Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Parish

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December 31 st Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Parish The holy family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr

DECEMBER 31ST - THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH atà ä àç Éy à{x UÄxááxw i Üz Ç `tüç @@@ fàa fàtç áätâá U á{éñ tçw `tüàçü Saturday December 30th Sixth day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 5:30pm 7:00pm Frank Gualtieri (Anniversary) By sister, Teresa Mary Kasica By Family Arlene O Rourke (Birthday in Heaven) By Sister, Doreen O Rourke Jacquelyn Kingsley By Veltri Family Maria Delgado, Margarita y Juan Eliseo Parte de su familia Sunday December 31st The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 7:30am Isabel Ayala By Daughter, Evette Ayala Luigi Barillaro By Wife & Sons 10:30am Catholic War Veterans 12:00pm 6:30pm In honor of St. John the Baptist & The Guardian Angels By Ellen Peluso Ronald Kulick By Grandson, Eric Ulrich & Family Jojo Naimoli By Louis & Milo Esposito Monday January 1st The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God NEW YEAR S DAY NO 7 AM MASS Mollie Marchello (Anniversary) By Son & Family Tuesday January 2nd Sts. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops Isaac Beatty & Elisa Cortes Beatty By May Beatty Jacquelyn Kingsley By Andy Marchello Wednesday January 3rd Christmas Weekday Frank E. Scott (Birthday) By Son, Frank Mary McKenna (Anniversary) By Kathleen & Family Thursday January 4th St. Elizabeth Ann Seton LIVING John Wystepek By S. Francis Marie & Family John Montefusco By Anne Szewczyk Friday January 5th St. John Neumann, Bishop HEALING Sean Hobbs By Hobbs Family All deceased members of the Sacred Heart Society Sunday December 31st The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Antoni Lorenc By Children 11:00am Andrzej Suchorzepka By Wife & Children 12:30pm Alfons Pluszczewicz By Son & Family Sunday January 7th The Epiphany of the Lord 11:00am 12:30pm Marion Zawlocki By Mary Ann Simulinas Aniela Latocha By Sacred Heart Society Frank Muszynski By Daughter Saturday January 6th Christmas Weekday 5:30pm 7:00pm Haven Hobbs By Hobbs Family Jozef Kula By Jozefa Kula & Family Antonina Kula By Jozefa Kula & Family Difuntos de la familia Jaramillo-Salazar Parte de la familia Pinillo Sunday January 7th The Epiphany of the Lord 7:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm Altar Bread and Wine is offered this week in loving memory of Geraldine Kiely (1st Anniversary) By Eileen & Michael Connie Schioffe By Gerard D Ambrosio Antonio Pisaniello By Wife & Family David Diaz By Margaret Colace Joseph Ferrara By Ana & Bob Rathbun John Fedus By Tina Keyser Giuseppina Lombardo By Gino Lombardo

Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis for December The Elderly That the elderly, sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the faith and forming the new generations. Pray for the Deceased May They Rest In Peace Luis Cirillo, John Quick, Peter Brasile, John Lorenzo, Diana Spaulding, Giuseppina La Roca, Maria Corazon Matias, Jared Loria-Widelock * The intention of the Mass T

LETS DRESS OUR BEST TO GIVE THE LORD OUR SUNDAY S BEST! DECEMBER 31, 2017 THE HOLY FAMILY "When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned... to their own town of Nazareth." Mary and Joseph were faithful Jews who followed the norms of their religion. Today's Gospel describes the event we call "The Presentation." Jesus' parents, like every Jewish family, presented their infant son to the Lord in a formal ceremony at the temple in Jerusalem. Having done what their religious rites required (and having heard the prophetic words of Simeon and Anna), Mary and Joseph returned home. It was back in their native region of Galilee, amidst the daily routine of domestic life, that Jesus "grew and became strong, filled with wisdom." As Christians, we too consecrate our children to the Lord when we have them baptized in the Church. Seeing our children receive this sacrament of initiation is always a moment of great joy and hope as we anticipate the life that lies ahead for them, both on earth and in eternity. But the baptism of a baby is only the beginning of this journey towards heaven. In truth, the little daily details, the simple living of family life in our own home paves the way for our children to reach their eternal home. And so it was with the Holy Family. Jesus' childhood, his formation and development took place not primarily amidst the public drama of the temple, but in the quiet privacy of his home. How important this home was, where his parents raised him in their faith and helped him live in such a way that "the favor of God was upon him." May we too, in our homes and our families, remember that although our mission may be lived out in very small moments, taken together they have an eternal significance. W NIEDZIELE 7 - GO STYCZNIA ODBEDZIE SIE ZEBRANIE TOW. SERCA JEZUS I OPLATEK MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS Children's Choir: We meet every Thursday from 3:15pm - 4:30pm in the music office and sing at the Saturday vigil mass at Nativity at 5:30pm every week. Adult choir continues to rehearse on Thursday nights from 7:00-8:15 and sing at the Sunday 10:30 mass. Come join us if you want to lend your voice. Troop 588 does it all! Hiking, Camping, Canoeing and Repelling. We meet in Nativity s Rectory on Friday s at 7:30pm. This is an opportunity for you and your son to Camp, Canoe, Kayak, Fish, Rappel, Camp-out, build Camp fires, make new friends and memories. For more information on scouting and how you can get involved call James Bleakney at (718) 641-4332 or (917) 658-9594 Society of St. Vincent de Paul gives back!! Nativity- St. Stanislaus shares in the profits. For each car, truck or van, running or not, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will give back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle. Maybe you don t have a vehicle, but a family member, friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society at 718-491-2525

Goal: $58,850 Pledge: $56, 947 Received: $55,562 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal % of Goal Received: 94.41% Thank you We would like to thank all the parishioners who contributed to our giving tree, Your generosity has directly benefited many families in our community. May you and your families have a Blessed, Healthy and Happy New Year!!! Nativity St Stanislaus Seniors (NSS) Sunday Dec 31st Nativity Church Basement Golden Age's Party before the Party We invite all parishioners and their families and friends to say good bye 2017 and Hello 2018 Right after the 12 o clock mass till 3:00 pm 6 foot heroes, pizza, hotdogs, soda, juice and water Admission is FREE For more info contact: NSS President JOE CARUANA 917-589-5555 Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a defensive driving class on Saturday, January 27th 2018 from 10 am until 4 pm. The cost of the class is $25 which includes the class and pizza. Space is strictly limited to 40 people, this is NYS law. For more information or to register please contact Kevin Brand at 718-704-9038.