nr 41/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

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Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :34:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

nr 50/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Databasen er sist oppdatert :29:00. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge.

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

nr 01/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 9. oktober 2012

nr 33/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

Avgjørelse varemerker

nr 12/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

Avgjørelse varemerker

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

nr NO årgang 90 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 19/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 17/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr NO årgang 92 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

nr 52/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 17/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 16/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 12/ NO årgang 97 ISSN

nr 10/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 15. desember 2008

nr 40/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 08/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 34/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

nr NO årgang 89 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 15/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 47/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

design tidende nr NO årgang 2 ISSN Norsk

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr 41/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for varemerkeregistrering nr

nr 04/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 38/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr 25/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :09:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

nr NO årgang 89 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 33/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 33/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 12/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 35/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 42/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 14/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 43/ NO årgang 95 ISSN

nr 25/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr NO årgang 90 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

nr 07/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 13/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 49/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr 02/ NO årgang 8 ISSN

nr 23/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr NO årgang 89 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 23/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 16/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 04/ NO årgang 95 ISSN

nr 37/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr 35/ NO årgang 95 ISSN

nr 06/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr 41/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr NO årgang 89 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 02/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

17/ desember Tine SA Advokatfirmaet Grette DA. Synnøve Finden AS Acapo AS

nr 13/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 17/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr 37/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 26/ NO årgang 96 ISSN

nr 34/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 32/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr 39/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 05/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

nr 06/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

nr 48/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

nr NO årgang 88 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 34/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr 52/ NO årgang 97 ISSN

nr 05/ NO årgang 95 ISSN

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr 10/ NO årgang 97 ISSN

20U Coop Norge Handel AS Østre Aker Vei OSLO. Jd'HfU. Oslo, Hv adroscp ukien

nr NO årgang 88 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 49/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 14/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 35/ NO årgang 94 ISSN

nr 43/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr NO årgang 89 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 48/ NO årgang 96 ISSN

design tidende nr NO årgang 1 ISSN Norsk

nr 15/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 09/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

nr 20/ NO årgang 95 ISSN

nr 21/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr NO årgang 90 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende


. nr 41/11-2011.10.10 NO årgang 101 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep. 0033 Oslo E-POST TELEFON 22 38 73 00 TELEFAKS 22 38 73 01 INFOSENTERETS TELEFONTID kl. 09.00-15.00 Telefon (+47) 22 38 73 33 Telefaks (+47) 22 38 73 31 1

Innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2011.10.10-41/11 Innholdsfortegnelse: Etterlysning... 3 Registrerte varemerker... 4 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 33 Innsigelser... 93 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 94 Varemerkeregistreringer som ikke er fornyet... 102 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter... 109 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold... 112 Fornyelser... 114 Opphevet registreringsbeslutning... 116 Søksmål med påstand om ugyldigkjennelse... 117 Opphør av fullmektigverv... 118 Fornyede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 119 Ikke fornyede internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 120 Rettelser... 121 INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) Registreringsnummer (151) Registreringsdato utløper (210) Søknadsnummer (220) Inngivelsesdato (526) Unntaksannmerkning (300) Prioritetsopplysninger (450) Kunngjort registrert dato (511) Vare-/tjenesteklasse (521) Bruk/innarbeidelse (526) Unntaksannmerkning (540) Gjengivelse av varemerketekst (541) Merket er et ordmerke (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser (554) Merket er tredimensjonalt (571) Beskrivelse av merket (591) Merket er i farger (730) Søker/innehaver (740) Fullmektig (791) Lisenshaver (793) Lisensinformasjon (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato 2

etterlysning 2011.10.10-41/11 Etterlysning På bakgrunn av begjæring om slettelse fra Onsagers AS, etter varemerkeloven 43, bes innehaver av registreringsnummer 218664, det kombinerte merket IFA INSTIUTT FOR ARBEIDSRETT og 218668, ordmerket IFA, Kraft Forretningsutvikling AS, Lianveien 11, 7025 Trondheim, om å melde seg til Patentstyret innen 3 måneder. 3

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven 22. I løpet av tre måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf. varemerkeloven 26 og varemerkeforskriften 23. For søknader som har søknadsdag fra 1. juli 2010 gjelder varemerkeregistreringen i ti år fra søknadsdagen. Registreringer som har søknadsdag før 1. juli 2010 gjelder i ti år fra registreringsdagen. Se varemerkeloven 32 jf. 83 annet ledd. (111) 261737 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102289 (220) Inndato: 2011.02.25 2021.02.25 (111) 261738 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104089 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.08 2021.04.08 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Calpro AS, Arnstein Arnebergsvei 30 A, 1366 LYSAKER Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO Klasse:5 Medisinske reagensmiddel for diagnose og testing av kroppsvæske. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Varde Byggeadministrasjon AS, Randabergveien 333, 4070 RANDABERG Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet; byggeledelse. Klasse:42 Teknologiske tjenester; planlegging og rådgivning vedrørende bygging. 4

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261739 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201103806 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.04 2021.04.04 (111) 261741 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201103116 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.16 2021.03.16 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Fotspor Holding AS, Mølleparken 2B, 0459 OSLO Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN Klasse:25 Klasse:35 Klasse:39 Klasse:41 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser. Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (111) 261740 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104403 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.13 2021.04.13 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Euro Sko Norge AS, Solgaard Skog 86, 1599 MOSS Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Ecofrigo AS, Postboks 763, Krapfoss, 1509 MOSS Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for oppvarming, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. (111) 261742 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104482 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 ALLOGEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Preventive Care Inc, 15215 Boulder Trail, MN55068 ROSEMOUNT, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:3 Klasse:9 Klasse:10 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler. Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer. Klasse:21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt - beholdere (ikke av edelt metall eller plettert dermed); kammer og svamper, børster (ikke malerpensler); materialer for børstebinding; gjenstander til rengjøringsformål; stålull; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk); glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). 5

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261743 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104484 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 TITTUT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Tine SA, Dronning Eufemias gate 6, 0191 OSLO Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:5 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:32 Baby- og barnemat, næringsmidler for spedbarn. Melk, melkeprodukter, melkedrikker, smakssatt melk, meieriprodukter; yoghurt, drikkeyoghurt, drikker hovedsakelig basert på yoghurt og/eller melk, yoghurtbaserte matvarer eller drikker; melkebasert pålegg, kvarg, prim, ost; ferdigretter, måltidserstatninger, mellommåltider og desserter hovedsakelig bestående av varer i denne klasse. Mel og næringsmidler av korn, herunder kornbaserte stenger og bars, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; mellommåltider i form av kornbaserte bars (stenger), herunder slike overtrukket med yoghurt; ferdigretter, måltidserstatninger, mellommåltider og desserter hovedsakelig bestående av varer i denne klasse. Mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann, drikkevann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker; sports- og energidrikker. (111) 261744 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104709 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.20 2021.04.20 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Divine Chocolate Ltd, 4 Gainsford Street, SE12NE LONDON, Storbritannia (GB) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:29 Melk og melkeprodukter; drikker basert på melk herunder smakstilsatte melkedrikker; milkshake, drikker hovedsakelig laget av melkeerstatninger; snackfood i klasse 29. Klasse:30 Kakao; kakaoprodukter; drikkesjokolade; drikke laget av eller inneholdende sjokolade og/eller kakao; næringsmidler for fremstilling av sjokolade eller kakaobaserte drikker; sjokolade; konfekt; ikke-medisinerte søtsaker; snackfood for så vidt de inngår i klasse 30; iskrem og iskremprodukter; avkjølte og frosne konfekter; desserter, sjokoladedesserter; sukker; næringsmidler laget av sukker; mel; næringsmidler laget av cerealer; frokostcerealer; bakeriprodukter; næringsmidler for fremstilling av bakeriprodukter; kaker, kjeks, brød og brødprodukter; snackfood i klasse 30. (111) 261745 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104496 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 SIGNORELLI (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Vinetum Group AS, Postboks 3035, Elisenberg, 0207 OSLO Klasse:33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). 6

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261746 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104498 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 (111) 261747 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2010.09.17, SE, 2010/07364 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201100621 (220) Inndato: 2011.01.19 2021.01.19 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Framsenteret AS, Framsenteret, 9296 TROMSØ Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke A3A Properties AB, Greta Garbos väg 13, 5tr, 16940 SOLNA, Sverige (SE) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:9 Personsøkerapparater og -utstyr; elektroniske spill; digital musikk tilgjengelig på Internet; høyttalere; hodetelefoner; apparater og instrumenter for innbruddsalarm; brannalarmer; røkvarslere; tyverialarmapparater; batterier; batteriladere; regnemaskiner; fotografiske apparater og instrumenter; deler og komponenter til alle nevnte varer. Klasse:35 Detaljhandelstjenester vedrørende følgende, separat eller i kombinasjon: Kommunikasjonsapparater og/eller -utstyr og/eller -tilbehør, telekommunikasjonsapparater og/eller -utstyr og/eller tilbehør, personsøkerapparater og/eller utstyr, maskinvarer, fastprogramvare, programvarer, elektroniske spill, elektroniske underholdningsapparater, apparater og instrumenter for gjengiving og/eller innspilling av lyd, publikasjoner tilveiebrakt via direktetilknytning fra databaser eller Internett; digital musikk tilgjengelig på Internet, programvare levert fra Internet, datamaskinprogramvare, hodetelefoner, innbruddsalarmapparater og/eller - instrumenter, brannalarmer, røykvarslere, tyverialarmer, batterier, batteriladere, regnemaskiner, elektroniske spill, elektroniske underholdningsapparater, digital musikk tilgjengelig på Internett, høyttalere, hodetelefoner, innbruddsalarmapparater og/eller -instrumenter, brannalarmer, røykvarslere, tyverialarmer, batterier, batteriladere, regnemaskiner; detaljhandelstjenester; detaljhandelstjenester via Internett og /eller interaktiv TV; abonnement på telekommunikasjonstjenester (for andre); ordning av abonnement på telekommunikasjonstjenester (for andre). Klasse:37 Installasjon, service, vedlikehold og/eller reparasjon av kommunikasjonsapparater, - utstyr og -tilbehør, telekommunikasjonsapparater, utstyr og - tilbehør samt personsøkerapparater og -utstyr; installasjonstjenester, service, vedlikehold og/eller reparasjon av maskinvare og fastprogramvare; tilveiebringing av informasjon relatert til installasjon, service, vedlikehold og/eller reparasjon av kommunikasjonsapparater, - utstyr og - tilbehør, datamaskinapparater, -utstyr og - tilbehør, telekommunikasjonsapparater, -utstyr og -tilbehør samt personsøkerapparater og - utstyr; installasjon, service, reparasjon og/eller vedlikehold av hjemmeelektronikkprodukter; tjenester innenfor området for installasjon, service, reparasjon og/eller vedlikehold av fotografiske apparater, fotografisk utstyr og fotografisk tilbehør. 7

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 Klasse:38 Kommunikasjonstjenester; personsøking; informasjon, rådgivning og konsultasjon vedrørende kommunikasjonstjenester, telekommunikasjonstjenester, kommunikasjonsapparater, -utstyr og - tilbehør, telekommunikasjonsapparater, -utstyr og -tilbehør, personsøkertjenester samt personsøkerapparater og -utstyr; utleie av kommunikasjonsapparater, -utstyr og -tilbehør, telekommunikasjonsapparater, -utstyr og - tilbehør samt personsøkerapparater og -utstyr. (111) 261748 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104097 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.08 2021.04.08 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke VIDEONOR AS, Gate 1 nr 57, 6700 MÅLØY (IPR SA), c/o Leogriff, Linstows gate 6, 0166 OSLO Klasse:9 Videokonferansessystemer; systemer, apparater og utstyr, inkludert programvare og webbaserte programvareapplikasjoner for sanntid-, multimedia- og flerpartskommunikasjon over datanettverk; apparater for mottak, lagring, gjengivelse, avspilling, opptak og overføring av lyd eller bilder; kommunikasjonsprogramvare og - applikasjoner egnet for nettlesere, personlige datamaskiner eller mobiltelefoner; systemer og utstyr for kommunikasjonsinfrastruktur inkludert nettverksstyringsprogramvare. Klasse:38 Telekommunikasjonstjenester; videokonferanse- og telekonferansetjenester; nettverkskonferansetjenester; telekommunikasjonstjenester, nemlig mottakelse og levering av beskjeder, dokumenter, bilder og andre data via elektronisk overføring; audio-, video-, data- og grafisk kommunikasjon via nettverk; samarbeidstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe sanntids multimedia- og multipartkommunikasjon over datanettverk; utleie av telekommunikasjonsutstyr og - programvare; utleie av tilgangstid til et globalt datanettverk; fremskaffelse av tilgang til databaser, inkludert tilgang til adresser for videokonferansetjenester. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; databehandlingstjenester; utleie av programvare; midlertidig bruk av ikkenedlastbare arbeidsgruppe- og dokumenthåndterings-programvare; frembingelse av nettsteder som tilbyr arbeidsgruppesamarbeid, - dokumentfrembringelse, -mediafrembringelse og -driftstjenester; rådgivningstjenester og tekniske supporttjenester vedrørende datamaskiner, datamaskinnettverk, programvare, dokumenthåndtering, arbeidsgruppesystemer eller videokonferansesystemer; utleie av 8

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 programvare. (111) 261749 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104499 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 (111) 261751 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104509 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.18 2021.04.18 AXITILIENT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Agouron Pharmaceuticals Inc, 10777 Science Center Drive, CA92121 SAN DIEGO, USA (US) Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater, hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål. (111) 261752 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104404 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.13 2021.04.13 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Sjøsiden Catering, Wesselsvei 5, 7500 STJØRDAL Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO Klasse:43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering; kafévirksomhet. (111) 261750 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104500 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Salsnes Filter AS, Postboks 279, 7800 NAMSOS Curo AS, Industriveien 53, 7080 HEIMDAL Klasse:11 Filtreringsapparater for rensing av vann; installasjoner for rensing av avløpsvann. (111) 261753 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104928 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.28 2021.04.28 Gonzalo (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font LEXOW AS, Postboks 9196 Grønland, 0134 OSLO Klasse:9 Verneklær mot ulykker, stråling og brann. Klasse:25 Klær. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Titania AS, 4380 HAUGE I DALANE Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO Klasse:6 Malmer; ilmenitt; uedle metaller. Klasse:37 Gruve-utvinning. 9

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261754 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104760 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 PAMPERS SPLASHERS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font The Procter & Gamble Company, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, OH45202 CINCINNATI, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:16 Engangsbleier og engangsbadebukser. (111) 261755 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104764 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 VYSINARA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, USA (US) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:5 Medisinske preparater for mennesker. (111) 261756 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104765 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 CLYNAV (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, Sveits (CH) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:5 Veterinære preparater; antibiotika for veterinær bruk; antibakterielle preparater for veterinær bruk; anti-inflammatoriske preparater for veterinær bruk; veterinære desinfeksjonsmidler; preparater for utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider; insekticider, insektsmidler; parasitticider; veterinære preparater for behandling, forebygging og beskyttelse av parasittbefengthet; anti-parasittiske krager og halsbånd; ernæringssupplementer for veterinære formål; ernæringstilsetninger for veterinære formål; vaksiner for dyr; produkter for loppe- og flåttkontroll, sprayer, sjampoer, sanitære og medisinske pudder og topiske salver for dyr; dermatologiske preparater for veterinær bruk, veterinære ferdigblandinger og forblandinger; preparater for akvakultur for medisinsk bruk. (111) 261757 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201000169 (220) Inndato: 2010.01.04 2021.09.29 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Dale of Norway AS, 5721 DALEKVAM Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN Klasse:18 Lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer. Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. (111) 261758 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.29 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104761 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 LIMINZA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, USA (US) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:5 Medisinske preparater for mennesker. 10

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261759 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201103838 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.05 2021.04.05 (111) 261760 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104917 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.28 2021.04.28 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Diplom-Is AS, Brennaveien 10, 1483 SKYTTA Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:30 Iskrem-produkter. (111) 261761 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104429 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.13 2021.04.13 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Water for Life ApS, Strandvejen 98E, 3070 SNEKKERSTEN, Danmark (DK) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. Klasse:32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse:43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Johannes Marseth, Gunnar Schjelderupvei 13 E, 0485 OSLO Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy og hodeplagg. 11

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261762 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104706 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.22 2021.04.22 Dvalin (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font HENNING TOVSEN, POSTBOKS 157, 3791 KRAGERØ Klasse:6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør, sikkerhetsskap og - skrin; varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); malmer. (111) 261763 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104960 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 AINA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Iittala Group Oy AB, Hämeentie 135, 00560 HELSINGFORS, Finland (FI) Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN Klasse:21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt - beholdere; kammer og svamper, børster (ikke malerpensler); materialer for børstebinding; gjenstander til rengjøringsformål; stålull; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass (ikke glass til bygningsbruk); glassvarer, porselen og keramikk (ikke opptatt i andre klasser). (111) 261764 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2011.02.18, CH, 51935/2011 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104904 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 SMOOVIO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, Sveits (CH) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:5 Veterinære preparater; veterinære desinfeksjonsmidler; veterinære antibiotika; preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider; insekticider, insektsmidler; ernæringstilsetninger for medisinsk bruk; vaksiner for dyr; sanitære og medisinske sjampoer for dyr; preparater for akvakultur for veterinær bruk. (111) 261765 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104532 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke NGK Spark Plug Co Ltd, 14-18, Takatsuji-cho, Mizuhoku, 467-8525 NAGOYA CITY, Japan (JP) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:7 Tenningsapparater og deres tilbehør som deler av forbrenningsmotorer av alle slag, nemlig tennplugger, glødeplugger, tennplugghetter, tennpluggledninger og tennpluggtenningsspoler. (111) 261766 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104531 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 KITONAIL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font POLICHEM SA, 50, Val Fleuri, 1526 LUXEMBURG, Luxembourg (LU) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler. Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. 12

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261767 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104702 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.20 2021.04.20 GULLBREV (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font GULLBREV AS, Postboks 53 Linderud, 0517 OSLO Klasse:35 annonse- og reklamevirksomhet, bistand ved kjøp av gull via internett. Klasse:36 takseringstjenester. Klasse:42 sertifiseringstjenester. (111) 261769 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104922 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.28 2021.04.28 (111) 261768 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104700 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.20 2021.04.20 LYFTIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, USA (US) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:5 Medisinske preparater for mennesker (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke BERGA SONJA THORGRIMSDOTTIR, 2265 NAMNÅ Klasse:3 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler. Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. (111) 261770 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104931 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.28 2021.04.28 Soapster (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font PAUL CHRISTIAN VENAAS, Litlabøvegen 335, 5415 STORD Klasse:28 Olabil/kassabil, leketøy/sportsartikkel for barn. 13

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261771 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104935 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.28 2021.04.28 (111) 261772 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104021 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.07 2021.04.07 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke JOBLYN AS, C J Hambros Plass 2 C, 0164 OSLO Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester, arbeidsformidling og arbeidskontor både for bedrifter og arbeidssøkere, konsultasjon for bedrifts- eller forretningsledelse, bedriftsundersøkelser, forretningsevaluering, konsulentvirksomhet i forbindelse med personaladministrasjon og rekruttering, vikartjenester, engasjementer, arbeidsutleie, jobbrekrutteringsvirksomhet, personellutvelgelse ved psykotekniske fremgangsmåter, tjenester for å kartlegge jobbsøkeres ferdigheter, bistand i forbindelse med outsourcing av arbeidskraft og rasjonalisering av virksomheter. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter, organisering av utdannelsesvirksomhet og opplæringsvirksomhet, seminarer og kurs for utdannelse og opplæring både for grupper og individer. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer, analysering av datasystemer, programmering av datamaskiner, ajourføring og vedlikehold av dataprogrammer og software, design av computersystemer, installasjon av dataprogrammer, konvertering av data eller dokumenter fra fysisk til elektronisk media, konvertering av dataprogrammer, konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Lilleborg AS, Postboks 4236 Nydalen, 0401 OSLO Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO Klasse:3 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper, parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, kosmetikk, hårvann; tannpussemidler; håndsåper; dusjsåper; hårpleiemidler, sjampo. Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer, materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler, preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. 14

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261773 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.09.30 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104034 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.07 2021.04.07 AIRTELIS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font RTE EDF Transport, 1 Terrasse Bellini, TSA 41000, 92919 PARIS LA DÉFENSE CEDEX, Frankrike (FR) Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO Klasse:12 Klasse:37 Klasse:39 Lufttransportører; luftfartøy; fly; propeller; helikoptere; befordringsmidler til bruk i luften. Byggevirksomhet; byggevirksomhet ved bruk av luftfartøy; byggevirksomhet ved bruk av helikopter; vedlikehold, bygging og forsterkning, spesielt av offentlige elektrisitetstransportnettverk, også ved bruk av luftfartøy; vedlikehold, konstruksjon/bygging og forsterkning, spesielt av offentlige elektrisitetstransportnettverk, også ved bruk av helikopter; operativ og funksjonell ledelse/styring ved bruk av luftfartøy, spesielt offentlige elektrisitetstransportnettverksarbeid/- anlegg; operativ og funksjonell ledelse/styring ved bruk av helikopter, spesielt offentlige elektrisitetstransportnettverksarbeid/-anlegg. Transportvirksomhet; varetransport med helikopter; persontransport med helikopter; lufttransport av varer; lufttransport av mennesker; lufttransport av utstyr; lufttransport av utstyr med helikopter; planlegging/organisering av reiser med luftfartøy; planlegging/organisering av reiser med helikopter; luftfartøyutleie; redningstjenester ved bruk av luftfartøy; redningstjenester ved bruk av helikopter. (111) 261774 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.01 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104954 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 ENSECRIO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, One Merck Drive, NJ08889-0100 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (111) 261775 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.01 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104955 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 PANLUCIA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, One Merck Drive, NJ08889-0100 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (111) 261776 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.01 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104956 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 PREVTROM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, One Merck Drive, NJ08889-0100 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (111) 261777 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.01 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104957 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 XYPARANT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, One Merck Drive, NJ08889-0100 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater. 15

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261778 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.01 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104958 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 ZONTIVITY (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, One Merck Drive, NJ08889-0100 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (111) 261779 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200911839 (220) Inndato: 2009.11.16 2021.10.03 TIPPINGA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Norsk Tipping AS, 2325 HAMAR Tenden Advokatfirma ANS, Postboks 423, 3201 SANDEFJORD Klasse:35 Klasse:38 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet - herunder fjernsynssendinger, kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler, elektroinske oppslagstavler. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet. (111) 261780 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201012044 (220) Inndato: 2010.11.16 2020.11.16 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Skydda Protecting People Europe AB, 52385 ULRICEHAMN, Sweden (SE) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:9 Arbeidshansker for beskyttelse mot skader, beskyttelseshjelmer, beskyttelsessko, beskyttelsesbriller, beskyttelsesklær for å unngå skader; beskyttelsesmasker og skjermer for ansiktet; beskyttelsesmasker, tannbeskyttere, munnbeskyttere, beskyttelsesfrakker, beskyttelsesvester, overaller; knebeskyttere og ben- og leggbeskyttelse for arbeidere. Klasse:25 Klær, sko (ikke opptatt i andre klasser), hodeplagg, hofteholdere (klær), strømper og sokker, beskyttelsesdekke for klær for beskyttelse mot nedsmussing. (111) 261781 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102594 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.04 2021.03.04 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Microsoft Corp, One Microsoft Way, WA98052-6399 REDMOND, United States of America (US) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:9 Dataprogrammer, nemlig spillsoftware for bruk på datamaskiner og videospillmaskiner. Klasse:41 Tilveiebringelse av informasjon innen feltet dataspill, spill og hjemmeunderholdning via et nettsted; tilveiebringelse av informasjon online relatert til dataspill og dataforbedringer for spill; og underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av et online dataspill. 16

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261782 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201103776 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.01 2021.04.01 Tornado (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Syse Data AS, Møllegaten 12, 3111 TØNSBERG Klasse:9 Klasse:35 Dataprogrammer. Administrasjon av data-arkiver og presentasjon av varer i kommunikasjonsmedier for detaljsalg. (111) 261783 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104711 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.20 2021.04.20 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Mobilslakt AS, v/ Torill Malmstrøm, Brandstadveien 463, 1540 VESTBY Klasse:29 Klasse:35 Klasse:40 Kjøtt og vilt. Ledelse og administrasjon innen slakteri på hjul. Slakterivirksomhet på hjul. (111) 261785 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2010.10.27, US, 85/162,591 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104713 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.26 2021.04.26 VALUPROP (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Saint-Gobain Ceramics & Plastics Inc, One New Bond Street, MA01615-0008 WORCESTER, United States of America (US) Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO Klasse:1 Keramisk proppemiddel for fraktureringsoperasjoner på oljefelt. (111) 261786 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104071 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.08 2021.04.08 conation (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Conation AS, Åsbygda, 6390 VESTNES Klasse:7 Maskiner. Klasse:8 Håndverktøy og redskaper. Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning. Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet, reparasjonsvirksomhet, installasjonsvirksomhet. Klasse:40 Bearbeiding av materialer. (111) 261784 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104530 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.18 2021.04.18 Beckum Workwear (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Toni-Lee AB, Box 84, 28121 HÄSSLEHOLM, Sweden (SE) Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy. 17

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261787 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2006.10.09, EM, 005367801 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200615474 (220) Inndato: 2006.12.22 2021.10.03 (111) 261789 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102889 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.11 2021.03.11 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke MGA Entertainment Inc, 16380 Roscoe Blvd., CA91406 VAN NUYS, United States of America (US) Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES Klasse:16 Bøker; trykksaker; trykte utgivelser; lommekalendere og dagbøker; skrivesaker; magasiner; tegneserier; tidsskrifter; plakater; instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell; papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer; kalendere; adressebøker; avtalekalendere; lykkønskningskort; bokstøtter; innpakningspapir; gavemerker; autografbøker; overføringsbilder; albumer; årbøker; journaler; bøker og skrivesaker solgt sammen som en enhet; aktivitetsbøker. (111) 261788 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2010.09.09, US, 85/126,191 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102859 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.09 2021.03.09 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Return Textiles LLC, 211 West 19th Street, NY NEW YORK, United States of America (US) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:23 Garn bestående delvis av resirkulert plast. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Joia De Majorca Ltd, 1030 West Higgins Road, Suit 102, IL60068 PARK RIDGE, United States of America (US) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:14 Juvelervarer, nemlig ringer, øreringer, halsbånd, armbånd, nøkkelringer, anheng, mansjettknapper, og beltespenner; varer laget av edelmetall eller trukket dermed; ur og klokker; kronometriske instrumenter. Klasse:18 Bager, nemlig håndbager, skulderbager, handlebager; seddelbøker, små vesker, ryggsekker, ryggvesker og bagasje; bager for bøker; håndvesker og portemonneer; lommebøker, etuier; dokumentmapper; varer laget av lær og imitasjoner av lær. (111) 261790 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104714 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.26 2021.04.26 smile:)oslo (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font WINTERDENT Bjørn Ulrich Winter, Bestumveien 85B, 0283 OSLO Klasse:44 Medisinske tjenester; veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruk-, hagebruk- og skogbrukstjenester. Klasse:24 Blandete fiberstoffer bestående delvis av resirkulert plast. 18

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261791 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104715 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 Adlibris (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font CAPRIS AS, Postboks 350 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. (111) 261793 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104716 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font CAPRIS AS, Postboks 350 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. (111) 261792 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104914 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Lunex AS, Dyrskueveien 22, 2040 KLØFTA Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO Klasse:6 Varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); metallbeslag for markiser og persienner; markiser av metall for bygninger;persienner av metall for utendørs bruk. (111) 261794 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105205 (220) Inndato: 2011.05.09 2021.05.09 LEVEBRØD (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Chas Hude A/S, H C Andersens Boulevard 33, 1780 KØBENHAVN V, Denmark (DK) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:30 Mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer. Klasse:22 Markiser av syntetiske materialer, markiser av tekstiler. 19

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261795 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201013312 (220) Inndato: 2010.12.21 2020.12.21 AQUABEAUTINE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Aqua Bio Technology ASA, Thormøhlensgate 55, 5008 BERGEN Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO Klasse:3 Kosmetikk. (111) 261798 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201013315 (220) Inndato: 2010.12.21 2020.12.21 AQUABEAUTINE L (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Aqua Bio Technology ASA, Thormøhlensgate 55, 5008 BERGEN Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO Klasse:3 Kosmetikk. (111) 261796 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201013313 (220) Inndato: 2010.12.21 2020.12.21 AQUABEAUTINE XL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Aqua Bio Technology ASA, Thormøhlensgate 55, 5008 BERGEN Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO Klasse:3 Kosmetikk. (111) 261797 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201013314 (220) Inndato: 2010.12.21 2020.12.21 AQUABEAUTINE X (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Aqua Bio Technology ASA, Thormøhlensgate 55, 5008 BERGEN Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS, Postboks 359 Sentrum, 0101 OSLO Klasse:3 Kosmetikk. (111) 261799 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201101341 (220) Inndato: 2011.02.04 2021.02.04 KIMS NATURCHIPS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Kims Norge AS, Sandakerveien 56, 0401 OSLO Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt: kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrete og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geléer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett; potetchips, potetskiver, potetbasert snacks, preparerte nøtter. Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is; chips (kornprodukt), maisbasert snacks, brente mandler, popcorn. Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; levende dyr; friske frukter og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr, malt; nøtter, peanøtter (frukt). 20

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261800 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201101343 (220) Inndato: 2011.02.04 2021.02.04 KIMS POTETSTICKS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Kims Norge AS, Sandakerveien 56, 0401 OSLO Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt: kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrete og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geléer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett; potetchips, potetskiver, potetbasert snacks, preparerte nøtter. Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is; chips (kornprodukt), maisbasert snacks, brente mandler, popcorn. Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; levende dyr; friske frukter og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr, malt; nøtter, peanøtter (frukt). (111) 261801 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201101344 (220) Inndato: 2011.02.04 2021.02.04 KIMS POTETLØV (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Kims Norge AS, Sandakerveien 56, 0401 OSLO Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt: kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrete og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geléer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett; potetchips, potetskiver, potetbasert snacks, preparerte nøtter. Kaffe, te, kakao, sukker, ris, tapioka, sago, kaffeerstatning; mel og næringsmidler av korn, brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer, spiseis; honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt, sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is; chips (kornprodukt), maisbasert snacks, brente mandler, popcorn. Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter samt korn, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; levende dyr; friske frukter og grønnsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster; næringsmidler til dyr, malt; nøtter, peanøtter (frukt). (111) 261802 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2010.10.01, US, 85/143,301 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102618 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.07 2021.03.07 ROAD SCHOLAR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Elderhostel Inc, 11 Avenue de Lafayette, MA02111 BOSTON, United States of America (US) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter, herunder planlegging og gjennomføring av workshops, klasseromsundervisning, utflukter, seminarer, omvisninger, samfunnstjenesteopplæring og utdanningsprogrammer innenfor fagområdene historie, naturfag, kulturvitenskap, naturvitenskap, underholdning, forskning, kunst, brukskunst, sport, utendørsaktivitet, selvutvikling og politikk. (111) 261803 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104391 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.12 2021.04.12 Money should only be used for happiness (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font BJARNE NILS JOHAN PEDERSEN, Høyboveien 18, 0198 OSLO Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:41 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom. Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet. Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. 21

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261804 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201103450 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.23 2021.03.23 (111) 261805 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104533 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 AIRXACT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font IVAX International BV, Computerweg 10, 3542DR UTRECHT, Nederland (NL) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser for mennesker, alt for behandling av respiratoriske sykdommer. Klasse:10 Inhalatorer. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Norwegian Property ASA, Postboks 1657 Vika, 0120 OSLO Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; utvikling og drift av kjøpesentre. Klasse:36 Forretninger med fast eiendom, herunder drift og utleie samt eiendomsomsetning av boligeiendom og næringseiendom; bestyrelse og forpaktning av fast eiendom samt eiendomsmeglingstjenester; eiendomsutvikling, boligutvikling. Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet. Klasse:39 Utleie av garasjer; båtopplagring; båtutleie; drift av marinaer. Klasse:41 Underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse:43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. (111) 261806 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104121 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.12 2021.04.12 CDP Studio (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font INDUSTRIAL CONTROL DESIGN AS, Breivika Industriveg 63, 6018 ÅLESUND Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. 22

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261807 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2011.04.05, US, 85/286,843 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104718 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.26 2021.04.26 TCX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Celanese International Corp, 1601 West LBJ Freeway, TX75234-6034 DALLAS, USA (US) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:1 Klasse:4 Klasse:40 Klasse:42 Kjemikalier, nemlig alkohol og etanol for industriell anvendelse; avfallsbehandlingskjemikalier for industriell bruk. Etanol, alkohol og blandet brennstoff/drivstoff; biologisk brennstoff; naturgass; kull/steinkull; petroleumskoks; alternative brennstoffprodukter. Kjemisk behandling og produksjon, nemlig behandling og produksjon av alkohol, etanol, brennstoff/drivstoff, naturgass og biologisk brennstoff for andre; fabrikasjon/fremstilling av kjemikalier, nemlig alkohol, etanol, biologisk brennstoff; behandling av kjemikalier, nemlig alkohol, etanol, biologisk brennstoff; alkohol-, etanol-, biomassegjæring/fermenteringstjenester; avfallsbehandling og gjenvinningstjenester; naturgass fortetnings/kondenseringstjenester; petroleumskoksforedling. Undersøkelser og utvikling på området kjemikalier, nemlig alkohol, etanol, biologisk brennstoff; vitenskapelig og teknologisk konsulterings- og undersøkelsestjenester på området alkohol, etanol, biologisk brennstoff, naturgass, avfall/søppel og petroleumskoksundersøkelser og design; undersøkelsesutvikling og design relatert til kjemiske anlegg; ingeniørtjenester på området brennstoff/drivstoffblanding, avfalls/søppelhåndtering og kjemisk distribusjon. (111) 261808 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2010.07.26, US, 85/093,222 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201100859 (220) Inndato: 2011.01.25 2021.01.25 PEACE ICED COFFEE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Hansen Beverage Co, 550 Monica Circle, Suite 201, CA92880 CORONA, USA (US) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:30 Ferdigkaffe, iskaffe og kaffebaserte drikkevarer; smakstilsatt ferdigkaffe, iskfaffe og kaffebaserte drikkevarer. (111) 261809 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104719 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.26 2021.04.26 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Bergenshalvøens kommunale Kraftselskap AS, Postboks 7050, 5020 BERGEN Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN Klasse:4 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:38 Klasse:39 Klasse:40 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:45 Elektrisk kraft. Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; varmepumper. Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; megling av elektrisk kraft; finansiell sponsorvirksomhet. Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet. Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet. Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser; distribusjon av elektrisk kraft. Bearbeiding av materialer; produksjon av elektrisk kraft. Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; planlegging og rådgivning vedrørende bygging og prosjektering av kraftverk; rådgivning og konsulenttjenester i forbindelse med energisparing. Juridiske tjenester; sikkerhetstjenester for beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesker; personlige og sosiale tjenester utført av andre for å dekke personlige behov; alarmselskaper. 23

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261810 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104489 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 MOTIVYST (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, NJ08933 NEW BRUNSWICK, USA (US) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:5 Medisinske preparater for mennesker. (111) 261812 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104494 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.17 2021.04.17 (111) 261811 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104693 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Morten Sæthre, Kvitsteinvegen 86, 7027 TRONDHEIM Klasse:9 Overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder. Lysrør for reklame. Armatur (elektriske). Klasse:11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning. Lyspærer. Lyspærer (elektriske). Lysrør. Lamper for belysning. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke General Motors LLC, 300 Renaissance Center, MI48265-3000 DETROIT, USA (US) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:12 Automotive deler og komponenter inkorporert i et motorlandkjøretøy designet for å redusere CO2 utslipp og øke drivstofføkonomi, nemlig motorer, overføringer, oppheng, drivaksling, bremser, dekk, hjul, vippearmforlengere, drivstoffstyringsmodul, spoiler, aeropaneler, grillukkere, grilluftlukkere, luftskjermer, luftsperrer. (111) 261813 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104513 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.18 2021.04.18 TRIBUTE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font House of Prince A/S, Tobaksvejen 4, 2860 SØBORG, Danmark (DK) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:34 Sigaretter; tobakk; tobakksprodukter; lightere; fyrstikker; artikler for røkere. (111) 261814 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201002154 (220) Inndato: 2010.02.26 2021.10.04 Tuckers Fireheads (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Lime Nordic As, Løkkafossen 29, 1350 LOMMEDALEN Klasse:30 Sukkertøy, drops. 24

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261815 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102808 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.08 2021.03.08 CHAMELEON (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Kin AB, Box 934, 19429 UPPLANDS VÄSBY, Sverige (SE) Albihns.Zacco AB, Box 5581, 11485 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (SE) Klasse:14 Edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller overtrukne hermed, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juvelervarer, smykker, edle stener; ur og kronometriske instrumenter. (111) 261816 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104037 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.07 2021.04.07 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Discovery Communications LLC, One Discovery Place, MD20910 SILVER SPRING, USA (US) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:38 Kommunikasjonstjenester nemlig overføring av sanntidsoverført (streamet) lyd og audiovisuelle opptak via internett, kabelnettverk, trådløse nettverk, satellitt eller interaktive multimedienettverk; lyd- og bildekringkastingstjenester over internett; overføring av informasjon innen området lyd og bilde; fjernsynskringkastingstjenester; kabelfjernsynskringkasting; satellittfjernsynskringkasting; tjenester for mobile medier, i form av elektronisk overføring av underholdningsmedieinnhold; podcastingtjenester; webcastingtjenester; overføringstjenester for video-på-bestilling (video-on-demand/klikkefilm); tilveiebringelse av online fora for overføring av beskjeder mellom computerbrukere. Klasse:41 Tjenester i form av produksjon av televisjonsshow som sees etter bestilling; underholdningstjenester, nemlig multimediaprogrammer av allmenn interesse, distribuert via forskjellige plattformer over ulike former av overføringsmedier; tilveiebringelse av underholdningsinformasjon vedrørende løpende fjernsynsprogrammer via et globalt datanettverk; produksjon av fjernsynsprogrammer; produksjon av multimediaprogrammer. 25

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261817 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2011.04.20, EM, 009910555 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104723 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.26 2021.04.26 ARIEL FRESH SENSATIONS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font The Procter & Gamble Company, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, OH45202 CINCINNATI, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:3 Vaske- og blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning samt til sliping; preparater for pleie, behandling og forskjønnelse av stoffer; såper. (111) 261818 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104725 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.26 2021.04.26 CHEVROLET SONIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font General Motors LLC, 300 Renaissance Center, MI48265-3000 DETROIT, USA (US) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:12 Biler. (111) 261819 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104503 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.18 2021.04.18 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Jotun AS, Hystadveien 167, 3209 SANDEFJORD Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:1 Kjemiske produkter til industriell bruk; kunstige og syntetiske harpikser; plast i form av pulver, pasta, væsker, dispersjoner, emulsjoner eller granulater for bruk i produksjon; klebemidler for industriell bruk; Kjemiske produkter til industriell bruk i form av temperaturherdende pulver på polyester-, epoxy-, polymer-, fluorpolymer-, polyurethan-basis for beskyttende og dekorativ overflatebehandling av metallprodukter, plastprodukter, MDF-produkter og treprodukter. Klasse:2 Maling, fernisser, lakker; groehindrende maling for båter, skip og olje-rigger; rust- og korrosjonsbeskyttelsesmidler og trebeskyttelsemidler; overflatebehandlingsmidler i form av maling for båter, skip og oljerigger; pulverlakk; pulverlakk for beskyttende eller dekorativ overflatebehandling av metallprodukter, plastprodukter, MDF-produkter eller treprodukter. (111) 261820 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104697 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke AS PLASTO, Vanasilla tee 43, Laagri alevik, Saue vald, 76401 HARJUMAA, Estland (EE) Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; detaljhandel og engros av vinduer, dører, vindus- og dørkarmer, karmer, vindusutsnitt, dørpaneler, dørkledninger, overliggere, skillevegger, deler av skillevegger og deler og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse:37 Byggevirksomhet; reparasjonsvirksomhet; installasjonsvirksomhet; installasjon, reparasjon og vedlikehold av dører og vinduer; konsulentvirksomhet innen det forannevnte. 26

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261821 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104727 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.26 2021.04.26 (111) 261822 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201011769 (220) Inndato: 2010.11.10 2020.11.10 NEUTRAPEARLS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font The Procter & Gamble Company, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, OH45202 CINCINNATI, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:5 Menstruasjonsprodukter for kvinner, herunder truseinnlegg for hygienisk bruk, sanitetsbind og tamponger, menstruasjonstruser, absorberende interlabiale produkter for feminin hygiene. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke CAPELLA IT AS, Solstadveien 11, 3292 STAVERN Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse:42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. (111) 261823 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104488 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 CHIROPAEDIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Chiropaedic Pty Ltd, Shop 3, 38-46 Albany Street, NSW2065 ST LEONARDS, Australia (AU) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:41 Klasse:44 Fysisk trening; organisering av fysisk trening og praktisk opplæring ved demonstrasjon vedrørende fysisk trening. Kiropraktortjenester; rehabiliteringstjenester (helseomsorg); massasje; ernæringsrådgivning; sportsmedisintjenester; anskaffelse av helseomsorgstjenester. 27

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261824 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104492 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 (111) 261825 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104506 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Chiropaedic Pty Ltd, Shop 3, 38-46 Albany Street, NSW2065 ST LEONARDS, Australia (AU) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:41 Fysisk trening; organisering av fysisk trening og praktisk opplæring ved demonstrasjon vedrørende fysisk trening. Klasse:44 Kiropraktortjenester; rehabiliteringstjenester (helseomsorg); massasje; ernæringsrådgivning; sportsmedisintjenester; anskaffelse av helseomsorgstjenester. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Friluftsmagasinet AS, Nøsteveien 67, 3400 LIER Advokatfirma Fulford Pettersen & Co DA, Nedre Torggate18A, 3015 DRAMMEN Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Sportsartikler. (111) 261826 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104534 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke AZUR EIENDOM, Munkerudstubben 16A, 1165 OSLO Klasse:39 Transportvirksomhet; innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser. Klasse:43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. 28

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261827 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104038 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.07 2021.04.07 (111) 261828 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201104511 (220) Inndato: 2011.04.18 2021.04.18 BAFFLER (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Cobra Golf Inc, 1818 Aston Avenue, CA92008 CARLSBAD, USA (US) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:28 Golfkøller. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Norsk Tipping AS, 2325 HAMAR (IPR SA), c/o Leogriff, Linstows gate 6, 0166 OSLO Klasse:9 Dataspill; nedlastbare applikasjoner; elektroniske publikasjoner; internettspill; mobilbaserte spill; abonnementsbaserte spill og andre spillapplikasjoner til mobil; utstyr for kontantløse betalingstransaksjoner, spesielt alle typer databærere som magnetiske, optiske, elektroniske, mekaniske eller kort med chip; apparater for lesing, lagring og behandling av data for de nevnte databærere; datamaskiner, dataprogrammer inkludert tilknyttede enheter for kontantløse betalingstransaksjoner; dataprogrammer og applikasjoner for mobiltelefoner. Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; lotterier; produkter for lotterier, nærmere bestemt trekningsanordninger og - tromler; spillkort; spilleautomater, annet enn med myntinnkast eller som bare kan brukes sammen med TV-apparater; elektroniske spill, andre enn for bruk sammen med TVapparater; spilleautomater eller spillemaskiner med myntinnkast. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet, sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; organisering, utførelse og gjennomføring av lotterier og andre veddemåls- eller pengespill; lotteritjenester inkludert distribusjon av lotterikuponger og andre deltakerdokumenter; gjennomføring av lotterier eller andre veddemåls- eller pengespill ved bruk av telekommunikasjon, spesielt ved bruk av internett; produksjon av radio- og fjernsynsprogram eller annen underholdning; organisering av idrettskonkurranser eller andre kulturelle aktiviteter. (111) 261829 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201103183 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.18 2021.03.18 Elleville Elfrid (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Kool Produktion AS, Dronningensgate 23, 0154 OSLO Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:41 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; film; dataspillprogrammer, dataprogrammer. Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer; bøker; tegneserier. Lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer; skolemapper; skolevesker; skolesekker; skolepenal Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; senge- og bordtepper; sengeutstyr; sengetøy; vaskekluter; badelaken; håndklær; gardiner; bordløpere; bordtepper. Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt. Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. 29

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261830 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201103186 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.18 2021.03.18 Sunshine Kathy (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Kool Produktion AS, Dronningensgate 23, 0154 OSLO Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Klasse:41 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; film; dataspillprogrammer, dataprogrammer. Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer; bøker; tegneserier. Lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer; skolemapper; skolevesker; skolesekker; skolepenal Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; senge- og bordtepper; sengeutstyr; sengetøy; vaskekluter; badelaken; håndklær; gardiner; bordløpere; bordtepper. Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt. Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (111) 261831 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201103189 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.18 2021.03.18 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Kool Produktion AS, Dronningensgate 23, 0154 OSLO Klasse:9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; film; dataspillprogrammer, dataprogrammer. Klasse:16 Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykktyper, klisjeer; bøker; tegneserier. Klasse:18 Lær og lærimitasjoner samt varer av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser, skinn og huder; kofferter og reisevesker; paraplyer, parasoller og spaserstokker, sveper, seletøy og salmakervarer; skolemapper; skolevesker; skolesekker; skolepenal Klasse:24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; senge- og bordtepper; sengeutstyr; sengetøy; vaskekluter; badelaken; håndklær; gardiner; bordløpere; bordtepper. Klasse:25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse:28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. 30

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 261832 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102637 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.08 2021.03.08 P&G PRESTIGE BEAUTE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font The Procter & Gamble Company, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, OH45202 CINCINNATI, USA (US) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:35 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:44 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler til rengjøring, polering, flekkfjerning samt til sliping; såper; parfymevarer, eteriske oljer, preparater til kropps- og skjønnhetspleie, hårvann; tannpussemidler. Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater samt preparater til helsepleie; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; plaster og forbindingsstoffer; materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler; preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr; fungicider, herbicider. Bistand ved ledelse av parfyme- og kosmetikkforretninger og -skoler ved hjelp av formidling av kunnskap innen organisasjonsvirksomhet; konsulentvirksomhet vedrørende forretningsoperasjon, særlig vedrørende markedsføring, reklamevirksomhet og -administrasjon; presentasjon av kosmetikk. Opplæring og utdannelse for spesialister innen kosmetikk og parfyme; forelesninger og seminarer vedrørende skjønnhetspleie; opplæring vedrørende formgivning og forretningsoperasjon, særlig vedrørende markedsføring, reklamevirksomhet og personalopplæring og -administrasjon; organisering av moteoppvisninger. Kosmetikkforskningsinstitutter; utvikling av kosmetikk og parfymer; formidling av rådgivning innen formgiving og teknisk- og håndverkskunnskap. Helse- og skjønnhetspleie; skjønnhetskonsultasjoner; kosmetikkbehandlinger; skjønnhetssalonger; helsefarm; konsultasjon vedrørende næring og kosthold. (111) 261833 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102814 (220) Inndato: 2011.03.09 2021.03.09 ROCK CHOIR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font Rock Choir Ltd, 9 Little Austins Road, GU98JR FARNHAM SURREY, Storbritannia (GB) Onsagers AS, Postboks 6963 St Olavs Plass, 0130 OSLO Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:25 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; salgsautomater og mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr og datamaskiner; brannslukningsapparater; lydopptak, videoopptak, apparater for opptak, overføring eller reproduksjon av lyd eller bilder; magnetiske databærere, innspillingsplater; innspilte lagringsmedia, computer hardware og firmware, computer software, programvare som kan nedlastes fra internett, nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner; CDer, digital musikk; telekommunikasjonsapparater, dataspillutstyr tilpasset bruk med ekstern skjerm eller monitor; musematter; mobiltelefontilbehør, kontaktlinser, briller og solbriller; lydopptak med musikk, video-opptak med musikk, lydbånd med musikk, DVDer med musikk; kompaktplater med musikk; digital musikk som kan nedlastes fra internett; nedlastbare MP3-filer, MP3-opptak, webcasts og podcasts med musikk; nedlastbare videoopptak med musikk; fonografopptak med musikk; forhåndsinnspilte videokassetter med musikk. Papir, papp og varer laget av disse materialer, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; trykksaker, materialer til bokbinding; fotografier, skrivesaker og papirvarer; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; artikler til bruk for kunstnere; pensler; skrivemaskiner og kontorrekvisita (ikke møbler); instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater); plastemballasje (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); trykksaker; malerskrin for barn; trykktyper, klisjeer; sjekkhefteholdere; trykte priser, trykte kalendere; trykte sertifikater; trykte sertifikater innen underholdning; trykte diagrammer, kart og plansjer; trykt undervisningsmateriell innen musikk; trykt instruksjons-, undervisnings- og læremateriell innen musikk; trykte musikkbøker; tidsskrifter innen musikk; musikkark og -hefter; trykte musikkbøker; pedagogiske publikasjoner, nemlig arbeidsbøker, lærebøker, manualer og håndbøker, plakater og undervisningshefter innen musikk, posters. Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg; piquéskjorter; pologensere; rugbyskjorter; skjorter; sportsskjorter; sweatshirts; t-skjorter; baseballcaps; golfcaps; strikkede caps; dusjhetter; dame- og herrejakker; frakker; bukser; regnjakker; vanntette jakker; 31

registrerte varemerker 2011.10.10-41/11 joggegensere; treningsjakker; vindtette jakker. Klasse:35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; detaljhandelstjenester relatert til salg av opptak av musikk, video-opptak, trykksaker, klær, sko, hodeplagg; online detaljhandelstjenester relatert til nedlastbar forhåndsinnspilt musikk og videos; tilveiebringelse/forsyning av internettwebområdeportal med linker til musikkrelaterte varer for detaljhandelsformål. Klasse:41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; online underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; lotteritjenester, elektroniske spilltjenester tilveiebrakt/forsynt ved hjelp av internett; tilveiebringelse/forsyning av online elektroniske publikasjoner; underholdning i form av visuelle og lydforestillinger, nemlig musikkband, rockegrupper; underholdning, nemlig liveforestillinger av grupper; utdannelse og opplæring innen musikk; undervisnings- og opplæringstjenester, nemlig organisering og gjennomføring av workshops innen musikk; underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse/forsyning av ikke-nedlastbar forhåndsinnspilt musikk, informasjon innen musikk, kommentarer og artikler om musikk, alt online via globalt datanettverk; underholdning, nemlig live musikkonserter; undervisning innen musikk; multimediaunderholdningstjenester i form av opptaks-, produksjons- og etterproduksjonstjenester innen musikk, video og film; tilveiebringelse/forsyning av informasjon relatert til musikk; undervisning innen musikk; undervisningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse/forsyning live og on-line av undervisning innen musikk; underholdning og undervisningstjenester i form av danse- og musikkforestillinger live; underholdning i form av musikkgrupper; underholdning i form av live-forestillinger; underholdning i form av livekonserter; presentasjon av live-show; tilveiebringelse/forsyning av informasjon relatert til live underholdning. (111) 261835 (151) Reg.dato.: 2011.10.05 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200606211 (220) Inndato: 2006.06.13 2021.10.05 MPS PUBLISHING PLATFORM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font MPS Broadband AB, Box 5207 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (SE) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:35 Klasse:38 Kompilering, systematisering og innmating av informasjon i databaser; datakjøring og datasøking i datafiler (for andre); dataoperert håndtering av filer; reklame- og annonsevirksomhet; behandling, lagring, produksjon og/eller kontroll av dataoperert informasjon og data i databaser; dataoperert håndtering av databaser, håndtering av data, håndtering av filer og behandling av filer; utleie av annonseringstid på kommunikasjonsmedia; ingen av de forannevnte tjenester relatert til human ressurser (HR). Tilgangstjenester til telekommunikasjonsnettverk; bredbåndskommunikasjon; dataassistert sending/overføring av meldinger, lyd og bilder; digitale overføringstjenester og sendingstjenester via Internett; elektroniske oppslagstavler (telekommunikasjonstjenester); IP-kommunikasjonstjenester (Internet Protokoll); kommunikasjon via portal for å nå informasjon; kommunikasjon via dataterminaler; sending (kontinuerlig) av film og programmer via datanettverk; sending av video film; telekommunikasjon i form av tilbud om tilgang til distribuerte databaser; tjenester relatert til tilgang til datanettverk/internett; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonsforbindelser til et globalt datanettverk; tilby tilgangstid til databaser, tilveiebringelse av tilgang til datanettverk, tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser og elektroniske oppslagstavler; overføring og/eller sending av databaseinformasjon via telekommunikasjonsnettverk; informasjon vedrørende telekommunikasjon eller datakommunikasjon; e-forretningsløsninger i form av tilveiebringelse og utleie av tilgang til nettverk, dataassistert sending/overføring av bilder, meldinger og lyd, overføring (kontinuerlig) av film og programmer via datanettverk, overføring av videofilm; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til distribuerte databaser og andre datanettverk; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til datanettverk (datatjenester). 32

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for Norge ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 3 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf. varemerkeloven 71. Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal registrering. Int.reg.dato: Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jf. varemerkeloven 72 og Madrid-protokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i Norge, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen. Etterfølgende utpekningsdato: Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i Norge hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den Prioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: internasjonale registreringen. Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlands-registrering eller -søknad. Det vil si den datoen det innføres i varemerkeregisteret at den internasjonale registreringen gjelder i Norge, jf. varemerkeloven 70. (111) 0676433 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1997.07.03 2017.07.03 (210) Nasj. 201110877 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 1997.10.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 1997.03.21, CH, 443534 GOLD Goldkenn SA, Case postale 793, 2400 LE LOCLE, Sveits (CH) Klasse:30 Chocolate, pastry and confectionery, edible ices. Klasse:33 Alcoholic beverages. 2011.09.30 Ikke kunngjort tidligere pga en feil. Det løper ingen innsigelsesperiode. (111) 0909283 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2006.12.13 2016.12.13 (891) Etterfølgende 2011.03.03 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201105642 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.19 OPENTOUCH Alcatel Lucent, 3 avenue Octave Gréard, 75007 PARIS, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:9 Computer telephony software and computer software for enabling data and information display, storage and retrieval. 2011.09.29 (111) 0936812 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.07.13 2017.07.13 (891) Etterfølgende 2010.01.29 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201002963 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.03.18 Babcock & Wilcox Vølund A/S, Falkevej 2, 6705 ESBJERG, Danmark (DK) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Klasse:7 Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; 33

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus. Klasse:11 Boilers in power-classes exceeding 500 kw and parts and accessories (not included in other classes) therefor for gas, oil and coal; systems for the production of energy including systems for conversion of waste to energy, combustion and gasification systems for biomass and waste; burners; boilers (not part of machines); ovens, with the exception of installations and equipments for heating, central heating boilers not exceeding 500 kw, hot water tanks, heat pumps, heaters, everything within the HVAC line of business. Klasse:37 Building construction; repair; installation services. Klasse:40 Treatment of materials. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. 2011.09.30 (111) 0936813 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.07.13 2017.07.13 (891) Etterfølgende 2009.12.21 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201002037 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.02.25 VOLUND Babcock & Wilcox Vølund A/S, Falkevej 2, 6705 ESBJERG, Danmark (DK) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Klasse:7 Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus. Klasse:11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Klasse:37 Building construction; repair; installation services. Klasse:40 Treatment of materials. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. 2011.09.30 34

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 0936816 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.07.13 2017.07.13 (891) Etterfølgende 2010.01.29 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201002964 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.03.18 Babcock & Wilcox Vølund A/S, Falkevej 2, 6705 ESBJERG, Danmark (DK) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Klasse:7 Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus. Klasse:11 Boilers in power-classes exceeding 500 kw and parts and accessories (not included in other classes) therefor for gas, oil or coal; systems for the production of energy, including systems for conversion of waste to energy, combustion and gasification systems for biomass and waste; burners; boilers (not part of machines); ovens, with the exception of installations and equipments for heating, central heating boilers not exceeding 500 kw, hot water tanks, heat pumps, heaters, everything within the HVAC line of business. Klasse:37 Building construction; repair; installation services. Klasse:40 Treatment of materials. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. 2011.09.30 (111) 0950467 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2006.10.06 2016.10.06 (210) Nasj. 200801782 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.02.14 TWINDRIVE Linak A/S, Smedevænget 8 Guderup, 6430 NORDBORG, Denmark (DK) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:7 Linear actuators for beds including hospital and care beds and leisure chairs; controls, including hand controls, operating and control panels and mains cut-offs for beds including hospital and care beds and leisure chairs; equipment, implements, apparatus and furniture for care and rehabilitation, such as bath rests, height adjustable bath tubs, home care beds, back rests for beds, beds having a mattress support which could be raised to an upright position, chairs for blood donation, dental chairs, cupboards for kitchens, desks having supports for disabled persons, lifts to be used in connection with swimming pools, lifts for use in connections with bath tubs, lifting chairs, patient lifters, foldable patient lifters, lifts for wheel chairs, toilet seats, examining tables, massage tables, therapy tables, treatment tables, shower trolleys, adjustable furniture and fixtures in general, such as arms for computers, home beds, bed dividers, massage chairs, recline/elevating chairs, recliners, couches, sofas, stretchers for ambulances, beds for transportation, chairs for ambulatory surgery, operating chairs, gynaecology chairs, decontaminators, tables for instruments during surgery, autopsy tables, surgery tables, tables for radiographic and flouroscopic, X-ray apparatus, trolleys for surgical instruments, hospital beds, infants' beds, children's beds, beds for day care, beds for intensive care, labour and delivery beds, elevating beds, special beds, ward beds, industrial applications (mobile), such as chairs for air planes, chairs for busses, lifting tables, equipment for personal care, such as chairs for hairdressing saloons, chairs for beauty parlours, chairs and seats for boats; chairs for transportation, walking chairs, wheel chairs, wheel chairs with lifting column. Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; magnetic data carriers; recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines; fire-extinguishing apparatus, electric armatures; switches, electronic limit switches, safety limit switches, power failure switches; mains cut-offs, potentiometers (variable electrical resistance), antennas, electric indicators, temperature indicators, speed indicators, pressure indicators, levels (instruments for determining the horizontal), revolution counters, tachometers, encoders, optical and magnetic encoders. 2011.10.03 35

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 0950749 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.12.10 2017.12.10 (210) Nasj. 200802086 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2008.02.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2007.06.11, GB, 2458121 WisTa Laboratories Ltd, 51 Ayer Rajah Crescent #07-01/02, 139948 SINGAPORE, Storbritannia (GB) Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO Klasse:9 Klasse:16 Klasse:35 Teaching apparatus and instruments. Printed matter, books, journals, magazines, leaflets, publications, printed tests; written reports. Retail services connected with the sale of pharmaceutical and medical preparations, chemical preparations for medical and pharmaceutical purposes, scientific, measuring and teaching apparatus and instruments, computer software, surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, apparatus for carrying out tests for medical purposes, scientific and medical apparatus for use in tests, printed matter, books, journals, magazines, leaflets, publications, printed tests, written reports. Klasse:44 Assessment surveys for health and medical purposes; consultancy and information services relating to all the aforesaid. 2011.10.03 (111) 0962443 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.02.15 2018.02.15 (891) Etterfølgende 2011.05.19 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201107365 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 JOSPER Josper SA, C. de Montpalau, 1-3, 08397 PINEDA DE MAR, Spania (ES) Klasse:11 Cooking apparatus, particularly kitchen ranges (ovens), charcoal oven grills, barbecue oven grills barbecue oven grills with heat recuperators, direct-fired charcoal cookers and ovens. 2011.09.30 36

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 0991901 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2008.10.24 2018.10.24 (891) Etterfølgende utpekning 2009.12.21 dato: (210) Nasj. 201002038 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.02.25 (546) Merket er et Kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Babcock & Wilcox Vølund ApS, Falkevej 2, 6705 ESBJERG Ø, Danmark (DK) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Klasse:7 Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Klasse:9 Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. Klasse:11 Boilers in power-classes exceeding 500 kw and parts and accessories (not included in other classes) therefor for gas, oil or coal; systems for the production of energy, including systems for conversion of waste to energy (not included in other classes), combustion and gasification systems for biomass and waste; burners; boilers (not part of machines); ovens, with the exception of installations and equipments for heating, central heating boilers not exceeding 500 kw, hot water tanks, heat pumps, heaters, everything within the HVAC line of business. Klasse:37 Building construction; repair; installation services. Klasse:40 Treatment of materials. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. 2011.09.30 (111) 1013277 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.07.17 2019.07.17 (891) Etterfølgende 2011.03.04 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201104682 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.21 SEKURIT Saint-Gobain Sekurit France, 1 rue du Maréchal Joffre, 60150 THOUROTTE, France (FR) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:12 Window panes for land, sea and air vehicles, windscreens, rear windows, side-window glass, window panes for tops, quarter panels. Klasse:21 Unworked or semiworked glass (except building glass); glass for automobile windows. 2011.10.03 (111) 1014330 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.07.10 2019.07.10 (210) Nasj. 200910467 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.10.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.02.27, DE, 30 2009 011 914.7/12 RSE Audi AG, 85045 INGOLSTADT, Tyskland (DE) Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO Klasse:7 Machine tools, motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles). Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines. Klasse:12 Vehicles and their constructive parts (included in this class); apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. 2011.10.04 37

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1021086 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.09.17 2019.09.17 (210) Nasj. 200913049 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2009.12.17 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.03.26, AN, D-900145 L'HEURE MYSTERIEUSE (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: THE MYSTERIOUS HOUR. Cartier International AG, Hinterbergstrasse 22, Postfach 61, 6312 STEINHAUSEN, Sveits (CH) Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO Klasse:3 Soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions. 2011.10.03 (111) 1026185 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2009.12.11 2019.12.11 (210) Nasj. 201001007 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.02.04 REXX Ostnor AB, Box 480, 79227 MORA, Sverige (SE) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:11 Apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes; taps and faucets. Klasse:17 Non-metallic couplings for apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes, taps and faucets and units for mixing hot and cold water. 2011.09.30 (111) 1044822 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.06.01 2020.06.01 (210) Nasj. 201008277 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.08.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.12.03, EM, 008730566 Dr Martens International Trading GmbH, Ahornstrasse 8 A, 82166 GRÄFELFING, Tyskland (DE) Dr Maertens Marketing GmbH, An der Ach 3, 82402 SEESHAUPT, Tyskland (DE) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:25 Clothing, especially sports and leisure clothing, knitwear, headgear; clothing accessories, namely headscarves, scarves and neckerchiefs, shawls, hoods, sweat bands, gloves, stockings, socks and belts; footwear and parts thereof; men's and women's casual apparel, including long and short sleeved tops, shirts, T-shirts, polo shirts, jackets, trousers, jeans, socks, belts. 2011.10.04 38

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1048570 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.04.15 2020.04.15 (210) Nasj. 201009757 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.09.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.10.19, EM, 008622904 LYLE & SCOTT Lyle & Scott Ltd, Unit 3, Ashted Lock, Dartmouth Middleway Aston Science Park, B74AZ BIRMINGHAM, Storbritannia (GB) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:9 Klasse:18 Klasse:25 Klasse:35 Optical apparatus and instruments; spectacles, glasses, sunglasses; clip-on sunglasses; lenses; spectacle cases, chains, cords, frames, holders, earstems, nose pieces, foam padding and suspension cords, mountings all for spectacles and sunglasses; glasses for optical use; anti-glare eyewear; eye glasses; eye glass shields and eye glass restraining straps; eye pieces and instruments containing eye pieces; monocles; pince-nez; eyeshades and eyewear; eye cups; magnifying glasses; glare and light filters; contact lenses; contact lens cases, containers and holders; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all of the aforesaid excluding goods for sports and sporting activities. Articles made wholly or principally of leather or of imitation leather and goods made of these materials not included in other classes; trunks and travelling bags; luggage; holdalls; handbags; key cases, wallets, purses, briefcases; carriers (luggage) for clothing; attaché cases; chequebook wallets; passport wallets; credit-card cases, leatherware; umbrellas, parasols; walking sticks. Clothing, footwear, headgear, belts. Advertising; business management; administration of the business affairs of retail stores; retail services connected with the sale of optical apparatus and instruments, spectacles, glasses, sunglasses, clip-on sunglasses, lenses, spectacle cases, chains, cords, frames, holders, earstems, nose pieces, foam padding and suspension cords, mountings all for spectacles and sunglasses, glasses for optical use, anti-glare eyewear, eye glasses, eye glass shields and eye glass restraining straps, eye pieces and instruments containing eye pieces, monocles, pince-nez, eye shades and eyewear, eye cups, magnifying glasses, glare and light filters, contact lenses, contact lens cases, containers and holders, parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, all of the aforesaid excluding goods for sports and sporting activities, horological and chronometric apparatus and instruments, watches, clocks, watch straps, watch bands, jewellery, costume jewellery, key rings, key holders, key chains, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches and rings, articles made of precious metal or coated therewith, containers adapted to carry the aforesaid goods, parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, articles made wholly or principally of leather or of imitation leather and goods made of these materials, trunks and travelling bags, luggage, holdalls, handbags, key cases, wallets, purses, briefcases, belts, carriers (luggage) for clothing, attaché cases, chequebook holders, passport holders, credit card holders, umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks, textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers, clothing, clothing accessories, headgear, footwear, games and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles, all the aforesaid retail services provided via retail shop outlets, mail order or online via the Internet or other interactive electronic platforms; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid. 2011.10.04 (111) 1052038 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.06.04 2020.06.04 (891) Etterfølgende 2011.04.29 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201106245 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.02 STORAGECRAFT Storagecraft Technology Corp, 121 Election Road, Suite 110, UT84020 DRAPER, United States of America (US) Klasse:9 Computer software for data and/or system protection, recovery, migration, backup, restoration and retrieval. 2011.10.03 (111) 1053632 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.09.20 2020.09.20 (210) Nasj. 201011416 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.11.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.06.29, DE, 30 2010 038 957.5/05 FELEEZE Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH, 55218 INGELHEIM, Tyskland (DE) Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO Klasse:5 Veterinary preparations, namely preparations for the support of the treatment of cardiovascular disorders in pets. 2011.10.05 39

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1056167 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.10.01 2020.10.01 (210) Nasj. 201012337 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.11.25 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.04.16, CH, 599814 HEVALIA Velinor AG, c/o Dr. iur. Adrian von Segesser, Kapellplatz 1, 6004 LUZERN, Sveits (CH) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:1 Salts (chemical products). Klasse:5 Salts (for medical use). 2011.10.04 (111) 1057027 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.10.19 2020.10.19 (210) Nasj. 201012657 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.12.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: Ingen (546) Merket er et kombinert merke Comme des Garcons Co Ltd, 11-5, Minami-Aoyama 5- chome, Minato-ku, 107-0062 TOKYO, JP Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO Klasse:18 Attache cases; shoulder bags; gladstone bags; briefcases; suitcases; carry-on bags; trunks; handbags; Boston bags; sports bags; travelling bags; shopping bags (including wheeled shopping bags); school bags; beach bags; schoolchildren's backpacks; backpacks (rucksacks); card cases; purses (not of precious metal); key cases; wallets (not of precious metal); commuter pass holders; business card cases; vanity cases (not fitted); umbrellas and their parts; parasols and their parts; walking sticks; canes; metal parts of canes and walking-sticks; handles for canes and walking sticks; leather (unworked or semiworked). 2011.07.11 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2011.07.18 (111) 1059747 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.05 2020.11.05 (210) Nasj. 201013600 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2010.12.30 ZIGOO Philip Morris Products SA, Quai Jeanrenaud 3, 2000 NEUCHÂTEL, Sveits (CH) Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO Klasse:34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. Klasse:35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of various goods (excluding the transport thereof), namely tobacco, tobacco products, tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes), smokers articles and matches, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods. 2011.10.04 (111) 1063505 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.06 2020.12.06 (210) Nasj. 201101115 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.02.03 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.08.16, EM, 009316993 JAS Worldwide SàrL, 6 C, parc d'activites Syrdall, 5365 MUNSBACH, Luxembourg (LU) Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO Klasse:9 Computer programs and computer software designed for use in connection with transportation, freight management, packaging and storage of goods and travel arrangement. Klasse:39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software in connection with transportation, freight management, packaging and storage of goods and travel arrangement. 2011.09.29 40

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1064643 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.18 2020.12.18 (210) Nasj. 201101464 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.02.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.15, DE, 30 2010 061 170.7/01 Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strasse 250, 64293 DARMSTADT, Tyskland (DE) Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO Klasse:1 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Klasse:7 Machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus. Klasse:11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Klasse:16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Klasse:40 Klasse:42 Treatment of materials. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. 2011.10.03 (111) 1065193 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.17 2020.12.17 (891) Etterfølgende 2011.04.13 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201107081 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.04, FR, 10 3 779 736 Berkem Developpement, 115 rue Saint Dominique, 75007 PARIS, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:2 Wood treatment, protection and preservation products; preservatives against the deterioration of wood. Klasse:5 Germicides; insecticides; insect repellents; fungicides; pesticides. 2011.09.30 (111) 1068113 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.14 2020.12.14 (210) Nasj. 201102794 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.03.10 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.08.02, IT, PD2010C000832 CARRERA (541) Merket er Ordmerke i standard font et SAFILO Società Azionaria Fabbrica Italiana Lavorazione Occhiali SpA, Piazza Tiziano 8, 32044 PIEVE DI CADORE (BELLUNO), Italia (IT) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:9 Protective apparatus for sports, belonging to this class. Klasse:28 Sporting articles, protective articles for sports, belonging to this class. 2011.09.29 41

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1068818 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.31 2021.01.31 (210) Nasj. 201103234 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.03.24 (111) 1068856 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.24 2021.01.24 (210) Nasj. 201103247 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.03.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.08.18, IT, TO2010C002652 Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, Sveits (CH) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations. 2011.10.05 (554) Merket er et tre-dimensjonal Ferrero SpA, Piazzale Pietro Ferrero 1, 12051 ALBA (CN), Italia (IT) Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO Klasse:30 Coffee, tea, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, substitute of coffee, flour, pressing of cereals (excluded forages); bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry and confectionary, eatable ice-creams; honey, treacle, yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard, pepper, vinegar, sauces; spices; ice; chocolate and chocolate product, specially pastry for chocolate beverage, chocolate pastry, coverings, in particular chocolate coverings, chocolate, praline, chocolate products for decorations of Christmas tree, goods substantial in chocolate covering eatable with alcoholic stuffed, sugar articles, pastry, chewing gum, chewing gum without sugar, candies without sugar. 2011.10.03 42

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1069010 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.22 2021.01.22 (210) Nasj. 201103276 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.03.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.17, DE, 30 2010 055 230.1/21 Domofoil Cofresco Frischhalteprodukte GmbH & Co KG, Ringstrasse 99, 32427 MINDEN, Tyskland (DE) Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO Klasse:6 Aluminium foil; metal foil materials for packaging. Klasse:16 Packaging material of paper, cardboard and/or plastic in the form of foils, tubes, sheets, rolls, bags, for household and kitchen use, for storing, baking, cooking, keeping fresh and freezing; bags for ice cubes (included in this class); labels (not of textile); implements for writing on films (pens); baking and roasting paper; boxes made of paper and cardboard, for household and kitchen use, for storing, baking, cooking, keeping fresh and freezing. Klasse:17 Plastic foils for microwave, not of packaging purposes. Klasse:21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metals or coated therewith); freezing moulds and tins (kitchenware); closing clips made of plastic for household purposes; grill pans; containers for household and kitchen use, for storing, baking, cooking, keeping fresh and freezing; baking and roasting moulds made of paper; boxes made of plastic, for household and kitchen use, for storing, baking, cooking, keeping fresh and freezing. 2011.09.29 (111) 1069011 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.04 2021.02.04 (210) Nasj. 201103277 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.03.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.08.05, BX, 1207745 Soremartec SA, Rue Joseph Netzer 5, 6700 ARLON, Belgia (BE) Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO Klasse:5 Sugar-free confectionery, sugar-free sweets and chewing gum; all aforementioned goods for medical purposes. Klasse:30 Confectionery, sweets and chewing gum, sugar-free sweets and chewing gum; all the aforementioned goods not for medical purposes. 2011.10.03 (111) 1069421 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.09 2020.11.09 (210) Nasj. 201103358 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.03.24 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.07.29, EM, 009281551 BLUE GENERATION MTD Products AG, Industriestr. 23, 66129 SAARBRÜCKEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:7 Walk behind lawn mowers, riding mowers; lawn and garden equipment such as tillers, chippers, shredders, cultivators, generators, pressure washers, snow throwers, log splitters, blowers, chain saws, edgers, trimmers, spreaders, lawn sweepers, sprayers, dethatchers, aerators, lawn rollers; engines for outdoor power equipment; tractor attachments such as loader, backhoe, mower attachments, ballast boxes, rotary cutters, scrapers, tillers, blades, landscape rakes, post hole diggers, sweepers, grass catchers. Klasse:12 Tractors; utility vehicles; tractor attachments such as canopies, garden carts, grille guards, weights, cab enclosures. 2011.09.29 43

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1070372 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.22 2020.12.22 (210) Nasj. 201103879 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.06.30, EM, 009213349 LOVE SEX DUREX LRC Products Ltd, 103-105 Bath Road, SL13UH SLOUGH, BERKSHIRE, Storbritannia (GB) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:5 Klasse:10 Contraceptive preparations and substances; spermicidal gels, liquids and creams; hygienic lubricants and disinfectants for use in the area of the vagina, penis and anus; personal lubricants; lubricants, gels, liquids and creams for sexual health and/or enhancing sexual performance; supplements for sexual health and/or enhancing sexual performance; pharmaceutical preparations and substances all relating to sexual health and/or sexual performance; diagnostic preparations and substances all for gynaecological testing purposes or for the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms; contraceptive, hygienic or prophylactic devices; diagnostic and testing devices, instruments and apparatus; pregnancy testing devices, instruments and apparatus; ovulation testing devices, instruments and apparatus; massage apparatus, instruments and appliances; body massagers; massagers for intimate areas; massagers for sexual stimulation; batteryoperated massage apparatus, instruments and appliances; battery-operated body massagers; battery-operated massagers for intimate areas; battery-operated massagers for sexual stimulation; vibrators for personal use; penis rings; rings for genital stimulation; marital aids; sex aids; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse:41 Provision of education, training and information relating to sex and sexual health; editing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing or otherwise providing data including images, graphics, sound, text or audio-visual information via the Internet or other communications network for education and entertainment purposes; production, presentation and distribution of audio, video, still and moving images and data; publishing services; provision of non-downloadable electronic publications; organisation, production and presentation of shows, competitions, games, concerts, exhibitions and events; provision of information, consultancy and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. 2011.10.04 (111) 1071524 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.10 2021.02.10 (210) Nasj. 201104249 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.02, FR, 113802701 AIRCROSS Automobiles Citroën, 6 rue Fructidor, 75017 PARIS, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:12 Vehicles excluding vehicles for locomotion by air and by water; apparatus for locomotion by land; motor vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, components thereof namely, motors, gearboxes, bodyworks, chassis, steering systems, shock absorbers, transmissions for land vehicles, brakes, wheels, wheel rims, wheel covers, seats, anti-theft warning apparatus, horns, seat covers, head rests for seats, rearview mirrors, steering wheels, protective moulding rods, windscreen wipers, torsion bars, tank stoppers, bumper guards, trailer couplings, luggage racks, ski racks, spoilers, doors, sun roofs, window panes. 2011.09.30 44

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1071531 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.16 2021.02.16 (210) Nasj. 201104252 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.25, BX, 1212475 GREENLAY Tarkett GDL SA, 2, Op der Sang, 9779 LENTZWEILER, Luxembourg (LU) Klasse:19 Building materials, not of metal; tiles, not of metal, for building; plywood; paving slabs, not of metal; parquet floor boards; wall claddings, not of metal, for building; wall linings, not of metal, for building; parquet flooring; wood veneers; floors, not of metal; planks (wood for building); floor laths of wood; cladding, not of metal, for building; laminated and stratified non-metallic building materials; non-metallic materials for external and internal floor coverings, more specifically floor coverings for sports, such as sports grounds and sports halls, gymnasia; floor and wall coverings of wood; laminated and stratified floor and wall coverings included in this class. Klasse:27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors (except floor tiles and paints, not included in other classes); non-textile wall hangings; carpets; non-slip mats; gymnastic mats; artificial turf; carpets for automobiles; wallpaper; floor coverings; floor and wall coverings (not included in other classes), including floor and wall coverings of vinyl and floor and wall coverings of PVC (polyvinylchloride); floor coverings, more specifically floor coverings for sports (not included in other classes). Klasse:37 Services of laying, installing, repairing and maintaining floor and wall coverings; construction; repair services in the field of construction; painting, interior and exterior, building insulating; paper hanging; upholstery repair; paintwork. 2011.09.30 (111) 1072270 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.14 2021.01.14 (210) Nasj. 201104584 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.21 Combiflex Choongwae Corp, 416, Hanjin-ri, Songak-myeon, 343-823 DANGJIN-GUN, CHUNGCHEONGNAM-DO, Sør- Korea (KR) Klasse:5 Agents affecting metabolism; agents for treating physically caused lesions; pharmaceutical preparations for activating cellular function; cardiovascular agents; opotherapy preparations; haemoglobin; blood solvents; blood plasma; serotherapeutic medicines; amino acids for medical purposes. 2011.09.30 (111) 1072380 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.16 2021.02.16 (210) Nasj. 201104599 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.21 KINGSTON Kingston Technology Corp, 17600 Newhope Street, CA92708 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, USA (US) Klasse:9 Digital memories; flash cards (computer memories), flash drives and chips, flash memories, flash data storage devices; PC card adapters, digital media memory adapters, digital media readers and writers; electrical cables, leads, sockets, plugs, connectors and switches. 2011.09.30 45

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1073081 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.23 2021.03.23 (210) Nasj. 201104825 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.28 TET-OFF Clontech Laboratories Inc, 1290 Terra Bella Avenue, CA94043 MOUNTAIN VIEW, United States of America (US) Klasse:1 Reagents, namely, buffer solutions, biological reagent or biochemicals, and conjugates used in molecular biological laboratories; and kits comprised of reagents, namely, buffer solutions, biological reagent or biochemicals and conjugates used in molecular biological laboratories. 2011.10.03 (111) 1073256 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.07 2020.12.07 (210) Nasj. 201104856 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.07.27, FR, 10 3 756 657 UN JARDIN SUR LE TOIT (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: A ROOFTOP GARDEN. Comptoir Nouveau de la Parfumerie, 23, rue Boissy d'anglas, 75008 PARIS, France (FR) Klasse:3 Perfumes, perfumery goods, toilet water, eau de parfum, essential oils for personal use, cosmetics, cosmetic lotions for the body, hair lotions, soap, dentifrices, deodorants for personal use, bath and shower gels, shampoos, beauty creams for the body. 2011.10.03 (111) 1073269 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.10.29 2020.10.29 (210) Nasj. 201104857 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.28 Beheer- en Beleggingsmaatschappij Zandbergen BV, Industrieweg 66, 2382NW ZOETERWOUDE, Nederland (NL) Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game and meat extracts; dried, frozen, chilled, preserved, cooked fruits and vegetables. Klasse:35 Business management, business administration, office functions, advertising. Klasse:40 Processing of goods and materials. 2011.09.30 (111) 1073298 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.19 2020.11.19 (210) Nasj. 201104863 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.01, AT, AM 4913/2010 PHILOSOPHICUM LIGNUM Fürst Starhemberg'sche Familienstiftung, Herrengasse 21, 9490 VADUZ, Liechtenstein (LI) Klasse:1 Chemicals, unprocessed plastics, manures. Klasse:9 Scientific measuring instruments (research in laboratories), computer programmes and software. Klasse:19 Building materials (non-metallic), semi-worked wood, plywood. Klasse:20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames. Klasse:22 Ropes, string, awnings, sacks and bags (not included in other classes). Klasse:24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Klasse:31 Agricultural and forestry products, seeds, natural plants, foodstuffs for animals. Klasse:35 Business management; business administration; office functions; advertising. Klasse:41 Providing of training, public presentation of art and culture. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research, development of computer hardware and software. 2011.10.05 46

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1073313 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.23 2020.12.23 (210) Nasj. 201104865 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.28 ALPENFÖHN EKL AG, Nadlerstr. 8-10, 88299 LEUTKIRCH, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:9 Scientific apparatus and instruments, included in this class; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers; calculating machines, data-processing equipment and computers; fittings for computers, namely cooling equipment for computers and parts thereof, computer accessories and parts for the aforesaid goods, included in this class; computer programs. Klasse:42 Development and production of computer programs; development of data processing apparatus and computers; development of computer accessories; technical consultancy in the field of data processing; maintenance and installation of computer programs; planning and design of mechanical, electrical and electronic apparatus and equipment in the field of ventilation engineering; design of data processing equipment and computers; design of computer accessories. 2011.10.05 (111) 1073329 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.18 2021.01.18 (210) Nasj. 201104867 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.04.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.07.23, BX, 1207119 Ravago SA, Rue Notre Dame 16, 2240 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg (LU) Klasse:1 Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; soil fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; unprocessed plastics, in the form of granules; chemical additives for industrial use; bleaching preparations for industrial use; biochemical catalysts; chemicals for brightening dyestuffs, for industrial use; bases (chemical preparations); cellulose acetate Klasse:16 Klasse:17 Klasse:19 (unprocessed); cellulose derivatives (chemicals); cellulose esters for industrial use; chemical reinforcing agents for rubber; chemical preparations and chemical compositions for industrial use; degumming preparations; detergent additives to petrol (gasoline); filtering materials (unprocessed plastics); plastic materials (chemical preparations); dispersions of plastics; gum arabic for industrial use; preparations for dissolving gum; chemical preparations for producing pigments; oil-bleaching chemicals, preparations for oil purification and oil separation; chemical additives for oils; chemical preparations for preparing vulcanization. Paper, cardboard and goods made thereof, not included in other classes; printed matter; catalogs, pamphlets and magazines; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; adhesives (glues) for stationery or household purposes; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); viscose sheets for wrapping; plastics for modelling; plastic films for packaging; plastic bubble packs for wrapping or packaging; sheets of recycled cellulose, for packaging. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; gum, unprocessed or semi-processed; goods made of semiprocessed plastics; gum, unprocessed or semi-processed; solutions of rubber; synthetic rubber; plastic materials in extruded form for industrial use; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible tubes, not of metal; base elements consisting of plastic granules for industrial use; yarns of plastic materials; plastic foils, other than for wrapping; plastic fibers, not for textile use; artificial or synthetic resins (semi-finished goods); adhesive strips other than for stationery or household purposes and not for medical use; latex (rubber); packing (stuffing) materials of rubber or plastic; padding or stuffing materials of rubber or plastic; plastic sheeting for agricultural use; rings of rubber; liquid rubber; rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines; rubber stoppers; shock-absorbing buffers of rubber; soldering yarn of plastic; rubber bumpers; padding materials of rubber or plastic; plastic yarn for soldering; rubber yarn, not for use in textiles; gum for recapping tires; valves of rubber or vulcanized fiber; foils made of viscose other than for wrapping; elastic yarns, not for use in textiles; insulation material; plastics for electric, heat and sound insulation; plastic materials for industrial use in the form of sheets, slabs, rods or shafts, particularly mastics, resins of plastic, dry mixtures of plastic, powders of plastic, granules of plastic and powders of plastic; base compounds and/or master batches made with plastics, resins or rubber; sheets of recycled cellulose, other than for wrapping; cellulose acetate (semi-finished good). Non-metallic construction materials; nonmetallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable constructions; non-metallic monuments; nonmetallic building panels; non-metallic coverings (construction materials); nonmetallic roofing and roof coverings; cement mixtures (master batches); pipes and pipe reinforcements, non-metallic; geotextiles, polymers and elastomers for use in construction. 47

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 Klasse:35 Klasse:39 Klasse:40 Klasse:42 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; demonstration of goods; updating and distribution of advertising materials; distribution of samples; commercial information and advice for consumers; cost-price analyses; economic forecasting; administrative management of purchase orders; accounting, invoicing and book-keeping; drawing up of statements of accounts; compilation and systemization of data in computer files; computer file management; market studies; market research; commercial appraisals; commercial estimates, particularly the valuation of raw materials, semi-finished goods and finished goods of plastic and rubber; professional business consulting; commercial or industrial business management assistance; administrative management of licences for the goods and/or services of third parties; tax preparation services; marketing research and studies; organization of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; presentation of goods on all means of communication for retail purposes; price comparison services; marketing assistance for wholesaling of raw materials, semi-finished and finished goods of plastic and/or rubber, as well as goods for construction, films, packaging, chemicals, extruded sheeting, insulation products, pipes and pipe fittings, rubber, building panels, geotextiles, master batches, plastic membranes, roofing; services provided by an import-export company; import and export of semi-finished plastic goods, rubber goods; services provided by commercial representatives; administrative management services in connection with purchasing and invoicing for third parties; administrative management services in connection with merchandise logistics and storage; services for the authentication of goods, namely administrative management and office functions; marketing. Transport; packaging and storage of goods; transport and storage of goods of plastic; shipping services; logistics; packaging and wrapping of goods; information in connection with the transport, storage and packaging of goods. Treatment of materials; processing of plastics; conversion of raw or recycled plastic materials; conversion of raw or recycled plastic materials into semi-finished goods; molding by injection, blowing, rotational molding, milling and spraying, mixing and assembly of plastics; vulcanization (treatment of materials); mixing of materials (toll compounding) for third parties; assembly of materials for third parties; decontamination of hazardous materials; destruction of refuse and waste, detritus and of plastic materials; processing of plastics; information on material treatment for use in industry; processing of petroleum and plastics; waste treatment (conversion); recycling of refuse and waste; recycling of goods for third parties. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; research and development of new products for third parties; engineering services; technical research; technical project studies; authentication of goods; quality control services; materials testing; chemistry services; chemical research and analysis; research in the field of environmental protection; technical consulting and advice (services provided by engineers) with respect to plastics and rubber, particularly relating to the use and processing of these materials; computer programming; consulting services regarding computer software; consulting in energy savings and environmental protection pertaining to the processing and use of plastics; industrial design; packaging design services; technical information services, provided by engineers; research in bioplastics; research in the field of the polymers industry and processing of plastics; design and development of new products for third parties. 2011.09.30 (111) 1073648 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.09 2021.03.09 (210) Nasj. 201105054 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.27, DE, 30 2010 038 938.9/12 Cajun Dr Ing h c F Porsche AG, Porscheplatz 1, 70435 STUTTGART, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:12 Automobiles and their parts, included in this class. 2011.09.29 (111) 1073653 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.07 2021.03.07 (210) Nasj. 201105055 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.05 CORSAIR (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: Corsair. Ednolitchno Drujestvo S Ogranitchena Otgovornost Finanskonsult, Altzeko str. 16, 4000 PLOVDIV, Bulgaria (BG) Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Klasse:34 Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches. 2011.10.04 48

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1073688 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.28 2021.03.28 (210) Nasj. 201105062 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.05 Camelion Battery Co Ltd, Unit 705, Cyber Times Tower A, Tianan Cyber Park, 518041 SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG, Kina (CN) Klasse:9 Galvanic cells; battery chargers; theft prevention installations, electric; regulated power supply, electric; modems; cabinets for loudspeakers; computers; wires, electric; batteries for pocket lamps; solar batteries. Klasse:11 Torches for lighting; lighting apparatus and installations; lamps; cooking apparatus and installations; refrigerators; air purifying apparatus and machines; showers; filters for drinking water; radiators, electric; fans (air conditioning). 2011.10.04 (111) 1073869 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.06.23 2020.06.23 (210) Nasj. 201105101 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.05 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.03.01, IT, MI2010C002078 (111) 1074127 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.15 2020.11.15 (210) Nasj. 201105246 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.12 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.26, CZ, 480532 OXDOG 20TEN SPORTS sro, Na Kopecku 63, 46851 SMRZOVKA, Den tsjekkiske republikk (CZ) Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments included in this class; helmets for sports activities; teeth protectors. Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes. Klasse:35 Advertising agency; promotional activities; business management assistance; business administration; office functions; publication of publicity texts; business information; advertising publicity; online advertising in computer network; organization of exhibitions for advertising purposes; intermediary services in the field of business, all the aforesaid with goods included in classes 1 to 34. 2011.10.04 (546) Merket er Kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke et Bracco Imaging SpA, Via E Folli, 50, 20134 MILANO, Italia (IT) Klasse:10 Diagnostic kits for administering contrast imaging agents for medical purposes for use with injectors. 2011.09.30 49

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1074766 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.09.22 2020.09.22 (210) Nasj. 201105527 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.19 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.03.22, EM, 008972325 PLAYING FOR CHANGE Stiftelsen Playing for Change, Ringvägen 52, 11867 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (SE) Klasse:16 Klasse:25 Klasse:35 Klasse:36 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:44 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; posters; brochures and instructional, educational and printed information material; books; decals; newspapers; periodicals; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus). Clothing, footwear, headgear. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising; appraisal of companies and businesses; business appraisals; marketing services; organisational development consultancy business management assistance; business inquiries; business management and organisation consultancy; business management consultancy; business appraisals; business investigation; arranging business contacts (for others); business research; business information; business development services; business management; information relating to socially responsible business practice; promoting the needs, development and education of children; provision of information and consultancy services relating to the aforementioned services. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; charitable fundraising for others; financial management; financial sponsorship; fund investments; capital investments; charitable fund raising and support services; child sponsorship services; financial services with regard to the national and international promotion of the welfare of children and humanitarian aid and development; wage support services; managing and monitoring of charitable funds; distribution and allocation of charitable funds; distribution and allocation of funds; and auxiliary financial services for the aforesaid services; information and consultancy with regard to the aforesaid services. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; arranging of lotteries, arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses, seminars and workshops; publication of books, texts, printed matter, reports and magazines; consultancy with regard to professional matters; information and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; scientific and industrial research; computer programming; research, investigation and development of children's needs, development and education. Medical, hygienic and beauty care; veterinary and agricultural services. Klasse:45 Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals, including social services and personal services in connection with international humanitarian aid and development, and the aforesaid services for advancing the rights of children; security services for the protection of property and individuals; legal services; providing child support services in connection with international humanitarian aid and development, and the aforesaid services for advancing the rights of children; information on the rights of children. 2011.09.30 (111) 1074773 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.07 2020.12.07 (891) Etterfølgende 2011.05.19 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201107373 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.23, US, 85183949 2010.11.23, US, 85183950 2010.11.23, US, 85183969 2010.11.23, US, 85183975 2010.11.23, US, 85183978 2010.11.23, US, 85183980 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a hexagon design and the words "evergreen packaging". Evergreen Packaging Inc, 5350 Poplar Avenue, Suite 600, TN38119 MEMPHIS, USA (US) Klasse:7 Filling machines and parts thereof; packaging machines and parts thereof. Klasse:16 Boxes, containers, and cartons of paperboard or cardboard for commercial and industrial packaging; paper, paperboard and cardboard for commercial and industrial use. Klasse:20 Non-metallic and non-paper closures and caps for cartons, containers, and bottles; plastic lids; plastic packaging components for containers and cartons, namely, dispensing and closable pour spouts and container and carton closures. Klasse:37 Machinery installation, maintenance and repair. Klasse:40 Custom manufacturing of paper and paper products; paper finishing; paper treating services; printing services. Klasse:42 Providing information in the field of environmental conservation and sustainability practices and issues; providing information in the field of environmental conservation and sustainability with respect to paperboard and paper products; hosting of digital content on the Internet; providing environmental conservation information in the field of paperboard and paper products. 2011.10.04 50

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1074903 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.27 2020.12.27 (210) Nasj. 201105564 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.19 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.07.08, FR, 10 3 752 337 Saint-Gobain Glass France, "Les Miroirs" - 18, avenue d'alsace, 92400 COURBEVOIE, France (FR) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:9 Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; photovoltaic elements; components of photovoltaic roofs and hybrid thermo-solar modules; photovoltaic solar modules for generating electricity; solar light sensors and photovoltaic solar panels for generating electricity; apparatus and installations for generating photovoltaic energy; solar heat capture panels. Klasse:11 Apparatus and installations for generating heat energy using solar energy. Klasse:19 Construction materials, not of metal, namely building glass, glass-like coverings for walls and partitions as well as covers for roofs and roofing elements incorporating photovoltaic elements; roofing, not of metal, including solar cells. 2011.10.03 (111) 1075033 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.03 2020.12.03 (210) Nasj. 201105590 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.19 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.06.29, FR, 10 3 750 100 OPTEA Saint-Gobain PAM, 91, avenue de la Libération, 54000 NANCY, France (FR) Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO Klasse:6 Metal building materials, namely pipes, tubes and fittings made of metal or containing metal; flanged pipes and fittings made of metal or containing metal; road system components, manholes and grilles of ductile iron for roadways and curbs; coverings for cable chambers, rainwater pipes, ground equipment, siphons, rainwater gullies, liquid separators, as well as joints, assemblies and cast parts for the assembly, jointing, installation and repair of pipes, all these goods being made of metal or containing metal, intended for conduits for underground public works or intended for sanitary or rainwater drainage systems for buildings; mechanical door-closing apparatus; hardware and metal parts for installing doors, windows or assemblies of tempered glass; various profiled sections for building purposes. Klasse:11 Water supply, distribution and purification installations (especially taps, hydrants, water outlet stands, water pipes), installations for water purification and treatment, irrigation networks, irrigation hydrants, grit chambers for collecting drains; plumbing fixtures for water supply networks, shut-off valves for water supply networks, tapping sleeves for water supply lines, butterfly valves; regulating apparatus for water supply, namely regulating valves, level regulators, water tank taps; stop cocks; curb cocks; apparatus for protecting networks, namely air vent valves for water supply as parts of water distribution installations, air vents for water supply as parts of water distribution installations. Klasse:19 Non-metallic building materials, namely nonmetallic rigid pipes, tubes and fittings, ground equipment, siphons, rainwater gullies, liquid separators, as well as joints, assemblies and molded parts for the mounting and installation of conduits, all these goods being rigid and not of metal. 2011.10.03 51

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1075286 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 (891) Etterfølgende 2011.05.27 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201107374 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 GREENTEAHP Green Tea Company LLC, 1603 North State, UT84043 LEHI, USA (US) Klasse:3 Non-medicated skin care preparations. Klasse:5 Dietary and nutritional supplements; nutritional supplements; powdered nutritional supplement drink mix. Klasse:35 Retail store services featuring nutritional supplements, skin care products, and powdered drink mixes; providing consumer information in the field of nutritional supplements, powdered drink mixes, and beverages. 2011.10.05 (111) 1075342 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.05 2021.01.05 (210) Nasj. 201105841 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.01.03, BX, 1216781 (111) 1075346 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.04 2021.03.04 (210) Nasj. 201105842 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.10, IT, TO2010C002821 LA PRIMA COLLINA (541) Merket er Ordmerke i standard font et (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of the wording LA PRIMA COLLINA. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: THE FIRST HILL. Tenute Sandra SrL, Via Crosia, 40, 12060 BAROLO (CN), Italia (IT) Klasse:33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). 2011.10.04 (111) 1075393 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.23 2021.03.23 (210) Nasj. 201105849 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 KEYMAX Turbon AG, Ruhrdeich 10, 45525 HATTINGEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:2 Toner cartridges for printers and photocopiers; printing inks; ink jet cartridges and inks. 2011.09.30 Unilever NV, Weena 455, 3013AL ROTTERDAM, Netherlands (NL) Klasse:25 Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:32 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Milk and milk products; yoghurt based products; milk shakes; desserts based on milk and milk products; jellies; jams; snacks not included in other classes. Coffee, tea; pastry including cookies and biscuits; confectionery; desserts, namely pastry and confectionery; preparations made from cereals; ice creams; sorbets; edible ices; water ices; frozen confectionery; ice; fruit sauces; snacks, not included in other classes; preparations for making the aforesaid goods, insofar as not included in other classes. Mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; smoothies. Klasse:43 Providing of food and drinks; catering; restaurant and snackbar services. 2011.10.03 52

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1075395 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.22 2021.03.22 (210) Nasj. 201105850 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 Turbon AG, Ruhrdeich 10, 45525 HATTINGEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:2 Toner cartridges for printers and photocopiers; printing or printer ink; ink jet cartridges and inks. 2011.09.29 (111) 1075425 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.11 2021.04.11 (210) Nasj. 201105855 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.22, EM, 009467481 Totilas Ann-Kathrin Linsenhoff, Schafhof, Schwalbacher Str., 61476 KRONBERG, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:9 Video films. Klasse:12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; Jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Klasse:16 Printed matter; photographs; stationery; artists' materials; paint brushes; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); Plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); magazines [periodicals]. Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse:21 Combs and sponges; brushes (other than for painting); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Klasse:24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes. Klasse:31 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, not included in other classes; live animals; animal food. Klasse:41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. 2011.10.05 53

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1075526 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.17 2021.03.17 (210) Nasj. 201105873 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.03.01, SG, T1102440G Joseph Banks PTE Ltd, 79 Robinson Road, #16-01 CPF Building, 068897 SINGAPORE, Singapore (SG) Klasse:33 Rum, alcoholic beverages containing rum, alcoholic beverages (except beer). 2011.10.05 (111) 1075554 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.23 2021.02.23 (210) Nasj. 201105876 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of The Letters SSL surrounded by an oval. Sound Storm Laboratories Corp, 3451 Lunar Court, CA93030 OXNARD, USA (US) Klasse:9 Electronics, related components and parts thereof for in vehicle entertainment and information, namely, video and television monitors, audio and video tuners and receivers, DVD players and recorders, vehicle navigation and informational computers, and satellite navigational systems, namely, global positioning systems (GPS); audio and video equipment for vehicles, namely, stereo receivers, cassette tape decks, compact disc players, CD-R/CD-RW players, MP3 players, sound processors, amplifiers, equalizers, electronic cross overs, speakers, and digital audio and video players and recorders. 2011.10.04 (111) 1075557 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.03 2021.02.03 (210) Nasj. 201105877 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.03, DE, 30 2011 006 183.1/05 CremerCOOR Cremer Oleo GmbH & Co KG, Glockengießerwall 3, 20095 HAMBURG, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:1 Carboxylic acid esters for commercial purposes; chemical additives for oils, not for medical purposes; chemical products for industrial purposes, namely emulsifiers, emollients and tensides; antibacterial auxiliary agents and antioxidants, not for medical purposes; chemical additives for food, namely emulsifiers, flour treatment agents, antioxidants, stabilizers; carboxylic acid esters as additives to detergents, cleaning preparations, polishing preparations, scouring preparations and abrasives; carboxylic acid esters for cosmetic purposes; chemical additives for body care and beauty care products; chemical products, namely emulsifiers and tensides for cosmetic purposes; antibacterial auxiliary agents and antioxidants for cosmetic purposes. Klasse:3 Skin emollients and hair emollients. Klasse:5 Carboxylic acid esters for medical and veterinary purposes; carboxylic acid esters for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical additives for medical preparations; chemical products, namely emulsifiers and tensides, for medical and veterinary purposes; chemical products, namely emulsifiers and tensides, for pharmaceutical purposes; antibacterial auxiliary agents and antioxidants for medical and veterinary purposes; antibacterial auxiliary agents and antioxidants for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical additives to disinfectants and products for destroying vermin, fungicides, and herbicides. 2011.10.04 54

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1075860 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.10 2021.02.10 (210) Nasj. 201105945 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.05.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.01.20, FR, 11 3 799 057 CLIP-IN Saint-Gobain Glass Solutions France, "Les Miroirs", 18 avenue d'alsace, 92400 COURBEVOIE, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:19 Building materials (non-metallic), namely building glass; printed glass for building; glazing; windows and doors, not of metal; sheets, plates, panels, partitions of glass and glass for buildings, interior design, exterior and interior decoration; glass walls and partitions for building. Klasse:21 Glassware not included in other classes, namely unworked or semiworked glass (except building glass); printed glass (not for building); opaque and translucent enamelled glass (not for building); lacquered glass (not for building); serigraphed glass (not for building); painted glass (not for building); unworked and semiworked glass also in the form of sheets and plates used in the manufacture of sanitary installations, shower cubicles, shower doors, shower partitions and walls, refrigerator shelves, glazing, walls, partitions, doors, cupboard and furniture doors; household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith). 2011.09.29 (111) 1076056 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.17 2021.02.17 (210) Nasj. 201106129 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.14, EM, 009374232 Hajom Skjutdörrar AB, Kvarnbacken 2, 51197 HAJOM, Sweden (SE) Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores; windows of metal; metallic doors; outdoor blinds of metal; blinds, roller blinds and roller jalousies of metal; door handles of metal; door frames of metal; door fittings of metal; door bolts; door panels of metal; door stops of metal; window handles of metal; knobs of metal; window catches of metal; shutters of metal; metal window frames; window casement bolts; sash fasteners of metal for windows; fittings of metal for windows; bolts of metal for sash windows; ventilation windows of metal; ironwork for doors; garage doors and entrances made of metal. Klasse:19 Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments (non-metallic); construction joinery, windows, not of metal, and window joinery, window glass, except glass for vehicle windows; window glass, for building; shutters, not of metal; window frames, not of metal; stained-glass windows; mosquito window screens, not of metal; casement windows, not of metal; doors (not of metal); door frames, not of metal; door casing, not of metal; door panels, not of metal; sun blinds, not of metal, not of textile, for use outdoors; garage doors, not of metal. Klasse:20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; indoor blinds (furniture); indoor blinds for windows (furniture); curtain rollers; pulleys of plastic for blinds; woven timber blinds (furniture); vertical curtains (blinds) of textile; door handles, not of metal; window fittings, not of metal; door fittings, not of metal; window fittings, not of metal; curtain rings; curtain rods; blinds. Klasse:24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers; curtains of textiles or plastic; curtain holders of textile material; net curtains; mosquito nets; door curtains. Klasse:37 Building construction; repair; installation services; installation of doors and windows; repair and maintenance of windows and doors. 55

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 2011.10.03 (111) 1076400 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.25 2021.03.25 (210) Nasj. 201106181 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.15, AU, 1388943 VILLA BROTINI Beringer Blass Italia SrL, Via Gabbiano, 22 Mercatale, 50024 VAL DI PESA, Italia (IT) Klasse:33 Wines. 2011.10.04 (111) 1076534 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.30 2021.03.30 (210) Nasj. 201106200 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.02 (111) 1076545 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.28 2021.02.28 (210) Nasj. 201106202 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.08.31, VN, 4-2010-18354 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The applied mark consists of two letters "T", "H" that are distinctively stylized and a device of a five-pointed star and an eight-petal flower at the right upper corner of the letter "H"; below is English words "true" in normal case letter and "MILK" in capital block letter. Cong Ty Co Phan Thuc Pham Sua TH, Xa Nghia Son, Huyen Nghia Dan TINH NGHE AN, Kina (CN) Klasse:29 Milk; milk products; soya milk; fruit-based snack food; cooked vegetable; dried vegetable. 2011.10.04 (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: KIDS. International Taekwon-Do Federation-ITF, C/ Mercado, 3, 03501 BENIDORM, ALICANTE, Spania (ES) Klasse:25 Klasse:28 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Games and toys; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Klasse:41 Teaching; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. 2011.10.04 56

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1076553 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.22 2021.03.22 (210) Nasj. 201106205 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.02 (111) 1076675 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.09 2020.11.09 (210) Nasj. 201106224 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.02 Societe Europeenne de Cardiologie, BP 179, 06903 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS CEDEX, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:35 Advertising; business administration; direct mail advertising; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; computerized file management; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; online advertising on a computer network; publication of publicity texts; dissemination of advertising matter; public relations. Klasse:38 Information about telecommunication; providing user access to a global computer network; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; news agencies; electronic messaging. Klasse:41 Education; providing of training; information on entertainment or education; publication of books; organization of competitions (education or entertainment); arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences or congresses; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; publication of electronic books and journals online. Klasse:42 Evaluations, estimates and research in the scientific and technological fields provided by engineers; design and development of computers and software; development (design), installation, maintenance, updating or rental of software; data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]; conversion of documents from a physical to an electronic medium; scientific research for medical purposes. 2011.10.04 (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: JIN DE LI. Fujian Jindeli Holdings Ltd (Fujiansheng Jindeli Jituan Youxian Gongsi), Building 8, Hongshan Kejiyuan, QU Gulouqu, 350002 FUZHOU, FUJIAN, Kina (CN) Klasse:14 Precious stones; paste jewellery; jades; jade carving; imitation jewellery (gold imitation); works of arts of silver; badges of precious metal; alloys of precious therapy function. 2011.10.05 57

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1076697 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.08 2021.04.08 (210) Nasj. 201106229 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.18, FR, 10 3 775 299 KUHN CENTER Kuhn SA, 4, Impasse des Fabriques, 67700 SAVERNE, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:7 Klasse:12 Agricultural machines and machine tools, instruments (other than hand-operated) and machines for agriculture, breeding, horticulture, forestry, gardening and/or leisuretime crop growing, especially cultivating machines such as toothed harrows, rotary harrows, rotary tillers, plows, cultivators, disc harrows, crushing machines, mixing machines, tillers, planters, transplanters, seed drills, mechanical seed drills, pneumatic seed drills, row seed drills, single-seed seed drills, seed drills combined with cultivating machines; hay making machines such as tedders, windrowers, combined tedder and windrower machines, raking machines, groupers for windrowers, turners for windrowers, haycutters, cutting bars, hay cutting and packaging machines, ventilator haycutters, haycutter-windrowers; harvesting machines such as harvesters, harvester-threshers, balers, bale wrappers, forage blower; machines for processing crops such as spraying machines, sprays; lawnmowers; scrub cutters; verge mowers; conveyors; elevators; machinery for feeding livestock, such as silo unloaders, unloader-distributors, blender-distributors for fodder; bedding machines; machines for fertilization such as fertilizer distributors, manure spreading machines; earth moving machines; as well as parts or components of these machines. Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, agricultural vehicles, skips, goods handling carts, carts, vans, trailers, distributor trailers, self-propelled vehicles, self-propelled vehicles for cutting, self-propelled vehicles for tedding, self-propelled vehicles for windrowing, selfpropelled vehicles for grouping products, particularly plant materials, self-propelled spraying machines, self-propelled blenderdistributors for fodder, tractors, cars, small wagons, wagons. Klasse:35 Advertising, business management, commercial advice and information, dissemination of advertising matter, presentation of goods on any communication media for retail purposes, services provided in the framework of the sale of agricultural machines or agricultural vehicles. 2011.10.05 (111) 1076788 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.07 2021.04.07 (210) Nasj. 201106353 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 IH-COM Bio-Rad Laboratories SAS, 3 boulevard Raymond Poincaré, 92430 MARNES LA COQUETTE, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:1 Diagnostic preparations for scientific purposes; chemical and biological reagents other than for medical and veterinary purposes; chemical and biological reagents for in vitro diagnostics other than for medical and veterinary purposes; chemical and biological reagents for in vitro diagnostics in laboratories; chemical and biological reagents for in vitro diagnostics in research laboratories; chemical and biological reagents for in vitro diagnostics in research laboratories, for use in analysing biological samples. Klasse:5 Diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; chemical and biological reagents for medical and veterinary purposes; chemical and biological reagents for in vitro diagnostics; chemical and biological reagents for in vitro diagnostics for medical, veterinary and/or research purposes; chemical and biological reagents for in vitro diagnostics for medical, veterinary and/or research purposes for analysing biological samples. Klasse:9 Apparatus and instruments for in vitro diagnostics for scientific and/or industrial purposes; diagnostic kits for scientific or industrial purposes; software for in vitro diagnostics for scientific and/or industrial purposes; software for in vitro diagnostics for medical, veterinary and/or research purposes; data processing software for in vitro diagnostics for medical purposes; data processing software for in vitro diagnostics for medical purposes for analysing biological samples; instrument management software; instrument management software for analysing biological samples; software for analysing biological samples. Klasse:10 Apparatus and instruments for in vitro diagnostics for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for use in in vitro diagnostics for medical, veterinary and/or research purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for use in in vitro diagnostics for medical, veterinary and/or research purposes for analysing biological samples. 2011.09.29 58

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1076857 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.21 2021.03.21 (210) Nasj. 201106369 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 NEWSEASON PARIS Eric Kerboriou, 89 allée Georges Askinazi, 92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:3 Klasse:25 Soap; perfumes, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; depilatory preparations; make-up removing preparations; lipsticks; beauty masks; shaving preparations; preservatives for leather (polishes); creams for leather. Clothing, footwear, headgear; shirts; leather or imitation leather clothing; belts (clothing); furs (clothing); gloves (clothing); scarves; neckties; hosiery; socks; slippers; beach, ski or sports footwear; babies' diapers of textile; underwear. Klasse:44 Medical services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; nursing homes; beauty salons; hairdressing salons; gardening; landscape gardening. 2011.09.30 (111) 1076886 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.13 2021.04.13 (210) Nasj. 201106375 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 VARIOFLEX Alpina Sports GmbH, Äussere Industriestrasse 8a, 86316 FRIEDBERG, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:9 Ski goggles, sports goggles, swimming goggles, sunglasses, cycling goggles, protective goggles for workers, spectacles, spectacle frames and lenses; spectacle lenses made of plastic; protective helmets for cyclists, for skiers, for ski jumpers, for alpinists, for canoeists, for equestrians; sports helmets. 2011.10.04 (111) 1076916 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.10 2021.01.10 (210) Nasj. 201106385 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 ACTIVITA Activita GmbH, Bahnhofstr. 25, 83646 BAD TÖLZ, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, food supplements for medical purposes; mineral food supplements, dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals and trace elements either individually or in combination, vitamin preparations, hygiene products for medical purposes, disinfectants, preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Klasse:16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, included in this class; printed matter, periodicals, books, catalogues, advertising material, instruction manuals, user manuals, dictionaries, reference books, scientific publications. Klasse:29 Dietetic foodstuff or food supplements for nonmedical purposes based on proteins, fats, fatty acids, in addition of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, either individually or in combination. Klasse:30 Dietetic foodstuff or food supplements for nonmedical purposes based carbohydrates, roughage, in addition of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, either individually or in combination. Klasse:41 Rental of periodicals, publication of books and printed publications, newspapers and periodicals; training, education, teaching and further training, vocational guidance services, conducting, organization and arranging of seminars, conferences, congresses, exhibitions, symposiums and workshops; management of education services and behavior training, planning and designing of congresses. 2011.10.04 59

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1076924 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.14 2021.02.14 (210) Nasj. 201106388 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 Böhmer GmbH, Gedulderweg 95, 45549 SPROCKHÖVEL, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:7 Ball valves as machine parts and as shut-off devices in metal and plastic tubes; pneumatic ball valve actuators, hydraulic ball valve actuators. 2011.10.04 (111) 1076930 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.04 2021.04.04 (210) Nasj. 201106389 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.24, DE, 30 2010 076 262.4/07 (111) 1077184 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.05 2021.04.05 (210) Nasj. 201106429 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 NS3 Novelsat Ltd, 21 Hataasiya Street, 43654 RA'ANANA, Israel (IL) Klasse:9 Communication apparatus, namely modulators, demodulators, modems and integrated circuits. 2011.09.29 (111) 1077238 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.05 2021.04.05 (210) Nasj. 201106440 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.02, CH, 612244 PAVAFLOC Pavatex SA, Route de la Pisciculture 30, 1700 FRIBOURG, Sveits (CH) Klasse:17 Insulating materials of all types for thermal and acoustic insulation, as well as for protection against fire and heat; insulating panels. Klasse:19 Building materials, not of metal; building panels, not of metal. Klasse:37 Construction; building insulation services. 2011.09.29 Alfred Raith GmbH Sägen- und Werkzeugfabrikation, II. Industriestraße 10, 68766 HOCKENHEIM, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:7 Machines for metal, wood and plastics processing. Klasse:8 Handtools. 2011.10.04 (111) 1077239 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.05 2021.04.05 (210) Nasj. 201106441 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.02, CH, 612243 Pavatex SA, Route de la Pisciculture 30, 1700 FRIBOURG, Sveits (CH) Klasse:17 Insulating materials of all types for thermal and acoustic insulation, as well as for protection against fire and heat; insulating panels. Klasse:19 Building materials, not of metal; building panels, not of metal. 2011.09.29 60

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1077252 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.31 2021.03.31 (210) Nasj. 201106446 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.01, IT, TO 2010 C 003098 (111) 1077270 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.10 2020.11.10 (210) Nasj. 201106448 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.27, EG, 251248 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of the letter "P1" with distinctive font in block capitals inclined rightside. Gloria SrL, Corso Vittorio Manuele II, 107, 10128 TORINO, Italia (IT) Klasse:25 Clothing, shoes, hats. 2011.09.29 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark contains the words "KAPCI COATINGS" in Arabic and in English and a bird design. (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: KAPCI COATINGS. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: Kapci coatings. Kapci Coatings (Mohamed Ahmed El Sayed & Partners), Port Said Governorate Industrial Zone, El Raswa PORT SAID, Egypt (EG) Klasse:2 Paints and lacquers. 2011.09.29 61

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1077332 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.04 2021.03.04 (210) Nasj. 201106467 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.08, DE, 30 2010 065 990.4/30 Vanilla Killa Wiebold-Confiserie GmbH & Co KG, Ernst-Abbe-Str. 2, 25337 ELMSHORN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; confectionery, chocolates, caramels, nut brittle confectionery, truffles and pralines. 2011.09.29 (111) 1077333 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.04 2021.03.04 (210) Nasj. 201106468 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.29, DE, 30 2010 065 827.4/30 Darling Haydn Wiebold-Confiserie GmbH & Co KG, Ernst-Abbe-Str. 2, 25337 ELMSHORN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; confectionery, chocolates, caramels, nut brittle confectionery, truffles and pralines. 2011.09.29 (111) 1077343 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 (210) Nasj. 201106469 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: CHAO MING. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: The two Chinese characters mean MORNING and BRIGHT respectively, and the combination of them has no meaning and has no reference in the related industry. Anji Chaoming Furniture Co Ltd, Tangpu Economic Development Zone, Anji County, 313000 ZHEJIANG, Kina (CN) Klasse:20 Furniture; chairs; metal chairs; settees; sofas. 2011.10.04 62

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1077346 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.02.05 2020.02.05 (210) Nasj. 201106470 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.08.05, PT, 452879 Rosenruist Gestão e Servicos Lda, Rua Serpa Pinto Nº 4, 4º Andar, 9000-029 FUNCHAL (MADEIRA), Portugal (PT) Klasse:18 Bags, handbags, wallets, travel bags, boxes, cases for cosmetics sold empty, briefcases, umbrellas, pochettes, backpacks. Klasse:25 Clothing, including dresses, skirts, pants, shirts, jackets, overcoats, raincoats, jackets and shirts, vests, hats, scarves, handkerchiefs, socks and tights, gloves, belts for clothing, shoes, boots, sandals, clogs and slippers. Klasse:35 Intermediary services relating to the purchase and sale of clothing, shoes, handbags; services in retail stores, businesses and stores for clothing and footwear, including dresses, skirts, suits, pants, shirts, jackets, overcoats, raincoats, jackets and shirts, vests, hats, scarves, handkerchiefs, socks and tights, gloves, belts for clothing, handbags, sunglasses, shoes, boots, sandals, clogs and slippers; the bringing together for the benefit of others in retail stores or businesses, and consignment services for commercial or administrative implementation of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; commercial exploitation of the above shops and establishments. 2011.09.29 (111) 1077348 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.10.04 2020.10.04 (210) Nasj. 201106471 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 day and night sensors, day and night cameras, power sources, communication means, monitors and operating software; laser measuring systems; laser pointers; laser pointing device for use with firearms; laser rangefinders; laser speed detectors; measuring apparatus, namely, laser distance meters; night vision goggles; optical lens sights; optical or telescopic lens sights; rifle scopes; riflescopes; tactical laser sights; telescopic gun sights; telescopic lens sights; telescopic sights. Klasse:13 Adjusting knobs for gun sights; air pistols; air rifles; airsoft guns not for recreational use; ammunition magazines and component parts for ammunition magazines; bags specially adapted to hold rifles; butt plates for pistols, rifles, and shotguns; combination pistols and rifles; component parts for rifles; firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching accessories to a firearm; firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching ancillary equipment to a firearm; firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching grips to a firearm; firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching gun sights to a firearm; firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching laser pointing devices to a firearm; firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching lights to a firearm; firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching night vision devices to a firearm; firearm attachments, namely, mounts for attaching telescopic sights to a firearm; firearm sights; gun and rifle cases; gun barrels; gun belts; gun carriages; gun cartridges; gun cases; gun cleaning brushes; gun locks; gun mounts; gun parts; gun scabbards; hunting gun cartridges; hunting rifles; machine gun cartridges; machine gun chargers; machine guns; machine guns and parts thereof; magazines for weapons; military rifles; mobile gun mounts; muzzle breaks that screw onto a rifle barrel; muzzle-loading rifles; noise suppressors for guns; non-telescopic gun sights for firearms; rifle barrels; rifle cartridges; rifle cases; rifle covers; rifle fore arms; rifle fore ends; rifle hand grips; rifle hand guards; rifle magazine clamps; rifle mounts; rifle rails; rifle rings; shooting accessories, namely, gun rests; sight protectors for firearms; sights, namely, open sights for use on firearms. 2011.10.04 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the stylized word "FIREFIELD" displayed at a 20-degree slant with a circular design encompassing the first letter of the term, extending from the letter "I", inside the circular design is the letter "F" displayed as a mirror image of itself with the letter and image connected at the bottom in the shape of a small triangle resembling a letter "V". Sellmark Corp, 2421 Callender Rd, Suite 123, TX76063 MANSFIELD, USA (US) Klasse:9 Archery equipment, namely, telescopic bow sights; day and night vision systems primarily comprising 63

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1077360 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.24 2020.12.24 (210) Nasj. 201106472 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.07.01, IT, TO2010C002146 Ferrino & C SpA, Corso Lombardia, 73, 10099 SAN MAURO TORINESE (TO), Italia (IT) Klasse:18 Containers for personal effects, in particular rucksacks, backpacks, bags, sport bags, traveling bags, suitcases, briefcases, shoulder bags; walking sticks or sticks for mountaineering. Klasse:20 Sleeping bags, in particular for camping or mountaineering. Klasse:22 Tents and tarpaulins, in particular for camping or mountaineering; bags of textile material; ropes for climbing. Klasse:25 Clothing, in particular jackets, heavy jackets, anoraks, windproof jackets, padded jackets, sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, shirts, blouses, short-sleeved or long-sleeved T-shirts, polo shirts, jeans, long trousers, short trousers, tracksuits, socks, gloves, scarves, waterproof clothes, underwear, bathing clothes such as swimsuits; footwear, in particular shoes, sport shoes and boots; headware, in particular hats, caps and headbands. Klasse:28 Snowshoes; bindings for snow sport tools, particularly for snowshoes; ski poles; rucksacks adapted for transporting specific articles for snow sports, in particular snowshoes; harnesses for climbing. 2011.09.29 (111) 1077365 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.16 2021.02.16 (210) Nasj. 201106473 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.09 PLAQUEVID Avid Radiopharmaceuticals Inc, 3711 Market Street, 7th floor, PA19104 PHILADELPHIA, USA (US) Klasse:5 Diagnostic agents, preparations and substances for medical purposes; diagnostic scanning agents for medical use, namely, diagnostic scanning agents for in vivo use; radiopharmaceutical diagnostic preparations for medical use; radiopharmaceutical diagnostic preparations for use in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative amyloid diseases. 2011.10.04 (111) 1077739 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.08 2021.03.08 (210) Nasj. 201106626 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 Crane Acquisition LLC, 25402 COUNTY HWY Y, WI53581 RICHLAND CENTER, USA (US) Klasse:7 Camshafts for producing mechanical motion in automobile, motorcycle, truck, heavy duty construction vehicles, aircraft, locomotive, light duty, and marine engines; valve train components for internal combustion engines, namely tappets, valves, spring retainers, guides, locks, lash caps, pushrods, cylinder heads, timing chains and gear sets, rocker arms, studs, nuts, stabilizers, pushrod guide plates, cam followers, and distributor gears; electric ignitions, namely spark plug wires, and points conversion kits comprised of brackets, optical triggers, shutter wheels and ignition coils. Klasse:9 Automotive electronics, namely amplifiers, engine controllers, battery chargers, surge protectors, rev-limiters and ignition modules. 2011.10.03 64

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1077783 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.08 2021.03.08 (210) Nasj. 201106638 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.13, AT, AM 5088/2010 (111) 1077815 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.10 2021.05.10 (210) Nasj. 201106646 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 Duktus SA, 55-57, avenue Pasteur, 2311 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg (LU) Klasse:6 Pipes, fittings (formed parts) and pipe joints of iron, in particular of ductile cast iron, particularly for pressure pipe lines, drain pipes and conduits. Klasse:40 Treatment of materials, casting of metal, metal treating. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research services; research in the fields of technology; quality control. 2011.09.30 Yi Wu New Green Biological Engineering Co Ltd, Niansanli Yidong Industrial Zone YI WU, Kina (CN) Klasse:9 Calculating machines; optical data media; mechanical signs; flash-bulbs (photography); magic lanterns; optical communication equipment; semi-conductors; optical condensers; fluorescent screens; galvanic cells. Klasse:11 Lamps; lighting apparatus for vehicles; solar furnaces; acetylene burners; hot air bath fittings; radiators, electric; friction lighters for igniting gas. Klasse:42 Technical research; engineering; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; research in the field of environmental protection; physics (research); architecture; industrial design; computer software consultancy; material testing; quality control. 2011.09.30 (111) 1077960 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 (210) Nasj. 201106669 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 IodoFence DeLaval Holding AB, Gustaf de Lavals väg 15, 14741 TUMBA, Sverige (SE) Klasse:5 Animal washes. 2011.10.04 65

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1077964 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.13 2021.04.13 (210) Nasj. 201106670 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.20, FR, 10 3 791 807 ULTIMIUM PRO Tefal, Zone Industrielle des Granges, 74150 RUMILLY, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:21 Frying pans, stew-pans, stewpots, sauté pans, cooking pots, pancake griddles, grills and other non-electric kitchen utensils. 2011.09.30 (111) 1078077 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.25 2021.03.25 (210) Nasj. 201106689 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 LAURENT FERRIER Laurent Ferrier SA, Rue Ancienne 88, 1227 CAROUGE, Sveits (CH) Klasse:14 Jewelry, precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments; watches; watch straps; watch springs; watch glasses; wristwatches; jewelry cases (caskets), cases for timepieces; clock hands (clock and watch making); pendulums (clock and watch making); barrels (clock and watch making); watch cases; bracelets (jewelry); charms; dials (clock and watch making); sundials; clockworks; watch chains; chronographs (watches); chronometers; stopwatches; chronometric instruments; chronoscopes; control clocks (master clocks); movements for clocks and watches; needles and needles of precious metal, needle cases of precious metal; diamonds, jewelry cases of precious metal; clocks, pearls (jewelry), semi-precious stones, precious stones. 2011.09.29 (111) 1078098 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 (210) Nasj. 201106695 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.15, DE, 30 2010 061 218.5/01 Rudolf GmbH, Altvaterstraße 58-64, 82538 GERETSRIED, Germany (DE) Klasse:1 Chemicals used in industry, in particular chemicals for the treatment of textiles, yarns and non-textile materials. Klasse:40 Treatment of materials, in particular treatment of textiles, yarns and non-textile materials. 2011.10.03 66

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078124 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.05 2021.04.05 (210) Nasj. 201106700 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.14, DE, 30 2010 073 231.8/06 SMART-X 3A Composites GmbH, Alusingen-Platz 1, 78224 SINGEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:6 Sheets, plates, bands and films, mainly of common metals; sheets, plates, bands and films, mainly of aluminium or aluminium alloys; sheets, plates, bands and films, mainly of aluminium combined with plastic materials; sheets, plates, bands and films, mainly of aluminium alloys combined with plastic materials; sheets, plates, bands and films, mainly of common metals combined with plastic materials; building panels of metal; sheets of metal in the form of non-luminous and non-mechanical signboards; sign panels; advertising boards of metal; carrier plates of metal for coatings; signaling panels, nonluminous and non-mechanical, of metal; sheets, plates, boards, bands and profiles primarily of common metals, aluminium or aluminium alloys, containing layers, coatings or coverings of synthetic resins, of foamed synthetic resins, of plastics or foamed plastics. Klasse:16 Graphic representations; photographs; photograph stands; graphic reproductions; lithographs; printed matter; paper; cardboard; cardboard; paper and cardboard for coatings with plastics or foamed plastics; posters; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; signs of paper or cardboard; signboards of paper and cardboard for coatings with plastics or foamed plastics; boards for writing; blackboards. Klasse:17 Semi-finished goods of synthetic resins, of plastics or foamed plastics, in particular sheets, plates, boards, bands and profiles; semi-finished goods of multiple layers of synthetic resins, foamed synthetic resins, plastics or foamed plastics, in particular sheets, plates, boards, bands and profiles; semi-finished goods of synthetic resins, of foamed synthetic resins, of plastics or plastic foams, in particular sheets, boards and profiles, combined with common metals or aluminium or an aluminium alloy; semi-finished goods of synthetic resins, of foamed synthetic resins, of plastic or plastic foams, in particular sheets, boards and profiles, at least partially coated with covers, casings, paints or lacquers; semi-finished goods of synthetic resins, foamed synthetic resins, plastics or foamed plastics, in particular sheets, boards and profiles, at least partially coated with paper or cardboard. Klasse:20 Stands and display devices not of metal for display boards and advertising boards; display stands; racks; showcase; signboards of wood or plastics; signboards of wood for coating with plastics or foamed plastics; signboards of plastics or foamed plastics; placards of wood or plastic; placards of wood for coating with plastics or foamed plastics; placards of plastics or foamed plastics. 2011.10.05 (111) 1078130 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 (210) Nasj. 201106701 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 MELOXIDOLOR Le Vet BV, Wilgenweg 7, 3421TV OUDEWATER, Nederland (NL) Klasse:5 Veterinary preparations; medicines for veterinary purposes; sanitary preparations for veterinary use; disinfectants for veterinary purposes; bacteriological, biological, chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; enzymes for veterinary purposes; cultures of microorganisms for veterinary purposes; lotions and greases for veterinary purposes. Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; public relations; marketing; business administration; office functions; organisation of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes. 2011.10.04 (111) 1078155 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.09 2020.11.09 (210) Nasj. 201106708 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.16 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the stylized wording "CY" and design. Yantai Changyu Group Co Ltd, No. 56, Dama Road, Zhifu District, 264000 YANTAI CITY, SHANDONG, Kina (CN) Klasse:33 Spirits (beverages); arrack (arak); rice alcohol; brandy; whisky; wine; cocktails; fruit extracts, alcoholic; liqueurs; sparkling wine, namely, sparkling white wine. 2011.10.05 67

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078390 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.13 2021.04.13 (210) Nasj. 201106884 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.05, CH, 608238 LIVE FOR GREATNESS ROLEX SA, Rue Francois-Dussaud 3-5-7, 1211 GENÈVE 26, Sveits (CH) Klasse:14 Jewelry, timepieces, namely watches, wristwatches, component parts for timepieces and accessories for timepieces not included in other classes, clocks and other chronometric instruments, chronometers, chronographs, apparatus for timing sports events, time measuring and marking apparatus and instruments not included in other classes; dials, cases, boxes and presentation cases for timepieces and jewelry. 2011.09.29 (111) 1078531 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.09 2021.05.09 (210) Nasj. 201106901 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.09, US, 85172902 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the letters "EMW" in a stylized font. AR Wilfley & Sons Inc, P.O. Box 2330, CO80201 DENVER, USA (US) Ensival Moret Belgium, Bois la Dame no 4, 4890 THIMISTER-CLERMONT, Belgia (BE) Klasse:7 Industrial slurry pumps. 2011.09.29 (111) 1078520 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 (210) Nasj. 201106897 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 Restalive Restalive AB, Törringe Kyrkuväg, 23392 SVEDALA, Sverige (SE) Klasse:35 Advertising; business management assistance services; business administration services; office functions. Klasse:41 Educational services; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Klasse:45 Security services for the protection of property and individuals; personal and social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals. 2011.09.29 (111) 1078562 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 (210) Nasj. 201106902 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 NATIONSTAR Foshan Nationstar Optoelectronics Co Ltd, No.18 South Huabao Road, Chancheng District FOSHAN, GUANGDONG, Kina (CN) Klasse:11 Electric light bulbs; lamps; lighting apparatus and installations; luminous tubes for lighting; street lamps; stage lamps and lanterns; headlights for automobiles; lighting apparatus for vehicles; lamps for directional signals of automobiles; automobile lights. 2011.09.29 68

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078585 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.05.26 2020.05.26 (210) Nasj. 201106907 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2009.11.27, SE, 2009/09549 KRAV ekonomisk förening, Box 1940, 75149 UPPSALA, Sverige (SE) Klasse:1 Chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; manures and fertilizers; soil; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs. Klasse:3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Klasse:5 Food for babies; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Klasse:16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes). Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse:19 Stones, particularly lime; limestone in powered form. Klasse:22 Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included in other classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Klasse:23 Yarns and threads, for textile use. Klasse:24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:26 Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; artificial flowers. Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Klasse:30 Coffee, tea cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Klasse:31 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Klasse:32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other Klasse:33 Klasse:34 Klasse:35 Klasse:40 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches. Intermediary business services, namely exchange of animal references between purchasers and sellers. Slaughtering of animals; processing of foodstuffs namely peeling; beeswax processing and working up and improvement of beeswax cake for honey production. Education; providing of training; cultural activities. Certification of ecological production and other certification within the sectors of agriculture, water culture and foodstuffs as well as advisory service and consultation related to certification; industrial analysis and research services. Services for providing food and drink. Klasse:43 Klasse:44 2011.10.04 Agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. (111) 1078614 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.04 2021.04.04 (210) Nasj. 201106910 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 AEROCOMP Novartis AG, 4002 BASEL, Sveits (CH) Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products, namely broncholytic / anti-asthmatic products. 2011.09.30 (111) 1078674 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.16 2021.05.16 (210) Nasj. 201106920 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.15, US, 85176790 SAFECONDUCT BackOffice Associates LLC, 940 Main Street, MA02661 SOUTH HARWICH, USA (US) Klasse:9 Downloadable software for data security and encryption. 2011.09.29 69

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078685 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.02 2021.05.02 (210) Nasj. 201106926 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.18, DE, 30 2010 068 706.1/29 Cammino D'Oro (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: Golden path GOLDSTEIG Käsereien Bayerwald GmbH, Siechen 11, 93413 CHAM, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; vegetable and fruit salads; jellies; jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; cheese, ricotta and mascarpone; edible oils and fats. Klasse:43 2011.09.30 Services for providing food and drink. (111) 1078702 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.04 2021.03.04 (210) Nasj. 201106928 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.06, DE, 302010071215.5/21 MISSLYN (541) Merket er Ordmerke i standard font et ARTDECO cosmetic GmbH, Gausstrasse 13, 85757 KARLSFELD, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:3 Soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; ladies' cosmetics; eyebrow cosmetics; eyebrow pencils; cosmetic bathing preparations; cosmetic creams for the skin; artificial eyelashes; eyelash adhesives; non-medical preparations for the application on nails, non-medical preparations for the conditioning and care of nails; artificial nails; nail tips; nail lacquers; nail lacquer removers; nail hardeners for non-medical purposes; non-medical preparations for strengthening of nails; lipsticks; beauty masks; cosmetic slimming preparations; cosmetic powder; men's cosmetic, in particular aftershaves, shaving creams, skin creams (for non-medical purposes); hair lotions; shampoos; hair-dyeing preparations; cotton buds for cosmetic purposes; cotton swabs for cosmetic purposes; filled cosmetic bags. Klasse:8 Manually operated devices and instruments for body and beauty care, included in this class; nail files; nail polishes (electric or non-electric); cuticle pliers; nail pliers; nail cutting devices; eyelash pliers; eyelash curlers; eyebrow curlers; tweezers. Klasse:14 Jewellery and costume jewellery, in particular amulets, bracelets for jewellery purposes, necklaces, earrings, rings, brooches, rhinestones, and cases, included in class in this class. Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; trunks and travelling bags; handbags; purses; beauty cases; rucksacks; umbrellas, parasols. Klasse:21 Manually operated devices and instruments for body and beauty care, included in this class; brushes (except for paintbrushes); combs and sponges; cosmetic brushes; powder puffs; brushes for body and beauty care; combs and brushes for eyebrows; combs and brushes for eyelashes; nail brushes, cosmetic devices; cosmetic applicators; non-electric make-up removing articles; perfume atomizers; powder compacts (non-metal); toiletry bags. 2011.09.29 70

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078788 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.13 2021.05.13 (210) Nasj. 201106949 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.17, FR, 10/3782888 Sanofi Pasteur, 2, avenue Pont Pasteur, 69007 LYON, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical products, vaccines. 2011.10.03 (111) 1078794 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.18 2021.04.18 (210) Nasj. 201106950 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 SIMPLY-T Bayer AG, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 1, 51373 LEVERKUSEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations (included in this class). Klasse:10 Medical apparatus and instruments. 2011.10.03 (111) 1078803 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.01 2021.03.01 (210) Nasj. 201106951 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.01, DE, 30 2010 038 569.3/05 Provalis PROVALIS GmbH, Malstatter Markt 2-4, 66115 SAARBRÜCKEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary products; sanitary products for medical purposes; plasters, materials for dressings; materials for modeling for dental use; rubber for dental use; dental wax and wax-based materials for dental use; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; dental lacquer; disinfectants; dental amalgams; alloys of precious metals for dental use; dental amalgams of gold; adhesives for dentures. Klasse:10 Dental apparatus and instruments, artificial teeth; suture materials. Klasse:40 Treatment of materials, particularly preparation of dental amalgams, alloys of precious metals for dental use and dental amalgams made of gold (included in this class). 2011.10.03 (111) 1078808 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.02 2021.05.02 (210) Nasj. 201106952 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.20, CH, 609881 FIDIZO Helsinn Healthcare SA, Via Pian Scairolo 9, 6912 LUGANO, Sveits (CH) Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations, veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. 2011.10.03 71

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078809 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.02 2021.05.02 (210) Nasj. 201106953 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.20, CH, 609883 AKYNZEO Helsinn Healthcare SA, Via Pian Scairolo 9, 6912 LUGANO, Sveits (CH) Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations, veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. 2011.10.03 (111) 1078810 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.02 2021.05.02 (210) Nasj. 201106954 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.20, CH, 609884 AROKARIS Helsinn Healthcare SA, Via Pian Scairolo 9, 6912 LUGANO, Sveits (CH) Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations, veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; pesticides; fungicides, herbicides. 2011.10.03 (111) 1078836 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.15 2021.02.15 (210) Nasj. 201106959 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp, 6-18, Kitahama 2- chome, Chuo-ku, 541-8505 OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA, Japan (JP) Klasse:1 Chemicals used in industry and science, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; plant growth regulating preparations; plastic adhesives not for stationery or household purposes; chemical products for use in pharmaceuticals; diagnostic chemicals other than for medical or veterinary purposes; chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for human and veterinary use; sanitary preparations; oiled paper for medical purposes; capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breastnursing pads; dental materials. 2011.10.03 (111) 1078843 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.26 2021.04.26 (210) Nasj. 201106961 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 Flowrox Larox Flowsys OY, Pl 338, 53101 LAPPEENRANTA, Finland (FI) Klasse:7 Machines and devices used in industry. Klasse:37 Maintenance and repair of machines and devices in industry, installation services. 2011.10.03 72

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078852 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.08 2021.02.08 (210) Nasj. 201106963 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.04, DE, 30 2011 003 962.3/35 Messe München GmbH, Am Messesee 2, 81829 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:16 Klasse:35 Printed matter. Organisation of exhibitions and fairs for business and advertising purposes; publication and issuing of printed advertising documents. Klasse:41 Arranging of exhibitions and fairs for cultural and teaching purposes; organisation and arranging of congresses and meetings; publication and issuing of printed matter (except for advertising purposes). 2011.10.03 (111) 1078854 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.03 2021.03.03 (210) Nasj. 201106964 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.28, DE, 30 2010 058 972.8/16 Tivizen Valups Corp, 25F Specialty Construction Center, 46 Borame-gil, 156-714 DONGJAK-GU, SEOUL, Sør- Korea (KR) Klasse:9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; computer hardware, computer software, in particular for television reception and for recording, digitizing, editing and reproducing video and sound recordings. Klasse:16 Printed matter, in particular computer magazines and written material accompanying computer software, namely manuals, catalogues, operating instructions and work instructions. Klasse:42 Design and development of computer hardware and software, in particular for television reception and for recording, digitizing, editing and reproducing video and sound recordings. 2011.10.03 73

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078903 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.01 2021.03.01 (210) Nasj. 201106973 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.19, IT, FE2010C000403 (111) 1078929 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.02 2021.05.02 (210) Nasj. 201106977 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.29, PT, 476638 (546) Merket er Kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke et (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the image of a ladybird placed obliquely; below and along the right side of the ladybird, there are the words "Adalia Bipunctata" in cursive; below the ladybird, there is the word "Adalia" in fancy characters. Az Agr Corte Sant'Alda di Camerani Marinella, Localita' Fioi, Via Capovilla, 28, 37030 MEZZANE DI SOTTO (VR), Italy (IT) Klasse:33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). 2011.10.03 (111) 1078918 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 (210) Nasj. 201106976 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.01.19, CH, 614621 Tetribérica - Comércio Internacional SA, Rua Frei Leão de São Tomás, 468 B Ervosa, 4785-154 TROFA, Portugal (PT) Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 2011.10.03 (111) 1078945 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.06 2021.05.06 (210) Nasj. 201106982 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.03.24, EM, 009838541 OSCEOLA Automobiles Citroën, 6, rue Fructidor, 75835 PARIS CEDEX 17, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:12 Wheel rims. 2011.09.30 VF International Sagl, Via Senago, 42/e Centro Open Space 01, Stabile C, 6912 PAZZALLO, LUGANO, Switzerland (CH) Klasse:35 Retail sale of clothing, footwear, bags, goods of leather, goods for sports, perfumery, cosmetic products, spectacles, watches, sunglasses, jewelry; commercial intermediary services for the sale of clothing, footwear, bags, goods of leather, goods for sports, perfumery, cosmetic products, spectacles, watches, sunglasses, jewelry. 2011.10.03 74

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078974 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.24 2021.01.24 (210) Nasj. 201106990 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (111) 1078994 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.29 2021.04.29 (210) Nasj. 201106992 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.04.14, EM, 009896606 Rízení letového provozu České republiky státní podnik, Navigačni 787, 25261 JENEC, Den tsjekkiske republikk (CZ) Klasse:9 Aerial maps in digital format, publications on aeronautics, including aeronautics information manuals in digital format, navigation, photography, cinematography, measuring, optical, electrical, apparatus and instruments apparatus for transmitting information wirelessly, devices for recording, transmitting and reproducing sounds and images, apparatus and instruments for educational purposes, computers and components thereof, computer software. Klasse:16 Aerial maps, printed matter relating to aeronautics information including aeronautical information manuals, paper and goods made from paper of all kinds, printed matter, magazines, periodical publications, books, products for bookbinders, photographs, inkstands, office requisites, except furniture, school supplies, printing type, printing blocks, paper envelopes, forms, postcards, postage stamps, stickers. Klasse:35 Intermediary activities in the field of trade, marketing. Klasse:36 Real estate rental, investment activities. Klasse:37 Maintenance and repair of aeronautic technology, motor vehicle repair. Klasse:39 Services in connection with operating airports, services involving baggage porters, intermediary services for travel, rental of airplanes, transport, handling and storage, provision of services of guides, wrapping of goods, air navigation services, freight haulage by motor vehicles. Klasse:40 Klasse:41 Letterpress printing. Educational and training activities, particularly in the field of providing of training for flight personnel, sports coaching, tuition of foreign languages, advanced training, publishing services, especially aeronautics directives. Klasse:42 Technical information services on aeronautics, drafting plans and projects in the field of aeronautics, consultancy activities in the aeronautics sector, aviation meteorology services, software development services. 2011.10.05 Gebr Heinemann KG, Koreastrasse 3, 20457 HAMBURG, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:9 Sunglasses. Klasse:14 Jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments. Klasse:18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; trunks and travelling bags. Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse:26 Ornamental novelty badges (buttons). 2011.10.05 (111) 1078996 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.23 2021.05.23 (210) Nasj. 201106993 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 Tinnera Merz Pharma GmbH & Co KGaA, Eckenheimer Landstrasse 100, 60318 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:5 Chemico-pharmaceutical preparations. 2011.10.05 75

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1078997 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.23 2021.05.23 (210) Nasj. 201106994 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 Tinocea Merz Pharma GmbH & Co KGaA, Eckenheimer Landstrasse 100, 60318 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:5 Chemico-pharmaceutical preparations. 2011.10.05 (111) 1079097 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.02 2021.04.02 (210) Nasj. 201107015 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 FOREST Frankonia Handels GmbH & Co KG, Schiesshausstrasse 10, 97228 ROTTENDORF, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:13 Hunting weapons. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079110 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.09 2021.05.09 (210) Nasj. 201107019 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The pronunciation of trademark GLONG is in English or French G-LONG, while it has no meaning either in English or in French. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: The trademark has no meaning. Fujian Glong Electric Group Co Ltd, Julong Industry Area, Saiqi Economy Development Area FU'AN CITY, FUJIAN PROVINCE, Kina (CN) Klasse:7 Agricultural machines; mine drainage pumps; gasoline engines (except for land vehicles); hydraulic engines and motors; generators of electricity; pumps (parts of machines, engines or motors); de-aerators for feedwater; machines and apparatus for cleaning (electric); speed governors for machines, engines and motors. 2011.10.05 (111) 1079099 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.21 2021.04.21 (210) Nasj. 201107017 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 DEEBOT TEK Electrical (Suzhou) Co Ltd, Changqiao Town, Wuzhong District SUZHOU, Kina (CN) Klasse:7 Vacuum cleaners; cleaning appliances utilizing steam; washing apparatus; wine presses; electromechanical beverage preparation machines; soy milk grinders; self-propelled road sweeping machines; vehicle washing installations; sewage pulverizers; home robots for house cleaning service. Klasse:9 Punched card machines for offices; electric wires; facsimile machines; calculating machines; money counting and sorting machines; sensing device; electric flat irons; protection devices for personal use against accidents; signal lanterns; remote control apparatus. 2011.09.30 76

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079111 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.28 2021.04.28 (210) Nasj. 201107020 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.04.21, FI, T201101304 (111) 1079124 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.18 2021.04.18 (210) Nasj. 201107027 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.30, BX, 1216679 Suomen Laatupaakari Oy, Ahertajantie 2, 90940 JÄÄLI, Finland (FI) Klasse:30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. 2011.10.04 Bavaria NV, De stater 1, 5737RV LIESHOUT, Nederland (NL) Klasse:32 Non-alcoholic beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079157 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.04 2021.05.04 (210) Nasj. 201107032 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 RIPOSATO Az Agr le Ruine de Furia Eros e Lucio, Via Negarine, 14, 37029 SAN PIETRO IN CARIANO (VR), Italia (IT) Klasse:33 Alcoholic beverages, except beers. 2011.10.04 77

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079166 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.21 2021.04.21 (210) Nasj. 201107035 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 Etos SA, ul. Bysewska 23, 80-298 GDANSK, Polen (PL) Klasse:9 Glasses, etuis for glasses. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079168 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.03 2021.05.03 (210) Nasj. 201107036 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (111) 1079172 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.19 2021.04.19 (210) Nasj. 201107037 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.21, US, 85158582 CISCO SOCIALMINER Cisco Technology Inc, 170 West Tasman Drive, CA95134 SAN JOSE, USA (US) Klasse:9 Computer software for brand monitoring and for management of customer service, namely, software for searching, analyzing and monitoring community websites, blogs, and other online social media, and for generating information and reports related thereto. 2011.10.03 Ewa IWalla - Art Design AB, Björnängsvägen 2, 82640 SÖDERHAMN, Sverige (SE) Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:26 Lingerie fabric. Collars (clothing); underwear; body linen (garments); clothing; furs (clothing); combinations (clothing); ready-made clothing; ear muffs (clothing); outer clothing; readymade linings (parts of clothing); knitwear (clothing); corsets (underclothing); layettes (clothing); wristbands (clothing); aprons (clothing); muffs (clothing); beach clothes; veils (clothing); headbands (clothing); teddies (undergarments); clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; footwear; headgear. Fastenings for clothing; edgings for clothing; cords for clothing; trimmings for clothing; eyelets for clothing; frills for clothing; cords for rimming, for clothing; shoulder pads for clothing. Klasse:35 Retail services relating to textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers; retail services relating to bags and jewellery; retail services relating to clothing, footwear and headgear. 2011.10.03 78

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079183 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.15 2021.04.15 (210) Nasj. 201107038 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.09, DE, 302010072326.2/11 (111) 1079198 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.09 2021.02.09 (210) Nasj. 201107039 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.09, AT, AM 723/2011 (546) Merket er Kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke et Osram GmbH, Hellabrunner Strasse 1, 81543 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:9 Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; laser not for medical purposes; lighting control systems; light emitting diodes (LED), including organic LED, laser diodes, especially power laser diodes, semiconductor power laser diodes also for material processing, semi-conductor components, light conductors, optoelectronic couplers, optical sensors, light barriers, LED modules (namely modules designed from LED's, also organic LED's with light functions), especially for lighting and signalling purposes, displays (also organic displays) in LED technology; parts of all the aforesaid goods (included in this class). Klasse:11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; lighting apparatus and lighting devices, especially lighting apparatus and lighting devices especially using light emitting diodes (LED); LED lamps and LED luminaries of all kind, including for transport engineering, automobiles and decorative purposes; aforesaid luminaires also with integrated electronic ballasts, transformers, regulation or control apparatus or electronic interfaces; sockets and holders for LED's, parts accessories for all the aforesaid goods included in this class. 2011.10.03 DIMOCO - Direct Mobile Communications GmbH, Campus 21, Liebermannstraße A01/405, 2345 BRUNN AM GEBIRGE, Østerrike (AT) Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Klasse:38 Telecommunications. Klasse:42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079200 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.21 2021.03.21 (210) Nasj. 201107040 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.11, AT, AM 778/2011 MARESI Maresi Trademark GmbH & Co KG, Strasserau 6, 4010 LINZ, Østerrike (AT) Klasse:29 Milk and milk products. Klasse:30 Iced coffee and coffee-based beverages, cocoa-based beverages, chocolate-based beverages. 2011.10.03 79

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079201 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.21 2021.03.21 (210) Nasj. 201107041 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.11, AT, AM 779/2011 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the words VIENNA ICE COFFEE in front of a dark circle. Maresi Trademark GmbH & Co KG, Strasserau 6, 4010 LINZ, Østerrike (AT) Klasse:30 Iced coffee and coffee-based beverages. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079216 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.15 2020.12.15 (210) Nasj. 201107043 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.09.20, EM, 009385709 Lifecloud Medion AG, Gänsemarkt 16-18, 45127 ESSEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:7 Tin-openers (electric); electric generators; electric hammers; electric motors other than for land vehicles; fruit presses (electric) for household purposes; electromechanical apparatus for preparing beverages; electric hand drills; glue guns, electric; food processors, electric; knives (electric); blenders, electric, for household purposes; electromechanical food preparation machines; machines and apparatus for polishing (electric); electric fruit presses for household purposes; electric cleaning machines and apparatus; electric beaters; electric shears; whisks, electric for household purposes; electric shoe-polishers; machines and apparatus (electric) for carpet shampooing; food processors (electric); grinders/crushers (electric) for household purposes; coffee grinders, other than hand-operated; mills for household purposes [other than handoperated]; knife grinders; vacuum cleaners; bags for use in vacuum cleaners; vacuum cleaner attachments for disseminating perfumes and disinfectants; washing machines; bread cutting machines. Klasse:9 Magnetic encoders; magnetic data carriers; optical data media; data-processing apparatus; optical character readers; writing and/or reading implements (data processing); magnetic data carriers; handheld personal computers; optical data carriers; disc exchangers (for computers); scanners [data processing equipment]; memories for data processing installations, processors (central processing units); compact discs (read-only memory); compact discs (audio-video); computers; computer programs, recorded; computer software (recorded); games programs for computers; computer operating programs (recorded); computer peripheral devices; computer programs (downloadable); computer keyboards; printers for computers; wrist rests for use with computers; interfaces (for computers); laptops (computers); floppy disc drives; monitors for computers; monitors (computer hardware), navigation apparatus (computer programs) for vehicles (onboard computers); notebooks (computers); computer peripheral devices; computer programs; computer software (recorded); computer games (programs for -); keyboards for computers; make-up removing appliances, electric; grids for electric accumulators, chargers for electric accumulators, plates for electric accumulators, electric accumulators; alarm bells, electric; connection boxes (electricity), display apparatus (electric); electronic display panels; batteries, electric; flat irons, electric; theft prevention installations, electric; electric wires; electrodynamic apparatus for the remote control of railway points; electric cables; electric capacitors; electromagnetic coils; electronic publications 80

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (downloadable); electronic pens (visual display units); discharge tubes, electric, other than for lighting; anti-interference devices (electricity); batteries, electric, for vehicles; electrodynamic signal remote control apparatus; photocopiers (photographic, electrostatic, thermic); inductance coils (electricity); electric devices for attracting and killing insects; wire connectors (electricity); door bells (electric); chargers for electric batteries; hair-curlers, electrically heated; welding apparatus, electric; soldering irons (electric); solenoid valves [electromagnetic switches]; measuring devices, electric; electrically heated haircurlers; locks, electric; transmitters of electronic signals; electronic security tags for goods; socks, electrically heated; electronic pens (visual display units); buzzers electric; electronic pocket translators; electronic organisers; electric door bells; door openers, electric; electric door closers; monitoring apparatus, electric; compact discs (audiovideo); audio receivers and video receivers; tone arms for record players; head cleaning tapes [recording]; tone arms for record players; sound recording apparatus; tape-recorders; sound locating instruments; sound carriers; sound transmitting apparatus; sound amplifiers; sound-reproducing apparatus; amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers; temperature indicators; video telephones; loudspeaker boxes; letter scales; compact disc players; television apparatus; telephone apparatus; motion picture cameras; film cutting apparatus; radiotelephony sets; signalling bells; altimeters; cassette players; compasses; headphones; laser pointers (luminous pointers); microphones; mobile telephones; modems; navigational instruments; lenses (optics); mouse pads (mouse mats); plotters; projection apparatus; projection screens; slide projectors, radios; smartcards (cards with integrated circuits); video games adapted for use with television receivers only; walkie talkies; video cameras; video recorders; safety helmets for sports; none of the aforesaid goods being or featuring educational and/or entertainment content intended for general circulation. Klasse:11 Electric heaters for baby bottles; electric lights for Christmas trees; pressure cookers (autoclaves), electric; electrically heated carpets; discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; sockets for electric lights; baby bottle warmers (electric); electric deep fryers; footmuffs, electrically heated; footwarmers (electric or non-electric); electric light bulbs; filaments for electric lamps; heating filaments (electric); electric heating apparatus; yoghurt-makers, electric; coffee filters, electric; electric coffee percolators; electric coffee percolators; cooking utensils (electric); sockets for electric lamps; filaments for electric lamps; electric lamps; electric discharge tubes for lighting; electric fans for personal use; radiators, electric; pressure cooking saucepans, electric; electrically heated carpets; electric waffle irons; electric laundry dryers; kettles (electric); flashlights (torches); ice machines and apparatus; bicycle lights; freezers; refrigerated cabinets; air-conditioning apparatus; refrigerating containers; microwave ovens; heat retention panels; stoves; torches. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079221 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.28 2021.01.28 (210) Nasj. 201107044 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.01.20, SE, 2011/00471 HARBOUR HOUSE Björn Franzén, Harge Skäret 763, 69694 HAMMAR, Sverige (SE) Klasse:25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 2011.10.03 (111) 1079227 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.03 2021.03.03 (210) Nasj. 201107046 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.16, FR, 11/3806969 CONTRASTVIEW Saint-Gobain Glass Solutions France, "Les Miroirs", 18 avenue d'alsace, 92400 COURBEVOIE, Frankrike (FR) Klasse:19 Building materials, not of metal; toughened and semi-toughened glazing and doubleglazing, laminated glazing and double-glazing, glazing and double-glazing for heat and heat/sound insulation, protection glazing and double-glazing, glazing and double-glazing for renovation purposes, photosensitive glazing and double-glazing, double-glazing with integral blinds, convex glazing, clear or tinted glass, super-glass (construction glass), clear and tinted printed glass, safety glass, glass pavement stones, glass wall coverings, glass partitions, aquaria (construction), drawn glass, blown glass, toughened or non-toughened glass doors, doors with built in glass, fireresistant glazing, flame proof glazing, fixed exterior glazing, bonded exterior glazing, sliding arched picture windows, opacity adjustable glazing, x-ray protection glazing, glass bath cubicles, glass shower panels. Klasse:21 Unworked and semi-worked glass; lacquered glass for decoration, opaque or translucent enameled glass for decoration, decorative glass produced by silkscreen printing, painted glass for decoration; patterned glass. 2011.10.04 81

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079234 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.13 2021.04.13 (210) Nasj. 201107047 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (111) 1079236 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.06 2021.04.06 (210) Nasj. 201107049 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.10, EM, 009512906 Liang Yongbiao, No. 240, Hai Bei East Road, Travel Resort, Xiqiao Mountain NANHAI CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, Kina (CN) Klasse:7 Lifts (other than ski-lifts); elevators (lifts); elevating apparatus; escalators; moving staircases (escalators); hoists; derricks; handling apparatus for loading and unloading; conveyors; sidewalks (moving pavements); lifters. 2011.10.03 (111) 1079235 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.06 2021.04.06 (210) Nasj. 201107048 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.11.01, DK, VA 2010 03230 (554) Merket er et tre-dimensjonal (571) Beskrivelse av merket: 3D paper dispenser in black and white. Georgia-Pacific SarL, 25, Route d'esch, 1470 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg (LU) Klasse:21 Paper dispenser. 2011.10.03 By Malene Birger A/S, Rahbeks Allé 21, 1801 FREDERIKSBERG, Danmark (DK) Klasse:3 Cosmetics, perfumery, body lotions for cosmetic use, deodorants for personal use, soaps. Klasse:24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers; bed clothes, bed blankets, covers for cushions, textile towels. 2011.10.03 82

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079238 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.07 2021.04.07 (210) Nasj. 201107050 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.08, DE, 30 2011 004 020.6/01 E-fix fischerwerke GmbH & Co KG, Weinhalde 14-18, 72178 WALDACHTAL, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:1 Chemicals used in industry and science, in particular in construction; unprocessed artificial resins; unprocessed plastics; adhesives used in industry; hardeners being chemicals used in industry, namely self-hardening artificial resin and mortar compounds, in particular for anchoring fastening elements; gas and powder charges (solidified gases for industrial purposes). Klasse:6 Fastening elements of metal, in particular pegs, studs, anchors, anchor bolts, threaded rods, screw nuts, hooks, profiles, nails; (pins); pipe clips, screws, rivets, cable clamps (cable clips), washers, clasps, injection anchor sleeves, centering sleeves, all the aforesaid goods of metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; goods of common metal, not included in other classes; mounting rails (of metal), including connectors and attachments therefor; cable conduits (of metal, not for electric purposes), including connectors and attachments therefor; punched tapes (of metal). Klasse:20 Goods of plastic, included in this class, in particular fastening elements of plastic, namely plugs, bolts, anchors, anchor bolts, hooks, screw nuts, rivets, threaded rods, washers, screws, nails; cable and pipe clips of plastic, cable clamps; sealing and covering caps; containers of plastic for storing the aforesaid parts, including pipes; injection anchor sleeves, centering sleeves; cable conduits; all the aforesaid goods not of metal and included in this class. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079240 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.05 2021.04.05 (210) Nasj. 201107051 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.07, CH, 610837 DENICONDA WRH Walter Reist Holding AG, Arenenbergstrasse 6, 8272 ERMATINGEN, Sveits (CH) Klasse:7 Machines and their components for transport technology, especially components of bearings for conveyor belts, roller conveyors and chain conveyors, return elements and return devices for belt conveyors and chain conveyors, devices for guiding for rollers for bearing components, bearing components for mechanical assembly, transport and return of moved goods or those to be moved, helix transporters with roller conveyors and/or chain conveyors, spiral transporters with roller conveyors and/or chain conveyors, transmissions for transport devices with bearings components. Klasse:9 Electronic equipment for controlling transport devices and transport installations, for measuring and monitoring the quantity and quality of goods to transport; computers and control units for controlling and monitoring the processing of goods to transport; control and monitoring units for transport devices, control and monitoring software for transport devices. Klasse:42 Technical consultancy for the design of installations for transport technology and for processing technology for transport; drawing and development of installations for transport technology and for processing technology for transport; drawing and development of installations and components for transport technology and for processing technology for transport. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079243 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 (210) Nasj. 201107052 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.10.29, US, 85165260 CISCO PRIME Cisco Technology Inc, 170 West Tasman Drive, CA95134 SAN JOSE, USA (US) Klasse:9 Computer software and hardware for network management. 2011.10.04 83

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079248 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.20 2021.04.20 (210) Nasj. 201107053 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.02.10, DE, 302011008277.4/05 PRIAXOR (541) Merket er Ordmerke i standard font et BASF SE, Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, 67063 LUDWIGSHAFEN AM RHEIN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:1 Chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, especially plant fortifying preparations, plant growth regulating preparations, chemical preparations for the treatment of seeds, surfactants, natural or artificial chemicals to be used as sexual baits or agents to confuse insects. Klasse:5 Preparations for destroying and combating vermin, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079288 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.27 2021.04.27 (210) Nasj. 201107173 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.23, DE, 30 2010 075 469.9/28 AXOS Heinz Kettler GmbH & Co KG, Hauptstrasse 28, 59469 ENSE-PARSIT, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:28 Sports equipment, namely, cross trainers, stair stepping machines, treadmills, rowing machines, stationary exercise bikes; bodybuilding apparatus; home training equipment; fitness equipment; strength training equipment; indoor cycling machines; vibrating platforms for physical training purposes. 2011.10.03 (111) 1079290 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.06 2021.05.06 (210) Nasj. 201107174 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 BULLYLAND GmbH, Bully-Str. 1, 73565 SPRAITBACH, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:16 Stationery; painting requisites and modelling materials; Transfers (decalcomanias); Stickers; Printed matter. Klasse:20 Figurines for decorative and advertising purposes, as well as souvenirs of plastic and wood, including the aforesaid goods with key chains of fabric and plastic. Klasse:21 Money boxes of plastic. Klasse:28 Toys; toy vehicles; toy figures and dolls as playthings; toy figures with key chains; Games, including in the form of games collections; toy construction playsets; cases being toys; sporting articles (included in class 28); bags adapted for use with sporting equipment; decorations for christmas trees; playing cards. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079294 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.05.06 2021.05.06 (210) Nasj. 201107175 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.05.04, EM, 009939091 Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB, 70191 ÖREBRO, Sverige (SE) Klasse:7 Machines for working metal, wood and plastic; machines for the chemical, agricultural and mining industry, namely, crushers for natural stone, rubble, building materials, asphalt and wood, and screening machines for natural stone, rubble, building materials, asphalt and wood; construction machines, namely, earth movers; packaging machines; machine tools; engines not for land vehicles; machine clutches for power transmissions; and parts therefore. 2011.10.05 84

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079303 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.22 2021.04.22 (210) Nasj. 201107178 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 CORDIVARI Cordivari SrL, Zona Industriale Pagliare, 64020 MORRO D'ORO (TE), Italia (IT) Klasse:6 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric metal cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, smalls items of metal hardware; pipes and metal tubing; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Klasse:11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Klasse:37 Building/erection of buildings; repair; installation services. 2011.10.03 (111) 1079317 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.11.05 2020.11.05 (210) Nasj. 201107179 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.05.05, EM, 009082215 ROMIL Romil Ltd, The Source, Convent Drive, CB59QT WATERBEACH, CAMBRIDGE, Storbritannia (GB) Klasse:1 Chemicals for use in industry; chemicals for use in science; solvents; chemicals for use in analytical chemistry; chemical elements, compounds and solutions for use in analytical chemistry; reference materials being chemical preparations for use in analytical chemistry; chemicals for use in high performance liquid chromatography; high performance liquid chromatography solvents; chemicals for use in spectroscopy; spectroscopy solvents; anhydrous solvents; chemical reagents, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; Karl Fischer reagents; eluants; high performance liquid chromatography eluants; gas chromatography calibration mixes; solvents for molecular biology; solvents for biochemistry; acetonitrile; ready-to-use chemical liquid reagents, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; ready-to-use chemical liquid reagents for use with synthesizers other than for medical or veterinary purposes; ready-touse chemical liquid reagents for use with sequencers other than for medical or veterinary purposes; reagents for high performance liquid chromatography; reagents for separation optimisation in high performance liquid chromatography; chemicals for use in science, namely, acids; chemicals for use in science, namely, bases; chemicals for use in industry, namely, acids; chemicals Klasse:35 for use in industry, namely, bases; chemicals for use in industry being certified reference materials; chemicals for use in science being certified reference materials; traceable volumetric reagents; chemicals for use in science, namely, salts; chemicals for use in industry, namely, salts. Retail services connected with the sale of chemicals for use in industry, chemicals for use in science, solvents, chemicals for use in analytical chemistry, reference materials traceable to primary silver, chemical elements, compounds and solutions for use in analytical chemistry, reference materials for use in analytical chemistry, chemicals for use in high performance liquid chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography solvents, chemicals for use in spectroscopy, spectroscopy solvents, anhydrous solvents, reagents, Karl Fischer reagents, eluants, high performance liquid chromatography eluants, gas chromatography calibration mixes, solvents for molecular biology, solvents for biochemistry, acetonitrile, ready-to-use liquid reagents, ready-to-use liquid reagents for use with synthesizers, ready-to-use liquid reagents for use with sequencers, reagents for high performance liquid chromatography, reagents for separation optimisation in high performance liquid chromatography, chemicals for use in science, namely, acids, chemicals for use in science, namely, bases, chemicals for use in industry, namely, acids, chemicals for use in industry, namely, bases, chemicals for use in industry being certified reference materials, chemicals for use in science being certified reference materials, traceable volumetric reagents, chemicals for use in science, namely, salts, chemicals for use in industry, namely, salts, scientific apparatus, scientific machinery, scientific instruments, scientific apparatus scientific machinery, instruments, apparatus and machinery for use in chemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in scientific laboratories, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in analytical chemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in liquid chromatography, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in biology, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in biochemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in scientific research; electronic retail services connected with the sale of chemicals for use in industry, chemicals for use in science, solvents, chemicals for use in analytical chemistry, reference materials traceable to primary silver, chemical elements, compounds and solutions for use in analytical chemistry, reference materials for use in analytical chemistry, chemicals for use in high performance liquid chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography solvents, chemicals for use in spectroscopy, spectroscopy solvents, anhydrous solvents, reagents, Karl Fischer reagents, eluants, high performance liquid chromatography eluants, gas chromatography calibration mixes, solvents for molecular biology, solvents for biochemistry, acetonitrile, ready-to-use liquid reagents, ready-to-use liquid reagents for use with synthesizers, ready-to-use liquid reagents for use with sequencers, reagents for high performance liquid chromatography, reagents for separation optimisation in high performance liquid chromatography, chemicals for use in science, namely, acids, chemicals for use in science, 85

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 namely, bases, chemicals for use in industry, namely, acids, chemicals for use in industry, namely, bases, chemicals for use in industry being certified reference materials, chemicals for use in science being certified reference materials, traceable volumetric reagents, chemicals for use in science, namely, salts, chemicals for use in industry, namely, salts, scientific apparatus, scientific machinery, scientific instruments, scientific apparatus scientific machinery, instruments, apparatus and machinery for use in chemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in scientific laboratories, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in analytical chemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in liquid chromatography, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in biology, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in bio-chemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in scientific research; mail order retail services connected with the sale of chemicals for use in industry, chemicals for use in science, solvents, chemicals for use in analytical chemistry, reference materials traceable to primary silver, chemical elements, compounds and solutions for use in analytical chemistry, reference materials for use in analytical chemistry, chemicals for use in high performance liquid chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography solvents, chemicals for use in spectroscopy, spectroscopy solvents, anhydrous solvents, reagents, Karl Fischer reagents, eluants, high performance liquid chromatography eluants, gas chromatography calibration mixes, solvents for molecular biology, solvents for biochemistry, acetonitrile, ready-to-use liquid reagents, ready-to-use liquid reagents for use with synthesizers, ready-to-use liquid reagents for use with sequencers, reagents for high performance liquid chromatography, reagents for separation optimisation in high performance liquid chromatography, chemicals for use in science, namely, acids, chemicals for use in science, namely, bases, chemicals for use in industry, namely, acids, chemicals for use in industry, namely, bases, chemicals for use in industry being certified reference materials, chemicals for use in science being certified reference materials, traceable volumetric reagents, chemicals for use in science, namely, salts, chemicals for use in industry, namely, salts, scientific apparatus, scientific machinery, scientific instruments, scientific apparatus scientific machinery, instruments, apparatus and machinery for use in chemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in scientific laboratories, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in analytical chemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in liquid chromatography, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in biology, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in biochemistry, apparatus, instruments and machinery for use in scientific research. Klasse:42 Chemistry services; research relating to chemistry; scientific research relating to chemistry; bio-chemistry services; research relating to bio-chemistry; scientific research relating to bio-chemistry; biology services; research relating to biology; scientific research relating to biology; high performance liquid chromatography services. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079322 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2010.12.23 2020.12.23 (210) Nasj. 201107180 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 Bakepro Dalblads Nutrition AB, Hunstugansväg 1, 44361 STENKULLEN, Sverige (SE) Klasse:29 Protein for human consumption for use as nutritional supplements; nutritional supplements made from protein for human consumption. 2011.10.05 86

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079325 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.07 2021.01.07 (210) Nasj. 201107181 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.12.06, EM, 009577024 REFAN Refan Bulgaria OOD, Karlovsko shose, 52 TRUD, Bulgaria (BG) Klasse:3 Soaps; sponges impregnated with soaps; sponges impregnated with toiletries; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; almond oil; almond soap; cosmetic dyes; hair dyes; mouth washes; toothpaste; make-up; mascara; deodorants for personal use; shampoo for pets; cosmetic kits; cream for leather; lotions for cosmetic purposes; after-shave lotions; cosmetic pencils; nail polish; nail vanish; eau de cologne; fabric softeners (for laundry use); hair colorants; shaving preparations; colorremoving preparations; shaving soap; toilet water; lipstick; shampoos; children cosmetics; baby shampoos; baby lotions; medicated cosmetics; medicated toothpaste; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations. Klasse:4 Candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; candles for absorbing smoke; fruit candles; candles and wicks for lighting. Klasse:35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof) including perfumery, cosmetics, hair lotions, soaps, perfumes, extracts of flowers [perfumes], perfumed potpourris, perfumed sachets, perfumed powders, cosmetic preparations for baths, bath salts not for medical purposes, foaming preparations for use in the bath [toilet preparations], bath lotions, shower gel, body lotions [toilet preparations], face or body creams [toilet preparations], face or body butter [toilet preparations], face or body yogurts [toilet preparations], face or body milk [toilet preparations], face or body scrubs (not for medical purposes), beauty care and body care preparations, essential oils, oils for cosmetic purposes, massage oils not for medical purposes, massage creams not for medical purposes, massage lotions not for medical purposes, shampoos, hair products, printed matter, calendars, booklets, greeting cards, boxes for packaging or gift wrap paper, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods; sales promotion (for others); procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); business consultancy in relation to franchising; commercial advertising of cosmetics and perfumery. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079329 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.04 2021.01.04 (210) Nasj. 201107182 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.07.05, DE, 30 2010 040 085.4/38 Pixum Diginet GmbH & Co KG, Vorgebirgstr. 338, 50969 KÖLN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:1 Chemical products for photographic use, developers (photography), fixers and toner baths for photographic use; unexposed sensitized films; glues for industrial use, sensitized cloth for photography, baryta paper, photosensitive paper, sensitized photographic plates; X-ray films sensitized but not exposed. Klasse:9 Photographic and film apparatus and instruments and parts thereof (included in this class), objectives (lenses), darkroom and optical lamps, exposure meters, light intensity meters, filters for photography, close-up lenses, flash bulbs for photography, flash units, drying apparatus for photographs, enlargement apparatus, frames and framing equipment for photographic transparencies, cases for photographic apparatus and instruments, tripods and stands for cameras, exposed films; equipment for recording, processing, converting, transmitting, outputting and/or reproducing data, voice, texts, signals, audio and/or video, in particular camcorders, CD recorders and players, DVD recorders and players; storage media, recording media, data storage media (except for unexposed films), in particular of optical, electronic and magnetic nature, CDs (ROM), CDs (sound, image), digital data disks and video disks (DVD), digital storage devices (electronic memory devices, usb flash drives), digital memory cards, the aforementioned goods also with photos and/or image data recorded thereon; data processing equipment; equipment and machines for writing on recording media, in particular equipment for transferring digital data (in particular image data) on recording media (in particular CD-ROMs); computers, computer programs, in particular software for uploading, downloading and processing of images and image data as well as software for the creation of photo books and for the processing of photo books and of drafts of photo books; electrical accumulators, chargers for electrical accumulators, electrical connecting parts, electrical display equipment, batteries, interfaces (port devices or interface programs for computers), electrical cables, electrical inspection and testing apparatus; optical spectacles, binoculars, optical magnifying glasses; television apparatus, telephone apparatus, radio receivers, radiotelephones, loudspeaker boxes, measuring instruments, measuring equipment, monitors (computer hardware); projection equipment, projection screens, radios, head cleaning tapes for audio and video equipment, electrostatic copying machines; vending machines and mechanisms for money-operated apparatus; mouse pads; photographic negatives and diapositives. Klasse:14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods of precious metals or coated therewith (included in this class); jewellery, precious stones, 87

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 Klasse:16 Klasse:18 Klasse:20 Klasse:21 Klasse:24 Klasse:25 Klasse:27 Klasse:28 Klasse:35 Klasse:38 horological and chronometric instruments. Photographs in the form of paper photographs; paper, cardboard, cards and goods made from these materials (included in this class), albums, pictures, calendars, brochures, books, photo books, newspapers and magazines and other printed matter; knife folders (office supplies), inking ribbons, spools for inking ribbons, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, stationery. Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials (included in this class); animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (included in this class) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; cushions, pillows, wedge cushions; mattresses; sleeping bags for camping. Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith), in particular soap-dishes, soap racks, soap dispensers, trash cans; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes), toilet brushes, dish-washing brushes; brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware, included in this class. Textiles and textile goods, included in this class, in particular bath towels, shower towels and towels as well as washcloths; textile covers, included in this class; bed and table covers (not from paper), bed covers, cushion covers, pillow covers, bed sheets and sets of bed linen. Clothing, in particular T-shirts, sweatshirts and pinafores; footwear, headgear. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile). Games, in particular playing cards and card games as well as puzzles; playthings, in particular playing characters from textile material such as teddy bears and rag dolls; gymnastic and sporting articles, not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. Marketing and marketing consultancy; advertising; procurement of commercial transactions for third parties, also in the course of e-commerce; procurement of contracts for third parties, with respect to the purchase and sale of goods; procurement of contracts for third parties, with respect to the rendering of services; retail services with respect to the aforementioned goods in classes, 1, 9, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27 and 28; order processing, and billing processing, also through the Internet; file management via computers, namely administration of digital photo albums on the Internet. Telecommunications; providing access to telecommunication devices and online connections, particularly for the ordering of photos; provision of access to Internet platforms for the purpose of uploading, downloading and processing of images and image data as well as for the creation of photo books and for the processing of photo books and drafts of photo books; provision of access to Internet online platforms for the purpose of ordering of products on which image data of the orderer are applied; providing access to world wide computer network; electronic transmission of images and image data for others; information services with respect to telecommunication and computer communication; providing access to information on the Internet; consultancy with respect to telecommunications. Klasse:40 Services of a photographic laboratory, namely developing films, producing photographic prints, printing of photo books, photo book binding, copying exposed films and photographs, film processing; applying image data on goods by printing, engraving, ironing, sewing, pressing, affixing, and by exposing of photo sensitive surfaces; photo setting work. Klasse:41 Education; providing of training, in particular training courses with respect to presentation opportunities in the Internet; recording and reproduction of text, audio, film, video and television recording and production services and services of recording studios and of television studios; services of a publisher (except for printing); digital imaging services, in particular processing and creation of digital photo albums on the Internet. Klasse:42 Software consultancy, maintenance of software, computer programming; hosting the web sites of others; services of an Internet provider, namely design of homepages; provision of search engines for the internet; creation and maintenance of websites for others. 2011.10.03 88

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079331 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.21 2021.01.21 (210) Nasj. 201107184 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.07.30, DE, 302010045907.7 Foundry Blend Mars Drinks UK Ltd, 3d Dundee Road, SL14LG SLOUGH, BERKSHIRE, Storbritannia (GB) Klasse:30 Klasse:35 Coffee, espresso; tea, non-medicinal herbal tea; cocoa, hot chocolate; artificial coffee, coffee substitutes, chicory and chicory mixtures; mixtures of coffee; whole bean, ground and roasted coffee; beverages, mixes, extracts and concentrates based on coffee, espresso, tea, herbal tea, cocoa, chocolate, artificial coffee, coffee substitutes and chicory; flavoring syrups and powders for beverages. Retail store services, mail order retail services, catalogue and online retail store services all connected with the sale of coffee, espresso, tea, herbal tea, cocoa, artificial coffee, coffee substitutes, chicory and chicory mixes, whole bean, ground and roasted coffee, beverages, mixes, extracts and concentrates based on coffee, espresso, tea, herbal tea, cocoa, chocolate, artificial coffee, coffee substitutes and chicory, food and beverages, flavouring syrups and powders for beverages, electric and non-electric coffee, espresso, tea and hot chocolate brewers, makers and preparation equipment and accessories, beverage cups and containers. Klasse:43 Services for providing food and drink; restaurant, cafe, coffee shop, coffee bar, tea room, bakery, cafeteria, canteen, fast food, deli, snack bar, self-service restaurant, carryout restaurant, drive-through restaurant services; catering services; food and beverage preparation services; office and institutional coffee supply services for immediate consumption (catering). 2011.10.04 (111) 1079332 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.01.26 2021.01.26 (210) Nasj. 201107185 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2010.08.04, EM, 009333618 Chip Xonio Online GmbH, Poccistrasse 11, 80336 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines; fireextinguishing apparatus; computers and dataprocessing apparatus; computer programs (recorded, downloadable); games programs for computers; computer software (recorded or downloadable), in particular for the scanning, displaying, processing and output of multimedia data on computer networks, including the Internet, and on mobile terminals; machine-readable data carriers of all kinds containing information, and sound and image recording carriers (except unexposed film), in particular floppy discs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, chip cards, magnetic cards, USB sticks, magnetic hard discs, video cassettes, compact discs and video discs; data and information pools recorded on data carriers (downloadable); films (in digital form and downloadable); video films (downloadable); electronic publications (downloadable). Klasse:16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; Printed matter, publications, periodicals, newspapers, books; operating and user instructions in printed form; brochures; handbooks and other written accompanying material for computers, computer programs and/or other technical apparatus and equipment; posters; stickers (stationery); calendars (stationery); signboards and architectural models of paper or cardboard; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office machines (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); packaging materials of paper, cardboard or plastic, not included in other classes; printers' type; printing blocks. Klasse:35 Advertising, in particular television advertising, online advertising on computer networks (banner exchange), radio advertising, advertising by mail order, bill-posting, print and Internet advertising; advertising via mobile radio networks; advertising on mobile phone 89

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 television; advertising on the Internet, for others; advertising agency services; planning and design of advertising activities; presentation of companies on the Internet and other media; distribution of samples; sales promotion (for others), public relations; marketing (market research), including in particular for others, on digital networks (webvertising); telemarketing services; market research and analysis services; PR agency services, namely public relations; rental of advertising space on the Internet; arranging advertising events; multimedia agency services, namely the presentation of firms for promotional purposes on the Internet and other media; merchandising agency services, namely advertising, marketing (sales research) and marketing studies and analysis; auctioneering on the Internet; arranging and conducting of exhibitions and trade fairs for industrial, commercial and advertising purposes; business management services; advisory services relating to advertising and marketing; business management and organisation consultancy, in particular development of business concepts; business management advisory and consultancy services; business consultancy and advisory services; business consultancy; assistance to commercial or industrial firms in the conduct of their business; arranging of trading and economical contacts, also over the Internet; arranging of contracts, for others, for the providing of services; arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of goods; arranging of commercial transactions, for others, including within the framework of e- commerce; display services for merchandising; good and service presentations for promotional purposes; retail mail order services and retail/wholesale services, including via the Internet and via the mobile Internet in relation to pharmacy goods, cosmetics and household goods, health sector goods, machines, tools and goods of common metal, construction articles, DIY articles and garden articles, hobby requisites and craft supplies, electric and electronic goods, sound and data carriers, vehicles and vehicle accessories, clocks and jewellery, musical instruments, printed matter, stationery, office requisites, bags and saddlery, furnishings and decorative goods, clothing, shoes and textile goods, toys, sporting goods, food and drink, tobacco goods and other luxury items; presentation of goods, for others for promotional purposes, namely presentation in relation to pharmacy goods, cosmetics and household goods, health sector goods, machines, tools and goods of common metal, construction articles, DIY articles and garden articles, hobby requisites and craft supplies, electric and electronic goods, sound and data carriers, vehicles and vehicle accessories, clocks and jewellery, musical instruments, printed matter, stationery, office requisites, bags and saddlery, furnishings and decorative goods, clothing, shoes and textile goods, toys, sporting goods, food and drink, tobacco goods and other natural stimulants; arranging of contracts, for others, for the providing of services with regard to lotteries and competitions; administrative order processing; consumer consultancy with regard to products and claims management (office functions) via service hotlines for consumers, in particular for Internet users (call centre services); conducting research in computer files, in Klasse:38 databases, on the Internet and on computer networks, for others, with regard to business matters, in particular research into prices and discounts for comparison purposes, and into offers for goods and services; maintenance and compilation of data and information in computer databases; systematic ordering of data in computer databases; compilation of statistics; office functions for the administration and indexing of data and information; office functions for the creating of indexes with regard to information, websites and other information sources; compilation of data, in particular image, audio and/or video data in computer databases; purchasing access time to databases for others. Telecommunications, in particular mobile telephone services, telephone services, fax services, radio communication services, paging services, telex services, telegram services, e-mail data services; telecommunications via telecommunications networks, in particular mobile phone networks or satellite-supported telecommunications networks; wireless mobile phone services; provision of access time to databases; mobile telecommunications services, included in this class; cellular telephone communication; television and radio transmission; television and/or radio broadcasting; mobile phone television broadcasting; videoconferencing; news and information agencies within the framework of press agencies; electronic mail; web messaging; computer-aided transmission of messages and images; electronic transmission of data, messages, images, documents and information relating to topics of general interest; wireless telecommunications through electronic transmission of data, sound, messages, images, information and documents via the Internet; providing access to online computer databases; providing access to electronic publications on the Internet; wireless telecommunications through electronic transmission of data, sound, messages, images, information and documents via the Internet; providing access to information on the Internet and on the mobile Internet, in particular access to downloadable files, namely sound, image, music and video recordings, all the aforesaid files in particular for downloading for mobile telephones and other mobile terminals; transmission of information stored on databases, namely by means of interactive computer systems and/or by providing access to information on the Internet (included in this class); telecommunications services via the Internet, intranets, extranets; providing access to a global computer network; providing access to data on computer networks, namely information, texts, drawings and images concerning goods and services; providing access to data on the Internet and on the mobile Internet, namely information and messages in the form of sound or images; providing access to software on data networks for Internet access; providing access to information for entertainment on computer networks; providing chatrooms on the Internet; electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chat rooms and Internet forums; telecommunications by means of platforms and portals on the Internet; providing of telecommunication channels for teleshopping services; electronic mail services; transmitting information and data via computer networks and the Internet; leasing access time to a 90

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 computer database; leasing of access time to Internet games. Klasse:41 Publication of printed matter, books, newspapers and/or periodicals (other than for advertising purposes); publication of newspapers, periodicals and books, and of printed instructional and information material (other than for advertising purposes), in electronic form and/or on the Internet, including in the form of recorded sound and image information; rental of printed publications; online publication of printed matter (other than for advertising purposes), in particular of electronic books and periodicals (not downloadable); editing of content for (mobile) websites; sound and television studio services, in particular sound and image recording, and creating multimedia programs; showing and rental of sound and image recordings; rental of recorded data carriers of all kinds, for entertainment purposes, in particular video rental (data carriers), DVD rental (data carriers) and film rental (data carriers); production of television, mobile phone television and radio programmes; production of television, mobile phone television and radio programmes; entertainment, in particular radio and television entertainment; conducting entertainment events, cultural events, live cultural and sporting events, training events, including in connection with the allocation of certification marks; conducting educational events and cultural and sporting events, included in this class; arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses, concerts and symposiums, seminars, training courses, educational events and lectures (for cultural or educational purposes); organisation of exhibitions for cultural purposes; organisation of entertainment shows; entertainment through IP-TV; entertainment through mobile phone television; online games services (on computer networks); conducting games on the Internet, including on the mobile Internet; arranging poker games and tournaments; photographic reporting; entertainment in the form of information on entertainment services via computer networks. 2011.10.05 (111) 1079336 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.21 2021.02.21 (210) Nasj. 201107186 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 LEAVE NOTHING BUT YOUR WAKE. Hyde Marine Inc, 2000 McClaren Woods Drive, PA15108 CORAOPOLIS, USA (US) Klasse:11 Water treatment systems, namely, ship ballast water treatment systems comprised primarily of valves, pipes, ultraviolet disinfection units and filters, incorporating pumps, power distribution panels and electric control panels. 2011.10.04 (111) 1079339 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.15 2021.02.15 (210) Nasj. 201107187 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: Canned (tinned) fish and seafood Ramon Peña. Mezgo Inversiones SL, Paseo de Pintor Rosales 18, 1º derecha, 28008 MADRID, Spania (ES) Klasse:29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, marmalade, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; shellfish (not live); canned fish. 2011.10.04 91

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1079352 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.04.08 2021.04.08 (210) Nasj. 201107189 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2011.03.09, JP, 2011-017048 (111) 1081244 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.06.15 2021.06.15 (210) Nasj. 201107634 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.07.07 Sony Corp, 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, 108-0075 TOKYO, Japan (JP) Klasse:36 Debt collection services, namely, collection of royalty payments on behalf of licensors of intellectual property rights. Klasse:45 Licensing of intellectual property; legal services, namely, management of intellectual property for others. 2011.10.05 BULLYLAND GmbH, Bully-Str. 1, 73565 SPRAITBACH, Tyskland (DE) Klasse:16 Stationery; painting requisites and modelling materials; transfers (decalcomanias); stickers; printed matter. Klasse:20 Figurines for decorative and advertising purposes, as well as souvenirs of plastic and wood, including the aforesaid goods with key chains of fabric and plastic. Klasse:21 Money boxes of plastic. Klasse:28 Toys; toy vehicles; toy figures and dolls as playthings; toy figures with key chains; games, including in the form of games collections; toy construction playsets; cases being toys; sporting articles (included in this class); bags adapted for use with sporting equipment; decorations for christmas trees; playing cards. 2011.10.05 (111) 1079356 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2011.03.30 2021.03.30 (210) Nasj. 201107190 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2011.06.30 New Feet Medical Footwear A/S, Skovlyvej 2, 8930 RANDERS NØ, Danmark (DK) Klasse:9 Safety footwear, soles and other accessories therefore (not included in other classes); stockings and socks for protection against accidents, radiation and fire. Klasse:10 Orthopaedic footwear, soles and other accessories therefore (not included in other classes); orthopaedic stockings and socks. Klasse:25 Footwear, soles and other accessories therefor (not included in other classes); stockings and socks. Klasse:35 Retail and wholesale trade for footwear, stockings, socks and orthopaedic equipment - also via the Internet. 2011.10.05 92

innsigelser 2011.10.10-41/11 Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven 26, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i Norge jf. varemerkeloven 71 og 26. (111) 1034501 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201004248 (450) Reg. kunngjort 2011.06.27 dato: (540) Gjengivelse av merket (111) 260445 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201006186 (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: 2011.06.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (546) Merket er et kombinert merke Omega Pharma NV, Venecoweg 26, 9810 NAZARETH, BE Innsiger: Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd), Jakob-Stämpfli- Strasse 96, 2502 BIEL/BIENNE, CH Innsigers fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (546) Merket er et kombinert merke Porto Norge Tore Løvås, Postboks 6, 2301 HAMAR, NO (750) Innehavers fullmektig: Porto Norge Tore Løvås, Postboks 6,2301 HAMAR, NO Innsiger: Koss Corp, 4129 North Port Washington Avenue, WI53212-1052 MILWAUKEE, US Innsigers fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, NO (111) 1067892 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102756 (450) Reg. kunngjort 2011.06.27 dato: (540) Gjengivelse av merket (546) Merket er et kombinert merke Mylan Group, Long Duc Industrial Park TRA VINH CITY, TRA VINH PROVINCE, VN Innsiger: Mylan Inc, 1500 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, PA15317 CANONSBURG, US Innsigers fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO 93

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2011.10.10-41/11 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Begrensing av liste over varer eller tjenester utført for internasjonale registreringer hvor Norge er utpekt. (111) 0863852 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200511453 (151) Reg.dato: 2005.09.12 (180) Registreringer 2015.09.12 (220) Inndato: 2005.10.27 XENTISSIMO (541) Merket er et ordmerke Atos Worldline SA, Chaussée de Haecht 1442, 1130 BRUSSEL, BE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (111) 0923526 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200706847 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.03.19 (180) Registreringer 2017.03.19 (220) Inndato: 2007.06.14 FRAXEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke Reliant Technologies Inc, 464 Ellis street, CA94043 MOUNTAIN VIEW, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Klasse:36 Klasse:37 Klasse:38 Klasse:42 Computers, computer peripheral units, components, parts and other equipment for data processing and electronic funds transfer, including payment terminals; computer software; magnetic or electronic recording media; magnetic cards; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers; calculating machines; optical and sound recording discs; telecommunications apparatus, apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images. Financial affairs; monetary affairs. Installation, maintenance and repair services for data processing equipment, computers and their peripheral devices and for equipment for electronic funds transfer. Telecommunications, especially providing access to electronic databases accessible via online networks. Rental of computers and other similar computer equipment for electronic transfer of funds; computer programming; design and updating of computer software; technical consulting in the field of computing; leasing access time to electronic databases accessible via online networks (data processing services). Klasse:3 Klasse:44 Skin creams in liquid and in solid form; beauty gels; skin masks; non-medicated skin serums; skin cleansers; skin moisturizers; sunscreens; skin whitening preparations. Cosmetic and plastic surgery and dermatological treatment services. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (111) 0917484 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200704159 (151) Reg.dato: 2006.10.30 (180) Registreringer 2016.10.30 (220) Inndato: 2007.04.12 NEUROGESX (541) Merket er et ordmerke NeurogesX Inc, 2215 Bridgepointe Parkway, Suite 200, CA94404 SAN MATEO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:5 Pharmaceutical preparations; transdermal patches containing pharmaceutical preparations to treat pain; pharmaceutical preparations for use in pain treatment; analgesics; topical anesthetics; transdermal drug delivery patches sold without medication. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 94

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 0953134 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200803084 (151) Reg.dato: 2007.08.18 (180) Registreringer 2017.08.18 (220) Inndato: 2008.03.13 MATISS (541) Merket er et ordmerke Nurcan Türkan, Husumer Straße 105, 33729 BIELEFELD, DE Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Klasse:31 Klasse:32 Klasse:33 Tinned and boiled fruits and vegetables, dairy products; cooking oils, cooking fat and seafood, frozen food, namely industrially prefabricated food, mostly containing non-animal foods as well as vegetables and other edible horticultural products prepared for consumption or conservation, included in this class, conserved by means of refrigeration; convenience food, namely industrially prefabricated food, in general non-animal foods as well as vegetables and other edible horticultural products prepared for consumption or conservation, included in this class, that only need to be heated or served; ready-made salads, included in this class except animal foods; crisps; jams; pickled preserves, except animal foods; jellies and confitures; cheese; stewed fruits; convenience products, namely foodstuffs, mostly containing non-animal foods as well as vegetables and other edible horticultural products prepared for consumption or conservation, included in this class, that are, to a large extent, ready to cook, serve or eat; except dried fruits and prepared nuts and almonds. Flours, salts, vinegar, condiments, cereal products, bread and fine bakery products, spices; wheatbased snacks, preserved herbs. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, included in this class, except fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts and almonds; fresh herbs. Non-alcoholic beverages, except fruit juices and fruit drinks; syrup, mineral water, beer, tea drinks, compounds for the preparation of beverages. Alcoholic beverages except beer. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (111) 0999871 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200904790 (151) Reg.dato: 2009.04.16 (180) Registreringer 2019.04.16 (220) Inndato: 2009.05.14 ROBERT PARKER'S WINE ADVOCATES (541) Merket er et ordmerke The Wine Advocate Inc, P.O. Box 311, MD21111 MONKTON, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:35 Klasse:41 Klasse:42 Klasse:43 Computerized online ordering featuring periodicals, downloadable periodicals, wines, and downloadable software and software; online retail store services featuring printed publications and clothing; providing on-line information accessible via the Internet and mobile phones about wine availability and ratings. On-line publications of electronic magazines and journals regarding wines, wine reviews, wine availability, dining and travel experiences; educational testing services; educational testing services namely, preparing, administering, and scoring tests related to wine; educational services, namely, the offering of web based and live training for certification of others. Providing on-line, non-downloadable software for importing and managing data and information relating to wine collections and inventory. Providing on-line information accessible via the internet and mobile phones and electronic devices about wine characteristics, vintner and varietal information, food pairings and wine reviews; providing a web site accessible via the internet and mobile phones and electronic devices where users can post, upload, save for later use, and review ratings, reviews and recommendations on wines. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (111) 1022632 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200913475 (151) Reg.dato: 2009.10.28 (180) Registreringer 2019.10.28 (220) Inndato: 2009.12.24 DANTE (541) Merket er et ordmerke Unifin Holding SA, 92, rue de Bonnevoie, 1260 LUSSEMBURGO, LU (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:29 Klasse:30 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible fats and oils. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 95

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1040959 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201006813 (151) Reg.dato: 2010.05.17 (180) Registreringer 2020.05.17 (220) Inndato: 2010.07.01 (111) 1054782 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201011826 (151) Reg.dato: 2010.06.01 (180) Registreringer 2020.06.01 (220) Inndato: 2010.11.11 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke Fräger GmbH, Karl-Heinz-Fräger-Straße 3, 34376 IMMENHAUSEN, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke Apple Inc, 1 Infinite Loop, CA95014 CUPERTINO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:9 Internet browser software. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Klasse:12 Electric motors, gear boxes, drive couplings, all products except for land crafts. Charger devices for electrical accumulators, alternating current converters, electrical accumulators. Electric motors, gear boxes, drive couplings and coupling components for connecting the mentioned parts of tie drive train for motor cars; motor cars and their components. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (111) 1046493 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201008806 (151) Reg.dato: 2010.07.29 (180) Registreringer 2020.07.29 (220) Inndato: 2010.08.26 (111) 1060155 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201013680 (151) Reg.dato: 2010.11.05 (180) Registreringer 2020.11.05 (220) Inndato: 2010.12.30 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke The Basketball Marketing Company Inc, 101 Enterprise, Suite 200, CA92656 ALISO VIEJO, US (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:25 Clothing, headwear and footwear. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke Hermann Hartje KG, Deichstr. 120-122, 27318 HOYA, DE Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:6 Klasse:8 Klasse:9 Klasse:11 Klasse:12 Klasse:25 Locks of metal for vehicles. Hand-operated tools and equipment. Batteries (electric), spectacles, sunglasses, antiglare glasses, protective helmets, especially cyclist helmets, chargers for electric batteries, tachometers, bicycle computers. Vehicle headlights, lighting apparatus for vehicles. Vehicles for locomotion by land, especially bicycles, bicycle parts, except those formed completely or essentially from rubber or rubber-like plastics; luggage nets and panniers adapted for cycles. Clothing, footwear, headgear, cyclists' clothing. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 96

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2011.10.10-41/11 (111) 1073548 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105043 (151) Reg.dato: 2010.04.16 (180) Registreringer 2020.04.16 (220) Inndato: 2011.05.05 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke MITSUMI Group Inc, 4-43, Toyo 2-chome, Koto-ku, 135-8458 TOKYO, JP (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Klasse:9 Metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus; construction machines and apparatus; loading-unloading machines and apparatus; fishing machines and instruments; chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; sewing machines; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated; shoe making machines; leather tanning machines; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; painting machines and apparatus; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; power-operated potters' wheels; plastic processing machines and apparatus; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; stone working machines and apparatus; non-electric prime movers (not for land vehicles); pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; dish washing machine; electric wax-polishing machine; washing machine; vacuum cleaners; electric food blenders; repairing fixing machines and apparatus; mechanical parking systems; vehicle washing installations; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants (not for agricultural purposes); machine elements (not for land vehicles); lawnmowers; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors (not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors); AC generators (alternators); DC generators; dynamo brushes. Electric arc welding machines; electric metal cutting machines (by arc, gas or plasma); electric welding apparatus; ozonisers (ozonators); electrolysers (electrolytic cells); egg-candlers; blueprint apparatus; cash registers; coin counting or sorting machines; electric sign boards for displaying target figures, current outputs or the like; photo-copying machines; manually operated computing apparatus; drawing or drafting instruments and apparatus; time and date stamping machines; time clocks (time recording devices); punched card office machines; voting machines; billing machines; postage stamp checking apparatus; vending machines; gasoline station equipment; coin-operated gates for car parking facilities; life saving apparatus and equipment; fire extinguishers; fire hydrants; fire hose nozzles; sprinkler systems for fire protection; fire alarms; gas alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; protective helmets; railway signal apparatus, luminous or mechanical; vehicle breakdown warning triangles; luminous or mechanical road signs; diving machines Klasse:16 Klasse:35 and apparatus (not for sports); apparatus for arcade games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electric door openers; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles; sports training simulators; laboratory apparatus and instruments; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; measuring or testing machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifiers; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and testers; electric wires and cables; electric flat irons; electric hair-curlers; electric buzzers; straps for mobile phones, and the other telecommunication devices and apparatus; mouse pads for computers, mouse for computers, computer games programs downloaded via the computer network or the Internet, and the other electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; magnetic cores; resistance wires; electrodes; dust masks; gas masks; welding masks; electronic circuits, magnetic disks, optical disks, magnetic optical disks, CD- ROMs, DVD-ROMs and magnetic tapes recorded with programs for arcade video game machines; weight belts (for scuba diving); wetsuits (for scuba diving); inflatable swimming floats; protective helmets for sports; air tanks (for scuba diving); swimming flutter boards; regulators (for scuba diving). Sealing wax; printers' reglets (interline leads); printing types; addressing machines; ink ribbons; automatic stamp affixing machines; electric staplers for offices; envelope sealing machines for offices; stamp obliterating machines; drawing instruments; typewriters; check writers; mimeographs; relief duplicators; paper shredders (for office use); franking machines (stamping machines); rotary duplicators; marking templates; electric pencil sharpeners; decorators' paintbrushes; industrial packaging containers of paper; food wrapping plastic film for household use; garbage bags of paper (for household use); garbage bags of plastics (for household use); paper patterns; tailors' chalk; banners of paper; flags of paper; hygienic hand towels of paper; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; hand towels of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; baggage tags; printed lottery tickets (other than toys); table cloths of paper; printed matter; paintings and calligraphic works. Advertising and publicity services; issuance of trading stamps; business management analysis or business consultancy; marketing research; providing information on commodity sales; business management of hotels; employment agencies; auctioneering; import-export agencies; arranging newspaper subscriptions; shorthand services; transcription; document reproduction; office functions, namely filing, in particular documents or magnetic tape; operation of computers, typewriters, telex machines and other similar office machines; reception for visitors in buildings; publicity material rental; rental of typewriters and copying machines; providing employment information; rental of vending machines; retail services or wholesale services for metalworking machines and tools; retail services or wholesale services for laminators for offices and paper shredders (for office use); retail services or wholesale services for machine elements (not for land vehicles); retail services or wholesale services for machine elements for land vehicles; retail services or wholesale services for electrical machinery and apparatuses; retail services or wholesale services for laboratory apparatus and instruments; retail services or wholesale services for optical apparatus and instruments; retail services or wholesale services for photographic instruments and apparatus; retail services or wholesale services for 97

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2011.10.10-41/11 cinematographic instruments and apparatus; retail services or wholesale services for measuring or testing machines and instruments; retail services or wholesale services for medical machines and apparatus and veterinary apparatus and instruments; retail services or wholesale services for gloves for medical purposes; retail services or wholesale services for printed matter; retail services or wholesale services for measuring or testing machines and instruments for pets; retail services or wholesale services for toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents for pets; retail services or wholesale services for sheets for pets; retail services or wholesale services for pet cushions; retail services or wholesale services for cages for household pets; retail services or wholesale services for feeding vessels for pets; retail services or wholesale services for toys for domestic pets; retail services or wholesale services for scissors for pets; retail services or wholesale services for combs and brushes for pets; retail services or wholesale services for clothing for domestic pets; retail services or wholesale services for perfumery for pets; retail services or wholesale services for animal foodstuffs; retail services or wholesale services for clothing for medical and surgical purposes; retail services or wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents; retail services or wholesale services for furniture; retail services or wholesale services for disinfectant dispensers for toilets; retail services or wholesale services for wet tissues; retail services or wholesale services for nameplates and door nameplates. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (111) 1074140 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201105250 (151) Reg.dato: 2010.12.27 (180) Registreringer 2020.12.27 (220) Inndato: 2011.05.12 BiPorEx (541) Merket er et ordmerke Waldemar Link GmbH & Co KG, Barkhausenweg 10, 22339 HAMBURG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:10 Implantable medical devices with anti-allergenic coating, such as endoprotheses with anti-allergenic coating. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (111) 1081088 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201107616 (151) Reg.dato: 2011.01.06 (180) Registreringer 2021.01.06 (220) Inndato: 2011.07.07 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke Bell Flavors & Fragrances Duft und Aroma GmbH, Schimmel-Straße 1, 04205 LEIPZIG, DE (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:1 Klasse:3 Klasse:5 Klasse:30 Chemicals used in industry, scientific and cosmetics, in particular for odorants and flavourings; chemical preparations and substances for use in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products; chemical bases and intermediates, adjuvants, active substances and solvents for the chemical industry, the cosmetic and household chemical industries, and pharmacy, included in this class; chemical photo-protective and sun-protection substances, included in this class; sunburn protection chemicals for industrial purposes; mixtures of artificial sweeteners for industrial purposes; organo-chemical preparations used in industry, science and photography; acids for industrial purposes; organic acids; alcohol for industrial purposes; chemical preparations for industrial purposes; fruit ether. Essential oils; flower oils, perfume oils; perfumery; artificial and natural perfumes; odorant compositions, included in this class; alkaline, extracts, fixatives for fragrance; tinctures for perfumery and pharmacy purposes; flavourings (blended essential oils) for oral and dental hygiene preparations and for pharmaceutical preparations; bath salts, not for medical purposes; soaps; soap powders; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; household detergents; plant extracts for cosmetic purposes; flavourings for cakes (essential oils); fragrances for cosmetics, for linen, for washing, conditioning and care preparations, and for cleaning preparations and polish for furniture and flooring; dyes, included in this class; essential oils for use in industry; cosmetic dyes; animal waxes, vegetable fats and oils for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic preparations against sunburn; non-medicated sunburn protection substances and personal care preparations made therefrom; chemical cleaning agents; room fragrances. Tinctures, extracts and flavourings for pharmaceutical purposes; odorants, dyes and flavourings for health care, included in this class; drugs for medical and pharmaceutical purposes; acids for pharmaceutical purposes; alcohol for medical and pharmaceutical purposes; air sanitizing preparations; air fresheners, namely receptacles for perfuming air; preparations for air fresheners; deodorizing room sprays; air purifying preparations; bath salts for medical purposes; chemically homogenous odorants for health care products; air sanitizers and air fresheners, namely cleaning sprays, compressed air and cans for cleaning and removing dust. Flavourings (except essential oils), in particular flavourings for cakes, dry flavourings, smoke flavourings, for meat, fish, poultry and game processing, for jams, seasonings, fruit sauces, milk and milk products, for fruit yoghurt; flavourings for animal foodstuffs and for foodstuffs (except essential 98

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2011.10.10-41/11 Klasse:32 Klasse:33 oils); process flavourings for sauces, pastry and confectionery and ices; flavourings for aerated and other non-alcoholic drinks; flavourings (except essential oils) for the processing of tobacco, in cigarettes and chewing tobacco; flavourings for chocolate; essences, flavourings (except essential oils) for extracts from plants for foodstuffs and natural stimulants, except etheric essences and essential oils; spice extracts; spice essences; vegetable flavourings for foodstuffs. Essences for making beverages; essences for syrup for making beverages; non-alcoholic drinks; fruit juices; fruit essences; lemonades; syrups for lemonade; lemonade essences; fondant essences; bases, essences, extracts and distillates for nonalcoholic beverages; flavoured mineral waters; syrup for making beverages; natural fruit juice bases; flavour concentrates for non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic essences, alcoholic distillates and extracts, and fruit extracts for alcoholic beverages; bases, essences, flavour concentrates, extracts and distillates for alcoholic beverages; fruit wines; liqueurs (alcoholic); extracts for alcoholic punch; liqueurs; extracts for liqueurs; essences for liqueurs. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 99

endringer i varefortegnelse 2011.10.10-41/11 Endringer i varefortegnelsen for nasjonale og internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Delvis slettelse av varefortegnelse tilhørende nasjonale varemerke- eller fellesmerkeregistreringer, eller internasjonale vare- eller fellesmerker som er gyldige i Norge. (111) 147308 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19895551 (151) Reg.dato: 1991.10.17 (180) Registreringer 2011.10.17 (220) Inndato: 1989.11.10 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: SIA (541) Merket er et ordmerke (730) Fullmektig: SIA SA, Villiers Saint-Frederic, FR Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua, 0306 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:20 Hele vareklassen. Klasse:21 Hele vareklassen. Klasse:26 Hele vareklassen. Klasse:28 Hele vareklassen. (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 (111) 210301 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199802731 (151) Reg.dato: 2001.09.13 (180) Registreringer 2011.09.13 (220) Inndato: 1998.03.25 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) 167688 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19935589 (151) Reg.dato: 1995.04.27 (180) Registreringer 2015.04.27 (220) Inndato: 1993.11.16 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke (730) Fullmektig: Hall-Miba AB, Forsdalavägen 2, 34232 ALVESTA, SE Curo AS, Industriveien 53, 7080 HEIMDAL, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke (730) Fullmektig: Brødrene Hartmann A/S, Klampenborgvej 203, 2800 LYNGBY, DK Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, NO (511) Vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse:7 Hele klassen Klasse:16 Hele klassen (450) Kunngjort dato: 2011.10.10 Klasse:1 Klasse:2 Klasse:4 Klasse:6 Klasse:7 Klasse:8 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle, vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; ubearbeidete syntetiske harpikser, ubearbeidet plast; gjødningsmidler, ildslukningsmidler; preparater og midler for herding og lodding; kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler (klebemidler) til industrielle formål. Maling, fernisser, lakker; rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler; fargestoffer; beisemidler; ubearbeidet naturlig harpiks; bladmetaller og metallpulver for malere, dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere. Oljer og fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler; støvbindemidler; brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer; lys og veker. Nøkkelhengere, nøkkelringer og nøkkelkjeder, loddetinn, kjettinger for interiør- og dekorasjonsformål; vinkelbeslag til møbler, tallerkenhengere av metall, tavlekroker, vinkelkroker, X-kroker, underlagsskiver for skruer, ljå-, rive- og kosteskaft av metall; varer for sjøfartøy, nemlig ankere, badestiger, beslag, holker, knagger, beskyttelseslister av metall, vantskruer, fortøyningsfjærer, sjakler, virelås, hurtigledd, karabinkroker, stavnøyer, fortøyningspåler, kauser, lukehengsler Gressklippere, slipeskiver, slipepapirsskiver, slipesvamper, fiberskiver, gummiskiver, kappeskiver, slipestift, aksialbørster, sirkulærbørster, slipesortiment, stålbørster, endebørster (samtlige utgjør maskindeler); kultivatorer, navbørster Naglekappere for kjeder, bryner, filer, rasper, slirekniver, lommekniver, fallkniver, 100