nr 09/ NO årgang 107 ISSN

Like dokumenter
19/ august Uponor AB Brann AB. BYGGmax AB Apace IP. Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg:

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

nr 50/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :34:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus


Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Databasen er sist oppdatert :29:00. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge.

nr 42/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

17/ desember Tine SA Advokatfirmaet Grette DA. Synnøve Finden AS Acapo AS

1) I del B2 innsettes følgende oppføring for E 960 etter oppføringen for E 959: «E 960. Steviolglykosider»

nr 01/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :09:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

nr 52/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 15/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 08/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

17/ april Hanso Holding AS Onsagers AS. Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg:

Avgjørelse varemerker

nr 06/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr 16/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 15. desember 2008

nr 13/ NO årgang 102 ISSN


Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :52:00

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

nr 19/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 02/ NO årgang 8 ISSN

nr 12/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 10/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad


nr 12/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

design tidende nr NO årgang 2 ISSN Norsk

nr NO årgang 90 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

(61): Den samlede mengden E 104, E 110, E 124 og fargestoffene i gruppe III må ikke overstige grenseverdien angitt for gruppe III.

nr 47/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr 25/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 42/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Påbudt merking av matvarer

20U Coop Norge Handel AS Østre Aker Vei OSLO. Jd'HfU. Oslo, Hv adroscp ukien

Vedlegg 1 Importverdi år 2000 og 2004 under tolltariffens posisjoner, fordelt på landgrupper

Et verktøy for sunnere valg. Anniken Owren Aarum Helsedirektoratet

nr 39/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr NO årgang 88 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 33/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

Vedlegg 3. Artikkel 1. Definisjoner. Artikkel 2. Opprinnelseskriterier. fremstilt der i sin helhet i henhold til artikkel 4 i dette vedlegg;

Din guide til. Matvalg for god helse. Din mat skal være din medisin!

nr 33/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 12/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

Sandefjord svømmeklubb

Vare/tjeneste (Nice klasser) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 Unilever NV (NL)

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

nr 25/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 41/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

Avgjørelse varemerker

Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for varemerkeregistrering nr

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

Dagsmeny for kvinner kcal

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr 17/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

PROTOKOLL. Int. reg. nr ( )

nr 38/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr 14/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 02/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr NO årgang 92 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

Registrert Fornyet (sjekk også detaljer i saken)

nr NO årgang 88 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 49/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

Huntington Det lille ekstra

Kostholdets betydning

Vedlegg A Kravspesifikasjon. Innkjøp av matvarer og drikke til kantine Asker og Bærum politidistrikt DOCULIVE:

nr 06/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 39/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

EØS-KOMITEENS BESLUTNING. nr. 88/2002 av 25. juni om endring av EØS-avtalens vedlegg XV (Statsstøtte)

nr 07/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 20/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr NO årgang 92 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 40/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 05/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

nr 41/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr 34/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

design tidende nr NO årgang 1 ISSN Norsk

Nokkel rad. for et sunt kosthold.

Hvorfor er karbohydrater så viktig for idrettsutøvere? Du kan trene lenger og hardere og dermed blir du en bedre idrettsutøver

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 12/ NO årgang 97 ISSN

nr 15/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 10/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende


nr 28/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 26/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

Mat og rehabilitering

Kefir. Ranch dressing Porsjoner 8 Tidsbruk 10 minutter. Q-Meieriene har gleden av å presentere Q-Kefir!

nr 23/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 03/ NO årgang 97 ISSN

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke


. nr 09/17-2017.02.27 NO årgang 107 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep. 0033 Oslo E-POST TELEFON +47 22 38 73 00 INFOSENTERETS TELEFONTID kl. 09.00-15.00 Telefon: +47 22 38 73 33

innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2017.02.27-09/17 Innholdsfortegnelse: Registrerte varemerker... 3 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 42 Innsigelser... 128 Avgjørelse fra Klagenemnda... 130 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 131 Begrensing av varer eller tjenester for nasjonale registreringer... 145 Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver... 146 Merker som ikke er fornyet... 147 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter... 159 Lisenser... 174 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold... 175 Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 183 Krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistreringer... 185 Avgjørelse etter krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistrering... 186 Fornyelser... 187 Fornyede internasjonale registreringer... 190 Ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer... 192 Slettede internasjonale registreringer... 194 INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) Registreringsnummer (151) Registreringsdato (180) Registreringen utløper (210) Søknadsnummer (220) Inngivelsesdato (526) Unntaksannmerkning (300) Prioritetsopplysninger (450) Kunngjort registrert dato (511) Vare-/tjenesteklasse (521) Bruk/innarbeidelse (526) Unntaksannmerkning (540) Gjengivelse av varemerketekst (541) Merket er et ordmerke (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser (554) Merket er tredimensjonalt (571) Beskrivelse av merket (591) Merket er i farger (730) Søker/innehaver (740) Fullmektig (791) Lisenshaver (793) Lisensinformasjon (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato 2

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven 22. I løpet av tre måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf. varemerkeloven 26 og varemerkeforskriften 23. For søknader som har søknadsdag fra 1. juli 2010 gjelder varemerkeregistreringen i ti år fra søknadsdagen. Registreringer som har søknadsdag før 1. juli 2010 gjelder i ti år fra registreringsdagen. Se varemerkeloven 32 jf. 83 annet ledd. (111) 291143 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611066 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.27 Fredriksborg Fredriksborg AS, Postboks 814, 1670 KRÅKERØY, Advokatfirmaet CLP DA, Postboks 1974 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; markedsstudier; markedsundersøkelser; meningsmålinger; rådgivning om reklame og om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse og om forretningsprofilering; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av stormarkeder, kjøpesentre, treningssentre og varehus; forvaltning og drift av stormarkeder, kjøpesentre, treningssentre og varehus. Klasse 36 Finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; herunder drift og utleie samt eiendomsomsetning av bolig -og næringseiendommer, eiendomsutvikling i form av investeringsvirksomhet i eiendom. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; byggeledelse. (111) 291145 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.10.05, US, 87/194,223 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612099 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.19 KCG IP Holdings LLC, 131 South Dearborn Street, US- IL60603 CHICAGO, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 36 Finansielle tjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe kapitalforvaltningstjenester, forvaltning av investeringsporteføljer og investering av kapital og midler for andre. (111) 291144 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611978 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.12 IBOBIL IBOBIL AS, Postboks 2077, Postens bedriftssenter, 9266 TROMSØ, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 22 Fiskegarn; fiskenett; hengekøyer; presenninger; seilduk; tau; taustiger; telt; ull [ubearbeidet eller bearbeidet]. Klasse 35 Import- og eksportagenturer; å, for andres fordel, sammenbringe et bredt utvalg varer innen hytte-, camping- og båtutstyr, forbrukerelektronikk og sport- og fritidsutstyr som gjør det mulig for kunder å enkelt se og kjøpe disse varer i en fysisk butikk, fra en postordrekatalog eller fra en nettbutikk. Klasse 39 Reiseledervirksomhet; sjåførtjenester; transport av reisende; turoperatører; utleie av båt; utleie av biler; utleie av busser. (111) 291146 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611352 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.29 Amidays Amidays AS, Bogstadveien 27B, 0355 OSLO, Klasse 35 Analysetjenester; innholdsproduksjon av tekst, bilder og video for reklameformål; innkjøp av annonser for andre. Klasse 41 Oversettelse av tekst. 3

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291147 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612326 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.20 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.20 UMG Recordings, Inc., 2220 Colorado Avenue, US- CA90404 SANTA MONICA, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 9 Forhåndsinnspilte lydbånd, -plater og -kassetter, videobånd, -plater og -kassetter, digitale lyd- og lydvideobånd og plater, CD-er, DVD-er, laserplater, og grammofonplater inneholdende musikk og underholdning; lyd og videoinnspillinger av teater og musikk; software for virtuell virkelighetsspill; nedlastbare ringetoner, -musikk, -mp3-filer med musikk og underholdning, grafikk, bilder innen områdene musikk og musikkrelatert underholdning, videoer innen området musikk og musikkrelatert underholdning samt spill for trådløse kommunikasjonsinnretninger; nedlastbar musikk, mp3-filer med musikk og musikkrelatert underholdning, grafikk, bilder innen områdene musikk og musikkrelatert underholdning, videoer innen området musikk og musikkrelatert underholdning samt dataspill; dataspillsoftware, -bånd, -innsatser og kassetter; videospillsoftware, -bånd, - innsatser og kassetter; vendbare grammofonplatematter (slipmat); musematter; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner i form av bøker, hefter, noteark, magasiner, tidsskrifter, manualer, brosjyrer, flygeblader, pamfletter og nyhetsbrev, alle innen området musikk og musikkrelatert underholdning; nedlastbare mobilapplikasjoner for bruk i sammenheng med tilgang til, nedlastning og strømming av musikk, musikkrelatert underholdning, og nedkastbare elektroniske publikasjoner innen områdene musikk og musikkrelatert underholdning. Klasse 41 Produksjon av TV- og radioprogrammer; distribusjon av TV- og radioprogrammer for andre; produksjon og publisering av musikk; tilveiebringe underholdning online, nemlig tilveiebringe ikke-nedlastbare lyd- og videoopptak innen områdene musikk og musikkrelatert underholdning; underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe online, ikke-nedlastbare, forhåndsinnspilte musikalske lyd- og videoopptak via et globalt datanettverk; fanklubber; utvikling og formidling av andres undervisningsmateriell innen områdene musikk og underholdning; radiounderholdningsproduksjon og - distribusjon; audio- og lydopptak og -produksjon; plateproduksjon; film- og videoproduksjon; produksjon av spillefilmer; distribusjon av spillefilmer; syndikering av TV-programmer; underholdning i form av fortsettende TV-programmer innen områdene musikk og underholdning; underholdning, nemlig et fortsettende musikk- og underholdningsshow distribuert over TV, satellitt, audio, og videomedia; publisering av bøker og magasiner; underholdning i form av fortsettende radioprogrammer innen musikkområdet; underholdning i form av live (levende) konserter og forestillinger av musikkartister og -grupper; underholdningstjenester, nemlig personlige opptredener av musikkgrupper, musikalske artister og kjendiser; underholdningstjenester i form av forestillinger utført av musikalske artister gjennom mediene TV, radio samt lyd- og videoopptak; underholdningstjenester, nemlig forestillinger av musikalske artister utført live (levende) og innspilt for fremtidig distribusjon; utdannelses- og underholdningstjenester, nemlig, produksjon og presentasjon av TV-show, sportsbegivenheter, moteshow, gameshow, musikkshow, prisutdelingsshow og komedieshow foran et levende publikum, som alle er kringkastet live eller innspilt for senere kringkasting; underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe en nettside med ikke-nedlastbare musikalske forestillinger, musikalske videoer, relaterte filmklipp, fotografier og annet multimediemateriale med musikk og underholdning; underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe online evalueringer av musikk, musikalske artister og musikkvideoer; underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe forhåndsinnspilt ikke-nedlastbar musikk, informasjon innen området musikk, og kommentarer og artikler om musikk, alle online via et globalt datanettverk; underholdningstjenester, nemlig live-, TV- og filmopptredener av en profesjonell underholder; gjennomføring av underholdningsutstillinger i form av musikkfestivaler; underholdningstjenester, nemlig gjennomføring av utstillinger innen områdene musikk og kunst; organisering av utstillinger for underholdningsformål med musikk og kunst; publisering av nettmagasiner. (111) 291148 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611696 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.10 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.10 Henriette Lien, Solveien 44 C, 1177 OSLO, Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Klasse 25 Klær, herunder yogaklær; fottøy; hodeplagg. Klasse 28 Gymnastikk- og sportsutstyr. Klasse 35 Salg av klær, fottøy, hodeplagg, gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, smykker, klokker, vesker, bager, drikkeflasker, såper, parfymer, kosmetiske kremer og kosmetikk. 4

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291149 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612360 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.23 Bjøddn BJØDDN TORBJØRN SELSENG, Bentsebrugata 18 A, 0476 OSLO, Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Yttertøy, Strikkegensere. rådgivning ved design av websider og nedlastbare applikasjoner, konvertering av dataprogrammer og data. (111) 291152 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612354 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 (111) 291150 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612359 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.22 ERLEND HAGEN, 6710 RAUDEBERG, Klasse 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet. Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. TROLLTUNGA-TRAVEL AS, Bjoavegen 1593, 5584 BJOA, Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser (111) 291151 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612104 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.19 Mingl MINGL AS, Kristianiasvingen 64, 0782 OSLO, Klasse 9 Datamaskinprogrammer, nedlastbare applikasjoner. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester, markedsføringstjenester, design av markedsføringsmateriale. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet, drift og tilgjengeliggjøring av nettsteder og mobile applikasjoner for digitale visittkort og markedsføringsmateriale. Klasse 42 Elektronisk datalagring, forsyning/fremskaffelse av dataprogramvare via et globalt nettverk, konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare, nettskytjenester, opprettelse og vedlikehold av websider og nedlastbare applikasjoner for andre, (111) 291153 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612105 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.19 TVIS TMK A/S, Skaustrupvej 16, DK-7500 HOLSTEBRO, Danmark Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør til bygningsbruk (ikke av metall); asfalt, tjære og bitumen; transportable bygninger (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). Klasse 20 Møbler, deler og tilbehør hertil (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), nemlig kjøkkenskap, skuffer og låser, trådkurver i plastikk og metall, skuffeinnlegg av tre, plastikk og metall; baderomsutstyr (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) i tre, plastikk og metall; garderober, skyvedør i tre, plastikk og metall. Klasse 37 Installasjon av kjøkkenutstyr, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører, nemlig montering av kjøkkener, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet, nemlig levering av kjøkken, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. Klasse 42 Design av kjøkken-, badeværelses-, garderobe-, skyvedørsinnretningsløsninger, design, utvikling, rådgivning samt forhandling av kjøkken, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. 5

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291154 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612106 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.19 TVIS KØKKENER TMK A/S, Skaustrupvej 16, DK-7500 HOLSTEBRO, Danmark Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør til bygningsbruk (ikke av metall); asfalt, tjære og bitumen; transportable bygninger (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). Klasse 20 Møbler, deler og tilbehør hertil (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), nemlig kjøkkenskap, skuffer og låser, trådkurver i plastikk og metall, skuffeinnlegg av tre, plastikk og metall; baderomsutstyr (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) i tre, plastikk og metall; garderober, skyvedør i tre, plastikk og metall. Klasse 37 Installasjon av kjøkkenutstyr, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører, nemlig montering av kjøkkener, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet, nemlig levering av kjøkken, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. Klasse 42 Design av kjøkken-, badeværelses-, garderobe-, skyvedørsinnretningsløsninger, design, utvikling, rådgivning samt forhandling av kjøkken, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. (111) 291155 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612107 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.19 TVIS KJØKKENER TMK A/S, Skaustrupvej 16, DK-7500 HOLSTEBRO, Danmark Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør til bygningsbruk (ikke av metall); asfalt, tjære og bitumen; transportable bygninger (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). Klasse 20 Møbler, deler og tilbehør hertil (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), nemlig kjøkkenskap, skuffer og låser, trådkurver i plastikk og metall, skuffeinnlegg av tre, plastikk og metall; baderomsutstyr (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) i tre, plastikk og metall; garderober, skyvedør i tre, plastikk og metall. Klasse 37 Installasjon av kjøkkenutstyr, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører, nemlig montering av kjøkkener, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet, nemlig levering av kjøkken, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. Klasse 42 Design av kjøkken-, badeværelses-, garderobe-, skyvedørsinnretningsløsninger, design, utvikling, rådgivning samt forhandling av kjøkken, baderomsutstyr, garderober, skyvedører. (111) 291156 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201605087 (220) Inndato: 2016.04.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.24 Ida Charlotte Holmen, GAMLE KONGEVEG 117, 2260 KIRKENÆR, Klasse 6 Små gjenstander av rustfritt stål for bruk på kleshengere. Klasse 26 Elastisk teip for bruk på hud og klær for å holde klesplagg på plass; dekorativ pynt i form av små gjenstander av plastikk for bruk på bh-stropper; hårpynt i form av silikon/akryl-klistremerker for bruk på hårtilbehør som hår-klyper, for å holde hårtilbehøret på ønsket plass i håret. (111) 291157 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612069 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.18 POWER OUT! Turtle Wax, Inc., 2250 West Pinehurst Boulevard, Suite 150, US-IL60101 ADDISON, USA Klasse 3 Teppe- og møbeltrekkrensemidler og luktfjernere. (111) 291158 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.05.18, EM, 015448434 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201606656 (220) Inndato: 2016.06.08 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.08 BYGGmax AB, Box 6063, SE-17106 SOLNA, Sverige Hynell AS, Parkveien 53 B, 0256 OSLO, Klasse 7 Motordrevne hagemaskiner; hagemaskiner [elektriske]; verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for 6

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Klasse 8 landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner; lukemaskiner for hageformål; sprøyteapparater [maskiner] for bruk til hagestell; elektriske hagesakser og maskindeler; gressklippere [maskiner]; avfallskverner; rakemaskiner inklusive river til rakemaskiner; rotskjæremaskiner; innhøstingsmaskiner; kniver for slåmaskiner; maskiner for hagedyrking; kraner; kultivatorer (motordrevne hageredskaper); elektriske hageslangetromler; kultiveringsmaskiner for gressplen og hage; elektrisk drevne hageverktøy; flismaskiner (motordrevne hageredskap); sprøytelansetter i form av redskap for hagebruk; spoler for trådtrimmere (for plen og hager); transportører for jordbruks- og hagemaskiner samt deler og komponenter til disse; hagesakser [ikke hånddrevne]; hagetraktorer for klipping av plen; hagejordfresere; hagevalser (maskiner); spredervalser i form av hageredskap; trimmere med skjærtråder (motordrevne hageredskap); hageredskap (maskiner); riveapparater (motordrevne hageredskaper); støvsugere; blåsemaskiner; sager (maskiner); kniver (maskindeler); knivblad for elektriske kniver; klinger for maskiner [maskindeler]; oppsamlere (maskindeler). Håndverktøy og redskaper (manuelt drevne); knivsmedvarer; hagesakser [håndverktøy]; hagespader; sprayflasker for bruk til hagestell [håndverktøy]; kvistøkser; hekksakser; spredere og sprayflasker for insektsdrepende midler (håndredskap); fruktplukkere (håndredskap); gressakser (håndredskap); beskjæringskniver; gressakser; sprøyter for insektsbekjempningsmidler (redskap); hakker; ljåbryner; ljåer; hakker (håndverktøy); løvsager; podekniver; utryddingsredskap for vekstparasitter; poderedskaper; river (redskap); sager (redskap); beskjæringssakser; spredere for anvendelse i hagestell [hånddrevne]; hageverktøy (hånddrevne); hagevalser (hånddrevne); hagesigder; sprayflasker for spredning av ugressutryddingsmiddel til hagebruk [håndverktøy]; hagekniver; raker; river; gravespader; ugresskyfler; hånddrevne kantskjærere for plen; økser. Klasse 11 Hagedusjer; hagesprinklere [automatiske]; automatiske vannsprederinstallasjoner for hageformål; hagebelysning; lamper for utendørsbruk; vannkraner/- utkastere/-blandebatterier; sokler for lyskilder; tennere for utendørsgriller; utendørsildsteder. Klasse 17 Gummi, guttaperka, kautsjuk, asbest, glimmer; plast som halvfabrikata; bøyelige ledninger og rør, ikke av metall; ekstruderte polyetenark for konstruksjon av veksthus; hageslanger; plastplater for anvendelse til hagedyrking; ikke-metalliske mikroporøse rør for anvendelse til hagedyrking; polyetylenark for legging over rammene i hagekonstruksjoner; ikke-metallisk mikroporøs slange for anvendelse til hagedyrking; vanntette ringer. Klasse 20 Stativer for veksthusstammer, ikke av metall, for oppstilling av trau; madrasser; festeanordninger for markiser; klemmer (ikke av metall) for innfesting av markiser; puter; håndtak i plast for hageredskaper; hagebord; kuler for dekorasjon i hagen; verktøyhåndtak for hageredskaper, ikke av metall; benker (arbeidsbenker); vogner (serveringsvogner, møbler); solstoler; kompostbeholdere av plast; kantbånd av tre; kurver, ikke av metall; kasser av tre eller plast; tromler, ikke av metall og ikke mekaniske (slangetromler); tønner, ikke av metall; hyller; stiger, ikke av metall; liggeunderlag; bæreanordninger for såing av frø; bæreanordninger for spiring av frø; skuffer av tre; esker; bærbare beholdere av plast; brett, ikke av metall; overtrekk for madrasser; flyttbare krakker (møbler); idestaller; teltplugger, ikke av metall; teltstenger, ikke av metall; støtteknapper [festeanordninger] av plast for telt; vannlåser ventiler) av plast. Klasse 21 Blomstersprøyter; munnstykker for vannslanger; spredere til hageslanger; sprinklere; bøtter; vannkanner; sprinklermunnstykker til vannkanner; lysestaker; fuglematere; blomsterdusjer; krukker; hagenisser av glass, terrakotta eller porselen; sprederstenger til hageslanger; spraymunnstykker til hageslanger; børster for innfesting på hageslanger; vaser; brett for husholdningsformål; kanner; figurer (statuetter) av porselen, keramikk, leirgods eller glass; lysestaker; grillverktøy; fuglebad; fuglebur for tamme fugler; pinner for fuglebur; kasser for fuglestrø; vanntanker for levende fisk; akvarier; pynt for akvarier, opptatt i denne klassen; fluefangere; krukker for såing av frø; krukker for spiring av frø; fuglekasser. Klasse 22 Presenninger; markiser; telt, og ikke formsydde overtrekk; rep, liner, tau, snører, nett, seil og sekker; stoppings-, polstrings- og vatteringsmateriale (ikke av gummi eller plast); ubearbeidede fibrøse tekstilmaterialer; poser (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); nett for beskyttelsesformål til hagebruk; festeanordninger av plast for husholdnings- eller hagebruk; nett for hagedyrking; duker; teltposer; poser av tekstil for oppbevaring av telt; teltunderlag; telt (ikke for camping); partytelt; rep for telt; fortelt for telt; bånd for oppbinding av vinranker. Klasse 31 Korn og jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter; ferske frukter og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer; levende planter, vekster og blomster; dyrefor; frø for hagedyrking; markdekke av naturlige materialer for bruk ved ugressbekjempning i forbindelse med hagedyrking; vekstblomsterløker for hageformål; markdekke for hagedyrking; blomsterløker for hageformål; hagesalat; hageprodukter; tørkede pynteblomster; blomsterløker; friske bær; frisk frukt; vekstfrø; spirer for botaniske formål; stiklinger; gresskar; naturlig gress; friske grønnsaker; juletrær; kokosskall; kranser av levende blomster; vekster; tørkede pyntevekster; busker; trestammer; torvstrø; treplanter; friske kjøkkenvekster; friske krydderplanter/- urter/-vekster; løker for jordbruksformål (vekstløker); fuglemat. (111) 291159 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.05.18, EM, 015448591 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201606657 (220) Inndato: 2016.06.08 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.08 BYGGmax AB, Box 6063, SE-17106 SOLNA, Sverige Hynell AS, Parkveien 53 B, 0256 OSLO, Klasse 1 Bindemidler for industriell bruk; lim for industriell bruk; silikoner; sparkel, fyllstoffer og masser for industriell bruk; adhesjonsmidler. Klasse 7 Håndverktøy, andre enn manuelt drevne; elektriske kjøkkenverktøy og kjøkkenapparater; elektriske maskiner og apparater for rengjøring; motordrevne hagemaskiner; hagemaskiner [elektriske]; verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner; lukemaskiner for hageformål; sprøyteapparater [maskiner] for bruk til hagestell; elektriske hagesakser og maskindeler; gressklippere [maskiner]; avfallskverner; rakemaskiner inklusive river til rakemaskiner; rotskjæremaskiner; innhøstingsmaskiner; kniver for slåmaskiner; maskiner 7

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Klasse 8 for hagedyrking; kraner; kultivatorer (motordrevne hageredskaper); elektriske hageslangetromler; ultiveringsmaskiner for gressplen og hage; elektrisk drevne hageverktøy; flismaskiner (motordrevne hageredskap); sprøytelansetter i form av redskap for hagebruk; spoler for trådtrimmere (for plen og hager); transportører for jordbruks- og hagemaskiner samt deler og komponenter til disse; hagesakser [ikke hånddrevne]; hagetraktorer for klipping av plen; hagejordfresere; hagevalser (maskiner); spredervalser i form av hageredskap; trimmere med skjærtråder (motordrevne hageredskap); hageredskap (maskiner); riveapparater (motordrevne hageredskaper); støvsugere; blåsemaskiner; sager (maskiner); kniver (maskindeler); knivblad for elektriske kniver; klinger for maskiner [maskindeler]; oppsamlere (maskindeler). Jordbruks-, hage- og hagearkitektsredskap; håndverktøy og redskaper (manuelt drevne); knivsmedvarer; hagesakser [håndverktøy]; hagespader; sprayflasker for bruk til hagestell [håndverktøy]; kvistøkser; hekksakser; spredere og sprayflasker for insektsdrepende midler (håndredskap); fruktplukkere (håndredskap); gressakser (håndredskap); beskjæringskniver; gressakser; sprøyter for insektsbekjempningsmidler (redskap); hakker; ljåbryner; ljåer; hakker (håndverktøy); løvsager; podekniver; utryddingsredskap for vekstparasitter; poderedskaper; river (redskap); sager (redskap); beskjæringssakser; spredere for anvendelse i hagestell [hånddrevne]; hageverktøy (hånddrevne); hagevalser (hånddrevne); hagesigder; sprayflasker for spredning av ugressutryddingsmiddel til hagebruk [håndverktøy]; hagekniver; raker; river; gravespader; ugresskyfler; hånddrevne kantskjærere for plen; økser. Klasse 11 Apparater for belysning; lamper; grillapparater (kjøkkenapparater); kjøkkengriller; utendørsgriller; innretninger for koking, oppvarming, kjøling og behandling av mat og drikke; innretninger for oppvarming, ventilasjon, luftkondisjonering samt rensing; hagedusjer; hagesprinklere [automatiske]; automatiske vannsprederinstallasjoner for hageformål; hagebelysning; lamper for utendørsbruk; vannkraner/- utkastere/-blandebatterier; holdere for lyskilder; tennere for utendørsgriller; utendørsildsteder. Klasse 16 Poser og artikler for emballering, forpakning og oppbevaring av papir, kartong eller plast; lim for papirvarer. Klasse 17 Tetninger, pakninger og fyllstoffer; silikongummi, varmebeskyttende silikonskum; fugetetningsmasse av silikongummi; fugetetningsblandinger av silikongummi; blandinger av silikongummi; tetningsmiddel av silikongummi; gummi, guttaperka, kautsjuk, asbest, glimmer; plast som halvfabrikata; bøyelige ledninger og rør, ikke av metall; ekstruderte polyetenark for konstruksjon av veksthus; hageslanger; plastplater for anvendelse til hagedyrking; ikke-metalliske mikroporøse rør for anvendelse til hagedyrking; polyetylenark for legging over rammene i hagekonstruksjoner; ikke-metallisk mikroporøs slange for anvendelse til hagedyrking; vanntette ringer. Klasse 20 Containere (ikke av metall) (oppbevaring, transport); oppbevaringskar, ikke av metall eller mørtel; oppbevaringsskap; møllposer for oppbevaring av klær; møbler; hagemøbler; blomsterstativ (møbler); benker (møbler); metallmøbler; statuer, figurer, kunstgjenstander, ornamenter og dekorasjoner, fremstilt av materialer som tre, voks, gips eller plast, opptatt i klassen; stativer for veksthusstammer, ikke av metall, for oppstilling av trau; madrasser; festeanordninger for markiser; klemmer (ikke av metall) for innfesting av markiser; puter; håndtak i plast for hageredskaper; hagebord; kuler for dekorasjon i hagen; verktøyhåndtak for hageredskaper, ikke av metall; benker (arbeidsbenker); vogner (serveringsvogner, møbler); solstoler; kompostbeholdere av plast; kantbånd av tre; kurver, ikke av metall; kasser av tre eller plast; tromler, ikke av metall og ikke mekaniske (slangetromler); tønner, ikke av metall; hyller; stiger, ikke av metall; liggeunderlag; bæreanordninger for såing av frø; bæreanordninger for spiring av frø; skuffer av tre; esker; bærbare beholdere av plast; brett, ikke av metall; overtrekk for madrasser; flyttbare krakker (møbler); pidestaller; teltplugger, ikke av metall; teltstenger, ikke av metall; støtteknapper [festeanordninger] av plast for telt; vannlåser (ventiler) av plast. Klasse 21 Blomstersprøyter; munnstykker for vannslanger; spredere til hageslanger; sprinklere; bøtter; vannkanner; sprinklermunnstykker til vannkanner; lysestaker; fuglematere; blomsterdusjer; krukker; hagenisser av glass, terrakotta eller porselen; sprederstenger til hageslanger; spraymunnstykker til hageslanger; børster for innfesting på hageslanger; vaser; brett for husholdningsformål; kanner; figurer (statuetter) av porselen, keramikk, leirgods eller glass; lysestaker; grillverktøy; fuglebad; fuglebur for tamme fugler; pinner for fuglebur; kasser for fuglestrø; vanntanker for levende fisk; akvarier; pynt for akvarier, opptatt i denne klassen; fluefangere; krukker for såing av frø; krukker for spiring av frø; fuglekasser. Klasse 22 Presenninger; markiser; telt, og ikke formsydde overtrekk; rep, liner, tau, snører, nett, seil og sekker; stoppings-, polstrings- og vatteringsmateriale (ikke av gummi eller plast); ubearbeidede fibrøse tekstilmaterialer; poser (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); nett for beskyttelsesformål til hagebruk; festeanordninger av plast for husholdnings- eller hagebruk; nett for hagedyrking; duker; teltposer; poser av tekstil for oppbevaring av telt; teltunderlag; telt (ikke for camping); partytelt; rep for telt; fortelt for telt; bånd for oppbinding av vinranker. Klasse 31 Korn og jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter; ferske frukter og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer; levende planter, vekster og blomster; dyrefor; frø for hagedyrking; markdekke av naturlige materialer for bruk ved ugressbekjempning i forbindelse med hagedyrking; vekstblomsterløker for hageformål; markdekke for hagedyrking; blomsterløker for hageformål; hagesalat; hageprodukter; tørkede pynteblomster; blomsterløker; friske bær; frisk frukt; vekstfrø; spirer for botaniske formål; stiklinger; gresskar; naturlig gress; friske grønnsaker; juletrær; kokosskall; kranser av levende blomster; vekster; tørkede pyntevekster; busker; trestammer; torvstrø; treplanter; friske kjøkkenvekster; friske krydderplanter/- urter/-vekster; løker for jordbruksformål (vekstløker); fuglemat. (111) 291160 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611028 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.26 PROHIBITION Prime Wine Sweden AB, Frihamnsgatan 30, SE-11556 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). 8

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291161 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612690 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.26 Brother Industries, Ltd., 15-1, Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku, JP-467-8561 NAGOYA-SHI, Japan Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle, vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; ubearbeidede syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast; gjødningsmidler; ildslukningsmidler; preparater og midler for herding og lodding; kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler til industrielle formål; oppløsningsmidler til blekk; kjemiske preparater for bruk innen produksjon av blekk; kalkoppløsningsmidler (andre enn for husholdningsbruk) antikalkmidler og oppløsninger for kjelstein; kjemiske produkter for oppløsning og fjerning av avfall og kjemikalierester; rensemidler for bruk ved fabrikasjonsprosesser; humektant for tekstilprintere; kjemiske forbehandlingspreparater for tekstilprintere; fyllstoff (fillers) for blekkpatroner for tekstilprintere; rensemidler for tekstilprintere; bindemidler [klebemidler] til industrielle formål; klebemidler for tekstile bindingsmaskiner. (111) 291162 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611994 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.13 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.13 algavida Pål Myhre, Larviksveien 54, 3290 STAVERN, Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske, medisinske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetisk mat og stoffer for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; plaster og forbindingsstoffer; materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler; preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. Farmasøytiske preparater for hudpleie. Fett for medisinsk bruk. Fett for veterinærmedisinsk bruk. Kosttilskudd. Kosttilskudd for dyr. Kulturer av mikroorganismer for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk. Planteekstrakter for farmasøytiske formål. Proteinbasert kosttilskudd. Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, frosne, tørkede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geleer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg; melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. Algeekstrakter [matvarer]. Spiselige oljer. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Preparater for fremstilling av drikker. Proteinbaserte sportsdrikker. Smoothies. Sportsdrikker. (111) 291163 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611995 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.13 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.13 Kristine Beate Lemos, Brøttet 87, 3029 DRAMMEN, Klasse 29 Bearbeidede mandler; Bearbeidete frø; Berabeidete solsikkefrø; Fisk, konservert; Fiskeprodukter; Fruktgele; Fruktkonserver; Fruktmos; Grønnsaker, tørkede; Hasselnøtter, bearbeidete; Hermetisk frukt; Hermetiske grønnsaker; Ingefærsyltetøy; Kjøtt; Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geleer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg; melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett; Kjøtt, konservert; Kjøttvarer [bearbeidet]; Kokosfett; Konserverte bær; Konserverte bønner; Krepsdyr, ikke levende; Laks, ikke levende; Olivenolje [spiselig]; Preparerte nøtter; Ristet tang; Saltet fisk; Saltet kjøtt; Tørkede frukter; Vilt. Klasse 30 Bakverk; Bidronninggele; Blomster eller blader til bruk som teerstatning; Brente mandler; Brød; Eddik; Essenser for næringsmidler, unntatt eteriske oljer; Fruktsaus; Havregryn for menneskeføde; Honning; Honningkaker; Ingefær [krydder]; Kaffe; Kakao; Kakaoprodukter; Kanel [krydder]; Kjeks; Kjeksvarer; Konditorvarer; Konserverte kjøkkenurter [krydderblanding]; Kornbasert snacks; Kornpreparater; Krydder; Krydderblandinger; Krydderier; Lakris [søtsaker]; Lakrisstenger [søtsaker]; Linfrø for menneskeføde; Makroner [bakverk]; Mandelkonfekt; Marsipan; Propolis; Risbasert snacks; Sjokolade; Sjokoladeovertrukne nøtter; Småkaker; Sukkertøy; Te; Te-baserte drikker. Klasse 31 Hasselnøtter; Nøtter; Pinjekjerner; Spiselige linfrø, ubearbeidete; Spiselige linser, ferske; Spiselige linfrø, ubearbeidete. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Alkoholfrie drikker; Alkoholfrie fruktekstrakter; Aperitiffer (ikke alkoholholdig); Cider (ikke alkoholholdig); Fruktdrikker, alkoholfrie; Fruktekstrakter, alkoholfrie; Fruktjuice; Fruktnektar (ikke alkoholholdig); Fruktsaft; Grønnsakjuice; Honningbasert drikke [ikke alkoholholdige]; Ingefærøl; Limonade; Most; Sirup for drikker; Sirup for limonade. 9

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291164 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612064 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.17 GOK TRANSPORT GOK TRANSPORT LIMITED, Stron House, 100 Pall Mall, GB-SW1Y5EA LONDON, Storbritannia ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 35 Bistand ved forretningsledelse; Demonstrasjoner av varer; Faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger; Konsulentbistand i forretningssaker; Utleie av reklameplass; Utsendelse av reklameannonser; Utsendelse av reklamemateriell [flyveblader, hefter, trykksaker og vareprøver]; Utsendelse av vareprøver; Utsetting av tjenester [forretningsassistanse] Klasse 39 Biltransport; Containerutleie; Drosjetjenester; Flyttebyråer; Frakt [varetransport]; Godsbefraktning; Kurertjenester [kurérpost eller varer]; Lagring av varer; Organisering av reiser; Passasjertransport; Plassreservering [transport]; Postombæring; Sightseeing [turistbesøk]; Sjåførtjenester; Transport av møbler; Transport av reisende; Transport med lastebiler; Transport og lagring av avfall; Transportinformasjon; Transportmeglingsvirksomhet; Transportreservering; Transporttjenster; Utbringelse av pakker; Utbringelse av varer; Utleie av lagerplass; Utleie av parkeringsplasser; Vareombringelse; Verditransport; Verditransport [bevoktet] Klasse 45 Forvaltning av opphavsrettigheter; Lisensiering av immatriell eiendomsrett; Overvåkning av immaterielle rettigheter; Rådgivning for immatriell eiendomsrett (111) 291165 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612332 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 CELESTE Société des Produits Nestlé SA, CH-1800 VEVEY, Sveits Klasse 30 Kaffe, kaffeestrakter, kaffebaserte preparater og drikker; iskaffe; kaffeerstatninger, ekstrakter av kaffeerstatninger, preparater og drikker basert på kaffeerstatninger; sikori. (111) 291166 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612333 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 BITE ME Susanne Lang Fragrance Inc., 670 Caledonia Road, Suite 101, CA-ONM6H 4V9 TORONTO, Canada Klasse 3 Kosmetikk og kosmetiske preparater; sminke; ikkemedisinske preparater for pleie av leppene; lipgloss; leppestift; leppepenn; leppemasker; leppefargestifter; leppeblyanter; leppe farger; primere til leppene; leppe krem; leppeskrubb; leppeservietter [renseservietter]; leppeolje; rouge; maskara; øyepenn; øyenskygge; ansikts pudder; presset ansiktspudder; foundation. (111) 291167 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201512930 (220) Inndato: 2015.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2025.10.19 ESTEE LAUDER PURE COLOR ENVY Estee Lauder Cosmetics Ltd., 161 Commander Blvd, CA-ONM1S3K9 AGINCOURT, Canada Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 3 Kosmetikk. (111) 291168 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201408838 (220) Inndato: 2014.08.01 (180) Registreringen 2024.08.01 Europris AS, Postboks 1421, 1602 FREDRIKSTAD, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 9 Beskyttelseshjelmer; beskyttelseshjelmer for sport; sykkelhjelmer; beskyttelsesanordninger (personlige -) mot ulykker. Klasse 11 Lykter for sykler. Klasse 12 Sykler; vesker for sykler; kurver for sykler; lydvarslingssystemer for sykler; seter for sykler; låser for sykler; pumper for sykler; sykkelbjeller; sykkelklokker; trehjulssykler; deler og tilbehør til de 10

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 forannevnte varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; sparkesykler; rullebrett; beskyttelsesanordninger, deler og tilbehør til de forannevnte varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). (111) 291170 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201605323 (220) Inndato: 2016.04.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.28 (111) 291169 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201605322 (220) Inndato: 2016.04.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.28 Geia Food A/S, Fuglevænget 9, DK-9000 AALBORG, Danmark Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Klasse 29 Kjøtt; fisk; fjærkre; kylling; vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, syltede, frosne, tørkede og tilberedte frukter, belgfrukter og grønnsaker; geléer, syltetøy, kompotter; eplemos; frukt, kokt; frukt (syltet-); fruktbaserte snacks; fruktgeléer; fruktkonserver; fruktmos; fruktsalater; fruktskiver; gelatin; geléer (spiselige-); kjøttkonserver; kjøttsjy; kompotter; konservert kjøtt; leverpostei; margarin; marmelade; ost; pølser; sauerkraut; skinke; smør; smørkrem; supper (preparater til fremstilling av-); suppekonsentrater; supper; sopp, konserverte; svinekjøtt; syltetøy; urtesupper; ferdigretter, særlig bestående av kjøtt med tilsetning av grønnsaker, poteter, sopp, tilberedte frukter og sauser samt ost; ferdigretter bestående helt eller hovedsakelig av fjærkre; ferdigretter inneholdende [hovedsakelig] bacon; ferdigretter inneholdende [hovedsakelig] egg; ferdigretter inneholdende [hovedsakelig] kylling; ferdigretter hovedsakelig bestående av fisk; ferdigretter overveiende bestående av vilt; ferdigretter hovedsakelig bestående av kjøtterstatninger; ferdigretter fremstilt av hovedsakelig fjærkre; ferdigretter bestående hovedsakelig av kjøtt; frosne ferdigretter bestående hovedsakelig av grønnsaker; ferdigretter fremstilt på basis av kjøttprodukter; ferdigretter fremstilt av kjøtt [hovedsakelig kjøtt]; ferdigretter bestående helt eller hovedsakelig av kjøtt; ferdigretter bestående helt eller hovedsakelig av vilt. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker; krydderier; ris; mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød, konditori- og konfektyrvarer; spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik; vineddik; kryddersauser; tomatsaus; smaksstoffer, andre enn eteriske oljer; smaksstoffer [krydderier]; smaksstoffer til drikke, andre enn eteriske oljer; kaker og munker; pasta; spaghetti; pastabaserte ferdigretter; ferdigretter inneholdende pasta; ferdigretter av ris; ferdigretter inneholdende [hovedsakelig] pasta; ferdigretter hovedsakelig inneholdende ris; ferdigretter i form av pizzaer; tørkede ferdigretter, hovedsakelig laget av varer som vegetabilske næringsmidler bearbeidet for konsumering eller konservering, smaksforberedende tilsetninger til næringsmidler; ferdigretter inneholdende væske, hovedsakelig bestående av ris; ferdigretter av pasta; ferdigretter fremstilt på basis av ris. Geia Food A/S, Fuglevænget 9, DK-9000 AALBORG, Danmark Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Klasse 29 Kjøtt; fisk; fjærkre; kylling; vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, syltede, frosne, tørkede og tilberedte frukter, belgfrukter og grønnsaker; geléer, syltetøy, kompotter; eplemos; frukt, kokt; frukt (syltet-); fruktbaserte snacks; fruktgeléer; fruktkonserver; fruktmos; fruktsalater; fruktskiver; gelatin; geléer (spiselige-); kjøttkonserver; kjøttsjy; kompotter; konservert kjøtt; leverpostei; margarin; marmelade; ost; pølser; sauerkraut; skinke; smør; smørkrem; supper (preparater til fremstilling av-); suppekonsentrater; supper; sopp, konserverte; svinekjøtt; syltetøy; urtesupper; ferdigretter, særlig bestående av kjøtt med tilsetning av grønnsaker, poteter, sopp, tilberedte frukter og sauser samt ost; ferdigretter bestående helt eller hovedsakelig av fjærkre; ferdigretter inneholdende [hovedsakelig] bacon; ferdigretter inneholdende [hovedsakelig] egg; ferdigretter inneholdende [hovedsakelig] kylling; ferdigretter hovedsakelig bestående av fisk; ferdigretter overveiende bestående av vilt; ferdigretter hovedsakelig bestående av kjøtterstatninger; ferdigretter fremstilt av hovedsakelig fjærkre; ferdigretter bestående hovedsakelig av kjøtt; frosne ferdigretter bestående hovedsakelig av grønnsaker; ferdigretter fremstilt på basis av kjøttprodukter; ferdigretter fremstilt av kjøtt [hovedsakelig kjøtt]; ferdigretter bestående helt eller hovedsakelig av kjøtt; ferdigretter bestående helt eller hovedsakelig av vilt. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker; krydderier; ris; mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød, konditori- og konfektyrvarer; spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik; vineddik; kryddersauser; tomatsaus; smaksstoffer, andre enn eteriske oljer; smaksstoffer [krydderier]; smaksstoffer til drikke, andre enn eteriske oljer; kaker og munker; pasta; spaghetti; pastabaserte ferdigretter; ferdigretter inneholdende pasta; ferdigretter av ris; ferdigretter inneholdende [hovedsakelig] pasta; ferdigretter hovedsakelig inneholdende ris; ferdigretter i form av pizzaer; tørkede ferdigretter, hovedsakelig laget av varer som vegetabilske næringsmidler bearbeidet for konsumering eller konservering, smaksforberedende tilsetninger til næringsmidler; ferdigretter inneholdende væske, hovedsakelig bestående av ris; ferdigretter av pasta; ferdigretter fremstilt på basis av ris. 11

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291171 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.19 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612070 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.18 IZENBI Janssen Sciences Ireland UC, Eastgate Village, Eastgate, IE- LITTLE ISLAND, COUNTY CORK, Irland Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater for mennesker. (111) 291172 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611031 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.26 BRUNSTAD AS, Sykkylvsvegen 415, 6230 SYKKYLVEN, Klasse 20 Møbler. Klasse 24 Tekstiler og erstatninger for tekstiler; sengetepper; bordduker. Klasse 35 Presentasjon av varer på kommunikasjonsmedia, for salgsformål; forretningsadministrasjon; bedriftsledelse; organisering av utstillinger for handels- eller reklameformål; organisering av varemesser for handels- eller reklameformål; tilveiebringelse av forretningsinformasjon via nettsider; detaljhandelstjenester, nemlig detaljhandelstjenester relatert til alle de nevnte varer i klasse 20. (111) 291173 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611032 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.26 BRUNSTAD AS, Sykkylvsvegen 415, 6230 SYKKYLVEN, Klasse 20 Møbler. Klasse 24 Tekstiler og erstatninger for tekstiler; sengetepper; bordduker. Klasse 35 Presentasjon av varer på kommunikasjonsmedia, for salgsformål; forretningsadministrasjon; bedriftsledelse; organisering av utstillinger for handels- eller reklameformål; organisering av varemesser for handels- eller reklameformål; tilveiebringelse av forretningsinformasjon via nettsider; detaljhandelstjenester, nemlig detaljhandelstjenester relatert til alle de nevnte varer i klasse 20. (111) 291174 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201608278 (220) Inndato: 2016.07.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.18 MONISTROL United Wineries Estates, S.A.U., Ctra. de Elciego, s/n., ES-26350 CENICERO (LA RIOJA), Spania Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). 12

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291175 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201609915 (220) Inndato: 2016.08.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.29 (111) 291177 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612440 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.26 INEX Inna Strand, Jarlsøveien 51, 3124 TØNSBERG, Advokatfirmaet Spjelkevik, Billingstadsletta 22, 1396 BILLINGSTAD, Klasse 3 Klasse 5 Parfymeartikler, kroppspleiemidler, hudpleiemidler. Kosttilskudd, diettpreparater til medisinske formål og diettpreparater. Klasse 35 Butikktjenester, nemlig salg av de forannevnte varene i klasse 3 og 5. Klasse 44 Skjønnhetspleietjenester, hudpleiesalong. (111) 291176 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201609922 (220) Inndato: 2016.08.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.29 Aesthetica INEX Inna Strand, Jarlsøveien 51, 3124 TØNSBERG, Advokatfirmaet Spjelkevik, Billingstadsletta 22, 1396 BILLINGSTAD, Klasse 3 Klasse 5 Parfymeartikler, kroppspleiemidler, hudpleiemidler. Kosttilskudd, diettpreparater til medisinske formål og diettpreparater. Klasse 35 Butikktjenester, nemlig salg av de forannevnte varene i klasse 3 og 5. Klasse 44 Skjønnhetspleietjenester, hudpleiesalong. The Concentrate Manufacturing Company of Ireland, Swan Building, 3rd Floor, 26 Victoria Street, BM-HM12 HAMILTON, Bermuda Klasse 32 Kokosnøttvann; kokosnøttjuice; ikke-alkoholholdige drikker laget med kokosnøttvann; fruktjuicer. (111) 291178 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612334 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 QUARTUS Altera Corporation, 101 Innovation Drive, US-CA95134 SAN JOSE, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 9 Datasoftware og brukermanualer, solgt som en enhet, for bruk ved design og styring av halvlederenheter og integrerte kretser; samt kommunikasjonssoftware for bruk på datanettverk og et globalt datanettverk, for tilgang til online databaser til bruk ved design og anvendelse av halvlederenheter og integrerte kretser. 13

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291179 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612395 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.25 (111) 291181 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612336 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 STRATIX Altera Corporation, 101 Innovation Drive, US-CA95134 SAN JOSE, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 9 Halvledere, integrerte kretser, programmerbare logisk integrerte kretser, samt mikroprosessorer. BARBERTON - CONSULTORES E SERVIÇOS LDA., Zona Franca de Madeira Rua do Esmeraldo, 47, Piso 3, PT-9000-051 FUNCHAL-MADEIRA, Portugal Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikkevarer (unntatt øl), særlig rom og romlikører. (111) 291180 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612335 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 Foulfree SØBY BOTHEIM AS, v/tormod Botheim, Korsgata 20, 2315 HAMAR, Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle, vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; ubearbeidede syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast; gjødningsmidler; ildslukningsmidler; preparater og midler for herding og lodding; kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler til industrielle formål. Klasse 2 Maling, fernisser, lakker; rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler; fargestoffer, beisemidler; ubearbeidet naturlig harpiks; bladmetaller og metallpulver for maling, dekorasjon, trykking og kunst; stoffblandinger for å motvirke og redusere beleggdannelse på ulike materialer. Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske, medisinske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetisk mat og stoffer for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; plaster og forbindingsstoffer; materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler; preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. (111) 291182 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201607530 (220) Inndato: 2016.06.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.30 sgruppen ASA, Karenslyst Allé 12-14, 0278 OSLO, Klasse 6 Lettvegger (bakvegger) av metall); skjermer og hyller av metall. Klasse 16 Papir, papp, brosjyrer, kampanjeblader, nyhetsbrev, visittkort, unntatt håndklær, duker og servietter av papir, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker; etiketter av papir; papir for industriformål; handleposer laget av papir; innpakningsemballasje av papir; kaffefilter av papir; papir for innpakning og emballasje; plakater laget av papir; poser laget av papir; servietter av papir; skilt av papir; smørbrødposer av papir; reklameskilt av papir eller kartong; trykt opplærings-, undervisnings-, og pedagogisk materiell; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). Klasse 19 Lettvegger;(bakvegger), ikke av metall. Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; inkludert konservert, frosset, tørret kjøtt, fisk og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett, pommes frites, stekte poteter, løkringer, kyllinger, melk, fruktsalater, grønnsakssalater, tomatpure; samt ferdigretter hovedsakelig bestående av egg, nemlig omeletter; ferdigretter i form av vegetabilske gratengretter; ferdigretter, hovedsakelig bestående av kjøtt, fisk, skalldyr, fjærkre, grønnsaker med eller uten saus; serveringstilberedte ferdigretter hovedsakelig bestående av kjøtt eller fisk, eller vil, eller fjærkre, og/eller med tilsetning av grønnsaker, poteter, pasta eller ris; paella; grønnsaksretter; ferdigretter av potet, nemlig supper, gryteretter, gratenger; melkeprodukter, 14

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 nemlig urtesmør, tykkmelk-produkter (kvark) og ost; potetprodukter, potetsnacks. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is; ferdigretter hovedsakelig laget av mel eller korn, hamburgerbrød, rundstykker, lomper, taco, maislefser, konfektyrer, spiseis; salt, pepper, sennep; eddik, ketchup, sauser, majones, krydderier; sandwicher; mat laget hovedsakelig av pasta, lasagne; tilberedte pastaprodukter, i form av canneloni, lasagne, ravioli; ravioli; pizzaer; brød; pannekaker; nudler; sauser; ris; mat laget hovedsakelig av ris; pølsebrød; posteier (bakverk); paier; paier, nemlig quiche; pizzaer; ferdigretter bestående hovedsakelig av ris eller nudler og pasta, med kjøtt og/eller fisk og grønnsaker, risretter, ferske ferdigretter hovedsakelig av nudler og pasta, nemlig canneloni, lasagne, tortellini, ravioli, alle med fyll, samt spagettiretter; serveringstilberedte ferdigretter hovedsakelig av ris, eller pasta, eller nudler og med tilsetning av kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre eller vilt eller grønnsaker; ferdigretter bestående av kjøtt eller fisk, eller skalldyr, eller fjærkre, og/eller med grønnsaker, og/eller med saus, nemlig vårruller, lasagne, moussaka. Klasse 31 Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; levende dyr; friske frukter og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt, friske kjøkkenurter. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet, Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet via Internet; PR-virksomhet; PRvirksomhet via Internet; on-line annonsering på datanettverk; reklameoppslag, annonser via regionale eller globale kommunikasjonsnettverk; distribusjon av salgsfremmende materiell gjennom kommuniksjonsnettverk; salgsfremmende tjenester; salgsfremmende tjenester via Internet; spredning av reklameannonser; spredning av reklameannonser via Internet; utarbeidelse av reklametekster og utsendelse av reklamemateriell; rådgivning om og formidling av avtale om anskaffelse og salg av varer samt sortimentsrådgivning innenfor dagligvaresektoren; detaljsalg, engrossalg, Internetsalg av kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt, inkludert av konservert, frosset, tørret kjøtt, fisk, vilt, av kjøttekstrakter, av konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, av geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter, av spiselige oljer og fett, av pommes frites, stekte poteter, løkringer, kyllinger, melk, fruktsalater, grønnsakssalater, tomatpure, av kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago og kaffeerstatning, av mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og av konditorvarer, av konfektyrer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gjær, bakepulver og salt, av sennep, eddik, sauser, krydderier og av is, av sandwiches, av jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt av korn, av levende dyr, av friske frukter og grønnsaker, av frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, og av næringsmidler til dyr, av malt, av friske kjøkkenurter, av øl, av mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker, av fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer, av saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker, av alkoholholdige drikker, vin og brennevin, av tobakk, snus, sigaretter og sigarer, av artikler for røkere, av fyrstikker, av oljer og fett til industrielle formål, av bensin, diesel, petroleumsprodukter, av smøremidler, av støvbindemidler, av brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og av belysningsstoffer, av kulltre (brensel), av kullbriketter, av torvbriketter og av trebriketter (brensel), av reseptfrie farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater, av reseptfrie hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål, av reseptfrie dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, av næringsmidler for spedbarn, av plaster og forbindingsstoffer, av materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk, av desinfeksjonsmidler, av preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter, av fungicider og av herbicider, av vitaminpreparater, av naturmidler og helsekost, av telekort, av papir, papp, brosjyrer, kampanjeblader og nyhetsbrev, visittkort - unntatt varer opptatt i klasse 24 - laget av pair og papp, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding, fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer, klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk, artikler til bruk for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner (ikke møbler), instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater), plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). salg av olje-, bensin-, dieselprodukter, salg av blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask, av midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning samt til sliping, av såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann, av tannpussemidler, salg av farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater, salg av hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål, salg av dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, salg av næringsmidler for spedbarn, salg av plaster og forbindingsstoffer, av materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk, av desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter, av fungicider og herbicider, herbicider, salg av barberhøvler og -blader, salg av lyspærer og lysrør, salg av klær, fottøy og hodeplagg, salg av alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl), salg av tobakk, av artikler for røkere, av fyrstikker, salg av ladetelekort til mobiltelefoner. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser. Klasse 41 Opplæringsvirksomhet og utdannelse innen mat og drikke, innen matkultur, innen trygg mat og drikke, innen ernæring for barn og voksne, innen økonomi i forbindelse med valg av matprodukter, og innen servering, samt innen fagområdet for servering. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke, cateringtjenester; bevertning av mat og drikke i storkiosker, i bensinstasjoner, i kafeer og restauranter. (111) 291183 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611353 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.30 Petter Dahl, Våganeset 50, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 37 Kjøkkenmontering; malevirksomhet; murmestervirksomhet; rørleggervirksomhet; taktekkingstjenester; tapetsering; utleie av anleggsmaskiner og rengjøringsmaskiner; vaktmestertjenester i form av rengjøring, snømåking, gressklipping og vedlikeholdsvirksomhet. Klasse 45 Åpning av lås; hustilsyn; inspeksjon av fabrikker i 15

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 forbindelse med sikkerhetsspørsmål; nattevaktselskaper; nøkkelservice (111) 291184 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611961 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.12 ICARAVAN AS, Postboks 2077, Postens bedriftssenter, 9266 TROMSØ, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 22 Fiskegarn; fiskenett; hengekøyer; presenninger; seilduk; tau; taustiger; ull [ubearbeidet eller bearbeidet]. Klasse 35 Import- og eksportagenturer; å, for andres fordel, sammenbringe et bredt utvalg varer innen hytte-, camping- og båtutstyr, forbrukerelektronikk og sport- og fritidsutstyr som gjør det mulig for kunder å enkelt se og kjøpe disse varer i en fysisk butikk, fra en postordrekatalog eller fra en nettbutikk. Klasse 39 Reiseledervirksomhet; sjåførtjenester; transport av reisende; turoperatører; utleie av båt; utleie av biler; utleie av busser. (111) 291185 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612389 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.25 CALSEAL Colgate-Palmolive Company, 300 Park Avenue, US- NY10022 NEW YORK, USA Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 3 Tannpasta og munnvann. (111) 291186 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612372 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 SÆTHER COSMETICS Engelschiøn Marwell Hauge, Postboks 93 Lilleaker, 0216 OSLO, Advokat Espen Sandvik, c/o Arntzen de Besche advokatfirma AS, Postboks 2734 Solli, 0204 OSLO, Klasse 3 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning, samt til sliping; såper; parfymer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler. Klasse 35 Reklamevirksomhet; forretningsledelse; forretningsadministrasjon; kontortjenester; markedsføring; markedsføringskonsultasjoner; markedsstudier; produktmarkedsføring; markedsundersøkelser; markedsanalyser; markedsføringsstrategier; evaluering av markedsdata; markedsvurderinger; ledelsesbistand; konsultasjoner for forretnings- og bedriftsledelse; forretningsledelsesanalyse; forretningsplanlegging; forretningsevaluering; forretningsinformasjon; rådgivning for forretningsledelse; salgsledelse; bokføring; forretningsprosjektledelse; kategoriledelse; evaluering av resultater i forhold til benchmarkreferanse; bedriftsrapporter; organisering av begivenheter, utstillinger, messer og visningerfor kommersielle, salgsfremmende og reklameformål; innkjøp; forhandlinger og sluttføring av kommersielle transaksjoner for tredjepart; kommersielle formidlingstjenester; mekling av handelsvirksomhet for tredjepart; tjenester for styring av forsyningskjede; konsultasjoner om forretninger knyttet til forsyningen av kvalitetsstyringssystemer; lagerstyring; varelagerstyring; datavarelagerstyring; varebestillingstjenester; bestilling av varer for andre; kundeservice, nemlig markedsføringsråd, kompilering av informasjon i databaser, oppdatere og vedlikeholde data i databaser; kommersiell informasjon og råd til forbrukere [forbrukerrådgivning]; ledelse i kundeforhold; kompilering av informasjon i databaser; oppdatering og vedlikehold av data i databaser; administrasjon av data-arkiver; administrasjon av databaser; administrasjon av datafiler; innsamling og systematisk ordning av data i en sentral fil; salgsfremmende tjenester ved kjøps- eller salgstidspunkt, for andre; tjenester for bedriftsplanlegging; lagerstyring av varer. Klasse 39 Emballering og lagring av varer; lager- /forsendelsessporing; lagring; konsulenttjenester vedrørende lagring; leie av lagring; lagerstyring; logistikkstyring; distribusjon; levering; tilveiebringe informasjon relatert til distribusjon; tilveiebringe informasjon relatert til levering; fysisk oppbevaring av elektronisk lagrede data eller dokumenter. 16

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291187 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.04.12, FR, 16 4263999 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611721 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.11 HOMLY YOU POINT P.S.A., 13/15 rue Germaine Tailleferre, FR- 75019 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 9 Dataprogrammer, registrert; programvare for databasehåndtering; programvare for tilgang, surfing og søking i online databaser, på mobiltelefoner og på nettsteder; gjenkjenningsprogramvare for bilder eller innholde via mobiltelefoner. Klasse 35 Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innen bygningskonstruksjon, og interiør- og eksteriørdesign, nemlig formidlingstjenester med fagfolk innen bygg- og anleggsbransjen; forretningsledelse; forretningsrådgivning, forretningsforespørsler eller forretningsinformasjon; sluttbrukertjenester for salg fra utsalgssted og online knyttet til byggematerialer og interiør- og eksteriørdesignmaterialer, inkludert tre og bygningsplater, trepanel og parkettgulv, fliser, naturlige og rekonstituert steiner, belegg for vegger, gulv og tak, isolerende materialer og gips, aggregatmaterialer, betong og maling, verktøy, håndverktøy og byggeplassverktøy, interiør og eksteriør trearbeider, materialer, utstyr og tilbehør for svømmebassenger, møbler for bad og kjøkken, VVS utstyr, apparater og installasjoner for sanitære løsninger, varme- og luftkondisjonering og behandling av vann til ulike formål, produkter for tak og takbelegg, produkter for eksteriørdekorasjoner, nemlig søyler, vegger, kledning på vegger, balustrader, porter, gjerder, fliser, brostein, pergolaer, blomsterkasser, keramikk, fontener, grilling; organisering av utstillinger og arrangementer for kommersielle eller reklameformål innenfor områdene bygg og design. Klasse 36 Forsikring, finansiering og finansieringstjenester for privatpersoner til å kjøpe byggematerialer og produkter og interiør og eksteriørdesignmaterialer og produkter. Klasse 37 Byggingstjenester; Bygningsreparasjon; møbelreparasjon; elektriske installasjonstjenester; taktekking; gjerdeinstallasjonstjenester; rørinstallasjonstjenester; VVS-installasjon, gass- og vanninstallasjon; Installasjon av oppvarmingsutstyr og sanitær apparater; installasjonstjenester for å bygge stillaser, arbeids- og byggeplattformer; informasjon og rådgivning innenfor områdene bygg og anlegg. Klasse 41 Opplæring og avholdelse av eksamen for håndverkere og for fagfolk innen bygg, interiør, eksteriør og design; opplæring av personer på områdene bygningskonstruksjon, og interiør og eksteriørdesign; arrangering og gjennomføring av konferanser, kongresser og arrangementer for pedagogiske formål. Klasse 42 Tekniske prosjektstudier, prosjekteringskontorer, og utarbeidelse av planer innen områdene konstruksjon, og interiør- og eksteriørdesign; design og planlegging av byggverk; design, utvikling, installasjon og vedlikehold av programvare, inkludert mobile applikasjoner, på områdene bygningskonstruksjon, og interiør- og eksteriørdesign. (111) 291188 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612337 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 Active Partner AS, Slettaveien 2, 1555 SON, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet via postordre; auksjonssalg; bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter; bistand ved forretningsledelse; byråer for handelsinformasjon; demonstrasjoner av varer; faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger; forhandlinger og sluttføring av kommersielle transaksjoner for tredjepart; fremskaffelse av forretningsinforasjon via en webside; fremskaffelse av kommersiell- og forretningskontaktinformasjon; kommersielle formidlingstjenester; markedsføring; markedsstudier; markedsundersøkelser; oppdatering av reklamedokumentasjon; organisering av handels-og reklameutstillinger; organisering av messer for salg og markedsføring; organisering av motevisninger for salgsformål; presentasjon av varer gjennom medier, for detaljsalg; reklamebyråer; reklamevirksomhet; salgsfremmende tjenester [for tredjemann]; utleie av reklamemateriell; utleie av reklameplass; utleie av salgsstands; utsendelse av reklameannonser; utsendelse av reklamemateriell [flyveblader, hefter, trykksaker og vareprøver]; utsendelse av vareprøver. Klasse 42 Forskning og utvikling av nye produkter [for tredjemann]; grafisk formgiving; industridesign; interiørarkitekter; interiørdekorering; interiørkonsulentvirksomhet; kvalitetskontroll; motedesigntjenester; nettskytjenester; rådgivning ved design av websider. Klasse 45 Forvaltning av opphavsrettigheter; lisensiering av immatriell eiendomsrett; overvåkning av immaterielle rettigheter; rådgivning for immateriell eiendomsrett. 17

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291189 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.04.19, FR, 16 4266104 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611997 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.14 POINT P.S.A., 13/15 rue Germaine Tailleferre, FR- 75019 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 9 Dataprogrammer, registrert; programvare for databasehåndtering; programvare for tilgang, surfing og søking i online databaser, på mobiltelefoner og på nettsteder; gjenkjenningsprogramvare for bilder eller innholde via mobiltelefoner. Klasse 35 Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innen bygningskonstruksjon, og interiør- og eksteriørdesign, nemlig formidlingstjenester med fagfolk innen bygg- og anleggsbransjen; forretningsledelse; forretningsrådgivning, forretningsforespørsler eller forretningsinformasjon; sluttbrukertjenester for salg fra utsalgssted og online knyttet til byggematerialer og interiør- og eksteriørdesignmaterialer, inkludert tre og bygningsplater, trepanel og parkettgulv, fliser, naturlige og rekonstituert steiner, belegg for vegger, gulv og tak, isolerende materialer og gips, aggregatmaterialer, betong og maling, verktøy, håndverktøy og byggeplassverktøy, interiør og eksteriør trearbeider, materialer, utstyr og tilbehør for svømmebassenger, møbler for bad og kjøkken, VVS utstyr, apparater og installasjoner for sanitære løsninger, varme- og luftkondisjonering og behandling av vann til ulike formål, produkter for tak og takbelegg, produkter for eksteriørdekorasjoner, nemlig søyler, vegger, kledning på vegger, balustrader, porter, gjerder, fliser, brostein, pergolaer, blomsterkasser, keramikk, fontener, grilling; organisering av utstillinger og arrangementer for kommersielle eller reklameformål innenfor områdene bygg og design. Klasse 36 Forsikring, finansiering og finansieringstjenester for privatpersoner til å kjøpe byggematerialer og produkter og interiør og eksteriørdesignmaterialer og produkter. Klasse 37 Byggingstjenester; Bygningsreparasjon; møbelreparasjon; elektriske installasjonstjenester; taktekking; gjerdeinstallasjonstjenester; rørinstallasjonstjenester; VVS-installasjon, gass- og vanninstallasjon; Installasjon av oppvarmingsutstyr og sanitær apparater; installasjonstjenester for å bygge stillaser, arbeids- og byggeplattformer; informasjon og rådgivning innenfor områdene bygg og anlegg. Klasse 41 Opplæring og avholdelse av eksamen for håndverkere og for fagfolk innen bygg, interiør, eksteriør og design; opplæring av personer på områdene bygningskonstruksjon, og interiør og eksteriørdesign; arrangering og gjennomføring av konferanser, kongresser og arrangementer for pedagogiske formål. Klasse 42 Tekniske prosjektstudier, prosjekteringskontorer, og utarbeidelse av planer innen områdene konstruksjon, og interiør- og eksteriørdesign; design og planlegging av byggverk; design, utvikling, installasjon og vedlikehold av programvare, inkludert mobile applikasjoner, på områdene bygningskonstruksjon, og interiør- og eksteriørdesign. (111) 291190 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612378 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.24 YUPRIZ Janssen Sciences Ireland UC, Eastgate Village, Eastgate, IE- LITTLE ISLAND, COUNTY CORK, Irland Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 5 Faramsøytiske preparater for mennesker. (111) 291191 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611085 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.28 CITY OF FRIENDS TA TOLV AS, Snekkerplassen 30, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; dataassistert overføring av beskjeder og bilder; elektronisk postoverføring; elektroniske oppslagstavler [telekommunikasjonstjeneste]; fjernsynssending; kabelfjernsynssendinger; kommunikasjon med mobiltelefoner; kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler; kommunikasjon ved optisk fibernettverk; meldingsoverføring; overføring av beskjeder og bilder via datamaskiner; overføring av digitale filer; overføring av nettbaserte gratulasjonskort; radiokommunikasjon; streaming av data; streaming av musikk; streaming av filmer; streaming av TV-programmer; telefontjenester; tilveiebringelse av online forum; tilveiebringelse av praterom på internett; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser. 18

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291192 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611086 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.28 (111) 291193 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611668 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.06 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.06 TA TOLV AS, Snekkerplassen 30, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; dataassistert overføring av beskjeder og bilder; elektronisk postoverføring; elektroniske oppslagstavler [telekommunikasjonstjeneste]; fjernsynssending; kabelfjernsynssendinger; kommunikasjon med mobiltelefoner; kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler; kommunikasjon ved optisk fibernettverk; meldingsoverføring; overføring av beskjeder og bilder via datamaskiner; overføring av digitale filer; overføring av nettbaserte gratulasjonskort; radiokommunikasjon; streaming av data; streaming av musikk; streaming av filmer; streaming av TV-programmer; telefontjenester; tilveiebringelse av online forum; tilveiebringelse av praterom på internett; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser. BETTERDAY NORWAY AS, Ekornveien 2, 3413 LIER, Plougmann Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 5 Drikker for medisinske og dietetiske formål fremstilt av naturlige råstoffer fra frukt, fisk oggrønnsaker. Klasse 29 Spiselige oljer; spiselige oljer i form av omega-3 fettsyrer, krilloljer, oljer fra fisk og planter; kjøtt, fisk og vilt; melk og melkeprodukter. Klasse 32 Mineralvann, kullsyreholdig drikk og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker; sportsdrikker; energidrikker; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker; drikker inneholdende spiselige oljer 19

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291194 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611672 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.07 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.07 (111) 291195 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612376 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.24 Diplom-Is AS, Brennaveien 10, 1481 HAGAN, Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, frosne, tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geleer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg; melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago, mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is; kokosboller. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker; smoothies. TMK A/S, Skaustrupvej 16, DK-7500 HOLSTEBRO, Danmark Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør til bygningsbruk (ikke av metall); asfalt, tjære og bitumen; transportable bygninger (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). Klasse 20 Møbler, deler og tilbehør hertil (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), i form av kjøkkenskap, skuffer og dører, trådkurver i plastikk og metall; skuffeinnlegg av tre, plastikk og metall; baderomsutstyr i form av møbler i tre, plastikk og metall; garderober og skyvedører i tre, plastikk og metall. Klasse 35 Salg [detalj- og engros-] av kjøkkener, baderomsutstyr, garderober og skyvedører. Klasse 37 Installasjon av kjøkkenutstyr, baderomsutstyr, garderober og skyvedører, i form av montering av kjøkkener, baderomsutstyr, garderober og skyvedører. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet, nemlig levering av kjøkken, baderomsutstyr, garderober og skyvedører. Klasse 42 Design og utvikling av samt rådgivning om interiørdesignløsinger for kjøkken-, badeværelses-, garderobe- og skyvedører. 20

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291196 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201516605 (220) Inndato: 2015.12.21 (180) Registreringen 2025.12.21 PROMENADEN Promenaden Oslo AS, Nedre Slottsgate 8, 0157 OSLO, Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS, Postboks 1484 Vika, 0116 OSLO, Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; administrasjon av handelstjenester; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av stormarkeder, kjøpesentre og varehus; sammenstilling av kjemiske produkter til industrielle, vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk, ubearbeidede syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast, gjødningsmidler, ildslukningsmidler, preparater og midler for herding og lodding, kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler, garvestoffer, bindemidler til industrielle formål, maling, fernisser, lakker, rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler, fargestoffer, beisemidler, ubearbeidet naturlig harpiks, bladmetaller og metallpulver for malere, dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere, blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask, midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping, såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann, tannpussemidler, oljer og fett til industrielle formål, smøremidler, støvbindemidler, brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer, lys og veker for lys, farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater, hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål, dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn, plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk, desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter, fungicider, herbicider, uedle metaller og legeringer av disse, bygningsmaterialer av metall, transportable hus av metall, materialer av metall for jernbanespor, ikkeelektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt), låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer), metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og -skrin, varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), malmer, maskiner og verktøymaskiner, motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer), koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer), landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne), rugemaskiner, håndverktøy og redskaper (manuelt drevne), knivsmedvarer, gafler og skjeer, hugg- og stikkvåpen, barberkniver, - høvler og -maskiner, vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning, apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet, apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder, magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater, salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater, kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner, brannslukningsapparater, kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer, apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål, kjøretøyer, befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet, skytevåpen, ammunisjon og prosjektiler, sprengstoff, fyrverkerisaker, edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener, ur og kronometriske instrumenter, musikkinstrumenter, papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding, fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer, klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk, artikler til bruk for kunstnere, pensler, skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler), instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater), plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), trykktyper, klisjeer, kautsjuk, guttaperka, gummi, asbest, glimmer samt varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, ekstrudert plast som halvfabrikata, tetnings-, paknings- og isolasjonsmateriale, bøyelige rør (ikke av metall), lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder, kofferter og reisevesker, paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer, bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall), stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygningsog anleggsformål, asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen, transportable hus (ikke av metall), monumenter (ikke av metall), møbler, speil, billedrammer, varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast, husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt -beholdere, kammer og svamper, børster (ikke malerpensler), materialer for børstebinding, gjenstander til rengjøringsformål, stålull, råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk), glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), tau, reip, hyssing, nett, telt, presenninger, seil, sekker (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), materiale til polstring (ikke av gummi eller plast), ubearbeidet tekstilfibermateriale, garn og tråd for tekstile formål, tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, senge- og bordtepper, klær, fottøy, hodeplagg, kniplinger og broderier, bånd og lisser, knapper, hekter og maljer, strikkepinner, nåler og synåler, kunstige blomster, tepper, ryer, matter, linoleum og annet gulvbelegg, tapeter (ikke av tekstilmateriale), spill og leketøy, gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, juletrepynt, kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt, kjøttekstrakter, konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter, spiselige oljer og fett, kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning, mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis, honning, sirup, gjær, bakepulver, salt, sennep, eddik, sauser, krydderier, is, jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, levende dyr, friske frukter og grønsaker, frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt, øl, mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker, fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer, saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker, alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl), tobakk, artikler for røkere, fyrstikker, for andre med det formål at kunder på enkelt vis skal kunne se og kjøpe slike varer fra detaljistforretninger, engrosutsalg, postordrekataloger, generelle handelskataloger, via telekommunikasjon eller fra en webside på et globalt datanettverk; demonstasjon av varer; arrangering og gjennomføring av utstillinger for reklameformål, kommersielle formål eller handelsformål; arrangering og gjennomføring av handelsmesser; tilby informasjon vedrørende salg av varer; tilby forretningsinformasjon eller kommersiell informasjon, markedsstudier og -undersøkelser, kostnytte-analyser, forretningsledelsesassistanse, vurderinger og evalueringer av forretninger og foretak, konsultasjonstjenester vedrørende forretningsledelse og forretningsorganisering, forretningssøk, forretningsundersøkelser; forretningskonsultasjon vedrørende franchisetakere og lisenstakere; rådgivningstjenester for stormarkeder, kjøpesentre og varehus; bokføring, bokholderi, dekorasjon av 21

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 butikkvinduer, eksport- og importagenturer, konsulentbistand i forretningssaker, konsulentvirksomhet vedrørende personalspørsmål, markedsstudier, markedsundersøkelser, personellrekruttering, presentasjon av varer i kommunikasjonsmedier for detaljsalg, prissammenligningstjenester, rasjonaliseringsekspertise, regnskapsanalyser, regnskapskontroll, reklamebyråer, reklameoppslag, salgsfremmende tjenester (for tredjemann), tilveiebringelse av sponsorer, utarbeidelse av reklametekster, utleie av reklameplass, økonomisk planlegging og økonomiske beregninger; alle de forannevnte tjenester tilbudt og/eller levert online fra en database, kabelmedia eller via internett. Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet, monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; avbetalingsfinansiering, bestyrelse av fast eiendom, eiendomsomsetning, faktoringselskaper, finansieringsvurdering (forsikring, bank, fast eiendom), finansrådgivning, forpaktning av faste eiendommer, kjøpekorttjenester, kredittkorttjenester, utstedelse av gavekort (penger), nettbanktjenester, rådgivning i finansielle spørsmål, veldedighetsinnsamlinger, alle de forannevnte tjenester tilbudt og/eller levert online fra en database, kabelmedia eller via internett. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; bartjenester, catering, kaféer, kafeteriaer, kantiner, restauranter, selvbetjeningsrestauranter, snack-barer; tjenester som utføres av personer eller virksomheter som har til hensikt å tilberede mat og drikke for forbruk. (111) 291197 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612373 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.24 (111) 291198 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611656 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.06 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.06 Takstruppen AS, Kokstadvegen 23, 5257 KOKSTAD, ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 35 Bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter; Bistand ved forretningsledelse; Etterforskning for forretninger; Faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger; Forhandlinger og sluttføring av kommersielle transaksjoner for tredjepart; Forretningsevaluering; Fremskaffelse av forretningsinformasjon via en webside; Fremskaffelse av kommersiell og forretningskontaktinformasjon; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester; Markedsføring; Omflyttingstjenester; Sammenstilling av statistikk; Systematisering av informasjon for bruk i databaser; Utsetting av tjenester [forretningsassistanse]. Klasse 36 Eiendomsomsetning; Forsikringsinformasjon; Taksering av fast eiendom. Klasse 45 Forvaltning av opphavsrettigheter; Lisensiering av immateriell eiendomsrett; Overvåkning av immaterielle rettigheter; Rådgivning for immateriell eiendomsrett. Palo- ia vesitekniikka PA-VE Ov, Paanutie 8, FI-42700 KEURU, Finland Fenno Attorneys at Law, Attorney at Law Mikko Tolvanen, Lonnrotinkatu 11, FI-00101 HELSINGFORS, Finland Klasse 6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikkeelektriske kabler og -tråd av uedelt metall; låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør; sikkerhetsskap og - skrin; malmer. Klasse 11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel oq sanitære formål. Klasse 19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygnings- og anleggsformål; asfalt, bek, tjære oq bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet. (111) 291199 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.04.25, EM, 015370431 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612374 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.24 N.V. Nutricia, Eerste Stationsstraat 186, NL-2712HM ZOETERMEER, Nederland Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 5 Næringsmidler for spesielle medisinske formål; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk; næringsmidler for medisinsk bruk, herunder næringsmidler for barn, spedbarn og invalide; berikende næringsmidler for medisinsk bruk, herunder næringsmidler for barn, spedbarn og invalide; dietetiske ernæringstilskudd for medisinsk bruk; ernæringsprodukter for medisinsk bruk. 22

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291200 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612080 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.18 EnRoute Hoya Corporation, 6-10-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, JP-160-8347 TOKYO, Japan Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 9 Briller, brilleglass, blanke brilleglass, oftalmiske glass, oftalmiske blanke glass, brilleinnfatninger, brilleetuier, solbriller, kontaktlinser, beholdere for kontaktlinser, briller for sport, svømmebriller, skibriller. (111) 291201 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612411 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.25 BEMBERG ARFINSA ARGENTINA FINANCIERA S.A., Av. del Libertador 498, 24 floor, AR-1001 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 33 Viner og musserende viner. (111) 291202 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201506934 (220) Inndato: 2015.06.09 (180) Registreringen 2025.06.09 garden girl Garden Girl AB, Stationsvägen 3, SE-59794 ÅTVIDABERG, Sverige Klasse 8 Hageredskaper, håndredskap. Klasse 21 Potter, spann, hagehansker, kasser, krukker, skohorn, vanningskanner, kjølebager, kost, børster. Klasse 25 Klær, sko, fottøy, hodeplagg. (111) 291203 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612412 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.25 BEMBERG ESTATE WINES ARFINSA ARGENTINA FINANCIERA S.A., Av. del Libertador 498, 24 floor, AR-1001 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 33 Viner og musserende viner. (111) 291204 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612413 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.25 BEMBERG ESTATE WINES LA LINTERNA ARFINSA ARGENTINA FINANCIERA S.A., Av. del Libertador 498, 24 floor, AR-1001 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 33 Viner og musserende viner. (111) 291205 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201602705 (220) Inndato: 2016.02.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.23 Altan AS, Syllinghaugen 3, 3410 SYLLING, MB Norway AS, Fossumveien 2, 3440 RØYKEN, Klasse 11 Apparater og innretninger for kjøling; armatur for bakerovner; armatur for ovner; armer for gassbrennere; bakejern, elektriske; bakeriovner; dampkjeler, andre enn maskindeler; gassbrennere; gassfyrte kjeler; 23

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 kjøleapparater og -installasjoner; kjøleapparater og maskiner; kokeapparater og -installasjoner; stekeapparater og -installasjoner, stekeovner; vaffeljern, elektriske; varmeovner; varmeplater Klasse 35 Import- og eksportagenturer; å, for andres fordel, sammenbringe et bredt utvalg ustyr relatert til matlaging som gjør det mulig for kunder å enkelt se og kjøpe disse varer i et varemagasin, supermarked eller fysisk butikk; å, for andres fordel, sammenbringe et bredt utvalg ustyr relatert til matlaging som gjør det mulig for kunder å enkelt se og kjøpe disse varer via postordrekatalog eller telefonordre; å, for andres fordel, sammenbringe et bredt utvalg ustyr relatert til matlaging som gjør det mulig for kunder å enkelt se og kjøpe disse varer en på nettside for handel med slikt vareutvalg. Klasse 41 Akademier [utdanning]; arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; instruksjon [opplæring]; korrespondansekurs; organisering av ball; organisering av fester [underholdning]; organisering av konkurranser [utdanning eller underholdning]; organisering av kulturelle arrangement [impresariotjenester]; organisering og ledelse av konferanser; organisering og ledelse av kongresser; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidsskrifter on-line; rekreasjonsinformasjon; skriving av tekster [andre enn for reklameformål]; tekstforfattervirksomhet; underholdningsinformasjon; underholdningsvirksomhet; utgivelse av bøker; utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster. (111) 291208 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611723 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.11 A-Tube Aibel AS, Vestre Svanholmen 14, 4313 SANDNES, Klasse 6 Konstruksjoner av metall [bygninger]. (111) 291209 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612344 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 (111) 291206 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.04.21, EM, 015363054 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612340 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 VANISH PLATINUM Reckitt Benckiser Vanish B.V., Siriusdreef 14, NL- 2132WT HOOFDDORP, Nederland Klasse 3 Rengjøringsmidler; blekemidler og andre substanser for klesvask; flekkfjerningsmidler. (111) 291207 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612342 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 EnvoSet WellCem AS, Havnegt. 9, Pirsenteret, 7010 TRONDHEIM, Curo AS, Vestre Rosten 81, 7075 TILLER, Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til bruk ved utvinning av olje og gass fra underjordiske reservoarer. Klasse 37 Vedlikehold- og reparasjonsvirksomhet knyttet til utvinning av olje og gassfra underjordiske reservoarer. Holmgren Group AB, Box 6030, Österängsvägen 8, SE-55006 JÖNKÖPING, Sverige Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 35 Bedriftsadministrasjon; bedriftsadministrasjonstjenester; planlegging vedrørende bedriftsledelse, nemlig søk etter partnere for bedriftsfusjoner, -overdragelser og -etableringer. Klasse 36 Risikokapitaltjenester og forvaltning av risikokapital; investeringstjenester for risikokapital og prosjektkapital; investering av private plasseringer og risikokapital; finansiell investering; finansielle investeringer; verdipapirinvesteringer; verdipapirhandelstjenester; handel med verdipapirer; fondsplassering; fondsforvaltning; fondsinvesteringsforvaltning; fondsinvestering; investeringsmegling; investeringsforvaltning; investeringsselskapstjenester; investeringsfondsforvaltning. 24

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291210 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.04.22, US, 87/010,423 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612022 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.14 Methode Electronics, Inc., 7401 West Wilson Avenue, US-IL60706 CHICAGO, USA Klasse 9 Trådløse kontrollapparater for å styring av motoriserte kjøretøy, kraner og løfteinnretninger. (111) 291211 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612047 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.17 KID INVEST AS, Mellombølgen 145, 1157 OSLO, Filip Durkan Aasheim, Mellombølgen 145, 1157 OSLO, Klasse 9 Musikklydopptak; musikkvideo-opptak; magneter; nedlastbare musikklydopptak; audiovisuelle opptak som presenterer musikk og musikalsk underholdning; nedlastbare ringetoner og grafikk for mobiltelefoner og trådløst utstyr; nedlastbare audiovisuelle opptak som presenterer musikk og musikalsk underholdning; nedlastbare elektroniske noter og plakater; lyd og audiovisuelle opptak som presenterer underholdning og musikk; nedlastbare lyd- og audiovisuelle opptak som presenterer underholdning og musikk; elektronisk utstyr, nemlig hodetelefoner og høyttalere; lyd- og videoopptak; etuier spesielt tilpasset for mobiltelefoner, MP3 spillere, bærbare datamaskiner; lydopptaksapparater og -tilbehør; nedlastbare lyd- og videoopptak; nedlastbar musikk; nedlastbar grafikk; computer software og programmer; nedlastbar computer software inneholdende lyd- og/eller videoopptak eller telefonringetoner; nedlastbar bakgrunn, widget, ikoner og fotografier; nedlastbare bannere, faner; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner og fotografier; nedlastbare podkast, mediefiler på området for musikk og underholdning; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner i form av bøker, magasiner, nyhetsbrev, hefter, småbøker, brosjyrer på området for musikk og underholdning; filmer som presenterer musikk og underholdning; digitale videodisker; lagringsbokser for CDer og DVDer; beholdere og etuier for mobiltelefoner og personlig elektronisk utstyr; tilbehør for mobiltelefoner og personlig elektronisk utstyr; computermus-underlag, øretelefoner. Klasse 16 Kalendre; suvenirprogrammer vedrørende rockekonserter; litografiske trykk; fotografier; plakater; minnebøker og jubileumsbøker; vedrørende musikkturer, postkort, bilder, dagbøker, lommekalendre, hilsningskort, adressebøker, trykte billetter, støtfangerplakater, fotografialbumer, bildekort, handelskort, byttekort, notisblokker, trykte klistremerker og etiketter og overføringsbilder; trykt materiell inkludert noter, sangbøker, suvenirprogrammer vedrørende en musikkartister og disses opptak og forestillinger; trykte publikasjoner; hefter, småbøker; bøker; kataloger; foldere; magasiner; tidsskrifter; bokhandlervarer; undervisningsmateriell; festmateriell av papir; penner og skriveinstrumenter; trykt musikk; musikkbøker; instruksjonsveiledere og -manualer; musikk i noteformat; suvenirprogrammer vedrørende musikkhendelser; magasiner og brosjyrer på området musikk. Klasse 25 Klær, inkludert skjorter, jakker, t-skjorter; gensere; hettegensere; hodeplagg, skjerf; fottøy; hodeplagg; mansjetter, håndleddsbånd. Klasse 35 Administrasjon av prosjekter. Bedriftsledelse for utøvende kunstnere. Bedriftsopplysninger. Bistand ved forretningsledelse. Demonstrasjoner av varer. Design av markedsføringsmateriale. Faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger. Fakturering. Forretningsadministrasjon ved lisensiering av varer og tjenester for andre. Forretningsledelse for frilans tjenesteytere. Kommersielle formidlingstjenester. Markedsføring. Modelltjenester for reklame og salg. Produsering av reklamefilmer. Public Relation [PR-virksomhet]. Regnskapskontroll. Reklameoppslag. Reklamevirksomhet. Rådgivning for forretningsledelse. Rådgivning om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse. Rådgivningstjeneste for forretningsledelse. Salg av digitale informasjonsprodukter. Salg av motevarer. Sammenstilling av statistikk. Sponsorsøktjenester. Tekstbehandlingstjenester. Utarbeidelse av lønningslister. Økonomiske beregninger. Økonomisk planlegging. Websidetrafikk optimalisering. Klasse 38 Fremskaffelse av nettsider som viser musikalfremføringer og informasjon om opptak, fremføring, musikk, turnéer og andre underholdningsinnhold; fremskaffelse av ikkenedlastbare audiovisuelle opptak; fremskaffelse av nettsteder som viser underholdningsinformasjon om artister og musikere/komponister, og disses turnéer, fremføringer, ikke-nedlastbare audio og audiovisuelle opptak som viser musikk, musikkbasert underholdning, nyheter, fremføringer/opptredener, fotografier, biografier og annen underholdningsinformasjon, fremskaffelse av podcast på området musikk og underholdning. Klasse 41 Underholdningstjenester og kulturelle aktiviteter, konserter, fremføringer, utgivelser av fonogrammer; Underholdningsvirksomhet i form av levende musikkfremføringer; fremskaffelse av online nyhetsbrev på området musikk; nettside-tjenester, nemlig fremskaffelse av online spill, inkludert online dataspill, fremskaffelse av online spilling og spilltjenester, fremskaffelse av online elektroniske publikasjoner; fremskaffelse av media og underholdning via forskjellige plattformer gjennom mangfoldige metoder av overføring av media; produksjon av film, dokumentarer, fjernsynsprogrammer; fjernsynsunderholdning relatert til popmusikk; fremskaffelse av ikke- nedlastbare lydopptak; animasjonstjenester; fjernsynsunderholdning relatert til popmusikk; underholdningsvirksomhet inkludert periodiske levende musikalfremføringer; underholdningstjenester; fremskaffelse av forhåndsinnspilte ikke-nedlastbar musikkunderholdning og musikkvideoer via et globalt computer nettverk og/eller trådløse nettverk; fremskaffelse av forhåndsinnspilte ikke-nedlastbare underholdningsvideoer via et globalt computer nettverk 25

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 og/eller trådløse nettverk; fremskaffelse av underholdningsinformasjon om artister og musikere/komponister, disses fremføringer, diskografer og også fremskaffelse av fotografier og videoklipp, alle via en nettside, online profilsider, et globalt computer nettverk og/eller trådløse nettverk; fremskaffelse av ikke-nedlastbare ringetoner og grafikk presentert for mobilkommunikasjonsinnretninger via et globalt computer nettverk og/eller trådløse nettverk; online journaler, nemlig blogger som viser informasjon om artister og musikere/komponister; arrangering og avholdelse av festivaler som viser en artister, musikere/komponister; underholdnings- og utdannelsetjenester; online journaler; fanklubber; webcast som viser musikk, musikkbasert underholdning og underholdning; Arrangering og ledelse av konserter; Artistooptredener; DJ-tjenster; Distribusjon av film; Diskotektjenester; Digital Bildebearbeidelse; Filmproduksjon, andre enn reklamefilmer; Produksjon av reklamefilmer; Fjernsynsunderhldning; Fotografering; Innspillingsstudioer; Klubbvirksomhet; Lydtekniske tjenester; Motevisninger som underholdning; Nettklubber; Organisering av fester; Organisering av Kulturelle arrangementer; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; Praktisk opplæring; Produksjon av musikk; Produksjon av radio- og fjernsynsprogram; Radiounderholdning; Sceneoppførseler; Showoppsetninger; Underholdsningsinformasjon; Underholdningsvirksomhet; Undervisning; Utleie av lydopptak; Utleie av lydutstyr; Utleie av radioer og fjernsynsapprater; Utleie av sceneutstyr; Utleie av kinematografiske filmer; Videobåndregisgering; Videofilming. (111) 291212 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612048 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.17 GR:OW KID INVEST AS, Mellombølgen 145, 1157 OSLO, Filip Durkan Aasheim, Mellombølgen 145, 1157 OSLO, Klasse 9 Musikklydopptak; musikkvideo-opptak; magneter; nedlastbare musikklydopptak; audiovisuelle opptak som presenterer musikk og musikalsk underholdning; nedlastbare ringetoner og grafikk for mobiltelefoner og trådløst utstyr; nedlastbare audiovisuelle opptak som presenterer musikk og musikalsk underholdning; nedlastbare elektroniske noter og plakater; lyd og audiovisuelle opptak som presenterer underholdning og musikk; nedlastbare lyd- og audiovisuelle opptak som presenterer underholdning og musikk; elektronisk utstyr, nemlig hodetelefoner og høyttalere; lyd- og videoopptak; etuier spesielt tilpasset for mobiltelefoner, MP3 spillere, bærbare datamaskiner; lydopptaksapparater og -tilbehør; nedlastbare lyd- og videoopptak; nedlastbar musikk; nedlastbar grafikk; computer software og programmer; nedlastbar computer software inneholdende lyd- og/eller videoopptak eller telefonringetoner; nedlastbar bakgrunn, widget, ikoner og fotografier; nedlastbare bannere, faner; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner og fotografier; nedlastbare podkast, mediefiler på området for musikk og underholdning; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner i form av bøker, magasiner, nyhetsbrev, hefter, småbøker, brosjyrer på området for musikk og underholdning; filmer som presenterer musikk og underholdning; digitale videodisker; lagringsbokser for CDer og DVDer; beholdere og etuier for mobiltelefoner og personlig elektronisk utstyr; tilbehør for mobiltelefoner og personlig elektronisk utstyr; computermus-underlag, øretelefoner. Klasse 16 Kalendre; suvenirprogrammer vedrørende rockekonserter; litografiske trykk; fotografier; plakater; minnebøker og jubileumsbøker; vedrørende musikkturer, postkort, bilder, dagbøker, lommekalendre, hilsningskort, adressebøker, trykte billetter, støtfangerplakater, fotografialbumer, bildekort, handelskort, byttekort, notisblokker, trykte klistremerker og etiketter og overføringsbilder; trykt materiell inkludert noter, sangbøker, suvenirprogrammer vedrørende en musikkartister og disses opptak og forestillinger; trykte publikasjoner; hefter, småbøker; bøker; kataloger; foldere; magasiner; tidsskrifter; bokhandlervarer; undervisningsmateriell; festmateriell av papir; penner og skriveinstrumenter; trykt musikk; musikkbøker; instruksjonsveiledere og -manualer; musikk i noteformat; suvenirprogrammer vedrørende musikkhendelser; magasiner og brosjyrer på området musikk. Klasse 25 Klær, inkludert skjorter, jakker, t-skjorter; gensere; hettegensere; hodeplagg, skjerf; fottøy; hodeplagg; mansjetter, håndleddsbånd. Klasse 35 Administrasjon av prosjekter. Bedriftsledelse for utøvende kunstnere. Bedriftsopplysninger. Bistand ved forretningsledelse. Demonstrasjoner av varer. Design av markedsføringsmateriale. Faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger. Fakturering. Forretningsadministrasjon ved lisensiering av varer og tjenester for andre. Forretningsledelse for frilans tjenesteytere. Kommersielle formidlingstjenester. Markedsføring. Modelltjenester for reklame og salg. Produsering av reklamefilmer. Public Relation [PR-virksomhet]. Regnskapskontroll. Reklameoppslag. Reklamevirksomhet. Rådgivning for forretningsledelse. Rådgivning om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse. Rådgivningstjeneste for forretningsledelse. Salg av digitale informasjonsprodukter. Salg av motevarer. Sammenstilling av statistikk. Sponsorsøktjenester. Tekstbehandlingstjenester. Utarbeidelse av lønningslister. Økonomiske beregninger. Økonomisk planlegging. Websidetrafikk optimalisering. Klasse 38 Fremskaffelse av nettsider som viser musikalfremføringer og informasjon om opptak, fremføring, musikk, turnéer og andre underholdningsinnhold; fremskaffelse av ikkenedlastbare audiovisuelle opptak; fremskaffelse av nettsteder som viser underholdningsinformasjon om artister og musikere/komponister, og disses turnéer, fremføringer, ikke-nedlastbare audio og audiovisuelle opptak som viser musikk, musikkbasert underholdning, nyheter, fremføringer/opptredener, fotografier, biografier og annen underholdningsinformasjon, fremskaffelse av podcast på området musikk og underholdning. Klasse 41 Underholdningstjenester og kulturelle aktiviteter, konserter, fremføringer, utgivelser av fonogrammer; Underholdningsvirksomhet i form av levende musikkfremføringer; fremskaffelse av online nyhetsbrev på området musikk; nettside-tjenester, nemlig fremskaffelse av online spill, inkludert online dataspill, fremskaffelse av online spilling og spilltjenester, fremskaffelse av online elektroniske publikasjoner; fremskaffelse av media og underholdning via forskjellige plattformer gjennom mangfoldige metoder av overføring av media; produksjon av film, dokumentarer, fjernsynsprogrammer; fjernsynsunderholdning relatert til popmusikk; fremskaffelse av ikke- nedlastbare lydopptak; animasjonstjenester; fjernsynsunderholdning relatert til popmusikk; underholdningsvirksomhet inkludert periodiske levende musikalfremføringer; underholdningstjenester; fremskaffelse av forhåndsinnspilte ikke-nedlastbar musikkunderholdning og musikkvideoer via et globalt computer nettverk 26

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 og/eller trådløse nettverk; fremskaffelse av forhåndsinnspilte ikke-nedlastbare underholdningsvideoer via et globalt computer nettverk og/eller trådløse nettverk; fremskaffelse av underholdningsinformasjon om artister og musikere/komponister, disses fremføringer, diskografer og også fremskaffelse av fotografier og videoklipp, alle via en nettside, online profilsider, et globalt computer nettverk og/eller trådløse nettverk; fremskaffelse av ikke-nedlastbare ringetoner og grafikk presentert for mobilkommunikasjonsinnretninger via et globalt computer nettverk og/eller trådløse nettverk; online journaler, nemlig blogger som viser informasjon om artister og musikere/komponister; arrangering og avholdelse av festivaler som viser en artister, musikere/komponister; underholdnings- og utdannelsetjenester; online journaler; fanklubber; webcast som viser musikk, musikkbasert underholdning og underholdning; Arrangering og ledelse av konserter; Artistooptredener; DJ-tjenster; Distribusjon av film; Diskotektjenester; Digital Bildebearbeidelse; Filmproduksjon, andre enn reklamefilmer; PRoduksjon av reklamefilmer; Fjernsynsunderhldning; Fotografering; Innspillingsstudioer; Klubbvirksomhet; LYdtekniske tjenester; Motevisninger som underholdning; Nettklubber; Organisering av fester; Organisering av Kulturelle arrangementer; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; Praktisk opplæring; Produksjon av musikk; PRoduksjon av radio- og fjernsynsprogram; Radiounderholdning; Sceneoppførseler; Showoppsetninger; Underholdsningsinformasjon; Underholdningsvirksomhet; Undervisning; Utleie av lydopptak; Utleie av lydutstyr; Utleie av radioer og fjernsynsapprater; Utleie av sceneutstyr; Utleie av kinematografiske filmer; Videobåndregisgering; Videofilming. (111) 291213 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611745 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.12 STORM Rainpower Technology AS, Postboks 144, 2027 KJELLER, Hynell AS, Parkveien 53 B, 0256 OSLO, Klasse 7 Turbiner og generatorer til kraftverk; integrerte kraftverksturbiner og -generatorer, ikke maskinturbiner eller -generatorer. Klasse 9 Aggregatregulatorer og regulatorsystemer for turbinregulering, magnetisering, vannstandsregulering, synkronisering og turtallovervåking. (111) 291214 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612109 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.19 ACCENTURE MYWIZARD Accenture Global Services Limited, 3 Grand Canal Plaza, Upper Grande Canal Street, IE- DUBLIN 4, Irland Klasse 9 Nedlastbar skybasert programvare med maskinlærings- og kognitiv datateknologi for anvendelse i datasystemintegrasjon, programvareapplikasjonsutvikling, programvareapplikasjonsadministrering, dataanalyse, databeregning og dataorganisering; nedlastbar skybasert programvare med maskinlærings- og kognitiv datateknologi for forretningsanalyse, identifisering og automatisering av oppgaver, oppretting av prediksjonsmodeller, identifisering av mangler i forretningsmodeller. Klasse 42 Tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av ikke-nedlastbar skybasert programvare med maskinlærings- og kognitiv datateknologi for anvendelse i datasystemintegrasjon, programvareapplikasjonsutvikling, programvareapplikasjonsadministrering, dataanalyse, databeregning og dataorganisering; tilveiebringe midlertidig bruk av ikke-nedlastbar skybasert programvare med maskinlærings- og kognitiv datateknologi for forretningsanalyse, identifisering og automatisering av oppgaver, oppretting av prediksjonsmodeller, identifisering av mangler i forretningsmodeller. (111) 291215 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612756 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.28 BATNUT HOLDING AS, Vestre Nordgardsleitet 5, 5137 MJØLKERÅEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 18 Kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer og parasoller; bager; beskyttelsestrekk for vesker, kofferter, bager og ryggsekker; etuier for nøkler i lær og imitasjoner av lær; handlenett; håndvesker; lommebøker; portemoneer, ikke av edelmetall; rammer for håndvesker; regntrekk for vesker, kofferter, bager og ryggsekker; reisebager; reisemapper [lærvarer]; ryggsekker; sminkekofferter; sminkevesker; sportsbager; toalettmapper; toalettvesker; visittkortholdere. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. 27

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; salg av varer som nevnt i klassene 18 og 25, samt kosmetikk, parfymevarer, rengjøringsmidler, såper, preparater for personlig pleie, hårpreparater, vedlikeholdspreparater for lærvarer og lærimitasjoner, vaske- og rensemidler, bøker, magasiner, solbriller, briller, etuier og vesker for datamaskiner, telefoner og nettbrett, leker, sportsutstyr, kaffe og te. (111) 291216 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612385 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.24 K5 Klinikken SARPSBORG KLINIKKEN AS, Postboks 84, 1701 SARPSBORG, Klasse 44 Legehjelp; Klinikktjenester innen medisin og helsepleie; Klinikker; Fødsel- og gynekologitjenester; Genetisk veiledning; Fysiske eksaminasjoner; Legetjenester; Medisinske tjenester; Helsetjeneste; Gynekologiske kreftprøver fra skjede og livmorhals; Ultralydundersøkelse av gravide. (111) 291217 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612757 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.28 BATNUT HOLDING AS, Vestre Nordgardsleitet 5, 5137 MJØLKERÅEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 18 Kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer og parasoller; bager; beskyttelsestrekk for vesker, kofferter, bager og ryggsekker; etuier for nøkler i lær og imitasjoner av lær; handlenett; håndvesker; lommebøker; portemoneer, ikke av edelmetall; rammer for håndvesker; regntrekk for vesker, kofferter, bager og ryggsekker; reisebager; reisemapper [lærvarer]; ryggsekker; sminkekofferter; sminkevesker; sportsbager; toalettmapper; toalettvesker; visittkortholdere. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; salg av varer som nevnt i klassene 18 og 25, samt kosmetikk, parfymevarer, rengjøringsmidler, såper, preparater for personlig pleie, hårpreparater, vedlikeholdspreparater for lærvarer og lærimitasjoner, vaske- og rensemidler, bøker, magasiner, solbriller, briller, etuier og vesker for datamaskiner, telefoner og nettbrett, leker, sportsutstyr, kaffe og te. (111) 291218 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.08.12, EM, 015751845 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612319 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.20 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.20 YABIMO SP ZOO SERVICES SP K, c/o BDT Viken Regnskap AS, Hoffsveien 15, 0275 OSLO, YABIMO SP ZOO KOMANDITTSELSKAP KS, c/o BDT Viken Regnskap AS, Hoffsveien 15, 0275 OSLO, YABIMO AS, c/o BDT VIken Regnskap AS, Hoffsveien 15, 0275 OSLO, YABIMO Sp. z o.o., Konarskiego 9, PL-33-100 TARNOW, Polen Marta Kolakowski, c/o BDT Viken Regnskap AS, Vestre Braarudgate 2, 3181 HORTEN, Klasse 6 Båndstål; gitter av metall; gjerder av metall; palisader av metall; piper av metall; piperør av metall; rør av metall; støpestål; stål, ubearbeidet eller halvbearbeidet; stålbånd; stålkonstruksjoner; stålmaster; stålplater; stålslanger; ståltråd. Klasse 35 Administrasjon av prosjekter; administrativ ordreutførelse/ordregjennomføring; arbeidsformidling; bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter; konsulentbistand i forretningssaker; konsultasjoner for bedrifts- og forretningsledelse; konsultasjoner i personalspørsmål; outsourcing av administrative ledelsestjenester for bedrifter; outsourcingstjenester [forretningsassistanse]; personellrekruttering; personellutvelgelse ved psykotekniske fremgangsmåter. Klasse 42 Analysering av datasystemer; arkitekttjenester; arkitekturkonsultasjoner; datasikkerhetstjenester [konsultasjon]; design av computersystemer; industridesign; konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; kvalitetskontroll; mekanisk forskning; oppdatering av dataprogrammer; oppmåling; outsourcing av IT-tjenester; plantegning i forbindelse med bygging; plattformtjenester [PaaS]; programmering for datamaskiner; rådgivningstjenester innen datateknologi; rådgivningstjenester innen IT; skriving av tekniske dokumenter; softwaretjenester [SaaS]; tegning [industridesign]; teknisk forskning; teknologiske 28

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 rådgivningstjenester; utarbeidelse av dataprogrammer. (111) 291219 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612419 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.25 (111) 291221 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201610057 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.06 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.06 William Byholt, Fagerheimgata 20 B, 0475 OSLO, Klasse 25 Badebukser; Bekledning for syklister; Belter [bekledning]; Bukser; Bukseseler; Dresser; Fottøy; Gensere; Halstørklær; Hansker [bekledning]; Hatter; Hetter [klær]; Hodeplagg; Jakker; Klær for gymnastikk; Morgenkåper; Parkas; Ponchoer; Pyjamaser; Regntøy; Sko; Sokker; Sportssingleter; Svetteabsorberende sokker; Svetteabsorberende undertøy; Truser; T- skjorter; Tøfler; Underskjorter. Klasse 35 Markedsføring; Reklamevirksomhet; Salg av digitale informasjonsprodukter; Salg av gaveartikler; Salg av motevarer; Salg av suvenirer; Salgsfremmende tjenester [for tredjemann]; Skriving av reklametekster. Klasse 39 Organisering av cruisefart; Organisering av reiser; Reiseledervirksomhet; Reisereservering; Sjåførtjenester. GIR MER AS, c/o NTE Marked AS, Sjøfartsgata 3, 7714 STEINKJER, Advokatfirmaet Steenstrup Stordrange DA, Postboks 1829 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; salg av elektrisk kraft; administrasjon av fordelsprogrammer for strømkunder. Klasse 36 Meglervirksomhet for kraftforsyning. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; installasjon og reparasjon av elektriske apparater; installasjon og reparasjon av kraftledninger; utleie av nett til kraftforsyning. (111) 291222 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201607263 (220) Inndato: 2016.06.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.24 (111) 291220 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612380 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.24 ENCHANTED WISH Mary Kay Inc., 16251 Dallas Parkway, US-TX75001 ADDISON, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 3 Dufter for personlig bruk; parfymer; eau de cologne; eau-de-toilette; kosmetikk; ikke-medisinske hudpleiepreparater; ikke-medisinske toalettartikler; barberpreparater; tørroljesprayer (dry oil sprays); kroppssprayer; kroppsvaskemiddel (body wash); dusjkremer. BJØRN BORTEN, GUDÅ, 7530 MERÅKER, Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; salg og markedsføring av alle typer kunstige tannerstatninger, tanntekniske løsninger, kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske, tenner og suturmaterialer. Klasse 40 Tanntekniske tjenester og produksjon av tannteknisk utstyr. Klasse 44 Rådgivning i forbindelse med individuelt tilpasset medisinsk utstyr og kosmetisk tannpleie. 29

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291223 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201607271 (220) Inndato: 2016.06.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.22 HEAVENLY BY DOGMAN AB Dogman, Box 100, SE-26522 ÅSTORP, Sverige Awapatent AB, Box 5117, SE-20071 MALMÖ, Sverige Klasse 21 Mat- og vannskåler for husdyr; børster, kammer og tannbørster for husdyr; bokser og beholdere for mat for husdyr og for godbiter for husdyr. Klasse 28 Leketøy for dyr. Klasse 31 Dyremat og dyrefor; tyggeben for dyr (spiselige), tyggeruller, tyggefletter, tyggekjepper, tyggechips og tyggebarer for dyr; spiselige godbiter for husdyr. (111) 291224 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612434 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.26 KRELL Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd, 203, Teheran-ro (Yeoksamdong), KR- GANGNAM-GU, SEOUL, Sør-Korea Plougmann Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 9 Audioutstyr for kjøretøy, nemlig hodetelefoner, CD spillere, DVD spillere, spillere for ferdiginspilte optiske disker, apparat for strømming (streaming) av digitalt media, prosessorer for digitale signaler, høytalere, subwoofers, forsterkere, utjevnere (equalizers), apparater for overkrysning (corssovers), dokkinsgstasjoner for digitale audioapparater, mottakere (receivers), AM/FM satellitt radiotunere, kasser for høytalere, øretelefoner, griller og innmat til høytalere. (111) 291225 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.06.02, EM, 015501083 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612017 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.14 AER MEMORIES OF OLD Forgotten Key Aktiebolag, Biblioteksgatan 4, SE-37435 KARLSHAMN, Sverige Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Klasse 9 Spillprogramvare; dataspill; programvareapplikasjoner; dataspillprogramvare nedlastet via Internett [programvare]; videospillprogramvare. Klasse 25 Klær; T-skjorter; gensere; hodeplagg; capser; hatter. Klasse 28 Spillkonsoller; elektroniske spill; bærbare dataspill; håndholdte enheter for spilling av videospill; Arkadespill; spill; leketøy. Klasse 41 On-line spilltjenester; forsyning av spill; tilveiebringelse av dataspill; tilveiebringelse av videospill; underholdningstjenester vedrørende dataspill og videospill; spilltjenester tilgjengeliggjort via datanettverk og globale kommunikasjonsnett; tjenester vedrørende elektroniske spill via Internett. Klasse 42 Utvikling av dataspillprogramvare; utvikling av videospillprogramvare; programmeringstjenester knyttet til dataprogramvare; oppdatering av programvare for dataspill og videospill; utleie av dataspillprogramvare og videospillprogramvare. (111) 291226 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612433 (220) Inndato: 2016.11.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.11.25 PACACEL The Dow Chemical Company, US-MI48674 MIDLAND, USA Klasse 1 Løsemiddelfritt lamineringslim til bruk i fleksibel emballering. (111) 291227 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.05.18, EM, 015450455 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201606255 (220) Inndato: 2016.05.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.27 NORDIC FLOOR by ARREDO Arredo AB, Jägersrovägen 82, SE-21237 MALMÖ, Sverige Advokatbyrån Gulliksson AB, Box 739, SE-22007 LUND, Sverige Klasse 11 Lamper; badekar, massasjebad; boblebad; bidé; miksere [kraner]; vaskeservanter til bad; toalettseter; dusjer; dusjdører; dusjkabinett; badkararmaturer; varmekabler til gulv; Sanitære anlegg og innretninger for vannforsyning og sanitærforhold ; Belysning og belysningsreflektorer; Tørking installasjoner; Dampbad og badstuer; oppvarming utstyr; Utstyr for oppvarming, ventilasjon, air condition og rensing (ambient); servanter. Klasse 19 Materialer og elementer for bygg og anlegg, ikke av metall; finér; gulv av tre; laminert tre; parkett tre; Dører, porter, vinduer og vindusskjermer, ikke av metall; Tre og kunstig tre; bygnings- og gulvfliser; klinker; marmor; glass bygningsstein; glass for bygningsformål. Klasse 20 Møbler; Speil (forsølvet glass); Hage møbler; Baderomsmøbler ; bad speil; Kjøkkener; kommoder; benke; pidestaller (møbler); garderober; hyller; persienner og beslag for gardiner og persienner (innendørs); Dør, port og vindubeslag, ikke-metallic. Klasse 27 Gulvbelegg og kunstige land gulvbelegg; linoleum; 30

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 gulvmatter ; tepper. (111) 291228 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.05.17, EM, 015444235 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201606257 (220) Inndato: 2016.05.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.27 ARREDO Arredo AB, Jägersrovägen 82, SE-21237 MALMÖ, Sverige Advokatbyrån Gulliksson AB, Box 739, SE-22007 LUND, Sverige Klasse 11 Lamper; badekar, massasjebad; boblebad; bidé; miksere [kraner]; vaskeservanter til bad; toalettseter; dusjer; dusjdører; dusjkabinett; badkararmaturer; varmekabler til gulv; Sanitære anlegg og innretninger for vannforsyning og sanitærforhold ; Belysning og belysningsreflektorer; Tørking installasjoner; Dampbad og badstuer; oppvarming utstyr; Utstyr for oppvarming, ventilasjon, air condition og rensing (ambient); servanter. Klasse 19 Materialer og elementer for bygg og anlegg, ikke av metall; finér; gulv av tre; laminert tre; parkett tre; Dører, porter, vinduer og vindusskjermer, ikke av metall; Tre og kunstig tre; bygnings- og gulvfliser; klinker; marmor; glass bygningsstein; glass for bygningsformål. Klasse 20 Møbler; Speil (forsølvet glass); Hage møbler; Baderomsmøbler ; bad speil; Kjøkkener; kommoder; benke; pidestaller (møbler); garderober; hyller; persienner og beslag for gardiner og persienner (innendørs); Dør, port og vindubeslag, ikke-metallic. Klasse 27 Gulvbelegg og kunstige land gulvbelegg; linoleum; gulvmatter ; tepper. (111) 291229 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.06.10, EM, 015522915 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612428 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.26 BAKALVIO AstraZeneca AB, SE-15185 SÖDERTÄLJE, Sverige Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser. (111) 291230 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612016 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.14 RAMA UNIVERSAL Unilever N.V., Weena 455, NL-3013AL ROTTERDAM, Nederland Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 29 Spiselige oljer og fett. (111) 291231 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.06.10, EM, 015522873 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612427 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.26 CALQUENCE AstraZeneca AB, SE-15185 SÖDERTÄLJE, Sverige Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser. (111) 291232 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201507171 (220) Inndato: 2015.06.08 (180) Registreringen 2025.06.08 SOLO Saint-Gobain Ecophon AB, Box 500, SE-26503 HYLLINGE, Sverige Advokatfirman Eriksson & Co Law AB, Box 4057, SE- 20311 MALMÖ, Sverige Klasse 17 Tetnings-, paknings-, lydisolerings-, lyd og/eller varmeisoleringsmatenaler; mineralull, isoleringsmaterialer laget av mineralull; glassvatt, glassfibre og steinfibre for isoleringsformål; isoleringsmaterialer i form av paneler og blokker med eller uten kledning; isoleringstape og bånd; metallfolier for isoleringsformål; fiberglass strukturer og maling for isoleringsmaterialer. Klasse 19 Tak; takfliser, -paneler og -plater; veggpaneler, -plater og -fliser; fasadeelementer, kledning og veggbelegg for vegger og tak i bygninger; ytterkledning for bygninger; skillevegger (ikke av metall);gitterverk, glideskinner, hengere, profiler, lister, skjøter og klemmer (ikke av metall) for opphengte tak og vegger; deler og tilbehør til alle forannevnte varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). Varer av sten omfattes ikke. 31

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291233 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612113 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.19 WRIGHT FLOW TECHNOLOGIES Wright Flow Technologies, Inc., 406 State Street, US- IA50613 CEDAR FALLS, USA Klasse 7 Pumper (maskiner); pumper [maskin- eller motordeler]. (111) 291234 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612116 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.19 COSMO CLINIC AS, Voksenkollveien 11 H, 0791 OSLO, Klasse 44 Plastikkirurgisk behandling (111) 291236 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612006 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.14 Trisor WesternGeco L.L.C, 10001 Richmond Avenue, US- TX77042 HOUSTON, USA Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 9 Kontroller for marine seismiske kilder som gir timing, omfang, og signaturaspekter av en seismisk kilde som benyttes i forbindelse med olje- og gassleting og produksjon. Klasse 41 Trening i forbindelse med bruk av kontroller for marine seismiske kilder. Klasse 42 Tekniske- og konsulenttjenester innen olje- og gassleting og produksjon. (111) 291237 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201702034 (220) Inndato: 2017.02.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.02.16 (111) 291235 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612042 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.17 REGENICS AS, Postboks 4536 Nydalen, 0404 OSLO, Klasse 3 Kosmetiske kremer og andre kosmetikkapplikasjoner til hud. ANN HILDEGUNN SOLBERG, SANDEIDGATA 19, 4012 STAVANGER, Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, opptaksplater; kompaktdisker, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner; databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater. 32

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Klasse 16 Papir og papp; trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier; skrivemateriell og kontorrekvisita, unntatt møbler; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere og tegnemateriell; malerpensler; instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell; plastark, folier og poser for innpakning og emballering; trykktyper, klisjeer. Klasse 18 Lær og lærimitasjoner; skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer og parasoller; spaserstokker, pisk, seletøy og salmakervarer; halsbånd, lenker og klær for dyr. Klasse 21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt -beholdere; kammer og svamper, børster (ikke malerpensler); materialer for børstebinding; gjenstander til rengjøringsformål; stålull; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass, unntatt bygningsglass; glassvarer, porselen og keramikk. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. (111) 291238 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612309 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.20 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.20 SoMe Bonaventura Sales AS, Vollsveien 9, 1366 LYSAKER, Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle, vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; ubearbeidede syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast; gjødningsmidler; ildslukningsmidler; preparater og midler for herding og lodding; kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler til industrielle formål; protein (råvarer); proteiner for bruk i produksjon; proteiner for bruk i produksjon av kosttilskudd; proteiner for Klasse 5 matvareindustrien. Farmasøytiske, medisinske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetisk mat og stoffer for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; plaster og forbindingsstoffer; materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler; preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, frosne, tørkede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geleer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg; melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød, bakverk, konditorvarer og konfektyrer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik, sauser; krydderier; is. Klasse 31 Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter; rå og ubearbeidet korn og frø; friske frukter og grønnsaker; naturlige planter og blomster; levende dyr; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. (111) 291239 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.05.18, AZ, 2016 32961 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612429 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.26 e-voke Nicoventures Holdings Limited, Globe House, 1 Water Street, GB-WC2R3LA LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 10 Medisinske innretninger for menneskelig bruk i form av inhalatorer, inhalasjonsapparater, munnspray og nesespray, dampproduserende innretninger for medisinsk bruk og som røykeerstatninger, elektroniske sigaretter for medisinske formål. (111) 291240 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611974 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.13 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.13 EYE-LIFE AS, Postboks 164, 8503 NARVIK, Klasse 9 Applikasjoner, nedlastbare; databehandlingsapparater og innretninger; dataprogrammer (software) [nedlastbar programvare] for visning av ultralydbilde på smartenheter til bruk sammen med ultralydprobe. Klasse 10 Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter; diagnoseapparater for medisinske formål, håndholdte ultralydprober (scannere) med ulike egenskaper (type bilde, ulik dybde, Doppler funksjon) til bruk i medisinsk / veterinær bransje. 33

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291241 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.04.29, EM, 015391212 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612314 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.20 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.20 ATG Ceylon (Pvt) Limited, Spur Road 7 Phase 2, LK- IPZ, KATUNAYAKE, Sri Lanka Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 9 Verne- og beskyttelseshansker; industrielle verne- og beskyttelseshansker. (111) 291242 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612349 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 GET TWISTED Unilever PLC, Port Sunlight, GB-CH624ZD WIRRAL, MERSEYSIDE, Storbritannia Klasse 3 Såper; parfymevarer; eteriske oljer; deodoranter og antiperspiranter; hårpleieprodukter; hårfargemidler, hårfargestoffer, hårvann, hårbølgingspreparater, shampoer, balsam, hårspray, hårpulver, hårbehandlingsmidler, hårlakk, hårmousses, glansemidler for hår, hårgels, fuktighetsgivende hårpleiemidler, hårvæsker, beskyttende hårpleiemidler, hårpleiemidler for håruttørking, håroljer, hår-tonic, hårkremer, bade- og/eller dusj-preparater; ikkemedisinske toalettpreparater; hudpleie preparater; kosmetikk. (111) 291243 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612075 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.18 CAR-O-LINER CAR-O-LINER AB, Box 7, SE-73600 KUNGSÖR, Sverige Klasse 7 Maskiner inkludert i klasse 7 for justering av bilkarosserier i forbindelse med reparasjon. Klasse 9 Mekaniske og elektroniske målemaskiner for identifisering og analyse av strukturelle skader på biler; utjevningsinstrumenter. Klasse 41 Utdanning vedrørende reparasjon av biler. (111) 291244 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.08.15, EM, 015745953 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201610574 (220) Inndato: 2016.09.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.14 SECTO Secto Automotive Group Oy, Näsintie 27, FI-06100 BORGÅ, Finland Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Klasse 35 Forretningsledelse av kjøretøysflåter for andre; administrative og organisatoriske tjenester relatert til leasing og utleie av kjøretøy, trailere, gaffeltrucker, løftekraner og løfteredskap. Klasse 36 Leasingfinansiering av kjøretøy, trailere, gaffeltrucker, løftekraner og løfteredskap. Klasse 37 Reparasjon og vedlikehold av kjøretøy, trailere, gaffeltrucker, løftekraner og løfteredskap. Klasse 39 Utleie, leasing, transport og lagring av kjøretøyer, trailere, gaffeltrucker, løftekraner og løfteredskap; redningstjenester for kjøretøy. (111) 291245 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612351 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 DetoxiMin IC SCANDINAVIA AS, Henrik Ibsens gate 36, 0255 OSLO, Klasse 3 Blekemidler for kosmetisk bruk; deodoranter for mennesker eller dyr; deodorantsåper; etterbarberingsmidler; fargestoffer for håret; hårfargestoffer; hårspray; kosmetikk for øyebryn; kosmetikksett; kosmetisk krem; kosmetiske preparater for hudpleie; leppestifter; lipgloss; lotion for kosmetisk 34

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Klasse 8 bruk; maskara; masker for skjønnhetspleie; neglelakk; oljer for parfymer; parfymer; parfymevarer; pudder for sminking; rouge; sjampo; sjampo for kjæledyr; sminkeprodukter; sminker; solbeskyttende midler; solkrem; såpe; såpestykke; tørrsjampo; kosmetikk og kosmetiske preparater; eteriske oljer, hudpleie og hårpleieprodukter; hårstyling-preparater, nemlig, hårspray, mousse, gele, voks, oljer, kremer, lotion og balsamer; preparater for vasking, toning, farging, bleking, legging og styling av hår; preparater for hårkrølling. Hårkrølling (redskap for-); hårsakser for klipping, elektriske eller ikke; manikyrsett, elektriske; neglefiler; neglefiler, elektriske; neglepoleringsfiler; sakser; elektriske apparater for hår; elektriske hårstylingsjern; hårklippemaskiner, elektriske; rettetang, elektriske; krølltenger, elektriske; håndverktøy for hårkrølling, ikke elektriske; håndverktøy for hårkrølling, elektrisk. Klasse 44 Frisørsalonger; manikyrtjenester; skjønnhetssalonger; skjønnhetspleietjenester; frisør- og skjønnhetssalongtjenester; rådgivningstjenester innen sminke. (111) 291246 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612352 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.21 kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, opptaksplater; kompaktdisker, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; digitale løsninger for tolketjenester. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; tilveiebringelse av en on-line markedsplass for kjøpere og tilbydere av varer og tjenester. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; tilveiebringelse av online forum; tilveiebringelse av praterom på internett; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonskanaler for fjernhandel; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser; administrasjon av tolketjenester; online annonsering på datanettverk. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; tolketjenester; tolketjenester; fremskaffelse av online tolketjenester. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer, tilveiebringelse av vitenskapelig informasjon, rådgivning og konsulentbistand. Klasse 44 Medisinske tjenester; veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbrukstjenester. Klasse 45 Juridiske tjenester; sikkerhetstjenester for beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesker; online sosiale nettverkstjenester. TRENINGSPARK1 AS, Rådyrveien 18, 4373 EGERSUND, Klasse 28 Apparater for fysiske øvelser; apparater for kroppsbygning. Klasse 41 Treningsleirtjenester; utleie av sportsutstyr; coaching (veiledning); drift av fritidsanlegg; drift av sportsinstallasjoner; fysisk trening; helseklubbvirksomhet; organisering av sportskonkurranser; personlig trening (mosjon og trim); praktisk opplæring (ved demonstrasjon); utleie av sportsutstyr (unntatt kjøretøy). (111) 291248 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2015.12.18, EM, 14937163 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201606217 (220) Inndato: 2016.05.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.26 (111) 291247 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612051 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.18 TIKKTALK SKIWO AS, Oslo Science Park, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 OSLO, Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, Merkur Media GmbH, Merkur-Allee 1-15, DE-32339 ESPELKAMP, Tyskland Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, 35

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, kompaktdisker, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; datamaskin og videospill programvare; spill programvare for bruk på enhver datamaskinplattform, herunder elektroniske underholdnings- og spillkonsoller; dataspillprogrammer; program for dataspill; videospill (programvare); dataspill tilveiebrakt gjennom et globalt datanettverk eller gjennom multimedia elektronisk kringkaster eller gjennom telekommunikasjon eller elektronisk overføring eller via Internett; dataspill, fritids- og rekreasjonsprogramvare, videospill og dataprogrammer, alle tilveiebrakt i form av lagringsmedia; programmer for operasjon av elektriske og elektroniske apparater for spill, fornøyelses- og/eller underholdningsformål; automatiske lotterimaskiner; dataprogramvare for dataspill på Internett; online spill (programvare), spesielt for online tippespill, online, premiespill, online gamblingspill, online kunnskapsspill og online kasinospill; dataprogramvare i form av en applikasjon for mobilinnretninger og datamaskiner; datamaskinvare og programvare for spill i kasinoer og spillehaller, for myntautomater og/eller videolotterispillmaskiner eller sjansespill på Internett; elektriske, elektroniske, optiske eller automatiske apparater for å identifisere databærere, identitetskort og kredittkort, pengesedler og mynter; elektriske, elektroniske eller optiske alarm og overvåkningsinstallasjoner, inklusiv videokameraer, apparater for bildeoverføring og behandling av bilder og datamaskiner, inklusiv databehandlingsapparater og datamaskiner som er komponenter for datanettverk og deler som muliggjør datanettverkskommunikasjon; dataspillmaskiner; programvare for bærbart elektronisk utstyr; programvare for mobiltelefoner; data og videospill-programvare for bruk på konsoll-plattformer, nemlig, globale kommunikasjonsnettverk kapable og tilkoblingsbare systemer for individuell, peer-to-peer (likemannsnettverk), online og multispiller-spill; dataspill-programmer for bruk i forbindelse med multispiller interaktive spill spilt over et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk; nedlastbare interaktive data-, video-, og elektronisk spillprogramvare; nedlastbar programvare for dataspill og elektroniske spill for bruk på trådløse innretninger, nemlig mobiltelefoner, elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr, programmer for dataspill og elektroniske spill; hint for fullføring av spill, fakta om spill og plottinformasjon; lyd- og bildeopptak i området online, data- og videospill og underholdning; dataspillprogramvare for tilveiebringelse av multispiller tilgang til et elektronisk online multi-spiller dataspillmiljø; elektroniske brukermanualer og instruksjonsmanualer for online, data- og videospill; data- og videospill og underholdning; nedlastbare multimedia filer inneholdende kunst, tekst, lyd, bilde, spill, og Internett web-linker relatert til online, data- og videospill og underholdning; elektrotekniske og elektroniske apparater, utstyr og instrumenter (inkludert i klasse 9), nemlig automatiske maskiner for mottak av maskinlesbare databærere tilveiebrakt med programmer for de forannevnte apparater; databærere, inkludert identitetskort og kredittkort; apparater for lagring og arkivering av digital data; datamaskinvare, nemlig lagringsmedia for databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner. Klasse 28 Leketøy; leker; gymnastikk og sportsartikler ikke opptatt i andre klasser; spilleapparater (inklusiv myntstyrte apparater); myntstyrte spillehallspill (maskiner); spill for spillehaller (inngående i kl. 28); myntstyrte videospillapparater; videospill for bruk med eksterne skjermer eller monitorer; kasinoinnredninger, nemlig rulettbord, ruletthjul; myntstyrte automatiske spillmaskiner og spillmaskiner, særlig til spillehaller, med eller uten premieutbetaling; elektriske eller elektrotekniske spilleapparater, automatiske spillmaskiner, spillmaskiner, spilleautomater styrt av mynter, bonger, pengesedler, billetter eller via elektroniske, magnetiske eller biometriske lagringsmedia, særlig til kommersiell bruk i kasinoer og spillearkader, med eller uten premier; automatiske spillmaskiner og spillmaskiner, særlig til kommersiell bruk i kasinoer og spillearkader, med eller uten premier; myntstyrte spillmaskiner og/eller elektroniske pengebaserte spilleapparater (maskiner), med eller uten premier; kasser adaptert for spillmaskiner, spilleapparater og automatiske spillmaskiner, styrt av mynter, bonger, billetter eller via elektroniske, magnetiske eller biometriske lagringsmedia, særlig til kommersiell bruk i kasinoer og spillearkader, med eller uten premier; elektroniske spill; elektroniske underholdningsapparater og tilbehør til elektroniske spill; spillmaskiner med videoutgang; trekningsapparater for premiespill og lotterier, trekninger eller utlodninger; kasser av metall, plast og/eller tre til myntstyrte apparater; apparater for spill (inklusiv videospill), annet enn de som er til bruk med eksterne skjermer eller monitorer; elektropneumatiske og elektriske trekningsmaskiner (spillmaskiner); spillebord, særlig for bordfotball, biljard, glidespill; kasteringer (leker) og dart; elektriske, elektroniske og elektromekaniske apparater for bingospill, lotterier eller videolotterispill og til veddekontorer, med eller uten nettverk; LCD spillkonsoller; automatiske spillmaskiner; inkludert alle de forannevnte automatiske maskiner, maskiner og apparater som opererer i nettverk; apparater og innretninger for aksept av og oppbevaring av penger, som anbringelser for forannevnte automater, inngående i klasse 28; elektriske og elektroniske maskiner og apparater for spill-, fornøyelses- eller underholdningsformål; spill, underholdning, fritids og fornøyelsesmaskiner og apparater; lotterier og premiespill; utstyr for lotterier, nemlig tromler og trekkeapparater; elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr og apparater for lotterier, trekninger, loddtrekninger og andre premiespill; elektriske og elektroniske apparater og installasjoner for bingospill, lotterier og premiespill for veddekontorer; apparater, utstyr og automatiske maskiner for sjansespill og premiespill, med og/eller uten et spill-element; elektriske eller elektroniske spill, andre enn de som er tilpasset for bruk med kun fjernsynsmottakere; kortspill; automatiske spillmaskiner, myntmaskiner og/eller automatiske spillmaskiner for bruk i fornøyelsesarkader eller veddekontorer for kommersielle og ikke-kommersielle formål. Klasse 35 Reklame; markedsføring ved bruk av reklamemateriell, markedsføring, profesjonelle forretninger og organisatoriske prosjektorganisasjoner, administrasjon og kontortjenester for forretninger, firmaer og foreninger; all slags reklame, spesielt på fjernsyn, radio og i magasiner; forretningskonsultasjoner og rådgivningstjenester; franchising-tjenester for turneringsarrangører, nemlig kommersielle og profesjonelle forretningskonsultasjoner i planlegging, organisering og gjennomføring av turneringer og underholdnings- og fritidsaktiviteter; markedsføring av sportsturer; sponsing i form av forretningskonsultasjoner, inkludert organisering og arrangement av markedsføringstiltak og/eller markedsføringsprosjekter, kontoradministrasjon for firmaer, forbund og foreninger; reklame, markedsføring, sponsing i form av reklamering for promotering av salg, utleie og bruk av automatiske underholdningsmaskiner, automatiske myntmaskiner, automatiske sportsmaskiner, automatiske informasjonsmaskiner, musikkspillere, elektroniske spill, spilleutstyr og sportsutstyr; reklame, markedsføring, sponsing ved hjelp av automatiske underholdningsmaskiner, automatiske myntmaskiner, automatiske sportsmaskiner, automatiske informasjonsmaskiner, musikkspillere, elektroniske spill, spilleutstyr og sportsutstyr; profesjonelle forretningskonsultasjoner vedrørende utstyring av 36

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 offentlige bygninger, fornøyelseshaller og sportsfasiliteter; reklame og markedsføringstjenester; kommersielle promoteringer; promotering av varer og tjenester for andre; abonnementstjenester, nemlig, tilveiebringelse av abonnement på tekst, data, bilder, lyd, video, og multimedia innhold, tilveiebrakt via Internett og andre elektroniske nettverk og kommunikasjonsnettverk; drift av online markedsplasser for kjøp, salg og bytte av dataprogramvare og on-demand applikasjoner; bonusog belønningsprogrammer for nedlasting og bruk av online dataspill og for kundeanbefalinger; markedsundersøkelser og markedsanalyser; organisatoriske og kommersielle konsultasjonstjenester; forretningsledelse; databasert filbehandling, nemlig for kundeadministrasjonsapplikasjoner og underholdnings-applikasjoner som forenkler plattformuavhengig tilgang via alle tekniske kanaler; reklame via Internett; innføring av data i databaser og databehandling; sammenstilling og systematisering av informasjon på databaser; databehandling for andre; auksjonering, inkludert på Internett; administrasjon av databaser. Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; kundekontoadministrasjon i forbindelse med veddemålsvirksomhet og andre sjansespill og premiespill (inkludert i klasse 36); veksling av penger, online bankvirksomhet, finansiell sponsing. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjon; telekommunikasjonstjenester; elektronisk overføring av dataprogramvare via Internett og andre data- og elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av tilkoblingstjenester og tilgang til elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk for overføring eller mottak av dataprogramvare; tilveiebringelse av online kommunikasjonstjenester; kommunikasjon via et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til web-sider; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til globale datanettverk for overføring av informasjon; overføring og distribusjon av data eller audiovisuelle bilder via et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; tjenester for tilgang til Internett web-sider; utleietjenester for tidstilgang til en databasert database; konsultasjoner, informasjons- og rådgivningstjenester relatert til de forannevnte tjenester; kringkastingstjenester, nemlig opplasting, posting, visning, fremvisning, tagging, blogging, deling eller på andre måter tilveiebringe elektroniske media eller informasjon via Internett eller andre kommunikasjonsnettverk; overføring av elektroniske media, multimediainnhold, videoer, filmer, bilder, avbildninger, tekst, fotografier, spill, brukergenerert innhold, lydinnhold, og informasjon via Internett og andre datanettverk og kommunikasjonsnettverk; e-posttjenester; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonsforbindelser til databaser; arrangement av tilgang til databaser; overføring av databaseinformasjon via telekommunikasjonsnettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til en databaseserver; arrangement av tilgang til databaser på Internett; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonsforbindelser til Internett eller databaser; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonsforbindelser til et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk eller databaser; elektronisk utveksling av data lagret i databaser med tilgang via telekommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av tilgangs-autorisering til telekommunikasjons og database og Internett-linker. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; utleie av automatiske myntmaskiner og underholdningsmaskiner for kasinoer; arrangement og gjennomføring av sjansespill og premiespill, og av veddemålsvirksomhet og lotterier, trekninger, nettverkspill, loddtrekning og andre premiespill; gambling; ledelse av lotterier, veddemålsvirksomhet og tombola, drift av lotteri-, spill- og tippe-samfunn og veddemålsvirksomhet; drift av spill på Internett, inkludert online samt applikasjoner for smarttelefoner; online spill (over Internett); tilveiebringelse av underholdnings- og/eller undervisnings-innhold for applikasjoner for mobilt utstyr og datamaskiner; avholde spørrekonkuranser via smarttelefonapplikasjoner; tilveiebringelse av kasinofasiliteter (gambling), veddekontorer; drift av spillvirksomhet, arkader og/eller online Internettkasinoer og veddeplattformer; spilltjenester via Internett; underholdningstjenester, nemlig, tilveiebringelse av online interaktive, data, video og elektroniske spill; dataspill tilveiebrakt via et globalt datanettverk, tilby dataspill via globalt datanett, for datamaskiner med mobilnettilgang, håndtholdte spillenheter og mobiltelefoner; tilveiebringelse av dataspill som er tilgjengelige gjennom nettverk av nettverkbrukere; tilveiebringelse av online informasjon og innhold i området spill, interaktivt spillinnhold, elektronisk spillinnhold, dataspillinnhold eller videospillinhold; tilveiebringelse av midlertidig bruk av ikke-nedlastbare interaktive spill, elektroniske spill, dataspill eller videospill; tilveiebringelse av elektroniske nyhetsbrev i området spill, online dataspill, dataprogramvarespill, videospill og elektronisk spillprogramvare via e-post og Internett; tilveiebringelse av online multi-spilller elektroniske dataspill, nemlig et Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) spill; mottak av veddemål; live underholdning; drift av jackpotsystemer; drift av veddekontorer, bingohaller og lotterikontorer, og av spilleetablissementer og spillehaller; organisering av bookmakervirksomhet, veddekontorer og sportsarrangementer; mottakelse og utstedelse av lodd, veddemålsslipper og tombolalodd, inkludert online; drift av avhentingssteder for lotterier, for andre, ledelse og arrangering av lotterier, sjansespill, premiespill og sportsveddemål; arrangering, ledelse og drift av lotterier, sjansespill og premiespill via telekommunikasjon; presentasjon av liveopptredener, telefonveddemål; ledelse av lotterier, veddemål og/eller premiespill på Internett; arrangering og ledelse av veddemål og gambling, sportsveddemål og lotterier; innsamling, overføring, organisering og tilveiebringelse av veddemål og gambling; arrangering av veddemålsvirksomhet og lotterier, nemlig akseptering av veddemål på alle regionale, nasjonale og internasjonale arrangementer; sjansespill, premiespill og veddemål, alt tilveiebrakt online fra databaser eller fra Internett; Internett-spill; datapublisering (utarbeidelse av publikasjoner ved bruk av datamaskiner), nemlig for veddemålsslipper; radio- og fjernsynsproduksjon; etablering og tilveiebringe salgs-, meglings- og avhentingssteder for veddemål og gambling; utleie av veddemålsterminaler, inkludert slike med selvbetjeningsfunksjoner, gamblingmaskiner, spillmaskiner, inkludert slike med selvbetjeningsfunksjoner, og sjansespill og/eller veddemålsspill innspilt på visuelle databærere; veddemål av alle slag, sportsveddemål, online veddemålstjenester, Internettveddemål og telefonveddemålstjenester; utgivelse av sports- og veddemålsaviser, og sports- og veddemålstidsskrifter; reservasjon av billetter for sportsarrangementer; interaktive lotteri-, gambling-, spill-, veddemålsvirksomhet- og biljard-tjenester; lotteri-, gambling-, spill-, veddemålsvirksomhet- og biljardtjenester; distribusjon av lodd og andre deltakerdokumenter; arrangering og ledelse av radio-, fjernsyns- og andre underholdningsarrangementer; utstyre fornøyelsesarkader og/eller kasinoer med underholdningsmaskiner, fornøyelsesmaskiner, sportsmaskiner, informasjonsmaskiner, musikkmaskiner, elektroniske spill, spilleutstyr og sportsutstyr. Klasse 42 Utvikling og utleie av automatiske maskiner, datamaskiner og databehandlingsutstyr, og alarmer og overvåkningsinstallasjoner; teknisk konsulentvirksomhet innen bruk av automatiske maskiner, datamaskiner og databehandlingsutstyr, og alarmer og overvåkningsinstallasjoner; 37

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 dataprogrammering; teknisk databehandling for andre; design og utvikling av datamaskinvare og programvare; installasjon, vedlikehold, oppdatering og reparasjon av dataprogramvare; assistanse og konsultasjonstjenester for utvikling av datasystemer, databaser og applikasjoner; informasjon relatert til datamaskinvare eller programvare tilveiebrakt online fra et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; design og utvikling dataspillprogramvare og programvare for kunstig virkelighet; design og utvikling av nettverk; utvikling av datakoder og utvikling av dataspråk; utvikling av dataprogramvare applikasjonsløsninger; websideutviklingstjenester; vedlikehold, reparasjon og oppdatering av dataprogramvare, dataoperativsystemprogramvare, datahjelpeprogrammer; tilveiebringelse av informasjon vedrørende dataprogramvare via Internett og andre data- og elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tekniske konsultasjoner relatert til feilsøking for dataprogramvare og for håndholdt mobilt digitalt elektrisk utstyr; tilveiebringelse av søkemotorer for innhenting av data via kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av midlertidig bruk av dataprogramvare og online fasiliteter for å gjøre det mulig for brukere å få tilgang til og laste ned dataprogramvare; datamaskinvare- og programvarekonsultasjoner; utleie av datamaskinvare og programvareapparater og utstyr; konsultasjoner relatert til multimedia og audiovisuell programvare og support og konsultasjoner relatert til utvikling av datasystemer og databaser; informasjon relatert til datamaskinvare eller programvare tilveiebrakt online fra et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; vertvirksomhet for websider for andre; informasjons- og rådgivningstjenester relatert til alle de forannevnte tjenester; tilveiebringelse av en webside som gjør det mulig for brukere å poste vurderinger, anmeldelser, preferanser og anbefalinger i de forannevnte emner; tekniske konsultasjoner; tekniske prosjektstudier; utvikling av dataprogramvare, spesielt kundeadministrasjons og underholdningsapplikasjoner; utvikling av sektorspesifikk dataprogramvare, særlig for bookmakervirksomhet, veddeløpsbaner, sportsarrangementsarrangører, lotterier, sjansespill, premiespill, sportsbøker og andre veddemålssystemer; utvikling og vedlikehold av programvare og plattformer for spill; tekniske konsultasjoner vedrørende utstyring av offentlige bygninger, fornøyelsesparker og idrettsanlegg; teknologiske konsulenttjenester, særlig tilveiebringelse av dataprogrammer (kundeadministrasjonsapplikasjoner og underholdningsapplikasjoner, tilrettelegging av plattformuavhengig adgang via alle tekniske kanaler); design av databaser, utleie av databehandlingsutstyr, inkludert med selvbetjeningsfunksjoner. (111) 291249 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2015.12.18, EM, 14937593 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201606219 (220) Inndato: 2016.05.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.26 Merkur Media GmbH, Merkur-Allee 1-15, DE-32339 ESPELKAMP, Tyskland Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, kompaktdisker, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; datamaskin og videospill programvare; spill programvare for bruk på enhver datamaskinplattform, herunder elektroniske underholdnings- og spillkonsoller; dataspillprogrammer; program for dataspill; videospill (programvare); dataspill tilveiebrakt gjennom et globalt datanettverk eller gjennom multimedia elektronisk kringkaster eller gjennom telekommunikasjon eller elektronisk overføring eller via Internett; dataspill, fritids- og rekreasjonsprogramvare, videospill og dataprogrammer, alle tilveiebrakt i form av lagringsmedia; programmer for operasjon av elektriske og elektroniske apparater for spill, fornøyelses- og/eller underholdningsformål; automatiske lotterimaskiner; dataprogramvare for dataspill på Internett; online spill (programvare), spesielt for online tippespill, online, premiespill, online gamblingspill, online kunnskapsspill og online kasinospill; dataprogramvare i form av en applikasjon for mobilinnretninger og datamaskiner; datamaskinvare og programvare for spill i kasinoer og spillehaller, for myntautomater og/eller videolotterispillmaskiner eller sjansespill på Internett; elektriske, elektroniske, optiske eller automatiske apparater for å identifisere databærere, identitetskort og kredittkort, pengesedler og mynter; elektriske, elektroniske eller optiske alarm og overvåkningsinstallasjoner, inklusiv videokameraer, apparater for bildeoverføring og behandling av bilder og datamaskiner, inklusiv databehandlingsapparater og datamaskiner som er komponenter for datanettverk og deler som muliggjør datanettverkskommunikasjon; dataspillmaskiner; programvare for bærbart elektronisk utstyr; programvare for mobiltelefoner; data og videospill-programvare for bruk på konsoll-plattformer, nemlig, globale kommunikasjonsnettverk kapable og tilkoblingsbare systemer for individuell, peer-to-peer (likemannsnettverk), online og multispiller-spill; 38

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 dataspill-programmer for bruk i forbindelse med multispiller interaktive spill spilt over et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk; nedlastbare interaktive data-, video-, og elektronisk spillprogramvare; nedlastbar programvare for dataspill og elektroniske spill for bruk på trådløse innretninger, nemlig mobiltelefoner, elektronisk kommunikasjonsutstyr, programmer for dataspill og elektroniske spill; hint for fullføring av spill, fakta om spill og plottinformasjon; lyd- og bildeopptak i området online, data- og videospill og underholdning; dataspillprogramvare for tilveiebringelse av multispiller tilgang til et elektronisk online multi-spiller dataspillmiljø; elektroniske brukermanualer og instruksjonsmanualer for online, data- og videospill; data- og videospill og underholdning; nedlastbare multimedia filer inneholdende kunst, tekst, lyd, bilde, spill, og Internett web-linker relatert til online, data- og videospill og underholdning; elektrotekniske og elektroniske apparater, utstyr og instrumenter (inkludert i klasse 9), nemlig automatiske maskiner for mottak av maskinlesbare databærere tilveiebrakt med programmer for de forannevnte apparater; databærere, inkludert identitetskort og kredittkort; apparater for lagring og arkivering av digital data; datamaskinvare, nemlig lagringsmedia for databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner. Klasse 28 Leketøy; leker; gymnastikk og sportsartikler ikke opptatt i andre klasser; spilleapparater (inklusiv myntstyrte apparater); myntstyrte spillehallspill (maskiner); spill for spillehaller (inngående i kl. 28); myntstyrte videospillapparater; videospill for bruk med eksterne skjermer eller monitorer; kasinoinnredninger, nemlig rulettbord, ruletthjul; myntstyrte automatiske spillmaskiner og spillmaskiner, særlig til spillehaller, med eller uten premieutbetaling; elektriske eller elektrotekniske spilleapparater, automatiske spillmaskiner, spillmaskiner, spilleautomater styrt av mynter, bonger, pengesedler, billetter eller via elektroniske, magnetiske eller biometriske lagringsmedia, særlig til kommersiell bruk i kasinoer og spillearkader, med eller uten premier; automatiske spillmaskiner og spillmaskiner, særlig til kommersiell bruk i kasinoer og spillearkader, med eller uten premier; myntstyrte spillmaskiner og/eller elektroniske pengebaserte spilleapparater (maskiner), med eller uten premier; kasser adaptert for spillmaskiner, spilleapparater og automatiske spillmaskiner, styrt av mynter, bonger, billetter eller via elektroniske, magnetiske eller biometriske lagringsmedia, særlig til kommersiell bruk i kasinoer og spillearkader, med eller uten premier; elektroniske spill; elektroniske underholdningsapparater og tilbehør til elektroniske spill; spillmaskiner med videoutgang; trekningsapparater for premiespill og lotterier, trekninger eller utlodninger; kasser av metall, plast og/eller tre til myntstyrte apparater; apparater for spill (inklusiv videospill), annet enn de som er til bruk med eksterne skjermer eller monitorer; elektropneumatiske og elektriske trekningsmaskiner (spillmaskiner); spillebord, særlig for bordfotball, biljard, glidespill; kasteringer (leker) og dart; elektriske, elektroniske og elektromekaniske apparater for bingospill, lotterier eller videolotterispill og til veddekontorer, med eller uten nettverk; LCD spillkonsoller; automatiske spillmaskiner; inkludert alle de forannevnte automatiske maskiner, maskiner og apparater som opererer i nettverk; apparater og innretninger for aksept av og oppbevaring av penger, som anbringelser for forannevnte automater, inngående i klasse 28; elektriske og elektroniske maskiner og apparater for spill-, fornøyelses- eller underholdningsformål; spill, underholdning, fritids og fornøyelsesmaskiner og apparater; lotterier og premiespill; utstyr for lotterier, nemlig tromler og trekkeapparater; elektrisk og elektronisk utstyr og apparater for lotterier, trekninger, loddtrekninger og andre premiespill; elektriske og elektroniske apparater og installasjoner for bingospill, lotterier og premiespill for veddekontorer; apparater, utstyr og automatiske maskiner for sjansespill og premiespill, med og/eller uten et spill-element; elektriske eller elektroniske spill, andre enn de som er tilpasset for bruk med kun fjernsynsmottakere; kortspill; automatiske spillmaskiner, myntmaskiner og/eller automatiske spillmaskiner for bruk i fornøyelsesarkader eller veddekontorer for kommersielle og ikke-kommersielle formål. Klasse 35 Reklame; markedsføring ved bruk av reklamemateriell, markedsføring, profesjonelle forretninger og organisatoriske prosjektorganisasjoner, administrasjon og kontortjenester for forretninger, firmaer og foreninger; all slags reklame, spesielt på fjernsyn, radio og i magasiner; forretningskonsultasjoner og rådgivningstjenester; franchising-tjenester for turneringsarrangører, nemlig kommersielle og profesjonelle forretningskonsultasjoner i planlegging, organisering og gjennomføring av turneringer og underholdnings- og fritidsaktiviteter; markedsføring av sportsturer; sponsing i form av forretningskonsultasjoner, inkludert organisering og arrangement av markedsføringstiltak og/eller markedsføringsprosjekter, kontoradministrasjon for firmaer, forbund og foreninger; reklame, markedsføring, sponsing i form av reklamering for promotering av salg, utleie og bruk av automatiske underholdningsmaskiner, automatiske myntmaskiner, automatiske sportsmaskiner, automatiske informasjonsmaskiner, musikkspillere, elektroniske spill, spilleutstyr og sportsutstyr; reklame, markedsføring, sponsing ved hjelp av automatiske underholdningsmaskiner, automatiske myntmaskiner, automatiske sportsmaskiner, automatiske informasjonsmaskiner, musikkspillere, elektroniske spill, spilleutstyr og sportsutstyr; profesjonelle forretningskonsultasjoner vedrørende utstyring av offentlige bygninger, fornøyelseshaller og sportsfasiliteter; reklame og markedsføringstjenester; kommersielle promoteringer; promotering av varer og tjenester for andre; abonnementstjenester, nemlig, tilveiebringelse av abonnement på tekst, data, bilder, lyd, video, og multimedia innhold, tilveiebrakt via Internett og andre elektroniske nettverk og kommunikasjonsnettverk; drift av online markedsplasser for kjøp, salg og bytte av dataprogramvare og on-demand applikasjoner; bonusog belønningsprogrammer for nedlasting og bruk av online dataspill og for kundeanbefalinger; markedsundersøkelser og markedsanalyser; organisatoriske og kommersielle konsultasjonstjenester; forretningsledelse; databasert filbehandling, nemlig for kundeadministrasjonsapplikasjoner og underholdnings-applikasjoner som forenkler plattformuavhengig tilgang via alle tekniske kanaler; reklame via Internett; innføring av data i databaser og databehandling; sammenstilling og systematisering av informasjon på databaser; databehandling for andre; auksjonering, inkludert på Internett; administrasjon av databaser. Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; kundekontoadministrasjon i forbindelse med veddemålsvirksomhet og andre sjansespill og premiespill (inkludert i klasse 36); veksling av penger, online bankvirksomhet, finansiell sponsing. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjon; telekommunikasjonstjenester; elektronisk overføring av dataprogramvare via Internett og andre data- og elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av tilkoblingstjenester og tilgang til elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk for overføring eller mottak av dataprogramvare; tilveiebringelse av online kommunikasjonstjenester; kommunikasjon via et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til web-sider; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til globale datanettverk for overføring av informasjon; overføring og distribusjon av data eller audiovisuelle bilder via et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; tjenester for tilgang til Internett web-sider; utleietjenester for tidstilgang til en databasert database; konsultasjoner, 39

registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 informasjons- og rådgivningstjenester relatert til de forannevnte tjenester; kringkastingstjenester, nemlig opplasting, posting, visning, fremvisning, tagging, blogging, deling eller på andre måter tilveiebringe elektroniske media eller informasjon via Internett eller andre kommunikasjonsnettverk; overføring av elektroniske media, multimediainnhold, videoer, filmer, bilder, avbildninger, tekst, fotografier, spill, brukergenerert innhold, lydinnhold, og informasjon via Internett og andre datanettverk og kommunikasjonsnettverk; e-posttjenester; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonsforbindelser til databaser; arrangement av tilgang til databaser; overføring av databaseinformasjon via telekommunikasjonsnettverk; utleie av tilgangstid til en databaseserver; arrangement av tilgang til databaser på Internett; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonsforbindelser til Internett eller databaser; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonsforbindelser til et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk eller databaser; elektronisk utveksling av data lagret i databaser med tilgang via telekommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av tilgangs-autorisering til telekommunikasjons og database og Internett-linker. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; utleie av automatiske myntmaskiner og underholdningsmaskiner for kasinoer; arrangement og gjennomføring av sjansespill og premiespill, og av veddemålsvirksomhet og lotterier, trekninger, nettverkspill, loddtrekning og andre premiespill; gambling; ledelse av lotterier, veddemålsvirksomhet og tombola, drift av lotteri-, spill- og tippe-samfunn og veddemålsvirksomhet; drift av spill på Internett, inkludert online samt applikasjoner for smarttelefoner; online spill (over Internett); tilveiebringelse av underholdnings- og/eller undervisnings-innhold for applikasjoner for mobilt utstyr og datamaskiner; avholde spørrekonkuranser via smarttelefonapplikasjoner; tilveiebringelse av kasinofasiliteter (gambling), veddekontorer; drift av spillvirksomhet, arkader og/eller online Internettkasinoer og veddeplattformer; spilltjenester via Internett; underholdningstjenester, nemlig, tilveiebringelse av online interaktive, data, video og elektroniske spill; dataspill tilveiebrakt via et globalt datanettverk, tilby dataspill via globalt datanett, for datamaskiner med mobilnettilgang, håndtholdte spillenheter og mobiltelefoner; tilveiebringelse av dataspill som er tilgjengelige gjennom nettverk av nettverkbrukere; tilveiebringelse av online informasjon og innhold i området spill, interaktivt spillinnhold, elektronisk spillinnhold, dataspillinnhold eller videospillinhold; tilveiebringelse av midlertidig bruk av ikke-nedlastbare interaktive spill, elektroniske spill, dataspill eller videospill; tilveiebringelse av elektroniske nyhetsbrev i området spill, online dataspill, dataprogramvarespill, videospill og elektronisk spillprogramvare via e-post og Internett; tilveiebringelse av online multi-spilller elektroniske dataspill, nemlig et Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) spill; mottak av veddemål; live underholdning; drift av jackpotsystemer; drift av veddekontorer, bingohaller og lotterikontorer, og av spilleetablissementer og spillehaller; organisering av bookmakervirksomhet, veddekontorer og sportsarrangementer; mottakelse og utstedelse av lodd, veddemålsslipper og tombolalodd, inkludert online; drift av avhentingssteder for lotterier, for andre, ledelse og arrangering av lotterier, sjansespill, premiespill og sportsveddemål; arrangering, ledelse og drift av lotterier, sjansespill og premiespill via telekommunikasjon; presentasjon av liveopptredener, telefonveddemål; ledelse av lotterier, veddemål og/eller premiespill på Internett; arrangering og ledelse av veddemål og gambling, sportsveddemål og lotterier; innsamling, overføring, organisering og tilveiebringelse av veddemål og gambling; arrangering av veddemålsvirksomhet og lotterier, nemlig akseptering av veddemål på alle regionale, nasjonale og internasjonale arrangementer; sjansespill, premiespill og veddemål, alt tilveiebrakt online fra databaser eller fra Internett; Internett-spill; datapublisering (utarbeidelse av publikasjoner ved bruk av datamaskiner), nemlig for veddemålsslipper; radio- og fjernsynsproduksjon; etablering og tilveiebringe salgs-, meglings- og avhentingssteder for veddemål og gambling; utleie av veddemålsterminaler, inkludert slike med selvbetjeningsfunksjoner, gamblingmaskiner, spillmaskiner, inkludert slike med selvbetjeningsfunksjoner, og sjansespill og/eller veddemålsspill innspilt på visuelle databærere; veddemål av alle slag, sportsveddemål, online veddemålstjenester, Internettveddemål og telefonveddemålstjenester; utgivelse av sports- og veddemålsaviser, og sports- og veddemålstidsskrifter; reservasjon av billetter for sportsarrangementer; interaktive lotteri-, gambling-, spill-, veddemålsvirksomhet- og biljard-tjenester; lotteri-, gambling-, spill-, veddemålsvirksomhet- og biljardtjenester; distribusjon av lodd og andre deltakerdokumenter; arrangering og ledelse av radio-, fjernsyns- og andre underholdningsarrangementer; utstyre fornøyelsesarkader og/eller kasinoer med underholdningsmaskiner, fornøyelsesmaskiner, sportsmaskiner, informasjonsmaskiner, musikkmaskiner, elektroniske spill, spilleutstyr og sportsutstyr. Klasse 42 Utvikling og utleie av automatiske maskiner, datamaskiner og databehandlingsutstyr, og alarmer og overvåkningsinstallasjoner; teknisk konsulentvirksomhet innen bruk av automatiske maskiner, datamaskiner og databehandlingsutstyr, og alarmer og overvåkningsinstallasjoner; dataprogrammering; teknisk databehandling for andre; design og utvikling av datamaskinvare og programvare; installasjon, vedlikehold, oppdatering og reparasjon av dataprogramvare; assistanse og konsultasjonstjenester for utvikling av datasystemer, databaser og applikasjoner; informasjon relatert til datamaskinvare eller programvare tilveiebrakt online fra et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; design og utvikling dataspillprogramvare og programvare for kunstig virkelighet; design og utvikling av nettverk; utvikling av datakoder og utvikling av dataspråk; utvikling av dataprogramvare applikasjonsløsninger; websideutviklingstjenester; vedlikehold, reparasjon og oppdatering av dataprogramvare, dataoperativsystemprogramvare, datahjelpeprogrammer; tilveiebringelse av informasjon vedrørende dataprogramvare via Internett og andre data- og elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk; tekniske konsultasjoner relatert til feilsøking for dataprogramvare og for håndholdt mobilt digitalt elektrisk utstyr; tilveiebringelse av søkemotorer for innhenting av data via kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av midlertidig bruk av dataprogramvare og online fasiliteter for å gjøre det mulig for brukere å få tilgang til og laste ned dataprogramvare; datamaskinvare- og programvarekonsultasjoner; utleie av datamaskinvare og programvareapparater og utstyr; konsultasjoner relatert til multimedia og audiovisuell programvare og support og konsultasjoner relatert til utvikling av datasystemer og databaser; informasjon relatert til datamaskinvare eller programvare tilveiebrakt online fra et globalt datanettverk eller Internett; vertvirksomhet for websider for andre; informasjons- og rådgivningstjenester relatert til alle de forannevnte tjenester; tilveiebringelse av en webside som gjør det mulig for brukere å poste vurderinger, anmeldelser, preferanser og anbefalinger i de forannevnte emner; tekniske konsultasjoner; tekniske prosjektstudier; utvikling av dataprogramvare, spesielt kundeadministrasjons og underholdningsapplikasjoner; utvikling av sektorspesifikk dataprogramvare, særlig for bookmakervirksomhet, veddeløpsbaner, sportsarrangementsarrangører, lotterier, sjansespill, premiespill, sportsbøker og andre veddemålssystemer; 40

utvikling og vedlikehold av programvare og plattformer for spill; tekniske konsultasjoner vedrørende utstyring av offentlige bygninger, fornøyelsesparker og idrettsanlegg; teknologiske konsulenttjenester, særlig tilveiebringelse av dataprogrammer (kundeadministrasjonsapplikasjoner og underholdningsapplikasjoner, tilrettelegging av plattformuavhengig adgang via alle tekniske kanaler); design av databaser, utleie av databehandlingsutstyr, inkludert med selvbetjeningsfunksjoner. registrerte varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 291250 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2016.06.17, US, 87/075,028 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612052 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.18 LUCID AVB Metrics, LLC, 3175 Hanover Street, US-CA94304 PALO ALTO, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 12 Biler, eldrevne biler. (111) 291251 (151) Reg.dato.: 2017.02.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201612053 (220) Inndato: 2016.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.18 SMOPREA Pfizer Inc., 235 East 42nd Street, US-NY10017 NEW YORK, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og stoffer, hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål. 41

Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 3 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf. varemerkeloven 71. Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal registrering. Int.reg.dato: Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jf. varemerkeloven 72 og Madrid-protokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen. Etterfølgende utpekningsdato: Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den Prioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i : internasjonale registreringen. Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlands-registrering eller -søknad. Det vil si den datoen det innføres i varemerkeregisteret at den internasjonale registreringen gjelder i, jf. varemerkeloven 70. (111) 0383128 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1971.07.19 (180) Registreringen 2021.07.19 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.10.25 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201613293 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 PERLFIX Knauf Gips KG, Am Bahnhof 7, DE-97346 IPHOFEN, Tyskland Klasse 19 Special plaster for laying cardboard-bound plaster plates, used as dry coating. (111) 0435718 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1977.12.27 (180) Registreringen 2017.12.27 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.09.12 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201613294 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 2017.02.19 NAXOS-DISKUS Schleifmittelwerke GmbH, Wernervon-Siemens-Strasse 1, DE-35510 BUTZBACH, Tyskland Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; all coated abrasives, particularly cloths and papers for abrading, sanding and polishing, in the form of sheets, disks and strips; soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse 7 Abrading, honing or sharpening machines; polishing machines other than for household use; all bonded abrasives, particularly abrasive segments, stones and grinding wheels. Klasse 8 Hand tools and implements, particularly for abrading, polishing, sharpening or honing; cutlery, forks and 42

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 spoons; side arms, other than firearms; all bonded abrasives, particularly abrasive segments, stones and grinding wheels. Klasse 9 Electromechanical apparatus for polishing. Klasse 21 Small portable household and kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paintbrushes); brush-making materials; cleaning implements and equipment, particularly non-electric polishing machines for household use; steel wool; unworked or semiworked glass (except building glass); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. (111) 1090563 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.07.05 (180) Registreringen 2021.07.05 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.10.13 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201614708 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.12.08 2017.02.18 (111) 1041315 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.05.04 (180) Registreringen 2020.05.04 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.11.01 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201613619 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 Barry Callebaut AG, Westpark, Pfingstweidstrasse 60, CH-8005 ZURICH, Sveits Klasse 41 Providing of training; practical training in the field of gastronomy, namely staff development through training; entertainment; cultural activities. Klasse 43 Restaurant services in the field of gastronomy. 2017.02.21 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a square in orange color surrounded by a thin black frame, within which there is a device of a running human figure seen by the side, which holds with its left hand a pan with a flame device and underneath are the words "WOK TO WALK". Wok to Walk Franchise B.V., Leidsestraat 96, NL- 1017PE AMSTERDAM, Nederland Klasse 43 Restaurant services; take-out services; services for providing food and drink. 2017.02.17 (111) 1092283 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.06.06 (180) Registreringen 2021.06.06 (891) Etterfølgende 2015.12.18 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201600217 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.01.07 Massive Media Match NV, Emile Braunplein 18, BE- 9000 GENT, Belgia Klasse 38 Telecommunications; electronic mail; message sending; communications by computer terminals; providing user access to a global computer network; computer aided transmission of messages and images; providing access to an online platform. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; entertainment; providing recreation facilities; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; publication of books and journals; organization of trade fairs, exhibitions, events and other activities for cultural or educational purposes; 43

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 publishing, editing, renting and dissemination of books, newspapers, magazines, articles for newspapers and magazines, columns, texts and periodicals, also by electronic means; game services provided on-line from a computer network. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; recovery of computer data; computer programming; installation of computer software; computer system design; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; rental of computer software; computer rental; management and provision of an online platform. Klasse 45 Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; marriage agencies; dating clubs; dating services; assistance and consultancy with respect to finding a suitable partner. (111) 1144902 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2012.11.26 (180) Registreringen 2022.11.26 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.04.20 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201612675 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 2017.02.21 (111) 1119207 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2012.02.29 (180) Registreringen 2022.02.28 (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: 2016.11.02 (210) Nasj. 201613620 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 8 SONGS Peter Lehmann Wines Pty Limited, Off Para Road, AU- SA5352 TANUNDA, Australia Klasse 33 Wine. 2017.02.20 (111) 1120310 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2012.02.20 (180) Registreringen 2022.02.20 (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: 2016.06.20 (210) Nasj. 201613301 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 JUNGLE FORMULA Omega Pharma Innovation & Development NV, Venecoweg 26, BE-9810 NAZARETH, Belgia Klasse 5 Insect repellents; after-bite products. 2017.02.16 Limited liability company "Toro Negro", Drovjanoj pereulok, d. 7/9, str. 1, RU-109004 MOSKVA, Russland Klasse 43 Services for providing food and drink; rental of meeting rooms; snack-bars; cafés; cafeterias; rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware; restaurants; selfservice restaurants; canteens; bar services; food and drink catering. 2017.02.16 (111) 1164487 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2013.04.26 (180) Registreringen 2023.04.26 (891) Etterfølgende 2015.08.28 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201511546 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.09.17 PREMARK LKF Materials A/S, Longelsevej 34, DK-5900 RUDKØBING, Danmark Klasse 2 Marking materials in the nature of paints, colorants and cold plastic for roads, bicycle paths, pavements, pedestrian crossings, bus stops, platforms and other surfaces. Klasse 19 Synthetic materials in sheets and strips for marking roads, bicycle paths, pavements, pedestrian crossings, bus stops, platforms, and other trafficked surfaces. 44

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.21 (111) 1206244 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2014.04.11 (180) Registreringen 2024.04.11 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.05.10 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201608410 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.07.21 OY Karl Fazer AB, Fazerintie 6, FI-01230 VANDA, Finland Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery, sal ammoniac liquorice sweets, chocolate, chewing gum, biscuits, buns, pastilles; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 2017.02.22 Klasse 9 devices and appliances and devices for making beverages and/or food, pumps for dispensing chilled beverages for use in combination with devices for chilling beverages; electric vending machines for beverages or foods, automatic vending machines; electrical apparatus for sealing plastics [packaging]; electric waste disposal apparatus, namely garbage disposals and waste compactors; ironing presses, ironing machines, included in this class; electric household cleaning equipment, including electric window cleaning equipment, electric shoe polishers and vacuum cleaners, wet and dry vacuuming apparatus; parts for all the aforesaid goods included in this class, in particular flexible tubes, pipes, dust filters, dust filter bags, all for vacuum cleaners. Weighing, measuring, signalling, checking apparatus and instruments; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 11 Waffle irons (electric), egg-boilers, deep-fat fryers (electric); electrical tea and coffee makers, espresso coffee machines, automatic coffee machines included in this class; hand dryers, hair dryers; infrared lamps (other than for medical use); heating pads (not for medical purposes), electric blankets (not for medical purposes); air deodorisers, fragrance dispensing apparatus (not for personal use); air purifying apparatus, apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes, in particular including fittings for water supply installations; kitchen sinks; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; taps for dispensing cooled beverages, for use in combination with appliances for cooling of beverages. Klasse 37 Installation, repair and maintenance of electric and/or fuel-driven household and kitchen appliances. 2017.02.20 (111) 1226094 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2014.04.29 (180) Registreringen 2024.04.29 (210) Nasj. 201414293 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.12.04 (111) 1228933 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.04 (180) Registreringen 2024.06.04 (210) Nasj. 201415346 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.12.25 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2013.12.04, DK, VA 2013 03135 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Str. 34, DE-81739 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 7 Electrical kitchen machines and apparatus included in this class, in particular electrical kitchen machines and apparatus including grinders/crushers, mixing and kneading devices, fruit pressing machines, de-juicers, juice centrifuges, grinding machines, cutting devices, electrically powered tools, tin openers, knife sharpening Copenhagen Business School Handelshøjskolen, Solbjerg Plads 3, DK-2000 FREDERIKSBERG, Danmark Klasse 9 Computer software and computer hardware with multimedia features and interactive functions; data processing equipment; pre-recorded video and audio cassettes, compact discs, video discs, DVDs, recorded laser discs and interactive videos; computer software and multimedia software; electronic reference books (downloadable); electronic publications (downloadable) distributed online or via multi-media Networks, all of the foregoing relating to a business school. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard, not included in other classes; printed matter; periodicals; news magazines; photographs; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); printed materials including printed pamphlets, manuals, handbooks, course announcements, case studies, articles and brochures; books; magazines (periodicals); stationery (writing 45

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 instruments and paper stationery), all of the foregoing relating to a business school. Klasse 35 Business management; business administration; office functions; business management assistance and advice regarding business organization and economic forecasting; management consulting services, including case studies for industrial companies or commercial enterprises; preparation of cost-benefit analyses; business management consultancy; preparation of business reports; compilation of statistics, business estimates and economic forecasts; compilation of statistical data for use in scientific and financial research; business consultancy services relating to marketing; marketing studies; market research; business consultancy and advisory services relating to businesses, especially business advice that relate to scientific services and research; economic forecasting and analyses, all of the foregoing relating to a business school. Klasse 36 Insurance services; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; financial services in the form of consultancy, advice and economic (financial) studies; financial analysis and financial investigation services; financial research and related information, all of the foregoing relating to a business school. Klasse 41 Education and providing training at university level, including within business, economics and issues related to business; assistance for training of business managers; supplementary training assistance, preparation for admission tests and exams; organization of admission tests and exams; arranging conferences, congresses and seminars; publication of books and educational textbooks; publication services; online electronic publication of periodicals, books and manuals, all of the foregoing relating to a business school. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research; scientific research services relating to insurance services, financial affairs, monetary affairs and real estate affairs; scientific research services related to business management and business administration; provision of information on scientific research in business management and business administration, insurance, financial affairs, monetary affairs and real estate affairs, all of the foregoing relating to a business school. 2017.02.22 (111) 1244483 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.28 (180) Registreringen 2025.01.28 (210) Nasj. 201613818 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.19, CH, 665949 CROWDSURFER Abercrombie & Fitch Europe SA, Via Moree, CH-6850 MENDRISIO, Sveits Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, belts for clothing. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail store services for clothing, footwear, headgear, soaps, perfumes, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, candles, spectacles, sunglasses, accessories for telephones, computers and electronic apparatus, jewelry, stationery, bags, textile products and hair accessories; online retail store services for clothing, footwear, headgear, soaps, perfumes, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, candles, spectacles, sunglasses, accessories for telephones, computers and electronic apparatus, jewelry, stationery, bags, textile products and hair accessories; organization, operation and supervision of customer loyalty schemes. 2017.02.20 (111) 1254135 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.30 (180) Registreringen 2025.01.30 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.10.21 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201613305 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 SAFLINE Dunlop Oil & Marine Limited, Moody Lane, Pyewipe, Grimsby NE, GB-DN31 2SY LINCOLNSHIRE, Storbritannia Klasse 17 Hose and hose products; hose for industrial and marine use; offshore and onshore hose for the oil, gas, petrochemical and dredging industries; hose for deep water applications; hose linings; linings for hose for industrial and marine use; linings for offshore and onshore hose for the oil, gas, petrochemical and dredging industries; linings for hose for deep water applications; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. 2017.02.21 (111) 1254745 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.22 (180) Registreringen 2025.01.22 (210) Nasj. 201508292 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.07.09 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the verbal and graphical display of double star. Double Star Limited, 2nd Floor Belgravia House, 34/44 Circular Road, GB-IM11AE DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN, Storbritannia Klasse 35 Auctioneering. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. 2017.02.21 46

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1259134 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.11 (180) Registreringen 2025.02.11 (210) Nasj. 201509511 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.08.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.20, EM, 013186333 POP Carl Freudenberg KG, Höhnerweg 2-4, DE-69469 WEINHEIM, Tyskland Klasse 7 Machines for processing wood and plastic, machines for the chemical industry, agriculture, mining, the beverages industry and textile machines, expressly excluding machines and tools to place means of fastening, in particular rivets; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; hydraulic accumulators for storing and providing pressure; hydraulic accumulators, in particular diaphragm accumulators, piston accumulators, accumulators for axle suspension, wheel suspension and/or cab suspension; rollers for printing machines; pump and valve diaphragms; self-lubricating bearings; bearings for transmission shafts; sealing joints (parts of motors and engines); rotary shaft seals being parts for motors and engines; rod wipers and piston guide rings used in hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders; guide and oil-removing elements for hydraulic and pneumocylinders; intake manifolds for land, air and sea vehicles; parts for motors and engines of air and water vehicles, namely shaft couplings, transmission shafts, journals; piston rings, guide rings, valves and parts therefor, bearings and guides, shaped parts and moulded parts for mechanical and apparatus engineering, in particular of plastic or predominantly of plastic, in particular of fluorocarbon resin or elastomers; machine belts; bellows; blow guns, in particular folding bellows of rubber, folding bellows of tpe; elastic bearings for machines as noise dampening and vibration insulation parts; pneumatic springs and spring legs with bellows of elastomeric material for supporting vibrating vehicle and machine parts; elastic springs for damping noise, vibration and shock insulation as parts of machines; multilayer springs for damping noise, vibration and shock insulation as parts of machines; parts of motors for damping and vibroinsulation; gasdistributing and valve-actuating machinery; parts for motors and engines of land vehicles, namely bearing pins; finished products of vulcanised perfluoroelastomers in the form of membranes for use in hydraulics, pneumatics and mechanical engineering. Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; driving gear elements; driving belts; clamping rollers; parts for land vehicles, namely shaft couplings, drive shafts, driving belts; parts of land, air and sea vehicles, namely shock absorbers, shock-absorbing springs, suspension springs, air springs; body shells made from polytetrafluoroethylene. Klasse 17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; sealing and packing cord, packing and stopping materials, seals for sensors; gasket support rings; artificial resins, in particular fluorocarbon resins or elastomers, being semi-finished products in the form of plates, tubes, rods, blocks, flexible pipes, not of metal, fittings, expansion joints, films for sealing purposes, filling material for reaction columns, balls, filter material in the form of fibres or porous plates; guide tubes, insulating tubes and insulating parts for electrical purposes, having springs with corrosion-resistant coatings for sealing purposes, in particular for mechanical seals, corrugated tubes for vacuum operation and being spring washers; all of the aforesaid goods being made of or predominantly of plastic, in particular of fluorocarbon resin or elastomers; shaft seals of polytetrafluoroethylene, gum or highly elastic and thermoplastic plastics, including combined with metal or other plastics, in particular lip seals for moveable parts of machines; radial shaft sealing rings, shaft sealing rings, cassette seals; combination seals; rotary seals; packings for static seals; valve stem seals; hydraulic brake seals; o-ring seals; support seals; composite seals; fibrous gaskets; butterfly valve seals; sealing plugs being metal-elastomer composite parts (predominantly of elastomers); seals for shockabsorbers and gas springs; valve spindle seals; seals for hydraulic braking systems; seals for hydraulic and pneumocylinders; sealing rings; o-rings; flat seals; profile seals; axle seals; sealing plates; insulating foils; sealing frames; hydraulic and pneumatic seals, in particular rod seals; piston seals; rod wiper seals; buffer seals; wiper rings and guide rings for sealing against oil, grease or air in hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture, being elastic rubber-like plastics, in particular including combined with metals and other plastics, in particular moulded parts, including boards, plates and clack valves, profiles, washers and washers; screw seal rings, in particular usit rings; plug-in pieces; rotary pressure seals; insulating materials, namely diaphragms, in particular accumulator and separator diaphragms, regulating and switching diaphragms of elastomer; partitions, being diaphragms, in particular being diaphragms of elastomers; moulded parts of polytetrafluoroethylene; solid silicone parts, in particular jet formers for showers, seals, diaphragms, housing parts, injection-moulded parts; moulded parts for machine elements made of liquid silicon; liquid silicone seals; plastics in the form of sheets, blocks, spheres, rods and tubes; moulded parts of ptfe; grooved rings, in particular including grooved rings of ptfe; static and dynamic seals; static cylinder cover seals; v-packings as multiple lip (chevron) packing seals designed to seal static reciprocating and centrifugal applications, where the male and female adapters are used to complete a set of vees; stuffing box packings (seals); micro-parts of plastic or elastomeric material (semi-finished products); non-metal seals, namely, oil seals, fluid seals, insulating seals, reinforced seals, elastomeric seals, seals for pistons and rods, namely, cups, rings, packings and gaskets, all the foregoing for sealing oil, grease or air in hydraulic and pneumatic applications; rubberised chain wheels; packaging materials for moulded seals for sealing and insulation purposes; plates of graphite-based materials for use as sealing rings, packing seals and heat insulation; glide ring packings, seals, and sealing support rings for sealing oil, grease or air in hydraulic and pneumatic applications; guide elements for hydraulic and pneumatic applications, in particular guide rings and bearing rings for protecting cylinder rods and pistons; damping elements, in particular for pneumatic applications; sound insulating multilayered sheets and formed parts of foam and/or plastics for vehicle cabins, for the building industry and for industrial machines; perfluoroelastomers being films, plates and rods (semifinished products); moulded semi-finished parts and finished products of vulcanised perfluoroelastomers, in particular in the form of seals and o-rings, for use in hydraulics, pneumatics and mechanical engineering. 2017.02.16 47

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1264712 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.15 (180) Registreringen 2025.01.15 (210) Nasj. 201511345 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.09.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.22, EM, 013286571 ifbm Knorr-Bremse AG, Moosacher Strasse 80, DE-80809 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Electric, electronic measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), control and monitoring equipment and apparatus; mechanically and/or pneumatically and/or hydraulically and/or electrically-operated, controlled and controlling measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), regulating, conveying, recording, amplifying and monitoring equipment, apparatus and installations constructed therefrom; individual parts for the aforesaid equipment and apparatus. Klasse 12 Mechanically and/or pneumatically and/or hydraulically and/or electrically-operated and/or monitored vehicle brakes and individual parts therefor; pneumatic cushioning spring systems and parts therefor, for vehicles; Vehicle components for the control of the level of vehicles consisting of air compressed air suspension parts like compressors, multiple-circuit protection valves, air suspension bellows, air suspension valve units; equipment, apparatus and installations constructed therefrom for controlling, regulating, influencing and/or monitoring vehicle brakes, parts for the aforesaid equipment and apparatus; wheels, bearings for axles; automatic and non-automatic couplings for rail and road vehicles, namely haulage and impact couplings, pipeline couplings and cable couplings; holding and steering gear and haulage and impact transmission links for the aforesaid couplings; parts for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 37 Repair and maintenance of pressure-operated equipment and apparatus and braking apparatus. 2017.02.22 (111) 1266995 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.16 (180) Registreringen 2024.12.16 (210) Nasj. 201512153 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.10.01 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.12, BX, 0962164 Hans Sietse NOACH, Albert Hahnplantsoen 16, NL- 1077BM AMSTERDAM, Nederland Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; thermostats; weather stations; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulation and controlling electricity; electronic apparatus and instruments; devices for transmitting, recording and reproducing sound or images; magnetic and/or optical data carriers, disc-shaped data carriers; data processing equipment and computers; security alarms; all the aforementioned apparatus and instruments intended for home automation systems. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating; all the aforementioned apparatus and instruments intended for home automation systems. 2017.02.21 (111) 1267158 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.06.22 (180) Registreringen 2025.06.22 (210) Nasj. 201512172 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.10.01 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.23, EM, 013604814 FleetDSS Applied Weather Technology, Inc., 140 Kifer Court, US- CA94086 SUNNYVALE, USA Klasse 9 Tracking apparatus; navigation, tracking, targeting and map making devices; parts and fittings for the aforesaid. Klasse 39 Navigation services; positioning and route course plotting; ship positioning and route course plotting services; ship tracking services; information, advice and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid. Klasse 42 Weather forecasting services; weather information services; weather reporting services; information, advice and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid. 2017.02.21 (111) 1272976 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.06.02 (180) Registreringen 2025.06.02 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.10.24 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201613306 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The word "DREAMHACK" written in black upper-case letters; above the word, small orange squares form a perspective illustration that is twisted to the left. Dreamhack AB, Telefonvägen 30, SE-12626 HÄGERSTEN, Sverige Klasse 35 Organisation of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; sponsorship (other than financial) and marketing, retailing relating to software, computer games, computers and computer accessories. Klasse 41 Entertainment services; education; cultural activities; 48

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 providing of training; arranging of contests; arranging of lan parties; organisation of computer game competitions; organisation of competitions, education and entertainment via lan networks. Klasse 43 Providing facilities for trade fairs, conferences, festivals, exhibitions, competitions and events. 2017.02.20 (111) 1274933 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.09.11 (180) Registreringen 2025.09.11 (210) Nasj. 201514775 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.11.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.03.12, CH, 673410 OFFICIAL TIMEKEEPER OF EMOTIONS Tissot SA, Chemin des Tourelles 17, CH-2400 LE LOCLE, Sveits Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys; jewelry, jewelry boxes, cases, precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments, presentation cases for timepieces, cases for timepieces. 2017.02.22 (111) 1276638 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.13 (180) Registreringen 2024.10.13 (210) Nasj. 201515207 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.12.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.18, DE, 30 2014 053 347.2/38 digame mobile GmbH, Schanzenstraße 38, DE-51063 KÖLN, Tyskland Klasse 28 Games and toys (also electronic), as far as contained in this class; electronic games apparatus with and without video screens; handheld electronic games; electronic handheld apparatus for playing interactive as well as virtual games. Klasse 35 Business management consulting; business organization consulting; business consulting; personnel management consulting; marketing; marketing research and market analysis; opinion research; compilation of statistics, procurement and settlement of commercial transactions for third parties; procurement of contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and for services for third parties; advertising; broadcast, television and cinema advertising; planning, organizing and conducting exhibitions, trade fairs, and film, television, and video shows for commercial and advertising purposes; public relations; presentation of firms in the Internet and other media; renting of advertising time in communication media, information in business affairs; reproduction of printed matter (periodically published) magazines, newspapers and periodicals, (printed) publications, prospectus and documentations and printed matter, circular letters, pamphlets, books, handbooks and manuals, directories and indexes; production of telephone and television commercials including respective competition programs; production of telephone and television commercial spots, including respective lottery commercial spots. Klasse 41 Planning, organizing and conducting of lotteries, shows, quizzes and concerts; performing competitions in the field of entertainment and sports; entertainment by means of wireless radio and television broadcasts; publishing and issuing printed matter (periodically published) magazines, periodicals and newspapers, (printed) publications, prospectus and documents as well as printer's copies, circular letters, pamphlets, books, handbooks and manuals, directories and indices, photographs, posters and placards as well as corresponding electronic media (including CD-ROMs, CD-Es, CD-Is, CD-Rs, DATs, DCCs, DVDs, HDCDs and MDs); operating lotteries; gambling; arranging for television and broadcasting programs; organization of quizzes, shows and gambling activities; planning, organization and conducting of training courses, correspondence courses, seminars and conferences in the fields of economics and advertising; editing and layout of printed matter, (periodically published) magazines, periodicals and newspapers, (printed) publications, prospectus and documents as well as printer's copies, circular letters, pamphlets, books, handbooks and manuals, directories and indices, photographs, posters and placards (except printed matter) as well as respective electronic media (including CD-ROMs, CD-Es, CD-Is, CD-Rs, DATs, DCCs, DVDs, HDCDs and MDs). Klasse 42 Technical engineering consultancy in the field of information technologies, computers and communication; services of programmers; design, maintenance and actualization of programs for data processing (software); design of software for video, computer and other electronic, interactive as well as virtual games; technological information services of different data banks, namely passive and active demand of information in data and text form; developing software, particularly in the field of multimedia, interactive teletext and/or television and pay-tv; design of printed matter, (periodically published) magazines, periodicals and newspapers, (printed) publications, prospectus and documents as well as printer's copies, circular letters, pamphlets, books, handbooks and manuals, directories and indices, photographs, posters and placards (except printed matter) as well as respective electronic media (including CD-ROMs, CD-Es, CD-Is, CD-Rs, DATs, DCCs, DVDs, HD-CDs, HDCDs and MDs). 2017.02.21 49

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1278304 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.09.10 (180) Registreringen 2025.09.10 (210) Nasj. 201515857 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.03.10, EM, 013810312 JKTG Invest ApS, Frederiksborgvej 203, DK-4000 ROSKILDE, Danmark Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; business assistance relating to franchising. 2017.02.21 (111) 1279186 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.11.04 (180) Registreringen 2025.11.04 (210) Nasj. 201515996 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.08.28, EM, 014515332 SYNCHROCOLOR ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH, Vahrenwalder Strasse 9, DE-30165 HANNOVER, Tyskland Klasse 7 Driving belts; timing belts; V-belts; drive belts; synchronous belts; nubbed belts; double toothed belts; flat belts; variable speed belts; lifting belts (parts of machines); driving belts, other than for land vehicles; power transmission couplings [other than for land vehicles]; belt drives; belts for machines and engines; deflection and tension rollers for timing belts, parts and accessories therefor; belts for conveyors; transport and conveying belts, in particular conveyor belts; parts and fittings for transport and conveyor belts; moving pavements [sidewalks]. 2017.02.22 (111) 1279558 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.09.14 (180) Registreringen 2025.09.14 (210) Nasj. 201516069 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.03.23, EM, 013872932 erasure CHG-MERIDIAN AG, Franz-Beer-Strasse 111, DE- 88250 WEINGARTEN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Computers; computer hardware; peripherals adapted for use with computers; computer software (downloadable); computer operating programs, recorded; recorded computer software; applications for downloadable computer software; packaged computer software; computer programmes for data processing; computer software for computer aided software engineering; data compression software; computer software to maintain and operate computer system; software for processing images, graphics and text; magnetic supports for software; data carriers for computers having software recorded thereon; computer hardware for use in computer-assisted software engineering. Klasse 35 Outsourced administrative management for companies; computerised file management; data search in computer files for others; systemization of information into computer databases; compilation of information into computer databases; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases. Klasse 37 Computer maintenance services, maintenance of computer hardware. Klasse 39 Transport; transport services; services for the transport of goods, in particular computers, compute hardware and computer peripheral devices; guarded transport of valuables. Klasse 42 Computer technology consultancy; off-site data backup; outsource service providers in the field of information technology; technological consultation services; rental of software; updating of computer software; software design services; software as a service [SaaS]; software creation; software engineering; software customisation services; installation of software; computer programming; writing of programs for data processing; computer design and programming services; updating of software data bases; computer software technical support services; custom design of software packages; maintenance and repair of software; computer software research; development of interactive multimedia software; maintenance of software for computer protocols; software development; maintenance and updating of computer software; computer software design and updating; updating of computer software; consultancy in the field of software design; consultancy in the field of software design; creation, maintenance and adaptation of software; computer design and programming services; advisory services relating to computer programming; development of software for secure network operations; professional consultancy services relating to computer programming; installation, maintenance and repair of software for computer systems; services for the design of electronic data processing software; advisory services in the field of product development and quality improvement of software; rental of computer software, rental of computers for data processing and rental of computer peripheral devices; providing temporary use of nondownloadable computer software for shipment processing over computer networks, intranets and the internet; computer hardware and software consultancy; consultancy services relating to the design and development of computer networks using mixed software environments; technical project studies in the field of computer hardware and software; consultancy and advice on the design and development of computer software and computer hardware; rental of computer hardware and computer software; computer rental; computer technology consultancy; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; computer system analysis; advisory services relating to computer programming; recovery of computer data; maintenance of software; computer system design; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; duplicating computer programs; installation of software; computer virus protection services and protection services against the unlawful acquisition of data; data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]; providing of information about computer technology and programming via websites; web site design consultancy. 50

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.21 (111) 1281895 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.11.19 (180) Registreringen 2025.11.19 (210) Nasj. 201516798 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.12.31 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.05.28, EM, 014176697 ELEMENTS Camp Scandinavia AB, Karbingatan 38, SE-25467 HELSINGBORG, Sverige Klasse 10 Orthopedic articles, namely orthoses, corsets, supports and bandages. 2017.02.21 (111) 1282362 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.11.19 (180) Registreringen 2025.11.19 (210) Nasj. 201600056 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.01.07 HEULIEZ BUS, La Crénuère - Rorthais, FR-79700 MAULEON, Frankrike Klasse 12 Land vehicles; electric vehicles; electric buses, buses; motor buses, cars; hybrid cars. 2017.02.22 (111) 1282364 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.11.19 (180) Registreringen 2025.11.19 (210) Nasj. 201600057 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.01.07 HEULIEZ BUS, La Crénuère - Rorthais, FR-79700 MAULEON, Frankrike Klasse 12 Land vehicles; electric vehicles; electric buses, buses; motor buses, cars; hybrid cars. 2017.02.22 (111) 1282562 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.12.08 (180) Registreringen 2025.12.08 (210) Nasj. 201600096 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.01.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.06.11, CH, 678869 ARTEMIS SPECTRUM Logitech International SA, Les Châtagnis, CH-1143 APPLES, Sveits Klasse 28 Video game controllers, namely gamepads. 2017.02.21 (111) 1282564 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.12.08 (180) Registreringen 2025.12.08 (210) Nasj. 201600097 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.01.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.06.11, CH, 678870 PROTEUS SPECTRUM Logitech International SA, Les Châtagnis, CH-1143 APPLES, Sveits Klasse 9 Computer hardware and peripherals, namely mice, keyboards, headsets, steering wheels, speakers, joysticks, electric controllers. 2017.02.21 (111) 1282608 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.05.25 (180) Registreringen 2025.05.25 (210) Nasj. 201600110 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.01.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.30, RU, 2014744087 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trade mark consists of the wording "Kalashnikov Group" in Latin script, executed by standard PFEncore Sans Pro font. The enterprise bears the name of the prominent small arms designer, Hero of the Russian Federation, lieutenant general Kalashnikov M.T., which is represented by a well-defined black color, the word "group" positioned underneath, and executed in grey. In general the mark reflects the enterprise line of business: having Kalashnikov name in memory, defense, safeguard, propaganda of traditions of the Russian gun makers school. Joint stock company "Concern "Kalashnikov", proezd Deryabina, 3 Izhevsk, RU-426006 UDMURTIA, Russland Klasse 8 Abrading instruments [hand instruments]; air pumps, 51

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 hand-operated; beard clippers; bench vices [hand implements]; bill-hooks; bits [parts of hand tools]; bits [hand tools]; blade sharpening instruments; blades for planes; braiders [hand tools]; branding irons; can openers, non-electric; tin openers, non-electric; cattle shearers; caulking irons; cheese slicers, non-electric; chisels; clamps for carpenters or coopers; cleavers; crimping irons; curling tongs; cuticle tweezers; cuticle nippers; implements for decanting liquids [hand tools]; depilation appliances, electric and non-electric; dies [hand tools]; ear-piercing apparatus; earth rammers [hand tools]; egg slicers, non-electric; embossers [hand tools]; emery files; emery grinding wheels; engraving needles; eyelash curlers; files [tools]; fingernail polishers, electric or non-electric; nail buffers, electric or non-electric; fire irons; fireplace bellows [hand tools]; flat irons; foundry ladles [hand tools]; frames for handsaws; fruit pickers [hand tools]; goffering irons; gouges [hand tools]; graving tools [hand tools]; grindstones [hand tools]; sharpening wheels [hand tools]; guns, hand-operated, for the extrusion of mastics; hackles [hand tools]; hair clippers for animals [hand instruments]; hair clippers for personal use, electric and non-electric; hair-removing tweezers; hand implements for hair curling; hand pumps; harpoons for fishing; harpoons; hatchets; hollowing bits [parts of hand tools]; hoop cutters [hand tools]; ice picks; irons [non-electric hand tools]; ladles [hand tools]; lasts [shoemakers' hand tools]; leather strops; livestock marking tools; cattle marking tools; manicure sets, electric; manicure sets; mattocks; meat choppers [hand tools]; mitre [miter (Am.)] boxes [hand tools]; money scoops; nail files, electric; nail nippers; nail clippers, electric or non-electric; nail files; nail punches; needlethreaders; numbering punches; nutcrackers; oyster openers; paring irons [hand tools]; pedicure sets; perforating tools [hand tools]; pin punches; pincers; nippers; tongs; pizza cutters, non-electric; polishing irons [glazing tools]; glazing irons; priming irons [hand tools]; punch rings [knuckle dusters]; knuckle dusters; punch pliers [hand tools]; punches [hand tools]; instruments for punching tickets; rammers [hand tools]; pestles for pounding; rams [hand tools]; rasps [hand tools]; scrapers [hand tools]; scraping tools [hand tools]; scythe stones; whetstones; scythe rings; scythes; sharpening steels; knife steels; sharpening stones; sharpening instruments; shaving cases; squares [hand tools]; stamping-out tools [hand tools]; stamps [hand tools]; stropping instruments; sugar tongs; apparatus for tattooing; truncheons; bludgeons; police batons; tweezers; vegetable slicers; vegetable shredders; vegetable choppers; whetstone holders; wick trimmers [scissors]. Klasse 13 Acetyl-nitrocellulose; air pistols [weapons]; ammonium nitrate explosives; nitrate of ammonia explosives; ammunition for firearms; artillery guns [cannons]; ballistic weapons; ballistic missiles; belts adapted for ammunition; Bengal lights; breeches of firearms; cannons; cartridge loading apparatus; cartridge pouches; cartridge cases; cartridges; cleaning brushes for firearms; detonating caps other than toys; percussion caps other than toys; detonating plugs; detonators; dynamite; explosive powders; explosive cartridges; explosives; apparatus for filling cartridge belts; automatic firearm ammunition belts; firearms; firecrackers; fireworks; firing platforms; flare pistols; fog signals, explosive; fuses for explosives, for use in mines; fuses for explosives; gun carriages [artillery]; guncotton; pyroxylin; gunpowder; machine guns; guns [weapons]; gunstocks; gun stocks; hammers for guns and rifles; hammers for guns; hammers for rifles; hand grenades; harpoon guns [weapons]; hunting firearms; sporting firearms; lead shot for hunting; mines [explosives]; mortars [firearms]; motorized weapons; noise-suppressors for guns; pistols [arms]; powder horns; primings [fuses]; projectiles [weapons]; pyrophoric substances; pyrotechnic products; revolvers; rifle cases; gun cases; rifle barrels; gun barrels; rifles; carbines; rocket launchers; rockets [projectiles]; shells [projectiles]; shoulder straps for weapons; bandoliers for weapons; side arms [firearms]; sighting mirrors for guns and rifles; sighting mirrors for guns; sighting mirrors for rifles; sights, other than telescopic sights, for artillery; sights, other than telescopic sights, for firearms; signal rockets; sprays for personal defense purposes; sprays for personal defence purposes; tanks [weapons]; tear-gas weapons; tear gas weapons; torpedoes; trigger guards for guns and rifles; trigger guards for rifles; trunnions for heavy weapons. Klasse 16 Absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; address plates for addressing machines; address stamps; addressing machines; adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; adhesive bands for stationery or household purposes; adhesive tape dispensers [office requisites]; adhesives [glues] for stationery or household purposes; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; albums; scrapbooks; almanacs; announcement cards [stationery]; aquarelles; watercolors [paintings]; watercolours [paintings]; architects' models; arithmetical tables; calculating tables; artists' watercolor [watercolour] saucers; artists' watercolor saucers; artists' watercolour saucers; watercolor [watercolour] saucers for artists; atlases; bags for microwave cooking; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; balls for ball-point pens; bibs of paper; binding strips [bookbinding]; biological samples for use in microscopy [teaching materials]; blackboards; blotters; blueprints; plans; bookbinding apparatus and machines [office equipment]; bookbinding material; bookbindings; bookends; booklets; bookmarkers; books; bottle envelopes of cardboard or paper; bottle wrappers of cardboard or paper; boxes of cardboard or paper; cabinets for stationery [office requisites]; calendars; canvas for painting; carbon paper; cardboard tubes; cardboard; cards; charts; cases for stamps [seals]; catalogues; chalk for lithography; chalk holders; charcoal pencils; chart pointers, non-electronic; chromolithographs [chromos]; chromos; cigar bands; clipboards; clips for offices; staples for offices; cloth for bookbinding; bookbinding cloth; coasters of paper; comic books; compasses for drawing; composing frames [printing]; composing sticks; conical paper bags; copying paper [stationery]; cords for bookbinding; bookbinding cords; correcting ink [heliography]; correcting fluids [office requisites]; correcting tapes [office requisites]; covers [stationery]; wrappers [stationery]; cream containers of paper; credit card imprinters, non-electric; desk mats; diagrams; document laminators for office use; document holders [stationery]; document files [stationery]; drawer liners of paper, perfumed or not; drawing sets; drawing pens; drawing squares; drawing T-squares; drawing rulers; drawing boards; drawing pads; drawing instruments; drawing materials; drawing pins; thumbtacks; duplicators; elastic bands for offices; electrocardiograph paper; electrotypes; embroidery designs [patterns]; engraving plates; engravings; envelope sealing machines, for offices; envelopes [stationery]; erasing shields; erasing products; etching needles; etchings; fabrics for bookbinding; face towels of paper; figurines [statuettes] of papier mâché; files [office requisites]; filter paper; filtering materials [paper]; finger-stalls [office requisites]; flags of paper; flower-pot covers of paper; covers of paper for flower pots; flyers; folders [stationery]; folders for papers; jackets for papers; forms, printed; fountain pens; franking machines for office use; postage meters for office use; French curves; galley racks [printing]; garbage bags of paper or of plastics; geographical maps; glue for stationery or household purposes; pastes for stationery or household purposes; gluten [glue] for stationery or household purposes; graining combs; graphic prints; graphic representations; graphic reproductions; greeting cards; gummed cloth for stationery purposes; gummed tape [stationery]; gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; hand labelling 52

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 appliances; hand-rests for painters; handkerchiefs of paper; handwriting specimens for copying; hat boxes of cardboard; hectographs; histological sections for teaching purposes; holders for stamps [seals]; holders for checkbooks [cheque books]; house painters' rollers; humidity control sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; index cards [stationery]; indexes; Indian inks; ink stones [ink reservoirs]; ink; ink sticks; inking ribbons; inking pads; inking ribbons for computer printers; inking sheets for document reproducing machines; inking sheets for duplicators; inkstands; inkwells; isinglass for stationery or household purposes; labels, not of textile; loose-leaf binders; ledgers [books]; letter trays; lithographic stones; lithographic works of art; lithographs; magazines [periodicals]; manifolds [stationery]; manuals [handbooks]; handbooks [manuals]; marking pens [stationery]; marking chalk; mats for beer glasses; mimeograph apparatus and machines; modelling paste; modelling materials; modelling wax, not for dental purposes; modelling clay; moisteners for gummed surfaces [office requisites]; moisteners [office requisites]; money clips; moulds for modelling clays [artists' materials]; molds for modelling clays [artists' materials]; apparatus for mounting photographs; musical greeting cards; newsletters; newspapers; nibs of gold; nibs; note books; numbering apparatus; numbers [type]; obliterating stamps; office perforators; office requisites, except furniture; oleographs; packaging material made of starches; packing [cushioning, stuffing] materials of paper or cardboard; pads [stationery]; paint trays; paint boxes [articles for use in school]; painters' easels; paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; palettes for painters; pamphlets; pantographs [drawing instruments]; paper bows; paper ribbons; paper clasps; paper coffee filters; paper for radiograms; paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmes; luminous paper; paper for recording machines; paper sheets [stationery]; paper; paper-clips; paperweights; papier mâché; parchment paper; passport holders; pastels [crayons]; pen cases; boxes for pens; pen wipers; pen clips; pencil sharpeners, electric or non-electric; pencil sharpening machines, electric or non-electric; pencil lead holders; pencil holders; pencil leads; pencils; penholders; pens [office requisites]; perforated cards for Jacquard looms; periodicals; photo-engravings; photograph stands; photographs [printed]; pictures; placards of paper or cardboard; place mats of paper; plastic cling film, extensible, for palletization; plastic bubble packs for wrapping or packaging; plastic film for wrapping; plastics for modelling; polymer modelling clay; portraits; postage stamps; postcards; posters; printed publications; printed timetables; printed matter; printers' reglets; printers' blankets, not of textile; printing sets, portable [office requisites]; printing blocks; printing type; prints [engravings]; prospectuses; punches [office requisites]; rollers for typewriters; rosaries; chaplets; rubber erasers; school supplies [stationery]; scrapers [erasers] for offices; sealing machines for offices; sealing compounds for stationery purposes; sealing wafers; sealing stamps; sealing wax; seals [stamps]; self-adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; sewing patterns; sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; shields [paper seals]; signboards of paper or cardboard; silver paper; slate pencils; song books; spools for inking ribbons; square rulers; stamp pads; stamp stands; stamps [seals]; stands for pens and pencils; stapling presses [office requisites]; starch paste [adhesive] for stationery or household purposes; stationery; steatite [tailor's chalk]; steel letters; steel pens; stencil plates; stencil cases; stencils; stencils [stationery]; stickers [stationery]; stuffing of paper or cardboard; table napkins of paper; tablecloths of paper; tablemats of paper; tags for index cards; tailors' chalk; teaching materials [except apparatus]; terrestrial globes; tickets; tissues of paper for removing make-up; toilet paper; hygienic paper; towels of paper; tracing cloth; tracing paper; tracing needles for drawing purposes; tracing patterns; trading cards other than for games; transfers [decalcomanias]; decalcomanias; transparencies [stationery]; trays for sorting and counting money; type [numerals and letters]; letters [type]; typewriter keys; typewriter ribbons; typewriters, electric or non-electric; viscose sheets for wrapping; waxed paper; wood pulp board [stationery]; wood pulp paper; wrapping paper; packing paper; wristbands for the retention of writing instruments; writing slates; writing board erasers; writing brushes; writing chalk; writing instruments; writing or drawing books; writing cases [stationery]; writing materials; writing cases [sets]; writing paper; Xuan paper for Chinese painting and calligraphy. Klasse 18 Animal skins; pelts; attaché cases; bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; envelopes, of leather, for packaging; pouches, of leather, for packaging; bags for campers; bags for climbers; bags for sports; beach bags; bits for animals [harness]; blinkers [harness]; blinders [harness]; boxes of leather or leather board; boxes of vulcanised fibre; bridles [harness]; bridoons; briefcases; business card cases; butts [parts of hides]; canes; walking sticks; card cases [notecases]; cases, of leather or leatherboard; casings, of leather, for springs; casings, of leather, for plate springs; cat o' nine tails; cattle skins; chain mesh purses; chamois leather, other than for cleaning purposes; skins of chamois, other than for cleaning purposes; chin straps, of leather; collars for animals; covers for animals; clothing for pets; covers for horsesaddles; saddle cloths for horses; credit card cases [wallets]; curried skins; fastenings for saddles; frames for umbrellas or parasols; fur; fur-skins; furniture coverings of leather; game bags [hunting accessories]; garment bags for travel; girths of leather; goldbeaters' skin; gut for making sausages; halters; head-stalls; handbag frames; handbags; harness fittings; harness for animals; harness straps; harness traces; hat boxes of leather; haversacks; horse blankets; horse collars; horseshoes; imitation leather; key cases; kid; kneepads for horses; leather leashes; leather leads; leather, unworked or semi-worked; leather twist; leather thread; leather straps; leather thongs; leather laces; leatherboard; moleskin [imitation of leather]; mountaineering sticks; alpenstocks; music cases; muzzles; net bags for shopping; nose bags [feed bags]; pads for horse saddles; parasols; pouch baby carriers; reins; riding saddles; rucksacks; backpacks; saddle trees; saddlery; school bags; school satchels; shopping bags; shoulder belts [straps] of leather; bandoliers; leather shoulder belts; leather shoulder straps; sling bags for carrying infants; slings for carrying infants; stirrup leathers; parts of rubber for stirrups; stirrups; straps of leather [saddlery]; straps for skates; straps for soldiers' equipment; suitcase handles; suitcases; tool bags of leather, empty; traces [harness]; travelling sets [leatherware]; travelling trunks; travelling bags; trimmings of leather for furniture; leather trimmings for furniture; trunks [luggage]; umbrella handles; umbrella covers; umbrella sticks; umbrella or parasol ribs; umbrella rings; valises; valves of leather; vanity cases, not fitted; walking stick seats; walking stick handles; walking cane handles; wheeled shopping bags; whips. Klasse 28 Air pistols [toys]; amusement machines, automatic and coin-operated; arcade video game machines; archery implements; artificial fishing bait; artificial snow for Christmas trees; ascenders [mountaineering equipment]; backgammon games; bags especially designed for skis and surfboards; ball pitching machines; balls for games; bar-bells; baseball gloves; batting gloves [accessories for games]; bells for Christmas trees; coin-operated billiard tables; billiard tables; billiard cue tips; billiard cues; billiard markers; billiard table cushions; bingo cards; bite sensors [fishing tackle]; bite indicators [fishing tackle]; bladders of balls for games; board games; bob-sleighs; bodybuilding apparatus; body rehabilitation apparatus; bodytraining apparatus; bodyboards; bowling apparatus and machinery; bows for archery; boxing gloves; building 53

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 games; building blocks [toys]; butterfly nets; camouflage screens [sports articles]; candle holders for Christmas trees; caps for pistols [toys]; carnival masks; chalk for billiard cues; chess games; chessboards; chest expanders [exercisers]; exercisers [expanders]; chips for gambling; Christmas tree stands; Christmas trees of synthetic material; clay pigeons [targets]; clay pigeon traps; climbers' harness; confetti; conjuring apparatus; controllers for game consoles; controllers for toys; counters [discs] for games; creels [fishing traps]; cricket bags; cups for dice; darts; decoys for hunting or fishing; lures for hunting or fishing; dice; discuses for sports; divot repair tools [golf accessories]; pitch mark repair tools [golf accessories]; dolls; dolls' clothes; dolls' beds; dolls' rooms; dolls' houses; dolls' feeding bottles; dominoes; draughtboards; checkerboards; draughts [games]; checkers [games]; dumb-bells; edges of skis; elbow guards [sports articles]; electronic targets; explosive bonbons [Christmas crackers]; cosaques [toy fireworks]; fairground ride apparatus; fencing gauntlets; fencing gloves; fencing masks; fencing weapons; fish hooks; fishing tackle; flippers for swimming; swimming webs [flippers]; floats for fishing; flying discs [toys]; foosball tables; apparatus for games; games; gaming machines for gambling; gloves for games; golf gloves; golf bags, with or without wheels; golf clubs; golf bag trolleys; golf bag carts; gut for rackets; gut for fishing; appliances for gymnastics; hang gliders; harness for sailboards; harpoon guns [sports articles]; hockey sticks; horseshoe games; hunting game calls; ice skates; jigsaw puzzles; kaleidoscopes; kite reels; kites; knee guards [sports articles]; landing nets for anglers; in-line roller skates; lines for fishing; mah-jong; marbles for games; masks [playthings]; masts for sailboards; matryoshka dolls [wooden nested Russian dolls]; men's athletic supporters [sports articles]; mobiles [toys]; nets for sports; novelties for parties, dances [party favors, favours]; ornaments for Christmas trees, except illumination articles and confectionery; pachinkos; paintball guns [sports apparatus]; paintballs [ammunition for paintball guns] [sports apparatus]; paper party hats; paragliders; parlour games; parlor games; percussion caps [toys]; detonating caps [toys]; machines for physical exercises; Piñatas; play balloons; playing cards; playing balls; plush toys; poles for pole vaulting; portable games with liquid crystal displays; practical jokes [novelties]; protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; punching bags; puppets; marionettes; quoits; rackets; bats for games; radiocontrolled toy vehicles; rattles [playthings]; reels for fishing; ring games; rocking horses; rods for fishing; roller skates; rollers for stationary exercise bicycles; rosin used by athletes; roulette wheels; sailboards; scale model vehicles; scale model kits [toys]; scent lures for hunting or fishing; scooters [toys]; scrapers for skis; scratch cards for playing lottery games; seal skins [coverings for skis]; shin guards [sports articles]; shuttlecocks; skateboards; skating boots with skates attached; ski bindings; skis; skittles; skittles [games]; ninepins; sleds [sports articles]; slides [playthings]; sling shots [sports articles]; slot machines [gaming machines]; snow globes; snowboards; snowshoes; soap bubbles [toys]; sole coverings for skis; spinning tops [toys]; spring boards [sports articles]; starting blocks for sports; stationary exercise bicycles; strings for rackets; stuffed toys; surf skis; surfboard leashes; surfboards; swimming kick boards; swimming belts; swimming jackets; swimming pools [play articles]; swings; tables for table tennis; targets; teddy bears; tennis ball throwing apparatus; tennis nets; theatrical masks; toy vehicles; toy pistols; toy figures; toy models; toys; toys for domestic pets; trampolines; twirling batons; video game machines; water wings; waterskis; wax for skis; weight lifting belts [sports articles]. Klasse 35 Administrative processing of purchase orders; advertising; publicity; advertising by mail order; rental of advertising time on communication media; rental of advertising space; production of advertising films; advertising agencies; publicity agencies; auctioneering; bill-posting; outdoor advertising; rental of billboards [advertising boards]; book-keeping; accounting; business management of reimbursement programmes for others; business management of reimbursement programs for others; providing business information via a web site; business research; business investigations; business appraisals; business information; business project management services for construction projects; business management for freelance service providers; business management of sports people; business management of performing artists; business management of hotels; business inquiries; business management assistance; business efficiency expert services; advisory services for business management; business organization consultancy; business management and organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; business auditing; commercial information agencies; commercial intermediation services; provision of commercial and business contact information; commercial or industrial management assistance; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; compilation of statistics; compilation of information into computer databases; computerized file management; cost price analysis; data search in computer files for others; demonstration of goods; design of advertising materials; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; distribution of samples; document reproduction; drawing up of statements of accounts; economic forecasting; employment agencies; import-export agencies; invoicing; layout services for advertising purposes; provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; on-line advertising on a computer network; marketing studies; marketing research; marketing; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; news clipping services; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; office machines and equipment rental; opinion polling; organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; outsourced administrative management for companies; outsourcing services [business assistance]; pay per click advertising; payroll preparation; personnel management consultancy; personnel recruitment; rental of photocopying machines; photocopying services; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; price comparison services; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; psychological testing for the selection of personnel; public relations; publication of publicity texts; publicity material rental; radio advertising; relocation services for businesses; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; sales promotion for others; rental of sales stands; search engine optimization; search engine optimisation; secretarial services; shop window dressing; shorthand; sponsorship search; arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; systemization of information into computer databases; tax filing services; tax preparation; telemarketing services; telephone answering for unavailable subscribers; television advertising; transcription of communications [office functions]; typing; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; updating of advertising material; rental of vending machines; web site traffic optimization; web site traffic optimisation; word processing; writing of curriculum vitae for others; writing of résumés for others; writing of publicity texts. 54

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.22 (111) 1282627 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.30 (180) Registreringen 2025.03.30 (210) Nasj. 201600113 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.01.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.02, US, 86413347 HOLOGIC Hologic Inc, 35 Crosby Drive, US-MA01730 BEDFORD, USA Klasse 1 Kit consisting primarily of genetic material, oligonucleotides and analogs and derivatives thereof, polynucleotides, nucleotides, standards, chemical or biochemical reagents, diagnostic preparations, buffers and vials for biomedical and scientific research applications and clinical laboratory use; kit consisting primarily of genetic material, oligonucleotides and analogs and derivatives thereof, polynucleotides, nucleotides, standards, chemical or biochemical reagents, diagnostic preparations, buffers and vials for clinical and medical laboratory use. Klasse 5 Kit consisting primarily of genetic material, oligonucleotides and analogs and derivatives thereof, polynucleotides, nucleotides, standards, chemical or biochemical reagents, diagnostic preparations, buffers and vials for medical treatment and medical diagnostic purposes; diagnostic test kits comprised of analytes used as markers or indicators for detecting diseases for use in screening women at risk of pre-term delivery and for use in assessing the risk of pre-term delivery and infertility; medical diagnostic reagents; reagents and kits comprising reagents and processing chemicals for use in obstetrics, gynecology and women's health; biossay reagents and kits comprised of bioassay reagents, chemicals and/or solutions for in vitro medical uses in obstetrics, gynecology and women's health, in particular disorders and pre-term birth. Klasse 9 Laboratory and scientific apparatus and instruments, and parts therefor, all for use in biomedical research, screening for osteoporosis, cervical cancer and breast cancer, namely, photometers, luminometers, assay tube wash stations, laboratory incubators, dry heat baths, assay tube vortex mixers, ultrasonic apparatus for disrupting cells, assay reaction tubes, namely, test tubes and test tube caps, pipettors, pipette tips, pipetting workstations, liquid sample processors for handling liquids, and automated in vitro diagnostic specimen test analyzers comprised of assay processing unit, control unit, and power supply; liquid dispensing bottles, vortexers, sonicators, incubators, dry heat baths, heat block inserts, tubes, reaction vials, tube sealing cards, tube caps, tube racks, specimen racks, magnetic separation system; apparatuses to facilitate the handling of specimens and to facilitate the execution of diagnostic assay procedures, namely pipetters, automated liquid handling systems; kits consisting primarily of laboratory instruments to determine the results of assay procedures. Klasse 10 Medical apparatus and instruments used for the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer, namely, breast imaging systems, breast biopsy devices and biopsy image guidance systems, and systems for partial-breast irradiation; medical apparatus and instruments used for the detection and diagnosis of osteoporosis, namely, x-ray bone densitometers, x-ray imaging devices, and MRI diagnostic apparatus; medical apparatus and instruments used for the detection and diagnosis of cervical cancer, namely, a slide sample imaging system; medical apparatus and instruments used for surgery to correct excessive menstrual bleeding; medical apparatus and instruments used for the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of medical conditions in the fields of women's health, obstetrics and gynecology, namely, medical and surgical instruments for gynecological use consisting of instruments to determine the results of assay procedures, namely photometers and luminometers; medical apparatuses to facilitate the handling of medical specimens and to facilitate the execution of diagnostic assay procedures, namely pipetters, pipette tips, automated liquid handling systems, pipetting workstations, liquid dispensing bottles, vortexers, sonicators, incubators/dry heat baths, heat block inserts, tubes/reaction vials, tube sealing cards, tube caps, tube/specimen racks, magnetic separation system; kits consisting primarily of medical diagnostic instruments to determine the results of assay procedures. 2017.02.22 (111) 1282643 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.05.25 (180) Registreringen 2025.05.25 (210) Nasj. 201600115 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.01.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.30, RU, 2014744085 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trade mark consists of the wording "Kalashnikov Concern" in Latin script, executed by standard PFEncore Sans Pro font; the enterprise bears the name of the prominent small arms designer, Hero of the Russian Federation, lieutenant general Kalashnikov M.T., which is represented by a well-defined black color, the word "concern" positioned underneath, and executed in grey; in general the mark reflects the enterprise line of business: having Kalashnikov name in memory, defense, safeguard, propaganda of traditions of the Russian gun makers school. Joint stock company "Concern "Kalashnikov", proezd Deryabina, 3 Izhevsk, RU-426006 UDMURTIA, Russland Klasse 8 Abrading instruments [hand instruments]; air pumps, hand-operated; beard clippers; bench vices [hand implements]; bill-hooks; bits [parts of hand tools]; bits [hand tools]; blade sharpening instruments; blades for planes; braiders [hand tools]; branding irons; can openers, non-electric; tin openers, non-electric; cattle shearers; caulking irons; cheese slicers, non-electric; chisels; clamps for carpenters or coopers; cleavers; crimping irons; curling tongs; cuticle tweezers; cuticle nippers; implements for decanting liquids [hand tools]; depilation appliances, electric and non-electric; dies [hand tools]; ear-piercing apparatus; earth rammers [hand tools]; egg slicers, non-electric; embossers [hand tools]; emery files; emery grinding wheels; engraving needles; eyelash curlers; files [tools]; fingernail polishers, electric or non-electric; nail buffers, electric or non-electric; fire irons; fireplace bellows [hand tools]; flat irons; foundry ladles [hand tools]; frames for handsaws; fruit pickers [hand tools]; goffering irons; gouges [hand tools]; graving tools [hand tools]; grindstones [hand tools]; sharpening wheels [hand 55

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 tools]; guns, hand-operated, for the extrusion of mastics; hackles [hand tools]; hair clippers for animals [hand instruments]; hair clippers for personal use, electric and non-electric; hair-removing tweezers; hand implements for hair curling; hand pumps; harpoons for fishing; harpoons; hatchets; hollowing bits [parts of hand tools]; hoop cutters [hand tools]; ice picks; irons [non-electric hand tools]; ladles [hand tools]; lasts [shoemakers' hand tools]; leather strops; livestock marking tools; cattle marking tools; manicure sets, electric; manicure sets; mattocks; meat choppers [hand tools]; mitre [miter (Am.)] boxes [hand tools]; money scoops; nail files, electric; nail nippers; nail clippers, electric or non-electric; nail files; nail punches; needlethreaders; numbering punches; nutcrackers; oyster openers; paring irons [hand tools]; pedicure sets; perforating tools [hand tools]; pin punches; pincers; nippers; tongs; pizza cutters, non-electric; polishing irons [glazing tools]; glazing irons; priming irons [hand tools]; punch rings [knuckle dusters]; knuckle dusters; punch pliers [hand tools]; punches [hand tools]; instruments for punching tickets; rammers [hand tools]; pestles for pounding; rams [hand tools]; rasps [hand tools]; scrapers [hand tools]; scraping tools [hand tools]; scythe stones; whetstones; scythe rings; scythes; sharpening steels; knife steels; sharpening stones; sharpening instruments; shaving cases; squares [hand tools]; stamping-out tools [hand tools]; stamps [hand tools]; stropping instruments; sugar tongs; apparatus for tattooing; truncheons; bludgeons; police batons; tweezers; vegetable slicers; vegetable shredders; vegetable choppers; whetstone holders; wick trimmers [scissors]. Klasse 13 Acetyl-nitrocellulose; air pistols [weapons]; ammonium nitrate explosives; nitrate of ammonia explosives; ammunition for firearms; artillery guns [cannons]; ballistic weapons; ballistic missiles; belts adapted for ammunition; Bengal lights; breeches of firearms; cannons; cartridge loading apparatus; cartridge pouches; cartridge cases; cartridges; cleaning brushes for firearms; detonating caps other than toys; percussion caps other than toys; detonating plugs; detonators; dynamite; explosive powders; explosive cartridges; explosives; apparatus for filling cartridge belts; automatic firearm ammunition belts; firearms; firecrackers; fireworks; firing platforms; flare pistols; fog signals, explosive; fuses for explosives, for use in mines; fuses for explosives; gun carriages [artillery]; guncotton; pyroxylin; gunpowder; machine guns; guns [weapons]; gunstocks; gun stocks; hammers for guns and rifles; hammers for guns; hammers for rifles; hand grenades; harpoon guns [weapons]; hunting firearms; sporting firearms; lead shot for hunting; mines [explosives]; mortars [firearms]; motorized weapons; noise-suppressors for guns; pistols [arms]; powder horns; primings [fuses]; projectiles [weapons]; pyrophoric substances; pyrotechnic products; revolvers; rifle cases; gun cases; rifle barrels; gun barrels; rifles; carbines; rocket launchers; rockets [projectiles]; shells [projectiles]; shoulder straps for weapons; bandoliers for weapons; side arms [firearms]; sighting mirrors for guns and rifles; sighting mirrors for guns; sighting mirrors for rifles; sights, other than telescopic sights, for artillery; sights, other than telescopic sights, for firearms; signal rockets; sprays for personal defense purposes; sprays for personal defence purposes; tanks [weapons]; tear-gas weapons; tear gas weapons; torpedoes; trigger guards for guns and rifles; trigger guards for rifles; trunnions for heavy weapons. Klasse 16 Absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; address plates for addressing machines; address stamps; addressing machines; adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; adhesive bands for stationery or household purposes; adhesive tape dispensers [office requisites]; adhesives [glues] for stationery or household purposes; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; albums; scrapbooks; almanacs; announcement cards [stationery]; aquarelles; watercolors [paintings]; watercolours [paintings]; architects' models; arithmetical tables; calculating tables; artists' watercolor [watercolour] saucers; artists' watercolor saucers; artists' watercolour saucers; watercolor [watercolour] saucers for artists; atlases; bags for microwave cooking; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; balls for ball-point pens; bibs of paper; binding strips [bookbinding]; biological samples for use in microscopy [teaching materials]; blackboards; blotters; blueprints; plans; bookbinding apparatus and machines [office equipment]; bookbinding material; bookbindings; bookends; booklets; bookmarkers; books; bottle envelopes of cardboard or paper; bottle wrappers of cardboard or paper; boxes of cardboard or paper; cabinets for stationery [office requisites]; calendars; canvas for painting; carbon paper; cardboard tubes; cardboard; cards; charts; cases for stamps [seals]; catalogues; chalk for lithography; chalk holders; charcoal pencils; chart pointers, non-electronic; chromolithographs [chromos]; chromos; cigar bands; clipboards; clips for offices; staples for offices; cloth for bookbinding; bookbinding cloth; coasters of paper; comic books; compasses for drawing; composing frames [printing]; composing sticks; conical paper bags; copying paper [stationery]; cords for bookbinding; bookbinding cords; correcting ink [heliography]; correcting fluids [office requisites]; correcting tapes [office requisites]; covers [stationery]; wrappers [stationery]; cream containers of paper; credit card imprinters, non-electric; desk mats; diagrams; document laminators for office use; document holders [stationery]; document files [stationery]; drawer liners of paper, perfumed or not; drawing sets; drawing pens; drawing squares; drawing T-squares; drawing rulers; drawing boards; drawing pads; drawing instruments; drawing materials; drawing pins; thumbtacks; duplicators; elastic bands for offices; electrocardiograph paper; electrotypes; embroidery designs [patterns]; engraving plates; engravings; envelope sealing machines, for offices; envelopes [stationery]; erasing shields; erasing products; etching needles; etchings; fabrics for bookbinding; face towels of paper; figurines [statuettes] of papier mâché; files [office requisites]; filter paper; filtering materials [paper]; finger-stalls [office requisites]; flags of paper; flower-pot covers of paper; covers of paper for flower pots; flyers; folders [stationery]; folders for papers; jackets for papers; forms, printed; fountain pens; franking machines for office use; postage meters for office use; French curves; galley racks [printing]; garbage bags of paper or of plastics; geographical maps; glue for stationery or household purposes; pastes for stationery or household purposes; gluten [glue] for stationery or household purposes; graining combs; graphic prints; graphic representations; graphic reproductions; greeting cards; gummed cloth for stationery purposes; gummed tape [stationery]; gums [adhesives] for stationery or household purposes; hand labelling appliances; hand-rests for painters; handkerchiefs of paper; handwriting specimens for copying; hat boxes of cardboard; hectographs; histological sections for teaching purposes; holders for stamps [seals]; holders for checkbooks [cheque books]; house painters' rollers; humidity control sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; index cards [stationery]; indexes; Indian inks; ink stones [ink reservoirs]; ink; ink sticks; inking ribbons; inking pads; inking ribbons for computer printers; inking sheets for document reproducing machines; inking sheets for duplicators; inkstands; inkwells; isinglass for stationery or household purposes; labels, not of textile; loose-leaf binders; ledgers [books]; letter trays; lithographic stones; lithographic works of art; lithographs; magazines [periodicals]; manifolds [stationery]; manuals [handbooks]; handbooks [manuals]; marking pens [stationery]; marking chalk; mats for beer glasses; mimeograph apparatus and machines; modelling paste; modelling materials; modelling wax, not for dental 56

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 purposes; modelling clay; moisteners for gummed surfaces [office requisites]; moisteners [office requisites]; money clips; moulds for modelling clays [artists' materials]; molds for modelling clays [artists' materials]; apparatus for mounting photographs; musical greeting cards; newsletters; newspapers; nibs of gold; nibs; note books; numbering apparatus; numbers [type]; obliterating stamps; office perforators; office requisites, except furniture; oleographs; packaging material made of starches; packing [cushioning, stuffing] materials of paper or cardboard; pads [stationery]; paint trays; paint boxes [articles for use in school]; painters' easels; paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; palettes for painters; pamphlets; pantographs [drawing instruments]; paper bows; paper ribbons; paper clasps; paper coffee filters; paper for radiograms; paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmes; luminous paper; paper for recording machines; paper sheets [stationery]; paper; paper-clips; paperweights; papier mâché; parchment paper; passport holders; pastels [crayons]; pen cases; boxes for pens; pen wipers; pen clips; pencil sharpeners, electric or non-electric; pencil sharpening machines, electric or non-electric; pencil lead holders; pencil holders; pencil leads; pencils; penholders; pens [office requisites]; perforated cards for Jacquard looms; periodicals; photo-engravings; photograph stands; photographs [printed]; pictures; placards of paper or cardboard; place mats of paper; plastic cling film, extensible, for palletization; plastic bubble packs for wrapping or packaging; plastic film for wrapping; plastics for modelling; polymer modelling clay; portraits; postage stamps; postcards; posters; printed publications; printed timetables; printed matter; printers' reglets; printers' blankets, not of textile; printing sets, portable [office requisites]; printing blocks; printing type; prints [engravings]; prospectuses; punches [office requisites]; rollers for typewriters; rosaries; chaplets; rubber erasers; school supplies [stationery]; scrapers [erasers] for offices; sealing machines for offices; sealing compounds for stationery purposes; sealing wafers; sealing stamps; sealing wax; seals [stamps]; self-adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; sewing patterns; sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; shields [paper seals]; signboards of paper or cardboard; silver paper; slate pencils; song books; spools for inking ribbons; square rulers; stamp pads; stamp stands; stamps [seals]; stands for pens and pencils; stapling presses [office requisites]; starch paste [adhesive] for stationery or household purposes; stationery; steatite [tailor's chalk]; steel letters; steel pens; stencil plates; stencil cases; stencils; stencils [stationery]; stickers [stationery]; stuffing of paper or cardboard; table napkins of paper; tablecloths of paper; tablemats of paper; tags for index cards; tailors' chalk; teaching materials [except apparatus]; terrestrial globes; tickets; tissues of paper for removing make-up; toilet paper; hygienic paper; towels of paper; tracing cloth; tracing paper; tracing needles for drawing purposes; tracing patterns; trading cards other than for games; transfers [decalcomanias]; decalcomanias; transparencies [stationery]; trays for sorting and counting money; type [numerals and letters]; letters [type]; typewriter keys; typewriter ribbons; typewriters, electric or non-electric; viscose sheets for wrapping; waxed paper; wood pulp board [stationery]; wood pulp paper; wrapping paper; packing paper; wristbands for the retention of writing instruments; writing slates; writing board erasers; writing brushes; writing chalk; writing instruments; writing or drawing books; writing cases [stationery]; writing materials; writing cases [sets]; writing paper; Xuan paper for Chinese painting and calligraphy. Klasse 18 Animal skins; pelts; attaché cases; bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; envelopes, of leather, for packaging; pouches, of leather, for packaging; bags for campers; bags for climbers; bags for sports; beach bags; bits for animals [harness]; blinkers [harness]; blinders [harness]; boxes of leather or leather board; boxes of vulcanised fibre; bridles [harness]; bridoons; briefcases; business card cases; butts [parts of hides]; canes; walking sticks; card cases [notecases]; cases, of leather or leatherboard; casings, of leather, for springs; casings, of leather, for plate springs; cat o' nine tails; cattle skins; chain mesh purses; chamois leather, other than for cleaning purposes; skins of chamois, other than for cleaning purposes; chin straps, of leather; collars for animals; covers for animals; clothing for pets; covers for horsesaddles; saddle cloths for horses; credit card cases [wallets]; curried skins; fastenings for saddles; frames for umbrellas or parasols; fur; fur-skins; furniture coverings of leather; game bags [hunting accessories]; garment bags for travel; girths of leather; goldbeaters' skin; gut for making sausages; halters; head-stalls; handbag frames; handbags; harness fittings; harness for animals; harness straps; harness traces; hat boxes of leather; haversacks; horse blankets; horse collars; horseshoes; imitation leather; key cases; kid; kneepads for horses; leather leashes; leather leads; leather, unworked or semi-worked; leather twist; leather thread; leather straps; leather thongs; leather laces; leatherboard; moleskin [imitation of leather]; mountaineering sticks; alpenstocks; music cases; muzzles; net bags for shopping; nose bags [feed bags]; pads for horse saddles; parasols; pouch baby carriers; reins; riding saddles; rucksacks; backpacks; saddle trees; saddlery; school bags; school satchels; shopping bags; shoulder belts [straps] of leather; bandoliers; leather shoulder belts; leather shoulder straps; sling bags for carrying infants; slings for carrying infants; stirrup leathers; parts of rubber for stirrups; stirrups; straps of leather [saddlery]; straps for skates; straps for soldiers' equipment; suitcase handles; suitcases; tool bags of leather, empty; traces [harness]; travelling sets [leatherware]; travelling trunks; travelling bags; trimmings of leather for furniture; leather trimmings for furniture; trunks [luggage]; umbrella handles; umbrella covers; umbrella sticks; umbrella or parasol ribs; umbrella rings; valises; valves of leather; vanity cases, not fitted; walking stick seats; walking stick handles; walking cane handles; wheeled shopping bags; whips. Klasse 28 Air pistols [toys]; amusement machines, automatic and coin-operated; arcade video game machines; archery implements; artificial fishing bait; artificial snow for Christmas trees; ascenders [mountaineering equipment]; backgammon games; bags especially designed for skis and surfboards; ball pitching machines; balls for games; bar-bells; baseball gloves; batting gloves [accessories for games]; bells for Christmas trees; coin-operated billiard tables; billiard tables; billiard cue tips; billiard cues; billiard markers; billiard table cushions; bingo cards; bite sensors [fishing tackle]; bite indicators [fishing tackle]; bladders of balls for games; board games; bob-sleighs; bodybuilding apparatus; body rehabilitation apparatus; bodytraining apparatus; bodyboards; bowling apparatus and machinery; bows for archery; boxing gloves; building games; building blocks [toys]; butterfly nets; camouflage screens [sports articles]; candle holders for Christmas trees; caps for pistols [toys]; carnival masks; chalk for billiard cues; chess games; chessboards; chest expanders [exercisers]; exercisers [expanders]; chips for gambling; Christmas tree stands; Christmas trees of synthetic material; clay pigeons [targets]; clay pigeon traps; climbers' harness; confetti; conjuring apparatus; controllers for game consoles; controllers for toys; counters [discs] for games; creels [fishing traps]; cricket bags; cups for dice; darts; decoys for hunting or fishing; lures for hunting or fishing; dice; discuses for sports; divot repair tools [golf accessories]; pitch mark repair tools [golf accessories]; dolls; dolls' clothes; dolls' beds; dolls' rooms; dolls' houses; dolls' feeding bottles; dominoes; draughtboards; checkerboards; draughts [games]; checkers [games]; dumb-bells; edges of skis; elbow guards [sports articles]; electronic targets; explosive bonbons [Christmas crackers]; cosaques [toy fireworks]; 57

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 fairground ride apparatus; fencing gauntlets; fencing gloves; fencing masks; fencing weapons; fish hooks; fishing tackle; flippers for swimming; swimming webs [flippers]; floats for fishing; flying discs [toys]; foosball tables; apparatus for games; games*; gaming machines for gambling; gloves for games; golf gloves; golf bags, with or without wheels; golf clubs; golf bag trolleys; golf bag carts; gut for rackets; gut for fishing; appliances for gymnastics; hang gliders; harness for sailboards; harpoon guns [sports articles]; hockey sticks; horseshoe games; hunting game calls; ice skates; jigsaw puzzles; kaleidoscopes; kite reels; kites; knee guards [sports articles]; landing nets for anglers; in-line roller skates; lines for fishing; mah-jong; marbles for games; masks [playthings]; masts for sailboards; matryoshka dolls [wooden nested Russian dolls]; men's athletic supporters [sports articles]; mobiles [toys]; nets for sports; novelties for parties, dances [party favors, favours]; ornaments for Christmas trees, except illumination articles and confectionery; pachinkos; paintball guns [sports apparatus]; paintballs [ammunition for paintball guns] [sports apparatus]; paper party hats; paragliders; parlour games; parlor games; percussion caps [toys]; detonating caps [toys]; machines for physical exercises; piñatas; play balloons; playing cards; playing balls; plush toys; poles for pole vaulting; portable games with liquid crystal displays; practical jokes [novelties]; protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; punching bags; puppets; marionettes; quoits; rackets; bats for games; radio-controlled toy vehicles; rattles [playthings]; reels for fishing; ring games; rocking horses; rods for fishing; roller skates; rollers for stationary exercise bicycles; rosin used by athletes; roulette wheels; sailboards; scale model vehicles; scale model kits [toys]; scent lures for hunting or fishing; scooters [toys]; scrapers for skis; scratch cards for playing lottery games; seal skins [coverings for skis]; shin guards [sports articles]; shuttlecocks; skateboards; skating boots with skates attached; ski bindings; skis; skittles; skittles [games]; ninepins; sleds [sports articles]; slides [playthings]; sling shots [sports articles]; slot machines [gaming machines]; snow globes; snowboards; snowshoes; soap bubbles [toys]; sole coverings for skis; spinning tops [toys]; spring boards [sports articles]; starting blocks for sports; stationary exercise bicycles; strings for rackets; stuffed toys; surf skis; surfboard leashes; surfboards; swimming kick boards; swimming belts; swimming jackets; swimming pools [play articles]; swings; tables for table tennis; targets; teddy bears; tennis ball throwing apparatus; tennis nets; theatrical masks; toy vehicles; toy pistols; toy figures; toy models; toys*; toys for domestic pets; trampolines; twirling batons; video game machines; water wings; waterskis; wax for skis; weight lifting belts [sports articles]. Klasse 35 Administrative processing of purchase orders; advertising; publicity; advertising by mail order; rental of advertising time on communication media; rental of advertising space; production of advertising films; advertising agencies; publicity agencies; auctioneering; bill-posting; outdoor advertising; rental of billboards [advertising boards]; book-keeping; accounting; business management of reimbursement programmes for others; business management of reimbursement programs for others; providing business information via a web site; business research; business investigations; business appraisals; business information; business project management services for construction projects; business management for freelance service providers; business management of sports people; business management of performing artists; business management of hotels; business inquiries; business management assistance; business efficiency expert services; advisory services for business management; business organization consultancy; business management and organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; business auditing; commercial information agencies; commercial intermediation services; provision of commercial and business contact information; commercial or industrial management assistance; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; compilation of statistics; compilation of information into computer databases; computerized file management; cost price analysis; data search in computer files for others; demonstration of goods; design of advertising materials; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; distribution of samples; document reproduction; drawing up of statements of accounts; economic forecasting; employment agencies; import-export agencies; invoicing; layout services for advertising purposes; provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; on-line advertising on a computer network; marketing studies; marketing research; marketing; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; news clipping services; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; office machines and equipment rental; opinion polling; organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; outsourced administrative management for companies; outsourcing services [business assistance]; pay per click advertising; payroll preparation; personnel management consultancy; personnel recruitment; rental of photocopying machines; photocopying services; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; price comparison services; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; psychological testing for the selection of personnel; public relations; publication of publicity texts; publicity material rental; radio advertising; relocation services for businesses; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; sales promotion for others; rental of sales stands; search engine optimization; search engine optimisation; secretarial services; shop window dressing; shorthand; sponsorship search; arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; systemization of information into computer databases; tax filing services; tax preparation; telemarketing services; telephone answering for unavailable subscribers; television advertising; transcription of communications [office functions]; typing; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; updating of advertising material; rental of vending machines; web site traffic optimization; web site traffic optimisation; word processing; writing of curriculum vitae for others; writing of résumés for others; writing of publicity texts. 2017.02.22 58

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1282976 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.11.06 (180) Registreringen 2025.11.06 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.07.13 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201613627 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (111) 1292844 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.01.06 (180) Registreringen 2026.01.06 (210) Nasj. 201603709 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.03.17 LUCKIA GAMING GROUP, S.A., Severo Ochoa Nº 3, ES-15008 LA CORUÑA, Spania Klasse 41 Lottery and betting services; services of a casino; entertainment and amusement; operation of cinema facilities; discotheque services, gambling (with money); operation of amusement arcade services; entertainment with electronic games; gambling, betting and casino services; interactive gambling, betting and casino services; including providing the mentioned services online from a computer database or via global computer networks; television entertainment services; organization and provision of games and competitions for entertainment purposes; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the above. 2017.02.17 SHIMANO INC., 3-77 Oimatsu-cho, Sakai-ku, JP-590-8577 SAKAI CITY, OSAKA, Japan Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 28 Line guides for fishing rods. 2017.02.22 (111) 1294228 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.09.23 (180) Registreringen 2025.09.23 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.04.28 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201609080 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.08.11 (111) 1291879 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.12.09 (180) Registreringen 2025.12.09 (210) Nasj. 201603345 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.03.10 TRUSTLY Trustly Group AB, Nortullsgatan 6, SE-11329 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 9 Scientific, surveying, photographic, optical, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers. Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. 2017.02.22 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a stylized sphere with longitude and latitude lines to the left of the word ALLTERRA. Trimble Inc., 935 Stewart Drive, US-CA94085 SUNNYVALE, USA Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Klasse 35 Distributorship services featuring technology products used in the fields of mapping and surveying; subscription and business consulting services using data to increase accuracy and efficiency in the fields of mapping and surveying. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware, computer hardware systems, and technology products; all in the fields of mapping and surveying. Klasse 41 Training services, one-on-one personalized training services, and educational services, namely, providing courses of instruction, classes, seminars, workshops, and non-downloadable webinars, all featuring instruction in the use and operation of computer hardware and software, and technology products, used in the fields of mapping and surveying. Klasse 42 Installation, repair, maintenance and updating of computer software; consulting services relating to the selection, implementation and use of computer software, computer hardware, and technology products; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer and hardware problems; all in the fields of mapping and surveying. 2017.02.21 59

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1295702 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.02.08 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.08 (210) Nasj. 201604757 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.04.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.08.28, DK, VA 2015 02112 PANDACOCKPIT Pandaconnect A/S, Høje Taastrup Boulevard 23, 2nd., DK-2630 TAASTRUP, Danmark Klasse 9 Computer programs and software for financial use, namely for collecting financial data for the purpose of providing an overview of investments and financial deposits, excluding expressly computer programs and software for computer security. Klasse 35 Business management and business administration; database management and data registration; office functions; collection of financial data. Klasse 36 Financial assistance and support including account administration, tax and investment reporting; financial information provided online. Klasse 41 Educational, training and teaching services, including advisory services in the use of software relating to financial affairs; conducting courses and seminars; none of the aforesaid being educational, training, teaching and/or advisory services in the use of hardware and software for computer security. Klasse 42 Design, development and maintenance of computer software; not-downloadable computer software provided on-line; hosting and operation of computer systems for others including related installations; all of the aforesaid being related to financial data or for the collection of financial data for the purpose of providing an overview of investments and financial deposits, and excluding from all of the aforesaid computer security services. 2017.02.22 (111) 1296036 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.12.09 (180) Registreringen 2025.12.09 (210) Nasj. 201604933 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.04.21 equipment and computers. Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. 2017.02.22 (111) 1297914 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.11.19 (180) Registreringen 2025.11.19 (891) Etterfølgende 2016.05.12 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201610942 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.09.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.16, FI, T201552465 Reima Oy, Pakkalankuja 6, FI-01510 VANDA, Finland Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, Klasse 9 Odometers; speed indicators; pedometers; altimeters; electronic monitoring instruments, other than for medical use; electronic data carriers; electronic memory units; electronic meters: electronic timing apparatus: electronic measurement sensors; programming units (electronic-); wireless communication apparatus; computer programmes for data processing; downloadable software for telemonitoring and analysis; safety clothing; bicycle helmets; swimming goggles; life jackets; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data earners, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; data processing equipment, computers; computer software, games software. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 35 Business management; business administration; office functions; retail and wholesale services, sales services provided via computer networks and electronic commerce in relation to clothing, accessories, shoes, textiles, bags, toys, sports equipment and electronic monitoring instruments. 2017.02.21 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Picture in green "(RGB 98-206-2)" with a white "T" in the middle, followed by the word "Trustly" in black. Trustly Group AB, Nortullsgatan 6, SE-11329 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 9 Scientific, surveying, photographic, optical, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing 60

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1300393 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.18 (210) Nasj. 201607355 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.28, AU, 1730789 EVO Privity Pty Ltd, 17-21 Commercial Street, AU-SA5033 MARLESTON, Australia Klasse 21 Hair brushes; hair combs; brushes; shaving brushes; large-toothed combs for the hair; brush goods; brushes for personal hygiene; heated hairbrushes (electric); electric combs. 2017.02.22 (111) 1301889 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.07 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.07 (210) Nasj. 201607784 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.07.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.07, EM, 014538144 Exel Composites OYJ, Uutelantie 24B, FI-52700 MÄNTYHARJU, Finland Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 18 Bags; backbags; walking sticks; alpenstocks; hiking poles; excluding goods in this class used in relation with surfboarding, wakeboarding, snowboarding and skateboarding, cycling, diving, scuba-diving. Klasse 25 Clothes for cross-country skiing, alpine skiing and trekking; sports clothing for the ball games. Klasse 28 Sports equipment for cross-country and alpine skiing; skiing poles; skis; ski bags; ski sticks; bats for games; balls for games; floorball sticks and balls; protective padding for ball games. 2017.02.21 (111) 1302941 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.02.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.26 (210) Nasj. 201613439 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.08.27, EM, 014511844 Bon'A Parte A/S, Thrigesvej 2, DK-7430 IKAST, Danmark Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; bags, handbags, suitcases, rucksacks, trunks and traveling bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, wallets, purses, shopping bags. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 35 Retail services relating to clothing, footwear, headgear, bags, purses, spectacles, sunglasses, jewellery, precious stones, watches. 2017.02.20 (111) 1303502 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.18 (210) Nasj. 201609434 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.07.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.12, DK, VA2015 02865 Coloplast A/S, Holtedam 1, DK-3050 HUMLEBÆK, Danmark Klasse 5 Plasters, materials for dressings; anti-inflammatory analgesic plasters; surgical plasters; adhesive plasters; dressings for wounds; surgical and medical dressings; sterile dressings; wound dressings. Klasse 41 Teaching services in relation to wound care; education and training services in relation to wound care. Klasse 44 Medical services; advisory services relating to health care; providing health care information by telephone and the internet. 61

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.20 (111) 1305674 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.21 (210) Nasj. 201609242 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.08.18 (111) 1305765 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.28 (210) Nasj. 201609258 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.08.18 CaraTour Knaus Tabbert GmbH, Helmut-Knaus-Str. 1, DE-94118 JANDELSBRUNN, Tyskland Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, Klasse 12 Camper vans, mobile homes and motor caravans, caravans, spare parts and fittings therefor (included in this class); car accessories, namely trailer couplings, luggage racks, ski racks, mudguards, snow chains, wind deflectors, head-rests, safety belts; bicycle accessories, namely dress guards for bicycles, luggage carriers for bicycles, bells, air pumps; vehicle trailers, including multipurpose crossover leisure trailers. Klasse 39 Towing of motor vehicles and trailers, in particular for caravans and motor caravans; rental of motor vehicles, in particular caravans and motor caravans; leasing and rental of garages, parking places; rental of parking spaces and spaces on campsites; distribution of electricity, energy and water, in particular to supply columns at campsites; caravan rental. 2017.02.22 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the wording "THE SOCIETY OF NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING" above a concentric circle logo consisting of five circles within which appears the interlocking letters "NLP" and below which appears the wording "RICHARD BANDLER"; within the circle design and behind the "NLP" is a patterned background design consisting of polygons and circles. John La Valle, P.O. Box 424, US-NJ07843 HOPATCONG, USA Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Klasse 41 Educational services, namely, conducting seminars in the fields of human development, and management consulting and personal consulting in the field of neurolinguistic programming and distribution of training materials in connection therewith. 2017.02.20 (111) 1306051 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.20 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.20 (210) Nasj. 201609307 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.08.18 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.23, US, 86829440 GRACE CID Resources, Inc., 601 S. Royal Lane, Suite 100, US-TX 75019 COPPELL, USA Klasse 10 Medical wearing apparel, namely, scrub tops and bottoms; medical wearing apparel, namely, pants for emergency medical personnel. Klasse 25 Nurse's apparel, namely, tops and bottoms, uniforms, lab coats, knit tees, t-shirts, jackets, pants, cargo pants, tank tops; scrub suits not for medical purposes. 2017.02.21 62

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1307805 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.02 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.02 (210) Nasj. 201610107 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.09.08 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.24, FR, 4251928 KILIAN By Kilian, 155 boulevard Haussmann, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 35 Advertising, business management; commercial administration; office functions; on-line retail services for perfumes, perfumery, after-shave lotions and eaux de Cologne, skin care products not for medical use, care products for the bath not for medical use, candles, perfumed sprays for indoor use, jewelry, handbags, cosmetic bags; retail store services for perfumes, perfumery, after-shave lotions and eaux de Cologne, skin care products not for medical use, care products for the bath not for medical use, candles, perfumed sprays for indoor use, jewelry, handbags, cosmetic bags; retail store services for bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrading, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, face oils, hair lotions, dentifrices, and wicks for lighting; online retail services for bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrading, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, face oils, hair lotions, dentifrices, and wicks for lighting; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods ; the bringing together, on an on-line platform, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; administration of customer loyalty programs Klasse 44 Consultancy relating to beauty; hygienic and beauty care for human beings; advice relating to perfumery and cosmetics (non-business); spa services. 2017.02.22 (111) 1308145 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.28 (210) Nasj. 201610165 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.09.08 Lena SIMM Spielwaren GmbH, Wallersbacher Weg 2, DE- 91154 ROTH-ECKERSMÜHLEN, Tyskland Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Klasse 28 Toys, games. 2017.02.22 (111) 1309393 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.06 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.06 (210) Nasj. 201610549 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.09.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.08, DE, 30 2016 006 772 CONCERT Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG, DE- 55218 INGELHEIM AM RHEIN, Tyskland Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 42 Scientific research in relation to genetically engineered cell lines for production and supply of therapeutic proteins. 2017.02.21 (111) 1309741 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.17 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.17 (210) Nasj. 201610796 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.09.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.12.18, BX, 1323447 KINDER HAPPY MOMENTS Soremartec SA, Findel Business Center, Complexe B, Rue de Trèves, LU-2632 FINDEL, Luxembourg Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 30 Pastry and confectionery, biscuits, cookies, wafers, chocolate and chocolate-based products, edible ices. 2017.02.22 63

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1310711 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.11.02 (180) Registreringen 2025.11.02 (210) Nasj. 201611090 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.09.29 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.08.07, DE, 30 2015 105 098 KLEEMANN Kleemann GmbH, Manfred-Wörner-Str. 160, DE-73037 GÖPPINGEN, Tyskland Klasse 7 Mechanical equipment for construction, earthmoving, crushing, mixing, processing, mining and agriculture; pumps, compressors, generators and fans; robots; moving and handling equipment; lifting and hoisting equipment; machines for treatment of materials and for manufacturing; engines and powertrains (except for land vehicles); generic parts of machines; machine coupling and power transmission components (except for land vehicles); filters (parts of machines or engines); filter housings (parts of machines or engines); dispensing machines; washing machines and installations; sweeping, cleaning and rinsing machines; construction machines; mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and electric construction implements (other than hand-operated); mining machines; processing machines; recycling machines, in particular machines for recycling road surfaces; demolition machines; road construction machines; canal construction machines; tunnel boring machines; soil working machines; road working machines; asphalt finishers (machines); machines for the finishing and aftertreatment of road surfaces; concrete construction machines; feeders (machines); feeding machines; feeding units for machines and industrial installations; separators (machines); compacting machines; compacting implements; compactors; rammers (machines); vibrators (machines); earth moving machines; machines for waste dump construction; spraying, sputtering and nebulizing machines; cutting machines; crushing machines and installations, in particular jaw crushers, cone crushers and impact crushers; comminutors for solid materials; crushers; stone and ore working machines; sifting machines and installations; sieves (electric); roller screens (machines); mixing machines and installations, in particular concrete and asphalt mixing machines and installations; deposition machines and installations; separating machines and installations; sorting machines and installations (other than for money); agitators; automatic dispensing machines; filtering machines; machines for loading; transporting machines; machines for breaking, separating, classifying, washing, agitating, dispensing, filtering, loading and transporting of asphalt, bitumen, concrete, stone, raw materials, valuable materials or waste; processing installations for breaking, crushing, sifting, separating, classifying, washing, mixing, agitating, dispensing, cleaning, transporting and loading of asphalt, bitumen, raw materials or valuable materials; machines for the making of and working on polymers, bitumen, concrete and asphalt; dust removing installations for cleaning purposes; conveyors; conveying installations; conveyor belts; conveyor chains; bucket conveyors; hopper loaders (machines); winches; lifting platforms; windlasses; pressure transformers; pressure intensifiers (machines); parts of machines, namely, tools, tool holders, screeds, bits, chisels, chisel holders, shovels, hammers, cutting tools, compacting tools, breaking tools, crushing tools, spray heads, spray fittings, spraying booms, drums, roller Klasse 9 tires, drum housings, magnetic separators, undercarriages, chains being part of undercarriages, bogies, track rollers, bands, belts, belt pulleys, tensioning devices, couplings, transmissions, axles, joints, power transmission components, shafts, mufflers, coolers, loading ramps, vibration and oscillation drives, jets, separators, seals, valves, slide valves, regulators, sun screens, vibrators, rollers, track rollers, push rollers, covers, chains, scraper chains, sprockets, cylinders, pistons, piston rods, bearings, transmission shafts, driving chains, auger blades, spreading augers, pneumatic distributors, lubricators, body parts, drivers cabs, steering stands, mirrors, tanks, bumpers, gutters, pressure bars, guide bars, slide blocks, wheelworks, gear wheels, fly wheels, bearing brackets, springs, hydraulic plates, vibratory plates (vibrating compactor plates), shock absorbers, brushes, scrapers, screed plates, breaking and crushing bars, breaking and crushing plates, breaking and crushing jaws, breaking and crushing cones, hoppers, rotors, clack valves, sieves, grilles, braking systems, brakes, brake linings, brake calipers and brake shoes; hand-held tools (other than handoperated); tools for machines; power tools; mechanical tools; automatic tools; hydraulic tools (other than handoperated); pneumatic tools (other than hand-operated); mechanical equipment for the lifting and lowering of machines and machine parts; tubes being fitted parts of machines; mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic control mechanisms; coverings for machine parts, in particular for drums and roller tires; adapted tarpaulins for use with machines; adapted coverings for use with machines; sparking plugs; starters; assembly presses; pneumatic hammers; filters for motors; bearing brackets for machines; machine wheels; belts for motors; belt pulleys; driving chains and transmission shafts (other than for land vehicles); exhausts; exhaust mufflers for motors and engines; radiators and radiator caps for motors; mechanical discharging hoppers; metal loading ramps (machines); electric and electronic devices for the lifting or lowering of machines or machine parts; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Scientific, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), control, regulating, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; electronic control apparatus, units and systems; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming; accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus and instruments for capturing, recording, transmission, reception or reproduction of sound, images or data; communications equipment; data carriers for bearing pictures, sound and data; calculating machines; data processing equipment; computers; computer software and hardware; computer peripherals; fire-extinguishing apparatus; recorded data; information technology and audiovisual equipment; magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; optical devices, equipment, enhancers and correctors; safety, security, protection and signalling devices and equipment; navigation, guidance, positioning, tracking, targeting and map making devices; navigational instruments; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, devices, appliances and controllers; instruments, devices and appliances for measuring and indicating the rigidity, compaction degree, load bearing capacity and temperature of the ground, in particular of road surfaces and soil; temperature regulators; electric and electronic devices and apparatus, as well as equipment composed of such goods, for the purposes of telematics, telecommunications and data processing; apparatus, instruments, software and hardware for tracking, monitoring, operating, remote controlling and technical testing of products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines; testing 64

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 and quality control devices; electrical testing instruments; electric and electronic apparatus for evaluating the operation of and faults with products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines; scientific research and laboratory apparatus; filtering units for laboratory use; analysing and diagnostic apparatus (not for medical purposes); simulators; dosage devices; laser, infra-red and ultrasound devices (not for medical purposes); lasers (not for medical purposes); switches; electric control boxes, switch cabinets and control boards; electric control panels; joysticks; sensors; detectors; light emitting diodes; horns for signalling; buzzers; luminous signs; optical reflectors; optical mirrors; radio transmitting and receiving apparatus; antennas; aerials as communications apparatus; transmitters; optical and electrical receivers; signalling apparatus and signalling panels of metal (luminous or mechanical); indicator boards; levelling instruments, devices and apparatus; electrostatic separators; remote control apparatus; oil level indicators; components for electrical circuits; cables and wires (electricity); electric connection components; electric relays; fuses; terminals (electricity); electrical circuits and circuit boards; audio devices and radio receivers; speakers; graphic equalizers; batteries; battery chargers; electrical amplifiers; protective and safety clothing for protection against accident or injury; protective shoes; protective helmets; eyeglasses, in particular safety glasses for protecting the eyes and sun glasses; exposed films for educational purposes; cinematographic films for educational purposes; key cards (encoded); machine parts, namely alarm systems; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 12 Vehicles and conveyances; tractors; concrete mixing vehicles; transport vehicles; truck tractors; load carrying trailers; low-loading vehicles; towing trucks; trucks; trailers for motor land vehicles; tipping bodies for vehicles; waggons; steering wheels; wheels; tyres; pneumatic tyres; solid rubber tyres; wheel rims; inner tubes for tyres; repair outfit for tyres and inner tubes for tyres; chains for motor vehicles; tracks for vehicles; continuous tracks; complete running gears with continuous tracks or rubber tracks for tracked vehicles; track pads for continuous tracks; adapted quick-change pads for use with track pads for continuous tracks; powertrains, including engines and motors, for land vehicles; coupling and power transmission components for land vehicles; driving chains and transmission shafts for land vehicles; body parts for vehicles; radiator grills for vehicles; undercarriages; braking systems, brakes, brake calipers, brake shoes and brake linings for vehicles; windscreen wipers; adapted tarpaulins for use with vehicles and vehicle trailers; adapted coverings for use with vehicles and vehicle trailers; alarm systems for vehicles; mirrors for vehicles; air pumps for tyres; engines and powertrains for land vehicles; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 28 Model vehicles and machines (scaled down); model vehicles and machines (playthings); toys, games, playthings and novelties, included in this class; sporting articles and equipment; festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 35 Business management; business administration; advertising; dissemination of advertisements; rental of advertising spaces; marketing and sales promotion services; business administration consultancy; business and organisational consultancy; business information services; product demonstrations and product presentation services, also via the internet; conducting and organization of fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; commercial trading and consumer information services, namely auctioneering services, organizing of business contacts, collective buying services, evaluations relating to commercial matters, agency business services, import and export services, negotiation and intermediation services, ordering services, price comparison services, acquisition services for third parties, subscription services; business analysis, research and information services; data processing (office functions); electronic collecting of data; compilation and systematization of data and information in electronic databases; quality management, namely process optimisation through organisational planning; compilation of statistics; costbenefit analysis; cost price analysis; business studies concerning capacity utilisation; business project management; organisational project management and organisational management of vehicle and machine fleets, and related organisational and business consultancy; operating an information, complaints and emergency hotline, also online, namely taking, collecting and forwarding customer requests or customer complaints by telephone or electronic means; import-export agencies services; organisational scheduling of the operating time and location of products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines; business relocation services; sponsorship search; retail and wholesale services, also via the internet, in relation to mechanical equipment for construction, earthmoving, crushing, mixing, processing, mining and agriculture, pumps, compressors, generators, fans, robots, moving and handling equipment, lifting and hoisting equipment, machines for treatment of materials and for manufacturing, engines, powertrains, generic machine parts, machine coupling and power transmission components (except for land vehicles), filters and filter housings (parts of machines or engines), dispensing machines, washing machines and installations, sweeping, cleaning and rinsing machines, construction machines, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and electric construction implements (other than handoperated), mining machines, processing machines, recycling machines, machines for recycling road surfaces, demolition machines, road construction machines, canal construction machines, tunnel boring machines, soil working machines, road working machines, asphalt finishers (machines), machines for the finishing and aftertreatment of road surfaces, concrete construction machines, feeders (machines), feeding machines, feeding units for machines and industrial installations, separators (machines), compacting machines, compacting implements, compactors, rammers (machines), vibrators (machines), earth moving machines, machines for waste dump construction, spraying, sputtering and nebulizing machines, cutting machines, crushing machines and installations, in particular jaw crushers, cone crushers and impact crushers, comminutors for solid materials, crushers, stone and ore working machines, sifting machines and installations, sieves (electric), roller screens (machines), mixing machines and installations, concrete and asphalt mixing machines and installations, deposition machines and installations, separating machines and installations, sorting machines and installations, machines for breaking, separating, classifying, washing, agitating, dispensing, filtering, loading and transporting, processing installations for breaking, crushing, sifting, separating, classifying, mixing, agitating, dispensing, cleaning, transporting and loading of asphalt, bitumen, raw materials or valuable materials, machines for the making of and working on polymers, bitumen, concrete and asphalt, dust removing installations for cleaning purposes, conveyors, conveying installations, conveyor belts, conveyor chains, bucket conveyors, hopper loaders (machines), winches, lifting platforms, windlasses, pressure transformers, pressure intensifiers (machines), parts of machines, namely, tools, tool holders, screeds, bits, chisels, chisel holders, shovels, hammers, cutting tools, compacting tools, 65

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 breaking tools, crushing tools, spray heads, spray fittings, spraying booms, drums, roller tires, drum housings, magnetic separators, undercarriages, chains being part of undercarriages, bogies, track rollers, bands, belts, belt pulleys, tensioning devices, couplings, transmissions, axles, joints, power transmission components, shafts, mufflers, coolers, loading ramps, levelling systems, vibration and oscillation drives, jets, separators, seals, valves, slide valves, regulators, sun screens, vibrators, rollers, track rollers, push rollers, covers, chains, scraper chains, sprockets, cylinders, pistons, piston rods, bearings, transmission shafts, driving chains, auger blades, spreading augers, pneumatic distributors, lubricators, alarm systems, body parts, drivers cabs, steering stands, mirrors, tanks, bumpers, gutters, pressure bars, guide bars, slide blocks, wheelworks, gear wheels, fly wheels, bearing brackets, springs, hydraulic plates, vibratory plates (vibrating compactor plates), shock absorbers, brushes, scrapers, screed plates, breaking and crushing bars, breaking and crushing plates, breaking and crushing jaws, breaking and crushing cones, hoppers, rotors, clack valves, sieves, grilles, braking systems, brakes, brake linings, brake calipers and brake shoes, hand-held tools (other than handoperated), tools for machines, power tools, mechanical tools, automatic tools, pneumatic tools, mechanical equipment for the lifting and lowering of machines and machine parts, tubes being fitted parts of machines, mechanical and pneumatic control mechanisms, coverings for machine parts, adapted tarpaulins for use with machines, adapted coverings for use with machines, sparking plugs, starters, assembly presses, pneumatic hammers, filters for motors, bearing brackets for machines, machine wheels, belts for motors, belt pulleys, driving chains and transmission shafts (other than for land vehicles), exhausts, exhaust mufflers for motors and engines, radiators and radiator caps for motors, discharging hoppers, metal loading ramps (machines), scientific, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), control, regulating, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, electronic control apparatus, units and systems, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, apparatus and instruments for capturing, recording, transmission, reception or reproduction of sound, images or data, communications equipment, data carriers for bearing pictures, sound and data, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers, computer software and hardware, computer peripherals, fire-extinguishing apparatus, recorded data, information technology and audiovisual equipment, magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers, apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity, optical devices, equipment, enhancers and correctors, safety, security, protection and signalling devices and equipment, navigation, guidance, positioning, tracking, targeting and map making devices, navigational instruments, measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, devices, appliances and controllers, temperature regulators, electric and electronic devices and apparatus, as well as equipment composed of such goods, for the purposes of telematics, telecommunications and data processing, apparatus, instruments, software and hardware for tracking, monitoring, operating, remote controlling and technical testing of products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines, testing and quality control devices, electrical testing instruments, electric and electronic apparatus for evaluating the operation of and faults with products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines, scientific research and laboratory apparatus, filtering units for laboratory use, analysing and diagnostic apparatus (not for medical purposes), simulators, dosage devices, laser, infra-red and ultrasound devices (not for medical purposes), lasers (not for medical purposes), switches, electric control boxes, switch cabinets and control boards, electric control panels, joysticks, sensors, detectors, light emitting diodes, horns for signalling, buzzers, luminous signs, optical reflectors, optical mirrors, radio transmitting and receiving apparatus, antennas, aerials as communications apparatus, transmitters, optical and electrical receivers, signalling apparatus and signalling panels of metal (luminous or mechanical), indicator boards, levelling instruments, devices and apparatus, electrostatic separators, remote control apparatus, electric and electronic devices for the lifting or lowering of machines or machine parts, oil level indicators, components for electrical circuits, cables and wires (electricity), electric connection components, electric relays, fuses, terminals (electricity), electrical circuits and circuit boards, audio devices and radio receivers, speakers, graphic equalizers, batteries, battery chargers, electrical amplifiers, protective and safety clothing for protection against accident or injury, protective shoes, protective helmets, eyeglasses, films for educational purposes, key cards (encoded), vehicles, conveyances, trailers for motor land vehicles, tipping bodies for vehicles, waggons, steering wheels, wheels, tyres, wheel rims, inner tubes for tyres, repair outfit for tyres and inner tubes for tyres, chains for motor vehicles, tracks for vehicles, continuous tracks, complete running gears with continuous tracks or rubber tracks for tracked vehicles, track pads for continuous tracks, adapted quick-change pads for use with track pads for continuous tracks, powertrains, including engines and motors, for land vehicles, coupling and power transmission components for land vehicles, driving chains and transmission shafts for land vehicles, body parts for vehicles, radiator grills for vehicles, undercarriages, braking systems, brakes, brake calipers, brake shoes, brake linings, scrapers for tyres, windscreen wipers, adapted tarpaulins for use with vehicles and vehicle trailers, adapted coverings for use with vehicles and vehicle trailers, alarm systems for vehicles, mirrors for vehicles, air pumps for tyres, model vehicles and machines (scaled down), model vehicles and machines (playthings), toys, games, playthings and novelties, sporting articles and equipment, festive decorations and artificial Christmas trees, as well as parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; hire, rental and leasing of goods associated with the provision of all the aforesaid services, included in this class; consultancy and information services relating to all the aforesaid services, included in this class. Klasse 36 Insurance services; real estate services; pawnbrokerage; financial, monetary and banking services; fundraising and sponsorship; financial management services and real estate management services; finance services; financial consultancy, appraisals and valuations; financial analyses; financing and funding services; arranging of financing and funding; lease-purchase financing services; hirepurchase financing services; arranging of leasepurchase and hire-purchase agreements; arranging of lease-purchases and hire-purchases; consultancy with regard to financing, funding, lease-purchase financing and hire-purchase financing; bonding, warranty and guarantee services; hire, rental and leasing of goods associated with the provision of all the aforesaid services, included in this class; consultancy and information services relating to all the aforesaid services, included in this class. Klasse 37 Construction; construction supervision; construction consultancy; building, construction and demolition; mining services; earth moving services; road construction; canal construction; waste dump construction; civil engineering construction; crushing services in respect of solids; hire, rental and leasing of construction machines, crushing machines and 66

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 installations, in particular jaw crushers, cone crushers and impact crushers, sifting machines and installations, deposition machines and installations, separating machines and installations, sorting machines and installations, washing machines and installations and processing machines and installations, and parts thereof; installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance services with respect to crushing machines and installations, in particular jaw crushers, cone crushers and impact crushers, sifting machines and installations, deposition machines and installations, separating machines and installations, sorting machines and installations, washing machines and installations and processing machines and installations, and parts thereof; installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance services with respect to computer hardware, products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines, and parts thereof; installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance services with respect to structures, in particular buildings, canals and roads; rustproofing; application of surface coatings, in particular protective coatings; hire, rental and leasing of goods associated with the provision of all the aforesaid services, included in this class; consultancy and information services relating to all the aforesaid services, included in this class. Klasse 41 Education; instruction; organising, arranging and conducting courses, workshops and seminars; training, in particular concerning safety at work and the operation, usage, repair and maintenance of vehicles, apparatus and machines, and parts thereof; instruction services relating to driving; provision of club education services; entertainment; organising and conducting lotteries, competitions and contests; provision of fan club services in the nature of entertainment, education, sporting activities and cultural activities; provision of club entertainment services; sporting and cultural activities; publishing and reporting; production of films for educational purposes; arranging of competitions; hire, rental and leasing of goods associated with the provision of all the aforesaid services, included in this class; consultancy and information services relating to all the aforesaid services, included in this class. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research; industrial analysis and research services; technical planning and consultancy; technical project planning; construction planning; IT services, namely development, programming, installation, implementation, updating, maintenance and repair of computer software, development of computer hardware, hosting services, software as a service [SaaS], rental of software, rental of computer hardware and facilities, IT consultancy, advisory and information services, IT security, protection and restoration services, data duplication and conversion services, data coding services, computer analysis and diagnostics, research and development and implementation of computers and computer systems, computer programming, computer project management services, data mining, technological services relating to computers, computer network services, data migration services, technological services namely generating, recording and analysing of position data and satellite correction signals, updating of websites for third parties and monitoring of computer systems by remote access; testing, authentication and quality control; technical consultancy with regard to products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines, and parts thereof; technical consultancy with regard to the operation of vehicles, apparatus and machines, and parts thereof; technical consultancy with regard to construction; technical consultancy with regard to processing, crushing and mixing of gases, liquids or solids (included in this class); design services; engineering services; research in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and construction; geological research and prospecting; product research and development; development of industrial processes; development of new products and technologies for third parties; development of products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines, and parts thereof; construction planning and design; safety testing and technical testing (also by remote access) of computer hardware, computer software, products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines, and parts thereof; troubleshooting and fault diagnosis regarding computer hardware, computer software, products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines, and parts thereof; remote controlling, remote monitoring, remote maintenance and electronic tracking of computer hardware, computer software, products of mechanical and electrical engineering, products for structural engineering, civil engineering and mining, industrial installations, vehicles, apparatus and machines, and parts thereof; measurement services; preparation of technical surveys; weather forecast services; technical development of models and concepts to be implemented for the operation, production and logistics of commercial enterprises; planning and development of construction projects and projects for the processing, crushing and mixing of gases, liquids or solids; laboratory services; chemistry services; physicist services; geological services; mineralogical services; architectural services; technical drawing; urban planning; technical construction planning; technical project management; technical testing services; technological services, namely generating and analysing of data concerning construction processes and processes of processing, crushing and mixing of gases, liquids or solids; technical assessment of data concerning construction processes and processes of processing, crushing and mixing of gases, liquids or solids; electronic recording of data; civil engineering; structural engineering; hire, rental and leasing of goods associated with the provision of all the aforesaid services, included in this class; consultancy and information services relating to all the aforesaid services, included in this class. 2017.02.21 67

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1310727 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.07 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.07 (210) Nasj. 201611094 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.09.29 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.03, CH, 680246 2016.03.22, CH, 686039 Dufry International AG (Dufry International SA) (Dufry International Ltd), Brunngässlein 12, CH-4052 BASEL, Sveits Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Klasse 35 Advertising; public relations; business management; commercial administration; business management and organization consultancy; business organization consultancy; personnel management consultancy; professional business consultancy; import-export agencies; sales promotion for others; ; retail services of travel and gift articles, beverages, alcoholic beverages, food, perfume and cosmetics, tobacco articles, textiles, clothing, fashion and accessories, jewellery, watches, toys, as well as electronic and household appliances; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of travel and gift articles, beverages, alcoholic beverages, food, perfume and cosmetics, tobacco articles, textiles, clothing, fashion and accessories, jewellery, watches, toys, as well as electronic and household appliances (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods. 2017.02.21 (111) 1311015 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.31 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.31 (210) Nasj. 201611132 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.09.29 Silke Hausdörfer, Gründlein 39, DE-96523 STEINACH, Tyskland Klasse 20 Furniture; mirrors; picture frames. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles. (111) 1312587 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.27 (210) Nasj. 201611563 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.31, DE, 30 2016 102 929 BMW 830 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft, Petuelring 130, DE-80809 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 12 Motor vehicles and parts thereof, included in class 12. Klasse 28 Miniatures of vehicles. 2017.02.22 (111) 1312648 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.05 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.05 (210) Nasj. 201611575 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.06 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.08, EM, 014655021 SAXO OPENAPI Saxo Bank A/S, Philip Heymans Allé 15, DK-2900 HELLERUP, Danmark Klasse 36 Financial affairs, providing of trading services relating to securities, currencies and financial instruments and calculation of investment costs through an electronic trading platform (website) for users, currencies and financial instruments online, the calculation of investment costs; execution of financial trades on behalf of third parties; corporate bonds investments; identifying and providing investment opportunities for investors; capital management services; investment and portfolio management services; mortgage brokerage services; banking services; real estate and property management; funding services; arranging of funds; investment consultancy; fund management; asset management and disposition; factoring of debts; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services, including such services provided on-line from a computer database or via the internet or extranets. 2017.02.22 2017.02.22 68

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1313146 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.18 (210) Nasj. 201611773 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.07, EM, 015188097 SIOO:X Sioo Woodprotection AB, Von Utfallsgatan 20, 1tr, SE- 41505 GÖTEBORG, Sverige Klasse 1 Impregnants for exterior surfaces of buildings other than paints or oils [chemical substances]; chemical products for the manufacture of protective coatings; protective coatings [chemicals] for waterproofing surfaces of buildings [other than paints or oils]; protective coatings for repelling water [chemical]. Klasse 2 Preparations for waterproofing [paints]; paints for marine use; pigments for protective coatings; protective coatings for buildings [paints]; protective coatings for roofs [paints]; protective coatings for repelling water [paint]; protective surface coatings [paints]; protective coatings in the nature of paints for building purposes; interior protective finish coatings [paints]; weather sealing stains; protective surface coatings for wood; protective coatings for waterproofing surfaces of buildings [paints]; preservatives for buildings [paints]; wood preservatives; preservatives for the surfaces of buildings [paints]; weathering preservatives [paints]. Klasse 3 Laundry additives; laundry liquids; detergents for pressure-impregnated wood. Klasse 19 Coatings [building materials]; building materials in the form of pressure-impregnated wood. 2017.02.21 (111) 1313171 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.26 (210) Nasj. 201611777 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.01, CZ, 528454 GROUNDSCROO BAYO.S SE, Ocelárská 1345/35, CZ-19000 PRAHA 9- LIBEN, Den tsjekkiske republikk Klasse 6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; pipes, cables, wires, meshes, fences, columns, spurs, gratings, railings, ground screws, plinths, holders, ground anchors, elements of ground screws, systems of ground screws, erecting systems, anchoring systems and clamping devices included in this class; plugs into the ground, ground screws and ramming profiles for objects of column or pole shape, such as fence poles, sign poles, directional poles, road sign poles, labels, panels, poles for photovoltaic devices, boards, parasols, clothes dryers, tents, stands, buildings, industry halls, garages, containers, pylons and advertising boards; deployable supporting metal parts for ground plugs, ground bolts and ground screws; tensioning devices for belts; metal clamps; all listed goods made of metal and included in this class. 2017.02.21 (111) 1313182 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.24 (210) Nasj. 201611782 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.15, BX, 1319033 N.V. Dell Home & Garden, Schelluinsestraat 15, NL- 4203NJ GORINCHEM, Nederland Klasse 19 Building materials, not of metal, including of wood; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; transportable buildings, not of metal; monuments, not of metal; fences and gates, posts, fences, garden fences made of wood; garden houses of wood; wooden roofs; building materials (carpentry) wood; modular greenhouses and greenhouse frames, not of metal; log cabins of wood; prefabricated components for prefabricated houses and gazebos, not of metal; kits for gazebos, not of metal; mounting roof structures made of wood; semi-worked wood, in particular beams, planed products, plywood boards, planks, boards, squared timber, half-timber, cross grain, lumber, decking, wood, tiles, sills, wood paving; open timber garages (carports); fences, rank fences, pergolas, joinery privacy screens, litter bin fences, pavilions, not of metal; wooden structures for the composting of compostable material; wooden poles and posts; wood fences; non-metal trellis panels; storage sheds not of metal [transportable buildings]. Klasse 35 Business intermediary services relating to the purchase and sales of building materials, furniture, tools, lighting, objects for decoration, plants, trees, shrubs and other garden supplies; retail sale services of a furniture store, hardware store and garden center; organization and implementation of promotional campaigns and activities; sales promotion; the aforesaid services also provided via the internet. Klasse 37 Rental of tools and equipment for do-it-yourself purposes; providing advice on the construction, installation, repairs, beautification, improvement and renovation of both the exterior and interior of homes, the aforesaid services also via the internet and an online platform. 2017.02.21 69

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1313757 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.22 (210) Nasj. 201611876 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.05.26, CH, 688538 AIR OPTIX PLUS HYDRAGLYDE Novartis AG, CH-4002 BASEL, Sveits Klasse 9 Contact lenses. 2017.02.20 (111) 1314882 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.01 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.01 (210) Nasj. 201612214 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.05, BX, 1318217 TV Entertainment Reality Network B.V., Arendstraat 11, NL-1223RE HILVERSUM, Nederland Klasse 9 Software, including software for use in processing, transmitting, receiving, organizing, manipulating, playing, reviewing, reproducing and streaming audio, video and multimedia content including text, data, image, audio, video and audio visual files, also in interactive high definition (hd) quality and ultra high definition (uhd) quality; downloadable mobile software applications (apps) for use in the delivery and distribution of audio, video and multimedia entertainment content including text, data, images, audio, video and audio visual files, also in interactive high definition (hd) quality and ultra high definition (uhd) quality; software for streaming audio visual and multimedia content via the internet, satellite and global communications networks, also in interactive high definition (hd) quality and ultra high definition (uhd) quality; software for streaming audio visual and multimedia content to mobile digital electronic devices, also in interactive high definition (hd) quality and ultra high definition (uhd) quality; software for searching, organizing, and recommending multimedia content; computer games entertainment software; electronic game programs; apparatus and instruments for transmitting and receiving audio and visual content; hardware for streaming audio visual and multimedia content via the internet and global communications networks, namely, mobile phones; digital media streaming devices, digital video recorders, dvd and high definition video disc players, home theatre systems comprised of audio and video receivers and disc players; televisions, and television set-top boxes; telecommunications apparatus; film production apparatus; video, data and sound carriers; prerecorded audio visual recordings, audiotapes, videotapes, video discs, compact discs, dvds and multimedia software recorded on cd-rom; electronic learning games in the nature of electronic game software for educational purposes; computer game discs; electronic publications including those sold and distributed online; electronic publications (downloadable); protective cases for laptop computers, tablet computers, smart phones and other portable electronic devices, media players, personal digital assistants and mobile phones; protective coverings for laptop computers, tablet computers, smart phones and other portable electronic devices, media players, personal digital assistants and mobile phones; headphones, earphones, ear buds; sunglasses. Klasse 35 Advertising; advertisement and promotion of television services, entertainment, movies, television programmes, previews of entertainment, trailers relating to entertainment; the bringing together, for the benefit of others of a variety of media products; the bringing together of a variety of service providers enabling the customers to select, view and purchase sound, images, audio visual content; preparing and supplying printed and electronic catalogues, directories, magazines, newsletters, guides, books and bulletins for advertising and business information purposes; office functions, namely creating indexes of information, sites and other resources available on a global communications network; on-line retail store services featuring entertainment and educational content; talent agency services. Klasse 38 Communications services, namely, streaming of audio visual and multimedia content via the internet, cable networks, wireless networks, satellite, or interactive multimedia networks; transmission and delivery of audio visual and multimedia content via the internet, cable networks, wireless networks, satellite, or interactive multimedia networks; broadcasting services, including broadcast of television programmes, data broadcasting services, information services relating to broadcasting, music broadcasting, news broadcasting, radio broadcasting, satellite broadcasting services, podcasting services and webcasting services; mobile media services in the nature of electronic transmission of entertainment media content; video-on-demand transmission services; providing on-line chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest; news agency services, namely providing news feed programs and raw footage in the field of news and information; all of the aforementioned services also in interactive high definition (hd) quality and ultra high definition (uhd) quality. Klasse 41 Education; entertainment; providing of training; sporting and cultural activities; educational and entertainment services, including production of programmes for television, cable television, radio, online broadcasting, interactive services, multimedia programs, all distributed via various platforms across multiple forms of transmission media, including via the internet, satellite, electronic communications networks, computer networks and wireless communications networks and also in interactive high definition (hd) quality and ultra high definition (uhd) quality; production of television programs; production of multimedia programs; production of audio and/or video recordings; film production; publication of magazines; providing facilities for movies, television shows, movies; providing multimedia entertainment content, as well as information, reviews and recommendations regarding television shows, movies, and multimedia entertainment content, also in interactive high definition (hd) quality and ultra high definition (uhd) quality; radio entertainment; television entertainment; cinema entertainment; theatre entertainment; game shows; organizing sporting activities; organization of sports competitions. 70

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.16 (111) 1314893 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.12 (210) Nasj. 201612216 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.08, AT, AM 50033/2016 Porr Bau GmbH, Absberggasse 47, AT-1100 WIEN, Østerrike Klasse 35 Business management; business administration; assistance at the management of commercial and industrial undertakings, cooperatives, joint ventures and holdings in the field of building construction and ancillary building trade; assistance at the operation of facilities and installations in the field of building construction as well as in the field of concrete and asphalt mixing plants, quarries, ballast, sand, gravel and clay pits, machine factories, repair shops, concrete and prefabricated part plants. Klasse 37 Construction; repair of buildings and construction vehicles; installation of apparatus for heating and of gas and water pipes; electrical installation services; construction of civil engineering structures; construction and repair of concrete slab constructions in road building, for flight operation areas and in traffic areas, conducting cement stabilisation and soil conditioning works, concrete ceiling refurbishment, joint renovation and remediation engineering works, special concrete buildings by use of slip form systems, in-situ concrete guide wall installation works, demolition and reconditioning services; building construction supervision; rental of construction equipment; construction of facilities and installations in the field of building construction as well as in the field of concrete and asphalt mixing plants, quarries, ballast, sand, gravel and clay pits, machine factories, repair shops, concrete and prefabricated part plants; construction of landfills and of building material recycling installations. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services in the field of construction as well as for construction machines and equipment (research and engineering); design and development of installations and systems in the fields of construction, the building material industry, environmental and process engineering, environmental protection as well as construction and mechanical engineering. 2017.02.16 (111) 1314926 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.24 (210) Nasj. 201612220 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.20 GROUPE LA FRANÇAISE, Société anonyme, 128 boulevard Raspail, FR-75006 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 35 Advertising; commercial business management; commercial administration; office functions; dissemination of advertising material (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples); newspaper subscription services for others; computerized file management; business management and organization consultancy; accounting; document reproduction; employment agencies; opinion polling; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; online advertising on a computer network; rental of advertising time on all communication media; publication of advertising texts; dissemination of advertisements; public relations; collection of data in a computer database; tax preparation; business management assistance; professional business consultancy; assistance in the management and organization of vineyard land grouping affairs, commercial and administrative assistance for the management of investment funds, assistance for the management and organization of investment companies; assistance in the commercial management and distribution of financial products. Klasse 36 Insurance underwriting and financial services; information and consulting relating to finance and insurance services; insurance brokerage; real estate brokerage; stock exchange brokerage; leasepurchase financing; retirement payment services; provident funds; insurance underwriting services; insurance services of all kinds; accident insurance underwriting; motor vehicle insurance underwriting; motorcycle insurance underwriting; pension insurance underwriting; home insurance underwriting, fire insurance underwriting; health insurance underwriting; life insurance underwriting; legal protection insurance; actuarial services; banking affairs; monetary affairs; financial affairs; real estate affairs; raising capital; capital investment; mutual funds; fund investment; financial evaluations (insurance, real estate); financial operations; monetary operations; financial and savings services; consulting and investment services concerning securities; exchange operations; portfolio management; collateral loans; real estate management; real estate transactions; debt collection agencies; issuance of travelers' checks and letters of credit; real estate agencies; financial expertise in real estate; building management; rental of apartments and shops; rent collection; investment consulting in the field of real estate (real estate affairs); investment consultancy with a view to constituting savings; services provided in the context of a savings contract; real estate investment trusts (real estate affairs); mutual funds in the field of real estate (real estate affairs); local investment funds (financial affairs); financial information service in the framework of the distribution of financial products; home banking; financial analysis. 71

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.16 (111) 1314937 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.14 (210) Nasj. 201612221 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.20 WETSUS Stichting Wetsus, European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology, Oostergoweg 9, NL- 8911MA LEEUWARDEN, Nederland Klasse 40 Water treatment services, including water purification, recovery of components from water, conversion of components in water, water-related analytics and sensoring. Klasse 41 Providing of training in the field of water technology. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design services in the field of water technology; industrial analysis services in the field of water technology; industrial research services in the field of water technology; scientific research in the framework of education related water technology. 2017.02.16 (111) 1314966 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.22 (210) Nasj. 201612224 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.05.25, CH, 691680 QUANTINO Erminia La Vecchia, Via Collina 93, CH-6612 ASCONA, Sveits Carmine La Vecchia, Via Collina 93, CH-6612 ASCONA, Sveits Klasse 12 Vehicles; particularly cars, electric cars; airplanes; helicopters; ships; as well as their components included in this class. 2017.02.16 (111) 1315552 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.18 (210) Nasj. 201612498 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 SERIOUS internetstores GmbH, Fritz-Müller-Straße 106-108, DE- 73730 ESSLINGEN, Tyskland Klasse 7 Dynamos for bicycles. Klasse 11 Lamps for bicycles. Klasse 12 Bicycles; parts of bicycles. 2017.02.17 (111) 1315576 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.14 (210) Nasj. 201612504 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.01, DE, 30 2016 009 498 Lovely Butterfly Mäurer & Wirtz GmbH & Co. KG, Zweifaller Str. 120, DE-52224 STOLBERG, Tyskland Klasse 3 Soaps, cosmetics, perfumery, essential oils, hair lotions, dentifrices. 2017.02.17 (111) 1315593 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.26 (210) Nasj. 201612508 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.27, EM, 014738587 Sopro SMART Sopro Bauchemie GmbH, Biebricher Strasse 74, DE- 65203 WIESBADEN, Tyskland Klasse 1 Chemicals used in industry; impregnating preparations; adhesives used in industry, in particular made of synthetic resins; chemicals used in industry, being additives for building materials; chemicals used in industry, being additives for screed, concrete and mortar; liquid plastics, unprocessed, included in this class; preservatives for building materials (except for organic substances); refining agents for concrete, mortar and screed, included in this class, in particular for preventing the drying out of concrete and mortar, for screeds and finished concrete parts, for enhancing the resistance of cement screed to impact, wear, frost and chemical stress, for increasing imperviousness against liquids and gases as well as for controlling the working consistency; unprocessed artificial resins; surface- 72

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 active agents (tensides); damp proofing preparations for brickwork, except paints; horticulture chemicals; antifreeze; chemicals as aid for washing out (removing and cleaning) during manufacturing processes; solvents for varnishes and lacquers; silicones. Klasse 17 Goods made of plastics as semi-finished products; artificial and synthetic resins (semi-finished products), resins (semi-finished products) for fabricating adhesives; cast resins (semi-finished products) including silica sand; sealing, packing and insulating materials, sealing tapes, sealing collars; rubber gloves for insulating purposes, not for household purposes; joint fillers (sealant compounds for joints); insulating coating agents paints and insulating lacquers; insulating paints; self-adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes; insulating coatings and insulating materials; filling material as insulating, damping and sealing materials; mica; rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos. Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic), in particular with damping and insulating properties; building materials (non-metallic), namely hydraulic binding agents such as cement, lime, gypsum and as additives for binding and hardening concrete, mortar and stone-type building materials; building materials (non-metallic), namely hydraulic binding agents and mixtures composed thereof containing aggregates, pozzolanic materials (concrete admixtures) and/or chemical substances (concrete admixtures); mortar (building material), plaster (building material), screeds (building material); reinforcing fabrics (non-metallic) for building purposes; contact sludges (non-metallic) for building purposes; building materials, non-metallic, in the form of filling materials for building purposes for preparing surfaces made of concrete, mortar and other stone-type building materials; silica sand for building purposes; bitumen; bituminous products for building; pipes, not of metal, for building purposes; concrete, concrete building elements; roof coverings, not of metal; bituminous coatings for roofing (except for sealing and insulating purposes); windows, not of metal; felts for building; gravel; sand for building purposes; prefabricated swimming pools (not of metal); prefabricated chimneys, not of metal; floor tiles, not of metal, tile floorings, not of metal; binding material for road repair, road coating materials; bituminous coatings for roofing, for sealing and insulating purposes. 2017.02.17 (111) 1315594 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.23 (210) Nasj. 201612509 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 SATO HOLDINGS KABUSHIKI KAISHA, 7-1, Shimomeguro 1-chome, Meguro-ku, JP-153-0064 TOKYO, Japan Klasse 16 Bags and pouches of plastic, for packaging; food wrapping plastic film for household use; garbage bags of paper; garbage bags of plastic. Klasse 20 Packaging containers of plastic; plastic medication containers for commercial use; clothes hangers; coat hangers; clothes hooks, not of metal; non-metal hooks. 2017.02.20 (111) 1315608 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.05 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.05 (210) Nasj. 201612511 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.12, AU, 1745859 AESOP Emeis Cosmetics Pty Ltd, 25 Smith Street, AU-Vic3065 FITZROY, Australia Klasse 8 Hair cutting scissors; non-electric hair trimmers; electric hair trimmers; manicure implements, namely nail files, emery boards, nail clippers, nail buffers, nail and cuticle scissors, cuticle pushers and tweezers; razors; razor blades; japanese razors; non-electric razors; electric razors; portable hand operated, battery powered facial cleansing device; eyelash curlers; tweezers; pedicure implements, namely nail files, nail clippers, nail buffers, nail and cuticle scissors, cuticle pushers and tweezers; beard clippers; scissors; shaving cases; soup ladles; cutlery including forks, knives, spoons; cheese slicers and cheese planes; salad tongs; serving ladles; serving spoons; serving spoons made of precious metal. Klasse 21 Hair brushes; hair combs; brushes for footwear; shoe horns; brushes for grooming animals; bathroom holders for holding razors; shaving brushes; shaving brush stands; shaving dishes; shaving pots; shaving bowls; toothbrushes, electric and non-electric; holders for toothbrushes; holders for toothpaste; dental floss; facial buffing pads; facial cleansing sponges; facial sponges 73

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 for applying make up; make up brushes; eyebrow brushes; cosmetic brushes; powder compacts; powder puffs; electric and non-electric face cleansing brushes; power-operated brush used to clean and exfoliate the skin; hand-operated brush used to clean, smooth and exfoliate skin; exfoliating mitts; applicator wands for applying make-up; cases for beauty utensils; cases for toiletry articles; perfume or oil burners; urns; candle jars (holders); window boxes; laundry baskets; wash bags; devices for attracting and killing insects; holders for soap; dispensers for soap, creams and other liquids; dispensers incorporating pumps; candlesticks of precious metal; candlesticks; vases of previous metal; vases; flower vases and bowls; ornamental ware for household use, namely, decorative trays not made of metal, ornaments of china, crystal, glass or porcelain, statuettes, figurines and sculptures in china, crystal, glass or porcelain, empty bottles, containers made of china, crystal, glass or porcelain; serving trays; serving trays of precious metals; baskets for domestic use; metal baskets for domestic use; containers for household or kitchen use; containers for household or kitchen use of precious metal; beverage glassware; kitchen utensils, namely, ladles, citrus squeezers, slotted spoons, basting spoons, mixing spoons, cake servers, bottle openers, cork screws, chopsticks, chopstick rests, whisks, spatulas; cooking spoons; ovenware; bakeware; tableware, namely, casserole dishes, cruet stands for oil and vinegar, salt shakers, pepper pots, salt and pepper mills, bowls, salad bowls, pots, covers for dishes, pot lids, butter dish, napkin holders, napkin rings, toothpick holders, table plates, cake domes, cake servers, cake stands, serving platters, boards for serving cheese, saucers, soup tureens, cups, jugs, mugs, drinking glasses, decorative plates, decanters, pitchers, coffee pots, tea pots, tea balls, tea infusers, coffee service (tableware) and tea service (tableware); tableware, namely, cruet stands for oil and vinegar, salt shakers, pepper pots, salt and pepper mills, bowls, salad bowls, pots, covers for dishes, pot lids, butter dish, napkin holders, toothpick holders, table plates, cake domes, cake servers, cake stands, serving platters, boards for serving cheese, saucers, soup tureens, cups, jugs, mugs, drinking glasses, decorative plates, decanters, pitchers, coffee pots, tea pots, tea balls, tea infusers, coffee service (tableware), tea service (tableware), all of the foregoing goods made of precious metal; decorative table centrepieces of crystal, china, terracotta, earthenware, glass or porcelain. Klasse 44 Cosmetic skin care services, namely facials, massage, manicure, pedicure; health spa services for health and wellness of the body and spirit, namely, providing massage, facial and body treatment services, cosmetic body care services; beauty spa services, namely, cosmetic body care; beauty analysis to determine cosmetics that are best suited to particular individuals; beauty consultation services; aromatherapy services; hair care services; barber services; animal grooming; providing information in the field of personal beauty. 2017.02.17 (111) 1315612 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.06 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.06 (210) Nasj. 201612512 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.07, DE, 30 2016 102 055 Berliner Schwarze Robin Green GmbH, Schaperstrasse 18, DE-10719 BERLIN, Tyskland Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; powders and pastilles for effervescing beverages; non-alcoholic cocktails; non-alcoholic aperitifs; whey beverages; milk of almonds (beverage); must; sherbets (beverages). Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beer). Klasse 43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. 2017.02.17 (111) 1315906 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.14 (210) Nasj. 201612557 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.02, CH, 684527 Triumph Intertrade AG, Triumphweg 6, CH-5330 BAD ZURZACH, Sveits Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear. 2017.02.21 74

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1315907 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.14 (210) Nasj. 201612558 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.12.04, CH, 684855 Triumph Intertrade AG, Triumphweg 6, CH-5330 BAD ZURZACH, Sveits Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear. 2017.02.21 (111) 1316016 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.04 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.04 (210) Nasj. 201612570 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.01, US, 86925004 EBLADE MTPV Corporation, 13091 Pond Springs Rd., Suite 160, US-TX78729-7149 AUSTIN, USA Klasse 9 Thermal photovoltaic cells, modules, arrays, and panels for converting heat to electricity, for converting heat to cooling, and/or for thermal management; devices comprised of a thermal photovoltaic cell or solid state semiconductor device, modules, arrays and panels, and their housing for converting heat to electricity, for converting heat to cooling, and/or for thermal management. 2017.02.22 (111) 1316035 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.17 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.17 (210) Nasj. 201612573 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.28, GB, UK00003161889 SLEEK SUEDE L'Oreal UK Ltd, 255 Hammersmith Road, GB-W68AZ LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 3 Perfumes. 2017.02.22 (111) 1316278 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.03 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.03 (210) Nasj. 201612609 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.18, US, 86912309 SUBSTANCE Output, Inc, 5640 Hollywood Boulevard, US-CA90028 LOS ANGELES, USA Klasse 9 Computer software and firmware for creating and producing music; computer software for processing digital music files; computer software for creating and editing music and sounds; music-composition software. 2017.02.16 (111) 1316353 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.09.07 (180) Registreringen 2025.09.07 (210) Nasj. 201612622 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.03.06, DE, 30 2015 100 427 SENSIPLAST Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland Klasse 3 Facial cleansers, in particular facial patches for pore refinement and pore cleansing; beauty care cosmetics for the face, in particular anti-wrinkle patches for the forehead, between the eyebrows and for the region of the mouth. Klasse 5 Antiseptic sprays for use on the skin, in particular wound spray; antiseptic ointments; medicated ointments and applications for use on the skin; ointments for pharmaceutical purposes; pharmaceutical lip salves, medicated lip-creams, applications and balms for the lips, in particular applications for herpes treatment; sunburn ointment; antiseptic preparations for wound care, in particular wound and healing ointment, 75

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 applications for wound healing; pharmaceutical preparations for treatment of burn wounds and abrasions; medicinal disinfectants for use on the skin, disinfectant spray, disinfectant applications; insect repellent spray, especially tick repellent sprays; cleaning cloths impregnated with disinfectant for hygiene purposes, in particular wipes for use after a tick bite, cleaning tissues for the treatment of burn wounds; surgical dressings; medical dressings; dressing retention material; fixation bandages; disinfecting dressings; elastic dressings; medicinal wound dressings; hydrogel dressings; sterile dressings and compresses; compression bandages (dressing material); elastic bandages (dressing material); sanitary wear, in particular for the treatment of Achilles tendon inflammation, kinesiology tapes; compresses, in particular cold and hot compresses; first aid dressings; filled first-aid boxes, in particular for cars; first-aid kits; first-aid travel kits; plasters; impermeable plasters, plasters for showering, spray dressing as a protective coating to be applied directly to abrasions and other injuries on the surface of the skin; medicinal plasters, plasters for burn wounds, adhesive plasters, wound plasters, skin patches; patches for the protection of the skin against friction, corn plasters and corn pads, blistering plasters, plasters in the form of pressure paddings, toe protection plasters, plasters in the form of rings for toe protection, toe protection plasters incorporating gel insoles; padded plasters for decreasing compression and pain relief for the feet resulting from standing for a long time or wearing shoes with high heels; transdermal patches, in particular herpes patches; plasters as heat therapy instruments, in particular heat plasters and hot patches; hot compresses; sprays for stopping bleeding; cooling and heat dispensing poultices for medical purposes. Klasse 8 Scissors; tweezers, in particular tick tweezers. Klasse 9 Vehicle breakdown warning triangles; life preservers. Klasse 10 Medical hosiery; socks for diabetics; medical support hosiery; compression stockings, stockings for therapeutic purposes; bandages for orthopedic purposes, in particular bandages for the treatment of hallux valgus; finger bandages, elastic; toe bandages, elastic; elastic bandages; padding bandages [supportive use], in particular incorporating gel insoles; supportive bandages incorporating copper; bandages for joints, compression bandages; orthopedic articles; orthopedic bandages; orthopedic strappings; bandages for sports or bandages in the form of stockings; orthopedic plasters with insoles for toe relief; supportive foot bandages; pressure bandages for anatomical support purposes; elastic bandages for support purposes; elastic bandages for support purposes for the elbows; elasticated supports for the ankle; elasticated supports for the wrist; elastic compression bandages for surgical purposes; elastic compression bandages for medical purposes; elastic stockings for medical purposes; elasticated supports for the knee; adhesive suspensory bandages; belts for medical and orthopedic purposes, in particular heat dispensing belts; cooling bandages, bandages for heat therapy; cushions for medical purposes, in particular cushions for training the veins; heat dispensing orthopedic articles for relieving muscle pain, in particular selfheating pads, neck cushions, back cushions with and without fixing bands, pillows for heat therapy containing mud; apparatus for achieving and maintaining physical fitness, in particular pillows and cushions for medical, therapeutic and/or orthopedic purposes, in particular cushions for supporting the veins; medical fitness cushions, medical backrest pads, medical sitting cushions, medical cushions in the form of a wedge, medical cushions for the support and training of physical balance, for the improvement and support of body posture, for the training and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles; exercising apparatus and medical instruments for medical rehabilitative purposes and for medical stimulation purposes, in particular for training the veins; ear plugs (ear protection devices); gloves for medical purposes; medical scissors; medical blankets for the warming of patients, in particular emergency blankets; respiratory masks and respirators for artificial respiration. Klasse 11 Hot water bottles; electric hot water bottles; hot water bottles with gel fillings. Klasse 16 Brochures, in particular information brochures containing information about the geographical spread of ticks. Klasse 18 Kit bags (empty), not inflammable, in particular for the storage of kits for the treatment of burn wounds. Klasse 25 Socks and stockings; trouser socks. 2017.02.16 (111) 1316378 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.29 (210) Nasj. 201612626 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.27 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.05, US, 86899094 MTPV MTPV Corporation, 13091 Pond Springs Rd., Suite 160, US-TX78729-7149 AUSTIN, USA Klasse 9 Thermal photovoltaic cells, modules, arrays, and panels for converting heat to electricity, for converting heat to cooling, and/or for thermal management; devices comprised of a thermal photovoltaic cell or solid state semiconductor device, modules, arrays and panels, and their housing for converting heat to electricity, for converting heat to cooling, and/or for thermal management. 2017.02.16 76

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1316810 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.06.22 (180) Registreringen 2025.06.22 (210) Nasj. 201612860 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.22, DE, 30 2014 074 814 ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, DE-45143 ESSEN, Tyskland Klasse 1 Chemicals used in industry; chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals; chemical additives for use in the casting of metals; chemical additives for use in the moulding of metals; manures; foundry sand, foundry moulding preparations and binding substances; adhesives used in industry; slag products for use as manures. Klasse 6 Ores; common metals and their alloys and products made therefrom, included in this class, namely, unwrought and semi-wrought common metals and their alloys and products made therefrom, in particular rods, panels, bands, sheets and plates, in particular tailored blanks, pipes and fittings therefor, tinplate and blackplate, sleepers, rails and other track parts for railbound vehicles, in particular side guide rails and glide strips for magnetic suspension trains, special and specialty profiles, timber, plank and trench sheeting, sheet piling, light sections, sheet pile crossbeams and fittings, flood sheet piling, box sheet piling, steel poles, staves, flat panel and shipbuilding profiles; flat products of stainless steel (corrosion-resistant, acid-resistant, heat-resistant), nickel-based materials, titanium and titanium alloys, grain-oriented or non-grain-oriented electrical and/or magnetic steel materials or sheets, work platforms, temporary bridges, and scaffolding and falsework and parts therefor, namely, formwork, props, beams, wires and ropes, and wire mesh and other wire products, sheet metal goods, weld filler materials, in particular soldering wire, welding rods, and cored wires, storage and transport containers, prefabricated and collapsible transportable buildings and parts therefor, in particular container offices and workshops, houses, halls, garages, bridges, windows, doors, gates, and roof, ceiling and wall construction elements, cast parts of metal, soldering materials, namely, soldering wire, rods of metal for brazing, goods of common metal not included in other classes, namely, containers, construction fittings, roof panels, facade panels, springs, windows, window sills, window frames, grilles, hooks, cramps, supports for propping up ships, runners, nails, profiles, space trusses, rings, loops, locks, screws, silos, pins, gate and door frames, gates and doors, supporting structures, staircases, door panels, door handles, screw-connection parts, wall panels, brackets, fences and parts therefor, fittings for the aforesaid goods, included in this class, metal building materials, in particular prefabricated sandwich components consisting predominantly of sheet metal for industrial, hall and housing construction, Klasse 7 Klasse 9 ironmongery, small items of metal hardware, pipes and tubes of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal, transportable buildings of metal, metal building materials, scaffolding, included in this class and shuttering and parts therefor of metal for concrete, rails and railway points of metal, railway material of metal, fixtures of metal for guiding and gripping rail vehicles, being parts for railway rails. Drives for machines; transmission shafts, other than for land vehicles; construction machines; mechanical apparatus and mechanical devices and equipment consisting thereof for manufacturing precursors or products for the medicines and food industry, chemical industry, manures industry, plastics industry and cosmetics industry, including fittings for the aforesaid equipment; mechanical synthetic gasifiers, other than gasifiers for motor vehicles; machines for the food industry, including fittings; installations consisting of machines for the chemical industry for reforming steam, including fittings; installations consisting of machines for the chemical industry for producing manures, including fittings; gas treatment machines, including fittings; compressors (machines); hydraulic or pneumohydraulic pressure tranducers, hydraulic or pneumohydraulic pressure boosters; machines for the textile industry; fittings for engine boilers; lifts, included in this class, mechanical escalators and moving walkways, platform lifts, lifting platforms for people, passenger bridges, moving staircases, stair lifts; parts for lifts, escalators, moving walkways, platform lifts, lifting platforms for people, passenger bridges (machines), moving staircases, stair lifts, included in this class; fluidisers, namely, apparatus for fluidising bulk material using gas flows to promote flow properties, including fittings; generators for generating energy to drive machines; machines for obtaining energy; electric generators; industrial robots (machines); machines for processing metal, wood and plastics; machine tools; drilling machines and parts therefor; machines for positioning, aligning and holding components; machine-driven elevating apparatus and machines for lifting goods; machines for securing, obtaining, processing and breaking off mineral substances, earth, stone, excavated material, used materials, ores, scree and masonry; machines for loading bulk material and piece goods; machines for producing mortar and concrete, and prefabricated parts made therefrom; excavators; conveying machines; machines for handling molten metals; electric and laser welding apparatus; welding electrodes; flaming machines for flaming cold or warm metal materials, metal work pieces or semi-finished metal products (like blocks, bars, coils or slabs); gas-operated cutting blow pipes; mixers (machines); mills (machines); presses (machines); pumps (machines), including fittings; electric beaters; motors and engines and parts therefor, other than for land vehicles; turbines and parts therefor, other than for land vehicles; gear boxes and parts therefor, other than for land vehicles; gate drives; tools (parts of machines); piston rods (parts of machines); bearings (parts of machines); centrifuges (machines); railroad constructing machines; drums (parts of machines); electric starter apparatus for motors and engines; electric cold-start systems for motors and engines; ship and aeroplane engines and parts therefor. Apparatus for physical measurements and physical material testing and control of materials, in particular of raw materials; optical and electronic apparatus, included in this class; nautical, surveying, signalling and monitoring apparatus; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles for civil and military applications; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission, processing or reproduction of sound, images or data; data carriers; data processing apparatus and computers; computer software, included in this class; electric cables; fire-extinguishing apparatus; checking 77

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (supervision) apparatus and instruments; magnets; measuring apparatus and instruments; photovoltaic elements, namely, solar collectors for generating electricity; electric/electronic control and regulating apparatus, included in this class; life saving apparatus and equipment; sonars. Klasse 12 Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; parts for vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, included in this class; bodies of metal for vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; engines for land vehicles. Klasse 17 Semi-finished products of plastic and plastic mouldings for mechanical engineering, vehicle construction and house building, in particular for touch protection, spray guard, dust protection, noise protection, housing or encapsulation, and for building roofing, building facades, building partition walls, building balcony, building protection and gardening; semi-finished products of plastic, in particular plastic mouldings for vehicle construction and house building; packing, stopping and insulating materials; plastic film, other than for wrapping; adhesive tapes, included in this class; plastic welding fillers in the form of wire, being powders or granules, included in this class; seals for windows. Klasse 19 Asphalt, coal tar, pitch and bitumen, slag and slag stone, including ironworks slag and slag sand obtained during the smelting of iron ore, namely, blast furnace slag, LD slag; slag products, included in this class, including building materials (non-metallic), materials for making and coating roads, cement, cement raw materials, concrete, concrete building elements, cement coatings, cement for blast furnaces; scaffolding and formwork and parts therefor, included in this class, not of metal; cast, pressed, drawn or machined mouldings, not of metal, for building, in particular plastic molding and resin transfer molding components made of polyamide (PA), polycarbonate (PC), polyaryletherketone (PAEK), polyetherimide (PEI), polyethyleneterephthalate (PETP), polyoxymethylene (POM), polyethylmethacrylate (PMMA), polypropylene (PP), polyetrafluroethylene (PTFE), polyvinylchloride (PVC), polysulfone (PSU), polyvinylidenfluoride (PDVF) plastics. Klasse 35 Personnel management consultancy; temporary employment agencies; business management and organisation consultancy; professional business analysis of business processes; business management; business administration; business investigations; accounting; office functions; online service providers, namely, compilation of data relating to business matters, repair, installation and assembly of goods, entertainment and providing of training using computer databases; statistical services, namely, compilation of statistics; arranging and concluding of commercial transactions, for others; auctioneering; marketing; advertising; marketing studies and analyses; opinion polling; organisation of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial purposes or advertising purposes; office machines and equipment rental; compilation of information into computer databases; media consultancy, namely, organisational consultancy in the field of press and public relations. Klasse 37 Building construction; rental of scaffolding, formwork, work platforms and construction apparatus; painting and lacquering; rental of construction equipment; rental of industrial machines, namely, construction apparatus and equipment for earthworks, in particular sheet piling, construction machines for anchoring, drilling, pressing, vibrating, pile driving and drawing techniques, flood protection systems, included in this class; facility management in the field of technical facilities, namely repair, maintenance and servicing of real estate, including permanently connected supply installations therefor; cleaning of buildings; assembly, maintenance and repair of lifts, escalators, moving walkways, platform lifts, lifting platforms for people, passenger bridges, moving staircases, stair lifts; assembly, maintenance and repair of equipment and machines for use in mining, open-cast mining, quarrying, ore or coal mining, demolition and road building; assembly, maintenance and repair of structures; assembly, maintenance and repair of industrial machines and manufacturing installations; assembly, maintenance and repair of telecommunications apparatus; assembly, maintenance and repair of modules or systems for the power train and undercarriage region of vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; assembly, maintenance and repair of vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water and parts therefor; assembly, maintenance and repair of technical apparatus in real estate; assembly, maintenance and repair of transportable buildings, room modules, refrigerating chambers and parts therefor; assembly, maintenance and repair of fence and gate installations; assembly, maintenance and repair of rail installations; scaffolding. Klasse 38 Radio and television broadcasting; subscription television and radio broadcasting services, Internet and intranet communication and access services, namely, providing user access to global computer networks, providing access to platforms on the internet, providing access to portals on the internet, providing access to forums, chatlines and chatrooms on the internet, e-mail services; telecommunications; services of news agencies, namely, compilation and supplying of information, texts, drawings and images as news and current affairs information; providing of access to and transmission of information, texts, drawings; and images, messages and data on computer networks; rental of telecommunications equipment; online service providers, namely, compilation and supplying of information, texts, drawings, images and messages relating to business matters, repair, installation and assembly of goods, entertainment and providing of training, being a wire service; providing of access to and transmission of information, texts, drawings, images, messages and data on computer networks relating to business matters, repair of goods, installation of goods and assembly of goods, entertainment and providing of training; online service providers, namely, providing of access to data networks; rental of access time to databases. Klasse 39 Tracking, locating and monitoring of ships. Klasse 40 Treatment of materials, namely, processing of workpieces, production of profiles, production of slit coils, cutting of sheets and plates of metal, boards or trapezoids, curing of materials and surface finishing, in particular by means of hot dip galvanising, hot dip aluminising, zinc plating or organic coating; custom manufacture of bodies for vehicles, chassis parts, components for vehicle undercarriages and components for vehicle drives, in particular internal combustion engines, for others; tool making in the form of custom manufacture, for others; waste, waste water and pollutant treatment, recycling of waste, waste water, scrap and trash; print shops, namely, printing; locksmiths (metal treating); carpentry (woodworking). Klasse 42 Architecture; urban planning; structural engineering; mining engineering; chemistry services; engineering in the field of computer science; engineering; design of interior decor; media consultancy, namely, consultancy and technical research in the field of information technology; physics (research); software programming; stress analysis (construction planning); technical drawing; surveying, included in this class; research, construction of prototypes for research purposes and for technical product development, and research in the field of technology for ships; design and development of computer software in the field of ships; material testing; conducting of technical measurements, inspections and calculations in the field of ships, surveying in the context of data analysis in the field of ships, technical consultancy, technical planning and development, and technical project management in relation to shipbuilding projects; engineering for calculation, dimensioning and design in relation to ships; providing of technical information in relation to 78

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 ships; technical consultancy in the field of computing; installation and maintenance of computer software; rental of data processing installations and computers; technical analysis of IT infrastructures; technical design and technical planning of installations and apparatus for telecommunications; contaminated site management, namely, technical design of property decontamination projects; computer rental. 2017.02.22 (111) 1317106 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.22 (210) Nasj. 201612901 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.03 Eurosalesman Sweden AB, Reimersholmsgatan 79, SE-11740 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 35 Advertising; business and sales management; business and sales administration; office functions. Klasse 36 Insurance, financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. 2017.02.16 (111) 1317620 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.02.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.22 (210) Nasj. 201613132 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.08.27, EM, 014506133 SONDEY TAKE IT Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland Klasse 30 Bakery goods; pastries, biscuits; all of the aforesaid goods, including with chocolate. 2017.02.21 (111) 1317626 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.18 (210) Nasj. 201613134 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 YILPORT HOLDING ANONIM SIRKETI, Dilvosai Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, 1. Kisim, Göksu Caddesi, No:18 Dilovas, Gebze Kocaeli, TR- KOCAELI, Tyrkia Klasse 39 Land, water and air transport services; rental of land, water or air vehicles; arranging of travel tours; travel reservation; issuing of tickets for travel; courier services (messages or merchandise); boat storage; storage, wrapping and packaging of goods. 2017.02.21 (111) 1317779 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.26 (210) Nasj. 201613156 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.31, EM, 015290414 ABBAYE DE VAUCLAIR Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland Klasse 32 Beer; mineral water [beverages]; aerated water; nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups for making beverages; preparations for making beverages. 2017.02.21 (111) 1317806 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.22 (210) Nasj. 201613164 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.25, GB, UK00003146043 airswift Airswift Holdings Limited, 4th Floor Delphian House, Riverside Building, New Bailey Street, GB-M3 5FS MANCHESTER, Storbritannia Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; employment agency services for part-time and permanent staff; services of placement of temporary or permanent staff; selection, testing, recruitment and placement of temporary, casual, contractual and permanent staff; services of replacement of employees; services of 79

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 testing of individuals to determine employment skills; consulting in personnel and human resources management; business management, business administration, business information and business consultancy services relating to the procurement of temporary and contract staff; office and business management and administration in connection with human resources, including job advertising, recruiting, interviewing, assessment and personnel management; payroll accounting and billing services for third parties and related consulting services; organization, management, coordination and outsourcing of personnel; assistance and consulting for third parties in job hunting, in the organization, logistics, planning, development, support, handling, evaluation and improvement of their recruitment and professional career, including assistance for job searches, for work permits and visas, flights, insurance or accommodation arrangements, assistance for career improvement and development; consulting for companies in the planning, development, support, handling and evaluation of the professional careers of employees; consulting for companies in seeking employment for their staff (outplacement); information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services. 2017.02.19 the internet; providing of information about entertainment and entertainment events via online networks and the internet. Klasse 45 Legal services; legal research services; legal services; lawyer and patent lawyer services, in particular in the field of intellectual property rights; legal services from lawyers and patent lawyers; legal representation and assistance; legal research; legal research, in particular into intellectual property matters; licensing of industrial property rights, in particular trademarks, designs and patents; consultancy relating to development of trademarks, designs and domain names; searching, registration, administration and exploitation of trade marks and other industrial property rights for others; arranging and assessing of industrial property rights. 2017.02.18 (111) 1318048 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.01.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.01.14 (210) Nasj. 201613207 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (111) 1317827 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.02.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.26 (210) Nasj. 201613165 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.08.28, EM, 014511431 SAKATA SEED CORPORATION, 2-7-1, Nakamachidai Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi, JP-224-0041 KANAGAWA, Japan Klasse 31 Plant seeds; plants, namely trees, grasses, natural turf, dried flowers, seedling, saplings, flowers [natural], pasture grass; bulbs; flower bulbs; fresh vegetables; fresh fruit; unprocessed rice; grains (seed); corn [unprocessed grain]; wheat, barley and oats [unprocessed]; grains (cereals), namely foxtail millet [unprocessed]; proso millet [unprocessed]; sesame; maize; wheat; barley; rye; oats; seaweed for animal consumption; dried flowers for decoration; animal foodstuffs. 2017.02.20 Alexandra Dellmeier, Sadelerstr. 2a, DE-80638 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; organisation, arranging and conducting of seminars, training courses, conferences and workshops; publication of printed matter, in particular books, leaflets, periodicals, in electronic form; providing information in relation to the aforementioned services via the internet; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; publishing of publications (non-downloadable); entertainment provided via the internet; publication of printed matter in electronic form on the internet; provision of education on-line from a computer database or via the internet or extranets; publication of material which can be accessed from databases or from the internet; providing of non-downloadable electronic publications via a global computer network or (111) 1318061 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.21 (210) Nasj. 201613210 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 Soundtrack Your Brand Soundtrack your brand Sweden AB, Birger Jarlsgatan 43, SE-11145 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 35 Retail services in the field of entertainment featuring pre-recorded musical and audio visual works, and music related electronic products provided via the internet and other electronic and communications networks. Klasse 38 Telecommunication services; communications via a global computer network or the internet; provision of access to web pages; transmission and distribution of data or audio visual images via a global computer network or the internet; providing access to mp3 web 80

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 sites digital music web sites on the internet; delivery of digital music by telecommunications; electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video files via electronic and communications networks; streaming of audio and video content via a global computer network; providing on-line chat rooms, bulletin boards and community forums for the transmission of messages among computer users concerning entertainment, music, concerts, videos, radio, television, film, news, sports, games and cultural events; web casting; subscription audio and video broadcasting via a global computer network; broadcasting and delivery of audio, video, and/or multimedia content by means of global computer network; broadcasting services; broadcasting prerecorded videos featuring music and entertainment; providing electronic bulletin boards; transmission of messages among users concerning music, news, current events, entertainment and arts and leisure; provision of connectivity services and access to electronic communications networks, for transmission or reception of data, audio, video, movies and/or multimedia content; telecommunication services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video files and movies via computer and other communications networks; dissemination of movies, music and video information via an internet-based database; television, radio and on-line broadcasting; providing access to a computer databases in the nature of a bulletin board in the fields of music, video, film, books, television, games and sports; providing access to portals on the internet; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services. Klasse 41 Educational and entertainment services; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; providing on-line electronic publication; computer training; digital music (not downloadable) provided from mp3 web sites on the internet; digital music (not downloadable) provided from the internet; radio entertainment; music publishing services; providing pre-recorded music and audio-visual products, information in the field of music, and related commentary, interactive features and articles, via the internet and other electronic communications networks; information services, printed reports and on-line information services in the fields of music, video, film, books, television, concerts, radio, news, cultural events and entertainment, games and sports; organising online music, concerts, film, motion picture, audio and video events; theatre services, live musical and theatre performances provided on-line; providing nondownloadable online music, video, radio, television, film, news, sports, games, cultural events, entertainment, and arts and leisure which can be accessed from databases and directories via communications networks; providing audio, video, graphics, text and other multimedia content in the fields of music, video, radio, television, film, entertainment news, sports games, cultural events, entertainment and arts and leisure via communications networks; music publishing services; publishing of text, graphic, audio and video works via communications networks; providing information in the fields of music, video, film, books, television, games and sports which can be accessed from databases and directories via communications networks; information, advice and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid. Klasse 42 Computer hardware and software consultancy; rental of computer hardware and software apparatus and equipment; multimedia and audio-visual software consulting services; computer programming; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; graphic design for the compilation of web pages on the internet; information relating to computer hardware or software provided online from a global computer network or the internet; creating and maintaining websites; hosting the web sites of others; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for use in connection with online music subscription service, software that enables users to play and program music and entertainment-related audio, video, text and multimedia content, and software featuring musical sound recordings, entertainment-related audio, video, text and multimedia content; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software enabling users to program audio, video, movies, text, and other multimedia content, including music, concerts, videos, radio, television, news, sports, games, cultural events, and entertainment-related programs; providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network; designing, creating, hosting and maintaining internet web sites. 2017.02.20 (111) 1318068 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.10 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.10 (210) Nasj. 201613211 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.10, BX, 1320872 FOODLIFE Foodlife Holding B.V., Telfordstraat 10, NL-8013RM ZWOLLE, Nederland Klasse 7 Machines for the production of materials and machines for processing raw materials; machines for processing and preparation of food and beverages. Klasse 8 Hand tools and implements, hand-operated; food processing machines, hand-operated; food slicing and dicing machines, hand-operated; hand tools and implements for the processing and preparation of food and beverages, kitchen knives and cutlery. Klasse 35 Retailing and wholesaling, and import and export in relation to machines for the production of materials and machines for processing raw materials, machines for processing and preparation of food and beverages, hand-operated hand tools and implements, machines, hand-operated, for processing food and beverages, hand tools and implements for the processing and preparation of food and beverages, kitchen knives and cutlery; the bringing together (excluding the transport thereof), displaying, exhibiting and demonstrating of machines for the production of materials and machines for processing raw materials, machines for processing and preparation of food and beverages, hand-operated hand tools and implements, machines, hand-operated, for processing food and beverages, hand tools and implements for the processing and preparation of food and beverages, kitchen knives and cutlery, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; business mediation in establishing business contacts between consumers and producers of machines for the production of materials and machines for processing raw materials, machines for processing and preparation of food and beverages, hand-operated hand tools and implements, machines, hand-operated, for processing food and beverages, hand tools and implements for the processing and preparation of food and beverages, kitchen knives and cutlery; online retailing in the field of machines for the production of materials and machines for processing raw materials, machines for processing and preparation of food and beverages, hand-operated hand tools and implements, machines, hand-operated, for processing food and beverages, hand tools and implements for the processing and preparation of food and beverages, 81

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 kitchen knives and cutlery; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; including the aforesaid services in the context of franchising for the operation of retail businesses in the field of machines for the production of materials and machines for processing raw materials, machines for processing and preparation of food and beverages, hand-operated hand tools and implements, machines, hand-operated, for processing food and beverages, hand tools and implements for the processing and preparation of food and beverages, kitchen knives and cutlery; information and consultancy relating to the aforesaid services; including all the aforesaid services provided via electronic channels, such as the Internet. Klasse 37 Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance of material production and processing machines, food and beverage processing and preparation machines and apparatus, hand tools and implements, hand operated machines for processing food and beverage, hand tools and implements for processing and preparing food and beverage and kitchen knives and cutlery. Klasse 40 Information and consultancy relating to food and beverage processing. 2017.02.20 (111) 1318081 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.23 (210) Nasj. 201613212 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.05.02, SE, 2016/03162 Zeres Capital Zeres Capital AB, Blasieholmsgatan 5, SE-11148 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 36 Conducting of financial affairs; financial information processing; venture capital fund management; venture capital fund management; private placement and venture capital investment services; venture capital and project capital investment services; venture capital funding services; venture capital financing; financing services for the securing of funds in respect of ventures; venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies; venture capital funding and venture capital management services; venture capital funding services for inventors; venture capital funding services for companies; financial consultancy; acquisition of financial holdings, financial management of venture capital; financial management of risk capital, investment capital and development capital; venture capital funding services for commercial entities; venture capital (services for the finding of-); venture capital (services for the provision of -); financial trust management; management of funds and investments; investment fund management; financial trust planning; financial management of funds; financial advice relating to trusts; fund management; management of investments and funds; fund investments. 2017.02.20 (111) 1318085 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.27 (210) Nasj. 201613213 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: LeYu. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: LeYu. SHENZHEN EVERBEST MACHINERY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD, Factory Building No. 4, District A (District One), Factory Building 19#,21#, District Five, Baiwangxin Industrial Park, Baimang Songbai Road, Xili 518108 Nanshan District,, CN- SHENZHEN CITY, Kina Klasse 9 Measuring instruments; air analysis apparatus; wind speed meter; hygrometers; testing apparatus not for medical purposes; measuring devices, electric; range finders; gas testing instruments; diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; pressure measuring apparatus; actinometers; altimeter; speed indicators; thermometers, not for medical purposes; remote control apparatus; electric door bells; theft prevention installations, electric; smoke detectors. 2017.02.21 (111) 1318092 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.20 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.20 (210) Nasj. 201613216 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.06.10, EM, 015531429 AMPLIFON S.P.A., Via Ripamonti, 131/133, IT-20141 MILANO, Italia Klasse 3 Detergents for hearing aids; cleansing towelettes and 82

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 cleaning products for hearing aids. Klasse 9 Amplification apparatus for the hard of hearing, and accessories therefor, namely: connection cords and cables between receiver and amplifier, small connectors, adaptors for batteries; batteries; including connection cables between amplifiers and batteries; network feeders, induction devices adapted to hearing aids, not for the deaf; mobile phones targeted at impaired hearing people; amplifier headphones for impaired hearing people; apparatus producing oscillations, namely oscillators; software for electronic applications aimed to impaired hearing people. Klasse 10 Acoustic apparatus for the hard of hearing, namely: hearing prostheses; air-conduction and boneconduction receivers for hearing aids; curved pieces for bone-conduction receivers for hearing aids; earmoulds being parts of hearing aids. Klasse 35 Positioning products (hearing aids) in order to enable customers to view and purchase those products; retailing services (including via mail order or on-line order) of hearing aids for impaired hearing people, of sound amplifiers, of mobile phones, of headphones and of batteries, all for hearing aids. Klasse 37 Maintenance and repair of hearing aids. Klasse 42 Design and development of hearing aids and of devices issuing lights, sounds or vibrations to help people with impaired hearing; design of software applications targeted at people with hearing problems. Klasse 44 Medical and paramedical assistance services provided for the deaf; professional services for the treatment of deafness, namely medical services, assessment services of level of deafness and inner ear shape; acquisition of the ear canal fingerprint for the installation of hearing aids. 2017.02.21 (111) 1318101 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.25 (210) Nasj. 201613217 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.05, US, 86899098 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the words "Aunt Sally" in blue stylized font with black outline, underneath to the right are the words "A Unique Dry-Hopped Sweet Tart Sour Mash Ale" in black stylized font, to the left and directly beneath the stylized word "Aunt" is a figure of a tan women with black hair, green headband, beige top and green skirt in a seated position with her right arm out to the side, below that and across the legs of the women is the word "LAGUNITAS" in red and the head of a white and brown dog facing forward with the right ear brown, left eye black and a brown collar, on the bottom line to the left is "Brewing Co" in black, the entire mark appears in a square shape with blue and black outline and white background. Lagunitas Brewing Company, 1280 McDowell Blvd, US-CA94954 PETALUMA, USA Klasse 32 Ale. 2017.02.21 83

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1318104 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.25 (210) Nasj. 201613218 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (111) 1318117 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.11 (210) Nasj. 201613221 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 SPRINKCAD Tyco International Management Company, LLC, 9 Roszel Road, US-NJ08450 PRINCETON, USA Klasse 9 Computer software used for engineering automatic sprinkler systems for fire protection. 2017.02.16 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the word "LAGUNITAS" in red in the top line, the letters "IPA" in black below "LAGUNITAS" inside a white square that has two black borders. Lagunitas Brewing Company, 1280 McDowell Blvd, US-CA94954 PETALUMA, USA Klasse 32 Ale. 2017.02.21 (111) 1318114 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.11 (210) Nasj. 201613220 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 SprinkCALC Tyco International Management Company, LLC, 9 Roszel Road, US-NJ08450 PRINCETON, USA Klasse 9 CAD/CAM software for engineering automatic sprinkler systems for fire protection; computer software and firmware for engineering automatic sprinkler systems for fire protection. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318119 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.29 (210) Nasj. 201613222 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.19, IE, 2016/00320 BEXOMY (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Word mark. GILEAD SCIENCES IRELAND UC, IDA Business and Technology Park, IE- CARRIGTOHILL, CO. CORK, Irland Klasse 5 Antiviral pharmaceutical preparations excluding glucagon, hypoglycemia and diabetes related hypoglycemia, including low blood sugar, diabetes insulin shock, and insulin reaction, prevention and treatment medications. 2017.02.21 (111) 1318146 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.01 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.01 (210) Nasj. 201613224 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 ALPS & METERS Alps & Meters, LLC, 43 West Newton Street, Apt 1-10, US-MA02118 BOSTON, USA Klasse 25 Clothing, namely, outerwear in the nature of jackets, parkas and coats; ski wear, ski jackets; snowboard wear, namely, jackets, and headwear; headgear, namely, caps and hats. 2017.02.21 84

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1318166 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.07 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.07 (210) Nasj. 201613226 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 ANADOLU ISUZU OTOMOTIV SANAYII VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Sekerpinar Mah. Otomotiv Cad. No:2, Çayirova, TR- KOCAELI, Tyrkia Klasse 12 Motor land vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds; engines and motors for land vehicles; clutches for land vehicles; transmissions, transmission belts and transmission chains for land vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; brakes, brake discs and brake linings for land vehicles; vehicle chassis, automobile bonnets, vehicle suspension springs, shock absorbers for automobiles, gearboxes for land vehicles, steering wheels for vehicles, rims for vehicle wheels; bicycles and their bodies; handlebars and mudguards for bicycles; vehicle bodies; tipping bodies for trucks; trailers for tractors; frigorific bodies for land vehicles; trailer hitches for vehicles; vehicle seats; head-rests for vehicle seats; safety seats for children, for vehicles; seat covers for vehicles; vehicle covers (shaped); sun-blinds adapted for vehicles; direction signals and arms for direction signals for vehicles; windscreen wipers and wiper arms for vehicles; inner and outer tires for vehicle wheels; tubeless tires; tire-fixing sets comprised of tire patches and tire valves for vehicles; windows for vehicles, safety windows for vehicles, rearview mirrors and wing mirrors for vehicles; anti-skid chains for vehicles; luggage carriers for vehicles; bicycle and ski carriers for cars; saddles for bicycles or motorcycles; air pumps for vehicles, for inflating tires; anti-theft alarms for vehicles, horns for vehicles; safety belts for vehicle seats, air bags (safety devices for automobiles); baby carriages, wheelchairs, pushchairs; wheelbarrows; shopping carts; single or multi-wheeled wheelbarrows; shopping trolleys; grocery carts; handling carts; rail vehicles; locomotives; trains; trams; waggons; cable cars; chairlifts; vehicles for locomotion by water and their parts, other than their motors and engines; vehicles for locomotion by air and their parts, other than their motors and engines. 2017.02.22 (111) 1318222 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.04 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.04 (210) Nasj. 201613239 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.04, EM, 014761332 UWC The United World Colleges (International), 17-21 Emerald Street, GB-WC1N 3QN LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 16 Paper; cardboard; printed matter; printed publications; book binding material; books; photographs; stationery; writing implements; pens; pencils; pencil sharpeners; pencil cases and boxes; writing chalk; erasers, chalk erasers, blackboard erasers; notepads, notepaper and notebooks; memo pads; scribble pads; date books; address books; agenda books; diaries; bookmarks; magazines, brochures, leaflets, newsletters, and newspapers; colouring books; children's activity books; souvenir programs; autograph books; comic books; picture books; sticker albums; book covers; paper book markers; bookplates; collector albums; trading cards; stickers; instrument case stickers; bumper stickers; adhesives and glue for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; office requisites (except furniture); instructional, educational and teaching materials (except apparatus); window decals; decals; temporary tattoo decals; paper hangtags, cardboard hangtags; folders; plastic bags for general use; paper gift wrap; drawing rulers; lithographs; posters; art prints; fine art prints; framed pictures; pictures; photo albums; postcards; picture postcards; greeting cards; maps; sheet music; customized personal cheques; chequebook covers; paper banners; parts, fittings and accessories for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; umbrellas and parasols; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; fanny packs, backpacks, sports packs, sports bags, waist packs, gym bags, duffel bags, tote bags, book bags, hand bags, purses, clutch purses, change purses, beach bags, all-purpose sports and athletic bags, luggage, luggage tags, suitcases, cosmetic cases sold empty, toiletry cases sold empty, vanity cases sold empty, cosmetic bags sold empty, key cases, coin pouches, wallets, backpacks; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware; tableware and crockery; cookware; tea pots; cups, mugs, bowls, dishes, plates; drinking bottles, vessels and glasses; insulating flasks and bottles; refrigerating flasks and bottles; lunch boxes; tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons, not of precious metal; flasks; hip flasks; cake moulds; cookie cutters; tea cosies; corkscrews; bottle openers; china ornaments; drinking straws; trays; oven mitts; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; t-shirts; shirts; tank tops; sport shirts; dress shirts; polo shirts; undershirts; sweatshirts; blouses; sweaters; pullovers; shorts; pantsuits; outer clothing and rainwear; jackets; coats; raincoats; overcoats; topcoats; dresses; jumpsuits; waistcoats; vests; trousers; jeans; pants; culottes; knickers; skirts; jerseys; blazers; belts; pantyhose; hosiery; sports clothing; sportswear; jogging suits; exercise pants; socks; leg warmers; bathrobes; dressing gowns; nightwear; pyjamas; nighties; underwear; bras; panties; boxer shorts; scarves; bowties; ties; cravats; collars; gloves; capes; tunics; leotards; tights; dressing-up costumes; wristbands; bandanas; caps; hats; hoods; shoes; boots; sneakers; slippers; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; belts. Klasse 41 Education; education services; educational courses; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; computer assisted education services; provision of educational information; dissemination of educational material; provision of facilities for education; university education services; part time and continuing university education services; youth education services; adult education services; postgraduate education services and training courses; charitable education services; teaching services; library services; educational, entertainment and cultural services provided in schools, colleges, universities; arranging, organising and provision of educational courses, competitions, training courses, seminars, workshops, tours, lectures, exhibitions, presentations and conferences; arranging, organising and provision of educational courses, competitions, training courses, 85

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 seminars, workshops, tours, lectures, exhibitions, presentations, and conferences in relation to international affairs, politics, social sciences, leadership, sustainability, intercultural understanding, creative pursuits and physical activities; e-learning services; providing non-downloadable text, data, information, sound, music, images, videos, film, podcasts and other media; providing non-downloadable electronic instructional, educational and teaching materials; educational research; non-downloadable educational and training materials relating to international affairs, politics, social sciences, leadership, sustainability, intercultural understanding, creative pursuits and physical activities; publication of educational materials; non-downloadable electronic publications and educational materials; provision of educational materials online from a computer database or via the internet; publication of books, texts and other printed matter for educational and training purposes; publication of educational and training materials relating to international affairs, politics, social sciences, leadership, sustainability, intercultural understanding, creative pursuits and physical activities; information, advice and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318227 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.10 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.10 (210) Nasj. 201613241 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.16, DE, 30 2015 107 915 PanStreet PanStreet International GmbH, Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 18, DE-40670 MEERBUSCH, Tyskland Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment; computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computers and installations constructed therefrom, computers being electronic computational installations, computers being data processing apparatus, computers being word processing apparatus, computers being communications installations, computers being process computers; equipment, apparatus and instruments and parts therefor, and installations constructed therefrom, for the computation, recording, storage, processing, input, output and transmission of data, information and signals, all for industrial processes; data carriers (included in this class) with or without recorded computer programs or data files; data processing programs, computer programs, database programs and operating system programs (included in this class); electronic handheld devices (PDAs) for the recording of information provided by surveillance staff for the documentation of parking offences; printers, in particular portable mobile printers; electronic stationary and mobile devices to receive information for documenting traffic violations, especially as bodies for motor vehicles. Klasse 38 Telecommunications; telecommunication services, in particular communications services, email services, mailing list services, newsletter services, IP telephony; provision of services of information transmission by electronic means; online provider services and content provider services, namely providing access to text, sound and image information of any kind on the Internet and transmission of text, sound and image information of any kind and electronic messaging; leasing access time to databases; providing access to Internet content of other service providers via hyperlinks. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318228 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.29 (210) Nasj. 201613242 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.30, FI, T201552323 HYGIO Hygio Oy, Salorankatu 5-7, FI-24240 SALO, Finland Klasse 7 Washing machines and equipment; washing machines and dryers; dry cleaning machines and equipment; cleaning machines for textiles; cleaning machines and apparatus [electric]; cleaning equipment (electrical) [shining]; dish washers; steam cleaners [machines] and cleaning equipment; electric carpet cleaning equipment; carpet cleaning machines and apparatus [electric]; ironing machines and pressing machines; stain removing machines; steaming machines; hand-held tools, not hand-operated; processing machines using liquids and/or gasses for processing objects; handling equipment [machines] for industrial purposes; machines for the production and processing of materials; fans for motors and engines; machines, equipment and machinery for cleaning and disinfecting products. Klasse 9 Machines, equipment and machinery for ozonization and ionization of products; machines, equipment and machinery, and their filters, for ozonization and ionization of materials. Klasse 40 Ozonization, ionization and odor removal services of products, in particular the following products: clothing, footwear, insoles, headgear, accessories, fabrics, textiles, leathers, furs and goods made from these materials, carpets and rugs, games and playthings, books, magazines and other publications, chairs, tables, shelves, cabinets and other furniture, ornaments, surgical, medical, dental and veterinary machines equipment and tools, clothing, accessories and furniture, prostheses and artificial implants, machines, equipment, tools, accessories and furniture for healthcare, therapy, labor, and moving and transporting of patients and people with disabilities, orthopedic aids and equipment for handicapped persons, orthopedic braces, ties, belts, splints, padding, mattresses and other orthopedic products, massage furniture, cushions, equipment and accessories, sports equipment, instruments and accessories, fitness equipment, instruments, and accessories, maternity belts and accessories, pacifiers and feeding aids, cutlery and crockery, hearing aids, protectors and prosthesis, sex aids, products and accessories used in theatre and opera, safety, security, protection, signalling and public order machines, equipment and accessories, furniture, appliances and accessories 86

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 used in daycare centers and nursing homes, machines, equipment and accessories used in police work, machines, equipment and accessories used in firefighting and rescue work, equipment and accessories for transporting, handling and storing of foodstuffs, products for storing and handling of all of the aforementioned goods; ozonization, ionization and odor removal services; rental of machines, equipment and accessories for ozonization, ionization and odor removal. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318288 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.25 (210) Nasj. 201613251 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.04, BX, 1328000 MILA DOOR Partners B.V., Honderdland 131, NL-2676LT MAASDIJK, Nederland Klasse 31 Fresh tomatoes, tomatoes on the vine and fresh cherry tomatoes. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318291 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.25 (210) Nasj. 201613252 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.26, US, 86887397 INNOVATIONQ PLUS IP.COM I, LLC, 370 Woodcliff Drive, Suite 301, US- NY14450 FAIRPORT, USA Klasse 42 Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for providing electronic searching and analytics of patent and technical data for use in the field of inventions and patents. 2017.02.21 (111) 1318384 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.03 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.03 (210) Nasj. 201613263 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.08, FR, 4208136 NEOCASE NEOCASE SOFTWARE, 55 rue Raspail, FR-92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET, Frankrike Klasse 9 Computer operating system programs and utilities; computer software for downloading, accessing, posting, displaying, tagging, streaming, linking, sharing or providing via other means, electronic media or information via computer and communication networks; computer software for use by administrators of computer networks for the deployment and management of application software and network server software; computer network server software for managing user content on computer networks; computer software for managing secure communications on computer networks; computer software for the development, management and operation of intranet sites; software for performing inventories of computer hardware and software for businesses and monitoring their use within the business; computer application programs and operating system programs for use with communication servers; computer programs for managing communications and data exchange between computers and electronic devices. Klasse 35 Provision of information in the field of business and commerce via the computer networks and communication networks; on-line retail store services featuring computers, computer hardware, computer software, computer peripheral devices, portable music players and their accessories, personal digital assistants, mobile telephones and their accessories, video game consoles, web cameras and their accessories, books, computer bags; business services, namely business and marketing consulting, information and business consultancy services; promoting the goods and services of others to employees, via computer networks, procurement services for others; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from an Internet website; consultancy pertaining to personnel issues. Klasse 42 Application service provider, namely hosting, managing, analyzing, developing, updating and maintaining applications, computer operating systems, computer software and websites for others; assistance, consultancy and technical resources in the field of computer security, on-line security and privacy; computer diagnostic services; providing on-line technical support, repair, testing and consultancy in the field of computers, computer systems and computer software; computer services, namely computer system administration for others; computer services, namely employee relation management and operations of shared global service centers, local or regional; computer services, namely cloud hosting service provision; design of computer software; software development and computer programming development for others; services provided by consultants relating to software design; services provided by consultants in the field of information technology; consulting services in the field of computer-based information systems for businesses; consulting related to the provision of applications and on-line non-downloadable software; providing on-line non-downloadable application software intended for businesses and general use; providing on-line non-downloadable software for website development and database management; 87

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 providing non-downloadable software for searching on the Internet, database management; providing information relating to computer systems, computer hardware, computer software, Internet, networks, databases and mobile applications. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318410 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.03 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.03 (210) Nasj. 201613268 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.05, CH, 683160 GENDREAM AG, Seestrasse 103, CH-8806 BÄCH SZ, Sveits Klasse 5 Food supplements, for non-medical use. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318411 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.03 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.03 (210) Nasj. 201613269 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.05, CH, 683161 GENDREAM AG, Seestrasse 103, CH-8806 BÄCH SZ, Sveits Klasse 5 Food supplements, for non-medical use. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318412 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.03 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.03 (210) Nasj. 201613270 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.05, CH, 683162 GENDREAM AG, Seestrasse 103, CH-8806 BÄCH SZ, Sveits Klasse 5 Food supplements, for non-medical use. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318443 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.30 (210) Nasj. 201613276 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 RE-SILICA KK Natur Holding GmbH, Max-Reger-Str. 1a, DE- 95478 KEMNATH, Tyskland Klasse 3 Cosmetics; non-medicated hair lotions; skin lotion; lotions for cosmetic purposes; non-medicated lotions; dentifrices; all of the aforesaid goods containing silicic acid or silica. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations; dietetic preparations adapted for medical use; nutritional supplements; hygienic preparations and articles; medical preparations and articles for internal and external application, in particular gastrointestinal preparations, medicated skin creams and medicated lotions; medicinal ointments; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; dragées [medicines]; vitamin preparations; infant formula; all of the aforesaid goods containing silicic acid or silica. Klasse 30 Muesli and energy bars; snacks manufactured from muesli; barley flakes; muesli consisting predominantly of cereals; puffed rice; spice extracts; food mixtures consisting of cereal flakes and dried fruits; dry and liquid ready-to-serve meals, mainly consisting of pasta; tea and tea-based beverages; glucose preparations for food; candy; essences for foodstuffs, except etheric essences and essential oils. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318529 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.13 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.13 (210) Nasj. 201613284 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.13, FR, 4264530 PATHOQUEST PATHOQUEST, 11 R WATT BIOPARK BATIMENT B, FR-75013 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 9 Computers; computer systems, software and databases; computer systems, software and databases for scientific and biological use; computer systems and software for collecting, storing, analysis and reporting of biological information, and follow-up projects and monitoring of samples, workflows and laboratory data; chemical and biological analysis software; software and databases dedicated to the fields of diagnostics and metagenomics; software and databases for the detection of pathogens in a biological sample; laboratory apparatus and instruments for the detection of pathogens in a biological sample. Klasse 42 Scientific testing services; medical testing services; microbiological testing services; computer-aided testing services; collection and analysis of blood for 88

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 scientific purposes; preparation of biological samples to be analyzed in a laboratory; conducting analysis and products testing in the biological, pharmaceutical and bio-pharmaceutical fields; analysis and evaluation of the toxicity and safety of biological and pharmaceutical products, and their components; conducting analyses and tests by metagenomics; arranging and conducting of scientific and technical reports; advisory services relating to laboratory tests; scientific and medical laboratory services; services of laboratory for the preparation, detection, quantification and analysis of biological materials, for genotyping, for diagnostic tests and for the sequencing of biological molecules, genomes and metagenomes; laboratory services for DNA analysis; biological, bacteriological, medical and pharmacological research services; design, development and updating of software and databases dedicated to the fields of diagnostics and metagenomics; research and development in the field of genome research and genetic expression; biotechnology research and development. Klasse 44 Medical diagnostic services (testing and analysis); collection and analyses of human blood for medical purposes; preparing and processing biological samples for medical and pharmaceutical use intended for analysis in laboratories; medical analysis for diagnosis and clinical research; medical analysis of biological molecules, genomes and metagenomes for diagnostic of pathogens and infectious diseases; medical and health services relating to DNA, genetics and genetic testing; DNA analysis services for medical purposes; preparation and compilation of medical reports; medical testing services relating to disease diagnosis and treatment; medical analysis services for the diagnosis and treatment of persons; carrying out disease diagnoses; medical testing for the diagnosis and treatment of persons. 2017.02.18 (111) 1318542 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.18 (210) Nasj. 201613285 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.24, US, 86917996 WINLOGBEAT Elasticsearch BV, Rijnsburgstraat 9-11, NL-1059AT AMSTERDAM, Nederland Klasse 9 Downloadable software used to perform analytics on and monitor application performance of proprietary and open source software applications. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318545 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.18 (210) Nasj. 201613287 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.10 E6000 ECLECTIC PRODUCTS, INC., 1075 Arrowsmith Street, US-OR97402 EUGENE, USA Klasse 17 Adhesive sealants for general purpose use and caulks. 2017.02.18 (111) 1318603 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.30 (210) Nasj. 201613442 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: XIAN MA (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: XIAN MA Guangzhou Aojie Science & Technology Co., Ltd, Building A, Industrial Park, The 18th Community, Gaozeng, Fanghua Road East, Renhe Town, Baiyun District, CN- GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG, Kina Klasse 9 Computers; computer keyboards; computer peripheral devices; mouse [computer peripheral]; readers [data processing equipment]; scanners [data processing equipment]; disk drives for computers; notebook computers. 2017.02.18 (111) 1318666 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.02.05 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.05 (210) Nasj. 201613450 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.08.07, DE, 30 2015 105 097 MOBISCREEN EVO Kleemann GmbH, Manfred-Wörner-Str. 160, DE-73037 GÖPPINGEN, Tyskland Klasse 7 Crushing machines and installations, in particular jaw crushers, cone crushers and impact crushers; sifting machines and installations; deposition machines and installations; separating machines and installations; sorting machines and installations (other than for money); washing machines and installations; 89

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 processing machines and installations for crushing, sifting, separating, classifying, washing and transporting of asphalt, bitumen, concrete, stone, raw materials, valuable materials or waste; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class, in particular conveyor belts, crushers, breaking tools, crushing tools, sieves, magnetic separators, undercarriages, chassis, body parts, chains, crawler tracks, continuous tracks, complete running gears with continuous tracks or rubber tracks, track pads for continuous tracks, adapted quick-change pads for use with track pads for continuous tracks, vibration and oscillation drives, gutters, breaking and crushing plates, breaking and crushing jaws, breaking and crushing cones and mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic control mechanisms. 2017.02.17 (111) 1318670 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.02.17 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.17 (210) Nasj. 201613451 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.16, GB, UK00003149992 GenASys Willis Group Limited, 51 Lime Street, GB-EC3M7DQ LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; financial, finance, investment and insurance services; fund raising; financial and insurance management services; financial administration services; preparation of financial and insurance reports; assurance, insurance, pensions and reinsurance services; actuarial services; services relating to the assessment, administration and management of financial risk; assurance, insurance, reinsurance, investment and pensions brokerage, agency and advisory services; assurance and insurance underwriting services; financial valuations, claims adjustment and claims settlement services; trusteeship services; real estate services; rental and leasing of real estate; provision of insurance information; financial information services provided by via a computer database; providing insurance information and insurance consultancy; insurance services in the nature of loss control management; insurance brokerage services; reinsurance brokerage services; financial and direct risk management services, namely, exposure and financial modelling and analysis, catastrophe and geospatial modelling, actuarial analysis and market security reviewing; insurance claims processing; financial risk management services, namely, portfolio analysis and optimization, enterprise risk management (ERM) advice and consulting services to assist with legal, regulatory and rating agency requirements; insurance consultation including reinsurance structuring consultation and implementation; consulting services in the field of state and federal employee benefit plans concerning insurance and finance; information services in the nature of providing information on goods and services of others in the fields of insurance, reinsurance and financial risk management, including to maximize the benefit of such goods and services to consumers; advice, assistance, arrangement, information and research in relation to all the aforesaid; all the aforesaid services also provided via portals, web sites and web pages including (but not limited to) telecommunications networks, online, the Internet and the world Wide Web. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; hosting of internet sites, web sites, computer sites and microsites; IT advice, assistance, information and consulting; providing search engines and internet search facilities; web site design; interior and exterior design; digitisation of documents, text and content; design and development of computer hardware, firmware and software; computer programming; software as a service in the field of insurance; software as a service; application service provider services; updating of computer software; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware, firmware and software, of computer and information technology systems and of computer and data storage systems; maintenance of computer software; computer system analysis; information advice and assistance in the implementation of computer, computing and data processing and data storage systems; computing services and cloud computing services; engineering; electrical engineering; technical advisory and assistance services in relation to computer software and systems; technical testing services; quality testing services; quality control services; technological services; materials and construction materials testing and research services; professional services relating to research and development; hosting web sites and web pages relating to any of the aforesaid; advice, information and assistance relating to all the aforesaid; computerised business information storage. 2017.02.17 (111) 1318681 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.02.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.28 (210) Nasj. 201613452 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.12.08, EM, 014884894 RTL Group Deutschland Markenverwaltungs GmbH, Picassoplatz 1, DE-50679 KÖLN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Recorded content; information technology apparatus; audiovisual apparatus; magnets; magnetizers; demagnetisers; apparatus for electricity; instruments for electricity; cables for electricity; optical devices; optical equipment; amplifying apparatus; correctors; fuse apparatus; safety apparatus; protective apparatus; signal appliances; safety equipment; safety equipment; protective gear; signalling equipment; apparatus for navigation; orientation apparatus; location tracking apparatus; target trackers; mapping equipment; measuring instruments; detection instruments; surveillance instruments; meteorology apparatus; detection devices; monitoring apparatus; measurement rulers; detection regulators; monitoring controllers; apparatus for scientific research; apparatus for scientific laboratories; teaching apparatus; instrumentation simulators; parts for all of the aforesaid goods included in this class; accessories for all of the aforesaid goods, included in this class; optical apparatus; apparatus for recording of sound or images; apparatus for transmission of sound or images; 90

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 apparatus for the reproduction of sound or images; video-on-demand (VOD) apparatus; apparatus for other on-demand services; pay TV apparatus; apparatus for interactive television viewing; apparatus for teleshopping; cinematographic apparatus; cameras; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, included in this class; computer software; recording discs; compact discs; DVDs; optical storage discs (sound and images), all the aforesaid goods in recorded and blank form. Klasse 16 Works of art and figurines of paper and cardboard, and architects' models; paper decorations and paper art materials; bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics; stationery and educational supplies; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; money holders; disposable paper products; printed matter; paper and cardboard; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; books; newspapers; periodicals; paper, cardboard; notepaper, broadsheets, coated paper, coated paper, paper sheets for note taking; signboards of paper or cardboard; place mats of paper; placards of paper; photographs. Klasse 38 Telecommunications services and telecommunications; email services; news agencies; wire service; broadcasting and transmission of television and radio programmes, and transmission of programmes, data and data collections and apps on the internet and other audiovisual media for reception on fixed or mobile terminals; telecommunications in the field of video-on-demand (VOD), interactive television, free TV, pay TV, all the aforesaid services provided using all available means of distribution, in particular terrestrial distribution, distribution via cable, distribution via satellite, DSL, digital distribution; broadcasting of teleshopping programmes; providing access to electronic programme guides on data networks; rental of objects in connection with the providing of the aforesaid services, included in this class; consultancy and information in relation to the aforesaid services, included in this class. Klasse 41 Publishing and reporting; personal development training, education and sport activities; providing of training; entertainment, namely conducting and presentation of shows, quizzes, music and dance events; organisation of competitions in the fields of training, entertainment and sports; arranging and conducting of cultural, entertainment and sporting events for charitable purposes; talent promotion, namely talent scouting for others by conducting seminars, courses, conferences, training events and shows; advance sale of tickets for cultural and sporting events; conducting prize games; production of television and radio programmes, and of programmes and presentations on media accessible online, in particular the internet and mobile terminals; sporting activities; cultural activities; casting, namely arranging and conducting of shows for cultural and entertainment purposes; screening, hiring and rental of motion pictures, video films and other films. Klasse 42 Design of television and radio programmes, and of programmes and presentations on media accessible online, in particular the internet and mobile terminals. 2017.02.17 (111) 1318704 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.11 (210) Nasj. 201613453 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.12.10, DE, 30 2015 228 372 Yadex International GmbH, Mainzer Landstrasse 69-71, DE-60329 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Tyskland Klasse 29 Apple purée; apple sauce; flavored yoghurts; flavored milk; flavored milk beverages; flavored powdered milk for the preparation of beverages; yoghurt-based beverages; spreads of smoked fish; spreads from dairy products; organic milk; spreads of vegetable origin; butter; butter cream; buttermilk; milk-based desserts; dairy desserts; soured milk; soured milk [curd]; dips [dairy products]; milk-based dips; canned fruit; drinks made from yoghurt; dulce de leche [milk creams]; pickled fruits; pickled fish; pickles; pickled fruit; canned fish products; canned vegetables; ice cream shakes; seafood products; fermented milk; low fat spreads from dairy products; low-fat yoghurts; fish; fish, pickled; fish, not live; fish in olive oil; fish, salted [salted fish]; fish, preserved; fish, seafood and molluscs; fish and seafood spreads; fish spreads; fish broth; fish balls; fish crackers [snacks]; fish eggs for human consumption; fish fillets; fish cakes; fish jellies; fish dishes; canned fish; fish croquettes; fishmeal for human consumption; fish mousses; fish pastes; fish roe (processed); fish sticks; fruit desserts; fruit jellies; fruit-based milk drinks; fruit preserves; fruit jams; fruit juices for cooking; jellies and gelatines, preserves, compotes, fruit and vegetable spreads; prawns, not live; frozen fish products; shellfish, frozen; vegetables, frozen; grilled vegetables; cooked fish, frozen; cooked and dried fish; cooked fruit; cooled milk-based desserts; cooled fish dishes; jellies; vegetables [cooked]; vegetables [dried]; vegetables [preserved]; vegetable jellies; tinned vegetables [cans]; vegetable mousses; vegetables pastes; dishes consisting of fish; dried fruits; dried fruit; milk-based beverages; yoghurt-based beverages; drinks made of milk or milk-containing beverages; drinks made of thickened milk [yoghurts]; frozen ready meals consisting mainly of vegetables; yoghurt; yoghurt desserts; yoghurt drinks; cod fish, not live; coffee whiteners consisting mainly of dairy products; preserved fish; cheese; cheese dips; cheese substitutes; cheese mixtures; cheese powder; cheese sticks; milk; milk creams [yoghurts]; milk-based milk beverages; milk drinks with chocolate flavour; milk beverages, milk predominating; dairy products; powdered milk; powdered milk for food purposes; milkshakes; non-ripened fresh cheese; curd cheese; rice milk [milk substitutes]; cream [cream]; anchovies; anchovies fillets; sardines [not live]; shellfish and molluscs, for food purposes [not live]; milk-based whipped cream; plaice [fish], not live; shrimps, not live; soymilk [milk substitute]; edible oils and fats; tuna [preserved]; tuna [not live]; deep-frozen fish; tinned 91

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 tomatoes; tomato paste; tomato purée; clams, not live; processed fish products for human consumption; processed fish; processed cheese; grated cheese ready for consumption; cooked dishes, consisting predominantly of fish; refrigerated food, consisting predominantly of fish; white cheese. Klasse 30 Beverages made from cacao; confectionery molded from chocolate; bakery products; bread, biscuits; crackers with cheese flavour; iced lollies with milk; ice cream, non- dairy; pastries; pastries with vegetable and fish fillings; rice-based ready meals; ready meals made from pasta; ready meals in the form of pizza; fish sandwiches; fish pastries; frozen pastry; frozen dairy confectionary; toasted cheese sandwich; cereal preparations; tea-based beverages; chocolate-based beverages with milk; coffee, tea, cocoa and substitutes therefor; cocoa drinks; cocoa beverages; beverages containing cacao; cocoa powder; biscuits for human consumption with cheese; ketchup; confectionary with milk; flour-based confectionery; confectionery coated with chocolate; confectionery with sugar icing; cheese balls [snack]; cheese puffs; cheesecake; cheese curls [snack]; cheese macaroni; cheese sauce; flour; milk sweets; milk pudding for food purposes; dairy ice cream bars; coffee beverages containing milk; milk coffee; milk cocoa; rice pudding; milk chocolate; milk chocolate [drink]; milk chocolate bars; dairy ice cream; crackers stuffed with cheese; pudding; curd cake; salad dressings; milk-based chocolate; chocolate drinks; chocolate beverages with milk; nutritious chocolate beverages, not milk or plant-based; mustard; sorbets [edible ice]; edible ice; biscuits with milk chocolate; tea beverages; tomato ketchup / tomato ketchup; tomato sauce; packaged food consisting of rice with meat, fish or vegetables; ready-to-eat desserts [pastry]; ready-toeat desserts [confectionery]; cocoa drinks and cocoabased beverages ready for consumption; seasonings; sugar, honey, treacle; packed lunch meals mainly consisting of rice with meat, fish or vegetables. Klasse 32 Non-alcoholic fruit beverages; non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; fruit nectars; fruit juice beverages; vegetable juices [beverages]; lemonades; milk of almonds [beverage], peanut milk [non-alcoholic beverage], coconut milk [beverage]; mineral waters [beverages]; whey beverages; ricebased beverages, other than milk substitutes; syrups for beverages; soya-based beverages, other than milk substitutes; tomato juice [beverages]; waters [beverages]. 2017.02.20 (111) 1318705 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.02.16 (180) Registreringen 2026.02.16 (210) Nasj. 201613454 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.03, SE, 2015/05910 AB Alvenius Industrier, Kungsgatan 75, SE-63107 ESKILSTUNA, Sverige Klasse 6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; ores; metal pipe couplings; spiral welded steel pipes; plastic-coated spiral welded steel pipes. Klasse 11 Apparatus, installations and systems for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Klasse 17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes and tubes, not of metal; non-metallic pipes and tubes; nonmetallic couplings for tubes; thermoplastics. Klasse 37 Building construction; services consisting of the hiring of tools and building equipment; repair/maintenance namely repair and maintenance of buildings and building material, small items of metal hardware, pipes and tubes of metal, ores, metal pipe couplings and spiral welded steel pipes, flexible pipes and tubes, not of metal, non-metallic pipes and tubes, non-metallic couplings for tubes, plastic-coated spiral welded steel pipes; installation services namely installation of buildings and building material, small items of metal hardware, pipes and tubes of metal, ores, metal pipe couplings and spiral welded steel pipes, flexible pipes and tubes, not of metal, non- metallic pipes and tubes, non-metallic couplings for tubes, plastic-coated spiral welded steel pipes. Klasse 40 Chopping, cutting, shearing, polishing and grinding of hoses and tubes and of their parts and accessories; metal and plastic coating of hoses and tubes and their parts and accessories. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; engineering and research design and development of industrial products; evaluations, estimates, research and reports in the scientific and technological fields (including technological consultancy); designing of hoses and tubes and of their parts and accessories. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318765 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.01 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.01 (210) Nasj. 201613465 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.06, AD, 014978407 ix TwinStar DOM Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Wesselinger Strasse 10-16, DE-50321 BRÜHL, Tyskland Klasse 6 Klasse 9 Building materials and construction elements of metal; metal hardware; structures and transportable buildings of metal; containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal; locks, keys, doors hinges and locking systems consisting thereof, of metal and not electric; key blanks of metal; fittings of metal for doors, windows and furniture; metal handles; ironmongery and small items of metal hardware; metal fasteners; metal karabiners, in particular for securing keys; signboards of metal; rings of common metal for keys; metal chains for keys; non-luminous and non-mechanical signs, and information and advertising display boards, of metal; parts, replacement parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Recorded content; information technology and audiovisual equipment; devices for conducting electricity; apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; optical devices, enhancers and correctors; safety, security, protection and signalling devices; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map 92

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 making devices; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; data processing equipment and computers; peripherals adapted for use with computers; recorded and downloadable computer programs; computer software applications, downloadable; electronic, electromechanical and electromotive locks and lock cylinders, and electronic, electromechanical and electromotive locking systems consisting thereof; encoded keys; electronic keys of metal and/or plastic with integrated transponders; transponders, including in the form of transponder cards; integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; encoded service cards and identity cards; encoded chip cards and magnetic cards; digital storage media and smartcards; USB flash drives; programmable radio identification devices (RFID); readers [data processing equipment]; readers for transponder cards, chip cards and encoded magnetic cards; optical readers (data processing equipment); access terminals (data processing equipment); data collection apparatus; transmitters of electronic signals; electronic components; electrotechnical and electronic apparatus for access organisation for securing rooms or buildings; electrical access control devices; electrical access control apparatus and installations; electric and electronic security devices for doors, windows, keys, locks, door openers and door closers; door fittings having an electronic and/or electro-optical reader; chips for the electronic and electromagnetic locking and unlocking of locks; remote control apparatus; electronic apparatus for wired and wireless networks for securing rooms or buildings; electronic apparatus for wired and wireless networks for data transmission, in particular electronic interfaces for networks of data processing installations; interfaces for computers; aerials, in particular RFID antennas; apparatus for programming transponder cards, chip cards and encoded magnetic cards; power suppliers and AC adapters; cables and cable conduits (electric); batteries, electric; accumulators (electric); electronic components for security and identification apparatus and installations; calculators; portable computers; pocket calculators; keypads; jigs [measuring instruments]; advertising signboards [luminous]; electronic publications, downloadable; software, in particular for access control and for managing and programming electronic keys and lock cylinders; parts, replacement parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 20 Locks, keys, lock cylinders and locking systems consisting thereof, not of metal and non-electric; plastic key cards, not encoded and not magnetic; door, window and furniture fittings, not of metal; fasteners, not of metal; plastic key rings; containers, and closures and holders therefor, non-metallic; displays, stands and signage, not of metal, namely, display boards, display stands, display cabinets, display tables, display rack, counter for display; display stands; counters for display purposes [non-electric]; presentation boards of wood or plastic; signboards of wood or plastic; inflatable plastic signs; frames for signboards, photographs, posters and for exhibition purposes; parts, replacement parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods, included in this class. 2017.02.17 (111) 1318791 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.26 (210) Nasj. 201613468 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.05, AU, 1749864 Moose Creative Pty Ltd, 29 Grange Rd, AU-VIC3192 CHELTENHAM, Australia Klasse 16 Coloured liquids for use in childrens' crafts; paper crafts materials; craft cardboard; craft kits for painting posters; craft kits for papier mache model construction; craft paper; paper articles for use in relation to craft; art materials being paint boxes for use in schools; art paper; adhesive backed films being stationery for use as decorative trim; adhesive backed films for stationery purposes; stationery for children's educational activities; stationery for children's playing activities; adhesive stickers; paper stickers being decalcomanias; plastic stickers being decalcomanias; printed stickers; stickers being decalcomanias; stickers being stationery; patterned stationery; modelling clay; moulds for modelling clays being artists' materials; erasers; printed patterns; printed patterns for costumes; boxes of paints for use by children; children's paint-boxes; children's painting sets; artists' materials; stationery; booklets relating to games; printed matter for use with board games; trading cards other than for games; modelling materials; writing materials; toy modelling dough. Klasse 28 Action toys; children's toys; construction toys; craft toys sold complete; craft games and playthings sold in kit form; educational toys; electronic activity toys; figurines being toys; kits of parts sold complete for constructing miniature toys; kits of parts sold complete for constructing toy models; kits of parts sold complete for constructing toys; kits of parts sold complete for the construction of toys; model toys; models being toys or playthings; plush toys; toy card games; toy dolls; toy figures; toy furniture; toy jewellery; toy model kits; toy models; toy playsets; toy tableware; toy vehicles; toys; toys playthings being for sale in kit form; toys playthings sold in kit form; toys adapted for educational purposes; board games; card games; computer games apparatus adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; construction games; craft kits for games and playthings; electronic educational teaching games; electronic games other than software; electronic games incorporating their own visual display facilities; games; games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; games adapted for use with dot matrix liquid crystal displays; games for children; hand held computer games; hand held electronic games; miniatures for use in games; models for use with hobby games; trading cards being card games; dolls; dolls' furniture; furniture for dolls' houses. 2017.02.16 93

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1318800 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.16 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.16 (210) Nasj. 201613469 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.05, EM, 015089428 STABILOMAT PROFILINE Demp B.V., Hagenweg 1F, NL-4131LX VIANEN, Nederland Klasse 6 Ladders, folding stepladders and scaffolding of metal; accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including foot caps, cross members, storage trays, spacers, platforms, step trays, height adjusters, customised spare parts and wall brackets, castors, extensions, ballast (weights), railings, struts, ladder hooks, ladder supports, level adjusters, rail extensions, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, struts, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of metal; scaffolding and ladder couplings of metal; parts, fittings and aids for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 19 Scaffolding of wood and of plastic, accessories for scaffolding of wood or plastic. Klasse 20 Ladders and folding stepladders of wood and of plastic, accessories for ladders, including ladder hooks, ladder supports, rollers, spacers, wall racks, level adjusters, step trays, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, struts, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, stair rails, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of wood or plastic; scaffolding and ladder connectors, all of the aforesaid goods being of wood or plastic; parts, fittings and aids for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 35 Wholesaling and retailing, in relation to the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of the following goods (excluding the transport thereof), in relation to ladders, folding stepladders and scaffolding of metal, accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including foot caps, cross members, storage trays, spacers, platforms, step trays, height adjusters, customised spare parts and wall brackets, castors, extensions, ballast (weights), railings, struts, ladder hooks, ladder supports, level adjusters, rail extensions, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of metal, scaffolding and ladder connectors of metal or of wood or of plastic, ladders, folding stepladders and scaffolding of wood or plastic, accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including ladder hooks, ladder supports, rollers, spacers, wall racks, level adjusters, step trays, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, struts, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, stair rails, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of wood or plastic, parts, fittings and aids for the aforesaid goods; all of the aforesaid services also being provided via social networks, social media and online, enabling consumers to conveniently view and purchase those goods, and mail order sale (including online) relating to the aforesaid goods; operation of an online shop, namely arranging and concluding of contracts in relation to the buying and selling of goods and the use of services (for others), order placement, delivery services and invoice management; display and demonstration of goods; bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods and presentation of goods via the internet; wholesaling and retailing via electronic media, online trading, all being in relation to ladders, folding stepladders and scaffolding of metal, of wood or of plastic, accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including foot caps, cross members, rollers, wall racks, stair rails, intermediate rungs, storage trays, spacers, platforms, step trays, height adjusters, customised spare parts and wall brackets, castors, extensions, ballast (weights), railings, struts, ladder hooks, ladder supports, level adjusters, rail extensions, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of metal or wood or plastic, scaffolding and ladder connectors of metal, of wood or plastic, parts, fittings and aids for the aforesaid goods, all of the aforesaid services also being provided via social networks, social media and online. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318802 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.01 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.01 (210) Nasj. 201613470 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 WALDOR & CO. Christensson Investment AB, Nils Ebbesgardsgatan 69, SE-43436 KUNGSBACKA, Sverige Klasse 14 Clocks and watches; jewellery; bracelets; necklaces; rings (jewellery); earrings; cuff links; tie-pins; watch straps; cases for clocks and watches; cases (fitted) for jewels. 2017.02.16 94

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1318807 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.23 (210) Nasj. 201613471 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 INFUSMART Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited, 17/b, mahal industrial estate, mahakali caves road, andheri (east), IN-400093 MUMBAI, India Klasse 5 Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations packed in ready to use infusion bags. Klasse 10 Surgical and medical apparatus and instruments. 2017.02.17 (111) 1318822 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.30 (210) Nasj. 201613472 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.13, US, 86873947 allows users to collaborate by contributing, modifying and managing, saving and searching data in a central repository on local and wide area networks; providing online non-downloadable software that provides content authoring and management functions through a web browser; providing online non-downloadable software which allows users to search and access analytics across software systems, databases and web sites; providing online non-downloadable software for long-term archiving and disposition of physical and electronic information; providing online nondownloadable software for providing the transmission of messages and the management and sharing of data among computer users across the Internet, intranets and extranets; providing online non-downloadable software for managing documents, audio, video, email, text, data, graphics and facsimiles for application within document management, knowledge management and business-to-business information applications via local, wide area and global networks; providing online nondownloadable software that enables users to collaborate by contributing, managing and sharing data among and between themselves across the Internet, intranet and extranets; providing online nondownloadable software that automatically distributes content to designated persons as part of an automated process of workflow management. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318824 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.27 (210) Nasj. 201613473 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of lower case "m" with dot to the upper left on top of two overlapping geometric oval shapes. imanage LLC, 540 W Madison Street, Suite 2400, US- IL60661 CHICAGO, USA Klasse 9 Computer software that allows users to collaborate by contributing, modifying and managing, saving and searching data in a central repository on local and wide area networks; computer software that provides content authoring and management functions through a web browser; computer software for long-term archiving and disposition of physical and electronic information; computer software for providing the transmission of messages and the management and sharing of data among computer users across the Internet, intranets and extranets; computer software for managing documents, audio, video, email, text, data, graphics and facsimiles for application within document management, knowledge management and businessto-business information applications via local, wide area and global networks; computer software that enables users to collaborate by contributing, managing and sharing data among and between themselves across the Internet, intranet and extranets; computer software that automatically distributes content to designated persons as part of an automated process of workflow management. Klasse 42 Providing online non-downloadable software that (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the stylized word VENTION. NIngbo Fulman Communication Technology Co.,Ltd., Room 1302, No.757, Rili Middle Road, Yinzhou District, CN- NINGBO ZHEJIANG, Kina Klasse 9 Cables, electric; wires, electric; copper wire, insulated; telephone wires; coaxial cables; fibre [fiber (Am.)] optic cables; acoustic couplers; headphones; stereoscopes; sheaths for electric cables. 2017.02.16 95

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1318840 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.07 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.07 (210) Nasj. 201613474 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.26, EM, 015152432 Knorr-Bremse AG, Moosacher Strasse 80, DE-80809 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 12 Land vehicles, in particular utility vehicles for regional and local transport and for transporting people and goods; brakes for land vehicles; brake systems for land vehicles; compressed air supply devices for compressed air consumers for land vehicles; automatic vehicle doors for land vehicles; shock absorbers for land vehicles. Klasse 35 Office functions, namely order placement, delivery and invoice management in connection with vehicle servicing, maintenance, repair, modernisation, renovation, reconditioning, remanufacturing and upkeep of vehicles; procurement of parts for brakes and brake systems; processing of service orders, in particular order acceptance and customer information in relation to maintenance and repair of land vehicles and parts therefor. Klasse 37 Vehicle servicing, namely repair, modernisation, renovation, reconditioning, remanufacturing and upkeep of land vehicles, in particular utility vehicles for regional and local transport and for transporting people and goods; repair, maintenance, modernisation, renovation, reconditioning, remanufacturing and upkeep of electrically, hydraulically and pneumatically operated vehicle brake systems and parts therefor; repair, maintenance, modernisation, renovation, reconditioning, remanufacturing and upkeep of automatic vehicle doors; repair, maintenance, modernisation, renovation, reconditioning and upkeep of electric brake controls; repair, maintenance, modernisation, renovation, reconditioning, remanufacturing and upkeep of compressed air supply systems for compressed air consumers for vehicles; repair, maintenance, modernisation, renovation, reconditioning, remanufacturing and upkeep of suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; maintenance, repair, modernisation, renovation, reconditioning, remanufacturing and upkeep of compressed air processing devices and compressed air supply devices for vehicles and parts therefor, including compressors, air dryers, air dryer cartridges, air filters, multi-circuit protection valves. Klasse 39 Delivery of brake systems and parts therefor; storage of spare and replacement parts for vehicles and vehicle brake installations. Klasse 41 Organisation, arranging and conducting of courses in the field of vehicle servicing and vehicle brakes; providing of training and further training for individuals active in vehicle servicing and in the field of vehicle brake installations. (111) 1318862 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.22 (210) Nasj. 201613477 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.24, US, 86951586 VPRO5 Propel Orthodontics, LLC, Suite 1400, 1000 West St., US-DE19801 WILLMINGTON, USA Klasse 10 Orthodontic appliance for use in accelerating tooth movement and stimulating bone generation for use in orthodontic treatment. 2017.02.16 (111) 1318888 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.28 (210) Nasj. 201613480 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.23, BX, 1327331 DPAM Degroof Petercam Asset Management, Société anonyme, Rue Guimard 18, BE-1040 BRUXELLES, Belgia Klasse 36 Financial services; financial analysis; financial management; asset management services; financial asset management; investment asset management; property asset management services; fund management; capital fund management; corporate funds management; financial asset evaluation; assetbased financing; securities and assets brokerage; financing services for securing funds; venture capital funding services for companies; mutual fund brokerage; fund investment services; placement of funds; administration of funds and investments; funds transfer services; provision of pricing information about mutual fund; pension investment management; pension fund administration; pension fund management; private banking; consultancy and information relating to the aforesaid services; the aforementioned services also provided through the internet. 2017.02.16 2017.02.16 96

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1318899 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.12 (210) Nasj. 201613481 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.03, FR, 4253818 footwear (excluding orthopedic footwear), leather and canvas shoes, sneakers, boots, rain boots, sandals, shoes with flexible soles and soles for walking; belts (clothing); headgear, ear muffs, scarves, hats, caps. 2017.02.16 ARC HOLDINGS, société par actions simplifiée, 104 avenue du Général de Gaulle, FR-62510 ARQUES, Frankrike Klasse 21 Utensils and containers for household or kitchen use; unworked or semi-worked glass (except building glass); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes, namely boxes of glass, candlesticks not of precious metals; drinking vessels; drinking glasses; glasses (receptacles); boxes of glass; bottles; tableware not of precious metal; vases; opaline glass; porcelain ware; earthenware; works of art made of porcelain, terracotta or glass; statues or figurines (statuettes) made of porcelain or of glass; flasks not of precious metals, perfume sprayers, perfume vaporizers. 2017.02.18 (111) 1318984 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.21 (210) Nasj. 201613495 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.21, EM, 015247414 RESPIMER Laboratoire de la Mer, Avenue du Général Patton, Z.A.C. de la Madeleine, FR-35400 SAINT MALO, Frankrike Klasse 3 Preparation for nasal hygiene; washing preparation for nasal hygiene. Klasse 5 Products for nasal douches; solutions for nasal washing; nasal rinsing products. Klasse 10 Devices for nasal washing; nasal douche. 2017.02.17 (111) 1319030 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.08 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.08 (210) Nasj. 201613505 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.12, EM, 014665434 (111) 1318900 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.19 (210) Nasj. 201613482 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.29, FR, 4244691 Dauphitex, Société par Actions Simplifiée, 466, rue des Mercières, F-69140 Rillieux La Pape, FR-, Frankrike Klasse 25 Clothing, t-shirts, thin pullovers, tank tops, shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, vests, cardigans, sweaters, trousers, short and long overalls, shorts and bathing trunks, skirts, dresses, combinations (clothing), bathing suits, jackets; underwear (briefs, undershirts, panties, bodysuits), slippers, socks, tights; lingerie, pajamas, nightgowns, bath robes; bibs, bibs not of paper; Innotech Performance Exhaust Europe GmbH, Hochstadter Strasse 14, DE-76877 OFFENBACH, Tyskland Klasse 7 Exhaust gas installations for internal combustion engines, in particular motor vehicles, and parts and fittings therefor, included in this class; retrofit systems for exhaust gas installations; adapter pipes, diesel particle filters, catalytic reduction systems, catalysts, thermal exhaust reactors, apparatus for heating gases, exhaust turbochargers, particle filters, exhaust pipes, tailpipes, tailpipe grommets, distributors, valves, gaskets, pipe clips, crampons, suspension elements, manifolds, mufflers, reducers, outlets, all being part of exhaust gas installations. Klasse 9 Electric and electronic control apparatus and computer programs for controlling machines, motors and engines; electric and electronic controls and regulators for exhaust gas installations and parts of exhaust gas installations; electric and electronic systems for measuring and/or modifying sound in gas pipes and exhaust gas installations; measuring and control devices; acoustic installations and parts for transmitting, processing, changing, reducing and 97

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 increasing sound emissions of exhaust installations, in particular sound generators, loudspeakers, sound sensors, microphones. Klasse 35 Advertising, marketing and promotional services; product demonstrations and product presentations, customer loyalty, incentive and bonus schemes, distribution of advertising, marketing and sales promotion material, consultancy and assistance in the field of advertising, marketing and sales promotion; business analysis, research and information services; commercial services and consumer information, namely retailing and wholesaling relating to vehicle parts and vehicle accessories, in particular exhaust gas installations for internal combustion engines; services rendered by a franchisor, namely, assistance in the running or management of industrial or commercial enterprises; organisation and conducting of trade fairs and competitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organisation of business contacts, collective buying, import and export agencies, negotiation and business intermediary services, procurement services. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance, repair and servicing of vehicle parts and vehicle accessories, in particular exhaust gas installations for internal combustion engines and parts thereof. Klasse 42 Research and development in the field of exhaust gas purification and soundproofing; development in connection with exhaust gas systems and exhaust installations for internal combustion engines, and individual components thereof; research and development of products in the field of automobile supply, for others; testing, authentication and quality control; certification services relating to quality; engineering, technical measuring and laboratory testing; scientific testing services; preparation of engineering reports; testing services for exhaust gas and exhaust installations; design, development and programming of software for controlling exhaust gas installations for internal combustion engines. [cloth]; coated woven textile materials; woven fabrics for adhesion by heat; individual place mats made of woven fabric; traced cloths for embroidery; woven fabrics with breathable polyurethane coating; woven fabrics for interior decoration; woven fabrics for the manufacture of clothing; piece goods made from woven fabrics with breathable polyurethane coating; woven fabrics with breathable polyurethane coating for water proof garments. Klasse 35 Import agency services; administrative processing of purchase orders within the framework of services provided by mail-order companies; import-export agency services. Klasse 39 Collection of waste (transport); consultancy services relating to transportation; storage and transportation services; storage of cargo; storage of cargo after transportation; storage of cargo before transportation; transport of waste to disposal sites; arranging transport services by land, sea and air; transport, storage and delivery of goods; transport and storage of waste and merchandise. Klasse 40 Recycling and treatment of waste; waste disposal (treatment of waste); recycling; recycling services; recycling of waste and trash. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319035 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.27 (210) Nasj. 201613507 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.05, BG, 139071 2017.02.17 (111) 1319031 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.23 (210) Nasj. 201613506 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.01, DE, 30 2015 106 555 SOEX Textil-Vermarktungsgesellschaft m.b.h., An der Strusbek 19, DE-22926 AHRENSBURG, Tyskland Klasse 22 Natural fibers; textile filaments and fibers; synthetic fibers for textile use; fillings of synthetic fibers; fibers made of polytetrafluoroethylene for textile use. Klasse 24 Woven materials; elastic woven materials; Zephyr (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark represents a frame, in which on a background that resemble jeans texture, the word AREON is written in white letters; underneath there is a white ribbon, in which the word JEANS is written in blue letters; underneath the word JEANS, there is a red line. Dimitar Hristov BALEV, Blvd. Vitosha No.137, apt. 17, BG-1408 SOFIA, Bulgaria Klasse 3 Soaps; perfumery; essential oils; aromatics [essential oils]; ionone [perfumery]; extracts of flowers [perfumes]; cosmetics and cosmetic preparations; potpourris [fragrances]; air fragrancing preparations; fragrances for household purposes; canned pressurized air for cleaning and dusting purposes; cleaning preparations; fragrances for automobiles; sachets for perfuming linen; scented wood; scented water; incense sticks; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cloths impregnated with a detergent for cleaning; cleaning preparations for automobiles; bath salts, not for medical purposes. 98

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Klasse 5 Salts for mineral water baths; air purifying preparations; air deodorizers; deodorants for clothing and textiles; air deodorising preparations; deodorants, other than for human beings or for animals; moist wipes impregnated with a pharmaceutical lotion; disposable sanitizing wipes; babies' napkins [diapers]; sanitary napkins for household use. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319039 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.02 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.02 (210) Nasj. 201613508 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.04, AT, 52837/2015 SVARTPILEN KTM AG, Stallhofner Strasse 3, AT-5230 MATTIGHOFEN, Østerrike Klasse 12 Bicycles; motorcycles, small motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, and all parts and accessories therefor, namely motors for land vehicles, saddles for bicycles and motorcycles, tires, wheels, rims, brake linings, brake discs, trims, luggage carriers, luggage boxes, panniers, tank rucksacks, stands, mudguards, spoilers, rear sections, mirrors, petrol caps, tanks, chains, bench seats; motorized vehicles, namely dual axle or multi axle vehicles, including off-road vehicles (all-terrain vehicles, quad bikes); vehicles and parts therefor; small motor bicycles, motor-assisted bicycles, light motorcycles, pedelecs, electric two-wheeled vehicles and bicycles, children's training bicycles, seat covers for motor vehicles; saddle covers for bicycles and motorcycles. Klasse 25 Clothing, especially t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, blousons, jackets, pullovers, shirts, parkas, trousers, overalls, gloves, gloves for motorcyclists, clothing for motorcyclists (included in this class), underwear, socks. Klasse 37 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. 2017.02.17 (111) 1319049 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.28 (210) Nasj. 201613510 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.30, IT, 302015000067327 NEBULA GEOX S.P.A., Via Feltrina Centro, 16, IT-31044 MONTEBELLUNA FRAZIONE BIADENE (TV), Italia Klasse 18 Leather, unworked or semi-worked; tanned leather; imitation leather; raw skins; curried skins; moleskin [imitation of leather]; bags, handbags; small bags for men; purses; saddlebags; beach bags; rucksacks; duffle bags; garment bags for travel; pocket wallets; leather briefcases; carrying cases for documents; coin purses, not of precious metal; coin purses of precious metal; key cases; vanity cases sold empty; shoulder straps; leather leashes; leather thread; leather straps; hat boxes of leather; fur; leather laces; furniture coverings of leather; cases of imitation leather; travelling trunks; umbrellas; haversacks; leather cases; luggage, duffle bags for travel; hip bags; clutch bags; bags for sports; bags for campers; bags for climbers; game bags [hunting accessories]; attaché cases; school bags; shoe bags for travel; credit card cases [wallets]; briefcases; suitcases; shopping bags; card cases [notecases]; cases, of leather or leatherboard; pouches, of leather, for packaging; luggage tags; music cases; pouch baby carriers; sling bags for carrying infants; suitcase handles; collars for animals; shoulder bags; leather; animal skins; animal hides; travelling bags; parasols; walking sticks; whips; harnesses; saddlery. Klasse 25 Coats; overcoats; jackets [clothing]; heavy jackets; blousons; blazers, cardigans; trousers; dresses; suits; skirts; shirts; combinations [clothing]; sweatshirts; hosiery; bathing suits; underwear; gloves [clothing]; belts [clothing]; ready-made linings [parts of clothing]; gussets [parts of clothing]; cuffs; collars [clothing]; detachable collars; dickeys [shirt fronts]; heelpieces for footwear; tips for footwear; welts for footwear; shoe straps, protective metal fittings for shoes and boots; inner soles; non-slipping devices for footwear; shoe inserts for non-orthopedic purposes; footwear uppers; soles for footwear; clothing, footwear, headgear; parkas, raincoats; furs [clothing]; jerkins; sweaters; jerseys [clothing]; tank tops; blouses; vests; jeans; teeshirts; panties; sweatpants; gym suits; sports jackets, sports jerseys, ski wear; muffs [clothing]; neckties; neckerchiefs; scarfs, bandanas [neckerchiefs]; socks; stockings; tights; brassieres; sports singlets; corsets [underclothing]; petticoats; leggings [leg warmers]; underpants; bermuda shorts; suspenders; money belts [clothing]; sashes for wear; nightgowns; pyjamas; dressing gowns; sleep masks; shower caps; bath robes; bathing caps; pareus; babies' pants [underwear]; dance clothing; waterproof clothing; masquerade costumes; maniples; wimples; wedding dresses; chasubles; boxer shorts; clothing for gymnastics; outerclothing, ready-made clothing; gaiters; waistbands [parts of clothing]; sneakers; shoes; sports shoes; athletic shoes; running shoes; gymnastic shoes; beach shoes; rain boots; dance shoes; golf shoes; cycling shoes; ski boots; snowboard boots; boots, sandals; slippers; sandal-clogs; infants' shoes and boots; work boots; boots for sports; football boots; fittings of metal for footwear; heels; studs for football boots; hoods [clothing]; hats; caps [headwear]; fur hats. 2017.02.21 (111) 1319055 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.02 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.02 (210) Nasj. 201613511 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.15, HU, M1600113 (554) Merket er et tre-dimensjonal Primal Játékstúdió Zrt., Budapest Kacsa u. 15-23 1. em, HU-1027 BUDAPEST, Ungarn Klasse 9 Game software, softwares for video games, downloadable computer game software via a global computer network and wireless devices, electronic game software for video game consoles; electronic game software for handheld electronic devices; 99

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 electronic game software for mobile phones; electronic game software for wireless devices, electronic game software, computer game discs; computer programs for tracking the users of the interactive on-line gaming services and for connecting the on-line players with the appropriate other players on each task level; computer game programs related to multi-player interactive games played via a global communications network. Klasse 41 On-line gaming services, gaming services via global communications networks; on-line gaming services via a computer network for entertainment and additional educational purposes; provision of on-line gaming services for tracking the users of the interactive on-line gaming services and for connecting the on-line players with the appropriate other players on each task level; tracking of the users of the interactive on-line gaming services and connecting of the on-line players with the appropriate other players on each task level; organization and provision of games and competitions via the Internet; provision of on-line entertainment services in the form of fights, sports leagues and game shows; providing on-line information relating to computer gaming entertainment. (111) 1319173 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.15 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.15 (210) Nasj. 201613536 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.14, ES, 3609127 2017.02.21 100 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: This consists of a rectangular black shape, from the top of which a thick white line descends, becoming a spiral that touches the left, right and bottom borders of the rectangle; the spiral ends at its center in a red circle; The top of the rectangle is crossed by a white line parallel to the horizontal line limiting the top of the rectangle; under the rectangle is the name TUBACEX GROUP in black capital letters, on two levels: TUBACEX above in larger type and GROUP below, aligned to the right; A red arch is featured over the A in TUBACEX. TUBACEX, S.A., Tres Cruces, 8, ES-01400 LLODIO (ALAVA), Spania Klasse 6 Common metals and their alloys; building materials of metal; transportable buildings of metal; metallic materials for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery and small items of metal hardware; tubes of metal; safes [strong boxes]; metal goods for building, in the form of ingots or in the form of round and/or square bars; metal pipes, tubes and hoses and metal accessories thereof, including metal pipe valves; stainless steel pipes. Klasse 37 Construction services; installation and maintenance services, namely tubes, pipes, portable metal buildings, installations in buildings, locksmith and hardware goods and safes; repair services for tubes, pipes, mechanical portable buildings, installations in buildings, locksmith and hardware goods and safes. Klasse 40 Treatment of metal; metal casting services; treatment of steel; cutting of steel; steel polishing; heat treatment and coating of steel; lamination; lamination of metal plates. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; development of coatings for metals; research relating to metals; engineering services relating to metal formation systems; engineering services relating to metal handling systems.

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.21 (111) 1319176 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.31 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.31 (210) Nasj. 201613537 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 howa howa Spielwaren GmbH, Liebigstrasse 4, DE-96456 NEUSTADT BEI COBURG, Tyskland Klasse 20 Furniture; mirrors; picture frames. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles. 2017.02.22 (111) 1319179 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.08 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.08 (210) Nasj. 201613538 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.12.22, EM, 014950935 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Str. 34, DE-81739 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery products, ethereal oils. Klasse 7 Electric household and kitchen machines and apparatus, included in this class, in particular electric kitchen machines and apparatus, including grinders, beaters and kneading apparatus, fruit presses, juice extractors, juice centrifuges, mincing machines, cutting apparatus, electrically powered tools, tin openers, knife sharpening apparatus, and machines and apparatus for making beverages and/or preparing food, beverage pumps for dispensing chilled beverages; electric vending machines for beverages or foods, automatic vending machines; electric welding devices for Klasse 9 wrapping; electrical waste disposers, namely waste grinders and waste compacting machines; washing machines for crockery; electric machines and devices for cleaning laundry and clothing (included in this class), including washing machines, spin dryers; ironing presses, ironing machines, included in this class; robots, robotic apparatus, robots (machines); electric household cleaning equipment, including electric window cleaning equipment, electric shoe polishers and vacuum cleaners, wet and dry vacuuming apparatus; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; hoses, tubes, dust filters and dust filter bags, all for vacuum cleaners. Remote operating, signalling and control apparatus (electric/electronic) for household or kitchen machines and utensils; recorded and unrecorded machinereadable data carriers for household equipment; data processing devices and data processing programmes for controlling and operating household appliances; electronic assemblies; apparatus for the transmission of data; data communications devices and equipment; computer software, in particular for multimedia applications, for games, for advertising purposes and/or for recording, transmission and/or reproduction of sound, images, software and/or digital data, in particular recorded; compact discs; video cassettes; CD-ROMs; DVDs; accumulators (electric); chargers for electric batteries; parts and additional parts for all of the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 11 Apparatus for heating, steam generating and cooking, in particular stoves, baking, roasting, grilling, toasting, defrosting and heating devices, water heaters, immersion heaters, slow-cookers, microwave ovens, waffle irons (electric), egg-boilers, deep-fat fryers (electric); electric tea and coffee machines, espresso coffee machines, automatic coffee machines (included in this class); refrigerating apparatus, in particular refrigerators, chest freezers, refrigerated cabinets, beverage-cooling apparatus, fridge-freezers, freezers, ice machines and apparatus; drying apparatus, in particular including tumble dryers, laundry drying machines, hand dryers, hair dryers; infrared lamps (other than for medical use); heating pads (not for medical purposes), electric blankets (not for medical purposes); apparatus for ventilating, in particular fans; extractor hood filters, extractor hood apparatus and covers for extractor hoods, air conditioning apparatus and devices for improving air quality, humidifiers, air deodorising apparatus, scent dosing apparatus, other than for personal use; air purifying apparatus, apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes, in particular including fittings for steam generating, ventilating and water supply installations; water heaters, storage water heaters and instantaneous water heaters; kitchen sinks; heat pumps; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; mechanical taps (dispensers) for dispensing chilled beverages for use in combination with apparatus for chilling beverages (other than vending machines). Klasse 35 Business consultancy and support; business management and organization consultancy; accounting for third parties; office administration services [for others]; data management services; business assistance; business management and administrative services; commercial services and consumer advice services; data processing. Klasse 36 Bill payment services provided through a website; processing charge card transactions for others; processing credit card transactions for others; issue and redemption of tokens of value; issuing stored value cards; issuance of prepaid cards and tokens of value; rent collection. Klasse 37 Assembly, installation, fitting, servicing, maintenance and repair of household equipment; rental of household appliances; leasing of household appliances. Klasse 38 Access to content, websites and portals; computer communication and internet access; telecommunication services. 101

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.22 (111) 1319181 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.15 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.15 (210) Nasj. 201613540 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.06.10, EM, 015523467 SYNAPS THALES COMMUNICATIONS & SECURITY SAS, 4 avenue des Louvresses, FR-92230 GENNEVILLIERS, Frankrike Klasse 9 Transmitting and receiving radio apparatus, namely portable and mobile transmitters and receivers using very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) ranges for vehicles, aircraft, ships and associated equipment, namely amplifiers and antennae for the transmission of voice, data and waveform information, for use by governmental and defense agencies and agencies of vital interest. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of transmitting and receiving radio apparatus, namely portable and mobile transmitters and receivers using very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) ranges for vehicles, aircraft, ships and associated equipment, namely amplifiers and antennae for the transmission of voice, data and waveform information, for use by governmental and defense agencies and agencies of vital interest. (111) 1319253 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.25 (210) Nasj. 201613545 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.08.08, JP, 2016-085500 OPTEC JAPAN KABUSHIKI KAISHA, 15-33, Minamiaoyama 1-chome, Minato-ku, JP-107-0062 TOKYO, Japan Klasse 9 Eyeglasses; sunglasses; eyeglass frames; eyeglass lenses; eyeglass cases; eyeglass chains; goggles for skiing; goggles for swimming. 2017.02.16 (111) 1319254 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.25 (210) Nasj. 201613546 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.08.09, JP, 2016-086068 2017.02.18 (111) 1319224 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.01 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.01 (210) Nasj. 201613544 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.03, JP, 2016-011818 SHIONOGI & CO., LTD., 1-8, Doshomachi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, JP-541-0045 OSAKA, Japan Klasse 5 Anti-infectives. 2017.02.17 OPTEC JAPAN KABUSHIKI KAISHA, 15-33, Minamiaoyama 1-chome, Minato-ku, JP-107-0062 TOKYO, Japan Klasse 9 Eyeglasses; sunglasses; eyeglass frames; eyeglass lenses; eyeglass cases; eyeglass chains; goggles for skiing; goggles for swimming. 2017.02.17 102

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319293 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.20 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.20 (210) Nasj. 201613549 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.22, DE, 30 2016 005 109 Werola Seaman Paper Asia Company Ltd., 23/Floor Ocean Building, 80 Shanghai Street, Jordan Kowloon, CN- HONG KONG, Kina Klasse 16 Paper and cardboard; tissue paper; crepe paper; paper bags; gift bags; paper bags, paper pennants; paper banners; flags of paper; paper tapes; paper padding; packaging bags of paper; wrapping materials made of paper; paper envelopes for packaging; printed packaging materials of paper; bags of paper for packaging; paper pouches for packaging; stationery for decorations; paper party decorations; decorative paper garlands for parties; paper rolls for calculating machines; honeycomb paper; paper crafts materials; paper in roll form; paper sheets; gift wrap paper; corrugated cardboard; cardboard; cardboard packaging; packaging material made of cardboard; coated paper; fluting paper (corrugating medium); paper for wrapping and packaging. Klasse 28 Paper streamers (party novelties). Klasse 40 Printing of decorative patterns on paper and cardboard; paper working; paper treating; coating papers. Klasse 42 Graphic design for stationery and cardboard. 2017.02.18 (111) 1319307 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.23 (210) Nasj. 201613551 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.01, DE, 30 2015 106 559 I:CO SOEX Textil-Vermarktungsgesellschaft m.b.h., An der Strusbek 19, DE-22926 AHRENSBURG, Tyskland Klasse 22 Natural fibers; textile filaments and fibers; synthetic fibers for textile use; fillings of synthetic fibers; fibers made of polytetrafluoroethylene for textile use. Klasse 24 Woven materials; elastic woven materials; zephyr [cloth]; coated woven textile materials; woven fabrics for adhesion by heat; individual place mats made of woven fabric; traced cloths for embroidery; woven fabrics with breathable polyurethane coating; woven fabrics for interior decoration; woven fabrics for the manufacture of clothing; piece goods made from woven fabrics with breathable polyurethane coating; woven fabrics with breathable polyurethane coating for water proof garments. Klasse 35 Import agency services; administrative processing of purchase orders within the framework of services provided by mail-order companies; import-export agency services. Klasse 39 Waste removal [transport]; consultancy services relating to transportation; storage and transportation services; storage of cargo; storage of cargo after transportation; storage of cargo before transportation; waste disposal (transport); arranging transport services by land, sea and air; transport, storage and delivery of goods; transport and storage of waste and merchandise. Klasse 40 Recycling and treatment of waste; disposal (recycling); recycling; recycling services; recycling of waste and trash. 2017.02.21 (111) 1319341 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.19 (210) Nasj. 201613558 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 Zappos Zappos IP, Inc., 400 E. Stewart Ave., Attn: Trademarks, US-NV89101 LAS VEGAS, USA Klasse 35 Online retail store services featuring footwear, socks, hats, belts, jackets, pants, shirts, shorts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, eyewear, shoe trees, shoe bags, hand bags, purses, wallets and bags of others through a web site. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319344 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.14 (210) Nasj. 201613559 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.02, LI, 2015-640 (554) Merket er et tre-dimensjonal Nemiroff Intellectual Property Establishment, Städtle 31, LI-9490 VADUZ, Liechtenstein Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. 103

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.18 (111) 1319370 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.01.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.01.19 (210) Nasj. 201613561 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 transportation information; wrapping and packaging of finished goods for warehousing and transportation, chartering of vehicles and shipping; advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; information services relating to all the aforesaid services including such services being provided on-line. Klasse 42 Computer modelling services; project management (technical support), development of computer software, applications solutions, customisation of computer software, operation of computer systems for customers; design services for warehouse facilities; information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid including such services being provided on-line. 2017.02.20 Sapporo Holdings Limited, 20-1, Ebisu 4 chome, Shibuya-ku, JP-150-8522 TOKYO, Japan Klasse 32 Beer; low malt beer; carbonated drinks (refreshing beverages); non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; extracts of hops for making beer; whey beverages. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319386 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.08 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.08 (210) Nasj. 201613562 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 GIST GIST LIMITED, The Priestley Centre, 10 Priestley Road, Surrey Research Park Guildford, GB-GU27XY SURREY, Storbritannia Klasse 35 Commercial information, management of logistic business advisory and information services; business advisory and information services; business appraisal; business organisation consultancy; computerised inventory preparation and control, inventory management, forecasting and procurement services, business management consultancy; database management; business consultation services for the implementation of supply chain solutions and supply chain management services; administrative processing of orders. Klasse 39 Collection, transport, distribution and delivery of goods by road, air, sea and rail; freight forecasting, arranging transportation of merchandise; storage and warehousing; freight warehousing, warehousing, services for arranging the distribution of goods; computerised distribution planning relating to transportation; storage and sorting of goods; cargo handling; crating of goods; freight forwarding services and selection; route planning services, courier services; freight and transport brokerage; storage and (111) 1319389 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.08 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.08 (210) Nasj. 201613563 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.08, EM, 014534283 DALYN NAMI-Tech s.r.o., Salas 103, CZ-76351 ZLÍN, Den tsjekkiske republikk Klasse 9 Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; electrical signalling apparatus; electric power analyzers; electricity indicators; checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; safety monitoring apparatus [electric]; monitoring units [electric]; monitoring control apparatus [electric]; monitoring apparatus, electric; automatic control apparatus; electrical controlling devices; electric control devices for energy management; electric control apparatus; electrical controllers; process control units [electric]; control installations (electric -); regulating apparatus, electric; electricity measuring instruments; electric current meters; power meters; current-meters; measuring devices, electric; thermal energy measuring apparatus; precision measuring apparatus; apparatus and instruments for accumulating electricity; electricity storage apparatus; buffers [electric]; power units [transformers]; electrical rectifiers; transformers [electricity]; electric power supply units; electrical frequency converters; voltage-to-current converters; converters, electric; apparatus and instruments for switching electricity; apparatus and instruments for regulating electricity; apparatus and instruments for transforming electricity; apparatus and instruments for conducting electricity; electric power controllers; power regulating apparatus; power conditioning apparatus; electrical charge controllers; induction voltage regulators; voltage regulators for electric power; power dividers [electric]; electric voltage transformers; electric current transformers; electric current switches; switchgear [electric]; power distributors [electrical]; electric power distribution machines; electric power units; mains power units (electric -); regulated power supply apparatus; electricity mains apparatus. Klasse 11 Industrial water and gas treatment installations; heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and purification equipment (ambient); food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; burners, boilers and heaters; lighting and lighting reflectors; personal heating and drying implements; drying installations; sanitary installations, water supply and 104

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 sanitation equipment; regulating and safety accessories for water and gas installations. Klasse 35 Commercial trading and consumer information services; advertising, marketing and promotional services; distribution of advertising, marketing and promotional material; product demonstrations and product display services; loyalty, incentive and bonus program services; electronic commerce services, namely, providing information about products via telecommunication networks for advertising and sales purposes; marketing; marketing by telephone; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services; engineering services; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; calibration services relating to electronic apparatus; calibration [measuring]; research laboratories; consultancy services relating to technological research; control technology consulting services; professional consultancy relating to technology; professional consultancy relating to the conservation of energy; computer aided scientific research services; computer aided industrial research services; advisory services relating to science; professional consultancy relating to technology; professional consultancy relating to technology exploitation; design and development of energy distribution networks; preparation of technical studies; preparation of reports relating to scientific research; providing technological information about environmentally-conscious and green innovations; provision of information relating to technological research; consultancy relating to technological services in the field of power and energy supply; advisory services relating to the use of energy; advisory services relating to energy efficiency; advisory services relating to technological research; advisory services relating to scientific research; leasing of scientific instruments; conducting of technical feasibility studies; conducting industrial experiments; rental of measuring apparatus; programming of electronic control systems; technological planning services; industrial research; measurement services; industrial analysis services; air flow measurement services; services for monitoring industrial processes; technical design and planning of heating installations; technical consultation and research; technological analysis services; technological services relating to manufacture; technological consultancy in the fields of energy production and use; technological consulting services in the field of alternative energy generation; technological analysis relating to energy and power needs of others; technical advice in connection with energy-saving measures; scientific and industrial research in particular in the field of electricity; scientific and industrial research; development of new technology for others; developing of integrated energy concepts; development of power assemblies; research in the field of energy; electrical safety research; development of energy and power management systems; electronic data recordal and storage services relating to energy consumption in buildings; research relating to technology. 2017.02.18 (111) 1319394 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.17 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.17 (210) Nasj. 201613564 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 Xylem Water Solutions Herford GmbH, Boschstrasse 4, DE-32051 HERFORD, Tyskland Klasse 11 Purification apparatus and installations therefrom for removing harmful substances, acids and aldehydes from solids, liquids and gases. 2017.02.16 (111) 1319398 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.11 (210) Nasj. 201613566 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.15, EM, 014679914 CMS Hasche Sigle Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern mbb, Kranhaus 1, Im Zollhafen 18, DE-50678 KÖLN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fireextinguishing apparatus. Klasse 16 Paper; cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; newsletters in the field of the local and global practice and development of law and the professional exchange of information regarding same. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; services to industrial and commercial enterprises, to members of liberal profession and to associations in business management and organization; association services, namely, promoting the interests of member law firms through the professional exchange of information about the local and global practice and development of law; 105

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 business information and inquiries; compilation and systematization of information into computer databases; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; conducting and providing seminars, conferences and meetings in the field of law firm practice and management, legal services, law firm marketing, issues affecting law firms, and law firm and lawyer networking, and distributing printed, audio and/or electronic course materials in connection therewith; providing online nondownloadable newsletters, books, newspapers, articles, monographs, audio recording, audio-visual recording, recorded on CD-ROMS, in the field of the local and global practice and development of law and the professional exchange of information regarding same for educational purposes; hosting educational and social event meetings, conferences and seminars regarding the local and global practice and development of law and permitting attendees to engage in the professional exchange of information on these topics; arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses, seminars and symposiums; publication of books, magazines, newspapers and pamphlets; publication of texts (other than publicity texts), providing of training. Klasse 42 Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software and hosting of databases. Klasse 45 Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; providing information about the local and global practice of law and the development of law; litigation services; legal research; supplying professional information regarding the evolution and the practice of law on a general and local level; referrals for legal services; legal advice services to industrial and commercial enterprises, to members of liberal profession and to associations in business management and organization. 2017.02.17 (111) 1319401 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.12 (210) Nasj. 201613567 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 INNOVO Engineering and Construction LTD, 23, Carden Place, GB-AB101UQ ABERDEEN, Storbritannia Klasse 7 Floating jack-up rigs; machine for placing cables on Klasse 9 the seabed. Marking buoys; signalling buoys; navigational buoys; subsurface buoys. Klasse 12 Pontoons; barges; fenders for ships; cable transport apparatus and installations. Klasse 42 Design and development of pontoons, barges, jack-up rigs, fenders for ships, apparatus and installations for transporting cables, systems for placing cables on the seabed, marking buoys, signalling buoys, navigational buoys, subsurface buoys; design and development in the field of offshore engineering. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319410 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.26 (210) Nasj. 201613569 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.13, EM, 015332935 LiveArena AB, Box 38045, SE-10064 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 9 Audio- and video-receivers; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; film cutting apparatus; computer programs (downloadable computer software); software applications (recorded computer software); interfaces. Klasse 35 Sale of apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; sale of film cutting apparatus. Klasse 38 Information regarding telecommunications or computer communications; information relating to video-on-demand transmission and streaming of data, audio, images and video; providing access to databases and data networks; providing access to telecommunications networks, broadband communications, computer-aided sending/transmission of messages and images, digital transmission and broadcasting services via the internet, IP (internet protocol) communication services, (continuous) streaming of films, sound and programs via data networks, transmission of video films; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications services); telecommunications, namely providing access to distributed databases and other computer networks containing films, games, sports and music; streaming and delivery of data, images, video and audio to televisions, telephones, websites and on the internet; transmission of digital files; wireless broadcasting; streaming of data, audio, images and video; video-ondemand transmission; rental of apparatus for transmission of sound or images. Klasse 41 Presentation of live performances and sporting events; rental of films, games and music via the internet; amusement, entertainment, cultural, recreation and sports information; television entertainment; sporting activities; education; tuition; provision of recording studio facilities; production of videotape films and television programmes; rental of apparatus for recording or reproduction of sound or images; rental of film cutting apparatus. 106

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.17 2017.02.17 (111) 1319411 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.26 (210) Nasj. 201613570 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.13, EM, 015332951 (111) 1319418 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.27 (210) Nasj. 201613571 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.29, EM, 014748446 LiveArena AB, Box 38045, SE-10064 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 9 Audio- and video-receivers; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; film cutting apparatus; computer programs (downloadable computer software); software applications (recorded computer software); interfaces. Klasse 35 Sale of apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; sale of film cutting apparatus. Klasse 38 Information regarding telecommunications or computer communications; information relating to video-on-demand transmission and streaming of data, audio, images and video; providing access to databases and data networks; providing access to telecommunications networks, broadband communication, computer-aided sending/transmission of messages and images, digital transmission and broadcasting services via the internet, ip (internet protocol) communication services, (continuous) streaming of films, sound and programs via data networks, transmission of video films; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications services); telecommunications, namely providing access to distributed databases and other computer networks containing films, games, sports and music; streaming and delivery of data, images, video and audio to televisions, telephones, websites and on the internet; transmission of digital files; wireless broadcasting; streaming of data, audio, images and video; video-ondemand transmission; rental of apparatus for transmission of sound or images. Klasse 41 Presentation of live performances and sporting events; rental of films, games and music via the internet; amusement, entertainment, cultural, recreation and sports information; television entertainment; sporting activities; education; tuition; provision of recording studio facilities; production of videotape films and television programmes; rental of apparatus for recording or reproduction of sound or images; rental of film cutting apparatus. Arla Foods amba, Sønderhøj 14, DK-8260 VIBY J, Danmark Klasse 1 Chemicals used in industry as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; cultures of micro organisms other than for medical and veterinary use; emulsifiers; proteins for industrial purposes; casein and caseinates for industrial Klasse 5 purposes. Dietetic substances adapted for medical use; food for babies; cultures of micro-organisms for medical and veterinary purposes; substitutes for mother's milk; dietary supplements in form of vitamins and minerals; dietetic substances and beverages for medical purposes; lactose for pharmaceutical purposes; proteins dietary supplements; casein and caseinates dietary supplements. Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies; jams; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; rennet; cheese powder; substitutes for milk and cream; milk and cream in powder form; milk based dessert mousses; meat pâtés. Klasse 30 Coffee; tea; cocoa; sugar; rice; tapioca; sago; artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; honey; treacle; yeast; baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar; sauces (condiments); spices; ice; salad dressings; meat pies and meat pâtés (not included in other classes); pizzas; puddings; dessert soufflés; dessert mousses [confectionery]; rice pudding; powders and preparations for making cappuccino, cocoa, chocolate, coffee and tea beverages; beverages based on chocolate, cocoa and coffee; fruit sauces. Klasse 31 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Klasse 32 Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 107

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.16 (111) 1319424 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.13 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.13 (210) Nasj. 201613572 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.29, EM, 015056179 BOARDIO Å&R Carton AB, Postboks 177, SE-22100 LUND, Sverige Klasse 6 Packages containing metal foil; packaging material containing aluminum sheets, foils or rolls; foil with contents of aluminum for packaging purposes, packing containing metals (included in the class), foils containing metal for wrapping and packing purposes. Klasse 7 Packaging machines; sealing machines; filling machines; machines for the production and printing of packaging materials; machines for the forming of plastics; machines for injection-moulding packages and packaging details; machines for assembling and forming containers; conveyors; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 16 Paper and cardboard; paper and cardboard products for packaging purposes; packaging material of plastic; laminates of plastic on paper or carton; containers, boxes and bags of paper or cardboard for packaging purposes; packages of plastic; packaging containers and packaging material made of paper or made of paper coated with plastic material; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); plastic films used as packaging for food and non-food products; laminated paper; instructional and teaching material. Klasse 17 Semi manufactured plastic; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal. Klasse 20 Sealing caps, not of metal; container closure, not of metal. Klasse 37 Repair and maintenance of packaging machines and packaging lines; installation services for packaging machines and packaging lines. Klasse 42 Engineering of packaging machines; engineering and design of production and packaging lines; packaging design; computer hardware and software development of data processing programs for analyzing performance and efficiency of production and packaging lines; technical support and consultation services for managing computer systems. (111) 1319425 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.19 (210) Nasj. 201613573 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.12.16, EM, 014916613 esend Finland Oy, Elektroniikkatie 3, FI-90590 OULU, Finland Klasse 9 Data processing equipment, computers; computer software; application software; computer software for coordinating transportation services. Klasse 39 Transport; transport agencies; transport reservation; packaging and storage of goods; transport capacity optimisation services for delivery of goods. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; information technology [IT] consulting services; software as a service (SaaS); application service provider services; software design and development relating to transport services. 2017.02.21 2017.02.20 108

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319437 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.30 (210) Nasj. 201613574 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 2017.02.17 (111) 1319482 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.16 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.16 (210) Nasj. 201613578 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a device combined by two triangles respectively colored black and red and a coined word "SDLG" in black with a red square inside the letter D; the word "SDLG" appearing in the mark has no significance in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods listed in the application, or any geographical significance. Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., The east side of the National Highway, No. 205, Beiheng Road, CN- LINYI ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA SHANDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 4 Industrial grease; lubricating oil; lubricants; gear oil; oil for precision instruments; fuel; coal; industrial wax; dust removing preparations; electrical energy. 2017.02.16 (111) 1319476 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.16 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.16 (210) Nasj. 201613577 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the stylized wording "KBN" with two triangles on the left and one triangle stands upside down on the other. Kunming Baker Norton Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., Qigongli West suburb, CN- KUNMING YUNNAN, Kina Klasse 5 Medicines for human purposes; chemicopharmaceutical preparations; drugs for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; crude drugs; Chinese medicine nostrum; biochemical drug; tonic (medicines); medicinal drinks. (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of seven designed English letters 'KENNEDE', and all letters are in capital. Kennede Electronics MFG.Co., Ltd., No.21, Jintong Road, Tangxia Town, Pengjiang District,, CN- JIANGMEN CITY GUANGDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 7 Mixers [machines]; kitchen machines, electric; food processors, electric; washing machines [laundry]; handheld tools, other than hand-operated; machines and apparatus for cleaning, electric; beaters, electric; robots [machines]; blowing machines; road sweeping Klasse 9 machines [self-propelled]. Computer peripheral devices; battery chargers; batteries, electric; plates for batteries; weighing machines; transformers [electricity]; computer programs [downloadable software]; switches, electric; alarms; signal lanterns. Klasse 11 Lamps; lighting apparatus and installations; torches for lighting; fans [air-conditioning]; air purifying apparatus and machines; radiators, electric; air conditioning installations; hair driers; refrigerators; lightemitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus. 2017.02.16 (111) 1319491 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.23 (210) Nasj. 201613581 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.22, LI, 2016-153 Cention Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Bendererstrasse 2, LI-9494 SCHAAN, Liechtenstein Klasse 5 Materials for use in dentistry, in particular materials auxiliary materials for filling teeth; dental composites. 2017.02.17 109

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319492 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.05 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.05 (210) Nasj. 201613582 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 Siccaro Marschall Invenco ApS, Eskemosegyden 18, DK-5600 FÅBORG, Danmark Klasse 18 Whips; harnesses and saddlery; clothing for animals; harness fittings; covers for animals; collars for animals; leather leashes and collars; harnesses for animals; bags for carrying animals; pads for horse saddles; blankets for animals quilts for animals; sweat rugs for animals; blankets for dog. Klasse 24 Bed and table covers; covers for cushions; towels; mattress covers; blankets; absorbent textile sheets for dogs. Klasse 25 Coveralls, bodysuits and bathrobes all made of a liquid absorbing material, all of the aforementioned goods for use in connection with water-sports and equestrian activities. 2017.02.16 (111) 1319493 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.29 (210) Nasj. 201613583 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.12.30, EM, 014970032 VEKA Spectral VEKA AG, Dieselstr. 8, DE-48324 SENDENHORST, Tyskland Klasse 17 Plastic products in the form of profiles, shaped seals for the aforesaid products, semi-finished plastics shaped parts, plastic materials in the form of plates. Klasse 19 Building materials, windows, roller blinds and doors of plastic, plastic window profiles and frames, plastic door profiles and frames and plastic roller blind profiles and frames, folding shutters, roofs, covers and wall coverings of plastic, profiles, seals and plates of plastic, all the aforesaid goods for building; fences, railings, balustrades, floorboards and partitions of plastic, and connectors and fittings therefor, included in this class. 2017.02.17 (111) 1319533 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.20 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.20 (210) Nasj. 201613590 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.20, US, 86793097 BRAY/VAAS Bray International, Inc., 13333 Westland East Blvd, US- TX77041 HOUSTON, USA Klasse 6 Metal valves not being parts of machines. 2017.02.17 (111) 1319545 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.09 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.09 (210) Nasj. 201613591 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 traverrse DNOW UK Limited, Badentoy Avenue, Badentoy Park Portlethen, GB-AB12 4YB ABERDEENSHIRE, Storbritannia Klasse 9 Protective eyeglasses; protective eyewear; protective glasses; protective spectacles; protective headgear; fire resistant clothing; boots [protective footwear]; fireproof articles of clothing; flotation clothing; protective clothing; protective clothing made from ballistic resistant materials; protective clothing [body armour]; protective footwear for the prevention of accident or injury; protective goggles; protective headgear for the prevention of accident or injury; protective shoes [against accident or injury]; protective suits [against accident or injury]; protective visors; protective work clothing [for protection against accident or injury]; safety clothing for protection against accident or injury; visors [protective]. 2017.02.17 (111) 1319558 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.23 (210) Nasj. 201613592 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 PUREZZA WLI Trading Limited, Second Floor, Suite 4, Beacon Court, Sandyford, IE- DUBLIN, Irland Klasse 11 Apparatus for heating, refrigerating and water supply; drinking water dispensing machines; filters, purifying apparatus and parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. 110

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.17 2017.02.21 (111) 1319559 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.25 (210) Nasj. 201613593 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.08.19, US, 87144930 S.R. STUDIO. LA. CA. Sterling Ruby Studio, Inc., 4900 S. Soto St., US- CA90058 VERNON, USA Klasse 18 Luggage; book bags; backpacks; wallets; umbrellas; all-purpose carrying bags; tote bags; shoulder bags. Klasse 25 Clothing; tops; shirts; t-shirts polo shirts; button down shirts; knit shirts; blouses; tank tops; hooded sweat shirts; sweatshirts; sweaters; bottoms; sweatpants; jeans; pants; shorts; skirts; dresses; jackets; coats; aprons; overalls; headwear; hats; beanies; caps; scarves; pocket squares; footwear; shoes. 2017.02.21 (111) 1319567 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.30 (210) Nasj. 201613594 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.03, US, 86927224 KINGS ROCK Kings Rock Global Investment Partners, Inc., Suite 16, 920 Park Avenue, US-NY10028 NEW YORK, USA Klasse 36 Financial services, namely, asset management and operation of a portfolio of investment funds; financial and investment advisory services. 2017.02.21 (111) 1319588 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.01 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.01 (210) Nasj. 201613595 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 ONESTEP EDGE General Electric Company, 1 River Road, US-NY12345 SCHENECTADY, USA Klasse 9 Electrical power distribution system for cabinet power distribution comprising rack mounts, power converters, and battery chargers. (111) 1319600 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.26 (210) Nasj. 201613598 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 HEADBANGER Headbanger Lure AB, c/o Dan Lestander, Disponentvägen 9D, SE-97594 LULEÅ, Sverige Klasse 28 Fishing equipment, namely, fishing lines, fishing tackle boxes, fishing flies, fishing fly boxes, fishing rods, handheld fishing nets, anti-twist rigs for fishing; fishing tackle; artificial fishing bait; fish hooks; fishing sinkers; fishing leaders; fishing weights. 2017.02.17 (111) 1319625 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.12 (210) Nasj. 201613599 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of "BABY COA" and it has no meaning. The mark has no significance in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods listed in the application, no geographical significance, nor any meaning in any foreign language, and not a term of art. AAB HYGIENE PRODUCTS CO., LTD FUJIAN, Dongxi Industry District, Honglai Town, CN- NAN'AN CITY FUJIAN PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 5 Sanitary pants; sanitary tampons; menstruation bandages; sanitary pads; sanitary towels; panty liners [sanitary]; napkins for incontinents; pants, absorbent, for incontinents; babies' napkins [diapers]; babies' diaper-pants. 2017.02.22 111

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319626 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.27 (210) Nasj. 201613600 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.21, DE, 30 2016 011 895 ENCLYNA Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, DE-55218 INGELHEIM, Tyskland Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319634 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.13 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.13 (210) Nasj. 201613602 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.08.30, DE, 30 2016 024 691 infloom Zalando SE, Tamara-Danz-Str. 1, DE-10243 BERLIN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Software for arranging contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods and services; software for analysis and evaluation of advertising. Klasse 35 Providing an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; business contact mediation; advertising, sales promotion, advertising and marketing via online websites; promoting goods and services of others; arranging commercial transactions for others via online shops; arranging of contracts for others, for the buying and selling of goods and services. Klasse 38 Providing access to an electronic marketplace [portal] in computer networks; providing access to an e- commerce platform in the internet; providing access to social networking sites. Klasse 42 Development and programming of a software for arranging contracts for others, for the buying and selling of goods and services; development and programming of a software for the analysis and evaluation of advertising. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319635 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.13 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.13 (210) Nasj. 201613603 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.07.22, DE, 30 2016 021 212 Collabary Zalando SE, Tamara-Danz-Str. 1, DE-10243 BERLIN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Software for arranging contracts for others for the buying and selling of goods and services; software for analysis and evaluation of advertising. Klasse 35 Providing an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; business contact mediation; advertising, sales promotion, advertising and marketing via online websites; promoting goods and services of others; arranging commercial transactions for others via online shops; arranging of contracts for others, for the buying and selling of goods and services. Klasse 38 Providing access to an electronic marketplace [portal] in computer networks; providing access to an e- commerce platform in the internet; providing access to social networking sites. Klasse 42 Development and programming of a software for arranging contracts for others, for the buying and selling of goods and services; development and programming of a software for the analysis and evaluation of advertising. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319650 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.23 (210) Nasj. 201613605 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.06.01, EM, 015492101 WeldEye Kemppi OY, Kempinkatu 1, FI-15810 LAHTI, Finland Klasse 9 Computer programs and software for taking care of welding documentation in the welding industry; electric control apparatus for welding purposes; data collectors, computer hardware and software for monitoring welding and welding quality; computer software applications covering welding documentation and welding quality requirements; computer programs for managing welding production; software for welding purposes; software applications relating to welding documentation and quality requirements for welding processes, welding certificates, Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and process control of production. Klasse 42 Development of computer software for quality assurance; monitoring the quality of welding, preparation of technical reports and reports relating to welding quality; cloud computing. 2017.02.22 112

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319677 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.06 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.06 (210) Nasj. 201613608 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.21, US, 87009713 VADO Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc., 15130 Concord Circle, US-CA95037 MORGAN HILL, USA Klasse 12 Bicycle frames; bicycles. 2017.02.22 (111) 1319716 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.16 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.16 (210) Nasj. 201613819 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.08, GB, UK00003148513 Informa UK Limited, 5 Howick Place, GB-SW1P1WG LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising, publicity, marketing and sales promotion services and the analysis of the effectiveness thereof; dissemination of advertising matter; updating of advertising material; publicity; advertising agency services; rental of advertising space; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; cost price analysis; business appraisals; business management assistance; bill-posting; book-keeping; business auditing; business organization consultancy; business management consultancy; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; conducting of interviews; compilation of information into computer databases; systemization of information into computer databases; consultation, analysis, research and advice in the fields of marketing, business communication, business sales, brands, brand identity, public relations and direct marketing; data collection and the provision of reports relating thereto; data search in computer files for others; demonstration of goods; direct mail advertising; business efficiency expert services; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; computerized file management; economic forecasting; import-export agencies; commercial or industrial management assistance; commercial information agencies; business information; business inquiries; business research and investigations; business enquiries; layout services for advertising purposes; personnel management consultancy; advisory services for business management; marketing studies; marketing research; marketing; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; news clipping services; the monitoring of news and the Internet and provision of reports on the result of such monitoring for third party (news clipping services); arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; on-line advertising on a computer network; outsourcing services [business assistance]; opinion polling; administrative processing of purchase orders; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; provision of statistical information; public relations; preparation of publicity materials; publication of publicity texts; writing of publicity texts; publicity material rental; rental of advertising time on communication media; business research; sales promotion for others; distribution of samples; sponsorship search; compilation of statistics; tax preparation; telemarketing services; providing information to facilitate the location of expert professionals; distribution of prospectuses, and business information; subscription services to financial or business publications and to the Internet and the world telecommunications network for third parties; the production of advertising documents; distribution of advertising materials in the forms of communications, declarations and announcements to the public relating to financial products and information; provision of information and advice to prospective purchasers of goods, including such services provided online, from a database, via the internet, or any other communications network; incentive and loyalty schemes; advertising in relation to commodities, energy, utilities, construction, infrastructure, real estate, retail consumers, leisure, education, the public sector, finance, financial services, general management, healthcare, life sciences, IT, media, legal matters and services, tax matters, accounting, transport, logistics; business consultation, business analysis, business research and business advice in relation to commodities, energy, utilities, construction, infrastructure, real estate, retail consumers, leisure, education, the public sector, finance, financial services, general management, healthcare, life sciences, IT, media, legal matters and services, tax matters, accounting, transport, logistics; business management and organisation consultancy; business expertise services; expert evaluations and reports relating to business matters; information and expert opinions relating to companies and business; compilation of medical reports; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services including such services provided on-line or via the Internet. Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; monetary affairs; financial and insurance services; research and analysis relating to monetary affairs, financial and insurance services, and real estate affairs; provision of information (including the online provision of such information) relating to monetary affairs, financial and insurance services, and real estate affairs; financial and monetary services, and banking; currency trading and exchange services; securities and commodities trading services; loan and credit, and lease-finance services; debt recovery and factoring services; investment services; fund investments; financial underwriting and securities issuance (investment banking); financial research; financial advice; financial consultancy; financial forecasting; 113

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 financial analyses; financial consulting; financial management; financial information; financial exchange; financial planning; financial consultation; financial valuations; financial affairs; financial banking; financial information, data, advice and consultancy services; consultation, analysis, research and advice in the field of finance; financial rating and credit reports; financial appraisal services; insurance services; re-insurance services; life assurance services, assessing and processing insurance claims; assurance and insurance brokerage services; electronic transfer of funds; distribution of financial information; all the aforesaid services also provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; information, consultancy and advisory services all relating to the aforesaid provided by any means. Klasse 38 Telecommunications; rental of access time to global computer networks; radio broadcasting; television broadcasting; cable television broadcasting; cellular telephone communication; providing internet chat rooms; communications by fibre [fibre] optic networks; communications by computer terminals; electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]; electronic mail; message sending; news agencies; paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; providing user access to global computer networks; providing access to databases; providing online forums; satellite transmission; information about telecommunication; telecommunications routing and junction services; teleconferencing services; transmission of telegrams; communications by telegrams; telegraph services; communications by telephone; telex services; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; transmission of digital files; videoconferencing services; voice mail services; wireless broadcasting; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services including such services provided online or via the Internet; transferring and distributing digital content over the global computer information network; providing access to a global computer information network in order to retrieve digital content; provision of access to internet portals; provision of access to internet portals in relation to commodities, energy, utilities, construction, infrastructure, real estate, retail consumers, leisure, education, the public sector, finance, financial services, general management, healthcare, life sciences, IT, media, legal matters and services, tax matters, accounting, transport, logistics; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services including such services provided on-line or via the Internet. Klasse 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; transportation and delivery of goods; freight and cargo transportation and removal services; maritime services; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to the aforesaid. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; academies [education]; publication of books; cinema presentations / movie theatre presentations; club services [education]; coaching [training]; arranging and conducting of colloquiums; organization of competitions [entertainment]; arranging and conducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of congresses; correspondence courses; educational examination; publishing; electronic desktop publishing; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; game services provided on-line from a computer network; vocational guidance [educational and training advice]; education information; lending libraries; mobile library services; presentation of live performances; providing museum facilities [presentation, exhibitions]; organization of shows [impresario services]; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; news reporters services; the provision of online publications and information disseminated via the Internet; the provision of news online, gathering and dissemination of news; arranging and conducting of seminars; services of schools [education]; arranging and conducting of symposiums; teaching; educational services; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; writing of texts, other than publicity texts; practical training [demonstration]; vocational retraining; arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; book club services; supply services for books; reviews of publications provided online, from a database, via the internet or any other communications network; provision of online reading lists; production and distribution of video news releases and other webcast, broadcast and multimedia events; educational services, training, conferences, seminars, workshops and presentations in relation to commodities, energy, utilities, construction, infrastructure, real estate, retail consumers, leisure, education, the public sector, finance, financial services, general management, healthcare, life sciences, IT, media, legal matters and services, tax matters, accounting, transport, logistics; provision of online publications in relation to commodities, energy, utilities, construction, infrastructure, real estate, retail consumers, leisure, education, the public sector, finance, financial services, general management, healthcare, life sciences, IT, media, legal matters and services, tax matters, accounting, transport, logistics; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services including such services provided online or via the Internet. Klasse 44 Pharmaceutical consultation; pharmaceutical advice; pharmaceutical advisory services; provision of pharmaceutical information; consultancy and information services relating to pharmaceutical products; medical and pharmaceutical consultation; supply of information in the area of the medicine, pharmaceutical and laboratory technology; drawing up of expert technical opinions in connection with pharmaceuticals; expert advice relating to pharmaceuticals; expert consultancy services in connection with pharmaceuticals; expert opinion relating to pharmaceuticals; expert reporting services relating to pharmaceuticals; advisory, consultancy and information services relating to the aforesaid; medical services; advisory medical services and the provision of medical information; dentistry services; advisory services and the provision of information relating to dentistry; advisory services and the provision of information relating to health; health risk assessment surveys; pharmaceutical advisory services; the provision of information relating to pharmaceuticals; dispensing of pharmaceuticals; veterinary services; issuing of medical reports; medical analysis services; medical testing services; surgical treatment services; advisory services and the provision of information relating to surgery, including cosmetic surgery; advisory services and the provision of information relating to cosmetic treatment; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; beauty therapy services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services including such services provided on-line or via the Internet. 2017.02.20 114

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319720 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.04 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.04 (210) Nasj. 201613821 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.20, TT, 50734 (111) 1319791 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.14 (210) Nasj. 201613832 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.30, BX, 1329701 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of stylized three dimensional letter X composed of overlapping shaded blocks. Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, US- CA94043 MOUNTAIN VIEW, USA Klasse 42 Research and development of new products; information on research and product development provided via a website; design and testing for new product development. 2017.02.20 (111) 1319725 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.18 (210) Nasj. 201613822 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.08.25, US, 87150478 FLEURESSE Kyäni, Inc., 1070 Riverwalk Drive, Suite 350, US- ID83402 IDAHO FALLS, USA Klasse 3 Cosmetic preparations. 2017.02.20 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: White and blue. Electronic Transaction Systems, S.à.r.l, 117, route d'arlon, LU-8009 STRASSEN, Luxembourg Klasse 9 Computer software; computer software for computer system and application development, deployment and management; computer software for encryption; computer software for use in the encryption and decryption of digital files and data, including audio, images, video, text, binary data, graphics and multimedia files; computer software for use in the storage and protection of digital files and data, including audio, images, video, text, binary data, graphics and multimedia files; computer software for identity management and computer software platforms for identity management systems; computer software for the development, deployment and management of mobile internet applications and client interfaces; computer software for ensuring the security of internet services; software for ensuring the security of electronic data communication and electronic mail; software for the development, deployment and operational management of portable magnetic and electronic cards. Klasse 35 Business assistance, management and administrative services; computerized accounting services and account auditing; administrative data processing, namely compilation and systemization of data in computer databases and computerized business information processing services; computerized billing services and accounts management. Klasse 36 Merchant banking services; credit and debit card processing or handling, authorization and clearing; merchant accounts services, including the provision of monthly financial statements online; financial services, including provision of merchant account interchange qualification reporting, chargeback and retrieval information, provision of daily deposit summaries for review, retrieval of requests for sales and credit slips and credit match verification; financial services, including, processing all types of credit cards and debit cards; providing online banking services; providing electronic payment and fund transfer, including electronic processing and transmission of payment data. Klasse 38 Data communication, including secured electronic data communication and electronic mail services; secured electronic data communication of electronic bill payment, fund transfer and home banking transaction information; electronic transmission of data via electronic access devices. Klasse 42 IT services, namely software development, programming and deployment, particularly of computer software for use in the encryption and decryption, secured storage and secured electronic transmission of digital files and data; development, programming and deployment of software, internet applications and client interfaces for secured identity management, electronic data communication, electronic payment and home banking. 2017.02.22 115

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319792 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.16 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.16 (210) Nasj. 201613833 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.05, EM, 015089444 STABILOMAT BASICLINE Demp B.V., Hagenweg 1F, NL-4131LX VIANEN, Nederland Klasse 6 Ladders, folding stepladders and scaffolding of metal; accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including foot caps, cross members, storage trays, spacers, platforms, step trays, height adjusters, customised spare parts and wall brackets, castors, extensions, ballast (weights), railings, struts, ladder hooks, ladder supports, level adjusters, rail extensions, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, struts, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of metal; scaffolding and ladder couplings of metal; parts, fittings and aids for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 19 Scaffolding of wood and of plastic, accessories for scaffolding of wood or plastic. Klasse 20 Ladders and folding stepladders of wood and of plastic, accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including ladder hooks, ladder supports, rollers, spacers, wall racks, level adjusters, step trays, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, struts, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, stair rails, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of wood or plastic; scaffolding and ladder connectors, all of the aforesaid goods being of wood or plastic; parts, fittings and aids for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 35 Wholesaling and retailing, in relation to the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of the following goods (excluding the transport thereof), in relation to ladders, folding stepladders and scaffolding of metal, accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including foot caps, cross members, storage trays, spacers, platforms, step trays, height adjusters, customised spare parts and wall brackets, castors, extensions, ballast (weights), railings, struts, ladder hooks, ladder supports, level adjusters, rail extensions, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of metal, scaffolding and ladder connectors of metal or of wood or of plastic, ladders, folding stepladders and scaffolding of wood or plastic, accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including ladder hooks, ladder supports, rollers, spacers, wall racks, level adjusters, step trays, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, struts, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, stair rails, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of wood or plastic, parts, fittings and aids for the aforesaid goods; all of the aforesaid services also being provided via social networks, social media and online, enabling consumers to conveniently view and purchase those goods, and mail order sale (including online) relating to the aforesaid goods; operation of an online shop, namely arranging and concluding of contracts in relation to the buying and selling of goods and the use of services (for others), order placement, delivery services and invoice management; display and demonstration of goods; bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods and presentation of goods via the internet; wholesaling and retailing via electronic media, online trading, all being in relation to ladders, folding stepladders and scaffolding of metal, of wood or of plastic, accessories for ladders and scaffolding, including foot caps, cross members, rollers, wall racks, stair rails, intermediate rungs, storage trays, spacers, platforms, step trays, height adjusters, customised spare parts and wall brackets, castors, extensions, ballast (weights), railings, struts, ladder hooks, ladder supports, level adjusters, rail extensions, vertical frames, corner frames, entrance frames, railing braces, front railing frames, railing frames, platforms, railing posts, bracket posts, transverse struts, protective roof brackets, stair towers, protective side gratings, tunnel profile adapters, deck protection, exchangeable cross members, lattice girders, lattice girder connectors, intermediate rungs, all of the aforesaid goods being of metal or wood or plastic, scaffolding and ladder connectors of metal, of wood or plastic, parts, fittings and aids for the aforesaid goods, all of the aforesaid services also being provided via social networks, social media and online. 2017.02.21 (111) 1319803 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.07 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.07 (210) Nasj. 201613834 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the silhouette of an apron along with the words "Blue Apron". Blue Apron, Inc., 5 Crosby Street, US-NY10013 NEW YORK, USA Klasse 16 Printed recipe cards; printed recipes sold as a component of food packaging; cookbooks; binders; stickers; paper for wrapping and packaging. Klasse 29 Refrigerated food package combinations consisting primarily of meat, meat substitutes, poultry, fish, seafood, cheese, and/or vegetables, processed beans, processed nuts and edible seeds, and also including sauces or seasonings, ready for cooking and assembly as a meal; prepared food kits composed of meat, meat substitutes, poultry, fish, seafood, cheese and/or vegetables, processed beans, processed nuts and edible seeds, and also including sauces or seasonings, 116

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 ready for cooking and assembly as a meal; fish, not live; seafood, not live; poultry; meat; meat substitutes; cheese; olive oil. Klasse 31 Packaged meal kits consisting of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh beans, fresh herbs, fresh nuts and unprocessed edible seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables; fresh nuts and unprocessed edible seeds; fresh herbs; fresh beans; unprocessed grains for eating; unprocessed quinoa. Klasse 39 Food delivery; providing information in the fields of food and beverage delivery via a website on global computer networks. Klasse 43 Subscriber-based meal planning services in digital form, accessible through the Internet; food preparation services featuring meat, meat-substitutes, poultry, fish, seafood, cheese, pastas, rice, fruits, vegetables, seasonings or sauces; consulting in the field of menu planning for others; providing information in the fields of food and beverage preparation, cooking, recipes, ingredients, and cookware techniques via a website on global computer networks. (111) 1319816 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.08 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.08 (210) Nasj. 201613837 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.29, EM, 015169659 2017.02.21 (111) 1319807 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.10 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.10 (210) Nasj. 201613835 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.01.21, DE, 30 2016 001 746 HARPIA Carl Zeiss AG, Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 22, DE-73447 OBERKOCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Optical apparatus and instruments, binoculars, field glasses, telescopes, sighting telescopes, spotting scopes, monoculars, laser distance meters, night vision telescopic sights; parts of all the aforesaid goods. 2017.02.21 DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc., Susquehanna Commerce Center, 221 West Philadelphia Street, US-PA17401-2991 YORK, USA Klasse 3 Preparations and substances for cleaning dental apparatus and instruments; dental cleaning and polishing preparations including for teeth; dental care preparations including for teeth (non-medicated); preparations and substances for use in dental hygiene (non-medicated); preparations and substances for the care of teeth (non-medicated); dental bleaching gel; non-medicated dental rinse; tooth paste; tooth polish; teeth whitening preparations. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; preparations, compounds, substances and materials for dental use; dental restorative material, dental filling material, dental impression material, dental ceramic material, dental cements, dental putty material, dental varnishes, dental gel, glass ionomers for dental purposes, alloys for dental purposes, bonding material for dental purposes, dental adhesives. Klasse 9 Computer software and computer hardware; computer application software for computers, handheld computers, cameras, digital scanning devices, smartphones, and tablet computers; software and electronic apparatus for dental use; downloadable publications; electronic publications; downloadable books, manuals, magazines and journals; downloadable videos; downloadable books, manuals, magazines and journals for dentists and for use in dentistry and endodontics; downloadable videos for dentists and for use in dentistry and endodontics. Klasse 10 Dental instruments, devices, equipment, and apparatus; orthodontic instruments, devices, equipment, and apparatus; instruments, devices, equipment and apparatus for use in dentistry; instruments, devices, equipment and apparatus for use in endodontic procedures; artificial teeth; dental intraoral cameras; cameras for capturing dental and oral images; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 44 Dentistry; dental services; endodontic services. 2017.02.22 117

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319831 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.25 (210) Nasj. 201613838 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.05.10, EM, 015423262 BIRGER CHRISTENSEN Birger Christensen A/S, Østergade 38, DK-1100 KØBENHAVN K, Danmark Klasse 3 Soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse 9 Spectacles, spectacle frames, tinted glass for spectacles, sun glasses, spectacle cases. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods (not included in other classes), bed and table covers; bath linen (not clothing), cotton fabrics, curtains made of textile or of plastic, towels and sheets of textiles, pillow cases. Klasse 25 Clothing, furs (clothing), footwear, headgear. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; wholesale and retail services (also via the internet) of soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices; wholesale and retail services (also via the internet) of spectacles, spectacle frames, tinted glass for spectacles, sun glasses, spectacle cases; wholesale and retail services (also via the internet) of precious metals and their alloys, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments; wholesale and retail services (also via the internet) of leather and imitations of leather, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas; wholesale and retail services (also via the internet) of textiles and textile goods (not included in other classes), bed and table covers, bath linen (not clothing), cotton fabrics, curtains made of textile or of plastic, towels and sheets of textiles, pillow cases; wholesale and retail services (also via the internet) of clothing, furs (clothing), footwear, headgear; business management of hotels; organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; professional business consulting; business assistance relating to franchising. 2017.02.21 (111) 1319832 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.22 (210) Nasj. 201613839 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.20, EM, 15351422 Enduron MV Pipe Technologies GmbH, Industriestr. 10/12, DE- 23840 BAD OLDESLOE, Tyskland Klasse 2 Varnishes, thinners for lacquers; anti-corrosive preparations, rust preservatives in the nature of a coating. Klasse 6 Metal pipes; metal tubing; pipes, tubes and hoses and fittings therefor, including valves, of metal; couplings Klasse 9 and junctions of metal for tubing; nuts, bolts and fasteners of metal; valves and fittings of metal for pipes; reinforcing materials of metal; refractory construction materials of metal; metal fire doors; tanks of metal, in particular tanks for compressed gas, water and foam; metal hardware; building and construction elements of metal, in particular pipes, pipe work and pipe elements as well as structures made thereof. Fire-extinguishing apparatus, including movable fireextinguishing apparatus, fire extinguishers; fire hose nozzles, foam nozzles and associated mixing apparatus; foam and water dischargers (fireextinguishing apparatus) and portable pumps (fire pumps); high expansion foam generators (fireextinguishing apparatus); static fire-extinguishing installations, including for ships, consisting primarily of sprinklers, nozzles, pipelines, fire suppression control panels, assembly parts for pipelines, automatic air vents, valves, fittings, compressed air water containers, alarm valves, distributors, intermediate containers, firefighting-water systems including pumps, pressurized containers and pressure boosting systems; sprinkler systems, in particular gas extinguishing systems and associated extinguishing sprays; static and mobile fire protection installations consisting primarily of optical smoke detectors, heat detectors, ionization smoke detectors, spark detectors and flame detectors, multifunction detectors, bypass detectors, alarms, fire alarm control panels and fire alarm installations, gas detection installations with gas detection control panels, gas detectors, fireproof bulkheads for pipes, joints and ducts, fire protection joints; fire protection clothing; electric and electronic apparatus for fire protection installations (included in this class); electronic and electrical apparatus, monitoring, warning and control apparatus and installations formed thereof, for fire protection, included in this class; smoke detectors, gas detecting apparatus; data processing equipment and software, in particular for fire protection and prevention systems; data processing equipment and software, in particular for the configuration or order of pre-fabricated tube elements. 2017.02.22 (111) 1319834 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.25 (210) Nasj. 201613840 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 TREVO DSM IP Assets B.V., Het Overloon 1, NL-6411TE HEERLEN, Nederland Klasse 17 Plastic fibers not for textile use; threads not for textile use; plastics as semi-processed materials; plastics as semi-processed materials in the form of strips, sheets, plates, slabs or panels. Klasse 22 Fibers for textile use; string, rope and cords included in this class; glass fibers for textile use. Klasse 23 Yarns for textile use; threads for textile use, threads; spun thread and yarn; threads of plastic materials for textile use. 2017.02.22 118

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1319847 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.26 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.26 (210) Nasj. 201613842 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 TRAEGER DOWNDRAFT EXHAUST Traeger Pellet Grills, LLC, 1215 E Wilmington Ave., Suite 200, US-UT84106 SALT LAKE CITY, USA Klasse 11 Barbecue grills and barbecue smokers; accessories and parts for barbecue grills and barbecue, namely, chimneys and smoke stacks for use with barbecue grills and barbecue smokers. 2017.02.22 (111) 1319878 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.23 (210) Nasj. 201613844 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.23, EM, 015263528 SEAT ARONA SEAT SA, Autovia A-2, Km. 585, ES-08760 MARTORELL (BARCELONA), Spania Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land; cars; vehicle parts and accessories. 2017.02.22 (111) 1319881 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.05 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.05 (210) Nasj. 201613845 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.17, IT, 302016000015610 SERPENTI SEDUTTORI BULGARI S.P.A., Lungotevere Marzio, 11, IT-00186 ROMA (RM), Italia Klasse 14 Rings [jewellery]; bracelets [jewellery]; watch straps; watch cases; watch chains; chains [jewelry]; clasps for jewelry; pendants [jewellery]; jewel cases; necklaces (jewellery); chronographs [watches]; chronoscopes; diamonds; jewellery; cuff links; medals; medallions (jewellery); ornaments (jewellery); alloys of precious metal; works of art of precious metal; earrings; hat ornaments of precious metal; wristwatches; watches; pearls [jewellery]; semiprecious stones; precious stones; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; jewelry cases [caskets or boxes]; clock dials; clockworks; boxes of precious metal; cases for clockand watchmaking; cases for watches [presentation]; pins being jewelry; time instruments. 2017.02.22 (111) 1320005 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.19 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.19 (210) Nasj. 201613858 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 RAYBOB Cayago GmbH, Achenweg 16, AT-6370 KITZBÜHEL, Østerrike Klasse 7 Machine drive units; engines. Klasse 9 Remote control mechanisms; accumulators. Klasse 12 Water vehicles; motorised water sports apparatus, namely means of transport on and/or under water; boats; housing claddings for the aforesaid water sports apparatus for boats; transport devices, namely automobile trailers or transport vehicles for boats or water sports apparatus; replacement parts for boats or motorised water sports apparatus. 2017.02.21 (111) 1320006 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.10 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.10 (210) Nasj. 201613859 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.15, JP, 2016-015628 LEOMO LEOMO, Inc., 3991 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 125, US- CA92660 NEWPORT BEACH, USA Klasse 9 Electronic sports training simulators; sensors for determining velocity; distance measuring apparatus; sensors for determining acceleration; wireless transmitters and receivers; computers; wearable computers; wearable computer peripherals; computer programs for tracking, recording and analyzing exercise data. Klasse 14 Clocks and watches; sports watches. Klasse 28 Sports equipment; sporting articles. Klasse 42 Design and development of computer hardware and software; computer software design, computer programming, and maintenance of computer software; creating or maintaining web sites for others; testing or research on machines, apparatus and instruments; rental of measuring apparatus; rental of computers; providing on-line non-downloadable software for tracking, recording and analyzing exercise data; rental of web servers. 2017.02.20 119

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1320029 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.10 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.10 (210) Nasj. 201613863 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 EVNROLL Guerin D. Rife, 6540 Ambrosia Lane #1116, US- CA92011 CARLSBAD, USA Klasse 28 Golf putters. 2017.02.21 (111) 1320034 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.11 (210) Nasj. 201613866 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.13, US, 86974226 MVMT MVMT Watches Inc., 6041 Bristol Parkway, Suite 100, US-CA90230 CULVER CITY, USA Klasse 9 Sunglasses; eyeglasses. 2017.02.21 (111) 1320032 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.11 (210) Nasj. 201613864 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.29, US, 87019463 MIGZACTI COLUCID PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., 222 Third Street, Suite 1320, US-MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. 2017.02.21 (111) 1320040 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.13 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.13 (210) Nasj. 201613868 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.18, US, 87004605 SLITHER Lowtech Studios LLC, 4303 Choctaw Drive S.W., US- MI49418 GRANDVILLE, USA Klasse 9 Computer game software. 2017.02.21 (111) 1320033 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.11 (210) Nasj. 201613865 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.29, US, 87019480 EXGEMIG COLUCID PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., 222 Third Street, Suite 1320, US-MA02142 CAMBRIDGE, USA Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for human use. 2017.02.21 (111) 1320056 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.12 (210) Nasj. 201613871 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 SYNFLORIX GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A., Rue de l'institut 89, BE-1330 RIXENSART, Belgia Klasse 5 Vaccines for human use. 2017.02.21 120

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1320067 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.12 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.12 (210) Nasj. 201613872 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 CERVARIX GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A., Rue de l'institut 89, BE-1330 RIXENSART, Belgia Klasse 5 Vaccines for human use. 2017.02.21 (111) 1320101 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.04.06 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.06 (210) Nasj. 201613879 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 BAGOBAGO, spol. s r. o., c.p. 547, CZ-69666 SUDOMERICE, Den tsjekkiske republikk Klasse 18 Sitting backpacks, other than backpacks, bags, wallets and cases of leather. 2017.02.21 (111) 1320135 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.30 (210) Nasj. 201613882 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.04.27, FR, 4267971 IBM SPECTRUM International Business Machines Corporation, New Orchard Road, US-NY10504 ARMONK, USA Klasse 9 Software for computer infrastructures defined by software; computer hardware and software for sharing of technical computing resources, for the management of technical computer resources and for improving the performance of software applications; software and hardware for providing knowledge of workloads, the reasoned management of calculation resources; software for the management of distributed application software performance and analysis of big data on an upgradeable shared calculation grid; optimized data management software for accessing, analyzing and protecting data in defined infrastructure consolidated application software; computer software and hardware for the intelligent information life-cycle management; software and hardware for strategy-based intelligent planning functions for the optimal use and performance of computer infrastructures and applications; computer infrastructure systems; and instruction manuals in electronic form, sold as a unit; computer hardware and software for data storage, storage virtualization; computer hardware and software (computer programs) for information life-cycle management, data management, tolerance relating to disaster and the recovery of data, data protection, data encryption, data storage on mobile media; computer hardware; computer hardware, namely storage devices; instruction manuals in electronic format sold as a unit. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of equipment for the storage of data, systems for the storage of data, networks for the storage of data for storing, managing and controlling data; repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus; installation, maintenance and repair of software-defined infrastructures. Klasse 42 Cloud computing services for providing electronic storage of data and software-defined infrastructure; data storage computer system and integration services of infrastructure defined by software; consulting and advice in the field of data storage systems and software-defined infrastructure; consulting and advice relating to the design, selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems for data storage systems and software-defined infrastructure for others; technical support services, namely repair of data storage systems, computer software for data storage systems and problems relating to software-defined infrastructure; design services for data storage systems and software-defined infrastructure for others; installation, updating and maintenance of data storage systems and software for software-defined infrastructure; consulting services in the field of Software as a Service (SaaS) for providing the storage of electronic data and software-defined infrastructure; electronic data storage and management software for the storage and recovery of data as a service (SaaS); software-defined infrastructure software as a service; design of data storage system software, data storage system programming services or maintenance of data storage system software; rental of data storage systems; provision of data storage systems and computer programs for software-defined infrastructure. 2017.02.22 121

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1320159 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.04 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.04 (210) Nasj. 201613884 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 MOKOSH Marion Teresa O'Leary, 46 Stevens St, AU-WA6160 FREMANTLE, Australia Klasse 3 Bar soap; bath soap; body soaps; cakes of soap; cosmetic soaps; facial soaps; liquid soaps; perfumed soaps; shaving soap; shower soap; soap; soaps; soaps for personal use; soaps in cake form; soaps in liquid form; after sun moisturisers; body moisturisers; cosmetic moisturisers; eye moisturisers for cosmetic use; facial moisturisers (cosmetic); hair moisturisers; moisturisers (cosmetics); non-medicated lip balms; facial cleansers; body lotions (other than for medical purposes); moisturising body lotion (cosmetic); perfumed body lotions (toilet preparations); massage oils, not medicated; body oil; body oil spray; aromatics (essential oils); blended essential oils; essential oils; essential oils for cosmetic purposes; essential oils for personal use; essential oils for the manufacture of perfumes; essential oils for the production of perfumes; essential oils for use in air fresheners; essential oils for use in cosmetics; essential oils for use in deodorants; aromatic perfumery products; natural oils for perfumes; perfume oils; perfumes; hand cream; emollient creams; bath oils, not medicated; bath powders, not medicated; bath preparations, not for medical purposes; bath products, not medicated; bath salts, not for medical purposes; cosmetic bath products; cosmetic preparations for use in the bath; non-medicated bath additives; non-medicated bath oils; non-medicated bath preparations; non-medicated crystals for use in the bath; non-medicated preparations for the bath; nonmedicated preparations for use in the bath; oils for moisturising the skin after sun bathing; preparations for personal use for use in the bath (non-medicated); preparations for the bath (non-medicated); preparations for use in the bath (non-medicated); salts for bath use; salts for mineral water baths (non-medical); after shower creams; non-medicated preparations for use in the shower; shower gels; shower preparations; creams for use after shaving; creams for use before shaving; preparations for shaving; preparations for use in shaving; shaving creams; shaving lotions; shaving preparations; shaving preparations in gel form; shaving preparations in liquid form; shaving sticks (preparations); hair care agents; hair care preparations; hair care products; non-medicated hair care products. 2017.02.22 (111) 1320175 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.14 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.14 (210) Nasj. 201613888 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 Suzhou Tech-Wear Manufacturing Co.,Ltd., B1 Building, Suhao Industrial Park, No.105 Donghu Road, Wuzhong District, Suzhou, CN-215000 JIANGSU, Kina Klasse 25 Clothing; parkas; waistcoats; overalls; tee-shirts; cyclists' clothing; rain capes; raincoats; headwear; gloves (clothing). 2017.02.21 (111) 1320182 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.30 (210) Nasj. 201613891 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 PLICORD Veyance Technologies, Inc., 703 S. Cleveland- Massillon Rd, US-OH44333 FAIRLAWN, USA Klasse 17 Hose composed wholly or principally of rubber and/or synthetic rubber. 2017.02.22 (111) 1320307 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.18 (210) Nasj. 201613914 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.18, EM, 014804934 DOGSTYLER DOGSTYLER Soest GmbH, Werler Landstrasse 213, DE-59494 SOESI, Tyskland Klasse 3 Tailors' and cobblers' wax; leather and shoe cleaning and polishing preparations; household fragrances. Klasse 5 Medical preparations and articles; pest control preparations and articles; dental preparations and articles. Klasse 6 Signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal; containers of metal, as well as metallic lids and holders therefor. Klasse 9 Safety, security, protection and signalling devices; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; information technology and 122

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 audiovisual equipment; dog whistles; digital signs, mechanical signs, neon signs, luminous signs. Klasse 12 Vehicles for animal transport; containers adapted for use in vehicle interiors, in particular for transporting pets; containers adapted for use in vehicle boots, in particular for transporting pets; fitted liners for the cargo area of vehicles, in particular for transporting pets; cushions adapted for use in vehicles, in particular for transporting pets; storage containers adapted for use in vehicles, in particular for transporting pets. Klasse 18 Saddlery, whips; luggage, bags, wallets and other carriers; dog leashes; straps for soldiers' equipment; straps made of imitation leather; moleskin [imitation of leather]; shoulder straps; laces (leather -); straps (leather -); straps (leather -); leather and imitation leather. Klasse 19 Non-luminous and non-mechanical signs, not of metal. Klasse 20 Animal housing and beds; furniture and site furnishings; containers not of metal, as well as nonmetallic lids and holders therefor; displays stands. Klasse 21 Wire cages for household pets; food containers for pet animals; plastic containers for dispensing food to pets; mangers for animals; scoops for the disposal of pet waste; non-mechanized pet waterers in the nature of portable water and fluid dispensers for pets; scoops for the disposal of animals excrement; litter trays; currycombs; cages for pets; plastic containers for dispensing drink to pets; drinking troughs; animal activated animal feeders; animal activated livestock waterers; animal activated livestock feeders. Klasse 25 Clothing; headgear; footwear. Klasse 28 Toys, games, playthings, and novelties; sporting articles and equipment. Klasse 31 Foodstuffs and fodder for animals; bedding and litter for animals; live animals, organisms for breeding. Klasse 35 Business assistance, management and administrative services; commercial trading and consumer information services; advertising, marketing and promotional services; business analysis, research and information services; management advisory services related to franchising; provision of assistance [business] in the operation of franchises; consultancy in relation to advertising for finance companies, presentation of goods on communications media for retailing purposes, retailing or wholesaling of pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, sanitary preparations and medical articles, retailing or wholesaling, in particular retailing or wholesaling of goods and services in the field of pet requisites. Klasse 41 Education, entertainment and sports; education services relating to business franchise management. Klasse 44 Animal healthcare services. 2017.02.22 (111) 1320404 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.28 (210) Nasj. 201613934 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 PowerTOP AMAD Mennekes Holding GmbH & Co KG, Aloys- Mennekes-Strasse 1, DE-57399 KIRCHHUNDEM, Tyskland Klasse 9 Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; calculating machines, data-processing equipment and computers; weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) and teaching apparatus and instruments; electrotechnical connection devices, plugs, sockets and other contacts, coupler sockets, connectors, connectors for appliances, test connectors, phase transformers, contact boxes for underground cables, empty housings for electric plugs, electric sockets, electric strip terminals and electric splice fittings. Klasse 42 Scientific, technological services and research; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of electrotechnical connection devices, computer hardware and software; surveying; design services. 2017.02.20 (111) 1320418 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.10.23 (180) Registreringen 2025.10.23 (210) Nasj. 201613940 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 BTS ALÜMINYUM METAL VE PVC AKSESUAR SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI, Mermerciler Sanayi Sit. 7.Cad. No:6 Beylikdüzü, TR- ISTANBUL, Tyrkia Klasse 6 Ores of non-precious metal; common metals and their alloys and semi-finished products made of these materials; goods and materials of common metal used for storage, wrapping, packaging, sheltering and building purposes, containers of metal (storage, transport), fences and transportable buildings made of metal, ladders of metal; doors, windows, shutters, jalousies and their cases and fittings of metal; nonelectric cables and wires of metal; ironmongery, small hardware of metal; ventilation ducts, vents, vent covers, pipes, chimney caps, manhole covers, grilles of metal for ventilation, heating, sewage, telephone, underground electricity and air conditioning installations; metal panels or boards (non-luminous and non-mechanical) used for signalling, route showing, publicity purposes, signboards of metal, advertisement columns of metal, signaling panels of metal; pipes of metal for transportation of liquids and gas and their metal fittings, valves of metal, drilling pipes of metal; safes (strong boxes) of metal; metal railway materials; bollards of metal, floating docks of metal, mooring buoys of metal, anchors; metal moulds for casting, other than machine parts; works of art made of common metals or their alloys; metal closures, bottle caps of metal; metal poles; metal pallets and metal ropes for lifting, loading and transportation purposes; metal hangers, ties, straps, tapes and bands used for load-lifting and load-carrying. 123

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 2017.02.20 (111) 1320465 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.16 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.16 (210) Nasj. 201613948 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.16, PL, Z 447 054 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Word-figurative mark contains red graphic elements on white backgrounds which contains shortcut IC. INTER CARS MARKETING SERVICES SP. Z O. O., ul. Plowiecka 57, PL-04-501 WARSAWA, Polen Klasse 1 Size for finishing and priming; sizing preparations and priming putty; soldering preparations; tire repairing compositions. Klasse 3 Cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, shining preparations, rust removing preparations; silicon carbide [abrasive]. Klasse 4 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit); methylated spirit; additives, non-chemical, to motor fuel; oils for paints; lubricating oil; motor oil; dust removing preparations. Klasse 7 Spare parts for motors and engines; filters for filtering machines; filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; filters being parts of machines or engines; spare parts for agricultural machines; clearing saws; fuel pumps. Klasse 8 Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); saw blades; nippers; grinding wheels; cutter bars [hand tools]; hand-operated bar cutters; levers; dies [hand tools]; vices; hex keys; lifting jacks, hand-operated; crow bars; guns, hand-operated, for the extrusion of mastics; hammers [hand tools]; wire strippers [hand tools]; shears; shearers (hand instruments); pincers [hand tools]; perforating tools (hand tools); files; saws; jig-saws; punches [hand tools]; hand pumps; reamers; tube cutting instruments; scrapers; pliers; tongs; abrading instruments (hand instruments); screwdrivers; borers; wheels (sharpening -) [hand tools]; fish tapes [hand tools]; breast drills; drills; putty knives. Klasse 9 Anti-theft apparatus; protective goggles for motorcyclists; sunglasses; protective helmets for motor cyclists; clothing for protection against accidents; protective clothing for motorcyclists; articles of protective clothing for wear by motorcyclists for protection against accident or injury, namely, kneepads; protective paddings for motorcyclists; protective masks; anti-dazzle shades; vehicle parking meters; radar apparatus; radios for vehicles; mileage recorders; protective gloves for motorcyclists; protective masks; filters for respiratory masks. Klasse 12 Automotive vehicles; engines for land vehicles; spare parts for motor vehicles; automobile accessories included in this class; trailers [vehicles], semi-trailers; electronic anti-theft apparatus for vehicles; singletracked vehicles; scooters [vehicles]; mopeds; motorbikes; quad bikes; spare parts for automobiles scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, and quad bikes; automotive vehicles; transmissions for vehicles; trailers [vehicles]; luggage trailers; automobiles; engines for vehicles; spare parts for motor vehicles, passenger vehicles, lorries, semi-trailers, trailers, and motor buses; structural parts for vehicles; bodywork parts for vehicles; anti-theft alarms for motor vehicles; safety belts for motorcycles. Klasse 21 Scoops. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear. Klasse 35 Market research; opinion polling, relating in particular to motor vehicles; organisation of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes relating to motor vehicles; management of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; compilation and systemization of information into computer databases including the updating of and management of such databases; computerized file management; organization and execution of advertising campaigns; publication of publicity texts; dissemination and distribution of advertising matter; publicity and sales promotion services; providing of marketing, commercial and statistical information relating to business; establishing a network of business contacts (service to assist in -); arranging of commercial and business contacts; arranging and conducting of business events for commercial and advertising purposes; marketing and presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; presentation of goods and services; business management consultancy; data processing; wholesaling and retailing of motor vehicles, scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, quad bikes, and spare parts for motor vehicles, scooters, motorcycles, mopeds, and quad bikes; wholesale and retail of vehicles and spare parts for vehicles; wholesaling and retailing via the Internet of motor vehicles, scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, quad bikes, and spare parts for motor vehicles, scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, and quad bikes; retail and wholesale services via Internet concerning motor vehicles and their parts and fittings; advertising; business management; business administration; organisation, conducting and supervision of promotional incentive schemes; administrative processing and organising of mail order services; sales promotion; publicity and sales promotion relating to goods and services, offered and ordered by telecommunications or electronic means; business intermediary and advisory services in the field of selling products and rendering services; advertising services relating to the sale of motor vehicles; publicity and sales promotion services; business merchandising display services; sales promotion. Klasse 37 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers, ships, platforms, and floating structures; garage services for vehicle repair; servicing of apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; vehicle maintenance; vehicle wash; vehicle repair; vehicle modification; tuning of engines for motor vehicles; regeneration of spare parts for motor vehicles and vehicle engines; installation services for motor vehicles, cleaning, repair and maintenance of motor vehicles; vehicle service stations [refuelling and maintenance]; refuelling, maintenance, servicing and repair of vehicles. 2017.02.20 124

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1320493 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.12.22 (180) Registreringen 2025.12.22 (210) Nasj. 201613952 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.10.13, DE, 30 2015 056 148 MUSCLE ATTACK Jan Budde, Dorfstrasse 11, DE-25462 RELLINGEN, Tyskland Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical products; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; preparations for weight reduction for medical use; preparations for preparation of dietetic drinks; nutritional supplements; nutritional supplements for medical use, mainly containing vitamins, in particular ascorbic acids and/or amino acids, in particular leucin and/or proteins and/or creatine and/or minerals and/or coenzymes, in particular lipoic acid and/or carbohydrates and/or triglycerides and/or fibres and/or plant extracts, in particular cocoa beans extract, and/or tea and/or tea extracts and/or caffeine and/or agmatin and/or agmatin sulfate and/or spices and/or spices extracts, in particular from chili and/or from pepper, and/or alkaloids, in particular piperine, theacrin, theobramin, theophyllin and/or synephrin, and/or nucleotides, and/or ethanol and/or choline and/or hydroxymethyl butter acids and/or flavonoide, in particular quercetin, and/or glucosides, and/or salicin; all the aforementioned goods also as powders, granulates, pills, capsules, pastes, liquids, bars and/or with additions of flavours, spices, nuts, plant extracts, sweetening substances and/or other ingredients; nutritional supplements for non-medical use based on proteins or fats, also as bars, with addition of vitamins, in particular niacin and/or ascorbic acids, dicarbonic acid, hydroxy carbonic acid and/or amino acids, in particular leucin, and/or proteins and/or creatins and/or minerals and/or coenzymes, in particular lipoic acid, and/or plant extracts, in particular cocoa beans extract, and/or tea and/or tea extract, and/or caffeine and/or agmatin and/or agmatin sulfate and/or spices and/or spice extracts, in particular from chili and/or pepper, and/or alkaloids, in particular piperine, theacrin, theobramin, theophyllin and/or synephrin, and/or nucleotides, and/or ethanol and/or choline and/or hydroxymethyl butter acids and/or flavonoide, in particular quercetin, and/or glucosides, in particular naringin and/or salicin; all the aforementioned goods also as powders, granulates, pills, capsules, pastes or bars and/or with additions of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, milled corn, flavourings, spices, nuts, sweetening substances, plant extracts and/or other agents; nutritional supplements for non-medical use based on dietary fiber or on carbonic hydrates in particular of maltodextrin, dextrose, glucose and/or maltose, in addition of vitamins, in particular niacin and/or ascorbic acid, carbonic acids, hydroxy carbonic acid and/or amino acid, in particular leucin, and/or proteins and/or creatins and/or minerals and/or coenzymes, in particular lipoic acid, and/or plant extracts, in particular cocoa beans extract, and/or tea and/or tea extract, and/or caffeine and/or agmatin and/or agmatin sulfate and/or spices and/or spice extracts, in particular from chili and/or pepper, and/or alkaloids, in particular piperine, theacrin, theobramin, theophyllin and/or synephrin, and/or nucleotides, and/or ethanol and/or choline and/or hydroxymethyl butter acids and/or flavonoide, in particular quercetin, and/or glucosides, in particular naringin and/or salicin; all the aforementioned goods also as powders, granulates, pills, capsules, pastes or bars and/or with additions of amino acids, proteins, triglyzerides, flavours, spices, sweetening substances, plant extracts and/or other ingredients. 2017.02.20 (111) 1320512 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.10 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.10 (210) Nasj. 201613954 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.18, EM, 014581391 Healthineers JOHANNA Siebenundneunzigste Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbh, Stadthausbrücke 1-3, DE-20355 HAMBURG, Tyskland Klasse 1 Chemicals for use in industry and science; chemical reagents; chemical preparations for analysis in laboratories; chemicals used in science; diagnostic substances, other than for medical use; diagnostic preparations, other than for medical use; diagnostic preparations for scientific purposes; chemical test paper; tempering and soldering preparations; artificial resins, unprocessed plastics (in the form of powders, liquids, pastes and granules); plastics and elastomeric compounds for processing by means of compression moulding, injection moulding or extrusion; powdered or fibrous filling materials for plastics and elastomeric compounds; plastic binding agents; adhesives used in industry; chemical materials for heat-shrinking products; fertile material, breeder elements, and breeder and absorber parts for nuclear reactors; radioactive materials and compositions and alloys thereof; catalysts for flue gas decontamination and exhaust gas/exhaust air purification; catalysts of metal; catalyst carriers for drives for land, air and water vehicles. Klasse 5 Chemical preparations for medicinal, pharmaceutical or veterinary purposes; chemical preparations for diagnostic purposes; chemical substances for analyses in laboratories, for medical purposes; chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; serums; diagnostic preparations; diagnostic preparations for veterinary purposes; diagnostic agents for pharmaceutical use; clinical diagnostic reagents; medical diagnostic test strips; disinfectants; products for dental use (included in this class), namely dental ceramic blanks, material for adhesively bonding ceramic parts and teeth, material for stopping teeth, and matt paints for optically matching teeth. Klasse 9 Apparatus for navigation; aerials and aerial installations, radar apparatus; short-wave transmitter and receiver stations; selector radio apparatus; aeronautical radio apparatus; microwave radios; satellite radio equipment; encoding apparatus; thermal imaging equipment; laser distance-measuring apparatus; inquiry and response apparatus for aircraft identification; equipment for receiving, locating and classifying electromagnetic signals; equipment for traffic navigation on land, water and in the air; traffic decoders; pilot computers; on-board computers; airbag and tyre diagnosis apparatus; vehicle fleet management apparatus; temperature probes; cable harnesses; on-board electrical systems; motor and engine control devices; ignition, control and switching equipment; electric injection control and central injection apparatus; resonators for automotive engineering; electronic apparatus for gear, drive, differential, braking, antiskid, four-wheel steering, damping, level regulating and clutch control; diagnostic apparatus for motor vehicles; acoustic and optical signalling devices and signalling panels; railway signalling apparatus and installations constructed 125

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 therefrom; electric positioners and parts therefor; electroacoustic apparatus, for conferences, for sound and video studios; sound and video sending and control installations; apparatus and equipment for cable television, and devices constructed therefrom; photographic and cinematographic apparatus, including video cameras; loudspeakers; speaker enclosures, microphones, headphones, electronic amplifiers; wafers for the manufacture of electronic components; catalyst carriers for combustion engines; equipment for digital image recording, for contrast medium analysis with real time image reproduction; apparatus and equipment for the recording, processing, storage and reproduction of radiological information; vibrotactile communication equipment; measuring and monitoring instruments and displays being parts of land vehicles, aircraft and watercraft; catalyst carriers for drives for land, air and water vehicles; current collectors; lambda probes; scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators; scientific apparatus, equipment and instruments for performing analyses in laboratories; laboratory apparatus, laboratory filters, laboratory trays; recorded content; devices for conducting electricity; information technology and audiovisual equipment; magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; optical devices, enhancers and correctors; safety, security, protection and signalling devices; optical apparatus and instruments (included in this class); electrical adapters, batteries, electric, electric alarm bells, electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations, electrical connecting parts, electric batteries, contacts, electric, electric couplings, electrical conductors, electric conduits, relays, electric, electronic locks, coils, electric, electricity transformers, electric monitoring apparatus, resistances, electric; electric signalling, measuring, checking (supervision), counting, registering, monitoring, control, regulating and switching apparatus; electrical devices for input, processing, transmission, storage and output of data; data processing equipment and computers and peripheral devices therefor; including the aforesaid goods for data communications via cable and wireless telecommunications networks, for remote data transmission and for data transmission on local networks; electricity transformers; parts and accessories for the aforesaid apparatus, equipment and instruments; computer programmes for data processing; software for electromedical apparatus; data processing programs; monitors; x-ray tubes not for medical purposes; detectors; sensor; devices and screens for protecting against x-rays, not for medical use; wafers for the manufacture of electronic components; laboratory robots for medical purposes. Klasse 10 Electromedical, medical, surgical, dental and veterinary apparatus, equipment and instruments; apparatus and equipment for recording, processing, storing and reproducing medical images; electromedical apparatus and equipment, installations consisting thereof and parts therefor, for x-ray diagnostics and x-ray therapy; apparatus and equipment for angiography, cardiography, neuroradiology and subtraction angiography (dsa); medical equipment for digital image recording, for contrast medium analysis with real time image reproduction; instruments and apparatus for endourulogical radiology, functional diagnostics and instrumental urology and for extracorporeal destruction of urinary and biliary calculus; devices for treating bone, muscle and tendon disorders; apparatus and equipment for recording, processing, storing and reproducing radiological information; medical and electromedical apparatus and equipment for computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound diagnostics, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, positron emission tomography (PET) therapy installations and installation parts consisting thereof; medical and surgical cyclotrons for the production and processing of positron-emitting radionuclides; apparatus for ECG long-term storage and computerised ECG evaluation (electroencephalography); equipment for highfrequency heat treatment, electrosurgery, diagnostics and therapy; measuring apparatus for cardiac catheterisation; apparatus for monitoring patients and analysing arrhythmias; apparatus for polygraphy and electrophysiological examinations; measuring stations for medical functional analyses; cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators; telemetry apparatus for medical use; equipment for respiratory technology; lasers for medical purposes; catheters; linear accelerators for tumour radiotherapy; equipment for the localisation of tumours; apparatus for dosage planning and the documentation of tumour radiotherapy; dental treatment apparatus and lights for working areas; medical and surgical drilling apparatus for use in preparation technology; dental turbines; ultrasonic equipment for removing tartar; diagnostic equipment for analysis of the paradontium; apparatus for the computer-aided manufacture of ceramic fillings; equipment for the hard of hearing, for diagnosis, therapy and teaching purposes; medical hearing aids, hearing aid spectacles, audiometers and hearing testing cubicles; hearing and speaking equipment and special equipment for hearing-impaired children; medical furniture, including patient positioning tables, examination and operating tables, cerumen filters for medical hearing aids; electric apparatus for cosmetic purposes, namely massage apparatus, radiation apparatus, electrically operated apparatus for diffusing inhalants; light screens for medical purposes; radiography apparatus for imaging plate technology; x- ray tubes for medical purposes; sources of electromagnetic fields for use in medical diagnosis; tools for medical diagnostics; medical diagnostic apparatus and equipment; point-of-care diagnostic apparatus, equipment and instruments; tools for veterinary diagnostics; furniture adapted for medical use; furniture especially made for medical examinations and treatments; tables for medical use; beds for medical use; seats for medical purposes; beds adapted for medical use; blood testing apparatus; urine analysis apparatus; protective devices and protective screens for protecting against exposure to x-rays, for medical purposes; clothing especially for operating rooms; cases and bags especially for medical apparatus, equipment and instruments; instrument cases for use by surgeons and doctors; medical functional and work clothing. Klasse 16 Stationery and educational supplies; printed matter; medical journals; medical books. Klasse 25 Headgear; clothing; footwear; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 35 Business consultancy and advisory services; business management; business planning services; business management, business planning and strategic business services, for others; business consultancy for medical facilities and clinics; management of health care clinics for others; provision of business statistical information relating to medical matters; medical billing; compilation of medical examination reports; compilation of statistical data relating to medical research; advertising for others in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, information technology and medical technology; office machines and equipment rental. Klasse 36 Credit agencies; real estate management, renting of flats, for others; financial management services relating to medical institutions; finance services; insurance underwriting. Klasse 37 Construction of medical establishments; maintenance, servicing, repair and installation of medical instruments, apparatus and equipment; maintenance, servicing, repair and installation of diagnostic instruments, apparatus and equipment; providing information relating to the repair or maintenance of medical machines and apparatus. Klasse 38 Providing of internet forums and internet chat lines; access to content, websites and portals; wireless 126

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 transfer of data via the internet; transmission of information and data via computer networks, online services and the internet. Klasse 41 Education, instruction, providing of training and further training, for others; publication of periodicals and books; education services relating to medicine; training and tuition relating to medical and medical technology instruments, apparatus and equipment; organisation of conferences in the field of medical science; publishing of medical publications; publication of medical periodicals, books and manuals (handbooks); projection of cine-films for medical purposes. Klasse 42 Research and development, for others, in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, information technology, medical technology, physics, chemistry and mechanical engineering, as well as planning, consultancy, engineering and technical monitoring services in these fields; construction and design planning and consultancy; computer programming; rental of electrical engineering, electronics and information technology products and installations; material testing; computer programming in the medical field; writing of computer programs for medical applications; medical research; technical consultancy for medical facilities and clinics; planning for medical facilities and clinics; leasing of electrotechnical and electronic installations, products, facilities and goods in the field of information technology; leasing of electrotechnical and electronic installations, products, facilities and goods in the field of information technology. Klasse 44 Medical services; hygienic and beauty care; medical diagnostics; nursing homes; medical clinic services; medical examinations and tests; medical imaging services; medical care; medical equipment rental; medical counseling; medical treatments; medical information services provided via the internet; telemedicine services; therapy services; telemedicine services; medical information services provided via the internet; therapy; leasing of medical technology installations, products and facilities; leasing and rental of medical facilities; leasing and rental of medical apparatus and equipment; rental of medical technology products and installations. 2017.02.20 (111) 1320617 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.29 (210) Nasj. 201613967 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.11.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.03.11, LI, 2016-214 Cention N Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Bendererstrasse 2, LI-9494 SCHAAN, Liechtenstein Klasse 5 Materials for use in dentistry, in particular materials and auxiliary materials for filling teeth; composites. (111) 1323670 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.11.11 (180) Registreringen 2026.11.11 (210) Nasj. 201614964 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.12.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.06.02, US, 87058022 Lowtech Studios LLC, 4303 Choctaw Drive S.W., US- MI49418 GRANDVILLE, USA Klasse 9 Computer game software and cases for mobile phones. 2017.02.21 (111) 1323939 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.29 (210) Nasj. 201615009 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.12.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.12.30, EM, 014970123 VEKA AG, Dieselstr. 8, DE-48324 SENDENHORST, Tyskland Klasse 17 Plastic products in the form of profiles, shaped seals for the aforesaid products, shaped parts (semi-finished goods), plastic materials in the form of plates for use in manufacture. Klasse 19 Building materials, windows, roller blinds and doors of plastic, plastic window systems, plastic door systems and plastic roller blind systems, folding shutters, roofs, covers and wall coverings of plastic, profiles, seals and plates of plastic, all the aforesaid goods for building; fences, railings, balustrades, floorboards and partitions of plastic, and connectors and fittings therefor, included in this class. 2017.02.17 2017.02.17 127

innsigelser 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven 26, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i jf. varemerkeloven 71 og 26. (111) 289448 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201506536 (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: 2016.11.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 35 Salg av mobile bygg, mobile toaletter, bygningsmaskiner, lifter, gravemaskiner og trucker. Klasse 37 Utleie av mobile bygg, mobile toaletter. Hibas AS, Postboks 65, 1313 VØYENENGA, (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Innsiger: E.A.Smith AS avd. Hiba Hus, Postboks 9410 Sluppen, 7493 TRONDHEIM, Innsigers fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig Trondheim AS, Postboks 1280 Pirsenteret, 7462 TRONDHEIM, Innsigelse inndag: 2017.02.07 (111) 289920 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201608433 (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: 2016.12.05 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 25 Fottøy, nemlig treningssko, sportssko, løpesko, terrengløpesko (trail running shoes). Mizuno Corporation, 1-23, Kitahama 4-chome, Chuoku, JP-541-8538 OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA, Japan (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Innsiger: ON CLOUDS GMBH, Seeallee 14, CH-9410 HEIDEN, Sveits Innsigers fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Innsigelse inndag: 2017.02.16 (111) 289642 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201605042 (450) Reg. kunngjort 2016.11.14 dato: (540) Gjengivelse av merket Juvederm (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 3 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering,flekkfjerning, samt til sliping; såper; parfymer, eteriske oljer, hårvann; tannpussemidler;oljer til kosmetisk bruk; kosmetiske utstyrssett; kosmetiske preparater for slankeformål;kosmetikk og balsam for pleie av hår og hodebunn; kosmetiske solkremprodukter og -preparater (emulsjoner, lotions, geleer, oljer og væsker); essensielle oljer og aromatiskeekstrakter; toalettartikler; preparater til vasking og duftsetting. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; markedsførings- og salgsfremmende tjenester; kommersiell handel og forbrukerinformasjonstjenester; analyser, undersøkelser og informasjonstjenester relatert til forretningsvirksomhet. Klasse 41 Underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 44 Veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for dyr; landbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbrukstjenester. DERMAVITA COMPANY (LIMITED PARTNERSHIP) PARSEGHIAN & PARTNERS, CORNICHE EL- MAZRAA, MAIN ROAD, LEBANON & GULF BANK BUILDING, 4 FLOOR, LB- BEIRUT, Libanon (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Innsiger: Allergan, Inc., 2525 Dupont Drive, US-CA92612-1599 IRVINE, USA Innsigers fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, Innsigelse inndag: 2017.02.14 (111) 289653 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201605756 (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: 2016.11.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetisk mat og stoffer for medisinsk bruk og veterinær bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; 128

desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider; autoinjektorer ferdigfylt med legemidler; farmasøytiske preparater og substanser til bruk ved forebygging og behandling av lidelser forårsaket av kjemiske og biologiske midler. Klasse 10 Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer; injeksjonsutstyr for legemidler, herunder medisinske autoinjektorer; motgiftsutstyr for nervegass og kjemikalier bestående av en eske, en autoinjektor og en kjemisk- eller biologiskmotgift; automatiske subkutane injektorer; injektorinstrumenter med kanyler og sprøytespisser; injeksjonsnåler og sprøytespisser; injektorer for medisinske væsker; medisinske sprøyter. Emergent BioDefense Operations Lansing LLC, 3500 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, US-MI48906 LANSING, USA (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Innsiger: Wm Wrigley Jr Company, 1132 West Blackhawk Street, US-IL60642 CHICAGO, USA Innsigers fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Innsigelse inndag: 2017.02.14 innsigelser 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 129

avgjørelse fra Klagenemnda 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Avgjørelse fra Klagenemnda (111) 233357 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200510859 (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: 2006.06.26 (540) Gjengivelse av merket NORAX 6 Avfallsskap, avfallsbeholdere; avfallsdunker, søppelstativ, hus for avfallscontainere, trapper og rekkverk og leskur i stål; alle de forannevnte produktene i denne klassen er for utendørsbruk på offentlige plasser. 20 Bord og benker i tre for utendørsbruk på offentlige plasser. 34 Askebeger i stål for utendørsbruk på offentlige plasser Norax AS, Elfengvn 1, 2500, TYNSET, NO (750) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 8744 St. Olavs plass, 0028, OSLO, NO Kravstiller: Norfax AS, Svartskogvn. 20, 1420, SVARTSKOG, NO Kravstillers fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817, BERGEN, NO Krav om administrativ overprøving innkommet: 2015.10.02 Patentstyrets avgjørelse av kravet (2016.02.02): Registreringen settes til side som ugyldig, jf. varemerkeloven 35. I sakskostnader betaler Norax AS kr 20 000,- tyvetusen kroner til Norfax AS innen 2 to uker fra avgjørelsens meddelelse, jf. patentstyrelova 9. Klage på Patentstyrets avgjørelse innkommet: 2016.04.04 Klagenemndas avgjørelse av 2016.11.08: 1. Klagen forkastes. 2. Varemerkeregistrering nr. 233357, ordmerket NORAX, settes til side som ugyldig. 3. Norax AS betaler til Norfax AS kr 90 275 eks mva i sakskostnader for Patentstyret og Klagenemnda innen to uker fra avgjørelsens meddelelse. 130

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Begrensing av liste over varer eller tjenester utført for internasjonale registreringer som er gyldige i. (111) 1074307 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105288 (151) Reg.dato: 2010.11.25 (180) Registreringer 2020.11.25 (220) Inndato: 2011.05.12 COEY Beijing Xindijia Trade Co Ltd, Room 1-012, 1st Floor, No. 22 Building, Xuanwumen East Street, Xuanwu District, CN- BEIJING, Kina (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Shoes. (111) 1178583 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201405842 (151) Reg.dato: 2013.06.26 (180) Registreringer 2023.06.26 (220) Inndato: 2014.05.22 IMS HEALTH IMS Software Services Ltd, 200 Campus Drive, US- PA19426 COLLEGEVILLE, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Downloadable reports, electronic data files, webcasts, webinars and podcasts providing pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare information and analysis via the internet and electronic media, namely, mobile applications, CD-ROMs, and in electronic format via FTP and VPN. Klasse 35 Market research; business market consulting; marketing consulting; business consulting and information services; business process outsourcing services in the pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare fields. Klasse 38 Providing customer access to a web based online portal featuring pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare information. Klasse 42 Research and analysis related to pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare information. Klasse 44 Providing an internet website portal featuring pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare information. (111) 1213052 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201409457 (151) Reg.dato: 2013.07.18 (180) Registreringer 2023.07.18 (220) Inndato: 2014.08.21 FUJI JUKOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA also trading as Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd., 1-20-8, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, JP-150-8554 TOKYO, Japan (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemicals; fillers for automobile bodies; coolants for vehicle engines; catalysts for purifying exhaust emission; coating agents for automobiles; coating agents for automotive glass; anti-freezing agents; industrial chemicals; solvents for manufacture of agricultural chemicals; technical gases, in particular noble gases for industrial purposes; flame protection preparations and fire extinguishing agents; auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives; adhesives for industrial purposes; adhesives [not for stationery or household purposes]; dust suppressing chemicals for use on grain; dust suppressing chemicals for industrial use; wallpaper removing preparations; fertilizers; fertilizing preparations; manure for agriculture; complex fertilizers; chemical fertilizers; salts [fertilizers]; ceramic glazings; chemical compositions for developing, printing and enlarging photographs; photographic processing preparations; unprocessed plastics [plastics in primary form]; pulp; paper pulp; wood pulp. Klasse 4 Lubricants; lubricants and oils for automotive use; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; solid lubricants; mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes not for fuel; industrial oils and greases; engine oil; motor oil; engine oils for automotive use; non-chemical additives for engine oils; additives, nonchemical, to motor-fuel; greases for automotive use; lubricating oils [industrial lubricants]; non-mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes [not for fuel]; biomass fuel; gasoline; fuels [including motor spirit]; fuel gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gases; gaseous fuels; illuminants, namely, lighting fuel; gas for lighting; candles and wicks for lighting; lamp wicks; waxes [raw material]. Klasse 6 Iron and steel; alloys of common metal; nonferrous metals and their alloys; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; pipes and tubes of metal; non-metals and alloys; alloyed iron; steel alloys; steels and irons in secondary forms; pipes and tubes of alloyed irons; steel pipes and tubes; semi-finished articles of unrefined copper; semi-finished articles of unrefined aluminium; water-pipes of metal; metal materials for building or construction; pipework of metal; metal building materials; materials of metal for railway tracks; railway material of metal; prefabricated building assembly kits of metal; buildings of metal; transportable buildings of metal; keys of metal for automobiles; rings of metal for keys; straps for keys; straps or tags of metal for keys; keys; bolts of metal for registration plates; metal hardware; key tags of metal; metal joinery 131

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Klasse 7 Klasse 8 fittings; fittings of metal for building or hardware; safes; sliding doors [of metal]; cash boxes of metal; safety cash boxes; ores; iron ores, ores of metal; bells for animals; cattle chains; number plates, of metal; metal name plates for automobiles; registration plates of metal; metal nameplates and door nameplates; containers of metal for transport; tool boxes of metal [empty]; metal stepladders and ladders; metal pulleys, springs and valves [not including machine elements]; keys [mechanical element]; cotter pins. Snow ploughs; agricultural machines and implements; harvesters, disk harrows, seeders; power-operated grass trimmers, grass mowers, reapers, poweroperated weed trimmers, brush cutting machines, power-operated brush cutters, electric hedge trimmer, power-operated hedge trimmer, power blower for lawn debris, power-operated blowers, power-operated sprayers for agricultural use, power operated cultivator, power operated backpack sprayer, air suction machines for agricultural use; sowers and pneumatic sowing machines, combine harvesters, rotary power tillers; incubators for eggs; mowing machines; nonelectric prime movers (not for land vehicles) and their parts and fittings; engines (other than for land vehicles); multi-purpose engines other than for land vehicles; water mills; hydraulic turbines; wind mills; wind turbines; internal combustion engines other than for land vehicles; diesel engines (not for land vehicles); motors and engines (except for land vehicles) and their parts and fittings; glow plugs for diesel engines; exhausts for motors and engines; oil filters for engines; oil filters for pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; oil filters for metalworking machines and tools; air filters for pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; air filters for metalworking machines and tools; air filters for engines; filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; fuel filters for engines; sparking plugs for internal combustion engines; catalytic converters; boiler tubes (parts of machines); pumps; pumps [not for specified purposes]; pumps (machines); pumps [parts of machines, engines or motors]; air compressors; power operated blowers not for specified purposes; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; axles for machines; speed change gears [machine elements not for land vehicles]; machine elements (not for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); power transmissions and gearing for machines [not for land vehicles]; belts for motors and engines; starters for motors and engines; current generators, including direct current generators and alternating current generators; AC motors and DC motors (not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors); pneumatic or hydraulic generators; biomass energy generators; electric arc welding apparatus; electric metal cutting machines [by arc, gas or plasma]; electric welding apparatus; filters [parts of machines or engines]; chemical processing machines and apparatus; casting machines and their parts and fittings; metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus and their parts or fittings; drilling bits [parts of machines]; conveyers; cranes; roller bridges; excavators; road making machines; construction machines and apparatus; loading/unloading machines and apparatus; gasoline station equipment; automatic vending machines; vehicle washing installations; parts for non-electric prime movers [other than "water mills" and "wind mills"]; parts for non-electric prime movers for land vehicles. Bladed or pointed hand tools; edge tools; bypass shears; wire cutters; saw; knife blade; choke tube tool; screwdriver; awl; knife bottle opener; knives [hand tools]; cutlery; side arms other than firearms; razors; scrapers [hand tools]; knife bags; hand tools and implements (hand-operated); sharpening steels; money scoop; shovels and the like [hand tools]; gardening trowels; shovel bags; gardening kits comprising bags and shovels, where shovels are predominant; multifunction hunting hand tool comprised of two or more of Klasse 9 the following components: bypass shears, wire cutters, saw, knife blade, choke tube tool, screwdriver, awl and bottle opener; electric razors and electric hair clippers; electric flat irons; bludgeons; shaving cases; pedicure sets; eyelash curlers; manicure sets; manicure sets, electric; egg slicers [non-electric]; sugar tongs; nonelectric planes for flaking dried bonito blocks [katsuobushi planes]; can openers [non-electric]; nutcrackers; spoons; cheese slicers, non-electric; pizza cutters, nonelectric; forks; barbecue forks. Fire boats, and their parts and fittings; fire engines, and their parts and fittings; batteries and cells; accumulators, electric, for vehicles; photovoltaic cells; telecommunication machines and apparatus; straps for mobile phone; lanyards for mobile phones; lanyards for holding cell phones; cases for mobile phones; straps with cleaner for mobile phone; holders for mobile phones; digital cameras; lanyards for digital cameras; straps for digital cameras; cases for digital cameras; cameras and monitors for viewing around vehicle; navigation apparatus for vehicles in the nature of onboard computers; vehicular radio communication machines and apparatus; marine radio communication machines and apparatus; aeronautical radio communication machines and apparatus; straps for remote control apparatus of navigational instruments for vehicles; megaphones; loudspeaker; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; video game cartridges; electronic interface modules for use in motor land vehicles for wired and/or wireless interface of mobile phones and handheld telecommunication devices with an automotive electric system, and their parts and fittings; electronic interface modules sold as an integral part of a motor land vehicle for wired and/or wireless interface of handheld electronic devices which include a communication function, and their parts and fittings; magnetic data media; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; protective sleeves for laptop computers; blank USB flash drives; data processing equipment; computers; computer software; computer game software; computer game software for use with personal computers; educational computer software; electronic control instruments and apparatus and their parts and fittings for automobiles; electronic control instruments and apparatus and their parts and fittings for vehicles; electric, electronic or magnetic operated key systems for vehicles; electronic keys and their parts and fittings; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; regulating apparatus, electric, for automobiles; control panels [electricity]; distribution consoles [electricity]; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifiers; measuring or testing machines and instruments; distance measuring apparatus; directional compasses; lanyards for cameras; cameras; photographic instruments and apparatus; photographic machines and apparatus; cinematographic machines and apparatus; optical machines and apparatus; telescopes; astronomical telescopes; apparatus and instruments for astronomy; eye glass bands; sunglasses; eyeglass lanyards; eyeglasses; cash registers, calculating machines; magnets; magnetic cores; resistance wires; fuel cell electrodes; cathodes; collectors, electric; plates for batteries; anodes; decorative magnets; solar batteries; solar cells; satellites for scientific purposes; artificial satellites, namely, communication satellites and navigation satellites; observation rockets; whistles for dog or other animals; life saving apparatus and equipment, and their parts and fittings; safety restraints, other than for vehicle seats and sports equipment; fire escapes; lifesaving rafts; life buoys; life jackets; life nets; life belts; vehicle breakdown warning triangles; luminous or 132

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 mechanical road signs; traffic-light apparatus [signalling devices]; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; game programs for arcade video game machines; game programs for arcade racing video game machines; game programs for arcade video game machines, downloadable; game programs for home video game machines; game programs for video game machines; game programs for racing video game machines; game programs for video game machines, downloadable; video games cartridges for use with electronic games apparatus; computer joysticks; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; fireextinguishing apparatus; fire plugs; fire hoses; fire hose nozzles; sprinkler systems for fire protection. Klasse 11 Electric lamps and other lighting apparatus; headlights for automobiles; flood lights; projectors [lighting apparatus]; LED headlamps; LED carabiner lights; LED flashlights; flood lighting apparatus; lights for vehicles; light bulbs; LED light bulbs; electric lamps in the shape of lantern; heating apparatus for defrosting windows of vehicles; lanterns for lighting; gas lanterns for lighting; candle lanterns; gas lamps; oil lamps; lamp chimneys; air-conditioning apparatus [for industrial purposes]; air conditioners for vehicles; filters for air conditioners for vehicles; industrial furnaces; atomic piles; water purifying apparatus; boilers [other than parts of prime movers, engines]; household electrothermic appliances; laundry dryers [electric, for household purposes]; humidifiers [for household purposes]; water purifiers for household purposes [electric]; electric bathwater purifying apparatus for household purposes; air purifiers [for household purposes]; dehumidifiers [for household purposes]; electric fans [for household purposes]; water ionizers [for household purposes]; electrically heated carpets; electric cooking pots [for household purposes]; electric coffee makers [for household purposes]; Japanese electric leg-warming apparatus for household purposes [electric kotatsu]; electric cooking stoves [for household purposes]; electric radiant heaters [for household purposes]; electric foot warmers [for personal use]; electric toasters [for household purposes]; Japanese hand warming apparatus for household purposes [electric hibachi]; electric warming pans for beds [for household purposes]; heated mattress pads; electric mattress pads; electric kettles [for household purposes]; electric blankets [for household purposes]; electric refrigerators [for household purposes]; electric freezers [for household purposes]; electric cooking ovens [for household purposes]; microwave ovens [cooking apparatus, for household purposes]; electromagnetic induction cookers [for household purposes]; futon driers [for household purposes]; hot plates [for household purposes]; electric space cooling apparatus [for household purposes]; range hoods [extractor hoods, for household purposes]; household electrothermic appliances for beauty or sanitary purposes; facial equipment using ultrasonic waves for household purposes; hair driers [for household purposes]; ice boxes; ice chests; ice-cooling refrigerators [for household purposes]. Klasse 12 Automobiles, their structural parts and their structural fittings; snowmobile; ski carriers for automobiles; car window shades; ski racks for motor cars; airbags [safety devices for automobiles]; automobile bodies; automobile chassis; automobile door handles; automobile hoods; automobile tires; luggage carriers for automobiles; cycle carriers for automobiles; roof carriers for automobiles; roof box carriers for automobiles; bumpers for automobiles; undercarriage for automobiles; cigar lighters for automobiles; gear shifts for automobiles; headlight wipers; license plate frame; power tailgates [parts of land vehicles]; roof rack storage containers for land vehicles; roof racks for automobiles; trailer hitches for vehicles; fenders for land automobiles; fender mirrors for land automobiles; covers for vehicle steering wheels; safety seats for children, for vehicles; steering wheels for vehicles; windscreen wipers for vehicles; wiper blades for vehicles; windshields for vehicles; two-wheeled motor vehicles, bicycles, and their parts and fittings; bicycle wheels, rims and structural parts therefor; bicycle saddles; non-electric prime movers for land vehicles [not including their parts"]; engines for land vehicles; mechanical elements for land vehicles; axle journals; axles for vehicles; speed change gears [for land vehicles]; shafts, axles or spindles [for land vehicles]; shaft couplings or connectors [for land vehicles]; bearings [for land vehicles]; power transmissions and gearings [for land vehicles]; shock absorbers [for land vehicles]; springs [for land vehicles]; brakes [for land vehicles]; bicycle racks; brake pads for automobiles; brakes shoes for vehicles; roll bars for vehicles; shock absorbers for vehicles; torsion bars for vehicles; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; gear boxes for land vehicles; brakes for vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; transmissions, for land vehicles; vessels and their parts and fittings; ships; boats; water bikes [personal watercrafts]; air-cushion vehicles; fenders for ships; aircraft and their parts and fittings; air vehicles; antiglare devices for vehicles; doors for vehicles; headrests for vehicle seats; spoilers for vehicles; seat covers for vehicles; vehicle covers [shaped]; horns for vehicles; anti-skid chains; clutches for land vehicles; mudguards; rearview mirrors; direction signals for vehicles; luggage carriers for vehicles; pedals and pedal pads for bicycles, cycles and automobiles; vehicle wheels, their structural parts and their structural fittings; luggage nets for vehicles; lug nuts for vehicle wheels; fuel tank lids for vehicles; gear lever knobs for vehicles; fitted liners for the cargo area of vehicles; AC motors or DC motors for land vehicles [not including "their parts"]; motors, electric, for land vehicles; antitheft alarms for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; wheelchairs; railway rolling stock and their parts and fittings; rickshaws; sleighs and sleds [vehicles]; trolleys; carts; horse drawn carriages; bicycle trailers [Riyakah]; adhesive rubber patches for repairing tubes or tires; baby carriage [prams]; drink holders for vehicles. Klasse 14 Clocks and watches, their parts and accessories; horological and chronometric instruments; lanyards for clocks and watches; lanyards for wrist watches; clock straps; cuff links; ornamental lapel pins; ornamental pins; personal ornaments [jewelry]; key rings of precious metal; straps for key rings; chain for key rings; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; key rings of leather; key rings with name plate; key tags of leather; key tags of plastic; key tags of precious metal; precious metals and their alloys; gold and its alloys; silver and its alloys; platinum and its alloys; castings, foils, powders, and rolled, drawn or extruded semi-finished products of gold or its alloys; ingots of precious metal; precious stones; unwrought and semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations; jewellery; shoe ornaments of precious metal; jewellery cases; trophies [prize cups]; commemorative shields; busts of precious metal; figures (statuettes) of precious metal; works of art of precious metal; coins; medals; lanyards for holding keys. Klasse 16 Books in the field of hiking; calendars; printed matter; plans; operating manual; geographical maps; atlases; road maps; magazines; newspapers; periodicals; posters; printed timetables; books; picture postcards; catalogues; newsletters; textbooks; trading cards other than for games; color chart cards; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); pens; book markers; stationery; padfolios; notebooks; stickers; stickers for automobiles; straps and lanyards for name card; straps and lanyards for identity card or others; tags; bookbinding material; cardboards for book cover; papers for book cover; paper and cardboard; photographs; photograph stands; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; molds for modelling clays [artists' materials]; paintings and calligraphic works; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); bags [pouches] of plastics, for packaging; paper bag and sacks; corrugated cardboard boxes; containers of paper, for packaging; printers' type; printing blocks; 133

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 printing type; pennants of paper; banners of paper; flags of paper; hygienic hand towels of paper; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; hand towels of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; napkins of paper for removing make-up; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); office requisites (except furniture), namely, addressing machines; ink ribbons; automatic stamp affixing machines; electric staplers for offices; envelope sealing machines, for offices; stamp obliterating machines; drawing instruments; typewriters; check writers; mimeographs; relief duplicators; paper shredders [for office use]; hectographs; franking machines for office use; postage meters for office use; rotary duplicators; baggage tags; baggage tags of paper or cardboard; lanyards for holding name tags; paper tissues. Klasse 18 Umbrellas, and their parts and fittings; sunshades; umbrellas and parasols; cases for umbrella; beach parasols; rucksacks; leather pouches; grocery bags; trunks [luggage]; trunks and travelling bags; backpacks; duffel bags; all-purpose carrying bags; bags for sports; tote bags; key cases; shoulder bags; suitcases; purses; wallets; coin cases; coin purses; card cases [notecases]; lanyards for bags and pouches; lanyards for bag; lanyards for travelling trunks; bags; pouches; animal skins, hides; leather and imitations of leather; bands of leather; leather straps; leather and fur [unworked or semi-worked]; rawhides; raw skins; tanned leather; fur skin; leather and fur (unworked or semi-worked); walking sticks; canes; metal parts of canes and walking-sticks; handles for canes and walking-sticks; whips; harness and saddlery; saddlery; industrial packaging containers of leather; clothing for domestic pets; leads for dogs; harnesses for pets; animal leashes; collars for animals; name tags for animals; vanity cases [not fitted]; leather straps; handbag frames; purse frames; horseshoes; buckles for bags; tool bags; tool bags of leather; sling bags for carrying babies and infants. Klasse 20 Chairs; seats; stools; furniture; mirrors; furniture for camping; outdoor furniture; furniture for recreational use; beds for camping; picture frames; cushions; Japanese floor cushions [zabuton]; pillows; mattresses; cushions for neck; cushions for lower back; nameplates and door nameplates [not of metal]; number plates, not of metal; number plates, not of metal for vehicles; registration plates, not of metal; hand-held flat fans; hand-held folding fans; benches; industrial packaging containers of wood, bamboo or plastics; containers for transport [not of metal]; handling pallets, not of metal; loading pallets, not of metal; reservoirs, not of metal nor of masonry; tanks, not of metal nor of masonry; indoor window blinds [shade] [furniture]; blinds of reed, rattan or bamboo [sudare]; bead curtains for decoration; window shades; plastic key cards, not encoded; key tags of non-metal; key rings of non-metal; shopping baskets; tool boxes [not of metal]; carrying cases for household pets; baggage tags of wood; baggage tags of plastic. Klasse 21 Kitchen utensils; kitchen containers; kitchen equipment [not including "gas water heaters [for household purposes], non-electric cooking heaters [for household purposes], kitchen worktops and kitchen sinks"]; mugs; cups; plastic water bottles and attached carabiner clip sold as a unit; drinking glasses, namely, tumblers; stainless steel thermos; portable beverage coolers; reusable stainless steel water bottles sold empty; jugs; utensils for barbecues, namely, tongs, turners; drinking flasks; drinking flasks for travelers; brushes for sweeping snow; coasters, not of paper or textile; bowls [basins]; heat-insulated containers; spatulas [kitchen utensils]; outdoor griddles [cooking utensils]; mess-tins [rice cooking canteens]; drinking glasses; whisks [non-electric]; cooking strainers; shakers; hand-operated coffee grinders and pepper mills; Japanese style personal dining trays or stands [zen]; cooking graters; tart scoops; chopping boards for kitchen use; pan-mats; rolling pins [for cooking purposes]; cooking grills; lemon squeezers [citrus juicers]; waffle irons [non-electric]; cleaning tools and washing utensils; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool for cleaning; scrubbing brushes; scrubbing brushes for automobile; cases for scrubbing brushes for washing automobile; sponges for washing automobile; household or kitchen utensils; gardening bags and shovels sold as gardening kits; flower pots; hydroponic apparatus for domestic horticultural purposes; watering cans; feeding vessels for pets; brushes for pets; chewing goods for pet dogs; bird cages; bird baths; trays for pets; unworked or semiworked glass (except glass used in building); crystal glassware; ceramics, potteries and porcelains for household purposes; ceramics for household purposes; drink holders; brushes (except paint brushes); tub brushes; metal brushes; brushes for pipes; industrial brushes; ship-scrubbing brushes; brush-making materials; cattle hair for brushes, raccoon dog hair for brushes, pig bristles for brushes and horsehair for brushes; boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels; soap dispensers; combs and toilet sponges; cosmetic and toilet utensils; tooth brushes [non-electric]; cosmetic and toilet utensils (portable); piggy banks; toilet paper holders; clothes brushes; drink holders; drink holders for vehicles; portable cold boxes [nonelectric]; Japanese style wooden pestles [surikogi]; Japanese style earthenware mortars [suribachi]. Klasse 22 Awnings, for vessels; tarpaulins, for ships; sails; awnings, not for ships; tarpaulins, not for ships; tents, not for camping; ropes, string; knitted cords; Japanese style cords [sanada-himo]; cordage; hammocks; cotton waddings for clothes; futon bags; cotton batting for futon; nets, not of metal; netting [not of metal]; network; tents; mountaineering ropes; tents for mountaineering or camping; sacks and bags of textile, for packaging; envelopes and pouches of textile, for packaging; industrial packaging containers of textile; padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); padding materials, not of rubber or plastics; stuffing, not of rubber or plastic; raw fibrous textile materials; raw textile fibers; sails for windsurfing; elastic bands for binding; industrial packaging containers of straw; feathers and downs; wax ends. Klasse 24 Woven textile goods for personal use; hand towels of textiles; face towels of textiles; pennants, not of paper; banners and flags [not of paper]; cloth flags; nylon flags; fleece blankets; bed covers; bedspreads; blankets for outdoor use; blankets; coverlets [bedspreads]; mosquito nets; bed sheets; futon quilts; futon and quilts case [linen]; futon ticks [unstuffed futon]; pillowcases [pillow slips]; textiles; woven fabrics; table covers; table cloths [not of paper]; seat covers of textile; wall hangings of textile; curtains; draperies [thick drop curtains]; table napkins of textile; household linen products; coasters [table linen]; glass cloths [towels]; dish towels for drying. Klasse 25 Jumpers [pullovers]; non-japanese style outer clothing; coats; sweaters; shirts; nightwear; underwear [underclothing]; swimwear [bathing suits]; swimming caps [bathing caps]; camisoles; Japanese traditional clothing; sleep masks; aprons [clothing]; collar protectors [for wear]; socks and stockings; puttees and gaiters; fur stoles; shawls; scarves [scarfs]; Japanese style socks [tabi]; Japanese style socks covers [tabi covers]; gloves and mittens [clothing]; neckerchieves; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; thermal supporters (clothing); mufflers; ear muffs [clothing]; nightcaps; jacket (clothing); T-shirts; golf shirts; caps [headgear]; knitted caps; polo shirts; golf shirts; dress shirts; shirts; blouses; neckties; sweat shirts; sleeveless tops; baseball caps; pullovers; rompers; visors; tank tops; hoodies; vests; bandanas; ponchos; socks; mufflers (clothing); clothing, headgear; footwear; footwear [other than special footwear for sports]; shoes and boots; tongue or pull strap for shoes and boots; protective metal members for shoes and boots; Japanese style wooden clogs [geta]; Japanese style sandals [zori]; garters; sock suspenders; suspenders [braces]; waistbands; belts for clothing; masquerade costumes; 134

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 clothes for sports; clothes for water sports; special footwear for sports; horse-riding boots; windsurfing shoes; shoe dowels; shoe pegs; hobnails. Klasse 26 Lace and embroidery; knitted raschel lace fabrics; embroidery lace fabrics; tapes [semi-finished]; ribbons and braids; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; hooks [haberdashery]; buttons; belt clasps; fastenings for clothing; hook and pile fastening tapes; slide fasteners [zippers]; eyelets for clothing; pins, other than jewellery; insignias for wear [not of precious metal]; buckles for clothing [clothing buckles]; badges for wear [not of precious metal]; brooches for clothing; special sash clips for obi [obi-dome]; bonnet pins [not of precious metal]; ornamental adhesive patches for jackets; brassards; emblems; needles; artificial flowers; artificial garlands and wreaths; hair ornaments; hair bands; hair ribbons; barrette (hair-slides); shoe ornaments [not of precious metal]; shoe eyelets; shoe laces; metal fasteners for shoes and boots; shoe buckles; armband for holding sleeves; trouser clips for cyclists; electric hair curlers; tufts and tassels [semifinished]; false beards; false moustaches; hair curlers [non-electric]; braids; starched braids; twist braids. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; floor mats, rugs and mats for camping; wall hangings (non-textile); tapestry [wall hangings], not of textile; carpets for automobiles; floor mats for vehicles; wallpaper; gymnastic mats; artificial turf; tatami mats and the like; bath mats for wash places. Klasse 28 Sports equipment; flying discs (sports equipment); climbers' harness; sports equipment for surfing, waterskiing and scuba diving; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; golf ball markers; divot repair tool for golfers; golf accessories set sold as a unit comprised primarily of a golf ball markers, divot repair tool for golfers; head covers for golf clubs; golf balls; lanyards for golf bag; name tags for golf bag; golf equipments and their accessories; games and playthings; remote control toys, namely, cars, race cars; toy cars for ornamental use; toy vehicles; flying discs [toys]; plastic flying rings [toys]; flying torpedo [toys]; toy mountain bicycles; decorations for Christmas trees; apparatus for consumer games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; home video game consoles used with televisions and arcade-based video game consoles; toys; dolls; lanyards for toys and dolls; go games; Japanese chess [shogi games]; dice; Japanese dice games [sugoroku]; dice cups; Chinese checkers; chess games; checkers [checker sets]; conjuring apparatus; dominoes; Japanese playing cards [utagaruta]; Japanese playing cards [hanafuda]; playing cards; mah-jong; trading card games; game machines and apparatus; billiard equipment; toys for domestic pets; nylon toy bone for use as pet toys; amusement machines and apparatus for use in amusement parks; arcade video game machines; fishing tackle; insect collectors' articles; butterfly nets; insect collector's boxes. Klasse 34 Tobacco; cigars; smokers' articles; lighters for smokers [cigarette lighters]; lighters cases; tobacco pipes; ashtrays for smokers; portable ashtrays; ashtrays for vehicles; matches; match boxes. Klasse 35 Commercial information and advice for consumers (consumer advice shop); automobile information services provided to consumers regarding pricing, appraisals, credit, customer services, sale process, sale of automobiles, sale of automobile parts; providing information concerning commercial sales of automobiles and their parts and fittings; marketing information relating to automobiles; providing information concerning commercial sales, via the Internet; providing information concerning commercial sales in the field of vehicles; providing information concerning commercial sales; business management analysis or business consultancy; marketing research or analysis; business management of hotels; administrative management of fan club or user club in the field of vehicles; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising and publicity services; organization or management and conducting of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes in the field of vehicles and their parts and fittings; employment agencies; motor vehicle mechanic referral; referral of auto driver, pilot, airman, train operator or ship pilot; auctioneering; auctioneering via Internet; retail services or wholesale services for foods, beverages and dietary supplements; retail services or wholesale services for two-wheeled motor vehicles; retail services or wholesale services for bicycles; retail services or wholesale services for astrometric telescope, photographic machines and apparatus and photographic supplies; retail services or wholesale services for construction machines and apparatus and loading-unloading machines and apparatus; retail services or wholesale services for printed matter; retail services or wholesale services for paper and stationery; retail services or wholesale services for tobaccos and smokers' articles; retail services or wholesale services for racing wear and racing footwear for auto races and auto rally; retail services or wholesale services for sports goods; retail services or wholesale services for clocks, watches, sunglasses and spectacles [eyeglasses and goggles]; retail services or wholesale services for woven fabrics and beddings; retail services or wholesale services for cages, carry bags, baskets, cushions, beds, blankets, pillows, clothing, toys, leads, ornaments (jewellery), feeding vessels and litter trays for household pets; retail services or wholesale services for footwear [other than special footwear for sports]; retail services or wholesale services for kitchen equipment, cleaning tools and washing utensils; retail services or wholesale services for furniture; retail services or wholesale services for joinery fittings; retail services or wholesale services for tatami mats; retail services or wholesale services for automobiles, their structural parts and their structural fittings; retail services or wholesale services for industrial oil; retail services or wholesale services for current generators, including direct current generators and alternating current generators; retail services or wholesale services for electrical machinery and apparatuses; retail services or wholesale services for key rings [trinkets or fobs] and commemorative shields; retail services or wholesale services for toys, dolls, game machines and apparatus; retail services or wholesale services for clothing; retail services or wholesale services for bags and pouches; retail services or wholesale services for personal articles; retail services or wholesale services for bladed or pointed hand tools, hand tools, hardware; retail services or wholesale services for multipurpose engines other than for land vehicles; retail services or wholesale services for nonelectric prime movers and boilers; retail services or wholesale services for engines for land vehicles; retail services or wholesale services for pumps; retail services or wholesale services for pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; retail services or wholesale services for agricultural machines, implements and supplies; retail services or wholesale services for lawnmowers; retail services or wholesale services for machine elements; retail services or wholesale services for flowers [natural] and trees; retail services or wholesale services for fuel; retail services or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; retail services or wholesale services for cleaning, washing and polishing preparations for vehicles; retail services or wholesale services for cleaning, washing and polishing preparations for vehicles; retail services or wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents; providing business information on newspaper art icles in the field of automobiles; providing business information on newspaper articles. Klasse 36 Financial analysis; monetary analysis; financial consultancy; financial information services; brokerage for hire-purchase, and providing their information; credit and cash card services; debit card services; electronic 135

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 funds transfer; issue of cash cards; brokerage and provision of information for installment purchase services, credit card services and cash card services; financing relating automobiles, installment loans; information on issuance and using of credit cards; agencies of recruiting and administration of credit cards members; acceptance of deposits [including substitute bond issuance] and acceptance of fixed interval installment deposits; automobile loans; financing services; loans [financing] and discount of bills; domestic exchange settlement; liability guarantee and acceptance of bills; securities lending; acquisition and transfer of monetary claims; safekeeping of valuables including securities and precious metals [safe deposit services]; safe deposit services; exchanging money; trusteeship of financial futures contracts; trusteeship of money, securities, monetary claims, personal property, land, rights on land fixtures, surface rights or lease on land; agencies for bond subscriptions; foreign exchange transactions; letter-of-credit related services; brokerage of credit purchase; management of buildings; agency services for the leasing or rental of buildings; leasing or renting of buildings; purchase and sale of buildings; agency services for the purchase or sale of buildings; real estate appraisal; land management; agency services for the leasing or rental of land; leasing of land; purchase and sale of land; agency services for the purchase or sales of land; consultancy and providing information on management of building or land; real estate affairs; providing information on buildings or land [real estate affairs]; issue of tokens of value; issue of prepaid cards; automobile accident insurance underwriting; insurance; insurance of motor vehicles; agencies of comprehensive guarantee contracts for motor vehicles; insurance underwriting; life insurance brokerage; life insurance underwriting; agencies for non-life insurance; claim adjustment for non-life insurance; non-life insurance underwriting; insurance premium rate computing; repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]; insurance consultancy; insurance information; used automobile information services provided to consumers regarding appraisals and credit; appraisal for buyback price of used automobiles; appraisal for used automobiles and their parts and fittings; used automobiles appraisal; charitable fund raising. Klasse 37 Repair, maintenance and painting of automobiles; constructions; generator installation; automobile parts manufacturing machines and systems installation; building construction; vehicle factory construction; parking space construction; automobile parts and fittings' manufacturing machines and systems installation; machinery installation; general building construction works; shipbuilding; repair or maintenance of snowmobiles; repair or maintenance of vessels; repair or maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of telecommunication machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]; repair or maintenance of agricultural machines and implements; repair or maintenance of automobile maintenance machines and implements; repair and rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed; aircraft repair or maintenance; repair and maintenance of automobiles and their parts and fittings; car wash; car cleaning; repair or maintenance of railway rolling stocks; repair or maintenance of two-wheeled motor vehicles; burglar alarm installation and repair; repair and maintenance of electric motors other than for land vehicles; repair or maintenance of power distribution or control machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of power generators; repair or maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus [for industrial purposes]; repair or maintenance of burners; repair or maintenance of boilers; repair and maintenance of pumps; repair or maintenance of freezing machines and apparatus; repair of bicycles; repair or maintenance of construction machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of loading-unloading machines and apparatus. (111) 1219034 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201411746 (151) Reg.dato: 2014.05.06 (180) Registreringer 2024.05.06 (220) Inndato: 2014.10.16 MABRUN Mabrun S.p.A., Via Sant' Andrea, 14/16, IT-36061 BASSANO DEL GRAPPA (VI), Italia (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, big umbrellas and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, handbags, handbag frames, vanity cases, not fitted, waist packs (pouches), briefcases, trunks and travelling bags, travelling sets (leatherware), travel bags, sports bags, rucksacks, document cases, slings for carrying infants, beach bags, pocket wallets, bags for campers, attaché cases, boxes and cases of leather or leatherboard, net bags for shopping, shopping bags, purses, hat boxes of leather, game bags (hunting accessories), card cases (notecases), sling bags for carrying infants, garment bags for travel, key cases (leatherware), satchels, bags for shoes, bandoliers, wheeled shopping bags, haversacks, shoulder straps, bags (envelopes, pouches) of leather, for packaging, empty tool bags of leather; small leather goods; vanity cases, not fitted. Klasse 25 Clothing (excluding stockings, socks, underwear, swimwear, nightwear and pyjamas), footwear, headgear; clothing for men, women and children; trousers, jackets (clothing), costumes, coats, dresses, blouses, shirts, skirts, t-shirts, sports jerseys, sweatshirts; bathing suits, bikinis, bathing trunks, bath robes, bathing caps; underclothing, underwear; corsets; tights, stockings, socks; belts, scarves, gloves, braces for clothing (suspenders), shawls, headbands; layettes [clothing]; ties; men's, women's and children's footwear. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retailing and wholesaling in relation to goods in the field of the fashion and textile industries, clothing (excluding stockings, socks, underwear, swimwear, nightwear and pyjamas), footwear, headgear, fashion clothing (excluding stockings, socks, underwear, swimwear, nightwear and pyjamas)and fashion accessories(excluding stockings, socks, underwear, swimwear, nightwear and pyjamas), spectacles and sunglasses, bags, travel accessories and travel requisites, luggage, clocks and watches and jewellery, cosmetics, perfumery, entertainment electronics, stationery, leather and small items of leatherware, the furniture industry, household goods and furnishings and decorations, foodstuffs and beverages, including on the Internet; business consultancy and advisory services; professional business and business organizational consultancy, development of professional business and organisational concepts; organisation and arranging of advertising events; marketing, marketing studies and market analysis; publication of publicity texts; updating of advertising material; distribution of products for advertising purposes; arranging and organising of advertising; advertising consultation services; online advertising on computer networks; business administration of licences; franchising, namely providing of business know-how; organising and conducting exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; consultancy relating to business organisation; presentation of companies on the internet and other media; collating and systematic ordering of 136

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 data in a computer database; organisation of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; dissemination of advertisements; public relations services; arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of goods or the providing of services, in particular via networks, including the internet; presentation of goods and services on websites accessed via networks; sales promotion (for others); presentation of goods and services, for others, on the internet; arranging contracts, for others, for the selling of goods, including via the internet, online shops or teleshopping channels; business management for shops; organizational and business advice for franchise concepts; arranging commercial transactions, for others; arranging of contracts, for others, for the providing of services; professional business consultancy with regard to retail distribution systems; providing information relating to all the aforesaid goods through advertising in periodicals, brochures and newspapers; organization of exhibition and presentation of goods for advertising purposes; sales promotion, for others, professional business consultancy relating to retail sales systems; bringing together, for others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof) for presentation and sales purposes, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; none of the aforementioned service relating to stocking, socks, underwear, swimwear, nightwear and pyjamas. (111) 1222887 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201413375 (151) Reg.dato: 2014.07.17 (180) Registreringer 2024.07.17 (220) Inndato: 2014.11.20 KENU Kenu, Inc., 560 Alabama Street, US-CA94110 SAN FRANCISCO, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Bags and cases specially adapted for holding or carrying portable telephones and telephone equipment and accessories; cases for music, audio and related electronic equipment, namely, cases for audio tuners, audio receivers, amplifiers, tape players, compact disc players, MP3 controllers/players, audio mixers, audio speakers in the nature of music studio monitors, microphones, audio speakers, compact discs, audio tapes, portable computers, antennas, phonographic record players, audio recording equipment, and the cables associated with all of the foregoing equipment; cell phone cases; smartphone cases; tablet cases; portable audio speakers; devices for hands-free use of mobile telephones; smartphone mounts; PC tablet mounts; adjustable smartphone and PC tablet stabilizers and mounts; wireless adapters for computers, mobile devices, smartphones and PC tablets; power supply connectors and adaptors for use with portable electronic devices; mobile device accessory in the nature of a leash designed to securely tether mobile devices to the user, featuring an elastic coil where one end connects to the mobile device and the other to the user; peripheral devices for mobile computers, smartphones, and portable computers. (111) 1225515 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201414192 (151) Reg.dato: 2014.07.25 (180) Registreringer 2024.07.25 (220) Inndato: 2014.12.04 RLX RALPH LAUREN The Polo/Lauren Company LP, 650 Madison Avenue, US-NY10022 NEW YORK, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Binoculars, pince-nez cases, pince-nez, pince-nez cases, eyeglass chains, eyeglass cords, eyeglass frames, eyeglass chains, eyeglass cords, eyeglasses, spectacle cases, spectacle frames, spectacle lenses, spectacles (optics), cases for sunglasses, straps for sunglasses, frames for sunglasses, chains for sunglasses, sunglasses. Klasse 18 Attache cases, backpacks, beach bags, briefcases (leather goods), walking sticks, card cases (wallets), handbags, key cases, shoulder belts (straps) of leather, parasols, wallets, purses, clutch bags, school satchels, satchels, shopping bags, suitcases (carrying cases), covers for suits, shirts and dresses, travel bags, traveling trunks, suitcases, umbrellas, wallets. Klasse 25 Clothing for men, women and children, footwear, headgear for wear. (111) 1250107 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201508439 (151) Reg.dato: 2014.11.13 (180) Registreringer 2024.11.13 (220) Inndato: 2015.07.09 Iris Hantverk AB, SE-12288 ENSKEDE, Sverige Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 20 Mirrors (excluding unprocessed mirror glass); picture frames; furniture; clothes racks by wood and cane; clothes hangers by wood, cane and plastics; log racks by wood and cane; log carriers by wood and cane; art and utility products by wood and cane; baskets and wicker products; interial design items (furniture). Klasse 21 Utensils and containers for household or kitchen (not 137

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 of precious metal or coated therewith); towel hangers, towel dryer stands; drying racks; shoe scrapes by wood, brush or plastic; carpet beater; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-factory material; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool for domestic use; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware (except glass, flat glass, glazing and coated or anti-glare glass), porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Klasse 27 Carpets. Klasse 35 Business management, business administration, office functions; retailing of crafts, brushes, textiles, furnitures, home furnishings, cleaning items. Klasse 40 Brush-factory and the production of art and everyday items of preferably wood, cane, concrete, glass, plastics and textiles for third party; manufacturing of furniture and articles for everyday use for third party. (111) 1258317 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201509270 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.06.02 (180) Registreringer 2025.06.02 (220) Inndato: 2015.07.30 SPIRIO Steinway, Inc., One Steinway Place, US-NY11105 LONG ISLAND, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Audio recordings featuring music for use with electronic systems that allow a piano to function as a player piano; downloadable mobile applications for programming and sending music files to player pianos. Klasse 15 Pianos; piano components sold as a unit with pianos in the nature of electronic systems that enable a piano to play pre-recorded music. (111) 1262153 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201510385 (151) Reg.dato: 2014.12.18 (180) Registreringer 2024.12.18 (220) Inndato: 2015.08.27 DIRTY DANCING Lions Gate Entertainment Inc, 2700 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200, US-CA90404 SANTA MONICA, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Motion picture films featuring dramatic and musical performances; musical sound recordings, musical video recording; digital media, namely, pre-recorded DVDs, downloadable audio and video recordings and CDs featuring and promoting motion pictures, music, and dance workouts; decorative magnets; mouse pads; covers for cell phones and tablet computers; computer game software for use with personal computers; box sets containing prerecorded DVDs digital downloads, and books all featuring and promoting motion pictures, dancing and music. Klasse 16 Blank journals; books and souvenir programs relating to motion pictures, music, and theatrical productions; calendars; framed art prints; photographic prints; photographs mounted as life-size cardboard cutouts; postcards; posters; sheet music; song books; stickers. Klasse 18 All purpose carrying bags; tote bags. Klasse 21 Beverageware; plastic water bottles sold empty. Klasse 25 Clothing, namely, baby bibs of cloth, dresses, jackets, jerseys, scarves, shirts; clothing, namely, t-shirts, hooded shirts, infantwear, maternity shirts, pants, shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts, tank tops, windshirts, and headwear. Klasse 41 Production and distribution of motion pictures; live theatrical performances; live musical performances; providing information relating to motion pictures, dancing, music, and live theatrical performances; providing a website featuring non-downloadable, prerecorded multimedia files, information, and photographs relating to motion pictures, dancing, music, and live theatrical performances; online journals, namely, blogs relating to motion pictures, dancing, music, and live theatrical performances. (111) 1263832 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201511007 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.07.15 (180) Registreringer 2025.07.15 (220) Inndato: 2015.09.10 SIRFLOX Sirtex Technology Pty Ltd., Level 33, 101 Miller Street, AU-NSW2060 NORTH SYDNEY, Australia (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; biological preparations tor medical and veterinary purposes; capsules and particles for medical and pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for medical and pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; drugs for medical purposes; microcapsules; microscopic particles containing radioactive material; microcapsules containing pharmaceutical, veterinary or medical preparations; microcapsules and microparticles adapted to selectively deliver material for medical and veterinary purposes, including radioactive materials, chemical agents and heat, to a target site such as a cell or organ; microscopic particles and microcapsules for the treatment of cancer and other diseased cells; microscopic particles adapted to selectively deliver material for medical and veterinary purposes, including radioactive materials, chemical agents and heat, to a target site such as a cell or organ. Klasse 42 Medical research; scientific research for medical purposes; research and development of medical and veterinary products and for medical and veterinary purposes, including pharmaceuticals, microcapsules, microparticles, radioactive materials, chemical agents and preparations, cancer treatments and treatments for diseased cells; research relating to molecular sciences, pharmaceuticals, drugs, chemicals and biotechnology. (111) 1267000 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201512155 (151) Reg.dato: 2014.12.10 (180) Registreringer 2024.12.10 (220) Inndato: 2015.10.01 nora nora systems GmbH, Hoehnerweg 2-4, DE-69469 WEINHEIM, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Adhesives for floor coverings. Klasse 2 Primers; lacquers for floor coverings. Klasse 17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum; sheets and sheetings 138

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 made of rubber or gum, especially for floors; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; sheets and sheetings made of plastic, especially for floors; plastics products in the form of profiles [semi-finished]; packing, stopping and insulating materials; sealants for joints; joint filling compounds; joint packings; gap filling tapes; adhesive strips for commercial use; adhesive tapes for technical purposes; adhesive tapes for use with floor coverings. Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic); tiles; floor tiles, not of metal; tile floorings, not of metal; floor tiles of rubber; floor tiles of plastic; floors, not of metal; skirtings for floors, not of metal; non-metallic profiles for building construction; non-metallic stair components; stair treads not of metal; non-metallic surfacings for stairs; building materials for manufacturing floors (nonmetallic); surface levelling preparations for floors; fillers for repairing floors and walls; synthetic flooring materials or wall claddings; adhesive mortar for building purposes; stair edgings of rubber or plastics. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; floor coverings of rubber and synthetic rubber; floor coverings of plastic; floor coverings; wall coverings of rubber; wall coverings of plastic. (111) 1268500 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201512656 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.01.14 (180) Registreringer 2025.01.14 (220) Inndato: 2015.10.15 WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbh, Hansastraße 27, DE-32423 MINDEN, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Motors and engines (except for land vehicles), in particular driving motors other than for land vehicles, speed governors for machines, engines and motors, electric motors, other than for land vehicles, hydraulic engines and motors, hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines, pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines; machine coupling and transmission components, except for land vehicles, in particular torque converters other than for land vehicles, gear boxes other than for land vehicles, couplings other than for land vehicles, clutches other than for land vehicles; pressure regulators (parts of machines), pressure valves (parts of machines), elevators (lifts), electric window openers, hydraulic window openers, pneumatic window openers, electric window closers, hydraulic window closers, pneumatic window closers, belts for conveyors, conveyors (machines), moulds (parts of machines), lifting and hoisting apparatus, handling apparatus for loading and unloading, lift operating apparatus, housings (parts of machines), regulators (parts of machines), robots (machines), electric door openers, hydraulic door openers, pneumatic door openers, electric door closers, hydraulic door closers, pneumatic door closers, alternators, tools (parts of machines); generators of electricity, in particular electric ac current generators; machines and machine tools for treatment of materials Klasse 8 Klasse 9 and for manufacturing, in particular moulds for injection moulding tools, process control instruments [hydraulic], process control instruments [hydraulic], process control units [hydraulic], process control units [hydraulic], modular tools for machines, process control units [pneumatic]; engines and motors, power trains, and generic machine parts, in particular drives for conveyor installations, driving devices for machines, actuators for valves, rotary to linear actuators, drive mechanisms, transmission shafts for machines, actuators for valves, speed governors for machines, engines and motors, compressed air pilot valves, pressure controllers [valves] being parts of machines, pressure controllers [valves] being parts of machines, electric driving motors for machines, electric alternators for machines, electric motors, except for land vehicles, electric driving motors for machines, electric motors for machines with a digital servo drive controller, gear units for machines, gear units, except for land vehicles, gear motors, except for land vehicles, gear units for machines, direct current motors, hydraulic engines and motors, hydraulic valves, hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines, hydraulic actuators, industrial process controllers [hydraulic], industrial process controllers [pneumatic], power transmission parts [other than for land vehicles], power transmissions [other than for land vehicles], couplings (machines), except for land vehicles, power transmission couplings for machines, linear actuators, linear actuators, linear motors, except for land vehicles, machine guides [parts of machines], clack valves [parts of machines], pneumatic actuating apparatus, pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines, pneumatic valve actuators, rotary actuators, indexing drives, speed changers, servomotors, servomotors incorporating encoders, servo-control valves, actuators for valves, actuators for valves, alternating current motors; robots, in particular industrial robots; moving and transportation devices, in particular conveyor installations and belts for conveyors, lifting and elevating apparatus, lifts and moving staircases (escalators), opening and closing mechanisms, robot control apparatus; conveyors and conveyors belts, in particular pneumatic distributors; lifting and elevating apparatus, lifts and moving staircases (elevators), in particular drive equipment for lift installations; opening and closing mechanisms, in particular electric window openers, window openers, hydraulic, window openers, pneumatic, window closers, electric, window closers, hydraulic, window closers, pneumatic, door openers, electric, door openers, hydraulic, door openers (pneumatic), door closers, electric, door closers, hydraulic, door closers, pneumatic; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Hand tools and implements (hand-operated), in particular wire strippers (hand tools), screwdrivers, pliers; hand tools and implements (hand-operated) for treatment of materials, and for construction, repair and maintenance work, in particular hand tools and implements, hand tools for construction, repair and maintenance work; hand tools for construction, repair and maintenance work, in particular hand-operated crimping tools, wire strippers [hand tools], wire strippers, combined wire strippers and cutters (handoperated), combination pliers, non-electric screwdrivers, screwdrivers, nippers [hand operated tools]. Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, in particular alarms, ammeters, testing apparatus not for medical purposes, antennas, detectors, diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes, revolution counters, pressure measuring apparatus, dynamometers, electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations, remote control apparatus, fire alarms, frequency meters, high-frequency apparatus, electric checking (supervision) apparatus, measuring devices, measuring instruments, ohmmeters, oscillographs, 139

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 smoke detectors, transmitters of electronic signals, luminous or mechanical signals, electro-dynamic remote control of signals, electric loss indicators, thermometers, not for medical purposes, thermostats, transponders, electric monitoring apparatus, surveying apparatus and instruments, voltmeters, heat regulating apparatus; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, in particular branch boxes (electricity), storage accumulators (electric), junction boxes (electricity), connections for electric lines, limiters (electricity), electric coils, transformers (electricity), electric resistances, capacitors, remote switches, semiconductors, inductors (electricity), wire connectors (electricity), switchboards (electricity), terminals (electricity), comparators, electric contacts, electric couplings, battery chargers, electric conductors, solenoid valves (electromagnetic switches), electric relays, commutators, electric apparatus for commutation, integrated circuits, distribution consoles (electricity), switchboards, control panels (electricity), current rectifiers, electrified rails for mounting spot lights, circuit breakers, electric converters, step-up transformers, electronic transistors, voltage surge protectors, junction sleeves for electric cables, connectors (electricity), distribution boxes (electricity), distribution boards (electricity); data processing hardware, computers, in particular magnetic encoders, peripherals adapted for use with computers, data processing apparatus, couplers [data processing equipment], readers (data processing equipment), microprocessors, modems, monitors [computer hardware], computer memory devices, central processing units; computer software for industrial automation, building and vehicle control, in particular recorded computer operating programs, computer programs [downloadable software], interfaces for computers, monitors [computer programs], computer software applications, downloadable; measuring, identification and surveillance instruments, devices and regulators, in particular electric display apparatus, notice boards, torque sensors, rotary encoders, electric power analysis apparatus, checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments, measuring, counting, guiding and calibrating instruments, logic probes, electronic indication panels, measuring transducers, transducers, physical analysis equipment, other than for medical purposes, testing and quality control equipment, sensors and detectors, control mechanisms (regulators), monitoring instruments and apparatus, multipurpose fault analysis equipment, converters, power supply for converters; testing and quality control apparatus, in particular electric testing instruments, electrical circuit testers, electrical circuit testers, power testers, voltage monitor modules, voltage testers, power testers, temperature sensitive testing apparatus for industrial use; measuring, counting, guiding and calibrating instruments, in particular distance and size measuring instruments and apparatus, acceleration sensors, data loggers and data recorders, digital measuring devices, torque measuring apparatus, dosage dispensers, flow measuring apparatus, flow meters, electric measuring devices, electric current meters, electronic sensors, electronic measuring devices, telemeters, filling level meters, speed measuring instruments and apparatus, weight measuring instruments and apparatus, phase angle meters, electricity metering instruments and apparatus, temperature measurement instruments and apparatus, ultrasonic measuring apparatus, volumetric measuring apparatus, timing apparatus; sensors and detectors, in particular distance sensors, approximation detectors, flame detectors, fire detectors, fire sensors, pressure sensors, electric smoke sensors, electric smoke sensors, electric sensors, electronic sensors, electrooptical sensors, on-off sensors, level sensors, cable detectors, light sensors, magnetic sensors, approximation detectors, proximity sensors, piezoelectric sensors, interfaces for detectors, sensor, electric, sensors used in plant control, sensors for engines, sensors for use with machine tools, voltage detectors, ultrasound probes, other than for medical use, ultrasonic sensors, thermal sensors [thermostats], heat sensors; controllers (regulators), in particular automatic control equipment, automatic control apparatus, process control digital controllers, pressure regulators, electronic cruise control apparatus, flow control installations [electric], electrical remote control apparatus, electric power controllers, electronic cruise control apparatus, process control units [electric], electric control valves, electrical control boards, robotic electrical control apparatus, electrical controls, electric control installations, electric control apparatus, electric control valves, valve operators [electric controls], electrical remote control apparatus, electronic cruise control apparatus, process controlling apparatus [electronic], electronic regulators, electronic controllers, electro-dynamic remote control apparatus, energy control devices, remote control apparatus, remote control apparatus, instruments for temperature control, electrical controllers, electric power controllers, solenoid operated valves, solenoid operated valves, numerical control apparatus, programmable control apparatus, programmable controllers, process controlling apparatus [electric], process controlling apparatus [electronic], process controlling apparatus [electronic], room thermostats, electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote control of signals, industrial process control software, remote, electric or electronic control stations, temperature control apparatus [thermostats] for machines, heat regulating apparatus, temperature controlling apparatus for machines, thermal controls [thermostats], thermal cut offs; security, safety, protective and signalling apparatus and equipment, in particular alarm buttons, alarm and warning equipment, fire protection apparatus, smoke detectors, smoke sensors, protection and safety equipment, security screening apparatus, signalling apparatus, access control apparatus; apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity, in particular apparatus and instruments for accumulating and storage of electricity, apparatus and instruments for regulating of electricity, electric power supply units, electric and electronic components, regulated power supply apparatus, uninterruptible power supplies in the form of batteries; apparatus and instruments for controlling electricity, in particular branch boxes (electricity), branch terminals, branch switches, electrical power adaptors, electrical frequency converters, electrical circuit breakers, electrical circuit breakers, electrical power adaptors, electric mains transformers, electric mains monitoring apparatus, relays, electric, switch gear [electric], switch gear [electric], electrical power distribution blocks, relays, electric, electrical distributors, fault voltage breakers, fault current breakers, frequency transformers, frequency transformers, current converters, direct current converters, impedance transformers, power relays, power controllers, power dividers [electric], voltage stabilizing power supply, rotary converters, relay sockets, switching apparatus, electric, switchboxes [electricity], switching power supply apparatus, voltage regulators for electric power, voltage stabilising apparatus, voltage converters, voltage-tocurrent converters, electrical power adaptors, rectifiers, current breakers, power distributors [electrical], electrical surge arrestors, electrical surge arrestors, distribution boards [electricity], inverters for power supply; electric and electronic components, in particular adapter plugs, cabinets adapted to hold electrical apparatus, connection blocks [electric cable], junctions [electrical], terminal boxes for electric conductors, connection cables, electrical plugs, electric connection units, antennas and aerials as components, cut-out switches, electric control panels, bus interfaces, touch sensitive electronic screens, pressure switches, pressure-to-current converters, electric adapter cables, electric blanking plugs, electrical push switches, 140

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 electrical push button switches, electric sleeved rails, electrical connecting terminal blocks, electric contact blocks, contacts, electric, electric contact fuses, electric couplings, electric light switches, linear actuators [electric], electric or electron ic control modules, switches, electric, electrical switch cabinets, plug-in electrical connectors, electrical circuits and circuit boards, electrical fuses, electric breakers [switches], electromagnetic relays, electromagnetic switches, electrotechnical components, residual current apparatus, housings for electrical apparatus, cable identification markers for electric cables, ducting for electric cables, cable and wire, cable connectors, markers for electrical conductors, strip terminals, load break isolators, switches, electric, ducts [electricity], light regulators [dimmers], electric, light switches, magnetic switches, motor protection relays, proximity switches, switches, electric, bus bars, sensor switches, safety relays [electric], fuse holders, fuse blocks, voltage limiters, plug-in connectors, current limiters, circuit distributors, power line conditioners, power connectors, temperature control devices (electric switches) for machines, temperature control apparatus [electric switches], temperature switches, overload relays, overvoltage protection relays, invertor controllers, interrupting modules, junction boxes, connecting modules for electric controls, plug-in connectors, junction boxes for electric wires, ballasts for electrical lighting fittings, conductor bars; terminals [electricity], in particular terminal blocks, box terminals; identification markings for terminal blocks; plug-in connectors, in particular printed circuit board connectors; information technology apparatus, in particular analogue to digital converters, data collection apparatus, data collection apparatus, encryption apparatus, data storage devices, data processing equipment and accessories (electrical and mechanical), digital signal processing apparatus, analogue to digital converters, communications equipment; data storage devices, in particular identification strips (magnetic); data processing equipment and accessories (electrical and mechanical), especially computers and computer hardware, peripherals adapted for use with computers, peripherals adapted for use with computers, data entry terminals, data terminals, electric programming units, electronic programming units, electronic control systems; computers and computer hardware, in particular computer components and parts, computer programming units, process computers, wearable computers; computer components and parts, in particular adapted housings for computers, computer interfaces, data bus interface apparatus; peripherals adapted for use with computers, in particular covers adapted for computers, monitors, monitors; communications equipment, in particular antennae and antennae installations, being communications apparatus, computer network and data communications apparatus and equipment, frequency stabilisers, radio transmitter units, radio signal receivers, apparatus for processing of digital signals, multiple control devices for signal transmission, transmitters and receivers, transmitters for transmitting electric signals, transmitters for transmitting electronic signals, video transmission apparatus; software, in particular application software, computer operating systems, interfaces for computers, computer programs for project management, computer programmes relating to local area networks, computer programs for network management, computer software for use in remote meter monitoring, computer software for use in remote meter reading, computer software for time control, firmware, factory automation software, software to control building environmental, access and security systems, control segment integration software, process controlling software, interfaces for computers; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 17 Plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture, especially of plastic, partly processed; sealing, packing and insulating materials, in particular dielectrics (insulators), insulators for electric mains; finished and semi-finished products, being adapted for a specific use, included in this class, in particular covers and cases, seals, fittings, connection pieces, spacers (other than pipe clamps); coverings, in particular rubber covers for electric components, rubber covers for switches; joint packings, fittings, connections, spacers (other than pipe clamps), in particular insulating cable clamps of rubber; insulation and barrier materials, in particular articles and materials for electric insulation, insulating materials of plastic; electrical insulation articles and materials, in particular electrical insulating tapes, insulators for electric mains, insulators for electronic use, insulators for use in conveying electricity, insulating materials for electrical purposes; unprocessed and semi-processed materials, not adapted for a specific use, included in this class, in particular plastics; plastics, in particular coated plastic materials for use in manufacture, plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, in particular IT consultancy, advisory services relating to computer programming, engineering services, surveying, monitoring of computer systems by remote access, construction drafting, technical project studies; industrial analysis and research, in particular quality control; design and development of computer hardware and software, in particular in the field of design and development of computers, design of computer systems, design of computer software, computer programming, maintenance of computer software, rental of computer software; design services, in particular design of electric installations, designing of electronic systems; IT programming and consultancy services, in particular with regard to the creating, programming and implementation of computer software, hosting of computer sites (websites), software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software, programming of electronic control systems; development, programming and implementation of computer software, in particular providing of online support for users of computer programs, computer programming and maintenance of computer programs, computer software development for others, design, maintenance and updating of computer programs, software design and development; hosting of computer sites (websites), software as a service (SaaS) and rental of software, in particular providing of computer programs and facilities for data processing; testing, authentication and quality control; scientific and technological services, in particular engineering, surveying and exploration; engineering services, in particular conducting of technical tests, engineering consultancy, engineering project management services; surveying and exploration, in particular providing of information relating to technological research; scientific and technological services, in particular creation of control programs for automatic measurement, assembly, adaptation and visualisation related thereto, monitoring of industrial processes. 141

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1272330 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201513807 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.05.15 (180) Registreringer 2025.05.15 (220) Inndato: 2015.11.05 GOODIY Rautakesko OY, Tikkurilantie 10, FI-01380 VANDA, Finland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; fragrance for household purposes; fragrance for saunas; vehicle cleaning preparations; leather and shoe cleaning and polishing preparations; cleaning agents for glass; floor cleaning preparations; paint removing compositions; detergents for household use. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; deodorizers and air purifying preparations. Klasse 7 Machine tools, namely machine tools for cutting, boring, drilling, abrading, shearing, sharpening, grinding and surface treatment; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines; agricultural, earthmoving, construction, oil and gas extraction and mining machines; lawn mowers; construction equipment and machines; pumps, compressors and fans; power operated blowers; lifting and hoisting equipment, elevators and escalators; conveyors and conveyors belts; wrapping machines; mills and crushing machines; shaping and moulding machines; welding and soldering equipment; filtering machines, separators and centrifuges; coating machines; waste management and recycling machines; textile and leather sewing equipment; material production and processing machines; engines (not for land vehicles), powertrains (not for land vehicles) and generic machine parts; dispensing machines; spraying machines; painting machines; sweeping, cleaning, washing and laundering machines; exterior clearing and cleaning equipment; concrete mixers; pumps for concrete; agricultural, gardening and forestry machines; cutting, drilling, abrading, sharpening and surface treatment machines; kitchen machines, electric; power generators; spare parts for aforementioned Klasse 9 goods. Photographic, cinematographic apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; data processing equipment, computers; computer software; control apparatus; monitoring instruments; sensors and detectors; motion sensors. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; luggage, bags and wallets; pelts; cosmetic and toilet utensil bags sold empty. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; bathrobes; swimming costumes; underwear; scarfs; belts [clothing]; aprons [clothing]. (111) 1272330 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201513807 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.05.15 (180) Registreringer 2025.05.15 (220) Inndato: 2015.11.05 GOODIY Rautakesko OY, Tikkurilantie 10, FI-01380 VANDA, Finland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; fragrance for household purposes; fragrance for saunas; vehicle cleaning preparations; leather and shoe cleaning and polishing preparations; cleaning agents for glass; floor cleaning preparations; paint removing compositions; detergents for household use. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; deodorizers and air purifying preparations. Klasse 7 Machine tools, namely machine tools for cutting, boring, drilling, abrading, shearing, sharpening, grinding and surface treatment; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines; agricultural, earthmoving, construction, oil and gas extraction and mining machines; lawn mowers; construction equipment and machines; pumps, compressors and fans; power operated blowers; lifting and hoisting equipment, elevators and escalators; conveyors and conveyors belts; wrapping machines; mills and crushing machines; shaping and moulding machines; welding and soldering equipment; filtering machines, separators and centrifuges; coating machines; waste management and recycling machines; textile and leather sewing equipment; material production and processing machines; engines (not for land vehicles), powertrains (not for land vehicles) and generic machine parts; dispensing machines; spraying machines; painting machines; sweeping, cleaning, washing and laundering machines; exterior clearing and cleaning equipment; concrete mixers; pumps for concrete; agricultural, gardening and forestry machines; cutting, drilling, abrading, sharpening and surface treatment machines; kitchen machines, electric; power generators; spare parts for aforementioned Klasse 9 goods. Photographic, cinematographic apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; data processing equipment, computers; computer software; control apparatus; monitoring instruments; sensors and detectors; motion sensors. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; luggage, bags and wallets; pelts; cosmetic and toilet utensil bags sold empty. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; bathrobes; swimming costumes; underwear; scarfs; belts [clothing]; aprons [clothing]. 142

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1277356 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201515503 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.11.03 (180) Registreringer 2025.11.03 (220) Inndato: 2015.12.10 BLUE BOX Sulzer Management AG, Neuwiesenstrasse 15, CH- 8401 WINTERTHUR, Sveits Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of machines, namely pumps, turbines, compressors, engines, generators, separators, mixers; rebuilding of machines that have been worn or partially destroyed, namely pumps, turbines, compressors, engines, generators, separators, mixers; pipeline construction and maintenance; all the above-mentioned services are limited to the petroleum and gas industry, the water industry and industrial energy production. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services as well as research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; analysis for oil-field exploitation; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; engineering; surveying (engineering work); all the above-mentioned services are limited to the petroleum and gas industry, the water industry and industrial energy production. (111) 1281809 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201516782 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.07.13 (180) Registreringer 2025.07.13 (220) Inndato: 2015.12.31 Viavi Solutions Inc., 430 N. McCarthy Boulevard, US- CA95035 MILPITAS, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 2 Optical coatings; coatings applied to alter the optical properties of materials; anti-reflective coatings; pigments; flexographic, intaglio, and gravure inks, and high performance coatings and dispersions to provide security and brand protection, authentication, and differentiation; color-shifting inks; pigments and light interference pigments for use in inks, dyes, paints, plastics, paper products and textiles; thin-film and multilayer optical coatings disposed on substrates. Klasse 9 Hardware and software for communication network monitoring, recording, probing, filtering, auditing, testing, analyzing, troubleshooting, installation, activation, traffic and user device simulation, design, optimization, measurement, deployment, development, test-device management; optical amplifiers, transmitters, transceivers, transponders, receivers, and detectors; optical instrument and network component testers; optical filters, waveplates, and optical filter color-wheels; optical switches, matrix switches, wavelength selective switches, and reconfigurable optical add drop multiplexers; wavelength division multiplexers and demultiplexers; optical and electrical network connector cleaning devices; printable encoded taggants for anti-counterfeiting and for confirming authenticity of products; compact spectrometers. Klasse 16 Paper and polymer labels printed with specialized pigments for security and decorative effect. Klasse 37 Installation, repair, and maintenance of communications hardware. Klasse 38 Communication consultation services relating to communication networks. Klasse 40 Treatment of materials, namely, by application of coatings to alter the optical properties of materials; application of multilayer optical coatings, thin film coatings, anti-reflective and high reflection coatings, polarization coatings, and optical beamsplitting coatings to goods; applying decorative, protective, and security coatings to goods. Klasse 42 Technical support services in the nature of troubleshooting problems with communications hardware and software; providing online nondownloadable software for communication network monitoring, recording, probing, filtering, auditing, testing, analyzing, troubleshooting, installation, activation, traffic and user device simulation, design, optimization, measurement, deployment, development, test-device management; technological and development consultation services in the fields of color design, printing, product security and authentication, anti-couterfeiting technology, optical and thin film coatings; hosting online communication network instrument monitoring, configuration, tracking, and management; installation, repair and maintenance of communications software. (111) 1285651 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201601329 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.10.20 (180) Registreringer 2025.10.20 (220) Inndato: 2016.02.04 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co Ltd, Mindray Building, Keji 12th Road South, Hi-tech Industrial Park, CN-518057 NANSHAN, SHENZHEN, Kina (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; chemicopharmaceutical preparations; drugs for medical purposes; biological preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; sterilising preparations; blood products; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes. 143

(111) 1292174 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201603616 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.12.24 (180) Registreringer 2025.12.24 (220) Inndato: 2016.03.17 MAZA Maza B.V., 46, Sluispolderweg, NL-1505HK ZAANDAM, Nederland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Salads; falafels; meat; fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; vegetables; eggs; milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats; dips; dips; hummus; snacks, included in this class. Klasse 30 Sambal sauce; coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations based on cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, molasses; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces; spices; ices for food; ice for refreshment; snacks, included in this class. Klasse 31 Vegetables; potatoes; lettuce. begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 144

begrensing i varer eller tjenester for nasjonale merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Begrensing av varer eller tjenester for nasjonale registreringer Begrensing i liste over varer eller tjenester utført for nasjonale registreringer. (111) 48617 (151) Reg.dato.: 1956.08.15 (151) Int. reg. dato: 1956.08.15 (180) Registreringen 1966.08.15 (210) Søknadsnr: 59974 (220) Inndato: 1956.08.15 LI-VA Lilleborg AS, Postboks 673 Skøyen, 0214 OSLO, Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Klasse 8 Mineralske råmaterialer, herinnbefattet metaller, i ubearbeidet eller halvforarbeidet tilstand; vegetabilske og animalske råmaterialer i ubearbeidet eller halvforarbeidet tilstand; isenkramvarer, kortevarer, nåler, knappenåler, nips; leketøy, spill og spillkort; kjøretøyer, velosipeder, automobiler, aeroplaner; sportsartikler og våpen, knivsmedvarer, båter og redningsapparater; naturlig og kunstig bygningsmateriale og andre artikler for bygningsøyemed, så som belysning, oppvarming og koking; linoleum og tapeter; papirvarer, trykksaker, kontorsaker, blekk, reklameartikler, undervisningsmateriell, skoleinventar, gymnastikkapparater; tegnemateriell; fotografiske instrumenter og rekvisitter, kinematografer og films herfor, musikkinstrumenter, grammofoner og plater; vitenskapelige, optiske, kirurgiske, medisinske instrumenter og apparater; ur; gullsmed-, sølvsmed- og plettvarer; keramiske varer og glassvarer; sjokolade, kakao, konfekt, drops og andre sjokolade- og sukkervarer; hermetisk konserverte næringsmidler; alkohol og alkoholholdige drikker og mineralvann; gummi-, kautsjuk- og guttaperkavarer; tremasse, cellulose, papir og papp; fyrstikker; eksplosjonsstoffer og fyrverkerisaker. Registreringen omfatter ikke landbruks- og hagebruksprodukter; elektriske apparater og materiell, isoleringsmidler. Klasse 21 Mineralske råmaterialer, herinnbefattet metaller, i ubearbeidet eller halvforarbeidet tilstand; vegetabilske og animalske råmaterialer i ubearbeidet eller halvforarbeidet tilstand; isenkramvarer, kortevarer, nåler, knappenåler, nips; leketøy, spill og spillkort; kjøretøyer, velosipeder, automobiler, aeroplaner; sportsartikler og våpen, knivsmedvarer, båter og redningsapparater; naturlig og kunstig bygningsmateriale og andre artikler for bygningsøyemed, så som belysning, oppvarming og koking; linoleum og tapeter; papirvarer, trykksaker, kontorsaker, blekk, reklameartikler, undervisningsmateriell, skoleinventar, gymnastikkapparater; tegnemateriell; fotografiske instrumenter og rekvisitter, kinematografer og films herfor, musikkinstrumenter, grammofoner og plater; vitenskapelige, optiske, kirurgiske, medisinske instrumenter og apparater; ur; gullsmed-, sølvsmed- og plettvarer; keramiske varer og glassvarer; sjokolade, kakao, konfekt, drops og andre sjokolade- og sukkervarer; hermetisk konserverte næringsmidler; alkohol og alkoholholdige drikker og mineralvann; gummi-, kautsjuk- og guttaperkavarer; tremasse, cellulose, papir og papp; fyrstikker; eksplosjonsstoffer og fyrverkerisaker. Registreringen omfatter ikke landbruks- og hagebruksprodukter; elektriske apparater og materiell, isoleringsmidler. (111) 98250 (151) Reg.dato.: 1977.02.10 (151) Int. reg. dato: 1977.02.10 (180) Registreringen 1987.02.10 (210) Søknadsnr: 19760988 (220) Inndato: 1976.04.12 HOLIDEX Six Continents Hotels Inc, 3 Ravinia Drive, US- GA30346 ATLANTA, USA Klasse 43 Reservering av hotell- og motellrom for andre. 145

Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver slettelser 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Følgende vare- og eller fellesmerker er begjært slettet fra varemerkeregisteret av innehaver. (111) 179885 (151) Reg.Dato.: 1997.02.13 (111) 179886 (151) Reg.Dato.: 1997.02.13 (111) 287058 (151) Reg.Dato.: 2016.05.11 (111) 287059 (151) Reg.Dato.: 2016.05.11 146

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Merker som ikke er fornyet (111) 125680 (111) 125888 (111) 125686 (111) 125889 (111) 125737 (111) 125890 (111) 125743 (111) 125898 (111) 125744 (111) 125904 (111) 125748 (111) 125909 (111) 125752 (111) 125913 (111) 125757 (111) 125930 (111) 125759 (111) 125934 (111) 125785 (111) 125936 (111) 125786 (111) 125949 (111) 125800 (111) 127488 (111) 125812 (111) 14247 (111) 125819 (111) 14452 (111) 125823 (111) 174809 (111) 125825 (111) 174810 (111) 125837 (111) 174815 (111) 125843 (111) 174825 (111) 125846 (111) 174833 (111) 125856 (111) 174836 (111) 125864 (111) 174844 147

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 174849 (111) 174961 (111) 174850 (111) 174965 (111) 174856 (111) 174969 (111) 174862 (111) 174973 (111) 174875 (111) 174984 (111) 174888 (111) 174987 (111) 174889 (111) 174989 (111) 174896 (111) 175003 (111) 174899 (111) 175006 (111) 174906 (111) 175007 (111) 174907 (111) 175023 (111) 174909 (111) 175028 (111) 174916 (111) 175037 (111) 174921 (111) 175039 (111) 174934 (111) 175046 (111) 174938 (111) 175053 (111) 174942 (111) 175064 (111) 174943 (111) 175065 (111) 174946 (111) 175075 (111) 174951 (111) 175077 (111) 174952 (111) 175100 (111) 174955 (111) 175101 148

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 175105 (111) 175195 (111) 175106 (111) 175218 (111) 175110 (111) 175219 (111) 175114 (111) 175220 (111) 175115 (111) 175221 (111) 175116 (111) 175222 (111) 175127 (111) 175223 (111) 175129 (111) 175225 (111) 175135 (111) 175229 (111) 175140 (111) 175231 (111) 175141 (111) 175237 (111) 175156 (111) 175239 (111) 175162 (111) 175252 (111) 175163 (111) 175264 (111) 175164 (111) 175266 (111) 175167 (111) 175267 (111) 175176 (111) 175269 (111) 175186 (111) 175273 (111) 175187 (111) 175278 (111) 175188 (111) 175280 (111) 175193 (111) 175282 (111) 175194 (111) 175291 149

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 175301 (111) 175454 (111) 175302 (111) 175460 (111) 175309 (111) 175464 (111) 175311 (111) 175465 (111) 175312 (111) 175467 (111) 175317 (111) 175471 (111) 175322 (111) 175479 (111) 175324 (111) 175483 (111) 175328 (111) 175484 (111) 175331 (111) 175490 (111) 175334 (111) 175492 (111) 175335 (111) 175496 (111) 175346 (111) 175506 (111) 175358 (111) 175507 (111) 175364 (111) 175509 (111) 175370 (111) 175525 (111) 175386 (111) 175529 (111) 175388 (111) 175544 (111) 175399 (111) 175548 (111) 175418 (111) 175553 (111) 175423 (111) 175554 (111) 175450 (111) 175555 150

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 175556 (111) 175653 (111) 175560 (111) 175654 (111) 175569 (111) 175655 (111) 175570 (111) 175664 (111) 175578 (111) 175669 (111) 175579 (111) 175670 (111) 175582 (111) 175671 (111) 175584 (111) 175673 (111) 175591 (111) 175684 (111) 175597 (111) 175692 (111) 175602 (111) 175725 (111) 175614 (111) 175729 (111) 175615 (111) 175736 (111) 175618 (111) 175738 (111) 175620 (111) 175743 (111) 175624 (111) 175751 (111) 175631 (111) 175753 (111) 175636 (111) 175756 (111) 175644 (111) 175760 (111) 175645 (111) 175775 (111) 175647 (111) 175780 (111) 175651 (111) 175781 151

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 175783 (111) 175875 (111) 175790 (111) 175877 (111) 175795 (111) 175880 (111) 175797 (111) 175889 (111) 175799 (111) 175890 (111) 175804 (111) 175893 (111) 175811 (111) 175895 (111) 175824 (111) 175899 (111) 175830 (111) 175913 (111) 175835 (111) 175914 (111) 175839 (111) 175915 (111) 175851 (111) 175926 (111) 175853 (111) 175940 (111) 175854 (111) 175945 (111) 175855 (111) 175959 (111) 175858 (111) 175962 (111) 175860 (111) 175965 (111) 175861 (111) 175968 (111) 175865 (111) 175976 (111) 175871 (111) 175979 (111) 175873 (111) 175980 (111) 175874 (111) 175982 152

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 175985 (111) 233728 (111) 175986 (111) 233731 (111) 175988 (111) 233732 (111) 175993 (111) 233739 (111) 175995 (111) 233745 (111) 175996 (111) 233748 (111) 175998 (111) 233749 (111) 176003 (111) 233750 (111) 176004 (111) 233754 (111) 176014 (111) 233755 (111) 177387 (111) 233756 (111) 177388 (111) 233757 (111) 177390 (111) 233758 (111) 177392 (111) 233759 (111) 1906252 (111) 233760 (111) 233716 (111) 233761 (111) 233718 (111) 233762 (111) 233719 (111) 233763 (111) 233720 (111) 233766 (111) 233723 (111) 233770 (111) 233725 (111) 233774 (111) 233726 (111) 233776 153

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 233777 (111) 233812 (111) 233779 (111) 233813 (111) 233780 (111) 233815 (111) 233781 (111) 233817 (111) 233785 (111) 233818 (111) 233787 (111) 233819 (111) 233788 (111) 233820 (111) 233789 (111) 233821 (111) 233792 (111) 233824 (111) 233793 (111) 233827 (111) 233794 (111) 233834 (111) 233795 (111) 233836 (111) 233796 (111) 233837 (111) 233797 (111) 233838 (111) 233798 (111) 233840 (111) 233799 (111) 233841 (111) 233800 (111) 233842 (111) 233801 (111) 233843 (111) 233804 (111) 233848 (111) 233806 (111) 233849 (111) 233807 (111) 233855 (111) 233811 (111) 233856 154

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 233858 (111) 233892 (111) 233859 (111) 233893 (111) 233860 (111) 233896 (111) 233861 (111) 233897 (111) 233863 (111) 233901 (111) 233865 (111) 233905 (111) 233866 (111) 233906 (111) 233867 (111) 233911 (111) 233868 (111) 233918 (111) 233869 (111) 233919 (111) 233870 (111) 233923 (111) 233871 (111) 233925 (111) 233872 (111) 233927 (111) 233873 (111) 233928 (111) 233874 (111) 233930 (111) 233878 (111) 233931 (111) 233880 (111) 233933 (111) 233881 (111) 233934 (111) 233885 (111) 233937 (111) 233887 (111) 233939 (111) 233888 (111) 233940 (111) 233890 (111) 233941 155

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 233942 (111) 233993 (111) 233944 (111) 233994 (111) 233946 (111) 233995 (111) 233947 (111) 233996 (111) 233950 (111) 233997 (111) 233952 (111) 233998 (111) 233953 (111) 233999 (111) 233962 (111) 234000 (111) 233963 (111) 234001 (111) 233964 (111) 234003 (111) 233965 (111) 234004 (111) 233966 (111) 234005 (111) 233969 (111) 234006 (111) 233970 (111) 234007 (111) 233971 (111) 234008 (111) 233972 (111) 234010 (111) 233973 (111) 234016 (111) 233978 (111) 234017 (111) 233981 (111) 234018 (111) 233982 (111) 234021 (111) 233983 (111) 234022 (111) 233986 (111) 234026 156

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 234028 (111) 48876 (111) 234029 (111) 520406 (111) 234030 (111) 520407 (111) 234031 (111) 69378 (111) 234032 (111) 69386 (111) 234033 (111) 69391 (111) 234035 (111) 69400 (111) 234036 (111) 69544 (111) 234037 (111) 69546 (111) 24482 (111) 69608 (111) 33908 (111) 69633 (111) 33909 (111) 69641 (111) 33957 (111) 69657 (111) 34024 (111) 96799 (111) 34933 (111) 96814 (111) 4125 (111) 96816 (111) 48284 (111) 96820 (111) 48434 (111) 96821 (111) 48460 (111) 96831 (111) 48489 (111) 96835 (111) 48498 (111) 96849 (111) 48712 (111) 96861 157

merker som ikke er fornyet 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 96865 (111) 96867 (111) 96875 (111) 96886 (111) 96887 (111) 96912 (111) 96923 (111) 96945 (111) 96987 (111) 97113 158

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter Endring av innehaver, eller av innehavers navn og/eller adresse, i spesifiserte varemerkerettigheter, jf. varemerkeloven 53 og varemerkeforskriften 29. (210) Søknadsnr.: 201606979 (730) Søker: TTS Group ASA, Postboks 3577 Fyllingsdalen, 5845 BERGEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.01.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201607966 (730) Søker: Conifer Ventures Limited, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, GB-W45YE LONDON, Storbritannia Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.14 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201701427 (730) Søker: WASMUTH SMARTPLUSSHUS, Hovedgata 68, 4900 TVEDESTRAND, 2017.02.10 (111) 0744427 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200015030 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201607968 (730) Søker: Conifer Ventures Limited, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, GB-W45YE LONDON, Storbritannia Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.14 (111) 101631 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19771269 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201610361 (730) Søker: Strawberry Group AS, Postboks 2424, Solli, 0201 OSLO, 2017.02.09 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201610361 (730) Søker: Strawberry Group AS, Postboks 2424, Solli, 0201 OSLO, 2017.02.09 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611000 (730) Søker: DRAGON NATURE AS, Digreneset 30, 6905 FLORØ, 2017.02.16 (111) 102466 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19762071 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 112515 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19801294 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 159

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 114265 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19812098 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 121130 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19834288 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, 2017.02.09 (111) 115531 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19810362 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 115889 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19821270 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.10 (111) 121636 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19843467 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.10 (111) 1221915 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201413001 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 117262 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19823160 Beleggingsmaatschappij Noventu B.V., Herikerbergweg 238, NL-1101CM AMSTERDAM, Nederland 2017.02.13 (111) 128165 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19841093 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 120629 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19832957 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, 2017.02.09 (111) 132799 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19863591 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 160

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 141385 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19885794 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 146094 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19900019 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 141856 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19884691 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 141857 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19884692 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 141858 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19884694 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 142775 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19882971 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 148913 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19885804 AUSTRIA Juice GmbH, Kröllendorf 45, AT-3365 ALLHARTSBERG, Østerrike Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 149131 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19904549 SIMM Spielwaren GmbH, Wallersbacher Weg 2, DE- 91154 ROTH-ECKERSMÜHLEN, Tyskland Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 150438 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19903151 Lantmännen Cerealia Oy, Salmisaarenaukio 1, FI-00180 HELSINGFORS, Finland Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 152265 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19905424 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 161

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 152797 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19911429 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 160565 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19925366 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 153487 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19910416 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 161329 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19922508 Arvos Raymond Bartlett Snow LLC (a Delaware corporation), 425 Weaver Parkway, US-IL60555 WARRENVILLE, USA Curo AS, Vestre Rosten 81, 7075 TILLER, 2017.02.10 (111) 156268 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19920596 Lantmännen Cerealia Oy, Salmisaarenaukio 1, FI-00180 HELSINGFORS, Finland Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 161435 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19912530 Heartland Consumer Products LLC, 14300 Clay Terrace Blvd., Suite 249, US-IN46032 CARMEL, USA Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.09 (111) 159931 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19924509 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 160205 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19925159 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 162315 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19924906 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.10 (111) 162794 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19922596 MONDAINE WATCH Ltd (MONDAINE UHREN AG), (MONTRES MONDAINE S.A.), Etzelstrasse 27, CH-8808 PFÄFFIKON SZ, Sveits 2017.02.15 162

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 164686 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19933688 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 179996 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19955490 Pastore & Lombardi S.p.A., Via Don Minzoni 3, Granarolo Dell'Emilia, IT- FRAZIONE CADRIANO(BOLOGNA), Italia Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.09 (111) 167206 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19935597 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 168954 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19943274 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 169433 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19943455 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.15 (111) 175419 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19945812 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 178880 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19911715 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.15 (111) 180232 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19958012 Protan AS, Baches vei 1, 3413 LIER, Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.14 (111) 180499 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19952095 TWE Meulebeke B.V.B.A., Marialoopsteenweg no 51, BE- 8760 MEULEBEKE, Belgia Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 181140 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19957237 Eugene Perma France, 10 rue James Watt, Bâtiment C/D, FR-93200 ST. DENIS, Frankrike Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, 2017.02.09 (111) 185076 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19961900 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 185927 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19970853 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 163

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 189991 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19975427 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 203664 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199910116 Tools AS, Rosenholmveien 25, 1414 TROLLÅSEN, 2017.02.14 (111) 196554 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199810979 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 203939 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200002582 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 198596 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199903667 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 208189 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200014362 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 200770 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199904593 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 208239 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200010452 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 200948 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199904592 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 210556 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19961493 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 203182 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200002242 Brenntag Colours Limited, lpha House, Lawnswood Business Park, Redvers Close, GB-LS166OY LEEDS, Storbritannia 2017.02.09 (111) 214404 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200114544 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 164

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 218564 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200208774 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 219285 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209206 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 218734 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209421 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 219343 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209196 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 218735 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209422 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 219493 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209197 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 219205 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209479 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 222864 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209198 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 219206 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209480 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 225498 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200402805 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, 2017.02.09 (111) 219284 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209205 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 226514 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200308290 Mustad Hoofcare SA, Rue de I'Industrie 2, CH-1630 BULLE, Sveits Advokatfirma DLA Piper Norway DA, Postboks 1364 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.14 165

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 228487 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200410072 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 237013 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200505860 Fortuna Oils AS, Fiskeribasen 5, 6512 KRISTIANSUND N, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.09 (111) 231607 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200401278 Sigmund Lyngøy, Leknesvegen 173, 5915 HJELMÅS, 2017.02.10 (111) 237829 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200610427 Teva Norway AS, Hagaløkkveien 13, 1371 ASKER, WWIPPS Sàrl, P.O. Box 2265, LU-1022 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg 2017.02.09 (111) 233903 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200513343 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 237905 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200610124 Teva Norway AS, Hagaløkkveien 13, 1371 ASKER, WWIPPS Sàrl, P.O. Box 2265, LU-1022 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg 2017.02.09 (111) 233926 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200513342 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 238320 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200609607 Vlaktor Trading Ltd, Zinonos Kitieos 8, Kato Lakatamia, CY-2322 NICOSIA, Kypros NORPATENT NATALIA ØVSTEGÅRD, Åregjerdet 18, 6030 LANGEVÅG, 2017.02.10 (111) 234655 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200514434 Foodbroker AS, Postboks 1003, Drøbak City, 1442 DRØBAK, 2017.02.13 (111) 235056 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200602101 Sigmund Lyngøy, Leknesvegen 173, 5915 HJELMÅS, 2017.02.10 (111) 238434 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200607103 Travelport Inc., 300 Galleria Parkway, US-CA30339 ATLANTA, USA Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.10 (111) 238597 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200600458 NetOnNet AB, Box 1716, SE-50117 BORÅS, Sverige Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.10 166

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 238642 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200612771 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 243479 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200708988 TA TOLV AS, Snekkerplassen 30, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.14 (111) 238678 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200607526 Travelport Inc., 300 Galleria Parkway, US-CA30339 ATLANTA, USA Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.10 (111) 243861 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200708989 TA TOLV AS, Snekkerplassen 30, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.14 (111) 238913 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200612760 Absolute Beauty Solutions Limited, 5 Millars Brook, Molly Millars Lane, GB-RG412AD WOKINGHAM, BERKSHIRE, Storbritannia Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.15 (111) 240882 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200700277 Valeo Service, 70 rue Pleyel, FR-93200 SAINT DENIS, Frankrike Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, 2017.02.09 (111) 243864 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200705052 Steinsvik AS, Rundhaug 25, 5563 FØRRESFJORDEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.09 (111) 246056 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803590 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 243468 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200705053 Steinsvik AS, Rundhaug 25, 5563 FØRRESFJORDEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.09 (111) 246057 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803591 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 167

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 246713 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200805282 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 252969 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200908370 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 249210 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812005 TA TOLV AS, Snekkerplassen 30, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.14 (111) 253493 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200909182 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 249211 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200812009 TA TOLV AS, Snekkerplassen 30, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.14 (111) 254025 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200910651 Resources Connection LLC, 17101 Armstrong Avenue, US-CA92614 IRVINE, USA Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 251359 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200903167 NordCar Finance A/S, c/o Jyske Finans A/S, Kastaniehøj 2, DK-8600 SILKEBORG, Danmark Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 254780 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200807560 Tools AS, Rosenholmveien 25, 1414 TROLLÅSEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 251819 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200904953 TA TOLV AS, Snekkerplassen 30, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.14 (111) 251820 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200904954 TA TOLV AS, Snekkerplassen 30, 5106 ØVRE ERVIK, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.14 (111) 254780 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200807560 Tools AS, Rosenholmveien 25, 1414 TROLLÅSEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 255869 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201002105 Mustad Hoofcare SA, Rue de I'Industrie 2, CH-1630 BULLE, Sveits Advokatfirma DLA Piper Norway DA, Postboks 1364 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.14 168

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 258507 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201009118 Steinsvik AS, Rundhaug 25, 5563 FØRRESFJORDEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.09 (111) 261258 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201100179 Resources Connection LLC, 17101 Armstrong Avenue, US-CA92614 IRVINE, USA Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 258537 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201009088 Pure Kids Wholesale ApS, Brønsholmvej 26, Brønsholm, DE-2980 KOKKEDAL, Tyskland Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 267405 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200909188 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 259070 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201010951 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 259384 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201010943 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 259826 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201012557 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 261255 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201100178 Resources Connection LLC, 17101 Armstrong Avenue, US-CA92614 IRVINE, USA Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 270778 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201302178 Båtsans Kalstad, Mindeveien 16, 5073 BERGEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 272085 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201306233 Derome Plusshus AB, Servicegatan 1, SE-93176 SKELLEFTEÅ, Sverige Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.14 (111) 272652 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201306893 Steinsvik AS, Rundhaug 25, 5563 FØRRESFJORDEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.09 (111) 274505 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201308228 Havells India Limited, 904, 9th Floor, Surya Kiran Building, K G Marg, Connaught Place, IN-110001 NEW DELHI, India Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.13 169

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 274506 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201308229 Havells India Limited, 904, 9th Floor, Surya Kiran Building, K G Marg, Connaught Place, IN-110001 NEW DELHI, India Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 275044 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201314687 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 274509 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201308463 Havells India Limited, 904, 9th Floor, Surya Kiran Building, K G Marg, Connaught Place, IN-110001 NEW DELHI, India Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 274510 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201308230 Havells India Limited, 904, 9th Floor, Surya Kiran Building, K G Marg, Connaught Place, IN-110001 NEW DELHI, India Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 274511 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201308461 Havells India Limited, 904, 9th Floor, Surya Kiran Building, K G Marg, Connaught Place, IN-110001 NEW DELHI, India Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 274512 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201308462 Havells India Limited, 904, 9th Floor, Surya Kiran Building, K G Marg, Connaught Place, IN-110001 NEW DELHI, India Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 275231 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201314738 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 275864 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201400951 GTCR Canyon UK Ventures Ltd., 28-42 Banner StreetDiscovery House, GB-EC1Y8QE LONDON, Storbritannia 2017.02.14 (111) 276368 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201402717 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 276539 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201403350 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 278864 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201409962 Garisober Singh Gill, Thomas Bjerknesgate 7, 3045 DRAMMEN, 2017.02.14 170

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 280491 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201209991 Trygve Weidemann Moxness, Nylandvegen 38, 6011 ÅLESUND, 2017.02.13 (111) 28538 (210) Søknadsnr.: 34163 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.15 (111) 283592 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201507234 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 286285 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201515358 Strawberry Group AS, Postboks 2424, Solli, 0201 OSLO, Ro Sommernes Advokatfirma DA, Postboks 1983 Vika, 0125 OSLO, 2017.02.09 (111) 283593 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201507235 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 287176 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201601154 MSD Holdings (Ireland) Unlimited Company, IR- RATHDRUM, COUNTY WICKLOW, Iran Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 283594 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201507236 NORREIN AS, c/o Norrein AS, Kongensgate 30, 7012 TRONDHEIM, 2017.02.14 (111) 288432 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201603543 Winning Moves International Limited, Lyntonia House, 7-9 Praed Street, GB- LONDON, Storbritannia Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 284017 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201507930 JULIUS-K9 Zrt., lpar utca 10-12, HU-2310 SZIGETSZENTMIKLÓS, Ungarn Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.10 (111) 40963 (210) Søknadsnr.: 50195 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.15 (111) 284018 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201507931 JULIUS-K9 Zrt., lpar utca 10-12, HU-2310 SZIGETSZENTMIKLÓS, Ungarn Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.10 (111) 45891 (210) Søknadsnr.: 54964 Alpha Assembly Solutions Germany GmbH, Elisabeth- Selbert-Str. 4, DE-40764 LANGENFELD, Tyskland 2017.02.15 171

overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 59792 (210) Søknadsnr.: 75123 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 69975 (210) Søknadsnr.: 88370 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 70623 (210) Søknadsnr.: 88674 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.10 (111) 70811 (210) Søknadsnr.: 89279 Husdyr Systemer AS, Høietun 28, 4619 MOSBY, 2017.02.14 (111) 72811 (210) Søknadsnr.: 91550 Husdyr Systemer AS, Høietun 28, 4619 MOSBY, 2017.02.14 (111) 76801 (210) Søknadsnr.: 96785 Lantmännen Cerealia Oy, Salmisaarenaukio 1, FI-00180 HELSINGFORS, Finland Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 76808 (210) Søknadsnr.: 97186 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 79917 (210) Søknadsnr.: 101943 Dayco IP Holdings, LLC, 1650 Research Drive, Suite 200, US-48083 TROV, USA Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, 2017.02.16 (111) 70956 (210) Søknadsnr.: 90347 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.10 (111) 84310 (210) Søknadsnr.: 106164 Citizen Tokei Kabushiki Kaisha also trading as Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., 1-12, 6-chome, Tanashi-cho, Nishitokyo-shi, JP- TOKYO, Japan 2017.02.09 (111) 71681 (210) Søknadsnr.: 91187 Agio Sigarenfabrieken NV, Wolverstraat 23, NL-5525AR DUIZEL, Nederland 2017.02.09 (111) 88085 (210) Søknadsnr.: 112401 Seiko Epson Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Seiko Epson Corporation), 1-6, Shinjuku 4-chome, Shinjuku-ku, JP- TOKYO, Japan Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, 2017.02.14 172

(111) 88169 (210) Søknadsnr.: 112862 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.10 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 90134 (210) Søknadsnr.: 111711 Seiko Epson Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Seiko Epson Corporation), 1-6, Shinjuku 4-chome, Shinjuku-ku, JP- TOKYO, Japan Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, 2017.02.14 (111) 96413 (210) Søknadsnr.: 123513 Jotun A/S, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD, 2017.02.10 (111) 98379 (210) Søknadsnr.: 111075 Aiphone Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Aiphone Co Ltd), Meiji Yasuda Seimei Nagoya Bldg., 1-1 Shinsakaemachi, Naka-ku, JP- NAGOYA-SHI, AICHI-KEN, Japan Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.13 173

lisenser 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Lisenser Anmerkning av nye lisenser jf. varemerkeloven 32 og de alminnelige bestemmelsene til Madridprotokollen, rule 20bis. (210) Søknadsr: 200907339 (111) / 1005705 Lisensgiver/ rettighets- Innehaver: Italia (IT) Lisenshaver: CIPOLLINI SRL, Via Lorenzo Bonincontri, 93, 00147 ROMA, Diamant SrL, 8, viale del Lavoro Fraz. Bonferraro, 37060 SORGÀ VR, Italia (IT) Varer / tjenester som omfattes: 12 Bicycles, electric bicycles, road bicycles, mountain bicycles, bicycle parts and accessories namely frames, bicycle saddles, bicycle bells, brakes, bicycle chains, bicycle parts namely forks, pedals, wheels; bicycle pumps, front and rear bicycle rack packs, water bottle holders for bicycles. 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; clothing and shoes for sportsmen and bicyclists. Kategori: Eksklusiv Lisens inngått: 2016.12.15 Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2017.02.16 174

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold Endring av fullmaktsforhold, jf. varemerkeforskriften 29. (210) Søknadsnr.: 201605738 (730) Søker: NBA Properties, Inc., Olympic Tower - 645 Fifth Avenue, US-NY10022 NEW YORK, USA Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, 2017.02.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611651 (730) Søker: Gifts4u AS, Skovbølet 65, 1642 SALTNES, 2017.02.14 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201611651 (730) Søker: Gifts4u AS, Skovbølet 65, 1642 SALTNES, Advokatfirmaet Mageli ANS, v/ Kristine Stenersen Kristiansen, Torvet 3, 2000 LILLESTRØM, 2017.02.14 (111) 0744427 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200015030 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 0841798 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200501830 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 0843566 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200502608 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 0846117 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200503963 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 1203905 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201406137 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 1206619 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201407214 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 1221915 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201413001 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 1222082 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201413023 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 175

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 122412 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19841936 The Body Shop International PLC., Littlehampton, West Sussex, GB-, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 135802 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19864015 The Body Shop International PLC, Watersmead,, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 6LS, GB-, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 1225387 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201414164 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 143817 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19893520 The Body Shop International PLC., Littlehampton, West Sussex, GB-, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 1241129 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201503969 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 1266688 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201512108 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 1302605 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201608084 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 14568 (210) Søknadsnr.: 16482 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co, 410 North Michigan Avenue, US- IL60611 CHICAGO, USA Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, 2017.02.10 (111) 150438 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19903151 Lantmännen Cerealia Oy, Salmisaarenaukio 1, FI-00180 HELSINGFORS, Finland Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 156268 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19920596 Lantmännen Cerealia Oy, Salmisaarenaukio 1, FI-00180 HELSINGFORS, Finland Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 170437 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19925336 The Body Shop International PLC, Littlehampton, GB-, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 176

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 177807 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19954218 Staedtler Mars GmbH & Co KG, Moosäckerstr. 3, DE- 90427 NÜRNBERG, Tyskland Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, 2017.02.16 (111) 183838 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19966422 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co, 410 North Michigan Avenue, US- IL60611 CHICAGO, USA Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, 2017.02.10 (111) 180068 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19960334 Abrams Gentile Entertainment Inc, 244 West 54th Street, US-NY10019 NEW YORK, USA Awapatent A/S, Strandgade 56, DK-1401 KØBENHAVN K, Danmark 2017.02.14 (111) 184499 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19968139 Mc Clean Licensing AG, Uniterer Rheinweg 52, CH-4057 BASEL, Sveits Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO, 2017.02.16 (111) 180069 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19960335 Abrams Gentile Entertainment Inc, 244 West 54th Street, US-NY10019 NEW YORK, USA Awapatent A/S, Strandgade 56, DK-1401 KØBENHAVN K, Danmark 2017.02.14 (111) 180699 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19953833 Kolon Industries Inc, 1-23 Byulyang-dong, Kwachon-city, KR- KYUNGGI-DO, Sør-Korea Awapatent AB, Box 5117, SE-20071 MALMÖ, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 184776 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19966686 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co, 410 North Michigan Avenue, US- IL60611 CHICAGO, USA Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, 2017.02.10 (111) 185076 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19961900 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 180825 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19961595 Automobiles Peugeot SA, 75, avenue de la Grande- Armée, FR-75116 PARIS, Frankrike Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.13 (111) 183026 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19951053 Whirpool Europe SrL, Comerio, IT-, Italia WWIPPS Sàrl, P.O. Box 2265, LU-1022 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg 2017.02.15 (111) 185611 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19970045 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co, 410 North Michigan Avenue, US- IL60611 CHICAGO, USA Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, 2017.02.10 (111) 185927 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19970853 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 177

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 196554 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199810979 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 210556 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19961493 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 202828 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199912341 The Body Shop International plc, Watersmead, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 6LS, GB-, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 218564 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200208774 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 203664 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199910116 Tools AS, Rosenholmveien 25, 1414 TROLLÅSEN, 2017.02.14 (111) 218734 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209421 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 203939 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200002582 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 218735 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209422 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 207576 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200011043 The Body Shop International Plc, Watersmead, GB- BN176LS LITTLEHAMPTON, WEST SUSSEX, Storbritannia Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 219205 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209479 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 219206 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209480 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 178

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 219284 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209205 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 233926 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200513342 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 219285 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209206 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 237829 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200610427 Teva Norway AS, Hagaløkkveien 13, 1371 ASKER, WWIPPS Sàrl, P.O. Box 2265, LU-1022 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg 2017.02.09 (111) 219343 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209196 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 237905 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200610124 Teva Norway AS, Hagaløkkveien 13, 1371 ASKER, WWIPPS Sàrl, P.O. Box 2265, LU-1022 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg 2017.02.09 (111) 219493 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209197 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 238320 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200609607 Vlaktor Trading Ltd, Zinonos Kitieos 8, Kato Lakatamia, CY-2322 NICOSIA, Kypros NORPATENT NATALIA ØVSTEGÅRD, Åregjerdet 18, 6030 LANGEVÅG, 2017.02.10 (111) 222864 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200209198 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 238365 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200512028 Watchcom Security Group AS, Postboks 7070, St. Olavs plass, 0130 OSLO, Formuesforvaltning Advokatfirma AS, Postboks 1777 Vika, 0122 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 233903 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200513343 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 240540 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200702835 Watchcom Security Group AS, Postboks 7070, St. Olavs plass, 0130 OSLO, Formuesforvaltning Advokatfirma AS, Postboks 1777 Vika, 0122 OSLO, 2017.02.15 179

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 240572 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200702975 Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co, 410 North Michigan Avenue, US- IL60611 CHICAGO, USA Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, 2017.02.10 (111) 243468 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200705053 Steinsvik AS, Rundhaug 25, 5563 FØRRESFJORDEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.09 (111) 252969 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200908370 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 253493 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200909182 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 254780 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200807560 Tools AS, Rosenholmveien 25, 1414 TROLLÅSEN, 2017.02.13 (111) 254999 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200913466 Watchcom Security Group AS, Postboks 7070, St. Olavs plass, 0130 OSLO, Formuesforvaltning Advokatfirma AS, Postboks 1777 Vika, 0122 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 255999 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201002412 Kodemaker Systemutvikling AS, Postboks 618, 0106 OSLO, 2017.02.14 (111) 258507 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201009118 Steinsvik AS, Rundhaug 25, 5563 FØRRESFJORDEN, Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.09 (111) 258520 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201009126 Kodemaker Systemutvikling AS, Postboks 618, 0106 OSLO, 2017.02.14 (111) 259826 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201012557 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 267405 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200909188 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 271334 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201303376 KODEMAKER SYSTEMUTVIKLING AS, Øvre Slottsgate 7, 0157 OSLO, 2017.02.14 180

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 274871 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201310408 NJIE GROUP NORGE, Wadmansgatan 6, SE-41253 GÖTEBORG, Sverige Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, 2017.02.16 (111) 275044 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201314687 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 275231 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201314738 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 275864 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201400951 GTCR Canyon UK Ventures Ltd., 28-42 Banner StreetDiscovery House, GB-EC1Y8QE LONDON, Storbritannia 2017.02.14 (111) 282879 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201505312 Downhole Products Limited, Badentoy Road, Badentoy Park, GB-AB124YA PORTLETHEN, ABERDEEN, Storbritannia Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, 2017.02.15 (111) 285750 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201513948 NJIE GROUP NORGE, Olskroksgatan 32, SE-41666 GÖTEBORG, Sverige Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, 2017.02.16 (111) 285781 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201513973 NJIE GROUP NORGE, Olskroksgatan 32, SE-41666 GÖTEBORG, Sverige Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, 2017.02.16 (111) 285900 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201513976 NJIE GROUP NORGE, Olskroksgatan 32, SE-41666 GÖTEBORG, Sverige Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, 2017.02.16 (111) 276368 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201402717 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 287981 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201603211 NJIE GROUP NORGE, Olskroksgatan 32, SE-41666 GÖTEBORG, Sverige Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, 2017.02.16 (111) 276539 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201403350 CCS Healthcare AB, Box 10054, SE-78110 BORLÄNGE, Sverige Bergenstråhle & Partners Göteborg AB, Box 17704, SE- 11893 STOCKHOLM, Sverige 2017.02.13 (111) 52256 (210) Søknadsnr.: 63249 Farrel Corp, Ansonia, CT, US-, USA Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, 2017.02.16 181

endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 76801 (210) Søknadsnr.: 96785 Lantmännen Cerealia Oy, Salmisaarenaukio 1, FI-00180 HELSINGFORS, Finland Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, 2017.02.13 182

Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer rettelse av internasjonale merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 (111) 1182936 (151) Reg.dato.: 2013.02.01 (180) Registreringen 2023.02.01 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201314195 (220) Inndato: 2013.11.28 (540) Gjengivelse av market: (591) Informasjon om farver som merket er krevet vernet for: Yellow, black and white.,the background is in yellow and black; "SA" is in black; the logo and the word "EQUIP" are in white. SA Equipment Ltd, 10 Clifton View, East Mains Industrial Estate, EH525NE BROXBURN, Storbritannia (GB) Klasse 6 Venting ducts of metal; ducts of metal for ventilating and air conditioning installations; reels of metal for Klasse 9 storing cables. Nautical, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; fire-extinguishing apparatus; portable power distribution apparatus; control apparatus; electrical control apparatus; temperature responsive control apparatus; temperature sensors; electrical control apparatus for fans; signal splitters; switched splitters for electric power; splitter boxes; portable splitter boxes; electric plugs; jack plugs; plugs for electric connecting leads; power distribution apparatus; transformers; power packs; power supply apparatus; sockets; batteries; battery packs; rechargeable batteries; chargers for batteries; battery charging racks, holders and cabinets; portable transformers; input and output leads; strobe lights (warning beacons); personal identification lights (beacons); lighting control apparatus; batteries for lighting; detecting apparatus incorporating lighting; electric cables for lighting installations; electric energising apparatus for lighting appliances; starters for fluorescent lighting; electrical cables; electric cables; conductors; electric extension cables; electrical connecting cables; electric extension reels; heat resistant electric cables; insulated cables; cable reels for electrical cable incorporating electrical sockets; ducting for electric cables; helmets; protective helmets; water temperature regulators; lighting transformers; parts, fittings and components for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, refrigerating, drying and ventilating; lighting apparatus and installations; electric lighting apparatus; electric lighting fittings; battery powered emergency lighting; emergency lighting; portable lighting; portable lighting masts; lamps; security lighting; lighting tubes; lighting units; fluorescent lighting; reflectors; halogen lamps; hand lamps; spotlights; work lights; portable work lights; portable lamps; strobe-effect lighting; torches; electric torches; pocket torches; hand torches; flashlights; rechargeable torches; head torches; safety torches; blowers; air movers; air distribution units; ventilation apparatus and installations; air conditioning apparatus and installations; air inductor apparatus; fans; electric fans; cooling fans; extractor fans; portable fans; ventilation fans; electrically powered air blowers; extractor fans; extractor units; thawing apparatus utilising heat; heating apparatus; heating cables; heating elements; strip heating units; heat exchangers, not parts of machines; mobile heating apparatus; tubular heating elements; brackets and stands for lighting; parts, fittings and components for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse 17 Flexible ducting of plastic or rubber; flexible ducting (non-metallic); flexible ducting made from insulating materials; pipe jackets, not of metal; non-metallic insulated pipe jackets; heating jackets for pipes; parts, fittings and components for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse 40 Rental of portable power distribution apparatus and transformers; rental of charging holders, racks and cabinets; rental of heating apparatus; rental of space heating apparatus and installations; rental of temporary heating apparatus; rental of ventilators and blowers; rental of air driven fans, ventilators and blowers; rental of portable fans; rental of water powered fans, ventilators and blowers; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services. Klasse 43 Rental of lighting apparatus; rental of safety lighting; rental of rechargeable lamps and torches; rental of portable lighting masts; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services. (111) 1288088 (151) Reg.dato.: 2015.07.03 (180) Registreringen 2025.07.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201602148 (220) Inndato: 2016.02.18 (300) Konvensjonsprioritet: 2015.03.11, FR, 154164006 (540) Gjengivelse av market: BIOSE BIOSE, Rue des Frères Lumière, 15130 ARPAJON SUR CERE, Frankrike (FR) Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical products; chemical or biological pharmaceutical preparations for pharmaceutical, medical and sanitary use; sanitary and medical preparations, namely, bacteria for use in the composition of biological pharmaceuticals for treating gynecological disorders, intestinal disorders, gastroenterological disorders linked to imbalances in the intestinal flora, vaginal flora, dermatological diseases, immune, auto-immune and inflammatory, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, allergies; biological or chemical preparations for pharmaceutical, medical, hygienic use, namely, probiotics, tribiotics in capsules, capsules and sachets, for treating or preventing the gastroenterological disease, gynecological, ear, nose and throat, dermatological, allergic, immune or inflammatory, diseases associated 183

rettelse av internasjonale merker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 with an imbalance in the vaginal or intestinal flora, flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, spasms, or for improving regulation of intestinal transit; vaginal capsules for treating gynecological diseases; preparations for medical use, namely, antifungals, antimycotics, antiflatulent agents, antidiarrheic agents, antispasmodics, antiinflammatories or antibiotics; disinfectants for hygiene care of patients suffering from gastroenterological diseases, imbalance of the intestinal flora, gynecological diseases, imbalance of the vaginal flora; nutritional supplements, namely, food beverages, bars and meal replacement substances adapted for medical and dietetic use, for treating or preventing gynecological disorders, gastroenterological, intestinal, disorders linked to imbalances in the intestinal flora, vaginal flora, dermatological diseases, immune, auto-immune and inflammatory, diseases of the ear, nose and throat; nutritional supplements, namely, meal replacement foods, beverages, bars made from a combination of probiotics, minerals and/or vitamins; medical preparations for slimming purposes; mineral food supplements. Klasse 41 Arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, seminars, symposiums and events for cultural and educational purposes; arranging of events for scientific purposes relating to probiotics as pharmaceutical preparations; services for publishing reviews, books, brochures, guidebooks, directories, newspapers, periodicals, magazines, all kinds of publications, all printed documents (other than advertising materials); editing of professional press and mainstream press; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; publication of specialized scientific information journals; on-line publication of books, directories, journals, texts (except advertising texts), of interactive multimedia works; publication of specialized scientific information journals relating to probiotics as pharmaceutical preparations, the probiotics industry, good practice in the field of probiotics, changes to regulations relating to probiotics; practical and professional training; conducting of seminars and training programs in the field of medical, pharmaceutical and pharmacological research in the field of regulatory affairs; online video training, videocassettes, DVD and CD for training personnel in the pharmaceutical industry cultures of micro-organisms, in particular probiotic bacterial, bacteriological, procedures for good manufacturing practices in laboratories; organization of events, namely parties for the award of prizes and professional honors; booking of seats for events for cultural and educational purposes; film production, videotape editing; digital imaging services, namely, digital photographs, digital photographic reporting; arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, seminars and events for scientific purposes. Klasse 42 Laboratory services for the provision of scientific analysis and research services, medical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, bacteriological, chemical and microbiological, design and production of pharmaceutical preparations, probiotics, tribiotics for others; consulting in production of pharmaceutical preparations; quality control; testing in laboratory; services for assessing the efficiency of pharmaceuticals; auditing and auditing pharmaceutical manufacturing processes; packaging design services; design of quality control and quality assurance prevention plans relating to the manufacture of pharmaceutical products; auditing and testing standards and practices in the field of the manufacture of probiotics, tribiotics, for ensure compliance with governmental regulations and industrial practices, practices quality control and quality assurance; pharmaceutical research projects and technical project studies conducting; engineering; provision of information and data relating to medical and scientific research in the field of pharmaceuticals, probiotics, and clinical trials relating to scientific research and development; provision and exchange of knowledge, industrial know-how and data relating to scientific research and development; provision and exchange of information and data exchange between scientists, manufacturers and health authorities relating to pharmaceutical regulatory affairs and the application thereof to probiotics; expertise services and technical advice in the field of scientific research for medical and pharmaceutical purposes, in the field of probiotics; development (creation) and maintenance of data banks and databases; extraction and retrieval of information and data mining; managing of working groups bringing together scientists and manufacturers to resolve problems in connection with probiotics; research and drafting of information provided by scientific research in the field of medical research, pharmaceutical, pharmacological in regulatory affairs in the field of probiotics. Klasse 44 Information, assistance and consultancy in medical, pharmaceutical and pharmacological services, relating to treatment by pharmaceutical probiotics, relating to medical and pharmaceutical treatment; information services provided by physicians, pharmacists in the field of medical research, pharmaceutical, pharmacological in regulatory affairs in the field of probiotics. 184

overprøving varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistreringer I følgende varemerkeregistrering er det innkommet krav om administrativ overprøving. (111) 251596 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200903953 (450) Reg. kunngjort: Nr. 28/09-2009.07.06 Krav om administrativ overprøving innlevert: 2017.02.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (111) 251595 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200903949 (450) Reg. kunngjort: Nr. 28/09-2009.07.06 Krav om administrativ overprøving innlevert: 2017.02.15 (540) Gjengivelse av merket Klasse 3 Toalettpreparater, ikke for medisinske formål; hudpleiepreparater; penneformede applikatorer med hudpleiepreparater for behandling av kviser, hudproblemer og hudtilstand, kosmetikk; ansiktsservietter og -pads, make-up fjernekluter og - pads, vatt i form av kluter og pads for kosmetisk bruk, hårpreparater; såper, parfymevarer og eteriske oljer; tannpussemidler. Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og stoffer; medisinske hårpleiepreparater; medisinske preparter for behandling av kviser, hudproblemer og hudtilstand. Reckitt & Colman (Overseas) Limited, Dansome Lane, GB- HU87DS HULL, Storbritannia Kravstiller: Karo Pharma AS, Karihaugveien 22, 1086 OSLO, Kravstillers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Klasse 3 Toalettpreparater, ikke for medisinske formål, hudpleiepreparater; penneformede applikatorer med hudpleiepreparater for behandling av kviser, hudproblemer og hudtilstand; kosmetikk, ansiktsservietter og -pads make-up fjernekluter og - pads, vatt i form av kluter og pads for kosmetisk bruk; hårpreparater; såper, parfymevarer og eteriske oljer; tannpussemidler. Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og stoffer; medisinske hårpleiepreparater; medisinske preparter for behandling av kviser, hudproblemer og hudtilstand. Reckitt & Colman (Overseas) Limited, Dansome Lane, GB- HU87DS HULL, Storbritannia Kravstiller: Karo Pharma AS, Karihaugveien 22, 1086 OSLO, Kravstillers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, 185

overprøving varemerker 2017.02.27 - nr 09/17 Avgjørelse etter krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistrering (111) 224541 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199912288 (450) Reg. kunngjort: Nr. 43/04-2004.11.08 Krav om administrativ overprøving innlevert: 2016.05.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål; ubearbeidete syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast; gjødningsmidler; ildslukningsmidler; preparater og midler for herding og lodding; kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler (klebemidler) til industrielle formål. Klasse 2 Maling, fernisser, lakker; rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler; fargestoffer; beisemidler; ubearbeidet naturlig harpiks; bladmetaller og metallpulver for malere, dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere. Klasse 4 Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler; støvbindemidler; brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer; lys og veker. Klasse 19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); stive rør (ikke av metall) for bygnings- og anleggsformål; asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall). Klasse 20 Møbler, speil, billedrammer; varer (ikke opptatt i andre klasser) av tre, kork, rør, rotting, kurvflettverk, horn, ben, elfenben, hvalben, skall og skjell, rav, perlemor, merskum og erstatningsstoffer for alle disse materialer, eller av plast. Klasse 27 Tepper, ryer, matter, linoleum og annet gulvbelegg; tapeter (ikke av tekstilmateriale). Løvenskiold Handel AS, Drammensveien 230, 0212 OSLO, Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Kravstiller: Tata Steel Denmark Byggesystemer A/S, Kaarsbergsvej 2, DK-8400 EHELTOFT, Danmark Kravstillers fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114, OSLO, NO Utfall av Administrativ overprøving, OP-sak 2016/00214: Varemerkeregistrering nr. 224541, det kombinerte merket HARMONI er slettet på grunn av manglende bruk, jf. varemerkeloven 37. Klagefristen utløp 2017.01.04 og avgjørelsen er endelig. Registreringen har status som opphørt. Avgjørelsen har virkning fra 11. mai 2016. 186