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1 INNKALLING TIL MØTE I PROGRAMUTVALGET FOR MASTERUTDANNINGEN Møte 2/2013, kl 09:15 12:00 i Kollegierommet, NHH Innkalling er sendt til: Kenneth Fjell DEKAN FV Kurt Brekke MEDL FV Karin Thorburn MEDL FV Paul Gooderham MEDL FV Peder Engesæth MEDL STUD Monica Hopshaug MEDL STUD Forfall meldes til utvalgssekretær. Bergen,

2 SAKSLISTE 7/13 Godkjenning av møteprotokoll og saksliste PMU 3/13 Dekan orienterer /13 PMU - Kurstilbudet høsten 2013 og tentativt våren /13 Oppfølging av NOKUT-evalueringen /13 Kapasitetsutfordringer ifm veiledning av masterutredninger /13 Programevaluering - igangsetting av datainnsamling 12/13 Eventuelt PMU

3 7/13GodkjenningavmøteprotokollogsakslistePMU/-

4 Dekan orienterer Saksbehandler: Liv Mari Bakke Arkivreferanse: 2009/152 / Utvalg Møtedato Utvalgsnr Programutvalget for masterutdanningen /13 Dekanen orienterer i møtet: Oppfølging arbeidsgrupper o MRR o Master/PhD o Obligatoriske seminarer Oppfølging sak om internasjonalt opptak opptakskriterier og tildeling av grad Søkertall Nye spørsmål på kursevalueringene Kursevaluering i FIE436 gjennomføring i forelesning ga høy oppslutning Masterdag 2013 Forslag til vedtak: PMU tar orienteringen til etterretning.

5 PMU - Kurstilbudet høsten 2013 og tentativt våren 2014 Saksbehandler: Torolf Myklebust Arkivreferanse: 2013/150 / 300 Utvalg Møtedato Utvalgsnr Programutvalget for masterutdanningen /13 Saksutredning: Instituttene har blitt bedt om å sende inn sitt undervisningstilbud for høsten 2013 og det tentative tilbudet for våren En samlet oversikt over tilbudet finnes i vedlegg 1. De kursbeskrivelser vi har fått inn ligger i vedlegg 2. Søknader og begrunnelser for endringer finnes i vedlegg 3. Under vil de mest vesentlige punkt ved høstens kurstilbud trekkes frem. Undervisningssemesteret starter 19. august 2013 og vil vare til og med 8. november Eksamensperioden starter 11. november 2013 og slutter ca. 20. desember Nye kurs Høsten 2013 Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi melder nytt kurs: o «ENEXXX Shipping and Offshore Markets» tidligere INB426 Shipping Economics, kursbeskrivelse ettersendes Institutt for strategi og ledelse melder nye kurs: o «STRxxx ERP systems and Organisational Effectiveness» kursbeskrivelse vedlagt Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og rettsvitenskap melder nytt kurs: o «MRR416 Foretaksrett» kursbeskrivelse ettersendes o «MRR417 Skatt og avgift» kursbeskrivelse ettersendes Institutt for finans melder nytt kurs: o «FIE433 International Finance» ny kursansvarlig, kursbeskrivelse mangles Våren 2013 Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og rettsvitenskap melder nytt kurs: o «BUSXXX Responsible Business Models» kan komme til å bli et ETI kurs, kursbeskrivelse ettersendes o «MRR443 Verdsettelse» kursbeskrivelse ettersendes o «MRR446 Juss» kursbeskrivelse ettersendes o «MRR452 Finansregnskap» kursbeskrivelse ettersendes 2. Endringer Institutt for strategi og ledelse melder følgende endringer Vurderingsform og vekting av vurderingsform:

6 o «STR402 Methodology for master thesis» revidert kursbeskrivelse. Endring i et av elementene i vurderingsform: fjerning av valgfritt individuelt skrivning. Begrunnelse vedlagt o «MBM400 Research for Brand Decisions» revidert Kursbeskrivelse. Endring vekting av elementene i vurderingsform fra 60/40 eksamen/oppgave til 50/50. Begrunnelse vedlagt. o «MBM401 Consumer Behavior» revidert kursbeskrivelse. Endring i krav til kursgodkjenning fra «presentation and assignments» til «One mid-term case assignment has to be passed.» o «MBM421 Managing Corporate Reputation» endring vurderingsform fra 50/50 Multiple choice eksamen / oppgave-presentasjon til 60/40 oppgave/presentasjon, revidert kursbeskrivelse og begrunnelse vedlagt o «INB422C International Strategy» revidert kursbeskrivelse. Kursnavn endret i forhold til h-12. Endring vurderingsform tilbake til 50/50 oppgave/eksamen. Begrunnelse vedlagt Mindre endringer: o «INB400 International Organization and Management» revidert kursbeskrivelse, endringer i tekst + litteratur o «INB423 International Marketing» revidert kursbeskrivelse, mindre endringer i tekst o «MBM428 Product Development and Design» undervisningssemesteret endret til vår o «STR422 Strategisk endring og læring i organisasjoner» Endring kursansvarlig, revidert kursbeskrivelse vedlagt Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og rettsvitenskap melder følgende endringer MRR o Parallelkursene BUS440/MRR413 erstattes av BUS425/MRR413 MRRREV og MRRRAV skal erstattes av kurs i det nye MRR tilbudet. Tidligere behandlet av PMU Mindre endringer o «BUS443 Advanced Auditing» navnbytte. For eksempel til "Cases in Auditing" 3. Adgangsbegrensede kurs Høsten 2013 «BUS423 Simulation of Business Processes»: ønsket om antall studenter mangler «STR425 Forhandlinger»: 32 studenter, dubleres ved behov, tidligere godkjent Våren 2014 «BUS420 Strategisk økonomistyring»: 40 studenter, tidligere godkjent «FIE428 Cases in Corporate Finance»: 45 studenter, tidligere godkjent «FIE435 Applied Finance»: 60 studenter, tidligere godkjent «FIE436 IPO s and Venture Capital»: 45 studenter, tidligere godkjent «INB403 Cross Cultural Management»: 45 studenter, tidligere godkjent «INB422 International Strategy»: 55 studenter, tidligere godkjent «STR425 Forhandlinger»: 32 studenter, dubleres ved behov, tidligere godkjent «STR433 Etisk handling»: 40 studenter, tidligere godkjent «STR437 Team og teamledelse»: 36 studenter, dubleres ved behov, tidligere godkjent

7 4. Intensive kurs Høsten 2013 Institutt for foretaksøkonomi melder at følgende kurs går intensivt: o «ENE428 Empirical Energy Economics» o «ENE451 Seminar: Risk Management and Safety» o «ENE452 Seminar: Global Aspects of Climate Change and Ethical Challenges» o «FIE439 Empirical Analyses of Finance and Resource Markets» o «FIE433 International Finance» Institutt for finans melder at følgende kurs går intensivt: o «FIE437 M&A and Evaluation» o «FIE438 Applied Portfolio Management» o «FIE439 Empirical Analyses of Finance and Resource Markets» Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og rettsvitenskap melder at følgende kurs går intensivt: o «MRR445 Topics in Auditing» Våren 2014 Institutt for foretaksøkonomi melder at følgende kurs går intensivt våren 2013: o «BUS432 Produksjonsstyring» o «ECO437 Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Economics» o «ENE456 Seminar: Environmental Responsibility: the role of IPO s and large corporations» o «ENE459 Seminar: Energy Challenges and Energy Production in the 21 st Century» o «ENE461 Seminar: Optimization Models for Exploitation of Petroleum Fields» Institutt for finans melder at følgende kurs går intensivt: o «FIE434 Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management» o «FIE435 Applied Finance» o «FIE441 Taxes and Business Strategy» Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og rettsvitenskap melder at følgende kurs går intensivt: o «MRR445 Topics in Auditing» 5. Tilbud av obligatoriske kurs Institutt for foretaksøkonomi melder at: o «BUS400E Management Control» hviler høsten 2013 og våren CEMS tilbud CEMS kursliste for høsten 2013 er på undervisningstilbudsskjema. Forslag til vedtak: 1. Det fremlagte undervisningstilbudet for høsten 2013 godkjennes. Det tentative tilbudet for våren 2014 tas til orientering. 2. Nye kurs med oppstart høsten 2013 og med fremlagt kursbeskrivelser godkjennes.

8 3. Nye kurs med oppstart høsten 2013 som mangler kursbeskrivelser godkjennes av dekanen på fullmakt når en tilfredsstillende kursbeskrivelse mottas. 4. Endring av vurderingsform i STR402 godkjennes. Endringer i vurderingsform og vekting av vurderingsform i MBM421 godkjennes. Endring av vekting i MBM400 og INB422C godkjennes. Endring i kursgodkjenning i MBM401 godkjennes. Gjentak må skje etter ny vurderingsform. 5. Endringer i kursbeskrivelser godkjennes: INB400/INB423/MBM428/STR422. Navnbytte i BUS443 godkjennes av dekanen på fullmakt når forslag er mottatt. 6. Ønske om adgangsbegrensede kurs høsten 2013 godkjennes. Ønske om adgangsbegrensede kurs våren 2014 tas til orientering. 7. Tilbud av intensive kurs høsten 2013 godkjennes. Tilbud av intensive kurs våren 2014 tas til orientering. 8. At BUS400E hviler høsten 2013 og våren 2014 tas til orientering. 9. CEMS tilbud høsten 2013 godkjennes. 10. Ytterligere vedtak fattes i møtet. leder/dekan Kjersti Berg Danilova Seksjonsleder

9 KURSTILBUD MASTERSTUDIET HØST 2013 OG TENTATIVT VÅR 2014 BUS402/MRR412 Finansregnskap Terje Heskestad RRR x Norsk BUS403E Supply Chain Management S-L. Nonås/P. Agrell FOR X BUS420 Strategisk økonomistyring Bino Catasus RRR x Norsk 40 stud. BUS422 Investeringsanalyse J. Bengtsson FOR X Norsk BUS423 Simulation of Business Processes E. Bjørndal FOR X X BUS424 Strategisk regnskapsanalyse Kjell H. Knivsflå RRR x Norsk BUS425 Regnskapsanalyse og verdsettelse Finn Kinserdal RRR x Norsk BUS426E Auditing Iris Stuart RRR x BUS426N/MRR411 Revisjon Aasmund Eilifsen RRR x Norsk BUS427 Advanced Management Accounting T. Bjørnenak / T. Pinheiro / R. Heinzelmann RRR x BUS428 Økonomisk organisasjonsteori O. Kvaløy FOR X Norsk BUS429 Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Optimization Zhan Pang FOR X s1418: K Jörnsten har forskningstermin 2013 BUS432 Operations Management B. I. Helgheim FOR X X BUS435 Regnskap og budsjettering i offentlige organisasjoner Norvald Monsen RRR x Norsk BUS437 Valuation, Financial analysis and Accounting Mattias Hamberg /ev. J. Downing, nye stipend. RRR x BUS438 Strategisk outsourcing og franchising Ø. Foros FOR X Norsk BUS440/MRR413 Regnskapsanalyse og verdsettelse F. Gjesdal / G. Dahl RRR x Norsk BUS441 Konkurranseanalyse Lars Sørgard, Sissel Jensen SAM X Brekke friår. Norsk BUS442 Konkurranserett Lars Sørgard, Erling Hjelmeng SAM X Norsk BUS443 Advanced Auditing Iris Stuart RRR x Navnbytte. For eksempel "Cases in Auditing" ETI450 Corporate social responsibility Ivar Kolstad, Lars J. Tynes Pedersen SAM/Etikk X FIE441 Taxes and Business Strategy G. Schjelderup / D. Schindler RRR/FOR x STR435 Personalpolitikk og incentiver Astrid Oline Ervik SAM X Norsk BUSXXX (ETI) Responsible Business models Lars J. T. Pedersen RRR x Ny kurskod Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 SAM470 Konkurranseforhold i norske markeder Frode Steen SAM 0 Hviler. Steen instituttstyrer Norsk BUS400E Management Control N.N FOR (X) Kurset hviler H2013 BUS430 Advanced Valuation Frøystein Gjesdal / Mattias Hamberg RRR 0 Intensivt BUS Kursnavn Vår 14 Undervisningsspråk Kursholder Institutt Høst 13 Merknader Kursramme: 22 kurs + 2 BUS400N Styring av større foretak I. Bragelien FOR X Norsk BUS401/MRR415 Strategiske lønnsomhetsanalyser og prising T. Bjørnenak / K. Nyland / A. Meidell RRR x x T. Bjørnenak høst, K. Nyland og A. Meidell vår Norsk Adgangsbegrenset Utgår

10 ECO Kursnavn Kursholder Institutt Vår 14 Merknader Undervisningsspråk Intensivt Høst 13 Kursramme: BUS428 Økonomisk organisasjonsteori 0 FOR X Norsk BUS429 Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Optimization 0 FOR X ECO400 Beslutninger, strategi og informasjon E. Kristiansen FOR/SAM X Norsk ECO400 Decisions, strategy and information Eirik Kristiansen, Fred Schroyen SAM X Trond Olsen friår:trond O har forskningstermin 2013, E. Kristiansen har da kurset alene. ECO401 Optimization and microeconomic theory Lars Mathiesen, Fred Schroyen SAM X ECO402 Econometric techniques Ragnhild Balsvik SAM X Øivind friår ECO403 Time Series Analysis and Prediction N.N FOR X Ny postdoktor ECO421 Introductory Asset Pricing/ Finansieringsteori T. Stamland (tbc) FIN X English ECO422 Advanced Corporate Finance T. Stamland FIN X English ECO423 Risk Management J. Haug FIN X English ECO425 International macroeconomics Krisztina Molnar, Gernot Doppelhofer SAM X ECO426 Globalization, firm behavior, and public policy Hans Jarle Kind, Marko Köthenburger SAM X ECO427 Næringsøkonomi Hans Jarle Kind, Kurt Brekke SAM X Norsk ECO433 Econometric Analysis and Applications Øivind Anti Nilsen SAM X ECO437 Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Economics FOR X Hvert annet år. X ECO438 Health Economics Fred Schroyen SAM X Går annethvert år ECOXXX Skatt, beslutningsatferd og økonomisk politikk L.E. Borge/J.Rattsø FOR X Norsk ENE420 Economic Decision Models Gernot Doppelhofer, Ingvild Almås FOR X FIE421 Langsiktig markoøkonomisk analyse Gernot Doppelhofer, Ingvild Almås SAM X Norsk Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 ECO435 Finansielle institusjoner Trond Olsen, Eirik Gaard Kristiansen FOR/SAM 0 Hviler Norsk ECO440 Forsikringsøkonomi K. Aase FOR (X) Hver annen høst. Neste gang H2014.K. Aase har forskningstermin H2013-V2014 Norsk ECO439 Resource Economics N.N. SAM 0 Hviler Hannesson pensjonist ECO420 Corporate Governance T. Olsen/E. Kristiansen FOR (X) Hviler H2013. Norsk Adgangsbegrenset ENE Kursnavn Kursholder Institutt Vår 14 Merknader Undervisningsspråk Intensivt Høst 13 ENExxx Shipping & offshore markets Siri P. Strandenes, Roar Ådland SAM X Tidligere INB426 Shipping econ ECO402 Econometric techniques Ragnhild Balsvik SAM X Øivind friår ENE420 Economic Decision Models Mario Guajardo FOR X ENE421 The Energy, Resource and Environmental Industrial Sector L. Sandal/S. I. Steinshamn FOR X ENE422 Financial Aspects of Energy and Commodity Markets M. Chronopoulos FOR X ENE423 Environmental Economics G. Eskeland FOR X ENE424 Design and Operation of Deregulated Electricity Markets L. Rud FOR X ENE425 Alternative Energy Sources in Physical, Environmental and Econo J. P. Hansen FOR X ENE426 Economics of Climate Change G. Eskeland FOR X ENE427 Land use and natural resources Roger Bivand SAM X ENE428 Empirical Energy Economics Anne Neumann FOR X X ENE429 Topics in Applied Management of the Environment and Natural ReS. I. Steinshamn FOR X ENE430 Commodity trade & transport Roar Ådland SAM X ENE451 Seminar: Risk Management and Safety J. Lillestøl FOR X X ENE452 Seminar: Global Aspects of Climate Change and Ethical ChallengeL. Sandal/S. I. Steinshamn FOR X X ENE456 Seminar: Environmental Responsibility: The Role of NGOs and LaL. Sandal/S. I. Steinshamn FOR X X ENE458 The economics & politics of international agriculture & trade Rolf Brunstad, Erling Vårdal SAM/UiB X SEMINAR ENE459 Seminar: Energy Challenges and Energy Production in the 21st CeE. Lillestøl FOR X X ENE461 Seminar: Optimization Models for Exploitation of Petroleum FieldsD. Haugland FOR X X ETI450 Corporate social responsibility Ivar Kolstad, Lars J. Tynes Pedersen SAM/Etikk X SAM468 Petroleum economics Linda Nøstbakken SAM X STR404 Strategic Analysis Lasse B. Lien SOL X Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 SAM460 International fisheries management N.N. SAM 0 Hviler Hannesson pensjonist ECO439 Resource Economics N.N. SAM 0 Hviler Hannesson pensjonist ENE454 Seminar: Communicating in the energy sector FSK Tilbys ikke h2013-v2014 pga forskningstermin (TD); neste gang h2014 (tentativt). X Kurs som utgår på ubestemt tid: ENE450 Seminar: Environmental Accounting and Carbon Trading L. Sandal/K. Jörnsten FOR (X) Utgår inntil videre. Adgangsbegrenset

11 FIE Kursnavn Kursramme: Kursholder Institutt Høst 13 ECO425 International macroeconomics Krisztina Molnar, Gernot Doppelhofer SAM X FIE400E Investments N.N. FIN X English FIE400E Investments F. Santos FIN X English FIE400N Finansmarkeder P. Bjerksund/N.N FOR/FIN 2X Norsk FIE400N Finansmarkeder S-A. Persson FIN X FIE402E Corporate Finance T. Hull FIN X English FIE402E Corporate Finance M. Kisser FIN X English FIE402N Foretakets finansiering T. Johnsen FIN X Norwegian FIE403 Konjunkturanalyse Gernot Doppelhofer SAM X Norsk FIE420 Pengemarkeder og bankvesen Jan Tore Klovland SAM X Norsk FIE421 Langsiktig markoøkonomisk analyse Gernot Doppelhofer, Ingvild Almås SAM X Norsk FIE422 Internasjonale finansmarkeder og fin. stabilitet Rolf Brunstad, N.N. SAM X Klovland frisemester Norsk FIE423 Renteinstrumenter P. Bjerksund/G. Stensland FOR X Norsk Norwegian Intensivt Vår 14 Merknader Undervisningsspråk Adgangsbegrenset FIE425 Derivates and Risk Management S-A. Persson FIN X English FIE426 Kapitalforvaltning T. Døskeland FOR X FIE426 Kapitalvorvaltning T.Johnsen/A. Mjøs FIN X Norwegian FIE428 Cases in Corporate Finance A. Mjøs FIN X English Yes FIE431 Krakk og kriser Ola Honningdal Grytten SAM X Norsk FIE432 Personlig økonomi G. Schjelderup/T. Døskeland/T. Hansen FOR X (X) Utgår V2013 og V2014 Norsk FIE433 International Finance M. Kisser FIN X Ny kursbeskrivelse ettersendes English FIE434 Behavioural Finance and Wealth Management T. Hens FIN X English X FIE435 Applied Finance R. Harris FIN X English X Yes FIE436 IPOs and Venture Capital C. Bienz FIN X English Yes FIE437 M&A and Valuation B.Wright FIN X English X FIE437 M&A K. Thorburn FIN X English FIE438 Applied Portfolio Management B.Wright FIN X English X FIE439 Empirical Analyses of Finance and Resource Markets O. Gjølberg FIN X English X FIE441 Taxes and Business Strategy G. Schjelderup/D. Schindler FOR X X FIE442 Growth and architecture of financial systems Liam Brunt SAM X Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 FIE427 Finansielle kontrakter Eirik Gaard Kristiansen SAM 0 Hviler Norsk ECO420 Corporate Governance Eirik Kristiansen, Trond Olsen SAM/FOR 0 Hviler Norsk INB Kursnavn Kursholder Institutt Vår 14 Merknader Undervisningsspråk Høst 13 BUS403E Supply Chain Management S.L. Nonås/P. Agrell FOR x ECO426 Globalization, firm behavior, and public policy Hans Jarle Kind, Marko Köthenburger SAM X ETI450 Corporate social responsibility Ivar Kolstad, Lars J. Tynes Pedersen SAM/Etikk X INB400 International Organization and Management Paul Gooderham SOL X Revidert kursbeskrivelse, endringer i tekst + litteratur INB401 International Trade and Macroeconomics Rolf Brunstad, Nicola Coniglio SAM X kursansvarlig endret INB403 Cross Cultural Management FSK x kommer navnendring (tlf med Anne Kari Bjørge) 45 stud INB421 Int. Business and Non-Business Accounting Norvald Monsen RRR x INB422 International Strategy Eric Lofquist SOL X 55 stud INB423 International Marketing Aksel Rokkan SOL X Revidert kursbeskrivelse, mindre endringer i tekst INB425 Chinese Challenge Eirik Vatne SAM X INB427 Globalisation and Integration Ragnhild Balsvik, Sissel Jensen SAM X INB428 Topics in International Economic History in the 19th and 20th CentStig Tenold SAM X INB429 EU-Law Erling Hjelmeng RRR x MBM420 Brand Strategy Lars E. Olsen SOL X SAM460 Petroleum Economics Linda Nøstbakken SAM X STR402 Methodology for master thesis Karen Modesta Olsen SOL X Rev. kursbeskrivelse. Endring i et av elementene i vurderingsform. Begrunnelse vedlagt STR404 Strategic Analysis Lasse B. Lien SOL X Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 BUS400E Management Control N.N. FOR (X) SAM468 International Fisheries Management N.N. SAM 0 Hviler Hannesson pensjonist

12 Intensivt MBM Kursnavn Kursholder Vår 14 Undervisningsspråk Institutt Høst 13 Merknader Kursramme: 21 kurs ECO402 Econometric techniques Ragnhild Balsvik SAM X Øivind friår ETI450 Corporate social responsibility Ivar Kolstad, Lars J. Tynes Pedersen SAM/Etikk X INB423 International Marketing Aksel Rokkan SOL X Revidert kursbeskrivelse, mindre endringer i tekst MBM400 Research for Brand Decisions Einar Breivik SOL X Rev. Kursbeskrivelse. Endring vekting av elementene i vurderingsform. Begrunnelse vedlagt. MBM401 Consumer Behavior Håvard Hansen SOL X Rev. Kursbeskrivelse. Endring i krav til kursgodkjenning MBM402 Brand Equity and Pricing Einar Breivik og Leif E. Hem SOL X MBM420 Brand Strategy Lars E. Olsen SOL X MBM421 Managing Corporate Reputation Siv Skard SOL X Endring vurderingsform, rev. kursbeskr. og begrunnelse vedl. MBM422 Social Media Marketing Ingeborg A. Kleppe SOL X MBM424 Integrated Marketing Communication Herbjørn Nysveen SOL X MBM428 Product Development and Design Herbjørn Nysveen SOL X Undervisnigssemester endret til vår MBM429 Service Innovation Tina Saebi SOL X STR402 Methodology for master thesis Karen Modesta Olsen SOL X Rev. Kursbeskrivelse. Endring i et av elementene i vurderingsform. Begrunnelse vedlagt. STR404 Strategic Analysis Lasse B. Lien SOL X STR421 Competitive strategy Frode Steen SAM X Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 MBM425 Advertising economics Kurt Brekke, Hans J Kind, Lars Sørgard SAM 0 Hviler pga friår SAM Kursnavn Kursholder Vår 14 Undervisningsspråk Institutt Høst 13 Merknader BUS441 Konkurranseanalyse Lars Sørgard, Sissel Jensen SAM X Brekke friår Norsk BUS442 Konkurranserett Lars Sørgaard / Erling Hjelmeng RRR/SAM x Norsk BUS442 Konkurranserett Lars Sørgard, Erling Hjelmeng SAM/IRRR X Norsk ECO401 Optimization and microeconomic theory Lars Mathiesen, Fred Schroyen SAM X ECO402 Econometric techniques Ragnhild Balsvik SAM X Øivind friår ECO425 International macroeconomics Krisztina Molnar, Gernot Doppelhofer SAM X ECO427 Næringsøkonomi Hans Jarle Kind, Kurt Brekke SAM X Norsk ETI450 Corporate social responsibility Ivar Kolstad, Lars J. Tynes Pedersen SAM/Etikk X FIE403 Konjunkturanalyse Gernot Doppelhofer SAM X Norsk FIE421 Langsiktig markoøkonomisk analyse Gernot Doppelhofer, Ingvild Almås SAM X Norsk SAM451 Economic analysis Frode Steen, Erik Sørensen SAM X SAM460 Petroleum Economics Linda Nøstbakken SAM X SAM463 Økonomisk politikk i det 19. og 20. århundre Bjørn Basberg, Lars F. Øksendal SAM X Norsk SAM464 Behavioral Economics Bjørn Atle Reme, Mathias Ekström SAM Kariv deltar også SAM474 Velferdsstatens utfordringer Karl Rolf Pedersen, Karl Ove Aarbu SAM X Norsk SAM475 Konkurransepolitikk Lars Sørgard, Sissel Jensen SAM X Norsk SAM476 Samfunnsøkonomisk prosjektvurdering Karl Rolf Pedersen SAM X Norsk SAM478 Labour Economics Aline Bütikofer SAM X Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 SAM465 Development economics: micro perspective Kjetil Bjorvatn, Bertil Tungodden SAM 0 Hviler SAM466 International Economics Ragnhild Balsvik SAM 0 Hviler SAM470 Konkurranseforhold i norske markeder Frode Steen SAM 0 Hviler Norsk SAM468 International Fisheries Management N.N. SAM 0 Hviler Hannesson pensjonist SAM477 Development Economics: the macro perspective Ingvild Almås, Gernot Doppelhofer, Kjetil Bjorvatn SAM 0 Hviler Adgangsbegrenset

13 STR Kursnavn Kursholder Institutt Vår 14 Merknader Undervisningsspråk Høst 13 ETI450 Corporate social responsibility Ivar Kolstad, Lars J. Tynes Pedersen SAM/Etikk X INB422 International Strategy Eric Lofquist SOL X 55 stud STR402 Methodology for master thesis Karen Modesta Olsen SOL X Rev. Kursbeskrivelse. Endring i et av elementene i vurderingsform. Begrunnelse vedlagt. STR404 Strategic Analysis Lasse B. Lien SOL X STR405 Methode for masterutredningen Ikke avklart SOL X Norsk STR420 Business Location Decisions Eirik Vatne SAM X STR421 Competitive strategy Frode Steen SAM X STR422 Strategisk endring og læring i organisasjoner Rune Lines SOL X Endring kursansvarlig, rev. kursbeskrivelse vedl. Norsk STR425 Forhandlinger Jørn K. Rognes SOL X X Revidert kursbeskrivelse, endringer i tekst. Adgangsbegrensning opprettholdes. Dubleres ved behov Norsk 32 stud STR428 Konsernstrategi Lasse B. Lien SOL X Norsk STR432 Strategiske allianser og nettverk Ikke avklart SOL X Norsk STR433 Etisk handling: individ, organisasjon og samfunn Knut Ims SOL X STR435 Personalpolitikk og incentiver Astrid Oline Ervik SAM X STR437 Team og teamledelse Vidar Schei SOL X STR446 Prosess- og kvalitetsledelse Jon Iden SOL X STR447 Human Resource Managment Karen Modesta Olsen SOL X STR448 Economic organization and theory of the firm Kirsten Foss SOL X STR4xx ERP systems and organisatonal effectiveness Anna Mette Fuglseth SOL X Nytt kurs, kursbeskrivelse samt redegjørelse fra profilkoordinarot vedl. Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 STR445 Composition of workforce: women, men and work Astrid Kunze SAM 0 Astrid friår Norsk Norsk Norsk Norsk Norsk 40 stud 36 stud Frittstående støttekurs ELE Kursnavn Kursholder Institutt Merknader Undervisningsspråk ENE426 Economics of Climate Change G. Eskeland FOR X ENExxx Shipping & offshore markets Siri P. Strandenes, Roar Ådland SAM X Tidligere INB426 Shipping econ FIE400E Investments F. Santos FIN X English FIE402E Corporate Finance T. Hull FIN X English FIE433 International Finance M. Kisser FIN X English INB400 International Organization and Management Paul Gooderham SOL X Revidert kursbeskrivelse, endringer i tekst + litteratur INB401 International Trade and Macroeconomics Rolf Brunstad, Nicola Coniglio SAM X kursansvarlig endret INB422C International Strategy Svein Ulset SOL X Revidert kursbeskrivelse. Kursnavn endret i forhold til h-12. Endring vurderingsform. Begrunnelse vedlagt MBM401 Consumer Behavior Håvard Hansen SOL X Rev. Kursbeskrivelse. Endring i krav til kursgodkjenning MBM402 Brand Equity and Pricing Einar Breivik og Leif E. Hem SOL X MBM421 Managing Corporate Reputation Siv Skard SOL X Endring vurderingsform, rev. kursbeskr. og begrunnelse vedl. SAM460 Petroleum Economics Linda Nøstbakken SAM X STR404 Strategic Analysis Lasse B. Lien SOL X STR420 Business Location Decisions Eirik Vatne SAM X ETI450 Corporate social responsibility Ivar Kolstad, Lars J. Tynes Pedersen SAM/Etikk X Hvilende Høst 13 Vår 14 SAM465 Development economics: the micro perspective Kjetil Bjorvatn, Bertil Tungodden SAM 0 Hviler SAM466 International Economics Ragnhild Balsvik SAM 0 hviler (endret 22.04) Intensivt ELE426 Norwegian Language III Norsk samfunns- og næringsliv Klara Sjo FSK x Norsk CEMS Kursnavn Kursholder Institutt Vår 14 Merknader Undervisningsspråk Høst 13 BUS403E Supply Chain Management S-L. Nonås/P. Agrell FOR X BUS437 Valuation, Financial analysis and Accounting Mattias Hamberg /ev. J. Downing, nye stipend. RRR x ECO400 Beslutninger, strategi og informasjon E. Kristiansen FOR/SAM X Norsk ENE421 The Energy, Resource and Environmental Industrial Sector L. Sandal/S. I. Steinshamn FOR X Adgangsbegrenset

14 MRR Kursnavn Kursholder Institutt BUS401/MRR415 Strategiske lønnsomhetsanalyser( og prising) T. Bjørnenak / K. Nyland / A. Meidell Høst 13 RRR x x T. Bjørnenak høst, K. Nyland og A. Meidell vår Norsk BUS402/MRR412 Finansregnskap Terje Heskestad BUS426N/MRR411 Revisjon Aasmund Eilifsen BUS440/MRR413 Regnskapsanalyse og verdsettelse F. Gjesdal / G. Dahl MRR416 Foretaksrett Ole Baalsrud m.fl. MRR417 Skatt og avgift Ole Baalsrud m.fl. RRR x Norsk RRR x Norsk RRR x erstattet av bus425/mrr413 (kinserdal) Norsk RRR x Norsk RRR x Norsk MRR443 Verdsettelse Frøystein Gjesdal m.fl. RRR x Norsk MRR443 Verdsettelse F.Gjesdal/T.Johnsen RRR X Norwegian MRR445 Topics in auditing Eilifsen/Messier/McKee RRR x x /Norsk Intensivt MRR446 Juss Ole Baalsrud m.m. RRR x Norsk MRR451 Revisjon II Eilifsen/ Kjelløkken m.m. RRR x Norsk MRRRAV Regnskapsanalyse og verdsettelse - Selvstendig arbeid Gjesdal / Knivsflå MRR452 Finansregnskap X RRR x kinserdal/knivsflå- ikke rav Norsk Vår 14 Merknader Undervisningsspråk MRRREV Finansregnskap II Kjell Ove Røsok m.m. RRR x ikke lengere rev Norsk GRU Kursnavn Kursholder Institutt Merknader Undervisningsspråk Høst 13 GRU401 Forkurs for Gründerskolen Tor Aase Johannessen SOL X Norsk Utgår på ubestemt tid Høst 13 Vår 14 BUS439 ENE457 MRR414 Benchmarking for Regulation and Performance Improvement E. Bjørndal/M. Bjørndal/N.N FOR Utgår fra og med V2013. Seminar: Incentives and Contract Design - Management in an Out P. Osmundsen FOR Utgår, Osmundsen avsluttet sitt eng. X Finans Ø. Gjerde FOR Kurs nedlagt. Norsk

15 13H_V14_kursbeskrivelser _Master BUS423 Simulation of Business Processes... 1 FIE434 Behavioural Finance and Wealth Management... 4 INB400 - International Organization and Management... 5 INB423 - International Marketing... 8 MBM400 - Research for Brand Decisions MBM401 - Consumer Behavior - school exam MBM421 - Managing Corporate Reputation STR402 - Methodology for master thesis STR422 - Strategisk endring og læring i organisasjoner STR425 - Forhandlinger STRXXX ERP systems and organizational effectiveness Redegjørelse for kurset STRXXX fra profilkoordinator Rune Lines: INB422C - International Strategy BUS423 Simulation of Business Processes Lecturer Endre Bjørndal Department Department of Business and Management Science Study points (credits) 7,5 Semester Fall

16 Teaching language English Prerequisites None Learning outcome Simulation, i.e. the experimentation with a computer model of a real system in order to determine the effect of changes in the system, is the most widely used management science method in practice. The usage of simulation in business has been increasing rapidly as the cost of doing calculations with computers has been reduced. Simulation is particularly useful when the actual problem is characterized by uncertainty, e.g. as regards demand, processing capacity, delivery times, future interest and currency rates, etc. It is gradually replacing traditional analytical tools of operations research such as queuing theory, inventory theory and some project management methods. Applications of simulation include, e.g., manufacturing systems, service systems such as airlines, health care and banking, as well as transportation and logistics applications. By the end of this course the students should be able to: Understand the characteristics of discrete event simulation (DES) models, and recognize practical situations where such models can be used for improved decision making. Understand and use the basic building blocks in a typical simulation language like GPSS. Build their own simulation models in order to analyze business cases that have been discussed in the course, such as inventory systems, logistic systems, financial decisions, production planning, and construction projects. Interpret the results from a simulation study, and draw the necessary conclusions in order to take better decisions. Plan and implement a realistic simulation study on their own in a company or an organization. Content In this course we shall use a version of the most widely used simulation language, GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System), originally developed by IBM. We shall use the most modern and easyto-learn version, agpss ( The simulation models are built using a Graphical Users

17 Interface, where block types are selected from a symbol menu and the input of operands is done in dialogs, supplying the necessary syntax information. Models can be accessed both in text-form and as block diagrams, making it easy to follow the model logic. The program also has some limited animation features, whereby one can follow the flow of e.g. products through the system. In the course we shall meet a great many practical examples of simulation, e.g. inventory systems, logistic systems, financial decisions, production planning, construction projects, etc. We shall in particular solve a larger problem, based on a real case, dealing with the inventory, production and pricing decisions of a furniture dealer. At the end of the course, students will in groups do a simulation study of their own in a Norwegian company or organization. The modelling of the actual system and suggestions for improvements of the processes, will for certain provide insights of importance for the student's future work in business. Literature Modeling Business Processes with agpss by Richard Born & Ingolf Ståhl, Beliber AB, 2013 Computer tools agpss Teaching All the lectures will take place in a computer lab. A maximum of xx students will be admitted to the course. Deadline for exam registration (standard: not to be changed) Requirements for course approval During the course the students shall simulate the cash flow for a company using agpss and hand in a report. A written proposal for the exam project must also be handed in for approval. Note: There might be compulsory activities in the course prior to the registration deadline.

18 Assessment Project report on the simulation study mentioned above (75 %, group grade). Presentation of project results (25 %, individual grade). Elements will be graded from A to F. FIE434 Behavioural Finance and Wealth Management Course responsible Thorsten Hens, Department of Finance Evaluation: The final exam is a three hours written exam. The examination can only be written in English. Prerequisites Basic course on Investments. Topics: 1. Introduction 2. Decision Theory 3. Product Design 4. Behavioral Biases 5. Diagnostic 6. Dynamic asset Allocation 7. Risk Profiling Language (portal): English Literature : Hens and Bachmann (2008) Behavioral Finance for Private Banking, Wiley Finance ( Requirements for course approval: To get admission to the final exam the students are asked to solve on case study and present it. Semester: Spring Teaching language: English Teaching Lectures: Learning outcome The aim of the course is to introduce results from psychological decision theory into mainstream finance. The students will in particular learn how to combine prospect theory with mean-variance analysis and how to give advice to private investors. By the end of this course the students will be

19 able to: - Distinguish between rational and irrational behavior - Learn to implement behavioural finance insights to assess the risk profiles of individual investors - Question and assess the suitability of various rules of thumbs when investing under different market conditions and over time - Integrate behavioural finance insights along a standard wealth management process. Computer tools: Some excel tools and a log in to an advisory tool will be provided. Grading Scale: A - F. INB400 - International Organization and Management Course responsible Paul Gooderham, Department of Strategy and Management. Learning outcomes: The focus of this course is the management challenges faced by multinational corporations (MNCs). By MNCs we mean firms that actively manage substantial foreign direct investments and which have a long-term commitment to operating internationally. Although MNCs have generally proved themselves highly robust their individual positions are always under threat because of their dispersion across different cultures, administrative regimes, geographies and economic environments ( CAGE ). Because of CAGE success for individual MNCs is far from guaranteed. They are "playing away from home" and must therefore have the organizational capabilities that enable them to leverage whatever unique strategic capabilities they possess. Increasingly these capabilities are knowledge-based. This course therefore has its aim the identification and articulation of the managerial challenges involved in creating and sustaining the organizational capability that enables the MNC to harness its knowledge resources. General learning outcomes: By the end of the course students will have acquired an overview and knowledge of the main theories within the field of International Management. Students will also have developed both academic and consulting skills in applying these theories to in-depth cases. Through case-study presentations students will develop their presentational skills. Because students will be actively involved in working closely - and under some pressure - with students from other countries in preparing case presentations and term papers they will develop their inter-cultural skills as well as their teamwork skills. Specific knowledge outcomes:

20 By the end of the course the candidate will have developed: advanced knowledge within International Organization and Management and specialized insight in one particular area thorough knowledge of the scholarly theories and methods in International Organization and Management the ability to apply knowledge to new areas within International Organization and Management the ability to analyze academic problems on the basis of the distinctive character and scholarly agenda of International Organization and Management Specific skills outcomes: By the end of the course the candidate will be able to analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations in the field and work independently on practical and theoretical problems use relevant methods for research and scholarly development work in an independent manner carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics Specific competence outcomes: By the end of the course the candidate will be able to analyze relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems apply his/her knowledge and skills in new areas in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects communicate extensive independent work and masters language and terminology of the academic field communicate about academic issues, analyses and conclusions in the field, both with specialists and the general public contribute to new thinking and innovation processes Topics Topics In the course we will explore the various organizational structures employed by MNCs, the cultural and institutional challenges they face, the challenge of transferring HRM systems across different national settings, knowledge transfer and the ethical challenges involved in operating internationally. This will be done through lectures, cases and the writing of term papers. Case discussions and presentations: The philosophy of the course is that theory should be illustrated by rich, in-depth cases. The course makes use of a range of cases that have, for the most part, been developed especially for the course. Students are assigned to case-groups each of which has the responsibility for presenting and leading the discussion of a particular case. Term-paper:

21 Each student will also join a term-paper group comprising at least three different nationalities. The term-paper will relate theory derived from the course to challenges confronting a particular MNC. Although the paper will be theory driven, part of the exercise is to provide solutions that might be applied by the MNC. Topics for the term paper may include: organizational structures; cultural challenges; knowledge management; ethics and corporate social responsibility MNC entry strategies; Prerequisites Good English verbal and writing skills. Literature Gooderham, Paul, Grogaard, Birgitte and Nordhaug, Odd (2013). International Management (Edward Elgar): available from Studia, Amazon etc. Teaching "This book focuses on the challenges facing MNCs who are playing away from home in different institutional frameworks and complex cultural contexts. In each chapter the authors provide a clear exposition and critique of the current literature followed by a sophisticated case study that highlights the key challenges and dilemmas faced by MNCs in dynamic environments. Through a combination of solid theory and rich cases this book provides a fresh and important contribution to the discipline and will be invaluable for academics, postgraduate students and practitioners." - Professor Pauline Stanton, Victoria University Melbourne, Australia As well as lectures, this course makes extensive use of case discussions and presentations. This is because the philosophy of the course is that theory should be illustrated by rich, in-depth cases. The course makes use of a range of cases that have, for the most part, been developed especially for the course. Students are assigned to case-groups each of which has the responsibility for presenting and leading the discussion of a particular case. In addition students will join term-paper groups comprising at least three different nationalities. The term-paper will relate theory derived from the course to challenges confronting a particular MNC. Although the paper will be theory driven, part of the exercise is to provide solutions that might be applied by the MNC. Previous student evaluations have indicated that the work-load for this course is considered to be above average. The course has an attendance requirement. Please note - for purely pedagogical and logistical reasons due to the special work modus in the course - no places for the course will be awarded after the first lecture. Requirements for course approval In addition to regular attendance (an absence from three lectures will result in having to write an essay, and an absence of four lectures in being excluded from the course) all students must be involved in one case presentation and one term paper.

22 Exam The final grade comprises 7.5 study points which will be distributed as follows: Element i) Term paper - 3 study points Element ii) Written examination study points. Grading scale A - F. INB423 - International Marketing Course responsible Professor Aksel I. Rokkan, Department of Strategy and Management Learning outcomes: The goal is to acquaint the students with opportunities, problems and analytical skills in the International Marketing domain. At the end of the course students will be expected to: 1. Have an understanding of the area of international marketing, and why an international strategy is imperative for the continuous growth and success of companies as they reach their growth limits in existing home markets. 2. Recognize the challenges and dilemmas related to international marketing 3. Be able to present relevant theories and analytical tools related to international marketing, and be able to apply them to a practical situation. Knowledge - the candidate... has advanced knowledge within international marketing and specialized insight in a limited area has thorough knowledge of the scholarly or artistic theories and methods in international marketing can apply knowledge to new areas within international marketing can analyze academic problems on the basis of the history, traditions, distinctive character and place in society of international marketing Skills - The candidate... can analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments can analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations in the field and work independently on practical and theoretical problems can use relevant methods for research and scholarly and /or artistic development work in an independent manner

23 can carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics Competence - The candidate... can analyze relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems can apply his/her knowledge and skills in new areas in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects can communicate extensive independent work and masters language and terminology of the academic field can communicate about academic issues, analyses and conclusions in the field, both with specialists and the general public can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes Topics The essence of marketing is to facilitate exchanges of money, products and/or services. Thus, international marketing requires an interaction between firms and people of different nationalities and cultures. We see a dramatic shift in the world economy: doing business is more and more a question of identifying business opportunities internationally and not only in the domestic market of companies. Hence, companies need to be able to identify attractive business opportunities in international markets, define relevant strategies and value chain structures for competing in targeted markets, and be able to implement defined strategies. As international business is done across different cultures, institutional environments and socioeconomic conditions, international marketing decision makers also need to be aware of potential ethical conflicts related to their operations. Topics: Global marketing and the firm International opportunity assessment Foreign market entry / Internationalization The "4Ps" of international marketing Organization and control of the global marketing programme Global marketing strategy The role of culture & ethics in a global context Literature

24 * Hollensen, Svend (2011), Global Marketing: A decision-oriented approach (5th Edition), Financial Times/Prentice Hall [Paperback]* Selected cases and articles Teaching The students in the class come from a variety of countries and cultures - thus forming a cross cultural minilaboratory. The course work will consist of case discussions, lectures, a term paper and a final exam. Requirements for course approval Attendance and active participation in class discussions required.submission and presentation of written assignment. Exam Three hour written exam (50%) based on lectures, text and assigned articles and a written term paper (50%). Grading scale A - F. Computer tools None. MBM400 - Research for Brand Decisions Course responsible Einar Breivik, Department of Strategy and Management. Learning outcomes: After completing this course, students will: Know basic marketing research principles Be able to initiate and supervise marketing research processes Be able to evaluate information produced by market research Know about central metrics useful for making brand decisions Be familiar with different research designs useful for supporting important brand decisions Topics Good decisions require good information. Therefore, the course starts out with a presentation of basic marketing research principles to make sure that students are able to assess decision relevant information. Further, the course focuses on a number of central brand decisions to improve the ability of students to request and analyze necessary information to improve marketing decisions involving the brand. Students will also be presented common research techniques used to inform brand decisions. Themes: Basic Marketing Research Principles

25 Presentations of Concepts and Research Techniques to Support Brand Decisions Involving: Selection of Target Market (Market Segmentation) Brand Positioning Brand Advertising Brand Extensions and Alliances Brand Trackers Prerequisites Students are recommended to have a basic background in research design. Literature Dawn Iacobucci (2013): Marketing Models: Multivariate Statistics and Marketing Analytics, South-Western, Cengage Learning Selected articles Teaching Plenary assignments. Requirements for course approval Approval of group assignments. Exam Three hour written exam and group term paper. Group term paper counts 50% of total grade. The exam counts 50%. Grading scale A-F Computer tools None. MBM401 - Consumer Behavior - school exam Course responsible Håvard Hansen, Department of Strategy and Management. Learning outcomes: The students will develop skills in understanding consumer psychology and consumer decision making - critical skills when developing marketing strategies. After completing the course, students should: 1. Be familiar with the most central constructs and processes in consumer behavior.

26 2. Be able to use theories from consumer behavior to design strategies for products and services. 3. Be more competent in writing course papers/reports. 4. Be more confident in making presentations. Knowledge - The candidate... has advanced knowledge within the academic field and specialized insight in consumer behavior has thorough knowledge of the scholarly theories and methods in consumer behavior can apply knowledge to new areas within consumer behavior can analyze academic problems on the basis of the history, traditions, distinctive character and place in society of the academic field Skills - The candidate... can analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments can analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations in the field and work independently on practical and theoretical problems can use relevant methods for research and scholarly work in an independent manner can carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics Competence - The candidate... can analyze relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems can apply his/her knowledge and skills in new areas in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects can communicate extensive independent work and masters language and terminology of the academic field can communicate about academic issues, analyses and conclusions in the field, both with specialists and the general public can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes Topics A successful marketing strategy must be based on knowledge about consumer behavior. For marketers, the key to successful development of marketing tactics is to understand how consumers think and feel (consumer psychology), how they make their decisions, and what are the main antecedents influencing consumers

27 decisions. If a company does not have this insight, their marketing strategy will likely fail, and competitive advantages will evaporate. In a branding perspective, insight into consumer behavior is critical for the understanding of how to position products and services in a market and how to build positive, strong and unique brand associations. The main topics covered in the course are consumer psychology, the process of making decisions, the consumer s culture, and consumer behavior outcomes and issues. Themes: Consumer psychology (Motivation, perception, knowledge, attitudes, memory and retrieval) Consumer decision making (problem recognition, information search, judgments and decision, post-decision process) Consumer s culture (consumer diversity, social class and household, consumer values, personalities and lifestyle, and social influences on consumer behavior) Consumer behavior outcomes and issues (for example example adoption of innovations, symbolic consumer behavior, ethics, and social responsibility) Prerequisites None. Literature Hoyer, W. D. and MacInnis (2010). Consumer Behavior, 5th edition, South-Western, Cengage Learning, US. Selected articles. Teaching Primary plenary sessions. Requirements for course approval One mid-term case assignment has to be passed. Exam Three hour written exam and group term term paper counts 40% of total grade. The exam counts 60%. Grading scale A - F. Computer tools None.


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Business Administration - Bachelor's Degree Programme

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