mange åpninger og byggestart på nye prosjekter. Feelgood har i Norgesutgaven, gleden av å ta leserne med på noen av de største turistvei installasjonene som Statens vegvesen åpner i løpet av året; Skjervsfossen i Hardanger, Utsikten på Gaularfjellet og Allmannajuvet i Ryfylke. Samt kanskje den mest utfordrende for tanken; kunstverket Columna Transatlantica langs Nasjonal turistveg Atlanterhavsvegen. Alle spennende turistveibygg som setter spor fra vår tid. ANNONSE 12 juin 2016 Le Matin Dimanche Leses nå: Architecture 65 Norwegian architects Code designed a viewpoint that appears to be balancing on the edge of the mountain Eivind Nygaard Norway s famous network of architecture tourist routes is set to get a new viewpoint attraction in June a concrete triangle slab balanced on a dramatic mountainside. Kulturminne Nasjonal turistveg i Sauda Dette var det eneste trygge sted å plassere galleribygget der publikum kan lære mer om gruvedriftens historie. Arkitekturens Picasso setter s spor i Sauda h hdette handler ikke om kommersiell markedsføring. Mine bygninger i Allmannajuvet forteller historien til slitne gruveslusker, sier den verdenskjente arkitekten Peter Zumthor. Journalister fra Japan og New York, Oslo og Rogaland flokket seg rundt arkitekten fra Sveits da besøkende Her kan han i går gjestet Allmannajuvet ved Sauda i anledning åpningen av et anlegg knyttet til Nasjonal turistveg Ryfylke. om helvete lese utdrag Peter Zumthor er en fantastisk god arkitekt. fra Dantes Å møte ham her er som å treffe arkitekturens Picasso, utbryter arkitekt Alma Oftedal som kom domme- «Den gud- for å intervjue den 73 år gamle berømtheten. Men først måtte han snakke ferdig med en japansk og en amerikansk journalist inni kafébygdie» og fra lige komeget. Med sine mørke vegger og korridorer gir det middelalderdiktet assosiasjoner til trange gruveganger. «Draumkvedet». Tre bygg Så stiller Zumthor opp til en prat med Aftenbladet utendørs. Bak ham sees galleribygningen som balanserer på svært høye søyler boltet fast i en klippe. Der inne stilles det ut gamle gruveredskaper, samt bøker om gruvedrift og om Zumthors arbeid med å tegne tre bygg: Galleriet, kafeen og toalettene som balanserer utenpå en gedigen steinmur. Hvordan føler du det nå? Jeg er veldig glad. Sola skinner, noe den ikke har gjort noen gang før i de 15 årene jeg har be- Etter å ha passert en mørk korridor i galleribygget kommer publikum til vinduet som gir utsyn over Allmannajuvet der sinkmalmen ble kastet ned. søkt Sauda, ler han. Vi har jobbet hardt, men nå Dantes «Den guddommelige komedie» og fra er alle glade over et godt resultat. middelalderdiktet «Draumkvedet». Steinbrytervise av Henrik Wergeland står side om side Spor av historien med utdrag fra «Gruva» av Sara Lidman, «Subterranean homesick blues» av Bob Dylan følges Hva er din tanke bak et minnesmerke over gammel gruvedrift fra slutten av 1800-tallet? opp av «New York mining disaster» av brødrene Jeg er ikke interessert i tørr historie slik den Gibb i gruppa Bee Gees, for å nevne noe. undervises i skoler, men i den historien som ligger lagret i landskap. Med mine tre bygninger vil vedrifthistorie på mange nivåer, sier Zumthor. Jeg ville at Fløgstad skulle samle verdens gru- jeg forbinde oss med den historien vi kommer Selv foreslo jeg å få med Johann Peter Hebels fra. fortelling om den forlovede kvinnen i Falun som Toalettet, kafeen og galleriet er plassert langs mistet sin tilkommende i en gruveulykke like før den gamle gruvestien slik at du kan se sporene av de skulle gifte seg. sinkgruvedriften og ane hvilket slit det var å jobbe her. Samtidig blir det også noe nåtidig. Gru- ham som omkom da han var 22. Først da hun var 70 år, fant de igjen liket av vearbeiderne får ingen glede av prosjektet, men Fløgstad, som også deltok i åpningsprogrammet i går, sier til Aftenbladet at det har vært en vi får det. Jeg liker at historien blir en del av nuet. glede å jobbe med antologien, i samarbeid med Antologi ved Fløgstad designer Aud Gloppen. Inne i galleribygget ligger en svær bok trukket Jeg har hatt mange møter med Zumthor og med svart kalveskinn. Det er en antologi ved forfatter og saudabu Kjartan Fløgstad der han etter stambok om gruvedrift og om det å metaforisk fått et godt forhold til ham. Boka er blitt en slags ønske fra Zumthor har samlet tekster fra mange land og språk. Alle kretser rundt underjordisk litterær malm. gå under jorda og lete etter hemmeligheter og virksomhet, ikke bare som håndfast gruvedrift, Alle tekstene er på originalspråket. Jeg har allerede møtt en russer som ble overveldet over å men også i mer symbolsk betydning. Her kan besøkende lese utdrag om helvete fra finne en tekst med kyrillisk skrift. Like overras- Trommeslagere fra gruppa Complete deltok på åpningen av anlegget i Allmannajuvet torsdag. ket ble noen franskmenn som fant Zola på sitt Nei, svarte jeg, ingen betong bak, det må gjøres språk, sier Fløgstad. med stein tvers igjennom. Og nå står muren her. Mange år Norge får respekt Aftenbladet har tidligere skrevet om hvordan arkitekter, ingeniører, elektrikere, malere, snekke- turistvegmonument for å minnes 91 ofre for hek- På Steilneset ved Vardø har du laget et Nasjonal re og andre fagfolk har bidratt til et særpreget sebrenninger på 1600-tallet. Hva synes du om at arkitektonisk verk med utradisjonelle løsninger og kompromissløse krav til nøyaktighet fra Utenfor Norge har folk en stor respekt for Norge satser på slike turistveger? Zumthors side. slike prosjekter. De misunner dere. Dette har Du var her første gang i 2002. Det har tatt ikke noe å gjøre med kommersiell markedsføring, men handler om å fortelle historien til men- veldig lang tid å komme i mål. Hvorfor? Det er et godt spørsmål, svarer Zumthor. Det nesker som arbeidet her. Det er helt fantastisk. tok et år å finne ut hvordan Allmannajuvet kunne Bygningene jeg har laget, finner du ikke igjen bli en del av det fantastiske norske prosjektet Nasjonale turistveger. Og senere, vel, noen ganger ge votter og skjerf designet i Oslo, men laget av noe annet sted. Her i Allmannajuvet skal de sel- ble samarbeidspartnerne nervøse av mine krav, kvinner i Sauda. Jeg liker at prosjektene mine andre ganger ble jeg nervøs av deres langsomhet. bygger bro til menneskene som bor her. Men det som betyr noe nå, er at alt er ferdig. Men vil turister velge å komme til denne avsidesliggende plassen? Det førte til forsinkelse da geologer slo fast at fjellet rundt Allmannajuvet er farlig. I Vardø har de åpnet en ny hotellfløy i det Dermed måtte vi flytte gallerihuset til det gamle hotellet og fra Vadsø får jeg takkebrev eneste stedet som er trygt for ras. Nå står bygningen på et nydelig sted, like ved stien der malmen ke. Også Allmannajuvet vil bli satt på kartet av fra hotelleieren med bønn om å komme tilba- ble kastet ned til vasking. dette. Folk liker å se noe ekte, noe som ikke er På det nye stedet tok det flere år å beregne lengden på søyler og plassering av søyleskoene. Det fra Oslo eller designer fra New York. Dette er for et kunstig konsept laget av en markedsekspert tok også sin tid å oppfylle Zumthors krav til byggingen av murveggen der toalettene balanserer. turistveger. folket. Så ja, dere er heldige som har nasjonale Jeg ville bruke en gammel norsk byggeteknikk som jeg har sett i gatene her. Ja, vi kan gjøre det, svarte de, men kanskje med betong bak, Arkitekt Alma Oftedal fikk møte «arkitektenes Picasso», Peter Zumthor. Til venstre Anne Helen Hana, med master i urban design og byutvikling Forfatteren Kjarten Fløgstad har laget en bok til Zumthors galleribygg som inneholder tekster om gruvedrift i litteraturen. Peter Zumthor h h Hvem: Sveitsisk arkitekt i verdensformat. Har vunnet Carlsbergprisen, kalt arkitektenes «Nobel-pris». h h Hva: Har utformet parkeringsplass, steinmur, toalettbygg, kafé og galleribygg til minne om sinkgruvedriften i Allmannajuvet nord for Sauda. Gruvene var i drift fra 1882 til 1899. h h Hva: Minnesmerket inngår i Nasjonal turistveg Ryfylke, en av 18 Nasjonale turistveger i Norge. h h Prislapp: 175 millioner kroner. Av dette har Sauda kommune betalt 8,8 millioner og 17 millioner kroner er gitt av næringslivet og andre aktører i Ryfylke. h h Dessuten: Peter Zumthor har også utformet minnesmerket over heksebrenning på Steilneset ved Vardø, som også inngår i Nasjonale turistveger. Det ble åpnet i 2011. Ci-dessus: en Norvège, un belvédère imite les virages en épingle à cheveux de la route des Trolls. A g.: l Elastic Perspective, dans la banlieue de Rotterdam, aux Pays-Bas, offre une vue sur la ville. Ci-contre: le Grison Gion Caminada a érigé une tour en bois dominant le delta de la Reuss, dans le canton d Uri. De là-haut, que la vue est belle! Panorama Tours ou plateformes, des constructions souvent magiques se glissent avec discrétion dans la nature pour notre plus grand plaisir. L Mireille Descombes des espaces naturels, des zones de petits fonds pour les animaux et les plantes. Un été approche. Il est archipel de petites îles a également été créé temps de défier les lois par le déversement de 3,3 millions de tonnes de roches provenant du percement du de la pesanteur et de prendre un peu de hauteur pour regarder le cadre unique que se dresse, imposante et tunnel de base du Gothard. C est dans ce monde autrement. Plusieurs architectes nous tion en bois construite par Gion Caminada. silencieuse, la magnifique tour d observa- y invitent. Appelés à intervenir dans la nature sans pour autant l envahir, ils y ont installé miradors, belvédères et autres postes Tout récemment récompensé à Paris par le Une démarche assez unique d observation élégants ou vertigineux aux Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, allures de grandes sculptures abstraites. ce Grison développe une démarche à vrai Certains de ces «points de vue» sont relativement proches, d autres plus lointains. son village natal de Vrin, il y a réalisé une dire assez unique. Afin de redonner vie à Alors, en route! vingtaine de bâtiments en bois, des maisons d habitation, une boucherie, une salle Rejoignons, pour commencer, le delta de la Reuss, près de Flüelen dans le canton polyvalente, une chambre mortuaire et d Uri. Un lieu idyllique, protégé, mais largement remodelé par l homme. Jusqu au rencontre, il avait confié aimer «les cons- même une cabine téléphonique. Lors d une début des années 1980, la rive disparaissait tructions qui résistent et offrent autre peu à peu dans le lac. D importants travaux chose que ce que l on attend d elles». Cette ont permis d y remédier, en aménageant philosophie se retrouve dans sa tour du delta de la Reuss, distinguée par un Prix Lignum en 2012. Haute de presque 12 mètres, couronnée par un toit plat et saillant, dotée de petits balcons qui s avancent vers le paysage et desservie par un escalier en spirale, elle représente plus qu une simple plateforme d observation. C est un abri au sens large et généreux Kari Bergo, du terme, Nils un Johan lieu où Mannsåker l on explore, avec un grand raffinement de détails, les rapports et les passages subtils entre le dedans et le dehors. La Suisse n est pas la seule à aimer cadrer et mettre en scène ses plus beaux paysages. Depuis quelques années, la Norvège elle aussi fait appel à ses meilleurs architectes et designers pour concevoir des belvédères, des espaces verts, des aires de repos un belvédère En Norvège, et des parkings le long de ses routes touristiques nationales. Le visiteur a le choix en- de planer permet tre dix-huit itinéraires qui parcourent la littéralement Norvège des fjords, du Nord, du Sud et de l Est. Prenez, par exemple, la route de Geiranger Trollstigen (route des trolls), lon- de l eau et au-dessus gue de 104 kilomètres. Fameuse pour ses des rochers virages en épingle à cheveux, elle se caractérise par ses magnifiques points de vue. Le belvédère du bureau norvégien Reiulf Ramstad Architects, dans le comté de Møre og Romsdal, devrait séduire les plus blasés. S adaptant par sa forme et ses matériaux au caractère escarpé et sauvage du site, il permet de planer littéralement audessus de l eau et des rochers. Les audacieux comme les plus craintifs y trouveront leur place. Les architectes y ont soigneusement veillé. Comme l anneau de Moebius Pas besoin, toutefois, de hautes montagnes pour offrir de beaux postes d observation. Les Hollandais du bureau NEXT nous le rappellent avec virtuosité et malice. Posé sur une colline verdoyante dans la banlieue de Rotterdam, leur «Elastic Perspective» conduit le visiteur à une hauteur d où il peut contempler librement la grande ville et l horizon. Ici, le vertige est toutefois avant tout métaphysique. Basé sur le principe de l anneau de Moebius, cet escalier en acier rouillé défie la logique et les perceptions. Un point de vue qui se joue des points de vue. De quoi convier le spectateur à un voyage sans fin dans l univers des possibles. U Gentle Interventions Together with Fortunen Architects, Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects have added an attraction to Norway s National Tourist Route. Through their design, Skjervsfossen waterfall can now be experienced in many ways. In the following article, Kari Bergo of Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects and Nils Johan Mannsåker of Fortunen Architects explain their concept and realization of gentle interventions in the landscape. Clippings from press materials 20 Fortunen Architects and Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects fit the large stone staircase almost invisibly into the landscape of Skjervsfossen waterfall. 60 61

National Tourist Routes in the media In 2016, the Tourist Routes Section received more enquiries from foreign media and had more editorial coverage than in any previous year. The opening of Utsikten and Allmannajuvet received the most publicity. FOREIGN MEDIA In 2016, foreign media were in contact with the Tourist Routes Section 83 times, in the form of enquiries, interviews, press shows and press trips. The opening of Utsikten at Gaularfjellet in June resulted in 43 enquiries. The opening of Allmannajuvet in Ryfylke in September led to 21 enquiries. Foreign enquiries by country: England Tyskland Germany Russland Russia USA The United States Italia Italy Frankrike France Japan Sveits Switzerland Australia Sverige Sweden Sør South Korea Belgia Belgium Polen Poland Kina China 15 12 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 Danmark Denmark In 2016, press trips were organised in June and September, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Innovation Norway. The press trip in June presented National Tourist Routes Atlanterhavsvegen, Geiranger - Trollstigen, and Sognefjellet, to six Russian journalists. The press trip in September went over Gaularfjellet, Sognefjellet and Aurlandsfjellet and was undertaken with journalists from Italy, Russia, Germany, USA, England and Sweden. NORWEGIAN MEDIA 2016 According to monthly statistics from the news monitoring company Opoint, 2016 was the second best year in terms of publicity value for National Tourist Routes, almost on level with the opening year of 2012. Publicity value amounted to NOK 61.4 million, from altogether 1244 articles/stories. Publicity value is an estimate of what the media coverage would cost if the client were to pay for it. It is calculated on the basis of article size, placement and story slant, source advertisement price and client visibility in the article. It is not the total number of articles but the many large-scale stories in the national press that have caused the great publicity value. Corresponding figures from previous years are as follows: 2015: NOK 27.8 million (1406 articles) 2014: NOK 37.2 million (1972 articles) 2013: NOK 32.7 million (2599 articles) 2012: NOK 64.1 million (2504 articles) 2011: NOK 26.3 million (1000 articles) BOOKS PRODUCED IN 2016: Nasjonale Turistveger/National Tourist Routes Book 256 pages. Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Forlaget Press, Jan Neste Design Steilneset minnested / Steilneset Memorial Book 144 pages. Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Forlaget Press Mirage - Book 176 pages. Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Forlaget Press 21

GUEST WRITER. Per-Arne Tuftin is Managing Director of Forum for Reiseliv. Tuftin was previously Director of Tourism at Innovation Norway. Norway in a competitive tourism market! Ihere has been a positive development over several years when it comes to people s interest in travelling in Norway. Over the last 2-3 years there has been a fabulous growth in Norwegian tourism, especially from foreign tourists. This has created new optimism in an industry basing its value creation on natural conditions. Norway is not alone in having a fantastic natural beauty, and we are not alone in having an attractive tourism product. We cannot rest on our laurels; we have to keep developing our tourism product and we have to focus on experience-based tourism if the growth in tourism to Norway is to continue. We have to emphasise our magnificent nature, but also present our country as a modern country, a country where our guests will experience local food, activities, adventure, culture and architecture, providing them with pleasant and long-lasting memories. With an extensive road network in unique landscapes and with vibrant communities in all parts of the country, Norway has an excellent opportunity to present something that is not available in other countries and that for many is an object of envy. Other countries are also presenting their countries through scenic routes. But the Norwegian way of combining history, magnificent nature, architecture and necessary facilities at rest areas and viewpoints along 18 selected routes is quite unusual. This enhances the experience of unique Norwegian nature and presents Norway as an innovative tourism country. With our 18 Natural Tourist Routes Norway has a marvellous tourist attraction! They have put Norway on the international tourist map and will continue to do so in the years to come. We need that in order to strengthen Norway s attraction as a tourist destination in a market with increasingly tough international competition. The fact that National Tourist Routes have received a lot of attention nationally and not least internationally makes this attraction an important tool in the marketing and image building of Norway. This has in turn led to international media coverage and increasing interest in Norway as a travel destination. The fact that Norway has been a pioneer with this kind of initiative is being noticed, and our spectacular rest areas and viewpoints have been shown on TV and are frequently shared in social media. National Tourist Routes have established a level for image building of Norway as a tourist destination with pleasing experiences in our amazing nature as the main theme. This should inspire other stakeholders to raise the quality of the Norwegian tourism product by reinforcing the experience of nature through activities and experiences with roots in local traditions wrapped in modern design. This way we will be able to survive as a tourist nation in a competitive tourism market. Per-Arne Tuftin, Managing Director, Forum for Reiseliv 22

National Tourist Route Geiranger-Trollstigen (Photo: Jiri Havran)