Utstyr for avstandsmåling. Dommersamling 14. mars 2015 Stein Jodal

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Utstyr for avstandsmåling Dommersamling 14. mars 2015 Stein Jodal

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Regulert i R 14-3 Kunstige hjelpemidler, uvanlig utstyr og uvanlig bruk av utstyr Anmerkning: Komiteen kan lage en lokal regel som tillater spillerne å bruke utstyr som kun måler eller beregner avstand Tillegg 1, Del B - Utkast til Lokale Regler D 14-3/0.5 - Local Rule Permitting Use of Distance-Measuring Device D 14-3/2 - Pencil or Score Card Used to Assist in Gauging Distance D 14-3/3 - Eyeglasses and Binoculars D 14-3/4 - Use of Compass During Round (Revised) D 14-3/18 - Weather Information Accessed on Multi-Functional Device (New)

D 14-3/4 - Use of Compass During Round (Revised) Kompass er tillatt ettersom det bare gir retningsinformasjon og ikke bedømmer eller måler variable forhold eller hjelper spilleren i hans spill

D 14-3/18 - Weather Information Accessed on Multi- Functional Device (New) Klargjør forbudet i R 14-3 gjelder bare for å beregne eller måle avstand eller forhold som kan påvirke spillerens spill, for eksempel vindmåler eller termometer Få værinformasjon fra en værstasjon gjennom en app eller browser Spilleren måler ikke / beregner ikke forholdene

CAN I USE MY DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICE (DMD)? (Effective 1 January 2014) Rule 14-3 prohibits the use of DMDs. However, a Committee or Golf Club may introduce a Local Rule permitting the use of devices which are capable of measuring distance, and distance only. The use of any DMD (a) when the Local Rule is not in place, or (b) which is capable of measuring conditions or providing information that might assist the player in his play other than distance, would be a breach of Rule 14-3, the penalty for which is disqualification. This flowchart is designed to help golfers and/or officials determine the status of a particular device for use as a DMD when the Local Rule is in place. Players should always consult the Committee with any questions or concerns. A dedicated DMD (e.g Laser rangefinder or GPS) What kind of device is it? Multi-functional (e.g. a mobile phone); with distance measuring application installed Is this device capable of measuring conditions or providing information other than distance (e.g. slope, wind, temperature or club recommendation)? Yes BREACH OF LOCAL RULE IF DEVICE USED AS A DMD (see Note) Is the distance measuring application capable of measuring conditions or providing information other than distance (e.g. wind speed, temperature or club recommendation)? No NO BREACH OF LOCAL RULE Yes NOTE: Even if the additional information is not used or is disabled / switched off. Device may still be used as a communication or reference tool (e.g. to make a phone call or access the Rules of Golf application) provided this action does not take the player to or via information which would be in breach of the Rules if used. No Does the device contain other applications or features t hat, if r efer enced at any time dur ing a r ound, might assist the player in his play (e.g. anemometer, thermometer or club recommendation)? Does the device contain other applications or features which, if used in a specific way, could assist the player in his play (e.g. camera, video camera or spirit level)? No NO BREACH OF LOCAL RULE No Yes NO BREACH OF LOCAL RULE Provided applications or features are not used during a round in such a way that might assist the player in his play e.g. videoing swing to analyse fault or gauging green contours. Version 2 January 2014 General Caveat: During a round, if the internet is used to find information or measurement tools which would assist the player in his play, e.g. to gauge current wind and temperature conditions at a precise location on the course, the player would be in breach of Rule 14 3.

Stand alone Måle avstand Kan ha andre funksjoner primærfunksjonen; måle avstand

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Multifunksjonelle apparater Brukes til å måle / beregne avstand Ikke inneholde funksjoner som kan måle vindhastighet, temperatur og/eller anbefalinger om valg av kølle, svinganalyse, setup etc.

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Utstyr for avstandsmåling (Regel 14-3) (1) For alt spill på denne banen kan en spiller skaffe seg informasjon om avstander ved å bruke utstyr som bare måler avstander; Hvis en spiller under en fastsatt runde bruker et utstyr for måling av avstander som er laget for å beregne eller måle andre forhold som kan påvirke hans spill (for eksempel helling, vindstyrke, temperatur etc.) bryter spilleren regel 14-3, hvor straffen er diskvalifikasjon, uavhengig av hvorvidt en slik tilleggsfunksjon faktisk er brukt.

Utstyr for avstandsmåling (Regel 14-3) (2) Anmerkning 1: Traller eller biler som har en funksjon som kan måle avstand kan benyttes forutsatt at andre funksjoner som er i strid med reglene ikke er aktivert eller dekket over (for eksempel avstengte eller tapet over). Anmerking 2: Multifunksjonelle apparater (for eksempel mobiltelefoner eller tilsvarende) som har en avstandsmålende funksjon kan benyttes til avstandsmåling under forutsetning at det multifunksjonelle apparatet ikke inneholder funksjoner som kan måle vindhastighet, temperatur og/eller gi anbefalinger om valg av kølle, uansett om de benyttes eller ikke. Øvrige funksjoner som kan hjelpe spilleren i hans spill kan finnes bare de ikke benyttes.

CAN I USE MY DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICE (DMD)? (Effective 1 January 2014) Rule 14-3 prohibits the use of DMDs. However, a Committee or Golf Club may introduce a Local Rule permitting the use of devices which are capable of measuring distance, and distance only. The use of any DMD (a) when the Local Rule is not in place, or (b) which is capable of measuring conditions or providing information that might assist the player in his play other than distance, would be a breach of Rule 14-3, the penalty for which is disqualification. This flowchart is designed to help golfers and/or officials determine the status of a particular device for use as a DMD when the Local Rule is in place. Players should always consult the Committee with any questions or concerns. A dedicated DMD (e.g Laser rangefinder or GPS) What kind of device is it? Multi-functional (e.g. a mobile phone); with distance measuring application installed Is this device capable of measuring conditions or providing information other than distance (e.g. slope, wind, temperature or club recommendation)? Yes BREACH OF LOCAL RULE IF DEVICE USED AS A DMD (see Note) Is the distance measuring application capable of measuring conditions or providing information other than distance (e.g. wind speed, temperature or club recommendation)? No NO BREACH OF LOCAL RULE Yes NOTE: Even if the additional information is not used or is disabled / switched off. Device may still be used as a communication or reference tool (e.g. to make a phone call or access the Rules of Golf application) provided this action does not take the player to or via information which would be in breach of the Rules if used. No Does the device contain other applications or features that, if referenced at any time during a round, might assist the player in his play (e.g. anemometer, thermometer or club recommendation)? Does the device contain other applications or features which, if used in a specific way, could assist the player in his play (e.g. camera, video camera or spirit level)? No NO BREACH OF LOCAL RULE No Yes NO BREACH OF LOCAL RULE Provided applications or features are not used during a round in such a way that might assist the player in his play e.g. videoing swing to analyse fault or gauging green contours. Version 2 January 2014 General Caveat: During a round, if the internet is used to find information or measurement tools which would assist the player in his play, e.g. to gauge current wind and temperature conditions at a precise location on the course, the player would be in breach of Rule 14-3.