På vei mot økomodernitet: Grønt skifte i energi og transport? OREEC Det Grønne Skiftet 18. November 2014

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På vei mot økomodernitet: Grønt skifte i energi og transport? OREEC Det Grønne Skiftet 18. November 2014 Atle Midttun, Professor, Handelshøyskolen BI, Basert på: Midttun og Witoszek (red) Energy and Transport in Green Transition: Perspectives on Ecomodernity (Routledge Studies in Sustainability) April 22, 2015 1

Pessimisten Very little has been achieved in addressing climate change in the last two decades[ ]Coal power stations continued to be built on an enormous scale in China and India. Indeed, Europe is back in the new coal power stations business. The European Union s Emissions Trading Scheme [ ] came perilously close to collapse. The Kyoto-driven international negotiations keep lots of bureaucrats busy but still offer no hope of progress until [the] next decade at the earliest. [ ] Politicians are [ ] scrambling to cut subsidies for renewables. Helm, D. (2012) The Carbon Crunch. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2

Optimisten The world has turned green. Sustainability is more than just a business trend; it is not just a buzzword for business to find new ways of selling old products in new guises. We are experiencing a revolution, perhaps as profound as industrial revolution, which has altered every facet of life as it was known and understood. This time around, belching smokestacks are not part of the mix, but windmills, battery-run cars, energy-efficient appliances, and recycling systems are. Berger, R. (2011) Green Growth, Green Profit: How Green Transformation Boosts Business. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 3

Hvilke historier forteller vi? Den amerikanske drømmen grenseløs modernitet Grenser for vekst og dypøkologi Bærekraftighet I den amerikanske drømmen med økologiske grenser Grønn vekst når grensene blir muligheter 4

Samspillet mellom visjonssykler og produktsykler Visjonssyklus Produktsyklus 5

Karbonskatt-fellen 6

Waves of Innovation From Von Weizsäcker et al: Factor Five - 2009 7

Policy as a Transition Tool volume Niche market policy Technology subsidy policy Competition Policy, Access policy Monopoly regulation policy etc. Feed in Certificates? Carbon taxes/emissions trading? Auctions? R&D policy time 8

Shumpeteriansk transformasjon med kantianske overtoner Vi snakker om radikal og dyptgripende transformasjon på linje med tidligere Kondriatieff bølger (kondratieff) Men denne bølgen er til dels drevet av fellesinteresser, vår evne til opplyst egeninteresse (visjonssykel) Dog må fellesinteressene omsettes til egeninteresser for å bli virkningsfulle (stafettmodellen) 9

En stafettmodell for grønn suksess 10

A Battle of Modernities: Energy 11

A Battle of Modernities: Green Cars From Geels 2011 12

Kognitive og verdimessige skift 13

Kognitive og verdimessige skift 14

Innovasjonsutfordringer i modne og raskt voksende økonomier Modne økonomier: Høy teknologikompetanse Etablerte interesser rundt gamle teknologier skaper nullsumspill Nye vekstøkonomier Lavere teknologikompetanse til å begynne med Vekstmuligheter for alle Brobygging mot utviklingsland 15

Energy and Transport in Green Transition: Perspectives on Ecomodernity (Routledge Studies in Sustainability) April 22, 2015 by Atle Midttun & Nina Witoszek This book breaks new ground in the studies of green transition. It frames the ongoing transformation in terms of a "battle of modernities" with the emerging vision of ecomodernity as the final destination. It also offers a systematic exploration of the potential for extensive transformation of carbon-intensive sectors with a focus on energy and transport towards a low or post-carbon economy. The book does so in a comparative perspective, by pointing to a diversity of techno-economic and institutional solutions in the mature Western economies, and in the rapidly growing East and developing South. The contributors highlight a broad spectrum of available alternatives as well as illuminate conflicting interests involved. They also demonstrate how solutions to the climate challenge require parallel technological and governance innovation. The book advocates a new, overarching vision and agenda of ecomodernity based on a synergistic paradigm-shift in industry, politics and culture to trigger and sustain the ecological innovation necessary to tip development in a green direction. This vision cannot be monolithic; rather, it should reflect the diverse interests and conditions of the global population. 16

Energy and Transport in Green Transition: Perspectives on Ecomodernity (Routledge Studies in Sustainability) Content: 17