Eventuelt forfall må meldes snarest til Vararepresentanter møter etter nærmere beskjed. Saksnr Innhold Lukket Arkivsaksnr

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1 Møteinnkalling Organ: Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtested: PS638, Pilestredet 35 Dato: Tidspunkt: 09:00 11:30 Eventuelt forfall må meldes snarest til Vararepresentanter møter etter nærmere beskjed. Saksliste Saksnr Innhold Lukket Arkivsaksnr SAK 21/13 Meldingssaker i studieutvalget TKD /348 SAK 22/13 Mindre endringer master i produktdesign 2013/1 SAK 23/13 SAK 24/13 Forslag til endring i emne EMTS2300 Varmetransport 10 sp Mindre endringer i Master i universell utforming av IKT 2012/ /2304 SAK 25/13 Forslag til endring i bachelor i produktdesign 2012/3781 SAK 26/13 Eventuelt

2 Saksfremlegg Organ Saksnr Møtedato Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design 21/ Meldingssaker i studieutvalget TKD Vedlegg 1 Møtebok fra studieutvalget TKD Møteplan for studieåret

3 Møtebok Organ: Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Type referat: Møtested: PS638, Pilestredet 35 Dato: Tidspunkt: 09:00 14:30 Følgende faste medlemmer møtte: Navn Funksjon Representerer Sturla Rolfsen LEDER Heidi Liavåg MEDL BE Hilde Hemmer VARAMEDL IU Simen Bræck MEDL IT Ingvild Digranes MEDL EST Bente Skjelbred VARAMEDL PD Gina Janshaug Dahlen MEDL Studentrepresentanter Følgende medlemmer hadde meldt forfall: Navn Funksjon Representerer Veslemøy Tyssø MEDL IU Einar Stoltenberg MEDL PD Anne Bleken Stølen MEDL Teknisk-administrative representanter Kurt Ollila VARAMEDL Teknisk-administrative representanter Fra administrasjonen møtte: Navn Stilling Kristin Sletten Sekretær for utvalget Tove Hatlen Seksjonsleder for studieadministrasjon og internasjonalisering TKD

4 Saksliste Saksnr Innhold Lukket Arkivsaksnr SAK 5/13 SAK 6/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGBYGG 3. studieår Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGDATA 3. studieår SAK 7/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGELEKTR 3. studieår SAK 8/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGENERGI 3. studieår SAK 9/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGKJEMI 3. studieår SAK 10/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGMASKIN 3. studier SAK 11/13 Forslag til for ingeniørfag - HINGBYGG 1. og 2. studieår SAK 12/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGDATA 1. og 2. studieår SAK 13/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGELEKTR 1. og 2. studieår SAK 14/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGENERGI 1. og 2. studieår SAK 15/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGKJEMI 1. og 2. studieår SAK 16/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGMASKIN 1. og 2. studieår SAK 18/13 SAK 17/13 Forslag til programplan for Anvendt datateknologi studieåret Forslag til programplan for Informasjonsteknologi studieåret / / / / / / / / / / / / / /2186 SAK 19/13 Meldingssak i studieutvalget TKD /348 SAK 20/13 Eventuelt

5 Felles kommentar til alle planer: Emner på 10 studiepoeng kan ikke ha flere enn to eksamensdeler som skal registreres i FS. Et emne på 10 studiepoeng er for lite til å kunne ha mange eksamensdeler det er for ressurskrevende og står ikke i forhold til omfang av studiepoengene. Mange pensumlister har ikke sideantall. Flere emner bruker APA-stilen som oppsett og vi ber om at APA-stilen brukes i alle planene. Læringssentret gir informasjon på denne siden på hvordan det gjøres. Se side «Forelesninger» bør utgå fra pensum. Alternativt må det spesifiseres hva som ligger innenfor/hva som menes med dette uttrykket. Tilgjengelig-gjøring av forelesningsnotater/-presentasjoner legges i Fronter. Papirkopier skal ikke deles ut. Studentene har inngått avtale om at de ikke skal betale kopiavgift og skal derfor heller ikke få utdelt kopier fra høgskolen. I hver emneplan skal det synliggjøres at eksamen kan trekkes ut til ekstern sensur (hvis en ikke allerede har ekstern sensur). Det skal også synliggjøres om eksamen kan påklages eller ikke. Se spesielt der «prosjektoppgave» brukes som begrep. Er det noe fysisk som kan sendes til ny sensur eller er det noe praktisk muntlig som ikke kan sendes til ny sensur? Ang. emneplaner for bacheloroppgaven til 3. års studenter i etter ny rammeplan, ber utvalget om at eksamensform og vekting ses på i forhold til læringsutbyttene og de nasjonale føringene for bacheloroppgave som Nasjonalt råd for teknologisk utdanning fastsetter. Emneplanene for bacheloroppgavene godkjennes tidlig vår 2014 for studieåret I emner der det oppgis antall timer for hvor mye forelesning og undervisning som gis, fjernes dette. Samme gjelder antall timer man forventer studentene skal arbeide med faget. Fakultetet bør finnes en felles måte å synliggjøre kalkulator som hjelpemiddel til eksamen. Felles kommentar til administrasjonen: Ved publisering på nett skal alle felles valgemner ligge inne i hver enkelt programplan for ingeniørutdanningene.

6 Etter gammel rammeplan SAK 5/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGBYGG 3. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i bygg for 3. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Eksamensform i emne SO245B Arealplanlegging og SO246B Vann- og Miljøteknikk hadde mappevurdering som eksamensform i fjor høsten Nå ønskes det det i tillegg til mappe, to skriftlige eksamener. Et emne på 10 studiepoeng kan ikke ha flere enn to eksamensdeler som skal registreres i FS. Utvalget ber fagmiljøet om å se på dette, slik at det ikke blir mer enn to eksamensdeler i disse emnene. Tekst om matematikkrav for å komme videre på masterstudier settes inn i innledningen. Vedtak: Programplan for Ingeniørutdanning bygg, 3. studieår , godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten SAK 6/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGDATA 3. studieår Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i data for 3. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Det engelske navnet på studieprogrammet er Computer Engineering I emnene: o LO129A Apputvikling o LOxxxA Innføring i apputviklig o LO143A Nettverks- og systemadministrasjon o LV162A Innføring i nettverks- og systemadministrasjon må det synliggjøres hva mappekravene er Tre nye valgemner godkjennes: o Innføring i apputvikling 5 sp o Testing av programvare 10 sp o Programvarearkitektur og rammeverk 10 sp Valgemne LV162A Innføring i nettverks- og systemadministrasjon 5 sp utgår Vedtak: Programplan for Ingeniørutdanning data, 3. studieår , godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013.

7 SAK 7/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGELEKTR 3. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i elektronikk og informasjonsteknologi for 3. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Til sekretær: Feil utgave av emne LV389E Bionic Engineering og feil pensum i emne LV387E Robotteknikk var satt inn. Prodekan for studier godkjenner denne Eksamensform i LV389E Bionic Engineering endres fra mappeeksamen til prosjektarbeid Nytt valgemne Linuxbaserte systemer godkjennes Studieretning kommunikasjonssystemer erstatter emnene LO147E Datasikkerhet og SO385E Kommunikasjonsprosjekt med to valgemner i 5. semester Vedtak: Programplan for Ingeniørutdanning elektronikk og informasjonsteknologi, 3. studieår , godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten SAK 8/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGENERGI 3. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i energi og miljø for 3. studieår Ingen kommentarer ut over felleskommentarer. Vedtak: Programplan for Ingeniørutdanning energi og miljø, 3. studieår , godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten SAK 9/13 Forslag til programplan - HINGKJEMI 3. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i bioteknologi og kjemi for 3. studieår Ingen kommentarer ut over felleskommentarer. Vedtak: Programplan for Ingeniørutdanning bioteknologi og kjemi, 3. studieår , godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013.

8 SAK 10/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGMASKIN 3. studier Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i maskin for 3. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Emnet LO187A Økonomi og ledelse erstattes med xxx Teknologiledelse. Tekst om matematikkrav for å komme videre på masterstudier settes inn i innledningen. Vedtak: Programplan for Ingeniørutdanning maskin, 3. studieår , godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten Etter ny rammeplan SAK 11/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGBYGG 1. og 2. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i bygg for 1. og 2. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Emne BYPE1800 Økonomi og ledelse, endrer navn til BYPE1801 Teknologiledelse, og går fra en skriftlig 5 timers eksamen til skriftlig prosjektoppgave (40%) og en 3 timers skriftlig eksamen (60%). Emne BYFE1200 Byggfaglig innføring, endres vekting av eksamensdeler til: Prosjektarbeid i gruppe (40%) og individuell skriftlig eksamen (60%) Emne BYTS1400 Byggteknikk, endres vekting av eksamensdeler til: Prosjektarbeid i gruppe (40%) og individuell skriftlig eksamen (60%) Emne BYTS2300 Konstruksjonslære, forkunnskapskrav må settes inn Arbeidskrav i BYTS2400 Geoteknikk og vegbygging må antallfestes Eksamensform i emne BYVE3400 Areal- og transportplanlegging og BYVE3500 Vannog Miljøteknikk kan ikke ha flere enn to eksamensdeler som skal registreres i FS. Tekst som står under kap 5. Studiets innhold og oppbygning i programplan til energi og miljø, om matematikkrav for å komme videre på masterstudier er informativ og bør settes inn her også. Vedtak: Programplan for ingeniørutdanning bygg, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 for kull 2012 og kull 2013.

9 SAK 12/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGDATA 1. og 2. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i data for 1. og 2. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Det engelske navnet på studieprogrammet er Computer Engineering Emnet DATS2500 Operativsystemer får godkjent endring fra 3 timer skriftlig eksamen fra tidligere plan, til 5 timers skriftlig eksamen i ny plan. I emne DAFE2200 Systemutvikling må antall arbeidskrav avklares. Angående pensum så må kapitler som skal brukes fra pensumboken være avklart når programplan legges ut på nettet. Det holder ikke at det blir opplyst på første forelesning på høsten. Vedtak: Programplan for ingeniørutdanning data, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 for kull 2012 og kull SAK 13/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGELEKTR 1. og 2. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i elektronikk og informasjonsteknologi for 1. og 2. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Der prosjektoppgave brukes som eksamensform, må det tydeliggjøres om det er en eksamensform som kan påklages. Gjelder flere emner. Vedtak: Programplan for ingeniørutdanning elektronikk og informasjonsteknologi, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 for kull 2012 og kull 2013.

10 SAK 14/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGENERGI 1. og 2. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i energi og miljø for 1. og 2. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Tekst som står under kap 5. Studiets innhold og oppbygning, om matematikkrav for å komme videre på masterstudier er viktig informasjon og bør settes inn i programplanene til bygg og maskin også. Emne EMPE1800 Økonomi og ledelse, endrer navn til EMPE1801 Teknologiledelse, og går fra en skriftlig 5 timers eksamen til skriftlig prosjektoppgave (40%) og en 3 timers skriftlig eksamen (60%). Emne EMFE1200 Byggfaglig innføring, endres vekting av eksamensdeler til: Prosjektarbeid i gruppe (40%) og individuell skriftlig eksamen (60%) Emne EMPE1100 Fysikk og kjemi får godkjent endring i eksamensform fra Mappevurdering 50% og Individuell skriftlig eksamen på 3 timer 50%, til to skriftlige eksamener på 3 timer. Hver del teller 50%. Emne EMTS2300 Varme- og massetransport, vurdere om tekst i parentes, eksempler og forklaringer skal tas ut av læringsutbyttene. Vedtak: Programplan for ingeniørutdanning energi og miljø, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 for kull 2012 og kull SAK 15/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGKJEMI 1. og 2. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i bioteknologi og kjemi for 1. og 2. studieår med følgende kommentar: Vedtak: Det ser ut som noen arbeidskrav i andre og tredje studieår også er satt inn under eksamensform. Dette er ikke mulig. Det gjelder flere emner - må sjekkes opp. Programplan for ingeniørutdanning bioteknologi og kjemi, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 for kull 2012 og kull 2013.

11 SAK 16/13 Forslag til programplan for ingeniørfag - HINGMASKIN 1. og 2. studieår Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for ingeniørfag i maskin for 1. og 2. studieår med følgende kommentarer: Tekst som står under kap 5. Studiets innhold og oppbygning i programplan til energi og miljø, om matematikkrav for å komme videre på masterstudier er informativ og bør settes inn her også. Emne MATS1200 Innføring i yrkesutøvelse og arbeidsmetoder maskin har endringer i læringsutbytter, eksamensform og vurderingsuttrykk og får ny kode MATS1201. Arbeidskrav i emnet må tallfestes. Emne MATS2200 Statistikk, risikoanalyse og kvalitetssikring er det samme emne som bioteknologi og kjemi tilbyr. Her er det satt opp en 5 timers eksamen, mens bioteknologi og kjemi har 3 timer. Må avklares. Læringsutbyttene i emnene MATS2400 Hydraulikk og maskinsystemer og MAFE3100 Ingeniørfaglig systemteori, må skrives lik resten av planene. Vedtak: Programplan for ingeniørutdanning maskin, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 for kull 2012 og kull SAK 18/13 Forslag til programplan for Anvendt datateknologi studieåret Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for Anvendt datateknologi studieåret med følgende kommentarer: Se på kull 2011 og sjekke om kullet får emnet IT-tjenester to ganger. Arbeidskrav i emne ADSE2200 Systemutvikling må tallfestes. Vedtak: Programplan for Anvendt datateknologi, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder for kull 2011, 2012 og 2013 studieåret SAK 17/13 Forslag til programplan for Informasjonsteknologi studieåret Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Studieutvalget innstiller til godkjenning av endringer i programplan for Informasjonsteknologi studieåret med følgende kommentarer:

12 Programmet har/tilbyr flere emner som tilhører programplan for ingeniørfag - data. Det må avklares om valgemne Teknologiledelse kan tilbys studentene kommende studier, da ingeniørfag - data ikke tilbyr dette emnet før studieåret Emnet ITPE2500 Operativsystemer får godkjent endring fra 3 timer skriftlig eksamen 5 timers skriftlig eksamen. To nye valgemner godkjennes: Vedtak: o Testing av programvare 10 sp o Programvarearkitektur og rammeverk 10 sp Programplan for Informasjonsteknologi, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet. Endringene gjelder for kull 2011, 2012 og 2013 studieåret SAK 19/13 Meldingssak i studieutvalget TKD Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Ingen kommentarer til møteboka. SAK 20/13 Eventuelt Saksreferat i Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Ingen saker.

13 Møtedatoer for Studieutvalget ved TKD studieåret Høst 2013 Vår 2014 September November Januar Februar Mars Mai Møtedato Utsendelse av sakspapirer Endelig frist til sekretær Møtene er lagt til onsdager kl Ved store saksmengder kan møtetiden forlenges til kl Saker Frister for innmelding av saker: Større endringer bachelornivå 1. september 1 Mindre endringer bachelornivå 1. desember Endringer på masternivå ta snarest kontakt med sekretær/leder for studieutvalget 2 Etter fristene for innmelding, setter studieadministrasjonen opp sakene i de møter som passer best, men på grunn av timeplanlegging, nye rammeplaner, allerede innmeldte saker og faste saker ser den foreløpige fordelingen for studieåret slik ut: 1 Store endringer på bachelornivå som gjør at endringer må til Samordna Opptak. 2 Store endringer på masternivå må inn til NOKUT, mindre endringer fakultetets og høgskolens studieutvalg. Ikke egne frister lang saksbehandlingstid må påregnes.

14 Møte September November Januar Februar Mars Mai Saker Utfyllende retningslinjer for TKD Redegjørelse av erfaringer gjort etter omorganisering av bachelor i produktdesign studieåret Fastsettelse/endringer engelske navn bachelor innen teknologi Master i Energi og miljø i bygg gjøres om til engelsk og oppdateres i forhold til NKR (må også til sentralt studieutvalg etter dette) Opptakstall Behandle programrapporter (jf. Kvalitetssikringssystemet ved HiOA)Bachelor i kunst og design (skal bli to studieretninger må meldes til Samordna Opptak, SO) Bachelor i drama og teaterkommunikasjon (større omarbeidinger) Faglærerutdanning i praktisk og estetiske fag (ny plan etter ny rammeplan) PPU (ny plan etter ny rammeplan) Behandle fakultetets Rapporter og planer i forhold til kvalitetssikring og kvalitetsutvikling (jf. Kvalitetssikringssystemet ved HiOA) Endringer på bachelornivå estetiske fag Endringer på bachelornivå - teknologistudiene Endringer på bachelornivå - produktdesign

15 Saksfremlegg Organ Saksnr Møtedato Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design 22/ Mindre endringer master i produktdesign (2013/1) I. Forslag til vedtak: 1) Mindre organisatoriske endringer i master i produktdesign for kull 2013, 2) mindre endringer i emne MAPD4100 Sustainable Design Approache og 3) synliggjøring av prosjektbeskrivelse i masteroppgaven, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 II. Saksframstilling 1) Mindre organisatoriske endringer for kull 2013 Normalorganiseringen for produktdesign er å avslutte et emne før neste påbegynnes. For masterstudiet ønskes det nå å endre rekkefølgen på emner i høstsemesteret første studieår for å kunne tilpasse samarbeid med master i universell utforming av IKT, som har alle sine eksamener på slutten av semesteret. I tillegg har fagmiljøet sett at emnene i andre høstsemester burde har stått i en annen rekkefølge med tanke på progresjon i studiet. Disse endringene medfører ikke endring i forkunnskapskrav, flytting av emner i forhold til semester eller studiepoengproduksjon. Studentene vil se akkurat de samme emnene i StudentWeb som tidligere.

16 Nåværende organisering: 2. Year Semester 3 Semester 4 MAPD5100 Strategies in Product Communication 10 ECTS Elective Courses 10 ECTS MAPD5900 Master s Project in Product Design 30 ECTS UNIK4000 Technology, Innovation and Product Development 10 ECTS 1. Year Semester 1 Semester 2 MAPD4100 Sustainable Design Approaches - 10 ECTS MAPD4000 Philosophy of Science and Design Research 10 ECTS MAPD4200 Product Aesthetics and Culture 10 ECTS MAPD4300 Product Design, Psychology and Market 10 ECTS MAPDPRA Practical Training 20 ECTS Ønsket organisering for kull 2013 (grå fargebakgrunn på emner): 2. Year Semester 3 Semester 4 Elective Courses 10 ECTS MAPD5100 Strategies in Product Communication 10 ECTS MAPD5900 Master s Project in Product Design 30 ECTS UNIK4000 Technology, Innovation and Product Development 10 ECTS 1. Year Semester 1 Semester 2 MAPD4200 Product Aesthetics and Culture 10 ECTS MAPD4100 Sustainable Design Approaches - 10 ECTS MAPD4000 Philosophy of Science and Design Research 10 ECTS MAPD4300 Product Design, Psychology and Market 10 ECTS MAPDPRA Practical Training 20 ECTS

17 2) Mindre endringer i emne MAPD4100 Sustainable Design Approache Ønske om å ta ut tre punkter om verktøy som de faglige ikke ser er hensiktsmessig at studentene bruker tid på i dette emnet. Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course students are able to: Recognise local and global environmental challenges in the context of product design and material use Evaluate problems using scenario development methods and form comprehensive solutions with the help of systems analysis techniques Apply a range of evaluation tools from an social, economic and ecologically sustainable perspective in order to select the appropriate materials for a particular purpose Safely and efficiently manage time and resources Skilfully develop and construct a (3D) product Demonstrate oral and visual communication skills Display the capacity to value and participate in projects which require teamwork Course contents Systems analysis Material evaluation tools Scenario development Current social and environmental challenges Sustainable development strategies Social analysis Corporate and socioeconomic aspects Visual communication Argumentet fra de faglige er at fokuset i emnet har dreid seg mer mot fokus på strategiske, sosiale og konseptuelle tema hvor konkrete "data-verktøy" for å evaluere materialer ikke er hensiktsmessig å bruke tid på. Etter en gjennomgang av emnene på MA (og BA) totalt sett ser de at det er mer sosialøkonomiske, bærekraftige problemstillinger av konseptuell art dette emnet burde fokusere på, ikke på konkret materialbruk og inntasting av data. Obligatory assignments One written assignment One individual presentation One preparation of an entry to a design competition Excursions Argumentet fra de faglige er at tematikken/fokuset til emnet er skiftende for hvert år og det er ikke alltid passer seg med en eventuell ekstern konkurranse. Dette er noe som blir oppfordret til hvis tematikken passer. Å ha det med som et arbeidskrav kan da vise seg vanskelig å gjennomføre i praksis. 3) Synliggjøring av prosjektbeskrivelse i masteroppgaven Prosjektbeskrivelse av masteroppgaven har vært for dårlig synliggjort i emneplan. Dette har ført til utfordringer i forhold til studentene. Fagmiljøet ønsker også en presisering i eksamensformen som skal det ikke skal være uklart hvilken leveranse som er ventet fra studentene.

18 Nåværende tekst Obligatory assignments None Form of examination Individual portfolio examination, followed by an oral examination that can lead to adjustments of the final grade of the course. If two or more students wish to work together on the degree project, a written application must be made to the Department of Product Design. The master project portfolio consists of: a written assignment design process documentation a product a reflection note Ønsket tekst Obligatory assignments Approved project description mid-january 3 reflection papers Form of examination Individual portfolio examination, followed by an oral examination that can lead to adjustments of the final grade of the course. If two or more students wish to work together on the degree project, a written application must be made to the Department of Product Design. The master project portfolio consists of: a written assignment design process documentation a physical 3D product model a reflection note Birger Emblem Tove Hatlen

19 Saksfremlegg Organ Saksnr Møtedato Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design 23/ Forslag til endring i emne EMTS2300 Varmetransport 10 sp (2012/2227) I. Forslag til vedtak: Emne EMTS2300 Varmetransport 10 sp, godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 II. Saksframstilling I møte 6. mars ble hel bachelorplanen for ingeniørfag energi og miljø behandlet. Emnet hadde da navnet Varme- og massetransport. I etterkant ser fagmiljøet at emnenavnet kan være misvisende i forhold til det faktiske innholdet i emnet og hva det undervises i. Vedlagt ligger emnet slik det ble godkjent 6. mars med korreksjoner og det nye emnet. Endringer som er gjort: massetransport inkludert fukt-transport er fjernet noen små feil er korrigert antall øvinger er redusert fra 13 til 12 Pensum og eksamensform er uendret. Emnet skal gå for første gang våren 2014 etter ny rammeplan, og denne endringen medfører ikke endring av emnekode. Birger Emblem Tove Hatlen Vedlegg 1 Varmetransport.docx 2 Fra Varme og masse til varme.pdf

20 Emnekode og -navn EMTS2300 Varmetransport Engelsk navn Heat Transfer Studieprogrammet Bachelor i ingeniørfag energi og miljø emnet inngår i Type emne Teknisk spesialiseringsemne Studiepoeng 10 Semester 4. Undervisningsspråk Norsk Innledning Emnet tar sikte på å gi studenten en innføring i varmetransport og derigjennom en grunnleggende forståelse for transportprosessene for varme. Praktiske anvendelser kan være dimensjonering av komponenter i varme- og kjøleanlegg (for eksempel varmevekslere), beregning av bygningers varmebehov samt analyse av termisk komfort for personer. Forkunnskapskrav Emnet bygger på emner fra 1. studieår. Læringsutbytte Etter å ha gjennomført dette emnet har studenten følgende læringsutbytte, definert som kunnskap, ferdigheter og generell kompetanse: Kunnskap Studenten: har tilegnet seg de sentrale begrepene innenfor varmetransport, samt prinsippene for de ulike transportformene kjenner og kan utlede Varmeledningsligningen (3-dimensjonal, transient) med grensebetingelser og initialbetingelse har kunnskap om Stasjonær varmeledning (1- og 2-dimensjonal) i kartesiske koordinater, sylinder- og kulekoordinater. kan behandle indre varmekilder og benytte termiske nettverk kjenner til Transient (ikke-stasjonær) varmeledning, og kan regne på enkle problemer (Lumped system, null-dimensjonalt) kan benytte Numeriske metoder for varmeledningsberegninger (1-, 2- eller 3- dimensjonalt, transient), v.h.a. Finite Volume (kontrollvolum) metoden kan beherske eksplisitt og implisitt formulering av transiente problem kan gjøre beregninger av Ekstern og Intern tvungen konveksjon, behandle grensesjikt og tegne hastighets- og temperaturprofil. Empiriske korrelasjoner blir benyttet kjenner til Naturlig (fri) konveksjon kan analysere Varmevekslere arrangert i medstrøm og motstrøm, ved å benytte logaritmisk midlere temperaturdifferanse. Kjenner til behandling av beleggdannelse har innsikt i enkel strålingsfysikk og termisk stråling mellom faste flater. Sorte/grå flater behandles, bl.a. ved bruk av elektrisk analogi for beregninger Ferdigheter Studenten kan: utføre nødvendige beregninger for ingeniørmessig analyse av varmetransport i praktiske konstruksjoner, deriblant bygninger og varmevekslere, og i naturen for øvrig beregne varmeledning i faste legemer, for eksempel i vegger (varmestrøm og temperaturfelt) beregne konvektiv varmetransport (konveksjon) mellom fast legeme og fluid, både tvungen og naturlig konveksjon beregne varmeutveksling mellom faste flater ved hjelp av termisk stråling beregne varmeoverføring mellom varmt og kaldt fluid i varmevekslere

21 Generell kompetanse Studenten kan: bidra i arbeidet med å utvikle ny teknologi med bakgrunn i en forståelse for matematisk modellering og løsning av fysiske problemer løse koblede problemer knyttet til både varmetransport, termodynamikk og fluidmekanikk (strømningslære). Dette vil være et grunnlag for beregning av for eksempel et byggs effekt- og energibehov vurdere om beregningsresultater er rimelige Arbeids- og undervisningsformer Forelesninger, individuelle regneøvinger, dataøving, laboratoriearbeid. Arbeidskrav 10 av 12 regneøvinger 2 laboratorieøvelser i gruppe á 5 timer 1 dataøving Formålet med arbeidskravene er å stimulere til jevn innsats underveis i semesteret og hjelpe studentene å nå kravene til ferdighet og kompetanse Eksamen og sensorordning Eksamensform: Individuell skriftlig eksamen på 3 timer Sensorordning: En sensor. Emnet kan bli trukket ut til ekstern sensur. Ordinær eksamen kan påklages. Ved eventuell ny og utsatt eksamen kan muntlig eksamensform bli benyttet. Hvis muntlig eksamen benyttes til ny og utsatt eksamen, kan denne ikke påklages. Hjelpemidler til vurdering/eksamen Alle trykte og skrevne hjelpemidler samt håndholdt kalkulator som ikke kommuniserer trådløst. Vurderingsuttrykk I forbindelse med avsluttende vurdering benyttes en karakterskala fra A til E for bestått (A er høyeste karakter og E er laveste) og F for ikke bestått. Pensum Cengel, Y. A. & Ghajar, A. J. (2011). Heat and Mass Transfer. Fundamentals and Applications. (4. utg. in SI units). New York: McGraw-Hill. Kap. 1 9, (320 sider)

22 Saksfremlegg Organ Saksnr Møtedato Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design 24/ Mindre endringer i Master i universell utforming av IKT (2013/2304) I. Forslag til vedtak: Master i universell utforming av IKT godkjennes med de kommentarer som framkom i møtet Endringene gjelder fra høsten 2013 II. Saksframstilling Etter en gjennomgang av planene ser vi det nødvendig å gjøre følgende mindre endringer: endring av koder i 2. studieår (administrativt) tabell under kap 9. Vurdering er satt inn (jf. mal) noe tekst fra norsk versjon er satt inn synliggjøring av partnerinstitusjonene våre under kapittel om internasjonalisering presisert at muntlig eksamen ikke kan påklages Se spor endring i vedlagte plan. Birger Emblem Tove Hatlen Vedlegg 1 Programplan for Master i universell utforming av IKT

23 Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT (MAUU) Mastergradsstudium i universell utforming av IKT 120 ECTS Full time Approval NOKUT and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 21 st of February 2012 Adjusted by the Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty May 2013 Faculty of Technology, Art and Design Department of Computer Science Innhold 1. Introduction Target group Admission requirements Learning outcomes Programme content and structure Working and teaching methods Internationalisation Coursework requirements Assessment/examinations and grading Course descriptions MS400U Universal Design of Interactive Systems MS410U Research Methods MS420U User Diversity, ICT-barriers, UD and Technologies for Accessibility MS430U Interaction Styles and Technologies for Accessibility... 39

24 MS440U Academic Writing and Ethics MS510U Programming and APIs for Interaction MS520U Intelligent User Interfaces MS530U Globalisation of Technology MS590U Master s Thesis... 49

25 1. Introduction The Master s program in Universal Design of ICT (MAUU) aims to meet the growing need of society for knowledge and expertise in universal design of ICT solutions such as desktop and web applications, mobile services, consumer electronics and self-service machines. In Norway and many other countries, it is becoming a legal requirement that ICT solutions should be accessible to all, including people with disabilities, so that all citizens can take an active part in social activities and employment. This poses great challenges for competent professionals and society s ICT infrastructure and services. This Master s Program provides a specialisation in Universal Design of ICT, which goes beyond the current Bachelor programs in engineering, including electronics, computer science, information science and applied computer technology. 2. Target group The Master s program is targeted at individuals who wish to qualify as specialists in universal design of ICT solutions. It is relevant for interaction designers, software engineers and related professionals in public sectors, non-profit organizations and private sectors, as well as those who are interested in further studies at doctoral level. 3. Admission requirements The minimum requirements for admission to the Master s program are specified in Section 3 of the Requirements Regulations for Master s Degrees (Forskrift om krav til mastergrad), issued by the Ministry of Education and Research on the 2nd of July In order to be qualified for the Master s program, applicants must have a Bachelor s Degree in computer science, information technology or other equivalent qualifications which include at least 80 ECTS within the field of computer science. We refer to Regulations Relating to Admission to Master`s Degree Programmes at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences: For applicants who are from outside EU/EEA, Switzerland and Nordic countries (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland) a TOEFL or IELTS test is required. The minimum score for TOEFL is 550 (paper-based) or 80 (web-based). The minimum score for IELTS is 6.0. Merknad [Krissle1]: Tatt fra norsk versjon og satt inn

26 4. Learning outcomes On successful completion of their Master s degree, the students should have the following qualifications defined in knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion the candidate: has advanced knowledge in universal design and specialized knowledge in ICT has a thorough knowledge of scholarly theory and methods in universal design of ICT can apply knowledge in new areas of universal design of ICT can analyse problems and solutions based on the history, traditions, characteristics and societal context of universal design and ICT. Skills On successful completion the candidate: can analyse and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments can analyse existing theories, methods and interpretations within universal design of ICT and work independently with practical and theoretical problem solving can use relevant research and development methods in an independent manner can carry out an independent, limited research or development projects under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics General competence On successful completion the candidate: can analyse relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems can apply his/her knowledge and skills in new areas to carry out advanced assignments and project can communicate comprehensive and independent study and master language and terminology in universal design of ICT can communicate academic problems, analysis and conclusions in universal design of ICT to both specialists and the general public can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes has practical experience with diverse user groups with a variety of needs for universal design Note that the individual course descriptions provide further details.

27 5. Programme content and structure The two-year program consists of 120 ECTS credits. 50 ECTS compulsory courses 10 ECTS advanced and elective courses 60 ECTS Master s Thesis The following table shows the overall structure of the program. Semester Courses 1 MS400U Universal Design of Interactive Systems, 10 ECTS MS410U Research Methods, 10 ECTS 2 MS430U Interaction Styles and Technologies for Accessibility, 10 ECTS 3 Elective course, see course descriptions MS5xxU, 10 ECTS 4 Master s Thesis Project phase III MS440U Academic Writing and Ethics, 10 ECTS MS420U User Diversity, ICTbarriers, UD and Technologies for Accessibility, 10 ECTS Master s Thesis Project phase I Master s Thesis Project phase II Final exam MS590U Master s Thesis (60 ECTS) A successfully completed Master s Thesis will give 60 ECTS credits. The Master project is 60 ECTS credits and is distributed over three semesters. The last semester is dedicated solely to the Master project. The project and its progress are assessed each semester. The student is appointed a supervisor at the beginning of the 2nd semester when Phase I of the Master project starts. During Phase I, students need to establish a clear problem statement and a feasible project plan. The plan should clarify the requirements placed on students in the course of their study and determine what the supervisors and the scientific community are expected to contribute in terms of education, guidance and support. The problem statement will form the basis for the subsequent parts of the project. After having successfully completed the 2nd semester, the student will have produced a detailed literature review, a specification of key research questions and a detailed schedule. In Phase II, students carry out the intended study. In Phase III, the study will be finalized and the work will be documented in the Master thesis.

28 6. Working and teaching methods The learning outcomes will be achieved by means of different learning methods adapted to each individual course. The teaching methods include lectures, assignments, seminars and project work. Project work is carried out both in groups and individually. The program is based on student-centred learning methods with student-run seminars and project work that require active participation from students. Students will receive feedback on the presentations and reports. The norms for the amount of supervision students are entitled in the various courses are as follows. For group work, each student group is entitled project supervision from the teacher up to one hour per week and a maximum of four hours during the semester. The teacher will be available for supervising presentation preparations with up to one hour per presentation. For courses with assignment solutions, the teacher will be available two hours per week. For seminar-based courses, it is essential for students to be prepared in advance in order to successfully follow the presentations and participate actively in projects and discussions. Students will receive plenary supervision in interpreting literature and it is expected that students prepare relevant questions for each meeting. 7. Internationalisation The elective course Globalization of Technology includes a project that can be carried out abroad, at one of our partner institutions. Students who take additional coursesmodules at the partner institutions can apply for transfer of credits up to 30 ECTS credits. For students who wish to study abroad, an average grade C is required for the master courses taken. Students can only study abroad, at one of the partner institutions, in either the third or the fourth semester. Currently the partner institutions are Communication University of China, University of Cape Town in South Africa and Technical University of Lodz in Poland. Merknad [Krissle2]: Er satt inn

29 8. Coursework requirements Merknad [Krissle3]: Tatt fra norsk versjon og satt inn A coursework requirement is a compulsory piece of work/activity that must be approved before the student may take an examination. Coursework requirements are assessed on the basis of approved/not approved. If a student anticipates problems with submitting a report within the given deadline, the student may apply for an extension before the report submission deadline. The extension is limited to three weeks. The program coordinator may grant exemptions from this rule. Students who apply for an extension of the deadline may risk delays in their study. If a student is not able to give an oral presentation at the scheduled time, the student has to ask the teacher for a new date for the presentation, at least one week before the original date. 9. Assessment/examinations and grading Provisions governing examinations are laid down in the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges and the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. Please refer to HiOA's website at Assessment method in the program varies between courses. It includes written reports, oral presentations, portfolio assessment and oral examination. The Master project will be assessed based on the thesis, an oral presentation and examination. The grading scale ranges from A (highest) to F (lowest) where A to E are pass grades and F is a fail grade. More details on assessment methods can be found in the individual course descriptions. Merknad [Krissle4]: Tatt fra norsk versjon og satt inn Normally each course has two internal examiners to assess students' work. In each semester one course will be chosen to include an external examiner, thus the students work will be assessed by one external and one internal examiner. The Master s Thesis is assessed by the supervisor and one external examiner.

30 Course Sem Year 1 MS400U Universal Design of Interactive Systems MS410U 1 Research Methods MS420U User Diversity, ICT-barriers, UD and Technologies for Accessibility MS430U Interaction Styles and Technologies 2 for Accessibility MS440U Academic Writing and Ethics Sem Year 2 MS510U Programming and API for Interaction E or MS520U Intelligent User Interfaces 3 or MS530U Globalisation of Technology 2,3 and 4 ECTS credits Form of examination 10 Written reports in group (70%) and individual oral exam (30%) 10 Written reports in group (70%) and individual oral exam (30%) 10 Individual written report (70%) and individual oral exam (30%) 10 Written reports in group (70%) and individual oral exam (30%) Grades A F A F A F A F 10 Portfolio assessment A F 10 Individual oral exam A F 10 Written reports in group and presentation 10 Written reports in group (70%) and individual reflection statement (30%) MS590U Master s Thesis 60 Master s Thesis Individual written Master s Thesis and the oral presentation A F A F A F Merknad [Krissle5]: Tabell satt inn jf. mal for programplaner

31 10. Course descriptions Name of the course MS400U Universal Design of Interactive Systems Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Compulsory course ECTS credits 10 Semester 1 Language English Prerequisites Admission to the Master s program Introduction This course is an introduction to the field of the Master s program, covering problems, terminologies and methods. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate: has specialized knowledge in different technologies and techniques relevant to universal design has advanced knowledge of forums and channels in which research results within universal design are published Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate: can communicate ideas through concept sketches can design cost-effective prototypes can involve and communicate with users in the design process can evaluate the prototypes using various forms of user testing can produce user manuals and product descriptions General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate: can communicate scientific problems, analysis and conclusions in universal design of ICT to both specialists and the general public has practical experience with diverse user groups with a variety of needs for universal design Working and teaching methods This course is organized as a series of seminars where students present core concepts and topics in the literature. Guest lectures will be organized on chosen topics. Students work in groups under supervision. Coursework requirements Individual student presents 2 topics (45 min per presentation including Q&A) in class. Presentations are not graded, but are required for the final exam. Form of examination Up to 3 students work in groups on 3 projects.

32 Students will be assessed based on 3 written group project reports ( words for each report) and an individual oral exam (20 minutes for each student). Reports count 70% and oral exam counts 30% of the final grade. The oral examination can`t be appealed. Examination support materials For the oral exam, students will not have access to computers or other aids. Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners Two internal examiners to assess the reports and oral exam. External examiner is used periodically every 4 years. Literature (approx. 800 pages in total) Chisholm, W., May, M Universal Design for Web Applications: Web Applications That Reach Everyone, O'Reilly, pp , , Cook, A. M., Polgar, J. M., Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, Mosby, pp , Lazar, J. (Ed). Universal Usability: Designing Computer Interfaces for Diverse Users, Wiley, pp , , , Helal, A., Mokhtari, M., Abdulrazak, B., The Engineering Handbook of Smart Technology for Aging, Disability and Independence, Wiley Interscience, pp , Selected articles from Proceedings of ASSETS conferences (ACM Press), International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (Springer), CHI conferences (ACM press) and journals of Interacting with Computers, Human Computer Studies and Applied Ergonomics will be distributed during the course.

33 Name of the course MS410U Research Methods Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Compulsory course ECTS credits 10 Semester 1 Language English Prerequisites Basic knowledge on statistics Introduction This course covers qualitative and quantitative research methods which are essential to the Master s program. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate has a thorough knowledge of qualitative methods, including action research and insider action research, ethnographic methods and qualitative case studies has a thorough knowledge of quantitative methods, including statistical tests and notations Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate can design qualitative studies and set up qualitative experiments can use fieldwork strategies can use qualitative analysis and interpretation (with and without software tools) can evaluate strategies to enhance qualitative studies (e.g., using triangulation) can analyse the researcher's own role, influence and bias in a qualitative data collection can plan and carry out statistical tests General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate can analyse ethical issues related to privacy and anonymity for participants in studies can apply knowledge and skills learned on qualitative and quantitative methods on new problems and answer open questions Working and teaching methods The course consists of lectures, assignments and project work. The lectures are organized as thematic intensive gatherings with theory review, followed by exercises using statistical tools and project work with qualitative methods. Guidance and feedback are provided by the teacher on the work during the course. Coursework requirements 3 obligatory assignments in quantitative statistical tools. Students work on each assignment individually for 3 weeks. Assignments are not graded, but are required for the final exam. Form of examination 2-3 students work in groups on one project.

34 Students will be assessed based on one written group project report ( words) and individual oral exam (20 minutes for each student). Reports count 70% and oral exam count 30% of the final grade. The oral examination can`t be appealed. Examination support materials For the oral exam students have access to computers and the statistics package R-project installed, a set of raw data and data tables for the examination in electronic format. Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners Two internal examiners to assess the report and oral exam. External examiner is used periodically every 4 years. Literature (488 pages in total) Lazar, J., Feng, J. H., Hochheiser, H., Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction, Wiley, pp , pp , Cairns, P., Cox, A. L., Research Methods for Human-Computer Interaction, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-87, pp , Everitt, B. S., Torsten Hothorn, A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R, Chapman & Hall/CRC, pp , pp , pp , Walpole, R. E., Myers, R. H., Myers, S. L., Ye, K., Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, pp. 1-30, pp , pp , 2007.

35 Name of the course MS420U User Diversity, ICT-barriers, UD and Technologies for Accessibility Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Compulsory course ECTS credits 10 Semester 1 Language English Prerequisites Admission to the Master s program. Introduction This course covers different user requirements, identification of technical barriers and how these can be eliminated or reduced through universal design of ICT and computer technology. Furthermore relevant guidelines, regulations and legislation will be covered. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate: has good knowledge of user diversity has good knowledge of demography and age structure of society, trends and tendencies and their implications for universal design of ICT has knowledge of sensory, physical and cognitive disabilities has good knowledge of physical functional differences has good knowledge of the concept of disability and the Gap model has advanced knowledge of disabling barriers in ICT solutions has advanced knowledge about universal design, accessibility, accommodation and assistive technology has a thorough knowledge of laws, policies and standards (Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Acts, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, WCAG 2.0, ATAG 1.0, UAAG, WAI-ARIA, ETSI , ELMER guidelines for public forms) Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate: can analyse and deal critically with different user requirements, and apply these to structure and formulate arguments regarding accessibility, accommodation, and universal design of ICT can analyse contradictions within/between universal design, accessibility and accommodation in different situations

36 General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate: can identify disabling barriers of ICT solutions based on the Gap model can carry out independent study and master dedicated terminology related to user diversity, impairment, disability and universal design can communicate scientific problems, analysis and conclusions in ICT and user diversity, impairment, disability and universal design to both specialists in health care and the general public Working and teaching methods This course is organized as a series of seminars where students present and discuss core concepts and topics in the literature. Guest lectures will be held on chosen topics. There will be visits to e.g. public sectors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and rehabilitation centres. Each student works on one topic from the curriculum in a project assignment peer reviewed by fellow students. Coursework requirements Individual student writes peer reviews of draft project reports from two other students. Peer reviews are not graded, but are required for the final exam. Individual student presents a journal or conference article (45 min per presentation including Q&A) in class, and to invited relevant professionals and NGO s, when suitable. Presentations are not graded, but are required for the final exam. Form of examination Students will be assessed individually based on one project report ( words) and one oral exam (20 minutes). The report counts 70% and the oral exam counts 30% of the final grade. The oral examination can`t be appealed. Examination support materials For the oral exam, students will not have access to computers or other aids. Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners Two internal examiners to assess the report and oral exam. External examiner is used periodically every 4 years. Literature (approx. 800 pages in total) About Impairments, (50 pages): (ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Dementia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disabilities, Muscular Dystrophy, Physical and Mobility Impairments, Sensory Impairments, Stroke, Tourette Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury.) ATAG 1.0/2.0 (Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines) Buhler, C., Empowered participation of users with disabilities in R&D projects, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp , Cheok, A.D. & Fernando, O.N.N., Kawaii / Cute interactive media. Universal Access in the Information Society, vol. 11, pp , 2012.

37 Coyle, D., Doherty, G., Matthews, M. & Sharry, J., Computers in talk-based mental health interventions, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp , Dickinson, A., Newell, A. F., Smith, M. J. & Hill, R. L., Introducing the Internet to the over 60s: Developing an system for older novice computer users, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp , Dickinson, A. et al., Approaches to Web Search and Navigation for Older Computer Novices, in CHI '07 Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pp , Elmer 2 User Interface Guidelines for Governmental Forms on the Internet ETSI : Human Factors (HF) Guidelines for ICT products and services "Design for All", European Telecommunications Standards Institute, pp , Evett, L. & Brown, D., Text formats and web design for visually impaired and dyslexic readers Clear Text for All, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp , Fossestøl, K. (2007): Stairway to heaven? ICT-policy, disability and employment in Denmark, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Norway. WRI-report 2007:5 / FAFO-report 2007:42, pp 5-8, 11-13, 20-23, 32-37, 45-56, Granic, A. & Adams, R., User sensitive research in e-learning: exploring the role of individual user characteristics. Universal Access in the Information Society, Vol. 10, pp , Grue, J., Is there something wrong with society, or is it just me? Social and medical knowledge in a Norwegian antidiscrimination law. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 12(3), pp , Hansen, I.L.S. (ed.) (2009): ICT and employment: Actors involved in innovation, production, distribution and implementation of assistive ICT in Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and United Kingdom. FAFO-paper 2009:02 / AFI-rapport r2009:2, Oslo, pp Heukelman, D. & Obono, S.E., Exploring the African Village Metaphor for Computer User Interface Icons. SAICSIT 09, pp , ACM, Hourcade, J. P. & Berkel, T. R., Simple pen interaction performance of young and older adults using handheld computers, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp , Johnstone, J. (2001): An Introduction to Disability Studies, David Fulton Publishers, 2nd Edition, pp. 5-25, 42-60, , Lindberg, T., Näsänen, R. & Müller, K., How age affects the speed of perception of computer icons, Displays, Vol, 27, No. 4-5, pp , Macdonald, A. S., The UD Phenomenon in Japan: Product Innovation Through Universal Design, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 4554, Springer Verlag, pp , Oliver, M. & Barnes, C. (2012): The New Politics of Disablement. Palgrave Macmillan; 2nd edition, pp 11-31, 48-51, Sevilla, J., Herrera, G., Martinez, B. & Alcantud, F., Web Accessibility for Individuals with Cognitive Deficits: A Comparative Study between an Existing Commercial Web and Its

38 Cognitively Accessible Equivalent. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 14, No. 3, Article 12, pp 1-25, Shen, I-H., Shien, K-K., Chao, C-Y. & Lee, D-S., Lighting, font style, and polarity on visual performance and visual fatigue with electronic paper displays, Displays, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp 53-58, Subasi, Ö., Leitner, M., Hoeller, N., Geven, A. & Tscheligi, M., Designing accessible experiences for older users: user requirement analysis for a railway ticketing portal. Universal Access in the Information Society, Vol. 10, pp , The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006). (Preamble, Article 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 24, 27, 29 and 30) UAAG 1.0/2.0 (User Agent Accessibility Guidelines) Vavik, Tom (2009): Inclusive Buildings, Products & Services: Challenges in Universal Design. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press, pp WAI-ARIA 1.0 (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) WHO (2011): World Report on Disability, pp 3-14, 21-46, and Woodfine, B.P., Baptista Nunes, M. & Wright, D.J., Text-based synchronous e-learning and dyslexia: Not necessarily the perfect match! Computers & Education, Vol. 50, pp , Yao, D., Qiu, Y., Huang, H., Du, Z. & Ma, J., A survey of technology accessibility problems faced by older users in China. Universal Access in the Information Society, vol. 10, pp , Additional literature: International laws, university and college laws, and regulations concerning public sector procurements. Selected articles from relevant academic journals and relevant conference proceedings will be distributed during the course.

39 Name of the course MS430U Interaction Styles and Technologies for Accessibility Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Compulsory course ECTS credits 10 Semester 2 Language English Prerequisites MS400U Universal Design of Interactive Systems and MS410U Research Methods. Introduction This course covers the state of the art of technology and methods in the research within humancomputer interaction and available computer systems. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate: has advanced knowledge of multimodal user interfaces has advanced knowledge of input and output technology can analyse problems and issues in interaction related to context, such as accessibility in public spaces, mobility problems, and state of affect can use knowledge of interaction technology to address new problems in universal design of ICT Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate: can use appropriate methods of interaction design and evaluation in an independent manner can analyse and critically deal with the results from relevant research literature, apply these to structure and formulate scientific arguments, and assess the suitability of published results on new problems and issues can carry out independent, limited research or development projects under supervision and in accordance with applicable ethical standards can present scientific work orally can debate and conduct scientific discussions General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate: can apply knowledge and skills in interaction technology on new problems and issues for carrying out advanced facilitation tasks and projects can communicate scientific problems, analysis and conclusions in the field to both specialists and the general public can contribute to original thinking and innovation processes Working and teaching methods This course is organized as a series of seminars where students present and discuss with opponents research articles that covers core concepts and topics in the literature. Students work in groups on projects under supervision.

40 Coursework requirements Two individual oral presentations of research articles (45 min per presentation including questions). Presentations are not graded, but are required for the final exam. Being opponent against two student presentations. This is not graded, but is required for the final exam. Form of examination Up to 3 students work in groups on 2 projects. Students will be assessed based on 2 written group project reports ( words for each report) and one individual oral exam (20 minutes for each student). Reports count 70% and the oral exam counts 30% of the final grade. The oral examination can`t be appealed. Examination support materials For the oral exam, students will not have access to computers or other aids. Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners Two internal examiners to assess the report and oral exam. External examiner is used periodically every 4 years. Literature (424 pages in total) Saffer, D., Designing Gestural Interfaces, O Reilly, pp. 1-90, pp , Buxton, B., Sketching User Experiences, Morgan Kaufmann, pp , Peter, C., Beale, R., Affect and Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction: From Theory to Applications, Springer Verlag, pp , pp , Selected articles from Proceedings of ASSETS conferences (ACM Press), International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (Springer), CHI conferences (ACM press) and journals of Interacting with Computers, Human Computer Studies and Applied Ergonomics will be distributed during the course.

41 Name of the course MS440U Academic Writing and Ethics Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Compulsory course ECTS credits 10 Semester 2 Language English Prerequisites Admission to the Master s program Introduction This course covers the structure and composition of academic texts and ethical perspectives in research. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate: has thorough knowledge of the research process has advanced knowledge of forums and channels in which research results are published in universal design has thorough knowledge of the requirements and standards for registration, processing, and storage of information about persons Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate: can find research results in literature databases and patent databases can analyse and critically evaluate various information sources and apply them to structure and formulate arguments in scientific reasoning can formulate research questions can write summaries using his/her own words can formulate scientific reports can use electronic reference tools can carry out objective and constructive peer reviews on written work General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate: can handle personal data within the limits of privacy law and ethical standards can identify research fraud and plagiarism has a thorough knowledge of responsibility for author and co-authorship in accordance with the Vancouver Convention Working and teaching methods The course is organized as a series of lectures where the central parts of the theory are reviewed and discussed in plenary. Students will solve a set of project tasks which include searching and organizing literature, presenting literature reviews both in writing and orally, and conducting peer reviews. The teacher will give feedback during the course. Coursework requirements

42 An individual report documenting the literature search on a self-selected topic and a summary of the selected articles ( words per article), and a statement on the relationship between the articles. Each student is expected to study 25 to 30 articles, of which 8-10 in detail. The report is part of the portfolio, but not subject to assessment. A 20-minute oral presentation of individual literature search. The presentation is mandatory, but is not subject to assessment. A first draft of an individually written literature report based on literature search ( words). The draft is part of the portfolio, but not subject to assessment. Students receive individual feedback on the first draft from a peer. Form of examination Portfolio including A series of written assignments to be solved individually: 15%. Two individual written reviews of other students' first draft of the literature reports: 20% An individual reflection paper ( words): 15%. A revised draft of a literature report ( words), written individually based on comments from the peer: 50%. Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners Two internal examiners to assess the portfolio. External examiner is used periodically every 4 years. Literature (718 pages in total) American Psychological Association, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition, pp. 3-40, 61-69, , Nygaard, L., Writing for Scholars: A Practical Guide to Making Sense and Being Heard, Universitetsforlaget, pp , Quinn, M. J., Ethics for the Information Age, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, pp , Recommended literature: Leslie Lamport, LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, pp , 1994.

43 Name of the course MS510U Programming and APIs for Interaction Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Elective course ECTS credits 10 Semester 3 Language English Prerequisites Programming and courses from the two first semesters Introduction The course focuses on the technical aspects of the implementation of user interfaces. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate has specialized knowledge of frameworks and APIs for developing user interfaces has specialized knowledge of real-time programming has advanced knowledge of copyright, ownership and intellectual property with reuse of code Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate can get acquainted with new frameworks, platforms and APIs for developing user interfaces can use current development environments can analyse the suitability of design patterns for problem solving in universal design and user interface can use agile development methods General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate can analyse development processes and make decisions that maximize reuse and minimize costs can apply knowledge of APIs, frameworks and developing skills in new areas and carry out advanced assignments and projects Working and teaching methods This course is organized as a series of lectures which cover the central parts of the theory. Guest lectures will be organised on chosen topics. Students work in groups on projects under supervision. Coursework requirements Up to 3 students work in groups on 3 projects. Each project submission consists of source code and a report of words describing the process and outcome. Form of examination Students will be assessed based on an individual oral exam (20 minutes for each student). The oral examination can`t be appealed.

44 Examination support materials For the oral exam, students do not have access to computers or other aids. Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners Two internal examiners to assess the oral exam. External examiner is used periodically every 4 years. Literature (680 pages in total) Harold Thimbleby, Press On: Principles of interactive programming, MIT Press, pp , Martin, R. C., Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices, Prentice Hall, pp , Tidwel, J., Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design, O Reilly, pp , Recommended literature: Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J. M., Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley, pp , 1994.

45 Name of the course MS520U Intelligent User Interfaces Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Elective course ECTS credits 10 Semester 3 Language English Prerequisites Programming and courses from the two first semesters Introduction The course focuses on the use of artificial intelligence technology as well as image, video and sound analysis to meet the user s needs as well as handle ambiguous interaction situations. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate has specialized knowledge of intelligent systems and their role in intelligent user interfaces has specialized knowledge of ontologies and the semantic gap has specialized knowledge of the applications of smart home technology Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate can apply classification and categorization to organize data, particularly with k-means, neural networks, fuzzy logic and neuro-fuzzy classification can apply optimization techniques to find good solutions to problems using hillclimbing, Tabu search and genetic algorithms can apply intelligent techniques, such as association rules to implement recommender systems can apply techniques from sound analysis, image analysis and video analysis to realize multi-modal input General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate can analyse ethical aspects of automatic collection, storage, automatic interpretation and use of person-related measurements can analyse opportunities and limitations associated with intelligent systems for given problems Working and teaching methods This course is organized as a series of lectures, group walkthrough of examples from research literature, and practical work. Lectures cover central theories in artificial intelligence, sound, image and video analysis followed by practical problem solving. Students present research papers in class and use theories learned for solving new and real problems and developing working prototypes. Coursework requirements 6 obligatory assignments distributed over a period of 6 weeks. Students work on each assignment individually. Assignments are not graded, but are required for the final exam.

46 Individual oral presentation of research article (45 minutes with questions). Presentations are not graded, but are required for the final exam. Form of examination Up to 3 students will work in groups. Student groups will be assessed based on a group written report (3,000-4,000 words), a working demo and a group presentation with demo (30 minutes for each group). Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners Two internal examiners. External examiner is used periodically every 4 years. Literature (574 pages in total) Gonzalez, R. C., Woods, R. E., Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, pp , pp , Huang, Y.-P., Chang, T.-W., Chen, Y.-R., Sandnes, F. E., A Back Propagation based Real-Time License Plate Recognition System, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp , Mar Huang, Y.-P., Chiou, C.-H., Sandnes, F. E., An Intelligent Strategy for the Automatic Detection of Highlights in Tennis Video Recordings, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp , Negnevitsky, M., Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, pp- 1-54, , , Sandnes, F. E., Aubert, A., Bimanual Text Entry using Game Controllers: Relying on Users' Spatial Familiarity with QWERTY, Interacting with Computers, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp , Sandnes, F. E., Huang, Y.-P., From Smart Light Dimmers to the IPOD: Text-Input with Circular Gestures on Wheel-Controlled Devices, International Journal of Smart Home, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp , Sandnes, F. E., Huang, Y-P. Chord level error correction for portable Braille devices, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp , Sandnes, F. E., Huang, Y.-P., Chording with Spatial Mnemonics: Automatic Error Correction for Eyes-Free Text Entry, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp , In addition a selection of articles from the Proceedings of Intelligent User Interface (ACM Press) will be distributed during the course.

47 Name of the course MS530U Globalisation of Technology Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Elective course ECTS credits 10 Semester 3 Language English Prerequisites Research methods, universal design of interactive systems Introduction This course focuses on how cultural factors influence the experience with user interfaces. The problems become more profound when the project work is carried out abroad. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate has advanced knowledge of cultural differences and cultural dimensions has advanced knowledge of technology, best practices and development processes for ICT solutions has advanced knowledge of how to analyse the cultural conditions that lead to communication gaps and digital divides Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate can carry out necessary analysis and testing across cultures can design culture neutral prototypes can communicate, collaborate and resolve conflicts with knowledge about different cultures and group dynamics can act neutrally when carrying out evaluations and have knowledge about their own impact on processes and results General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate can analyse academic, professional and ethical issues related to accessibility in diverse cultures can apply knowledge and skills in universal design of ICT to solve accessibility problems in diverse cultures can provide comprehensive independent study and master expressions and terms in the field can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes Working and teaching methods The course is organized as a series of lectures and seminars which cover the main theories. After this, students may travel (1 month) to either South Africa, China, or Poland to carry out field work in collaboration with local partner institutions (University of Cape Town, Communication University of China, or Technical University of Lodz). Examples of possible field work are requirement analysis or testing a culture neutral prototype.

48 Coursework requirements Up to 3 students work in groups A group project plan must be approved before the project starts. Students will receive feedback during the planning stage of the project. Groups carry out projects according to project plan which last for one month. A 30-minute group project presentation in a mini-conference in class in the end of the semester. Each project group is entitled to 8 hours supervision for project work. Form of examination Students will be assessed based on one written group project report ( words) and an individual reflection statement ( words). Reports count 70% and reflection count 30% of the final grade. Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners Two internal examiners to assess the reports and reflection statements. External examiner is used periodically every 4 years. Literature (709 pages in total) Gould, E. W., Zakaria, N., Mohd, S. A., Applying Culture to Website Design: A Comparison of Malaysian and US Websites, Technology & Teamwork, pp , Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, 2nd Edition: McGraw-Hill, pp , Lee, J.-J., Lee, K.-P., Cultural Differences and Design Methods for User Experience Research: Dutch and Korean Participants Compared, in Proceedings of Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, ACM Press, pp , Levi, D., Group Dynamics for Teams, Sage Publications, pp , Marcus, A. og Gold, E. W. (2000). Crosscurrents: Cultural Dimensions and Global Web User Interface Design, Interactions, July/August, pp Rehm, M., Bee, N., Endrass, B., Wissner, M., André, E., Too Close for Comfort? Adapting to the user s cultural background, in Proceedings of HCM 07, ACM Press, pp , Singh, N., Pereira, A., The Culturally Customized Web Site: Customizing Web Sites for the Global Marketplace, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp , Simon, S. J., The Impact of Culture and Gender on Web Sites: An Empirical Study, The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp , 2001.

49 Name of the course MS590U Master s Thesis Programme of Master s Degree Programme in Universal Design of ICT study Type Obligatory course ECTS credits 60 Semester 2, 3 and 4 Language English Prerequisites Courses from the first 3 semesters. Introduction Master thesis is specialized individual research work in the field of universal design of ICT. Learning outcome A candidate who has completed this course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence: Knowledge On successful completion of this course the candidate has specialized knowledge on the specific areas of the Master thesis Skills On successful completion of this course the candidate can clearly define and limit problem areas can connect his/her own project to relevant research literature can plan and carry out limited research or development projects can identify types and scopes of results which are required to ensure the claims and conclusions are scientifically valid can reflect on the decisions made and their consequences for the project General competence On successful completion of this course the candidate can apply knowledge and skills in new areas and carry out advanced projects can carry out comprehensive independent study can contribute to the innovation of accessible ICT solutions Working and teaching methods The Master thesis is carried out in three phases with a progression and quality assurance. Each phase must be approved before students can proceed to the next phase. Phase I is carried out in the 2nd semester and it results in a literature study, a clearly defined problem and a detailed schedule to be presented orally. Phase II is carried out in the 3rd semester. Phase II is dedicated to the actual project where, for example, students prepare a prototype and perform measurements. Status and results achieved in Phase II will be presented orally to an internal mini-conference affiliated with the program. Phase III is carried out in the 4th semester and it results in a final report that describes the problem and explains the results and the project work carried out. Prototypes and/or other products that are developed can also be part of the final thesis. The Master s thesis will be presented orally. During the thesis period, there is regular, preferably weekly, contact between supervisors and students. Each student is entitled to 15 individual supervision hours for each of the three semesters. If the student is not available for counselling over a longer period without a valid reason, the supervisor should report the absence to the coordinator of the Master s program and

50 the student can risk a delay in the study and at worst lose the right to submit the thesis for evaluation. Coursework requirements All work requirements for each phase must be approved before students can proceed to the next phase. Semester 2: An individual written report ( words) including a thorough literature study, a clearly defined problem and a detailed project plan Individual oral presentation of the project Semester 3: Systematically documented results and accomplished research according to project plan. Individual oral presentation of results at the mini-conference. Form of examination Individual student will be assessed based on the written Master thesis (30,000-40,000 words in APA style 6th Edition) and the oral presentation (30 minutes). The Master thesis and the oral presentation will be evaluated as a whole. Therefore the grade cannot be appealed. Assessment grades For the final assessment a grading scale from A to E is used, where A denotes the highest grade, E denotes the lowest, and F denotes a fail. Use of Examiners One internal and one external examiner to assess Master thesis and oral presentation. Literature Literature related to Master thesis is chosen following the advice from supervisors. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 6th Edition, pp , 2010.

51 Saksfremlegg Organ Saksnr Møtedato Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design 25/

52 Forslag til endring i bachelor i produktdesign (2012/3781) I. F o r s l a g t i l v e d t a k : E n d r i n g e r i b a c h e l o r i p r o d u k t d e Forslag til programplan i bachelor i produktdesign

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60 Bachelorstudium i produktdesign (PDB) Bachelor s Degree Programme in Produktdesign 180 studiepoeng Heltid Godkjent av styret for Høgskolen i Akershus 18. juni 2002 Sist endret i studieutvalget ved TKD 22. mai 2013 Fakultet for teknologi, kunst og design Institutt for produktdesign Programplanen gjelder for kull 2013

Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design

Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtebok Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Organ: Type referat: Møtested: PS638, Pilestredet 35 Dato: 06.03.2013 Tidspunkt: 09:00 14:30 Følgende faste medlemmer møtte: Navn Funksjon Representerer


Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtested: PS638, Pilestredet 35 Dato: Tidspunkt: 09:00 11:30

Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtested: PS638, Pilestredet 35 Dato: Tidspunkt: 09:00 11:30 1 Møtebok Organ: Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtested: PS638, Pilestredet 35 Dato: 07.05.2015 Tidspunkt: 09:00 11:30 Følgende medlemmer møtte: Navn Funksjon Representerer Sturla Rolfsen


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Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design

Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtebok Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Organ: Type referat: Møtebok Møtested: Møterom PS639, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus i Pilestredet P35 Dato: 23.05.2012 Tidspunkt: 09:00 11:30 Følgende


Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design

Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtebok Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Organ: Type referat: Møtebok Møtested: Møterom PS639, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus i Pilestredet P35 Dato: 21.03.2012 Tidspunkt: 09:00-1400 Følgende


Emneevaluering GEOV272 V17

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Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design

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Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtested: PS638, Pilestredet 35 Dato: Tidspunkt: 09:00 13:00

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Master of Philosophy in Special Needs Education

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Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtested: PS639, Pilestredet 35 Dato: 15.05.2014 Tidspunkt: 09:00 12:00

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please register via stads-self-service within the registration period announced here: Student Hub

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Ny studieplan i Introduction to Norway

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Nordic and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 30 credits

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TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser.

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TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser.

TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser. TUSEN TAKK! Det at du velger å bruke mitt materiell for å spare tid og ha det kjekt sammen med elevene betyr mye for meg! Min lidenskap er å hjelpe flotte lærere i en travel hverdag, og å motivere elevene





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TUSEN TAKK! BUTIKKEN MIN! ...alt jeg ber om er.. Maren Finn dette og mer i. ... finn meg på nett! Grafiske lisenser.

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Nursing - Bachelor's Degree Programme

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Møtebok. Organ: Studieutvalg for teknologi, kunst og design Møtested: PS638, Pilestredet 35 Dato: Tidspunkt: 09:00 12:00

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Invitation to Tender FSP FLO-IKT /2013/001 MILS OS

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The Research Council of Norway, grants and levels of research

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Eksamensoppgave i GEOG1001 Menneske og sted II

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FIRST LEGO League. Härnösand 2012

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Hvor mye praktisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye)

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Eksamensoppgave i AFR1000 Innføring i Afrikastudier

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Hotel Management - Bachelor's Degree Programme

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Hvor mye teoretisk kunnskap har du tilegnet deg på dette emnet? (1 = ingen, 5 = mye)

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The regulation requires that everyone at NTNU shall have fire drills and fire prevention courses.

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Recognition of prior learning are we using the right criteria

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