Søknad til mastergrad ved UTS

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Søknad til bachelorgrad ved UTS

Søknad til Study Abroad ved UTS

SØKNAD. Undergraduate Macquarie University

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Du kan bruke det vedlagte skjemaet Egenerklæring skattemessig bosted 2012 når du søker om frikort.

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søknadsguide for studier ved

Kartleggingsskjema / Survey


Date of birth Norwegian national securitynr Citizenship

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søker du ikke om nytt frikort/skattekort, vil du bli trukket 15 prosent av utbetalingen av pensjon eller uføreytelse fra og med januar 2016.

Søknadsguide for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søker du ikke om nytt frikort, vil du bli trukket 15 prosent av din pensjonsutbetaling fra og med januar 2014.

Søknadspakke for studier ved. - Bachelor - Master

Søknadsguide for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved



Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved:

Søknadsguide for studier ved


Sjekkliste for søkere til study abroad (1-2 semestre) ved Hawaii Pacific University

Søknadsguide for studier ved


Søknadspakke for studier ved

Fullmakt. Fornavn Etternavn. Statsborgerskap Fødselsdato. DUF Sted/Dato. Signatur søker Signatur verge (hvis søkeren er under 18 år)

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved:

Skatteetaten. Skattekort for 2016

Søknad om innlevering av doktorgradsavhandling og forslag til bedømmelseskomité Application to submit a PhD thesis and committee proposal form

Stipend fra Jubileumsfondet skoleåret

Kirkenes Verdensråds Stewards-program


Søknadsguide for studier ved. Klikk for aktuelt nivå: - Bachelor, master - Kiropraktikk (Mchiro)

Søknadsguide for studier ved. Klikk for aktuelt nivå: - Bachelor - Master

SØKNAD. Postgraduate University of East London



Information search for the research protocol in IIC/IID

1 User guide for the uioletter package


Søknadsguide for studier ved

Søknadspakke for studier ved

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Garantiskjema for besøk Guarantee form for visits

Skattekontoret skriver ut et nytt skattekort for 2017 på grunnlag av de opplysninger som skattekontoret har om din skatteplikt.

Søker du ikke om nytt frikort/skattekort med lavere trekk, vil du bli trukket 15 prosent av din pensjonsutbetaling fra og med januar 2012.

Skjema for spørsmål og svar angående: Skuddbeskyttende skjold Saksnr TED: 2014/S


Det medisinske fakultet Universitetet i Oslo

Residency at Arts Printing House for Performing Artists

(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

Det medisinske fakultet Universitetet i Oslo

Skatteetaten. Skattekort for 2014

Skatteetaten. Skattekort for 2015

2 Valg av møteleder 2 Election of a Chairman of the Meeting

Elektronisk innlevering/electronic solution for submission:

Hvordan føre reiseregninger i Unit4 Business World Forfatter:

Skatteetaten. Skattekort for 2015

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Prosjektet Digital kontaktinformasjon og fullmakter for virksomheter Digital contact information and mandates for entities

Fagevalueringsrapport FYS Diffraksjonsmetoder og elektronmikroskopi

Søknadspakke for studier ved University of Tampa

Haakon VII s gt. 1, Oslo mandag 23. januar 2006 kl 10:00.

Søknadsguide for studier ved. Klikk for aktuelt nivå: - Bachelor - Master

Emneevaluering GEOV272 V17

Unit Relational Algebra 1 1. Relational Algebra 1. Unit 3.3

Endelig ikke-røyker for Kvinner! (Norwegian Edition)

Søknadspakke for studier ved

Bestille trykk av doktoravhandling Ordering printing of PhD Thesis

Søknadspakke for studier ved: - Bachelor og Master - Study abroad (utveksling eller semesterstudier)

1 Instructions UCSB pdf 3 UCSB sample application scanned pdf 1 Acknowledgement of Participation Form

Monitoring water sources.

Hanne Solheim Hansen, Hugo Nordseth, Grete Ingemann Knudsen, Kaja Skårdal Hegstad, Jose de Pool, Just Kornfeldt,

(see table on right) 1,500,001 to 3,000, ,001pa to 250,000pa

Stipend fra Jubileumsfondet skoleåret

Søknadsguide for studier ved

of color printers at university); helps in learning GIS.

Søknad til University of Rhode Island (URI) - Bachelor

MØTEPROTOKOLL. Internasjonalt Utvalg. Dato: kl. 9:00 Sted: Skype Arkivsak: 15/01544

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2 Valg av møteleder 2 Election of a Chairman of the Meeting

E39 Kristiansand vest Mandal øst. Konkurransegrunnlag. Kapittel C5 Skjemaer. Versjon Revisjonsdato Revisjonen gjelder

Søknadspakke for studier ved


6350 Månedstabell / Month table Klasse / Class 1 Tax deduction table (tax to be withheld) 2012

2 Godkjennelse av innkalling og dagsorden 2 Approval of the notice and agenda. 3. Godkjennelse av mellombalanse 3. Approval of interim balance sheet

Juridiske aspekter ved publisering i åpne institusjonelle arkiv


Innstilling fra valgkomiteen til ekstraordinær generalforsamling 12. februar 2008


Søknad til mastergrad ved UTS Dersom du svarer NEI på ett eller flere av spørsmålene under må du kontakte KILROY education før du fyller ut denne søknaden. 1. Har du generell studiekompetanse? 2. Har du sjekket at snittet ditt er tilstrekkelig for å få opptak? 3. Har du sjekket at du innfrir eventuelle spesielle opptakskrav? 4. Har du satt deg inn i det økonomiske ved det å studere i utlandet? Vet du allerede hva du ønsker å studere, kan du fylle ut søknaden vedlagt. Her er tips for utfylling av søknaden. Husk å fylle ut alle felt. Course preferences: Skriv ned hvilket studium du ønsker å ta og når du vil starte. Personal details/visa details: Fyll ut personlig informasjon og kontaktdetaljer. Educational details: Skriv ned tidligere utdanning. English language proficiency: Har du 4 eller høyere fra VGS, skriv dette under «At what level». Enkelte studier kan kreve engelskkarakter 5 eller språktest. Har du lavere enn 4, må du normalt ta en språktest ta kontakt med oss for informasjon. Credit recognition: Har du fag som du ønsker godkjent i denne graden, huk av her og fyll ut skjemaet «Application for Credit Recognition» og send dette til oss. Ta kontakt om du trenger hjelp til utfylling. Research plans: Kun for studenter som søker på Master by research Sponsorship information: La dette stå blankt Application fee: søknadsavgift på 100 AUD, fyll ut kortinformasjon på siste side. Husk å signere Huskeliste Vitnemål fra bachelorgrad inkl. forside, diploma supplement og karakterutskrift på NORSK og ENGELSK. Har du ikke fullført bachelorgrad enda, legg ved karakterutskrift fra høyere utdanning på norsk og engelsk. Vitnemål ettersendes. Kopi av pass Motivasjonsbrev (maksimum 1 A4-side) Referansebrev fra akademisk referanse/arbeidsgiver Vitnemål fra VGS på NORSK og ENGELSK, om du har 4 eller bedre i engelsk og karakteren ikke er eldre enn 5 år. Hvis ikke, ta kontakt med oss for mer informasjon om språktest. Søknaden og vedlegg sendes per post til KILROY education. Husk attesterte kopier, dvs. stemplet med rett kopi og signert! Alt skal sendes til: KILROY education Kirkegata 32 0153 Oslo

KILROY education hjelper deg gratis med søknaden. Du får blant annet informasjon om studietilbud, opptakskrav, skolepenger, Lånekassen, bomuligheter og visum. Studieveilederen i KILROY education svarer på de spørsmålene du har gjennom hele søknadsprosessen, og vi møter deg gjerne til studieveiledning på vårt kontor i Oslo eller Bergen. KILROY kan også hjelpe deg med flybilletter og studentforsikring.

Office Use Only Application number Course code Receipt number INTERNATIONAL STUDENT POSTGRADUATE APPLICATION FORM CRICOS Provider Code 00099F Please use a black pen and print clearly. Do NOT use this form if you are a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or a permanent resident of Australia. 1. COURSE PREFERENCES A$100.00 APPLICATION FEE First choice Second choice UTS course code UTS course code UTS course name UTS course name When do you wish to begin your studies? Autumn semester (March) Spring semester (July) Year 2. PERSONAL DETAILS Your name as shown on your passport Date of birth Sex Family name/surname Day Month Year Male Female Given names Your address in your home country Phone Mobile Postcode/Zip Code Fax Email You must provide your email address Your address for correspondence (or UTS representative company stamp) Phone Mobile Postcode/Zip Code Fax Email You must provide your email address 3. VISA DETAILS Nationality Country of birth Country of permanent residency Passport number Are you already in Australia? Visa category Visa expiry date (Day/Month/Year) Year of entry into Australia If you hold a visa with a category other than 'student', you must include a certified copy of your visa with your application. Are you currently enrolled in an Australian institution? Name of institution Are you currently studying at UTS? Student number Do you hold a Medibank Card? Membership number Are you in the process of applying for permanent residency in Australia?

4. EDUCATIONAL DETAILS Post-secondary studies List all the courses you have enrolled in For Date awarded/completed please write N/A if incomplete Course Institution and country/state Duration Date awarded/completed Course Institution and country/state Duration Date awarded/completed Course Institution and country/state Duration Date awarded/completed Do you expect to obtain a qualification this year? Qualification Institution Country Have you ever been excluded (or are you facing exclusion) from a course on academic or other grounds? Attach details on a separate sheet 5. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Is English your first language? If no, what is your first language? Have you already studied in English? At what level? Have you taken an English test? Name of test Date of test (Day/Month/Year) Place Test Score 6. EMPLOYMENT DETAILS If the nominated course requires relevant work experience, you must fill in this section. Describe your employment history and provide certified copies of references from your employer on company letterhead. Start with your most recent position and attach additional sheets if required. Full-time Part-time Hours per week Dates Name of company Country From (Day/Month/Year) To (Day/Month/Year) Full-time Part-time Hours per week Dates Name of company Country From (Day/Month/Year) To (Day/Month/Year) 7. CREDIT RECOGNITION/CREDIT TRANSFER Are you seeking subject exemptions for prior post secondary study? If yes, please fill out the Application Form for Subject Exemptions (refer to www.uts.edu.au/international/advancedstanding.html) and include a copy of official subject descriptions. 8. SUPPORTING STATEMENT If the nominated course requires you to submit a personal statement, attach a statement to support your application. State why you wish to study the course you have nominated, your major personal/career achievements and why you consider yourself capable of succeeding in the course. 9. APPLICATION DETAILS Have you applied to UTS previously? UTS application number Have you ever been offered a place at another Australian university? Name of institution Course

10. DISABILITY DETAILS Do you have a disability or ongoing medical condition that will require you to seek special assistance from the university? Description of disability If yes, please attach a medical statement from a registered doctor. 11. RESEARCH PLANS (Research degree applicants only) As a research applicant, have you already made contact with a potential supervisor from the relevant faculty? Name of UTS staff member Refer to www.research.uts.edu.au/students/future.html and contact the appropriate faculty research staff member before submitting this application. PROPOSED RESEARCH TOPIC Please provide separate documentation with details including: Documented communication with potential research supervisor/s at UTS, clearly indicating their name, department and faculty (if any) Research proposal (approximately 500-900 words); Prior experience including work for Bachelor s, Honour s or Master's thesis, consultancies or industry-based research including evidence of your research output (eg patent, publication in journal/s, chapter of book/s, participation in academic conference/s, visual exhibition/s etc) if applicable. ACADEMIC REFEREES You must provide details of two academic referees who are familiar with your studies and are qualified to comment on your previous academic achievements and your capacity to undertake a research program. If part of this application is based on your relevant work experience or training, at least one of your referees should also be able to comment on your work experience. Title Full name Position Institution/company Email address Contact telephone Referee 1 Referee 2 12. SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION (SPONSORED APPLICANTS ONLY) Do you already have a sponsor/scholarship from an organisation or government? Please complete Part A (go to 13) If you do not have a sponsor/scholarship, do you intend to apply for a scholarship? Please complete Part A (go to 13) Part A Sponsor/scholarship name Sponsor mailing address Sponsor contact person Sponsor telephone Sponsor email Sponsor fax Please attach copies of letter of guarantee documents from your sponsor (if available) 13. FINDING OUT ABOUT UTS How did you find out about UTS? (Please tick) Education exhibition Australian Embassy UTS Representative/agent Magazine or newspaper Agent s name Friends or relatives UTS International Internet - which internet search engine do you use? Internet search engine name UTS seminar Other Please specify Which factors most affected your decision to apply to study at UTS? (Please tick) Recommendation Course Other Please specify Location Price

14. CHECKLIST Have you Completed all sections of this application? Enclosed a bankdraft of A$100 for the application fee? Enclosed documentation required for section 11, Research Plans? (if applicable) Enclosed a certified copy of your passport? Enclosed details of English language proficiency? Enclosed a certified copy of qualifications including academic transcripts? Enclosed a supporting statement and/or portfolio? (if applicable) Enclosed copies of letter of guarantee documents from your sponsor? (if applicable) 15. DECLARATION AND SIGNATURE Please sign and return the following declaration. This application form MUST be signed by the applicant. I agree To abide by the rules of admission, enrolment and progression of UTS. To inform UTS International immediately of any change to the information I have given in this application form. I understand That continued enrolment at UTS is subject to satisfactory progress in my studies. That UTS may obtain official records from any institution I have previously attended. That all documents submitted with this application become the property of UTS. That UTS may vary or cancel any decision it makes if the information I have given is incorrect or incomplete. That I am fully responsible for my educational and living expenses while I am enrolled at UTS. That UTS may be required to report to the Commonwealth Government on the progress of my application and/or subsequent student status. I declare that the information I have given in this application form and supporting documents is true and correct and I have personally signed this form. Your signature Date (Day/Month/Year) CREDIT CARD PAYMENT FOR UTS APPLICATION FEE Applicant's name Family name(s) Given name(s) Type of credit card (please tick one) Visa Mastercard AMEX Cardholder's name Family name(s) Given name(s) Card number Expiry date Signature Amount A$100.00 Date SEND APPLICATION TO The Director UTS International University of Technology, Sydney PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007 AUSTRALIA Tel: 61 2 9514 1531 Fax: 61 2 9514 1530 Email: international@uts.edu.au Web: www.uts.edu.au/international UTS will acknowledge receipt of your application by email. te Admission to courses at UTS is competitive This application is not an enrolment form, and does not guarantee admission There is no charge for this form UTS will accept copies certified by the following: Australian Education Centre Australian Overseas Diplomatic Mission UTS authorised representative/agent Public tary Office The administration of the institution which issued the relevant document(s) An Australian university A Justice of the Peace in Australia where the registration number is clearly indicated CLOSING DATES FOR COURSEWORK APPLICATIONS Autumn (Feb) semester - 15 December Spring (July) semester - 15 June CLOSING DATES FOR RESEARCH APPLICATIONS Autumn (Feb) semester - 30 September Spring (July) semester - 30 March AN INCOMPLETE APPLICATION WILL DELAY PROCESSING. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.