Starline Monoblock Bruksanvisning

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1 Starline Monoblock Bruksanvisning Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 1


3 12 POURING THE CONCRETE RING BEAM AND CONCRETE OVER THE ROLDECK RECESS INTRODUCTION DETAIL ROLDECK RECESS REMOVING THE LEVELLING SECTIONS AND LAYING EDGING TILES INSTALLING THE ROLDECK DRIVE MOTOR PUT THE PLUG OF THE ROLDECK MOTOR INTO THE ROLDECK SOCKET (B) INSTALLING THE ROLDECK LIST OF REQUIRED TOOLS LIST OF REQUIRED MATERIALS SUMMARY WORK BEFORE DELIVERY OF MONOBLOCK TABLES Du anbefales å lese disse installasjons instruksjonene nøye før du starter installasjonen. Hvis Monoblock ikke er installert i samsvar med installasjonsinstruksjonene, og hvis Monoblock ikke er stabilisert med sand, vil alle former for garanti bli brutt. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 3

4 1 Innledning Starline Monoblock er et glassfiberbasseng laget i ett stykke, uten sømmer eller skjøter. Takket være Starline Monoblock, er installasjonen av polyester svømmebasseng enklere enn noensinne med minimum installasjonsarbeid. Installasjonsteknikken som brukes kan bestemmes ved å undersøke jordsmonnet. Teknikken som blir valgt vil avhenge av fundamentet og nivået på grunnvannet. Installasjon på betonggulv. Installasjon på betonggulv med vegger. De overnevnte teknikkene kan kombineres med et dreneringssystem for å kontrollere grunnvannets nivå. 2 Installasjonsteknikker 2.1 Installere Monoblock på en betongplate Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 4

5 Betongplaten er en perfekt base for å forebygge alvorlige variasjoner i innsynkning mellom de ulike komponentene. INSTALLERE MONOBLOCK PÅ BETONGPLATE ( A ). I de fleste tilfeller vil en 15 cm tykk betongplate med en armeringsmatte 200 x 200 x 8 mm være nok. Om nødvendig kan nevnte plate utvides ved tilsetning av dreneringssystemet (se kapittel 2.3). Med hensyn til dette, er det tilrådelig å ha de nødvendige beregningene utarbeidet av en lokal byggmester eller arkitekt. 2.2 Installere Monoblock på en betongplate med vegger Dersom Monoblock må installeres på en betongplate med vegger, for eksempel en kjeller, en skråning eller ved ekstremt høyt grunnvannnivå er dette ikke noe problem. Med denne platen er det avgjørende at de nødvendige beregninger er utarbeidet av en lokal byggmester eller arkitekt. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 5

6 Installere Monoblock på betongplate med vegger( A ). Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 6

7 2.3 Drenering Med et høyt grunnvannnivå anbefales det å installere drenering rundt bassenget. Dette vil sikre at dersom bassenget må tømmes, kan grunnvannet rundt bassenget pumpes vekk. Hvis ikke kan bunnen av Monoblock bli skadet av det oppadgående vanntrykket. Systemet består av en avløpsslange Ø 11 cm, som går i en sløyfe rundt bassenget med utslipp til en brønn. Derfra kan grunnvannets nivå påvirkes med stempelpumpen (se tegning no. MB 2.4). 3 Mål for utgraving 3.1 Innledning I tabell (3,3 / 3,4 / 3,5) finner man grav-dimensjonene som er nødvendige for en rask og økonomisk installasjon, oppgitt ut i fra den aktuelle bassengmodellen. Forutsetningen er at det er gravd ut 25 cm mer rundt Monoblock enn Monoblock dimensjonen (som allerede er innarbeidet i tabellen). Denne Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 7

8 blir senere fylt med stabilisert sand (100 til 150 kg/m3) for å skape en stabil struktur rundt Monoblock, slik at det blir tilstrekkelig støtte til vegger og terrasse. Tegning no.: MB 3.2 H x L x B A = Ekstra utgraving for motor brønn (Høyre eller venstre), mål: 100 x 90 x 90 cm. B = Ekstra utgraving for skimmer(s) (Høyre og/eller venstre), mål: 50 x 50 x 50 cm. Utgravingen for Roldeck er 140 cm Dybde målene er avhengig av tykkelsen på kantsteinen Tegning no.: MB 3.3, - Gravedybde A = basseng høyde + tykkelse på kantstein. - Gravedybde B = høyde på basseng - Betong gulv C. (tykkelse ca. 15 cm) Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 8

9 3.2 Betonggulv og utgraving til drenering (valgfritt) Standard Starline Monoblock leveres med en bunn / vegg drenering. Denne dreneringen monteres på den korte siden i bakveggen, like over bunnen av svømmebassenget. Hvis kunden ønsker et bunnavløp, må dette gjøres på stedet av installatøren. Målene på den nedsenkede delen er 180 x 180 mm. Bassenget er levert fra fabrikk med et Ø 60 mm hull. Hvis du vil bruke dette bunnavløpet, må du gjøre en utsparing i betonggulvet som vist på tegning: MB Gjør denne fordypningen i form av en lang grop! Basseng modell Lengde på Størrelse B. betonggulv (A) SE CM. NVT SEH CM NVT SER CM NVT SC CM. 85 CM. SC 80 + NIS 930 CM. 165 CM. SC CM. 85 CM. SC 90 + NIS CM. 165 CM. SC CM. 85 CM. SC NIS CM. 165 CM. SR CM. 85 CM. SR 80 + NIS 960 CM. 165 CM. SR CM. 85 CM. SR 90 + NIS CM. 165 CM. SR CM. 85 CM. SR NIS CM. 165 CM. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 9

10 Når betongen fylles er det en god idé å legge et stykke polystyren i hullet, som lett kan fjernes senere (se tegning nr.: MB 10.7.). Sørg for at området under nederste avløp er tilstrekkelig utfylt med stabilisert sand, slik at bunnen har god støtte. A. Betonggulv B. Isopor C. bassengvegg D. Bunnavløp E. PVC rør 50 mm F. Stabilisert sand Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 10

11 3.3 Mål for utgraving til Monoblock, modell: ECONOMY (gulvtykkelse ikke tatt med) Metode A Metode B Modell Economy. Monoblock Economy Bredde B1 (cm) Lengde L1 (cm) NB! Målene er UTEN gulvtykkelse. Metode B Kantstein tykkelse (cm) Metode A Metode A Metode A Stabilisert sand m 3 Bahama ± Granite Pierra Arkande Pierra Starline Florence SE SEH ,5 146, SER ,5 146, Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 11

12 3.4 Mål for utgraving til Monoblock, model: CARRÈ (gulvtykkelse ikke tatt med) Metode A Metode B NB! Målene er UTEN gulvtykkelse. Modell Carré med og uten Roldeck utsparing Monoblock Carré Bredde B1 (cm) Lengde L1 (cm) Med Roldeck utsparing Lengde L1 (cm) Uten Roldeck utsparing Metode B Kantstein tykkelse (cm) Metode A Bahama ± Granite Metode A Pierra Arkande Metode A Pierra Starline Florence Med Roldeck Utsparing Stabilisert sand m 3 Uten Roldeck Utsparing SC , SC , SC , Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 12

13 3.5 Mål for utgraving til Monoblock, modell: ROMANA, (gulvtykkelse ikke tatt med) Metode A Metode B Romana NB! Målene er UTEN gulvtykkelse. Modell Romana med og uten Roldeck utsparing Monoblock Bredde Lengde Lengde Kantstein tykkelse (cm) Stabilisert sand m 3 B1 (cm) L1 (cm) L1 (cm) Med Roldeck utsparing Uten Roldeck utsparing Metode B Metode A Bahama ± Granite Metode A Pierra Arkande Metode A Pierra Starline Florence Med Roldeck utsparing Uten Roldeck utsparing SR SR SR Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 13

14 4 Leveranse av Monoblock Svømmebasseng Kontroller at ditt Monoblock svømmebasseng leveres i samsvar med bestillingen og at ingenting er skadet før du signerer følgeseddelen! Hvis du finner feil eller mangler, kontakt forhandler umiddelbart! Monoblock har krankroker for å gjøre posisjonering enklere. Trebjelker er montert på nivået av disse kran krokene, for å forhindre eventuelle skader som oppstår under heising. Disse kan fjernes når bassenget er plassert. A = Løfteører til kran B = Trebjelker for støtte under løft/transport Når bunnen av bassenget har blitt inspisert og eventuelle ujevnheter er fjernet, kan Monoblock settes ned med rør og innebygde komponenter. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 14

15 Under lossing må man sørge for at bassenget er plassert på fundamentet horisontalt og ikke med den ene enden ned, da dette kan skade bassenget. Kontroller at bassenget kanten er vannrett ved hjelp av en laser instrument, fyll opp der det er nødvendig. Kontroller at kanten på bassenget ikke avviker med mer enn 5 millimeter horisontalt (se tegning nr.: MB 4.3). Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 15

16 4.1 Bytte Roldeck transport-aksel Monoblock med roldeck leveres med en transport-aksel (A). Denne transport-akselen må byttes med den permanente motorakselen (B) før Monoblock installeres. Denne motorakselen leveres med svømmebassenget, og er festet over Roldeck sporet. Fremgangsmåte: Vipp Roldeck spindel (H) i Roldeck sporet svakt oppover fra bassenget på motor siden. Fjern låse bolten (F) med mutter (G). Deretter trekk transport akselen (A) ut av Roldeck spindel og lager blokken. MERK! Roldeck spindelen må nå holdes godt på plass, og du må kontrollere at akselens pakning (D) i lager blokk (C) fortsatt er på plass. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 16

17 Smør motorakselen (B) med medfølgende smøremiddel, slik at det er mindre sjanse for skade og forskyvning av akselens pakning (D). Før deretter motorakselen (B) gjennom lagerblokken (C) og avstansholderen (E) inn i Roldeck spindel (H), helt til det stopper. I tillegg kontroller at akselens pakning (D) i lagerblokken (C) fortsatt er på plass. Nå kan du låse bolten (F) og mutter (G). Nå kan du kontrollere at motorakselen (B) går jevnt med Roldeck spindel (H), for hånd. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 17

18 5 Oppsetting av Monoblock 5.1 Roldeck brønn- og trappestøtte Når bassenget er i posisjon og vannrett, plasseres 2 støtter under Roldeck brønnen, og 2 støtter under toppen av trappen. Disse støttene leveres med svømmebassenget. Disse støttene beskytter Roldeck brønnen og trappen fra kollaps under fylling av Monoblock. MERK! Støtter må plasseres slik at de ikke hindrer rørløpet. For posisjonering se tegning nr.: MB5.4. Den øvre delen kan justeres opp til 5 cm. PASS PÅ AT HELE BUNNEN AV BASSENGET ER I KONTAKT MED GULVET! ETTER JUSTERING OG UNDER FYLLING, KONTROLLER AT BASSENGET/LAMELLBRØNN OG TRAPP ER VANNRETT MED JEVNE MELLOMROM. 5.2 Installere justerings- og låsebjelker Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 18

19 For å hindre at veggene beveger seg når bassenget fylles, har produsenten laget en rekke spesielle justeringsbjelker og låsebjelker. Disse må brukes for å fastsette de lange sideveggene. Dette garanterer at Roldeck vil fungere skikkelig senere. Hva trenger du for å låse av og justere et basseng riktig? 1 sett justeringsbjelker. ( A og B ) Artikkel nummer : NN sett justeringsbjelker består av 2 deler: justeringsbjelke (A) og justeringsbjelke (B) (se figur MB 5.2). Justeringsbjelke (A) er beregnet for utsiden av bassenget og har en strekkfisk og en jordkile. Justeringsbjelke (B) er beregnet for bassengkanten og har også en strekkfisk. Hele settet består av 5 deler (A + B), som passer til hullene i toppen av bassenget. 1 sett med låsebjelker (C). Artikkel nummer: NN01002 Disse bjelkene er montert under justeringsbjelkene, mellom veggene og på linje med sikkerhetskanten. Et sett består av 5 deler. 1 sett med låsebjelker (D). Artikkel nummer: NN Disse bjelkene er montert under justeringsbjelkene, mellom veggene, og hviler på den stående hylle. Et sett består av 5 deler. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 19

20 I den øverste kanten av svømmebassenget, er det boret 5 x 10 mm hull på hver side i samme avstand. Disse hullene brukes for å tilpasse utjevning avsnitt A og B. (Se tegning : MB 5.2 and 5.1 ). Plasser låsebjelkene C og D under justerings deler A og B, slik at disse er på linje med hverandre. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 20

21 5.3 Montere justeringsbjelker Juster svømmebassenget i riktig posisjon før du fester justeringsbjelken (A) i bakken (se tegning no.: MB 5.2). Trekk en snor over langsiden på begge sidene av bassenget (dette for og kunne sjekke om basseng veggene er parallelle til enhver tid) (se tegning no: MB 5.3 ) Procedure: With a metal saw, make a small groove in the back of the top edge ( A ) ( 1 on Roldeck side and 1 on step side ), and stretch a cord over the pool edge ( B ). (see drawing no.: MB 5.3). Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 21

22 Measure the width of the pool over the top edge on the non-stepside. Now set both long walls parallel to one another with levelling section (B) at the measured size. After this the long side is straightened with levelling section (A). Since the wall opposite is connected by levelling section (B), this too will now be straight. drawing no.: MB 5.2. The various fixation beams in the pool ensure that the walls are not pressed inwards during filling. The levelling sections at the top fix the top edge. To make sure that the swimming pool wall cannot go out at the level of the standing ledge, it is advisable to make a support for this (A-B-C) as per drawing no.: MB 5.2b. Here too we advise 5 pieces per long side. Fixation support (A) Article number AN PVC sleeve round 90 mm (B) Plank 45 x 45 cm (C) Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 22

23 6 Connecting pipes and built-in components 6.1 Skimmer(s) Before connecting the pipes check that all built-in components and wall ducts have been fitted as per the instructions and that no transport damage can be detected. The installer is also responsible for this. Now glue and attach the skimmer(s) as per the installation manual supplied by the manufacturer and connect these to the pre-fitted pipes.(see drawing no.: MB 10.4 ) When gluing the extension pieces together ( A ) make sure you use enough glue on both flange sections. It is advisable to allow these glued extension pieces to dry for a few hours before attaching them to the swimming pool as one piece. NOTE! Do not press the flanges over the spacer studs as this could result in leakage! When gluing the skimmer to the skimmer lead-through flange fitted in the pool, the skimmer should be fixed temporarily, for example using 2 gluing clamps, so that the glue joint does not fail through the weight of the skimmer. Make sure that these clamps are not tightened too much, otherwise the glue joint could open up. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 23

24 6.2 Overflow connection (see drawing no. MB 10.8) In a corner on the inside of the skimmer is the connection for safeguarding the maximum water level (overflow). This must always be connected to the drain. Determine the maximum water level in the skimmer with the pump disconnected and with the Roldeck fully rolled up in the Roldeck recess. The maximum water level now measured + 3 cm is the length of the white overflow pipe.( B ). Break off the sealed overflow lead-through in the bottom of the skimmer ( A ). Position the white overflow pipe, wrap Teflon tape around the bottom 3 cm of the overflow pipe ( B ), and now press this firmly into the opening intended for that purpose. Now glue your pipe work to the underside in such a way that this runs off freely to the drain (C). 6.3 Level controller swimming pool water The level controller must be used at all times if a Roldeck has been fitted. There are various ways of using a level/make-up control. We recommend the Starline level controller Article number AK The level sensor is mounted in a riser (round 50 mm) which ideally should open into the technical space. For this purpose an extra suction point should be fitted in the Monoblock at the factory. (optional) The water supply is connected, via the electrically driven valve, to the return pipe to the pool between the filter and the heat exchanger. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 24

25 6.4 Bottom/wall drain A bottom/wall drain ( C ) is fitted in the back wall. This drainage must be carried to the technical installation by a separate suction pipe ( D ), fitted with a ball valve on the manifold for the pump. A valve must be fitted in this drain. This drainage provides an additional circulation at the bottom level. So when you put the filter installation into operation, adjust the ball valve so that a part of the circulation flows over this drain. If a bottom drain ( D ) has been fitted into the recessed section in the bottom (see drawing no.: MB 10.7 ): (not with type: SE, SEH en SER) make sure that the bottom drain ( D ) fits comfortably into the recess (B ) that you have made for it in the concrete floor. Once the bottom drain is fitted you must fill up the space underneath the bottom drain with stabilized sand ( F ). Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 25

26 6.5 Roldeck recess drain A drain ( A ) is fitted into the Roldeck recess. This drainage must be carried to the technical installation via a separate suction pipe ( B ), fitted with a ball valve on the manifold for the pump. This drainage provides an additional circulation in the Roldeck recess. This drain can also be used for pumping out the Roldeck recess during the winter and for Roldeck maintenance. Never connect the Roldeck recess drain and bottom wall drain to 1 suction pipe to the technical space. When the filter installation is put into operation, adjust the ball valve so that a part of the circulation flows over this drain. After attaching the pipes ( B en D ) to the technical space, all pipes should be pressure-tested to check for leaks. Carry out this operation carefully, even for the pre-fitted pipes and built-in components in the pool. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 26

27 6.6 Jet stream (optional) Install the jet stream as per the installation manually supplied by the manufacturer. If you have ordered a jet stream with the swimming pool, the built-in component and the injection unit will be pre-fitted. Do not fit these yourself because they require special components. A stainless steel curved gripping bracket can be ordered as an optional extra. However this must be fitted at the factory, this cannot be done afterwards. 4 pipes are fitted to the built-in component: A. Air venturi admixture Attach the air-suction hose ( A) to a round 32 mm PVC pipe. Feed this PVC pipe to the technical space above the water level, and attach the corresponding air valve to this. Maximum distance between air suction point and jet stream is 25 m. NOTE! Air suction creates a disturbing noise. So for this reason install the air suction point as far away from the swimming pool as possible. B. Pneumatic impulse hose Remove the pre-fitted pneumatic hose with corresponding coupling. Install a new one-piece pneumatic hose between the push button of the built-in component and the switch box in the technical space. This hose must be laid, without kinks or obstructions and in a thick-walled PVC sleeve, to the switch box which is located in the technical space close to the jet stream. The maximum distance for this is 15 m. If this distance is greater, you must place the switch box closer to the swimming pool. In this case make sure that this switch box is splash-proof and watertight. If the pneumatic hose develops a defect, this can always be renewed. Article number extra pneumatic hose AN C. Compressed air line Round 63 mm with a C2G and CG 700 If the distance between pump and built-in component is greater than 10 m. See table page 49. D. Suction pipe Round 75 mm with a C2G and CG 700 If the distance between pump and built-in component is greater than 10 m. See table page 49. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 27

28 6.7 Underwater lighting Install the lighting as per the installation manual supplied by the manufacturer. A standard 3 m cable is fitted to the underwater lamp, feed 1.5 m out through the PG swivel via the built-in recess. There must be 1.5 m cable left over on each side so that this can be laid on top on the edging tile when the lamp is replaced. Tighten the PG swivel firmly. On the outside feed the cable through the watertight hose connection provided to the terrace box. The hose is pushed into the hose socket of the built-in recess and the terrace box and secured and sealed with the hose clamp. Check that all swivels have been tightened firmly. (see drawing no.: MB 7.1 ). Always shine the lamp at an angle and not horizontally or upwards. The cable is rolled up at the back of the lamp, so the lamp can be pressed into the built-in recess and will stay firmly in place. Now fix the terrace junction box on top of the swimming pool edge, ca. 30 cm. from the outer edge so that this is beyond the edging tile, or is hidden when the concrete is topped up. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 28

29 7 Fitting Roldeck childproof safety lock (optional) 7.1 Introduction If the option Roldeck childproof safety lock is mentioned when a Starline Monoblock swimming pool is ordered, the built-in component will be fitted in the walk-in steps at the factory. This lock is connected via the Roldeck control RD 2000, and the laminated cover will lock when this is fully closed and unlock when it is opened. An automatic level controller and overflow provision must be used if the swimming pool is fitted with a Roldeck. 7.2 Connecting safety lock Lay a feeder cable ( 2 x 1.5 mm 2 ( H ) in a PVC sleeve ( G ) between the childproof safety lock and the Roldeck control (RD-2000). Place the gasket ( A ) supplied on the housing and connect the wiring (24 V + en -) to the mechanical part ( C ) of the safety lock. (see figure no.: MB 10.1) The safety lock can now be fitted with the M5 ( B ) socket screws. Attach the drain hose supplied ( J ) to the lower connection of the childproof safety lock. Drill a 10 mm hole in the PVC pipe ( E ) of the step support and let the drain hose run down at an oblique angle and fit this into the pre-drilled 10 mm hole. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 29

30 8 Installing Roldeck motor well (optional) 8.1 Introduction The polyethylene motor well is mounted on the side where the drive shaft protrudes (E). The drive motor (A) for the laminated cover will be fitted here at a later stage. Two wooden beams have been laminated to the Roldeck recess as an attachment point for the motor well. (see drawing no. MB 9.5 / D) A = Roldeck drive motor B = Roldeck motor support C = Coach screws D = Laminated wooden beams E = Roldeck drive shaft F = Polystyrene filling G = Roldeck polyester recess H = Wooden motor well support A wooden support has been mounted in the middle of the motor well. This ensures that the motor well is not pushed inwards during the filling up with stabilized sand. Do not remove this support until the concrete has set. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 30

31 8.2 Installing the motor well The motor well already has a hole pattern ( F )( MB. 9.3 ) for rapid installation and an adjustable tile frame ( A )(MB. 9.3) for variable terrace height. Place the polystyrene filling ( A ) between the pool and the motor well (MB9.4b). Push the motor well over the drive shaft ( B )(MB 9.4b). Check that the motor well is level and runs parallel with the long pool wall. Now fix the motor well to the Roldeck recess using the 4 coach screws (see figure: MB 9.3). Drawing no.: MB 9.4a A = Pre-drilled holes in the laminated wooden beams B = Pre-drill with a 5 mm iron drill, no deeper than 40 mm!! Drawing: MB 9.4b A= seal B= Roldeck motor shaft Drawing no.: MB 9.3 A = Stainless steel terrace grating B = Height-adjusting bolts Roldeck motor support C = Upper fixing holes for motor well D = Hole pattern for attaching Roldeck motor. E = Lead-through for Roldeck drive shaft F = Lower fixing holes for motor well G = Height-adjustable terrace cover The hole pattern has been selected so that the top of the stainless steel cover frame is level with the underside of the edging tile. If the terrace height selected is level with the edging tile, the height of the stainless steel frame can be adjusted by means of threaded ends. NOTE! That the coach screws are screwed into the wooden beams specially laminated for that purpose. These are located on both sides of the Roldeck recess. The coach screws for the installation are supplied with putty to prevent damp penetrating the laminated wooden beams. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 31

32 Feed the wiring into the motor well via the PG swivels ( B )(MB. 9.2) and connect this to the plug socket as instructed in the Roldeck installation manual for the Roldeck motor. Put all cables in PVC sleeve. Do not install any equipment at 230 Volts, or a 230 Volt connection, in the motor well. drain A = Stainless steel terrace grating E = Laminated wooden beams. B = Wiring connection F = Water discharge connection to the C = Ventilation connection D = Concrete beam G = Stabilized sand H = Wooden motor well support Two more Ø 50 mm lead-throughs have been fitted in the motor well. The lower lead-through ( F ) serves as water drainage for condensation/rainwater and the upper( C ) as a ventilation opening. The water drainage must be connected in a way that guarantees that condensation/rainwater can drain away freely. A pipe must be fitted to the ventilation lead-through which comes out above ground level and promotes good air circulation. If these lead-throughs are not connected, the guarantee on the Roldeck drive motor will be invalidated. NOTE! Make sure that no rainwater can run into the motor well via the ventilation pipe. This can be prevented by using a Trega cap. The motor well must be filled up all round with stabilized sand ( G ) to 300 mm below the pool edge, since the concrete support (D ) of the Roldeck recess will be located here. A wooden cross has been fitted in the motor well ( H ) to prevent distortion during filling. This will be removed once the stabilized sand has hardened. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 32

33 9. Laying cabling Monoblock technical space 9.1 Wiring diagram: Underwater lighting, Roldeck, and childproof safety lock A. Lighting transformer 220 / 12 Volt B. Cable lighting Minimum (2x) 6² per lamp C. Underwater lamps 300W / 12V D. Roldeck control 220V E. Cable 24 volt Roldeck motor (2x) 2.5² F. Cable sensor. (4x) 1.5². Maximum 75 meter G. Plug socket Roldeck motor in motor well H. Key switch I. Cable key switch (4X) 1.5² J. Childproof safety lock K. Cable childproof safety lock (2x) 2.5² L. Cable level controller (2x) 1.5² Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 33

34 9.2 Option : Wiring diagram halogen lighting A. Lighting transformer 220 / 12 Volt. B. Cable lighting (2x) 2.5² per lamp. C. Underwater lighting Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 34

35 Underwater lighting Lay the cables, in PVC sleeves, between the terrace boxes and transformer. Connect this electrically as per the installation manual supplied by the manufacturer. For each lamp lay a separate cable from the terrace box to the transformer which is fitted in the technical space. Both cables must be the same length. Never connect the lamps to one another! Halogen lighting Lay the cables, in PVC sleeves, between the terrace boxes and the transformer. Connect these electrically as per the installation manual supplied by the manufacturer. For each underwater lamp lay a separate cable from the terrace box to the transformer which is fitted in the technical space. Both cables must be the same length. Never connect the lamps to one another! Jet stream Lay the PN switch hose, in a PVC sleeve, between the built-in component and the switch box as per the installation manual supplied by the manufacturer. NOTE! The maximum distance between built-in component and switch box is 15 m. Fit the venturi as described earlier. Roldeck Lay the Roldeck motor and sensor cables, in PVC sleeves, from the motor well to the technical space. Connect these cables to RD 2000 control as described in the manual. Childproof safety lock Lay the cable, in a PVC sleeve, between the childproof safety lock and the RD 2000 control. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 35

36 10 Filling pool with stabilized sand Phase 1 If the Monoblock is not filled with stabilized sand all forms of liability for the polyester swimming pool will be invalidated! The filling must be done in 2 parts. The 1st day up to the standing ledge ±90 cm and the 2nd day up to ca. 15 cm below the top edge. Fill the pool with ca cm water and make sure that the water level is always 10 cm higher than the filling of stabilized sand on the outside. The stabilized sand must not be tamped down or watered. Make sure that the stabilized sand is brought right under the bottom radius of the pool. During the filling make sure that the side walls always remain parallel. Check this regularly by applying the cord to both sides of the long wall. If necessary adjust the tensioners. The stabilized sand must be applied evenly all around. Before beginning the filling, check the following points since these can still be corrected if necessary: that the steps and the Roldeck recess are level. that all walls are at right angles and do not go in or out. that the underwater lighting has been correctly fitted. that all other built-in components and connections have been correctly fitted. that all pipes to the technical space have been laid and pressure-tested. that there is a wooden support in the motor well. that the stainless steel cover frame of the motor well has been adjusted to the level of the future terrace. that formwork has been fitted around the opening between motor well and stainless steel cover frame. that all electrical cables have been laid and connected. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 36

37 11 Filling pool with stabilized sand Phase 2 The pool must be filled in 2 parts. The 1st day up to the standing edge ± 90 cm and the 2nd day up to ca. 15 cm below the top edge. Before filling the 2nd part you must check the following points since these can still be corrected if necessary: that the steps and the Roldeck recess are level. that the walls are parallel and do not go in or out. that all built-in components and connections have been connected. that the stainless steel cover frame of the motor well has been adjusted to the level of the future terrace. that the skimmer lid has been adjusted in height. that the level of terrace junction boxes for, for example, underwater lighting has been adjusted. that formwork has been fitted around the opening between motor well and stainless steel cover frame. The water level must always be 10 cm higher than the filling of stabilized sand on the outside. The stabilized sand next to the walls must not be tamped down or watered. During the filling make sure that the side walls are always parallel. Check this regularly by applying the cord to both sides of the long wall. If necessary adjust the tensioners. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 37

38 Keep an eye on the step and Roldeck recess section, especially during the filling. Make sure that the stabilized sand comes right up to the step tread and the Roldeck recess. If it does not, cracks could develop in the polyester. (see figure no.: MB 12.3 and 12.4) The stabilized sand must always come to 20 cm below the top edge, since the concrete ring beam will be located here. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 38

39 12 Pouring the concrete ring beam and concrete over the Roldeck recess 12.1 Introduction Before the concrete ring beam and the concrete can be poured over the Roldeck recess, formwork must be made. This formwork stands 25 cm from the outside of the pool and is placed around the pool. Pour the concrete ring beam ca. 2-3 cm below the top of the pool edge. This leaves enough room to lay a good mortar bed for the edging tiles. NOTE! The Monoblock is delivered with a wooden board in the Roldeck recess opening. This board is constructed in such a way that the Roldeck recess cover has a pre-stress of 3 5 mm. If desired this board can be replaced by 3 adjusting heads in which a recess has been filed so that this can be placed on the edge of the Roldeck recess. Adjust the Roldeck recess cover with the adjusting heads so that this has a prestress of 3 5 mm in the middle. This need only be used if the edging tiles are laid one day after the pouring of the ring beam. CHECK that the adjusting heads ( B ) in the recess opening ( A ) are in place. This is important in order to ensure that the recess does not sag during the pouring. See drawing no.: MB 13.4 File recess A. Roldeck recess opening. B. Adjusting heads. Article number AN Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 39

40 12.2 Detail Roldeck recess Since the structure of the Roldeck recess alone does not guarantee adequate stability, this must be fitted with a supporting beam made of concrete. Make sure that the supporting beam sticks out beyond the Roldeck recess on both sides, so that the beam rests on the stabilized sand. This allows the bearing forces to be directed outwards. (see drawing no.: MB 13.3) A = Concrete beam over the Roldeck recess B = Roldeck recess. C = Bearing point ring beam on stabilized sand Make sure that the stabilized sand comes halfway up the recess at the level of the winding spindle. Place the reinforcing cage between the pool edge and the recess rib. Put the 5 bars through the holes of the recess rib (see drawing no.: MB 13.1 ). Align the specially laminated wall ties so that the polyester recess is firmly anchored in the concrete. Place formwork at the back of the recess, 90 cm from the front of the pool edge ( H ). A = Laminated wall ties B = Reinforcement cage C = Polyester recess rib D = Concrete E = Reinforcement bars F = Wooden recess support G = Stabilized sand H = Distance to formwork I = Roldeck plastic guide plates Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 40

41 A = Stabilized sand B = Concrete ring beam C = Laminated wall ties Before pouring concrete on to the motor well, the stainless steel terrace frame ( B ) should be brought to the desired terrace height. Adjusting the level of the grating creates an opening. This must be closed off with formwork ( H ) so that the concrete cannot get into the motor well. A = Edging tile/terrace tile E = Terrace tiles B = Stainless steel terrace grating F = Motor well cover plate C = Leakage drain holes G = Bolts for height adjustment D = Motor well H = Formwork The height of the terrace frame can be adjusted using the adjustment bolts ( G ). A cover plate ( F ) is supplied with this motor well on which the terrace tiles ( E ) can be laid later. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 41

42 13 Removing the levelling sections and laying edging tiles Once the concrete has set, (on average 3 days) the levelling sections can be removed. If the bolts attaching the levelling sections to the top edge of the Monoblock are stuck, saw them off instead of grinding them off. This will prevent specks of rust in the pool. The Roldeck recess support can also be removed now. After that the edging tiles can be laid. A = Stabilized sand B = Concrete ring beam C = Laminated wall tie D = Compriband E = Cement Before laying the edging tiles in the mortar bed, place a compriband ( D ) on top of the edge of the swimming pool (see drawing no.: MB 14.2 ) Always lay the stones away from the swimming pool wall and lay these according to the pattern below, starting with the steps. (see drawing no.: MB 14.3 ) Do not knock the tiles into the cement with a hammer as this could cause small hairline cracks which could result in frost damage later!! Cement these tiles once they are laid using the cement intended for that ( E ) and grout the tiles with the grouting which can be mixed with a colourant. It is necessary for edging tiles and terrace tiles to be laid over the Roldeck recess; these give the Roldeck recess cover extra stability! Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 42

43 14 Installing the Roldeck drive motor Fit the motor mounting brackets to the Roldeck drive motor, tighten the fixing bolts hand tight (see Roldeck installation manual). Lubricate the motor shaft with the grease provided. Slide the drive motor over the drive shaft in the motor well. Attach the motor mounting bracket with 4 coach screws through holes in the motor well. NOTE! That the coach screws come out in the wooden beams specially laminated for that purpose in the side wall of the Roldeck recess. (see drawing no.: MB 9.4) A = Roldeck motor support fixing bolts B = Coach screws for fixing the Roldeck motor support to the Roldeck recess. C = Roldeck drive shaft key Put the plug of the Roldeck motor into the Roldeck socket (B) Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 43

44 15 Installing the Roldeck The plates of the Roldeck should unroll at the front c.q. swimming pool side, in relation to the winding spindle.(see drawing no.: MB 15.1). Since the diameter of the winding spindle is too small to roll the plates up in reverse, the first 10 plates are fitted to the winding spindle upside down. The assembly mentioned above has already been done by the manufacturer. From then on the plates can be fitted as normal (curved side up) For further assembly of the Roldeck, see the Roldeck installation manual provided by the manufacturer. If the laminated cover has a Romana step section, a flexible plastic hose is supplied. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 44

45 This is used to lock the plates together at curved corners and at the walk-in steps. Measure the length difference between the long and shorter plate and divide this measurement by two. (see drawing no.: MB10.5/A ). Cut 2 x this length from the hose ( B ). Tuck this hose into the open side of the plate (groove), against the cap. Do the same on the other side of this plate ( C ). NOTE! Do not fit more plates than is necessary as this could cause the cover to jam in the Roldeck recess. The manufacturer may have supplied extra plates: if so keep these in a dark, cool place and lay the plates horizontally. The maximum length of the Roldeck is the pool length excluding 1 metre pre-mounted plates in the Roldeck recess. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 45

46 16. Connecting childproof safety lock to RD-2000 The Roldeck can be locked by means of an electromechanical lock. This lock can be connected directly to the connections M3- and M3+ of the Roldeck control (pos. 3), which is an 24 V output. Connect the cabling as per the diagram below. Program the Roldeck control as described in the Roldeck's programming and operating instructions. To activate the function of the safety lock, the setting switch (pos. 7) must be in the position ON (upwards). As soon as the Roldeck has reached its pre-set end position, the lock will close. If the command Roldeck open is given, the lock will be released and the Roldeck motor will start after a pre-programmed delay of 3 sec. If the lock works opposite to the Roldeck, the + and (Pos. 3) should be reversed. If no positions have been programmed, or during the fine tuning procedure, the lock will remain open. 3. Childproof safety lock 4. Connections socket Roldeck motor and sensor. 7. Setting switches NOTE! For the Roldeck and childproof safety lock to work properly, a correct water level in the swimming pool must be ensured at all times. An overflow provision via the skimmer to the drain and an automatic level controller are therefore a necessity. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 46

47 17 List of required tools Set of 5 levelling sections Article number: NN Set of 5 fixation beams for safety edge Article number: NN Set of 5 fixation beams for standing ledge Article number: NN adjusting heads for adjusting outside side wall Article number: AN Drill Soil drill Standard installation/construction equipment Plunger pump with hose Equipment for pressure-testing pipes and the necessary winter plugs 18 List of required materials Stabilized sand kg/m 3 Reinforcement concrete edge bars Ø 10 mm Reinforcement concrete floor 200 x 200 x 6 Necessary electric cables 2 x 1.5² level controller, childproof safety lock 2 x 2.5² Roldeck motor, halogen lighting 2 x 6.0² Underwater lighting 300 Watt 12 Volt 4 x 1.5² Sensor cable 3 x 2.5² Jet stream 220 volt type 5 x 2.5² Jet stream 380 volt type Drain hose Ø 110 mm. Drain pipe with cover Ø 300 mm. as riser for drainage Drag cord PVC sleeves for moving electric cables PVC sleeves round 50, 63, 75. Various glued coupling sleeves, bends, T-pieces Compriband Cement Unicum 58 colour white Article number: DN Trega cap for aerating motor well Various wooden adjustment materials Extra pneumatic hose for jet stream. Article number: AN Starline level controller. Article number: AK wooden boards of 40 x 40 cm for positioning adjusting heads Wooden scaffolding planks as formwork for ring beam Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 47

48 19 Summary Work before delivery of Monoblock Does the location correspond with the drawings. Check with client. Make soil drillings to determine soil conditions and the presence of ground water. With or without well points, is the bedding under water Do the excavation dimensions match the Monoblock to be delivered (see p. 11, 12, and 13). Is the concrete bedding level. (check with laser). Is the location of the technical space known? If necessary install drain hose in combination with riser.(p. 7) Is the location easily accessible by lorry. Think about overhanging branches, possibly dock boards, Block street, wide drive (minimum 3.00 meter). Possibility of tilting the pool. Work on delivery of Monoblock Check Monoblock for completeness, delivered as per order and damage. Follow carrier's instructions. Place Monoblock on the bedding and position as per drawing. Check positioning with client. Installation work Adjust Monoblock with Starline levelling sections (standing ledge, safety edge, and top edge. P. 19) Remove transport beams. Stamp side walls on outside at level of standing ledge (P. 22) Place support sections underneath walk-in steps (2x) and Roldeck recess (2x). (P.18) Fit lamps (P. 28) Exchange Roldeck transport shaft for drive shaft (P.16) Fill Monoblock with ca.15 cm water and check that this is level using a laser. Cut off plate clamping strips (2x) Fit skimmer(s) (P.23) Install motor well and packing block (polystyrene) (P.30) Place reinforcement on Roldeck recess cover (P.39) Fit PVC pipes and lay to technical space for: injectors, suction pipes for bottom/wall, Roldeck recess, skimmer(s), overflow skimmer to drain, drainage, aeration of motor well. Optional: jet stream. Pressure-test all PVC pipes at 1 bar. Lay electrical cables to technical space for: underwater lighting, Roldeck motor and sensor, level control sensor. (P.33) Optional: halogen lighting, childproof safety lock Place all electricity cables in cable protection sleeves Leakage drain for the childproof safety lock installed (P.29) Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 48

49 Filling the Monoblock with stabilized sand Fill Monoblock with water to ca. 5 above the standing ledge Check that walk-in steps and Roldeck recess are still level Fill Monoblock 1st phase with stabilized sand, introduced evenly all round up to ca. 5 cm below the standing ledge (P.35) Fill 2nd phase water level 10 cm to allow it to run level with the stabilized sand. Fill to ca. 20 cm below the top edge. Once again check that walk-in steps and Roldeck are still level. Check that sidewalls are still parallel, correct if necessary with levelling sections. Fill in the area below Roldeck recess and walk-in steps completely, no trapped air. Pouring concrete ring beam Adjust level of stainless steel cover edge of the motor well(p.40) Place formwork around the opening between motor well and stainless steel cover edge Place formwork in front of ring beam, ca. 25 cm from pool wall Fix terrace sockets Finish After ca. 3 days remove levelling sections Remove formwork Place Compriband on top edge of the swimming pool. Lay edging tiles and cement (P.41). Clean Monoblock walls and vacuum clean pool. Check water quality and correct if necessary. If present: adjust ionizer, regulate ozone, adjust ph metering pump Check water level and adjust, including overflow to drain (P.24) Position Roldeck motor (P.42). Install Roldeck (P.43). Check working of: filter installation, injectors, suction points, Roldeck, childproof safety lock, lighting, jet stream. Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 49

50 20 Tables Overview of length of cables in combination with cable diameter Table value based on maximum distance of 20 metres. Underwater lamps 2 X 6² Halogen lighting 2 X 2.5² Roldeckmotor 2 X 2.5² Sensor cable 4 X 1.5² Childproof safety lock 2 X 2.5² Jet stream 230 Volt 3 X 2.5² Jet stream 380 Volt 5 X 2.5² NOTE! Cables for lighting must be of equal length. Always place cables in cable protection sleeves. If calamities occur, the cable can easily be replaced. Always use cable junction boxes with lamps. Overview of length of PVC pipes in combination with pipe diameter 10M 20M 30M Skimmers Bottom/ wall drain Roldeck recess drain Injectors Overflow skimmers Level control Jet stream 63/75 75/90 90/110 PVC pipes minimum 10 bar type After laying pipes, pressure-test these at 2 bars, minimum 3 minutes Augustus 2004 Bruksanvisning Starline Monoblock Exclusive 50


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KAMPANJE APK : APK-8: Bytte bakaksel bolter

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Neural Network. Sensors Sorter

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Bytte til split Collin Lanyard RSL. Obligatorisk - alle rigger skal ha dette montert ved hopping etter 01.01.2015.

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Replacing the tube and/or tyre of a drive wheel, indoor/outdoor

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SafeRing / SafePlus Retrofit of Ronis key for earthing switch Interlock type EL11AP C, De, F and Sl modules

SafeRing / SafePlus Retrofit of Ronis key for earthing switch Interlock type EL11AP C, De, F and Sl modules We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein: Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties SafeRing / SafePlus Retrofit of Ronis key for earthing switch Interlock


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SafeRing / SafePlus Retrofit of capacitive voltage indication type VPIS C, De, F and V Modules

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0:7 0:2 0:1 0:3 0:5 0:2 0:1 0:4 0:5 P = 0:56 0:28 0:16 0:38 0:39 0:23

0:7 0:2 0:1 0:3 0:5 0:2 0:1 0:4 0:5 P = 0:56 0:28 0:16 0:38 0:39 0:23 UTKAST ENGLISH VERSION EKSAMEN I: MOT100A STOKASTISKE PROSESSER VARIGHET: 4 TIMER DATO: 16. februar 2006 TILLATTE HJELPEMIDLER: Kalkulator; Tabeller og formler i statistikk (Tapir forlag): Rottman: Matematisk


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