nr 35/ NO årgang 108 ISSN

Like dokumenter
nr 50/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Databasen er sist oppdatert :29:00. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge.

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :34:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

nr 01/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Oversendelse av registreringsbrev for varemerkeregistrering nr

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 9. oktober 2012

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

Avgjørelse varemerker

nr 33/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

Vare/tjeneste (Nice klasser) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 Unilever NV (NL)

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :52:00

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr 12/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 15/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 08/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert :09:00. Status Hovedstatus Detaljstatus

nr 03/ NO årgang 97 ISSN

nr 52/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 16/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

Uttalelse i varemerkesøknad

17/ desember Tine SA Advokatfirmaet Grette DA. Synnøve Finden AS Acapo AS

nr 06/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr 42/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 05/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

nr NO årgang 92 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

nr 12/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 38/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

INID-koder. Innholdsfortegnelse:

nr 23/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 41/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 22/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

nr NO årgang 90 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 19/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 17/ NO årgang 106 ISSN

nr NO årgang 92 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 33/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 17/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 20/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 09/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

nr 13/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

Berostillelse av varemerkesøknad

nr 16/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 35/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

nr 04/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 15/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr 49/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr 33/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 10/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr 25/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 14/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 39/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 19/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

Annen avdeling PROTOKOLL. Annen avdelings avgjørelse av 15. desember 2008

nr 17/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

20U Coop Norge Handel AS Østre Aker Vei OSLO. Jd'HfU. Oslo, Hv adroscp ukien

nr 45/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

17/ april Hanso Holding AS Onsagers AS. Klagenemnda for industrielle rettigheter sammensatt av følgende utvalg:

nr 44/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 12/ NO årgang 97 ISSN

nr 47/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

Avgjørelse varemerker

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr 41/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr 50/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 40/ NO årgang 103 ISSN

nr 07/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 25/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 50/ NO årgang 105 ISSN

nr 13/ NO årgang 101 ISSN

nr 43/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 49/ NO årgang 104 ISSN

nr 06/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 43/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr 26/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 05/ NO årgang 95 ISSN

nr 26/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

PROTOKOLL. Ved avgjørelsen i 1. avdeling omfattet varefortegnelsen følgende varer og tjenester:

nr 14/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr 12/ NO årgang 98 ISSN

nr 41/ NO årgang 99 ISSN

nr NO årgang 92 ISSN varemerke norsk tidende

nr 20/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr NO årgang 89 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

Søk. Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Finn patenter, varemerker og design i Norge. Databasen er sist oppdatert

tidende nr NO årgang 93 ISSN Norsk varemerke

nr 34/ NO årgang 105 ISSN


nr 14/ NO årgang 102 ISSN

nr 26/ NO årgang 96 ISSN

Nøkkelinformasjon. Grafisk presentasjon. Liste over produkter. Databasen er sist oppdatert :39:00

nr 34/ NO årgang 100 ISSN

nr NO årgang 91 ISSN norsk varemerke tidende

nr 25/ NO årgang 103 ISSN


. nr 35/18-2018.08.27 NO årgang 108 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 4863 Nydalen 0422 Oslo E-POST TELEFON +47 22 38 73 00 8.00-15.45

innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2018.08.27-35/18 Innholdsfortegnelse: Registrerte varemerker... 3 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 30 Ansvarsmerker... 96 Innsigelser... 97 Avgjørelse av innsigelse... 98 Avgjørelser fra Klagenemnda... 99 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 100 Begrensing av varer eller tjenester for nasjonale registreringer... 108 Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver... 109 Merker som ikke er fornyet... 110 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter... 122 Deling... 127 Lisenser... 128 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold... 129 Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer... 132 Krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistreringer... 134 Fornyelser... 135 Fornyede internasjonale registreringer... 138 Ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer... 141 Slettede internasjonale registreringer... 147 Avgjørelse i nemnda for overprøving av registrert foretaksnavn... 148 INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) Registreringsnummer (151) Registreringsdato (180) Registreringen utløper (210) Søknadsnummer (220) Inngivelsesdato (526) Unntaksannmerkning (300) Prioritetsopplysninger (450) Kunngjort registrert dato (511) Vare-/tjenesteklasse (521) Bruk/innarbeidelse (526) Unntaksannmerkning (540) Gjengivelse av varemerketekst (541) Merket er et ordmerke (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser (554) Merket er tredimensjonalt (571) Beskrivelse av merket (591) Merket er i farger (730) Søker/innehaver (740) Fullmektig (791) Lisenshaver (793) Lisensinformasjon (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato 2

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven 22. I løpet av tre måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf. varemerkeloven 26 og varemerkeforskriften 23. For søknader som har søknadsdag fra 1. juli 2010 gjelder varemerkeregistreringen i ti år fra søknadsdagen. Registreringer som har søknadsdag før 1. juli 2010 gjelder i ti år fra registreringsdagen. Se varemerkeloven 32 jf. 83 annet ledd. (111) 299725 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2018.01.08, EM, 017666496 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201800572 (220) Inndato: 2018.01.09 (180) Registreringen 2028.01.09 av undervisningsseminarer; organisering av undervisningskonferanser; tilveiebringelse av online undervisning; undervisningsinformasjon; tilveiebringelse av undervisningskurs online; publisering av undervisningsmateriell; forlags- og utgivelsestjenester; tilveiebringelse av underholdning via podcaster; produksjon og presentasjon av radioprogrammer; kulturelle aktiviteter; utgivelsestjenester for bøker og tidsskrifter; utgivelse av tidsskrifter og bøker i elektronisk form; online publisering av elektroniske bøker og aviser. Bonnierförlagen Aktiebolag, Box 3159, SE-10363 STOCKHOLM, Sverige ADVOKATFIRMAET GRETTE AS, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Klasse 9 Nedlastbare digitale bøker fra Internett; E-bøker; elektroniske publikasjoner, nedlastbare; nedlastbart undervisningskursmateriell; undervisningsprogramvare; forhåndsinnspilte digitale lydbånd; lydbøker; lydopptak; podcaster; nedlastbare podcaster; talebøker. Klasse 16 Bøker; lærebøker; trykte undervisningsmaterialer; trykte publikasjoner; ukeblader; tidsskrifter [ukeblader]; skrivesaker og undervisningsmateriell; kalendere; tegneblokker; permer [kontorrekvisita]; mapper [papirvarer]; notatblokker; penner; penneholdere. Klasse 38 Audio, video og mulimedia kringkasting via Internettet og andre kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonsfasiliteter til undervisningsbruk; sending av podcaster; podcasting; Internettradio krinkastingstjenester; kringkasting og sending av radioprogrammer. Klasse 41 Undervisning; undervisning- og instruksjonstjenester; undervisningskurs (tilveiebringelse av-); organisering (111) 299726 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2017.11.17, EM, 017494733 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201716797 (220) Inndato: 2017.12.13 (180) Registreringen 2027.12.13 NCC MYSCHOOL NCC AB, Vallgatan 3, SE-17080 SOLNA, Sverige BRANN AB, Box 3690, SE-10359 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 9 Programvarer for utdanning; mykvare; programvarer for telekommunikasjon; nedlastbar grafikk for mobiltelefoner og nettbrett; elektroniske publikasjoner; programvare for å skape dynamiske nettsteder. Klasse 16 Trykksaker; trykte publikasjoner; bøker; notatbøker for skole; tidsskrifter; brosjyrer; trykte skjemaer; mapper; trykte papirvarer; håndbøker for bruk av dataprogrammer; undervisningsmateriell (unntatt apparater). Klasse 41 Undervisning og utdanning; testing av kunnskap; tilby av informasjon om online-utdanning; opplæringsvirksomhet; informasjon relatert til utdanning levert Online gjennom direkte tilkobling til database eller fra internett. Klasse 42 Programmering av programvare for utdanning; hosting for multimediainnehold innom utdanning. 3

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299727 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201805839 (220) Inndato: 2018.05.02 (180) Registreringen 2028.05.02 (111) 299728 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804034 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.22 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.22 Tine SA, Postboks 25, 0051 OSLO, Norge ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg melk og melkeprodukter, herunder havremelk, rismelk, soyamelk, mandelmelk, kokosmelk, samt produkter hovedsakelig laget av slike varer; spiselige oljer og fett; ferdigmat som primært består av kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre eller grønnsaker; kjøttbasert ferdigmat; ferdigmat i form av forretter som hovedsaklig består av sjømat; sjømat. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago, mel og sukker, honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik, sauser, krydderier, is; ferdigmat som hovedsaklig består av pasta eller ris. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering, serveringstjenester; restaurant,- bar- og cateringtjenester; kafé- og kafeteriatjenester; restauranttjenester for hurtigmat og ferdigmat; hjemlevering av mat og drikke. BJØRNSEN OUTFITTERS, NORSKK, Tollbugata 8 B, 0152 OSLO, Norge Klasse 3 Hudpleiemidler; deodoranter for kroppspleie; såper for kroppspleie; ikke-medisinske fotpleiemidler; kosmetiske preparater for munn- og tannpleie; hårpleie- og hårbehandlingsmidler; hårpleiemidler; preparater for vask, pleie og styling av hår; kosmetiske preparater for hudpleie og hudbehandling; leppepleiemidler; ikkemedisinske kroppspleiemidler; preparater for pleie av hodebunn og hår; leppepleiemidler, ikke-medisinsk. Klasse 41 Tilveiebringelse av opplæringskurs; høyere utdanning, akademisk, språklig og faglig utdanning, samt opplæringstjenester; språkutdannings- og opplæringstjenester; fysiske treningstjenester; arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; yrkesveiledning; utdannings- og opplæringstjenester; idrettstrening; opplæring og videregående opplæring for personal-, gruppe- og organisatorisk utvikling; faglige opplæringstjenester; utdanning og opplæring i forbindelse med naturvern og miljø; fremskaffelse av informasjon om utdanning, opplæring, underholdning, idretts- og kulturaktiviteter; tilveiebringelse av opplæring via et globalt datanettverk; tilveiebringelse av opplæringsfasiliteter; undervisnings- og opplæringstjenester; utgivelse av opplæringshåndbøker; personlig trener [mosjon og trim]; voksenopplæring; tilrettelegging og utførelse av opplæringskurs; utdanning, undervisning og opplæring; tilveiebringelse av opplæring og utdanning; utdanningsog undervisningstjenester relatert til sport; trening og trim; opplæring og videregående opplæring for personalutvikling; faglige utdannings- og opplæringstjenester; opplæringsvirksomhet; videregående utdannelse; fremskaffelse av informasjon i forbindelse med fysisk trening via et nettsted; tilveiebringelse av opplæring innen landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; tilveiebringelse av nettbasert opplæring; rådgivning i forbindelse med opplæring og videregående opplæring; personlig utviklingsopplæring; utgivelse av utdannings- og opplæringsveiledninger; praktisk opplæring [ved demonstrasjon]; utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 44 Helsekonsultasjoner; helserådgivning. 4

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299729 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201701512 (220) Inndato: 2016.05.18 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.18 (111) 299731 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2017.10.30, EM, 017397985 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803684 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.14 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.14 DC Comics, 2900 West Alameda Avenue, US- CA91505 BURBANK, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Norge Klasse 3 Kosmetikk, nemlig leppestift, lipgloss og ikkemedisinert leppepomade; maskara; neglelakk; ansiktspudder, ansiktskrem, hudkrem og -gele; kroppspudder; badeolje, badegele og ikke-medisinert badesalt ; håndkrem og fuktighetskrem ; kroppskrem og fuktighetskrem ; solbeskyttelsesprodukter, nemlig krem og lotion; barberingskrem og etterbarberingsvann, rensekrem og ikke-medisinert dusjkrem; deodorant, parfyme og parfyme; såper, nemlig flytende badesåpe, dusjgele og såpestykker; deodorant-såpe, hud -såpe; og sjampo og balsam. (111) 299730 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201808664 (220) Inndato: 2017.12.15 (180) Registreringen 2027.12.15 BUSINESS CHAT Apple Inc., 1 Infinite Loop, US-CA95014 CUPERTINO, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Norge Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet, markedsføring og salgsfremmende tjenester. Ellos AB, Ödesgärdesgatan, Viared, SE-50186 BORÅS, Sverige ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. (111) 299732 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804069 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.27 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.27 Nibbler Kjetil Tversland, Skrefjellveien 3, 4645 NODELAND, Norge Klasse 9 Applikasjoner, nedlastbare Klasse 35 Salg av matvarer Klasse 39 Transporttjenester (111) 299733 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810006 (220) Inndato: 2018.07.30 (180) Registreringen 2028.07.30 Ask Design TRYGVE ASK DESIGN, Fjellveien 25B, 1410 KOLBOTN, Norge Klasse 42 Designtjenester; designrådgivning; grafiske designtjenester; produktdesign; industridesign; analyse og evaluering av produktdesign; fremskaffelse av informasjon innen produktdesign; fremskaffelse av informasjon i forbindelse med industridesign. 5

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299734 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803409 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.08 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.08 (111) 299735 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803981 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.20 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.20 Svein Erik Nilsen, Sørengkaia 66, B704, 0194 OSLO, Norge ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 3 Aloe verapreparater for kosmetisk bruk; Ambra [parfyme]; Aromatiske stoffer [eteriske oljer]; Avfargningsmidler for kosmetisk bruk; Avsminkingspreparater; Badepreparater, ikke for medisinske formål; Badesalter ikke for medisinsk bruk; Barberingspreparater; Barbersåpe; Bergamott-essens; Blomsterekstrakter [parfymerivarer]; Blyanter for kosmetisk bruk; Blyanter for øyenbryn; Dekorative motiver for kosmetisk bruk; Deodoranter for personlig bruk og for dyr; Deodorantsåper; Såpe; Eau de Cologne; Etterbarberingsmidler; Etuier for leppestifter; Fargeoppløsninger til kosmetisk bruk; Fargestoffer for håret; Fett for kosmetisk bruk; Gele for bleking av tenner; Hårfjerningsmidler; Hårspray; Kosmetikk for øyenbryn; Kosmetikksett; Kosmetisk krem; Kosmetiske preparater; Kunstige festemidler for øyenvipper; Kunstige negler; Kunstige øyenvipper; Leppeglanser; Lotion for kosmetisk bruk; Mandelmelk for kosmetisk bruk; Mandelolje; Mandelsåpe; Maskara; Masker for skjønnhetspleie; Neglelakk; Oljer for kosmetisk bruk; Oljer for parfymer; Parfymer; Preparater for behandling av negler; Preparater for hårkrølling; Pulversjampoer; Røkelse; Såper; Sitronoljeessenser; Sjampo; Sminkeprodukter; Vaselin for kosmetisk bruk; Voks for fjerning av hår; Blekemidler for kosmetisk bruk, herunder blekemiddel for tenner; Poleringspreparater for tannproteser; Rensepreparater for tannproteser; Klasse 5 Tannpasta Albuminholdige preparater for medisinsk bruk; Alginatebasert kosttilskudd; Antioksidantpiller; Appetittdempende preparater for medisinske formål; Balsam for medisinsk bruk; Bidronningbaserte kosttilskudd; Biologiske preparater for medisinsk bruk; Enzympreparater for medisinsk bruk; Feberstillende midler; Kosttilskudd; Legemidler for human-medisin; Vitaminpreparater Klasse 10 Apparater for estetisk massasje; Befruktningshindrende midler [ikke kjemiske]; Beholdere for medikamenter; Kondomer; Hansker for medisinsk bruk; Massasjeapparater; Massasjehansker; Medisinske apparater for fysiske øvelser; Proteser; Sexdukker; Vibrasjonsapparater for massasje; Vibratorapparater for bruk i senger; Sexhjelpemiddel Klasse 25 Belter [bekledning]; Fottøy; Hansker [bekledning]; Hatter; Hetter [klær]; Klær; Luer; Regntøy; Sko; Støvler; Yttertøy Klasse 35 Import- og eksportagenturer; Å, for andres fordel, sammenbringe et varesortiment bestående av de foran nevnte varer i klassene 3, 5, 10 og 25 som gjør det mulig for kunder å enkelt se og kjøpe disse varer i en fysisk butikk, en nettbutikk eller via en katalog, inkludert alminnelige detaljhandelstjenester med samme varer Monster Energy Company, 1 Monster Way, US- CA92879 CORONA, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 32 Ikke-alkoholholdige drikker, inkludert kullsyreholdige drikker og energidrikker; sirup,konsentrater, pulver og preparater til fremstilling av drikker, inkludert kullsyreholdigedrikker og energidrikker; øl. (111) 299736 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803747 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.15 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.15 Sophies Minde STIFTELSEN SOPHIES MINDE, Postboks 493 Økern, 0512 OSLO, Norge Klasse 36 Finansiering av forbrukerkjøp; Finansiering av utviklingsprosjekter og forskningsprosjekter; Finansiell sponsing av kulturarrangementer; Finansiell sponsing av underholdning, idrett og kulturelle aktiviteter; Finansiell sponsing av idrettsaktiviteter; Finansiering av prosjekter; Sponsing i form av økonomisk støtte. (111) 299737 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803753 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.15 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.15 Landskapsfabrikken ASPLAN VIAK AS, Postboks 24, 1301 SANDVIKA, Norge Klasse 42 Ingeniørvirksomhet; Arkitekttjenester. 6

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299738 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.16 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804014 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.22 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.22 (111) 299740 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803795 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.16 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.16 RANK NR 1 AS, Sødal terrasse 32, 4630 KRISTIANSAND S, Norge Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. (111) 299739 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803793 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.16 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.16 NEXTNINE Nextnine, Ltd., 21B Yegia Kapayim Street, IL-49130 PETAH TIKVA, Israel ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 9 Datamaskinvare; dataprogramvare for overvåkning, feilsøking, diagnostisering og analysering av dataprogrammer; nedlastbar teknisk støtteprogramvare for datamaskiner, apparater, elektronikk og enheter over et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk. Klasse 37 Installasjon, reparasjon og vedlikehold av maskinvare, systemer, nettverk og telekommunikasjonsutstyr. Klasse 42 Design, utvikling og tilpasning av dataprogramvare og maskinvare for overvåking, feilsøking, diagnostisering og analysering av dataprogrammer; teknisk støtte og e-støtte for datamaskiner, apparater, elektronikk og enheter online over det globale kommunikasjonsnettverket og andre nettverk; konsultasjonstjenester vedrørende programvareløsninger i Internett-feltet; dataprogrammering; installasjon, reparasjon og vedlikehold av dataprogramvare. AUTOSTRADA AS, Postboks 2703 Kjørbekk, 3702 SKIEN, Norge NORSK PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge Klasse 35 Markedsføringsvirksomhet; markedsføring og salg av kjøretøy og andre befordringsmidler. Klasse 37 Reparasjon og vedlikehold av kjøretøy;installasjonsvirksomhet i forbindelse med kjøretøy. Klasse 39 Transportvirksomhet; utleie av kjøretøy og andre befordringsmidler;organisering av reiser. Klasse 41 Opplæringsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; organisering og ledelse av kurs og konferanser; underholdningsvirksomhet; tilrettelegging og avholdelse av faglige og sosiale arrangementer og aktiviteter (events). (111) 299741 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803796 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.16 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.16 KYSTGAARD AS, Rossnesveien 64, 4154 AUSTRE ÅMØY, Norge HÅMSØ PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 171, 4301 SANDNES, Norge Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, 7

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg; melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse 31 Rå og ubearbeidede jordbruks-, havbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter; rå og ubearbeidet korn og frø; friske frukter og grønnsaker, friske urter; naturlige planter og blomster; løk, frøplanter og plantefrø; levende dyr; næringsmidler til dyr; malt. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; salg av kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt, kjøttekstrakter, konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter, spiselige oljer og fett, rå og ubearbeidede jordbruks-, havbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruksprodukter, rå og ubearbeidet korn og frø, friske frukter og grønnsaker, friske urter, naturlige planter og blomster, løk, frøplanter og plantefrø, levende dyr, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. (111) 299745 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810105 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.03 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.03 (111) 299742 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201800838 (220) Inndato: 2018.01.18 (180) Registreringen 2028.01.18 PP Flügger A/S, Islevdalvej 151, DK-2610 RØDOVRE, Danmark BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Norge Klasse 1 Kjemikalier til industrielle, vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål samt til bruk i jord-, hage- og skogbruk; ubearbeidede syntetiske harpikser; ubehandlet plast; gjødsel; brannslukkingsmidler; preparater til herding og lodding; kjemikalier for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; klebemidler for industrielle formål; sykloheksanon; tresprit; lim og klebemidler for industrielle formål; etsemidler til industrielle formål; kunstige harpiks; syntetisk harpiks; fluateringsmidler; impregneringsmidler; tapetlim; tapetklister; lim; flytende preparater til fjerning av tapet; kitt og andre typer Klasse 2 fyllmasser; oljekitt. Maling, fernisser, lakker; rustbeskyttelsesmidler og treimpregneringsmidler; fargestoffer; beisemidler; naturlig harpiks i rå tilstand; bladmetaller og metalpulver til bruk for malere, dekoratører, trykkere og kunstnere; farger;grundingsmidler; krittingsmidler; erstatningsstoffer for fernis; emaljelakk og maling; sparkelmasse og sparkelpulver; oljer for konservering og beskyttelse av tre; rusthindrende oljer; siccativer; primer (grundingsfarger); fortynnere til maling, farge og lakk; islandsk mose til fremstilling av limfarge; forseglingsmidler. Klasse 19 Asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter (ikke av metall); stillaser av tre; sementholdig sparkelpulver for bygging. GLOBAL HOUSING AS, Postboks 1433 Vika, 0115 OSLO, Norge SOHAIL SHEZAD MALIK, SNIPEMYRVEIEN 24, 1273 OSLO, Norge IDREES MALIK, TJERNLIA 24, 1279 OSLO, Norge Klasse 36 Eiendomsinvesteringstjenester ved kjøp og salg av fast eiendom for andre; eiendomstjenester i forbindelse med salg, kjøp og leasing av fast eiendom; eiendomsog boligforvaltning; utleie av fast eiendom. (111) 299746 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804319 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.27 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.27 IV BYGG AS, Inkognitogata 33, 0256 OSLO, Norge Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. Hosting av nettblogger [blogger] 8

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299747 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201808998 (220) Inndato: 2018.07.06 (180) Registreringen 2028.07.06 Salmon Brands AS, Rosenkrantz' gate 20, 0160 OSLO, Norge BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Norge Klasse 29 Fisk, ikke levende; matvarer laget av bearbeidet fisk; laks og matvarer laget av laks; røkt laks; ben- og skinnfri laks i form av fileter, biter og terninger, samt hakket eller kvernet laksekjøtt; ferdigretter hovedsakelig bestående av rå fisk. Klasse 30 Sushi; sauser, dressinger og dipsauser; soyabaserte sauser; sushisauser; krydderier. Klasse 35 Engros- og detaljhandel med bearbeidet fisk, spesielt laks, lakseprodukter og sushi. (111) 299748 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804036 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.23 OVERWATCH CONTENDERS Blizzard Entertainment Inc, 16215 Alton Parkway, US- CA92618 IRVINE, USA ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 41 Underholdningstjenester i form av esport- og videospillkonkurranser, spill, turneringer, utstillinger, konkurranser og begivenheter levendegjort på innendørs og utendørs arenaer og gjennom radio-, fjernsyns- og internettmedier; underholdningstjenester, nemlig ikke-nedlastbar programvare som gjør det mulig for brukere å opprette, endre, opplaste, nedlaste, dele, forhåndsvise og publisere brukeropprettet interaktivt videospillinnhold, musikk og andre mediefiler via et globalt datanettverk; underholdningstjenester, nemlig utstillinger bestående av interaktive skjermer, deltakeraktiviteter og konkurranser med fokus på videospilling; underholdningstjenester, nemlig levende opptredener av videospill-spillere; underholdningstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av online videoer med fokus på spill som spilles av andre; organisering av ligaer for esport-spill og videospilling; produksjon av fjernsynsprogrammer, samt programmer for kringkasting via global datakommunikasjon og nettverk og som inneholder nyhetshøydepunkter, esport-spill- og videospillkonkurranser, spill, turneringer, utstillinger, konkurranser og begivenheter; tilveiebringelse av et nettbasert system og online portal for spilleres deltakelse i online spilling, drift og koordinering av spillturneringer, -ligaer og -turnéer for dataspillformål; tilveiebringelse av online nyheter, informasjoner og kommentarer innen områdene esport-spill, videospilling, videospill og videospillspillere. (111) 299749 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804040 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.23 MONOPOLY CASH GRAB Hasbro, Inc., 1027 Newport Avenue, US-RI02861 PAWTUCKET, USA BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Norge Klasse 28 Leker, spill og leketøy. (111) 299750 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804030 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.22 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.22 DIZA EXELTIS HEALTHCARE, S.L., Avdª, Miralcampo, 7 - P.I. Miralcampo, ES-AZUQUECA DE HENARES, GUADALAJARA, Spania TANDBERG INNOVATION AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Klasse 5 Befruktningshindrende midler [kjemiske]. 9

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299751 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201806220 (220) Inndato: 2018.05.14 (180) Registreringen 2028.05.14 (111) 299753 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803682 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.13 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.13 OTZSHOES OTZ Shoes, Inc., 523 W. 6th Street, Suite 534, US- CA90014 LOS ANGELES, USA PRETOR ADVOKAT AS, Postboks 1734, 7416 TRONDHEIM, Norge Klasse 35 Salg av fottøy, sko og klær, herunder inkludert salg av de forannevnte varer både i fysiske butikker samt via elektroniske butikker tilgjengelige via internett. DRÅPEN I HAVET, c/o Trude Jacobsen Wedel Jarlsbergs vei 4B, 1358 JAR, Norge Klasse 25 Klær. Klasse 36 Veldedighetsinnsamlinger. Klasse 39 Distribusjon av matvarer og nødvendighetsartikler som en del av humanitært hjelpearbeid. Klasse 43 Innlosjering og servering av mat og drikke for hjelpearbeidere. (111) 299752 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810014 (220) Inndato: 2018.07.30 (180) Registreringen 2028.07.30 SIGARCOM AS, Oterlia 11, 4956 RISØR, Norge Klasse 34 Sigarer; humidorskap; tobakk; snustobakk; snusdåser. Klasse 35 Organisering av messer for salg og markedsføring; tilveiebringe informasjon om kommersielt salg. (111) 299754 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810204 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.12 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.12 RVSHIDI JOCELYNE HADIJA RASHIDI, ARUPS GATE 21, 3015 DRAMMEN, Norge Klasse 25 Klessett [klær]; klær for gravide; klær for gymnastikk; klesartikler for spedbarn og smårollinger; vanntette klær; lommer for klær; termiske klær; topper [klær]; magebelter [klær]; knevarmere [klær]; klær for spedbarn; klær for barn; klær for surfing; klær av lærimitasjon; klær for jenter; klær for menn; klær av papir; klær av pels; klær; klær for gutter; klær for damer; klær for bilister; klær, fottøy, hodeplagg; klær, skotøy, hodeplagg; klær for bruk innen judo; klær for bruk innen bryting; klær for menn, damer og barn; underskjørt [klær]; hetter [klær]; khaki [klær]; lærbelter [klær]; armvarmere [klær]; babyposer [klær]; dameundertøy [klær]; klær, ikke for verneklær, med refleks eller selvlysende elementer eller materialer; tredelte dresser [klær]; belter laget av stoff [klær]; sko; gensere; gensere uten ermer; gensere med lange ermer; gensere med rund hals; gensere med v-hals; høyhalsede gensere; bukser; pelsluer; toppluer; sjømannsluer; nattluer; strikkeluer; skiluer; jakker; jakker med refleksbånd; vanntette jakker; jakker av lær; kraveløse jakker; vendbare jakker; sokker; svetteabsorberende sokker; svettehemmende sokker; replicafotballtrøyer, -shortser og -sokker; replicatrøyer, - shortser og -sokker [amerikansk fotball]; undertøy; topper [undertøy]; termisk undertøy; undertøy for gravide; korsetter [undertøy]; livstykker [undertøy]; svetteabsorberende undertøy; body [undertøy]; boksershorts [undertøy]; hofteholdere [undertøy]; underkjoler [undertøy]; g-strenger [undertøy]; boksershorts for damer [undertøy]; kilestykker for undertøy [deler av klesplagg]; undertøysett; herreundertøy; dameundertøy; babyundertøy; plissert dameundertøy; sportsundertøy-overdeler; engangsundertøy; denimplagg; denimjakker; dresser laget av skinn. 10

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299755 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810200 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.10 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.10 ANDOR JANOS SZÉLL, RIISER-LARSENS VEI 8 B, 1368 STABEKK, Norge Klasse 25 Karatedrakter. Klasse 41 Idretts- og kulturaktiviteter; fysiske treningstjenester. Bordkalendere; Kalendere; Trykte kalendere; Veggkalendere; Bilder; kunst trykk/ Giclee; Trykke større bilder av mine malerier og foto; Kunngjøringskort [papirvarer]; Lykkønskningskort; Lærekort [undervisningsmateriell]; Manuelt drevne pregemaskiner for bruk til kredittkort; Motivasjonskort; Notatkort; Postkort; Postkortbilder; Postkortpapir; Utbrettskort; Visittkort; Visittkort [halvfabrikat]; Kunstkort; Kort til hilsninger; alle de forannevnte varer dekorert med motiver fra malerier og fotografier. Klasse 21 Krus; Ølkrus; alle de forannevnte varer dekorert med motiver fra malerier og fotografier. (111) 299759 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201512871 (220) Inndato: 2015.10.15 (180) Registreringen 2025.10.15 (111) 299757 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2017.02.27, EM, 016410672 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201710863 (220) Inndato: 2017.08.18 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.18 NORDIC SPIRITS Altia Plc, Pl 350, FI-00101 HELSINGFORS, Finland Advokatfirman Lindahl KB, Box 1065, SE-10139 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 35 Reklame- og annonseringstjenester til fremme av e- handel; tilveiebringelse av informasjon og rådgivningstjenester til fremme av e-handel; elektronisk handelstjenester, nemlig å gi informasjon om produkter on-line for reklame- og salgsformål; forhandler tjenester for alkoholfrie drikker; engros tjenester for ikke alkoholdige drikker (111) 299758 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201800381 (220) Inndato: 2018.01.04 (180) Registreringen 2028.01.04 ELLEN RYGG, VISTNESVEIEN 91, 4071 RANDABERG, Norge Klasse 16 Kort; Kort med alminnelige hilsninger Baseballkort; Blanke eller delvis trykte postkort; Bordkort; Hilsningskort med musikk; Invitasjonskort; Invitasjonskort; Julekort; Julekort; Kort; Kort med alminnelige hilsninger; Kortfattede lommehåndbøker [trykt materiale]; Bordservietter av papir; Bordservietter av papir for engangsbruk; Servietter av papir; Lesjöfors Automotive AB, Rådjursvägen 8, SE-35245 VAXJÖ, Sverige ADVOKATFIRMAET GRETTE AS, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Klasse 12 Støtdempende fjærer for kjøretøy og farkoster samt komponenter og deler hertil; fjærende støtdempere for kjøretøy og farkoster samt komponenter og deler hertil; gasfjærer for kjøretøy; bladfjærer for kjøretøy; bærefjærer og chassisfjærer for kjøretøy; alle forannevnte varer ikke til bruk med beltekjøretøy for forflytning over jord og stein. (111) 299760 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803465 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.19 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.19 GARVÁ MISS SKOOM, NIELS JUELS GATE 19, 0272 OSLO, Norge Klasse 14 Klokkeetuier; Urkasser; ID bånd [smykker]; smykker; smykkeskrin; nøkkelringer av lær; halskjede [smykker]; skrin for smykker; skrin for ur; klokkeremmer; klokketasker; alle varene er laget av skinn. Klasse 18 Lærvesker for varepakking [konvolutter, poser]; sekker av lær for pakking; bager; belter (reimer) av lær; esker av lær; visittkortholdere; kortmapper; kortetuier [lærvarer]; kasser av lær; myntpunger i form av lommebøker; hundehalsbånd; halsbånd, lenker og klær for dyr; halsbånd for dyr; kredittkortholdere; kredittkortetuier av lær; kredittkortholdere i skinn/lær; kredittkortetuier av lær; kredittkortetuier og -holdere [lærvarer]; kredittkortholdere av lær; garderobeposer for klær [for reiseformål]; møbelovertrekk av lær; konvolutter av lær; aftenvesker [håndvesker]; dressbager for reise laget av lær; herrevesker; 11

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 nøkkeletuier; nøkkelpunger; læretuier for nøkler; etiketter av lær; lærkofferter; lærvesker, -kofferter og - lommebøker; lærkonvolutter for varepakking; lærremmer; lærvesker [håndvesker]; lærstropper; lærvesker og -lommebøker; lærlommebøker; lærvesker; lærpunger for varepakking; lærsnorer; bagasjeetikettholdere [lærvarer]; bagasjelapper av lær; universalvesker [håndvesker]; visittkortetuier; lommebøker; punger av lær; skoposer for reise; skulderremmer av lær; skulderstropper; små håndvesker [håndvesker]; små vesker [håndvesker]; souvenirvesker; stropper for vesker; reisekofferter av lær; reisemapper [lærvarer]; reisevesker [lærvarer]; alle varene er laget av skinn. Klasse 35 Salg og markedsføring av de nevnte varene i klasse 14 og 18. (111) 299761 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804042 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.23 Plusser PLUSSER AS, Postboks 32, 8501 NARVIK, Norge Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Regnskap. (111) 299762 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2018.03.09, EM, 017870919 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803485 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.12 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.12 CDON AB, Box 385, SE-20123 MALMÖ, Sverige ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere; opptaksplater; minnebrikker; kompaktdisker, CD'er, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; detaljhandel relatert til bøker, forbruker elektronikk, mobiltelefoni, elektriske kjøkkenmaskiner, elektriske barbermaskiner, hårfønere, rettetanger, hvitevarer, møbler og innventar, husholdnings- eller kjøkkenredskaper og beholdere, kammer og svamper, børster, artikler til rengjøringsformål; detaljhandel relatert til varer av glass, porselen og kjeramikk, vevog tekstilprodukter og -inventar til bad, apparater for belysning, oppvarming, dampgenerering, matlaging, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vannforsyning og sanitære formål; detaljhandel relatert til hageverktøy (maskiner), hageverktøy [hånddrevet] kjøretøystilbehør, maskiner og maskinverktøy, motorer og maskiner, maskinkoblings- og overføringskomponenter, landbruksredskaper (andre enn hånddrevne), håndverktøy og redskaper (hånddrevet), knivsmedvarer; bestikk, barberhøvler, barbermaskiner; detaljhandel relatert til spill og leketøy, gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, lyd og videoopptak, forhåndsinnspilte bånd, kassetter, kompaktdisker ( inkludert CD-ROM og lyd/video) og DVDer, apparater, instrumenter og medier for innspilling, overføring, bæring, lagring, behandling, redigering, overføring, kringkasting, innhentingog gjengivelse av musikk, lyd, bilder, tekst, signaler og nedlastbar musikk- og filmopptak; detaljhandel relatert til klær, sko, fottøy, barnevogner, babyartikler, såper, parfymer, essensielle oljer, kosmetikk, hårpreparater, tannkrem, tannpasta, tannpulver, edle metaller og deres legeringer og varer av edle metaller eller belagt med det, smykker, dyrebare steiner, horologiske og kronometriske instrumenter, musikalske instrumenter, dietiske næringstoffer, mat og substanser tilpasset for medisinsk bruk, kosttilskudd for mennesker. Klasse 36 Utstedelse av verdikuponger og gavekort; forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; betal-tvsendingstjenester (pay-per-view TVoverføringstjenester); strømming av videomateriale på internett; kringkasting og sending av videofilmer på forespørsel; tjenester for sending og kringkasting av videofilmer på forespørsel; videokommunikasjonstjenester; videooverføringstjenester; videokringkasting. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; elektroniske spilltjenester via internett; tjenester vedrørende underholding tilbudt via direktekobling til en database eller til internett; tjenester via internett vedrørende elektroniske spill og konkurranser; tilveiebringelse og opplasting av digital musikk [ikke nedlastbar] på internett; tilveiebringelse og opplasting av elektroniske spilltjenester via internett; tilveiebringelse og opplasating av ringetoner fra internett; tilveiebringelse og opplastning av underholdning via internett. (111) 299763 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803689 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.14 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.14 #psyktnormalt MODUM BAD, Badeveien 287, 3370 VIKERSUND, Norge MODUM KOMMUNE, Rådhusveien 1, 3370 VIKERSUND, Norge ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; organisering, tilrettelegging og utførelse av spill, aktiviteter og konkurranser; organisering, tilrettelegging og utførelse av spill og konkurranser via internett; organisering, tilrettelegging og avholdelse av seminarer, foredrag, 12

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 underholdningsarrangementer, show og konserter; formidling av undervisningsmateriell; fremskaffelse av informasjon i forbindelse med utdannelse, opplæring og underholdning. Klasse 44 Helsetjeneste; helserådgivning; psykiske helsetjenester. (111) 299764 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201809706 (220) Inndato: 2018.07.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.07.23 Kos med kaos KOS MED KAOS AS, Vestsidevegen 52, 3522 BJONEROA, Norge Klasse 12 Vognposer for barnevogner; barneseter for bruk i kjøretøy; barnevogner; barnevognskalesjer; barneseter for bruk i bil. Klasse 16 Barnebøker; trykksaker; glitterlim for kontormaterielle formål; tegnekritt; tegneredskaper; tegnemaler; tegneblokker; tegnesaker; tegneblyanter; tegnelinjaler; tegninger; tegneutstyr; plakater uten ramme. Klasse 21 Matbokser; tomme drikkeflasker av aluminium. Klasse 25 Barnesmekker; barnetøy. Klasse 28 Leker for bruk i barnesenger; strandleker; leker; babyleker; byggeleker; trekkoppleker; lekeroboter; draleker. (111) 299765 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201809381 (220) Inndato: 2018.07.18 (180) Registreringen 2028.07.18 (111) 299766 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803805 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.17 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.17 Snowman NORSK ØL AS, Postboks 42, Vinderen, 0319 OSLO, Norge Klasse 32 Øl og mineralvann. Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (111) 299767 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803951 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.19 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.19 DELLIA AS, Postboks 28 Sagene, 0415 OSLO, Norge Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske, medisinske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål; dietetisk mat og stoffer for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk, næringsmidler for spedbarn; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; plaster og forbindingsstoffer; materiale til tannplombering og til tannavtrykk; desinfeksjonsmidler; preparater til utryddelse av skadedyr og insekter; fungicider, herbicider. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød, bakverk, konditorvarer og konfektyrer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik, sauser; krydderier; is; næringsmidler basert på havre; kinesiske nudler som kan tilberedes umiddelbart; stivelse for næringsmidler; tapiokamel for næringsmidler. THOR GRINDE, GRØNLIVEIEN 43, 1056 OSLO, Norge Klasse 35 Markedsføring av arrangementer; markedsføring; markedsføring av produkter; økonomisk planlegging; annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; annonsering på Internett for andre; annonseringstjenester for andre; online annonsering; online annonserings- og markedsføringstjenester; annonserings- og publiseringstjenester via tv, radio eller post; annonsering via mobilnettverk; annonsering vedrørende transport- og leveringstjenester; markedsføring og salgsfremmende tjenester; direkte markedsføring; annonsering- og markedsføringskonsulenttjenester; design av markedsføringsmateriale; auksjonssalg; online auksjonstjenester; auksjonstjenester på Internett; auksjons- og omvendte auksjonstjenester; salg av kunst, kunsthåndverk og antikviteter. 13

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299768 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201801197 (220) Inndato: 2018.01.26 (180) Registreringen 2028.01.26 (111) 299769 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803402 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.08 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.08 THERMAX LIMITED, D-13, MIDC Industrial Area, R.D. Aga Road, Chinchwad, IN-411019 PUNE, India BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Norge Klasse 11 Apparater og innretninger for vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; vannrenseanlegg, vannavsaltingsanlegg, kraftverk, energilagringsanlegg, atomkraftverk, kloakkrenseanlegg og renseanlegg for avløpsvann; avfallsbehandlingsanlegg og installasjoner for industrien og for husholdninger; installasjoner for avløpsvannteknikk; gassrenseanlegg; installasjoner for behandling av avløps- og spillvann; kullbehandlingsanlegg; ubrente trykktanker; autoklaver, vanndestilleringsenheter, vannkjøletårn, vannbehandlingsenheter, overrislingsanlegg, bestående av ventiler, filtre og regulatorer; trykksteriliseringsenheter. Klasse 37 Installasjon av utstyr for oppvarming; installasjon, tilsyn, vedlikehold, rengjøring, reparasjon og service av og for industrielle kjeler og kokekar, faststoffkjeler, atomkjeler, kraftverk, vannrenseanlegg, elektriske innretninger, verktøy, apparater og installasjoner, dampekstraksjonsinstallasjoner, brennkamre, ovner og ildsteder; applikasjon av overflatebelegning; belegning av metalloverflater. Klasse 40 Raffinering av brensel; brenselforedlings- og - bearbeidingstjenester; energiproduksjon; generering av elektrisitet; deponering av kjemisk damp; overflatebehandling av metaller i et vakuum ved fysisk dampdeponering; dampdeponering av metalloverflater; rådgivingstjenester relatert til bruken av vannbehandlingskjeler; kjelesmedarbeid; kjemisk behandling av kjeler; utleie av kjeler; behandling av avløps- og spillvann; bearbeiding og behandling av kull; luftrensing; materialbehandling for andre; destruksjon av søppel og avfall; belegging ved elektrolyse; konservering av næringsmidler og drikker; fruktpressing; galvanisering; forgylling; forbrenning av søppel og avfall; resirkulering av søppel og avfall; avfallsbehandling (gjenvinning); vannbehandling; materialbehandlingsinformasjon; magnetisering; metallstøping, metallbelegging, herding av metall; behandling av metaller; petroleumsbehandling; raffinerivirksomhet. Svein Erik Nilsen, Sørengkaia 66, B704, 0194 OSLO, Norge ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 3 Aloe verapreparater for kosmetisk bruk; Ambra [parfyme]; Aromatiske stoffer [eteriske oljer]; Avfargningsmidler for kosmetisk bruk; Avsminkingspreparater; Badepreparater, ikke for medisinske formål; Badesalter ikke for medisinsk bruk; Barberingspreparater; Barbersåpe; Bergamott-essens; Blomsterekstrakter [parfymerivarer]; Blyanter for kosmetisk bruk; Blyanter for øyenbryn; Dekorative motiver for kosmetisk bruk; Deodoranter for personlig bruk og for dyr; Deodorantsåper; Såpe; Eau de Cologne; Etterbarberingsmidler; Etuier for leppestifter; Fargeoppløsninger til kosmetisk bruk; Fargestoffer for håret; Fett for kosmetisk bruk; Gele for bleking av tenner; Hårfjerningsmidler; Hårspray; Kosmetikk for øyenbryn; Kosmetikksett; Kosmetisk krem; Kosmetiske preparater; Kunstige festemidler for øyenvipper; Kunstige negler; Kunstige øyenvipper; Leppeglanser; Lotion for kosmetisk bruk; Mandelmelk for kosmetisk bruk; Mandelolje; Mandelsåpe; Maskara; Masker for skjønnhetspleie; Neglelakk; Oljer for kosmetisk bruk; Oljer for parfymer; Parfymer; Preparater for behandling av negler; Preparater for hårkrølling; Pulversjampoer; Røkelse; Såper; Sitronoljeessenser; Sjampo; Sminkeprodukter; Vaselin for kosmetisk bruk; Voks for fjerning av hår; Blekemidler for kosmetisk bruk, herunder blekemiddel for tenner; Poleringspreparater for tannproteser; Rensepreparater for tannproteser; Klasse 5 Tannpasta Albuminholdige preparater for medisinsk bruk; Alginatebasert kosttilskudd; Antioksidantpiller; Appetittdempende preparater for medisinske formål; Balsam for medisinsk bruk; Bidronningbaserte kosttilskudd; Biologiske preparater for medisinsk bruk; Enzympreparater for medisinsk bruk; Feberstillende midler; Kosttilskudd; Legemidler for human-medisin; Vitaminpreparater Klasse 42 Analysering av datasystemer; Design av computersystemer; Driftstjenester for servere; Elektronisk datalagring; Fremskaffelse av søkemoterer for internettet; Leie av webserver; Nettskytjenester; Oppdatering av dataprogrammer; Opprettelse og vedlikehold av websider for andre; Rådgivning ved design av websider; Rådgivningstjenester innen IT; Webhotell [tilby vertsserver for andres hjemmesider] Klasse 45 Byråer for kontaktformidling; Forvaltning av opphavsrettigheter; Kontaktbyråer; Lisensiering av dataprogramvare [juridisk tjeneste]; Lisensiering av immatriell eiendomsrett; Mekling; On-line sosial nettverkstjenester; Rådgivning for immatriell eiendomsrett; Registrering av domenenavn [juridisk tjeneste] 14

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299770 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201715964 (220) Inndato: 2017.11.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.27 KLP EIENDOM AS, Postboks 400 Sentrum, 0103 OSLO, Norge Kommunal Landspensjonskasse, Postboks 400 Sentrum, 0103 OSLO, Norge Klasse 7 Rengjøringsmaskiner og -apparater som støvsugere, Klasse 9 vaskemaskiner, oppvaskmaskiner. Apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder, kameraer, radio- og tv- apparater, mobiltelefoner, telefoner, høyttalere, hodetelefoner, platespillere; databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner, laptoper, datamaskinvare, dataskjermer, tastatur, nettbrett, lesebrett, smartarmbånd, smartbriller, smartklokker, printere, programvare; apparater til veiing og måling, vekt, kalkulator, termostat, navigasjonsapparater og instrumenter; innbruddsalarmer; elektriske ledninger, kabler, støpsler og stikkontakter, transformatorer, (oppladbare) batterier, strømstyringsenheter, solceller. Klasse 20 Møbler, speil, billedrammer. Klasse 24 Tekstiler og tekstilvarer, herunder sengetøy, håndklær, gardiner; sengetepper; bordduker. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede, frosne og kokte frukter og grønnsaker, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg; melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao; ris; mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød, bakverk og konditorvarer, konfektyrer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik, sauser; krydderier; is. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter, herunder administrasjon av handelstjenester og organisering av handels- og reklameutstillinger; kontortjenester; administrasjon av kundeklubber og lojalitetsprogrammer for forbrukere; salg av interiørartikler nemlig møbler, speil, billedrammer, tekstiler, herunder sengetøy, håndklær, gardiner, sengetepper, bordduker; salg av motevarer nemlig klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke. (111) 299771 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2017.09.18, EM, 017218819 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201801082 (220) Inndato: 2018.01.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.01.23 HAPPY DELIVERY Inquire Holding AS, c/o Amesto Holding AS, Postboks 6395 Etterstad, 0604 OSLO, Norge PROTECTOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CONSULTANTS AS, Oscars gate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge Klasse 35 Bedriftsrådgivning innen transport og levering; rådgivning for bedriftsledelse innen transport og leveringstjenester. Klasse 39 Leveringstjenester; transport og levering av varer; henting og levering av pakker og varer; innsamling, transport og levering av varer; styring av distribusjonsnettverk. Klasse 42 Design og utvikling av dataprogramvare for logistikk; utvikling av dataprogramvare for logistikk, styring av distribusjonsnettverk og e-forretningsportaler; design og utvikling av dataprogramvare for logistikk, styring av distribusjonsnettverk og e-forretningsportaler. (111) 299772 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201606404 (220) Inndato: 2016.05.31 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.31 Triangel AS, Eikremsvingen 13, 6422 MOLDE, Norge NORSK PATENTBYRÅ AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge Klasse 35 Konsultasjoner for organisasjonsledelse og bedriftsog forretningsledelse. Klasse 41 Opplæringsvirksomhet; utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster; organisering og ledelse av kurs og konferanser. Klasse 42 Teknologiske tjenester; datatjenester; utvikling og utleie av dataprogrammer. (111) 299773 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810081 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.02 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.02 DEEP FJORD BRUVIK TIME AS, Smedasundet 98, 5525 HAUGESUND, Norge Klasse 14 Armbåndsur. 15

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299774 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201801607 (220) Inndato: 2018.02.02 (180) Registreringen 2028.02.02 (111) 299777 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803982 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.20 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.20 Highland Lodge AS, v/roger Espeli, Lienvegen 11, 3580 GEILO, Norge Klasse 43 Hotell og leilighetsutleie. (111) 299775 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803388 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.09 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.09 S:mart Norwegian Vending AS, Josefinesgate 41 A, 0351 OSLO, Norge ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, frosne, tørkede og kokte frukter og grønnsaker; geléer, syltetøy, kompotter; egg; melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse 30 Kaffe, te, kakao og kaffeerstatning; ris; tapioka og sago; mel og næringsmidler av korn; brød, bakverk og konfektyrer; spiseis; sukker, honning, sirup; gjær, bakepulver; salt; sennep; eddik, sauser [smakstilsetning]; krydder; is [frossent vann]. Klasse 32 Øl; mineralvann, kullsyreholdig vann og andre ikkealkoholholdige drikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuicer; saft og andre preparater til fremstilling av drikker. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering. NORGES SJØMATRÅD AS, Postboks 6176, 9291 TROMSØ, Norge ADVOKATFIRMA DLA PIPER NORWAY DA, Postboks 1364 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Klasse 16 Trykksaker og reklamemateriell; Instruksjons- og undervisningsmateriell (ikke apparater). Klasse 29 Sjømat; Fisk (ikke levende), fiskefileter, fiskeprodukter, saltet fisk, konservert fisk; Fiskehermetikk. Klasse 35 Salg og markedsføring av sjømat, herunder fisk og fiskeprodukter; Annonse og reklamevirksomhet. (111) 299778 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201802642 (220) Inndato: 2018.02.22 (180) Registreringen 2028.02.22 PHYTONIQUE Unilever N.V., Weena 455, NL-3013AL ROTTERDAM, Nederland ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 3 Såper; flytende såper; flytende såper for hender; badog dusjpreparater, inkludert badeskum og dusjgeleer; parfyme; eteriske oljer; kosmetikk; eau de cologne; eau de toilette; etterbarberingsvann; parfymerte kroppssprayer; deodoranter for personlig bruk; antiperspiranter; barberskum; barberingsgelé; før- og etterbarberingslotion; etterbarberingskrem; talkum pudder; før-barberingsprodukter (kosmetiske); etterbarberingsprodukter (kosmetiske); kosmetiske oljer; kosmetiske kremer; kosmetiske lotion; aromatiske oljer; ikke-medisinske massasjepreparater; kosmetiske preparater for hudpleie; hårfjerningsmidler; solkrempreparater; solbruningsmidler [kosmetikk]; solkremlotion; solkrempreparater for kosmetisk bruk; sminkeprodukter; preparater for sminkefjerning; vaselin for kosmetisk bruk; leppepleiemidler; vattpinner for kosmetisk bruk [toalettsaker]; bomullsdotter for 16

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 kosmetiske formål; forhåndsfuktede hudrensende kluter; vevde puter/kluter impregnert med kosmetiske lotioner; vevde puter/kluter impregnert med preparater for å fjerne kosmetiske preparater; ansiktsmasker; produkter for pleie av hår og hodebunn; sjampo og balsam; hårfargings- og hårblekingsmidler; preparater for krølling av hår; hårspray; hårpudder; kosmetiske håroppsettingspreparater; hårlakk; hårskum; briljantin; hårgeleer; fuktighetskremer for hår; hårvann; hårbehandlingspreparater; ikke-medisinske hårbehandlingsmidler for kosmetiske formål; kremer for hårforsterkningsbehandling; hårtørkepreparater; håroljer; styrkende hårpleiemidler; hårkremer; preparater for tannhygiene; ikke-medisinske munnskyll; kosmetiske preparater for munn- og tannpleie; tannpoleringsmidler; tannpulver; tannpasta; ikkemedisinske toalettpreparater. (111) 299780 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201712438 (220) Inndato: 2017.09.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.25 (111) 299779 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804058 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.23 Eventgarden AS, Bråteveien 169, 2013 SKJETTEN, Norge Advokat Lotte Lundby Kristiansen, Storgata 36, 2000 LILLESTRØM, Norge Klasse 41 Organisering av arrangementer innen utdanning, underholdning, idrett og kultur (Eventbyrå). TEMA LANDBRUK AS, Reed, 6827 BREIM, Norge Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til vitenskapelige og fotografiske formål og til bruk i landbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; ubearbeidet plast; gjødningsmidler; ildslukningsmidler; preparater og midler for herding og lodding; kjemiske produkter for konservering av næringsmidler; garvestoffer; bindemidler til industrielle formål. Klasse 4 Fett til industrielle formål; smøremidler; støvbindemidler; brensel (herunder motordrivstoffer) og belysningsstoffer; lys og veker for belysning. Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. (111) 299781 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet 2018.01.22, US, 87/765,231 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804060 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.26 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.26 FACTION8 L'Oréal, 14, rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 3 Hårfarge; hårfargestoffer; preparater for farging av håret; hårfarger og -fargestoffer; hårfargingspreparater; fargestoffer for håret; hårkurer, fuktighetspreparater og bløtgjøringsmidler for håret. 17

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299782 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201714713 (220) Inndato: 2017.11.06 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.06 CHEMI TEKNIK AS, Tvetenveien 30, 0666 OSLO, Norge Axel Øwre, c/o ADVOCO Advokatfirma DA, Postboks 7139 St.Olavs plass, 0130 OSLO, Norge Klasse 1 Kjemikalier, herunder filtreringsmaterialer, formaldehyd for kjemisk bruk, destillert vann, kjemikalier for bruk innen industri og vitenskap, kjemiske produkter for analyse i laboratorier andre enn for medisinsk eller veterinært bruk. Klasse 4 Denaturert sprit. Klasse 5 Kjemiske preparater for medisinsk bruk, herunder Klasse 9 isopropanol og formaldehyd for medisinsk bruk. Apparater og instrumenter for kjemi, laboratorieutstyr og -instrumenter, petriskåler for laboratoriebruk, pipetter og pipettespisser for laboratoriebruk. Klasse 39 Bulklagring, varelagring, emballering av varer, emballering og pakking av gods før avsendelse samt transport av varer. (111) 299783 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803768 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.15 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.15 ANFO ANFO ANNONSØRFORENINGEN, Arbins gate 2, 0253 OSLO, Norge ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 35 Administrasjon av handelstjenester; bedriftsopplysninger; bedriftsundersøkelser; bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter; bistand ved forretningsledelse; byråer for handelsinformasjon; etterforskning for forretninger; faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger; forhandlinger og sluttføring av kommersielle transaksjoner for tredjepart; forretningsog forbruksinformasjon- og rådgivning; forretningsadministrasjon ved lisensiering av varer og tjenester for andre; forretningsevaluering; forretningsinformasjoner; forretningsundersøkelser; fremskaffelse av forretningsinformasjon via en webside; gallupundersøkelse; innsamling av informasjon for bruk i databaser; kommersielle formidlingstjenester; konsulentbistand i forretningssaker; markedsføring; markedsstudier; markedsundersøkelser; økonomisk planlegging; økonomiske beregninger; omflyttingstjenester; oppdatering og vedlikehold av data i databaser; organisering av handels- og reklameutstillinger; organisering av messer for salg og markedsføring; prissammenligningstjenester; rasjonaliseringsekspertise; regnskapsanalyser; salgsfremmende tjenester [for tredjemann]; søkemotor optimalisering; systematisering av informasjon for bruk i databaser; utarbeidelse av reklametekster; utsetting av tjenester [forretningsassistanse]. Klasse 41 Akademier [utdanning]; arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; instruksjon [opplæring]; korrespondanseundervisning; organisering av fester [underholdning]; organisering av kulturelle arrangement [impresariotjenester]; organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle og utdannelsesformål; organisering og ledelse av kollokvium; organisering og ledelse av konferanser; organisering og ledelse av kongresser; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; praktisk opplæring [ved demonstrasjon]; privatundervisning; publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidsskrifter on-line; skriving av tekster [andre enn for reklameformål]; tilveiebringelse av on-line elektroniske publikasjoner [ikke nedlastbare]; undervisning; utgivelse av bøker; utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster. Klasse 45 Forvaltning av opphavsrettigheter; juridisk forskning; juridiske tjenester; konfliktløsningstjenester; konsulentvirksomhet for sikkerhetsspørsmål; lisensiering av dataprogramvare [juridisk tjeneste]; lisensiering av immateriell eiendomsrett; politisk lobbyvirksomhet; mekling; overvåkning av immaterielle rettigheter; rådgivning for immateriell eiendomsrett; registrering av domenenavn [juridisk tjeneste]. (111) 299784 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201605097 (220) Inndato: 2016.04.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.04.25 (521) Bruk/innarbeidelse Ja STRYNTRAPPA Hagen AS, Visnesvegen 5, 6783 STRYN, Norge ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Klasse 6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; transportable hus av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikkeelektriske kabler og tråd av metall (uedelt); låsesmedarbeider og små gjenstander av metall (isenkramvarer); metallrør; sikkerhetsskap og - skrin; varer av uedelt metall (ikke opptatt i andre klasser); malmer; trapper av metall; rekkverk av metall; trapperekkverk av metall; trapperomsløsninger av metall, nemlig integrerte skuffer, skap, hyller, oppheng og dører; deler og tilbehør til det forannevnte. Klasse 19 Bygningsmaterialer (ikke av metall); skiverør (ikke av metall), for bygnings- og anleggsformål; asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall), monumenter (ikke av metall); trapper (ikke av metall); rekkverk (ikke av metall); trapperekkverk (ikke av metall); trapperomsløsninger av tre, nemlig integrerte skuffer, skap, hyller, oppheng og dører; trapperomsløsninger av glass, nemlig integrerte skuffer, skap, hyller, oppheng og dører; deler og tilbehør til det forannevnte. Klasse 20 Møbler, speil, billedrammer. 18

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299785 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201801799 (220) Inndato: 2018.02.03 (180) Registreringen 2028.02.03 BERGEN STØTTE- OG VEILEDNINGSTJENESTE, BONDEVIK, Øvre Kråkenes 89 B, 5152 BØNES, Norge Klasse 41 Pedagogisk veiledning, coaching. Klasse 44 Medisinske tjenester; veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruk-, hagebruk- og skogbrukstjenester. Kognitiv terapi. (111) 299786 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803079 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.02 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.02 QRG Qurate Retail, Inc., 12300 Liberty Blvd, US-CO80112 ENGLEWOOD, USA PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Klasse 9 Mobilapplikasjonsprogramvare (nedlastbar) for interaktivt detaljhandel med alminnelige handelsvarer Klasse 35 Interaktive detaljhandelstjenester for alminnelige handelsvarer via datamaskin, fjernsyn og digitale enheter for alminnelige handelsvarer, nemlig klær, fottøy og hodeplagg, smykker, skjønnhetsprodukter, nemlig kosmetikk, toalettartikler, dufter, parfymer og såper, kjøkkenutstyr og bordservise (unntatt kniver, gafler og skjeer), husholdningsartikler, nemlig sengetøy, baderomstekstiler og dekketøy og utstyr til husholdningsformål, hjemmeelektronikksartikler til bruk på kjøkkenet og som underholdning, nemlig TV, DVDspillere, videospill og videospillkonsoller, MP3-spillere og -opptakere, MP4-spillere og opptakere, elektroniske musikkinstrumenter, karaokemaskiner, digitale kameraer, digitale videokameraer, smarttelefoner, tilkoblede bærbare enheter, nemlig bærbare aktivitetsband, bærbare smarttelefoner, bærbare monitorer, bærbare mediespillere, bærbare computer periferiutstyr, bærbare datamaskiner, bærbare skjermer, bærbare enheter for digital elektronisk kommunikasjon, smart hjemmeelektronikk, nemlig tilkoblede termostater, elektroniske sikkerhetsenheter, nemlig sikkerhetskameraer og sensorer, trådløse høyttalere, trådløse kameraer, robotstøvsugere, trådløse tilkoblede stemmeassistenter, tilkoblede robotstøvsugere, tilkoblet elektronikk, nemlig tilkoblede høyttalere, tilkoblede kameraer, tilkoblede sensorer, tilkoblede lamper, tilkoblede monitorer, tilkoblet matlaging og kjøkkenelektronikk, nemlig tilkoblede ovner, tilkoblede langtidskokere, tilkoblede kaffemaskiner, trådløst koblet elektronisk vintermometer, tilkoblede virtual reality briller, virtual reality monitorer til montering på hodet, fjernkontrollbiler, leketøyroboter, droner, telefoner, bærbare datamaskiner, nettbrett, mobiltelefoner, kalkulatorer, elektroniske leker, radioer, stereoanlegg, DAB radioer, satellittradioer, walkie talkies, toveis radioer, bærbare ladere, leseapparater [databehandlingsutstyr], CD-spillere, platespillere, AVmottaker, forsterkere, høyttalere, innsektsfjernere, synthesizers, fjernkontroller, tidtakere, digitale termometre, miniovner, toastjern, brødristere, kaffemaskiner, melkeskummere, vannkokere, mikrobølgeovner, konvensjonsovner, apparater for å lage suppe, foodprocessorer, apparater for å lage barnemat, blendere, smoothiemaskiner, digitale vekter, frityrkokere, varmluftsfrityrkoker, vaffeljern, strykejern, juicemaskiner, elektroniske symaskiner og overlock symaskiner, elektroniske drikkemaskiner, sport, fritid og rekreasjonprodukter, nemlig stasjonære treningssykler, tredemøller, maskiner for vekttrening og løse vekter, stenger og bar-bells og brettspill, leketøy, klær, tilbehør til klær, tekstiler, husholdningsartikler, nemlig sengetøy, håndklær og dekketøy og utstyr til husholdningsformål, rengjøringsapparater og preparater, gjør-det-selvartikler, elektriske maskiner og verktøy som er håndholdte; datamaskiner og datatilbehør, hageutstyr, hageverktøy, planter, smykker, møbler, dekorative varer, parfymeri- og farmasøytiske preparater, matvarer, kosttilskudd, medisinske produkter; kontorartikler, kunstmaterialer, sportsutstyr, reiseutstyr, tilbehør til motorkjøretøy; katalog- og postordretjenester med alminnelige handelsvarer nemlig nemlig klær, fottøy og hodeplagg, smykker, skjønnhetsprodukter, nemlig kosmetikk, toalettartikler, dufter, parfymer og såper, kjøkkenutstyr og bordservise (unntatt kniver, gafler og skjeer), husholdningsartikler, nemlig sengetøy, baderomstekstiler og dekketøy og utstyr til husholdningsformål, hjemmeelektronikksartikler til bruk på kjøkkenet og som underholdning, nemlig TV, DVDspillere, videospill og videospillkonsoller, MP3-spillere og -opptakere, MP4-spillere og opptakere, elektroniske musikkinstrumenter, karaokemaskiner, digitale kameraer, digitale videokameraer, smarttelefoner, tilkoblede bærbare enheter, nemlig bærbare aktivitetsband, bærbare smarttelefoner, bærbare monitorer, bærbare mediespillere, bærbare computer periferiutstyr, bærbare datamaskiner, bærbare skjermer, bærbare enheter for digital elektronisk kommunikasjon, smart hjemmeelektronikk, nemlig tilkoblede termostater, elektroniske sikkerhetsenheter, nemlig sikkerhetskameraer og sensorer, trådløse høyttalere, trådløse kameraer, robotstøvsugere, trådløse tilkoblede stemmeassistenter, tilkoblede robotstøvsugere, tilkoblet elektronikk, nemlig tilkoblede høyttalere, tilkoblede kameraer, tilkoblede sensorer, tilkoblede lamper, tilkoblede monitorer, tilkoblet matlaging og kjøkkenelektronikk, nemlig tilkoblede ovner, tilkoblede langtidskokere, tilkoblede kaffemaskiner, trådløst koblet elektronisk vintermometer, tilkoblede virtual reality briller, virtual reality monitorer til montering på hodet, fjernkontrollbiler, leketøyroboter, droner, telefoner, bærbare datamaskiner, nettbrett, mobiltelefoner, kalkulatorer, elektroniske leker, radioer, stereoanlegg, DAB radioer, satellittradioer, walkie talkies, toveis radioer, bærbare ladere, leseapparater [databehandlingsutstyr], CD-spillere, platespillere, AVmottaker, forsterkere, høyttalere, innsektsfjernere, synthesizers, fjernkontroller, tidtakere, digitale termometre, miniovner, toastjern, brødristere, kaffemaskiner, melkeskummere, vannkokere, 19

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 mikrobølgeovner, konvensjonsovner, apparater for å lage suppe, foodprocessorer, apparater for å lage barnemat, blendere, smoothiemaskiner, digitale vekter, frityrkokere, varmluftsfrityrkoker, vaffeljern, strykejern, juicemaskiner, elektroniske symaskiner og overlock symaskiner, elektroniske drikkemaskiner, sport, fritid og rekreasjonprodukter, nemlig stasjonære treningssykler, tredemøller, maskiner for vekttrening og løse vekter, stenger og bar-bells og brettspill, leketøy, klær, tilbehør til klær, tekstiler, husholdningsartikler, nemlig sengetøy, håndklær og dekketøy og utstyr til husholdningsformål, rengjøringsapparater og preparater, gjør-det-selvartikler, elektriske maskiner og verktøy som er håndholdte; datamaskiner og datatilbehør, hageutstyr, hageverktøy, planter, smykker, møbler, dekorative varer, parfymeri- og farmasøytiske preparater, matvarer, kosttilskudd, medisinske produkter; kontorartikler, kunstmaterialer, sportsutstyr, reiseutstyr, tilbehør til motorkjøretøy; tilveiebringelse av forretningsledelse og administrasjon, samt identifikasjon av strategiske allianser for andre, innen interaktiv detaljhandel og postordresalg av alminnelige handelsvarer; fremme salg av varer og tjenester for andre. Klasse 36 Tilveiebringelse av finansiell ledelse i form av finansiell kontroll og finansiell rapporteringstjeneste for andre innen interaktiv detaljhandel og postordresalg av alminnelige handelsvarer. Klasse 38 Lyd- og video kringkastingstjenester over internett; kringkasting av tvshop-programmer med alminnelige handelsvarer; tilveiebringelse av praterom på internett, online forum og elektroniske oppslagstavler for overføring av meldinger blant brukere, samtlige relatert til alminnelige handelsvarer, underholdning og tvshoptjenester; tv-kringkasting. Klasse 41 Underholdningstjenester innenfor interaktiv detaljhandel, nemlig pågående fjernsynsprogrammer som tilbyr en rekke varer som kan kjøpes av seerne. (111) 299787 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201800883 (220) Inndato: 2018.01.19 (180) Registreringen 2028.01.19 Hankook Tire Worldwide Co., Ltd., #647-15, Yoksamdong, KR-KANGNAM-GU, SEOUL, Sør-Korea PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Klasse 7 Filtre for maskiner og motorer; Pumper [maskin- eller motordeler]; Radiatorer for motorer og maskiner; Blåsemaskiner; Vannpumper; Filtre [deler av maskiner eller motorer]; Lydpotter for befordringsmidler til bruk på land; Aktuatorer [deler av maskiner]; Eksosrør for motorer og maskiner; Ventiler for resirkulasjon av eksos [egr-ventiler] til motorer; Katalysatorer til motorer; Vifter til motorer; Ventiler [pumpedeler]; Ventiler [maskindeler]; Eksos ventiler [maskindeler]; Injeksjonsventiler [maskindeler]; Pumper til resirkulering av kjølevæske; Kompressorer til gjenvinning og resirkulering av kjølemediumgasser; Luftkondensatorer; Luftkjølte kondensatorer; Oljekjølere til forbrenningsmotorer; Oljekjølere til motorer; Varmevekslere [maskindeler]; Kompressorer [maskiner]; Luftkompressorer; Kompressorer som deler av maskiner og motorer; Kompressorer for kjøleskap; Pumpehjul; Blåsemaskiner for sammentrykking, oppsuging og transport av gass; Maskintransmisjoner; Turbopumper; Turboladere for maskiner; Radiatorer for befordringsmidler; Hydraulikk strømstyringsenheter for maskiner og motorer; Pneumatiske styringsanordninger for maskiner og motorer; Styreinnretninger for maskiner og motorer; Luftstyringsenhet for maskiner og drivmotorer; Automatiske innløpskontrollventiler for vekselvirkende luftkompressorer; Avlaste tilbakeslagsventiler for avsug fra luftkompressorer; Oljekjølere for biler. Klasse 11 Klimaanlegg for automobiler; Varmesystemer for automobiler; Ventilasjonsinstallasjoner for kjøretøyer [klimatisering]; Kjølefordampere for biler; Kjøleskap for biler; Luftfiltre for automobiler; Radiatorer for automobiler; Kompressorer for klimaanlegg for automobiler; Kondensatorer for klimaanlegg av biler; Varmere for klimaanlegg for automobiler; Fordampningsapparater for klimaanlegg for automobiler; kompressor koplinger for klimaanlegg for automobiler; Varmeakkumulatorer for automobiler; Kjølevifter til biler; Tilpassede deksler for kjølevifter til biler; Luftfiltre for klimaanlegg for automobiler; Kontroller for klimaanlegg for automobiler; Luftrensere for klimaanlegg for automobiler; Hodelykter for klimaanlegg for automobiler; Kjøleanlegg for klimaanlegg for automobiler; Automobil varmevekslere, andre enn deler av maskiner; Varmeapparater for kjøretøy; Luftkondisjoneringsanlegg for kjøretøyer; Luftkondisjonering, luftkjøling og ventilasjon apparater og instrumenter; Apparater for oppvarming, ventilasjon og luftkondisjonering; Oppvarmingssystemer som hovedsakelig består av rør, rør og manifolder gjennom hvilke varmt eller høytemperaturvann sirkulerer; Aniongeneratorer for luftrensing; kjølevifter; Vann ionisatorer; Fordampningsapparater; Ventilatorer [luftklimatisering] for automobiler; kompressor for luftkondisjoneringsanlegg; Varmepumper; Varmepumper for gassmotorer; Vann kjøletårn; Dampakkumulatorer. Klasse 12 Automobiler; Automobiler og dertilhørende deler og tilbehør; Transmisjonskontrollmoduler for biler; Støtfangere for automobiler; Vannpumper til biler; Kløtsjanordninger for vannpumper for automobiler; Ladeluftkjølere for biler; Holdere for automobiler; Hovedmoduler for automobiler; Ventiler for elektriske kjøretøyer; Kompressorer for klimaanlegg for kjøretøyer; Kompressorer for klimaanlegg for landkjøretøyer; Kjøleventilatorer for landkjøretøyer; Luftpumper [kjøretøy tilbehør]; Motorer for landkjøretøyer; Dekk; Suspensjonsstøtdempere for kjøretøy; Suspensjonssystemer for kjøretøyer; Drivkraftsmekanismer for landkjøretøy; Kraftoverføringmekanismer for landkjøretøyer; Rullelagre for landkjøretøyer. Klasse 35 Engrossalgstjenester for deler og tilbehør for automobiler; Detaljhandelstjenester for deler og tilbehør for automobiler; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innenfor deler og tilbehør for automobiler; Engrossalgstjenester for apparater for oppvarming, ventilasjon og luftkondisjonering; Detaljhandelstjenester for apparater for oppvarming, ventilasjon og luftkondisjonering; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innenfor apparater for oppvarming, ventilasjon og luftkondisjonering; Engrossalgstjenester for ventiler for resirkulasjon av eksos [egr-ventiler] for motorer; Detaljhandelstjenester for ventiler for resirkulasjon av eksos [egr-ventiler] for motorer; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innenfor ventiler for resirkulasjon av eksos [egr-ventiler] for motorer; Engrossalgstjenester for kompressorer; Detaljhandelstjenester for kompressorer; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innenfor kompressorer; Engrossalgstjenester for pumper [maskin- eller motordeler]; Detaljhandelstjenester for pumper [maskin- eller motordeler]; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innenfor pumper [maskin- eller motordeler]; Engrossalgstjenester for eksosrør for motorer og maskiner; Detaljhandelstjenester for eksosrør for motorer og maskiner; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innenfor eksosrør for motorer og 20

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 maskiner; Engrossalgstjenester for filtre for maskiner og motorer; Detaljhandelstjenester for filtre for maskiner og motorer; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innenfor filtre for maskiner og motorer; Engrossalgstjenester for radiatorer for motorer og maskiner; Detaljhandelstjenester for radiatorer for motorer og maskiner; Kommersielle formidlingstjenester innenfor radiatorer for motorer og maskiner. (111) 299788 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804064 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.22 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.22 HAPTIQ HAPTIQ AS, Sagveien 21, 0459 OSLO, Norge ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 9 3D briller; applikasjoner, nedlastbare; bærbare datamaskiner; bærbare medieavspillere; briller; computer periferiutstyr; databærere [optiske]; databehandlingsapparater og -innretninger; dataprogrammer [innregistrerte på databærere]; dataprogrammer [nedlastbar programvare]; dataspillprogrammer; DVD-spiller; elektriske apparater for kontroll og overvåkning; elektroniske dagbøker; elektroniske oppslagstavler; elektroniske publikasjoner [nedlastbare]; fiberoptiske kabler; filmkameraer; fjernsynsapparater; grensesnittenheter for datamaskiner; integrerte kretser; interkommunikasjonsapparater; kontrollapparater, elektriske; koplingsenheter [databehandlingsutstyr]; kretskort; lesebrett; lysbildeapparater; lysreguleringsinnretninger; minnekort for videospillmaskiner; nedlastbare billedfiler; nedlastbare filmer; nedlastbare musikkfiler; operative programmer, innregistrerte for datamaskiner; skanner [databehandlingsutstyr]; skjermbildedata innregistrert på dataprogrammer; skjermer for datamaskiner; videokameraer; videoopptakere; videoskjermer; videospillere. Klasse 38 Dataassistert overføring av beskjeder og bilder; elektroniske oppslagstavler [telekommunikasjonstjeneste]; kommunikasjon ved dataterminaler; overføring av lyd og bilder via datamaskiner; tilby tilgangstid til et globalt datanettverk; tilbydelse av telekommunikasjonstilgang til et globalt computernettverk; tilveiebringe tilgang til internettportaler; tilveiebringelse av online forum; tilveiebringelse av praterom på internett; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser. Klasse 42 Design av computersystemer; driftstjenester for servere; elektronisk datalagring; fjernovervåking av datasystemer; installasjon av dataprogrammer; konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; konsultasjonsvirksomhet ved design og utvikling av datamaskiner; konvertering av data eller dokumenter fra fysisk til elektronisk media; leie av webserver; nettskytjenester; programmering for datamaskiner; softwaretjenester [SaaS]; utarbeidelse av dataprogrammer; utleie av datamaskiner; utleie av dataprogrammer. (111) 299789 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201801795 (220) Inndato: 2018.02.07 (180) Registreringen 2028.02.07 UPTHERE Western Digital Technologies, Inc., 5601 Great Oaks Parkway, US-CA95119 SAN JOSE, USA ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Klasse 9 Apparater for opptak, overføring eller reproduksjon av lyd eller bilder; audio musikkavspillere; apparater for opptak av medier; lydreproduksjonsinnretninger; backup-drivere (sikkerhetskopidrivere) for datamaskiner; tomme flashminnekort; tomme USB minnepinner; bærevesker for datamaskinvare; dataanalyseapparater, nemlig, integrert datamaskinvare med maskinvare og programvaresystemer for styring av store datasentre, dataanalyse, datalagring, og lagringssystem for ytelsesanalyse; datadiskettstasjoner [for datamaskiner]; datamaskinvare og programvare for datalagring; datamaskinvare bestående av kasse, kapsling, strømtilførsel, kabler; datamaskinvare for opplasting, lagring, gjenfinning, nedlastning, overføring og levering av digitalt innhold; datamaskinvare, nemlig, harddiskstasjoner og SSD-disker; datamaskinvare; datahukommelse; hukommelseslager for datamaskiner; lagringsenheter for datanettverk, nemlig, mediespillere, tomme digitale lagringsmedier, bærbare harddiskstasjoner, SSD-disker, flashminnedisker, hybriddisker og datamaskinperiferiutstyr for lagring og sikkerhetskopiering av elektronisk data enten lokalt eller via et telekommunikasjonsnettverk eller via nettsky; lagringsenheter for datanettverk, nemlig for lagring og sikkerhetskopiering av elektronisk data enten lokalt eller via et telekommunikasjonsnettverk; bærevesker for datamaskinperiferiutstyr; datamaskinperiferiutstyr; dataprodukter til overføring, strømming, visning og avspilling av tekst, data, lyd- og videofiler, digitale bilder og multimediainnhold fra datalagringsenheter, harddisker, diskstasjoner, og datamaskinperiferiutstyr til TV-er, videoskjermer, prosjektorer, datamaskin og mobile enheter, nemlig, nettbrett, smarttelefoner, laptoper; dataprogramvare for å muliggjøre gjenfinning av data; dataprogramvare; datalagringsinnretninger, nemlig, nettverkstilknyttede lagringsenheter for fildeling og sikkerhetskopiering til nettsky; datalagringsenheter, nemlig, maskinvare for dataminne, harddisker for datamaskiner, og SSD-disker for datamaskiner; lagringsenheter for datamaskiner, nemlig, systemer eller subsystemer for lagring og arkivering av elektroniske data; datalagringsmaskinvare i form av systemer eller subsystemer for lagring og arkivering av elektroniske data; komponenter for datamaskiner; datakabler for bruk i databehandling; datakomprimeringsprogramvare; databehandlingsutstyr; datalagringsenheter, nemlig, harddiskstasjoner, digitale diskstasjoner, mediespillere, tomme digitale lagringsmedier, bærbare harddiskstasjoner, SSD-disker, minnepinner, hybriddisker og datamaskinperiferiutstyr; datalagringsenheter, nemlig, harddiskstasjoner, digitale diskstasjoner, SSD-disker, tomme digitale lagringsmedier, hybriddisker og datamaskinperiferiutstyr; datalagringsenheter; datalagringsprogrammer; diagnostiseringsapparater, ikke for medisinske formål, nemlig, apparater til bruk for datasystemanalyse og optimalisering; diskminne; harddisker; dokkingstasjoner for datalagringsenheter, nemlig, harddiskstasjoner, bærbare harddiskstasjoner, SSD-disker, og hybriddisker; nedlastbar dataprogramvare for ekstern overvåking og analyse; 21

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 nedlastbare elektroniske nyhetsbrev; nedlastbare mobilapplikasjoner; nedlastbare publikasjoner; elektroniske kretskort; elektroniske komponenter for datamaskiner; elektroniske minneenheter; eksterne harddiskkasser; eksterne SSD-disk-kasser; minnekortlesere; minnepinner; minnekort; flashminnebrikker; flashminneenheter; integrerte kretsbrikker; integrerte kretser; grensesnitt for datamaskiner; kapslinger for interne harddiskenheter: interne SSD-disk kasser; interne SSD-disk kapslinger; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; minnekort; mp3 spillere; bærbare flashminneenheter; strømkabler; strømtilførsler; trykte kretser; vitenskapelige apparater og -instrumenter; halvlederminner og minnekontrollere; programvare for tilgang til video og data lagret på distribuerte datalagringsenheter; programvare for datakomprimering; programvare for datasystemanalyse og optimalisering; programvare for kryptering av data; programvare for maksimering av datalagring; programvare for operasjon og administrasjon av datalagringsenheter; SSD-disker; lagringsenheter for datalagring og gjenfinning; strukturelle kapslinger for elektronikk og datautstyr; skiver for integrerte kretser; komponenter for datamaskiner; dokkingstasjoner for datamaskiner; datamaskinvare for systemanalyse med maskinvare og programvare for styring av store datasentre, dataanalyse, datalagring, og ytelsesanalyse for lagringssystem; maskinvare for datanettverk; datamaskinperiferienheter; dataprogramvare for overvåking av datasystemer; datalagringsenheter, nemlig, nettverkstilkoblet lagringsmaskinvare; elektroniske datalagringsenheter, nemlig, harddiskstasjoner, digitale harddisker, mediespillere, tomme digitale lagringsmedier, bærbare harddiskstasjoner, SSD-disker, minnepinner, hybriddisker og datamaskinperiferiutstyr; minnekortadaptere; harddiskstasjoner; kasser for interne harddiskstasjoner; monteringsstativer for datamaskinvare; flyttbare sikkerhetskopieringssystemer, nemlig, datasett primært bestående av harddiskstasjoner og SSD-disker, og sekundært av dataprogramvare; flyttbart harddiskbasert sikkerhetskopieringssystem; USB minnepinner. Klasse 42 Programmering for datamaskiner; konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; analyse av datasystemer; design av datamaskinsystemer; rådgivning ved design og utvikling av datamaskiner; design og utvikling av datamaskinvare og programvare; design og utvikling av harddiskstasjoner, SSD-disker og datalagringsenheter; elektronisk datalagring; industriell forskning innen området for systemanalyse og optimalisering av ikkeflyktige flashminneenheter, datasentre, hyperskala datasystemer og nettskysystemer; konsulenttjenester innen informasjonsteknologi [IT]; installasjon av dataprogramvare; vedlikehold av programvare i form av både software og firmware; fjernovervåkning av datasystemer; datasikkerhetskopiering fra ytre anlegg; fremskaffelse av informasjon om datamaskinteknologi og programmering; tilveiebringe teknisk rådgivning relatert til datamaskinvare og programvare; fremskaffelse av teknisk informasjon innen områdene for datamaskinvare, datalagring på datamaskiner, informasjonslagring, datanettverk og nettverksgrensesnitt, diskstasjoner, diskettstasjoner [for datamaskiner], og elektronisk minne; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og relatert design; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester i form av systemanalyse og optimalisering av ikke-flyktige flashminneenheter, datasentre, hyperskala datasystemer og analyse og optimalisering av nettskysystemer og forskning og design relatert dertil; serverhosting tjenester (serverhotell) i form av delt tilgang til dataservere for midlertidig bruk; tekniske supporttjenester, nemlig, teknisk administrasjon av servere for andre og feilsøking i form av diagnostisering av serverproblemer; teknisk supporttjenester, nemlig, feilsøking av programvareproblemer; feilsøking av programvareproblemer; oppdatering av programvare i form av både software og firmware; nettskytjenester; elektroniske datalagringstjenester; teknisk støtte for dataprogramvare; elektroniske lagringstjenester for arkivering av databaser, bilder og andre elektroniske data; overvåking av datasystemer ved fjerntilgang for å sikre behørig funksjonalitet og optimalisering av nevnte systemer; plattform som en tjeneste med programvareplattformer for databehandling; gjenoppretting av data fra datamaskiner; tekniske rådgivningstjenester knyttet til informasjonsteknologi; tekniske supporttjenester, nemlig, migrasjon av datasenter, server og databaseapplikasjoner. (111) 299790 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803953 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.19 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.19 GASTRO CATERING AS, Postboks 185 Grefsen, 0409 OSLO, Norge ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 35 Administrasjon av handelstjenester; Bedriftsledelse av hoteller; Bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter; Bistand ved forretningsledelse; Faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger; Forretningsadministrasjon ved lisensiering av varer og tjenester for andre; Konsulentbistand i forretningssaker; Rasjonaliseringsekspertise; Utsetting av tjenester [forretningsassistanse]. Klasse 43 Catering; Hoteller; Kafeer; Moteller; Pensjonater; Restauranter; Selvbetjeningsrestauranter; Snack-barer; Turisthytter; Kantinedrift. Klasse 45 Lisensiering i forbindelse med franchiseordninger [juridisk bistand]; Lisensiering av immateriell eiendomsrett. 22

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299791 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803954 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.19 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.19 (111) 299792 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803957 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.19 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.19 GASTRO CATERING AS, Postboks 185 Grefsen, 0409 OSLO, Norge ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 35 Administrasjon av handelstjenester; Bedriftsledelse av hoteller; Bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter; Bistand ved forretningsledelse; Faglige konsultasjoner om forretninger; Forretningsadministrasjon ved lisensiering av varer og tjenester for andre; Konsulentbistand i forretningssaker; Rasjonaliseringsekspertise; Utsetting av tjenester [forretningsassistanse]. Klasse 43 Catering; Hoteller; Kafeer; Moteller; Pensjonater; Restauranter; Selvbetjeningsrestauranter; Snack-barer; Turisthytter; Kantinedrift. Klasse 45 Lisensiering i forbindelse med franchiseordninger [juridisk bistand]; Lisensiering av immateriell eiendomsrett. STAVANGER UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS, Postboks 8100, 4068 STAVANGER, Norge Klasse 44 Medisinske tjenester; veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruk-, hagebruk- og skogbrukstjenester; Arbeidsterapi og rehabilitering; Helsekonsultasjoner; Psykiatrisk rådgivning; Psykiatriske tjenester; Psykiske helsetjenester; Psykologisk veiledning, rådgivning og terapi; Psykososial omsorg; Rehabilitering av rusmisbrukere; Rådgivning i forbindelse med arbeidsterapi; Psykologisk omsorg; Psykologisk rådgivning. 23

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299793 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803008 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.01 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.01 (111) 299794 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803960 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.19 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.19 EUPHORIC PANDA AS, Gamle Stasjonsvei 6, 3410 SYLLING, Norge Klasse 25 Klær, fottøy, hodeplagg. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Klasse 42 Design og oppdatering av hjemmesider og nettside. STAVANGER UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS, Postboks 8100, 4068 STAVANGER, Norge Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; Rådgivningstjenester i forbindelse med utdanning og opplæring; Yrkesveiledning [opplæringsog utdanningsrådgivning]. Klasse 44 Medisinske tjenester; veterinære tjenester; hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruk-, hagebruk- og skogbrukstjenester; Arbeidsterapi og rehabilitering; Helsekonsultasjoner; Psykiatrisk rådgivning; Psykiatriske tjenester; Psykiske helsetjenester; Psykologisk veiledning, rådgivning og terapi; Psykososial omsorg; Rehabilitering av rusmisbrukere; Rådgivning i forbindelse med arbeidsterapi; Psykologisk omsorg; Psykologisk rådgivning. (111) 299795 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201802590 (220) Inndato: 2018.02.20 (180) Registreringen 2028.02.20 24 TTAQUA AS, Thormøhlens gate 51, 5006 BERGEN, Norge ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 9 Applikasjonsprogramvare for mobiltelefoner; applikasjonsprogramvare; applikasjoner, nedlastbare. Klasse 28 Fiskeredskaper. Klasse 40 Produksjon på bestilling av former for bruk i industrien; vannbehandling og vannrensing; behandling av farlige substanser; behandling av avfallsmaterialer

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 innen miljøforurensningskontroll; jord-, avfalls-, eller vannbehandlingstjenester [miljøforebyggende tjenester]. Klasse 44 Bekjemping av skadedyr for jordbruk, havbruk, hagebruk og skogbruk; fiskeoppdrettstjenester; avlstjenester for dyr. (111) 299796 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803641 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.12 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.12 OPTIMAL WEIGHT 5&1 PLAN Jason Enterprises, Inc., 100 International Drive, 18th Floor, US-MD21202 BALTIMORE, USA ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Klasse 44 Tjenester for planlegging av vektreduksjonsdietter, tjenester i forbindelse med vektkontroll; kontrolltjenester i området vektreduksjon, diettplanlegging, og vektkontroll; konsulentvirksomhet i området vektreduksjon, diettplanlegging og vektkontroll; rådgivningstjenester i området vektreduksjon, diettplanlegging, og vektkontroll; helsepleietjenester, nemlig velværeprogrammer bestående av diettregimer. handelsplattformer. (111) 299798 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804077 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.23 NOVUS DENTAL NOVUS DENTAL AS, Johannes Bruns gate 5, 0452 OSLO, Norge ATTORNEY ANGELICA COPPINI, c/o Trademack- Formir, Spinola Road 137, MT-STJ3011 ST. JULIANS, Malta Klasse 10 Beholdere for medikamenter; fysikalske apparater for medisinsk bruk; gebisser; kunstige implantater [kirurgiske]; kunstige tenner; medisinske apparater og instrumenter; proteser; skjeer for medikamenter; sprøyter for medisinsk bruk; tannlegeapparater, elektriske; tannlegeapparater og -instrumenter; tannreguleringer; tungerensere. Klasse 21 Børster; flasker; rengjøringsredskaper [håndredskap]; tannbørster; tannbørster, elektriske; tannstikkere; tanntråd. Klasse 44 Farmasøyttjenester i form av tillaging av medikamenter; helsekonsultasjoner; helsetjeneste; konsultasjon i farmasøytiske spørsmål; skjønnhetspleietjenester; tannlegebehandling; tannreguleringstjenester; utleie av medisinsk utstyr. (111) 299797 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201613072 (220) Inndato: 2016.11.07 (180) Registreringen 2026.11.07 (111) 299799 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201800016 (220) Inndato: 2018.01.02 (180) Registreringen 2028.01.02 Porter AS, c/o Forskningsparken Startrup Lab, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 OSLO, Norge Advokatfirmaet CLP DA, v/oddbjørn Aarestrup Aasness, Postboks 1974 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet. Tilgang til plattformer for e-handel på internett. Klasse 39 Innpakning og lagring av varer; organisering av reiser. Logistikktjenester bestående av pakking og lagring av varer. Logistikktjenester bestående av lagring og levering av varer. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer. Design og utvikling av dataprogramvare for logistikk, styring av distribusjonsnettverk og e-forretningsportaler. Programmering av programvare for e- Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha (Also Trading as Sharp Corporation), 1, Takumi-cho, Sakai-ku, JP-590-8522 SAKAI CITY, OSAKA, Japan OSLO PATENTKONTOR AS, Postboks 7007 M, 0306 OSLO, Norge Klasse 7 Verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner; salgsautomater; elektriske støvsugere til husholdningsbruk; automatiske støvsugere (selvdrevne) som benytter nettskydatabehandlingssystemer for husholdningsbruk; Automatiske støvsugere (selvgående) til husholdningsbruk; automatiske støvsugere (selvdrevne), nemlig roboter som bruker skybaserte databehandlingssystemer for vedlikehold av husholdninger med ionegenererende funksjon; elektriske automatiske støvsugere (selvdrevne), nemlig roboter for vedlikehold av husholdninger; elektriske støvsugere for husholdningsformål for rengjøring av futoner (japanske madrasser); elektriske vaskemaskiner til husholdningsbruk; elektriske 25

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Klasse 8 Klasse 9 vaskemaskiner som har tørkefunksjoner for husholdningsbruk; oppvaskmaskiner til husholdningsbruk; elektriske vokspoleringsmaskiner til husholdningsbruk; elektriske kjøkkenmaskiner for husholdningsbruk for bearbeiding av mat; matblandingsmaskiner til husholdningsbruk; elektriske matblandere til både husholdnings- og industrielle formål; elektriske mat-kuttere; innretninger for hakking og oppmaling av kjøtt; elektriske saftpressere til husholdningsbruk; lavhastighets juice maskiner til husholdningsbruk; elektriske fruktpresser til husholdningsbruk; elektriske støvsugere til industrielle formål; automatiske støvsugere (selvgående) som benytter nettsky-databehandlingssystemer for industrielle formål; automatiske støvsugere (selvdrevne) til industrielle formål; automatiske støvsugere (selvdrevne), nemlig roboter som bruker nettskybaserte databehandlingssystemer til industrielle formål med ionegenererende funksjon; elektriske automatiske støvsugere (selvdrevne), nemlig roboter til industrielle formål; automatiske støvsugere (selvdrevne), nemlig roboter for rengjøring av solcellemoduler; elektriske vaskemaskiner til industrielle formål; oppvaskmaskiner til industrielle formål; elektriske juicepresser; elektriske saftpresser til industrielle formål; raspemaskiner for grønnsaker; matblandingsmaskiner til industrielle formål; maskiner for skrelling av mat, til industrielle formål; maskiner for skjæring, hugging og skiving av mat til industrielle formål; maskiner for tilbereding og bearbeiding av mat og drikke; kaffekverner, annet enn hånddrevne; fresemaskiner; elektriske vokspoleringsmaskiner til industrielle formål; roboter for bagasjebærere; heiser; statisk fjerning utstyr; salgsautomater. Håndverktøy og redskaper (manuelt drevne); knivsmedvarer, gafler og skjeer; hugg- og stikkvåpen, barberkniver; elektriske strykejern; elektriske dampstrykejern; krølltenger; krøllejern; rettetenger for hår; innretninger for forming av hår; elektriske barbermaskiner; elektriske barberredskaper; elektrisk hårfjerningsutstyr. Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere; opptaksplater; kompaktdisker, dvd-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater; lydplanker; utstyr for hjemmekino, nemlig projektorer, høyttalere, projeksjonsskjermer og fjernkontroller; hodetelefoner; internettradioer; platespillere; LCD-TV-mottakere; robotformede smarttelefoner; smarttelefoner; mobiltelefoner; telefoner; deler og tilbehør til telefoner; nettbrett; nettbrett lignende bærbare digitale assistenter; armbåndsur lignende bærbare digitale assistenter; bærbare digitale assistenter; integrerte white-board tavler; interaktive white-board tavler, integrerte white-board tavler med berøringspaneler; interaktive white-board tavler med berøringspaneler; applikasjonsprogramvare for smarttelefoner og nettbrett lignende digitale assistenter; andre former for applikasjonsprogramvare; telekommunikasjonsapparater; elektroniske apparater og deler dertil; batterier; elektriske ledninger og kabler; elektriske distribusjons- og / eller kontrollmaskiner og apparater; selvdrevne overvåkingsroboter; selvdrevne overvåkingsroboter for sikkerhetsformål; overvåkingsroboter for sikkerhetsformål; automatiske kontrollmaskiner og instrumenter for temperatur- og bevegelsesovervåking, for klimaanlegg eller nedfrysningsformål; lysdimmere for lamper; strømkontroller for armaturer; måle- eller testemaskiner og instrumenter for temperatur, fuktighet og atmosfæretrykk; automatiske styreenheter og fjernstyringer for måling, overvåkning og kontroll av luftkondisjonering; kameraer for overvåkningsformål; videoovervåkningskameraer; anti-tyveri og brannvarslingsapparater; bevegelsessensorer; elektriske overvåkingsapparater; overvåkningskameraer med bevegelsessensorer; dataopptakere for overføring og lagring mellom elektroniske minneenheter via trådløs overføring eller kabel; lydmottakere; apparater for overføring av lyd eller bilder; apparater for opptak av lyd eller bilder; advarselsapparat for overvåkning av bevegelser hos babyer, med videokameraer eller sensorer; lydbaserte elektroniske oversettere; elektroniske oversettere; forhåndsinnspilte databærere for talegjenkjenningssystemer; spillere for lydgjengivelse; høyttalere; apparat for innspilling av data; databehandlingsapparater; dataprogrammer som kan lastes ned via Internett; dataprogrammer (nedlastbar programvare); datamaskiner og dataprogramvare; fotovoltaiske celle moduler; solenergi batterier; fotovoltaiske apparater og installasjoner; TV-mottakere som bruker skjermer som speil; overvåkningsapparater som bruker skjermer som speil; sikkerhetsinnbruddslarm for dører; gassalarmer; røykvarsler; vannlekkasjealarmer; anti-tyveri alarmer; elektroniske låsemekanismer for pengeskap; fjernstyrte strømstyringer; wattmetre; elektriske omformere; elektriske måleapparater; mikrobe detektorer; mikrobe sensorer; måle eller testemaskiner og -instrumenter; skrittellere; fartsmålere; vibrasjonssensorer; videoopptak, slik som forhåndsinnspilte video-plater og videobånd; nedlastbare musikkfiler; nedlastbare bildefiler; nedlastbare lyder eller bilder; dataprogramvare for bærbare digitale assistenter; dataprogramvare for nettsky-databehandling; applikasjonsprogramvare; applikasjonsprogrammer for smarttelefoner som bruker trådløst lokalnettverk for å kontrollere elektriske husholdningsapparater; nedlastbare spillprogrammer for mobiltelefoner; dataspillprogrammer lastet ned via internett; programmer for bærbare spill med flytende krystallskjermer lastet ned via internett; nedlastbar programvare; nedlastbare ringetoner for mobiltelefoner; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner; elektroniske publikasjoner; AGE (avanserte glykerte endeprodukt) sensorer; protein analyse apparater; elektroforeseapparat; blotting apparater; fluorescens bildebehandlingsapparater; apparater for jordanalyse utstyr; baderomsvekter. Klasse 10 Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer; behandlings- og støtteanordninger tilpasset funksjonshemmede; massasjeapparater; apparater og hjelpemidler for barnepleie; sexhjelpemidler og sexleketøy; massasjeapparater for kropp; massasjeapparater for ansikt. Klasse 11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, steking, tørking, ventilasjon, kjøling, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; iongeneratorer til husholdningsbruk; elektriske automatisk iongenererende apparat (selvdrevne) til husholdningsbruk; elektrisk automatisk iongenereringsapparat (selvdrevne) som bruker nettskybaserte databehandlingssystemer, for husholdningsbruk; klimaanlegg for husholdningsbruk; luftrensere til husholdningsbruk; avfuktere for husholdningsbruk; luftfuktere for husholdningsbruk; elektriske vifter; elektrisk ventilasjonsvifter; kjøkkenventilatorer; elektriske komfyrer; blåsemaskiner med ionb-kondensatorer for luftkondisjoneringsformål; elektriske blåsemaskiner for luftkondisjoneringsformål; futon (japansk madrass) tørkere for husholdning formål; elektriske maskiner for tørking av klær, for husholdningsformål; elektriske kjøleskap til husholdningsbruk; superoppvarmede dampovner for husholdningsbruk; superoppvarmede dampovner som har en funksjon som mikrobølgeovner, for husholdningsbruk; superoppvarmede dampovner, for 26

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 husholdningsbruk; mikrobølgeovner; elektriske ovner; elektromagnetiske induksjonskokere for både husholdnings- og industrielle formål; elektriske griller; matlagingsinnretninger med induksjonsvarme; platetopper og mikrobølgeovnskuffer; elektriske oppvarmingsskuffer; elektriske riskokere til husholdningsbruk; elektriske brødristere; elektriske grillovner; elektriske stekepanner; elektriske kokepanner; elektriske kokekar; elektriske vannkokere; elektriske kasseroller; elektriske oppvarmingspanner; elektriske dampere; elektriske kaffemaskiner; elektriske toastjern; elektriske frityrmaskiner; elektriske apparater for å lage suppe; elektriske apparater for å lage yoghurt; brødbakemaskiner; elektriske te-maskiner; elektriske kjeler; elektriske trykkkokere; ion generatorer for hjelmer, rengjøringsmidler for hjelmer; elektriske dampapparater for ansikter, som har iongenererende funksjoner; elektriske apparater for ansikter, som har iongenererende funksjoner; hårtørrere til husholdningsbruk; elektrotermiske husholdningsapparater til skjønnhets- eller sanitære formål; andre elektrotermiske apparater for husholdningsbruk; lysdiode [LED] belysningsinstallasjoner; elektriske lamper og annet belysningsapparat; gatelys; gatebelysning med solcelle moduler; kjølediskkabinetter; frysemaskiner og - apparater til industrielle formål; glasskap med kjøle eller frysefunksjon; elektriske kjeler; elektriske vannvarmere; elektriske brennere for industrielle formål; gassbrennere til industrielle formål; elektriske kokeapparater til industrielle formål; tørkemaskiner for oppvask, for industrielle formål; desinfeksjonsapparater for oppvask, til industrielle formål; tørkeapparater; gulvvarmeapparater; klimaanlegg og oppvarmingsapparater; elektriske oppvarmingsapparater; klimaanlegg for industrielle formål; iongeneratorer for industrielle formål; vannfiltreringsapparat; vannrensere; elektriske vann dispensere; elektriske varmtvannsdispensere; vannvarmere for badekar; elektrisk dusjapparat bestående av vannvarmer og dusjhode; elektrisk dusjapparat bestående av vannvarmer, dusjhode og pumpe; dusj toaletter; elektriske oppvarmings- og tørkeapparater for baderom; elektrisk tørkeapparater for baderom; gass oppvarmings- og tørkeapparater for baderom; gass tørkeapparater for baderom; elektriske drikkedispensere til husholdningsbruk; elektriske kullsyre drikkedispensere til industrielle formål; elektriske drikkedispensere til industrielle formål; toalettstoler med vaskesprøyter; klosettskåler; seter for bruk sammen med klosettskåler av japansk type; hårtørrere til industrielle formål; flytende natriumhypokloritt tilvirkere; elektrisk vann-ionisator til husholdning formål; elektrisk vann-ionisator. Klasse 21 Husholdnings- og kjøkkenredskaper samt -beholdere; kammer og svamper; børster (ikke malerpensler); materialer for børstebinding; gjenstander til rengjøringsformål; råglass eller halvfabrikata av glass, unntatt bygningsglass; glassvarer, porselen og keramikk; elektriske strykebrett. (111) 299800 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804051 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.23 CROSSBOW Padley & Venables Limited, Callywhite Lane, GB- S182XT DRONFIELD, SHEFFIELD, Storbritannia ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Klasse 7 Maskiner og maskinverktøy for rivning. Rivningsmaskiner, inkludert hydrauliske hammere og knusere. Verktøy med meisel, spiss og stump driftsende; rambukker; stabelstøtter; koblinger; spissmeisler; meisler; naglefjernere; asfaltfresere; skjærere til tjæreblandingsdekke; leirespader; alt for rivningsmaskiner. Deler og utstyr for de forannevnte varer. Klasse 42 Design av maskiner og maskinverktøy for metallbearbeiding; design av verktøy for bruk med rivningsmaskiner. (111) 299801 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201803762 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.16 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.16 MEDIKEY AS, Torvmosløyfa 31, 4640 SØGNE, Norge Klasse 8 Håndverktøy og redskaper (manuelt drevne); knivsmedvarer, gafler og skjeer; hugg- og stikkvåpen, barberkniver, -høvler og -maskiner. Klasse 10 Kirurgiske, medisinske, odontologiske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter, kunstige lemmer, øyne og tenner, ortopediske artikler, suturmaterialer. (111) 299802 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201804046 (220) Inndato: 2018.03.23 (180) Registreringen 2028.03.23 him HIM DATA AS, Årvollskogen 91, 1529 MOSS, Norge Klasse 9 internettservere Klasse 42 Datatjenester i forbindelse med elektronisk datalagring 27

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299803 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201717403 (220) Inndato: 2017.12.29 (180) Registreringen 2027.12.29 (111) 299804 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810188 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.09 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.09 Snickar-Per AB, Furuvägen 1, Hånger, SE-33194 VÄRNAMO, Sverige Advokatbyrån Gulliksson AB, Box 4171, SE-20313 MALMÖ, Sverige Klasse 6 Uedle metaller og legeringer av disse; bygningsmaterialer av metall; strukturer og flyttbare bygninger av metall; materialer av metall for jernbanespor; ikke-elektriske kabler og -tråd av metall (uedelt); små smiddvarer av metall; rør og rørledninger av metall; sikkerhetsskap og -skrin; malmer; metallvinduer; metalldører, persienner av metall for utendørs bruk, persienner av metall; rulljalusier av metall; dørhåndtak av metall; dørrammer av metall; beslag for dører av metall; dørbolter av metall; dørfyllinger av metall; dørhasper av metall; vindusreferanse av metall; knotter [håndtak] av metall; vindusstenger av metall; vindusskodder av metall; vindusrammer av metall; lukkemekanismer for vinduer; Vindusbeslag av metall; vindushasper av metall; vippevinduer av metall, jernbeslag for dører; garasjeporter av metall. Klasse 19 Stive rør (ikke av metall) for byggning; asfalt, bek, tjære og bitumen; transportable hus (ikke av metall); monumenter, (ikke av metall), Vinduer, ikke av metall; vindusglass [unntatt for kjøretøyer]; vinduglass for byggning; vindusskodder, ikke av metall; vinduramme ikke metallisk; fargete glassruter; insektsnett, ikke av metall; dører, ikke av metall; dørkarmer, ikke av metall; dørfyllinger, ikke av metall; persienner for utendørs bruk, ikke av metall eller tekstiler; dører (ikke metallisk) for garasje. Klasse 20 Møbler; speil [møbler]; rammer; innendørs persienner; trinser av plast for persienner; persienner av tre; vertikala lamellgardiner for inomhusbruk; dørhåndtak, ikke av metall; vindusreferanse, ikke av metall; Beslag for dører, ikke av metall; Vindusbeslag, ikke av metall; Gardinringer; Persienner. Klasse 24 Sengetøy; bordduker; gardiner av tekstil eller plast; gardinholdere av tekstiler; fortrekksgardiner; myggnett; portierer. Klasse 37 Oppførsel/byggevirksomhet; installasjon av dører og vinduer; reparasjon av vinduer; vedlikehold av vinduer; glasssammensetning; installasjon; vedlikehold og reparasjon av glass, vinduer og markiser/persienner. DIVE-IN AS, Prinsessevegen 8B, 7056 RANHEIM, Norge Klasse 37 Vask av kjøretøyer; bilrengjøring og -vask; drivstoffpåfylling, vask, rengjøring, vedlikehold og reparasjon av biler. (111) 299805 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810187 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.09 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.09 Dive In DIVE-IN AS, Prinsessevegen 8B, 7056 RANHEIM, Norge Klasse 37 Vask av kjøretøyer; bilrengjøring og -vask; drivstoffpåfylling, vask, rengjøring, vedlikehold og reparasjon av biler. (111) 299806 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201806194 (220) Inndato: 2018.05.11 (180) Registreringen 2028.05.11 Aktivo AKTIV OPPVEKST AS, Flugsrudkroken 21B, 2614 LILLEHAMMER, Norge Klasse 20 Møbler Klasse 28 Leker 28

registrerte varemerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 299807 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.22 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810109 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.05 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.05 BANEVEI STORHEILL, Tingveien 7, 1443 DRØBAK, Norge Klasse 35 Bedriftsrådgivning; bedriftsledelse og bedriftsadministrasjon; rådgivning for forretningsledelse; rådgivning om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse; analyser innen bedriftsledelse; rådgivning og bistand for bedriftsledelse; rådgivningstjenester vedrørende bedriftsledelse; bedriftsledelses- og rådgivningstjenester; bedriftsledelsesrådgivning. Klasse 41 Utførelse av opplæringskurs innen teknologi og innovasjon. Klasse 42 Designrådgivning; design og utvikling av test- og analysemetoder; analyse og evaluering av produktutvikling. 29

Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for Norge ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 3 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf. varemerkeloven 71. Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal registrering. Int.reg.dato: Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jf. varemerkeloven 72 og Madrid-protokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i Norge, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen. Etterfølgende utpekningsdato: Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i Norge hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den Prioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: internasjonale registreringen. Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlands-registrering eller -søknad. Det vil si den datoen det innføres i varemerkeregisteret at den internasjonale registreringen gjelder i Norge, jf. varemerkeloven 70. (111) 0430134 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1977.05.03 (180) Registreringen 2027.05.03 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.07 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717256 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (111) 0514254 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1987.06.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.25 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.07 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717257 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 Lieken Brot- und Backwaren GmbH, Auf'm Halskamp 11, DE-49681 GARREL, Tyskland Klasse 30 Bread, pastry, flour, preparations made from cereals for food. 2018.08.21 Lieken Brot- und Backwaren GmbH, Auf'm Halskamp 11, DE-49681 GARREL, Tyskland Klasse 30 Pastry and confectionery, particularly bread. 2018.08.22 30

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 0633795 (151) Int.reg.dato: 1995.02.21 (180) Registreringen 2025.02.21 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.12.07 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717016 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 LANDANA Vandersterre Holland B.V., Beneluxweg 15, NL- 2411NG BODEGRAVEN, Nederland Klasse 29 Cheese. (111) 0788753 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2002.02.04 (180) Registreringen 2022.02.04 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.03.08 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201707141 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.06.01 2018.08.17 (111) 0774280 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2001.12.13 (180) Registreringen 2021.12.13 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.10.18 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717259 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 CARVER Carver Technology B.V., Van de Reijtstraat 5, NL- 4814NE BREDA, Nederland Klasse 12 Vehicles for locomotion by land, namely three wheeled motorcycles. 2018.08.22 (111) 0782473 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2002.05.23 (180) Registreringen 2022.05.23 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.06 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717260 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 KRESKOVA S.C. ALEXANDRION GRUP ROMANIA S.R.L., Sat Pleasa, Jud. Prahova, RO-107113 COMUNA BUCOV, Romania Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). 2018.08.17 KAN SP.Z O.O., ul. Zdrojowa 51, PL-16-001 BIALYSTOK-KLEOSIN, Polen Klasse 6 Couplers of brass, bent tubes, T-fittings, rings, sleeves, extenders, nipples, reducing fittings and caps of metal, clamping sleeves for tubes of copper, nuts for tubes of copper, elbow fittings of copper, plates and screws for assembly, screw sets of brass, shut-off valves of metal. Klasse 8 Shears for cutting plastic installation tubes, hand-held presses for tube couplings (tools), mandrels (tools), carrying cases for clamping tools. Klasse 9 Water meters, calorimeters, circuit breakers, sleeve compensators, thermometers and disk manometers, room thermostats. Klasse 11 Central heating installations and their pipes; level control valves, mixing valves; heating control cabinets (heating installation parts), notched protective tubes with fastening handles, water-heating apparatus, central heating boilers, valves, mixers, air release valves, thermostatic valves and heads, retaining valves, complex valves, selector valves, filters (parts of household or industrial installations). Klasse 17 Handles and clips for fastening tubes, knuckle joints and nipples for couplers of plastic. Klasse 20 Plastic hooks for tubes, plastic shut-off valves. 2018.08.22 (111) 0951694 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2007.12.13 (180) Registreringen 2027.12.13 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.12.13 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717264 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 Raltovem Novartis AG, CH-4002 BASEL, Sveits Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. 31

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 2018.08.17 (111) 1109636 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2012.02.13 (180) Registreringen 2022.02.13 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.10.19 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717270 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 REVYANZ Novartis AG, CH-4002 BASEL, Sveits Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. 2018.08.17 (111) 1123527 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2012.05.10 (180) Registreringen 2022.05.10 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.10.10 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201716662 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 MALABRIGO BODEGAS CEPA 21, S.A., Ctra. Peñafiel-Valoria, s/n., ES-47315 PESQUERA DE DUERO (VALLADOLID), Spania Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beer); wine. 2018.08.20 (111) 1149796 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2012.12.12 (180) Registreringen 2022.12.12 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.17 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201716663 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark; the mark consists of a stylized version of the letter "E", which appears on a contrasting shaded background of a rectangular-shaped carrier design. Enterprise Holdings, Inc., 600 Corporate Park Drive, US-MO63105 ST. LOUIS, USA Klasse 12 Vehicles, namely, automobiles, trucks, cars, land vehicles. Klasse 35 Vehicle dealership services, namely, dealerships in the field of automobiles, trucks, cars, land vehicles; vehicle fleet business management services related to tracking and monitoring vehicles for commercial purposes, and business consultation services relating to the management of a fleet of vehicles for commercial purposes. Klasse 36 Vehicle fleet management services, namely, facilitating and arranging for financing, and insurance agency services in the fields of liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance, of vehicles for others. Klasse 37 Vehicle repair services; vehicle fleet management services, namely, vehicle repair and maintenance. Klasse 39 Vehicle rental and leasing services; and reservation services for the rental and leasing of vehicles, namely, rental reservations for automobiles, trucks, cars, land vehicles. 2018.08.21 (111) 1242974 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.29 (180) Registreringen 2024.10.29 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.07 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201716664 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 Sweety Chr. Hansen A/S, Bøge Allé 10-12, DK-2970 HØRSHOLM, Danmark Klasse 1 Cultures of microorganisms other than for medical and 32

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 veterinary use; bacteriological preparations other than for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological preparations for industrial use, including bacteria for fermentation of yoghurt. 2018.08.20 (111) 1256327 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.05.04 (180) Registreringen 2025.05.04 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.15 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201716666 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (111) 1265308 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.20 (180) Registreringen 2025.03.20 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.29 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201716667 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 QUINTUS Quintus Technologies AB, Quintusvägen 2, SE-72166 VÄSTERÅS, Sverige Klasse 7 Mechanical machine tools; cutting tools being parts of machines; presses; high pressure presses; isostatic presses; presses for metal; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. 2018.08.17 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a gray box surrounding four squares and four diamonds depicted between the squares with an arrow depicted within each diamond in a clockwise pattern as follows: green square in the upper left corner, a yellow arrow pointing up, a purple square in the upper right corner, a blue arrow below, a yellow square in the lower right corner, a green arrow, a blue square in the lower left corner and a purple arrow above; all surrounding a central gray eightpointed star, each square and diamond figure is outlined in white. Red Hat, Inc., 100 East Davie Street, US-NC27601 RALEIGH, USA Klasse 9 Computer software, computer operating system software, free and open source computer operating system software, all in the field of software for operating computer systems; data processing equipment; computer hardware. (111) 1304661 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.05.27 (180) Registreringen 2026.05.27 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.03 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717024 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 ibinder ibinder AB, Engelbrektsgatan 8, SE-70212 ÖREBRO, Sverige Klasse 9 Recorded computer programs. Klasse 35 Input, processing, checking, storage and/or production of computerised information; compilation, input and systemization of information in databases. Klasse 38 Providing access to computerised information and databases. Klasse 42 Computer programming, development, design and updating of computer programs; consultancy services regarding project management (technical support/design). 2018.08.21 2018.08.20 33

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1312867 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.30 (210) Nasj. 201611598 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.06 (111) 1318917 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.25 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.12.13 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717278 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 Roveg Fruit B.V., Nijverheidsweg 20, NL-2742RG WADDINXVEEN, Nederland PROTECTOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CONSULTANTS AS, Oscars gate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge Klasse 31 Fresh vegetables; fresh fruits. 2018.08.17 EURO REPAR CAR SERVICE, Immeuble Pôle tertiaire 2, 1 Boulevard de l'europe, FR-78300 POISSY, Frankrike Klasse 35 Retail services for spare parts for motor vehicles. Klasse 37 Servicing, repair and maintenance of motor vehicles; vehicle breakdown assistance (repair). Klasse 39 Transport services; particularly by car, rental and lending of motor vehicles, garage rental services; vehicle breakdown assistance (towing). 2018.08.22 (111) 1314506 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.06.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.06.30 (210) Nasj. 201612170 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2016.10.20 Roveg Fruit B.V., Nijverheidsweg 20, NL-2742RG WADDINXVEEN, Nederland PROTECTOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CONSULTANTS AS, Oscars gate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge Klasse 31 Fresh vegetables; fresh fruits. 2018.08.17 (111) 1333136 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.12.02 (180) Registreringen 2026.12.02 (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: 2017.10.18 (210) Nasj. 201716668 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 INA VOKICH Tatjana Cikovani, Saldus iela 1-1, LV-1007 RIGA, Latvia Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 2018.08.21 (111) 1333723 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.23 (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: 2017.11.28 (210) Nasj. 201716669 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 PIRATE LIFE BREWING Pirate Life Brewing Pty Ltd, L1, 75 Queen Victoria Street, AU-WA6160 FREMANTLE, Australia Klasse 32 Beers; beverages in this class, including non-alcoholic beverages; hop pellets for use in brewing; hop extracts, concentrates and essences for use in preparation of beverages, including beer; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 34

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Klasse 40 Brewing of beer; brewing services; advisory and consultancy services in relation to the aforesaid. 2018.08.21 (111) 1333939 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.09.23 (180) Registreringen 2026.09.23 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.28 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201716670 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (111) 1341281 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.01.19 (180) Registreringen 2027.01.19 (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: 2017.11.02 (210) Nasj. 201716674 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 Tiny Sun Tiny Sun Holding B.V., Nachtwachtlaan 20, NL- 1058EA AMSTERDAM, Nederland Klasse 39 Distribution of energy; storage of energy and fuels. Klasse 40 Production of energy; production of energy by power plants; production of energy by nuclear power plants. Klasse 42 Scientific research; engineering research; engineering; research in the field of energy; engineering services in the field of energy technology; engineering services related to energy supply systems; design and development of energy distribution networks; development of energy and power management systems; technological consultancy in the fields of energy production and use. 2018.08.21 Pirate Life Brewing Pty Ltd, L1, 75 Queen Victoria Street, AU-WA6160 FREMANTLE, Australia Klasse 32 Beers; beverages in this class, including non-alcoholic beverages; hop pellets for use in brewing; hop extracts, concentrates and essences for use in preparation of beverages, including beer; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Klasse 40 Brewing of beer; brewing services; advisory and consultancy services in relation to the aforesaid. (111) 1342136 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.22 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.22 (210) Nasj. 201705398 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.04.27 2018.08.21 (111) 1334852 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.11.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.11.21 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.15 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201716671 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 CENTOS Red Hat, Inc., 100 East Davie Street, US-NC27601 RALEIGH, USA Klasse 9 Computer operating system software, and free and open source computer software for operating computer systems; data processing equipment; computer hardware, none of the aforementioned to be sold or distributed via retail stores. 2018.08.20 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark is the stylized English letters M and I. Xiaomi Inc., Floor 13, Rainbow City Shopping Mall II of China Resources, NO. 68, Qinghe Middle Street, Haidian District, CN-100085 BEIJING, Kina ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Klasse 12 Electric vehicles; cars; pumps for bicycle tires; bicycles; aerial conveyors; strollers; sleighs [vehicles]; tires; repair outfits for inner tubes; air vehicles; water vehicles; safety seats for children, for vehicles; sports cars; tricycles; wheelchairs; trolleys; adhesive rubber patches for repairing inner tubes; windscreens; upholstery for vehicles; cars. Klasse 14 Jewelry boxes; bracelets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; brooches [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; paste jewellery [costume jewelry (Am.)]; chains [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; charms [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; necklaces [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; tie clips; coins; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; badges of precious metal; tie pins; pins [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; earrings; hat ornaments of precious metal; rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; 35

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; medals; clocks; wristwatches; stopwatches; boxes for timepieces; watch cases [parts of watches]; watches; clocks and watches, electric; watch chains; watch bands; precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought; ingots of precious metals; iridium; gold, unwrought or beaten; osmium; palladium; platinum [metal]; rhodium; alloys of precious metal; silver, unwrought or beaten; spun silver [silver wire]; silver thread [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; shoe ornaments of precious metal; amulets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; cloisonne jewellery [jewelry (Am.)]; chronoscopes; alarm clocks; silver accessories; cap jewelry; timer (watch); clock and watch box (gift); clockwork; clock box. Klasse 16 Mats for beer glasses; pamphlets; booklets; manuals [handbooks]; bookmarkers; printed matter; scrapbook albums; envelopes [stationery]; postcards; flags of paper; albums; calendars; periodicals; posters; printed publications; prospectuses; atlases; books; pictures; lithographic works of art; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; boxes of cardboard or paper; pencil sharpening machines, electric or nonelectric; stationery; paper-clips; office requisites, except furniture; files [office requisites]; folders for papers; writing cases [stationery]; document files [stationery]; bookends; staples for offices; money clips; stamps [seals]; pencils; steel pens; gummed tape [stationery]; adhesive tape dispensers [office requisites]; paper; carbon paper; placards of paper or cardboard; ink; drawing instruments; painters' easels; typewriters, electric or non-electric; teaching materials [except apparatus]; modelling materials; rosaries; note books; almanacs; comic books; paper knives [cutters] [office requisites]; adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; compasses for drawing; toilet paper; towels of paper; greeting cards; cards; table coaster; notebook or drawing book; tear-off calendar; hand pressure stapler (office equipment); stamper; notes. Klasse 18 Net bags for shopping; attaché cases; travelling trunks; travelling sets [leatherware]; pocket wallets; handbags; school satchels; school book bags; suitcases; key cases; bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; rucksacks; haversacks; umbrellas; fur; mountaineering sticks; leather leashes; harness straps; straps of leather [saddlery]; clothing for pets; gut for making sausages; animal skins; leather, unworked or semi-worked; fur; moleskin [imitation of leather]; imitation leather; pocket wallets; trimmings of leather for furniture; boxes of leather or leatherboard; key cases; card cases [notecases]; umbrella covers; horse blankets; small wallet; small bag. Klasse 20 Stands for calculating machines; baskets, not of metal; picture frames; photograph frames; wind chimes [decoration]; works of art of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; busts of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; pillows; bolsters; tool handles, not of metal; plaited straw, except matting; nameplates, not of metal; decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; kennels for household pets; identification bracelets, not of metal; funerary urns; hooks, not of metal, for clothes rails; curtain hooks; door handles, not of metal; furniture; counters [tables]; divans; cradles; mirrors [looking glasses]; stuffed animals; mannequins; pet cushions; cushions; sleeping bags for camping; chests for toy; pillow cushion. Klasse 21 Bowls [basins]; basins [bowls]; blenders, non-electric, for household purposes; utensils for household purposes; lunch boxes; chopsticks; kitchen utensils; containers for household or kitchen use; pitchers; jugs; candy boxes; urns; tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons; cups; dishes; pots; fruit cups; bottles; glass bulbs [receptacles]; boxes of glass; ceramics for household purposes; porcelain ware; pottery; liqueur sets; tea services [tableware]; tea caddies; drinking glasses; coffee services [tableware]; teapots; candelabra [candlesticks]; clothes drying racks; vases; combs; cosmetic utensils; works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass toothbrushes; toothpick holders; cleaning instruments, hand- operated; polishing apparatus and machines, for household purposes, non-electric; crystal [glassware]; halfproduced glass tubes; birdcages; indoor aquaria; insect traps; glasses [receptacles]; pepper pots; waste paper baskets; window-boxes; dustbins; toothbrushes, electric; toothpicks; make-up removing appliances; gloves for household purposes. Klasse 25 Wimples; clothing; wet suits for water-skiing; waterproof clothing; wedding dresses; sleep masks; sashes for wear; chasubles; shower caps; overalls; overcoats; shirts [clothing]; vests; tee-shirts; knitwear [clothing]; sports jerseys; outerclothing; skirts; jackets [clothing]; clothing of leather; underwear; trousers; boots for sports; footwear; boots; sports shoes; slippers; shoes; hoods [clothing]; headgear for wear; hats; caps [headwear]; hosiery; stockings; socks; gloves [clothing]; neckties; mantillas; scarfs; headscarves; money belts [clothing]; girdles; shortsleeve shirts; ponchos; pajamas (Am.); paper clothing; babies' pants [underwear]; cyclists' clothing; ski boots; non-slipping devices for footwear; maniples; stage costume; semi unified boot; sweater; covert topcoat. Klasse 28 Apparatus for games; jigsaw puzzles; dolls; play balloons; toys; games; mobiles [toys]; plush toys; playing cards; board games; skateboards; protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; body-building apparatus; archery implements; swimming pools [play articles]; ornaments for Christmas trees, except illumination articles and confectionery; scratch cards for playing lottery games; fishing tackle; camouflage screens [sports articles]; portable games with liquid crystal displays; radio-controlled toy vehicles; mahjong; chess games; rackets; roller skates; shin guards [sports articles]; lines for fishing; living room game toys; board games; poker; protective pad (complete set of sportswear components); sports racket; plastic race track; sweat absorption band for racket; swimming belts; cheering squad toy. Klasse 36 Financial management; financial information; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial consultancy; business liquidation services, financial; repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]; banking; investment of funds; insurance consultancy; insurance information; insurance services; financial analysis; financing services; lease-purchase financing; stock exchange quotations; capital investment; rent collection; home banking; exchanging money; electronic funds transfer; real estate management; brokerage; surety services; trusteeship; deposits of valuables; art appraisal; stamp appraisal; numismatic appraisal; jewellery [jewelry (Am.)] appraisal; antique appraisal; real estate brokerage; charitable fund raising; pawnbrokerage; lending against security; processing of credit card payments; health insurance; savings bank; credit card service. 2018.08.17 36

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1342257 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.01.26 (180) Registreringen 2027.01.26 (210) Nasj. 201705510 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.05.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.09.19, FR, 4300386 INSTATRENDS LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE, 29 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Klasse 3 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, foams, balms and aerosol products for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. 2018.08.17 (111) 1347169 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.07.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.07.29 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.12.08 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717280 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 Modibodi Kristy L Chong, 27 Cowell St, AU-NSW2111 GLADESVILLE, Australia Klasse 25 Apparel (clothing, footwear, headgear); articles of clothing made of leather; articles of water-resistant clothing; articles of waterproof clothing; articles of weatherproof clothing; articles of windproof clothing; athletic clothing; babies' pants (clothing); ballet clothing; beach clothing; belts (clothing); boys' clothing; braces for clothing (suspenders); cashmere clothing; casual clothing; chefs' clothing; children's clothing; clothing; clothing for babies; clothing for gymnastics; clothing for sports; clothing for surfing; clothing for swimming; clothing of fur; clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; clothing of paper; clothing, not being protective clothing, incorporating reflective or fluorescent elements or material; collars (clothing); combinations (clothing); cowls (clothing); cyclists' clothing; dance clothing; denims (clothing); drawers (clothing); ear muffs (clothing); furs (clothing); gabardines (clothing); girl's clothing; gloves (clothing); golf clothing (other than gloves); halters (clothing); headbands (clothing); hoods (clothing); infants' clothing; interlinings for clothing; jackets (clothing); jerseys (clothing); jump suits (clothing); kerchiefs (clothing); knitted clothing; knitwear (clothing); ladies' clothing; layettes (clothing); leather belts (clothing); linen articles of clothing; mantles (clothing); maternity clothing; men's clothing; mitts (clothing); money belts (clothing); motorcyclists' clothing (other than for protection against accident or injury); motorists' clothing; muffs (clothing); occupational clothing (other than for protection against accident or injury); oilskins (clothing); paper clothing; paper hats (clothing); playsuits (clothing); plush clothing; pockets for clothing; rainproof clothing; ready made linings for clothing; ready-made clothing; ready-made linings (parts of clothing); ready-made pockets (parts of clothing); ready-to-wear clothing; silk clothing; ski clothing (other than for protection against injury); slips (clothing); sports clothing (other than golf gloves); stuff jackets (clothing); tennis clothing; thermal clothing (not specifically adapted for protection against accident or injury); thermally insulated clothing (not specifically adapted for protection against accident or injury); thongs (clothing); three piece suits (clothing); veils (clothing); water-resistant clothing; waterproof clothing; weather resistant outer clothing; weatherproof clothing (not specifically adapted for protection against accident or injury); women's clothing; woollen clothing; woven articles of clothing; wraps (clothing); wristbands (clothing); wristlets (clothing). 2018.08.22 (111) 1347224 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.03.15 (180) Registreringen 2027.03.15 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.11.09 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201717281 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 MEHMET ÖZEN MAKINE SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Konya OrganizeSanayiBölgesi, BüyükKayacikMahallesi, 20. Sokak, No:4, TR- SELÇUKLU- KONYA, Tyrkia Klasse 7 Compressed air machines, air compressors, compressors for machines. 2018.08.22 37

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1350401 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.02.21 (180) Registreringen 2027.02.21 (210) Nasj. 201707784 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.06.15 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.01.31, FR, 4333912 (111) 1351263 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2026.10.24 (210) Nasj. 201708076 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.06.22 TRADEPARENCY, 8 Rue du Caire, FR-75002 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Perfumes; eaux de parfums; eaux de toilette; perfumed water; essential oils; cosmetics; hair lotions; aromatic extracts; toiletry products; perfuming preparations; impregnated wipes; deodorants for personal use; antiperspirants for personal use; dentifrices; dental bleaching gels; teeth and skin whitening products; mouthwashes; scale removing agents for cosmetic use; products for breath freshening; body creams; hand creams; foot cream; body sprays; spray for cosmetic use; mister for cosmetic use; mineral waters for cosmetic use in the form of misters; scented gels and wipes; coconut oil for cosmetic use; body oils; cosmetic oils; conditioner; cotton sticks for cosmetic use; lip balm; make-up; make-up removing products; skin care products; sun care product; nail polish removers; cleansing milk; polish; beauty masks; cotton wool for cosmetic use. Klasse 4 Klasse 5 Candles; perfumed candles. Pharmaceutical products; sanitary products for medical purposes; chemical preparations for medical or pharmaceutical use; deodorants other than for personal use; misters for pharmaceutical use; medicated toothpastes; mouthwashes for medical use; dental lacquers; medicinal sprays for the mouth; balms for medical use; air deodorising preparations; food and nutritional supplements; dietetic beverages for medical use; mineral waters for medical use in the form of misters; oils for medical use. 2018.08.21 Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennostyu «WELLCORM», ulitsa Centralnaya, dom 46, of. 205, pos. Murino, Vsevolozhsky region, RU-188661 LENINGRADSKAYA OBLAST, Russland Klasse 5 Dietary supplements for animals; animal feed supplements for veterinary purposes; protein supplements for animals; medicated animal feed; dietetic animal foodstuffs for medical purposes; flavoring supplements for animals; nutritional supplements for animal foodstuffs. Klasse 31 Dog biscuits; animal foodstuffs; pet food; strengthening animal forage; animal fattening preparations; aromatic sand for pets [litter]; sanded paper for pets [litter]; cat litter; abrasive liners for cat litter boxes. Klasse 35 Import-export agency services; marketing analysis; analysis of response to advertising; demonstration of goods for animals; demonstration of goods for animals for advertising purposes; arranging of contracts, for others, for the buying and selling of goods for animals; arranging of advertising and promotion contracts for third parties; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; marketing research; conducting of marketing studies; procurement of contracts for others relating to the sale of goods for animals; marketing; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; arranging and conducting of promotional and marketing events; organization and management of customer loyalty programs; organization of events, exhibitions, fairs and shows for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes; organization, operation and supervision of sales and promotional incentive schemes; presentation of goods for animals on communication media, for retail purposes; sales promotion for others; analysis of market research statistics; promoting the goods and services of others; telemarketing services; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; retail or wholesale services for animal foodstuffs; shop window dressing; bill-posting; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertising by mail order; television advertising. 2018.08.21 38

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1351279 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.08.25 (180) Registreringen 2026.08.25 (210) Nasj. 201708079 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.06.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.02.29, DE, 30 2016 101 819 PLAYMO geobra Brandstätter Stiftung & Co. KG, Brandstätterstrasse 2-10, DE-90513 ZIRNDORF, Tyskland Klasse 9 Sound, audio, visual and audio-visual recordings and/or contents provided by downloading and/or streaming from computer and communication networks including Internet and world wide web; computer games; video games software; compact discs; DVDs; films, exposed; recorded films; exposed films; cinematographic films; animated cartoons; interactive entertainment programs recorded on data carriers; programs for electronic games recorded on data carriers; DVDs and videotapes recorded with animated cartoons; recorded audio, video and audio-visual data carriers and data carriers of all kinds; magnetic data carriers; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound or images; sound recording carriers; sound transmitting apparatus; television apparatus; remote control devices; apparatus for the remote control of signals; cameras [photography]; film cameras; photo cameras; cassette players; radios; devices for playing cassettes and music data; laptops; computer mouses; monitors; mouse pads (mouse mats); loudspeakers; compact disk players; CDs; chips; encoded chip cards and data-carrying devices recorded with games and films; chip cards and other storage media with recorded embroidery designs; computer peripherals; computer programs for recorded games; computer software; education software for children; software for computer and video games; games on CD- ROM or magnetic data carriers; video games software adapted for use with television receivers; computer keyboards; data processors; floppy disks; floppy disk drives; blank video cassettes; video game floppy disks; video game cassettes; intercoms; electronic scoreboards; electronic pens for visual display units; protective helmets; bicycle helmets; optical apparatus and instruments; binoculars; holograms; calculating machines; pocket calculators; telephones; temperature indicators; cases to be attached on belts for mobile phones or apparatus for reproduction of sound or images; cases especially made for photographic apparatus and instruments; cords and chains for glasses; spectacle frames; cases for sunglasses. Klasse 28 Games; toys; toys, in particular play figures, accessories for play figures, sets of play figures and accessories, all aforementioned goods in particular made of plastic; balloons (toys); paper streamers; roller-skates; inline roller skates; knee and elbow guards [sporting articles]; kites; scooters; special bags for sports equipment, namely, golf bags, cricket bags, tennis bags; decorations for Christmas trees; computer games adapted for use with television receivers; video games adapted for use with television receivers. Klasse 41 Providing of training; education; entertainment; provision of entertainment by means of satellite television; rental and presentation of films; production of ongoing series of animated cartoons; production of entertainment shows; provision of entertainment shows and provision of information about those via communication and computer networks; animation production services; production of sound recordings recorded on discs, audio tapes, tape cassettes and films; theatre productions; production of entertainment shows and interactive programs for distribution via television, cable, satellite, audio and video media and/or electronic networks; production, presentation and rental of cinematographic films; production, presentation, and rental of sound and video recordings; production, presentation and rental of television and radio programs; entertainer services; provision of liveperformances; animation production services; creating animations with special effects for film and video; information on entertainment events; online game services; electronic games, interactive games and electronic quizzes, all provided over a global computer network or over the Internet; online game services; interactive online entertainment; operation of an amusement park and theme park; amusement park and theme park services; sporting and cultural activities; publication of periodicals and books. 2018.08.20 (111) 1351302 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.11.21 (180) Registreringen 2026.11.21 (210) Nasj. 201708084 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.06.22 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.07.19, DE, 30 2016 020 801 Robinson Club Playa la Tejita Robinson Club GmbH, Karl-Wiechert-Allee 4, DE- 30625 HANNOVER, Tyskland Klasse 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; transport of persons and goods, in particular by road, rail, sea and air; river transport; porter services; transport of money and valuables; transportation logistics; organization, booking and arrangement of travels, excursions and cruises; arrangement of transport services; rental of diving suits; organization, booking and arrangement of excursions, day trips and sightseeing tours; sightseeing [tourism]; travel consultancy and escorting of travellers; rental, booking and providing of aircraft; rental, booking and providing of ships, in particular rowing and motor boats, sailing vessels and canoes; rental, booking and providing of motor vehicles, bicycles and horses; parcel delivery; organization of trips, holidays and sightseeing tours; travel agency services, in particular consultancy and booking services for travel, providing information about travel, arrangement of transport services and travel; travel reservation; transport reservation; providing information about travel, via the Internet, in particular about reservation and booking in the tourism and business travel sector (online travel agencies); delivery, dispatching and distribution of newspapers and magazines; consultation provided by telephone call centres arid hotlines regarding travels, including business travel and in the field of transport logistics, transport and storage; tracking of passenger or freight vehicles using computers or global-positioning systems (GPS); traffic information. Klasse 41 Basic and advanced training as well as education information; instructional services, in particular correspondence courses and language training organization and providing of an after school children's entertainment centre featuring educational entertainment; holiday camp services [entertainment]; physical education services and provision of courses of instruction in languages; fitness club services, training club and fitness club services, providing nursery schools, cinema facilities, discotheque services, providing museum facilities [presentation, exhibitions], 39

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 amusement arcades; sport camp services; amusement park services; providing golf courses, tennis courts, riding facilities and sports facilities; rental of skin diving equipment; organization of sports competitions; organization of cultural and sporting events; arranging of cultural and sporting events; reservation services for sporting, scientific and cultural events; game services provided on-line [from a computer network]; rental of recorded data carriers (films, music, games), projector apparatus and the accessories thereof; rental of newspapers and magazines; writing of texts, other than publicity texts; publication of printed matter also in the form of electronic media including CD-ROMs, other than publicity texts, in particular books, magazines and newspapers; publication of printed matter in electronic form, except for publicity purposes, in particular magazines and newspapers, including in the Internet; publication of texts, except publicity texts, in particular of books, magazines and newspapers, including in the Internet; organization of exhibitions for cultural and teaching purposes; entertainment and educational services provided by recreation and amusement parks; services of an interpreter; services of a translator; photography; radio entertainment; television entertainment; consultation provided by telephone call centres and hot lines in the field of education, training and further training, and entertainment; consultation provided by telephone call centres and hot lines in the field of reservation services for sporting, scientific and cultural events; information about entertainment events, in particular provided via online networks and the Internet; modelling for artists; organisation of recreation stays for health purposes Klasse 43 Providing temporary accommodation; providing of food and drinks for guests; accommodation bureau services; providing and rental of holiday homes, holiday flats and apartments; providing room reservation and hotel reservation services; providing hotel and motel services; catering; services of boarding houses; rental of meeting rooms; bar services; providing of food and drinks for guests in restaurants; providing food and drinks in Internet cafés; consultation provided by telephone call centres and hotlines in the field of accommodation services, providing and rental of holiday homes, room reservation services and hotel reservation as well as accommodation and catering for guests. Klasse 44 Medical services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings; health and beauty care services provided by saunas, beauty salons, sanatoriums, hairdressing salons and massage parlours; nursing, medical; public baths for hygiene purposes; Turkish baths; medical assistance services; convalescent homes; flower arranging; manicuring; massage; physiotherapy; nursing homes; animal grooming; dentistry; arrangement of wellness and beauty care services. 2018.08.21 (111) 1351308 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.11.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.11.29 (210) Nasj. 201708086 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.06.22 Stone Properties (Luxembourg) S.à.r.l., Boulevard Joseph II 17-21, LU-1840 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; anti-perspirants and personal deodorants; perfumes; cosmetic preparations; body care products; beauty care products; skin care creams, lotions and oils; hair care products; hair shampoos, conditioners, sprays and gels; eau de cologne; false nails; make-up; mascara; lipstick; lip gloss; lip pencils; lip liner; lip balm; nail care preparations; toiletries; nail varnish; shower/bath gel; bubble bath; bath foams, oils and salts; tanning, sun protection and after-sun creams, lotions and oils; makeup remover; shaving preparations; room fragrances; cosmetic pens; cosmetic decorative motifs; cosmetics for animals; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; bicycle lamps; bicycle lights; bicycle reflectors for attachment to spokes; lamps; lamp shades; lighters (gas); parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery; costume jewellery; imitation jewellery; precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; clocks and watches; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; badges of precious metal; cufflinks; cases and holders for jewellery, cufflinks and watches; figurines of precious metal; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; jewellery rolls; 40

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 key rings. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; printed publications; periodical publications; books, brochures; newspapers; magazines; journals; comics; labels; stickers; decalcomanias; posters; ring binders; calendars; address books; diaries; annuals; notebooks; autograph albums; photo albums; cards; greeting cards; catalogues; programmes; writing paper; envelopes; pads; notepads; stamps and stamp pads; writing implements; letter paper; drawing materials; napkins of paper; rubber erasers; pens; pencils; erasers; rulers; pencil sharpeners; staplers; paper hole punches; highlighter pens; felt-tip pens; glue sticks for stationery purposes; mats [coasters] of card; tablecloths of paper; wrapping paper; paper napkins; bags of paper or plastic materials; push pins; paper articles, cardboard articles and wrapping and packaging materials; paintings; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; suitcases; rucksacks; bags; leather bags; school bags; back packs; briefcases; attaché cases; portfolio cases; sports bags; shoulder bags; satchels; messenger bags; purses; wallets; business card cases and holders; credit card cases and holders; key wallets; cosmetic cases; makeup bags; cosmetic bags; bags and cases for cosmetics and toiletries; vanity cases; articles of clothing for animals; handbags; clutch bags; school satchels; travel cases and handbags; luggage labels and tags; clothing for pets and animals; collars for pets and animals; leashes for pets and animals; blankets for pets and animals; riding whips, harnesses for horses, and saddlery; coverings of skins [furs]; leather trimmings for furniture; furniture coverings of leather; straps for skates; leather straps; leather thread; valves of leather; leather shoulder straps; leather, unworked or semi-worked; imitation of leather; animal skins; moleskin (imitation of leather); fur; bands of leather; curried skins; gut for making sausages; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; bedding, except linen; bins of wood or plastic; magazine racks; beds; bunk beds; wardrobes; desks; chests of drawers; pillows; sleeping bags; chairs; chest for toys; coat hangers; figurines and statuettes of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; nameplates; statues of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; leather cushions. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; hair brushes; drinking glasses; mugs; drinking cups; brushes; egg cups; food trays; coasters, not of paper and not being table linen; drink coasters [other than of paper or table linen]; plastic coasters; dishes; bowls; plates; drinking vessels; lunch boxes; soap dispensers; leather coasters; toothbrushes; water bottles; plastic water bottles; tableware; money boxes; insulating flasks; bottle openers; horse brushes; paper drinking cups and plates; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; straws for drinking; drinking straws. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers; bed linen; bedding; woven fabrics; day throws; pillowcases; table linen; table cloths; table napkins of textile; bath linen; towels; beach towels; face towels; tea towels; flannels; face cloths; pillow covers; duvet covers; pillow cases; bed sheets; bed blankets; handkerchiefs; curtains; cloth pennants; banners; bunting; flags, not of paper; place mats, not of paper; quilts; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; bed sheets of leather; textile coasters. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for christmas trees; toys; balls for games; balls for play; balloons; dolls; board games; card games; ordinary playing cards; electronic games not included in other classes; play figures; action figures; automatic amusement apparatus; automatic gaming machines; clothing for toy figures; clothing for dolls; dolls accessories; computer games apparatus; construction games; construction toys; costume masks; pet toys; rocking horses; cuddly toys; surfboards; sail boards; skateboards; inline skates; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; salt; mustard; fruit sauces; pasta and pasta products; puddings; bakery desserts; cereal preparations; breakfast cereals; cereal snacks; spaghetti; canned spaghetti; macaroni; noodles; canned pasta foods; boiled sweets, gum sweets, sweets [candy]; chocolate; coffee, tea, cocoa, artificial coffee and beverages based thereon. Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; carbonated drinks; fizzy drinks; soft drinks; fruit squashes. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); spirits. Klasse 35 Office functions; business management; business administration; commercial management assistance; advertising; advertising services provided via the internet; marketing services; accountancy services; business appraisals; business consultancy; business management and organisation consultancy; efficiency experts; business management consultancy; personnel recruitment; provision of business statistical information; compilation and provision of business information; conducting of trade fairs; data processing; the bringing together for sale of a variety of goods, for the benefit of others, enabling customers conveniently to view and purchase these goods, the goods being cleaning preparations, soaps, perfumery, cosmetic preparations, makeup, beauty care products, hair care products, toiletries, jewellery and costume jewellery, clocks and watches, glasses, mobile phones, computers, software, cases, covers and holders for electronic devices, paper, cardboard, printed matter, printed publications, books and notebooks, photographs, stationery and writing instruments, artists' materials, paint boxes for children, dinnerware, glass, porcelain or earthenware, figurines, key rings, magnets, clothing, footwear and headgear, badges for wear, games and playthings, bags, cases, wallets, furniture, household and kitchen utensils, textiles, confectionery, food, drink and alcoholic beverages. Klasse 36 Financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; real estate management; arranging letting of real estate; real estate investment advice; financial services; financial services relating to investment; financial services relating to asset management; financial investment fund services; financial management; raising of finance; project financing; financing of property development; property investment; property portfolio management; property management; financing of acquisitions; corporate finance services; leasing of property; unit trust management services; management of investment funds; fund management; real estate agency services; capital investment; real estate management of commercial property, residential accommodation, retail premises and offices; rental of commercial property; rental of residential accommodation; rental of retail premises; rental of offices; leasing of commercial property; leasing of residential accommodation; leasing 41

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 of retail premises; leasing of offices; advisory services relating to debt; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to the foregoing including such services provided online from a computer database or via the internet or extranets. Klasse 37 Property renovation; renovation and maintenance of real estate developments; building and renovation of commercial property, residential accommodation, retail premises and offices; building project management; building maintenance and cleaning services; advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Klasse 38 Telecommunications services; chat room services; portal services; e-mail services; providing access to online databases; telecommunication of information [including web pages], of computer software and any data or images; provision of access to an electronic online network for information retrieval; telex, telegram, facsimile communication services; information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid. Klasse 41 Education; entertainment; cultural activities; providing of training; sporting and cultural activities; arranging and conducting of conferences, seminars and workshops; instruction services; publication of books and texts; publication services; information and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer programming; installation, maintenance and repair of computer software; computer consultancy services; electronic data storage; commissioned writing of computer programs, software and code for the creation of web pages on the Internet; creating, maintaining and hosting the web sites of others; design services; temporary electronic storage of information relating to electronic mail systems. Klasse 43 Café, bar, restaurant and catering services; provision of food and drink; reservation and booking services; welcoming and hospitality services, namely providing food and drink; accommodation services; temporary accommodation services; provision and rental of temporary accommodation; provision of information relating to the availability of temporary accommodation; temporary accommodation booking and allocation services; hotel and motel services; hotel and motel reservation services; travel agency services for booking accommodation; information services in the field of tourism, namely information concerning the reservation of hotel rooms, accommodation, food and meal; provision of information relating to the aforesaid services. Klasse 45 Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; conveyancing services; social networking services; management, planning, administration, advice, assistance, appraisal, evaluation, information, research and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. 2018.08.20 (111) 1351311 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.11.29 (180) Registreringen 2026.11.29 (210) Nasj. 201708087 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.06.22 your turn Zalando SE, Tamara-Danz-Strasse 1, DE-10243 BERLIN, Tyskland Klasse 9 Spectacles and accessories therefor, spectacle cases, spectacle frames, spectacle lenses, sports glasses, sunglasses; protective helmets and other protective clothing for sport. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery; rings, earrings, ear clips, brooches, chokers, necklace chains, necklaces, pendants, chains, bracelets; gold jewellery, silver jewllery, pearl jewellery, platinum jewellery, jewellery of rhinestone and coloured stone, wedding rings, men's jewellery, precious stones, pearls; horological and chronometric instruments, in particular small clocks, wrist watches, parts for clocks and watches, straps for wrist watches, faces, casings for clocks and watches, clockworks, parts for clockworks; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods, included in class 14. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; bags; rucksacks; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers; textile bath towels and hand towels; washing gloves (bath mitts). Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 35 Wholesale and retail services, in particular mail order retail services (including online) in relation to spectacles and accessories therefor, spectacle cases, spectacle frames, spectacle glasses, goggles for sports, sunglasses, protective helmets and other protective clothing for sports, precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, jewellery, rings, earrings, ear clips, brooches, colliers, collier chains, necklaces, pendants, chains, bracelets, gold jewellery, silver jewellery, bead jewellery, platinum jewellery, diamond and gemstone jewellery, wedding rings, men's jewellery, precious stones, pearls, horological and chronometric instruments, in particular small clocks, wristwatches, clock parts, watch straps, dials (clock and watch making), clock cases, movements for clocks and watches, parts for clock and watch movements, goods made of leather and imitations of leather, bags, cases, rucksacks, umbrellas, foot care products, shoe care products, shoe trees, textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers, textile bath and hand towels, washing mitts, clothing, footwear, headgear. 2018.08.21 42

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1355855 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.04.13 (180) Registreringen 2027.04.13 (210) Nasj. 201709299 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.07.13 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.21, DE, 30 2017 004 475 (111) 1371793 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.01.17 (180) Registreringen 2027.01.17 (891) Etterfølgende 2017.09.20 utpekning dato: (210) Nasj. 201716675 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 Zalando SE, Tamara-Danz-Strasse 1, DE-10243 BERLIN, Tyskland BRYN AARFLOT AS, Stortingsgata 8, 0161 OSLO, Norge Klasse 9 Spectacles including their accessories; spectacle cases; spectacle frames; spectacle lenses; goggles for sports; sunglasses; protective headgear and other protective clothing for sports. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys; jewels; jewellery; rings; earrings; ear clips; brooches; chokers; choker necklaces; pendants; necklaces; bracelets; gold, silver, pearl, platinum, diamond and coloured precious stone jewellery; wedding rings; men's jewellery; precious stones; pearls; clocks and chronometric instruments, in particular watches, wristwatches, clock parts, watch straps, dials, clock cases, movements for clocks and watches; parts of movements for clocks and watches; parts and components of the above-mentioned goods, included in this class. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; hides and furs; trunks and travelling bags; bags; rucksacks; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harnesses and saddlery goods. Klasse 24 Woven fabrics and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed covers and table cloths; textile bath and hand towels; bath mitts. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear. Klasse 35 Wholesale and retail services, in particular mail order services (including online) with spectacles including their accessories, spectacle cases, spectacle frames, spectacle lenses, goggles for sports, sunglasses, protective helmets and other protective clothing for sports, goods made of or plated with precious metals and their alloys, jewels, jewellery, rings, earrings, ear clips, brooches, chokers, choker necklaces, collars for animals, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, gold jewellery, silver jewellery, pearl jewellery, platinum, diamond and coloured precious stone jewellery, wedding rings, men's jewellery, precious stones, pearls, clocks and chronometric instruments, in particular watches, wristwatches, clock parts, watch straps, dials, clock cases, movements for clocks and watches, parts of movements for clocks and watches, with goods made of leather and imitations of leather, bags, suitcases, rucksacks, umbrellas, foot care preparations, shoe care products, shoe trees, woven fabrics and textile goods, bed blankets and table linen, textile bath and hand towels, bath mitts, clothing, footwear, headgear. 2018.08.21 Bumble Holding Limited, 70 Kingsway, Africa House, GB-WC2B6AH LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 9 Computer software; computer application software for mobile phones; computer games; electronic game programs; computer software development tools; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) to allow access to online services for social networking, friend introductions and dating; software and software applications to enable transmission, access, organization, and management of text messaging, instant messaging, web links and images via the Internet and other communications networks; computer software for building social networking, friend introduction and dating applications and allowing for data retrieval, upload, download, access and management; downloadable software in the field of social networking, friend introductions and dating; downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application; downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for social networking, friend introductions and dating; application software for social networking and dating services via Internet; downloadable electronic publications; computer software to enable accessing, displaying, sharing or otherwise providing electronic or digital media or information via computer and communication networks, namely, a mobile application for social networking, friend introductions and dating; including parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods. Klasse 25 Clothing; sweaters, shirts, T shirts, trousers, outer clothing, knitwear, coats, skirts, aprons, parkas, camisoles, pants, underclothing, jerseys, vests, underwear, dresses, jeans, leggings, jumpers, beach clothes, pyjamas, underpants, swim suits, bikinis, swimming trunks, waterproof clothing, footwear, boots, shoes, sandals, slippers, caps, hats, headgear; lingerie, socks, gloves, scarves, ties, clothing belts. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management services; business management provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; advertising and promotion services and information services relating thereto provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the Internet; provision of space on websites for advertising goods and services; business administration services; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the Internet; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; opinion polling; writing of publicity texts; search engine optimisation; database management; collection of data; electronic data processing; compilation of data in computer databases; providing business information in the field of social media; providing marketing consulting in the field of 43

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 social media; advertising and marketing services provided by means of social media; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; business networking services; career networking services; arranging business introductions; agency services for arranging business introductions; information services relating to jobs and career opportunities; business information; business advice; business promotion; business intelligence services; employment agencies; employment recruitment; personnel recruitment; personnel recruitment advertising; providing employment information; personality testing for recruitment purposes; career placement; executive search and placement services; personnel placement and recruitment; assistance relating to recruitment and placement of staff; organising and conducting job fairs; writing of publicity texts; preparation of résumés for others; writing of curriculum vitae for others; business data analysis; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Klasse 38 Telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of data, messages, graphics, images and information for facilitating social introductions and dating; providing access to computer, electronic and online databases in the field of social introductions and dating; providing online forums for sharing and transmission of information on topics relating to social introductions and dating; providing online communications links which transfer web site users to other local and global web pages relating to social introductions and dating; providing online chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of social introductions and dating; Internet broadcasting services relating to social introductions and dating; electronic transmission of digital photo files, videos, audiovisual content relating to social introductions and dating via telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks and the Internet; transmission of messages among computer users with varied common interests to assist these groups in coordinating group meetings and activities relating to social introductions and dating via a website on the Internet; providing access to computer databases in the fields of social introduction and dating; transmission of location-based messages to facilitate social introductions and dating; all of the aforesaid services for purposes of social introduction and dating; telecommunications services; email and instant messaging services; chat services; operating chat rooms; provision of online chat rooms; providing access to online services relating to social networking, social introduction and dating; audio, text and video broadcasting services over computer or other communication networks, including uploading, posting, displaying and electronically transmitting data, information, audio and video images; providing access to an online network service; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Klasse 41 Entertainment and education services; disseminating information and providing, sponsoring and hosting seminars, presentations and discussion groups and providing training in the fields of personal development, career development, relationship building, training, recruiting, business consulting, business development, and networking; electronic publishing services for others; electronic and online publishing services; hosting of exhibitions, conferences and seminars and networking events for business, cultural and educational purposes; organising and conducting online educational and training events including virtual meetings and seminars; electronic publications (not downloadable); writing of texts, other than publicity texts; social club services for entertainment purposes; publication of documents in the field of social affairs; publishing services; electronic games services, including provision of computer games on line or by means of a global computer network; providing on-line computer games; providing online games; information services relating to entertainment or education, provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; providing information in the field of personal development, namely selfimprovement, self-fulfillment, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community services, and humanitarian activities. Klasse 42 Computer services, namely, creating an online community for registered users to organize groups and events, participate in discussions, form virtual communities, and engage in social and community networking; computer services, namely, hosting online web facilities for others for organizing and conducting meetings, events and interactive discussions relating to social introductions and dating via communication networks; application service provider (ASP) services, namely, hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) featuring digital mapping software for use in the fields of geographic information systems and location-based services, namely, computer graphics software and computer software for providing information concerning location of persons and assets to facilitate social introductions and dating; application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate the uploading, downloading, streaming, posting, displaying, blogging, linking, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over communication networks for purposes of social introduction and dating; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software and applications for social networking, creating a virtual community, and transmission of data, text, information, messages, images, graphics, photographic images, video, audio and audiovisual content relating to social introductions and dating; computer services in the nature of customized web pages featuring user-defined or specified information including personal profiles, audio, video, photographic images, text, graphics and data relating to social introductions and dating; providing a web site featuring technology that enables online users to create personal profiles featuring social networking information and to transfer and share such information among multiple websites to facilitate social introductions and dating; hosting on-line web facilities for others for organising and conducting meetings, gatherings and interactive discussions relating to social introductions and dating; hosting an online website community for registered users to share information, photos, audio and video content for the purposes of social introduction and dating; creating and maintaining blogs relating social introductions and dating for others; all of the aforesaid services relating to purposes of social introduction and dating; design, drawing and commissioned writing for the compilation of web sites; creating, maintaining and hosting the web sites of others; design and development of computer hardware and software; application service provider services; software as a service [SaaS]; operating search engines; providing search engines for obtaining data via communications networks; computer services for the analysis of data; data mining; research in the field of social media; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Klasse 45 Online dating, friendship, introduction and social networking services; Internet based dating services; online social networking and dating services accessible by means of downloadable mobile applications; social introduction agencies; personal introduction services by computer; Internet based personal introduction services; Internet based dating, matchmaking and personal introduction services; licensing of computer software and other technology; online and Internet based social introduction, friendship, social networking and dating services; match making services; social introduction, social networking and dating services and information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. 44

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 2018.08.20 (111) 1372194 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.16 (210) Nasj. 201714119 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.10.26 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.12.23, DK, VA 2016 03118 NKT NKT A/S, Vibesholms Allé 25, DK-2605 BRØNDBY, Danmark Klasse 6 Common metals and their alloys; building materials of metal; buildings, transportable, of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metals; ironmongery; small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; ores; nonelectric cables and wires, suspension cables and drop cables of metal; wires and chains of metal; pipelines, pipes, tubes and hoses, as well as fittings therefor, including valves, of metal; cable fasteners, connectors and holders of metal; pipe fasteners, connectors and holders of metal; cable holders of metal; metal containers; transportable metal containers for transporting cables; boxes of metal; transportable metal boxes for transporting cables; containers and boxes of metal for cables; transport containers of metal; transport boxes of metal; fittings and accessories, not included in other classes, for cables of metal. Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking [supervision], life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers; recording discs; CDs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers; calculating machines; data processing equipment; computers; computer software; fireextinguishing apparatus; magnetizers and demagnetizers; apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; safety, security, protection and signalling devices; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; measuring, detecting and monitoring indicators, controllers and instruments; fibre optic cables; power cables, including cables, ropes and wires of metal for electrical purposes; electric contact wires; electric overhead lines; power rails; electrical power connectors; current collectors; contact wire holders (electric); materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; cable identification markers for electric cables; electric control apparatus; apparatus and instruments and cables for electricity, namely apparatus and instruments for accumulating and storing electricity; apparatus and instruments for controlling electricity; apparatus and instruments for controlling electricity, solar cells, electric and electronic components; measuring, detecting and monitoring indicators, controllers and instruments; monitoring instruments; testing and quality control devices; measuring, alignment and calibrating instruments; weight measuring instruments; distance and dimension measuring instruments; controllers [regulators]; fittings and accessories, not included in other classes, for electric cables. Klasse 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; unprocessed or semi-processed bone, horn, ivory, whalebone or mother-of-pearl; shell; meerschaum; amber; fasteners, non-metallic; plastic containers; portable plastic containers for transporting cables; plastic boxes; portable plastic boxes for transporting cables; containers and boxes, non- metallic, for cables; transport containers, non-metallic; transport boxes, non-metallic; non-mechanical cable drums of plastic with integrated trolley and integrated rolling up function; cable fasteners, connectors and holders, non-metallic; pipe fasteners, connectors and holders, non-metallic; non-metallic fittings and accessories, not included in other classes, for cables. Klasse 37 Building construction; installation and repair of cables and machines; repair of electric installations; electrical installation services; advisory services relating to electrical installation services. Klasse 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; freight and cargo transportation; rental and lease of means of transportation; shipping; shipping services. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; research and development of new products for others; chemical analysis; material testing; design and testing of power cables and technical consultancy services relating thereto. 2018.08.17 (111) 1372973 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.04 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.04 (210) Nasj. 201714442 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.11.02 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.06.15, CH, 706843 NEXUS AUTOMOTIVE INTERNATIONAL Nexus Automotive International SA, Chemin du Château-Bloch 11, CH-1219 LE LIGNON, Sveits PLOUGMANN VINGTOFT, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Klasse 35 Negotiation of business contracts for third parties; commercial intermediary services for spare parts for automobiles; commercial intermediary services in the framework of bringing prospective private investors in contact with entrepreneurs looking for financing; wholesale of spare parts for automobiles; online wholesale of spare parts for automobiles; organization of opinion polling; organization of market surveys; organization, operation and supervision of customer loyalty schemes. Klasse 37 Garage services for automobile maintenance and repair; repair information; rebuilding of worn or partially destroyed engines; service stations (filling with fuel and maintenance); wheel balancing services; washing and cleaning of vehicles; retreading of tires. 2018.08.17 45

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1374395 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.07.12 (180) Registreringen 2027.07.12 (891) Etterfølgende utpekning dato: 2017.11.21 (210) Nasj. 201717282 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.06.16, GB, UK00003237950 NASTY GAL Nasty Gal Limited, 49-51 Dale Street, GB-M12HF MANCHESTER, Storbritannia Klasse 3 Klasse 9 Non-medicated cosmetics; make-up; face, lip and cheek make-up; cosmetic kits; make-up contained in compacts; foundations; concealers; make-up primers; blushers; rouges; face powder; face glitter; lipstick; lip gloss; lip liner; non-medicated lip balm; pencils for cosmetic purposes; lip pencils; eye pencils; eye makeup; eye shadow; mascaras; eyeliners; eye creams; eye gels; eye balms; eyebrow cosmetics; highlighter; makeup remover; non-medicated soaps; toiletries; body cleaning and body care preparations; shower and bath preparations; shower and bath gels; bath foams; bath oils; bubble baths; talcum powder; hand washes; facial washes; non-medicated oils, creams, lotions, gels and powders for the skin and body; cosmetic preparations for skin care; beauty creams; face creams; moisturisers; cleansers; toners; clarifiers; exfoliators; beauty serums; night creams; anti-ageing creams; perfumery; fragrances and fragrance products for personal use; perfumes; body sprays; personal deodorants; antiperspirants; essential oils; scented oils; non-medicated massage oils and creams; aromatherapy preparations; hair lotions; hair care products; shampoo; hair conditioners; hair styling products; styling lotions; hair spray; dry shampoo; hair dyes; hair masks; hair creams; nail care preparations; nail polish; nail strengtheners; nail polish remover; nail art stickers; nail glitter; artificial nails; adhesives for artificial nails; false eyelashes; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; eyelash tint; shaving preparations; shaving creams, foams, lotions and gels; after-shave preparations; depilatory preparations; sun tanning and sun protection preparations; cosmetic preparations for skin tanning; artificial tanning preparations; self-tanning preparations; toothpaste; potpourri; fragrance sachets; room fragrances. Eyewear and parts and fittings therefor; spectacles; sunglasses; frames for spectacles and sunglasses; chains, straps and cords for sunglasses and spectacles; protective bags and cases for eyewear; cases for sunglasses and spectacles; covers and cases for mobile phones, computers and tablets; headphones; earphones; computer software; application software; audio and/or video recordings; publications in electronic format; downloadable electronic publications; decorative magnets; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse 18 Luggage; travelling bags and cases; suitcases; garment bags for travel; luggage label holders; luggage tags; luggage straps; leather straps; bags; bags of leather or imitation leather; bags of skin or hide; textile bags; canvas bags; cloth bags; knitted bags not of precious metals; mesh bags; towelling bags; handbags; shoulder bags; tote bags; shopping bags; satchels; back packs; holdalls; sports bags; shoe bags; toilet bags; wallets; purses; card wallets; credit card cases and holders; key cases; umbrellas; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse 35 Retail and wholesale services and online retail and wholesale services, all relating to cosmetics, make-up, face, lip and cheek make-up, cosmetic kits, compacts, foundations, concealers, make-up primers, blushers, rouges, face powder, face glitter, lipstick, lip gloss, lip liner, non-medicated lip balm, pencils for cosmetic purposes, lip pencils, eye pencils, eye make-up, eye shadow, mascaras, eyeliners, eye creams, eye gels, eye balms, eyebrow cosmetics, highlighter, make-up remover, non-medicated soaps, toiletries, body cleaning and body care preparations, shower and bath preparations, shower and bath gels, bath foams, bath oils, bubble baths, talcum powder, hand washes, facial washes, non-medicated oils, creams, lotions, gels and powders for the skin and body, cosmetic preparations for skin care, beauty creams, face creams, moisturisers, cleansers, toners, clarifiers, exfoliators, beauty serums, night creams, anti-ageing creams, perfumery, fragrances and fragrance products for personal use, perfumes, body sprays, personal deodorants, antiperspirants, essential oils, scented oils, non-medicated massage oils and creams, aromatherapy preparations, hair lotions, hair care products, shampoo, hair conditioners, hair styling products, styling lotions, hair spray, dry shampoo, hair dyes, hair masks, hair creams, nail care preparations, nail polish, nail strengtheners, nail polish remover, nail art stickers, nail glitter, artificial nails, adhesives for artificial nails, false eyelashes, adhesives for affixing false eyelashes, eyelash tint, shaving preparations, shaving creams, foams, lotions and gels, after-shave preparations, depilatory preparations, sun tanning and sun protection preparations, cosmetic preparations for skin tanning, artificial tanning preparations, self-tanning preparations, toothpaste, potpourri, fragrance sachets, room fragrances, candles and wicks for lighting, scented candles, key rings, razors, eyewear and parts and fittings therefor, spectacles, sunglasses, frames for spectacles and sunglasses, chains for sunglasses and spectacles, straps and cords for sunglasses and spectacles, protective bags and cases for eyewear, cases for sunglasses and spectacles, covers and cases for mobile phones, covers and cases for computers and tablets, headphones, earphones, computer software, application software, audio and/or video recordings, publications in electronic format, downloadable electronic publications, decorative magnets, electronic storage media, jewellery, costume jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones, rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, necklaces, chains, jewellery charms, pendants, jewellery boxes, horological and chronometric instruments, clocks and watches, watch straps, watch boxes, key fobs, key holders, ornamental pins, badges of precious metals, printed matter, paper, cardboard, photographs, stationery, artists' materials, paint brushes, plastic materials for packaging, printed publications, books, periodical publications, printed publicity and promotional material, catalogues, brochures, photograph albums, posters, pictures, prints, diaries, calendars, address books, stickers, transfers, decalcomanias, stencils, cards, greeting cards, postcards, wrapping paper, gift bags, gift tags, carrier bags, bags and articles for packaging, bags and articles for wrapping and storage, boxes of cardboard, hat boxes of cardboard, book covers, bookmarks, writing pads, notebooks, envelopes, labels, paperweights, book ends, writing instruments, pen and pencil cases, pen and pencil holders, gift vouchers, clothing patterns, embroidery patterns, paper flags and pennants, paper banners, advertising signs of paper or cardboard, paper table linen, paper tablecloths, paper and cardboard place mats, paper and cardboard coasters, paper napkins, paper towels, tissues, paper tissues for cosmetic use, cases for passports, luggage, travelling bags and cases, suitcases, garment bags for travel, luggage label holders, luggage tags, luggage straps, leather straps, bags, bags of leather or imitation leather, bags of skin or hide, textile bags, canvas bags, cloth bags, knitted bags not of precious metals, mesh bags, towelling bags, handbags, shoulder bags, tote bags, shopping bags, satchels, back packs, holdalls, sports bags, shoe bags, toilet bags, wallets, purses, card wallets, credit card cases and holders, key cases, 46

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 umbrellas, furniture, furniture fittings, mirrors, picture frames, picture stands, photograph frames, plaques, statuettes, figurines, works of art and ornaments, curtain tie backs, curtain rails, curtain poles, curtain rings, curtain hooks, cushions, pillows, bolsters, mattress cushions, seat pads, chair pads, blinds, bedding, airbeds, bean bags, coat hangers, nonmetallic clothes hooks, hat and coat stands, clothes covers, baskets, non-metallic bins, magazine racks, book shelves, non-metallic name plates, non-metallic boards and panels for keys, trays, not of metal, display stands and boards, signboards of wood or plastics, containers, casks, chests, cases and boxes of wood or plastics, plastic packing containers, beds for animals, decorative mobiles, decorations of plastic for foodstuffs, non-electric fans for personal use, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs, sponges, brushes, glassware, porcelain, pottery, earthenware, chinaware, cookware, tableware, crockery, plates, saucers, dishes, bowls, pots, jugs, egg cups, tea pots, coffee pots, cooking pots, non-metallic cookery moulds, storage jars, rolling pins, drinking vessels, cups, mugs, drinking glasses, tankards, bottles, drinking bottles, sports bottles, bottle openers, corkscrews, decanters, drinking flasks, vacuum flasks, bottle covers, food and drink containers, insulated food and drink containers, lunchboxes, non-electric coolers for food and drinks, ice cube moulds, bottle buckets, glass stoppers, cocktail shakers, drinking straws, juice squeezers, strainers, siphons for carbonated water, stands for bottles, napkin holders, cutlery holders, condiment holders, salt cellars, serving trays, coasters not of paper or textiles, fitted picnic baskets, picnic ware, decorative objects made of glass, decorative objects made of ceramic, decorative objects made of china, decorative objects made of earthenware or porcelain, enamelled glass, vases, perfume bottles, perfume sprayers, candlesticks, candle holders, non-metallic money boxes and piggy banks, toothbrushes, holders for toothbrushes, soap boxes and holders, fitted vanity cases, hair brushes, nail brushes, cosmetic utensils, cosmetic powder compacts, household gloves, ironing boards, shaped ironing board covers, clothes drying racks, clothes pegs, shoe horns, shoe brushes and shoe trees, refuse bins, litter bins, flower pots, nonmetallic watering cans, baskets for domestic use, storage boxes for household use, textiles, fabrics, textile piece goods, textiles for making articles of clothing, textile handkerchiefs, household textile articles, household linen, soft furnishings, textiles for furnishings, unfitted covers for furniture, textile goods for use as bedding, bed covers, bed linen, sheets, pillow cases, duvet covers, valances, bedspreads, duvets, quilts, mattress covers, blankets, lap rugs, throws, bed throws, sleeping bags, travelling rugs, textile materials for making curtains and blinds, curtains, curtain tie-backs of textile, shower curtains, cushion covers, cushion pads, furniture covers, chair covers, table covers, table linen, table cloths, table runners, napkins, serviettes, place mats of textile, table mats, not of paper, textile coasters, kitchen linen, tea towels, cloths, bath linen, towels, flannels, face cloths, beach towels, banners, flags of textile, bunting, textile wall hangings, wall decorations of textile, clothing, footwear, headgear, badges for wear, patches, belt clasps, buckles, hat ornaments, hair ornaments, shoe ornaments, lanyards for wear, floor coverings, rugs, mats, wall coverings, wallpaper, games, toys and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles, exercise and fitness apparatus; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty programmes and of sales and promotional incentive schemes; advertising; marketing; promotional services; trade fairs; organisation of fashion shows for commercial or promotional purposes; information, advisory and consultancy services in relation to all of the aforesaid. 2018.08.22 (111) 1375255 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.28 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.28 (210) Nasj. 201715138 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.11.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.08.25, KR, 4020170108375 2017.08.25, KR, 4020170108376 2017.08.25, KR, 4020170108377 2017.08.25, KR, 4020170108378 2017.08.25, KR, 4020170108379 2017.08.25, KR, 4020170108380 BPU HOLDINGS CO., LTD., 7th floor, 5, Nonhyeon-ro 128-gil, KR-GANGNAM-GU SEOUL, Sør-Korea Klasse 9 Computer hardware for telecommunications; computer peripheral devices; computer programs for searching remotely for content on computers and computer networks; computers; data processing apparatus; smartphones; cameras [photography]; computer search engine software; computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data; communications software for connecting computer network users; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of e- magazine in the field of computer search engine; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of e- magazine in the field of big data analysis; computer software for big data analysis; computer software for information processing, namely, data management, development and analysis; computer software applications, downloadable; computer software, recorded; computer programs [downloadable software]; electronic publications, downloadable; intercommunication apparatus. Klasse 35 Compilation of information into computer databases; computerized file management; consultancy regarding advertising communications strategy; dissemination of advertising matter; on-line advertising on a computer network; systemization of information into computer databases; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; on-line advertising on a computer network; providing business information via a website; business information services; data search in computer files for others; business data analysis; business management of entertainers; online-data processing services; business data search services on the Internet for others; data search services in computer files for others; business information search services on the Internet-based social networks for others; business data search services on the Internet-based social 47

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 networks for others; compilation of information into computer databases in the field of platform for social network services; compilation and systemization of information used in electronic transmissions relating to social networking. Klasse 36 Financial analysis; financial consultancy; corporate financial consulting; financial information; insurance information; providing financial information via a web site; financing services; providing information in the field of real estate via the Internet; financial advisory and consultancy services; providing stock/securities market information; provision of information and data concerning stock exchanges; provision of stock market information; foreign exchange information services; providing investors with financial information. Klasse 38 Transmission of content via the internet; streaming of audio and video content over the internet and wireless networks; providing access to mobile Internet platforms; providing user access to platforms on the Internet; internet portal services; providing access to databases; providing user access to a global computer network; providing internet chatrooms; providing on-line chat rooms for social networking; internet broadcasting services; providing chat lines utilising the internet; computer aided transmission of information and images; electronic transmission of data and documents via computer terminals and electronic devices; message sending via a website; network transmission of sounds, images, signals and data; providing electronic telecommunication connections; providing on-line forums for transmission of messages among computer users; providing telecommunication connections to the internet or databases; virtual chatrooms established via text messaging; providing access to online social network services. Klasse 41 Entertainment information; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; arranging and conducting of concerts; production of radio and television programs; providing on-line music, not downloadable; photography; news reporter services; arranging and conducting educational conferences; providing entertainment information via a website; providing amusement facilities; arranging of seminars; providing information about education; providing information about online education; providing online non-downloadable comic books and graphic novels; presentation of musical performances; game services provided on-line from a computer network; on-line publication of electronic books and journals; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; presentation of live performances; educational services. Klasse 42 Computer programming; computer software design; creating and maintaining web sites for others; hosting of web sites; providing search engines for the internet; server hosting; maintenance of computer software; data conversion of computer programs and data, not physical conversion; designing and creating web sites for others; computer aided graphic design; consultancy in the field of software design; advisory services in the field of product development and quality improvement of software; data conversion of electronic information; database design and development; design of computer databases; designing and developing webpages on the internet; homepage and webpage design; maintenance of software for Internet access; hosting platforms on the Internet for delivery of multimedia content; platform as a Service [PaaS]. 2018.08.22 (111) 1375272 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.28 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.28 (210) Nasj. 201715142 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.11.16 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.14, AU, 1859173 MIRANDA KERR Miranda Kerr, Randa May Inc. c/o G.T.B.A. LLC 9100 Wilshire Blvd #1000W, US-CA90212 BEVERLY HILLS, USA Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; medicinal preparations; dietary supplements; nutritional supplements; plant and herb extracts (dietary supplements); antioxidants (dietary supplements); vitamins; vitamin preparations and vitamin supplements; mineral preparations and mineral supplements; dietetic foods and beverages adapted for medical purposes; vitamin and mineral drinks; natural pharmaceutical products; medicinal healthcare products; herbal remedies; medicinal and pharmaceutical body care preparations including cleansers, creams, gels, lotions, sprays, oils, powders, balms and elixirs; medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations for care of the body, nails, skin, mouth and hair. 2018.08.22 (111) 1375626 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.29 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.29 (210) Nasj. 201715207 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.11.16 LINDEX AB Lindex, Nils Ericsonsplatsen 3, SE-41103 GÖTEBORG, Sverige Klasse 3 Soaps; perfumes; essential oils; cosmetics; hair preparations and treatments; make-up preparations; incense; dentifrices. Klasse 4 Fuels and illuminants; lamp oil; candles; perfumed candles and wicks. Klasse 9 Spectacles [optics]; sunglasses; cases for spectacles; computer software; downloadable applications; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of magazines. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys as well as goods of precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes namely, jewellery; paste jewellery [costume jewelry (am.)]; gemstones; horological instruments, watches and chronometric instruments. Klasse 16 Newspapers; magazines; printed matter; tissues. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather, animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; casual bags; toiletry bags; wallets. Klasse 24 Textiles and substitutes for textiles; woven fabrics; bed linen; cushion covers; table linen; table cloths; table napkins of textile; hand towels. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; underwear; stockings; tights; stay-ups; scarves; belts (clothing); outerclothing; jackets [clothing]; raincoats. Klasse 26 Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting 48

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 articles; decorations for Christmas trees. Klasse 35 Retailing relating to soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair preparations and treatments, make-up preparations, incense, dentifrices, fuels and illuminants, lamp oil, candles, perfumed candles and wicks, spectacles, sunglasses, cases for spectacles, computer software, downloadable applications, downloadable electronic magazines; retailing relating to precious metals and their alloys, jewellery, costume jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments, newspapers, magazines, printed matter, tissues, leather and imitations of leather, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, bags, toiletry bags, wallets, textiles and substitutes for textiles, woven fabrics, bed linen, cushion covers, table linen, tablecloths, table napkins of textile, hand towels; retailing relating to clothing, footwear, headgear, underwear, stockings, tights, stay-ups, scarves, belts (clothing), outerclothing, jackets, raincoats, games and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles, decorations for Christmas trees. 2018.08.20 (111) 1376945 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.01.26 (180) Registreringen 2027.01.26 (210) Nasj. 201715588 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.11.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.08.12, EM, 015749203 FDESIGN Fischer Licht & Metall GmbH & Co. KG, Rocksdorferstr. 10, DE-92360 MÜHLHAUSEN, Tyskland Klasse 6 Common metals and their alloys; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ores; metallic building components; sheet metal parts; small hardware of metal, produced using CNC (computer numerical control) machines and installations; laser cut hardware of metal; edge parts of metal; pressed elements of metal; stamped elements of metal; metal welded hardware; metal rods for welding; shields of tin; metal holders for signboards; covers of metal; sheet metal tubs; metal containers; advertising signboards, being wholly or partly of metal; profile letters (signboards), being wholly or partly of metal; relief letters (signboards), being wholly or partly of metal; display signs, being wholly or partly of metal; advertising columns, being wholly or partly of metal; information columns, being wholly or partly of metal; signboards, wholly or partly of metal; pylons, wholly or partly of metal; columns, being wholly or partly of metal; large advertising installations, being wholly or partly of metal; advertising towers, being wholly or partly of metal; advertising masts, being wholly or partly of metal; community advertising signs, being wholly or partly of metal; designer advertising signs, being wholly or partly of metal; media carrier systems, being wholly or partly of metal; handrails, wholly or partly of metal; illuminated handrails, being wholly or partly of metal; outdoor advertising installations, being wholly or partly of metal; indoor advertising installations, being wholly or partly of metal; advertising towers, being wholly or partly of metal; pylons, wholly or partly of metal; advertising masts, being wholly or partly of metal; beacons of metal, non-luminous; ice moulds of metal; house numbers of metal, non-luminous; identity plates of metal; masts of metal; steel masts; metal name badges; house numbers of metal, non-luminous; Klasse 9 advertisement columns of metal; steel buildings; steel masts; signalling panels, non-luminous and nonmechanical, of metal; wainscoting of metal. Scientific, surveying, optical, signalling apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; luminous signs; mechanical signs; solar advertising systems and installations; emergency lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; illuminated advertising installations; illuminated outdoor advertising installations; illuminated indoor advertising installations; neon advertising signs; illuminated advertisements; illuminated advertising installations; luminous photographic transparencies; luminous signs; illuminated display signs; illuminated advertising columns; illuminated information columns; illuminated photographic transparencies; illuminated stretched fabric photographic transparencies; illuminated stretched fabric boxes; stretched fabric luminous boxes; illuminated advertising columns; illuminated large advertising installations; illuminated advertising towers; illuminated advertising masts; illuminated community advertising installations; illuminated designer advertising installations; emergency lighting systems; stretched fabric luminous boxes, not of metal or only partly of metal; computer databases; computer databases; computer databases; adaptive software; application software; computer software downloaded from the internet; editing software; firmware; recorded computer programs; computer shareware; recorded computer software; computer utility programs [program performs computer maintenance work]; computer graphics software; computer communication software to allow customers to access bank account information and transact bank business; computer programmes for image processing; computer programs for network management; computer programmes for data processing; computer software designed to estimate costs; computer software for processing digital images; computer software for business purposes; computer software to enable retrieval of data; computer software to enhance the audio-visual capabilities of multimedia applications; data processing software for graphic representations; computer programmes for data processing; data processing programs; computer programmes for data processing; interactive computer software; media software; mobile apps; training software; simulation software; simulation software for use in digital computers; predictive maintenance software; software for processing images, graphics and text; education software; virtual reality software; downloadable printing fonts; downloadable publications; electronic publications, downloadable; downloadable electronic newspapers; electronic publications, downloadable; electronic publications, downloadable; electronic publications, downloadable; digital books downloadable from the internet; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of magazines; downloadable templates for designing audiovisual presentations; downloadable templates for pamphlets; downloadable templates for texts and advertising texts; downloadable texts and templates for use in the field of marketing; downloadable templates for training courses; downloadable documents containing product information; beacons, luminous; road signs, luminous or mechanical; flash-bulbs [photography]; beacons, luminous; light regulators (dimmers) (electric); electronic notice boards; lamps (darkroom-) [photography]; optical lanterns; beacons, luminous; neon signs; neon signs; light boxes; light boxes, wholly or partly of metal; illuminated advertising signs, being wholly or partly of metal; neon signs, wholly or partly of metal; luminous signs, wholly or partly of metal. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; apparatus for lighting; lamps; lamps (electric -); light fittings for illuminated letters; LED lights in the shape of letters; LED lights fixed in 49

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 solid acrylic letters; light fittings for illuminated profile letters; light fittings for illuminated relief letters; strip lights; facade strip lights; light fittings for creating luminous contours; light fittings for creating illuminated contours; light fittings for illuminated art objects; lighting systems; light apparatus; profile lighting systems; light apparatus in the form of pipes; tube lighting systems; strip lights; strip lighting; lighting channels; light fittings for illuminated handrails; light fittings for escalators; light fittings for lifts; security lights; underground railway lighting systems; station lighting systems; underground garage lighting; lighting systems for shopping centres; lighting systems for halls; lighting systems for multistorey car parks; lighting systems; LEDs for advertising installations; luminous columns, being wholly or partly of metal; light fittings for illuminated art objects, wholly or partly of metal; light fittings for objects, being wholly or partly of metal; lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; profile lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; lighting tubes of metal; underground railway lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; station lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; lighting systems, wholly or partly of metal; aquarium lights; lighting installations for air vehicles; lighting apparatus for vehicles; arc lamps; ceiling lights; gas lamps; luminous house numbers; sockets for electric lights; bicycle lights; vehicle lights; automobile lights; light diffusers; safety lamps; standard lamps; light mounts for industrial lights, being wholly or partly of metal; housing construction for industrial lights, being wholly or partly of metal; light mounts for industrial lights, of metal solar towers; solar pylons; illuminated pylons; luminous columns, not of metal or only partly of metal; luminous pylons, not of metal or only partly of metal; solar pylons, not of metal or only partly of metal; light mounts for industrial lights, not of metal. Klasse 19 Non-metallic rigid pipes for building; non-metallic transportable buildings; non-metallic advertisement columns or non-metallic advertisement columns with metal inserts; non-metallic pylons or non-metallic pylons with metal inserts; non-metallic columns or nonmetallic columns with metal inserts; non-metallic advertising columns or non-metallic advertising columns with metal inserts; non-metallic advertising towers or non-metallic advertising towers with metal inserts; non-metallic advertising masts or non-metallic advertising masts with metal inserts; non-metallic information columns or non-metallic information columns with metal inserts; non-metallic supporting columns or non-metallic supporting columns with metal inserts; beacons, not of metal, non-luminous; memorial plaques, not of metal; luminous paving blocks; masts [poles], not of metal; signalling panels, non-luminous and non-mechanical, not of metal; wall linings, not of metal, for building; non-metallic advertising columns or non-metallic advertising columns with metal inserts; non-metallic information columns or non-metallic information columns with metal inserts; non-metallic pylons or non-metallic pylons with metal inserts; nonmetallic columns or non-metallic columns with metal inserts. Klasse 20 Signboards of wood or plastics; non-metallic community advertising signs or non-metallic community advertising signs with metal inserts; non-metallic designer advertising signs or non-metallic designer advertising signs with metal inserts; non-metallic identity plates or non-metallic identity plates with metal inserts; non-metallic nameplates or non-metallic nameplates with metal inserts; non-luminous house numbers not of metal or only partly of metal; display boards; non-metallic profile letters (signboards) or nonmetallic profile letters (signboards) with metal inserts; non-metallic relief letters (signboards) or non-metallic relief letters (signboards) with metal inserts; nonmetallic signboards or non-metallic signboards with metal inserts. Klasse 37 Building Construction. Klasse 38 Providing of access to a website featuring a configuration tool for signboards (illuminated and nonilluminated); providing of access to a website featuring a configuration tool for advertisement boards, columns and devices (illuminated and non-illuminated); providing of access to a website featuring a configuration tool for advertising installations (illuminated and non-illuminated); forums [chat rooms] for social networking; provision of on-line forums; providing of chatrooms, forums and sites on online communities; providing of chatrooms and discussion services for online communities and on online forums. Klasse 41 Provision of training courses; provision of instruction relating to data processing; training in electrical engineering; electronic data processing training; computer training; vocational education and training services; provision of training courses; arranging of courses of instruction; provision of training courses; conducting instructional courses; organisation of training courses; training (practical -) [demonstration]; hire of teaching materials; provision of training courses; provision of training courses; publication of instructional literature; conducting of instructional seminars; conducting of courses; provision of training courses; conducting workshops [training]; instruction in the design of computers; training in the field of design; training in electronics; training in the field of advertising; providing information about online education; provision of training services for industry; providing courses of instruction for young people; training in the operation of computer programs; education in the field of data processing; training services relating to electrical engineering; educational services for providing courses of education; training services relating to the use of computer aided engineering systems. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, all in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; industrial analysis and research services, all in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; industrial design, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; graphic design, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; construction drafting, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; architecture, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; design of interior decor, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; technical project planning, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; hosting of web sites for online communities. 2018.08.21 50

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1376946 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.01.26 (180) Registreringen 2027.01.26 (210) Nasj. 201715589 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.11.23 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.08.12, EM, 015749229 Fischer Licht & Metall GmbH & Co. KG, Rocksdorferstr. 10, DE-92360 MÜHLHAUSEN, Tyskland Klasse 6 Common metals and their alloys; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ores; metallic building components; sheet metal parts; small hardware of metal, produced using CNC (computer numerical control) machines and installations; laser cut hardware of metal; edge parts of metal; pressed elements of metal; stamped elements of metal; metal welded hardware; metal rods for welding; shields of tin; metal holders for signboards; covers of metal; sheet metal tubs; metal containers; advertising signboards, being wholly or partly of metal; profile letters (signboards), being wholly or partly of metal; relief letters (signboards), being wholly or partly of metal; display signs, being wholly or partly of metal; advertising columns, being wholly or partly of metal; information columns, being wholly or partly of metal; signboards, wholly or partly of metal; pylons, wholly or partly of metal; columns, being wholly or partly of metal; large advertising installations, being wholly or partly of metal; advertising towers, being wholly or partly of metal; advertising masts, being wholly or partly of metal; community advertising signs, being wholly or partly of metal; designer advertising signs, being wholly or partly of metal; media carrier systems, being wholly or partly of metal; handrails, wholly or partly of metal; illuminated handrails, being wholly or partly of metal; outdoor advertising installations, being wholly or partly of metal; indoor advertising installations, being wholly or partly of metal; advertising towers, being wholly or partly of metal; pylons, wholly or partly of metal; advertising masts, being wholly or partly of metal; beacons of metal, non-luminous; ice moulds of metal; house numbers of metal, non-luminous; identity plates of metal; masts of metal; steel masts; metal name badges; house numbers of metal, non-luminous; advertisement columns of metal; steel buildings; steel masts; signalling panels, non-luminous and nonmechanical, of metal; wainscoting of metal. Klasse 9 Scientific, surveying, optical, signalling apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; luminous signs; mechanical signs; solar advertising systems and installations; emergency lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; illuminated advertising installations; illuminated outdoor advertising installations; illuminated indoor advertising installations; neon advertising signs; illuminated advertisements; illuminated advertising installations; luminous photographic transparencies; luminous signs; illuminated display signs; illuminated advertising columns; illuminated information columns; illuminated photographic transparencies; illuminated stretched fabric photographic transparencies; illuminated stretched fabric boxes; stretched fabric luminous boxes; illuminated advertising columns; illuminated large advertising installations; illuminated advertising towers; illuminated advertising masts; illuminated community advertising installations; illuminated designer advertising installations; emergency lighting systems; stretched fabric luminous boxes, not of metal or only partly of metal; computer databases; computer databases; computer databases; adaptive software; application software; computer software downloaded from the internet; editing software; firmware; recorded computer programs; computer shareware; recorded computer software; computer utility programs [program performs computer maintenance work]; computer graphics software; computer communication software to allow customers to access bank account information and transact bank business; computer programmes for image processing; computer programs for network management; computer programmes for data processing; computer software designed to estimate costs; computer software for processing digital images; computer software for business purposes; computer software to enable retrieval of data; computer software to enhance the audio-visual capabilities of multimedia applications; data processing software for graphic representations; computer programmes for data processing; data processing programs; computer programmes for data processing; interactive computer software; media software; mobile apps; training software; simulation software; simulation software for use in digital computers; predictive maintenance software; software for processing images, graphics and text; education software; virtual reality software; downloadable printing fonts; downloadable publications; electronic publications, downloadable; downloadable electronic newspapers; electronic publications, downloadable; electronic publications, downloadable; electronic publications, downloadable; digital books downloadable from the internet; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of magazines; downloadable templates for designing audiovisual presentations; downloadable templates for pamphlets; downloadable templates for texts and advertising texts; downloadable texts and templates for use in the field of marketing; downloadable templates for training courses; downloadable documents containing product information; beacons, luminous; road signs, luminous or mechanical; flash-bulbs [photography]; beacons, luminous; light regulators (dimmers) (electric); electronic notice boards; lamps (darkroom-) [photography]; optical lanterns; beacons, luminous; neon signs; neon signs; light boxes; light boxes, wholly or partly of metal; illuminated advertising signs, being wholly or partly of metal; neon signs, wholly or partly of metal; luminous signs, wholly or partly of metal. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; apparatus for lighting; lamps; lamps (electric -); light fittings for illuminated letters; LED lights in the shape of letters; LED lights fixed in solid acrylic letters; light fittings for illuminated profile letters; light fittings for illuminated relief letters; strip lights; facade strip lights; light fittings for creating luminous contours; light fittings for creating illuminated contours; light fittings for illuminated art objects; lighting systems; light apparatus; profile lighting systems; light apparatus in the form of pipes; tube lighting systems; strip lights; strip lighting; lighting channels; light fittings for illuminated handrails; light fittings for escalators; light fittings for lifts; security lights; underground railway lighting systems; station lighting systems; underground garage lighting; lighting systems for shopping centres; lighting systems for halls; lighting systems for multistorey car parks; lighting systems; LEDs for advertising installations; luminous columns, being wholly or partly of metal; light fittings for illuminated art objects, wholly or partly of metal; light fittings for objects, being wholly or partly of metal; lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; profile lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; lighting tubes of metal; underground railway lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; station lighting systems, being wholly or partly of metal; lighting systems, wholly or partly of metal; aquarium lights; lighting installations for air vehicles; lighting apparatus for vehicles; arc lamps; ceiling lights; gas 51

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 lamps; luminous house numbers; sockets for electric lights; bicycle lights; vehicle lights; automobile lights; light diffusers; safety lamps; standard lamps; light mounts for industrial lights, being wholly or partly of metal; housing construction for industrial lights, being wholly or partly of metal; light mounts for industrial lights, of metal solar towers; solar pylons; illuminated pylons; luminous columns, not of metal or only partly of metal; luminous pylons, not of metal or only partly of metal; solar pylons, not of metal or only partly of metal; light mounts for industrial lights, not of metal. Klasse 19 Non-metallic rigid pipes for building; non-metallic transportable buildings; non-metallic advertisement columns or non-metallic advertisement columns with metal inserts; non-metallic pylons or non-metallic pylons with metal inserts; non-metallic columns or nonmetallic columns with metal inserts; non-metallic advertising columns or non-metallic advertising columns with metal inserts; non-metallic advertising towers or non-metallic advertising towers with metal inserts; non-metallic advertising masts or non-metallic advertising masts with metal inserts; non-metallic information columns or non-metallic information columns with metal inserts; non-metallic supporting columns or non-metallic supporting columns with metal inserts; beacons, not of metal, non-luminous; memorial plaques, not of metal; luminous paving blocks; masts [poles], not of metal; signalling panels, non-luminous and non-mechanical, not of metal; wall linings, not of metal, for building; non-metallic advertising columns or non-metallic advertising columns with metal inserts; non-metallic information columns or non-metallic information columns with metal inserts; non-metallic pylons or non-metallic pylons with metal inserts; nonmetallic columns or non-metallic columns with metal inserts. Klasse 20 Signboards of wood or plastics; non-metallic community advertising signs or non-metallic community advertising signs with metal inserts; non-metallic designer advertising signs or non-metallic designer advertising signs with metal inserts; non-metallic identity plates or non-metallic identity plates with metal inserts; non-metallic nameplates or non-metallic nameplates with metal inserts; non-luminous house numbers not of metal or only partly of metal; display boards; non-metallic profile letters (signboards) or nonmetallic profile letters (signboards) with metal inserts; non-metallic relief letters (signboards) or non-metallic relief letters (signboards) with metal inserts; nonmetallic signboards or non-metallic signboards with metal inserts. Klasse 37 Building Construction. Klasse 38 Providing of access to a website featuring a configuration tool for signboards (illuminated and nonilluminated); providing of access to a website featuring a configuration tool for advertisement boards, columns and devices (illuminated and non-illuminated); providing of access to a website featuring a configuration tool for advertising installations (illuminated and non-illuminated); forums [chat rooms] for social networking; provision of on-line forums; providing of chatrooms, forums and sites on online communities; providing of chatrooms and discussion services for online communities and on online forums. Klasse 41 Provision of training courses; provision of instruction relating to data processing; training in electrical engineering; electronic data processing training; computer training; vocational education and training services; provision of training courses; arranging of courses of instruction; provision of training courses; conducting instructional courses; organisation of training courses; training (practical -) [demonstration]; hire of teaching materials; provision of training courses; provision of training courses; publication of instructional literature; conducting of instructional seminars; conducting of courses; provision of training courses; conducting workshops [training]; instruction in the design of computers; training in the field of design; training in electronics; training in the field of advertising; providing information about online education; provision of training services for industry; providing courses of instruction for young people; training in the operation of computer programs; education in the field of data processing; training services relating to electrical engineering; educational services for providing courses of education; training services relating to the use of computer aided engineering systems. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, all in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; industrial analysis and research services, all in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; industrial design, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; graphic design, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; construction drafting, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; architecture, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; design of interior decor, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; technical project planning, in particular for the field of advertising and advertising installations, light and lighting technology, metal and goods/products of metal; hosting of web sites for online communities. 2018.08.21 52

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1378645 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.04.07 (180) Registreringen 2027.04.07 (210) Nasj. 201716212 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.07 (111) 1378946 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.25 (210) Nasj. 201716252 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.24, BX, 1354541 "International Masis Tabak" LLC, 10, Gortsaranayin street, Industrial zone, AM-0802 MASIS, ARARAT REGION, Armenia Klasse 34 Tobacco, smokers' articles, matches; gas containers for lighters; absorbent paper for tobacco pipes, cigarette papers; lighters for smokers; tobacco pouches (bags); books of cigarette papers; humidors; match boxes, firestones; cigar cutters; tobacco pipes, pipe racks for tobacco pipes, tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders; ashtrays; spittoons for tobacco; tobacco holders; pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes, cigarettes; cigarillos; cigars; tobacco jars, match boxes, not made of precious metals; chewing tobacco; snuff; tobacco cases; pipes, pocket machines for rolling cigarettes, cigarette filters; cigar cases, cigarette cases for tobacco. 2018.08.22 Max Brands Marketing B.V., Snouck Hurgronjestraat 10, NL-2313PV LEIDEN, Nederland Klasse 3 Bleaches and other detergents; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; polishing agents; scouring solutions; polishing wax; stain removers; soaps; preparations for cleaning and degreasing furniture and floors; detergents for removing paint, printing ink, grease, soot, rust and copper; preparations for removing limestone, for domestic use; preparations for unblocking drain pipes; graffiti removing preparations; cleaners for plastic garden furniture; detergents for removal of impact and other (extreme) contamination on water resistant surfaces; fabric softeners; laundry detergents, detergents, starch and starch preparations, unless included in other classes, laundry detergents, stain removal agents; cleaning preparations for use on vehicles including vehicle shampoo, cockpit cleaners in spray form, rim cleaner; cleaning preparations for equipment including washing machines; toilet cleaners, toilet bowl detergents in the form of gels and blocks to be placed in toilets; lime removing agents for household purposes; dishwashing detergents, dishwasher tablets, dishwasher bleaching salts; rinsing agents for dishwashers; scents and scented water for household use. Klasse 4 (fragrance) candles. Klasse 5 Air deodorizers, toilet deodorizers. 2018.08.21 (111) 1379051 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.17 (210) Nasj. 201716268 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.07 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.10.09, CH, 62566/2017 K-TRAINER Mundipharma AG, St. Alban-Rheinweg 74, CH-4020 BASEL, Sveits Klasse 9 Training apparatus and educational equipment for 53

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 improving the administration of medicines by the respiratory tract; parts and components of all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 10 Medical apparatus and instruments; devices for medical use; training devices for use in inhalers; training devices for using inhalers; parts and components of all the aforesaid goods. 2018.08.20 (111) 1379790 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.14 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.14 (210) Nasj. 201716536 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.09.08, JP, 2017-119033 (111) 1379375 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.16 (210) Nasj. 201716482 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.12.16, DE, 30 2016 035 558 Windpulse Lufthansa Industry Solutions AS GmbH, Schützenwall 1, DE-22844 NORDERSTEDT, Tyskland Klasse 9 Computer software in the form of an application for exchange, storage and analysis of information in relation to cloud computing services. Klasse 35 Management of data and information in databases; computerized file management. Klasse 38 Providing access to an internet portal, a computer network or a database for exchange, storage and analysis of information; providing access to an internet portal; telecommunication services via computer networks; electronic data exchange services. Klasse 42 Development of computer software for exchange, storage and analysis of information, particularly in the form of a browser-based web application and of cloud services; hosting of internet portals for exchange, storage and analysis of information; programming of software for internet portals for exchange, storage and analysis of information; electronic data storage; computerised analysis of data; design and development of databases for exchange, storage and analysis of information. 2018.08.17 SHIMANO INC., 3-77 Oimatsu-cho, Sakai-ku, JP-590-8577 SAKAI CITY, OSAKA, Japan Klasse 28 Fishing floats; fishing sinkers; landing nets for anglers; fishing lines; fishing reels; fishing rods; cases for fishing rods; fishing hooks; lures for fishing. 2018.08.21 (111) 1379952 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.16 (210) Nasj. 201716557 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.03.07, IL, 292519 Algaennovation Ltd., Rosh Pinna, 1200000, Industiral Zone, IL-TZAHAR, Israel Klasse 31 Aquaculture feed. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380099 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.07.18 (180) Registreringen 2027.07.18 (210) Nasj. 201716575 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.14, TR, 2017/63523 Steam Cure ARÇELIK ANONIM SIRKETI, E5 Ankara Asfalti Üzeri Tuzla, TR-ISTANBUL, Tyrkia Klasse 7 Machines, machine tools and industrial robots for processing and shaping wood, metals, glass, plastics and minerals, 3D printers; construction machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for use in construction: 54

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Klasse 8 Klasse 9 bulldozers, diggers (machines), excavators, road construction and road paving machines, drilling machines, rock drilling machines, road sweeping machines; lifting, loading and transmission machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for lifting, loading and transmission purposes: elevators, escalators and cranes; machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for use in agriculture and animal breeding, machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for processing cereals, fruits, vegetables and food; machines for preparing and processing beverages; engines and motors, other than for land vehicles, parts and fittings therefor; hydraulic and pneumatic controls for engines and motors, brakes other than for vehicles, brake linings for engines, crankshafts, gearboxes, other than for land vehicles, gearboxes, cylinders for engines, pistons for engines, turbines, not for land vehicles, filters for engines and motors, oil, air and fuel filters for land vehicle engines, exhausts for land vehicle engines, exhaust manifolds for land vehicle engines, engine cylinders for land vehicles, engine cylinder heads for land vehicles, pistons for land vehicle engines, carburetors for land vehicles, fuel conversion apparatus for land vehicle engines, injectors for land vehicle engines, fuel economisers for land vehicle engines, pumps for land vehicle engines, valves for land vehicle engines, starter motors for land vehicles, dynamos for land vehicle engines, sparking plugs for land vehicle engines; bearings (parts of machines), roller or ball bearings; machines for mounting and detaching tires; alternators, current generators, electric generators, current generators operated with solar energy; painting machines, automatic spray guns for paint, electric, hydraulic and pneumatic punching machines and guns, electric adhesive tape dispensers (machines), electric guns for compressed gas or liquid spraying machines, electric hand drills, electric hand saws, electric jigsaw machines, spiral machines, compressed air machines, compressors (machines), vehicle washing installations, robotic mechanisms (machines) with the abovementioned functions; electric and gas-operated welding apparatus, electric arc welding apparatus, electric soldering apparatus, electric arc cutting apparatus, electrodes for welding machines, industrial robots (machines) with the abovementioned functions; printing machines; packaging machines, filling, plugging and sealing machines, labellers (machines), sorting machines, industrial robots (machines) with the abovementioned functions, electric packing machines for plugging and sealing of plastics; machines for textile processing, sewing machines, industrial robots (machines) with the abovementioned functions; electric pumps and hydraulic pumps, fuel dispensing pumps for service stations, self-regulating fuel pumps; electric kitchen machines for chopping, grinding, crushing, mixing and mincing foodstuff, washing machines, laundry washing machines, dishwashers, spin driers (not heated), electric cleaning machines for cleaning floors, carpets or floorings, vacuum cleaners and parts thereof; automatic vending machines; galvanizing and electroplating machines; electric door openers and closers; electronic door openers and closers. Forks, spoons, knives and non-electric cutters, slicers, peelers for kitchen use, including those made of precious metals; side arms and blades (weapons); tools and apparatus included in this class for personal beauty care use: tools and apparatus included in this class for shaving, epilation, manicure and pedicure, electric hand implements for straightening and curling hair, scissors; hand-operated [non-electric] hand tools included in this class for the repair of machines, apparatus and vehicles and for use in construction, agriculture, horticultural and forestry, none of them being power tools; electric or non-electric irons; steam irons. Measurement apparatus and equipment including those for scientific, nautical, thopographic, meteorologic, industrial and laboratory purposes, thermometers, not for medical purposes, barometers, ammeters, voltmeters, hygrometers, testing apparatus not for medical purposes, telescopes, periscopes, directional compasses, speed indicators, laboratory apparatus, microscopes, magnifying glasses, stills, binoculars, ovens and furnaces for laboratory experiments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, cameras, photographic cameras, television apparatus, video recorders, CD and DVD players and recorders; mp3 players, computers, desktop computers, tablet computers, wearable technological devices (smart watches, wristbands, bead-mounted devices) microphones, loudspeakers, earphones, telecommunications apparatus, apparatus for the reproduction of sound or images, computer peripheral devices, cell phones, covers for cell phones, telephone apparatus, computer printers, scanners [data processing equipment], photocopiers; magnetic and optic data carriers and computer software and programmes recorded thereto, downloadable and recordable electronic publications, encoded magnetic and optic cards; movies, TV series and video music clips recorded on magnetic, optical and electronic media; antennas, satellite antennas, amplifiers for antennas, parts of the aforementioned goods; ticket dispensers, automatic teller machines (ATM); electronic components used in the electronic parts of machines and apparatus, semi-conductors, electronic circuits, integrated circuits, chips [integrated circuits], diodes, transistors [electronic], magnetic heads for electronic apparatus, electronic locks, photocells, remote control apparatus for opening and closing doors, optical sensors; counters and quantity indicators for measuring the quantity of consumption, automatic time switches; clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire, safety vests and life-saving apparatus and equipment; eyeglasses, sunglasses, optical lenses and cases, containers, pans and components thereof; apparatus and instruments for conducting, transforming, accumulating or controlling electricity, electric plugs, junction boxes [electricity], electric switches, circuit breakers, fuses, lighting ballasts, battery starter cables, electrical circuit boards, electric resistances, electric sockets, transformers [electricity], electrical adapters, battery chargers, electric door bells, electric and electronic cables, batteries, electric accumulators, solar panels for production of electricity; alarms and anti-theft alarms, other than for vehicles, electric bells; signalling apparatus and instruments, luminous or mechanical signs for traffic use; fire extinguishing apparatus, fire engines, fire hose and fire hose nozzles; radar apparatus, sonars, night vision apparatus and instruments; decorative magnets. Klasse 11 Lighting installations; lights for vehicles and interiorexterior spaces; heating installations using solid, liquid or gas fuels or electricity, central heating boilers, boilers for heating installations, radiators [heating], heat exchangers, not parts of machines, stoves, kitchen stoves, solar thermal collectors [heating]; steam, gas and fog generators, steam boilers, other than parts of machines, acetylene generators, oxygen generators, nitrogen generators; installations for air-conditioning and ventilating; cooling installations and freezers; electric and gas-powered devices, installations and apparatus for cooking, drying and boiling: cookers, electric cooking pots, electric water heaters, barbecues, electric laundry driers; hair driers; hand drying apparatus; sanitary installations, taps [faucets], shower installations, toilets [water-closets], shower and bathing cubicles, bath tubs, toilet seats, sinks, wash-hand basins [parts of sanitary installations], washers for water taps, stuffings (tap valves); water softening apparatus; water purification apparatus; water purification installations; waste water purification installations; electric bed warmers and electric blankets, not for medical use; electric pillow warmers; electric or non-electric footwarmers; hot water bottles, electrically heated socks; filters for aquariums and 55

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 aquarium filtration apparatus; industrial type installations for cooking, drying and cooling purposes; pasteurizers and sterilizers. 2018.08.22 (111) 1380198 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.05.10 (180) Registreringen 2027.05.10 (210) Nasj. 201716591 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (111) 1380152 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.27 (210) Nasj. 201716585 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.09.13, EM, 017204918 BITS & BOBS PANZERGLASS A/S, Delta 6, DK-8382 HINNERUP, Danmark Klasse 9 Display screen filters, protective cases, protective films and display screen protectors adapted for use with laptops, mobile telephones, smartphones, internet phones and tablets, and parts and fittings therefor; powerbanks; USB cables; electronic cables; power cables; data transmission cables; covers for tablets; covers for smartphones; covers for tablet computers; battery recharging apparatus; battery chargers; charging appliances for rechargeable equipment; headphones; parts and fittings for communications apparatus; data processing equipment and accessories (electrical and mechanical). Klasse 35 Advertising services; business management; business administration service; providing office functions; computerized file management; administrative processing of purchase orders; updating of advertising material; advertising services by mail; shop window dressing; demonstration of goods; retail store services for parts and accessories for laptops, mobile telephones, smartphones, internet phones and tablets; wholesale store services for parts and accessories for laptops, mobile telephones, smartphones, internet phones and tablets; business research; business inquiries; business information; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; marketing services; marketing research; on-line advertising on a computer network. Corporación Cuba Ron S.A., Calle 200 número 1708, entre 17 y 19, Atabey, Playa, CU-11300 LA HABANA, Cuba Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (excluding beers). 2018.08.17 (111) 1380224 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.22 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.22 (210) Nasj. 201716595 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.08.21, TR, 2017/75137 2018.08.16 SOLVETEKS TEKNIK TEKSTIL SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI, Kayapa Sanayi Bölgesi, Mavi Cadde, No: 7, Nilüfer, TR-BURSA, Tyrkia Klasse 24 Woven textiles, namely, fabrics for use in the manufacture of clothing, towels, table linen, bed linen, household linen; non-woven textiles, namely, fabrics for use in the manufacture of clothing, towels, table linen, bed linen, household linen; fiberglass fabrics for textile use; fabric impervious to gases for aeronautical balloons; waterproof fabrics, namely, waterproof fabrics for manufacturing clothing, furniture, luggage and automobile upholstery; gummed waterproof cloth; fabric of imitation animal skins; textile linings, namely, linen 56

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 lining fabric for shoes, textile used as lining for clothing; buckram; filtering materials of textile, namely, chemical fiber fabrics, synthetic fiber fabrics, inorganic fiber mixed fabrics all for use in filtering liquids and powders; quilts of textile, woolen blankets; bath mitts, bath linen, hand towels, face towels of textile, bathing towels; tapestries of textile, traveling rugs, namely, lap rugs; curtains of textile, shower curtains of textile, shower curtains of plastics; oilcloth for use as table cloths; bed blankets, bed sheets, bedspreads, bed linen, diapered linen, pillowcases, quilt covers; furniture coverings of textile, namely, unfitted fabric furniture covers; upholstery fabrics; table napkins of textile; bed covers of paper; banners of textile, namely, cloth banners; flags not of paper, namely, cloth flags, fabric flags; cloth labels; pennants; labels of textile; baby bedding, namely, swaddling blankets, fitted crib sheets, crib skirts, crib blankets, and diaper changing pad covers not of paper; sleeping bags for camping. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380238 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.26 (210) Nasj. 201716596 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.08, DE, 30 2017 011 452 Fundo Discreto Wedi GmbH, Hollefeldstrasse 51, DE-48282 EMSDETTEN, Tyskland Klasse 6 Floor or wall drains made of metal; coverings made of metal for floor or wall drains. Klasse 11 Sanitary apparatus and installations; water conduits installations; sanitary products made of stainless steel. Klasse 19 Floor or wall drains [not of metal]; coverings [not of metal] for floor or wall drains. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380246 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.19 (210) Nasj. 201716597 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 FLUENT DESIGN Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, US- WA98052-6399 REDMOND, USA Klasse 41 Providing instructional materials and guidelines in the field of computer software application and user interface design via a website; education services, namely, education in the field of design for computer software, mobile applications, and user interface. Klasse 42 Design and development of advisory materials and guidance in the field of design for computer software, mobile applications, and user interface. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380258 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.25 (210) Nasj. 201716598 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.18, IL, 293460 CITYSTREAM NEXAR LTD., 58 Harakevet Street, IL-6777016 TEL AVIV, Israel Klasse 9 Smartphones, cameras, inertial measuring units, radar, lidar and other sensors located in or on motor vehicles; software and hardware located in moving vehicles for processing data generated by smartphones, cameras, inertial measuring units, radar, lidar and other sensors located in or on the motor vehicles; software and hardware located in motor vehicles for digitizing and recognizing objects on streets, roads and highways, including traffic congestion, infrastructure defects, road hazards, collisions, construction, other vehicles, road marks, road signs, traffic lights, available parking spots, parking violations, vehicle advertising signs and other objects; software and hardware for collecting, processing, aggregating and distributing data generated by remote sensors, including data generated by smartphones, cameras, inertial measuring units, radar, lidar and other sensors located in or on motor vehicles; software and hardware for motor vehicle dashboard camera applications for smartphones and other computing devices; software and hardware for high-definition mapping; software and hardware for street-view image databases. Klasse 35 Collection, processing and aggregation of data generated by sensors, including data generated by smartphones, cameras, inertial measuring units, radar, lidar and other sensors located in or on motor vehicles. Klasse 38 Transmission of information inferred from data generated by sensors, including data generated by smartphones, cameras, inertial measuring units, radar, lidar and other sensors located in or on motor vehicles. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380263 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.25 (210) Nasj. 201716599 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.08.18, EM, 017128513 Lilium Lilium GmbH, Friedrichshafener Strasse 1, DE-82205 GILCHING, Tyskland Klasse 7 Aeronautical engines; motors, other than for land vehicles; actuators for mechanisms; propulsion mechanisms, other than for land vehicles; blades for aircraft turbines; alternating current motors for airborne vehicles. 57

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Klasse 9 Computer software for coordinating transportation, namely software for the automated scheduling and dispatch of aircraft to customers; application software for wireless devices; mobile apps for coordinating transportation services, namely software for the automated scheduling and dispatch of aircraft to customers. Klasse 12 Aerodynamic wings for airplanes; airplanes and structural parts therefor; electrically powered aircraft; landing gear [aircraft parts]; aeroplanes; turbo-prop airplanes; turbo-jet airplanes; aircraft; tilt rotor aircraft; propellers for air vehicles; aerofoils for air vehicles. Klasse 37 Maintenance of aircraft; airplane maintenance and repair. Klasse 39 Aircraft rental; aircraft charter brokerage; aircraft rental; arrangement of transportation of passengers by aircraft; rental of aircraft; chauffeur services; transport of persons via aircraft; booking of transportations via a website; providing information regarding transportation services via a website; transport. Klasse 42 Aircraft design; development of aircraft; design of computer programs and software relating to aircraft; technical research; mechanical research; research and development services; aircraft design; engineering research; providing temporary use of online nondownloadable software for providing transportation services, bookings for transportation services and for dispatching aircraft to customers. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380265 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.25 (210) Nasj. 201716600 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.20, EM, 016628463 Amiblu Amiblu Holding GmbH, Pischeldorfer Strasse 128, AT- 9020 KLAGENFURT, Østerrike Klasse 6 Pipes, tubes and hoses, and fittings therefor, including valves, of metal. Klasse 7 Machines and machine tools for the manufacture of pipes. Klasse 17 Flexible pipes, tubes, hoses and fittings therefor (including valves), and fittings for rigid pipes, all nonmetallic; connectors (non-metallic -) for hoses; nonmetallic couplings for pipes; non-metallic coupling sleeves for tubes; non-metallic couplings for tubes; joint connectors (non-metallic -) for pipes. Klasse 19 Rigid pipes and valves therefor, non-metallic. Klasse 20 Containers, and closures and holders therefor, nonmetallic. Klasse 42 Pipeline inspection services; design of pipelines; locating and marking placement of underground utility pipes, cable or wires; technical design and planning of pipelines for gas, water and waste water. (111) 1380283 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.18 (210) Nasj. 201716602 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.18, JM, 072296 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The design of an apple with a bite removed and the words "music," "up," and "next". Apple Inc., One Apple Park Way, US-CA95014 CUPERTINO, USA Klasse 41 Entertainment services in the nature of development, creation, production, and distribution of musical artist video documentary series; entertainment services, namely providing music, interviews, live music performances, and videos featuring musical artists; entertainment services, namely, a multimedia program series featuring musical artists distributed via various platforms across multiple forms of transmission media. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380307 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.08 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.08 (210) Nasj. 201716605 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.19, US, 87534908 KAT VON D SHOES Kat Von D, Inc., P.O. Box 5955, US-CA91413 SHERMAN OAKS, USA Klasse 25 Footwear. 2018.08.18 2018.08.17 58

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1380360 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.05.03 (180) Registreringen 2027.05.03 (210) Nasj. 201716610 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 vocational retraining; arranging and conducting of colloquiums; arranging and conducting of courses, training, workshops and continuing education; lending libraries; publication of printed matter, books; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; distribution of video cassettes; production of radio and television programmes; entertainment; educational consultancy services relating to the choice of profession; educational consultancy services regarding the choice of profession; all aforementioned services also via telecommunication, among other things via the Internet. Klasse 42 Services of automation, via telecommunication, among other things via the Internet. 2018.08.19 Zhengzhou Kanglida Electronic Power Co., Ltd, Room No. 418-423, 4 Floor, B building, East of Lianyun road, North of Hanshan dong road, Erqi district, CN- ZHENGZHOU, Kina Klasse 9 Neon signs; anti-theft warning apparatus; locks, electric; electric door bells; batteries, electric, for vehicles; chargers for electric batteries; batteries, electric; accumulators, electric; solar batteries; navigational instruments; sonar detection system. (111) 1380396 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.05.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.05.25 (210) Nasj. 201716615 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.12.20, IT, 302016000129044 2018.08.19 (111) 1380381 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.05.23 (180) Registreringen 2027.05.23 (210) Nasj. 201716613 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.03.09, EM, 016449894 HUMAN FORWARD Randstad Holding N.V., Diemermere 25, NL-1112TC DIEMEN, Nederland Klasse 35 Recruitment of personnel; search and selection of personnel; employment of personnel; outplacement of personnel; personnel management consultancy; staff recruitment consultancy; administrative services, in particular salary- and personnel administration; consultancy and advisory services relating to personnel placement; selection of personnel, also by way of psychological testing; outplacement of personnel, career placement consulting services, commercial interim-management services; business project management; consultancy on the subject of business management and business economy; services in relation to the process of recruitment of personnel; payroll administration and management services; employment outplacement services; human capital management outsourcing services; all aforementioned services also via telecommunication, including the Internet. Klasse 41 Educational services; instruction services, in particular instruction of personnel; tuition; education information; vocational guidance [education or training advice]; (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of the wording TREVIRGOLAZERO 3,0 in original letters. GIO SOCIETA' A RESPONSABILITA' LIMITATA SEMPLIFICATA, Via dell'industria, 53 Frazione San Marco, IT-63900 FERMO (FM), Italia Klasse 25 Clothing for children; children's headgear; infants' shoes and boots; hats for infants, babies, toddlers and children; cloth bibs for children; clothing for infants; baby shoes; baby booties; babies' bibs, not of paper; articles of clothing for babies and toddlers; articles of clothing, footwear and headgear for babies and toddlers; waterproof clothing; clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; clothing for gymnastics; dresses; suits; jumper dresses, bath robes; nonslipping devices for footwear; clothing; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; bibs, not of paper; caps [headwear]; berets; underwear; sweat-absorbent underwear; boas [necklets]; bodies [clothing]; braces for clothing [suspenders]; corsets [underclothing]; galoshes; skull caps; footwear; boots for sports; stockings; sweatabsorbent stockings; socks; breeches for wear; bathing trunks; albs; shirts; short-sleeve shirts; bodices [lingerie]; sports singlets; hats; coats; hoods [clothing]; belts [clothing]; money belts [clothing]; tights; collars [clothing]; detachable collars; headgear for wear; layettes [clothing]; bathing suits; masquerade costumes; beach clothes; neckties; bathing caps; shower caps; panties; headbands [clothing]; pocket squares; scarfs; boot uppers, gaiters; jackets [clothing]; garters; skirts; overalls; girdles; gloves [clothing]; ski gloves; welts for footwear; ready-made clothing; knitwear [clothing]; jerseys [clothing]; leggings [leg 59

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 warmers]; leggings [trousers]; hosiery; sports jerseys; sweaters; muffs [clothing]; pelerines; skorts; boxer shorts; babies' pants [underwear]; underpants; vests; trousers; slippers; ear muffs [clothing]; parkas; pelisses; furs [clothing]; pajamas (Am.); cuffs; ponchos; stocking suspenders; sock suspenders; brassieres; sandals; bath sandals; saris; sarongs; neck scarfs [mufflers]; shoes; bath slippers; gymnastic shoes; beach shoes; football boots; sports shoes; shawls; sashes for wear; inner soles; overcoats; outerclothing; chemises; halfboots; lace boots; boots; fur stoles; soles for footwear; heels; heelpieces for footwear; tee-shirts; footwear uppers; turbans; combinations [clothing]; valenki [felted boots]; veils [clothing]; dressing gowns; visors [headwear]; wooden shoes. 2018.08.22 (111) 1380400 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.09 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.09 (210) Nasj. 201716616 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 LUNIVE LEDVANCE GmbH, Parkring 29-33, DE-85748 GARCHING, Tyskland Klasse 11 Lighting apparatus, especially electric lamps and luminaires; lighting apparatus and systems consisting thereof, especially based on organic and non-organic light emitting diodes (LED), LED lamps, LED luminaires and parts thereof; LED based lighting lamps and lighting apparatus and installations and systems consisting thereof, as well as their parts and fittings; LED modules, namely modules based on LEDs (also based on organic LEDs) with light functions for lighting purposes. (111) 1380419 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.07.31 (180) Registreringen 2027.07.31 (210) Nasj. 201716621 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.01.30, PL, Z.466856 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark represents word "RE" written in red letters placed in the middle of a round figurative symbol in the shape of incomplete ring in red gradient colour and word "CHOC" placed on the dark brown background in the shape of rectangle. CAMBRIDGE CHOCOLATE TECHNOLOGIES SPÓLKA AKCYJNA, Slominskiego 15/509, PL-00-195 WARSZAWA, Polen Klasse 30 Chocolate, pastries and confectionery, sugarless sweets, chocolate sweets. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380431 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.04 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.04 (210) Nasj. 201716622 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 2018.08.22 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the Chinese character "dongdao" with designed. (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: dongdao (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: dongdao Beijing Dongdao Graphic Design Co., Ltd., Room 1012, 10F, Building #8, No.2 Yard, Shenggu Middle Road, Chaoyang District, CN-BEIJING, Kina Klasse 42 Quality assessment; urban planning; engineering drawing; technical consultation; industrial design; packaging design; styling [industrial design]; architectural services; architectural consultancy; construction drafting; design of interior decor; construction project development; dress designing; computer software design; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining web site for others; computer 60

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 software consultancy; web site design consultancy; information technology [IT] consultancy; providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site; cloud computing; outsource service providers in the field of information technology; computer technology consultancy; authenticating works of art; intangible assets assessment. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380451 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.11 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.11 (210) Nasj. 201716624 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.10.11, EM, 17320359 sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fireextinguishing apparatus; spectacles [optics]; sunglasses; spectacle cases. Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Klasse 14 Jewelry; clocks; watches. Klasse 16 Printed matter; periodicals; books. Klasse 18 Trunks and travelling bags; handbags; hunting bags; wallets; briefcases; attaché cases; travelling sets (leatherware); backpacks; umbrellas; parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; garment bags for travel. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Klasse 37 Building construction; installation of parts for vehicles; vehicle maintenance and repair. 2018.08.21 Ellida B.V., Gyroscoopweg 6, NL-1042AB AMSTERDAM, Nederland Klasse 12 Apparatus for locomotion by land; bicycles, bikes; bicycle racks [carriers], including luggage racks for bicycles; baskets adapted for bicycles; panniers adapted for bicycles; bicycle bags; child seats for bicycles; pumps for bicycles; bicycle handlebar grips and bicycle brake lever grips; pedals for bicycles; bicycle bells; bicycle saddles; bicycle kickstands; bicycle fenders; bicycle anti-theft locks; water bottle holders for bicycles. Klasse 35 Retail services (including online retail services) relating to bicycles, bikes, bicycle racks [carriers], including luggage racks for bicycles, baskets adapted for bicycles, panniers adapted for bicycles, bicycle bags, child seats for bicycles, pumps for bicycles, bicycle handlebar grips and bicycle brake lever grips, pedals for bicycles, bicycle bells, bicycle saddles, bicycle kickstands, bicycle fenders, bicycle anti-theft locks, water bottle holders for bicycles. Klasse 37 Bicycle repair services. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380465 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.13 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.13 (210) Nasj. 201716625 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.10.04, EM, 017287004 REGERA Koenigsegg Automotive AB, Valhall Park, SE-26274 ÄNGELHOLM, Sverige Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of (111) 1380522 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.27 (210) Nasj. 201716631 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.11, EM, 016970543 GLOW MON AMOUR L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Make-up preparations. 2018.08.16 (111) 1380523 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.27 (210) Nasj. 201716632 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.11, EM, 016970551 BONJOUR NUDISTA L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Make-up preparations. 2018.08.16 61

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1380525 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.02 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.02 (210) Nasj. 201716633 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.22, JP, 2017-068986 Xoralpras DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED, 3-5-1, Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, JP-103-8426 TOKYO, Japan Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380550 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.09 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.09 (210) Nasj. 201716637 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 VYXEOS Celator Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Floor 2 1 Airport Place, US-NJ08540 PRINCETON, USA Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380601 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.04 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.04 (210) Nasj. 201716644 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 CRIZAL SAPPHIRE Essilor International, 147 rue de Paris, FR-94220 CHARENTON-LE-PONT, Frankrike Klasse 1 Klasse 9 Organic or mineral materials in the form of treatment coatings, coatings, top coats, all for spectacle lenses and ophthalmic lenses, made of polymer and/or minerals and/or metallic compounds and/or other materials, having one or more of the following properties, namely, scratch-resistant, impact-resistant, anti-reflective, optical clarity, anti-uv, smudgerepellent, dust-repellent, rain-repellent, hydrophobic, oleophobic, light-filtering. Optical goods; spectacles (optics); spectacle frames; ophthalmic lenses; spectacle lenses, including organic (plastic) lenses, mineral lenses, corrective lenses, progressive lenses, sunglass lenses, polarized lenses, filtering lenses, tinted lenses, colored lenses, lightsensitive lenses, photochromic lenses, treated lenses, coated lenses, anti-reflective lenses, semi-finished lenses; blanks for spectacle lenses; semi-finished blanks for spectacle lenses; contact lenses; cases for spectacle lenses; cases for ophthalmic lenses; spectacle cases. Klasse 44 Services of opticians, optometrists and other professionals in the field of ophthalmic optics; information and advice in the field of ophthalmic optics; information and advice relating to protecting the eyes and sight and to visual correction and comfort. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380576 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.03 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.03 (210) Nasj. 201716640 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 DePalma Depalma Workwear AB, Surbrunnsgatan 10 BV, SE- 11427 STOCKHOLM, Sverige Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 2018.08.22 (111) 1380613 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.09 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.09 (210) Nasj. 201716647 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.26, CH, 706795 BONEMEX Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd. (Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma AG), Rechenstrasse 37, CH-9014 ST. GALLEN, Sveits Klasse 44 Medical and veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals. 2018.08.17 62

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1380614 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.09 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.09 (210) Nasj. 201716648 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.26, CH, 707090 ANEMEX Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma Ltd. (Vifor Fresenius Medical Care Renal Pharma AG), Rechenstrasse 37, CH-9014 ST. GALLEN, Sveits Klasse 44 Medical and veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380635 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.05.24 (180) Registreringen 2027.05.24 (210) Nasj. 201716650 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.03.09, EM, 016451486 Randstad Holding N.V., Diemermere 25, NL-1112TC DIEMEN, Nederland Klasse 35 Recruitment of personnel; search and selection of personnel; employment of personnel; outplacement of personnel; personnel management consultancy; staff recruitment consultancy; administrative services, in particular salary- and personnel administration; consultancy and advisory services relating to personnel placement; selection of personnel, also by way of psychological testing; outplacement of personnel, career placement consulting services, commercial interim-management services; business project management; consultancy on the subject of business management and business economy; services in relation to the process of recruitment of personnel; payroll administration and management services; employment outplacement services; human capital management outsourcing services; all aforementioned services also via telecommunication, including the Internet. Klasse 41 Educational services; instruction services, in particular instruction of personnel; tuition; education information; vocational guidance [education or training advice]; vocational retraining; arranging and conducting of colloquiums; arranging and conducting of courses, training, workshops and continuing-education; lending libraries; publication of printed matter, books; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; distribution of video cassettes; production of radio and television programmes; entertainment; educational consultancy services relating to the choice of profession; educational consultancy services regarding the choice of profession; all aforementioned services also via telecommunication, among other things via the Internet. Klasse 42 Services of automation, via telecommunication, among other things via the Internet. 2018.08.20 (111) 1380644 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.07.06 (180) Registreringen 2027.07.06 (210) Nasj. 201716653 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of stylized words "WEFLO". Qingdao Weflo Valve Co., Ltd., 45 Xinghe Rd., Lancun Town, Jimo City, Qingdao City, CN-SHANDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 9 Pressure indicators; alarms; detectors; slope indicators; measuring apparatus; regulating apparatus, electric; switches, electric; battery jump starters; meters; remote control apparatus. 2018.08.20 (111) 1380658 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.01 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.01 (210) Nasj. 201716654 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: YU HANG. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: YU HANG. Shandong Yuhang Special Alloy Equipment Co., Ltd., Handian Town, Zouping County, CN-BINZHOU CITY, SHANDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 6 Aluminium ingots; alloys of common metal; aluminum composite building panels; railway material of metal; wire of common metal; aluminium alloy pulleys, other than for machines; screws of metal; containers of metal [storage, transport]; containers of metal for compressed 63

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 gas or liquid air; containers of metal for liquid fuel. 2018.08.20 (111) 1380702 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.27 (210) Nasj. 201716657 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.14 DALFRATEX Promat UK Limited, B1 Heywood Distribution Park, GB- OL102TS HEYWOOD, LANCASHIRE, Storbritannia Klasse 17 Materials included in this class for packing, stopping or insulating. 2018.08.20 (111) 1380836 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.12 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.12 (210) Nasj. 201716916 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.09.20, UA, m201720949 Limited Liability Company "PLAY WOOD", prosp. Obolonskyi, 1-B m, UA-04205 KYIV, Ukraina Klasse 28 Building blocks [toys]; jigsaw puzzles; toys; toy models; toy robots; remote-controlled toy vehicles; toy figures; building games; parlour games; dolls' houses; dolls' rooms; scale model kits [toys]; board games; ornaments for Christmas trees, except illumination articles and confectionery. 2018.08.16 (111) 1380835 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.26 (210) Nasj. 201716915 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 SIA "KRK Vidzeme", Matrozu iela 15, LV-1084 RIGA, Latvia Klasse 4 Charcoal. 2018.08.16 (111) 1380850 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.19 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.19 (210) Nasj. 201716917 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.28, JP, 2017-100662 KIRBY Nintendo Co., Ltd., 11-1, Hokotate-cho, Kamitoba, Minami-ku, JP-KYOTO-SHI, KYOTO, Japan Klasse 9 Programs for consumer video game apparatus; electronic storage media recorded with programs for consumer video game apparatus; programs for handheld electronic game apparatus; electronic storage media recorded with programs for handheld electronic game apparatus; programs for arcade video game machines; electronic storage media recorded with programs for arcade video game machines; computer programs; electronic storage media recorded with programs for computers; programs for smartphones; electronic storage media recorded with programs for smartphones; cases for smartphones. Klasse 28 Toys; stuffed toys; dolls; video game machines; portable games with liquid crystal displays; arcade video game machines; protective films adapted for screens for portable games; controllers for game consoles; controllers for toys; games; board games; playing cards. 2018.08.17 64

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1380856 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.05 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.05 (210) Nasj. 201716919 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 AKRONE, 5 RUE BOILEAU 44000, FR-44000 NANTES, Frankrike Klasse 14 Jewelry; jewelry products, precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments; precious metals and their alloys; works of art of precious metal; jewelry cases [caskets]; boxes of precious metal; watch cases, straps, chains, springs or glasses; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; statues or figurines (statuettes) of precious metals; cases or presentation cases for timepieces; medals. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380867 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.31 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.31 (210) Nasj. 201716920 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.11, EM, 016695546 OnPro Handelsgesellschaft mbh, Adalbert-Stifter- Strasse 16, AT-4910 RIED IM INNKREIS, Østerrike Klasse 9 Headphones; headphone amplifiers; headphone consoles; wireless headphones; communications head sets; wireless headsets for smartphones; headphonemicrophone combinations; telephone headsets; headsets for use with computers; personal headphones for sound transmitting apparatuses. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380884 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.29 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.29 (210) Nasj. 201716922 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 DUARISE OSG CORPORATION, 3-22 Honnogahara, JP-442-0005 TOYOKAWA-SHI, AICHI, Japan Klasse 7 Metalworking machines and tools; cutting tools [machine tools]; taps [machine tools]; drill bits [machine tools]; thread milling cutters; turning point tools [machine tools]; milling cutters; reamers [machine tools]; end mills; cemented carbide tools; cemented carbide cutting tools [machine tools]; anti-abrasive cemented carbide tools; cemented carbide tips; diamond tools [machine tools]; wear-resistant metal cutting tools; rolling dies [parts of machines]. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380895 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.03.06 (180) Registreringen 2027.03.06 (210) Nasj. 201716926 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.09.08, DE, 30 2016 025 905 Fridolin JONAS Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbh, Hohenstaufenring 62, DE-50674 KÖLN, Tyskland Klasse 7 Motors [except for land vehicles]; machine coupling and transmission components [except for land vehicles]; loaders [machines]; power generators for vehicles; automatic vending machines for the rental and return of vehicles; machines for vehicle construction; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking [supervision], life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity and energy; charging columns and charging stations for electric vehicles; automatic electric-current distributors enabling the charging of electric vehicle batteries; apparatus for controlling charging processes for charging electric vehicles; electronic apparatus for the geo location of vehicles and charging stations for electric vehicles; equipment, apparatus and installations consisting thereof for analyzing and monitoring energy consumption and for storing energy; accumulators; electronic navigation apparatus for vehicles; batteries for electric vehicles; energy control devices; energy regulators; cables, chargers, in particular for electric batteries or electric accumulators; on-board computers; burglar alarms; sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; wired electric socket adaptors; accumulators, in particular electric accumulators for vehicles; battery charging monitors; battery charging indicators; electric charging plugs and charging sockets for vehicles; data processing apparatus and computers; computer software, in particular for controlling apparatus during charging processes, for charging electric vehicles or for managing a car fleet and a network of charging stations for electric vehicle batteries; electronic systems consisting of computer hardware and computer software for locating vehicles and battery charging stations; computer software in the field of car sharing and vehicle rental; software, including in the form of an app, in particular a mobile app, in particular for renting and reserving vehicles and for subscribing to a vehicle rental service, for charging electric vehicles; electronic publications [downloadable]; encoded magnetic cards; chip cards; encoded cards for use in point of sale transactions; cards bearing electronically recorded data; terminals for the electronic payment of charges 65

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 with credit cards and charge cards; batteries, in particular batteries for electric vehicles; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 12 Apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; vehicles and means of transport, in particular vehicles with electric motors and/or internal combustion engines; electric vehicles; electric scooters; electrically powered transport vehicles; electric motors for motor vehicles; electric motors for land vehicles; parts and fittings for vehicles, in particular electric vehicles, not included in other classes. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; wholesale and retail services relating to vehicles, in particular electric vehicles; wholesale and retail services relating to parts and fittings for vehicles, in particular electric vehicles; professional business and organizational consultancy, in particular in the energy sector; marketing, in particular developing concepts for marketing new technologies, in particular in the environmental and energy sector; business consultancy as well as organizational consultancy and providing commercial and business information, in particular in relation to development, operation and distribution of electric charging stations and in relation to business models for electro mobility, such as franchise concepts, car sharing concepts and fleet concepts; arranging of contracts, for others, for the purchase of electric vehicles and charging stations for electric vehicles as well as for the provision of services for a fee, in particular within the framework of transport and mobility solutions; management of Internet platforms and databases for transport and mobility services, namely office functions regarding common or shared use of vehicles and rental of vehicles. Klasse 36 Leasing, in particular leasing of electric vehicles and charging stations for electric vehicles; insurance services, in particular in relation to vehicles; transport insurance brokerage; services in the field of financial affairs and banking, not included in other classes, in particular financing of vehicles and financial consultancy in relation to the repair and maintenance of vehicles, in particular electric vehicles; monetary affairs; issuance of discount cards; issuance of loyalty cards for use in point of sale transactions; issuance of credit cards; issuance of cheque cards; processing of payments made with discount cards; loans [financing]; financial consultancy in the energy sector; real estate affairs; customs brokerage. Klasse 37 Maintenance, servicing, care, installation, assembly, cleaning and repair of electric and electronic apparatus, instruments and devices and of electric vehicles, vehicles, motors and parts of the aforesaid goods; inspection of vehicles, in particular electric vehicles, before maintenance or repair; vehicle polishing; installation of spare vehicle parts, in particular replacement of batteries; vehicle fueling services; construction, installation, maintenance and repair of automatic machines for charging batteries of electric vehicles; construction, installation, maintenance and repair of charging stations for electric vehicles; consultancy and advisory services in relation to all the aforesaid services. Klasse 39 Transport, in particular transport of goods by motor vehicles, electric vehicles, trucks, rail, ships and aeroplanes; packaging and storage of goods; transport of goods, in particular packages, parcels, letters; transportation information; freight brokerage; transport brokerage; logistics services for the transport sector; courier services [messages or merchandise]; storage information; tracking and tracing services for letters and parcels; freight forwarding by land; freight forwarding by air; freight forwarding by sea; distribution of energy, in particular electricity supply for electric vehicles; hiring, rental, towing and loading of vehicles; parking and storage of vehicles; reservation of rental vehicles, parking places and charging stations for electric vehicles, made online or by telephone; vehicle salvage services; consultancy services in the field of transportation, not included in other classes. Klasse 40 Generation of power; leasing of energy generating equipment, in particular leasing of generators; treatment of materials through abrasion, milling, soldering, vulcanization, stamping [pressing] and polishing for manufacturing vehicles and parts thereof, in particular electric vehicles and parts thereof. Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment; cultural activities; providing non-downloadable online electronic publications, not for advertising purposes; publication of printed matter, in particular periodicals, brochures and magazines; provision of training courses, in particular in the field of electronics and in relation to sale, servicing, repair and maintenance of vehicles; providing on-line electronic publications, in particular in the field of electro mobility and in the field of test and simulation methods for calculating the range and charging time of electric vehicles; organization of competitions [education and entertainment]; conducting of games on the Internet; coaching; arranging and conducting of seminars, workshops [training] and colloquiums; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, in particular in relation to electric vehicles and motor vehicles; industrial analysis and research services; industrial analysis and research services, in particular in relation to electric vehicles and motor vehicles; design and development of computer hardware and computer software, in particular for electric vehicles and motor vehicles; vehicle design services; product development for motor vehicle construction and electric vehicle construction; development of motor vehicles and electric vehicles; technical monitoring [monitoring and quality controlling] of installations for charging batteries and accumulators for electric vehicles; remote maintenance of installations for charging batteries and accumulators for electric vehicles through software. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380923 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.31 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.31 (210) Nasj. 201716929 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.10.24, EM, 017385683 MONARI FEDERZONI S.P.A., Via Carrate, 24, IT- 41030 SOLARA (MODENA), Italia Klasse 5 Vitamin supplements; vitamin and mineral supplements; nutritional supplements; liquid vitamin supplements; vitamin preparations; nutritional supplement meal replacement bars for boosting energy; meal replacement powders. Klasse 32 Flavoured waters; aperitifs, non-alcoholic; energy drinks; beverages containing vitamins; cocktails, nonalcoholic; juices; preparations for making beverages; soft drinks. 2018.08.17 66

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1380932 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.16 (210) Nasj. 201716931 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 NEUDORFF W. Neudorff GmbH KG, An der Mühle 3, DE-31860 EMMERTHAL, Tyskland Klasse 1 Chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; manures. Klasse 5 Disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. 2018.08.17 (111) 1380946 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.27 (210) Nasj. 201716932 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.21, CH, 707604 TERRAPIN Safran Vectronix AG, Max Schmidheiny-Strasse 202, CH-9435 HEERBRUGG, Sveits Klasse 9 Infrared devices for guiding weapons; detectors; optical and optoelectronic viewfinders; optical and optoelectronic viewing apparatus; optical and optoelectronic measuring apparatus; observation apparatus and instruments; binoculars; telescopes; laser range finders; optical, electronic and optoelectronic target seeking, locating, surveillance and tracking devices; night vision apparatus; computer software relating to the aforesaid goods; parts and components of these articles included in class 9. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380959 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.12.28 (180) Registreringen 2026.12.28 (210) Nasj. 201716933 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.06.25, GB, UK00003171382 LARVOTTO (571) Beskrivelse av merket: LARVOTTO. LARVOTTO LIMITED, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, GB-WC2H9JQ LONDON, Storbritannia Klasse 9 Sunglasses; sunglasses frames. Klasse 14 Jewelry; watches. Klasse 25 Bikinis; swimwear; clothing; shoes; hats; gloves. Klasse 35 On-line advertising; on-line retail store services relating to cosmetic and beauty products; on-line retail store services relating to clothing. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380960 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.03.20 (180) Registreringen 2027.03.20 (210) Nasj. 201716934 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.10.04, US, 87192695 AGILITY AGILITY FUEL SOLUTIONS LLC, 3335 Susan Street, Suite 100, US-CA92626 COSTA MESA, USA Klasse 6 Metal pressure cylinders and tanks for compressed gases, sold empty. Klasse 20 Composite fiber pressure cylinders and tanks for compressed gases, sold empty. 2018.08.21 (111) 1380970 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.25 (210) Nasj. 201716938 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.03.28, GB, UK00003221386 VANDAL Lunamar (Group) Ltd, 18 Whiteladies Road, Clifton, GB-BS82LG BRISTOL, Storbritannia Klasse 12 Boats; yachts; ships; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 37 Shipbuilding; yacht and boat conversion, renovation, refit, refurbishment and repair; custom manufacture of yachts and boats. 2018.08.22 67

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1381122 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.18 (210) Nasj. 201716953 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.06.02, CH, 703487 (111) 1381148 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.04.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.04.27 (210) Nasj. 201716959 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.03.20, DE, 302017102840 elblox AG, Parkstrasse 23, CH-5400 BADEN, Sveits Klasse 4 Klasse 9 Electrical energy. Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; software; e-commerce software enabling users to carry out commercial transactions by electronic means via a global computer network; computer hardware; computer peripherals and accessories. Klasse 39 Services provided by consultants relating to the distribution of electricity; electricity supply services; distribution of electrical energy, gas, water and district heating. Klasse 42 Design and development of computers and software. 2018.08.16 (111) 1381133 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.18 (210) Nasj. 201716956 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.06.22, FR, 4370843 L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Shampoos; gels, foams, balms and aerosol products for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; all the aforesaid goods of French origin or made in France. Ketten-Wulf Betriebs-GmbH, Zum Hohenstein 15, DE- 59889 ESLOHE-KÜCKELHEIM, Tyskland Klasse 7 Chains for mechanical machine applications of all types, chains for industrial applications (machines and/or motor parts); conveyor chains; driving chains, other than for land vehicles; sprockets; parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods, included in this class. Klasse 12 Chains for vehicles; drive chains for vehicles; sprockets for vehicles; parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods, included in this class. Klasse 37 Assembly services relating to the installation of chains, conveyor chains, drive chains, sprockets, parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods; assembly services relating to the installation of chains for vehicles, conveyor chains for vehicles, drive chains for vehicles, sprockets for vehicles, parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods; installation, repair and maintenance services related to chains, conveyor chains, drive chains, sprockets, parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods; installation, repair and maintenance services related to chains for vehicles, conveyor chains for vehicles, drive chains for vehicles, sprockets for vehicles, parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods. Klasse 40 Customised manufacturing and custom manufacture related to chains, conveyor chains, drive chains, sprockets, parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods; customised manufacturing and custom manufacture related to chains for vehicles, conveyor chains for vehicles, drive chains for vehicles, sprockets for vehicles, parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods. Klasse 42 Development of chains, conveyor chains, drive chains, sprockets, parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods; development of chains for vehicles, conveyor chains for vehicles, drive chains for vehicles, sprockets for vehicles, parts and accessories for all aforementioned goods. 2018.08.17 2018.08.20 68

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1381172 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.28 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.28 (210) Nasj. 201716964 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.03.29, EM, 016524886 Lilium GmbH, Friedrichshafener Strasse 1, DE-82205 GILCHING, Tyskland Klasse 7 Aeronautical engines; motors, other than for land vehicles; actuators for mechanisms; propulsion mechanisms, other than for land vehicles; blades for aircraft turbines; alternating current motors for airborne Klasse 9 vehicles. Computer software for coordinating transportation, namely software for the automated scheduling and dispatch of aircraft to customers; application software for wireless devices; mobile apps for coordinating transportation services, namely software for the automated scheduling and dispatch of aircraft to customers. Klasse 12 Aerodynamic wings for airplanes; airplanes and structural parts therefor; electrically powered aircraft; landing gear [aircraft parts]; aeroplanes; turbo-prop airplanes; turbo-jet airplanes; aircraft; tilt rotor aircraft; propellers for air vehicles; aerofoils for air vehicles. Klasse 37 Maintenance of aircraft; airplane maintenance and repair. Klasse 39 Aircraft rental; aircraft charter brokerage; aircraft rental; arrangement of transportation of passengers by aircraft; rental of aircraft; chauffeur services; transport of persons via aircraft; booking of transportation via a website; providing information regarding transportation services via a website; transport. Klasse 42 Aircraft design; development of aircraft; design of computer programs and software relating to aircraft; technical research; mechanical research; research and development services; aircraft design; engineering research; providing temporary use of online nondownloadable software for providing transportation services, bookings for transportation services and for dispatching aircraft to customers. 2018.08.16 (111) 1381182 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.04 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.04 (210) Nasj. 201716965 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.06, CY, 86025 CLOUDBERRY TRICHILIA CONSULTANTS LIMITED, 1, Lampousas Street, CY-1095 NICOSIA, Kypros Klasse 9 Computer programs, recorded; computer software, recorded computer programs [downloadable software]; computer software applications, downloadable; application software, utility software, security software, downloadable software, computer software, computer software programs, computer software applications, software for computers, computer application software; computer software for encryption, downloadable computer utility software, downloadable computer security software, computer software supplied) from the Internet, software for network and device security, application software for cloud computing services, computer software to enable retrieval of data, downloadable computer software for the transmission of data, downloadable computer software for the management of data, downloadable computer software for the management of information, computer software for use in computer access control, computer programmes stored in digital form, computer programmes. Klasse 42 Software as a service [SaaS], rental of software, computer software (rental of -), rental of application software, duplication of computer software, development of computer software application solutions, remote computer backup services, off-site data backup. 2018.08.21 (111) 1381192 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.18 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.18 (210) Nasj. 201716966 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.18, JM, 072296 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The design of an apple with a bite removed and the words "music," "up," and "next". Apple Inc., One Apple Park Way, US-CA95014 CUPERTINO, USA Klasse 38 Streaming and broadcasting of performances, documentaries, music, and interviews featuring musical artists; streaming and broadcasting of audio and visual content featuring musical artists; transmission and delivery of audio and visual content featuring musical artists. 69

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 2018.08.22 (111) 1381205 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.25 (210) Nasj. 201716967 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.09.18, EM, 017219131 CLOUDEON Cloudeon A/S, Vandtårnsvej 62, DK-2860 SØBORG, Danmark Klasse 9 DVDs and other digital recording media; data processing equipment, computers; data processing apparatus; computer software; computer software applications, downloadable; work stations [computers]; computer hardware; monitors [computer hardware]. Klasse 35 Retail and wholesale services in relation to computer hardware, software, DVDs and other digital recording media, data processing equipment, computers, data processing apparatus,computer software, computer software applications, downloadable, work stations [computers], computer hardware, monitors [computer hardware]. Klasse 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware, software, computer infrastructure and computer platforms; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware and computer software; hosting services and software as a service and rental of software; Application service provider (ASP); Software as a service [SaaS]; Infrastructure as a Service [IaaS]; Platform as a Service [PaaS]; installation, maintenance and updating of computer software; data security consultancy; data encryption services; monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach; recovery of computer data; off-site data backup; cloud computing; desktop as a service (DaaS); computer software consultancy; installation of computer software; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; rental of computer software; computer programming services for the protection of software; computer and internet security consultancy; computer virus protection services; providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site; consultancy and information services relating to information technology architecture and infrastructure; server hosting. Klasse 45 Licensing of computer software [legal services]. 2018.08.21 (111) 1381233 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.31 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.31 (210) Nasj. 201716974 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.10.25, CH, 708945 RUSTLE Syngenta Participations AG, Schwarzwaldallee 215, CH-4058 BASEL, Sveits Klasse 1 Adjuvants other than for medical or veterinary use intended for the manufacture of fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. 2018.08.17 (111) 1381237 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.08 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.08 (210) Nasj. 201716976 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.03.10, FR, 4344692 H2P H2P SYSTEMS, 10 rue de Louvois, FR-75002 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 7 Aeronautical engines; cylinders for motors and engines; fuel economizers for motors and engines; antipollution devices for motors and engines; pistons for engines; pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines; regulators (machine parts); machine wheelwork; superchargers; turbocompressors; heat exchangers for engines; motors and engines other than for land vehicles; control devices for engines. Klasse 12 Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; motors and engines for land vehicles; external hotsource heat engines for land vehicles, couplings for land vehicles, transmission shafts for land vehicles, gear boxes for land vehicles, hydraulic circuits for land vehicles, gears for land vehicles. Klasse 42 Technical project studies in the field of heat engines and heat recovery; scientific and technological services in the field of engines, as well as research and design services relating thereto; research and development of new engines for third parties; technical project studies relating to the automotive industry; information and advisory services relating to scientific and technical innovation, research and development of projects in the field of engines; engineering services; quality control; testing of materials; design (development) of computer programs for data processing in the field of engines; design of computer systems for motor vehicles and heat engines; design of electronic equipment and apparatus for locomotion apparatus; industrial design. 2018.08.17 70

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1381281 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.09 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.09 (210) Nasj. 201716983 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 CDP Ruag Ammotec GmbH, Kronacher Strasse 63, DE- 90765 FÜRTH, Tyskland Klasse 13 Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; fireworks. 2018.08.17 (111) 1381295 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.20 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.20 (210) Nasj. 201716988 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of seven letters "XI JIA DE" and this has no meaning in a foreign language. Gao Defu, Bldg A26# of Dalian International Business Park, No. 57 Xin Kang Yuan, La Zi Shan, Gan Jing Zi District, CN-DALIAN CITY, LIAONING PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 30 Jiaozi [stuffed dumplings]; baozi [stuffed buns]; pies; ribbon vermicelli; instant rice. Klasse 43 Accommodation bureau services [hotels, boarding houses]; cafe services; hotel services; motel services; snack-bar services; bar services. 2018.08.17 (111) 1381332 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.03.28 (180) Registreringen 2027.03.28 (210) Nasj. 201716992 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.10.03, EM, 015890536 Hotpoint The way you care Indesit Company Luxembourg S.A., 11-13, boulevard De La Foire, LU-1528 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg Klasse 7 Washing machines incorporating drying facilities; drycleaning machines; washing machines incorporating drying facilities; clothes washing machines; washers, dishwashers, washing machines, combined washerdryers; mixers [machines]; apparatus for mixing foods and liquids; electric kitchen tools and kitchen machines; choppers, electric kitchen apparatus and machines for crumbling, grating, grinding, crushing, scraping, mincing, pressing, mashing, cutting, slicing, kneading, emulsifying, blending, grating, beating, stirring, mixing or peeling food, including electric kitchen machines; electric food slicers; electric knives; electric coffee mills; coffee grinders (not hand-operated); electric grinders; beaters; electric mixers for household purposes; paste working machines; centrifugal fruit presses, fruit and vegetable juice extractors; electric pasta makers; food processors; peeling machines; machines for washing food; universal cutters, electrically powered hand tools, can openers, knife grinders; machines and apparatus for preparing beverages and/or meals, mechanical tapping devices (tapping apparatus) for beer; apparatus for aerating beverages; electric milk frothers; electric coffee frothers; electric waste disposal apparatus, namely garbage disposals and waste compactors; ironing presses, ironing machines, included in this class; vacuum packing machines; electric window cleaning equipment and electric shoe cleaning apparatus, and extractors, wet extractors, dry extractors; electric apparatus and machines for cleaning, including vacuum cleaners; floor polishers; suction machines, carpet cleaners, electric steam cleaning machines; robots for household chores; vacuum cleaner attachments for disseminating perfumes and disinfectants; vacuum cleaner bags; vacuum cleaner hoses; polishing discs for use with electric floor polishers; motors including electric motors (except for land vehicles); sewing machines; compressors for refrigeration and air conditioning; electrical pumps; condensing apparatus; automatic vending machines; small electric household appliances, included in this class; valves; parts and accessories for the aforementioned goods included in this class. Klasse 11 Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; steam cookers; cooking utensils, electric; oven cooking apparatus; apparatus for heating, steam generating and cooking, apparatus for baking, roasting, frying, grilling, toasting, refrigerating, freezing, defrosting and heating, immersion heaters, self-heating saucepans, waffle irons, electric; cookers of all kinds, ovens of all kinds for cooking of all kinds; cooking hobs, inset cooking tops, induction cooking apparatus, barbecues, electric cooking utensils, microwave ovens, cooking rings, toasters, apparatus for grilling, grills of all kinds, grills; electric food warmers; steamers; domestic gas cookers; ceramic plates sold as parts of ovens; stove burner covers; spits [cooking apparatus]; pizza ovens; food warming drawers; plate warmers; rice cookers; pasta cookers; roasting jacks of all kinds; hot air cookers; egg cookers, baby bottle warmers, bread baking machines; electric coffee beverage makers; electric tea and coffee making apparatus; cappuccino makers; coffee roasters; espresso machines, electric coffee urns; cappuccino makers; temperaturecontrolled coffee dispensing units, included in this class; electric coffee filters; filters for electric tea and coffee machines; sandwich makers; pizza makers; electric skillets, slow cookers; flat heating elements; pot warmers; electric yoghurt makers; electric apparatus for making sorbets; electric apparatus for making granitas; ice cream makers; apparatus for cooking crepes; waffle makers; electric kettles; kettles; electric hot drink makers; apparatus for preparing and dispensing cold beverages and soups and/or food, electric pressure cooking saucepans; pressure cookers, electric; electric deep fryers; refrigerators; portable refrigerators; refrigerating cabinets; freezers; refrigerated display cases; cold cabinets; refrigerating apparatus for beverages; combined fridge/freezer apparatus; deep freezing apparatus; temperature controlled wine cellars; ice machines and apparatus; refrigerated beverage dispensing units [other than vending]; hot air blowers; laundry dryers, electric; drying apparatus, in particular including tumble driers, laundry drying machines, hand drying apparatus, electric apparatus for generating steam, heating, drying for use in body care, hair care and beauty care, hair driers; garment steamers; ventilation apparatus, in particular fans, filters, steam extraction machines and extractor hoods, extractor 71

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 hoods for kitchens; air-conditioning apparatus and devices for improving air quality, humidifiers, dehumidifiers; air conditioning apparatus; air deodorising apparatus, fragrance dispensing apparatus (not for personal use); ventilating fans, portable electric fans, furnace boilers, heat exchangers; apparatus and machines for the purification of water and air; refrigerator water filtration apparatus; reverse osmosis devices for use in water conditioning apparatus; under sink water filtration systems; water softening apparatus; apparatus for dispensing hot, cold, boiling, sparkling and filtered water; filters for ice making apparatus; filters for water supply apparatus; machines and apparatus for air conditioning and water conditioning; water heaters, storage water heaters and instantaneous water heaters; small electric household appliances included in this class; blankets, electric, not for medical purposes; electric and gas-powered water heaters; sinks; taps [faucets]; kitchen sinks; heat pumps; valves included in this class; filters included in this class; mixer showers; parts and accessories for the above-mentioned goods included in this class. 2018.08.18 (111) 1381334 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.03.30 (180) Registreringen 2027.03.30 (210) Nasj. 201716993 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.10.04, EM, 015885321 Bauknecht Für mich und mein Zuhause IRE Beteiligungs GmbH, Industriestrasse 48, DE- 70565 STUTTGART, Tyskland Klasse 7 Washing machines incorporating drying facilities; drycleaning machines; washing machines incorporating drying facilities; clothes washing machines; washing machines, dishwashers; clothes washing machines; washer-dryers; mixers [machines]; machines for mixing foodstuffs; utensils (electric-) for stirring liquids; liquid blenders [machines]; liquid aerators [machines]; electric kitchen tools and kitchen machines; mincers; electric kitchen apparatus and machines for chopping, grating, grinding, shredding, rasping, milling, pressing, crushing, cutting, slicing, kneading, emulsifying, liquefying, beating, blending, mixing or peeling food, including electric kitchen machines; slicing electric machine; electric knives; electric coffee grinders; grinding mills; beaters; electric mixers for household purposes; paste working machines; centrifugal fruit juicers; juice extractors for fruits and vegetables; electric pasta makers; food processors; peeling machines (electric-) for use in the preparation of food; machines for washing food; electric food slicers; electric motorized utensils; tin openers; electric knife sharpeners; machines and apparatus for the preparation of beverages and/or snacks; mechanical filling beer devices (filling apparatus); apparatus for aerating beverages; electric milk frothers; electric coffee frothers; electric waste disposers, namely waste grinders and waste compacting machines; ironing presses; ironing machines, included in this class; vacuum packing machines; electric window cleaning equipment and electric shoe cleaning apparatus, and extractors; wet extractors; dry extractors; electric apparatus and machines for cleaning, including vacuum cleaners; wax polishers; suction machines; carpet sweeper machines; electric steam cleaning machines; vacuum cleaner attachments for disseminating perfumes and disinfectants; vacuum cleaner bags; vacuum cleaner hoses; polishing discs for use with electric floor polishers; motors including electric motors (except for land vehicles); sewing machines; compressors for refrigeration and air conditioning; compressors for clothes dryers, for washing machines, for dishwashing; electrical pumps; condensing apparatus; automatic vending machines; valves; filters for machines; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 11 Food and beverage cooking, heating, cooling and treatment equipment; steaming apparatus (electric-) for cooking; cooking utensils, electric; apparatus for heating, steam generating and cooking; apparatus for baking, roasting, frying, grilling, toasting, refrigerating, freezing, defrosting and heating; immersion heaters; self-heating saucepans; waffle irons, electric; electric cookers of all kinds; electric ovens of all kinds and for all kinds of cooking; cooking hobs, inset cooking tops; induction cooking apparatus; barbecues; smoke generators for cooking foodstuffs; food dryers; electric cooking utensils; microwave ovens; cooking rings; toasters; grills; grills of all kinds; grills; steamers; electric food warmers; domestic gas cookers; ceramic plates sold as parts of ovens; stove burner covers; spits [cooking apparatus]; oven for cooking pizza; extractable food warmers; plate warmers; rice cookers; pasta cookers; roasting jacks of all kinds; hot air cookers; egg cookers; baby bottle warmers; bread baking machines; coffee makers, electric; coffee and tea makers, electric; coffee roasters; espresso machines; electric coffee urns; cappuccino makers; temperature-controlled coffee dispensing units, included in this class; electric coffee filters; electric coffee filters, tea filters [machines]; sandwich makers; pizza makers; electric skillets; slow cookers; flat heating elements; pot heaters; electric yoghurt makers; sorbet makers; water ice makers; ice cream makers; apparatus for cooking crepes; waffle makers; electric kettles; kettles; electric hot drink makers; temperaturecontrolled food and beverage dispensing units, other than vending machines; electric pressure cooking saucepans; electric pressure cooking apparatus; electric deep fryers; fridges; portable refrigerators; refrigerating cabinets; freezers; refrigerated display cases; cold cabinets; refrigerating apparatus for beverages; combined fridge/freezer apparatus; deep freezing apparatus; temperature controlled wine cellars; ice machines and apparatus; refrigerated beverage dispensing units [other than vending]; hot air blowers; apparatus for ventilating and drying, in particular including laundry dryers; drying machines for laundry; hand driers; electric apparatus for generating steam, heating, drying for use in body care, hair care and beauty care; hair driers [dryers]; clothes drying installations [heat drying]; air-conditioning apparatus in particular ventilators; filters; extractor hood apparatus and covers for extractor hoods; exhaust hoods for kitchens; air-conditioning apparatus and devices for improving air quality; humidifiers; dehumidifiers; air conditioning apparatus; air deodorising apparatus; fragrance dispensing apparatus (not for personal use); ventilating fans; portable electric fans; furnace boilers; heat exchangers; apparatus and machines for the purification of water and air; water filtering apparatus under sink; water softening apparatus; refrigerator water filtration apparatus; filters for use with apparatus for water supply; reverse osmosis devices for use in water conditioning apparatus; apparatus for dispensing hot, cold, boiling, sparkling and filtered water; filters for ice making apparatus; filters for water machine dispenser; machines and apparatus for air conditioning and water conditioning; water heaters, storage water heaters and instantaneous water heaters; blankets, electric, not for medical purposes; electric and gas water heaters for household use; sinks; taps [faucets]; kitchen sinks; heat pumps; valves included in this class; 72

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 filters included in this class; mixer showers; parts and accessories for the above-mentioned goods included in this class. 2018.08.18 (111) 1381383 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.04.13 (180) Registreringen 2027.04.13 (210) Nasj. 201716995 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 2018.08.17 (111) 1381396 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.15 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.15 (210) Nasj. 201716996 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.06.08, DK, VA 2017 01231 Grunge Company Limited, 25, Nikitsky bulvar, 1 stroenie, RU-119019 MOSKVA, Russland Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; pocket wallets; business card cases; umbrellas; purses; leather straps; rucksacks; travelling bags; garment bags for travel; handbags; wheeled shopping bags; beach bags; bags for sports; bags for campers; shopping bags; travelling trunks; cases of leather or leatherboard; walking sticks; key cases; valises; suitcases; attaché cases; travelling sets [leatherware]; briefcases; boxes of leather or leatherboard; suitcases with wheels. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; underwear; sweat-absorbent underclothing; blouses; boas [necklets]; teddies [underclothing]; half-boots; breeches for wear; trousers; football shoes; brassieres; detachable collars; veils [clothing]; galoshes; neckties; ascots; gaiters; vests; sports jerseys; hosiery; knitwear [clothing]; hoods [clothing]; tights; combinations [clothing]; suits; bathing suits; beach clothes; jackets [clothing]; short-sleeve shirts; mantillas; coats; furs [clothing]; muffs [clothing]; fur stoles; ear muffs [clothing]; socks; beach shoes; sports shoes; outerclothing; ready-made clothing; clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; clothing; overcoats; parkas; gloves [clothing]; pajamas; bathing trunks; scarfs; dresses; waterproof clothing; headbands [clothing]; ready-made linings [parts of clothing]; braces for clothing [suspenders]; lace boots; belts [clothing]; money belts [clothing]; pullovers; shirts; wooden shoes; sandals; boots; sweaters; jumpers [pullovers]; underpants; shoes; stockings; shawls; sashes for wear; pelisses; skirts; tee-shirts; babies' pants [underwear]; leggings [trousers]. Klasse 26 Brooches [clothing accessories]; frills [lacework]; shoe fasteners; fastenings for clothing; belt clasps; zippers; zippers for bags; embroidery; silver embroidery; haberdashery, except thread; decorative articles for the hair; heat adhesive patches for decoration of textile articles [haberdashery]; edgings for clothing; gold embroidery; snap fasteners; hooks [haberdashery]; buckles [clothing accessories]; shoe buckles; buttons; ornamental novelty badges [buttons]; shoe trimmings; trimmings for clothing; hat trimmings; shoe laces; collar supports. Credin A/S, Palsgaardsvej 12, DK-7130 JUELSMINDE, Danmark Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts, preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats; margarine; low fatcontaining fat for foods; dairy based spreads for bread; fat-containing mixtures for baking; fatty substances for the manufacture of edible fats; vegetable-based cream; vegetable-based whipping cream; vegetable spreads; fruit spreads; nut-based spreads; pre-mixed preparations for the making of all the aforementioned goods (not included in other classes). Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee, rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle, yeast, baking- powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; fruit coulis (sauces); mixes for the preparation of bread; mixes for the preparation of bakery products; ready-made baking mixtures; mixes for the preparation of confectionery; doughs, batters, and mixes therefor; bakery products, including crackers, biscuits and pastries; processed cereals; bread improvers being cereal based preparations; custard; custard powder; powder mixes for the preparation of custard; pre-mixed preparations for the making of bread, pastries and confectionery (not included in other classes). 2018.08.17 (111) 1381422 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.17 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.17 (210) Nasj. 201716998 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.21, EM, 016388654 TASO Darco (Europe) GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 18, DE-82399 RAISTING, Tyskland Klasse 10 Medical, surgical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments and parts for these goods; remedial 73

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 gymnastics and physiotherapy apparatus; orthopaedic articles and implants, in particular orthopaedic shoes, insoles, shoe inserts of cork, rubber, metal and textile materials, ball discs, foot supports and ankle supports, arch supports, heel supports, heel cushions, flat foot (pes valgus and pes planus) inserts, foot correction aids, ankle supports for orthopaedic purposes; orthopaedic foot beds; soft insoles for orthopaedic purposes; shoe insoles for orthopedic use; orthotic inserts for footwear; toe inserts for orthopaedic footwear; moulds for orthopaedic purposes; articles of orthopaedic hosiery; orthopaedic toe separators for the feet; bandages for orthopaedic purposes; orthopaedic bandages; knee bandages, orthopaedic; orthopaedic foot cushions; orthopaedic supports for feet; orthopaedic instruments; orthopaedic implants; orthopaedic hip prostheses; orthopaedic toe supports for the feet; orthopaedic toe regulators for the feet; orthopaedic splints; walking frames; walking aids for medical purposes; rubber stockings, compression and support stockings, anti-thrombosis stockings, compresses; bandages; toe correction socks for medical purposes; all the aforesaid goods included in class 10. 2018.08.17 (111) 1381462 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.12 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.12 (210) Nasj. 201717006 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.21 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark is composed of latin characters of "TAITONG"; while the whole mark has no meaning. SHANDONG HUASHENG RUBBER CO., LTD, Daozhuang Town, Guangrao County, CN-257300 DONGYING CITY, SHANDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 12 Inner tubes for pneumatic tires; tires for vehicle wheels; tires for bicycles and cycles; casings for pneumatic tires; treads for retreading tires; pneumatic tires; vehicle wheel tires; solid tires for vehicle wheels; automobile tires; inner tubes for bicycles and cycles. 2018.08.17 (111) 1381594 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.02 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.02 (210) Nasj. 201717136 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.08.17, US, 87573774 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a tent-like shape resembling the letter "A". The right portion of the "A" is straight, while the left portion of the "A" is curved. Atlassian Pty Ltd, 341 George Street, Level 6, AU- NSW2000 SYDNEY, Australia Klasse 9 Computer software for use on computers and mobile devices for group messaging; computer software for use on computers and mobile devices for instant messaging, group communication, audio conferencing, video conferencing, file sharing, image sharing, screen sharing, desktop sharing, application sharing, content sharing, VOIP, and sensing and providing user presence information; computer software for use on computers and mobile devices for processing images, graphics, audio, video and text. Klasse 38 Communication services, namely, transmitting and receiving voice, data, messages, audio, video, images, text and graphics between two or multiple users via computer and telecommunications networks; instant messaging services; mobile phone communication services; audio and video teleconferencing services; web messaging; providing access to computer, electronic and online databases. Klasse 42 Providing online non-downloadable software for group messaging; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for group messaging; providing online non-downloadable software for use on computers and mobile devices for instant messaging, group communication, audio conferencing, video conferencing, file sharing, image sharing, screen sharing, desktop sharing, application sharing, content sharing, VOIP, and sensing and providing user presence information; providing online nondownloadable software and applications for processing images, graphics, audio, video and text; providing temporary use of a non-downloadable web application for use with instant messaging software, group communication software, file sharing software, communications software for electronically exchanging data, audio, video images and graphics via computer, mobile, wireless, telecommunications networks. 2018.08.21 74

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1381627 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.14 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.14 (210) Nasj. 201717141 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.26, DE, 30 2017 013 819 (558) Merket er et farge eller en kombinasjon av farger Finance in Motion GmbH, Carl-von-Noorden-Platz 5, DE-60596 FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Tyskland Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; public relations services; marketing; public relations consultancy; marketing consultancy; business management consultancy; business administration consultancy; assistance and advice regarding business management; commercial management advisory and assistance. Klasse 36 Financial affairs; monetary affairs; financial consultancy; investment and financing services; investment consultancy; arranging the provision of finance; raising of funds for financial purposes; mutual funds services. Klasse 45 Legal services; legal consultancy. 2018.08.21 (111) 1381628 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2016.03.30 (180) Registreringen 2026.03.30 (210) Nasj. 201717142 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2015.11.18, CN, 18368519 2015.12.22, CN, 18672672 2015.12.22, CN, 18673059 2015.12.22, CN, 18673447 2015.12.22, CN, 18674043 2015.12.22, CN, 18674830 2015.12.22, CN, 18676485 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The overall appearance of the mark is like an incomplete shield. Xiaomi Inc., Floor 13, Rainbow City Shopping Mall II of China Resources, NO. 68, Qinghe Middle Street, Haidian District, CN-100085 BEIJING, Kina Klasse 7 Disintegrators; packaging machines; household soybean milk filtering machines; washing machines Klasse 9 [laundry]; disintegrators; disintegrators; robots [machines]; knives, electric; machinery for use in the electronics industry; dynamos; exhaust gas purification device for automobile engine (catalytic reactor); air suction machines; door openers, electric; disintegrators; dust removing installations for cleaning purposes; electric rolling door openers and closers; drums [parts of machines]; filtering machines. Computer peripheral devices; quantity indicators; automated teller machines [ATM]; photocopiers [photographic, electrostatic, thermic]; scales; signal lanterns; smartphones; headphones; cameras [photography]; measuring instruments; cables, electric; chips [integrated circuits]; switches, electric; video screens; remote control apparatus; protection devices for personal use against accidents; electric door bells; eyeglasses [optical]; batteries, electric; animated cartoons; electrically heated gloves. Klasse 11 Lamps; lights for vehicles; cooking utensils, electric; refrigerators; electric hair dryers; air conditioning apparatus; heating apparatus; heating installations; watering installations, automatic; bath installations; water purification installations; radiators, electric; lighters. Klasse 12 Vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; small motor vehicle; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; bicycles; pumps for bicycle tires; small motor vehicle; aerial conveyors; trolleys; sleighs [vehicles]; pneumatic tires; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; aeroplanes; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; boats. Klasse 14 Alloys of precious metal; jewelry rolls; jewelry boxes; necklaces [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; electronic perpetual calendar; watches; wristwatches; clocks and watches, electric. Klasse 16 Paper; paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmes; towels of paper; cardboard; pamphlets; figurines [statuettes] of papier mâché; printed publications; magazines [periodicals]; pictures; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; bookbinding material; office requisites, except furniture; painters' easels; teaching materials [except apparatus]. Klasse 18 Imitation leather; rucksacks; handbags; leather thread; trimmings of leather for furniture; pocket wallets; bags; umbrellas; mountaineering sticks; leather leashes. Klasse 20 Furniture; containers, not of metal [storage, transport]; tool handles, not of metal; mirrors [looking glasses]; plaited straw, except matting; mobiles [decoration]; identity plates, not of metal; decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; kennels for household pets; identification bracelets, not of metal; funerary urns; hooks, not of metal, for clothes rails; pillows; door handles, not of metal. Klasse 21 Basins [receptacles]; glass flasks [containers]; porcelain ware; china ornaments; tea services [tableware]; flower pots; combs; brushes; toothbrushes, electric; toothpicks; cosmetic utensils; insulating flasks. Klasse 25 Clothing; layettes [clothing]; wet suits for water-skiing; waterproof clothing; masquerade costumes; footwear; hats; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; scarfs; belts [clothing]; chasubles; sashes for wear; wimples; maniples; albs; religious clothing; shower caps; sleep masks; wedding dresses. Klasse 28 Games; toys; go board games; coin-operated billiard tables; body-building apparatus; skateboards; roller skates; body protector; rods for fishing; scratch cards for playing lottery games. Klasse 35 Advertising; advisory services for business management; marketing; personnel recruitment; relocation services for businesses; systemization of information into computer databases; book-keeping; rental of vending machines; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; sales promotion for others; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; business management assistance; 75

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; career placement; compilation of information into computer databases; sponsorship search; rental of sales stands. Klasse 38 News agency services; message sending; providing online forums; communications by cellular phones; communications by computer terminals; computer aided transmission of messages and images; providing Internet chatrooms; providing access to databases; providing user access to global computer networks; streaming of data. Klasse 42 Technical research; quality checking and testing; surveying; chemical research; biological research; meteorological information; vehicle roadworthiness testing; industrial design; design of interior decor; dress designing; computer software design; graphic arts design; authenticating works of art; cloud seeding; handwriting analysis [graphology]; weighing of goods for others; cartography services. 2018.08.21 (111) 1381661 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.05.17 (180) Registreringen 2027.05.17 (210) Nasj. 201717149 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.17, BX, 1348880 Université de Namur asbl, Rue de Bruxelles 61, BE- 5000 NAMUR, Belgia Klasse 5 Chemical preparations for medical use for blood analysis; diagnostic preparations for medical or veterinary use; in-vitro diagnostic preparations for medical use; diagnostic preparations for medical use; diagnostic preparations; diagnostic preparations for veterinary use; diagnostic preparations for medical use; reagents for analytical use [for veterinary use]; analytical reagents for medical use; reagents for use with analyzers for veterinary use; reagents for use with analyzers for medical use; biological reagents for medical use; biological reagents for veterinary use; chemical reagents for veterinary use; chemical reagents for medical use; chemical reagents for medical or veterinary use; chemical reagents for medical diagnosis; diagnostic reagents for medical use; clinical diagnostic reagents; veterinary diagnostic reagents; reagents and substances for medical and veterinary diagnostic purposes; clinical medical reagents; reagents for analysis for medical use; analysis reagents for veterinary use; chemical analysis reagents for medical use; chemical analysis reagents for veterinary use; blood-grouping reagents for medical use; reagents for medical diagnosis; reagents for veterinary diagnosis; diagnostic test reagents for veterinary use; reagents for diagnostic tests for medical use; reagents for in-vitro use in laboratories for veterinary use; reagents for in vitro use in laboratories for medical use; diagnostic substances for medical use; medical diagnostic reagents and assays for testing bodily fluids. Klasse 35 Compilation of scientific information. Klasse 42 Laboratory analysis in the field of chemistry; laboratory analysis in the field of cosmetic products; laboratory analysis in the field of bacteriology; scientific research and analysis; consulting firm in the scientific field; design of engineering products; design and development of engineering products; design and development of medical technologies; scientific and technological design; technical design; conducting of technical project studies; industrial testing; conducting of industrial experiments; technical consulting relating to research services concerning food and dietary supplements; technical consulting relating to technical research in the field of food and beverages; advice relating to food safety; consultancy in connection with technology; consultancy in the field of industrial research; development of testing methods; development of new products; development of new technologies for others; technical project study; technical project studies; technical research projects and studies; technological studies; provision of information relating to scientific technology; research laboratories; research laboratories; rental of laboratory apparatus and instruments; rental of scientific equipment; rental of scientific instruments; provision of on-line information in the field of technological research from a computer database or from the Internet; providing information and results relating to scientific research from an online searchable database; provision of information relating to technological research; providing scientific research services; technical project planning; preparation of technical surveys; preparation of project analysis studies; preparation of reports concerning technical research; preparation of reports concerning scientific research; preparation of reports relating to technological research; preparation of scientific reports; conducting of technical feasibility studies; research in the field of the science of materials; research for new products; research in the field of food; laboratory research in the field of cosmetics; product research; chemical technology research; basic and clinical research in the field of respiratory science and medicine; technology research; research and development of new products; research and development in the field of biotechnology; research and development of new products for others; scientific and industrial research; research in connection with food products; research in connection with insecticides; scientific research; research for developing new products; scientific research concerning cosmetic products; technological research; cosmetic research services; laboratory research in the field of genetic expression; scientific research; scientific research conducted using databases; technical research; technical writing; technical drafting for others [technical project studies]; information relating to scientific research; scientific information service; rental of measuring apparatus; contract research services in connection with molecular science; technical data analysis services; blood analysis services for scientific research purposes; analysis of the mode of action of chemical combinations on animals; industrial analysis and research services in the field of chemistry; blood analysis services; industrial analysis services; computer-aided scientific analysis services; technological analysis services; laboratory testing services; assessment of the effectiveness of industrial chemical products; services for assessing the effectiveness of agricultural chemical products; exploration and surveying services; information technology services; advice concerning technological research; services provided by consultants in the field of scientific research; advice in the field of technological development; advice relating to technological research; advice relating to scientific research; advice on quality control technology; professional advice relating to food technology; advice in connection with science; scientific advisory services; technical advice services relating to product development; technological consultancy services; medicine discovery services; development of 76

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 testing methods; laboratory services; veterinary laboratory services; analytical testing laboratory services; scientific laboratory services; analytical laboratory services; technology expert reports; research and development of new products for others; research and development in the field of antibodies; computer-assisted industrial research services; industrial research services; research services in connection with cell separation; scientific research services; medical and pharmacological research services; technical research; computer-aided scientific research services; computer-aided diagnostic testing services; scientific testing services; natural science services; scientific services and design services relating thereto; scientific services and research services relating thereto; technical and design services relating thereto; technological services concerning manufacturing; cell separation technology services; technological services and research relating thereto; monitoring concerning the state of fluids; technological services in connection with rheology. Klasse 44 Administering of health care [medical diagnostic services]; medical examinations; information relating to health; preparing of reports relating to health care; information and advisory services relating to health; health clinic services; medical clinic and health care services; human tissue bank services; Advisory services relating to health [medical] care; health care advice; professional advice concerning health care; health services; pharmaceutical services; medical services provided via a network of health care professionals on a contractual basis; therapeutic services; genetic testing on animals for diagnostic or treatment purposes; genetic analyzes for animals; provision of information relating to veterinary services; laboratory analysis services relating to the treatment of animals; information concerning the veterinary pharmaceutical industry; information concerning veterinary pharmaceutical products; veterinary advice; veterinary and agricultural services. (111) 1381744 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.08 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.08 (210) Nasj. 201717159 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.19, US, 87534910 VON D SHOES Kat Von D, Inc., P.O. Box 5955, US-CA91413 SHERMAN OAKS, USA Klasse 25 Footwear. 2018.08.18 (111) 1381755 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.06 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.06 (210) Nasj. 201717162 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.27, DK, VA 2017 00933 2018.08.21 (111) 1381739 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.25 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.25 (210) Nasj. 201717157 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.06.30, DK, VA 2017 01438 BBT Coloplast A/S, Holtedam 1, DK-3050 HUMLEBÆK, Danmark Klasse 10 Urethral catheter. IVS af 24. februar, Kystvejen 63, DK-8000 ÅRHUS C, Danmark Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear. Klasse 28 Games, toys and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles. Klasse 35 Retail sale, also online, and online wholesale services in relation to clothing, footwear, headgear, games, toys, playthings, sporting gymnastic articles; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes. 2018.08.18 2018.08.21 77

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1381762 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.16 (210) Nasj. 201717163 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.11.13, US, 87682467 ZINADOR ITACONIX CORPORATION, 2 Marin Way, US- NH03885 STRATHAM, USA Klasse 1 Bio-based chemicals and bio-based chemical additives for use in consumer, household, industrial, geotechnical, and agricultural products and processes. 2018.08.16 (111) 1381763 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.16 (210) Nasj. 201717164 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.11.13, US, 87682254 CHT ITACONIX CORPORATION, 2 Marin Way, US- NH03885 STRATHAM, USA Klasse 1 Polymers and polymeric additives for use in consumer, household, industrial, geotechnical, and agricultural products and processes. 2018.08.17 (111) 1381764 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.16 (210) Nasj. 201717165 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.11.13, US, 87682277 TSI ITACONIX CORPORATION, 2 Marin Way, US- NH03885 STRATHAM, USA Klasse 1 Polymers and polymeric additives for use in consumer, household, industrial, geotechnical, and agricultural products and processes. 2018.08.17 (111) 1381783 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.26 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.26 (210) Nasj. 201717168 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 animonda petcare gmbh, Frankfurter Strasse 31, DE- 49214 BAD ROTHENFELDE, Tyskland Klasse 5 Sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietary supplements for animals; disinfectants; vermin destroying preparations; food supplements; dietary supplements and dietetic preparations; dietary supplements for pets; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical use; dietetic substances adapted for veterinary use; nutritional supplements; dietary supplements for pets in the nature of a powdered drink mix; fungicides; herbicides; pharmaceutical compositions; pharmaceutical creams; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceuticals; veterinary diagnostic reagents; veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for veterinary use; food supplements for veterinary use; medical foodstuff additives for veterinary use; veterinary preparations and substances; antibiotics for veterinary use; diagnostic preparations for veterinary purposes; hygienic preparations for veterinary use; feed supplements for veterinary use; biochemical preparations for veterinary use; chemical reagents for veterinary use; medicated animal feed; reagents for analytical purposes [for veterinary purposes]; veterinary preparations for treatment of intestinal bacteria; petroleum jelly for medical or veterinary purposes; greases for medical or veterinary purposes; ferments for medical or veterinary use; diagnostic preparations for medical or veterinary purposes; medical and veterinary preparations and articles. Klasse 31 Dog biscuits; beverages for pets; litter for animals; foodstuffs and fodder for animals; cereals preparations being food for animals; salt licks; malt albumin for animal consumption [other than for medical use]; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds; malt; algarovilla for animal consumption; algae for human or animal consumption; aloe vera plants; aromatic sand for pets [litter]; oysters, live; trees; berries, fresh fruits; flower bulbs; beans, fresh; distillery waste for animal consumption; eggs for hatching, fertilised; chicory, fresh; peas, fresh; peanuts, fresh; peanut meal for animals; peanut cake for animals; fish, live; fishing bait, live; fish meal for animal consumption; cucumbers, fresh; lemons, fresh; lettuce, fresh; leeks, fresh; spinach, fresh; pet food; lime for animal forage; grains for animal consumption; meal for animals; straw [forage]; poultry, live; mash for fattening livestock; vegetables, fresh; barley; sanded paper for pets [litter]; grains [cereals]; cereal seeds, unprocessed; groats for poultry; oats; hazelnuts; yeast for animal consumption; hay; undressed timber; wood chips for the manufacture of wood pulp; hops; hop cones; lobsters, live; cocoa beans, raw; potatoes, fresh; edible chews for animals; seed germ for botanical purposes; bran; bran mash for animal consumption; coconuts; coconut shell; kola nuts; copra; rough cork; strengthening animal forage; wreaths of natural flowers; live crayfish; crustaceans, 78

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 live; garden herbs, fresh; spiny lobsters, live; preparations for egg laying poultry; linseed for animal consumption; linseed meal for animal consumption; flax meal [fodder]; lentils, fresh; maize; maize cake for cattle; malt for brewing and distilling; almonds [fruits]; chestnuts, fresh; animal fattening preparations; stall food for animals; menagerie animals; straw mulch; flowers; by-products of the processing of cereals, for animal consumption; nuts [fruits]; fruit, fresh; olives, fresh; oil cake; palms [leaves of the palm tree]; palm trees; plants; plants, dried, for decoration; seedlings; mushrooms, fresh; mushroom spawn for propagation; peppers [plants]; pollen [raw material]; rape cake for cattle; vine plants; rice, unprocessed; rice meal for forage; rhubarb, fresh; fish spawn; rye; unsawn timber; rose bushes; beet, fresh; sowing seeds; residue in a still after distillation; sea-cucumbers, live; silkworms; silkworm eggs; cuttle bone for birds; bushes; straw litter; pine cones; bred stock; natural turf; litter peat; grapes, fresh; fruit residue [marc]; draff; flowers, dried, for decoration; truffles, fresh; fodder; salt for cattle; bird food; juniper berries; wheat; wheat germ for animal consumption; roots for food; chicory roots; citrus fruit, fresh; bagasses of cane [raw material]; sugarcane; onions, fresh vegetables; live clams. 2018.08.22 (111) 1381796 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.05.09 (180) Registreringen 2027.05.09 (210) Nasj. 201717171 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.12.15, DE, 30 2016 033 891 PHYTOFY OSRAM GmbH, Marcel-Breuer-Strasse 6, DE-80807 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland Klasse 6 Greenhouses (mobile), made of metal; accessories for greenhouses [included in this class]. Klasse 9 Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; lasers, not for medical purposes; light control systems; light emitting diodes (LED) also organic LEDs; optical sensors; displays based on light-emitting diode technology (also in organic LED technology); parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Klasse 11 Lighting apparatus, especially electric lamps and luminaires; apparatus for lighting and lighting systems consisting thereof, especially on basis of light emitting diodes; LED lamps and LED luminaires and their parts (included in this class); lighting lamps and lighting apparatus and facilities and systems consisting thereof as well as their parts (included in this class) on basis of LED; modules, namely modules based on LEDs, also organic LEDs with light functions and lighting applications. Klasse 19 Greenhouses (movable), not made of metal; accessories for greenhouses [included in this class]. Klasse 20 Furniture; kitchen furniture especially spice cabinets for growing kitchen plants. Klasse 21 Container and utensils for household and kitchen use (not made of precious metal or plated therewith), especially containers for growing kitchen plants; indoor terrariums for plant cultivation. 2018.08.18 (111) 1381806 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.26 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.26 (210) Nasj. 201717172 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.07, EM, 016320947 RADONOVA Radonova Laboratories AB, Rapsgatan 25, SE-75450 UPPSALA, Sverige Klasse 9 Scientific measuring and checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; radon detectors and apparatus and instruments for measuring radon, ionising radiation, gases and air pollutions; computer software for use in measuring and analysis of radon, ionising radiation, gases and air pollutions; databases containing information and data relating to radon, ionising radiation, gas and air pollutions. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; measuring and analysis of radon, ionising radiation, gas and air pollutions; provision of technical information, advisory and consultancy services in connection with the aforesaid services. Klasse 45 Consultancy services relating to health and safety; security assessment services and consultancy therefor, in relation to risks to individuals or property; rental of safety equipment. 2018.08.18 (111) 1381809 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.14 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.14 (210) Nasj. 201717173 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.13, EM, 016357031 movera Josera petfood GmbH & Co. KG, Industriegebiet Süd, DE-63924 KLEINHEUBACH, Tyskland Klasse 31 Animal foodstuffs in the form of pieces; formula animal feed; foodstuffs for dogs; pet food; animal foodstuffs; foodstuffs and fodder for animals; foodstuffs for animals containing botanical extracts; mixed animal feed. 2018.08.18 79

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1381824 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.27 (210) Nasj. 201717175 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.10.23, US, 87655482 2017.10.23, US, 87655487 2017.10.23, US, 87655489 (111) 1381901 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.01 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.01 (210) Nasj. 201717180 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of three depictions of the number "nine" each joined together at their base with one "nine" on top, one "nine" below and on the right of the top "nine" and one "nine" below and on the left of the top "nine". Cloud9 Esports, Inc., 2720 Neilson Way #5697, US- CA90409 SANTA MONICA, USA Klasse 9 Computer peripherals and computer peripheral devices; mouse pads; sunglasses; headphones; headsets for electronic sports gaming. Klasse 16 Posters; stickers. Klasse 25 Apparel, namely, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, wristbands, and hats. Klasse 35 Promotion of electronic sports teams; management of electronic sports teams, namely, business management of electronic sports teams. Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, organizing and conducting entertainment exhibitions, tournaments and competitions in the field of electronic sports and video gaming; education services relating to the professional video gaming industry, namely, providing classes, seminars and workshops in the field of electronic sports and video gaming; provision of training relating to the professional video gaming industry in the field of electronic sports and video gaming; organizing and conducting sporting and cultural activities relating to the professional video gaming industry, namely, video game competitions and tournaments; entertainment services, namely, participation in video game competitions; entertainment services, namely, performing and competing in video game competitions. 2018.08.18 (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: Huo Lie Niao (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: Huo Lie Niao Liangmin Zhang, No. 84A Fengyutan Street, Shenhe District, CN-SHENYANG CITY, LIAONING PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 3 Face cleaning milk; stain removers; essential oils; lipsticks; lip glosses; cosmetics; false eyelashes; eyebrow pencils; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; dentifrices. 2018.08.18 (111) 1381911 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.02 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.02 (210) Nasj. 201717181 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.15, EM, 016721649 MINISOL OY VERMAN AB, Pl 146, FI-04201 KERVO, Finland Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; dietetic substances adapted for veterinary use; food for babies; dietary supplements for humans; dietary supplements for animals; vitamin preparations; nutritional supplements; protein dietary supplements; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; medicinal drinks; pastilles for pharmaceutical purposes; candy, medicated; pharmaceuticals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth; dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides; herbicides; none of the aforementioned goods for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 2018.08.17 80

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1381918 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.20 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.20 (210) Nasj. 201717183 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 TrackSense MRD RAIL TECHNOLOGIES PTY. LTD, 235 South St, AU-QLD4163 CLEVELAND, Australia Klasse 9 Data recorded electronically; data recorded electronically from the internet; electronic apparatus for data processing; electronic apparatus for monitoring machines; electronic apparatus for relaying data; electronic apparatus for the transmission of data; electronic data collection apparatus; electronic data processing apparatus; electronic data processing devices; electronic data processing equipment; electronic devices for data processing; electronic devices for transmitting data; electronic instruments for recording information; electronic monitoring apparatus, other than for medical use; electronic monitoring instruments, other than for medical use; instruments for electronic data processing. 2018.08.19 (111) 1381921 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.20 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.20 (210) Nasj. 201717185 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 little MO&Co. EPO FASHION CO.,LTD., 24, No.397 Xingang Road Middle, HaiZhu District, CN-510310 GUANGZHOU CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 25 Clothing; shoes; hats; children's clothing; layettes [clothing]; hosiery; bathing suits; waterproof clothing; masquerade costumes; girdles; gloves [clothing]; scarfs; wedding dresses. 2018.08.19 (111) 1381951 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.01 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.01 (210) Nasj. 201717188 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (111) 1381920 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.29 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.29 (210) Nasj. 201717184 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 ECOYA ECOYA NEW ZEALAND LIMITED, Level 6, Chelsea House, 85 Fort Street, Auckland Central, NZ-1010 AUCKLAND, New Zealand Klasse 3 Toiletries; soaps; perfumery and fragrances; essential and aromatic oils; cosmetics; hair lotions; lip balms; moisturisers and lotions; body scrubs; body wash; home fragrance products; scented preparations; aftershave lotions; and makeup. Klasse 4 Candles and wicks for lighting; candle wax; scented candles; candle moulds; fragranced candles; perfumed candles; candle assemblies, candle making supplies in this class; soy candles. 2018.08.19 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Flower Device. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD., Administration Building, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Bantian, CN- LONGGANG DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, Kina Klasse 14 Precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought; alloys of precious metal; boxes of precious metal; brooches (jewellery); paste jewellery; tie clips (tie pins); emerald; electronic desk clocks with perpetual calendar; wristwatches; watch bands; stopwatches; watch straps; chronographs (watches); watches; watch chains; necklaces (jewellery); bracelets (jewellery); pins (jewellery); earrings; rings (jewellery); key rings (split rings with trinket or decorative fob); jewellery; jewellery boxes; presentation boxes for watches. 2018.08.19 81

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1381953 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.13 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.13 (210) Nasj. 201717190 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.03.15, EM, 016471369 (111) 1381994 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.13 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.13 (210) Nasj. 201717193 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.19, FR, 4355662 AURELIUS Active Management GmbH, Ludwig- Ganghofer-Str. 6, DE-82031 GRÜNWALD, Tyskland Klasse 12 Powerboats; boats; water vehicles; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 37 Servicing, maintenance and repair of motor yachts, boats, watercraft and their parts, fittings and accessories. Klasse 41 Education and training in the field of seafaring, navigation, sailing, cruising, boats and watercraft; boat schools for sailing or motor boats. 2018.08.19 (111) 1381970 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.17 (210) Nasj. 201717191 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 PrimoFutura Hilliges Gipswerk GmbH & Co. KG, Hüttenweg 1, DE- 37520 OSTERODE AM HARZ, Tyskland Klasse 1 Binding agents for plaster and adhesives for cement; sulphates, hydrates, anhydrides and hardening agents for plaster and cement. Klasse 5 Dietary supplements and dietetic preparations; dental preparations and articles, in particular plaster and cement for dental purposes; medical and veterinary preparations and articles, in particular cement for surgical purposes and material for surgical plaster casts. Klasse 19 Plaster (building material), cement and spackling compound. 2018.08.19 MHCS, 9, Avenue de Champagne, FR-51200 EPERNAY, Frankrike Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); ciders; digesters (liqueurs and spirits); wines; spirits; alcoholic extracts or essences; wines protected by the appellation of origin "Champagne"; sparkling wines; whisky; vodkas; gins; tequilas; rums; brandy; brandy protected by the appellation of origin Cognac. 2018.08.22 (111) 1381995 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.16 (210) Nasj. 201717194 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.05, FR, 4359633 L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; cosmetic products for hair care, namely: shampoos, gels, foams, balms, creams, powders, oils, waxes, serums, lotions, masks; hair care and styling products in the form of aerosols; hair strengthening products; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; products for protecting dyed hair; hair waving and setting products; hair straightening products; essential oils; shaving soaps; shaving gels; shaving foams; pre-shave and after-shave lotions, after-shave balms, after-shave emulsions. 82

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 2018.08.20 (111) 1381996 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.16 (210) Nasj. 201717195 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.05, FR, 4359635 L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; cosmetic products for hair care, namely: shampoos, gels, foams, balms, creams, powders, oils, waxes, serums, lotions, masks; hair care and styling products in the form of aerosols; hair strengthening products; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; products for protecting dyed hair; hair waving and setting products; hair straightening products; essential oils; shaving soaps; shaving gels; shaving foams; pre-shave and after-shave lotions, after-shave balms, after-shave emulsions. 2018.08.20 (111) 1382004 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.03.13 (180) Registreringen 2027.03.13 (210) Nasj. 201717197 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.21, BX, 1348998 DECAPAC, naamloze vennootschap, Toekomstlaan 28, BE-2200 HERENTALS, Belgia Klasse 7 Packing machines; wrapping machines; machines and tools for packaging and wrapping, namely machine parts; filling machines; dosing machines; can openers, electric; vacuum packing machines; electric scales sealing machines; bucket destacker; lid placement machines; lid tightening machines. Klasse 8 Can openers, non-electric. 2018.08.22 (111) 1382020 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.11 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.11 (210) Nasj. 201717198 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.16, DE, 30 2017 004 633 (111) 1381998 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.27 (210) Nasj. 201717196 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.28, FR, 4358109 SOURCE ESSENTIELLE L'OREAL, 14, rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 3 Cosmetic products for hair care, namely: shampoos, gels, foams, balms, creams, powders, oils, waxes, serums, lotions, masks; hair care and styling products in the form of aerosols; hair strengthening products; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; products for protecting dyed hair; hair waving and setting products; hair straightening products; essential oils. 2018.08.22 novomind AG, Bramfelder Chaussee 45, DE-22177 HAMBURG, Tyskland Klasse 9 Magnetic data media; diskettes; compact discs [readonly memory]; digital audio tapes (DAT); DVDs. Klasse 38 Telecommunication services. Klasse 41 Editing of texts for online publishing (advertising texts excluded). Klasse 42 Computer programming; software development; website development services; development of intelligent agent systems [software] for the internet; creation, update and design of agent software for the internet. 2018.08.22 83

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1382025 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.27 (210) Nasj. 201717199 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.27, US, 87428132 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the words "DAILY SUNSHINE" below a radiating sun, with a heart in the center of the sun. Beachbody, LLC, 3301 Exposition Blvd., Third Floor, US-CA90404 SANTA MONICA, USA Klasse 5 Nutritional and dietary supplements; dietary supplements and diet aids, namely, vitamins and mineral supplements; food supplements; powdered nutritional supplement drink mix and shake mix; meal replacement shakes adapted for medical use; nutritional supplement shakes. 2018.08.22 (111) 1382044 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.27 (210) Nasj. 201717202 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 Q-SAFE Engcon Holding AB, Vilohemsgatan 1, SE-83351 STRÖMSUND, Sverige Klasse 7 Fastening devices for excavators, machines and agricultural and forestry implements; couplings for excavators, machines and agricultural and forestry implements. 2018.08.22 (111) 1382055 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.03 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.03 (210) Nasj. 201717205 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (111) 1382027 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.22 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.22 (210) Nasj. 201717200 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Red and white. Akzo Nobel Coatings International B.V., Velperweg 76, NL-6824BM ARNHEM, Nederland Klasse 2 Paints; coatings; varnishes; lacquers; thinners; coloring matters all being additives for paints, varnishes or lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; priming preparations (in the nature of paints); wood stains. Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; paint removers; lacquer removers; polishing and cleaning preparations for protection of wood, in particular chemicals for cleaning and polishing wood; floor polishing wax. 2018.08.20 Ifor Williams Trailers Ltd, Cynwyd, GB-LL210LB CORWEN, DENBIGHSHIRE, WALES, Storbritannia Klasse 12 Vehicles, trailers; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods and including devices therefor. 2018.08.20 (111) 1382061 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.03 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.03 (210) Nasj. 201717206 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.26, BX, 1352782 KAMBUKKA Bibo Brands, Torenplein 7.16.1, BE-3500 HASSELT, Belgia Klasse 10 Feeding bottles; feeding bottle teats; feeding bottles for babies; suction bottles for medical use; feeding bottles for infants. Klasse 18 Bags; handbags; hiking bags; bags for campers; boston bags; shoulder bags; travel baggage; travelling handbags; garment carriers; toiletry bags; bumbags; 84

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 travel garment covers; gym bags; weekend bags; bags for sports; school book bags; textile shopping bags; carry-on bags; reusable shopping bags; pouch baby carriers; school bags; all-purpose athletic bags; rucksacks; small rucksacks; school knapsacks. Klasse 21 Bento boxes; beverage coolers [containers]; bottles; plastic bottles; insulating flasks; refrigerating bottles; water bottles; aluminum water bottles, empty; squeeze bottle [empty]; drip preventers for bottles; water bottles for bicycles; plastic water bottles [empty]; drinking flasks; sports bottles sold empty; empty water bottles for bicycles; reusable stainless steel water bottles; shaker bottles sold empty; heaters for feeding bottles, non-electric; feeding bottle brushes; reusable plastic water bottles sold empty; dispensers for liquids for use with bottles; reusable stainless steel water bottles sold empty; household containers; drinks containers; refuse containers; kitchen containers; glasses [receptacles]; heat-insulated containers; glass flasks [containers]; containers for ice; food storage containers; tableware, cookware and containers; plastic bowls [household containers]; coolers [non-electric containers]; containers for household or kitchen use; heat-insulated containers for beverages; all-purpose portable household containers; thermally insulated containers for food; heat-insulated containers for household use; double heat insulated containers for food; brushes for cleaning tanks and containers; plastic containers for dispensing drink to pets; thermal insulated containers for food or beverage; insulated containers for beverage cans, for domestic use; lockable non-metal household containers for food; bottle coolers [receptacles]; jars; utensil jars; cookie jars; enamelled jars; insulating jars; vacuum jars; glass jars; storage jars; jars for household use; isothermic bags; insulated food cover domes; thermally insulated flasks for household use; thermal insulated wrap for cans to keep the contents cold or hot; thermal insulated bags for food or beverages; lunch boxes; lunch boxes made of metal; lunch boxes made of plastic. 2018.08.20 (111) 1382083 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.09 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.09 (210) Nasj. 201717211 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.07.21, DE, 30 2017 018 245 DAIMLER AG, Mercedesstrasse 137, DE-70327 STUTTGART, Tyskland Klasse 12 Vans with integrated packing station, package shelves for vehicles. Klasse 39 Transport and delivery of goods. 2018.08.16 (111) 1382089 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.06 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.06 (210) Nasj. 201717212 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2016.12.08, FR, 4320813 BOUCHES-DU-RHÔNE TOURISME, 13 rue Roux de Brignoles, FR-13006 MARSEILLE, Frankrike Klasse 9 Software [recorded programs]; software for the provision of information via the Internet; software for tablet computers; software for mobile telephones; computer programs [downloadable software]. Klasse 16 Diaries; almanacs; stickers [stationery]; stickers [transfers]; notepads; sketch pads; drawing pads; gift boxes; writing or drawing books; notebooks; sketchbooks; notebooks; greeting cards; postcards; road maps; pencils; color pencils; coasters of paper; mats for beer glasses; coasters made of paper for cocktails; coasters made of paper for drinking glasses; envelopes [stationery]; painting kits for children; books; drawing books; information booklets; architects' models; bookmarks; marking pens [stationery]; highlighters; pastels [crayons]; photographs [printed]; paintbrushes; blueprints; covers of paper; posters; drawing rulers; indexes; graphic art reproductions; small bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics for packaging; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for packaging; ice cube bags; paper gift bags; place mats of paper; desk mats; colored pens; pencil sharpeners; drawing sets; baggage tags; all the aforesaid goods are promotional in nature, in the form of souvenirs and other derivative products. Klasse 18 Beach umbrellas; umbrellas; covers for parasols; umbrella covers; parasols; luggage; hand luggage; twowheeled carrier bags; key cases; briefcases; purses (coin purses); wallets; bags; handbags; beach bags; sports bags; traveling bags; fabric bags; cloth bags; toiletry bags; suitcases; all the aforesaid goods are promotional in nature, in the form of souvenirs and other derivative products. Klasse 21 Souvenir plates; table plates; disposable table plates; boxes for dispensing paper towels; trivets [table utensils]; coasters other than of paper or fabric; mugs; cups; glasses [receptacles]; bottle openers, electric and non-electric; wine bottle racks; ice buckets; corkscrews, electric and non-electric; all the aforesaid goods are promotional in nature, in the form of souvenirs and other derivative products. Klasse 24 Terry towels; face towels; beach towels; all the aforesaid goods are promotional in nature, in the form of souvenirs and other derivative products. Klasse 25 Bandanas [neckerchiefs]; headbands [clothing]; barrettes [headgear]; bucket caps; caps [headgear]; caps; hats; blousons; belts [clothing]; shawls; sweaters; shirts; short-sleeve shirts; neckties; sports tank tops; sashes for wear; scarves; vests; skirts; bathing suits; sports jerseys; coats; mittens; trousers; parkas; bath robes; polo shirts; pullovers; dresses; sweatshirts; teeshirts; knitwear [clothing]; cap peaks; all the aforesaid goods are promotional in nature, in the form of souvenirs and other derivative products. 85

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Klasse 35 Marketing campaigns; promotional marketing; promotion of special events; promotion of travel [advertising]; advertising, promotional and public relations services; organization, arranging and conducting of trade exhibitions and fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; presentation of goods on all communication media, for retail sale. Klasse 39 Escorting of travelers; travel information; vehicle rental; providing information relating to transport and travel; organization of cruises; travel organization; transport reservations; travel reservations; taxi transport; sightseeing [tourism]; transport and passenger services. Klasse 41 Entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; concerts; wine tasting events [entertainment services]; art exhibitions; museum exhibitions; information relating to cultural activities; entertainment information; provision of recreational facilities; organization of contests [education or entertainment]; organization of festivals; organization of cultural and artistic events; organization of cultural, sporting and recreational events; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; presentation of live performances; presentation of circus performances; theater productions; art gallery services for cultural or educational purposes; providing museum facilities [presentation, exhibitions]; dance shows; organization of sporting activities and competitions; organization of competitions [education or entertainment]. Klasse 43 Tourist inns; bars; delicatessens [restaurants]; provision of reviews of restaurants; provision of information on bar services; resort hotels; tourist hotels; information relating to hotels; rental of temporary accommodation in vacation homes and apartments; provision of information relating to temporary accommodation services; reservation of hotel rooms; restaurant table reservation; brasserie services; coffee shop services; tourist camping services [accommodation]; holiday camp services [lodging]; tourist home services; restaurant services; catering services; accommodation in youth hostels; information services relating to accommodation booking. 2018.08.20 (111) 1382091 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.20 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.20 (210) Nasj. 201717214 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.18, CH, 703345 BRUAG Bruag AG, Bahnhofstrasse 8, CH-8594 GÜTTINGEN, Sveits Klasse 1 Chemical products for industrial use; fire extinguishing agents, flame retardant products; adhesives used in industry. Klasse 2 Paints, varnishes, lacquers; rust inhibitors, wood preservatives; colorant; refractory paints, fireproof paints. Klasse 19 Building materials (not of metal); plates (not of metal), also coated; doors (not of metal), also coated; facade elements (not of metal) for construction (interior and exterior); wood panels, including ornaments for construction; refractory doors (not of metal); refractory building panels. Klasse 37 Consultancy services relating to building construction; consulting in connection with the installation of buildings; provision of advice relating to building construction; consulting services in connection with building construction, repair, restoration and maintenance; advice on construction work management. 2018.08.17 (111) 1382099 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.01 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.01 (210) Nasj. 201717215 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.03, FR, 4351466 2017.02.28, US, 87/352,233 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of a bird design with shading on the beak, neck, belly and top of the leg, and a white foot and a black foot appearing above the word kiwi. S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., 1525 Howe Street, US- WI53403-2236 RACINE, USA Klasse 1 Waterproofing chemicals for footwear, leather or textiles; adhesives for repairing shoes, rainwear and other leather, rubber, nylon, plastic, canvas, linen or vinyl surfaces; chemical shoe stretching compositions. Klasse 2 Dyes, colorants, mordants and inks for footwear and articles of leather. Klasse 3 Cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; polishes, creams and pigmented dressings for footwear and leather goods; preservatives for leather (polishes); dry chemical cleaning bar and other cleaning preparations for leather, suede, vinyl, plastics and goods made of these materials; scuff remover from leather and vinyl goods; oil for the protection of feet against cracking (not for medical purposes); polish and cream for footwear and leather goods, including for covering scuff marks; preservatives for footwear and leather goods (polishes); wipes (tissues) impregnated with preparations for shining, waxing, polishing. Klasse 5 Antifungal spray preparation for feet; shoe deodorizers. Klasse 21 Shoehorns and shoe trees; polishing cloths and sponges; cloths for shining, waxing, polishing; shoe brushes. Klasse 25 Non-slipping devices for footwear; anti-skid soles and insoles for footwear; soles, inner soles and pads (soles) for footwear; heels and heelpieces for footwear; heel plates for footwear, heel pads for footwear, heels and stocking protectors (socks) for stockings and tights; socks, stockings and tights. Klasse 26 Shoe laces. 2018.08.17 86

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1382108 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.14 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.14 (210) Nasj. 201717217 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (111) 1382111 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.27 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.27 (210) Nasj. 201717218 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.05, FR, 4352381 LUTTI, ZI De Ravennes Les Francs, Avenue Albert Calmette, FR-59910 BONDUES, Frankrike Klasse 16 Paper pencils, color pencils, stickers [stationery articles], pads, drawing pads, writing or drawing books, notebooks, binders, paper knives, letter trays, covers for notebooks, paper bags, pencils, pencil sharpeners, pencil leads, pencil holders, pens, felt-tip pens, envelopes, tear-off calendars, non-fabric labels, paper sheets, index cards, glue, artists' watercolor saucers, paint boxes, canvas for painting, palettes for painting, drawing pens, nibs, pens cases, stencil plates, rubber erasers, sets, drawing sets. Klasse 28 Card games, playing cards. Klasse 29 Dried, preserved and/or cooked fruits and vegetables, compotes, jams, fruit coulis, jellies; fruit peel; fruit pulps; milk, powdered milks, flavored milks; plain or flavored dairy products; milk desserts, yogurts, drinking yogurts, mousses, creams, cream puddings, fresh cream. Klasse 30 Tea; coffee; cocoa; caramel (candy); drinking chocolate; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, plain or flavored salted or sweet biscuits (other than biscuits for animals), wafers, waffles, cakes; processed cereals and cerealbased preparations for human consumption, preparations made from cereals, breakfast cereals; popcorn; rice; flavored, plain or stuffed pasta; spices (other than spices for poultry); syrups for food (excluding medicated syrups and syrups for preparing beverages), sugar, honey, molasses, sauces; ice creams, edible ices and frozen confectionery, ice for refreshment, ices made entirely or partially from yogurt, sherbets, frozen yogurt, frozen flavored water; nonmedicated confectionery, candy, chewy candy, marshmallows, licorice, citrus candy, gummy candy, sour candy, chocolate, chocolates; food garnishes (stuffings); sweetened spreads based on chocolate, cocoa, coffee, caramel (candy); sweet bite-sized candy based on chocolate, cocoa, coffee, caramel; sweet bite-sized candy based on chocolate, cocoa, coffee, caramel. 2018.08.16 Z RETAIL, 6 bis rue Gabriel Laumain, FR-75010 PARIS, Frankrike Klasse 18 Leather and imitation leather; luggage and transport bags; trunks, umbrellas, backpacks, handbags, shopping bags, travel bags, bags (envelopes, pouches) for packaging (of leather), document cases (leather goods), coin purses not of precious metal, wallets, suitcases, traveling sets, briefcases (leather goods), handbags, satchels, school bags, sports bags, beach bags, kangaroo bags (baby carriers), baby-changing bags, wheeled bags, backpacks, key cases, card cases (wallets), attaché cases. Klasse 24 Fabrics, household linen, bath linen (except clothing), bed linen, bed and travel blankets, duvets, bedding (linen), mattress cover, table linen of textile materials, sleeping bags, eiderdown (coverlet), towels of textile materials, duvet and cushion covers. Klasse 25 Clothing, t-shirts, thin pullovers, tank tops, shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, vests, cardigans, sweaters, trousers, short and long overalls, shorts and bathing trunks, skirts, dresses, combinations (clothing), bathing suits, jackets; underwear, underpants, undershirts, panties, bodysuits; slippers, socks, tights; lingerie, pajamas, nightgowns, dressing gowns, bath robes; bibs, bibs not of paper; layettes [clothing]; footwear (except orthopedic footwear), leather and canvas footwear, sneakers, boots, half-boots, sandals, softsole and walking-sole shoes, beach shoes; suspenders; belts (clothing); headgear, ear muffs, sashes, scarves, shawls, bonnets, caps, berets; gloves. Klasse 28 Games, toys, dolls, clothing for dolls, figurines (toys), plush toys, teddy bears, toy vehicles, mobiles (toys), rattles, baby activity mats. Klasse 35 Advertising; promotion (advertising), commercial business management; commercial administration; dissemination of advertising matter (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples); computer file management; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; online promotion and advertising of goods and services on a computer network; commercial information and advice for consumers (consumer advice shop); commercial functions at points of sale; promotion of goods; organization of promotional activities; business management and organization consultancy; publication of advertising or promotional texts; public relations, sales promotion for others; demonstration of goods; presentation of goods on all communication media, for retail sale; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); retail and wholesale services and online sale services for clothing, footwear, clothing accessories, bags, bed linen, bath linen, toys and plush toys; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of the aforesaid goods enabling consumers to view and purchase those goods. 2018.08.17 87

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1382112 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.29 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.29 (210) Nasj. 201717219 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 filling, stopping, confining, encircling, channeling, blocking or containing leaks, flows or spills, fluids, liquids or greases, sold alone or in a kit; sealing plates and caps for meshed or porous surfaces, piping networks or sewer openings for filling, stopping, confining, encircling, channeling, blocking or containing leaks, flows, spills or fluids, liquids or greases; floating anti-pollution dam; metallic capping plate; kits comprising any or all of the aforesaid products. Klasse 21 Textiles, towels, cloths and wipes for wiping, cleaning, drying and boxes for dispensing these products; textiles, towels, cloths and wipes for cleaning, wiping, cleaning, drying, absorption and boxes for dispensing these products. Klasse 24 Absorbent non-woven textile products for drying or absorbing, not included for other classes; textile products not included for other classes for wiping, cleaning, drying and boxes for dispensing these products; cloths, towels, wipes of synthetic or nonwoven textiles for wiping, cleaning, drying and boxes for these dispensing these products. 2018.08.16 MANUTAN INTERNATIONAL, ZAC du Parc des Tulipes, Avenue du 21ème siècle, FR-95506 GONESSE CEDEX, Frankrike Klasse 1 Oil absorbents; absorbent materials and products; universal oil absorbents; universal oil absorbents in the form of mats, sheets, rollers, cask lids, keg lids, buffers, dams, tubes, cushions, granules, powders or buoys; synthetic materials and products or those made with cellulose for absorption; absorbent products made with synthetic, mineral or plant materials; absorbent granules and powders made from plants or minerals; absorbent materials and products made from synthetic materials, minerals, plants or cellulose, mainly in the form of fabrics, sheets, rollers, cask lids, keg lids, mats, buffers, dams, tubes, buoys, cushions, granules, powders and all other similar devices, sold alone or in a kit; absorbent materials and products for drying, jelling, drying, channeling, or containing leaks, fluid flow or spills, liquids or fats, namely and particularly of pollutants, hydrocarbons, oils, greases, chemical products, body fluids, organic liquids, biological liquids such as blood or vomit, food liquids or any other fluid; absorbent materials and products in the form of fabrics, sheets, rollers, cask lids, keg lids, mats, pads, buffers, dams, tubes, cushions, granules, powders or buoys; synthetic materials and products or those made with cellulose for absorption; materials and products for the absorption of fluids, greases or liquids; materials and products for the absorption of pollutant products; synthetic materials for the absorption of oil; kits Klasse 6 comprising any or all of the aforesaid products. Metallic filling plates and other devices (whether magnetic or not) for sealing, not included for other classes. Klasse 16 Cellulose wipes for absorption or drying; wipes, towels, cloths, kitchen towels, hand towels, all made of paper or made from cellulose, for wiping, cleaning, drying or absorption and boxes for dispensing these products. Klasse 17 Products and devices for filling, stopping, confining, encircling, channeling or containing leaks, flows or spills of fluids, liquids or fats, namely, and particularly pollutants, hydrocarbons, oils, greases, chemical products, body fluids, organic liquids, biological liquids such as blood or vomit, food liquids or any other fluid, sold alone or in a kit; blanking plates, dikes, dams, sealing barriers, caps and other products, particularly those made with polyurethane, polyester, silicone, for (111) 1382133 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.09.04 (180) Registreringen 2027.09.04 (210) Nasj. 201717221 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.09.04, FI, T201751916 MOOMINVALLEY Moomin Characters OY Ltd, Salmisaarenranta 7M, FI- 00180 HELSINGFORS, Finland Klasse 9 Cinematographic films, animated motion picture films; animated cartoons, animated cartoon series; downloadable films, cartoons, animated motion pictures and animated series; downloadable publications; prerecorded DVDs featuring cartoons, films, animated motion pictures and animated series; prerecorded digital media featuring cartoons, films, animated motion pictures and animated series; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; computer software; games software; computer game programs. 2018.08.16 88

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1382139 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.20 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.20 (210) Nasj. 201717222 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 Zhengzhou Yizhi Trade Co., Ltd., 801 Henan Huajian Commercial Building, No.6 Minzhu Road, Erqiqu, CN- ZHENGZHOU, HENAN PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 25 Clothing; swimsuits; raincoats; shoes; caps [headwear]; gloves [clothing]; neckties; girdles; wedding dresses; hosiery. 2018.08.16 (111) 1382153 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.07.11 (180) Registreringen 2027.07.11 (210) Nasj. 201717223 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.15, EM, 016374167 Oras OY, Isometsäntie 2, FI-26100 RAUMA, Finland Hansa Armaturen GmbH, Sigmaringer Str. 107, DE- 70567 STUTTGART, Tyskland Klasse 11 Water conditioning installations; terminal water supply fittings; fittings for bidets; sanitary water conduit fittings; fittings for basins; fittings for sanitary purposes; pushon sprays for use with bathroom faucets; automatic faucets; bath armatures for water control; faucet aerators; aerators for faucets [plumbing fittings]; touchless taps; taps for bidets; shower roses; kitchen sink sprayers; shower installations; shower taps; shower heads; shower heads being parts of water supply installations; shower hoses; shower hoses for hand showers; shower valves; single-lever faucets for sinks; electrically controlled water faucets; electric shower apparatus; electronically controlled self-closing shower-taps; controlled mixers being parts of shower installations; spigots; hand held showers; manuallyoperated plumbing valves; spray handsets for showers; hand sets being shower fittings; hand rinse units; power showers; taps [faucets]; taps for water supply; taps for water supply installations; taps for sanitary installations; taps for regulating water flow; taps for the control of water flow; overhead showers; water-pipes for sanitary installations; shower mixing valves; mixer taps for the manual regulating of water temperature; basin mixers [taps]; mixer taps [faucets]; mixer taps for water pipes; mixing valves [faucets]; mixing valves [faucets] for sinks; mixing valves [faucets] for basins; anti-splash tap nozzles; tub control valves [plumbing fittings]; shower control valves [plumbing fittings]; taps [cocks, spigots] faucets [am.] for pipes; pipe laying cocks; pipe line cocks; sanitary installations; bathroom installations for sanitary purposes; sanitary apparatus and installations; sanitary water fittings; flexible pipes being parts of basin plumbing installations; spray fittings [parts of shower installations]; spray fittings [parts of sanitary installations]; basin pillar taps; flusher handles [parts of sanitary installations]; flushing apparatus for urinals; washers for water taps; valves [plumbing fittings]; valves [faucets] being parts for sanitary installations; bibcocks [plumbing fittings]; wall-mounted spouts for baths; wall-mounted spouts for bidets; wall-mounted spouts for wash-hand basins; wall-mounted spouts for sinks; water outlets [faucets]; water faucet spout; faucet sprayers; faucet handles; water taps being parts of water supply installations; water taps being parts of sanitary installations; bath taps; taps for washstands; taps for water pipes; water control valves for faucets; shower apparatus; shower bath installations; shower units; showers; outdoor showers for bathing; shower fittings; shower panels; shower stalls; waste fittings for baths; waste fittings for basins; waste assemblies for baths; waste assemblies for basins; fittings for the draining of water; bathroom installations; bath plumbing fixtures; operating levers for water closet cisterns; shower baths; garden showers; hydrotherapy baths; bushings being parts of sanitary installations; valves (level controlling -) being parts for sanitary installations; sanitary drain armatures for baths; sanitary drain armatures for basins; sanitary drain armatures for bidets; sanitary drain armatures for showers; flush levers for toilets; flush levers [parts of toilets]; plugs of metal as parts of drains for baths; plugs of metal as part of drains for showers; plugs of metal as parts of drains for sinks; tub overflows; safety valves for water pipes; safety valves for water apparatus; jets for bath apparatus; jets for hydrotherapy baths; shower heads; shower roses; shower heads; spray units being parts of water supply installations; shower fittings; water regulating valves (regulating accessories); sanitary installations, water supply and sanitation equipment. 2018.08.21 (111) 1382159 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.07.06 (180) Registreringen 2027.07.06 (210) Nasj. 201717224 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 Knaus Tabbert GmbH, Helmut-Knaus-Strasse 1, DE- 94118 JANDELSBRUNN, Tyskland Klasse 12 Vehicles; camper vans, mobile homes and motor caravans, caravans, spare parts and fittings therefore (included in this class); apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; car accessories, namely trailer couplings, luggage racks, ski racks, mudguards, snow chains, wind deflectors, head rests, safety belts; safety seats for infants; bicycle accessories, namely dress 89

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 guards for bicycles, luggage carriers for bicycles, bells, air pumps; vehicle trailers, including multipurpose crossover leisure trailers. Klasse 37 Vehicle breakdown repair services, in particular for caravans, motor caravans and vans; vehicle repair, maintenance, assembly [installation], in particular of caravans, motor caravans and vans; vehicle washing, in particular of caravans, motor caravans and vans. Klasse 39 Transport; car rental, in particular of caravans, motor caravans and vans; arranging of vehicle hire, in particular of caravans, motor caravans and vans; rental of vehicle equipment and accessories; vehicle reservation services, in particular of caravans, motor caravans and vans; car hire services, in particular of caravans, motor caravans and vans; online car hire services, in particular of caravans, motor caravans and vans; travel booking agency services for arranging car hire, in particular caravans, motor caravans and vans; packaging and storage of goods; towing of motor vehicles and trailers, in particular for caravans and motor caravans; transport of persons and goods by motorized vehicles; garage and parking place rental; rental of parking spaces on campsites; distribution of electricity, energy and water, in particular to supply columns at campsites; car transport; organizing and arranging travel; arrangement of transportation; escorting of travelers. 2018.08.22 (111) 1382163 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.23 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.23 (210) Nasj. 201717225 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 2018.08.16 (111) 1382191 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.07.12 (180) Registreringen 2027.07.12 (210) Nasj. 201717227 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.02.10, EM, 016345324 KANGOO WORK Safe Job Innovations Oy Ltd, Pansiontie 56, FI-20240 ÅBO, Finland Klasse 9 Computer programmes relating to occupational safety; educational software relating to occupational safety; safety, security, protection and signalling devices; protective and safety equipment; fire resistant gloves; reflective safety vests; reflecting discs for wear; respiratory masks, other than for artificial respiration; welding masks; spark-guards; boots [protective footwear]; eye protection; workmen's protective faceshields; protective work clothing [for protection against accident or injury]; safety footwear for protection against accident or injury; safety apparatus [for the prevention of accident or injury]; safety boots for use in industry [for protection against accident or injury]; safety nets; safety helmets; goggles; head protection; safety clothing for protection against accident or injury. Klasse 22 Bags and sacks for packaging, storage and transport; tarpaulins, awnings, tents, and unfitted coverings; bags [sacks] for transportation purposes; bags [sacks] for packaging materials in bulk; sacks for the transport and storage of materials in bulk; sacks for transporting waste; tents; tarpaulins. Klasse 45 Safety, security and protection services; consulting in the field of workplace safety; consultancy services relating to health and safety; rental of security apparatus; rental of safety equipment. 2018.08.17 (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: The transliteration of the two Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "XING YUAN". (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: The transliteration of the two Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "XING YUAN". XINGYUAN HOLDING CO., LTD., No. 1818 QiHang Road, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou, CN-ZHEJIANG, Kina Klasse 24 Non-woven textile fabrics; wall hangings of textile; felt; curtains of textile or plastic; plastic flags; bunting of textile or plastic. 90

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1382224 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.02 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.02 (210) Nasj. 201717233 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.10.31, EM, 017414731 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of part of a bubble with turquoise dots of which the dots in the middle of the bubble are the largest while those in the perifery are smaller; the words 3DFit Technology in turquoise are placed at the right of the figure, all on a white background. Coloplast A/S, Holtedam 1, DK-3050 HUMLEBÆK, Danmark Klasse 5 Plasters, materials for dressings; materials for dressing wounds; adhesive dressings; adhesive bandages; surgical dressings; dressings for wounds; dressings, medical. (111) 1382245 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.15 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.15 (210) Nasj. 201717235 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.17, GB, UK00003231689 BLOC Polyflor Limited, Beechfield, Hollinhurst Road, GB- M261JN RADCLIFFE, MANCHESTER, Storbritannia Klasse 27 Vinyl floor coverings for existing floors. 2018.08.17 (111) 1382252 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.26 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.26 (210) Nasj. 201717236 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 2018.08.16 (111) 1382226 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.17 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.17 (210) Nasj. 201717234 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.06.23, AT, AM 6482/2008 Gebol Handelsgesellschaft m.b.h, Dr. Körner-Strasse 4, AT-4470 ENNS, Østerrike Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes, except paintbrushes; brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass, except building glass; glassware, porcelain and earthenware, not included in other classes. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. 2018.08.16 JEAN HERVE SCS, Rue de la République, FR-36700 CLION, Frankrike Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary products; sanitary products for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances for medical or veterinary use; food for babies; food supplements for humans and animals; materials for dressings; material for dental fillings and dental impressions; disinfectants; products for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; bath preparations for medical use; sanitary panties or napkins; chemical preparations for medical or pharmaceutical use; medicinal herbs; herbal teas; parasiticides; alloys of precious metals for dental use. Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats; fats for food; butter; charcuterie; salted meats; crustaceans (not live); canned meat or fish; cheeses; milk beverages, milk predominating. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery products, edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice for refreshment; sandwiches, pizzas; pancakes; biscuits, cookies; cakes; rusks; sugar confectionery; chocolate; beverages based on cocoa, coffee, chocolate or tea. Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters; beverages based on fruit and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; lemonades; fruit nectars; soda water; non-alcoholic aperitifs. 91

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 2018.08.17 (111) 1382255 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.24 (210) Nasj. 201717237 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.24, CH, 704182 CAROGNA ADG Trade Mark Sagl, Via alla Stampa 5a, CH-6965 CADRO, Sveits Klasse 17 Double-sided adhesive tapes; joints not of metal; duct tapes; water-tight rings; self-adhesive seals; waterproof packings; chemical leak-sealing joints; insulating waterproofing membranes; weatherstripping; washers of rubber or vulcanized fiber; latex (rubber); raw and semi-manufactured rubber, gutta-percha, gum, micas and substitutes for all these materials; semi-processed plastic materials and resins; packing, stopping and insulating materials; stuffing materials; caulking sealants; pipes, piping and hoses (non-metallic) with flexible seals. 2018.08.16 (111) 1382263 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.11.17 (180) Registreringen 2027.11.17 (210) Nasj. 201717240 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.05.19, BX, 1354250 Soremartec SA, Findel Business Center, Complexe B, Rue de Trèves, LU-2632 FINDEL, Luxembourg Klasse 30 Chocolate-based spreads. 2018.08.20 (111) 1382256 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.24 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.24 (210) Nasj. 201717238 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.24, CH, 704184 CAFFELATEX ADG Trade Mark Sagl, Via alla Stampa 5a, CH-6965 CADRO, Sveits Klasse 1 Cement for pneumatic tires; compositions for repairing inner tubes of tires; tire sealing compounds; rubber cement for repairing tires; compositions for repairing tires; industrial chemicals; unprocessed artificial resins; unprocessed plastics; adhesives for use in industry. Klasse 17 Flaps for rims without inner tubes; rim flaps; joints not of metal; duct tapes; water-tight rings; self-adhesive seals; waterproof packings; chemical leak-sealing joints; insulating waterproofing membranes; weatherstripping; washers of rubber or vulcanized fiber; latex (rubber); raw and semi-manufactured rubber, gutta-percha, gum, micas and substitutes for all these materials; semi-processed plastic materials and resins; packing, stopping and insulating materials; stuffing materials; caulking sealants; pipes, piping and hoses (non-metallic) with flexible seals. 2018.08.20 (111) 1382278 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.16 (210) Nasj. 201717241 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 HOLOLENS Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, US- WA98052 REDMOND, USA Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, providing interactive entertainment via virtual reality, mixed reality, and augmented reality content; organizing exhibitions in the field of interactive entertainment, virtual reality, mixed reality, augmented reality, and consumer electronics industries for cultural or educational purposes. Klasse 42 Providing online, non-downloadable software for virtual reality, mixed reality, and/or augmented reality visualization, manipulation, immersion and integration of audio, video, text, binary, still images, graphics and multimedia files; providing online, non- downloadable operating system software for computer hardware and computer peripherals; computer services, namely, interactive hosting services which allow users to publish and share content and images; providing software as a service (saas) services featuring software for allowing users the ability to upload, exchange, and share content; computer services, namely, hosting an online website for registered users of a community to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities and engage in social networking services; electronic storage of electronic media, namely, images, text and video and audio data; software as a services (saas) featuring computer programs for assisting developers in creating program code for use in application programs; software as a service (saas) featuring computer programs for running 92

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 development programs and application programs in a common development environment; software as a service (saas) featuring computer programs for use in developing and publishing websites, information, and content; computer services, namely, hosting online websites for others for organizing and conducting meetings, events and interactive discussions via communication networks; hosting online websites featuring technology that enables online users to create personal profiles featuring social and business networking information and to transfer and share such information among multiple online sites; hosting of searchable indexes and databases for providing virtual reality, mixed reality, and/or augmented reality information, including text, electronic documents, databases, graphics, photographic images and audio visual information, by means of computer and communication networks; computer services in the nature of hosting customized online webpages featuring user-defined or specified information, personal profiles, and virtual reality, mixed reality, and/or augmented reality content and data; computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer and communication networks; providing software as a service (saas) services featuring non-downloadable e- commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer and communication networks. Klasse 45 Internet-based social networking services; providing information regarding social networking via online computer databases. 2018.08.17 (111) 1382279 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.11 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.11 (210) Nasj. 201717242 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The words of "Shirin Asal" in Farsi and Latin, inside the red rectangle equal as sample. (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: The word mark "Shirin Asal" in Farsi and Latin characters. (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: The word mark "Shirin Asal" in Farsi and Latin characters. SHIRIN ASAL FOOD INDUSTRIAL COMPANY, Akhoondi Passage, No 20, Jomhoori St, IR-TABRIZ, Iran Klasse 29 Dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; milk and milk products; canned meat, fish, vegetables and fruits; canned vegetables; canned fish; canned poultry; potato chips; processed dates. Klasse 30 Tea; cocoa; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread; pastry and confectionery; ices; baking powder; ice cream; sauces; waffle; cereals; toffee; candy; cake; chocolate powder; biscuit; cracker, chewing gum; chocolate; spaghetti; pasta. Klasse 32 Mineral and aerated waters; fruit drinks; juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Klasse 35 Advertising; sales promotions at point of purchase or sale, for others; commercial or industrial management assistance for exportation of dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes, milk and milk products, canned food, canned vegetables, canned fish, canned poultry, chips, date products, tea, cocoa, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices, baking powder, ice cream, sauces, waffle, cereals, toffee, candy, cake, chocolate powder, biscuit, cracker, gum, chocolate, spaghetti, pasta, mineral and aerated waters, fruit drinks, juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Klasse 39 Delivery services of dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes, milk and milk products, canned food, canned vegetables, canned fish, canned poultry, chips, date products, tea, cocoa, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices, baking powder, ice cream, sauces, waffle, cereals, toffee, candy, cake, chocolate powder, biscuit, cracker, gum, chocolate, spaghetti, pasta, mineral and aerated waters, fruit drinks, juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages. 2018.08.17 (111) 1382293 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.16 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.16 (210) Nasj. 201717246 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.06.01, EM, 016789638 TACTIGUARD Saab Danmark A/S, Alsion 2, DK-6400 SØNDERBORG, Danmark Klasse 9 Computer software application for the purpose of allowing users to view, move and manipulate data across multiple security level domains and operating systems on the same computer; data and computer programs for radio communication based services, command and control systems, information exchange via communication networks, integrated communications and joint communication solutions creating common and shared situational awareness, video streaming, audio and data communication, data replication, conference calling, GPS, digital maps (GIS), use of mobile/handheld terminals, data processing equipment as well as accessories thereto (not included in other classes). Klasse 38 Telecommunication activities, including radio and Internet-based, regarding both distribution of data and computer programs and radio and Internet-based services; provision of access to data and information on the Internet. Klasse 42 IT security services of the internet, the intranet and virtual private networks; design, development and updating of data and computer programs regarding radio and internet-based services, computer programming, implementation of computer programs, technical advice and assistance regarding abovementioned services. 93

internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 2018.08.21 (111) 1382308 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.06.22 (180) Registreringen 2027.06.22 (210) Nasj. 201717247 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 Noah enabling tomorrow's business NOAH Digital International GmbH, Brillerstr. 39, DE- 42105 WUPPERTAL, Tyskland Klasse 9 Computer software. Klasse 35 Advertising, marketing. Klasse 38 Telecommunications. Klasse 41 Education and training. Klasse 42 Design, development and coding of computer software; scientific and technological services. 2018.08.21 (111) 1382340 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.31 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.31 (210) Nasj. 201717253 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2017.12.28 (111) 1382697 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.10.06 (180) Registreringen 2027.10.06 (210) Nasj. 201800083 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2018.01.04 (300) Søknadsprioritet: 2017.04.27, DK, VA 2017 00934 IVS af 24. februar, Kystvejen 63, DK-8000 ÅRHUS C, Danmark Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear. Klasse 28 Games, toys and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles. Klasse 35 Retail sale, also online, and online wholesale services in relation to clothing, footwear, headgear, games, toys, playthings, sporting gymnastic articles; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes. 2018.08.20 (111) 1384067 (151) Int.reg.dato: 2017.08.22 (180) Registreringen 2027.08.22 (210) Nasj. 201800307 (220) Notifikasjonsdato: 2018.01.04 (571) Beskrivelse av merket: This trademark consists of the word "HOTECHE" in stylized lettering. Ningbo Genin Industrial Co, Ltd., Room 536, Bld. 5, No. 22 Henghe Road, Beilun District, CN-315800 NINGBO, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, Kina Klasse 7 Agricultural implements other than hand-operated; saws [machines]; concrete mixers [machines]; cutting machines; chain saws; hand-held tools, other than hand-operated; angle grinder, electric; welding machines, electric. Klasse 8 Abrading instruments [hand instruments]; hand tools, hand-operated; agricultural implements, handoperated; garden tools, hand-operated; nail clippers, electric or non-electric; lifting jacks, hand-operated; spatulas [hand tools]; scissors; table cutlery [knives, forks and spoons]. 2018.08.21 Organicup ApS, Nørrebrogade 50 A, DK-2200 KØBENHAVN N, Danmark Klasse 3 Hygiene cleansing towelettes, especially feminine hygiene cleansing towelettes, perfumed tissues, wipes incorporating cleaning preparations, pre-moistened cosmetic wipes, cloths impregnated with a detergent for cleaning. Klasse 5 Hygiene products, especially feminine hygiene products, absorbent articles for personal hygiene, cleaning cloths impregnated with disinfectant for hygiene purposes; disinfectant soap, antibacterial soap, medicated and sanitising soaps and detergents. Klasse 8 Hygienic and beauty implements for humans. Klasse 10 Menstrual cups. Klasse 35 Wholesale services and retail services, including online, in relation to hygienic implements for humans, 94

hygiene cleansing towelettes, especially feminine hygiene cleansing towelettes, perfumed tissues, wipes incorporating cleaning preparations, pre-moistened cosmetic wipes, cloths impregnated with a detergent for cleaning, hygiene products, especially feminine hygiene products, menstrual cups, absorbent articles for personal hygiene, cleaning cloths impregnated with disinfectant for hygiene purposes, disinfectant soap, antibacterial soap, medicated and sanitising soaps and detergents, hygienic and beauty implements for humans, [disinfectant soap, antibacterial soap, medicated and sanitising soaps and detergents. 2018.08.16 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 95

nye ansvarsmerker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Ansvarsmerker (111) 299743 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.14 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810659 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.14 (111) 299776 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.21 (180) Registreringen 2028.07.23 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201809711 (220) Inndato: 2018.07.23 PHS Ankis Blomster Per Henning Solheim, Naufveien 1, 3090 HOF, Norge SUNNA-INGA AAMOT, POSTBOKS 60, 9521 KAUTOKEINO, Norge (111) 299744 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.17 (180) Registreringen 2028.05.01 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201805813 (220) Inndato: 2018.05.01 TCTG GULLSMED TONE TØRDAL GRØNLIE, Huk aveny 23 C, 0287 OSLO, Norge (111) 299756 (151) Reg.dato.: 2018.08.20 (180) Registreringen 2028.08.15 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201810859 (220) Inndato: 2018.08.15 SOPHIA BRAND JEWELLERY AS, Rådhusgata 9, 3210 SANDEFJORD, Norge 96

innsigelser 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven 26, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i Norge jf. varemerkeloven 71 og 26. (111) 298145 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201713580 (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: 2018.05.14 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, koking, kjøling, tørking, ventilasjon, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet. HOMEBOXX AS, Tykkemyr 1, 1597 MOSS, Norge Innsiger: Home Box Office, Inc., 1100 Avenue of the Americas, US-NY10036 NEW YORK, USA Innsigers fullmektig: ACAPO AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2018.08.14 97

avgjørelse av innsigelser 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Avgjørelse av innsigelse (111) 1355337 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201709208 (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: 2017.12.11 (540) Gjengivelse av merket MoEx (511) Ny vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Bags adapted for laptops; bags, cases and protective covers, including in waterproof form, for electronic devices and electronic toys, including smartphones, mobile telephones, laptop computers, e-book readers, tablets, portable electronic games consoles; dust protection closure elements for mobile telephones; mobile telephone cases made of leather or imitations of leather; cell phone straps; tablet holders adapted for use in cars; screen protectors in the form of protective films for mobile telephones and other electronic devices; selfie sticks (hand-held stands) and tripods for smartphones, cameras and cameras (photography); stands for smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and e- book readers; wall mounts for smartphones, tablets, laptop computers, televisions, PC screens (monitors) and loudspeakers; cases and protective cases for lenses for smartphones and tablets; sports armbands for holding smartphones. Klasse 18 Casual bags; bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; boxes of leather or leather board; leather and imitation leather; leather cloth; boxes made of leather. Klasse 28 Bags, cases and protective covers, including in waterproof form, for electronic toys, namely portable electronic games consoles. Klasse 35 Retail services connected with bags adapted for laptops; bags, cases and protective covers, including in waterproof form, for electronic devices and electronic toys, including smartphones, mobile telephones, laptop computers, e-book readers, tablets, portable electronic games consoles; dust protection closure elements for mobile telephones; mounts for mobile telephones and navigation apparatus for use in cars and on bicycles; mobile telephone cases made of leather or imitations of leather; mobile phone straps; mounts for tablet computers for use in vehicles; screen protectors in the form of protective films for mobile telephones and other electronic devices; selfie sticks (hand-held stands) and tripods for smartphones, cameras and cameras (photography); stands for smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and e-book readers; wall mounts for smartphones, tablets, laptop computers, televisions, PC screens (monitors) and loudspeakers; bags; bags, envelopes, pouches, of leather, for packaging; boxes made of leather or leatherboard; leather and imitations of leather; artificial leather; leather boxes; cases and protective cases for lenses for smartphones and tablets; sports armbands for holding smartphones. Avgjørelse: Innsigeren har trukket innsigelsen. Grunnlaget for dette var at innehaveren har begrenset varefortegnelsen. Innsigelsessaken er dermed hevet. Konstantin Saoburny, Obere Sehlhofstrasse 5, DE- 42289 WUPPERTAL, Tyskland Innsiger: MOLEX, LLC, 2222 Wellington Court, US-IL60532-1682 LIESLE, USA Innsigers fullmektig: ZACCO NORWAY AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2018.03.12 98

avgjørelser fra Klagenemnda 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Avgjørelser fra Klagenemnda (111) 281484 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201412008 (450) Reg. kunngjort dato: 2015.04.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket STELLA BY GWYNETH 25 Klær, hodeplagg, fottøy og belter. Stella Fashion AS, Munkedamsveien 84 B, 0270, OSLO, NO Innehavers fullmektig: Langseth Advokatfirma DA, Postboks 1371 Vika, 0114, OSLO, NO Innsiger: Stella McCartney Limited, 3 Olaf Street, W114BE, LONDON, GB Innsigers fullmektig: PRETOR ADVOKAT AS, Postboks 1734, 7416, TRONDHEIM, NO Innsigelse innkommet: 2015.07.27 Patentstyrets avgjørelse av innsigelsen (2017.09.18): Registreringen oppheves, jf. varemerkeloven 29 første ledd. Klage på Patentstyrets avgjørelse innkommet: 2017.11.17 Klagenemndas avgjørelse av 2018.05.14: 1 Klagen forkastes. 2 Varemerkeregistrering nr. 281484, ordmerket STELLA BY GWYNETH, oppheves. transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity» i klasse 9. Klage på Patentstyrets avgjørelse innkommet: 2018.01.26 Klagenemndas avgjørelse av 2018.05.15: 1 Klagen forkastes. 2 Internasjonal registrering nr. 1142604, med søknadsnummer 201300171, nektes virkning i Norge for «apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity» i klasse 9 og «block-type thermal power stations» i klasse 11. 3 Den internasjonale registreringen gis virkning i Norge for alle varene og tjenestene i klasse 7, 12, 37, 39 og 40, samt varene «batteries, electric; accumulators, electric; accumulator boxes» i klasse 9. (210) Søknadsnr.: 201300171 (540) Gjengivelse av merket becker LNG-Hybrid 7 Drive devices for water vehicles, in particular gas engines, gas turbines and electric motors; the aforesaid goods not being for land vehicles or aircraft. 9 Batteries, electric; accumulators, electric; accumulator boxes. 12 Water vehicles, in particular ships, ferry boats and barges, and components for water vehicles, steering gears for ships. 37 Shipbuilding; Repair, maintenance and servicing of water vehicles and components therefor. 39 Boat transport, in particular ferry-boat transport and barge transport; marine transport services; transport of Goods and valuables by ship; freight (shipping of goods); shipping services (passenger and goods transport); Transshipment services. 40 Production of electricity, energy or heat. (731) Søker: Becker Marine Systems GmbH, Blohmstrasse 23, 21079, HAMBURG, DE (750) Fullmektig: ONSAGERS AS, Postboks 1813, Vika, 0123, OSLO, NO Søknad inngitt: 2013.01.03 Patentstyrets avgjørelse av søknaden (2017.12.01): Merket nektes virkning i Norge for alle varene i klasse 11. Merket gis virkning i Norge for alle varene og tjenestene i klasse 7, 12, 37, 39 og 40, samt varene «batteries, electric; accumulators, electric; accumulator boxes; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, 99

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Begrensing av liste over varer eller tjenester utført for internasjonale registreringer som er gyldige i Norge. (111) 0704883 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199901124 (151) Reg.dato: 1998.08.13 (180) Registreringer 2018.08.13 (220) Inndato: 1999.01.28 PUREPLUS GEMÜ Gebrüder Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co KG, Fritz-Müller-Strasse 6-8, D-74653 Ingelfingen, DE-, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Metal and/or synthetic valves (except for heating). (111) 0709632 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199904080 (151) Reg.dato: 1998.07.06 (180) Registreringer 2018.07.06 (220) Inndato: 1999.04.15 SULZER Sulzer AG, Neuwiesenstrasse 15, CH-8401 WINTERTHUR, Sveits (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Base metals and alloys thereof; metallic construction materials; transportable metallic constructions; metallic materials for railway tracks; non-electrical metallic cables and wires; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; metal pipes; base metals and alloys thereof in the form of powder as well as in the form of wire or rods for use with metallisation by projection and plasma coating, wires and rods made of molybdenum or chrome or wires and rods consisting of these materials; lining material made of metallic materials as well as layers thereof, particularly surface layers of workpieces, tools and machine parts; projection rooms made of metal, dust removal and collection rooms made of metal. Klasse 7 Machines for working metal, wood and plastics, machines for the chemical, agricultural, mining, textile, drinks industry, construction machines, packaging machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission elements (except for land vehicles); apparatus for coating substrates, apparatus for treating object surfaces, particularly for improving, hardening and modifying according to the composition of the substrate surface; automatic control devices for surface coating and treating apparatus; spray guns for coating by projection, by plasma and by powder as well as related apparatus, namely powder loading apparatus, heat exchangers, cable reels, valves, air compressors and nozzles for sandblasting; compressed air cleaning apparatus for surface treatment, sand-blasting apparatus. Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric (included in this class), photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, monitoring, (inspection), rescue (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, phonograph records; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; calculators, data processing and computer equipment; control equipment and software for substrate surface treatment apparatus; electric and electronic control apparatus to be used with apparatus for flame metallizing, plasma coating and powder coating; apparatus for measuring and adjusting the flow of gas in coating apparatus; electronic control apparatus to be used with apparatus for coating and metallizing, namely transformers, rectifiers, igniting apparatus, switches and flame detectors; electric coating-thickness measuring apparatus. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary installations; apparatus for air and gas pollution control; gas and compressed air control mechanisms; apparatus for decontaminating and drying compressed air for use with spray guns. Klasse 19 Coating materials made of ceramic and plastic materials as well as combinations of metallic, ceramic and plastic materials and layers made thereof, particularly surface layers applied to workpieces, tools and machine parts. Klasse 37 Cleaning of substrates by mechanical means, particularly using particulate solid spraying; assembling installations for coating objects. Klasse 40 Applying coatings to workpieces, prefabricated elements, strips of materials, tools and machine parts made of metal, ceramic, plastics, fibre reinforced plastics, particularly applying coatings made of metallic, ceramic, plastic materials as well as composites made of two or more of these materials; object surface treatment, namely improving, hardening and modifying according to surface composition. Klasse 42 Scientific and industrial research; computer programming; planning of facilities for object coating; development of materials and apparatus for object surface coating and treating. 100

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1172735 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201310561 (151) Reg.dato: 2013.01.03 (180) Registreringer 2023.01.03 (220) Inndato: 2013.08.29 (111) 1207992 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201407831 (151) Reg.dato: 2014.06.03 (180) Registreringer 2024.06.03 (220) Inndato: 2014.07.10 RONDISSIMO Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74167 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Pastry and confectionary, with the exception of chewing gums, mint pastilles or other pastilles; biscuits, wafer biscuits, wafers, wafer rolls; all the aforesaid goods with and without chocolate and with the exception of chewing gums, mint pastilles or other pastilles. Cisco Technology Inc, 170 West Tasman Drive, US- CA95134 SAN JOSE, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer software for enabling real-time communication over the Internet; computer software for instant messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), video conferencing, audio conferencing, application sharing, computer desktop sharing, file transfer, sensing and providing user presence information, and telephony; computer software for mobile devices to secure remote access via the Internet to private computer networks; computer software for facilitating the interoperability of multiple software applications; computer software for enabling users to identify availability of other users and integrate electronic address books and calendars; computer software for use in transmitting information, video, voice, audio, and content over a global computer information network; computer software for enabling users to communicate, collaborate, and share computer screens, desktops, data, electronic documents, video and applications via the Internet; computer software for viewing, managing, editing and storing documents via computer networks; computer software for scheduling and managing calendars, contacts, online meetings, telephone conferencing, and video conferencing. Klasse 42 Computer software consultation related to enabling real-time communication over the Internet; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer software problems; computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, form virtual communities, engage in social networking, and exchange documents; technology advice provided to Internet users by means of a support hotline; technical consultation in the technology fields of computer hardware systems, computer software systems, computer networks and intranets. (111) 1209295 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201408181 (151) Reg.dato: 2013.04.08 (180) Registreringer 2023.04.08 (220) Inndato: 2014.07.17 General Electric Co, 1 River Road, US-NY12345 SCHENECTADY, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Machines for domestic and household use, namely, electronic power operated coffee grinders; mechanical mixing machines; electric food blenders for domestic use; electric juice extractors; electric food processors, and electric food preparation machines, vegetable grinders and slicers; electric motors other than for land vehicles, steam and gas turbines and parts thereof; electric generators and their parts; aircraft engines; gas compressors, air-conditioning compressors; washing machines; gas and electric clothes drying machines; dishwashers; garbage disposers and compactors; electric knives; electric can openers; axial and centrifugal compressors; reciprocating compressors; screw and vane compressors; rotary, vacuum, electric, submersible and centrifugal pumps; turbo expanders, namely, air and electric compressors; CNG refueling machines for land vehicles and industrial equipment and accessories and parts for all the foregoing, namely, pumps, valves, fuel filters, filter casings, distributor rotors, blades, bearings, and mechanical seals; steam condensers; pumps, namely, centrifugal pumps, diaphragm pumps, bellows pumps and process and transfer pumps for water and wastewater treatment systems; regulators being parts of machines; filter cartridges for various industrial machines for filtration 101

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Klasse 9 applications, namely, for the filtration of beer in the brewing industry, and other specialty chemicals; machines for the feeding and application of chemicals for industrial uses; boat engines, turbochargers for engines, and fuel injectors; vehicle engine parts, namely, high frequency motor spindles with high frequency electric converters and power supply units, rocker arms, push rods, oil coolers, crankcase breathers, oil tanks, ignition parts for internal combustion engines, namely, points, radiators, water pumps, starter motors, pumps for cooling engines, engine bearings, engine camshafts, engine rods and engine mufflers; apparatus, equipment and instruments for the generation of power, namely, electric generators and wind powered electricity generators; turbines; turbines for power generation; wind turbines for power generation; engines for the generation of electricity, and parts and fittings for all the aforesaid; electrical power generation products. Navigation apparatus for vehicles in the nature of onboard computers; optical inspection apparatus for railway system use; railway signals, namely, crossing warning systems; high-frequency switching power supplies; electrical engine controllers; global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices for the rail and transit industries; electrical devices and electrical power distribution products, namely, capacitors, circuit breakers, circuit breaker load centers, circuit closers, circuit interrupters, commutators, contactors, current rectifiers, current limiters, electric contacts, electric collectors, electric conductors, electric connectors, electric controllers, electric inductors, electric power supplies, electricity distribution boards and boxes, electricity distribution consoles, electricity switchboards, and switchboxes; computer software for persons who troubleshoot and maintain programmable controllers; computer software for analyzing blood vessels including cardiac vessels which also provides calculation functions with respect to blood vessels; computer software for use with medical patient monitoring equipment; computer software for receiving, processing, transmitting and displaying data, for use in developing personalized asset allocation programs; computer software for collecting data involving vital medical signs; computer software for use in electrical power systems analyses; computer software for regulating and managing vehicle fleet maintenance services; computer software for use by customers to obtain lease portfolio information; computer software for a radiology information system for use by radiologists and radiology departments in the database management of employee and patient information; computer software for graphical user interface; computer software for underground navigation, namely, for navigation of down-hole probe assembly for oil drilling and drilling assemblies for routing underground utilities; telephones; telephone answering machines; cordless telephones, cordless headset telephones; digital messaging systems; televisions; television remote controls; DVD players; DVD remote controls; batteries; electrical power distribution products and electrical voltage and overvoltage surge products, namely, arresters, busways, lighting contactors, controllers, and input/output devices; fuses; lighting controllers; switch boxes; LEDs, namely, light emitting diodes; voltage regulators for electric power; voltage surge protectors; voltage surge suppressors; voltmeters; relays and timers; solenoids and limit switches; full-voltage manual starters; reduced voltage starters; electrical switches and disconnects; circuit board terminal blocks and pumping panels; transformers; electrical lighting and power circuit boards; electrical wires; cables and conductors; electrical wiring and fixtures; lightning arrestors; electricity meters; power meters; grounding resistors; humidity and temperature sensors; industrial calibration sensors; motor control centers; electrical resistance heating wires; electrical controllers; apparatus for electrophoresis not for medical purposes; chromatography columns and pumps; apparatus for conformations systems, namely, computer hardware and software for processing biological information; scintillation counter to measure beta-emitting nuclides; imaging apparatus for radioactive and luminescent emissions, namely, CCD cameras and scanners; synthesis and purification integrated systems, namely, chromatography columns, cartridges, fraction collectors, mixers, monitors, pumps, recorders, and analysis software; apparatus for microarrays, namely, probes, slides, buffers, bacterial controls, racks, and trays; laboratory glassware; computer software for hospital operating room management; computer software for critical care information management; industrial process control software; computer software programs and program manuals sold as a unit for use in factory management; software for creating graphics displays and editing dynamic data interfaces for real time graphics applications for industrial and business applications; communications software for connecting computer network users; factory automation software for control, monitoring, simulation, communications, data logging and collection, and factory automation; software to integrate manufacturing machine operations, control processes, to provide data for visualization, to track problems and generate production reports; packaged software for use in the operation and programming of grinding machines in the manufacturing industry; industrial process control hardware, namely, computer monitors, laptop computers, ethernet cards and cables; computer networking hardware; memory cards; microchips; microprocessors; computer network hubs, switches and routers; computer displays and terminals; computer whiteboards; system boards and processors; industrial process controller featuring call control, operator interface, gage interfaces, and data collectors; manufacturing execution systems and document management software; digital signal processing products and systems, namely, industrial automation controls and programmable logic controllers; controllers of machine tools, namely, an adaptive control product in the nature of an external controller to optimize machine tool cutting performance of rough and semirough cuts; power supplies and mounting hardware; intrusion and burglar alarm systems; security devices, namely, programming logic computers, control panels, electronic intrusion detectors, electronic glass-break sensors, electronic vibration sensors, magnetic contacts for use in security systems, electronic switch plates, electronic motion sensors for alarm systems, electronic motion sensitive switches, hardwire sirens, audio speakers, electronic speaker drivers, access control and alarm monitoring systems; fire, heat, and smoke detecting and alarm units; computer card operated access control systems; card readers, card encoders, and encoded cards for use with card operated access control systems; video cameras; video object recognizers; video object trackers; video license plate readers; video alarm verifiers; video face recognizers; video vehicle recognizers; video traffic detectors; video access door controllers; video intrusion detectors; processing hardware and software that analyzes digital video images to automatically extract, record, and report intelligence; remote video monitoring systems for security and surveillance applications; central video monitors; cameras; short range wireless radio frequency transceivers; power line transceivers; communication control hardware, namely, keypad controllers, matrix switchers, multiplexes, digital video recorders, integrated pan-tilt-zoom domes, remote video controllers, electronic alarms, and management controls and triggers; video transmission devices in the nature of video transmitters sold separately or as part of a system for operating closed circuit cameras; fiberoptic transmission systems, namely, fiber optic transmitters, receivers, and transceivers used in the transmission of video, audio, and data signals over 102

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 optical fiber; electro-mechanical locks; magnetic locks; electric keys; handheld electronic hardware, namely, handheld programmable units and handheld computers for receiving, controlling, storing, manipulating, displaying, transmitting data and for operating electronic locks; electronic key fobs and readers and encoders therefor; access keypads; radio frequency tracking tags; tracking and control system comprising one or more radio frequency tags, transceivers, and sensors used to determine and monitor the location and movement of tangible assets, of inventory, and of individuals; infrared sensors; computer hardware and software for facilities management and controlling facility access systems and components therefor, namely, control panels, access card readers, and equipment and systems for video imaging, video monitoring, digital hard drive recording, network transmission and remote access; networked digital video storage servers for access control and surveillance applications, for alarm monitoring applications, and for security applications; computer software and hardware for controlling and operating security and access system comprising locks, doors, and access and identification; devices and security enclosures in the nature of electronic boxes, namely, safes for securing keys; surveillance equipment sold individually as components or together as a system comprising one or more surveillance cameras, covert cameras, close circuit television cameras, camera housings, camera mounts, camera lenses, video monitors, video recorders, digital recorders, video storage media, video switches, control panels, keypad controllers, joystick controllers, transceivers, receivers, transmitters, signal processors, multiplexers, matrix switches, controllers, control panel housing, switch housing, transformer switches, splitters, coaxial cables, connectors, motion detectors, microphones, and speakers; computer user interface software and control software for managing security, fire, and access systems; hand-held electronic computer and communication hardware for receiving, controlling, storing, manipulating, displaying and transmitting data for operating electronic locks; pre-recorded magnetic data carriers featuring identification and security information; data processing software and computer hardware; siren speakers and electronic siren drivers, namely, tone generators and amplifiers adapted to be used for sirens; switch units incorporating magnetically actuated reed switches for use in burglary and fire sensing alarm systems, in industrial position sensing apparatus, in revolution counters, in equipment cabinet safety interlock systems, in industrial position controlling apparatus, in electrical cables and in pump and valve controlling apparatus and in home security alarm systems; time or condition sensing apparatus for initiating and controlling regeneration or backwash cycles for water treatment equipment; bioreactors for culturing cells; portable analytical instruments, namely, probes with a microprocessor based data conversion logger for measurement of organic and inorganic chemicals in water; filters and filter housings for laboratory use; fluid separation apparatus for laboratory use; membrane filters for laboratory use; silt density measuring device; deionization units for laboratory use; fluid flow control devices, namely, pumps, valves, flow meters, and regulators for laboratory use; ozone monitors; laboratory equipment, namely, porous microtiter plates for use in cell biology and other life science applications; electronic water and process treatment controls, namely, apparatus for use in the treatment of commercial and industrial water systems, boiler water systems, cooling water systems, closed water systems, fuel processing systems, and metal processing systems to analyze the chemistry of the system, determine the proper treatment program, apply the desired treatment, and monitor the effectiveness of the treatment; computer software for data management in the water treatment field; electronic controllers used for processing information in the water treatment field; apparatus for use in industrial water systems to measure and control ph and conductivity; electronic apparatus for feeding chemicals to an industrial, commercial, or municipal water system in measured amounts; laboratory testing equipment, namely, deposition and corrosion rate testers; mobile laboratory equipped with equipment and instrumentation to monitor and measure ph, conductivity, and chromatic concentration of industrial and domestic waters, to conduct inorganic and microbiological analysis of water; avionic sensor systems, namely, navigation systems; battery chargers; computer hardware and software for use with medical patient monitoring equipment, and for receiving, processing, transmitting and displaying data; computer software for accessing information directories that may be downloaded from the global computer network; computer software for controlling and managing patient medical information; electric control devices for heating and energy management; electrical apparatus, namely, charging stations for charging electric vehicles; electronic signaling mechanism, namely, a train control system used in the railway industry for detecting and controlling trains, ground faults, broken rails, power failures, track switches and lights; electronic sensors for monitoring energy utilization, temperature, position, distance, speed, and acceleration; electrical substations comprised of transformers, circuit breakers, circuit switchers, voltage regulators, fuses, capacitors, relays, rectifiers, and electric power converters; power inverters; electronic control devices for energy management; electronic automation products, namely, electrical routers and electrical hubs; computer software and hardware for the management, distribution, monitoring, and control of energy; automation systems, namely, computer software and hardware and communications devices for planning, scheduling, controlling, monitoring, and providing information on transportation assets and parts thereof; automation systems, namely, computer hardware for embedded operating systems and pc based computer software, for monitoring specified conditions and controlling respective innovative devices within a designated area; computer hardware and software systems for automated train control and traffic supervision, namely, location tracking, vehicle monitoring, vehicle controlling, dispatching, signaling, communication, and data transmission; computer software for management of railway networks; wireless communication devices for voice, data, or image transmission; traffic management equipment, namely, display monitors, computers, auto compasses, and software to manage traffic; computer software for interfacing and interacting with remote control locomotives and locomotive hardware; led traffic and rail signals; electronic fuel level gauges; automated fuel station management systems comprising of computer operating software, metered fuel pumps, rate control panels, fuel lines, and dispensing nozzles for fueling land, marine or aircraft vehicles; gas meters; electrical and scientific apparatus, namely, general-purpose highprecision electric computer-controlled valves for use in high-precision flow applications; optical imaging apparatus; microscopes and high accuracy electromechanical actuators; automated dna optical scanners; automated microscopy systems comprising microscopes, computer hardware, and software; electromechanical hardware and software systems comprising of computers, computer software, electromechanical positioners for micro-positioning control, all for use in the field of photonics, digital flow control, analysis of biological samples, semiconductor testing and inspection, microscopy, optical scanning, and in the field of scanning systems for lasers; computer software for microscopy, imaging, and informatics in the field of clinical and diagnostic testing; electric actuators; electric valve actuators; precision positioning systems comprised of optical indexers, namely, an optical train with a camera and a filter wheel 103

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 that enables image data to be digitized, microscopy stages, electronic control circuitry, motion control chassis, linear actuators, screw actuators, linear sliders, electric motors, and tunable lasers for digitizing images in the fields of photonics, bio-medical imaging, fluidics, mass flow valves, life sciences, semiconductor manufacturing, and clinical diagnostics; modular biologics manufacturing system used for growing, purifying, concentrating, isolating, and packaging biological materials in chemical, of a bioreactor used to grow cell cultures and biological products, a separation machine used for isolating, purifying, and concentrating biological materials, and connecting computer hardware and software; computer hardware and software for use in industrial processing plants and refineries in the chemical, petrochemical, and processing industries. Klasse 10 Medical specimen collection vials; medical cannulas; medical syringes; injection devices for pharmaceuticals; disposable cartridges for holding and transferring encapsulated radioisotope brachytherapy sources for use in treating prostate and other cancers; pre-filled cartridges containing contrast media for medical imaging; infusion pumps for intravenous administration of fluids; implantable radiation therapy devices consisting of encapsulated radioisotope brachytherapy sources for use in treating prostate and other cancers; radiation therapy delivery system consisting of radioactive seeds and a bio-absorbable carrier assembly; cardiac output monitors; bacteria filters for medical use; gas analyzers for medical purposes; anesthesia record keeping and data management systems; patient monitoring systems, namely, gas monitors, pulse oximeters, multi-parameter monitors, ECG monitors, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure monitors, neuromuscular transmission monitors, metabolic monitors, and spirometers for anesthesia, intensive care, and diagnostic applications; anesthesia machines and ventilators; intensive care and anesthesia accessories for single patient use, namely, gas sampling lines, airway adapters, breathing circuits, spirometry sensors, tubes, water traps, pulse oximetry sensors, non-invasive blood pressure cuffs, intravenous flushing sets, anesthesia masks, carbon dioxide absorbers, temperature probes, and nebulizers; central nervous system monitors; gastrointestinal tonometers; gradient coils, namely, magnetic gradient coils used in magnetic resonance imaging; medical diagnostic devices, namely, bone densitometers; fetal monitoring apparatus, namely, fetal pulse and vital signs monitor; patient monitoring apparatus, namely, heart and vital signs monitor; medical imaging systems, namely, ultrasounds, medical diagnostic imaging machines, imaging devices for screening and diagnostic applications for use in planning intervention and surgery, and parts thereof and attachments thereto; blood glucose monitors, analyzers, and meters; blood glucose monitoring combination kits comprised of lancets, control solution, and test strips all sold as a unit; medical diagnostic apparatus for displaying diagnostic images, namely, spot film apparatus, x-ray fluoroscopes, mobile x-ray units, computerized tomography scanners, nuclear resonance scanners, ultra sound scanners, magnetic resonance scanners, positron emission tomography (PET)scanners, and parts thereof and attachments thereto including tables and pads; incubators for babies; warming device for stabilizing infant body temperature for medical purposes; medical devices, namely pressure regulating valves; medical apparatus and instruments, namely, medical respiratory apparatus to enhance breathing; sleep screening apparatus and accessories thereto for use with medical respiratory apparatus and with sleep monitoring devices, namely remote controls, remote alarms, and nasal masks; medical apparatus for intravenous administration of fluids namely fluid warmers; medical apparatus and surgical devices, namely face masks, breathing circuits, manual resuscitators, pressure infusers, laryngoscopes, anesthesia systems comprised of hoses, breathing bags, and Y-elbow fittings. Klasse 11 Heat exchangers not being parts of machines; chemical heavy wall reactors, nuclear reactors, and accessories and component parts thereof, namely, heat pumps, steam valves and valves for regulating the flow of gases and liquids; electric lamps of all kinds and their parts; electric lighting fixtures and their parts; electric refrigerators, freezers, air conditioning apparatus, dehumidifiers; electric ovens, and ranges; microwave ovens for cooking; wall cooking ovens for domestic use; food warming drawers; electric and gas cook tops; gas cooking ovens and ranges; ventilation hoods for stoves; ventilating exhaust fans; water filters; water softening units; clothes dryers; electric fans; ceiling fans; flashlights; lamps and lights for vehicles; electric lights for christmas trees; fluid separation units for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; fluid concentration units for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; fluid recycling units for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; filter apparatus used for filtering solids from gases and liquids or filtering liquids from gases, or for filtering one immiscible liquid from another for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; spirally-wound elements or cartridges contained within a tubular plastic sleeve for concentrating products and removing impurities in fluid treatment systems for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; water conditioning units for residential purposes; reverse osmosis modules and membranes therefore for industrial use in a wide variety of industries; water purification units and systems consisting of clarifiers, electro-deionization systems, condensate polishers, vacuum degasification units, ultra filtration units, ultraviolet sterilizers, ion exchangers, caustic regeneration systems, reverse osmosis systems, forced draft decarbonator units, filters, chemical feed systems, and bulk storage units, sold with automatic controls and instruments to monitor operating parameters of the units and systems electrochemical liquid purification units for use in the industrial, commercial, and municipal sectors; domestic electric and gas cooking appliances, namely, cooking rings, gas and electric stoves; gas and electric ovens and cooktops; electric coffee makers for domestic use; electric coffee percolators; electric tea makers and component parts; electric toasters; electric toaster ovens; electric cooking crockery cookers and casserole dishes; electric hot plates; electric deep fryers; domestic electric frying pans; domestic electric rotisserie ovens; electric hot air cooking ovens for domestic use; electric roaster ovens; electric waffle irons; electric kettles; electric radiant heaters; humidifiers; LED and HID light fixtures; led luminaires; water heaters; filter cartridges for the filtration of potable water; control valves for water conditioning and water filtration equipment. Klasse 12 Electric motors and diesel engines for land vehicles; locomotives and engines for land vehicles; airplane propellers; railway bogies; railway cars; railway couplings; screw propellers for vehicles; torque converters for land vehicles; vehicle propellers. Klasse 35 Inventory control services; consultation in the field of inventory control services; acquisition integration services; business reorganization consulting services; truck and automobile fleet management services, namely, voyage reporting and invoicing via a global computer network; consultation in the field of truck and automobile fleet management services; business administration consulting services; consultation in the field of operation and management of power plants; supply chain management and consulting services in the areas of chemical product and service sourcing, and procurement, product inventory and supply management and cost containment; consulting, marketing, cost and pricing analysis relating to electrochemical liquid purification units for use in the industrial sector; business consulting and information services. 104

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 Klasse 36 Asset based and private label financing services; financial analysis and consultation; credit card financial services; credit card services, namely, extension of credit to others; financial asset management for others; equity investment services; personal loan financing; mortgage banking services; acquisition financing services; commercial financing services; commercial real estate agency services; mutual fund investment; private equity and debt investment; consultancy, advisory and information services relating to all the forgoing services. Klasse 37 Consulting in the field of building construction; construction, installation, repair, replacement, overhaul, and maintenance of power plants, engines, turbines, wind turbines, motors, and apparatus, equipment and instruments for the generation of power and electricity and their component parts and fittings and accessories; remote monitoring and diagnostic repair and maintenance services rendered in the repair and maintenance of aircraft engines including accessories and component parts, turbines including accessories and component parts, electrical equipment, medical equipment, and locomotives including accessories and component parts; chemical cleaning services for glasslined reactor vessels used in the chemical and pharmaceutical processing industries; maintenance services for heat transfer systems and condensers; maintenance and repair services in the field of computerized cooling system equipment; installation, maintenance, and repair of equipment and systems in the field transportation and traffic control; maintenance and/or repair of traffic control equipment; technical support services, namely, technical advice related to the installation and repair of advanced train control and traffic supervision systems and subsystems. Klasse 40 Water and wastewater treatment services; water treatment services, namely, desalination, purification, conditioning, cleaning of ion exchange resins, identifying and controlling of microbiological organisms; membrane regeneration services; chemical control system services relating to the feeding of treatment chemicals to industrial water systems; consulting services in the fields of water treatment for aqueous systems, cooling water systems, industrial boiler water systems, industrial water and process systems; consulting services in the fields of industrial fuel processing system treatment, and metal and plastic processing system treatment; providing information to others, over a global computer network, relating to industrial water purification systems; custom manufacture in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Klasse 41 Educational services in the field of medical imaging and diagnostics, namely, holding seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops relating to the pharmaceutical industry for medical practitioners and employees of pharmaceutical companies; educational services, namely, holding seminars, conferences, symposiums or workshops in the field of life science and biotechnology for scientists and researchers; conducting seminars related to industrial water treatment problems; providing training services for all the aforesaid; training in the use and operation of signaling and crossing-warning systems for the rail and transit industries; providing training services in management and the medical field through the use of instructions and demonstrations provided online, through the internet, intranet, or extranets; education services, namely, conducting practical training workshops, classes, and seminars, featuring demonstrations in the fields of management and medicine. Klasse 42 Services relating to wind and wind power, namely, engineering services and professional technology consulting services; design services for others in the field of wind power, industrial design services; design of Power; wind power and electric power generating equipment and installations; information technology services in the field of global railroad and transit industries; remote monitoring of aircraft engines, turbines, electrical equipment, medical equipment, locomotives, and accessories and component parts of all the foregoing; research services, consultation services, and advisory services relating to engineering, design, and development problems encountered by utility companies, industrial companies, commercial companies, governments, or individuals; computer consultation services; maintenance and updating of computer software and computer systems for others; installation of computer software; computer systems analysis and design services; engineering services; technical consultation and research services in the oil and gas industries; oil and gas exploration services; geophysical exploration for the oil and gas industries: analysis of oil and gas fields; oil and gas prospecting, namely, well logging and testing; oil and gas well testing; oil and gas pipeline inspection; remote monitoring and diagnostic services for compressors, pumps, turboexpanders, fuel pumps, and fuel distribution equipment CNG refueling equipment gas turbines, steam turbines, air cooled heat exchangers, steam condensers, heavy wall reactors and tubular reactors; consulting services relating to chemical research; research and testing on high throughput screening assays for drug development services; biotechnological services in the nature of development of new technology for others in the field of biotechnology; technical support services for factory automation software, namely, providing maintenance of computer software and providing periodic upgrades of the software; custom design and consulting services in connection with the configuration of computer systems used in applications supporting fiber optic technology; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of problems with computer hardware, video, and electronic communication hardware and software; technical consultation services for hardware and software used in connection with security and access systems; technical consultation services for surveillance cameras; custom design services for others in the fields of security systems, access systems, and tangible asset and inventory monitoring systems: laboratory research and testing services for fluid separation and membrane testing; engineering services in the fields of aqueous systems, cooling water systems, industrial boiler water systems, industrial water and process systems, and industrial fuel processing system treatment, engineering services and technical support services in the nature of troubleshooting problems and monitoring network systems related to the design and configuration of computer software and hardware systems to be used in the treatment of aqueous systems and in the treatment of petroleum and petrochemical processing systems; technology supervision and inspection in the field of energy distribution networks; metering and monitoring electric power consumption for electric power providers; scientific research in the fields of energy transfer, energy distribution, energy generation, and energy storage; monitoring, diagnostic and control services for operation failure detection of electricity generation, transmission field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals; consultancy in the field of energy efficiency, consultancy in the field of energy-saving; technological consultancy in the field of energy use. Klasse 44 Consultancy services relating to medical and diagnostic imaging; consultancy services relating to diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic properties of pharmaceuticals; medical information services; medical imaging services; medical diagnostic services; advisory services related to all the aforesaid; medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; providing medical information via a web site; providing medical information; rental of medical equipment. 105

begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2018.08.27 - nr 35/18 (111) 1224219 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201413816 (151) Reg.dato: 2014.05.05 (180) Registreringer 2024.05.05 (220) Inndato: 2014.11.27 (111) 1327728 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201700476 (151) Reg.dato: 2016.10.11 (180) Registreringer 2026.10.11 (220) Inndato: 2017.01.12 GOOD BEHAVIOR Turner Network Television, Inc., One CNN Center, 10N, US-GA30303 ATLANTA, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Downloadable television programming featuring comedy, action, drama and adventure distributed via the Internet and wireless communications. Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, a multimedia program series featuring comedy, action, drama and adventure distributed via various platforms across multiple forms of transmission media. Alticor Inc, 78-2M, 7575 Fulton Street East, US- MI49355 ADA, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Dietary and nutritional supplements. Klasse 32 Concentrates, syrups or powders used in the preparation of non-alcoholic fruit, chocolate or vanilla flavored soft drinks; preparations for making flavored waters or non-alcoholic beverages in the nature of fruit juice, punch, non-carbonated fruit beverages and noncarbonated soft drinks. (111) 1335783 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201703428 (151) Reg.dato: 2016.09.30 (180) Registreringer 2026.09.30 (220) Inndato: 2017.03.23 (111) 1268904 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201512721 (151) Reg.dato: 2015.09.03 (180) Registreringer 2025.09.03 (220) Inndato: 2015.10.15 ADJUSTA-BLOCK Cascade Corporation, 2201 NE 201st Avenue, US- OR97024 FAIRVIEW, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Materials handling equipment, namely, fittings for machines for load handling machines, fork lifts, hydraulic loaders and lifting machines, in the nature of attachments for the aforementioned machines, namely, load lifting clamps; hydraulic lift assemblies and structural parts therefor for load handling machines, fork lifts, hydraulic loaders and lifting machines; machine parts for load handling machines, fork lifts, hydraulic loaders and lifting machines, namely, clamp pad adjusters. Otter Products, LLC, 209 South Meldrum Street, US- CO80521 FORT COLLINS, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Protective cases and covers for mobile electronic devices, namely, smartphones, tablets, portable media players; bags, folios and carrying cases specially adapted for mobile electronic devices, namely, smartphones, tablets, portable media players. Klasse 18 All-purpose carrying bags; backpacks; purses; tote bags; shoulder bags; travel bags. (111) 1337012 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201703816 (151) Reg.dato: 2016.10.12 (180) Registreringer 2026.10.12 (220) Inndato: 2017.03.30 SPRING FOREST QIGONG Spring Forest Qigong Company, 7520 Marketplace Drive, US-MN55344 EDEN PRAIRIE, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Digital media, namely, MP3 files, MP3 recordings, compact discs, and DVDs featuring instruction, demonstrations, techniques, and music on a variety of topics in the fields of Qigong, I Ching, Feng Shui, Dao, the Heart Sutra, fitness, nutrition, and exercise; digital website content, namely, downloadable videos featuring instruction, demonstrations, techniques, and music on a variety of topics in the fields of Qigong, I 106