PrO-ASTM Centrifuges. Centurion. C1015 Micro Prime Centrifuge. A Micro that offers: Oil testing. Petroleum testing, ASTM methods
- Ørnulf Hjelle
- 5 år siden
- Visninger:
2 PrO-ASTM Centrifuges Oil testing. Petroleum testing, ASTM methods C1015 Micro Prime Centrifuge C1015. (230V 50/60Hz). 1.C1015. (110V 60Hz) Speed Rcf Max Timer Dims HWD Weight Power Memory Accel rates Decel rates ,000 Rpm (10 Rpm steps) 22,000 G 0-99 Mins & Hold (30 sec steps) 235 x 235 x 350mm 12.8 Kg (without rotor) 140 Watts A Micro that offers: 1 Micro rotors. 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 2.2ml &PCR Capacity 15,000Rpm and 22,000 Rcf (G) max 2 Haematocrit rotor Capillary and 2.0ml tubes Capacity 12,000Rpm and 13,500 Rcf(G) max 3 Fixed angle rotors 5, 7.5, 10, 12 & 15ml tube Capacity 8,000Rpm and 6,100 Rcf (G) max 4 Swing out rotor 2, 3, 4, 5 &7.5ml tube Capacity 4,000Rpm and 2,200 Rcf (G) max Centurion Scientific Limited
3 ASTM Analysis The following Centrifuges are ALL heated types from Ambient to 90⁰C Centurion Scientific Ltd, (Manufacturers of Centrifuges for 27 years) are offering a range unsurpassed in the market place, derived from our vast range of Centrifuges and knowledge. Choice Available to all models Basic LED with button selection. PREMIUM 155 mm LCD touch screen format True Flexibility Bench with Trolley, saving precious bench space, yet it can fit under the Bench. Floor standing combined unit, mobility in your Laboratory, can be used on any level sturdy surface, move anywhere, (lockable castors) or under the Bench too. Methodologies ASTM D1290, ASTM D1796, ASTM D1966, ASTM D2273, ASTM D2709, ASTM D2711, ASTM D4007, ASTM D5546, ASTM D893, ASTM D91, ASTM D96 FTM 791, Methods 3000, 3003, 3004,, 3101, 3121,5661. API 2542, 2548 ISO 3734, ISO 9030 DIN NF M Safety Imbalance detector, lid closure, overheat sensor, overspeed detector. Barrier ring and safety exhaust area.
4 PrO-ASTM BE 1.PrO-ASTM BE (230V 50/60Hz) (110V 60Hz) Bench Model Speed 500-4,000 Rpm (10 Rpm steps) Rcf Max 3,800 G Timer 0-99 Mins & Hold (30 sec steps) Dimensions HWD 375 x 630 x 630mm Weight 70 Kg (without rotor) Power 900 Watts Memory Accel rates Decel rates Temp Ambient - 90 C PID Controlled to + / - 1 C (40-90) Display indicative only Bench with trolley Trolley available Part number: XMFS Total height 71 Cm Display indicative only
5 PrO-Analytical Centrifuges Analytical. General. Industrial. Laboratories C1015 Micro Prime Centrifuge C1015. (230V 50/60Hz). 1.C1015. (110V 60Hz) Speed Rcf Max Timer Dims HWD Weight Power Memory Accel rates Decel rates ,000 Rpm (10 Rpm steps) 22,000 G 0-99 Mins & Hold (30 sec steps) 235 x 235 x 350mm 12.8 Kg (without rotor) 140 Watts A Micro that offers: 1 Micro rotors. 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 2.2ml &PCR Capacity 15,000Rpm and 22,000 Rcf (G) max 2 Haematocrit rotor Capillary and 2.0ml tubes Capacity 12,000Rpm and 13,500 Rcf(G) max 3 Fixed angle rotors 5, 7.5, 10, 12 & 15ml tube Capacity 8,000Rpm and 6,100 Rcf (G) max 4 Swing out rotor 2, 3, 4, 5 &7.5ml tube Capacity 4,000Rpm and 2,200 Rcf (G) max Centurion Scientific Limited
6 C2004 Small Dual Centrifuge C2004. (230V 50/60Hz). 1.C2004. (110V 60Hz) Display indicative only Rotors 4000 Rpm Speed max Rcf max Timer Dims HWD Weight Power Memory Accel Rates Decel Rates 500-4,000 Rpm (10 Rpm steps) 2,200 G 0-99 Mins & Hold (30 sec steps) 275 x 325 x 470mm 21.8Kg (without rotor) 160 watts Swing Out Rotor Adaptors required see page 17 (Requires 4 buckets B5010) Rotor BRK5324 BRK5308 BRK1000 Rotor type 24 x 15ml 8 x 50ml 4 x 100ml Tube size max 17 x 120mm 30 x 120mm 45 x 100mm Minimum speed Rpm Maximum speed Rpm 4,000 4,000 4,000 Maximum rcf (G) 2,200 2,200 2,200 Radius max cms Sample tube angle Acceleration time (secs) Deceleration time (secs) Autoclavable (frequency) 121 C (20) 121 C (20) 121 C (20) Reducers (Pack of 4) Rotor BRK5324 BRK5308 BRK5324 BRK5308 Part number RM05 (5ml) RM15 (15ml) Tube size max 13 x 80mm 17 x 120mm Part number RM10 (10ml) RM25 (25ml) Tube size max 13 x 100mm 25 x 100mm 12
8 PrO-Research Centrifuges Research. Universities. Pharmaceutical. Laboratories C1015 Micro Prime Centrifuge C1015. (230V 50/60Hz). 1.C1015. (110V 60Hz) Speed Rcf Max Timer Dims HWD Weight Power Memory Accel rates Decel rates ,000 Rpm (10 Rpm steps) 22,000 G 0-99 Mins & Hold (30 sec steps) 235 x 235 x 350mm 12.8 Kg (without rotor) 140 Watts A Micro that offers: 1 Micro rotors. 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 2.2ml &PCR Capacity 15,000Rpm and 22,000 Rcf (G) max 2 Haematocrit rotor Capillary and 2.0ml tubes Capacity 12,000Rpm and 13,500 Rcf(G) max 3 Fixed angle rotors 5, 7.5, 10, 12 & 15ml tube Capacity 8,000Rpm and 6,100 Rcf (G) max 4 Swing out rotor 2, 3, 4, 5 &7.5ml tube Capacity 4,000Rpm and 2,200 Rcf (G) max Centurion Scientific Limited
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Statens vegvesen. Rekkverket har en totalbredde på 0,54m og høyde på 0,90m (uten kantdrager). LT 102 er testet med en lengde på ca. 60m.
Statens vegvesen Linetech GmbH & Co. KG Von-Hünefeld-Straße 99 50829 Köln Birgit Schenk Behandlende enhet: Saksbehandler/telefon: Vår referanse: Deres referanse: Vår dato: Vegdirektoratet Matteo Pezzucchi
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Data Sheet for Joysticks
Contactless Hall Sensors Optionally with Pushbutton function in handle Mounting option Threaded housing Waterproof, IP class 68 (1 metre) / IP69K The TRY14 series offers proportional miniature-size thumb
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Data Sheet for Joysticks
Up to 3 axes Spring return, friction clutch optionally Sealed up to IP63 Multifunction handle for additional functions, e.g. switches, rockers, deadman paddle Also available with USB- or CAN-Bus-Interface
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Statens vegvesen. Rekkverket med føringsskinne av type A er i utgangspunktet samme egenskaper som det som var fullskalatestet, type B.
Statens vegvesen Stalprodukt S.A ul. Wygoda 69, 32-700 Bochnia Polen Dawid Barnaś Behandlende enhet: Saksbehandler/telefon: Vår referanse: Deres referanse: Vår dato: Vegdirektoratet Matteo Pezzucchi /
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Statens vegvesen Stalprodukt S.A ul. Wygoda 69, 32-700 Bochnia Polen Dawid Barnaś Behandlende enhet: Saksbehandler/telefon: Vår referanse: Deres referanse: Vår dato: Vegdirektoratet Matteo Pezzucchi /
Little England Design A/S Priser på Little England toalett serie. Alle priser er notert inklusiv m. v. a. eksklusiv utkjøring fra vårt lager i Oslo
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VC300 Operating Instructions 10740838 A 1 - Basic operations 1. - Suction regulation 4 - Wind up the cord starting from the machine 5 - Accessories parking 6 - Dust bag replacement 6.1 6. 6.3 1 6.4 6.5
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AUTOMATIC CAPACITOR BANKS AAR/5 FOR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE AND LONG-TERM VALUE The automatic capacitor banks type AAR/5 offers a unique combination of abilities to give you more convenience, reliability
SUPPLIER UPDATE. September 23, 2015
1 SUPPLIER UPDATE September 23, 2015 Agenda 2 Clarify and document Supplier Collateral Requirement New Customer Information Agreement Review Customer Education campaign Q&A Credit Requirements For Suppliers
ABRAJET. Water. tool. Watech AS Waterjet technology. as a. three machines in one. Patent pend.
ABRAJET three machines in one Patent pend. Water as a tool Watech AS Waterjet technology HYDROBLASTING Watech AS has developed a new system, Abrajet. This is a new surface treatment technology fast and
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FM1 KB19 KB24 NOTBLOKKER POWER BLOCKS NOTBLOKKER FOR TRÅL-, SNURREVAD OG OPPDRETT Notblokkene er spesielt konstruert for trål- og snurrevadfiske. De er også god egnet for sild-, sei- og brislingsnøter.
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Accuracy of Alternative Baseline Methods
Accuracy of Alternative Baseline Methods Dr. Steven Braithwait Christensen Associates Energy Consulting IEPEC - Paris June 2010 Outline Demand response & role of baseline loads Measures of baseline performance
Noratel Datasheets.
Noratel Datasheets The data presented in this datasheet is approximate and offered as a guideline only for the various types and sizes of transformer available from Noratel. Such data can vary depending
Kalibrering. Hvordan sikrer Norsonic sporbarhet av måleresultatene. Ole-Herman Bjor
Kalibrering Hvordan sikrer Norsonic sporbarhet av måleresultatene Ole-Herman Bjor Norsonic kalibreringslaboratorium Norsonic kalibreringslaboratorium etablert i 1993. Akkreditert av Norsk akkreditering
Generalisering med vektor tiles
Generalisering med vektor tiles Bjørn Sandvik MasterMaps Nordisk kartografikurs 2018 Tønsberg 25. - 27. september 2018 Scale and generalization Selection: choosing which objects
Data Sheet for Joysticks
2 axes (special versions with 3 Axes upon request) Spring return to center position or friction hold Customer-specific handles and sensors upon request Angle-dependent Actuation of Microswitches The 830
ELSEMA 1, 2, 4-Channel 27MHz Transmitter FMT312E, FMT31202E, FMT31204E
FMT-312E, FMT-31202E, FMT-31204E 12V 1Watt 27MHz Transmitter Features 3 versions available 1-channel (FMT-312E), 2-channel (FMT- 31202E) and 4-channel (FMT-31204E) 1 Watt Transmitter with current consumption
Molare forsterkningsbetingelser
Molare forsterkningsbetingelser Hva er mekanismen(e) bak forsterkning? Hvor langt opp eller ned skal man skru mikroskopet for å se godt nok? Kjetil Viken 1 2 ARBEIDSDAG sitte ved pc formelle samtaler møter