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1 Skisser med relevans innenfor Bioteknologi

2 Tabell: Oversikt over skisser med relevans for området Bioteknologi Prosjekt nr. Prosjekttittel Søkerinstitusjon Prosjektleder Estimert søkt beløp fra Forskningsrådet National Network of Advanced Proteomics Infrastructure Norwegian Brain Initiative (NORBRAIN) a large-scale infrastructure for 21st century neuroscience: Stage 3 EMBRC Norway - The Norwegian Node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre UiO (OUS, UiB, NTNU, UiT, NMBU) Tuula Nyman NTNU (UiB, UiO) Edvard Ingjald Moser UiB (IMR, NTNU, UiT, UiO, NIVA, NOFIMA) Arild Folkvord Ancient DNA laboratory UNI RESEARCH (URK) Aud Larsen NOR-Openscreen II - The Norwegian EU-Openscreen node UiO (UiB, SINTEF, UiT, OUS) Kjetil Tasken The FoodPilotPlant CÅ II-Infra Pilot Plant Facilities for Food Processing at Campus Ås, Phase II NMBU (NOFIMA) Siv Skeie Norwegian Infrastructure for Microbial genomics FHI (OUS, UiO, UiB, HUS, NTNU, StOlav, NMBU, UiT, UNN) Dominique A. Caugant Etablering av et nasjonalt senter for metabolomikk og lipidomikk analyser UiT Guro Forsdahl Norsk senter for planktonteknologi-node bunndyr SINTEF OCEAN (NTNU) Gunvor Øie Norwegian Bioscreening Platform for Laboratory Fish BioMedData - Bridging Data Handling across Research Infrastructures within Biology and Medicine Norwegian Plant Phenotyping Platform NMBU (UiO (MN), UiO (MED)) Charles McLean Press UiB (UiO, NTNU, UiT, NMBU, DEH, FHI) Inge Jonassen NMBU (UiO, NIBIO) Odd Arne Rognli

3 Lipidomics and Energy Metabolism Platform UiB Bodil Bjørndal Mihaela National Platform for NanoSafety UiB (STAMI, NILU, NMBU) Roxana Cimpan Norwegian Electron Microscopy Consortium (NECM), an initiative to implement state-of-the art electron microscopy services for Life Science. UiO (NTNU, UiB, UiT) Norbert Roos Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Imaging Network II (NALMIN-II) UiO (UiB, NTNU, OUS, UIT) Harald A. Stenmark Norwegian facility for Helium ion & Electron Microscopy and microanalyses UiB (Uni Research; CMR;UiT; HI;DNV GL) Ingunn Hindenes Thorseth Infrastructure for rodent preclinical models UiO (UiB, UiT, NTNU) Knut Tomas Dalen Advanced European Research Infrastructure for Circular Bioeconomy SINTEF (NTNU, NMBU, IFE, SINTEF ENERGI, USN) Roman Tschentscher National Bioprocessing & Fermentation Centre - NBioC NORSE (IRIS) (SINTEF, NIBIO, Nofima, Teknova NOR, UiT, UiB, UiS, NTNU, NMBU, UniResearch (NORCE)) Catherine Boccadoro Vibrational spectroscopy center for biochemical characterisation of intact biological systems on different scales NMBU (NOFIMA) Achim Kohler ProSent - Protein Science Center UiS Lutz Eichacker High-Throughput Experimentation Facility for Parallel Synthesis, and Reaction Screening and Giovanni Antonello Optimization UiB Occhipinti

4 X-ray Diffraction Instrumentation for Biostructures, Catalytic Chemistry and Functional Materials UiB (HiV, UiS) Karl Wilhelm Törnroos Norwegian Microalgae Node Network- Algae 4 Norway Salmon Biobank Research Infrastructure Facilities for state-of-the art imaging in chronic animal studies and development of simulation tools for prediction and treatment support. NIBIO (NORD, NMBU, SINTEF, NTNU, UiT) Stig A. Borgvang NINA (KLV, NTNU, NIVA, Uni Research, UiO, UiT, NMBU- CIGENE, VI) Kjetil Hindar OUS (St.Olav, SINTEF, NTNU) Stig Urheim Norwegian Infrastructure for Biodiversity Genomics RoBio: National infrastructure for biological process robotization in dynamic biobanking and organ derivatization Innovasjonssenter for biomasse MALDI-TOF for fingerprinting and imaging of marine microorganisms UiO (NSC/UiO, UiB, NTNU, UiT, NMBU, NIVA) Arild Johnsen UiO/OUS (SINTEF, NTNU, USN, Horten- Zimmer and Peacock AS), Frauenhofer (IPA og IGB)) Stefan Krauss NMBU (NIBIO, NTI, Innovsenter Campus Ås) Anders Qvale Nyrud UiT (Marbank, Institute of Marine Research; SINTEF, UiT, BioteCon Diaganostics GmbH) Klara Stensvåg

5 Prosjektnummer: National Network of Advanced Proteomics Infrastructure UiO Tuula Nyman OUS, UiO, UiB, NTNU, UiT, NMBU The National Network in Advanced Proteomics (NAPI) proposes a nationally coordinated investment in state-of-the art equipment, such as advanced mass spectrometers, for proteomics. The overarching goal of NAPI is to make proteomics, and the complementary methods and instruments at the different nodes, available to researchers all over Norway thus providing one nationally coordinated infrastructure and expertise platform. To do so, NAPI wishes to invest in next generation high-resolution MS-instruments, while at the same time developing a national competence plan so that the NAPI nodes use their infrastructure to specialize in particular areas of the proteome field. The instruments will be localized in different facilities, but unified through a common electronic booking system that ensures accessibility to all participants and takes full advantage of the instrument capacities. The unification will also lay the foundation for common problem solving, joint maintenance agreements and protocol and experience exchange between the nodes. NAPI will provide the infrastructure users expertise in quantitative proteomics, characterization of post-translational modifications, analysis of protein-protein interactions, proteome data analysis, and metaproteomics. We will run applications in all main fields of proteome analysis: shotgun and targeted quantitative proteomics, top-down proteomics, characterization of post-translational modifications, analysis of protein-protein interactions, metaproteomics in complex ecosystems, proteome data analysis and protein-quality (e.g. antibody) validation. The e-infrastructure of NAPI will use the NELS (Norwegian E-infrastructure for Life Science) which is part of the ELIXIR.NO and NorStore for data storage kroner Bioteknologi, medisin og helse Bioressurser, maritim teknologi, nanoteknologi og avanserte materialer

6 Prosjektnummer: Norwegian Brain Initiative (NORBRAIN) a large-scale infrastructure for 21st century neuroscience: Stage 3 NTNU Edvard Ingjald Moser UiB, UiO The infrastructure has received funding from Forskningsrådet in two stages (NORBRAIN 1 for fundamental experimental neuroscience and NORBRAIN2 for 7T MR scanning). The third stage of the project, NORBRAIN3, has the following key pieces of research equipment, distributed across the three nodes of the infrastructure: Technology for simultaneous multi-site neurophysiological recording from 100s of neurons in distributed cortical circuits of freely behaving animals Wide-field and multisite portable 2-photon microscopes for imaging at cellular and subcellular resolution in freely moving mice 2 table-top 2-photon microscopes, with lasers and antivibration tables Light-sheet fluorescence microscope Ultracentrifuge for Viral Core Facility Magnetoencephalography for high-spatiotemporal-resolution neuroimaging in humans: Elekta Neuromag TRIUX, a 306-channel MEG system Optical control of protein activity and imaging of protein-protein interactions in cellular subcompartments including neuronal synapses Multi-site uncaging of neuroactive substances 2-photon holographic optogenetics and imaging Technology for automated acquisition, digital atlasing, and analysis of volumetric, cellularresolution images of fluorescence-labelled cellular elements across entire brains There is a growing need for modernization of the entire infrastructure, with purchase of entirely new technology. NORBRAIN serves primarily the neuroscience community but some equipment at the molecular-biology node at the University of Oslo would be equally attractive to other biology communities. The investments share the challenge of storing and handling very large amounts of data. NORBRAIN3 will implement a high-level e-infrastructure, based on resources offered through NORSTORE and new web hotels including the Datastorage for research on Dementia Disease (DSDD). Costs for these investments will be covered locally by the hosts and will not be part of the application to the Research Council kroner Medisin og helse Bioteknologi

7 Prosjektnummer: EMBRC Norway - The Norwegian Node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre UiB Arild Folkvord IMR, NTNU, UiT, UiO, NIVA, Nofima The aim of this application is to develop and enhance research infrastructure in Norway for experimental and genomic studies of marine organisms from unique habitats and populations. The proposed research infrastructure will be organised as the Norwegian node of the ESFRI project European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) and encompasses complementary facilities hosted by a consortium of Norwegian marine research institutions. EMBRC-NO will be the Norwegian node in the EMBRC-ERIC, with a focus on four service areas: 1) Ecosystem access, 2) Biological resources including model organisms, 3) Technology platforms which include experimental facilities imaging and genomic resources, and 4) training and supporting facilities for education activities with universities and institutions, as well as industries. Facilities for environmental experimental research: New facilities, upgrades and instrumentation at UiB, IMR, UiO/NIVA, and NTNU will lift experimental research to a new level by allowing multiple stressor experiments, a key challenge in the field. In general the facilities will also have available dedicated non-marine support facilities for processing, and analytical, molecular, and genomic analysis of sampled organism. The new/upgraded facilities in EMBRC-NO will provide the necessary tanks or enclosures of different types and scales (e.g. pelagic and hard sea bottom), to control several environmental parameters and equipment to monitor ecosystem and organismal responses. This is tightly coupled to access to unique fjord and Arctic habitats, making the infrastructure attractive in a European context. Facilities for experimental research on sustainable food sources: Investment into analytical equipment and specialized experimental units at NTNU, UiT, UiO and NIVA will open new possibilities for detailed studies on the physiological response of fish, marine invertebrates and phytoplankton to controlled nutrition, changing environmental parameters and pathogens and on the basic biology of marine organisms. Specialised laboratories: Investment at the Sars Centre for Marine Molecular Biology and the LiceLab at UiB, and the bioprospecting platform (UiT) promotes molecular and genomic approaches to address the biological functions of new marine model species, mostly invertebrates kroner Bioressurser, Bioteknologi, Klima og miljø Havteknologi

8 Prosjektnummer: Ancient DNA laboartory Uni Reserach Miljø Aud Larsen UNI Research Klima Betydningen av den pågående tilbaketrekning av havisen i Arktis kan bare forståes gjennom grundig forståelse av tidligere tiders klimaperioder. Likevel er nødvendige observasjoner av historisk havisutbredelse mangelvare - mye grunnet utilstrekkelig metodikk. Pålitelige indikatorer, eller «proxies» for å evaluere havisens naturlige variasjon og stabilitet, samt dens følsomhet for klimatiske endringer på ulike tidsskalaer, er nødvendig men metodikken som har vært brukt til nå har flere iboende svakheter/mangler. For å imøtekomme manglene har vi i Uni Research Miljø og Uni Research Klima valgt å utforske oppløseligheten og effektiviteten som ligger i den genetiske signaturen i planteplanktonet som finnes begravd i marine sedimenter (sedadna = sedimentary ancient DNA). DNA-et fra dette planteplanktonet kan (gjennom tilstedeværelse/fravær av særskilte is-indikatorarter) fortelle om vannsøylen over sedimentene var dekt med is eller ikke - en type informasjon som tidligere ikke har vært benyttet for rekonstruksjon av historisk isutbredelse. For å oppnå gode resultater når sedadna tilnærmingen benyttes, er vi avhengige av det forhistoriske DNA-et ikke forurenses av moderne-dna da selv ørsmå mengder vil kunne ødelegge for tolkningen. Det er utviklet strenge retningslinjer for å unngå dette, og i adnaprox prosjektet har vi testet og implementert egne rutiner for å minimere risikoen for forurensing med moderne DNA i de laboratoriefasilitetene vi benytter per i dag (Molecular Ecology Research Group, Uni Research Miljø, Bergen). Disse fasilitetene deles imidlertid med andre forskningsgrupper i avdelingen (Integrated Fish Biology, Uni Reserach Miljø, Bergen) samt ved Universitetet i Bergen (samlet under paraplyen Center For Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation, CSAI) som ikke har tilsvarende strenge krav til sitt arbeid. For at vårt arbeid fortsatt skal kunne levere resultater i forskningsfronten har vi derfor behov for å innrede et eget laboratorium, AGENSI-lab, dedikert til adna arbeid, med det utstyret og det begrensede adgang dette krever, og hvor vi selv har fullstendig kontroll over rutinene som følges kroner Klima og miljø, Bioressurser, samt Havteknologi og maritim innovasjon / Maritim teknologi

9 Prosjektnummer: NOR-Openscreen II - The Norwegian EU-Openscreen node UiO Kjetil Taskén og Johannes Landskron UiB, UiT, SINTEF, OUS NOR-Openscreen is an already existing national distributed infrastructure that received phase 1 funding for its implementation and is part of the roadmap for Norway s strategy to strengthen the life science and bioprospecting sector (2014 call, funding from 2016). Nor-Openscreen has nodes at the Universities of Oslo (UiO), Bergen (UiB) and Tromsø (UiT), SINTEF (Trondheim) and Oslo University Hospital (OUH, to be established) and is part of the ESFRI infrastructure EU-Openscreen (established as ERIC 2018). NOR-Openscreen offers competence, services and access to state of the art instrumentation in the area of chemical biology, bioprospecting, high throughput screening, early drug-development, drug repurposing and precision medicine to academic and industrial users. Offering these services depends on costly instrumentation and a specialized competence, that otherwise would not be accessible for academia or SMEs. NOR- Openscreen is intimately connected to EU-Openscreen (see below). NOR-Openscreen/EU- Openscreen also connects to and/or collaborates with EATRIS (translational research), EuroBioImaging (high content screening, NALMIN in Norway), ELIXIR (chemoinformatics and virtual screening), INSTRUCT, NOR- CRYST and NNP (structural biology and NMR) and EMBREC (marine organisms) and other bioprospecting initiatives as well as zebrafish initiatives and more kroner to instrument investments at the different nodes Bioteknologi, medisin og helse, bioressurser IKT

10 Prosjektnummer: Pilot Plant Facilities for Food Processing at Campus Ås, Phase II NMBU Siv Skeie Nofima Infrastrukturen består av pilotskala utstyr for prosessering av næringsmidler og restråstoffer lokalisert i pilot prosesshaller ved NMBU og Nofima. Pilothallene ved NMBU dekker i dag et areal på 1050 m2 og pilothallene ved Nofima dekker et areal på 1500 m2. Pilothallene har en moderne, fleksibel og hygienisk utforming og oppfyller nasjonale og internasjonale krav til prosessering av mat. Deler av infrastrukturen har godkjenning for kommersiell produksjon av mat. Infrastrukturen danner en multidisiplinær arena for forskning på mat og matprosessering der flere forskningsinstitusjoner på Ås er integrert; NMBU, Nofima, NIBIO og Veterinærinstituttet i tillegg til eksterne partnere fra næringsliv og organisasjoner. Fase II i Matpilot CÅ vil støtte opp om eksisterende anlegg og bidra til en betydelig oppgradering av matpilotene gjennom innvestering i ny teknologi og vesentlige forbedringer på analyse av de ulike prosessene som sammen bidrar til bedre prosesskontroll (1) Meieri: Oppgradering og nye produksjonslinjer for: Melkebehandling, filtrering, ysting, tørking, fermentering og UHT prosessering, 2) Bryggeri: Oppgradering og supplering av utstyr for råvarehåndtering og prosessering av øl og cider. 3) Bioraffineri: Ekstruder for produksjon av fôr for testing av prosessert restråstoff i fòranvendelser. On-line analyse for avansert prosesskontroll av fermentering og filtrering. 4) Emballering Supplering av maskiner/utstyr for emballering av mat 5) Patogen pilot plant: Nytt utstyr for studier av sykdomsfremkallende bakterier i matproduksjon vekst, overlevelse og drap ved bruk av ulike teknologier 6) Planteprosessering: Oppgradering og supplering av utstyr for tørrfraksjonering og ekstrudering av cerealer, belgfrukter og restråstoff 7) Kjøtt: Nytt spektroskopisk on-line utstyr for prosesskontroll 8) Fisk: Slaktelinje, kjølelinje, homogeniseringslinje knyttet til ny fiskelab, samt Online analyseutstyr). Infrastrukturen skal levere mulighet for å kunne gjøre pilotskala forsøk med prosessering av matvarer og utnyttelse av restråstoff fra matproduksjon. En oppgradering vil sette Matpiloten CÅ i stand til å leverefullstendige prosesser, og dette vil gjøre forskning og industri i stand til å gjøre forsøk i pilot skala. Dette vil kreve mindre ressurser og gi mindre svinn enn å gjøre forsøk i større skala. Fagområder som matvitenskap og bioteknologi vil kunne nyttiggjøre seg infrastrukturen og brukere er forskningsmiljøer knyttet til matvitenskap og bioteknologi samt næringsmiddelindustri og organisasjoner knyttet til disse fagområdene. Industrien har behov for et nivå mellom labskala og industriell pilotskala når forskningsresultater skal tas over i en innovasjonsfase, og Matpiloten CÅ bidra til å styrke norsk konkurransekraft ved å gi næringen tilgang til oppdatert utstyr i liten pilotskala kroner Bioressurser, Bioteknologi Klima og miljø

11 Prosjektnummer: Norwegian Infrastructure for Microbial Genomics (NIMG) Folkehelseinstituttet Dominique A. Caugant OUS, UiO, UiB, HUS, NTNU, St. Olavs, NMBU, UiT, UNN Microbiology has been transformed in recent years by the development of new sequencing technology, permitting rapid elucidation of whole genomes of microbes involved in all kind of infections. The Norwegian Infrastructure for Microbial Genomics (NIMG) is a national initiative bringing together the leading research environments within microbial genomics in Norway to provide advanced sequencing technology, handling of sequence data and bioinformatics tools in order to solve important research questions concerning infectious diseases, such as those related to antimicrobial resistance development, the development of virulence and the epidemiological spread of pathogens between humans, and to humans from animals and the environment. As an IT infrastructure, NIMG will permit storage, sharing and analysis of data linked to microbial sequence information in a secure way. This funding application is a request for 1) acquisition of novel sequencing equipment, including short reads and long reads real-time technology that will be shared and regionally distributed between the partners in the consortium; 2) establishment or adaptation of a general IT infrastructure that facilitates storage, sharing and analysis of microbial sequence information linked to sensitive data; 3) development of analytical pipelines that can be easily accessible, facilitating sharing of both genomic sequence data as well as corresponding metadata and tools; 4) building microbial bioinformatics expertise in Norway by establishing a network of bioinformaticians serving the different partners. The NIMG infrastructure will work in close collaboration with ELIXIR in the development of a structure allowing portability of the microbial and human data between the partners and exchange of expertise, especially in the metagenomics area kroner Medisin og helse

12 Prosjektnummer: Etablering av et nasjonalt senter for metabolomikk og lipidomikk analyser Institutt for farmasi, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet Guro Forsdahl - Skissen er et initiativ til etablering av et nasjonalt senter innen metabolomikk og lipidomikk for analyse av biologiske prøver (blod, spytt, urin, biopsier) av medisinsk betydning, samt biologisk materiale fra ulike industripartnere. Satsningen betyr investering i avansert kromatografisk og massespektrometrisk instrumentering. Instrumenteringen vil konkret bestå av væske og gass kromatografisk utstyr, samt superkritisk væskekromatografisk utstyr, koplet til høyoppløselige tandem massespektrometre med ion-mobility og/eller MSnfunksjonalitet. Forskningsmålet er å identifisere biomarkører for klinisk diagnostikk, i tillegg til å bidra til kartlegging av biokjemiske reguleringsmekanismer. Infrastrukturen vil benyttes innen fagområdene helse, bioteknologisk grunnforskning og industri. Instrumentene vil benyttes av forskere innen kliniske fagområder, grunnforskning innen celle- og dyrebaserte modeller, samt forskningssamarbeid mellom industri og universitet. Infrastrukturen vil være lokalisert ved Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet ved UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet. I dag må alle prøver på området sendes til Swedish Metabolomics Center for metabolomikkanalyser, noe som medfører utfordringer med hensyn til stabiliteten til de biologiske prøvene. Infrastrukturen vil være et supplement til infrastrukturen hos Swedish Metabolomics Center, samt komplementær på noen områder. Den vil gi muligheter for nye analysetyper, blant annet ved bruk av superkritisk væskekromatografi som er spesielt egnet for lipidanalyser, samt separasjon av isobare forbindelser kroner Medisin og helse Bioressurser, bioteknologi

13 Prosjektnummer: Norsk senter for planktonteknologi-node bunndyr SINTEF OCEAN Gunvor Øie NTNU Skissen gjelder oppgradering og en utvidelse av den eksisterende infrastrukturen Norsk Senter for Planktonteknologi. Norsk senter for planktonteknologi består i dag av en node for mikroalger, en node for makroalger, en node for dyrking av dyreplankton, en node for høsting av plankton fra sjøen og en node for preprosessering av marin biomasse. En node for marine bunndyr samt tilskudd til hold av stamkulturer vil gi senteret en større bredde. Det er i dag bl.a. stort fokus på bruk av slam fra oppdrettsnæringen, og i den forbindelse er ny kunnskap om bunnlevende dyr viktig. Infrastrukturen består av en utstyrspark for dyrkningsutstyr og analyseverktøy til forskning på marine organismer på lavt trofisk nivå kroner Bioressurser Klima og miljø

14 Prosjektnummer: Norwegian Bioscreening Platform for Laboratory Fish (LABFISH) NMBU Veterinærhøgskolen Charles McLean UiO (MN), UiO (MED) The LABFISH platform will be a national bioscreening infrastructure for translational and bioscience research. LABFISH will use laboratory fish models (primarily zebrafish and medaka) to accelerate the discovery of bioactive small molecules and natural bioresources with significant commercial potential as pharmaceuticals or as functional food/feed ingredients. For this purpose, the platform will deliver high throughput whole-organism bioassay systems and protocols, which will also be used to screen and identify environmental factors/multiple stressor effects on ecosystems as well as on animal and human health in a One Health perspective. Laboratory fish will be used to study the effect of environmental, pharmacological and anthropogenic perturbations to assess the impact of pollutants, radiation, drugs and disease, as well as subtle changes in environmental parameters, such as climate change, on a suite of physiological responses including metabolism, locomotor activity and behavior. The LABFISH platform will enable bioscreening studies in infectious diseases, pathogen-host interactions, bio-nanotechnology and vaccinology, within human and veterinary medicine, biosciences and aquaculture. The equipment and competence installed by LABFISH will include automated and robotic equipment for husbandry, maintenance and experimentation: -aquaculture systems with automated feeding units, -pipetting robots, -embryo and cell sorters, -microinjection robots, -high-throughput bioimaging systems, -quarantine facility, -infection facilities, -cryopreservation facility. LABFISH will offer its services to users from both academic and non-academic R&D communities including universities, government laboratories and pharma/biotech companies in Norway and the EU kroner Bioressurser, Medisin og helse Bioteknologi, Klima og miljø

15 Prosjektnummer: BioMedData UiB Inge Jonassen UiO, NTNU, UiT, NMBU, Direktoratet for e-helse, FHI Det søkes om midler til BioMedData, en brobyggingsinfrastruktur som skal fasilitere håndtering og integrering av data mellom ulike biologiske og medisinske infrastrukturer. Infrastrukturen vil legge til rette for FAIR datahåndtering, det vil si at data er Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable (FAIR), samtidig som det blir tatt hensyn til forhold knyttet for eksempel til håndtering av sensitive data. Mange infrastrukturer og deres brukere genererer, bruker og utveksler store datamengder. Det blir her foreslått en forholdsvis slank og virtuell infrastruktur som skal koordineres av ELIXIR Norway, og som vil involvere personell (andel av stillinger) som er forankret i de infrastrukturer som deltar i samarbeidet, for eksempel gjennom helpdesk og tilsvarende strukturer. Konkret blir det foreslått ressurser tilsvarende en fulltid Data Coordinator (DC) knyttet til ELIXIR Norway, og en 20% Project Area Liaison (PAL) knyttet til hver Research Infrastructure (RI) i samarbeidet (muligens med noe større behov for PALs ved oppstart), og med brukerfinansiering knyttet til spesifikke behov innenfor den enkelte RI. Vi har foreløpig identifisert opp mot 15 eksisterende eller planlagte infrastrukturer hvor vi mener at det bør gjøres en slik koordinering. Vi har vært i kontakt med en del av disse, og så langt har NorSeq, NAPI (Network of Advanced Proteomics Infrastructure), NorCryst, NORMOLIM (Norwegian Molecular Imaging Infrastructure- National node in Euro-Bioimaging), NIBIGEN (Norwegian Infrastructure for Biodiversity Genomics), I-MOBA (infrastruktur for MoBa) og Helsedataplattformen stilt seg positive til samarbeid. Et nettverk med 10 infrastrukturer vil da representere et finansieringsbehov tilsvarende 3 stillinger, pluss driftsmidler. Andre kostnader, for eksempel til datalagring, vil i hovedsak allerede være finansiert gjennom infrastrukturens ordinære finansiering og også gjennom brukerprosjekt. BioMedData's viktigste rolle vil være å utgjøre et aktivt og veldefinert nettverk mellom viktige forskningsinfrastrukturer. All erfaring viser at koordinering mellom infrastrukturer krever en aktiv dialog, noe som igjen krever identifiserbare personer som har et gjensidig ansvar for å drive denne dialogen og implementere beslutninger kroner e-infrastruktur Medisin og helse, bioteknologi

16 Prosjektnummer: Norwegian Plant Phenotyping Platform NMBU Odd Arne Rognli UiO, NIBIO Det søkes om etablering av PheNo (Norwegian Plant Phenotyping Platform), en infrastruktur for høyoppløselig fenotyping av planter. Med fenotyping menes detaljert karakterisering av planters vekst, utvikling, struktur og funksjon, og bruk av moderne imaging-teknologier til å foreta nøyaktig målinger av kvantitative parametere som inngår i mer komplekse egenskaper som f. eks. stresstoleranse og avling. Kombinasjonen av imaging, sensorteknologi og dataanalyse gjør det nå mulig å foreta high-throughput fenotyping på alle nivåer fra røtter, skudd og hele planter, til plantebestand i åkeren.nnye og oppgraderte fasiliteter for fenotyping av planter er helt avgjørende for å kunne utnytte genominformasjon til utvikling av nye planteprodukter, og vil styrke norsk forskning på effekter og tilpasning til endret klima. Infrastrukturplattformen vil utvikles i tilknytning til eksisterende infrastruktur for planteforskning på Campus Ås (SKP senter for klimaregulert planteforskning), og ved tilsvarende planteforskningsanlegg ved UiO og NIBIO Holt, Tromsø. Infrastrukturen vil bestå av utstyrsenheter som er distribuert på de tre institusjonene (nodene), og som driftes som en felles infrastruktur fra vertsinstitusjonen NMBU basert på SKP sitt veletablerte driftssystem. En utstyrsenhet, PlantEye ( for høy-oppløselig 3D-skanning, er planlagt etablert ved alle nodene. Dette gjør at man kan gjennomføre sammenliknbare forsøk på flere lokaliteter samtidig, eventuelt kombinert med endrede klimaparametere (lys, temperatur etc.). Denne enheten er fleksibel og kan benyttes både inne i veksthus og ute i felt. Ved NMBU vil hovedfokus være etablering av infrastruktur for fenotyping i felt, og dette vil omfatte en 3Dskanner (PlantEye) tilpasset roboten Thorvald ( Denne roboten er utviklet ved Fakultet for realfag og teknologi (REALTEK) ved NMBU, og innledende forsøk med fenotyping har vært utført med denne roboten i et samarbeid mellom planteforskere og ingeniørmiljøet ved NMBU. I tillegg til denne enheten planlegges det innkjøp sensorer og droner, GPS styrt traktor, såmaskin, skurtresker og selvgående såmaskin (Digital Farm), sensorer for måling av jordfuktighet, luftfuktighet og temperatur, samt utstyr for studier av røtter i felt (rhizotron). Ved UiO vil det i tillegg til en PlantEye 3D-skanner etableres et integrert robotsystem for høyoppløselig automatisk digital fenotyping under kontrollerte betingelser i vekstkammer (PlantScreenTM Phenotyping System), tilpasset små til mellomstore planter, f.eks. modellplanten Arabidopsis ( Denne enheten vil kun etableres ved UiO og vil tilby unik og komplementær infrastruktur til feltfenotypingsplattformen ved NMBU. I tillegg vil det ved UiO installeres vekstkammer (Conviron GH50) med mulighet for tilsetning av CO2 etc., LED belysning, mikroskalautstyr for fenotyping av frøspiring og rotvekst (komplementær til rhizotron i felt ved NMBU), og et spesialvekstkammer for mikroskalautstyret (Conviron A1000). Ved NIBIO Holt vil det i tillegg til 3D-skanneren PlantEye investeres i ulike sensorer for måling av forskjellige plantefysiologiske parametere, så som fotosyntese, respirasjon og plantevekst kroner Bioressurser Bioteknologi, Klima og miljø

17 Prosjektnummer: Lipidomics and Energy Metabolism Platform UiB Bodil Bjørndal - At the Department of Clinical Science (K2), the Lipid Research Group has established important methodology on fatty acid- and lipid analysis, offering high-quality analysis of a range of biological materials. This analysis platform already has users from several Norwegian and European universities, demonstrating the need for this national service. We would like to expand this methodology by involving new partners and strengthening the equipment park. The planned infrastructure will provide a full lipidomics analysis platform, so far lacking in Norway, and will also focus on a broader range of energy metabolites. We will offer in vivo and in vitro respirometry as well as analysis of several parameters related to mitochondrial function, and thus provide a unique national service. The infrastructure will provide a wide array of lipid- and energy metabolites for large scale screening and provide technical assistance and instrumentation for the analysis of mitochondrial function for the individual user. New and upgraded quipment/instrumentation: Fatty acid composition (GC and GC/MS) Acylcarnitines and energy metabolites (LC/MS) Lipid classes in plasma and tissues (Cobas6000) Lipidomics (NMR) Respiration in animals, tissues and cells (Oroboros Oxygraph-2k/FluoLED2, Seahorse XFe96, CLAMS kroner Medisin og helse Klima og miljø

18 Prosjektnummer: National Platform for NanoSafety UiB Mihaela Roxana Cimpan STAMI, NILU, NMBU The aim of the NanoSafety platform is to provide expertise, state of the art instrumentation, methods for assessing the exposure, hazards and risks associated with NM to relevant stakeholders, e.g., industry, academia, research centres and institutions, and consumers. It will also expand the insight into the impacts of nanomaterials (NMs) on humans and the environment. The platform will support the development of safe(r) nanomaterials and the application of nanosafety principles to products and industrial processes. It will cover the evaluation of physico-chemical characteristics and biological effects of various types of NMs, from metal oxides to organic, including polymer ( plastic )-based, and complex composite nanostructures. The infrastructure encompasses upgrading and expansion of existing infrastructure, as well as acquisition of new beyond state of the art unique equipment. Instruments applied for includes: At UiB: Confocal Raman microscope, Microfluidic platform for toxicity testing, High-density microelectrode arrays (MEAs), Tunable resistive pulse sensing instrument for nanoparticle characterization, Laser microtome (solid-state femtosecond laser) for thin sectioning, structuring or gentle extraction of samples and materials in 2D and 3D for analysis, Upgrading of existinging μct system, Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Physicochemical Separation and Characterisation test System, X-ray Photon Spectroscopy (XPS) with UPS capabilities At NMBU: Upgrade of transmission (TEM), scanning (SEM) and environmental scanning (ESEM) electronmicroscopes combined with X-Ray Analysis (EDX). At STAMI: Automatic Exposure System Modules, Scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), Electrical Aerosol Detector (EAD), Partector particle counter with TEM, Ventilated cages (IVC) for rodents, Establishing an inhalation room and necessary instrumentation, Metabollomics instrument At NILU: Air-liquid interphase - Automatic Exposure System Modules + module for gas exposure + increased capacity for cloud system, High-throughput genotoxicity scoring - flow cytometer and metafer for micronucleus and comet assay scoring, Field flow fractionation, Equipment for producing 3D models kroner Nanoteknologi og avanserte materialer Klima og miljø, Medisin og helse

19 Prosjektnummer: Norwegian Electron Microscopy Consortium (NECM), an initiative to implement state-of-the art electron microscopy services for Life Science. UiO, Institutt for Biovitenskap Norbert Roos, Andreas Brech NTNU, UiT, UiB The goal of the infrastructure is to establish a comprehensive technology platform that enables to offer service for biomedical, chemical and molecular biology research, in nanotechnology and structural analysis. The infrastructure will cover the needs for advanced electron microscopy (EM) imaging in the field of life science. Technologies such as single particle provide structural information and to cryo-em, electron tomography and correlative light/electron microscopy have become an integral part of our efforts to provide structural information and to understand biological function. The infrastructure platform will offer a spectrum of methods spanning from conventional morphological analysis to structural analysis with atomic resolution. The proposed consortium is implementing a local (at UiO) as well as national coordination (UiB, NTNU and UiT) of existing EM research environments in order to improve instrument access, knowledge transfer, international network participation as well as reducing instrument costs and offering users state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation. The planned infrastructure is building on existing EM-facilities, with the exception of a central EM-facility to be established in the future Life For organization of the infrastructure we propose the following model: Central Hub: Life Science building as future EM-competence center Nodes: Radiumhospital: CLEM, electron tomography and immune-em (cryo-em in biological contexts) IBV: multimodal node (TEM, SEM, X-ray analysis) NCMM: node for single particle cryo-em Gaustad: (SBF-SEM, TEM, immuno-em) Rikshospitalet: (TEM) NTNU: multimodal node (TEM, FIB-SEM) UiB: multimodal node (TEM) UiT: multimodal node (TEM, CLEM, SEM) Science building at UiO kroner Medisin og helse, Bioteknologi Nanoteknologi og avanserte materialer

20 Prosjektnummer: Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Imaging Network Phase II (NALMIN II) UiO Harald Stenmark UiB, NTNU, UiT, OUS Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Imaging Network (NALMIN) ble utviklet for å tilby spissteknologien i avansert lysmikroskopi til norske forskningsmiljøer slik at disse kan være internasjonalt ledende. Gjennom den første fasen har NALMIN lagt hovedvekten på teknologier som gir økt sensitivitet og romlig oppløsning, mens NALMIN II vil fokusere på instrumenter som kombinerer høy romlig oppløsning med høy tidsoppløsning for avbildning av levende celler, vev og organismer. Den banebrytende lysflakteknologien (LLSM) er sentral her, men NALMIN II vil også ta i bruk teknologier som gjør det mulig å detektere komponenter som DNA, proteiner og lipider i levende celler uten bruk av fluorescensmerkede prober, og teknologier som gjør det mulig å analysere et stort antall levende celler for screening og kvantitative analyser. En viktig del av NALMIN-II vil være å opprette en infrastruktur for prosessering, lagring, analyse og deling av store mengder avbildningsdata, og NALMIN II vil således samarbeide med vertsinstitusjonene og nasjonale IT infrastrukturnettverk for å implementere denne infrastrukturen. NALMIN-II er en videreutvikling av NALMIN, og nodene og deres ledere er de samme som for NALMIN. Mikroskopi-teknologiene som planlegges anskaffet under NALMIN II er de følgende: Gitter lysflakmikroskop for hurtig mikroskopi (LLSM) i 3D med høy oppløsning (UiO MED, UiB, NTNU) Enkeltplansilluminasjonsmikroskop (SPIM) for hurtig mikroskopi i 3D av store preparater (UiO MED) «High throughput» stasjon (HTP) for farmakologisk eller genetisk screening og kvantitative analyser av levende celler (UiO MN) Raman mikroskop for merkefri deteksjon av proteiner, lipider og DNA i levende celler (NTNU) IT-infrastruktur NALMIN er allerede medlem av ESFRI nettverket EuroBIoImaging, og det er naturlig at infrastrukturen som bygges opp under NALMIN II også vil inngå i dette nettverket kroner Medisin og helse, bioteknologi e-infrastruktur, nanoteknologi og avanserte materialer

21 Prosjektnummer: Norwegian facility for Helium ion & Electron Microscopy and microanalyses Universitetet i Bergen Ingunn Thorseth Uni Research; Christian Michelsen Research (CMR); UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet (Institutt for geovitenskap); Havforskningsinstituttet (HI); DNV GL NorHEMA will include several new technologies, which are currently not available in Norway and shall offer the high versatility of helium ion and scanning electron microscopic techniques to a broad range of national and international academic and also industrial users. The applications range from high resolution imaging and compositional analyses of surface structures to physical sectioning and 3D fine structural imaging of samples and 2D and 3D correlative microscopy bridging electron microscopy (EM) and other imaging modalities. Helium Ion Microscopy (HIM), which will be unique in Norway, will provide sub-nanoscale imaging of non-conducting materials and life-science samples without coating, highly improved topological contrast of surface structures with high depth of field, and specialised nanoscale fabrication. Furthermore, the addition of SIMS to the HIM will allow detection of all elements/isotopes at unmatched sensitivity and spatial resolution in the investigated material. A Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) equipped with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) systems will allow high resolution 3D imaging of material- and life-science samples and in-situ micro-analyses of crystallography and chemical composition. One Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) will be equipped with a broad set of microanalytical tools. This will include wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS), micro-x-ray fluorescence (μ-xrf) spectroscopy for major and trace element analyses, cathodoluminescence (CL) for crystal growth fabric imaging, and RAMAN spectroscopy for crystallographic/phase analyses. Another FE-SEM will be equipped for serial block face SEM (SBEM), transmission SEM (tsem) and array tomography (AT) for 3D imaging of large life- and material-science samples and correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). State of the art equipment will be provided for sample fixation and processing. An automated epi-fluorescence microscope, data storage and image processing resources will accomplish the toolkit for correlative microscopy. Moreover, a micro-ct scanner will serve for in situ 3D imaging of dynamic development of microstructures and fluid saturation during deformation and flow experiments. NorHEMA will provide highly specialised and relevant analytical tools for many disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields especially in natural science and technology including basic and applied biological science, geoscience, geobiology, soil and rock mechanics, reservoir physics, nanophysics and nanotechnology, but also in medicine and food research kroner Grunnleggende MNT Bioressurser, Bioteknologi, Klima og miljø, Medisin og helse, Miljøvennlig energi, Nanoteknologi og avanserte materialer, Petroleum

22 Prosjektnummer: Infrastructure for rodent preclinical models Avdeling for ernæringsvitenskap, Institutt for medisinske basalfag, Medisinske fakultet Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) Trude Abelsen Universitetet i Bergen (UiB), Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT), Norges teknisknaturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) The Norwegian Transgenic Center (NTS) was founded as a national platform under NRC-FUGE in The main goal was to establish infrastructure to generate and archive genetically modified mice in Norway. Since 2006, all major techniques for transgenic- and site-specific genetic modifications in mice and archiving of models have been routinely performed by NTS. Since 2008, NTS continued as a regional platform supported by the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (UiO) and Helse Sør-Øst through partnership with Transgenic animals and Phenomics (OUS). The quality and accomplishment of services provided has always been comparable to similar international units. The center now possesses a broad competence in all aspects of transgenic technologies, a competence that is unique in Norway. The regional NTS operates with partly outdated instrumentation (>10 years old) and runs on budget insufficient to serve increased national needs. The project proposes to re-establish NTS as a National platform and establish a shared National network for phenotyping of rodents. Benefits: Production of new genetically modified models will be cost-efficiently centralized at NTS, UiO/OUS Possibilities for archiving will be established locally through knowledge-transfer from NTS Transfer of genetically modified models between Norwegian animal facilities will be simplified Infrastructure for genome editing (NTS) and phenotyping platforms (distributed) will be upgraded Infrastructure for temporal transgene expression (viral core with stock/custom vectors) will be established A Web-portal and meetings will be organized to establish a Norwegian network for rodent phenotyping kroner Medisin og helse -

23 Prosjektnummer: Advanced European Research Infrastructure for Circular Bioeconomy SINTEF AS Roman Tschentscher NTNU, NMBU, IFE, SINTEF Energi, USN This project will reinforce the Norwegian Bioeconomy Strategy by establishing a national network of open access biomass conversion research infrastructure. Two main activities are proposed: 1) Coordination of activities to establish open access to the existing Norwegian bioeconomy RI for high level R&D and towards an ESFRI Roadmap application in ) Infrastructure upgrades to study novel circular zero-waste biomass conversion processes. In Norway a wide range of state-of-the-art infrastructure is available, however visibility and access to this infrastructure to researchers is limited. As research gaps the following infrastructure types have been identified: - Biomass pre-treatment and purification to clean intermediate product fractions - Final Product separation/purification equipment - Equipment for emerging technologies and process intensification - Hybrid processes combining biotechnology, chemical and thermal processes The proposed infrastructure investments focus on upgrade of existing infrastructure to expand the operational window by allowing a highly flexible operation with regard to new feedstock types and renewable energy sources with focus on: novel fermentation routes, biogas production, upgrade and conversion and liquefaction technologies. The target is, thereby, to facilitate research in emerging fields, such as hybrid processes and compact and intensified process designs, including the expansion of operational regimes, new feedstock sources, and the use of renewable energy. The distributed infrastructure to be upgraded is located at the project partners labs. At NMBU: A bioreactor for high dry matter reactions, sampling and feeding unit, a series of small scale, fully controllable bioreactors operating at high dry matter. At USN: Bench scale, fully automatized test unit for syngas fermentation and upgrade of the reactor feed section. At SINTEF Industry: Upgrade of fermentation pilot facility, installation of decanter for separation of cell mass and residual solids from diluted solutions in continuous separation systems. Controlled feeder to compounder, an extension of the compounder for feedstock homogenization of biomass, upgrade of the continuous small pilot hydrogenation reactor for electrochemical conversion and separation of biomass derived compounds. At NIBIO: Two up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors and a flexible elevated pressure fermentation system. At SINTEF Energy: Upgrade of gasfier with high temperature Optical Dilatometer. At NTNU: Mobile reactor unit, including frame and support system, reactors, heating system, piping, fittings, control and monitoring systems including an online gas analysis system and upgrade of optical high-speed imaging test rig for biofuel and spray measurements. At IFE: Upgrade of continuous mode sorption enhanced reforming prototype rigs kroner Bioressurser Bioteknologi, Miljøvennlig energi

24 Prosjektnummer: National Bioprocessing & Fermentation Centre NbioC NORCE (IRIS) Catherine Boccadoro SINTEF, NIBIO, Nofima, UiT, UiB, UiS, NTNU, NMBU, NORCE (UniResearch, Teknova) The purpose of this application is to establish phase2 of the scaling up and pilot Norwegian National Bioprocessing & Fermentation Centre (NBioC). NBioC is a combined effort of Norwegian research institutions where the members of the consortium will cover the value-chain for bioprocesses based on fermentation, from new bioresources, to screening of microorganisms and new activities/enzymes, to process development, including optimisation and scaling up. NBioC will provide flexibility for accommodating different microbial strains and for using a broad range of growth substrates. Furthermore, it supports the development of competitive industrial biotechnology products and processes. The R&D services will be based on conventional and gas fermentation processes for production of enzymes, single cell proteins and other feed ingredients and biochemicals. On-site industry infrastructure at Risavika includes a line for commercial enzyme production that will ensure a financial contribution from to industry to support the R&D infrastructure. Additionally, it also provides the R&D with access to reactors for large scale pilots ( L) compatible with the industry regulations. A platform for data management and access will allow the development of scaling up/down models and provide crucial data for technical-economic analyses. To ensure that Norwegian investment in equipment is focused on the most appropriate areas of need and coordination of existing infrastructure and knowledge in Norway, a close dialogue has been established with universities and institutes to ensure close coordination with existing and developing infrastructures This includes fermentation and analytic laboratories at SINTEF, NTNU and NMBU, The national Biogas laboratory at NIBIO and NMBU, biorefinery, enzyme development and up/downstream processing laboratories at NMBU and Nofima, and fish feed application laboratories at NMBU. A strong connection and cooperation will be established to NorBioLab through the common partners to both infrastructures and the management to ensure minimum duplication of equipment and a good coordination between the partners. The new infrastructure will support R&D including: - Scaling up of fermentation processes - Optimisation of large-scale fermentations (up to 1500 L) - Fermentation data and technical-economical evaluations - Data from large scale fermentations for the development of scale up/down models - Fermentation and bioprocess simulations and modelling - Gas fermentation technology development - from high throughput screening, to laboratory and pilot scale, for optimization and scale up to 1000L pilot. - Upgrading of biogas quality, enabling the methane to be used in gas fermentation processes kroner Bioteknologi Bioressurser, Klima og miljø

25 Prosjektnummer: Vibrational spectroscopy center for biochemical characterisation of intact biological systems on different scales NMBU Achim Kohler Nofima Goal: Establishment of a vibrational spectroscopy infrastructure for biochemical characterisation of intact biological systems on different scales. Vibrational spectroscopy has been used for characterization of biofluids, cells and tissues already in the 90ies. The technology allows biochemical characterization of intact biological systems without any sample pre-treatment. A vibrational spectrum, probes absorption properties of molecules in the infrared region of electromagnetic radiation, and can be interpreted directly in terms of chemical bonds and molecular structure of fatty acids, proteins, and polysaccharides as the main building blocks of biological materials. Since features related to protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism are responsible for the phenotypic attributes associated with a biological system, vibrational spectroscopy has become an attractive tool in biology, medicine and industry. The infrastructure will consist of the following units: 1) Vibrational spectroscopy instrumentation for biochemical characterization of biological systems on macro-, micro-and nano-scales and different dimensions (1D, 2D and 3D); 2) Sample handling instrumentation - automated sample handling systems and microfluidics; 3) Data management and analysis platform. Equipment applied for: -Raman microscopy for biochemical profiling; -Raman spectroscopy on macro-scale; -Nano-infrared spectroscopic imaging techniques; -Infrared spectro-tomography and spectro-laminography; -Ultrafast infrared microspectroscopic imaging; -Microfabrication laboratory equipment for microfluidics. The infrastructure will work closely together with NorBioLab and the Food Pilot Plant. The existing vibrational spectroscopic platform at RealTek has already a close collaboration with NorBioLab and is used for monitoring of fermentation processes in ongoing projects. The new vibrational spectroscopic infrastructure will allow advanced characterization of food products and microbial contamination on different scales and dimensions and has a clear potential to be linked to the Food Pilot Plant at NMBU. This will give additional thrust to the ongoing infrastructures NorBioLab and the Food Pilot Plant, which will strongly profit from the possibility of analyzing intact biological systems. 30 millioner kroner fra Forskningsrådet Bioressurser Bioteknologi, Klima og miljø, Medisin og helse

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