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1 2 SLIDING GUIDES 1! B C D E G H I J K L M N J O O I P M J Q N R S M T U V E " #!! " $ % & ' < = > A A ' 9 : ; ; /. - ) * +,, ) * +,, ) * +,, ( ( ( ( X ( ( 5

2 Guide holders out of aluminium + GGG40 The load values, please refer to sheet Breaking loads for guide holders see at page 17 Type Suitable inserts Dimensions [mm] L B B 1 T T 1 E E 1 F G D A M H HSMK WSMK HSMS WSMKL WSMK L Details see page HSM EM WSM EM HSM-GG 140 EM HSMG EMG HSML EL WSML EL HSMLS 180 EL HSMLN ELN WSMLN ELN HSMEL EEL HSMEL 28, EEL WSMEL 300 EEL

3 Guide holder inserts length 100 mm EK 5 - EK 16 out of Polyurethan (PU), Polyamid (PA),ETN -HM-1000 (PE / PEC) Suitable guide holders (more details at page 6) 1 HSMK 100 WSMK Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 25/26) Note: only to be used in combination with adapter Art.-no only for guide holder WSMK ETN 100 (5-16 mm) ETN 120 (5-16 mm) only for guide holder WSMK ETN S (5-10 mm) rail width [mm] PU PA PE PEC S EK 5 EK 6 EK 7 EK 8 EK 9 EK 10 EK 12 EK 16 Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification

4 Guide holder inserts length 100 mm EKL 5 - EKL 16 out of Polyurethan (PU),ETN -HM-1000 (PE / PEC) Suitable guide holders (more details at page 6) WSMKL 100 WSMK L 10 Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 26) ETN 100 (5-16 mm) Position of the slotted holes see drawing above rail width [mm] PU PE PEC S EKL 5 EKL 8 EKL 9 EKL 10 EKL 14 EKL 16 Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification

5 Guide holder inserts length 100 mm EKS 5 - EKS 16 out of ETN -HM-1000 (PE / PEC / PE2C / PECU) Suitable guide holders (more details at page 6) 1 HSMS 100 Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 26) only to be used in combination with the PECU-insert ETN 110 (5-16 mm) ETN 110 (5-16 mm) PECU P rail width [mm] PE PEC PE2C PECU S EKS 5 EKS 6 EKS 8 EKS 9 EKS 10 EKS 11 EKS 12 EKS 13 EKS 14 EKS 15 EKS 16 Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification

6 Guide holder inserts length 140 mm EM 5 - EM 20 and EMG out of Polyurethan (PU), Polyamid (PA), ETN -HM-1000 (PE / PEC / PE2C / PECU) Suitable guide holders (more details at page 6) HSM HSM-GG 140 WSM See page 11 For Insert EMG HSMG Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 25/26) only to be used in combination with the PECU-insert ETN 120 (5-16 mm) ETN 120 (5-16 mm) PECU P ETN 120 (17+18 mm) ETN 120 (19 mm) only to be used in combination with the PECU-insert ETN 120 (20 mm) ETN 160 (5-16 mm) ETN 160 (5-16 mm) PECU Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification Continued on page 11 10

7 Guide holder inserts length 140 mm EM 5 - EM 20 and EMG out of Polyurethan (PU), Polyamid (PA),ETN -HM-1000 (PE / PEC / PE2C / PECU) Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 25/26) 1 only for guide holder WSM only to use in combination with PECU-insert and guide holder only to be used in combination with the PECU-insert ETN 100 (5-16 mm) ETN 100 (5-16 mm) PECU P ETN 170 (5-16 mm) ETN 170 (5-16 mm) PECU rail width [mm] S PU PA PE PEC PE2C PECU Note: in combination with WSM our adapter plate Art. no should be used EM 5 EM 6 EM 7 EM 8 EM 9 EM 10 EM 11 EM 12 EM 13 EM 14 EM 15 EM 16 EM 17 EM 18 EM 19 EM 20 EMG - Note: all PE-inserts ETN -HM 1000-E with surface resistance 10 7 EX on request Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification 11

8 Guide holder inserts length 180 mm (Shaft depth 30 mm) ELN 9 - ELN 20 out of ETN -HM-1000 (PE / PEC / PE2C / PECU) Suitable guide holders (more details at page 6) HSMLN 180 Art.-No WSMLN 180 Art.-No Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 25/26) ETN 120 (5-16 mm) Art.-No ETN 160 (5-16 mm) rail width [mm] S PE only to be used in combination with the PECU-insert ETN 120 (5-16 mm) PECU Art.-No P only to be used in combination with the PECU-insert ETN 160 (5-16 mm) PECU PEC PE2C PECU ETN 120 (19 mm) Art.-No ETN 170 (5-16 mm) ETN 120 (20 mm) Art.-No only to be used in combination with the PECU-insert Note: ETN 170 (5-16 mm) PECU ETN 160 with pushrod guide for the felts. Low contact pressure for guide rail width 5-16 mm; 1/10 consumption only, further details on page 25 ELN 9 ELN 10 ELN 15 ELN 16 ELN 19 ELN 20 Note: in combination with WSMLN (should be used muss ans Ende) used our adapter plate should be used Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification 12

9 Guide holder inserts length 180 mm (Shaft depth 50 mm) EL 9 - EL 28 out of Polyurethan (PU), Polyamid (PA),ETN -HM-1000 (PE / PEC) Suitable guide holders (more details at page 6) 1 HSML WSML HSMLS (GG) Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 25/26) ETN 120 (5-16 mm) ETN 120 (19 mm) ETN 120 (28,6 mm) rail width [mm] PU PA PE PEC S EL 9 EL 12 EL 14 EL 16 EL 19 EL 28,6 Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification 13

10 Guide holder inserts length 300 mm EEL 16 - EEL 25 out of ETN -HM-1000 (PE) Suitable guide holders (more details at page 6) HSMEL WSMEL 300 Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 25/26) ETN 120 (16 mm) ETN 120 (19 mm) ETN 120 (20 mm) ETN 120 ( mm) rail width [mm] PE S EEL 16 EEL 19 EEL EEL EEL 25 Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification 14

11 Guide holder inserts length 300 mm EEL 28,6 - EEL 32 out of ETN -HM-1000 (PE) Suitable guide holders (more details at page 6) 1 HSMEL 28, WSMEL 300 Suitable rail lubricators (more details at page 25) ETN 120 (28,6 mm) ETN 120 (32 mm) rail width [mm] PE A S B EEL 28,6 (WSMEL) EEL 28,6 (HSMEL) EEL 30 (HSMEL) EEL 32 (HSMEL) Special dimensions are possible on your request, subject to technical modification 15

12 Sliding guides out of GGG for heavy weight elevators with inserts out of ETN -HM-1000 Please notice the table Breaking loads for guide holders see page 17 Type L B B1 T T1 E F G D Weight [kg] HSM-GG HSMLS HSMEL HSMEL 28, WSMEL Please notice the table guide holders see page 6

13 Breaking loads for guide holders out of light metal alloy and GGG Breaking Bruchlasten loads in in kn kn (kilo-newton) (kilo-newton) 1 kn > 175 kn > 200 kn 25 0 HSMK 100 WSMK 100 WSMKL 100/L10 HSMS HSM 140 WSM 140 HSML 180 HSMLN 180 HSMLS 180 WSML 180 WSMLN 180 Guide holder type Halteschuhtyp WSMEL 300 HSMEL 300 / 28,6 - Type Breaking load [kn] Material HSMK WSMK WSMKL 100 / L10 11 HSMS 100 HSM HSM-GG 140 GGG40 WSM HSML HSMLN HSMLS 180 GGG40 WSML WSMLN WSMEL HSMEL 300 / 28, / > 200 GGG40

14 Load values for guide shoe inserts Guide holder in light metal alloy (pressure casting): 2. (compare to ETN -leaflet breaking loads at page 17) Guide holder inserts - Material max. surface pressing [N/mm 2 ] Force borehold gauge [N] Force lateral direction [N] Friction coefficient guide rail dry grease V max. [m/s] Inserts for guide holder types with 100 mm length, (declaration of value for rail width 16 mm) Polyurethan/PU / red Polyamid/PA / green Polyethylen ETN -HM-1000 grey/black Inserts for guide holder types with 140 mm length, (declaration of value for rail width 16 mm) Polyurethan/PU / red Polyamid/PA / green Polyethylen ETN -HM-1000 grey/black 3 Inserts for guide holder types with 180 mm length, (declaration of value for rail width 16 mm) Polyurethan/PU / red - Polyamid/PA / green - Polyethylen ETN -HM-1000 grey/black 3 Inserts for guide holder types with 300 mm length, (declaration of value for rail width 16 mm) Polyethylen ETN -HM-1000 grey/black 3 * = Creep pressure test: 10 N/mm², 1 hour, 23 compression < 1% Declared values are dependent on base. If there are other geometries of the inserts, value will change. Note:Un Under certain conditions, lubricating the inserts out of ETN -HM-1000 is not necessary

15 Inserts out of PU (polyurethane) massive lubrication 1 Inserts out of PA (polyamide) - Inserts out of PE - * = Creep pressure test: 10 N/mm², 1 hour, 23 compression < 1% Inserts out of PEE (for explosion-hazardous areas)

16 Spring loaded sliding guide PEC 1. Guide rail width 5 16 mm 2. Sliding inserts ETN -HM Cell-VU with excellent spring and vibration absorbing properties 1. Guide rail width 5 16 mm 2. Sliding inserts ETN -HM Cell-VU with excellent spring and vibration absorbing properties 4. Damping properties in bore-hole gauge direction movement Spring loaded sliding guide damping properties in bore-hole gauge direction PE2C movement Guide rail width 5 16 mm 2. Sliding inserts ETN -HM Cell-VU with excellent spring and vibration absorbing properties 4. Damping properties in all directions 5. No cones, therefore no sound bridge Spring loaded sliding guide, damping properties in all directions PECU -HM-1000 movement

17 Flexible guide holder SiS Shoe in Shoe 1 all-round flexibility a complete sound isolation is identicalconnection dimensions to a guide shoe HSM with insert. SiS with sliding insert of ETN -HM-1000 Suitable replacement insert SiS Guide rail width Guide rail width mm 10 mm mm 14 mm 12 mm 14 mm mm 15 mm Suitable guide rail lubricator SiS ETN Vulkollan = registered trademark of Bayer AG 21

18 Guide holders ETN VS 60 and TPU TPE TPU with metalic safety guide TPE with metalic safety guide VS N VS N Bracket console used for VS 60 Angle Bracket Dimensions [mm] for VS Shim Shim for guide holder Thickness [mm] HSMK 100 HSMS HSMS HSM 140 HSML 180 / HSMLN 180 HSMEL

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Roma Garden FP-ROMGR-100 Last updated: 12.07.13

Roma Garden FP-ROMGR-100 Last updated: 12.07.13 NOMonteringsanvisning 2 GB Assembly instructions 3 Roma Garden FP-ROMGR-100 Last updated: 12.07.13 Roma Garden Vekt Krav til gulvplate 352 kg 670 mm Ta kontakt med en faghandler om du trenger tips


Monteringsanvisning Installation manual Taksokkel for LHH og CareLite Ceiling mount for LHH and CareLite

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2A September 23, 2005 SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS 2A September 23, 2005 SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS SPECIAL SECTION TO IN BUSINESS LAS VEGAS 3A September 23, 2005 SEE, PAGE 8A Businesses seek flexibility. It helps them compete in a fast-paced,


bondura 3.3 Ø25mm - Ø200mm assembly & inspection manual art rev A

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