Season s greetings to Fulbrighters everywhere!

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1 Season s greetings to Fulbrighters everywhere! Rapport fra Fulbright Alumni Workshop Washington, DC, 10. oktober 2002 Rapporten fra workshopen, under overskriften Målsetting og ledelse finner dere nedenfor. Best Practices and Ideas er en liste over konkrete tiltak. Disse er sett på som de neste stegene på veien mot en mer global Fulbright organisasjon. Rapporten fra møtet Global Fulbright Network seminar finner dere også her. Dette seminaret var en del av Alumni konferansen som ble avholdt fra fredag 11. til søndag 13 oktober. Hele rapporten er også lagt ut på under Alumni Målsetting og ledelse Charles Dambach fra konsulentselskapet Board Source presenterte, og ledet diskusjonen Mission and Leadership ; om det å ha leder- og styreroller i en organisasjon. Han la vekt på: strategi, forholdet mellom styre og ansatte i organisasjonen, ansvar, styre evaluering, kreativitet m.m. Han fokuserte også på hvor viktig det er at et styre er klar over, og arbeider for organisasjonens formål. Damback presenterte tre nøkler til godt styrearbeid: Visjon, formål og mål. Alle må være klar over og arbeide for disse. I tillegg er fornying innad i styret et viktig poeng. Board Source har utviklet et system for selv-evaluering for et styre. Hvis dette er av interesse, så kan Charles Dambach kontaktes på e-post: I diskusjonen var det mest fokus på hvordan man rekrutterer nye styremedlemmer, og hvordan man engasjerer alle generasjoner (spesielt de yngre) i Fulbright Alumni organisasjoner. Under det første punktet ble det fokusert på viktigheten av en valgkomite, overlapping og kontinuitet. Dambach understreket at for å kunne bidra konstruktivt til organisasjonen så bør man holde et styreverv for minimum to år. Av Dorthe Bakke Under det andre punktet ble det lagt vekt på at alle i organisasjonen må kunne identifisere seg med den og kunne finne aktiviteter som man ønsker å delta i. Viktigheten av å bli kjent med de unge og nylig hjemvendte Fulbrighterne på et så tidlig stadium som mulig ble understreket. Anna Tilley og Birgit Klocke, ledere for alumni organisasjonene i henholdsvis Storbritannia og Tyskland ga eksempler på hva de gjør for å engasjere alle grupper i organisasjonen. I England blir alle Fulbright stipendiatene medlem av Fulbright foreninen i det de blir tildelt stipend. Til og med det første året etter at de returnerer til England er de æresmedlemmer uten kontigentplikt. Etter dette har de en obligatorisk medlemsperiode. Alle stipendiatene deltar på en mottakelse arrangert av alumni organisasjonen før de reiser til USA. I Tyskland arrangerer de aktiviteter som er spesielt myntet på de ulike grupperingene i organisasjonen, i tillegg til et stort årlig ball som er populært blant alle medlemmene. Både England og Tyskland legger vekt på å ha aktiviteter Fortsetter på s. 3 Newsletter for the Fulbright Alumni Association of Norway December Vol. 31/No. 4 Fulbright News

2 Dear fellow Fulbrighters, A new year is coming to a close, and a good year it has been. The world is still not a terror free place, but we have been spared the cruelties of last year s magnitude. Let us not forget and may we all do our best to further peace and understanding. This fall we have arranged several activities. The Thanksgiving dinner is the highlight of these activities. This year 52 guests enjoyed each other s company and a delicious turkey dinner. Public Affairs Officer Andrew J. Schilling and his family represented the U.S. Embassy. We are extremely grateful for his participation and for the Embassy s generous donation of wine to both the Thanksgiving Dinner and the Wine Tasting this fall. Our activities have two main functions: to create a welcoming atmosphere for the American Grantees our friends and guests; and to help us Norwegian Fulbright Alumni to stay in touch with the American culture. I hope that we can continue to attract Norwegian Alumni to these events. As a Fulbright Alumnus you are part of an exclusive group of highly resourceful individuals. Take advantage of it! Your participation is also a good way to show your gratitude for your Fulbright grant, and to make the Fulbright Alumni Association stronger. Finally, making Fulbright Alumni Association stronger also requires money, this is one of the hard facts of life. If you haven t already paid your membership dues, we urge you to do so. I am looking forward to a new Fulbright year and to meet many of you at next year s events. Until then I wish all of you happy holidays and a happy new year. PS. To all of you Americans who attended the thanksgiving dinner and won, if only by a slight margin, the first ever American-Norwegian quiz. Do not to rest on your laurels because; We ll be back! Anne-line Dahl, Chair Fulbright Alumni Association of Norway Alumni Board Anne-Line Dahl (Chair) Kjell Bjørklund Anne Karine Lie (Vice Chair) Jane Dolven Knut Olav Ronold Erik Thomas Ganer (Treasurer) Ole Reistad Auditors Odd Narve Johansen Jon Gunnar Pedersen Contact Information: Arbinsgt. 2, 0253 Oslo Phone: Fax: Bankgiro: Introducing... Dorthe Bakke Dorthe Bakke is currently a Fulbright grantee in Washington, D.C., where she is pursuing a Master s degree in International Relations at Johns Hopkins University. When the Alumni Board discussed who to send to the Fulbright Alumni Workshop in Washington, DC this fall, everyone agreed that Dorthe would be an excellent representative. The Fulbright Board would like to thank Dorthe for her comprehensive report from the workshop. Excerpts of the report are printed in this issue, the full text can be found on Først of fremst vil jeg takke for at dere ga meg muligheten til å delta på Fulbright Alumni Workshopen. Det var en svært spennende og motiverende dag. Jeg håper dere kan dra nytte av denne rapporten. Jeg er sikker på at jeg vil dra nytte av dagen både dette året som Fulbright Stipendiat, og også senere gjennom aktiviteter i Fulbright Alumni i Norge. Cathrine Schrumpf We at the Fulbright Office are delighted to introduce our new Program Officer, Cathrine Schrumpf. Cathrine will work mostly with the Norwegian Program (Norwegian grantees to the U.S.) and with student advising. We are glad to have her working with us, and she has already proven that is a great asset to the program! I am originally from Porsgrunn and after my videregående skole I spent one year in Tours, France, learning the language. I have never studied in the U.S. myself, most of my degree I completed in Bergen and Oslo where I studied French, Law, North-American Studies and a project study for Norsk Hydro. I started here at the Fulbright Office on September 2. Prior to my position here, I worked two years at the University of Oslo, the last one as a student advisor for international students. I am very glad to be able to continue to work within this field here as this is something I enjoy very much. So far these first few months have been very nice and I am looking forward to the coming time here at the Fulbright Office! Do you have news you would like to share with other Fulbright alumni? Let us know! Send your news to Jane Dolven at: 2 Fulbright News

3 Minneord Barbara Lysholt Petersen Barbara Lysholt Petersen er gått bort i en alder av 75 år. Barbara var født på Ceylon. Hennes far var britisk offiser, hennes mor var fra Sveits. Hun vokste opp bl.a. i Sør- Afrika, hun ble dansk gift, og skjebnens veier førte henne siden til Norge. Barbara Lysholt Petersen ble ansatt som sekretær i The U.S.-Norway Fulbright Foundation for Educational Exchange i Denne bilaterale organisasjonen administrerer Fulbrightprogrammet i Norge, d.v.s. utvekslingsprogrammet som ble etablert i årene umiddelbart etter andre verdenskrig for å fremme internasjonal forståelse gjennom utveksling og utdannelse og ad den vei bidra til å hindre nye kriger. I denne organisasjonen hadde Barbara sitt virke i 31 år frem til hun gikk av med pensjon i De siste 17 årene av denne tiden var hun organisasjonens direktør. Hun var stolt av å arbeide for Fulbright Foundation. Hun hadde sterke følelser for Fulbrightprogrammet og administrerte det på en fremragende måte i sin tid som direktør. Hun var viljesterk, og når hun hadde bestemt seg for hvordan noe burde gjøres, kunne man like godt gjøre det med en gang, for slik ville det likevel bli. Hun vegret seg ikke for å ringe til Det kongelige Slott, hvis hun mente det kunne fremme saken. Med sin profesjonalitet og sin karisma fostret hun samhørighet blant norske Fulbrightstipendiater og forståelse og respekt for Fulbrightprogrammets ånd og verdier. Blant venner ble hun ofte omtalt som Mother Fulbright. I 1997 ble Barbara Lysholt Petersen utnevnt av H.M. Kongen til ridder av første klasse av Den Kongelige Norske Fortjenstorden. Denne utmerkelsen fikk hun for sin innsats gjennom mange år for å fremme studentutveksling på høyskole- og universitetsnivå, og for å styrke forbindelsene mellom norske og amerikanske universitetsmiljøer. Hun mottok denne hedersbevisning ved en tilstelning i Nobelinstituttet høsten Barbara vil leve videre i mange, både nordmenn og amerikanere, som mottok stipend fra Fulbright Foundation i hennes tid som direktør. Selv husket hun hver eneste stipendiat hun hadde sendt avgårde til U.S.A., både med navn og med hvilket universitet vedkommende hadde studert ved. Hun engasjerte seg varmt for de mennesker hun var med på å tildele stipend for studieopphold i U.S.A., og hun fulgte opp mer enn noen kunne forvente når de kom tilbake til Norge. Hun var ikke bare interessert i dem som mennesker, men hun var også interessert i deres faglige problemområder. Hun var vitebegjærlig og spørrelysten, særlig når det kom til naturvitenskapelige og medisinske emner, og hun uttalte ved flere anledninger at hun gjennom kontakten med sine stipendiater følte seg beriket og fikk svar på sine mange spørsmål. Med sin genuine interesse for sine stipendiater som medmennesker skapte Barbara en unik følelse av fellesskap blant tidligere Fulbrightstipendiater i Norge. Gjennom Norsk Forening for Fulbrightstipendiater, som ble opprettet på hennes initiativ, videreførte hun sitt daglige arbeid, og her fikk dette fellesskapet utmynte seg. Hun deltok selv aktivt i de fleste av foreningens møter og arrangementer. Barbara var enestående: som drivende administrator stødig og kraftfull, som menneske varm og raus. Vi er mange som nøt godt av hennes omsorg og som nå vil savne henne. Vi lyser fred over hennes minne. Venner i Norsk forening for Fulbrightstipendiater Rapport fra Fulbright Alumni Workshop - forts. fra side 1 som er attraktive for medlemmene. F.eks. på steder det er attraktivt å komme til (ambassader, offentlige bygninger, etc) og å ha attraktive forelesere. Dette temaet ble videre diskutert i Open Space Technology Session. Kommentarer David Levin fra U.S. Department of State orienterte om Fulbright programmet og tilknytningen til State Department. Han understreket viktigheten av gode relasjoner mellom Fulbright Alumni organisasjonene og de respektive amerikanske ambassadene. Han nevnte også muligheter for å søke om støtte til spesielle enkelt prosjekt fra ambassadene. Best Practices and Ideas It is important to be sensitive to the fact that different Fulbright Associations exist in very different contexts... Cecilia Vass (Romania); Lola Gulyamova (Uzbekistan) Bring together alumni from a number of different countries to work together on a social or sustainable development project (...) Si Bennasseur Alaoui Include activities such as Global Classroom, in which Fulbrighters do presentations about their culture (or their US experience) to school classrooms (...) Marcos Mauricio Tobas Importance of structural organization and transparency. (fortsettes på s. 7) Fulbright News 3

4 U.S. Fulbright Grantees Bergen Melissa L. Gjellstad Field of study: Scandinavian Languages and Literature Institution of affiliation: University of Bergen Grant period: Academic year Melissa Gjellstad has had a productive autumn at the Nordisk Institutt at the University of Bergen, reading and researching contemporary Norwegian literature. Her current Melissa Gjellstad thoughts peg the recent hype about the family as a renewed fascination with motherhood, and her dissertation discusses whether or not that makes the literary scene in Norway futuristically avant-garde or reluctantly conservative. Marcus Ashton Hogan Exchange teacher Institution of affiliation: Framnes kristne videregående skole Grant period: Academic year Marc Hogan teaches English language and literature at Framnes Kristne Vidaregåande Skule, a private co-ed residential school of 258 students, in Norheimsund. He is accompanied by his wife Linda, who is thrilled to be in the country of her ancestors, and their three daughters. Miranda (10) and Anna Grey (6) attend Vikøy-Aksnes Skule, while Cordelia (3) attends Framnes barnehage. The Hogans enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Hardangerfjord and are making many friends. Mark C. Kelly Field of study: Biology, Misc Institution of affiliation: University of Bergen Originally from Louisiana, I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington last year. I am currently studying salmon farm stocking densities and swimming behavior at the Institute of Marine Science s Matre Aquaculture Research Station. This spring I will be asking whether salmon can show preference for different types of diets. Kenneth H. Luebbering Field of study: English Institution of affiliation: University of Bergen Grant period: August June 2003 Ken Luebbering is Fulbright Professor of American Studies at the University of Bergen. His particular interests are immigrant studies, the literature of rural America and American non-fiction. He is co-author of books on German immigrants and the history of religious stained glass windows. Leslie Ann Morris Field of study: Public Health 4 Fulbright News Institution of affiliation: University of Bergen Hilsen fra Bergen! As a recent graduate of Carleton College (MN), I am one of the young ns of this year s Fulbright group. My academic interests are in medical sociology and women s health, and I am currently doing qualitative research on Norwegian midwives and physicians perspectives on childbirth care. In my free time, I have discovered the local swing dance crowd, a kjempegøy group of Norwegian students with whom I have been travelling this fall (and practicing my Norwegian, of course!). John D. O Brien Field of study: Education Institution of affiliation: University of Bergen Life in Bergen is suprisingly dry, despite rumors to the contrary. The city has been beautifully decorated for the juletide and the shops are even staying open past 4 pm. I ve moved into the city and am enjoying living in a house and not a monstrosity. I had two primary academic projects during this period. The first was to gain a basic knowledge of Norwegian and the second to lay the groundwork and begin my intended project, which was to collect and analyze the Norwegian Sign Language (norsk tegnspråk - NTS) terms used in mathematics. Daniel Rosenblum Field of study: Resource Economics in Norway Institution of affiliation: NHH Kristiansand Angus Kress Gillespie Field of study: American Studies Institution of affiliation: Agder University College Grant period: August June 2003 Angus Kress Gillespie, Ph.D., a Professor of American Studies at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, is teaching during the academic year at Agder University College in Kristiansand. In the Fall Semester, he taught introductory American Studies to firstyear students in a large lecture class. He also taught a small, upper-level class on The American South, an interdisciplinary course approaching the South as a region, examining its landscape, the peculiarities of its history, its folklore and myths, arts and architecture, music and literature. Oslo and surrounding areas Ryan G. Anderson Field of study: Economics I am studying fulltime at the University of Oslo in the Master s of Science in Environmental and Development Economics. My lectures are taught in english, but I am

5 attending norwegian language courses. The program brings people from, among other countries, China, Zimbabwe and the U.S.. My research interests include foreign aid issues and private participation in water projects in developing countries. Claudia J. Berguson Field of study: Scandinavian Languages and Literature During my Fulbright year I am working on my dissertation on Sigrid Undset s trilogy Kristin Lavransdatter. Specifically I am looking at the ways in which Undset s use of folk genres creates its own textual dialogue on authority to tell the true story. I am affiliated with the University of Oslo, where Liv Bliksrud is my advisor. Jason G. Craggs Field of study: Psychology James I. Deutsch Field of study: American Studies - Roving Scholar for the Upper Secondary Schools Institution of affiliation: Dept. of Upper Secondary Schools Grant period: August May 2003 Jim Deutsch is this year s Roving Scholar in American Studies for Upper-Secondary Schools. Since September he has been lecturing and presenting workshops on various topics, including American film, folklore, regional culture, and mass media. By May 2003, he expects to have visited approximately 80 schools from Mandal and Kristiansand to Vadsø and Longyearbyen. Joan Irene Glazer Field of study: American Studies - Roving Scholar for the Lower Secondary Schools Institution of affiliation: Dept. of Compulsory Education Grant period: August May 2003 Joan Glazer is one of two Roving Scholars in Norway this year. She travels, upon invitation, to ungdomsskoler to talk with teachers and with students about American culture and values. Her field is literature for children and young adults, and she uses examples of this literature to illustrate specific points. Dr. Glazer is a professor of education at Rhode Island College in Providence, RI, and former co-director of the doctoral program offered jointly by Rhode Island College and the University of Rhode Island. The two Rovers: Joan Glazer (Lower Secondary Schools) and Jim Deutsch (Upper Secondary Schools) John Roger Gray Field of study: Institution of affiliation: Sogn videregående skole Grant period: Academic year John Gray is on a teacher exchange from Albuquerque Academy, New Mexico, to Sogn Videregående Skole in Oslo, where he is teaching English to both the teachers and students of Byggfag, the carpenters of the largest trade school of northern Europe. His partner Amanda Elliston teaches also at Sogn, two classes of English to immigrant students. Dean W. Lauer Field of study: Philosophy I am a guest researcher for one year at SUM through a fellowship grant from the Fulbight Commission. At my home university, Université d Ottawa, I am a Ph.D. candidate waiting for the defence date of my thesis on MartinHeidegger s understanding of language and the potential for ethics. My research here in Oslo surrounds the relationship of phenomenology to Deep Ecology as conceived by Arne Næss. Specifically, I would like to explore the possibility of lived (phenomenological) experience as connected to what Næss calls spontaneous experience so that the direct experience of nature is saved just as much as is the historical moment that accounts for the interpretation of experience. INTERESTS: Phenomenology, Derrida, geopolitics, the environment, the North. Donald M. Mitchell Field of study: Geography Grant period: September - December, 2002 I am a professor of geography at Syracuse University in New York State. My research concerns the geography of labor, particularly migratory agricultural labor, the transformation of urban public spaces, especially as this affects homeless people, and the relationship between law and geography. I have spent one semester at the University of Oslo (August December) as a Fulbright-sponsored visiting lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Human Geography. I lectured in a range of post-graduate and under-graduate courses. In addition I have given public lectures at Chateau Neuf (the student union) on Marxism and activism in America, for the human geography alumni on the boat Innvik, on anti-homeless laws and the regulation of public space, and for the Norway Social Forum, on progressive grass-roots politics in America. I have also lectured in the geography departments at the Universities of Roskilde, Stockholm, and Lund. Interviews with me about my research have been published in Morgenbladet and Klassekampen. When not working, my wife and I spend time hiking (and now skiing) in the Nordmarka and trav- Fulbright News 5

6 eling around Norway. We are not ready to return home in December, especially since a term as administrative chair of my department awaits me. Jay Beck Rasmussen Field of study: Education Grant period: September - December 2002 Jay Rasmussen, of the Institute of Educational Research at the Univiersity of Oslo, has been conducting a reading literacy study since early August. His work is primarily qualitative in nature and involves classroom obserations and interviews with approximately 35 participants. Jay is also making use of recent compariative education studies and is now defining factors that impact the reading performance of Norwegian 6-16 year-old students. Jay s study, complete with policy and practice recommendations, should be ready to submit for publication in late December. Jay is joined in Oslo by his wife Roberta and two children, Nina (age 13) and Conor (age 9). Both children are enrolled in Norwegian schools. Shannon N. Stohr Field of study: Ecology Institution of affiliation: Agricultural College of Norway (NLH) My name is Shannon Stohr. I am a PhD candidate in the ecology department at Rutgers University. I am conducting research at NLH in Ås related to my dissertation thesis work. I am performing a taxonomic survey of saprotrophic and pathogenic micro-fungi on the leaves of tyttebær (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). I am primarily interested if forest management practices effect the saprotrophic fungal community structure on tyttebær, in turn effecting the ability of pathogens to establish themselves. I live with my husband Ben on a farm in Ytre Enebakk. Jeffrey M. Williams Field of study: Political Science, Misc Jeff Williams comes to Norway from Huntington, New York. Based at the University of Oslo, he is studying economics and political science. He is working on two projects one with the Health Economics Research Organization (HERO) and one with Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE). With HERO he is studying the quality and efficiency in nursing home management, and with SIFE he is exploring Norwegian student perceptions of various aspects of the American Way. Raufoss Robert Malcolm Carnie Exchange Teacher Institution of affiliation: Raufoss videregående skole Grant period: Academic year I m here in Raufoss, Norway teaching English as a second language at the Raufoss Videregaende Skole. My wife Martha has taken a sabbatical from her work at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute of Research in Boston, Massachusetts to accompany me for the year. After 30 years of teaching in an urban high school just outside of Boston, the rural setting of Raufoss, promises to be academically rejuvenating as well as culturally rewarding. I am thoroughly enjoying my students and having a great time! Trondheim Anne M. Cooper Field of study: Environmental Studies Institution of affiliation: NTNU I am working at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as well as the direktorate for naturforvaltning in Trond-heim, Norway where I am researching the connection between science and policy in the conservation of Norwegian Atlantic salmon. I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota where Iresearch fisheries conservation genetics as a Master s student. Berit R. Olsen Field of study: Psychology Institution of affiliation: NTNU Grant period: Academic year My name is Berit Olsen and I am from Seattle, Washington. Last year I graduated Berit Olsen, Trondheim: this sums up part of my experience here in Norway: going on cabin trips and having fun in the snow! from Pacific Lutheran University with degrees in Psychology and Religion. I am currently living in Trondheim, Norway, studying Norway s paternity leave system and its affects on children, families, and gender equality in this country. John R. Gold Field of study: Genetics Institution of affiliation: Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology Grant period: January - May 2003 Employed in a research/teaching position at Texas A&M since Research interests regard the broad area of genetics and fish, with a recent focus on molecular population genetics and molecular ecology of marine species. Teaching involves undergraduate/ graduate instruction in genetics. During stay in Norway, will be involved with my colleague Professor Jarle Mork of NTNU in generating the framework for a web-based fish genetics resource that can be utilized by students, researchers, and resource managers. Will also be involved in informal instruction of NTNU graduate students in the area of molecular ecology. 6 Fulbright News

7 Rapport fra Fulbright Alumni Workshop - forts. fra side 3 The Fulbright Alumni e.v. (German Fulbright Alumni Association), (...) has four national events each year: 1) a welcome meeting, 2) a ball, 3) a family weekend of hiking in Saxonia (includes but is not limited to families with children), and 4) a pow wow (to discuss controversial matters of transatlantic importance). Because these four events happen every year, the procedure for each event is predictable (...) Michael Schefczyk, President, German Fulbright Association; Birgit Klocke, Vice President, German Fulbright Association. Involve key government officials and top businesspeople in Fulbright Association events and fundraising. For example, the Irish Fulbright Association (...) has the following four core events each year: 1) An annual dinner at Dublic Castle, where Fulbright scrolls are presented as awards to Irish grantees going to the US. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and US Ambassador attend. A bronze medal of distinguished service goes to someone who has greatly helped the Irish Alumni Association. 2) An event hosted by the Irish Foreign Ministry. 3) Thanksgiving dinner which rotates in different universities; and 4) an Assembly of General Membership event. (...). John Hurley, Vice President, Irish Fulbright Association. Link a Fulbright meeting to a huge public event. (...). Rita Panourgia, President, Hellenic Fulbright Alumni Association; Anastasia Papaconstantinou, Past President. There is interest in establishing a worldwide host program. (...) Anna Tilley, Chair, British Fulbright Scholars Association Many Fulbright Associations worldwide have different fees for different kinds of members (for example, regular fee, student fee, institutional fee). Michele Van de Roer and others. Formation of regional associations. (...) European and South Korean Fulbright Association representatives. Institutionalize the preconference international workshop as part of the U.S. Fulbright Association s annual conference events (...) Jane Anderson, Executive Director, U.S. Fulbright Association Need for international access to the soon-to-be-fortified US Fulbright Association website at (...) Jane Anderson, Executive Director, US Fulbright Association Need for a comprehensive and coordinated database and for timely flow of information to international Fulbright Associations and to the chapters of the US Fulbright Association. (...) Jane Anderson, Executive Director, US Fulbright Association Encourage close collaboration with Fulbright commissions and active involvement of alumni to provide enrichment opportunities for current Fulbright grantees from the U.S. David Levin, Senior Program Manager and Fulbright Alumni Liaison, U.S. Department of State Looking Forward: Open Space Technology Session Five discussion group summaries from the modified Open Space Technology workshop. Guiding Question: How Can We Support Fulbright Exchanges, Serve Current Grantees, and Enhance Alumni Interaction? (See full text on Group C: How to Motivate Alumni Activity Participants: Si Bennasseur Alaoui (Morocco), Cecilia Vass (Romania), Dorthe Bakke (Norway), Donald McCloud (Malaysia), Oryang Kwon (Korea), Najat Sebti (Morocco) Summary: The group focused on what makes alumni not interested or not committed to the Fulbright movement, and thought about ways to make them more involved in the future. Because most grantees are highly motivated and bright in their field of expertise, they are solicited and there is a high demand for them. So, either they are already busy with their jobs and/or involved in other activities. Within each country, alumni are spread in a large geographic area, and it is difficult to coordinate any event that would attract a large number of them. Within each country, Fulbrighters have different background in terms of their professional interests. It is therefore hard to gather them under a unique association. Some alumni had a negative experience with the Fulbright program, and they will be hard to convince and get interested in an association of Fulbrighters. Some former Fulbrighters still look for a job opportunity, and they have the feeling that they are left alone to deal with the problem. In order to address all these constraints, the group proposed the following: 1. There is a need to establish a detailed database of all Fulbrighters within each country. Information regarding their area of expertise, their career and current profession should be updated annually. This will allow for facilitating contacts and seeking support when it s needed from anyone of the alumni. 2. Activities (social, cultural, or professional) should be planned in order to attract the maximum number of alumni. The subject of any activitiy should be broad to attract as many people as possible. 3. Because new grantees are informed several months before their departure dates, they should be informed of the existence of a Fulbright Association. By doing this, grantees become aware from the beginning of their privilege of being a Fulbrighter and help them take more advantage of the opportunity during their stay in the US. 4. There is a need to establish a mentor relationship be- Fortsettes på siste side Fulbright News 7

8 tween the new grantees and those who are already in the States. 5. There is a need to deal seriously with negative experiences in order to diagnose the source of the problems and to look for ways to adress them promptly to avoid their recurrence in the future. 6. It is necessary to advise Fulbrighters who are in search for a job to make them feel they belong to the Fulbrighter community. (...) 7. It is also interesting to look for sponsors in order to succeed in the organization of any event. Sponsors could be at a national or international level. 8. There is also a need to organize Fulbrighters in regional and field-of-expertise chapters to promote more involvement from the big majority of Fulbrighters. Group E: Alumni as Independent Intellectual Resource Participants: Gilberto Calvo (Chile), Anthony Viscusi (US). Summary: Fulbright alumni as an advocacy group for international, educational and cultural exchange whose aim is the common good. By enhancing understanding and respect for differences, this position (logic) could play a role as a reference group for decision-making in different aspects of public and private life of the countries Spring Activities The Board has a number of exciting activities planned for the spring semester. Dates and locations will be announced. Grantee Seminar: Hear the U.S. grantees currently in Norway present their projects. February 20, Blindern. Lecture and musical performance by Sigvald Tveit: Helge Ingstad and his time with the Inuit. Dinosaur Tour of the Geological Museum - for dinomaniacs of all ages (in Norwegian). Lecture by Pål Brekke, European Space Agency, on the origin of the sun. Lecture by James Deutsch on aspects of American Culture. Annual General Meeting - Botanical Gardens, Tøyen. Click your way to the Alumni Association s pages on the Fulbright website for news, pictures, and events! Your ! The Fulbright Alumni Association is trying to update its address list. If you are interested in receiving information by , contact Jane Dolven at: Please return to: Fulbright Alumni Association of Norway Arbinsgt Oslo Norway B

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Macbeth: Frozen Scenes

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