Motion segmentation separating background and foreground. The Goal. Scenario. Applications
- Torgrim Viken
- 5 år siden
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1 Motion segmentation separating background and foreground Tomáš Svoboda, Czech Technical University in Prague, Center for Machine Perception Last update: December 3, 27 Talk Outline Importance Challenges Solutions Scenario static cameras observe a room, street, parking,... 2/38 (almost) static background the scene moving object (cars) and/or people foreground detect meaningful motions The Goal avoid false detection caused by unimportant changes in the scene (image noise, swaying trees, illumination changes, shadows,... ) Applications surveillance (detect: intruder in forbidden zone, panic situation, unusual behavior, long queues... ; alert human operator) human-computer interaction without input devices tele-presence (tele-teaching, tele-conferencing... ) in larger scenes collision avoidance for robot/vehicle navigation indexing: e.g. show me scenes in the movie with actor X... Focus is on humans, but it is applicable to other objects as well. 3/38
2 Application example surveillance 4/38 Application example gesture recognition for virtual environments 5/38 Challenges 6/38 non-interesting changes in image shadows appearance changes (rotating car) objects that temporarily stopped overlapping objects moving camera (moving background) articulated objects For us (humans), this is easy, but even the best computer vision methods work only under some assumptions. But computers are cheaper, usually faster and stay concentrated even when task is boring.
3 Image noise 7/38 Image noise (pseudocolors of red channel) 8/ Essentials no high-level knowledge about the scene 9/38 pixel based classification observations and some rough assumptions about the scene only available
4 Possible solution I: Frame differencing Idea: compare subsequent frames /38 Pixel is part of foreground (object) if I t I t > T where T is a threshold Frame differencing thresholding /38 Possible solution II: Background subtraction Idea: learn the static part of the scene and always compare to actual frames Pixel is part of foreground (object) if I t B > T where T is a threshold and B is the background intensity. How to find B just take a sample image capture sample images and use the average How to find T test and try statistical analysis of a training set 2/38
5 Naive solution For each pixel, store the intensity I observed in first image frame as background model B = I and label the same pixel at frame t as background if I t B < T. 3/38 Problem: even image of completely static scene is not constant due to noise. taking background model from single image is not reliable use mean image of n first frames of empty scene B = mean{i t : t =... n} noise level can differ based on camera, its settings and illumination use significance test to set the T (Global or per-pixel) Background image 4/38 average of 2 images of empty scene Differences between background and actual images 5/38
6 Problems with threshold 6/38 Significance test with level α Take n image frames of empty scene (hypothesis background B), accumulate statistics on the I t B measure (for all pixels together) and set T such that p( I t B > T B) = α e.g. significance level α =. means % of background pixels will be misclassified as foreground (so called false positives). Setting α too low increases foreground pixel misclassification (so called false negatives). 7/38 Accessible reading about Bayesian decision theory [, Chapter 2] Better? 8/38
7 Problems with the static models number of missclassified pixels known only on the training data 9/38 strictly require empty scene for learning (consider outdoor surveillance) do not adapt to changing environment Illumination dim Observation: changing illumination (including shadows cast by moving objects) has multiplicative effect on the observed intensity. 2/38 Illumination more light Observation: changing illumination (including shadows cast by moving objects) has multiplicative effect on the observed intensity. 2/38
8 Illumination-invariant color spaces There are different ways to exploit this observation: 22/38 transform [R, G, B] pixel color into color representation invariant to illumination intensity, e.g. to ratios [ R B, ] G B, [R,G,B] R 2 +G 2 +B 2 or opponent colors [I, R G, 2B R G] examine gray values at neighbor pixels to find out if they have undergone the same transformation which could be explained by illumination change [2] Problems Dark areas [R, G, B] (consider the fractions) Colors are not color enough (real world is grey, intensity is the dominant value) Still we can do something... Collinearity measurement Consider not only pixel but also its neighbourhood Background: b = s + ɛb d r 23/38 Observed signal: x = ks + ɛx s is the true (unknown) signal x i d 2 r 2 b i k is a illumination factor ɛ noise Change detection: Can be the b and x considered as collinear? u Collinearity test statistics Maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the true signal direction u is given by minimizing the sum: d D 2 = d 2 + d 2 2 r x i d 2 r 2 b i 24/38 u
9 Possible post-processing by using binary morphology 25/38 X B X B (X B) B Adaptive background Idea: the background model is learning from incoming image frames. 26/38 + can be used in more general situations, also outdoors finding balance between learning background changes quickly and forgetting temporarily static objects does not distinguish between different objects Simple modification of static background model: update the background model with learning rate α, B t = ( α)b t + αy t, where Y t is current observation, may be pixel intensity, color, depth... Mixture of Gaussians Observation: the changes in images of static background are due to: 27/38 additive Gaussian noise multiple different surfaces (waving trees) or illuminations (sun/clouds) Idea: model color of each pixel as a weighted set of K 3-dimensional (red,green,blue) Gaussians. Each Gaussian has mean value in each dimension µ = [µ R, µ G, µ B ] and diagonal covariance matrix Σ = diag(σ 2 R, σ2 G, σ2 B ), i.e. the color channels are for simplicity assumed independent. Used in different variations, good reference [3]
10 Mixture of Gaussians 2 The probability of observing y t according to the Gaussian mixture model of background B is then: p B (y t y,..., y t ) = K w t,k η(y t, µ t,k, Σ t,k ), k= where w t,k, is weight of k-th Gaussian and η is probability density function (standard Gaussian distribution) η(y, µ, Σ) = (2π) d/2 Σ e 2 (y µ) Σ (y µ). 28/38 To label the pixel as background, probability of the observation y t has to be over certain threshold p B (y t ) > threshold. Updating Gaussian Update the Gaussians for which η(y t,...) > threshold (i.e. those matching the observation y t ) using an on-line K-means approximation 29/38 µ t,k = ( α)µ t,k + αy t σ 2 R,t,k = ( α)σ 2 R,t,k + α(y R,t µ R,t,k ) 2 σ 2 G,t,k = ( α)σ 2 G,t,k + α(y G,t µ G,t,k ) 2 σ 2 B,t,k = ( α)σ 2 B,t,k + α(y B,t µ B,t,k ) 2 More precise way of update would be using Expectation-Maximization on a number of recent observations, it is however more time consuming. Updating weights of Gaussians in mixture The weight of all the Gaussians in mixture is decreased 3/38 w t,k = ( α)w t,k with the exception of the Gaussians that were updated, for which w t,k = ( α)w t,k + α. If y t matched no Gaussian, the lowest-weight Gaussian from mixture is removed and new one is added with mean µ = y t, variances for all channels σ 2 = σinit 2 and w = α. Weights are normalized so that K k= w t,k =.
11 How the K-means works, step 3/38.2 t= ; initial means.2 t= ; classification.2 t= ; new means > initial for t How the K-means works, step 2,... 32/38.2 t= 2; initial means.2 t= 2; classification.2 t= 2; new means > initial for t until it converges 33/38.2 t= 9; initial means.2 t= 9; classification.2 t= 9; new means > initial for t The iterations stop when there is no more change in the classification.
12 Mixture update visualization 34/38 Adaptive segmentation results 35/38 Motion segmentation summary pixel based approach 36/38 no general all-solving method despite limited power widely used because of its simplicity
13 References 37/38 [] Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, and David G. Stork. Pattern Classification. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, USA, 2nd edition, 2. [2] Rudolf Mester, Til Aach, and Lutz Dümbgen. Illumination-invariant change detection using statistical colinearity criterion. In R. Radig and Florczyk S., editors, DAGM2, number 29 in LNCS, pages Springer Verlag, 2. [3] Chris Stauffer and W.E.L Grimson. Adaptive background mixture models for real-time tracking. In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, volume 2, pages , June 999. End 38/38
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What is is expertise expertise? Individual Individual differ diff ences ences (three (thr ee cent cen r t a r l a lones): easy eas to to test
Expertise in planning & estimation What is it and can one improve it? Jo Hannay (Simula) 1 What is expertise? Individual differences (three central ones): easy to test Personality easy to test Intelligence
VLSI Design for Yield on Chip Level
IBM Systems and Technology Group Markus Bühler Jeanne Bickford Jason Hibbeler Jürgen Koehl DATE 2006 Outline Catastrophic Failures Defect Mechanisms State of the Art Novel Techniques Conclusion 2 Catastrophic
Hvordan jobber reiselivsgründere med sine etableringer? Sølvi Solvoll Klyngesamling, Bodø
Hvordan jobber reiselivsgründere med sine etableringer? Sølvi Solvoll Klyngesamling, Bodø 14.02.2018 Hvilke beslutninger har du tatt i dag? Planlegge eller effektuere? Effectuation; måten ekspertgründeren
Issues and challenges in compilation of activity accounts
1 Issues and challenges in compilation of activity accounts London Group on environmental accounting 21st meeting 2-4 November 2015 Statistics Netherlands The Hague Kristine E. Kolshus Statistics
GEF2200 Atmosfærefysikk 2017
GEF2200 Atmosfærefysikk 2017 Løsningsforslag til sett 3 Oppgaver hentet fra boka Wallace and Hobbs (2006) er merket WH06 WH06 3.18r Unsaturated air is lifted (adiabatically): The rst pair of quantities
1 UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT BOKMÅL Utsatt eksamen i: ECON2915 Vekst og næringsstruktur Eksamensdag: 07.12.2012 Tid for eksamen: kl. 09:00-12:00 Oppgavesettet er på 5 sider Tillatte hjelpemidler:
FYSMEK1110 Eksamensverksted 23. Mai :15-18:00 Oppgave 1 (maks. 45 minutt)
FYSMEK1110 Eksamensverksted 23. Mai 2018 14:15-18:00 Oppgave 1 (maks. 45 minutt) Page 1 of 9 Svar, eksempler, diskusjon og gode råd fra studenter (30 min) Hva får dere poeng for? Gode råd fra forelesere
Eksamensoppgave i PSY3100 Forskningsmetode - Kvantitativ
Psykologisk institutt Eksamensoppgave i PSY3100 Forskningsmetode - Kvantitativ Faglig kontakt under eksamen: Mehmet Mehmetoglu Tlf.: 91838665 Eksamensdato: Eksamenstid (fra-til): Hjelpemiddelkode/Tillatte
Qi-Wu-Zhang model. 2D Chern insulator. León Martin. 19. November 2015
Qi-Wu-Zhang model 2D Chern insulator León Martin 19. November 2015 Motivation Repeat: Rice-Mele-model Bulk behavior Edge states Layering 2D Chern insulators Robustness of edge states Motivation topological
UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS English Exam: ECON2915 Economic Growth Date of exam: 25.11.2014 Grades will be given: 16.12.2014 Time for exam: 09.00 12.00 The problem set covers 3 pages Resources
Eksamen ENG1002/1003 Engelsk fellesfag Elevar og privatistar/elever og privatister. Nynorsk/Bokmål
Eksamen 22.11.2012 ENG1002/1003 Engelsk fellesfag Elevar og privatistar/elever og privatister Nynorsk/Bokmål Nynorsk Eksamensinformasjon Eksamenstid Hjelpemiddel Eksamen varer i 5 timar. Alle hjelpemiddel
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GeWare: A data warehouse for gene expression analysis
GeWare: A data warehouse for gene expression analysis T. Kirsten, H.-H. Do, E. Rahm WG 1, IZBI, University of Leipzig, Outline Motivation GeWare Architecture Annotation Integration
UNIVERSITETET I OSLO ØKONOMISK INSTITUTT BOKMÅL Eksamen i: ECON1710 Demografi grunnemne Eksamensdag: 10.12.2013 Sensur blir annonsert: 03.01.2014 Tid for eksamen: kl. 14:30 17:30 Oppgavesettet er på 5
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BIBSYS Brukermøte 2011 Live Rasmussen og Andreas Christensen Alt på et brett? -om pensum på ipad og lesebrett Prosjektet epensum på lesebrett Vi ønsker å: Studere bruk av digitalt pensum i studiesituasjonen.