PENSUMLISTE HØST 2008 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

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Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet Universitetet i Oslo


PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2010 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

IK101 Grunnleggende teori (15 stp)



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PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2007 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

Pensum. Bachelorstudium i Art Direction Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology

PENSUM VÅREN 2015 SWAHILI. Institutt for språk og litteratur NTNU

Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet Universitetet i Oslo

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PENSUMLISTE HØST 2004 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2004 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

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Kunnskap; verdensbilde, rituelt liv og kulturell klassifikasjon.

Eksamensoppgave i SANT2100 Etnografisk metode

Eksamensoppgave i SANT1002 Økonomi, politikk og økologi

SOS4011 Institusjonelle perspektiver og angrepsmåter


SOSANT1090 Antropologiens historie


Læremidler per emne, POP1

SOS 2500 Kulturanalyse, diskurs og semiotikk et sosiologisk perspektiv

PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2002 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Emneeksamen Grunnfag Mellomfag Hovedfag

Pensum. Bachelorstudium i Retaildesign Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology


SOSANT1090 Antropologiens historie

Eksamensoppgaver til SOSANT1101. Regional etnografi: jordens folk og kulturelt mangfold. Utsatt skoleeksamen 12. desember 2013 kl.

Første studieår. INT1110 Innføring i internasjonale studier. FK1120 Innføring i freds- og konfliktstudier

Islam - emneområde. 1 Said, Edward W.: Orientalisme 1 Kilde: Orientalisme Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2002 ISBN:

Eksamensoppgave i SANT1001 Sosial organisasjon og identitetsdannelse

MUSIKKVITENSKAP. Pensumliste vår 2006

PENSUMLISTE HØST 2005 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner

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IK102 Studieopphold (15 stp)

ENT4505- Introduksjon til sosialt entreprenørskap.


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Litteratur merket *) er del av kompendiet AORG 103 og kan fås kjøpt på Studia


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Del 1 Organisasjoner: handlingsbetingelser, ledelse og strategi

In honour of Thor Heyerdahl bridge builder, challenger and boundary breaker

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Undervisningsplan: 3IK101 Interkulturell kommunikasjon: Grunnleggende teori Høsten 2014 (15 stp)

NTNU, TRONDHEIM Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap

EN Skriving for kommunikasjon og tenkning

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Pensumbøker for Freds- og konfliktstudier og Internasjonale studier

B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T /

The Thor Heyerdahl Institute og UMB inviterer til. The Thor Heyerdahl. på ås. 27. juni. kl

Eksamensoppgave i SANT3508 Globalization Theory and Culture

(2) Teacher-based assessment

RLE1020 Samfunnsanalyse og Etikk (10 stp/ects)

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Religionshistorie II: Islam

Slipp brukerne løs det er PDA!

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Å våge å lede: 10 tips til kvinner som leder på tvers av kulturer

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: (( ) ) :.. (2005 :1987 ) (1375 ) /6/21 : 1388/6/30 :


B Ø K E R P Å P E N S U M I P S Y K O L O G I 3. S T U D I E Å R G J E L D E N D E F O R S T U D I E Å R E T /

Bibliography: The Norwegian Language in America (Under construction) Arnstein Hjelde

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The Future of Academic Libraries the Road Ahead. Roy Gundersen


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Å skrive på et andrespråk

Ny litteraturhistorie 1

PENSUMLISTE VÅR 2000 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI. Artikler i grunnfagskompendium er merket med *, og selges på Kompendieutsalget, Bygg 8, Nivå 4.

Sosialantropologisk institutt

Skolenedleggelser - I skjæringspunktet mellom kvalitet og politikk Høgskolen i Nesna




PENSUMLISTE HØST 2008 SOSIALANTROPOLOGI Bachelorgrad Mastergrad Emner NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse

Kompendier i pensumlista fås kjøpt ved SiT Tapir Fagbokhandel på Dragvoll. BACHELORGRAD SANT0001 KULTURFORSTÅELSE OG INTERNASJONALISERING (Undervisning på Gløshaugen) Bøker: Brøgger, Jan: Kulturforståelse: En nøkkel til vår internasjonale samtid. N.W. Damm & Søn A/S, 1993 Artikler i kompendium: Andersen, Fred Sigve (2001): Den meningsskapte organisasjon et fortolkende perspektiv på organisasjon, kultur og endring. Introduksjon, kap. 1 (s 13-37). Universitetforlaget. Appadurai, Arjun (2001): Grassroots Globalization and the Research Imagination. I: Appadurai, Arjun (red.) (2001): Globalization. A Millenium Quartet Book. Duke University Press; Durham & London. Archer, Lecia og Fitch, Kristine L. (1994): Communication in Latin American Multinational Organizations. I: Wiseman, Richard L & Shuter, Robert (1994): Communication in Multinational Organizations, International and Intercultural Communication Annual, Volume XVIII, 1994. SAGE Publications; Thousand Oaks, London & New Dehli. Eriksen, Thomas Hylland og Nilsen, Finn Sivert (2002): Begynnelser og tilløp. Kap. 1 i Til verdens ende og tilbake Antropologiens historie. S 13-32. Fagbokforlaget; Bergen. Graham, John L. og Lam, N. Mark (2004): The Chinese Negotiation. I: Harvard Business Review on Doing Business in China. (2004) Harvard Business School Press. S 31-55. Hamada, Tomoko (1995): Inventing Cultural others in Organizations: A Case of Anthropological Reflexivity in a Multinational Firm. I: Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 31 No. 1, March 1995, s 162-185. Larsen, Tord (1996): Den globale samtalen Modernisering, representasjon og subjektkonstruksjon. I: Meyer, Siri og Steffensen, Morten (red.) (1996): Norge Museum eller fremtidslaboratorium? Kulturtekst 8, Senter for europeiske kulturstudier. S 117-146. 1

Longva, Anh Nga (1993): Kuwaiti Women at a Crossroads: Privileged Development and the Constraints of Ethnic Stratification. I: International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 25, No. 3. (Aug., 1993), s 443-456. Longva, Anh Nga (1999): Keeping Migrant Workers in Check: The Kafala System in the Gulf. I: Middle East Report, No. 211, Trafficking and Transiting: New Perspectives on Labor Migration. (Summer, 1999), s 20-22. Millington, Andrew, Eberhart, Markus and Wilkinson, Barry (2006): Guanxi and supplier search mechanisms in China. I: Human Relations, Volume 59 (4), 2006: s 555-531. Olivier de Sardan, J. P. (1999): A Moral Economy of Corruption in Africa? I: The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 37, No. 1. (Mar., 1999), s 25-52. Werthmann, Katja (2003): The President of the Gold Diggers: Sources of Power in a Gold Mine in Burkina Faso. I: Ethnos, Vol 68: I, 2003, s 95-111. SANT0002 PSYKOLOGISK ANTROPOLOGI (Undervisning på Gløshaugen) Bøker: Brøgger, Jan: Psykologisk Antropologi. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag 1999 (208 s.) Brøgger, Jan: Innføring i Sosialantropologi. Cappelen Akademisk Forlag 1998. Kap. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 og 10 (141 s.) Erring, Bjørn: Interaksjonsanalyse. Trondheim 1984. Kap. 1, 2 og 5 (43 s.) Johansen, Stein E.: Sannhet og sosial virkelighet: Et antropologisk perspektiv. Trondheim 1986 (44 s.) SANT1000/EX.FAC LÆREN OM MENNESKET INNFØRING I SOSIALANTROPOLOGI Bøker: Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Små steder store spørsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi, kap. 1-5. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo [1993] 1998 (85 s.) Goffman, Erving: Introduction & Performances i The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Penguin Books Ltd., London 1990 (70 s.). (Finnes også i norsk utgave: Vårt rollespill til daglig: en studie av hverdagslivets dramatikk, Innledning og Opptredener. Pax, Oslo 1992.) 2

Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Berreman, Gerald: Behind Many Masks. Ethnography and impression management in a Himalayan village, Bobbs-Merrill A-393 (22 s.) Borchgrevink, Tordis: Et ubehag i antropologien i Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, nr. 1, 8. årgang. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1997 (11 s.) Clammer, John: Approaches to Ethnographic Research i R. F. Ellen: Ethnographic Research. A Guide to General Conduct. Academic Press Limited, London 1984 (23 s.) Dahl-Jørgensen, Carla: Arbeidsmiljø på tvers i M. Thorseth (red.): Globalisering og etikk. NTNU, Trondheim 2004 (10 s.) Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Kulturelle veikryss i en global tid i J. Brinckmann og T. H. Eriksen: Verden som møteplass: essays om tverrkulturell kommunikasjon. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen-Sandviken 1996 (7 s.) Friedman, Jonathan: Globalization and Localization i J. X. Inda og R. Rosaldo (red.): The Anthropology of globalization: a reader. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Malden, Mass. 2002 (14 s.) Geertz, Clifford: The Interpretation of Cultures, kap. 1 og 15. Basic Books, New York 2000 (70 s.) Grønhaug, Reidar: Rettsstaten, det flerkulturelle og antropologien i Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, nr. 3-4, 8. årgang. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1997 (11 s.) Gupta, Akhil & Ferguson, James: Beyond Culture : Space, Identity and the Politics of Difference I J. X. Inda og R. Rosaldo (red.): The Anthropology of globalization: a reader. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Malden, Mass. 2002 (14 s.) Krogstad, Anne: Hermes møter pønkerne i O. Brox og M. Gullestad (red.): På norsk grunn. Ad Notam, Oslo 1989 (10 s.) Larsen, Tord: Er alle stygge andunger egentlig svaner? i Antropolognytt, Institutt for sosialantropologi, Oslo 1979 (14 s.) Larsen, Tord 1998: Om å tenke forskjeller i Fermann, G. og Knudsen, T. L. (red.): Virkelighet og vitenskap. Perspektiver på kultur, samfunn, natur og teknologi. Ad notam Gyldendal, Oslo 1998 (45 s.) Malinowski, Bronislaw: The Subject, Method and Scope of this Inquiry i B. Malinowski: Argonauts of the Western Pacific: an account of native enterprise and adventure in the archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. Waveland Press, Inc., Long Grove, Illinois 1984 (25 s.) Melhuus, Marit: Insisting on Culture i Social Anthropology, Cambridge University press, vol. 7 part 1, Cambridge 1999 (8 s.) Sharp, Lauriston: Technological Innovation and Cultural Change i P. B. Hammond (red.): Cultural and Social Anthropology: introductory readings in ethnology. Macmillan, New York [1964] 1998 (11 s.) 3

Sørum, Arve: Sosialantropologiske grunnvoller i F. S. Nielsen og O. H. Smedal (red.): Mellom himmel og jord: tradisjoner, teorier og tendenser i sosialantropologien. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen 2000 (34 s.) Talle, Aud: But it is mutilation : antropologi og vanskelige temaer i Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, nr. 1-2, 12. årgang. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2001 (9 s.) Wikan, Unni: Culture: A new concept of race i Social Anthropology, Cambridge University press, vol. 7 part 1, Cambridge 1999 (8 s.) Anbefalt litteratur: Erring, Bjørn B.: En innføring i antropologiens idéhistorie. Sosialantropologisk institutt, UNIT, Trondheim 1983. SANT1001 IDENTITETSDANNELSE, IDENTITETSFORHANDLING OG IDENTITETSUTTRYKK Bøker: Caplan, Pat: Food, Health and Identity. Routledge 1997. Kap.1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 (ca. 80 s.) Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Små steder store spørsmål. Kap. 6-9, 16-18. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1998 (133 s.) Jenkins, Richard: Social Identity. (Second edition), Routledge 2004 (188s.) Ossman, Susan: Three Faces of Beauty. Duke University Press 2002 (162 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Barth, Fredrik: Manifestasjon og prosess. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1994. Kap. 5 og 12. (9 og 19 s.) Barth, Fredrik: Introduction. Barth, F. (red.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: the Social Organization of Culture Difference. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1969 (30 s.) Baumann, Gerd: Culture: having, making or both? i The Multicultural Riddle: Rethinking National, Ethnic and Religious Identities, Routledge 1999 (15 s.) Cohen, Anthony P: Culture as identity: an anthropologist s view, i New Literary History Vol. 24 (1), 1993 (14 s.) Eidheim, Harald: When Ethnic Identity is a Social Stigma., Barth, F. (red.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: the Social organization of Culture Difference. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1969 (19 s.) 4

Friedman, Jonathan: The Past in the Future: History and the Politics of Identity. American Anthropologist, Vol. 94, 837-858, 1992 (12 s.) Keesing, R. M: Creating the Past: Custom and Identity in the Contemporary Pacific i The Contemporary Pacific vol. 1 no. 1 & 2, 1989 (21 s.) Krogstad, Anne: Pønkere og symbolendring. Fra ekstern provokasjon til intern moralisme. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, årg. 6, 499-527. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1986 (29 s.) La Fontain, J.S: Person and Individual: Some Anthropological Reflections. i Carrithers, M., Collins, S., Lukes, S. (eds): The Category of the Person, 123-140. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1993 (18 s.) Larsen, Anne Kathrine: Nyere synspunkter på studiet av slektskap. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 4/1996. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 290-301 (11 s.) Melhuus, Marit, Ingrid Rudie og Jorun Solheim: Antropologien og kjønnet, i Forståelser av Kjønn redigert av Widerberg og Taksdal. Oslo: AdNotam Gyldendal 1992 (36 s.) Paulgaard, Gry: Identitetskonstruksjoner hvor langt rekker de?, i Tidsskrift for Ungdomsforskning (1), 2006 (19 s.) Radcliffe-Brown, A.R.: Structure and Function in Primitive Society, kap. I og II. London og New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971 [1952] (34 s.) Thomas, Elaine: Keeping identity at a distance: explaining France s new legal restrictions on the Islamic headscarf, i Ehnic and Racial Studies Vol 21 (5) (17 s.) SANT1002 VERDI: ØKONOMI, POLITIKK OG ØKOLOGI (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bøker: Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Små steder store spørsmål. Innføring i sosialantropologi. Universitetsforlaget, 1998. (Kap. 10, 11 og 12) Lewellen, Ted C.: Political Anthropology. An Introduction. Westport, /London, 1992. Mauss, Marcel: Gaven. Utvekslingens form og årsak i arkaiske samfunn. Oslo: Cappelens Upopulære 1995. Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Archetti, Eduardo: Et antropologisk perspektiv på kulturell endring og utvikling, i Internasjonal Politikk, nr. 4-5, 1986 (24 s.) 5

Barth, Fredrik: Økonomiske sfærer i Darfur, i Barth: Manifestasjon og prosess, Universitetsforlaget 1996 (20 s.) Barth, Fredrik: Økologiske relasjoner mellom etniske grupper i Swat i Nord- Pakistan i Barth: Manifestasjon og Prosess, s. 145-156, Universitetsforlaget 1996. Barth, Fredrik: Segmentary Opposition and the Theory of Games, i Barth: Socialantropologiska Problem, Prisma 1971 (24 s.) Bloch, M. Og Parry, J.: Money and the Morality of Exchange, i Bloch and Parry (eds): Money and the Morality of Exchange, s. 1-33, Cambridge University Press 1989 (33 s.) Bohannan, Paul: The Impact of Money on an African Subsistence Economy, i Journal of Economic History, vol.19, 1959, s. 491-501 (12 s.) Eidheim, Harald: Lappish Guest Relationships under Conditions of Cultural Change, i Eidheim, H.: Aspects of the Lappish Minority Situation, Universitetsforlaget 1971. Gluckman, Max: The Peace in the Feud, i Gluckman: Custom and Conflict in Africa, s. 1-26, Oxford 1956 (26 s.) Gluckman, Max: The Frailty in Authority, i Gluckman: Custom and Conflict in Africa, Oxford, 1956 (27 s.) Harris, Marvin: Pig Lovers and Pig Haters, i Marvin Harris: Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches. The Riddles of Culture, Fontana Books 1977 (17 s.) Kleivan, Helge: Økologiske endringer i Labrador, i Naturen nr. 4, Universitetsforlaget 1962. Kopytoff, Igor: The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditization as Process, i Arjun Appadurai (red.): The Social Life of Things, Cambridge 1990 (28 s.) Larsen, Tord: Formalisme/substantivisme et sentralt erkjennelsesteoretisk problem i antropologien, 1977 (13 s.) Larsen, Tord; Kultur og utvikling, i Thomas Hylland Eriksen (red.): Hvor mange hvite elefanter? Ad Notam forlag AS, Oslo 1989, s. 19-25 (7 s.) Leach, E.: Anthropological Aspects of Language: Animal Categories and Verbal Abuse. I: E. H. Lenneberg (ed.), New Directions in the study of language. The MIT Press 1964. (8 s.) Polanyi, Karl: The Economy as Instituted Process, i E. LeClair and H. K. Schneider (eds.): Economic Anthropology. Readings in Theory and Analysis. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York 1968, s. 122-143 (22 s.) Roberts, Simon: Order and Dispute. An Introduction to Legal Anthropology. Kap. 1-4. Harmondsworth: Penguin 1979. Rudie, Ingrid: Husholdsorganisasjon: tilpasningsprosess og restriktiv form. Et synspunkt på økonomisk endring, i Høst og Wadel (red.): Fiske og lokalsamfunn, Universitetsforlaget 1980 (16 s.) 6

Sahlins, Marshall: On the Sociology of Primitive Exchange, i M. Banton (ed.): The Relevance of Models in Social Anthropology, s. 139-186, London: Tavistock 1965 (48 s.) Sahlins, Marshall: Poor Man, Rich Man, Big Man, Chief: Political Types in Melanesia and Polynesia, i Comparative Studies in Society and History, nr. 3, 1963, (10 s.) Sahlins, Marshall: Food as symbolic code. I: J. C. Alexander & S. Seidman (eds.), Culture and Society: Contemporary Debates. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (40 s.) SANT1003 KUNNSKAP: VERDENSBILDE, RITUELT LIV OG KULTURELL KLASSIFIKASJON (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bok: Bowie, Fiona: The anthropology of religion: an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. Utgave: 2nd ed. 2006. (332 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Douglas, Mary. The Abomination of Leviticus i Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (4 s.) Durkheim, Emile The Elementary Forms of Religious Life i Lambek, Michel (ed.) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2002. (16s.) Evans-Pritchard, E. E. The Problem of Symbols i Lambek, Michel (ed.) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2002. (13s.) Evans-Pritchard, E. E. Witchcraft Explains Unfortunate Events i Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (5s.) Frazer, James G. Sympathetic Magic i Lessa, William and A. Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (16s.) Geertz, Clifford Religion as a Cultural System i Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (12s.) Hobsbawm, Eric J. Millenarianism Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York.1979. (5s.) 7

Langer, Susanne K. The Logic of Signs and Symbols i Lambek, Michel (ed.) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2002. (9s.) Leach, Edmund R. Anthropological Aspects of Language: Animal Categories and Verbal Abuse i Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (14s.) Ortner, Sherry B. On Key Symbols i Lambek, Michel (ed.) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2002. 10s. Stallybrass, Peter and Allon White The politics and Poetics of Transgression i Lambek, Michel (ed.) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2002. (13s.) Tambiah, S.J. The Form and Meaning of Magical Acts: A Point of View i Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (11s.) Turner, Victor Liminality and Communitas i Lambek, Michel (ed.) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2002. 17s. Turner, Victor. Betwixt and Between: The Liminal Period in Rites de Passage i Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (10s.) Tylor, Edward B. Animism i Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (11s.) Wallace, Anthony F. C. Revitalization Movements i Lessa, William A. and Evon Z. Vogt (eds.) Reader in comparative religion. An anthropological approach. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. 1979. (9s.) Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism i Lambek, Michel (ed.) A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 2002. (11s.) SANT1004 JORDENS FOLK SØR-ØST ASIA (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret.) Bok: Geertz, Clifford: Agricultural Involution. The Process of Ecological Change in Indonesia. University of California Press, Berkeley 1963. (176 s.) 8

Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Antlöv, Hans: Sørøst-Asias fastland, i Howell, S. og Melhuus, M (red.): Fjern og nær. Sosialantropologiske perspektiver på verdens samfunn og kulturer. Ad Notam Gyldendal, Oslo, 1996 (21 s.) Blackwood, Evelyn: Senior Women, Model Mothers, and Dutiful Wives. Managing Gender Contradiction in a Minangkabau Village, i Ong, A. og Peletz, M. G. (red.) Bewitching Women, Pious Men. Gender and Body Politics in Southeast Asia. University of California Press, Berkeley 1995. (35 s.) Brosius, J. Peter: The Forest and the Nation: Negotiating Citizenship in Sarawak, East Malaysia, i Rosaldo, R. (red.): Cultural Citizenship in Island Southeast Asia. Nation and Belonging in the Hinterlands. University of California Press, Berkeley 2003 (58 s.) Cannell, Fenella: The Imitation of Christ in Bicol, Philippines, i The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1995 (18 s.) Carsten, Janet: Cooking Money: Gender and the Symbolic Transformation of Means of Exchange in a Malay fishing Community, i Parry, J. P. and Bloch, M. (red.): Money and the Morality of Exchange. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1989 (25 s.) Chua Beng-Huat: Culture, Multiracialism, and National Identity in Singapore, i Chen K.-H. (red.): Trajectories. Inter - Asia Cultural Studies. Routledge, London 1998 (20 s.) Howell, Signe: The House as an Analytical Concept: A theoretical overview, i Sparkes, S. og Howell, S. (red.): The House in Southeast Asia. A Changing Social, Economical and Political Domain. Routledge, London 2003 (18 s.) Kenny, Michael G.: Latah. The logic of fear, i Karim, W. J.: Emotions of Culture. A Malay Perspective. Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1990. (19 s.) Larsen, Anne Kathrine: The Impact of the Islamic Resurgence on the Belief System of Rural Malays, i Temenos Vol. 32. Helsinki 1996 (18 s.) Leach, Edmund R.: Political Systems of Highland Burma. A Study of Kachin Social Structure, Chap.I: Introduction, [1954], 1993. (17 s.) Nonini. Donald N.: Shifting Identities, Positioned Imaginaries: Transnational Traversals and Reversals by Malaysian Chinese, i Nonini. D. N. og Ong A. (red.): Ungrounded Empires: The Cultural Politics of Modern Chinese Transnationalism. Routledge, New York 1997 (25 s.). Ong, Aihwa: The Production of Possession. Spirits and the Multinational Corporations in Malaysia, i American Ethnologist, Vol. 15, No. 1, Medical Anthropology 1988 (15 s.) Smedal, Olaf H.: Indonesia, i Howell, S. og Melhuus, M. (red.): Fjern og nær. Sosialantropologiske perspektiver på verdens samfunn og kulturer. Ad Notam Gyldendal, Oslo 1996 (18 s.) Spiro, Melford E.: Buddhism and Economic Action in Burma. American 9

Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 68, No. 5, 1966 (11 s.) Stern, Theodore: A People Between: The Pwo Karen of Western Thailand i Keyes, C. F. (red.): Ethnic Adaptation and Identity. The Karen of the Thai Frontier with Burma. Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Inc., Philadelphia 1979 (18 s.) Wikan, Unni: Public grace and private fears: Gaiety, offence, and sorcery in northern Bali, i Ethos Vol. 15, No. 4, 1987 (29 s.) SANT1005 JORDENS FOLK SØR-ASIA (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bok: Adrian C. Mayer: Caste and Kinship in Central India. A Village and its region. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960. Kap. II-V, s. 11-91 (81 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Barth, Fredrik: Pathan Identity and its Maintenance. In; Barth (red.): Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1969, s. 117-34 (18 s.) Berreman, Gerald D.: Self, Situation and Escape from Stigmatized Ethnic Identity. In; Jan Brögger (red): Management of Minority Status. Oslo: Etnografisk Museums Årbok, Universitetsforlaget 1971, s. 11-25 (15 s.) Berreman, Gerald D.: The Brahmanical View of Caste. In; Dipankar Gupta (red): Social Stratification, Delhi: Oxford 1991 (1970), s. 84-92 (9 s.) Béteille, André: Race, Caste and Gender, Man 25 (3): 489-504, 1990 (16 s.) Béteille, André: Caste in a South Indian Village. In; Dipankar Gupta (red): Social Stratification (op.cit.), s. 146-162, 1991-1966 (17 s.) Carrin, Marine: Santal Autonomy as a Social Ecology. In; M. Carrin og H. Tambs-Lyche: People of the Jangal. Delhi: Manohar (forthcoming 2006) (19 s.) Carrithers, Michael: On Polytropy: Or the Natural Condition of Spiritual Cosmopolitanism in India: The Digambar Jain Case, Modern Asian Studies 34 (4): 831-861, 2000 (31 s.) Dumont, Louis: Hierarchy, Status and Power: The Caste System and its Implications. In; Dipankar Gupta (red): Social Stratification (op.cit.), s. 471-491, 1991 (1970) (22 s.) Frøystad, Kathinka: Master-Servant Relations and the Domestic Reproduction of Caste in Northern India, Ethnos 68 (1): 73-94, 2003 (22 s.) Fuller, C. J.: Kerala Christians and the Caste System. In; Dipankar Gupta (red): Social Stratification (op.cit.), s. 195-212, 1991 (1976) (18 s.) Gardner, Katy: Women and Islamic Revivalism in a Bangladeshi Community. In; Patricia Jeffery and Amrita Basu (red): Appropriating Gender. Women's 10

Activism and Politicized Religion in South Asia. New York/London: Routledge 1998, s. 203-220 (18 s.) Jacobson, Doranne: Flexibility in Central Indian Kinship and Residence. In; Kenneth David (red): The New Wind. Changing Identities in South Asia. The Hague: Mouton 1977, s. 263-283 (21 s.) Khare, R.S.: Prestations and Prayers: Two Homologous Systems in Northern India. In; Kenneth David (red): The New Wind. Changing Identities in South Asia (op. cit.), s. 105-131, 1977 (27 s.) Marriott, McKim: Multiple Reference in Indian Caste Systems. In; Dipankar Gupta (red): Social Stratification (op.cit.) 1991 (1968), s. 49-59 (11 s.) Mines, Diane P.: Hindu Nationalism, Untouchable Reform, and the Ritual Production of a South Indian Village, American Ethnologist 29 (1): 58-85, 2002 (28 s.) Srinivas, M. N.: The Dominant Caste in Rampura. In; Dipankar Gupta (red): Social Stratification (op.cit.), s. 307-311, 1991 (1987) (5 s.) Tambs-Lyche, Harald: India og Sør-Asia. I; Signe Howell og Marit Melhuus (red): Fjern og Nær. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal 1996 (1994), s. 352-378 (27 s.) Tambs-Lyche, Harald: Heroes in the Hills, Power in the Plains: Patterns of Traditional Politics in Western South Asia. In; Grønhaug, Haaland og Henriksen (red): The Ecology of Choice and Symbol: Essays in the honour of Fredrik Barth. Bergen: Alma Mater 1991, s. 121-138 (18 s.) Thapar, Romila og Majid Hayat Siddiqi: Tribals in History: The Case of Chota Nagpur. In; Dipankar Gupta (red): Social Stratification (op.cit.), s. 419-428, 1991 (1979) (10 s.) Vatuk, Sylvia: Identity and Difference or Equality and Inequality in South Asian Muslim Society. In; Chris. J. Fuller (red): Caste Today. Delhi: Oxford University Press 1996, s. 227-262 (36 s.) Wadley, Susan: Power in Hindu Ideology and Practice. In; Kenneth David (red) The New Wind. Changing Identities in South Asia, (op.cit.) 1977, s. 133-158 (26 s.) Yalman, Nur: The Ascetic Buddhist Monks of Ceylon. In; Peter B. Hammond (red): Cultural and Social Anthropology: Selected Readings. New York: Macmillan 1964 (1962), s. 312-321 (10 s.) SANT1006 JORDENS FOLK LATIN-AMERIKA OG KARIBIA (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bok: Kulick, Don (1998): Travesti: Sex, Gender and Culture Among Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes. The University of Chicago Press (288 sider) 11

Artikler i kompendium: LATIN AMERIKA Crain, Mary M. (1996): Negotiating Identities in Quito s Cultural Borderlands: Native Women s Performances for the Ecuadorean Tourist Market, i: Cross Cultural Consumption. Global Markets, Local Realities. David Howes (eds.) New York: Routledge. (13 sider.) Gutmann, Matthew C. (1997): The Ethnographic (G)ambit: Women and the Negotiation of Masculinity in Mexico City. I American Ethnologist, Vol. 24 (4) side 833-855 (23 sider) Gutmann, Matthew C. (1998): For Whom the Taco Bells Toll: Popular responses to NAFTA south of the border I Critique of Anthropology, Vol. 18 (3), side 297-315 (19 sider). Kray, Christine A. (2005): The Sense of Tranquility: Bodily Practice and Ethnic Classes in Yucatan I Ethnology, Vol 44 (4), side 337-355 (19 sider). Lorraín, Jorge (1999): Modernity and Identity: Cultural Change in Latin America I Gwynne, Robert N. og Cristóbal Kay: Latin America Transformed. Globalization and Modernity. Arnold Publishers, London, 1999. Kap. 8, s. 182-202 (20 sider). Muratorio, Blanca (1980): Protestantism and Capitalism revised in the Rural Highland of Ecuador, i The Journal of Peasant Studies, s. 37-60 (24 sider). Sarti, Cynthia (1995): Morality and Transgression among Brazilian Poor Families: Exploring the Ambiguities, i David Hess (ed.) The Brazilian Puzzle: Culture on the Borderlands of the Western World. New York: Columbia University Press (10 sider). Schackt, Jon (2002): Mayaidentitet og prinsessekåringer i Guatemala, i Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, Vol. 13 (3), s150-163. Universitetsforlaget (14 sier). Streicker, Joel (1995): Policing Boundaries: Race, Class, and Gender in Cartagena Colombia I American Ethnologist, Vol. 22 (1), side 54-74 (20 sider). Wade, Peter (1997): Blacks and Indians in Latin America, i: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. Pluto Press; London, USA (15 sider.) Wade, Peter (1997): Studying Race and Ethnicity in a Postmodern and Reflexive World, i: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. Pluto Press; London, USA (9 sider.) Watanabe, John M. (1990): From Saints to Shibboleths: Image, Structure, and Identity in Maya Religious Syncretism. I American Ethnologist, Vol. 17 (1), side 131-150 (19 sider) 12

KARIBIA Miller, Daniel (1993): Christmas against Materialism, i Daniel Miller (ed.) Unwrapping Christmas. Oxford: Claredon Press (s. 134-153) (20 sider) Mintz, Sidney W. (1996): Enduring Substances, Trying Theories: The Carribean Region as Oikoumene, i The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 2, s. 289-311 (24 sider) Trouillot, Michael-Rolph (1992): The Carribean Region. An Open Frontier in Anthropological Theory, i Annual Review of Anthropology, 21, s. 19-42 (24 sider). Wilk, Richard R. (1999): Real Belizian Food: Building Local Identity in the Transnational Carribean I American Anthropologist 101 (2), side 244-255 (9 sider). SANT1007 JORDENS FOLK MIDT-ØSTEN (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bok: Bates, Daniel G. and Rassam, A.: Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2001 (329 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Abu-Lughod, Lila: The Marriage of Feminism and Islamism in Egypt: Selective Repudiation as a Dynamic of Postcolonial Cultural Politics, i Abu-Lughod, Lila (red.) Remaking Women: Feminism and Modernity in the Middle East, Princeton: Princeton University Press 1998, s. 243-69 (27 s.) Caton, Steven C.: Power, Persuasion, and Language: A Critique of the Segmentary Model in the Middle East, i International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1987, s. 77-110 (25 s.) Cole, Donald P.: Where have the Bedouin Gone?, i Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 76, No. 2, 2003, s. 235-267 (32 s.) MacPhee; Marybeth: Medicine for the Heart: The Embodiment of Faith in Morocco, i Medical Anthropology, 22, s. 53-83, 2003 (31 s.) Naguib, Nafissa og Berit Thorbjørnsrud: Midtøsten, i Signe Howell og Marit Melhuus (red.) Fjern og nær. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal 2001, s. 469-491 (23 s.) Peteet, Julie: Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian Intifada : A Cultural Politics of Violence, i American Ethnologist, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1994, s. 31-49 (19 s.) Wikan, Unni: Shame and Honour: A Contestable Pair, i Man: New Series, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1984, s. 635-652 (18 s.) 13

SANT1008 JORDENS FOLK - OSEANIA (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Anderson, Astrid: Sans av steder i Melanesia. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 1998, 9: 21-33. Daws, Gavan: A Dream of Islands, introduksjonen i A Dream of Islands. Voyages of Self-Discovery in the South Seas. Sydney/Melbourne/Perth: The Jacaranda Press 1980. Eriksen, Annelin: Kirke og kastom, kvinner og menn: om transformasjoner, i: kjønnsrelasjoner på Ambrym, Vanuatu. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 10:200-215, 1999. Eves, Richard: Colonialism, Corporeality and Character: Methodist Mission and the Refashioning of Bodies in the Pacific. History and Anthropology. Vol.10, no.1, 1996, 85-138. (utdraget i kompendium: 85-107). Keesing, Roger M.: Kastom in Melanesia: An Overview. Mankind. Vol.13. no 4, 1982, 297-301. Levy, Robert I.: Self and Identity, i Tahitians: Mind and Experience in the Society Island. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1973. Kap. 7. Malinowski, Bronislaw: The essentials of the Kula, i Argonauts of the Western. Kap. 3. Oliver, Douglas L.: Activities, i Native Cultures of the Pacific Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1989. Kap. 3. Ritchie, Jane & James: Socialization and Character Development i Alan Howard & Robert Borofsky (red.) Developments in Polynesian Ethnology. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1989. Sahlins, Marsha1l: Goodbye to Tristes Tropes: Ethnography in the Context of Modern Tonkinson, Robert : Kastom in Melanesia. Mankind., Vol. 13, no.4, 1982, s. 302-305. Williksen-Bakker, Solrun: Ceremony and embodied memory in Urbanized Fijian Culture. Bijdragen. Journal of the Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, 151-II, 1995 Williksen-Bakker, Solrun: Can a silent person be a business person. The concept of Mâduâ in Fijian Culture. The Australian Journal of Anthropolog, 15:2, 198-212, 2004. Følgende to artikler i Signe Howell og Marit Melhuus (red): Fjern og Nær. Sosialantropologiske Perspektiver på verdens samfunn og kulturer. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal 1996: 14

-Sørum, Arve: Melanesia. -Williksen-Bakker, Solrun, Sidsel Roalkvam og Ingjerd Hoêm: Polynesia. Monografier: Mead, Margaret: Coming of Age in Samoa. Penguin 2002 (1928) Weiner, Annette B.: The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea, 1988. Mellom annet i Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift finnes det mange artikler om Melanesia og Polynesia. Det lønner seg å ta en titt på årgangene. Mer informasjon om artikler i ulike tidsskrift vil bli gitt på forelesningene. SANT1009 JORDENS FOLK - AFRIKA Bok: Howell, Signe & Marit Melhuus: Fjern og nær. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal 1996, 2. rev. utgave (Afrikadelen - ca 100 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Aspen, Harald: What is culture? Amhara creativity as a case in point. I: Katsuyoshi Fukui et al.: Ethiopia in Broader Perspective: Papers of the 13 th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, 1997, vol. III, pp. 149-162 (13 s.) Ashforth, Adam: On living in a world with witches. Everyday epistemology and spiritual insecurity in a modern African city (Soweto). I: Moore, Henrietta L. and Todd Sanders (eds.): Magical Interpretations, Material Realities. Modernity, Witchcraft and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa. London: Routledge 2001 (15 s.) Bayart, Jean-François: Africa in the World: A History of Extraversion. I African Affairs, 2000, 99, 217-267 (51 s.) Berge, Trond: Grense-boeren. I: Berge, Trond: Svart i Hvitt. Forkrampete grenser mellom hvite og svarte i Sør-Afrika. Oslo: Occasional Papers 1991, no. 23 (25 s.) Besteman, Catherine: Representing Violence and Othering Somalia. Current Anthropology, vol.11, no.1 (Feb 1996):120-133 (13 s.) Broch-Due, Vigdis: Creation and the Multiple Female Body. Turkana Perspectives on Gender and Cosmos. I: Moore, Henrietta, Sanders, Todd, and Buire Kaare (eds.): Those who play with fire. Gender, fertility and transformation in East and Southern Africa. London: The Athlone Press 1999 (28 s.) Ferguson, James: Of Mimicry and Membership: Africans and the New World Society og Decomposing Modernity: History and Hierarchy after 15

Development. I Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2006, pp. 155-193 (49 s.) Geschiere, Peter: Kinship, Witchcraft and the Market: Hybrid Patterns in Cameroonian Societies. I: Grinker, Roy Richard & Cristopher B. Schreiner (eds.): Perspectives on Africa. A reader in Culture, History and Representation. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 1998 (17 s.) Guyer, Jane I.: "Conversions: Asymmetrical transactions" og "Volatility: A performance in modern Nigeria" i Marginal Gains: Monetary Transactions in Atlantic Africa. Chicago og London: University of Chicago Press 2004 (36 s.) Hansen, Karen Tranberg: "Getting Stuck in the Compound: Some Odds against Social Adulthood in Lusaka, Zambia", i Africa Today, 2005, vol. 51, nr. 4: 3-16 (13 s.) Haram, Liv Prostitutes or modern women? Negotiating sexuality in northern Tanzania. I Arnfred, Signe (ed.), Re-thinking Sexualities in Africa. Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute, 2004, pp. 211-229 (19 s.) Henley, Paul: Spirit possession, power, and the absent presence of Islam: reviewing Les maîtres fous. I: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2006, 12, 731-761 (31 s.) Karp, Ivan: Beer Drinking and Social Experience in an African Society. I: Karp, Ivan & Charles S. Bird (eds.): Explorations in African Systems of Thought. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press 1987 (26 s.) Kaspin, Deborah: Chewa Visions and Revisions of Power. Transformations of the Nyau Dance in Central Malawi. I: Comaroff, Jean & John Comaroff (eds.): Modernity and its Malcontents. Ritual and Power in Post-Colonial Africa. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 1993 (25 s.) Kiernan, Jim: Variations on a Christian Theme. The healing synthesis of Zulu Zionism. I: Steward & Shaw (eds.): Syncretism/Anti-Syncretism. The Politics of Religious Synthesis. London: Routledge 1994 (17 s.) Levine, Donald N.: Greater Ethiopia Reconsidered. Ethiopian Review, August 1992 (3 s.) Lewis, I. M. Doing Violence to Ethnography: A Response to Catherine Besteman s Representing Violence and Othering Somalia. I: Cultural Anthropology, 1998, Vol 13, 1:100-108 (9 s.) Smith, Daniel Jordan: Kinship and Corruption in Nigeria. Ethnos 2001, vol. 66, no. 3:344-364 (20 s.) SANT1010 JORDENS FOLK: NORDEN (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret.) 16

Bok: Lien, Marianne, H. Lidén og H. Vike (red.): Likhetens paradokser. Universitetsforlaget, 2001. Utvalgte artikler: Likhetens virkeligheter, s. 11-26, (16 s.); Likhetens grenser, s. 32-62, (31 s.); Likhet og verdighet, s. 86-108, (23 s.); Likhetens kjønn, s. 145-167, (23 s.) Til sammen 93 s. Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Barth, Fredrik, O. Brox og M. Gullestad: Sosialantropologen i arbeid med egen kultur, i På norsk grunn, s. 199-224, (red. Brox, Gullestad) 1990 (26 s.) Gaffin, Dennis: The production of emotion and social control: Taunting, anger and the Rukka in the Faeroe Islands, s. 149-172, i Ethos, Vol. 23, No. 2 June 1995 (24 s.) Gullestad, Marianne: Vitenskapsteoretisk diskusjon om begrepene fred og ro som kulturell kategori, s. 123-140, i Kultur og hverdagsliv (Gullestad), Universitetsforlaget 1989 (18 s.) Gullestad, Marianne: Small facts and large issues: The anthropology of contemporary Scandinavian society, s. 71-93, i Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 18, 1989 (23 s.) Hastrup, Kirsten: Male and female in Icelandic culture: a preliminary sketch, i Island of anthropology, s. 269-282, Odense University Press 1990 (14 s.) Klausen, Arne Martin: Norsk kultur myte eller realitet, i Kultur: Mønster og kaos, s. 204-221, ad Notam Gyldendal 1992 (18 s.) Larsen, Tord: Bønder i byen på jakt etter den norske konfigurasjonen, i Den norske væremåten, s. 15-44, (red. Klausen), J. W. Cappelens Forlag A/S 1984 (30 s.) Paine, Robert: The claim of aboriginality: Saami in Norway I The ecology of choice and symbol, s. 388-406, (ed. Grønhaug, Haaland, Henriksen), Alma Mater Forlag AS 1991 (19 s.) Sørensen & Stråth: Introduction: The cultural construction of Norden, i The cultural construction of Norden, s. 1-24, (red. Sørensen & Stroth), Scandinavian University Press 1997 (24 s.) Sørhaug, Hans Christian: Totemisme på norsk betraktninger om den norske sosialdemokratismens vesen, s. 61-87, i Den norske væremåten (red. Klausen), J. W. Cappelens Forlag A/S 1984 (27 s.) Vike, Halvard: Norden, i Fjern og Nær, ss. 533-556, (Red. Howell & Melhuus), Ad Notam Gyldendal 1996 (24 s.) Vitoszek, Nina: Fugitives from utopia: the Scandinavian enlightenment reconsidered, s. 72-90, i The cultural construction of Norden (red. Sørensen & Stroth), Scandinavian University Press 1997 (19 s.) 17

SANT2000 BACHELORESSAY Studentene oppfordres før kursstart til å skrive en side eller mer om det temaet de ønsker å konsentrere seg om i essayet (gjerne med henvisning til litteratur). Videre bør de med noen setninger nevne hva de synes er problematisk i skrivingen og hva de ønsker at kurset skal gå spesielt inn på. Dette leveres på instituttet i god tid før kursstart. Foreleseren vil så utarbeide en plan for timene hvor det blir tatt hensyn til de individuelle behov for veiledning. Det er ikke noe obligatorisk pensum til dette kurset. Studentene anbefales imidlertid å lese i utdrag eller i sin helhet: Bech-Karlsen, Jo: Gode fagtekster: Essayskriving for begynnere, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2003 (185 s.) Johansen, Anders: Samtalens tynne tråd: Skriveerfaringer, Oslo: Spartacus, 2003 (300 s.) SANT2001 NASJONALISME, ETNISITET OG POSTKOLONIALISME Bøker: Banks, M.: Ethnicity: Anthropological Constructions. London & New York: Routledge 1996. Kap. 1, 2, 5, 6 og 7 (142 s.) Karlsson, B. G.: Contested Belonging: An Indigenous People's Struggle for Forest and Identity in Sub-Himalayan Bengal. Curzon Press 2000 (310 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Hylland Eriksen, T.: Place, kinship and the case for non-ethnic nations. Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 10, 2004 (1/2):49-62. (13 s.) Karlsson, B. G.: Anthropology and the Indigenous slot. Claims to and Debates about Indigenous Peoples Status in India. Critique of Anthropology, 2003, Vol. 23:4:403-423 (20 s.) Keesing, R. M.: Creating the Past: Custom and Identity in the Contemporary Pacific 1989. In; The Contemporary Pacific, vol. 1, no. 1 & 2, spring & fall, 19-42 (21 s.) Levine, H. B.: Reconstructing Ethnicity, 1999. J. Roy. Anthrop, Inst. (N.S.) 5:165-180 (15 s.) (521 s. totalt) 18

SANT2002 KROPP, EMOSJON, SELV OG ERFARING Bøker: Desjarlais, Robert R.: Body and emotion: the aesthetics of illness and healing in the Nepal Himalayas. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1992 (300 s.) Lupton, Deborah. Food, the Body and the Self. Sage 1996 (192 s.) Artikler/ kapitler i kompendium: Brewis, Joanna and John Sinclair: Exploring embodiment: women, biology and work. I: Hassard, John, Holliday, Ruth & Hugh Wilmott (red.), Body and Organization. London: Sage Publications 2000 (20 s.) Csordas, Thomas J.: Words from the holy place: a case study in cultural phenomenology. I: T. J. Csordas (red.), Embodiment and experience. The existential ground of culture and self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1994 (20 s.) Good, Byron J.: The body, illness experience, and the lifeworld: a phenomenological account of chronic pain. I: B. J. Good (red.), Medicine, rationality, and experience. An anthropological perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1994 (18 s.) Lock, Margaret: Medical knowledge and body politics. I: J. MacClancy (red.), Exotic no more. Anthropology on the front lines, 2002 (17 s.) Mauss, Marcel: A Category of the Human Mind: The Notion of Person; the Notion of Self. Carrithers, M., Collins, S., Lukes, S. (eds): The Category of the Person, 1-26. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1993 (26 s.) Rosaldo, Michelle Z.: Toward an anthropology of self and feeling. I: R. A. Shweder and R. A. LeVine (red.), Culture theory. Essays on mind, self, and emotion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1984 (20 s.) SANT2003 BEDRIFTS- OG ORGANISASJONSANTROPOLOGI (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bøker: Jordan, A. T.: Business Anthropology. Prospects Heights, IL: Wave Land Press 2003. Kap. 1-3 og 7-9 (82 s.) Tucker, James: The Therapeutic Corporation. New York: Oxford University Press 1999 (175 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Baba, M. L.: The Anthropology of Work in the Fortune 1000: A Critical Retrospective i Anthropology of Work Review. Vol XVIII, 4, 17-28, 1998 19

(11 s.) Baba, M. L.: Working Knowledge Goes Global: Knowledge Sharing and Performance in a Globally Distributed Team i Anthropology of Work Review. Vol XXIV, 1-2, 19-29, 2003 (10 s.) Bate, S. P.: Whatever Happened to Organizational Anthropology? A Review of the Field of Organizational Ethnography and Anthropological Studies i Human Relations. Vol 50, 9, 1147-1175, 1997 (28 s.) Dahl-Jørgensen, Carla: Håndtering av usikkerhet I en global verden å tenke lokalt som en overlevelsesstrategi i Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 5 (1), 2003 (13 s.) Fine, Gary Alan: Letting off steam? Redefining a restaurant s work environment I Jones, Michael Owen; Moore, Michael Dane, & Snyder, Richard Christopher (red.) Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension. Newbury Park, Calif.; Sage Publications 1988 (9 s.) Hamada, T.: Inventing Cultural Others in Organizations: A Case of Anthropological Reflexivity in a Multinational Firm i Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Vol 31, 1, 162-185, 1995 (23 s.) Husted, Bryan W.: Cultural balkanization and hybridization in an era of globalization: implications for international business research I Kotabe, Masaaki & Aulakh, Preet S., Emerging Issues in International Business Research. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2002 (15 s.) Linstead, Stephen: Breaking the purity rule : Industrial sabotage and the symbolic process. Personnel Review, 14, 1985 (8 s.) Littrell, M. og Dickson, A.: Alternative Trading Organizations: Shifting Paradigm in a Culture of Social Responsibility i Human Organization, 56: 344-352, 1997 (8 s.) Orr, Julian: Sharing Knowledge, Celebrating Identity: War Stories and Community Memory in a Service Culture I Middleton, David & Edwards, Derek (eds), Collective Remembering. London: Sage Publications 1990 (21 s.) Salzer-Mörling, Miriam: Företag som Kulturella Uttryck. Kap 5 og 9 Bjärred: Academia Adacta AB 1998 (24 s.) og (25 s.) Til sammen 49 s. Smircich, Linda: Organizations as Shared Meanings i Pondy, L. R., Frost, P. J., Morgan, G., & Dandridge, T. C., Organizational Symbolism. Jay Press Inc. 1983 (11 s.) Turner, Stephen: Studying organization through Levi-Strauss s Structuralism i Morgan, Gareth (ed) Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Research. Sage Publications 1983 (13 s.) Anbefalt litteratur: Andersen, S. A.: Den meningsskapte organisasjon: Et fortolkende perspektiv på organisasjon, kultur og endring. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2001, s. 1-137 20

SANT2004 UTVIKLING, MODERNISERING OG GLOBALISERING (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bok: Ferguson, James: The Anti-Politics Machine, University of Minnesota Press 1994 evt. 1992 (320 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Appadurai, Arjun Grassroots Globalization and the Research Imagination, i Moore, H. and T. Sanders Anthropology in Theory, Blackwell Publishing 2006 (12 s). Appadurai, Arjun Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy, i Inda, J. X and R. Rosaldo The Anthropology of Globalization, Blackwell Publishing, 2002 (20 s.) Appadurai, Arjun: Global ethnoscapes: Notes and queries for a transnational anthropology, i Modernity at large (Appadurai), University of Minnesota Press 1996 (18 s.) Escobar, Arturo: Anthropology and the development encounter: the making and marketing of development anthropology, i American Ethnologist, 18 (4) Nov. 1991 (25 s.) Ferguson, James: Global Disconnect: Abjection and the Aftermath of Modernism i Inda, J. X and R. Rosaldo The Anthropology of Globalization, Blackwell Publishing, 2002 (19s.) Friedman, Jonathan: Globalization and Localization i Inda, J. X and R. Rosaldo The Anthropology of Globalization, Blackwell Publishing, 2002 (15s.) Gupta & Ferguson: Beyond Culture : Space, Identity and the Politics of Difference i Moore, H. and T. Sanders Anthropology in Theory, Blackwell Publishing 2006 (10s.) Helle-Valle, Jo: Fra Modernisering til Globalisering i Nielsen, F. S. og O. H. Smedal Mellom Himmel og Jord: tradisjoner, teorier og tendenser i sosialantropologien, Fagbokforlaget 2000 (30 s.) Herzfeld, Michael: Developmentalisms i Herzfeld, M. Anthropology: Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society, Blackwell Publishing 2001 (20s.) Larsen, Anne Kathrine: Diskurser om utvikling i Malaysia, i Norsk antropologisk tidskrift nr. 1-2, 2002 (13 s.) SANT2005 KOMMUNIKASJON OG INTERAKSJON 21

(Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bok: Barth, Fredrik.: Ritual and knowledge among the Baktaman of New Guinea. Universitetsforlaget 1975 (292 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Barthes, Roland: "The world of wrestling". I Alexander J. C. and S. Seidman: Culture and Society, Cambridge University Press, 1990. (Orginalt i Barthes, R., Mytologier, Gyldendal Norsk forlag, 1991.) s. 87-93 (7 s.) De Man, Paul: Tropenes retorikk. I Kittang, A et al. Moderne litteraturteori. Universitetsforlaget 1991. (15 s.) Heradstveit, Daniel og T. Bjørgo: Politisk kommunikasjon: introduksjon til semiotikk og retorikk. Tano 1987. Utdrag, s. 21-113 (92 s.) Johansen, Stein: "Funderingen av Batesons epistemologi". I Johansen, Stein.: Grunnriss av en Differensiell Epistemologi, Ariadne 1991, s. 7-38 (31 s.) Larsen, Tord: "Goffman og Gluckman - to forhold mellom tegn og betegnet". (17 s.) Larsen, Tord: "Den globale samtalen." I Meyer, S. og Steffensen: Norge, Museum eller fremtidslaboratorium, Kulturtekster 8. Senter for europeiske kulturstudier 1996, s. 117-146 (29 s.) Sahlins, Marshall: "Food as symbolic code." I Alexander J. C. and S. Seidman: Culture and Society, Cambridge University Press 1990, s. 94-101 (7 s.) Simonsen, Jan Ketil: "Erfaring og Leksikalisering: Om det teoretiske grunnlaget for meningsdannelse". Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, nr. 2, årgang 8., s. 96-108, 1997 (2 s.) Thaiss, G.: "The Conceptualisation of Social Change Through Metaphors." Journal of Asian and African Studies, 1978 (13 s.) Tilley, Christopher: Metaphor and Material Culture. Blackwell Publishers 1999. Utdrag, s. 1-77 (77 s.) Tilleggspensum: Barthes, Roland: Mytologier. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1991. (Første gang utgitt 1957) (212 s.) Barthes, Roland: I tegnets tid. Pax Forlag 1994 (170 s.) Bateson, Gregory: Steps to an ecology of mind. Ballantine books 1972 (541 s.) Genette, Gérard: Figurar. I Kittang, A et al. Moderne litteraturteori. Universitetsforlaget 1991 (12 s.) Lakoff, Georg and Mark Johnson: Metaphors We Live By. The Univeristy of Chicago Press 1980 (242 s.) Malinowski, Bronislaw: In Ogden, C. K.: The meaning of meaning. Routledge & Kegan Paul 1949. Paine, Robert (red): Politically speaking : cross-cultural studies of rethoric. 22

National Plan Service 1981. Sun Zi: Kunsten å krige. Oversatt av Harald Bøckman. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 1999 (144 s.) Weiner, James. F.: "Myth and Metaphor." I T. Ingold (ed.): Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Routledge 1994 (22 s.) White, Heyden: "The value of Narrativity in the Representation of Reality". In H. White: The Content of the Form. The John Hopkins University Press 1987 (13 s.) SANT2006 KULTUR, NATUR OG MILJØ Bøker: Descola, Philippe and Gísli Pálsson (eds.): Nature and Society, Anthropological Perspectives, Routledge 1996. Følgende kapitler er pensum: Kap. 2, 4, 5, 7 og 9. Milton, Kay (ed.) Environmentalism. The View from Anthropology, Routledge 1993. Følgende kapitler er pensum: Introduction, Kap. 1-5, 8, 9 og 12-15 (190 s.) Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 15 (1-2), 2004: Artiklene av Beyer Broch og Kalland (10 s), Rønnow (15 s), Pálsson (13 s), Magnussøn (10 s), Moltzau (6 s) (til sammen 54 s.) Artikler/kapitler i kompendium: Brosius, J. Peter: endangered forest, endangered people: Environmentalist representations of indigenous knowledge i Human Ecology 25(1):47-70, 1977 (24 s.) Conclin, Beth A. and Laura R. Graham: The shifting middle ground: Amazonian Indians and eco-politics i American Anthropologist 97(4): 695-710, 1995 (16 s.) Descola, Philippe: Societies of nature and the nature of society i Conceptualizing Society, ed. By Adam Kuper, Routledge 1992, pp. 107-126 (20 s.) Headland, Thomas N.: Revisionism in ecological anthropology i Current Anthropology 38(4): 605-630, 1997 (26 s.) Ingold, Tim: The architect ani the bee i Tim Ingold: The appropriation of nature, Univ of Iowa Press 1987, pp. 16-39 (23 s.) Kalland, Arne & Pamela Asquith: Japanese perceptions of nature: ideals and illusions i Japanese images of nature: Ideals and illusions ed. by P. Asquith & A. Kalland: Curzon Press 1997, pp. 1-35 (36 s.) Kalland, Arne: Holism and Sustainability: Lessons Irom Japan i Worldviews 6, 2 pp. 145-158 (14 s.) 23

Kalland, Arne: Environmentalism and images of the Other. i Nature Across Cultures: Views of Nature and the Environment in Non-Western Cultures. Ed by H. Selin; Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003, pp. 1-17 (18 s.) Palsson, Gisli: Nature and Society in the Age of Postmodernity, i Reimagining Political Ecology Biersack and Greenberg (ed.), Duke University Press 2006 (25 s.) Pausewang, Siegfried: No Environmental protection without locai democracy? i Ethiopia: The Challenge of Democracy From Below, ed. by Bahru Zewde and Siegfried Pausewang, NAI/FSS 2002, pp. 87-102 (19 s.) Pedersen, Poul: Nature, religion and cultural identity: The religious environmentilist paradigm i Asian Perception of Nature: A Critical Approach, ed. by O. Bruun & A. Kalland. London: Curzon Press 1995, pp. 258-276 (19 s.) SANT2007 HOMO FABER: TEKNOLOGI OG ERKJENNELSE (Ingen undervisning dette semesteret) Bøker: Pensum vil her bestå av et utvalg artikler og kapitler fra følgende bøker (utvalget vil spesifiseres ved semesterstart): Bolter, David J.: Turing's man. London: Penguin, 1993 Bowker, Geoffrey C. og Leigh Star, Susan: Sorting things out: classification and its consequences. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1999 Gellner, Ernest: Plough, Sword, and Book: The Structure of Human History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992 Melve, Leidulf: Med ordet som våpen: tale og skrift i vestleg historie. Oslo: Samlaget, 2001 Shapin, Stephen: Den vitenskapelige revolusjon, Spartacus Forlag A/S, Oslo 1999 Artikler i kompendium: Gell, Alfred: Technology and Magic i: Anthropology Today, Vol. 4, No. 2. (Apr., 1988), s. 6-9. Goody, J. and I. Watt: The Consequences of Literacy i Giglioli, Pier Paolo (ed.) Language and social context. Penguin Books Ltd. Harmondsworth. (1972) s. 311 357. 24