Leadership (Bachelor)

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1 NO EN Leadership (Bachelor) Are you interested in leadership, human resources management and labour laws? Do you want to know more about how organizations work, change and develop? Do you want to know what it means to be a leader, and whether you could fulfil a leadership role? This programme provides fundamental knowledge about leadership and organization, which you can utilize in many and varied occupations and entities. BACHELOR OF ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ECTS Credits 180 Study level Bachelor Start semester Autumn 2015 Teaching language Norwegian Faculty Campus Faculty of Social Sciences Bodø Application deadline 4/15/2015 Programme coordinator Academic advisor JOB OPPORTUNITIES Leadership studies provide the academic background and competencies necessary to work in leadership and management, human resources, project development and reporting in both the public and private sectors. It provides an educati...onal basis for occupations within public administration, service and non-profit entities. FURTHER EDUCATION The Bachelor in Leadership qualifies graduates to apply for admission to the Master of Social Science at UiN. It also provides a basis for application to other Master degree programmes in areas of leadership, organization and adm...inistration. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Higher Education Entrance Qualification Language requirement View general admission information View specific application deadlines Page 1 of 23

2 Programme overview 1ST STUDY YEAR OVERVIEW Autumn 2015 Study foundation semester - Individual, Society and Science EX150S Spring 2016 What is leadership? OR107S 30 SP 20 SP Mandatory courses 110 ECTS Credits Elective courses - 60 studiepoeng 60 ECTS Credits Bachelor theses 10 ECTS Credits Who is the leader? OR109S 10 SP 2ND STUDY YEAR Autumn 2016 Organisational Psychology OR214S 20 SP Communication OR280S 10 SP Spring 2017 Labour Law RE104S 10 SP Introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods in social sciences ME118S 10 SP Bachelor's Thesis in Political Science and Organizational Studies PO220S 10 SP Page 2 of 23

3 Study plan BACHELOR OF ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT The Bachelor programme in leadership is comprised of several course units from the field of organizational science, with a focus on administration, organization and leadership. This combination provides fundamental knowledge in the focus areas, as well as specialization in themes related to human resources management and leadership. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Higher Education Entrance Qualification Language requirement View general admission information View specific application deadlines PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION The field-specific course units in the first study year focus on the nature of leadership and leadership roles. The second and third years focus on specialization within themes related to organization and leadership, including human resource management and labour laws, as well as social science methods. The programme concludes with a Bachelor thesis, for which students choose a specialist area within the leadership field. The Bachelor programme in leadership is an academic programme, which provides competencies fundamental to participation in a social science research environment. LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge Upon completion, the student should have: Acquired knowledge about leadership and leadership challenges. Acquired knowledge about leadership theory and different schools of thought in the field. Knowledge about human resources management in organisations. Skills Upon completion, the students should have: Practical leadership skills, including dissemination of information, personal communication on difficult or complicated topics, representation of a community/group and conflict management. The ability to evaluate accepted and innovative theories about leadership. The ability to analyse and reflect upon their own and others leadership. The ability to use relevant concepts in the analysis of internal organizational processes. The ability to analyse and understand their surroundings and social context. The ability to demonstrate understanding and knowledge about human resource management General competence Upon completion, the student should have general competence regarding: Retrieval, organization, development and presentation of research-based knowledge. Dissemination of academic material and scientific analyses. ASSESSMENT METHODS The programme utilizes varying forms of assessment. Assessment can be both written and oral. Take-home examinations, projects, case studies and other oral or written presentations may form part of the assessment, in addition to traditional, final written or oral school examinations. Page 3 of 23

4 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS, ASSESSMENT AND GRADING The Norwegian system for grading and assessment using the letter grades A - F, in which A denotes the best/highest grade and F denotes "not passed". Grades can also be awarded as "passed", "not passed", "approved" and "not approved". Read Examinations rules and regulations QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS Refer to Regulations concerning studies and examinations at University of Nordland and other local regulations University Rules and Regulations COSTS No specific costs other than semester registration fee and course literature. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Bachelor thesis STUDY ABROAD This programme gives students the opportunity to take course units abroad. UiN has established partnerships with institutions who can offer equivalent course units, which may be substituted for obligatory units at UiN, or taken as electives. SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING If the applicant does not fulfill the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification but has experience-based competence relevant to the field of study, he or she may apply for recognition of this competence in order to fulfill the admission requirements. General arrangements for recognition of prior learning PROGRAMME EVALUATION The programme is evaluated via student questionnaire, as well as by the programme director. The evaluations form a part of the University's quality assurance system. Page 4 of 23

5 Subject descriptions (7) Study foundation semester - Individual, Society and Science EX150S The goal for this semester course is twofold: 1. The course enables students to be better able to study and get involved in studies. It also lays the foundation for the expertise and skills students should have as students and in relation to their future work. It emphasizes in particular: Communication and reflection skills Writing and presentation skills 2. The course provides a basic introduction to philosophy and the history of science, and to central research themes and teaching at the faculty. Currently, this includes the following topics: Democracy, gender equality and participation Norwegian Society and the World Ethics in Practice and Science Globalization, Trade, Environment and Risk The Media's role and power Social Analysis and Political Systems Science s role and power Welfare Society and Welfare State Development No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. STUDY FOUNDATION SEMESTER - INDIVIDUAL, SOCIETY AND SCIENCE EX150S ECTS Credits 30 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory for all bachelor programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences except for the Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies. The course includes the courses Ex.phil and Ex.fac. Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 1st study year Bodø Faculty of Social Sciences Norwegian KJARTAN KOCH MIKALSEN Course coordinator Førsteamanuensis Phone: kjartan.k.mikalsen@nord.no Start semester Autumn 2015 Page 5 of 23

6 LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge: On successful completion of the course the candidate should: have broad knowledge of science traditions and their standing in society have basic knowledge of the role of science in social development understand the ethical challenges in research and knowledge-based practice be able to identify the positions, arguments and structures of different text types have a basic understanding of themselves at a personal level in communication and in relationships with others Skills: On successful completion of the course the candidate should: be able to take professional stands in debates be able to structure course material and present this in written work or oral form be able to work both independently and in groups master the relevant professional tools and techniques be able to think critically about ethical issues, both personal and student and community issues be able to reflect on own values and humanity General competence: On successful completion of the course the candidate should: be able to think critically about scientific knowledge production be generally oriented in social analysis, ethics and science be able to pass on important subjects, such as theories, issues and solutions in written, oral, and through other appropriate forms of expression have insight into the characteristics of science texts and how such texts can affect society be able to contribute to their own and others' professional development in an independent and thoughtful manner PREREQUISITIES Students must be prepared to read some litterature in Norwegian and some in English RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations. RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING FELLESPENSUM (for ALLE): Books: Brodersen, R. B., Bråten, F. R., Anders, Slethei, K., Ågotnes, K. (2007), Tekstens autoritet. Tekstanalyse og skriving i akademia. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (180 sider) Eide, Martin (2011), Hva er journalistikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (Kapittel 1-5, 104 sider) Eriksen, Thomas H. og Torunn Arntsen Sajjad (2011), Kulturforskjeller i praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk (Kapittel 1-8 og 17, 127 sider) Gilje, Nils og Harald Grimen (1993), Samfunnsvitenskapenes forutsetninger. Innføring i samfunnsvitenskapenes vitenskapsfilosofi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (Kapittel 1-7 og 10, 196 sider) Jensen, Per og Inger Ulleberg (2011), Mellom ordene. Kommunikasjon i profesjonell praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk (Kapittel 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 15 og 16, 187 sider) Skirbekk, Gunnar og Nils Gilje (2007), Filosofihistorie Innføring i europeisk filosofihistorie med særlig vekt på vitenskapshistorie og politisk filosofi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (Kapittel 1-15, 20 og 21.A-D, 370 sider) Torp, Hege (red.) (2012), Nytt Arbeidsliv. Medvirkning, inkludering og belønning (E-bok). Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk (Kapittel 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 og 10, ca. 155 sider) Compendium: Allardt, Erik (1976), Dimensions of welfare in a Comparative Scandinavian Study. Acta Sociologica, s (12 sider) Buckley, Terry (1996), The Institutions of Athenian Democracy, i Aspects of Greek History BC. A Source-Based Approach. Routledge, s (22 sider) Gilley, Bruce (2006), The meaning and measure of state legitimacy: Results for 72 countries, i European Journal of Political Research 45 (3), s (27 sider) Page 6 of 23

7 Grimen, Harald (2004), Samfunnsvitenskapelige tenkemåter. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (Kapittel , 29 sider) Grimen, Harald (2010), Robert Nozick den minimale staten, i Pedersen, Jørgen (red.), Moderne politisk teori. Oslo: Pax Forlag (Kapittel 2, 22 sider). Huseby, Robert (2012), Likhet og rettferdighet G. A. Cohens kritikk av John Rawls. Nytt norsk tidsskrift 29 (2), s (9 sider) Høibraaten, Helge (1998), Demokrati, makt og kommunikasjon, i Fermann, Gunnar og Torbjørn L. Knutsen (red.), Virkelighet og vitenskap perspektiver på kultur, samfunn, natur og teknologi. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal (Kapittel 8.5, 33 sider) Lundby, Knut (2010), Medier overalt, i Frønes, Ivar og Lise Kjølstad (red.), Det norske samfunn. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (23 sider) Nielsen, May Britt O. (2011), Den demokratiske revolusjon, i Norvegr. Bind 3, Oslo: Aschehoug & Co, s (30 sider) Noack, Turid (2004), Familien i velferdsstaten: fra støttespiller til trojansk hest?, i Ellingsæter, Anne Lise og Anlaug Leira (red.), Velferdsstaten og familien utfordringer og dilemma. Oslo: Gyldendal akademiske (28 sider) Rose, Lawrence (2014), Demokratiteori forventninger og virkelighet, i Baldersheim og Rose (red.), Det kommunale laboratorium. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (Kapittel 2, s , 32 sider) Røiseland, Asbjørn (2015), Samstyring og demokrati. Bodø: FSV notat Røiseland, Asbjørn (2015), Teorier om legitimitet. Bodø: FSV notat Schwebs, Knut og Helge Østbye (2013), Media i samfunnet. Oslo: Samlaget (Kapittel 8, 35 sider) Stamsø, Mary Ann (red.)( 2009), Velferdsstaten i endring. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (Kapittel 3 og 10, ca. 50 sider) Svendsen, Lars Fr. H. og Simo Säätelä (2007), Hva er en god handling?, i Det sanne, det gode og det skjønne en innføring i filosofi. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (Kapittel 6.1-3, 26 sider) Titmuss, Richard (2006), Universalism versus Selection, i Pierson, Christopher and F. Castles (eds.), The welfare state reader. Cambridge: Polity Press, s (10 sider) Available online: Lu, Catherine, World Government, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = < PENSUM TIL TEKSTSEMINAR, KOMMUNIKASJON OG ETIKK (programspesifikt): Barnevern og Sosialt arbeid Compendium: Eide, K., Damsgaard, H.L. (2012) Utfordringer i velferdsstatens yrker. Fontene forskning, 5 (1): Natland, S. og Rasmussen, M. (2012) Jeg var ganske usynlig. Fontene forsking, 5 (1): 4-18 Kojan, B. H. et al. (2014) Barnevern og sosiale nettsamfunn - en utforskende analyse. Norges barnevern 91 (2-3): Røysum, A. (2010) Sosialarbeidernes profesjon utfordres. Fontene forsking 3 (1): Edvardsen O. og Mevik K. (2014) Vold mot barn i hjemmet: Hvordan ivareta barns rettigheter? Tidsskrift for familierett, arverett og barnerettslige spørsmål 12 (4): Eide, Solveig Botnen (2008) Profesjonsetikkens basis: en drøfting med utgangspunkt i endringer av norske sosionomers profesjonsetiske kodekser. Fontene forskning, 1 (1): Book: Ruud, Anne K. (2011), Hvorfor spurte ingen meg? Kommunikasjon med barn og ungdom i utfordrende livssituasjoner. Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk (Kapittel 1-3, 50 sider) Availale online: Yrkesetisk grunnlagsdokument for barnevernpedagoger, sosionomer, vernepleiere og velferdsarbeidere: Historie og lektorutdanningen Compendium: Audoin-Rauzeau, S. og Becker, A. (2002) Battle, combat, violence: a necessary history. I: Audoin-Rauzeau, S. og Becker, A. Understanding the Great War. Hill and Wang, ss Drake, H.A. (2006) The Impact of Constantine on Christianity I: Lenski, N. red. The Cambridge Companian to the Age of Constantine. Cambridge University Press, ss Evjen, B. (2008) Giftermål, næring og etnisk tilhørighet I: Evjen, B. og Hansen, L. I. red. Nordlands kulturelle mangfold. Etniske relasjoner i historisk perspektiv. Pax Forlag, ss Krag, C. (2012) Rikssamlingshistorien og ynglingerekken. Historisk Tidsskrift 91 (2): Aas, S. (2014) Kvinnebyen Bodø før I: Politikk, profesjon og vekkelse. Kvinner i Norge på og 1900-tallet. Fagbokforlaget, ss Page 7 of 23

8 Eide, S. B. og Skorstad, B. (2013) Diskursetikk. I: Etikk- til refleksjon og handling i sosialt arbeid. Gyldendal akademiske (Kap. 6, 13 sider) Hedberg, P. (2006) Habermas og den ideale talesituasjon - En innføring. Replikk (6 sider) Johansen, K. E. og Vetlesen A.J. (2000) Redelighet, saklighet og forskningsetikk. I: Innføring i etikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (kap. 11, 20 sider) Available online: Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi. De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene. [Online]: PDF/Forskningsetiske%20retningslinjer%20for%20samfunnsvitenskap,%20humaniora,%20juss%20og%20teologi%20%282006%29.pdf (Innledning, del A-D og F, 28 sider) Human Resource Management Compendium: Arnulf, J.K. (2012) Ledelse og styring. I: Hva er ledelse. Universitetsforlaget, s Byrkjeflot, H. og Guldbrandsøy, K. (2013) Både hierarkisk styring og nettverk. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 54 (4): Haaland, F. H. og Dale, F. (2005) Å bli leder for første gang. I: På randen av ledelse. Gyldendal akademisk, s Rødvei, P. H. (2008) Trenger vi fagforeninger i et individualisert arbeidsliv? Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49 (2): Sund, B. og Lines, R. (2014) Implisitte teorier om særtrekk ved norsk ledelse. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 16 (3): Eide, S. B. og Skorstad, B. (2013) Diskursetikk. I: Etikk- til refleksjon og handling i sosialt arbeid. Gyldendal akademiske (Kap. 6, 13 sider) Hedberg, P. (2006) Habermas og den ideale talesituasjon - En innføring. Replikk (6 sider) Johansen, K. E. og Vetlesen A.J. (2000) Redelighet, saklighet og forskningsetikk. I: Innføring i etikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (kap. 11, 20 sider) Available online: Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi. De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene. [Online]: PDF/Forskningsetiske%20retningslinjer%20for%20samfunnsvitenskap,%20humaniora,%20juss%20og%20teologi%20%282006%29.pdf (Innledning, del A-D og F, 28 sider) Journalistikk Compendium: Brurås, Svein (2012): Vær varsom og dristig. I: Warmedal, M. M. Hjeltnes, G. red. Gravende journalistikk. Metode, prosess og etikk. Oslo : Gyldendal Akademisk, s Eide, Elisabeth (2012): Backlash i mediene? Journalistikk og kjønn. I: Orgeret, K. S. red. Norske medier journalistikk, politikk og kultur. Kristiansand: Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget, s Eide, Martin (2009): Sannheten, verken mer eller mindre. I: Hva er journalistikk. Universitetsforlaget, s Mathisen, B. R. (2010) Heia vårres kara. I: Mathisen, B. R. red. Lokaljournalistikk. Blind patriotisme eller kritisk korrektiv. Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget, s Omdal, Sven Egil (2012): På ryggen av en svart svane. I: Eide, M., Larsen L. O. og Sjøvaag, H. red. Nytt på nett og brett Journalistikk i forandring. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s Lamark, Hege (2001) Som journalister spør. Kristiansand: IJ-forlaget, s Dirchsen, Jan B. (2011), Et spørgsmål om tillid at lave tv med mennesker. Århus: Forlaget Ajour, s Book: Brurås, Svein (2014), Etikk for journalister, 5. utgave. Fagbokforlaget (Kap. 9, Presseetikk og moralfilosofi, 30 sider) NB! De øvrige kapitlene i boka inngår som pensum 2. semester. Kapittelet er derfor ikke trykt opp i kompendiet. Boka fås kjøpt på Akademika. Lederskap Compendium: Arnulf, J.K. (2012) Ledelse og styring. I: Hva er ledelse. Universitetsforlaget, s Byrkjeflot, H. og Guldbrandsøy, K. (2013) Både hierarkisk styring og nettverk. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 54 (4): Haaland, F. H. og Dale, F. (2005) Å bli leder for første gang. I: På randen av ledelse. Gyldendal akademisk, s Monsen, L.-K. (kommer 2016) Ledelse, makt og kommunikasjon (upublisert manus). Sund, B. og Lines, R. (2014) Implisitte teorier om særtrekk ved norsk ledelse. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 16 (3): Eide, S. B. og Skorstad, B. (2013) Diskursetikk. I: Etikk- til refleksjon og handling i sosialt arbeid. Gyldendal akademiske (Kap. 6, 13 sider) Hedberg, P. (2006) Habermas og den ideale talesituasjon - En innføring. Replikk (6 sider) Johansen, K. E. og Vetlesen A.J. (2000) Redelighet, saklighet og forskningsetikk. I: Innføring i etikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (kap. 11, 20 sider) Available online: Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi. De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene. [Online]: Page 8 of 23

9 PDF/Forskningsetiske%20retningslinjer%20for%20samfunnsvitenskap,%20humaniora,%20juss%20og%20teologi%20%282006%29.pdf (Innledning, del A-D og F, 28 sider) Sosiologi Compendium: Gjernes, T. (2004) Helsemodeller og forebyggende helsearbeid. Sosiologisk tidsskrift 12 (2): Hansen, M. Nordli (2005) Ulikhet i Osloskolen: Rekruttering og segregering. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning 5 (1): 3-26 Rogstad, J. og Solbrække, K.N. (2012) Velmenende likegyldighet? Etnisk mangfold og integrasjon i en norsk sykehuskontekst. Sosiologisk tidsskrift 04/2012 Skorstad, B. (2008). Miljøomsyn i kvardagslivet. Sosiologi i dag 38 (4): Stefansen, Hegna, Valset, von Soest og Mossige (2009) Vold mot homofil ungdom. Forekomst og fortolkning. Sosiologi i dag, 39 (2): Eide, S. B. og Skorstad, B. (2013) Diskursetikk. I: Etikk- til refleksjon og handling i sosialt arbeid. Gyldendal akademiske (Kap. 6, 13 sider) Hedberg, P. (2006) Habermas og den ideale talesituasjon - En innføring. Replikk (6 sider) Johansen, K. E. og Vetlesen A.J. (2000) Redelighet, saklighet og forskningsetikk. I: Innføring i etikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (kap. 11, 20 sider) Available online: Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi. De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene. [Online]: PDF/Forskningsetiske%20retningslinjer%20for%20samfunnsvitenskap,%20humaniora,%20juss%20og%20teologi%20%282006%29.pdf (Innledning, del A-D og F, 28 sider) Statsvitenskap Compendium: Bergh, Johannes og Guro Ødegård (2013), Ungdomsvalget Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 29 (1): Bøås, Morten (2009), Pirates of Somalia ny vekstnæring i et land uten stat. Internasjonal Politikk 53 (1): Karlsen, Rune og Stine Marie Waage (2013), Et usedvanlig sterkt medium? - En eksperimentstudie av politiske TV- og radioreklamer. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 53 (4): Lundberg, Kjetil G. (2013), Fra tynne beskrivelser til feite forklaringer: - Om smitteperspektivet i norsk trygdedebatt. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 30 (2): Nyseth, Torill (2013), Stedsutvikling i et innovasjonsperspektiv Karneval eller bare nye kostymer?, i Ringholm, toril, Håvard Teigen og Nils Aarsæther (red.), Innovative kommuner. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk (Kapittel 15) Eide, S. B. og Skorstad, B. (2013) Diskursetikk. I: Etikk- til refleksjon og handling i sosialt arbeid. Gyldendal akademiske (Kap. 6, 13 sider) Hedberg, P. (2006) Habermas og den ideale talesituasjon - En innføring. Replikk (6 sider) Johansen, K. E. og Vetlesen A.J. (2000) Redelighet, saklighet og forskningsetikk. I: Innføring i etikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget (kap. 11, 20 sider) Available online: Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi. De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteene. [Online]: PDF/Forskningsetiske%20retningslinjer%20for%20samfunnsvitenskap,%20humaniora,%20juss%20og%20teologi%20%282006%29.pdf (Innledning, del A-D og F, 28 sider) MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to-face. TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Teaching methoda and learning activities consist of a mixture of lectures, field trips, student activity, seminars and group work. Selected parts of the curriculum will be discussed in lectures and students are responsible for reviewing the whole curriculum. Students are expected to influence the content of discussions and workshops by contributing with their own suggestions and comments. In addition to compulsory teaching and assignments students follow a longitudinal writing seminar related to the two written tasks in the portfolio examination OVERLAPPING COURSES EX130S Examen philosophicum - 10 study points. EX105S Examen facultatum - 10 study points. EX152S Fundamentals of Academic Text - 10 study points. EX151S Study foundation semester - Individual, Society and Science - 30 study points. Page 9 of 23

10 COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university's quality assurance system Page 10 of 23

11 What is leadership? OR107S Leadership as a concept and practice will be dealt with, studied and examined. Different theories on what leadership is and how it should be conducted are studied and examined. The development of leadership theories is related to the economic and societal development in general. Leadership in practice is also studied and examined, both in terms of actual leaders practice leadership and in terms of comparisons with theories on how leadership should be performed. Literature on what leadership is and on how it should be conducted is studied and critically examined. In addition to traditional and more recent leadership theories, issues such as what bad leadership is, whether or not leaders at all are needed, and whether or not leadership should be turned into a true profession will be considered. The participants will also get an opportunity to make an inventory of which knowledge and skills leaders need. No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? OR107S ECTS Credits 20 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory Year of study Course location Faculty 1st study year Bodø Faculty of Social Sciences LEIF-KRISTIAN MONSEN Course coordinator Dosent Start semester Spring 2016 Teaching language Application deadline Phone: leif-kristian.monsen@nord.no LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Knowledge: demonstrate knowledge of leadership in practice and as a concept demonstrate knowledge of different leadership theories Skills: demonstrate skills in making an inventory of one's own knowledge status within the leadership field demonstrate skills in applying leadership theories in practice demonstrate skills in value and evaluate different leadership theories and their implications and consequences in practice demonstrate skills in convincingly arguing for (and against) the chosen leadership style General competence: be able to critically reflect upon different leadership theories Page 11 of 23

12 RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Mandatory books: Kjell Grønhaug, Odd Hellesøy og Geir Kaufmann: Ledelse i teori og praksis. Fagbokforlaget. (330 pages) Philip Selznick: Lederskap. Tano Aschehoug. (110 pages) Jan Ketil Arnulf: Hva er ledelse? Universitetsforlaget. (140 pages) Jon Lund Hansen og Jan Christophersen: Integritet og innflytelse - om å lede mennesker effektivt. Abstrakt forlag. (340 pages) Peggy Simic Brønn og Jan Ketil Arnulf (red): Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner. Fagbokforlaget. (360 pages) Rudi Kirkhaug: Lederskap. Person og funksjon. Universitetsforlaget. (180 pages) In total 1460 pages Choose one of the following books: Trond Verneegg og Magne Otterdal: Valebrokks metode. Cappelen Damm (320 pages) Ragnar Kvam: De fire store - og hvordan de ledet sine menn. Gyldendal. (230 pages) MODE OF DELIVERY Face-to-face, self-study and group work. TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, seminars, field work, application of theories in practice, problem-based learning, experience-based practices and student-centered activities. ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Compound evaluation (first instance 2016 spring). Compulsory participation - 80 %, worth 0/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 spring). Written examination, 4 Hours. Worth 40/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 spring). Assignment - essay, worth 60/100 of the grade (first instance 2016 spring). Page 12 of 23

13 PRACTICE None COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by the students as a part of the university's quality assurance system. Page 13 of 23

14 Who is the leader? OR109S The question regarding who the leader is points the attention to traits and personality, behaviour, style and temperament, and how the leader is shaped in relation to her/his context. How crucial are genetic conditions such as sex and abilities you are born with, for how the leader is shaped and, thus, who the leader is? How crucial is the childhood, social class, education and peers for how the leader appears? And to what extent is the leader's identity and self-understanding shaped by the organization? These are the main issues that are discussed on this module. And what is it that motivates those who choose a career as leader? How lonely, stressful and demanding is it to be a leader, and which social and personal challenges is it that you may come to experience? Is the leadership role something for you? If so, which leadership role fits you best? No costs except semester registration fee and course literature. WHO IS THE LEADER? OR109S ECTS Credits 10 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory Start semester Spring 2016 Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 1st study year Bodø Faculty of Social Sciences LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this module, the student will: Knowledge: have acquired knowledge on leadership and challenges connected to leadership knowledge on role theory and socialization Skills: have skills in leading her-/himself and other people for maximum well-being AND effectiveness have skills in critically reflecting on her/his own as well as others' leadership have skills in arguing for (and against) the leadership style that the student has chosen to practice have skills in analyzing and understanding internal processes within organizations General competence: have general competence in theories on leadership roles, socialization and culture RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE No Page 14 of 23

15 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Heggholmen, Kari (2014): Fra dritdårlig til lærende lederskap,fagbokforlaget, 237 sider Norsk (bokmål), 2014 ISBN: Kets De Vries, Manfred F. R. (1994): Organizational Paradoxes, Routledge, 194 sider, Engelsk ISBN: Moxnes, Paul (2007): Fasett-mennesket, 324 sider (de ca 200 beste sidene leses), Norsk (bokmål) ISBN: Nettle, Daniel: Personlighed - hvad bestemmer, hvem du er?, Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 243 sider, Dansk ISBN: (engelsk: ) MODE OF DELIVERY "Face-to-face", self-study and group work. TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures and seminars. ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Assignment (first instance 2016 spring). COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students as a part of the university's quality assurance system. Page 15 of 23

16 Organisational Psychology OR214S The course will provide an introduction to basic organizational psychology with an emphasis on management. The course covers such topics as leader roles, motivation, stress, work environment, "new" working life, restructuring amongst others No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature ORGANISATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY OR214S ECTS Credits 20 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory course for the Human Resource Management, one year programme and the Bachelor of Organization and Management. Elective for other students at the University of Nordland who fill the prerequisites Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 2nd study year Bodø, Stokmarknes and Mo i Rana Faculty of Social Sciences Norwegian PER HARALD RØDVEI Course coordinator Prodekan Phone: per.h.rodvei@nord.no Start semester Autumn 2016 LEARNING OUTCOMES The purpose of this course is to give students a basic understanding and knowledge of organizational psychology, personnel management, resource development and restructuring of organizations. Students will on successful completion of the course be able to: demonstrate knowledge of organizational psychological processes, so that students can understand, predict and influence behavior in organizations understand the various principles lying behind motivating employees PREREQUISITIES General admission Page 16 of 23

17 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Could be changed until 15th of May 2015 (in Norwegian) Books Brochs-Haukedal,W. (2010) : Arbeids- og lederpsykologi. 8. utg. Cappelen Akademiske forlag. (alle kapitler utenom kapittel 3 ) 436 sider. Frønes, I og Brusdal, R (2000): På sporet av den nye tid: Kulturelle varsler for nær framtid. Fagbokforlaget. Kompendium OR214S Organisasjonspsykologi (siste utgave) MODE OF DELIVERY face to face TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, including individual voluntary test exam. ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bodø - Written examination, 6 Hours (first instance 2015 autumn). Mo - Written examination, 6 Hours (first instance 2010 autumn). OVERLAPPING COURSES OR214S-HE Organisational Psychology and Human Resource Management - 20 study points. OR214S-VE Organisational Psychology and Human Resource Management - 20 study points. COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system Page 17 of 23

18 Labour Law RE104S The course provides a thorough understanding of the Norwegian Employment law and the social rules connected to the employment. The Working Environment Act on employment and temporary appointment will be reviewed. Likewise will the protection against discrimination be a part of the studies. There is also a review of the employer's management rights, including the representative's right to information and consultation, the employers relocate rights and control measures. Employees freedom of speech will also be a separate topic. The course will also address the termination of employment, layoff and termination of employment due to business conditions (downsizing). The procedures requirements for termination of employment contracts will also be thoroughly reviewed. No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. LABOUR LAW RE104S ECTS Credits 10 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory for Bachelor in Aquaculture and Aquaculture Management and the Bachelor of Organization and Management. Elective course for other students at the University of Nordland. Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 2nd study year Bodø, Stokmarknes og Mo i Rana Faculty of Social Sciences Norwegian THOMAS BENSON Course coordinator Universitetslektor Phone: thomas.benson@nord.no Start semester Spring 2017 LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Knowledge The Students should have thorough understanding of employment law. Students will acquire knowledge and understanding of the rules for hiring and termination of employment contracts. Students should also have knowledge of the employer's management rights and the employees freedom of speech. Skills Students will demonstrate the ability to discuss and answer legal issues within individual labor law. General competence Students will demonstrate the ability to acquaint themselves into employment law issues and solve them by legal methods. Page 18 of 23

19 PREREQUISITIES Study competance RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Interests of employment law and HR-management. RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Arbeidsrettsboka, Thomas Benson, Fagbokforlaget (nyeste utgave) (med unntak av kapitelene om Arbeidsmiljø, Virksomhetsoverdragelse og Kollektiv arbeidsrett) Rettsavgjørelser i arbeidsrett Del 1, (nyeste utgave) (selges på studenbokhandelen på Campus) Rettsavgjørelser i arbeidsrett Del 2, (nyeste utgave) (med unntak av rettsavgjørelsene om det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet, det fysiske arbeidsmiljøet og tilrettelegging av arbeidstakere med redusert arbeidsevne) (selges på studenbokhandelen på Campus) MODE OF DELIVERY Lectures and seminars: five intensive modules/sessions. TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures and seminar and test exam. ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Written examination, 6 Hours (first instance 2010 autumn). Helgeland - Written examination, 6 Hours (first instance 2015 autumn). OVERLAPPING COURSES RE105S Labour Legislation - 10 study points. RE105S-HE Labour Legislation - 10 study points. RE105S-VE Labour Legislation - 10 study points. RE114S Labour law - 10 study points. COURSE EVALUATION Annual evaluations which are included in the university s quality assurance system. Page 19 of 23

20 Introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods in social sciences ME118S The course provides an introduction to social science methods, both quantitative and qualitative. This course presents and discusses the key concepts in social science methods, methods its logical structure and how the qualitative data (interviews and observations) and quantitative data (statistics) are produced. The course includes: Development of how to create a research design The importance of a well-developedgood research question The relationship between theory and empirical work How research to produces data How data is interpreted and analyzed Differences and similarities between qualitative and quantitative methods Writing as a unique, independent thinking and analysis process No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. INTRODUCTION TO QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES ME118S ECTS Credits 10 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory Year of study Course location Faculty 2nd study year Bodø Faculty of Social Sciences BENTE VIBECKE LUNDE Course coordinator Førsteamanuensis Start semester Spring 2017 Teaching language Application deadline Norwegian Phone: bente.v.lunde@nord.no LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, students should: Understand the creaion development of a research design Have an overview of the various social science methods Know the contents of various methods and analytical approaches Be able to explain key concepts and approaches Be able to understand and assess the ethical challenges associated with different methods Be able to master the relevant scientific tools, techniques and forms of expression Be able to reflect on their professional practice and adjust this under supervision Be able to plan and conduct a simple research task Be able to read social science literature, as well as presentations of research in media with a better ability to understand and critically evaluate the results presented PREREQUISITIES Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or real life and work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations. RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE A good grasp of mathematics will be an advantage. Page 20 of 23

21 RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING Dag Ingvar Jacobsen (2015). Hvordan gjennomføre undersøkelser? Innføring i samfunnsvitenskapelig metode. 3. utgave. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 1 tom kapittel 11 (s = 234). Tove Thagaard (2013). Systematikk og innlevelse. En innføring i kvalitativ metode. 4. utgave. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 2 tom kapittel 9 (s = 194 sider). Kristen Ringdal (2013). Enhet og mangfold. Samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning og kvantitativ metode, 3. utgave. Fagbokforlaget. Kapittel 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, part of 16 og 17 (ca. 195 sider). In total: 623 pages MODE OF DELIVERY The education will be given as a combination of Llectures, and seminars and computer lab training. Precense at the computer lab training is mandatory. The lectures give an introduction to key topics, while in the seminars the students gain experience and training in research design. At the computer lab training the students will be introduced to basic statistical analysis performed in SPSS. The lab training will in total be approximately 6-8 hours. OVERLAPPING COURSES ME119S Introductory Courses in qualitative and quantitative methods in Social Science - 10 study points. ME123S Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Social Science - 10 study points Generell sosiologi og sosiologisk analyse - 10 study points. ME118LS Introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods in social sciences - 10 study points. ME224F Social science research methods - 10 study points. COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system. Page 21 of 23

22 Bachelor's Thesis in Political Science and Organizational Studies PO220S The thesis is an independent research project, in which political science and organization theories and perspectives are to be applied related to a chosen theme. The thesis is carried out as a minor empirical study or as a limited literature search. The thesis is based on one or more of the courses included in the bachelor programme. The topic will be registered and approved by the professor, based on a brief overview (1-2 pages). The thesis may be a group project or an individual supervisory assignment and should consist of approximately 20 pages. Precise references to the relevant literature and applied materials are required. No costs except semester registration fee and syllabus literature. BACHELOR'S THESIS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES PO220S ECTS Credits 10 Level Course type Undergraduate degrees Compulsory course for the Bachelor of Political Science and Bachelor of Organization and Management. Year of study Course location Faculty Teaching language Application deadline 2nd study year Bodø Faculty of Social Sciences Norwegian JILL BETH OTTERLEI Course coordinator Førsteamanuensis Phone: jill.b.otterlei@nord.no Start semester Spring 2017 LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: demonstrate analytical skills demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical models related to empirical material PREREQUISITIES Admission occurs based on general study competence (university entrance) or work competence (prior learning) according to current Norwegian regulations. RECOMMENDED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Students should have completed the introductory courses at 1st year level and the courses in the bachelor's programme dealing with the same theme as their thesis. RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED READING The curriculum is chosen and prepared in consultation with the supervisor. Page 22 of 23

23 MODE OF DELIVERY At the beginning of the semester a seminar will be provided about writing assignments, in addition to three tutorials given by the student's assigned tutor. The teacher, in consultation with the student, will assign the tutor. TEACHING ACTIVITIES AND METHODS Lectures, seminars and tutored assignment work. ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS Bachelor Thesis (first instance 2010 autumn). OVERLAPPING COURSES OR212S Project assignment - 10 study points. OR212S-HE Project assignment - 10 study points. OR212S-VE Project assignment - 10 study points. COURSE EVALUATION The study programme is evaluated annually by students by way of course evaluation studies (mid-term evaluation and final evaluation). These evaluations are included in the university's quality assurance system. Page 23 of 23

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